Worker Ownership

So why don't we let workers have like a vote over what to do with profit, or collectively own the business, instead of letting CEO's do all the decisions? Sounds like it would work tbh. Plus the workers would get higher wages, and they know what they need better than the CEO.

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Kill yourself.

Also that exists, it's called a coop. Costco is one IIRC.

If there should be a company that works like this and manages to outperform or keep up with the other classicall functioning ones this would be proven to be a decent micromarket model.

Commistuff only works in tiiiiny communities only anyeay.

Costco? No fucking way?!

I thought mondragon was the only successful coop

That works to a degree. The capital gains from the employer are always reinvested into the company. If you have worker ownership, the business will not grow or expand.

Nah, Costco is a regular corporation, they just pay their employees really well.

It is possible to have a pro-worker economy without troubling the workers themselves to make decisions they may or may not be well equipped to make correctly.

I'm for coops where they can work. It would help to unfuck labor markets and community IQ levels.

Well you have to keep in mind, companies with CEO's are much more willing to lower wages and worker conditions than a co-op, meaning they can lower prices easier. I think having co-ops in a profit based society kind of defeats the point of them anyway.

What OP described was not communism though, this is just talking about a work place not a goverment owning everything.



it's called communism and it doesn't fucking work you braindead manchild

they tried in in the USSR and a shitload of people were slaughtered. They tried it in china and a shitload of people were slaughtered. and in the end, it collapsed because workers were disincentivized.

quit trying to act like you're some clever subversive, it's dumb as fuck

and by the way, there's a thing called shares. if a worker buys some, he has a say in the company. it's worth looking into if you're actually interested. it's why companies that provide stock options (can be) good places to work. it's something that actually DOES work, unlike you fucking faggot "gibs me dats" communism.

did the worker make a capital investment in the corporation? no? why does he get the right to vote what it does?

To be fair classical communism is more anarchist co-op land than anything else.
Workers directly owning the means of production as in the means of production they use.
So the people who work in the car factory all collectively own the car factory.

Arguably he's made a considerable investment in the form of his time.
While he is compensated for it we all readily acknowledge that the value of labour is considerably depreciated right now.

What Is An ESOP?

In the case of such programs its rare the workers own any relevant amount of stock. Or if they do it's spread out in such a fashion to ensure its management who retain the majority.

Sounds like anarcho-syndicalism
Democracy sucks, just look around you.
Any time you give a bunch of proles the right to vote, they only vote for more gibs, and other stupidly small minded things.

Because "workers" are typically low IQ drug addicts who don't know anything about business.

Back to your containment board, Holla Forums

In a ESOP. They don't have to sell the stock to anyone outside of the company. The stock is only owned mostly by the employees. Of course management gets some too. But mostly employees. Of course sometimes they do sell out.

"Perhaps the biggest obstacle to the growth of both partnerships and worker-owned businesses is the enormous temptation to cash out, a siren's song that tempts senior management every day. A one-time conversion from a partnership to a corporation or from a worker-owned business to an investor-owned business offers a cash windfall that is big enough to be life-changing – but it destroys the dream of employee ownership to all those who follow later on. The temptation to cash out can prove irresistible to senior management unless a cash-out is prohibited by statute, contract or charter. Good partnerships and employee-owned businesses are hard to create, but they are all too easy to destroy by a single generation of senior management that lacks a sense of stewardship."

Yea, because that worked so well with the government right?

a short while later…

There is a reason why corporations have been using the quantitative easing to buy up their stocks rather than spending it on capital like the central banks wanted…

because the business owners invest the capital and take the risks not the workers. Because the CEOs are hired specifically to make important decisions and they are often smarter than the workers.

Sure, (((they))) are ripping the working people off, and that might work for a part of the profit.


Leftists have no actual understanding of capitalism beyond muh exploited workers need gibmedats.

Benito Mussolini, quotes about Fascism (Questionable):
Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power.

Benito Mussolini, quotes about Fascism:
Against individualism, the Fascist conception is for the State … Liberalism denied the State in the interests of the particular individual; Fascism reaffirms the State as the true reality of the individual.

Benito Mussolini, quotes about Fascism:
Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived in their relation to the State.

Chiefio: Do what I want, centrally planned, or else:

Benito Mussolini, quotes about Fascism:
State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management.

Benito Mussolini, quotes about Fascism:
The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and useful instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.

Benito Mussolini, quotes about Fascism:
Fascism recognises the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade-unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which diverent interests are coordinated and harmonised in the unity of the State.

Have you all learned nothing from Holla Forums?
Worker Co-ops and ESOPS are just a voluntary democratic form of fascism. Although really they aren't fascist but they are similiar to the way the fascist system worked. Just voluntarily. If the populace was more educated. There would be much more of them.

Because intelligence is hereditary and unevenly distributed between social classes.

Listen, the common man is a "common man" is because he is either too stupid, apathetic, or unwilling to be a manager/innovator/leader himself.

Most people cannot manage their own lives without a big brother telling them what to do let along manage a company.

Acting like Jose the car mechanic knows as much as an aggressive, well educated CEO is ridiculous.

There are such things as different stocks of people. Which is why democracy is such a mess and things like propaganda work so well.


Also, Amazon pays most of it's employees partially in equity through company stock to avoid the ebil greedy CEO scenario.

Options like this do exist. And if you are such a smart guy why don't you start a business and apply these ideas. tfw I know you can't and won't


Excuse my speed-typing.

Why is this bumplocked? Profit sharing isn't exactly a radical theory, and Wall Street hates it since the workers generally prefer a path of steady, long-term growth over quick money that rapes their employer's ability to keep the employee employed. This is also relevant since hedge fund managers are constantly pressuring CEO's to cut back on profit sharing, so they can rape the corporation easier.

It is because the mods are either compromised or retarded.

Because the worker puts in more labour than the CEO. Say the worker produces £100 of product a day, and is paid £75 in wages a day. The CEO sells the product for £100 and keeps the £25 as profit. Obviously real life is more complicated but the core idea still applies - if this didnt happen, profit wouldnt exist.

You can argue that the worker is using the CEO's equitment or private property to produce these things, but how did the CEO gain private property? Either through inheritance or making profit from workers on a smaller scale.

This is why the workers should run the show. They are the ones that put in the most work, the CEO dosnt have to be there in the first place. Why not allow the workers to own the fruits of their own labour?

Honestly this. There is no reaoson we cant own the means of production ourselves without CEO's literally jewing away our money. People are also much more engaged and productive when they have a direct say and impact on what happens.

No law or regulation forbids having collectively owned business and sharing profits. Go on, organise one, show how good it is.

Surely the master race should be able to collectively own the means of production anyway right? Why would you even need a state when all the jews and niggers have been taken care of.

Actually, the United States actually restrained immigration due to the popular vote and agitation back in the 19th century. (See the Chinese Exclusion Act)

I mean the majority of the population was white and non-immigrant.

Hell, mass-immigration was forced AGAINST the will of the majority, and wherever majority rule was embraced, anti-immigration legislation was passed. (See Switzerland for a good example of this.) SJWs, of course, point that as a problem with democracy as opposed to a feature of it.

I mean, minorities are called minorities for a reason.

the workers compensation for his time is the wage…

what if the ceo was an employee at some point? where does he get the inheritence from? his working class dad perhaps?