What does the cop say?

Caption this photo. Best caption gets nothing at all.

you'll have to do better than that

You are in a imageboard, you have nothing, you will never get something from it, you wont have anything in your miserable life
live with it


Quit resisting!

Niggers ruin everything.

Absolutely saved!

Shut up conservative piece of shit.

Whatever porky tells them to

As if niggers don't ruin everything,, as if you don't go out of your way to avoid places where niggers are the majority. SJW hypocrite. You know Niggers are terrible, but you are afraid to say it, even on anonymous image board.

They lack the Education and opportunities white have, their communities have been living in poverty since they were brought to America( the continent) as slaves, sure not all of them continue to live in gethos some even take successful paths.
I don't think you will understand, since Racism comes from a position of Ignorance and fear.
so fuck off Neanderthal.

Poor stupid SJW.. The Chinese were underpaid and overworked,, forced to live apart.. Their "ghettos' are now beloved tourist attractions. Call me when someone wants to visit a black community .

And slavery has been over for 150 years.. But keep blaming that. Jim Crow has been over for 50 years,, but keep blaming that. Niggers are just useless. Haiti was second independent nation in the Western Hemisphere.. Two hundred years of free black roll. What a shining example of black power!

and you know you avoid them. You can be honest here, you're anonymous and you're professors will never know you departed from P.C. dogma.

My Racism doesn't come from ignorance, it comes from having to live and work with niggers. I bet your "enlightened tolerance" comes from ignorance. You stupid sheltered suburbanite.

Sure thing honey, continue to regurgitate your Holla Forumsyp propaganda, it truly reveals how brainwashed you are.



Sure.. I'm brain-washed.. It's not like I'm the one who thinks a thug born during Clinton's first term is justified in looting a liquor store because of slavery. Go live with some niggers for a week,, and then tell me how wonder and innocent they are. Not some "magic negro" at your college,, but some real niggas,, and be sure they out-number you. Then you'll see.

The positive thing I draw from this, is that you are buying into the racial hatred, a racial war is looming now more than ever, at the end you will end up loosing, the natives will claim their lands and you will get kicked back to Europe.

Ha ha ha ha.. The native Americans aren't reclaiming shit. They don't have the numbers, they don't have the firepower, and they're dependent on us to give them money to buy Listerine to get drunk on. Please start a race war so we can finally be rid of you.

if the prejudice and discrimination against african americans had ended in 1865 with abolition, your point would be worth considering. it didn't and just like your ill-informed spergout about african history during the middle ages in another thread, it shows only how ignorant you are.
The mindset you display is a good example of the prejudice and discrimination blacks face in 2016 in the US. By contemporary standards, you're a pretty dire bigot.
It's people like you who in fact continue to discourage blacks from becoming like whites. It's not that you exclude them from anything of value by virtue of your whiteness-you lost that power in the 1960s- it's that niggers just don't want to be like you.
How could they?

Redskins would BTFO cumskins and you know it. We may have become drunken casino owners, but at least we're not pacified nu-males typing on a Macbook at Starbucks.

More than the half of the US territory belongs to Mexico.

If huwhyites had any intelligence they'd put aside the fact that blacks/whites can't live together and use them to usurp the government seeing as they actually fucking riot.
Wait, the democrats do that, but they push for forced integration. Funny, huh?



You sure did a good job the first time!

dubbyty dubs.
when we ride down Wall street on our mustangs, drunk as only indians can be, the women and children of america will throw us their panties as confetti while the palefaced men sniff dust from our moccasins.
Only then will whitey learn the value of liquor and gambling, only then will their birthrate be as low is ours.
Vodkeredbull has spoken with the voice of premium spirits.

You mean liver failure?

A whole race of alcoholics also happens to be a whole race with livers as weak as a newborn's.


don't worry lady, my insurance company will reimburse you for that nigger

Poor Mexico,, not only did we take half their country but we took the half with electricity, paved road and indoor plumbing..

Al Molinaro… seriously you people are too fucking young if you don't know this guy

He starred in that TV show M*A*S*H!!!

deep in the backroads on a friday night.

who cares about some shitty M*A*S*H?

he was the diner guy on Happy Days


Stop reaching for my gun!

That badge will get you pussy And that pussy will get that badge



bang a bang bang a bang

I guess
You could say
The killer got away
To fight
Another Day.


Forever known as that guy who killed robocop.

70's show dad as robocop and peter weller as clarence bodicker.


Some people just aren't good at being bad nice guys.

Could work if he had a beard.

Beard robocop. It could work. Maybe not.

Sure, without the beard, Clarence Bodicker saves Detroit from cops, people move back into repozessed houses, community stuff, Peter Weeler aka Alex Murphy guns him down, he's put back together to destroy commie looking community. Uses Korean War ingenuity to 70's show them how to defeat beastiality as they throw cabbages as him and tell him he's a bad dog. Commisioner Boring expects a disgusted face but Clarence defeats his TV typecast and flosses his forebrain with a steel spike. Or gives him over to plant potatoes, cleans his desk, puts a pet cactus on it and blinds for the window. Steps back, appreciates it and smokes a cigar.


It's not my fault that it is illegal to uphold the law. Not my job to do that pal, try to see it from my shoes, we got $5 an hour to drive around plus wages you can make that selling drugs and I went to the academy for this, now you try telling that to a 90 year old terrorist at 3:30 while she's screming obscenity in her night gown if you can call it that. Tell me you're the good guy, what have you done for this city, our racket runs this city friend and this city runs you.

Now you say there are problems sure I get that all day what else you wanna give me eh? a heart attack? I get sideburns every time I hear this crap about, hey Jim just write this one a raffle whatdya callit a envelope, no, a receipt. Write this cocksucker a receit and lets go to that place with the thing, food, yeah yeah. Here you go sir I hope you have a lovely evening and everything goes well for whatever you were talking about.

"Fucking racist Fascist pigs doing exactly what they said they were going to do!"

i liek him

Never in my life have I felt an energy in the building like I did when Nakamura walked out at the NXT show. It was next level shit, like a mild psychotropic drug induced state. The guy had complete unfettered control of the crowd the entire time, like some weird spazzy pro wrestling pied piper. It was amazing.
You just have to experience it for yourself in person, I cannot do it justice with words.

Put that in a caption.


I believe everything you say.
(Please don't, call me a pig)*

*oink oink

To what?

What does the cop say?



Going to marry her
You're illegal

There are 3 women crossing the street. Here, here and, here.
The perps walk in this pattern every day, appproximately nineteen thousand times total.
Sometimes they litter the ground, to which the leavings are immediately picked up by pidgeons
We, that is I believe these creatures to have remarkable similarity to homing pidgeons
Thankyou, I took the trouble of printing out tickets to a sci fi movie I like in connection with this event you will find most enlightening.
Obviously these women are in cahoots, a previously only legendary status of being. These birds follow a pattern dictating the lives of these women who are only small fries in a larger scheme.

Winners don't
Need hugs

Love is the drug
And it's against the law

Don't blame
The Punisher

This man is your: Friend
He fights for: Friend

What if Hodor
Was a criminal?

You can't
Do that

What did you hire out?
The Terminator?!
Why didn't you get Robocop?
It's R18! So is this!

New York needs one more asshole.

A cop
I'm a good cop

10-4 on my way, oscar mike, in pursuit, over.

You're my favorite
My stick
Is shiny
Long stick
Long time
Itty bitty
Get well