Any other vietnamese here?

Any other vietnamese here?

Is there any reason why our army chose to adapt the Tavor?

In this country, weapon sale is more about getting good relationship than actual quality, what's the point of getting chummy with Israel, which is half the globe away from Vietnam?

Why do we fall for the Tavor meme when we could buy Russia's guns, China's guns or USA's guns?

Other urls found in this thread:

Tavor is a decent rifle esp. for urban combat, from personal experience.

It doesn't worth the price now.

It's almost always cheaper to just buy Russia or Serbia's AK.


Wait fucking what? This bankrupt, broken country is buying overpriced kike bullshit?
But then, the gov has always been known to be incompetent.


What the actual fuck. That isn't the picture I posted?

I think Vietnam has fallen to the kikes somewhere in the 00s, the same way Ukraine did.

Daily reminder that /k/ lolberturdian types are NOT your friends. I mean jesus fuck, they still meme that Jews are a religion, not a race. And all those good goy pro ZOG comments.
Modern America is anti semitic?
Fucking hell.

Vietnam has always been susceptible to kikes, just like all ex commie shitholes that finally opened up to the American economy.

post more suika then

Not all ex commie countries are the same.

Ukraine is shit, Vietnam is shit, but Hungary and Poland are not.

Pooland is in utter shit economically, and their anti EU talk is just bullshit. If they meant it they would leave already.

Hungary is based, but one has to remember that Hungarians are suffering from the same problems as Poles do. Lip service "conservative" politicians who just capitalized the shitskin situation to distract people from corruption/incompetency.

Poland is shit economically like Russia is shit economically.

It doesn't matter because the people still live and work hard.

All the governments in the world are corrupt and incompetent, but it's best we have anti-immigration ones.

inb4 muh Hitler

I don't know what that is. I posted a pic of Mark Walberg, but when I tried to upload it again I got the message that the pic already exist, but when I click on the blue text link it lead me back to the top of this thread.

It does when it drives many of your young women to become whores in pozzed US puppet states. And young men to be just like the shitskin invaders, albeit "white".
And dont pretend that the "Eastern European women" meme isnt out of date either. The Western liberalism got there already. Everything is going to fucking shit everywhere.

A better economy would still make women shit.

Heck, a better economy would make women more shit.

The slavs actually fight back, so yeah.

Bribery. Jews are entirely unscrupulous and they really need those arms sales to get help the Israeli economy. Occasionally when they are in a rivalry with the Americans over getting a sales contract the Americans do surveillance and then arrange for the Israelis to be arrested so the US can get the deal. The Israelis have bribed officials in countries such as India and Kazakhstan and I would not be surprised if they used bribery in the case of the Tavor.

Here's a short article on Israel and arms bribes. It's old but nothing has changed in the meantime.



Very informative. Thanks user.

Only if leftism is present. Do you really think that immigrants of any kind will support nationalism in host country? Thats bullshit and you know it.

Wealthy, rich people are lazy and decadent. They don't have to fight for their lives, so they begin to care for others, this means cancerous pacifism and altruism will slip into them, leftism or not.

They are also taken advantages of by "poor" people, "hwhite" or not.
This is going nowhere. Im just saying that shits fucked, especially in ex communist hellholes, and they always produce the typical anti host's nationalism immigrants.

Is there sign where the poles are actually anti-UK?

No. They are just a foreign presence. But do you imagine them supporting say a new BUF, which the UK desprerately needs?

If jews can join the Nazi, yeah I can imagine it.

We will see about that then.

The Vietnamese are smarter than I thought. They want better relations with with America in order to help them hold off china, they were smart enough to realize that the best way to improve relations with America is by being friendly with Israel.

Say what you want, they do know how to into actual realpolitik. If the Axis situation had been better, Vietnam would have turned fascists too. Ho Chi Minh saw the strong horse and went with it.
If only things were different…