You will never be this happy, Holla Forums. How does that make you feel?
You will never be this happy, Holla Forums. How does that make you feel?
lose weight
when was the last time you _____were hugged Holla Forums?
Yeah, I feel bad, sure. But… So what?
I'm actually pretty numb to the sadness and anger now, so I'm good, thanks.
Relying on another person for happiness is outsources your sense of self-worth.
Meanwhile, I'm reliant on nobody but myself. I give myself love. I have plushies to hug. I am the beast I worship
So no, OP, I may never have a girlfriend, but I don't need one, as the feelings are the same and they will always come, without the upkeep of having a whore.
Pic related. You'll never find these QTs IRL. And yet I have discovered them, and they make me feel happy, and this is what I will always have.
I literally cannot remember my last hug.
Trips and I'll suck your dick