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There is no censorship.
Go back to freech where you belong goon.
Ever wondered why this board isn't as popular as it used to?
Literally because of whiny manbaby pedos who've whined and cried about 'muh freeze peach' because they can't post pictures of scantily clad little girls. It has nothing to do with moderation or censorship (which there isn't any). In fact, the closest thing to censorship that exists is the incessant spamming that pushed so many good threads off the board.
Yeah fag, let's pretend that censorship is not the problem.
Now I'll spam this perfectly good thread with porn, and I'll even bump it.
Oh look! I flared your autism up! How cute.
You haven't made one good reason censorship is real on this board, you can't just say something happens without proof of which you have none.
So spam away you spasmatic autist, it only proves my point that you're the cancer killing Holla Forums.
You don't see what you are doing is creating part of the problem?
user, Holla Forums is already dead.
Just like the majority of Holla Forums.
How so? Porn should be beneficial, not the other way around. But alright, have some preggo.
u get more freedumz on masterchan and some other chans. soon we will have ylyl and steam begs….
Halfchan is a shithole because they refused to censor stormfags and has a shit rep with normies because they were slow to censor pedos. It's funny to me though that you're defending both groups, almost like there's some overlap…
a pedostormer?
They are one in the same.
I don't like either, they can do what they want, but putting some legal non-nude photos of youn girls/teens is fine. A stormer talking about hitler all day is ok I don't like them but they can speak their minds..
All the other alt chans are smaller than this, sites not dead. There's a nice level of activity here for the higher boards, and then there's one s I can check daily or weekly. If all you want is fast and that's all that matters, 4chan is your answer. There's a nice thing here, and that's just the truth. Speed isn't all of it.
I have the feeling your one of a few people who constantly and continuously post this. Your typing style is getting really framilar.
Halfchan is a shithole because they wanted the Reddit audience. Same thing happened here and lo and behold, the quality is slowly declining!
Redditors aren't some sort of big boogeyman, they may have been here at the sites peak out of curiosity, but the growth of the site overall has been slower and more organic. We'll see it slide into being higher than ever within the year.
And hotwheels plan of inviting reddit, never worked. They got chased out each and every time. This sites still nice, and after we're really crusing, (sites working and people are coming) we'll be fine. I'm fine with things as they are now too, its not continously lightning fast, but I have fun here, lots of diffrent places to do it :^).
Endchan has real promise, some cool people went there, joshchan has zero promise even with that nice software.(Josh dosen't know how to maintain his software, or his site). And no one went to librechan except for pedos. (too bad that place seems silky smooth).
I periodically go and check the other chans, but this is it, this is the real alternative. We build something great everyday.
And a little meta, goes a long way.
If Holla Forums gets too censored, then we move to
Why not Librechan?
But user, pedos are already censored and Holla Forums has become like halfchan thanks to the mods.
I didn't mind that sort of junk that much when I was younger, but it was invasive here. It's not a oh, it only got posted in the general thing, it got posted in a ton of other threads too. Talk about your pedo urges, post loli, but I don't miss the constant stream of barely clothed little girls.
Your crusade isn't winning hearts and minds like you hope here dude.
You simply ban pedos that post in other threads. Is that hard to come up with?
not even going to talk you through this retarded sh
Posting questionable and illegal material are different, master chan posts somethings that may not be illegal, posting a pre teen or teen in risqué clothing maybe gross to some but should be allowed.
but you said that though.
Are you actually retarded or jus uncleing, mate?
cmon baby, just put it in your mouth you stupid censor loving nigger.
oh cool, anyway this board is slow because the users have been pushes away by shitty moderation and people actively pretending its ok to the point of being blue pilled. and you are part of the real problem.
What The FUCK Is A Freech Goon??!!
Am I A Freech Goon??!!
Hope So LOL!!!!
What's that game
Not sure
Natsuiro High School Seishun Hakusho
user delivers
South park is for faggots
glorious faggots
but yeah it's shit
Because librechan is full of pedos
And besides, if you're fine with an abundance of pedos, you could always go to masterchan
enjoy censorship?? then buy a newspaper.. everything is censored and pc whether its left or right wing. I disagree with many views on here and the world but think people should have a right to say them
if librechan is so full of pedos, then why dont some of us make some different threads……………
This image was deleted 2hrs after it was posted.
It appears that there is no board left on 8ch without some form of censorship.
8ch freedom is a lie.