Anarcho-Capitalism Thread


Why have you not yet read Dr. Huemer's great paper on America's unjust drug war yet? After that you should read Problem of Political Authority and then Ethical Intuitionsim faggit.

You have 10 seconds to prove that a stateless society is worse than one with a state.

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Drugs are for losers.

Yeah I think you're on to something



I love that Rothbard quote about parents having the right to starve their children to death.

How can I ever debunk that argument, You obviously have a superior intellect.
drugfags: 0
random user:1

Well that isn't exactly what he said. But obviously it's unethical to create a child and then cause it the tremendous amount of suffering required to cause it a slow and painful death. But that shouldn't be used to completely discredit stateless society.

Let us say that I inferred that you supported a stated-society, and then inferred that you supported the treatment of political prisoners in North Korea. Surely that would be a gross generalization.


Your post was edifying. I've vowed to forever change my life. If I were physically present before you, I'd bow and kiss your feet



Some systems require large scale co-operation, that is extremely difficult without some form of government.

For example herd immunity only works when an overwhelming majority vaccinates.

Another example is dealing with other nations. It is expected that there will be parts of the world that have government. Trade embargoes/restrictions would be difficult to enforce without a unifying government.

But the truth is that there are plenty of real world examples of failed stateless societies, whether it's because of a corrupt public officials not perfofming their job, or because of civil unrest.
Governments can in many cases provide stability.

If a stateless society is economically beneficial, why don't we hear about any successful An-cap regions?




choose one, goyim

You are not making any sense.

Since when did sense have anything to do with a discussion around here?

top kek m9

Holla Forums Hates you.
Holla Forums Hates you as well.

Take the lead pill and take your Autism with you to the grave.