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Thread 1: >>6061857
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Meme maker: angrify.me
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When do we get a good quality version torrent?
Bump for Mudbeard.
Hotwheels trains anti-muslim combat.
isn't that risky with his bone condition?
The stock wasn't on his shoulder, he was resting his arm on it, but not placing it against his shoulder. Plus the other guy was supporting the rifle.
u've got a stev in meee✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔
When the road looks blocky ahead✔✔
And ur crafting table is miles from ur nice warm moyinecraeft bed✔✔
u just remember what the zombie pig men said✔✔✔
Boi u've got a stev in meee✔
Yeah u've got a stev in meee✔✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔✔✔✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔✔
u got moyinecraeft troubles, and i got em too✔✔✔
there isn’t anything I wouldn’t craft for u✔✔
We build together, we can battle it through✔
‘Cause u've got a stev in meee✔✔✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔
Some other creepaers might be a little smMarter than I am✔✔
hav mre gld and di4m0nds too✔✔✔✔
buut none of them✔
will ever grief u the way I do✔✔✔
it’s me and u stev✔✔
And as the moyinecraeft years go bai✔✔✔✔✔
Our moyinecraeft friendship will neva die✔✔
u’re gonna see it's our moyinecraeft destiny✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔✔✔✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔
u've got a stev in meee✔✔✔✔
Reported and filtered
Not really. Though SJWs would like you to believe that.
Otherwise, nice job on that vid. Assuming you're the one who created it.
Nigger your post looks like it was made by a bot.
absolutely haram!
The jewtube comments is full of apologists.
created some oc lads
OC coming through
Based Finns
they didn't give the rights to big producers, instead they wrote it all themselves just so they could keep it as based as it is
mighty cinematic meme
ebinymous ebinorum :DD
you do know you can rotate and angle the eyebrows right?
Deer Mr Trump, I would like you to meet muly friend Frederick Brennan. Fred, or Hotwheels as we call him, is a New Yorker like you, unlike you he was forced to either abandon his lives work or move away from his beloved New York. 8ch.net is where you can see the culmutation of his work, a site loved and uses by thousands each and every day. Hotwheels has faced hatred and persecusion for this site. The reason… His site allows those with views opposed to the current dogma to express those views. Hotwheels medical situation combined with the fear of fysical attacks and a cripling (pun not intended) medical bill has forced him to move to the Filipines. Many of us donated money via Patreon untill it was shutdown by his opponts. Hotwheels is a great New Yorker, a great American and a Great man. For his small stature he is a big guy. Please Mr Trump, make America great again so that my friend, your friend, Hotwheels may once again roll his crippeld ass around New York again and that he is safetly away from the Thai shemales.
Best of whishes, user.
Should we tweet something like this to Trump?
I know,
How do you phuck up a word that basic?
I'm drunk in the Italian Alps shitposting from a phone. I really hate posting from phones, should have brought my Laptop with me.
The Spanish cam is the only good cam now, 9/10 for a cam. If you know any Spanish at all the movie is fantastic in that language.
Funny enough the birds work best with spanish, all the Spaniards I knew had that zany aspect to them.
But otherwise yes we need a good torrent
although this might be a time to open your wallets streloks the goys here could be worth it
Don't ever include "WE" with your subhuman letters to me or my son ever again.
I saw some ideas on the other thread I really liked. The idea was to make a hashtag (I think #angrymuslims was the one being shilled) where we would pretend to be Muslims exposing this "blatant Islamophobia"
I made a write-up of the movie..should I post it for you guys?
yes pls
So today I decided to head to the movies for the first time in a few years, because nothing recent in theaters has piqued my interests enough to shell out $10 for a ticket and another $20 for Popcorn/drink.
Which movie was my destination? Well it was a kid movie. A kids movie based on a mobile app, called Angry Birds. When I had first heard this movie announced I thought it was some sort of joke, wondering to myself how exactly they could make a feature film, in CGI, about a game where you shoot birds across the screen and knock down buildings housing pigs?
Well, to my bemusement, they did. This movie wasn't so much about the game as it was an excellent social commentary on the Refugee (Migrant) Crisis (Invasion) spanning across Western Europe and soon into our own country (depending on who is elected).
The movie starts out with the Red (Angry) birds getting angry and having to attend anger management classes. An almost snarky remark at how instead of acting correctly in today's society, you'll be shoved off in "tolerance classes." This is where he meets his 2 companions for the rest of the movie. Bomb a black bird and Chuck a yellow bird. This is important later on.
On his way into the class which was setup as a very SWPLy type yoga house the Angry Bird passes as series of statues, the first one being 2 birds (looking of the same gender) being romantic, to which he remarks “So that’s what they consider art?” The next 2 were a few more birds, and lastly an orgy of birds to which he remarks again “Oh come on, have some decency.” It was at this point I knew the creator either had a great sense of humor or this movie was full on red pilled.
Now after a few days of classes and pandering to the teacher so he can be set loose. A ship emerges off in the distance of the island and sets course to crash on the island, while doing so it crushes the Angry Birds house.
The pigs, get off of the ship and introduce themselves. They say they are there o make friends and enjoy their neighbors, and that they have no plans of staying. Red, is the only one upset about his house being destroyed and is the only one questioning why they’re here and how many are there. First they say just them two, then another appears, and Red is still the only one concerned about their first lie and his house. Later you find out this is a farce, but let's entertain the parallels of the refugees swarming to western civilizations with no outlook on ever leaving.
The pigs then decide to hold a banquet, which the birds gladly pay for. This was an interesting part, because it held a quote that all but solidified it was a red pill movie for me.
King Mudbeard(no I'm not making this up, that is actually the head pigs name): "thousands of years the people will ask how the pigs and the birds became friends"
Angry Bird: "yeah then they'll ask why you destroyed all of our stuff"
At this point I was laughing, pretty loudly, because a children's movie was the first to come forward and call bullshit on this refugee crisis we seem to be facing.
Later after this quote, the Angry Bird is sent through a slingshot back to the edge of the island where he decides to investigate the boat. Now, originally King Mudbeard said there were only 2 pigs traveling with him. Upon entering the boat the first thing you see is boxes upon boxes of TNT. After searching through more of the boat they find an entire army of pigs.
Quite the combination of "gifts" for a welcoming country.
After the Trio figure this out, with the rest of the town not listening they decide to consult “The Mighty Eagle” (yes, this is an obvious aside to the U.S.) They go visit him after hearing great tales of his bravery and greatness and find out he has grown fat, lazy, and the first scene you see of him is him overlooking the “Lake of Wisdom” and then urinating in it.
They ask for his help, to which he declines as he’s been “out of it for too long” and is grown old. So after using the Mighty Eagles spyglass they notice that while the dance party the pigs had thrown for the birds, they were looting all of the town’s eggs and taking them onto their ship to take back to “Piggy Island”
The movie ends actually how you would expect it. The Trio goes back and saves the eggs with a great climax and some hilarious imagery such as:
Where the peace sign is replaced with the pig snout, an analogy to the “Religion of Peace” and Islam.
The trio saves the eggs, with the help of the Mighty Eagle at the last second. And after all is said and done, the Mighty Eagle is given all the credit again. Another aside at how the “great” American
There’s also other things like this
Cant format the images in the right spot but you get the right idea
I don't know how I feel about the Berenstain universe
I might just play the game for old time's sake, I thought it was mindless fun, albeit casual as hell. But I always loved flash games similar to Angry Birds, so it's a guilty pleasure.
It's a strange world to live in when a movie based off of a fucking iPhone app can successfully shill to the alt-right crew.
one of us
more like pic related amirite
this can't be "pure coincidence" any more.
Obligatory CIA
So, no mass raep in the movie? Still taking the topic way too lightly imo.
Watch there be a second movie that takes a big literal shit on this.
Like Porky's 2.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
If this movie is 10/10 and they later decide to shit on it, I'll ignore their effort and just enjoy this on my own leisure.
This is an extra out of the ordinary movie, not only because it's not pozzed, it's also a good video game movie.
Your a big bird…
He was gonna vote for Bernie too. Now he's taking his daughter to the redpill bird movie.
fuckin nice
Getting a simillar thing with my wife, her mom, and her really young siblings, but the father in law doesnt want to see it which worries me, as he seems like he would be reading reviews already.
He genuinely has JUST hair and reads reddit
That is obviously a derivative Gate of Baghdad, mongrel.
first one is just fucking perfect.
when voting on imdb, give it an 8 or 9, not a 10
1s and 10s will be severely snipped when admins will purge fake votes, either buttblasted SJWs oneses or RWDS tenses
8 or 9, or even a 7, will all raise the score
That first one made me lose my shit
We're onto you faggots.
Finn Designer at Rovio, AMA. I am drunk and it is late, shoot away for half an hour or so.
What this all part of your master plan?
Not mine.
You're making yourselves look fucking stupid
Fair enough.
Tell me about Bane why does he wear the mask?
No idea. However, I would wear a mask as well. For appearance.
Are you a Big Guy?
I am strong.
Wait, there was a time when RamZSaul was vaguely funny?
top kek
Thank you for your interest. I will have a smoke, and then I will slowly recide towards sleep.
Am I doing this right?
This is what ramz based it on. Is the original still on burgertube? HollyKike frequently behaves very selectively when it comes to choosing what videos are available to the wider world e.g. John Oliver typically isn't available for UK viewers unless he's spouting some serious mudshit shill material i.e. his "rant" about killing French people
God damn, he must have some serious depth perception issues.
Why don't you just kick back, relax, and have a smoke on those amazing digits?
Kek. It's been a while since I saw a Woll Smoth meme.
It is inconvenient to "relax" when you are drunk enough. Herding trees would dampen mind for too long.
Now this is dank
You fucked it up. You don't deserve any digits or digit related smokes.
It's nice to be around some old friends.
I care little of your digits, hover it would be trivial to approximate your superstitions. Last question, if there are any.
How can anyone hate this megaqt?
How do you like your banishments?
Well spent. Good night.
(Checked with a conscientious objection)
You're a monster.
you sure ain't doing it wrong, son…
Am I the only one still making OC?
Use the better hamnesty image
Holy fuck.
Rabbi Schiller pls go.
Is there a link for the movie?
I think it's a fruit…
only slav and spanish cam's so far.
Thanks fam
Now you too can secure the future for avian hatchlings!
Take any of these pics and go to any online custom t-shirt store.
If the text don fit or annoys you, use the text tool they provide.
2 different sizes and one with big red, pic your poison.
Holla Forums stop reading messages into this Kike movie that aren't there. As someone who has actually watched the film, I can tell you that it was degenerate. It had a lot of inappropriate sexual references. Its producer is a COHEN. The film isn't about Europeans or white nationalism. Just to point out one thing- the owl is a male, so it can't represent Merkel. You're reading into the film things that aren't there.
prove it.
Anons, I…
watch the film
Fucks sake lads.
I haven't watched the movie but it's possible it just has an anti mud message?
I'm seeing this movie tomorrow, Holla Forums.
In the meantime, I've been trying to play the game. I was enjoying it on my smartphone, but it put strain on my eyes. The PC version isn't supported anymore, so I had to torrent it. The keygen in the torrent didn't work, so now I'm waiting on the 3DS version, which is on hold at my library. I'll probably have seen the movie by then.
I'm surprised I never tried this game before. It's pretty fun, in the way games on Kongregate were when I was 13.
anti mud is allowed.
anti juden is not.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend, user. If your hatred of kikes is greater than your hatred of kikes, then you need to adjust your priorities.
Nice! From when was the first picture? The movie has been in production since 2014, I think, and if the first pic is recent it might actually be (((pure coincidence))). Although is pretty much proof possitive. Same question for .
I assume you're talking about leftists here, not us, Chaim.
The article in which they interview Anglin: archive.is
For being such a complete twat, he's a surprisingly effective troll.
Meh. I probably wouldn't have noticed that Merkel was a woman if no one had told me.
nothing on kickass besides a Spanish version I just want to see a redpill kids cartoon
Could you link it? I've moved to Spain and am trying to learn to speak taco.
not that hard faggot not even
viooz or putlocker has a video up
The eggs represent the future generations of Europe.
The image they have of the Eagle represents America pre-ww2 and the Eagle that is pissing in the lake represents America today.
Here, you fucking loser.
Hotwheels will remove kebab
We just entered the Berenstæn one holy shit
Shit, missed this completely. Would've asked questions sooner:
Not sure you'd know, but was any of the symbolism discussed in this thread intentional?
How have others at Rovio reacted to reviews of people saying its anti-immigration propaganda?
tbh lad
Nigger the first time you watch it better be with us on a comfy live stream.
Is that a AR 10 or 15
Holla Forums movie night when?
When ever the movie is released in HD
How much are they paying you for shitposting that go pound sand meme?
If you had been pro-white, then you would have helped pushing Angry Birds, rather than try to pollute with shit?
it passed that point long ago m8
It's a pretty good movie tbh
This comment needs some positive fidback.
We used to have movie nights all the time. We should make it a normal thing again.
Heil. Kek has spoken.
Merkel is female?!
T-thanks Holla Forums?
movie night when
This, I'd be down if someone wants to stream it tonight
nice dubs
Same, sometime after the trump rally?
I'm game for that. That's three anons right there. Should we make a thread?
My toaster couldn't host a stream though, so we need to find someone willing to do that, and a site that isn't immediately going to ban the account for streaming movies.
Yes it will gain more visibility.
link not working?
Just finished watching.
Movie is based as fuck tbh.
some oc I made
I'm down with watching it.
I would white space this but I got in trouble….
Sage all fucking useless threads. I get it angry birds is anti-muslim. So are Jews.
you are subhuman garbage and should do the world a favor by killing yourself immediately
You are a day late and a dollar short, satan.
Finn-user is died.
LOL, good one.
but seriously, she looks like a crazy old owl in second pic related.
That was a great movie.
I can't wait until the blu-ray comes out. Then I'm going to buy it.
I'm not downloading shit like that. Doesn't even work even if you click dl with browser.
Thanks for the link worked fine for me.
Try one of the links on here.
I recommend OpenLoad, but they make you go through adfly.
Not bad.
For those of you who don't know, you should be using megadl from megatools to download it without installing anything.
i'm gonna watch this glorious movie in 3 hours, wish me luck
oh and i mean real cinema and not pirated you filthy thieves
Watching this thing right now ans this song pops up.
if people are having premarital sex, then why even bother trying to stop niggers from overrun our country, amirite?
Major media property outrage thread number 4
So when the fuck are we livestreaming this in a comfy as fuck room?
Finally found a fucking Facebook version.
fucking shills
So, IMDb has removed the top box office movies from their lateral bar Angry Birds was topping it, above the Captain America movie, and there are absolutely no references to the movie anywhere to be seen.
Meanwhile, guess what made it to their front page. (picture)
Not surprising. Discouraging generic reviews, limited advertising, limited release then absolute silence. Even if it smashes box office records for the year, they'll avoid mentioning absolutely anything about it.
Alternative symbolism on the Mighty Eagle;
He's a fat, lazy has-been obsessed with his past glory and pisses in the lake of wisdom, yet sees himself as an übermensch, much like modern day neo-nazis.
Lol yeah right nosenigger. Why don't you go shill on /n/.
I was talking about skinheads and other degenerate "national-socialists". Stop being suck a thin skinned faggot, faggot.
Did I miss Holla Forums movie night?
Why does he look like the American eagle then?
No, we need someone who will stream and a site that won't b& us.
GOAT animated movie of the year.
Oh my gosh…
pick only one, faggot.
I could stream it tomorrow night, used to stream a lot of movies back in the day, but I don't know what sites are good these days and which ones won't try to shoah me for copyright. If it were just a couple people in a private stream or and old movie I'm sure Hitbox wouldn't give two shits as I've streamed Kung Pow to friends who hadn't seen it recently, but a shitton of Holla Forumslacks watching a brand new movie might get attention.
I'll see what stream sites I can find and download the movie in case no one does today
My other concern is I want to see it with my 2 younger close relatives and see if it helps
Kind of reminds me of this.
I can stream it tonight I suppose if someone can point me to a good site to do this on
worse, they have deleted the entire list from their website.
This proves how little power the Jews have over irony. They can't fight it, it's a fucking kids movie and they'll expose their own indoctrination. They are already practising to see what would happen if they target The Lion King to see if they can fight it. I don't think they seriously can without looking insane.
so i saw this at the cinema and the implications are way worse
the movie since the first minute makes a point egg are their dearest kids and their future. and what pigs are after to defile? of course after Red accidentally one egg and became a father of a bird that isn't his
Don't know any good streaming sites but I'm definitely up for it.
I've been trying to release an English rip of this all week and keep running into problems. What the fuck do I do now? the export fails halfway through every time with this same error.
I mostly fixed the audio sync of my english audio to ruskie video, and its watchable in preview mode. I even stabilised the camera and translated Russian signs where necccecary.
This is some fucking bullshit right now
this kills the speaker
After watching it I need to agree with that other guy who was calling this out as d&c against muslims, it's not like they don't desserve it but I was expecting some naming of the jew, It's hollywood after all.
At least it's the best children's movie that has been realesed in years for sure.
Isn't there a jew in the movie? Shill spotted.
You're a fucking idiot
I haven't been on Holla Forums in ages and forgot you guys might be able to help. 4pol haven't taken much interest in ripping this.
I recorded the English audio on Monday planned to mux it to the Russian camrip the day after. I don't know what the fuck is going on with my project files, so I've basically given up for the timebeing. Here's what I recorded, anyway. my.mixtape.moe
My original idea was that we could add some easter egg or something given this will be the only way for normies on Popcorn Time and streaming sites to watch this once we release it. Adding the Open Gates video as an intro, or something less overt, could have a positive effect.
Just having it available in English will help polacks who haven't seen it, anyway.
If anyone else wants to try it, the sync gradually gets between the English and Russian version over time, and also jumps erratically, making it difficult to align the two if. The Camrip cuts off the first 20-ish seconds and seems to have a different playback speed than the english audio. I was gonna just release it today anyway with an ebin ben garrison signature watermark but it broke somehow. If someone can fix my finished after effects project so it exports, its here my.mixtape.moe
Is up to us to viralize this thing lads.
thread theme
There's a rip already posted here
Unless it's higher quality you shouldn't sweat it.
You should go back there. you're not deserving of Holla Forums
Dr Wingstein if I recall, the bird who diagnoses Red with anger issues. A medical certificate on the wall has that name there momentarily.
But it's understandable they'd be very subtle regarding anything Jew related. Had they gone too far, they would have been blacklisted by nearly every distributor and forced to fund everything. It would have bankrupted Rovio or force them to change things.
This slipped under the radar long enough for it to be too public now to be threatened that way.
Is this in English? Telesync is better than mine by far
This place is already going to shit, back when it was good this kind of thing would've gotten massive attention.
yes it is.
This is great quality. Thanks, mate.
Fuck off Kyle Hunt.
What are you talking about? This thread is pretty old and most of the discussion about the movie was had a couple days ago. The quality here is thousands of time better than on 4cuck and you know it.
As someone who uses 4chan a lot, this isn't really any better quality a discussion, just the only one up currently since 4pol lost interest. This thread is more like a general, while any 4chan ones die in a few hours and are usually only Angry Birds related in passing
There are many hints about jewish pressence disseminated all around bird society, things like names and words, but ultimately it is portrayed as if the birds themselves are getting emasculated out of their own volition and not because someone told them to.
There is no significant jew naming to fundament the muslim pig allegory either, at least not in a way that fits our narrative, this means that it either was made by people not aware of jewish involvement or that it is indeed a hit piece portraying sand niggers as the ultimate enemy.
Don't kid yourself, the good days here are over, i suppose someone that wasn't around since the first exodus wouldn't notice though.
How is d&c against moslems a bad thing?
Well the question left on my mind is, how did the pigs find the bird island and were already prepared to invade it? If that question is open then a sequel could elaborate on that answer. Maybe involves a sterile bird with a "kosher" name, betraying the others in order to subvert control of the island for 'security' reasons. At least it plants the message that elements within society can and do seek to sabotage our way of life.
But that's very unlikely going to happen and I'm not sure how to translate that idea to a kid's film sequel.
Does anyone feel like cutting this video with the black guy telling niggers they're going to lose the racewar?
I've been here since the first exodus, you dumb shit.
I obviously know quality isn't as good here as it used to be, but it's still way higher than 4chan
Orchestra + video games?
I like it.
Fuck off. You faggots have been trying this in every single thread. Even if you get rid of the Jew, you still have to deal with the Muslim infestation. They aren't magically going away once the Jews are dealt with. They are two related but separate problems.
If someone shits in your cereal and you beat the shit out of the guy that did it, you still have to deal with the fact that there's shit in your Cheerios.
Problem reaction solution
Jews and ziocucks are the ones giving dessert vermin the free ticket to europe, you get pissed and go die for israel, instead of targeting the elites allowing this in your country, it's the same shit they did at 9/11 and tried to do at U.S.S Liberty, nothing but false flags and proxy wars.
So yeah, you should be pissed at ackbars, but don't forget who put them there.
You had one job man.
If you don't deal with the guy shitting in your cereal first, even if you remove the turd from your plate he will just keep shitting in it, that's obviously common sense, why don't you apply it to elites flooding your countries with kebab?
I can see that scenario. It's practically MAD without nukes. Most Europeans and Muslims wipe each other out in domestic and regional wars, then the demoralized remains are enticed by a globalist "savior" of their devising.
I thought it smelled MIDF in here.
I think 4cuck had a similar thread a while ago
>jews are destroying the white race to eventually "save" the white race from themselves.
Did I ever told you to not deal with muslim invaders?
You kikes are imbeciles.
Either way, your version only works if he hasn't done it yet. It's already in your cereal.He already has. You now have to deal with the guy that did it and your cereal itself. Two separate but related problems.
Thank you, I can see my failings. Yet I hope that the message of my post will be rememberd and not the typos.
Now I'm drunk in the French Alps. English is not my first language also.
Limited advertising and release? It's everywhere for me.
Too bad it definitely is and we were raided by them just a few months ago. Nice try Mohamed.
fret not, little guy. They have to go back, and stay back.
When king mudbeard is giving his victory speech he says something to the effect of " My father and his father didn't find the eggs, it was I who did", I'mplying they were looking for them for a long time, still, there must be a precedent for them to know what eggs are so you are onto something.
Removing kebab without removing their enablers is completely meaningless, they'll import more and more once the removing is done, and they will only let you go to bomb their countries, not deal with the ones already in your home.
Yo need to beat the shit out of the guy making a mess and THEN clean your plate, you can't do it the other way around or he cycle perpetuates itself.
You've shilled enough here. Fuck off.
What's the matter faggot, afraid people solve the semitic riddle for real?
Guys holy shit, I just watched the movie. Holy shit.
Look at what I found, its at the end, when he gets his house in the village.
Could be Mighty Eagle. See the smaller Y above the GLE? Need to capture another frame where his head isn't as much in the way.
It's existEnce.
Also that tiny bit of the letter next to Y looks like a T.
hmm very true, if it's that, they are smart motherfuckers.
Go to the theater and pay for it nigger!
That review is soild gold.
Stream here if anyone is interested
We'll be streaming tomorrow.
tripe dubs demand it.
This will look amazing in hd
I'll upload it to youtube where the quality doesn't have to be shit. Just give me two minutes.
Was this made by alerta judiada?
meant for this
Here, the non shit version
Nah, just took another video they made.
These were top notch.
Anyone notice the eye colors of the little birds he saves at the end?
Blue and Green, the universal aryan eye colors?
Blue, Green, and Hazel while the pigs all have black pupils
Thought it was a cool touch
AHAH who's making these? got anymore?
So anybody planning on streaming it yet?
Here you go user
An user said he'll do it tomorrow.
Just watched, can confirm Angry Birds is fucking eggcellent
sage for off topic
Don't you guys mean
Let's leave that one for when the lefties find the time to uncuck themselves.
And that's all.
I can't find the old threads so forgive me if this has been covered.
I've been hearing a lot of that Blake Shelton song - the one from the concert scene - because my kid is deep into the Happy Meal app. I've never done the Happy Meal thing before, the indoor playground scene is kind of nice, and the toys remind me of playing Crossbows & Catapults when I was a kid. So this seemingly innocuous little country song has been on my mind, and after a while it started to grow on me.
Then today it hit me.
Is this song about Jesus?
And now for a little thought experiment. Consider the context in which the song appears within the movie - who performs it and why, and the effect it has on the town.
idk about that m8
Go away cohenberg faggot
i have a stream setup for streaming cartoons on Holla Forums. i'm downloading this right now and i can stream it tonight if no one else does.
my connection isn't the best but it's sufficient to stream about 350kbps.
Enjoy some crappy OC
Never forget. The reason why jews usually keep to buying, selling, and marketing artists, and why most art made BY jews is a steaming heap is because they lack the soul for art.
Case in point: you present this jew with a simple allegory and tell him, "Shill against this", and he's so at a loss that he types the most retarded shit imaginable.
I'll work on this today!!! My fucking TWITTER locked for 12 hours!!! Thanks!!!!
They wont get me fired though!!! ha!!! Good luck faggots and Jews! I have Jew armor!
#TwistedTwitter I can't stand it!!! but all my #TrumpTrain friends are there!!!
anybody have the Angry Birds files!!! Can't find it on Usenet!!!!
I know!!! the kids say 888! hahaha i know my students are vets though! They say things like "Of fucking course stripping TS headers gets you ass raped!!!" not like these kids on #twistedtwitter help
guys i tried to help!!
they ban you! they keep your ad moneyanyway !! #twistedtwitter!!
Not every Jew in the world is so devoted to destroying white civilization that they're on board for flooding white homelands (which they largely control) with savages who hate Jews almost as much as they hate whites. Believe it or not, a good number of Jews kind of dig being wealthy, powerful, admired, influential, and untouchable. Some of them even like this sort of life enough not to long for the destruction of everything that makes it possible.
No, it had a lot of undisguised vulgarities. There is nothing degenerate about bathroom humor presented as bathroom humor for the amusement of children.
You can watch it for free over here. putlocker.is
The vid has some chinky symbols here and there, but if you're computer illiterate enough that you don't want to mess with torrents and just want to watch the movie, it's good.
If the embedded video doesn't work try some of the linked mirrors below it.
I am streaming on vaughn at about 1400 kbps since that's the max it can handle. Been streaming for about 8 hours, but people left since I fell asleep.
Oh and if someone finds a site that can handle at at least 2500 that'd be great so the stream wouldn't get as many artifacts.
Source ?
I kek'd
looks like there's a bretty gud screener copy up
we need a 24/7 rolling stream of this
you guys yelled at me so i took off the name and the email
i'm gonna do a thunderclap with #trumptrain – normies dont get twitter. they follow a couple of suggested users and RT them. So they'll probably go for it.
you know why it's on 'customized trends' by default right, so everybody gets their own echo chamber full of sponsored content. just try to buy a twitter ad sometime you could see how easy it is to get to the normies
also #maga triggers some people wtf
sorry here's that post
i'm trying guys i got the ad up and i'm still banned so its just eating up the rest of the campaign spend i dont get paid again until sept
for fucks sake guys you can probably hang this off the actual angry birds marketing campaign on twitter then select demo "english speaking only at home, 1+ kids" i'm trying to spoonfeed you guys
How the pigs got the bird's society guard down?
Cheap entertainment and confort technology.
When everybody was partying instead of taking care of their eggs, it happened.
some oc
are you still streaming? i can get mine going for a while if anyone is still interested
Does anyone have the bigger version of this image? I forgot to save the one from the previous thread.
he talks like a black southern preacher
every time they say 'americans are nazis' we get it buddy the only meme yo uhave is nationalism is bad meanwhile these zombies are throwing rocks at our guys at the rallies
get another meme yours its 60 years old praise Christ i know you kikes get triggered when we say that i see it.
i saved some
Great, thanks user.
streaming right now, gonna let it loop overnight
quality isn't the best, but the source kind of sucks anyway
Does anyone know if the timing is accurate?
What the fuck did I stumble into?
It's a Mighty Eagle poster
Molyneux brought it up today.
Are the pigs implied as being pedos? Considering their infatuations with the eggs of the birds a.k.a. bird-children/fetuses?
And oh, it's heavily implied the pigs are muslims. It's an invasion-story, a really clever one at that if one would look deeper into it as people here on /pol has done.
I went to go see it last night with a Holla Forumsack friend.
I urge anybody who's still on the fence to go see it.
It's a jab at their interbreeding agenda.
download here
should be decent speed
multiple versions
Chuck = cuck/homosexual 100% liberal and open to the immigrants
Bomb = Neutral passive goy. controled by his emotions
Red = Conservative. Angry at how liberalism and race-mixing is ruining his country.
How did they uncuck Chuck if Chuck got cucked the hardest?
Trap is new redpill music genre?
Ancaps are cucks
Also has anyone noticed how reds stomach is a white circle? All that's missing is the swastika and he's a nazi flag
I've jerked off to this before.
Well this is awkward.
I'm not even surprised.
I got myself some 'filmed inside the cinema' version of the movie, that's the best shit I am going to get until 4-6 months when the DVDs starts coming, right?
I like it. It was 100% redpilled.
Thank you Angry Birds movie staff. You probably come to the chans.
Basically the movie is, Mighty Eagle (USA) can't always do everything for you, but he might help you to somewhat. You have to help yourself. The eggs represent their future. If you want to save your future, you have to fight the Islamic pigs.
I paid for the tickets and I'll buy it on disc too.
Chuck is cool. He solves at least half of the challenges in the mission. (he opens multiple doors with his speed)
Guy made an interesting point….that sometimes the truth can only be said under the disguise of a kid film
So what I picked up that I hadn't seen so far:
They play "I will survive" at the end
The three birds red rescues have blue, green, and light brown eyes. The pigs all have black eyes.
American Eagle won't always be there to rescue you. It doesn't care about the plight of his own people. He jerks off to voyeurism and basks in memories of his glory days. It's up to the angry men of europe to save europe from these shitpigs.
It's pretty ironic they used pigs to represent muslims
It was likely the plan. You don't name a character "King Mudbeard" by accident either.
You could have just watched the stream with us.
Didn't really have a choice, did they?
Daily reminder
We're gonna need some anons to go through the movie and find all the sight gags when the bluray comes out
here you go
I just paid to see it in theatre. It was greater than we all expected. I'm weighing whether or not to pirate it and webm up a lot of the meaty parts.
Agreed. I enjoyed it when I watched it. It's a good film in it's own right as well. Recommend it to blue-pilled family and friends
I brought my nephew to see this on Saturday. We both enjoyed it.
To be honest, I felt a little nervous at points where the movie was being unapologetically in the audience's face with its messaging. not because of the content, but because of the audience itself. The movie was making sense, but I feared their EU-sponsored liberal brainwashing would kick in and they would reject the film's ideas not unlike a sick body rejecting a donated organ.
I admit, I got a kick out of actually being catered to and targeting a big, modern, cinema-released movie. If this is what every day is like for leftists, it's no wonder they're all so smug.
The Red bird is user; a disaffected, forever alone, anti-social ball of crushed aspiration, loneliness, pride and masculinity. He rejects the feminised, sanitised society as much as it rejects him. The first half of the film - just watching Red's daily life play out, and entirely justified questioning and suspicion of the pigs - is striking. The third act of the movie is its weakest. The birds' assault on the Pig Island to retrieve their stolen eggs. It's entertaining for what it is, but doesn't match up to quality of the rest of the story.
I say, go see it.
Remember that this is a movie about the disenfranchisement of young western men, framed against the immigration crisis, disguised as kid's videogame movie.
the third part is mostly wanking to the game and it's mechanics.
But yeah m8, spot on opinion, felt nice watching a redpilled movie on the big screen.
what gif making program are you using?
Thanks for the link.
I just watched it and the movie was so unsubtlely redpilled, that it couldn't have been an accident.
Yeah, except he's fucking gay
Not anymore, X-men Apocalypse and Alice beat it. But it's still higher than Civil War.
Mind you, it's doing astoundingly well.
God damn it, Chuck.
They didn't miss a trick, did they?
Looks like someone's been lurking here.
I watched it, it was pretty good. Couple nods here and there, nothing special really. I mean it just pretty much played with the story of angry birds, which is pigs steal eggs and birds get them back.
I went to the movies yesterday and saw The Nice Guys (aka big Lebowski 1 1/2) and angry birds and may go see it again just to support the film. I'm more movie buff than anything and Angry Birds hits a wonderful combo of redpill and comfort ability. It's easily something you (should) show your friends and family. In a couple years, make it a household movie for when kids are over. the message never feels too tangled for kids to grasp and that's the biggest point past the 'dr wingstein' and 'hamnesty' jabs. If we can somehow wield meme magic to new generations in a way half as good as the movie did, we will be breeding more than supporters for the upcoming events. Your average 8-12yo is gonna be able to apply and correlate this stuff if they get enough of it. 8/10 comfy redpill.
Happened like a week ago, ya missed it fam
Angry Birds third thread? This shit has been like 7 threads. Kill the MODS
I know because the OP was a fag and didn't make a thread in advance.
He made one like 3 hours in advance.
Still wasn't enough time for me to catch it.
So folks, who is best bird?
I was hoping a bit bit more from eagle, maybe have disco butt thrust scene be used to monologue about the past less boisterously. His (spoken) intro with the birds was well written; ego-centrist, but sprinkled with wisdom. We need more Eagles.
Also, anyone else see Hunter S Thompson Pig? I'm sure the 'Bird Country' sign at the end could vaguely affirm the reference but I swore I saw his Lawyer at the stadium or dinner or something.
It isn't the chiptune and midi days anymore, tons of game soundtracks are orchestral these days, just not very often having the massive budget needed to have a real orchestra play it.
Fuck off nigger, stop spamming the thread with irrelevant bullshit.
It's awesome to see HW enjoying himself again.
Also saw that video posted on kikebook
AR15. The magazine and mag well are larger on the AR10
How has no one talked about the symbolism of how the pigs are able to steal the eggs by distracting the birds with parties and materialism? That's a crucial element that I haven't seen anyone point out
Chuck sounds like a young libertarian goy–similar to how a lot of us might have been in the past. He's weird, he's kind of degenerate and doesn't have a problem with the migrants at first, but he's smart, understands that there's something wrong with society, and ultimately he is an ally.
That one exploded my sides.
I'm glad someone is still making these.
Paid to see this in a theater tonight. Has anyone started combing through the camrips yet? You can tell there's lots of little detail you could never catch all at once, especially in Mighty Eagle's cave.
What surprised me is how overt it is about everything it does. It has way more commentary in it than immigration.
There's tons of quick little stuff I've already forgotten.
Which is exactly the road Europe has been travelling down the past 30 years.They did a brilliant job of translating all these things into a coherent plot about a fucking mobile game.
Terance. He's literally Hitler.
When the anger management instructor bitch goes through his files, the attrocities he committed caused her to nearly submit her mind to insanity.
He's a big bird. What was that quote from Hilter about coming back bigger than before?
Very kind in spite of how others perceive him.
His "bangs". I noticed it at the end when he sings (which also, I think, references Hitler's artistic side)
I was thinking of him as Anders Birdvik the whole movie.
on the left:
chuck the homosex
on the right:
homosex cowboy pigs
LOL, nice one.
I just googled "angry birds chuck gay" and immediately regretted it
Why is Stella so worst bird, Holla Forums?
Because she is a woman.
Where are you guys even getting this from? He's about as gay as Captain America.
Probably JIDF trying to damage control.
It's like SJWs saying X character is gay/black/trams/whatever now for no reason
I still don't understand how it make him gay.
Are we talk about that bird which wanted to fuck the ladies after the pigs stole the eggs?
Are we seen the same movie?
yep, not a coincidence
When Chuck and Bomb are fantasizing about Mighty Eagle, Bomb imagines the vignette you're all familiar with (karate chopping trees and the like). When it moves over to Chuck's imagination though, it's starts by focusing on Mighty Eagle's ass, who is also wearing typical gay bear fatish clothing and a cowboy hat.
What the fuck
The kikes know.
They are trying to usurp our lightning rod.
Spoiler this fucking degeneracy
So, we got Pigs and Birds (Muslims and Whites) but who are the Jews?
Then he starts implying he has sexual interest in Mighty Eagle and wants to ask him out. Chuck may just be a generic pussified bi degenerate.
The pigs do legit go full village people and dance around in cowboy hats and assless chaps that they rip off. There's one scene that honestly got my blood boiling where the pigs are overcrowding the beach like a human carpet. If you live in a major American city that is majority minority (what a cohencidence) or a European country that has been hit by migrants, you know that fucking feel.
Doctors and lawmakers.
Dr Wingstein for one.
I was born in LA.
Felt good when the pigs got BTFO at the end? Also, did you notice how easy they went down? Maybe commentary on how when the white man wakes and organizes, the subhumans crumble easily?
I was not ready for that, I cannot believe I am going to drag my wife to this move.
What was the point of that scene early in the film where Red walks past the guy in the blue building who is talking to himself? Another bird asks him something about whether one of them is for him.
I was too busy focusing on how the house is full of Algiz runes, otherwise known as the "life" rune, I'm sure many here are familiar with it.
House was filled with eggs and the bird was reading to them, lady asked if one of the eggs was his.
Looks like a birds foot
Save that for the sequel (didn't they imply there was going to be one at the end with Mudbeard hatching a new plot?)
Turns out rats masterminded the pigs' invasion?