We have all migrated to >>>/fur/ now due to the ridiculous botspam. We needed a refresher anyways, the old board was going down the drain. If you're a Holla Forums user who's a furry, this board is fresh and new over /furry/, so it could go much better than before.
Information For Furfags
Thanks. /furry/ was overrun, now I have a new home.
What are all the knock off boards you tried to shill?
>>>/1/ for Holla Forums what else? I know there is one for every major board like Holla Forumsand/pol/
FuckYou Asshole !!
Steal My Dubz??!!
I don't know if anyone has shilled /1/ lately but I own it. I mostly use it as a testing grounds so I don't have to experiment on Holla Forums.
What a dump.
Where's the rule outlawing disgusting gay fetish shit?
Dubs confirm I almost replied with confurm, that would have been shameful
Has bui found it yet?
what happened to the last bo
Doesn't seem like it. Also necrobump because lol
If your board is dead and you're going to migrate anyway, then go somewhere like 16chan or endchan. Otherwise the spammer is just going to find your board and do it all over again.
They'll get b& if I have my way.
We've moved back to /furry/ because the spammer took our board >:^(
lel that candy ass faggot really sucks at board destroying, have a small dedicated mod and he's gone in a wiff.
I know, he tried to pull that shit on my board
a whole ago and got BTFO'd instantly.
dysnomia here. Bui scares me.
You're really pathetic
dysnomia here. Bui scares me.
What the hell is a bui?
You need to lurk moar.
Maybe he dont lurk in furfag boards like you.
bui=board under investigation. always check your canarys kids
Cheeky cunt you are, but you don't fool me.
Lurk more faggot
You should too.
Furfags like you talk about this spammer each 5 minutes,stop sucking your spammers dick you fucking retard,he is a attention whore spammer he do it for attention.
obvous samefag
I'm not even logged in.
Oh, you must have shown up after moot fucked over 4/pol/. My bad, you're just retarded.
im gay
4/poll/ like the rest of 4duck was already fucked when this site was created in 2011 newfag
A retard who refuted every single newfag bullshit you just said.
You're wrong again.
Burn in hell, degenerates
hahahah you tried
wew? :^)
Wait, you own /1/ now?
Ayyy I haven't been to there in ages despite being a regular when it was still fresh.
>>>/fart/ for peace
how's the new board coming along?
t. not a furry