Liberal butthurt articles in 3…2…
I'd LOVE to see them try it
he is not even a nigger
sage for duplicate thread
hes the figure head. Its like how Obama isnt american but really a gay nigger muslim.
c-c-can they fam? we haven't had a good rebellion since '61. the last one.
Nero fiddled while Baltimore burned
My mom was like 'you could go to Baltimore!'. I was not enthused
Baltimorefag here. Something doesn't feel right. Everything is silent. Something is going down.
Fuck off weeb
whats the odds of a seattle chimpout?
>tfw have to wait a week and this happens
So, what's the prediction?
What level chimpout are we looking at in Baltimore?
Baltimorefag here. Something doesn't feel right here.Everything is silent. Something is going to go down.
Easily cat 3
shit sorry, idk if my connection is good on my phone.
None. Seattle has its nog element, but most have been forced out of the CD and Rainier Valley into places like Renton and Kent.
but go ahead and get ready because around blacks you can't relax
Any bongos off in the distance? Rustling trees?
Category 2
The locals are going native user, man the fort.
Niggers smell like shit, but hide well in shadows. Keep your ears and nose open.
Have you been to Tacoma?
Fucking niggopolis. I used to live there, recently moved, but every day was hell.
I used to live in tacoma around 25 years ago, the place always smelt like shit ("The Aroma of Tacoma"), but atleast it was still mostly white. Also lived in Kent, Federal Way, and Seattle. And fuck all of those places.
Sidenote: I got out of Washington altogether years ago, moved to Texas. The suburbs here are still white for the most part, but even that's slowly changing.
Also a Commie.
I moved to Seattle about a month ago because I was tired of being surrounded by niggers. I'm already planning to move out of state entirely, fucking denny heck gerrymandered the shit out of the state.
at least mount rainier blowing its top will give me a little catharsis.
Come to NC, user. White haven here.
what's the job market like?
So on a scale from 1 to 9/11 how sure are you that the NW Front is a black flag op?
Depends on what you're in for
Lots of tech-related jobs, we're like a non-cucked silicon valley of the east
Lots of shitty fast food jobs too if thats what youre into
Overall the job market's easy to get into
At least play along with the painting man pictures, geez.
i'm 99 percent sure the NWF is an FBI plant designed to dig up white soups. They're way too loud and brazen to be normal people, besides that most if not all skinheads are just plants.
No sane person would openly advertise themselves like that unless they were looking for trouble or trying to round the trouble up.
I just need a place with a low overhead so I can focus on my projects in peace without fucking
Travel like 30 min from Seattle in any direction and there's nothing but cowboy boots and Carhart. Except Tacoma. And Auburn aka Tijuanito.
I know it all too well. My hometown in Georgia was a black-majority town and the nigger children were out of fucking control. Thankfully, here in NC the niggers are either
1. Confined to their areas
2. Smart niggers that talk and act like white people
Does not compute.
I just can't even comprehend it. When I was a little kid I would run around the woods and grab frogs or fish, not smash windows with a curtain rack that's left outside for no reason and throw unopened soda cans at cars.
It's possible, user. They act like white people with black skin. Guess they were raised by whites or something.
Same here. It just makes no sense to me. They're so aggressive, so ignorant, so stupid, yet they blame us for being the ignorant ones. It's so hard to comprehend.
You definitely don't live in Charlotte.
I remember that faggot from the Ferguson threads
Nope. Right outside of Raleigh.
Charolette is a cuckhole.
Niggers in Charlotte act like how you would expect, outside the city they just live around too many white people who won't put up with that shit.
He looks like Bashar al-Assad
The weather is reaching Africa temperatures so they are instinctively drawn towards chimping out during the summer.
I'm trying to decide between Seattle and Austin coming from the East Coast, which would you say is better? Tech jobs wise they both look a lot better than where I am now. I've been to Texas but never Washington.
I'd love a chimpout, but it's been rainy and chilly, so we'll have to wait for it to clear and warm up.
I don't get that. Nogs are supposedly "more muscular" while having lower body fat %. They should be able to handle significantly colder than white people if that were true.
I heat my house to 63 degrees in winter in Wisconsin. It gets to sub 50 some cold nights. I enjoy it.
Never understood it either. They just can't handle the cold. I've seen grown nigs shiver like children while wearing multiple layers and sniffling snot, while the White dudes were laughing and having a good time in the same environment.
smart guy
Top Kek last fall in current year land I was wearing just a t-shirt while the dindoos and kebabs were wearing full winter coats and still shivering.
I have observed that there is very little dindoo activity during the winter, even when they wait for the bus they wait inside heated buildings while I'm standing in line for a good seat (front).
Seattlebro here.
Unlikely. As much as I want there to be festivities near by, is right, all our nogs are in Kent and Everette. Thank god I live in the suburbs.
how do you get arrested this much I thought they put you behind bars pretty fast and long for drug offenses in America or have libs blown this up too?
Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead will show you what to do. Easy lads.
I know nothing of value was lost that day, but one of those cops better go to jail, or I totally support a chimpout. Fuck, what am I saying, I always support chimpouts – they make for such great television
It isn't freezy, so chimpin should be easy.
Too many people are being sensible about Freddie Grey on Twitter.
Someone needs to stir the shit.
Niggers scream "kill him" and "get his ass" at Edward Nero.
Couldn't he just turn around at them and while winking say;
and get away with it? He couldn't be tried again.
Shit, I might be working in Charlotte soon.
How do I keep my sorry ass safe?
yes. when a citizen dies in custody, somebody better fucking go to jail. period.
He was a good boy, he was loved by his mama, and even had a nickname!
I guess since leftists are addicted to dopamine rushes it makes sense they want to encourage drug dealing.
whats the cenus Holla Forums whats the best streams to watch for happenings?
Go back to tumblr you nigger.
The dad is incarcerated by white supremacy!
that's not the story I heard. I heard they were roughing him up and taunting him, and they didn't buckle him into the seat properly. And, they slammed on the brakes just to fuck with him. but, if that what you said is true, then of course no one should go to jail. but, you and I know that's not what happened. Why do we both know that?
Well, because
Right? The more you assholes scream "kill the niggers; who cares," the more everyone thinks "holy shit those cops probably DID kill that nigger." You see what I mean?
Look, if this sort of situation happened with an individual citizen, I'd say throw it out, of course. But, when its government officials doing it, that's not acceptable. Just wait until the niggers are running large parts of cities and they start murdering honkies (which, actually, happens, but that's another converasation). Then, you won't be so happy about things. You won't think its so funny then. You little edgy teenyboppers need to grow up, widen your perspective and start thinking about the future.
Since no one ITT wants to have a real conversation, I'm out. I think there's a new fash the nation to watch anyway. Have fun larping as moonman.
why do we have to treat a nigger and a white the same way?
Nobody is screaming that. Also:
Lolbertarians are such pseudo intellectual shitbags.
Reminder that Baltimore was once the city that held out against British invasion and inspired the National Anthem. Now no American would ever want to live there.
that would be hysterical. Holy christ I didnt even consider that outcome. I dont know which I would like more:
both are lulzy as fuck.. I guess it is up to Kek at this point.
If I was him I would have started making monkey faces at them
TBQH that would actually start a full on race war.
(WarNigger 92K preordered)
I feel bad for what happened to the confederate flag nigger.
seattle is an SJW infested hellhole on par with places like southern California and germany
oh, and the homeless problem is so bad that the city is constantly drifting in and out of states of emergency
it would be fucking perfect if it wasn't for the people though
used to live there and it's absolutely gorgeous
if you want to work in seattle i would recommend living in the countryside outside of the city and commuting
the commute will be well worth not having to deal with those horrible fucking people all damn day
i shit you not, there's an honest to god statue of Lenin downtown
oh, and weed is legal and it's literally some of the best stuff on the entire planet
don't buy from the rec stores though
you should get a green card and buy from the medical dispensaries, their stuff is usually better quality and cheaper
Niggers aren't citizens
Chimpout imminent
how are these made
Southern California doesn't even have many SJW. It's all mudskins now. Seattle is way worst for those types… Starting at Monterrey, CA and ending in Vancouver Canada is just unending SJW
Oh you're talking about that old statue in Fremont right? I was 8 when the brought that eye sore in, it was all over the news. It still amazes me that they would put that shit there, I don't know if its still true today but the place used to have a lot of slavs that left Russia around, I imagine they wouldn't appreciate that shit.
I've only been to Fremont and it was easily one of the worst parts of Seattle. Its just hipster douchebags and the constant stink of weed fucking everywhere.
With a gun obviously. West charlotte is the worst.
I lived in Austin. Shitty attitude really hard to find an apartment; it's a small college town that is being swarmed with hipsters. Lots of events if you like to smoke weed and watch white girls dance with niggers to regay or dubstep. East and West and South and North are ALL niggers and Mexicans only… hell holes. You have to live in the middle of the city or in upper North East outside of the city. All of Texas is fucked unless you live outside it. Then it's just Mexicans and whites getting along for the most part in that depressed middle AMerica way.
Seattle was a good place but the hipsters moved in their too, since before there was hipsters those types have been moving in and destroying it from all over the country. They blame California because that's what's trendy but more of them are rich kids from places like Chicago or Minnesota. Portland is the same. SanFran is the same. Sacramento and Monteray are the same.
There is really no good placed left in the country. I was thinking about Las Vegas… Terrible hot place but it's fun and there are a lot of white people (meth heads mostly)
upper south east maybe, can't remember
Honestly I'd like to move to Arizona, it's just so damn hot and bright. Probably my favorite place I've been in the country though.
after i left seattle i moved to rural Appalachia because that's where my mom's side of the family is from
people give us a lot of shit, but this place is based as fuck
it's true that there's a large population of trailer trash here, and to be honest those people are lowest people in the entirety of the white race; but i feel 100x safer among them then i would in even a relatively nice black neighborhood
everywhere around here is >95% white
people here love trump, guns, traditional values, and don't tolerate gays or out of control niggers
there was a real life nigger lynching in the next town over from me a couple years back
if the local economy wasn't in the shitter this place would be a god-tier whitopia
Please nigs, please chimp out. I could use a spike in happiness.
I'm right downtown. Nothing happening. maybe nigs don't want to riot in thunderstorms.
Just stop posting you fucking moron
School must be out by now, shouldn't they have started already?
It's raining like crazy in Baltimore.
'lectricity be raycis
Yeah I've been there (been everywhere). I know what you mean. I would need some money or a better career because there is no way I can find a job or fit in just fit in without it
Leaving this here in case anyone is interested
Transcript of the verdict hearing for officer Edward M. Nero
how much nuffin could a dindu do if a dindu did do nuffin?
Soros is getting cheap these days, he should have paid for some cloud seeding so that his minions could have a proper day of trouble free rioting.
Is there actually a chimpout to happen?
pray to kek only the black cops get convicted
From the transcript:
literally the universe telling us that Milo "Nero" Egopolus is a fucking shill
Mens Rea a bitch.
Are there any riots planned yet?
Weren't they the only ones in the back with him?
Yes, if anything the black ones killed him anyway.
But whitey did it, black people dindu nuffin
omg that would be so fucking beautiful.
They might not riot as Soros's money is probably pretty tight right now with Hillary doing so poorly. Not much free for agitation.
they are going to go looting
free shoes and shit
maybe they get their shit together by tomorrow
they just need a crowd big enough so that they dont get arrested for acting like a monkey
Could just be the bad weather.
I'm tempted to think they're also running out of steam. George Zimmerman's heroics were a full four years ago and they've been chimping almost non-stop since then. And much of that was instigated by King Nigger himself along with funding from Soros. Yet they are still broke and violent niggers with the exception of the few who hit the ghetto lottery.
They may still have it in them to burn some shit down, loot some liquor sto's and weave shops though.
At least they learned to do something right after last year.
Either eye of the storm or weather is being raciss and isn't cooperating.
Migration from coming soon.
The fires start tonight in the rain and thunder of Kek's wrath, right? We make America great again from expelling the chimps, right?
How'd I do
Sounds like a white boi pretending to be black tbh
ebonics translator tbh. don't use apostrophes
I've got no idea, just didn't get the feeling that a black person wrote it.
He's right
Some tips:
None of them actually type out "Mufugga"
Try something like
"dis bitch finna burn to the ground #BaltimoreBurning"
Also I can help if you need help speaking nigger. Grew up in a nigger majority town so I understand them more than probably anyone else here on Holla Forums
use emojis
💯REAL NICCAS💯 Stay 🔥🔥👌👌 ⏰WOKE 🕓🕒🕑🕐🕛😂😂💣💣💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💣🔚🔚🔚🆙🆙 Smash🔨🔨🔥 👈👈 dat MUFUkin LIKE 👍👍👐👐👌👌🔥💣 IF U 🆖 WOKE 💯💯⏰⌛⏳💯REAL NICCAS💯 Stay 🔥🔥👌👌 ⏰WOKE
What does it mean to "Stay woke"?
Stay up late?
Will use more emojis next time
nigger redpilled pretty much
ie "the police hate niggas smh @ systemic racism"
Use more emojis but don't overdo it like this shit
No real person talks like that thats just the shit from /r/blackpeopletwitter made by white people to sound like black people and be funny
"Stay woke" is talking about the same kind of shit like "Open your eyes sheeple", being "awake" to whats really going on and not being a follower
Of course, that's all bullshit coming from them
the clocks move backwards and that's pissing me the fuck off
Well yeah obviously, its just hilarious.
Not shitton on ya m8 just letting him know
Also nice examples for the anons
Would make an account but making one specifically for tonight would be so obvious
It's the saddest fucking thing when someone realizes that everything behind the scenes is rigged, and that there really is illuminati-like shit going on, but they're too stupid to realize who is really doing it, or how to fight it.
I had a teacher in highschool that would always go on about how the governments were trying to fuck over common people, but her solution was to become more social and anarchistic, and to destroy nations.
Prisma Sympathy
No stream still?
I know that feel, friend.
Also had a teacher do the exact same thing. Was even teaching us IN HISTORY CLASS that 9/11 might have been an inside job but he wasn't naming the jew or anything like it.
And then there's the ones who realize SOMETHING is going on but instead of looking deep into it they look at what they see at face value: White people
They take that and run with it and blame "Old raycis republican white menz for all da shieeet"
It's disgusting.
Will get this down. Any word on a new chimpout?
Meant to post but I forgot.
that one's fuckin' good m8
What manner of ooga booga rune symbols are those?
God damn I love chimpout threads.
Every time its like pic related.
Is he going to go out in the streets or just sit here?
Same m8
Shit's so fucking fun.
The future is bright… Lambright
Probably just sit there, listening to the scanners and watching nig streams, like he usually does.
Praise kek!
tanks in 30 minutes
Old thread is kill
Have a fire moonman song
we have a visitor
Incident @ I-495 OUTER LOOP AT EXIT 38 I 270 (EB) [Personal Injury]
Incident @ US 50 WEST PRIOR TO LANDOVER RD [Property Damage]
Another two incident reports.
Also 4/pol/ thinks they heard someone on the scanner say "race war"
I'm not the only one who thought that…
erry time
"Group of boys on a property, refusing to leave…"
Is it beginning?
Also post more "protesters" getting rekt
Skip to :40 is you want to avoid most of the spic chanting
Well it's still hell, but it's not really unsafe now. Sanfranfaggots have been getting fed up with the rent control and construction regulations keeping housing costs sky high so they move to Seattle, which then forces the upper middle class yuppies out to the periphery of the city and eventually down to Tacoma. Housing is too expensive in Tacoma for nogs anymore, they're moving out to Lakewood, Spanaway, Kent and Des Moines. Hell now adays hilltop is looking more like cap hill than the nog infested shithole it was decades ago. You're more likely to get peppersprayed by an ugly problem glasses having chubby high waist jean shorts wearing sjw who felt threatened by your maleness than shot in Hilltop anymore. South Tacoma still sucks too but it's not really unsafe. The only crime that seems to go on down there is an occasional prostitution sting, poor white trash getting domestic disputes called in, and chugs joyriding in stolen cars.
Has it started yet?
I'm rocking some sailor moon all night long now.
skip to 15 seconds
We're bad goys.
Until people drive with malicious intent in those circumstances nothing more than a broken foot - at most - will happen.
whats the cenus Holla Forums? what are the best streams to watch for happenings?
great shit
Holy shit nice work m8
uhhh, you don't get to bring big guys
so fucking comfy right now
Do you think Nero is a big guy?
We need to make natural selection great again.
I have mixed feelings about being 20 minutes from where the relatively minor Trayvon Martin chimpout occurred. On one hand, I got to see the beginning. On the other, it'll probably never get as severe as it can here. I'll never have a happening I can do something in.
And that's why 'civil disobedience' is bullshit. People will stop treating you with civility once your dumb ass decides it's a good idea to sit in the middle of the road to make a political statement.
lol wtf
wew lad
Who else /comfy/?
It is happening.
Nothiefs is usually the best, unless an user can find some nig streaming on his obama foam.
Why don't we ever get streams of riots in Europe? Eurobros need to step up their game.
We just have to believe in America for the happening.
Shelton/Mason countyfag here.
I thought that too, but then I noticed the waves of Methheads and Mexicans
Luckily, I live far enough out that the burritos never bother me and to hell with moving back to Olympia, not when all the Evergreen College faggots and Nogs break windows on "Le Gommunist Reboludion Day :DDD" .
Starting to get noticed by dindus
Will we be able to encourage a full chimpout through Twitter?
European riots can be fun, but there's nothing like a good ol' fashioned chimpout.
Nice trips btw
We might not start the race war ourselves, but we'll sure as hell finish it.
Kek works in mysterious ways..
with some help from an old friend…
I wondered if anything came out of that thread
never post that image again, holy fuck you autists completely tarnish anything you fucking touch with your faggotry
Comfy music to celebrate the days after quite possibly the greatest chimpout of our time.
Got enough booze and snacks ready for when it goes down, hopefully people go in the streets to livestream it once it gets ugly.
More twitter shilling
Is this the catalyst we needed?
Also here's this wonderful idea from last year
Holy shit if these faggot hipsters don't stream this I'll explode
Yuyukow, you in here? Give me a heads up
I don't like glocks in general
GLAWK FAWTY is the only name they know, for all we know he could have saw a water pistol.
Kek has blessed us with a Magnitude 3.5 chimpout.
Pick one.
Praise kek!
Don't forget every long magazine semi-automatic pistol being an UZI MUHFUGGA!
dank oc
Dat dere 10 man mangler tho
Just look at this shit man.
Not true
They know:
Why u so rayciss mah nikkah
It's genuinely like watching a bunch of animals
Why the stupid pictures at the end? That shit bugs the hell out of me.
It's not good. But it's not bad either. Stop being a /k/ hipster.
Thats me user. Like you said that's the only gun they know. Can't shill with "saw a brotha wit a Colt LE6920 with Magpul furniture, Aimpoint T1 and Lancer magazine."
Predictions for tonight and tomorrow anons?
All that's needed now is to gather as many useful nigs near a live CCTV and watch them chimpout.
Gotta make it believable.
sheeeeit, is dat a LASAH SITE?!? finna snipe sum bitches
It's really disproportionate and overcompensatingly long, if you ask me. But I never liked glawks anyways.
It's just a slightly longer version of the same copypaste glock in 10mm with drilled holes for optics. Have you seen what it takes to add optics to an older glock? Now that's ugly.
Check for streams lads
These niggers will like and retweet anything
If they took one second to look at my profile they could figure out that I'm fucking with them, but they are too fucking dumb
Also I seem to have found a high quality coal burner, so get ready to be jelly
It may not be as reliable, but damn is it sexy
Sides in shambles
Totally bro, we really lost out bad on that one.
would be perfect with that
My favorite.
any chimpouts yet? when those niggas gun get in gear?
- Day 1 -
- Nightfall -
When is the chimpout going to start?
lots of reports on polizei scanner
but nothing huge yet
Getting anxious. Chimpout needs to hurry up. Anything major on the scanners?
How in the fuck is "being tossed 30 feet" a measure for anything?
ominous as fuck
This isn't working
I'm getting more attention from True Conservatives™ who think I'm serious than from dindus
Sides annihilated
Whoever said he lives in Baltimore: get off your lazy cracker ass and go record some action.
This lack of livestreams is shamefur
I just had an epiphany. What if there's some sort of science behind the sideways aiming method? Since blacks usually attack with drivebys by shooting haphazardly usually into groups of people hanging out on the sidewalk, if you could chose what kind of recoil you have, you would rather have it sideways rather than upwards right? Instead of missing above your target, you would be missing to the right of your target, which would instead make it hit the guy standing next to your target.
Obviously this doesn't apply to anyone who actually train with firearms since they are actually training to be accurate.
I doubt there's going to be a chimpout. The nog's' (((handlers))) are starting to realizing that chimpouts are just rapidly moving the overton window to the right.
We can go uglier.
That's a classy fucking weapon
Or perhaps what started as control opposition has lead to the organization of looters.
You don't think people have been networking during these BLM "protests"? While people were marching around, you had all these gangs out in the street together saying, "why don't we hide behind the cover of BLM and rob some shiet?".
Not bad, remember they say "dey" for "their"
I don't think they spell it day
Anyone got any good livestreams?
y tho?
I guess so you could duct-tape it to your leg or something, or shove it in your waistband easier, but, why?
oh fuck, I've only ever seen these things from the side and always wondered why people said they were so bad, but now I truly see
Holy shit.
Can practically hear the kvetching.
Rarely they do spell some things correctly. I find it gets more bites if you don't go full ghetto.
For instance:
Dis shit ain't gona stop until tha hood stop it fam. Got yo ass out da trap spot n do sumtin nigga. My crew rollin tn we ain't take did shit no mo. We finna war fam. 2moro we got faded 2nyt war.
Watch out for ambushes.
I s2g if there isn't a chimpout
Someone black up and start shooting.
Your sacrifice shall be remembered when you start the race war.
That disgrace for a gun just gave a pretty good idea for a ccw design.
ask the expert makers of the joke image, dude, it's probably a good measure of how far away from the cops an almost busted nigga can throw a hot gun
nah, lateral dispersion is just a side effect, the nigga hold is also less precise from the start, the weight of the gun (changing with depleting ammo) is less easily controlable by holding your wrist sideways
Minute 40 pretending to be pro-BLM on Twitter
I have found that the racial tensions in our country have reached a boiling point. I like to think that my Holla Forums brothers and myself have played some small part in starting to fire, or at least helping it rise. The normal people of the West are sick of being derided for their race and are now willing to face the slings and arrows of the media for the hope a brighter future.
In my quiet moments though, when reading through my notifications, I want nothing more than to lift off my ape-mask and declare "No! I am on your side." but I know that in all likelihood it would fall on deaf ears. Even if these non-Holla Forumsacks would agree with my views they no doubt would disagree with my methods. That is why, even if the West is saved, I feel that Holla Forums will always be my home. For who else would understand the drive to act like a chimp, to become a chimp, in order to witness another chimpout? While this RINO might be on my side, he will never be my true comrade. And I will never be able to give him the "attaboy" that he deserves for being willing to call a spade a spade, for I am the one who wears the guise of a dindu, perpetually behind enemy lines, perpetually alone.
That guy is just retarded.
And he cant even tell its a false nigger.
I don't think shit's going to happen tonight, or ever during from this. As I said elsewhere: their (((handlers))) have finally learned the chimpouts need to stop.
How did you get Ben Garrison to follow you? Lucky bastard
I feel you bro
I hope the race war starts before D-man gets sentenced so we can break him out.
Don't want him to get raped by giga nigga or given the death penalty.
After we've removed the nogs from our own countries and Trump gets elected, we'll take back Rhodesia and make South Africa great again.
Meme this chimpout to reality.
We're trying, but it's looking grim
Aw shit scanner's gittin' gud, bois
Link plz
Our children will pay for his 0bungaphone
NTA stream.
Thanks user
The red enema is the only way for most normalfags. They must feel the chimp before they can know the chimp.
I got that feeling, too. The media response has been pretty subdued, even after the verdict was announced there were only about 6 articles showing up on google.
Don't try to start it as though it's not started already.
Used a narrative in the context that something is already started.
Grab old pictures and clips of past riots that aren't famous or have no identifying features. Use those and post shit about;
Or however they "speak".
These shitters aren't organized, their (((handlers))) organize this shit. You need to work off of mob mentality, make them believe it's already happening.
Just tried it and it's super cool! Didn't want to take the label off my 2L though.
Sounds like another night in Baltimore tbh fam
Hey what's your fake twitter name so I can follow you?
Glad you're enjoying it berniebro! Have this to commemorate it, and make another one when he wins the primary!
I don't use twitter.
How are you helping rile them up then?
Nigga's need to step it up. People are getting impatient.
From the NTA chat:
God, I miss sailor moon. So fucking much.
is it worth watching?
I couldn't get into it when I watched a few episodes years ago. the story of the week format was a turnoff.
I'm not because I know it would take an account that's years old, with regular followers, and regular nig like tweets. This shit happens naturally, it can't be easily started from the outside. That's the issue at hand: they're subhuman niggers and start this shit on their own.
Not true at all.
All tweets go in a main feed sort of thing for every hashtag.
Loads of potential.
I'm in exactly the same boat. I live in southern California next to mexican chimpout town and I want to get the fuck out of here ASAP (after voting Trump in the general).
is there any chimping or are they now so lazy they only chimp on twitter?
Requesting night time looting pics from past chimpouts
This one's good. I doubt your average nog knows how to GIS.
Quick search through my folders
GW sold our Radio spectrum to the cell phone companies and in return they must supply lifeline™ phone commonly called Obama fones as part of the spectrum sale agreement.
So in a way you're not wrong because our children have lost a public resource but you're blaming the wrong POTUS
It's very monster of the week. If you can't get into that, then you can read the manga.
Most people watch monster of the week wrong, though. You aren't supposed to binge watch. it was designed to be a once-a-week show. Watch one episode a day and you'll fall in love.
It's a little slow in the beginning, but it picks up at the end of every arc. The arc finales are among the best times you'll have watching anime, I guarantee it. You can binge-watch those.
Wait until you get to the Nephrite arc. That's when it picks up like a Trump train.
The SoL also really picks up when all the girls are introduced.
Don't watch Crystal.
Too unique. Someone will know where that's from.
Unfortunately, all I have are Baltimore chimpout webms. The few pics I have were taken during the day.
Found some that can be used as a set over time.
The Train is from Ferguson. It was running around the riot trolling and trying to calm some of the protestors.
Those are good pics but TBQH they're too far into the climax of the rioting.
I wish I could help find some but I can't.
It's only 10 PM in Baltimore Holla Forums, it'll take a few hours or maybe even a few days before we see a level 3 chimpout.
In the meantime get comfy, reload some ammo, get Moonman playing and enjoy yourself.
I guess I fucked up then, I watched like 7-8 episodes and burned out hard.
just seeing the QUALITY threads on /a/ about it was pretty scary, are artists even taught basic anatomy anymore?
burumas tend to shape it like that
A set of pics with a group of nigs riding around in their car at night would be good.
Agree. Something to add liveliness to it. Though have to make sure it's not so far into the rioting that destruction is happening.
Will do.
tbh brown people should have never been allowed to obtain automobiles. the shit they do with them is revolting. has any user seen a nigger take a '70 chevelle SS and utterly desecrate it? they put those stupid fucking wheels on them and they paint it like purple and yellow and they jack it up and it looks like it needs to be put out of its misery
I heard ur dads a faggot
Dude to these pavement apes a million is huge bucks.
Seeing the abuse of beautiful machines does make me ill.
Nigger they rice the shit out of garbage.
thats some shitty buick, Im talking about the shit niggers do to cutlass supremes and monte carlos
Didn't mean pic related was beautiful – they ruin any machine, even supercars like pic related. They'd spray that Louis Vuitton shit on any car they could afford.
at least some not a lot of the mexicans can do a tasteful car, I've never seen a niggermobile that looked even remotely okay
all the generations of Impalas and tons of Buicks get the same treatment
nope spics are gaudy as fuck, they take muscle cars and make them look like fucking clown cars, the only thing spic invented that was kind of cool ( i admit) was the chop-top
Spicmobiles are usually disasters. If they don't look like a disaster immediately, then wait 5 seconds, and they'll dick around with their hydraulics.
I figured that out when I realized that their 'organization' couldn't even do real photoshoots of white couples that were part of the movement. All shitty edits of flags in the background of stock photo couples, stinks oh so terribly of shitty fbi crap.
If there are a lot of white people there are a lot of white people, regardless.
Nothing's gonna happen tonight, huh?
Yeah, start up where you left off and enjoy yourself.
The manga is miles different than the anime, by the way, so it's a vastly different experience if you decide to just read it.
The anime is also a reaction image goldmine, and has one of the best soundtracks in anime.
Have some patience. It was never going to happen tonight. Soros funds take time to transfer.
I said "not a lot" for a reason. the vast majority are shit.
every once and awhile you'll have one that doesn't fuck with the suspension, does a great job on the paint without going for the pinstriping brush, and doesn't get the awful tiny spoke wheels.
that's SEMA grade show car, but still.
I'll throw it on my backlog, got so much shit I want to see already.
My favorite classic that doesn't cost a small fortune is the '71 Duster. I am grateful that I haven't yet seen one niggified but that's probably only because they are on the rare side please don't r34 this one on me please I beg of you
Are any Twatter fags fanning the flames?
Any more good salt ?
>black folks conducting themselves in a civilized fashion the thread
Not rioting doesn't equal civilized
Get that shit out of my face nigger.
tone down the commas and spelling and shit
Bremertonbro here. No possible chimpout here because of lack of niggers running around.
So, has a Chimpout happened yet?
The one and only thing niggers ever invented was bling. Whatever nigger is wearing the biggest, flashiest shit is considered the dopest nigger in the village.
When they're not in Africa, their instinct for bling expresses itself through the mutilation of cars and draping themselves in the most retarded bullshit they can buy at walmart.
Fucken kek.
It's actually pretty difficult to write like they do, I haven't even come close to mastering it
It is the theory of concentration. If they collude, they chimpout. If they are the minority, they become decent and almost forget their so called heritage (biological and social.) Same as mudslimes, they can live secular for 100 years, np, but the moment they get over 10% they califout.
His name is now
They're just going to loot stores and vandalize a few blocks as usual.
I used to deal with RTP when I was at IBM. I imagine there is still some of that left.
We also decided Cory "Dropping Michelle like a Nuke" Lewindowski looks like Assad too
Did you seriously miss when tay was a thing
I need a equivalent for "police brutality" victims. That way, I'll have something for whenever my normie friends bring up BLM.
Don't worry if there's no riot over this particular verdict. There are millions of other wild felonious niggers, one of whom will step out of line in the presence of a chimp wrangler and we'll start this all over again.
Liberal donors are too busy with Hillary's failing bid to fund agitation right now. So nothing will happen.
smh tbh fam
That's so fucking lame. This election is fucking up everything, I swear.
Looks like nothing happens if Soros doesn't have time to open his checkbook.
Also starting a reply with "That's not the story I HEARD. I HEARD" . Unless you're a 65 year old cunt spinster who's gossiping at the hair salon, never expect to be taken seriously when you say that.
That's what the media wanted.
I've heard that there were more media personnel than protesters outside of the courthouse.
Is that why they evolved to have giant lips that hang open?
Are you kidding me?
Probably reverse. Hanging lips as sexually attractive trait evolved, then culture arose around that.
"Only cops get fair trials!"
They even admit it was a fair trial… these people are morons!