Hello 8/b/
I wanna get a wrist tattoo
Give me some ideas
I'm a girl btw
Will post the proof once I get it
Hello 8/b/
I wanna get a wrist tattoo
Give me some ideas
I'm a girl btw
Will post the proof once I get it
Other urls found in this thread:
get a straight line tattoo down the entire wrist, and have it done with a razor
Don't post tits, but do post results
How about this ?
That's useful information in this context
I don't think you should get a tattoo, but if you do have one, don't base it off of anything western and contemporary. If I were you, I'd get a cool not-yakuza-tier oriental tattoo on or behind one of your shoulders. Only if you're attractive, though.
If you're not, it's easier on your life to just not get one.
If you're a fat, degenerate bar wench, don't be one.
So you're not from around these parts. Either for sake Holla Forums for a non-cancer board like Holla Forums and lurk more, or get the fuck out.
God fuck it.
go clean your room, kevin
أنا قحبة
You Can't Stump The Trump (nice and big)
That'll label you as a disturbed child and you'll spend the rest of your life explaining who he was.