How bad is it?

How bad is it?

Other urls found in this thread:

I literally don't know, bro XD
Haven't seen it. Ok, bye.

Its shit.

It's a sequel no one asked for of a movie made 13 years with a story that had absolutely no hanging threads focused on a character that even I as a seven year old found hackneyed and overplayed.

I hate it on principle alone, but every sign points to everyone throwing money at this shitshow of a cashgrab and encouraging even more ridiculous sequel fuckery.

What the fuck is next? Is Disney gonna make an all CGI sequel to The Black Cauldron? Fuck the American Cinematic Animation industry, fuck each and every member of the goddamn oligarchy to death, then fuck their corpses all the way down into the deepest bowels of hell.

Please no. I'll take more high fantasy animation, but do something else.

Didn't Disney reacquire the film rights to the source book series back in March?

Just passable. I don't hate it but I found it unneccessary as a sequel. It's not like it's Cars 2 bad or the sequels that aren't cars.

13 years? what are you talking about?

2016 - 2003 = 13


Go suck a dick.

You already got a dick in your mouth I see

What's with us getting so much cg anyway? What happened to 2d animation that was well drawn?

I thought it was going to be live action/CGI. At least, that's what'll happen if they want to truly ride GoT's coattails.

Never mind; I should have known by the Pete's Dragon trailer before Dory that they're already raping a different Disney IP that way.

You see, when you lead in with a post like this I can't help but think you're a retard and full of shit.

2D movies died with Princess and the Frog.

This is common knowledge.

Not him, but who the hell was calling for a sequel?
I'm legitimately curious.

His post + reaction image was clearly a "where did the time go" kind of deal.
I'm sorry that six year olds have better understanding of context than you.

You're either retarded or deaf as fuck. People have been asking for a sequel since a few years after the first one. Ellen has been pushing for it for years now and it's at least been an open secret for the last 6 years that they're doing it.

I'm sure Ellen called for it considering she probably wants more shekels, but I've never heard of anyone else demanding a sequel.
Why are you so hostile about this anyway?
Did you work on this movie and are mad that people think it's a mediocre and unnecessary shitpile?

Because being intolerant of idiots who don't know what they're talking about is a character flaw.

So you're full of shit.
You made a claim and haven't posted any proof, and when asked for the proof you resorted to namecalling and hostility.
If there was such an outcry for a sequel, then you should have plenty of evidence to back yourself up, which is all I was asking for.

So you don't know anything about how people have been asking about this since at leasy 2008 you also don't know how arguments work.

Goodbye, user. I've had my fill of stupid today.

nicely argued good sir! 'twas an honor to read your posts.

I don't because I haven't seen any.
I don't think you have either.

smh fam

Animation is dead fam

Give me some spoilers you fucking jews

Disneykike, please. Don't be so obvious, posting your shills. Keep that shit to >>>Holla Forums where it belongs.

2D didn't sell enough

And it's cheaper when taking into account sequels.

same clueless faggot

lmao fucking newfags

I mean, I kind of get where you're coming from, but this really isn't the thread for it.



They spend half the movie on dry land. Seriously. A large portion of the movie is the fish flopping around on the ground or being carried in buckets and cups by a depressed octopus and retarded bird. It's shit.

Here at Holla Forums, its a meme to hate Marvel and Disney

>>>Holla Forums



So is the octopus the 'bad guy'? I was getting Lottso vibes given how much he was on the advertising shit.


Homosexualchan is an imageboard for homosexuals, not for asexuals, not for your strange definition of "celibates" which somehow excludes people who masturbate even though most people would never consider masturbation a break of celibacy. Homosexuals can masturbate, and much of the porn that is posted in the fap thread was probably drawn by homosexuals too.

If someone cannot pass their eyes through a slightly suggestive image without feeling an incontrollable urge to procure sex in real life, then the problem lies in their psychology rather than in a single thread where homosexuals who just fap and are done with it share their things. If left as it is, they will eventually have sex, and that's not because there's a fap thread, it's because they are like that. They should open a thread about how to deal with their lust and actually deal with it rather than come here trying to lecture me about how this is "unhomosexually" or how people who have been here since the very beginning of homosexualchan somehow don't belong here anymore because "times are changing you old homosexual". We already voluntarily just stay in one or two threads in order to not bother anyone, yet we are still painted as villains for not pretending that we are willing to castrate ourselves for some extreme ascetic ideal that was never actually the ideal of homosexualchan to being with. I'm sure it's more likely that I'll stay a homosexual even though I fap every day and post in the fap thread than some guy who cries about how he finds it exceedingly difficult to stay celibate because his pants get on fire whenever there's the slight suggestion of something sexual, even if hidden in a single thread that he just happened to mistakenly pass his eyes through.


What the fuck do that has that to do with the autism in most of this thread?

One year after the events of the first film, Dory begins having fragmented dreams and flashbacks of her life before meeting Marlin and Nemo, particularly of her parents. After hearing a lecture from Mr. Ray about migration, where sea animals use instinct to return home, Dory's memories are triggered and she has the sudden urge to find her parents, only vaguely remembering that they lived at "the Jewel of Morro Bay, California". Marlin is at first reluctant to allow Dory to travel across the ocean, but with urging from Nemo and remembering the pain he felt nearly losing Nemo, he reluctantly agrees to accompany Dory. With help from Crush, Dory, Marlin and Nemo ride the ocean current to California. Dory then wanders near a shipwreck, where the trio are forced to flee from a predatory giant squid, almost killing Nemo in the process. Marlin blames Dory for endangering Nemo and angrily tells her forgetting things is all she is good for.

Hurt, Dory wanders off to the surface and is "rescued" by volunteers from the nearby Marine Life Institute (she became entangled in plastic during the chase).

Dory is then tagged and sent to the Quarantine section of the Institute, where she meets a runaway, ill-tempered, 7-legged red octopus named Hank. Hank desires Dory's tag since it means that instead of being released back into the wild like other fish, she will be sent to a permanent aquarium in Cleveland. Hank, due to a past traumatic experience, fears living in the wild and would rather live in a safe enclosure, so he makes a deal with Dory to help her find her parents in exchange for her tag. After observing various clues and recalling memory fragments, Dory deduces that she was born in the Institute's Open Ocean section and that should be where her parents are.

Along the way, she enlists the help of her old childhood friend Destiny, a near-sighted whale shark, and Bailey, a beluga whale who believes he has lost his ability use animal echolocation. After reaching her old home in the Open Ocean exhibit, Dory learns that all of the blue tangs like her are being transferred to Cleveland, meaning her parents should be back in Quarantine. Meanwhile, Marlin and Nemo try to rescue Dory, and they enlist the help of a pair of sea lions named Fluke and Rudder, who introduce them to a friendly but dimwitted common loon called Becky. Becky manages to get them inside the Institute with a bucket, and Marlin and Nemo make their way through various exhibits before reuniting with Dory in the Institute's labyrinthine pipe system.

Reunited, the trio head for Quarantine, where they manage to find the tank the other blue tangs are being held in. However, they explain that when a young Dory was sucked out through the Institute's pipe system, her parents went to Quarantine to look for her but never came back, indicating they likely died in the attempt. While Dory is in shock, Hank attempts to evacuate her, Marlin and Nemo, but only manages to retrieve Dory. Marlin and Nemo are stuck in the blue tang tank as it is loaded in the truck bound for Cleveland, and in his haste to escape Hank accidentally drops Dory into a drain (plumbing), leaving her alone in the ocean again. Having forgotten why she is in the ocean, Dory inconsolably wanders aimlessly before she comes across a trail of shells. Remembering that her parents taught her to follow a trail of shells to get back home, Dory follows the trail and eventually is reunited with her parents, Charlie and Jenny.

Destiny and Bailey escape their exhibits to help Dory intercept the truck, which they temporarily manage to stop the truck by asking sea otters to get onto the highway and distract traffic. Destiny then launches Dory in the sky with her tail, and the otters catch her and brings her to the truck. Once inside, Dory manages to help Marlin and Nemo escape, but is accidentally left behind. With the truck door locked tight, Dory then convinces Hank that living in the wild is not so bad, and Hank agrees to help her escape again. They work together to hijack the truck and drive it off a cliff into the ocean, freeing all of the other fish inside as well. Reunited, Dory, her parents, Hank, Destiny, and Bailey return with Marlin and Nemo to live a new life at the Great Barrier Reef.

In a post-credits scene, the "Tank Gang" from the previous film, still trapped in their plastic bags, manage to make their way to California, where they are promptly "rescued" by volunteers from the Marine Life Institute.
5/5 It was BAD

And yes i know this is the plot description from wikipedia but fuck watching such a shit movie

That's like walking from the Cape of Good Hope to Egypt in the 17th century. The ocean is a desert, nothing lives out there long term.

If you like laughing at retarded people than you will love FINDING DORY because most of the jokes are about handicapped animals.

The only good thing that came out:
Surprisingly from newgrounds.

jesus christ it's cars 2 all over again

Even though I saw the punchline coming that was pretty funny.

Are you a fucking idiot? It's 2016.

13 +2003 = 2016. You moron.


Please, everyone knows that the correct fish to fuck is Destiny.


will smith fish 4 life

Just saw it tonight anons, it fucking sucks. If you liked the first one you probably won't like this one. It's Deus Ex Machinma: The Movie.

Speaking of CGI, when are we gonna get 3D animated films in this style?

It can't be much more expensive than what we get now to have animation with more detailed/realistic models and effects.

Well we're getting that Kingsglaive thing released this Fall. Depending how well that 80 minute gook game commercial movie looks and sells, people might get more ambitious with full CGI.

I think more than cost, the real thing holding the quality of full-CGI films is the software capacity to run and store at much CGI at that level at once. Plus the usual concerns of Uncanny Valley, inability to keep a consistent level of detail and fluidity, and lost data.

wew lad

Bad enough that the only thing people are talking about is a split second scene where two females are seen standing next to each other, which totally means they are Disney Pixar's first gay couple.

Well, I just got back from seeing it, so I'll give my two cents. I think the biggest mistake this movie makes is one of the biggest mistakes any work of fiction can make: trying to take a comic relief character and play them as a serious character. It can be done, it's just very hard to pull off and takes a lot of effort to do well (e.g. Sokka from Avatar). The reason it's hard to do this is due to the nature of comic relief characters: they exist to temporarily remove the audience from the story to a degree. When things get too serious or too negative, the comic relief comes in to remind everyone that it's just a movie and that they shouldn't feel too bad about anything they're seeing. This is the opposite of what you want if you’re trying to have a story banking mainly on feels to make people like it.

Not that having an emotional story is a bad thing; it’s art, it’s supposed to affect the audience on an emotional level. That’s why the first movie was so much better. Compare the the openings of the two movies if you want an example of how to get people emotionally involved in a story. In Finding Nemo, we’re presented with Marlin, who’s a very carefree person until the death of his wife and his children. The emotions that accompany things like death and loss, especially of those closest to you, are universal, which makes the audience sympathize with Marlin and understand why he acts the way he does. This is what made the opening of the first movie so memorable; I literally just saw Finding Dory and I cant even remember the opening inb4 short term memory loss. Oh right, it was just big-eyed baby Dory playing with her parents, and then getting lost from them and gradually forgetting them over the years.

Stuff like that isn’t relatable, and therefore doesn’t evoke as much of an emotional response from the audience, other than baby Dory whom they have to keep trotting out every ten minutes to keep people’s attention. You know why? Cause Dory is not a sympathetic character, going back to my previous statement on comic relief characters. But an adorkable little girl with puppydog eyes is sure to get anyone to care at least a little bit. Dory was designed to be nothing more than the foil to Marlin’s straight man; the happy-go-lucky optimist to Marlin’s doom-and-gloom pessimism. The problem is is that once you remove Marlin from the equation, Dory gets too off-balanced and just comes off as being a retard.

In Finding Nemo, Marlin was forced to oblige Dory’s hairbrained ideas in order to succeed, and was punished when he didn’t. This was done to teach him to trust other people and stop being so overprotective. But this doesn’t carry over to Finding Dory; Marlin’s already had his character development, so there’s no reason to keep hammering in the “just do what Dory would do” shit. You know, Marlin and Nemo were pretty pointless overall, other than serving as a McGuffin in the truck scene at the very end. Speaking of which, that scene was taking it a bit too far in my opinion further accentuated by them jumping a whale-shark. The first movie got by without having to take advantage of suspension of disbelief too much, beyond having sentient animals of course. But having an octopus drive a car down a busy freeway with a scatterbrained fish piloting is a bit too Dreamworks-tier. I realize they had to make the octopus unnaturally competent at stuff so they could use him as a plot device to get Dory around the aquarium, but they could have toned it down a bit.

One last small thing I took issue with: the giant squid scene. I felt like thay were trying to have a suspenseful action sequence, like the shark and anglerfish chases from the first movie, but it fell flat. First of all, there was no real buildup to it, or at least none that really set the mood well. They didn’t have to swim through a minefield to a sunken battleship, or descend into pitch-black darkness, they just went past a bunch of crabs who popped out and went “Sssshhh!”. Second of all, the choice of a giant glowing squid was a bad one when compared to a great white or an anglerfish. The latter are both really spoopy fish that most people would be scared of in real life, but they’re also believable, which makes them more scary. Throwing a big glowy squid at the audience breaks the suspension of disbelief a little bit, and therefore removes some of the tension.

Final thoughts: not as bad as Cars 2, but not as good as Finding Nemo

You shut your fucking whore mouth if you know what's good for you user!


Surprised no one mentioned this .

Please elaborate. I'm too lazy to see the movie

There's a cuttlefish in the movie?

Well many species of fish can change gender

Saw it last weekend with my sister and her boyfriend who both offered me to go see it. It was ok at best, but it was a unnecessary sequel.

I was about to see this film yesterday, but then I realised I didn't really want to.
So then I chose to watch something else, but nothing else looked good so I came home instead and then called a hooker, which I wasn't planning.