Who else agrees that this symbol of hatred should be banned and anyone caught growing it should be imprisoned?

I comment the social justice BBC for alerting us to these disgusting bigots and racists

Other urls found in this thread:≠-more-butterflies/

What, does this flower spit allergenic pollen at niggers or something?

Would have been amusing to think even plants respond negatively to specific races.

No, they are non-toxic which makes them one of the recommended flowers for people with dogs and cats.


Have an archive, user:

So what are you favorite flowers?

I'm a huge fan of blue delphiniums.

I don't know I'm not a fag.


Sunflowers and lilies.

Such a terribly written article, and of course they have to get that anti-Trump jab in there.

There's nothing gay about gardening, and I would highly doubt that most of the meth addicts in bath houses know anything about that pursuit.



I worked in an herbarium in uni so I got to see a lot of the world's flowers. I gained an appreciation for flowers then. What is this meme that enjoying nature is faggy?

I like bigger flowers more than the many small ones.

In particular tulips and orchids (inb4 fag).

Orchids are hella interesting. I have some phaelonopsis at my house, super resilient plants. They're actually one of the oldest plant species and have evolved to become hyper-attune to their environment because back then competition between plants was so fierce.

If you like big flowers, check this out.


I like lilac, because they smell awesome. They are blooming here right now.

Peace lilies are pretty awesome too. They survive anything and noticeably improves the air quality. I have them all around the house.

So what should Holla Forums's official flower be? Poison oak? the briar (patch)? Black Dahlia?

Holla Forums approved plant: ricinus communis

I like poppies, but I would like to learn more about flowers and the chemistry behind it as I would like to be able to learn to make medication and poison from plants.

Lilies have interesting symbolism, and they're suprisingly resilient. Mostly purity in varying ways.

Even flowers hate niggers.


Fished around, saw a list I found really fucking fitting.


I see what you did there…

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

If my country can't be fascist at least my garden can be.

I love Confederate Jasmine. They smell great and have this nice star shape to the flowers.


Tell me more, user. I live in Florida where our air is a humid soup of eugh. And that's when the paper factories in Georgia can't be smelled.

Wisteria sinensis is h'white and redpilled


The red rose is the flower of white people.

Kill yourself, horsefucker.

How do we destroy the BBC Holla Forums?

Ban a flower? This is unprecedented, what kind of degenerate would want to ban a flower?

Hawthorn and Lilac

Right Wing Death Flowers ?

Can we get a petition together to ban dogwood trees? They're blossoming right now and every time I go outside I get blasted with hot jizz smell. Why anyone grows an ornamental tree that smells like someone knocked a 50 gallon drum of jizz over is beyond me.

Lilac and Gooseberries?


You know most Africans prefer the smell of skunk juice to cinnamon? Niggers the world around are absolutely revolted by cinnamon.

In terms of smell, dogwoods are the curryniggers of the plant world. Rafflesia is the nigger of the plant world, though.

Europeans are inherently part of nature, lesser races are afraid of it.

Fuck everyone that plants these things

It's like these kikes have nothing else to do rather than make shit up

How do I get one of these flowers so I can wear it around?

This flower is endangered, as it spread by mixing it's seed with the wheat.

I kind of forgot to mention it's named cornflower, as it grew among the corn in the fields, before the farmers started buying clean seeds from the multinationals.

The worst part is that you can't talk about the smell because everyone will think you're some kind of cumdumpster. Jizz I tell you, those things smell more like jizz than jizz. God damn, my mother even calls them cum trees. You think I want to raise christian children around that?

Buy copper nails that you hammer into the stem.

The plant Clematis or some other climbing plant with flowers and a nice smell, that can use the dead tree as support.


You know have a pretty tree filled with pretty flowers, that also smells very nice.

Fucking this.
Anyone who knowingly plants pozwood should be sent to the fucking gas chamber.

You have no idea how bad the problem is here. Every single tree-lawn has one of the fuckers parked on it, I live in an old-growth neighborhood. It smells like Rubio's hamper outside, it's hot as hell inside, and if I open my windows, my whole program is going to be bukkaked.

And the bullshit of it all is, if my legal grow-op isn't filtered through 6 carbon scrubbers, I get a "smell ticket" that is basically a noise violation. I have to go to court and pay a $200 fine while any fucker can plant one of those cum pylons and everyone has to pretend it doesn't smell like a thousand loads. Fucking stink bigots.


get the irish to bomb them

havent heard that one.

arabs cannot tolerate any hot spice at all,
any spicy food consumption causes arabs to cry uncontrollably.

The national flower of Estonia

Probably not. I don't understand why you just kill the cum-pythons?

A few copper nails in the sapwood,and the problem is solved, and the flower that can use the dead three to climb is almost infinite.

I don't have that problem, but you might live far enough south to plant some strangler figs, that will turn the dogwood into fig-trees.

Known Dogwood parasites might also be something to look into.

Pretty cool, never seen them before

I like Butterfly Bush. Not only attracts every butterfly in the area, but humming birds love them too.

Everything associated with the nazis must be brought up and blacklisted as a hate symbol, a hundred years later, hundreds of years later, for the genetically inherited suffering of kikes seems to be ceaseless…huh, Hitler believed in breathing oxygen. Matter of fact every Nazi breathed oxygen every single day. Jews and Israel-allies better stop all that, symbol of hatred.

Will they ever give it up or just keep bitching and moaning how jews were the ONLY victim of WWII and despite all the special privileges, reparations, aid, memorials, halls, and special statuses, it still doesn't amount to even one lost jewish fingernail on the sixteen gorillion bodies.

Chamomile because it is delicious as tea.

What is wrong with you shitlords?

But muh Native Americans!

Seriously though, what makes Europeans special is that we're part of Nature, but we can make her change.

I've always like the unique Lily of the Valley.
It's a charming flower and has deep symbolic roots in Christianity.
It also contains a number of extremely deadly toxins in all parts of the plant.

Hive mind.

I was trying to remember what these things were called. I remember seeing them as a child and thinking they looked awesome.

butterfly bush, despite its name, interrupts the reproduction cycle of the monarch butterfly and causes fewer to be born.≠-more-butterflies/

my sides



just laugh at it.

They've been pushing this very hard recently. They had a 'comedy' about a young guy fucking a middle aged tranny on a few months ago

I like lots of flowers
tiare, lotus, hibiscus, river beautys, ladyslippers

anything that can transform a large area

I fucking hate those things, they make the entire area smell like some faggots breath who just walked out off a bathhouse


The desperation is so real, I can feel the flop-sweat through the screen.

Lol. What an overcompensating faggot.

Ma nigga!.

I also like lilies and hyacinths.

I don't know you're not not a fag, either, but I'm willing to bet you are.

sunflower master race here


nice satan trips

In its defense along with pygeum and cranberries it is among the best remedies for prostate and urinary tract issues.


is dat some oc?


is it okay if I like huge fucking fields of dandelions?

You could always bring the thread back on track, by googling cornflower + romanticism.

The flower has a fantastic lore, but I don't have time to reread it all before this thread dies.

that rune in that position is bad meming


I bet women like the tree without knowing.

Sometimes the Beeb forgets that there's a world outside of their mad Marxist bubble, I love those times.

That is hilarious. I have never heard of these trees before. Where do they grow?

Real Runes don't change meaning depending on orientation.

This means that you could write them on the floor, and read them from any direction, and weave them into your sails and flags, because you can mirror them as well, without changing the meaning.

He's right though. The rune in your original pic is the death rune. That's why it's hidden in the 'peace' symbol pushed onto us by the kikes.

The inversion of that rune is the health and life rune, a way better meme if you're using runes.

For example, the Scottish liberal faggot party uses the inversion of the 'wealth and land' rune because they are subtly signalling (memeing) that they are the party of anti-wealth.

Weird. I meant to post this pic.

the "peace" symbol doesnt mean peace, its the naval call sign 'CND' which stands for Call for Nuclear Disarmament


Why would you think Jews give a single shit about this set of ancient letters? For what reason would they care?


No but seriously. What significance do these runes have? If you arent going to tell me, how can you expect me to believe you?

Are the Jews going to drive the blue cornflower to extinction, because NEVAR 5GET?

Realistically, no one gives a shit. It's just an interesting historical tidbit that gives the symbol a hidden context.

its the symbol for the Nuclear disarmament movement in the 60s, liberals just never take the time to learn what exact it is thats spewing from their mouth, so both "call for nuclear disarmament" and "V for victory" ended up being the 'peace' sign

go away
You make me ashamed to be gentile, like you goyim

My bad Im not up to date on the latest info and significance of various runes, faggot.

Enjoying your subscription to "Esoteric Dickhead Monthly"?



pic related

saved as hugeSexualOrgan.jpg

My cock is also a remedy for all of your prostate issue.

In case you have not noticed yet, this topic is censored all over the internet.

Have you realized yet that you are in a containment board?

One of us got out, and it got viral, 60k subscribers in 2 days, 2million total video views before being shut down. And now they don't even want you to know that our ideas are like oxygen for the brainwashed millenial normie.




Basically everyone was talking about this chick on hundreds of youtube channels and we had the opportunity to organize and raid youtube because we had practically been invited to do so by a cohort of confused millennials who were being exposed to our ideas for the first time via Evalion.

Rather than organizing we had the coalition of freakshows who are e-besties with our pathetic mods on IRC organized against us to shut down this topic here until the trend passes as it will and no one on youtube even remembers who Evalion was, the content of her videos and the narrative hardens that the Right Side of History won once again. Basically there is a conversation being had that we could dominate that we are not even taking a hand in instead being consumed by faggy leftists spamming our board, shutting down conversation with the help of the mods.

This same bullshit happened with the "Long Live Holla Forums!" spam wherein the board was unusable for days, and continued getting low level raided for a month and the mods simply banned anyone either counter-spamming or criticizing the mods for not just doing their jobs and banning the 'Long Live Holla Forums!' spammers.

Our mods are not Holla Forums and never have been. That's why they have no engagement with the community. Imkampfy also tried to shut down and shill against Trump early on and his cabal of IRC trannies, faggots, and mystery meat used the same exact arguments about 'worshiping some celebrity' arguments to attempt to shame us into silence.




The price of 64 salamander souls was a bit high for me.


And gave that totally random conversation an equal share in your article, lol no.


Has this been posted yet?

Into the trash you go.

Considering all the effort white man put into creating the modern roses it should be way up the list.

The lotus, of course.

BBC=British Blasphemic Cucks



Good to know all three levels of my government have flowers or plants as logos.

Liberals are literally getting triggered by flowers. This is the modern world in which we live in

I was told Corningware was changed because people were using it to make meth. Was it also because of raycisss?



wild blue lupine


Fucking lol.

I bet the liberals pushing this don't know the flower they picked after the war was just a substitute for cornflowers anyway. Pic related, the current flower of Austria.

Bat flowers, indian pipes and passion flowers are my all time favorites. Indian pipes are cool because they dont contain chlorophyl and instead get their energy from trees like a parasite.

Most orchids get their stuff from other plants as well.

Only orchids living on mountainsides don't.



not the place for it

Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush

Stopped reading there. I can't stand these faggot journalists that wish they could have been successful novelists, but they were too shit at writing, so they subject everyone to these shitty boring scene descriptions at the beginning of their articles. It's always some guy sipping a beer, or taking a drag from a cigarette, or leaning against a wall, it's fucking gross. It's borderline homo-erotic. When the day of the rope comes, and journalists are being hung, we hang these faggots first.

Cherry Blossom or the Lotus.

Bradford pear trees got to go too then, fucking disgusting things and they're everywhere where I live

Dahlias my dude

El Clavel Español es la mejor flor, por supuesto.

Any man who doesn't like flowers is gay. Throughout all of human history, women have used flower scents for perfume and decorated themselves with flowers. So if you don't like the way flowers look or smell, you're probably a faggot 'cause you don't like how girls smell.

Some of my favorite flowers:

Spider lilly
Rain lilly
Passion flower
Indian paint brush
Devil's corsage
Blue curls
Lilly of the valley

That first image is amazing. Germany right?

Lilacs are the best.

Cherry blossoms

These fuckers are really fucking pathetic if they need to drop his name in unrelated articles.

The rose is to western culture what the lotus is to orientals


So blue dicks then?


A bunch of wild lavender encountered on a walk/hike always brightens my mood.

Who cares, Trump is a kosher jew pet anyway.

sounds like something you would call mothers in fascist families

Nothing more fine than a pond full of waterlilies. Some canny gook managed to breed blue hardies and I've been itching to get my hands on those.

I bet this is actually true.


But the spice things is not true of (Asian) Indians.

But the spice things is not true of (Asian) Indians.

This is not the blue flower from Batman Begins?
The one that made a city eat itself in violence?

Holla Forums trying hard again.

I'm partial to the sun-jew myself
How many of the flowers here are carnivorous?


Oh neat, you learn something new every day.



You're a big flower

imagine having to deweed that field

imagine living near that field

and get your shit fucked up every year by an invasion of dandelion seeds

this is retarded faggotry
so what is the calc rune, then?

That English is starting to use the English flower names again, is one of the trends that go in the right direction.





Yes all flowers are racist.

Trees are racist too, because they're used for the white Christian holiday known as Christmas as a symbol to oppress Islam and trees are used to hang those poor Africans.

Destroy them all.

Then say goodbye to the food supply and starve to death, you dumb cunts. Then again, the SJW whales need to stop eating so much, so seeing them starve would be a good thing.

Holla Forums's national flower

Dear god, they are actually, genuinely progressing to the point they will start opposing and demonizing water and dogs because Hitler liked dogs and drank water. It's actually happening.
