Would you suck her dick?

Would you suck her dick?

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Would you suck the pp?

B…but that's a gril user!

You poor fool

Do you faggots seriously not see the difference between male and female facial features?

Wew lad

Almost like look can vary. There's masculine looking women too, does that make them men despite their cooters, hairy though they may be?

There are very specific facial features that are a tell-tale sign even in the earliest cases of hormone treatment.
Trust me, this is my autism, I've honed it well over the years.

Women can be hairy and have big jaws but the way they are hairy and the shape of their jaw is what tells you they are still women. Of course you take the entire face and body into consideration, but usually the jaw is enough.

You are just butthurt, either because you thought it was a girl, or because you are attracted to or want to be a CD/trap.

I can't tell from this kid's jaw that its a boy. Enlighten me how you could? Maybe use the picture and some arrows to point to areas of interest?

I'm sure there are both men and women whom you think you could tell their genders based off of their jaw lines and be incorrect.

Nope. Would let him suck mine though if that's an option.

Quantum gender is a sjw fallacy.
Dick=male=his as possessive pronoun.

I don't think you know what quantum means

except you are wrong, those facial features develop with the onset of puberty and the effects of testosterone.

Ha. You tell him user, what a faggot.

I think you can tell if you're looking for it, say if you were given two pictures and were told one had a dick and the other didn't… But unless you're actively looking for the signs you won't notice a pre-puberty hormone treatment one…

the hips are usually a better giveaway than the jaw anyway

once again talking out your ass, the hips are the same unfused hips in men and women up till puberty, the estrogen causes them to spread… you are wrong

Wrecked by a tripfag.


no u

not the same guy who said the thing earlier, i'm agreeing with you, but saying that if you "know" there is something off with the person you can spot the signs… but you'd never bother looking unless forewarned about it

all me

don't be silly guys

one has a cooter the other has a dongle


they really do its basically all hormones kids are androgenous little things up till they hit the early onset of puberty ranging from 8-15

in a quantum state, an object can be either one thing, a second thing or both things at once. I know exactly what a quantum state is, friend, or at least, I know enough to extract a pun from it.


no u

Could you guys please stop this? It's really immature.

Quantum means that something is 0 or 1, but it cannot be 0.5

If you're saying gender is quantum, you're saying it's either 0 or 1, but not in between

That is not what sjw's would say

Bon Nuit mes petit merde

You first m8.


Not him but literally first hit on google on "quantum gender" is sjw bullshit.

"It's Schrödinger's cat, unknown unless I examine it. Boy day or girl day? Let me open the box and check. These days it's usually a boy day, but there have been long stretches of time when I'm usually girl, and I'm sure there will be again. Sometimes it's neither; I open the box and can't tell whether the cat's alive or not. And frequently, it's both at once. A tuxedo cat, black AND white all at the same time, not sometimes black and sometimes white." Writer Naamah Darling describes identifying as genderfluid.

So whether or not it makes sense they are actually using it themselves.

ah, so it's an sjw thing, and they don't know what quantum means


You are all faggots.

fify. now explain where that came from.

obviously they're going to bed, duh

why the pigin french?

No, das gay. Would wife, tho.



Why are these people turning kids into trannies in the first place? They aren't fucking old enough to make decisions like this yet. Not to mention, transsexuals have an extremely high suicide rate. This is coming from a faggot who regularly faps to trannies.

That does not make sense.



seriously though would you send that little girl into a bathroom for men while making the argument that transexuals in mens bathrooms are possibly rapist? You dont see the flaw in logic? She looks like a little girl unquestionably.

* ab is away - gone, if anyone talks in the next 25 minutes as me it's bm
being an asshole -

I'm saying that kids shouldn't be fucking transitioning in the first place. If a little boy likes to play with girl's kitchen toys when he's 5, that doesn't mean he's a faggot or that he wants to be a girl, maybe he just wants to be a chef. The parents are making decisions for these kids before they are old enough to know anything.

If you force a little boy to be a little girl then you should be forced to deal with the consequences and not rely on the rest of the world to adjust to your deluded standards.

This argument is so fucking stupid. How much of a liberal faggot do you have to be to keep this alive?

If this "girl" was my daughter i'd just send her into the fucking women's bathroom and no one would notice. This dude is passable as fuck.

This entire thing is liberal propaganda. They take some young tranny that literally looks exactly like a girl and say "would u let him go into a men's bathroom?", like it's some monumental decision that you are forced to make. No, just send it to the fucking women's bathroom. It wants to be a girl, right? No one will even notice…

I prefer a masculine pussy

I bet she has a 6 inch clitoris


Pic related

so hot
i would really want her to strapon me
any porn tags for this kind of stuff?


Poast more masculine pussies


Molestation is the most effective recruitment drive for gays known. How else can you propagate the gay lifestyle unless you create more gays by raping children?

Pure child abuse, but I guess it's CURRENT YEAR.

I prefer my pussy masculine


kek perfect



She's kinda cute without HEAVY photo editing? Sure. I'd do it if there were no legal repercussions.

if shitlibs want to say kids can change their sexuality, then can't they consent to sex?
shitlibs also want muslims over here that will stab, shoot, and bomb the homos to death

maybe I should become a shitlib

sexuality, gender change, same shit

That's enough, now…




i'd suck her dick and then fuck her ass.


What a waste of a great pair of tits.


I would crawl over a mile of her pussy just to lick some broken glass.

I think that's right.

So if you had to pick, would you go for a masculine pussy oozing testosterone or a feminine dick oozing girlyness?
