Donald Trump quotes by Zapp Brannigan

Have some Trump quotes

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This only makes him look better, nice job Hillary shills

How exactly am I shilling hillary? Are you so god damn gay that you can't even laugh at yourself anymore?


fuck off

can you make one with this quote:

"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."

You guys are really easy to trigger

How fucking retarded would one have to be o not even know how to make an image macro. much less want to make one?

Nice damage control, saged.

What the hell. THe guy is just butthurt, man.





Also I loled.

Also This only makes me want to vlte for him even harder.

He was referring to Fire Station 711, not the liquor store, and it wasn't a Freudian slip either and oh fuck what's the point…

Yes he is. I'm a Trump voter and I LOVE this. I read every last one in Zapp's voice.

We could also do Hillary quotes overlaid with Mom from Mom's old fashioned robots. Maybe put the admire Margaret Sanger quote over a picture of her addressing her three sons.

If Trump is Zapp, does that make Hillary the Momcorp mom?



I stopped watching The Simpsons after I think the 8th or 9th season, so I don't know who this character is.

I also have a career, so that might have something to do with not knowing who this is.

This is Futurama you turd burglar


tip kak


I love zap brannigan, he is the mightiest hero of noop.





Zap >Donald

bumping for more mom/hillary quote pictures


A commentator on a related image I uploaded to KnowYourMeme first made the joke that Donald Trump is like this guy. Just a fun fact in case this meme ever takes off and someone wants to know the origin.

Are you expecting people to vote for the confused libertarian or the other one?

This makes Trump look awesome.

I'm voting for Zapp for sure.

Makes Trump look awesome, who didn't love Zapp?


genuinely makes me like Trump even more

High Energy Hillary we all her.






Trumpfags are just butthurt about the writing on the wall.


Yep and they aren't rigging that poll at all. Just look at all those reliable unbiased sources; LA times, Bloomberg, Reuters, NBC, ABC, Washington post. Looks completely legit to me.

Slightly confused as to how so many people can be this stupid - not butthurt

B-b-but their rigged!

This place is going to be a glorious salt mine on Nov 9. All the cries of election rigging because Americans rejected fascism.

I'm talking about the poll, you moron. You honestly think those sources are reliable?

Post your "reliable" sources. Oh that's right, they don't exist.

inb4 breitbart
REAL sources, fucktard.

I guarantee you that if there was some way to conduct a completely scientific, unbiased poll on everyone in the voting populace, Trump would be ahead by far. It's already known that Hillary hires people to come to her rallies and to the DNC.

Breitbart is biased as well.



At least the OP used real quotes, unlike desperate Trump supporters.

those are clearly poor people so they would be demobulls

It'll be funny having an egotistical idiot or a demented mobbed up sociopath in office.

Good thing I hate everyone, or I might care.
