Going to share these since they were deleted in the "Last Evalion thread" where anti-Eva spam was allowed to stay up. Everyone knows this place is cucked now, right?
Oh look
If you were legitimately interested in helping Evalion gain traction on Holla Forums you would wait a week or more between your 5 day spam tirade, you dumb chucklefuck.
You spam this board then cry foul that the mods delete your threads. Fucking Holla Forumsniggers. You should kill yourself "for the lulz".
Stop spamming this degenerate molested dumb cunt. She wont fuck you
Look man, nobody fucking cares.
Just assume Holla Forums is compromised and move on to another site.
Like, what do you even expect to happen with this cunt after a week of spamming her and pissing everyone off?
So why isn't anti Eva spam being deleted? Where are those bans?
also a subhuman spic mod
wow do you not even see what's happening? mods are complicit with SRS and commie faggots in shutting down any discussion of evalion. the mods let lots of spam go unchecked but ban anyone having real discussion of her and how we can use her to our advantage.
Surely by now somebody has made a board devoted to the (((goddess))) worship, right? There's really nothing more Holla Forums can do for her.
yes goyim, forget about organizing raids to redpill people, just give up and make sure to sage and report! :^)
There's a couple threads on Holla Forums and /politics/
Best case tho is Gex making a new Holla Forums board and migrating there
Pic related
Why live?
More info pl0x
Just note I don't really care for or against her, it just why do you keep making these threads instead of going to other boards?
Ok well this is Holla Forums. If Holla Forums is not up to your standards then go make a new board, faggot.
Reported for Evalion spam
yes goy, just accept your fate and go splinter off to another board that no one notices. let the communists take over.
Next they're going to tell us it was the reverse vampires, in conjunction with the Jews, covering up for the Freemasons, in cooperation with the mods in order to suppress poor oppressed Evalion from getting out her scripted message
lol nice way to expose yourself as the jewish shill you are. might as well have added, "conspiritard" and "stormweenie" to make absolutely sure we all know that you're from SRS
Just chill on the evalion posts. There's nothing wrong with her but it's almost like Holla Forums is shilling both sides like a kike to get threads about her banned from the forum completely. She was banned from jewtube, we get it. We've all been through that shit. Now it's time to stop being buttmad over it and start creating new content, no one wants to rehash the same shit over and over.
I love you Evalion!
yeah just give into the censorship and be a good little cuck, good goy.
I meant talking about it on other boards, like /n/ or other places. Spamming Holla Forums with this is just going to end up like mark and Holla Forums, where people stop caring the more you start soamming.
Gex is the only we can trust now. The mods have proven many times that they are shills.
This is Holla Forums not /evalion/. I've seen far too many evalion threads being spammed lately. If you spam shit, you're the one censoring, if your enemies spam stuff, they're the one censoring. If you both spam, you're both faggot censors because you're shitting up the catalog and making it difficult to find good content. Stop being a one-issuefag.
Hi ikampfy
They're running a psyop against Holla Forums. They can't fuck off to another board and talk about her there because simple discussion isn't their motive.
never happened Gex you fucking cuck.
spamming your same thread over and over. who is the shill?
lol k.
guy who originally said it was on here pre 19th.
autismbux was pre reddit post
notice 4chan outreach, not Holla Forums.
lol clinging to 1 dude's beta as fuck statement
she ousted herself and was crucified. she did it for shock and show. good thing you were lulled into beta support
calm down faggot. her video fake crying about her channel taken down is all the evidence i need to condemn your e celeb jew whore to hell.
a fascade of "redpilling" doesn't allow sociopathy and plain manipulation to be "okay". she never cared about nazism. it was a farce you quadcuck nigger.
MARCH 2016
RIGHT AFTER Constantine the cuck dumbs and defiles her old youtube name. You going to defend her obvious old e whoring past now? orbit more
k make one. better moderation on it too. no betamods allowed.
lol 6 of you guys. including gex. i think he's the mystery shill of you 6.
Simple discussion would have been possible if the mods let 1 thread stay up and ban spammers. Didn't happen, hasn't happened.
Inkampfy pls
lel sure thing
how the fuck would that be any different from now? that is not a solution, that's a capitulation.
WTF. New threads are made because faggots keep spamming the threads to shit because mods are faggots complicit in their behavior. You also have fifth column SJWs from reddit false flagging.
The idea that we're taking up the whole catalog is totally false since this is the only evalion thread up we can post in. You're making an issue where there is none, and ignoring the larger issue of censorship.
This is the reason anons migrated here in the first place FYI.
check 'em
dubs she gets back on jewtube and has a complete mental breakdown in a live stream
trips she commits suicide
Singles she has chlamydia
You Evalion spamming niggers never gave a shit about the content of her message, when called out for it you kvetched and you deflected any accusations, never giving more than a 3 sentence answer, never putting thought in your posts. It was obvious from the get go you were invested in using either propping up Evalion with the dumbest of strategies and false narratives, or using her as a tool to sew discord on Holla Forums. Just as well both.
Do you think that Holla Forumsacks aren't able to observe your doublethink?
Here you cry, how creating a new board would splinter the community, so we need to hang our old mods and accept the new and improved pro-Evalion faggots of God knows who.
And then you faggots cry out and use Gex as a scapegoat and reason to create a new Holla Forums to do just that - splinter.
More hilariously, you niggers are too dumb to even notice that you are giving merit to one of our many reasons to be suspicious of this Evalion spamming - making of e-celebs to be used vs Holla Forums. Here you are trying to appeal to authority and cast your own horrendous ideas as great just because Gex, who might as well not have known the whole story, said something remotely pro-Evalion's videos, which isn't the same as being a thirsty beta chucklefuck.
In conclusion:
Hide Evalion spam
Sage Evalion spam
Report Evalion spam
You can leave now
I saw five fucking threads on evalion, there were probably more. This is a party line and you're filling it up with noise. Imagine you were in an IRC channel and you had two people arguing in there and neither of them would shut the fuck up and started spamming shit at each other.
Regardless of whose side you're on, everyone else wants to be able to speak too and the spamming is censoring them.
I'm asking you to think about the health of the board, to not be a nigger and make it all about waging some private war you have with the other spammers. If you're the good guy in this exchange, you'll stop this shit.
fuck off bitch, and take your beta cucks with you
Good post.
kek. You are terrified, faggot. You know if Gex creates another board, it will be the end of Holla Forums. Every one knows the mods are shills, just like you. You will be shills shilling other shills in a board run by shills.
Lets just assume that you're right and the mods are all jewish shills with only the utter destruction and blanket banning of her on their minds.
So fucking what?
What you idiots are failing to realise is that no one else cares, its only the five or six of you pathetic weeaboos jerking to her videos and spamming the threads that want to discuss her and you can do it over at cuck chan.
Seriously, just do what said and fuck off somewhere else if you want to talk about her.
Holla Forums would have gone full garrison if we wanted the discussion after the threads being banned but no one else did.
No one cares, shes an e celeb attention whore and you are enabling the cancer.
I don't care anymore, you win, friendo :^).
Tell gex to do it faggot
Any sane person trying to promote an e-celeb wouldn't have spammed as aggressively as has been done, it's pretty obvious that people here want a thread to talk about this issue and that as long as there is one someone will spam 5 or six more and make sure they stay on the top page.
kek. Try to be more subtle, faggot.
What the fuck do you mean we never gave a shit about the content of her message? She put out a fucking George Lincoln Rockwell video that redpilled tens of thousands of people.
Where are you coming up with this false narrative?
Yeah five threads because each thread got spammed by anti-evalion cucks that the mods did nothing about. The mods then went on to ban anyone that had a reasonable discourse about her.
waaah who cares if we're being censored and the mods are blatantly anti-white.
Yeah there's really no point in engaging them. It was nice of you to try but unfortunately wasted effort.
No one you cunt, thats the fucking point.
Were obviously a lost cause, go find a better one.
It's good that you are not trying to hide it anymore.
so you're the same guy who was spamming all those israeli animals huh
fucking shill faggot
nice defeatism, Holla Forums
not going to work though
Oh look, Holla Forums is still spamming this camwhore bullshit.
Actually I'm a different guy, I only have a few Jewnimals. That other dude's folder is impressive.
here come the shill bots guys
If you aren't a shill then why are you here trying to talk about something you can't talk about on Holla Forums? :^)
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
Love your optimism guys, channel it into telling her how you feel, she might show you her tits.
Why are you here?
Does the reason really fucking matter? Again, you're going I'm right I'm right I'm right. Does it matter if you're right? The health of the board comes first - this is a multi-topic board and you're being a single-issuefag. I'm asking you to step back from the evalion topic, dial back the autism, and remember that this is a multi-topic board.
Being right is not an excuse to spam. If I sent 1+1=2 repeatedly to your e-mail, and someone else was spamming 1+1=3, it wouldn't matter a whit to you if I was the correct one.
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
oy vey goy, why are you trying to talk about the holocaust, don't you know that's illegal.
lol who the fuck cares if someone wrote a script for her? what does that matter?
How the fuck is it a healthy board when the mods are banning threads of evalion, bumplocking holocaust threads, and bump locking western art threads?
You were doing so well up to that point too, shill
Need a new board first, fagget.
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
My favorite is when they pretend that they care about our board
here comes the spam
"your" board? this isn't an Holla Forums board faggot
Not spamming just replying m8.
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
no, you're literally spamming the exact same thing over and over. you're a faggot shill.
the more you spam and try to shut us down the more pissed off we're going to be.
Why are you here on a board where you can't discuss evalion trying to discuss evalion?
You're having a hard time answering that question, friend :^)
My second favorite is when they try to pretend they come from our board when they make obvious mistakes that out them as strangers and/or ex-redditors
No i actually just put it under every reply.
How is that spamming?
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
we're discussing it whether the mods try to shut us down or not, no matter how much you Holla Forums faggots spam the board. suck it, faggot.
Kill yourself, filthy subhuman kike.
then get out of the thread
oh jeez, how can copying the same huge piece of text over and over again be seen as spamming
I just don't know
Every. Fucking. Time.
i can tell just by reading your posts you aren't arguing in good faith. the other anons make valid points and you simply dodge or deflect them. You understand exactly what they're saying, but you try to shift things ever so slightly over so the argument becomes something tangentially related. Fuck you.
So I'll ask you all the questions the shills never fucking have answers to: what is your goal here? what the fuck is the purpose of this thread? people already know about evalion, so that isn't it, and the people who are pro- or anti-eva ALREADY have long ago made up their minds, so this isn't to fucking convince anyone because it won't. If this is about the moderation, it deserves to be in /polmeta/ and not here, and any insistence by you to keep it here makes the rest of us convinced you're a shill trying to DnC, because at this point just the topic alone is enough to irritate people as last week's threadspam is fresh in our minds.
So what's the goal? What do you want? What the fuck do you expect to accomplish with this? What practical use or constructive reason is there to have this here?
Friendly reminder that if you really think evalion is redpilling tons and tons of people and you want to do something about her censorship, you need to get the word out to normalfags who are still bluepilled, you don't need to tell a few thousand people (max) who are already redpilled about her getting censored on youtube (in other news rain is wet).
It was real in your mind, huh?
You can't even explain why you're here. You're not just a shill, you're a terrible shill.
Well it is not the exact same text.
See it more as an attachment when i reply.
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
I'd rather wait around and watch you melt down with the inevitable bumplock and ban.
So you're implying that if a board doesn't meet your standards for health, it's OK for you to shove a knife into it? Again, I'm asking you to think about someone other than yourself. If this thread is spammed and bump locked, lay off for a while. If evalion starts posting content again, then maybe make a thread about that. But don't do this.
wtf are you even talking about? What does anything you said have anything to do with what I said? No one checks /polmeta/ and ikampfy is a massive fifth column faggot acting in the interests of SJWs. Our goal is to be able to have open discussion about Holla Forums topics. This shouldn't be too hard to understand.
Furthermore, bluepill people aren't going to fight for her because they're bluepilled. Every movement needs a vanguard. We need to be out in the comments sections raiding and redpilling, like we have been in hundreds of other cases over the past several years. That's how we've been winning.
You however, seem to want us to sit with our thumbs up our ass and not talk about anything that the mods deem unworthy.
it was real according to youtube statistics
then fucking upload it as a picture you spamming faggot, all it does is make things harder for people to read. you know exactly what you're doing and your talmudic logic doesn't hold here. kill yourself.
yah and then wait for the next thread to appear ad infinitum
I've asked and asked, but I've yet to hear any reason why I should care about this camwhore. For me it's just another camwhore raid like the many others.
The mantra of Evalifags. So fucking what? Many things redpills normalfags. Nothing makes this one special. Who cares?
… so what? You can buy that many subscribers from SEO people for pennies. And most of them was from her e-drama crap. Who cares?
… Gex aligned himself with cancer and lost all credibility. If he's smart he keeps himself out of this until it blows over, if not… get him to make a new board where you can worship your goddess. Who cares?
… is the last cry of the Evalofag as he's being BTFOd. Good. You guys are cancer, and everyone's tired of both your whining, self righteous demands for special treatment here, and last but not least your shitty camwhore herself. No one cares.
Please go away. Make that new board. Do it.
that is an excellent question
Like this?
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
How many VPNs can you use up before you're bitching on /polmeta/?
Says the fifth column shill attacking Holla Forums with an incompetent psyop revolving a camwhore
Yes, that's right, it's OUR board. Not yours. Not freech's. Not Voat's. Not Intl's. Not Chimpires.
Did you know that there's an entire community of insane women on Pinterest who own tiny pigs and dress them up in little tiny costumes
I think you should go redpill them on Evalion.
Because some anons would rather this place didn't turn back into 4chan. You want a MRA hugbox, got it, some don't.
Quite interesting that there's a new thread about Evalion every day claiming that it is censored and not allowed to post on this board.
it means she isn't genuine you fucking retard. all you have seen is being ignored
you've been jewed. lol lmfao all will be revealed in june how cucked evalion orbiters are.
she will be back in june when the (( alt right )) fervour will be at its peak. the first bit was out reach and exposure, the next phase is when he'll use her as a figurehead to gain more shekels.
What the fuck? do you listen to yourself? Where are you from? What is your purpose?
very hehpill, Holla Forums
gee maybe because every single evalion thread gets spammed and bumplocked? how is that hard to understand? they're not allowing any discussion to happen.
it doesn't matter if she's genuine, she's opening up a chance to redpill thousands of normies
Why can't you hide your cultural marxist language for five seconds, Holla Forums? That's not a dig at you. I'm seriously curious. If you don't virtue signal at regular intervals will you die?
I wonder the same exact thing about you. Do you remember the last raid that was exactly like this, that Sinead bitch?
Can you give your opinion on that raid? She was also "red pilling normies and had a lot of subscribers" and she also had an army of whiteknight autists spamming this board.
Why don't you throw her crap in with your Evaloli? Why no rights for Shillhead?
what? Sinead never reached that many people and she was bat shit crazy talking about flat earth. what does that have anything to do with evalion?
Do you even know how to NOT sound like a communist? Also now that Gex is an enemy of the people what exactly makes this place different Holla Forums? In your opinion as user who fits in so well and speaks for everyone?
alright so you want us to fight for an eceleb. understood. if you want to do that, no one is stopping you, but as i already said, after last week anyone who's been here has already made up their minds about being pro or anti-eva. If you're trying to recruit people you're wasting your time and annoying many of us for the millionth time by bringing up a topic we're fucking tired of looking at.
The mods weren't "censoring," they did what WE told them to do, which was control the evalion spam. If they ACTUALLY fucking wanted to censor the discussion, they wouldn't have bumplocked a half dozen threads, they would have deleted them on sight. They wouldn't have allowed 6 different evalion threads to exist long enough for hundreds of replies, yet that's what happened. Your cries of "censorship" ring hollow because many of the mod actions don't make sense in that context.
That should be self-evident, I'm not sure what you don't fucking understand.
So, just so we're clear here, your reason for bringing this up is to form a Holla Forums vanguard for evalion. Anything else? Because that's the only reason I've seen thus far and it's not a good one in my book.
obviously he who spams the most has the biggest voice
It isn't so why are you wasting your time here friendo? :^)
obvious the script isn't written by her.
fake tears
1k views on reuploads
all comments on her are about
"omg u so nazi waifu pls marry me."
orbit less cuck
All the Jew propaganda… the movies and teen series featuring teeny-girls beating people up and standing up speaking in assemblies and being leaders … it's messing with kids brains.
The girls think they should be political leaders, and the boys think they should worship them. It's like watching some degenerate freakshow with a sinister merchant laugh track in the background.
they didn't control any of the evalion spam, they let the spammers run amok while real anons tried to have a conversation.
this isn't about evalion, this is about our plan.
you guys are nothing but hotheads
okay faggot
You didn't understand my point at all.
Sorry that no one cares about some stupid e-celeb trying to get shekels off the newly mobilized far right.
Either Evalion has people shilling for her or you have white knight autists who freak out over a girl who regurgitates right wing talking points.
Le queen of Holla Forums tards were the same in 2007, they are the same now.
because you have no point, you're make a false equivalence based on the fact that they both have vaginas
kek laddie
I am not saying she is good or bad, but she is definitely a jew.
okay faggot, sure
Crazy pig ladies are far more interesting than Evalion or Gex
Did you know they treat them just like cats and they usually have more than one? It's crazy
This. All the views was obviously from people having a lark at the e-drama and lolling at a nazi loli.
Also… the daily mail or some shit Jew rag wrote about her. When was the last time you saw Jews give media space to someone they feel threatened by.
if i were a "hothead" i'd be trolling or shitposting you
but you don't want to have actual posts of substance, like the ones i write worth several paragraphs of actual fucking discussion and bringing up points
so im gonna do what you do
you're wrong, here's my fourth sentence, and therefore the end of my post, i win :^)
lol out youself again how 8pol is useless d&c fag. show us how eva did so much besides being an eyesore shekel e celeb.
writing several paragraphs full of bullshit doesn't mean you have any substance, it just means you r shitposting is verbose
You can't give a single reason for banning her - that doesn't involve hearsay or fabricated evidence - except
Meanwhile every SJW on youtube is celebrating her ban there the same way you're celebrating here. You come off like a triggered virgin MRA, but that might just be a JIDF tactic.
she got tens of thousands of people introduced to George Lincoln Rockwell
Oops I forgot to sage
If you put lipstick on Evalion she's still a pig btw
her face is fucked up. smear tool from photoshop.
Why do you want to redpill people?
When something becomes common, it becomes filth.
Look at all the faggots who consider themselves "anti-SJW" but are still the most cucked retards out there.
That is the product of redpills for mass consumption.
reminder that animal posters are all shils
The cancer levels of this psyop are so high nobody cares about the redpill factor
You evalolitards… may be the worst people to ever have raided Holla Forums.
I'm serious.
how come the comments are about her and not the topic? its as if they were there for, wait for it, a le waifu nazi to complete their mental LARP.
well I'm glad you guys admit that you don't give a fuck about anything other than shitposting, you don't want to redpill people and you don't care about western civilization or white genocide.
Holla Forums faggots indeed
OMG my feelings are genuinely hurt, hearing that from a sack of pig shit like you
gas lighting so poorly.
That is what an user said last time I posted them. Then I linked to one of her videos. They are genuine screengrabs from her channel.
by their fruits ye shall know them
Oh look, it's the Sinead spammer here to remind everyone that Irish/polish features are actually Jewish. Roman noses are totally jewish too.
If you fucking retards use the word "redpill" one more time I'm having a fucking stroke.
Can you say anything but "redpill?" YOU are not redpilled. You are a cultist whiteknight degenerate. You're as bluepilled as is humanly possible to be in this world.
Why would anyone listen to advice about "redpilling" from the most bluepilled beta in existence?
It boggles the mind.
okay MGTOW, please go. All you can spew is buzzwords like "beta" "white knight". Kill yourself.
Just because her videos had a certain amount of views (and not that many in the grand scheme of things), that doesn't mean everyone watching them had some type of epiphany.
Most of the views came from people that essentially wanted to rubberneck at an accident scene.
Holla Forums doesn't care about the camwhore so spamming Holla Forums about said camwhore warrants banning
There it is again, that language that outs you as Holla Forums
You're daft. Holla Forums has never been about "redpilling the masses." People have to find these things for themselves. If you commodify something and feed people information, they become mindless shells of regurgitating information.
The masses are retarded, always have been, always will be. Rome will burn, instead of wasting time trying to be Jesus and saving the masses, you should focus on yourself and preparing for the storm.
Because the storm always comes.
europeans dont have the droopy eye effect .
t. jew spotting handbook
Q: did Hitler gas any jews?
Q: if not, would pointing this out to people be a "redpill"?
Answer that and stay Holla Forumsish shill
And now for something completely different.
Marked global warming in red.
Here learn something kike
I am not who you think I am. Also I am an America of both Irish and polish descent, so fuck you.
It isn't just the hook nose, it is the dark hair, and eyes, puffy under-eye, droopy eye (as in the corners point down), and the voice. The Semitic influence was very clear in her Q&A 2 video, especially the voice. The voice is my favorite and most reliable tell for a jew, once you can hear it, you cant unhear it.
Personally, I think she was genuine in her beliefs, but she was a jew.
Also the pictures were screengrabs by yours truly.
My point is, you evaloliolotards can't really talk about redpills, seeing how you're not redpilled.
It's like if a janitor goes around giving tips on brain surgery. Sure he can get it right once in a while, but no one in his right mind would trust that advice.
lol he post her vids. the orbiting will never cease
lol are you kidding me, we run twitter raids and all kinds of ops all the time, what are you even talking about? We have threads all the time about how to redpill in person, about setting up flyers, and all sorts of shit.
you're full of shit
did I stutter, faggot?
Here's you and your waifu Evalion
Oh wait, no, she turned you down and went for the pig down the street, that's right, isn't it, Constantine?
Kike confirmed
Hey Carl.
The way she talks off hand vs. video is so horribly obvious it's not written by her.
hi reddit
Something like that?
Because I reject your hearsay with no evidence I'm not redpilled? Nice dodge on my questions btw. You totally fit in, Adolph.
It's perfectly natural for farm animals to breed
what isn't natural is chasing after them continually after they've already told you to fuck off and ran off with your bestest online buddy
Have you seen her strip yet, Constantine? I bet she can really work a pole (especially your buddy's lol)
Can you spot the D&C shill Holla Forums? People like this are used to subvert us, a good example of what to look for when spotting a D&C shill. You can notice how he doesn't regard any of the actual content of my post.
I am not an expert at telling things like that. You might be right, but it isn't the point I am arguing. I am only saying that she is part kiketress. I won't go as far as to say fullblown kike, but she is some halfbreed or the like.
reported as evalion spam
Do you want a cookie now little guy?
No, "we" don't. There is no "we" in Holla Forums. Some autists will make flyers from time to time, and Twitter "raids" are usually nothing more than wrecking people or letting memes trickle out so people start their own research.
You cannot force feed people information in person. If you aren't already, you will socially alienate yourself.
Why care about others? Most white people are shit anyway. Years of dysgenic breeding and 2 world wars saw to that. We need another Black Plague/Ice Age to clean things up.
plz report and sage my fellow jews, don't forget to post pictures of animals and spread degeneracy!
Kek, check out the "insult", Holla Forums
My face when I'm still waiting for actual evidence that these photos actually depict imkampfy. So far, there have been 3 photos that supposedly depict imkampfy, none of them has any evidence behind it.
People have apparently given her links to Holla Forums. If she was sincere then she'd step in and stop this divide and conquer psyop.
So she's pretty much confirmed in on it, not just some hapless tool
Man, you guys… you should lurk a bit before you raid a community.
u mad kike?
like that would do anything except exacerbate Holla Forums shills calling her an attention whore?
This is such bullshit.
This right here is a shill thread, start to finish, designed to false-flag the actual shitstorm happening outside of Holla Forums right now.
Have a read of archive.is
Fucking bullshit.
This is the problem with "redpilling" retards, we end up with people like you on this board who don't see the bigger picture.
how is OP anti-eva?
ah yes, the bigger picture of giving up and waiting to die. How could I never see this before?
Fucking kill yourself. You probably also think its a bad idea to vote for Trump because "muh accelerationism".
lol gaslighting doesn't work on Holla Forums chaim
kill yourself, kike
The mods also apparently deleted the IQ and race thread so I'm not happy with that myself because I was trying to redpill a punch of faggots who were saying IQ is meaningless. They deleted the one bitcoin thread, but they restored it later.
He is going out his way to antagonize the board in the name of Evalion in order to make stupid anons link his spam with legitimate anons. Even the mods are falling for it, when it's the most obvious fucking ploy imaginable.
Also note his (1), he dumped his bait and fucked off.
If she was legit and she saw this shitty shill operation against Holla Forums that's going on in her name, she'd stop it.
But she's not stopping it so she isn't legit. It's not hard.
Yes goyim, you are inferior, just let the kikes run everything and turn the world into their talmudic paradise!
they also bumplocked holocaust threads and bumplocked the western art thread
but don't worry goy!
upset when i insult your le cutsie anime nazi waifu?
more proof of D&C, and orbiting.
You don't care about natsoc, you are about a girl. TAKE A LOAD OF THIS CUCK.
Perhaps she never even browsed this board to begin with.
Or maybe he just changed his IP and started shilling up a storm
uh why would she do that? it would only make things worse. why do you think she can stop anything?
Make a new board. Why won't you make a new board? Why do you want to be here if it's so bad? If we're all co-opted and JIDF, why hang around?
Go make your Evaloli board? Why don't you?
I voted for Trump you faggot.
I will not be dying. The white SJWs, feminists, and cucks will.
You really think ALL whites are valuable just because of their skin color.
Let the weak ones with altruism for strangers and other races perish. Let the weak liberal SJW who moves into the black neighborhood to be "urban" get stabbed to death. Let evolution take place.
After white genocide has taken its toll, I gauarantee you that the remaining white people will not have altruism for strangers or cuck out for non whites.
I have no doubt he is, he'd have cycled his IP and is probably still here loudly complaining about the shitty thread he himself made.
It might be because the people making those threads were spamming other topics, but I can't tell because our fucking ban log doesn't work.
She was in on it from the start. That was pretty obvious in the first threads where she called for a personal army and was doxxing the faggot she had the e-drama with.
Never forget Elolion was in on it.
wew that red pilling lad.
how about i nuke all of europe to give them the ultimate red pill?
My last 2 posts got deleted but I'm not banned?
This is one of her best videos, lots of esoteric symbolism and everything. In this one she's lost in the imageboard, trying to reconnected to her younger self. Really makes you think.
So that's why you're here then. You're on some sort of crusade against Holla Forums?
Well, good luck.
She can redpill THOUSANDS at a time!!! She's just that amazing!!! Surely she can change the hearts and minds of a measly >2,000!!!
These pigs are far cuter than your waifu and they're probably more loyal and better company too. They might even have cleaner teeth.
hey there 798f3f
The masses will always be mindless shells regurgitating information, but being a trans otherkin turbofaggot is objectively worse than having a family and being a productive member of society.
srs tier insult
totally not a shill
It's disappointing. Say what you want about moot, but at least he was wise to the proto-Holla Forums shitposters.
no, you're on the ones on a crusade.
what the fuck are you even talking about, you incoherent pig poster
gotta keep it bumped against all you sagebombing faggots
You believe you evaloli cancer whiteknights are a majority here? Are you really that delusional?
the vast majority are neutral, but your spam brigade has a lot of hillary money behind it
what are you doing?
wew laddie u r a top tier poster
She gets linked to it and would an attention whore avoid threads about herself?
To stop shills from trying to divide and conquer Holla Forums in her name, which would make things better for both Holla Forums and herself.
All she'd have to do to stop it is duck in to a thread, say "these retards spamming Holla Forums about me are shills", and duck back out. But she doesn't and what does that tell you?
Look at the current state of Europe.
Someone let the Muslims in.
This is desperate faggot is definitely imkampfy:
Any place on the net (or anywhere else for that matter) is going to draw in parasitic syphons exploiting any sentiment.
Boo hoo. There are no safe spaces. Toughen up.
Anyone who gives money to some bint because she says what he wants to hear is a moron.
You're insane. This has no purpose. I'm out.
why the fuck do you think she'd be able to do anything? that wouldn't solve a thing and would only create more drama.
hi Holla Forums
okay bye faggot, hope your paycheck keeps you warm
Chris did sell out, but he really did used to be actually based before that. He wouldn't have fallen for this shit like imkampfy has.
You're still blue pilled if you are worried about someone being a "productive member of society."
main Evalion thread on the #1 Holla Forums backup board
redirect discussion there if you dont want to get banned
You know how people know you are a shill?
The overuse of "D&C" at a point where everyone is already aware of who u are and why you doing this.
Also calling people spammer while (47) doesn't help you much.
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
Because she can and it's easy
It would instantly BTFO the shills and make them fuck off and stop trying to divide Holla Forums in her name
lol you claim x because you think you can pull a witch hunt claim. dont work when you are the witch.
here's a fun fact. Last week I lurked 3 or 4 different evalion threads that, eventually, got bumplocked at one point. For (((some reason))) as soon as the threads got bumplocked, all the pro-eva people vanished and two more threads popped up, yet the anti-eva people stayed and kept talking about the issue, which had SUDDENLY become a quite calm, peaceful, and relatively non-shitposty affair.
Pure coincidence.
Some anons are saying Gex might do it.
Coming from user who wants this to be a safe space.
Pls show me the vid where she asks for money. Pls show me any evidence she would even be allowed to have a Patreon, since $ for hate speech is not allowed. No, we should just listen and believe you though right?
Fuck outta here kike.
I've noticed the exact same thing.
Wow, here's the video where she breaks up with her boyfriend because she found out he faps to trannies on 4chan.
Oh good, the cancer spreads.
I'm saying your waifu is a shit. You'd better appreciate this picture too, because I had to actually find a smug anime pig and save it special for you.
Imkampfy sure has some good ideas then
Good ingroup signalling, this is classic Holla Forums right here. Of course you are the real Holla Forums natives, I am just another evil outside invader from "Chimpire" or something.
Right, I can only dream of reaching your level of redpill, who hates white people, hates people learning of the JQ, but spouts a bunch of superficial feelgood crap about "evolution" and "the storm"
Now I am 100% sure this is a psyop.
The Evagate thread hit the bump limit and had not a single anti-Eva spammer. And you shitposted.
There is no sauce. Gex dropped his 2c and left, maybe they're trying to meme it into reality I don't know.
I don't really think the mods are compromised, just dumb. A pro-Evalion post of mine in another thread got reported, by imkampfy to his credit actually did dismiss it. I am marginally hopeful he can be brought around.
*but imkampfy
some things they won't look at.
They chose the blue pill.
A lot of other boards and chans are at this very moment engaged in a valiant fight to contain the Ebolio outbreak.
It's something special about this camwhore. The level of autism in her whiteknights are of epic proportions. I really wonder what it is. Subliminals perhaps?
Next you'll say it wasn't spammed to shit with mods refusing to delete any of it, right?
Archive.is: JIDFs greatest enemy
Dang ya sure got me buddy.
how come your link is only circle jerking, worshipping yellow jew's "hotness", and crying out oppression?
its like you became the leftist.
I hate weakness. And there are a lot of weak white people.
Stay delusional and keep trying to cast pearls before swine.
I saw her videos once or twice and thought that they were funny enough. I didnt bother or obsess with her. Not sure why so many of you are though. This spam forced me to rethink her and her presence here.
and I am slightly pro her. She does not deserve to be removed, she is very Holla Forums relevant. But of course, not relevant enough for the warrant-less spam
It is hard to tell what is going on, whether or not her opposition is spamming her here to make us dislike her, or that she perhaps is doing it herself, or her fans.
I dont exactly know, but whatever variables there are at play here, I think the best solution is to allow her here, but only one thread.
If you are actually a genuine poster who hates e-celeb drama, I can understand. But you have to recognize that we have a couple of e-celebs that are useful to us and to our message.
That overton window is no joke. We need it more to the right.
So stop removing ALL of her presence. Let one containment thread exist. No sticky though, we dont need potential attentionwhores.
The way they keep bringing Gex up, I think they truly believe that Evalion's failure is because she's a girl, rather than the fact that Holla Forums doesn't take marching orders from e-celebs.
Gex could come in here himself and tell us to support Evalion and I still wouldn't do it because I don't give two shits about Gex.
I'm just waiting for Evalion's inevitable breakdown and descent into whoredom/cutting/suicide.
We already have /polpol/, although there's an anti-gex shill in there, that's always been the place for best moderation. When the Asian girl spammer was shitting up every thread with impunity here, Asian girl pictures were banned on sight over there.
its !!literally!! only because she talks like an anime girl.
Here's the video where that leafy faggot is either professing his undying love for her, or he's bitching about how she needs to be wiped from the face of the earth like a filthy Jew. It's really difficult to tell the difference with that faggot.
Wait, wait, let me guess!
You're that vanguard, right?
2nd one got deleted looks like (nothing to see there folks) but this one still works
Keep gaslighting kike bitch
This is the level of delusion in Evalolitards. They seem to actually believe this. Because of 50k youtube subscribers? I can buy that today with spare change. That's JIDFs greatest enemy?
Perhaps it's something the nips do with the weeb shit that turns people into robots like this? It would be like them, some sort of oriental sorcery to destroy the young men of their enemies.
I'm kidding, but I do find these people fucking scary.
you are the 4th faggot of 6.
Certainly a board that bans every single picture of an Asian girl is more about free speech and less oppressive. I suggest you go there now, don't wait until the shill mods here silence you again.
We had one thread yesterdy, it was called Evagate. Hit the bump limit with no spam.
Apparently that wasn't enough. They need this to become /evalion/.
So you're now going to pretend the thread yesterday didn't exist you fucking faggot?
Kikes are among us, so I dont exactly care what you think, you potential jew. She is Holla Forums relevant. She stays on this board.
People are bringing up Gex because the fucking stupid argument is 'only shills think Evalion should be supported!', and Gex throwing in now demands them to call Gex himself a shill, which many of them have done (those who weren't expressing that they didn't even know who he was).
Gex is just one guy with his own opinion. But him throwing in is proof positive that the narrative of Holla Forums being united against Evalion is utter crap.
you called that cuck out nicely
Make your own board for your waifu and stop spamming this board with your white knight activities.
It's VERY simple user
1. Do you support her message against jewish lies/hegemony?
2. Do you think it's okay that such messages are wiped from the Internet? On reddit, jewtube and here?
Well tell them to fuck off then, whether they are legitimate fans or not, she does not deserve more than one thread. Preferable we need a general e-celeb thread to keep it contained all in one place.
Yes, and no. But that does not mean that we need 10 threads on her.
lol k fag. you dont fool anyone with outreach. you should know this.
and your solution is what?
what do you want Holla Forums to do? hmmmm?
no thanks, droopy eyes and yellow teeth. Average at best. But she is still Holla Forums relevant.
its clear you only support her seeing it's about her not what she says
No, it just demonstrates Gex is a fuckwit who is handling a tarbaby and licking his fingers.
That hasn't worked bud, they've spammed for about a week and refused to be content with one thread.
Fuck off Holla Forums, we're not migrating you kike
Bull fucking shit. Up to the first ~500 posts was okay, but then the spambots started up and instead of D+ing them, imkampfy decided to permaban the OP instead. Stop rewriting history you shitty yid.
Exactly, and they're already moving to counter. Familiarize yourself with their tactics - you can see them in action in this thread already.
Well, there must be moderate fans amongst them still. Those who arent complete potential faggots. let them have their one thread and ban the rest. Its as simple as that.
It's like you assume nobody has been in any threads beforehand. It's hilarious that you're this naive.
ok attempt but you should think twice with e celeb with a 3rd party script, new channel to scrub out the old, and her appeal to alt right perm virgins.
Would you support a clown standing on a podium, smearing himself with pigshit, while reciting perfectly Mein Kampf?
She comes off as a clown. So no. I don't support her message because presentation is part of the message, no matter how much you Lolitards would like that not to be true.
When normal people see little girls with anime voices baking cakes for Hitler they lol and appreciate how bluepilled they are. So there are two types of people who care about your Eloli… It's the people who laugh at her for being the clown she is… and it's blue balled whiteknights like you.
She's pure cancer, just like you.
Does it even matter? The overton window does not rely on one person. If that person becomes shitty, one can always ditch it without dragging the overton window with them.
As long as she is useful to that end, allow her to exist, within one thread.
So much this
Personally I think inkampfy should either be shitcanned or Gex should make a new board and NATSOCs can migrate there. Only recently the anti-Eva shills have stopped using the term "stormweenie". The rest can barely contain the fact they're only triggered because a teenage girl is actually making a difference.
"being a clown" is part of our uncompromising nature. From what I have seen, she encompasses it pretty well.
We arent all "muh PR" faggots here. Let her exist, she is amusing.
Holla Forums false flag spams to promote a backlash, then blames legit posters for it and demands they be banned. It's one of their oldest and favorite tactics from the /q/ days, they used it nonstop to try and get Holla Forums deleted.
switching ips to give another perspective for gaslighting.
tell me why evalion supporters only talk about her body and her voice? its as if thats the only reason they listen. you are aligned with unloyal faggots. ideas are perfect, but your idol isnt. quadcuckaroo.
Wasted Trips on a lying fuck.
Last 50 posts are spam yes, but the previous 700 fucking hundred? Do they not exist to you? Were they not good enough? No you need ANOTHER thread, and it's because you're paid for it.
Holla Forums are also the ones calling for a migration and calling the mods shills
It's the next step in their master plan
Oi, please stop bumping the shill thread if you get it.
You too.
Nice samefag upboat shithead.
How does it look to another teenager? To females? Explain again how redpilling thousands of them on topics like usury, holohoax, USS Liberty is a bad thing. Try not to seem too JIDF when you do.
seriously you have hardcore cognitive dissidence to deny it.
Okay now I am pretty sure that you are a shill. Commenting on her looks or whatever. My point was that her message rhymes with our ideology, with our culture. For that merit alone she is Holla Forums relevant.
now shoo you jew.
Nobody took a snapshot of the final state, but he kept it up till the post limit and accrued over 200 posts to his ID. To be fair, this is the closest we ever came to having an unspammed thread.
Nobody's stopping her from existing, you ninny, we just don't want her here
She's welcome to exist on freech, or voat, or chimpire if she wants. Hell, let her try 4chan since she "redpills thousands at a time", that would be a good test of her amazing redpilling skills. She can force her agenda down 4chan's throat like she's pilling a cat, she's just that talented and amazing.
cuck my pol up fam
I also like molyneux for his videos, it has little to do with sexual attraction. She speaks what we believe in, and thats enough for me.
I cannot read this as spoken by anyone other than a tumblr landwhale."
This is the video where she's live streaming a debate with the shills from 4/pol/ on the lolbertarian open borders policy. She really burns one of the faggots something fierce, like hitting him with a giant fire ball from outer space or something. I'm genuinely afraid to talk to her now.
The only ones talking about that are the "yellow teeth" pig spammers you fucking kike.
that didn't answer my question whatsoever. it wasn't a meta question, i wasn't asking about what Holla Forums should do with itself.
you complained that a girl supposedly redpilling people is getting censored "on the Internet," you said, not just here. I asked what you want Holla Forums to fucking do about her getting censored on various places on the grand internet. I'm not asking about internal Holla Forums drama.
God the zealotree of the kikes is amazing. Someone actually called out the jew, and you are looking at desperate kikes, becoming even more desperate.
They are seeing the final solution coming right towards them and are doing everything in their power to stop it. Its fucking fucking hilarious.
thanks average looking attentionwhore girl, you caused a lot of delight to us.
You forgot to remove the end quote when you copypasted that from freech loser
molyfag talks
yellow tooth doesnt
2 completely different nigs
For those unaware, i was baiting.>>6075828
Notice how he magically stoped posting under 98e12a after i said this.>>6075842
Who is this camwhore?
Evalion (aka elegon) was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to boost their eceleb careers and take advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to voat. Essentially, she is a political stunt.
Why is there a whole bunch of threads about this spammed on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is a very important strategic location for gaining eceleb momentum. So they are trying to get people talking about her on here to boost their audience when they eventually bring her back after collecting shekels in donations. It is highly likely that people from there are spamming us to gain a new audience.
Where is the evidence?
#chimpire irc logs: archive.is
Talk about it on voat (apparently one of them was a beta by the name of Michael Constantine that deleted all her vids or something): archive.is
Go ask them about it at yoourself at irc://irc.rizon.net/chimpire
The following is taken from the irc logs:
18:21 never once
18:22 < constantine> and never even touched her
18:22 this motherfucker right here
18:22 < constantine> just whined
18:22 < constantine> over her
18:22 have i ever gave any girl online money
18:22 < constantine> sure
18:22 im sure
18:22 < constantine> you just wrote her scripts, right?
18:22 that is correct
18:22 ROF1
18:22 < constantine> out of the good ness of your heart
18:22 i love how Kowal1488 pings me every time!!!
18:22 myth: you seeing this
18:22 constantine: um, if you haven't figured out that suspook has a political agenda that he found elegon useful for, you're p dumb.
18:22 lol
18:22 cuckstantine how mad are you im about to put elegon on a stripper pole?
18:22 < constantine> fuck myth
18:22 make her det real money
18:22 < constantine> and fuck suspook
18:22 i was going to use her channel/followers as a bridge to chimpire
18:22 fuck myth?
18:22 it's about networking
She had her scripts written by her by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
And that's the problem.
Who's "we"?
Why should you, whoever you are, decide what Holla Forums is and isn't allowed to talk about?
And you don't see anything suspicious about how Gex is suddenly being demanded a mod position on multiple boards on multiple sites?
And how he's now trying to gain power?
Read this, she's triggered a fuck-ton of bluepills.
He isn't though. It's only you saying that.
tfw i fucked up
look at youtube comments of the "recently red pilled", here on b, politics, and other boards. its that one thing faggot. deny it further.
So I guess the posters in the very thread you linked demanding mods make Gex a mod don't exist?
Or on the /politics/ thread, the same people aren't there?
And on /polpol/?
So to iterate on this, we have a fracture point coming up in our community, consensus must be formed now and the shills must be outed, even if they are using our language.
I declare this average looking attentionwhore girl to be Holla Forums relevant. She got my seal of approval.
I recommend to the mods to amp up their efforts to sniff out the potential vectors for attacks against her, but also with a close eye to potential genuine feeding (which the kikes could also be doing) of her fans, trying to bring out the worst of them.
Pruning of the spam, while not disallowing her to have one thread should be the norm.
if she triggered so many blue pills by having one article then donald trump must have RED PILLED THE ENTIRE GALAXY
You are doing a very poor job of blending in, you fat fuck.
There is no way you don't have that hideous cellulite crap adorning your filthy fat ass. Absolutely disgusting.
-Every single person who has spammed threads about her
-Every single person who has saged threads about her
-Every single mod who has had to clean out a shitload of reports every morning since a bunch of smitten cucks started spamming threads about her here
I would think that was self-evident, but maybe you're just super dense. I mean, you fell for Evalion's act, you'd have to be pretty dumb.
lol reddit talk leaking through. we can sense it.
That's you and your friends though.
So your excuse for your side shilling is that it's secretly me shilling for you.
Thank you for confirming you're retarded,
i legitimately kekked
Yeah at fucking 4am
A little fucking solidarity maybe? A little more reaction to the mods going full moot? Even ITT you can see anons saying the bare minimum not to get b& for being politically incorrect. The time for 8/pol/ to do anything as far as helping her out is over, now it's just a matter of finding out if/how much this board is compromised.
Should be, but we've been asking this of the mods for the past week and they're still not getting it.
I take the opposing position.
Holla Forums is more important than e-celebs. We are anonymous and work our meme magic on the outskirts, effecting real culture change. This scares everyone in power. E-celebs veer off into shilling and crap. An anonymous collective can't be co-opted before they follow leaders with names and faces. Evalion gets my Seal of Shill, no matter if her intentions are good or bad.
I recommend mods keep stopping this raid and everyone do as we always do: reject e-celeb camwhore cancer.
Fracturing off these blueballed beta worshipers is no loss.
lol you get banned for one day.
4cuck would be 4 months easy.
mods see this as a minor faggout outbreak with autist battling pol.
If I had to pick one item to bring with me to a deserted island, it would be you.
I would never go hungry again.
nice trips but sage since autism shouldnt be a top thread
Ha, no.
That's awful sweet but I would probably murder you on the first day because you're always harping about the same dumb shit just like a nagging wife
gg for anchored thread. was fun playing with actual autist.
Reminder that Trump is going to cause universities to cancel their gender studies courses, permanently.
And there is not a single thing you can do to stop him.
You STILL haven't answered the question.
what the fuck do you want Holla Forums to do about it
now, aside from you not really answering me, i will mention that Holla Forums does not endorse e-celebs. Before you claim Gex, he isn't an e-celeb, but let's not get dragged into that argument because it's tangential. e-celebs are a slippery fucking slope by which almost ALL people fall into drama and stupidity. Look at GG: KoP, Sargon, IA, all those guys were hailed at first, and slowly but surely it all tumbled down into faggotry.
Holla Forums is not going to rally behind a random girl who names the jew.
ALSO, this thread is proof against your censorship theory. If mods were censoring this, this thread wouldn't exist. You and the rest of the pro-eva posters would be banned. If it were censored, we wouldn't have had a half dozen bumplocked threads last week with hundreds of replies. The mods would have deleted any eva thread on sight.
Yet they didn't and you still scream "censorship."
You still see tons of pro-eva shit.
LOL wtf gave you the idea that I didn't vote for Trump
you're weird af
This IS our meme magic, this IS real cultural change. You wanna be like the Thule Society, jerking off in your sekrit club, while we wanna be like Hitler and actually accomplish shit. This is even assuming you are who you claim to be and not just another SRS shill (there, I can ingroup signal too).
explain yourself, faggot
You don't understand what you're talking about, that's pretty obvious.
Not well, my new friend.
Because this place is compromised as fuck.
Mods will allow spambots that repeat exactly, word for word, the shit that these SJWs say on Jewtube, but they'll delete/bumplock any and all thread about Evalion and the SJWs attacking her.
Your psyop fails again. Holla Forums remains united.
How does it feel?
Did you know that it's scientifically proven that women legitimately have smaller brains than men? This is a hard fact, and explains why women are not able to perform as well as men in technical positions.
how do you feel that evalion has a bf, loves her yellow teeth, and hates all pro white groups that aren't her?
If you have archives or a decent theory, post on >>>/noshill/
Will remove all shit.
Maybe you should just go back to Jewtube.
Because Holla Forums isn't a circlejerk about some e-celeb camwhore
gg no re
How can it still be censorship when you can still post in it?
Oh, because they demanded a cyclical sticky yesterday and didn't get it (Because Evalion is completely irrelevant to Holla Forums)
Also they said they were "always going to stay on the front page" kek
anyway fuk this shitty thread I'm out
cya bitches
It's hard to keep the narrative going when it doesn't match up with reality, ain't it?
what the fuck
what the fuck do you not understand about 340 replies? It's already HAD attention. It's also still fucking here and not deleted.
Explain to me how that is censorship, like I already fucking asked you to, because you didn't.
This place already is co-opted you shit shill.
You're trying to keep us docile, because if we take a stand here this whole thing will blow up just like Goymergate did. Before that no one even knew about SJWs, now the entire Internet knows them. The same thing will happen if we join the fight against the Jewtube SJWs.
And that is EXACTLY what faggots like are trying to prevent by making it about 'muh e-celebs'.
nail + head = your post
Exactly, well said.
This is how you can easily conclude that all the saging (lol) outsiders are not Holla Forumsaks.
Camwhores are cancer-tier topics, not Holla Forums-tier topics
show me a video where she was camwhoring, faggot.
Yeah… Don't talk shit about muh lady! *drooool*
Thank you for shilling.
Now go back to Jewtube.
no need for real evidence! just call everyone a beta. that will surely make the goyim go to sleep.
Nobody asked for a "rally" just that shill spammers/beaner mods not control what can and can't be discussed here. Your eceleb points are valid except they put a ceiling on getting the message out to any potential audience.
I don't get the sense you're a shill but that might only be because you're a good one.
YOU'RE conveniently forgetting that the threads they "frantically deleted" were the ones that went beyond the fucking threshold of being the 5th or 6th thread about the same fucking topic as the other 4 or 5. That's not censoring, that's pruning duplicate topics.
Were you even HERE last week? There's wasn't a single fucking second that an Eva thread didn't exist that you could post in. You're retarded and your shit's all fucked up.
anyone that says we shouldn't bother redpilling is a shill, whether they're paid or not.
Still waiting for that evidence. Just like the six million.
hundreds of replies of fucking DOG SPAM and ASLKAJSDLAKDALKDSAS for hundreds of posts. don't try to rewrite history in front of us.
Five Guys blew up because cuckchan attempted to ban something Holla Forums and Holla Forums wanted to discuss
Evalion has totally failed to low up because it's something Holla Forums does not want to discuss, and Holla Forumsacks happily welcome the mods banning it as a topic
I am not one of these PR faggots, I was raised on imageboards that did not care for any kind of censorship of speech. Perhaps this may not be in the favor of our overton window, perhaps it is. But my own nature compels me to look the other way when someone else does it.
Which is what she did.
There is also a third option, that of a neutral approach. Which I think is best. Let her exist, she most likely still is a net positive to our efforts. Let her exist, and since what she is talking about is still related to us, let her have ONE thread.
I think that her excursion into fame is unique enough to allow her to at least have that.
I know that the mods hate e-celeb drama, I do too. But another thing to think about is the fact that there are so many kikes buzzing around her now.
I want her to stay for that very reason alone. I am not sure why but I get great delight in seeing jews suffering, of being anxious that they are slowly going to the final solution.
let her have one thread I say.
Gee, wonder why so many people are in this thread that gained hundreds of posts in a couple of hours.
1. Spam thread to death
2. Wait for new thread to go up
3. Report for duplicate thread
4. Repeat step 1
5. profit
All of them.
nice one. several of her videos she doesn't even show her face. get fucked faggot, you haven't even watched her videos.
Yes I understand that, but your implication is of having no moderation. Were you here last week? Eva threads were literally getting spammed around the clock, the mods couldn't even keep up. What alternative are you suggesting? If we didn't have mods controlling the threadspam like we asked them to, then we'd have had dozens of Eva threads shitting up the catalog.
Also, every place has limits on what can and cannot be discussed. There's just a relative limit to how reasonable that is. Like we don't discuss or post child porn here because that's fucking horrible, for example.
I didn't say that anywhere, but eva absolutely falls into the definition of what an eceleb is considered to be. I specifically said Gex, who also has an audience, is NOT an eceleb.
Ha, i almost missed this
Look at it, straight from the Jewtube comments section!
Which is why they were creating multiple threads to combat the Hotpocketeering right?
Fuck off you SJW Jewtuber. You're not a Holla Forumsak you unwanted element.
yeah dozens of threads full of people spamming israeli dogs
Because mods were deleting them.
You don't see them deleting Trump threads, and those threads take up more than half the catalog.
Try harder.
Holla Forumsacks are having fun kicking your shit in for running a shitty shill operation. This whole thread is literally you getting raped
True. I don't indulge e-celebs and neither does the rest of Holla Forums
Well, its a long process, they have to sift through all the variables, from potential shills, to a potential BF using her to make dosh, to her fans doing this, to herself doing this.
It is hard to find the optimal solution if your information is limited. I too made mistakes, thankfully though, I thought deep and long hard about things and re-formulate them. Like the kike incursion and demoralization efforts on trump.
As there are more jewish brains doing effort to stop us, the plots may become more frequent in nature, more intricate even as you are seeing now.
It takes some time and some effort to sift through it all and to get the truth out of it.
But I think that we all can agree that at the very least we can acknowledge that the posting frequency has dramatically increased around her. Whether its by hostile parties or not, that remains the question.
But it is our duty to figure it all out, to be ever vigilant and then to stop a potential attack vector.
Also, as we are moving the window more right, more kike resources will be allocated to us daily. More kikes will join in the fray. I hope that most of you are prepared to nearly make this a daily job.
You and your Holla Forums buttbuddies aren't Holla Forumsacks and your shill game is weak
lol right. yeah doesn't indulge the dozens of eceleb threads on Holla Forums like molyneux, tila tequila, NPI, amren, whatever the fuck else. seriously gas yourself, you don't speak for anyone. You are not Holla Forums, you're a god damn pink faggot masquerading as one of us.
How can you even talk about her videos if you've never even watched one? Ignorant fool.
I'm not. I was there. You're lying, and that's the end of that discussion, because right now it's just you said, I said.
All those threads went exactly like this one. Anytime anyone tried to have an actual discussion of the topic (LIKE I DID earlier in the thread) people (((for some reason))) got nothing but disingenuous deflecting and subject dodging by pro-eva people who never really answered questions.
All those threads went like this, and this thread is not "nothing but spam." You see a few of us tried to have a conversation earlier on, but no, the pro-eva faggots back at the start wanted to 3-sentence no-substance shitpost about being right but not actually saying why.
confirmed for faggot not having been here last week, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, just like the other guy.
i cannot believe it was only last week and yet we have faggot revisionists like you running rampant just saying whatever they want to be true having happened.
I speak for every single Holla Forumsack when I tell you to kill yourself :^)
well since there are so many kikes here, are there any QT jewish shill girls posting here? Would you let me holocaust your ovens :)?
no, all of those threads got filled with tons of spam and we have a lot of archives as proof, go fuck yourself.
smart as shit brah
I know you're a massive faggot who doesn't actually care about how things went down, but before I go I will leave you with this
Evalion threads got made. A couple at first. Got hundreds of replies. A few more popped up.
At that point the mods hadn't done anything to them, but people in other threads were getting sick of seeing the same 3 or 4 eva threads always bumped to the first page. So, they bumplocked all except one, which was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
Then, due to the bumplocks (which only happened after hundreds of replies), people posted more threads, screaming "censorship," even though there was still a thread or two that wasn't locked and still kept getting bumped.
Soon, it spiralled out of control, and mods had to lock or prune those threads, and those people yet again screamed "censorship," and yet again spammed more threads.
Your argument is that threads got spammed because mods were deleting them, and you're fucking wrong and retarded and your shit's all fucked up like I said.
Instead, the mods were deleting them BECAUSE they were getting spammed.
Your argument is seriously a reverse "chicken or the egg" finger-pointing argument and it's the opposite of what happened.
Anyhow peace out faggots, I doubt many will miss this thread.
time for you to spam more of them and break board rules by doing so, but scream "censorship" when the mods rightfully do something about it
oh what do you know, the thread is bumplocked
Faggot imkampfy bumplocked the thread. Of course he samefagged as a regular user 10s of times before he did it.
those "hundreds of replies" were Israeli dog spam, don't try to rewrite history
We need a sticky detailing this so that they stop spamming. Just make it temporary or whatever. One sticky, for one day, telling people not to spam this stuff and that there is no conspiracy against this average looking attention starved girl. Perhaps if they just keep it in one thread we can leave this drama behind us.
no they want to no platform fascists. this is normal antifa tactics. they won't let evalion have even one thread here without it getting spammed or bumplocked.
mods = antiwhite
Then report them for spam when you do that again, fug, il even help you guys. Just stop spamming, if you are doing that.
Yea this is weird. There arent even other threads about her in the catalog.
the mods are fucking in on it
this is how they do it. this is shilling in action.
why mods.
because a psychotic asian whore is sooo much better than someone that makes videos about GLR
Well, pictures and different stories are one thing. But this is pretty damning evidence. Something is indeed up.
Great, actual proof that the mods may be corrupted. What now.
You're conveniently swapping the definition of "spamming". A post going up repeatedly after being deleted is not the same as walls of text, dogs dressed as jews etc that is allowed to stay up. Go ahead and keep up that "we" and "us" argument though.
looking at migrating over to /politics/
I'm still going to stay here and fight the censorship though. I don't want to divide the board.
God that is haunting, the d&c actually worked. The mods werent able to keep up.
I guess my worst fears became true, and the lack of community involvement turned them into isolated totalitarians.
it's sad but true. we shouldn't expect anything less than total resistance against our ideas though. we're fighting an uphill battle.
I dont even understand why its so difficult to secure proper mod teams that dont turn sour. Why the fuck do they always have to turn to shit.
Hahah, it's the nigger from the most infuriating "anti-"Evalion video. Back for me btfo'ing?
Stay ashey bix nood muhfuggah.
Sound familiar? I swear, I've heard of these types somewhere before.
Great, so second exodus when?
the fuck are you even talking about you bix nood attempt at a person?
I'm tired of being the eternal internet jew, constantly in diaspora shuffling from one community to the next. When will we find freedom? Where will we find our home?
I am not even sure what the thought process is of a mod, I dont know why they turn sour over time at a near 100% rate. Where they threatened by the jews? Were they bribed? Did something biologically change in them for being mods?
I did notice that the less they interact with their community, the more isolated they become, and eventually they completely disconnect from the average user. Perhaps in the same way in politics.
Perhaps the best way to ensure proper board survival is to find a mod team that is resilient to these things.
Not sure which traits we should be looking for then.
I'm more interested in what you can tell me.
Do any of you know "Evalion's" name? My curiosity stems from examining her chosen stagename.
Let's take a look briefly.
Eva (((Lion)))
[Victoria] (((Loeb?)))
Just curious how close this gets me. Thanks in advance!
the board has absolutely no connection the moderators. considering most of the users are from anglo or european stock which - even if we disagree fundamentally with its proponents - are a democratic people. No taxation without representation - or rather no moderation without representation. We have no idea if our mods are shills or paid off by Hillary. they have 0 transparency and accountability. They are the nameless, faceless globalist masters.
her name is robert paulson.
Well I cant blame them for not wanting to reveal themselves. Its a pretty dangerous thing to do with so many people lurking here who could potentially dox them.
The hints are somewhat more subtle for different things though, like the stickies and the language in them.
They rarely truly have some good ol nigger hate in them. Only the race realism sticky that was here a couple of days ago impressed me slightly. The rest are just trump support threads.
Isaiah 11:6
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them"
You game is too weak. Your beat:. It's incorrect.
It didn't happen in a single day user.
Do you remember the ids/no ids debate during the first exodus?
The /leftypol fracture?
The bans for not sageing?
The constant stickies?
The mod's contribution to this very fiasco by not simply removing spam, just because they agreed with it?
All of the above contributed into creating a user base craving for a safe space and mods that direct discussion while alienating those that wanted politically incorrect discussion.
These are the results. With minimal effort a bunch of shills, playing both sides, have fractured the community once again and left a perfectly good opportunity come to pass. All this while a minority of pollacks are whining about things they don't like seeing, some not speaking out in fear of getting banned and others stating the obvious of the situation.
We did though, we never stopped reporting the spam. The mods flatly didn't care, they dismissed the reports and deliberately turned a blind eye.
not a downvote, STILL
nice trips, but what? you vahry esoteric brah
Well, I wasnt even pro, this attentionwhore, but its just flat out wrong to do what these mods are doing.
Guess I am on board now with you guys to the second exodus.
I wasn't pro-evalion at all until she got shut down so hard and I couldn't even talk about it on 8ch. if she gets shut down on youtube and you can't even talk about it on 8pol where can you talk about it?
I never understood that either.
For reference, I myself am BO of a medium-sized board on here and still get along with the community just fine. Were something like this to happen there, I'd very carefully pick through the threads and assess the logic and posting habits of all involved, and open it up for discussion before making a decision. As far as imkampfy goes, I can definitely understand he could be genuinely manipulated by something like these shills, if I were lazier and dumber I might've fallen into that trap too. So, I'm not convinced he is compromised, he may just have fallen for the shilling.
I would lend you my pillow to cry into, but the temptation to smother you with it would be overwhelming.
There's at least one good one who stickied Eric Hunt and Ursula threads the last couple of months. Maybe they shitcanned him.
there's a fine line between useful idiot and shill and ikampfy definitely railed it
I guess the angry spam that you guys made did reach me. Well fug. FRACTURE POINT INCOMING.
Well we need to replace those mods who cant keep up then. We are even lucky to have so many apt people here constantly digesting so much information, looking out constantly for potential new vectors of attacks. The voices of those people should work like in a top down hierarchy, as information gatherers and somewhat like council members.
Something definitely went wrong here, and I am not to keen to let things go to chance again, we all know how it will turn out to be. If you dont fix it, the kikes will take advantage of it. Be it too low IQ to deal with this, or something else. The top of the top must be the most elite of us.
Cool story bro. Maybe you and Gex can fill the Evalion gap left by Holla Forums's indifference?
Which board?!
This, I watched her video on donating to the third world and had a giggle about a month ago, but otherwise ignored her. Then, this week her account gets shut down and the discussion thread is full of blatant spam and my kikery senses started going off like crazy. It became clear that external shills were trying to stop us talking about it; thus we had to talk about it, though I didn't care about Evalion herself. Always do the opposite of what Jews tell you to and all that.
to add to that: especially now that we are moving against the kikes, they are putting more resources up against us. Its a brain arms race. If we actually want to defeat them, we must be prepared for more intricate shilling that comes in greater frequency. We are at fucking war.
This attentionwhore named the jews, I am pretty sure that she got them riled up, scared even. There was even some jew article that I read today that directly named us, Holla Forums. If you need any more signs, well I dont know, it should be enough.
We need to keep being efficient. I believe that we do have the power to not only resist them, but to also outmaneuver them. But the cost for these things is perhaps constant adjustment, constant trimming to make sure that they cant latch on to anything too static that makes us inefficient.
The mod team right now is the only bottleneck that is of significance.
Reminder that more people are dropping feminism than are picking it up. Soon it will be mainstream to oppose social justice.
yeah it literally doesn't matter if she did this for shekels or attention or if she showed her tits a couple of years ago to her boyfriend. the jews are attacking and we have to be vigilant and respond in kind.
So, which board?
Fusion keeps namedropping us, they also reported on our Angry Birds analysis (which was correct) and our Iowa predictions (which were correct).
I was very dismissive of "muh pr" up until a while ago. That was when I saw subtle hints of the PR actually working, like the kids at high schools using cuck as an insult. The overton window theory is no joke. Some of these e-celebs are pretty useful to us. We may hate them for their degenerate ways, but the way I see it, they are doing more harm than good right now. They need to be somewhat kept on a leash though.
So yea, whatever she is, whatever intentions she might have. She is definitely a boon to us right now. And things like that you must protect.
I see. The Jews thereby establishing a 'vanguard' as it were.
Enter phase three.
if not protect, at least let us discuss her without our threads getting sagebombed, bumplocked, and deleted. we don't need to white knight her, but why can't we even talk about it?
What are you doing now?
what? what do you mean? I'm scratching my huwhyte nuts. what are you doing?
No man, protection is the right word. And we arent protecting her, but rather the metaphysical potential that she has on the population. I couldnt care less how she looks and that she is a grill. Killing jews is more important than that.
"Muh PR" usually refers to us sanitizing our message to make it more palatable to normalfags.
Truth is the Overton window doesn't work like that, though they may be bluepilled they're not retarded. Shove the truth in their faces and many of them may well believe it, they're very used to being told what to think and a deep part of them respects strength and confidence.
okay yeah in that sense I totally agree, she is putting forth ideas that we have to defend, because they are our ideas
Trying to discuss "Eva Lion."
no need to sage a bumplocked thread
well im in this thread now 8ch.net
I don't know what you mean though
I am a firm believer of "if you dont use it, you lose it" But what if you already lost it? If more people were talking about gassing the kikes, they would have far more problems in arresting them all. That is what the idea of the overton window is to me. I want more of them to talk about it. More of them to also learn about it. I dont want to feel alone outside. I want these normies to finally catch up.
Did you miss this?
Reminder that the mud people you defend would rape and murder you and leave your corpse on the side of the road without a moment's hesitation. The only thing protecting you is the fact that the left hasn't properly assumed control yet.
And we intend to make sure they never do.
did I miss blatant shitposting? no. but what of it?
who cares what her name is? what matters is our plan.
They would be in deep shit if that happened. Probably they have The List with all our names on it, but if it grows to unmanageable lengths it's useless.
Also means that for us our best chances of surviving an Obamapurge are to spread the redpill far and wide and rope in as many people as we can.
I've defended no mudpeople and need no reminding. Also, drop the Rambo act. Your whole presence is forced as fuck.
This is 'redpilled' thinking, eh?
Ha, exactly, that is why people like her are so priceless. She is a catalyst for our thoughts. Capable of spreading it to large numbers. It also brings us one step closer to the removal of the kikes.
she has given us an opening to redpill. it doesn't matter if she's an asteroid, a shill, or truly redpilled. we need to act, and to act we need to be able to talk and plan.
You don't even know who 'she' is, and yet here you are talking like this latter-day Anne Frank is some sort of apparition of the Holy Mother.
uh what? it doesn't matter who she is, what matters is her actions.
Who the fuck are you?
Yes, and despite your lame, ongoing, chronically-failing efforts to turn the tide of reality in your Eloli's favor (thereby directing the narrative toward the establishment of your kiked-up 'vanguard'), her actions have been quite clear basically from the word go.
She's a -stein, a -berg, or a Loeb like any other. Take it to the bank.
Just so you know, one of the things that sets us off is that we don't care who she is, we're used to not caring about identities.
Free hint because you're getting painful to watch.
Could have fooled me seeing as you matriarch's merit rests on recognizing her fellow Jews.
Clearly you do care about identities.
Or the whole thing's a hustle.
not working, chaim.
nice talmudic sophistry goldstein
You should dislike her for conning you suckers into shitting-up every chan on the cleanet.
Her Jewish origins only explain the how and why.
Agreed. Which is why my wheat-colored hair and sky-blue eyes are meritous by fact of their existence alone.
Fortunately, you did get that part right.
So now the mods are Muslim? At least Eva Lion will always be a kike, fwiw.
Honestly, it's not that hard to work out.
Hell, go to wikipedia and look up 'IQ by countries'.
Here I'll even fetch it for you.
This is a legitimate map of the world's IQ distribution. What do you notice about it?
That you're trying to steer the conversation away from your Eloli Eva Lion. It's not going to work.
Answer the question.
I asked you a question first, faggot.
It was about your matriarch, Eva Lion.
Victoria, was it?
This may be difficult for you to accept, but each of us used to be in a similar mindset to you, and hold similar values.
We went right wing only because we saw the evidence and were left with no choice. It would've been much easier if all races really were equal, but the reality is that science has shown that this isn't the case.
You don't need to think of us as bad people just because we're willing to tell the truth, and accept the scientifically accepted facts as they are.
The redpill is a bitter pill to swallow. But in time, you yourself may find it start to go down.
You could not be more obvious at this point.
I'm going to start a betting pool.
I've got $10 on Victoria "eVa" Loeb "lion".
Loeb = lion in Hebrew
So, yea. $10 for the pool on Victoria Loeb. Any other takers?
muh numerology
Nothing to do with numbers. Just witnessing the sleight of hand.
yeah okay man, I'll take ten of whatever you're taking
V. Lion
V. Lion
Victoria L.
V. Loeb
Victoria Loeb
Fucking stagenames, mang. With Jews you lose.
am i doin it rite guise