African American soldier enriches japan: strangles and stabs a 20 yr old woman to death

African American soldier enriches japan: strangles and stabs a 20 yr old woman to death.

Notice how a foreigner killing a jap gets huge media and political attention in their country?

Other urls found in this thread: no Shiawase na Jikan!Regular Novels/Our Happy Time

Nigger soldiers have long been tools for terror in occupied territories.

Oh man, this is gonna be good.
Could glorious Nippon finally be awakening from its slumber?

Is it me or does she kind of look like a nigger too?

She looks like what tanned Japs look like.

your giant jew nose is obstructing your vision

I hope they lynch him. Although i know it won't happen. Hopefully when trump is elected he will let Japan develop a proper military.

Yeah bro im totally a shill. Look at her hair. It looks niggerish. She is definitely darker than me and her nose is definitely wider than mine.

Japan is actually already building up their military pretty fast, even though it goes against some treaty they have with America

you're fucking dumb

Dindu nuffin.

Nigger hair is nappy and knotted you dumb kike. The only time they have hair that looks anything like hers is when they buy fucking weaves that are made of asian and indian hair.

it pisses me off that thing gets called an "American"

She's Okinawan I believe, much darker than most Japanese, but still considered to be Japanese.

This happens to women in all of America's occupied countries. I'm glad Japan isn't afraid of reporting it on the news like Germany is.

America likes to distribute it's rape apes around the world for some reason. They house them on the overseas military bases, then let give them easy access to local towns and their women.


Oh you mean like all the fucking time? More sheboons have hair like in OP's pic than have nappy afros. And its isn't always a weave. They go to great lengths to straighten their own hair and grease it up with all kinds of shit.

Jesus Christ all you fucking white knight weebs come out of the woodwork to defend some dead nip.

Thank you for this post.

Fun fact: The criminal justice system of Japan has a conviction rate that exceeds 99%

'Under questioning, Gadson allegedly admitted to killing Shimabukuro and directed police to the location of her body. DNA, including blood, matching the woman was also found in his car, according to the Tokyo Reporter.
Despite Gadson’s apparent confession, his mother said she believed he was innocent.
“He didn’t do nothing like that,” she said. “Maybe somebody set him up.”'

The Okinawans are the niggers of Japan. They get made fun of for being tan, hairy, farmers and drunks.

Niggers are always fucking up there. Don't forget that Okinawa has like 80 percent of all American bases in Japan. The last time I saw the stats it was 24 men to one woman ISLAND WIDE when all bases are included with natives. They have to import thousands of Fillipino Juicy Girls for handjobs to keep everyone kind of sane. Not even joking or exagerrating.

The Juicy girls end up getting enriched every now and then and Uncle Sugar cuts a check to the pimp aka manager to keep it under wraps.

But niggers seem to be the only ones that chimp out an kill actual Japs.

Is Obama going to claim this one as one of his kids as well

comedy writes itself

I just keep seeing Rotherham headlines in my mind and wondering what the Japs would've done in that situation.

African hair is narrow and has a rectangular or square profile, Asian hair is wide and has a round profile. Whether it's chemically straightened or not straight nigger hair is nothing like asian hair. If it were, half of every welfare check cashed statistically wouldn't be spent on weaves. Either you're a blind retard or a kike trying to leverage fracture points with your "hurr durr ur a whiteknight :^)" faggotry. We don't care about the girl, we're just getting our seats ready for the shitshow when the Japanese Justice system tries to railroad his nog ass.

Will he get death sentence?

kek is that the guy from the china in africa documentary
forget the name

interesting thanks

The police in the UK and the councils and social workers and care homes actively covered it up and helped the rapists. That was the story. If your country is so pozzed that such an event can even happen, then it's pretty clear what the reaction will be. It will be the same as the UK; no reaction at all.

Japan is pretty pozzed in a lot of ways but I don't think something like that could happen there yet. Seems like something based Yakuza would not tolerate either.

They are redpilled, that's not a Zero on their flag - that's a huge red pill.

“I have an idea. Why don’t I become a refugee?” it concludes.

Nice digits!>>6075188

This is actually common, US personnel have done this time and time again but due to some agreement between governments it gets hushed.

American troops have been killing and raping japs for years.

I'm surprised this one was caught though. Police must have grabbed him before he got back to base.

Status of Forces Agreement or SOFA.

It's essentially a get out of jail free card in that country - so they can be moved to an American jail for trial.

Iraq tried to flex their sovereign muscles with that over our contractors killing people while moving heroin.

She looks blazian.

In the case of Japan both sides generally ignore it.
Jap police always try to grab criminals and the USA always ignores their crimes giving them a dishonourable discharge at most.

Wouldn't surprise me but Okinawans are a lot darker than their kin up north

lol kid are you trying to tell me that from this pic you can see that her hair is round and wide?

This guy gets it. Prepare for the white knights

We (normal people) didn't ignore it, it's changed things here forever. My biggest grievance is the fact that our 'not ignoring' something like that amounts to nothing but public vigilantism and no help from the government.

I guess what I was asking was - what would the Japanese government/police force have done?

Found the nip.

Jap police love using their clubs at closing time, half the time the clubs are taller than them.

I enjoyed taking your sisters, cousins and girls to the BIG BX and then my bedroom zipperhead.

Stay cucked riceboy

It's always the nigger that gets caught.

maybe, what's interesting about Japan's death sentence is they don't tell you when you will die. It could be any day.

If you aren't killed by noon that day it means you are safe until tomorrow. So guys on death row have a really crazy mind fuck going on

They have citizen judges sitting now because people complained that judges were handing too lenient of punishments. So what does that tell you? They'd either get life in prison or the citizen judge would recommend the death penalty – the other judges don't have to follow it but have to write in their dissenting opinion why they don't agree with it.

No it hasn't.

Those in the council, care homes and police responsible are still there. None of them arrested. It's all still going on too. Rotherham even voted Labour in again, with the same MP Sarah Champion, and she had an increased majority too. Rotherham is like 90% white as well so don't blame that result on Pakis.

What vigilantism? I haven't seen any. Just a few protests which I think might actually have been banned now. It's difficult to find anybody that has even heard about it.

No one cares.

they are already protesting this one girl's death, if it was 1400+ they'd go ape shit

Wtf? that's horrible (but brilliant) mind torture, it's almost worse than death.

Imagine fearing death everyday for 10 years.


Its really hard to like americans as a non-american. goodest goys thats for sure

fuck off mook, go back to halfchan with that nonsense, this is all your fault anyways because you have substandard kek


Sounds a potential horror story.

Based Lao Yang, nigga.


Makes sense though in the context of Japanese society and culture.
It wasn't until recently they became soft and decadent but even then they have a somewhat cavalier attitude towards death.


Typical oriental inefficiency, always focusing on sticking pyramids up people's asses, and impersonating their loved ones.

For the sake of efficiency, it'd be better to just put degenerates to the hammer for life, but that's more of a white thing.

I was only imagining what the worse case scenario would be like. Not sure what they'd do realistically.

Curious if any fiction depicts such a nightmare scenario, because surely a manga/anime has touched on such a concept.

they never met before.

blakku piggu go home

most western people don't even know that japan has the death penalty. They friggin never talk about negative or interesting topics. Have you ever heard a japanese person talk about Yukio Mishima? Western people had to make the movie about him

"A 1985 biographical film by Paul Schrader titled Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters depicts his life and work; however, it has never been given a theatrical presentation in Japan." How bizarre is that

It was a civilian employee, not a soldier according to the article.

Japanese learns quickly. It will be the country of the future.

I feel really bad for the poor girl. I mean how violent a death that must have been.

Niggers need to be eradicated.

This is nothing new…

this is probably how it went down.

Ya jap girls are so innocent and dainty. What a waste.

Rip Rina

Yeah. I'm not saying we should cuck for the Japanese or anything like that, but they're not really bad people.


except that it's darkies and slimes do what they are naturally inclined to.
the real piece of shit is the one that lets them act like the animals they are. no Shiawase na Jikan
it's written by a gook, but it has the jap style death row.

I thought it was an alright take on it, but I haven't read it in years.!Regular Novels/Our Happy Time
Novel version

I never see the video of that comic posted, so here.

What race is this guy then?

Rape comes naturally to Germanic kind, it's your entire savage history, rape and pillage.

image isn't loading. i blame the adblockers

someone screencap the headlines


no peace on earth until the eternal kraut is exterminated

Said the subhumans.

That image pisses me the fuck off. Poor Japan finally got guilted into heavily screening and allowing 26 refugees in. Just 26. And this piece of shit still pulls something. Let their boats drown at sea.

This isn't the first time it's happened. Japs on Okinawa are still incensed about those niggers who gangraped that little Japanese girl back in 1995. Niggers are quite literally ruining America's foreign policy.

Dump his body in the Cave of the Niggers

Kill yourself kike.



Japs can be polite pussies when people are nice to them but when you really make them angry they go fucking apeshit

They only became polite pussies after the war, they're never nice before then.

Yeah pre-occupation Japan was still a feudal society. Despite its modernisation.

Hell the Japanese Navy was run and sort of owned by one of the feudal clans. I think it was the Tosa?

Yes but that doesn't mean that we can't use this as an excuse to leave Japan and also kill all niggers.

Japan has the death penalty, it's up to her family

Too obvious.

Ignoring the fact that when Germans occupied cities across Europe the German soldiers had a rate of rape far less than the natural population did.

It's Okinawa. They're hardly even real Japanese people, honestly. They're a spoil of war from WW2. It's farther south so they have darker skin than real Japan. I lived there for three years and they pretty much looked like this. Think Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid.

You know how Japanese treat their criminals?

Now imagine if said criminal was a nigger

This is how the Rhineland bastards came to be.
American negro and spic soldiers raping anything resembling a woman.

Thanks for the "protection", NATO. I hope you'd use it too.

HE WUZ A 少年良い

They really cant control themselves can they?

The one thing the nigger and white guy who raped in japan had in common is being American.

Wow that's a really racist image

I thought Holla Forums said that the Nazis were non-racists!

who the fuck would ever say that

Bunch of Holla Forumsacks were peddling the idea of the nazis were really diversity and respectful of minorities.

Rotherham isn't the only one, there's pretty much a rapingham in every town and not even the biggest one, It's just the largest scandal uncovered yet.


it happened everywhere and still is happening

no one cares though


One step closer to eliminating article 9, we empire soon

He is the 1%

That's what's ticks me off the most tbh

and I'm not even a brit

The death penalty in Japan is administered via hanging.

Just what a murderous monkey deserves.

That's Italian you dumbfuck.

America used niggers to invade their home continent.

I guess that can make even a tolerant fascist racist.

I read about how it's speculated that there are million potential victims of these rape gangs nationwide.

All of the perpetrators are foreigners. Even 50 years ago the pogroms would've been massive.

Not even on here does people seem to care

Obama's son being oppressed by da man again.


Wow I just can't believe that fascists would be so racist like that

I thought Holla Forums said that Nazis and fascists were lovers of peace and not filled with hate!

It's just "he dindu nuffin" written in Japanese, chill out.

I hope them Japs go pic related on his ass

Your sarcasm is not cute or funny it's cringey

88 dubs confirm.

Nationalism is inherently anti-racist, since there are no harmful minorities or ethnic groups around.

-Jesse Owens

The reasons China didn't industrialize before Europe can be summed up as follows:

- Confucian thought prioritized harmony over progress (harmony with nature, harmony with other countries).
- Confucian thought also showed disdain for aggressive military actions (explaining why China declared less war than France).
- Confucian countries instituted conservative policies (as opposed to progressive policies) that inhibited social progress (education was available to a select few, language was designed in such a way to prevent commoners from learning it, certain knowledge was not made public esp in engineering).
- Confucian countries had a disdain for greed (merchants were considered like animals).
- Confucian scholars were themselves driving forces behind science and technology (meaning the scientists were themselves politicians in most cases and this created a toxic environment for innovation).
- Confucian thought also disincentived meritocracy in favor of seniority.
- Confucian countries were highly risk-adverse, which prevented naval travel and discoveries.

Just fucking with the cucks here who want to pretend that german nationalism is nigger friendly you cuck



Post them without make up, ricenigger.
Must suck to come from a culture, where everyone looks the same.

Eh, to be fair, we used some of them from our colonies for warfare. But only on very rare ocasions.


Meanwhile Swedish children get stabbed weekly by unga bungas and no one bats an eye.

Take a hike, kike.

Yeah, japs are not like the chinks at all, I swear. Gooks are disgusting, sociopathic animals and they deserve a culling.

this is why japanese society is superior only japs can fug their own kids, go make your own white piggu

That's China.

That's just shit you made up.

That's true.

Also true.

That's every modern country.
China however is far worse in this because of it has retarded laws where the people who help someone can be forced to pay for everything.

They have some european genes and are basically a mix-race, lad. It's a simple genetic question.

You should have phrased that in a different way. In any case, it'd be time for them to start doing the whole reproduction thingy a bit more often.

Source for that?

He's right, in fact chinks are usually running over people twice after traffic accidents to make sure they don't have to pay life support for life and just pay for the burial.

Go back to redshit, you dumb weaboo.

japs are cancer and they are no better than chinks.

Americans in general have always been the scum lurking in german bars

McCaul concluded her inspection with praise: "I had witnessed a treatment of their enemies which would reflect the greatest credit on any nation. The Russian s were being treated as guests of the country, not mere prisoners of war. "45 Seaman also was impressed. " In the treatment of her prisoners, [Japan] had not only surpassed all previous records, but had established a new standard of humanity for the nations of the future. "46 Based on various reports of foreign representatives regarding the treatment of Russian prisoners, the Belgian minister in Tokyo . Baron d'Anethan, sum med up the general view of his contemporary observers:

The solicitude of the Japanese for the Russian wounded and prisoners is … admirable … . The myth of Japanese hatred for the foreigner will vanish like many other myths unfavorable to Japan by the very testimony of her enemies, who will bear witness to the humanitarian feelings of their conquerors. The image of the able Japanese military heroes constructed m the We stern reports contrasted sharply with foreign perceptions of Japan prior to the Russo-Japanese War, when Western media had depicted Japanese military, dressed in ill-fitting uniforms. with contempt and sarcasm. Frequently the very sight of Japanese soldiers "evoked loud laughter among Western observers," who perceived them as feminine and childish. "Europeans think it is very funny that on the march on hot days every Japanese soldier should use a fan, " the Tokyo-based German physician Erwin Baelz wrote. The British writer and poet of imperialism Rudyard Kipling, who had visited Japan in 1889 and 1892, agreed that the delicate fans and tea sets he noticed in an army barracks in Osaka did "not go with one 's notion of a barrack." Although he no ted that the Japanese soldier "makes a trim little blue-jacket," he concluded "he does not understand soldiering."

Actually, it's a myth since most post-grads in the U.S. are Chinese and Indians and Asians nowadays dominate in science even though there are more White scientists. They also make up for more than half of the technological breakthroughs nowadays.
It's just a myth created to make people good about their kids not succeeding in life.
And I didn’t even mention how the Indian and Chinese youngsters are completely dominating their White counterparts as heavily discriminated minorities.

>Marine Pfc. Rodrico Harp, 21, buried his head in his hands and wept as his wife, Denitrease, apologized for the crime and told the court her husband is a gentle, intelligent man who "adored" his two children.

Every single time. And of course a few years after being released one of them brutally rapes and murders another woman. They should have been kept behind bars.

holy fuck. but, yeah, what is Japan gonna do when China invades, though?

*kept six feet under

Prisons in Japan are known for being some of the worst on earth. Prisoners constantly die in horrific accidents, torture goes on there daily and everybody is fine with it.

They just jeed to get the greenlight from russia and their set to play

Sage from shill thread

That's because they're still largely homogenous and the jew finds it difficult to get to them because language.

Actually it probably will. It's not that uncommon actually. Japan still has hanging as a death penalty, and they do sentence American servicemembers who rape and murder to die by hanging, and the US military doesn't do anything about it. So yeah, he'll probably be hanged.

Report all Holla Forums posts

Say what you will but at least we have not been as cucked as Germany or the EU in general. Hell, trump ascending while the east coast of the states are telling king nigger to fuck off with tranny bathroomsn and rapefugees should tell you something.

Oh boy, I can't wait for more half truths and Japanese dick sucking!

That's because it's guilty until proven innocent.

Although in this case I don't mind that.

They would've dragged the sub-human sandniggers out of their houses and lynched them.

The poor little kike has no life

At least he's providing links and backing up what he says, i don't see you doing the same, fagmeister.

hope they give this nigger the death sentence. and i hope japan calls for no more nigger soldiers. bunch of fucking animals are probably spreading nigger babies in japan too.

German here, can not confirm.

I live in a city with a pretty big American presence, and literally every American I've met so far has been a total bro, most of them are even redpilled.


Japs are mostly sea monkeys, but they weren't as bad as the soon-to-be-cuckolded-by-Jews Imperialists.

better than the blog posts from a White supremacist website that doesn't even support what the OP claims to be true.

I agree, at least they are not in the EU.

You might as well saved yourself the time and just type stormfront.

choose one

How is the mental institution anyway?
That shit can't be good for you anyway, being a fat jew with brown teeths and almost going to jail to the point you have to pledge insanity can't be healthy at all.

Look at the board owner from Holla Forums, he's also an ugly fat kike but at least he has friends.

This is what I can't stand about blacks, their complete refusal to ever take responsibility when they fuck up.

pretty sure the woman in the 1st picture isn't japanese.

yes, i'm degenerate

I am Asian, dude. LOL, but I do admit having at least 1000 reddit account, which I used to make mod requests on skyrimmods.

To be fair they have been conditioned to act like that due to learning from their kike handlers.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Joshua please, this is just beyond sick man, you can't be this retarded to do the SAME crap again after almost landing in jail, how fucking stupid are you?

Kike spotted.

Way to deflect the argument. Keep promoting the good goys of the east.

come on man this is just sad.
You need help, just go find some hobby that doesn't make you more schizophrenic.

This shit didn't end well last time and only the biggest of all retards would end up in the exact same place after ending up in front of a jury.

Joshua, this is just crazy and extremely sad, even for a mentally ill kike.

Gookposter is joshua ryne goldberg
The kike that ended up in the news after giving muslims bomb making tips.

Also posting the same pictures, same links and posting the exact same garbage as last time.

Concentrated jew autism caused by too much inbreeding, truly sad.

Uncle Sam is still there.
Besides, China has its eyes on fuel-rich south china sea.
Check out the news on Spratly Islands dispute.

Your nose is showing goldburg.

Probably the saddest person in all of Holla Forums.
Not even Holla Forums were this pathetic, this guy is literally no one, just some poor kike living with his parents pretending to be different people wasting his life away, I guess anything is better than being a NEET fat kike so I guess you can't really blame him.

I don't get it, Japanese women aren't even attractive. Why bother, an onahole is more pleasurable.

Now to see how Obango and company try to put a spin on this. They can't rely on white guilt and their own media like usual. Hopefully Japan doesn't fall for any of his bullshit.

I was watching some videos recently of a Japanese guy interviewing Japanese women if they'd date a black man. All of them except one said yes.

Obama's son really gets around

So you're anti-white then.


Some of them are real beauties user.

They don't like Americans in the places around the military bases because the soldiers are unruly. They don't like any foreigners there because of it.

It's not just the black soldiers.

Post them user.I usually like their faces,less manjaw more feminine,which is the contrary the west is shown since years.

It wasn't too long ago the US had their aircraft carriers in Hong Kong:

This is the second time they've done this that I know of. It's always a massive disappointment for sailors;

In every case they have only themselves to blame. Prior to the 1997 handover of Hong Kong to communists they always had an open port right in Chinese waters. At the rate things are going they'll lose Taiwan and Japan in the next 50 years.

…to get gunned down by the hundreds on the hilltop outside henderson field

Sayumi is a beauty.

Nothing to be proud tbh.Next time join the good guys side.



Why is it always a marine?

Hong Kong is still fighting though.

I believe the south china sea dispute is the real forecast for the domination of east asia.
China knows it, they haven't stopped pouring military assets and erecting bases on the islands.
The USA knows it, they keep their drones and spy-planes hovering over them despite the numerous interceptions from chinese jets.

If the "Allied Nations" lose these islands, it would be a serious blow to the geopolitical reputation of the USA.


Isn't this the third time this happened?

Literally dundu


Your nose is showing Moishe.

why would i care about how much or how little your cucked? what i mean is that america is the best goys, you love to fight for isreal and happily destroy healthy nations when the jews tell you too

All the cuck shit the EU has they got straight from you.

All this 'diversity' and 'white guilt' came straight out of the US. You guys are the original cuck.

"Empire of Dust"

alt. "Watch Chinks Babysit Niggers"


They let him out of the funny farm?

He din do nuffin!


That cute japanese girl didn't deserve it. God damn I fucking hate niggers.

Well, you can rest easy knowing that this particular nigger will not live very long.

What happens to him? Does he get immunity because he's a U.S. soldier or is japan allowed to prosecute him themselves?

Deploy tactical Yakuzas

Actually, Japanese persecution only takes cases they believe are riskless victories because lol, muh funding. This is, of course, from the cases that do not settle from pleas.

It's already explained somewhere in the thread, it's happened a few time before and the US doesn't do much for them.

the perpetrator definitely wasnt japanese

Marine in a crackerjack uniform?

Nip or kike detected.

Source, I'm interested.

Matte nasai
So what WAITO PIGGU is say
binds wife's feet
Filthy gaijin is say
establishes Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
tortures prisoners of war

He's also an enormous faggot with a bunch of fucked-up sexual fetishes.

"Goldberg was very open…revealed a lot of intimate details including that his favorite hentai was Night Shift Nurses and he enjoyed hentai with coprophilia (he claimed it was "nasteh" in real life), that he was smoking weed and needed to find a new dealer when his family moved, he felt sex was disgusting and considered himself asexual, he revealed his birthday (May 14, 1995), and he complained about not being old enough to enter a Burger King contest (he was 14). If you wanted to know the real Goldberg, it was buried here amongst tens of thousands of shitposts."

Zogbot here.

If you get a dishonorable discharge you are basically fucked. It's virtually the same as having a felony conviction in most states.


In their own countries and when they are guests in Germany, not rapists from the French or American army you dumbarse.


The most asinine thing is Japs go out of their way to broadcast such crimes despite Americans committing a minuscule amount of egregious crimes in comparison to Jap nationals, brazilians, chinks, and your precious ruskis.

What they should emphasize is that he is a fucking NIGGER. I wonder what percentage of niggers make up American crimes over there.

Anyway, my gf lived in Okinawa for 5 years and has almost been enriched by niggers on more than one occasion. I don't think you can meet a person on this fucking Earth whose life wasn't afflicted by a nigger.

Taiwanese also report instances like this. One in particular was akin to that turkroach gang rape in nipponland. Anyway, in spite of whites totalling a modicum of serious crimes in East Asia, we get so much fucking flack because of retarded military personal and 3rd-world degenerates.

But above all else, the most glaring thing to take from all this is that such Asian countries report expat crimes, regardless of infrequency. Good thing the USA is waking up, but it's still like pulling teeth.

Fuck niggers.

Really? Because here in the UK a dishonourable discharge is akin to being a social leper, it doesn't prevent you from simply avoiding telling anyone and continuing on as normal.

Because Africa was such a lovely place before DA JOOS, right? Fuck off with your transparent bull-shit.

Whenever you hear about soldiers raping japs, go look up the pictures of the accused. They're always niggers.

who is that?

You must be fun to talk to.

holy fuck man whenever i read about this shit it ruins my entire fucking day

been there many times, 少しい日本語を話す事ができる、and the people/country is beautiful, it's always great whenever we go

they do not deserve this shit, i want them to rebuild their military and crush korean/chinese skulls like rotten pumpkins

Sounds like somebody needs to take a vacation down south with casa pound.

Ignore the kike. He's obviously just being a cunt.

And that's on top of whatever civil penalties you'll have to endure. Normally there's that clause against double jeopardy in the Bill of Rights but since military personnel are under the UCMJ the government can (read: will) basically fuck your life six ways from sunday.

Thus, they save DD's for the most heinous shit (murder, aggravated sexual assault, drug trafficking, treason/desertion, espionage, etc.)

Read through the thread and slap yourself dipshit.

I wish I could smash your fingers with a hammer.

English teacher?

You can be an absolute shitbag and most commanders will be willing to work with you as long as you try to improve. They'll prevent you from re-enlisting unless you actually prove to them that you got your shit together, which can easily happen after a deployment. Having said that, it takes someone that goes well beyond shitbag to get a dishonorable discharge and the military will fuck you hard. The military will also fucking hound you for anything monetary even if it happened a decade ago, those kikes.


no I'm not a slave, forester

you have 10 seconds to put down that pinecone, citizen, or i will fuck you with the long dick of the law. LET ME SEE THOSE HANDS

for real though i hate weebs, if you go to another country to teach english you literally waste 1-3 years of your life. no it doesnt look good on a resume, you make literally no money and often have to spend money to do it, and spend ~10 hours a day singing the alphabet to bored children who hate you for taking up their playtime after school

Glad to hear this is getting good media coverage.

Hopefully a similar thing (although preferably non-fatal) happens with the 150 "Syrians" they're taking, and the whole lot can get sent back.

Night Shift Nurses is objectively a hentai classic

Me. I've lived in the midwest my entire life, small towns only a few tens of thousand of people in them and mostly white.

Wow, I guess you are fun to talk to. I read through and so no evidence of her being even moderately related to africans.


Back to reddit, trash.


the nips are really triggered by this

they want Trump to follow through and scale back US military presence in their country (this would also let them uncuck their military - right now they're only allowed to have a 'self-defense force', which is gay even if it's technically pretty strong)

Go home Amikäfer

Yes he is a nigger, but this wouldn't have happened if you Ami would let another country have sovereignty other than Israel. Yes it is the (((Elites))) that make you world police

But you clearly missed the part where they acknowledged that Okinawans are darker than the average Japanese person.

The use of le was a mockery of you, ironically I was claiming you were from Reddit due to your use of gay little catchphrases. Which you used yet again in the opening part of your post, demonstrating just how much of a thick skulled little cretin you are.

Yes I'm mad, die in a fire.

I've had more than one friend raped by a nigger, one with her pretty White face disfigured with a knife during (not filed as a hate crime). I've had shit stolen multiple times; the one time I caught the perpetrator it was a nigger with my stolen bike.

I've had a friend murdered with a shot in the head in his truck in the parking lot of his apartment complex at 5:30am before he left for work. Not quite niggers – two 17-year-old tattooed anchor babies born to an illegal immigrant.

Count yourself lucky you live in an unenriched area. This country is literally a war zone.



t. Tyrone Rothstein



What? How is the relevant to what I said?


Wow, Ryan Dawson had a video about this recently. He blamed it on US imperialism. Funny he didn't mention that the guy was a nigger. I should have known. Dawson has blinders on; he denies that race differences have any value, so of course he ignored this obvious example of the violent nature of blacks. For goodness sakes, they commit half of all murders in the United States. When are people going to realize that blacks are the lowest form of humanity?

People need to message Ryan Dawson and point this out. Beautiful girl. I stick to my own kind, but she should never have had to be killed by that ape, and in her own homeland.

The reaction to this incident by the press/government/voters & the reaction to Rotherham by the press/government/voters are the difference between loving your people & hating your people.

It is the difference between having a national identity; a nationality, a people that you wish to protect & the alternative of having no identity, no nationality, being persistently inundated with propaganda to brainwash you into hating your own people & loving outsiders, to kill any instinct of racial cohesion against outside threats, any instinct of preserving your own.

Jap here, lol no

Japs are honourary aryans.

Saying that okinawans are not Japanese is like saying that slavs are not white. There are differences, yes, but not enough to draw the line. You can go back to playing starcraft.

Perhaps, but that doesn't nullify the effects of outbreeding depression or extinction by introgression, fam.


most of mainland japan treats the place like its seperate from the country entirely, like new york or california

I'm sorry to hear that, user.

I had a 5-minute meltdown last night, screaming nigger on the top of my lungs because I remembered what they did to my twin sister. She's okay, but sexual assault leaves an indelible mark in the mind of a woman. I wish I could have stopped it.

And I don't even live in an enriched area. Although when I was landscaping I ran into idiotic jigaboos on a daily basis.

I can't fucking wait for their extermination. The good ones can just reside in their shanty towns and fuck off.

Rina was a cutie. No wonder the nigger "mud dicked" and chimped out.

This is fucking horrible. Filthy nigger. American military based shouldn't even be there anymore anyway.

Mods Sticky This

It's true man. I can't believe you never heard of tsujigiri. The Samurai would cut down random peasants to test out a new blade every time.

It's very odd seeing ultra polite formal textbook Japanese for "He didn't do anything."




If my local Police Station gives a few kids Honorary Police badges, that doesn't meant those kids can go and arrest people and carry guns. Race-mixing is race-mixing m8, Japs should stay with Japs, niggers with Niggers, ect.

Seems like it didn't happen too often. Largest occurrence was some crazy war-lord killed a bunch of whores.

From Kikipedia

Reminder that Ali was a literally retarded nigger with an IQ of 73 and he could still put two and two together in terms of what made sense.

Is that Muhammad Ali? I just got the clip from Holla Forums, didn't know who it was.

Yeah his reasoning is rather elemetery

Sperged out and posted before I finished.

Is that Muhammad Ali? I just got the clip from Holla Forums, didn't know who it was.

Yeah his reasoning is rather elementary, but it still makes sense.

sage for double post



You know absolutely nothing of Jap history you fucking weeb. There is not slav/=/=/white bullshit.

They are the niggers of Japan. No exaggeration, they are second class citizens.

If a Mainland Jap's daughter or son marries an Oki they are basically shunned for 20 years. Now, it's not the same as for a Flip or Korean - but it's still not good.

You can't prove me wrong, there is now way. From the lips of nips to my ears, Japs and Okis. In the end, they will band together to talk shit and defend Japan as a whole from outsiders - but they don't like each other.

American military bases are like niggers in Japan. Would you like it if you were Oklahoma and Texas kept making you take niggers? Forever?

I'm so sorry for you, so sorry.

You are a huge faggot. I would actually have more respect for you if you fucked a pillow.

You will never. NEVER. be accepted by the nips as anything other than a dogfaced imperialist.


I don't know what police have to do with eugenics, but okay.

Honorary Aryans are not Aryans. Honorary police are not police.

Your analogy is as laughably simplistic and irreverent as your command of the English language. One does not compare apples to oranges. Nature and genetics do not correlate with a man-made vocation.

I assume you are talking about "can't into allegories" because if so you need to leave, new-faggotry is not tolerated.

'Honorary Aryan' is a man made concept, you inbred fuck. A Nord breeding with a mongoloid is race mixing, regardless of what title Hitler gave Japs.

So will you be teaching your kid how to do spree killing correctly then?

Other then 75 years worth of rape

Okinawans aren't Japanese, aren't they more closely related to the Ainu?

So that makes a nigger your president…



But Ainu are Japanese.
They were there before everyone else and most Japs have some Ainu in them.
It's why Japs can have naturally wavy hair or why they have bigger, more western looking eyes than other asians.

You are thinking Kurils, Okinawa is in the south and the Ainu are from Hokkaido, the very north.

have a (you)

Ainu is one of the primary world languages, they are a distinct linguistic, cultural and ethnic group that have heavily bred with Japanese in Japan and Russians in Sakhalin
I believe they are most similar to most Altaic people like Bulgars, Tochars or maybe even actual Indo-Europeans

Have a map of the spread of the Ainu



>tfw no maid to call me goshujinsama while she services my dicke

He looks like an Albino Mulatto.

Why is Holla Forums so against race mixing?
It's how new races are created.


This isn't breeding pokemon; when miscegenation occurs both lineages are worse off for it and end there. If humans were actually improved by race mixing it would have been prevalent throughout human history in all cultures. Instead the children produced develop mental illnesses similar to Elliot Rodger.

Why do you think the Jews are so opposed to it within their own community? Or with royalty for that matter.

New != better. Lots of libfaggots believe nature will endow the crossbreed with magic powers and shit when in reality it's the opposite.

That said, in extreme circumstances, it's better than nothing at all.

if you want to strangle and stab a woman to death, do it to your own fucking race, you literal piece of shit.


Hilarious, my filthy-frank-watching Redditor friend. You really should look in the dictionary to see what the word allegory means. Seriously. It's always funny to see someone fumble their attempt at using a big word (well, it's really not that big) but now you're just embarrassing yourself.

You cannot be this stupid.

Let me make this clear for you, you remedial. You have no idea what Hitler meant by the term 'honourary Aryan', nor will you ever. You are arguing based upon an assumption of what a series of words mean to you. Now fuck off back to Reddit with the rest of the braindead sheep and your ilk.

Reminder that hentai is full of niggers raping whites or are the rape fantasies of japanese gooks.

I know someone in China who briefly worked at a courthouse (or jail or whatever it's called there). Her job was so tell the person that they were to be executed and to be the official witness to their deaths. She'd get a list then go to each of their cells and tell them that they were going to be executed today. Then they drive them to some execution area and, line em up on their knees, then shoot em in the back of the head.


cute face, overall nice body, but those tits look kinda fake.

show me a few examples of this, any time I ever saw a nigger in a hentai the either die or go to prison.

Still, it's her fault by angering this big innocent boy. He just can't control himself due to his ancestral genes towards his white oppreso-… wait…


I was actually thinking about that after I posted. not to mention Photoshop is widely used in internet porn, even soft-core stuff like this.

I just heard about that stuff, sounds disgusting.

Daily reminder that Elliot Rodger was half kike/half malaysian.

I thought his mom was Chinese, although I thought he looked a lot more like his hateful stepmother ( Moroccan), then the Asian chick they showed on the news very briefly.

Her own son even looked a lot like ER.

why do they even do this?
asians over here just use a bunch of eyeliner and shadow to make their eyes look different


Look who is the only honest good politician saying something about this. Congressman Chris Smith - a genuine good person.

Not all juicy bars are the same though. Many of them now are just comfort/company bars - handjobs if you actually date the girls. The massage parlors are the rub and tugs.

I met some of these women when they were off duty, had some Fillipino co-workers, many are there on legit contracts and MAKE MONEY, go home, and then SIGN ANOTHER CONTRACT TO DO IT AGAIN.

I'm more upset that poor thirsty beta military Americans can't even get handjobs for less than $100 from 3rd world flashdolls before their next 200 day deployment in moslem shitholes. It's inhumane.

American niggers are even a scourge on other countries.

Ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem.

Apparently one can be so stupid, as seen by your reading comprehension. let me bold the important word for you. Honorary Aryan. See the first one: Honorary. As in 'conferred as an honor, without the usual requirements or functions.' Again I will bold important words for you. 'Conferred as an honor, without the usual requirements or functions.' As you (well not you but everyone else) can see the word Honorary means that Japanese are not real Aryans. And as such breeding with them is indeed race mixing.

Hitler was saying that Japanese and Chinese culture and history are impressive and as he said once: in his opinion their history was superior to that of the European peoples.

Niggers … why do we let them exist?

I'm very sure he meant German, simply due to the fact that they were unified only relatively recently. The Japanese were only beginning to have their country while Alexander made his conquests, afterall.




Wait is this the nig in the video or somebody different? I see they are calling him a murderer in the comments.

No, it's another

US troops have been raping Japanese women since forever. It used to be much worse in the MacArthur era.

The alliance with US is hanging on a thin thread. Shinzo Abe and the Okinawan governor are playing good cop-bad cop.

I really hope Japan breaks free from Zog and aligns with Russia and China tbh.

The true Enricher

It might happen

i made this shit OC


She haz da same teeth as mah.
Iz she razist n shiet so imma fuck dat yello puss?


Hand him over the the local Yakuza group and be done with it.

even in japan you can't take the monkey out of the african

