Where were you when Holla Forums became a safe haven for cancerous newfags/reddit failure?

where were you when Holla Forums became a safe haven for cancerous newfags/reddit failure?

this place is fuming with cancer, so much so that if you lurk for too long, you might get a tumor from imkampfy's moralfaggotry.

Other urls found in this thread:



sage for no info

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

sage all stupid fucking meaningless threads as they are a demoralization tactic

So, what did you post?

If it's because you spammed some evalion waifu shit, kill yourself faggot.



great mob mentality, your paranoia and echo chambering is so off the chart that you think I posted something that has to do with evalion.

I was dumping the dox of all george soros affiliates on a thread and got banned for "raid"

Right here.

the camwhore I think. I dont think that he deserves a ban for this though, wtf, a "raid" Since when do we give a shit when something like that happens. I dont give much of a shit about the camwhore, but why are the threads removed so zealotlike?

Because there is a new thread about the camwhore every hour.

Kill yourself, faggot.