MiloY = /newsplus/'s BO = Jim/Ron
MiloY = /newsplus/'s BO = Jim/Ron
Other urls found in this thread:
So /newsplus/ bans goons? I might actually start using it now.
filtering cumskin with BTFO By Jim. Some autist thought this is funny? lol
this is gonna be fun.
apparently Holla Forums's cumskin BO gets triggered by it too so he filtered it with "BTFO by Jim"
Oh hi there, you're back.
Did you came back after getting whipped in previous thread? :^)
what a bunch of faggots, jesus christ
getting ignored is such a harsh word :(
Oh well, at least you got yourself, right?
Lol get bent nerd
Hope you stay banned retard.
Well, why would anyone ever take seriously from a pathological liar that constantly creates meta related threats all because he wants attention for cootch? I guess people love to laugh and being reminded that they aren't failures to society.
Thank you for giving that optimism.
its almost like Jim is an incompetent retard with shitty broken software where real wordfiltering is impossoble, who doesnt know to feed uncles. He gave them what they wanted.
this is also why neetsoc redditors get triggered and go into a shitposting frenzy over cumskin.
Btw, newfags cant evade wordfilters.
Oh, didnt know trolls was wordfiltered. Yet more forced shit from the newfaggot board owner.
You are literally a communist if you truly believe this. Allowing dissenting opinions allows you to correct them in the long run. Blocking them out just turns you into a Marxist faggot who only believes in one single ideology because he doesn't notice other opinions and just accepts his own as "God".
You are literally a communist.
I don't need to lie. Anyone can tell by the greened out (deleted) post references. You are a crybaby who became BO.
They sure can tell by the stench of a drenched cum stain coming from an autist who constantly 24/7 bitches about his feelings
It would have been annoying if there were 4 identical threads like those "dysnomia found out that I was samefagging :( "
ITT: Goons try and create chaos, fail at it…. proceed to whine.
dysnomia is a god of lawlessness
Sure raids and shit are fun, but just continuously meta bitching and then going
It's repetitive dude, its not the sort of chaos that makes the board more fun, its agenda driven shit posting. Like everyone shitposts its a fucking imageboard for christ sakes, but the sort of meta meta meta destroy the site chaos dosen't usally equal much fun for the users.
Jesus Christ, this has got to be the most gringiest autist that I've ever seen in my life.
theyve already won. Because retarded crybaby redditor faggots like you respond to their low tier uncleing. If no.one was triggered than 'BTFO by Jim' wouldnt be responded to with autists sagebombing with a wyatt mann comics.
they desperately claim that it doesnt bother them but if it didnt then we wouldnt.be having this.conversation right now, because itd be practically the same thing as 'shitskin.'
So yes, basically redditor neetsocs have turned this place to shit. That and the mentally ill that spew their paranoid schizophrenia in every thread they dont like. protip: you would fall into this category. The goon meme was started by the paranoid schizophrenic german that runs /4irc/.
No one said that, lrn2 reading comprehension. Shitpost away, but don't tell me that this whole half the page of every page is always meta and all threads are slid into meta shit is acutally fun. It's deliberate and its a tactic.
It's Holla Forums you could stand to be a little more random a little less the same babe.
Uncle = Trolling*
Jim dicksucking = Cumskin*
truly random gets permabanned by fagmod, babe
take a look at the catalog, babe and tell me what's random about it
yeah, they are just pretending, right?
I like how you saged this post. It just proves that you are trying to passively prove your point.
Have you tried sucking it up?
Yes of course ad hoimens clearly the sign that you've got a great argument on your hands. Again repeating over and over again, redditor, retard etc.. etc.. The responses are literally the same shit over and over and over again. Divisive tactics for the sake of just doing it babe.
As always, hurl insults, claim everyone is from reddit. And especially, call everyone paranoid schizo's obviously no one is trying to divide the board.
This shit is so transparent, you'll keep at it forever and that's okay, but its obvious what this is looking to accomplish.
go somewhere else, crybaby
all dat projection
No one is supporting censorship ;), you work too hard on this and you still don't even have good arguing techniques. Don't worry I'm sure 30 webm threads and 30 meta threads today will definetly get the point across.
you already lost the game, cumdumpster
gb2 tumbler, dyke
Holy hell, he's going to try his new meme spamming in /newsplus/
Nice job, faggot.
cumskin logic at work
Like clockwork.
Gone to your samefagging again? Want dysnomia to trigger you again?
Or at least I hope that you have gained a slight intelligence to know how to change ip's
everyone knows there's only one samefag here and it's you, dysnomia.
Joke's on you, I'm neither of those posters!
enable IDs for few minutes if you have balls
not everyone is as retarded as you
only newfags believe this is even possible
logic ;)
Theres no samefagging going on here, dipshit. Youre just a mentally ill faggot.
Why is it the news boards in particular that you guys keep going after? Why not branch out into the other boards too?
heh, easy at editing
protip: a chan board that isn't dominated and overwhelmed by newfag mods and anons like this board is largely self-moderated. that's how a chan board is supposed to work.
being able to ignore and navigate around uncles, neets, pedos, fedoras and other assorted shitposters is an essential skill of any experience user, of which there are none on this perma-ruined board
the fact that this board is moderated so intensely by an inexperienced perpetually-triggered autist who banhammers everything in sight is proof-positive that 8ch has lost its vision if it ever had one and is soon to be forever 404'd when defeat is finally conceded and the money is gone.
then mod will go back to their usual stomping grounds of facebook, tumblr, and reddit
tripfagging mod y u so mad?
I wonder why he isn't responding right now?
Oh yeah, he's right now in /newsplus/ trying his plan B
are you me?
who? Are you so plagued by mental illness that you believe only one person thinks its hilarious that neetsocs get triggered and call for censorship of a word they dont like, causing the word to be used more?
Let alone the fact that you think everyone is your boogeyman.
hear, hear
The reason it's not working here is because some people deliberately make every attempt possible to ruin the board's discussions and quality and in this board they just flood the entire catalog with new threads.
But you know, you're right. This imageboard is beyond repair, nothing can be done to save it. So why are you still here?
Why not track that person and make his life miserable like good old days?
Go burn 4chan or something
you realize that assuming Holla Forums are jews, you are just playing into their game?
He'll get killed even if he hides behind his precious VPN's and proxies
newfag confirmed
that's nothing new, you useless tumblr dyke. half-chan Holla Forums catalog used to get flooded like that all the time with pony threads, chloe, pepe and other assorted attacks. you know what? for all its failings, the mods largely ignored them, or at most, just deleted the posts until the autist(s) got board and went back to their containment boards
Holla Forums is supposed to have the thickest skin on the entire site, and instead, it has the most easily-triggered, butthurt fedora tripfag mod ever.
in the end, mod wants this to be their private clubhouse and they will soon get their wish when there's no one else left to ban
I don't know if you noticed but Holla Forums doesn't have the userbase of 4chan. And back then there was plenty of people making new threads so it countered all the autist spamming sprees. Here it's not like that. Unless you think the spammers should be fought with more spam or something.
4chan doesnt pretend to be the last bastion of free speech. Theyre quite clear that they delete racial slurs, uncleing, and whatever else the tumblr userbase doesnt like.
Here, the neetsocs pretend to be the last bastion of free speech while reacting hilariously to a word they dont like, filtering and banning it, and where if you step out of line on Holla Forums or trigger the newfaggot that runs Holla Forums your posting history is revealed, held up as 'shilling' or their convenient boogeyman, and youre banned.
So.why would they go to 4chan when 4chan is honest about their cancer?
that's because that board wasn't being managed by a banhammer-happy, insecure, newfag, tripfag mod
the culture of this board is pure cancer. the only regular people left here all three of them are webm fags and normalfags who pretend to be edgy
kill yourself already
you've lost fair and square
you seem a bit upset. did i trigger you again?
Still spamming as usual I see
Talking about quality while spamming threads to reduce the quality.
Wordfilters are easily bypassible on this website because the software is dogshit.
The people who won are the 'goons' you like to obsess over, because you reacted to them. Its almost like you dont know how the internet works, newfag.
I bet you think you are waging war or something every time you post.
What if we're bothering you though? :^) What happens then? Ignore works to a certain point, what if we just want to bother you now?
you'll notice that mod has stopped tripfagging their posts and is now hiding behind "anonymous"
that's basically equivalent to conceding defeat
i think our work is done here, mateys
You have been here the whole time, ive only chosen to talk to you now.
Get a grip nobody is going to care in 5 seconds when they close the thread.
False equivilency you cant write a narrative and seriously expect to be right every time.
nice triggered meme
let me know how it works out for you in real life
every time
how could someone really hate themself so much that they think everyone is against them
have you lost it?
Single mom right?
talk to me I wanna see your strings
I wonder how many similar threads he's going to make in the near future.
He ain't going to leave, a pity
Nobody just dedicates their life to destroying a website without a little daddy bumping
Hand over the quads if you wanna live
now i know that mod is a paranoid delusional lefty
i wasnt even posting here for the last day as i was at work and sleep
are you serious right now?
you outright banned me because you felt like it
i have no mindreading capability to know you're having a "webm war" with someone at the time i make a thread, i mostly ignore threads i havent started
why would you ban me for weeks and why do you think b is better highly moderated like this
RANDOM means we can have 50 webm threads if we want them
its also not spam to have over a dozen replies by me alone in a WEBM thread and others were posting in it
put it to 25 pages and stop being such a rulefaggot whore
couldn't compress into one post?
fuck off cunt
remain calm and post gore and scat threads
as i said in my post you delusional nigger
i wasnt even online in the last 12 hours how could i post the same thing even twice?
ive not done that once in my life you delusional fuck
nice try pretending everyone who thinks you're a retard is one person
unfortunately that is not true
can't into irony
the best way to deal with a hopeless newfag like mod is to wait for them to hang themselves with their own rope
My honest mistake. There were 4 .webm threads so I removed them all except 2, #1 as a cyclic and #2 so people could save what was in it.
afterward 4 more .webm threads popped up at the same time, I thought you were the same person spamming them.
Ban is lifted, sorry about it.
ban log said it's only 24 hours
touchy, touchy~
newfag confirmed.
normalfag confirmed.
cancer confirmed.
well you sure aren't finishing your job
you're welcome, user.
tripfag mod defines "quality" as any normalfag thread topics they personally enjoy
all else is "spam"
are you this butthurt still?
go post something of use to us and stop shitting up our thread
calm down, mod
he was told the very same thing countless times…
sage for off topic
that wont happen when the new owner of 8ch supports bullshit like newsplus which is the antithesis of anonymous and low rules (follow absolute minimum to abide by law)
relax mod and enjoy your private little normalfag clubhouse you created
wew, are you going to call everyone 12 year olds also?
go put some ice on that swelling, newfag
i think we've all been takin very serious internets because we are reaching out for the last hope that we wont have to get violent and lose that portion of ourselves that is kind and gentle
we know now that time has come and its unavoidable, we either face our own genocide with open arms and gratitude or we destroy our enemies
there are no middle positions
so my only question is, is there just one "dysnomia" or do all volunteers just put "dysnomia" when they tripfag with their red tag?
mod, you are the most easily tr0ll'd newfag anyone has ever seen and it's obvious to everyone lurking in this thread. how did you ever end up as the mod of Holla Forums ? you have absolutely no idea what the culture of Holla Forums is really about. why can't you just see that you've ruined the board and don't belong here and do the decent thing and go back to the normalfag social media shitholes you migrated from?
*yawn* are you finished?
You're keeping this almost 4 hours with zero results. I guess actions equal with real life: a failure
just me
wew, butthurt mod is butthurt
youre really good at uncleing to be honest lad, i still think you should reduce heavy moderation like banning for longer than 01s and keep the board at 25 pages
you've just shown where your containment board is
mod protip: you give away your samefagging by your numerically-titled filenames, newfag
you are either blind or extremely chicken legged
I was wondering. There was a thread after this ban pedo on Holla Forums. It was about some volunteers quitting in protest. What happened to them?
i know what im doing lad (tro-ll-ing, sh-itp-osting)
they became soylent
kill yourself, samefagging autist.
look son, if i cared about some autist that wants to stalk my posts i might recreate my filenames each time i posted
i dont - im actually flattered
Feels pretty good to be honest.
oh, so they went to alternative sites. And by that I mean staying there for a month and returning to 4chan like some Stockholm syndrome victim
no reason to speak to him anymore. After his countless failed attempts, he just repeats the same things like some broken music box. Now he just wants attention for his insignificant existence before he repeats the same process tomorrow. A pitiable life
you are a raging newfag and a normalfag, tho
and yet, you can't ignore me, because you are a newfag
I think you have nice thighs
look son, if i cared about some autist that wants to stalk my posts i might recreate my filenames each time i posted
i dont - im actually flattered > that I mean staying there for a month and returning to 4chan like some Stockholm syndrome victim
pretty much that
as much as 8ch sucks right now it sure as fuck doesnt compare to captcha and leftist moderation of the whole of 4chan and the proven datamining the new asianamerican faggot does - only bulls and flaming asshomos would return for certain rape because they worry free speech doesnt mean "only people who agree with me get to talk"
ok sure
so many stale 9fag/facebook-tier image macros in this thread. all of them posted by samefag mod
can this place get any more cancerous?
he sure prides himself as an example
wah wah wah
perhaps those places stole our memes but they can only steal the products
we cantoin the manes of producshin
no it can't get any more cancerous because you're here
You made the board worse in every way. Quality, UIDs, and PPH. Fucking leave already.
huh why me?
XDDD im dysnomia t. dysnomia :DDD
AKA Active Users, dumb fuck. Your newfagness is showing.
I see no problems here
Which weeks/page are you referring to?
I'm looking at stats.4ch.net
which is number of posts and I want to be clear.
Nevermind found it
Comparing Holla Forums from January to a single week at the start of August.
It fluctuates but it's very stable. stats.4ch.net
newfag mod is in full damage control mode now. trying to justify their shitty mod skills with useless stats. it's not the flood of stale memes and normalfaggotry that you have brought to the board, as much as a basic lack of understanding on what Holla Forums actually is and what it should never be. you have it backwards, m8 and have made Holla Forums a boring, predictable shithole. it's only natural that when you sprinkle shit all over the place, the flies will come. so you tout meaningless stats as a badge of honor and as a cover for your cluelessness on how to moderate any board, especially Holla Forums
just leave
the activity dropped, read carefully.
The PPH isn't important. What is important is the active user count. Notice how it has dropped by a reasonable percentage since the last yet? Yeah, that means it is fucking failing.
if you EVER, EVER try to disrespect this, if you EVER try. It will be world war 6!!
"Active users" is short hand for "number of /16 subnet ranges to post on this board in the last 72 hours".
It is not a perfect metric and does not account for number of lurkers (users who only read the board and do not post) or the number of users sharing an IP range (for example, all Tor users are considered 1 "active user").
In the entire Internet, there are only 16,384 /16 ranges (also known as Class B networks), with 65,536 addresses per range. So, if Holla Forums has 3000 ranges ("Active users"), that means its posters represent 18% of the possible number of ranges in the entire internet. Many ISPs only have one or two ranges.
Wow. you must be a super smart scientist to know this. Of course it doesn't, but it creates a baseline for the amount of users that are posting on here. If the number decreases, the number of users decreases. There is no way to get around that.
i know, my point was that tripfag mod wants to turn Holla Forums into some kind of sfw 9fag clone where normies can flood the site and drive up the stats. mod trying to use stats as some kind of defense proves this. if the focus was on letting Holla Forums develop the way it wants to and not what mod wants which is webm threads and le costanza face 9fag-tier stale memes, then the stats would take care of themselves because true Holla Forumstards would want to come and participate. too late for that. they've all been permabanned by mod's butthurt faggotry. even though it's trivial to ban evade, why bother when the board is absolute cancer?
Active users aren't the entire user base their just the ones that produce the content for the site. We are an image board and some people prefer to look at the pretty pictures.For this you would have to look at site traffic
I would use something like similarweb.com
or this alexa.com
Traffics slid a bit, site didn't work properly for a long time… few users where outsed. Still a good platform and the attrition of users is normal once in awhile for this type of site. In time with this better platform, people can come to it. There's been a slow uptick on lots of fronts. Boards like /a/ are bigger than ever. And the attrition cost Holla Forums and Holla Forums a smaller subset of users. Its really just Holla Forums that's trending downward for awhile now. Not sure why to be honest, well I guess all the crazienss did that. Preety close to where it was earlier this year.
We just gotta do our thing the ups and downs of the site where too much for some people. And the pedos aren't ever coming back. Looking at libre chan, I think there where way more of them than anyone ever realisized.
Well here's where most of the people who left Holla Forums went. Librechan has a lot lot more users than most people would think. Some fucked off to masterchan too, but that place always seems slow to me.
Too bad really, if josh had infinity next on decent servers, and a compotent person to tweak the problems with the code, infinity next would be great. It's really preety solid software, but josh just has no fucking clue what he's doing as far as tweaking it, running a site, or anything in general.
While we're at it. Lets talk about where some of the boards of Holla Forums went.
/sp/ from Holla Forums is located on 76chan
/am/ from Holla Forums is located on endchan
/4chon/ went to 8ch.pl
/fringe/ is sort of here and also has their own chan cause they don't fucking trust the site not to break again. Also, last I checked, smiley had gotten himself commited to an insane aslyum.
Back in 2014 when wizardchan went down there was an influx of them from that, they have their own chan again.
As long as the site works, we can build. Technical problems, and removing pedos are what shrunk Holla Forums down. Cause lets be honest.
No they went everywhere its easy enough to get to wherever on this site.
Posting the Nth fucking Indian shit thread in a row or spamming BTFO by Jim does not constitute a "dissenting opinion" you fucking faggot.
when left-brain fedoras mod a right-brain board
We told you dawgs! We told you 'bout lack of a well structured set of rules!
If any sort of major exodus of 4chans /a/ (which is still godamned huge as fuck) happens be prepared for a splinter board or some of them to go to endchan for /am/. Rules are fine, its not like Holla Forums was ever 100 percent without rules even on 4chan. But /a/ is fucking crazy excessive about it here. I think 4chan /a/ literally has more posting freedom than the one does here. (I'll admit /a/ here is much higher quality though)
Not for lack of Holla Forumsermin and Holla Forumsacks attempting to ruin it.
The system works!
Board is bulled beyond belief
lol they are fucking dumb
It's Holla Forums though the times that moderators clamped down tightly on it on 4chan where to chase people out, and try and uncancer the board. And it literally never worked. You can't really do much to Holla Forums.
Curious, how do you think Holla Forums should be moderated user? This isn't quite the same thing as moderating a topic board obviously.
I'd ban you too. That video has been spammed here since the dawn of time.Literally every dead or obscure board here has him.
Good to know brownpill spammer triggers you this much, his plan is working
whatever soothes your little heart
that you even get rustled by something as dumb and harmless as this proves you are a cancerous normalfag beyond all redemption
why don't you stay on your normalfag playground where you belong and let people fly their freak flags in peace without your insecure, stalin-tier rulebulling?
You niggers are making 4chan right. Stop it.
Why does this trigger you so much, redditor?
My beloved will follow me wherever I post
who hurt you? was it someone mean? good
It's only mildly annoying.
But the real question is why you get BTFO whenever someone tells you to stop being annoying? Didn't mommy tell you "no" when you were a child?
thank you for administering some chemo here, user
the normalfaggotry here is beyond all hope. the only rational option left is full nuclear assault
cry harder, newfag and post some more 8 year old 4chan macros, rulecukc
You are using BTFO wrong, retard. Go back to reddit
is that what you call your faptime?
Considering how much of a butthurt faggot you're being about being told you're not always going to get your way, it's pretty obvious I'm using it right and you're just a sore loser.
There is no need to be upset. If you can't handle 8 Holla Forums, 9gag offers a safe stable home for people like yourself.
how is making this board a cesspool of cancerous newfaggotry a victory, unless that was your intent all along?
name one memorable original meme that was ever spawned out of this shithole? all you can do is continuously post shit-crusted old memes and macros from 4chan that are all over this thread, samefag. you don't even have the balls to post as the tripfagging mod that you are. this is your victory. well done, newfriend
You sure are projecting pretty hard there, redditor
wew, tantrum much?
It's like you're trying to create a martial art out of shit arguments or something.
I started making fun of you for being retarded about 10 posts ago, and now you're spending minutes at a time to angrily formulate responses to try and put me in my place, but all I do is laugh at you even harder.
If that's not frustration from being a permanent newfag, I dunno what is.
Apparently you are such a retard you think everyone in this thread responding to your faggotry is me. Let me help you out newfag, these are me:
As you can see, none of my replies take minutes to write.
nice to see you being managed so well tonight, mod
It takes a few minutes for you to think them up, though. Like you drool on the desk for a few minutes, and when it finally pops in your head, you start typing away.
But you got that one out rather quick, maybe arguing with me is raising your IQ.
take your meds
wew, post moar costanza maymay
Big Pharma will never come up for meds for this.