Is there any reason why white guys have such degenerate pathetic genitals...

Is there any reason why white guys have such degenerate pathetic genitals? Look how little semen this man produced for this bimbo, how could the majority of them ever hope to please a female or even impregnate one?

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Thanks dude, I swear its always the losers pushing an agenda who give me the best fodder to make into easy oc.


What cuck

That bitch is fucking nasty.
I wouldn't fuck her with firetire's small ,disabled penis.
She lives in dallas so she's fucking some of the worst niggers in the country.She'll get super aids soon enough and pay the toll.
t. Dallas resident

Keep trying,cuck.
Like your life,your OC is shit tier at best.

Literally the same things over and over baby ;) its okay. You aren't getting what you what out of this one. ;) I love you and wish you the best, may you forever treat everything negatively and post pictures related to cuckolding. :0


literally what

Go home pony, you're drunk.