What is a good alternative for Holla Forums's Holla Forums? Just give clear good answers

What is a good alternative for Holla Forums's Holla Forums? Just give clear good answers.

Ironmarch is the only one that comes to mind

That website doesn't work.

Endchan Holla Forums

Only a degenerate Jew would ask that question. What, are you a butthurt pedo pissed Jim banned you & nuked your sick fuck boards?



real life friends

Seems nice.

No, .pl is run by shills. Don't use it.

Jumping off an helicopter without a parachute, while it's 1000 feet in the air

Just try it, you'll see.


I swear to god I see you spout this bullshit every time .pl is brought up. You have absolutely no proof that its run by shills.


4chan tbh



No it's not…

.pl 8ch is the best alternative

free mason lodge


Those faggots love brown people and trannies. No thanks.

Yes it is run by shills. I got banned there when it was first spammed on 8ch Holla Forums for calling a slide poster a kike.

fuck off goon

It allows pro-muslim posts, that's not proof it's run by shills of course but it's enough reason for me to not go there

Use all the Holla Forumss. And spread what you learn elsewhere online.

Let's see them shut down the Samson Option of redpill.

I dunno about that, but the forums are super autistic. It was ok before the last time it got shut down, but at this point it's beyond redemption.

breitbart is pretty cool