whoever xrays this best decides if I give fb info
Whoever xrays this best decides if I give fb info
Other urls found in this thread:
you're fucking with my head
is that a spoiler image or just an image of a spoiler?
How do I view it?
must be a problem with Holla Forums or something, ill post it again.
k know I know you're uncleing, but how did you do this?
>(Spoiler Image, 9.54 KB, 128x128, 1:1, asd232.png)
apparently they have a word filter for troling
or maybe board owner's fucking with us
try posting it here 8ch.net
fuck u mods
it's a spoiled image of a spoiler.
heres the not spoiled image
thanks user
fuck you other user
6/10 though, I spent a couple minutes searching the html for the unspoilered image
Funny that you say that, I started searching the HTML for the same thing.
All I did was right click on a spoiled image, then save as, or just go to the link below.
I'm pretty sure even if the default spoiler image does change for a board it will still be at that same link (for Holla Forums at least)
wrong link.
You guys need to get your shit together.
here's my attempt
it crossed my mind, but I had thought he had just downloaded the thumbnail because newfriend
I was talking about finding the default spoiler image for a board.
I really only took me like 3 minutes to get it though.
save the image of:
then repost the image but spoiler the image in the post options.
disregard, I thought you were talking about the spoiling shit.
good job, you gotta tell me what you used to xray so well
Why is her thumb red?