Beautiful 16 year old girl bullied to death by nonwhies in her school

Fucking Britbongistan, racewar when?

Other urls found in this thread: magazin&quick=1üchsen&page=0&lastSelected=f_s_kategorie

Fuck, what a shame she didn't have a man to protect her, what a school full of fucking cucks.

OR bitch was crazy and mental. Anyone who looks like that does not get bullied ffs.

It’s an odd case.

If it were elsewhere in the country I’d say it could easily be bullying from jealous non-whites but I don’t think (I could be wrong) there are any schools in Cornwall that have anything but majority native pupils.

She was pretty and that will usually get you friends alone, even if it is just other good-looking people.

Could of well been mental health problems but who knows, if it WAS bullying from non-whites the press will never in a month of Sundays come out and say it.


All the cucks in the comment sections. Not even a hint to addressing the problem. As much as I love white people I fucking hate them at the same time. Willfully not address the elephant in the room and instead stick with generic one liners.

No you fucking niggers. Beautiful women don't get bullied just because they're hot. They attract the crowds that make them popular.

Not even America is this ignorant or retarded. Fix your shit Britain.

If white people had a country of their own, this would not happen.

hit the comment section hard user, I'm already on it

Holy shit do niggers only target women and children? They're literally asking for a racewar at this point.

Nonwhite girls user.


who killed this girl?

You do the maths, mang.

No point in commenting, free speech is not allowed.

Can't break the narrative.

Normalfags think that the Mail is "Right Wing" its actually just as cucked as the rest.



Oh man, that's a shame. She was quite cute.

And while suicide in this case indicates mental problems of some sort, in a different sort of society she could've been a good mother and a wife.

What a waste.

I'm also interested in knowing what blanking means.

What do you mean "when?!" It's been happening for quite a long time, now. It's just that the white side's leaders keep denying there's a conflict.

No. They also target men that are not masculine.

Negros have no honor.

a) exactly what did she complain about?
b) which faction bullied her?
c) did she kill herself or did she get lynched?

What do you expect? Do you think the Lügenpresse will tell us the truth?

Such genetic potential, wasted.

Yeah I googled it. It's pretending someone doesn't exist to their face, apparently. I did notice no cause of death…. just "imblying". If she offed herself because some niggers played a game of "you don't exist", then she had some serious issues.

I'm going to blow up the comments section, I suggest you do the same.

I don't speak bongistanese. can someone help me out?

What killed her?

This is important, for one it says she was found dead at school.
So what? Was she straight up murdered by the shitskins? Did she jump off the bleachers? How the fuck did she die?

It seems that she might have been lynched, but your guess is porbably as good as mine.

i.e. they don't know?

She looks like a massive whore, though.

I think the OP is deliberately misleading you. There is no reason to think the kids bullying her were non-white, and her being in Cornwall is good reason to think that she was bullied by natives (unless she went to some weird school for foreign exchange students, and they tend to be quite posh anyway).

yeah no. No warrior son would be going through there without shattering them

Means to pointedly ignore someone.

So, they lynched her then (((officials))) ruled it a suicide. Because niggers ignored her.


user don't you find it suspicouis that they don't tell us what caused her death?

that's enough shilling for today mr. goldstein

yes. very.


I'm not saying she was a whore, but that she looked like one. Calm the fuck down.

citation plz

yeah okay

Fuck you.

I think the shill is right.

Already corrupted at that young.


oh jesus fuck. pathetic. this is why we need to raise white consciousness. Once you understand that you are under attack for no other reason than the color of your skin, then its hard to feel down about it.

Cornwall is filled with people who are racist against anyone not from that place. They are their own race who were in Britain before the Romans came.

Remember when white men used to protect their women?

If you want to throw away every girl that's taken pictures of herself, you're going to throw out literally every girl ever. We've all been subjected to Jewish propaganda, nobody has come out 100% clean. These are our people, we have to save them. Oh, and go fuck yourself faggot.


also she was dagmaraxxx on instagram

dig anons

That place isn't exactly known for shitskins. She might've been bullied because she was Polish. Plus she was attractive, so maybe some jealous bitches had something to do with it.

Public school, a prison where you pay for your own lunch.

You may be correct, I still hate britbongistan and nonwhites though.


I wasn't judging her personally, merely the culture that turns girls that young into whores.

Oh, but you must get more white knighting done don't you? Don't let me keep you.

Maybe someday they will love you back.

That's because honor is an abstract concept niggers can't grasp.

They hear the word "honor" from whites and pretend to know the meaning.

Who weaves threads for the moths?

We need to do a study of culture and literature to prove this, I'm sure it can be done. Find evidence, or lack of, that the concept of honor does not exist among non-whites


Stay an evolutionary dead end, Tyrone.

spooky fucking video

she's fucking dead you nigger. and you agreed that she was a whore after seeing a picture of her. yeah, totally not a personal judgement at all. if you believe in defending your people, that makes you a white knight, too. spare me.

Same with justice. The idea blacks have of "Justice" is more like "revenge."

Holy triggered bro.


Yet you cover up mass riots in major cities, you fucking retard. I'm sick of you halfwits pretending Europe is in a worse position than your shit-hole which literally originated all of this new age nonsense. Fucking kill yourself.

Hi, Britbong here. If she's Polish then obv' the racism came from white English students. having said that, Cornwallians are barely English. They used to have their own native language. I went there for hols last year. Didn't see a single black face, apart from the odd tourist. And blanking just means ignoring someone you know, especially when you greet them and say hi etc and they just move on.

you can leave now mohammed

You've never been around bitter fat chicks, huh?

fuck off camelfucker

I have spent a great deal of time reading and learning about concepts like honor, glory, respect, etc in cultures through history. Perhaps I can write up a nice informative post.

If you want a TL;DR version:
Whites and Asians have the highest value of honor and very similar (though not 100% the same) ideas of what honor is and is not. Spaniards, many Native American tribes, and the 'whiter' middle easterns of history had their own ideas of honor that they took quite seriously, but not quite as seriously as Whites and Asians. Niggers really don't have much of a history of honor (that I can find on the internet), but some tribes had honor-like concepts that mostly applied to defending your tribe.

Nothing of value was lost.

If you care so much about teenagers looking like whores then why don't you go tell them to dress decently? White knighting on the internet won't change anyone's mind, and taking personal offense for what others think about a stranger is honestly pathetic and hilarious.

I would actually be interested.

Don't spook me like that user

What does honor have to do with the thread subject, though?

I may write something up and post it in the next few days, maybe next week. I'll need to find the time to do it and dig up the sources I read.

Women in general all just HATE women who are hotter than them, it's part of female psychology

Is this how you justify to yourself, nigger?


looks pretty cute and has a hwite boyfriend…

Seems not very degenerate at all.

you have to go back abdul (VERY slutty bathtub picture)
LMAO at her wearing dreads, no wonder the cornwallers made her an her

Look at some of the posts she's made on IG

*an hero
her listening to some rasta sounding nigger music

Daily reminder that if you're an eastern European living in western cuckland, you should get the fuck back to your motherland before shitskins fully cuck them.

And the fact that she has dreadlocks IN HER PROFILE PICTURE
whigger confirmed, the cornwallers did a nice job of cleaning out the trash

I'm not trying to be "that guy" but that user is probably right

there's a page on some site dedicated to her here

i got this image from there
she wanted to probably get into "modeling" when she was older, and she was into fashion and photography. Now, in themselves, there's nothing wrong with any of that, but I think we all know that in today's society, that basically means getting corrupting. I live in south Florida and know a few models, they're all massive attention whores and are just broken women. She was most likely on the path to the same thing.


from where i stand that actually makes it doubly tragic

not only is this fucking pozzed society fucking up beautiful white girls before they can even fully understand the world, it's also causing them to "commit suicide" because they think the whole world hates them.

her death is sad. her obvious path to corruption makes it even fucking sadder.

She did not commit suicide. Sandniggers murdered her and they are trying to cover it Rotherham style.

i was being tongue in cheek about it, user
i even used quotation marks

That was my first guess but, some user pointed out Cornwall demographics, so that's probably not the case.

Sorry, lost my glasses.

Even one sandnigger is one sandnigger too much.

I don't think Western Europe highschools have Holla Forums-tier bantz.

Normally I would say the same, but these are britbongs.

Fucking called it. This world needs a massive purge.


Any source on that claim?

Most stations report on those instead of pretending they never happened, unlike eurabia

I'd not normally advocate for white knighting, but maybe we should set up some kind of WHITE knighting, anti-bullying task force to save white wombs. Become everything we ordinarily refuse to become so that white girls have one ally in this world that has been turned against them. A personal army to which such aggrieved maidens can turn as a riotous cacophony of hatred against the shitskins. Also, such contact would cement the redpill they are receiving due to abuse by foreigners and the inaction of their countrymen. Ordinary people aren't allowed to intervene, but we're already demons.

Even in a case like this, it's possible that the only intervention that would have been necessary is for a bunch of anime watching nazis to wish her a happy birthday. We call ol' Adolf uncle, so should we become the deranged uncle to all whites in need?

That's hilarious.

Thirsty westerners and their horrendous bovine women. She isn't bad, but not fantastic either.

Summary of the thread:

The problem is that they think this is an insane and racist concept. One that is not required.

Because they're all just like us.

Actually, that's literally what C-sections are for.

I would know.

Chaim, Jamal, or Muhammad?
I guess Chaim since you can type like a human.

It is racialist

We live in a world of pedos, furries and tranny otherkin and you pearl clutching faggots are calling the RWDS over pics of a pretty girl taking bikini shots.

If the pendulum ever swings back to the left after the Trumpreich, it will be the fault of histrionic pseudo-arabic fuckwads like you.

Oh, and way to show respect for a dead aryan, ya rotten kikes.

Yeah. Let's kill all our healthy attractive youth because they never had proper guidance in a world controlled by kikes.

Eat a dick you massive humanoid queef.

This isnt 1960, nor 1980, nor even 1990 - its THE CURRENT YEAR, and young girls taking revealing 'sexy' pictures to post online for straners to oogle?

Its a bad sign, a very bad sign, only moreso because of how many young women espouse the mentality that its normal.

She fits the coalburner aesthetic to a T, she posts 'sexy' pictures online (see ChristyoMisty's vids if you dont understand why thats a problem), and you've all misinterpreted the story: "Before she died, Dagmara had complained about suffering taunts at school on website… Answering a question about what problems she had at school, she replied 'racism', adding that it makes her sad when friends say things behind her back."

Sounds like a coalburner or a kebabcooker.

I have a feeling its going to come to light that she didnt kill herself, but was killed by someone of an entirely 'brown' persuasion who she'd been engaging with (and being taunted for it, by those damn 'racists') who the police are presently covering for by state decree.

Further evidence?

Yeah, you can post all the blonde pics you want, this image tells the aposematistic reality.

Ikr? That's like only 95% of subadult White females…

You're an idiot m8.

Lets not get side tracked. The only thing that matters here is a beautiful young white woman is dead because of a shitskin invasion.

We need solutions not stupid purity arguments.

or, you could, perhaps, read my fucking posts before claiming i have a certain opinion that clearly is not the fucking case, and have said as much.

You're wrong and you're a faggot for thinking I ever condemned this girl. I quite clearly said she's a victim in two different respects. Now go fucking kill yourself.

However I do remember whenever they try we get beaten down by the cries of female traitors "Not yours to protect" etc. etc.

She was a whore wasn't she?


The solution is clear: kick out the muds.

But then you've got people who support the muss, even argue for them…. And oh, look, here's a pretty European girl being 'bullied' by 'racists' who 'say mean things behind my back', with half-naked pics up online and had neon-red dyed hair.
And listened to nigger music, and wore her hair in niggerbraids.


You can never win a battle if you choose to ignore your traitors.

I'm willing to bet this girl went coalburner or the like, got bullied for it (that is, treated like a slag for fucking with nogs or muds), called those bullying 'racists', and then either offed herself or got merc'd by some nog/mud who the cops are gonna cover for just like Rotherham.

In all likelihood, this was a traitor.
Fuck 'er.

she isn't British…there's no real Brit I know that has such a last name,
she's a Polish import girl thats all



Just read the thread, she IS a whore!

Cornwal is Celtic.

Females are ugly.

Reason enough to harass blonde.

Kek declares it so.

Annecdotal, but she does present an image similar to that of a girl i knew not long ago who was a legit 'escort', aka high-class whore.

I'm not directly opposed to such an idea, because by it's very nature they would be aware of who is helping them and who is hurting them. This would have a jarring effect on the narrative.

The problem becomes how do you know in advance?

Fuck off MGTOW

Again, girls especially young girls are extremely impressionable and easily molded however which way you want them to be. This can all be chocked up to yet another European killed thanks to the rat faced kikes and their grip on society. I weep for her wasted life and pray the day of the rope comes soon.

It's not normal but it's also not excuse to self-genocide you sneaky MGTOW kike. You don't cure toothache by chopping off the head.

The Abrahamic thinking is strong ITT. Too bad nobody's Aryan.

No, you dimwit, it IS normal at this point and that is the problem.

I love women, I just don't like traitorous hosers ala' the modern woman'.

The evidence suggests to me high probability of this girl being a traitor who had to face the consequences of her actions.
Boo fucking hoo.

You dont win a war by excusing your traitors because they're cute gurls bro.

Let's not go to the other extreme, should we?


Your argument is invalid.

All brits must die

That's easy. If any of you faggots knew your languages and Hitler speeches like you pretend to, you would have heard the Fuehrer use Arisch for Aryan and Ehre for Honor.

They literally are the same root word because Aries was the God of War in Ancient Greece.

Please educate yourselves, anons. You have literally been hearing the same sounds and not piecing them together. This stuff is in the blood, and it should occur to you naturally, just like a code of honor should have naturally occurred to you when you were a boy learning war.

Schlomo, the autistic kike unit is that way.

I really like your post. Your white mare is ready now.

Used to make that and normies mocked me for it even if I was proven right at 80% of the occasion.

Holla Forums has warned people time after time…never associate with niggers any more than you absolutely must, even the seemingly decent ones. Parents, keep your children as far away from these apes as possible, or suffer the pain and anguish you see here.

Niggers are NOT humans…they are feral animals, and until you understand this, tragedy is in your future.

Maybe cunt britcucks will learn not to vote for Marxist leaders.

Probably not, they are britcucks and cunts.

So was she bullied by nonwhites for being white, or was she bullied by "racist" whites for being a coalburner?

Oh, those dumb people that laugh at anyone that comes up with their own ideas? Fuck 'em.

Most plebs aren't cut out to lead. I have gone much further than they have. Don't let conformist 'tards get you down. They follow anyone in charge.

No, I'm just saying: Slavic women > your shit.

Diluj z tym, słony kurwiu.

She wouldn't have sex with all the apes that wanted to have sex with her so they killed her. Soros owes the family reparations for the diversity holocaust he funded.

she was probably bullied by british whites for being Polish and having an accent. Her town is 98% white.

rip polack girl

Look at all these white knights

Sad. She was cute and probably could have been a good mother if she was in a better environment.

God, I wish you were here right now.

why? are you gonna rape his ass?

It's already started, user.

Behold, a true American hero & avenger of murdered whites everywhere.
wasted 9 apes.


Yea, with a shotgun.

Look at this one fag.

The D&C bait is strong in this thread.

We don't know anything for sure. She might as well have been a coalburner.
Thousands of white men die every day. I don't see you getting this outraged over them. why? Because they don't have tits.


A man who allows himself to die without taking at least one monkey-boy with him is not much of a man
You should always be prepared to kill, and always be aware of those around you.

Even your grandma?

Male expendability. Deal with it.

My grandma is not a man.
You are exceptionally confused.

Then go throw yourself under a bus for your female overlords.


Bullying weeds out the weak and inferior. If she were to have lived and reproduced, her children would be weak and inferior.
Glad she's dead

Then why are you alive?
Amazing you survived all those swirlies.

I wish they would have immigrated to the U.S.
Just come in through the southern border, nobody's watching it.
Get lost in the vast amount of land here & marry…have a child.
Because she's white, nobody would even question her citizenship.

Because my ancestors didn't off themselves Everytime thier feelings got hurt


Good goyim! Breed with the weak and inferior!

She was 16 you sick pedo fuck. She was not cute nor would she be a good mother until she at least turned 18.

She was murdered by chimpanzees, moron.

It's about time the weak start getting weeded out. Soon people will take off the kiddy gloves.

She killed herself

Dylan Roof weeded out 9 of them.
Hitler supposedly weeded out 6 million of (((them))).
The U.S. military is in the mid-east, weeding out the weaklings every day…4 million weaklings weeded out, by last count.

No, chimps lynched her.

4 million weakling Muslims weeded out, 1.2 billion more to go.

This whole thread is full of edgelord faggots trying to outdo one another.

Why do you guys even get upset at muslim invasion and rape of Europe, then? Just more weaklings dying, right?

Yes, indeed. Only the strong and those who keep their edge pure will survive. Jesus was the ultimate edge lord.

Your posts read as if written by a bot.

I hope your children commit suicide.

You're worse than intl evalion spammers.

Go back to reddit you beta orbiters.

I know you won't have children.

I want MGTOW to leave.

If you don't find a girl attractive just because she is 16 than something is wrong with you biologically.

or mentally

Spoken like a true evalion spammer.

No reason to waste time on this ugly jewess.

She looks cute lad.

Fine Kikerberg Kikerstein, you got me I just want to fuck her, even if I had to dig up her grave.


Riiiiight. Remember kids, don't make the shitskins angry or its your fault.

You beta orbiters never cease to amaze me.

I'm not entirely sure if you are trolling, regardless I want you to kill yoursefl.

Kill yourself.

were her parents playing the elder scrolls when they picked that shit out or something?

underrated tbh fam

Being attracted to 16 year old females is normal you fuckhead

Why would I troll? My board is being compromised by white knight shills like yourself. Just look at the past 3 days.

how the fuck is that pronounced?

If you control the language, you control the minds.

"Cute" and "hot" are two different things, Solomon.
It'd be a good idea if you looked up the meaning of words before you use them. There's at least 2 you're misusing in your post.


A white girl gets bullied into killing herself or flat out lynched by her nonwhite classmates (or that's what I originally thought).

That fucking Evalion channel probably resulted in thousands of new views for The Greatest story never told, mostly by teenagers, and had the chance to go mainstream, but it gets shut down.

Threads about it got the most hardcore shilling I have seen in the history of this site, preventing any sort of reaction from this site.

If you are truly a polack you are borderline retarded,

I want the fat chicks to leave.


Fat chicks are on the other side you imbecile. Your side, actually.

I thought we banned all you evalion shills. She's controlled opposition.

You shouldn't even be on Holla Forums if you think evalion is good for us.


If she is controlled oppositon why was her channel banned?

Finally some good news. One less blonde witch in the world.

bah! u fuckin dummies. the racism shes referring to is racism she suffered, probably at the hands of hick ass limeys, for being polish. so dumb

Something isn't adding up here. Either it was genuinely pakis on her ask fm being rampant or her friends and other Brits bullying her because she was a Pole.

That said it's a shame, she is rather pretty.

good lord almighty

To make it more convincing. Case in point: it worked on you.

I'm being blanked at work right now. What do?


Nice try chaim. Why haven't the mods banned you? Evalion is an obvious jew and anyone who argues the contrary is a shill.

Funny, I can semi understand her showing off her perfect body, but the thing that makes me agree with you guys that she is a whore is her HUGE ear loops.
The wider the loops the bigger the hoe.

Is that true?

I mean pic related is a 14 year old girl.
but seems a bit young, tbh.

And lol @google reverse image search, it automatically fills the search as: hot 14 year girls. also pic related

Then you know nothing. The fact that you used "Western Europe" as a blanket adjective means you understand jack fucking shit about how Brits, French and Germans view immigrant slavs and non Europeans.

Seriously, mods should ban all these women centric threads that arent relevant to the topic of restoring traditional feminity.

This Pole immigrant was clearly a whore. Slutty bath tub pic, underwear selfies on Instagram, huge earings and the biggest giveaway, "I wanna be a model". She should have known that as a "hwhite" or European immigrant in an European country, she should have conducted herself better.
Frankly I think the whiteknighting posters are just shills.

Don't engage, ever. First one to speak loses.

Just do your own thing man.

I mean look at this.
Dreadlocks too? Nigger clothing?
And she lived in an almost pure British community no less.

What a bombshell.

Not to mention shit like this.

What a time to be alive.


Truthfully, given the rise of anti-social media, I'd say most 13-14 girls are already getting a strong dose of cultural Marxism and programming.

By the time the average girl is 18, she is more likely than not already corrupted by this programming. What a shame.

Jesus Christ how horrible.

males are attracted to young features, that pic fits the bill for the most part something about her face i don't like.
women go downhill fast after the early 20s, and most don't take care of themselves. it shouldn't be surprising when you get a stiffy from a teen.

Totally asked for a bullying.

Just assume they are shills.

Well, that survey was made for a documentum film, where they showed faces of girls to man without telling them their ages, and then asked if they found them sexually attractive.

So that graph only refers to face, and it shows what age group most man found attractive not what man found most attractive.

Take it as you want.

meant for

Yeah, Cornwall doesn't take lightly to it.

Even if you're a Brit but you're a townie and you act like a townie in their paradise? Prepare for bullyment.

oh btw that's a 14-16 peak

I am not completely fluent in brittistanian, what does townie means? Google shows that they are wiggers. Is there any other meaning?

(very nice)
I recognize that face…
pic related (hebephiles)

14-16 sounds about right

That's pretty much it mate.

On the odd occasion it can mean someone who moves from urban to rural, and complains that the rural isn't urban.

As someone who lives urban in Britbongistan, Cornwall is one of the holy grails for me to live.

Goodness fuck I thought /r9k/ was lying when it said retards like you exist.

There won't be any mass protests all over the world to stop the racism that killed her. Only criminal apes get that kind of attention.

I wonder if Rachel Maddow will do a series on the rise of shitskin racism. Probably not since it seems to be raping and killing only white women that look better than her.

no, because they are whores and whores are scientifically proven to be irredeemable she wasn't even that cute.

We can always make more.

Like if we couldn't kill both groups. Nice fallacy.

Nothing arabic about frowning upon adultery and promiscuity. In fact it is the basis of every fucking successful civilization.

A whore is a whore, race doesn't make you a good person if you're a waste of human flesh.

She wasn't a whore. Seek professional help.

I haven't seen anything to indicate she was bullied by shits? Usually when white kids are bullied by immigrants they don't call rayciss… which makes me a bit skeptical.

At around 16 young women are at the peak of their social manipulation training. Things can get real ugly when some pretty thing comes into a community and starts messing up the female hierarchy at that age.

Also, there is a natural divide between west and east europeans. It's more subtle than between other peoples, but it's still there. Muds get free passes when they don't align with the host culture, but eastern euros will often have it harder because they are perceived as white and held to white standards (which are insanely high.)

This might have been a case of a pretty girl with some perceived strange behavior (from another culture and people) who came in and started mining attentions from the boys, and the girl hierarchy already in place stopping their budding competitor.

someones assblasted

Collier county fag reporting in…



What? You do realize that 15-16 is the age of consent in almost every white country?

How's it feel living in such an inferior county?

t. Leefag

Holy shit please die.

Fooking Pakis!

What does that mean?

Is it bad that my first thought on skimming this thread was "she's better off dead, she's lucky to be spared the horrors that are to come"?

So where's the media outrage?

Oh wait, that's right, it's okay to destroy whites.

bongspeak for ignoring.

Bitch was a bloody polish. She should have been in Poland. PERIOD.

Do you even attend Holla Forums regularly or just browse for pedo thread, guys? Remember the recent top notch thread about nu-males and estrogen enriched modern food and comsmetics?

This means in recent times most boys are late bloomers >20, and girls peak fertility long before 18, like user states somewhere around 14-16. The time she's >21 it should be mother time, not college slutting, too bad every country clings to 18yo dogma and lets muslim trash multiple like rabbits.

They don't develop mentally so good though, millenials(and with this white race future) are fucked.
Mind I didn't even touch the economics of marriage.

from wiki

It looks like Cornwall didn't get their first mudskins until spring 2016. And then, only af ew as far as I can tell:

95% white. Something isn't adding up. Do brits not like Pollocks or something?

It is. At least America has free speech and guns. You Eurofags have Holohoax denial laws and baseball bats.

Enjoy your Sharia Law, you cocksucking Britcuck.
Ian Stuart is lucky he's not alive to see what his people have become.

Globalist butthurt detected, calm yourself Moshe.

U wot m8?

aryan goddess thread?

someone shop out the slime in pic one pls

Common filth is right tbh.

you guys are the only one's worth this collection

personal stash

They come over here and most act like white niggers.

No, we usually don't like them.

Common Filth is an anti-white beaner.

Wow, this thread is pretty retarded… OP claims shitskins did it, has no proof, all evidence points to retarded britbongs killing her for being Polish… This is why there's no hope for Yuropoors, they're so stupid that they'll never stop killing each other long enough to actually do something about mudslimes or kikes…

Brits aren't European.

She'd get raped by a mud crossing the border.

My mom had tiny hips like that and she managed 8 vaginal births just fine. I'm 6'3" btw. Looks can be deceiving.

holy moly are you going to make a thread everytime so tweeny bopper commits suicide?
Americans please tell me more about how this wouldn't have happened in the US
this site fucking sucks now


You guys seem bad at math.

95% white means 5% not-white, and in a population of several thousand, that's likely several hundred people.

And she has pics of her with nigger-dreds.
And several of her instagram friends - who she was in pictures with - also has pictures with them hanging out with muds/niggers.

So, what happened?

Oh Jew.

God damn…
White British =/= White
White British = White AND British
White British =/= White and Polish
White British =/= White and Irish


In 2011, Redruth was 99% white… Was this nonwhites?

More like you're taking out your paki anger on poles because it's allowed.


In case you have not noticed yet, this topic is censored all over the internet.

Have you realized yet that you are in a containment board?

One of us got out, and it got viral, 60k subscribers in 2 days, 2million total video views before being shut down. And now they don't even want you to know that our ideas are like oxygen for the brainwashed millenial normie.




In case you have not noticed yet, this topic is censored all over the internet.

Have you realized yet that you are in a containment board?

One of us got out, and it got viral, 60k subscribers in 2 days, 2million total video views before being shut down. And now they don't even want you to know that our ideas are like oxygen for the brainwashed millenial normie.



I don't do it personally, I know a few who are my friends, we rant about the shitty pakis, the good thing being there are hardly any in my area- but there are so many poles we just call the local town "Poland".

What a repulsive Jewess. Disgusting.

She honestly has one of the most gorgeous faces I've ever seen. Stunning.

America and Eastern Europe are the last hope for the White race.

what song

8/10 at least.



Amerikikes never cease to demonstrate to the world how retarded and subhumans they are. magazin&quick=1

I thought slavs were tougher and more warlike than Westerners. You'd think they'd be conditioned to dealing with shitskins after centuries of of shitskin invasion and enslavement.

A mob of 30-40 niggers beat a White man to death in San Francisco after police shot a Black car thief who was resisting arrest and endangering the public with reckless driving. They're definitely asking for it. But Whitey keeps bending over to accommodate the niggers instead of going full Moonman.

what a waste of dfc tbh

You're right. But Germans live in Germany and not in Britbongistan.

If she's a degenerate whore for a tame picture like that, what does that make Melania Trump? Fuck off (((shill))).

at least she didn't get forced to become a muslim sex slave forced to carry mudshit children

Don't spam so damn much.

Be honest. Does Holla Forums want to be the bear?


German gun laws are cucked. Only a small percentage of people can own guns and those who do are subject to all sorts of regulation and scrutiny. So fuck off.

I can't decide which is the most pathetically cucked nation, Britain or Sweden. They both fight so hard every day to take that top spot.

Why do you keep embarrassing yourself, subhuman?

At least we dont go to prison for putting stock on a handgun, retard.

Frankly, Melina Trump is a model. With all the goods and bads.

I would go wtih Britain, Britbongistan is an orwellian nightmarre while Swedes are just extremly deluded liberals.

When he says 'guns' he doesn't mean your daddies under/over Hanz, he means things like AR15s.


You must be either blind or illiterate then, subhuman mutt.üchsen&page=0&lastSelected=f_s_kategorie

this tbh

holy fuck thats expensive, how the hell do you guys afford anything with the massive income tax you pay?

no thanks

No it isn't you retarded shill. Go shill on reddit.

shes polish

it was probably polak haters not racism

Because those guns are gtg, everything you need to further customize the rifles are already on the rifle. Thats the German way, because wasting time playing barbie is retarded.

Because superior German work ethics. How can subhumans even compete except by ganging up on us like niggers?


We would like to thank you for the post war gun laws, "hwhite brothers".

Jesus Christ. Orwell was an optimist.

No it's much worse

Just a meme made by shills like you.

Lad stop.

We really do live in an Orwellian nightmare.

this. my age is 28 but i look probably 18-20. i still have beard patches that are filling in.

when i see a woman in their 20s it actually does not appeal to me at all (except physically of course). i just feel the same way towards them as i would a milf; that i am too young for them, or not mentally or emotionally at their level. its strange.

pics related would be my ideal gf and whom i think i could "handle"

Your map begs the obvious question…in the U.S., how can we arm those remaining 25 people?

The man who was beaten is alive & recovering, and where did you find out he was white?
I was able to find that the mob was niggers, but not what the race of the victim was nor why they attacked him.

We already have white countries, schlomo, stop trying to make us all move in a reservation camps while you flood my country with niggers

"Devon and Cornwall police said inquiries were continuing to establish the circumstances surrounding her death. It is not being treated as suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner."

Clearly she was beaten to death by apes, and the police are trying to avert a race war at the school…

OK, looks like we've been had by a combination of OP being a sandy little cunt & the lack of any worthwhile reporting by any media sources, these days.
According to one source (unreliable) she committed suicide.
The "racism" charge may not have been racism at all, just ethnic ostracism…again, nobody will give a clear answer, as they don't want you to know.

If there are any anons in the area that might be able to clear these things up, please post what really happened, your news agencies are as manipulative and full of retarded political redaction as ours are.

In any case, if you want to donate to her funeral fund:

Here's some Emilie Nereng to soothe you…


Noguns plz go. Many of those rifles don't even have iron sights. The only accessory you see on them in one or two with a shitty Harris bipod.


The men in her life should be ashamed and the cunts at school should be euthanised

the few pole immigrants ive known have been pretty quiet and reserved.


Whatever dude, you get my point.

White (Cornish/English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British): 95.7%
White (Irish): 0.4%
White (Gypsy or Irish Traveller): 0.1%
White (Other White): 2.0%
Mixed (White and Black Caribbean): 0.2%
Mixed (White and Black African): 0.1%
Mixed (White and Asian): 0.3%
Mixed (Other Mixed): 0.2%
Asian/Asian British (Indian): 0.2%
Asian/Asian British (Pakistani): 0.0%
Asian/Asian British (Bangladeshi): 0.1%
Asian/Asian British (Chinese): 0.2%
Asian/Asian British (Other Asian): 0.2%
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British (African): 0.1%
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British (Caribbean): 0.1%
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British (Other Black): 0.0%
Other (Arab): 0.0%
Other (Other): 0.1%

0.2% => 1,072
So there's about 1,072 each of…

0.1% => 536
So there's about 536 each of…

That's ~6,400+ people of muddied heritage with whom this young Polack hoser might have been whoring about.

screencap headlines for posterity and record keeping

[60 FPS] Megumin - nachi - とびだせ!バンキッキ(Casual Killer remix)

Orange is the new black indeed


Honestly im pretty sick of seeing this r9k level shit where nerds instantly assume any girl showing off her sexuality is a massive whore.

protip: women have always put themselves on display, its how they attract a man, and always have. After all, what did you first notice about this girl? Her physical beauty.

that mousy shy 6 you keep having romance fantasies about is probably more likely to be a slut than the 8 or 9 who is going into modelling.

like seriously look at this moron here:

He found a picture of this girl in a fucking bikini, something EVERY GIRL has worn since the fucking 50s, and his purity fantasy was shattered and hes mad about it.

If you want women to cover up and pretend to be as sexless as cloistered nuns, go live in some mudskin shithole.

This is highly likely tbqh.

She lived in the whitest and one of the nicest parts of Britain.

Its a tragedy. She seems quite pleasant in that video user has posted but the world can and does crush nice, pleasant people all the time.

sage for white knights getting stirred up over nothing

I grew up in an old-fashioned place, and cell phones were still rare, and the pictures on them were still fairly innocent. Girls usually wore one-piece swimsuits, but there were a few with bikinis. Some of the girls were proud of their bodies, few were shy. Even the slutty ones weren't spreading any pictures of themselves in any revealing way. Only one in my class ever had pictures remotely like that taken, and she went to hollywood, was completely unable to act, and got fake boobs. I don't know if she turned into a slut, but I assume so. And when I last checked her facebook, every picture had hundreds of nice-guy comments about how pretty she was. (and when I gave her shit on a few ridiculous ones, she deleted the pics.) She craved attention when we were 3 y.o., when she was older no one cared because she was dumb, unathletic, unsociable, and not pretty without makeup, and only the culture we have now can give her the kind of attention she wants.

There is nothing wrong with a girl showing off her body. But I don't know when it became normal to show anyone with an internet connection or at least everyone in your school. Everything now is geared toward the attention-whores, and boys like you lap it up.

kek, they are not a the top of the list of accessories that tell everyone you're a fag, but guys don't know that pretty much all accessories fall into that category.

I'm just the opposite physically, I matured early and people thought I was in my 20s when I was 13. At 30, I still frequently talk to girls who I find a little too haggard and worn-out looking only to find out they are 18 or so. I haven't met one with compatible mental or emotional traits in a decade, and never expect to find one, young or old. I'll be happy if I can just find a good mother to my future sons, fuck the rest.


faggot, learn2biology/fertility/birth canal

is this her?

no, dude. fuck. you shoulda saged.


Wasted dubs

Er, where exactly does the nonwhites part come from? Girls are generally bitchy but was it actually jealous brownies? Very sad story.



you guys are awful thirsty

I know the 4th girl IRL

Yeah, and I fucked your mom.

we are mourning her


I used to live in the same city as her, we hung out once but nothing happened

where is she now?

The girl was a whore.
Her attention-grabbing attention probably went from a call for help to being completely serious and then death.

She was likely to turn into a bigger whore later in life if this is what she was doing as a teenager.
For that I have no sympathy towards her.

I don't care how much of a hard on she gave you; if you married her, she would have divorce raped you, guaranteed.

Fucking retard.


and you know this how, wizard-master

Holy shit this place has become embarrassing you can count the amount of muds in Cornwall on one hand. I know you fags love your dumb memes of the UK being 99% mud but outside the cities you find very few muds.

She was probably bullied by her inbred Cornish classmates because the only immigrants that are fair game in the UK are Poles and other white Eastern Euros. Go read crap like the Daily Mail always make a deal out of some EE criminals and ignore that niggers are a hundred times worse.

Fuck me this place has become full of alt right retards and Jews posting bullshit troll threads like this to make you look like idiots.


Well, Cucko, every whorish thing she does is a redflag.
Her makeup.
Her attention-seeking behavior.
Those are the qualities you would want in a wife/mother?
Even if they were, and you wanted a good marriage with her, she would divorce you after she inevitably grows bored. Because women like this are incapable of monogamy.
Suicide seals that, she clearly had some severe issues.

so basically, you're just pulling this out of your ass.


Can you deny that those are redflags?
Can you make a single argument to the contrary?
No. If so, you would have done it already, rather than making a fool of yourself.




kill them

Sorry guys but the chances are high that she was some kind of slut.

Also she's complaining about fucking racism. Seriously, you guys are pussy starved hypocrites. If she were fat you'd all be labeling her a feminist (even has a problem glasses pic) and cheering her death but because she's attractive you're all "HURR DURR MUH POOR ARYAN QT3.1488".

She probably got that way because she was forcefully deracinated from her home country at a fragile age (8 years according to the article) and plunged into the degenerate, purposeless and soul killing environment of the west. Most likely by her retarded parents who probably think that iPhones and thousands of dollars of clothes is what will make one happy and give purpose and meaning to their life.

Next time, stay home.

Thank the Americans for that. They've spread liberalism throughout the world.

Their attempts to be "muh superpower" have created this insipid, soul crushing, meaningless world. Culture and life is being superficially generated by some moron from his alphabet soup agency terminal to adequate in the strategical wishes of US.

Your dubs seem to confirm something.

Start a new thread.
Beautiful 16 year old Polish girl bullied to death by ugly Brit girls.

Would be interesting.

Because white men should be the ones raping these white women, not mudshits.

That's pretty awesome. I wish stuff like this actually happened.


Looks like Common Cuck lurks here





seriously, what's the beef with Poles in the UK?

I have a good, though recent friend who was raped multiple times by her ex-Paki husband. She's actually rather traumatised by it but won't admit to being so. I think she likes me because I'm quite racist. She knows that she made a mistake, deep-down, but she had two kids by him, so she cannot think of them as a mistake because obviously she wants to protect her offspring. Fuck knows what the father was thinking. Probably too busy being a cuck.

My boils everyday finding out more and more shit about this. I know people that are burying their heads in the sand and it is driving them fucking insane.

We will reach tipping point eventually.

I mean that does happen. say native British girls or Paki girls look at her and think "She has pretty blonde hair, nice blue eyes, and a skinny body"
and they realize that she gets more attention from the white boys at school
and that is where the bullying begins she probably got one too many mean spirited Pollack jokes tossed her way

That's right everyone, listen to Finkelstein on how teenage blondes want to divorce rape you.

Please link to this new thread when you make it.

Mgtow and pua are Jewish movements
Fuck off.

Most people don't specify race when they hate immigrants
Stats that talk shit don't mention race
Add Jewish propaganda

Idiot Brits think it's Poles ruining their country and not mudslimes and chuck politicians


is that her?

wow. every single post rebuked you for telling the truth just because it's an us vs them thread. she looks like a whore in pic 3. deal with it Holla Forums

i love when defeatist shills bump week-old shit threads.


2 weeks and running on this


Well that seems a little suspicious like i guess Redruth must be an excepti-

Nope, it's white British as fuck too.

She's a foreigner mate, she was bullied by the natives you fucking retard.

Polish maggots are subhuman!
Read Hitler for Christ sake!
The fact that she's dead is GOOD news!

Poles are worst then niggers, mudslims and jews combined.
They look white, but cannot be civilized.


