White Nationalists Announce ‘We Have More Delegates!’ for Trump

After a prominent white nationalist was outed as a Trump delegate (and subsequently resigned from that role), his party took to Facebook to announce that “[w]e have more delegates!”

Mother Jones broke the story a little over a week ago that William Johnson, a Los Angeles-based attorney, president of the white nationalist American Freedom Party (AFP), and active Trump supporter, had been selected as one of Trump’s California delegates.

Johnson told Mother Jones at the time “I just hope to show how I can be mainstream and have these views,” adding: “I can be a white nationalist and be a strong supporter of Donald Trump and be a good example to everybody.”

The Trump campaign chalked Johnson’s selection up to a “database error,” and he subsequently resigned.

On Thursday, however, Mother Jones’ Josh Harkinson reported that Johnson and the AFP are confirming other party members have been selected as Trump delegates, though one of them is an “honorary” delegate, a type of delegate which does “not have voting power, but typically are selected by state parties to attend the convention, often as a perk in exchange for political donations.”

The AFP was “initially established by racist Southern California skinheads,” and “aims to deport immigrants and return the United States to white rule,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Johnson has previously spoken of his desire to create “a white ethno-state” since “that’s the only way western civilization and the white race will survive.” He has been one of Trump’s most notable supporters this campaign cycle, sponsoring pro-Trump robocalls throughout the cycle, one of which said: “The white race is being replaced by other peoples in America and in all white countries. Donald Trump stands strong as a nationalist.”

Mother Jones writes:

Johnson believes that Trump’s rise will motivate other white nationalists to express their views publicly. “You’ve got to realize that I’m out in the open and upfront, but a lot of people aren’t there yet,” he said. “Talk to me in eight months and more people will be out. Particularly if Donald Trump gets elected.”


Other urls found in this thread:


So these guys are either pure D and C 3 letter agency shills or just simply a kike front then, good to know. Any non-retarded actual white nationalists would keep their mouths shut until after the election, and would tell Mother Jones - I mean seriously Mother Jones - to go fly a kite rather than supply this sort of narrative.

They were also behind the robocalls that featured philosemitic "h'White Nationalist" Jared Taylor.


Holy shit. I guess ol Jew-ed Taylor really is controlled opposition. I wonder what Guillaume Faye thinks of this.

You know, there's something simultaneously raging and hilarious about the fact that stating "the white race is being replaced by other peoples in America and in all white countries" is considered being a crazy racist conspiracy theorist who must be publically shamed by the same people who write and share articles talking about how "the white race is being replaced by other peoples in America and in all white countries and that's good".

Surely this is all Trump's fault

Faye is controlled opposition, too, moron.


I mean, seriously, wtf is that guy's fucking problem? Someone needs to take him out back and beat the fuck out of him for doing an interview with Mother Jones. What will he do next, start writing articles for fucking Jezebel?


there are legit WNs that are delegates for Trump, but the fact that this guy is running his mouth makes me suspicious

Holy jesus fuck, Holla Forums. Can someone tell me who is not controlled opposition? You can't just call everyone a shill, dude.

Do you honestly think Faye has no idea about Jared?

Jared clearly knows his name and philosemitic reputation are shit and flinging it at the trump campaign does no good.

If ever there was a time to conceal your power level…

Stupidity this extreme can only be malice.

Are they just trying to give us a bad image?
If there's anything I learned from banning Evalion, it's that we here on Holla Forums don't take too kindly to bad PR. White nationalism can't have bad eggs ruining our movement. Image is everything.

…Is this sarcasm?

Yes, it is. I'm still salty about cuck mods banning Evalion.

I agree a beating is called for. This is clearly sabotage.

look, I don't know this shit as well as you, perhaps, so maybe you could fill me in. It seems to me that Taylor just hates niggers, so he's willing to make alliances with Jews since they hate niggers as well. I don't agree with it, personally – I think with kikes gone, the nigger problem will take care of itself.

I don't think Faye knowing or not knowing something says anything about him. But, perhaps I just don't understand what you mean.

I didn't hear about this. What happened? I don't think any WN should say anything publicly at all, ever. But, that's my personal opinion. College kids aside, you don't see Marxists running around proclaiming their allegiance to Kike Socialism, do you? No. There's a reason for that.

Infiltrate. Deceive. Destroy.

We should be unabashed about pushing our pro-white anti-jew message.

We should be unabashed about supporting Trump.

But doing both at the same time? That is strategically moronic. Why would you do that? What positive effects would it have for our cause?

I mean jesus christ people, this ain't rocket science.

What the fuck, holy shit. Did Trump really say that on CNN? Would that explain that 200 user spike in traffic?

No, it's a shop.

I wish it was real. If we're lucky, we might get a mention in Trump's post-POTUS memoirs.


Trump is drawing people out of hiding, Will Kristol just outed himself as a communist and TPTB are exposing their controlled oppositions by publicly slinging them at Trump.

Seriously - do you think there are enough White Nationalists in Iowa who also know who these people are to justify using them in "celebrity robocalls"?

Of course not.

Whomever fucking pays these people (probably the PAC itself) put them up to it, and you can guarantee that Jared et al. weren't dumb enough to not know their public support robocalls would have a negative effect.


You better be nice to the queen of Holla Forums.

Behead those who insult Evalion.

Embarrassing to watch to be honest

Okay, I didn't hear about this. What precisely did it say?

And, yes, there could actually be that many people in Iowa with WN sympathies, esp among the older generation that still remembers that niggers and kikes fuck everything up. The US didn't go full bluepill until the 90s, really.

Whether it was politically useful is another question altogether. idk about that.

I hope that bitch dies. If I ever see her in person, I'll strangle her. She's been going around to other chans trying to get them to raid us and making up bullshit. You, sir, can go fuck yourself.

He thanked his "internet people" once, I think that's the closest we're going to get as far as direct acknowledgement from The Don. Wouldn't have it any other way; our continued relative obscurity is an advantage



This is a fantastic idea.

She posted that shill D&C shit right here on this board, dude. Apparently, you've had your head up your ass, and haven't actually been watching what's been going on. Anyway, just go to .pl or endchan and look for the shill thread. Its right up at the top on both bc her and her goons are keeping it there.

Luckily, the users there aren't buying it, of course. But, I jumped in and told them the real deal just for good measure.

I don't want a mention while Holla Forums is still active, but our role getting a mention in the history books would be quite satisfying.

In a thousand years when teachers are teaching their children about the Trumpian Golden Age, I'd like to think there will be a paragraph about shitposters.

Bitching about evalowhatever is the real D+C. If you don't like her, ignore her. She's spreading the right message, so complaining about her using youtube (and by extension, her god given her physical attributes) to reach the masses is moronic.

Seriously, the only D+C in threads about her is the people whining about her putting her face out there and not staying anonymous.

I'm just asking for proof for your claims. I don't go into every single thread and examine every single post, so I have no clue if she herself really ever did shill. For all I know it could've been anti-Evalion shills spamming her videos to get Holla Forums to hate her. I don't know for sure. That's why I'm asking you for proof because you seem to have definitive answers on this.

I just checked .pl. There's only 2 threads, both of them are bumplocked, and one of them the OP was banned. So I don't really believe you when you say her 'shills' are rallying on ,pl. And on the endchan thread, it reads like one of the threads here.
Yadda yadda.
I don't know why you're trying to fool me, I'm just asking question. If you narrative is that she's bad to have around, you would surely have some definitive and unobjectionable proofs to back up your claim, yes?

here we go again. GTFO of my board, cockbitch.

Anyway, the real problem is that the cunt just wants us to talk about her, so let's stop. She just tries to derail threads, which she is being successful at right now. So let's stop. Right here. Not one more post. thanks.

I listened to that robo call and I didn't think it was bad at all. You should think before you scream "shill." That PAC has a lot of money, and they're not going to spend it on something that they don't think is going to be effective. I doubt it was a double-super secret reverse psychology robocall. In fact, it probably did its job quite well.

So when you're confronted with hard questions to answer, you shrivel up into your shell and claim even discussing it is the actual problem (like an SJW).
See, I'm not so sure I can properly buy into this narrative that she's the shill and the problem. You're making it very hard to be sympathetic towards your position.

filtered and reported for derailing

i suggest everyone else do the same

this needs to become a meme.

It will probably be very generic, because websites come and go. Probably something about how both Trump and Bernie displayed savvy using internet culture to their advantage, but Trump's tweets are powerful enough to actually spark discussion on their own, and how internet denizens such as us harbored feelings aligning with Trump before he became a candidate. His coming gave many memers a purpose, and they began using their skills for an actual cause, basically.

This is an obvious gambit to rob Trump of delegates and taint the waters.


I hope we never get a shoutout while we're active, the fact we stay in the shadow is a serious advantage over the attention whore who can't stop making everything about themselves like all those tards who ranted about us internet troll being huge racists.

Rockwell would be proud of this moment in history, truly.

>The AFP was “initially established by racist Southern California skinheads[proof?],” and “aims to deport >illegal< immigrants and return the United States to white rule[citation needed],” according to the (((Southern Poverty Law Center))).



White Nationalism is a bad image all around. Infantile memes, Adolf worship and NOTHING IN REAL LIFE RESULTS.

WN might have to be put down if they continue to thwart Trump's chances of winning. WN is the Jews most potent weapon. And the only one they have left.

AFP is just yet another White Nationalist scam. Pretend to be American Nationalist so they can 'educate'. Same shit for 15 years on the internet.

Never any meetings or real life results. But DONATIONS ARE WELCOME OF COURSE.

After decades of "Adolf, niggers and kikes" one might think their message is not working. They would rather the White Race die then change.

you are ebola and so is that vapid cunt

you should kill yourself for such bad timing then

Hey, you stupid cunt. You forgot to change your proxy before posting the second time.

reported for derailing

I'm going to find a random good looking broad to make Holla Forums videos.
Then the queen can at least be attractive.

I wonder who is behind this ebin maymay


That's not their message at all, they're AmRen-tier.

Bill Johnson actually did a show on Renegade briefly, until they booted him for saying people should stop naming the jew.

William Johnson is a CIA operative. So are Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, David Duke, and Don Black.

All of these US Govt. operatives are shilling for Trump to the hilt, because they're receiving orders to do so from a central authority: the CIA.

I hate to tell you this, but the American White Nationalist subculture is a CIA domestic psychological operation, just like the American patriot subculture is.

William Johnson is also a pro-Israel Zionist. Read his Wikipedia page for proof.

Idk, on one hand i see your point, on the other, its about time to come out of the closet. Being a white nationalist is not the boogeyman the leftist media portrays.

Now, if they were KKK affiliated or supported or expressed views that were violent, then I would certainly think that was too fishy;

No one talks to Mother Jones, so either it is an operative, or they made the whole thing up, or they lied to the guy to get an interview.

Donald Trump and White Nationalism


Donald Trump Reality TV

The Pied Piper of Gamblin

The Donald Trump Deception

Infiltrating the Republican Party

B'Man's 2016 POTUS Watch: Donald Trump

We Told You So: Trump Panders to Israel

White Nationalists Need to Dump Donald Trump

Supermarket Superstar: Trump and the Tabloids

Donald Trump: Great White Hope or Great White Hype?

White Nationalists must Stop Endorsing Trump so he Can Win

Time to Talk About Faux America-Firster Nationalist Donald Trump

Organized Slime: Political Mutants Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg

Alt-Right faced with Fresh Spate of Pro-Jewish Pandering from Donald Trump

Donald Trump stares into the Abyss in Iowa as it Stares into Him (And also You)

Obvious Ambush: Donald Trump embraces Jews, and then Opens Fire on White Nationalists

Asleep at the Wheel: Trump-Drunk Alt-Right Swerves Off-Course in Promotion of Fake Billionaire

your mods are sissy faggots. we own this board now

White Nationalism is a CIA domestic psy-op.

Consider this a warning.

Be wary. Pretty much everyone is either CIA or informants. Everyone except you. There are a few guys who aren't, thankfully. Your family isn't, friends aren't (if you have friends) - at least you don't think they are. Problem is, you don't know where all the surveillance devices are. Thankfully, you take the proper steps in cyber security… You do, don't you? Encrypted HDD, kill switch, three proxies, VPN or two for taste, occasionally TOR to mix things up.

After all, you're unveiling the secret CIA-reptillian-illuminati NWO plot. You're threatening to fuck everything up for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

Thanks intx

Is there still interested wars going on between agencies or is that over?

It's that portrayal normalfags see and have been raised to accept though.

KKK, neo-nazi and white nationalist all carry the same kind of connotations IMO

You can come out of the closet if you want. But don't do it while publicly endorsing Trump and then doing an interview with the media to reinforce their narrative.


8ch has banned Tor supporting "free speech".

KKK, neo nazis and white nationalists are not pro White.

How to destroy an article's credibility in one sentence.

really cool