I'm your guys' worst nightmare

I'm your guys' worst nightmare

Other urls found in this thread:


Normie reeeeee or something like that
I don't really care at this point
Holla Forums is dying
fuck it

does anyone want to send me cute lewds

when will this meme end?
stats.4ch.net/Holla Forums/

bored is slow as fuck
this is all your fault
Holla Forums pph and unique users used to be way higher

Fuck my shit with a sharp pointed stick, I say.

Lately it's been nothing but "fug dysmemia, josh, and Jim" threads
I'm expecting us to be flooded with stale memes and roll threads any day now

And who's fault is that? If you're going to lurk don't complain. If you want traffic, post. Simple.

Don't listen to the faggots. Autism and assburgers come with the territory, so its no surprise one or three douche bags have gotten obsessed with this meme and ragging on you.

I like you. You're a good guy. Or a good mod anyhow.

You tell me. Your attempts at making the board more poster friendly and at shaping content to conform to your idea of good, or my posts which dwindle in number and quality in line with what I find here.

What is this? Dysnomia samefagging or a extreme homo boot licking case? Im not sure.


nobody is doing any of that

If you're against dysnomia:

If you're on dysnomias side:

Both groups are retarded.

PPH, UIDs and quality dropped after you appeared. PERIOD. You are a failure. Just give up the board, miserable fuck.

That's because the pedos left

Really? When?

Say he does that. Who do you think should replace him?

StumbleUpon is bad?

You seem pretty cool tbh
Transcended the petty website-use-based identity politics, only now striving to intake as much content as possible
you've taken the browse pill



What's that? I can't find it in the app store.

Never mind

Dysomnia's greatest achievement is neutering the barth spammer and other spammers. At least Holla Forums is usable now.

If you are reading this Dysomnia, please never disable early 404. Early 404 doesn't stop a dedicated tech aware spammer but those kinds are rare(tech aware people have better things to do than spam imageboards for no reason).

Early 404 does make it more difficult to wipe the board with spam

You're the calculas test I'm going to probably fail?





Mobile shitposting is comfy. Especially for /sp/

I would replace Exodus with Overchan, though.

God fucking damn all nigger to hell… Can I come here for one fucking day and not see your fucking trip… Jesus fucking H. Christ

Where's the apk?




all websites are cancerous. At this point normies end up getting to everything anyway theres no real reason to fuss over which website is better because everything is gay anyways

Thanks m8

here it's quite comfy. Or just go lurk Tor's librechan.

How does one get the apk tho… Sorry I'm tech illiterate which is why I'm using a phone… I wish I could into computers but I'm just not that smart… Help a Holla Forumsrother out would ya

wait that's not being tech illiterate, that's just plain retarded. Computers are at least as easy to use than mobiles these days. Fucking download it, find it on your phone and launch it ffs

I didn't see a download link but I'll look again… I thought I was going to have to compile the apk or something…


Just open the .apk file and accept the permissions. No compiling needed.

Thanks m8…
If you were next to me I'd suck your dick, no homo tho

good thing I was the one insulting you then.

Keked and checked