A better question is, if memes are going to utterly stump Hillary's by-the-book campaign, will the Establishment start forcing memes and go full-on 1894 on our asses? Because that's honestly a frightening possibility.
Jeremiah Cooper
it's 1984 fugg
Joseph Morales
Come on guys, this is important. ;_;
Jacob James
Trump confirm to be a meme.
Jose Young
leftypol is evidence that you cannot force memes.
Henry Edwards
The truly great memes are born of Chaos.
Do you remember Drumph? It actually increased Trumps numbers.
Noah Hall
What memes are they forcing?
Aaron Cook
That one you just posted, most likely.
Thomas Mitchell
This is a old as shit reaction image based on the absolutely disgusting image. Well except that one, that is my OC.
But aren't memes a type of background noise, that when a person is exposed to said meme enough it becomes the primary sound. Aren't memes inherently off topic, and aren't they arguably spammed?
Ayden Perry
Depends on the meme and its relation to the topic at hand.
Benjamin Watson
how many of these are accidentally going to be pro-trump ads?
Brayden Wood
Memes inherit the nature of those who propagate them and spread that onto others. It's a two way relationship, so while you contribute to its nature when you use it, it also instills a nature of itself into you. They die when introduced to alien environments which stagnates that relationship aka forced memes.
Another way to look at it is that propaganda requires stagnation to retain its message, memes require evolution to retain their power.
While memes can appear to project propaganda, what they're really projecting is natural thought.
Landon Clark
I forget to answer you question directly, but the answer is: Yes, they'll try it but their memes won't work as they intend if they do.
Juan King
I think that pic related kind of sums up why leftist/shitlib/cuck memes don't get any traction. Their "comedy" is safe. Inoffensive. They can't afford to hurt the feelings of their base, and whaddya know, their base are worthless delicate faggots, SJW cunts, and whiny minorities who go into fits of apoplectic rage over the smallest imaginary slights. They put themselves in this position by attacking anyone who says anything taboo, and now they have to muzzle themselves.
So one side you have people like john oliver whose best attack is "drumpf", and on ours you have memes like Donald Trump Pepe in a SS uniform putting Bernie as the feels guy in the gas chamber. It's incredibly satisfying to watch.
Ayden Long
memes will prevail
Jason Brooks
Something with spooks or something
Grayson Gonzalez
true, true.
All of them, if we meme correctly and hard enough.As in make pictures and videos mocking them and spreading them to normalfags.
vids related
Bentley Martin
Trump has made the greatest show in burger history. I find the Donald Trump show much more entertaining than the crap hollywood spews out these days.
We can truly shitposted away the barriers that separate reality from the memes.
Luis Martin
Really? Taking part in african gender studies does not make you educated nor clever.
Noah Anderson
Jaxon Gomez
Politics hasn't caught up with other forms of media. Trump is doing what Paris Hilton did in the early 00s.
Justin Walker
Julian Hill
I'll bump for the dank memes
Jace Harris
Traditional media is memes, albeit stale ones. MEMES TRUMP ALL
Christopher Anderson
Memes have always been impossible to force. We tried so long and hard with Milhouse but it proved impossible. Even more so now, as they have evolved from being mere inside jokes and cultural units into self evolving idea viruses. They ultimate require some grain of truth to form their DNA.
Josiah Williams
This. I've said this a few times now, but the difference between us and them, is that we have no chains. He are beholden to nobody. We aren't looking to please anybody, or to offend the least amount of people. Here, there are no holds barred.
Meanwhile, they have locked themselves in a cage. They have no room to truly create content. They are looking to please, to offend as little as possible, and thus their memes are weak, forced and all around unfunny.
That is the difference between us and them. We are organic. They are artificial.
Cooper Jones
You can't force memes. It didn't work for Milhouse and it didn't last long for Gaston either. It ain't gonna work.
Chase Wright
Memes require truth to function. A meme built on a lie is a forced meme at best, and quickly collapses. Memes are self propagating. They put the idea into someones head, but the truth must back up the investigations and dialogues that follow. A shillary meme would quickly mutate into something far more destructive to her than a Pepe penned by the Donald himself. It would self-correct and replace the lie with truth. Strange times. Lets keep going and see what happens.
Aaron Hill
meme power bump
Hudson Reed
Jackson White
Leo Gomez
Our memes will win over political commercials, I mean, go ask any of your relatives, even ole Great Aunt Sue and Great Uncle Joe hate political commercials and mute or flip channels when one comes on. The dank memes, though, you can't resist them, put up a defense, but the memes will mutate and slip into your mind anyways. The memes get everywhere eventually, in one form or another, but advertising is oft stillborn on the screen.
Jeremiah Barnes
It certainly makes you educated, you're merely confused because you've been conditioned to see the term "educated" as a positive by the leftist indoctrinators who want you to voluntarily submit to their education protocols.
Asher Carter
Well, nobody ever really expected a meme president. This is just about everything Holla Forums has been asking for, for maybe 5-6 years. Right around the time the ultra libertarians left.
Camden Brooks
Yeah, the people who tried to force Milhouse as a meme instead memed the opposite into reality ensuring Milhouse never being a meme ever. Forcing memes often memess the opposite of what you're forcing into existence. Like, look at the thread here on the BROs4Hillary shit, trying to meme up support from mals, but the godawful faggots they hired for that shit and the pandering to cunts the pages for it do is most likely going to trigger strong anti-Hillary sentiments in any actual non-faggot male who sees it, and probably even into some faggot males too who won't want to be associated with such godawful on-your-knees-for-Hillary faggotry.
Connor James
It's brainwashing as far as I see it.
Tyler Roberts
It's not that you can't force memes, you can, it's just that memes are very fragile when born, the first few anons who repost it must be charismatic, so the rest of the anons can immortalize it through screecap.
If the poo in the loo memes were handle by spergy bronies it would have never take off.
Caleb Sanders
I don't think educated should be the best term. They're really just mainstream and consensus-driven.
Humor has to have a certain nasty quality about it to be funny. But, also a certain truth or relateability to it as well.
Luke Perez
I heard this shit on npr when it aired. Lugenpresse says whatever they can to spin the story. They said that trump calls into shows and that networks air his rallies, but that puts trump at a possible disadvantage because the new younger generation is tech savy and gets their news from the internet!!
But hillary is spending most of her money on television commercials, precisely what nobody watches anymore. What people watch are intervirw segments and phone ins directly on youtube or circulated by internet establishements like mediaite or other outlets.
This isnt even considering every trump rally being on demand for anyone who wants to view it at any time, or his twitter account. Smh tbh
Jason Flores
Memes are traditional media.
Daniel Garcia
hell no, you missed all the thread?
Juan Fisher
I was about to call you a fucking retard but then I thought about it. What a dark time to be alive!
Jonathan Long
this, they try taking an intellectual high ground and yet claim that values, culture, ethnicity are all meaningless 'spooks,' it's a total denial of reality. Most of the people they call ordinary, common, poor blue-collar working class would fucking hate them and call them pretentious arm-chair socialisits, while eastern europeans would probably laugh at them. We, on the other hand, can't help but see that people don't want to ignore their origins and heritage, it's all people really have. Also, nihilism is fucking stupid, Nietzsche said we need a stronger morality not an absence of one.
Jordan Roberts
You absolutely can. The problem is that lefties and GOPe shills are too incompetent.
Memes are easy to force if you understand marketing and are in touch with the population.
Non-Trump candidates don't really get marketing and are hopelessly out of touch. No one wants their policies. The more you repeat "build a wall" or "you have to go back" the more you realize Trump is right on immigration. The more you repeat "free college" or "I should be elected because I'm a woman" the more clear it becomes how moronic it is.
Lefy policies are inherently wrong and evil, so it's hard to meme them. However we could fall victim to a manufactured meme candidate, but it would have to be as much about manufacturing the candidate as it is about manufacturing the memes.
Ian Stewart
True, 20-30 years ago. Now we are gathering in the new tower of babel called the internet and all of their social memenetics they are pushing are getting laughed at because we have a place to gather and discuss at the single push of a button. The more I think about how the internet could be considered the new tower of babel the more I wonder if god destroyed the original tower of babel or kikes got too upset at regional neighbors talking to each other too much without (((context))).
Benjamin Flores
This proves that behind a meme is a facet of reality that would otherwise be denied. Personally to me a meme is just a joke, and jokes are always half-true half-ridiculous. You can't be funny unless you're pointing out how absurd something is, a joke is a criticism. Comedians are truth-tellers that are especially good with delivery, the best reaction they can get out of someone is "lol that's so true." Comedy today has hit a really bizarre point, you had Chappelle with his racist jokes that were actually true, and then later came Tim and Eric with their nonsense humor that basically made fun of old people, disabilities and awkwardness. That's all dead now, it's been done. This era of comedy and truth-telling has been given to the chans because MSM can't tell the truth anymore, our only duty is to not be too serious and to point out how ridiculous everything has become. Comedy has no morality, no mercy. Comedy is philosophy without needless articulation. We don't need to worry about telling the truth though, that's a by-product of the kek machine, we just need to be able to laugh at everyone including ourselves.
Zachary Thompson
The absolute best thing we can do to help Trump is continue to bring our top tier meme game, and focus on normie outreach. We plaster social media with the most accessible and funny Trump memes. This serves to destroy the "literally Hitler" narrative through parody and fun, and softens people to him. If Trump is a meme that everyone knows, Hillary's attack ads come off as an old granny complaining about "damn kids these days and their weird interweb pictograms". No oldster has ever attacked a pervasive meme and come off looking good. They look like out of touch squares. They look they way that gamergate SVU episode looked to anyone who has ever played a video game.
Carson Anderson
Brainwashing is what is meant by education in Weimerica, good user.
Carson Ramirez
Have you forgotten all those pics of britshits parading their children around in shackles in front of the nogs? Not even commieforina is that bad.
Easton Moore
Our meme's will blot out the lies.
Camden Martinez
Well, I'm American so my focus is on America, but yeah the Anglosphere in general has a big kike dick in its brain, Britain being the worst because it's been under kike rule for the longest.
Easton Young
Michael Phillips
No hard feelings OP but you've got "to" and "too" mixed up. Just FYI for your resume.
Quality thread anyway though.
Asher Williams
How much shekels per post? bump
Adam Foster
No, she got schlonged. Trump is doing the schlonging.
Grayson Long
By that logic does Trump meme all?
Matthew Scott
There was a linguistic philosopher named Marshall McLuhan who was popular in the 60s but sort of dropped into obscurity thereafter.
One of his key points is that we would eventually move "beyond words" and into a more "nonlinear" type of communication based on images. His heyday was before the word "meme" was coined, and he was basing his ideas mostly on the power of TV and and movies.
A lot of his theories are crap and lean towards the left, but he was one of the earliest people to see the glimmerings of the power of memetics on the horizon. He didn't live long enough to see widespread use of the Internet, but I'm pretty sure internet memes are what he was intuiting as a form of persuasion and communication for the future. Because all he knew TV and film, which are "top down" media, he didn't grasp the interactive nature of the net or understand the way memes can arise and take on a life of their own.
Anyone seeking the origins and deep roots of memetics could do worse than to check out his concept "the medium is the message:"
why not just post all our memes on instagram? we can still be user right?
Kevin Morales
Meme it everywhere and never ever let up memeing that we want our homogeneous high trust stable societies back NOW.
Friendo there was never a wall between memes and reality memes are simply the tool which all life uses to understand reality as such we hold the key to make people tell the critical theorists who control language to fuck off. If we meme it just right and spread it fast and far enough we can make them lose all of their power. LET THE MEMES BEGIN!
Justin Brooks
I bet many of us here have been told by normies you hang out with "lol, you should be a comedian user!" when you spout off your views on reality. I know I have
I laugh at them.
Adrian Gonzalez
The memes of the Master Wizard have already won.
If this were a Chinese cartoon and there was this whole arc with Cruz being the big bad final enemy of the arc then Hillary is the filler episodes' enemy where we're told that this "enemy is even stronger than X!" and proceeds to get it's ass handed to them after a brief moment of struggle.
Brody Hernandez
Hillary is nothing more than 4 episodes worth of filler, like the whole Jagi arc in Fist of the North Star. She is setting things up for the greater battle against Raoh, or the world.