It is mid summer, growing season is leaving, but time to plan for next year, and indoor winter growings

it is mid summer, growing season is leaving, but time to plan for next year, and indoor winter growings

i hope you are having a nice summer, Holla Forums

i watched a dog get washed away in the monsoon floodings earlier.

why grow anything when I can just go to the shop and buy it?

I recognize these pics, did you start the last self-sufficiency thread? Can you post your pics?

i posted images in one a while ago. I like to use the best ones.

because not a shrivled nu-male


try natural gardening.

buy a whole bunch of different seeds, mix em together. spray and plow and fertilise a large plot of land. set up irrigation.

throw seeds everywhere in early spring.

what grows grows, harvest as needed.

make up for inefficiency through volume.

oh my god we could totally meme pica in to the next holistic vegan movement.

That first image is utterly stupid, at least from a gardener's standpoint.
The most crucial factor for a vegetable's seasonal availability is climate. Which is a factor not just of latitude, but also distance and bearings to the ocean, local flora, the position of mountains, local water bodies and even the level of urbanization! For example, in cool climates tomatoes are only ripe in summer whereas in hot climates they are available all year except summer because the heat and bugs destroy the fruit before it can ripen. That image does not specify climate at all and thus is of no help to a gardener at all.
Not to mention that it has tropical plants such as coconuts and guavas which only grow where "summer" and "winter" have no meaning.

Obviously this is meant as a consumer guide rather than a farmer's guide; helping cooks figure out when an ingredient will be cheapest and freshest (hence the whisk and spoon) but OP is a faggot for posting it here.