"German men can't fight anymore. Thanks God"



"German men can't fight anymore"

Men in Germany didn't know at all how they should handle violence, says a violence researcher. When - like in the Sylvester night in Köln - the state doesn't act, they are helpless.

According to violence researcher Jörg Baberowski german men can't fight anymore. One could saw that during the sylvester night in Köln, when the german men didn't protect their women from attacks.
"We see, that men in Germany don't know at all anymore, how a man handles violence", said the historician and author ("Räume der Gewalt") on thursday evening at the festival of philosophy Phil.Cologne in Köln.
"Thank God", he added.

German Men believe in the state. A behavior like this makes one very helpless in a situation like that of the Sylvester night. If the state doesn't carry out its violence monopoly, then it massively shatters the trust of the citizens.

Baberowski said, that the attacks in Köln had nothing to do with Islam, but with the situation in refugee camps. The state is absent in these camps. Small organized groups of men take over the command in there. When these groups came to the cathedral square, they thought it was also a lawless place. "These people should have been immediately brought into a prison, they would've learnt something for life then", said Baberowski.

Seriously wtf are you doing Germans? Everybody's laughing at you cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

egun.de/market/list_items.php?mode=qry&plusdescr=off&wheremode=and&query=trommel magazin&quick=1

The wonders of statism

never happened

I've been visiting Holla Forums for a long time, but it seriously becomes harder and harder to handle each passing days, because of fucking stories like this.

This surprises you? This is the end game of what they started after the war. Why do you think they robbed them of their history and their male leaders……. everything is nazi and bad. This is why women support the kebabs despite their rapes because Germany and probably western Europe's men no longer act like men.

(((Better not insult the Muslims.)))

I'm not.

Why do Americans continually embarrass themselves by spouting off about things they don't have the slightest education in?

If they touched them, they would be in jail. The blacks would go free. Soon Europeans will wake up and gas non-whites in millions, and suffer US/Russian invasion because "muh nazis".

German men are low test cucks who stood by and watched their women get ravaged by mudslime roaches.

Say what you want about America but had a bunch of muds tried to rape our women, we would've shot him dead. At least in my town.

There are two kinds of Americans. Those who are stupid and those who know how to play stupid.

yes, no hope. You let millions of muslims and niggers into europe, unless your purge (which is not going to happen) you are finished, they will out breed you.
I live in Serbia, some 60 years ago Tito decided to be tolerant and let Albanian muslims flood into our country because we had it good and albania was a shithole. Today, Kosovo which was one of the centers of the serbian empire and culture since the middle ages, is now 95% muslims (although they did have halp from NATO and EU, just like your leaders are now supporting your own destruction)

This is disgustingly Orwellian, I can't wait to people like this researcher are gassed to death.

I couldn't hear you over the cacophony of 50% non-whites, try again.

Fuck off faggot. They've been occupied by Jews for centuries who fucking decimated them physically emotionally and spiritually. German have been subjected to so much Jewish propaganda and conditioning they can't tell which way is up. Its not their faults.

centuries decades*.

This is what the thread will boil down to.

Don't engage the D&C shills.

I responded to the op, refute his article with some tangible evidence.
I have yet to see Germany or the rest of Europe stop the problem or at least gain back some lost ground. In the US we have demonstrators wave flags & hold stupid signs and they accomplish nothing as well. Except the leftists that is they demonstrate to rub in your face their victory.

yes that is a possibility Pr crafted for demoralization.

A few years away from propaganda and I bet they would bounce back… unfortunately the PR never stops.

This is why I'm glad women get taken by the victors. If my German grandmother had not married my American grandfather and instead gone with one of WW II's dregs, some German cuck would have been born in my father's place, and his children would be enjoying the fuck out of the Cuckening part 2 that's going on right now in the faggot socialist land of nofuns.

That pic is retarded. You have no fucking hope.

Excuses, excuses. Jews haven't tricked me, nor have they tricked most of the people posting on Holla Forums. If we can be wise to their tactics then the Germans have no excuse to be submissive to the nose!


fam, i hate to be the one to tell you this, but…
you watch those nature documentaries on the cable?

I really doubt it. They are merely afraid of attacking because they will be destroyed while their victims are given even more welfare.

Pol is a minority , go say something about jews or anything fairly red-pilled at your place of employment or on the street with a mega-phone.

When you were a kid you don't recall the BS they taught you in school or with kid shows liked diversity is awesome ( white kid holding hands with black)… "because if everyone were the same life would be boring."
You were exposed to PR it just did not affect you the way it typically affects large groups of people. In Germany & western Europe generally the PR is far far worse…go watch a European show and see how horrible it is…. Dr.who is a good example just go stream any recent show watch and remember it is supposed to be a kid show…… the levels of leftist degeneracy is off the scale.


No Thanks Black Pill Merchant

you know what I mean

say something vaguely red-pilled to a person you work with and watch them open up.
there are more of us than you know.


Tried talking to someone at my work about everything, the guy was surprisingly redpilled on jews and the migrant crisis

It's sad bad true.

Let me tell you, I do Taekwondo, it's nothing special, it's a nice martial art, helps gain a healthy physique and some combat skills.

Not combat skills like kick boxing, but it's good.

So I go there a few times a week, and every time I'm there, there isn't a single German.

0, zero, nothing.

It's Turks, slavs and a few other """ asian """ people.

I don't understand this.

Yeah you know what? I'm good you know Shlomo, fully prepared and I'm not willing to have a false start so I can prove I'm the biggest nationalist in a cluster fuck of cucked countries just so a gang of Holla Forums perma-virgins can meme about what I did.

When the Happening starts, I'd rather be free and able to round up allies than stuck in a prison with a gorillion Achmeds who are fully radicalized and will adjust significantly quicker to the SHTF than your average white normie.

there is nothing to be said. if you live in america and you dont own a rifle at this point, kill yourself. we are the last hope.

Yeah, done much to ignite the revolution lately?

detroit, baltimore, numerous others
oh, you mean whites
nah, americans are cool with their cities burning.

What the actual fuck germoney?
Get your shit together.

Reminder that we still don't have clear evidence of these Köln New Year attacks. It's probably a kike hoax to demonize Muslims.

Didn't native Germany and Swedes just go on a mosque and/or refugee camp burning spree?



came to say this
americans are blind

German men have absolutely no motivation to defend a Marxist matriarchal society that hates white men. It would be against their own interests to do so. Let that society be raped and burned instead.

After the collapse, though, when they have things to defend, people to kill, and women to conquer, things will be quite different.

Or, alternatively, they will switch to sharia law, then use the new theocracy to purge kebab and keep women in place. Europe was, at one point, pagan. Shit happens.


It ain't ogre till it's ogre.

ITT: Demoralization

Shut up Jew. Its not controlled by Marxist or Muslims. Germany (and the rest of Europe and America) are occupied by Jews. They will be the ones hanging.

Can someone with the time translate it?

Humiliating German men is historically a bad idea. Problem is they won't do enough of it until it's too late.

Calm your butthole. You interpret his post wrong.

t. german who agrees with his post

TKD isn't really a fighting art. Go to a kickboxing gym and you'll probably see more white people since dutch kickboxers are very dominant in europe

TKD is a sport for fags to watch in TV. Try Thaiboxing or Wing Chun. That's where you learn to fight. Enjoy your training lessons with mudslimes and other scum, fag

They are not that bad people actually, it's probably later when they get indoctrinated.
It's what gavin mcinnes said regarding ginger muslim terrorists.

Nice article, retard. Slap a nigger, go to jail for years, achieve nothing.
Wait a bit, get the law enforcers on your side, then you can go 1930s.

This. The subhumans conveniently ignore this point.
I wonder why.

Top kek.
Still waiting for that to happen.

This. I mean the worst shits ALWAYS happen in the big cities in the former FDR cities. Especially Köln. These are all Amerikike'd shitholes that deserve to be nuked. Why should anyone do anything about these poz nests?

You know what's striking? They've devalued the Iron Cross - our army members now get it for "participation" instead of valor, and fuck all the ones who earned it with blood and guts. They've been giving us non-stop reports of government-sponsored pick-up-art classes for immigrants. When "Kurds" and "Turks" clash, they typically do so while planting their flags on German monuments and uniting against the Germans that try to move against such action. The official media let out a barrage of attempts at humiliation. And everyone knows how Germans eventually react to humiliation.

It seems to me that it's all engineered specifically to drive Germany over the edge before Obama leaves office, so that they can go full "We must stop the Nazis!" and let loose on Europe with the US Army, allowing King Nigger to seize more control and just stay in office because =there's war!!!=

This would appear to be because Trump, whom many Germans now vest their hopes into for that reason, has implied more than once that he'd finally pull troops out of German lands, "forcing" (which is, allowing) them to rearm on their own and put an end to the welfare racket they're bound under. Which would immediately drive out the bulk of economic migrants, scare off the genuine refugees and likely leave the terrorists singled out for the people's judgment.

What I'm getting at is: We can fight, but have reason not to start yet. Pray that our patience holds, brothers.

t. a German who has seen some shit of late

Yes, yes, we get it. You hate Germans.

That's (((their))) strategy, they want us to lose hope but the fact that the kikes are trying so hard to archieve this is simply proof that they're scared

Pick one

Like all jews do

Guter Beitrag. Was man von Deutschen erwarten kann, richtige Gedanken :^)

Wohl gesprochen, Landsmann!


Why am I not surprised?

egun.de/market/list_items.php?mode=qry&plusdescr=off&wheremode=and&query=trommel magazin&quick=1

says the shitskin

The comments on the article are quite redpilled. Or at least display some survival instinct.
There is hope yet, lads.

Could you show me the last time there was a "cologne rape incident" tier cuckening in the United States and the men just sat there and called to it?

Or a Rotherham tier incident, and the men just sat there and tapped while Abu picked their daughters up in Taxis?

Protip, you can't…

Lel wtf faggot.

Nog's routinely get physically removed if they engage in crime outside their ghettos. Thid is why they stay in their ghettos.

Also I should remind you that the US has more Whites than Germany or the UK (combined), and far more land.

You can either uncuck yourself or stay salty, there's no in between and there's no one to blame but yourself and the eternal Jew.

But facts are facts, and your nation is basically a cuckold porno IRL.

Saying "B-B-UT GERMANS ARE E-SCARED TO BE CALLED RACIST!" while hordes of Abu's rape your women in the streets doesn't fly with me, because I know this would literally never happen in the US, no matter what legal consequences. No men here would tolerate this.

It's called anarcho-tyranny. They didn't forget, they're just not lawfully allowed to and there's too much to lose to disobey the law. Mudshits have nothing to lose so they can disobey the laws.

Was mich am meisten motiviert, ist dass so viele von uns hier und wach sind.

Denkt daran:

Niemals erlahmen; und niemals ermüden; und niemals verzagen; und niemals verzweifeln!

Sieg Heil!

trying too hard 2/10

Not really, people (even bluepilled normies) are very receptive to what you have to say if you say it confidently. 90% of the convincing is in your tone and body language.

just search german kids getting bullied by muslims on liveleak

the german boys are wrangled like cattle while the muslims just record it and laugh

the violent nature of man has been subdued from the german male

this conditioning is prevalent and pervaded all of german culture, which is why they have allowed their country to be invaded in the first place

germany was defeated during ww2, it's land are just now being taken

I know. The uncountable amount of rape by niggers in America.

Not a britshit. And no such incident happened in Germany without retribution.

Funny how Amerikikes are so retarded they see Europe as a "hwhite" mass. We are not subhuman mutts like you, luckily.

People prefer not to use their guns because they are expensive and will be taken away, thanks to the post war gun laws implemented by "hwhite brothers"?
But we do something about it.
We are still waiting for a shot mudslime from the US. Go on.

Same over here. All cuckening happens only in the big cities. After the initial invasion, mudshits in the countryside are now quiet as always.
So tell me, why did you subhuman mutts talked shit first?

Top retard.
Whites (including Hispanics who identified as White) constitute the majority, with a total of about 246,660,710, or 77.35% of the population as of 2014. Non-Hispanic Whites totaled about 197,870,516, or 62.06% of the U.S. population.
So 200 mil, at best.
Amerikikes cant do math, no surprise.

Because Detroit, Chimpcago, LA werent lost right?
So delusional.

Was ich einem non-cuck Deutschen gesagt habe.

Right, all those nog riots a few months back where the chimps had "space to destroy" didn't happen.

Either you are completely deluded, or you are a shill who is trying to make out like what is happening in Europe is some kind of "justice".

You're an idiot.

The most of us are silent and are preparing for (((it))). Me including. And the number of redpilled comments under news articles and conversations IRL rised exponentially. We will fuck (((them))) up royally.

Germans are the same as all white people. You listen to media so much it convinces you that they're all beta faggots.

It might surprise you but the majority of Germans fucking hate Merkel.

Absolutely this.

When I finally woke up to what was really happening it took me less than 2 weeks to redpill every male friend and relative I have and even a girl or two.


The wonders of Satanic Jewry.

Is that a Russian and a German? Or is that one kid muslim?

Americans have guns, faggot. Machetes are nigger-tier.

Es ist tatsächlich inzwischen mein Mantra, wenn mich beim Sport Erschöpfung überkommt. Wirklich erstaunlich, wie es der Führer verstand, ungeahnte Kraft in dem Hörenden zu Tage zu fördern, selbst wenn dieser sich schon entkräftet wähnt; jedes Mal, wenn ich ins Zittern komme, sage ich mir die Worte vor, und ganz ungeahnt kommt mir ganz frische Energie zu.

Heute ist in meiner Gegend ein Stadtfest; wie ich von einem Kontaktmann in der Drogenszene weiß, haben einige örtliche Neubürger auch schon entsprechende Vergnügungen geplant. Mal gucken, ob ich nicht am Ende ein paar neue Techniken "live" ausprobieren kann.

Two German hipsters.
If those are just some limp-wristed faggots, imagine our real boys.
The fight is in our blood.

I'd say its a combination of the law punishing retaliation and self-defense combined with the very damaging effect of telling kids to seek help from authority while at school. From a young age, children are taught and encouraged to not solve their own problems with a scrap, but to run and hide behind a teachers skirts.


So nenne ich ihn gern. Eine Menge der Neuzugänge haben sich bei den Albanern und so versoldet, um ihre Bezüge vom Staat mit Rauschgiftverkauf auszubessern. Und so haben wir ehrenhaften Bürger angefangen, ihnen Spione einzuschmuggeln; nur, damit wir nicht versehentlich Veranstaltungen zur kulturellen Bereicherung verpassen. Wäre ja schließlich schade drum.

Every invasion in history has ultimately ended in violent resistance by the native population against the occupiers. There is no exception. Germany, just like France, Britain, Sweden and other western countries will inevitably end up with the natives trying to violently expel the invaders. The relative peace Europe has enjoyed over the last few years is an anomaly just like an oasis is an anomaly in the desert.
Human nature hasn't changed.




What is it?

Was willst du? Inwiefern ist es denn Handlangerei, den Feind zu überwachen?

Divide and conquer the goyim make them fight one another a brother hits a brother and the kikel laughs at a distance.

Wenn der für Albaner arbeitet, ist er ein Handlanger für Untermenschen. Kann ich ja auch nix für.

They are demoralizing the white men.

Jetzt verstehe ich, was du meinst. Wir haben Leute bei den Albos eingeschlichen, weil wir auf die Weise informiert bleiben; zugegebenermaßen heißt das, dass mein Kollege einen auf Araber machen muss, aber zu seiner Ehrenrettung ist das durchaus Teil des Plans. Er riskiert den Kopf, um unsere Leute zu beschützen. Das sollte den gelegentlichen Grasverkauf an irgendwelche Neger eigentlich fast wettmachen.

Any predictions on when this collapse will occur?

Everything I have been looking at points to around 2030. Something like 10+ different factors like peek demographic problems (from the retirement of the baby boomer generation) and so on. As well as economic problems, resource problems (resource depletion) and so on.

The Germans are actually stateless employees of the BRD GmbH. Get fucked, lolbergtardian shabbos goy.

Aside of the obvious D&C shilling there is a very easy way to debunk this shit.

First of all Police couldn't handle the situation why would anyone just consider that normal people could have protected them.
Then you look at pics related and will google where on those maps cologne is.
For Burgers, cologne is a bit like SanFran combined with Mosul. Just degenerates and shitskins live there.

Well, very technically (forgive me for not having the sources at hand, if the thread stays alive for a while I will be able to post them later) the technicalities of Kaiser Wilhelm's abdication mean that we are, if anything, still citizens of Imperial Germany under international law and custom. The BRD is given a veneer of legitimacy through convention by the United Nations, thus effectively claiming the people as property, but we are definitely not stateless.

now this is some kikery

it's called demoralizing, don't fall for it

don't forget that chans are part of the game, a lot of threads are made specifically to make you desperate, depressed and kill yourself, or give up.
The reality is not like it is on (((media))), but also not as it is on chans except for the jews, that is reality, things are actually looking better when you observe just how desperately everything is being pushed and speeded up in the past few years (or even months), the jews are loosing their grip over this world and are afraid

This, reality always falls somewhere in the middle. What's remarkable is the consistency in which these threads are hijacked by Amerilard vs Yuropoor shills, and everyone starts arguing other whose country happens to be getting fucked the least (forgetting their governments are all controlled by the same kike
globalists), rather than establishing common grounds and thinking of solutions (not solutions as in GAS EVERYONE, but actual operations Holla Forums could carry out)

I'm still waiting for when Germans and other fucked whities' switch flips from CUCK to KILL THE BITCHES, it'll be a sight to behold. I really hope it happens, don't disappoint me whities.

It is deliberate shilling.
Monitoring this for some time now.

Most of the threads are specifically aimed at Germany to demoralise Holla Forums.

finally someone is calling this shit out


that axe triggers my autism

If you live anywhere in western europe you should know better than to throw stones in glass mosques, Implying op isn't from tel aviv


Defeatism is the worst cancer to plague people. Europe wasn't great in the first place because we rolled on our backs the first time any hardship came. Even if it is hopeless and it is literally impossible to succeed, then the honorable thing to do is go down with the ship and fight like there is hope.

this, don't risk going to prison now, and prepare for war as much as you can, if you'll be in prison for "hate" crime when shtf (((they))) will purge you.

Not even that, Nationalists and hate criminals are usually put in cells with Känacks and leftist trash

well, if you place your trust in the state to defend your people, there's little reason to do the defending yourself.
if that trust is broken, then you can expect the people to take matters into their own hands.

it's not rocket science, retarded philosopher.
at some point, germans will take matters into their own hands, and thank god.

Now I must admit, I don't know the constitution of the Zweites Reich, so regarding citizenship. If it's based on bloodheritage of earlier heritage then only the eldest Germans are still citizens of the Reich with their children not having Reich birth certificates thus not citizens only get to have a rightful claim towards citizenry, but aren't actually belonging to that state. And considering the state is in limbo, they can't get their citizenship (yet).

If it's an American style citizenship of "born in the land", then also people like the Poles can claim citizenship of the state in limbo, but aren't at the moment citizens of the Reich. Still making the Germans born after the formation of the BRD (and after the dissolution of the Soviet Union) stateless.

You don't shoot the niggers that rape white women by the tens of thousand each year, so why should we believe you?

Americans are the dregs

Damn, its gotta be suck city being a kraut. No amount of good beer can unfuck that.

I'm American, and I believe it will.
It's happened before, there's no reason to think it will not happen again.
A single catalyst, the coming economic catastrophe, will nationalize MANY countries & cement racial factions. Countries will fragment & dictators will rise, executions will be commonplace and mass deportations will be a daily occurrence.
And the banks will be nationalized, their owners declared enemies of the state and wiped out.

There's no reason for it NOT to happen, and there are hundreds of millions that want it to happen, all over the Anglosphere.

When times become insufferable, there's no reason not to kill.

Someone got in a fight, a bratwurst could not understand the concept.

The hell are you trying to say?


That is the law which still applies to this day regarding citizenship.
They did some law trickery tho which i don't want to get into detail.

Is that really true tho?
I thought the main point why people claim we are stateless is for the fact that we don't possess the documents which are required to "own" citizenship. That the BRD ID does equal this.


Looks like Sweden is the rape capital of the western world, to me.

Are you well?

>Implying it isn't rotherham or any of the other rapinghams

damn that reminded me of my time in public school, fucking goddamn niggers

Burger here,
If the Germans can't fight back, why don't they rape back?

I mean even if you can't get it hard, just over power them and stick your fingers quickly up their anus and pinch it. Make sure to hold it tight because they will instantly stop what they are doing while you are doing this. At this point you are in control and you can whisper into their ear whatever you want because they will listen.

I learned this technique from a guy who went to prison.

Fucking hell, why are the poms such fucking pussies?

t. Australia

the fish hook

Wrong……. The jews have been studying Empires for hundreds of years. They know Rome collapsed because of the degenerate society that the men no longer wanted to be a part of…. that's were they cooked up cultural Marxism from… it's just a blueprint to put a society on that track to roman style collapse.

They want things to collapse so they can come in a rule themselves. With modern technology and even computer AI on the horizon a collapse of human civilization my not turn us back into rural farmers but instead the Sci-fi dystopia could become the reality.

You made smile. Thanks for that.

I once watched that video when I was really drunk enjoying a night of solitude. Long story short, I'm DAMN glad no one was there to see me cry. lel


The best thing about it is that it can't be misconstrued as a hate crime. You were just really attracted to that tender muslim booty.

No you fucking wouldn't rofl. Where the fuck has this insane Americoon blowharding and chest-thumping come from all of a sudden?

You had planes levelled by Saudis into two of your skyscrapers and a military headquarters and your pathetic, dickless response was to elect a gay nigger son of a mudshark *TWICE*

Seriously kill yourselves you fat nigger-loving faggots you are by far the worst cancer of all as far as cultural "cuckoldry" goes

I can see why Germans hate you repulsive mongrel assholes, you are everything that is wrong with Europe and what blows my mind is that you're *proud* of it

Stay mad, Eurocuck.

What are you talking about, we still ended up murdering a lot people while having a the dr. dre of gay as president.

sometimes it's ok to cry

They are the most brainwashed country in human history. The war allowed """them""" an excuse and the power to(military occupation) to subject Germany to this.

But IDK guys, I think that deep deep down the spirit of the German Warrior still exists in every German man. I'm curious to see if they are going to end up snapping.

I think you're trapped in 2014, m8.

Lolberg memes aside, there's obviously entirely too much dependence on the nanny state in Cuckmany. You could say it's the result of excessive statism.


I know I'm insanely lucky (privileged? lol) for landing a job at a place like this… it's why I don't leave despite low pay…. no amount of $$$ could be worth having to work somewhere with niggers

Pretty sure they only pick on the weakest of Germans.

In America everyone gets picked on so it works out.

Search news archives. Yeah we got stuck with Obongo… twice… but look up story of mudslimes in texas trying to alu ackbar… not all of america is the same… in the texas incident (which recieved little news coverage, gee I wonder who could be behind that) as soon as they started the alu ackbar shit, a fucking meter maid just capped them, end of story. One texas meter maid PWNED two of their valiant islamic conquerers. That, boys, is how it's done in the south.

Bonus: Muslims killed by women go straight to Hell. This story made me smile.

b-but semitic fighters are so strong and t-tough…

I just wanna sperg out over your pic a little bit. In spite of our natural and immediate reaction to the apparently-ridiculous quote, it actually does hold some amount of truth. Ever hear of the martyr effect? Take MLK for example. Somebody shot that nigger Martin Luther King, and as a result niggers all across America galvanized to action and dumbass White goyim allowed it because omg ded negro so sad ;_; He who controls the feelins controls the world.

Though obviously this only applies to political figureheads, and trying to apply it to a militant group is retarded and suicidal.

So I am a demoralizer just because I translate a ridiculous article from one of the main german news outlets and make a thread on pol? You should get some rough skin if media lies make you demoralized.

On an average day in the US, some 100 white women are raped by black men. What was a spectacular outlier by German standards is a regular occurence in America.

Nice stats captain butt hurt. Way to be an anus.

they'll learn.

also, i guess that regarding what happened on new years eve it's just that people know that unlike those shitstains harrassing and raping women, for them jail would have been guaranteed.

but it comes a time when you stop giving a fuck.



Your level of attractiveness plays a part as well. No one wants to listen to the words from an ugly, fat, slob but they will hear what a physically fit handsome man has to say. It's possible but it makes attempting to convince people harder.

Anyway, this is why kikes try to put Holla Forums down and attempt to demoralize any thread about propagandizing and converting people to the truth; like saying "It's all pointless, they won't understand, hide your power level etc etc.".

Become the epitome of a strong and confident person and you can have sway over nearly anyone.

Every time I hear about the specifics it makes my blood boil even more. There is no words to describe the hatred I feel for these sadistic little shitskins. It's clearly a campaign of genocide.

Its more likely they realize if they do fight, they and their loved ones will get legally fucked by the government, then have their name dragged through the mud by media

Yeah, a little catharsis is good once and a while. Keeps your inner scales balanced.

I used to work on a farm where the eldest man used to refer to tears as "faggot water". That still cracks me up- kinda miss that codger.. even though he would wave his .22 at us some mornings. He lost his gun privileges toward the end. Rip lol

Stop arguing about whose country is more cucked, faggots. Almost all of western civilization is cucked, arguing about who is the most cucked on a finish vodka enema forum isn't going to fix shit.

We're all in this together.

As a Chad, I red pill every woman I give the big D to. It's been doing wonders in the community.

The duality of the Germans:can't fight anymore and ebil nazis at the same time.The wonder of the media.

Stay mad, kike.

Do they have Google in yurop?



There are certain parts of our cities that are ghettos and nigger infested shitholes. Other parts are white as snow. Guess which ones are safer?

He's right faggot. TOTAL POPULATION of UK and Germany combined is near 145 million. US WHITE POPULATION is at least 197 million.

So the absolute total white population of US is greater than the total population of UK and Germany. Fucking kill yourself for being this retarded.

Lost due to economics.

Lost due to corrupt local political machines

Similar reasons as Chicongo.

Now tell me why all European capital cities are zoos?

Nice fake ass source and image meme bro faggot man. Fuckin poz up this thread like you did yourself.


They have no backup anyway. You watch any of the Muslims fight they always have the pack behind them otherwise they don't really dare.

If you're German and you start some fight you're on your own and who knows how bad that could turn out. And if it escalates you have the knowledge your fellow Germans will push you out to the curb because ironically you are seen as violent and aggressive to others especially foreigners.

Germans need to just travel in packs like wolves to keep all of this from happening. Neighborhood watches everywhere where people dress in brown civilian uniforms.