Some time ago I've had to read Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night (it's basically a morality story with the moral being "hedonism kills, stick your dick into crazy OR cheat on your wife, but not both", at least in my opinion). And you know what triggered my internal Holla Forumsack? Jules fucking Peterson. I'm pretty sure that he is, within the story, referred to as a "black Swede" and "the Negro of Stockholm".
So just when did the Swedes start importing those coons and leetting them in, Holla Forums? When did we Europeans in general? The period described in the story is the twenties and 1935, so I'm pretty sure this couldn't have been normal back then. Did Sweden ever have any colonies outside of America? And why is it Sweden that got the worst of the multicult, some ancient kike grudge?
Origins of Swedish - and more widely European - cuckery
Pic related explains Sweden's utter humiliation.
Lol that SA says "oil" and not "terror"
All I know is that negroes started to enter Europe via the French army, notably into German territory that was occupied by France (the Rhineland) around the end of the first World War. There is even a term to describe the offspring of these negro soldiers and the European women they fucked/raped: Rhineland bastards.
I don't know about Sweden though. I highly doubt they had any contact with blacks until immigration changes after the second World War. I'm also pretty sure they didn't have any colonies. It's a small nation with only a few million people.
scandinavia is where all the unwanted faggot germans got exiled after the ture germans kicked all their gay asses out of das reich.
Terror is Israel
Swefag here.
Apparently some military unit in sweden long ago had a black musician riding a white horse. We did have a few short lived colonies in africa and america, so he might have come from one of them.
This ties in to a phenomenon I came across a while ago. Apparently it was fashionable among european nobility to have black servants, I belive this was around the renaissance. In the same manner that some nobles had lions or dwarves as part of their court, they would sometimes have blacks, just as an exotic possession they could brag about. This means that the black might have been a servant presented as a gift to the king, or some noble.
I have a theory that the reason they put the black in the role of drummer, and one a white horse, was because it was seen as exotic and high class, since it was associated with nobility.
I just found a wiki source, albeit in swedish. There were three blacks in the royal guard in the late seventeen-hundreds, propably former slaves from the carribean gifted to the king.
And as to why sweden has it worst with the multicult:
We have a deeply seated desire for the approval of bigger countries. We have always been a country on the edge of Europe, and we know it. Even if we used to be a superpower in the european context (See thirty years war among other things), we always were self concious about the fact that we are a small country. Even when I was a kid, daycare teachers would tell us incessantly "Sweden is a very very small country", probably because even in the ninetys, everything was still compared to the US and the soviet union.
Always when some american newspaper or celeb said something about sweden, it was big news, and people felt good to be noticed. So basically now swedish politicians and EU-people do as they are told by higher ups in the EU and to some extent US. They feel like small people in the big boys club, so they just follow the lead of their superiors. It's fucking shameful, but that is how our common psyche works…
And swedish media is extremely dominated by one jew family, the Bonniers. Every school book I had was printed by them. And the biggest newspapers.
But people are waking up, I have seen the public discourse about this grow suprisingly angry in the last two years. Regular people on facebook and the like are using suprisingly violent language. Right wing web sites have something like double the traffic of the mainstream news-sites.
And there is a feeling of incredible tension in the public mind. A couple of months back some carpenter in the capital dropped a hammer from a roof onto a lower metal roof, causing a loud bang. Within minutes, all media had news about an explosion in Stockholm, and people freaked out about it for about an hour when it was revealed what had really happened.
I am just waiting for the day when something ugly happens, and then shit is gonna be on.
It is not a bad characteristic. In fact altruism is a very good characteristic to have in a mono cultural society as it creates social cohesion and trust in your fellow man. In northern Europe, you can trust any stranger you meet. In Africa and the Middle-East people don't trust each other as much and are always weary that someone might be scamming them.
The problem arises when you mix altruistic cultures with non-altruistic cultures. The non-altruistic will take advantage of the more altruistic. The hosts have grown up in an altruistic society and it is difficult for them to imagine that not every culture around the world is the same. If a person from a non-altruistic society takes advantage of them, they associate the scam with the individual, not the society they came from.
Americucks and it's lapdog EU are the real problem.
Multiculturalism is forced on Europeans because of Americucks influence on EU.
welcome, everyone knows who (((americucks))) and (((eu))) really are in your post, so you can leave now
Russians deploy nuclear warhead carrying subs in your waters?
Deploy the underwater gay singing sailor defense system. That should fend them off!
Russians deploy nuclear warhead carrying subs in your waters?
Deploy the underwater gay singing sailor defense system. That should do the trick!
Pathological altruism it's called. Maybe that, mixed with some heavy virtue signalling - Swedes, particularly in Stockholm, would seem to be happy to be raped if it proves that they're not a racist.
Divide and conquer the goyim make them fight one another a brother hits a brother and the kikel laughs at a distance.
You know, if we were Jews, we'd start false-flag groups, pretending to be Jews, we'd commit atrocities on Muslims, atrocities so vile as to enrage the monkeys to Jihad Israel.
Called to do battle beside their Palestinian litter-mates, the Muslims would leave Europe to attack Israel, and our two worst enemies would destroy each other.
We would also spread the word that to not leave and join in the fight means you're a cowardly pork-eating Jew-whore, not worthy of Allah.
The Jew is the king of false-flag attacks, is it not time for them to be victims of it?
Nice try Ahmed. Israel is generally behind all the shitstorm in your fucking deserts, yes, but the Saudis are also in on it. Not to mention that Saudi royal families are cryptokikes themselves. Fuck all of you Semites.
Unfortunately they had thousands of years to do so, and living in such close proximity to the kikes, they should have been able to perform the Shoah twenty times over if they really do hate the kikes that much. But they wouldn't, because they are also just as much of limp wristed greedy merchants that the kikes are. Interestingly just like the kikes have been using Murikka and Westerners in general to fight their proxy wars, the sandniggers have been steadily converting Southeast & Southern Asian nations into their proxy power base.