Donald Trump’s Emerging Higher-Ed Platform
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Take your Boxxy 3.0 spam somewhere else.
Universities should get rid of all the worthless diversity offices first. That would probably save them and their students a lot of money.
I hope this man gets the White House, Ameribros. On top of all that, at least your leader wouldn't be beating the shit out of women like mine now does.
Yeah. Trudeau is a menace that clearly needs to be stopped. Oh well, that's just the culture of Islam for ya.
Only race relations majors will get in now because those are guaranteed high-paying jobs.
I have to say, this is really fucking brilliant.
This is the first Trump policy, I think, where rather than having EVERYBODY know about it through media lies, and then I have to go and correct the record for my circle, NOBODY is gonna report on this, and I'm gonna have to spread news.
I can't wait for college prices to drop so that I can get an piece of paper.
College degrees are fucking retarded. That piece of paper does not mean you actually know anything, it just means that you were willing to spend thousands of dollars that you probably do not have on the idea that you may get a job because of it. It's even more retarded when you consider the fact that many people end up doing things completely unrelated to their degrees.
In some ways we really should be studying the arts/law.
If we want to learn how to persuade people and how to shape public opinion, the arts and possibly law are actually far more important.
Contrary to popular belief, no one cares what a STEM major has to say. The population can't even understand the arguments they present.
"Look at this statistical analysis of why experience and chosen career field account for all gender differences!"
The plebs zone out as soon as they hear statistics.
If we instead dedicated our time to entering fields of real social influence - journalism, music, acting, directing, politics, economics, law, we could actually shift public opinion and perceptions.
Let the chinks and Pajeets focus on gruntwork like STEM.
Oh man, colleges would fix their shit real quick if they actually had some responsibility in the debt of college loans.
Endless stacks of liberal arts and gender studies degrees burned for heat like the worthless toilet paper degrees they are.
Please post a picture of your nose.
No, I'm serious.
What's the point of being an awesome engineer and making muh contribution to society when society is run by those who we despise?
Even creating some sort of Social networking website that is highly successful - you will need to sell your soul (equity) to Jewish bankers to survive the years it takes to reach positive cash flow. Even if you didn't, it is still merely a platform which can be used for good or bad.
You don't need college to do that. Pick up a book nigger.
Not a single good art / culture / politics professor or class exists in US universities.
I honestly think this alone might fix most of the problems.
Would cripple people doing shit waste of time degrees overnight.
Once again, Trump proposes a viable solution to a problem that had flummoxxed everyone.
They fucking should. You'd see less poz and less nigger ball.
idk why but college sports triggers the fuck out of me. Maybe because tons of spooks join the ranks of campuses and they don't belong.
Jesus christ, how about you be less of a weakling?
You'll never convince most people on Holla Forums that the Humanities are important. They're too used to them being tools of the left, or worse they think history and written works are not worth protecting. Who's going to protect the truth and the wisdom of our forefathers if we let SJWs swarm those fields? I love history too much to see it revised and plastered over with childish fantasies of the worthless races, which is why I'm studying it. Fuck the Jewish educators that poisoned my young mind, I'm going personally make sure that never happens to any bright child if I can stop it.
Actually at this point a college education is still a fairly powerful appeal to authority.
Also, it would be very difficult to enter one of those fields without the requisite Marxist brainwashing degree. (((They))) at least want to know you're on their team.
Read a fucking book. STEM people are technical workers. They don't make change. Every real mover and shaker has had a liberal arts degree of some kind, and that's why we're losing the culture wars. You can't convince people with STEM type knowledge, they can only be swayed by rhetoric and emotion.
Queen Vicky accurately described feminism in 2016. Holy hell man.
gulag education
if you don't work you will put back to work
all schools should be holocausted
Solution 1: Become an engineer/comp sci faggot and work for the bankers who own a large share of the company you work for. Neglect to learn social skills. Neglect to learn the ability to influence and persuade society as a whole to focus on an intricate part of some obscure system that no one cares about.
Solution 2: Learn how to apply the arts to right-wing pursuits. Shape society to become great again. Realise that purely logical arguments never work without backing by emotion and authority.
I forgot to mention that disregarding the humanities is a leftist trait. Communists seek to ascribe a "practical" purpose to everything and if it lacks one it is deemed useless. That's why they critical theorists have infiltrated and twisted the field over the last 60 years, it is to fulfill propaganda and disinformation goals.
What a leftist's argument. Pathetic.
News flash, retard. How are you going to convince someone of something if you can't communicate to them?
Your greentext is actually correct, pic related are people who understand and can understand and apply communication skills.
fug, time for bed
The man could have a video of him sucking Netanyahu's circumcised cock and I'd still vote for him.
Seriously hope the last line is a joke, user
That would be, for me, the kinda jewish connection that would break the camel's back
Well I see what you mean about communications people, cuz you certainly got the short end of the stick on that one Just kidding, I kinda think you're a shill.
Protip (that you should already know): For every communications focused person within a political (or ANY) organization, there's another person who is focused on LOGISTICS.
In an army, for every squad leader who needs communication skills, there's a quartermaster or logistic specialist who does not.
In an election campaign, for every telephone drone, there's a letter-suffer for mailers.
In a church, for every priest giving sermons, there's an administrator, an accountant, a Stewart, and several ushers.
This is how organizations work. An organization that is ALL communication people is literally "all talk, no action".
Why are both of you idiots assuming that we're all alone in this?
Goddamn retard. It took them a fucking century to get this level of control over us. Do you think we can regain it in four fucking years? Eight? Twenty, minimum, and that’s only if we kept getting ever more radical people elected AFTER Trump, which isn’t likely.
Society is a car being driven by a kike down the Interstate, dragging us behind it. Trump is a spike strip over which it drives. It’s still facing the direction it was going, and when the kike shakes off the effects, it will still keep going that way. Not nearly as fast, though, which gives us the opportunity to get up and start pulling it back. Only when we have the strength to bring the car to a stop can we go to the door, drag the kike through the window, put a bullet in its head, and hop in to turn the car around. One Trump isn’t enough.
Our country should move away from appeals to authority and back to facts. Many experts in many fields in the 1800's had little formal schooling and no university experience. Some of them even taught at universities. The whole concept of being "qualified" is just a way to get uncle schomo's cousin a job without everybody getting suspicious and angry. Notice how everyone sucks at their job now?
"facts" by themselves are useless without appealing to authority and appealing to emotion. Arguments (outside of places like this) need to soundly cover those three areas to have the most effect. Notice how women are influenced by emotion (mah dead baby on the beach) and vote liberal while men will generally look at things from a logical perspective and vote conservative.
Where are the communications people? Apart from Trump we have Milo (a gay Jew)…
Where did he say this?
I'm not going to share details of our infrastructure with the enemy.
You don't have to, it was a rhetorical question.
So you're saying a movements needs people with multiple skills to succeed? Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
As has pointed out, the issue is not that the right has are too many people in humanities, it's the opposite. Not enough Holla Forumsacks understand the importance of taking away the dominance of communication and humanities fields away from progressives. To illustrate this, ask yourself why we suddenly stopped producing people like Nietzsche and Evola conveniently at the same time that the critical theory started to co-opt history, classics, and philosophy?
I'm in the same boat. I refuse to let myself go deep underwater for bullshit I already know and work with.
So, you'd give the man your vote if there was literally tape of him slurping Netanyahu dick
Enjoy being a cocksucking retard.
Cool Story, Bro.
That underestimation is why you are losing, and taunting me isn't going to goad me into explaining how we get shit done.
Perhaps this was why I labeled the entire section "Protip that you should already know"
I see we have another one who's a bit weak in the communication fields.
To answer your question, however, the right wing DIDN'T stop producing such people, they simply stopped getting published.
One of those advantages of controlling logistics, you see.
And who publishes these things? Academics of those disciplines, editors who have risen through the ranks.
Of course we have stopped producing those people. Look at threads on here. No one wants to enter the arts. No one wants to become a journalist. Everything is about STEM masterrace math major 300k starting.
You missed the point. You seem to think that I'm advocating one specific skill and disregarding all others, when I never proposed that. I said that there are not enough people who have our way of thinking in the mainstream fields of those skills.
Bullshit. Modernism and post-Modernism has given us a lot of good right wing literature in reaction to that, but nothing has had the depth of literature and philosophy of writers born before the 20th century; the thread was effectively cut. This is because we don't have an academic environment and community where right leaning ideas can be freely discussed.
And you think we need to be in those ranks rather than burning them down and remaking them?
I mean, if you want to get in and change stuff around, do you happen to be jewish, because I'm not.
I think you have a reversed view of our means and ends. I know its very in-vogue to compare America to Weimar Germany right now (and its not inaccurate), but there is a broader comparison between the CURRENT state of the right wing, and where leftism was about a century ago.
The relevant comparison that I'm thinking of when I say that is that century-old leftism was (actually) populist as well as anti-intellectual (more accurately stated as "anti-academic") specifically because academia is run by the enemy faction, which is about where we are now on the right.
That being said, none of the older writings have disappeared or really become invalid, and that heritage of literature is more than communism had going for it once they claimed the schools for themselves. Additionally, we pass those books around here and have previously unavailable communication tools for even isolated people to discuss what they're reading as if they were in a (horribly tactless) academic setting.
Well think its a Canadian thing for Politicians to hit Woman
I mean look at Ted Cruz
Leftists have a such a grip on Humanities that if you are Holla Forumsack and go study it in university the most likely outcome is you will end up nuts.
And I don't get the fetishism with university… nothing is stopping anyone here from studying and doing research. You don't need to be in a university to make and release good works that can influence a movement.
meant for
He's going to eliminate the Department of Educations Office of Civic Justice (responsible for the rape hysteria and guilty until proven innocent rape tribunals, hate speech tribunals, etc.) and give the responsibility to the Justice Department, which means it falls under the US courts
this is coming from an "artist"
no we fucking don't, focus on the advancement of humanity first and let those interested in art and law find it themselves.
we don't need to encourage creativity to have a productive society, and the more talentless hacks out there that think they're creative the more garbage modern art gets made, and more mediums are subverted by leftist dogma.
I don't think you realize how publishing papers is done. First you need a scientific "caretaker", usually a professor, of your project or else you won't gain any credibility. Then you need funds to do your project, which is hard without grants. Then you need to make sure that you have a good legal team, so that you do not get sued or legally disallowed from continuing your work, like that Canadian PhD doing research on psychological effect of circumcision. After you put everything you have in a neat .pdf with extensive statistical treatment applied to your data and you are sure that you really discovered something, you are still in a bit of a pickle. You see, without kike-approved peer-review everyone will tear your work apart and consider it toilet paper, regardless of content. Every time you put it somewhere, some kike will say "oy vey, not peer reviewed". What is peer review? It's something scientific journals (ran by kikes) do to make money from doing nothing. You send in a paper with a hefty bribe to a kike journal like elsevier, and then they "peer review it" and the larger the bribe, the better chances of being published.
The system is not necessarily broken, but filled with kikes and kike practices.
I need more anger in my life
this is making my angrier than I thought I'd get, fuck.
makes me wonder how different I would be if I wasn't jewed at birth.
man you're a faggot, you need the piece of paper to get a foothold to wage ideological genocide on these marxist scumsuckers and if you think you can just shout "kikes did it all" with no repercussions in an academic or professional you're an idiot
the current wildfire that's raping canada right now, he was sitting on his ass tweeting while an entire city had to evac
damn this man is UN-stoppable
I'm sorry user.
That pic is mint m8
If you need to study an art in an institution then you've already failed.
An art is your hobby. You have to do it on your own free will outside of rigid institutions that are there for the sole purpose of standardizing. If you go there you'll just be doing art that everyone else does.
The only way you can do good art is if you put yourself into it without any interference from outside pricks.
But how good you are will depend on your IQ and perseverance. And not your wasted money, that's how you get Bernie to fail.
you cant make supreme art if you dont devote your life to it.
Classical artists used to study for years at the hands of their master and thats how you create masterpieces.
Of course that has nothing to do with the shitty modern art they teach in schools, on a purely theoretical level. Professors only teach those faggots what their art should portray, not how to actually do it, thats why you get kindergarten-tier attempts at 2deep4u philosophy.
A good artist needs to study the practical application in their respective field and the rest will come on its own.
I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day, eh?
These masters were in essence self taught and cross pollinated each other. They were independent.
I concur with you, don't get me wrong. Studying in college just dumbs you down and gets you in line with each other. If you don't search for unbiased books and masters and then make your own personal input it's not even worth the bother.
Bob Ross is a good example.
What about people who already graduated recently? Do we get a refund? That isn't fair mang.
Also this. There is ZERO reason for arts and english/lit degrees to exist. For art you just self study…for lit you go to the fucking library and read books. Holy shit. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize these useless "degrees" that don't even require college to begin with!
Are you kidding me, user?! Toilet paper has legitimate worth!
I'll give you law but most liberal arts majors are pawns being played by kike businessmen.
It's basically a glorified affirmative action scholarship mill… most schools LOSE money on the college sports. There is literally no other reason for colleges to support that shit. I really hope that they do finally pass that bill that college athletes should be payed like professionals… that way it hurts these bleeding heart liberals' pockets even more.
This would essentially kill academia as a cultural force.
No more courses in marxist gender diversity and intersectional interregnal theory queer studies anymore!
Kikes on suicide watch. Their welfare system will collapse right over their heads. HAHAHA
Universities sharing in risk, Maybe in the capacity as a cosigner or secondary cosigner, would necessitate the closure of diversity offices. They would all fold if they kept admitting worthless shit to take courses theyve no chance of passing or utilizing in the market place.
Dammit satan
To all the philosophers, musicians and artists who are insisting that the 'movers and shakers' are always 'arts students'; you are right, but that doesn't discount the fact that in today's world universities exist as cash-cows and brainwashing centres. Trump's proposal destroys them in those capacities whilst retaining those things which we actually value universities for, which is pretty much just technology and medical expertise.
As a final point on 'arts students' and their potential; unfortunately its very difficult if not impossible to train leaders, and even if it could be done modern universities certainly are not doing it.
10/10 bud
the people who are naturally gifted in those fields should go into them, quit forcing more normalfags into the history department, its already a joke with all the post-colonialist anti-white shit, and normies don't even try to argue with professors. I wish I was better at math so that I could have an actually marketable skill.
t.history degree holder
Trumpowitz confirmed jooish puppet
agreed, its too bad that the humanist education is dead at university. I graduated 3 years ago and it was dead then, outside of a few actually smart folks (some of whom were lefties) the rest of my dept was filled with idiotic normalfags who were never going to be leaders
That would totally and completely crash the economy, the student loan bubble is bigger than the '08 housing bubble. It needs to be gently deflated
Holy fuck, this is the fix. If colleges assume responsibility, they will have to be more rigorous and churn out useful students.
Considering all the shit going down now, maybe my fuckhead decision to get a History bachelors won't be such a bad investment.
It's about fucking time.
Reminder that this shoahs the black community and affirmative action in general because they
A) are fucking stupid
B) are poor
… Thats a real damn good way to woo some of the idiot sjws
All on the verge of being automated by AI.
Does anybody still have doubts that Trump is the savior of our people?
Took me a few moments to get it
The entire system of certification is outdated today. Degrees aren't the best predictor of job ability, so they should stop hiring based on them.
thus reinforcing the marxist brainwashing and affirming the students beliefs that capitalism is inherently rigged against them when in reality their degree is toilet paper.
Which means less niggers and spics with free "colej muhfugga" in academic institutions.
The Emperor Protects
You forgot that many of these (leftist) phd-shitters are in clubs /groups with the same people who are suppose to unbiased peer review your shit.
I recall some (Adrianna?) Shaw and Mia (what-the-fuck) in relation to the whole GG-sharade. Where you had "peer-reviewed" stuff from people who happened to be on the same board pushing this marxist non-sense.
Is Trump planning on purging SJW's?
My loyalty to the Emperor grows every day.
Yep, typical of kikes finding ways to not work while making it seem like they're doing a service. They're nothing but smarter, more sadistic gypsies.
Wrong, they make hundreds of thousands in tickets and concessions per game, buying stadiums, sports equipment, hiring coaches, etc. is a large investment to begin with but there is massive ROI, most colleges will give A+'s for 3 paragraph midterm papers or credit for nonexistent classes to stop a high-performing athlete from failing.
This is absolutely true. Jews HATE beauty, history, civilization, and culture, and that's why they wanted to infiltrate the subjects that study those things, so that they could put an end to their study and replace that study with indoctrination against those very things. Vid very related.
Tell me Holla Forums should I continue with my art degree?
Does this look worthless to you?
I totally get what you are trying to do, but I just so depressed when I am reminded of the reflexive anti-intellectualism of the american right. its the goddamn boomers with their post-structuralism and all the rest of the shit they imported from the french communist trash, they made americans hate books and hate the humanities. nothing disgusts me more when I hear my redneck cousins mock reading in between staring into their phones.
science, technology and mathematics all these are taken by the liberal artist and applied into human culture. mocking the 'utility' of art history is sickening, the 1500s was when western art began to develop these amazing bits of foreshortening and dimension. the entire idea that a university is about "getting a job" is mocking the original aristocratic purpose of university. its plebeian to mock culture as pointless.
I got a degree in history because I would have dropped out if I studied anything else, I don't care about jobs, the idea that I could be happy sitting in some office for 40 years making money that I don't need disgusted me. I don't mind being a laborer and doing carpentry work. history and philosophy utterly freed me, it also connected me with my ancestors.
The life of the philosopher craftsman is the best life. You equip yourself with the necessary tools to enjoy difficult physical labor for its own sake, and to appreciate the refinement and genius of our ancestors. The European man is a master of craft.
Yes, you should do it as a hobby, not a career. You're not nearly as good nor creative to make millions of shekels.
This wouldn't fix the schools 100% in my corrupt as shit state, but it still be a gigantic step in the right direction.
Ghetto trash can't go to school for free just to hang out at the rec room all day like they're in prison already.
its good and youre probably talented. but thats not what makes someone successful in things like art. liberals flock to the arts because they have no talent, so they can pretend their subjective works are great. its more about who you know and if youre willing to be part of their cause that makes success. jews are heavily involved in art, galleries, etc. as well.
The problem with the going to college for art (fine art in this case) is that it's filled with far too many lazy fucks who either don't know where to begin with proper techniques, or don't care about them. The fact that those teaching mostly (although some special cases do) don't know either. And because they don't know how, as user says, they " teach those faggots what their art should portray, not how to actually do it".
You're wrong. The lion's share of the Masters had teachers or mentors throughout the beginning of their career. John Singer Sargent was taught by Carolus-Duran, Edgar Degas went to theÉcole des Beaux-Arts (although just for a year), etc.. Yes, talent is a big contributing factor in one's artistic ability, but the proper instruction can make all the difference. These are a few of the many problems that art school today is that it's over-saturated, and the craft aspect is almost unanimously panned in colleges. And the problem with going in the exact opposite of "any technique is valid" is that people with little formal training then force themselves to learn do Hyper-realism and forgetting that cameras can do the same thing. At that point they then have to make their work process (as do hipster fucks) into the art show, rather than the work itself. Case and point, Bob Ross. I'm not saying he's a bad artist by any stretch, but do you think his art would be as lauded if he didn't make the show? Most art students don't learn (at least as far as traditional art goes) that the value in it comes from both what you're image is about, how it is composed, and for what reason the medium it was done in was chosen. If I do a charcoal drawing, I'm going to incorporate the qualities of the charcoal in the piece. The same as with any media. Also, art for the past century or so has lost the idea of permanence. Internet culture, Pop culture, etc. has a hand in this. Digital art too. That's why the quality of art has faded. Also, there are so few people make great works that aren't just imitations of the masters. essentially we need to M(ake) A(rt) G(reat) A(again). Not by abandoning the art world, or just promoting meme comics. There needs to be a movement through the art world that reestablishes technical ability, vision, and execution to the forefront.
hol up
isn't that racis?
its all about marketing tbh, art today is all about marketing. you should get into drawing for medical textbooks and engineering diagrams (thats a job that makes jew paper for you) I am getting cert'd to paint for museum exhibits currently but it is not as lucrative as medical text illustration. still need my plumber cert if I want to be middle class though. so-much to do, I really wish you could minor in a trade during undergrad
Will single handedly destroy University marxism in one fell swoop. New generations of SJWs won't exist from this whatsoever.
Underwater Basketweaving degrees BTFOFAT (Blown the fuck out for all time)
The reports are falsified to justify bringing in poo loos who will work for a fraction of what it costs to pay an American with no benefits and no inclination to speak out (since that results in being deported).
Hell, there needs to be purge of the administrative complex- that's where all the money disappears to. Diversity offices make a huge portion of it, but there are all sorts of bureaucrats grafting pork for themselves. Most professors tend to be paid poorly and are pushed to publish constantly just to distingusih themselves from their peers. This leads to shoddy education for students and poor research for the world since there's never any incentive to cultivate adequate studies.
Hah, I wish it was like this. What actually happens is that under an H1-B is that the company which hires them is allowed to pay them less than a citizen, correct. However the US government just uses US taxpayer money to meet the equivalent amount of salary that would've met an citizen to begin with.
In short, it works because companies can get off paying less per employee, and our current Marxist president gets his way annihilating the ethnic make-up of the country by specifically attacking an industry that's primarily made up of white men.
This is brilliant.
If Trump succeeded in doing this it just might end up being the most impactful thing he does in office.
It'll be golden if he brings jobs back home. You'll have more stable, higher paying entry level positions AND end the glut of overqualified candidates.
If universities shares risk on student loans then they would have to get rid of the complex. Genderstudies would close the minute it happens. From their on, a gender-officer would be fired each time a former student defaults on a loan. Like a controled demolition. First you take away recruitment-base, then you watch the structure come down.
Damn, man. MAGA indeed.
Seriously, how can one man get anymore based?
Nope, they still lose money.
College sports are a net loss that is done to "boost morale"…
Didn't know that, thanks. I was under the impression that they were extremely lucrative because failing college athletes get a ton of strings pulled to stay enrolled, but if its a net loss, that shit is even more unacceptable, it is dishonest, yet understandable, to give athletes fake credit and such when they make a ton of money for the university, but if they are actually a net loss that makes shit like this:
even more unacceptable.
College sports are indefensible at this point, as electives sports and fitness are fine but teams need to be done away with. It seriously pisses me off that that much of my tuition money goes to subsidize niggers playing ball instead of legitimate academic and career resources. Shit, my universities sports teams almost never fucking win anything and we still spend millions on them. Fuck that.
Dont the liberals bitch about Trump university?
His primary opponents too.
Like so many others though, its not an issue that holds up, since "Trump University" was never advertised as an educational institution, but rather, was the branding for a seminar series.
They just got in trouble because the name confused stupid people who didn't know what a seminar was.
Yes let's force everyone into business, engineering, computer science, etc.
Surely wages for those professions will stay exactly the same.
The entire point of this kind of risk-sharing is that it would promote loans for those kinds of jobs that are needed within the economy.
So you see, shill, if they got stupid and pushed through a bunch of engineers, dropping wages and raising unemployment in that field, then it would cause them to stop funding loans to engineers for a while until that situation stabilized.
I think you're missing the point: we dismiss *college* humanities education.
HOLY FUCK Holla Forums
They aren't even hiding it any more.
If this isn't a sign from KEK to just become a welder once and for all, I don't know what it is…
So, I go to the application page
Lindsay Marie Shekleton
Administrative Associate
[email protected]
Music Bldg, Room 111
The power of memes has saturated my life.
She kept her name of course.
OK Holla Forums - it's getting spoopy….
Fedoras and cock carousals??????
Wait until Trump gets elected and open a landscaping business.
Big gap in demand when Paco and co. shut up shop.
Right, but my point is, college humanities would be worthwhile if all the Jew/Marxist influence was removed and it was restored to its original intention. You'd still want to have 90% fewer students going into it through (at least as a full major), because most people aren't going to need that for their careers, but we do want to have people that study, maintain, and improve upon that knowledge like we do with science and trade skills.
Nigga, you a big dummy.