So Jessi Slaughter is actually 16 yo now, right?
So Jessi Slaughter is actually 16 yo now, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
And Osama is still alive…
Jessi used to be cute.
What happened?
She's 18.
wait, but she really looked like mid 20s during the early days of discovering her
memes really did ruin her
and pies
I'd still fuck her. I'd like to see that fat body jiggle.
Fuck her in a paddling pool full of jelly, placed on top of a waterbed.
wasnt she a man for a while?
I'd fuck this trannys bellbutton.
Jessie wat
Too bad she's fat. She could be doing porn if she were hot.
There's no chance won't OD before 30.
no, she just larped as a tranny for a short period
this is why u don't fuck ur dorter
she's just barely over the line of 'too fat to dump a load in'
what a shame
She's 18 you fucking moron.
Post opiates
Yes I've been there myself. One night during my final night of uni I took a bunch of Xanax, drank a bottle of Rumplemintz as well as a few shots of ethanol, and shot 5 points of heroin. My neighbor eventually found me after I had been lying there for a few days.
But I didn't die, I sort of just woke up. I realized my calling as the Right Hand of God
the E in the DELL logo reminds me of the Enron E.
Enron probably helped inspire this.
obvious reference.
She's 18.
Some of her nudes are legal now.
Not all of her.
I've heard about the hanging ham, now that's a shot I wanna see.
Go on imagefap n search Jessi m
>jessi, teen, net celebrity, celebrity, trans
It's cp.
I don't think she's taken any legal pictures of her gangrenous vagina, but I can't imagine it's gotten any better
Trips chek'd
She looks like she ate jessi.
now… that's just plain cruel
Pushing the DOST limit ITT
watch out m8, someone might backtrace your IP
Backtrace this. Chans used to mean something, niggers. And that something was underage b& camwhores
New Teen ImgBoard
Now that she's legal, she's ready to cash in.
Baph will hack that in three… two… one…
Keep going user, I think the mods are asleep.
Check those trips.
non trips noted
why do they always get fat.
you dont wanna pay for that shit, trust me
I commend her for becoming a true capitalist.
Chaturbate debut any time now…
I expect her to be an escort in 2 years
Mentally 6.
Some people are suggesting that's already what is meant by "custom and special package" in her announcement.
a perfect match for Holla Forums
This thread just made me land a shit that was soooo large, it had to be the fault of the Jews!!