Hello Holla Forums what's your internet speed?
I live in the philippines and my top speed is somewhere around 550kbps though sometimes reaches 600kbps or if I'm just unlucky is around 150-220kbps for the entire day. What's your internet speed?
Hello Holla Forums what's your internet speed?
about 150Mbps up/down
what site is that in the OP?
10 gigs
feels good to live in the first world
Hungary and Romania might both be shitholes, but we have decent innernette for cheap
not site
steam desktop app boooiii
Decent when I catch a 4g signal..
Not so fast when I'm on 3g
2 megabytes per second, in ausfailia
How are you guys testing your speed?
My ip is if that helps.
250mbps download and 25mbps upload
Which link?
got to get around somehow
72m I mean
shit internet in iran and expensive as fuck. i pay $8 a month for 8Mbps and 6GB dl quota. its also $1.20 for each extra GB. afaik 16Mbps costs the same
ive got the same internet speed as you.
feels bad man.
don't worry, mine isn't much better, 1 megabyte (not bit) per second
SoCal here
is there a difference?
My speed depends on what port I use at any given time
I am getting 50Mb/s download and 10Mb/s upload on speedtest, paying 29€ for this shit.
I get the same thing all the time.
Fuck frontier and fuck the lack of choices where I live.
that 3rd tab
I max out and fairly consistently getaround 110-120 down and 12-17 up. US, Time Warner Cable ISP.
bout 8 times difference
145 kB (yes. kilobbytes.) down and 2 kB up
$75 a month
fuck DuoCounty Telecom
Oh fuck user, I haven't laughed like that in a while.
Well the truth is that you can…..
nice digits wankstain