Charles Koch Wants Hillary Clinton to be President

So, Koch sucker is pledging "tens of millions" to Libertarian Gary Johnson.

GJ has picked a running mate, liberal, "libertarian-leaning" Boston Republican Gov. Will Weld.

Weld will bring in $Cash$ too from his friend, casino mogul and Mr. Trump's rival Steve Wynn.

>Weld’s strategy, according to people with whom he has spoken, is to take advantage of the anticipated media attention paid to two former governors from different parts of the country joining forces, hoping to win sufficient support to land in the televised debates. If that bank-shot approach works, Weld, according to those who have spoken to him, and Johnson hope to deny Trump — as well as the likely Democratic nominee, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton — the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House.

So just to be clear, this is part of the "Never Trump" strategy. The establishment couldn't get someone to run 3rd party, so they are just jumping on the GJ train and getting him a palpable running mate. Both GJ and Weld are former republican governors, so the idea is to hope no one gets 270 and then have the republican house to vote Johnson/Weld. I guess Koch tolerates GJ because he is all about opening the floodgate of the south. How do you think he got elected twice as a Rep. Gov. of New Mexico? He is soft as fuck on immigration. He's all about the "muh free trade" too. So, to be clear, GJ and Weld are the new establishment choice because they are pro mass invasion and pro Trans-Pacific Partnership, thus stopping the nationalist Trump and continuing the globalist plan to turn the west into a 3rd World shit-hole by destroying their wealth and culture.


Stop overreaching, dude. Gary Johnson will never ever ever get anywhere in the election.

The Koch's are doing this out of principle, not in an effort to reinvent the establishment. This, after all, is the first time this election that they are giving money to anybody. They could have given money to ¡Jeb!, or Lubio, el Rato, or Kasich. They didn't.

This isn't a big deal.

It would have been wasted money there was no stopping the Trump train.

Now you got Koch and Wynn bankrolling an attempt to stop anyone from getting 270. They admit it, it's right in the Boston Globe article.

Nobody stepped up to run 3rd party, so now they are using the libertarian party for their "never trump" vendetta. They want the house to pick the president. The house will not pick Trump, they will pick Clinton of Johnson. Johnson is globalist-approved.

You're a dopey fuck, the prinicple is to get lolberg globalist to draw some votes away and give him money to criticise Trump all the way to election day.

Nobody likes libertarians. People like no-government interference, but they like borders more. I can only see Johnson appealing to Bernibots.

But Johnson is a non-entity. You'd be surprised how few people even know he's still around.

Johnson only raised $2 million total in 2012 and got one million votes. Now He's got millions from Koch, and whatever Wynn gives because of Weld. Two former Republican Governors from different parts of the country teaming up to stop Trump. They can get "Never Trump" conservatives and they can get Bernouts because of how soft they are on Immigration and plus things like weed and gay marriage.

They would have loved to donate to any of them you nonce, but none could win.

Johnson won't win either, but he will further split the Republican vote, with the right manipulation, to provide Hillary an edge.

Why did they wait until this last moment to try and split the Republicans? It would have been better while Lubio was still in the race.

How many of those votes were votes that we're going for Paul? There hasn't been a voice like Paul's in the election so far. There hasn't been the same kind of neglected underdog.

I am doubtful that this ploy will amount to anything.

Republicans control the house and get to decide the president is no one gets 270. I don't think they can get away for voting for Hillary. But if the Democrats get control of the house are they the ones who get to decide the president?

I don't know, but this just reeks of conspiracy to me.

Truly, libertarians are the worst people ever. I know plenty who will vote for GJ instead of Trump because reasons.


They concluded, likely coreectly, that all the money in the world wouldnt make Lubio win.

A corner rat will do lots of things it wouldn't do were it not in a corner, like support a hopeless libertarian to try to split the Republican vote so a globalist lesbian has a better chance of winning the US presidency.

I would yes, in theory.

all you have to do i siphon off 1-3% of the vote in swing states and it goes to Hillary

*I would think yes, in theory.

This is false, there is an army of bluepilled 40 something "true conservatives" out there who live in wealthy white communities and don't see the dangers demographic and cultural shifts in the nation. They worship at the altar of libertarianism. Believe me, I argue with these faggots, who work with my father, all the time. They just don't fucking get it no matter how hard you beat them over the head with truth.

pic related

they already pulled this shit in Virginia

Imagine never having a Clinton in the white house.

(i voted for Perot)

They're mostly going to take votes away from Hillary, so this will end up helping Trump. GJ is very appealing to many anti-SJW liberals when compared to Hillary & Trump. This is good for us. But shhh… let them think it's good for them :^)

Dats not good. I remember that election, didn't realize that libertarian kid got that many votes

If by "principle" you mean the TPP, then you're right.

I'm assuming this is a troll post, tho. 4/10 for getting me to respond

Libertarians are fucking retarded baby assholes. Fucking Bush lost because he did the right thing and raised taxes to pay off the debt. Its such fucking bullshit.

Let's also not forget about Nader in 2000. Third party candidates mean a loss for the party they pull votes from, almost inevitably

Its becoming clear that libertarians are a danger to society like liberals are.


Which principle?
Gary Johnson wants to steal the wealth from rich people and redistribute it to niggers.
Gary Johnson wants to arrest Christians for their beliefs.


Who were planning to not vote
Going from "Mr. no-outside-money" to a candidate funded by Koch?
Zero chance.
Seriously. Zero.

All this will do is draw in people who were flat-out planning to stay home.
He won't actually win any states, not by a long shot.

Its actually incredibly expensive to even get on the 50 ballots this late in the game.


Open borders and free trade. The only two "principles" that capitalists care about.

I disagree.

Accumulating capital for themselves (ie profits) is the only principle capitalists care about. They've often been against open borders and free trade when it suits them.

Then they weren't solely focused upon accumulating capital for themselves.

Creating a subcaste of subhuman, passive consumerist mongrels is very high up on the capitalist/globalist agenda.

WRONG! They WERE solely focused on accumulating capital for THEMSELVES. They were NOT focused on accumulating capital for the CAPITALIST CLASS AS A WHOLE

Read a book.

as if they haven't already. :^)

Incorrect. Open borders and free trade are always good for the capitalist.

Someone please make a video of leftist talking heads shitting on the koch brothers and the GOP and then at the end show the koch brothers supporting hillarry.
I think something like that would go viral

I was going to vote GJ regardless of what's happening this election. He isn't afraid to veto anything and everything Congress tries to pass.


The hint was right there in front of us the whole time.

And impossibly in some states this late. Which is why it makes more sense to go with an established 3rd party like the libertarian, who got like 2 million total and got on the ballot everywhere (with GJ) and got 1 million votes. Better than hijacking a rando 3rd party or starting a new one

Not for the individual capitalist in any particular one country. It was Adam Smith who first made the infant industries argument, for instance.

Again, read a book you stupid nigger.

This is all about passing the TPP and the Euro version, and it has nothing to do with free trade, although it is definitely part of the globalist againda


That only applies in mercantilist economy. In globalist economy with currency exchange and so on it is always good for the capitalist.

we scared your pussy mods off. this is Holla Forums territory now you cumskins

literally our territory. nowhere to go white race. now you die


Lolbergs are worse than pedophiles
