Red state: The Alt-Right can have the GOP



As they repeatedly like to tout, the new Republican party is made up of those identifying themselves as the “alt-right.” It’s a new right-wing that looks nothing like a right-wing, and its makeup consists primarily of Trump cultists.

I wish I was just being hyperbolic when I use the word “cultist,” but I’m not sure I am.

The takeover was definitely hostile, and it caused a mass exodus of conservatives putting as much distance from themselves and the party as possible. People were burning their GOP registration cards, and there have been endless talk on social media about those walking away from a defunct party that no longer represents them. I’m one of them.

The alt-right, as they will tell you, is only too glad to take credit for our departure.

Interestingly enough, however, as the alt-right brags about chasing us out, they simultaneously rage at us for leaving. They’re significantly weaker for our absence, and they know it will likely cost them the election. Still, they can’t bring themselves to make peace. Instead they lie, or attempt to coerce us with false promises into coming back. The idea is to make us submit, not agree.


The party was weak. Even its victories during midterms didn’t seem to halt its backslide, and even then, those victories could be attributed in part to reactionary voting against the extremist that was in the White House.

This weakness was further demonstrated with the way the alt-right waltzed in and overtook it on behalf of an authoritarian reality show host, with the help of news outlets consistently touted by both the left and right as friendly to conservatism. These are the same people who sold us books, and stood on stages and behind podiums, telling us how important it is we fight for freedom and the constitution. Now they bend knee to a man who values neither, and wonder why we won’t.

So if you ask me, the alt-right can have it. I don’t want to be in a party that was so ready to roll over for white supremacists, and who are following a man who likes to retweet them. I have no desire to be in a party that holds up a guy who doesn’t know what it is they actually do at the Supreme Court. He doesn’t even seem to know what he’s going to do himself. Even his promises are “suggestions.”

I’m happy to leave a party that consists of people who are only too ready to hand over power, in a free nation mind you, to a man seeking it, and defend “Glorious Leader” with so much vigor that North Koreans think they should tone it down. Especially when some of these people are throwing the term “cuck” at those who won’t vote Trump because then the white people won’t win.


The alt-right’s initial call was to burn it all to the ground. They succeeded. It’s burnt. Let them roll in the ashes and pretend they’re winners.

nice repost a****hole

Found the jew

What are you doing nigger?



You leaving is probably the best thing we've accomplished so far


We aren't alt-right, the cuckservatives ARE the alt-right.

That bugs me so much. Fam, am I autistic?


2012, Romney;
[total primary votes] = 10,048,134

2016, Trump
[May 19th primary votes] = 11,266,041

Likely 3 million more. What's significantly weaker?

All these places saying the alt-right can have the right wing demand that put they money where their mouth is and demand they give up their website domain as they are not part of the "right-wing".

My browser nukes my cookies every time I close it so I can never really save anything.

What is a text file?

This cuck will probably go on supporting the renegade party next


the old republicans had no balls

the entire public looked at mcain and romney and they never came out swinging .. mean while the "liberals" hit the R's over and over again.

People finally figured out the R's were just place holders until the demographic was such, that another R would never be president.

WTF? alt-right is the name for the WN portion of the right wing. We fit right in there…

nice sage faggot. you can't even spell asshole. go back to plebbit. I can't find my big man tyrone telling you to go back, so have this webm of Trump beating up spics.

They're going to get Rato to run 3rd party under the "renegade party" ticket.

Just what the fuck are they gonna do? They got nothing.

That doesn't explain the Europeans involved in making it happen.

Was that supposed to be a protest? The audience seemed to be supporters and looked quite amused.

How stuck up must you be?
Are you ned flanders?

I fucking hate the fact these limp-dick faggots keep referring to themselves a "true conservatives" when they're nothing more the Reagan worshipers that think being an American is nothing more than waving around an American flag. If anything, they're just moderates that co-opted the Republican party in an attempt to destroy any right-wing opposition against a Democratic president and toxic liberal ideology

let them keep it, what does conservatism even mean? conservatism is just a buzzword at this point.

But goyim, you can't win without the beaner vote.

The more I see of Trump's policies, the more I like him. Initially, I supported him because he asspained the leftycucks and GOPe to a hilarious extent, but he actually is a great candidate without all the old party baggage.

It's certainly not blind, cultist, loyalty.

That was fucking brilliant!
