Hey fgts how many of you are 30 or older and realized you cant into society well...

hey fgts how many of you are 30 or older and realized you cant into society well. ive gotten out of my shell of internet but i realized i cant into being a normie. i tried the dating just to only see all the women as wind up dolls. Ridding whores might me fun but it cost money and also looses its fun after a while.

There are worse fates friend


having a kid that hates you, not finding the mother of your child attractive anymore, but your heart aches when you think about how how much you love them, and how much it hurts to watch them grow old and depressed no matter how much you shower them with affection

damn you hit home


as a father i have different thoughts conflicting me. i get amazed how a child can learn to hate. but at the same time the mother is dead. and i have become very apathetic, this was b4 the child and women. i thought being a normal man would cure me. NOPE

not 30 yet but I've realized I'll never successfully into society.

Being normal would cure you?

Cure you of what?

You are you, the only things you should ever look to correct about yourself are things that are unhealthy, or that make you unhappy.

being alone makes everyone unhappy, even if they are a real introvert, humans are social creatures, even psycopaths need interaction. Find people who you find interesting and talk to them

mind explaining that

/r9k/ is that way>>>>>>

Plenty of interesting people out there. They're just not interested in me

well see i have tried, talking with people, removing the mask. letting your thoughts flow out wasn't always a good idea.

I'm too socially retarded to be able to into relationships, even small talk is difficult for me. As a result, I know I'll never have respect at any future career I get, I'll always be the barely tolerated guy on the very bottom. My only hope is learning to farm or something and going innawoods.

There are levels to everything

Think of yourself as a diamond, you have many polished faces, and you can show a different face to different people. With time you will learn which people should match to which face, and which people might be interested enough in you for you to let them see other faces.

It is very rare that anyone finds anyone that find every aspect of them interesting and great. If you find someone that is even 60% compatible, that's best friend for life, or wife material.

I know that feeling. Watching people's eyes glaze over when you talk about your passions.

I will add this being alone never made me unhappy, all it did was enforce the thought, it's up to me to change and no one will ever be able to do that for me.

Yeah but that 40% can fucking break your heart. I found a wonderful woman, who was smart, cute, and funny and found me attractive,, but she was polygamous.

damn 2016 enforcing cuck social standards

i know that feel bro though i been able to pull gf in the past now days i just introverted. lief

and I tried so hard to accept it… until she invited me out one night, and recoiled from my embrace because it was his night. One of my top ten emotionally painful moments.

but see the thing about that it makes me feel uneasy like i have to juggle a personality.

lmao maximum cuckoldry

How the hell do you manage that?

oh damn bro, wanting a connection with a grill. JUst to cuck yourself. thats a really bad move

apathy got the best of me

I've already got that much covered.

well im not sure how to elaborate further.

After you sleep alone long enough,, you become a lot more… flexible. It was an incredibly fucked up event in my life… I still go back and forth from adoring her to wanting to destroy her.

you shouldn't done that boi.

I didn't start it. She did. She called me out of the blue, (and that was amazing enough) and then she came on to me. (That was a fucking miracle. I'd given up on the entire concept of relationships) I knew the whole thing was doomed but I was so intoxicated with endorphains I just couldn't help myself.

sad mang

Well, I'm sure it'll be fine. Doesn't really matter anyways.

yeah we are still condemned to life


i tried anhore they wouldn't let me. the pills just brought voices saying "no you have to wake up"

well that sucks


even before I found imgboards I was an outcast. There is no difference, before chans I would just watch youtube videos and read news sites longer than I do now and work faster on my anime / vidya backlog

If I would normie up, it could easily "go out" with other normies but I know that I would hate it. While I would be doing some shit with them and thinking, I could be on the internet now or playing games from my backlog instead of dealing with their bullshit or talking about things that I have no real interest for

i know the feel, but vidya just dont cut it anymore. existentialism creates a new mold on life.

Well since all these cocks keep getting posted I might as well have fun with it.

Hmm. Sure why not.

Just making some edits and since theres not a thread for it really now (only doing a few anyways) just going to post them here.

Life is what you make it, follow your dreams.

i will never into traps

Get some confidence. I was shy as fk but worked out loads now I have a pick of a few women. Its cliché but sitting at home being A weebb won't get you anything. Yeh women cost cash but if you care about that get a well trained Asian waifuu.

Almost 40. Haven't been in a relationship in years. Don't know a single woman who I'd want to put an iota of effort into. They're all either stupid, crazy, or both.

Trying to figure out my motivation as well since all my friends have coupled up or fucked off.

vivi was the fucking shit dood, the feels.
everyone post plushies.

How old are you?
I'm 24 and a lifelong celibate.
(not that MGTOW cult shit, just a conscientious objector to various bullshit)
I have never once considered doing anything like that and I don't even consider polygamy or polyamory to be innately immoral or degrading to begin with; I just don't feel like sharing vagina no matter how many people tell me that sharing is caring.

btw guys lifelong daywalker here, I was suddenly introduced to social interaction as a teen after a rather cloistered youth and let me tell you the secret:
It's all bullshit.
It's really all bullshit.
There is no secret to social structures or hierarchies or fitting in. Literally just conform conform conform, and if you happen to end up in a position with a little attention or pull use it to ascend or become a leader or respected by doing the expected generic thing. Don't try to be creative, quirky, or genuine. Don't be yourself. Be a shittier, dumber, shallower, version of yourself. You don't have to embody any sort of virtue, even something as shallow as appearance or cleanliness, you just have to repeat dumb shit everyone says in minute variations and pretend to like what everyone else is pretending to like. Most of them dislike any given half of it despite trying to act stupid, but the point is that they act as collectives, be it mobs or insular "clans" and "tribes", and when a new wave of social propaganda comes along the clan must as a whole take some stance on it. Not a stance that reflects whatever current values the group generally embraces (which will be really really trite and oversimplified platitudes, only vaguely brought up or alluded to in the "deep" and dangerous conversations where everyone nods and them some bitch is like "omg so heavy"), but whatever there is the most mass media telling them their group values align with.

It really is Orwell Lite and to some smaller extent has been since back before the printing press.

The thing is, sometimes someone will say something genuine or thoughtful and you can get cred by being the second to agree or disagree depending on how the group is going, or if you have enough cred you can choose which way the group goes, but it's all bullshit. That person probably is repeating something they read nearly verbatim, if not, joke's on them for wanting a genuine response from the group, they should know better by now. Something happen to them? AWWWW, such loud sympathy, but don't offer to actually help unless someone else with the cred does first. They broke up with their gf/bf? He/she is an asshole/bitch. It doesn't matter how pathetic the story is or how obviously it may have been their fault or both parties' fault, it's that fucking bitch/asshole to blame so long as they aren't an integral part of the same social core. Of course the lines are blurry and in flux, but remember, there are always the inner rings. The more you're a part of while avoiding direct conflict, the higher your cred. Or you can swim around in the middle grubbing for little scraps of attention.

Or you can just stop giving a fuck entirely and reply honestly when people ask you for an opinion, then reply to any faux-shock and bullshit about how that's "unacceptable" with calls for meaningful counterpoints or just by mocking their rhetoric. That's what I did, with the result that a lot of people insulted me and never talked to me again (i cri evertim and lose sleep over each one), and a lot of others actually switched on their brains and had real conversations with me and then sometimes insulted me or conversely we initiated a more meaningful understanding of one another, with the end result that though I prefer to spend all my time alone, when I'm around people I actually know and like they tend to hang on basically every word I say or else, better, enter into stimulating conversations with me. Also there are some various sycophants who are like mind-broken and will agree 100% with nearly anything I assert or suggest. If I spent a few hours a day just talking about things I could probably gain a small cult following irl, online, or both, it's kind of creepy.


But the thing is, even having somewhat real friends you can gradually get to talking about deeper things with without breaking them if you're careful, it's just not very satisfying. I only know one or two people I feel like I could converse with completely openly rather than nurse along, and it's just not worth the time honestly.

So the problem is that once you understand social structures (it doesn't take long when you give up the idea that something is wrong with you preventing you from doing so, and recognize that the average "normal" person is incredibly dishonest starting with themselves), you tend to no longer want to participate. Pride means nothing. The adulation of others is hollow. In that moment you are euphoric, not because of any phone attentionfromgirls, but because you are Enlightened by your own Intellect.

Seriously though it's not as good as you think it is. Imageboards and not wanting to make my parents sad are basically why I don't fucking kill myself and be rid of the vast majority of pathetic people.

Also note that if you yourself are a propaganda victim of anything truly counter-cultural (most forms of socialism no longer count as counter-cultural), you will get BTFO of social 5evr. Garden-variety stormfags need not apply. They don't know why you're really shit or that they're basically just as shit, but they have been trained from birth to hate stormfags (one of the very few things the popular re-education got kind of right, though the methodology as always was horrendous and self-defeating), so don't try. Evangelicalsphere and Catholicsphere and intersect mostly hate NatSocs just as much as libfags pretend to, and you may run across the occasional countryfag or farm qt who learned from their grandpa who read Mein Kampf and was in the war exactly why they should hate NatSocs as much as or more than any other socialist.

Final tip for retards who still want to into social:
Use less words.
"The destruction of words is a beautiful thing"
"Oldspeakers unbellyfeel IngSoc"
etc etc
It's not internally inconsistent, it's "gross", unless it's trendy and internally inconsistent in which case you fave it.
You don't appreciate the temperament of your friends, "you tight"
It's not wonderful, it's 100-emoji
You don't love this song or get this song and this song doesn't get you, this song IS YOU. This song is like, literally you. I don't care if you're trying to get into farmgirl pants or hang with urban club douches, THIS SONG IS YOU.
You are totally Starbucks right now.

Ditch the anime, its turning your brain into mush. talk to girls

Depends on what America achieves in their plans for world dominance. You keep it clean and tidy but after a while you get lazy and make a mess everywhere. Backups are good. Some people remember it only when HDD crashes. A man of European ancestry puts a paper on a car - it's floaty and I see myself as 16 in a hallway in love with a girl like Allison Reynolds. Teenage rebellion is a myth pushed on parents starting in the 50's, and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because it preaches that they should never have a strong hand in raising their children. A lot of kids are just doing this kind of thing because they simply don't know any better, not because they're rebelling against their parents. Raise your children with a proper set of morals for them to understand the world with and they won't have to flounder without guidance in their teenage years making a fool of themselves. I might go scouring for free furniture, fix it up and try and flip it on ebay. Dive in and bring back what you find. Reading in bed right before you are about to sleep is also good for remembering (10-20 minutes of reading). You must take out the funny bone without touching the sides. The male body is more than willing to sacrifice itself for the slightest chance of impregnating some female. It's like these faggots who simply won't understand the legal implications of 19th Amendment prohibition, and want to undermine it's disenfranchised constitionality! The fact the transgendered people that get sex changes exist should imply that bodies do imply gender. Yes, if you get up off your ass, eat more fibre and don't spend 30 minutes on the toilet to take a 30 second dump. I can improve anything about myself that it's changeable, but I cannot change those around me for those that I can't. To impregnate her with my seed, so that my genes will live on after I die - sort of like nature's way of reincarnation. Just don't get too emotional about it, neither don't get too excited or too furious. The logical thing to do would be to give back the medal. So, if you want to be to be truly fulfilled during the short time you exist in this universe, I would recommend you seek to know yourself and who you are, and resolve to undertake a personal journey to that end. And may you find enlightenment along the way.

i feel this way, but iunno, nothing you can do about it.