It blows my mind how a probable Trump presidency can make these neocuckservatives show their true colors.
Bill Kristol, "founder of the neoconservative movement" goes full-blown Communist Manifesto
Other urls found in this thread:
Utterly stunning. My dad is going to have an existential crisis over this one.
Pat Buchanan foresaw this. Trotskyists and Marxists, all of them. They are nothing more than Communists that rejected Sovietism and put on red ties and elephant badges.
Now the dancers are at last unmasked. This is a charade no more, but a war.
Through victory our chains are broken
Here's proof I'm not making it up:
I think this is worth memeing to shut down the NeverTrump cucks to show them who their leaders really are, but not exactly sure how to go about it.
Full-blown twatter shitstorm when?
He sounds like a faggot.
Considering the fact that he's quoting Karl Marx, are you shocked?
I didn't know Karl Marx sounded like a song of Linkin Park.
kek'd n' checked
Is he a "nevertrump" cuck, or a Marxist?
Karl Marx was the original linkin park.
Well golly gee, don't tell Kasich that!
CruzMissile, but not cucked enough to not vote for Trump when he officially becomes the nominee.
He's sort of a pupating Holla Forumsack, in some ways. Strongly nationalistic, oldschool conservative, considers Marx and everything that came from him to be more or less Satanic in principle, and knows Hillary is an existential threat to the country in general.
I've been redpilling him on Israel for about a year now. He grew up Catholic and converted to Protestantism when he realized the ponzi scheme they preach as scripture, and one of his favorite axes to grind is about corruption within systems, so he's fertile ground for redpills. He's currently in what I hope is a Libertarian phase, but as our situation becomes more and more pronounced, he seems to be coming more amiable to less passive mindsets about how to set the nation right.
Reminder that this was one of the JEWISH Neocons part of the
Absolutely disgusting.
Which are nothing more than jews.
So, first step is I got Bill Mitchell to tweet about it (he's doing an AMA on The_Donald sub later today)
Excellent work, user.
They're "ex-"Trotskyists. Of course they quote the Communist Manifesto.
Neocons are Trotskyist. What a surprise.
You know that like, 90% of Americans don't know that right?
A lot of Holla Forumslacks don't seem to either, as they keep calling the Republicans the American right.
This election has been a huge fucking awakening.
Just so you guys know, this guy is doing an AMA for The_Donald today.
Should make some dank memes to spam in it for then.
Somehow I think this doesn't end well for him
Here he is, referencing another Marxist…
I have maintained since I learned about Cruz's father that Cruz was born and raised in a Communist household. He was a Manchurian candidate and his target was to assassinate the USA economically and morally by kicking off World War III.
Does that kike honestly think he's not rock-solid establishment?
He's like the most establishment non-politician talking head there is.
How does /leftycuck/ argue against the billions communism has killed?
You complete and utter morons. Have you learned nothing from Trump? Don't give this guy any attention whatsoever. If you keep ignoring him he'll get Nader level results.
Every time.
You can't even call out single-postfags correctly.
You try too hard.
What the fuck are you even talking about? You do realize that this guy is just imitating Trump's strategy right? Say controversial thing to generate media attention, use said media attention to revise or clarify statement, then move on again to another controversial statement.
If you just ignore this idiot he will go away and pitter patter away. Look at the amount of retweets he has in comparison to Hillary and Trump, that should show you. Don't let it grow. Use your brain.
Bill Kristol confirmed for communist faggot.
Fuck off to some crappy forum if you care about post counts you immense faggots.
You must be new here
Why don't you actually use your brain you moron? You're not responding to my argument, just using the tried and true call anyone I disagree with a shill tactic.
Bill Kristol has quoted the Communist Manifesto. It has generated a controversy here on Holla Forums. It will generate controversy elsewhere in Conservative circles. Controversy equals media coverage. Media coverage equals opportunity to spread your message and let people know you exist. This is exactly one of the reasons Trump is succeeding. He is copying Trump's playbook. Now, whether or not he will be successful or not at generating controversy is up in the air, but at the present stage it makes no sense to discuss this and give him what he wants, ATTENTION.
If you truly want to destroy someone, ignore them. Look at Ron Paul as an example.
Do you actually have any arguments? Or are you just going to call me a shill again?
1) He's already on the news constantly you dumb kike.
2) It would disincentive Cruzbots from voting for his party
3) It paints the "NeverTrump" people as literal Marxists
4) Republicans don't like Karl Marx.
5) The media doesn't attack people for being Marxists since half of them are fucking Marxists.
Only half of them?
that guy is right, you know
Trump used retweets and said he was fans of interesting quotes. If he's using Trump's playbook, he's using it incompetently.
He's not going to be able to walk it back. No, he knows the neocon scam is over and he's finally coming unhinged.
If you haven't heard the memo yet, The_Donald has been hijacked by cuck mods, the do nothing low-energy mods that ban light Politically Incorrect shit. Old good mods have relocated to /r/Mr_Trump, we need to regroup there on the reddit front and The_Donald must be discarded.
Yeah, I am already there. However, it serves its purposes. I was banned for posting about not being able to Simmer the Zimmer for four days.
But it has a large user-base and has AMAs from time to time.
Let the best sub win.
Meme too small to read (911 fake)
Of course. History books only count the active genocides and none of the comparatively "passive" deaths by crime and poverty that are direct results from Communist policies. I'm sure even the U.S.A. has a victim count in the millions.
I'd like to see some evidences, user. I'm not defending communism, but billions is just too much.
Kikel, what?
That tweet makes no sense. The neocons are still the establishment. It's the Trump supporters who are 'in chains'.
I'm really confused as to how we should deal with these traitors. On the one hand, they should be hanged. On the other, gas seems like such an eloquent solution.
If these faggots want to be taken seriously why would they quote marx? It's like the want to wither away
Neither do most modern-liberals, the left, progressives or whaterver the fuck they are. They have no clue they're raging against their ideological cousins
Jews acting like other Jews? Color me surprised.
same dood
This Berenstain ride is getting more interesting by the day.
And people dare say Holla Forums wasn't right all along
Holy shit, it's real. The neocohens are now blatantly praising Marxists.
Goddamn I'm confused, which is the regular dimension we're used to before it got switched on us? Berenstain or Berenstein?
The regular is Berenstein.
This tweet isn't getting enough attention. The marx-quoting one he could pass off as a joke, but not this one. Kautsky was a marxist hero. KRISTOL IS LITERALLY SAYING THAT HISTORICAL MARXISTS WOULD BE #NEVERTRUMP JUST LIKE HE IS.
This has been the best election cycle in my life. They aren't even hiding their true intentions anymore and are just outing themselves.
It'll be easy to use this as leverage to completely cut off their festering limb while trump continues growing stronger.
And doesn't this also mean that Rato going Renegado Marxist betrays his original message of being "honest conservative christian" values and pretty much spits on his supporters in the face with this disrespect?
Any cruz cuck with a hint of common sense and going on about "conservative values" and "protect the constitution" in the same sentence will see this as Cruz going back on his word and outright LYING.
Cruz can't damage control his way out of this one. He's exposed himself as lyin' Ted
You're doing god's work user.
It feels so fucking good to see these faggots get blown out of their comfort zone of control in the party. I've argued with this old fuck babby boomer at work who is salty as hell about Trump but can't get a single legit reason why he doesn't like him outside muh feels. Can't wait till he wins and gives him a heart attack making him a vegetable who will sit in an old folks home in front of a TV playing news about the God Emperor all day.
sounds like a senile old wizard. Do you work with Bernie Sanders?
And I think it's awesome these faggots were so BTFO that they left the republican party to make their own shitty party with no support and no voters. It just means Trump has the republican party more to himself, until they come back dragging their heads like ashamed dogs.
some kautsky quotes that may be worth sharing:
Trump may try and show mercy out of being humane, but they'd be verbally (and physically) egged on the street. Their names will go down in history and they'll practically never be able to find a good supporting job in the kind of field they've been in ever again. Not with their reputation, not with this blatant display and show of character.
They've politically and economically ruined themselves. (((They))) would be complete morons to continue throwing money at a dead horse. But hey, never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
Nah he's just bitter as fuck he leveraged too much in the market, lost everything and has to work for a living again. Went from paying 60k a year in cap gains taxes to not even making that a year living in a trailer.
"Fuggin Trump went bankrupt 4 times and got his ass bailed out everytime. I went bankrupt 1 time and lost everything"
"Fugg u he is dumb"
That's the basis for all his arguments.
I'm from the Bernstein universe.
How do these retards not understand that communism benefits the 'proletariat' more than ebil capitalism does?
Any ideology not grounded in a healthy racial community, will eventually in spirit become like Bolshevism.
This can happen to Christian or Conservative movements if they are not racially grounded, just like it wouldn't happen to Socialist and Liberal movements if they are racially grounded.
Race negates the need for religion or ideology as the main mover in society. They become secondary and only reflect someone personality, instaid of creating one.
Margaret thatcher said it best : they'd rather have the poor be poorer so the rich could be less rich.
It's pathological altruism coupled with rejection of reality of the human condition.
capitalism is deeply flawed, but communism is clearly much worse
take a fuckin look at Venezuela m8
The rich end up being significantly more rich.
Capitalism has flaws when it's not capitalism. Capitalism works if it's actually treated, and enforced as capitalism. There are zero capitalist societies in the last ~100 years.
Also, go back to /leftycuck/
I'm a NatSoc not leftyshit
Are you high, user?
Way to out yourself and be obvious.
Capitalism is nearly, if not; flawless if it's not co-opted and changed into socialism. The US hasn't been a capitalist economy for over a century.
What are it's flaws? True capitalism, not the shit the west has been for the last century plus.
I smell a libertarian
This argument that Trump is somehow a bad businessman or dumb is one of the worst the left has produced. It makes absolutely no sense. They are saying he just lucked his way into becoming a billionaire in real estate development? How is that even supposed to work?
They always come back to him getting a million dollar loan from his father, but that's nothing. There are tons of normal people who have a net worth of a million dollars and wouldn't in a hundred years be able to turn it into a billion, much less multi billion dollar empire.
The ease of monopoly formation.
Rofl, libcucks don't support capitalism, they're full on commies.
Not under true capitalism.
Actually a completely free market makes it easier.
As force is a commodity you can purchase.
LOL hes getting BTFO in the comments.
Oh, and he was able to outsmart every republican strategist in Washington DC and destroy all their candidates one by one, but he is somehow dumb? Nonsensical.
define "true capitalism"
This is wrong, though. Libertarians like to ignore natural monopolies and shrug then off with some hand waving or moving the goal posts. But real economics (not mises polemics) document economies of scale and natural monopolies. We can even see them on the internet, like with big sites that end up dominating the enitre market despite the internet being about as free market as it gets.
Stop derailing the thread and get back to enjoying Bill Kristol outing himself as the Trotskyist we all knew he was
Chuck Norris is doing a roundhouse on his ass. lol
Commie faggots always bring up natural monopolies despite them being debunked numerous times.
Here "debunked" means "absolutely every single supposed example of one ever proposed throughout history has its cause traced to government action, not market action"
Someone should edit that old "Fuck you, I'm gonna go listen to Linkin Park" macro into "Fuck you, I'm going to Holla Forums".
A completely free market allows fighting monopolies to be easy. As happens when people vote to remove walmart from options for land, or remove beef factories from option for land. Both have been happening more and more frequently. No other economic model would permit that.
Sure, bud. And true communism has never been tried either.
No it doesn't. Economy of scale is a thing lolberg. Learn real economics and skip the mises crap.
That sounds like government action, tbh fam.
An example of moving the goalposts. Lolbergs will find some minor indication that a market isn't completely free ("the government exists, so it isn't a free market, checkmate commies") and then use that to try to refute real examples.
It really shouldn't surprise you.
- air-tight closed borders - 0 legal or illegal immigration
- no trade with anyone unless needed for survival [the US would need no trade of any type at all]
- no handouts for anyone, just earned security [retirement, not a handout]
- no corporate interests at any level of any type of government
- no corporate welfare
- complete reworking / removal of copyright and trademark
- no forced equality of outcome
Ive probably missed a few but closing borders, ending trade, and stopping "equality" would solve the vast majority of issues.
If you haven't read Kevin B. MacDonald's books you need to make it your top priority. They can be found on /pdfs/ I believe. Learn about the Jew from someone who has studied them better than nearly anyone else.
Then the rich get richer until they have enough that theyare able to buy politicians who open the borders and institute free trade (because capitalists want these things).
Pretty obvious you're some type of shill.
You're defending socialism and communism. You're saying capitalism is a libertarian economic system.
Nothing you've said has any truth or any basis in reality.
Whatever. I'm going to work at my ebil capitalist, patriarchal job.
A good redpill about corruption within systems is about compartmentalization. Or, need to know.
Take a police force, any police force; and have the high up officials knowingly working for a guy that a powerful gang is working for. We'll call him the Maven.
The Maven controls a kind of drug importation and distribution say heroin, and he has rivals that own other gangs that do their dirty work.
So in exchange for favors, intelligence and plain old cash the higher up police (and possibly the Vice department due to direct dealings and confiscated supply) agree to arrest his competion's guys and fuck up their operations and seize their stuff.
The cops carrying out the actual arrests don't need to know who the info and evidence camefrom, thus they'll never be told. Some will suspect, of course; but that's why they pass up the Over 90IQ ones, too stupid to figure it out.
Now apply this formula to everything any organization does, or can do, and watch your Father's eyes light up as the redpill hits.
No, I'm defending non-retarded economic positions. Sane government regulations and action against monopoly.
If by capitalism you mean no government interference in the market, then yeah, that's what it is.
its like you guise don't even history
Marx worked as a journalist for several publications including the new york daily tribune.
the rest is true though.
That picture is of Antonio Gramsci, you stupid fuck
Someone feed me some memes
No one gives a shit. Go d&c somewhere else.
Bump because you’re a marxist.
One might want to go to a now former to a degree neocon HQ forum. I've seen Christian Zionists over there tear the ADL a new asshole with questions of why some Jews are anti American.
It's now a matter of not if but when for you know who.
Most of the thread is shitposts. Why don't you actually do something, like I've been doing by making tons of ''renegayd" OC? Did you see the Crybaby one? that was me.
everything he said is correct, you fucking lolbergtardian kike shill
It’s like I’m actually talking to a marxist.
How can reality be this based? What is happening? Please don't let me wake up!
It's almost like I'm talking to a D&C shill
please spread it around. people need to know the truth. any suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated. I could also or if you'd like me to make you a custom version by adding something since I still have the layered psd
I think they're appealing to kikes who've infiltrated both parties. What they're trying to do is keep both candidates from getting 237 so they can take the vote to the House, which they are confident is bought and paid for by their cronies
kek #kristolnacht is now trending.
Seriously ..?
For easy spreading on Twatter and elsewhere.
I like it
I think something funny would go a long way as well.
it's like he doesn't know he's already been reported and filtered. what did he say? wait, no. its more fun if its a mystery.
Your first two points are incompatible with pure capitalism, and your fourth is irrelevant to it. Capitalism is a system designed to generate as much capital as possible, ignoring other issues as unimportant to the welfare of the nation. A capitalist believes that more money being generated = good, so if you tell him things like "open borders improve your profits" he will be in favor of open borders. Capitalism, like every other social theory, has never existed in a pure form in the real world, nor should it.
#6 is completely incompatible with capitalism as well, tbh fam
Bump because it triggers you.
still filtered. lol. go suck a cock
There is no practical difference between neocons and Marxists. They are "the enemy". They both fight for an elite ruled one-world government.
very good. should be used for all threads related to him
I'll just leave this gem right here for you
holy shit. who is that kike and what did he do to trigger everyone?
This is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen in my life:
These bantz are bretty good.
ya ok kike
Fuck off shill. There have been many communist kikes among us for a long, long time. All I'm asking is what has happened that caused everyone to pile on this particular one.
It's a completely legitimate question, asshole.
btw, I'm the one that made this OC
so screaming "kike" really doesn't make sense in this context.
I don't care if you meant it as a legitimate question. You come off as a fucking Jew.
Bump because it triggers you.
You wouldn’t have saged if you hadn’t read my post, which means I’m not filtered.
Filter doesn't work you fucking faggots. Get a room you two queens. Are your egos so fragile you can't walk away from a disagreement that's fucking anonymous?
Holy shit.
We don’t disagree. He’s just a fucking lunatic.
you're still filtered.
that doesn't even make sense. filtered.
sage bc telling someone they're filtered isn't a legitimate reason to bump.
way to out yourself you fucking retard
its like they don't realize they're filtered.
well, I can see the shills are here to fuck up a good thread, so I'm out. later
see ya latter kike, don't let the oven door hit you on the way out
someone post this pls all of my twits are b&
Exposing Trumpkin hate memes and letting people look at evidence and evaluate anti-Semitic claims themselves is what they fear most.
Posted on Faceberg. Thanks user.
Reminder that before Trump there was Pat Buchanan. He fearlessly named the Jew and resisted the Jewish Neo-con takeover of the Republican party.
Non-interventionalist, no wars for Israel
Nativist, protecting White America from non-white immigration.
America first competitive economic policy
Traditional moral values
Trump is a resurgence of old American conservatism against the Jewish Neo-con bastards who dragged us into war after war for Israel.
He seems alright. Didn't he makes series of videos exposing Communist too? I know he's said stuff about Israel?
From Wikipedia:
Man, why didn't I know he was this based before?
All of their propaganda, including the term "renegade" applies far more better to us than to them. Let's steal it or something. Or just make it synonymous with faggot, I dunno.
Without the counterbalance of sorcerer monarchy, it won't last. Read some Evola.
All it took was a presidential candidate who showed a hint of Nationalism and the rats show their faces.
The politicians/Jews definitely do know that. It's the whole point. They pretend to argue with each other while advancing the same anti-American agenda
Nah, you are the stupid fuck.
So much d&c attempts by the two off-topic fags. Come on mods…
I took these from thee other thread. Normies wont likee the jew part underlined.
"Ex" Trotskyists, still Jewish. The problem with all these revolutionary groups and Jews as that you don't even know whose kiking who anymore. The Bernstein Universe is one where Jews rule everything, the mainstream as well as controlled opposition and every group in between. There's no longer groups like Black, White, Asian, Protestant, Catholic, anything like those in power, it's all just Jews fighting Jews fighting Jews.
controlled opposition.
Is this another tool of cultural marxism?
this. and this is what pisses me off. And, my friends, even those who are sort of redpilled, will say "but the Jews aren't one group," but can't understand that it doesn't matter if they control all the groups
E Michael Jones sings an appropriate song for this thread.
lol IRL power players are devolving into disqus namefag LARPers.
Not sure if it's damage control or you really believe it but that is some funny shit.
Please, tell Bill Kristol to carry on being edgy.
And Jews wonder why they're despised the world over…..
Also, reminder that Pat has endorsed Trump.
For the record, I have no clue what a "trotskyit" is but anyone with any thought process can tell they all hail from the same side of the aisle when it comes to the good ol' fashioned R's & D's.
I love how that, the very second they aren't on top, they pull this shit as if they're outlaw bikers from the 50s nao.
They have nothing to lose but their chains!! These people could not possibly be more full of shit. I fucking never.
That was his father, Irving Kristol.
Trotsky was a fellow high ranking Bolshevik who disagreed with Lenin
Trotskyism is to Leninism what Orthodox Christianity is to Catholicism
niggers are sliding
Trotsky was the former head of the Red Army,and was pretty radical even by regular commie standards.
He and Lenin got on pretty good, it was Stalin he had a falling out with, and had to flee the country when Lenin died because Lenin actually favored Trotsky taking over for him, but Stalin won the power struggle.
fucking bump
Any more instances of Marxist propaganda from this kike?
How does capitalism prevent predatory foreign and transnational interests for subverting yur national markets and appropriating your national wealth and globalizing it? Nothing, in fact it would encourage such things.
Well, then it's never been capitalist, because it had a nationalistic mercantilist economic system until 1913.
I understand you are from here.
You posted the El Rato image for me…
I am just not giving twitter any ammo even in private messages to "Prove" we aren't legit.
Check out the first Campaign Spot for @RenegadePartyUS
wrong image
Oh, my bad fam. Appreciate the heads up. Good point.
holy shit this is absolutely brilliant
There will be revolution, but not the one the NWO is counting on.
When you see guys like Bill Kristol or Karl Rove on the news its very sad. These are guys who had a game plan, and then it failed at every level across decades. Yet the news actor, who was moments before selling products like QVC, has great reverence for their opinions. I can't wait for president Trump. And if they do something to take president Trump away from the citizens of this country, god help them.
wow, what a 2-faced kike. on one hand he's calling obama a commie and on the other he's quoting marx. Judaism truly is a mental illness
Here he is again, not as strong of a link
oh no, I know all about the neocohens. I was screaming my bloody ears off 4 or 5 years ago on 4/pol/ but very few people would listen to me. They were all Trotskyists. Fucking PBS or someone like that did an expose on them in the early 90s before they led the putsch to take over the Republican party.
Daniel Bell is still pretty smart, tho, even if he is one of them
I got an Idea.
Somebody ought to tweet him this image.
and say to him that his Rhetoric caused the holocaust. Make sure to link him the following.
Anyone that uses the term "dialectic" or History (as if history is an "agent") is fucking nuts - let me tell you. It's completely unscientific gobbledeegook.
I love going on RevLeft and telling them that from a "dialectical perspective" Hitler was awesome. After all, look how well Germany is doing now compared to before WWII. Sure, bad things happened, but as Lenin said, "you have to break some eggs to make an omelet"
it really pisses them off
do it in regard with the jews…. Hitler was awesome to holocaust jews because look at how well the jews are doing today they even have their own country. Then watch their rat faces contort in rage
but thats actually correct, they are doing awesome
it doesnt disprove marxist analysis
>>>Holla Forums
Come back after you read some Popper, retard.
Unfortunately they won't listen. Many of them share the same ideology.
lurk moar
fucking lurk moar
its as easy as googling trotsky and taking 20 minutes to read the wiki page before you post faggot. god fucking damn I hate newfags
Not Working:
I'd rather keep the kikes out. Its unlisted.
its just hegel, a lot of pollacks need to read more books, we have a shitload of newfags on the chans these days and the IQ has dropped immensely. dialectical thinking is not degenerate, dialectical materialism is a degenerated perversion of hegel by marx. this was further degenerated by gramsci with the idea of a cultural imperialism/ the substitution of proletarian and capitalist with non-white and white.
Donald Trump is a neo-con in disguise. Read it and weep, Trumptard:
"I can't believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi, in Libya, is killing thousands of people. Nobody knows how bad it is, and we're sitting around - we have soldiers all over the Middle East - and we're not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage. And that's what it is. It's a carnage. You talk about all of the things that have happened in history - this could be one of the worst. Now, we should go in, we should stop this guy - which would be very easy and very quick, we could do it surgically - stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolute nuts. We don't want to get involved, and you're gonna end up with something like you've never seen before. Now, ultimately, the people will appreciate it. They're gonna end up taking over the country, eventually. But the people will appreciate it - and they should pay us back. But we have go in to save these lives. These people are being slaughtered like animals. It's horrible what's going on. It has to be stopped. We're making decisions like, trade embargoes. What does this have to do with a trade embargo? He's killing people with machine guns in the streets. We should do - on a humanitarian basis - immediately, go into Libya, knock this guy out, very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives. After it's all done, we go to the protestors who end up running the country - they're gonna like us a lot better than they will if we don't do it - more importantly we're gonna save lives - and we should then say, 'By the way, from all of your oil, we want reimbursement.'"
These two are completely against capitalism in it's purest form
- no handouts for anyone, just earned security [retirement, not a handout]
- no corporate interests at any level of any type of government
- no corporate welfare
- complete reworking / removal of copyright and trademark
- no forced equality of outcome
So there you have it. It's an economic theory that puts emphasis on protection of free market trade and freedom of association, but it can't thus protect national interest and culture.
It's the old argument of "if China can flood Europe with x goods, hundred year old companies with cultural significance to a given European country deserve to die"
I don't believe that.
I thought Hegel was even more lefty than Marx.
Donald Trump got his start in real estate through his daddy, who co-signed for all of Donald's projects in the 1970's. Donald Trump would be an absolute nobody if it weren't for his daddy, who was one of the richest people in the United States in the 1970's.
Additionally, most of Donald Trump's real estate projects have been given huge tax abatements and other subsidies by state and local governments. Donald Trump would be nothing if it weren't for government gibs me dats. Donald Trump is a welfare king.
Pat Buchanan has never in his entire life "named the Jew". The most he ever did was say something mildly opposed to the power of the Israel Lobby.
By the way, Pat Buchanan is a CIA asset. He was part of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird.
Trump has supported EVERY SINGLE American war in the Middle East for the past 16 years. And I have the documentary proof of that.
America is the center of world Jewish power.
America is a Jewish cancer on the planet that needs to be eradicated.
Welcome to Western Civilization. It's Jewish as fuck and always has been.
The bad guy always reveals his true form when he becomes desperate. It's a law.
Trump is gonna win, and there's nothing you can do about it, kike.
I'm sure questioning the holocaust is real kosher.
Such a Renegade XD
now i'm definitely voting for trump
Wasted 88s.
Into the trash you go.
And holy shit the fuck d&c in this thread is mind-blowing.
Can no one else find any shit from kristol and marx?
I'm not even against Trump. Jesus this better be a time of night thing I can blame on Europe, I don't want to believe you're all becoming retarded.
Beck looks like Jared Loughner too. Clones?
ah yes "leon trotsky" aka his birth name (((lev bronstein)))
Read Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition
[citation needed]
No, Buchanan has written a number of books where he allows someone else to name the Jew. For instance, he repeatedly points out that Hitler called the Soviets "Judeo-Bolsheviks," but he never claims that term for himself. [wink wink]
Amen. History is not a force, it's a collection of narratives about the past derived from biased textual sources and interpretations of those narratives.
So? Is there a problem with parents succeeding in life and bequeathing that success onto offspring? Is it not fair to your sense of egalitarianism?
Not having the government plunder your coffers for unwarranted tribute is not a gift, it's the way things should be. You think paying taxes to the ZOG is something people ought to do? I'm pretty sure every true Holla Forumslack supports dodging and evading ZOG taxes as much as possible.
holy shit nigger these kikes are commies
That's very similar to the plot of 'Black Mass'
This isn't a good argument for you to use.