Seriously people, Holla Forums is kill. There is no freedom of speech.
Here is undeniable proof that Dysnomia is censoring negative opinions of pigmaster Jim. On freaking Holla Forums. To the few faggot busy white knighting for Jim (assuming you aren't Jim himself), you can pull your lips off his appendage any time now, because we were right all along. Time to move on people, Holla Forums is cuckchan 2.0.
Jim has a dick so far up dysnomia's butthole he must be using a dildo.
Alexander Hall
Brandon Williams
You were spamming the board
Brayden Jenkins
You can totatly critisize, but look at this shit, spammy as hell. The user who did this even missed some of them. You can say what you like here, but filling the catalogue up day after day with the million and a half of these is rediculous.
Ryan Cox
If you've moved on as you say, why are you still here? Notice how nobody here cares about what people are doing on halfchan for example
Jose Gutierrez
Was I born to suffer?
Asher Price
Who are you talking to? Just because you're one person with many personalities it doesn't mean the rest of the world are.