Why aren't you /fit/, pol? What is your excuse? How will you save those women with your flappy gut?
Are you fit?
Because I am not a faggot. I am however in excellent shape.
I exercise. I eat healthy. I still don't think of myself as fit, and doubt I ever really will.
How is being fit tantamount to Faggotry?
There's different kinds of fits.
Think of it as a sliding scale, mind on one end, body on the other.
You could min-max either way, or go for a pure 50/50.
Of course min-maxing on mind you'd be limited by the need to keep the body fit to fuel the mind.
It came down to get paid 5 dollars more an hour for putting on 15 lbs of muscle or stick with the shittier pay. Years later that muscle was still a damn good investment if I do say so myself.
Get fit you fuckwads, applicable in every facet of your lives.
Gynecomastia. My man boobs look awful with muscle, but they look 'normal' on my now chubby body.
I have been working out for the past few weeks though. I have been gaining more weight than I can tolerate. I now realize how much weaker I am than I was back when I worked out regularly.
You just need to master the shirtless-spine-arch backwards. Then your gyno won't look like anything special.
Try rolling your shoulders back and overextending your back slightly when you're prancing around shirtless with your muscle moobs.
It's not, but /fit/ is gay as fuck. They actually, no joke, believe that brojobs are not gay because it is a straight guys sucking each other's dicks.
Hey man. Greeks and sheeeeeet.
Good for Greeks then. White men should act like white men though. If the other races want to be degenerates in their own countries then that is their deal.
If you take it at the pleasure and trust level and keep it separate from your familial business (makin' babies and providing for your woman), in what way does this degrade society?
Wasn't Sulla gay?
Play rugby so I have to keep myself in good shape.
Bit of a beer gut though due to the excessive beer drinking that the sport demands.
So if we become completely tolerant of the gays they will magically stop prancing around and fucking in the streets like animals? Of course, I have forgotten what an upstanding and model city of morals and decency San Francisco is. There is certainly not rampant STDs, drug abuse, and sexual violence among the homosexual population there.
Oh heavens no. Those people need to have their shit culture wrecked until it moderates into something halfway presentable. Fuck modern homo culture for all the reasons you mentioned, I'm just saying that theoretically in the future if homosexual relations leveled out at a more classical norm it wouldn't be a society-killer.
Getting there, brah.
rifle mounted on my skooter
yes it's important
sage for low effort OP
Yes and it is just theoretical. White people and homosexuality don't mix. Maybe chinks can pull that shit off in feudal japan. Maybe it works for the greeks. But any claims that white people can thrive with active and tolerated homosexuality is dishonest and revisionist. The later republic and the empire periods of Rome showed just that. Caesar was able to gain power because the Roman citizens had become so weak and decadent that he could usurp power. The Empire collapsed because moral decay in their age of decadence lead to a weak population. If you look at how women gained social standing as the men became weaker it is apparent just how damaging homosexuality is to white society.
I'm like 5'11 160 lbs and have decent abs and muscle mass. If I wanted to I could be /fit/, but I drink beer almost every night, smoke cigarettes, and do degenerate things. What can I do to stop this? I have a half finished bench press in my basement, but living on my own with 2 roomates means I have negative reinforcement to do nothing ever.
Because I'm a NEET poorfag.
That's not an excuse, user
It's not about looks your absolute faggot, it's about strength and endurance.
mein sides
Besides doing a lot of cardio how do you even get rid of that shit?
No. I have 3 autoimmune diseases from birth that cause frequent illnesses and restrict my diet.
I am very athletic though regardless. I've spent the majority of my life walking everywhere I need to go and doing manual labor.
I am knowledgeable in anatomy and lightly learned in medicine. I know how to take care of myself. Unfortunately, my genetics work against me. The only woman that I can rightfully embrace is mother nature.
Was, got lazy wasn't, got pissed at myself for turning into such a faggot so I am again.
Kill yourself.
Being tolerant of dudes doing things with other dudes in private is different than tolerating faggotry in public. No one should tolerate faggotry in public, especially fags.
Don't lose hope
I'm not /fit/, because /fit/ is just a little bit less homosexual than /fa/
I do have some muscular development and a healthy ammount of bodyfat though.
Being tolerant is being weak. Mental illnesses shouldn't be considered as a "life choice".
It's 2016, being chubby is in now.
I run for a half hour every other day and lift heavy on the running off days. Currently doing SS. Along with a healthy diet and only drinking water.
Seeing good progress not only physically but mentally.
My gf has noticed and now she wants to lift and run with me, presumably because she's afraid of me getting too /fit/ and finding other girls so now she has to compete. That along with noticeably increased attention from other girls.
Holla Forums was right. Take care of yourself mentally and physically and tfwnogf issues aren't as daunting. Something I had real issues with before
No, I'm not, I'm 227 pounds and 5.6 feet. (170~ cm)
I can't cook worth shit, every food I try to create winds up being disgusting. I only eat ready-made stuff and fast food now.
You know all those memes you see about landwhales being only able to do X physical activity for 5 seconds? Well, that's actually true. I can't sustain running for more than 10~ seconds, and I can barely lift anything other than my mouse. I do try to walk, and I do, but it doesn't seem to help, considering I seem to take about 1.5 kg of food per meal to kill out the hunger I feel, even with the walking I've been doing, my intake is still larger than my consumption.
but feeling hungry is not fun fam
hey, at least I don't say this shit's healthy, I can already feel my heart struggling to do its job, beginning to seriously worry about the possibility of it hitting the bucket bretty soon.
I worked hard lifting this past year and have graduated from a skeleton with a chub jacket to having average strength.
Probably won't be fit for another year or two, but I'll be at the gym nontheless.
Also I should mention that I have pretty high cholesterol levels, since at some point along the way, I discovered frying potatoes was ez as fuck, the 1.5 kg estimate I gave was.. 1.5 kg of potato. Sometimes more. Rarely, if ever less.
Do bodyweights then
If this fatty can do it, you can too.
get enough nutrients and in the right ratios. Most of the hunger will die. Main reason why I'm losing past mass past my set point of like 82 kg.
just do it faggot
cooking is pretty simple and cheap. You don't necessarily have to eat less; changing your will do.
Breakfast for instance:
They're pretty inexpensive
I was never as fat as those landwhales. Jesus fuck they should be starved for their own good.
I tolerate you're faggot ass.
I was the same weight, same height, down to 175 with a ways to go still. It really does boil down to less calories, move around more. Nutrition can take a backseat until losing weight becomes a breeze, which it does once you learn to distract yourself from hunger. I don't even exercise much at all and I'm still losing weight because of self-loathing for being fat driving my will to keep calories low. As soon as you're able to tell hunger pangs to deal with it, that's when you've won.
I'm doing alright
don't you know, all white women are whores, that makes this neckbeards so fat.
Prison food is probably better.
The trouble isn't as much with the expenses as much as it is with all the trouble you need to go through, and all the many, many, many steps in which you can fuck up and ruin everything you've done.
Been thinking about taking appetite suppressants (stimulants, if I can ever get a hold of them), thanks for the advice user.
I am kinda fit, i aint ripped but i really wanna get there.
Pic related and by a bike
This is dumb. More fit people are also smarter than non-fit people. A strong body helps with a strong mind. Being fit and being smart aren't mutually exclusive.
I used to to be scronny and sick with low blood pressure but I've been doing 60 pull-ups or more like a monk each day for 5 months, so I'm starting to see my muscular flabs, and reduce body flubber. Gotta kick the physically unfit jew.
Anybody know what I can do to increase intensity or different types of exercise for good all-around cardiovascular benefit?
What exercise removes the metal toxicity our doctors and federal healthcare care so much about?
Walk for 30 mins
100g oats
80g most natural PB can find
2 oranges
250g natural yoghurt
tinned steamed mackerel
third of a cup of rice
150g eggs
100g spinach
add sum spices
mustard with eggs and spinach?
Dadbod is the new fitbod
You can't do pushups, because you haven't trained your arms and YOU'RE FAT. Starting off at full body weight is bad enough for skinnyfats who've never used their arms for anything but jerking off, an extra 80 pounds isn't going to help matters. Find a bag of cat litter, dog food, something, and bench press it. Deadlift it. Move it around in different ways. It's what the niggers do.
want like another 5- 10 mg of zinc
otherwise looks good on cronometre
I'm sorry user, but if you draw the line at cutting a fucking tomato the problem is with you, not how difficult it is to prepare food.
Sack up, learn to cook and feed your tribe something that's not McPoison.
This is a message to all big guys out there and guys striving to get big. If you do not train your cardiovascular system and only pick up heavy things, you are basically a failed organism. Being a big guy isn't even close to what real fitness is, but it definitely has benefits and advantages.
I used to be a big guy like you until I became a competitive athlete. I used to think being a big guy was the endgame for fitness in my simple mind. Then I started racing road bikes like a total fag and doing marathons.
Now I understand why most people don't do cardio, because it's prolonged/sustained/controlled suffering and most people are huge pussies.
If you are shredded, but can't even outrun a pack of niggers on PCP, just stick to adult milk drinking and video games.
If your resting heart rate is above 55, you're not "fit".
If I sound smug, it's because I'm a better person than you just from training cardio. You can actually be fit one day if you stop getting mad on the internet and further develop your training beyond lifting for self-esteem issues.
That's old.
Dadbod laster like 3 days before it was killed.
No. Because no amount of muscle or cardio will save you from a gunshot.
you can be fit all you want it still won't save you from a snipe-
even if he's fat
Just get a pdf of Convict Conditioning - it is the best book for getting fit and functionally strong.
I lost, likeā¦ 60 pounds. I run and do a bodyweight routine most days. Not exactly super fit, but I know people who can't even run a mile without completely losing it. I also don't drink coffee, alcohol, or soda and I don't smoke.
If I can do it, anyone who doesn't have a serious illness or disability can.
Yeah, and most gunfights happen on your cough with a bag of cheetos.
You've got no excuse user.
Who's Byrd?
I need to start swimming, biking, skating or something, I fucked my back so most lifting is out for the time being.
i use to be active as fuck, now I need a breather after 1/4mile on my bike. really fucking sucks.
Ridiculous. If you can't even manage yourself, how do you expect to be anything in your life?
Grow up.
deadlift and going for runs and if you are overweight ride a stationary bike until your thin enough to run without damaging your knees
Ye and I'm sure my receding hairline and weak jaw is beautiful aswell.
Do these dumb cunts think that if they keep saying something is beautiful, it will suddenly be? I swear leftism is a fucking mental illness where you not only think you're entitled to other people's money, you're also entitled to their admiration. It's like they're all 5 year old in the head.
I'm a fucking dwarf, getting /fit/ would make me look even more ridiculous.
Cardio wont get rid of it. Gynecomastia is not fat, it's tissue. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it and since it's a cosmetic surgery it is quite expensive.
forever a mutant
Should I go lurk fit?
Kill me.
No, it's women's fault!
At least you get to be fit. Don't feel too bad, user.
>tfw no qt 3.14 gf to love and cuddle with
I better stop before I derail the thread.
/fit/ isn't the entire fitness community you autistic fucking freak.
I know your type perfectly, the nerdy and scrawny (or do you prefer to tell people you're wiry?) type who took a couple of taekwondo lessons and now looks down on anyone bigger and better than himself as some sort of savage. Go fuck yourself, you pessimistic nay-sayer and stop dragging everyone down with you simply because you're intimidated by Chad.