accidently left open a folder whilst my mom brought me food
how obvious is the porn in this pic? I have to assume she saw it, but I guess it helps to have realistic estimates of how likely it was
Also not underage, yes I'm a manchild in every way, yes I am pure fucking cancer, win 10, cancerous retarded tv-shows, cancerous, terrible triple a games everywhere, I know. It's not the point though
Accidently left open a folder whilst my mom brought me food
She didn't see shit, user, and even if she did, who cares? If you're an adult then she's probably aware you have seen porn already. Something tells me you're underage though, in this case she'll probably talk to you about it if she saw it, which I don't think she did.
the only thing that makes this noteworthy is that my parents are real Christians (not stupid leftie shit) and there may have never been such an awkward moment my entire life between me and them. Of course I always assumed that they assumed I was doing what every other male in this degenerate age does nowadays at home: masturbate furiously and if that is the case (which I have no way of knowing) there's absolutely nothing of significance in this.
Not obvious at all. I had to look really closely to find it. Also having Windows 10 helps - the cluttered, incoherent UI makes it almost impossible to find anything, even when you know it's there.
thanks for the input. I trust that she'd have made a remark if I had some throatfuck video open but these 2 thumbnails were so small I guess I can just talk to her like nothing happened
Trust us, you're good.
PS: I just use Windowkey+D if someone walks in :)
i will reply just because you have vice city installed on your pc. she didn't see shit, even i had to look about 1 min to understand where is the porn you are talking about. and elders see the screen differently in my opinion since they are less experienced they most likely to see bunch of shit they don't understand.
but fuck you for just asking this question, why do you care even if she saw the porn, fuck her and fuck your shame, you are gonna die you know user, start getting your shit together and be a man, live your life. don't give a fuck about what others think about your choices. remember, you are going to die
I think you're good. Buy to be safe delete everything. Sell your computer and buy a new one.
Only if you look close you can see the porn.
I can tell you from personal experience that gf's and parents are kinda shit at noticing porn.
Hey, buddy, I know a good place for you to fit in!
I fucking hate video games, that's why I only play the blandest, mindless shit. My "taste" in everything really - shows, movies, vidya, music - is absolutely superficial and awful. I don't know why, I'm just the most uninteresting, insignificant normalfag to ever exist
What is the size of your screen?
How old is your mom?
On a scale of one to 10, how tech savvy is she?
Answer these and I will tell you.
Literally nothing wrong with these games, he just fell for the le casual bandwagon. Ask him what games he deems to be good and laugh your ass off
24 inch screen
in her 50s I think
she didnt see shit.
Her age and savviness implies that she has no interest in technology and she would not be inspecting thumbnails inside folders.
Your desktop is messy and that helps because there are so many things too look at that it would be unlikely for her to notice your porn folder at first glance
also dump some of that porn
I would gladly if I didn't share my internet with others and if it wasn't so fucking shit. Uploading anything will almost completely stall download for anyone else using the same connection. The actual problem is with cable/wire data transfer capacity, not isp. And thanks for your opinion
next time get her to walk in on you while you are jacking off to Mr Hands or something Chrischans new 'vagina'. Then in the future she will leave your food at your door, knock and walk away and cry.
does this actually work?
I have like six 5km eggs and cba to go outside
It technically does, but if you put your phone in the microwave the way that pic indicates you'll ruin it.
What you have to do is wrap your phone in foil first. That way the charge from the microwave will be dispersed around the phone and won't damage it. Just wrap your phone in foil and put it in the microwave for however long it takes to get the required distance.
The numbers the pic gives for distance are correct, so you can use those.
cool, will try this
Obviously you are German. How will you keep that hidden from your mom?
It's not obvious, unless she was actually looking at your computer. If she just walked into your room, then she probably didn't notice kffESd033Hz2 or the recent files.
user, please clean your shit
And why is that?