
thinking bout buying a pistol Holla Forums

any suggestions?

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Dont buy them, is wrong.

I need them for home defense

I'm moving into a neighborhood full of meth addicts so I need a gun and good for home defense suggestions

i suggest that you shoot yourself when you get it

I may yet user

I may yet

Thats wrong user, check your non addict privilege please.

Glock. Can't go wrong. Full size, 9mm or .45 acp.
And/or Remington 870 shotgun. cheap, simple,r reliable and will kill anything you hit. Load it with buck shot.

make sure it doesnt stove pipe for when you need to really need to drop a nigga

takes more than one bullet to incapacitate subhumans

Doesn't take more than one shell of 00buck or a slug to the chest.

is there buckshot for pistols? that's be awesome

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Ive heard Glocks are prone to jamming tbh and I was looking at a Beretta 92FS or an AMT hardballer longslide

but I'm open to suggestions

I just got one of these and I really enjoy it, would recommend


Jericho PL? hows it for home defense? whos the manufacturer?

L O L I'm interested in buying a pistol and I'm not an idiot

but nice meme user

Glocks are NOT prone to jamming. Where did you hear that bs. Most reliable auto pistols hands down. Whatever you pick just train with it and go to the range often. Shooting is quite fun too.

I got it in 9mm because I wanted it as a fungun
but if you got it in .40 S&W I think it would be ideal

also available steel frame

Maker is IWI, very good weapons, made UZI, Tavor, Desert Eagle

from a guy at a gunshow a few weeks ago

and yeah ive been shooting before but mostly with .22s

I just want a simple 9mm that I can use for home defense tbh

Yes, why yes their is! Check out the judge or any variation.


Guy is a moron or was trying to sell another brand. Glock 17. The most reliable and ruggedly simple full sized auto pistol in the world. No bs.

yeah he was tryin to sell me a Smith and Wesson something or other

wasn't really looking for one then though cause I was still with my parents

They shoot .410 shot shells or 45 long Colt. Pretty neat. Check out the Taurus judge/public defender. Ok choice for a home defense gun. Glock 17 doe.

is a glock good for a woman? my gf is getting her ccw and I want to get her something good to take with her to work

Absolutely, full size prolly too big for cc. But they make compact and sub compact as well. Depends where / how she carries. I assume purse. Just rack the slide and squeeze the trigger. Simplest you can get unless you opt for a revolver. S and Wesson j frames are popular for cc and woman. Very small and very simple.

If she carries a firearm make SURE she knows how to shoot. Take her to the range

her dad took her too shoot more than mine ever took me tbh

shes a better shot than me as well

if you want a box that shoots, glock 17 or 19

if you want something sexy, beretta 92fs

ill brobably go with the beretta then

Stovepiping is usually caused by a weak grip. Otherwise, Glocks are extremely reliable, and you can take your pick of size and caliber without the gun feeling really different.

I'm glad you made this on the wrong board.

I'm looking at a Beretta m92.
I shot one a few weeks ago,twas nice.

H&K VP9 is my personal favorite 9mm

CZ-75 is viewed by many as the best 9mm ever, I don't like it personally but it's accurate af

1911 is the best handgun ever made, but .45 might not be practical

Is there a particular style or caliber you're looking for?

CZ is my second choice.
I'm stuck between the Beretta and CZ

Nvm I just saw you said 9mm earlier. If you want simple, I'd go Glock. Beretta 92 is a bit more complex but it's not crazy. Another cool thing about Glocks is that many carbines accept Glock mags as well.

I stated what I wanted it for earlier retard.

But not in the OP because you don't think before you post.

right now I just need something I can use to frighten off crazy ass methheads when I'm not offshore

cz seems nice ill check it out

ive shot the beretta before and I liked it but ill try the ones you suggested

fair enough

I daily carry a Glock 26 or 19 (clothes permitting). I find both are easily concealable with the right holster (Galco Stow-N-Go my personal favorite).

Go to a gun shop, see what fits your hand best. Most pistols will serve you well as long as they fire .45 ACP.

When it comes to home defense, a good rifle or shotgun is more effective. A pistol is more effective for defense on the go, where you'll need a concealable gun… although you'll likely need that if you plan to be leaving your house.

I work offshore and am mostly a homebody when not at sea so I just want something can have in a hip holster while I watch tv

Any tips for someone that wants to buy a gun in a no-gun country (in Europe)?

If you just need something at home, consider getting a proper rifle. You're going to get better accuracy with a rifle than a handgun, and you'll be more better equipped for multiple intruders.

Move to the US. Obtain citizenship somehow. Become a voter and keep the second amendment protected. And also go out and buy a gun.

But I don't want to go to the US, I just want to blow my head off.

1. Go to Italy.
2. Find someone who is in the mafia.
3. Pay them 50 euros to shoot you.
4. ????
5. Profit!

I'd have to go and die in Italy, I want to die in a familiar place where my remains can be recovered.

Why do you want your remains to be recovered?

.22 is good for starters - ammo's cheap for practice, kickback's low; will injure and can kill; can't pierce most armor

You probably want a .32 or .357 after you get some practice with that - if you need a stronger gun than that then say fuck it and move. If you can't move and you have the money get a desert eagle (.470 or .500) but beware that shit is powerful (and pricey) - it'll go through walls and may fuck up people you didn't intend to harm. Use your common sense before anything else and don't be afraid to get a second, third, and fourth opinion.

Taurus PT 111

Good gun, first real gun i've had the pleasure of firing. It's safe, likelihood of misfire is low.
And as far as i know it's cheap.

Dunno actually. Just feel uncomfortable with disappearing like that, besides I want to leave a note and stuff. Anyway, I don't think a mafioso would go through the trouble of killing someone and having to get rid of the body for just 50€… I just need a gun tbh.

Fuck, then just buy a gun from the mafia and smuggle it back into your country.

Why didn't you ask /k/, user? The board here's relatively active.


Since there's already discussion here though, may as well ask as well.

I live in Texas, have no criminal record, have never owned or fired a gun. I am interested in getting something for home defense though. How long would it take me to be able to get one, how awkward is learning how to use it going to be? I mean, will I be looked down on for having no clue or will they be helpful about it?

What sort of price range am I looking at? I can't get anything good in the hundred dollar range, can I? It'd be nice just to have a little handgun and a shotgun.

also make sure the ammo's correct - you want .22 short for a .22 pistol, not .22 long (for a rifle).

ive used guns before

used to squirrel hunt with my grandpa just don't know much about the different types.

but yeah thank you user

the only thing that should be arduous for you user is the paperwork

I hear it sucks ass

That could be a solution but I was asking for tips on how to do that. I don't know anyone that sells guns and I have no idea of how I could find such a person.

Go to the store and tell them you're buying your first gun. They'll be more than happy to help you out. If they have a range too you can rent guns to try out before you decide what to buy.
The 'paperwork' doesn't suck. That other user is a retard. The 4473 takes an entire minute to fill out and just asks for your personal info and a few questions about whether your a convicted felon, US citizen, etc… Also, expect to spend a few hundred $'s if you want anything decent.
I don't know why you people ask this shit here instead of over at /k/.