How to deal with old bad memories ? :(

How to deal with old bad memories ? :(






hang in there. tech is not too far away from being able to selectively scrub unwanted memories

until then, best to spend your time trying to create positive new memories

and maybe go see a shrink



I know this may sound ridiculous, but whenever a bad memory is plaguing me, I just tell myself "it doesn't exist anymore". And I repeat that until it doesn't feel so bad anymore.

booze and lots of it


but I live in saudia arabia

and? there's always a way to get booze, even if there's prohibition

Born and raised?

its too hard and worthless risk


Take a pic outside

but wait

Because I find it very interesting that you live in an Arab country, and I want confirmation.

i cant take a pic outside cus there is many neighbors in the balcony and it will be very creepy and stupid
what kind of confirmation u need

get over it

do you have Pokemon Go there?

Do it later then. It would be interesting to see your surroundings.

okay, you too

yes and many of them think that it was made by the jews to assault on the sanctity of the mosques

yeah, those japanese jews are quite sneaky