Libertarians support expansion of civil liberties
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I say no.
Because they support the liberties of the fetus
lolbergs are still retards
nice doubles and pic combination
Lol, okay.
In all honesty, I was kinda thinking it's a political strategem to curry favor with the uneducated and/or ignorant conservative base.
What really boggles my mind is when AnCaps say the exact same thing. Like, whatever happened to anarchy, anyways?
Libertarians can go right and should go right, we just need to convince them with good arguments.
The libertarian ideology is inconsistent and only provides half-measures at best, more news at 11.
t. former libertarian
these doubles happend to anarchy
you know damn well that "rights" go to humans, and its all about the definition of a "human life." Now fuck off nigger
Libertarianism is shit.
But even so, stop trying to create wedges.
This kind of low-effort garbage may fly on halfchan, but it doesn't here
It's a genuine question I had earlier today. Figured this would be the best place to ask it.
My god, what was I thinking?
What are the reasons for the abortion? If it's killing a child for social or economic reasons, or is there a dire emergency where the life of the mother is in jeopardy?
Lolbergtarians aren't on our side
Christfags aren't on our side
Mudslimes aren't on our side
It's not D&C when you're the fucking enemy
Anyone who isn't nationalist, facist or pro-white is the enemy. No kikey religions or marxist shit allowed.
Now fuck off shill.
It's a 50-50 split, and generally exits because many libertarians consider abortion murder.
I'm a no-step-on-snek type myself, and I AM against abortion, but what these people dont realize is that nobody's right to life supercedes your right to your own body. I hate abortion with all my soul, but it's not like you can force someone to donate a kidney to save another person's life, so why can you force someone to let their cunt be destroyed by a rampaging ball of elbows and foreheads?
They consented to it unless they were raped.
Those are neocucks who are either so delusional or so crafty that they think they're libertarians, or just use the name for political cred, respectively. Most everyone who claims to be a libertarian and goes against libertarian philosophy is just full of shit about being libertarian.
They give libertarians a bad name.
Sex comes with responsibilities. You shouldn't neglect those responsibilities because you don't want to deal with having a child. Have unprotected sex? That's your fault.
And yet they see nothing wrong with people selling babies.
Ancaps are more autistic than even regular libertarians.
That is standard lolberg bullshit. They also see nothing wrong with not feeding a baby as they are able to use mental gymnastics to explain it away as not a violation of the non-aggression principle.
The nose goes that way >>>/oven/, slide on over
For example read Rothbard kiking out on children
This. Every time I think of individual rights to your own body, I remind myself that women don't deserve rights and should be punished for messing around with forced responsibility. If a woman wants to have sex, then she deserves to have a child that will bankrupt and enslave her life.
Lolbergs: Too jewish to feed, clothe, and educate their children.
Every time I read this shit I keep thinking of Monty Python's Holy Grail and a lolberg screaming at a starving child
i dont even think killing the kid in rape is good. sins of the father and all that.
kill the rapist, birth the kid, adopt.
Sins of the father are inherited by the sons. The child deserves to die if it was rape.
Come on man. Aborting niggers, spics, and arabs needs to happen or else we will be overwhelmed.
theres other ways of solving that problem.
For the most part, abortion is a catch 22.
It's the "Who has more rights, the mother or the fetus?" argument.
Some people see it as women having more rights, while some see the opposite.
It's like asking "Which is worse: A serial rapist or a serial killer?"
Both are pretty bad, it just depends on how you look at it.
Women should not have rights. End of discussion.
The real catch 22 comes when it's a female child. Then who has more rights, since neither should?
You can't initiate force against anyone for any purpose. Apparently everyone in a libertarian society would just implicitly understand this and never violate it. It's a load of utopian trash, libertarians have no conception of game theory and thus live as though everyone will play by the rules and hope for the best. The only way a libertarian society could ever work is if it was completely isolated and nobody knew about it, which by definition makes it pretty fucking useless, just like marxism. In fact, just about any materialistic ideology fucking dies because people don't care about property or principles, they care about them and their own.
tl;dr ancap/libertarians - not even once
It would only work in a homogeneous white society, because the white race is utopian.
I may not like the concept, but it's a highly efficient means of slowing down our demographic demise
my oh my what amazing arguement you have madeā¦
here you go have a golden star on your goodness chart.
don't you go smokin all that weed now in one sitting there bud.
Whites get aborted too. Gain some perspective, nigger.
aborting a kid is a blood sacrifice to moloch
whats worse? 9 months of inconvenience or a dead child?
you dont need to abort black babies to stop them taking over. you kick them out of your nation and let them worry about themselves. cut all welfare and their population shrinks tremendously.
the "instinctual knowledge" is called being raised by your parents who understand the rules. nobody violates it because that's a provocation of conflict. Think of each man as a country, you'd never say that about one country invading another, that there has to be some kind of magical utopian solution for it to work because its called having an army of your own and allies. What occurs in an ancap scenario is that every person is enrolled in a pseudo defensive alliance. If some nigger walks in and tries to rob a convenience store and 1-in-3 people carry a firearm the nigger gets shot.
An ancap society only requires a high average IQ and cohesive family units to impart values.
no, the question is: is a fetus a person? being a person grants you certain rights, so every society must first define personhood. The problem is people have different definitions. You don't need more rights than another person to not be killed by them, equivalent rights is all you need. Societies come up with all sorts of different criteria for personhood, like european christians often killed their babies before they were baptized as they weren't considered people until then
Yes, but whites aren't the ones doing the raping.
because baby-murder is sick and unnatural
fuck off degenerate
this valueless nihilistic kikery is why modern lolbergs are a joke
the founders understood that you cannot have a free nation when it's made up of immoral people
Civil liberties doesn't include the right to murder
I bet you kiss hookers faggot