Can Holla Forums redpill me on racemixing? Leave your personal feelings out of it.
Can Holla Forums redpill me on racemixing? Leave your personal feelings out of it
I mean if your goal is to leave people ignorant and bluepilled, go for it. I just hope that having less redpilled people is part of your plan in that case, it doesn't seem like it would help your goals.
This be a Nicki Minaj thread now
are you a big guy?
user, are you talking about races living together or half-breeds.
For you.
Scrap the nicki minaj idea this is now a elvis thread
Worst girl
Worst thread
Sage is not a downvote.
That's not Yoko
Perhaps reddit would be better for you? You don't know how to hide threads AND you want people to stay bluepilled.
this thread is as bad as racemixing
nah this thread is just riiight for me
When Whites racemix with other races it contributes to White genocide.
That's all you need to know.
You're going to have to explain how genocide is a bad thing without an emotional argument.
the best
You know it baby
Less biodiversity on the planet.
Every species deserves to exist.
Are you actually suggesting species going extinct is a good thing?
If so, I ask you to please explain how having fewer species on the planet is a good thing.
Not an argument.
If genocide is committed on a group, the affected group by merit of having it happen to them and not being able to stop it is inferior. If they were a superior group, they would have been so strong that they could not have been genocided.
The strong defeat the weak. This is how the world works. If someone genocides you, you are an inferior race for letting it happen.
Right of conquest. No species has any inherent right to exist. The weak die out.
If there was any meaning to life besides self perpetuation, then that line of thinking might have some merit.
cmon now user
So then then was literally nothing wrong with the Holocaust, right?
Also, if the White race rises up and exterminates all the other races, then there would literally be nothing wrong with that. Right?
Why not kill yourself then? If there's no meaning to life and you're going to die a virgin you might as well end it all.
I know it's a shitposter, I'm just having fun.
Woe is me, this sounds very racist to me i'm going to call president butt naked.
Nice doubles user
I pray the double digits bless me aswell.
I am in full agreement.
I'm inquisitive and might as well experience the world before I die. Since I'm here now I'll live, but I would have preferred that I hadn't been born in the first place.
7777 GET
Very nice
Then sacrifice your life by taking out as many non-whites as you can with you.
At least then you won't be shitting up this already shitted up board.
Uh huuuuh!
But I have no interest in involving myself in the problems between those groups.
Genocide isn't necessarily bad. White genocide is.
That sounds hypocritical.
I'll give you a icecream if you jump off a bridge
Give me a lifetime of ice creams and I'll do it when I'm about to die of old age.
Thanks baby
aww shit
What have you done?
This thread got derailed rather rapidly didn't it?
we're very on-topic this is a elvis thread
That's a high quality elvis image, do you mind if i save it
Go ahead
This thread already exists.
You've made it about six times today, using different phrasing.
The mods are worthless.
Thanks user
elvis is bill clinton
As hypocritical as not wanting to exterminate a hive of bees but wanting to exterminate a den of **turk*roaches.
False-flag confirmed.
Meant to point to this picture
Elvisposting is officially a meme
Check em
Elvis guy, you're the absolute highest energy poster I've seen in a while. Nice work.
huh uh
I love you and your doubles aswell
Notice my dubs Elvis-senpai!
off by 5
Amazing user
Y-you too…
11 GET
NOOOOOO i have failed you all.
Truly sorry for my error
We still love you, sempai!
After all even the King is only human.
You've already earned your place in Memehalla
S-stop. You make me blush…
Thank you baby i appreciate it.
It's because you're so good at getting the doubles i can't help but check em
I would say there are two reasons. 1) Racemixing is a demonstration of terrible judgment with consequences which will be felt by your offspring.
Would the children produced by someone like Thomas Sowell and a white woman be better than those whom she would have otherwise bred with a low-performing white male? Probably. That's an extreme case, though. Assuming each party is average (which, statistically speaking, they probably are) Mixed children (ie white-black/mexican) will have a
lower IQ and have worse educational and occupational (a limited but tangible measure of real productivity and worth to society) outcomes than children produced by a white-white pairing. That's not muh feels, that's what has been measured from real-world cases. For that reason, and the intelligence/performance gap between races is pretty damn obvious, a mixed race couple shows that one party is seriously compromising their children's potential. This is no different reasoning than why you shouldn't breed with a dysfunctional, unemployed drug-addict.
The second reason is this: Tribe matters. People are gregarious and we are built to understand and operate in the world in groups. That's not a normative or emotional judgment; that's just a consequence of evolutionary necessity. People with no sense of history or belonging tend to be low-performing and have poor psychological health.
Every mulatto I've known personally desperately oversells his/her 'blackness' because they are so distraught that they are not accepted by the black community for being "light-skinned" and are too dark to be accepted by whites either. That's a pretty fucked up situation to put a kid into just because you want to be progressive. "Love" is not a valid counter. "Love" is propinquity. There are no soulmates. There are just people whom represent the best mate selection of what you view to be a relevant pool of applicants.
So basically . . . racemixing WILL produce children of lower aptitude and an inability to relate to a greater sense of racial identity (which is about all that's left since communities and religion have become much less relevant for us).
Polite sage for forum rules
This is now officially a shitposting thread
pic unrelated
It never had a rail
Each time you do it you remove up to 50% of your genetic history and replace it with 50% of another species. You can imagine why this could be detrimental, especially when it comes to disease resistance, organ transplants (half blacks have a hard time receiving bone marrow iirc), reproductive health, etc.
Also it's fucking disgusting and anyone who does it should be ashamed of themselves.
Just enter this delousing chamber first
diversity is our strength! :^)
Can anything be said to be bad without an emotional argument?