There's still anons that don't know everyone else migrated to the new software
Other urls found in this thread:
how many fucking chans are there now?
the "new software" is shit
the fuck is that
spread your internet aids elsewhere thank u
The Netherlands you fucking newfag
here's your fucking 16chan in its natural state
How come there isn't a 1chan?
There was a 1chan but it got shut down for cp
go there see this in the header
fuckin retards
You epitomise what went wrong with the chans. You are the deadly gas here and elsewhere in an internet subculture gasping for air.
You go to another chan and only look at the stats. The place is slow, ergo it's shit. You return triumphant and trash the site.
Chans are collaborative enterprises. You don't just turn up empty handed to watch the show: you're supposed to contribute. Chans don't come ready made like anime comics and those who snipe without adding value -you for example-
on a loop.
Not the same guy, but you need to work on your reading comprehension.
That user was merely criticizing the fact that the board said that it has existed for 0 days.
hi josh.
It's slow and it is shit finally I do not want to contribute to your faggotry.
That just makes his criticism hollower still.
OMG there's an error in the stat/date calculation. The whole site: contributors, software and admin are consequently total shit.
If you fly any lower, you'll no longer be airborn.
You need to do better than that, OP…
jew is a religion, not a race
it is a race you cancerous ponycuck.
Ha goteem
The idea of people ever migrating to joshe's chan is absurdist. Considering he's the one who broke Holla Forums for forever.
In concept it's basically the same thing as here without the established community, so in the end it'll never happen. Holla Forums is the less censored and controlled version of 4chan.
Nigger it was touted as new and improved.
You can't even get your post calculator working correctly.
Also, don't preach to me about content. I have been bringing the content
to the chans for years.
Asshat, they make threads about my contributions.
it is new. improved is a question of opinion. i am not josh and don't use his site. i'm a chan user and argue only that inane and unjustified criticism of chan sites is cancer.
Not for one second do I believe your claims about being a major contributor over the years. You're just another worthless faggot filled to the brim with admiration for himself. The chans are usually a leveller, but your dishonesty and arrogance have defeated even this pillar of chan culture.. Thanx for your contribution.
Also, don't bother with endless screencaps or spam. You're on the losing side.
it looks like shit and it's dead
This is not even Josh or anyone from KiwiDoxChan. This is the same faggot with ten threads in the catalog saying this place is shit, the anal adventures of Jim, abducted kids, Pedochan is down, etc.
Same spammer, same bullshit every damn day. This morning they tried making new pedo threads, saying they were back to stir up more shit. They would get banned and the thread deleted, and another would be back in minutes. By all means check out !6chan, librechan, Holla, anywhere you like. But if you see OP's pic related, or a Jim thread, or any of these obvious template bullshit threads
Not sage and a fuck you, not "do not bump"
If you see other replies popping up, don't check it out. It'll be the same thing. Get fucking smart you double niggers
It's just fodder for the spammers. Fuck 'em.
Complete and utter fail again, user. Bravo.
Just give up and watch tv. You are out of your league here.
No that's OP, or his opening sales pitch. No one will ever migrate there with this horrible and lazy shilling, if that's what it truly is it's fucking not.
That's the fucking pitch? You make a lot of good points about bringing in new content with new users, and the ebin oldfag master of the OC didn't do himself any favors. (No that wasn't me, this is my first reply ITT.) And if I fucked up who I was replying to yes I did my point remains that this shit, this fucking shit b8 floats down the catalog in bunches of ten to twenty threads a day.
It's deliberate. It's meant to lead users bored astray and ignore making their own threads or participate in others. It's meant to bring this place down. And fucking kill it.
I want what you want. A leveled, active community where more lurkers see things that they like and jump in. I want that community back. You're getting this bickering, bullshit back and forth because that's getting to be the only thing left here. When anons see that shitfaced faggot up there in OP for the 100th thresd this month, no one is getting the benefit of the doubt.
Sorry user, you made good points. Just sick of the shit Jim and Josh show. It's the giant pile of bargain basement, peel and eat shrimp that's festering at the buffet, taking up a huge spot in the middle and never gets cleared. Fucking ever.
And I guess that's the end of my spaghetti drop.
dude 420
-Joshua "Blaze it to the Moon"
Kill yourself, nigger. Go back to wherever you came from.