If you are American and you plan to vote for Trump, post your reasons.
No condemnation is allowed in this thread! We will calmly discuss the situation.
If you are American and you plan to vote for Trump, post your reasons.
No condemnation is allowed in this thread! We will calmly discuss the situation.
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hillary is worse than he is.
that's pretty much it.
Why do you think she's "worse"?
(worse at what?)
I don't believe in not voting or voting third party, I get it IS a political statement, and I'd totally get why someone would do that. but I think it's useless. So for me the question is "who is worse?" and it's definitely Hillary. The worst that can be said about Trump is that he's not as good a businessman as he portrays himself to be (he's definitely not a failure though by a long shot), makes controversial statements sometimes and is kinda crass in general.
Hillary though? Criminal who got a off easy because she's a Clinton, doesn't care about anything other than herself, involved in some seriously criminal/sketchy shit and it's not even a "tinfoil" opinion/conspiracy theory that she is. I wouldn't have a drink with Trump, I don't think he's a good morally pure guy, but Hillary is just a vile human being/politician, she's a demon.
Trump: Successful, 500 businesses.
Hillary: Failure, 1 business (Whitewater)
Trump: Knows foreign policy, has done business overseas, understands the world
Hillary: Rabid, pandering Zionist, doesn't give a shit about anything but the Jews and their shekels.
Trump: Popular with voters who have jobs and pay taxes
Hillary: Popular with baby mommas, crackheads, unemployed millenials and special snowflake women
Trump: Loves America, believes in equal rights for all, hard work, traditional values which have been part of human existence for 100,000 years.
Hillary: Marxist/Communist, believes in moral relativism, pushes anti-white hate because its part of strategy to destroy society in preparation for Communist takeover with her at top
Trump: Self-made, has wholesome family. Employs 30,000+ people.
Hillary: Got rich in politics through bribes by foreigners, has no real family other than daughter who lives off her coattails but has no real talent for business. Fake marriage, they don't even sleep in the same bedroom together.
worse at being a decent human being
and that's saying a lot, since trump is quite idiotic himself
but he doesn't seem to be as evil as she is
Are you aware of the trail of unpaid workers, unpaid bills, unpaid suppliers that Donald Trump has left through the USA?
Are you aware of his longstanding rule that when the fee is paid down to about £30,000 then he stops paying? Because the legal fees are higher than the remainder.
Are you aware that he's the most consistent LIAR that has stood for this office in a very long time?
Just checking. How could you make that Hillary's big defect.
I can explain your statement in only one way….you BELIEVE the things that Trump says.
Why don't you examine his record? His words are basically worthless. Listening to them is a waste of time.
Are you away that she's a fucking criminal?
No Donald Trump
Cite examples please
Cite examples please
Cite examples please
She's still under investigation, now by the IRS for the Clinton Foundation and tax dodging.
They may "Al Capone" her yet.
Illegals drive down wages, send money out of the US economy, and incentivize worker exploitation.
The US should be less interventionalist
PC culture and identity politics need to die
Manufacturing needs to return to the US
a few reason for starters
bonus: I really want to see liberals butthurt and crying on 11/9
Ya gotta admit the DNC convention was an entertaining shitshow
i support this user's request for citations
A huge reason is the TPP
The Democratic party started out as a pro-slavery racist bunch, they created the Ku Klux Klan and resisted all integration. Republicans were called "the party of the nigger". Then, the Democrats were co-opted by the Jew, and became a full blown Marxist/Leninist party masquerading as "progressive".
Thats why you saw Palestinian and Soviet flags being waved at the DNC but not American flags. They seriously honestly hate America and want to make it into Amerika.
Hillary is leading that charge, as she was a writer for a radical Marxist news paper during her college years in Yale. She was also a student follower of Saul Alinsky, a Jewish extremist.
I'm voting for Trump because i care about muh gun rights. Also /k/tard here.
I am, how you say, very much a happy American cowboy yes. I am thinking I much like how Trump is of friends with every people but very good friends with Russia. I like peace and love and I think Trump will be friends because Hillary is an evil spinster witch (I know she is married but think of it yes? There is no sex). Russia just want happy and much to eat like everyone else, to grow big and strong with many friends to move in and make Russia cool guy.
I can't tell the difference between his actual comics and the Holla Forumstard edits any longer. They really got to him. If you can't beat them, join them, as they say.
Cuck detected! Back to Holla Forums!
I just made this thread if you want to talk more about the election.
I believe the American people will take their country back. Hillary is just more of the same corruption.
You're kidding! He is not my type.
You must be retarded or just a really shitty troll.
I gotta give this 2/10 for just me biting.
He is a geek.
I want to piss Liberals off because you're all a bunch of babies with no self control or self respect. I want to drown in the tears of powerless rage that a Trump presidency will produce in you.
Also Hilary Clinton will say literally anything to get elected and will make literally any promise to anyone in exchange for money. Saudi Arabia will own 49% of the country before the end of her first term and she'll suddenly be the richest woman on Earth, while you cucks applaud her for implementing a two tier minimum wage, giving women an extra 23% hourly over men to "fix the wage gap", because you're all fucking retarded and think that A: that's a thing, and B: that will actually accomplish what you hope. Meanwhile I'll be laughing my ass off, just not as hard as if Trump wins because I derive physical pleasure from watching imbeciles cry.
Liberals get triggered when I as much as tell them I'm voting for Trump.
Imagine how triggered they will be when Trump wins.
There will be suicides and chimp outs.
I'm independent. Traditionally vote more left for state and national elections, more right locally (yes I'm old, been a voter a long fucking time). But in the last five years or so liberals have gone batshit insane and rabid. It's fucking hilarious. Guy I work with says that men never rape women, they only rape LGBT people. Says that republicans are fear mongers, but if you elect one they're gonna start a nuclear holocaust on day one. Etc. He also misstates facts about recent news stories (Claims Obama's speech unified the Dems and all the Sanders protestors unilaterally support Hillary now), which I correct him on. So he almost hyperventilates telling me how insane it is that I don't support Hillary. It's hard to restrain my laughter when he talks about it.
I can tell he wants to punch me. And that makes me feel pic related.
I voted Obama in '08. After the NDAA 2012 where he signed away the right of American citizens to a fair and speedy trial, I decided to abstain in the next election since Romney sucks balls.
I spent a lot of time being a good lefty, but the Obama presidency made them think they had a mandate to do whatever the fuck they want and demand everything for nothing.
I got tired of constantly being villified by the left for being a fucking white male and told that I ought not to be helped by the society I live in while millionaire's sons should be handed free rides to college for their skin color.
All my lefty friends are exasperated by my choice. I explain it to them very simply and it just won't compute. They just sort of sputter as they try to decide whether to attack me for being a fucking white male, call Trump a big meanie, a misogynist, or a racist, and now a Russian spy.
If they could stop being so fucking dishonest, they might have had a chance at this election. But their jingoism and allegiance to idealogues has painted them into a corner.
Trump 2016 MAGA
His stance on trade deals favors the unemployed and impoverished.
It also goes against corrupt globalist corporations and their bought politicians.
His position on immigration protects us from refugees.
His position on foreign aid favors the taxpayers.
Hillary is worse.
His rhetoric is amusing.
I hate Illegal immigrants. Especially dark skinned ones.
Source: parents came here legally in 80's
Because Hillary does not deserve to go down in history as the first woman president. At least the history books would paint Trump as the asshole he is
I just want to see all of the SJWs cry about it, and see all of the people who said "Trump has no chance" eat their words.
His positions sound appealing, don't they?
But when you ask him how he can DO these things, you get bluster and bullshit.
Is that all you want?
Does the condition of the USA and its people not matter to you?
No, it doesn't. What, do you honestly think Hillary will make things better?
Please tell us why you think Trump is an asshole. I find it hard to believe you have any reason to think this, unless your name is Rosie O'donnell.
Dude, he's blatantly racist. Not that I really care; I hate Hillary way more than I just dislike him.
See and cite examples please
Not only that, but he's completely full of shit. That's one thing he and Hillary have in common. The difference is, Hillary will be painted in a positive light simply because she would be the first woman president. It'd be like Obama all over again; "if you criticize the president, you must be racist!" At least Trump wouldn't get a pass for fucking things up.
cause hillary is in the pocket of rich globalists and would die while in office.
She has tongue/throat cancer
Trump is a populist who will keep america from being overrun with mexicans
What a joke. I'd laugh at it, but seeing as it's the huffington post they actually believe the drivel they post on there.
That's awfully bigoted of you, my homophobic friend.
Please go back to reddit
Face it, you Trump chump, your candidate sucks. He just sucks less than the bitch he's running against. Cry moar, faggot
He doesn't though.
No you. You'll get thrown over the wall in due time.
Whatever leftyfaggot, Trump will win and america will be great again
I don't think you really understand the nature of who you're dealing with. See, I stopped giving a shit long ago. Everything about the state of our country sucks, and it's probably only going to get worse. Who ever wins will win, and I'll simply light another j and move on with my life. You on the other hand can't accept that your precious candidate is simply the lesser of two evils for…… reasons. I'd pity you, but that would require caring.
lefty? I'm a libertarian, dumbass
I can feel the edge through my screen. Holy shit nigger, please remove yourself.
Your left of me
Careful, you might cut yourself
You're just butthurt because I'm not a Trump chump like you
thats explains alot of the antitrump shilling.
I don't hate Trump; I hate Hillary. I just think Trump is an asshole.
top kek as they say
You certainly look butthurt to me. You can't accept that I'm calling Trump an asshole. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe America needs a president that is such an asshole?
so what if he's an asshole, if you really don't give a fuck that shouldn't bother you
It doesn't bother me at all; see my last post. Why does it bother you so much that I call him an asshole?
There is nothing to accept. You said you think he's an asshole because you think he's "racist", but can't back up those claims with anything more than huffington post articles.
It's the same old drivel the left has been throwing at him since the start.
it doesn't, I like that he's an asshole
Please; if you can't find evidence that Trump is racist; you aren't looking. It's not even just the left; the republicans desperately tried using the same rhetoric to sabotage Trump's chances.
I'm glad we understand eachother
So what if he's racist, not like he can genocide all the brown people.
Congress won't allow it.
what did you think of the webm
The funny thing about this thread is that half the people voting for Trump are desperately trying to deny that he's a racist, while the other half are voting for him *specifically because* they believe he's a racist.
That shit cracks me the fuck up.
How many times do I have to explain this to you? I do not care that Trump is racist; I'm voting for him anyway. He's a fuck of a lot better than that election rigging bitch, Hillary.
I don't care he racist either, I'm just it shouldn't bother people even if they acknowledge it.
Of course the republicucks would. Little yebito was supposed to take the nominee, but in comes Trump and manages rake in massive support from the american people but also turn the guac man into a joke. Trump is already swimming in money, so he's can't be controlled. That's a problem for them.
I wish he was as racist as you so desperately claim he is, but he's good enough.
There are two massive problems with this statement:
"I don't care that this person holds views that might cause him to treat entire demographics of the United States citizenry differently, I'll vote for him anyway."
This is basically what you said, and regardless of what you think of other races, unless you flat out do not believe in democracy, this is an extremely bad outlook to have.
If you believe Hillary rigs elections, how do you expect she's going to lose this one?
Why would you ever wish that? That's a fucking retarded thing to wish for.
You can't rig a landslide.
lets all hope trump is racist, he;ll send the brown hordes back over the border and the rest to cuckanda
But there isn't going to BE a landslide, no matter what Repubs or Dems claim. It will be a very close-run thing.
The way I see it, people who vote for Hillary in the face of her blatant cheating don't believe in Democracy. It's a shitty situation. Also, Hillary doesn't have the same kind of power over the general election as she did over the democratic primaries. I would've thought that was a no brainer, but we don't live in a perfect world.
We'll see about that after the first debate where shillary gets into a coughing fit and shits herself on stage when trump says something mean to her.
This is 100% not going to happen, and if you claim to believe otherwise you're either a troll or utterly ignorant of the way the Consitution and US law works.
I get the feeling you don't really understand how disliked Trump is outside of the circles you generally frequent because most of the people you talk to are Trump fans.
the president has the power to send back illegals
it happened a few decades ago in operation wetback.
I think it was Eisenhower.
The wall will keep them from coming back like the roaches they are.
You have to go back, paco.
I get the feeling you don't really understand how liked Trump is outside of the circles you generally frequent because most of the people you talk to are lefty cucks.
I understand how the public is hesitant with him I also know how much people hate Hillary.
Hate trumps fear
All this Trump scaremongering only shows how pathetic liberals are. Hillary doesn't value anything other than her doner's support
Trump will win
I don't care about illegals - although I think if such an operation were undertaken it might be less straightforward than you believe. What the alt-right are claiming, however, isn't that Trump will deal with the illegals, it's that he'll deport non-whites who live in the country legally.
Great answer, but that's clearly disproven by the fact that I'm here, talking to a bunch of people who support Trump. I'm at least exposing myself to opposing ideas. You haven't demonstrated you're doing anything of the sort.
Actually, fear usually trumps hate. People hated McCarthy but tolerated him (briefly) because they feared communists - and only ten years previously, they feared communists but were TERRIFIED of Hitler.
The vast majority of the black and Latino communities, the LGBT community, the majority of the military (and the US military are usually very conservative, which tells you something about Trump) and something like 80% of women polled regarding Trump would prefer literally anyone over him. Romney lost the election, and he had over 40% of American women on his side. It's telling that neither of the candidates is black but that Trump has an even smaller percentage of blacks supporting him than Romney did when he was facing off against Obama.
There's really quite a lot of people who don't like Trump, and Trump supporters don't seem to understand that it's not limited to tiny pockets of left-wing resistance - a very large number of people, as much as they despise Hillary, would still rather have her than Trump. I'm not saying Trump can't win - there's a serious danger that he actually might, which I've been trying to convince some of my more doubtful friends of recently - but this whole landslide idea is a complete pipe dream.
I guarantee you whichever candidate wins it'll be one of the closest-fought electoral battles in US history.
sure that would be nice but I'm sure the others know that won't happen under trump.
I think alot of black and latino community's would vote third party or not at at all, they don't automatically vote clinton.
Trump has been going after the fag vote and with the recent shooting he might just get a good part.
I'll need a citation for that.
What you don't understand is that not everyone will take Clinton just because they dislike trump.
I know a literal communist who has told me if he chose to vote he would take trump over Clinton.
Trump couldn't deport all non-whites even if he wanted to. As it happens, I doubt he will even try to build a wall.
I've heard enough cuck opinions to last me a lifetime and then some.
at least try to be subtle.
oh he'll build a wall, he even has the plans for it hanging in his office
Trump isn't stupid. He knows that would cost billions of tax dollars; and that's something the majority of his supporters definitely wouldn't appreciate. After all, you saw how they reacted to Bernie's healthcare plan
or are you one of those people that thinks he can magically make Mexico pay for the wall?
people want the wall, that was the solid foundation of his run.
You forget mexico will pay for it either willingly or through high as fuck tariffs.
He knows it's the only way to keep wetbacks in their shithole and away from humans.
trump despises nafta, he'll destroy it and fuck mexico over if they don't play ball
I don't even think Mexico has the economic capacity to pay for such a wall even if they had the will to do it.
No it fucking wouldn't.
illegal mexicans sent over 12 billion dollas back to their relatives in mexico last year.
mexico has the money, they will pay or they will pay
Are you kidding me mate?
It would be very nice.
non white detected
you have to go back
No, I'm not kidding. That would take about half of the money the Mexican government has. They are not going to do it; that would wreck them. Mexico is already pretty fucked as it is.
they don't have a choice, no nafta and high tarrifs isn't something they get a say on
They don't get a say on that, but they do get a say on not emptying half their wallet. They'd probably end up losing less through tarrifs. Plus, what are the chances Trump will put Tarrifs on Mexican goods? He makes shit in Mexico himself, for Christ's sake.
You don't GET it, do you.
The Donald is basically a used-car salesman.
He tells LIES.
He promises things that nobody can deliver, or nobody can afford, or that will never get past Congress.
It's LONG past the time when his followers should have said "Fuck this bullshit". But they're living in some kind of dream world. They want to believe.
why is Holla Forums in Holla Forums ?
Because Holla Forums is a place where anything goes. Done asking stupid questions?
he makes things in mexico because it's a wise decison with current america state, he plans on bring back jobs and will take jobs back from mexico
your not thinking about this are you
Or he could just be lying to you like a good salesman does to chumps like you.
nice argument
still not an argument faggot
maybe this would be better for you
There's a reason why people don't trust businessmen; they're full of shit. Don't feel bad; as a politician, Hillary is even more full of shit.
not an argument
I know I sit back and laugh at all the suckers who bought my false promises with their money. What makes you think Trump won't?
Billion, not trillion you idiot. Jesus are you just pretending or are you really this stupid?
It ain't working kiddo.
Says the guy who thinks the Mexican government holds all the money in their GDP.
What makes you think he will? Just because you're a sociopath doesn't mean everyone is.
Says the guy who thinks the Mexican government has all the money in their GDP.
I can see why Trump supporters are such big fans of Putin as well
I think you're a little too naive
they can pay over time , paying is paying
are you using script now?
cry about it
salty subhuman
No, I just responded to the wrong post the first time
Anyone who says that Mexico doesn't have the economic capacity to pay for that wall is completely retarded.
Anyone who thinks that Mexico has ANY intention of actually doing so is equally retarded.
Not an argument.
Now the picture is complete.
no, just an observation
No one care's faggot.
They can kick and scream all they want as they hand over the money, but it won't change anything.
Didn't think hilliary shills would be here so quick with that narrative
They aren't handing over the money. It's not going to happen. You are quite literally delusional if you think otherwise.
not an argument, they can't refuse when they don't have a choice
They always have a choice. It's not like Mexico can really get much worse.
no they don't, unless they stop selling to america, don't know who they would sell to then.
everyone below them is poor too
Then they'll pay it through tariffs. There you go.
Muslim Mexico instigates Jihad against America
Oh, I believe he can do SOME things.
I believe that he will honestly try to achieve some of the stuff that he promised.
He will make himself richer, of course, and he will promote himself and enjoy his fame and boost his ego. But he will also try to do some actually useful stuff. With unusual and extreme measures.
And here's the danger;
For the last decade or two, the U.S. dollar has been the biggest CON ever seen.
You're just insisting "they're going to hand it over." You haven't explained exactly how Trump is going to suggest that they be forced to do so, how he's going to get it past Congress (given that it's probably going to swing Democrat and even the Republicans hate him) and how even if he were able to force it through Mexico couldn't just tell him to go and fuck himself.
This is the thing with Trump's supporters. You accuse other people of living in a fantasy world but you don't seem to understand how legislative and executive systems actually work.
The Fed prints money as and when they feel like it. The rest of the world honors the money lets us buy stuff with it - so in effect, the Fed simply walks into other countries and points at stuff and says "That's ours now".
The national debt will never, ever be repaid, but the world keeps lending money, funding the US way of life, in the belief that the system will at least continue.
Anybody who tries to create a competing currency gets killed in fake wars (Saddam, Gadaffi). The Dollar's credibility is crucial.
Trump, through sheer bullheaded stupidity, through unwillingness to "play the game", can break the system. Cue hyperinflation in America.
Go and read the latest news from Venezuela and see what that will lead to.
Wishful thinking. I think the cartels would shoot Trump before that ever happened anyway
Then why is Britain allowed to exist?
you're basically grasping at straws at this point.
So cartels are so powerful that they pose a threat serious enough to require a giant wall to be built across the entire US-Mexico border (a cornerstone of Trump's rhetoric), but not powerful enough that they could pose a threat to US political figures?
then migration would stop from there, any nation with terrorism will have extreme vetting to no migration
even if he fails somethings he will deliver more than most
tariffs, if nothing else I could see him using an executive action like old king nigger
the same cartels that are help by the cia, even if he was taken out he would be a martyr and make america greater
Britain destroyed itself with Brexit and the pound plumetted. Do you honestly think the US had nothing to do with that?
They've already threatened to do it.
the same pounds that bounced back better not a day later?
Shut the fuck up, you faggot, you're making us look bad. So the exact thing we criticised Obama for is okay when Trump does it?
You ignorant cunt. Stick to the script.
And they can threaten until they see blue. Won't make it true though.
All these fucking retards in here. Just stop posting.
are you retarded, I'll fully support trump if he take any actions to make america better again
Wishful thinking?
Do you think Mexico has a choice if USA wants to make them pay?
Niggers can just reject paying our tarrifs and we'll just take our business elsewhere, we can bankrupt those beaners without a sweat.
Yes, Just like cockroaches, they're an issue when left alone, they walk all over your food, disgusting things.
But all it takes is a half a second to step on them and they're gone. The wall is just to make sure they stop scurrying their ugly brown asses here.
The cartels are the ones who run the place in Mexico. They've killed political figures before. I don't see why they can't kill Trump.
No-one can be this retarded.
This is not Mexico, hell, there won't be a mexican left once Trump wins.
america isn't nearly as corrupt and shitty as spicland and homeland security knows about anyone that gets near the capital.
You cannot seriously be this fucking delusional.
Wishful thinking
Once again, wishful thinking. In all of our efforts to keep illegals out, they're still pouring in. Their numbers only increase by the day. We can't even hope to mass deport them all. Plus, they'll just come back; like they always do once deported.
every illegal mexican, about 11 million.
sure they are more than just mexicans though
Which efforts?
When has anyone tried to stop them before Trump?
You know, the funny thing is that when you just say "deport all Mexicans" it actually sounds less delusional than "deport 11 million people" because you clearly don't understand the logistics of such a monumental task nor the impact it would have on either the US or Mexico.
Not wishful thinking, more speculation. The cartels wouldn't appreciate that at all, and no man is untouchable. Not even the President. Besides, Trump isn't even going to try to build that wall anyway. He's selling you lies, like a good salesman would.
not with the wall, currently border patrol can't even touch them do to king nigger.
once they are out under trump they will stay out
wishful thinking
You cannot seriously be this retarded………..
why not nazi were able round up 6 million jews in a few years
operation wetback was also a success
It will cost us less than the money we lose due to all of their crime and the money they send to Mexico which is around 20 billion lost dollars every year.
That's money they are stealing from the US
You keep saying that.
You think that wall will be built over night? That's a laugh
The amazing thing about this thread is that nothing - literally nothing - that a Trump supporter has said about Hillary is in any way incorrect. She's slimy, egotistical, corrupt, unlikeable, morally compromised in every possible way and absolutely beholden to whatever she thinks will get her elected.
And yet they somehow can't see Trump's negative qualities.
The pound plummetted, and now Britain is looking like it might split into its component parts. Explain to me how any of what I said was wrong.
Mexicans are easy to identify, they can't even speak proper english and are about as tall as a 9 years old, and have about as much facial hair as one too.
it'll be finished in a few years, while it's being built border patrol on steroids will keep spics at bay
I thought the general line from Holla Forums was that the Holohoax never happened.
You're going back Marita : )
doesn't mean the concentration work camps didn't happen
and how much money will that "boarder patrol on steriods" cost?
i didn't say it did but the jews were still camped up
less than the money and jobs we lose to mexicans
Yes it does.
Does anyone have the graph that shows how much each state loses keep illegals?
Can you actually cite any evidence to that effect?
There isn't going to be a wall. Trumps playing you idiots for your votes. Not that I care; anyone's better than Hillary
No, what didn't happen was the death camps
they were kept in interment camps, just like the japs in the usa
I love that Trump supporters - who are constantly complaining about comparisons the media make between Trump and Hitler - are now turning to Nazi Germany as a model of how their idol's system would work.
You do know even MEXICO has a wall to their south right?
name one thing outside of the holohoax that was bad about nazi germany
Irony; such a beautiful thing
Shows how delusional you are.
I want you to look at a map of Mexico, and describe to me the difference between their Northern and Southern boarders. Then, I want you to cut your balls off before you help infect the rest of the population.
Nazi Germany turned a collapsing nation into world superpower in 5 years
Mexicans are lazy and retarded, we can do better.
- Supression of political dissenters
- Erosion of civil liberties
- Military invasion and occupation of other sovereign countries
- Open military and political collusion with a Communist state
- Collapsed spectacularly
Well I can't really argue with that. #Hitler2016
There is no need to be upset. You can all go back to make Mexico great again yourselves. That's a good thing! :^)
This, I'm from Commiefornia, getting rid of the Mexicans would be one of the best things that could happen to this country.
Beaners are ugly and smell like shit, not only that, they breed like cockroaches.
I don't get how could anyone pretend having no more mexicans here would be a bad thing.
If they're so lazy, why are they taking all of our jobs?
you get that just because trump is running as republican that doesn't make his suck gop cock.
Because they're jobs for high schoolers like cutting yards, cleaning pools, walking dogs or flipping burgers.
collapse after being attacked on all sides from multiple countries
In otherwords; the jobs no one else wants
You know what it also did? Brought that same country down in flames again less than 20 years later because all of its decision makers were delusional narcissists.
That they were nationalists and patriots does not excuse that. Any white separatist or supremacist who models himself on Hitler needs to get better fucking role models.
fitting considering their height and lame facial hair
I notice the conspicuous absence of criticism of stuff like eroding civil liberties or supressing dissent in your reply.
Tell that to all the college kids trying to get some funds so they can survive without getting into debt
it could also be that they were outnumbered by multiple countries and only barley lost
Perhaps we should do something about how much college costs then
Throwing communists from helicopters is a good thing user.
Giving them jobs instead of insane loans would fix that.
some ideologies should be suppressed like anarchism and communism
as long as I to keep my second amendment and America stays majority white I'm content
This is true, but you aren't going to pay for a college education by flipping burgers.
this, the issue is that the free market is giving those idiots "free" money they don't have and inflating costs because they're fighting each other to pay more
the free market would fix it
That was after it managed to piss off both the United States AND the USSR, who at that point in history were having difficulty agreeing on the colour of the sky.
Any country that manages to precipitate the immensely unlikely set of circumstances that would allow such a detente isn't something I'd be in a terrible hurry to model my own on.
Germany was attacked by the allied forces because they presented a threat to international Zionist bankers.
They also made a mistake of attacking russia in winter
not when all the costs have gone through the roof because idiots keep paying for things they can't afford, that's the real issue, not everyone can or should be able to afford college, that's the sad reality
You don't understand. Any law that can be written to surpress an ideology you don't like can - and weight of history evidence suggests INEVITABLY WILL - eventually be used to supress an ideology that you do.
If you set a legal precedent that allows for an individual's constitutional liberties to be violated in a specific circumstance it becomes astronomically more difficult to prevent those liberties from being violated in the future.
These rights are meant to be inalienable - the clue's in the fucking name.
So it should only be the people at the top? How about we try to make things like this the way they were decades ago; when America was still a place worth living in.
russia was going to fuck them up the ass, and winter came early that year
I hear this every day and have never seen a shred of reliable proof presented for it.
That in itself is stupid enough to disqualify them from ever being a role model for anyone.
Or you could make college education free.
that would be great, honestly everything went to shit after the World Wars.
the destruction of the families, making both parents have to work inflated the costs of living and education, left our children to be raised by TV, so much shit went wrong, fucking baby boomers ruined everything.
We don't need to go that far, we just need to make it more affordable
that's stupid, make people COMPETE
giving things away for free with no effort only creates losers
Free is most certainly affordable.
I'm not saying things were perfect back then, but most people could afford college with out going into debt for the rest of their lives. What's wrong with that?
that will be dealt with in the future.
honestly even with how fucked things are right now you can be smart about college and pay it back in 5 years
you have to be smart though, most kids are fucking stupid these days but you can't blame them for making stupid choices in life when they lack the experience to know better
see high school : )
giving people free rides creates losers and hooligans
This isn't how civics and citizenship works. A good and righteous citizen doesn't allow gaping holes to be poked in the legislature simply because those holes currently affect people he doesn't like.
If you don't care about the violation of someone's rights because their skin is a colour you don't like or their views don't mesh with yours, then you don't really care about freedom or liberty.
It's not just intelligence; it's also opportunity. Not everyone can make tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars just fall into their lap in 5 years. That's not how the economy works. Why not work on lowering the price of education to a reasonable level like almost every other developed country?
Illegal don't have any rights, they go back
socialist and communist have to be dealt with, whether through public shaming or force is fine with me
Sorry, but the Supreme Court is actually very clear on the fact that, constitutional protections still very much apply to illegal immigrants due to the Equal Protection clause.
Isn't that exactly how your ideologies are being dealt with? Seems like you can take it but you can't dish it out.
The amount of fucking doublethink in this thread is amazing.
We're hearing on the one hand that Trump supporters are having their First Amendment rights trampled upon, but at the same time this whole First Amendment thing is a little bit wishy-washy and protects those damn commies way too much.
I have cousins in other countries who face the same issues
You know what they do? They travel and get educated elsewhere.
The real issue here is that even after going to college you're gonna have issues finding jobs in most professions because everyone and their grandmother has a fucking degree.
Most of the fields out there are oversaturated because every retard is going to college and things like trade schools are completely dry.
Economies just cannot work like that when everyone out there is an engineer or english major. Look at South Korea, they have 10 times more engineers than they have jobs in the field every year and the morons keep studying engineering. That's also an issue here.
Commies don't deserve any rights.
1st amendment specified it's for people only.
If you can arbitrarily decide that people who hold views you don't like aren't people, the same can be done to you.
Illegals will go back regardless
I wish to preserve the white race, communism goals are to destroy individual states,races and cultures, it says so in the manifesto, anarchism is just choas.
it will be done if antifa has their way in the future
Why should I leave the country to seek opportunity? Isn't that the reason why everyone came to America in the first place? Also, if someone got an engineering degree when everyone else is doing the same, that is their fault for being a dumbass. There are so many other options, and the smart ones will pick one that will actually get them somewhere. America needs less ignorance. We also *need* to do something about our public education. The rest of the world laughs at us over this
And if you want laws protecting you from it, then you by neccessity have to provide other ideologies with the same protection.
Every fascist and communist society that has ever existed has collapsed. They have more in common with each other than with any successful society.
Then that would suggest that fascism has an issue with making stupid foreign policy decisions.
that will never work, the idologys will constantly be at odds with each other and will lead to conflict.
The only reason fascism failed is because all of the other major powers in the world threw everything they had in an effort to stop them. Fascism, as scary as it may be for many people, definitely works.
That is world history, for you
The historical record does not provide us with many examples of countries that surpressed certain types of ideology and subsequently didn't abuse these powers massively.
Build that fucking wall
fascist leaders have made some poor decisions in that regard I'll give you that but as a state it is stable
There isn't a single historical example of a fascist state that has been internally stable for a prolonged length of time - and any stability they did have was achieved only by purges or supression functionally indistinguishable from Stalinist communism.
But guys I thought Trump wasn't a fascist and that was just an invention of the lying left-wing media :^)
I said "create".
And I don't mean just any currency; I mean something backed by gold or oil. Something that could be more solid than dollars.
I wonder why the inventor of Bitcoin is so secretive?
Stalinism was easily a leftist form of fascism. Need I remind you that Stalin turned a backwards nation where most people couldn't even read into a world super power?
I just want whats best for the people, democracy has been subverted, communism destroys their identity and anarchism is plain stupid.
With a benevolent leader fascism can be healthy, it's only a matter of keeping officials dedicated to the betterment of the people and to the state
Stalinism also did not last in the USSR. Remember Glastnost?
Stalin is the main argument right-wingers have for why communism is so dangerous an ideology, and now you're claiming he was:
a. actually a fascist
b. an example of why fascism is so good?
You guys are so ideologically confused you'll literally compliment Stalin to avoid having to lose an argument?
When I hear somebody say that America was a great place back in the day, I think to myself; that person is white.
I'm not saying fascism is good; I'm saying why it works. Also, communism is a lie. There was only leftist fascism
Not an American, but if i was I'd vote Trump. Reason: IMO the main problem of the US is the corruption. IOW money in politics. This cannot be fixed without first getting rid of the two-party system.
Clinton is part of the problem. She will at best maintain the current system and worst strengthen it.
Trump OTOH, is disruptive. He may, through his own ineptitude, damage the 2-party system (has already made cracks in it just by running). His presidency might be awful for those who have to live through it (I'm in Norway so pass the popcorn), but I think it might be good for the US in the long run.
Pic related: The candidates.
I think you went back a little too far, dumbdumb
Also yes, I am white. Lynchings would not have been *my* problem.
How far is far enough?
But it doesn't work. Every society without exception that's tried it (including, according to you, the USSR) has collapsed, either through internal reform or external pressure.
That it has been attempted so many times and always failed is the usual argument as to why communism doesn't work, and yet despite the fact that technically a couple of communist states still exist in the world while every single fascist state in the world has collapsed somehow doesn't suggest that fascism doesn't work.
why did you post hilliary and jeb?
here is trump
It's hilarious. Even people who genuinely think communism is a threat to society don't fucking defend McCarthy.
The USSR collapsed due to incompetence. Were it not for Gorbachev, I'm positive that the USSR and the Eastern Block would exist to this day. If the Nazis (right wing fascists) hadn't picked a fight with everyone at once, it's quite possible they would've dominated Europe and perhaps the world to this very day.
That is impossible to assure in fascism, since by design the leaders have little to no direct accountability to the polity.
Okay, maybe it wasn't completely Gorbachev's fault; Yeltsin also fucked things up for the Soviets
perhaps we could create a leader, either be an ai or genetically enhanced one.
one dedicated to the state and people, mainly because they are one and the same.
a robotocracy. What could possibly go wrong?
Man, and I thought this debate had reached rock-bottom when people started unironically defending fascism (and Stalin also I guess?)
Now we're into full on fucking science fantasy
the how about a tailor made leader
come on in at least a century with how science has gone it could happen.
it nothing else it could lead to interesting political theory
When I brought up Stalin it wasn't to defend fascism, it was to demonstrate that it works. I don't like it anymore than you do, but I accept that it works.
Trump supporters are now unironcially suggesting creating mecha-Hitler.
Well, guys, it's been real.
Mecha-Hitler sure seems better than Trump or Hillary
You do realise that even the USSR tried to move away from Stalinism, right?
Notice how it collapsed decades later
sounds fun
you know what it needed, undying leaders.
… because it moved away from Stalinism to a less fascist-resembling form of communism
Kind of fucking defeats your argument there
and we all know that full blown socialism does not work. Stalinism, being leftist fascism, did
Seriously, with in 20 years Stalin took a backwards nation and turned it into one of the most powerful nations history has ever seen. Are you seriously going to argue that his shit didn't work?
Stalinism collapsed immediately after he died. The USSR did not collapse until decades later.
Fascism always creates powerful nations
He didn't do it through any of the political or economic methodologies that fascism adheres to. Literally all that links fascism to Stalinism is its brutal supression of political opposition.
That inevitably collapse due to fascism's unworkable nature.
Stalinism didn't collapse; it was stamped out by Khruschev.
If you couldn't defend yourself from a punk like Kruschev, I'd call that collapsing pretty fucking spectacularly
Dude was more of a pussy than fucking Brezhnev.
whats unworkable about fascism
maybe some foreign policies but other than that
It's funny, people who hate McCarthy hate Communism.
The only people in the world who support communism are white NEETs with rich parents who never worked a day in their lives.
The philosophy behind Stalinism almost perfectly matches fascism. The only difference is that he called it "communism" and established a fixed market.
Stalin also turned against the jews, pretty funny really.
fascism is evidently antijew left or right
The fact that the nigh-complete lack of accountability that inevitably follows any form of authoritarian dictatorship makes removing bad leaders very difficult and installing good ones a matter of pure chance.
The fact that supression of political or ideological dissent stifles scientific, artistic and political progress.
The fact that fascism's ideological tenets are fundamentally flawed. I could go on about this particular element at length, but really you should just read Umberto Eco's "Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt" because he sums it all up way better than I ever possibly could.
A lot of anti-communists hate McCarthy because his efforts - which were largely ineffectual - made all anti-communists look idiotic and repressive, and destroyed trust in the effort.
science flourished under nazi germany and communist russia.
it was a rough start with russia sure with how they killed a shitload of intellectuals and all but still
sure I'll read eternal fascism
Fuck off Brithshit
And there's your fucking problem. This is something that has happened in every single fascist state.
Also, scientific progress in both countries was way behind that of the western world. A lot of research in NG and the USSR were for vanity projects that ended up being completely useless (Landkreuzer, Tsar Bomba, etc.)
How is the biggest bomb the world has ever seen useless?
The united states not only took germany rocket tech they also took the scientist to create the space program.
Communist russia also sent reached space before every other nation.
Because it was a completely impractical boondogle for a weapon system that in the best possible scenario would never be used.
Imagine what could have been done with that money if it had been spent on medical research. Or fuck reliable, safe nuclear power.
You have too much faith in humanity
Kind of says something about how shitty this place is when a potential fascist is the better candidate
But I thought the whole point Trump's supporters were trying to make is that he ISN'T fascist.
Man, can you imagine the butthurt that'll happen if a bunch of white supremacists and alt-right authoritarians vote for Trump and he turns out to be just another boring centre-right candidate when he gets into office?
And North Korea threatened to nuke the USA. They didn't do it.
Ever stopped to consider the people you talk to might just be part of a much larger world?
The butthurt will be delicious
Yeah and the alt-right will learn what it's like to be lied to by someone you idolized.
Yeah, but North Korea doesn't actually have a nuke it could hit something in its own country with, let alone South Korea
The cartels have already killed people in the US
I admit it's pretty fucking unlikely they could kill the president of the United States, but your comparison isn't the best
He suppressed communists and social democrats, both Jew-led. Nothing wrong with that.
Yes, because the Weimar faggotry was the pinnacle of civilization right? Europe is not a lolberg paradise. It never was and it never will be. First come the duties then freedom.
Thank the French that. They shouldn't have to put millions of Germans into the neighbouring countries. Hitler wanted a single ethnostate where all Germans could live.
He did it because he didn't want to fight on a two front war.
It would've been a wonder to win against the whole world now wouldn't it be?
Well they are working on the delivery system :^)
But seriously Trump is heavily guarded and the only chance they get is before he gets elected. After that their mission will be impossible… Well most likely.
Leftycuck detected.
They couldn't even get a satellite out of the atmosphere. Building an ICBM is far beyond North Korea's capabilities.
An excellent example, ironically enough, of how fascism destroys a country's scientific output.
No, seriously, if you actually read the past two hours of this thread, it's literally people defending fascism. Trump's barely even been mentioned.
It was 6 or 8 m long and weighed 20 tons. There was no capable long range delivery system at the time it was built.
It also caused a massive explosion with most of it's energy leaving the athmosphere. It's much more destructive to carpet-bomb with smaller nukes than to drop a single big one.
Ever heard the story about the strong horse and the weak horse? That's why they are doing it.
Fascism has resulted in the collapse of every single nation (except for, arguably, North Korea) it's ever been attempted in.
It's not exactly a strong horse.
hmmm, I guess you have a point there
Nazi Germany did not collapse; it was struck down by the force of America, Britain, and the USSR all caving in on them at onces
People throw around samefag so much, it is starting to lose meaning.
Can't win at all.
Will Trump build robots like the Sentinels in X-Men, except instead of hunting mutants they hunt illegals?
So it collapsed.
I hope
I actually want Trump to get elected, because his presidency will ensure there'll never be a right-wing US president ever again.
There's a difference between someone collapsing on its own and someone stabbing and shooting them 30 times in the back.
One is collapse, the other is murder/destruction.
>more Correct The Record spamming even here on Holla Forums haha
Shillary, pls. You'll never drag our secrets from us, and you'll never be the US President either.
No shit, after Trump we won't even need presidents
No, it was destroyed. Collapsed would mean they fell under the weight of a broken system. Their system worked, and it terrified the rest of the world so they were struck down.
Son, I am disappoint.
When you keep invading shit when specifically told you will get war declared on you, backstab the USSR after making a non-aggression pact with them and then declare war on the USA, that's a largely academic distinction.
Germany's shitty foreign policy caused its collapse.
But the system didn't work. Germany's economy was totally unsustainable without the wars it declared, and the rest of the world fought it because it kept declaring war.
That could kill any nation. It may even prove to be the end of America
Germany had to invade poland, they were persecuting a germany minority there
Oh he will user.
That was a manufactured excuse, and in any case, if you're allowed to invade and occupy a country because a minority is being persecuted there, then that completely validates the fact that Germany in turn was invaded by the Allies.
I find it kind of ironic that fascists, who are supposedly advocates of rule by military power, are whining that their senpai got its ass kicked by a superior military power.
Who told you that?
No one had a superior military to the Germans; they were the most advanced of their time. The Germans were fighting a war on two fronts against 3 other Super Powers. *That* is why they lost
the allies were cunts ok, germany had every right to invade poland
it was rightful property of germany anyway.
1 on 3 is pretty uneven fight.
germany almost won in such dishonorable fight anyway
ithat'd be like a boxer losing in a 3v1 fight and saying that he lost to a superior fighter. No, he lost because he was outnumbered
can't stump
won't stump
impossible to stump the trump
They could've won if not for Hitler's arrogance and incompetence. He should've stuck to politics and let his generals do their fucking job
I'll agree Hitler wasn't perfect, he was also getting pump full of more drugs than charlie sheen by his doctors.
He made mistakes like all of us, after all he was only human.
Yeah, but deciding that you're better at leading an army than a fucking general is a pretty dumb move.
he also cancelled the first assault rifles, and decided not to produce jet fighters because he wanted "fighter-bombers"
I know he wasn't perfect ok, I can still like some of his more positive qualities.
because the two candidates who represent my views more than he does are out of the race and hes the only one who comes close to my political views now.
who were they
This is why Neo-Nazis are never taken seriously.
Are you saying his love of animals or Perhaps your talking how under his rule nazi germany led the worlds first anti smoking campaign?
maybe this isn't the site for you
I'm voting Trump because it will make the lefts assholes bleed & possibly bring about armageddon
shh satan
I think he may be referring to genocide and suppression of political opponents. Hitler was a naughty boy
Rand Paul
and Austin Petersen
I said positive quailities
adolf hitler was a human afterall
anyways the holocaust didn't happen
pics related
Oh god, we have a holocaust denier here. Why do Nazis even deny the holocaust anyway? I thought you people hated the Jews.
The holocaust was used as an excuse to suppress national socialism and fascism while giving jews an excuse to flee europe and establish a jewish state of israel.
I'm not a Nazi but even I accept facts when researched and shown to me.
also if you know anything about the Talmud you would know the signifigance of 6 million dead jews and why it had to be 6 million exactly
but whatever you commie
How am I a communist for stating that the holocaust happened?
Because Germany has had to pay Israel reparations since ww2 on a lie while other countries that had internment camps had little to no repercussions. Had the allies not bombed the German supplies there would have been a lower death count. prisoners/labor were not going to be fed before the German soldiers
I'm not the one who called you a communist btw.
I'll just ask, would you look over the images I've posted and even consider to think it didn't happen?
I'm not about to just accept something completely contrary to established history because someone sent me pictures over the internet. Don't you know that 90% of the internet is either porn or bullshit?
I'm not asking you to accept it, I'm asking you to consider it a possibility.
I won't push for you to accept my belief
ok, I'll consider the very vague possibility that you may be telling the truth. But until it is actually proven, I'm siding with the historians.
cuz ur obviously a commie ya commie
Thank you for discussing like an intelligent person - I've seen far too little of it from all sides. I still have doubts (why would buildings be erected, people stored, if they were treated well where did the dead bodies come from, what if the holocaust believers and deniers are wrong), but seeing you be rational makes it easier to examine this. I've saved your images, and will research it further later (they have some rather shocking info, with something to ponder (though the chimney might have the connection underground, though I'm unsure - a chimney usually has a purpose - now to look for building blueprints). I actually have thought not that the holocaust didn't happen, but that the figures could be off for some time. My theory is that through error, doubt, greedy power monger leaders on both sides, and the ones in charge having major influence and a opportunity, the truth has been skewed. I believe the count is in the millions, but I've seen things like your first image questioning either the count (though the reports and images of body count seem to conflict with that) or the counter's accuracy. Also there may have been nice holocaust camps, but what I've seen and read makes it near impossible for it to be far-spread. I'll look further, and I thank you for your information.
lol ok, faggot
Newly discovered Egyptian scrolls indicated that workers building the pyramids were not jewish slaves but well pad workers and skilled craftsmen.
Another jew lie BTFO
suck my dick you commie scumfuck
*though the reports and images I've seen beforehand of body count seem to conflict with that
small typo
eww, that's gay bro
would you consider reading through a holocaust denial mega thread?
if you guys like heres a thread going through some stuff on against the holocaust
oh shit
a bit embarrassing but I've forgot how to cross board link
Because I want a decent fucking job.
Because I want healthcare that isn't from the state and doesn't cost a literal arm and leg.
Because I dont want to be drafted into the WW3.
Because I want this faggot PC cancer to come to an end.
Because I want us to stop funding ISIS to create chaos in the ME so the inhabitants are killed or flee; all for Israel so they can step in and clean it up to form Greater Israel.
I'll bookmark it and may save an offline copy if I have time - I'm usually pretty busy but it'll be nice to research it.
no problem
this is a test of word filters. please ignore
no problem I found it while searching for back up of Holla Forumss monthly book club reading list
if anyone is interested in them
I have turned my attention to you
why are you saging this thread user?
Since it wasn't relevant I saged.
I probably should have done the test in a thread about to be deleted. Sorry
have a non-sage
jesus christ your post.. you need to come down with a rather sudden case of death, might cure the autism
I really don't know what's more sad. The genuine Nazis pining for something that's never coming back, the relatively sane Trump supporters desperately trying to dissociate from them, or the fact that the Nazis genuinely think that Trump has any intention of actually bringing about the fascist state they dream of.
Trump's many things but he isn't a fucking Nazi.
trump isn't bring a facist state that's mostly just hype, he is however going to take care of some problems.
major corrupting, illegals and bring back American jobs
he isn't hitler but he is a step in the right direction
You can't fix corruption without destroying the power corporations have over the government, and Trump most certainly isn't going to do that.
Enjoy that hilarious clusterfuck
Given that his merchandise was made in China, I strongly doubt it.
Niggers please.
we'll have to wait and see, he certainly is having an effect
Do you really think he'll fix wealth inequality? Reduce the power of multinational corporations in America? Close tax loopholes? Reorganise the tax burden? Reform the criminal justice system?
No, he's not going to do any of that. He's not going to fix any of America's actual problems.
He'll fix the border problem and will stop brown people from immigrating I.E. no immigration to extreme vetting from country's with terrorism.
the extreme vetting is for European whites
The "border problem" pales in comparison to the problems facing millions of Americans that are in the country legally. Sure, it's probably wise to fix the proverbial church roof before you invite any more parishioners inside, but in this increasingly tortured metaphor, the fences aren't the shit you need to mend first.
Trump already said he'll redo the tax code and help ]the american middle class.
I don't remember Crippled america talking about the justice system though, might be on his website that talks about his positions.
Don't know why you would want all those niggers and spics roaming the streets anyway.
Fuck off, Kike. The first rule to getting out of a hole is to stop digging.
I think what he means is we have more problems than the Mexicans. Like how shitty it is for many Americans
Police officer in a bikinini. Nowhere to hide a baton.
I'd like to talk to you about Jesus Christ
she stuck it up her slimy, stinky, sticky, nigger soaked vajayjay you fucking nigger moron.
he was a wizard
that white nigger in nigger colored clothes has a fucking beautiful and non niggary ass.
hope you don't think that would dissuade people from liking trump
fuck off,
why do you hate trump?
they should, fuck sub human muslim trash
I'm positive your a shill now, even leftypol has better memes than this facebook trash
The thought of that vile cancerous cunt clinton winning is horrible. Id vote for anyone above her, gladly trump isnt half bad.
death to kikes
Because I just want to watch the world burn.
it's time
good, so why are you shilling in this thread, anons here would gladly associate hitler with trump and support him.
How do these people not understand pictures with words on them? I know people can be stupid but fucking hell this is some new level of retardedness.
praise trump
this guy is probably some half chan trash, his memes if they can even be called that are pathetic
go back to
Looks like Holla Forums is having an spastic Attack again.
I know Hitler was a socialist that makes him even worse.
I would rather vote for a sleazy businessman with nationalist positions than a globalist war criminal who can't even run an email account without hemorrhaging classified intelligence
I'm just doing an info dump
I don't know what the tumblr guy is doing
Globalism is unstoppable.
Perhaps on an infinite timeline but I don't see it as beneficial to humanity
Humanity all together no racial hatred.
and you see no benefit.
webm related.
you are a sad man.
But I thought diversity was strength? Isn't monoracialism just as hateful? I for one am opposed to the sort of imperialist gentrification you preach
I'm bored with info dump, I'll post some trumps instead
hillary and obama created isis
There is only one human race.
just different pigmentation.
There is no proof of that.
What about monoculturalism? Is that not evil? The reduction of all people's histories, practices, beliefs, artistic pursuits to a simple socioeconomic unit? Is it promoting good to force a people to think and behave as all others do?
filth like you should be hung from street lamps
webm related
You are the one mentioning it.
who is even proposing monoculturalism?
Ffs stop being ridiculous.
and like that your opinion is worthless to me
every fucking time.
Globalism inherently creates monoculturalism as a byproduct because otherwise cohesion across the world to such a degree would be unattainable, but its just a Rothschild central banking scam anyways so I'm not sure why I'm bothering to lay it out like this
not my fault your opinion is worthless user
Citation needed. Nobody knows how much he inherited.
check those double dubs anons
gas the fed bank war now
Neanderthals tears.
hows every going over at correct the record?
I heard their Spokane Valley facility is really nice!
The Jews!
Every fucking time.
at that point I'm just LMFAO
you know I hear they have endorsed clinton, but they let everyone on chans know that too
it's not my fault if the world would shine a bit brighter if all jews were wipe out with extreme prejudice
I heard that she has Robert Cialdini on her side nowadays too, I guess they need a really professional persuader to make a good case for her?
why do jews make so much porno i dont get it can they really bop their weasel that much ? ?
You would be writing any nonsense if if wasn't for the talent of those people.
they are the race with most Nobel prices awarded.
you sure gave a long pause user, worried about something?
Is that why they need a big beautiful wall to protect their big beautiful brains from the religion of peace?
so you'll vote trump 2016 right?
Wouldn't avoiding war with Russia and Syria be in America's best interests?
muh 6 million, muh holocaust
my grandmother was holocausted over 73 times when she was just a fetish, oy vey gib me reparations
poor effort
Real one.
dubs confirm trump will be a great president when he beats hillary, thanks user
sure is go.. I mean guy
Fast forward into November.
First woman president of the USA.
I don't think Trump has a sex reassignment scheduled any time soon.
Uh that's kind of inappropriate of you to just assume none of the previous presidents were female identifying, maybe you wanna watch your tone when it comes to gender identity shitlord?
you aren't worth the money they pay you
try harder your embarrassing your shill company and your black bf who pozzes your holes
you the same guy that was saying you were going to eat Nazi skins and wouldn't stop using lame smileyfaces on Holla Forums?
That's right, LOOK AT YOUR HERO
what about him
so I'm gonna be serious for a sec, are you autistic, I'm not insulting you or anything.
I just notice that you just repost the same stuff with different cheep phrases.
Please refer to the embedded image
heil the emperor
Russia was preparing for a massive invasion of Europe.
so why are you voting trump
It was meant to troll Trump supporters. Given all of the butthurt replies, it looks like it worked.
Because Hillary is a bitch