American Elections General

Official Thread
Post here if your topic doesn't REALLY need its own thread.
American elections threads that are spamming up the catalog with simple questions, poll numbers, or stories about idpol in the election may be subject to bump locks from now on. The Europoors and others deserve to have some room to discuss their own issues, not just 24/7 Bernie and Trump.

Stuff that may deserve its own thread could include major debates/townhalls, primaries, MAJOR news about corruption, or similar stuff. Both mods and users should use their own judgement and discretion here. Users who see a thread they think belongs in here should sage and tell the OP to go in here or delete their own thread.

American political issues that AREN'T directly election-related still aren't subject to any moderation.

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How are you going to an hero when Trump loses and he still hasn't fixed your personal flaws with his surrogate father-figure powers?

So you're one of those retards who believes the Nazis weren't right wing?

Kek, just like you hung Krupp and Boss and the other German porkies, right?

Porkies why think they are not porkies, the organizers and lumpens.

Seems I hit a nerve.


Are you when he wins, Bernie's gonna loose and Trump hasn't even started on Hillary yet.

Enjoy your night, this win for Bernie for a big day for you, though I'm use to that by now so it's just another day for me :^)

Cenk on TYT just said Biden gets all the delegates from Clinton if she gets indicted, how's that allowed? For the pledged delegates anyway?!

this is why retards that can't see the world beyond -le rightwing/left wing- meme should be euthanized.

Yes comrade, trump supporters are the ones renown on the interwebz for being human trash. Bernout is totally winning yes.

this is why you retards burn every single country to the ground when you get power

what is shitposting :^)


What did he say exactly? I muted the stream for a while.

Thanks for proving that you use Trump's victories as a surrogate for your own failures, lad.

I like how you totally sidestepped my post to cry some more.


We're different people, also I don't see how winning money and having my choice win would strike a nerve. Goodnight, maybe Bernie will leave you less debt (unless you live with your parents) under your pillow :^)

How's that psychology degree doing, must be worth it for all those job opportunities. Night babes :^)

anime is patrician


You've made it clear that you're one of the turd positionist fags, and you've posted nazis.

If it looks like shit, sounds like shit, and smells like shit, chances are that it is indeed shit- but please, in case I'm wrong, tell me what actually are.

So fucking classcucked

He was in DC and talked to Wasserman-Schulz and other Democrats. He had no officially sources to quote, but he said many people there think, if Clinton gets indicted, Biden will get the nomination and not Bernie, he didn't really backed it up, though, or I didn't get it.

Sauce on this Jhonnny Rapid scene?


I mean the actual, legit right wing weebs, go check the GG general on Holla Forums to know what I mean.

THANK goodness Boomers arent in their twenties


yes yes I'm crying sooo hard right now :^)

going by your retarded statement then what am I now :^)


are you one of those deterministic faggots that see class as the ultimate definiton of a person? Class is a social construct :^), or do you believe in the commies fantasy of the "working class" owning the means of production? Nevermind that worker is a horrible definition or measure. Again this si why you faggots turn everything into shit when you get in power , it already happened here and I still don't understand how can commies keep pushing the same bullshit. At least commies are way better than the new progressive left though.

Did you not just say you were going to bed, kid? Don't even try to say that wasn't you, your underage spamming of le doritos face is extremely obvious.

Bernie better get either the nomination or the VP (which is even less likely) else I'm fucking voting for that pig Trump.

you see faggot, this is why you should have ID's here. The other dude what some iberic moor shitposting here


Sanders as VP is nearly impossible, if they want to get some votes of the Bernie movement they could pick Warren as the VP, but even that is unlikely.



i hope you're just pretending being this dense

If you post from a turd positionist perspective on Holla Forums, you are a fascist until proven otherwise. You have done nothing to show me otherwise.

Nice Reductio ad absurdum nerd.

True, and it's also a material economic relation.

That's socialism, and how on earth could it possibly be a "fantasy"?

lol ok kid

Warren would be a shrewd, cold, calculating move. The power of the vice president is extremely limited, and Warren would do much less as VP than her current position. But it would get dummies to vote for that lying porky Hillary.



You should seek help for you split personality disorder, my mate.

What are the odds of a Hillary indictment? It looks like our only way forward from here?

Why do Stormfags always talk like closet liberals?

FBI insiders threatened to leak if no indictment. We'll see.

Because Fascism is rooted in the liberal mindset.

Because SJW = Stormfag and Stormfag = SJW

It's all idpol, comrade

Ah. Well, alienated people tend to go for escapism and weeb stuff is right up that alley. You're talking about people who are so disconnected from reality that they believe this ridiculous right-wing bullshit. They probably had a little help disconnecting by hanging around shitty imageboards, playing shitty games, and watching shitty anime.

Because most liberals are closet stormfags.

Holla Forums is basically right-wing tumblr.

It could be a winning move. I doubt they'll do it, atleast without major upsets, like a clinton win in delegates only with superdelegates, because the Clinton campaign is so full of themself, they don't think they need to appease the progressive part of their party, atleast thats their signaling strategy so far.

I made another one of these to see how the results have changed since the last primary;

Vote in the strawpoll here for how you'd vote in November:

you know what i mean. By the pure defition of the word, anyone that "works" is a worker. Also now in this fucking n century the marxist viewpoint of a worker is even more retarded s

Because everytime it happens a new elite arises and takes control of it under the guise of worker's party or whatever. You also have the problem that the "workers" might not the the specialists or the other non sweat in brawn worker types that might simply fuck off thanks to the new "proletarian" dictatorship and you'd end with a crumbling system doomed to fall. To salvage it you'd end up adapting your system with old ideas from the ebil porky world to keep it running. You know I'm talking about reality and not marxist delusions.
Also society and nations are based on way more things that simple economic relations, which as you alredy know are changing all the time.

But of course you'll probably call me a retrograde tribalist numbnut now, as it's batantly obvious that leftwign/ringwing meme ends up having globalist ambitions on both ends that end up making the people miserable and enslaved. But go ahead, you're a good talk, unlike the other faggots.

really, implement id's.

eh I really don't like using that word in english mate.

you can do better

you know what i mean. By the pure defition of the word, anyone that "works" is a worker. Also now in this fucking n century the marxist viewpoint of a worker is even more retarded s

Because everytime it happens a new elite arises and takes control of it under the guise of worker's party or whatever. You also have the problem that the "workers" might not the the specialists or the other non sweat in brawn worker types that might simply fuck off thanks to the new "proletarian" dictatorship and you'd end with a crumbling system doomed to fall. To salvage it you'd end up adapting your system with old ideas from the ebil porky world to keep it running. You know I'm talking about reality and not marxist delusions.
Also society and nations are based on way more things that simple economic relations, which as you alredy know are changing all the time.

But of course you'll probably call me a retrograde tribalist numbnut now, as it's batantly obvious that leftwign/ringwing meme ends up having globalist ambitions on both ends that end up making the people miserable and enslaved. But go ahead, you're a good talk, unlike the other faggots.

really, implement id's.

eh I really don't like using that word in english mate.

no, it seems about right

You guys now it's been called for bernie, right?

Seesm so

i want him to livestream it

Yeah. I've been thinking though, since he didn't win by that large of a margin, how likely is he to get enough delegates? Even if CA is going Bernie as fuck, is it going to be enough?

140 sounds like the average between male and female

Probably not but if Shitlery can't win CA that should give superdelegates pause.

Man... that makes me depressed. Poor children.

Words have different meanings in different contexts. When leftists use the word "worker" they're referring to wage-earners and are not trying to imply that the

There's a lot of stuff to reply to in this, and considering how many assumptions you've made about me so far and how you've repeatedly failed to own up to the fact that you're a Nazi, I don't feel like you're worth my time, honestly. Every one of these assumptions you've made has been addressed, in all likelihood, hundreds of times before on Holla Forums.

This is off-topic for this thread anyway. If you want answers I encourage you to ask in the FAQ or to make your own thread, but for now I'll leave you with the fact that there exist other kinds of leftists than Marxist-Leninists.

Economic relations are the core of all societies. Economics dictate social conditions, not the other way around. This is a well-established fact at this point.

Bernie'd better endorse Stein if he can't secure the nomination.

he needs 65% or a little more of the remaining delegates to surpass(or tie) her, so it's doable, not very likely, though, considering the polls atm.

but here's a interesting article, how Sanders could profit of the finished race in the republican party:

even if he doesn't we can still do outreach and pull Sanders supporters more to the left.

Just think about the future. Just. Think.


what is happening in this webm?

What the fuck is that video?

they were crying… young people… wow

92.7% reporting, still nothing from Hancock county. Smooth democracy you got there, US

Interesting. I didn't even think about how Cruz dropping might benefit Sanders, but I don't think any Cruz supporters will switch to him, considering how they're less-extreme republicans. I figure they'd support HRC if anything. The other points are positives, however. I want to see Shillary buried.

A businessman is someone who makes wise investments, with his own money, to pay in whole for useful products, which win fairly in the free market, and pays his own losses.

A businessman is not someone who makes fake investments, with other peoples' money, to fob off substandard garbage, which the market is manipulated in favor of, and siphons from outside the market during screwups.

I was in GG since it started; Holla Forums even put some of my tweets from my old account at the Wolfire guy on an image compilation. Fuck you, gamers are people who play games, it's got nothing to do with ideology.

It was always specifically neutral on politics. Most of us were liberals when it was really active. The only thing weeb about it was that GG liked Japan for not caving to idpol.

Cruz-missiles btfo

No, man. If you're anything like me you ended up help Holla Forums fight a culture war (even if you didn't realize it at the time) and got completely distracted from what we were actually concerned about, like many.

Oh no, man. You do NOT understand how much Republicans despise Hillary. They see a """white""" guy railing against the establishment, that flicks their bean, his policies be damned. Same reason like half or more of Trump's supporters are Trump supporters. They don't actually give a shit about politics at this point as long as they get to keep muh gunz, muh gawd, muh freedumb and muh relijun, all of which Sanders would do a much better job of protecting. Then there's economic issues and things like the trans scare, but I think they're more willing to bend on those.
As a phonebanker, for me, and I can't stress this enough, THIS IS HUGE. I literally did a little autistic jitterbug dance when the rumor hit and put on "I Will Survive" when it got confirmed. Now when I call a Republican I can go off script and try to convince them to stay on the line by offering Sanders as a more competent, anti-establishment (not to mention viable) Kasich replacement. It IS a big deal.
t. Lares

Oh, and don't take my post to mean that you're not a leftist and neither am I. I'm just saying many of us got distracted and couldn't figure out that Gamergate was the wrong vehicle to get what we wanted in. I think I had emotional ties at that point and I saw the good in Gamergate, willing to cover my ears about the bad that got worse and worse.

No, I didn't, I rejected Yiannopoulos and his attention whoring culture war bullshit. GG became irrelevant when it alienated people like me and became about Holla Forums.

"Used pejoratively, ultra-left generally criticizes positions, especially those the mainstream historical Marxist parties, that are adopted without taking notice of the current situation or of the consequences which would result from following a proposed course. The term is used to criticize leftist positions that, for example, overstate the tempo of events, propose initiatives that overestimate the current level of militancy, or which employ a highly militant tone in their propaganda"

Well, I stuck around to January like a complete fool.
I believe you about the first few months, though. It really got bad around November, I'd wager. Before then Gamergate was exciting and progressive and punk and we told Holla Forums to fuck off.

Understood. I forgot that people get stuck on stupid things when it comes to politics, but I'm glad to hear it. Thanks for the hard work, comrade.

Wow, that sounds excellent.

that's a lot of money to lose considering what a shithole Spain is right now

Did it ever occur to you that there's elements of both as its simply individuals and both boards are focusing on the negatives?

I've always only ever seen "redpilled" "libertarian" MRA idiots doing the gamergate thing, but to be fair I've avoided it like the plague since it came up.

Politically its about 1/3 Trump supporters 1/3 Bernie supporters and 1/3 that either don't give a fuck about politics or are anarchists or libertarians.

It's almost like the media had something against GG and tried to paint them a certain way.

I don't think Gamergay is full of Holla Forumslacks, just that it's been coopted by them and there's more than the amount that I would put up with.

This is why Gobblegrab was destined to fail, its members had vastly different objectives. Literally OWS 2.0.

the innocence of childhood.

Who's more socdem, Bernie or Jill?

Doesn't matter. They're both shit.

the Donald is no shill tbh.

Trump is a brand. He shills all the time, just for his empire.

here's the video of the portion I was talking about:


I guess he was just…
Biden his time.

Christing Jesus Fuck, just end my pain.

Bernie would be old as dirt by then

Plan B then.

"Cruz was behind by effectively 1000 (Democratic scale, because Republicans have about half as many delegats as Dems) delegates and finally fucking dropped out and Bernie whose trailing by a quarter that much needs to drop out because I'm delusional enough to think Trump is competitive enough against a retarded pig to be scared of him!!!"

Eh, it might not be Sanders, but it in that event, it could quite certainly be one of the army of socdems he'd helped bring into office.


Why do you browse that community? They are massive classcucks.

so realistically, how much will Indiana help Bernie?
Are there any updates from the commiefornia polls?

Latest poll has Clinton up 19 points.

Next most recent poll has her up by 2.

Well, for laughs, now that they got mad and banned me.
Especially since we'll be winning everything here on out. Watch as they move the goalposts further and further. "He'll lose New Jersey! New Jersey is where his campaign ends!" Oh, I can relish it even now. In short, just watching them get angrier and angrier. They're already pretty fucking mad.

What a surprise.

So Holla Forums, you gonna vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson?
I personally find myself torn between the two.

What if Pennsylvania was the last state she won?

Oh they'll be salty soon enough ;^)

I'd feel like I failed in PA

You got a source on that, buddy?

I'm gonna vote for Bernie Sanders and he's gonna win and we're gonna have FALC.

more like Jew Stein and Hairy Johnson.
I'm voting for my chihuahua.

WTF would Holla Forums vote for Gary Johnson

I don't follow. Are you agreeing with me that he'll win?

Jill Stein might be too welfare state for some anarchists.
Also, he's such a stoner you can get a contact buzz from his body language. It would be a fun four years.

What do you think of Humble Bundle these days? I just can't support them anymore after the shit they pulled.

Haven't bought anything from them since I argued with him on Twitter, and I got my Overgrowth refund. The guy fucking propped up Arthur Chu, for fuck's sake.

But yeah, it was that kind of compilation that I was featured on.

-Jill Stein

Way to tip your hand

It's from /k/, you Hillary shill



Both anti-gg and gamergays are annoying as fuck and deserve to be sent to gulugs.

The only thing that gamergays really did achieve is dragging the annoying filth now known as "anti-gg" down into dirt with them.

Back to r/4chan with you.

I thought Arthur Chu changed his Nazi ways.

>>>Holla Forums

Yeah, you totally don't just buy whatever the media sells you.

He's right though.


Reddit doesn't seem to understand the concept of democracy

Way to out yourself, you mongoloid.

Agent Smith did nothing wrong.


>>>Holla Forums

Spicy. Someone tweet dat shit.

Indiana voter fraud:

Wonder how much he would have won by otherwise…?

Voter fraud is when the voters cheat.

Hush gamergay, no one is going to take away your toys.


This is really amusing, how can people in America consider themselves a democratic nation when stuff like this keeps happening?

Meninism is a joke, famalam, and they provably were. See Australia's ban on GTAV over violence against women.

ignorance and disengagement

I don't think it was a big deal this time. Notice that it's only some counties. All the counties they name are counties we took anyway.

You're thinking of Iam Miles Chong.


Okay seriously what the hell is the source of this? Been trying and failing to figure out the origin for ages now.

When are adults going to be allowed to use adult language in this country?

I know man, shit's stupid.


Thought I'd share some classcuckery in action.

Fuck the gulag, she needs to go up against a wall.

Jimmies: The Rustling: The Video

I'm fucked up over this.

It's not that fucking hard to get a degree. What's this degree even in? Is it an associates? Bachelor's? Come on.

This lady wouldn't even miss whatever's coming out of her income to help pay for this guy and his kid's groceries anyway. It could literally go missing and she wouldn't even know it unless someone told her. Also lashing out at a guy for needing government assistance when he probably works for someone who pays him too little to take care of himself on his own. She can't even correctly figure out who to be mad at.

Also anyone else "gifted" here and get triggered when stupid people try to act like they're smarter than you? I ignore it, but it really grates on me.

I wish something like this would happen where I am

I need to go off on some deserving asshole

The proper response whenever this sort of bitching about "muh paycheck" comes up is to point out that the only reason for any of this is because the upper income brackets won't pay their fucking fair share of taxes.

TBH I've gotten used to the Dunning-Kruger effect and I find it more bothersome when slightly above average people think they're hot shit because they're not idiots. They don't really have an excuse.

It was terrifying when I first started to realize how little most people understand of how the world runs, including people running it. Still is, to be honest.

They earned that money doggammit. You filthy commies are trying to steal those innovators' hard-earned money. Do you want to kill job creation and economic growth? Fuck off back to Russia if you want to live in a communist society. Actually, never mind - stay right here! Obummer has turned this beautiful land of the free into a steaming red pile of soviet filth! No wonder a jobless hippie like Sanders has won the feeble hearts of America's youth1 I weep for our future. It's like kids these days are flushing their heritage down the toilte!

Nah, is right. Statistically speaking, she probably has to pay for his food stamps purely because his employer is leeching off society instead of paying a living wage. Taxes shouldn't even be part of the picture.

Tell her I'm 16 and I've accomplished more than she ever will.
Fucking shit.

Good point, it's a combination of both really.

I'm so glad Bernie is talking about this shit. Last night he called out the Walton family by name again, and how Walmart associates need to be on fucking food stamps.

I'm lucky enough to be fairly insulated, but yeah, giving it some more thought, those people are probably the worst and this lady seems to be one of them since she must live somewhere where having a degree is unusual enough to mean you must have above average intelligence. That's not necessarily true, but that's the culture of her area.

I'm 18 and of course I don't have a whole lot of experience with, you know, actual adults, but I will say this election cycle has been quite the coming of age experience for me. Shit's fucked in more ways than I ever thought was possible, and so few people actually know it. I used to be one of those people, but now I don't know how to reach out to them. What's worse is I know there's still a ton more to learn. I'll reach that level one of these days.

I live in the heart of the deep south. Please take me, fellow citizen.

Because Americans have no idea what democracy is, how it works, or even come close to understanding the concepts of personal liberty.

I'm 23. Shit got so much worse when I went to college. It was shocking how little almost anyone cared about what they were doing there. Faculty, staff, and students. They mostly were just going through the motions. And I went to a good STEM school, too. Even if most of the students and professors weren't brilliant they had some kind of talent, but it all seemed to go to such waste plugging along as mere cogs in the machine.

Unpopular opinion-
All "small" schools are TTTs or peddling ideological religion, almost always both.
All "Ivy League" privates are bougie.
If you don't go to a state school then tbh fam smh

It's Limmy's Show.

Fucking love Limmy.

Lmao, it's been a while

Exactly. Which means that counties that supported Sanders were targeted, so we would have won by a wider margin if it hadn't been for the suppression.

Hey, I was on the threads, too, I made almost every animu webm that gets posted around there.
But the GG threads nowadays are not the 2014 threads.


One of the main reasons these people get so upset & lash out at those who don't deserve it, is because they're jealous that they aren't getting some help. Another is that they think people who receive help are "undeserving" because they're lazy. I know, because I used to think a little like them, having grown up in the South. It's easy to buy into, because it's a lazy way of thinking for those who don't have much time(since most are working constantly); an extremely lazy explanation of why the economy & work is suffering.

A cousin of mine(who actually happens to be extremely sweet & kind), even shares those bogus videos. Not the one here, but ones of overweight, rude, (& more often than not, black), and ignorant foodstamp recipients who happen to be acting a fool in a store. I've seen memes with pictures of people buying unhealthy food, cigarettes(in some places I guess they still allow it) in bulk, and "pointing out" how these people are somehow "gaming the system", just get to get goodies for themselves. You all remember that meme, "Oh, you get foodstamps, but also have an iPhone?!?". I saw that one the most, I think.

The most outrageous thing about these people who believe this is, they more often than not claim to be "strong Christians". Every value they pride themselves on in being Republican is a way of cutting down or belittling someone. No heart at all.

It's really insane to me. I grew up around these people; have many in my family. Even when I was younger, uneducated & poor, I started to buy into it. I actually watched Glenn Beck when he first got his show on HLN. I'm ashamed to admit that one.. But once I saw the "Tea Party Express" FOX bus tour, I knew it had been corrupted; that it wasn't what it claimed to be. I was young & dumb, but I wasn't that dumb.

Most of them recognize there's corruption in government. They just need to have it explained to them how far gone it really is. How it's the corporations & 1% who actually get the welfare. That some billionaires were the ones behind he Tea Party & Libertarian rising we saw in the media. They need to have it explained to them that these "free markets" only benefit the 1%, that it takes our jobs & gives them to immigrants/foreigners who are then exploited insanely. Also that most on welfare actually do work, and work hard. Try to get the anger out of the equation so they can think more rationally. Not all of these people are lost causes who don't want to learn, most just simply have no idea as to how the country & politics really works. Most are working 24/7, stressed & don't know about any other news outlets than the mainstream, which is where they get all these nonsense talking points & believe them.

I know I'm repeating what most here already know, but I hope it helps for someone wanting to engage these people. I also just woke up, so forgive me if this post is all over the place

i mean formally it wasn't meant to have a specific political tendency, but it was dominated, or at least hijacked, by "gultural margzism :DDD" types

take one fucking look at /r/KiA

hah, was waiting for such reports
Indiana seemed suspiciously calm

I bet California will be disastrous

Never though I'd live through times when in the US thousands cheer against the ruling class.

Democratic Establishment May Anoint Joe Biden If Hillary Is Indicted

Some people just can't figure it out.
I grew up poorer than those around me, and I already know what it's like to get shit all over by the rest of society for one of many symptoms of being poor. I don't personally want food stamps and government assistance, I think it's bullshit that anyone would have to depend on anyone else and I think that work is, or rather ought to be, rewarding.
When we weaken unions, teach kids to abstain from sex rather than teach them about contraception in public schools, keep minimum wage low and then let the ruling class get away with whatever they want to do because of this illusion of hard work, we're living in an increasingly violent class war.
I hate poor people who have kids and people who can't budget, but I'm not so stupid to go around blaming the poor for everything wrong in the world. At the end of the day, if the rich want to kill or torture some people to fight over resources, I'm gonna be just as much of a victim as these other people. I'd just rather kill some porks than someone living in the same thinly veiled already existing FEMA camp as me.

I wish they would. I fucking wish they would.

that would certainly escalate things

"FULL SPEECH: Bernie Sanders Speaks at The National Press Club in Washington, D.C (5-1-16)"

Bernie lays out his arguments & strong points for being the DNC nominee. Do watch, it's great.

8:15 he talks about delegate math. A very important part of the speech.

Short report on the labor conditions in Haiti. Long live Hillary!

Late stage capitalist grotesque.

It's amazing you found your way out of all that.

cheers, comrade

This need to be capped. It will be usefull for anyone has on of those encounters.

Thanks. I didn't have any help, that's for sure. Just being very curious about why things are the way they are. My parents were Democrats(still are), but the rest of the family is Republican. I'd say online access is the main thing that did help, though. Believe it or not, there's still a sizable amount of the population in the US who don't have good access to it. I got a smart phone for the first time two years ago(father's old one), but could only afford to activate it through help from my fiance. (Even though I was working a full time, good job!) It's outrageous the amount you have to pay to activate & keep it going, especially compared to the wages that are generally made.

Cheers :)

That would be my first screencap, and I'd be honored. :)

Spot fucking on. We suffer in the South together.


why she wears the masck

Just because a post is long and rambling does not mean it's insightful.

Hey.. go away

>>>Holla Forums

Cool :)
And the filename is apt.

Just because a book is long and rambling does not mean it's insightful.

I just don't see this happening. Delegates aren't paid-off shills like superdelegates; each of them would have to be somehow convinced to do this personally.

not if your private porky party makes rules as they see fit

Well according to all the state and national committee bylaws I've read, you can't change the rules until the conventions.

Anyone else notice how often Sanders refers to himself in the third person? I hope they don't try to use that against him at some point.

He does?

60's meme technology.


what are you saying?

Wow, John Kasich dropped out


Kasich fucking dropped out…. Trump is the GOP nominee. What the fuck.

That's alright.
Ohio really missed him.
We love you John Kasich!

Trump will make Instrumentality real.

Trump is Third Impact.

5 Reasons Bernie Sanders Wins Big With Cruz (and Kasich) Dropout

1. News coverage for the Democratic primary, and thus Bernie Sanders, will increase exponentially — immediately.
2. Sanders will pick up a huge number of what would otherwise be Trump votes in states where voters are still able to register for upcoming Democratic primaries, or are able to cross over and vote in the Democratic primary due to being a registered independent.
3. Clinton will have to start spending a great deal of money to fight a two-front war against Donald Trump, who’ll begin his ultra-negative primary campaign against Clinton immediately, and Bernie Sanders, who will avoid attacking Clinton directly but has nevertheless vowed to take the Democratic primary to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
4. Sanders now has a greatly increased chance of winning all of the remaining Democratic primaries and caucuses.
5. The Democrats will have a contested convention, and the Republicans won’t.

Hearing on election fraud and disenfranchisement:

New York City Board of Elections Public Testimony - 5/3/2016:

I just started watching now, but people are commenting that it gets heated. I'm guessing like the Arizona hearing, but maybe louder, since they're New Yorkers, lol. Not to make light, though, because this is very serious business.

But why would Kasich drop out?

He's the one the establishment delegates will rally behind.

He's the one they'll cuck Trump with.

starts off great already

I don't think they plan to cuck Trump out of the nomination now, they aim to contain and wrangle him into a more palatable candidate.


That sounds like something that could backfire really quick.
Basically they plan on being the sleazy Grand Vizier to the insane infant sultan?

Basically they plan on being the Cheney to the Bush


It's probably going to work, unfortunately.

Trump already has most of the kosher GOP positions (aside from banning muslim immigration and deporting illegals). They just aren't positive they own him so they're scared.

Despite what the media machine would have you believe, the Obomber presidency has deported millions, that in spite of illegal immigration being below net zero.

White gen0cide is the #1 priority of all politicians. Obama's "deportation of illegals" is just capture and release (IN THE US), they don't actually get sent back to their home countries.

Whether they're deported back to their countries entirely, illegal immigration is still naturally below net zero, meaning that more illegal immigrants are leaving the US than new illegals coming in.

It is a problem that is in the middle of solving itself.

Illegal immigration is a red herring used by politicians anyway.

The real problem is legal immigration. 1 million nonwhites flood into the US every year, but not a single person talks about that. That's because it was a planned shift of focus to the "illegals" and shifting the argument to whether they should stay or vote or whatever.


burden of proof

There's some hardcore delusion on that article.

Y-You're serious?

This is probably going to sound like a shill, but I promise you it's not.

Is hillary really all that bad? I've read somewhere that she shares like 90% of her policies with bernie.

Are we just delusional or flat out wrong about her? Do we want to hate her so we take everything possible and turn it into dislike? Are those 400+ super delegate endorsements smarter than us? Think about it, all we do is sit around on an imageboard and armchair politic.

idk, for the record the only thing I really know for sure is that I don't really trust her, she seems to either lie or distort the truth too much.

Did you seriously fall for the meme that she actually holds those positions and didn't merely adopt them because Bernie was becoming a threat?

no I first saw it last year in like june or something.

Her policies aren't that bad that it's totally not worth voting for. She wants to raise the minimum wage to $12, have college expenses paid for if they work 10 hours a week, etc.

Compare her tax plan to Obama's and Bernie's, it's basically improved Obama.

I will probably vote for her, begrudgingly, if she's the nominee, just because her policies will help the poor more than anything Trump would offer.

There's another thing to consider, there's a crash coming up soon, and whoever pres will be blamed. Will this be blamed on neoliberalism finally, or with they point the finger to anything resembling anything leftward?

As I said earlier in the thread, the "negative net illegal immigration" meme is extremely misleading. Leaving aside the fact that emigration isn't actually tracked (such suppositions are made using resident demographics, meaning deaths or evasiveness could account for it just as well as emigration), that was just a brief hiccup at the deepest nadir of the recession, and mostly effected Mexican migration. For what it's worth, during 2014 the CIA World Factbook offers a net migration rate of +2.45/1000, while the Census Bureau's gross migration rate for the same period is 4.07/1000.

Absolutely true, don't forget the colossal number of descendants of recent immigrants, nonresident temporary guest workers, just-over-the-border Maquiladora, and crossborder commuters.

He was really just in it for the free food tbh fam

Trump's 0% tax on everyone earning below $25,000 and 10% on everyone earning $25-50k is probably more relevant to the average working class family than anything else in politics, other than living in a safe neighborhood where they don't have to worry about their livelihood. My father hasn't voted in years, he's pro Trump to the point where he makes Holla Forums look like Cruz supporters, and it's all based on this one fact - people like him are squeezed on all sides already, squeezed by his employer, squeezed by bureaucrats, squeezed by utility bills, ripped off by every sector of our society that has their hand in the working class's pocket. He doesn't want to pay for free college for everybody and, frankly, I don't blame him. Until the working class is taken care of first, there's no reason they need to be paying for anything right now while the elites are hording everything.

In a perfect world we'll get everything, free education, free medicine, workers having a share in the profits of their labor, etc. We know we're not getting that this election, and I think the priorities of what many on the left do claim to want, free college seems to the big one, is so completely out of touch with the current needs of the actual working class, will burden the working class (because we both know neither Hillary nor Trump is going after the billionaires they wine and dine with to get that money) and is much more beneficial to well off college students who are often from muh privileged families that all the structural and capital advantages in society that allowed them to pursue an education at a $30,000 a year institution in the first place.

A man after my own heart

Get this shitty ideology out of here.


you're missing one thing: Hillary is a fucking liar. she is actually against all of the good things she's promising.

She's a criminal, liar, and a murderer. That's all I need.

Trump, Sanders win primary contests in Indiana

By Patrick Martin
4 May 2016


The Republican race being over this soon does nothing but help Bernie, and the DNC attacks for party unity only add fuel to the fire. No more talk of RNC division, it's all about the Dems. The upset in Indiana was the first sign. Bernie needed a boost, and this was it.

…whispers of a dream…

#DropOutHillary is currently trending #4 on Twitter and rising :))

This is pretty great the whole way through, more people need to see this. Looks like the exact same fucking bullshit that happened in Arizona went down in New York.

The problem is she's a gigantic liar with a history of supporting corporate interests over workers'. So yeah, she is all that bad.

Are you really not understanding how free college works? It works directly to counteract the privelege you're referring to by enabling those not so well off to get an education.

Maybe you should remove your Nazi flag and replace it with a burgerbux flag?

Her policies would most likely be the continuation of Obama's, which are better for the poor than what the GOP is offering.

People need to understand that the reason federal taxes, especially income taxes, are always at the center of tax cut debates, is because they're practically the only form of taxation that impacts the rich (not to mention the way FICA is lumped into many income tax comparisons, in spite of it being more of a compulsory savings program than a real tax. Sadly, even my pics have that problem).

Similarly, ad-valorum taxes like sales and property taxes, which hit working class consumers like a ton of bricks, but leave the wealthy practically untouched, are never attacked. On top of that, goofballs are regularly allowed to float retarded ideas, like giving the federal government European-style VATs. Question for yuropoors: Why do you morons let this continue? Unlike the vilified federal government, largely ignored state and local governments are almost totally reliant on these absurdly regressive ad-valorum taxes for revenue:

Not that the underlying ideology of "why should I (collectively) pay for necessities?" is in any way correct, but the specific example of higher education is increasingly dubious. Instead of a surefire job (or at least career boost), it's turned into a way of wasting 2-8 years of your life in return for the chance to try and get some nepotistic professional contacts and a square of toilet paper statistically unlikely to bear any relation to your eventual form of employment.

Higher ed needs a titanic overhaul: Immediate paid apprenticeship in at least one real profession for all taxpayer-funded students, employment/pay prospect accountability requirements for all taxpayer-subsidized majors to meet RoI quotas or be denied funding, deemphasis of academia in favor of businesses being required to train their own recruits depending on labor market conditions, etc… Student loan debt barely scratches the surface.

was meant for

Remember now, don't use naughty words in front of the election board or a public servant might remove your mic and turn the camera away before escorting you out of the room.

What if there are impressionable children on the board?

hah, was just about to webm that too

The DNC are killing themselves for Hillary.

I love every minute of it

So I hear things are about to heat up in Burger Town now, with the race being between Satan and the Antichrist!

[spoiler]Good luck, guys.[spoiler]

Is that marzipan?

yes, marzipan dipped in anus, to be more specific

I assume you mean anise.

Anise, anuse, does it matter?!

the democrat party really needs to be cleaned up

It's unsalvageable.


I think you meant to write "cleansed".


I think you meant to write 'purged'.

Any Indictment news comrades?

The feds will give new meaning to "too big to fail".

if the majority of the younger voters who support sanders continue an interest in politics and the affairs of the democratic party, there is a chance

You can't reform bourg parties into rev parties.

How about instead of trying to salvage a bourgie party the energy goes into a new party?

That's an option as well.

Let me guess, the SEP?

What part of the word "new" was difficult for you?


Castrated bougies can't do anything bad.

The part where you thought you can conjure an enthusiastic mass movement out of nowhere.

Where have you been the past year?


Hey what party do most of his supports align with?


Probably independent at this point tbh. There are a lot of states where you have to register as a democrap to vote for him, and that party is currently committing sudoku.

That's a fair point. More and more people are getting disillusioned with the Democrat party and with the two-party system in general.

Unfortunately that can't be fixed unless we replace first past the post voting with a system that doesn't have the spoiler effect. My pick would be approval voting: easy to understand, easy to count, and goes right to the heart of the issue - "would you be OK with this person as president?" Too bad you have to do a lot of explaining to get people to understand that the two-party system is a symptom.

Third party electoral politics is a dead-end in America. The real parties are the ones with mass support, which are currently subsumed in the D/R blobs:

Stick a neo- on the liberal and conservative ones.

Holla Forums here

A third party will never have a real shot in the US because of our first past the post electoral system. The Democrats and Republicans have basically become coalitions of various Left or Right factions. If you run third party you basically split the vote of your own coalition.

What you nerds would do if you wanted real power is join the Democratic Party and work to get involved with it, presenting yourselves as Sanders-tier socialists. Either you could get a sizable faction of the Democrats to proclaim themselves as Socialists and influence the progamme, or get enough support to split off from the party.

I'm a Republican Party commissioner in my county.

Honestly revitalizing local politics and the right for state and municipalities to self-manage democratically is a lot more important than getting a SocDem to become president.

Going for congress might not be a bad idea either.

We'd do better to build a party to take advantage of all the disillusioned independents and pull Democrats over to us while their party collapses.

I really hope Bernie starts encouraging people to get involved locally. The revolution (peaceful or violent) has to be bottom-up to work. Congress is also a good strategy. Bernie managed to get some good work done there. So could more people like him.

I've always used a slightly different model.
>Socialists- Bernie+ True Pure Form
Then there's Holla Forums and Holla Forums type groups but I wouldn't say those are big enough to hold up a party.

I can guarantee it that one of the first things Bernie would get to work on is FPTP. Then, the parties can split up into the above.

Local politics are party politics too. Local institutions are tied up within the parties. In major cities which have basically become one-party Democratic states (think Detroit or DC, Republicans don't even bother to run), the social institutions of the community are usually unofficially affiliated to the party i.e black churches.

Their party isn't collapsing. The minority bloc and globalists can hold the Democratic party together just fine. White workers and millenials have become largely dissilutioned, and some of the fringe of the minority bloc has insisted the party doesn't go far enough to cater to them, but that's not enough to destroy the party. If anything, white industrial workers might go to Trump, but that's about it.

There are like 20 communist parties in America you can join to "build" a new party, but most of them are dogshit. The only ones with any power or influence are the ones agitating nonwhites based on race issues, i.e the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Any new party is granted a lot more legitimacy if it takes some of the infrastructure of the established parties. You probably won't be able to get it to go FULL COMMUNISM but you could get policies implemented you think are pro-worker.

kill yourself tripfag

Your factions are dumb and your shits all retarded.

You'd have to amend the Constitution to do that. Good luck.

Isn't that the guy who started #BernieSoBlack?

I know Dr. Cornel West called Obama a "Rockefeller Republican in blackface" and honestly, I think he's onto something. Clinton and the rest of the establishment have been doing their damnedest to make this primary into a referendum on Obama as a way to court the black vote. I think Bernie would be faring at least a bit better were he running against a slate of white guys.

am i still banned.

if not, lol trump won


Duly noted. We appreciate the input.
t. Lares

Lefty pol needs to build a totally rad subversive alt left like pol did with the alt right.
Something that shits on sjws and idpol and promotes true leftism™
Pol was able to defeat the neocons with ebin meme's and calling them cucks….
leftypol runs around in circles wondering why blacks dont vote for bernie, i mean come on,, pwees vote.

If trump has taught me anything its that people respect confidence no matter what crazy shit you say, you guys have to embrace being commies publicly, have to start the movement, create videos and meme's making fund of idpol from a left perspective, create an altleft community

oh and another thing ive noticed from an outside perspective, all you fuckers do is fight each other.
There is a thread about why anarchy wont work right now.
The alt right has fucking monarchists in it who think the french revolution was the worst thing to happen to the west and we get along better.

That's because Holla Forums has forgotten how to disagree with someone without shouting "shill" and banning them.

Has it still not occurred to you? The fighting is a good thing. It's what makes this board a chan community. It keeps discussion in check by constantly questioning and belittling everything so nobody circlejerks.

The "alt right" is full of agreement because they do not care about the pursuit of ideas. Finding truth in philosophy is like finding it in science, it takes rigor, discipline. Instead, they are occupied with fighting imaginary enemies.

Pol are motely crue of far right groups pushed to the edge by the jew oligarchy destroying the west, we have our differences but times are tough and we work together to fight.
And now trump is the nominee, there are lots of alt right twitter, youtube
The neocohens like bill krystol and ben shapiro are licking their wounds.

this is why lefty pol will never win

also why cant i post videos, man you guys do suck

Win what, exactly?

corporations, idpol, sjws, political enemies within and without, you guys are too beta

Sentences. Can you form them, nigger?

Nah, that works with conservatives but not liberals. There's a study of political psychology and "lefties" and righties respond to different things.

And yet so far you have been unable to defeat us. In fact we've grown stronger.

It's like when righties shit-talk the Soviet Union and Marxism-Leninism, except even worse. If we're so weak, what does that say about YOU?

Have you read the word of Frederick Nitsche?
About how he who fights monsters, should be carefull not to become a monster?

Can you not see how, by using the tools of the enemy, you become the enemy? How pol has become IDpol? How IDpol creates more pol?

If to win, one needs to stop being oneself, then to hell with wining!

is hillary going to be indicted or are we going to lose?

Nah. It's just creating a mindless mob of zombies, saying "make 'murica great" or "check your privilage".

Also this.

I dont really care what you fuckers do, im just telling you why you are beta cucks losing on all fronts and why shillary is winning.
Trump had both the righting and leftwing media screaming REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HES HITLER for like 8 months and he still won.

You guys go on being proud of being losers then

beautiful, comrade


Sorry what did loose again?

Oh… you think politics is like a sports game where the trophy gets passed back and forth once every four year.

I guess that kind of explains enough about your positions

pol has always been idpol, just a different kind than sjws

Nigga that's why he won. He got tons of free exposure and was painted as the underdog. Bernie got ignored.

No, they see it like a video game.


now ain't that some shit.

Though, in Warcraft, Orcs became violent invaders, cause their world was invaded. .. .. Are warcraft orcs middle easterns invaded by US?

Honestly though, the ONE thing uniting this whole board is it's hatred of capitalism. You'd think you would have your priorities straights.

And these are all mostly byproducts of that system. Isn't leftism about uniting anyway? I mean, I love that this board isn't a torture chamber-echochamber-safespaceTM, but sometimes yall need to activism.
it made me reflect on the human condition more than anything.
btw, it was a nigger with a gun, I have no doubt in my heart that guy could've been a Holla Forumsyp

Lemme guess.
You also believe in gultural margxism XD XD?

you do know that coverage like that is almost always good for a candidate right?

What is wrong with this terminology? idpolers take Marx's idea of class and apply it to race, sex, etc. Then they use that analysis to push cultural changes.
It’s Not About Bernie: Why We Can’t Let Our Revolution Die in Philadelphia
Based Sawant on the revolution after moving forward.


How is anything I said incorrect?

You could actually try and, you know, debunking it to BTFO pol, you guys.

anyone who genuinely believes in cultural marxism is too far gone.

Explain it to me, since you're making the claim.

What even is cultural marxism then? I better steer clear of it because if I accidentally believe it I'll be too far gone.

Cultural marxism, a critique of the cultural state is the West, in which opportunities and resources are taken disproportionately by muh privileged individuals, designated by their demographics.


All you've done is rearrange words to make it similar to the basic premise of what I've described as Marxism. There's nothing even remotely similar. Rather, the lines of thinking are in complete contradiction.

Culture, opportunities, resources, demographics. These things are all decided by the material conditions of capitalism. To "apply Marxism" to these things is hogwash, as it fails basic base/superstructure theory and ignores the most fundamental aspects of Marxism in the first place.

In other words, it takes more to be considered an adoption of "Marxist" principles than to fucking critique hierarchy. Otherwise, you'd be Marxist for being anti-monarchist, or anti-slavery.
From Nixon to Clinton

So it fails to be Marxism. Marx himself distanced himself from Marxists because they diverged from his ideas. People still do what I described. Pointing out that people believe in spooks doesn't mean the beliefs don't exist and people don't act on them.

Important article:
>If Bernie’s only concern is that running independently could open the door to a President Trump, then why could he not at least campaign in the 40+ states where it’s generally clear the Democratic or Republican candidate will win? Even in this way, while not putting his name on the ballot in the 5-10 closely contested “swing states,” he could still run an historic campaign if linked to building a new party. It could lay the foundation for an ongoing mass political movement to run hundreds of left candidates for all levels of government, independent of corporate cash. He wouldn’t need to win this election to effect a sustained leftward shift in US politics.

Yes. Hence "cultural Marxism" is completely wrong, as if the fact that it's an oxymoron of a statement in the first place wasn't bad enough.
Which does nothing to change the fact that it still isn't Marxism, it just means Marx didn't refer to himself as a Marxist. Now, if the idpolers were adhering more to his words than the self-proclaimed Marxists, you'd have a point. However, there is zero overlap. I say again, the only similarity here is that they are critical of some form of hierarchy, which is not exclusive to Marxism in any way.

These people will call themselves marxists. They will say they apply Marx's theories to sex/race/whatever. Gee why do right wingers call these guys marxists? Hmm.

Don't you understand that you are saying something as idiotic as "applying biology to Vonnegut?"

Yeah, but I'm not the one claiming that I'm analyzing race through a marxist lens. I'm reporting that other people say they are, and that "cultural marxism" refers to them. It doesn't have to be a completely serious term. It can be ironic like social justice warrior.

So why call them "cultural marxist" which is a right wing conspiracy theory stemming from the Nazi "Kulturbolschewismus" and not just idiots if that is what they are?

It's the same stupid shit as "social Darwinism".

Nazis called themselves socialists. So?

USA calls itself a "Democracy". So?

Because they're a specific group that's having an effect. They need a name, and that's what they're currently being called. If you want them to be called something besides cultural marxists maybe try coming up with a better name instead of telling people not to use terms that trigger you.

How do you intellectually justify this? HINT: you can't.

How about, SJWs?

Edgy kids?

Even more so, both the tiny voter turnout in state and especially local elections, plus the presence of direct referenda at many of these elections, means it wouldn't be that hard to DIRECTLY overturn FPTP in favor of less vote-wasteful, more gerrymandering-resistant systems like IRV and at-large PV. This would allow third parties to become nationally established, become powerfully entryist in federal politics of the D & R parties, and eventually pass the constitutional amendments needed to reform federal democracy.

This. Holla Forums is a nazi torture chamber, and even the slightest sign of disunity is banned by hotpockets. We may disagree, but we are united on the areas we hold in common.

If the rumors about Biden getting auto-anointed in that event are true, what's needed isn't a personal Hillary indictment, but prosecution over electoral fraud and a primary recount.

Their world wasn't invaded, they invaded of their own choice after being invited by a traitorous humanbecame corrupted by demon worship and eventually (long after invading Azeroth) destroyed their own planet. You're probably thinking of Xen being invaded by the Combine in Half-Life.

I think it may also come from the misconception that they are mistaken for collectivists, when only sometimes it is the case. Funnily enough, they use what is known as the progressive stack, a hierarchy of 'victimhood' or rather their own muh privilege, which is taking advantage of peoples empathy. Ironically enough, many of them are narricisstic, an individualist trait, ergo, they themselves are individualists, not collectivists. Or, perhaps they are actually exploiting collectivism.

This thread is relevant to the 'gultral margzizm' discussion I think *sniffs*

Another term conservatives and liberals use, is 'regressive leftists' I would prefure the term reactionary idpolers myself.

I know what Sargonites use (she? I made a term too), and it's all in order to propagandize the "they are leftists" meme, and promote their neo-macarthism.

And, Idpolers is ok too.

Only Gultural Margsism is broblematic term and BO should make it excellent too.

The problem with "regressive leftists" as well as one of my personal favorites, "the faux-left" is that it can basically be applied to any and all types of liberals and doesn't really single out the idpolers. SJWs was good for a long while, but misuse both by the reactionary right and the adoption by ignorant non-idpol liberals has watered it down a bit.

If I want to communicate with people, I will use terms we both understand. If I'm talking to someone who refers to these people as cultural marxists, I'll refer to them as such. I'm sorry your feelings are too fragile to allow you to talk to people you disagree with.

This is probably the closest match, but I think it's a bit vague tbh.
They're not necessarily bourgeois.
They're not mainstream enough, honestly. A neoliberal would be someone like Obama or Clinton.

You make some good points. They're exploiting the idea of collectivism by trying to set up a new hierarchy where they're on top.
Yeah, they're not really leftist or regressive. Reactionary idpoler is basically a synonym with SJW but more descriptive.

Sargonite is a perfectly good word.

You're right about SJW being watered down. It's probably because it's vague. Marxism has a similar problem because it's just [name]+ism. If you call someone a reactionary idpoler (assuming people know what idpol means), it's hard to distort the meaning.

The only thing I don't understand is why Sawant and others haven't just thrown their support behind the Green Party instead of trying to build a whole new one.

Why join an existing party when you have a bigger movement to use and you have the opportunity to have more control over the direction it takes?

Not even a Marxist but just because you don't know what it means doesn't make it any less of an established, specifically defined political ideology.

Because it's a lot of work to make a new party and the Green Party already encompasses like 95% of the issues Sandersnistas are pissed off about in its current platform?

Call them Jonesites after Alex Jones.

The problem with "SJW" is that it's sarcastic. Normalfags (and many very retarded SJWs) will look at it and go "Social justice warrior? That sounds like a good thing!", much like other sarcastic internet epithets such as "butthurt", the joke goes over their heads.

On old GG threads, the best we could come up with was "outrageists", because their preferred currency of political exchange is hysterical moral outrage for its own sake, to virtue signal how enlightened they are, regardless of whether or not they're actually helping anyone.

Oh well, I guess that explains it.

what's your problem with her personally?

That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that to someone unfamiliar with what it means, it's easy to not know the difference between a distortion and the proper version. I contrasted with reactionary idpoler, the meaning of which should be clear from the name without needing further understanding.

Indeed. Actually collectivists, such as Islamists, a group they claim is always marginalized, is actually more authentically collectivist. Islamists act for the group, and in the name of their spook, rather than self interest, especially when they fight against someone of an opposing tribe, as it were. So much so, they sacrifice themselves to it.

Or also, 'Reactionary Identity Politician' or 'RIP' for short. I figure its a way that should catch on soon enough, at least in anti idpol leftist circles. Spread that shit like wildfire.

"Oh look, it's the rips coming to steal our fun!"

This is pretty good but it should apply to any political group that uses this tactic. The alt-right does that shit too.

Good point. Sarcasm is fucking dangerous on the internet. The MLP fandom started as a sarcastic joke but people took it seriously and it got way out of hand.



Furthermore, I think these sorts of identity politics is actually tied to capitalism, rather than socialism. After Socialism was effectively snuffed out during the red scare, what popped up after was the civil rights movement. It was the only way any proles could have any hope of having slightly less exploitation in the capitalist system. Obviously, once the black movement was seen as separate to socialists and communists, they were eventually given more rights and opportunities, if at a slow pace. Not to mention, it's actually allot harder to demonize people just based on race, rather than an idea, despite what pol might tell you. For instance there are pollacks that say 'nah, I only hate muh gultral marxxist juus that are fucking things up with immigrants lmao.'

The problem was, the civil rights movement, a form of identity politics, if but for an ultimately good cause, was still that of a compromise. Instead of all workers having a revolution and equality for all, it was just black workers being given the oh so wonderful honor of being only just as exploited as everyone else or only slightly more if they could get away with it, IE the drug war. A similar thing could be said with feminism as well. Yay?

So how does it tie in to capitalism? Well, one example is with neo-liberals putting Harriet Tubman on the twenty. I wouldn't be surprised if she took such a thing as an insult after what she had been through. Or I could be wrong.

Other examples are how, yes, they have the progressive stack, which is just another hierarchy of new age muh privilege. Or the fact they are upper middle-class petite bourgeoisie that don't even talk about class struggle, let alone have to worry about it. Whatever 'socialism' they advocate is simply just state capitalism. If they new what actual socialism was, and how to get it, they sure as shit wouldn't be socialists.

This type of RIP'inglol Is effectively pushed through academia and in mainstream media. It is a narrative that is easy to digest for the dumbed down masses to consume. A commodity to be sold to give people a sense of self righteousness in the face of suffering others. An easy way to rally against a false enemy. It is used as a means to castrate any revolutionary thought with 'but what about muh race/gender/sexuality people?' Forcing people to deal with them before anyone can deal with any real problems. It's another form of discrimination as well. Proles to fight amongst themselves while the bourgeoisie make bank again and again.

Also, can someone cap that last post I made? I don't want it to be forgotten.

Shit this has more potential than I thought.
and of course

I think 'Minister of catchy phrases' sounds pretty good about now.

I have a feeling I was reaching with that first paragraph…

We tried that.
The name was already taken by racist.

In my dream society, everyone/thing has whimsical names instead of something boring like "Director of PR".

How about the left hand path?

It would actually kind of make sense to say RIP in peace.

Why not classic leftism? Or just 'class' leftism?

Classy leftism? :^)

We shouldn't change the name, we aren't the 'alt-left', they are.

The alt-right style of outrageism is quite different, since they actually have a mostly coherent (if hilariously spooky) mindset of "volk must struggle against each other for supremacy, our volk are the ubermensch, and should rightfully subjugate or exterminate untermensch. If we fail to do so, we have been proven inferior and should suffer likewise". Compare this to the leftist outrageists, where the very concepts of logic, reason, and objective truth have been rejected, with constant self-criticism that often creeps into the realm of literal VHEM-grade misanthropy. The leftist kooks can be described in whole as outrageists precisely because they are ready and willing to be "deeply morally outraged" at anything and everything at any given moment.

Still, if you want to be REALLY specific, the exact term (originating from themselves) to describe their special flavor of brain cancer is "postmodern critical theorists".

To be fair, there were actual laws in the 1960s through which people could be oppressed in non-economic ways, so that would've had to be fixed regardless of capitalism and socialism. The problem is that's no longer the case, yet these perverts keep LARPing like it's still the 1960s1860s.

kill yourself


I did say "mostly". It's true 99% of Holla Forumslacks aren't mentally disciplined enough to follow their own BS, my favorite example being:
"Aggregate IQ curves for entire populations mean Europeans as individuals are superior"
"But don't Jews and recent American-African immigrants like Obama have even higher aggregate IQ curves?"
"Muh elite cherrypicking"

Shit, I forgot that's what they call themselves. That alone is almost an insult.

Yes, she's neoliberal, neocon scum. On top of it, she isn't even a likeable, smooth "personality" like Obama. She's just a piece of shit who can't even manage a hint of a facade of decency.

She's a blatant liar. None of her policies will represent voters. It'll get buried in red tape or will go ignored altogether. That's how establishment politics works.

She and her husband have been involved in numerous scandals. She literally has a federal case hanging above her head at this very moment. She only gets away with this shit because of money and influence (i.e., money).

You have no idea what you are talking about.

That would have been a so much better term for them.

Wowee, y'all shore did told me, yisser!

Anybody remember the kerfuffle over Obama praising single-payer and promising he'd try to do it during the campaign, then later during the passage of the ACA him denying that single-payer should even be on the table?

Yup. Remember when Hilldawg said Democrats shouldn't fight each other over single payer?

No they fucking don't. I don't know if you're relying on anecdotal experience or whatever, but don't beg the question. I have not once met a liberal who's called themselves a marxist, let alone a "cultural marxist." And who would be surprised, considering how Marx goes completely ignored in US schools. They don't call themselves this in either academia or in more general settings. Liberal ideologies can be separated into many different camps, some of which incorporate Marxist critiques of capitalism, but "cultural marxism" is not one of them and no one worth their salt would respect such a ridiculous supposed theoretical framework.

Don't even try to justify your misuse of terms by deflection. If you understood the contradiction from the get-go, you would not condone its use by the people you're against; you'd call them out for it, and rightfully so. Instead, here you are getting defensive because YOU got called out, saying "but THEY say it too!" No they don't, and you know they don't. Regardless, I don't respect the expression in any sense, no matter who is saying it. However, I will say I'm only seeing right-wing "redpilled" idiots ever throwing this shit around as if to give their retarded racist ideologies an air of credibility because it sounds vaguely academic.

Hipster parasites attach themselves to absolutely anything they think will give them cachet or credibility.

I've heard these people call themselves marxists. They're probably just doing it to be edgy, like most people who wear Che shirts. I don't care that the terms are contradictory. Most ideologies are full of contradictions

Spoiler that shit.

Can somebody remind gee gee that she has probably never even opened that book and neither will any of her fans? They only read their own social media sludge. Hardly a KGB conspiracy.

Really, I'm getting kinda sick of this gultural margsim may may. Holla Forums obviously cooked it up in its current form just to convert people to the alt-right, starting with gamer gators. Just create some pro-GG artwork before plastering the stuff with "no more cultural marxism :DDD"

That works.

Another simple idea is to use the hipsters' own trick against them. When you call someone an SJW asshole, they can smugly ask "so you oppose social justice?" Now, when you call yourself economic left, and this angers idpol, you can ask "so you support the rich?" etc.

Sorry, I've seen too much to remember.

That picture includes some wiki shit that has since disappeared. I question it's validity. At any rate, attention whores will always exist, but you don't cherry pick cases (1) as evidence that such a thing as "cultural marxism" exists, and (2) to justify using improper terminology as a result. When you see attention-whoring idiots, you call them what they are: attention-whores, pseudointellectuals, etc.

I've used the expression in a perfectly appropriate way. He was justifying his use of a dumb expression under the assumption that the other side uses it with the same understanding and frequency. To say it's okay to call "cultural marxists" such "because they will call themselves marxists" is begging the question flat-out, along with some other fallacies in there I'm too tired to even think through and identify right now.

Doesn't matter what they do it for. Anecdotal evidence doesn't fly.

What is this, some doublethink shit? Now you're just being silly. If you care about being understood, you use clear, well-understood terms. Not oxymorons and especially not ones that refer to dumb spook shit.

Like? And assuming it's true, why should this justify poor reasoning and communication habits?

I'm not saying these people are Marxists, I'm saying they've jammed their ovipositors down our throat, and people look at us funny because of the facehugger clamped onto us. That is a real problem we have to fix.

I'm having trouble figuring out what you're referring to. If you're referring to liberals co-opting the left then all you can do is counter their misconceptions with reasoned explanations. If you're referring to attentionwhores then you just call that fuck shit out. You need to shame the kind of behavior you don't want to see to the point that people discipline themselves against it. I find that this works, but only when enough people chime in. The last thing we do is use stupid meme terms, either seriously or ironically; in the end, it only leads to more confusion.

delete this

Hey guise.. Remember when Sanders won Indiana?

You mean when hillary lost Indiana? Who the fuck is Sandels?

I thought Hillary was running unopposed? Did this Sandals guy not drop out yet?

Can yall cap these posts? This needs to be remembered!


Well tested my friend

Saw this on one of Jonathan Capehart's shitty Bezos-funded posts. I laughed harder than is necessary or healthy.

When will Holla Forums learn what neoliberalism actually is?

When will you slit your throat?

The problem is you can't do this because you still agree with the basic principles of the left "idpol"ers. You still want racial equality and desegregation, muh privileges for homosexuals, equality for women, etc.

The "alt right" has been growing and presented a real intellectual threat to mainstream conservatism because we flat out reject the leftist inb4 semantics I'm going to keep using it because it's easy narrative on race, gender, family, sexuality, etc etc etc. The problem cuckservatives have is they're forced to argue on the Left's platform, they've already ceded to the Left the moral highground on most positions. You guys likewise have ceded the moral highground to these feminists, Xi/Xir/Xum types, Black Lives Matter, etc. You don't disagree that their hearts are in the right place, you just disagree with the tactics or perhaps the extent they go.

Like the cuckservatives, you consider economics to be more important than identity politics. Cuckservatives ramble on about lowering taxes and you ramble about raising wages. But identity IS important to people, call it "spooks" if you want but ignoring this and considering yourself above it is like….webm related. These "spooks" are important to people, more important to them than their class status. Call that "false conciousness" or whatever but if you don't acknowledge it you'll never get anywhere. That's the reason the idpol Left has not only eclipsed you, but become the dominant faction in most of your traditional Leftist organizations.

I see the term misused here all the time, way more than it's correctly used.

Stop using it to mean Democratic Party elite style liberalism.

None of that is out of line with the Democratic Party's liberalism.


"Neoliberalism" is clearly used here mostly when referring to social issues, as it was in the sentence I responded to (calling the deeply triggering and problematic move to put Tubman on the 20 "neoliberalism"). It's an economics term, not an ideology or social stance.

I bet you get triggered by seeing people use "cultural marxism" but still go ahead and make excuses for this shit.

Green Party is old news. They don't seem serious, they have a hippie connotation, and they are barely a third party. All the Greens will go to the new party, and be invited. Stein already wants that. It needs to be seen as a new movement.

Also Socialist Alternative is the most open and adaptive of all Trotskyist parties. WSWS hates them with a passion. They have done a lot for Bernie and the left.

… At least you're funny.

You forgot Augusto Pinochet's Chile, where it all begun, as an experiment.

But, yes. I don't see why Hillary is not neoliberal or and different than what the US is doing since the Reagan.

Was there anything but neoliberalism, appart from some attempts from Obama to not let US go deeper into the shit?

It's literally Orwellian, they have different, contradictory rebuttals to everything that let them feel as super speshul as possible.
They often claim that Jews are so smart because they're biologically sociopathic, for example, while wanking their chodes to black/Hispanic murder fantasies.

what are your thoughts on the long-term effects of trump taking over the republican party? it shows that the republican party base doesn't give a shit about entitlement reform or abolishing the minimum wage but DO care about nationalist strongmen

so he's already smashed the "three-legged stool" of fiscal conservatives, neocons, and evangelicals–he's a moderate with protectionist tendencies on trade, he's suspicious of foreign intervention, and he doesn't give a shit about the traditional wedge social issues (gays and abortion), setting up for an election between a renegade porky appealing to right-wing idpol and, most likely, the standard-bearer of neoliberal imperialism tinged with """intersectionality"""

whether trump wins or loses, i expect the GOP to become more nationalistic and more secular, losing support in the sunbelt and making a comeback in the great lakes/northeast–whether the democrats shift to social democracy (as bernie sanders is hoping) or if they double down on third way politics remains to be seen

I honestly doubt it will change.

Trump will lose the general, and in 2020 another Mitt Romney will be propped up.

Trump is the belligerent egotism that Republican voters have wanted for decades. The GOP made its bed, now it has to sleep in it.

Is it Germany 1930 or USA 2017?

For all the criticism Bernie is blasted with over being a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon, Trump strikes me as the man running as himself. What is his staff? Who is going to be in his administration? What organizations form his base? I predict that while Trump will dictate policy like any other president, he will have a very difficult time (assuming he even tries) attempting to make any kind of lasting change in the Republican party, whether at the high political level, or at the rank-and-file organized base level.

an easy comparison to make, but the US's situation is nowhere near as precarious as that of the weimar republic, and while trump is shit, he's closer to silvio berlusconi or juan peron than to hitler

hillary will probably beat trump this november, but he's clearly discredited the "movement conservatism" that's controlled the GOP since the 1970s–future republican candidates will have to win over the nationalistic resentment and protectionist tendencies of his base while not brazenly alienating minorities and women as trump obviously has

Berlusconi is a saint compared to Trump!

No you haven't. I didn't assume the conclusion of my argument.
You are the one with poor communication habits, and you're using your reasoning to justify what looks like some kind of autism, tbh. Most people are spooked as all get out. If you want to communicate with them, you have to try to understand their spooks and work at least partially within them. Otherwise, to them you will look like you have two heads. Inventing new phraseology or adopting terms that a person isn't familiar with is not conducive to communication.
Stirred by Sanders, Democrats shift left on health care

If that were true in the slightest, dominant European political parties (rightist ones certainly, leftist ones increasingly as well!) would have to at least give lip service to their constituents' practically unanimous calls to shut off free trade and eliminate mass economic immigration. Yet, over the decades since EU enlargement and immigration began they have done neither of those things, instead dismissing such class-consciousness as "isolationism", "bigotry", and "racism". Even on the politically correct issue of nonintervention and pacifism, overwhelming public opinion was only grudgingly given any notice.

They are so enraptured by the twin serpents of neoliberalism and neoconservatism, that they are willing to go to the mat, ceding vote after vote to neofascist parties until they pass the parliamentary threshold, rather than give even one inch.

This speaks poorly of Trump's chances to leave a political legacy. Especially since American Republicans have gone one further than their European counterparts, by bemoaning immigration/offshoring as an instrument of political rhetoric, while simultaneously being the party that passes the most free trade treaties and immigration quota increases.

The shilling is strong in this one

>in the latest installment of the Kaiser Family Foundation health care poll
what did you expect


You made assumptions in your premises, which lead to an assumption of the conclusion.


So…"cultural marxism" then? I'm done.

It was a Republican plan from the start. It's incredible how Democrats were tricked into supporting a huge giveaway to the insurance companies, instead of universal health care.

Honestly I have to wonder if Democrats are not simply controlled opposition/sheepdogs for the Republicans

I mean what else would explain their bizarre insistence on working with Republicans when they have balked at every attempt so far to compromise?

you're just figuring this out now?

It's a bit more complicated than that. They're both controlled opposition to distract voters with wedge issues while porkies interests get inshrined into law with bipartisan support and no media coverage.

It's not like I thought the Democratic Party was a bunch of brave underdogs fighting the establishment up until now, but part of me thought they might actually desire to win. It's honestly a feeling I've had for years now since before I was even an actual socialist. Perhaps they're just afraid of energizing the left even the slightest bit, perhaps they idealize the modern American liberal republic too much to fully finish off the Republican Party, maybe they even want them to continue as a foil to their own actions, who knows. I think there are a multitude of reasons for their ridiculous actions.

It's good cop/bad cop. They both have the same goals, but one pretends to be one your side fighting against the other.
Why Elites Hate Trump

kek did anyone see the daily show's newest segment on "le ebin berniebros" meme? noah to gulag list soon?

TDS has been shit since Stewart left, who watches it?

it was so fucking forced it was so bad

My grandma found out I'm about dat phonebanking life. She's a boomer from the deep south.

Explain this

I know you're young and it's great that you're getting involved in activism but please stop attention whoring, you'll regret it later in life

I'm guessing it's Granny from the [Surname:] Baker side of the family.

grannies bake cookies, jon
its what they do

Good job pointing out the "entitlement" spook

what did they say in it?

The usual Daily Show bullshit.

That's how all of those conversations go.

Boy am I glad I stopped watching that idpol shitshow a couple years ago now. Good fucking riddance.

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Is this a le ebin raid?



That man is lifting 103 pounds like it's nothing. Incredible.

What did they do to the Daily Show?

>Bernie's plan will cause trillions of dollars in debts
I am neither American nor an economist, but isn't the word "trillion" a bit exagerated? The total current US debt is 15 trillions dollars.

I guess liberals ARE economically illiterate

Not directed at you, just making an observation.

It's a damn shame, isn't it? It used to be great. But a little before Jon left & after Noah took over, it went full retard/neoliberal. Sure, it was a bit like that before, but it was more lighthearted/not as serious when it covered idpol, for example(and actually had some humor injected so they got away with it more). Now it's on a whole 'nother level, and the comedy writing is complete shit.

That's the worst part - They didn't forget, they're just willfully ignoring it to push a narrative. Believe if it was Hillary, they'd be the first to bring these points up.

The media lynch mob is what's going to kill him, isn't it?

Both the democrats and republicans are a good thing for each other. Everything about our election system is managed by the two of them, which is why 3rd parties like the Green Party and libertarian party aren't even allowed into debates. If one were to dissolve they run the risk of whatever replaces them being less willing to play ball.

M8 when BO adds a Lares, Puerto Rico or PIP flag I promise on my heart that the trip and name will go away. I don't see why these bother people so much anyway, I just think it's important that when I say things people know where I'm coming from and a loose identity helps with that. Like how people can read Freudfags posts and not go "What the fuck?"

It's a cross language Spanish thing, we call our parents "mama/dada" and then our grandparents "mother surname/father surname". At one point my dad started applying it to his mom.


Hey, you guys know how Holla Forums calls negative reporting on Nintendo "Nintendoom"?
I'm going to have to start saying "Berniesandoom".

“It was a lie, clearly,” Lazar said.
NBC News asked Chris Tarbell, who broke open the Silk Road case, to review Lazar’s explanation of how he got into the server.

Will he go the way of Aaron Swartz?

the hero we need, but not the one we deserve

Honestly, I doubt it. The type of media coverage he gets has largely remained the same, since he first announced his running. In some ways, I think it's helped him. When the bias is so obvious, not as many people take the content so seriously. It might turn some viewers off, but I don't think we have to worry about it much.

It continues to be annoying, though.


The Democrats are destroying their own party.

Both parties are imploding and its glorious.

oh fuck you Shills

this is what Hillarybots actually believe

They aren't wrong, I'm definitely not voting Clinton even if Sanders endorses her.

With the Dems, it's by choice.

I'm saying that they're blaming Sanders for breaking up the democratic party instead of Hillary for driving everyone away by being republican 2.0: now with more vagina

It's like they completely forgot the 2008 primary.

Both parties are doing it by choice. The leadership for both tried to ignore the wishes of their voter base, those in the Republican party had to be dragged into finally going along with them and you still have holdouts at top levels like Ryan.

Absolute madman

She seriously has a different fucking shirt or blouse on every single time she's on camera. I hate this porky so much.
Donald Trump’s Hairspray Woes Inspire Climate Denial Riff

Capitalism cannot collapse fast enough.

We need more people like Jon Stewart tbh.

and George Carlin

That Jon Stewart clip is one of my favourite times the system has been exposed

I think they picked Trevor Noah because he is lame and not strong

BERNIE SANDERS: Poverty is a death sentence.

Probably his most important speech. He sent is a very important email for his campaign to highlight it. He then outlined some big policy positions I imagine he plans on working on with the Dem party. The speech comes close to calling out class warfare, and he is further escalating his attacks on the Dem party and Hillary. He is making the irreversible split.

The Email:

****he sent it out as a special email to highlight this point.


Holy shit… he's doing it. He's going full gommie!!!!!

I thought that would be his routine on the same topic. I love how when Carlin makes salient point the guy immediately compares him to Marx. Does he not realize that makes Marx sound reasonable to the people listening? Comparisons work both ways.

Did anyone else watch the episode last night.

Holy shit Noah and the writing staff are fucking neoliberal stooges

Forgot vid,p0,d1

Wanna see how retarded they can be? Here's a bit that made it to the front page of reddit where they try to conflate guns and abortion.
Sorry it's not a mirror. Viacom is greedy as fuck with the DMCA.

I hope some idiot tries to call him out on his "mistake" so someone else can point out that America is two continents.

Continents are a spook

Spooks are a spook.

I remember watching that live and being triggered

Daily reminder Holla Forums made this the theme of the US politics thread a while back and now Bernie sent out a press release a few days ago titled "Democratic Party: Which side are we on?"

People are starting to make 2016 adapted covers of it 4 bernie as well, some are a lil cringe tho.

Just kidding this old man adapting it for Bernie is probably the best thing I've ever seen this election.

Dear god Bernie, where the fuck have you been?

He sort of needs to just to keep up with HRC. I mean passing the same thing twice doesn't really hurt anyone.

I didn't get an e-mail, I wonder whom he sent it to.

Stirner was a spook :^)

It's sad that Bernie has to kiss the ring of delusional PC weenies, however dishonestly, on immigration and feminazism, but it's still a political reality. Still, he could leave out the gallingly contrafactual "for equal work" part and I doubt they'd notice

Technically one supercontinent split into three continents.

This is the exact reason why Bernie still has support and nobody watches the news anymore.

based Commissar.

Sign any acts you want into law, but if they are really legislating "equal pay for equal work" (non-Burger, but don't you already have that in law?) but nothing will change on the ground because this is already the reality - at least as far as it's ever going to be in a wageslave-based market economy.

Even liberal feminist luminaries are starting to realise the equal pay/work vector for the "wage gap" talking point is starting to smell. That's why you're starting to see them shift gears to the weirdly traditionalist "muh woman's work is less valued!" angle. Only time will tell how that will fly in the long term though.

"We must come to the Democratic Convention armed and ready to fight for the Superdelagate's support"


Not just once in 1963, but this has been rehashed literally like four times over the years now. Somehow people seem to forget every single time.

At least it's not as bad as the 50 billion times automatic firearms have been "banned" by hysterical technopeasants.

I think you mean "assault weapons" :^^)


I'm pretty sure the argument of house work because labor is less "traditional". since most traditional family the woman who be also happy with the position she's in

One and a half hour and Guam results will start pouring in.

Have some cringe, a good post, and some links.
Tbh I don't know why I keep looking at this stuff it just makes me angry.
Here's hoping for Guam. It's winner take all so that's good.

What? I had no idea Guam was already voting. I thought next was West Virginia.

Guam, then WV on Toosday, then Kentucky and Oregon. We might lose Kentucky- as in, it's one of the three states we'll have trouble with alongside DC and New Jersey. Hopefully we win all of them though. Guam is basically in the bag.

Fuck, I hadn't heard anything about it. Shit now I'm worried the MSM will just not cover Democratic primaries that Bernie is likely to win.

I have a hard time believing anyone would be fooled by those shill jobs. They smack of a manager screaming at them to do better, while a Hillary staffer screams at him/her over the phone to do better, while Hillary screams at him/her to do better.


Oh, believe me, nobody does. If you go through as many hill shill posts as I do you realize there's no way it's not a coordinated effort. They repeat the same talking point for like a week and then drop it because it failed to catch on. They also have really shilly activity patterns. On news websites that will be their entire history if it even is displayed anywhere and on Reddit it's easy to tell that they use the account for personal stuff as well as their job due to vast separation between what they usually do and the content of their shill posts (ie. no interest in politics outside of cranking out five "I USED TO LIKE BERNIE BUT" posts a day). Like literally all they use is Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and news. Why don't they use Tumblr, Instagram, or Snapchat or anything like that? Because on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and the news, not only can they fling their content in front of people's unsuspecting eyeballs while they're looking at other stuff due to those websites "comment on everything" philosophy which they can't do on other social sites and also they can play cat with the bushy tail or peacock and follow each other and like the same pages and feign activity and size which is also harder to do on other websites. With G+ the answer is far simpler, the usage in America is a joke and it's not in the budget.
Honestly this shit reminds me of Gamergate with the whole media invested interests and grassroots and astroturfing and shit, only most of the astroturfing GG pointed at was probably fake. the biggest astroturfers were Holla Forums but I'm not gonna go down that road again

Oh, also on "shilly posting patterns" they often have accounts with names clearly centered around the 2016 elections that only tweet or Facebook about the election. Whoever is managing the Reddit astroturfing is better at this and only hires actual Reddit users but it's still bad.
Sometimes the Twitter users will make a lame attempt at making it look like they also use their account for personal stuff but I mean like one personal post wedged in between 9 election posts or more.

Dude I noticed this in about 30 seconds on reddit the day he lost NY. They are terrible at hiding the fact that they're shills. It drips from every word.

There are companies that you pay to do this shit for you. They're probably hiring different companies to diversify the program. It'd be ridiculously inefficient (but more authentic) to hire random users to shill. I haven't looked into it too much but I'd guess they have staffs of people who work on this stuff full time with several accounts each shilling for different things.

God I miss this man.

DC is going to be really hard.

West Virginia is also in the bag, Sanders has had a huge lead there going up to it. He has an enormous deficit in Kentucky so I don't see us winning it, I just hope he doesn't lose it as bad as the polls say.

It hurts how he's been replaced. But at least now we have snarky people on opinionstube, right? ;_;

What is dead can never die.

No results yet. 30 minutes late, so far…

There is nothing wrong with that vid.


Yes, because it's their fault Hillary is a shitty candidate.

Holy shit.

they really believe Hillary is a leftist along with LBJ.

This OHD link is a fascinating link and a great rebuttal to the "Bernie Bro" narrative.

Which makes that Daily Show segment all the more disgusting.

KY here. I've already sent in my overseas ballot for Sanders. He actually crushes Hillary in overseas voting, in all of the states/elections I've seen so far, which is awesome.

I'm working on my parents to vote for Sanders as well. I'm pretty sure my elder sis is voting for him, already, but I'll make sure tonight. And I think my Nana(grandma) might be leaning towards Hillary because of the "strong woman" stuff, but I do know she likes Sanders as well. I'll keep you guys posted as to the progress. I showed my mom a lot of Sanders clips & links. She wasn't aware of any of it, and said "Sanders really gets it". I was really happy to hear that. Seeds are planted, all I have to do is harvest them, now.

Sanders had a great rally in Louisville, and it seems healthcare reform, joblessness, education, failed drug war & income inequality are strong issues for him in KY. His entire platform overall should speak to many Kentuckians. I think specifically political corruption, war on drugs, education & healthcare. So if you speak to KY people, I would mention these strong points.

I think we'll do alright in KY, but many are conservative & neoliberal.. So that's what we're up against. Same 'ol same, really.

1.5 hours, still no results

Not a lot of people know about the details and Bernie is a busy guy, yo. It's like a really bad meme. I've tried talking about it in class one time and I only got weird looks and the professor quickly changed the topic.


I thought everyone knew that about him.

Given that virtually the entire population is vaccinated, only a little over 0.5% of people are diagnosed with autism, how do people conclude that vaccines cause autism?

Because they inherently mistrust science in favor of "muh religion"

I don't think Trump is religious just stupid.

I don't think Trump is stupid just self-interested. He probably has some investment in health care or something related and is rubbing his hands together at the thought of more sick people.

I highly doubt it.
People mistakenly give Trump more credit than he deserves.
The guy is out of his depth, but can occasionally make a decent point because he has enough people paid to help him understand these sorts of things. When his handlers haven't prepped him on something, his blind spots are glaring. Even the self-interested have better tact. Demagogues don't need to be smart because they function on another level.
It's all an appeal to emotion, feels, and spooks.

good post

Bernie Sanders count is currently facing a challenge on-site

Southern (7/7 batches of votes): Clinton 59.4%, Sanders 31.1
Central (15/15) batches of votes: Clinton 52.0%, Sanders 42.0%
One batch of 50 (number 11) is being recounted, potential tally error
Northern (0/X batches of votes): No results
TOTAL: Clinton 54.5%, Sanders 38.5% (1095/~1400 total votes reported). Very likely Clinton wins 4 delegates, Sanders 3.



[media blackout]

Turnout apparently was a third of that in 2008. Unless a landslide in either direction happened in northern Guam, Bernie is getting 3 to Hillary's 4 delegates.

I don't get it. What does this mean?

Guam Voter: A lot of people in Guam, I'd say most, myself included, did not know until very recently that we can actually vote not in the general election, we can vote in the primary elections.

Holla Forums: origins

Reminder that there is only one candidate you should vote for, and he is Andrew D. Basiago.

Jesus H. Christ

Nah brah. That PPP poll was taken a literal year ago and had undecided something like 30%. The demographics are favorable. Out of the three that are going to be hard that one will be easiest.


Jesus Christ you autist the results already came in 4-3 Hillary, not sure why they're not on NYT.


If Sanders hadn't run, droves of his would-be supporters would have turned out dutifully for Clinton. Now they can't stomach the evil bitch. He is destroying the party, the slickest entryist.

100% this

which is why i can't tolerate conspiracy mongering by wooswoos

he is using the democratic party, not the other way around

They're just trying to peddle their own candidate from the SEP. They're affiliated with each other.
Fucking Trots.


Lenin dindoo nuffin he wuz a good boi
Russia Today isn't even quasi-public, it's just government-funded, and yet it's completely biased. These fucking MLs who think that wouldn't happen under their system are the epitome of ideology.

Maine Democratic Party Abolishes Superdelegates

Why mention Peron? Wasn't he actually good for Argentina?

They didn't abolish the superdelegates, they just passed a motion that obligates them to assign themselves proportionally to Maine's popular vote. Still a good move, though not as good as abolishing them entirely from the Democratic party.

State delegate here, we've been thinking of doing something like this in our state convention in a few weeks. It's good to have an example to follow.

Also the only way to abolish the system entirely is at the national convention in July.

Seen any shady stuff going on recently?


Argenigger here, no he wasn't. He was a totalitarian populist.

I know it'd be offtopic but i'm interested in the opinion from a leftypol argie. I'm living in Argentina at the moment so i've been kind of interested. Can you tell me more about Juan Peron from your perspective? I have Peronist and Macrist family members here so i've never heard anything from a leftist.

I see you're anarcho so i can guess some of the things you disliked.

Gee, I wonder why

Another yuropoor here. Good luck, yankees.

Don't back down.

Since it hadn't been mentioned. Bernie just gained a net 31 delegates in Washington after the congressional districts were calculates. It brings his delegate gap down to 292 delegates. West Virginia should bring it down signifigantly as well.

After that, Oregon and Kentucky. Oregon I suspect will bring him similar 65-70% leads like Washington and Kentucky will drag him down a bit but he will still gain a strong net delegate lead.

Also, youth/new voter registration is currently surging 150% higher than last month. Bernie wins new voters by huge margins. California is shaping up to be Bernie territory. Although right now polling wise he is doing good, we should remember he has had massive upsets like Indiana, Hawaii, Connecticut, where in the media overlooks it completely because it wasn't a big enough upset or it "doesn't make a difference at this point". Even if he doesn't win, it's shaping up to be getting more and more close, bringing more tension to the DNC.

……whispers of a dream…

***youth/new voter registration in California is surging by 150%

Not recently, but our "superdelegates" definitely violated our state committee bylaws when they failed to repudiate the Clinton campaign's claim several months ago that they had all pledged their loyalty to her. The bylaws outline that you're not supposed to use your office to endorse anyone until after the state convention but they effectively did it long before the caucus.

California was always Bernie territory, the question is, how big is his gain from California going to be, and will the gap before we reach California shrink enough for it to put him over the top.

I wonder if the primaries were done with the most populous states first, and California had delivered a titanic Bernie lead on day 1, how the campaign would've played out?
'I've been silent': Harvard's Clinton backers face life on a pro-Bernie campus

check your bernie privlige

This is was Clintoids REALLY BELIEVE


Good news in case we get a Trump presidency. I hope his current tax plan is out of date.

Imagine hearing such thing 5 years ago

Oh please trumps openly admitted to trying to get every bernie supporter he can

this is just another flipflop like he did with the TPP and Israel

You can't really trust anything he says. But it's better for him to say to be for it than against it. It's a start.

Yeah. 538 is still expecting wins for hill in West Virginia and CA, where no polling has indicated that will happen. 538 has become obsolete this primary though.


I wonder if these psychos can empathise with those young men that get accused of rape for just criticising SJWism.

>gifted Outsider in the White House for my birthday

Sanders is too negative for me tbh


The rise of the libertarians is happening comrades. Perot effect is real.

The rise of the libertarians is happening comrades. Perot effect is real.

Reality is folks, if Sanders gets the nomination and Cruz folks defect to the lolberts, you just get a close election that would most likely result in a stalemate. Congress will be picking the president then. (And, that president is probably going to be Cruz or Shillary. Or some other establishment candidate.)

Fuck, I meant Johnson with that picture. I need to get some sleep.

USA: the country were libertarians are capitalist extremists who vote.

Fuck, screwed up again.

They would just vote in the most pro-establishment candidiate, which would be Johnson of the lolberts. We would end up with a lobert president.

$hillary for prison

Need an all-out witch hunt. Reverse-McCarthyism.

I can only imagine the amount of Clintoids this triggered

I don't see a problem with this.

Bernie on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. Sanders is a master at interviews. A master debater, of sorts. :^)

That's only negative if you're gaming the system or benefiting from the status quo. Or if you're Trump. Same thing, really.

Lmao. I've seen it before but for some reason this time I can't stop laughing. Maybe it's the smile on his face as it happens.

Don't let your dreams be dreams


Even Trump tower is listed as a business comrades!

wew laddo

Kasich is my favorite repub this cycle now kek




I wonder what pol thinks of this?✓&q=sanders&c=&j=&e=&commit=Search


Not to be a party pooper, but Trump doesn't own a single thing on that list, not even Trump Tower Capital LTD., according to this


So are we doomed to Hillary vs Trump?

Hillary Clinton Courts Bush Mega-Donors Instead Of Bernie Voters

Btw, where did everyone go? It's not like the Primary/Caucus elections are over yet.

Bernie interview with Rachel Maddow at his Vermont home:

It's very interesting to notice the difference in "tone" that Maddow shows, here. After helping to try & destroy the movement, she know laughs with him & seems much more respectful. Interesting.. Now that they feel they've won, they'll "throw the old man a bone"..

Is there a primary today?

Oh shit, apparently there is. I didn't even know..
This is where I go to find out the schedules, (top right hand corner). West Virginia has one today. They're traditionally pretty redneck, like my neck of the woods, KY. So if Sanders does well there, it would be a really good sign.

"Media Silent as Bernie Sanders Packs California Stadium Beyond Capacity (PHOTOS)"

s l i c k e n t r y i s t ? ?

Everybody is stealing his ideas now.


Latest polls show him 4 points up going into WV


For realz? Don't play with my emotions! That would be a great sign.

Tyler Pedigo predicts a close Bernie win 52-48.


Now I wish the republicans would have nominated cruz, bernie could have run third party and won against the porky parties.

They still might. They're retarded enough to try it. Also, Mitt Romney talked shit about running independent. Imagine.

Bernie Sanders: Tool Of Globalist Ruin (The Alex Jones Channel):



The comments give me hope. People are waking up and they smell bullshit.



embrace the second Clinton presidency

Should I vote for Clinton? I live in a swing state. I am genuinely scared of a Trump presidency. The way I see it, Hillary at her worst would be Obama 2.0.

Trump is insane and the GOP controls congress. I hate Hillary but I'm afraid of what Trump would do.

Hillary has come out against TPP and has rescinded her support of NAFTA, to be fair.

And you believe her?

It's up to you.
I'm personally voting third party.
I think Trump wouldn't be much different aside from healthcare.
He might be more willing to use nukes, but I can't tell if that's bluster or not anymore.

Wait until it gets closer to the election to make your decision. If the polls in your state look like it's going to be close vs. Trump, then it's up to you to make that call. I personally would do it but many on here would say not to or that there's no difference. I think Trump at his worst would be Bush 2.0, so I suppose it's your choice of which 21st century President you hate least. On the other hand, if the polls look favorable towards Clinton (not improbable given how widely loathed Trump is), then you can vote third party with a clear conscience.

She said that those contributions don't influence her though. She's still going to get Wall Street to cut it out, don't worry.

She has flip flopped and lied so much that I don't see how anyone can take "she changed her mind" to mean anything anymore. What if she changes her mind again later?

No. Stop giving them the consent to fuck you already. It's the best time ever to have courage.

Ignore that post. I keep seeing it pop up saying basically the same thing. I'm pretty sure it's just someone fucking around or trolling.

Trump is to the left of Hillary besides the wall and Muslim ban memes.

There is no difference between Clinton and Trump

It's called the Barrier Breakers initiative

Clinton has experience as a politician in raping and pillaging. Trump is a virgin.

Trump is LITTERALY what the people want him to be.


This. Te major difference is that Trump has much less blood on his hands.

Also the fact that he's an anti-vaxxer

Then again I've met some leftist anti-vaxxers


I've seen this name before. Just like Correct the Record, I assume.

Lots of leftist anti-vaxxers. Like most issues, it's mostly a class thing.

Oh, so that's where the $1 million dollars went. Thanks for the info, user.

And I can't help but think of all the better uses this money could be put towards. Charities, etc.

I've been wondering this for a while now. He's such an outrageous caricature that it might be possible that he's just an entryist putting the final nail into the GOP coffin. He's always been somewhat of a liberal, votes democrat, and now he's fiscally more left than Clinton. That says A LOT. He never planned to run for president and then all of a sudden here he is, fucking things up for the GOP. Republicans are finished after this cycle given the increasing alienation of the voters over the last couple decades, climaxing with this primary.

1 million dollars to pay people to argue with Bernie Bros on Twitter is a genius idea.

Someone should exploit picture related

lmao, that gif
The Progressive Case For Hillary Clinton Isn’t Much of a Case At All
This is probably redundant as hell by now but w/ever

Hillary is literally unironically becoming Shillary



Anybody stupid enough to be even mildly surprised by this turn of events ought to be shot.

"Wall Street" cash isn't the same as cash.

Just in case somebody reads that wrong.

Hey, statistics isn't useless. It's just not as useful in this application and the way it's being applied. you sound like an anti-intellectualist

Except Nate Silver doesn't look at it from humans are logical computers perspective.
He looks at them as an aggregate function and uses inputs to predict outputs based on statistics on how people have pit instinct and reason against each other,, not individual logic.

Here we go, guys!

This is the point. It's not anti-intellectual to want the appropriate tools to be used for the circumstance.

I didn't say otherwise. The point is that statistics is a very broad and very new field that applies poorly to this are compared to instincts that evolved to discern exactly this kind of situation.

Man, I agree with the criticism, but fuck this dude for calling the primaries before they're done. It's not over til it's over.

Instincts were not really evolved to deal with this situation. They were meant to deal with humans and society, but the humans and society they were meant to deal with have changed quite a bit faster than the instincts.

Humans are also heavily biased thinkers. If you want a candidate to win, you will predict them to win unless it's totally impossible.

Honestly, at this point, I think even Hillary supporters at this point should vote for Bernie, just as a referendum to tell Hillary to stop treating this like business as usual and expecting establishment conservatism to win out. Her campaign does not seem to get it, puts no effort into understanding their enemy, or the new political landscape.

The problem is most of her supports have the same exact attitude.

The instincts of social mammals are highly evolved to ascertain the group's sentiments. Doing so can be a matter of life and death when it comes to picking the winning side in a conflict.

They were evolved for much smaller groups of people and people with much fewer means and abilities that current people.

There's a reason why sociopaths can climb so high on the ladder in today's world, even thought they wouldn't in a smaller tribal hunter-gatherer setting.


Her attitude seems to be "I'm up millions of votes over senator Sanders" implicitly saying "Why should I change anything to appeal to his supporters? I got this already :DD"

Yes it does, and she's probably going to take her campaign that way into general unless she realizes how stupid that is.



Sanders sent a victory email out already.

They count early votes first which are always Clinton heavy.

MSNBC projecting Bernie in West Virginia



tbh I'm surprised they're not pre-emptively counting her electoral votes.

I'm surprised that they're not calling her President Clinton already.

>right next to the number of delegates required to win

*number of pledged delegates required to win outright

It's like they are implying something.

It's almost as if they want people to think it's over already, and that they should be good democrats and come over to Hillary for party unity. They wouldn't be purposely misleading voters towards the candidate they have financial connections to, would they?

I don't know if I've said this here before, but at the start of the election, I was at least sympathetic towards Clinton and was possibly voting for her in some crisis scenario.

Now? I fucking hate her and her supporters. I prefer fascists and reactionaries over them; at least they have the decency to stab you in the front.

And with Trump everyone knows we're getting a crazy narcissist. With Hillary at least half the population just sees her as a standard issue politician. People will oppose Trump (even Republicans) if he wins. If it's Hillary we'll get more partisan bullshit for 4-8 years and the same shit is going to go on that already has.

At least Trump would admit to killing families and torturing, unlike Hillary who would do it and lie about it.

Same here. I think I felt alright towards Shills just because the name was familiar and she didn't seem like a terrible person. Who could be worse than Trump? Apparently, Shills. This primary cycle has demonstrated that she's a horrible, horrible person and so are her delusional followers. It's almost like they take a perverse pleasure in fucking up people's lives or something. At least racist, reactionary Trump supporters don't pretend to be otherwise; Shill and her supporters doing the most to fuck you up the ass, but with this pretentious, arrogant rhetoric claiming it's in your best interest. They're passive aggressive nutjobs with the potential to do more damage than Trump ever could precisely because people think this should be "typical" politics. Fuck out here with that shit I ain't having no more of it.

Trump will say anything to get into office. There's very little to indicate he'd actually be that horrible.

Hillary, however, has a proven track record of discouraging women, opposing civil rights for all, supporting coups in the third world and bombing the middle east.

Trump is a wildcard. By all indication Hillary is going to be a Terrible Maggie Thatcher.

Now the thing is; do we expect Trump to be less awful? At least he's not bought.


Why do people keep on saying that he's not bought like it means anything?

What's worse? One porky as president? Or every porky telling the president what to do?

Yea he may not be money in politics but he is money IS politics

Pretty sure he is bought by the Jews.

Does anyone make it big in business without selling out to other people in business? Making it in business means lots of mutually beneficial transactions with other business people. Quid pro quo is the standard, not the exception in the private sector.

Yeah, I get that, but at least with Trump you know who he represents; himself.

There is nothing face-to-face about Hillary. I can't see the people she represents. I don't know them, I don't know what their opinions are or what they want.
It does certainly matter in the in terms of transperancy.

I'm not saying "vote Trump".
I'm saying that you doing necessarily have to vote against him, since he might not be that much worse than Hillary.

One porky as president with his porky buddies asking for favors.

I'm not risking my civil liberties, disenfranchisement, and a lifetime appointment to the supreme court on a gamble. I can't fight against societal and economic injustices in the world if my civil liberties and impugned. If that means Hillary wins, whatever, she wins.




What are you trying to convey here?

I don't think that there's much of a difference, tbqh.

Eh I guess i can get that logic, even if it is flawed. He is still tied to not doing stuff that would hurt his business interests, and that means pleasing porkies that he deals with, to a certain extent.


Oh wait I think I got it, contradictions in conservative thought.

No she isn't. Scalia 2.0 is a bigger threat to my civil liberties than a moderate center-left justice.

Hillary is a hell of a lot worse than Trump. Hillary is going to do more shit like Libya which her emails make apparent and we'll without a doubt get TPP. Trump will keep us out of TPP, that alone is worth voting for him.

For the record the 9% "other" is protest votes for an ex-con named Judd, for those of you wondering

Sorry, this talking point isn't valid anymore. Obama just nominated a conservative to replace Scalia, what makes you think Hillary will nominate anyone remotely liberal?

Again, this is just what he's said so far. Let's not look at what the candidates say. Talk is cheap. He's always been a liberal when nothing was at stake.
Let's look at deed.
Even then, he's already pivoting to the left. Hard.

Let's not forget that Clinton and Obama has extended PATRIOT and violated civil liberties by executing american citiziens without due process. Let us not forget that they support a surpreme court judge that supports citizens united.
Let us not forget that Obama has deported record numbers of illegal immigrants and expanded signature drone-strikes in the middle-east.

You think you have a choice, but when you judge Hillary by her actions, and not the stuff she pays lip-service to, then I see no fucking difference between what Trump says he'd be and what we know Hillary to be.


That's… interesting. Can you elaborate further?

tl;dr all the stuff Trump promises to do is just what the establishment has already been doing for years.

The fact that Trump said he would nominate another Scalia, who has always been one of my least favorite people in the world.

The lesser of two evils is still lesser. I don't like it, but I don't want another Scalia at any cost. Fortunately there may be other elections where there's no supreme court vacancy and I can just vote or not to make a statement.

Garland was nominated as a political gambit specifically to call Republicans on their bluff.

Four score and seven years ago he made a breakout performance by getting almost half of the West Virginia delegates in the democratic primaries because WV was butthurt about coal. They're still butthurt so those who think both candidates would hurt their jobs vote for him.

What the fuck kind of math is this?

That what I'm saying. There's nothing to indicate that Hillary is actually a lesser evil except for media memes telling you to obey, consume and sleep.

Hell, Garlan is a GIANT conservative on almost every issue. And he was appointed by Obama who's slightly to the left of Clinton.

You think it's a real choice, but it's not. It really doesn't matter. Stop giving your consent. Vote third party or vote Bernie as a write-in.

Get organized on the local level, because it does not matter whether Trump or Hillary wins.

Actually, I believe that Trump might be less dangerous, because he takes less money from Wall-street, who are a really dangerous power-house in American politics. His interests are not the exact same as them.

lot's of 3rd party candidates in WV. Like keith judd is a pro-life crazy guy who puts his name on the ballot.

The same thing happened in Oklahoma where Bernie won 50-40 bc 10% of the vote was for "literallywho"s

She hasn't said she'd nominate another Scalia, not does she have any reason to. She might not nominate a super liberal judicial activism nominee, but yes, I do have reason, her representing Democratic party establishment, she won't nominate another Scalia.

Not Obama's first pick. Again, it was a political gambit to call a bluff, and change approval/disapproval ratings.

To me it does.

Refusing to give consent is not somehow more useful between picking between two things you don't like. Not giving consent is not a real choice, it changes nothing and doesn't even have a fraction of the effect.

You're free to be charmed by the snake oil salesman who has a published book on how he cons people.



No it isn't.
This is the "he's just playing three dimensional chess"-excuse. I have seen this over and over. I think the first time was when he scrapped the single-payer for "the public option".
Because of his genius political manipulation, we ended up with a health-care plan thought up by Mitt Romney.

He has caved in to conservatives his entire political career. Hillary will do the same.
The democrats in congress are fucking pussies and will grant the congressional republican anything they want.

There is nothing to indicate that Hillary will nominate anyone who will protect your civil rights any more than Trump's candidate.

But hell, feel free to believe that perpetuating the system will help anything.

You guys seem to either be shilling hard for Trump, or seem to forget that Obama has had another SCOTUS nominee, Sotomayor who dissented on Citizens United, and Trump, who has said he'd nominate another Scalia, was in concurrence on Citizens United.

Garland is purely a product of calling a bluff. Republicans said they'd block Obama because he wouldn't nominate someone like Garland. Obama called that bluff, and Republicans still won't vote for him, and it caused damage in downticket elections for Republicans.


I'll take my chances with the shill that presents D party interests, doing what the D party does to pander to it's constituents, than someone who explicitly said they'd nominate another Scalia to pander to R party constituents.

Truly a master at the game of politics.

They will still massively violate your civil right though.
Any change will be cosmetic at best.

Okay… and how does this change that Garland is still the nominee?


If they confirm him before general, then it becomes a non-issue.

If they don't confirm him and Hillary wins, they overplayed their hand.

As long as the seat is vacant, it's a point, when it isn't vacant, it stops being a point.

I'll still vote for the cosmetic change, because that's not any less effective than doing a write-in. If I follow your logic, everything is equally pointless, so there's no loss to me if I do vote.

Because the GOP is taking downticket damage to prolong the issue.

You could also vote third party and have a chance at having the Green party get federal funding. That'd do a lot to end the two-party hegemony.

No, they wouldn't.
Hillary would nominate someone they'd like even more. She's more right-wing than Obama and even more prone to sell out.

That doesn't change Garland being the nominee.


As long as SCOTUS is an issue, I'm not voting green.

Garland being nominee is a non-issue until he is confirmed. At that point when Hillary is on the verge of winning anyways without my vote, and the GOP confirms him before Hillary steps into office, then you can tell me "told you so" and I'll change my vote. But the only way the GOP is going to rush his confirmation is if Hillary is going to win anyways.

I'd vote for Bernie.

Correct the Record isn't going to like this

But Clinton has already said she will support the nomination of Garland.
So it's all but confirmed.
Say hi to David Brock for me.


Where is the best place to watch shillary drones go crazy? Twitter? Reddit? Facebook? Holla Forums?

Wow and so they elect Garlan, who's a right-winger and and establishment hardliner.
What a win. So much was accomplished.

Still would take Garland over another Scalia. I told you, I'll consider voting for your green party when there's no SCOTUS nominee in play. The only way that's going to happen this election cycle is if Hillary is going to win with or without my vote. In fact shilling for Hillary and guaranteeing he presidency would open up my vote to be used for green.

Twitter probably, usually you find banter going on if you search for the relevant hashtags.

What a win. So much was accomplished.

How is Garlan truly any better than Scalia in a way that means we should perpetuate the two-party system for another 4 years?


Please show me the math where you calculate it to be 4 years.

I could literally write a check and have the equivalent of two votes.

Presidential elections are four years inbetween as far as I recall. And what if the SCOTUS is in question then too? Do we perpetuate it even further?

Not surprising at all that a Shill supporter thinks like this tbh.

West Virginia is called for Bernie

That's a very crude calculation. You're implying that it will cause a straight out delay, because there's a standard linear progression that requires a standard amount of time after funding requirements are met.

Filthy prole worker poorfag. Stop infringing on my muh privileged bourgeois pseudo-liberalism.


Not feeling the Bern.

the memes you meme end up memeing you

reminder that Trump is the most "Jewish" candidate

Apparently Holla Forums bumplocks your threads if you bring that up

nice meme

Holla Forums why do you insist on these transparent baits?

a trump presidency is the most fitting punishment Holla Forums could ever receive

they will vote for the most pro-israel, most jewish candidate simply because they're beta cucks in awe of an alpha male personality

but remember, We're the torture chamber.

Jerry White, Socialist Equality Party candidate, speaks on Obama's visit to Flint.

why'd you post PPD

It's not bait.
They truly believe we are a tumblr outpost

they're retards who think the world is memes

This. Their understanding of leftism is AIDS Skrillex.

The world is memes, and if you think otherwise, you're a sheeple.



It's good, because they can not defeat us that way.
They are fighting what they are projecting on us.

Indeed. To conquer something, you must understand it.

I wouldn't be too confident. Although they can never totally destroy us, they could cause a lot of destruction. Hitler did not understand the world, he still managed to destroy sizable portions of it.
Why Bernie Didn’t Get My Vote
find me a worse example of liberal identity politics.
protip: you can't.


This shit makes me want to die.

He sat upon an industrial power-house and still failed. Had it not been for his delusions of grandeur and race-quackery, Germany could easily have taken much of Western Europe.


Germany lost against the allies specifically because it was not an industrial powerhouse that could go against the industrial output of either the USSR or the US.

Global capitalism was out to destroy him.

How can Germany fight back the UK, USA, and USSR at once?


What a good gall. She knows her place and submits to the great tribe.

fuck you

Fuck the gulag. Into the furnace it goes.

Screencapped and posted in the berniebros thread of a certain popular forum.

If Hitler had simply dropped dead early after acquiring power, Germany would probably rule all of Eastern Europe. The West was prepared to hand it to them so they could provide a buffer between the USSR and Western Europe. Many bourgeois Jews were initially optimistic about Hitler - they thought he was just going to get rid of the "bad Bolshevik Jews, not us good German Jews". And if he had just done that, he would never have drawn the antagonism of the West. This is the danger of believing your own propaganda. It makes you behave in insane ways.

Hitler could have avoided that at the time. The war against the USSR was the blunder of the century.

And, like, don't white men only have their social and economic power because of class and thus capitalism? I mean, they're the majority of CEO's and politicians…. If we didn't live in a society ruled by money, the wealthy who are overwhelmingly white men thanks to more capitalism back in the day when only white men could be businessmen and politicians (which required one to own property)…. I'm not expressing myself very articulately but boy am I heated.

Where's the other version?

you forgot your anfem flag

inorite? Class comes about because white men are racist, and when people are divided by class it determines the fundamental structure of the economy which sets the material conditions of society. :^)

Not really, the USSR wanted to conquer Germans one way or another. They simply didn't have a choice in the matter.

The main enemy, though, was capitalism. USSR should have considered France, the UK and USA the main enemies of socialism.

Pretty much. Plenty of white-skinned men did not have this power; they were also not considered "white." "Whiteness" ultimately boils down to economic power and historically, it has been one of the only means for those with darker skin to have any social mobility. Even today we have tons of poor white men. This should be obvious evidence against race or gender being fundamental organizing principles and that there's something implied about that whole "poor" business, but you know…idpol is one hell of a drug.

Think of it like this: when you shine a light on the economic basis of society, the ruling classes become terrified. They don't even need to call a meeting, they'll begin a coordinated propaganda effort out of sheer instinct. Why was this article published? The "progressive" politics of the article are incidental, its function is to move people away from any economic or class based analysis of society. It was published because it portrays class politics as negligent and unethical. Sanders has been using class and economic arguments from day one, and its the territory where he's most comfortable. The ruling class does not want these kinds of discussions, even in a moderate social democratic form. A discussion about identity, on the other hand, is much safer. They're happy to give it space in print for the same reason they're happy to print horoscopes. Don't worry too much about erroneous arguments. You can get frustrated and try to work out their flawed logic, but it would be a waste of energy. You don't try to reason with a fist in your face and you shouldn't try to reason with propaganda.

I'm not saying sexism and racism are above classism, I'm just saying they're run-off from classism. If you want to attack racism and sexism, the only way to get to the heart of it is by attacking capitalism. Anything else is entirely superficial.

I like this post.
The Irish, Slavs, Jewish people, East Asians…. East Asian still aren't seen exactly as white, but they're seen as closer to whiteness thanks to many immigrants being wealthy or at least middle class and educated. They don't suffer from poverty at the same rates that black or Latino Americans. I like how you put it. Succinct!

Exactly. I didn't mean to gloss over them, I was trying to say the powerful are the rich and the rich are overwhelmingly white and male. What good does it really do to go after a poor white guy just barely scraping by? Absolutely none.

Precisely! Thanks. They'd rather have "porky is more diverse" than "porky is nonexistent", especially if having a racially/gender diverse bourgeoisie and products to sell becomes safer or more profitable.

If power + muh privilege = Xism mantra is to be believed, where does that muh privilege come from if not class?

Explain South Asians (Indians, generally well off financially, and other brown people frequently mistaken for Arabs), and explain why many SEAs (Cambodians, Hmong, Laotian and Vietnamese) who lots of whites could not distinguish from East Asians tend to have awful poverty rates.

I was just being snarky. ;^)

Pretty good points too. Muh muh privilege is something that is earned or inherited/given. No one can, or should, but they do anyway, claim that an entire race has muh muh privilege based on the skin color and genitals the elites happen to have. If the elites happened to be black trans women, well, they would blab on about them being muh muh privileged. It's a cycle that would never end. Unless they discovered class is ultimately what determines whether people will be subjugated. Everything else is ancillary. There is no 'muh muh privilege gene'.

The "privilage" BS only exists in US and western europe (especialy SocDems).
They try to spread it to non "1st world" coutries, but it's not as effective, as said countries tend to have actual left.

The Asian issue is a perfect recent example of the "whiteness" of capital. What people consider schematically "Asian" just so happens to be those countries who played by the rules and were somewhat successful becoming Westernized and adopting capitalism: South Korea, Japan, and increasingly, China. The more successful they were, the more "white" they seem (especially Japan and now, more and more, South Korea). They're seen as success stories and culturally, they're seen as "model minorities" as a result. Asians like Cambodians, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Laotian, etc. ("Brown" Asians) do not fit the narrative and so they're marginalized; indeed they're "Brown" or "darker" because they didn't play by the rules of capital. It has little to do with skin color–most people won't be able to tell the difference between them. It's about economic power.

It reminds me of this: That's the power of narrative.

What is genes?
Same as Asians cannot tell the difference between other races.

What has color to do with economic power?


SJW basically admitted that Bernie got the real meaning of leftism.

Last time I checked, the other brown Asians, South Asians, not SEAs, are perfectly well off financially, and discriminated against for being non-white terrorists.

If I remember correctly, Asian Indians are better off than Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans, and Japanese-Americans in average income.

PS. India is a major economic power, you know…

Indians also have the highest incomes among Asian Americans.

One of the comments…

that's good stuff you got there

Institutional behavior can give pretty much an entire race muh privilege. It's about historical muh privileged given has granted disproportionate advantages, and whether you think that form of judgement means the advantages granted were legitimate.

Ridiculous to think that the entirety of any country is homogenous in skin tone. There are plenty of dark Japanese as well as lighter-skinned Indians, idiot. The "whiter" Japanese are actually more likely to have Ainu genes (i.e., they're not really "Japanese").

They're intertwined. Read up on the Wages of Whiteness and how skin color (i.e., "whiteness") modulates class-oppression. Class first and then other factors to sustain it.

Indians are a weird case. On one hand, they're respected welcomed in some fields and on another, they're looked down upon and distrusted. All I can guess is that it's perhaps due to how obvious the class conflict is in India and that by acknowledging their successes is also to acknowledge the contradictions of capitalism. In this way they're more like the Chinese, who we fuck with but distrust. Maybe it's because China keeps demonstrating how fucked up capitalism can be. There's also the issue of rampant ignorance in the US, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were confusing Indians with muh terrorists; I'm not saying skin-color isn't important in its own right, just that it's modulated by money. It's not like the "white" Asians are completely accepted. They will never truly be "white"; they'll only be models for other minorities to emulate–models in the sense that they establish themselves as evidence of capitalism's success. They can strive to be "western" and earn their "whiteness."

Here's the original for reference.

Yikes. This is what we mean when we say "idpol done wrong tricks people into thinking class is more important than race".
By the way, it's way too early to give up even if we don't get the delegates we're hoping for. If we get 55% instead of 65%, it will be a 200 delegap (eh?) and if the superdelegates actually give a shit about electability many of them will go to him regardless, especially if Clinton has a disaster between now and then which is very likely. At this point it looks like the DOJ is letting the primaries finish before indicting her. But anyway, he can still win and I'd argue it's the more likely outcome at this point. Phonebanking and shilling just helps it be more certain.
But just in case we get cucked at the convention (especially if we won in unpledged delegates) I'll be listening to "In the End".

Most of these are stupid and I think we don't need ultra-specific labels for nonbinary genders but this looks like it was made by someone who denies that they exist.

Race and gender have been used as de facto classes for millennia.

Bernie won a big victory in Logan County, site of one of the most notable labor uprisings in American history

Excited for a big victory in Harlan County Kentucky next week!

jesus dude change avatar this girl is annoying af

i have a few dozen that i rotate between to keep it diverse

I want to cut off your arms so you can't post anymore.

There's another reason not to give up yet. Even if Bernie loses, the narrower his margin of loss, the greater the prestige other entryists will have for more winnable lower-level elections, and the more leverage supporters of Bernie's platform will have in pressuring Democrats to adopt his policies.

Do all these airheads completely forget that Gerald Ford was president for like 3 years with literally no qualifications unless you count a very boring Representative tenure and did a fairly shitty job but par for the course for modern Republicans?
Oh wait they don't care.

Why does anyone even believe this? TPP is absolutely in a porky like Trump's best interest.

If anything, he'll renegotiate with other porkies quid pro quo to get himself in on some of that TPP action.

5% of the vote and the Green Party qualifies for federal funding. A significant portion of the vote can make them a real political power for once and/or tell the Democratic party that they can either stop ignoring their progressive/socialist elements or suffer the consequences. Stop being a coward and stand up for yourself for once. It is entirely within Hillary's interests to nominate another fucker just like Garland. Do you understand that it is her campaign that has benefited more from the Citizens United v Clinton ruling that any other campaign this election cycle?

You DO realize that Ford only ended up in office because he was VP while Nixon was chased from the presidency by an almost unprecedented scandal, and only VP because Spiro Agnew fled the position earlier due to his own scandalous corruption. After that, when Ford had to face his first ever elections, he only narrowly beat out Reagan in the Republican primaries before losing to Carter.

I could just as easily vote for Trump if all I wanted was to fracture the current system.

At this point I am convinced some of these fuckers would vote for Margaret Thatcher if given the chance.

Hillary lost every single county in West Virginia

Why is the Appalachian region so full of those sexist Bernie Bros?

I heard there are no neutrals there.


They don't call it West VIRGINia for nothing hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i'm done

meant to post this in a new thread but it's not that important i guess

cant stop laughing as i write this post in response

I don't even know anymore. I just want to break down and cry.

what the fuck


I'm not sure about right now, but recently at least Kerala had a communist local government. Many even name their kids after the leaders.
Pic related is Udhayanidhi Stalin, is a grandson of a popular politician. (He also used his connections to get into the southern Indian film industry, which is hilarious because he suuucks).
Lenin Rajendran is a popular film director & screenwriter in south India, too. I'm starting to think it's more prevalent in the south.

I just learned about this kind of recently. But there are a good amount of communists here & they're not shy about it, either. I can see posters & boards with communist symbols on it when going down the road. It's very interesting.

C'mon Harlan County!

If anyone hasn't seen the documentary "Harlan County, USA", I highly recommend it. It's amazing that nowadays you can find people defending the coal companies, because they need the job. When before you'd curse the company publicly, not fight for them or defend them. It's like they've forgotten what their kinfolk went through & fought for.

Some still get it, though. If Bernie wins in KY, I will be soooo happy. West Virginia gives me hope.

Also, webm is Pete Seeger, not Guthrie. I need to change it.

Well "dark" is the right description for sure.

WV is an island

And no one sees a problem with this? Lmao. Completely contradictory.

Civil War when?



There's a reason it split off from VA in the first place. The terrain is very mountainous, making industry there dependent on mining. Thus they gave zero shits about slaves since you can't have plantations there. The coal miner comments she made cemented her loss.

Daily reminder that Bernout would have won the primary if the whole country was white.

If the whole country was white, we'd just be tearing each other apart exactly like now, except with a "privileged" WASP majority, and "oppressed" mostly Catholic/Jewish minorities like Irish, Italian, and Polish.

Daily reminder that some people actually think this.

Btw, the primary elections are not over. Seems Hillary thinking that they are has hurt her in Indiana & WV. But I'm sure she would've lost those anyway; the workers there are fed up.

The mantra is "power + prejudice" (power + muh privilege is like saying power + power), not muh privilege. But you are correct.

Daily reminder that Bernie won Hawaii, the most diverse state in the nation. Go fuck yourself.

Bernout has won the white vote in every state; would've won the south of Canadians didn't have the franchise.


Yeah. Nobody liked him and he was generally shit, but he wasn't a colossal fuckup. Bernie seems competent because he is, and Hillary is hardly more qualified anyway

The only other time this has happened is Vermont with Sanders, Mississippi with Clinton and Alabama with Trump.
And Trump won.

Eh, I've seen racism=power+privilege+prejudice.

As a universalist this ticks me off.

He also won Michigan, which has a large black population :^)

At least my neighbors are sensible.

lol what

He lost with blacks in Michigan though.

He also would have won if the whole country was Native.
Guess you need to go back, Hans :^)

based sexists

At least Michigan was one of the states he did best with blacks. Hillary's black vote actually went down, there. Black people are voting for him, so for anyone to insinuate that they're not is wrong. There are even some voting for Trump.

The main reason why many people in general vote for Hillary is because of her name recognition and media exposure. I think his black vote(and all others) went up there due to his exposure during the Flint debate. If only he could get more favorable coverage.. The outcome would be so much different in many states.

Where ya from, user? We might also be neighbors. KY here.

Lmao, they're so desperate.

Another name for the list

I suppose tax evasion is just questionable use of a shell company too :^)


They actually link to his dissertation… how any history professor would pass this for a PhD is beyond me

The elders are getting so mad that young'ns are getting more involved in politics. :^) And that millennials meme is getting really old.

What are you babbling about? Get that idpol shit outta here.

I think this election is giving me a drinking problem tbh

I know, man. It's been stressful & depressing. I like bunkers like leftypol as an outlet. It helps.

I was trying to quit smoking; it didn't go too well.. Not wise of me to choose election time.

I thought it would be another election where we had the choice between a neoliberal who believes in giving gays rights and a neoliberal who believes in taking rights from gays

But nooooo, we had to have someone call themselves a socialist, and he had to get crushed by spooks

Pretty fucking disgraceful.

Hey. Hey kids.
You kids wanna suffer?
Let's suffer together.
In case you're trying to figure out if anyone is actually this stupid, they aren't. It's Trump affiliates shilling for Hillary to be nominated so they can crush her.

What the fuck are you talking about, nigger homo jew cuck shill? It's not even a little bit ogre.

The faster you accept that the machine crushed Bernie the faster we can get to a point where we can take advantage and turn the Bernie supporters into leftists


god that guy just looks like a twat

Nigger the time you spend moping about what could have been could be spent phonebanking and helping to assure a Sanders win. We still have the ace up our sleeve, leave alone the electability argument. Like others have said, even if he does lose the harder he gets cucked the angrier his supporters will be and we can get real change done, like maybe turning the green party into what we want it to be, or making a new party and merging it with the greens or whathaveyou.

Yeah, it stings much more than it usually would, because it's usually politicians as usual. Don't lose faith yet, though. He's made it damn far against all odds & there's still a possibility he could actually win this thing. A lot of people are excited for the convention & what will happen there.


We need armed people outside the convention


Hillary Clinton is like the girl who tries too hard to be on student council and then when she gets there she treats it too seriously

Hillary is hurting Hillary's chances.

For the record, that guy is a legit Hillary supporter and pretty anti-Trump too. I just checked his Twitter. So it's not as simple as "shilling", but more likely it's "Hey Jon, I want you to write something negative about Bernie and positive about Hillary!"
And yes he does look like a twat.


There are sveeral huge marches happening, and a ton of sane Socialist orgs. Bernie will win every contest then lose at the convention. Momentum will be with him but not the system. Your average fag will think he has a chance of winning going in. It's going to be a LOT of anger. And with all the focus off the RNC convention, it will be the only thing in the news.

Also the anger will come. We just have to wait for all the votes to be cast. A big letdown only makes them feel more alienated from the Dems.


I'll be there, look for the guy dressed in all black holding up a sign that says "Allow new snackbar!"

I think most people here are

kids are gonna be libertarian, you can't truly be a socialist shitposter until you've been fucked by the world

unfortunately one of my cousins is getting married in Utah, if they weren't I'd be there waving a soviet flag

I hope he gets more delegates, even if he only gets one more delegate. That way we can le pwn pwn all the

It's not even banter, they usually tell you you need so many posts or followers before telling them they're wrong and then block you. Most of them are shills, cucked conservatives, radical feminists or grannies (literally, on all counts). There are "legit" Clinton supporters who aren't Clinton supporters out of necessity or "wymmanprazdant" but they seem like the kind of person who were PUMAs 8 years ago. In fact Clinton supporters in general seem like they never got out of the PUMA attitude with the smug anger. They didn't get voted more aggressive than "Bernie Bros" and almost as aggressive as Trump supporters for nothing.

post a real link


Comments be like:



Democratic control of means of production has already been asked, since it is currently being proposed by many local green parties.

Problem with the Greens and Jill Stein is they're anti science when it comes to evolved plants

Antinuke/antiscience idpol horseshit means the Greens are a non-option

GMOs need to be labeled though, and I wouldn't trust companies like Monsanto with them.


No they don't, there's no risk to humanity… anyway they're already labeled in being half the price

All capitalist corporations work in their own self interest, how is Monsanto any worse than an organic seed company. At least Monsanto is making scientific progress

Monsanto isn't inherently worse but they have no code of internal ethics. Agent Orange is an excellent example.

You sound like one of those Rationalwiki-type morons that don't believe anything unless it's a universal consensus.

That was literally 50 years ago m8, it has nothing to do with the modern company.


you're what is wrong with the left, organic food is inherently classist

I tottaly agree.
At least back then they were honest about it.
Now, they even go full propaganda to make you think "our pesticides are not destroying the earth or anything".

I don't even have a problem with evolved plant but can you not see the point I'm making?

Their pesticides aren't destroying the earth though. Do you really fall for the hippy porky lie that Roundup is worse than other pesticides?

I see the point you're making, but all agriculture is capitalist, so it's better to go with the most scientifically progressive. Organic seed companies are just as capitalist, there is no socialist alternative to capitalist agriculture in the capitalist world

That's not really the point. Of course that's true, but not all agriculture comes from companies which developed and produce chemical weapons herbicide which killed and maimed millions of people

You go on and use roundup on your field and then eat the vegetables.

I'm not gonna do it.

It has nothing to do with hippie BS.
I live for 30 years on an agrarian village and so on, and we know roundup is shit since the 90s.

But you?
You go on and get cancer! I don't care!

Dude.. It's pretty much common knowledge that pesticides can ruin farmland. In the way that if you try to grow anything afterwards without using them, you get nothing. It's a main reason why farmers here in India were drinking the pesticides to commit suicide. They used them, tried to stop, then their crops & soil were fucked. Then they couldn't pay their debts from harvest & were losing their land. Instead of facing the shame of their ruin, many committed suicide. The run off also taints local water sources, which are scarce already.

Monsanto also has a monopoly on seeds, in the US & in India(I'm sure many other places as well). I remember reading about how some US farmers were even being sued for copyright infringement because seeds blew over naturally onto their crops. They were sued & lost everything.

My fiance actually comes from an agricultural caste, and all of his family were farmers. Now, none of them are. He said his uncle is still trying, but not having much luck.

muh history

What about Syngenta? Would you be okay with the evolved plants from Syngenta?

Who cares what their history is, should we not Trust the Germans because they produced Hitler?

I used roundup on the weeds in my backyard, worked great. I'm not a farmer, but I know enough about chemicals to know it's significantly less toxic than other chemicals. You could literally drink a gallon of round up and be fine, you're more likely to die of liquid intoxication than poisoning if you drink round up as it is impossible to die of poisoning from it.

Nice samefagging though, good to see yourself looking like it's two on one when you're in fact one loser hippie destroying the left with your anti science shit

They don't even have a monopoly on evolved plants




I could, I have a gallon of roundup, but I don't want to because that would be a waste

You'd prove your point to yourself and others.

That's a victory, not a waste. Do it.

Do it and post pics.

Oh, and, FBI!
We are not encouraging suicide. "IT'S TOTALLY SAFE!"

No, because I don't want to waste roundup and I don't give a shit what a bunch of anons think of me… also it probably would taste like shit

Ye ye.
You'll die of cancer anyway.
Can the FBI Save Bernie?

I agree that Bernie should have gone negative against Clinton but this narrative that the supporters will all be absorbed into the Dem establishment is ridiculous.

I'm more socialist that Bernie and I still don't want to be friends with you Marxist hacks.

It worked when Jesse Jackson lost bowed out of the Democratic primaries in the 80s, I forget which election cycle but he was the anti-establishment candidate then against a run of the mill Democrat, when he lost, he grovelled and begged all of his skeptical supporters to back whoever went on to lose against Reagan, despite said candidate not offering anything to appease them.

It will be the same this time around, Sanders will plead his supporters to support Hillary unconditionally without any concessions because Trump must be stopped and the media will be pushing for this.

the concern IMO with evolved plants has less to do with supposed health risks and more to do with environmental risks, like the risk of genetic pollution, but ultimately i don't see the green party as a particularly viable vehicle for a left-of-liberal movement in the united states, thanks to their focus on environmental issues (they are a GREEN party)–they're there to get 1-2% of the protest vote

i don't know where they are on "identity politics", but i don't really care, since i plan to just stay home and drink Holla Forums tiers when trump loses to hillary (while avoiding the smug liberals like the plague)

where did crabby go?
gee, i wonder who they're going to be biased towards?

the 1980s is not the 2016 race. Hillary and co are actively chasing away grassroots supporters and young voters.

The majority of Sanders supporters will end up voting for Clinton anyway, not that I'm condoning it but as much as many people dislike her corrupt sleazy politics, liberal sensibilities these days have made Trumps politically incorrect statements so unpalatable that they'd be willing to accept and rationalize the personification of corruption that Hillary is.

Just because #bernieorbust is popular on twitter, it doesn't necessarily reflect popular opinion.

That's what I plan to do.

I may vote for Hillary Clinton, but only because her presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for modern American liberalism and would help make a left in America more viable.

Their new strategy of parading out Rockefeller Republicans in blackface and now drag and calling them liberals, and then claiming anyone who disagrees with them is racist/sexist, may be working with the older crowd but the younger people aren't buying that shit.

Well, it will cause a low turn-out as quite a lot if people don't get very energized about voting for a lesser evil. If this can keep even jut 10% of people who'd otherwise vote in swing-states, Trump might actually win.
Hillary is a fucking disasterous candidate.

Wouldn't it just make people claim that leftist ideas didn't work and we need to shift right? You know most people aren't smart enough to understand nuance.

You're literally Rick Snyder.

this tbh. we've already seen everywhere online of reactionaries claiming obama's leftist policies brought us here and "muh conservatism counter-culture"

You fucking nigger would you trust the Waltons with your shit? It is the same band of playboys heading the company regardless of who is technically the CEO and on the Board of Directors, it's the same corporate culture.
If it weren't for Stein I'd vote Clinton. The SCOTUS thing is more important than a lot of people seem to realize and Trump would be horrible at foreign policy which is why he's considered dangerous. His tax plan is also pantsu on head. Basically the only things he would be doing better than Hillary is potentially, potentially less corrupt, and he would represent something. That's it.

But Bernie's hopefully on the winning track so it won't matter.

Someone on Holla Forums pointed this out to me: Bush gave us Obama, but Obama gave us Occupy Wall Street and Sanders

Bernie Sanders could still win the nomination – no, seriously.

This puts forth a totally plausible situation which Bernie was hoping for this entire time, but sort of just stopped mentioning since it looked desperate. As the article brings up, he will wim everywhere but New Jersey, and this is an unprecedented election. A lot depends on the swing states as well, where Hillary is currently falling below Trump.

…whispers of a dream…

Also do not read beyond the first 2 or 3 comments. Some stupid fucks didn't read the article and just mentioned #FeelingTheMath

This page is FB verified and under a mix of Sanders campaign and grassroots control. All the comments affirm the OP, and there is mild to no autism and stupid socialism attacks.

We're coming buckos.


This is bait

How did Obama give us Sanders? Eugene Debs and MLK gave us Sanders.

I saw the title on FB earlier and thought "let them wear diapers" as a joke.

Never thought Capitalism WOULD ACTUALLY DO IT!


if it wasn't for Obama being a total disappointment on economic issues and doing fuck all to reign in wall street, then Sanders wouldn't be so popular.


Yeah, but then again, everybody thought Obama would be Sanders, so in a way, you could say it's more like Bush that created Bernie

I don't know a single person that thought Obama would be Sanders.

I know people that thought he would be less establishment, more transparent, and try to be a deal maker (kek) in 2008. By 2012, he was not-Romney.

I think you're forgetting that Obama hinted at single-payer back in 2008 and promised great change.
Essentially he represented the pipe-dream that change could come from within the system.

True, true, but it depends on a variety of factors.
Right now, I think conservatism is almost dead in America. I know that sounds like bullshit but hear me out. See how Cruz tanked? Obviously he's not the most likeable guy but he had a coherent platform and was an eloquent enough speaker and, even though he took Republican policies further to their logical conclusion than the Republicans would have liked he was really the best thing they could hope for besides Chris-T (who I really wanted to win because he was the most centrist besides Trump and dude is actually fairly based for a conservative). You know what that tells me? It says that Republicans don't actually care that strongly about fiscal conservatism or foreign policy. They seem to settle for any candidate who will protect gunz, valuze, freedumb, patriotism, keep their taxes low and enact policies that hurt people who aren't them (wall/Muslim meme). Essentially, they're not voting so much on strategy but on worldview. They like the Republicans because they've been formed in Nixon's image as a party by backwards angry uneducated hicks for backwards angry uneducated hicks. Minorities are on the rise and the ones that do vote Republican vote so almost solely on religious issues. Effectively, the entire right is on life support because people only care about the muh culture war aspects of it, and demonstratably, millennials don't. So in short I think that accelerationism towards the Third Way will not repel people towards the right but towards the left. Accelerationism towards the right, I fear, would make the Third Way more attractive.

Gay post. Fuck off.

Do people actually believe this shit? Do you really think Bernie is going to get you free college just because it's his platform via pure executive dictatorial power?

Of course not. He'd have to pressure a lot of Democrats LBJ-style and get a mass-movement going and then after the gongressional election, things might happen.
Difference is that Obama didn't even try.

So you're serious? Jesus and you're telling me to fuck off?

You're mad because Obama hinted, just hinted, that single payer was a possibility, and he copped out and instead of potentially jeopardizing the entire thing over something he only hinted at, he compromised something that would still pretty much fulfill his campaign promise.

I'm not saying I like Obama for it, but this is like thinking Bernie is promising an-all expenses paid education at Harvard for anyone with an IQ of 80 or higher and being disappointed when it doesn't happen.

Yes, you are literally gay and gynophobic.

He did explicitly promise the public option though. That didn't happen. Instead we had a system where you're forced to buy private insurance under federal mandate. Obama campaigned like he was Sanders. Its the very same frustration that has given Bernie the momentum he's gained so far.

Prez has immense sway in his party and Bernie would be excellent for down-ballot conservatives. Hell he could spend a yuge amount of time campaigning for them what with him vs. Trump already being a done deal, like instead of "Vote Bernie Sanders" be like "Vote the Bernie Ballot". I wouldn't be surprised to see the most Democratic Congress in history.

Fine, let me explain myself better. I hate her so I wouldn't vote for her but I'd be crossing my fingers.

And you'd vote for an anti science candidate?

Oh god it really is the same cuntfagniggercuck.
She's not anti science you shit eating baboon. Nothing on the party platform says anything outright against either vaccines or evolved plants.
And she's already spoken on both of those parts of the platform, mostly against them. Hell, I think the party platform has a point on both counts, capitalism has not been known to be concerned with its consumers and a company like Monsanto could very well be giving people chemicals they know are harmful, maybe intentionally. They need regulation. Like guns. Guns are science too, you freaky clown-faced fuck.
You are very, very obviously from Reddit. Read Stirner, Marx and Zizek and then dial again.

That's not a promise, and you know it, which is why you said he hinted at it.

And for the past 8 years, negative sway with the other party.


The public option is not the same a single-payer

The other party is dying.

Wew eat my shit dumbcuck you are incredibly naïve and ideologized

You seem to have used them interchangeably.

Anti-nuclear power, not weapons. I literally have no idea how I'd even begin to care enough to form a stance on nuclear weapons in 2016, especially since ICBM interception technology is taking off so fast, but anyone who opposes nuclear power is literally anti-biosphere and is enabling an existential threat to the habitability of the planet.

It takes a lot to eclipse the threat of capitalism and class warfare, but playing stupid idpol games where nuclear power is somehow the equal of fossil fuels and not the superior of "renewable" technology that it is may be the one thing that qualifies.

Did you say "happy 30th birthday" to the Chernobyl catastrophe?
Please leave the Earth inhabitable. :^)

Also, nuclear power is a non-renewable energy.

I think your transmission stripped a few gears on that last shift, bud.

The problem wasn't that he failed to break the chains of the three-branch system with a single mighty pectoral flex, and ram single-payer through the legislature. The problem was that after pledging his support for single-payer during the campaign, when it came time to actually pass the ACA, he dismissed single-payer with the handwave that a public option SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ON THE NEGOTIATING TABLE.

Where did this bizarre idea that countries with socialized medicine have somehow banned private insurance come from?

Wow, and I thought you were against pseudoscience!

This. If we switched entirely to nuclear, we'd exhaust the world's entire known supply of net-positive ERoEI fuel (including garbage like thorium) in under a decade. The only alternative, breeders, is a ridiculous security risk (not to mention untried to date as commercial power generators, and globally banned by treaty), since the only way to maximize efficiency is to transmute all fuel to weapons-grade plutonium and sip off it as slow as possible, catastrophically dangerous even without theft or sabotage because (unlike conventional reactors) breeders can literally detonate like a nuclear bomb.

All that aside, even ignoring their freebie government-provided insurance (since no private insurer has EVER underwritten a nuclear plant), they have higher construction, operating, and decommissioning costs than an equivalent amount of sustainable power (even WITH grid storage included). Not to mention the even cheaper option of energy conservation, since current energy consumption is FAR less efficient than it should be.

No, actually, millennials are literally overwhelmingly liberal. Post-millennials are even more so. It's true that wedge issues are at the forefront in American politics but my point is that if nobody cares about everything on the right except the culture war and the fight effectively loses the culture war then they'll be all but dead. When the Third Way is tried its inherent contradictions will come to the forefront just like they did in the first Clinton administration and people will be repelled further left.

it is good to want to promote third party candidates but this isn't one I'd waste my vote on.

also, with Sanders being so popular is there any more leftist politicians on the local/municipal level?

Now that trump has unveiled his plan to crash the us economy with no survivors, should we vote trump to smash the state or "waste" our votes on stein to send a message?

Is reddit full of trolls or full of nutjobs? I can't tell.

When it's anti-nuke and anti-evolved plant it is


Oops. Forgot flag.

She seemed a lot less stupid when I voted for her in 2012.

Though the leddit kids are obvious lolberts

A "non-renewable" energy that has literally hundreds of years worth of supply on hand. If something else isn't developed in that period of time, we probably deserve to die out.

"Renewables", on the other hand, are anything but. Every renewable generating source has a service lifespan, be it a solar panel or a wind turbine, before it must be decommissioned due to decrepitude past repair. Each and every one of these generating sources represents a vast investment of highly toxic rare earth elements that leech into the environment over the course of the unit's service lifetime, and upon decommissioning presents an immense waste problem on a scale we have little experience with - see JinkoPower's lawsuit over dumping solar panel waste into a river.

But hey, as long as American liberals feel good about buying their teslas and their home panels, who cares if the invisible costs to the Chinese workers who extract the yttrium and the neodymium include dramatic spikes in cancer and "graphite rain" onto nearby farmers' crops?
I guess DARPA didn't get your memo that ICBM interception is a fairy tale!


Where's the surprise, there's no good reason to support the Greens outside of they're better on economics. There are so many sane leftist parties you can throw support behind

t. religious nut

I really don't understand the Jill Stein hate.
She looks like a normal European politician.

Porky will be happy to supply you with an ongoing supply of solar panels and wind turbines that trickle so little energy, they practically cannot be designed to any standard above planned obsolescence.

If "religious nut" is some cypher for "100 years is plenty of time to devise something better than nuclear or solar/wind", I guess.

t. religious nut

All she has going for her is the left wing social democracy


Not sure

She's one step away from being against chemtrails

Stein just assumes humanity will just stop producing new technology.

She basically wants to adopt the EU legislation.
T-Thanks Fukushima.
She explicitely said vaccines save lives.


Which is inherently anti-science

And how many people have died because of Coal, Oil and other forms of energy? How many places have been turned into wastelands

Nuclear is significantly better


Post-earthquake Fukushima at its worst still had lower background radiation than the naturally occurring radiation in Kerala, and Kerala actually has lower cancer rates than first world nations like the UK or Australia.

Radiation is clearly not the magic spell of death you or the general public makes it out to be; I certainly know I'd trust my health near X amount of nuclear waste than an equivalent amount of waste neodymium from a wind turbine manufactory.

tip that fedora hard

Keep moving those goalposts bucko

STEM is the next religious zealotry.

That's just not true, evolved plants are far more studied than traditionally crossbred plants and the whatnot.

It's been getting researched for a very long time, no science is truly hastily done

Virtually all technology under capitalism is for profit or exploited for profit.

That doesn't make it bad, you should understand that that's just how capitalism works and until we overthrow capitalism that's how it's going to work

I'll be willing to listen to any actual substantiated argument you have, should you ever make one.

I don't debate fanatics. There's no point.

Well that's convenient; anyone who disagrees with you is a de facto "fanatic" and you don't ever have to explain how or why.

except science is based on evidence and the observable.

Is a doctor no better than a shaman?


I wish I had time to make a Lysenkoist version of that right now.

I think you responded to the wrong person

I'm against evolved plants until we have socialism.

The technology isn't inherently dangerous, but I don't trust porky with them.

How would porky be able to plant millions of acres of them without adverse effects becoming visible at some point? Rodent pests eating evolved plants don't turn up dead by the hundred.

Porky is evil, not omnipotent. If you're going to insist porky can't be trusted with one potentially dangerous technology, then in order to be consistent you need to trim a lot of porky-produced tech out of your life.

They continually fake lab results, lobby governments, and don't give a flying fuck about health concerns and regulations. evolved plants are potentially very dangerous. I'm very pleased by the EU's health regulations don't allow for their BS to reign over here too.

Source? And a real source please

Also Porky isn't evil per se, porky just looks out for his self interest. That's how class works, it's in Porky's favor to not kill his customers in droves as that drives down profits, it's in the working class's self interest to overthrow Porky.

Okay Lysenko, that's enough.

American Association for the Advancement of Science: ”The science is quite clear: crop improvement by the modern molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe.”

American Medical Association: ”There is no scientific justification for special labeling of genetically modified foods. Bioengineered foods have been consumed for close to 20 years, and during that time, no overt consequences on human health have been reported and/or substantiated in the peer-reviewed literature.”

The United States National Academy of Sciences: “Environmental effects at the farm level have occurred as a result of the adoption of GE crops and the agricultural practices that accompany their cultivation. The introduction of GE crops has reduced pesticide use or the toxicity of pesticides used on fields where soybean, corn, and cotton are grown.”

World Health Organization: ”No effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of GM foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved.”

The United States National Academy of Sciences: “To date, no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.”

American Phytopathological Society: ”The American Phytopathological Society (APS), which represents approximately 5,000 scientists who work with plant pathogens, the diseases they cause, and ways of controlling them, supports biotechnology as a means for improving plant health, food safety, and sustainable growth in plant productivity.”

American Society for Cell Biology: ”Far from presenting a threat to the public health, GM crops in many cases improve it. The ASCB vigorously supports research and development in the area of genetically engineered organisms, including the development of genetically modified (GM) crop plants.”

U.S. Food and Drug Administration: “FDA is confident that the bioengineered foods on the United States market today are as safe as their conventional counterparts.”

Health Canada: “Health Canada is not aware of any published scientific evidence demonstrating that novel foods are any less safe than traditional foods.”

Society of Toxicology: ”Scientific analysis indicates that the process of GM food production is unlikely to lead to hazards of a different nature than those already familiar to toxicologists. The level of safety of current GM foods to consumers appears to be equivalent to that of traditional foods.”

Federation of Animal Science Societies: ”Meat, milk and eggs from livestock and poultry consuming biotech feeds are safe for human consumption.”

Consensus document on evolved plants Safety (14 Italian scientific societies): ”GMOs on the market today, having successfully passed all the tests and procedures necessary to authorization, are to be considered, on the basis of current knowledge, safe to use for human and animal consumption.”

“Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture” – Prepared by the Royal Society of London, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Indian National Science Academy, the Mexican Academy of Sciences, and the Third World Academy of Sciences: “Foods can be produced through the use of GM technology that are more nutritious, stable in storage, and in principle health promoting – bringing benefits to consumers in both industrialized and developing nations.”

French Academy of Science: ”All criticisms against evolved plants can be largely rejected on strictly scientific criteria.”

International Society of African Scientists: ”Africa and the Caribbean cannot afford to be left further behind in acquiring the uses and benefits of this new agricultural revolution.”

Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities: ”Food derived from GM plants approved in the EU and the US poses no risks greater than those from the corresponding conventional food. On the contrary, in some cases food from GM plants appears to be superior with respect to health.”

International Council for Science: ”Currently available genetically modified crops – and foods derived from them – have been judged safe to eat, and the methods used to test them have been deemed appropriate.”

It's happened before in other industries.
Lead, asbestos, climate change, faulty airbags and brakes, DDT etc.

I see this as a false dilemma.
Ethical consumption doesn't have to follow.
Strong safety regulations could fix a lot of potential problems.


Yes, and in each case it was scientific inquiry that revealed it. I'm always baffled by the suggestion that porky has "corrupted" the scientists with bribes or what have you - the fossil fuels industry has orders of magnitude more cash than agribiz, and they failed to do what a less powerful industry could?

You'll be glad to know that they're already in place for evolved plants.

Who said it wasn't?
The problem wasn't that the truth didn't eventually get out, it's that it got out long after the fact and was suppressed.
If you're saying that scientist haven't been paid to be mouthpieces of the fossil fuel industry, then I'm sorry but I've seen way too much evidence to the contrary.

They don't go far enough.

I'm saying that those who were paid were too few in number to affect the consensus, and were revealed to be bullshitting in due time largely because their positions weren't replicated independently - also a problem that consistently bedevils anti-GMO researchers.

That's fair

She's right about the the medical-industrial complex though. Conflicts of interest are rampant in every single avenue of US social/political policy. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to know that the anti-vaccination thing was the result of literal data falsification to back some drug competitor–conflict of interest. So it's not like it doesn't go both ways, but I think her perspective is right.

Her view on energy is unpopular but ecologically minded. Nuclear is cheap, but ultimately not sustainable; it's better than fossil fuel, but in the long run that waste is just going to pile up. People want "cleaner energy" but aren't willing to cut their energy usage, from overlooking wasteful and excessive industrial production practices to the absurd cultural dream of every single person having their own personal car. I don't think it's good to reject nuclear as a better alternative for the time being, but there's a fundamental problem with simplifying matters to cost.

Exactly how substantial do you think the volume of waste really is? And are you not familiar with reprocessing nuclear waste into new fuel with breeder reactors?

Capitalism need to maximize profit.
As modern capitalism is all about "MORE PROFIT! NOW! TODAY!" safety is secondary.

So, the actual problem is Fukushima, my love. Not wastes.

Chernobil happened in a collapsing USSR that didn't spend enough for infastructure.
Like US doesn't … hmmmm…

And since background radiation at Fukushima at it's worst still wasn't as high as the naturally occurring background radiation in Kerala, where people have lower cancer rates than the UK, maybe this technology is just inherently safe to the point where even porky behaving irresponsibly is still better than solar, wind or coal?

No cancer or radiation is better than some, right? I don't think those latter energies cause radiation or cancer.

Didn't some high level worker at Fukushima die of cancer shortly after the leak? I read it was "unrelated", but come on.. I also remember reading that the robots they had go in to do repairs also were shutting down from too much radiation.

It seems like a good idea to move away from riskier forms of energy production, where even the possibility of accidents happening, compared to cleaner energies. You're arguing that the Fukushima leak isn't dangerous?

This. Energy companies routinely lobby for less regulation for this very reason. To imply that what they're doing isn't dangerous is, quite frankly, retarded.

Jill Stein on Bernie Sanders collaboration.

I might understand why he isn't paying attention to them so far, but she says the greens have been trying to contact him since 2011 and he never gave them any attention. what does leftypol thinks about that?


We need to have violence at the convention tbhfam

The super delegates have to be scared if they're gonna change their mind, no revolution comes because of peaceful chanting and politely asking

I think he's been trying to change the democratic party fundamentally so it reflects something like the green party. The dems already see him as an outsider, if he started hanging out with the green party now the media would lose their minds.

What is it that you think that image proves about vaccination?

Not so much vaccination, but she does fall for the homeopathy meme

Not only do those other technologies kill other people via more "mundane" chemical means, they still do in fact emit radiation and overall cause far more cancer per KWh of energy than nuclear. Refusing to look at the full production chain and just basking in the satisfied glow of neoliberal propaganda that obscures the full costs is some liberal porky shit.

I get that looking at the entire production chain and assessing the full range of impacts isn't part of elementary greenkiddie protocol, but when you actually go through and assess every risk at every step, the final verdict is that nuclear is safer, more productive and more bountiful than any other power source.

Uh… Where?

By the way the idiots in my county have support for alternative medicine on their Democratic Party platform. And Sanders goes on about that Gender Gap crap all the time. It's hard to find people right about everything.

The Dem Convention, Hosted By GOP Donors & Anti-Obamacare Lobbyists

Yeah, but I care more about science than I do anything else besides socialism. So I'll never vote for a candidate or a party that actively campaigns against certain aspects of science.

Oh yeah? So do I. I see the importance of the bigger picture however. Who's going to get your vote in November?

Why do people post this guy so much when he pretty much just regurgitates other news articles? Just post the original source.

I'm leaning towards Trump, actually.

There is not much out there that is worse than coal. Drive through the Deep South some time, and you will be able to see the air around towns with coal power plants. As someone from the West Coast, going though that shit made me sick.



This isn't actually me

Probably Mimi Soltysik

Hey guys. Just a thought… What if we gassed the Jews?

tbh I just like how mocks the American southerner accent

well the American Green Party is amateur bullshit that never gets anything done.

Technically that's got voluntary response bias but given that the gap was only 14 points before Super Tuesday I can believe this. Shame we can't phonebank there.

So you're a faggot, then.


Haha oh shit even worse.
Guy's a faggot and a tool with really shitty reasons not to just endorse Sanders (hurr durr he imperialist). Have fun with that protest vote.


I'd be a flagfag but FUCKING BO REEE won't add a PR flag, so I only use my trip occasionally.

Since Bernie is very unlikely to win now and hype seems to have died down, I am considering loosening the rules on Elections threads. Thoughts?

I like having a general election thread for updates, but that's just me. Also, there's still a very slight chance Bernie might maybe win. Also, there's Trumpenstien too.

personally i agree with having a single mega thread is convenient.

Fuck you, Bernie's still gonna make a comeback.

My God Help Me To Survive This Deadly Friendship

I remember that faggot well.

Trump is going to win if it's him vs. Hillary. He just went up in the polls after becoming the presumptive nominee, and the Republicans are actively working on party unity. Bernie's supporters are less likely to switch to Hitlery by the day, and she's only making that worse.

Calling it now, the DNC have a choice to make between Trump walking into the White House or nominating Bernie and having a solid chance Trump loses the general.

Wew. His chances are looking better all the time. There's still the ace up our sleeve.
pr flag

I'm kind of unsure about your electoral calculus there - Trump practically writes his own attack ads just by being Trump - but the DNC will never take Bernie and his solid chance of victory over handing Queen Clinton her long-awaited crown.

Time to start planning for a really weird combination of making the most of Trump's center-right entryism and the accelerationist tack on his worse elements.

I know. Hopefully theres a crushing win in cali.

That's assuming that contrary to all evidence the media and Hillary will suddenly figure out how to do that. They've tried and it hasn't worked.
They'd also take Trump over Bernie, which is going to further alienate Bernie supporters, especially since my previous statement is how he'll describe the situation to them.

We will see

And of course I get Jeb's name wrong

Bull-phugging-shit. If Hill Shill's polls dip any more they will know not to take the risk- superdelegates were put in place (on paper) to vet candidates who were unelectable and to help a clear front runner clinch the nomination (for example, if there's like 9 candidates and all of them have 8% of the vote except for one who has like 36%). Of course they could still go full retard or completely forget what they're there for but I don't expect that to happen.

No way. They'd be finished if Trump won, he's unpredictable and they'd lose the last bastion of government control they have.

6.5% is a pretty comfortable margin over Trump, she could lose a whole percent and still be well within the margin of error of a certain victory. Maybe I'm just not reading the same polls as you, but RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight put them in a 43-49 split - obviously not as comfortable as Bernie's numbers, but nothing that would send the DNC into a panic and make them backtrack on the months and months of obstructions they've thrown in Bernie's path.

She won't lose "a whole percent". She'll lose much more. Especially if anyone gets even close to indicting her. There was a poll that came out recently that had her already under Trump by -2 points in three swing states (which are the only ones that matter), and most recent polls have her in the +3-+4 neighborhood. Those websites include very old polling.

Well that remains to be seen, but the poll you're referring to is a Ramussen poll and Nate Silver has busted them time and again for favoring Republican candidates 3.8% above actual results and just being 5.6% inaccurate in general.

Don't get me wrong, I want Hillary to sink and the DNC to go hand in hat to Bernie, but I think you're jumping the gun a little bit here.


Obviously there's outliers and unreliable polling but the fact of the matter is polling methods already favor Hillary because of her demographics. If she starts beating Trump by +10 in every poll from here on out I'll consider it a fluke.

Fuck off with your well-poisoning bullshit. Rasmussen relies heavily on landline polling to collect their data, while the other agencies have nearly entirely given up on landlines. You honestly think that doesn't skew things in ways other polls don't experience?

Other than Rasmussen calling up senior citizens on their landlines, what you're seeing here is pretty well in the ballpark of what you're describing.

Yeah, it's not as if we needed to safely seal nuclear wastes for the next 100,000 years.

God, I really hope knowledge of breeder reactors becomes common so I don't have to keep shooting down this weary old canard.

Breeder reactors exist since the 60s, don't you see them everywhere? :^)

No shit, Porky just prefers stuffing waste in a mountain rather than putting the money up front for breeder reactors. It's not even being "repressed", it's just easier for porky's short-term bottom line to not push for breeders.


Is there a way to make and use a Facebook account that doesn't compromise privacy?

You don't have to use your real name or give out any personal information.

They want senpai to notice them

Are you retarded? He claimed vaccines give you autism and that climate change is a crafty Chinese scheme. He's even more """anti-science""" than Stein.

Yes, he is retarded.

Uh oh, looks like they fail your "le epic science" criteria too!
'Self-funded' Donald Trump preparing to seek big-donor money



Burying the White Working Class

To no one’s surprise, that’s not a confrontation that brings out the best in them.



They've been calling Sanders a white supremacist since the start of the race. It's how Clinton maintains such a large portion of the black electorate.

It basically went like this:

How do we know Trump isn't some massive troll?
I don't want to vote third party knowing that I'm just throwing in a "protest vote."
What if he really is whhite jesus?

Reupload pls?

Jacobin needs to keep churning out editorial work instead of publishing articles by randoms.

It's pretty clear that at the core, the magazine is based, but there are far too many liberals trying to shoehorn their pandering into it.


Poster called 'love and kindness' with a picture of Shillery with bomb being dropped being juxtaposed translucently.

I got it comrade.

Hey guise, I figured out the best way to deal with Hill Shills on Twatter and the like. Call them old, and give them stereotypical old person names like "Gladys" and "Phyllis" (just make sure that's not their real name- no I'm not even kidding, I got halfway through typing "Phyllis" once before figuring out it was the old cunt's real name). A big tip off that they're actually old is if they capitalize random words and retweet shitty memes and just generally seem really unhip. They fucking hate it. They hate being reminded that the only reason they're so opposed to Bernie is because they fear those darned millennials, those darned communists (some will even call him one up front) and those darned radicals.

And like I've said before some Hill Shills are radical feminists or fags or sometimes blacks but these are exceptions, they're not the people running the "#ByeByeBernie @Phyllis4Hillary" accounts. Those will be the people using their personals and they'll be slightly more reasonable, but the most avid tweeters often literally have ties to the Clintons.

Obviously all this shit is completely irrelevant but I love banter and getting blocked by butthurt grannies so feel free to join me.

No, there is a much more simple way to get them to fuck off. Inform them that this is how their bosses talk about them:

We have found the enemy, and he is us.

The feel I'm feeling right now is not a good feel.

He ain't even wrong

Hillary just stole Nevada back btw

the nevada dnc took a vote before everyone was signed in and then used that vote to change the rules to lock out the bernie supporters


>We're talking about this a lot over here:

>It's very serious. Roberta Gustave Lange, a Clinton supporter and Chair of the Democratic State Party, changed the rules without a 2/3rds majority quorum, which are listed HERE:

>Roberta Lange's twitter, for those interested in her side (since obviously I am not in any way promoting we "harass" her, which would be against Reddit rules) is @rlange9 and her FB is here:

hopy shit

lmao that's literally the kind of thing Arizona Republicans would do

Jerry White, Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate, speaks to a meeting of Detroit teachers.

He's not exactly electrifying but it's cool to see him getting some positive response.

Only at the absolute shallowest level. Mark my words, unless the nonissues are purged from "leftism", millennials and their ilk will go rotten faster and worse than the hippies ever did.

If we win big enough in California, that might give his campaign the leverage needed to issue or threaten legal challenges to massive election fraud earlier in the primary, get a recount, and turn the DNC into a bloodbath. Anyway, even with Bernie on the sidelines, the conflagration between Shillary and Trump will generate more than enough for a cyclical.

How did such a based article creep into their site? Could they have a debate to mine salt from the comments section after the resulting assrape?

Sanders could knock over the Democratic party machine like blowing at a house of cards with this level of blatant corruption. When is he going to attack, why hasn't he already?

7/10, great troll terminology

>At current (2008) rates of consumption
Learn to read what you're responding to

Regarding sustainables, solar thermal generators, windmills, tidal generators, and geothermal pumps have no exotic material requirements, and are inexpensively maintained and replaced. But even if you ignore them to focus on photovoltaic solar, while their service lifespans are so much longer than originally projected that there hasn't been enough decommissioned to generate a significant amount of waste yet, PV solar is highly recyclable, and also an excellent use for low-quality reclaimed materials from the recycling of other e-waste.

You just have trouble reading, boyo?


No, I guarantee you all or most of these old losers are legit.

Because the DNC is a private group and so the government doesn't give a shit :^)

The fact of the matter is that of Bernie makes a loud enough fuss about the corruption they'll do anything for him. The Democratic party can't afford that kind of PR hit given that they're very likely to lose all three levels of elected office (they've already lost 2) and are already bleeding donors constantly. The question is if he will. Hill Shills have already made a point of calling him a "sore loser" for pointing out a rigged system.

At absolute minimum, it would fall under civil law as a violation of numerous private contracts.


No they won't. They don't give a shit if the Republicans win every single elected office in the damn country, they won't let Bernie come close to winning.

They are inhuman scum, nothing more.

This. Whatever differences the two parties seem to have is mostly just for the public facade, the porky heads of each party would much rather cooperate than allow Sander's to challenge the status quo, even minimally.
This shit is nuts; it is not acceptable. If you live in NV, do not let them get away with this shit. The nays clearly had it, and they're ignoring the delegates/voters.


This, more likely than not.

Right now he's just risking pissing off Hillary. Once all this is over he goes back to work as a senator and that means working with the DNC, the party whose collaboration he's relied on for years to accomplish what little good he can actually do.

So here's what'll happen if he tries to take on the whole DNC alone: he loses the presidency and then he goes back as a senator, but now all the muh privileges and collaboration he enjoyed pre-bid are fucking gone, and worse than that they devote their resources to seeing him ousted in the next senatorial race. That's if they even have to bother considering time is clearly on the DNC's side.

So Bernie, the eternal pragmatist, is playing a balanced game and pulling his punches, because if he swings at the DNC, then they're going to swing back, and alot harder. And if they do, that could mean accomplishing even less than what he'll be able to if he just loses the election. He'll lose what means he has to effect any sort of change, and the DNC will be as corrupt as ever.


Honestly, this comment reads like someone who just recently started paying attention to the election. Bernie's been calling out the DNC publicly much more so, for the past month, roughly. For instance, his campaign wrote that letter to the DNC recently, calling them out for breaking campaign finance laws, in their joint fundraising with Hillary & not reporting most of it.

He's been taking them on since day 1, really. Which is what's most amazing about him making it this far, all while taking on America's most powerful people. As far as working on the hill, most politicians chalk it up to politics as usual, and continue to work together afterwards & behind closed doors. That's one of the reasons they're so shitty, all they care about is money, kickbacks etc. Not what's best for the people in working on legislation.

saying the DNC will be as corrupt as ever implies that yes it has already happened

oh no, not a letter. how will they ever recover???

Not just a letter, but a strongly worded letter. Lmao, but seriously.. IIRC, it was threatening legal action as well. God knows he's got more than sufficient evidence for election fraud & funny business.

And actually, he has a lawsuit already filed against the DNC, regarding their vendor who keeps voting information for each candidate. Remember when the DNC locked him out from accessing his own files? That's what it was about. If I'm not mistaken, he also has another lawsuit against them for another matter.

Does anyone know a clever, short rebuttal to the "conspiracy nut" accusation? I usually just counter with facts until they get pissed off & start acting nuts, themselves. It works & is entertaining most of the time, but sometimes I don't feel like repeating the same thing three times a day, and it would be a lot easier to respond with something shorter. The whole "conspiracy" thing gets annoying, really quick. And it's why so many people hate Hillary supporters/shills. The condescension is on a whole 'nother level.


Tell them that the "conspiracy theorist" meme was propagated by the CIA to discredit people investigate actually confirmed conspiracies.

Cute & clever. (/¯–‿・)/¯
I like it.

That's a good one. It's funny that most people think conspiracies in general don't happen or something. It's not a theory that this goes on, it's just reality. Especially with those who want to get or retain power.

The idea they'd rather have republicans is ridiculous. They're capitalists and don't want to rock the boat and not all that left, but they are left, and they lose even more money if that happens.

is that how they stole nevada?

Wait, what?

Explain this for a non american comrade

I'm not surprised, honestly. The Ron Paul 2012 folks have been telling the Bernie folks that this would happen all along.

Am I the only one sick of this email bullshit? I'm honestly more upset by the fact she apparently did this to try to skirt around any FOIA requests than any "security" concerns.

The Nevada primary goes through three phases. Hillary won the first one, then Bernie won the second. He was set up to win the third, but then the Nevada DNC fucked him.

Basically, this third phase was supposed to be run by a committee of 3 people appointed by the Clinton party and 3 people appointed by the Bernie party. Instead, the Nevada DNC appointed all six. This committee then wanted to change the rules to make it so that the winner of the first round won the whole thing and wanted to put it to a vote. They did it verbally, and despite the overwhelming NO they said it was a yes and that the decision was final. The Bernie folks were complained some more and I guess they were going to put it to another vote, but before any of the Bernie supporters could register, they took the vote and, surprise! it passed again.

If anyone ever says to you that America is a democracy it's your duty to laugh in their face.

There is climate change. It is not made man made, though. That's just a new age trope.

Climate change will always occur with or without human involvement, but we are absolutely altering the rate of change drastically. It's not just "a new age trope" whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.

Lmao, it's a climate change denier in the wild. Yes it is, buddy; an overwhelming majority of scientists agree.

It means that people parrot climate change is real because it's a "leftist" meme.
There are also scientists that say it is not true. Why do you think is that?

>an overwhelming majority of scientists
and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies

There will always be a sect of researchers that will contradict whatever conclusions are drawn by study so long as there are special interest groups willing to fund them to say otherwise. A well known example being the fight to prove lead is poisonous to humans.

It doesn't matter who or how many people say something, so basing your opinion on climate change based on this is fallacious. However, so is the idea that pointing this fallacy out in any way validates your point of view. The only thing that matters is that the evidence is falsifiable and reproducable. In the case of climate change, it is demonstrably so by a huge margin.


So? An overwhelming majority of people is also stupid.
You can explain their increasing acceptance of man made climate change by peer pressure. The more this topic gets attention in the public the more they will start shifting opinions to avoid vilification.
All these studies are but statistics. This is not real science. You can't actually prove anything with these. We STILL barely know anything about clime. Scientists still can't predict if tomorrow is going to rain or not. Also, you can easily bias these "proofs".
Majority proves absolutely nothing. Facts do. And the fact is, we still DONT UNDERSTAND how climate change works.

mein gott.

Are you even trying?


Causality does not imply correlation. These studies are all based from causality. And the "acceptance" by scientists are, I bet, just blind belief. I don't even believe they are "shills". I just think they are lazy.


Not like you, I'm sure

Why is it that all of your "arguments" are witty memes? I believe with good reason we can't prove with accuracy humanity's impact on climate change. You are just being a memester.

When we want a lecture about which rocks to bang together to best spark a fire, then maybe we'll have use for a caveman around here.

Because I'm not arguing with you, for the same reason I wouldn't argue with a flat-earther.

Kind of like an overwhelming majority of scientists and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, huh? That's a pretty good reason.

No, he has a much better reason than that.

He bets.

All of those studies were done by rolling dice, user! Trust me, I know because I can namedrop some elementary fallacies that I saw on facebook comment sections!

People like you still do not understand there's nothing "scientific"about these fields. All these studies might as well be equal to fucking rolling dice.

fucking lol wasn't even exaggerating

I don't say this often, user, but kill yourself. That or go back to >>>Holla Forums please

I guess so, if some butthurt retard with an irrational emotional stake in the "climate change is a hoax" conspiracy theory said so online.

Please don't cite any metareviews though, citations would only weaken the purity of your fiat claims.

Please, be angrier that you are believing in the scientific equivalent of third wave feminism

Am I? That remains to be seen, considering that you haven't supplied any evidence better than your irrelevant and unsubstantial tantrums.

Good thing we've got you to tell us folks what's what then, huh?

Dunning-Kruger is a powerful force indeed.

Wow, and I am the edgy one with the facebook terms.

You first. Supply more evidence aside from "muh scientists".

Burden of proof is on the claimant, I'm afraid, and that's you. Whether you choose to be proven a retard because you don't understand burden of proof or because you don't have any sources makes no difference to me, but please stop trying to worm your way out of having to own your position with these desperation moves to jettison your responsibility.

A lot of "scientists" agreeing is no proof (this is more bureucracy and politics than actual science), If knowledge relied on consensus then we would still be thinking the earth is flat (As someone here accused me of).
Also, I'm not a "conspiracy theorist", and I'm not a "rightist". There is actual research put into disproving man made global warming. An example:

Consensus is not "bureaucracy", it is the product of years of replication studies arriving at a common, refined thesis statement. Your unreplicated anomalous paper does not have the weight of multiple independent recreations on it's side and can therefore be dismissed for the outlier it is, just as you can be dismissed as an ignoramus who has no concept of the role replication plays in science.

Yeah if a "replication of studies" proves my shit gives you telepathy and an anomalous paper says "don't be retarded, it doesn't" I guess we should dismiss the latter as an "ignoramus"
nice one reddit!

Just stop pretending that you understand science, because you don't. You'd never even heard of replication until just now. You're a bitter caveman who wants to lash out at any idea that is associated with his ideological rivals and/or might necessitate changes in your habits and behavior, so you're desperately seeking justifications for your pettiness.

As we speak right now, you are hard at work trying to devise some new way of anticipating references to reproducibility in the future, so you won't get tripped up again the way you did here. Of course it'll all rely on you making bullshit claims without proof and expecting people to take them seriously, but the important thing is that you don't have to endure the humiliation of publicly admitting you were wrong, and that's all that matters to you.

Typical misunderstanding burden of proof from an ignorant cretin.

Did you even read the link?
No, you didn't.
Also, you probably would be better off voting for Hillary. She seems to represent well your conformist and unquestioning attitude.
By the way, the world is not going to end because you didn't buy an electric car. I can fucking assure you oil will end before a major cataclysm happens because of it. I can assure you a volcano will cause a major extinction before the "green house effect" does. There are far more important things than this stupid climate change trend.
But whatever, I don't really give a shit about what you believe in.

Oh I definitely have read the Gerlich and Tscheuschner paper, several years ago in fact when it first came out and it was shortly thereafter utterly ripped to shreds by every serious climate scientist for numerous methodological errors. It keeps popping up now and then because rightwing cavemen who think they can bullshit their way past people with actual science and engineering backgrounds take the title at face value, which is all they can really do because they don't have the training or skill required to read a peer-reviewed scientific paper.

At this point, the Gerlich and Tscheuschner has more value as a red flag to indicate that you're dealing with an unserious retard who just googles whatever fits his predetermined worldview in a selective and cherry-picked manner. Serious commentators on climate science have already read all the rebuttals, such as

I saw more name than arguments there.
I still stand by: Nothing is going to happen.

You can stand by whatever silly thing you want to stand by, nobody has any reason to take you seriously or believe that you're taking your stance out of anything other than infantile pride and fear of admitting stupidity.

Let's start with the first giant methodological failure Gerlich and Tscheuschner made - why did they attempt to only apply the Clausius statement of the Second Law to a single side of a heat transfer process? Why would that be justified?

Hell, do you even know what the Clausius Statement of the Second Law is, or are you just a bullshitting rightwing caveman with a childish vendetta against science and moral obligations?


Motion to recount is made:

That motion is shit upon, convention is closed:

Temporary convention rules voted on, people ignored:

I admit their paper is flawed. Just linked them because people here were too eager to speak in the name of science but could not present real arguments.
I just didn't expect there was someone here who would actually discuss what I was discussing. I was largely trolling.
Still, I remain highly skeptical of warmists :^ )

This is the largest and most hilarious example of "I was just pretending" I have ever seen. I'm screencapping this shit.

Would Bernie Sanders-flavored GG be a good thing, or a bad thing?

You got that wrong. I am not pretending. I mean everything I said.

Bad. Bernie Sanders-flavored riots would be better.

You couldn't present real arguments either, retard; you just copied and pasted something you saw that superficially appeared to support your prejudices, and now you're trying to backpedal out of admitting you're too stupid to understand science.

You have no legitimate scientific basis for your "skepticism" of global warming, you're just a cringing bitch who doesn't have the balls to admit he's in over his head and is scrambling for excuses. Pride is always more important to retards than truth.

It's even more retarded to believe the greenhouse effect will end the world :^)

Liberal condescension towards white workers is code for a broader anti-working class agenda.

Nope, because the science, which you are too much of a retard to understand, is against you.

Tell me again why the Clausius Statement can be justified for a single surface? Nope, can't, you're a retarded science denier.

HAHAHA, statistics are not science.
Climate science might as well be called economy of climate.

"Hahaha", the Clausius statement of the Second Law is not "statistics."

Now you're just blithering random hail-mary arguments out of desperation, because you know how little stands between you and just one more humiliating public confession that science is too hard for you.

Look, this happened:
I just searched for that link to prove that badmouthing the theory man made climate change was just as "scientifical" as advocating for it. I was wrong about that article. I just skimmed through it and posted it because I'm anonymous and I was doing sloppy work. I didn't expect someone actuallly knew about it and was a passionate attacker of their view.
My real argument is that there's not enough evidence to prove correlation between C02 concentration and global warming.
Yes, I'm definitely not a scientist, but my intentions are very far from "blabla cavemen rightist". I remain "prejudiced" because every ignorant I know (At least in my country) feels better about themselves when they use bycicles instead of a car because they are "saving the world". It feels off, and the evidence, to me, seems sketchy.
I'll provide a better argument next time.

And who are you to decide what is or isn't "enough" evidence to prove that CO2 drives global warming? If you don't understand the Clausius theorem and it's relationship to the Second Law, why on earth should anyone believe that you have enough education to make an informed opinion about this subject, for or against it?

You may not be a rightwinger, but you're definitely a caveman, and you were drawn to this position for selfish reasons about wanting to retaliate against caricatured smug liberals - which is something that has nothing to do with science one way or the other. Maybe before you go around pretending you have the ability to make informed decisions about climate science, you should get some therapy and deal with your inability to keep your dislike of people separate from the scientific data.



You are a very funny and pretentious guy.
Sure, it's been a while since I have a physics class, but, get some therapy for entertaining myself in an anonymous board? I hope you are not serious.
I assure you, too, that most people who support climate change don't know shit about it. And yeah, I have no direct knowledge of the subject, but I have read quite a bit about it and for me it makes a lot of sense. Can you spot the correlation between CO2 concentration and global warming
I remain absolutely entitled to my opinion, specially on a fucking anonymous board.
Your kind of elitism is disgusting.

So you're going with the classic "I didn't mean it" backpedal? Fine, I pick the classic "sure you didn't" comeback.

You're entitled to have whatever opinion you like on climate science, it just won't be an informed or valuable opinion. It would be like asking you to tell me what you thought of a Sumerian text, even though you maybe only comprehend five words in their language.

It's not "elitist" to point out the simple fact that this is not a discipline in which you have honed any skill or knowledge.

Not backpedaling at all. My opinion remains the same.
Why such a hostile attitude against a different point of view though? I just humbly admitted that I don't know A LOT about the topic, and you attacked me saying that I was retarded the whole time.
I would love to know more about thermodynamics but, but that's just not my field user. My brother is a physicist though, and a a large part of my opinions come from him.
But yeah, I should just stop posting and sleep. I got a bit emotionally involved.


I wonder if those retards that shit one GG care about reddit censorship now

way to lose all the Sanders Supporters, Shillary.

The only thing that bothers me about Trump and Hillary is what American democracy will do with only one effective party… since I predict the total collapse of the GOP in the 2016 election. This bothers me. One party rule is never good.

the current two parties are just one party anyway. it's all a sham.

You included? Faggot.

Time for the Communist Party of America to rise again.

we would need a new party

We're coming buckos

A new party is definitely happening. Bernie meant a new party by "political revolution" and just yesterday he said he isn't a "savior" and what needs to happen is a "political movement" with or without the Dem Party, depending which side they take.

Also there are active efforts to unify the sane Socialist and green parties. I saw a petition the other day with 10k+ signatures calling for a united front. If you go on Bernie pages the comments are dominated by people saying the DNC is corrupt. It seemed impossible earlier a new party would happen but now it's inevitable.




Hahaha wow, you even got your meme wrong.
Causality definitely does imply correlation. It's correlation that doesn't imply causality.





This lady here seems to be claiming the Sanders Campaign had some hand in working against the Sanders delegates too:

What does she mean by this?

wsws was right

She accuses the local Sanders campaign of working against them.
More a sign of infiltrators than anything. Sounds more likely than trots being right about anything ever.

That's what happened in North Carolina allegedly

What I'm curious about his how much of this shit has gone unnoticed

Well fuck, they are getting desperate aren't they.

Thanks for taking the time to explain this comrade.

Fix your site cripplewheels

Anyone got a link to that guys videos?

Word on the street is that the DNC is in panic mode due to Hillary's impending indictment and they're try to scrounge up every single delegate they can to give to Biden at the convention if/when Hillary gets a visit from the 4chan party van

You have anything on that? I'm not surprised, though. Last week I saw something on how Biden was interested and felt he could do better than all the current candidates. Also how he was talking with Warren about the run, which TBH would be a master play by the DNC but still turn into revolt.

care to post an example of this

Jesus Christ America

Unfortunately not. It's just the scuttlebutt.

I so fucking hope she's indicted and dem party just falls apart

Her indictment would probably more likely save it to be honest.

how so? If Shillary gets indicted then they either giver her delegates to Biden (ruins the party's credibility) or Sanders becomes presidents (tries to fix dem party from within)

I like to call it Woozworld.

By the way, for people talking about Biden stealing the nom- very, very unlikely. He's old as shit and isn't even going to be running to reclaim his old Senate seat, he's just quitting. He was saying as recently as March that not running was the right decision, though he was indecisive. They wouldn't think to try it and he wouldn't let it happen.

Exactly, Biden won't happen and Sanders will help them.

I think you're overestimating people's ability to be critical of these matters. I think at this point it's pretty clear that Shill is like a sinking ship and if they dump her delegates to Biden then they could scapegoat Shill and "unite" the party. I think a lot of people are probably just looking for an excuse to not back Shill in the worst case and to clean their hands of the matter. Democrats are mostly looking for more of the same. Sanders will not be accepted without a fight. Biden might be the intermediate that people find "acceptable." I hope this isn't the case, mind you. I hope people stay angry.


How will Trump and his chumps fight Hillary and her feminist thugs if they can't even look at them without pissing themselves in fear?

Dems would be saved because both Biden and Sanders would be stronger candidates. Biden has openly stated that Warren would be a good vice, a pretty obvious move to satisfy the left wing of the party.

DNC isn't ever going to let Sanders win. Shillary going down via unlikely indictment and Biden not allowing himself to be drafted will just result in the delegates running to another candidate. Sure, that would kill the party's credibility. But they don't care. Dem elites think they have a blowout on their hands in a race against Trump, ignoring all signs that people hate what the DNC is serving up just as much.


beta as fuck

They're stupid but they're not THAT stupid.

I'd be against chemtrails if we assume thats a thing.

No, they are that stupid. The DNC Chairwoman was openly ignoring poll results because they didn't fit with her world view.

The difference is DWS is basically a Clinton campaign surrogate. Not every superdelegate is a Clinton campaign surrogate.

Betacuck confirmed

We're coming.

Is there an article?

No I'm just saying if it weren't for how much of a snake Hillary is and the blatant and wide-open corruption going on people wouldn't have had as much reason to question what they stand for.

How pathetic is it that Clinton is struggling so much against Trump of all people? I'm fed up with the DNC, they want to put up somebody who has a higher risk of losing the general just so they have their candidate they all have financial connections to.

Why, WHY can't the Democratic party just do this again? Labor unions, public works, Keynesian fiscal management, trustbusting, redistributive taxes, social safety nets, tighter regulations, let go of the immigration and offshoring, only fight wars people want you in.

It's not so hard, the things voters see in Bernie and Trump aren't mysteries, and they aren't new.

Vote Hillary, she'll make many white male tears flow!!!!!!

I know, he's such a fucking woman hater!

What part of "bourgeois democracy" don't you understand?

die white cis scum

If they can rig the votes for Hillary over Bernie, they can rig the votes for Hillary over Trump. There's no "risk" involved.

So is the philly convention going to be 68 all over again with this Nevada shit?

No they can't. Primaries aren't the same as the general election. The media will be out for blood then. If there's even a whiff of what's DNC's doing now, there will be fucking chaos.

You mean a largely masturbatory protest that helped galvanize the nation to support the Republican Party? Let's hope not.

The "media" has been facilitating this every step of the way because they work for the same people that are rigging the election you delusional fuckpile

If you say half of republicans are trump supporters and half of democrats are Sanders supporters and include say 90% of independents in the group that favors unions, safety net, etc. (republican spooks about not giving it to "lazy people" aside) that produces a two thirds majority. The real reason is a) complacency and b) the status quo always has the upper hand, the fact that it only started being the status quo about 30 years ago and what came before it lasted about 55 (which itself was preceded by a period similar to our own which also lasted about 50 years).
God I hope he wins. For America, for Puerto Rico, for the world.

There will be blood.

Wait did the shill vs sanders supporter thing actually happen?

God fucking dammit niggers, when the revolution happens I will be blasting tracks like "Through The Slams And Jams", "Digimon- Brave Heart ~tri. Version~" and "Cruel Angels Thesis 1.5x Speed" from every speaker. The proles will need a soundtrack fit for fistfighting an army of gods, because the stakes will be that high. I am so hype. but if we do it the easy way and Sanders wins the nom and that's that then that's good too

Yeah dude, it was a pissed off nig celebrity who assaulted a woman at like 3 30 am mostly just for not being a Hill Shill. So much for BernieBros being woman hater sexist violent harassing dudebros. It's like GG all over again, the shills create a story nobody who's been paying attention believes, the media reports it, it becomes canonical. Hill Shills were voted almost as aggressive as Trumpchumps but they will discard that poll and insinuate that the 1000+ active twitter users making political posts were all BernieBros, which is obviously impossible because of the above, but point it out and they block you.

Its going that way, the corporate liberal media is ignoring all of this, they laugh at the gop falling apart even though trump is consolidating his power and all the anti trump people are bending the knee, meanwhile the media and DNC are doing everything in their power to make pretend everything is going great and the house isnt on fire, the oligarchy will continue #imwithher.
This is just making more bad blood between the democratic socialists and the mainstream new democrats.
I figure by the end of this the democratic party will be irreversibly split in two while trump and the GOP sit back and laugh

It's fucking appalling my dude. There's this Teabagger in my History class who spoke against Trump until the day he won the nomination, and then shows up to class with a Trump shirt. When the New Right (more like the Old Right but regardless) calls them "cucks" they really aren't kidding, I've never seen anyone make so many people his fucking bitch so quickly.

So many shit threads… Are people trying to slide the board? This thread itself was getting shitstormed by someone about climate change, I see.

The OP from the "sunbathing thread" seems to want to make Holla Forums look like a bunch of shuddersome stalkers.

Last time I glanced at the remnants of GG, they were back to sitting around screaming and pounding their chests while zoey quinn and eron gjoni tried to sue/jail each other over something or other. Like I'm watching bad reality tv.


I'm about 89% sure its one of the reddit groups that hate us. 10% it's a Holla Forumsack. 1% it's one of us.


The hell is wrong with them?

Hey reddit! Why don't you go raid Holla Forums, /baphomet/, /cow/ or any of the innumerable pedophile boards on this godforsaken site? Don't want to? Too much effort?

Oh, but why attack actual neo-nazis and cyberstalkers when you can just raid Holla Forums, of which some random user dared disagree with you on politics?

Fucking wankers.

to them we're worse than Holla Forums because we're heretics rather than simple nonbelievers

it's like we're aryan christians and they are the catholic church
they hate us more than muslims because they are outsiders but we're subversive to the faith


yeah I forgot how to spell it

Why do people think GG is the vanguard against media corruption?
They aren't the only ones keeping track.

To be fair, their email campaign to cut off Gawker's advertisers was pretty clever.

Nobody ever seems to talk about this campaign (outside of chans). Must have really spooked the media.

Did it really work?

Several advertises pulled their sponsorship costing gawker media millions of dollars in lost revenue

From what I remember, it was difficult for advertisers to openly give in to the email campaign, but it did happen.

Intel did it openly, not realizing they were about to get thrashed by angry twitter mobs and forced to fork over money to implement "diversity training" as an olive branch. Other advertisers didn't want to get fucked like Intel, but they slowly pulled support anyway. They did it quietly. There's an article about it somewhere.

That's pretty standard, honestly.

It wasn't just the media. It was because GG was the first time (aside from maybe Atheism+) the rank-and-file in some subculture dared to stand up as one to the lies, insults, and censorship from the forum mods, false-flagging trolls, lawsuit-happy attentionwhores, media, corporate PR flacks, internal HR parasites, and screeching academic "social studies" pseudoscientists, and called them on their bullshit without apologizing.

Sure, it fell apart about 8 months in, but not until it had taught them they didn't own us, couldn't rely on political correctness to shield them, and their excesses could now result in severe consequences.

We also purged the filth wholly or entirely from several venues (The Escapist being the best example), pushed import shops forward greatly to bypass translation censorship, and made Holla Forums into the biggest 4chan alternative outside Japan, among other things.

Well, it allowed them to survive and get results despite being driven into a corner. And boy, is 4chan Holla Forums a shitty corner to be driven into when you're trying to organize your shit.

stormies get out REEEEEE

Is 420chan not bigger?

project chanology did the same thing.


It's easy to feel outrage, but difficult to SHARE outrage when you aren't confident about explaining to others what is going on. I did my best here to compile background info and a breakdown of yesterday's events so we can educate ourselves and, subsequently, educate others.


Nevada Caucus - has 3 tiers, 3rd tier wins state/delegates:

1st Tier (main televised caucus Feb 20th): Hillary won
2nd Tier (April 2nd): flipped to Bernie
3rd Tier (May 14th): last night's shitshow

(1st Tier Feb 20th problem: At the county level convention 20% of the voters at the original caucus were missing valid ballots. So 20% of the delegates were up for grabs. That means Hillary did not legitimately win the first round of caucus and that is an important factor everyone is leaving out. - Thanks to /u/vamub

for pointing this out.)

Shady rule-changing prior to last night:

Nevada Democratic Party knew that based on the 2nd Tier vote, the 3rd Tier would probably go to Bernie. They didn't want this. So they changed some rules around!
Changed the Nevada Democratic Party rules so that Nevada's delegates would be awarded to the winner of the Feb 20th 1st Tier (ie Hillary).
However, they also knew that educated people would try to make motions at the convention to object to this rule, and that those motions would probably pass! So….
They also changed the Nevada Democratic Party rules so that all votes on the floor of the convention would be decided ONLY by a voice vote (all in favor say "aye", etc), and that the results of that voice vote would be decided ONLY by Nevada Democratic Party Chair Roberta Lange, and that her say was FINAL.

When you heard people talk about "Temporary Rules" last night, it was referring to these rules.


"Temporary Rules" debacle:

Item #1 on agenda of convention was to vote for these "Temporary Rules" to pass. This was conducted by paper ballot.
Vote was supposed to be held after convention started, but instead it was held immediately at 10 am early at 9:30 when not everyone was inside the convention and not everyone who was inside had ballots. But you know who was inside and had all their ballots ready? All the Hillary earlybirds (early-hawks) that knew this vote was going to happen early. Vote passed.
Motion to have a re-vote of the Temporary Rules was demanded by citizens. Nevada Democratic Party Chair Roberta Lange instead held a voice vote that the temporary rules would stay. Some AYES, resounding NAYS. But who cares! She votes to pass it. Video of that CHILLING MOMENT here, (PS the beginning of this video is confusing because Roberta Lange is on screen, but the voice is from a woman talking OFF-screen. The voice is of a concerned citizen demanding a re-vote.) :

Sanders delegates debacle:

64 delegates were ejected from the convention because they didn't have "the proper credentials", even though they did. They weren't allowed to prove they were credentialed. Shady.
Most, if not all, of these ejected were Sanders delegates.
Therefore, Clinton won by 30 delegates. How convenient.

Highlights from the resulting daylong/nightlong shitstorm:

Barbara Boxer mocks Sanders supporters (who were objecting to how things were going down):

Roberta Lange commandeered all mics and surrounded herself by police so that no Sanders people could get on the mic

Eventually Dan Rolle (NV 2nd Congressional District Candidate) was able to get on the mic and he made a motion to call for the removal of Roberta Lange as Chair. As soon as he made that motion, his microphone was cut immediately. Of course. Motion was ignored. Great explanation of why this motion was ignored, here. Thanks /u/wormhog!
Happens at 42:40 here: CRAP this periscope link expired - NEW LINK: Happens at 42:40 here:

Nevada Democratic Party employs stalling tactics and psychological tactics to try to force people to leave. Making them wait hours while nothing happened, playing music SUPER LOUD, charging $5 for tiny little bottles of water. People online started ordering pizza for those inside. Some pizzas got in, but once it was realized what was going on, police started intercepting the pizzas and throwing them in the dumpster. the pizzas had to be moved outside.

Jesse Sbaih (NV 3rd Congressional District Candidate) gets on microphone and makes motion for a recount to resounding cheers. Motion is ignored (it is against the rules to ignore a motion). Happens at 16:50 here:

Roberta Lange jumps onstage and in like 15 seconds makes a bunch of motions that basically say "all the shady votes that happened here tonight stand, the pro-Hillary delegate results stand, and this meeting is adjourned". She does voice votes on all this. NAYs are ridiculously louder every time. But she passes everything regardless, ignoring the nays, then runs off stage. COMPLETE CHAOS ENSUES Videos of this: From Periscope Superhero FENYXFX great video, 21:42 here:
From Adryenn Ashley - great closeup video, start at 3:50 From Asia Zamora, this one well captures the pain and sadness of the aftermath of democracy being stolen from us, start at 2:30 though:

Police come in and everyone is told to leave or they will get arrested. Here's a pic:
Video of DNC leaders running out side door:

RESULTS: By the rule change and delegate suppression there is a change of 8 net delegates. Instead of Bernie winning by 19-16, the result is 20-15 Clinton now. Thank you to /u/puppuli
for this info!


Periscope User FENYXFX - Internet Superhero of the Night!!!
Periscope User SENSESTAKER - took over for FENYXFX when his battery ran out and he had to recharge
EVERYONE who stayed up last night and helped disseminate information online.


Another great timeline from user /u/sublime_revenge
Great 10 minute long explanation of events from Dan Rolle here:
Another super great video explaining what when down (thanks /u/treein303
A great firsthand account of the night - thanks to friend of /u/PeopleWhoDrawStuff
Lots of pics and videos of the night here:
An FAQ + discussion about the nights events from a comment in /r/NevadaForSanders

INFORMATION AGE ACTIVISM: While hashtags may seem like a silly trend, they are integral to Information Age Activism.

Think of them as creating a virtual meeting room, for bringing people/information together who are scattered around the world.
When you make a call to activism, direct others which hashtag is being used.
The hashtags for this Nevada convention shitshow are #TeamBernieNV and #NVDemConvention. Use these with everything you share on social media.

Please correct me on any details I have wrong. I just wanted to put together a simple timeline for people to understand the significance and background of the videos they are seeing.


The sheer audacity to pull a stunt like this is and think they could get away with it is incredible.

But they did get away with it

This deserves its own thread comr8s

They're killing their own state party.

You know he just copy-pasted that from reddit, right?

Yes, does this deserve its own thread?

Not really

I kind of think it does, but I don't know.

Why were the delegates there?
How does this process work exactly?

1) Put your votes into a box
2) Democracy??????
3) Shut up and get back to work prole

The delegates have to be vetted in some manner by a committee just before/at the convention. This crap is in my state bylaws too, I hope nothing fishy goes down at my convention next week.


Sheriff’s deputies called to Nevada Democratic Convention to preserve Clinton victory

By Patrick Martin
16 May 2016


bump for cyclical

It's only 2-3 months before Sanders goes on the campaign trail for Hillary. And yes, Sanders will go on the campaign trail for Hillary. Anyone who has followed Sanders during his career knows this.

He brought up a lot of good things, but you gotta fucking jump ship before he does that and support someone else, else you are just the populist wing of Hillary's assault on America.

Well, we'll see when the time comes, won't we?

After all this dirty shit I doubt many Sanders supporters would vote for Hillary even if Sanders said to and even if she gets elected I promise you she is going to get Nixon'd over this shit.

Even if Sanders endorses Hillary i'm convinced that Shillary has chased off enough independents and Sanders supporters that it'll cost her the general election.

They'll swear off the Dems for a year maybe, and then get back on them when the Dems put out their freeze-dried knockoff Sanders' in 2020. You gotta cut the cord from the Dem Party, just stop voting or vote Green, Socialist whatever.

Is Hillary the new accelerationist candidate?
You know she'll try taking away people's guns and putting them in FEMAun Camps. What would it be like if the majority of voters was against almost every aspect of the president, aside from her gender? Will she put me out of my miserable if I fight back? Will my body and consciousness unite once again with the universe?
t. Oregonian

what you really need to do is convince the core democratic voterbase to swear off the party. That's happening right now.
Hillary Clinton is being exposed as a right wing neoliberal right before our eyes. This is a golden opportunity to destroy the two party system.
And none of it would be possible without our slick entryist.

You can't spell female without FEMA.

He didn't do it for Bill Clinton, why would he do it for Hillary?

Enjoy this rough draft I made for you Holla Forums

Is it any good? (It's based off of the most famous piece of Berlin Wall graffiti)

I tried to edit it to make it more visible

You fucking normie retards he won't lose and he won't go on the campaign trail for Hillary, he won't even so much as endorse her more than a "you should really vote for her", not a "she's great".

That's great but this is the American "shit that doesn't deserve its own thread" general, not the general "shit that doesn't deserve its own thread" general.


Well I figured due to the subject matter it was related

Or is it that bad you can't tell who it is

I got it right away, user, don't worry.

What the actual fuck are you smoking ? If based Caesar Bernie was going to come this far going toe to crooked toe with this vile, cretinous shitstain given sentience - just to capitulate in the end - why would he bother to keep going at all right now ? Why wouldn't he have just given up after NY, when it was assured he'd be facing an increasingly uphill battle with the living puppet avatar of the c corporate establishment oligarchs? Even if he DID decide to endorse $hillary in the end and lose all credibility, do you honestly think for one moment the movement that was behind him til the end [the same group of people of whom at least close to half have stated that they would never vote for $hillary under any circumstances] would just give up and embrace their piggy overlords just because Bernie called it quits? I refuse to be demoralized and brow beat into voting for that serpent, and I know that I am not alone in this view. I truly hope she dies of a brain aneurysm before the convention in DCfor the sake of this country .

Obama to American youth: Stop complaining, things have never been better!

By Niles Niemuth
17 May 2016


how Orwellian

what is 8-hour day
what are paid vacations (holy fuck, you Americans don't have that)
what is the new deal ("Then as now, opponents played the socialism card. In hearings before the Senate Finance Committee, a senator from Oklahoma accusingly asked President Franklin D. Roosevelt's secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, "Isn't this socialism?" When Perkins emphatically answered no, the senator leaned forward and, with a conspiratorial whisper, pressed, "Isn't this a teeny-weeny bit of socialism?""

If you have time to think about that stuff then you have time to shut up and get back to work

We need a 4 hour day lads. It is the only way that there will be enough work to go around and the only block of work small enough so wheezy,pasty NEETs like us won't die from exhaustion joke

Shew! Get outta here, reddit! Go on, git!

Forgot to remove shitpost flag. Messing with the Yugo poster earlier, lmao.


I like it. Very nice, user.

Kentucky & Oregon vote tonight. Stay tuned, everyone.

I predict that Oregon will go to Sanders, Kentucky might be close. KY is my home state, and I already sent in an early ballot for Sanders. I will be elated if he takes KY, especially if by a large margin.

shitposting is right

Diggler called Oregon for Sanders and KY for Clinton



Tyler Pedigo says Oregon will be a blowout and Kentucky will be a squeeze with both for Sanders.

Puerto Rico is lit af for Sanders rn tbh fam, I'd be legit surprised if that one also isn't a blow out. He had two small rallies today and in both the attendance was more than double the space. People waited like 8 hours at his second rally at UPR for the best seats. It's an open primary, so I think even though Hillary blew Obama out last primary season, the island will finally come around and I'll be able to see what Puerto Rico was like before the depression.

Also, the independentist movement is exploding. At both rallies, when Bernie was going through his three status options they cheered for independence and at the UPR rally they booed free association/commonwealth (honestly I need to contact the campaign sooner than later about that and tell them they should put only one association option and a very specific one, free association, which is standardized and UN-approved) and statehood (which serves also to get more say and less abuse in the union, but mainly to preserve citizenship which people only really want for capital flight, presidential voting, passports, health care and welfare- all of which I see as unimportant or replaceable and a lot of which we're not getting enough of anyway. The way I see it we don't even want more say in the union, Puerto Rican affairs are so separate from the States'). I'm not kidding when I say if Sanders doesn't win we have to make another Rojava out of it.

oink oink!

Yeah, but he's a guy under a pseudonym that pulls shit out of his ass intentionally. If Clinton wins it'll be very close.

Here’s the message you send by not voting: you’re part of an irrelevant bloc whose needs can be completely ignored. You’re sending the message that politicians can enact policies that sell you down the river with no repercussions. The next time you find yourself thinking that sitting out an election sends a message to the Establishment, remember the old saying: if you’re not at the table, you’re probably on the menu.

No matter what you do they'll take it as consent.

They engaged in the system and need to accept the results! I can do as I please!

By voting for me they gave me the right do to as I please! If they don't like then they shouldn't have voted!

They don't have a say in anything! I can do as I please!


Is it time Gentlemen? Is the fire rising?

And he's been the most accurate pundit this season.

It's roughly 3:31pm in KY right now(we fall under 2 time zones, in some places it's 2:30pm), and the polls close at 6pm. Still a couple of hours to go.

If it weren't a legitimate possibility that porky could lose the vote then they wouldn't pour in so many millions of dollars into trying to win. Don't pretend like it's always been this way and always will. Power has changed hands with real consequences.


Anyone else find it highly """""convenient""""" that this Nevada thing went down the day before two important primarys?


INconvenient if anything. This'll just spur voters and encourage them to say "fuck you I'm voting"


You game the system, nigga. It may have been designed to fuck you but that doesn't mean it has to. Voting Green sends a message.

People will be pissed.

I think Bill Burr summed it up best, "Trump's rise tells me they actually do count the votes".

I thought it was in this clip, but I guess it's in a different one. Still funny political commentary, though:
6:14 is great, lmao. Apologies for potato cam video, I can't find any others that have the whole context.

"Bernie Sanders shuts down Andrea Mitchell's Pro-Clinton Propaganda Like a boss!"

>Sawant unsuccessfully called for the expansion of bus and light rail capacity with a millionaire's tax. She has also unsuccessfully called for "transit justice", which would free user fares; an increase in free transit services to the poor, especially communities in south Seattle; and restriction of transit options to communities that "can afford other options" until the foregoing measures are implemented.

If you want "real consequences" look at Alabama. Democratic supermajority replaced by a Republican supermajority at practically all levels of public office, with drastic consequences to the state.

jesus christ America

Cherry-pick harder, faggot


Not if the vast majority of people are only aware of the MSM/CTR narrative of 'muh violent savages'

lolled at Bernie not answering the journalist

Thank fuck
By the way, there is zero evidence as far as I know that there was any violence at the convention, despite claims of chairs being thrown and fist-fights breaking out (lel)

I'd throw a fucking chair if that shit was happening in front of me I mean god damn

Which is worse?

It's beginning, guys.. And I'm glad this is getting national coverage, even if it's blatantly obvious in the bias. People will look into it now if they weren't aware. They're in damage control mode, and that's a great sign. They know they fucked up. Whether or not they really care is obvious, but this will piss off even more voters. This is just a taste of what's to come. God bless all the voters/delegates at that NV convention, being so passionate. That just shows what's to come on a larger scale, guys. Damn, I wish I could be there for the national Dem convention in Philly!

There's some weird shit going on.

It's like they are trying to intimidate them.

Based Sanders. He's going harder & harder, just as we wanted him to.

I hadn't even heard about that stuff, either.

Any early exit polls?

Clinton News Network is going full damage control on this

How can there be uncommitted votes in kentucky? Is it a caucus?

It's a valid strategy

Another statement I liked: "Sanders Applauds Burgerville Unionizing Efforts which was organised by the wobblies"


Yep. Hill Shills are already platinum mad, especially /r/enoughsandersspam. They seem to think (or at least say) that unless he specifically says "I'm sorry chairs got thrown (unproven), fistfights broke out (unproven), and the chair got harassment (potential false flags). It was my fault," then he's not doing enough, even though directly before the convention he told people to be orderly. This is what people mean when they say uninformed voters. I even saw one say that his statement was "condoning" what happened in a way that made it seem like they didn't read it at all (they didn't).
tbh i'm not too mad about nevada because we kind of stole it from them in the first place, the upsetting part is that it's now stronger in her favor than it was at the first stage because of the registration issue
OH SHIT HERE COMES BERNIE, 44.9% to 47.2% 2.3% reporting going up


Basediago is literally Bernie 2.0: Posadism Edition

Oh also there was a general vibe from them that he was saying something to the effect of "well if you don't want that to happen then don't do that" and I can definitely understand why they would say that but truisms that miss the point are still true they missed the part where he said "I condemn violence".

Actually I guess they all had slightly different issues with it, blurred together and magnified through a lens of "Bernie Sander has the same number of letters as Zodiac Killer and they were both sexist white males". I don't understand these people. But then again I also don't understand Trump supporters, et al. it's so frustrating dealing with things that just don't make sense and never will even when they are supposed to.

It's a closed primary.

Way to go Burgerville! :D

but still how can there be uncommitted votes in a primary?

By best guess is that there are some people who didn't like either candidate but still voted because they wanted to affect the down the ballot primary races (for House seats, local elections, senate and such). Others may be improperly filled out ballots.

no shit lol, you know they did actually cut of the heads of Marie Antoinette as well


It was just a prank

They still don't get it, that they're just pushing more people towards Sanders with this blatant bias in reporting. Slandering at least half of the Democratic party base. It's been working against them so far, and it will continue to. Lmao, they're so clueless on how to handle this. Now that we have video streaming everywhere, 24/7, it's harder to push bogus narratives than it used to be.

Are you people still committed in this election?

Do you actually see any chance for this guy to win?

He just pull ahead in Kentucky.

Did you not read the thread? Lmao.

Bernie or bust, all the way.

Of course he can win. Neither Dem can get the pledged delegates to win outright, so now it's up to the rest of the voters in upcoming states(to see who ends up with the most) & super delegates.

Even after Louisville(Jefferson County) & Lexington(Fayette County - my home) reporting already, he's still ahead! This is excellent news, guys!

Winning is irrelevant
The goal is to start the fire

no lol

Here they come, guys. They always show up during the primaries in this thread, to try to derail & promote defeatism.

Back to reddit with you my lad

This is not about Bernie.
This is about systematic change.
We don't need Bernie.
We need his ideas.

You going to enjoy those two losses tonight?

Bernie has to win by a lot to matter though. If Shitlery was outed as a baby eater the DNC wouldn't see her as a damaged candidate.


This is true.

Hillary is such a terrible candidate though, that Trump might actually win.
Biden is even worse, should she get indicted.

On the other hand, I am not even really convinced he'd be worse than Hillary.


…meaning a contested convention

I'm just here for the salt harvest m8

I like you because you are honest.

I think Bernie is better than Hillary because atleast he has ideals, if I agree or disagree with those ideals of his does not matter at this point.

I would be here for the harvest regardless of your candidate of choice, bucko.

I am an artist. The world is my canvas and spicy mems are my paint.

That's not what he proposed even though the media span it like that. What he was trying to say is that in blow out states the delegates should go to the winner and in tie states it would be a matter of personal volition and some will of the people stuff too. Not winner take all, proportional. Back to RESS.




low tier bants tbh

That's fucking embarassing

That meme belongs to the Holla Forumsetariat, lad

This is how they think we talk, lmao.

Jesus Christ it is easier to derail topics here than on Holla Forums.

What the fuck







We're just making fun of you, it's not derailed. We're still keeping track of the primary, bud.

This. I have The Guardian open. This thread is mainly for bants. Nothing was derailed.


Notice Eastern KY. Same type of demo as WV - Miners, blue collar workers. They get it.

I think you mean sexists and bigots you fucking brocialist

Is there any way to disable the little pixel candidates on the Guardians map? The textboxes keep popping up constantly and it's annoying.


Yeah, you know, those young white male millennials.. Who work in the mines.

I was never dishonest about my intentions. I straight up said I am here to gather asshurt

The premise of my smug shitposts is the fact that Sanders is not going to get the Democratic nomination.

After that its just laughing the delusional idea that Sanders has a chance tbqh

Okay, reddit!

You don't say?

Yeah, we know. The point is simply to stay in the race as long as possible to spread the ideas.

We've known since New York that he wasn't actually going to make it. Trump is most likely going to be the candidate.

Someone make it stop, lmao

You might want to reformat the way you post, reddit


President, I mean.

Nice quads.
We don't need Bernie to be president though. We need a Bernie-esque congress. Change will be made on the local level.

It's getting close, but we're still ahead.

Will Hillary win Salem, Witch-City? :)


Check this out.. All of Eastern KY goes to Sanders, then this one county pops up all of a sudden at 100% reported, going heavily/almost all to Clinton. Seems strange to me..

Not trolling. Im just rubbing in your face the absolute fact that Sanders is not going to get the nomination. It's funny that people believe he has a chance.

Go throw another 2 grand in cash at him, see if that helps lol

Okey-dokey, reddit friend!

What is it you don't understand about the fact that it's not that important whether or not he wins - as long as he has a platform to spread his ideas, we have all we could ever ask for.

2k would indeed allow him to expand his platform and spread the message further, so that too would not be a waste.

This is painful to watch, guys. We don't take their bait, so they debate themselves. :^)

Their self* lmao


good sassie


Why don't you just get behind Clinton, Berniebros? We know she's the only one who can beat Drumpf.

Oh look! The redditor learned how to greentext! I'm proud of you, son!



That's a new one, I'll give you that.

Lmao, 100% is not 100%, I guess. That was weird.

Uh huh

reddit learned how to shop.. or you went for reinforcements because you were getting demolished. :^)

i know this is b8 but that cartoon pisses me off to no end

How does it feel knowing that once Bernie loses nothing changes?


It's probably just inspectelement

Please dont do it bernouts. Please put the knife down! Youve got so much to live for!


So mad :^)







I aint trolling shit. You faggots never had a chance. I love watching you moronss fail at life. I hear canadas accepting asylum applications

Forgot how to post, did you?
And take it down a notch, brother. The only one salty or over excited is you.


I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from your shit memes

tbh the establishment is pretty cool just for the disenfranchisement of Bernie voters

You are a loser. You dont get to decide anything.

Bernie is a flop.

This is getting weird, guys.

Neither do you, chump.

What's going on that the votes are so evenly split geographically?

That's Louiseville, KY and its metro, so you can add to your list of shit-tier cities to never visit. Jefferson County was expanded to include Louiseville and its metro somewhat recently.

The media should be nationalised at this point to be honest.

Coal in the east, says my Kentuckian friend. It borders WV, so there's an overlap in culture and economy.


If anyone missed this link earlier, it's the live update I'm posting

If Sanders wins KY, Oregon is a definite win. Even with it being this close in KY, we can assume it's a win there as well.


Coal country votes.

Did someone from /r/enoughsandersspam/ find us?

What are you going to do with all of your shit Sanders memes once he drops out and everyone forgets his name?

Is this who I think it is? Am I being paranoid for suspecting "her."


Why are all these people so happy?
Do they enjoy the horrible neoliberal future America?
Is there something wrong with them?

Should we psychoanalise them one by one, or send them to the madhouse en mass?

It's their level of memeage for sure.

its Holla Forums tbh

actually, as a trump supporter i want bernie to win just so he can troll shillary till the convention.
The shillary can knock him out, dont care

Thanks for the hot opinion



Nah, at least Holla Forums can do bants. This is a painful level of memery we're talking about here.

Hola, reddit

You cant be too surprised that a cyclical thread is a target of shitposting.

Its the lowest hanging fruit around, after all. Its just permanently up and right there on the front page.


Right? If it actually is Holla Forumsacks I'd actually be upset that their shitposting has fallen this far in quality.

the irony is palpable

based LBJ

Folk wisdom you woman hater. Old lady ovaries are the greatest source of wisdom. :^)

A good portion of /r/ess/ is lower-level Holla Forumslacks though

This is embarrassing though

I'm dying over here

I believe you mean
Interesting idea.

Someone post the Trump compilation

Arghghg, it's so condescending for her to think if she talks like that we'll think she's one of us. Just like when she tries to sport that fake southern accent when she's campaigning in the south. It works against her, in my book.
t. southerner


Don't be nasty to your abuela


funny, Bernie was winning in KY until all the votes from urban areas and western KY (where all the negores live) started coming in

soshal konztructz iz a muthafucka

Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!! Holla Forums BTFO!!!!

She's technically southern.

Sure thing, kid.

Sounds like they're just better at minority outreach.




definitely reddit.


You happen to be speaking to a native Western Kentuckian. We didn't even have any black people in my city until the 90s. It's still heavily white.

The whole affair becomes somewhat solemn once you realize this board's population is 95% bored Holla Forumsacks pretending to be Commieshits shitting on other bored Holla Forumsacks pretending to be Commieshits.

KY is whiter than OR, look it up.

OR is like 12% spic.

So this is why they're so worked up tonight


Holla Forums here. Bernie vs. Trump would have been a battle for the ages. It's a shame. There's no honor in kicking over the rotten tree that is Hillary. Is there still a small chance of a contested convention? Bernie has a much better chance against Trump. If the DNC is smart, they will dump Hillary while they can. They may not like Bernie, but they hate Trump even more. But I don't think they're smart enough to realize this. Like the RNC, they will cling to the establishment ship until it sinks.

Sounds like the beginnings of a utopia to me! The first step to achieving true equality is importing a hostile underclass! We will really stick it to Porky by providing him with an endless supply of slave-labor!

Viva la Raza!

Aww shit, Hillary's lead keeps falling - from 1.6% up to just 0.3% now

I'm hoping DNC isn't smart enough to give him the nomination as I do think he'd beat Trump.

Its not over. Trust me, we will fuck shit up.


I don't think that's true. Trump is safer for the establishment than Bernie.

It's pretty much a given.

Just throwing that little factoid out there.

Two close Clinton aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, will testify under oath this month and next Judicial Watch announced today. The judge in the case said earlier this month he may force Clinton herself to testify after the first round of interviews is completed. That has set up the prospect of the Democratic front-runner for the White House facing off under oath against one of her most dogged pursuers as early as July, just months before the November election.


Trump has a pretty good chance against Hillary, MSM just won't admit it.
Tbh, I'm not really convinced Trump us going to be worse than Clinton though, especially as he doesn't seem very interventionist.

So what are the chances we see another coin flip in Kentucky?

Independent Voters

IIRC that's still not enough to stop a contested convention. Actually, I don't think they technically vote until the convention.

Damn! She can get Strauss-Kahn'd over this!

Reminder you can make some money off of this via the political predictions market

The thought of you, Shiloh, and Sunshine smoking weed in your VW van outside of the Democratic Convention will make the 1%-er RethugliKKKlan shills that run the Democratic Party shake in their boots.


Bernie in the lead again!


Still a lot of precincts left in Jefferson county where she has the lead, so I expect she will pull above him in the end.

We're still ahead, guys.

Will you faggot nigger jews stop repeating this shitty meme? That's not true at all.

I think at this point it'll stay that way. Really, the important thing is that we win even if it's by one vote. Momentum and all that shit, we need to be able to say at the convention that Hillary hasn't won a state since the midpoint.

I don't know about that. That's only about half of the precincts left.

Honestly, all urban centers ought be nuked

Urban centers are disproportionately non-white; are you a fucking RethugliKKKlan, bro?

Bro, no one talks like that

you'll be surprised

Not the bro part, but the "RethugliKKKan" I've never seen. Maybe on reddit they do, though.

I think that may have actually been a joke.

I'm a short distance away from Philly and can be in the area for the convention.

Are we going to make a separate thread on prep for that or what?


What are you gonna do? Bomb Hillary?

Might be a good idea. Take pics and document the thing. Don't let them get away with anything.

Here is how you prepare:

1. Buy some weed

2. Buy some LSD and/or Shrooms

3. Jam-out to some Phish



They'll get away with it anyway.
They're getting away with it now and plenty of people have film of NV.
They only solution is imminent revolution.

I kind of hate this meme of Reddit being all one place. Like the vast majority of Reddit is shit, sure. But it is shit in completely different and fascinating ways. You'll see the RethugliKKKan thing on SRS type places, mostly. But I was actually referring to Twitter and Facebook and comment sections, et al.

I'm going to be in an advanced summer school when that happens so I can't go. :^(

Just put my ballot in the mail for California. Steve Stokes for Senate!

gay post

Funnily enough Bernie loves that band. Is that why you mentioned it?

While I see Bernie as a lesser evil than Clinton you're aware that without including superdelegates Clinton will still be in the lead, right?

That sounds like reddit talk to me

How far away? Lehigh Valley here

Nobody cares

SRS is Reddit you normie cuck.

Stop posting

You might have missed the thread an hour ago when we were initially bombarded by obvious outsiders. It's a reference to that. They're still in the thread, they either left the thread, or calmed down a bit. But they were sperging out pretty heavily.

Its just funny to watch you all hoping that the superdelegates go your way and the person with fewer votes wins. Just because he's the one you like.

If by that you mean she has far better name-recognition than Bernie, is the establishment candidate with their full backing, and that many black establishment candidates voiced their support for her which is apparently a big deal for the black community, as well as their subtle race-baiting about Obama and his "legacy" then yes I suppose they do :^)

The fuck you even talking about m80


Quite aware.
That doesn't mean she ought get away with anything. Now she is what liberals always have been; an enemy if the socialist cause.
And I want vengeance, even if it helps Trump.

No one is expecting that. In fact, a lot of us hope it doesn't happen.
Don't let that get in the way of your reddit-tier posts though.



No, I've been here, I was just pointing a small nit out.

Wewie dewie Oregon and California turnout is record setting, it is definitely a possibility that he pulls ahead. Clinton's campaign is tanking and she is letting it tank. Superdelegates, if they have a smart bone in their body, will quit.

With less than 5% left to report in Kentucky it looks like Bernie has won by less than 1%, much to the chagrin of r/enoughsandersspam/.

Not really. Particularly when you consider that she's going to win California.

Harlan County picked which side they're on :)

Reminder that having a trip makes you idpol

How many times a day do you masturbate to your "Queen"?

What the fuck are you talking about, homonegro? They still have 20 days to decide and voter registration set records.

Yes, that's exactly what the above equates to.

Please, let's keep the personal insults to a minimum. I'm in California and I just voted Sanders. :^)


It really works in our favor that Cali is late in the game. More people get to know Sanders. I think that's what helped WV & KY, too.

Raylan Givens is a Bernie supporter.

surprised Massachusetts didnt go to Sand tbh


So as you guys can see the county the biggest city is in finished turning in its data and she's .6% ahead at 98.8% supporting, which sounds bad but we might still pull through.


Also more likely than not whoever wins won't even make a delegate difference and the media will say it was a tie.

No thugs there :)

If someone were to kill that evil bitch I'd throw a party, I'm just being realistic here. She's ahead there because California liberals are limousine liberals.

But she's not ahead there.

Only if Bernie ends up winning.

What are all the states that have been super close loses for Sanders?


Any others?

Louisvillefag here. Sorry guys.

This has nothing to do with minority outreach

She's ahead in every single poll I've seen from there.

MSNBC just had her pull ahead by 2000 votes somehow


Big city finished turning in results.

I actually thought there is no way they will impede Clinton during the presidential race, but the illogical tantrum her supporters are throwing lately means something serious is happening behind the scenes.

smh cucked again

Lexingtonfag here, I'm disappointed in my county as well. But my home county is Hopkins & I'm proud of them.

If they report a delegate tie in a scenario where it's effectively mathematically impossible to "really" tie then they can go suck an egg.

Polls from a while ago that we always beat. Watch.


Welp, it's basically ogre niggers. Hill won by a nose, but to no effect on delegates I'm pretty sure.

Even if you're right he's not going to be winning remaining contests with getting 60+% of the vote like he'd need to unless the email situation blows up big.

Dontcha mean 'when'? Shit is happening and getting lit af rn tbh fam with the civil case, no FBI needed.

Besides, Oregon votes today and Bernie will definitely make more than that.

It makes me wonder if BernieOrBust is taking a toll on them.

Warren & Barren county still not fully reported. Sanders is leading in one, and it's close in the other. Not over, yet!

Holy shit, what world do you live in? Because I want to go there

Barren just called for Bernie

well including Kentucky with Oregon he'd need 70% from Oregon.

can he get more than 2000 out of it?

Berning with despair.


Not sure, but he's winning in Warren county as well. I'm searching for other counties which haven't been called, too. It's still 46% to 46% right now.

>>>Holla Forums

I see reddit is still here

Rolled 636, 61, 677, 898, 964, 102, 729, 921, 1024, 425, 578, 697, 451, 354, 960, 631, 165, 746, 349, 986, 752, 369, 166, 62, 371, 361, 743, 304, 192, 213, 298, 828, 274, 975, 701, 214, 52, 406, 111, 52, 830, 688, 748, 257, 18, 683, 887, 183, 405, 211, 145, 132, 580, 310, 194, 950, 670, 936, 230, 862, 125, 528, 665, 398, 478, 341, 612, 530, 746, 722, 582, 551, 386, 305, 808, 403, 988, 670, 585, 369, 880, 729, 501, 436, 15, 694, 362, 685, 606, 591, 522, 731, 95, 162, 105, 573, 502, 716, 78, 223, 413, 660, 774, 798, 965, 557, 177, 928, 203, 761, 273, 59, 466, 773, 494, 481, 443, 855, 141, 25, 422, 662, 755, 516, 824, 859, 65, 301, 550, 143, 524, 963, 802, 274, 736, 742, 830, 912, 646, 9, 649, 918, 67, 91, 667, 560, 572, 86, 391, 712, 110, 812, 350, 864, 304, 149, 699, 368, 450, 225, 510, 973, 163, 288, 222, 899, 5, 28, 787, 650, 36, 412, 544, 102, 503, 186, 662, 50, 272, 28, 762, 381, 840, 87, 221, 120, 236, 920, 488, 685, 120, 998, 634, 282, 261, 855, 157, 266, 883, 943 = 97999 (200d1024)TRUMP V CLINTON CONFIRMED

Shid & fug, the gap widened to 1%, which would give Hill a delegate.

Definitely possible.

It's Nevada. That was a preview of what's going to happen in Philly and now they're scared.

the gap widened because pike (where sanders had a large lead) un-reported all of its results for some reason

i assume irish shenanigans

By 1% point(and it's still not over)? Hardly.

This is a Clinton we are talking about, retard.

Are the libtards going to get BTFO like last time?

Well, that'll be the decision maker. Almost all of the remaining are there.

FBI can't even indict, they can only recommend to indict. Anyone thinking the justice department under Lynch would indict is a summer child.

Rolled 341, 380, 594, 967, 764, 726, 845, 305, 703, 265, 725, 923, 906, 459, 869, 739, 274, 394, 738, 460, 36, 834, 659, 916, 832, 398, 596, 55, 18, 929, 283, 359, 284, 877, 302, 23, 578, 122, 328, 256, 387, 29, 155, 268, 487, 1024, 1007, 761, 394, 721, 196, 429, 530, 855, 320, 338, 229, 915, 393, 246, 819, 675, 605, 79, 527, 906, 101, 81, 4, 429, 337, 390, 457, 491, 658, 944, 491, 641, 680, 884, 337, 875, 288, 867, 706, 607, 181, 934, 498, 573, 156, 292, 224, 760, 371, 751, 642, 472, 831, 645, 900, 144, 11, 333, 634, 669, 252, 101, 285, 931, 984, 622, 782, 248, 464, 463, 854, 645, 372, 328, 194, 528, 620, 417, 263, 990, 144, 905, 437, 975, 526, 312, 94, 536, 644, 728, 181, 895, 828, 465, 801, 788, 63, 559, 11, 527, 1021, 865, 147, 369, 168, 340, 896, 787, 757, 135, 752, 900, 15, 164, 851, 540, 476, 944, 52, 95, 648, 233, 990, 451, 697, 767, 214, 760, 301, 225, 262, 297, 65, 408, 666, 232, 748, 537, 1018, 480, 672, 745, 356, 687, 909, 182, 203, 360, 102, 254, 455, 749, 486, 420 = 102261 (200d1024)


I hope so. If it comes down to Trump vs Clinton I am looking forward to the Clinton supporter tears.

for shame


What happened in Nevada?
What will happen in Philly?

Yeah, Bernie has been using kid gloves with her.
Trump is going to eviscerate her, or they're both going to look so bad by the end of it, no one will want to vote.

No, Clinton will win because Trump is even more toxic based on favorability ratings. Sanders beating Trump in November would have been so much sweeter, but at least Hillary Clinton will give us sweet sweet Holla Forums tears when Trump goes down in flames.

probably not voting in november regardless

Bernie fucked up when he said "enough about the damn emails" or whatever.

Whiteknighted hard.

Dubs confirm.

Here's the thing though, he might actually beat Clinton.

Stupid reactionary.

He's already pivoting to the left, out flanking her on a lot of issues.

He's going to win.

Luckily he won't be as bad as Holla Forums thinks he would be.



He said that because his campaign has always been issue-oriented. If he went after Clinton on accusatory grounds and not just hard facts he'd be eviscerated and the establishment would never forgive him even harder than they're doing now.

54.3% BERNIE
WE DID IT BROS (sort of. i mean as long as we can claim she hasn't won a state since the midway point we did it bros)

Any lewds?

Hi Rick, nice to see you are still LARPing as a radical leftist. Your anime spam gave you away, fyi.

Nobody actually thinks Trump is Hitler 2, dummy.

Same thing as your comrade bernie sanders memes.

We're coming back up again..


Don't get your hopes too high, there's not enough votes to put him back over. But hey, we tied!

This. Bernie has run a smart campaign. He's getting tougher now, and still remains issue oriented.

No there's some real dumb fucks that have actually convinced themselves that Trump is secretly a white nationalist. Its both sad and laughable.

wouldn't you want to know

uhh i'm a regular here

obviously trump *can* win, but i think hillary clinton is strongly favored

Sure. I'm happy if it stays within 1%

She continues to go down in the polls, as well. Both Trump & Clinton.

No I know, but he's already pivoting on a lot of the stuff he already promised.
He's not going to do massive tax-reliefs or ban Muslims. He's done with the "self-funding" thing. I'm pretty sure the wall is gone once we hit the general too.

And your wifu remains the worst grill ever.

See, this is why Sanders would be the better nomination. If they don't pick him, Hillary will be spending the entire general election trying to claim his huge independent constituency and his young voters, prizes Trump is already targeting.

Ok, it's looking like it will be within 1%(how ironic, lmao) in KY.

Oregon is next & will be much better. I'm honestly surprised he did this well in KY(& I'm from there), given how red we usually are. I'm very proud of my state in this show for Bernie.

If you'd been paying attention to his actual speeches instead of the media soundbites you'd realize those aren't pivots. He said since the beginning that he only was self-funding for the primary and that the muslim ban would be temporary until a way could be figured out to vet them.

That's because you're wrong you woman hater. The Republicans will run the biggest smear campaign in history in a desperate bid for the white house because they know their candidate is shit. There are two universals- Clinton's favorability is down and Trump's is up. Most of her narrow victories in polling are already within the margin of error. Draw your own conclusions.

To be fair he only mentioned banning Muslims once or twice and he never made it a campaign promise. Wall meme is what he opened his campaign with. Maybe it'll go too but people will be pissed, even people who didn't want it.


I'm expecting Hillary to just give VP to someone like Warren to placate most of the Bernie voters.

Come over to the dark side anons…….Holla Forums would love to redpill you sometime. You know you want to come make fun of niggers, kikes, lbgtbbqxyz fags, and Shillary with us :^)


Warren has already said like a gazillion times she's not interested. Damn shame tho.
I-I wouldn't be too mad about a Clinton VP since VPs don't do shit except tiebreak (lel) anyway.


I still didn't forgive her for not endorsing Bernie

Yeah brudder, you are right.

It is just a coincidence that Hilary wins primaries in states that have a significant black population, whilst Bernie wins states that are lily-white by large margins.

Buddy, if he's not self-funding for the general too, then he loses the anti-establishment vote, his one true ace.
No matter what he promised on this, he's fucked if he does it. He had certainly pivoted on both minimum wage and taxes.

We're adults, user.

we've had bad luck in the tightest races–massachusetts, illinois, missouri, and iowa were all too close to call until almost everything was in and they all went for hillary

he's alienated too many groups, especially suburban white women and hispanics, and the democrats will be just as fucking vicious against him, not only on his past statements but his business record and scandals (mafia connections, trump university, etc.) and try to paint him as unqualified and unpredictable as commander in chief

kys faggot

That would just make people angrier tbh.

Its not clinging when its the truth.

That's before Trump and her started feuding all over twitter for over a week.

When does Oregon start?

Nobody ever expected him to fund a general. That will cost upwards of a billion in cash. If he is worth roughly 10 billion that will be over 10% of his net worth, most of which would be in properties, buildings, hotels and stuff like that.

On the taxes, its like 50/50. Im not going to get my hopes up, but it would be nice if the lower classes got some tax relief.

The most recent Muslim thing was like a tacit "yeah lol it WOULD be great if we could let them in =^]" there are a lot of ways to read into that.

There is no reason to suspect he will go back on the wall since that is a huge part of his overall rhetoric. His campaign would be dead in the water and he knows it.

And the dems cant beat him over the head with the fag marriage like they could with most other opponents, so there goes one of their number 1 tactics.

Idpol fags don't belong here.

>>>Holla Forums

It's because Black communities are organised like African tribes.

You better do what the chieftain says.

This comment may be in jest but it's actually correct.
Multiculturalism will be the death of socialism in the United States.


People are quick to forgive. You'll be surprised. If he keeps the wall on the down low he'll win back the fundie hispanic vote.

That won't change anything.

Should be another hour till they close the polls in Oregon

Nope. There was an interview where he said people would be paying more in taxes. Interviewer questioned him on what he meant, he clarified that he meant that they'd likely end up paying more than his original proposal but less than they currently are after compromises with Congress. This got spun into saying he was going to raise taxes in comparison to what they are now.

This one actually was a pivot, was happy to see it as well.

If all niggers were exterminated, Sandberg would have a clear path to the White House.

Tempting, isn't it?

I'm not the delusional one apparently.

What will happen at the DNC in Philadelphia this year?

Trump said he will support riasing taxes on individuals at his wealth level and he also promised earlier in the campaign he will donate his presidential salary to a charity

Also, Tyler basically said Kentucky would happen almost exactly like it did. By his estimates, Oregon should make up our 65% requirement or worst case scenario get really close.

Yeah fine, but if he takes wall-street money and other big business money, then his one chance to win evaporates. The key to his victory lies in not seeming to be bought off. He'd have to go with small donations from energized supporters or he'll have nothing of substance to throw against Clinton, save for non-interventionism

Chaos, if the DNC keeps the bullshit up.


This is what he's doing, or at the very least the spin he's putting on it. He's saying he doesn't want the "large ones".

He also wins overwhelmingly among Natives
Guess you have to go back, whitey :^)

political revolution

Polls in Oregon close at 8pm. It's 6:56 now. Just about an hour to go.

sanders also dominates the arab vote (probably what tipped him over the edge in michigan)

They can to an extent. Trump is nowhere near as bad when it comes to rights for LGBTs as most republicans but he's always been against gay marriage. He's just not been campaigning hard against it as most republicans do, its more of a very low key issue for him.


Don't remind me.

Rolled 774, 938, 858, 252, 50, 840, 726, 808, 554, 68, 432, 836, 535, 494, 959, 925, 534, 475, 736, 1006, 809, 778, 244, 605, 238, 219, 813, 107, 907, 122, 300, 657, 35, 133, 908, 85, 973, 609, 893, 503, 677, 300, 314, 188, 794, 249, 88, 304, 724, 824, 285, 508, 577, 528, 88, 815, 746, 900, 921, 629, 1022, 196, 261, 33, 329, 145, 118, 278, 754, 1011, 780, 406, 287, 70, 593, 56, 318, 681, 359, 17, 481, 643, 525, 33, 147, 613, 847, 893, 489, 744, 498, 486, 940, 758, 518, 244, 903, 635, 521, 633, 622, 276, 15, 908, 345, 607, 963, 663, 264, 298, 680, 744, 941, 180, 777, 63, 793, 599, 956, 257, 319, 429, 742, 234, 163, 236, 477, 41, 871, 998, 674, 468, 250, 688, 351, 595, 271, 290, 233, 534, 588, 912, 254, 504, 68, 6, 567, 860, 605, 498, 93, 923, 926, 834, 132, 65, 45, 609, 106, 915, 583, 779, 359, 832, 442, 709, 402, 712, 999, 635, 221, 562, 523, 475, 41, 591, 480, 607, 427, 60, 81, 519, 983, 1007, 328, 90, 47, 373, 699, 152, 264, 258, 930, 622, 65, 347, 307, 467, 35, 282 = 100082 (200d1024)


Charity? You know that Trump is like the least charitable of the billionaires, right?

But I thought the globalist cultural marxist plan was to make whites a minority?
I guess you won't mind leaving soon then?


If the DNC tosses Bernie aside maybe we ought to vote Trump instead of Hitlary to spark revenge. That, or just not vote at all. At least we will be able to watch the world burn together.

Ones you bop, you jus gant stob

A presidential salary is chump change to him and would be huge in pr. Small sacrifice really.


Sounds like weasel words to me
Back over the Atlantic you go, lad

Whether he can actually clinch the nomination or not, the further he pushes the more we win.

You showed him, comrade!

Amerindians developed the institutions that have reigned supreme in the US throughout its history. Hell, the Founding Fathers held the continental congress in a teepee and passed the peace pipe every time they passed a resolution.



meant for

fucking cumskin website

Be there for whatever hopefully there will be some groups protesting all the porkies and their influence on our political system there. Especially after all the evidence in this sham of the primary.

Looking at the official website it doesn't say anything about just letting anyone in. Don't really want to volunteer for the DNC if I don't have to.

Camden, NJ.


Rolled 77, 398, 257, 396, 666, 923, 744, 878, 139, 26, 43, 377, 670, 525, 601, 349, 354, 502, 569, 326, 532, 893, 484, 405, 483, 975, 784, 317, 286, 377, 370, 362, 775, 626, 757, 416, 525, 477, 269, 664, 502, 312, 16, 147, 836, 616, 496, 166, 94, 41, 491, 626, 933, 975, 6, 392, 926, 790, 709, 187, 143, 54, 549, 917, 680, 281, 309, 180, 757, 578, 844, 235, 890, 859, 381, 702, 451, 876, 867, 544, 917, 334, 145, 826, 284, 151, 193, 185, 940, 902, 371, 59, 955, 919, 975, 611, 176, 260, 791, 933, 838, 610, 143, 703, 445, 524, 381, 895, 376, 223, 414, 268, 556, 559, 69, 840, 709, 262, 1, 624, 139, 371, 682, 70, 266, 633, 680, 442, 893, 447, 351, 707, 32, 493, 386, 476, 1017, 766, 346, 368, 988, 760, 636, 520, 294, 704, 336, 1002, 966, 336, 602, 80, 707, 260, 149, 973, 893, 829, 390, 761, 251, 740, 443, 282, 209, 829, 758, 202, 570, 80, 569, 533, 839, 180, 29, 108, 884, 364, 86, 825, 699, 687, 905, 381, 946, 29, 329, 814, 858, 719, 551, 84, 435, 994, 366, 644, 798, 100, 845, 343 = 102381 (200d1024)


my option is not listed/10

He's been bashing NAFTA for decades.

Ironic, considering all the kvetching about Glassberg getting btfo by pavement apes going on ITT.

fuck off, illegitimate poll

he also directly benefits from free trade deals.

You mean, the shitposting perpetrated by you?

Top kek m8. Top kek.

Well when its at the level of a personal opinion sort of thing and not the huge grand ideological principal like it typically is, it loses a lot of weight.

To even pretend the Dems can hit Trump anywhere even remotely near as hard as they could someone like Cruz is delusional at best and dishonest at worst.

Deferring certain things like fag issues and muh weed to individual states is the best option. It is a legitimate answer for policy and satisfies all but the most fervent zealots.

TPP is far worse than just a free trade deal and contrary to popular opinion not all billionaires profit from free trade.

This cunt is talking about how Sanders isn't "condemning violence", etc. His response is "unacceptable"(his statement posted earlier). Talking about how his supporters aren't wanting to participate in the "Democratic process", lmao. You mean the one that was botched/rigged?

Can't wait to see her lose to that basically unknown candidate soon.

As the most popular congressman in America he's pretty much guaranteed a Vermont Senate seat for life, so he's not going anywhere no matter what happens.

It's really woman hater of him to not condemned the imaginary violence tbh

Which one of you faggots picked Hillary Clinton?

Rolled 636, 513, 649, 812, 972, 708, 313, 744, 58, 302, 384, 811, 276, 871, 993, 555, 293, 67, 255, 964, 824, 546, 571, 97, 587, 332, 548, 463, 537, 1007, 279, 148, 495, 927, 960, 443, 610, 249, 162, 667, 550, 546, 454, 825, 393, 422, 356, 685, 489, 610, 625, 288, 131, 171, 385, 718, 503, 932, 156, 16, 914, 434, 163, 385, 336, 99, 828, 945, 347, 990, 588, 897, 511, 18, 697, 903, 439, 28, 564, 927, 638, 164, 191, 769, 335, 575, 462, 837, 483, 617, 852, 373, 27, 1015, 758, 362, 90, 561, 283, 437, 526, 871, 309, 13, 888, 1006, 916, 303, 10, 455, 205, 647, 619, 396, 392, 953, 971, 853, 766, 430, 446, 593, 802, 472, 584, 535, 833, 673, 72, 92, 86, 598, 963, 394, 610, 826, 375, 502, 104, 385, 957, 309, 7, 551, 704, 399, 479, 651, 227, 220, 56, 672, 813, 857, 120, 373, 368, 953, 22, 440, 20, 107, 13, 982, 500, 623, 784, 875, 100, 888, 235, 32, 172, 242, 583, 876, 640, 37, 502, 867, 257, 557, 515, 45, 390, 634, 417, 757, 563, 438, 172, 582, 544, 185, 540, 20, 807, 300, 895, 907 = 100980 (200d1024)


I said they can hit him over it to an extent, obviously not to the same extent that they could if it was someone like Cruz.

Holla Forumsacks

The delusion is strong.

I didnt mean you, I was just throwing that out there in general.

Oregon results when?

can someone translate this from Holla Forums to english?

about an hour

Nice to see that level of discourse on Holla Forums is just as bad as Holla Forums. Why can't Holla Forums have a decent politics board?


At least they're actually talking about how DWS is showing bias towards Clinton & that's why we're upset. Fuck them, still, lmao.

Rolled 1023, 973, 34, 730, 871, 417, 368, 360, 801, 225, 913, 293, 478, 858, 399, 622, 307, 123, 231, 391, 376, 92, 198, 194, 541, 143, 513, 935, 33, 569, 65, 31, 517, 99, 760, 364, 516, 104, 723, 292, 328, 612, 585, 806, 445, 983, 403, 752, 81, 634, 118, 457, 725, 316, 650, 242, 458, 139, 153, 491, 707, 218, 522, 199, 316, 258, 562, 832, 361, 261, 99, 689, 873, 684, 470, 293, 642, 873, 21, 723, 482, 139, 155, 183, 454, 805, 424, 912, 943, 577, 379, 625, 794, 900, 824, 86, 133, 361, 917, 494, 622, 1015, 159, 470, 675, 628, 763, 293, 476, 783, 1015, 958, 921, 146, 116, 351, 950, 540, 239, 868, 92, 617, 469, 886, 492, 268, 971, 625, 629, 863, 95, 226, 854, 253, 696, 504, 881, 434, 796, 333, 193, 787, 266, 90, 932, 382, 440, 858, 922, 679, 702, 1014, 271, 146, 875, 763, 413, 821, 363, 18, 660, 457, 243, 489, 710, 938, 992, 566, 348, 764, 898, 540, 526, 140, 630, 434, 521, 46, 267, 419, 724, 968, 408, 994, 90, 259, 732, 503, 55, 71, 520, 715, 528, 762, 179, 213, 676, 147, 778, 1024 = 101891 (200d1024)



Why are so many of you voting for trump? Is it out of spite or do you genuinely think he would be better than the shill?

Didn't Tyler predict 66% in Oregon? A big enough win there will probs drown out the Kentucky news. I hope it gets close, Sanders can't afford any hits in momentum. A close to even tie is ok, but he needs all but NJ.

Did anyone else just catch that news anchor realise she was about to read out the reason why people in Nevada were angry and she just outright lied about the content of the press release?

I can't speak for everyone but I'd pick him out of spite and to trigger SJW's. Even if I think he's a massive shill who won't follow through with any of his promises.

Because retards like you inhabit this site

This thread was linked on Holla Forums a few hours ago

Fixed the poll (forgot to include an option for "Other candidate")

Bernie supporters: Vote in this strawpoll for how you'd vote in November if it's between Hillary and Trump.


It was a direct quote because your comment makes no sense, user. And I'm not even that user. We have a consensus here that billionaires tend to benefit from porky trade deals.

They're accelerationists.

When it comes to trade and foreign policy Trump is the lesser of two evils. is better than strawpoll

We're not.

Not good enough lad


We aren't?

>>>Holla Forums

Where do they wanna accelerate us to?

I thought so. I was going to check a while ago, but ultimately didn't care enough I guess, lmao

It's taking an awful long time for those last precincts to come in

Anyone have a reasoned prediction for how Kentucky will go?

There is a difference between the majority of billionaires and all billionaires. Trump's wealth is primarily tied into construction, resorts, casinos, and media rather than manufacturing. Trade deals aren't really beneficial there and in some ways are quite detrimental as the citizens have less money to be spending on things like your resorts. You can't exactly outsource people to do your roulette tables or clean your hotel rooms.

Holla Forums kiddie aussie shitposter invasion hour is aa bad time for this, OP.

the gap is large enough and there are so few precincts, unless bernie wins them all by landslide margins ky will have voted for clinton

There's only 0.3% of the vote left mate


Except he literally does exactly that with H1-Bs

They are, fundamentally, the same.

sorry i wrote it at 1% and meant whether or not bernie would see gains or loss in the end enough to get it like a tie.


Rolled 808, 955, 741, 790, 193, 718, 782, 570, 720, 796, 267, 307, 331, 89, 588, 74, 489, 356, 459, 225, 91, 1021, 776, 666, 772, 699, 832, 769, 272, 477, 470, 56, 407, 186, 846, 600, 904, 603, 145, 599, 374, 411, 905, 705, 500, 468, 779, 988, 824, 213, 188, 915, 210, 964, 556, 981, 638, 364, 725, 909, 840, 170, 965, 223, 355, 786, 822, 234, 365, 967, 833, 738, 354, 714, 419, 853, 157, 173, 817, 981, 386, 1005, 871, 595, 944, 402, 551, 557, 765, 252, 442, 580, 422, 382, 803, 776, 143, 600, 1010, 507, 543, 819, 221, 896, 508, 640, 725, 665, 813, 517, 621, 175, 497, 467, 769, 416, 868, 296, 973, 609, 548, 390, 165, 969, 772, 967, 721, 915, 542, 707, 398, 60, 501, 618, 956, 1008, 234, 656, 649, 22, 148, 245, 197, 645, 711, 965, 37, 555, 237, 1009, 139, 784, 375, 303, 728, 122, 246, 424, 12, 787, 106, 409, 847, 607, 3, 778, 591, 237, 410, 215, 259, 558, 459, 455, 178, 146, 395, 215, 701, 632, 199, 840, 391, 573, 119, 95, 694, 364, 519, 706, 127, 625, 90, 974, 207, 93, 728, 797, 329, 113 = 107114 (200d1024)



That's not outsourcing nor does it have anything to do with trade deals. H1-Bs is importing more labor into your own country, not exporting jobs to other countries. While both are detrimental and drive wages down there's a distinct difference, and the latter can easily be mitigated through things like a set minimum wage. I fully expect Trump to backtrack on H1-Bs which is admittedly aggravating but nowhere near as bad as exporting industry and TPP.

He outsources his entire clothing line. His & Ivanka's, to China, Mexico, Bangladesh.

You better lube up, fuccboi

Why? Because his name is on them? He doesn't own practically any of the shit with his name on it, user. He has no financial stake in it.

You realize that the Trump hat is a knockoff, right?

Real MAGA hats are made in the US.

Trump & Clinton are porkies, user. It's better you accept this now rather than later.

Prove it my friend.

He's a knockoff candidate.

do you not know what black people are

Porkies are what you guys call capitalists, right?


yeah, these bourgeoisie shits do not realize the term is offensive to muslims :



Yeah, a spook.



Kentucky sure doesn't.

How is it offensive to muslims?

Only unofficial ones are From outside US.

They aren't outside of the country if they're here.

It's a Holla Forumsack, moron


So I guess migrants are fine too then.


Jeez, it's just a simple question. Calm down user.

Well I can't exactly argue that Trump's not a capitalist. Hell I'm a capitalist as I'm a small business owner. Not all of us porkies like free trade deals.

Yes, migrants are fine as long as they're encouraged to assimilate and go through normal migration process.

Small business owners are great as far as we're concerned, especially if you don't treat your employees like shit and are more of a leader than an owner.

Consider yourself welcome here.

Holla Forums confirmed for actual classcucks



Gay post

I make fun of Holla Forums more than I do you guys though you're trying pretty hard to make yourselves look just as dumb actually.




there is no ethical consumption under capitalism worker owned coop's is the acceptable option

Many if not most of these small businesses operate almost exactly like a coop anyway. Don't be a cuck.


Why does consumption need to be principled in any way?

It's only a few steps away from socialism though. Just need to share ownership with workers, and have some elections. Is that v2?

No they fucking don't
Tripfags were a fucking mistake


Prove it. We can't just categorically call everyone who owns a business an enemy.
You reply that to everything I say though.

Common sense and knowledge of what an ESOP is.

My post here was not saying that "all small business owners are our enemies" but that thinking of yourself as a "capitalist" as a small business owner is pure classcuckery.

They aren't owned by their workers.
Jesus christ read some theory, please.

Worker's cooperatives are the only acceptable form of "business" to a real socialist. There are no "ethical" entrepreneurs, all exploit the labor of their workers.

Small businesses are normally incredibly exploitative. Don't fall for this meme.

This statement makes no sense to me. If you are a small business owner and are a socialist/communist how could you reconcile that with hiring workers who did not own a portion of the business?

It doesn't matter business owners shouldn't own businesses period ether full worker owned co-op's or be self employed

read some fucking theory

If the "boss" on paper doesn't exploit the workers and takes input, etc. etc. then he's hardly effectively an owner. We shouldn't settle for less but don't be a purist either.

Oh, that is true, arguably, but I think that's splitting semantic hairs.


Everything I'm seeing people post is that its completely unacceptable to own a business so I think I'm entirely justified to say that if you're a small business owner identifying as anything other than a capitalist is idiocy.

It's not idiotic, just hypocritical.

He does
He always does
It's the basic fucking functions of capitalism

Reformism rots the brain, my god

Dude are small businesses better or worse than big businesses? That's what it boils down to.


Objectively, yes, because they aren't as detached from the people around them. Also read:

Is getting fucked in the ass with lube better or worse than without it?

You can say the exact same thing about "big businesses". You both need to read some bloody theory.

Exactly my point. Small businesses can vary from "textbook socialism" to "Walmart" regardless of cute labels like "coop" but skew left.

As a small business owner, you are functioning as an exploitative upper class to your workers, but still share the overall interests of the working class as you are overshadowed by the actual ruling elites. Hence, not a "capitalist" per se. Petite-bourgeois function as bourgeois but are closer to the working class than the ruling class.

In other words, read some fucking theory.


"Unofficial winner" lmao

I guess she is; I just found it funny. Has anyone called it for Hillary yet? I wonder why it's saying "unofficial".. Far be it from me to question the MSM anymore, though.

Deer god I hope your kidding.

Small business don't have as much power fam, and as well it would be easier to implement le socialism.

msnbc calls her the "Apparent winner"

She won. It's not possible for Bernie to make up the gap. The question is if they bother giving the extra delegate to Hill or just split it.

What I'm saying is not everyone is associated with leftist academia words from 150 years ago.

My point is they can treat their workers about the same if they want, my sister worked at an extremely shitty dog daycare.

I think I'm going to fucking vomit

Yeah, it's just weird that they usually always call it for her, even at 1%, but seem to be somewhat skiddish now for some reason.

Polls closed in Oregon, now, guys! Stay tuned.

lesser of two evils etc.

That doesn't change that their employer is extracting their surplus labour.


Kill yourself.

Often there's hardly a difference between a cooperative and a small business.

Are they though? I'm sure there are plenty of small businesses that have like three employees and no wages or something.

It's ok, user.

This is why you need to read some theory.

Just filter the tripfag already.

Upcoming speech from Bernie in Cali. Anyone got a stream?

The employer had to invest capital to form the business and is taking a larger financial risk. Much easier to bounce back from the business going under as an employee than it is as an owner.

you complete fucking normie please read my posts before you find a way to feel superior to me

This is why we need IDs, so I can filter you.


Oregon starting out strong for Bernie.

We need a good counter argument for this.

Alright, yall motherfuckers better make a new thread for this. So you can have a real debate. Also, thread is being derailed like a motherfuckers.

It was a completely irrelevant point to what we were fucking talking about, why the fuck should I respond to it? We were talking about the qualitative difference between worker-owned businesses and "small businesses" (i.e. petit-bourgeois enterprise).
Just fuck off you retard.



What I'm saying, is many small businesses are worker-owned in all but name.



Either they are or they aren't, there are no two ways around this.

Holy shit Marion County

IN ALL BUT NAME. As in, the owners aren't useless liberal arts majors who know that out of touch crap. Face it, the left needs to make its rhetoric accessible to the masses and it doesn't even have to be dumbed down per se.

That would be you, user.

"SJWs" don't matter to me. It's illogical thinking, easily rebutted & cannot last. Idpol is for the lazy. That sort of divisiveness is good for no one, except porky in the long run.

What the fuck are you even saying now? If an employer isn't a humanities graduate he somehow doesn't extract surplus value anymore?

It certainly needs to if you're anything to go by.

I hate to say it guys, but this doesn't look good. We needed 65% of the vote, remember?


Where are these businesses? Show them to me. I don't give a fuck about what they are called.



All around you. Got a bakery nearby? It's probably run by a guy, his wife and his two friends, all of whom split the profits and own 25% of the business.

These are mutually exclusive.

If you didn't care you wouldn't be so butthurt over who I'm planning on voting for. I hope he gets elected to trigger people just like you.
With that said, you also completely ignored the other half of my statement where I called him a massive shill.

Not in the situation I'm describing.

You are a special kind of stupid.


Then it's a co-operative. This is not what we were fucking talking about. We are talking about businesses were this isn't the case.

You basically are saying

Employed, hired, almost synonyms dude. These business owners don't employ people, but the businesses do. These business owners don't employ people, but they do hire people. Don't sue me for getting mixed up.

>We are talking about businesses were this isn't the case.
You're drowning in semantics. Yes, these businesses are technically cooperatives and under some definitions not businesses, but the Holla Forumslack I was replying to could effectively be running his business like a cooperative. I said small businesses are often worker owned, which is true.

Small get eaten by big.
That's the way of CAPITALISM.

Eventually, the few "petit-bourgies" left, are inconsequential enough for them to be considered prols.

Then the "middle-class" is lost and capitalism fails.

It's not an external factor. It's built in the system.

Holy shit.

Kill me

No I'm not

Right… so they are co-operatives. Again, not what we were fucking talking about.

He is not.

That's not what you said.

I ignored this part because I didn't see a problem with it; I agree.

I'm just telling you that voting regarding idpol is stupid, from either side.





That is true. It's a tendency, though, and not a rule.

Well when I replied to him I didn't realize he was a Holla Forumslack who most definitely was not running his business ethically. OK?
Yes, that is literally what I was implying from my first post on the subject. I just expressed it differently because "worker owned" doesn't mean much to a lot of people.

And you say I'm drowning in semantics. Christ almighty.


Depends on the business, but even a mom and pop shop will hire random high schoolers for a minimum wage or some shit. I currently work in a family-owned restaurant. By no means are they wealthy, they're actually tight on money and they still manage to pay me more than minimum, but they still hire for wages dude and the employees have minimal say in the process. Cooperative systems are the exception for small businesses, not the norm as you seem to be implying. It's much more palatable because it's close and friendly and all, but it's still capitalism at the end of the day.


A "business" cannot hire people, it's an abstraction you enormous buffoon.

Trump confirmed for Satan

Apparently you don't know what I meant by that. You take everything far too literally which caused this in the first place.

Bitch where?

I'd actually argue that's more or less acceptable if the term is clearly temporary. No reason to rearrange everyone's portions when the newbie won't be around come next month.

So is the government. It is much shorter to say the government did X thing than to say people who associate themselves with the government did X thing.

I'm seeing on SandersForPresident that the results showing up on Guardian et al. are estimates using early votes. Is that true?

Except in that case, claiming the government did X refers to actual people in charge of it. You asserted that a business which possesses zero employers is capable of employing workers. Keep digging, though.

So how do people join the business if it has no employers?

Been stuck at 60% for a while now. Bernie beating Hillary nicely. I guess the check mark means they've called it for Sanders?

Yep. We don't know if those are actual results or just estimates though. Hopefully they're just estimates because otherwise this doesn't bode well for California and the delegate count.


You don't, that's the point.

Three people working together are not employed by a business, they just own their own labor. Hence, co-op. If you want to join this "business" than you enter by the mutual agreement of cooperation of all involved parties.

This organization is only described as a business by the capitalist system's lack of better terminology, which presumes you are functioning by it's rules. It is only by the hierarchical relationship between an employer (an individual or group of individuals) and the exploited employee that you can have a capitalist enterprise.

So you get employed.
Save the semantics.
Well this part is true.


Is the reason why Bernie got such a blowout in Washington state (72.7%) but is only getting 53% in Oregon due to the fact that this was a closed primary and Washington was an open caucus, or is it largely something else? I was under the impression that Oregon would be another blowout win since the demographics are so similar to Washington.

pic related you fucking capitalist


bernie seems to do pretty good in the west, thats a good sign for california, although all the rich limousine liberals who have never seen a real life black person will probably vote Hillary.
Still….the west is the best

'to employ' means 'to give someone work and pay them for it'. In a co-operative you get paid because money is the fruit of your labor because of our trade system, so it technically fits anyway. Because our society is capitalist I say employ for the lack of a better word.

What word would you rather I use?

People are saying that's just an estimate.



Bernie does poorer in closed primaries, no doubt. He appeals to lots of independent voters. Honestly, they need to simplify the voting process because this primary has shown how absurd it can get.

Rolled 193, 116, 694, 687, 319, 918, 33, 691, 282, 456, 901, 164, 602, 939, 574, 350, 401, 85, 465, 688, 178, 542, 451, 613, 587, 565, 586, 697, 985, 696, 887, 153, 811, 557, 840, 105, 450, 873, 796, 731, 304, 673, 895, 905, 588, 444, 231, 988, 529, 695, 651, 707, 212, 78, 295, 798, 642, 881, 471, 602, 552, 334, 755, 339, 890, 570, 443, 315, 418, 215, 22, 722, 887, 917, 603, 450, 336, 833, 414, 865, 504, 41, 547, 715, 118, 842, 489, 760, 698, 959, 338, 226, 269, 68, 564, 134, 638, 1007, 449, 32, 197, 471, 754, 60, 363, 332, 509, 699, 140, 923, 539, 643, 963, 62, 334, 57, 903, 823, 816, 577, 758, 129, 802, 2, 197, 341, 135, 835, 324, 583, 866, 520, 29, 595, 580, 392, 927, 65, 66, 43, 987, 604, 686, 926, 666, 1019, 982, 544, 817, 774, 96, 550, 902, 897, 552, 74, 214, 686, 908, 537, 245, 750, 33, 274, 321, 612, 665, 223, 677, 731, 265, 639, 310, 950, 540, 976, 945, 498, 495, 738, 247, 591, 264, 125, 464, 815, 199, 678, 477, 83, 190, 722, 832, 223, 995, 129, 835, 636, 351, 487 = 105533 (200d1024)>COMMIES STILL ARGUING SEMANTICS



you forget about all the blacks in california that are going to vote hillary. its a shame but these low information voters dont understand the bernie is the only one who cares about them.

You are completely fucking retarded. The coop has expenses to pay and it makes sense for the coop to take money from the workers to keep itself running. The vast majority of it though ends up with the worker. They keep the profit they make, not the revenue. The expenses get paid and then the people get paid. And naturally this will be in money because when you sell bread people will take your bread but they will want to give you money. Money is the fruit of your labor and it is the value of your labor.

You also seem to think that every business is a manufacturing job where one person can make one entire product, and they then receive money proportional to the value of their labor. That's not how a bakery or any other type of business or even modern manufacturing jobs work. How cooperatives actually work is usually simple fractions- we'll each take 1/4 of the profit.

Do you see anybody taking the bait? No? Go masturbate to anime, Trump Chump, it'll be a better use of your time.
those are some pretty ok grills tho

>>>Holla Forums

its not a coop unless the money/goods/whatever being taken from the workers out of the portion that is the value of their work is taken entirely voluntarily.

Anything short of that is merely capitalism with a slightly more employee oriented business plan

Rolled 341, 588, 829, 287, 480, 680, 263, 442, 165, 927, 65, 750, 881, 537, 617, 704, 234, 926, 708, 465, 327, 937, 332, 756, 738, 795, 471, 777, 713, 897, 162, 29, 460, 991, 316, 940, 646, 578, 357, 811, 480, 421, 536, 337, 958, 129, 17, 167, 30, 724, 631, 357, 636, 962, 88, 349, 733, 559, 102, 422, 431, 263, 450, 891, 229, 765, 807, 874, 319, 139, 660, 798, 559, 172, 111, 493, 301, 127, 659, 331, 850, 265, 687, 461, 203, 775, 810, 936, 309, 912, 333, 740, 151, 783, 607, 379, 524, 389, 229, 842, 527, 889, 616, 62, 37, 726, 554, 338, 853, 189, 668, 678, 454, 330, 115, 657, 80, 925, 568, 388, 812, 901, 103, 962, 660, 709, 317, 159, 74, 546, 1001, 600, 411, 593, 662, 448, 294, 192, 785, 123, 380, 428, 800, 833, 758, 915, 465, 837, 815, 9, 201, 603, 910, 304, 541, 545, 1013, 858, 704, 62, 379, 680, 662, 790, 249, 300, 213, 542, 491, 998, 664, 870, 401, 440, 679, 134, 331, 119, 971, 121, 128, 148, 724, 13, 452, 240, 558, 440, 73, 237, 502, 452, 917, 140, 217, 141, 439, 430, 683, 929 = 102008 (200d1024)



ok I was being a little funny. But seriously the black vote has been sabotaging bernie in a lot of state. I dont understand how or why but hillary has them completely in a trance.

You also seem to think that every business is a manufacturing job where one person can make one entire product, and they then receive money proportional to the value of their labor. That's not how a bakery or any other type of business or even modern manufacturing jobs work. How cooperatives actually work is usually simple fractions- we'll each take 1/4 of the profit.
I'm done

Rolled 1006, 325, 83, 152, 493, 486, 50, 665, 828, 203, 779, 243, 933, 22, 788, 646, 149, 108, 667, 755, 531, 95, 171, 208, 538, 582, 437, 542, 292, 153, 608, 273, 478, 690, 425, 970, 152, 475, 611, 979, 677, 365, 198, 585, 386, 986, 206, 535, 69, 873, 265, 600, 967, 436, 807, 480, 1017, 219, 1022, 284, 372, 606, 557, 849, 272, 982, 795, 423, 432, 381, 378, 84, 745, 575, 669, 106, 536, 874, 640, 605, 722, 905, 180, 665, 316, 986, 121, 309, 180, 118, 592, 551, 724, 125, 376, 995, 83, 146, 393, 514, 526, 770, 598, 247, 320, 242, 352, 856, 92, 992, 436, 814, 872, 615, 454, 164, 577, 574, 472, 757, 692, 40, 284, 391, 164, 659, 361, 247, 805, 753, 760, 307, 498, 334, 553, 818, 576, 904, 650, 667, 872, 61, 456, 720, 676, 910, 883, 228, 459, 330, 985, 126, 370, 244, 516, 534, 903, 877, 780, 683, 605, 516, 989, 79, 849, 517, 897, 401, 397, 522, 43, 244, 582, 499, 963, 234, 384, 822, 462, 842, 127, 422, 968, 497, 665, 460, 6, 543, 312, 785, 202, 917, 276, 166, 995, 101, 683, 867, 501, 55 = 102651 (200d1024)


is it really that simple? are they really that simple? I refuse to think like that but this shit has me questioning everything I thought I knew

It didn't seem like trolling, just a stupid thing to say.



If they don't like it they can quit. The coop needs that money to survive. I don't follow.

Everyone in the coop mutually agrees to sacrifice a small portion of their revenue to keep the business running and the person in charge of enforcing this enforces this.

LTV doesn't apply in a coop.

Rolled 464, 118, 482, 253, 328, 379, 48, 454, 182, 377, 608, 651, 799, 960, 3, 446, 34, 449, 314, 287, 144, 832, 164, 833, 912, 272, 839, 472, 683, 931, 87, 122, 25, 568, 374, 353, 947, 422, 807, 104, 799, 390, 754, 573, 326, 757, 1019, 359, 181, 308, 645, 325, 116, 809, 134, 3, 56, 972, 474, 739, 879, 561, 860, 904, 104, 210, 232, 27, 631, 14, 130, 405, 404, 884, 978, 729, 616, 972, 64, 797, 256, 709, 98, 371, 493, 232, 373, 548, 179, 847, 262, 34, 383, 98, 937, 487, 307, 144, 513, 938, 158, 643, 319, 561, 503, 272, 266, 95, 219, 329, 891, 474, 14, 989, 845, 506, 196, 194, 29, 375, 16, 291, 408, 399, 389, 320, 885, 696, 464, 374, 609, 621, 1016, 927, 158, 494, 174, 424, 588, 393, 753, 455, 867, 766, 420, 687, 247, 616, 881, 276, 990, 896, 567, 374, 270, 955, 694, 131, 627, 133, 504, 211, 754, 495, 114, 912, 989, 288, 312, 553, 680, 40, 1008, 523, 806, 403, 186, 29, 1018, 42, 305, 984, 938, 872, 333, 183, 803, 2, 313, 405, 135, 816, 615, 889, 287, 728, 776, 251, 1016, 63 = 95586 (200d1024)





your wrong double bucko

then whats going on here.. why are black people overwhelmingly supporting cunton? Thats a huge portion of the voting bloc

You're so transparent it's adorable.

If the laborers dont get precisely the value of their work than it is not a coop.. it is a capitalist business. If the workers want to invest part of the value of their work into expanding the business that is THEIR choice. If it isnt their choice than they are merely employees working for a company that pays them more fairly than others but less than the value of their work.

2 of the posts you claimed were samefag were mine.. my original post and then another one replying to a response I got. You have got to be a troll.

You're just making yourself look like an autist, user.

When the coop votes on what margins to take out and how to expand that is effectively voluntary.


Rolled 334, 903, 170, 258, 482, 545, 301, 172, 173, 532, 916, 298, 405, 412, 756, 359, 53, 101, 761, 296, 155, 191, 527, 745, 489, 363, 885, 980, 665, 403, 449, 999, 281, 619, 232, 763, 139, 532, 934, 312, 40, 826, 610, 445, 213, 342, 803, 266, 442, 540, 561, 596, 730, 64, 317, 195, 426, 177, 150, 67, 579, 599, 41, 860, 193, 273, 598, 332, 804, 508, 644, 844, 310, 230, 265, 523, 571, 43, 789, 1013, 583, 326, 584, 289, 389, 901, 483, 815, 53, 633, 881, 632, 207, 922, 467, 400, 170, 41, 731, 974, 549, 351, 793, 859, 580, 33, 357, 126, 76, 121, 114, 659, 447, 698, 947, 835, 574, 405, 626, 627, 13, 482, 235, 220, 379, 702, 619, 549, 742, 325, 498, 267, 676, 267, 101, 231, 299, 457, 356, 375, 578, 470, 9, 1024, 144, 955, 835, 717, 336, 437, 320, 349, 918, 554, 568, 273, 231, 162, 822, 972, 487, 295, 215, 138, 561, 315, 368, 860, 771, 724, 211, 325, 169, 219, 325, 312, 150, 136, 5, 486, 572, 324, 834, 466, 878, 378, 739, 84, 539, 536, 32, 2, 830, 246, 140, 367, 560, 508, 202, 307 = 91060 (200d1024)



Do you have any evidence for your earlier claim at all?

the "put trump's hat on an animu gril" has got to be the sorriest, most pitiful meme I've ever seen in my life tbqh fam

ok thats a little more understandable.. but how would minority voting blocs be accounted for? I could see a system like that easily becoming a collaborating group voting in a manner that would disenfranchise one minority or another.. sucks but people do tend to be assholes a lot of the time.

pdf attachment in my last post

Donald Trump open to talks with North Korea

How long until Trump gets Jason's coveted endorsement?




I was at work I didnt get to watch the votes come out..


Its impossible now isnt it?

It really is annoying and they're all shitty waifus from shitty shows which tells me that waifufags are losers, losers are trumpchumps, trumpchumps are waifufags, losers are waifufags, waifufags are trumpchumps, and trumpchumps are losers

As a statistics minor I am appalled.

Rolled 167, 932, 247, 197, 991, 702, 836, 44, 869, 299, 376, 814, 482, 831, 1017, 617, 98, 577, 433, 181, 642, 851, 719, 480, 338, 57, 538, 267, 232, 307, 449, 399, 214, 695, 595, 181, 372, 407, 224, 217, 705, 600, 7, 163, 406, 1023, 780, 503, 576, 189, 683, 193, 15, 378, 673, 353, 434, 186, 620, 666, 492, 44, 40, 706, 738, 634, 887, 86, 17, 86, 303, 722, 686, 309, 884, 67, 308, 640, 570, 883, 828, 229, 52, 842, 606, 724, 171, 16, 910, 790, 681, 378, 833, 720, 59, 547, 330, 946, 633, 346, 7, 935, 44, 692, 219, 928, 759, 527, 543, 304, 386, 346, 532, 437, 164, 114, 137, 334, 129, 22, 100, 809, 399, 932, 504, 458, 455, 834, 379, 64, 156, 386, 999, 199, 54, 194, 102, 812, 720, 644, 92, 81, 990, 624, 517, 129, 737, 654, 463, 865, 675, 562, 649, 50, 470, 129, 508, 924, 962, 887, 988, 94, 248, 962, 292, 302, 131, 393, 90, 850, 13, 181, 930, 1002, 804, 423, 107, 516, 52, 569, 357, 727, 107, 1005, 777, 576, 110, 260, 475, 48, 122, 438, 141, 370, 376, 432, 671, 506, 825, 760 = 93547 (200d1024)


You could set up bylaws mandating that the two groups come to a proportional compromise if the opposition is large enough or something like that.

Not necessarily. We don't know how Oregon will turn out, and Cucky Kentucky will set us back either 1 or 0 delegates.

I'm not moving any goalposts, I asked you to show me the evidence that that is true and you gave me faulty evidence.


basically this pic

yea but every delegate that hillary gets puts her closer to getting the nomination outright. I forget what it is exactly but doesnt she need less than 100 now? Im pretty sure its looking really fucking bad right now

bylaws arent a bad idea. as long as there are governmental regulations to ensure that bilaws dont obfuscate diverse workers in any way.

I could show you the sun and you would argue its the moon

In that case, allow me to give you some evidence that trump support is statistically proven to equate with loving to take fat black cocks up your ass. Don't go moving those goalposts now.

Ah hahaha; it's funny cause it's true.

Try harder, Holla Forumsack.

So, he's a Trump supporter?

statecuck detected

.. whats with everyone calling concerned berniebros polacks?

are we being raided?

stay in denial it'll be funnier when trump takes the throne

open your eyes and tell me what you think

I'll wait

No. They're including DNC members who get votes called superdelegates who can pledge but can't vote until the actual convention. Many or most of them will not be loyal to Hillary no matter what.

Neither will yours.

Gay post faggot, I'm telling you as someone with statistics experience that the analysis is a fucking joke. Don't you fucking fieldsplain me.

He has a point, at least until the conditions are right for anarchy. And even then there should be some sort of regulatory group that fights for unions.

You and I both know Trump would lose to Sanders. You and I also both know that Clinton is very likely to be eliminated.

Dude, you're killing me.. Please use apostrophes.

without regulations.. you think these monsters voting trump would just disappear? They would form fucking nazi coops or some shit.

And here we have the pivotal difference between us. Holla Forums wants to abolish the "throne" while Holla Forums is happy to prostrate before it so long as daddy's the one sitting on it.

for what its worth.. Ive lurked Holla Forums quite a bit….

ive seen them talk about wanting to get rid of all forms of government but not until jews were deported along with black people.


We can tell.

Lmao, good catch user

k there fella.


I think more of us should be lurking their shit to keep an eye on them and get a better idea of what we are up against.

So reddit is still here, eh?

Cumskins are amazing. :^) yes this is a shitpost

A statistical mean is not the only important part of a variable you dingus.

I doubt it

please…. when it happen's… do'nt kill you'reself ca'na'da will accept refugees

How didnt I use it right? Sometimes I type like I would talk and use ellipsis to emphasize pauses slightly longer than a full stop. My bad if that triggers you. I've never had anyone call me out on it before.

Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that we see a convergence of shit weeb taste, shit political orientation, and shit memery. I don't think they even like Trump, just like how you can tell they don't actually like anime considering it's all the same generic garbage girls. They just like memes.

Well, I'm glad they're not ruining any shows I like with it, but it's a really stupid, gratingly unfunny meme. Says something about the people who partake.

and the statistical mean puts the average iq of nigros at 87 read: retarded before the definition of retarded was changed in the 70's



Which is why you should part ways from Holla Forums sooner rather than later. :^)


But that's confounded by income. That's a completely different variable. The one you pointed out was independent of income.

That's what I always say! Shit people are shit. Assholes tend to be delinquents. Delinquents tend to be idiots when it comes to common sense too. Etc. etc. it's all connected maaan

As if le ebin semite is any better.


Porky is an OG meme, dude. Also has lots of application potential and has the effect of raising class consciousness.

MAGA hat on shitty danbooru pic? As far as I'm concerned you just ruined fap fodder.


To be fair, I think the "TOP GUN", "MAGA", "COCK" etc. hat memes go from shit to hilarious if it's a smug pic.

hows that raised class consciousness treating bernie these days?

hows magawaifu treating trump?

case rested, cri moar

I wish they never fucking came up with the IQ measure. All it's done is lead idiots like this into thinking it means anything substantial.

If that were the cause of the problem we are talking about then, poor whites wouldnt be scoring better than rich blacks. There would atleast be some type of equalibrium somewhere.

Oh my god please tell me you fuckers actually call it that.

I guess you missed this.


Everything is black & white(pun intended) to Holla Forumsacks.

No I didnt miss that. If it were even a factor rich blacks should be able to outscore poor whites. Im not even that fag spamming all the hatefacts I am just fucking frustrated with every state turning up as 'black people vote for clinton yet again'. So I started actually looking into this shit. And Im honestly starting to think the fucking Holla Forums nazis are actually halfway right about this one subject.

Some of these fags just can't accept facts if it conflicts with their social justice narrative. There will never be socialism as long as we have multiculturalism in America.

"socio-economic factors" refer to more than just income. It's a complex, interrelated bundle of variables. The pdf posted wasn't even talking about IQ but about SAT scores. It also stressed that the issue was "more complicated" than income alone.


I love that you guys actually think that's helping him.


What's the context of the second image?

so socioeconomic factors also include the fact that they are niggers but them being niggers isnt a factor?

You should write a sequel to catch-22

Stop drinking the damn Kool-Aid. A lot of black people are disenfranchised and disillusioned with the political system (as they should be). Even then, plenty of blacks vote for Bernie, usually younger voters. Rampant voter suppression doesn't help (and you can probably be sure that poor/minority voters are hit harder by this). In any case, I'm pretty sure age predicts voting in this case much better than race does. Current problems are likely the result of misinformation/poorly informed, lack of access, distrust in the process, lack of motivation, or maybe just life getting in the way of people trying to get involved.

To think it's all race-based is absurdly oversimplistic.

you're so transparent it's adorable.

This raid is so complex I cant tell who belongs anymore.


yea because the older they get the higher the likelihood of them being felons.

mein gott

Grammar nazi much?


That wasn't a grammar nazi statement, it was a samefag statement.

It does include race/ethnicity as a factor, but that alone is not any indicator that that is an inherent (especially fucking biological) cause of the discrepancy in test scores. It is only a contributing factor which is, by itself, already a complicated issue.

You guys are so simpleminded it's actually funny. You bunch are the last to make any claims about intelligence.

There already is.


Why does Holla Forums have to shill us every time trump farts?

Yeah, well nothing is going to change the minds of these le epic troles, so just laugh and move on I guess.

"They're niggers" as a factor implies some kind of element of magic. The only kind of biological argument you could make with evidence is mental illness, which is itself a socioeconomic factor–access to medical care.

Uh, no, crimes committed by blacks are overwhelmingly by young men, followed by middle aged men with criminal records from their youth. And no one under 18 can vote at all.

Why is it that Holla Forums is so rabidly obsessed with blacks that they can't even settle for exacerbating disparate statistics? They often fucking lie about race relations.

Trump hates Chinese cartoons, I guess

The complicated issue is that niggers as a whole are born mentally handicapped.

We are not all born in the same template.


Sweet jumping Che!

Has this place completely devolved into reddit?



I wish I could find the cap I made of that thread.



thanks fam

Anyone have a good Oregon update?

Guardian update finally moving again.

most places projected he won

Lmao, they didn't want to dwell on his win in Oregon.

You're the one doing mental gymnastics by twisting language in an attempt to force us to admit something that is not substantiated with evidence.

Post the genes that make blacks inferior. If you can't, you have no argument. And yes, this can be done when genetics actually are relevant.



I didn't say that, fam ;^D

Fuck CNN. They couldn't possibly suck any more Shitler dick.

But I'm voting Stein.

Yeah, I was just watching for Oregon results when the Guardian froze. I couldn't watch more than a couple of minutes. It's insane to me that people watch this dribble. Any MSM, for that matter. They're all equally terrible.

I watch it still,
but I have a high tolerance for bullshit.
I kind of enjoy my anger at this point.


FFR, it's "drivel" but it could have just been a typo.

Nice, but probably not enough.

Yeah, that's it.. It was a typo ;)

Thanks user

Forget about it, they're statistically illiterate.

It is such a powerful tendency that it has corrupted and eventually destroyed nearly every single self-proclaimed socialist/communist state of the last century that failed to eliminate the distinction between creators of surplus value and appropriators of surplus value.


What are the "5% uncommited" votes in Kentucky?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think this user >>687677 has a good idea of what it means.


Weird that it didn't link.

Here ya go :)


anytime, comr8

I might need to get some sleep, soon, lmao

Update on the Oregon percentages.

Honestly, even though she's losing, I'm surprised Hillary is doing as well as she is in Oregon. With all the progressives there.


*insert a witch joke here*

"TYT - Bernie Sanders Wins Oregon Primary Election, Ties Hillary In Kentucky"

[the witch got berned]

Is everyone aware the chair for KY board of elections is Allison Grimes, someone who owes Hillary Clinton a favor?


Kentuckian here. Because she endorsed Grimes or something? If so, that shouldn't matter too much, because Grimes was running against Mitch McConnell. Not to say that the Hillary camp wouldn't or couldn't use that against her. If I were to guess, I'd say Grimes is a Hillary supporter, too. She's kind of a conservative liberal(see ad below) & I'm assuming she's wealthy, too.

Here's her campaign ad, which was spoofed on the Daily Show(back when it was still watchable).


Portland is idpol central.


I found this amusing for some reason.
the entire interview was painfully awkward.

How would we go about this?



"too close to call" :^)

There's nothing new about that idea. It's basically just direct democracy, which is something that we need.

The masters would never allow such a thing.

Just learned that exit polling has been cancelled for CA, NJ and Kentucky.

If you wanted proof this primary is rigged, here it is.

What the fuck

American democracy is at rock bottom and the floor is caving in.

Jesus Christ.

I mean, get rigging it a little.

But rigging it THIS much?

At this point it's about ego and spite.

Feel good moment. You can hear the crowd, very well, and how big it is.

The fix is in

Did Sargon train you or something?

Can any of you faggots remind me why Whorelary is so popular?



Will Stalinists go to Trump now?

I've been phugging saying this for years. Something like We The People but not useless, shitty and gay.

Holy shit, McConnell is Corncrackian? So is Rand Paul. Are all their Congressmen shit?

Old people and dumb negros.

So guys, I've noticed suspicious similarities between anti-Gamergate (wait wait hear me out) and the anti-Berners. I REALLY don't want the conclusions I'm drawing to be true, and if I'm onto something then I don't know where I'm going to post this because it won't be SandersForPresident. Half of his supporters are SJWs and the thread is likely to be deleted or just not pop up because of the strong filters and a few deep cover Hillshill mods.
Maybe this is all coincidental, but I don't think it is. So here's my hypothesis- one or many of the shill firms working in Clinton's interests has also worked in Gawker/Zoe/etc.'s interests and is employing the same strategies. If this is right, the firm(s) in question probably also spun up "Obama Boys". Any thoughts?

Hang in there, buckos. There WILL be a happening regarding the emails- we just don't know how big yet.

This. Sanders literally wins every demographic under 45 except for Blacks over 30. Those just happen to be the people who go vote.

Oh, absolutely. I don't think you even have to make the case that there's some sort of conspiracy behind it, just that these are the disinformation tactics being employed in this age, and they've only been improving on a case by case basis.

Silly Bernouts, the world isn't rigged against you. Pay no attention to class mobility. :)

=Sadly, this seems pretty plausible. I myself have always been of the suspicion that SJW (read, reactionary identity politicians.) courses are funded by various corporations, and also Soros. It's a way to crush any kind of class consciousness with idpol. Obviously, this is breeding grounds for fascism.

It's just modern-era PSYOP tactics. You'll see stuff in common just because the shills and spooks think it works. Bernie has definitely outsmarted them though IMO. They had to resort to blatant rigging because the disinfo shitstorm just doesn't work as well on the young masses.


You don't know that.

Corbyn is with is though.

It's most likely not a coincedence. It's a sad fact of today's discourse tbh.

I don't think Zoe is really that important in the grand scheme of this, despite how annoying she is.

Let's not get into insane conspiracy theories here.

…do you not recall that people kept posting this exact conspiracy theory (no derogatory intent, this is in fact a theory about a conspiracy) in GG threads a while back? Do you not recall that people were speculating that the whole Gamers are Dead(TM) thing was an experiment to see if certain tactics could work to get Shittery elected? I saw this bandied about several times.

>it might be YOU

! :o !

Only in my wildest fantasies

Here is a worse possibility.
it might be YUI!


No, no.
Don't be silly.

Yui's gonna be jailed for robbing banks and then murder the whole board population twenty years after 'le rebolution :DDDDDDD'

let me fix that

Yui's gonna be robbing banks and then murder the whole board population twenty years after le rebolution in Moskow trials and be litteraly Stalin

Aww, lmao

Well, there goes another show I'm never watching again.

Haha, I was just playing Sim city the other day.

Anyway, fuck. When I saw Stephen interview Bernie some months ago, you could tell he wasn't feeling it, and that disappointed me. He seemed to imply that these were unattainable dreams or something. Now I don't want to see his bit on Nevada.. But I know I will watch it, anyway & be disappointed.

Okay I keep seeing Hillary supporters and media outlets going in full force by saying Bernie is the Ralph Nader of 2016. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Al Gore win the popular vote in 2000 but got screwed over by some Supreme court ruling? I feel like you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to call Sanders a Ralph Nader considering that Ralph Nader didn't really have an impact on Al Gore losing.

These people don't care about "facts" mate, all that matters is how it sounds.

It's an establishment line, all the dumb old people parrot it.

At this point we can't trust any talk show host to know anything beyond the gossip the MSM bothers to report on.

Even Stephen Colbert has condescendingly implied Bernie or Jill Stein would be the Ralph Nader of 2016.

The fact is Jeb Bush and the five conservatives on the Supreme Court did a lot more to appoint W as president than the votes themselves. For all the shit Nader got, they never mention the millions who don't vote at all that could have changed the outcome.

Al Gore could have taken a stand and pointed out the corruption but he didn't. John Kerry could have pointed out the rigged voting machines but he didn't. Things always go deeper than what the MSM would like you to believe. The MSM wants you to think there's no such thing as voter suppression or rigged machines, its just the dumb peons voting for the "wrong" candidate because they weren't bought and sold.

I always vote third party, and anyone who tells me I'm "helping" so-and-so lose or win can go fuck themselves.

Shit like (and the comments section) give me this irrational desire to see Bernie split the Dem vote. Clinton and her supporters are some of the vilest creatures on earth.

Shit like this*

wow, that's just a plain, bald-faced lie
Sam Stein is a worthless scumbag shill and should be first in line to be gulaged.


"Nevada Clinton Delegate Calls Sanders Disenfranchisement Wrong"

This lady gives a good look from the other side, what went on at the Nevada convention. She was also somehow removed from the delegate list, then added back on, just to find out her husband was later removed. And she's a Clinton delegate. If you have Hillary supporter friends or family & are talking politics(like me), this is a good video to use to give them insight as to how it affects both sides.

This primary is honestly disgusting me. I want Trump to win just to spite these people at this point.


I guess you forgot that time he took that charlatan Anita Sarkeesian at her word.

I did Hunger Games Simulator with practically all of the candidates and it came down to Bernie and Scott Walker and Bernie killed himself, but evidently I don't have that screenshot. Take this, instead, for hope of a better future.

Al Gore didn't ask for a recount when he should have because it turned out later that he genuinely did win Florida. Ralph Nader was also not the spoiler the media tried to scapegoat him to be because according to exit polls it turns out more than 10x as many self-described Democrats voted for Bush than those that voted for Nader.

Yep, my mom was one of those Democrats. First time in her life she voted for a Republican. I think it was mainly due to the religious aspect(him using God in his platform, and I'm sure many of her church friends were also voting for him). Needless to say, she learned her lesson.

That's a really good point, btw, to use against the Nader narrative.

It's obvious now that the Democratic Party is going to snap like a fucking twig in July. The divisions in the party are completely irreconcilable.

Get get ready for 1968 Part 2: Bernin Boogaloo.

Would there be any point to going there with a sign that says


or something?

please dont


He also had CURRENT YEAR man on his new show and when he proclaimed "I mean it's two thousand and fif teen right now!" he replied with "Right, right."

God damn, CNN if you keep sucking Hill's dick so hard it's going to fall off.



Nah, slick entryism isn't the sort of situation you want to show your power level. You'd scare the normalfags.

If/when bernie loses sanders supporters should support trump, because if trump wins then you can point the finger at the new democrats for not being leftist enough and it will vindicate bernie.


The MSM will counter with "Look at these crazy pipe dreamers. Somebody better stop them from destroying any chance of a progressive/liberal winning!"

My thoughts are for you to fuck off to be honest

fuck off Holla Forums

If I were going to vote for the right wing, I'd vote for Gary Johnson.
Fuck your ocean of piss.


>Mr. Lukens, a former ambassador to Senegal, was the leadoff witness in the Judicial Watch depositions. He served as executive director of the State Department’s executive secretariat under Mrs. Clinton until 2011, providing her with logistical, administrative and travel support. Judicial Watch said it was seeking his testimony because records that have already been released indicated that he had emailed Ms. Mills and others about Mrs. Clinton’s private email server.

>Thomas Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, who took part in Mr. Lukens’s deposition, said afterward that he could not discuss the substance of the testimony because of the ground rules set by Judge Sullivan.

>But Mr. Fitton predicted that once the testimony is publicly released — perhaps as early as next week — it would show “why the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have slow-rolled this and withheld a complete explanation of what went on with her email system. What we learned is going to be embarrassing to Mrs. Clinton and the administration — maybe more than embarrassing.”

Truly both "sides" are the same.

I've barely eaten the past few days (I'm sick and trying to discern what food made me sick) and can't process this. Care to put it in layman's terms for me?

As early as next week information derived from the aide that set up Clinton's email server, will be coming out that could be anywhere from humiliating to disastrous for Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, but the people that know, Thomas Fitton of Judicial Watch, can't talk about it just yet because of rules set out by the judge.

Bernie is playing a smart strategy by staying in as long as possible. The DNC is going to have the choice of picking him as their nominee and possibly winning or giving all Hilldawg's delegates to Biden or whomever and prompting the People to literally guillotine them.

Thank you so much! I'm doing my best to follow the investigation, especially now with the hope of leaks from FBI agents.

You forgot to take off your shitposting flag, but yeah, totally agree.

It's pretty much certain Hillary used the private server to dodge the Freedom of Information Act and coordinate with corporations, countries, and foreign officials right? Something something Clinton Foundation slush fund, something political and military favors.

Honestly I think Biden is porky's best choice. He's much, much more favorable than Clinton, he's closer to Obama than she is, he doesn't have an evil, flip-floppy past, and is much more likely to get progressives to rally around him, especially if they feel like they dodged the Clinton bullet. Everybody wins, except for Shillary, and us.

I wish they would hurry up

That seems like the most obvious scenario. I can't wait to watch CNN try to spin this as those mean corporations extorting a poor womxn and forcing her to become corrupt in order to survive in politics.

Except for the part where the DNC would have to literally hand-pick him, subverting the democratic process entirely and ignoring the other candidate still in the race and who actually earned millions of votes.

Democrats better hope they get Bernie.


Shit, that was some good rhetoric.

tfw Trump hides his power level

Bernie has attacked Hillary on her war mongering record but why does sound so much more effective coming from Trump of all people?

Because "This guy wants us to kill families and do worse torture than we already were… and even he thinks Hillary is a war hawk." Whereas it's expected for some hippie communist like Sanders to hate on politicians for being warlike.

Either stop posting futoshits or come out of the closet

Like >>684811 said:

Traps are not gay. And Biden is just an example.


Because everyone expected it from Sanders tbh. Plus he wasn't willing to go all out because muh positive campaign.

Hillary is fucked if it's her and Trump against each other.

He's pivoting and out-flanking her from the left.

He's not actually a retard.

Holy shit.

Oh well… I'm not entirely convinced that he's going to be worse than Hillary might be.

Man, they've alienated Bernie's supporters too much..

Can we get this bald son of a bitch elected in November?

And the DNC smugly thinks they're going to win them back. What fucking idiots.


Well, yeah


Well.. it's kinda gay

>she :)


It's "futa," short for "futanari" you relentless faggot.

Anyone know his chances of taking California?

Basically it's a lock. The question is his margin of victory.

This fucking cunt.

Hillary apparently claiming "the race is over, and I am the Democratic party nominee."

I just started watching; I'm sure there will be much more infuriating rhetoric to come.

You should see all the CNN talking heads doing the post-interview analysis.

They really think we don't see right through this? rhetorical, obviously They just plan on the majority of America being so fucking retarded that they either don't see it, or just don't care. Luckily, Sanders has made so many people actually care, so these tactics won't work as well as they did in the past. Hopefully.

Those look pretty faggy I initially typed fujoshi, then partly corrected it

The real question is whether or not he'll make or threaten legal action to force a recount for prior elections, though mountains of delegates from California will make that case easier to press.

They're scared he's gonna fracture the party.
One can only hope.

If he talks about legalizing weed a bit more, his poll numbers should shoot up a few points.

10:50 in. Watch it & rage, guys. THE AUDACITY.

Chris Cuomo: "So you get into the general election, if you're the nominee for your party–"

Hillary: "I will be the nominee for my party, Chris. T-that is already done - in effect - There is no way that, uh, I won't be."

I don't think I've hated any politician more than I hate this woman.

I imagine this as the H symbol.

Nevada DNC released a statement about the debacle, while completely insulting Sanders & his supporters. The convention in Philly is going to be crazy, guys.

That is satisfying.

I don't even want to open that link.

Only one option then lad.

It's not over yet. And even then, there's many more better options than voting Trump. Including not voting at all.


That's pretty funny if completely wrong. Trump is a wildcard. The establishment hate him because he hasn't been vetted and processed, trained in how to think right and what can and can't be said.

Then don't complain when you get Hillary.


I got food poisoning, but haven't eaten out in a long time so it's from my own food. I bought groceries the morning of the day I got sick. I'm not going to just throw my fucking food away since most of it has to be good and a lot of it is fresh fruit and vegetables. Shit is expensive, not to mention perishable. All I have from before then is oatmeal so I'm making it with water and I don't buy sugar, either. I don't have the kind of money to just chuck everything out, and buying new food isn't in my budget.

The only good options here are to write-in Bernie if he doesn't endorse her, or vote for Jill Stein or some other third party and hope they reach the magic number so they can get federal funding and build a platform.

He's a world-famous businessman. He's perfectly within the "establishment" and protecting their interests. They have nothing to worry about. See how they keep pushing Hillary, the weakest dem candidate, to run against Trump instead of uniting around Bernie? They're more scared of a Sanders presidency than a Trump one.

Probably so but you can take that one up with the DNC. Your choices are Clinton or Trump. Clinton promises wars. Trump has only spoken vaguely about bombing ISIS and some oil. A vote for Hillary, or indeed staying home is a vote for war with Iran.


>The establishment hate him

Seriously, Hillary & Trump are basically the same when it comes down to being corporate puppets. That's the main issue that concerns me, so I won't vote for either. The financial & political establishments are one in the same - that's the problem. So, Trump is establishment.

You shouldn't either. If they screw Bernie, they'll surely screw Trump. Hillary has more political pull.


So I'm going to vote for Jill Stein and hope Trump wins so the DNC understands there are consequences for corruption, that the greens reach 5% of the vote and receive federal funding to build a platform and divide democrats, and we can run a left-leaning candidate in 2020 to oust him. Reform until revolution is possible. Elect mayors, governors, etc. sympathetic to anti-capitalist protests. Forge an environment where class consciousness is nurtured and outrage is protected.


He just won't know Hillary's bag of imperialist tricks, is all. He'll have plenty of people to help him, though. This is the guy who wants families of terrorists killed and sucks Israel's dick almost as much as he sucks his own.

Trump isn't a corporate puppet. He is in this case the puppetmaster. The man who paid the Clintons to attend his wedding. Now I grant you, it could go either way. He could use the position for cynical self-enrichment, literally using the army as his own global enforcers. Or he could really try 'make america great again'. Tariffs, trying to resurrect manufacturing and not getting in stupid wars. Should he seek the first path the congress could always stop him. Should he seek the second he'd be unstoppable.

My point was if you don't vote you've only yourself to blame. Go on lad. Vote Clinton. Fulfill your destiny.

Whereas Clinton endorses killing them and everyone close to them in drone strikes?

ie. I wouldn't close Guantanamo.

Quickly now lad, name the last president who didn't.

Additionally, Trump says whatever the hell he likes. He has contradicted himself dozens of times, sometimes in the same speech. Most pundits see him running from a platform left of Clinton's. But left/pol/ won't accept him because that's too much like Holla Forums winning.

What would it take for a third party to emerge?

That's even worse, you dingus.

He will directly benefit from the TPP & other terrible trade deals, like he did with NAFTA(using Mexican factories to produce his clothing line). He said he'd sign over his companies to his children, so he still has major interests in trade deals.

To think Trump wouldn't be trigger happy & saying retarded things to piss off other world leaders is naive. As I said, he's for killing innocent people & more torture.

Nice deflection from Trump's words. He has not only vaguely spoken about ISIS. We're talking about Trump in this instance.

He'd just make it worse.

I know a candidate who wouldn't - Bernie Sanders. Again though, you're deflecting. Your candidate is just as much pro-Israel as Clinton.

And that is a major problem. He doesn't think.

Jesus, man.

We're not voting for your equally shitty candidate.
Give it up already.

These are the only things he rails against. Hell just last night he was talking of scrapping NAFTA. 'possibly re-negotiate, probably scrap'. He is in agreement with Bernie over TPP.

You have an assumption. With Clinton you've got form.

Clinton will objectively be worse than Trump. She promises war with Iran. Really this single issue should be enough to swing it.

What if I post more Awoo~~~?

Define insane.

I think I vaguely remember something about that and not taking it that seriously but not outright rejecting it either. They may have been on to something.

Yeah, it's me. Sorry guys.
I intend to run as mayor of my old Puerto Rican hometown when the mayor quits or dies.

>trumpcucks actually think this!

That's why they're pressuring Bernie to attack his own supporters with trumped up violence charges. They want him to destroy the movement he has created.

I honestly hope this shit devastates the down list. Make it a complete pyrrhic victory for the establishment. One great target would be voting out Shultz herself. We need some Florida supporters to get on that shit.

Trump also wants to build a wall and cause mass deportation which the international proletariat is always against.

H-he's totally against the establishment and definitely n-not a globalist capitalist!!11!1
Clinton to Californians: Your Votes Will Not Affect the Democratic Primary Whatsoever
oh we're coming.
We're coming Bucko



She did the same thing in '08

Like you said, he says whatever the hell he wants. He's a "business man", "the best". Why would he turn down such great business packages? Bernie actually has the record of voting against all these trade policies, and being very vocal about them at the time.

He said it, not me.

That's a possibility. Weak argument to say we should vote for corruption in Trump, either. That's basically just the reverse of what Hill shills say.

To protect who? Israel. Trump also says he's 100% for Israel. We all know what this entails.

Don't be a single issue voter, user.

She's so detached from reality that she thinks it's realistic and actually a good tactic.

Just saying right but Hillary has almost completely suspended campaigning. And ads. She won't be making any more public appearances, she's sending some shills like her husband. In the entire territory of Puerto Rico she only sent her senile husband and made it evident how out of touch they both are when he made some comments that suggested he doesn't realize most Puerto Ricans want more independence (talking about being able to vote in the generals and have representatives which most Puerto Ricans don't give two shits about) She's close to absent from every state but California, and all she's got is organizing offices.

The Torders and the Hillare.

I find it amusing that either Clinton really wants to ruin the general election for herself if she win primaries or she and the DNC delusionally believe that people will vote for her after disenfranchising so with what she has been doing.

It's both. Hillary and the DNC are dead set to enter the White House with a dead party. I bet they'll even lose seats in the Congress.

I feel like it doesn't matter to them if she wins or loses, as long as the status quo is preserved. The only danger to that is Bernie, that's why they are going all out.

But then again, Romney genuinely thought he as going to win, so maybe they are that delusional.

Trump is not the status quo, don't be stupid. He means nothing to them except the preservation of capitalism, and not even the neoliberalism but the free market values. That is the only thing he could possibly give them.

Never underestimate the power of self-delusion. Nobody can fool you better than you can.

As Sanders supporters we have to remember this. That being said I don't think it's self-delusional to say that Bernie can win over superdelegates. He won over two recently in Oregon.

prolly the last hay wagon i'll ever own.

american politics


I'm saying in Memelish that I have no idea how that relates to American politics.

Daily reminder that Trump would just be Dubya 2.0. We'd have another 2001-2009 stretch. If America was "great" back then to you then go for it, vote for him.

how is that merican?

r u ok

lol the wagon
made by usa
dyersville iowa

I was referring to Hillary deluding herself, but this is also true.

self-delusional to say that Bernie can win over superdelegates

aren't they mostly lobbyist?




we lost our farm. ok?

Not ok.


So Demos just fired Matt Bruenig. Unbelievable.

she has the right idea

who he?

Which Hillary Hack did he piss off?

It really depends if they're smart enough to realize what's at stake. Bernie has thousands of young voters and independents carrying him, voters they will need to crush Trump and retake the Senate.

Do they really want to risk alienating them for Hillary, who will most assuredly give them a harder election, or do they want to ride with them to victory? Do they choose pride or do they choose logic?

Didn't mean to offend. Just seems a weird way to determine the freshness of food. Might as well consult the fruit spirits.

I don't care about your weeb semen demons and neither does your demagogue.

Neera Tanden and Joan Walsh


Did you guys see this yet?
Sanders to demand changes in Democrats' Israel policy

He's taking off his mask

And in the process forcing the Clintonite Third Way to do the same

nigger I made that cap

can someone make a thread about this? it needs an informative OP. it really is fucking disgusting, hillary shills are getting people fired now for disagreeing. reminds me of gamergate

this is why we have the general election thread

read OP

hey autist, bruenig getting fired isn't american elections. and the rules are looser on election threads now anyway.

its a longshot but hes trying. no other option really at this point


Welcome their hatred comrade

It only shows where the battle lines have been drawn

I don't even know who bruenig is you self-centered moron.

The way i sees it, berntards have two hopes, Hillary gets thrown in prison for that fbi stuff (not going to happen) or they vote for trump in an accelerationist fuck everything move and exploit the failure of Hillary to purge the DNC of clinton democrats.

Both you an i know, lefty pol, you know those are the only options left.

ep. 2 is really good. I should've probably posted that one instead.

You can call Trump a dishonest waffler whose campaign promises probably can't be trusted, but you can't say his putative positions on the big issues are comparable.

Even if he proves, as I suspect, to be nothing special on the issues, he would certainly be the most direct attack on PC (the force strangling genuine leftism to death since the 1970s) we've had in mainstream politics for decades. Critical studies departments are finally being defunded in Japan and across Eastern Europe right now, so cross your fingers.

There is one other option: PRESS CHARGES! Or at least threaten to, so as to cause recounts in obviously fraudulent primary elections.

I mean, why would corporate shills like the DNC meme delegates be worried about losing to another group of corporate shills if the alternative is a socialist like Sanders?

Trump is a dishonest waffler whose campaign promises can't be trusted. What he says means nothing more than what Clinton says. He will be Dubya 2.0.


The sole reason we were rooting for Sanders is because he would help push the Overton window away from neoliberalism.

Since he's out of the game, fuck the election in general. That would be our default response.

He would be so thoroughly incompetent that society would return to its early nineties view of political correctness: "I guess it's not so bad."

That's going to happen regardless if Trump is elected or not. Bernie may fall, but his movement cannot, and will not, be stopped.

Really, that's the true course of action: Ignore presidential election, focus on the down ticket. For example, Chair of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is up for re-election in Florida and she has a primary challenger sympathetic to Bernie's supporters.

It's not that I don't agree with your assertion that PC is probably our biggest problem and Trump could unintentionally strike a blow in that direction for us.

But universities are one of the few places in society where leftism has anything approaching what you might call hegemony even if it has to be boxed up in liberal PC to keep them from doing political witchhunts.

The whole STEMlord vs. liberal arts maymay got old a long time ago. It's not that I think leftists should be anti-science like post-modern idealists or shouldn't go into science, but people need to be encouraging to critically engage with culture and history–not just run the machines. That's exactly what the bourgeoisie wants though and they attack liberal arts as an unnecessary luxury for workers and progressive students.

Like the whole "don't go into art history" meme, shouldn't it be obvious that being able to evaluate and understand thousands of years of culture, aesthetics, and critical tradition is a boon for society? It's hardly a field that you can go through without doing real work and critical thought.

A traditional liberal arts education includes scientific studies that aren't applied science like biology, mathematics, physics etc. We have a lot of STEM types where the education has been so dumbed down to meet the needs of corporations that they don't even understand the philosophy of science.

Maybe Gramsci was right and Mao was wrong: the working class really does need to understand elite education fields like liberal arts and not employment training. Mao used to say: red+expert was the way to go forward with educating the workers and peasants.

Maybe that's why the Cultural Revolution failed, because when the people did not comprehend the culture, history and true meaning of the ideological battles they were reduced to sloganeering and call out culture. Then it degenerated into a technocratic neoliberal capitalism when people started to tire of it and the leftist minority was repressed

I don't think its a coincidence that right-wing governments are the ones doing this. But it maybe a sign of an intensifying class struggle as well.


She campaigned ridiculously hard in Kentucky. It failed.She obviously thinks she has it. The DNC are going to underestimate Bernie just like Trump.

What's that tweet say?
Can't check Twitter while I'm at work

The only thing allowing PC to persist among normalfags, as opposed to the tiny core of Kool-Aid drinkers, is that its true level of insanity is mostly hidden from open view or scrutiny. Do you really think that, under Trump, they would be able to restrain themselves (or their most dogged critics) from going full McCintosh?

I don't think the "leftism" that exists inside the humanities is worth saving anymore. Especially since, in spite of what Tumblrinas might say, STEMlords are themselves overwhelmingly leftist. Really, the only fields where rightism dominates in academia are fields that have become nearly as phony as the "leftist" humanities, like economics and political science. The left has nothing to lose, politically, by favoring materialism.

I agree a rounded education in the humanities and the sciences regardless of one's intended career focus would be ideal, but humanities departments as they exist now have totally ceased to teach anything about their fields, instead censoring all truth in favor of blatant indoctrination. This is made even worse by the fact that the PoMo ideology they favor is explicitly anti-intellectual, anti-rational, anti-objective, anti-scientific, and ultimately anti-academic.

The only possible way to save it would be to shut down everything, fire everyone, trash all literature, and start over.

Holy, shit. This is reactionary misanthropism at its best.

Who gives a shit?
if not liberals, It'll just be someone else.
Did people forget christian conservatives exist?

>>These days, intellectuals don’t have a very good "press". I believe I can employ that word in a rather precise sense. This is not the moment to say that one is not an intellectual; besides, I would just provoke a smile. I am an intellectual. If I were asked for my conception of what I do, the strategist being the man who says, "What difference does a particular death, a particular cry, a particular revolt make compared to the great general necessity, and, on the other hand, what difference does a general principle make in the particular situation where we are?", well, I would have to say that it is immaterial to me whether the strategist is a politician, a historian, a revolutionary, a follower of the shah or of the ayatollah; my theoretical ethic is opposite to theirs. It is "antistrategic": to be respectful when a singularity 'revolts, intransigent as soon as power violates the universal. A simple choice, a difficult job: for one must at the same time look closely, a bit beneath history, at what cleaves it and stirs it, and keep watch, a bit behind politics, over what must unconditionally limit it. After all, that is my work; I am not the first or the only one to do it. But that is what I chose.'

I thought he knew better ;-;

the user is a stealth Holla Forums

It would hardly be the first time a field of study became so rotten with pseudoscience that everything associated with its past incarnation had to be destroyed and permanently blackballed for it to become worthy of existence:

That seems to trend. Liberals and the right have been taking turns throughout history.

How the fuck did I imply that?

Do you read what you type?

The most sympathetic interpretation I can get out of that is "regardless of intellectualism's rise or fall, the leftist and rightist flavors of it alternate dominance among anti-intellectuals." But, even that would still render what you initially said in completely irrelevant to the "Would Trump unintentionally purging the left of its pseudointellectual poison be a good thing?" question.

I wish that was true but in my experience they tend to be liberal, conservative or libertarian. It seems many of them only handle data not argument or don't check the method used to collect that data if the source seems prestigious enough. So if a Heritage foundation or UN report says capitalism is making everyone rich, they usually believe it, even if there are qualitative differences between the lowest sector of the proletariat and traditional substance farming that is hard to capture. Or, as is often the case they don't understand the global poverty line of two dollars a day is completely arbitrary and is often not adjusted to keep its valuations up with inflation.

I see STEMfags only getting more leftist as they get older and find out that not everything in their chosen field was as groovy as they thought it would be. When their in school their practically young republicans; there's a reason why the computer nerd vs. jock movies are reactionary and widespread in popular culture.

Your supporting the crushing of a student demographic where maybe 1 in 15 are genuinely leftist to one where its more like one its probably more like 1 in 30 or higher.

It's pretty obvious that this is also a move to stem the decline of Western or Western-allied capitalism as China has just moved into the number two spot of high-quality science.

were you actually a humanities student or is that just what you think? Maybe everyone would like us to read shakespeare and less post-modern garbage; I'd personally like it. But normies never study the classics either and just chuckle away at their vidya and comic book movies, so its a false complaint in my eyes.

I at least had the freedom to study Marxism while I was in school and my professors didn't try to object to it or call it a politicization of the field. It would take some very persistent and brave students to push Marxism in many of these STEM departments.

With all the hate for the liberal arts field in popular culture, you'd think you'd have more STEMfags but more people are going into Business and Management. Those aren't even subjects, their just pure porky ideology.

Have you considered that they may crush liberal arts and not really replace it with anything useful? They might not even increase STEM funding, it might be all business and management.

As far as their concerned probably too many people are going to school and expecting too much when they get out. They'd probably like it if fewer working class people went to school, and fewer people went in general, so they don't have to deal with activism (as shitty as it maybe).

I got it before you explained it. Must have a lot of city folk here, lmao.

Really sorry man. That's a way of life you're having to change now; not ok.

Elaborate if you want? Just too expensive to run anymore? Wage inequality that bad in Canada, too? Or some company force you & others out?

Lol, bern.

I hate that I'm on the other side of the world now & the traffic here comes mainly when I'm sleeping

Leaving anecdotes aside (every scientist, engineer, or other technical person I've ever met has been leftist to some extent, many radically so), it's a longstanding and unambiguous statistical fact:

Really, it's not that surprising. Why else would science, tech, computing, genre fiction, gaming, weaboos, secularism, and every other stereotypically geeky field of human endeavor (including the humanities themselves, before they were corrupted) have rolled over like a rug for PC bullying?

Me personally? No, but aside from the fact that every paper I have ever read from a postmodern critical studies journal of any kind has been vacuous puff wrapped in pedantry, I have a close relative studying in the arts, who has described every single class that isn't strictly technical to her art as 110% IdPol garbage, and every single instructor or enthusiastic student in those classes as completely insufferable.

I don't think ideologies should be studied in isolation as a legitimate academic activity, period. It's like pro sports or prostitution, it harms both the legitimacy of the institutions which fund it, and the purity of the things themselves. Studying Marxism would be great as an inclusion in a neutral class about all historically important ideologies in politics or economics, but not as a thinly-veiled brainwashing session.

In the meantime, and speaking as a radical AnCom myself, I would much rather have tens of millions of intellectually sound mid-left socdems, than tens of thousands of deluded radical post-Marxist SJWs.

I assume you aren't literally talking about MBAs, which are worthless, but the "brain drain" caused by parasitic but intellectually demanding "jobs" like financial analysts and investment bankers. That is a separate problem caused by economic demand (high pay) in private industry, not the supply offered by academia.

As for the possibility of the humanities being destroyed without replacement? Like I said before, I really wish the humanities would be revived, but in their current form, they are an utter blight on the academy, and their obliteration would be far preferable to allowing continued pollution of the leftist consciousness.

And they would be right. I think the average Joe or Jane should go through a well-rounded higher education, sure. But what's missing is some guarantee that immediately on enrolling, you will be placed into a paying apprenticeship throughout and beyond your period of study for at least one profession that you can make a legitimate career out of.

Well that's certainly not what most Puerto Ricans made clear in the last referendum.

How about you get off your lazy worthless hardlining ass and vote on one of the several third party socialists running this elections.

kek, what do you guys think of this

Intellectualism wasn't the point, fam.

Christian conservatives are one variant of the right that used very similar tactics for years. If you think I'm implying they are the only variant of the right that has done that, then you're mistaken.
Honestly, you're starting to sound triggered or something because I used certain christians as an example, when that wasn't even the point.

He wouldn't, and there's zero evidence that he would. Liberals thrive on divisions based on identity instead of attacking structures that actually create their problems. It goes deeper than simply feminism, SJWs, or whatever.
The best you can do is make it go underground for a short period of time.

Lmao. What madness. Realest nigga alive. :^)

A former prostitute as first lady would be a first, too.

Why does he feel the need to be so edgy and psuedointellectual.

Why is the cartel after him?

Yeah, fundies are far from the only flavor of rightist kookiness. There's plenty of others, like Ayncraps, but the fundies are the most popular by far.

Anyway, either you admit that PC can be curbed, in which case it's worth attempting (particularly with the left in such a dire state because of PC co-option); or you throw up your hands at any political effort outside the revolution that can't be done by an IdPol-mesmerized vanguard.

Oh lol is this for real?

And this guy really is the one behind that shitty intrusive antivirus program?

Never underestimate a sociopath.
This was true before, but now they're still open to conversion at best. The lolbert fad spread like wildfire on meth.

Jill Stein panders to hippies and the rest of the left parties barely even exist.

That's a bit of a false dichotomy.
I think liberal pc culture can be curbed, but pc itself probably can't. Some other form of it will fill the gap liberals leave, and it will probably be from the right. I also don't see any reason why donald trump is the one to kill it. If we can make our ideas the norm, then maybe we can transcend it.
Sorry, Bernie: I love you, but this is over — and getting embarrassing

The problem with this discussion is the implication that political correctness is a recent invention, which is a red baiting myth by Reagan-era neoconservatives.

All "political correctness" refers to is controlling dialogue for ideological purposes. Shit is everywhere.

jesus thats hard to read

Sounds like it would be someone like him, lol. Yeah, it's him.

So wait, is the Belize government really trying to kill him, or not?

You'd think if it was over, they wouldn't be putting so much effort into these attacks.

>I really do
We see too many of these. Most end up being lobbyists or downright unapologetic Hillary supporters who pen them. If this guy actually was a Bernie supporter, he's sold out. That's his problem, not ours.

Muh party unity, guys. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Non-principle having POS.


A Bernie supporter wouldn't use Nevada as an attack.

Never change, Holla Forums

It seems McAfee is wanted for murder there.

Yeah nothing in that guys post indicates Holla Forums. Fuck off reddit.

different guy but did you even read the post?>>693223


And of course there's indicators, like what I pointed out. Calm down.

Picking out gays, attributing that one aspect to "stupid liberals". Seems understandable to me.

Neoliberals might be more fitting. They play into idpol for advantage.

No, PC, as originally coined by leftists against realpoliticking Leninists in the early days of communism, is deferral to the political establishment against the principles supposedly embodied by it, for the purpose of protecting and currying political favor.

And what this conversation is about, I think, is less PC in general, and more the ascendancy of (mostly social and identitarian) hot-button nonissues above (mostly material and economic) issues that actually effect peoples' lives in political debate.

Already taken, "neoliberal" refers to freeters and Ayncraps.

Political correctness is a little different: it's meant to prevent people from discussing things at all, even in compassionate ways. Liberals being the feelings police are not expressing their own views as much as they are trying to shut down speech so the status quo can continue unimpeded.

There are people who think South Park is racist, for example, even though the show's creators are vehement critics of racism.

Explain to a dummy what these terms mean? Ayn as in Rand, I guess.

I kinda' think they don't just do it to preserve the status quo, since many of them are too small-potatoes to benefit from that, though the people big enough to benefit from the status quo encourage them for that reason. I think the reason most midlevel PC weenies do it is for their own personal benefit, by vacuously virtue signaling for PC points.

Free trade advocates, and (Ayn Rand-inspired) anarcho-capitalists. In other words, open borders, unrestricted trade, unregulated industry, small weak government.

The only thing that indicacted as that you're a probably a redditer if you think anything in his post indicated that he was from Holla Forums. What next are you gonna call someone a homophobe for using fag on an imageboard. The example he gave was entirely appropriate.

This social cred is how they benefit though. They are usually well off and lack experience with hardship.

Ah, thanks user.

le reddit meme. Don't overuse it.


Trump really has no idea the kind of people meme-magiking him to office does he?

Hillary has run a dishonest, condescending attack campaign constantly informed by the distraction of identity politics and characterized by straw men, false flags, and outright lies.

What are you, some sort of mass organist?

Is this a word filter for woman hater?

Ha, I guess not. It has its own apparently. :)

But your chart doesn't show that at all. All it shows is that there is a correlation between (support for) Trump and (people being) dicks.


None of that shit is helping the poor or the middle class. It's just meaningless "feel good" crap.

Honestly this is how I feel about the bathroom crap going on in some states right now. They keep people occupied with that trivial bullshit while we have actual issues to worry about which aren't being addressed.

If I were transgender, I'd use the regular bathrooms, and speak out about how this is just a distraction. Bathroom preference or slave wage labor - which is more pressing?

Why not both? Why are these things posed as mutually exclusive? The answer to this question seems to reveal more about the answerer than it does the answer.

My point is one issue is much bigger, more pressing & important. Or is this a shitpost?

Why even ask.

Bathrooms shouldn't discriminate period. The only reason we even have gendered bathrooms in the first place is because women demanded them. We gave in then and it was a mistake.

I realized that defeated the purpose after I posted.

I know what your point was. I'm asking you "why not both?" because…

Seems to be implying that transgendered people don't already conform to regular society for fear of being labeled a sexual miscreant and a harasser.

So, please answer the question:

Why not both?


Holla Forums ought to be named /socialistpol/ so that we can discourage freedom of expression

You've never set foot in a humanities department.


The authors twitter feed is pure cancer
also, he apparently used to be a lolbert and was a Ron Paul delegate in '08, so its not really surprising

They directly attack objectivity, science, and reason as inherently europhalloheterociswhatevercentric institutions that must be torn down. They're like a virus converting cells within the academy into propagators of its own destruction, having no value nor place within it.

Albert Einstein was a fan of Sanic.

Is e=mc2 a sexed question?


You're full of shit then.

Pomo/crittheory is 10% of what is taught at liberal arts schools. Did you forget the other 6000 years of humanities readings you have to get through first?

You only find super strong pomo in classes set up to teach pomo. Even most women's studies classes at decent universities have you read smith and Wollstonecraft first.


there are literally black and brown people in the background of the pic she used.

I told you bout them white women leftypol

none detected


The ones treated like old Looney Tunes, either swathed in "critique" and "commentary" about how excellent they are before you're allowed to see them, or simply outright banned as primary texts, leaving nothing but heaps of said 3rd-hand blather and maybe a few out-of-context quotes?

What happened to The Nation? First Daily Kos and AlterNet, then NPR, and now this.

Again, you have very obviously never set foot in a humanities department. You are regurgitating memes spread by Holla Forums to discredit all those who disagree with them.

And that's not even all of them. I have basically removed all of my bookmarked news sources during this primary, because not one of them wasn't engaging in pro-Clinton propaganda.


I've just resorted to sipping right off wire services like AP and Reuters, though even that has a lot of idpol fluff cluttering it.

She got blown the fuck out by Bruenig, which was pretty good.

Epic meme dude
Feel free to fuck off


I think even they propagated the lie about the violence about the Nevada convention though, didn't they?

"More Democrats urged Sanders on Wednesday to take a stronger stand against his supporters' uprising in Nevada over the delegate selection process. They said he did not go far enough in condemning the unrest, which included a thrown chair, yelling and threats to convention leaders."

Reuters seems only slightly more tolerable, but both are shit for reporting falsities like this.

Are you from Holla Forums?

I actually went to a liberals arts college. I read more plato than all the pomo put together.

You're arguing that I can't argue with you unless I donate money (just my own or the taxpayers' in general) to the cult, attend their sermons, participate in their masses, and buy their sacred liturgy.


Also, from the same search engine results:

Noooo! Is nothing safe!?

In fact classes with pomo had prerequisites that required you to have at least a year of other philosophy under your belt.

Interaction of Color
On Painting
Balzac, “Unk
nown Masterpiece”
Learning to Listen
Kafka, “A Hunger Artist”
Plato, “Ion”
Learning to Look
Lives of the Artists
Art by Cézanne, Picasso, da Vinci and others
Music by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and other

Norton Anthology of Poetry
Oedipus Rex, Antigone
Brothers Karamazov
O’Connor, short stories
Waiting for Godo

copy paste from the catalog

this is the humanities 1 and 2 reading lists.

read a book Holla Forumsyp

Not him, but I'm just happy to know they still teach philosophy in college. I never went, so I wouldn't know.

What about high school(in US)? Do they still teach philosophy or make you read classics? I didn't finish high school either. I would've graduated in '05. My sister finished, but I don't remember her reading too much. Math was her thing.

Yeah, MotherJones has been extremely rough on Bernie during the elections. Very disappointing.

Yes. Mostly just basic stuff. Plato.

Me neither comrade.

The truest, purest proletariat

Very good to know they do.

You didn't finish high school? Got your GED, then? I did as well, but as far as jobs go, it's not really worth the paper it's printed on.

I take that as a compliment. :)

I dropped out of HS during my second year of ninth grade, actually. Times were rough. Many people say they wouldn't change the experiences they went through because of what it made them. I say I'd like to change some of them, lmao, but it did make me stronger & realize just how fucked our government was while very young.

It was meant as one.

Cool :)

yep at 22. Doesn't matter though because I manage 20 or so people with bachelors


Rock on, user!

Plato was obviously a proto-SJW you fucking CUCK

It really irks me how that WEBM ends before the line in the song finishes

Check your cave muh privilege!

no bully pls ;_;


He's too badass to let the verse finish.

But this guy is exponentially cooler. He just goes with the flow.

What's wrong with any of that?

or is that the point?

The fedoraflag believes that liberal arts is 100% sjw central and need to be purged from the american educational system.

Ah, right, I kind skimmed over that really gay argument, so thanks.

No prob comrade. I believe very strongly in a liberal arts education. It is a shame that alt-right arguments are so common on here.

Exactly. The corporate media continues to push non-news and sensationalism; distractions from reality.

Sorry you had to witness all of that, user..

I think he was referring to a hypothetical journalist, not himself

Oh.. that would explain the human flesh bit

Hurry up already

What are the chances we'll ever see Hillary's transcripts?

About the same chance of seeing Romney's tax returns.

she's looking into it you impatient shitIord

Looks like the DNC are going to human sacrifice Debbie Wasserman Schultz to try and stop the bernie revolt

No way it has anything to do with policy disagreement. No no, the problem is with Debbie, it's not systematic.

Someone link this shithead this Jacobin article.

>even Reuters gets this wrong
Are there no heroes left in journalism?

And wholly unsurprising. It's a feminist clickbait rag, the fuck were you expecting?

It seems that way, I just don't think it was always like that, which is what I meant. I remember when they broke that Romney hidden video a while back, so I figured maybe they cared about journalism. Obviously not anymore.

She'll be their fall-woman until the heat dies down then either quietly reabsorb her into the party apparatus or she'll get a cushy job in some affiliated organization/corporation as she lives out her party-arranged mea culpa.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz from almost exactly a year go:

A great contrast to how she's talking, now. You can really tell how nervous the establishment is, from this.

Richard Charnin
May 19, 2016

12 of 26 exit polls exceeded the margin of error, 11 for Sanders.
The probability is 1 in 8.3 billion.

24 of 26 exit polls shifted to Clinton in the vote.
The probability is 1 in 190,000.



P =1 in 6.7 billion if we assume a 2% MoE in a poll of 90,000 respondents
P= 1.49E-10= normdist (0.559,0.633,0.02/1.96,false) .




Riot in Philly. I wish I were back at home, I'd be there. The media won't cover any of these discrepancies(to put it lightly) or even the fact they suspended exit polling in those 3 recent states, including my own(KY).

I checked Facebook for the first time in months, the day before, of & after our election. I wanted to get an idea of how people were voting. I have democrat, independent & republican friends/family. Sanders was the clear favorite. Even older friends who value party unity were for Sanders. It doesn't add up, either. I know it's anecdotal, but it counts for something.

Wait, what, really?

No, no. I mean during the Dem convention, we should riot. my bad

Any anons want to meet up in Philly July 25-27 for a big summertime bash? We're gonna party like it's 1968!

Don't forget to bring cocktails!

Nah, it's cool, I just hadn't heard anything like that and with the current media atmosphere it wouldn't surprise me if there had been riots that went completely unreported. Thanks for the clarification though.

We should roast some pigs and make it a real luau :^D

Damn it, user, don't make me feel worse for not being able to be there! DDD:

That's really a great idea. I'll remember to bring it up again later in this thread, just in case, when the time gets close. We'll probably devote a thread just for that. I'm guessing you could get a good amount of people from here to join you.

Also, you could check in at reddit, maybe, on SanderforPresident. There's likely going to be a get together with them, I'm sure. It would be wise of them! Just in case you can't find enough here that would be in the Philly area or traveling there. Holla Forums only would be nicer, I think tho

every fucking Shilizza article's comment section is like this. every single one. please fucking kill me
On the bright side, I think the shill operation is being wound down. Less rabidly negative articles are appearing and comment section shilling is restricted to the Bezos-owned Washington Post (and Bezos is friends with Hillary). Hell, he even got their entire editorial board to shit on him in an article published in January.

Hopefully we won't have to go to the convention and demonstrate because Hillary will be indicted by then, it's clear that the FBI is waiting for the voting to conclude, they said they were wrapping up the investigation like a month ago.

Failing that, I can't go, I'll be in a summer program. SandersForPresident is already talking about it and has already gotten tens of thousands of people to commit to being there. They're calling it the Million Man March. If we break 600,000 it'd be the largest protest in US history. 1968 only had about a couple thousand, I think.

While part of that was just me trying to be funny I definitely need to get off from work and head down there. Fuck these Clintonite bastards.

I just realised that Trump is a real-life tripfag:

Donald Trump is a human meme

Reminder that we could have information regarding the investigation


I need to find the mango that second girl is from cuz damn

That's not the criminal case (there isn't one yet), that's the Judicial Watch civil case. Judicial Watch seems to have a bit of conservative bias but they're a fairly solid organization. Even if the DOJ rejects the FBI's recommendation (or the FBI doesn't recommend) this case could put a huge dent in her ahead of the convention. I have faith in them to bring Hillary to justice, bonus points if the DOJ decides to as well.

I'm offended.

Sanders says he's backing DNC chair's primary opponent, wouldn't reappoint her to DNC


Do you really? When has anyone in the executive branch ever been brought to justice?

Some fucking shitheel in my paper today was talking about how hatred for this piece of shit is somehow evidence of a broader sexist agenda on the Sanders side.

As usual, identity politics plays its part in the reactionary obfuscation of reality.

meme candidate super #1 best guy

Nixon. Clinton. Almost Jackson.


It never fails. Speaking of, if I can be slightly off topic, I sincerely hope idpol doesn't take over here. It's been one of the few places of slight sanity left for me.

Pardoned by Ford immediately after.

Didn't happen.

Almost but not quite.

Please, don't ask me why I was watching this, but at 20:17, Sargon basically endorses Trump:

You are no kind of leftist, Sargon. He specifically gives the vid related reasoning.

I really hope he feels sincere embarrassment about this at some point

Oh, he will. He did a Trump vs. Sanders video some months back and said he's vote for Sanders. The fallout in the comment section was hilarious, in a bad way. I think this is a combo of ignorance and wanting to not lose his userbase.

It seems he pushes the "regressive left" idea too hard, making it seem like there are actually no true progressives. Of course there are regressives(idpol), but he should do a better job of highlighting genuine, not insane progressives.

Nixon resigned before the impeachment proceedings actually got anywhere, though.
Ford pardoned him, but not for any one specific thing.

If Trump wins, it could also be a good thing.

People keep yelling muh wall, but by doing so, they completely ignore everything else he stands for.
Under Trump, NEET lyfe will become hard to impossible. This could shift the internet in general and the chans in particular to the left again.



What's hilarious is that if Trump actually built his goddamn wall and made Mexico pay for it it would only made illegal immigration WORSE.

These people are fucking stupid.

I tend to agree with Trump on a few things. This politically correct bullshit and sjw bullshit is annoying.
Should I vote Trump? A few years of Trump memes sounds a little hilarious tbh

Are you implying he won't cut social spendings?
Are you implying there won't be unwanted job shortages, now that illegal immigrants are outlawed?

I'm still curious how he wants to force Mexico to pay for the wall?
Last time, some country tried to force them pay for something, said country got BTFO and their king was forced to retire.

Weak sauce.

>>>Holla Forums

The only two good things about Trump, is he even fucking does them at all, is killing TPP and maybe also killing idpol.

He says he'll cut all trade with them if they refuse or something.

I might just not vote, idk, I really don't want to choose Trump or Hillary.

Vote for Basiago


No, seriously, how?

Capitalism needs NEETs to have a threat for workers.
Unless you go full gulag and force labor to build your wall…


No man, he's a meme-spouting shitposter. None of the shit he's proposing is anything new. Hell, his campaign slogan was basically stolen from Reagan. The whole wall on the border thing is years old; didn't Herman Cain joke about having one with a moat filled with crocodiles? Same thing with all his bullshit about muslims.

Donald Trump is the 9gag of politics.

Cut social spendings.
They no longer can afford internet
Do shitty jobs
No longer able to shitpost on the internet, because too busy or too tired

Some parents may try to support them, but they will not be able to do so all 4 years.
It will be a steady decline.

hi im not really into politics, is bernie going to win?

Lmao, I think we're being epic raided again guise

Look man you do have a point but that was then and this is now. If Bill and Hillary both manage to evade justice their name will be tainted forever, and that in itself is its own justice. In fact I think Hillary would have a much worse time facing the backlash of her actions than if she went to jail while people calmed down.

Am I the only one who thinks the petition is fucking stupid? What exactly constitutes a "social justice" course? It's not as simple as subject matter. You can make an anthropology course social justice or a class that reads "The New Jim Crow" (which is a really shitty book filled with ideological tripe) a very good course. Is Sargon actually this stupid? Why does Goobyglab worship him? I remember when he first started rolling out he seemed OK.
Also the fuckboy in the video pisses me off. You don't elect someone to the most important job in the world because you like their memes or to send a message. Does he actually trust Trump with the nuclear codes?

Stopped reading there faggot

The hard part is getting the nomination, but it sure seems like it.

No, but communism will.

You can not run away from reality forever.

Cutting social spending is a horrible idea.
/r/ing the Li'l Reactionary strips.


I know it is.

Case in point

I swear if Trump just adopted a Medicare-for-all plan and a minimum wage raise after the Republican primary, he could tack to the left of Hillary on foreign policy and then sweep the election with the left-national-populists on board with the right-populist he already has with his immigration rhetoric.

But of course he won't do that, that'd require him to challenge the Republican orthodoxy he's getting more involved in.

lol that's basically how Trump supporters are toward Bernie supporters. The average Bernie supporter is pretty indifferent to Trump (the hard-line supporters aren't), but the average Trump supporter is like "go away you violent socialist thugs, you aren't on our side".

I don't anticipate him holding against TPP in the slightest. It's simply not in his own interests.

We don't?

You realize I know who you are right? You're the same faggot always bashing me for being a tripfag. Nobody else cares. Give it up faggot.

I've said it once and I'll say it again- I only use a trip because BO won't add a PR flag. Suck my underage dick and fuck off, mate.

That's slightly inaccurate, the GOP has never even pretended to give a shit about the poor.

Well he was a pretty big deal when I was involved.

Why do you need a trip if you just want a flag, why not just namefag

sasuga tripfag-kun

why do you resolve in babby language, when you don't like something.
Genuine question, because this makes you look retarded and I can't take you guys serious because of this.


"Bernie Sanders Interview ABC "This Week" FULL interview Sanders on a Rigged Election 5/21/2016"

Sanders did very well in this interview. I haven't watched the panel discussion afterwards yet, but in the interview itself Sanders took great advantage to push his message again without being caught up with BS questions. He always handles these questions just how you'd want a politician to.

I really love this guy.

You guys? YOU GUYS?



Talking like a retard is not how you get on top of the media.
This means you got on top with a lot of money. It's impossible for them to earn this amount of money through hard work, which means, they inherited that money, which in turn means they are ultra muh privileged and have no business in the SJ business, because honest SJWs would put them last on the progressive stack.
But the don't, which makes them dishonest.


Because if I'm going half retard I might as well go full retard.
Actually, it was initially so people know who I am and don't confuse me with some false-flagging shitposter which I think has probably happened by now, thanks for reminding me.

He always has the same way of typing and extremely brief and shitty posts.

NEET. Thanks for sharing.

It's called irony.

Unlike yours?

That's right, my posts are of the tippy-toppest quality and have been peer-reviewed and vetted by other qualityposters. I have a very good process in this.

Ah, leave Lares guy alone. I certainly don't mind.

Apparently Hillary agreed way back to participate in a California debate in May. I wasn't aware of this. She needs to keep her promise. I know, I know, Hillary & promises.. Eh.

If bernie wins in california and trumps polls keep going up against Hillary, it will make her look like a baby back bitch and work in bernies favor.

And that's precisely why they cancelled the exit polls.

Just saying, Zizek said he was a Bernie "supporter" at Left Forum today
Bernie Sanders supporters sue to have California's voter registration extended until election day

do we have video yet?

I really wish Bernie would stop referring to himself in the third person, preferably before the media finally picks up on it and uses it as the next meme-y smear tactic.


Does he?

Well, I've done it. I've set the bait for a meeting with NATHAN_RED_SPENCER.


Some asshole from /r/enoughsandersspam/

Liberals are too scared to just call them "gamergays" because "muh homophobic triggering language".

Although in most situations I normally wouldn't, for the time being I support the anti-immigration white given the current situation. I want a White Europe but if our current immigration crisis continues in 10 or 20 years there may not even be a white race to build a White Europe. My support in this presidential election goes to Donald Trump because although he's still a neoliberal cuck his proposed immigration policies can stop nonwhites from coming to the US and irrelevant shiting.


"idpol > leftism"

You really think so?

Just like the rest of Holla Forums, being wreathed in expletives, porn, gore, and swastikas (in our case tankies) is our best defense against newfags who refuse to lurk, shed their delicate butthurt-prone sensibilities, and assimilate as human beings capable of carrying on an authentic conversation without a fainting couch.

Trump has waffled back and forth on whether or not he'll pump up LEGAL immigration quotas after stamping out (already borderline irrelevant in comparison) criminal aliens. Since practically nobody on either side is making a commonly discussed political issue (though Bernie has been pretty consistantly anti-immigration, but on the DL, since that's not PC to the worthless hipsters that make up a lot of his supporters) out of legal immigration, Trump could easily get away with it, and the neolibs on both sides wouldn't raise any kind of fuss.

I can always hope, though.

Probably not, unless he demands recounts, which would probably go pretty easy, since the electoral fraud is so blatant.

1. Do your lectures or course materials contain naked political propaganda or hate speech excused by paper-thin PC ideology?
2. If so, you're all suspended. If you can't restrain yourself, you're fired and blackballed.
3. Start fresh!

Basically the same "standard" that's supposed to apply to everyone.

It doesn't even have to be Medicare-for-all, many of the "socialized medicine" systems around the world are actually 100% private, but functionally identical to single-payer for the consumer. Our "system's" problem is that we DON'T HAVE a system.

every time you post you prove that tripfags are nothing but pole smoking faggots that should lobotomize themselves with a rusty screwdriver

kill yourself you sixteen year old anal leakage

I wish Hillary would just drop dead on live television tbh

Oh man, right? Like from a brain aneurysm or something? Just, BAM, lights out. The only thing sweeter would be if she were struck by lightning or a sniper's bullet.


Compare it to Sanders versus Trump

This is why pundits & her campaign(one in the same, tbh) are losing their shit on TV, begging Bernie to drop out.

Seriously, anyone other than Hillary supporters buy that bullshit? They're basically asserting she's a weak ass candidate who can't take her record being made public. Fucking awesome, to see Trump overtake her, and at least a month before the convention!

Pundits last night(after Bernie interview) talking about how favorability polls basically just continue to go down; rarely do they go back up. They also said that "attacking a popular candidate(though they didn't just say Bernie) statistically makes your favorability go down".

I'm loving this.

.A King Joffrey type death would be satisfying.

I wonder if the DNC "we can change our minds whenever because fuck you" delegates realize that a whole fucking lot of people will get comfortable with the Democratic Party if they just fucking let Sanders have the nomination.

Even from a purely selfish perspective, it's a conflict of interest. Clinton is a bribe money singularity, but her sheer unpopularity makes her suicidal in a match with a populist idiot that is effectively immune to criticism.

Thoughts? Shitting on bernie goes from 6:40 to 7:15 and 12:40 to the end

That's a good point. They keep doing really stupid things. Things that further alienate people & just prove Bernie & his supporter's [legitimate] complaints.

They keep going negative, as if they don't realize that will hurt them, as you said, even just purely from a selfish standpoint.

The only people who support Hillary are old white cat ladies and black people who vote for who their pastor tells them to vote for.
I think she might lose some cat lady votes when trump starts styling on her about how bill was friends and frequently rode on Jeffrey Epsteins pedo plane
or that time bill stuck a cigar up a womens cunt.
Or that time he cheated on Hillary.
or how he signed nafta into law and ruined the lives of the working class.
Or how hillary voted for the iraq war.
Or how hillary ruined libya and made it a safe haven for isis.
Or how hillary got caught on tape laughing at an underage rape victim when she was a lawyer

Meanwhile the lib medias only line of attack on trump is REEEEEEEEEEEEE HES HITLER!!!!!!!REEEEEEE

I never liked that guy. No idea how he got his own show.

The segment was a tad bit more balanced than many on MSM, but that's not saying much. Those Politico & The Washington Post articles they cite are completely full of shit. And he can fuck himself with that ending.

For those that don't know, Jeffrey Epstein is a billionaire with his own island in the Caribbean where he flies the rich and powerful to have sex with his underage prostitutes. Bill Clinton went something like fourteen times and sometimes even ditched his security detail to do so.

Uh oh, user.. What did you do?

I remember "Poor Nathan", lmao. He deserves a good shit kicking, but what's going on?

if you berntards weren't retarded you would have been spamming the shit out of that little info to ruin shillary cred with women, her husband is litttrly friends with a guy that had a rape island.
Too late now you beta fucks

It would make us come off as conspiracy nuts.

Also, Clinton is not her husband. It is much better to actually attack her on policy though.

You don't need to be worried though, Hillary is a horrible canddidate, so it's probably going to be Trump who wins the presidency.

this is why you fuckers are losing, unwilling to fight dirty, clintons fight dirty how hard is it to make pic related and caption it with "ask me about the rape island"

>>>Holla Forums
And take your shitty memes with you.

In the beginning, Sanders got his huge following just because he doesn't fight dirty. The election was rigged & stacked against him, anyway, but Hillary would've gotten popular support if the only woman in the race was being attacked by two "mean old men".

Hillary's policy & actions are enough for her to lose. And Sanders actually has more female voters on his side. You wouldn't know that if you only watched MSM, though.

Sanders is going harder, now. At least our convention will be much more fun than yours. :^)

Pretty much all that will happen

This is just silly. Most are hard working, nine to fivers who are against corruption & the wealthy/establishment fucking us for too long.

That's like the retarded talking point that Sanders supporters are just college kid regressives. Not at all the case. He has most independents, and I'm sure some republicans as well, who don't want to settle for Trump.

I predict much more will happen there. Nevada was extremely small scale, and you saw how pissed the people were. This shit is building, and I hope it explodes & burns the DNC down to the ground.


Pretty much how the "liberal" media will try to report it as.
Fixed that for you.

hahahah what the fuck? does he actually use that gay Egyptian shit as a video intro?

Hey now, I'm sure someone worked very hard on that. :^)

And yeah, he does.

Sargon is proof atheist can be spooked too.

don't wanna defend the fag but he once said America needs a bit of socialism when defending Bernie

Yeah.. but then he said he'd vote for Trump to "stick in Vox's craw".

Panorama shot of Bernie's rally in Irvine, Cali.

He also said he's a libertarian

raise you're hand if you're surprised.

So… Corporate rule with a strong state?
Sounds like absolute utter hell.

There's a confirmed 50k+ already, with 5 different permits approved by Philadelphia. One organized by "Black Men for Bernie". They aren't hippies.

Late to the party, as usual.

Yah Brah. Look at it this way, we need about 529 delegates to win and there's over 784 left. That's about 67.5% of the remaining. Polling in California is limited but we're expected to take it by huge margins, the question is how huge. The goal as always is non-viable but there's no way to tell. We are expected to win everywhere except maybe New Jersey and DC, which only has 20 delegates. We already recognize how important New Jersey, California and Puerto Rico are and have phoneshills and fundraisers on the job.

The problem is how subjective that definition is.

Look man hey broski check it out dude but uh look here bromigo I think that uh fam you should friend maybe chum cool it a little hey pally bum buddy I think that's something we can all agree on right compadre like uh I'm not sure you've noticed but nobody cares even half as much as you do like you wouldn't want anyone to come to the conclusion that you suffer from severe autism now would you that would be bad especially for you but also for everyone else cause autists aren't liked around here so uh if you weren't so sore about it that'd be great alright

"Give 'Em A Hernie" Bernie is actually leading with every demographic under 45 except Blacks between 35 and 45. It's different lead sizes but he's winning with all but one working class demographic, and I think that one is close.

Libertarians are fairly woke, they just need to be declasscucked. They're already deeverythingelsecucked for the most part.

Make no mistake, if Bernie wins pledged delegates and the superdelegates don't care there will be fucking nationwide riots and Bernie will have a full license to run as a Green. Every route is looking more and more to being an inevitable Bernie win.

No, but apparently there were massive walkouts due to his stance on refugees and racism. People were passing out flyers w racist sounding stuff he said. If you check twitter zizek tag it's everywhere. I feel bad, IMO he doesn't worry about PC and just doesn't care if he is misinterpreted. but idk

Primary rules and voter registration deadlines are public information.

So how in the fuck did we let it get to this?

This is only tangentially related to American politics but I had this tab open, so hey. This white twink just tried to explain to me that this Mexican-themed movie called The Book of Life is racist (probably because it indulges in stereotypes and has fun with them instead of trying to refute them), you know, even though its director is Mexican, two of its four producers are Mexican, one of its two writers is Mexican, the score was done by a Mexican, most of the cast is Mexican, and the person telling me I should be offended by it isn't Hispanic or Mexican and I haven't seen basically ANY Hispanics be offended by this movie, in fact even on Tumblr they were hyping this movie.

It's a consistent pattern I've noticed, Hispanic people are among the least likely to cry racism. First are Whites and second are Blacks. BLACKS ARE SECOND. Do you understand how grave the situation is here?

When I explained the above to him, he was like, "I'm not going to get into this discussion." and I was like, "You better not, bitch." I bet he STILL thinks the movie is racist because "internalized racism" and "cultural appropriation" and whatnot.

For the record, Speedy Gonzales is a fucking icon in Mexico. We don't bore ourselves with idpol shit.

I'm so fucking mad.

I'm thinking of putting ~€200 on Trump and donating the winnings to Rojova.

What'cha think LP? Should I do it?

no (ok well maybe)
look Trump winning doesn't look likely as long as Sanders is still in the race.

But most polls show Trump behind by only a few points. I believe he's leading in one too.

If Bernie gets the nomination then I obviously wouldn't bet on Trump but that doesn't seem likely.

The odds favour Clinton but don't the polls don't reflect that. Seems like a good deal..

What if she gets indited? What if her speeches are leaked? Trump has so much ammunition against Hillary it's starting to look pretty dire. At least some (minor) good will come out of it.

The media is only framing it as unlikely. Like I've said above, the chances of her being indicted are pretty high and failing that he only needs 68% of the popular vote to win from here on out. In California, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota it should be very, very easy to make that, and these states have a total of 534 delegates. In the rest it should be fairly easy too. Puerto Rico has 60 delegates and it wants nothing to do with Shill. Worst case scenario is that he will end the voting season closer to Hillary than she was to Obama.


Hillary's just a weak candidate. Blowing huge leads is what she does - did it against Obama, almost did it against Sanders, and should she hold on I don't see how, even given present polling, she gets past Trump.

There aren't enough status quo conservatives and idpol college students in the country to win a presidential election alone, and most of the country isn't nearly as afraid of Trump as the far-left is.

And Hillary isn't even all that distinct from Trump politically - it's hard to turn a democrat who voted lockstep with Bush on civil liberties issues into a standard-bearer against fascism!

Honestly, I'm voting third party, probably for Jerry White of the SEP, barring an independent run by Sanders or something else big that shakes up the race. We get Trumpism either way; at least this way I can say I voted against it.

Forgive me as I'm not familiar with the US election process but aren't the super delegates loyal to Hillary? Are those states you listed open primaries?

I don't know, from what I've seen the best chances of Trump losing would be from someone like Gary Johnson running as third party and taking away Trump votes. Trump's popularity has only been rising, similarly with Bernie (which is too little too late) all the while Clinton's has only been falling.

Yep, that's why he's so likely to win them. California registration is legendary.

No, superdelegates don't have any obligation to vote for who they've committed to. We don't see much of what goes on behind the scenes but I imagine the Hillary Victory Fund ending up being a funnel scheme has at least many of them fucking livid, and if Sanders wins a majority of pledged delegates they have no excuse or reason to make excuses.

Gary Johnson isn't going anywhere as polling and such shows because Gary Johnson is a fucking idiot and libertarians are in a precious minority of Americans. Not so much politically active Americans, but the electorate isn't mostly politically active.


He's still trailing behind in polls, let alone getting 68% of the popular vote. I'd love to be proven wrong but It seems unlikely.

Well it depends on who gets the nomination for the Libertarian party but It's possible they'll get their nominee on all 50 state ballots, given Hillary+Trump are the most unpopular candidates in the history of the US elections, I wouldn't count the Libertarians out as a force on deciding whether Trump or Clinton wins.

I'll be watching the elections closely, but as far as betting goes (which was what I was asking about) Trump could bring in a considerable amount of cash which would be put to good use to fund Rojova's agriculture or their fight against ISIS.

Those polls are from a month ago. Bernie climbs tens of points in weeks. He will get much more than 68%, quote me. Oregon will probably end up at something like 64% when all is said and done and that state is CLOSED.

Anyone got that screenshot of the r/enoughsandersspam with the Correct the Record banner? Someone doesn't believe it, or wants me to prove it, lmao. It would be helpful.

I wouldn't conclude much from that. Correct The Record is an ebin may may for them because they think that everything is dandy and nothing as fucked up as Correct The Record would actually happen.

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself
'I'm not with her': why women are weary of Hillary Clinton

Look man hey broski check it out dude but uh look here bromigo I think that uh fam you should friend maybe chum cool it a little hey pally bum buddy I think that's something we can all agree on right compadre like uh I'm not sure you've noticed but nobody cares even half as much as you do like you wouldn't want anyone to come to the conclusion that you suffer from severe autism now would you that would be bad especially for you but also for everyone else cause autists aren't liked around here so uh if you weren't so sore about it that'd be great alright


you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Hey uh buddy chum pal I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to tell you this duder but now would be a great time to cut it out and if i'm quite honest i'm starting to get a little heated up and worn out my dude because as you can see nobody else cares see you're wasting oxygen because nobody cares so now would be a good time to stop and uh think about the environment hey friendo?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's someone just trying to troll. At this point, it's so well known in s4p that it's almost conspiracy not to think it's real.

Stop posting.

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Have you considered that there are more important things in life than policing peoples' usage of features on a Bhutanese theater imageboard run by a lolbertarian cripple? Holy fuck, I don't spend as much energy on anything as you retards are on this insignificant shit. If you have a problem with my name get BO to add a PR flag. You're wasting space. This is the last time I'm going to reply to you idiots because apparently my last couple of posts telling you you weren't going to get anywhere with that weren't good enough. It seems like you idiots have HPD.

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Makes sense. If I were a woman I would want a role model to be the first woman president, not a criminal.

Stop posting.

Hide, ignore, do not reply and report.

Based FDR
Literally everything about this speech could be applied to 2016.

Is he trying to discretely say he will run as a independent?


Trots go away.

oh wait I forgot I was in the Bernie general my bad

I don't know if this is worth mentioning but Bernie is talking about more worker ownership in this tweet.

reddit-tier post my man


oh no don't call me a redditer hissssssss it burrrrns

i don't know what the fuck you're ineptly trying to argue but it's possible to appreciate the gains made by labor under roosevelt without resorting to worshiping the figure of who is ultimately your class enemy

I don't agree with you about reformists, but that's funny, lmao


Well posted, my redditor friend

glad u had a chuckle m8



But for real. Hillary isn't good for women. Her presidency wouldn't create the pathways for more women to enter leadership positions, except for those in the oil, coal, and natural gas industry and in Wall Street conference rooms.

Women are the majority of minimum wage workers, the majority of college graduates, and the majority of those living in poverty. LBR, Bernie's policies aren't what poor people really need, but at least he's kind of trying to help them, whereas she only pretends to until it comes down to actually doing something of substance.

Furthermore, while civilian men and boys are killed, tortured, and imprisoned more often than women during armed conflict, women and girls face still face their own set of struggles in times of war. Displaced women and girls and vulnerable to sex trafficking, rape is common in refugee camps, widows struggle to financially provide for themselves and their family. It also would not surprise me if domestic abuse increased during war since people are stressed the fuck out and may not know how to handle it, especially if they lose their friends and family who could otherwise help them cope more healthily. With rape, women and girls can become pregnant or be infected with STI's like HIV. And while they're not killed as often as men and boys, death is still a highly present threat. Specific incidences of female victimhood in war include the Nanking massacre, the gang rape and murder of 14 year old Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi by American soldiers, Japan's "comfort women", the My Lai Massacre, and the gang rape and murder of Phan Thi Mao by American soldiers.

Clinton has even acknowledged female suffering in war, but that doesn't stop her from being a war hawk. It's almost like she prioritizes women when it's politically expedient and throws them under the bus when it's profitable.

While I was trying to find the Iraqi girl's name, I saw a photo, I believe, of the "aftermath" of her murder and became overwhelmed with heartbreak and nausea. This is exactly the kinda shit Clinton knows happens in imperialist wars but she doesn't let it phase her ardent support of them. Bernie's no saint either, but Clinton is a full-on neocon. But yes, tell me how great she is for women, especially women of color. :^) Fucking Christ I hate her, everyone else like her, and their allies in the media.

le upvoted XD

I don't know who this cat is, but I want more.

Share rare kittyz if you got 'em, pls

Also, the coup in Honduras she supported is militantly anti-choice. Honduras wasn't some haven for women's autonomy before the coup, but Zelaya did veto anti-choice legislation. One day after the coup, the new government banned all forms of emergency contraception. Imagine going to jail for taking the morning after pill. Or, like, using a condom. But #I'mWithHer because #She'sWithUs. (I realize the original article was slamming Hillary for being hypocritical, but people who don't just get me so heated.)


Ah, that's where it's from :DDD I even have the webm. I don't know why it makes me so happy.

thanks for rare kittyz

Cooperatives are part of his platform. And they're probably the most realistic approach to socialism. Get people used to employee ownership and they'll see how much better that is.


user, pls.


The Democrats lost in 2000 because of the Supreme Court and other anti-democratic fuckery, not the Green Party. This meme exists solely to keep people in the Democratic Party.


I suggested he take another set of pictures of the campaign office in my area. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do; while part of me wanted to confront him, another part of me wanted to create an anti-Clinton mural.

is revolution

At the rally in SM.

How are things there?

The line is all the way around the street corner and up the hill.

It keeps getting longer.

Post proof you're really there.
Timestamp with boardname.

also sharpie in bum, pls

Haven't got any paper. Tell me something to take a picture of.

sharpie in bum :^)

You with a clenched fist.

your dick

write "hi Holla Forums" on your dick



kidding. Cool thing. How's the mood there?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Wow, way to misgender him sinner. Did you even ask him what his preferred pronouns are?

How long have you been in line

About 20 minutes. But I'm at the back.

There are a lot of people wearing a lot of Bernie gear.

Uhhh yeah.. Nice hand. Now show elbow.


Are you cute? :3


Kek, is that you?
Nice shirt!

Nope, just a passerby.

Awesome shirt



More Sanderista cuties.

O hai dere



That post from before is actually me, a different user :* And I'm a girl so maybe it's less faggy, now that you know

hai.. I think the one of the left is cuter, but that's probably because of the make up.

And there are a couple of chicks that post here that I've seen, so I'm not special or anything


To me you're very special. You guys all are :3

Where is the building on the second picture at?

Noone is special.
Yet, everyone is special.

am not

I'm a girl too and I type the same way, but really it wouldn't bother me if guys did it too.

first pic?


have to ask, cuz chan

I was the one who did the smiley.

I don't know, It's just something I do and honestly I don't care if it seems girly.


It was handed out.

Are these guys leftcoms or something?

Most girls are actually fags though

Awwwwww, thanks user I was just thinking the other day how much I appreciate everyone here. Makes ya feel like you have friends. ;) I posted that Cartman webm yesterday or the day before.

My friend's mom used to tell me, "Now, remember.. You're unique! Just like everyone else!"

Fuck yeah :D It's like a rare breed surfaces when we see another girl post, lmao. And that's one thing I like about this board, people don't care if you say "lol, lmao" or give corny smileys sometimes.


Why is that guy holding a leaflet that says "Mass Suicide"?
And the other with on that says Sodom?

Lmao, we just got a crazy conspiracist one about like the fuckin pope and JFK assassination.

Lawrence, KS rally, if anyone else was there. Post pics if u still have it pls. It was wild.

You're welcome :)
Is that you with the sign.

Ur pretty qt

I-i-if you don't mind me saying so


There was an evangelist passing out flyers.

Fuck, that guy looks tough!
dat web 1.0

Oh, naw it's not me. Someone posted it in this thread a while back & I saved it; it was a great sign. :)

god bless them

Heard. If Bernie hasn't been through your state yet you should totally meet up with one just like it!

New poll out by SurveyUSA has Bernie behind in California.

Clinton 57 percent

Sanders 39 percent


People there are a little older than I though.

They're pretty average, normal people.

Aren't they a pretty shit pollster?

I don't really know, but five-thirty-eight is showing the same thing.

Fortunately Instagram exists so people assume that's why I'm asking to take pictures of them.



Uh, yeah? 538 aren't pollsters. They're just displaying the results of that poll.

kek, what do you tell them?

It'll be so depressing if that's true. Just the fact that millions of normal people would support her boggles my mind.

A good mix of high name recognition and low-information voters.

She laughed.

I just ask if I can take a picture.

marry her

She seems cute. You said "hijabi habibi"?

Anyways, pls marry her.

The low information voters I know don't even turn out for primaries. They'd have to be motivated to actually support Shillary over Sanders to even care about a primary.


what does that mean?

Kek, you rock.
Will you marry her?

Being afraid of Trump is enough for many low information voters, especially if they belong to a minority.

Habibi means "beloved".

So like, it means a cute arab or cute muslim.

Don't have a ring on me, unfortunately.


Tell her the internet has decided that you two have to go on a date after Bernie's speech. Also 1 more photo of her, plz

Do you want him to get arrested lad

At least get her number.

Tell her that you're under peer pressure.

Why not; here ya go. :) Pls no bully.

I'm the one who posts about India sometimes, that's mehendi on my hand.

That would be awesome; but I'm not at home right now. I wish I could be at the Philly convention, too, with a sign like that. She gets respect for that sign; it was perfect.

She said another picture would feel weird. Sorry. She seems pretty shy.

lal salam, comrade

[bullies you]

did you ask her out, tho?


That looks beautiful!
Ur indian or something?

Oh well there will be other chances! Thanks for timestamp :)

trips of success (if you ask her out)

Nah, I've got a crush in Argentina.

That's pretty funny though.

In argentina.
You're not in Argentina, fool ;)

user do you live in Flint Michigan? Do you have access to running water?

Because you seem thirsty as fuck


Are you the guy who said India's health care is super cheap and Americans are getting ripped off? Pretty generic statement, but if it was you, I remembered it and my friend whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from India and I chatted about it.


Thanks user! My soon to be mother in law did the design. I'm actually American(white, southern), just living in India.

Welcome, and see ya round. :)

I only drink male tears.

what does "thirsty" mean in meme-speak?

Oh, it can be fulfilled alright.

It means you're really desperate for romantic/sexual attention from someone specific who doesn't reciprocate. It's AAVE.

thirsty is a commonly used term used by melanin enhanced individuals meaning you're desperate for some fuck or a relationship

lust for human flesh

can you record .webm with your phone?

Desperate essentially


Das me. I had shit access to healthcare in the states, but here it's completely different. RX meds for pennies on the dollar.. and I don't need a prescription most times, either

The line wrapped around the whole block.

Guilty as charged.

Nah. But I do feel pretty lonely :(


We all are user

I'm sorry

More line.


Ditto. And I don't think it was thirsty, you were being genuinely nice, and I appreciate it.

Maybe us naughty anons can make you feel a little less lonely for a night

Jesus christ

that's socialism all right



I love you guys.
I live in bumfuck nowhere with a long shitty life of agricultural work in front of me, but you guys make me feel at home :3

I'm sorry if this is faggy in any way

Apparently he passes the place every day for work, so it's unlikely I'll be able to confront him (and I probably wouldn't want to anyway), but I will be able to leave him (and everyone else at /r/ess/) a little gift ;^)

She seemed like she was on to me when I asked.

It must include scat. Please.

This is a chan, we're all fags here.

Like… suspecious?

Also post some guys too


She's touching his butt

ilu2 lad/ss

something about her makes me smile

We love you, too

Where ya from, user?

Nah, something much more horrifying

Basically this image drawn up on the big concrete wall there along with a few links to some of the more damning comments on /r/ess/

I love you too user

Probably the bosom, you pervy wanker.

nah tiddies are nice but they don't give me the same feeling

How long have you been standing in line? How far would you estimate you are from the entrance (waiting time or distance)?

I was literally just talking about it two days ago, so it's just kinda nuts that you're here again. And are you one of the girls from earlier in this thread? Your hand seemed kind of feminine and I've never seen henna on anyone but a chick. I'm . If you're a dude, pretty hands are very nice on men….


They look very familiar

Almost two hours. We're very close now.


I hope you're not just saying that, I rely on channers to counteract my innate autism

Thank you guys :P

Central Europe. Pretty far out in the country-side. Right now I'm learning the ropes of organic farming because I realized that a carrer within mathematics and chemistry would simply would simply be a long life of doing labour I was adequate at but had no passion for whatsoever.

Hah! I like it!

Well, Trump face could use a little refinement, he looks like a simpsons character right now.
But the concept is great.

That sounds like a horrible strategy

I think benis poster got revved up, lmao

Oh, and Hillary placed Neera Tanden (the person Bruenig was fired for fighting with) on the committee.

it's happening

the cult of personality is forming

USSA soon

I'm crackling with sexual energy atm

Last guy I flirted with here was from central europe, why does everyone have to be so far away? At least the qt korean chick interning with me feels like a possibility.

Impossible! :^)

I haven't left, lmao. I've stayed in this thread for at least a month, I'd guess. And yeah, I'm a girl. :) I didn't correct you earlier because I thought it might just be "guy" as in "you guys" or something. And thanks for the compliment!

I think it's very good, user. I remember when you posted it like a week ago, too, asking how it looked.


Kek, being bi can be fairly practical, I can tell!

He looks nice.

A lot of nice happy people. Not at all like Holla Forums infographs.

Ah so it really was no homo. kek.

Very cool. Farming sounds great. You're more of "your own man" than many other modern jobs. It's a very good skill to have. And if nuclear war comes, you'll be one of the most important ones, lol.

Farming is dying out, so it needs to be preserved. Good on you for continuing it.

More line.

My fucking sides. I'd let her call me daddy

Yea, but not bearing any fruit so far. Maybe I'll get lucky this time. I dunno, I'm not great with this kinda stuff.

sexual identity is a spook tho


Yeah, it was just a rough draft to see if I could even make anything half-way decent, think I might do a few more practice drawings. Thanks m8

Thanks user

I'm in.

Ayyyyy. I almost always mean "guy" as a unisex term. Sorry about that lmao.

Where? I'm bi as fuck. You gotta let me know so people don't actually think I'm straight. I want a GF in my future.

Now spread communism!

Quotations From Chairman Berine when?

Yeah, I think it was my frustration with intellectualism and the prospect of urban life that really burned me out.

This pays a lot worse, but I'm planning on moving to America and starting my own cooperative.

also I can cooks some chems :)

Don't worry

We can flirt :^)

I love the degeneracy. At least we can hav fun here :)

gz comr8! How many there?


here I think

Also, were you that transhumanist poster who was a bi grill? Probably not, I think.

omelette du fromage~


Kek, what?

Wow, it looks like it's going to be pretty packed. How many people does the place support?


Lots of people.

Oh nah that's not me. I love anonymous posting, but sometimes it's confusing when we're being social for once. Transhumanist girl is a lesbian, but I am the bi girl chatting with her a few months ago. I'm usually not this cancerous, but we're having fun so I thought it'd be alright to let loose for now.

I'd empower her proletariat, if you know what I mean.

*I am the bi girl who chatted with her a few months ago (in a town hall thread IIRC? it was a while ago, I don't keep track)

god damn thats a lot of qts

Normal nice-looking people, which a hope in their heart and a flicker in the eye.

It is good to see.

Kek. How is this cancerous?
We're having fun. One of the few boards where you still can. Let's enjoy it while we can.

I would totally hold the shit out of her hand

Do you wanna be my objet petit a, ypg poster?

Do you like to be the signifier or the signified? ;)

Ah, that's right I remember. Not often I get to talk with another bi person. You like masculine guys, bears, or twinks? I have a soft spot for /cuteboys/, I remember seeing this skinny brown kid in my spanish class with long hair that came to his eyes, when I couldn't get the super cute image out of my head that's when I knew I was bi.

Either's fine with me. And I'm always up for some subject object inversion.



Hey, are you still here, rally, attendant?

Bernie on yet?

Holy shit, latest polling from California is almost a month old.

I'm quite thirsty.


It's the darling in the flesh.

Don't worry! I can cyber with you ;)

SAY HI FROM Holla Forums!


Ask him to sign your copy of Red Flag


fucking terrifying

I got close enough to shake his hand and told him Holla Forums loves him and to say hi to Jimmy.

I don't think everyone here especially like cenk though I think he's okay though

You think he made a note of it or was it just a very passing thing?

He said "Leftypol, huh?" and I said "Yeah!"

No, but Cenk is all about ego.
You don't get him to send his regards if you don't kiss his ass first.



Are you in this picture user?

Nope, I'm on the other side.

AYY it's commissar jimmy

Chairman Jimmy!

Jimmy doesn't have a picture of user. :(



10x as many registered Democrats voted for George W. Bush than Nader in Florida.

wew lad

Jimmy, I'm by the disability seating on the left side.

Why live?

Alright, I'm coming bucko.






fug, you even got a qt between you two.

I noticed that too.

She is pretty qt 3.14

Fuck, you've gotta tell us more about this later!



that's some dense black hair u got there, user

Did you talk to him at all?

I agree. I find it disgusting.

Should be Hillary for guillotine.

He's up on the press platform now. I want to get another one with the Red Flag. :(

I don't think gay male culture is really applicable to women dating men even if neither are straight, but cuddlebug bears are fucking god tier, but it's mostly twinks that I think are cute. It's the more feminine, gentle-looking men tat I really love. However, it's women I love the most. ♥

Congrats on the cutie! He sounds lovely. Has imaginado que habla espanol en la cama con el? ;-)

I'm done with the shenanigans now. I'm actually kind of averse to sex/sexuality chitchat.


At least you got to touch perfection


JonTron is that you

Why live?

Oh and I never got together with that guy, I just really thought he was cute. I was going to graduate soon anyway. I've never had a proper relationship although I've gone on a couple dates.

hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable, but thanks for the bantz. Also Hope you find your own qt to cuddle with one day user

U guys can cuddle with me :3

Ok, hab a gay Internet cuddle user

Nothing gay about two guys cuddling. Cuddling is nice and cozy, not sexual >:(

Even when I'm nuzzling and kissing your neck for affection ;^)


Nailed it.


Also, how was the event? Is it over yet?

No, but I had to go. It was great.

The central committee expects a longer report, comrade.



Tell us! Pls!

Education cuts :^)

Kids holding signs saying "Please Fund Are Schools" and similar errors would make a great ad campaign, actually.

Look at how dumb these kids are! Clearly schools aren't working. We should take funding away from them and give it to the job creators so we can give them training instead.



sad kek

TYT discovering imageboard culture

Trump's Troll Army Impersonating Bernie / Hillary Supporters Online

Jesus that's embarrassing.

*Nobody at TYT

ive encountered many olds constantly asking why the alt right likes animu and is pepe antisemitic.

they really really dont get the internet

Let's make America great again by giving all our money to the Japanese economy!

In fairness the alt-right is incredibly bizarre

The alt-right is an accelerationist conspiracy.

What is it like for an old person to ask you if Pepe is anti-Semitic?



tfw you used to think that blue collar old people who railed against "the japs" were racist but now you realize they were anti-fascists who were woke a f

You now remember getting home from school just in time to watch Rurouni Kenshin

what happened to this world, it used to be so simple.


pole here, I haven't been watching news about US elections for some time fellow comrades.
What are the odds of Bernie winning the pre-elections?
Is it a lost cause? Is there a chance?

not great

but it's looking increasingly likely that hillary is up for indictment because of her server/email shenanigans and if that happens chairman bernie becomes much more likely

Yes and yes.

Primary, you mean? He's statistically eliminated, but still campaigning.

Not great but still possible. The thing is we do the most populous state in the nation at the end of the primary cycle, so his success there could be game-changing.

I can only imagine the rigging & BS behind the scenes going on within the Clinton camp, in California right now. I hate her so much, and those working to undermine Democracy, working with her.

Bernie or busters, have you taken the pledge yet?

This seems like a good resource for networking, guys:

Check it out.

Bernie's only chance of winning is if the DNC picks him over Hillary. He's pushing the argument that he's more likely to beat Trump, which grows truer by the day. They'd probably prefer Trump to Sanders tbh, but they're all Hillary ass-kissers so they'll probably stay on the Titanic all the way down. Sanders is at least trying to shift the Overton window and alter the party's platform. He'll probably divert his campaign toward getting leftists elected down-ballot soon.

If Hillary gets indicted, the Democrats are more likely to hand-pick someone than let Bernie win. Either way it'll be a massive shitshow. There will be riots. There will probably be deaths due to excessive force. Brace for class war, because this may be the powder keg that sets it off. Anyone who cares even slightly about class knows the Republicans are fucking them, and if they see they can't go to the Democrats for help, they'll wake up an realize reforming the system just won't work. Buy guns.

what the fuck


I love how they don't get memes

So Hillary has a (paid) troll army.
And Trump has a troll army.

Should we be Bernie's troll army?

You can if you want. If I see good ideas I might join in.

The pose as Hillary supporters and post really obnoxious and patronizing shit

"Now hillary understands why so many black people get uppity! They haven't been given a fair chance to apply themselves and really work hard to get ahead! Well, Hillary's gonna change that! I'm with HER!"



"It's clear! There is no other choice for latinos! So if you know what is good for you better show up in those voting booths!
Venecermos for Hill-dog, compadre :)"

Gary Johnson

I've been in the Bernie army ;) though not as a troll. I've been heavily involved online & countering bullshit narratives/slander they try to form against him & our movement.

I don't wish to be paid, though, for something I really believe in. :) I'll gladly do it for free.

So, what do you say?

Time to be a little… Naughty?

"Give it up, Bernie bros, our candidate has over 3 MILLION votes than him. The people have clearly chosen - and they don't want your candidate! Sore losers! Bernie & Hillary voting record is almost exactly the same, except she can actually get things done! What has Sanders accomplished in his decades in Congress? Nothing! She is the only qualified candidate.Don't be stupid & hand the election to Trump! His economic policies are fairy tales."

As you can see, I deal with these shitheads regularly.

That was a great character

Yeah.. I find myself getting more & more less patient with these people, so it might be time to give them a taste of their own medicine..

So for the trolls, what are good targets for Hillary?

Kek, I can tell.
You need to go with something that even normie will find obnoxious and stupid and even borderline offensive.

We can't mention these directly when pretending to be shill-bots, that would give us away. Rather, if you get into a debate, leave an opening as see if someone else raises those points and then basically shit yourself in the response.

Her defending a pedophile rapist who put a 12 yo in a coma, then laughing about it afterwards. She implies she knew he was guilty, too.

Being on the board of directors for Wal-Mart for 6 years, fighting against poor people getting decent wages.

Fighting against a minimum wage hike in Haiti.

Using private detectives & the IRS to target the women who accused Bill of rape. (They sure didn't "listen & believe", then.)

Slutshaming Lewinsky and calling her crazy and hungry for attention.

Not to forget that she supported the conservative anti-choice dictatorship in Honduras.



Here's a classic you might've already seen, but Based Cornell West goes all out for Bernie & why he's best for the black vote. He calls Hillary "the Mill Vanilli of politics", lmao. Calls out her rhetoric, Neoliberal black people pushing for her, Wall Street ties, etc.

r/enoughsandersspam got upset & honored me with my own thread, lmao.

Seriously guys, some threads on s4p have been unbearable lately. Usually after about 7 hours the upvotes weigh out the shit shill comments. But if you get to one they've chosen to bomb, early, it's disappointing. I wish the mods could do something about it. It affects morale.

TYT just covered it.


Thoughts on this Samantha Bee thing?

They are the western equivalent of the japanese netouyo, only with da joos instead of koreans.
The "alt-right" really seems bizarre, though, I'm not sure that basement dwelling neets with shit taste on animu are the idea of a "master race", or someone who would benefit from fascism on the first place.

Man, they sure are shilling hard for the establishment.

Makes it incredibly easy to decide which news organizations/personalities are worth ignoring though.

Well I guess I know never to waste my time on this show. Thought Bee might be all right because she was one of the few semi-funny people still left on that shitshow just before Stewart retired and managed to escape the horrors of Trevor Noah. But nope.

Man Noah is awkward as fuck. He seems like he's in physical pain when he tells jokes.

Wait, why do elections have to be this complicated?

Some leftypol lad made this when I posted one of her videos last time. I was also disappointed by her. I hope the money was worth it.

Lots of half-truths and whole lies.

Hillary is dogshit as a candidate.

Take solace in that fact that the DNC will be too preoccupied squeezing Hillary into the White House to defend any of the down list candidates from the Berning fire.

She may get the Presidency, but we'll be taking her party.



I'm not sure what these images are trying to convey

Trump has to flip three states in order to win and the one where he has to catch up the most ground, he only has to flip 2.6% or more.

Oh! I see, thanks

To any leftypol friends in California, it's a great time to go out and canvass for Bernie! The volunteer opportunities are immense and you can check out Bernie's official website for more information. If Bernie wins big in California he will get the nomination.



Holy fucking shit, based Zach.

This makes up for that shitty liberal Superman comic you did Zach.

‘Ronald’ Trump: Why 2016 Is Looking a Lot Like 1980


Can we call him Ronald McDonald?

This is perhaps what is so terrifying about Trump: expectations are so low, success will be easy.

Christ, I don't even know anymore. Maybe this country is lost beyond all hope.

so that they airn't elections, silly

every time someone says trump cant be president i think of that scene from back to the future were marty tells that guy that Ronald Reagan was president and they dont believe him

What I think is interesting is that they both lowered the bar. Reagan introduced neoconservatism and Trump is introducing populism

trust me, if trump becomes president and somehow does half a decent job the GOP will be sucking his dick for the next 50 years like they did to the gipper, and the ones who hated him and tried to stop him will pretend like they were on the trump train the whole time

Breaking news, proof of Hillary violating FEC rules by fundraising before announcing her candidacy:

Astrology Ronnie got lucky for the most part, things went his way in diplomatic relations so people clung to him because everyone was still afraid of the late USSR (and for decent reasons since by then it was an unpredictable self-contradictory witch's brew of neoliberalism and planned economy; at least Stalin was consistent). His oratory skills from his acting career also helped after Nixon and Carter made the position of president seem impersonal and uncaring.

Trump, meanwhile, is piggybacking off of blatantly nonexistent issues: immigration in the US is widely misunderstood, both legal and illegal, and the migrant crisis of Europe is the EU's own little dilemma, nothing with bearing on us over the Atlantic.

What if Trump actually sticks to some of his promises, like shutting off free trade, immigration, and military adventurism? The entire modern corporate neoliberal capitalist system would implode if, like in the 1930s-1970s, it had to contend with a restricted labor market and industrial regulation enforced by a government that isn't a failed state. Along with neoliberalism in both parties, Trump's populism would wipe Reagan's neoconservative ideology from the Republican party.

Reagan got super lucky. NATO intelligence agencies were completely clueless as to what was happening behind the iron curtain. Both superpowers were buying so much military junk that if not for internal political tensions inside the USSR, the USA was teetering so close to bankruptcy under Reaganomics that we could've collapsed just like they did, sending the entire global economy into a nosedive.

Sounds plausible. Sauce?

fuck this world

So this happened…
I really hate Milo, but I might hate these fuckers even more.
At one point they start yelling "Feel the Bern"


Seem like plants, to me. They're not making any arguments, just disrupting. Soros & Hillary strike again?

Retards on both sides.

These sorts of people make me want to vote for Trump out of spite.

Those were my first thoughts, but I also never doubt how stupid people can be either.
I was going to try and find info on the guy protesting.

Yeah, that'll show 'em!!

Go ahead and vote for $hillary if that's what you want to do. If not, voting for Trump is your best bet if you want to keep her out of the white house.
I shouldn't have to explain to you why voting for Trump is better than voting for Hillary if you're a leftist.

I don't think there's anyone here who would consider this.

Porky is porky. You lose either way, there.

You're not seeing the big picture.

This isn't hard to figure out fam.

like how everyone blamed the right for Reagan/Dubya's fuck-ups, right?
America is too classcucked to blame porky, not while le crony capitalism meme is still around

Very few people really like George W. Bush and the one's who do are just partisans who don't represent the majority of Americans.
As for Reagan, the only people who like him are old timers who are nostalgic when it comes to the 1980's. He's much less popular with Millennials.

I'd rather not be to blame for any of this happening. And I'm through voting for the lesser evil. If anyone continues to do it, we'll continue to see these types of candidates.

Hah, I like this twitter account.

Exactly, it was blamed more on Bush than "the right".

everyone continues*

You can achieve this same end by voting independent or third party, only you actually gain something in the end.

Well, I can respect that position because at least it's principled. With that said, I'll still vote for him to spite Hillary Clinton as well as her SJW cronies. Not to mention, if he's elected, we might see a resurgence of the old left, mainly because people on the left will be more likely to pick their battles instead of focusing on nonsense social issues.

The Bush era essentially turned the term "neoconservative" into a dirty word in American politics.

It's essentially splitting the vote. If you vote for Trump you're more likely to keep Hillary out of the white house than if you vote for the green party.

Also, let me give you an example.
Say you have 7 people. 2 vote third party. 2 vote for Trump and 3 vote Hillary.
Assuming those 2 people who voted third party would have voted for Trump had it been the only option, Trump would have beat Hillary. However, in this case, the people who voted third party essentially gave the election to Hillary by not voting for Trump.

Please don't be like webm related. Choose who you think is best for the job. Vote for someone instead of just against someone.

I'd rather get 3rd party to 5% than keep Shillary out of the White House. It's not like Bernie supporters are going to sudoku within the next 4 years.

Except the difference is the fact that his main reason for voting for Trump is to trigger SJW's. I mainly just consider it to be a bonus/silver lining when you factor in everything else.
Well, I can at least respect that line of thinking, even if I don't find it to be politically strategic.

If Hillary gets elected it will mark the death of the left for the next couple of decades. After her first two terms are over we'll probably get a reactionary who will make Donald Trump look tame by comparison.

The point of getting that 5% is to break the 2 party dichotomy though so you don't end up with a 2 party dichotomy system.

If Trump gets elected, what prevents him from causing the death anti-establishment sentiments, and having people rush back to the former establishment neoliberalists?


Ive said it before, if trump wins it would wreck the democratic party hard and force it to go soul searching.
I see two outcomes if trump wins on how it would effect the DNC.

1.Either they blame bernie and double down on the corporate third way neoliberlism

2,They have a wake up call and realize that the young people are far more left and socialist and reform themselves to cater to this new base

The outcome if clinton wins: victory for the oligarchy, the dark age of globalist third way establishment politics continues while the working class continues to be drained of their life blood, more wars in the middle east, more bailout for bankers, more trade deals that outsource jobs, more mass immigration

Most likely this.
I see zero indication of them giving a fuck.
They'll try and paint him as Nader like they are already trying to do.


This. When you can't win, you can't win. It might be time to make a strategic retreat and bide our time instead of making a huge gamble and praying on optimistic hopes. Even if Hillary wins, the movement could still pick up momentum during midterms instead of attempting to blow everything up. Trump winning may make any neoliberal representative seem like a good choice.

Thank you Holla Forums for supporting Trump.

Not voting for Hillary means Trump wins.

No, Hillary being a shit candidate means Trump wins.

Yes, and Sanders can't even beat a shit candidate.

Looks like Trump has this one in the bag.

Sanders can't beat a shit candidate within the democratic party.
A huge chunck of the American population are not members of either the republicans or democrats and thus cannot actually vote in the primaries.

This is why he always wins open primaries.

It's hard to beat someone when they weren't holding a contest in the first place.

Well, following that logic, he should go Third party then.

That means Sanders should give up huh?

Not what I said at all, my little redditor.

A Trump presidency would probably be the most fun considering how illiterate both him and his "votary" are.

So what did you mean?

Sanders is not actually in contest with Hillary Clinton?

Yes, so please vote for him and have fun.

It's pretty obvious what I meant.

Bitch, I hate fun; don't you understand? Some people have to work and study instead of participate in your memery.

I said Sanders can't even beat a shit candidate.

You said they weren't even holding a contest.

But in reality they do, Sanders is in contest with Hillary for the nomination.

And these people have to lose the election.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

So what's the plan if Clinton or Trump wins? Can we finally start the revolution?

no play? what instruments doth thee posses?
prepare to square! i shall heave the gorge on thy livings, naughty mushrump!

If trump wins it's just business as usual for the two bourgeois parties.


I don't understand.

I play the Trumpet.

anything, obviously

I'd wait until PROMESA either passes or doesn't. If PROMESA passes it's the perfect opportunity for socialist revolution in Puerto Rico.

Trumpets sound like farts.


They aren't holding a contest. The winner was decided long ago.

Haha I dont know who this character is but he looks like he is made of CHEESE!

Must be all the holes and the jpeg artifacts.

Friendly reminder that Clinton has won 13 out of the 19 open primaries in this election season. Independents are a laughable inconsequential minority.

Please, please have Hillary say this on national TV.

Okay, faggot

Going to a Bernie Sanders rally, should I wear my USSR shirt?

Maybe something like this:


Not a good idea, but then again they already call him a Commie. You might want to wear something that literally states workers should own the means of production. USSR isn't what one would call the best example. [spoiler]If it's pre-Stalin then maybe though. Yeah, I need to history more.[/;spoiler]

Got the perfect shirt then

pic related

Doesn't surprise me coming from a $hillbot.

Now take the Deep South out of that figure and don't count margins of less than 3 percent.

Remember that revolution (and socialism itself I might add) starts at a grassroots level.

I've a feeling you'll still need to explain that. With that it should be easier though.

Funnily enough, even Milo Monopoly even says their a vocal minority, that just happens to have power in the media and stuff.

excuse me

W-Who has power in the media?

What is that fucker smoking

Why on Earth would you listen to him, though.

It's a way of poking fun at him while still economic about it. I'm actually laughing my ass off now. It sounds fucking hilarious. Part of me wonders if it might actually end up being an accurate description of him in the future.

Rich people. Duh.

Odd, I had the impression that reactionary identity politicians had a loyalty boner for the democ-rat party.

Someone has to BTFO college liberals fam. I'll gladly listen to lefties do it too you know. Also, it's like watching the world burn. Who doesn't want to see that? ;^)
Kys if you do this
In other news have the CEO of Disney pulling a Verizon and going "muh job creators" while being fellated by high level executives seeking raises.

Also it pisses me off when people look at any issue like foreign policy so unilaterally. You've got people attacking Zizek for pointing out there's better for Syria than letting them all leave and come to Europe and from the same pretentious, unlearned and completely unread airbags you'll hear that Sanders is an imperialist because he can acknowledge that rarely interventionism can be the answer (ironically both of which apply to the other guy).

Let's give her the nuclear code!

If she manages to get the job it's going to be one crisis after another. I hope someone gets it on camera like what was Romney's downfall.

I want to believe.

It's exactly what she did in '08

Considering this information, I think that Hillary is even more dangerous than Trump. Keep in mind that I would not vote for either of them since they are both fairly shit.

Kek it's '08 all over again

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Christ dude nobody gives a shit. Mod pls ban this dipfuck

At least you've taken your name off now.

t. not that guy


Ironically, Trump is actually the one that is the lesser of two evils. Milo and his other fanboys will either stop supporting him and realize they've been had, or they'll double down on their crockery.

Sauce of this?

Fall of Eagles with Patrick Stewart

Is this Dr. Xavier?

Patrick Stewart played as Lenin?


Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

People like this are part of the reason we should vote for Trump. Also this:

Indictment soon fellow gommies

No thanks, Holla Forums

If I were a betting man..
New IG report on Hillary Clinton e-mail: What's the impact?
look at all this fucking desperation


Those deleted comments tho.

First-past-the-post voting makes it impossible for a third party to win.
Also, he'd be locked out of debates and news coverage.
That would be even more useless.
The video.

It starts at about 3 minutes in, if anyone hasn't seen it yet. This is about to get good, guys. They're saying that Hillary didn't seek approval for her private server.. And if she had sought approval, it would have been denied. I'm only about 7 mins in so far..


The Hill has been doing this an awful lot lately. I think it might be pro-Hillary comments being deleted, lmao. Probably CtR trying to throw lies into the mix & see if they stick, but are being deleted accordingly.

It just occurred to me that they might go forward with indicting Hillary just to exonerate her.
someone tell Holla Forums

Hillary is, as well. TYT, Secular Talk & The Humanist Report have covered it.

Possibly. Still, the damage this is going to do to her already historically low favorability polls, will be very real.

Dude, Sheldon fucking Adelson backed Trump and they quickly deployed their cognitive dissonance to ignore it.
Holla Forums is fully cucked to Trump's personality at this point.


Has Holla Forums commented on this?

The difference is that Trump is a billionaire, and is not reliant on those contributions in a way that career politicians like Shillary and ¡El Jeb! are.

If you don't have an independent source to fund yourself (i.e. an exceptionally successful grassroots campaign, or your own wealth) you're pretty much at the mercy of the megadonors that can drop $10 million - $100 million to get you in power. You're their bitch, and they expect you to play ball as needed.

Also Holla Forums already knows about this, we've had you fucks and Holla Forums shills posting 24/7 about how kosher Trump is and just wait for Hitler bro

Lmao. Cry more.

Newflash: Those "shills" are other Holla Forumsacks trying to point out your stupidity.

What stupidity?

Trump is the presumptive nominee now that he's only what, ten delegates away from the 1237? The donor class may disagree with Trump on a lot of things, but even they don't want to be left out in the cold in the event of a Trump presidency.

The only fuckwits concerned about this are purist armchair-revolutionaries that think Queen Hillary will kick off the Nazi masturbation fantasy - and are generally the same "worse is better" armchair-revolutionaries that thought Obama would do the same

Uh huh.

It baffles how incredibly quick Holla Forumsacks started sucking Trump's dick.
Like, fuck, someone panders a little to them and they follow him unconditionally.

Its really fun reading the hillary shills having meltdowns across the internet claiming the email stuff doesnt matter.
God, i hope bernie wins california just to twist the knife a bit more

The stupidity of thinking Trump would be different from any other establishment candidate.

Trump is his own donor class, user. And he has many donor friends. Both business & political. That is the world he lives in. Don't think for one second he either knows what the average American life is, or how that he gives one shit about us peasants.

Don't bother, lad.

Trump isn't his own donor class. He is literally just a part of the donor class, i.e. the bourgeoisie.


Trump is a traitor to his class, he tapped into white working class anger for the ivory tower ivy league edcuated elties who have look down thier nose on white poor people and think they are dumb rednecks and are worthless while also accusing them of racisim and exploited it very well

Sure thing, baby boy.

This gave me a chuckle.


Its true, the white liberal elite despise the white working class, they are globalists who dont care about working class rights anymore, only idpol.

Then trump drives up and is all "get in the car faggot we're going to make america great again"

Lmao, thanks user. I've been up all night.


It has its moments. I was actually surprised to see they devoted a megathread on /politics/ for the emails. It's got some good info in there.

I think we can all agree that Hillary getting fucked as thoroughly as possible is good for everyone.



Hopefully he'll ask for recounts all over past dirty races, especially in big states that actually matter like New York, Florida, and Texas. I recall polls indicate he would actually win the nomination if he got enough recounts.

Just look over this article:

Debt grew explosively under Reagan/Bush 1, the need for more cash to stave off collapse was so dire that interest payments throughout the economy reached unheard of levels only exceeded at the nadir of the 2009 recession.

In particular, interest rates on T-bills skyrocketed so fast under Reagan that debt service went from 6% to an incredible 15% of federal spending by 1988. At that rate, combined with other NATO partners that were also borrowing like crazy, we could've saturated the entire global credit market in short order and crashed all the economy in a catastrophic credit crunch. Also, economics aside, Reagan's bellicosity was increasing the frequency of "near misses", dramatically raising the chance of a hot WWIII, or at least a limited direct military engagement.

There's no way Sanders could lose California, the only question is if he'll win big.


Too bad the deadlines passed ages ago.

Not rigged tho :^)

No, its the white liberal elites, the same who care about 3rd world nigger babies but despise an impoverished white person from america for being a redneck

kek they care as much about that as Trump cares about taco salads
I.E not at all just a publicity stunt


Talk about ass-covering. They've spent the past several months not only protecting shills but doing everything they can to try and downplay anything anti-clinton. With a megathread they keep it all contained and under careful supervision so that the narrative can't get too out of hand :^)

Well, why support any candidate? Oh right, it's the fatalism of the revolutionary "nothing can be done until the uprising because THE SYSTEM MAN"

So the alternative is what, fantasising about the proles/stormfags simultaneously rising up to overthrow the elites/jews?

See, by thinking it's all about race, you're doing the same thing idpol is about. The real issue is about class, rather than race.

end yourself forthwith butt plunderer

Okay faggot

Reminder that Trump's "white working class" support is a myth.

It's not just the same thing as idpol, it's idpol. Obsessing about niggers or the white race or racial purity or whatever the fuck is identity politics, plain and simple. It's like saying Republicans aren't political because Democrats are. It makes no damn sense.

Does it really matter that much whether or not it's real? If, with or without Sanders'/Trump's presidential support, it causes the working class to find their balls again and start agitating against offshoring/immigration, rediscovering unionism in short order, will any politician's stance against them make a difference?

Agreed. I was trying to explain it gently.

A bad politician will try to divert the anger and dissatisfaction from porky to a powerless minority. Bernie is the only one aiming at the real guilty party.

Daily reminder that if corporations didn't try increasing profits by hiring illegal aliens, the "crisis" wouldn't exist.

You mean like that time the Republican Party was a third party?

RIP Whigs

CtR has released their talking points for damage control.



Republicans didn't do shit until the Whigs collapsed.

If you bring up any of his Jewish connections on Holla Forums you get your thread bumplocked and a ton of saged replies



There's a giant light up sign on the I-405 S now that says VOTE BERNIE.

And yet they believe he truly cares about building a wall


Looks like you lefties were too focused on seizing the means of production that you forgot to seize this GET



It's happening!


This should be pretty good television tbh

Holy shit did that pussy actually agree to it this time? This has to have Hillary furious.

I imagine that he feels secure in his position and it undermines Clinton's image. he assumes he's running against her now.

What are the chances that clinton gets roped into it as well?

Trump probably won't allow it

this time?

I doubt it. This is all being setup to make Hillary look like a weaker candidate.

That sucks. I really want that cunt getting it from both sides.

I could do without that mental image, thanks.


What? Seriously? What's in it for Trump? I remember some people discussing that it would be pointless for Trump to debate Bernie because he wouldn't want to distance Bernie's supporters.

Makes sense, it's actually kind of an absolute madman move from Trump. By having the debate he's drawing attention to the fact that she backed out of her promise to debate. Now's she either stays out and gets grilled for being cowardly, or she quickly tries to rearrange the debate with Bernie, and Trump forces her to keep fighting with Bernie and weaken her image.

What to attack Trump on during the debate:

anything else?

His muslim ban and rhetoric about "closing up the internet" is outright unconstitutional


Trump already has the GOP nomination locked up, even if he lost a debate to bernie it means nothing.
But if trump did debate bernie it would get a shit load of publicity, especially for bernie.
And then bernie would lose California.
This will deepen the schism in the DNC.
Trump is playing everyone like a fiddle.
Even if he loses, he wins.

Holla Forums most of all ;^)

>>>Holla Forums6118022

Game on.

I agree. Hillary's day just got worse.

There's a limit to how delusional you can be.

There are some risks:

He might alienate the Bernie-crowd if he isn't careful. He'll need a lot of those people if he wants to turn Florida, Ohio and Pennesylvania, which he'll have to do in order to win. see

If anything, he sould use this oppotunity to gang up upon Hillary with Bernie. That might help him in the General, if Bernie is not his opponent.

Such a partnership would of course also help Bernie as it put a camera on him and they get to shit on Hillary, which makes his chances in California better.

Plus this makes Hillary look really really irllvant


I'm actually genuinely expecting this, at least in article form. There's no way they wouldn't try and spin it as "both Trump and Bernie prove that Hillary is the best candidate by being terrible misogycommies"

I think this video sums up trumps game plan nicely

The Kimmel interview with Trump. Debate part at 13 minutes in. Apparently it was Bernie who made the offer to Trump, and Trump seems to accept. I hope the media runs with this, so Trump feels an obligation.


I hoped they'd devote some time to tag-teaming Hillary, but somebody in the Holla Forums thread proposed something even better. Sanders subtly eggs Trump into dissing Sanders by noting that he's soft on Hillary, Trump dumps on Hillary from Sanders' standpoint IN ADDITION to Trump's own. Hillary gets roasted "by Sanders", but Sanders emerges squeaky clean.

Either possibility is win/win.

how will the media spin this?

"Bernie and Trump vocally rape Hillary Clinton in a debate she didn't attend!"

"Misogynistic duo keep Hillary from debate."

"Hillary crushes latest debate by staying out and staying strong against deceptive attacks made by Bernie and Trump."

Bernie shouldn't have a problem as long as he doesn't take the bait like Rubio did.

"Bernie working with Republican frontrunner to undermine the Democratic party" is probably the angle pro-Hillary articles would actually take.

They will prolly run "Bernie Sanders is really a Republican. He was even in a Republican debate."

Breaking News: Bernie Sanders, who say he is socialist, is more precisely natiоnal sоcialist.


We're coming buckos

didn't see i was late. rip


There was going to be a debate between the two at one point a few months ago but Trump chickened out.


This is probably going to be the most interesting political debate in American history.

I think it was just before the New York primary if I remember right.


The way the media is going to spin this is of course going to be that Sanders is trying to undermine Clinton in the General election.

I hope Sanders doesn't go too idpol during this as the rest of the media does when it comes to Trump.

Or rather, I hope he doesn't fight Trump's idpol with more idpol.

This. Especially outright fabrications like the "wage gap". Though Trump might be too ignorant on the issues to know just how phony they are, instead dismissing them with generic blustery rhetorical handwaves.

Debating the candidate both Hillary and the establishment have largely written off but who is still incredibly popular damages Hillary's prestige while simultaneously creating a media event no one can ignore.

For Trump it's a double whammy of dissing Hillary and creating a big event centered around himself, with the possible added benefit of putting more psychological pressure on Hillary since she now has to explain why the most popular Republican candidate would bother with someone "that can't possibly win" rather than her.

Donald Trump shows that he takes Bernie Sanders and his voters serious with this move. This makes him seem more welcoming towards them, unlike Hillary who won't even bother with him.
It might win Trump a few anti-establishment votes and supress the Democratic support for Hillary even further.
On Bernie's part, it gives him more legitimacy as a candidate who can go up against the republicans.
It's a clever move on both ends.

Pol really is an interesting case study. No matter how much Trumpenstien does wrong, they will probably still support him.

I think it should have been obvious from the start. He is a businessman after all. Even if he doesn't win the presidency, he will actually become a billionaire. In Bernie's case, lolberts are calling him a 'war profiteer' on the meer fact that there was at least one war he couldn't vote against. That one being the one related to sending supplies to troops in the Iraq war. What they don't realize is that the troops were already there. If he would've voted against it, he would've been seen as someone who doesn't care about the troops. That and you know, some interventions are unfortunately necessary.

All Bernie needs to do is tell them ol Trumpepe takes shekeldollars from big doners like Sheldon meddlesome.

It's a shame. I thought Trump would be the 'brave one' and be the one to ask. Oh wells.

They'll probably be the last ones in the bunker when they hear the gunshot from his private quarters.


He may be a master ruseman and strategist but he's no policy wonk.


And now, salt:

The Democrats sabotaged themselves by backing a shit candidate like Hilliary.




HA holy shit

you're an enthusiast of receiving rough sex from men and it's recommended that you end your life forthwith



I kind of want that t-shirt

Man that's cuckeririffic.

I think that's the joke.

Don't forget to sign! Thank the superdelegates from your state and show them your support in nominating Madam Hillary Clinton so they don't get swayed by the violent attacks of the Sanders mob.

Fuck, they actually compiled the list for us.

These people don't know what they're doing, man.

tbh that will be a boring """debate""" to watch smh they need some diversity up there.

Man that's a stupid fucking picture.

Hillary definitely should participate though.



Look just saying but there's a reason Hill Shills have much nicer macros than Bernie supporters (for the most part), it's because they've got graphic designers cranking them out.

With the exception of @CitizensFedUp who has horrible design skill, who I think is just legit stupid.

The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Reported. Have fun in banland, noob!

Actually just for that the trip is going back on. Eat shit faggot.

you're a tremendous butt pirate and should end your life immediately

Thanks for the (You)s, cuck.

you're an aids-ridden hulk and should willfully cease all life functions

If you didn't receive enough attention from your parents during your childhood, then you should go to the psychologist instead of attention whoring on cambodian internet forums

I'm not even attention whoring, the first response was a legitimate post and at this point I'm just trying to piss off brain dead shitters like you who actually care about trips. I swear it's like 2010 up in here.

CtR trolls are now conflating personal email account with personal email server. I guess their new orders are to confuse people who don't know the difference.



you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Quick, anyone got those Trump BTFO images? The ones where he sucks Jew dick….actually, no I don't want that specifically. You know what I mean.kek


Bill's phone must have been ringing off the hook!

But really, is there anyway to fact-check such a thing?

Yeah, that's the main thing I'm seeing right now, too. It's a shitty tactic & just makes her look like more of a liar. She must really be shitting the bed to not have a better defense to offer.


Holy shit, does it really say that? Ah haha, the irony is palpable.


I've said multiple times that as soon as a flag related to the Lares revolt is added the name goes away.

Thanks fams.

Yeah, it said that the event inspired her to start it.

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

And how is tripfagging supposed to help?

I took the trip off a while ago but I put it back on because it makes faggonegroes angry.

Why do I keep getting a boner for her? God fucking damn.

No one gives a fuck, go ask for it in the feedback thread and stop being an attentionwhore.

Uh.. hmm. I dunno if that's worse or better, lmao.

So you're tripfagging for the sake of causing drama?

you're a tripfagging retard and should kill yourself

That is the real purpose of tripfagging, isn't it?

Guys, guys.. Though some of the kill yourself posts are funny, this is /leftpol/, aren't we supposed to be better than giving a shit about someone tripfagging?

k I'll go tell Freudfriend, Wobblyposter and Greenposter

At this point I just like seeing struggle with the post filter.

That's what I'm trying to say.

Actually, you're mostly right. I'd wager even Yui does it to piss people off.


Holla Forums is what happens when memes colonize a human brain to the point that no other thoughts remain

they are memes in human suits

you're a sixteen year old faggot attention whore that is pretending not to be mad that people find you annoying and should kill yourself

Evil and power can be appealing sometimes.

Huh, you've been paying attention at least.
I literally don't care what two or maybe three subhuman mouthbreathers think of me. If I could add three more trips to make you four times as mad I would.

Dude right?

you're a massive faggot and should kill yourself

Why do you think I'm angry? I've been using a mix of ignoring you and responding sarcastically to you. I've got more important shit to read than your gay posts.

Looks like Trump is serious if we can "raise $10 or 15 million for charity.. I'd love to debate Bernie"

pick one and only one

None of those people use a trip, and none of those people have an "identity" consisting of being an underage faggot asking for a fucking flag

He means from the TV companies, right? Not donations.

I'm starting to believe that Trump is a master Anarcho-Marxist who lives the way of accelerationism.

Here comes the goalpost shifting.


This chickenshit is going to find an excuse to weasel out of debating again isn't he?

Looks like this is def happening. Trump said he would raise the $ through the profits from the views, not from contributions. They both seem eager. It will be unprecedented and it will help Bernie.

It shines major light on the fact that HRC went back on her promise and is a liar, Bernie gets easy hits on Trump which every "Unite Blue" dem loves, he will get a few Trade Deal/on fence independents to vote for him in CA open primary, and it will end the myth bernie can't beat trump or that he hasn't been "vetted". If HRC wins gems will see the HRC v. Trump debates compared to Bernie v. Trump debates. They will regret picking HRC who has so many skeletons in her closet.

What are the chances that a bunch of supporters start fights at this thing?


This debate is going to produce some top banter

I think saboteurs could be on this like white on rice.

But I would think both supporter's sides would want this to be an opportunity to show we're civil.



More like I just like seeing people get super angry.

What's so fucking horrible about a trip? I already told you it's just a stand in. We have other tripfags too. Pick on them you fucking autist.

They all have wacky personæ

you are a supermassive blackhole of faggotry and should kill yourself

What makes you think I don't

IE attentionwhoring, see also: shitposting

NevadaGunOwner, one of the most prolific /r/politics commentators on the legal circumstances of the Hillary email scandal, got shadowbanned for calling the mods out on their "unintentional :^)" censorship of the forum in the form of their cluttered and unnavigable megathreads

Seeing as it's Reddit there is a 99.999% chance that someone who deserved it was banned by someone who should not be a moderator for any reason

Eh, reddit has bots that will shadowban people for the most arcane reasons. He probably broke some mystery rule by accident.

The difference is he's not actually doing anything to piss them off. It's like someone tapping your shoulder, it's no big deal unless you're doing it specifically to piss them off, which is why it's hilarious that people get upset over something so trivial regardless of the circumstances. Now if he had a trip on and posted about how everyone who isn't a Maoist is a shithead.

He's allegedly a journalist of some sort

It's nice of you to show you can actually take your trip off once in a while.

I guess I'm also the same person who said a couple of posts ago something along the lines of "I don't mind Lares guy".

No, that was me. :)


He explicitly is though

The mods of /r/politics have been actively working to censor news and information that negatively effects Hillary, and have been giving carte blanche to obvious shills while silencing their detractors.

I just don't think given that sort of context this action toward someone that, while not explicitly anti-Clinton, has been providing legal context and information that clearly establishes the sort of illegal activity she's been accused of, should be overlooked.

Yeah, allegedly he's the owner of something like and MSNBC's legal contributor/commentator

Holy shit, I I just went back & see it's a wasteland. I had been wondering why it was hard to follow & basically no discussion. The first day, there was some. This second day is nothing. Links, but no discussion. Comments being deleted left & right.

Once it gets past a certain amount of comments it just becomes impossible to navigate or really read in any meaningful way, much less discuss anything. It's a great way to hide deletions and bans, shadowbans, and just bury any useful information under a mountain of bullshit.

To REASONABLY piss them off

Lmao. The megathread, in two words.


The alt-right makes it hard to believe in free speech. They need to be gulag'd fast.

You aren't even being coherent now, lad.

I filtered him days ago. Namefags have nothing to contribute anyway.

He's pissing himself off?

Yeah, I am. My point is that if all it takes to make some faggot go nuclear is add a trip then he needs to take a chill pill, regardless of the trip user's motivations for doing so. This is middle school tier civics which I guess you morons never got, you tell someone rudely to stop doing something and they're going to do it harder.

So you just religiously straight up out of principle filter everyone who doesn't worship your anonymous meme? Anonymity works pretty well when you're shitposting or providing a link or mostly just a lurker who posts like once a month, it's hardly much good otherwise.
Good thing you can't filter flags or you fuckers would police that too.

You are grossly misjudging my emotional state
Seems like you're the only one going nuclear here


Yes, I filter namefags on anonymous imageboards, because 100% of the time they are unsufferable attention whores.

I got a new name and a new trip to prove my point that if anyone wants to try and filter me it's not going to work.

Check out /mu/ and tell me that with a straight face again.

dude you can't have a civilized debate when you can barely tell who's who. That's literally what we even have flags for

Caring way too much is pretty close to nuclear

for the record I have been intentionally silent, this fracas over me is a pretty dank meme.


You seem angry about something. Do you want to share with the class? That refers to the fact I want a flag.
For the record if this really pisses off more than 10% of the board then I might remove it but I was hoping a leftist theory board would be above something so stupid, you'll all know who I am regardless because I can't shut up about Puerto Rico so what's the use? At least this way you can try and filter me

Yes. Tripfags must be exterminated.

I'm not a tripfag.


Yes you can. It takes a little getting used to, but I'm sure you'll manage it, reddit friend!

To be fair I haven't gone there either, I've just heard about them.

I don't see a problem with Lares' posts. If you hadn't filtered him on sight you might agree.


It takes approximately 1 second of effort to make a post telling the tripfag to fuck off. You should really stop thinking everyone you disagree with is a frothing ball of rage.

But is it worth giving a shit at all? That's his point

Of course the namefag sticks his nose in everything

Is that a young Lord Baelish? Whoever it is, he's hot.

I'm pretty sure you said I was from Reddit too.

Regardless I just got tired of having to explain to people where I was coming from all the time. The "wait, are you the guy who was talking about X a couple months ago?" exchanges annoy me.

So you should stop talking about shit you don't know about.

I haven't.



Literally no one fucking cares that you're Puerto Rican. If it's relevant and needs mentioning, mention it. Otherwise it's just needless circlejerking.

See, this is why anonymity is a bit of a spook. I've already got you mixed up with someone else.

Take your marriage squabbles elsewhere, pls. This thread can't take much more derailing.

Fucking redditors can't even meme properly.

This board should have had forced user from the start. Once you let one tripfag in, the rest of them crawl out of the woodwork desperate for fame.

Gets old real fast. My perspective is defined by my nationality, it's a part of every argument I make which I guess is a testament to me being a tool in some ways.
You know what, I only turned on trip out of curiosity and such. If you're going to be moronic about it we'll try it your way and see how it goes.

Noted, this will be my last response.

There is literally nothing wrong with doing this. It's like 6 words.

is he right?


All this butt hurt

Wouldn't be surprised

Isn't Manchin the one who killed the public option for Obamacare?

No, as long as he's a fiscal conservative and treats his own workers like shit he'll just be an above-average Porky.

By the way, for those of you worrying about June 7th and New Jersey- phonebank assuming he ties, he only need 4.5% more than the 67.4% goal in California to make it up. So if he makes 72% in Cali and narrowly loses New Jersey but hits 67.4% everywhere else (hypotheticals all over the place here) he will take a lead.

It's like they're twelve.

Weeb conventions are less cringy. I hate this pomo world we live in.

I'm roadtripping and won't have WiFi for long. Someone fill me in on the latest news, particularly the investigation with Clinton's servers.

I'm in MT atm. I was in NE, SD, and ND the past few days, and will be in WY and CO later, then going home to KS. Hello to any and all comrades in the area. You live in beautiful states.

theres a bernie vs trump debate

I doubt that's the case but assuming that sort of rhetoric continues, it would be a good opportunity for socialists to infiltrate the republican party.

If you are in Colorado on May 30th you should hit up Independence pass when it opens up.

Fuck that rotten old bitch Diane Feinstein

That heckler was being a pretty faggy giganigger, fair's fair.

This. It doesn't matter who's saying it or why, but the return of ideas like countervailing duty trade tariffs, tighter immigration quotas, and infrastructural megaprojects, is something unprecedented since FDR, maybe Kennedy at the latest.

We'll probably never get Republican politicians to support labor unions, but pounding a stake through the heart of neoliberalism is the next best thing.

I expect that sort of thing from a centrist like her, but hearing it from Barbara Boxer was genuinely hurtful, at least she's vacating her seat. Before this election, I really thought she'd make a good running mate for Sanders.

Stupid is stupid, user. But, do you have a link?

Will I see you at the state convention, comrade?

Yeah, I remember doing a report on a bill she made in a highshool politics class, and thinking she was doing some good work.


Well said. Not to mention, the democratic party has essentially alienated an entire generation of voters, many of which are very progressive. These people may move to the republican party as a reaction to their mistreatment by the democratic establishment.

Considering the ethnic demographics of these people, (primarily white, many of which reject the idea of racial and gender based Priv@lege which has been used to attack them by the democratic establishment for opposing Hillary Clinton) I honestly wouldn't be surprised if in 20 years the republican party was transformed into a party of workers with either a slightly socially conservative or socially neutral bend.

Of course by then, the definition of "socially conservative" will have changed dramatically to mean the sorts of people who are opposed to neoliberal social justice and identity politics in general.

I was more thinking of the Democrats and Republicans both shifting to labor and economics as a primary focus thanks to Bernie and Trump, but that would certainly be a strange possibility.

The idea of something like the Democrat/Republican shift that happened over segregation, but in reverse. Democrats being pivoted to the right by a mixture of regressive views held by their future unassimilated immigrant base and neoliberal views held by lolbert business tycoons, while the Republican party is engulfed by nascent labor organization and left populism.

What you're describing is exactly what will happen unless another Sanders like figure emerges within the democratic party within the next decade. With that said, it's unlikely that would happen, although nothing is out of the question.


I can't find the video yet, but here's audio of the Sanders appearance on Kimmel after the debate announcement. He talks about that, among other things.

Found video:

Jesus christ it's like an even more autistic pony convention
I didn't think it was possible

Awesome picture.

Breaking news: Sanders has a fist-fucking fetish.
More at 11.

Bernie's gotta stock up on lube for when he rapes trump in the general

Goddess, I hate when he raises his fist like that. Every woman knows that's a sign of a male dominating women with violence.

or how about like this feminazi?

she's holding her arm up in reflexive self-defense
it's implied there's a man out of frame about to beat her.
This image depicts a woman where the patriarchy wants her - on the receiving end of a man's penis/fist.


Sounds hot

Maybe you're onto something, sister.
"Significant Security Risks": State Department Says Clinton Broke Rules Using Private Email Server

A good report on the email/server scandal.





Preview of the bernie/trump debate. teump is nash, hogan bernie.

In all seriousness, he's obviously a bourgeois shill. However, the trends indicate that things are moving in more of a labor oriented direction in both parties. Just the fact that you hear this sort of rhetoric coming out of a republicans mouth is good news.


Man, this guy is pivoting.
He's trying to out-flanking the republicans on the right, and then the Dems on the left.
And it's working.

Good thing that we can talk about labour-issues again though.

leftypol has such great taste in music

I'd never even heard of that song. I just typed "I can only dream" on google hoping to find some sort of meme and that came up.

Kek. You faggots better be careful or you'll break your arms jerking each other off.

trump isnt a typical republican and he is smarter than people want to admit, maybe he has a point about things moving that way, especially with shit like automation coming up in the future

How was I engaging in a circle jerk you dumb faggot? All I did was tell the person where I got the song.

Best case scenario for the next 20 years: Nationalist left vs the cosmopolitan left.

Meant to write:

You weren't. I had to include your post to show that the other commietard was basing his circlejerk on bullshit. Call the shattering of your ego collateral damage.

What makes you think I'm a communist anyway?
One can be a socialist without being a communist.

kek that makes you an even bigger faggot. Can't even go all the way, gotta take a half measure. Next you'll say you're "bi-sexual".

Fuck off nigger. The people here actually have something called nuance. Maybe you'd be more comfortable back in your hole.
>>>Holla Forums

By Jerry White
27 May 2016

The UAW endorsement of Hillary Clinton is a marriage made in heaven, or better yet Wall Street. They both share the fear that the UAW will not be able to survive another upheaval by autoworkers who, like tens of millions of other workers, are being radicalized by unprecedented social inequality, unending wars and the turn by the corporate and financial oligarchy in the US and around the world to ever more authoritarian forms of rule.

I personally like Protex and thought I found someone else who did.
Sometimes I'm surprised some of the other users are into a lot of the same music I'm into.
Granted, what I consider "great" is entirely subjective.

If you don't mind foreign music..
(These songs always have an intro that lasts 30 secs to a minute. And it's usually them singing the chorus.)


The lyrics really are incredible. Most of these songs contain ancient sanskrit poems or scripture.

Nuance is the faggiest bullshit of all. "B-but Holla Forums can't be right! There must be some small exceptions I can cherry pick to 'prove' them wrong!"

Because it wasn't something the guy liked. He just picked a song that had a fitting name. "Holla Forums likes good music like meeee" is just circlejerking bullshit.

Stay dumb Holla Forums.

I memed on the floor.
This might actually be waking Holla Forums up to some degree.

Am I in an alternate universe Holla Forums?

Except I didn't say that, now did I?
That wasn't my intent.
I'm aware not everyone has the same taste as I do, and I completely accept that. I'm sure there are people who think mine is horrid.
Regardless, it doesn't matter if he picked out something I like on purpose or by accident, I still liked it.

People actually believe this?

Interesting stuff.
Is this from a film?
I don't listen to much Indian music, regrettably.
I'm going to have to listen to more before I can form a more concise opinion.
Thanks for sharing.

(I'm American, btw. Just thought I'd clarify beforehand)

Yes, it's from a movie called "Tharai Thappattai". A Tamil movie you can torrent & find subtitles to, I did that recently. One of the saddest films I've seen in a long time.
Here's the video of that song from the movie:
"Paruruvaaya" is another great song from it. The composer is a legend, here. Ilayaraja is his name.

Most popular Indian music is actually from cinema. Every movie usually has 3 or 4 songs in it, with the cast lip syncing, and those are the songs most popular on the radio.

Ohh, don't tempt me. :) Music is everything to me. Anywhere from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Bach, to foreign. I'll leave a couple more here for if you're interested.

This one has subs; cool lyrics; also old poetry. Pakistani Sufi singer, one of my favorite female singers.

If you want to know Indian music, just look for A R Rahman. This is one of the most famous songs, here, with subs:

Basic movie song, Hindi with subs:

I saved this for last. Prepare for culture shock, lmao. South Indian folksy.

Recommended songs in YT after these can give you a good idea.

And guys, the "basic movie song, Hindi" you'll want to check out. That's Aishwarya Rai, Miss world. One of the prettiest women I've ever seen. Worth knowing about..

Nah. Trump is a lying shill. He treats his own workers like shit, he's just saying what will get him elected.

You can't make this shit up

b-but muh """rapefugees"""

I miss when leftypol had no tripfags, though yui poster was good. He was too good for us, but he did the right thing.

Don't get me wrong. I don't doubt the fact that he's a lying shill but it's not about what he is but what he represents in many aspects.

they've been thinking this before, I have no idea what you're surprised about.

No way dude. He didn't try to get the presidency through the tea party controlled zombie party for shits and giggles. He's making a pivot towards the status quo and if/when he wins he'll pivot back and keep the party happy and not the people because his reelection would be guaranteed unless the holocaust happened.

What I'm trying to say is this is a blip and it won't change how republicans position themselves.

NevadaNebraskaGunOwner is now a filtered word on reddit that will get your post shadowbanned, and the mods are actively deleting posts that point this out or question it.


daily reminder that sexuality is a spook

t. basement virgin

Why do you hurt me this way?

Because you're an untermensch. If you don't marry and reproduce, what are you worth to your people, country, and God? If you don't do your part, the other """"""peoples"""""" of the world will outbreed yours and your culture, religion, and genes will disappear. For Christ's sake, at least go knock up some slut. Slip her some drugs if you have to, you pathetic neckbeard.

And now for your daily dose of liberal idpol:

As for God:

Matthew 19:10-12

"The disciples *said to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” 11 But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”

1 Corinthians 7:32-35

"32 But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; 33 but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, 34 and his interests are divided. The woman who is unmarried, and the virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 35 This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but [r]to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord."

I mean ofc I don't expect a fascist to actually read the Bible but seriously?

Now those are actual spooks.

I do what I do for myself and no one else. I live for myself, can you honestly say the same?

You're willing to rape and probably do some other shitty stuff all for those three spooks? Let me let you in on a little secret. The white race doesn't give a shit what you do for it. Your """"country"""" doesn't give a shit what you do for it, but right wingers and capitalists will be grateful for useful idiotism for their benefit. And God cares not for your race, your country, or anything in the material world.

I think in Ecclesiastes there's a verse about how it is better never to have been born.

Was Solomon agonizing over the futility of life if I remember correctly.

The Bible was written by flawed humans (mostly dirty sandniggers), so it's more important to use COMMON SENSE and INTUITION than trust those people's interpretation of God's will. For fuck's sake, the Jews thought they of all people were God's chosen.

Fuck no, I can't imagine anything more degenerate than that. You are going to die, and soon. You'll live foreever in the hereafter, so you should live for God and earn that, but the world you leave behind will exist for much longer than you will. If you don't devote your life to your people, culture, and nation you are pissing your life away.

Kek what a cuck
don't be such a servile little bootlicker user

Oh how convenient that your God is totally in favor of gassing jews and niggers then and aligns 100% with your political ideology. :^)

Have fun in hell buddy.

You forgot your anarcho-femishit flag. Also, I'm not pathetic enough to need performance enhancing drugs to get sex with a woman. I have a wife and we have sex whenever I want.

The people it consists of do. They don't want rapefugees blowing up their home and kidnapping their children.

If you don't have a secure country your people will get steamrolled by savages.

I see no problem with people benefiting from my devotion to my people. I can see why a selfish cunt like you would, though.

Yeah, that's why he created the world. Come on son.

Jeez, no wonder communism always fizzles out. Protip: your ideology has to be strong and make people want to be part of it if it's going to work. Otherwise they'll just leech off others' hard work and the workers will get fed up with the exploitation.

No nazi ever wanted to kill the untermensch. Hitler wanted to deport them, but literally no country on Earth would take the filth, so they sat in camps. Then the Allies started bombing German supply lines. Logistically they couldn't handle the demand for supplies in the camps (or even the more deserving Germans) and people started starving. If they killed anyone it was a mercy to spare them death by slow painful starvation. All that blood in on the hands of the Allies.

being part of "something bigger" at your own expense is pure servile faggotry
why does rejecting your slavish retardation mean people wouldn't want to join out of their own rational self interest? at it's core socialism and communism is about fulfilling the workers self interest and of all peoples really.


kek yeah that's why it's called "socialism" and "communism" totally about self-interest. You know what they'd do out of self-interest? Leech off the system just like what happens now with welfare. You people bitch about exploitation but want to have a system where the most degenerate useless people exploit everyone else. How is that better than rich people exploiting everyone else?

Jesus didn't marry or reproduce

Where is your god now, faggot?


The only reason any leftist would want to get into heaven is so that he could kill god, the boss on high and heavenly bourgeois.

As if Bakunin hasn't done so already

According to some people, but he also died very young. Surely his descendants would stand above even the Aryan people. Why would God want that? There's already a master race.

>everyone else on this thread board

Citation needed
welfare isn't socialism
why would people being given the full value of their labor somehow be exploiting others? how would people having control and a say in their labor exploitative to others?

This is your brain on leftism.
How does God exploit anyone? The world wouldn't exist without Him.

Is this the new "communism has never been tried"?
It's not, but it opens up the next thing:
Because the lazy people would work less and vote to get stuff anyway. And under communism they wouldn't have to work at all, just being parasites on society. The workers would stop tolerating that and try to change to a different system.

you answered your own question

I seriously want to lynch the entirety of CNN right now.

are you retarded? Welfare is literally a capitalist reform made to STOP socialist revolutions
why would the majority of any workplace agree to that? it makes no sense people would be paid according to their work or what is agreed upon as consensus
under communism you wouldn't NEED to work at all tbh
there might be some volunteers needed to work like 3 hours a week or something but most work would be mechanized and automated.
been watching too many scifi movies m8 :^) (illegally) (legally)
3000 hours of research on wikipedia

Let's say he did. Why ought we obey him for that reason alone? Does your father command you? Does he own your body? Does he have the right to kill you if you disobey him?

As in… they would vote to have automation and cut down on their work hours? Sure, why on earth would that be a bad thing. The same stuff for less work. More spare time. What aspect of that is bad?

"Any distribution whatever of the means of consumption is only a consequence of the distribution of the conditions of production themselves. The latter distribution, however, is a feature of the mode of production itself. The capitalist mode of production, for example, rests on the fact that the material conditions of production are in the hands of nonworkers in the form of property in capital and land, while the masses are only owners of the personal condition of production, of labor power. If the elements of production are so distributed, then the present-day distribution of the means of consumption results automatically. If the material conditions of production are the co-operative property of the workers themselves, then there likewise results a distribution of the means of consumption different from the present one. Vulgar socialism (and from it in turn a section of the democrats) has taken over from the bourgeois economists the consideration and treatment of distribution as independent of the mode of production and hence the presentation of socialism as turning principally on distribution. After the real relation has long been made clear, why retrogress again?"

Karl Marx, COTGP

Here the man denies that wealth redistribution-programmes is socialism. And I think Marx knew what socialism is.

Only to a leftist is existence exploitation by definition.

Well I guess every cloud has a silver lining then.
Because lazy fucks would unionize or take advantage of muh sympathy.
Automation is far from replacing all work, and may never do it.
Except for the stuff like engineering or practical labor that requires problem solving and creative thinking.
The robots would, but not the plumbers and electricians who have to fix lazy people's shit when they could be fixing hard workers' shit instead.

Because he will reward us for it. He's under no obligation to do anything for us, but he will if we cooperate.
No, they would vote to have less labor for the same value in money or whatever they get in exchange. "Automating would be too much work, why can't we just raise the equivalent of minimum wage?" Who would oppose that? But then where's the incentive to keep working aside from people who just want to do the hard but necessary jobs?
That's just word salad mate. They proved that leftists don't actually understand any of what they read. And just because Saint Karl said it doesn't make it true.


wait so the only way it would happen is if people consented to it? then what the fuck is the problem? just vote to change it so you only get paid the value you produce if you don't like it
it can already replace most work
so people who want to do that can
creative work has people that actually actively enjoy what they do
why would they honestly give a fuck? somebody needs help so they help if they are actually pieces of shit then people just won't deal with them
free association nigga


And so we're under no obligation to follow him, and thus he is no lord at all? Good. Then I elect not to.

This makes no sense. If you decrease hours without automisation you produce less and thus you sell less, thus you make less. It's not like the cooperation has a magic money-printing machine. It needs to exchange in one way or another. Why do you expect people to work against their own personal self-interest?

What he's saying is that wealth distribution is really determined by work-place ownership, and thus it is naive to call wealth-redistribution socialism. You can disagree with him all you want, but here you have Marx saying that wealth-redistribution is not socialism.
So you can call wealth-redistribution socialism all you want, but it would only be so according to your own snowflake definition of socialism.


Most people are complete idiots and will consent to things that are bad for them. See 99% of consumer goods.
Most work is bullshit and should be replaced so those people can do useful things instead.
Dirty jobs like sewage treatment and plumbing are jobs like that, but lots of people just do them to get paid. Anything with a wide variety of problems is hard to automate.
Because by helping a deadbeat they get nothing in return, but the liberal idiots guilt them into doing it.

It's your eternity.
I thought you faggots were against markets and money, just want people to get what they "need" or "deserve".
The myopia is real. This is why socialism/communism won't work.
They do it all the time. See: every shitty dead-end job that provides nothing of value to society.

The whole point of socialism is to redistribute wealth though. How is the means of production moving to the workers not redistribution of wealth?

btw the majority of people on welfare are middle age, working class whites that worked for years before the economy got fucked and now can't find jobs because there are none

That's pretty disgusting, especially given the fact that they revealed 28% of UAW members in a poll earlier wanted a Trump endorsement, but refused to reveal how well Sanders and Clinton polled among UAW membership. At least the AFL-CIO has held off on an endorsement.

Even more disgusting, however, is the bizarre accusation that what "has long been the stock-in-trade" of American labor unions is "fascistic" "anti-immigrant agitation", "[waging] trade war", "nationalist poison", "[dividing] American workers from their cheap source of slave labor brothers and sisters around the totally lacking in industrial regulation the 1st-world has world".

Nothing could be further from the truth, as ever since the Reagan era, unions have backstabbed the working class and bent themselves into knots to appeal to immigrants, also collapsing (though not anywhere near as severely as with immigration) in the face of free trade:

/r/ing Checkers webbum

Every time they say something like this, I wonder if they said the same things about Margaret Thatcher back in the day.

Demiurge pls

I concur with the rest of your post, but the above isn't strictly true. Overwork, especially in more intellectual fields, will eventually result in decreased efficiency as compared with hiring more shifts of labor.

That's pretty disgusting, especially given the fact that they revealed 28% of UAW members in a poll earlier wanted a Trump endorsement, but refused to reveal how well Sanders and Clinton polled among UAW membership. At least the AFL-CIO has held off on an endorsement.

Even more disgusting, however, is the bizarre accusation that what "has long been the stock-in-trade" of American labor unions is "fascistic" "anti-immigrant agitation", "[waging] trade war", "nationalist poison", "[dividing] American workers from their cheap source of slave labor brothers and sisters around the totally lacking in industrial regulation the 1st-world has world".

Nothing could be further from the truth, as ever since the Reagan era, unions have backstabbed the working class and bent themselves into knots to appeal to immigrants, also collapsing (though not anywhere near as severely as with immigration) in the face of free trade:

/r/ing Checkers webbum

Every time they say something like this, I wonder if they said the same things about Margaret Thatcher back in the day.

Demiurge pls

I concur with the rest of your post, but the above isn't strictly true. Overwork, especially in more intellectual fields, will eventually result in decreased efficiency as compared with hiring more shifts of labor.

The point of socialism isn't exactly to redistribute wealth, it's to redistribute POWER, and thus other things such as wealth, in turn.

What's the Hillary equivalent to Berniebros?

You know the type, well-to-do liberals in their mid-20s who insist that Bernie Sanders is a reactionary who hates minorities and "doesn't understand the real issues".

people know enough not to do what you're saying and even then ideology is what plays the biggest part on our consumption currently that and advertisement
then why can't a community organize this maintenance? why can't this be done democratically and fairly?
it's not like they have to
again free association
besides in a communist economy they won't need to worry about that as much

Oh so he does force me. He threatens me with eternal torture, the mark of a tyrant. Then there is all the reason to kill him

Well, not necessarily at all. Markets have their own problems, but the problems of capitalism are not inherent to them.

Again, Marx said:

When "the direct producer" is "the possessor of his own means of production" then he is "a non-capitalist producer." This is "a form of production that does not correspond to the capitalist mode of production" even if "he produces his product as a commodity."- Capital III: 735, 1015
"The means of production and subsistence, while they remain the property of the immediate producer, are not capital. They only become capital under circumstances in which they serve at the same time as means of exploitation of, and domination over, the worker." When the producer owns his "conditions of labour" and "employs that labour to enrich himself instead of the capitalist" then it is an economic system "diametrically opposed" to capitalism. Capital 1: 938, 931

So the problem is not markets, but hierarchy and impersonal ownership within the workplace.

People don't elect to have dead-end jobs. I don't see what this has to do with what desicions people would make if they had democracy in the workplace.

Indeed, and that is what he said too! Much like the french and american revolution was a transfer of wealth from the nobility to the bourgeoisie, we'll need to sieze the workplaces initially.
That has nothing to do with the kind of wealth redistribution (means of consumption) that you're talking about with social programmes.

Oh look it's that nuance faggotry again.

Nobody will want to unless they have to or ideology tells them to, and communism tells people to be selfish apparently.

Yeah and the hippies in the commune won't associate with people who don't follow their guilt and help freeloaders.

God didn't make Hell, Satan did after God kicked him out for fucking up Heaven. Blame Satan for the alternative being shit.
OK my mistake but how do you get people to work if nobody makes them?
They could seek different jobs, or gain new skills on the side, or start their own business, etc. instead of taking whatever shitty job some asshole created to make some profit selling le ebin graphic tees or whatever.
They are both wealth redistribution. What difference does it make how they redistribute it? You faggots just cannot drop this nuance shit.

That's pretty disgusting, especially given the fact that they revealed 28% of UAW members in a poll earlier wanted a Trump endorsement, but refused to reveal how well Sanders and Clinton polled among UAW membership. At least the AFL-CIO has held off on an endorsement.

Even more disgusting, however, is the bizarre accusation that what "has long been the stock-in-trade" of American labor unions is "fascistic" "anti-immigrant agitation", "[waging] trade war", "nationalist poison", "[dividing] American workers from their cheap source of slave labor brothers and sisters around the totally lacking in industrial regulation the 1st-world has world".

Nothing could be further from the truth, as ever since the Reagan era, unions have backstabbed the working class and bent themselves into knots to appeal to immigrants, also collapsing (though not anywhere near as severely as with immigration) in the face of free trade:

/r/ing Checkers webbum

Every time they say something like this, I wonder if they said the same things about Margaret Thatcher back in the day.

Demiurge pls

I concur with the rest of your post, but the above isn't strictly true. Overwork, especially in more intellectual fields, will eventually result in decreased efficiency as compared with hiring more shifts of labor.

The point of socialism isn't exactly to redistribute wealth, it's to redistribute POWER, and thus other things such as wealth, in turn.

It's fine, a lot of people make this mistake.
I'm not quite sure what you mean with the question. Are you asking how workers would be able to invest in their own work-places without capitalists? Mutualist banks.
Banks that are essentially credit unions. They are democratically controlled and their only purpose is to fund new worker-owned cooperatives and thus they charge no interest (usury) on loans.

Well, there is a limited amount of jobs out there. I get what you're saying, most of these jobs are usually useless, but that doesn't mean that people could simply choose to go elsewhere.

You see no difference between the american revolution and wellfare programmes?
I mean, I guess one could call those two things similar in that way, but surely you must acknowledge that there's a pretty important difference between these two.


Hillary Hacks



I mean why would someone work if they don't have a hierarchy forcing them to. Banks are shit. Credit unions are much better.
Hence "or start their own business." If the problem is not enough jobs, the answer is more jobs. Simple.
If they had the initiative they could do what I said above. If they have to they could learn some skills on the side first.
How is the Revolutionary War wealth redistribution? They just made England fuck off and stop leeching their tax money. They didn't take back any money. They stopped giving it.

pic related


Not an argument

Well, if they want to eat they'd have to work. How else would you make a living? I mean, cooperatives exist today, and they don't need a hierarchy in order to go to work.
Masters have always told us that we need them. That's a hollow lie. The boss needs you, you don't need him. We are strong enough to manage ourselves. Agree with you on banks. A mutualist bank is essentially a credit union.

Indeed! Good thinking! However, credit unions necessary to fund such projects usually requires a strong union presence, and pro-capitalists have a tendency of cracking down on unions, so right now there isn't a network of organization to make this possible.

Well, it also takes a lot of money. The "bar of entry", meaning how much it costs to set up a competitiev business has gotten higher and higher because the wealthy have gotten wealthier, so people will need loans if they want to set up their own businesses.

America was the King's land. The americans usurped it.
But you could say the same about a socialist revoulution.
We'd just make the bosses fuck off and stop leeching of off the stuff we work at and create. We'll stop giving them the proceeds of our labour.

I'm pretty sure he's trolling. He's against nuance for fuck's sake.

Isn't the whole point "from each according to his ability to each according to his need"? Are you saying this board disagrees with that, after all the Marx quoting?
Really? I doubt they would last very long.
So why are there so many people taking handouts instead of starting their own businesses?
I don't disagree with any of this. Capitalists/business owners don't tend to care about other people, the country, God, or any other of my "spooks" that you people don't like.
That's what savings are for, but loans help. I don't disagree with private entities (not the government, i.e. taxes) giving loans to people trying to start businesses.
Land is owned by the people who live on it and use it. It wasn't the Kings, he was just bullying people into giving him shit. If anything the Revolution ended redistribution.
Yeah, but like I said the bosses are necessary. Every attempt at communism fell apart. Humans are far from perfect. Most of us need to be led. It doesn't have to be that way though. We can evolve, but only if we let the strong prosper and the weak wither. That's how evolution works.

I expected nothing better but tbh I'm surprised other people here can actually defend their ideas. The people not like you have actually managed to win some respect from me. Clearly leftists have put a lot of thought into this, even though it may be misguided.

That maxim is only true once nearly full automization of the factories and so on has been hit, once having money is impossible, because there is no need for jobs to produce anything really, so noone can really be paid a wage. We call this high-stage communism.

Until then we work on lower-stage communism, also called socialism.

In Marx' words:

''Hence, equal right here is still in principle – bourgeois right, although principle and practice are no longer at loggerheads, while the exchange of equivalents in commodity exchange exists only on the average and not in the individual case.

In spite of this advance, this equal right is still constantly stigmatized by a bourgeois limitation. The right of the producers is proportional to the labor they supply; the equality consists in the fact that measurement is made with an equal standard, labor.

But one man is superior to another physically, or mentally, and supplies more labor in the same time, or can labor for a longer time; and labor, to serve as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity, otherwise it ceases to be a standard of measurement. This equal right is an unequal right for unequal labor. It recognizes no class differences, because everyone is only a worker like everyone else; but it tacitly recognizes unequal individual endowment, and thus productive capacity, as a natural muh privilege. It is, therefore, a right of inequality, in its content, like every right. Right, by its very nature, can consist only in the application of an equal standard; but unequal individuals (and they would not be different individuals if they were not unequal) are measurable only by an equal standard insofar as they are brought under an equal point of view, are taken from one definite side only – for instance, in the present case, are regarded only as workers and nothing more is seen in them, everything else being ignored. Further, one worker is married, another is not; one has more children than another, and so on and so forth. Thus, with an equal performance of labor, and hence an equal in the social consumption fund, one will in fact receive more than another, one will be richer than another, and so on. To avoid all these defects, right, instead of being equal, would have to be unequal.

But these defects are inevitable in the first phase of communist society as it is when it has just emerged after prolonged birth pangs from capitalist society. Right can never be higher than the economic structure of society and its cultural development conditioned thereby.

In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly – only then then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!''

Note in the first part that he stresses the individual's right to some inequality according to merit during lower-stage socialism.

Yeah people can save up and if the "bar of entry" is really low, then that's a good idea. However, the wages have stagnated for a long while now while the bar of entry has only gotten higher, so now it's almost impossible to start a competive business without some kind of loan. However, we seek a society where such loans are possible without usury, through mutual banks, which sole function is to enable people to start cooperative businesses.

I absolutely agree, this is Proudhon's definition of property.
But then, should the workplace not also be owned by those who use it, those who spent their time in it? Is it not just them stopping the flow of value to the capitalist the second they decide to implement democracy in the workplace rather than let the boss take the profits.

Why? What do we need them for? What can they do for me that a king couldn't do? Should we accept a monarch? Can I not sit upon the throne of my own life?

I want you to consider something. Now that I have brought you some examples of what communism is supposed to be, ask yourself: does the soviet union sound anything like that?

No. The soviet was a usurpation of the name of the socialist movement. They used it in order to implement their own system.

You think I only say this because it failed? Socialists recognized this long before the USSR failed or even before it got truly terrible.
Take this text by Emma Goldman from 1935:

Human beings have not been subject to individual natural selection for millenea now. Even since we invented tools and started cooking stuff we have been shaping the environment to fit us, rather than shape ourselves to fit our environment. Our evolution has taken us in the direction where we have evolved now to be better at cooperating at give mutual aid to each other.

I have linked a book on the biology and evolution of mutual aid.

When the masters tell you that you need them, don't believe them.
We don't.

Huh. That quote is a lot more coherent than the other ones. I can't say I disagree with the core concept. I didn't realize Marx thought about the process of getting to his utopian ideal.

Makes sense.
Right, but you still need the boss to make it work. Like I said communism keeps failing. Giving the workers control sounds nice but it breaks down quickly because it's not being managed. Most people are bad at long-term planning, so you need someone who's good at that to be in charge.
See above.
Kings can do the same thing, although their power was hereditary instead of merit-based.
No, but we should accept bosses who are competent. Incompetent bosses lead to failed businesses. The market can take care of that problem.
Yeah, but you're talking about sitting on the throne of your company, along with everyone else.
OK but what about all the others? China, Korea, Cuba, etc. All have fallen away from communism and gone to a different system. I don't see how what you're describing with the USSR is not communism failing, "usurping the socialist movement" as you say.
Uh, what? Are you saying that bad genes that cause illnesses and deformity stopped working? Are you saying that good genes that cause higher competence stopped working? Like you quoted Marx, people DO earn different amounts of money and succeed better or worse than others. I get that commies think the economy is unfair and stacked, but surely you agree that selective pressure is still present to some degree. This is to say nothing of sexual selection, btw.
If by environment you mean with respect to the natural world and by ourselves you mean societies instead of individual people. Society is also the environment of the individual, so it shapes people too. Which is why it's important to have a meritocratic society and not reward degenerate behavior.
Yes, that is true, but it will go in the opposite direction if it becomes advantageous to be a selfish cunt like this guy suggests and then civilization (or our civilization) will fall because people stop being inclined to co-operate.


You can elect managers that are recallable instantly if they don't to the job properly. I am not under the illusion that we don't need administration, just that administration ought be democratic and voluntary.

The same with bosses. A lot of people simply inherit their wealth from their parents, much like kings of old.

Bosses hire CEOs to manage their business, so they don't actually have to do any work. I mean, Bill Gates for example doesn't do any fucking work, he just rakes in all the money. So no, incompetent bosses don't fail, they hire competent people to work for them.

Well, ask yourself the same question with those (who all were soviet-backed btw). Did they have democracy in the workplace? Did what Marx talked about sound like what they had? Well, if they didn't have what eariler socialist thinkers were talking about, it's obvious they were only using the name to gain popular support, much like the Democratic Republic of Congo pretends to be democratic but isn't.

Yes, but unlike most other species, humanity does not have selective pressure to be able to compete, rather our selective pressure releies on our ability to cooperate. This is a pretty important

Well, in most cases, since human being thrive the most when they supply mutual-aid to each other, it is in the interest of the individual to cooperate with other. It will always be. However, in those cases where the individual has to go against their own interests, I don't see much reason to force them to.

Remember, a sacrifice is not a sacrifice if one thinks it will bring benefit down the road, it is an investment.

Just so you know: the USSR never claimed to have achieved communism and during the time of Lenin it didn’t claim to have achieved to even been practising socialism at all, the material conditions just weren't there.
Lenin rightfully classified it as State Capitalism.
No of the others you mentioned claimed to have achieved communism either nor did they implement democracy in the workplace or worker's control, instead they toiled the soviet line as started by stalin because A: most of those regimes were installed by the soviets or B: They were highly depended on soviet aid. It was usually both of these factors working at once.

How has socialism/communism managed to be around so long without being tried then? Surely at least the democratic workplace thing would be easy enough to implement. Is it commie incompetence or what?

But being accountable to the people is the problem. We're mostly instinctual and short-term-thinking creatures. The boss makes an unpopular but important decision? Goodbye boss.
Yes, but with people running businesses, if they suck it will fail. That's how selection pressures work. Same as evolution.
Yeah, but he built that company and people were dumb enough to buy shitty Windows computers instead of better alternatives. He set up the company so he earned that wealth.
See my reply to your other post.
OK but the pressures are still there. This is more of that nuance shit. "Well see things aren't exactly that way!!!" It's still selective pressure, and there are good and bad traits.
Yes, but selective pressure happens on the margins. (Incidentally this is why it's a huge problem to irrelevant shit. Even small differences have a large effect in the long term). If society makes an individual's environment less dependent on co-operation, e.g. devotion to God and country, the people in the country will be less productive and that country will likely get out-competed by countries that have a more co-operative people. This is why self-interest is the cancer of civilization. It wouldn't be so bad if people were better at thinking long-term, but we're not. It's completely anti-science to suggest that we are. If you teach people to be self-interested, they will mostly think of their immediate personal desires instead of how they can benefit from a more co-operative system.

Sanders on TYT right now.

It already exists, dude.'_self-management

That includes people in power. The drive for immediate profits by bosses is damaging the environment in such a way that it threatens the long-term survival of the species. Short-term decision making on the part of bosses is just as likely to produce disaster as short-term decision making by workers, the only difference is that the former predictably benefits bosses in the short-term rather than (and at the expense of) workers in the short-term.

Right but the ones who don't think long term will fail, leaving the ones who do think long term. Externalities should be regulated by the government, putting a value on their cost and taxing businesses appropriately.

That's just for individual companies though, where has that been done by a whole country/society?

Kill yourself Eurocuck. What are you even doing in this thread to begin with. Go jerk off about how Merkel is tolerant and Islam culturally enriches Europe.

No, when it comes to the environment those who do think long-term - by pursuing costly and unprofitable environmentally friendly practices - fail.

Donald Trump has backed out of the debate with Bernie Sanders.

The English Crown set up America. Does the US righfully belong to the English Monarch?

Revolutionary catalonia did it. They lost a war, though.
The fact that there are such enterprises with over 70.000 worker-owners would show you that workers are more than capable of leading themselves. I certainly am. I trust you are too.

The answer lies in the fact that the USSR actually cracked down hard on actually communism while the west did the same.


I love how much he tries to reach out to Bernie's voters.

Donald Stumped

Because they're not taxed according to the cost of externalities they contribute to, or credited according to positive externalities (which is just as important imo).

They didn't do any of the work, unlike Gates. I don't see monarchs as legitimate anyway, but Gates did put in work developing his product and company. I don't really see how he's unfairly benefitted from it unless you're talking about how it's unfair for such a shitty product to be so popular.

So if it's never really been tried long enough to work, couldn't I say the same thing about Not Socialism and fascism? It could have been great but we all know who won World War II.


Get TYT to host it. I'm dead serious. They're not MSM. They're upstarts. Trump should love them other than their political leanings. If Bernie suggests it, he could use it against Trump if he doesn't want to help a small business.

Gates just stole ideas from jobs who stole from xerox

Not that I'd ever defend Fascism, but you always have Franco and Pinochet, they lasted a good length of time.

So did Margaret.


Gates didn't do much in terms of coding. He administrated things, sure, but so did the monarch. Why does thing entitle him to the work of others, why does thing mean that those working with him does not get a say in the process? Would the monarch be entiteled to America if he put a token amount of work into the colonies?

Well, Mondragon, a cooperative of 70.000 is 60 odd years old now. that's quite some time.
But you could. Nazism and fascism doesn't diffentiate itself from capitalism though, so I'd just give you the same criticisms.

Expect Holla Forumsacks to come spamming this board in damage control


Kek where's this from?

It's pretty obvious that the US didn't need administration from the King, considering they won the war. Let me know when there's a tech giant rivaling Microsoft that's democratized.

But capitalism has been the state of the world for a while now. Let me know when it fails.

No idea, I just pulled it off twatter

Try dissenting even a little bit over there. Trump is good at getting people to do things, but he's bad at making good decisions. You need both to be a good leader.

That implication wasn't in my post at all, keep up the defensiveness though my lad

That's faulty logic. A feudal lord could have said the same to a capitalist before the revolution. Just because one doesn't exist now, doesn't mean that it can't. Remember, cooperatives usually need strong unions, and Unions have been smashed to fucking pieces.

We've been in almost constant crisis since the 70's with huge increases in both debt and inequality, plus the rates of profits are falling as markets cannot expand further because the third world is fully exploited.
Feudalism was the state of the world for a long time too, but you consider that illegitimate.
Why are we to accept one master over the other? The cradle of our civilization had direct democracies. We can do that again.

>That's faulty logic. A feudal lord could have said the same to a capitalist before the revolution.
That's the point. If you can succeed at a revolution and show you don't need someone managing you, you have demonstrated the right to rule yourself. If you try and fail you demonstrate that you don't. If you don't even try, you definitely belong where you are.

Maybe it's going to fail soon. Maybe not. Will there be a revolution? Will it work? Hard to say. But until people overthrow capitalism, capitalism is a fine system.
Feudalism was fine for a while too. It was an improvement over what came before. People who didn't live under feudalism were vulnerable to feudal societies, making feudalism the only moral choice until a better system came along.
Because for now the master is mightier than the people. When that changes, the state of the world will change.


So the people have to prove their desire of socialism by accomplishing it and only then will it be legitimate?

Ok. Fine.

Holla Forums discusses Trump chickening out of the debate (for the second time


Dissent, or common sense, rather, is not tolerated naturally.

What in the world is that picture

Yes exactly. Might makes right.

kindred spirits

Ehh, ok. But no one will ever know if it's possible if the workers don't know anything about it.

I'll summarise the thread


I just love when the same far right who wants women in their "God declared/natural" environment suddenly finds itself defending women. Think of anti-immigrant European parties (muh raep), or now Trump's charity for women (muh shekels). If I were a woman, I'd be a sad, sad woman.

If it would ever work, if they'd ever become ready to rule themselves, they would know.

They don't actually care about women, they're just upset that they aren't the ones raping.

I always found it interesting that some far right folks are also transhumanists. Like, if you're all about the being a cyborg, how can you also believe you want some races and women in inferior roles? Will you keep the technology from them or what?

of course

they intend on keeping voting rights and so forth from them, why not tech too?

I suppose I assume the inevitability of tech being ubiquitous, regardless of what kind. Can't keep the locks on the robotics lab doors forever fam.

Bob Arum offers $20M for Trump-Sanders debate

TRUMP 2016

WHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hahahaha

Trump 2016 baby, we need a capitalist revolution

I thought you guys said he was a leftist.

I already knew this, but after the election is done with there will be zero reasons for me to watch TYT ever again.

Are you unironically watching TYT outside of an election night?
>>>Holla Forums6134854



I thought you were the boss of you, Trump?

This proves(as if we didn't already know) he's just a shill, abiding by the will of the parties & behind the scenes power players. He's feeling the pressure.

Why not "self-fund" this debate? Fucking coward. He knows, as well as most of Holla Forums, that Sanders is the real threat, much stronger than Hillary. So why risk getting his ass handed to him in a debate by Sanders, if he can just choose the easy way out with Hillary - if she gets the nom.

I just tuned in because of the Sanders interview.

Yeah, but it's a lose-lose situation for Trump. He'll still look weak for backing out. This is actually still pretty good for Bernie. Both of the other candidates backed out of debating him. That sends a pretty strong message.

Oh of course. That's what I'm saying, too. I'm sure his ego is taking a knock from being called a pussy & a chicken nonstop now.

This was a misstep for him. The more he does this shit, the more people realize how genuinely full of shit he is. Usually it's just the nonsense he says, now he's doing nonsense actions. He mishandled that charity for the vets, too, right? The fact he's not ponying up his own money shows he could really give a shit about the charity angle, regarding the debate.

You're right though, this is still good for Bernie, being that both have backed out, citing nonsense reasons. This is actually the second time Trump's backed out from debating Bernie, too.

I already see people trying to use the rationale though, that "Sanders isn't worth the time" rather than he's strong. But I think the masses see through that.

My bad, I hadn't gotten to your post yet in the thread, before I posted the same thread link.

I saved this under "chickenshit Trump"



wew lad

dude that quote's fake lmao

I this confirmed?

Looking like it is false. Funny, because it totally sounds like something he'd say. Well meme'd, whoever did that.


be careful praising propaganda. it's a rattlesnake that will bite you just the same as them. how many people came to believe Bernie doesn't believe white people know what it means to be poor because a >well meme'd marco and yellow journalism?

Good point, user. Sanders has gotten this badly as well. Not cool when it happens to any candidate.





Looks like the Trump lion logo could use an update.



someone photoshop trumps hair on that chicken

Is there a porky OC with a MAGA hat?


This is as close as I have


fuggen saved

Yes but it is exactly what he's doing. He got his campaign to listen to a shit ton of conservative talk radio to decide what his platform would be. He's just pandering to the biggest demo that feels underserved and requires little effort to win over.

Now do a Hillary one.

100% agree.

Objectively speaking it was probably the smarter move not to go to this. There's absolutely nothing that he'd gain and the worst case scenario would be the debate marginalizing Clinton so badly that Bernie wins the nomination and slaughters him in the general election. As it is he'll just be made fun of over not taking part for a few weeks before media moves on to something else.

No, in the worst case scenario, Bernie also cuts through Trumps bullshit and makes him look bad too. Trump would be a fucking idiot to do the debate, but he looks bad either way. He just picked the lesser of two evils, like the American voter has to do.

Well yeah, figured that part was a given.

He can't handle having his feelings hurt. He will debate, he's just trying to figure out how to justify himself for making such a dumbass move.

Nah, he skipped two Fox debates with everyone calling him scared. Doubt he'll end up doing this one.

Oy Vey listen to Rabbi Yeshuah some more, goy!

In Jesus there are no Jews or Gentiles, goy!

Share all that you own if you want to truly follow Yeshuah, goy!

Holy shit you're right, guy's a baby.

That's because those guys are tool fools and he knew he didn't have to bother with them. The generals is the big leagues.

that video is fucking platinum

It's like Nazis are time-cube given human form.

Sanders' response. Apparently this was how he learned Trump had back out, too.

Sanders also says both campaigns have received offers from two networks already.


YES I know SA are largely impotent at this point but still further Left than Sanders which is relevant in burgerstan no?

It's happening brothers, all the stupid Left-Liberal movements are beginning to coalesce and swing even harder Left. Yes this all comes from a Trump rally but the fact that there are Socialistic elements willing to be vocal means the potential for larger influence is there and is happening. Sanders better be quick about revealing his power level once he gets in office or else his supporters desire for actual Socialism will outpace his entry

Half these people are nothing more than limousine liberals who like to call themselves "socialists" because it's edgy. Their entire reasoning behind protesting Trump is retarded in and of itself. The fact is, there's nothing wrong with wanting to control our borders. If they wanted to stage an effective protest, they'd call him out on his lies and wake people up to the fact that he employs illegal immigrants and sweatshop workers.

there's been plenty of references to this in progressive alt-media and even in mainstream media m8

I think they're indignance is more that Trump is embracing a general anti-immigrant and in turn anti-minority sentiment in America for his own personal gain, which is on the one hand making open displays of violence and racism okay and on the other hand doing that in the interest of retarded ideas like Le Wall and an economic plan that is basically George W Bush 2.0

First of all I didn't say they were all Socialists I said that they were STARTING to swing harder Left thanks to, admittedly moderate, Socialists starting to come into the scene and a hardline focus on IdPol seeming to fall away.

Secondly nice "muh true socialism"

this shit terrifies me.

Shit got so bad they had to fucking call in Starship troopers

The thing I found interesting about those videos is that they pretty much prove that in America at least, your "free speech" or "free expression" extends only so far as the cops will allow it. Like in that one video everything was okay so long as those two groups of protesters were shitlfinging over that police car, which was literally a dividing line. After that line started to be crossed WOO WOO enormous swarm of cops come in and start shoving everyone out of there no matter who they're supporting.

I think it's events like these which are finally going to demonstrate to even more what the real enemy is.

Gonna leave this here


Thank you. This is probably one of the best video's I've seen.

Make no mistake, there is going to be another Red Scare, whether these people are idpol or not. Just look at how much influence pol and the alt right has right now. I have a feeling Sorors, the Kochs and other elites like them, is planning this shit. Not some 'def ta wyte race' bullshit. Hartline resewing to fascism. It's not just happening in the west. Even loilbert's have said facism is a response to the 'far left'. They just forget it's also capitalism fighting back.

Look at the comments. Their righteous indignation should not be something taken lightly. The state has a heft following of new loyal subordinates, and it going to be Trump supporters., and possibly the children of these protesters.

This is why they fund socjus in education. To make people like this, and make literal Nazis seem pleasant in comparison, and it's working like a charm.

I'm done with my little conspiracy theory.

Truly terrifying

I also found the youtube page of the guy who made it.

That's what I was looking for. Thank you user.
Clinton's Long Shadow

Meanwhile, mammoth new slum areas have sprung up north of Port-au-Prince, a testament to the mind-boggling decision to prioritize building luxury hotels for foreign tourists, NGO workers and businesspeople over permanent housing for the over one million Haitians made homeless by the quake.
Daily rage

I pretty much 100 percent agree with you but I don't think the rising Leftism will go down as easy as in other Fascist States after it's eventual return. For one thing trump, while being quite authoritarian and advocating totalitarian policies, isn't 100 percent fascist, for one thing because he's too much of a flip flopper to be (I recognize that this is in itself a potential trait of a fascist but I mean more that he doesn't seem to have any distinct plan beneath the flip flopping and is just doing it to confuse)

On the other hand as someone said to me a while back, the youth are more interested in voting now and I think that will go beyond the Presidential election. There's going to be a very Progressive presence in congress soon and I think particularly if Trump is elected, which would raise some problems and make it hard for Trump to do half of what he wants, unless he just kills them outright, which is possible but I doubt it
Hillary Clinton Won’t Say How Much Goldman Sachs CEO Invested With Her Son-in-Law

Not necessarily, they could also create brand new inferior positions, with brand new genuinely inferior races to fill them. Most of the whole "transhumanist" circlejerk is extremely rightist in nature, not least of all the religiosity of its "rapture of the nerds" woo.

You would be correct. Trump is a scammer through and through. I kinda do hope he does become president if Sanders doesn't get the nom. Not becuase of 'muh sellerashionizmzm!!!11!' but moreso to the fact that his most ardent supported will be outed as the cucks they are, that is unless they realize they've been had. The other reason is there is going to be another massive crash soon, no matter who becomes president. Jut look at what the banks are doing. Obviously, people are going to scapegoat rather then evaluate the system. Sanders not being in their would have this as one of the silver linings. Meanwhile, if Trump is in there, I think it's pretty obvious he won't handle it that well.

Still, theres allot of misinformation surrounding leftism, let alone socialism. Will it be possible to avoid or survive another red scare? Pic related. What of anarchism, has that been dragged through the mud as well?

Also, I'm forgot about TPP. Just so happens there's all this commotion while this thing will be up for a final vote for ratification soon. I have a feeling those same guys I mentioned will be befitting shit loads from it too. Also, the net will be severely fucked.

The United States has a below net zero immigration rate with Mexico.

Talking about closing up the borders to deal with economic woes is classic nationalist demagoguery, especially considering that it's not actually founded on anything.

Also, what's with the term "limousine liberal"? There's nothing contradictory about wealthy capitalists.

So Scott Adams was on Real Time tonight and he claimed that he's a trained hypnotist and that Trump is using persuasion tactics that he learned at hypnotism school. Is it possible that Trump has just been hypnotizing people all this time?


Trump chooses his words an action wisely to the point when he fucks up people think he is just trolling.
Hillary does the same thing.
They are all trained in Neuro-linguistic programming

This is a hugely misleading distortion of a lie. At the absolute nadir of the recession, immigrant populations very briefly (slightly longer for Mexicans, but they started going up again eventually) dipped. Complicating things further, this is in no way an accurate estimation of "net migration", since NOBODY actually keeps records of emigration from the USA, so the decrease could be due in part or whole to practically anything, including increased deaths, evasiveness, or a decay in the doggedness of demographers during the period.

Also, keep in mind illegal immigration is tiny compared to legal immigration, and was also less than 1/10th its present volume until the '90s.

Stop it with this fucking meme. Just because a shitload of people are leaving doesn't mean there aren't people coming in and fucking with the economy. The two factors are not related.


I think the influence of Holla Forums and the Alt-Right is being a bit overestimated. I don't think there will Red Scare 2.0 either because while Trump is pretty Fascist, there's no way he's going to be able to do half of the shit he says he will. The President is not a dictator, shit doesn't work that way.

I actually think there is a big resurgence or at least sympathesism to anarchist sentiment in the USA

Isn't a wall supposed to take care of illegal border-crossings? Why are you bringing legal immigration into this now?

This was posted in the Holla Forums thread. And they're using it as "evidence" that Bernie set up Trump, lmao.

So Donald "politicall-incorrect" Trump is too much of a pussy to denounce this Bilderberg-like thing, he'd rather make up an excuse about a charity instead?

This happened after a woman lecturing at the university resigned due to the fact he was allowed to give a talk by the Dean.

Except the DNC wasn't thrilled about and also if they don't have anymore debates scheduled with him…so….

Since there are no more debates, there's nothing they can do about it.
My guess is the RNC had more to say about it to Trump.

He's kind of a crazy dick and shouldn't be trusted.



Not really, if that were actually true Sanders would be winning in a landslide.

I have some majorly rightward leanings but am a transhumanist. For example I believe that blacks are generally less intelligent and despise affirmative action but see that as another positive about genetic engineering as it would solve that and make everyone have approximately equal baseline intelligence.

Why does the alt-right remind me of the good ol' satirical left?

because they say the same things only one of them means it



He was losing open primary states too. You're just grasping for excuses at this point, college age kids just don't vote in the number we need them to. If they did the US would be a lot better off, particularly on the tech side.

You know, I can't tell if they are playing that ironically or not.

Poe's law in effect.

that doesn't work like that

10 out of fucking 10

reading the email megathread on reddit you'd think it was gay halloween with all the skeletons coming out of the closet

Milo is either some kind of genius opportunist or extremely lucky. He came by at just the right time, saw GG supporters getting hounded by the PC-liberal media and turned them into alt-right goons in a year.

This is the first time I'm seeing Milo fans all wearing MAGA caps. It's pretty messed up.

These rules only apply to inter-party debates. Not debates between both parties. They both have their own rules. Also, the links in that image are from last year & January. They say nothing about this situation, specifically. And the rules, as I mentioned, are inter-party for the primary; among themselves. It says nothing about rules between the two parties, or the general.

Ah haha, I can only imagine he's thinking, "Turn that damn music down".

Hi, Holla Forums
Independents decide elections. And voter suppression is real. We have a very shitty system in place, which is why things stay shit.

t. hypnotist

Most open primary states are in the deep south.
That really means nothing.

Mussolini was renowned for flip flopping.


The CPD only governs the general elction debates, though. It's used to block third party candidates (Perot, Nader) from getting onto the debate in the general.


They were just kids, gamer nerds from Holla Forums and reddit and neogaf. Politically ignorant contrarians. Of course they were infiltrated by Holla Forums. But it was Milo who converted them.

Now they're all Trump supporters. We need to think up some way to keep people from being seduced by the alt-right, not just shrug and say they were skinheads all along.

Our best bet would be for Trump get elected and to fail badly. That would devastate Holla Forums, drive the masses away from such faggotry, and provide the opportunity for Sanders 2.0 in 2020.

People thought the same thing about Hitler when he came to power.

I'm not so sure the alt-right will be weakened so quickly. They benefit greatly from having a loud idol to gather behind, regardless of this idol's ability to make sound decisions. You would need a whole string of fuckups and another market crash just so they'll get a clue.


I was mistaken. Actually some right-wings and non-nazi fascists believed Hitler was their puppet.

They weren't. They were apolitical edgelords. It didn't have to be this way.

That's what I'm counting on.

Remember people, it's the Leftists that are stupid.

this. GG was like a triggering event that sparked all this alt right bullshit, from milo to trump to lauren southern.

we are pretty stupid for not being able to show the GGers that capitalism is the cause of all their problems in the game industry and game journalism. instead the mainstream left just believed all the bullshit the liberal press wrote about GG. it's our fault for not using vidya industry corruption as a teaching example. now a whole bunch of gamers and memers are stuck in a retard-level reactionary mindset.

Bernie challenges DNC credentials of Malloy and Frank

Because the primary problem with Trump's wall isn't some supposed paucity of Mexicans (and others who enter via Mexico), but the fact that under current policy, the overwhelming majority of current immigration (and cross-border commuters) would continue to flood right in through its "great big beautiful door" with scalping papers in hand. If you want to criticize his "anti-immigration" policy, do it right, and honestly.

If his "cultural appropriation" lecture is anything like he promised with the indians, the triggering will be legendary.

Do I need to bring out the scatter graph again?

GG has almost nothing to do with capitalism, but with the social structure of most internet and entertainment production venues (for instance, two of the areas most infamously infested with aGGro filth are free online fora and free amateur game dev, two of the least capitalist things in the world). They are by and large arranged in such a way that parasitic cliques interested primarily in their own gain (true, this sometimes takes the form of money or political influence for hucksters like the LWs, but for the overwhelming majority of the parasites and their thralls, sheer virtue signaling attention whoredom is the only attraction) at the expense of the venue's intended purpose.

The problem is cultural, an unwillingness to defend one's things, places, activities, and friends against bullies who wish to exploit and destroy them simply because they are bullies and your society condones their behavior against you.


Combined with the recanvassing, hopefully a major win in California will add the fuel to the DNC necessary for our spark to make it Bern.


People are ignoring just how many in gamergate supported Bernie as well. I saw more support for him than Trump with that only changing once it became clear he wasn't going to win the nomination. Makes sense that they'd turn to Trump over Hillary with Hillary's legislative past when it comes to video games. Most Trump's done is make one shitty tweet in the wake of a school shooting.


Would it? There's a large chunk of them that just sees Trump as a way to push things towards a direction where there views are more acceptable and they could get someone elected that they'd truly like.


Yes, that's the problem. Shifting the window towards the far right.

At the same time, the left will continue to focus on identity politics, with Trump as their punching bag. The media will continue to focus on this shit, over and over. Meanwhile, nobody pays attention to wallstreet.

When the media and the internet can't shut up about anything but identity politics and Trump, that's what everyone will have on their minds, over and over, 24/7. You'll see more "movements" (cult-like twitter mobs) spring up just to bicker back and forth about political correctness, obsessed with punishment and revenge in all the wrong directions.

We can't count on the far right to just keel over dead when Trump fucks up. Not in this environment. There have to be more safeguards put into place to prevent the growth of Holla Forums, while still steering people towards useful theory and ideas.

Another big economic crash is guaranteed. The big banks are doing the exact same shit as before the last one, and their even bigger.

This is also something to consider.

How do you feel about recent EU moves to ban all hate speech online?

This. People in GG threads were linking to streams of his speeches back when Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee were still in the race.

Apparently we didn't learn anything from Bush.

Different user, here. But it's highly retarded. Policing speech never ends well. Only direct threats should be taken so seriously. And those are already covered by law; at least here in the states it is.

Fuck yeah. Good on Bernie for this; it needed to be done. Let's hope now that they actually do something about it.

If they don't, the convention will be another shitshow, or worse.

And thanks for sharing this, user.

I'm not talking a beer buddy. Holla Forums actually wants non-whites deported regardless of how they came here. They're fully aware that Trump won't do that and want to push the overton window further and further right until that view becomes socially acceptable. Don't think there's much chance of that actually being successful thankfully.

Yeah, I think there are idiots voters from both standpoints. Ones that like the nationalism, and ones that don't care enough about policy & are entertained/like a drinking buddy.

We've gone far too right, for far too long. Thanks largely to the Clintons.

tfw slavery was abolished by the Republican party

Well Lincoln did want to deport them as part of that.

The parties' focuses have switched since those times.

Bernie on Bill Maher:

Liberia was in part the result of that effort. It didn't turn out too great.

Never said it was a great idea, just that deportation wasn't out of line with the viewpoint of the Republican party even during the time period that abolition occcurred.


It's basically a crowdsourced version of Gish Gallop


I don't think the two are comparable, though. At the time, there were some people promoting an ideology of American democratic republicanism somewhat comparable to that of 4th International global revolution, with many young nations of the time drawing inspiration from the US, down to the designs of their flags.

My choice of words was shit. The "safeguards" are things we need to put into place ourselves.

Redirect anyone disgusted by identity politics to Zizek, or Chomsky. Tell ancaps to watch Adam Curtis documentary All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, and to listen to philosophy podcasts where speakers discuss Ayn Rand and conclude she didn't read philosophical works of any kind and was just generally retarded. This is just the most basic stuff I can think of right now.

How's California looking, everyone?

Latest poll had it at a virtual tie

Which means he's probably fifteen points ahead before Democrat Vote Counting :^)

kek Bernie needs like 85%+ to have a shot


That isn't true, but thanks for playing.

Are you saying that corrupt games journalist are leftist? This is a failure of the modern left that sided with a bunch of corrupt liberals instead of the average consumer. It's really very frustrating.

it's true for the final nomination. unless hillary gets arrested or whatever.

It's looking less and less like an "if" but a "when" at this point. She's committed and admitted to committing multiple felonies. All we're waiting on is for the FBI to finish their investigation and for the DOJ to pull the trigger.

Where did he say that? I certainly don't see it anywhere.

Could always tell them that it's part of Soros' plan to make America head in the direction of fascism.

Capitalism forces game journalists to suck publisher dick for favors. Capitalism incentivizes publishers to make massive-budget shitfests and then spend millions on marketing. Capitalism makes indie games a hobby and stomping ground for bourgeois and petit-bourgeois rainbow-hair children like Zoe Quinn. You were saying?

67.4% average on all states.
If he gets 71.5% in Cali, ties in NJ and gets 67.4% everywhere else, for example he pulls ahead. which isn't going to happen
Hey, if we do as well in the final Oregon count and in Puerto Rico and don't wipe out in the Virgin Islands as I think we will, that number goes down to more like 63.2%. So here's hoping.

God, if that happens the Hilliar tears will be amazing. So much for Muh Poplar Boat.

So you still on that Hillar- *cough* I mean Bernie campaign trail?

tmw Bernie endorses Hillary at the convention and you realize you've organized Hillary's whole grassroots game

Bad posts.

If you asked them, do you seriously think any would say, to a man, woman, or man pretending to be a woman, they weren't leftist?

All of this is true (in fact, I and a number of others shilled genuine labor unions to replace the disgustingly corrupt UMB mouthpiece and nexus of the aGGro blight that is the IGDA), but that still doesn't explain why capitalism-free areas of human endeavor like pseudonymous internet fora and amateur game dev (not to mention their ilk in other related hobbies, like free tabletop games, online SF/fantasy authorship/readers, webcomics, occidental weabooism, and indeed much of the organized left) are so incredibly vulnerable to the depredations of these parasitic attentionwhore cults and their white-knighting virtue signal suckup, and the imposition of PC policies that secure their conquests.

Outrageists and their petty non-issues are certainly magnified in effect under capitalist corruption, but it is a problem in and of itself. Regardless, we must directly attack it now if we are to have any hope of leftism becoming effective again.

Running as a write-in candidate would be pointless, but I really, REALLY hope he doesn't endorse Hillary or her VP/replacement after the DoJ/FBI rapes her, as that would damage Sanders' viability as an insurgent leader for the mangled remnants of the Democrats to crawl to under a Trump regime.

I would feel incredibly betrayed if he endorsed her. Regardless of who wins, if this is what happens then I predict political apathy to soar.

So yugaiz, I thought this was pretty funny. The worst /r/ess mod by a large margin and that's really saying something stickied a negative Bernie Sanders article from Salon. What they didn't realize is that the entire article is attempting to defend Bernie's essay by pointing out the rest of his glowing record on assault on women written under a layer of sarcasm. It's actually a pretty good article. BUT, of course, Clintorides prove themselves- once again!- to be mentally incontinent.

Hopy fucking shit. I hope he's enough of an absolute madman to go through with your scenario. Let Trump have the presidency (cough which is going to happen no matter how much he shills for her or her replacement cough), and organize the rebirth of the New Old Left for those 4 or 8 years. It would be the biggest "I told you so" moment in history.

No, I hope he DOES go full shill mode for her. It will only further dispel the fiction that he caused her to lose and that he was right.

but of course the optimal scenario is that we won't have to deal with any of this, which is looking more and more likely. when i first heard of Bernie i was planning to protest-support him and then all those other dipshits dropped out and people actually got really hype all at once, and i decided if other people were going to go all in then i should too

Can I get an update on the Clinton server investigation? Anything works, as long as it's informative.

I can't believe this sickos are celebrating the rape of an old man. You should let the good people at SRS know about this. :^)

There's no way that Hillary gets indicted. On the seemingly impossible chance that she is my faith in democracy will be restored.

Good evening. Today is Good Friday. There is no news. piano music

What is going on in this post?



imageboards are victim to capitalism because they need money for server costs. amateur gamedev is fucked by capitalism because devs 1. need to be financially secure to do dev, and 2. they have financial incentives to go along with the corrupt cliques (free promotion, patreon, potential sales).

Bernie Sanders has said countless times that he will support and work for the Democratic nominee whoever it may b. What this means is that unless a miracle happens in the next few states, the Bernie campaign is now the Hillary campaign. What does all that data entry after canvassing go to after the convention (it goes to Hillary's campaign says a VAN employee ). Where do all of the hardcore, I support whatever Bernie says people go when Bernie goes all in to Clinton? They go slowly into the Clinton campaign just as the PUMAs went into Obama's campaign in 2008.

If you missed the countless times Bernie has basically endorsed Hillary, and you truly don't think he will again at the convention moaning about the dangers of Trump, then you are seriously deluded.

I bet my entire life savings in Bitcoin he endorses Hillary yet again at the convention. That's who he is.

Bernie has said repeatedly, that in order for Hillary to get Bernie supporters, she'd have to develop a progressive platform. He's also said outright that she would have to agree to this platform.

But seeing as Hillary is in the midst of a serious scandal, one of the highest profile ones we've seen in a while, I'm guessing the superdelegates will end up switching to Bernie, if he doesn't win the lead in pledged delegates.

Hillary, I would guess, has access to his voting data. And don't forget, VAN wrongfully locked him out of accessing his own data, as a sneaky party move by DWS. There's even a lawsuit regarding that right now.

And Hillary has not won the nomination yet.

This is not 2008. Many things are different about this election than that one. It was much easier for those PUMAs to vote for Obama, as he was actually the better candidate in that case. Even still, Hillary remains to not be. And Obama had the overwhelming popular support, as well as the lead in pledged delegates. Hard to compare these situations, at all.


wooswoos pls go
Poor polls, scandal, a cussed rival … how it’s all going wrong for Hillary Clinton

I really would hope that's not the case. I would lose all respect for her, having interacted with Clinton and knowing what he does know about her. Her cowardice in failing to endorse Bernie was already disappointing enough.

*knowing what she does know about her

Two interesting new articles


I'm not sure if it's just because they've been shilling for Hilling for a long time or because they're one of the sites CTR has targeted but that site is in CTR's pocket and the comments are cancer.

Before anyone says CTR isn't real, the easiest way to verify they are is to click on the accounts of people shilling against Bernie on facebook internet article comment pages. 9 times out of 10 that account has been inactive for years.


imageboards are fucked either way because of Holla Forums running wild.

you people popularized this site, but you did not resist Holla Forums infiltration when it mattered. you didn't care. you made a faustian pact for the sake of revenge without really knowing what you were doing.

you should have purged the Holla Forums hitchhikers as you migrated to this site, when you still had the chance. now they're all over the fucking place. Holla Forums, without anyone to tell them to fuck off, will spread their cancer to every corner of every imageboard and try to get as many dumb kids as possible to vote for Trump.

Like I said, capitalism makes these things worse, but the underlying problem would exist even without it. Specifically, people with inferiority complexes aspiring toward those they think are "cooler" than them, thus creating an opportunity for social parasites to recruit them as white knights and betray their friends.

The extreme right is the only organized political entity opposing the outrageist clique who attack the hobby, and attack free speech online. It's like soliciting aid from the French against England during the revolutionary war, even if we're just pawns in a larger struggle to them; to us, they're the firepower we need to win.

Anyway, that's what politics is about, working together with people on issues you agree about, and working against people on issues you disagree about. Right?

The right are outrageist and sperg out about degeneracy in vidya too all the time.
The only reason these sjws cared in the first place was because you were under fire from left wing sjws this time.

The mainstream right, yes. The extreme right? Not so often, more with the fundies, almost never with the lolberts. That's why linking up with Breitbart worked, but Fox would've been pointless. As for the brownshirt cosplayers on 8/pol/, I doubt their numbers (especially genuine stormniggers) and influence.

Gamergate is dead, Gamergate remains dead. And we have killed it.

Project Chanology is dead, the Anonymous Legion is dead, GamerGate is dead.
rip in pepperoni

Are you kidding? Did you see the spergouts these guys had over the fact that bioware games had Le gais now? Have you seen how many fucking times Holla Forumsyps call gamers degenerates?

GG were huge fucking idiots who bought into being the lapdogs for people who oppose the video gaming community and free speech just as much as the college liberal bogeyman they got upset with to begin with.

It has served its purpose. Before GG, the outrageists thought they were completely unopposed within the left except for lone malcontents, who could safely be smeared as some flavor of rightist (misogynist, racist, bigot, etc…) and dismissed. Now it is obvious to everyone including the outrageists that we are the majority, that we work together, and that we can hurt them. They must watch what they say, they must look among each other for our agents. They must, for the first time ever, fear.

The problem was the fact that "the gays" were used as ablative armor for the game, the corporation, and the clique. Each attack by us was responded to by forcing more and more homosexuality, worse and worse written, into the games. That kind of behavior was intended to shield the declining quality of their new Tumblr staff's "creative" output, intended to piss us off to create a distraction. They bit off more than they can chew.

[tips heartily]

Someone cap this post.

Bernie is trying to get leverage out of Hillary but failing. It's just a desperate attempt by him to make his campaign mean something even though he said earliet many times that this race was't about a fruitless effort to push hillary to the left. If you don't think Hillary is going to make a hard right turn at least by the time she takes office you are smoking something, look at her fucking campaign staff and where they are from.

Leftypol is obsessed with Sanders' pre-congress career, but if you know anything about his career after he entered congress (like 30 years), you would know that he is now programmed to endorse and support dem nominees.

Again if you don't think bernie will endorse and support Hillary at the convention you are projecting waaayyyy too much on a liberal career politician who was mostly nominally independent for 30 years. Bernie is the left's Rand Paul, not Ron Paul.

Again I'd without question and easily bet my entire life savings that Bernie endorses Hillary and campaigns for her.

gay post

Nobody gives a fuck.

Why not the whole post?

1. They collect white knights to pay for awful shit, SJWs are the biggest capitalist there is.
2. They would have no state or private capital media platform to use to intimidate people into going along with their shit.
3. All their problems would be solved and there would be no reason for them to stoop to such practices in the first place.
They would be so irrelevant to non-existent.

I thought it was too specific to the conversation at hand to be useful out of context.

If you are campaigning for Sanders, this stuff matters. The Sanders campaign isn't entirely the Hillary campaign yet, but it will become that.

They attack identity politics with their own type of identity politics and wanting to silence speech which isn't theirs, have you seen them wanting the AssCreed game to be banned?
It's become pure culture war bullshit, when it didn't have to be.

You're not objectively wrong, but you are a massive fucking faggot.

Details? This sounds hilarious. I'm guessing it has nothing to do with the low quality of the product too.

Besides AssCreed being shit, the game had Marx in it, so thats all you need to know.

I'm betting they were neutral about Marx as well, and they of course don;t like nuance.



More like retarded. I worded it terribly. I meant to ask if Asscreed was being neutral about Marx and polfags were triggered by it.

Who the Hell said anything about this? We all know how shit she is, user.


Lmao. How so?

Your post is full of retarded claims, that you can't even back up. And anyone who knows anything about politics & this election specifically, sees you're full of shit.


Oh my bad for the sperg, AssCreed presented Marx as some dumb liberal, not that they could tell anyways.
I do want to go back and say maybe some of the Alt-Right would be much better than the extreme right and polfags and don't fall the culture war shit but much of them have been converted into conservative nerds because Milo co-opted the movement.

Please stop for a moment and reflect on what you just wrote

That people do terrible shit for money?

This came out before the news about CorrectTheRecord did.

If you ever think that anyone is actually as stupid as the Clintorides in the internet, remember this.

Yeah, I was shooting for sarcastically overblown like the last time I pasta'd it, but it came out too edgy sounding this time.

The reason why turd-wave feminism is so awful is specifically because all their problems have been solved to the extent feminism can solve them. If there were still real problems that feminism continued to be a useful tool for fixing, there would still be normal people involved at all levels, instead of screeching misandric lezbo trannies presiding over an officer corps of dilettante hipsters and masses of misinformed normalfags.

The same is true of all idpol causes in leftism today, genuine problems would make them less insane in aggregate.

All their problems as in financial problems, I wasn't talking about feminist "problems".

"TPP Has Failed American Jobs - Here Are the Numbers…"

I had no idea that the US government(us, really) is being sued by a Canadian company over the Keystone XL Pipeline being blocked. They're suing for $15 billion.
And "private tribunals"? This shit is downright c r e e p y.
This is very amusing.

DNC meme nuffin

Ah, that makes more sense. I kind of doubt, having seen it happen so many times, that such people aren't driven more by sociopathic powermongering than money, especially considering how rich a lot of them already are.

Apparently that's only in one county. They're supposed to randomly order them.

I realize the shenanigans we've faced before has kind of put us on permanent alert mode but it's not that deep this time.

In other possible shenanigans news, Puerto Rico is having its voting locations thirded. However, they went up drastically in 2008 because Hillary wanted turnout to be huge and campaigned extensively here but turnout wasn't that much higher and there was like 1 voting location for every 13 voters. So it doesn't look like that'll be an issue either. Here's hoping.

They did just say it was a dick move.

This is why more people, especially here, should be talking about TPP. At least in extent of updates.

Just look at what it will do to the internet.

Some meme about them not working for their money would go here I think.

That is how capitalism works, billionaires that want to become bigger billionaires, even at the expense of the entire world.

Most of them are sociopaths just like their parents, and most of the time it is about money.

Agreed. And the more you learn of it, the more insane it gets.

I can still remember everyone being freaked out by NAFTA. And yet, it passed. It seemed there was nothing people could do to stop it. And that's what seems the case now, as well.. I guess electing Bernie would be our best bet, because he'd be able to veto it, right?

There was a board that had a cyclical thread just for discussing the TPP & how we could try to back up info for when or before it happened. I forget which board, but I want to say Holla Forums, actually. This more than deserves it's own thread & an effort to inform others & do whatever we possibly can to combat it.

Donald and Bernie both diss the TPP. I have a pretty good feeling it won't pass with those odds.

I think it's either v or gghq. There's one on V right now. Probably still a good idea to have one here too.

Yeah, I just have more faith in Bernie since Trump could directly benefit from this & other trade deals, being that he does business overseas.

Thanks. We definitely should have one here, too. I bet there'd be good convo & updates.

I should stress that it doesn't matter that much what president we have if we have a congress that's flooded with pro TPP shills.

Since this is a general election thread, perhaps some smaller elections should be broght up. Especially one's in the congress and such.

I always figured a dialectical/materialist take would be interesting in a video game, but I think it'll never be possible because the classcucks think it's somehow the end result of the feminazis.

This, for sure. It helps having the Pres be on board, but what really matters is voting these fuckers out of Congress. A lot of people are fired up this season; we have to carry that momentum towards mid-terms as well.



One thing that bums me out about Holla Forums is that we're apparently just as blind to local politics as everyone else is. Local politics are crucial to successful leftism.

We're surely going to get fucked in the long run. We just have to stave it off as long as possible.

Who knows, a revolution might come in the meantime.. We'll eventually hit such a low(I thought we had by now) that it should be inevitable.

There's also rumor there going to do the vote on this shit deal in the lame duck session. So we will need to keep that in mind.

We all do. Every time. And yet it gets lower.

Maybe capitalism won't fall by itself.

Dude, unless a revolution comes first we are going to hit either full-blown fascism from someone like Trump or a regression to feudalism from the lolberts. They are the only ideologies with anything like mainstream awareness that are offering solutions to a system that almost everyone realizes no longer works. And that's without going into how badly the environment will fuck things up. Depending on how quickly it goes bad and how bad it gets, feudalism may be the only option. Shit, we may go full tribal first, when infrastructure collapses and people can't get food at a grocery store any more.

Heads up, I made a thread for it. It will include local elections in there as well:

I'm thinking about Red Faction now, but that's probably not that good. The game certainly is though.

There's been some good push & mentions in this thread about down ballot candidates, which is a good sign. The guy who's challenging DWS got a Sanders endorsement.I heard a good amount about the Pennsylvania progressive as well.

A good thing is, when the elections are held on the same day/ballot, most people research the candidates & vote for them as well. Although, I got my ballot in advance to be able to research. Most times the local candidates don't get enough airtime or publicity locally, for people to get to know them.

Thanks user. It was needed.

Well that's a little hopeful. Think there will be a higher voter turnout for these local elections?

danke, comr8

Unfortunately, only a little, I think. In KY our voter turnout was only like 20% for the primaries. We really need voting laws like Canada(where your employer legally has to allow you enough time to vote) or a national holiday.. Something. I was happy to see my choice for Rep. won the primary, though.

was the guy who one anti-TPP?


Stop that


I'm sick to the back teeth of people making baseless generalisations of this board. "Holla Forums is full of tankies", "Holla Forums is full of anarkids", "Holla Forums is full of brocialists", "Holla Forums is full of SJWs", "Holla Forums is full of revisionists", "Holla Forums is full of dogmatists". I wish people would just fucking accept that there's a wide range of opinions of this board instead of bringing their whinging about how not everyone agrees with them into everything.

Did you even read the post? It was about there being not much discussion of local politics.

Yes, I did read it. You are wrong. I've seen plenty of talk about local politics, albeit not specific to the USA.

And then there's this shite:

Guess where this is from.


It's always ESS, fellow user. That's where I'm guessing too.

No, trust me. Every fucking time these idiots will call Bernie or his supporters a "communist" or a "socialist". They're not against him because they legitimately dislike him as a person or what he's doing or believe any of those pathetic smears or legitimately see him as a moonshot. They dislike him because they're politically retarded and would never vote for someone as left as he is anyway. It has everything to do with politics and nothing to do with policy or persona.

fucking actually

I don't even know what that is.
Sounds like a terrible meme-recycling site.

It's a furry imageboard, fam. I browse pretty much every imageboard out there. The site occasionally has some dank memes, but their political discussions are downright depressing.

It's just like the user said ealier, pol is fucking with all image boards.

My fucking sides, Trump's campaign is out of money.

Fucking called it, good work me.


Glad I'm not the only one.




It all fits together.


Or George Soros. :^)

As neoliberalism's failure becomes increasingly evident, Clinton as president to enforce the status quo goes from ideal to preferable to necessary.

I'm starting to wonder if this whole subreddit isn't just some sort of satire. I mean they used to chuckle about how /r/politics/ would upvote pro-Clinton articles because they had anti-Clinton titles, and then they turn around and do the same thing but worse? And now:

You team up with Trump supporters, gut everything that could be considered even remotely left-wing from the part to protect Clinton, and demand everyone fall in line and shut up and then claim it's your opposition that's not being team players?

Lol @ the attempt to downplay an assault attempt though. I assure you that was not the action of some rabid Hillary supporter, there was money involved.

Fam you don't just make an account called Neckbeards4Bernie before even the first Democratic debate unless there's money involved. ESS was made a full 2 years ago, which would've been before Bernie even formed an exploratory committee. It was an early maneuver by the BrockBots to knock any serious contenders out of the race quickly and efficiently. O'Malley was completely ignored by ctr because he was never a threat. Bernie was.

If Americans are going to be retarded enough to not vote for Bernie, then maybe we need a cold war with China or Russia or something, because I'm fucking telling you guys, If I can't biologically turn into a woman, then I'm afraid that I might turn into a monster.
We need to free the development of science and technology. I'm starting to think that Gorbachev was exceedingly worse than Stalin, and that reagen was the worst president in what might be the 2.5 hundered years of the history of the United States.
People are going out on school shootings over not getting pussy, and others are transitioning into women (I'm speaking of the ones who aren't 'born' gay). More than anything, we need an arms race that incentivizes software and genetic engineering to be made free. People are trying to figure out whether corporate peculiar fellows or government peculiar fellows are creepier. I could list hundereds more things related to sci and tech that you could all add to with other examples of things affecting our society that wouldn't be happening if we lived in a truly free and socialist society.
If we aren't going to be socialist, then we need to have some sort of an excuse to adopt some socialism for the sake of science so that we can defend our love for capitalism. I'm mad. If Bernie, doesn't run independent, then I'm voting Trump , because his fear of China and his idea that the 50s and 60s were the greatest times for muh freedoms, maybe he'll start a cold war and hopefully use our taxes to do things that can benifit us all. I don't even know. Maybe Hillary will instead. I'm drunk and fanatic right now tbqh fam-a-lam, pls respond


peculiar fellows indeed

But why would that happen? You came to that conclusion because you want socialism. Other people don't.

I share your despair, though user. Shit's fucked. TBH I think it's more important to vote in state and local elections. I was just reading up on my congressional district, and I might sign up as a volunteer for the democrat running here, who has basically no hope against the republicans. Maybe it'll help push the district toward swinging eventually.

What the fuck else are we going to do?
I feel you though, much of it ends up becoming governme t secrets. But as Americans, we are seeing some very tumultuous times in society. Capitalism in our country is going to fall apart, and we might not have a beneficial socialism soon enough afterwards. We'll end up having some shitty war with white supremacists vs "commies".
We can achieve more together. Free college is some seriously underrated shit.

I definitely need to do some more political activism myself. I also need to start reading into genetics, because I have no idea how that shit works, and it's my responsibility to as a voter. We have to improve the conditions for ourselves and for everyone on this planet. We can't let capitalism be the new black death.

I don't trust that site.

RF was a fantastic engine, wasted on mediocre levels, with a plot that seemed way better in the preview outlines than the forgettable generic glop we got. Guerrilla was the only completely solid game in the series.

I'd be fascinated to hear the early stages of this primary I mostly ignored under the ennui of a looming Clinton II v. Bush III: Back from the Nineties contest.

Wow, yeah, that's surely gonna be a fruitful field of study, and not an impractically dangerous dead-end boondoggle like nuclear.

It's basically just a repost from Washington Examiner to clickbait that site.

What a retard. Never talk shit about your judge. As much as he's been in court, you'd think he'd know this.

Except he's not actually self funded.


Soros funds more "left leaning" candidates & causes. The Kochs would be much more likely, here.

this actually happens though

but it's fucking stupid how they say "bernie sanders? that guy will make us end up like venezuela"

the candidate that actually looks like chavez is donald trump

and people post shit like "look at venezuela. sanders wants america to look like this."

I actually don't see a lot of these anymore. A lot of them moved to Holla Forums, which is why you see more anti-capitalist threads over there.
Still too many here but not nearly as many as there used to be.
I don't see how this is an insult, fam.
Not everyone here is an SJW but there's still too many of those types around here.
Meh, it's a toss up.
This one is actually completely accurate.

Thanks for proving my point.

Not really. I'm basically just providing an opinion. I'm not saying they shouldn't have the right speak just because I disagree.




Point me to where I said that

Dear ‘Men’ Who Vote Bernie Sanders: You’re not Men at All..

Real Men Don't Vote Bernie Sanders

how can somebody who writes this shit be of age to vote

as with almost all right-wing attacks on socialism, it more accurately describes capitalism

So are they going to indict hillary before the convention?

that's pretty much the only thing that could give me joy out of this election cycle.

this just in if you're paralysed and can't work you're a wimp that wants to take from those that hunt for you cannot

Fucking christ just get cancer already.

i used to be a believer in approaching all people of all viewpoints with an open mind, but the more i tried to apply this principle by communicating with right-wingers the more i saw the wisdom of the guillotine

That first one is excellent. You got that operation whatever it's called?

Kshama Sawant on Hillary Clinton, Capitalism, and prospects for the Left in America

What do you guys think of this woman? I've seen some disdain for Socialist Alternative here and I don't really know enough about the movement/organization to say one way or another but from this interview Sawant herself seems pretty based. She mentions Capitalism (not crony capitalism or corporatism or any other nonsense) several times and talks pretty dialectically for a SocDem


He's paid for by the Koch bros.Which mrans he's paid to spread misinformation, propaganda & to dumb down some of our youngest voters.

When he got his ass kicked, it was because he was working with "Americans for Prosperity", and was fucking with union workers. They didn't take too kindly to it.

Then he went on rounds of media crying about the "union thugs" who assaulted him.

some woman wrote the article

Didn't he also challenge the much-older guy that did it to some sort of MMA-style cage match?

These same people blame Africa for being uncivilised.


that article was written by some woman on his site though

Lmao, I wouldn't be surprised.

Got it.

Still, he's hosting it & has been saying the same things.

That explains a lot.

If we can get some evidence of that, that could BTFO many of his followers. Fox is owned by the Kochs I think.

muh soggy knees!!!

I'll look for direct links. But from doing the math, he's a loud advocate of capitalism & puts forward the same talking points as the lolbertarians made popular(Tea Party, funded & marketed by Koch bros.). Worked for & promoted AFP, actively working to promote anti-union propaganda. Him working for AFP is a direct enough link, for me.

And yeah, he used to work for FOX as well.



You are a disgusting woman hater. Women's opinions are just as valid as men's. More valid, in fact.

I hope this bitch dies a virgin

I agree.
They can be equally stupid.
More stupid, in fact.
Is a mystery anti-Trump candidate about to enter 2016 race?

looks like the party of freedom is here to stop Trump.
can pic related out debate him?

I like how if you participate in the primaries and lose you're barred in some places from appearing on the ballot during the elections, but it's perfectly okay if you haven't even participated at all to suddenly swoop in and hop right on.

Stirner memes are the bet.

I look forward to the memes and dubs of truth.

Was Trump a slick entryist all along?

Who Said It? Which quote is worse?

"Taxes are too high, wages are too high. People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum."

"When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor."



Sanders clarified his position and statement. Trump however, did not.

He did flip flop though.

How so? He was talking about the black community when he made that comment, talking about the general sentiment they feel. It was worded wrong, and he of course didn't mean it like that. Ffs, his entire platform is about economic inequality, for all Americans.

I was talking about Trumpepe:

My bad, I'm a bit defensive, lmao..

Thanks for the link.

Anyone got some good anti-hillary propaganda? Post em

Everything Wrong With Donald Trump

He didnt even say this though

He did, but it was an out-of-context part of a quote he made of someone else.

Trump Thinks Climate Change Is A Hoax Until It Threatens His Golf Course

Well my point was that that has the middle part cut out.

so fucking lame.

most of these just describe business failures. trump would not be a better candidate if he was a better businessman.

Yeah, this is fluff.

I hate using the term SJW, but this is literally SJW-tier writing.

I mean everybody understands that HRC and crew are leveraging feminism to win over people who don't actually care about feminism or women's rights but do care about not being told they are bad people, which is more important to liberals. That's how Matt Bruenig got fired

Use reactionary identity politicians. IE RIPs.

Sanders is biggest spender of 2016 so far — generating millions for consultants

The small-dollar fundraising juggernaut that has kept Bernie Sanders’s insurgent White House bid afloat far longer than anticipated has generated another unexpected impact: a financial windfall for his team of Washington consultants.

By the end of March, the self-described democratic socialist senator from Vermont had spent nearly $166 million on his campaign — more than any other 2016 presidential contender, including rival Hillary Clinton. More than $91 million went to a small group of admakers and media buyers who produced a swarm of commercials and placed them on television, radio and online, according to a Washington Post analysis of Federal Election Commission reports.

While the vast majority of that money was passed along to television stations and websites to pay for the advertising, millions in fees were kept by the companies, The Post calculated. While it is impossible to determine precisely how much the top consultants have earned, FEC filings indicate the top three media firms have reaped payments of seven figures.

Sanders’s money blitz, fueled by a $27 average donation that he repeatedly touts, has improbably made the anti-billionaire populist the biggest spender so far in the election cycle. The campaign’s wealth has been a surprising boon for vendors across the country who signed on to his long-shot bid.

The large profits stem in part from the fact that no one in Sanders’s campaign imagined he would generate such enormous financial support. So unlike Clinton, he did not cap how much his consultants could earn in commissions from what was expected to be a bare-bones operation, according to campaign officials.

If he's got the dough to back it, what he should do now is focus on convincing currently decided delegates to change their mind instead of playing a statistical suicide numbers game.

Outside of the DP's core base of brainwashed pissants, Clinton is extremely unpopular and will throw away a tremendous opportunity granted by the failure of neoconservatism. Letting Sanders have the nomination means their party will remain popular.

I keep telling the red scare is coming back. :^/

so why are all these expensive consultants failing?


definitly looks lke a cunt that'd fuck a black guy so her child'd have a better chance getting into an Ivy League school.
Where were these bitches after 9/11?

she looks like the result of inbreeding.

Obama doesn't even meet the murican definition of socialism. Boomers can't die fast enough.

If you read anything else she's written, she's the typical "Women are weak and fragile creatures who can't do anything by themselves and need the big strong man to hold doors open and wipe their ass for them" conservative cunt. How fucking nauseating.



Oy vey, Holla Forums was right!

I see no scandal here. He had to spend that money, because the MSM sure as hell wasn't going to advertise him like they did with Trump.

she's based all right

questioning a mans masculinity is the oldest trick in the advertising book.

when you are so deep into propaganda that your poetics defy the laws of nature


It's no scandal. It's actually a really good thing. Proving that they don't need to sell out to fund their campaigns. Bernie's proved that with the right message & background, the people will fund you. And apparently, very well!

Btw, 404 not found. But I found another link. Oh, lol, the "html" was cut off at the end.

It's such a fucking sham too. All they're doing is appealing to your ego to make you work yourself death why she sits around like a princess. Who falls for this garbage?



Does the alt-right not realize that appealing to masculinity is a fallacy?


not if you have as big a dick as the alt right has, amirite?

what the fuck happened to spongebob

What kind of fallacy, exactly? Because the alt-right's first and principal reason for existing is to augment the perceived masculinity of it's participants, not to actually develop thoughtful policies for the betterment of anyone other than maybe porky.


they're propagandized retards who are having their insecurities exploited by porky

Their also trying to spread propaganda themselves, of course. I remember them talking about it almost a year ago.

There's two kinds of propaganda - vertical propaganda and horizontal propaganda. All propaganda begins as vertical propaganda: something imposed from above by a well-connected or wealthy organization. If that vertical propaganda is successful, then it begins to spread by word of mouth among the people, becoming horizontal propaganda. If the vertical phase fails, the propaganda fails. If the vertical phase is successful, it spreads among the people like a contagion. Those "infected" will tend to believe that they have not been propagandized, but have been drawn into an "authentic" community of fellow believers. If they begin to cynically spread propaganda after this, they may be subconsciously aware that they have been propagandized and trying to take control of their situation by assuming the role of the propagandist.
California governor Jerry Brown endorses Hillary Clinton

Well memed Jerry


New RNC ad rips Hilary's email scandal:

I expect to hear more of this double talk as Hillary supporters try desperately to keep their jobs.

Trump gonna win.

Not if the DNC chooses a winner, which would be Bernie.

Clinton über alles

God I can't wait until the Hilldenburg goes down in flames

they will never choose sanders

We don't know that. And he could still win the most delegates, which was a long shot at this point, until Hillary's scandal broke. That could give him what he needed to have blowouts in the next states up.

If they want to win the White House, they'd be smart to go with Sanders. Especially because of the "party unity" people who will vote blue, no matter who. It seems simple at this point, but who know what will happen in the coming weeks.

i believe the bourgeoisie could stomach a party defeat if it means a class victory

for them, it's trump or clinton, but never sanders

"Identity politics isn't something that resonates like economic populism does."

I'm starting to gain hope.

9gag memes everywhere. That website is corporate-run for sure.

Which one of you did this?

That's a possibility & it wouldn't surprise me.


Why does this turn me on?

Because asses are great, fam.


I'm more into giant boobs

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'

Bully all 2d girls

Absolute mememan

Election's over now, Trump is guaranteed to win once he gets the coveted Unruhe endorsement.

Hey, just wondering, where's wobbly poster? I haven't seen him post, at least under that flag, ever since the Cali rally. Hope you're still with us!

>Party purge, mass executionsexpulsions for ideological disloyalty

One (probably unlikely) alternative is that they'll pick Sanders to replace her after her legal troubles eject her from the candidacy.

Maybe his cosplay porn folder ran dry

Today in news, absolute madman endorses absolute madman.

Ya think?

Alright so I was going to make a separate thread for this but since there's already one Trump thread on the front page and it's largely devolved into total shitposting I've decided to ask this here

I need any economists or people well-read in economics to tell me where I'm getting anything wrong in my current study of Trump's proposed tax plan and where I could go further or what I'm missing. I've been studying it for the last couple of days as part of a larger effort to compile a large, relatively empirical (yes I know this is spooky but you'll see why it's necessary) dossier debunking Trump beyond "he's racist" or "he's a Nazi" or whatever so that I can give people interested in organizing protests against him or whatever more solid information that ties his fundamental problems back to class warfare and political naivete rather than the useless platitudes about hatred that have thus far been the main critique.

Okay my current understanding of Trump's tax plan and it's failures is this:

Trump's tax plan aims to ease the suffering of the middle class by simplifying the tax code through reduction of the brackets and simplification or abolition of some taxes themselves (income, estate, corporate). In theory, and there is evidence to support this, this would grow the American economy by increasing the after-tax income of individuals, which would in turn incentive them to save, invest, and work. This would supposedly have the dual effect of adding general economic growth and employment without adding to the National debt or deficit by giving them to buy goods and services from businesses that would now be producing domestically once again, therefore getting workers to work in and buy into their own country's market, growing the wealth of the entrepeneurs, who in turn would have a reason to keep jobs in the country.

The issue is that by focusing on providing relief for the middle class rather than helping it grow through tax hikes on the wealthy which would increase wages and passing laws that would regulate price gouging, speculation, and so on, the plan misses the point, as it does not take into account the past behavior of Corporate leaders and bankers when given tax cuts and deregulation, which more often than not led to choices on THEIR part such as the move to China which Trump has so heavily criticized.

On top of this, despite everyone in the country receiving a tax break and thus having incentive to work harder, save more, and invest more, the fact that it would disproportionately affect the wealthy and super wealthy (the richest people in the country would be taxed at 14 percent less than they currently are) creates yet another issue of the wealthy having vastly more capital to invest in their own sector, with no incentive to redistribute it to the middle and lower class through job creation or production. Thus Trump's tax plan can simply be seen as a gentrified version of the same old supply side-economics or "trickle down" economics we've seen since Reagan.

What do you guys think? Where am I fucking up here or where could I go farther? Please respond with critiques


he got vanned for being anti-freedom

text walls = reddit

>>>Holla Forums

Uh… who are you quoting?

I know just who to start with. ;^)

I don't mean to sound like pol here, but damn is he a cuck for state capitalism. inb4 sectarian in-fighting


I'm going to have to ask you clarify who you are quoting here again.

Pls help guise, I don't know how this website works

I'm in a bit of a hurry now, so I'll respond in more detail later, but a quick look at Trump's tax proposal looks like a recycled version of various "flat tax" plans, stirred in alongside a potpourri of perennial porky gibmedats (AMT, inheritance, cut corporate taxes, cut top-end income taxes.)

Most of these have been debunked in detail years ago by leftist thinktanks, and there's probably dedicated articles on their Trump permutation by now, too. These are my favorite thinktanks for public finance issues:

Thinktanks and other NGOs are usually the best place to find detailed and cogent analysis of any given issue, and are also where most news outlets and politicians source theirs from anyway.

Don't think tanks also make propaganda?

That's breddy goude. I'm no economists but I might add that "simplifying the tax code" is spooky as shit because all it means is that two people with a $100 difference in income will now be taxed very differently. Really, we should be calculating taxes not on brackets but on a function line, perhaps a logarithmic function.

Who want to cap this glorious post?

will look into this thanks m8

it depends on the tank

This video is actually from April, but it's a great layout regarding the Clinton email scandal. They have a former prosecutor on there, and he's making a strong case & explaining very well, the details of the case.

Its True

Stephen Hillenburg left the show after they made the movie.

It's more than just genetics. Here's a solid course on how complex the nature side of nature/nurture is and how the distinction is actually kind of spooky.

Holla Forums are such giant spergs

That's how alt-right politics work, they glorious uprising at any dissenting opinion that more than a few people will hear.

Mate, that's way too much for the average American to understand. There are people who file their taxes on paper still. They'd look at thisg shit and go yell at Obongo for putting black magic in the tax code.





It's at 18:40.
I don't know why you would bother though, these are two republicans.


Look at them down-votes. I hope someone makes a alt-right cringe/pwnage compilation someday.

They've already made one of sovereign citizens.

To be fair, the video was pretty stupid and failed to address why the people who spout "cuck" should probably kill themselves. NTR as a fetish is always going to be controversial.

But I strongly doubt most of the voters watched it. Bandwagon effect.

Fun fact: If Trump had debated Bernie, it would have meant he wouldn't have been allowed to debate Hillary due to contractual agreements between the Democrats and GOP for debates.

But I wouldn't expect bernouts to understand anything about contracts, or agreements, or economics

They do whatever the fuck they want, contracts are just a formality in the general, there's noway Hillary would turn down an opportunity to debate Trump.

And It would take an ignorant Holla Forumsack to forget that hillary broke the fucking agreement by refusing to debate this month

Which is the whole reason the debate was gonna happen in the first place

Back to


One man's intelligence material is another's propaganda. Making good ammo is a serious business, never shrink from those who make it their business to do that for your cause.

It really isn't. The problem is that while people who bitch about it are almost invariably flat-taxers (targeting brackets, probably the simplest part of the entire tax code. Who here has heard the "If you make too much money the higher tax rate will mean you go home with less!" malarkey?).

99.99999% of what actually makes up the tax code's thousands of pages, thousands of man-hours necessary to parse it, and thousands of dollars to pay someone for that arduous process are in fact the host of write-offs, deductions, exemptions, exclusions, and credits that make up our tax expenditures. In fact, by far the single largest single spending "program" (and loophole magnet for accountants) on the budget is the $1.2 trillion of tax expenditures that go overwhelmingly to the rich:

There are a variety of proposals for reforming them, like turning them into credits, but perhaps the simplest would be to completely eliminate them. In order to solve deadfall loss for low-margin high-volume businesses, the entire corporate tax code (and its unavoidable loopholes) would also have to be eliminated, forcing all corporate profits through heightened personal income and capital gains taxes for their officers.

Alright, one by one. Trump's plan is as I said earlier, typical of Republican plans (especially flat ones) in that it generates nowhere near enough income to meet current revenue demands, causing $11.2 trillion in debt by 2026 with its hilariously gargantuan deficits (use the phrase "cut-and-spend Republican" to piss them off"). If challenged on this objection, you should expect something along the lines of "herp derp we'll cut spending!", pin them down on what exactly these supposed "cuts" will be and EXACTLY how big they'll be:

Also, like all flat tax plans, it offers the carrot of decreased bottom-bracket rates to "compensate" for decreased top-bracket rates, but coyly fails to mention the logically obvious conclusion that this means more of the overall tax burden MUST shift onto the shoulders of the middle class. Here's a great debunking of a more extreme flat tax plan, but its analysis applies pretty much entirely to most flat tax plans:

Flat-out eliminating the AMT would be highly regressive, since 97% of AMT revenue is paid solely by the top 1%:

Cutting or repealing taxes on inheritance, capital gains, or carried interest, is of course transparent wealthfare:

I realize he's trolling, but the fetish and the thing itself aren't the same thing.
Notice how it lines up almost literally with our use of "classcuck", while Holla Forums's most common use for political standpoint is pretty much unrelated

Like clockwork
It’s the height of irony that a socialist hero once synonymous with populist revolution has transformed into a regular old politician: a disingenuous backroom dealer who’s actually subverting the will of three million people who’ve spoken in favor of Hillary. Or do those votes not count because they come from the South (don’t get me started)? This is a sad and disappointing coda to a public service career spanning nearly three, 99-percent advocating decades.
We can't purge America fast enough.

Oh, one other thing that's crucial to understanding public finance debates. Notice how the tax that gets the most complaints in the media is federal taxes, particularly the individual income tax? That's because (even moreso minus FICA, which is honestly more of a savings mandate than a tax) it's by far one of the most progressive American taxes. Now notice al the bleating about how great shifting stuff to state/local government is? That's because their tax systems are biased heavily toward ultra-regressive ad valorum excises:

If you need more detail on why the latter point is so, ask any yuropoors out there, they're living the porky dream that is NATIONwide VAT:

The easiest way to debunk tax cuts for the rich and trickle down bullshit is to point out that 70% of the US economy is consumption. Rich people don't go out with their tax cuts and buy millions of apples or tubes of toothpaste or pillowcases because there simply aren't that many rich people to use all those. They take their money and stick it in savings or a hedge fund. It is the consumers that are the backbone of the US economy and if they're too busy picking up the slack for government funding because the rich won't pay their share then the consumers can't go out and buy shit.


Holly shit. This is what Shillary supporters look like.


Thanks a lot minorities .

Wasn't their an earlier poll that showed them in a dead tie?


The polls keep flipping between them being tied or a large gap
Very strange
Hopefully the fact the Clinton has decided to start campaigning in CA again means her private polling is showing a much more dire situation for her than we know.

Man, you can just smell the porky radiating off this douche
that delusion though,
This was also just published on the same site and it's even worse IMO.

Well, he used to write for The Economist.

Nigga a log is not complicated, it's on almost every calculator.

American education though

How do you respond to this?

You call Alex Jones a retard and swiftly make it evident that even among people who aren't sympathetic to socialism, his analyses aren't considered up to par for serious thought.

That was pretty funny

Sounds airtight.



This is so surreal. Is this real? Is this reality we're in here?

If only.

kek like he cares about his hair



What Bernie Supporters Want
The Sanders campaign has been driven by class politics, not white male angst.

Bernie Sanders Wins Vermont's Only Seat in Congress: Post-Election Speech (1990)

Shillary supporters BTFO


Corporations Shy Away From The Republican National Convention

more importantly, they can look up log tables, can't they? It aint hard:

Even someone educated in America could pull that off, couldn't they?

Ex-fucking-actly, if we used a function like sane people all the tax literature would have extensive log tables, probably for every $100 increment up to $100,000. Anyone who makes more money than that knows how to look up a fucking online four-function calculator.

There are not enough keks in the world to respond to this. So the Clinton plan, which is essentially to continue Obama's legacy of getting nothing through Congress while gutting even more liberal sacred cows to appease the Republicans is somehow more "realistic"? Then again, I suppose you can't be murdered if you kill yourself.

But god there is so much wrong with the ideology behind the Clinton campaign I feel it may be just as dangerous to the Republic if not more so than the Trump campaign.

Also I was banned from all of Holla Forums for like a few hours no idea why that happened.

What's the straight dope on California?
Most polls have them tied down to the wire, some even have a modest but substantial lead for Clinton, but this doesn't line up with my experience of Californians. Almost all of these polls' sample sizes are in the triple-digits, none above the low quadruple-digits, and there are massive variables regarding voter registration rates this year compared to past years. Are there any bigger polls from the last few years about general political opinions throughout California that might provide illumination?

Do I live in a bubble, or are Californian Democrats much more classcucked than I thought?

They just can't help themselves, can they?

$$shit I'm inspired now fuck you$$
THE CLINTON ROADMAP FOR AMERICA (which she's already following)
>completely ignore puerto rico
This is why Sanders needs to win. FBI take the wheel and get us off this wild ride.

I wouldn't worry about polling at this stage. There's still a week, which was considered a long time in March and April, and most of these polls have out-of-whack demographics and other flaws.

W-what did I do


Not trying to be a pessimist here, but…
California is definitely going to be rigged.
You think HRC would bother with all those "mishaps" in Arizona, Nevada and New York and then not have the resources or the comments decency to rig California, the most important one.

Fun stuff will be happening to the ballots. Wait and see.

Good. A Bernie presidency at this point would only work against us.

If another crash is coming like many comrades have claimed, it's better it happens under Trump or Clinton than Sanders.

Well there's no crash coming so oh well bad post.
Not even to mention the fact that plenty of presidents have gone through economic downturn and been fondly remembered by Americans anyway, like Ronald Reagan, though technically it was due to him and not during him.

No reason to believe this. Arizona, Nevada and New York were all closed. California is not, and there will be external monitoring from the Center for Contemporary Journalism or something like that. Plus she thinks she's got everything in the bag.

all of the factors that caused the 2008 crash have only gotten worse.
I highly doubt that will stop the DNC/Clinton camp, especially considering what they've been willing to do so far
Word on the street is that Clinton's team has been internally panicking, no one expected Sanders to make it this far.


You're only proving my point sinner, there actually was another small downturn in I think 1933.

Reddit & Sanders


oink oink

they're learning.


Are the normalfags waking up?



I love how Chairman Dore breaks the ice in the beginning of this interview (teachers for Bernie). Wish I had that skill.


Wiccas for Bernie

"trump is a fag" - hillary Rodham clinton, democrat

Fidesz (Orbán's party) did this in 1990: "Please chose carefully!"

I like the Adidas tracksuits. Yikes, though. How dense casually dismissive of gay people until it can win you votes do you have to be to greenlit this?

I moreso get the feeling of 'hah yous a weak ol chump for talkin nise to dose udda guise! Be a mang and berate em!" Coming from the fucking cliton campagen…

is wiccan magic the same as meme magic?


nah, it doesn't work

Its basically saying, hah look at trump kissing another man, doesn't the mean he is weak and gay ha ha.
Also as someone mentioned Clinton met with dictators all the time.
Dont they still have the red phone in the white house?


You are now picturing putin sending obama junk mail

Almost as stupid as christianity.

You realise the original message has nothing to do with homophobia, right?
Perhaps it does in the West, and maybe that's how it's being used here, but kissing on the lips used to be normal for friends outside of the Anglosphere.

Not pictures of his junk? ;^)


Bitch stole my motherfucking idea

It's more stupid by any standard. The fact that fedoras tolerate paganism more signals the current ideological climate.

Paganism ain't got no emancipatory potential fam

It's wasn't done by the Hillary campaign, it was done in Lithuania.

Yes, but here it's being used in a context that ridicules or villainizes gay men's sexuality. That may not be the intent, but it should have been glaringly obvious it can be read that way. I'm not pissy over the original mural for being "homophobic".

They should have come up with a different way to portray it. Gay men have been depicted as predatory and villainous in the Western world (probably most of the world, tbh, I just don't know enough) for centuries. They didn't need to reference it.

Really, the bigger issue, is that Hillary herself likes dictators and corrupt governments as long as they work for her.
Why Bernie Sanders shouldn't be Hillary Clinton's VP pick

I don't mind though fuck being shillarys vp



Nah, neofagens are much, much worse than Christards. One of them was probably raised from infancy to adulthood with every authority figure, peer, and greater society itself around them reenforcing a massive set of ancient multilayered spooks built up unbroken since the ancient mists of prehistory. The other probably had to fight their way free of said spooks, and having successfully gained freedom, decided to fight against every authority figure, peer, and greater society to re-opiate with a laughable and weak spook trivially dated back to 1921.

It's like the difference between being betrothed since conception to a harem in Saudi Arabia, versus a middle-class American teenager running away from home to become a crack whore.

This comes with all the respect in the world, but seriously: STFU, complaining about how p.r.o.b.l.e.m.a.t.i.c things are doesn't fly here.

Y u so mean :'(

Rolled 6 (1d6)
Rolling Fireball (Hit on 4)

You aren't the boss of this board, kid.

According to Nietzsche even socialists have herd or slave morality. Seems to me he put blame on the former two instead of the economic system from which beliefs arise.

guys we need to look past this bullshit and see that Bill O'Reilly is the best Comrade in the MSM.
For the past twenty years Bill O'Reilly has been used the tried and true method of entryism. He has emulated the conservative demagogue so well that he is indistinguishable from the real thing. Some times this mask slips (see image) but I have no reason to believe he is not not pretending to be a conservative in order to burn down the system from the inside.
Prove me Wrong

well memed and ha ha
are you denying the service Bernie does to the left currently?

feck yourself taig

no commissar sanders is the vanguard of the 21st century

>Bill O'Reilly was born Bill Ilyich O'Ulyanov


Anyone think they'd start crying in relief if Bernie wins the nom? That's what I got out of this. Excellent news.

Yeah because at least half the country was sucking his dick already. You think the entire ruling class wouldn't jump at Bernie at the first sign of an economic downturn?

The Great Depression happened before FDR took office. Is Hoover remembered fondly?


You weren't banned. I thought I might be, too, but there was some cloudflare bs or something going on yesterday. I couldn't post for hours & when it looked like I finally could, I had to leave. :( Glad it's fixed now.

Sucked seeing other people able to post & not be able to, that's why I though I was banned, too.

So.. Alex Jones?

Sanders shouldn't run VP with her because it would totally betray the movement he has tried so hard to build.

Haha, I thought of your drawing when I saw it, too.

Here bud

What's going on with the site? Hotwheels pls fix

"Meet the Bernie Sanders Supporter Who Debated Bill Clinton for 30 Minutes at a New Mexico Restaurant"

I'm going to try to find the original clip, if there is one. I'd heard about this, but the media made it seem as though he had debated him during a rally or something.

Tippity top kek

"Hillary playing the "woman card" 13 times in a minute"


There'd likely still be more left-wing voters if Bernie ran vp. It just wouldn't feel as anti-establishment anymore. It would be like getting back together with your ex because you need him or her for reasons that a real relationship shouldn't be built on and you both know it. It't be like getting cucked, to put it in Holla Forums terms.
What matters is that tbe revolution stays alive, regardless of who becomes president this year. Hillary probably won't have a vp Bernie because it would just make bernouts an even more apparent thorn in her side. It would be funny to see, though.


So fam, what's the update on cali polls?
The time for Anarcho-Sandersism is now

Pretty much tied, last I heard.


Trump supporters being attacked, liberals butthurt

liberals are pussies, more at 11.

I'm pussying out a bit as well tbh.

Not from a generic "Freedom of speech/This will help him/Then you're just as bad as they are" angle, but from the point of view that I don't really want to see what type of force they can bring in response.

Most Trump supporters are middle age, they can't do much

They have iron Mike Tyson on their side, though.

But he has the means for hired arms

Perfect. The second some personal trump security guard beats the shit out of a protestor we have our igniting image. Even a lot of class cucks don't like seeing people beaten by private security, and the ones who don't have a problem with it were never going to be on our side. Propaganda of the Deed.

Oh, man talk about taking the fight to the real core of the problem here…

Hey, I'm for antifa when they are fighting actual facists not just lumpenproles. This isn't the battle that needs to be fought.

That shitdick is not a lumpenprole. He looks like every other Machiavellian San Jose alt-right techlord. Probably owns an app or some shit. Fuck him. Deserves a lot worse.

29:19 if the timestamp doesn't work. Trump literally comes out to Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner. Holy shit.


I feel the same for the most part. This sort of thing should be seen as a last resort, but more importantly, these sorts of events only gives them a sense of martyrdom, and makes them feel like their the ones in the right no matter what now, even if they are the ones igniting these skirmishes sometimes. Hell, there's even the claim that the protesters might be Soros funded.

Let's also not forget the rather typical now, 'le ebim all protester are SJW's' meme. Poor people fighting poor people, while the ruling class keeps making bank. I'm very tired.

new poll showing Sanders ahead by 1 percentage point in California

that seems like something the streamer just added

yeah, what's the point in fighting random powerless retards who are voting trump? if anything these people ought to be trying to intimidate or attack campaign staff on both Hillary and Trump's teams. but that's a pretty fast way to get your shit wrecked by secret service.

This election cycle has been an education in psychology for me. One thing Trump supporters frequently do is accuse the opposition of being ugly while claiming their own side is very attractive.

If you survey the crowds neutrally, though, you'll find the split is pretty normal between above average, average and below average looking people, in both Trump and Sanders rallies.

It's confirmation bias writ large, but what's more disturbing is that they think this is in any way relevant. You could be the ugliest motherfucker in the world and still have the best policy positions.

Before this election cycle I wasn't aware just how many emotional reasoners there are.

It's basically feels VS reals, except, unlike usual college campuses, the roles have been reversed.

right wingers arent better looking, we value aesthetics and beauty, and achievement, yes there are ugly right wingers but we want to be better.
While the left is a self help group for ugly fat niggers

this is memes

you are thinking in memes

Thanks for your concern though. ;^)


when marx talks about communist society, it is literally a society where everybody works to better themselves constantly, rather than spending all their energy ensuring some parasitic capitalist can buy a new yacht

most right-wingers merely buy into the meme that we already live in such a society and that the parasites got fat with wealth by being inherently better than everybody else, not a mixture of luck or opportunism

which is why it's ironic for them to use the cuck meme: unlike the left, they actually buy into the idea that their superiors are more entitled to a living than they are

that is the ultimate masochism

If you are a young person and you tell someone of the opposite sex that you are a socialist you are much more likely to get some action at the end of the evening.

It's seems like every shillary article starts that way

Forgot pic

That's going to be the worse if that happens.
I wouldn't be able to tolerate a victim tribute concert and candle light vigil for Trump babies.

*fit is what I meant.

"A newly-trained California poll worker speaks out about her experience at her training session. She states that she and all other trainees were explicitly told to give provisional ballots to anyone registered NPP on election day. As we have seen in many other cases (Arizona, New York, etc.) provisional ballots can be thrown out. I repeat, there is no assurance provisional ballots will be counted. "


And yet people are screaming about le berniebros everywhere

black block?

What the fuck. They also cancelled conducting exit polls. It's gonna be a miracle if Bernie wins CA on paper.

hillary shooting straight up in polls.

TYT second interview with the Bernster.

Question, does anyone have a Trump supporter fail montage?

More Liberal Media Purges

Vox "suspends" writer for supporting anti-Trump protesters.

The were a few vow writers making tweets. Was it the guy that said the cunt in this video was asking for it?

Considering Vox spews feminist garbage articles everyday it would be a little hypocritical not to.


I wonder if liberals will still be singing this tune of nonviolence when Trump inevitably loses the election (by a small margin, which will fuel "stolen election" conspiracies) and an extremely virulent and aggressive National Front is formed from the ashes of his movement.

it won't matter because the liberals will all be purged in a sanders presidency :^)

Sorry, but it's Hillary's turn.

Trumpenproles are almost all old and dying. The huge majority of young people are Berniecrats or even further left. Bernie has more support from under 45s than the entire Republican field combined– and twice the support of Hillary. On top of that, Trumpenproles are poorly educated and socially isolated, so they are very bad at organizing. There is no real reason to fear a "Trump movement" in the long term.


They only add fuel to the fire

I think we underestimate the size, power and growth of the youth Alt-Right movement to our peril.

Mostly due to one outlier poll that shows her up 9 while most of the other polls show her up by around 3.

Sorry, but I can't stomach anybody spouting this sort of tripe unless they're personally willing to be smashed in the face with a 2x4 and arrested at one of these symbolic acts.

I wonder who it's really biased in favor of?


It's literally something like 99% of people. Most of the people supporting Sanders just have different criteria for what they want..

"Surely this will show everyone that anarchy is about removing violence and coercion from the system!"

Snowden on Trump vs. Bernie debate

Yup, he just got disavowed by Holla Forums.

This is what being cucked is, putting your loyalty for a demagogue before your principle.

Meanwhile he supports Trumpenstien, who want's to use his presidency to sue more people, and open up liable laws, and also supports NSA shit. These people are no different then SJW's.

Maybe Hillary is more than just the lesser of two evils. Socialism is kind of hard to achieve when we're all dead.

Maybe all the extra heat will encourage them to get off their lazy asses and make iPhones like useful people

it's literally just basement nerds. Trump barely got more youth votes than Cruz. Bernie eclipses all of them.

fuck off shill

First comment:

These people deserve to burn. They should be shipped to Cusco.


Hillary Clinton doesn't dismiss climate change outright, it's true; but like with most causes addressed by liberals that don't affect the rich majorly their solutions are the least they can get away with without anyone noticing the problem is still not fixed.

There may be a lesser evil between Trump and Clinton, but you'll unlikely be able to determine it from their specific and incredibly similar policy proposals.
About eight senior security officials said Trump is brash and unpredictable, characteristics that make him a national security risk.

This comment amuses me. I literally posted a picture here of me embracing Jimmy Dore and holding up a communist newsletter. But anyone who posits anything that runs counter to the narrative is a shill, always.

How have you been here this long but still can't detect shitposting?

lmao, you're complaining about the "narrative" of an obscure leftist imageboard? fuck off m8. hillary is an evil cunt who's gonna invade iran and ruin millions of lives. if you vote for her you're a massive classcuck.

This. Anyone who thinks a Shillary administration will do anything more than the Obama administration's lip service to curb global warming, even the USA's emissions alone, is utterly delusional.

Hell, Trump might actually be lying to pander to the Repubtards..

Hell, if he's serious about the wall, which is also doubtful, it may be because he wants to increase border security in advance because climate change will affect Mexico very heavily. I heard about this from a speakers about close to five years ago.


I know comranon.


Bernie Sanders - Then and Now (1985-2015)

Hah, agreed.

Most have probably never seen or held a 2x4 either. Those things are heavy as Hell, definitely wouldn't want to get hit in the face with one.

….aaand I'm out!

17.9 million Californians registered to vote—highest ever heading into a primary

RDW on Trump, Berni, Hillary:

They seem to have bought into this idea that Trump is the second coming of Hitler, and will support Hillary for that reason. At least Jimmy isn't buying that shit.

Notice when her eyes get buggy when she says anything related to being Secretary of State, like, "oh shit, please buy this & not remember how I botched national security". And she's still trying to take credit for the Iran deal that she was staunchly against at the time, I see.

She's just trying to deflect from her email/server scandal, and TYT seems to be allowing her.

That Ben guy is coming around more-so, now that they're entertaining Hillary more, too. Goddamn, that guy is such a crybaby.

comrade Dore should split from TYT after bernie is done

you cant even passively support this shit

You know he has his own Youtube channel?
"The Jimmy Dore Show"

And I just now noticed the url being "TYTComedy" lmao

He does pretty good commentary, and it's funny as well. He used to be on the Bob & Tom show often, right? I seem to remember his name from there.

And I agree. If it weren't for him calling this shit out, the panel might not have referenced the IG report or her terrible record. At least as passionately as they did afterwards.

Latest Bill Maher(I know, I know):

This guy, Nick Hanauer, is pretty good. I'd recommend this interview. Apparently he invested all his money in Amazon when it was tiny & has made a killing. Now he's fighting for a living minimum wage & gives great reasoning. He basically just said that when in Idaho like 100 years ago, the townspeople killed their mayor because he was corrupt, they were acquitted. I don't want to give it away, but the commentary he gives on it & in general is pretty awesome.

But opposing equal gay rights is not the same as opposing gay rights


The interview is in the very beginning. You'll probably want to tune out after that, it's just Hillary fellating from there on out.
Notice how relatively unpopular she is among US military. She has to pay people to protest. Not that this makes Trump any less of a dirty shitbag, not at all. This election is just Americucks being Americucks, letting the rich and powerful get away with shit that we would not let a fellow worker get away with so easily.

Oldest Hillary video I've seen. She's always been an uppity cunt. She reminds me of my cousin.. Who was a selfish, sociopath & destruction followed everywhere she went. Just the smug expression on Hillary's face, is off-putting, to me & very familiar. I think we all know someone who reminds us of this.

"Hillary Clinton Tried to Have this Video Banned - I Wonder Why"

that hellish static is art

A bit nostalgic as well

Oh my, is this for real?

Hang in there yankees!

What's in this vid?

An old interview from 1978 or 1979 shortly after Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas. She comes off like she has asperger's.

It's bizarre that they're the channel that treats Bernie the most "fairly." I guess that's a testament to how much they hate Trump and Clinton.


Studyied economics for 6 years: 2 in college, 1 year unemployed, then 3 in university (joint degree w/ politics).

Trumps tax plan politically is as follows:

He must garner support from the lower-middle classes of whom are right-wing, 'libertarian' or Republican or all. He's unresticted by donors, but still has to keep the corporate media on side, and so has to offer things to the rich also to staisfy the media, and rich republicans. (their general reduction of taxes too)

To do this, along with keeping in line with 'supply-side' economics, he must propose a system that supposedly helps the poorest and the richest.
His claim will be that he can lower taxes for all (increasing disposable income which increases national income) and thus we will all be better off. Economically if this was the case, and had no worse drawbacks, then every developed nation would do it, but that's certainly not the case.

The best, and I think only real way to de-construct this, is to look at previous historic examples of where this was tried.
Best I can think of (which is quite lucky for me) would be Bush. He increased national debt massively and increased income inequality.

The most developed nations in the world currently (as defined by Human
Development Index) are by far the most that develop the people and infrastructure of a nation over countries which choose ruthless individualism.

I'll criticize your comment were appropriate

It certainly would. Having higher disposable income (all else equal) leads to higher investment, consumer spending and working hours (compared to being unemployed). It may reduce the working hours overall, as more people have money (and so value leisure time more) but it's a small concern.

Yes. The more income into a nation, the more economic growth and employment.

It WOULD add to the national debt, even with the increase in tax revenues from higher consumer spending (say, if gov got ~20% vat from any purchase), the decrease in tax revenues directly takes out of the coffers. For every one dollar that is not taken from someone, a dollar doesn't enter the government coffers (ignoring keynesian/fiscal multiplier).

Ignoring the multiplier effects for now , for every $1 that increased the national income (from the higher disposable income), there would be $1 less in the coffers.

So whilst "lowering taxes expands the economy" is empirically true, you have to ask what the other costs are. In this case, the cost is the huge tax revenues lost. As the Us has crippling debt, and high growth compared to other OECD countries, this tax cut will be particularly ineffective as it worsens your already big problems (debt) and strengthens something which you realistically don't want to be over where it is atm (economic growth of ~2% in the Us is better than most other OECD countries atm, and that's the be expected). Economic growth atm, doesn't want to be any higher (unless ofc you can do it without costs, which is unrealistic) than it is. If you were in recession, that tax plan may help raise the economy slightly but would still costs you loads in lower government revenue

Fantasy. Despite what Adam Smith said about capitalists : "invisible hand means englishman invests in england.", they invest in the place that is most profitable, for least risk.

Just because Americans have even a 10% rise in disposable income from this cut (probably much lower than 10%) will not make corporations move production back home.
It will barely register in their profit detectors.

The idea that a country having slightly more demand for products will bring production home is nonsensical. Conversely, Americans import much more than they export relative and actually. With increased disposable income, they would import a lot more (which directly leads to loss of economic growth) and production will remain in China, and Indonesia and Japan.


Increasing incomes of any nation does almost nothing for bringing back production to a nation. Fact.

There may be some smaller effects, like there may be one person who owns a shop saying: "oh my, people seem a bit richer again, i'll open up the shop now the economy seems good"

The actual effects of tax cuts on bring back production is almost, if not Zero.

even with entrepeneurs being more wealthy, they have no reason to keep it in their country, rationally. And when it comes to taxes, everyone is "rational" (Read that as paying 45k for a lawyer to acquire 46k from your mate who you've sued).

Let's talk about moving factories overseas:

Say it costs 500k to run a chinese factory
It costs 1 million to run a american factory.
Both factories produce the quality and quality of output.

The only reason why any businessman would pick the american site would be because transportation (from the production plant to the shop it's sold in) costs mean its cheaper to.

If the american site has 0 transportation costs, but the chinese has 510k transportation costs, then a businessman would pick america. If less than 500k, he would pick china. Simply profit.

An increase of 10% of a nations income would only effect production which has extremely high transportation costs.

Take cars, and plastic toys as an example.

Cars are heavy and expensive to transport. They're made in America, not because of cheap labourers (Japan/south korea is much better) but because as soon as they're made, the can be sold across the road for little transport cost.

Car manufacturing may be helped slightly by higher income levels in the US (Henry Ford example with higher wages for more sales) but the vast majority of production has very little transport costs (effect of globalization and technological advances) and so for the vast majority of production, production will not move back to America because Americans now have more money. They'll continue to produce in china, transport for little costs then sell them to America.

There's simply no reason to produce in America with their wages at that rate when they have china.

Wasn't it last week that they said his campaign was now broke and he had to start courting donors?
Can Bernie Sanders Still Win? Victory Depends on Superdelegates

secular talk on the same topic:

Looking forward to the completely out in the open rigging that is going to occur.

I've heard that he's been self-funded for most of his campaign, and I keep up with American politics a lot, but I could well be wrong or haven't heard what you're on about. Would it really surprise anyone if he was funded by other like minded dickheads?

To the point though, would it change his allegiances? I doubt. I'd love to hear otherwise though.

for people who shit on and on about beta/alpha dichotomy, they are the most slavish band of alpha worshipers imaginable, the definition of a beta male


Was 'Trump University' A Scam?
Yes absolutely


user, from where do you think their obsession with cucking, "anuddah shoah" and the likes comes from?

faggots not knowing what the fuck an "argument" is

a rhetorical device in itself isn't a fucking "argument" and anyone that isn't a fucking pseudointellectual educated by jpegs and dreck memes could tell that

I think that's actually a long story, but I'll try to keep it short.

Most of the alt-right are the poorly socialized children of the middle class. They had no community to fall back on but lots of time to spend on the internet. Anders Breivik would be a case in point: not much social or romantic success, lots of time playing WoW. During late adolescence and young adulthood, these men would have discovered the growing manosphere and seduction community. Neither were necessarily right-wing, but the right-wing elements would eventually form the alt-right.

The evolutionary psychology used by pick-up artists within the manosphere morphed into "race realism" very easily. This is because there was already overlap between these pick-up artists and what became the alt-right. One of the more prominent members of the manosphere at that time was pick-up artist roissy/heartiste, who in the beginning made veiled attacks on Jews which became more overt as time went by. He also wrote screeds against the "Cultural Marxist" establishment.

The beta/alpha distinction grew out of pick-up artist culture. It would be an exaggeration to call the alt-right a "cult of masculinity", but a big motivator for these people is masculine insecurity. For the original fascists, the humiliation of defeat in war motivated them to seek power. For this generation, it is the humiliation brought on by their poor socialization. This humiliation can be remedied by identifying with an alpha male leader who promises the community one lacked and all the "fun" that you missed out on.

"Cuckold" is their preferred insult because it is what they fear becoming: emasculated and deprived of pleasure. Their journey into the alt-right began after all as a pursuit of pleasure (seduction) and a sense of masculinity (manosphere).

Note: I am not saying that the seduction community is inherently right-wing or that the manosphere is/was inherently right-wing, but right-wing elements existed in both communities and those elements were eventually siphoned into the alt-right.

democrat supporters are pushing this so hard, but I bite my lip everytime I want to mention the teabaggers also compared Obama to Hitler.

Hitler versus Stalin

tfw it reminds you of your sister

This should seriously be archived.
Really don't like this term though. Sounds a bit feministy.

I sighed heavily.

It's what they call themselves.

Here's what a member of the "manosphere" wrote about the phenomenon. I think it supports your post comrade.

it's MLK all over again

I had to go look at this woman's twitter feed. She has at least one post telling people not to say they love Muhammad Ali if they're pro-war or anti-black. Meanwhile, she supports Hillary Clinton for president.

But user, don't you realize that war is a good thing as long as we have equal representation of all races/genders doing the killing?
That's the magic of intersectional third-wave feminism.

This. They came up with it. I hate the term too.


Of course Hillary Clinton is a woman. Which means she's automatically superior to every male candidate and should receive your support without question.

Fuck, that was a rethorical question.
I love you guys.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin believes Trump was sent by God himself


That's only part of it.

The most insane part of the alt-right, the "Dark Enlightenment" people, partly grew out of the "techno-libertarian" philosophy of Silicon Valley.

Sometimes called "the Californian Ideology", after the essay from media theorists Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron (a highly recommended read btw). A strange mixture combining one part 60's counterculture to one part 80's yuppie-dom to two parts Ayn Rand (with a hint of Marshall McLuhan for good measure). Silicon Valley executives, especially during the dot-com boom, believed in creating a post-capitalist information economy where everyone could use technology to pull themselves from their bootstraps and become Randian heroes.

Of course, this Utopian technological optimism has led to increased social stratification. And despite it's revolutionary posturing, it was really a form of reactionary modernism.

Eventually, this ideology mutated into the "Dark Enlightenment". Abandoning the classical liberalism of the Californian Ideology, some people in the Silicon Valley started believing that democracy (not just liberal democracy, but all forms of democracy) was keeping them (oh, I'm sorry, I mean the Randian heroes of the world) from taking their rightful place as rulers. And then, washed-up cyberpunk casualty Nick Land gave it a name, a bunch of Silicon Valley office drones started writing their manifesto, and now a bunch of edgy teenagers are convinced that they are the true rulers of the Earth because FUCK YOU MOM IT'S NOT A PHASE

This isn't really some kind of dilemma for nazis

The Dark Enlightenment is guillotine food.

The blade hungers and it will be satisfied.

Fuck yes it will

These people just fill me with an insatiable hateful rage.

This whole attempt to spin Hillary Clinton as not only a progressive candidate but the more progressive candidate is just mind-boggling. And people just eat this shit up. They're the weakest fucking arguments but they fulfill the basic requirements of political talking points these days: they make the speaker feel good while costing them as little as possible.

Fuck this goddamn country. Maybe Posadas and Che were right.

Jesus Christ, the memes



Posadas was always right.
Even when it came to Dolphins

And in the end their still mindless consumers and only rarely workers. Maybe the next collapse with straighten them out? Nah.


This Race is Not Over | Bernie Sanders

Making threads to try and convince people to vote for Trump or Hillary, for any reason, is not allowed. Trumpshills or Hillarycunts can post their bullshit ITT if they really want. Otherwise it'll get bump locked or deleted.


[citation needed]


Any hope for today primaries?

kill all cops

Trump flip-flops position on Libya

Donald Trump reversed himself again on Libya on Sunday, saying in an interview that he would have authorized a “surgical” strike to take out Muammar Qadhafi, after months of telling voters the country would have been better off if the dictator were still alive.

“I didn't mind surgical. And I said surgical. You do a surgical shot and you take him out,” Trump said in an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

"Donald Trump is a pathological liar!" - Bernie Sanders


Northcom is on high alert today. Also conducting a joint military operation along the California, Oregon and Washington coast. Coincidence?

Also, the exercise lasts until Tuesday, the day after the election.

Why would it be anything else? :^)

Bomb only killed 12 unrelated bystanders, great job team!

He really has changed politics in America. We'll see if that change bears any fruit. I remain skeptical.

lol what a piece of shit

How long until he flip-flops on TPP?

I say give it a couple months.
He's going to have to tow the line to get republican support.
I guarantee it wont be long

watch his supporters not even make excuses and just continue sucking his cock

Holla Forums in denial
>>>Holla Forums6229466

What more did you expect?

Hitler being a capitalist isn't consider a positive on Holla Forums anymore? What the hell is going on over there?

we are winning that's what (they realize that capitalism is >bad and that socialism is >good, now they strive to prove they belong to the latter)

It was in a thread about Varg releasing a video saying capitalism is shit, resulting in massive shitflinging.

N-Natiоnal sоcialism is not capitalism, sassenach!

Anyone from Puerto Rico?
What's happening there?

Is this normal that Clinton had the strongest support in the Bible Belt?

Trump could support ISIS and they will probably still love him. The elite porky plan has worked.

Lares lives in Peurto Rico and I appreciate his updates, but I haven't seen him in a while. It's circumstantial info, but it keeps my hopes up. I'm not sure what the broader picture is, though.

I don't know, but she does really well with black voters. A lot of Boomers, her strongest demographic, retire in southern states like Florida and the Carolinas, as well.

I think maybe more effecting, however, might be the poverty in the Bible Belt states, and how early their states voted (DNC frontloading?). Poor people don't have as much access to television, newspapers, whether that be that they just don't have the money to afford it, or if they do, they don't have the time to watch or read. Even if they did watch TV or read newspapers, they wouldn't get an accurate, balanced report. This leaves the Internet. I can't find the map anymore, but it's really not that surprising. The counties/states Clinton does best with are also the states with the least Internet access. Even if they did have access, I don't think most 40+ people really know how to use and navigate the Internet, nor do many of them trust it, especially seniors. Her name recognition allows her to take an overwhelming advantage of people's poverty-induced ignorance.

Also, I've seen people say that their pastors would tell their congregation they're all gonna vote for Hillary and load up in a bus together or something that voting day and go do it. I've only heard this from black church-goers, but it wouldn't at all surprise me if white churches were similar. Someone also opined that the black community has better organization than other races because of the Civil Rights Movement, and so many people still look up to a leader to guide them to equality. Unfortunately, their leaders just don't know or stand to benefit more from a Clinton presidency than a Sanders presidency.

Just some thoughts as to why she did so well.

Oh, and Bernie's Jewish and people are obviously more Christian in the South. I've also read that black people are more likely to be anti-Semitic than white people, too. Pretty minor, but you can chuck it in there with contributing factors if you want.

I think we should stress this point more and infiltrate Holla Forums
is natscum really socialist or capitalist, etc.

I think you grossly underestimate Holla Forums's cognitive dissonance.

Hi. I've been here. I just took off my name.
Demographics favor Bernie but that's bullshit because Puerto Rico is incredibly post-racial, and the political climate favors Bernie. Clintostalgia doesn't. He paid for ads there, though, when Clinton didn't. The shenanigans could go either way. I don't like the fact that they had such a big prison voting initiative when the largest Puerto Rican gang gave Hillary a shotgun endorsement for their members, so that'll obviously hurt us. Puerto Rico has a lot of low information voters so that might hurt us.

I used to be confident Bernie would pull through some sort of win, but now I have literally no idea what's going to happen. Everyone in line today that I talked to was for Bernie, but that's never a sound measure. A lot of old people, which is never good (unless it is?). Basically, what we're going to be seeing is "Clinton stronk leader wymmyn who can fix island with experience" versus "Bernie has the vision and integrity America and Puerto Rico needs"- we'll just have to see which prevails. The lack of widespread early voting is a good thing for Bernie though.

The lines were ungood but not Arizona levels of doubleplusungood. People on SandersForPresident were chimping out about how they must have closed so many places because of shenanigans but if they haven't realized WE ARE BROKE so I'm actually willing to believe our politicians for once.

Long story short I have no fucking idea, but a win by any margin would be good for us and help further destroy the demographics narrative. The political climate is very pro-Bernie but that doesn't mean people will actually show up to vote.

For what it's worth, I'd say the ratio of people I phonebanked who were Bernie/Hillary supporters was about 6 to 1 not counting hangups, but hangups were way less common because people in Puerto Rico aren't used to getting political phone calls. Probably about 6 to 1 to 3 counting hangups. And then there were people who told me they weren't voting, who are obviously moot. That, at least, looks good- the response I got in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic states I phonebanked seemed much more lukewarm, and even California had a lot of hangups. The first women I ever called in Puerto Rico literally told me to go fuck myself though lmao.

Oh, and never lose faith. We still have the turbodelegates.

This is just anecdotal, but…

Results when?

Supposedly the first results are supposed to be at 5, which is in 30 minutes.


Speaking of, is his campaign still broke?


Time to tear down that shrine of him I've got.

Link to video?

Look up a map of internet access by state. Then compare it to that map.

Of course, you get called a "brocialist" or a straight up racist if you point this out to liberals.

Unofficial results. It'll go up, too.
Crisis averted, but I still wished we had won.

Oh wait never mind lol, that's literally only 243 ballots. I'm retarded. It's still up in the air.

who the fuck is roque de la fuente

Literally just some businessman who puts himself on the ballot in all the states he can. Nobody important.

Right now it's 473-201. Obviously still very preliminary but now I'm upset because his margins went down.


what results?

Puerto Rico's dem primary.

source for results?


A meme

reminder they shut down fucking HUNDREDS of polling stations in Puerto Rico.

So it looks like it'll be 30-70 pretty firmly. Now I feel like an idiot for telling everyone it would be the same with Bernie winning.

It's the same story as in the deep south and other places, people who straight up have no idea what the fuck they're doing. These morons are voting for PROMESA and I bet half of them know what that is and dislike it but don't know Clinton's stance on it


Holla Forums, ladies and gentlemen

That had little-nothing to do with it. Lines were like 90 minutes in extreme cases and there's no evidence that it hurt Bernie more than Hillary.

Maybe Puerto Rico should become an independent country after all.

Are you saying this because you're pissed at the results and you don't want them to count for delegates?

Regardless, you're right.


Where tf the results at


god I hate new jersey

Literally pic related.
It should be stupidly easy to make communist Moonman songs

Up to 35% lads

When is Hillary going to trial for her crimes?

That is the only way Bernie is getting the nomination at this point.

They take everything completely seriously and expand their hug box until nobody can have fun without their preapproval.

Holla Forums are the ultimate newfags.


Apparently /r/socialism is trying to take on /r/the_donald

I took this opportunity to inform them about /r/enoughsandersspam/

how popular is Trump on reddit? I'm not masochistic enough to look.

I really don't use Reddit that much so I couldn't tell you. but I do believe /r/the_donald/ is pretty popular

Of course it's also widely despised so I guess about the same as in real life I suppose.

he wasn't that popular until Holla Forums decided to prop up /r/thedonald

wow, this is how they fucking act during elections too. if this was happening in russia or venezuela, american politicians would be condemning it as a sign of some kind of dictatorship.

That last part reminded me of this.

sauce on song?

We Want Your Soul by Freeland


but police are workers too u guiz we have to be nice to them uwu

no m8 you have to be nice just watch this young turks video about how beating up fascists is "gross" :DDD

to be fair Jimmy Dore is YET AGAIN the only TYT analyst who is worth a shit on this

someone should make a TYT porky

Cenk porky could work.

How can one place vote so much against its interests? smh pr

I'll be called a booticker but have no problems with police. No society is utopian and people are going need some sort of help or protection. It might not be "Police" as we know it but a group will be there to help the people.

beating up fascists (a.k.a not actual fascists just proles that are dumb enough to support Drumpf) like that only create martyrs.

Anarkiddies ruin everything.

you are a bootlicker.
people's militia or bust.

fascism is inherently irrational. You can't outdebate a screaming retard who only cares about spooks (just look at Holla Forums) and beating on fascists has helped keep them at bay for years in places like Greece.The only people who consider dead fascists martyrs are liberal pansies.

I lived in the Deep South where it's bizarro-antifa all around the clock. It's not good.

That's why you don't get it

If irrational ideas that proliferate through a false rationalism are defeated at the outset through aggression both in debate and physical violence things like the Deep South wouldn't exist



graveyard of social movements

What's this suppose to prove other than the fact that Hillary supporters are braindead slaves to capital

Agreed. The police should fear the people in aggregate, not the other way around, but they must exist, and they must be somewhat separate from the citizenry. The first sign of a slide into totalitarianism is not, in fact, excessive aggression by the pollce or military, but the use of paramilitaries or other (inevitably partisan) militias as a supplement to or substitute for police. The proper response to fascists and their ilk is to sic the police on them, and to remold the police if they grow too chummy to any group.

A strong police force, enforcing the rule of law under a nonpartisan public government, is the basis of a free and peaceful society. Any weakening of the police monopoly on violence creates a vacuum which undermines the public government's strength, in turn allowing some combination of completely undesirable alternatives (private/business [fascism], religious [theocracy], foreign [empire], nothing [warlordism/feudalism]) to fill the gap.

Fuck you guys. What we need is Wildwestism. Everyone gets guns and firearms training. Thieves will be deterred by the overwhelming majority capable of dispensing vigilante justice at the drop of a hat. And with free health care for all and the rapid advances in medicine, anything less than a fatal wound will be much less serious. Your guns will always be much closer than the police.

those are some irregularly long sticks


Question for you guys
I see a lot of people saying they would prefer Trump than Clinton because muh accelerationism.
But I was thinking about the impact of Bernie Sanders and all this talk of the "overton window", or at the very least the possibility that he's had a very positive impact on younger people.
What if Trump does lose? Will he have awoken this warped pseudo consciousness in idiots like posters on Holla Forums and their ilk? Will we see more populist retards popping up in the future because of his impact? Or will he be like the proverbial fart in the wind he is?

Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to run for President during a phone call before he decided to run for president.

I don't know.
If the DNC knows what's good for them they'd pick Bernie, because he fares better against Trump.
If Trump won, it would be sweet seeing the DNC lose after fucking Bernie supporters so hard.
If Shillary won, it would be sweet seeing Holla Forums freak out like the impotent retards they are.
But hey, I vote 3rd party every year.

Fuck cops


You're both cock sucking bootlickers.

True for rapid response, but the police should still be able to run over any private group like a freight train, even if the greater populace is in turn vastly more powerful than the police.

One thing we actually could abolish is permanent standing militaries, especially in the atomic age. Actual wars are rare for any but the poorest nations, and peacekeeping is a task militarily trained personnel are poorly suited for compared to police.


CHILLYRINGS FIX YOUR BROKEN SITE there voter suppression in Puerto rico?

at this point it's safe to just assume yes until proven otherwise tbh


ok but
This point addresses the first. In a class-conscious society, it would be easy to arrange a militia for the same purpose, so why bother having standing police forces? Hell, why not just have police/militia work function like anything else and be public? There's a job to do? Someone will want to do it probably. Let them play cop for the duration of the job.

I am with this guy

Trump is legit to the left of Hillary, at least if you take them both at face value on their policies. My mind is blown over and over again how people don't realize Trump is just playing a fucking game. It's public record now that his campaign listened to shit tons of conservative talk radio to determine his platform. He's a (shitty) businessman who just wants to play to the largest crowd that's easy to sway and feels underserved. He's a moron and will maybe get a few things done, but he'll also get walked over a lot.

Also, most people see Shillary as just your typical politician even though she's a bloodthirsty neocon. Nobody is going to come out in large numbers as Hillary's opposition party, and whoever does will just give the idpolers fuel for muh sexism bullshit. If Trump is president, the current protests will continue and out the nuts in the left for the nuts they are, but we might also get some legit leftists into office in midterm and local elections in response to his victory.

Being a cop isn't just a role in society, but a job requiring certain skills.

You're thinking of cops similarly to how many conflate capitalists and managers. Skilled capitalists are usually skilled CEOs, but CEOs perform a valuable and unique service, which requires unique skills, but doesn't necessarily intersect with getting and paying massive amounts of personal wealth to earn personal profit.

Similarly, being a policeman isn't necessarily the same skillset as smashing people over the head with a club, though the two frequently overlap.


Why are you here?

Think of it like when the statesman role of nobility was separated from the divinely appointed autocrat role of nobility, creating our current class of democratically appointed bureaucrats.

The same thing is true of coops, where the capitalist exploiter role is stripped away to leave only the democratically elected manager.







With all the free time you get in communism, you can aquire skills easily. Also in my wildwestism scenario, everyone gets guns and training on how to use them. That also includes shit like tactics. If you want, you can train and get certified as a detective. Then when crime happens you can go detect shit. It's not hard.

yes Trump wouldn't have stood a chance against Hill-Dog if he had entered the race as a democrat. So it's most probable that he is courting/playing the illiterate masses on the right. The only thing he truly believes in seems to be the "we're losing to china, we're losing to mexico" stuff (the countries, not the people). And if he turns out to be terrible you can elect Sanders 2.0 in 2020 if you want. With Hillary you get probably 8 years of her and then another 4-8 years of some republican shill.

because spooks are more important.
I kid you not, that's all it is.

normie get out reeee


Hillary is a third way globalist puppet of the oligarchy who wants to enshrine pro israel into law and make more money for wall street.

At least with trump he is going to fuck things up, be a meme, and you can use the excuse that the democrats weren't leftist enough if hillary loses and purge the DNC of shillbots.

basically the reasoning for voting for trump on the left is accelerationism

Imagine going back in time and writing the word "the first black president barack obama meets with president elect Donald trump"

SJWs are powerless, though, and they will always be. No matter how stupid they can be, they're still only a minority group of voters.

Plus, if the USA can survive 8 years of George W. Bush Jr, it can also survive some SJW president, if it ever somehow comes to that.


Show me how much power they have outside of cucked American college campuses, then.

Just a couple that come to mind.

idk mate, most of these seem incidental (although holy shit especially that first example is ridiculous, how the fuck is a sexually suggestive joke even sexist by default?)

I'm talking more like, on a political level. Of course there will be companies and organizations that will be cucked by SJWs, but is there any real reason to worry that they will start dominating the political landscape and forcefully restricting essential liberties of the people? Because that's what I would worry about, if anything, and I don't see that happening. As much as they can pressure people into giving in to their demands in certain individual cases, on broader scales they just don't seem like major political players to me.

The media never shows this but there's been a lot of protesting at Clinton rallies as well

Some others

They only have power because people think they have power. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy, people give in to SJWs because they think they have power; thereby giving them power.

They can't do shit to people who refuse to give in.

Holy shit.



yeah because social movements have just THRIVED in the pathetic american green party

pls lurk moar
and read a book ffs

And people think they have power because they're the most active on social media.
some interesting testimonies from Cali voters


God, I hope I don't have to decide between the two. I'll probably try to get the Green Party closer to 5% if that does happen.
I'm terrified of both. Trump is an absolute madman which is bad for foreign policy. Hillary is a full retard which is bad for foreign policy. Hillary and Trump both support creating a command economy in Puerto Rico. A Trump presidency would inevitably repeal Obamacare and becoming a proving ground for Tea Party proposals like flat tax and sales tax. A Hillary presidency would do fuck and shit about the deficit and enable TPP. Trump's got the Tea Party and Hillary's got SJWs. Ultimately I'd have to vote against the con artist so it would be either Hillary or Stein and PROMESA alone is reason enough not to vote for Hillary

Well for one they've managed to introduce terms like "priviIege" and "angry white males" into the common vernacular.

No, you don't get it. Kill yourself.


I don't know man. Imagine having to live here.

To be fair everyone here is fucking retarded. Not even the "I don't want to be competent at all I want to collect welfare drink beer and piss in the streets" kind of retarded (though there ARE those people, they're just not as common as in, say, a ghetto) but the "I want to be competent in this regard that I'm not competent in but I don't know how to go about it and it's not relevant enough to matter to me because I'm competent at these other things" retarded. Nobody understands philosophy or history or Marxism, people barely understand local politics, and that's at least partially because the media treats it like the media treats state politics in the mainland. PROMESA is treated like a shitty state bill and not the existential horror that it is. Now if we were independent it'd be a different story. We'd focus on our own politics, our own corruption, and the news would be 24/7 "BTW Hillary supports instituting a literal command economy in Puerto Rico" and she's get 20% of the vote. Right now she got votes like I said above because she got the feminist vote, the nostalgic vote, the reactionary vote, the spooky "experience" vote and the "I know who that is and I don't know who the other person is" vote.

If you needed veritable proof that Clinton is running her campaign off of these things it's the results of the Puerto Rican primary. People like to say that crying "uneducated voters" is racist but it really isn't, like in this case the average Puerto Rican is like 64% white. The independents who are wholeheartedly convinced that Congress is trying to fuck us over didn't vote in the primary because they don't think it matters.

In fact, it's now that I realize why he never stood a chance. Sanders appeals to jaded voters. We already knew that. But Puerto Ricans- the jaded ones- are doubleplusjaded. As in, believing politics is corrupt almost necessarily. Not just American politics or local politics but politics. Not even in an anarchist way, like in a downer nihilist way. Sanders didn't get the jaded vote because the jaded vote stayed home and watched Fatmagul, because "I don't want to enable the corrupt political system by participating in it". Anti-voting attitudes on Holla Forums and Holla Forums sound so fucking similar to the excuse Puerto Ricans make that if I didn't know better due to Holla Forums and Holla Forums at least having another system in mind I'd say the idea was spread by those of my ilk. The people that know government is corrupt and needs to be given back to the people gave up on it and classified politics as categorically evil, unchangeable and a necessary evil.

I fucking love this country. But I also fucking hate it.

And also it irritates me when people set up a strawman Bernie supporter who claims voter suppression whenever Bernie loses. Nobody cried voter suppression in the Deep South because they were open primaries and a Clinton sweep there was to be expected. The meme really started in Arizona as I'm sure you recall, which was an actual example of such because of the ridiculous lines and the fact it was a closed primary. Same for New York, Pennsylvania- there were little things here and there in that whole region. I didn't hear anyone claim voter suppression or fraud in for example Illinois (shit was that an open primary I may be going against my own argument here) or Guam. Maybe some Bernie supporters will disagree with me but the worst thing about these open primaries is that when we lose them we lose them fair and square because people are fucking retarded. That's also the best thing about them, open primaries are pretty fair and really hard to rig. Hell, even the haircut to voting locations in Puerto Rico probably didn't have a significant effect because we don't have early voting other than prison ballots. We lost Guam fair and square, we lost Puerto Rico fair and square, we lost Ohio fair and square and we lost the Deep South fair and square. Outside of those the conclusion falls pretty easily along category lines- open caucuses would've gone more to Hillary, closed caucuses could've gone either way, and closed primaries would've gone more to us. Out of the few open primaries Hillary might win more delegates with dat Deep South, but I'm pretty sure I could say that for if everywhere had an open primary. The delegate margin is small enough to assume that there is at least a very small net gain, just large enough to put us ahead. This is kind of a ramble at both Sanders supporters who actually do this and people who set up the strawman of it. Yes, a lot of primaries were rigged or had built-in status quo safeguards. Yes, the race as a whole is both. No, not every primary we lost was rigged or had built-in status quo safeguards, unless you count clueless voters.


problem is that this is an excellent rule of thumb in bourgeois democracy, and it's accurate 99% of the time. people who ignore politics on this basis are saving themselves YEARS of wasted time reading and arguing about politics. however, in the 1% of the time that they're wrong, it fucks them over.

I've apparently earned the ire of a French, socialist Hillary Hack from /r/ess

You can't make this shit up

A democracy doesn't necessarily have to be a bourgeois democracy as long as it's just rigged and not controlled, like for example Soviet "democracy". If you don't like someone, vote them out. If you don't like anyone, primary someone. If you don't like any primary contenders, run. If you think you don't have the voting power to do this, try to organize and get people excited. Or the alternative is revolution If you don't want to do any of that, then the only complaint you get to make is that it should be easier to wokeify people.

Also, the people I talked to don't seem to think that you CAN fix government. Not just that our current government is messed up and won't change unless something changes.

Neat, show us.

I dunno if you want the direct links


That sub is fucking deranged.

I honestly can't understand shillary supporters

Didn't Sanders release his tax returns months ago?

he has always said "democratic socialism".

and she accuses others of conspiracy theories?

he has already released his tax returns for 2015 and plans to release more. this is a non-story and there is no basis in her accusation that he is embezzling funds.

has said he doesn't need nor want their support on many occasions, but this is another non-story drummed up by the media and david brock et al.

meaning you have to be a capable tea-leaf reader to find this "evidence" for it.

what? RT is kremlin trash, but it isn't alt-right.

Reporter asks Bernie Sanders if he's "being sexist" for staying in the race

Hillary Clinton was erratic First Lady, 'violent' to husband, staff - Secret Service author

>“Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office,” Byrne wrote, adding that she once attempted to have Secret Service banned from the White House.

>Bill and Hillary Clinton had at least one "violent encounter," Byrne wrote, ahead of a major, national presidential address. In fact, Secret Service staff would discuss how to keep Hillary Clinton from physically harming her husband. One morning in 1995, Byrne said he arrived at the White House to find a smashed blue vase and a "put-a-steak-on-it black eye" on the president.

Sanders would be winning if Hillary was a man, wouldn't he? Fuck idpol.

A-anonchan I don't think the person who is having anger issues directed at a geriatric friendly Jew destroy their lives was shitposting.
is that even possible at this point
If he wasn't embezzling money in 2014 he probably isn't now.
Inb4 "muh schedules A and C", yeah if he didn't put any money into wall street or banks or anything he probably isn't getting any money from them and a large part of why he has such large deductions is because he's putting a lot of meals under "business meals" which I'm guessing he does mostly from a bookkeeping perspective, say what you want about him but he's clearly not a penny pincher.
boohoo but also when and where, apparently by running against a wymman you are enabling hatred of women and here I have to go again with pointing out that hatred of women is never directed at only one person
uhhhhhhhh literally where like I'm struggling to understand why these people don't understand that Clinton is white and Bernie isn't, neither Poles nor Jews are white and where they each get supporters and people saying things like "voting against interests" is ultimately inconsequential and has nothing to do with the candidates themselves
Yeah duder the alt-right just can't get enough of Sanders manfriend
he has no idea
well barring the fact that it was MYSTERIOUSLY created two years ago before Bernie even formed an exploratory committee and the creator of the board MYSTERIOUSLY blocked me when I asked him about it it was actually created to bitch about the kind of stuff that gets upboated on /r/politics (which is fair, I can see why people would be annoyed) and pretend like the comment section isn't a circlejerk against Bernie 9 times out of 10. Besides that it would seem like one of their main concerns is the idiots on /r/sandersforpresident that call everyone who doesn't vote for their candidate low-information voters (which is technically true but you don't fucking say it in decent company where THEY think YOU'RE underinformed and also get to play the race card just like you don't say "well Black people commit a lot of crime like I'm just saying it's true" you complete imbeciles) but it is by no means their only concern, if anything I see more people calling him a socialist or literally a communist.
this part is true, and if the sub hadn't devolved to what it is now I probably wouldn't have a problem with it.
And this justified vicious behavior like "God I hope once Bernie loses he gets primaried in 2018 by Al Giordano ha ha I want to lobotomize BernieBros I am mentally stable" and infiltrating SandersForPresident [or at least pretending to just to stir the shit], and endorsing people going on alternate accounts with names like CTR_GaryS just to tick people off, fuck with people and troll. Honestly the whole sub is a bigger national embarrassment than /r/atheism and hilariously close to /r/nongolfers in their efforts to shit on other people's parades.
Once again /r/socialism and /r/enoughsandersspam and reddit as a whole embarrasses itself. I wish people would think before speaking, and this community is legit one of the only places I've seen to actually do that (though that's not everyone, especially the fucking Holla Forums posters who just won't quit)

This was also my face when. I am so fucking sick of this, if he wasn't doing anything fishy in 2014 he probably wasn't doing anything fishy in 2013.

One incomplete one, but it got the message out that he's almost certainly not doing anything particularly fishy.


Old news, but always worth a post. Thanks Freudfag.

Oh, good, I didn't think we were to the "Caligula" part of a fallen empire yet.

Oh and one last thing, for all the memes this person hurled at you I'm surprised they didn't bring up that shitty NYDN interview.

I think I now hate Hillary supporters more than Trump supporters.

First I heard of this guy

Looks like a complete delusional Clinton Cunt
Vote count stalls in Puerto Rico as officials take day off
reminder that everyone in the media will use le superdelegates meme to convince people that Shillary already has the nomination so it doesn't matter if she loses California.

Actually /r/socialism seems to be warming up to Sanders and certainly despises /r/ess, here's my original comment if you wanna see for yourself:

Oh yeah he is. Got one of the worst cases of "everyone I dislike is an angry white male" I've ever seen. The best thing is that he probably won't even for man exploratory committee, he's just grandstanding and being a cunt. I mean look at his Twitter description.

So that's what's up. Yeah, I saw it stand still.
Holy shit, if it's really 66% of the votes and not just 66% of the precincts that means turnout was less than 100,000. Great job Puerto Rico.

I meant the bad parts of it. The Meme Saltysuck types and his voters.

Oh and also Al Giordano thinks he's not white because he's Portuguese, what a fucking joke.


Won't happen. Don't even think about it or worry about it. Won't happen.
Reporters twitter

Some idiot Al Giordano retweeted said that Sanders response to her shitty question was "yelling at her for doing her job". Where can you get these drug goggles?

thought the same. quality post.

While Trump supporters are literally cucks, some of them have legitimate grievances with liberal idpol, except they just switched it with another form of idpol. Meanwhile, Shillirites are even more delusional, don;t even care about the economy, or rather workers. Plus there even bigger useful idiots than Trumpeters.

Trump supporters see at least one of two of the real problems, it's just their solutions are shit, like usual.

I think there were other related to the subject too.

Hillary supporters are my cocaine.

As big as the grievances they have with liberal idpol are, they're nothing compared to the issues they have with conservative idpol, whether or not they realize that. After all, it's not liberals setting escalating standards for "real men" that these insecure limpdicks can never fulfill, it's the cultural right; and Trump is promising to exchange their vote for some ridiculously spooky manliness-by-association.

In all fairness it's both, which is one of my problems with modern liberal "feminism"

Could you elaborate? Feminism seems to take great pains to suggest men can "be how they want to be" or whatever, live outside gender norms, etc.



Who touched your private property madam?


complete with the depraved orgies you know the clintons get up to

but guys…

free college isn't FREE…


It's free as in freedom™.


Well I'm referring more to the corporate liberal variety since that's the kind that's most often pushed. Can't speak for those in academia who have little effect on the outside world.

To be honest they rarely seem to address male issues, and if they do it's because they're been pushed and prodded and there's no way they can ignore it and they'll probably just bring it back around to women anyway.

But often times they'll either use male gender standards to push their own agenda or just hold rather obvious double standards. I mean is there any mainstream liberal feminist commentator that didn't drool over Magic Mike? I mean their major issue with it was that it was apparently slut-shaming women in one scene.

But perhaps I'm a bit salty due to personal experiences

Don't forget that they often use appeals to masculinity to belittle their detractors.

Either obama called him to tell him to quit or Hillary is going to be indited on Wednesday

Was it a voluntary exchange?


didn't he meet with Obama before?

this shit got me lit, I have to admit

Hopy phugging shit.

It could be either and it's probably the former, but I hope it was the latter.


Phug. God please, I need the pickmeup after PR.





Rolled 4 (1d6)
Rolling for Obama being a closet comrade (hit on 3+)

Maybe being called a socialist for so long convinced him to check out some theory :^)

Meant 4+ but got it anyway


This isn't from where your thinking it's from.

Honestly I'm not even sure what to think of Barry Hessayn O'Bama. People like to say that as soon as he took office he became a wishy-washy centrist but maybe it's not that simple. He's definitely a neoliberal but I think in other regards he's just been playing it safe so another replay of 2010 doesn't happen under his presidency. Like for example people call him a warmongerer but the other way of looking at it is that he gave Clinton a sandbox for 4 years as agreed and spent the next 4 cleaning up after her. The question is why he never tried to stop her in those 4 years. Perhaps that was part of the agreement too. And then there's that bit about Guantanamo, and my best guess is blackmail maybe.

Maybe he's based, but then why would he support PROMESA and TPP?

Oh god where.

What is he even trying to communicate with that last sentence.

Even leaving aside their direct corrosive effect on areas such as schools, technology, science, the media, and HR departments, they have been utterly devastating to the internal function of organized leftism (both in government and ESPECIALLY in NGOs). Look at how the legitimate membership of early casualties like the feminist, black, environmentalist, human rights, and anti-globalization movements (not to mention today's "organized socialism", lol) have been marginalized into fearful obedience of SJW leadership surrounded by an invincible aura of IdPol outrageism, so that they can ignore important economic and legal reforms their movements were formed for to endlessly chase their tail on meaningless PR fluff social nonissues. This is spreading and deepening constantly into alarmingly important areas, like the SPL, EFF, and FAIR, silently transforming them from watchdogs of liberty into attack dogs of despotism on an organizational level.

Even worse is their effect on actual politicians and public servants, allowing people unconcerned with or massively regressive on material issues to tout their score of "ultra-leftist" on the imaginary political scale of immaterial social nonissues, destroying leftism definitionally as a political ideology.

Make no mistake, if given enough sway in PR puff positions (their historically preferred footing from which to seize the reigns of power, remember!) as shielding for Shillary and her cronies' behavior, they could quite plausibly usurp her, overturn the constitution (which they have repeatedly promised to do) and metamorphose into a form of tyranny we've never seen the likes of.

That's kind of a vacuous statement, since it's true of every dictatorship. No power in history, no matter how brutal, has ever withstood a mass uprising among anything close to a majority.

For whatever it's worth given his wafflyness, his foreign policy platform is one of noninterventionism and isolationism. So far as his porky economic promises, the parts that might realistically pass (repeal ACA? Maybe. Dismantle SS/Medicare? Nope.) honestly wouldn't be too much worse in the long run than Shillary's, except they would come from the mouth of an openly Republican administration that the PC weenies would allow the left to oppose in force.

There will be special place in gulag archipelago for these people

How much of it is provably IdPol? How much is actually (racist) desire to end offshoring, and (double racist!) desire to have the population feeding the labor pool stabilize? If we had someone openly saying these things (though Sanders, since they're not PC, has silently supported them), plus labor unionism, we'd sweep elections effortlessly.

The thing that always confused me about Obama is why he attacked people like Manning, Assange, and Snowden, then doubled down on the NSA's misbehevior. Up to that point he actually polled quite strongly, but he chose that hill to die on. Why?

Oh shit I completely forgot about Snowden et al. That's actually my MAIN beef with him.

Guy is definitely not based, he's just baseder than he gives off.

I mean it doesn't make any sense. All he would've had to do is pat the leakers on the back at press conferences, maybe give them medals or whatever, hold a senate hearing on those naughty, naughty NSA/CIA/etc… folks, pass some (hard-hitting or completely for show, it really wouldn't matter, since its actual impact would largely be classified) legislation and executive orders, then reap HUGE approval ratings and political capital to spend bullying his opposition.

Everyone knows 1st-world terrorism ranks lower than heatstroke during summer brownouts, floods hitting moron towns built in flood plains, or global coconut head trauma, so there is exactly zero reason to give anti-terrorism much more than lip service. It would've been a total no-brainer.

Yeah, I remember being mystified at the time too. Just, why?

Goddamn it I hate this shit. Sanders had to pander to this ridiculous black capitalist/black racialist/black nationalist crowd because Clinton and the rest of the Third Way have been pushing the idea that society is divided not based on class but on race and gender and what have you and black people believe it because honestly, that's what it appears to be I imagine, especially if you live in the South

But Christ he still constantly talks about how class is the most important yet he said one stupid fucking thing and now everyone's up in arms. Meanwhile Clinton can't touch anything but the most simplistic of issues without putting both feet in her mouth and no one cares. Do you think if Bernie asked his Twitter followers to describe how student loans make you feel "in three emojis or less" we still wouldn't be talking about it? Or what about her ridiculous invocation of the Charleston shooting, basically saying people need to wait until they're getting killed then beg their legislators to fix something OH AND GUESS WHAT IT DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING WORK.

Honestly, people like to compare Sanders and Trump but you know what? Trump is just the mirror image of Clinton. They offer no real changes to the neoliberal status quo, they just promise to make a different group of people the exploited class. In Trump's case it's immigrants, in Clinton's case it's poor white. But you know what? Whoever wins they're all going to get fucked over in the end.

more superdelegate shit, not an actual victory yet

Hilary's just got enough delegates apparently.


it's meme delegates, not an actual victory

what did i fucking tell you
Not surprised that they are trying this.


Bernie Sanders supporters can still go to primaries to show their symbolic support, I guess.

Think that's a bad idea?

Well, then maybe she hasn't already won.

postan meme magic
so not only has Trump gotten 2 billion dollars in free advertising from the media, but media companies are making a fortune off of his antics

now thats what i call late-stage capitalism

How much salt will there be?

Predictions: The spooking is real. I am ashamed to enjoy this person's art. It's what they call 'Jay Naylor syndrome'. The spread of the alt right ideology is further then you think.

Emotionally charged dribble.

I think I can safely say I hate SJW reactionary identity polititians/RIPs far more then the alt right, and their literally cucks. They created the perfect breeding ground for discrediting the left with their spooks, while creating more spooks in the process. I suppose though, with this logic, I should hate the rich people that push this shit even more, and I do.

Trumpepe is just capitalisng on the hysteria to make a quick buck, as it were. Can't say I blame him. The US is so dumb it deserves to be played like a fiddle. All it takes is for Sanders to fuck up, and he's an olt fart, what do you expect? I hate idpol so much.

I needed a good vent.




Jesus Christ the denial is strong as fuck with you faggots. Suicide hotline is going to get ddos'd tomorrow night.

Hell, the game was rigged from the beginning.
The fact he got this far and got this many votes is really encouraging.

We'll have to win on the local level. We always would. Bernie can't get anything through this congress anyways. We have to work our way up from the local level.

And it's already begun.

I really hope Trump beats Hillary though.


But Ms. Clinton! You're already the nominee, you should let your supporters take the day off.

Its simple really… You may be a significantly vocal bunch of faggots but in the grand scheme of things you are but a blip on the radar. The majority of your numbers are too young or otherwise unable to vote and you hemorage numbers once your people start hitting 25 years old.

Your only hope was always with the brown vote but they are all so stupid they are voting for the most evil cunt to ever grace american politics. Don't worry, after a couple years of trump the not insane among you will start to see the truth of this reality.


The amount of denial here is ridiculous. Good work to those who've spent their college funds and paychecks on Bern-out donations. The salt at tomorrow's election is going to be hilarious.

Have your giggles now. Sooner or later people won't be so spooked, especially when there's another economic crash. I look forward to how terribly whichever moronic porky fails to keep murrika from collapsing in on itself.

Why do you trump racists have to be so cruel. Can't you have a little compassion? All we want to do is the right thing and it is being stolen from us. And all you do is gloat. I have friends that probably won't survive tomorrow and all I can do is sit here and cry because I understand why they wouldn't want to live anymore.

I've actually said this from the beginning.
The president is not some magical king or something.
Any movement has to start on the local level.

The same goes for Trump. It's very fucking unlikely he'll be able to get any of the stuff you guys want through congress.

You should probably realize this, or you'll be terribly disappointed with the next four years. It'll help you more than just yelling "cuck" at everyone.



There isn't a single possible outcome in which we don't win and you don't lose.


Do you really thing the God Emperor will be able to suspend the democracy?



Democracy, or whatever the fuck was left of it, officially died today. On the anniversary of D-Day, no less.

Sad part is, that when those guys stormed those beaches, I really think they genuinely believed they were fighting to preserve democracy.

The irony of the AP doing it on D-Day is too fucking rich, given that they made a deal with the Nazis back in the 30's to not run negative press.

No user, these are simply the birth pangs

You forgot your anfem flag.

It's probably better this way. What matters is the despooking, not Sanders.

At least your honest about your fetish, dear.

This second point refutes the first one. Ny assuming lefties are 'gunless' which they aren't ;^) and also spineless while at the same time not wanting to risk their lives for a revolution. Which is it?

So your tacitly admitting that Trumpenstien is ending democracy? Makes sense.

Debbs was right, and soon freedom itself will become but a spook.

AP? Also, some jpegs would be nice too.


Remember user, it is better to die on your feet than to die on your knees

I hope this becomes the prevalent attitude among Bernie supporters. I really hope his loss lights a fire under their asses.

America birthed the liberal revolution user it must birth the socialist revolution as well



I'm sorry user, but I'm sure you'll survive unemployment

Or does it not count when the dick you're taking in the ass is orange instead of black? :^)

Trump is losing the the general election to both Hillary and Bernie.
He's got a show against Hillary though.
However, the same applies to Bernie. That very same movement will be applied to congress. And it'll have to.

You really think Trump is going to pick up steam while not being able to pass anything, just as we're heading into another financial depression?

use less buzzwords next time please, they're triggering me.

Trump has literally no policy positions beyond pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Name one thing he's been consistent on.

Hillary seems like the kind of person who pretends to like other races but is actually incredibly racist

nice false-flag m8

Go to RCP right now.

Trump is losing to Hillary, but he's got a shot.
The hardest to turn will be Pennesylvania, but he's within five points.


This is what Trump wants if he is to win

When Hillary inevitably wins she is going to be hailed by the lapdog media as the literal savior of Western Democracy from the throes of fascism.

Jesus Christ.

>Hillary is now the presumptive nominee because of superdelegates
Holy shit I never would have imagined the DNC would be this fucking stupid.

Buckle up niggas. Trump is a shoo-in now.


I have a feeling you would start supporting it if it meant you getting someone you want in power. Oh wait, you already fucking do.

And speaking of retards who have no idea about politics proves my point. I will enjoy Trump cucking you nice and hard.

The shit will pile up regardless. It will be up to the people to decide who is less shitty.



Then please explain why trump is ether the first or second most unpopular presidential nominee in US history

They've been compiling polls from other sources, everything from YouGov to Rasmussen and FoxNews and given us the average.
For the most part they've been fairly accurate, and anything else is based only on your feelings.

Hillary is the one that does the worst, and as it is right now, she's still beating Trump.
You won't be able to overcome this challenge unless you acknowlege it as a fact.



This move from the Democrats just goes to show how scary Bernie is to them. They're fucking done now, after how they turned on the remotely leftist people in their party.


You came here to get salt.
There really isn't much to get though.

Many of us at least have been aware that it's the midterms and politics on the local level that's going to matter.

I can't wait to read buzzfeed articles about how President Clinton proves women can be antifa too.

again, name something Trump has been consistent on. Anything will do.
TPP? he's going to renegotiate it.
Immigration? He uses undocumented laborers.
Libya? He's already backtracked on that.
ISIS? One minute he wants less intervention, the next minute he wants to kill their family members and steal their oil.
Israel/Palestine? Trump said America should be neutral at first, now he's bragging about how pro-Israel he is.
Corporate donors? He ripped Jeb Bush for taking corporate money but now he's doing the exact same thing.

The ruling class has chosen a class victory over a party victory. The DNC can win or lose, but the ruling class cannot afford to make even the moderate concessions demanded by Sanders.

Their loss really.
They proposed a political revolution.

The next one will not be so political.


No tears here. Only laughter. Daddy Trump won't be saving you. He's a businessman, he needs to make money.

See also

Spooks, propaganda, and Bernie or Bust. It's also not just how 'good' Trump is is, it's how shitty Shillery is.

Bernie supporters are going to go apeshit at the convention. Shit's going to get real very quick now. And tbh Trump would be the perfect Porky to be the face of evil for the revolution to fight.


America is scared of a fucking socdem lmao


am i the only one terrified because of this? Capitalism has decayed so much that even moderate reforms to the system are considered too radical for the mainstream.
This is like every sci-fi dystopia imaginable but without the hovercars and stuff.

I can't wait for the first woman nominee to crash and burn to a fucking reality show host, kek.

Indeed. It seems being 'anti-PC' is what is going to be their downfall, both because soon people will realize PF comes from conservatives as well, and because their precious leader won't have the charm other neoliberals have.

Thanks pol! :^)

Thank the ideologies surrounding the current political climate. Socialism has been given a slightly different version of 'big gubbermand' in the form of 'much free shit' and it's liberals who started it themselves. I wish Sanders never called himself a socialist. Don't forget about idpol either.

I'm stunned Clinton supporters don't realize that they could have the first woman president be a convict.

Good. I can't wait for Hillary to talk about party unity while young voters and independents are spilling their blood right outside.

However, unlike 1968, I doubt the media is going to cover it.

I don't think they care. Just look at their hashtag: #ImWithHer. It's like a cult.

indictment when?

really just is that going to kick off there is so much evidence.

I guarantee they'll cover it, only so they can accuse the protesters of being violent thugs no different from Trump supporters.

I've already taken my vacation

anyone else going to be in the Philly area for the convention?

should we plan anything in this thread or just start another one?

I'm hoping I will be

Don't really know my way around Philly though

Me and my roommate probably are going. And yeah, I'd say a new thread would work best.

We should definitely start a Philly thread once we see how tomorrow unfolds.

It'd be great if I could go, but I'm 18, have no money of my own, and my family wouldn't let me go by myself. My friends are in the same position. At best, I'd be with a relative and maybe a friend or two in a peaceful protest. However, I'd love to contribute to Holla Forums organizing.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken tendies out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in California. This is so fucked.

This pasta is as slate as those tendies friendo


We know nothing about the 5 states tomorrow besides the polls provided.

it is fucked though.

pretty old tortellini, Holla Forumsio

fuck i thought it was a copypasta. shit my newfag is showing.

newfriends are always welcome

I have a car, and live in the area. Would definitely be down to carpooling fellow Holla Forums should we decide to organize


That just makes it better. It'll be all over social media and alternative news places like TYT and David Pakman. It'll just make the class divide all the more obvious and they'll see the media is not on their side.


Trumpkiddies are acting like they won't get cheated on at all if shillary gets the nomination

Hillary Supporters are vile and they deserve a Trump presidency

More like they deserve a Hillary presidency.

Honestly though she's definitely the most known politician to never have been a nominee, only Paul Ryan comes close. Really, the only candidate who would have posed as much of a challenge to Clinton was Sanders and the only candidate who would have posed as much of a challenge to Sanders was Clinton. It's really fascinating how the stars lined up to give us an ice cube's shot in hell, but only that. I feel like something is constantly fucking with and laughing at humanity in general.


what about them?
You don't need guns to stir shit up. In fact they can be counterproductive. A cop who shoots an armed man gets a very different reaction than a cop who shoots an unarmed man.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken tendies out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in California. This is so fucked.

Yes, but if Trump wins any reaction will be actively taken down. Or so I would assume.

Presidents aren't really monarchs though.
He won't really have that much power of the establishment doesn't back up around him.

however, the feds and the cops love Trump. they'll do whatever he says.

But a majority of the police force is on his side. And even if he loses violent revolution would likely take place from distressed voters. He's on track to receive more votes in the general than anyone in our history. With the police force, a huge voter base(26,000,000~ not long ago) we could see a fascist take over.



With a big enough groundswell, the makeup of the congress could change. It wouldn't be the first time.

No they don't. Today's news shows that they will throw the election rather than nominate him.

Haha, it's great that you're able to ignore the rest of what I said. I was quoting WaPo lol.

oh pls tell me more

It's funny that you use tyrone considering he endorsed the Trumpster

heres you

If this were Holla Forums you would have to actually refute me. Also, there are a lot of bernouts that are voting Trump to spite Hillary.

The fuck guys?

Libertarian pick. Vid related.

What's the point of refuting something irrelevant?

Propertarian, you mean. There is nothing libertarian about anti-democracy in the workplace.

Not the Trumpfag, and Trump won't receive "more votes than anyone in history," at least not as a ratio, but he's pretty much poised to win the election as the Republican nominee unless something major happens.

People are fed up with leftists to be honest, fam.

Nah, Libertarian. Democracy is just Ochlocracy under a nicer sounding name. A majority vote does not mean you get to gang rape me, hang me, etc.

What you mean is that this year has seen the death of liberalism both on the left and right.

Depends on your definition of liberalism, but for the most part I'd agree with you.

I like to see it as the year the underground freedom movements grew exponentially.

I see. Is having a large amount of totalitarian monarchies libertarian if I get to choose the one I must serve under in order not to starve?

Really goes to show how Americans pervert movements. And what "left"? The left is dead. It was crushed a long time ago.

By a big and powerful STATE no less.

That's right. With the incentives put out by the private sector. The state is the extension of the private sector's will. Anyways, leftism doesn't mean "big gubermand."

In this case I'm referring to Democrats, or "the authoritarian left." in America (well, world-wide).

The kinds who want "Rated PG Parental Guidances" and "safe spaces" and "inclusiveness" for everything. Y'know, the metaphorical (in some cases literal) cancer eating away at Marxists.

Is the number available equal to the number of workers working under a business owner needed to call a business owner bourgeois?

joking aside, would you like an actual response or were you just looking to pick a fight?

Actually nah, I wanna sleep. Will check the thread in the morning.

For the most part this is true, but the problem with revolutions is there is always chance of cooptation.

It's better to try to do it with elections, except that hasn't worked out so well either. It's either socdem or rigging. has Rojava managed to socialism yet?

It's a type of faux leftism that is still essentially liberal, though mostly with a 'neo' prefix. Most of this shit is also being pushed by private interests with larger bank accounts and way too much free time, in schools where upper middle class kids go to continue to learn how to be obedient workers, now with more idpol and forced nicenessTM. I wonder if Soros actually wants a Trump presidency.

Yo have to be joking yo. Democrats are leftists? Really in what sense? You have to corporative parties and ever since the neoliberal shift everything when even more right-wing economically so now you have two parties really aiming for the same interests. The only difference is that one wants to be a little nicer to the people it rules and give welfare service. That's it. Democrats aren't authoritarian left because they're not even left wing. Being left wing means have a desire for change and moving away from the establishment. The pansy-ass Democrats only want to keep locks and regulations over capitalism in order to "keep it controlled and help those in need". They're social liberals. Anyways fuck the safe spaces, Rated PG Parental Guidances and all that idpol bullshit. It has become accommodated into the capitalist system and rendered obsolete, used to divide and distract those useless teenagers and sap the movement of the revolutionary potential. It's cheap change

Neoliberalism is a completely different thing and has to do with privatization and free markets. Reformism will complete the task. It's naive to expect the rulers to just let go of all their powers by pleading with them. It's like asking a king to stop oppressing his peasants. Revolution is necessary.

Sorry, I meant that reformism will not complete the task.

I was under the impression that neoliberalsim was deregulation mix with idpol. There's a reason modern 'social justice' sells like hotcakes. Also, that 8bit video on southpark.

No. That's not what it is. Think Reagan, Pinochet, etc.

I think after tonight's fuckery and the fact that it was just announced by the State Dept. that it's going to take 75 years to process Hillary's emails (not kididng), Trump is going to have a very easy time convincing the more impressionable members of the "Bernie-bro" lot to come over to his side. Not good.

Neoliberalism is simply deregulation, period. That is, freedom to the point of insanity. IdPol is completely separate, though of course not mutually exclusive in the slightest.

This is your mind on contrarianism

Dude is based, but he's abusing the terminology and he knows it.


Would you look at that, Hilldog is the presumptive nominee.
Remember, Richard D Wolfe endorsed Jill.

I don't think he's abusing terminology. The effects of neoliberal ideology extend far beyond the market.

fucking perfect

Yeap, democracy's dead.

Those are the effects. Neoliberalism refers to something separate and older but in the real world they're entangled of course.

its been dead.. at this point the rot is starting to stink.


What do I do? Where do I go? And don't tell me to "fight back" or some shit, it's too big and too aggressive at this point. I have absolutely no ability to organize anybody to resist this and if I did it just be impotent SJWs who think that if you chant hard enough it kills fascism. I'm scared comrades. I don't want to be put into a work camp. I don't want to be forced to suck some demagogue's dick every day or get shot or beaten to death in the street by brainwashed faggots. What the fuck why in the world did it have to be this way

What the Hell is this even?

Server Were Secure

Seems to be the only strategies they know. Not very good arguments. It's funny that their damage control just makes them look even worse. There's really no getting out of this.




TYT : CNN Ignored DNC's Request To Not Count Superdelegates Before They Vote

Damn it feels good to be a Clinton..

It's a Cruz ad, lmao, so it's ironic but pretty good.

The point, if I understand him, is to swarm outside the convention and protest; make a lot of noise and sound threatening. I think it's called the "inside-outside strategy". It's supposed to spook the superdelegates into voting for Bernie or else thousands of protesters outside will hate you (and people really hate being hated, especially by such a large mob… social animals and all that jazz) and/or they'll physically fuck your shit up.

Hey Holla Forums, I'm from Holla Forums so please don't jump straight up my ass. Anyway, I've been thinking and I would like to hear your opinion.

People think Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are polarized on too many issues but I believe it to be the opposite. I see that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are actually quite moderate on a lot of the same issues. He has also been calling out the injustices toward Bernie from the Democratic Party. I think that if Donald asked to talk one on one with Bernie we could see a Trump/Sanders ticket. It would ensure the win easily and we wouldn't have a fucking lizard person like Hillary lol.

Two reasons:

1. Cold War intelligence agencies did a magnificent job of destroying the left, often using the far right. This kept a largely discredited movement afloat while dragging the left down. In the context of the middle east, this would eventually lead to radical Islam.

2. The relative prosperity of the social democratic era brought class consciousness to its knees and rather than fight this the left of the United States moved on to identity politics, and sensing their abandonment a minority but a sizable minority of workers shifted to the right under an onslaught of radio and television propaganda.

so who is it, bois?

they won't wake up until trump drops out amid "scandal"



I would vote Green or not vote.

I would vote for Jill Stein.

Bombshell: Clinton aide claims that if Bernie wins California he wins the nomination

I keep wondering this myself.
The writing is on the wall, as far as I'm concerned.
If something drastically doesn't change, this country is about to blow up if we face another recession. The left just isn't there to counter a fascist take over. It's creeping in very subtly. Most Americans wont notice as long as they wave a flag and hold a cross as they put a boot on your throat.

How close to another financial collapse? I agree with you, but the writing on the wall I'm scared of is another financial collapse, probably worse than 2008.


I'm starting to really like this Jeff Weaver guy

he is in all likelihood further left than sanders

fucking kek

what a wreck of a man


Hillary Clinton wore a $12,495 Armani jacket during a speech about inequality

When will first results come in?

it"s 7AM in cali right now
it'll be a while


I'm an idiot.
what does this mean?

I don't know ether care to explain

That they were planning on breaking this story two day sin advance, while they're pretending it's because of "breaking information".

It's no coincidence they published it right before the last primary


The Clinton campaign team worked together with the media and planned in advance the announcement.

same pattern: planned agenda

lol oh snap



Now is the time! Go to and make some calls! Or if you live in one of the states being contested, monitor the polling stations and report any irregularities to Election Justice USA! Alternately, knock on doors and let people know it's time to vote!
Attention Independent/Unaffiliated/No-Preference Voters in NJ:
Unaffiliated voters can affiliate with the Democratic/Republican Party when they go to vote, either early or on election day.
If you are being told to take an affidavit/provisional ballot call the voter protection hotline: (862) 235-1599

He doesn't make any sense.


People report "ballot box password" not working and voting machines down.

Isn't this a really bad strategy.

Won't it just cause Hillary supporters to stay home if they think they've already won?

I mean, there'd be no point to vote if the nomination has already been clinched.


Dayum son.

Archives and caps for pwnage.

They must have orchestrated it looking at previous trends, private polling, and statistical analysis. I fear they know what they're doing.

You give these guys too much credit.
They've been wrong almost every time.

That doesn't mean they're not right this time.

But I'm just saying they *may* be shooting themselves in the foot.

i really fucking hope so

6/4/16 being the date in the url for the photo. And anyhow, it was like a week ago that Chris Matthews announced that "he'd heard" that media outlets would be declaring her the presumptive nominee after the next primary.

He starts off with smugly saying, "This is what I call "trouble" I'm about to start here.."

Matthews is a Grade A piece of shit.

Isn't it 10 AM in California?

So apparently there is an absolute shit ton of shenanigans going on in California. Looks like they're going all out fam.

10:53am. I'm out of the country right now though, had to look it up. But apparently they called it even days before the Cali election. Jumped the gun even more.

Received an email today telling telling me my absentee ballot was received and processed. I'll see you boys in July. #Stokes4Senate

what's going on?

Just browsing through the sanders reddit or whatever and there are tons of posts from CA fags about completely incompetent polling place staff, a lot of people commented that a lot of the people working the polls can't speak english and that many of them were just straight up given provisional ballots instead of real ballots. Also a lot of stuff over the fact that the polling locations are very poorly marked and hard to find.

Oh god, here we go….

This guy is a huge hillary shill

voting machines off
passwords not working for ballot boxes
provisional ballots
ballots missing the Bernie option

>I'm a super vol on the campaign I came to 1157 Lemoyne Street because someone here reported suspicious activity. The lady who was running the station didn't even bother trying to set up the ballot machine and a watcher that left was given a phone to setup the machine?!? Watcher gave instructions to poll worker to get the machine running and now it's running 400 provisionals were given out (estimated). Said lady who's running the station is from new York?



I really hope the Green Party outdoes the lelbarts this election. These guys are so idiotic.
Libertarian principles are definitely something I stand behind, but the libertarians in the US are so capitalism-obsessed that they will choose capitalism over liberty in most cases (I'm looking at you, Rand Paul) that it abandons their principles. Why has freedom sold out?
>inb4 >>>/liberty/



Orange County Registrar:
Polling place turnout sample as of 11am is 4.67%. In 2012 it was 1.79%.

That's better, but it's still fucking miserable.

This is what I mean, though. This is where things start to get fuzzy on liberty. Is it libertarian to not let the consumers of your goods know how your product(s) and/or service(s) are produced? There are certain points where the free market has to pressure its consumers into buying complete shit because it's become somewhat of a necessity (such as cell phones or medication or cars) or where scientific research is privatized (meanwhile we're the ones being data-mined). Granted, the state can also become just as much of a monster, if not worse, but it's foolish to go around whipping people with privatization as the end to this.
If/when we reach post-scarcity, these same private institutions would be more obviously be the enemies of freedom. Privatization wouldn't be worth defending at that point. These idiots would be far bigger morons than flat-earthers, and a pain in the ass, because they'd become a threat to individual freedom.

That's you.

Bernie will win 6/7 contests today (bad for him in NJ) and people will be in serious distrust of the media who just told them Hillary won. While Bernie will still not be able to win without the massive shift of super delegates (almost certain they won't push him over, might give him a boost), It will certainly seem crazy to the average person that Bernie wins the vast majority of contests after clinton "wins".

Does tyler (?) have a prediction yet on the numbers ?

So has anyone else been hearing this rumor that if Bernie wins California he's going to get the nom?



what, you mean
I don't believe it. Dem party has already proven they care more about stopping Sanders than winning the white house.

>My district has been nearly 10:1 Republican for decades but today has changed everything. Democrats are outperforming Republicans. The young people have answered the call and even brought their parents! It looks like supporters are coming in groups. I couldn't sense a single Hillary supporter while taking my friend there either. It looks like they stayed home because the media is telling them she has already won.
NJ is definitely feeling the BERN!

people are having ballots rejected, thrown out, polling places aren't opening, and more

Pollworker Report: Tons of unaware mail in ballot voters

goddamn american democracy is a joke

Uh excuse me, how can you claim this is voter suppression when CAUCUSES LITERALLY STILL EXIST

t. Every Clinton supporter


Kek, I was right!


This is to be expected my comrades.

The best thing for us to do now to promote solidarity is to support the TRUE left candidate Hillary Clinton. Reforms will never come with a divided Democratic party.


Your local Hill $Shill

I just got 48 cents deposited into my I Shill for Her account!


I might as well kick off the Philly thread. Let's try to get some discussion going no matter the results today.


she wears the most insanely bourgeois clothing
Bow out, Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton needs a clear run at the White House

She's slowly going full Zorg

Post your Shillary photos here



The fourth picture is literally a Crowder meme

I mean it's not wrong but he's not the kind of dumbass I want to associate with

oh, I didn't notice the watermark
I thought you meant the second one with the kid who looks like him

This selection sucks.

The US is now officially a third world country.

Holy shit, Holla Forums is just a cuck circlejerk. I just want one straight answer from you faggots but I can't even get your perspective? Kill yourself you communist faggots.

Nah considering trumps flip flopped on every position that could be considered decent

you only just now realized this?


Maybe if Trump ran as an independent and even then there's a better chance Bernie would just run his own independent presidential campaign

I mean the whole thing only makes sense if you believe the ridiculous Clintonite bullshit that Sanders is some sort of Randian villain tricking evil white people into voting for him because he's a racist woman hater Nazi. flip flops

He seems worried for some reason.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck


He wanted Bernie voters, some of them would vote for any anti-estabilishment candidate, but polling shows they are not as big as you'd think.
Trumptards according to Bernouts are nazi edgelords, while Bernouts according to Trumptards are people like aids skrillex, the enemity between the two groups of core supporters would largely result in drop for such abstract duo. It'd also give fuel to both Clinton(I told you Sanders is a racist woman hater!) and Republicans(we told you he was only pretending to be a republican!), and then the joint campaign would be kill due to both internal AND external pressure.

So pretty much the best thing we could've gotten is unspoken non-aggression pact aka Ribbentrop-Molotov: 2016 elections edition. But still, everybody knows that it could not last forever and they would ultimately fight each other/

LA here. Just got back from voting for Comrade Sanders.

America is in the second gilded age, everything on the surface is nice and shiny and corporations force diversity and multiculturalism but the reality is that everyone is in massive debt, cant pay their bills, cant find a job, etc
The wests prosperity and freedom is a Potemkin village.
And the people who wake up from this matrix are accused of being racist on the right or commies on the left.
While the liberals demand capitalists take more of their money to put more black people in dr.who or some shit.

Basically if Hillary wins the oligarchy wins and continues and americans who arent completely retarded will wake up in the chestnut tree cafe after Hillary wins.

Then nothing will change, rich wiil get richer,Hillary will make more war, i mean hate trump but he is an isolationist and wants less war, Hillary wants to bomb bomb bomb bom iran.

then 4 years from now all the people who voted for hillary will ask HURRR HOW DID THIS HAPPEN DURR


Trump, like Reagan, is an idiot that people only like because of his public disposition. This means instead of collusion and bribery, the capitalists will simply trick him into giving them what they want.


fresh oc lads

I want off this ride.


Did you really fall for this meme?
He's already started flipflopping.


Is this satire or is this how Americans actually think?


Reminder that voting for Hillary Clinton is antisemitic.

Location - current time:
California - 02:43
South Dakota - 04:43
New Jersey - 05:43
New Mexico - 03:43
Montana - 03:43
North Dakota - 04:43


The latter. It's been pounded into people since a young age and for generations.


TYT started streaming its live coverage:

Yeah feminists have no problem reinforcing male stereotypes if it benefits their agenda.


Whats sadder than the obvious fraud and rigging is the fact that a lot of people simply think Hilldog is better than bernie

Going to vote with my two friends in an hour or two my dudes

Nice job my dude



just missed it
dislikes started growing I see

cenk is a baby bourgeoisie


It's a shame the jimmy dore show is only once a week


if they won't give us what they want, let everything burn

we can build with ashes more easily than with this establishment


not a bad thing

Ok this is weird



When you put 11/08/2016 (election day) into a Jacobin Calendar converter, you get 18 Brumaire.

Google that date if you don't understand its significance.

Holy shit.

this is too much

I hope at least some Trumpeters see him for what he is…well after he's elected anyway. It will be fun to tell them 'we told you so'. If he actually does SOME good shit. I doubt it more and more, based on the flip flopping alone. Then it's a win win. The left may be reinvigorated yet under a Trump presidency. Unless Red Scare 2.0 happens again, which thanks to Soros, the Kochs, and Stomfront, I don;t doubt that so much.


Oh shit.

this is not so good.

Marx's essay on 18 Brumaire is also where his famous "first as tragedy, then as farce" line comes from.

Holy shit.

Considering the amount of damage an Obama presidency did to "the left" you might be right.

Oh my




They just need to, you know, disassociate themselves from liberals, and drop some labels, for new ones for starters, and people won't be so triggered by it.

Is this satire?

Liberalism is going to kill me

Is this a joke

Before Obama the vast majority of the "left" was dick-riding him because they thought he was some great revolutionary.

At least now they're a bit less mystified by black smooth-talking politicians.

prepare your anus, theyre just getting started.

Take these dongers:

⬛ ☭ LEFTYPOL for Bernie! ☭ ⬛
🚩 ☭ LEFTYPOL for Bernie! ☭ 🚩
💥 ☭ LEFTYPOL for Bernie! ☭ 💥

fuck off

and now most of the left in America is silent.
People all over the world protested Bush going into Iraq. Almost no one In America objected to Obama bombing Libya.
Having a democrat in office deradicalizes people because a lot of well meaning americans are quick to associate republicans with the right and assume that we just need to elect democrats and everything will be fine.

This might also be part of it:

And then what? If we have Trump in at best it will just keep the pendulum swinging. At worst he'll be seen as the next Reagan and the Democrats will do their best to make Obama look like a pinko pacifist compared to the next candidate they run

I'm not disagreeing with you.

This isn't the eighties. Young Americans are disillusioned with Reaganite horseshit. It'll help mobilize the under 45s against the boomers.


Reminder that your vote only affects results if you're from a swing state. If you're from a solid red or blue state vote for the best candidate. If you're in a purple state pick the lesser of two evils.


San Jose reporting in, just finished voting for our slick entryist

How did it go?

Pretty straightforward, just requested a Dem ballot and was on my way out in 30 seconds. I'm pretty disappointed in a lot of my friends since they didn't even bother registering to vote even though we've been hyping this for the past few months for them.


You would be surprised how many people that like Bernie's policies didn't even make the attempt to register.


This is why we need face-to-face democracy.

Jimmy "The Red Menace" Dore


I'm kind of disappointing no one has responded to my post here.


I am SO shocked right now.
also Lady Gaga stopped being relevant back in 2013 so whatever.

wasted opportunity


New Jersey polls closed, too early to call, that means it wasn't overwhelming for clinton

Bradley Manning would be so happy to hear that from his cell while being denied HRT.


The Bernie Bros are out in full force harassing female reporters


Patronizing like this against populist movements will bite them in the ass.

There's two other factors here as well, one being, the economy isn;t recovering, and two, with have regressive idpolers to deal with as well.

Clinton leads by 8 points in New Jersey.

That's not a lot.


source bls

In the polls she's leading by 20.

That means that 8 is pretty good for sanders.

Washington post

Since most of the poor blacks get their info by MSM, maybe the AP announcement will make them stay home
[spoiler]The autism continues[/spoiler

Only ~220 votes in from one county, though.

And Clinton supporters are still collaborating with Nazis

Which reminds me, let me check up on our friends over at /r/ess/


Enough of this fucking meme. Jimmy is pro gun control.

That'll change after just a little red-pilling.
To be fair, he defended Bernie Sanders for being against the gun-suing law.

gotta keep em guessing

This is the same woman who wrote a song about how 1 in 4 women get raped.

She did?
Justice Dept. granted limited immunity to staffer in Clinton email probe

They already know they are going to lose the election and already start to build the narrative, that everything is Sander's fault


Yep. Not an alt-righter but "pozzed" is the perfect way to describe her. There was a whole music video about how women on college campuses are getting raped all the time, and the song's refrain is "until it happens to you, you don't know how it feels," (and therefore you don't get to have an opinion).

The "Bernie Bro" meme is this election's "100 milion": a dishonest appeal to emotion that lies by omission.

Also I find it hilarious how Hillary compared Trump and the Republicans to Nazis yet now thinks people shouldn't protest and instead should wait to get killed then whoever survives should beg for peace. "Hilarious" as in "this is hell"


To be fair, rape on american colleges are pretty common. I mean, ridiculously so.

It's all got to do with capitalist institutions needing good PR and low crime-stats so they hush the victims up.

It's pretty gross.

I doubt Lady GaGa mentioned anything about the material forces behind the problem, though.


You want people to vote for Trump? I'd rather vote third party.

Remember guys, this moment literally changes the fabric of the universe. A WOMAN just won enough superdelegates to possibly become the winner of the Democratic Primaries (even though the largest blue state hasn't voted yet but forget that) that may lead to her being the nominee for the Presidential election, which she may possibly win and become the President of the United States for 4 years. ITS JUST HER TURN


Where the fuck is Jimmy?

The Spectacle marches on am I using that term right

You forgot your shitposting flag, fam.

the fact that people keep using the term spectacle without knowing what the spectacle is would probably make Debord even more depressed.

CNN has several thousand more votes counted than AP and the ratio is holding for the most part

It's true.
Now, there aren't a lot of rapists, those who rape just really aren't punished and go on to be serial rapists.


spectacle = memes

Even if it does happen a bit more on campuses, which I haven't seen much evidence for,
the 1 in 4 statistic is bullshit.

I like this post. I'm not being ironic, I just wanna let you know I agree.

Even off campuses, rape and child sex abuse is unnervingly common. Two unrelated people I'm close to were molested as toddlers, I'm closely related to someone else who was raped repeatedly through her teens, and I have two good friends' whose mothers were both detained and raped by their partners in young adulthood, and at least three men who were molested, as well. I don't even have a large friend circle or anything.

Shit's fucked.

Where is the evidence for this? Every time someone tries to make a big deal about muh rape on campus, the story turns out to be a fucking hoax. And even though it's obviously a hoax, the accused still get shit on.

pls stop new jersey

my gott

Obama despises the Clinton's. They are the same entity who conjured up his "Muslim Kenyan" heritage used by the birther movement.

A cali win will be a simple Icing on the cake.

Look closely, everyone. This is how this meme spreads. People who have anecdotal evidence will speak up, and confirmation bias does the rest.

I didn't say it was 1 in 4, I just said that by my country's standard, it's ridicuously common.

My theory is that the college culture bleeds out in the rest of society, but I'm not american so I wouldn't know.

Why do you go out of your way to defend capitalist institutions?

Where's that?


Why is that necessarily a defense of capitalist institutions and not the accused?

Disagreeing about what is or isn't true is not the same as defending capitalist institutions. I hate colleges, but that's irrelevant to the truth of what happens there.

I'm not even a huge fan of Bernie, but god, porky really won this round.

Let's keep this conversation from going on for a long time with people obliquely disagreeing, so we can get back to actually talking about the fucking election ITT.

What is your definition of rape?

Because they hush a huge amount of rape cases in order to keep up appearances and keep a profit going for themselves.

Sure, liberal react too harshly in the other direction and at the accused rather than the system itself, but that doesn't mean that there is no problem.

remind me to never, ever go there

New Jersey called for Clinton

Why would anyone want to be friends with an idiot who wears a stocking cap in June?

Sexual intercourse without consent.

Yeah, that might be different.
I don't know much about Denmark, as far as that is concerned.

I just listed 8 people I know well who've been raped or molested and I'm practically a hermit.

Sure, it's anecdotal, but when you have a lot of people offering similar anecdotal evidence, doesn't that imply something about society overall? What's wrong with acknowledging there's a problem with sexual violence? It exists, it's not rare, and it ruins lives. Maybe you disagree with how it's handled now, but then what you need to do is help find a different, better way to treat it.

This is why i consider them to be honorary southerners.

It's not a college's place to deal with rape. That shit is supposed to go to law enforcement. If they don't handle it, it's a problem with them. Colleges aren't sovereign fucking nations. Where does this pure ideology come from that colleges have full control over students' lives? Tastes pretty capitalist to me, fam.

also this


Main reason Bernie Lost New York

Yeah, but the do. They have campus police and if they can, they will try to circumvent going to the cops.

You're absolutely right that they're not supposed to do that, but their crisis councilors will intimidate you and encourage to drop the case.

Any one person's social circle is essentially the opposite of a representative sample.

Because there's no evidence that it's unusually common compared to other crimes, it's being pushed by ideologically driven people, and it's being used to push legal changes. This is the exact kind of situation where skepticism should be employed to its full use, like when people claim there's an autism epidemic because vaccines or a human sacrifice epidemic because Satanists.

Assuming that's true, the problem is the victims going to the campus police rather than the actual police.

Campus police should not exist tbqh

How does this make you feel, lads?

Listen, we can oppose SJW lynch mobs and also acknowlege that there is a problem.


Gotta hide the power level.

Listen we can oppose SJW lynch mobs while also unskeptically believing their claims.

It's fine.
Didn't need to use "communist" though, but hey.
We socialist probably need to find new labels anyways. Anything associated with Marx and thus with Stalin is not going to catch on in the 21st century.


if anybody needs to say "i'm not a commie", it's a commie

Are you really so opposed to the idea that America might have a little bit of a crime issue because of capitalism, and this could be another manifestation of the same thing?

bootlickers tbpfhwyf

What did he say?

people have been calling democrats socialists since FDR

all identity politics belongs in the gulag

i think that's untrue tbqh

Up about ten points in SD so far

I was talking about myself individually, but you'll meet a ton of people who will tell you the same. You probably even know people very well that are victims that you either just aren't talking about or it hasn't been revealed to you yet.

I concede that, but it's kind of more damaging to people than . The toll it often takes on people's mental health is intense. I think that

I'm not an SJW and neither are the people I listed. They don't just make that kind of shit up for the fuck of it. I'm not saying women and girls are the only victims. I'm trying to say hey people get raped and molested all the time and we should be looking out for them and trying to prevent it from happening to anyone else.

I'm done derailing the thread now unless you really want me to respond to something.

Nah fuck off, I'm tired of voting for neoliberal scum, no matter which party they come from.

also down 36 to 63 in NM

literally how

early voting and sanders supporters forgetting to make that left turn


Did China ever even claim to be Communist though? The USSR didn't.
They're Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, right (turbo capitalism in reality).
/liberty/ gets really triggered by them.
Yesterday they basically claimed every country with sweatshops and slave-like conditions has it due to weak property rights derived from a Socialist past. Fact is those countries are outcompeting them so hard that western countries are constantly asking china to decrease production and "dumping"

Absolutely expected, and it should end up finalizing even higher, since they count early votes (old people, who usually love Clinton) first. I spent a day in ND last week and it's the only day I've ever even been there, but I just can not imagine it wouldn't go heavily to Bernie. They also held a totally open primary, not voter registration even required.

4% of North Dakotans are Native American, too, which ought to help. I know it's not much, but Bernie does great with Native Americans. I think he's the only candidate who speaks to the issues that effect them most.

he meant Clinton is up comrade

Watching libertarians simultaneously call China a communist dictatorship and hold it up as proof the free market works is always hilarious.


complete disaster averted in NM

it's now 47 2 here comes bernie

that part was me, not lolberts.

so he's redpilling Americans by telling them that capitalist America is worse than communist China…? this is bad how?

47.2 to 52.3

Don't fear the Midwest, guys. SD and ND are gonna pull through for Bernie. The only Midwestern states that haven't gone to him are IL, IA, and MO, which were virtual ties. OH was a fluke because independents voted for Kasich en masse to cockblock Trump from winning Ohio, a winner-take-all state on the GOP side.

The eastern third of MT is pretty much Midwestern in culture, too, and the Rocky states and northwest have been good to him anyway for the rest of the state.

I don't trust Trump, however he certainly knows how to appeal to the American worker.

I was speaking more generally there, not responding to you specifically.
I once had a lolbert tell me that China had a communist government with a capitalist economy, which proves that words have no meaning to the right.

whose the yellow jacket guy in SD lmao

fuck off retard
>>>Holla Forums




Cool dodging the question. America's crime problem is a separate issue from whether or not idpolers are lying to you.

I didn't say anything about being against lynch mobs.

Do you faggots even know what MRA stands for? Who said anything about mens rights? "SJWs are lying to you" has nothing to do with men specifically.


I'd rather have Clinton that Sanders any day of the week.

Here are the actual ND results, which has Bernie WAY in the lead:

Hillary doesn't have anywhere near the lead the mainstream sites are showing right now (which is based on a ridiculously small sample size of only 11 voters)

lmao nevermind

I don't get it. I'm seeing 60/30 for Sanders.

pero por que

what are you doing if sanders doesn't win?

i'm finally buying that bunker

The updated numbers make more sense lmao

Look at the context. It's a Trump supporter. He means Hillary is easier to beat.

I guess it could be worse than 60/40

60 30 dude.

yes, i know

What the fuck is up with SD? Is this gonna be a repeat of the margins between Bernie and Hillary in KS (ND) vs NE (SD)?


IIRC SD has lots of fossil fuel based jobs. Hillary is mega pro-fracking, and Bernie is completely opposed.

talking about new jersey famalam

my bad fam

I thought ND had all the fracking. or do they have oil instead

in 2 hours

1 and a half hours.
what's with the bimbos standing behind him?

wife and daughter

Shit man I have no idea.

Both times I've been to SD I've seen trucks and businesses meant to clean oil-contaminated water though, or something of the sort, and it broke my heart. Sure, it provides employment, but I don't understand how you could trade off poisoning your drinking water for jobs when you get to the voting booth.

North Dakota is one of the least populated states in America.
The Oil's running out though. Their Economy is in danger

Only based California can save us now. SD, PR, NJ, and NM all decided that being exploited isn't actually that bad

So is he gonna drop out/suspend his campaign tonight or not? The fact that he's flying back home to Vermont makes it seem that way.

Now I can see why he made those comments about dating his daughter.

fucking lol

No. He probably just wants to take a break. I mean shit. He's been working very hard.

He took a private call from Obama today. I guarantee he'll be endorsing her in his speech tonight.

No. South Dakota has a LOT of baby boomers. They make up most of the state.

I project SD is going to split down the middle, again. Most of east river will go to Hillary, most of west river will go for Sanders.

That's a good sign. That's Sioux Falls, SD's largest population center.

pls no
no want


Dude first female president lmao

That's like, the biggest thing you can do to challenge the establishment :DDD

I've only been to ND once and spent less time there than in SD (drove through the central-south area to Bismarck, and then west to Dickinson and then over the MT state line), but only saw those kinds of services in SD. It wasn't 30 minutes into the southeastern edge that I started seeing the trucks.

Ivanka's 6'0", attractive, and smart, but she's a porky and enables her dad so she can soak up the run-off from his newfound political power. Tiffany's ugly as shit though, poor girl. She really gets the worst of Trump's facial genetics.

Looks like Hillary ordered a drone strike on the glass ceiling BAYBEE!


Yeah, I was talking from his perspective not mine.

I saw someone say it somewhere that Hillary breaks the glass ceiling for herself and leaves everyone else to pick up the shards. RIP.

I get to watch Trump and Hillary make a jokes of themselves on the national stage.

Better be nice to me Trumpfags or I'm voting for Gary Johnson.

More likely she'd tell everyone that it's still there even after becoming president.

Flushing the country down the toilet for 4 years is surely worth a few months of political theatre



Why do I feel worse about South Dakota than I do about New jersey? headline one year from now: President Clinton slays homophobia in Russia with just one tweet.

Well, at least Hillary won't get a clean sweep of all the counties in any state tonight.

NJ has been better than expected (aka, not as horrible as it could have been), SD is worse.

I feel a bit betrayed by my fellow Midwesterners.

at least IN and MI were the two biggest upsets of the race

Do you think she will be a one term president?

the Democrates have a strangle hold over NJ politics in terms of party establishment, so I won't be surprised if Hillary does win that state. CA is our last chance.

>Formal rape accusations can be made and verdicts rendered without the knowledge of the alleged victimsurvivor


Almost as triggering as Sweden



She'll probably get assassinated lmao


I refuse to believe that people in America will tolerate another eight years of neoliberalism when the economy never recovered from 2007.
socialism or barbarism yo. If Clinton gets in we just need to fight harder next time.

pure coincidence

Well Midwestern friend perhaps some good news will lighten you up.

Heads up from Wyoming here. I doubt the news will cover it until later but we've submitted a challenge to our current delegate selection of 7 Clinton:7 Sanders (plus 4 Unpledged delegates for Clinton) because it was calculated improperly and should have been 8 Sanders:6 Clinton. If the DNC responds how we think they might, they may end up "punishing" Wyoming for the incompetence/outright maliciousness of our party leaders by cutting our entire state pledged delegation in half and removing all 4 unpledged delegate votes. That would change it from 11 Clinton:7 Sanders delegates to 4 Sanders:3 Clinton delegates in the end.

tbh can you two just make a new thread about college sex and get the fuck out of this one?

Nah, but see those aren't really victims. Because when people attack them, it helps raise awareness for the problem! People actually said this shit to me IRL during the UVA thing.

More like
>Sex with a drunk woman is rape, even if the man is UNCONSCIOUS. (archived because the source is


Don't forget

Well fuck, it checks out.


But it's one of the biggest issues at stake in the election. Brocialists are literally raping the right side of our democracy's history by continuing to run. Bernouts continuing to seek the nomination clear to Phillie is just… I can't even, it's 2016, people!

You're forgetting the worst part.
Instead of, you know…



I have a better idea! They should rape each other! The free market of ideas wins again at efficiency!

Holy shit, 91% for Bernie in Montana out of the gate





Rape kits are a great idea, unfortunately a lot of them go untested and while rape victims should use them, I'm certain is scary and invasive, and a lot of people are just shameful, or a scared the environment won't be welcoming. What is it even like to be raped? What do you do afterwards? What do you think about? What's your emotional state? I'm certain a lot of people want to take showers or baths, but may not think about how that taints the evidence, or are so emotionally compromised they can't bring themselves to care in that moment.

I dunno, man. More victims need to do rape kits, but they also need to be tested more frequently, and people reassured that the ER will be a safe place to go.

Yeah no there not. Thats absolute bullshit. I can't believe we actually have retards that there is a "rape culture" on college campuses posting here now. Please fuck off to whatever shithole you came from. You're cancer.



East river has all of the population centers, so of course they go for Shillary. They did it before in the last Democratic primary.

West river hasn't reported all of their votes yet. Neither is has Minnehaha or Lincoln counties. Be patient.

What happened with New Mexico and South Dakota?

being hillary is suffering

New Mexico could easily turn tonight. Or it could be a repeat of Arizona.

:^( pls don't remind me

Yeah, this is exactly why it's horrible to tell people that police won't believe rape victims and not to seek justice. Someone in that state is going to have a hard time figuring out what to do next, and beating it into their heads beforehand that nobody will believe them is just going to make it worse. Beyond that, it also reduces the likelihood that they'll get the rape kit done at all, which reduces the likelihood of catching the rapist if they even go to the justice system (which is also less likely to happen since they think nobody will believe them), and the result of all this is that an rapist is less likely to go to prison, leaving them free to rape again (since rapes are mostly committed by a small number of serial rapists). Feminists could tell women what resources are in place to get justice for the crime and to prevent further crime, or they could tell them something that will just make the trauma worse and discourage them from doing what they can to help the problem.

"Rape culture" implies that many people partake in it.
That isn't necessarily true.
However, you have some serial offenders who aren't caught.

wow bernie, sucks that you went from 46 to 30 so fast. don't be such a sore loser

Which isn't evidence of absolutely anything at all. I've never known a single person that's been raped or molested in my life. My anecdotal evidence is as good is yours. So I guess that mean sex crimes never ever happen right? I mean I've never known anyone that was a victim of a sex crime.


Only person I know who was a victim of a sex crime is a man in his 50s.

Jesus Christ, why would you let it live?

Democratic Primaries: Is Clinton leading by 3 million votes?

– Actual votes in caucus states are not included in the count – to the benefit of Clinton.
– Exit polls indicated voting machines were hacked – to the benefit of Clinton.
– Voter rolls were manipulated – to the benefit of Clinton.
– Long lines and reduced polling stations reduced voter turnout – to the benefit of Clinton.

>Sanders leads overall by approximately one million votes.

In the US, abortion is the only form of euthanasia that's not considered murder.

So? Where are you going with it? Rape is not incredibly prevalent on college campuses. In fact , it's been in decline in America for several decades. It's just unjustified hysteria created by opportunists.

you'd be suprised


It's not like Microsoft runs the polling machines and the technology that CNN uses to cover the election.

Yeah I was being glib.


Reporting might be in decline, but the problem is incredibly bad.
Fraternities and sororities, indeed the capitalist institutions are fucking desperate to cover it up though.

See like I said anecdotal evidence is worthless. If we go by your life experience not enough is being done to protect middle aged men for sex predators that are obviously targeting them in huge numbers.


Are you saying I support telling people no one will believe rape victims or what? I'm a strong proponent of making sure the people and places they need to go to are going to be helpful and that people know that, even before anything might happen to them.

You probably do, but just haven't heard it. It took me 18 years to learn my mom and grandmother were molested. Most of my friends are women, who are the majority of victims of sexual violence (obviously not the only victims, and there are other crimes, like murder, in which the majority of the victims are men), and I'm female and I think people tend to be more open around women than men. I definitely am.


Oh great

Can't start to see more of this hot new meem

Hillary giving her victory speech in Brooklyn is the biggest fuck you imaginable to Bernie.

that baby looks pretty smart tbh. it probably just wont talk because its too smart for our shit

I'm not saying anything about you, just pointing out the problem with "the police won't believe you!!!!" for those who didn't already figure it out on their own, which must be a lot of people considering how often feminists repeat it.


No it's not like I said rape isn't a problem on college campuses. It's not "capitalist institutions" covering anything up. It's lying feminists fudging numbers to support their misguided agenda. I don't believe in a prevalence of sex crime on campuses. There isn't a shred of evidence. It's pure nonsense.

Oh well.
They will have the president they deserve.



You don't believe a campus has an interest in lower crime stats to increase profits?


whelp get ready for george bush in a dress fellas

She's got nothing to worry about, fam. Her friends already rigged it for her.

That's Rapid City, SD's 2nd largest population center. Sanders will rule the west.

Here's a video of it in case anyone's interested:


We blew the first black president with Obama

Why not have an absolute nightmare for the first female prez too?

Democracy was a mistake.

Oh, this sounds like a fun game!

The only person I know who was molested was me by my younger sister, who made a game out of grabbing my dick and making me uncomfortable. Our parents didn't allow me to do anything to stop her because that's being violent with a poor defenseless girl. So I guess this means we should teach girls not to grab dicks!

Don't you mean

"not letting the South go was a mistake"?


Doubtful, Trump'll likely win when all the Bernie folks say fuck you to Shillary.

I'll give Rethuglicans credit where credit is due- they have solidarity in all the times when they should be divided.

#ListenAndBelieve should be enough for anyone

Given the enormous numbers of tranniesLGBTQIARSTUVWXYZ, schitzo horsefucking LARPersotherkin, pedosephobaphiles, and other highly diverse people on this site, I'm sure anecdotes from here are a statistically representative and important perspective.


Pic related

America was a mistake tbh

how younger? post greentext pls faps

I don't give a shit that you're a women. Like I said anecdotal evidence is absolute worthless. Based off my life rape never happens ever. Which we both know isn't true. Your life experience is meaningless in the context of national and global trends. I know nothing of your background , and the various factors that could influence high sex crime rates in your community. It does not apply to the country you live in and most certainly not the world as a whole.

Forgot pic


It's not too late, user.


Montana is a pretty conservative state, they'll probably vote for Hillary.

It's 74%, lad. Time to give it up.

i have found the perfect post-modern neoliberal candidate

Not much to greentext. We were both little. Parents would bathe us together. She'd grab my dick and yank as hard as she could (which was pretty hard tbh). They'd laugh at her "antics" and spank me if I tried to stop her.

reaching out to conservatives

Sure I do but I also think feminists and liberals have a vested interest in creating hysteria to increase their own influence. Which is obviously what's going on.

Are you actually watching her speech? How can you stomach it?

TYT commentary makes it almost tolerable

Jimmy Dore is cracking me up right now

Yes, Clearly college liberals are the ones with the power.
Not the actual universities themselves.

Best way to know your enemy is to watch your enemy.

This is why our politics are so shit - because people think two wrongs make a right.

I was watching them as well but have it muted; I don't want to hear her celebration of corruption.

So that's why ancaps come here.

In light of tonights election results, I'd like to remind everyone that politicians are not immortal and that Mckinley was assassinated by an anarchist.

The FBI will be knocking at your door any minute.

Who do you think is giving the retarded students those ideas?

Depends, the universities themselves are still in charge at the more prestigious locations and socially conservative/rural regions.

In the Midwest cities, California, Denver/Boulder Colorado, and central Eastern coast, it's debatable.

making me nauseous tbh


Nah, I just like shitposting to get a rise out of you guys and to sometimes offer a different opinion when I think I'm seeing a friendly socialist getting ganged up on by tankies or militant anarchists.


a man can dream


Watch what happens when he wins CA.

It's been rigged if he doesn't win Cali with how many fucking commies live there.

Well unless Northern Cali somehow counts for more votes during the primaries than they do in the main elections- but that wouldn't make sense to me.


that's a meme user. california is full of bourgeois rich liberals.


I'm pretty sure you guys call this "identity politics."

Bourgeois rich liberals almost always side with the commies unless their lives are in danger.

Besides, Bernie's main supporters are commies and bourgeois rich liberals.

this is how far people are from understanding class politics

Or rather their children who haven't been in the workforce*

its not hard its just gay lol

New Jersey is a mess

we're all going to die horribly

How did Sanders win North Dakota?

They're all fucking oil riggers, potato farmers, and alcoholics.

Considering that they still believe that Hillary can unite people like Obama, I think they're certifiably insane at this point.

class =/= identity

Uh, no.

Shhh… no he didn't. It's just a weird state anyway.

t. CNN

Really, the problem isn't their cultural identity or even their economic class, but their ideological beliefs. They simply have no attachment to leftism beyond being "progressive" and "inclusive", rather than actually making the economy work better.

They are political hipsters.

Labor unions

He wins almost all of the midwest/western rural states. What's surprising is that he isn't winning South Dakota.

She's just the candidate they have so much money invested with. That's why they keep rationalizing away her weaknesses.

Depression is starting to kick in, will Sanders be speaking tonight from Vermont?

Have the bourgeoisie won?

What do we do?

wake me up inside


Yeah, forgot there's a lot of 'em in North Dakota.

I legitimately feel bad for the Bernie folks though.

It's like how we felt when Ron Paul didn't get the nominee… Or Rand Paul… Or McAfee…

user, they're literally all just Correct the Record shills, paid to compliment her on twitter. just ignore them.

except no one had to rig the election to beat the Pauls.

California results now coming in


That's a new one: implying white women are th default and women of color are a spin-off of white women. Lmao.

future generations will curse us and we will deserve it

Anti-Bernie people shitposting.

Anyone have any updates on Cali, etc? I've been sick & haven't got to check yet.

Again, eastern South Dakota is more populous and has more baby boomers. That's a combination where Hillary always wins.

My prediction is coming to pass . Welcome to the hell that is South Dakota politics.


Sure, and no one had to rig the election to beat Hillary either, right user? :^)


just kill yourselves lads

White liberals are pretty damned racist after all.

That's crazy how accurate you were. Are you a native? I love the state's natural beauty, but it pains me half the dems evidently prefer Clinton to Sanders.


an-caps please go >>>/gulag/

Fuck off.

I'm fiscally conservative and socially conservative, I just don't think I need to tell people how to behave when you leave it to natural selection to pick off the degenerates.

Meme images don't work when I hate my own party.

Funny how our spooks aer more powerful than your real things.


you realize the only way Donald trump can win is by beating the most unpopular politician in us history

And that is exactly what he is going to do lad :^)

Why are there so many Jimmy Dore worshiping faggots here?

No one mentioned men's rights. There's not evidence of the college rape hysteria. It isn't a problem.

I find the number of people voting in the primaries to be more intriguing than the votes themselves.

With the exception of Jersey, the number of voters so far is abysmal for a primary that will determine the nominee.


Those are delegates, not actual voters.

I wish mods would get ahold of this shitposting, I'd like to get some election information here.

Rape, idpol, no one cares.

Please stop shitting up the thread. If you want to just shitpost, this isn't the place for it. This is the election general.


Every time there's a primary we get flooded with Trump & random shitposting. Everyone stop feeding them.

enjoy watching him sell out

google delusions of reference




enjoy your neoliberalism 2.0: now with more Orange


what the actual fuck am I looking at

whats that

Honestly america deserves hillary at this point.

goodnight lefties

Trump literally just refused 200 million dollars


How do you feel about coops?

We went allot farther at least, and it's not so much about Bernie, but the midterms.

It's also a thing called stupidity.

shush, they are closer to the mark then polniggers typically are, and they aren't as spooked.

They count early votes first. Early votes are olds, olds like Clinton.

Pretty sure that 65,000 figure is voters, not delegates user.

despite backtracking on Israel, the TPP, Libya, Muslims, wages and much more

regardless your right, Trump can't sell out because he never had any principles to begin with.

It's not, New Mexico has more than 130,000 voters.


No problems with 'em in theory.

Early votes are lazy fucks and are more easily rigged.

tfw Bernie calls for armed class struggle and uses war chest to buy weapons for an armed proletarian revolution

I like how you just have a folder full of dozens of different mutant freak babies.

that's the pig thing right?

OH, that's what you mean. We get the "wow only 60 people voted in __" ever voting day. ND is one of the least populated states and also among the most conservative. As far as I'm concerned, 130,000 North Dakotans showing up to vote democrat out of 750,000 (most of which are republicans) is awesome.

RIP Bernie

lol haha thats a good 1 ,y

Including that debate that was supposed to be tonight. Said he would, then he said he'd only do it if he raised $10 million for charity. Then when people stepped forward and offered 3x that amount, he simply backed out and said it would be "inappropriate" to have the debate.

I don't think that's right, but I dunno. My point still stands.

holy shit my sides


i hope you're joking or exaggerating

i often have to defend myself when arguing in favor in participating in parliamentarism to some extend
and then, there's you
what the fuck are you even saying? unless there is a movement on the streets (organized by the party) that is a revolutionary threat there isn't even a question about porky ever losing anything.

internal shitposting is far more cancerous that our occasional visitors. Ancap poster was minding his own business till you faggots started treading on him.
No censorship on my Holla Forums

Source on this?

who up?


Not at all. It's usually low key & friendly in this thread. When primaries come around we get flooded with outsiders derailing.

I'm just wanting some info on the election here; that's all.

Their literally a few steps away from full on socialism. ;^)

California results ?? anyone ?

Someone shoop Bernie's face over Rei

take a guess fucko

I believe it comes from Associate Professor Robert Pape of the University of Chicago's book "Dying to Win," which probably has better citations than the internet.

I could be wrong though.

Not even my election but i'm now contemplating suicide. I thought we had a hope at least in NA. I guess we'll all die as neoliberals.



It could happen.

real commie hours. click like.


Please, we need this to happen so much.

This shouldn't be surprising at all, especially knowing what they've done to south america and the middle east.

It already happened once in Yugoslavia.

I wouldn't be surprised to be honest.

Does Hillary have any guarantees of party stability after her victory?

Yeah. East River went to Hillary because they're more liberal than West River, and by liberal I mean "liberal conservative".

Still, Bernie did better than Obama did in 2008. Obama only won 45% of the state compared to Sanders 48%.

I want off this ride.

Lets stop saying: "Sanders to lay off campaign staff" and start saying "Sanders to purge half his party"

Absolutely not, but the crazy thing is DNC insiders are convinced she does.
Philly convention is going to be wild.

Let them gloat, they need the warmth for the long cold years to come when 51% of the country's population effortlessly sweeps Shillary into the Presidency.

nigga what

Only if we let her. We need to raise hell during the convention and show everybody that Bernie rules the Democrats.

Mate, what do you think WWII was? IBM built the computers used in the concentration camps.

He's a man of strategy.

Judging from my Bernie friends, no, she does not.

Most of the younger Bernie fans have all agreed to vote Jill Stein this election if he doesn't get the nominee since to them it's a sign of blatant rigging.

Honestly the best thing the Dems could do if they want Shillary to win is let it go to a contested national convention to try and dispel rumors of rigging.

pls stop

They've deluded themselves into thinking Sanders can control what he has created. They're going to find out the hard way that he's just the messenger of greater change.

.>dispel rumors of rigging
They would literally need that flashy thing from MIB.

I said try.

Sacramento: establishment
Fresno: conservative
Orange County: bourgoisie
San Diego: mostly undocumented immigrants who can't vote
Don't panic just yet, LA is the biggest population center. SF hasn't come in either.

Bernie voters aren't all union members though.

Won't the unions come out under Hillary to try and secure whatever leftovers she inevitably offers them?

I got my affiliation changed to Republican in front of my eyes.
Try to unrigg that

Doom Sanders when?
He Tried to warn them.

Trump is pretty anti-competition- er… I mean pro-union as well.

Bernie is more pro-union than Shillary by a long shot. If it came down to Trump and Shillary, I'd see the service unions turning to Trump while the skilled labor unions would probably turn to Shillary.

At least Humboldt county seems nice. Only county where he's at over 60% and for once it doesn't look like a super rural one. No idea what's there, but at least I don't have to write off California entirely.

More truth Trump is establishment. I swear, one of those elites is paying guys like Milo to ensure there will be no class change EI a Trumpepe presidency.

Have you told social media/alternative news websites?

They'd love to hear it. Even Breitbart would love to get on that shit probably.

Clearly they saw the hatred of women in your eyes and decided to put you in your place.

But remember to vote Democrat in the general election though, m'kay?

Yes they clearly have a lot of power in universities around the country. Have you been living under a rock? It's entirely within academic feminists' power to manipulate statistics and influence university administrations to further thier agenda. I can't believe you'd even ask that question.

Er, I mean service unions as in steel and electrical and skill labor as in engineers and shit.*

post yfw right now Holla Forums

Unions are only anti-competition as long as we have capitalists leeching off of our backs.
That's the point.

How…..? How could this happen ? This. this has to be rigged, right? There's just…there's no way . I saw the campaigns he all through cali, hyuuge stadiums filled to the brim, thousands upon thousands of Bernie voters…. how can he lose by that large a margin ? if it were 48 - 52 or soemthign to that effect I could believe, but this?




Well, been fun speculating with you Holla Forums, gonna go play some New Vegas for a couple hours before passing out.

Pic related.


8% reporting. Clinton gets the early votes from old people & they're counted first.

looks like a bernie version of pic related is in order

I know some of us are scared and thinking we are losing, but it is not over! The next stage is to fight every inch! We should double down on campaigning and supporting Bernie! We should be getting those u pledged delegates to commit to Bernie! And if all else fails we barge into the convention and show that we want to be heard!



Conservatives claim that only young hipsters vote by mail.

Lefties claim that only old people vote by mail.

Which is it, damn it?





What do i tell her?

I've literally never heard this.

What young person would do a paper ballot over an electronic one? We're much more of procrastinators as well.

Tell her you're not going to vote because you shouldnt be expected to endorse a candidate you dont support.

that, any you shouldn't vote anyways

How the fuck could a leftist man find a woman even a little attractive when she reeks so much of vapid consumerism?

Tell her you'll vote for Jill Sein to get the greens 5% and dismantle the bourgeois, two-party system for the greater good.

Need some life advice now that even a social democracy is impossible

pls die my good niGGa

And I should've said "usually" from old people. There's surely come exceptions, like myself. 29 & out of the country, so obviously I had to vote by mail.

I'm not very young & also not a hipster.

Los Angeles here. I'm as surprised as you are. I have never, ever seen so much as a Hillary sign out here. When I went out canvassing, only 1 house out of 70 was a Hillary household. I've seen Bernie bumper stickers every day, but Hillary bumper stickers? Just two… and they were on the same car today at the polling place. I only know one Hillary supporter, and he isn't even very close to me. How could this happen? We were supposed to be the vanguard of the American working class…

I am unsure they would ever want something even resembling dissidence to their lord Trump.

Gunna watch the world burn.

tbh some lefties are socially conservative, so, there's that.

Our major chance to declasscuck a portion of america just died. These people are all going to go over to hillary for fear of trump or are going to caste an angry proteste vote for Stein and then forget about it. Us and others like Socialist Alternative are too small and insignificant to scoop up a good number of them.

I would rather be dead right now tbhq família.

Fucking same, dude. Everything you just said.

Don't fear lads, don't give up. The movement lives on. It's what Bernie has wanted all along.

id rather be dead every day comrade. luckily the end is inevitable

To this day I have literally never met even one Hillary supporter. Not a single one. I've asked my friends if they know any Hillary voters and they don't know any either and are equally mystified. How in the hell is she winning by such an enormous margin?


It is clear not every vote is a human vote. Even if we supposed its all the extremely old who are forgotten but manage to vote, it would not account for such numbers as we are seeing. The only answer is that something is afoot.


I am not big with social media.
Also I am sure I am not the only one this happened. They already spin these claims as conspiracy theories, so even if I did, I'd sound like a whackjob.


It's not a democracy, remember.
The ballots are trash.
It goes straight into the memory hole.

Bernie must run as a 3rd party candidate and make the Democratic party crash with no survivors.

you know you can still try and radicalize people outside of electoral politics right?
whatever happened to educate, agitate, and organize? If Sanders people go over to team Hillary than we should try and stop them, otherwise this entire movement becomes pointless.

Gee it sure is a shame there's no exit polls in California. I wonder whose bright idea that was.

We're mostly young and mostly white, as are our friends and communities, Bernie's strongest demographics

This, all the time this.

It might crash regardless.

What do i do now

The democratic party is going to crash sooner rather than later. Even if Sanders doesn't run third party enough people are pissed off at the democratic party that they're basically digging their own grave right now.


You vote. For someone who actually represents your interests.

Young, yes, but not white. I'm latino, and like I said everyone I know (mostly latinos) is a Bernie supporter. Even the older folks. The only one who isn't is a coworker who's 18-years-old and white. This doesn't make any fucking sense.

Simply because they're more populous.

And this "young, white" meme is dead already.

By that logic, not voting Trump would be the same thing as voting for Hillary?


hello hope

Cali on Google was reporting at 8% about 30 mins ago, not it's a 5% for some reason.

rate my shit meme

at this point you have to ask why are so many Hillary supporters afraid of Trump when the current administration has basically been doing the exact same thing as what he promises to do but on a smaller scale.
Zizek was right, the only difference between Trump and the other politicians is that Trump using different language.

Why do you give me hope, the worst curse of them all?!

Alright, but I'd like to see more uplifting ones.

At least the greens will probably get 5%


If the greens do well this election we'll have a better shot at topping the establishment. I've already been trying to talk to Bernie supporters IRL about Jill Stein and it seems to be working.

If he's not within 5% by 50% reporting then its over. fml


What do i say

Guardian reporting link. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

I'm literally bedridden at the moment(severe food poisoning for about 4 days now) but want to help inform as much as possible right now.

Thanks for link.

Be le super edgemaster and vote Trump out of spite if you hate the bitch

Stien or Trump.


If you want me to give your shitty candidate support then work to implement a sane runoff voting system already that no longer traps people into picking the best of two evils.

Still, vote for who you feel is best. Even if it is writing Bernie in. America is fucked, anyway, and most people just don't vote at all.
If Bernie ran third party, I honestly think that all three candidates have enough support behind each of them, that it would make a viable third party, for the future, as well. There will definitely be a third party formed after all of this. There has to be after so many people leaving both parties, but the DNC in particular.

If Trump wins it's Hillary's fault for not appealing to my interests.

You don't have to say anything. Who you vote for is your business alone.

Do you have any solutions for how to try to stop them, though?

wew laddos

Holy fuck


We've known about this for a while, user.




No he didn't

No he just congratulated her for winning NJ

I'd only vote Green if Jill wasn't running.

Her stances on energy and homeopathic medicine are cringeworthy.

The same way anybody recruits people for a political campaign. Talk to people. Organize. Convince your local Berniebros to #FeeltheStein.
Fuck, i'm not saying that Holla Forums is going to co-opt the whole election, but I don't think we should just be defeatists and let the Sanders movement disappear.


Tell her the obvious, that they're one and the same.

LA is still listed as "initial results" for me, which I think is just mail in ballots.

They are socialism, period. Leninists are fags.

Fuck it.


Most likely to happen
He just endorses hillary and fades away into obscurity and disgust.

How will we remember Bernie "The Slick Entryst" Sanders now that the ride is over leftypol?

Crowdfund a statue of him in the middle of NYC.

We'll remember him with a Brand New Congress

He becomes our Ron Paul.
a man who was condemned by the people he tried to save.

I bet he has more tricks up his sleeves.

What do you mean by her stances on energy?

And the homeopathic medicine thing with the Green Party is greatly misunderstood. In the past they pandered to that crowd to get votes, they don't anymore, but they just don't denounce that crowd anymore. Steins stance on homeopathic crap has been neutral/nothing. She doesn't have any policy regarding it.

Th-thanks Montana


But user, don't you know that saying "hey lets have independent third parties test vaccines to ensure their safety" is slang for "we're going to take away your vaccines and force you to treat polio with organic kale chips"?

Get the fuck outta here, defeatist.

Except that Ron Paul is fucking scum who thinks that freedom is unrestrained capitalism.

That's a codeword for nukes. Also expect shilling for GM crops.

My mom is such a porky. She voted for Clinton because

What music are you guys blasting to drown your sorrows?


Also, Ron Paul never saw much popularity.

Don't give up!

Lets get something going over in the DNC Convention Thread!


make this a convention the people will never forget leftypol!

This is the time to prepare and get everything in place.

I guess Stein is just fucking chopped liver, huh?

She's based

Can you link me her policy on that?

She is your mom how could not you not convince her? Are you hiding your power level or something.

because muh two party system is more important


Yeah, comparing Sanders to Paul is like comparing him to Nader. There is no comparison; we have a real, major candidate.

Hey guys, non-american here. Did Bernie lose California yet?

The Green's embrace of affirmative action is seriously off putting. I'm still voting for them and will probably vote for them in most elections, presidential and otherwise from now on, but they may want to change their mandatory "must have womyn" stance if they want to increase their male membership.

The newest one.

My mom voted for her as well. Basically Clinton nostalgia from the 90s & she believe the "witch-hunt" on her. As well as "Well, I think they're going after Hilary more because she's the biggest threat to republicans".

Anyway, here's what I'm listening to.

I dunno, man, her website doesn't even mention the wage gap. It's pretty low idpol.

Oh for sure. See you there, comr8. This movement is big & we won't let it go away. It's actually getting stronger, but the media of course is trying everything in their power to silence it, still.

Odd, my mom voted for Bernie and she's a boomer.

People call them antivax and anti science when they are literally calling for more research, and regarding HIV, more vaccines.

That's from the official Green party stance; Jill's platform has nothing on them, but on leddit ama's she's said said she simply doesn't want pharma companies to be the ones in charge of testing their own drugs/vaccines, and does a little bit of "lets just test alternative medicine" pandering to that crowd.

Based on her ama's, she's much more reasonable on the fringe issues than the official party platform.

Yes but when you look at their policy it's actually pretty solid.

It's all about pros and cons–the affirmative action thing is contained in tweets and tweets only. Not in their policy; they just do that to pander to hippies

They still have to expoit each other within capitalism, don't they?


This, even Sanders spews the wage gap spiel, complete with damning "for equal work" line.

That's no more exploitative than competition between suitors for marriage, different political parties at the polls, or even different product proposals inside the same company right now.

Can never go wrong with Daft Punk.

Even their official policy is a little over the top. Not enough for me to avoid voting for them, I overwhelmingly agree with them, but their flat out in favor of reparations. I'm not particularly fond of people today having to pay reparations for things they didn't do to people they never harmed. Poor white people don't owe a thing to poor people of any other race, and poor non white people shouldn't get special benefits over poor whites because of their skin color.

This for tonight.

This on the way to Philadelphia.

The ones who are saying they are anti-science are just spouting ridiculous propaganda. And some of this also comes from the reddit science circlejerk crowd that never read anything other than headlines.

If they actually bothered to have looked at the policies directly, they would see that they are in fact sane, and not some anti-gmo, anti-gluton, and anti-vaccine cult.

The anti-science meme needs to stop

I think reparations are good for hijacking. Like we shift it from giving money to blacks to proles taking back what was stolen by the bourgeois.

Anyways this primary sucks and my gf is sleeping so I'll sniff her panties and cry myself to sleep.

Discovery is still my go-to happy album.

Exactly. Look at older GP platforms, a lot of these fluff issues have shifted in and out over the decades.

A true socialist would share pictures.

Sorry to make you uncomfortable. I'm just sick & appreciated a nice song atm.

Also doped up on pain meds, lmao

I haven't heard about the reparation thing. Is that directly in their policy?

Of course people should not have to pay for crimes they didn't do. Slavery was a long fucking time ago, and going back to the past on this matter does no favors, and doing this could result in even more racial tension.

Reparation just doesn't make much sense to me. I'm mixed, Sweedish and Caribbean. My ancestors on one side were slaves. I don't want, in fact i think it would be simply a bad idea to receive money from innocent people because of race. It's fucking stupid.

I think Jill and Gary Johnson (of the libertarian party) agreed to a debate. Anyone know when it's on? Jill has been trying to get into debates for years and has even been arrested for trying to break into a debate, lol

Watch the last bit of this; Bernie's asked about it. He gives a great answer.

I know, they already removed their reference to homeopathy (or rather, have announced that they will change it at their convention). My biggest concern with them isn't the few issues they have that I disagree with them on, but rather that the greens have such a negative reputation based on lies about their stances on vaccines and medicine in general that they won't be able to get their name out more even if they clearly state in their platform on those issues that they're fully in favor of conventional medicine that is tested by unbiased third parties.

Who the fuck voted for Clinton? In California everyone I know from all income levels in 3 parts of the state supported Bernie, everyone my grandma knows is Trump of Bernie, my mom and dad, Bernie, me, Bernie, my friends, Bernie, my mom's school in the barrio, Bernie, my middle class suburb, Bernie, my gf's mixed incone area, Bernie, Bernie outdrew her 4:1 at least, everywhere. Bernie had more canvassers, more energy, more everything.

This shit's fucking rigged

Great post by S4P mod. Well buckos, let's just hope for indictment.

Have another

Gary Johnson is polling incredibly well for a third party, often at or just above 10%. They need to be pulling at above 15% to get in the debates. Some people say that's a great thing for all third parties. I'm more of the view that the lolberts are just a great way of furthering the illusion that we have a choice. "Hey America, tired of having to choose between two corporate right wing parties? Well you're in luck because we have a classcucked right wing third party for you to vote for!" So some people will vote for them thinking that they're voting for change when all they're voting for is destruction of our already pathetic social safety net and a 0% corporate income tax.

So now that we got Clinton who's next on the list lads? going all out in Syria? maybe Iran? or are we going for Russia and China already?

can we just kill everyone running and try again guys? i mean holy fuck these next four years looks like shit from here on out.

Do we know how well the Greens are polling?

My guess is Iran. Shillary was already agains the nuclear deal and she is super pro Israel, plus the Clinton foundation has close ties to the Saudis.

Iran and then the next of the middle east for the saudis.

And now, the real moment of truth:

Will Bernie keep fighting for us, his supporters? Or will he play the part of the sheepdog, accept a nominal concession here and there, and leave us to the wolves?

Hearing about this meeting with Obama sorely disappoints me.

The media rigged it with yesterday's announcement. The media no longer reports on reality. It creates reality.

The evidence suggests that this type of announcement would heavily favour Clinton:

And that's before taking into account that it would affect only day-of voting, not early voting, where Clinton typically has an insurmountable lead.

Literally old as fuck news.

The most recent 4 way poll is
Hilldog: 39
Donald: 40
Gary: 9
Jill: 4

Which is pretty good for her given that she got 0.3% of the vote last year and has had no national media coverage, while Gary Johnson has constantly been on national television.
If Gary Johnson actually does end up in the debates, he'll fail miserably there. Once people actually hear him say that he wants to abolish the minimum wage and destroy the social safety net, he'll vanish.

Thanks, user.

Discovery is really one of a kind.

No. I voted for Sanders for two reasons.
(1) His politics emphasized class lines and correctly pointed out the importance of class in truly progressive politics. Hillary continues the predominant liberal ideology today which engages in the culturalization of politics, obfuscating class issues and emphasizing identity politics.
(2) Perhaps Zizek has a point with his call to push for "impossible points" in the short run. If there was ever an "impossible point" in the American system, it's to do away with Super PACs in politics. Sanders will fight for this, Hillary will not.

As for Hill v Trump, it isn't obvious what progressive measure Hillary will actually implement given the fact that she's a complete phony individual. Similarly, it isn't obvious what damage Trump can cause given how much he flip flops and how much obstruction he might face in the Congress. Practically speaking, the difference between a Hillary or a Trump presidency, as far as progressive policy goes, is likely much less severe than most people believe. Both benefit the ruling classes, Hillary would likely just cheerlead progressive causes when she needs ratings.

This election is playing very similarly to the recent elections in my country. If everything keeps going that way, Clinton will barely win against Donald duck and Sanders will end up supporting Clinton and shill about how horrible the prospect of an autocratic government is.

What a world we live in

>mfw i fucking know that there liberals slimy enough to support a war just because a strong womyn is calling for it.


No, and no.

Without conceding a space to Gregorio "My ego is the priority" Santos and Vladimir "What the fuck is elegibility" Cerrón, I didnt bet all my hopes on Mendoza.

At most, I saw her a being convenient in strategical grounds, but I wasnt a big fan of her. I voted for her and voted for nleashed Porky, mostly, because the peruvian left needs time to un-fuck up itself (nevermind Arana playing The Big Leader and shitting on strategy).


No why would any leftist do something that despicable? That bllod won't be on my hands. The only reason I'll be going out on voting day will to be vote for unverisal health care in my state. I guess I'll through in a protest vote for Jill too.

How did things get this bad?

I have to wonder if these bourg feminists advocating for Hillary would consider Margaret Thatcher to be a feminist icon for "breaking the glass ceiling".

everyone has passively accepted neoliberalism as the end of history so now we're forced to operate in a world where any left-wing position is considered unrealistic and crazy by default.

Hey guys.
I know it sucks, but encourage Sanders to accept VP if she's not indicted between now and the convention and superdelegates don't switch unexpectedly.
Why? Because if she gets Nixon'd, there's no better Ford we can hope for. Besides that, Bernie can still cause yooj change as VP. Think of it as voting for Bernie in a different position, not voting for Clinton.

No, she was just a Man With Boobs. She acted like a man in every way. A Real Woman still can't break through the glass ceiling without sacrificing what makes her a woman and becoming a Man With Boobs.

I'm not joking, this is a real response I got from one of these people.

Hillary hates bernie too much at this point

t. Clinton online campaign staff.

I'm not voting for Clinton, no matter who her VP is. I'd just consider it selling out if he runs with her.

Sounds like they're implying that there are inherent roles/personality traits that a woman has to have in order to be a real woman. Pretty sexist tbh fam.

Hillary Clinton isn't getting indicted, if she was the Obama administration would be panicking right now.

Just like the argument against Warren being Bernie's VP, he'd be more influential by staying in Congress. What does the VP do really, anyway? Just there to be the replacement?

It was either him or the daughter of Fujimori.

Literally choosing between Porky Unleashed (PPK) or Porky Mafia (Fujimori). Being against the rope, Mendoza and the institutional left voted for PPK, in order to have time to organize themselves. With Fujimori, I would be shot down in the first week.

Neverless, is right. Fujimori fucked up peruvian politics so much that classcuking became the norm.

Why are Hillary supporters so fucking vile? Not just because of their policy views and the candidate they support, they're just fucking mean people.

No shit. All of the femidpolers want to rigidly enforce the gender roles of men = oppressors, women = victims.

Who says they're not? They should be.

I for one would hope Bernie stands with us instead of with the Party.

Would we really know if they were panicking?

Dude, think about it. What's better for the long run for the country? "Absolute madman" Trump or "stay-the-same" Clinton, personal issues with her aside? I know what you want to say, but really think about it. Then there's the fact Bernie could end up president anyway.
Shit, at least vote Stein if you're after the 5%. My point is, don't vote Trump or hope for Trump or hope Clinton loses or anything like that.

Probably is.

Yes, but EXACTLY. Of course he could stay in the Senate but he has already inspired a movement and there's still Warren and others there. I wouldn't fret.

If anything does happen to her, Obama will just pardon her. He's already withholding emails she sent about the TPP to make sure they don't hurt her; he's obviously on her side.

I don't know, user. I think it's the power. Most of them are upperclass & used to getting their way, imo.

That's my point. But as big of a fuck up as she committed, they should be.

Incompetent evil or highly competent and methodical evil?

Do you guys think that there's any chance that Trump actually manages to get Roe v Wade overturned via supreme court justices, or in some other way greatly restricts access to abortions? That's the only reason I would consider voting for Hillary, to protect access to abortions.

I'm not voting for Trump, but I do hope Clinton loses. It's not about principles, it's about burning this whole corrupt system to the ground. Seeing all the corrupt fucks who orchestrated her coronation get nothing in the end is worth 4 years of Trump.

muh fraud

You're proving my point here, dude.

Trump is just as corrupt and a fucking idiot.

Also Republicans control Congress already, if he won Obamacare would be repealed as soon as he swore on that Bible.

For those who didn't see it

tl;dr, where voting machines are easily hackable, shillary drastically outperforms the exit polls.

He should never grace a ticket with her name on it.

Does Trump even give a shit about abortion? He's on record in the past as being pretty pro-choice. I mean he made those "there needs to be a punishment for the woman" comments recently but it seemed to me like he was pandering to evangelicals or something with that comment. Tbh the man is so inconsistent it's hard to tell what he actually believes.

You sound like one of those people who votes for obnoxious protest splitter ML parties. Whatever famalam.

Of course he's on her side, and it's just making him & the establishment look even worse.

Sure, user.

Bernie's at the podium. Let's see if he calls it quits.

I don't have cable. Update us.

I don't think he gives a shit about anything other than getting elected. From what I remember, he's been pretty liberal on social issues. Still, its a big risk. Hillary, as atrocious as she is, is pro choice.


Liberal on social issues on the past anyways.

Crowd is roaring he can barely start speaking. He finally thanks the crowd and they erupt again.

Gibe link

He once said that women who get abortions should be punished by the state.
It was so insane even pro-lifers called him out on it.


mfw comrade Bernie smiles

Yes thats how feminists work. Traits that are positive are inherently feminine and all women have them. Biological gender isn't real unless it's something that suggest women are better at something then men are. They're just female chauvinists.

He already said he's take it to the convention, and Cali isn't done reporting. He's still climbing there. You sound defeatist.


He sounds sad as fuck


cant wait to see them everywhere for the next 5 months


I think we're getting past the mail ins and starting to get to some election day ballots, where Bernie consistently beats Hillary even in states she wins.

I'll be honest, it's looking bleak for Bernie. I was just curious to see if the current results from California would force him to change his mind. I want Bernie to stick until the convention.

Fuck off. Cali's still not done reporting yet and neither is Montana.

Bernie confirmed for sheepdog



Hillary is the WORST option, by far…

Just doesn't make any sense to wonder if he'd drop out if we already know he's planning a contested convention.

They literally are fucking everywhere. The more I see this shit, the more I want them to get fucked by their daddy.

How are these people any different from notsees again?

I've wanted this for a long time before, but now I just want it more. I want the human species to end.

Yeah, now I don't like him anymore.

No point in trying to troll manchildren, user.

Ignoring policy for a minute, how awful is it that people as atrocious as Trump supporters or Hillary supporters will get what they want in November.

That's how it's always gonna be with democracy. The vast majority are total fucking idiots.

Doesn't Holla Forums have anything better to do? Jesus Christ.



This is bring tears to my eyes

The lizards win once again.


How sexist of him, fighting against the first woman presidential candidate.

Democracy was a mistake.


Isn't that part of the transformation in class tension?

There's no going back from this point.

Looks like we're going to Philly. Sorry Jill, I'll have to wait a month before jumping on your train.

I don't get it, what does proles supporting Trump and Hillary have to do with class tension?

mb multitasking too much i completely fucked up that sentence lmao
meant to say "no point in trying to understand manchildren"

Holy shit, those boos for Hillary

Totally understandable lmao, and yeah, I agree

That's going to be all over the media; racist and sexist Bernie bros boo the first black president and first woman candidate of a major party.


And earlier practically the whole crowd was chanting "Bernie or Bust." The DNC better be paying attention, except they've made their peace with Trump winning by now.

The struggle fucking continues.

for how long guys? FOR HOW LOOOOONG?




Right on, Bernie

Thanks an assload

There's got to be blatant rigging, guys.

Hilary gets 500 people roughly at her rallies, while Sanders gets 20,000 regularly now. That has to translate into votes in one way or another.

Policies which are vital to easing social unrest within America among its citizens, such as universal health care and reformations on capital, will elapse into the broader nightmare that is a corporate sponsored government.

The vast majority don't vote and don't care because they know it's a dog and pony show that's corrupt as all hell.

Jim Gilmore, 1.2%
He got literally 12 votes in Iowa; how the fuck are people still voting for him?


It's those lazy millennials not registering or voting, silly berniebot. :^)

Why surprised about SF? It used to be a liberal centre, but it now has the highest cost of living in the US and is close to Silicon Valley which is dominated by social Darwinists

Totally. Especially all the ones who are unemployed with ample time on their hands, amirite?

pls stop using this term
It's word salad nonsense, just like "Cultural Marxism".

Americans are so classcucked that they're actively rejecting universal health care, affordable education, etc. How would this serve to heighten the tensions when this seems to be what the people want? Possibly it could happen years down the road when the boomers die, but it'll take decades for that to happen.

Median house cost in SF is 1.3 million dollars.

I thought the majority of Americans supported national health care?

What is approved term?

Bernie gonna go out like Mance Rayder

there isn't one because the concept is bullshit.

It is the approved term. Ignore that turd. Silicon Valley is full of Social Darwinist techlord lolbertarians.

We do, but the MSM spins it to seem like we don't. There are a lot of things that most Americans want, but Porky doesn't. So Porky tries to brainwash the conservatives to not want those things and point at them as the enemy of the majority.

Polls say we support most of the provisions in Obamacare (maybe not full on single payer, but at least something other than what we had before), a higher minimum wage, higher corporate taxes; social democratic policies in general, but apparently we reject the people who actually offer to bring us those policies.

I don't know user, what could possibly happen when 5 to 10 years later politically unenfranchised labour begin making demands without concessions?

In ten years, automation might have reached a point that it won't matter. We already have self driving cars, cashiers are soon to be irrelevant; labor is simply not going to be able to maintain what minimal power it has for much longer.

They do, it's just the amount of propaganda by the Kochs I'm looking at you Stephen. mixed with how self destructively greedy the porkies are, there's no way. Just makes it all fall apart faster.

So a nation of lunatics armed to the teeth are going to roll over and passively accept redundancy?

Sanders will get far more done in the Senate than as VP. He should stay there if he's not going for the presidency.

The people that are armed are the classcucks that overwhelmingly vote Republican and blame our problems on "moochers" and "welfare queens".

Lad. This is some good bait.

Holla Forums, how do we win back the working white class from the Republicans? The Republicans have them locked up with tons of red herrings and the Democrats give them the cold shoulder.


Automation could mean the death of capitalism. You'll end up with an entire generation of youth who are out of work and constantly being told they're entitled and lazy. Perfect breeding ground for class conciousness.

I have all but no regional pride, but as a resident of the southeastern United States I get a twisted sense of pleasure from watching all the smug shitstains from New England and California go full classcuck conservative. I no longer have to take any shit from them.

The only reason you would have cared to begin with is if you did have regional pride.

they've always been bougie as fuck

That would require the idpol liberals to stop blaming all of the world's problems on white men and to stop mocking working class/rural white men as dumb racist hicks. Good luck with that.

If there ever ended up being some leftist militia of a size that could actually do some real world harm, they would be crushed by right wingers who would use the incident to fear monger amount commie uprisings for the rest of our lives.

Sanders has been doing a good job at appealing to working class whites by sticking to economic issues.
Just focus on class and combat idpol and spooks.

It's almost like something similar which has happened in the past.



Very nice; feels nostalgic.

I knew election fraud was happening as far back as 2000, and electronic voting machine fraud since 2004. I somehow believed we could overcome it. But it's just gotten worse and worse.

I actually volunteered and donated in the hopes somehow we could overcome the rigging and have hope, for once. I made 300 calls today phonebanking.

If Shillary doesn't get indicted and disqualified before it's too late, I am officially done caring about the USA. Every dumb media-swallowing drone has lost my sympathy. I know Bernie didn't actually lose either; those rigged machines did it. But the media, including people I formerly respected like Stephen Colbert, will just accept the narrative and avoid any questions.

I'm looking for work abroad. This timeline was a mistake.

Cya later, John Titor.

Are we gonna take a bet on how long it takes for Clinton to get shot?

No, it's more that the smug sense of superiority they give off grates on my nerves than because I feel some spooky loyalty to the arbitrary plot of land that I live on.

I feel the same way when some Euros act like I'm an ignorant because I'm American, it's not because I'm secretly some chauvinistic American patriot.

keep fighting lads gonna go get my dick sucked to fight the sadness

good night

We should unanimously vote for Jill Stein, but it doesn't really matter. Revolutionary socialism, not evolutionary socialism.

Furthermore, I actually hope Trump wins if Shillary isn't jailed. I want to see the DNC destroyed over this.

Personally the television has outlived its usefulness. What used to inform the public now misleads and manipulates the public and pretends to be our mass consciousness. I'm so disgusted I'll never watch talk shows or news shows again. From Samantha Bee to Trevor Noah, they've all betrayed the people.

I'm starting my Maplematch quest early and getting outta dodge. There was a hero left in man, but was painted as the villain and lost against the war empire.

My only consolation is imagining a year down the line when Trump or Hill can't get shit done because of congress and someone makes a "miss me yet?" Meme with Bernie's face. It's easier to adore a presidency that hasn't happened.

What if democracy is all pretend and the aristocracy is just yanking our chain for kicks?

Dear aliens, now is the time to enslave us, as we have zero resistance to oppression anyway.

Looks like there's only one thing left to do.

Keep trying lad.

Trump will win, you just have to believe!

No, but the Wall Street transcripts will leak in mid-October.

I feel you, 100%, user. I knew as early as age 14-15, growing up in KY dirt poor, having no one who cared, being thrown in jail constantly & mental institutions(simply because parents didn't want to deal with me), even the jailers/group home employees/judges saying there was nothing wrong with me even though I was constantly told I was a bad kid, school/teachers failed me.. That something was seriously wrong with this whole situation. All I did was run away(which is a crime for a 14 yo) & got caught stealing once. I got into drugs too early & this royally fucked me also.

I wanted to leave the country, at least my state, as soon as possible, but never had a way. I haven't liked my country since I was very young. I loved other Americans, just not the government, after how I was treated as a child.

Anyway, I had hope things would get better. After all the shitty things that happened to me on the streets, i still had hope.

Finally, I met someone from another country. It presented me with a chance for love & a chance to leave America. You bet your ass I left.

This election gave me hope. My parents still struggle & I feel guilty for having left them & my sister behind. Extremely guilty. I hoped I could help by campaigning for Sanders, because he's the best opportunity we've had in so fucking long. I still feel there's some possibility there & I will keep fighting from abroad.

But your post pretty much sums up how I've felt most of my life about the US. I think it's too far gone. A lot of people don't realize just how gone it is, if they haven't been at the bottom of the barrel. But now that I'm in another country, I see just how fucked up it is. My fiance is shocked to hear a lot of the stories I tell him, and he's from a third world country, ffs.

America wouldn't get so much blame if it didn't act like it was so much better than other countries. But Americans are getting royally fucked, and they need to wake up. I'm glad I've left, and I don't plan on coming back. But I still worry constantly about my family.

I hope America wakes up. And you should leave, seriously, if you want to be happier. I've never been happier since I've left. Your standard of living will be so much better.

I don't care.. Their post struck a nerve & if things don't change in the US, fuck it.


They've gotta leak them earlier than that, to let everybody get a chance to read them. :^)

this guy on CNN looks like such a cuck


Sanders as VP:

Sanders as senator:


Ask FDR. It had something to do with labor unionization, anti-immigration, public works, strong social safety nets, progressive taxation, trustbusting, strong industrial regulations, trade protectionism, trade surpluses, and fiery class war rhetoric so unapologetically belligerent it makes Trump look like a mewling kitten.

I was going to leave myself but my dual-citizenship gf dumped me before she planned to move. Joke's on her, though, she couldn't get into her dream college and is stuck in North Dakota.
If you know of some eligible bachelorettes and/or basements I'm interested in knowing more.

The god Kek demands sacrifice!

Shillary dropped below 60% in CA with only 50% reporting. Think he still has a chance to pull ahead?

No one deserves such a fate.

My sister's eligible, lmao, but she's got some heavy issues going on as well. She just needs someone, too.

Tbh, the way I met my fiance was.. through Youtube. No shit. It started as a reply to a comment on a song, then we started writing each other & it grew from there. We were pen pals for about a year, then he flew to the US to meet me. I got very lucky.

So I would suggest an online presence in any way possible. I'm socially awkward so that worked well for me. There are plenty of people out there looking for the same thing. It can be in very unexpected places.

I know it sounds insane, but it's worked out great for me, and I know others have found love online, too. Just look for red flags, of course. And be smart about it.

What song was it

Then after I'd forgotten to write him back he sent this one, and it got me even more. :)

It was on after that.

I have good experience being pen pals, so that's good to know. How to find the right one is quite the lottery drawing, but it's happened once before. What country are you in anyway?

lmao benis, you never fail

I'm in India now. He's south Indian.

Also, this is a much better visual & sound of the song

I just shared that one since it has subtitles, but it ruins the graphics. This is the one we met on, because I'd asked him to translate.

Anyway.. Go Bernie. Let's hope America gets its shit together.

Also, Scott Adams predicted a Trump victory in a landslide before anyone took him seriously.

I have a feeling a shillary presidency would be like the show Veep, with fuck-ups and disasters every day.

Save us, FBI, you're our only hope.

Leftypol, it's been a pleasure being with you guys throughout the primary.

Except Julia Louis-Dreyfus is funny and Hillary is terrifying.


It's reality that's the nightmare.


1-800-273-TALK (8255)

I almost want Trump to beat Hilary. Perhaps having him in power could start a revolution against conservatism.

Are we at the tragedy part or the farce yet?

It might also cause a backlash towards Bernie for being critical of Hillary and causing Trump to win, causing people to avoid supporting similar candidates in the future because "they can't win".

True enough

dude, are you the same dude who had food poisoning like a month ago? are you nuts?

Please tell me it wasn't homecooked

Maybe, hopefully it will result in Bernie to be vindicated, weakening the protection necessary for SJWs to siphon blood from the left unmolested.

It wasn't him. It was me lmao. And it came from my eggs.

Also fuck you, North Dakota is beautiful and the rural Midwest is a wonderful place to start a commune or survive and organize a revolution from.

"you can't make omelettes without occasionally getting some food poisoning" - Mao Zedong

Maybe it's not over.

The Hillary campaign and the Democratic Party know they will have to make concessions in order to get Sanders supporters on board, what we have to do is make sure we get concessions that allow us to subvert them.

I'm currently writing an article advocating that Sanders supporters lobby democratic officials and Senators to make Sanders the Party Leader in the Senate. In some ways, that'd make him more powerful than the president.

What do you guys think? If I do this, I'll do this hard, and I'll need your help.

Bit of a funny to cheer comrades up. The salt in this thread from Hilary supporters is hilarious.

Well, she's not far off

This is my nightmare scenario, IDPOL running the Left into the ground.

All is not lost. We still have the down ticket.

We've already been given an ideal scenario. Hillary and the DNC are laundering money away from state elections and now that the big primary is basically over, nobody is going to notice the congressional primaries.

We should first focus on supporting Tim Canova to take out Debbie Wasserman Schultz, unless Hillary makes her take a fall at the convention.

how was bernie going to deal with corporate outsourcing and the possibility of corporations leaving the US due to the high taxes that he proposed? not a b8, im just genuinely curious

For Holla Forums now it is the End of Times, the great battle between their Uber Chad and the Evil SJW candidate that will end the world. As a Bernie, I'm going to enjoy watching third parties shoot up in the polls after the snowglobes of primary elections break and the two candidates realize they actually have to run for an election outside of their party.

Good old fashioned tariffs - if you try and bring shit in from elsewhere, you have to pay extra. America still has massive wealth that those companies want to take advantage of, so they'd most likely prefer staying domestic to going foreign.

We don't have the field to ourselves there, either. Remember the lolberts are surging.

That. And lower immigration quotas when the PC police aren't watching, so that they can't bypass it by bringing those problems stateside.

Remember to start collecting posts now if you want to make a good collage of the 2016 elections.

I've been waiting for this shoe to drop since this election started. Bernie was the strongest candidate by far since he had THE MAJORITY OF THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS. This is why he did so well in the polls. Both Hillary and Trump now have start sucking "Bernie Bros" cocks for the rest of election cycle if they want to get elected.

Watch as the Trumpers and the Shillbots get all jelly when their candidates start hungering for our "means of production".


Someone already mentioned tariffs, but
There's also the fact that it never happens.
It just doesn't occur.
It's a myth by Austrian Economists.

Take a look at all tax hikes in the past. This never happened because they already use all the loopholes they can. They usually just sit and take it. It's all bluff.

Taxes do have a significant effect, but pretty much only to financial flimflam industries, and only when the "better option" is an 0% tax haven like Bermuda (or a -0% nation-plundering racket like 2000s Ireland).

The primary concern most often is of course labor, regulatory, and enforcement/corruption/bribery arbitrage.

Clinton claims Democratic nomination after winning four of six final states

By Patrick Martin
8 June 2016


Here's the real question.

What the fuck is a tax difference of a few percent going to make when you consider that you can have 30 chinese laborers for the price of one american, who work longer hours with no overtime, in a building you pay a fraction of the maintenance costs on?

Even if business taxes in the US dropped to fucking zero it would still be more cost effective to outsource.

idpol lapping it up

Please god let her be indicted

keep dreaming

What the fuck is wrong with this country?

Chomsky's pessimism proven right once again. Bernie never stood a chance. This "movement" he's created will dissipate. And the status quo shall persist.

Also, Commiefornia meme is dead. Even San Fran voted for Clinton. Not a real surprise to me. Cali is full of yuppies.

We didn't vote for Clinton. We were rigged.

Well, the only REAL solution is to turn companies into cooperatives instead.
Until then, tariffs are a fair solution.

No amount of coops would make you competitive against armies of utterly dejected foreign slaves imprisoned in or fleeing from bone-crushing privation under the grip of iron-fisted oppression.

Unless the entire world was in regulatory and economic harmony, borders must always an absolute necessity.

I'm confused. I thought there weren't going to be any exit polls at all yesterday?

The major networks cancelled their polling, yes. For exactly this reason.

Does anyone have total numbers from exit polls all around the country? If so, approximately how great a difference is there between the projected and official results? Is it big enough to give Sanders a significant majority nationwide?

Either way, I think this particular election will end up like in 2000 when Gore himself halted the senate investigation into the Supreme Court swindle of his own nomination to Bush, but I really hope lawsuits WILL go forward. Even if this election's cheated results are allowed to slide past the convention, lawsuits and recounts all around the country could clean up our democracy in time for the midterms and pour gasoline all over the party establishment.


Why the fuck did you ever watch them to begin with? TV has been obsolete for almost a decade.

Those midterms are going to matter allot more then a presidential election, Especially for things like TPP.

Again, it just needs to be stressed it's about the ideas, not the candidate.


This is something lolberts need to learn.

Snowden is #stillsanders

Can Politico please be the first media outlet that we purge after the revolution?

Followed by Vox, of course.


I can only imagine the flak he's getting for that tweet from rabid RIPs

Is this what it's going to be like from now on? A dead political establishment desperately trying to paint themselves as victims in need of rescue? Are they honestly going to brow beat young democrats and independents into voting for candidates they do not believe in?

Nice to know that when in the face of their upcoming demise, Liberals do not change their tactics.



what the fuck does this mean? rest in pepperonis?

Election Justice USA has the data you seek, it's no coincidence the networks stopped exit polling in California. Other exit polling done strongly suggests election fraud.

When the average American realizes the elections are rigged, maybe something will change.

Word on the street is that the exit polls in California were 15% off and Trump's were only 1%

But I'm sure it's no big deal :^)

>In a previous post, the True Vote was estimated based on actual caucus votes, exit polls, estimated manipulation of voter rolls, absentee and provisional ballots. It showed Sanders leading by 51.5-48.5% (800,000 votes).

Lawsuit launching tomorrow lads

What are RIPs?


They both wrote a hit piece on Bernie today as well.

Just a reminder. The FBI investigation isn't even over, and the Judicial Watch court case is developing.
It's never ogre. All we can do at this point is hope and meme. yes that was a pun

Reactionary Identity Politicians.IE SJWs and stormfags.

Who is /Trump/ now?

No one, fuck off shill.


Forgot about that



I lost my propaganda folder.

Please post anti-Hillary memes; I'm in desperate need of them right now.



fugging cripple let me post

I thought they didn't need the support of racist Bernie Bros?

Dude they were doing that before Bernie was even in the race, claiming if you didn't vote Democratic you were a muh privileged, sexist racist

I was actually working on an updated version for Clinton supporters didn't get very far though

This makes me sick. The only way a girl or anyone else with no connections can become president is if we eliminate the campaign finance system we have, and let people get elected on their ideas rather than how much corporate dick they suck. Electing Shillary is the opposite of giving every girl the opportunity to become president.

Uh excuse me are you saying that the problems facing women are more structural and related to the material conditions of our society than just women not having enough self-confidence to run?

Get out of here you shuddersome virgin sinner

Wait, undocumented immigrants can vote now?

o i am laffin

Naw, that wasn't me. But I remember him. I'm in another country & usually stay indoors most of the time since I don't know my way around still.

But the one time I decide to be social & eat at the neighbor's house, this happened.. I'll prolly be more of a hermit now. I think this is the sickest I've ever been in my life so I'm not taking any chances again.

https:[email protected]/* *//an-open-letter-to-bernie-sanders-ef3fd98b1159#.a7i32g6ul

Holy shit
I dare anyone to try and make it through this article without wanting to commit suicide. It's just not possible.

Do the majority of Democrats believe this shit? How can someone be so fucking stupid?

No, that's why she is saying they need you to vote.

When will they learn that Jews aren't white?

Write that article, Mr. Editor. Let us know how we can help. Sanders needs all the help he can get in the media. Share it here afterwards or if you want any input from us.

Thank you.

If running against Hillary is sexist, is running against Bernie anti-Semitic?
Was running against Obama racist?
Hillary = racist anti-semite?

Here it is
I dunno, I'm having second thoughts on it. I doubt people care about my opinion on how to do this stuff.

If you want to help though, you can lobby some democratic officials and shill for this idea around some places.

mmm pepperonis

Don't have second thoughts. This is great.

Hopefully Bernie can get rid of Dan fucking Malloy.

If they don't give him senate head, next best option would be him (unlikely) running 3rd party with Jill Stein and berningtheconvention.

I'm someone who has never lobbied before.

How does one lobby to democratic officials? I want to help but don't know where to start.
Jill Stein interview

I really hope Bernie accepts her offer

meant for

Well you look up the contact info for officials, Senators, Reps, even state level officials, send them emails, phone calls, if you have the time go out and see them in person. Supposedly, you can get a state rep in your pocket in my state just by buying them a sandwhich.

Fuck, that's brilliant, benis. I've not heard of this fellow. It seems this shit is continuously cyclical, for the reasons he gives specifically.

Can I ask, how old are you? I'm curious.

That's a pretty famous song, my dude.


I actually converted & uploaded this one here weeks ago. ;) Near to my heart, since it's from my state. Thank you, user.

I'm slow to the table, unfortunately. I didn't have access to a lot of education material like this, growing up. I'm 29 & just now hearing it for the first time.

I usually know a lot of Bluegrass folk songs. So that's what I'm used to, rather than the much more political ones.


I can do the email stuff, but do they actually read those? I thought their aids just delete them all or send an automated message back.

I mean if i contact Elizabeth Warren, wouldn't i just get an automated response saying
"Look, we have two candidates with a great message; compared to the republicans we're great!"

I can't imagine meeting with them in person. I'm just a student with no influence or power, and i barely have money to buy myself a sandwich let alone some rich politicians. Why would they meet with me?

how new?


I got a personalized email back from my Senator, even dressed me as an eagle scout. Suppose I'm on some list. And even if their staff looks at it, if enough people send the same thing the official will hear about it.

And politicians are always going out to meet with constituents, look at what events they're going and meet them when they come nearby.

Well, I dropped out in 9th grade, didn't go to college. So I didn't get to read a lot about anything.

Pretty damn new, then. From 16-25 on the streets & odd jobs, then got a good job, still struggled, then left the country. Basically I've almost read all the communist manifesto, that's it. No bully pls.

I'm well aware of class though, having been at the bottom you get aware real quick. But as far as theory, I'm an infant.

I hope that answers what you were asking lmao

The most important theory is Self Theory.
Think for yourself and you will do fine.


Yeah, being hard headed & having done lots of drugs, combined with my southern father teaching me to basically hate police & fear them incredibly, has taught me to be wise in that manner. I've been on my own forever so I've had to think for myself survival-wise. That's good advice.

Sorry guys, I'm loopy on painkillers & still sick, so I usually don't post this much. Any help I can get to open my mind up more on these issues, I'll take & am very appreciative.

I'm very interested in the revolutionary music.

Is there a particular author who writes on Self Theory you'd recommend? Or it's just advice in general?

Here's something good that is not too hard to get into. No bullshit, just straight to the point:


Thank you for the baby steps, user.




And liberals still think they are not racist, sexist, whatever.

Just FYI, California still hasn't come in yet. There's still ~30% of the vote left to count.


expected any minute to start

This is what they've been waiting for.

around 3 Million ballots remain uncounted in CA

started lagging for me


You're right, babe. As a functioning adult employed by the public sector, I know first hand the ramifications that defunding federal programs can have, practices Trump is more likely to commit than Hillary. While Hillary may be a war criminal with a catastrophic foreign policy history, Trump would be in a similar position had he prior political experience.


Okay, I'll give emailing a shot. Hope it works


another mirror:



Duge, I would agree with you if it weren't for the high likelihood of a Hillary indictment. I think we can still set our sights higher.

Does anyone have a good recording of Ethel Raim's version of Joe Hill's will? I keep looking & can't find it yet.

I did come across a good website which I thought would have it, but it linked me to this one:
With pic related. What a joke of hypocrisy, right? Special attn. to the sidebar.

Thanks again Benis poster, for starting me out with Phil Ochs.

Well of course, but if that happens it won't matter what we're doing, Sanders will probably take the nomination.

t b h
tfw facts is McCarthyism

I know that most of you will think this is stupid and too abstract and honestly I agree with you but I don't know what else to do at this point. Please sign this, maybe we can inspire people not to support Shillary and instead get more radical. Sorry if this is naive or whatever, but what do you have to lose signing it? Maybe it can be a symbolic victory:

Well, my point was that if we get to the convention and the FBI hasn't even wrapped up its investigation (HIGHLY unlikely, they were "wrapping up" a month ago, so the whole point was kind of silly) we'd want Sanders as VP, because if Clinton gets Nixon'd we couldn't have a better Ford.
See here-

(though that poster is a retard for thinking letting someone in who would finally sign all these dumbfuck Tea Party bills that have been waiting in the wings is a good idea)
Let's be clear. Sanders as VP would be a bad idea because that position is mostly a ceremonial advisory position, and Clinton would not give a fuck what he has to say. All he would be there for is to keep the left and the Democratic Party's left wing in the public eye, be a spectre haunting the Democrats, if you will. The only reason for him to accept VP instead of MinLead is if a Hillary indictment is still a threat. If the DOJ goes "fuck you" and says they won't indict her then the only place for him to go is Minority Leader. And as soon as that becomes Majority Leader, then really, I'd argue he'd be the most important person in Washington save the witch herself.
Another problem I have with your proposal is the idea that Bernie wouldn't try to extract this from the party himself. Sounds like bull to the shit. Hillary scored Secretary of State because it gave her the power she really wanted the presidency for in the first place- the power to wage war, intervene and all that. Hell, I bet she offers it as a concession prize and not the other way around.

These people are fucked in the head
It's like the memes have just rotted their brains completely

Yeah, people should probably sign this. Dunno bout that street address though. Makes me think people will get put on some list.

Just lie m8 it's not hard at all to do

This is more of a symbolic gesture than anything I just want to stoke whatever embers are left of the Sanders campaign

so a spook?

But in all seriousness, Editor has introduced a compelling concession that I think would be a good move forward: getting Bernie elected as the leader of the Senate.

Next to the Speaker, it's the most powerful position in Congress. And it's a position you keep until you step down.

Good idea. I'd suggest though, changing the tite to include: "Not voting for Clinton or Trump".

Just my thoughts.

But it would be difficult. Could we get 50 of those Senators to vote Bernie?

If Reid and Clinton asked them to, I'd think they'd have to go along, and they are who Bernie will be negotiating with.

And regardless, I don't want to see Chuck Schumer with that job.

I changed it

Pls sign

Signed & shared on Twitter, comr8. Good going on initiative.

I'd sign it but I'm not old enough to vote anyway.

Do it anyway

thank you m8 now i dont feel entirely stupid for making it

Don't lose hope, comr8. Sanders isn't going away any time soon. The convention is going to be bananas.

And I love The Editor's idea of making Sanders leader of the Senate. That's a great step forward. And we'll continue with midterms & down ballots from here on out, as well.

I'm definitely not voting for Clinton or Trump, so I felt signing your petition was just fine.

I want to try and encourage people to move beyond the whole thing and start having really radical civil disobedience like the 60s and 70s but IDK how. Right now there's a lot of protest and CB but it's all liberal/left-liberal in nature and it seems like nobody wants actual socialism in america just social democracy or FDR tier reforms

I think that its all a step in the right direction. The left was at the height of its power during the start of FDR's time, after he died the capitalists did everything they could to destroy anything in the left that could pose a threat to them, beating back their neoliberal reforms and control over discourse is necessary to make further advances in my opinion.

Abogado del diablito here, but if you want Sanders to become Senate Majority Leader, vote Dem down-ballot and Trump. Seriously though don't fucking vote Trump unless you want the elimination of all taxes but sales tax. We did that in Puerto Rico as a shitty response to tax evasion and look where we are now. Don't let the Tea Party do shit. Don't even gamble on it.

I respectfully disagree.
Broham, socialism in America is completely kill as long as groups like Socialist Alternative (which is literally the best among them and still damnable in many respects) filled with lifestylist butch punk rock white grills and male feminists with nasty beards and manbuns are leading the charge. Entryism is the way forward unless there's cause for American Revolution Parte Dos (as in, something yuge that gets every normie and their mother upset). I know it sucks but them's the spooks.

but it's already failed so much

Continuing my spoiler here, if you don't want to vote for Clinton out of principle (like me) vote Stein. If you legitimately think Trump would be a better president slap yourself, twist your nipples and then vote for Stein.

Nonsense, entryism is how we got it done in Puerto Rico and the recent Green Party policy changes. Look at Corbyn, too.

Entryism hasn't failed, just compare the state of the democratic party right now to where it was a year ago. If we can continue this trend we'll eventually end up in the place we need to be.

As for lifestylism and idpol in leftist organizations, its just as important for us to get involved with what can be saved and put it on the right course. There will always be an important role for groups like theirs, they can do things people in the mainstream can't.

Protests aren't as effective when the MSM refuses to cover them. There was a protest about CNN's lack of Bernie coverage and guess what, they refused to cover it.

I hope Shillary gets killed, indicted or otherwise lose to Trump, just to teach the DNC not to be crooked bastards that treat the next generation like shit.

Entryism is literally what the populists did to the Democrats and it's ultimately what gave us the New Deal. Entryism is what Nixon's brand of neopaleoconservatives did. It's what the fucking Bolsheviks did, more or less.
What CAN be saved though? It's not in the orgs and it's not online. It's dormant. We'd have to start fresh to entice them, and a movement takeover like that takes money or influence, neither of which we have unless we can convince the Bernie Money Machine to join our cause, and that's not going to happen if Bernie sets up his own alternative. FWIW I'd totally put my efforts behind a new org immediately and vigorously regardless but I just don't see it, we'd get accused of brocialism AND sectarianism. If anything we could entryist Bernie's org, but that's as good as we'll get the way I see it.
Furthermore most of these orgs style themselves as parties which is fucking pointless in a duopoly.

I've been seeing this guys name a lot.
How credible is he?

It looks like the pressure on Bernie is mounting, as is the attempt to pacify his movement by offering up Warren as the example to follow. I never understood why, but liberals adore Warren, in spite of her having always been your run-of-the-mill faux populist.

Fucking traitor. Of all people she should know better.


She's all we've got and she's gobs better than the rest of the rabble.

lol. she's fucking over sander and you say she's all 'we' got. what do you mean by 'we' anyways?

I was defending Warren even after she didn't endorse him before New York.

I'm ashamed to have defended her.

Not just him, she's fucking over everything she claims to stand for. "Tough on Wall Street" is her main selling point, so for her to endorse the ultimate Wall Street candidate will completely ruin her appeal.

We'll know why she never endorsed and campaigned for him if she in fact gets asked to be VP and accepts.

She's fucking over Sanders and she's still better than the Kore Klinton Krew.
I mean progressives.

There's a part of me that hope that this pisses off his supporters more.


So far no one has posted any sort of criticisms. He posts all of his math and his sources, and the only mainstream criticism I've seen he mentions on his blog where he was called a crackpot

But considering what we know about exit polling and the sorts of shenanigans we've seen through this whole primary process I think he's legit.

This made feel some kind of way.

I've been reading articles saying he's a "crackpot" too, but most of his opinions seem semi-reasonable. I'm kind of curious about the book he wrote about JFK now.


Don't fall to the sympathetic Trumpers.
They may feign sympathy, but they have nothing but contempt for us.
Spread it, the movement Bernie started must stay strong!

Yeah, he's just like "look, here are the numbers and here's what they say." It's just statistics, right? It's not some sort of fucking voodoo, so why just call him a crackpot? If it was just a matter of being wrong I feel like it would be really easy to demonstrate mathematically why he's wrong. Instead they just act like he's a crazy person.

Man, fuck trump.

Is stormfront/pol funded by the kochs?

just gonna leave this here

One of the Koch Brothers said he was voting for Shillary recently.
So why would the Kochs fund a group of edgy 13 year olds with a fixation on black cocks?

I forgot about that.

Still, I want to see the world burn.

Probably, they've funded nazi groups and holocaust deniers before. I doubt anything would stop them now.

They're doing that because the Republican party is sinking like a stone. They play idpol on both sides if it benefits their agenda. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Democratic party has become the new favorite party for corporate interest.


spongegar has to be the best shit to come out recently tbh

This next decade going to be shitty, but interesting.

It's kind of obvious now, porkies funding ideologies and idpol to fight each other. I bet Soros and the Kochs are friends. The goal all alonge is make murrika full on fascist before the oncoming economic crash, creating neofuedalism with maybe some sex robots.

Also, we need memes of this.

... This is from Fox News? What the fuck? What is happening to the world?

Oh yeah. I think we're living a time of a major change. I'm not really looking foward to the futre. The modern "left" is disorganized and overly concerned with idpol nonsense and upper middle class issues. Unlike in the the 30s we don't have a strong left to unite the commons. I think America might fall to the brownshirts at this point. I'm scared comrade. hold me.

Post yfw when you realize that Fox News journalists were entryists the entire time

I've noticed that normally right wing sources tend to be more fair if it means a chance to stick it to the left (in this case, Hillary and the Democratic party). The same thing happened with Breitbart during Gamergate.

Now Normie's are stealing it and using it on Twitter and Facebook

I'm okay with it being used for commissar Sanders though. I hope he #bernstheconvention

Sen. Warren I'm HRC

I knew this was coming after she held back for so long. Figured she'd wait until the convention though.

Yep, it hurts her appeal in my eyes. She's playing politics which should be expected, but endorsing the sellout is bad for her.

Does this figure include the quasi-illegal "interim" ballots?

>We'll do a great big, beautiful audit. And make them pay for it, not the citizens!
We are suing the media! They are complicit!
This man needs more money. Rip their throat out, Nate!



holy fuck, someone reposting my 6 month old oc

Hey, Obummer asked Bernie to drop out and he said no, so meh





holy shit

The Hidden Sexism in Calling Out Hillary Clinton’s $12,000 Armani Jacket



Surely this guy knows he's an internet meme by now.. I wonder if he knows & is giving us OC?

I like dapper Harold.

dats my Hillary :D

He does.


that's not him

Fuck, it is him!

I wonder what Bernie is going to demand of Obama as part of a deal during their meeting today.


Bernie Sanders White House press conference soon

This is sickening. The media is now trying to position themselves as some sort of vanguard against Trump, even though they fucking created him.

see how helpful we are? :^)


Seriously, I have to ask if she is just straight up braindead at this point. How the fuck would anyone in their right mind say this at this point in the campaign? Is she just stupid? It's fucking baffling.


Honestly, when I first heard her do the whole 'boo hoo I'm not so good at this politicking thing I've only been doing it for 30 years' I laughed but then I realized it was true and her entire campaign is just awful. Not even the people telling her what to say seem to have their heads on right, who the fuck vilifies a group you're looking to get votes from? I struggle to believe the establishment is really that stupid.

they believe they're entitled to power and find it intolerable to have to appeal to the people

they hate them so much, they can't even conceal their contempt


bernie coming to give speech RIGHT NOW





Bernie confirms he is not dropping out.

Bernie claims that final California vote will show him doing better.

There's a fire somewhere.

The White House is berning a ho hoh oh o

There's also going to be a DC rally today. Here's hoping he goes full socialist.

Fuck it, I'll do it, this time!


>"Congratulate her on her victorIES

Not looking good, but still cautiously hopeful.


The Media has been making bank off of trump since day one. I have no idea where trumptards got this idea that the media is out to get them.

Apparently Sanders arranged a last minute meeting with Chuck Schumer after Harry Reid, maybe they will give him the leadership after all.

He can't mention it without looking like a sore loser, something which he is avoiding by specifically mentioning that he congratulated Shillary. He knows the moment he starts bitching about it, the media is going to dismiss everything he says and focus on "BITTER SANDERS", which will reduce his influence at the convention.

Also, I might be at the sanders rally tonight.

Why Bernie Sanders should build a Tea Party of the left
Right now Bernie Sanders may be sitting on his back porch, leaning on the railing with a cup of tea in his hands as he gazes out across the verdant Vermont landscape and asks himself, "Well, what do I do now?"

He knows he'll have to make some show of unity with Hillary Clinton, and do some campaign events to make sure his supporters get out to vote in the fall. But then what? Is he really going to have a great deal of influence on legislation when he goes back to the Senate? Will Clinton actually take his advice on whom she should appoint to key positions in the administration? How can he translate his remarkable campaign into something lasting?

Here's an idea: Bernie Sanders could lead the Tea Party of the left.

In other words, he could focus his efforts on pulling the Democratic Party leftward, and do so in ruthless ways, by mounting primary campaigns against squishy Democrats in Congress, organizing boisterous rallies against legislation he deems insufficiently liberal, and generally making his party live in fear of him. It may not be the friendliest approach, but it could be the path to maximizing his influence.

Consider what the Tea Party accomplished. Even if its period of maximal impact only lasted a few years, it was one of the most successful movements in recent political history. By knocking off a few incumbents and demanding perfect ideological fealty, it pulled the Republican Party dramatically to the right, both by replacing politicians it didn't like and by making the ones who remained live in terror of its power.

And one of the appealing things about the Tea Party model is that it's centered on elections. This is important for Sanders as he tries to take an electoral campaign and translate it into a movement that can be active over an extended period. Elections are great for gathering people together and motivating them because there's an end date and a clear goal everyone agrees on. It's much easier to get people excited around "Let's win on Tuesday!" than around "Let's put some pressure on the health policy subcommittee so we get good amendments included in the markup and maybe in a few months this bill will on balance be better than it would have otherwise been!"

A Tea Party model could allow Sanders to claim some concrete victories, which can have a considerable impact both in keeping people involved and keeping the rest of the party respectful of his power. Tea partiers realized that primary elections enable you to accomplish a great deal with a relatively small number of people. You don't need a huge national effort to make an impact. Remember when Eric Cantor, then the Republican majority leader, lost his primary in 2014 to a Tea Party challenger? It was a political earthquake that struck fear in the hearts of establishment Republicans everywhere. Barely anyone noticed it was happening before election day, and the winner and now congressman, David Brat, won by getting a mere 36,000 votes.

If the Tea Party has faded today, it's only because its victory was so complete. This year tea partiers could barely find any incumbent Republicans to strike down; North Carolina's Renee Ellmers, who lost Tuesday to a conservative challenger, was the closest thing to an apostate they were able to purge.

And though they certainly didn't get the presidential candidate they wanted, tea partiers always focused their energies more on Congress and local races than on the presidency. That way they could win battles and keep people involved without putting all their chips on one high-profile contest.

There are certainly progressive groups that try to promote the most liberal candidates and criticize compromise from party leaders. But their impact on the Democratic Party as a whole has been modest up until now. Bernie Sanders, however, has the ability (and the mailing list) to unite the kind of voters who supported him around a movement with greater potential to shape the party's future.

But in order to do it, he needs to find a way to keep those supporters excited and motivated, which means clear goals that lead to focused action. Other candidates, like Howard Dean and Barack Obama himself, tried to turn their campaigns into sustained movements and found it extraordinarily difficult. Sanders is almost certainly going to find the same thing. But if he can narrow his focus to putting fear into those Democrats who don't fulfill the liberal vision he and his followers share, he might be able to get somewhere.

So what? He shouldn't have congratulated Hillary, or agreed to work with "the party" that he only entered for the purpose of avoiding tactical votes.

His purpose isn't to be a "good influence" to the Democrats, his purpose is to act as an invasive species. He shouldn't be trying to work with the Democratic establishment, he should be trying to EXTERMINATE them.

He should be ferociously attacking corrupt vote riggers, naming names publicly and launching legal attacks, getting delegates ejected from the DNC, and getting new ones appointed.

He should be promoting likeminded candidates everywhere he goes, and mounting an assault on every weak rightist, Republican or Democrat.

He shouldn't treat the Democratic Party as something to be fixed, he should treat it as an attack vector on the FPTP two-party system.


In the video Obama said he met with Sander's "This week" but he literally met with him an hour ago.

Mind having a source for this, friend?

He just endorsed Clinton though

My b, I meant clinton

FFS what was the happening?

Comey is moving to indict tomorrow.




maybe not


I just realized how Trump is going to win the election and it's fucking killing me.
In the first debate, he's going to call Hillary a cuck. Bill's slept around but she's stayed with him through and through. He's going to win with the cuck memery.

Get off of Holla Forums and I think your opinion will change

I can feel the pain.

I know you're memeing right now but you're also kinda right.
The more Trump digs into Clinton with his stupid alpha-male routine the more Clinton will fall back on calling him a sexist/racist/whatever instead of addressing all the stupid policy proposals he's made.
Most working class people don't give a shit about idpol, and if Shillary keeps playing the women card while Trump pretends to care about workers, the democrats will risk losing the working class vote almost entirely.

He just had a vision of the future Trump presidency.

Why didn't you let him gulag the orange?


I feel the anger.

fucking puppet

This is pure classcucking bullshit.

Take it to Philly, comrade.
so Jonathan "Liberalism is working" Chiat is now saying that Clinton needs to be more right wing if she wants to win over Bernie supporters.
Are they trying to crash the election?



I created an account so i can call out the bourgeoisie Hillary shills, but the moment i create it i get instantly banned for apparent "automated behavior"

fuck, how did they know? What should a comrade do in such a situation


Guys they led Bernie into a trap.

Thanks Obama



Post this everywhere. Post it on medium too; it's full of hill shills who will be pissed




Trump brutally BTFO by Hillary

In response to President Obama endorsing presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Monday, Republican flagbearer Donald Trump used it as an opportunity to take a swipe at his opponent.

While Donald Trump’s tweet amassed over 9,000 retweets, Hillary Clinton had an uncharacteristically brash response that earned her more than 100,000 retweets in less than an hour: she gestured at a classic line used in Twitter arguments and simply said, “Delete your account.”

Can't wait for the Holla Forums butthurt in a couple months time.

The biggest sperg out known to man.

Clinton's PR working the crowd.

technology was a mistake.

that's about the only positive thing I can imagine if Hillary wins

okay that was pretty savage
she's still an insufferable cunt

Holy shit I can't believe the 27 year old running that twitter account said something that hardcore

Debord was right. We didn't listen.

we /int/ now



Pretty good for an underpaid intern

I simultaneously want and dread the possible future of all political discussion basically reaching the point of imageboard shitposting.


That comeback is low-energy. Sad!

what a mess

Vote Comrades


Google always has creeped me the fuck out…

Fuck this election

my god, what have we done.


Because it's owned by porkies, duh.





Holy shit it's true

That's so fucked up

I cannot wait. My boy Bernie may have lost but I will at least see alt-right lose even harder.

Google is basically a new arm of the government.

2016, everybody.




Wow, what a weak reply. His campaign is going down the tubes so fast.

This is a good sign… soon they're gonna just go full Holla Forums tier. This is gonna be a fun election

Yeah, but will boycotting ever work.

I smells shilling.

commies 4 trump ¯\(ツ)/¯

I want to die.


This election is a crying shame

The only choice is armed proletarian revolution


This is going to be the most insufferable general election of all time.


How dare Hillary make fun of Trump! After all, fellow leftists, Trump is basically a communist just like us! We should all vote for him, that'll show her.

Yeah it has. Turnout was shit, naturally.


I can sense this site is being cucked. Oh boy.


I just want to see the world burn sometimes, I guess.

I think I'll keep this flag. Until I'm bored.

If it also mean showing up Holla Forums I wouldn't mind honestly.

post yfw you realize this will only get worse over the next 5 months

At the rally

One day in and already this is the worst general election of all time. We're not even at the convention yet.

that's the dialectic at work tbh

The things in a skatepark, maybe a thousand tops. Gave a quote to a times reporter.

is idpol finally burning itself out?

Here's hoping…

Why do people bother making these infographs?

obligatory now


The lying is real. Muh reez.

I've completely tuned out to all mainstream media. Most people throughout this election cycle so far have gotten to know themselves, how far gone it is, too. I take some comfort in that.


It's for the best. No one should trust mainstream media.

If anything Hillary's victory (and Bernie's craven support) is the apotheosis of idpol in the Democrat party.

Enjoy the TPP, an even more hawkish foreign policy, and yet more Wall Street bailouts and the media fawning over how Hillary's latest sick burn to Republican opponents is real progress


If you read the whole statement she released (not going to link or even screenshot that trash) she uses the EXACT language Bernie used during his campaign while talking about campaign finance reform.

she is a political robot

Im starting to get unironically triggered tbh

Even the alt-right leader ramzpaul is furious about hillary clinton

First as tragedy.
Then as farce

Make it stop


Holy shit that guy is spooked.

Nightmare material.


It's gamergate all over again.

A media circus designed to spook people to the right in sheer anger, while mindless liberals gobble it up.

It's time to unplug, friends.


This is what Hell looks like.


christ it was an okay burn don't take it so sero-
this is my life now


Hillary and Trump. I don't know what to do anymore. The slick entryist nearly saved us, but he was stabbed in the back,

What do we do now? Seriously, what's our best course of action?

epic meemz matter more than policy now

Midterms are what matter the most. We shouldn't let this momentum die out. If it does, we are truly cucked.

what could we have done to deserve this

It isn't us, it's idpol/spooks/munz.

2nd Civil War when?

Though who do we have for mid terms?

Bernie was crafting his entryist plan years, who else do we have like that? Warren is a fake, Stein is too radical for the general population, and would Bernie still have it in him in 4 years?

Who else do we have that can harness this momentum?

Perhaps Bernie could become head of senate, or maybe he could accept Steins offer–though there is far to much pressure on him to be able to do that.

Who else do we have?

it's coming

Ron Paul

His tweet after California was quite touching

Where did all the Hillary supporters go?

In the gulags :^)




See, look you sexist Berniebros. He brought her more to the left. :^)


you feel it too don't you?

8/10, made me reply even though it's obvious bait

So now Bernie folds and is now a good boy to Hillary, what does Holla Forums think?

Only reason he's doing that is to get a better position in the Senate. If it was me, I'd blast every one of those crooks and call out the election fraud that ruined democracy.

I'm really tempted to use "cuck" if Bernie quietly returns to the senate without rightfully slamming Crooked Hillary and the whole Democrooked party.

You got an excuse for everything Bernie does, don't you?

I guess now you will support Hillary too since it *can* get Bernie somewhere.

That is the look of a man who is about to be crucified. He dared to dream and now the DNC is going to make him pay for it. That's what all of those meetings where about.

His supporters make up almost half of the Democratic electorate. Hillary needs those votes to win the presidency, so they're going to force him to sell-out in a foolish attempt to save their soulless candidate.

If Bernie ever needed our support, now is the time.

There's still hope. The big weak spot is that the Sanders campaign itself isn't pushing for justice against election riggers, so we have to do that ourselves.

Did you read the post? I'm never supporting Hillary. I don't know why Bernie would support her unless he was strong-armed or bribed with a better job.

What do we do, tell him to resist the evil powers that be?

Or he was weak-willed as usual.

He realize going against Hillary would make him lose the thing he has right now.

Head of Senate while his supports build our version of the Tea Party outside of Congress.

Breddy gud. Txh m8.

I'm getting spooked

people give berniefags shit for being essentially reactionary socdems, but I feel like with a little pushing they could become actual socialists

I'm basically a berniefag and I've been further pushed to the left by this, though then again I also have an anarcho syndicalist friend who has attempted to radicalize me for the past 3 years


That's why I despise those who make kneejerk denouncements of campaigns like Sander's, they actively deny the radicalisation and window pushing potential of these sorts of movements. They are under this deranged notion that you can just shout about da boozjwah and throw copies of DasKap at people and they'll break out of their ideological cage by themselves.

I know. It's hopeless. The only end result of this I can see is fascism. It feels bad man.

I have similar sentiments. TPP also had a part in it.

Don't forget all the fucking fraud that's gone on this primary.

Any county in gold must be purged

Warren just endorsed Clinton.


fuck this faggot shithole

Why are there so many lefties in the pacific northwest? Is it the weather and nice scenery?


they look sort of similar from that angle lmao

snake in the grass

She's going to be her VP in an attempt to win over Bernie's base. I hope it doesn't work.

I am so, so smug that I moved to Hawaii before the hipsteratti plague destroyed central California.

Probably left redneck spooks I guess.

kill me
we were supposed to be the vanguard of the revolution

There's still like 3 million votes to be counted there my dude



Why didn't we want the South to secede again?

Not letting the south succeed was a mistake. Sherman did nothing wrong.

Why spongegar though? Like why did you pick that image to express your distaste?

arming the socialist revolution would be some 10/10 shit


Fucking coward.



time for sanders to use those militia connections



I'm just about done lads. These people have no sense of irony

It's called manufacturing a narrative lad.

Seriously everyone.

Do you really think that a man who has been against the establishment his entire career would "fall in line" after a clearly weighted primary that looked almost designed to work against him?

Do you really think a man who has been fighting for the poor and working class his entire life would give up on them when things got rough?

Do you really think a man who has railed against income and wealth inequality for decades would trust Hillary Clinton, of all people, to take the fight to Wall Street and Big Business?

Do you really think a man who has cared about the lives of veterans and active duty servicemen and women would trust a warhawk like Hillary Clinton to lead the United States in the direction of peace when peace is what we need most right now?

Do you really think a man who has collected hundreds of millions of dollars from regular, everyday Americans, would just give up, drop out, and endorse the literal poster woman of the establishment?

Do you really think a man that has vowed to fight for every last vote (including superdelegates) would renege on his promise when times are difficult?

Do you really think a man who has said numerous times that we are going to the convention no matter what, would go back on that promise all of a sudden?

Do you really think Bernie is stupid enough to believe that changing the Democratic Party platform is any sort of guarantee that the establishment will actually pursue that platform in Washington?

Bernie knows things we don't know. And it probably relates to Hillary Clinton's FBI investigation. I bet Obama knows things we don't know as well.

We promised to stay in this fight until the convention and beyond. We've gotten Berniecrats elected all over the nation, and we're fundraising for many more.

Bernie is going to that convention for a reason. A lot can happen between now and July.

Do you really think the State Department's ridiculously harsh critique of Clinton's conduct as Secretary of State will not have implications in what the FBI reveal at the end of an investigation that is over a year long?

Do you seriously believe that it would take the FBI over a year to find out that Clinton didn't break any laws?
Get real.

Respect the man's intelligence. He can see the same things we've been seeing in regards to things like voter purges, the FBI investigation updates, the dirty establishment tricks against him. He knows what we know and then some.

Everything he has done until this point has been to galvanize a movement. It would have put us in no better a position right now for him to have gone full on attack mode from day one, to start calling out the fraud and voter purges, to start railing against long entrenched Democrats in a harsh manner. He's built an image, and now that the House of Cards is going to tumble down, he'll have the resources he needs to build a newer, more beautiful home for us all.

Things are just getting interesting. Get your popcorn ready, I'll see you in Philadelphia.



Cenk seems so clueless. He kept rationalizing it in that video "oh but things will probably change when we find out how scary Trump is!". Hey dumbshit, Hillary is just as scary.


fuck yes



cenk is a well spoken moron

In other news, Alex Johnes channel claims they have inside info on Bernie's meeting with Obama:
Sanders Turned Down VP Position



If Infowars claimed the sky was blue I would have to look outside to check.

Based berniebros
Crashing this Election

Kshama lowkey calling out capitalism

Truth. I bet the D.C. rally is going to be epic.

Look at that shit. Look at it. The DNC are going to throw away millions of votes this election. MILLIONS. No amount of Elizabeth Warrens is going fix this.

Philly is going to be an amazing circus.

All this is true, but one important fact remains: The Sanders campaign hasn't directly taken part in any of the legal actions against electoral fraud, and Sanders himself hasn't openly decried any of the blatant misconduct.

The one and only chance Sanders' supporters have any direct influence in, not the superdelegates, not the FBI, but us, is recounts. Sanders has dropped the ball, so we must throw all our support behind organizations that actually are attempting to carry it.


Alex Jones: This is election fraud. Hillary has stolen the election from Bernie.

Trump is apparently cozyying up to Kissinger
So Hillary Clinton's state department was actually funding child soldiers in Africa.
I kinda want to spread this around social media just to see how hillbots react.

That's a fucking stupid idea. Kill yourself.

Read this guys.

Not gonna happen. Even if Bernie got 2.5 million extra votes and Clinton got 500,000 it would just put him closer to the delegate gap 8 years ago.

Why are you salty?

I'll just go kill myself now.
It still has to pass the Senate and the President still has to sign it, but the latter will 100% happen.

What are the implications of this?

I guess you haven't been paying attention to my incessant bickerings about this bill? Whatever.

Basically it creates a federal board to manage Puerto Rico's economy (not politely provide suggestions, MANAGE. Like a company) in almost exactly the same fashion the Soviets would use to control the economies of their satellite states. The officials are appointed some by Barry O'Bama and some by Mitch McConnell (hur hur hibernians etc.), not democratically, and the government of Puerto Rico gets no say in any of this and certainly not in the Congressional voting process because we don't get any representation. The hope is that if we stomp our feet hard enough we'll get some concessions.

Pedro Pierluisi, our non-voting delegate, is a complete moron and shill and recently talked to Obama about supporting the bill, which he was probably going to do anyway. Hopefully Obama gets some sense knocked into him and says he'll veto it for enough concessions or we cause a big enough stir to convince the senate not to pass it.

Kill me.


Does this mean more of a chance of killing TPP?

So, basically like Michigan's "emergency manager" corporate city dictatorships, but for the equivalent of an entire state?

So, sorry if this has been asked already but, with that recent statement he made about "working with Hillary to stop trump" that…that doesn't mean he's capitulating to her r-right? He's still taking ti all the way to the convention in Philly right? RIGHT ?

he specifically did not endorse her so yes he's going to the convention.
Plus the White House just called the email stuff a "criminal investigation" so indictment is still on the table


By the way, the White House's spokesman recently called the FBI thing a "criminal investigation". And I read on Reddit that the director of the FBI has been trying to put the Clintons behind bars since Whitewater. Plus that thing on CNN supposedly about how the FBI will move to indict tomorrow which I couldn't find on the internet.
It's totally happening, you guys. The only thing that can stop it is Loretta Lynch or Obama stopping it, and the FBI has threatened to go public instead.

I don't want to start any false hope but imagining Shittery Clinton (because she poops her pants) getting fired because she's convicted gives me warm and fuzzy feelings.

No, class war. Us vs them. There are class conscious southies such as myself. There are people in Kentucky, West Virginia for instance who would love to overthrow/take back the government.

Burn them in their mansions. Take what's rightfully ours.

This election has radicalized me. Before I just hated the government. Now I'd love to play a part in overthrowing it.


Oh, if they're true progressives then of course it means less chance of the TPP.

But people really need to research the candidates, because there are some fuckfaces who are tea partiers basically, pretending to be endorsed by Bernie to get elected; using his popularity. The Humanist Report I believe did a video about one, lemme find it..
Dirty shit. I really wish more people would just do simple research on candidates.

V will probably take the bait. It's smells like it was planned…


shit got real

CPUSA:' Clinton makes history'

Was he the faggot that got really butthurt because of the black bloc at occupy?

Hedges has been pretty real from the start but he's really been going all in lately. I don't blame him. We're running out of time to build up a sufficient civil disobedience movement centered on working class, environmental and actual student issues. If Sanders deflates after the Convention I'm worried that the fervor currently existing is going to die down and we'll just end up in a similar situation to the last 8 years or we'll have a Trump presidency with little opposition.

Hedges has come a long way since then IMO


hey, here's hoping we have a proper march
that might inspire something good to happen in the convention


Doesn't it feel good to be on the right side of history?

I'm mainly hoping it happens to pressure Sanders not to give in or get talked into becoming a full blown shill and also because any genuine, bottom up pressure on the establishment is good imo.

On the other hand I just want to see all the Shillbots get even more butthurt then they already are after the Nevada convention

The good thing is that if he responds with solidarity towards the protesters and gets pressure to go third party or otherwise support something outside the system, his movement will stay organized whereas if he buckles and goes full faggot shill it'll be less organized but people will be even more pumped up and angry about the corrupting power of the system. There's pretty much no lose state here, so long as we keep the energy up.

I'd like to go. I don't live nearby but I'd happily drive across states to get there. Was going to make a sign, with #HillaryForPrison & #BernieOrBust or something similar across the top and a QR code on the body. I want the QR code to link to something people can read to show them why. What's a normie-friendly source on what's wrong with Hillary?

He was right tho. This is completely different.

do it nigga now is the time

notice Chairman Dore shouting at Cenk Burguy


It's almost like in my country, Greece.

Jimmy is so fun to watch, even if he's a little much of a liberal faggot at times.

He's the only member of TYT except Kulinski who isn't afraid to be a boistrous and fun. Everyone else just wants to seem super serious and composed which is dumb

I want to fuck Ana Kasparin in the mouth so bad

He's still the most to the left from the staff.

they know it's coming

wew lads

Protests Planned for the Democratic National Convention

Jimmy is a pro-gun-control liberal faggot.

danke comrade

in that case trump is a liberal you stupid faggot

lol ok

To be fair he's also deep into the idpol stuff, he's pretty liberal but that doesn't mean he can't eventually end up being a proper leftist.

Not that the entirety of TYT don't deserve some quality time with reeducation through labor in the gulags, but can you name any big names on the left today who AREN'T antifun idpol liberal faggots?

Puerto Greco





CPUSA is a mess


The very definition of Democrat entryists.

Also Lucero saying "Mugabe was a socialist comrade" and other stupid shit like that, makes me sad they are the biggest communist party in the US.

Fucking hilarious & hypocritical.


skip to :40 and 1:40 for him to start bullshitting

It's an FBI front/honeypot. What do you expect.

He later admitted that he saw undercover federal agents dressing as black bloc members and were instigating violence.

I think the past couple of years has changed his perspective on political violence. I don't know if he condones it as much as he sees it as an inevitability at this point.

Oh my god. This PROMESA is like the cruelest joke ever played. Fucking Luis Fortuño, THE GOVERNOR WHO CRASHED OUR ECONOMY THROUGH INACTION, may be the chairman of the FCB.
He tried to destroy Puerto Ricos environmental resources so his buddies could build public shit to "create jobs" like 4 times, never reformed our shitty tax code and blew up the debt. And now he might be in charge of fixing it. He only won one term. Can you fucking believe this shit?
Public-private partnerships are a huge problem in Puerto Rico and the culmination of crony capitalism.
Don't let this happen to your country. Unless you're Greece. Or Michigan. If you're not one of us, take notes. This is what neoliberals want long term. Technocratic fascism. It's why they love PPPs so much, why they hate whistleblowers and protesters so much, and what their emphasis on deregulation boils down to. And this is why that technocratic namefag can fuck off.

Solidarity, comrade

I'm surprised there aren't people out on the streets over this.


I don't know much about them, but what do technocrats have to do with it?

Delete Holla Forums.



I swear to God I am living in some sort of comedy Truman Show

I can't go to the convention, but here's a sign idea


I hope this pisses off V. I hope there's a shitstorm like none would ever believe.

Democracy Now! is a great news source, imo.

"As California Admits 2 Million Ballots Remain Uncounted, Sanders Pushes for Changing Primary Process"

They also speak on the TPP.

that's concerning.
I can't say it's something they wouldn't do.


That sub is swarmed with /r/ess posters, look through their historys.


Hillary's correct the record superpac on reddit.


Guys what is up with her head movements at the beginning of this video.

It's lovecraftian

She began to channel Nytharlop for a moment.

Be careful, they get pretty salty though when you do

There's some capitalist dark magic in those cold lattes


Nyarlathotep is already being channeled through Donald Trump

/r/EnoughSandersSpam is a subreddit run by the "Fempire" Reddit SJW cabal as a staging ground for Hitlary's paid astroturfer shills and indoctrinated goons to launch attacks against pro-Sanders subreddits.

Ah, that's how you spell it. I don't really know my Lovecraft entities too well.

Who is Hillary channeling? Yog-Sothoth?

Correct the record is one of Hillary's massive superpacs that specialize in shilling on social media such as reddit, twitter, facebook, various news sites, etc.

It's not even a conspiracy theory, it's a true fact and that are extremely active

Perhaps Shub-Niggurath

They've also infiltrated the moderation of /r/politics. They recently decided to ban all "state sponsored news sources" (e.g. TeleSUR) because so much of it exposes the truth about Hillary.


Are they banning PBS too? NPR?

Nope, the official list of banned sources is:,,,,,,, and all associated sites and Youtube channels

Fucking lol

They banned russia today? What the absolute fuck

It gets better: the reason stated for the ban is because "they manipulate the US electorate" with "half-truths."

Only pro-Freedom™ channels are permitted here, fellow citizen.

what. the. fuck. is her problem?


Also, Obama met with Loretta Lynch after meeting with Bernie. Very peculiar.

Speaking of /r/ess/, I've either somehow earned the ire of another French Clinton supporter, or the first one is now responding to some of my posts with a sockpuppet account

give me the skinny user, whats your theory?

What if our existance is only a simulation run by extrememly advanced aliens in order to see how shit the world would have been if they had never achieved communism?

Same goes for, which is probably run by the same people

I'd love to believe that Obama, Comey and Lynch are running the long con against Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and are about to hit her with the biggest FICO case of the 21st century.

But in reality, he probably told Lynch not to prosecute Clinton because it would destroy party unity and morale and allow Trump to win, etc. If this is the case, one wonders what Obama is getting from Clinton in return.

Well I'm going to have to paraphrase descartes here and say "that wouldn't happen because aliens are inherently good". I mean that was his solution to the Evil Demon, which is basically the same shit. Though he thought it was god that was good, not aliens.

Didn't Elon Musk come out recently as saying that he believes life is a simulation/video game?

It's not like he's a radical that has to be bought out. He's bourgeois, of course he's going to help Clinton.

He's bourgeois, sure, be he also dislikes Hillary quite a bit.

He dislikes he so much that he gave her Secretary of State.

Doesn't make him right though.

Well, that's when he started disliking her. Lots of beltway insiders/reporters reported about their very contentious relationship while she was at the State Department. In private I bet he flips his shit about the email scandal.

They both have the same neoliberal goals, they just have different approaches.

Why? They are pretty much the same person besides Hillary having a little bit less respect for innocent lives.

Wouldn't surprise me if he still holds a grudge against her for the 2008 campaign. That shit was ugly. She basically started the "Kenyan muslim" meme.

Was also reported earlier this year in some new book on First Ladies that Michelle despises Hillary.

Lets be fair to Hillary, Obama's time hanging out with muslims and his visits to muslim countries before he was president make him think hes a muslim.

Also probably that he's black.

Hillary didn't paint Obama black.


Some of his friends from college are muslims and during his senate career he went overseas to the middle east a few times.

Though mostly that was to tell palestinians "hamas sucks isreal rules dude, hang ten" and then do a flip off a turnpike or whatever people do with skateboards.

how do they justify banning or not-banning the BBC

Bill will hook him up with tickets for a flight to the island filled with underage prostitutes that his friend owns.

With a wife like Michelle to go home to can you blame him? Even if she did look good considering she is supposedly very intelligent he probably has developed some kind of inferiority thing, despite being president. He just needs to feel powerful again user, cant you understand the free world is his only bargaining chip? He needs this!

TheAmazingAtheist reacts to Hillary's victory

Bananaman can be based sometimes.

Here's some more of his/her autism

Hillary's support literally has a near 1:1 correlation with internet penetration

I just find it funny how it's totally okay for them to pal around with Holla Forums but damn, because of those Bernie Bros Sanders is the fucking devil!

Not to mention how they've essentially been using Hillary's black support as a fucking cudgel to bludgeon Bernie's supporters. Also don't Latinos support Bernie more than Hillary? I know women did.


I remember ebaumsworld.

Is that fucking Chloe Moretz

Mankind was a mistake.


They're just digging themselves deeper.

Are these people stupid or just filled with hubris?

They're going for the Holla Forums demographic I see

It'll work.

It'll push those floating voters back into the Democrat party pen, and the left-wingers out to pasture.

Yes, she has been campaigning for her actively for the past 7 months or so

She's been posting dank memes on Twitter all day today.

Christ that icon only makes me hate her more

This is "tell us how you feel about your student debt in 3 emoji or less" tier of retardation.


That's still far more retarded and condescending

Nyarlathotep has a thousand masks, my friend. He is both Hillary and Trump.

This is fucking pathetic.


I'll just leave this here.

Christ, every tweet from Hillary for the last couple hours has been about Trump, women, Trump on women, or reproductive rights

Now that Sanders and his pesky "real progressivism" are out of the way, Clinton is free to appeal to LCD idpol to try and win the election through single-issue vagina voters.

This. Apart from empty, word-for-word snippets Hillary is going to steal from Sanders, most of the election will be "HILLARY IS A WOMAN" and "TRUMP IS THE ABSOLUTE EVIL".

I don't think they even have a game plan for when Trump inevitably begins stealing policies from Sanders, like offering free college tuition and debt absolution.

I wish we could stop looking at her tweets. The whole thing is autistic. I seriously don;t care about who president anymore. As long as people fix shit in the midterms/congressional.

for the love of god

I'm a moderate centrist, with admittable bias against authoritarianism, who shares views with the right and left roughly equally. From the beginning I couldn't really decide who to vote for because everyone seemed like shit to me.

This election has left me reluctantly convinced that first-past-the-post democratic representation is a failure, even a reform into a multiple transferable vote system probably wouldn't give us a decent government.

Perhaps an elitist type of science (and moreover, empiricism)-directed government with a minimum intelligence/merit requirement would work better to strive for in the late future.

I dunno. I'm just sick of all of it. I want to say fuck it all and not give a shit anymore, but apathy is death, as the saying goes.

Liquid Crystal Display


The Ride!
It Doesn't End!

Is that Angela Davis?

Hillary has no shame does she

lowest common denominator

God damn current year man.

Why does she looks like a cardboard cutout?

She hasn't fed recently so she's reverting back to her original form.

I think Jon Stewart is the only college liberal talk show type that hasn't completely shat on bernie at this point
It gets better when you realize Angela Davis won't even endorse her.

That was basically my point


Haha oh man do you guys remember when the Clinton Global Initiative gave formaldehyde laced trailers to the survivors of the earthquake in Haiti? What a hoot.

This fucking shit needs to stop.

And remember that one time when she blocked Haiti from raising its minimum wage? Can't wait for 4 years more years of that fun

Honestly, what are Hillary's progressive achievements? Maybe S-CHIP

What else?


Bourgeois democracy is a failure, not merely FPTP.

What would you do?

Oh, actually I pointed that out to the head mod and he fucking blocked me. I suggest very early preemptive "just in case" Brockian shenanigans.

Technically is, the problem just goes much deeper than lolberts are willing to admit.


Technocrats shit on people's rights for "muh efficiency". Which will be irrelevant entirely in a post-scarcity society but don't tell them that.

I hate this country

These people are sick in the head.

This isn't funny or clever at all. Hell, have most people 18-25 even seen Fargo? That shit was like 20 years ago. The fuck. How do people find this appealing.

shit, you mean Hillary just hired her own set of Trolls from Olgino? Pray to Lenin they don't find this site.

ha ha silly berniebros, remember that indictment is impossible.


She's a reptilian robot programmed to "politics"

I feel so used… I believed in her. It's like when John Snow looked after Ollie as if he was his brother and then he ends up stabbing Jon anyway.


Something's up

What do you mean they were banned from half-chan?

Also what about Argentina? Never heard anything about that.


I agree and might have decided to imply that too, but I didn't want to make my post overly complicated in what it was trying to convey.

I don't claim to have all the answers, but what I think is the truth of matters is thus:

The problem is that at its very core humanity is deeply flawed. All these systems and social conventions we've tried across history collapse and stagnate time after time because our very nature erodes them. It's lucky we've progressed at all. Absolute perfection may be unreasonable to strive for, but we're for the most part obsolete to the future we see ahead of us. Technology and science outpaces biology. It's a battle against our weakness.

The masses are all proving to be useful idiots once again and this has thus undermined my faith in the concept of democracy at least for this generation, the corruptible in power play their little games as they always have, and those of us who actually understand the world and human nature or at least somewhat pick up on reality for what it is are left to watch the shitshow.

I want a smarter, stronger human race that has evolved (perhaps, genetically engineered as such) beyond all the pointless delusion and insanity of our past and present, that will stake its claim upon the vast reaches of space where I think we rightly will one day persist. Given the resources and international will to so, we could do it. We could build a better future where the strength and cunning of the individual commands the future, not the folly of the collective, and leave all these weak-minded fools behind to fade into history.

She wants that VP ticket so bad.

Yeah, that was my instant thought, too. I've done enough crime in my day You know it's going to be some shitty wired fence.

Security/cops are going to be the main worry or obstacle. But with enough people & as many distractions that will be going on at the time, many will slip through. Especially if enough bring wire-cutters. You'll need at least one real strong dude in each group, because it's harder than you think, cutting through some fencing using basic handheld cutters. I'm sure they've made improvements though. And I'd say get shopping asap, you don't want to do it so close to convention time in case you get caught..

But Nietzsche guy! You do not recognize that the weak aren't born, but made. Let's not idealize the aim. Even if you wished to challenge other men, and fight for supremacy: who would you be to fight on uneven ground? Overcoming any bounds is easy on a pitched slope! Instead of fighting weak men, fight those who prevent you from seeking proper contest!

Wasn't everyone saying that Warren would be more productive in the Senate than in the Vice presidency anyways?

She's worse.

With her in a war with Russia is much more likely, as is even a war with Iran…..she'll fight anybody her doners want her to.

Just look at her "Nuclear advisory committee". She put a fucking donor onto that whose only experience was with trading shares.

He had top secret clearance for fucks sake.



Though it's even though she denies it, she colluded with Hillary months ago and was picked then. Warren knows how to talk her way out of anything, though in maddows recent interview, the one explicitly titled something along the lines of "Warren does not want VP" she implies at the very end of the video that she wants VP

How to spot CTR Hill Shills

Well, as far as reality goes I wouldn't assert that personally, since I can see the potentialities of those born weak made strong by circumstance just as well as those born strong could be made weak by circumstance. Perhaps I do idealize too much about the future, but it is ever in conflict with a cynical pragmatism as I'm unsure how those ideals could realistically be achieved anyhow in the face of facts, the 'doing' being something far different from the considering,

As for the 'uneven ground', I do not know how it could be done away with in the first place, and is not the tenacity of a man forged in adversity?

It is the way of the weak to prevent a proper battle of ideas with the use of a plethora of dishonorable methods, so I'm not sure why you're dividing them into two groups. Do you mean people with power and people without?

What approach would you propose?

I'm envisioning a Clinton presidency and can't stop thinking about all the civilians dying and being injured, displaced, trafficked, and raped, losing their families and developing mental illnesses. Can I get a support group? My heart is breaking. We can't let this happen.

Sanders would do this too, but he wouldn't be so casual in deciding who to occupy, war with, or topple, nor so as aggressive in method.

Sorry for pic related being so cancerous. I got a new computer a couple months ago and lost my original reaction folder.


Sanders has voted for some wars and regime changes, but not nearly as many. The US still wouldn't be pacifist under his leadership but it'd be a huge improvement. Don't forget he's only a socdem.

Her references are so out of date that their source has been adapted to a TV show.

No, he's a socialist. Coops may be only a small part of his overall platform and he may have conflated socialism with social democracy this primary in an attempt to not sound so radical, but he's a pretty clear socialist personally if you remember his past.

I just watched this week's episode of Real Time. I've been thinking it's time to stop, and this was the final straw.

Last episode, Bill Maher did his little monologue on how capitalism is like a religion to the boomers, but millennials are open to socialism. But then holy fuck he sounded like Reagan tonight.

I used to watch this show for his attempts to get some kind of substantive conversation on his panels but this is pure cancer. I hope the revolution comes soon so he can go up against the wall.

He spent his Honeymoon in Russia attending a Lenin seance

He's the slickest entryist

W-what? Comrade Sanders believes in that spooky bullshit?

LA flipped! I knew we didn't vote for Shillary!

No, it was a joke. Though he did spend his honeymoon in Russia, that part is true

Lol, and he did it with Tom Morello sitting right next to him. Isn't Morello basically a card carrying communist, or has he become less radicalized with age?

Earlier in the show, Morello was basically saying it's a systemic problem and blaming individual people within it is missing the point. Bill Maher rejoined with "what are you an anarchist?" and Morello made a face like "B R U H".


Bill Maher has always been the single worst human being on TV. Even when I was a liberal I hated him.

Wait, is Tom Morello an anarchist? I know RATM loves the Zapatistas.


Fucking RATM.

I seriously doubt it.

what the fuck, Holla Forums, a real socialist candidate and ive never seen you fags mention him once, not even once. hes asking for a REAL revolution, not the socdem shit bern-bern is asking for.

Go jump in a wood chipper. Seriously.

there you go then, it's a performance art piece

Tom Morello on Overtime

He was great on the show. The only reason I watched it. If anyone wants a link to the show, here:

I recommend just fast forwarding to Tom, though. Bill has Barbara Boxer on & licks her asshole. His show sucks so hard.

This is some cringe-inducing humor. Gives current year man a run for his money.


Ugh, Barbara Boxer.
The bitch that tried to legitimize the pile of shit that was the Nevada Democratic Convention.
The one that felt "threatened" because she disenfranchised all the Bernie supporters in the state. Oh poor Barbara. The Barbara that cried to the MSM about the mean prolies that dare object to the stolen election. Not even Bill Maher will hold her feet to the fire. What a sleazy network of scumbags that scratch each other's backs.

Yeah, his interview with her was awful.
>BB: "I'm leaning in favor of legalizing weed."
Meanwhile there are people with diseases that are only known to be treatable with medical marijuana and most states won't even do that. This shitcunt belongs at the end of a fucking rope.

Oh, can we please go on?
It really bothers me when Holla Forums thinks all lefties are prey to identity politics. It's not us, it's the dumb electorate that think woman = progressive. Barbara Boxer, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of those cunts are the same as any politician. They're so dependent on campaign money and insider deals that they're afraid to actually stand up for something unpopular. The only difference is if someone rightfully yells at them for being deceitful corporate whores, they get to cry like a damsel in distress and the propaganda networks interview them as if an angry crowd didn't just yell, but gang-raped her.

That's why I'd love it if Jill Stein gets a huge percentage of Bernie voters, which ends up handing the election to Trump. Then the media will be too afraid to attack her for interrupting their plutocracy because she's a woman.

Faux liberals that manage to fool California make real progressives look bad. I'm in Colorado and we actually have legalized weed, and didn't need two vaginas in suits to make it happen.

I hate to use Ben here, but this one really goes to your point.

Par for the course for pretty much any mainstream political ideology.

What do you have against Ben "Gas the Ruling Class" Garrison?

His Sanders stuff, for one, is laughable. And I think he's moved substantially to the right since this stuff, for example.


i am fucking sick and tired of fucking idealism and moralism

it is your job to seize power at the earliest opportunity and to ram your program down the throats of the bourgeoisie

no more feelgood nonsense, the hour is far too late and the stakes far too fucking high

i am sick of "principled" political impotence

the "principled" refusal to engage in the dirty world of politics has brought us to the edge of the fucking precipice

we are so supremely fucked on all fronts that even the most well organized attack on the ruling class probably will not save us, and we aren't even doing that

fucking shits

OK but

How do you get people to do that? Most people don't understand the gravity of the situation, and leftists as a whole don't agree about how to deal with it.

It would make the most sense to me if the revolution started soonish and spread globally, and people in different parts of the world all tried different forms of socialism. Like, each country has several socialist parties, who all agree on the basics but not the details and would band together if they needed to stomp out a resurgence of capitalism.

At this point, does it really matter what kind of leftist you are more than that you are leftist?

Because this thread and this board are full of reddit-tier socdem reformists that think you can compromise with capitalism.

Material conditions shape human nature. "Strength" and "weakness" are human qualities determined by those material conditions. To establish a species of Übermenschen, we must eliminate the conditions which produce Untermenschen. It is our opinion, as radical leftists, that class-based hierarchical systems like capitalism produce weaklings, for class requires a subordinate to exploit. Our solution is communism. Eliminate the material conditions which produce weakness—alienation, exploitation, oppression, hierarchy, etc.—and weak people cease to exist.

I'm only framing this in Nietzschean terminology because you seem to have an affinity for him. Nietzsche was an extremely reactionary person, however, and is only marginally relevant in radical leftism. He was virulently opposed to the socialists of his day, set the philosophical grounds for Nazism, and despised democracy (as opposed to just bourgeois "democracy", which is actually not democratic). Max Stirner is usually preferred to Nietzsche among radical leftists.

From the comments

>BREAKING NEWS: Election Attorney Cliff Arnebeck filed a major RICO racketeering lawsuit June 6, 2016 against the voting machine companies whose code that fractionalized votes and so delegate distribution was found by Bev Harris (
Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers ), and against the media that was complicit in covering up the crime of election theft by adjusting the exit polls to match the fraudulent voting machine counts which was found by Richard Charnin and Beth Clarkson ( ).

>Originally, attorneys Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis were going to file their RICO lawsuit earlier on June 6th in order to get the networks to release the raw data on exit polls for the California primary. The networks cancelled the exit polls instead.


(insert Ron Paul gif)

That doesn't mean they actually support her. She's just the lesser of two evils.

Hillary is going to be another Justin Trudeau, a retarded place holder until you can run a real candidate. The Shillbots can sing for joy about that while Berniecrats are elected to congress.

Fuck Ron Paul, have a Slick Entryist gif.

if I wanted Reagan elected I'll vote for Trump.
you mean someone who is pro-corporate? Then Hillary is like a globalization fascist.


That's coloured as Clinton held though

We have mentioned him though

Try harder

It's kind of sad to think that part of the reason millions of young people are rushing to Bernie is because their own parents don't show as much love or understanding of their generation as he does.

God that was painful
well, there goes any chance of the greens becoming a major party.


Epitome of spinelessness

Scary how prescient they were.

I want to see Zizek on this show so fucking badly.

Microeconomics are the same thing as macroeconomics! Remember, commies are the ones who don't understand the economy.

their disappointment will fuel the revolutionary fire

youth cadres now


American "Progressives" finna go full Socialism I swear 2 god

Wal-Mart stock options and a how to guide on how to give shitty speeches to colleges and banks for mega bucks most likely

When you said Debbie I thought you meant Wasserman-Schultz


lol me too

This video almost made me cry.

>Muh ignorance of pure, reliable, safe medicines that must be made from synthetic derivatives of everything from opium to cocaine
If you want to get baked, be honest and stop hiding behind the sick and dying.


Quit projecting, bitch-ass nigga. I was referring to specific cases where a disorder can't be treated successfully with other known methods. There are cases with parents traveling across states to places where they can use cannabis oil to treat their kids' seizures. This is a problem with a known solution, which is legalizing medical weed at least. I support legalizing all drugs, but that's beside the point. The infuriating thing is that people like Boxer are standing on bullshit principles instead of honestly evaluating the reality of the situation.
I am fine with both of these things. Contrary to your maximum retardation, it's possible to be pro-weed and pro-other drugs.

Adolph Reed is the man


It's not, I checked.

Be honest, how many are posting yourself?


because he's an attention-whoring faggot, see

Schedule, not title, right. Durr…

backing BDS won't effect their popularity at all, are you retarded?

Yes, Schedule I.

California: "100.0% ( 22,356 of 22,356 ) precincts partially reporting as of June 10, 2016, 6:43 p.m."

What the fuck is "partially reporting"? How does a precinct "partially report" a presidential primary? How do news networks call a race based on "partial reports"?

Hey don't worry about it guy Hillary's united the party already :^)

typical bernie bro


Hey, man it's some high tech new Democracy. You probably wouldn't understand it. Just go vote and don't worry about it.


Yeah, the left (in the US and elsewhere) as a whole are 110% behind current Muslim regimes, seeing Israel and their American cronies as the sole serpent of discord in the tranquil eden that is the mid-east, resulting in the overwhelming majority of UN resolutions and condemnations both in the mid-east and worldwide.

Because nobody has created a cannabinoid drug, submitted it to the FDA, and had it cleared in clinical trials as an effective treatment for any specific condition.


That's not how the classification works. It's illegal to do any of that with a Schedule I drug.

what strawman "left" are you talking about? Even Jill Stein talks shit about Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, etc. from:@DrJillStein&src=typd

BASED KYLE tearing apart Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren

Elizabeth Warren On MSNBC: I'm Ready To Fight For Hillary Clinton

I wonder if this is intended as some sort of sop to the bernie camp

Stein is part of the outer fringe. I'm talking about stuff that's PC for clickbait blognalists to embed in InstaFace or whatever for normalfags to retwat at each other.


Wow, Pocahontas is a piece of shit traitor to anyone who cares about the interests of the people. By "our side" she means Democrats.

fucking lmao

Goddamn I love this man. I really do wonder what all he knows, too..

Don't be sad. That prick Harry Reid set that shit up.

Reminds me of in South Park after the cripple fight is already done.. "Ok boys, break it up".
ayy lmao

As someone who's dabbled in programming, it's pretty scary to see how little government officials understand technology.

he probably means center-left

psst, it's actually a good thing. Makes the revolution easier.

What's wrong with direct linking to vice

Giving that shit paper the clicks it wants

Warren was corrupted long ago it seems. Also, many of her top contributors are linked to David Brock:

I'll give them a month before they wake up from THAT particular delusion. Get ready for CNN to crucify us for not supporting their princess.

It is, but it won't take. Anyone openly endorsing Hillary right now is going to feel the Bern, even if it's someone like Elizabeth Warren. They'll just see her as a sell out.

Clickbait on par with Buzzfeed.

It's liberal clickbait par excellence.

Warren's a pretty vocal defender of Israel too. I have no idea why so many liberals/progressives love her.

"Hillary Clinton Was Advised On Nuclear Weapons by a Donor. Bernie Sanders Must Stay Patient."

I doubted Goodman at first, but then a lot he was saying actually came true.

I'll add, this shouldn't surprise anyone. Business as usual in politics.

I'm fucking crying
Is that LOTR music?

How is this legal? How is a civilian able to essentially purchase a top secret security clearance?

Confirmation bias. You heard plenty of predictions from other people that didn't come true, but you're not reminded of that. There are enough people watching these events and speculating that somebody will get it right. Doesn't mean they have some great knowledge. Same thing made Nate Silver famous. Same thing made Paul the Octopus famous.

It's from that shitty Superman movie.

I mean the new one with Zodd.

Because reasons

Naw, because $$

That could be true. But I hadn't been entertaining many other opinions on the matter. I had hoped something would come from it, but didn't have much faith because, it's Hillary Clinton.

He stays on top of this server issue though, and I appreciate his input.

I assumed it was from Gladiator 2bh

If he was given top secret security clearance, what were the people given that donated far more money to CGI/her campaign?

I shudder to think.

Yeah, Russel Crowe played superman's dad in the recent movie

I thought it was Titanic, lmao

Huh, didn't think they were anywhere near as close to buzzfeed clickbait. Some of their documentaries are quite interesting IMO

Me too, but then I realized the dialogue didn't make sense coming from Crowe's character.

I used to like them back in the day, but they've been bought out since & it's very much impacted their content.

It's LOTR, not Superman. It's the scene at the end where Sam is trying to save frodo and eventually the eagles rescue them

They are very narrative driven like any part of the MSM these days. Their angle is basically OW THE EDGE. As the name suggests, they are all about the dark underbelly and they sensationalize it. Their shit is only accurate when real life is more brutal than they expected and they don't have to or can't make it worse, like when they sent a couple of dudes into the Islamic State.


Holy fucking shit I can't believe I ever respected this deceiver.

Is this the craziest election in the history of the United States?

We already know that she basically gave them away for free by making them so easy to obtain. I mean is she really so incompetent that she wouldn't try to make money off of them?

It is, but all it has done is make them hate Warren.

Clinton is such a horrible human being that the hatred she inspires is contagious.


That scumfuck gets what she deserves.

Yeah, the Democrats are up shit creek. They NEED to unite the party to defeat Trump and gain ground in congress, but Hillary woefully unqualified for that job.

And they're too cliquish and full of hubris to see this.

All is lost.
I guess I can only vote for the lolbertarian considering the fact that he at least doesn't suck NSA cock.

Write in Karl Marx.

The only hope now is an indictment of Hillary.


Write-in Basiago

They deserve to burn for what they did. I'm stuck with the NV Democrats little organization and all they care about is the votes and the money that gets funneled into my state. They must burn.

It's time to go full Reddit entryism

Everyone upvote this:

At least do it to piss off all the Hillary sell outs in that sub

Don't give up just yet. Remember the Democratic congressional primaries. If they won't pick Sanders, we'll replace them with people who will.

Defeat is only a frame of mind.

This is incredibly relevant. Rolling over for Hillary now because she's the presumptive nominee is counter productive to our goals. We want change, and we won't get that if we just fall in line.

We have to make Shillary and her corrupt establishment our bitch.

It's called the for profit motive sweetheart. You will never change them unless your change the system itself. Of course dolan himself isn't racist. Some of his supporters are, and he is simply throwing red meat at his fanbase. His real problem is he is a scam artist.

[spoiler]has anyone made a webm of Brandon talking about how corporations act more like people then people do, and that ending corporate personhood is basically pointless?
Anyone remember when Bernie said this lmao

This is what Americans believe…


He obviously knows what socialism means, he chose to run on social democratic policies because it's more viable in America's political climate.

HILLdawg endorsed by Obama
Looks like socialism lives on comrades

Stop guys everyone knows Hillary Rodham Clinton is the new standard bearer for us liberals,
Lets get behind her and stop trump! Its what Debs would want us to do!


What liberals are what makes the left great,
People like Russel Brand are a bit to radical though

Wait, do you mean the States choose independently who can run for president?

E.g. Texas decided Jill Stein can be a candidate, but Oklahoma decided she cannot, so Texans can vote for Jill Stein, but Okies cannot?


If you haven't seen Muhammed Ali's funeral service, you need to. Billy Krystal & Attallah Shabazz(Malcolm X's daughter) killed it.

Wonderful speeches from all involved. I'm damn proud to be Kentuckian. Muhammed Ali was the greatest of all time. Do watch it if you haven't yet.

Notably absent was Obama. I can't wrap my head around that. It seems he missed it(but sent a letter in his place) because of his daughter's graduation?! Come on, man. You're the President. Really disappointed by that. But the service was great, regardless.

God bless Muhammed Ali, this wonderful man:



You forgot to mention Bill being there

It's not that big a privilage anymore, tbqhonifamchan.

There's one more hope:
Sanders and his official campaign have shown they're, much like Gore, unwilling to defend themselves from thieves. Thus, it falls on us to do so, by funding legal attacks on the Democratic Party machine and its phony election this year:

Yeah.. He was there. But hang in there til the end. Muhammed was a big man, befriending everyone he met. I also saw some Saudi dude behind Bill in the audience. There's a Jewish speaker who lets it all out, too, about Israel's occupation, looks like they had to almost drag him away too, lmao.

This is a pretty good idea!


Another point in its favor, is that even if it fails to topple Hitlary from the nomination, it will still succeed in cleaning up out electoral system in time for the midterms.


From his official FB page, though not his official presidential campaign page. What does it mean?

Yes. At this point I would say those midterms matter the most. Especially if want any hope of killing TPP.

Hopefully, he's going to go green baby. Either that or violent revolution we socialist now.

Independent run, I hope. This is pretty much the only time a third party will have a chance, with both main candidates so thoroughly hated.

Uh, whose official Facebook page?

Bernie's, didn't mean to crop out his name.

meant for

Here ya go, champ :)

Holy shit the absolute madman. Is it finally Happening?

It can mean one of three things.

Running as independent, possibly accepting Steins offer. He knows it may be risky and not safe to do so, but his conscience knows it is the right choice to make (majority of people want him to stay in the race, and he knows). You can tell he genuinely wants this revolution, the old man rallied daily in over 4-5 times at points. He knows the only way to achieve this is to run independently. It would seriously make history if he did so and could possibly change politics in the US for the better. He knows it may not be a safe choice to make, as this has never been done before in a scenario such as this, but he believes it is the right thing to do.

Subtle diss towards Elizabeth Warren. Many people are tweeting Martin Luther King quotes at Elizabeth Warren, particularly the one that goes something like (paraphrasing) "In the end, we will not remember the voices of our enemies, but that of our friends who remained silent when most needed". Bernie didn't use the same quite, but it's not just that quote that people are using against Warren, it's just the most often used one.

Or endorsing hillary if he does in fact lose at the convention. While he knows Hillary's policies are not safe, he believes that trump is a bigger threat (which could be what the conscience part is about)

I hope so much that it is the first choice.

I so hope it's the first one. We need this. We don't have enough time left to have even 4 years of an incremental change corporatist, let alone the likely 8.

He's said over and over again that he realizes that he can't tell his supporters who to vote for, so I think he knows better than to expect endorsing Hillary to change anything. And I'm pretty sure the only reason he ran in the first place was because he felt he had to, since things weren't going to get better on their own.

Both of those two factors point to the first option being more likely.

holy shit

he's gonna do it isn't he

he's crashing this two-party system

If Bernie does it, he will be legendary.

That's a good point. He even redacted him saying that he would endorse the nominee (back in 2015 before this explosion happened) in an interview saying that it isn't his right to tell his supporters who to vote for, and when asked what it would take for her to earn his endorsement he refused to entertain that question, but when asked about it over and over again, he said that hypothetically she would gain some more respect from him if she took on some of his policies regarding healthcare, education, tracking, etc.

And the killer—even after the entire media was spouting headlines such as "Sanders knows the end is near" "Obama convinces Sanders that Hillary is the nominee" they were expecting him to either drop out and endorse her, or stay in only because he promised it would be down to the last vote, and that he would know he would not make it. With all of that media clickbait everyone is assuming he is dropping out. The moment he walked out of the Whitehouse and gave his press conference, one thing that they don't like to report (and I was watching) was he kept using the term "When I am president, we will (insert Sanders policy here". He kept using the term, "When I am president".

He also said later that he "would not be manipulated by anyone to drop out of the race" that was a day or so after the white house meeting which means it was aimed at Obama.

Im honestly stating to think he's about to go independent again. The backlash, however, would be huge.

I hope somebody close to him is relaying what his supporters are all saying, which is to stay in the race and run as an independent if he doesn't get the nomination.

He would have Hillary by the balls though.

He could force her to either lose the election or adopt a bunch of Sander's policies.

Imagine the shitstorm as he strongarms the establishment into making promises that are very popular and will reflect SUPER bad on them if they break them.

I will hold out hope that they will make him the leader in the Senate. The fact that he met with Chuck Schummer at the last minute was a good sign, as well as the fact that Schummer, notorious for being a camera whore, didn't take question in his press conference after their meeting.

The best case scenario is an indictment in the next couple of weeks, still quite possible. People forget that the head of the FBI is a republican.

Fun fact. Nader and him are close friends and speak regularly. Nader has been out in interviews recently saying that Bernie should run third party and shouldn't drop outn


I really, really, really like this image

"Hillary Clinton Played Role In Arming Child Soldiers In South Sudan"

Thanks Obama! :DDD

The one potential time where his neoliberalism pays off.

it's yours, my friend

Hillary needs to make the walk of shame.

I'm gonna need a source on that one. That's quite a revelation if it's true.


Would Tulsi Gabbard be Septa Unella?

I think this is what Sanders is saying. He's reiterating his intention to actually fight in Philly. Despite what the news is saying, the Democrats are fucking scared he's going to come to their convention with his 100,000 + supporters and raise hell, which is why they've been pressuring him since California to be a good boy and endorse Hillary.

But he's not going to do that. And he shouldn't, not when he's in such a good position to fuck them up. He could easily just take his voters and make an independent run, something that will make the DNC literally shit their pants. If they're not going to make him the nominee, they'll need to give him and his supporters something BIG, something just as good as the Presidency.

Why are there so many fake google accounts supporting trump? Is there anyway to get google to disable and destroy them?

I'm positively amazed so many Bernie voters refuse to fall in line behind Ramrod Clinton even when all the fucking pundits are shilling her because "muh big bad trump".

As much as I'd love him going Independent I can't see it happening though. He's too scared of a Trump presidency to fuck with the Dems now.

Americans have surprising amounts of class consciousness. We're oppressed, not ignorant. Socialist parties had huge success here before the Cold War.

If Bernie became President, what's the best strategy to start the implementation of socialism? I'd think a law allowing workers to take over businesses if they voted to

I doubt most Bernie supporters even watch those clueless pundits.

i translated his recent facebook update just for you

i think you could start with legislation calling for the democratization of the workplace, starting with major industries

you might have to negotiate it down to allowing employees to take over businesses once they cease to be profitable

that would be a start and a way to normalize socialism while also keeping unemployment low

the average american would have neighbors and friends working in socialist industries and would become accustomed to the idea

One of the real problem are the massive amounts of CTR shills on /r/ess

Here's one for example:

Try and find a post that isn't relevant to shittalking Commissar Sanders. Not possible

The activity of their sub is huge and they are constantly shilling on other subs too.


To everyone having doubts about supporting the green party. They just passed the anti-capitalist amendment to their platform.

but they're revisionist first worldists

The green party just passed an amendment to their platform that made them anti-capitalist

So market socialists?

Pretty much




If you care about progressive issues, then you vote for the candidate who most supports progressive issues and will do the most to advance them (or if the Republicans control Congress will at least do the most to resist those trying to reverse progress on them), which in this general election is quite clearly going to be Hillary. If you don't care about progressive issues, then vote for whoever you want.



we're rising in the world, comr8s





Correct the record's motto is "Correct The Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks."

They retweeted pic related


What's your point user? Don't tell me you actually believed their motto?

An indy run with Trump nestled safely atop the GOP nomination would not be heroic, it would be suicidal. Johnson isn't even as big a spoiler as Perot, without a palace coup against Trump at the RNC, all of Sanders' support and momentum, his movement, and his place in history would go up in flames worse than Nader by 2004.

If Sanders loses at the DNC, his only viable chance will be to oppose the Democrats at lower-level elections, foment a revolt in the midterms, and set his recruits on a conquest of the party to 2020.

Until then, his best chance will be to push (openly or not) investigations into the fraudulent primary election, to undermine the DNC and get delegates deposed.

Get Hillary over a barrel? That could actually work, but if Trump won, Sanders would go down in infamy.

Call on workers at particularly vulnerable conglomerates to unionize, whenever a conglomerate gets in hock to the government or closes viable operations, use executive orders to offer the workers its facilities for seizere/Argentine-style recuperation and form a coop. When the other branches balk or try to harass unionization/recuperation efforts, use one of the few straight-up executive-branch dictator powers and deny funding for their efforts.

By the time they managed to slap together some kind of ridiculous impeachment proceedings or get a 2/3rds veto bypass, the tremendous amounts of wealth you'd liberated into the hands of labor would obliterate them in an electoral tidal wave and/or red terror.

Hahaha can you fucking imagine the right-wing reaction to this?
Dolan Trump is facing over 3000 lawsuits right now for unpaid wages to his workers

I don't believe you quite understand their mental process

Is she right?

Because when Hillary or even Trump wins by appointment of the republican congress, the system is truly exposed for the sham it is.


My God.
The chaos would be glorious.

Here's the relevant part of the 12th amendment, but I can't make heads or tails of it.

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.

They were too heavy-handed about it. For the past several months Clinton, the media, and the party have shown nothing but contempt for the concerns of Sanders supporters. If they had tried harder to woo them to their side maybe less people would be ready to switch their allegiances.

I can think of at least three.

1. When a corporation tries to shut down busin, the US government has the power already to seize their property "for the public good" using eminent domain, and then can distribute it back to the workers on the condition of establishing a coop.

2. Italy has this program where unemployed can collect their entire pension at once on the condition of using it to establish a worker coop.

3. The Labor Party in Britain is thinking of a new law giving workers the right to "first refusal" when a business goes public on stocks.

I've also been told the laws in my own state make it difficult to setup worker coops for some reason or other, so maybe they need the legal protections of standard businesses in addition.

I still think that plank could use a bit more clarity and conciseness, but Papa Wolff signed off on it so it's good enough.

Abandon hope's latest episode:

If you skip in about ten minutes in, the bananaman basically supports socialism as it is meant to be, whether he knows it or not.

Spoiler: he doesn't know it.


TJ has stated several times that he's a socialist, holds many socialist viewpoints and is an avid Bernie Sanders supporter. I'm not sure what you're suggesting here .

Google denies manipulating search results for Hillary Clinton

“Google Autocomplete does not favor any candidate or cause,” said a Google spokesperson in an email to the Washington Times.

“Claims to the contrary simply misunderstand how Autocomplete works. Our Autocomplete algorithm will not show a predicted query that is offensive or disparaging when displayed in conjunction with a person’s name. More generally, our autocomplete predictions are produced based on a number of factors including the popularity of search terms,” said the statement.

Implying he wants workers to own the means of production directly, or that he's unknowingly supporting it. That other stuff is mostly social democracy.

How do we relay this info to the Sanders campaign? I hope they know this.

Seriosly, how do we do this? Email Jeff Weaver? I don't imagine him or Sanders has time to read a single email and they probably get most of the information of their voters from social media. Do we email someone below Jeff? Someone who's in a position to pitch these ideas? Why not try emailing as many people working in the campaign as possible?

Petitions won't do shit even if they did catch flare on social media; we need to get these ideas to the top.

I think the editor made a post in this thread a day or so ago about doing this.

Jesus fucking Christ this drives me insane. The evidence against them is so fucking blatant; they're literally saying that

Everyone here should know, but if you don't know, watch this video now:

And my favorite

None of these show up in auto complete because they could be "offensive". Jesus fucking Christ.

I feel this is related:

Well I got something amusing out of it at least

As an old Holla Forumsmrade, I can't tell you how delighted this makes me.




No, strenght and weakness are determined by genetics almost entirely, and partly by the development during childhood.

True. Thats why meritocratic systems that that enforce a form of passive eugenics and natural selection are nessecary for human progress. The opposite results in Idiocracy.

Eliminating some of the means of differentiating between strong and weak people does not remove weak people, but instead artificially keeps them alive and on "equal" footing with their peers. Afterwards people wonder why society is going to shit in every aspect without realising its because people are shit.



Most people probably want Sanders to line up behind Clinton, but also for Clinton and the establishment to give him a lot of concessions. The 44% is interesting though, could translate to about a 20% or 15% national polling as an independent.

Hillary Clinton signed off on drone assassinations, emails reveal

By Patrick Martin
11 June 2016


"The guy with the most Electoral College votes wins, so long as it's over 50% of all total Electoral College votes. If no one gets that many, the House of Representatives will choose from the top three candidates. Each state delegation will have one vote for President, and at least one delegate from each state for two-thirds of the states must be present for the vote to be carried out. The candidate who wins the vote from a majority of the state delegations, wins. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President prior to Inauguration Day (March 4), the Vice-President shall act as President."

When Obama won the nomination Clinton replaced his chief of staff with her own, and she passed up the VP in favor of a more active roll like Secretary of State. Then she quit after 6 years to get ready for her turn as President. How being this out of touched with domestic issues makes her qualified as President is something I don't understand. Somehow she got through Benghazi unscathed, but instead Repubicucks keep harping on about her emails. I'll believe in a conviction when I see it, until then it's a lot of hot air over an old geezer who doesn't know how to run an email server.

Now that she has just barely gotten the nomination, even with Bernie almost 50:50 with her in most states, what significant substantial concession is she ready to make to the Bernie camp? I bet you absolutely nothing but empty rhetoric. Her main argument is you should vote for her because otherwise you are a racist. She is the SJW incarnate. I'll love watching her try not to be branded a global capitalist that's ready to outsource your job at a moment's notice, even if it helps circumvent the very environmental and labor law the left fought to create in the US.

What's with all the gay conspiritard shit surrounding Bernie's loss? I feel fucking bad too that he got knocked up, but I blame that on his campaign not being well run by Weaver and the lack of outreach and education to older voters, not a rigged election. This is getting a little too close to Holla Forumsshit where they blame Jews for anything that makes them upset. Fuck porky, but at the same, fuck being a tinfoiler.

Then you haven't been paying attention.

CTR pls



Welp we can all pack up and go home now. Trump's got this in the bag.

Nah, remember the election is in november

Pfft, please. If anything the Dems will use it to further make fun of his dumb idea to close the borders to Muslims because this guy lived in the US for his entire life.

Wikileaks is going to be putting out more Clinton E-mails in the future.
Based Assange.

Yo, this isn't even tinfoil level shit.
This is stuff that's relatively known if you follow politics.

She still does not have the required amount of Pledged Delegates to secure the nomination.


Why does America exist tbh

sounds gay as fuck


They are too busy getting shot.


And if She does not meet those demands

This part is the important part.

$hillary CTR $hills on suicide watch

The 2016 elections is my favorite greek tragedy


Was on my phone. It's on the front page of /r/politics
Clinton camp is definitely getting nervous, I wonder if anyone in the party has realized how badly they fucked themselves with all their Berniebro/Naive college student rhetoric.

Fucking Bill Maher on damage control for Hillary. His entire episode was just about criticizing socialism and Bernie

more like SHILL Maher

the proles are finally waking up.

First episode of Chris Hedges's new program on RT called "On Contact". He interviews Tariq Ali

what do ya'll think

I am really wishing I could still comment on jewtube right about now.

Why do you want to comment on it? Also how did you get banned?

Even Colbert has gone to shit doing the same thing.

What about le current year man. He and Colbert are like the only ones still relevant

she can start showing her authenticity by releasing her Goldman Sachs talks she got paid for.

le wew

So I can educate some of these dumb motherfuckers on what socialism actually is. I'm not banned, I just never signed up for that Google+ cancer, which you now need in order to comment on anything, and I have no plans to.

Oh god, seriously?
Remember when youtube was advertised as a way for people to upload their own original content and be creative? Now it's dominated by corporate media and let's players.

What good will it do if the comment section is full of myopic normies? They don't tend to listen. It's all just

Jeez, I can't count the number of amateur animator, reviewer, and analyst channels with decent production values that have switched to LPs, Skype streams, and talking head videos when they noticed they could MORE views than their skilled work "thanks" to normalfags by just talking while they sit at their computer and maybe suck at vidya. Though I guess the first outbreak of cancer happened earlier for the animators, when they shifted to YouTube from Newgrounds.

An entire generation of potential new TV talent, up in flames.


The most unabashed argument for the primacy of race and gender over class issues comes from New York Times commentator Paul Krugman, who throughout the election campaign has used his column to promote Clinton and heap scorn on supporters of Sanders. In a piece published Saturday under the headline “Hillary and the Horizontals,” Krugman defines as “horizontal inequality” differences between social groupings based on race, gender, etc., as opposed to class inequality (which he refers to as “individual inequality”), measured by economic position or income. He declares, “like it or not, horizontal inequality, racial inequality above all, will define the general election.”
The Times columnist ignores the fact that support for Sanders is itself a refutation of this slanderous characterization of the working class. He also ignores the drastic shift to the right of the Democratic Party, which has long abandoned the reformist liberal program that prevailed from the 1930s to the 1960s based on limited concessions to the working class, in favor of various forms of identity politics benefiting sections of the upper-middle class.

That's one dank remix. Fuckin saved.

Where's the sexy cosplayer?



Anyway, I always hated both Hedges and Tariq so I'm not going to watch it.

why is this so good


Jesus Christ, if you talk negatively about Correct The Record on twitter, and a bunch of them respond to you with their CTR prompts.

Why are they so obsessive? They just keep DMng me with shitty logic about Hillary. Anyone else get these?

holy shit my sides are gone.


Great, just great. The state of burgerland TV network coverage has fallen so far, we're being outdone in the news business by official mouthpieces of 3rd-world dictatorships.


I don't think he's an actual shill. He seems more like he just buys into the "Hillary didndu nuffin" narrative hook line and sinker.



Because they are literally paid shills whose job it is to troll endlessly for wrongthink and badtalk about themselves and anything else related to Clinton.

Secular Talk: Elizabeth Warren explains Clinton endorsement

Just disgusting

California Counts Millions Of Provisional And Mail-In Ballots, Counties Flip For Bernie And Nine More Superdelegates Drop Clinton


I prefer Sandernistas

Did Pocahontas do a line of coke before that interview? Jesus.

Didn't the AP announce she'd clinched the nomination after she won like 4 of them? Shouldn't the loss of pledged delegates from counties flipping and those supers dropping put her below the required total?

Shut up you chauvinist raco-fascist she's going to be the first most historical female president and your delegate shaming isn't going to stop that.

It's just the official count continuing, but hopefully this will throw enough sand in the the gears for us to expose straight-up cheating clear back to Arizona.

How is it possible to dislike Tariq Ali with his soft English/Pakistani accent, and calm criticism of neo liberalism

Don't know much about Hedges but he seems alright

Easy: you don't focus on how he speaks, but on the content.

No they don't.

not even gonna watch. fuck those cunts.

Its kulinsky railing on warren for selling out

Easy: you don't focus on the subject, but on the phrasing
If you STILL don't think CTR is an astroturfing operation click on the accounts spewing CTR talking points and see how many of them are actively used.
Hint: it's not very many.

Prepare for cringe:
I don't think this has been posted yet. Apparently bernie isn't going behind shillary.

fug I forgot to remove my shitposting flag

he won't be able to delude himself that she's a progressive.

Jesus, celebrities are stupid.

stop using this shitty Holla Forums meme, it has absolutely nothing to do with Warren or her policies

it's relevant that she's a dumb liberal idpol cunt

then call her that

but she called herself pocahontas

Reposting from the other thread:

Serious question here, how many of you are leaning towards supporting Trump? Full disclosure, I'm a trump supporter, but I was wondering if I could convince you that your best chess move is also to agitate for a Trump win. I would have loved to have seen a Sanders v Trump general election but it's just not in the cards.

I doubt she did that seriously.
She's a sell-out.
A better nick name would be Judas

We have this question every day
Just scroll up and read our responses.

No one. Trump is just idpol: conservative flavor. He's not the lesser evil. He's not for the working class (that's why he has 300 lawsuits against him by them). They're both just evil.

Maybe if you're low test

I want a woman who can suffocate me with her titties

He might not be for the working class in the sense that he doesn't espouse your specific ideology, but he is for the working class through the conservative lens. He has taken many positions he didn't have to take simply because he wants to make America great again. Did you miss when he said he is going to make the GOP into the 'Worker's party'? Of course the current GOP isn't that, but Trump is a refutation of the GOP as defined by the neocohens being only about tax evasion.


Pretty much

then he's not for the working class

1. America was never great
2. If he was actually committed to helping the workers and by extension America he wouldn't be doing everything he can to fuck over his current employees.

talk is cheap, but let's just imagine we're in some fantasyland where he did actually want this despite it going against all of his personal and business interests to do so: how is he going to singlehandedly transform the GOP?



aka moralized slavery

he'll also flip flop on everything he says because nobody supports him for his positions, they support him because they want a god-king to protect them


I think you mean America was never perfect, but it was pretty great.

Do you think these people don't think they're winning the nigger lottery by having worked for Trump and have minor, dubiously litigatible grievances with which to try to bleed shekels?

By doing a real investigation into 9/11 and purging the cucks that sold us out. Why do you think the Renegade party became a thing? They're purging themselves.

Trumpism is nationalism reborn. America first.

Not an argument.

condescending link time

Were you born with whatever ideology you now espouse? Does your current belief fly in the face of your previous held beliefs? Imagine how your current positions might change from the positions you'll espouse when you're 70. Trump is 70, he's had a lot of time to think about issues and he himself acknowledges his rather spotty past. It's not flip flopping. Most of his 'contradictory' statements were from before he became a politician. Find me contradictory statements using the day of his announcement of his candidacy then you'll have an argument.

Spouting buzzwords is not an argument

being old does not make you wise, and trump's statements doesn't indicate to me that he does much thinking at all aside from how godlike he is because he's spent most of his adult life being told this by his employees and reality TV guests.

he's flip-flopped as much during this campaign as he has throughout his life:

he just tells people what they want to hear whenever it's convenient, and sometimes he's so incoherent that he contradicts himself in the same speech

I'm going to need a little help here, was it during the hundreds of years of chattel slavery when America was great, or during the concerted effort at wiping out the natives and taking their land? Or was it during the 19th century when all types of political fraud were widespread and there wasn't a man between your alderman and the president that wasn't corrupt? Or what about when it was waging wars of aggression against its neighbors? Or it's lengthy period of black/white apartheid and the endless litany of lynchings and totalitarian violence that it required to keep it in place? What about when it sent soldiers out to attack its own citizens, even going so far as to drop bombs on them, because they threatened business interests? Oh, speaking of threatened business interests, what about when the US took unilateral responsibility for the entire American continent to the point where any time there was a democratically elected government that they didn't like they simply overthrew it and put a dictator in its place?

I mean, it certainly couldn't have been recent, not with the two ongoing wars in the Middle East and the intermittent conflict it sparked in Libya, to say nothing of the drone assassination program that it's running without any sort of oversight whatever and in complete, flagrant disregard to the constitution.

So really, if you could help me out it would be appreciated. If you can't give me a time span I'd appreciate a date or two.

sasuga Holla Forums

Let's not forget the multiple times that the government formally persecuted its homegrown left-wing while proclaiming itself to be a bastion of freedom and liberty.

Your candidate is so shit that the liberal idiots at Salon can tear into him. Think about that.

Again, most of the 'contradictory' statements were from his life as a businessman instead of since the announcement of his candidacy. Linking me to listicles is stupid, just make your argument here.

You're going to die a very unhappy life if you choose to focus on the negatives of the time as if life must be 100% free of conflict and negativity to be considered good. I'll give you one concrete definition of good: whenever we weren't in trillions of debt. Trump's isolationist policies intended on protecting and bringing back American manufacturing (isn't that who you should be thinking about?) will do great things for the country. You know, back when a guy working on the assembly line could afford to be the sole breadwinner and maybe send his kids to university without going into crippling debt.

10/10 post, someone pls screencap

this is alt-right "arguing" 101, you're going to just state over and over again ad verbatim that you are right as though it will somehow force us into believing what you do

this might work on some gaymen forum but a leftard chan is still a chan, we have plenty of experience in poor reasoning

hmmmm trillions of debt you say

Well where could that have come from?

That was because we had a solid minimum wage and publicly funded education, and manufacturing jobs were typically in places where the cost of living was low. In California college used to be tuition free. Drumpf doesn't support any of that, so why would those people on the assembly line be able to send their kids to university without going into crippling debt? Even if they had jobs in that sector college would still cost too much.

Also Drumpf outsources his jobs to Mexico. Why would you trust someone who has never practiced what he preached?

Manufacturing is a dying industry and will never represent the American "working class" again. Nor should it. Try again.

Hey, that's a good one. It reminds me of the time it started a war in a small south-east Asian country because they didn't like the results of the election, proceeding to spend hundreds of billions of dollars bombing it and all its surrounding neighbors–when they weren't dropping millions of liters of chemicals on their land instead.

We're not talking about good you nigger-licking asspipe. You specifically said great, so why don't you stand up in front of the class like a big boy and tell us when exactly this period of greatness was?

Lol, so, what, the Clinton administration was America's period of greatness? Is Trump going to bring back EXXXTREME advertising and Ecto-cooler while he's at it? Will he be inaugurated on the top of the Super Mega Agro-Crag?

Woopty-fuckin' doo.

No, you dumb fucker, because everyone that talks about jobs as some sort of solution to our problems is a snake-oil salesman.

Aw yeah bringing back all sorts of heavy industry to a country that can't even keep lead out of its water–hoo boy I can't wait.

You know what a fucking robot is, right? Maybe your parents have a roomba that vacuums their floor for them. You might have even heard about these "self driving" cars from google.

So here's the thing: manufacturing isn't a panacea to our problems because automation has not only devalued unskilled labor to such a degree as to make it nearly worthless but also makes the idea of bringing manufacturing back as some sort of boon entirely laughable, because…

Back in the 70s before outsourcing really took hold, factories needed hundreds or thousands of people to build the things they were building.

You know how many are needed in a car factory now? None. It's Honda (I think) that has a completely workerless manufacturing plant. They don't even turn the lights on because they don't have anyone physically there monitoring the robots. McDonalds is experimenting with a completely workerless restaurant, and there are even robots now that can fold shirts. Put maybe twenty of those into a Kohls, RFtag all the merchandise, and say "goodbye" to paying wages etc for 150 people.

So bringing back manufacturing jobs will do exactly two things for the working class: fuck and all.

Also if you're going to be encouraging us to "settle" and not "focus on the negatives" we may as well vote Shillary. :^)

Give me one time where there wasn't any conflict with which to criticize a sitting government. One time. Just one.

It's stupid to say that any conflict invalidates the proposition that a time was better than, say, the famines following Black Tuesday.

lol so the roaring 20s is your idea of American "greatness?" what the fuck do you want to vote Trump for? you should feel right at home.

The point isn't that there should be no conflicts. I know Holla Forumsyps see exclusively in black and white so this may be difficult for you to grasp. The point is that America was never at a point where it could be described as "great" or even that its flaws could be excused. We have always been a horrible, murdering, imperialist superpower that oppressed its own citizens and enforced its bourgeoisie will on the world.

"Make America Great Again" is just revisionist bullshit that appeals to the recency bias. It does not even pretend to have a time period in mind that "again" refers to. It's just propaganda, which you fell for.

Sorry, recency illusion, not recency bias.

Yet great is subjective, and we both know I say great because it's the current slogan. Do you actually feel a burning sensation when you fellated your favorite Jew socialist? Probably not.

I think an Indian street shitter with cholera would probably think that a country + time where a factory worker could get a job an afford a decent life in a Hooverville was pretty great.


You do know Hoovervilles were fucking shanty towns right?

This is your average Trumpenprole's understanding of history

Hey, you stupid faggot, I'm waiting on some answers here. When was America great? What exactly is Trump going to do to make it "great" again? Come on you dickpumping shitcock, you're here to try and convince us to vote for your toupee wearing boyfriend, so out with it.

Hey, you better shut your mouth, America Hater! Those "shanty towns" were great and Trump is going to bring us all back there again!

Hoovervilles for everyone!


Literally shanty towns for homeless people thanks to the great depression

You're right, I meant Levittown. Dogpile all you want on my error.

You're right, I meant Levittown. Dogpile all you want on my error.

Christ, I really need to make a compilation video of all the stupid shit Holla Forums says.
Between this, the edge lords who come here, and the people who think black people are literal orcs, there is some serious gold.

Can we continue on? Levittown, not Hooverville.

Yet great is subjective, and we both know I say great because it's the current slogan. Do you actually feel a burning sensation when you fellated your favorite Jew socialist? Probably not.

I think an Indian street shitter with cholera would probably think that a country + time where a factory worker could get a job an afford a decent life in a LEVITTOWN was pretty great.


Someone should combine that image with this

You were correct the first time, whether or not you can tell.

Hey, tell me how this sounds:

You don't own your house, or anything in it. In fact, you don't own anything because you aren't paid for any of the work you do. Instead, you're given vouchers which allow you to trade–at many times less the value of a dollar–items that you could then use such as washing machines, but not actually keep them. Armed guards stand at the entrances to your towns and your workplace. Oh! But don't go getting any ideas, because by law you cannot own a firearm. Oh, and not only are the guards paid to keep ruffians out, but you in, though it isn't really an issue because you can't go anywhere because you can't legally take the car past the town limits.

And I wouldn't grumble too loudly if I were you. Your fellow citizens will get extra vouchers if they rat out your discontent to their superiors, at which point you'll be immediately fired, your wife and children evicted, and you'll be penniless and alone in some godforsaken shithole.

It's called a Company Town you dumb idiot and they were also prevalent in the 1920s US

I thought you wanted to keep the foreigners out? Now you want Indians coming into the country?



What a fucking scumbag.
There really is no difference.

Defending Hoovervilles is stupid, but can Holla Forums really argue that the American worker wasn't overall in a better economic position in the '50s-'70s? That is, without reverting to lolbertarian talking-points that it was "unearned" because those fucking white males couldn't compete with Third Worlders and women in an endless race to the bottom?

Name one time and place with no downsides across the board. You never gave me an example.

I know about company towns, pretty bad stuff.

How about you stop being a pole-pulling supercuck and give me a time when AMERICA was GREAT like you originally claimed you malformed anal polyp.

I think supporting Hillary as the "worker's candidate" invalidates any complaints they have against Trump

If anything those are Third-Worldist talking points, and yes, you're correct.

But that's because we actually had a social liberal/social democratic government, as opposed to the neoliberal one we have now.

Sure, because of post-war economic boom. Then Reagan was used to keep productivity going as workers had fewer reasons to bother

Absolute madman

Never change.

Yeah, maybe for you NEETs fearing the day when you'd have to get off welfare. Having 1/5th of the country employed is dragging the country down hard.

Good point, but there's plenty of stuff that needs manufacturing by hand because the industry isn't large enough or modular enough to warrant full robotic manufacturing. Air conditioners being a notable example.

But they didn't, they just said that Clinton would, of the two major parties, best represent the needs of America's workers.

That's when tax rates were the highest. I highly doubt Trump want to return us to those times.

To fund world wars. We don't have that to fund currently.

Nice, Cripplewheels won't allow me to make this post:

Not gonna bite

They are still both shit tbh. Also they shill for her HARD, so…

More politicians need to do this.


This is why you will forever be in the political cuck shed

Not an argument.

If AMERICAN GREATNESS is measured by least amount of debt then as you can plainly see here that American greatness increased under Clinton and ended almost immediately when Bush II was elected, at which point spending starts.

But hey, I can see you're a thinker, so let's see, when was America actually Debt Free?

Oh, here it is guys, I found it, the date America was TRULY GREAT

I subsequently explained why your "valid point" is retarded in subsequent responses you dumb fucking cunt.

Have you ever even looked at a statistic? Do you even know what a statistic is?

With the US's population at something 320 million, with 151 out of 158 million people in the labor force employed, how exactly does that add up to "a fifth of the country?" Also, how is it the fault of the unemployed that had nothing to do with sending all their jobs away especially considering that American companies have been seeing record breaking profits year after year for multiple decades now.

And who is going to buy these air conditioners, retard? Will Americans be able to afford these hand-made air conditioners with their 7.25 minimum wage you incredible cucklord?

It's fine, I figured out the answer for you you dishonest little wanker.

Trump goes full /x/ on the Orlando shooting


Titties are for infants. Real men prefer asses.


Exactly. Large tits = motherly, nourishing = what "real" men want, to have children with.

Why not both m8

Honestly you can have whatever tastes you want don't see the need to argue outside of just taking the piss

Which had already happened and were more beneficial than draining.

Get your sophistry out of my fucking face. Fat cow udders are the obvious hallmark of the decadent and feckless bourgeois female. A Real Man and Heroic Proletarian would seek a woman in prime physical condition–the hallmark of a well ordered and employed mind, signified, as science tells us, by an ample and well shaped posterior which, haha, I guess I should tell you, since wide hips are what you have children with, not chest fat.

Shapely and muscular buttocks are the identifier of the die Uberfrau, the only suitable candidate for love and companionship.


Andrew Jackson
Our greatest hero
Our greatest leader

Don't forget dat ass. Wide hips are good for child bearing.

Though I prefer dicksucking most of all tbh.

I would only vote for Trump if his plan to Make America Great Again tm was to go back in time and bring back Andrew Jackson to run in his place.

And how

Get a load of this revisionism

Tell me user, do you know what other animal has breasts? I don't mean mammary glands (as, well, all mammals have them) but the actual boobs. Give up?

The answer is NONE. That's right, if there's one thing that separates man from beast is it full, heaving bosoms. When (wo)man learned to stand on her feet she also developed boobs to keep her moving forward.

Breasts are evolution. Breasts are civilization. Breasts are progress. Breasts are life itself! And that is the very essence of socialism.

Best of both worlds.



yeah the servers are acting EXTREMELY weird.

Judas would have at least endorsed Sanders before Massachusetts voted.

Absolutely nobody here trusts a single word out of Trump's mouth, which is what IMHO makes him potentially superior to Hillary, who has an excellent record of promising horrible things and doing them. All the good things he says (kill neolib offshoring and immigration, kill neocon wars, Social Security is a good thing, etc…) are inherently specious because of contradictory things he says against them (offshoring isn't due to labor arbitrage, "great big beautiful DOOR", terrorism rabble rabble, lower taxes and slash services, etc…). Basically this

The only thing I feel reasonably sure Trump will do is purge IdPol from the left, allowing leftism to function normally again. Even if that means more IdPol on the right, it's probably worth it.

Bitching is fun, but that is simply contrarian. Like says, America was, at one time, doing better than it is now. During the New Deal era from about the 1930s to the early 1970s, everything was headed up, people were doing better, hope was being fulfilled, then it stopped. From the mid-1970s to the present day, things have been getting worse for everyone, and attitudes toward the future have been justly grim. Maybe America was never great, but it was definitely good, and headed in a great direction, embodying greatness.


Get raped




I have no idea why you think this. The only way to do that is for actual leftists to come out against PC.


however I'm watching it anyway. hopefully it will be informative

holy fucking shit at the NPP provisional ballots. that is insane. literally worse than many 3rd world democracies.

and more voter purges and flipping.

If Sanders doesn't have the balls to take this to court and overturn the rigged votes, I don't think he deserves the nomination anyway. This is insanely disgusting shit and he needs to expose it.

How can he win?

californian here, this shit was so annoying. as an NPP voter, and signed up for mail in voting, going to a polling place really fukt me. they required a provisional ballot and I essentially had to reregister to vote on the spot. they threw my ballot into a pink lil slip when I was done and they tossed it under the ballot machine.

Knowing what you know now, would you have said the same thing of Gore when he shot down the Senatorial investigation into his own presidency being stolen from him?

Sanders is the best thing that's come down the pipe for America since the 1930s, even if he's too much of a cuck to stand against Shillary, we need to fight for him, and show him that strength is a tactic that works.

The same way Trump did: Side with voters, and tell the party machine to follow along or be trampled to death.

Tits are mostly fat. Milk production happens in the mammary glands, which have nothing to do with the amount of fat in any given tit. A small chested woman can breast feed just as well as a large chested woman. Besides, mammary glands only really get geared up during pregnancy. Wide hips, however, are skeletal. Hips widen during pregnancy also, but they're much more vital to child-bearing and there's less you can do to change them.

Besides, big titties end up looking masculine when it makes the wearer top heavy in the way that men are wider in their upper body and thinner in their lower.

also am i the only one who would smash that poll worker

Yes, and Gore was a shit-tier liberal idiot anyway. What's your point?

Sure we should spread the word that it was rigged, but it'll only be a dent compared to what Bernie could do if he stood up to the rigging.

The media doesn't control the narrative any more. If Bernie laid out a convincing argument about the rigging, brought it into court, and disseminated the info to S4P, the uproar would make it impossible for the media to shape this as "sore loser."

yeah she is cute as hell, especially how nervous she is on camera

I originally thought this was a joke at first. Now i believe you guys; I didn't realize it was this serious. Holy fucking shit that's insane.

I am 2000 years old, and this is the biggest autistic bullshit I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.

Also registered as a NPP mail in voter. When I called the local elections office they told me I needed to register as a Democrat in order to vote in the primary as a mail in voter, despite the elections website saying something different. Still managed to vote but now I'm registered democrat. I will at least get the very minor satisfaction of changing to NPP the moment Shill dog officials get the nomination.

That was my first thought. Especially with the voice.
He also made some nonobjective irrelevant comments in favor of Sanders, but it is pretty clear. That primary was rigged.

Breast size actually does effect milk storage capacity, but has little effect on production volume. Breasts are normally 1:1 gland:fat, 2:1 when lactating.

Debbie called this out first -

no, not wasserman-shultz

My vote was purged in NY.. My registration was changed to republican without my knowledge. This is just one of the methods that was used in CA.

Shit like this is why running as an independent would be pointless
Bernie needs to get his Sanderistas together and storm the White House

Anatomically correct demonstration with timestamp plox :^)

Are you really going to argue this doesn't look masculine? The first two are just straight up "the (fake) tits are too big for the hips/ass, dwarfing them when they should look bigger", and they give the same general appearance of the second too: shoulders/upper body being too wide for the hips/lower body, which are masculine proportions.

Damn. That's pretty interesting. Thanks for the correction!

I seriously want to know what happens in the media if Sanders actually secures a win in CA, especially given how all the MSM already spewed their load for Clinton.

The first one would look better if she were natural.

All of them seem to have some other bodily proportioning other than their tits that give them a more masculine look. There's plenty of women with very large chests that don't look like guys.

I hope you're just memeing on us because this is the stupidest shit I've ever read

Can you read? It's when they become disproportionate and make shoulders/rib cage appear wider than the hips, which are the defining feminine feature and should be the widest or almost the widest part of a woman's body.

Okay buddy

By shoulders I mean where the inner part of your arms start. If you're a woman, they should be that wide or wider. I thought people would catch what I was trying to say.

Nein. Asses came first, friend. Asses are what we mate with, the breasts are merely secondary sexual traits , a poor imitation of the buttocks, that doesn't even have any orifices with which to explore. Now, I'm clearly an ass man, and you a breast lover, butt I can attest that, having seen and on occasion felt both, I;d much rather have a pear-shaped voluptuous maiden than a pair of fatty tissues stuck to a twig . As another fine gentleman and comrade in this thread concurred, there's no reason we can;t desire both, just one is clearly more useful when it cums to choosing the more suitable mate for copulation and sexual gratification. Though granted, everyone's tastes when it comes to the ideal bodytype is different and if you truly find the Auschwitz aesthetic your cup of tea, more power to you although Cosmo ain't got nothin to do with my selection. In conclusion, you my other brethren cannot deny this fact - that when a girl walks in with an ittybitty waist and a big round thing in your face, you get SPR- will begin to become aroused . No?

If we're gonna post autistic shit let's at least post political autistic shit

Boobs technically have more orifices than the butt.



Everything in this post was written by a fucking idiot.

Nigger that's a cheese variety pack.

just amazing.

Call it whatever you want. I like my asses to have shape. I don't want fuck the Michelin man.

They will melt the fuck down, which is why they're doing everything they can to declare Hillary the winner asap.

If you can't handle her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.

In the end, yeah, but some external factor breaking their stranglehold certainly wouldn't hurt. Think of the east-west alliance in WWII.

Former, latter, or both?

No, you're just a fucking retard trumpcuck and I don't have the time to explain why you're hopelessly retarded right now.

"Hillary Clinton Admits Some Clinton Foundation Donations "Slipped Through the Cracks""

No one here gives a fuck about what you're selling, Trumpenprole. We all know better. We read.

How would this race look like if Trump had never sperged out over muslims with the whole torture/ban/kill civilians autism?

Same, imo.

About the same, I can't think of any way he could've worded practically any unique thing he says without triggering people:
Protectionism! Isolationism! Nationalism! Racism!

Shillarybots wouldn't have any legitimate argument for why their coporate baby-eater is supposed to be "better".

Trump could be hitting her hard on the warhawk angle which might give him an edge he hasn't had before. However he might also not have as much support from his base if he hadn't gone off on brown people in the first place. In the end, nobody really gives that much of a shit about illegal Mexicans - His support I think mainly comes from people who want the nation to stop sucking Islam's cock.

So overall he might actually end up less successful.

Fun fact: There was never a single suicide bombing in the history of Iraq before we invaded. We've also killed approximately 175,000 civilians by invading, according to

We sure have been sucking Islam's dick, though.

:( The before & after pictures of Libya are also very telling. Did this shit start with us intervening in Iran, decades back? It's like the US government can't allow peace there or something, based on basically all of our foreign policy in the region. Our actions in Iran & the aftermath really say a lot, imo.

And iirc, the Tamil Tigers are often credited with "pioneering" suicide bombing, although they were not religiously motivated. We didn't have anything to do with that situation though; they were fighting in Sri Lanka for civil rights.. It ended really badly. Kind of related to what you mention; just popped in my head & thought I'd mention that, too.


Mate, where have you been? We've been seeing this same shit in half the primaries. The whole system is like this.

If this were Europe, you'd have a point, but it's all hispanics here. Same thing, nice cheap slave labor, with a dash of idpol on each side (racism on the right, fawning virtue signaling on the left) to discredit legitimate economic opposition from anyone.

The destruction of sedate, modern secularism in the Muslim world was mostly realpolitik from the great powers. It started with the British backing Arab nomads to knock over the (then allied with the Central Powers) Ottomans in WWI. Then in the Cold War, the natural allies of the Warsaw Pact were all secularists and pan-Arabists, so the easiest opposition NATO could muster were religious fundies. Mix in constant betrayals and a downward spiral of prosperity, poof, the bubbling pit of backward sectarian insanity that is today's Mideast.

I heard another theory about fanatical Japanese Maotists on the run teaching Palestinians to kamikaze themselves.
Clinton Promises 'Surge' in US Spying After Orlando Attack
Technological feudalism is progressive and feminist now.


What are the chances vital components in the data net are outsourced to private industry conglomerates.

"Google openly being being sold tax money by democrats"

"""While Clinton did not detail what her effort would entail, she said she wants technology companies to be more cooperative to government requests for help in countering online propaganda, tracking patterns in social media and intercepting communications"""

No source for it but holy fuck if it's a true to life quote.

Isn't this exactly what Trump said he wanted to do a while back?

It's pretty much guaranteed. They're already outsourcing Torture and War, why not espionage?

yeah they were being genocided. if you look at the self-immolating monks they have over there, it kinda makes sense that suicide bombing would originate there. anyway, the CIA observed it and then trained muslims on how to do it to.

when we say they're the same we're not kidding.
-t. hillary cunton

I honestly don't understand why you aren't voting for him.




In the email he invited people for a livestream on Thursday where he will make a huge announcement. Key things that are mentioned:

He mentions that even though DC votes finish tonight, the revolution is going to continue. Revolution requires risk.



when we say they're the same we're not kidding.
-t. hillary cunton

he doesn't really imply anything like that in the email. I think he's going to put all his focus into downballot progressives after this primary. there will also probably be a big focus on electoral reform.

Let's add washingtonpost to the list of publications banned by Trump.


here u go comr8

I think it could be said that there were particular moments in America's history where it sort of lurched in the general direction of greatness, however reluctantly.

God I hope so. I want this motherfucker to steal congress and tear down the party down from the inside out.

wise words
gee, who would have thunk it?


Jesus fucking christ
They're all scumbags, purge them all

And make Pakistan pay for it


well said



I love you, Mr. Pena

Even Hispanics are feeling the sting of unbridled corporatism-dominated globalization.

t. liberals


This adds merit to the Bernie Sanders soviet-agent theory pasta


It's long been known that the primary purpose of visas like H-1B is to give American jobs to temps, who are then sent back overseas, job and all. Basically, yet another way to offshore:
It’s Not Over
Jacobin talks about moving forward after the elections
It’s Not Over
Jacobin talks about moving forward after the elections.
It’s Not Over
Jacobin talks about the left moving forward after the elections.

What do you guys think of this documentary?

"The Greatest Truth Never Told"

They also have a good piece on Trump

Seems like good beginner stuff, to me.

>you can only le hear le Truth here documentary
truly idiotic

Did it even say that?

You should watch the Trump video. Somehow I think it will speak to you.

Damn you, electricity demon.

>Glenn Beck-tier goldsilverbuggery scam

I just love the quality site design here on

I noticed some visuals related to silver, but I'm hours into the doc and they haven't mentioned silver once.

I'm looking for some criticism on the actual content, lad.


The focusing on money in the beginning of it isn't what it's all about, but a common theme. I'd say it more-so touts a classical education and thinking logically/for yourself.
For those who don't get the reference.

It's a trillion hours long (all I've gotten out of it so far is "ALP Ayncrap 'libertarianism' yay!"), but right in the description of the first video is naked ad copy for silver bullion coins, hardcopy propaganda videos, and a classical pyramid-scheme pay subscription newsletter.

It's like 3 or four. And I've been watching it for some time and haven't gotten bored.

That's what I thought at first, but it just gives one quote from her. It covers a lot of stuff. It has George Carlin, quotes from Voltaire, Mark Twain, many different classical philosophers. It's got some good content. It really starts at around video 19 to "24. Think Outside of the Cell".

Eh, I didn't notice that. That's not cool, but still, it shouldn't be discounted because of this. It's a free documentary. If they were charging for it I'd obviously have looked it up to stream for free, anyway.

I don't know about all this. The news letter maybe goes to the second point, which I don't like. But as far as propaganda, I hadn't seen any.

And I'm still asking about actual criticism of the content, I guess, overall.

dear god

Lmao, well, to be fair I've been listening to music in between, too.

I'm going to be frankly honest, I would not want to work with any Leninists. Socdems are more greenpilled than anyone gives then credit for even if they don't read. Phug CPUSA and probably also phug the anarchist in the corner there depending on how well he understands historical materialism.

What does it mean to be a Leninist? I know Lenin was Stalin's mentor, but that's it. Also what's greenpilled?

yes I'm a newfag to leftism








I literally just made up that term because redpilled has been stolen by reactionaries, it doesn't mean anything other than "awake to their situation and the solutions on a deeper level than most people".

Leninism is an incredibly broad spectral of philosophies representing probably more than half of leftists about the road to communism and what to do in the meantime united by all of them being shit various concepts like a representative democracy consisting of workers, negative attitudes towards grassroots participation on the grounds that most normies have no idea what the fuck they're doing, "democratic centralism" (which means a lot of things but among them are not disputing official party policy after its put in place, letting government control everything, and economic planning), and, most distressingly, a disregard for human rights if they think it preserves the revolution (read: the bourgeois party that wants to keep itself in power) as well as generally giving government too much credit. Other socialists see the problems they raise and propose other solutions- a direct democracy, a stronger education system, and decentralization. Decentralization is seen by people like me as stronger over all because if an agency of government or a corporation or something is a weak point it will be more likely to fall than in a more centralized system, but if it falls it won't bring everything else down with it, and also elitism and corruption will be less magnified.

We love newfags. I was once a socdem, and before that a libertarian, and before that a fundie.


Oh yeah, Zizek is a Leninist as the guy above shows. But he's kind of more out of the box than most Leninists. Most Leninists, even Trots who disapprove of many aspects of the Soviet Union, seem to think "we need to do things exactly like the Soviet Union but fix x and y and leave everything else exactly the same".
He's still wrong about those things though lmao.

Newfags are tasty.

Allright, got to vid 29 before concluding it just repeats itself over and over. My initial characterization as "strong independent individualist who don't need no collective" lolbertarian survivalism mixed with all the usual "baby's first redpill" out-of-context celeb quotes and sprinkles of Oriental business team-building lecture pseudomysticism was correct.

So far as unique claims, the gibberish about "debt-based money" and a "debt crisis" fueled by "rampant consumerism" is based on a common but easily debunked delusion that an infinite spiral of debt is crushing the entire economy. In fact, the economy as a whole and the wealth it generates has grown at about the same rate as debt:

The primary reasons this misconception seems believable to most people are that income and wealth have been sucked out of the lower classes, while debt has been heaped onto them; and that most people are blithely unaware of economic sectors outside lower-class household finance and financial transactions from other sectors that directly interact with it. This is also why a few trillion in delinquent consumer debt, rather than the inestimably huge financial derivatives market, seems like a plausible threat to an economy worth hundreds of trillions.

"The system" is doing perfectly fine, and the only thing that could possibly upend it is if the upper classes squeeze the lower classes too hard, too fast for the "boiling frog" effect to be overwhelmed, sparking class consciousness.

tl;dr it's about class war, not the economy

Leninism is another term for Bolshevism, which is the "state capitalist" flavor of cryptofascist pseudo-Marxism that corrupted and destroyed the anarchocommunist 3rd International, creating the USSR, PRoC, and other hellholes we know and love.

The green pill is a joke about Gnosticism and conspiracy theories


Lol you said it more strongly worded than I ever could. Remove knish.

Dude Jesus Christ cool it with the posting


Typical Leninist. Nobody gives a fuck about your gay videos and links. Find a way to put them in one post or get out.

This is what I was looking for; some conversation. I knew a lot of it was beginner stuff, but wanted someone else to weigh in. It was made around '08-'12(prime lolbertarian popularization time), so I took a lot of the economic talk with that perspective.

Tbh, the economic talk, though an undercurrent of the doc, I wasn't as much focused on. It does talk about collectivism and how we're stronger together. It references "divide and conquer" as well.

Seems pretty accurate. For that reason, I don't call it a complete waste of time. I was kind of thinking of it as a "poor man's philosophy".

So the US can continue on its path of debt, because we have a large working population contributing tax dollars, etc, who either don't or are unable to question the status quo or change paths easily? Is our only hope for revolution having another complete crash where so many will have nothing again?

Thanks for the input, user.


2016 Democratic Primaries: Sanders did much better in states with Paper Ballots

>This [] is an excellent analysis of the Democratic primaries from Axel Geijsel of Tilburg University -(The Netherlands) and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan of Stanford University (U.S.A.) .


>Steven D of posted this note []: This is a very long post, and contains the response of the authors of the study,“Are we witnessing a dishonest election? A between state comparison based on the used voting procedures of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary for the Presidency of the United States of America,” to critics who posted highly negative and derogatory comments to my initial blog post on this matter at Booman Tribune. Unless you are a stat geek, feel free to stop reading when you reach the section marked Attachment.

Use links nigger.

>In short, exit polling works using a margin of error, you will always expect it to be somewhat off the final result. This is often mentioned as being the margin of error, often put at 95%, it indicates that there’s a 95% chance that the final result will lie within this margin. In exit polling this is often calculated as lying around 3%. The bigger the difference, the smaller the chance that the result is legitimate. This is because although those exit polls are not 100% accurate, they’re accurate enough to use them as a reference point. In contrast to the idea that probably 1 out of 20 results will differ. Our results showed that (relatively) a huge amount of states differed. This would lead to two possibilities, a) the Sanders supporters are FAR more willing to take the exit polls, or b) there is election fraud at play.

Fuck off retard.

I don't mind the Zizek posting.

Yes, and lets upvote those links too. But first, let's register an account.

Gay post faggot. Back to Holla Forums.

He's got good bants.

You're interrupting conversation and sharing, just to shitpost at this point.

America LITERALLY not a democracy

Watching this & seeing him talk more, I was wondering, how much coke does he do? I don't see anything wrong with it if he does, of course. I always liked uppers because of the great conversation that follows. Does he do coke or is he just naturally like this?

I give a fuck. They're quite informative. He should post as much as he wants

I forget, but I think you can upload multiple videos in a single post, just like images.

Me neither, he may nominally be a postmodernist and LM, but the actual positions he extols under the rhetoric are strongly in line with mine pretty much all the time.

Probably a bit but I think he's just riddled with nervous tics to be honest

Typical Leninist apologetics.

Not American Elections related but it looks like shit got pretty real in France yesterday

God I wish Philly would look like this

Fuck off

lol why u so angry user


What would you guys do it you were an entryist and were working in something such as CTR?

Too bad. The protesters will be forced into the "Free Speech Zone" in the park across the street from the Wells Fargo Center.

Will Trump win the Stalinist vote?

Consider the following:

Will Trump institute a Holodomor in the rural south?



Not entirely far-fetched in principle:

Your post is very confusing as to who is speaking to whom. Got an actual link?

Oh shit, I'm sorry, I thought I included it.


DNC oppo research on Trump leaked.

It's pathetic. They're more incompetent than I thought.


trump is so good for workers you guys


Hoby shied, I hope they have one on Sanders. Can you imagine the reaction?

The stuff on NAFTA and TPP is hilarious.

What does it mean?


nigga gives less than zero fucks god damn

cheeky breeki

It means Operation Perestroika is proceeding exactly as planned, comrade.

>The Lawyer Representing The Undocumented Immigrants Was Threatened By Somebody Claiming To Be Named John Baron, A Pseudonym Trump Admitted To Using. “The lawyer representing the Polish Brigade had reported receiving a call from someone who identified himself as ‘John Baron’ and said Trump was ready to hit the lawyer with a $100 million lawsuit if he kept causing trouble. Trump now acknowledged on the stand that he had used the pseudonym ‘John Baron,’ as had one of his assistants. But Trump insisted that his use of it was only long after the completion of the Fifth Avenue tower, which became the first of many properties on which he so rapturously bestowed his real surname.” [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]

You know, it's funny watching the Shillbots get all pissy that Sanders is making demands and are defending shit like super delegates.

I think my favorite defense for them has to be "WITHOUT THEM WE WOULD'VE GOTTEN A TRUMP". Not only is it more Trump fear mongering, it also ignores the fact that Republicans had 11 FUCKING CANDIDATES running for President, which split the party vote.

Seriously, Trump should be writing a big thank you note to Marco Rubio for staying too fucking long in the race.

He likes don't he?

Trump isn't even as bad as most of the other Republican candidates. He's just more rude.

Trump is against NAFTA and TPP. The oppo research tries to paint that as a bad thing.


Smells like shilling. Literally every megacorp would benefit from it, so there's no surprise there. Glad to know he seems to be really against it. At least our memes will be somewhat safe.

give me a little, go ahead, tell me.” HUGH HEWITT: “He runs the Quds Forces.” DONALD TRUMP: “Yes,
okay, right.” HUGH HEWITT: “Do you expect his behavior…” DONALD TRUMP: “The Kurds, by the way,
have been horribly mistreated by …” HUGH HEWITT: “No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces.” DONALD TRUMP: “Yes, yes.” HUGH HEWITT: “…is the bad guys.”
DONALD TRUMP: “Right.” HUGH HEWITT: “Do you expect his behavior to change as a result…”
DONALD TRUMP: “Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds.” HUGH HEWITT: “No, Quds.” DONALD
TRUMP: “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you said Kurds, because I think the Kurds have been poorly treated by us,
Hugh. Go ahead.”

It's like a fucking comedy skit


“If you look throughout the world, France has to be the worst partner that this country has ever had. They'll sell a nuclear weapon to anybody giving them 10 cents more to the next guy. It's terrible. … I think France just doesn't respect this country. France is a terrible partner. They've been a terrible partner over the years. They are a very disloyal group in terms of their government, and I think they have to be taught respect. I'm not saying what I'm doing to them, I just think France and I think one thing I'm doing I'm exposing them, because I've never heard this before. But anybody that knows anything about government, knows that France has been a very disloyal partner to the United States and virtually anybody else they deal with.”

AFAK, the only country France "sold" a nuclear weapon to was Israel (well, actually it was a secret partnership to build a nuclear weapon).
And why the fuck does he think it is a terrible partner?
He's fucking living in an imaginary world.

t. surrendering man

Because Donald Trump is literally the embodiment of America's memes as a Presidential candidate, and one of those memes is a hatred of France

No, that was John Miller.

This is actually true and by perceiving it or at least portraying it as untrue that says a lot about the state of the DNC

The DNC leak with the list of Hillary's donors. Includes Charles Koch as a donor.

The full thing will be released by Wikileaks.

Now is the time to unleash the shill machine, and bring the evil witch down.

screencaps? I was just looking at it in TOR, but closed it down and don't want to bother opening it up again

What is Trump's game? While I don't believe he's the great hero his supporters believe him to be nor the destructive force his opponents claims he does seem to buck the party lines a bit.

But maybe it's just his absurd showmanship that makes it interesting to begin with.

He's a rich guy who's fucking around because he can. He doesn't give any paticular shit about politics. It's public knowledge that his campaign decided what his positions would be based on what was popular on conservative talk radio. He's just pandering to an audience he thinks is easy to get.

I think just like any other bourgeois fuck he doesn't really give a shit about sectors of the economy which don't directly effect him and so he isn't afraid to just say whatever since he isn't invested in aerospace/defense (so far as I know).

And even if he was it doesn't really matter what he says because none of his campaign promises are legally binding or anything, but it could also be signalling to those industries that once he's president they want the special treatment they've been getting they'll need to pony up. He's got no political carrier to jeopardize. If he loses this election he just goes back to being a billionaire, so to him whatever he says doesn't matter as long as it gets him elected.

Or not, if the Clinton-Trump conspiracy theory proves true

I think he's an oligarch that's trying for the president's chair not only because he can but because it would be potentially extremely lucrative to be head plutocrat.

Yep. We're going to see a whole slew of oligarchs running for president now. Wouldn't be surprised to see a guy like Jeff Bezos run in the future.

The mere fact that these people can be so easily fucked up with a hack says they aren't qualified to run a country in the digital age. I'm so sick of luddite baby boomers.

Did the Luddites actually do anything wrong?

I was reading about them and they actually sounded kinda based.

Yeah, they stored sensitive information in an unencrypted format all on the same machine in an unencrypted format.

Thank God Steve Jobs is dead.

President Jobs would be apocalyptic levels of totalitarianism.

I don't see it anywhere. We need a source quick.


All I see here is a "Bob Koch" in 4-16-commitment-sheet_040416-update.xlsx. Is this even one of the Koch brothers?

Sanders making announcement to run independently in 2 mins

Source? I thought he was making his announcement on Thursday.

Oh shit.
For some reason I thought it was today

As with Hillary, they're both ruling class m8

pol will still defend him. What did he say exactly about the TPP anyway?

Could at least be part of their family.




Eat the rich class war now

I would watch that shit on pay per view.

Yeah it honestly seems like a world ripe for satire

I'll add it to the list of things I want to make a webcomic/video game about but probably never will

If you want to make a webcomic, start yesterday. The only key to success there is to keep at it for a while. The longer you do it the more people will read, pretty much regardless of quality.

I wanna try to improve my art first because I feel like it's pretty dull right now

Also I need either a scanner or tablet

It literally doesn't matter at all, as far as your audience is concerned. In fact, putting your work out there is the best way to improve. As long as you actually listen to criticism and work to get better, unlike some artists.

TBH it works better to use a tablet. Scanning a sketch might be alright to "ink" on the computer but then you need a tablet anyway, and scanning a finished picture doesn't look very good. You also don't have to spend money on materials with a tablet.


this just makes it WORSE


are you kidding me


Barney Frank just announced that Bernie won't be given a primetime speech slot at the convention unless he publicly endorses Hillary beforehand.


Do you realize that there's a criminal FBI investigation is going on and Hillary Clinton will be indicted under Espionage Act?

Holy shit, that guy was in a Bernie Sanders group I was in, he is so fucking stupid.

I want to believe

Dude there could be footage of Hillary eating a live baby and she'd never be punished for it.


These dumb motherfuckers are seriously not going to learn that they're playing with fire until they get burned.

Barney Frank is now


I'm going to start emailing people like this and use logic and reason to try and tell them why they are wrong.

You don't need any punishment, just a week of media whining and republican talking-heads and bad polling to change the narrative.

They don't care about logic and reason, all they care about is $$$.


I don't have $$$

What else can i do?

ahahahah what the fuck

lol that shit IS the narrative, that can't change anything

t. H.A. "The more I say it, the truer it gets" Goodman

Her husband raped a child, does that count?

It's more like supporting evidence.

Well, I can't blame him after reading the timeline. Democratic sheeple don't even care.

How I imagine the convention is gonna go down.

Hillary: "California, I'm DNC."
Warren: "He wasn't alone"
Hillary: "You don't get to bring friends."
California: "They are not my friends"
Warren: "Don't worry, no charge for them."
Hillary: "Why would I want them?"
Warren: "They were trying to nab your prize. They work for progressive. The masked man."
Hillary: "Bernie?"
Hillary: "Get 'em on board - I'll call it in."

Hillary: "The general ballot I just filed with DNC lists me, my women, and Elizabeth Warren here. But only one of you."

?: "Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of an election."
Hillary: "At least you can talk. Who are you?"
?: "It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan"
Bernie: "No one cared who I was till I started polling at 3%"
Hillary: "If I pull this off, will you concede?"
Bernie: "It would be extremely painful."
Hillary: "You're an old guy."
Bernie: "For you."
Hillary: "Was losing the primary part of your plan?"
Bernie: "Of course. Elizabeth refused our offer in favor of yours. We had to know what she told you about us."
Hillary: "Well congratulations, you lost the primary. What's the next step in your master plan?"
Bernie: "Crashing this convention…"
Bernie endorses Gary Johnson

Okay, that's the second time I've seen this claim.



My favorite part is down below where they basically say they want to convince the media to use their arguments without being able to be linked back to it.
Poor DNC, looking like real fools.

The truth is out there, man!

Earlier in the thread it was claimed that the Koch's were on Clinton's donation list. It's all muddy waters & all intertwined. Both parties are corrupt & have ties to the Kochs or some of their lobbying firms:
I know, it's huffpost, but there's info in there & they link to this Intercept article. Intercept has done some great Hillary digging this election cycle. Lee Fang gives her the business pretty good.

Classic George Carlin worth sharing, "George Carlin on language of politics"

tl;dr The moneymen are smart enough not to put their names directly onto donation lists.

He'd be far more likely to endorse Jill Stein over Gary Johnson. Though both scenarios are unlikely unfortunately. Would be pretty fun to see how that would turn out though.


Tried to post the article before but it didn't work, so I'll try again

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */#.t3pfqlds1

If that doesn't work then it's this first "Brocialism" post

https:[email protected]/* */

Please tell me not all neoliberals are like this. He's getting praise for that article, it's so fucking stupid


Guys, I'm depressed now



no but you don't understand, something that improves lives for the vast majority of people is no good because it doesn't exclusively benefit the group i have decided is most marginalized

That is quite the definition of socialism.

Also, in the pic "my revolution" implies the author believes she belongs to the ruling class.
It's pathetic.

Technically, it means that they believe class equality will still leave inequality for them because patriarchy. Which is silly, but that's their argument.

Holy shit that pic.. Make it stop. Appealing to others' selfishness seems to be their winning ticket.

She should have said "So my revolution always has to wait for ours to happen first."

No, but see, they won't be perfectly equal should capitalism be overthrown so it's not their revolution. It's just for the icky men.

"It's not perfect so it is totally the wrong way :^)"

"Voting for a Black president really helps fighting racism (see Trayvon Martin)."

"It's free, therefore poor Blacks can't get it, 'cause they're niggers."

"We should reject white working class people, not reject people because of their race."

People should print this shit on flyers to pass out in Philly.

Sanders was right to not endorse Hillary. The DNC fucked themselves in the goddamn ass.

Guys I'm not American and am wondering what liberalism means in American discourse. How would you define it (pls no memes) and why do you despise it?

Quasi-social democrats with a strong emphasis on "leftist" idpol

Typically "liberal" is described as anything the democrats support.

Non-commie "progressist".

Liberalism, in the modern sense, is blaming racism and sexism for economic problems. It's feel good politics for the upper class.


involuntary egoist are the worst kind.

What is the bump limit on 8ch? Should we open up a new thread since the primaries are over?

This thread is cyclical my lad

"Progressives" that aren't anti-capitalist.

Meaning there is no bump limit?

It's got 400 replies, each new reply erases the current first reply.

The idea of liberalism is to give the impression of progress without actually progressing in any meaningful way. This is done by selecting a minority and giving them rights on par with the rest of the population before forgetting them and moving to the next one. The catch is that nothing is done to improve the lives of the majority. This allows it's supporter to feel good and pretend they're making the world a better place without bringing any meaningful change to the system, thus maintaining the status quo and distracting the population at the same time.

Of course this isn't how the supporters of liberalism see this, there's probably no conspiracy, only misconceptions on their part, as they genuinely see themselves as harbingers of progress.

Ahh, gotcha. Thanks.

Worse than that, it seems to imply that if given a choice between helping nobody and helping just white people, they'll choose the former.

In general:
Among anarchists:
In Randroid/lolbert/Autistrian circles:
In common parlance among laymen and the popular media:
On Holla Forums:
Trump just took a big hit in the polls, Clinton has a solid lead against him now.
It's not going to last

I really hope Clinton doesn't win.

Lmao, the DNC is so fucking incompetent. The "hackers" got into their gmail accounts (yes, they use gmail) by sending them bitly links which forwarded to fake gmail login pages. What a bunch of god damned morons.

Me neither.

I also really hope Trump doesn't win.

So what exactly Did Trump say on TPP?

No idea, but I think I can paraphrase: "TPP is the worst. Just the worst. It's awful. When I'm president I'm going to make the greatest trade deals you've ever seen. The absolute greatest."

plot twist: The Sanders camp sends the DNC a chain e-mail posing as a Nigerian prince and asks them for superdelagates

Whoa, how'd you get that quote?!

Do you support Donald Trump in his fight against imperialism?

Is this irony or post-irony

It's post-Poe law.


It's my attempt at post-ironic election posting on normiebook

It's post-meta-ironic.


Not even tankies are that dumb. Obvious satire.

I beg to differ

So this is too unbelievable?


I'm not sure what that was, but it was amazing

How anyone can look at this and not be absolutely disgusted is either dead inside or a tyrant themselves

Insulting a Jew for no reason is



it never ends

Perhaps there is still hope

I hope someone is sure to tell the author that the stream has been planned for a while now.

I expect that to be the next step for the Shillbots when they realize Sanderistas aren't going to back down.

articles like these make socialism more likeable to anti-idpol right wingers

thanks, obama

Here's a short piece from the POV of revolutionary collective organisation.


Why is the Republican party so utterly incapable of presenting decent candidates in 2016?

Where's muh Goldwater and Eisenhower?

For that matter where's muh FDR?

What the fuck happened?

conservatives kept getting more and more out of touch with what people wanted while sucking corporate cock. on top of that the banking on religiosity backfired as more people become atheist and more secular.

Cruz and Carson were the only ones religionshilling in the primaries and the other candidates were still garbage.

Cruz wasn't just "religionshilling" tho. He believes he's the second coming of Christ.

He's a dominionist, but he got eliminated in the primary since everyone saw he's a shuddersome weirdo, so I'm not concerned with him.


Negative feedback loop between politicians and constituents.

true that the other candidates didn't shill as hard but everyone up there is expected to tow the basic line with them. MUH MORALS and all that

Rubio was doing it pretty hard near the end of his run.
The dominionist from my god-forsaken state, Cruz, will inevitably run again in 2020 and probably 2024. He's young. If worst comes to worst he'll be a perennial with a cult following like LaRouche. Hey, it took Reagan three tries. I bet he eventually is the nominee. Or a nominee. The Republicans aren't long for this world.


The Republican party is simply drowning in the internal contradictions of its own ideology at this point.

I'd like to, but I can't.
I volunteered for the campaign but seeing it obviously stolen broke my heart. Unless Bernie says something to calm my feelings of betrayal in this area I won't watch.

don't despair comrade, you did something more important than elect a president. you put america one step further to the eventual socialist revolution.

That's what I've always said.

Remember guys. We need more slick entryists like Sanders in power and we need some people out.

Such as Debbie Wassermann Shultz, she needs to be replaced with Tim Canova, but she's refusing to debate him because she has never had to debate anyone in her life–even in congress

Canova is still shit tbh. His Israel shilling is too much for me. Bernie was just good enough on the issue. Any politician who can't be as good or better than Bernie on foreign policy isn't worth my vote.

It begins

Didn't know he shilled for Israel.
Well… He's better than DWS. It's a shame we don't have more people inside the government like Bernie.

We really need to focus on the down ticket races. The DNC left themselves wide open on that front.





nice yuge meme bernard


I hope he beats DWS, I'm just not going to vote for him in any situation unless he improves.

So many implications


He keeps dissing Hilldawg

he hasn't even mentioned her yet

Green Party pls


Just a reminder, Bernie carried west river in SD.

He implied in the beginning when talking about revolution

fuck this

No no no
pls don't do it bernie

no, no pls

Guys please tell me he's not gonna do what i think he's gonna do

I knew it was coming, but… i don't want him to do it

Bernie no


alright, I can stomach this line

"…Can not be our only goal."


Oh thank god

i'm hopeful






he said the opposite

He's been saying that for weeks you drama queens, calm down

He's going to philly bois


Kill me fam.

He's insulting Clinton at the same time as saying they have some similar views

go back to talking about class



He's pandering and you know it. I bet he hasn't even looked into it and just parrots it or knows it's BS.

He has to pander to normies on some things. And everyone panders on the equal pay meme


Guys this is a message

I'm still hoping that when the convention is over and they change nothing, he will finally come out strong like we need.

Get the part about arming the proletariat already you fucking ham.


I knew he wouldn't give up

he's gonna sheepdog. oh well, he did his part to mainstream socialism, what else could we ask from an american politician?

We've all heard your stump speech lad hurry up


Gay post

He wont do it. He's already said he's going to philly




Jane: Bernie, Dinner's ready!
Bernie: Just a minute Jane, I'm seizing the means

Infiltrate the arms of local power for the revolution


I dunno m8…

libertarian municipalism confirmed


it's like the definition of sheepdogging. that said I don't believe in futile third party politics in America, so if Berniecrats take over the Dem party over the course of the next couple decades, that's okay by me.

Have you never seen a slick entryist in act before m8? He isn't sheepdogging

great dear leader faggots

Jane: Come over
Bernie: I can't
Jane: I'm awakening the proletariat to the exploitative ways of capitalism
Bernie: [running webm]
God I fucking knew that he'd pull a Gol D. Roger as soon as shit looked bad

Gay post
Where the fuck are you getting the last one?


he hasn't endorse Clinton you actual retard

he just said he wants a path to citizenship to those here not that he wants open borders faggot





Whelp that was a worthless stream. Next time talk about election fraud you fucking pussy.

Well lads, we all know that the DNC will do none of what he asks. What do you think he'll do?

What do you think he'll do when the convention doesn't allow him to change anything about the direction of the party?

It's literally the same speech he's been giving for months
fuck off retard


He's gonna tell people they need to vote Clinton to stop Trump. It's obvious he'll do it, if not today, in a month. That said, it's important that he's trying to get people involved in local govt., and I don't give a fuck about Jill Stein or whoever. He's sheepdogging, but he's still going to do what he was really important for, which is make socialism appealing to young people.

you're a sheepdog

that denial tho

that's some grade A schlock right there

He's going to turn his funding machine into a piggybank for local government progressives. He'll replace the porky dems with socdems whether they like it or not.

He didn't and even said in an interview a month ago that he couldn't do so. He may "Officially endorse" her after philly, but he said that in no conditions would he tell his supporters to vote for her

Was for

He was right that most people will make up their minds on their own. But that doesn't mean he won't do it.

Doesn't mean he will do it either

Idk if this thread is full of pol right now or what, but this was historic. He will fight to the DNC, be extremely aggressive about his platform, fight to the very end, then he will plainly endorse with Clinton. He will fight a campaign focused against trump rather than for clinton, make sure she wins, then the real work begins. Taking all the energy and pushing back against neoliberalism in a historic way.

The elections have fucked me up as well, and it is disappointing he is going to endorse Clinton. But Bernie would not be able to sustain a long term movement if he totally broke with the Dem Party and was seen as a spoiler. A Trump presidency would be a disaster, and a Clinton presidency helps further alienate the left.

His supporters will still be there for him after the general, the left will still be there, and a massive number of dedicated organizers and young people will be there promoting a grassroots class based socdem program. Idk what is better for the left right now.
Since this topic seems to be a hot debate lately

He didn't say anything he hasn't already said before. I think he's just going to keep holding these press conferences to fuck with the DNC and Hillary's campaign. Fine by me.


I don't get you fags. You understand he was never the second coming of Lenin, right? That shit was just memes. You don't have to uncritically adore this guy. I'm not shitting all over him for being a politician. He's easily one of the best politicians in America, if not the best, and no matter what he does to endorse Clinton, his campaign has clearly made massive waves in American politics that can't be erased by him making a little compromise. I'm just saying he's obviously going to do what he's going to do.

This guy gets it.

Have you seen how stubborn this fucker is? He isn't going to. He has to officially release a statement after philly where he "endorses" the democratic nominee, though this is because he took a pledge and needs to be a man of his word in order to still be effective in the senate. You can't go back on a presidential pledge like that.

He has stated so many times that no matter the circumstances, he cannot and will not tell his supporters to vote for her if she's the nominee.

They are CTR shills from reddit /r/ess and twitter

It was just his usual speech my dude.

second part was for

Agreed. And lol @ the dipshits earnestly rationalizing Trump as being "better" or "less dangerous" than Clinton. Honestly he probably did better than any of us would have.

Where did I do so? You are making far too many assumptions.

they're just about the same tbh.

faggots ITT are accusing me of being some kind of CTR shill or Holla Forums invader just because I'm making the extremely obvious observation that he's going to shill for Hillary in the general election.


They're doing so as to give you the benefit of the doubt, instead of just being a huge retard.

You might not be a Holla Forumsack but you sure are as fucking stupid as one.



it would be okay if you stayed on reddit tbh

Simply epic post my man


Pretty much.

His speech was about committing mutiny against the DNC, then hijacking the party
Go here to get emails from Bernie on local candidates.

He's extremely likely to endorse Hillary when the primary is over. It's obvious from his speech. I'll be very surprised and happy if he doesn't, but I'm okay with his "BUT DEFEATING DONALD TRUMP CAN NOT BE OUR ONLY GOAL" line. As long as he spends more time fighting to get his people into local government, I don't hold any grudge against him for it.

You guys support Bernie?

How is he not "CAPITALISM WITH A NICE FACE, INTO THE TRASH" to hardcore leftists?

Just gonna repeat my earlier statement

Because he's shown signs in the past that he actually believes in a stronger message than he's put out there, and also because any push to the left is positive considering how right-wing the US is. He's allowing for discussion of ideas that were previously taboo.


he's a slick entryist
hiding his powerlevel

Even if he is just a socdem, that's still further to the left than anything America has today

what's your point? he's going to endorse her. do you think politicians go around yelling "you literally must vote for the person I endorse, it is your only choice"? I'm not saying he'll do that. Jesus.

Envelop pushing my lad


Overton window


This is great


Hillary supporters on social media are losing their minds. Lol.

My point is it's not going to be an actual endorsement such as the many democrats in congress who have endorsed Hillary and have been yelling at everyone that we need to vote for Hillary in order to defeat Trump

Yes, quite a lot of them, especially in the wake of Trump. Have you not been paying attention lately?

Any good ones worth sharing?

Lol isn't that the Ayn Rand fanboy from Alex Jones' show or something?

Sandman is so slick

Go to medium or something.

It's like tumblr except for neolibs obsessed with idpol and think they know about politics. It's full of $hillbots

lmao Oprah endorsed hillary

Is that not just the equivalent of neofascists supporting Trump?


This one gave me a good chuckle.

Still can't quite figure out why Hillbots want Bernie to endorse her so badly. Trump stands no chance in November with or without Bernie's endorsement. I think it's just a power move. Also shows just how little faith they have in Hillary.

In the sense of wanting to push forward discussion to better facilitate them? yes but that's hardly an indictment of anyone

I guess? Not sure why that's relevant.

Trump consistently not only falls short of the ideological underpinnings of his rabid fanbase, but outright contradicts it. Nothing he says is consistent, and just says whatever gives him the most appeal at a given time, just like any politician. Holla Forums just jerks off to him because he talks shit.

On the other hand, Holla Forums initially completely disregarded Bernie as just another socdem, but warmed up to him over time as more and more info came out on him that contributes to the idea that he's more radical than he'll let on. And unlike Trump, he's 100% consistent. People here only sort of like him, and that's an earned respect that will evaporate instantly if he does something uncharacteristic of what we've seen so far.

Trump could get cucked by Jews on live TV, and Holla Forums would declare they actually liked Jews all along.

Because Berniecrats need to get back in line!

I'll admit I ignore the Hillary shills most of the time.

It's similar, but Trump clearly doesn't give a fuck about fascism. He was a democrat most of his life. He's a wildly inconsistent conman who was, in all likelihood, set up by Clinton to make her victory easier. Pretty different from Bernie, who has been consistent his whole life, and is actually secretly more socialist than he lets on.

Call the old ladies/anonymous ones Phyllis, it drives them nuts.

Oh by the way Paul Krugman is an "economist" (ie. free market shill) so don't pay him any midn but to laugh at him

Well, for one thing, despite all their huffing and puffing to the contrary, they need the support of the majority of Bernie supporters but desperately do not want to have to earn it. Kinda goes along with the fact that they know how unprogressive/illiberal Hillary is.

But I also think they just fundamentally do not understand why people support Bernie, because it's the opposite line of reasoning that people use to support Clinton (or Trump for that matter). Bernie supporters overwhelmingly seem to support him based on policy, while Clinton supporters support her because she's Hillary Clinton, and mold their positions to fit hers. Thus, if Sanders says he'll support Clinton everyone will just fall in line.

share some you greedy non-sharer

has anyone ever called him out for supporting sweatshops

Trump is literally the most pro-israel and 2nd most jewish candidate already


that sure changes the gravitational fields around the race
u know
coz her
her big ass
she has a big ass
that bends gravity
u know
a joke

The "Alt-Right" support Trump because he is edgy and says he will send the evil mexicans Mexico and make America great again so I can get a GF.
Literally nothing else.

That sort of happened with his daughter, and they keep sucking on.

"4.CDS victims: Quite a few Sanders supporters are mainly Clinton-haters, deep in the grip of Clinton Derangement Syndrome; they know that Hillary is corrupt and evil, because that’s what they hear all the time; they don’t realize that the reason it’s what they hear all the time is that right-wing billionaires have spent more than two decades promoting that message. Sanders has gotten a number of votes from conservative Democrats who are voting against her, not for him, and for sure there are liberal supporters who have absorbed the same message, even if they don’t watch Fox News."
-Paul Chugthekoolaidman


I saw someone claim that Hillary being a puppet of Wall Street was just a right-wing conspiracy Which is true, she's not a puppet, she IS Wall Street

Gee, Clinton claiming that all her opponents are just part of a vast right-wing conspiracy, who could have seen that coming?

gulags fucking when

I'm not a Trump supporter but I could as easily say "the left supports Bernie because he says he will break evil banks and make college free so they won't have student loan debt"

and you would be wrong

That seems to be the breadth of the average Bernie supporter's convictions, much like Trumpcucks have paper thin reasons for supporting Trump.

Most of us who support Bernie realize that he is not perfect, or at least can point to some substantial evidence to indicate he's more left-wing than his positions would imply.

Holla Forums however seems to unironically think of him as some sort of great champion for the fascist cause

It's funny you say that, because while I have met nothing but for the trump supporters, I've yet to meet a single bernie supporter of that type. Could just be anecdotal confirmation bias on my part.

Yeah, the only dogmatic Bernie supporters I've met have been olds – like 60+ people who shout phrases at meetings like they're attending a football game. Anyone below that has generally been reasonable, intelligent, well-read and politically aware.

That's exactly what he is, but that doesn't invalidate most of what he's doing, nor that hardcore leftists can't or shouldn't support a pink candidate if it means opposing or disrupting the bourgeois system.


So who would be a bigger obstacle in fulfilling the goal of Sandernistas of taking control of the government from the bottom up? If Trump wins and fucks up as Bush, that would make it easier for democrats to win later, if the planet still stands.

For the record I would go green either way, but we have to think in advance.

Obviously because they hate Republicans more.

There are two worries - if Hillary wins, people may get demotivated and give up on radical change thanks to small concessions but if Trump wins people may blame Bernie for not supporting Hillary and the leftist movement will lose momentum that way. There's not many good options here.

Assuming Clinton isn't indicted Hillary winning would probably make the groundup transformation more difficult as she collaborates with the DNC to make sure nothing like this can ever happen again.

Meanwhile, at least my impression, is that regardless if Trump wins or loses the RNC is going to be just as busy trying to make sure nothing like Trump can ever happen again. If he wins I imagine he's still going to be in this adversarial position with the general Republican party because the whole point of being president for Trump would be to be in such a position of power that regular business can't function without his approval.

That said, I don't think whatever happens–even in the event of a Sanders victory–that either party will just ignore the subsequent races, and for them to achieve anything like long term success will require sustained vigilance and activism to counter the inevitable reaction.

Part of me fears a Hillary presidency because I feel that her shitty policies combined with longing about "what might have been" under Trump will only help fuel this new alt-right quasi-fascist trend even further, and next time we might not get a questionable business man at the helm, we might get a true believer.

But on the other hand I feel a Clinton failure would help radicalize the left as well, but I don't know if it would be enough to fight back against the beast of pure ideology that is the Trump following.

If @ mention him about it he will block you.

Why do people think Trump would be able to get anything done? I still don't understand why people fear him so much. He's the living breathing literal definition of a paper tiger.

Even if you say >NOT AN ARGUMENT?

Hmph, the nerve

bernie's gonna endorse though. only total delusional shills that nobody listens to will whine about that.

Uh, because he's a Republican and Congress is controlled by a Republican majority in both houses?

Seriously, it's time to stop posting.

Mainstream republicans in Congress won't support any of his proposals.

Even TYT think he's going to "sell" his endorsement to Clinton for certain platform guarantees and concessions. Probably the only reason he hasn't already is because he's stalling until the convention in the hopes that the bitch gets indicted, which if this Guccifer2 prophecy comes true just might happen.

You underestimate the power of mass media. Even Bernie's said it himself - he can't tell people where to go and who to endorse, and they will blame his supporters for ruining the election because they believed in substantial change instead of taking what they can get.
Both ways can lead to disaster, it's just a question of whether or not it ends up happening.

Do you even Bush, comr8? He's a rubber stamp.

He's too proud to be a Bush.

If anything he's gonna be too liberal for mainstream RNC repubs.


Because everyone has been playing him up as some great evil to try to present themselves as champions of rationality and reason and fairness and part of me feels because they know doing so would only bolster his support as well, creating essentially a negative feedback loop

An anime meme image. I've been flabbergasted.

yeah, you mean the mass media that crushed Trump and prevented Bernie from winning more than two states?


lol yeah all that free advertising in the form of media attention crushed trump all the way to primary domination

it was blatant election fraud that kept bernie from winning and there's substantial evidence to prove it

They didn't know how to deal with populist movements succeeding, but they sure know how to deal with populist movements failing ESPECIALLY when it's a spoiler to an election. They did quite a bit to damage Bernie this cycle - obviously, they also angered a massive portion of his supporters but they assured that they were not going to get substantial economic change.


No, it was Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. Don't debase yourself like this. The states with the most fucked-up voting systems (caucuses) are ones Bernie won.

Correction - the states with traditional paper ballots and a paper trail to follow were the ones Bernie won.


Fuck off retard

they don't know shit. The people who matter for the future of socialism in America, the berniecrats, don't give a fuck about journoshills opinions.

no, there was literally blatant vote rigging. fuck off.

wew lad

Even if there was, it certainly didn't decide the election.

You're never going to get anything done if you just dismiss a loss as "IT WAS RIGGED." You seriously think more people voted for Bernie, but it was funnybusinessed into a Hillary victory? That's absolutely delusional.

literally millions of votes disenfranchised/purged from voter rolls but she totally won the popular vote :^)

CTR spotted

You should either fuck off and educate yourself or just stop posting you know nothing faggot.

Keep living in your fantasy world. Yep, Bernie totally won but it was rigged. Jesus Christ.

It easily may have. this is the second-closest primary in the past 40 years. Hillary was consistently outperforming the exit polls by 5% or more. there were countless reports of switched registrations. there was open voter purging. This kind of shit not only may have cost him the election in raw numbers, but hurt his momentum.

All it proves is that socialism needs an irrefutable majority of support to break through in America. A close win is not good enough.

Even if she did win the popular vote (which is likely) it was due to a variety of other funnybusiness.

Yeah, he did totally win, and yeah, it was totally rigged, you fucking dipshit.

sounds like a shillocrat to me

just gooo lmfao

Sanders vs. Trump Clinton vs. Trump

>In a previous post, the True Vote was estimated from actual caucus votes, exit polls, estimated manipulation of voter rolls, absentee and provisional ballots. Sanders leads by 51.5-48.5% (800,000 votes).

Sanders vs. Trump Clinton vs. Trump


I hate Clinton, I'm just laughing at the juvenile suggestion that more people voted for Bernie.

– Actual votes in caucus states are not included in the count – to the benefit of Clinton.
– Exit polls indicated voting machines were hacked – to the benefit of Clinton.
– Voter rolls were manipulated – to the benefit of Clinton.
– Long lines and reduced polling stations reduced voter turnout – to the benefit of Clinton.

26 Exit Polls
n P=1 in
1 2
2 7
3 38
4 266
5 2,415
6 27,384
7 378,644
8 6,280,036
9 123,437,142
10 2,850,178,375
11 76,829,636,415

kill yourself tia

Rolled 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3 + 1 = 14 (6d6)
how do I make these dice work again?

make dice gr8 again

Lib media is not pleased.

Good, it means we're doing it right

I can't wait for President For Life Sanders to get rid of Slate. :^)

that's just outright media butthurt
The first one looks like the title of an Onion article.

We should teach Bernie necromancy and turn him into a lich. Then have him re-animate all the great leftists through history.

Necrocracy when?

You know you are winning when they are turning into a self-parody.
news on trustvote lawsuit

(most of the campaign)
(we are currently here)
(the convention)
(the presidency)

I subscribed and unscubscribed to her channel a few times. She's a true hysteric with all the ups and downs of the whole package.

Didn't he attend Lennin's tomb during his honeymoon?

it's an interview

Yes, I can see. I'm talking about her channel and herself.

They consummated the marriage atop Lenin's tomb.

Good thing about this is all the bleeding heart liberals showing their true faces and siding with establishment.
I propose we create a web site with all their names, articles and sources,, so everyone would remember the history.

So who here is running for office then?
We need an official Holla Forums candidate.


Just a reminder that retards are comrades too.

I can't wait until my new video card can process all these fps!

I would be Bernie's Edward Meechum

I signed up out of curiosity.
I want to know what he has planned for people who actually want to run


Who let you out of the Gulag?

wut? im a comrade

Welp, looks like its up to us. Thanks a pantload, Bernie campaign.

The difference is, Sanders would actually subsidize education, but Trump hasn't said a single word about LEGAL immigration quotas, as opposed to the meme nonissue of illegals.

The firestorm of hatred on the issue from Sanders/Trump supporters has caused Krugman to make a soft retreat from his long-held stance on NAFTA/GATT/CAFTA/TPP being engines of economic prosperity, even if he still refuses to condemn them. We can smell the stink of fear:

It's PC to openly oppose Trump, but not Hillary, so it's much likelier anything loathsome she attempts would succeed than vile policies from him. Also, his brashness might erode the paralyzing verdigris of PC from the left, while her PC pandering would thicken it.

Somehow, just somehow.. I feel this is a parody.

The only reason identity politics is successful is backlash against people like Trump. He strengthens liberal idpol. The more successful feminism is, however, the more people get sick of it and wake up to how horrible it is. As long as it's the underdog it will persevere. Clinton as President would be the best blow to idpol as people realize that a woman President actually isn't great just because she has a vagina.

It gets worse.

I thought the same thing before Bush, and especially Obama, back when I actually upheld the black movement as something that had weathered the same 1970s degeneration of a civil rights movement into a supremacy movement as feminism, but unlike feminism emerged from it with a firm general rejection of supremacists from its leadership.

Then Obama came in, idpol surged, and every significant corner of leftism was utterly overwhelmed. Even before Obama, Bush seemed to focus the left somewhat on leftism rather than idpol, with the PC weeniefest that was the 1990s receding noticibly.

So until further evidence emerges, I think an aggressive purge from someone unwilling to play by PC kayfabe rules is likelier than not to deal it a deathblow.

I agree comrade. To defeat our enemies, we must hand them victory. The proles are quite savvy and will definitely connect the impacts of Clinton's policies to her actions as President. Nothing gets past the average American voter. Look at how many have pegged Obama as continuing and expanding Bush's policies.


Perhaps it's true that having to actually fight for their basic rights and decency gives them something more important to do than fighting over pronouns and girl power, but in my experience that usually provides the base for idpol, which is why it thrived after Bush, not because Obama was elected. I think you're confused about cause and effect, there. Idpol gains acceptance and support when it's not exposed for what it is and can be painted as a struggle against ridiculous right-wing politicians and oppressive policies. It's only when it's brought into the light and given some semblance of power, and has to act as opposed to react, that the majority of people realize it's bullshit. That's what has happened under Obama, and that's what is happening on college campuses, and perhaps in Europe too. Trump might see idpol recede, but only to resurge even stronger afterward. Clinton would see it peter out and lose support as it demonstrates itself to be ludicrous.

why the fuck are they even mad? why can't they just have a little patience and wait for him to lose AT THE END OF THE PRIMARY? How much do they fucking hate democracy?

this would be gold. we could at least have some kind of parody candidate who reads Hoxha scripture in the debates or something.

The primary is over and Bernie officially lost. They just want him to say that he actually lost and bend the knee for Hillary because they're all power-grubbing weirdos.


I feel like I'm living in North Korea or something.

the primary isn't over until the convention, fag.

The voting phase is over and Hillary is for all intents and purposes the nominee. If you want to be pedantic about it and call me a fag, go for it comrade.


I'd much rather be pedantic than apathetic.

Idk what you are complaining about, it's basically democratic socialism in action. "We had our debates" now its time for unity of the party. Get behind the party line and shut up less we appear weak and disorganized.

Of course the democratic party is a corporate one, I just don't expect to see the party line being towed here in Holla Forums.


Nah I'm just fucking with you. I highly doubt anyone on Holla Forums is going to go out and vote for Clinton. Personally if I lived in a swing state I might, if only because the tears of salty alt-right shits is sweet nectar to me.

I'm not being apathetic. You're pants-on-head-retarded if you think Bernie is somehow going to get the nomination, be it through a Hillary indictment or all the superdelegates having a last minute road to Damascus moment. It's not going to fucking happen. Hillary is going to be president for the next 8 years. We need to start planning for that instead of holding onto pipe dreams.

wew lad

Would that have happened if Bush were succeeded by someone like Sanders, rather than a milquetoast DLC-esque centrist in Bill Clinton's mold?

Your stance verges on accelerationism, and sounds far too much like the PRfag attitude that killed GG. I think what's needed to fight PC isn't to let it expose itself through sheer overwhelming insanity (with the plausible if unlikely possibility of it PC morphing into a force of genuinely terrifying totalitarianism), but to aggressively drag it out to the sun from the safety of its warrens, and destroy it in the light of day. The reclamation of what was ours must be as brazen and defiant as possible.

pic related

Whether or not Sanders gets the nom, we will still have to clean out the rigged electoral process to have any hope in the future. Further, casting as much doubt on her "win" as possible will devalue the opposition's political capital. There is zero downside to contesting this sham of a primary and attacking our enemies' personal corruption.

someone needs to make a hillary version of this


I'm sorry you apparently having the parsing skills of a fucking gnat, but here, let me spell it out for you in retard-speak: ME NO ENDORSE HILLARY, ME JUST BEING REALISTIC.

The Porky Queen is going to be president for the next 8 years. It was decided awhile ago. In fact, Trump is probably a hired ringer for the Clintons.

Bernie laid a groundwork that hopefully we can build upon. But he's not going to be president.

Are you literally fucking retarded? "Planning for that" means building up the grassroots that Bernie has laid. It has nothing to do with giving up.

Like, are you actually retarded or just a shitposting coadjutor? Either way, kindly fuck the fuck off.

Totally realistic to vote for a candidate for this reason.

This entire post is defeatist and reads like a CTR post. Hence, not much effort is needed to point out how retarded it is.

Saying give up has nothing to do with giving up?

Like, fuck off back to >>>/reddit/ or actually contribute in a meaningful way in the first place.

Yeah, suggesting that we, say, focus on getting down ballot Bernie democrats elected to local offices instead of still focusing on getting Bernie elected as president (which is an utter delusion at this point) TOTALLY makes me a CTR shill.

Bad faith + cancer-tier parsing skill = your fuckawful shitposts. If anyone belongs on reddit it's you, you fucking mong.

lol no. that bitch will get four years max, possibly fewer with an impeachment. she's one of the most-hated politicians in history.

The autism on display ITT right now is why the contemporary left will accomplish nothing of merit.

All for it. Just say that in the first place.

This is where you lose me. It's not over yet, and most of us are really looking forward to Philly.

Hey, it's funny to me. Don't really care if it's not to you, user.

Lighten up, bud.

By "prepare for 8 years of Hillary" I was not implying that we give up and prepare to get behind her to defeat Trump, if that's how you took it. I was implying that we prepare for 8 more years of neoliberal hell on earth and figure out ways to deal with it/fight it. I should have made myself more clear and you should not have reacted in bad faith like a turd.

Also, take off the tinfoil. The idea that CTR shills would waste their time on this website/board is beyond laughable.


Still not making yourself look less like a CTR shill. :^)

I actually wouldn't mind CTR coming here to shill. Maybe the poor sap doing it would learn something.


I've often wondered how many have been swayed, but keep doing the job to earn money.

I respect all kinds of hustles, but when you're undermining justice & what the people want, I can't hang with it. CTR is just the worst. I'd much rather sell pot or something, in all honesty. I'd feel much cleaner.


most people have conscience

If you're working as a paid shill, you either don't give a shit about the issue, or are so thoroughly indoctrinated that anything said against your ideology goes in one ear and out the other.

I doubt people with a conscience would sign up for such a job in the first place.

But.. $$ overrides it sometimes, unfortunately. You'd be surprised how people compromise their morals to survive. BUT - I won't defend undermining justice. I was a full blown addict, and even then, I had some lines I wouldn't cross.

What? I'm accelerationist, and you're not for saying we should let Trump be president so his "vile policies" would erode political correctness? Do you even know what accelerationism is? Jesus Christ.

You can think what you want. I make my decisions based on evidence and reasoning. Milquetoast Obama came to power because of idpol's resurgence in the wake of the Bush presidency. Arguably, Bush came to power because of the backlash against idpol during Clinton's time. The only thing proven to expose idpol to the light of day is to show what happens when it has to act as opposed to react. Horrible right-wing presidencies (and especially accompanying right-wing Congressional majorities) are the warren of idpol. That's where it breeds and spreads. All this is observable in history, as opposed to your tiresome "what ifs."

How do you even get or apply for such a job? That's what I've always wondered.

This. Being paid to shitpost is pretty mug change a dream come true, and if you're subtle enough, you could use the opportunity to actually spread facts instead of rhetoric.

Maybe they go around recruiting people. Or hire people with connections to the campaign. Or give workers in China who can barely speak English a list of phrases to copypasta.

autocorrect what the fuck

Why do you want to know, user?

I'm sure there are ways to go about it.. if one was so inclined on undermining the will of the people

This seems most likely. Or just people that can speak English decently from other countries that are willing to work for dirt cheap.

If we knew their recruiting/hiring methods we could perhaps do something to disrupt it.

markets do wonders ;^)

mein neger

Then I would say their website probably has some link or something. They put everything up there anyway, so I don't see why not.

By accelerationist, I was referring to your turn the other cheek suggestion toward PC, not about Trump's non-culture-wars-related generic rightist policies.

Trump's policies are less likely to actually happen than Hillary's IMHO. Anyway, I'm not saying Trump's actual policies would harm PC, but that his rhetoric will, also acting as a lightning rod to draw them into the open and lend morale to attacks on them by others. That doesn't even take into account Hillary's explicit statements she's going to give power to identitarians as ablative PR armor.

As for the Bush/Gore contest, I don't remember PC being a huge issue in that election (even if nearly as annoying, PC was a lot less vicious back then, too). I think Bush's support mostly came from classcuck "muh taxes, muh freeloaders" myopic greed and a Republican anti-Clinton grudge.

DoC? Mine was opiates(any kind), then methadone for 9 years, now I'm back to opiates again, but now it's for a legitimate pain condition(which developed ironically when detoxing improperly from 110mg daily). If there is a God, they have a twisted sense of humor, sometimes.

Besides, if Trump wins the election it will be on the wave of backlash against idpol because of, you guessed it, the last 8 years of Obama that you criticize.

what is

Drug of choice

I prefer none, but sometimes its hard to do without (like when studying for meaningless university exams, I just have to attempt to sabotage myself). So you'd agree that addiction is basically a matter of choice? ;^)

True, it could be that Trump is the start of a vicious cycle of left-idpol feeding right-idpol. But contrariwise, couldn't that be a testament to his campaign's effectiveness in energizing opponents of idpol across the political spectrum?

Brexit vote soon. British Holla Forums is insane.

Haha, what's funny is, I can remember being in some drug rehab class when I was 14 I got an early start and we had some stupid debate project to argue whether it was a choice or genetics. Retarded back & white argument, I know. I was put on the side of "it's a personal choice". Even though I didn't agree, I won the debate.

Good you prefer none, then you won't be dependent on one. That's how I used to be. Keep it mixed up & don't overdo it. Harm reduction sites like bluelight & erowid I've found helpful - you can learn from others' mistakes, lmao.

After going down the long road so far, I've come to accept that I just don't want to be completely sober & likely won't ever be. We all have our vices. I overdid it all these years & just feel like shit when I'm sober. Exercising does give a rush though, that I enjoy. Maybe one day I'll replace it with that.. Maybe.

Idpol: Not even once.

So you chose?

And then you didn't choose. It seems to me choices are being made here.

Get out of my mind!

I'm going to track down the exact clip & make a webm. :)

Apparently this is a reenactment of the Cheryl Mills deposition if anyone's interested.

Kind of entertaining.

You can't make this shit up.

He said that during the stream fam

He never said he's backing her though. He's a politician; he's working with everyone. I particularly like the way he words most things.

I think once the DNC will inevitably snub him and his supporters during the convention, he can use this to our advantage.. Again.

At 3:25 you hear Hillary say, "Do you know how many times I've been investigated? What if they could see my emails; can you imagine?"

This was from a while back, too.

He's been saying that for fucking months already
Calm down




I hate these faggots.


They're scared as fuck that they might actually have to work for our vote.

I know these fuckers will blame us if she loses to Trump too.
Eternal victims.

It's scary how much they fear nonconformity.


Jesus, what a pussy. Good luck getting laid, "Branden".


Why does this video have a high amount of likes?

Bernie is a traitor for grovelling to Hillary and the DNC.

hellloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo REDDIT!

But I'll indulge anyway, lmao.

He's not groveling, he's slowly exposing the corruption to the American people who somehow weren't aware of it. In most cases, they're working so hard and often they literally can't afford to even pay attention enough. I was there once; and morale has been extremely low for a while now with Americans, too. Bernie's energized and enlightened many. He's speaking about the issues that actually affect Americans daily - which no other candidates were until they saw how popular it made him - despite a media blackout and constant smear campaigns. His popularity gave me more faith in my fellow Americans.

I think once the DNC inevitably snubs Bernie and his supporters at the convention, it will wake and energize even more people.

I don't know what will happen in the coming months, but I do know he's doing some major good for America.

Bernie's a smart politician; he knows what he's doing. I don't think there's any scenario in which he's done bad for America and Americans.

Is the DNC so arrogant and stupid that they'll kill themselves, and their entire down ticket race, for Hillary?

Hell yeah, they are. They've basically already done it, many times over. DWS has completely ignored down tickets all over the US, and the Dems lost major power. Not to mention the insane shitshow that is our media, colluding with the DNC. This is business as usual.


we insurgent now

What makes it worse is that while the DNC is weakening their own power(like laundering general funds to Hillary), the RNC is working to maintain theirs. It seems they're taking a play from Sanders' book and focusing on the down ticket races to both compensate for their shit candidate.

The Democratic establishment seems content fiddle while Rome burns.

So they can cuck out to Shillary and the DNC like Sanders did?


I'm sure that if Trump had a political insurgency (such as a renewed Tea Party caucus) boiling up behind him like Sanders, the Republicans would be no different. Even as is, there are persistent rumors that some kind of RNC coup/court judgment assassination is in the wings by GOP insiders against him. Both major parties, regardless of their squabbles, want to keep hold of their positions. Although knocking Trump out of the nomination would be a fantastic license for Sanders to go 3rd party and drop any pretense of "party unity"

Why do people respond like this to posts that are clearly ironic/sarcastic? Is it autism?

Are you bored user? Or just retarded?

myy doooooggggg leemme just congratulate you on that SIMPLY EPIC POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! highfivums my droog…

after the presidential election, what reason could they have to do this?


he fucking lost the primary, how does it matter now?



i am implying that he lost and will endorse dem. nominee and will not run third party as he said earlier

Oh, shit.
He was serious.



I guess 7,000 people signed up.
If even half of those are serious, then he could really turn the tables on the dems

Where do I sign up to run for office as part of Bernie's revolution? I'm a NEET but it sounds like fun.

Thanks :)

epic post Holla Forumsro!

If you do well you might wind up with a job :^)

Who better than a class-conscious neet to run for office? This may be the wine talking, but I am so ready for this revolution, who's with me guys? Fuck yeah we're gonna kick porky's ass fuck Hillary and trump and dws Fuck em all I have so much energy I want to put into the revolution but comrades are so few and few between and then when you find them they're shit fuck mls I hate state worshippers

Given that run on sentence I think you might be right, lad
shill here everyone

who would vote for you?

so they're just sacrificing her to some class traitor union leader to try and get the lefties off their backs.

Yup, cutting the baggage and no doubt giving her some hefty compensation for the trouble.


Or is this ideology making me think we got one?


this too.

why exactly are we supposed to be mad at DWS when she literally just did everything Hillary told her to? Hillary is clearly still the problem.

>>>/tumblr/ & >>>/gulag/
Wes "FuckThatKid" Clark is on point.

Do we know anything else about this guy yet? I'm automatically skeptical if the Clinton camp is happy with him.

This is him lol

We need a Holla Forums surrogate comrade


By donating to his campaign? These people are delusional.

Garbage damage control. Most likely an article the DNC didn't want to leave its "fingerprints" on.

Don't use the Wayback Machine for archival, it was outed early in GG as having been infiltrated by pod people at the beck and call of the LWs. Use instead.

Wasn't SEIU one of the unions doing dodgy shit to their members during the primaries?

fecking what

Fantastic PDF on the Political Economy of Security.

An extract

[…] The ongoing reporting on the NSA and the GCHQ surveillance scandal provides an in-depth appreciation
for the ways in which states can conjointly deploy policies and practices of securitization of information
and communications. Another example of the transformation of the domain of information and
communications into a matter of national security (Deibert 2011: 24) is the United Nations (UN) General
Assembly resolution that the Russian Federation, China, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan presented in
September 2011. The resolution proposed a code of conduct for information security and the protection of
national sovereignty in information and communications—this “could give any state the right to censor or
block international communications for almost any reason” as well as “could even be used for trade
protectionism in cultural industries” (Internet Governance Project 20th September 2011). The
securitization of information and communications at the national level is a common enough policy, but
their attempted securitization at the level of international politico-economic blocs is a much more recent
tendency in global politics […]

[…] Contemporary tendencies in state and corporate policies and practices concerning ICT include various
aspects of securitization, censorship, and surveillance. Identifying these tendencies allows for clarifying
the implications of what is emerging and developing quite rapidly in our contemporary surveillance
society: a global political economy of surveillance. Kirstie Ball and Laureen Snider explain political
economy as “the interconnection of social, economic, and political processes” (Ball and Snider 2013: 1)
They share with this article the opinion that our global surveillance society is driven by the political
economies desired by its most dominant players, which are also its two most “massive configurations of
power”: the state and the corporation (idem: 1-2). For this reason, Ball and Snider draw attention to “the
embeddedness of surveillance processes within the activities and agendas of global capital and the state”
(idem: 5).

Possible happenings



I don't have the energy to address everything wrong with this

So have a reaction Pepe

I wonder if Assange, et al. has been in touch with the Bernie camp and that's why he hasn't formally dropped out yet?

Actually, let me say this:

The fact that the Obamacare debacle was essentially just a replay of the Hillarycare debacle, and that Clinton has made using the same style of governing that caused those first two abortions of progress goes to show that at the VERY LEAST the Democratic Party leadership is reaching a level of stupidity and willful ignorance that in itself could be considered malicious, if they aren't corrupt themselves.


wew laddos


not sure why i memetexted tbh

That does it. I'll be at the convention handing out lengths of rope and instructional flyers for how to tie knots.

This is probably why Assange is about to drop Clintons emails tbf

It's more like the stink from this shit is so absolutely terrible even CNN can't ignore it.

I wonder how the Hillary Hacks will try to brush this aside?

They'll manage to blame it on Bernie, Trump, and sexism all at the same time

Perverted misogynerds are trying to peep in on a strong woman's email, and magic negro president is stopping them.

The relevant video:

Bern the witch.

Apparently this is about the emails relevant to the TPP. It shouldn't stand in the way of the FBI recommending indictments, right? But it does give us an idea that the Obama admin is protecting her, like we all assumed would happen..

Jake Tapper is sometimes a legit journalist. Certainly the most legit journalist CNN has. What's the deal and how long until he's shitcanned?

for a second I thought that was a stock photograph

Obviously I'd only watched the first half of that video, while posting. Wtf.

No surprise there. Tbf though the TPP is an accelerationist's wet dream. Imagine the rage when PewDiePie and everyone like him goes to prison for copyright infringement. Imagine the rage when you're not allowed to write bad reviews of a product because the manufacturer didn't give you permission to refer to it in that context.

IIRC he made a few tweets trying to express frustration with the election bullshit in general.


What did they mean by this?

It means the emails will never be released until they are leaked.

Unless they are leaked, rather. I have doubts in Assange.

What are the democrats even doing? There has to be something damning in the emails if Obama is having them hold the emails until after the entire election. They have to know how insanely suspicious that is.

Maybe the Dems have the idea of trying to get Clinton elected first, and then if she gets impeached they can put up her vice president or something.

MMT faggots live

Nice to know we can look forward to an impeachment hearing right after the election.

Democratic primary exit polls were adjusted to match the recorded vote to within 0.06%

>Democratic primary exit polls were adjusted to match the recorded vote to within 0.06%. This confirms what we already know: Unadjusted exit polls are always forced to match the recorded vote. The premise is that there is ZERO fraud in every election polled. View the adjusted polls:

Adjusted Exit Poll discrepancies from the recorded vote

>View the calculations to determine the discrepancies in this spreadsheet:

Source:CNN Clinton Sanders Other
Average 0.06% -0.19% 0.20%

CT -1.48% 0.06% 1.42%
MD -2.57% -1.21% 3.78%
PA -0.50% -0.50% 1.00%
IN -0.38% 0.38%
AL -0.64% 0.61% 0.03%
AR 2.91% -0.72% -2.19%
FL 0.04% -0.76% 0.72%
GA 0.87% -1.36% 0.49%
IL -0.06% -0.04% 0.10%
IN -0.38% 0.38%
MA 0.75% -0.39% -0.36%
MI -0.42% -0.33% 0.75%
MO -0.10% 0.00% 0.10%
MS 0.21% -0.02% -0.19%
NC 0.20% 0.40% -0.60%
NH 0.60% 0.00% -0.60%
NY -0.32% 0.32%
OH -0.10% 0.50% -0.40%
OK -0.42% 0.59% -0.17%
SC 1.21% -0.71%
TN 1.37% -0.91% -0.46%
TX 1.02% -1.00% -0.02%
VA 0.12% -0.03% -0.09%
VT -0.06% 0.34%
WI -0.13% -0.55% 0.68%
WV -0.24% 0.02% 0.22%

I bet there's something in them that implicates Obama, too.


Why is it so silent now?

Calm before the storm

All hope is dead.

Lmao, I think this, too.

Also, I just realized it's the weekend, so that would explain a little.


Where do you think we are?

Weekend is when normies are free and drag comrades out of their bunkers.

this guy is such a fucking joke lmao

literally a non-issue

So (not trolling) why do you leftists hate Trump so much? His policies don't really seem mutually exclusive from some left-leaning ideas, at leaat not more or less so then Bernie

What policies?

Holla Forums, taking the Poe law to a new level.

So he's a moderate willing to explore ideas, believe it or not, a lot of US presidential candidates are, I wouldn't exactly consider Obongo a full-on lefty for example

no really?

Man Holla Forumsyps are slavebois.
He could light a toddler on fire and jerk off in the corner and father a black child, they'd still defend him.

yeah you say that but i hear things like "fat-shaming" and "mansplaining" and "microaggressions" popping up more and more in media, from commercials to the op-ed section

no, he's a flip-flopping faggot with no real stances on the issues. you can't say his policies aren't mutually exclusive with leftism when he fucking has none, except for some half-baked bullshit he's somewhat consistent on like his retarded border wall.

fucking listen to yourself. "moderate willing to explore the issues"? you sound like the media, putting a nice spin on the story. what a brainwashed idiot.

If I recall correctly, the media is constantly trying to slander Trump by calling hin le racist wall builder

the thing that is so sad about you Holla Forums is that you realize how shitty the media is yet for 100 percent the wrong reasons. Yes Trump has slandered Trump as racist but they also have given him vastly more coverage than Bernie Sanders (who is supposed to be his Left-Wing equivalent) which shows that they are much more ready to support a flip-flopping, potential second Bush, than a person who is internationally a centre-left social democrat because that's "too radical"

This shows that the media is not liberal and, much to the contrary, follows the status quo set by the Right-leaning corporate Ruling Class to a t

pic related



The media won Trump the primaries. They don't care about slandering him, they just care that idiots tune in to the crazy things he says for entertainment.

Except they didn't support him, and still don't support him. They just wanted the easy clicks/views from morally-outraged SJWs WOW JUST WOWing at someone proposing literally-Hitler ideas like a temporary ban on Muslim immigration and a border wall.

You must be another brand of delusional to think that the same media organisations that spent the entire primaries insisting that Trump would be "too controversial" to win a single primary, and then was again "too controversial" to avoid a contested convention (Nate Silver told us so!) are somehow happy with Trump.

PROTIP: He wasn't supposed to get the nomination. The nomination was supposed to go to a "gracious loser" like Rubio or Bush that could be expected to stutter and insist he didn't hate women with a burning passion when faced with Hillary

Why wouldn't they be happy with Trump? He won't raise their taxes and he'll give them the highest number of views in history during his term.

Notice the period where the media has been going after Trump is also the period where he's said fuck you to big money. He's grovelling to the Kochs right now and I bet you the next month of coverage is going to be moderately negative at worst.

Because they'd be happier with Hillary.

No shit, they'd be fine with either one. That's why they've been ignoring Bernie this whole time, because he is the only threat to them.

No you don't.

Literally non-issues


If the alt-right wants to help us purge the turncoats and dead weight from our movement, I'll slit throats alongside them with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Sounds more like an argument against it

No alliance can be had when they'd soon as slit your throats as your enemies. They probably don't even see the difference.

Sure they do. They'd see him as the last throat to slit, after he helped them slit the others' throats.


They don't want to do this. They want to destroy the left so they can have a cultural hegemony.


Yep. This is exactly the mentality that the bourgeois uses to make the proletariat fight each other.

It's a lot more pervasive than that. These shits are in the education system and government trying to create an ideology to distract people from the conditions of late capitalism that will drive us toward revolution. For fuck's sake, the President of the United States says that women earn 77% of what men do for the same work and has gone full white guilt on every racial issue he has discussed.

So what do you want to do? Murder children and their teachers in front of them? You bitch about education as if it's your right to determine ideological or even linguistic principles, and then you want to slaughter them on a technical virtue?

This is a serious case of revisionism.

You're talking to more than one person, fam. I'm just pointing out the bullshit about SJWs not being an issue is retarded.

Its not as serious as you make it sound tbh

Nigga, the POTUS espouses it.

There are enough republicans in congress to block him if he tries shit. Seriously lad, they have a lot less power than you think

That's not my point. I'm using POTUS as a measurement of how mainstream the ideology is. I'm not worried about the President acting on it. I'm worried about every day people acting on it. POTUS is just paying lip service. The problem is that enough people buy into that bullshit that it wins him Good Barack Points.

Well hopefully this election the alt-rights and sjws will finish each other off and the left can make a comeback

Wow, so WE'RE the ones who want to people killed to protect our feefees?
Take a look in the mirror

At which point, we'll be strengthened by their efforts, and they'll be weakened from the attrition of fighting our battles. They are the only significant organized political faction that isn't pro-SJW right now, think of it like the WWII east-west cooperation between the Allies. Basically this here, we need shock troops.

lol why don't you look in the mirror

Okay, so we both understand what is and isn't hyperbole.

They aren't just a porky plot to saddle leftism with neoliberal porkiness, they've grown in terms of ambition. These people are diametrically opposed to the ideals of objectivity, rationality, truth, openness, consistency, and fairness. They don't yet have enough influence to act on it, and I think it's relatively unlikely they will, but if given the chance they would tear away at the intellectual foundations of everything civilization has accomplished since the enlightenment. Even worse, they are one of the few political factions with almost no open mainstream opposition.

I am genuinely terrified of what these people could become, they remind me of reading about future Khmer Rouge sipping coffee in Parisian riverbank cafés.

Where's that triggered yin/yang pic when you need it?

They're going to become gods, don't ya' know? :~)


This isn't a situation with an easy out

SJWs are poison to everything, except to porky. Porky loves SJWs. Divides all of us up into neat little fighting factions so that porky can come in on every side, and all the little horizontally stratified proletariats can beg porky for favors like the king used to do with his squabbling sycophants.
In fact, it's exactly what kings used to do, creating conflicts between the people lower on the ladder so everyone would beg for the king's favor instead of trying to depose the king.
What a coincidence!

looks like the symbols in the GTA V hippie camp

i can't find the "has your doctor been fat shaming you?" one because it was on the radio, but you can still eat shit

fucking kill yourself you stupid asshole

KEK looks like Trump can't afford to keep his election staff.

or maybe it's because of his dropping poll numbers?

Bernie keeps flipping counties in California as the hand counted ballots come in

I doubt he'll win in the long run though

Neither of those articles contain "fat-shaming" or "mansplaining", and that ad is…? Something? It has 64 views and doesn't even seem like something run on TV.

Even if he did it wouldn't change anything. The media already reported he lost CA. Normalfags stopped paying attention a while ago.

oh i guess "microaggressions" doesn't count huh

continue eating shit you disingenuous faggot

It seems like you were triggered by a Holocaust, dude.

Today was a good day
The Young Turks decided to make a documentary about the California shit lmao

okay baby boy

Milo's so weird. He thinks if he makes people mad, he wins and all his stupid politic ideals are validated. He's like a child who thinks if they keep asking you for a cookie they'll get one.

Gee, I wonder why people on a Marxist site would hate an embodiment of the American capitalist system who also appeals to Nazis and other fascist nationalists who enjoy putting Marxists, socialists, and others into jail or shallow graves.

You dense motherfucker

No wonder autistic anons like him so much

No, he's a demagogue who says whatever works at the time.

Isn't the deadline for counting them soon?

which means that enough random people were searched to catch people out of sheer luck

racial profiling is why blacks don't like the fucking cops

Bernie Sanders Revolution Fights On

I really wonder if he's just meant to be the fall guy for Clinton.

Didn't he and Bill have a meeting before he announced his candidacy?

we can use this to redpill blinded proles on american "democracy"

If he can get the crybullies to spergout in a sufficiently embarrassing way over something so trifling, that will show normalfags how little they deserve the positions they're in.


More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot

It's hard to overemphasize how completely and utterly Sen. Bernie Sanders dominated the youth vote to this point in the 2016 presidential campaign. While Hillary Clinton dominated him among older voters, he dominated her right back among younger voters – even winning more than 80 percent of their votes in some states against no less than the eventual Democratic nominee.

But this fact might say it better than any: In the 2016 campaign, Sanders won more votes among those under age 30 than the two presumptive major-party presidential nominees combined. And it wasn't close.

This something we've known for ages now.

It's very frustrating. The DNC are basically declaring a suicidal war against the Obama voters.

Feds: Man Tried to Shoot Trump

The first of many

Is there such a thing as a geniue progressive Hillary Clinton?

idiots aiming for the wrong target

if they just killed hillary trump would be a non-factor


There's little to indicate that people get more conservative as they get older.
Rather, older people just have a lot of the same positions, if a little less radical, that they did in their youth, so they seem more conservative in comparison, as the country has moved towards something more leftist in nature.

The main problem I see coming out of the convention is that Trump wants to bring jobs back to the USA at the cost of suspending our environmental and labor laws. Hillary wants to keep our environmental and labor laws, but allow outsourcing of our work force so that companies can circumvent those laws. In the coming months you are going to hear the media blare that Trump's a racist and the next Hitler so that this argument will get drowned out.

Two ways I see this going is that Bernie is going to try to push his agenda as much as possible so the convention doesn't become a bed of roses of the party establishment. If he does lose he might go into advocating for local elections so more Democrates can get elected to the Senate and the House. But I don't see this as an option as there are a lot of local democrates like my own who are as corrupt as shit, which is why I supported Bernie in the first place because I KNEW he wasn't corrupt as shit.

But at his heart, Bernie is not a Democrate, so I don't see him cowtowing so easily. I believe a coup would be to endorse third party candidates that are on the planet, or get the door to open for third party candidates to debate in the presidential elections. Expect to the established parties to push against this with all their might despite their candidates being the most unpopular in history.

No, thanks for posting

Part of me wants a Trump Presidency only because right now, the bizarre pure ideology coagulating around him is still heavily tied to the persona of Trump, and a failed Trump presidency could kill it in the cradle before it becomes anything more dangerous.

Of course at the same time it could just spur its growth, considering how low the bar is set for him.

I truly can't wait the day this edgelord becomes irrelevant. Hilarious how Holla Forumsyps are arguing that he's a degenerate because he's gay lol.

Trump has unilateral access to the full thermonuclear arsenal United States as president. If he decided to issue a nuclear strike on a country that offended him, all he has to do is send out the command and it will occur regardless of military approval.

I'm not a Posadist, accelerationist, or anarcho-troglodyte, so I'm not interested in global thermonuclear war as caused by a "paper tiger".

Link to this video?

>>>Holla Forums

Sorry CTR shill, but fear mongering doesn't work around here. The idea that Trump would just nuke a country on a whim is ridiculous.


You're more paranoid and delusional than Holla Forums with its unhinged obsession with Jews. No, I'm not from CTR. I'm also not from reddit, or Tumblr, or 9GAG, or, or GaiaOnline, or Newgrounds, or even eBaumsworld or UseNET (or are you too new for those bogeymen?). Sorry, but you're going to actually have to deal with the fact that I'm a member of this community who so happens to have opinions with which you might disagree rather than evading that uncomfortable fact with intellectually lazy strawmanning and scapegoating.

I'm not saying that it is likely that Trump will issue a nuclear strike, only that it is one of many legitimate concerns about Trump which form a valid basis for radical leftists to consider him a serious threat.

Like it or not, but Holla Forums is more depraved and degenerate than even the most idpol-addled radical leftist organization. Despite its rhetoric, the majority of Holla Forums seems more ideologically and behaviorally related to Holla Forums than to any genuine form of radical leftism, being more interested in combatting the phantom of idpol and "SJWs" while uncritically engaging in idpol than agitating, organizing, and educating the proletariat about radical leftist views. To treat this place as a bastion of "genuine leftism" is laughable.

If you're not from any of those places (which I don't believe for a second) than there's no time like the present.

You are the apotheosis of neo-Holla Forums (or has it always been like this?). As usual, this board is following the same general direction that Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and basically every board takes after being in operation for many years: into an echo chamber of shitposting, circlejerking, tripcode avatarfagging, and an overall steep drop in post quality such that all oldfags and previous high quality posters are badgered out or leave out of disgust.

If anyone should end their life, it's you and as soon as possible. I can provide you with instructions on extremely cheap and painless suicide methods, as well, if you'd like.

Would you have a recommendation of somewhere to look were you looking for a higher level of discussion than here?

It's pretty uncontrovertial that most vote rightist as they age:

But even though I see no reason not to think this represents actual issue-by-issue opinions changing, if (regardless of actual positions) they ultimately end up voting for rightist parties, isn't the effect the same either way? Especially since most of these dilettante youth leftists care more about brainless social issues than important economic ones, whereas rightist politicians have been shilling the same porky economic policies unchanged.

At the leadership and permanent staff level, as an organized movement with meaningful sway in schools, the press, government, political parties, nonprofits, and corporate HR departments? They are, they're all indistinguishable.

Show me one single significant "feminist" organization whose official doctrine and public statements in the last few decades aren't filled with unapologetic wall-to-wall examples of what would be called "hate speech" if anyone but them said it.

Holla Forums has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to values such as free speech, the content of speech over its form or source, universal rights that apply with absolute consistency, a keen interest in material reality, dispassionate intellectualism, and class consciousness. Free speech in particular is a value that I associate with leftism so strongly, I refuse to acknowledge anything against free speech as genuinely leftist.

None of that can be said for any other leftist community, as a whole, I've visited.

Even so, I'll at least admit the /lit/ bias of the board has decreased noticeably over the last year in favor of more rhetorical bantz.

Truly is a meme candidate

The Alt-Right tears will be more delicious when the delegates turn on his ass in Cleveland

Unfortunately no. There is no consistent refuge for the radical left anymore. There is the occasional quality post here, but they are becoming rarer and rarer to a point that even reddit has a higher frequency of quality posts. I am not familiar with the discussion quality on RevLeft, but I am considering going there (and perhaps even reddit) as a final attempt at finding quality discussion from a radical leftist perspective on the Internet. I would go to the darkweb (*.onion, I2P, etc.) if there was a serious radical leftist presence there, but it appears to be a wasteland of defunct chans and forums there, even worse than up here in the clearnet.

From what I'm seeing, though, it appears that nowhere is good for quality radical leftist discussion on the Internet these days. The only places where I ever find consistently good discourse are in the archives of RevLeft, reddit, and obscure discussion boards that are now defunct. Perhaps here on Holla Forums, too, if it had archived its posts from years ago.

The only reason I still come here is because this board is still marginally tolerable, though it's getting to such low quality that even reddit is comparable and I often leave each session with disgust toward the community and hatred for those who purport to be my comrades. At this point, I'm just trying to ride whichever wave is highest in this race to the bottom. Right now, it's Holla Forums. In a year, it may be another board or site. No matter where I go, though, this withering of radical leftist presence online is a depressing site to behold.

Provide an example of one that does satisfy that criteria.

It's surely a demonstration in free speech to shame, bully, and harass those who don't toe the politically correct ideological line of this board, right? Holla Forums exercises its free speech on a regular basis by shouting down dissent and collectively badgering members of the community, both new and old, out and off the board. Your impassioned rhetoric about Holla Forums's commitment to freezing peaches is as empty as Holla Forums's when your actions as a community are antithetical to those values your purport to represent. Just because you don't outright ban dissidents like some subreddits allegedly do (though the board moderators are beginning to do that as well), this board has no problem substituting that with collective shaming and peer pressure tactics that ensure a rigid spectrum of acceptable opinion and a marginalized minority that can always be used as a scapegoat when board quality inevitably plummets as a result.

They couldn't possibly be that conceited

Not enough hats tbqh

They don't have to be. They just have to be that out of touch, which they clearly are since Trump totally blindsided them even though his campaign did nothing but make steady gains for several months.

thats not how burden of proof works you fucking moron

I give up

Trump is a mess

Using elitism against a populaist candidate will work.


c'mon man

I mean I get the idea, Trump's persona is that he's a great, rich businessman and if you shatter that you might end up turning supporters. Problem is that they don't care if he lies so long as he still says things they like.

Oh please, a bunch of delegates can't stand trump and even Paul Ryan is saying that the delegates can switch to any candidate they want. I won't doubt that It'll be a political coup in Cleveland. Possibly a worst Riots than in Philly.

You can't seriously believe anything this conman says, can you?

This is already happening, user. See Bernie's latest big speech.

We all sure hope he won't. He doesn't seem to be, so far.

This is true.

He's right, you should fuck off back to whatever idiot nest you came from.



I agree. It's a quality post/overview of this scumbag. Makes sense he thrives in a capitalist society and politics in general.

Are you the "patriarchy is real in the West but I refuse to tell you how" ancom?


Anyone else seeing this Clinton speech? Makes me feel like I'm living in a dystopia.

My belief in the conspiracy theory Trump and Clinton are colluding to get her elected has deepened. Extremely unlikely, but what if that's why the DNC isn't shitting its pants they're protecting and about to nominate one of the most unlikable politicians in recent decades? fucked up if true

So, do we all agree that this election cycle was a textbook example of false consciousness?

Good ol idpol.

Are they still talking about Orlando? That was like a week ago

>>>Holla Forums

Trump is shit. Clinton is shit. Although, I think Hillary deserves an award because I think she's actually more corrupt than Trump.

The bizarre thing is that I think I'm going to end up voting for Trump… Because I know all the media and every single organization in society is going to turn against him and spend every moment of every day trying to disempower and destroy him. If I vote Hillary, the media is going to do everything they can to hide anything nasty she does and spin every story about her to be positive. If Hillary gets elected she's going to use the old Clinton connections for max corruption output, and it's going to be a champagne party for porky. As for Trump, he's going to have a hard time getting the light bulb in his bathroom changed.

shoo shill shoo

You seem to be confusing leftypol for somewhere else. Idpol shills are routinely criticized here.

Just vote for Jill Stein, you dumb shit; unless you live in a swing state and really want that Trump presidency. The Green Party officially added anti-capitalism to their platform. Now we just need to get them to 5% of the popular vote and they'll get federal funding to grow.

Reform until revolution is possible. Spread class consciousness at every opportunity.

Yes, voting in the queen of the TPP is going to help things.

Identity politics distracts from class consciousness. Celebrating identity is also enabling more narcissism. Also this reeks of whataboutism.

This is literally the only good thing about Trump. I really don't give a shit about much else.

You know there are more than two candidates, right? I'm just as apt to call Hillary pushers shills.

Only those two can actually win. The game is rigged; the poor saps like me just choose between turd sandwiches.


You know the game is rigged so stop playing it.

Be nice if platitudes had political power. I'd still rather vote for the ineffective blowing hot air turd sandwich over the highly effective global corporatist turd sandwich… Or the green party if it looks like my vote isn't going to matter. Well, after I do more research on the green party.

Wikileaks sure is taking their sweet time.

Guccifer2 just released a new batch of files from the DNC

Anything good in the new files?

see what?

That image, displayed prominently in the sidebar

The DNC extensively researched Clinton's ethical issues, so that they could come up with defenses. And when I say extensively, I mean hundreds of pages detailing her screwups, lies, conflicts of interest, foreign contributions, etc. For example:

Aren't there two keys that are needed to initialise? You're just making shit up now.




hello Holla Forums, not here to debate, just curious.

is there a general board consensus about Bernie? it seems like most of you are more disappointed in him than for him or against him.

do you mostly feel that you're too radical to have an political outlet in the USA? do you believe that you have any realistic goals/dreams that you think can come about during our lifetimes?

This same shit happened in 2000 & 2004.

There's just a bunch of Trump trolls in the thread atm.

These people are the worse

He won't build socialism but he's worth supporting at this current time

so are leftypolites for Bernie? are his policies ideal, or just a step in the right direction?

No. He sucks. Any leftist should be cautious around him.

Reminds me of that Simpsons joke.

For most of us, he is. Out of all running, he is hands down the best. The cleanest & most honest. Has the best policies.

Go on..

Jill Stein

The latter.

UNCOUNTED - The Story of the California Election (40 minutes)

america is too retarded for democracy while lecturing other nations, what a laugh

he's talking about this one:

She'll probably get my vote if Bernie drops out.

Would be awesome if he ran on their ticket. But to not throw away my vote, I'll likely vote green if he drops out.

wew laddo

Thanks user. I feel sad to laugh about it.

RIP subreddit for Sanders.

Removed form front page by mods. Shills running rampant. It's downright unbearable lately. It used to be a great hub for Sanders campaign info.

Probably because it should be in the megathread? There's other leak shit on the front page.

So it can be buried? I rarely open megathreads.

Well that's your problem, isn't it?

Lmao. What? You think you betta than me?

Get outta heya

It's the same thing r/politics did with the email/server scandal. Kept it in a megathread to quash good discussion.

Not to mention mods went on a banning and deleting spree. Half the thread was deleted comments.

I like how Porky's not able to hide it anymore

Pretty much everyone is clued into the idea that the entire superstructure is designed to inaugurate Clinton, class consciousness is up. Even the normies are getting the idea that capitalism has to go

That's his takeaway from that? What a fucking dipshit.

Megathreads are for burying information and stealth-deletion of conversations

It's everyone's problem you idiot

lol, I skimmed this and thought it was people complaining about the Holla Forums american elections thread.

But in any case, you can definitely make a separate thread for big news like the guccifer hack. I think there are a couple up.

Mr Dolan if you read my resume you will see that I am a master of data management with intimate knowledge of the python mainframe

It isn't my fault you're too lazy/stupid to scroll through a thread.

What's with the coat hanger?

is the conwoman any better?

They're both shit.

I guess the implication is he stole Bernie's clothes?

I honestly don't get what the picture is supposed to imply

Secretary Clinton is a fucking bitch
Oy vey!

Do they realize that acknowledging the alt-right is what gets them more attention?

This is fucking beautiful.

I wonder if the inability to recognize sarcasm today will ever get any better

It's your fault you're a braindead fucker that should be dragged into the street and shot in the mouth.

As of today, Hillary hasn't held a press conference in 200 days.

And no one in the media calls her out for this.



gas the rich class war now

The thing is, they should be asking somebody about this, instead of just shaking their fists at "them intertube maymays". A journalist's job isn't to blog about inexplicable things that are part of their day, it's to check back with every source, ask experts about anything they don't understand, package it all together, and give their readers the resulting intelligence.

It's important because it isn't just journalists, it's the public, like the genuine stormniggers that trickle through Holla Forums, and the summer newbies that react to them. Normalfags need to understand that trolling means saying whatever the easiest thing to trigger a temper tantrum is and watching the outrage flow.

Too many people, especially influential ones, taking trolls seriously gives the false impression that mass support exists somewhere for a contradictory stew of inflammatory views, when it's simply people fed up with tightassed PC (or plain bored and looking for laughs) spewing anything they can think of to piss off the thin-skinned.

Case in point

No you are not. You spend all your time bitching that leftypol won't accept your idpol nonsense. Didn't say you were leaving in that stupid feminist thread? Do you get off on abuse or something? Fuck off.

seconding this

also lose the flag kiddo





I'm not listening to that.
Give me cliff notes.

I see the factories moving over seas to mexico? he actually sees that?

They are literally transporting the buildings by plane.

Gee, I'm sure this businessman noted for siphoning the funds out of everything he's put his name on until it goes bankrupt is a total anti-capitalist and is not just thirsty for retards who think Bernie lost because "le voting system was rigged ;_;"

Can you tell David Brock to fuck off, from me?

Hillary cucks leave

Nigga, quit fucking crying. Bernie lost because Jeff Weaver was a shit campaign manager. Stop believing in conspiritard shit.

Fuck off you stupid faggot


Exit polls and investigative journalist say otherwise

okay mr cool dude you sure convinced me

California’s lengthy vote count stokes theories that Sanders actually won the primary



there's nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorists

because sometimes there really is a conspiracy

The Rio Grande sea



How many super delegates are there? Are you seriously suggesting Hillary's 591 superdelegates will drop Hillary to vote for Bernie? Because that's the only way that Bernie could reach 2382


Boy. I sure remember someone complaining that superdelegates were an infringement of the will of the people. I don't remember where I got that, though

lots of ppl think it is

You know what else is an infringement of the will of the people? Wide spread election fraud paid for by the same corporate donors that sponsor the democratic party's chosen lizard queen . Bernie realizes the hypocrisy here, and frankly if this it what it takes to get him elected I don't give a shit, and you shouldn't either. Bernie won this election . All he;s doing is convincing the corrupt greedy fucks that rigged it to give him the win he rightly deserves.

uggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shuttup ur frekkin conspiratard berniebraghhh!!!!!!!!!!!! hah gotem

I hope a mob of violent radical islamist gays grab her during a speech and publicly behead her to prevent a female presidency. I;d cheer with glee on that day.


t. enoughsandersspam

Not spamming. I genuinely hope she dies in some freak accident, heart attack or public beheading. I'd cum buckets seeing how the media try to spin it and the ensuing shit circus. I don't hate the reptillian bitch, just what she represents. Her death would not solve the problem, but perhaps it'd be more a symbolic gesture to her masters.

Where were you when Trump retards shit up the thread over the past week?
Your candidate is shit, the same as Hillary. Two sides of the same corporate coin.

>>>Holla Forums & see webm

I agree. That's what he was saying, too.

Blood is in the water with Hillary because this server scandal is getting out of control. We all just get to sit back & watch.

CTR or Holla Forumsyp go. This is politics. The system is fucked up, but many states are getting rid of supers as we speak, which is great. But if Hillary can use supers atm, so can Bernie.

Car accident, trampled by horses. Maybe something entertaining like you mention would be more fun.

When's that convention in Philly again?

remember when all those kids were showing up on the boarder?

a libertarian paradise

A lot of information about corruption all in one place


Is this the fuckhead who started the Sanders-supporters-throwing-chairs shit?




Thanks to the user posting Bernie & Cali updates.


Right. But Democrats apparently don't care. You're all just mad that people aren't voting for your candidate

You do realize why superdelegates exist? Well it's by law that you must have 50% of the delegates in order to be represented by the party. You need a majority, not a plurality. So when it becomes time to vote for a representative, without superdelegates, people can go up to the 100th ballot and eventually pick someone who didn't even run. In order to smooth it out, the superdelegates are supposed to vote for the winner, making sure the one with a reasonable plurality is elected. Clinton won the popular vote by 3.7 million, the superdelegates voted for her. The superdelegates did their job.

The Republicans don't have one because they don't have proportional. They have a lot of states that are winner take all and winner take by congressional district. Thus giving the candidate with a reasonable plurality votes the chance of getting a majority of delegates.

Even under GOP rules, Bernie would be btfo multiple times harder.

And you're supporting the idea of having a candidate with no plurality of votes become the party nominee?

Isn't that an infringement of the people's choice?

If you suspect election fraud, be sure to report it to the FEC. Otherwise fuckoff

I'm 8 years old and I hugged Bernie Sanders

NBC Poll™: Who Are You Voting For?



What's that?

lolno The reason the superdelegates exist is to prevent a candidate like George McGovern from winning the nomination but tanking in the general election again. There is no reason they couldn't simply put in the bylaws that whoever gets the plurality wins the nomination. The superdelegates (AKA Unpledged Delegates) should not be coming out before the national convention and pledging their support to a candidate before the primaries are finished. They're doing anything but their intended purpose with this bullshit, and in fact if they were doing their fucking job as it was originally intended they would side with Sanders at the convention before all the polls establish that he is a uncontestably more electable candidate than Clinton at this point.

And one more point to make:

Many state Democratic parties have a rule right in their bylaws stating that no presidential candidate shall have endorsement of anyone in elected positions until the caucus/primaries and state conventions are over. These fuckers violated the bylaws in my own state and they still haven't paid the price for it.

dude lost weight?

Apparently some do if supers are starting to jump ship.

Why do you even mean? We're taking about superdelegates, they vote for who they want regardless of what we want.


A plurality could mean such:
Candidate A gets 34%, Candidate B gets 33%, and candidate C gets 33%.

However, by current DNC (minus superdelegate) rules, nobody would get the nomination on the first ballot. There would have to be multiple ballots, therefore increasing the likelihood the person with 0.00% of the vote gets the nomination. Superdelegates increase the liklihood that Candidate A gets the nomination because he won the plurality.

A Majority would be

Candidate A gets 51%, Candidate B gets 25%, Candidate C gets 24%. In both the GOP and DNC, Candidate A would get the nomination.

That's like, your opinion man. They're still voting for the one with the plurality so they're doing their role.

13 out of 600?
The people didn't vote for Bernie though. I know it's tough for you to hear.

The superdelegates have said from the beginning they'll support the candidate with the plurality of votes. You just want to fix the election so your candidate with 3.7 million less votes wins.

Song sauce?

It's not an opinion. It's a fucking fact that George McGovern's general election failure is why "superdelegates" were invented, and it's a fucking fact that many states have sections of their bylaws explicitly stating that Unpledged Delegates are supposed to keep their fucking mouths shut until the primaries are finished.

house sit in for gun control

Kind of hard to know which candidate is going to have the plurality of votes 6 months before any states even hold their primaries. But somehow, some 300-some superdelegates knew exactly that last summer.

Just recently. And it could be a sign of a larger trend.. This server shit is building & it's pretty fun to watch. How can Hillary be trusted with the Presidency? These leaks & FBI investigation are hilarious to watch in highlighting her negligence.

Millions voted for Bernie + all the blatant rigging - See Cali - there's many more who did. And you're only counting democrat voters. You do understand dems don't represent America, right? Also, those supers didn't go with how the people voted, either. Many of their districts went to Sanders & they didn't switch. The ones who are switching are making a good choice for their political careers. Hillary is becoming more & more toxic to publicly support, daily.

Again, cry me a river. Your CTR talking points won't fool anyone here. :^) You're wasting your time. I'm sure you're the same one from earlier in the thread, too.

$0.50 have been deposited into your account.

I tracked it down
"Ievan polka"


If you're so sure the election was rigged, report it to the correct authorities

BernVictims out on full force today. Upset all of your campaign donations are being funneled into the DNC's wallets?

Do they pay you well?

Do you know where you are? Lmao. Where did you come from?

are you 12?

Hell. You BernVictims are so out of touch with reality that you don't realize your candidate is a failure, much less than honestly talk about the nomination

No, I don't support Sanders

The question that interests me is if you even have a job





"Truth is treason in the empire of lies" - George Orwell

You're in your own reality, where you won't even acknowledge the existence of the FBI investigation your candidate is currently under & the multiple successful hacking attempts on her & the DNC's server. Hillary is toxic & equally porky as Trump.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwell

Would that boot be the nomination of a candidate that has 3.7 million less votes than the frontrunner?

*tips heartily*


Sorry I invaded your safe space :DDDDD

Fuck. Thought I quoted

Do we have an honest to god CTR shill here?

..Truly ebin post, my man.

How about you tout your own candidate instead of downing another?

For sure. It's straight out of the handbook. No originality.

I guess this board is still in Denial mode

At least I'm not psychotic enough to think my candidate actually won

Jesus, man.

Are you saying that there is no chance in hell that the DNC is fundementally corrupt organization?

If it is, report it to the correct authorities :DDDDDD


Seriously, it's time to stop posting.


To make way for Her Highness. :^)

Yes. Why is that a reason to tap out before it's over?


And being under FBI criminal investigation for negligence & jeopardizing national security for "convenience" is also unacceptable for a Presidential candidate.

Please tell me the merits of your candidate. I'm genuinely curious to know what they will do to further the goals of communism. You might even get me to switch side.


Christ, this is painful.

The world would be better off without her.


Both parties are corporate parties that routinely override the will of the people. Not just democrats. Still, the image is correct.


It's only ok when the US government/military does it, right?

You're the only one who's said anything about socialism.

fucking kek

it's amazing. she's literally hiding from voters.

wow, looking at the posters who entered this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if they were literally a CTR team. no history, braindead Hillary talking points. I'm skeptical that they would post on an imageboard like this, but then again, why the fuck else would a Hillary supporter be here? crazy stuff.

Yeah, it's too good to be true, in a very bad way. I had to just stop replying. It was becoming too autistic, even for me, lmao.

probably just one or two Holla Forumstards then.

And people still say CTR dont real

What rule did they break that earned a ban?

Do you think you could stop scrubbing post history when you ban people at least? It's really annoying to lose entire discussions.

Shitposting too hard

Holla Forumslacks pretending to be "leftist" imo. if not that, then the extremely rare don't-be-a-shitposting-hillbot rule.

I'm fine with it.

Nothing of value was lost.


I don't like the concept of torture chamberes and I especially don't like them when it comes to politics. Failure to engage and refute disinformation and wrongness is a death sentence. Personally, I think shills should be left alone to be named and shamed unless they're cluttering up an otherwise productive thread or discussion with spam.

I agree, I'd prefer if posts weren't deleted. It's quite annoying to come in a thread and be unable to get what happened because half of the discussion is gone.


When half the dis is words or the same argument/ meme over and over again…

It's also our fault for answering.

They were shitposting only, not making any points.

This is exactly what happened. Some user was giving Bernie & super delegate updates for example, then it devolved into nothing but shitposting.

I was just going to say this, too. I got sucked in; mainly because I was in such disbelief.

Now watch as that poll is completely ignored.

So, CTR's modus operandi?

See, we were talking about something productive

Check out this pie

Well it's obviously not scientific.

I don't know if the poll even matters
I never believed shillary or dump had that much support, and burniebots have been told from the beginning that it was over.
I wanna see what happens at the convention.


Thought about posting on Facebook looking to see if any of my friends wanted to join me in Philly for the convention. Bad idea?

btw bernie nyc rally tomorrow

CTR? Also what juicy drama did I miss?

control correct the record


Why not? I wish like Hell I was in the US right now, I'd be going.

I was just concerned because it's NSAbook and all

Coming here unguarded probably does more damage to your official record than publicly going to a Bernie rally would.

I'm more concerned about being an unintentional mole than my own personal record

lol someone should write a book on cowardice and real political change

why is it so easy to back a opportunist thug like trump but everyone's afraid to fight for a decent life?

hillary literally has teams of paid trolls working for her

Because one requires no revolution - it is comparatively really easy for fascism to take hold of a nation filled with right-wing anger.

ppl thought reagan and bush2 would be they're savior. they fucked over everyone


republicans haven't produced a good president in over 55 years, maybe they wanna make it 100
republican policy hasn't changed much.
trump is gonna have to work with them

trump is gonna have to give them some things
and it seems like everything they want screws the working class

It's incredible how many people actually think the Republican party is fiscally conservative.

he took more in 1 subsidy then the majority of ppl that vote for him will ever make.

This. It's pretty gay.


Can you put the whole thing in a pdf?




Anyone else paying attention to the Kabuki Theatre going on in the house right now? Apparently they're trying to repeal the fiduciary rule in the midst of this. Lol.

Is this absolute madman about to be fired by the Clinton News Network?

If only they could muster up this sort of faux outrage in fighting tax cut extensions or repealing the Patriot Act or stopping bills that cripple the internet from passing.

Then again they do tend to look on anti-Trump protestors with disdain, possibly only because Empress Hillary I came out against them. It's almost hilarious how similar the mindset is between the Trump supporter and the Clinton supporter

Jesus user, are you Stephen King? Because that post was pretty spooky

The easiest democratic candidate to beat since Dukakis and yet Trump I'd failing this badly at it.

Where exactly do you think you are?

Go move to Venezuela.

>sources: politico, thinkprogress, salon

I bolded the ones that are confirmed to be garbage tier """"journalism"""" sites, I'm not sure of think progress, but salon is just pure shit.

all rich people deserve to burn tbqh

I wonder who could be behind this image

Shove that red block almost entirely over the line and now youve got it more or less.


Anyone else watching the democrats have a sit in?

Yeah, it should be shaped like a letter-L, with a only tiny sliver squeezed down the side. Rich people aren't inherently subhuman trash, but the capitalist system ensures most of them are. I have no problem with "super proletarians" like scientists, artists, and doctors, but they make up a tiny fraction of the rich, and a microscopic fraction of the ultra-rich.

All three of them are now infamous PC idpol clickbaiters, but does that really matter if they're just quoting him in decent context? Granted, that infographic is pretty worthless compared to if it just had the quotes in it with tinyurls to individual articles.

There should be a website dedicated entirely to mirroring idpol articles through anti-PC filters and auto-spamming any social media link for the original.

What kind of fucking idiot tries to take a gun from a cop's holster? I bet he wouldn't have even known what to do with it if he actually had it in his hands. He was just trying to make a "gesture", the moron.

We need a Lee Harvey Oswald.

Yep. It's total nonsense. The bill they are sitting-in for has nothing to do with gun control too. It's a bill the expands the surveillance state viz. more FBI watchlists.

Also at one point they chanted "Shame" (Game of Thrones style) at Paul Ryan and it was one of the most bizarre moments in American politics that I've ever experienced.

Here's the video.

Taking political cues from a fantasy show about dragons and ice zombies. Lord help us.

unfortunatly that's the segement that is smartest and the most well funded to get themselves out of trouble. Laws are designed to catch the dump or the poor, never the rich.

Now wake me up when you figureout how to cure corruption.

I fucking hate these people

I feel you bruh. Whatever happened to the intellectual statesman?

Clinton delegate hits Bernie delegate with cane in New York.

wew, how long will they keep getting away with this shit?


Video of it. You can't see it, but you can hear the whack, lmao. The camera lady saying "ohhh" afterwards is childish. But he did assault her. People get thrown into jail for much less, nowadays.

Happens at 4:35



I want to say it's a callback to Occupy where they "shamed!" cops and porkies since the Dems have been trying to co-opt that progressive bloc lately, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came from a popular tv show either

I'd backhand that old man.

Seriously, though. I remember seeing some Asian parliament going apeshit years back. Chairs being thrown, people punching each other. But I actually saw that as kind of a good thing. Here in our Congress it's just lip-service - no passion. If only our Congress cared enough to get passionate & throw a chair every once in a while.

The dude who hit her was some rich old dude though. And he wasn't doing it for political reasons, just dick reasons.

All of these state convention stories should be a good example of how the Philly national convention will be.

Here's another link to people discussing it.

Here's the only two stories so far I've found(from bigger news outlets). Both are full of holes & of course paint Sanders supporters in a negative light.
"Which she says" lmao. It's clearly a cane smack.



Probably the Taiwanese parliament. Shit gets pretty heated.

Yeah, me too to a certain extent. In the anglophone west democratic politics is portrayed as this sterile, intellectual board-meeting sort of endeavor and anything that breaches this artificial decorum is portrayed as a tragic blow to the high minded ideals of democracy. In other parliaments someone getting a chair thrown at them is just another Tuesday.

Obviously democracy shouldn't be conducted like a cage match but sometimes shit gets real and real humans scream and throw shit, including punches, sometimes. If you don't ever see that in your government then it tells me that it's all a fucking charade.

The shills are in the Sanders subreddit doing it, too.

Yes, I mark them for future reference. Came in handy this time.

It's disgusting that you can't point out obvious shill behavior on reddit, especially in /r/politics. You even insinuate that an account registered right after the primaries started and whose entire post history is nothing but Clinton cheerleading for 18 hour stretches at a time might in fact be someone with an agenda and you get banned.

It's only slightly more disgusting that "etiquette and politeness" is the gag they use to get away with it, too.

I want these people to burn.

oh my god, no way

Yeah, I got banned form r/politics for a week for calling someone a shill. I haven't commented since. I'll read comments & articles, but that place is major shill territory.

sweet post you meme loving fuck

It never existed

Why are BillaryBros so violent? First Wendell Pierce now this.

The people who run America are less competent at IT than my grandad.

So they sabotage the economy in order to make people lose their purchasing power, reducing the amount of sales the corporations get? And this is not supposed to crash the system? How? What the hell.

The "too big to fail" paradigm. Their success is so vital to the stability of the economy that the government will do anything to maintain it. This is why, despite lolbert assumptions, the failure of a large corporate entity does not mean competition can fill in the gap.

Don't forget the "trickle down" bs, too.

Noam Chomsky: The Military Is Misunderstood

reckless would be a better description

or evil

Or economically illiterate.

if you get the chance, ask a republican if they know about this.
none have so far in 2 years on my twitter. None!

especially if they're bitching about how fiscally conservative they are

ppl around the world could lose their savings/pensions again.


communism for the rich

free market for everyone else



Good stuff, user.

do you like hand jobs?

I don't get it :(

I think he's offering you a handy, buddy.

Sweet. Now if only I had a pecker..

Imagine if by some miracle stuff like this keeps happening and Sanders actually flips Cali.
The salt will be monumental.

I don't believe you

I just thought of something.

It's gonna be either Yung Marco or Chris-T, probably Chris given the way Marco ragequit politics. Watch.

Well I guess that's just your experience because I've seen plenty of libertarians who want to deregulate banks in my time.

Actually you have to kind of read between the lines but they're also counting the regular ballots cast by NPP voters. It's yuge.


Here, have a hand :^) There are some other cool chicks who post here, too. Shout out to the Eastern European farmer if she's still here.
are you guys ready for the shitshow? The feds are.

Sorry I'll be in Philly

I have a pecker and my hand is just as fragile and effeminate as yours.

I guess the feds saw the rising surge in support for fascism and decided to beat them to the punch




i like things that are beautiful and delicate


HOLY SHIT. That means… Bernie has a chance.


this is how Hillary rigs stuff though. all she had to do was delay the truth of his victory coming out.

cops LOVE donald trump.

>Crash the DNC coronation party with no survivors
Fingers crossed, we're gonna have LOTS of fun.

Bernie still has a chance. A small one. But a chance. It's up to the people who want him in to actually show support though.

Some of my RL friends didn't even know he as still in the race.

Do you shave you arms?

Sorry user

Glad I could help

Lmao, no, I just have blonde hair

The ACLU is suing Philly because the DNC is denying protest permits.

fun is overrated
tactics without strategy: useless

Bernie Sanders Gets Cold Senate Reception

Jill Stein on that cringey Daily Show clone today talking about where the Sanders movement goes next:


shoe on head is my waifu

Does the executive branch really have the power to cancel student debt through "quantitative easing"? I feel like this would be something a court might try to strike down.


It's hard to say because basically the executive branch has come to have the power to do whatever it wants unless faced by serious opposition by the senate

It's still amazing that the opening CG isn't even part of the parody


Apparently not since Obama's immigration thing just got shut down by a judge.

yeah, and there are plenty of precedents where the executive branch has been outright ordered to do something by the judiciary and just said "make me fag0t"

Vote for Basiago

It's been a while since the Trail of Tears at least.


another take from waifu Kshama Sawant on $hillary 2016

Fuck dude. Shit like this makes Adam Booth at look like a party detractor in terms of toeing the line.

who's bottom right

Mercedes Cararra. A porn star.

I normally don't say this, but your waifu a shit

Most Liberals claim to hate religion but they are actually the contemporary heirs to the stromg Puritanical streak in American life that came over with the dour, humorless, fundamentalist Puritans. Like those original "men in black," their way is marked by extreme sexual hysteria, a willingness to burn hertics at the stake, an iron submission to dogma (PC), sexual hysteria and repression, and a fear of free thought and free speech (it was not puritans who drafted the bill of rights a century and a half after Plymouth Rock).

This puritanical steak has always been with us as a culture and while thankfully mostly submerged, it occasionally has hysterical flare-ups, like the Prohibition era when alcohol became an unquestionable evil. Today's Puritans are not witch-hunters or anti-whisky fanatics; their fundamental unquestionables are race and gender

hot opinion

It's kinda' true, though.

Most liberals are religious though, at least in America. (only about 15-20% non-religious)

I hope that the #Brexit (and thereby hard-right conservative) win puts to bed any accelerationist notions of conservative governments leading to an increase in class consciousness or helping the left. Don't vote for Drumpf, you short-sighted twats.

Is that Milo in the bottom middle? Fuck off, he's a retard. "Social science" isn't even the same thing as "social justice," this post is a mess.

Can confirm. Both parents are strict religious & liberals.
I'm also a believer & left.

False, but you don't care about facts, do you?

Leaving that thread? Yes. Leaving the board? No, I don't recall that. Even if I did, I decided to give this board one final try.

I could ask the same thing of you, since you apparently relish in abusing fellow anons just because they disagree with you. That is the epitome of sectarianism and it's a main contributor in what killed the radical left.

Consider suicide, shitbag. If it makes you feel better, I could use the anarcho-greenie flag. Will that stop your incessant whining and shitposting, or are you too obsessed with me to care about that anymore?

What are you talking about? If you mean the keys required to launch a thermonuclear ICBM, then yes, but those are turned by employees at the facility at direct command from the president.

Take your own advice.

No, I'm the "patriarchy is real and I already explained how it is, but you refuse to accept the clear empirical and formal evidence for it" ancom.

I appreciate different opinions on the board; especially if they have thought put into them rather than just shitposting.

If you have time, can you elaborate on this quote? Imo, most families worldwide are centered around the father, as far as like the "final call" on things related to family. Though many have strong input from the mother as well(when the father really respects the mother). I kind of think of it as the natural order of things, being that the father in most instances is the breadwinner & protector of family/family name.

I don't know if that relates to what you mean by patriarchy, but, thoughts?

Conservatism isn't accelerationism. Accelerationism is driving the rate of capital growth.

I'll fucking stab you in the mouth m8 swear on me mum

You gonna lose that flag kiddo?

Tbh, this sounds more like ultra-conservatives. Instead of PC it would be the Bible.

Like after 9/11 how many thought flag burning should be a crime because 'murica and we should torture anyone if they were accused of terrorism regardless of evidence or not.

She makes a very persuasive argument here, this needs to be shared around.

Wow, Uganda doesn't afraid of anything.

what does a litre of alcohol mean? pure?

The winds of shit are blowin', Randy. We're looking at a perfect shitstorm here.

It's just a measurement, not a proof

These people are no different from SJWs

I don't think that was such a smart idea you know.

What? Posting something negative about Trump?

I didn't evade any ban because there wasn't a ban to evade

I mean;t your IP is exposed, unless it's a proxy.

Whoops. Thanks comrade
Funny thread
My bad. And I'm too lazy to direct link.

what does this have to do with the american elections you gay faggot

Wew lad that's some irony right there

It's political. Fuck off.

Is Trump REALLY a Fascist?
don't read the comments section

Your shitposts on a forum for retards don't have anything to do with the american elections you dumb baby

Ignore it then.

It would be better if you kept your stupid bullshit to yourself instead of spreading it around
Trump bans the Guardian from his events.
I'm curious to see how many news outlets won't be banned by November.

Why so angry, user? You're shitposting is more than those two posts I made, at this point. :^)


God it's amazing how eager Hillarystans are to slurp up right wing policies as long as the democrats propose them.

That's what happens when your politics are guided by the "party" rather than by any sort of theory.

I've heard it said that the UK (probably minus Scotland) leaving the EU might actually make the EU run smoother, since the UK has long been a source of friction within it. Also I personally think this might serve as a wakeup call to the EU, and to its member nations, to become more democratic, and significantly increase the amount of "multi-speed" policy to the point where the EU's constant expansion isn't being abused as the vector for 1st-world/3rd-world neoliberal economic arbitrage it has become, but instead the venue for legal harmony and cooperation it was intended as.

Yes, the quantity of 100% pure alcohol contained in all the (varying strength) booze that nation's average citizen swills each year:


>During a 9-hour meeting in St. Louis, Missouri on Friday, members of the DNC's platform drafting committee voted down a number of measures proposed by Bernie Sanders surrogates that would have come out against the contentious Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), fracking, and the Israeli occupation of Palestine. At the same time, proposals to support a carbon tax, Single Payer healthcare, and a $15 minimum wage tied to inflation were also disregarded.
Support for the TPP and its ilk among Republican voters (as opposed to politicians) is no better than among their Democrat peers, and our last healthcare "compromise" (purely against against the "help" of a Democrat supermajority in both houses) was literally the Republican proposal Hillary rejected in the '90s.

Kek, aren't filters supposed to mock stormniggers or be funny, not just echo them distractingly?

lmao, you mean when Obama had the financial industry by the balls and…gave them everything they wanted because "the experts" said so (of course, it was purely coincidental that said experts were usually previous employees of the same companies they were supposed to be monitoring)

You're a broken record. Even if you aren't shitposting calling everyone that doesn't accept your idpol reactionaries. Then you're shitposting about "sectarianism". You're such a hypocrite. Drop the flag and stop derailing threads to bitch about leftypol.

Holy shit those comments. They've solidified my idea that everything Holla Forums or the alt-right does is because it's a meme and not because they actually think it will work in the long-run.

Cornell West calls out DNC on voting against single-payer healthcare

Will Bernie Sanders vote for Clinton?

Fuck ben as always, but stay tuned for the Jimmy rant at the end. Ana was alright towards the end, too. I hope Hillary gets indicted before the convention. Where is wikileaks right now? Anyone have an update on this?

I rarely watch TYT anymore, btw.

And they show a second clip after the first one, so don't get discouraged. This is MSBNC, after all.

If Bernie doesn't get the nom, most of us will be voting Green, anyway. I wasn't sure about voting Green at first, but I got to know their platform & it seems the obvious choice if Bernie isn't nominated or run independent.

Saw this and thought of you guys.


Sayym Famm. Though I'm more of a UUer than anything right now.

The ultimate partyists. These are the kinds of schmucks who will describe themselves as "loyal Democrat"s and I'm quoting directly from multiple people there.

So I've been thinking about the email shit with Clinton. It's obvious now to anybody who works in security what a walking hazard she is. Also the military hates her.

If she got elected, is a military coup a real possibility?

This is the level of intellect we are dealing with.


So fuckin brave

These people are morons, but it's easy to cherry pick morons off opinionstube of all places. Bananaman doesn't really belong on there tbh though. He's not part of the clique and is the least cancerous by far since he just tries to do entertainment now.

I recognize all of these except the bottom left.
they should all be purged tbh.

It's internet aristocrat.

Bottom left is this guy.

What, he changed his persona?
Is he still a faggot?
who am i kidding, of course he is

Now he goes by Mister Metokur

He made a video where he says we should trust corporations or something and let them control everything. That's some shitlist material right there.

I always thought that asshole was annoying. He was one of the reasons I was turned off of GG despite agreeing with its premise.

Tangentially related but what are Holla Forums's opinions on voter ID laws? Good, bad, attempts at voter disenfranchisement?

a good idea in theory, but on site voter fraud in the US is such a non issue that the only reason someone would propose it is to disenfranchise poor people.

Smokescreen to suppress votes
They should learn to count ballots before they start worrying about the people who fill them out.

Most of GG thought he was annoying faggot but a useful annoying faggot. He ragequit and left when GG refused to pivot and be about anti-SJWism and kept focusing on the trust fund kiddies running roughshod over the video game industry. That's why he goes by MisterMetokur now. That and his Holla Forums buddies got triggered over him getting with an asian woman.

When did this happen.

Like within the first six months.

I wanna say it was more like 3 months into it. Roughly the same time most of the people moved here from 4chan.

Very early on, obviously GG eventually lost that fight thus why most far-left fellerinos aren't going to consider themselves a part of GG in any way shape or form.

Eh, I would say I was part of GG and that it's basically over. What are the people who are left even doing at this point?

They still exist.

>>>Holla Forums9847263

Watchdog stuff. Raising an occasional stink. I left when it became ineffectual; the GG of 2014 was capable of actually changing the industry, but now it's just Holla Forums-tier circlejerks.

>2. OPEASYONEHOURSALVO - (Last updated June 3rd)

Huh. Seems legit actually. Maybe I'll start paying attention to them again. If they can be turned more toward leftism they might be useful.

I meant that GG seems to me to be more concerned with being "anti-SJW" than actually trying to improve the vidya gaem industry

Both are good things, tbh. The problem is that Holla Forums has been influencing them.

Holla Forums was half of the equation from the start, it was pretty much bound to go the way it did. I feel bad about it because now shitting on the vidya industry like I used to on Holla Forums is now considered to be a right-wing thing, but that's reality.

People can go fuck themselves. Do what you like and provide a counter example.

SJWs are a huge problem in the industry, so that's unavoidable.

Yeah, bananaman's alright. The ranty videos against "SJWs" are tiresome and retarded. At least The Amazing Atheist doesn't pretend to be some intellectual and is funny most of the time.

His new show "Abandon Hope" is a good time-pass, sometimes:

I consider the notion of "family" to be a spook with no material basis. The nuclear family is a recent invention with virtually no historical precedent. Throughout human history, family relations have been organized in countless ways, including ones that are democratic and ones which even dissolve the notion of the family unit, such as with entire villages or communities raising their young. Part of achieving communism is to abolish the notion of the nuclear family and all such conceptions of it. Such social relations are purely a product of capitalism and serve no purpose outside of upholding antiquated and reactionary traditions relating to gender roles and control over the young.

The patriarchal structure of the nuclear family may be related to patriarchy in general society insomuch as its a manifestation thereof, but usually when I talk of patriarchy, I mean patriarchy per feminist theory.

You gonna neck yourself, kiddo?

Stay mad, faggot. I'm not leaving.

Not really. They own gaming "journalism" (aka paid advertising) but games they don't like are still flowing.

Comic books, maybe, but they were dead anyway, at least in the superhero genre.

Haven't you noticed all the censored games and SJW pandering lately? They have influence inside localization companies and developers, not just journalism.

Not to mention that some games they don't like aren't flowing anymore. There have been an increasing number of Japanese developers talking about the "social culture" of the west as a reason for not bringing over games.

This has always been the case. It's just "flared up" as of late.

But I'm not going to pretend to care about anime titty games for virgins. Mortal Kombat is as fucking revolting as ever (with tits).

Part of what GG found out was that the whole industry was infested. The IGDA and IGF were both doing shit they shouldn't.

First they came for the socialists etc.

That isn't "the whole industry".
I would be more sympathetic, but gamers have no self control and just buy things from companies they openly proclaim to hate, so they bring it upon themselves.

I meant that as a good thing, assburger.

Yeah alright.


That proves the point you fucking spastic.

What point? That shitty game publishers do not, in fact, suffer whenever they make a shitty game if it isn't literally defective?

That individuals navigate through choice in the purchase of commodities, if they purchase in the first place at all.

Deal with it, faggot.

Nobody wants your sympathy, retard. The issue is your inability to recognize these idpolers as a problem. Hence this post


Gee I wonder how come there are no leftists there.


Whatever. No one gives a shit about your patriarchy boogyman you attention whore. This is an election thread. Stop making everything about your idpol crap.

And yet they continually pour money into companies with constantly lowering standards of quality.

They are only a problem insofar as they have a few people that pander to them.
This would not matter in the slightest if people didn't fucking buy things they don't like. The video game industry is seemingly immune to this basic logic.

You're just the worst.


>gamergate isn't mostly people who would kill you in real life for being a communist or brown if they could get away with it

Except when you're in charge of vidya journalism, vidya networking, and vidya rewards, it's kind of hard for people to find out about things that you blacklist. And why are you using a lolbert argument, you fuck?

They could have choice if they wanted it. They don't. They enjoy the whining.

Literally the only reason "games journalism" even exists is to be paid advertising to begin with, same with stupid awards ceremonies.
If anything, video game channels are one of the few redeeming parts of OpinionsTube, like that huge fat guy that rails on Steam Greenlight games. Some people are taking it into their own hands, as they should, but all independent games are apparently "pretentious".
Acknowledging how the market works is not moralizing it. Unless you want to start arresting people just for having stupid Tumblr opinions.

Cry moar.

My point is that it's fucking stupid to try to infiltrate as degenerate and depraved a community as GG, since it has zero revolutionary potential whatsoever and they are too intoxicated by their spooky ideologies to have class consciousness. You would have a better chance at trying to infiltrate and radicalize hood gangs.

That's not what you did, you lying cocksucker.

>This would not matter in the slightest if people didn't fucking buy things they don't like.
If you actually don't understand how badly you fucked up here you need to either go read your first word of leftist literature or fuck off this board and die.

How can they have choice when they're Making America Great Again!

It's a fucking computer entertainment industry. Its existence as perpetuated by "intellectual property" is itself an aberration by left wing standards.

I don't even get what this is supposed to mean. I don't think Trump will do much to change gaming.

If you understand that much then you have zero excuse for being stupid enough to blame consumers for shitty products. Putting people into separate categories for liking different things just makes it worse. No reeducation camp can fix you. You are not and never could be my comrade.

And yet he gets the communities' unilateral support. I wonder why.
TL;DR The Republicans are going to try and get Bernie Sanders supporters on their side by using Clinton's fuckery to split the Democrats even further.

I want to see Trump publicly ask Sanders to be his running mate just for the shitshow that would follow.

Ordinarily I would agree. I am arguing that video games are an exception.

I am not even arguing this in light of GG. I am arguing from the perspective of someone who has played far more vidya than is healthy. At this point, I simply have no pity for most people who buy shitty games, because they do not try to do research, and I doubt there are many people who have a latest-gen console or high end PC but no Internet access.

Fine with me. You sound like a Trot.

We aren't actually talking about anything specifically except how much of an absolute faggot you are. So why would I have any arguments you stupid asshole? If you're talking about that nuclear family crap you didn't say anything I'd really disagrees with. Also You' the one that calls everyone that doesn't agree with you a reactionary. So don't give me that everything I don't like is idpol crap. It's just more hypocrisy coming from you.

I've made numerous substantive posts in this thread. You have not. You have done nothing but harass me because you apparently have some personal vendetta against me. Even worse is that the irony eludes you, since you ramble about idpol while engaging in sectarianism (idpol); repeatedly accuse me of being a broken record; stay in these threads, making shitposts demanding that I leave for shitposting; and slander me as a hypocrite while engaging in all the behavior I just described.

If you are so sick of me, then kindly shut up and ignore me. Would you like for me to use a tripcode so that you can filter me, since my posts obviously trigger you too much? If it keeps you from throwing a tantrum on every thread I post in, and proceed to nearly derail it with you and your buddies' dogged badgering, then I don't mind doing so.

I call certain people reactionary when they express reactionary views. You are one such person. I haven't accused every single one of my interlocutors of being reactionary, even though some of them have disagreed with me. While it is unfortunate that most of my posts involve calling people out for reactionary views, that doesn't mean that I consider anyone who disagrees with me as such.

Stop shitting up this thread, and stop shitting up every thread I'm in just because you have a hateboner for me. My "idpol crap" only began when jackasses like you began dogging me for expressing my opinions, which you so happened to have not liked. Next time, maybe express your disagreement like a mature adult with a functioning brain and I won't resort to calling you a reactionary and Holla Forums provocateur.

Fussing over "voter suppression" is retarded. In-person polling should be abolished nationwide like in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Concerns over electronic vote counting should be addressed with public-private blockchain encryption keys, which are completely unfalsifiable and would allow for secure online votes.

You're full of it, actual developers, and the HR/PR parasites that lord over them, are increasingly drinking the koolaid. Whether it's out of honest pod person insanity or fearful realpolitik conformity is irrelevant, if SJWism isn't stopped, it will irrevocably kill gaming (and the larger IT industry it's part of). What happened to comics because of moral panic hysteria and PC from right-wingers CAN happen here and now from similar sentiments among "leftists".

Do I need to pull out the scattergraph proving GG is primarily LEFT wing again?

Wow, the classcucking is real!

There are only two possibilities, neither of them indicate we should let you post without flaming your dumb ass into the ground:
A) You are using very idiosyncratic terminology for ideas worth consideration, but they will sound like cancer until you stop being so needlessly obtuse or someone cracks your code
B) You are the PC cancer killing leftism and should be purged for reeducation

Your Tumblrina is showing

Doesn't the fact that you know what it is oust you more thoroughly than the user posting it?

I shitpost Holla Forums sometimes, and they have wino nose ragethreads pretty regularly. It's like horsefuckery, nobody with any self respect would post it unironically.

Feudalism, actually. The "traditional" feudalist family model has actually been undermined by capitalism since the '70s when stagnant wages and debt forced women to go out and get jobs of their own. Predictably with hindsight, divorce rates have skyrocketed since then.

Feudalism, actually. The "traditional" feudalist family model has actually been undermined by capitalism since the '70s when stagnant wages and debt forced women to go out and get jobs of their own. Predictably with hindsight, divorce rates have skyrocketed since then.

Feel free to post it, but I don't believe it is accurate.

It's probably A, since I do indeed have a very idiosyncratic and eccentric diction and writing style. It's a personal problem of mine that I still haven't fixed over years, and I am beginning to stop trying because I question whether the problem is with me. Unfortunately, it makes me incredibly easy to spot even when anonymous, hence why I am so frequently recognized.

I didn't know that cartoon even existed before you just mentioned it. I only remember seeing that reaction image posted on Holla Forums before, considered it amusing, and saved it to my folder of reaction images with strange filenames. I agree with , the irony is rich.

I don't see how this Dover Boys cartoon would be indicative of being a Tumblr user, though, since it's an old and obscure cartoon.

Have another.

The feudal family structure was largely communal, however, with the children being raised by the village. The nuclear family began at the advent of capitalism. The recent dissolution of the nuclear family is a product of advanced late capitalism failing to maintain its own superstructure, not the breakdown of a social arrangement that predates capitalism.

Sometimes I really fucking hope you are a clever false-flag played by a Leninist comrade.

Not a reactionary, sorry.

you gonna lose that flag kiddo?

They just don't seem to get it, do they

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Who sages a cyclical?

Not him, but The Dover Boys had an inexplicable, fiery, but extremely short-lived resurgence on Tumblr a few months ago, which is what he's referring too. Still, TDB has been a meme long before then and has been a relatively common imageboard "guest" for years.

I'm from Tumblr. Gross, right?

There's good porn there

Feudalism, actually. The "traditional" feudalist family model has actually been undermined by capitalism since the '70s when stagnant wages and debt forced women to go out and get jobs of their own. Predictably with hindsight, divorce rates have skyrocketed since then.

Yeah, but not that.

Sorry, I can't help your shitty taste.

We are unified in our desire to see capitalism ended, not on what we'll fap to after that happens.



US Republican presidential campaign sinking into crisis

23 June 2016



I have never expressed any reactionary views on this board. You call nearly everyone that disagrees with your little patriarchy conspiracy theory a reactionary. The patriarchy thread is still up if anyone wants to see it.

Like this guy said Great porn if you're into western artists and 3D stuff. Still better then Reddit that place is just absolutely toxic. Oh and this anecdotal but all the women I know that browse Reddit in real life are usually real nice and like talking about video games and pop culture rather then social justice or whatever.

Has "reactionary" ever meant anything other than "disagrees with my politics?"

Feudalism, actually. The "traditional" feudalist family model has actually been undermined by capitalism since the '70s when stagnant wages and debt forced women to go out and get jobs of their own. Predictably with hindsight, divorce rates have skyrocketed since then.

Sure. It just one of those words that gets over used to dismiss other people's arguments like how some Americans call anyone remotely left leaning a communist. It's just a tactic dishonest people like to use regardless of ideological leaning.

I took a course on Western Civilization last year and apparently the nuclear family was popular n in Byzantium.

Refer to .

I sage when I consider my post off-topic, when I don't want to bump the thread, or when I don't want my post being on the front page.

Of course a sage isn't a downvote. Not even redditers believe that.

Your opinions on feminism and feminist theory are extremely reactionary. You aren't even criticizing it from a radical leftist perspective; you just invoke general strawmen and other memetic trash from Holla Forums as a substitute for a valid argument.

Only when the basis for your disagreement is, in fact, reactionary. Like I've said before, I have no problems treating Marxism as a conspiracy theory if you are going to be so intellectually dishonest as to treat patriarchy as such.

The total lack of self-awareness is astounding. You made yourself look like a complete and utter fool in that thread. Go on, promote it. I'll even link to it. Maybe a few more Holla Forums provocateurs can come in and stir up more shit, like you did:

Nigga, that's the fourth time you've posted that. I know the site is broken, but surely you've seen it by now?

Are you some kind of liberal chatbot AI that SRS created using their trust fund money or something? It's the same shit over and over again with you.
Your post are so long yet contain absolutely no substance.It's incredible. I'm not getting into this with you again. You repeat the same crap regardless of the evidence or arguments you're presented with. You're a fucking laughing stock.

Holla Forums-Gamergate and Tumblr porn
can you guys fuck off to >>>/leftyb/ already

So, does anybody think they'll really do it? Much as I hope they're arrogant enough, I don't personally think the 3rd-party Bernie anti-spoiler we all want is actually going to happen.
The Progressive Case Against Elizabeth Warren
I was going to say something along the lines of "Being Elizabeth Warren is Suffering" but she kinda deserves it

I'm convinced you're probably just flaming now. Good ruse, fam. You got me angry a few times.

Still commit suicide, though.

gonna lose that flag kiddo?

I think it's fake


Let me post, asshole

I can post short posts but not long ones for some reason


I've had the same problem twice on this board in the last month. I suspect t's either some kind of wacky censorship, or a malfunctioning wordfilter. Least frustrating way around it is to just screencap your post and embed that.

Second time for me in last month, too.

Screencap & embed.. I'll remember that. Usually after a while it goes back to normal, but I don't want to have to wait hours to post, so I'll probably do that.

Even tried to break my post down to part one & two.. Still nothing.

Guess I'll see you guys in a couple of hours! I'm too lazy right now to try other things. Fix your shit please, Frederick.

Clinton is on tv right now announcing Warren as her running mate. I wonder how many pieces of silver she got. She's also ripping off Sanders point for point.

I would sell my soul and endure eternal damnation if it meant seeing her skull explode like a ripe mellon on live tv.

I might be mistaken. It just said CLINTON AND WARREN JOIN FORCES IN OHIO

not yet, but she's joining her on the campaign trail.

I bet Ribbit will still defend her.

You & me both, user.. You & me both.

Honestly, that's a bold move having both a female as President & VP. That solidifies a lot of people voting for Trump. Whether you agree with that or not, that's how it's going to be for many people. Especially in the south.

In the restaurant I was in while watching this shit, the people in the booth beside me were talking about how they hated Trump and Clinton, but would vote for Trump because "everything she says is a lie."



were they eating burgers




actually yes it was a Wendy's

why did this make me laugh

so I guess I just don't vote anymore?

the green party is polling below the lolberts and the two main options are terrible.

Cod blease. What they NEED to do is let Trump be their nominee and watch him fail and be like "I told you so" while they hold down the fort in Congress and in the states, and support Gary Johnson behind his back. Then Sanders can jump in as either a Green or a Dem (but hopefully it's as a Green, if they do become nationally viable, I mean, can you imagine how stupid it would be for Stein to run against Sanders? She's madman enough to do it if he doesn't come to the Greens). Both Trump and Hillary are going down in flames. Maybe neither of them makes it to November. All I know is it makes for a great show to watch. And so does the Brexit thing.

Assange when? FBI when? I can't wait much longer for my cummies.

If Bernie is nominated or runs- Bernie
If you live in a red or blue state- Stein
If you live in a swing state- Clinton (Trump is not a good idea don't listen to shit/pol/sters)

We don't listen to CTR shills either


Fuck both Trump and Clinton. I won't be voting for either of them in any circumstance. The US is fucked, either way if either is elected.

If more understood the value of their vote, they'd stop voting for "the lesser evil". We should start sooner rather than later in encouraging that.

Oh no, Bernie Sanders pls be careful

Neither is Clinton you dumb liberal.


You know who needs to check their fucking muh privilege? The people who voted for a candidate because some "Bros" said some mean things to them on the Internet


being poor and black

Riley Ried endorses Bernie

The joke is everything Trump says is a lie.
She's the "Black Power" candidate simply because she (supposedly) has a better chance of defeating Trump.

Of course there's also the Clinton campaign's "artful smear" of Bernie Sanders and his supporters as a bunch of racist white males

She also has a majority of the black vote set. So it's not surprising seeing that community support her regardless.

Le better than Trump meigh meigh is true you know. Do you really want Republicans to have control of both chambers of ongress and the Presidency?

But the crime bill had good stuff in it too! Bernie voted for it, sassanach!
It's actually because she's been patsying them with pandering for a very, very long time, giving them attention at conferences and stuff.

Official Set to Testify Against Hillary Found Dead

I don't want neoliberals of any color to have control over both chambers of congress and the presidency.

Where are the protests of the DNC taking place?


Wew ok yurop
Hey guys, Bernie may have won California after all if current reports are accurate.
Also this is very tangentially related but Jimmy Kimmel is 9000x worse than John Oliver and I don't care what anyone else says.

Every time

He kinda seemed like a douchenozzle but what did he do specifically?

You kinda need to source that shit dawg

Nothing in particular, he just buys into wage gap bullshit and is 100% convinced that people think Hillary is untrustworthy because she's a woman. What a fuck.

/r/sandersforpresident shit dawg fam


Kewl, my man! Your post is da bomb diggity.

Corey Robin of Jacobin reaffirms his prediction that Trump will be slaughtered in the general.

The world economy is going to collapse pretty soon, sooooo good luck with that hilldawg.

There was an article on reuters today commenting on the loss of something like 2.3 trillion dollars over the course of monday and tuesday and how it was an even bigger drop than the 2008 crisis but that they "perceived no danger of collapse."


Whose titties are those

Warren BTFO. It will be delicious to watch her career crash and burn because of her own actions.

I mean. I fucking hate both Trump and Clinton with fiery hate. So don't call me a Hillary voter or some shit, but I really, really don't see a way Trump can win the election at this point.

"Democracy" is Greek for "deciding who the nation hates the most" right?

On the contrary, I don't see a way Clinton can win. She has so much baggage that Trump can attack her on, not to mention that she is still being investigated.

Plus, running as a Republican-lite on a Democratic ticket never works out well. Liberals who aren't swayed by idpol or party loyalty will vote third party or not vote, but Republicans will never vote for a Clinton.

Despite that Clinton has most of the black and latino vote on lock down regardless, and the likelihood of him just opening his mouth and saying offensive crowd pleasing shit instead of saying anything of substance in debate is likely.

True, but the amount of baggage Trump has largely outweighs the baggage Clinton has to the American public.

If you have a majority of 28% of the non-white vote, and a majority of women in the nation aren't receptive to you, you're basically fucked demographics wise. I can't see a situation where whites go en masse to vote for Trump. I'm not arguing whether one is better than the other. It's pointless, I'm arguing the likelihood of Trump winning over anyone at this point is pretty moot.

Minorities dont vote and what has trump done besides say mean things?
Clinton voted for iraq, destroyed libya, takes money from wall street.
How will you feel one day and wake up and mia love is trumps vp?

It's not that, it's the fact that he's not an experienced politician in the slightest. He has no idea how to run a town, let alone the most dominant country on the entire planet. If Clinton hammers this point in and makes him look like a moron(like when he was asked about the nuclear trio), she could easily make him look like a bafoon and win the nomination. She is, however(currently) shooting herself in the foot.

Clinton has done a lot of nasty shit, but not ever being in politics does not mean that person will make a good politician.

You dont get it, do you?
The people dont want politicians, why do you think trump won?

You mean the politicians who cant get anything done?
The politicians who start endless wars?
The politicians that bail out the banks?

Hello Holla Forums

Yes, I've noticed you people have this stupid idea, that the "politician" is a proffecion.

A politician is a person who does politics. His job isn't "politician".

Since Trump got messed up in politics, he is a politician.

Deal with it!

you just got done arguing that trump isnt a politician so he will lose, now he is a politicians so…he will lose.

*teleports behind you
*unsheathes kattana
"heh, nothing personal kid "

Trump is NOW a politician. Politician is not a "career". The fact that it has become only shows 'Murica doesn't have Democracy.

I never said he isn't gonna win.

This is what you sound like. Politics, wether you want to accept it or not, are complicated and require extensive knowledge of theory and government to run efficiently( which, being on leftypol I'm opposed to in of itself). As a leftist I'd like to get rid the system all together, but I would prefer someone who knows the intricacies of the system to someone who know virtually nothing and will most likely hand the country to the neocons.

There's a reason we call you "reactionary".

Thinking that a billionaire who was friends with the Clintons and everyone you despise, who engaged in virtually no philanthropy to help the working class in his life, has now suddenly decided to run for president out of pure benevolence to make America great again, by building a wall between us and Mexico and using fascist-esque documentation of the muslim demographic in the U.S. to stop the evil other, is really the second coming as you make him out to be. Or even an improvement over the status quo.

One who knows how the state works, isn't a politician. It's a Jurist.

A politician could be a doctor, for example. He has ADVISORS to tell him how a law could be implemented.

The fact that Trump isn't a part of "the system" doesn't make him better or worse.
The fact that he is a bourgie with bourgie interests, does.

Okay, sorry I mixed up definitions there.
Regardless, the most important part in that was the last paragraph about how he is in no way, shape or form superior to Clinton.

IMO, they are both shit.
Maybe Clinton can handle what she wants to do better.. but like the Brexit, even of Yes won, things wouldn't be better.

But that's secondary, indeed.

Am I the only one who fears a Trump loss for the possible monster(s) it might unleash? A Trump presidency would hardly be some sort of fascist nightmare; at worst, it would be a repeat of the Reagan years (which isn't good, but survivable). Perhaps the right may even come to realize it's not blacks or browns or Muslims or women or whatever fucking them over, it's the rich fucking them over.

But with Clinton, there's no plan to deal with the issues that gave rise to the Trump movement. Hell, some people even seem to suggest sticking their thumbs in the eyes of Trump supporters for even daring to consider him. What then? The "movement" right now is pretty decentralized, lacking any sort of real structure, but what happens if it gets some? I don't know that it's just going to fade away under a President Clinton.

28% of the electorate last year was from non-whites. Primarily latinos. It was considered not a really excited vote in that case.

So, let's just say it doesn't climb and stays at that 28%. If you alienate that 28%, it's fucked.

That said, it's going to be more than 28% this election.

Fuck, I didn't mean last year. I meant last election.

I fear a Clinton or Trump Presidency.

You mean the fact that at least half of Americans are retards? The only way to solve this is addressing our education system(among other institutions), and that's not going to happen anytime soon. Trump is basically Bush 2.0, and their supporters are the same. This always happens.

Unless something big happens, America will continue to crumble, figuratively and literally.

The difference has nothing to do with the candidates themselves or their policies:
Clinton is universally backed by the establishment and a PR cadre of influential SJW human shields/suicide bombers that will viciously whip any politician who defies her
Trump is universally despised by the establishment and under continual assault by countless influential groups who will viciously whip any politician who cooperates with or fails to denounce him

One will have an easy time doing evil things, the other will have a difficult time, that's it.

Do you remember the Bush administration? Bush was Cheney and Rumsfeld's little meat puppet, doing everything the market for defense and oil wanted them to do.

Now Trump is not at all educated in anything related to the office he's campaigning for, neither was Bush. He'll surround himself with high positioned agreeable people who will, just as well, drive him like a meat puppet for other interests.

Do you think Trump will be any different? I'd argue that both come up with equally powerful ways of doing wrong, whether it be manipulated or purposeful.

That view is naive, that Trump would just be flowers and rainbows. It's still the world in neoliberalism. They're both shit, and nobody should vote.

Mia Love isn't even going to the convention. She won't be Trump's VP.

The left was screeching almost as loud through most of Bush's reign (especially due to his coronationvictory), but the right was almost as loud in supporting him. Remember that in 2004 when Dean imploded and Democrats were running a "Not Bush/Not Cheney '04!" campaign that didn't even care about "our" candidates because we were trying so hard to unseat Bush, the RNC spun into overdrive and ramped up Republican turnout surged to meet it. Bush had virtually no enemies on the right worth mentioning.

Trump is completely different from Bush, because every single political faction with any organization whatsoever is united against him. Maybe the lobbyists and other shills will come crawling up to him for favors, but there is no scenario I can imagine where Trump could ever achieve the lockstep support Hillary has lined up right now.

And that's exactly what would make him capitulate in office. Let's be real, he doesn't believe he'll get any of this campaign machismo promising done in office either. He'll do it while satisfying the market, which is its own shade of destructive.

But a shade which is both uncertain and in no way worse than what Clinton has the wheels greased for already.

No it is certain. Capitulation is what Trump does, it's what he will do. He doesn't have any fucking ideal to fight for.


I'm talking about the political environment that surrounds both of them, it's like choosing whether you want to be chased by a bear or a shark underwater.

They both are going to have equally shitty outcomes. The idea that nothing is going to happen ecause pressure is on Trump to capitulate is BS. It's just going to make him capitulate whatever dumb shit he mouthed off for support on the campaign.

Both capitulate, it's more like saying whether you want to be chased by a bear on land, and a shark underwater.

You shouldn't be so naive to think market stops because of someone's incompetence, they make them competent to the market. They make them kiss that fist. Trump has been a fist kisser for cash since his dad lent him a hundred million, shit will be no different now.

Hillary and Trump work for their own best interests and neither give a fuck about anyone or anything besides that fist they're kissing.

Not to mention, the amount of debt he's acquired over the campaign trail, there's no possible way Trump won't be slobbering and nursing over that cock to make up for everything after his term. He'll do his best to please them and work the way into getting positions that give him access to money he never had before.

It's fucking so transparent, and I don't see how anyone could fall for his fucking bullshit any different than Hillary's. They're both fucking cons, and they both will fuck us and everyone who works in this world over.


Original video?
Is it about the ol' ton of feathers vs ton of "heavier" substance?

Holy shit that's great fam

You've got it all wrong fam, the majority of Trump voters say they don't really agree with him about racespooking and are voting for him for other reasons like "he's politically incorrect" or "stronk leedurr"

I remember this obnoxious twit I knew last year who literally went from calling Trump a fascist to wearing a Trump shirt over a weekend when Cruz conceded who insisted that Gore would've been worse than Bush, which would've been an amazing accomplishment.

God Scottish chicks have sexy accents.
I want them to roll their Rs over my dick

I never understood why people saw her as "special". From the first day I heard her, before the election process began, I thought she was very suspicious and still part of the ugly political game. Then again, it's the social liberals we're talking about…

Shillizabeth Whorren

Give me one good reason anyone should be listening to this conman anymore. He fucking admitted himself that his trash economic theories resulted in the 2008 recession. Why is anyone giving him attention anymore?

Greenspan just went in a circle if he's advocating a gold standard again. Gold, fiat, gold.

It's like she's on meth since she endorsed Clinton. I swear, every time I see her now she's fucking spastic. I almost feel sorry for her because it's embarrassing. But then I remember what she's doing by being so "enthusiastic" for Hillary. Let her career crumble.

Good webum.

Bernie wrecking Greenspan.
Clinton wins an endorsement from the private prison industry


And this is the candidate Warren is supporting?

As a green this pisses me off so much. Fuck this hack and the candidate he is backing.


I was behind Warren before. Though my eyebrow raised when I heard she wrote she was part Cherokee in order to get a job at Harvard, which came out during her MA senate campaign. Now watching the fact she's behind a candidate that Paulson supports shows me she is an absolute fake.

Looks like I can only look forward to Larence Lassig now.


no, if you live in any state you should vote for the third party candidate that is polling the highest.

It's time to take the dissapproval of these two candidates and use it as a device to take them down, or atleast eliminate this two party monopoly on political opinion.

Hillary SO wants to be Obama 2008.

She does NOT want to be John Kerry 2004, or Al Gore year 2000.

And if she is Obama 2012 she will lose against Trump.

I did a thing

It can't end there. Take out these two parties and they'll eventually just be replaced with others. We need to fight for an instant-runoff or ranked-choice voting system if we want more than two parties to ever be sustainable and powerful.

Left and right front runners are both hugely unpopular and have tons of baggage.
Why fall for the establishment media narrative of pretending they're the only choice.

Frogmarch.. This is the first time I've ever heard this phrase.


So I did a thing, Holla Forums. In the states colored purple, blue or light blue, Bernie won VERY narrowly, assuming a tie in California. Like, 50.2837189%. And I think I may be a few delegates short, not to mention California results aren't final. So no, Bernie didn't win the primary but he's got a very good argument for being more electable and in line with the party and whatnot.

I thought had to do with le smug frog man may may

Hillary DESPERATELY wants to be Obama. She wants that momentum. She wants that outpouring of love. She wants to be the driving force for a new generation of voters. She and the DNC fucked up though, since it's clear Sanders was the next Obama style candidate, and that fuck up is going to cost them the future of their party, starting with Philadelphia.

Trump Drinking Game: Take a shot everytime he backpedals or contradicts himself. Hopefully you'll die before November.



I still don't see any source confirming that Sanders won California.

There aren't any yet, other than one of the ballot counters. It's an assumption.

bad post


This is a government plot to exterminate everyone on leftypol


Bernie Sanders: "Elections Come and Go, Revolutions Never End"


Quads confirm.


Right in the feels



Rage on how stupid most Americans are. The comment section, too. Mein gott. I don't watch Bill Maher anymore for obvious reasons. I saw this in my recommended videos. Fuck that cunt from the Daily Beast. And Wilmore, not surprisingly, has also sold out.

"Meanwhile, in the mainstream media.."

The only difference between Trump and any actual politician is that the media is quite happy to hand wave away the flip-flops or at the very least give them the benefit of the doubt

The spectacle is an Ouroboros


Some funny stuff

Obviously I mean the comments, not the terrorist attack.
Bernie clarifying his statements on how he said he'd vote for Clinton if she was in the general.

The DNC & Clinton appointees also shitting all over Hillary's "supposed" platform, as we all knew would happen. Voting against blocking the TPP, against Universal/single payer Healthcare, among many others.

That is the exact opposite of what I meant. Shillary is the shark, Trump is the bear, and PC-shielded neolibs/neocons are the water. Seek professional help.

Not to defend the coherence or sincerity of Trump's "platform", but his line on this issue was ALWAYS "halt Muslim immigration until a process can be established, then only let in people who've been vetted", it was NEVER "ban all Muslims, forever". WSJ being establishment shitflingers again.


I can't believe, after us bros have been dumping all over her terrible platform, and she refused to incorporate anything from Sanders (all predictable) that the DNC platform Sanders' partisans theoretically had direct input on is actually WORSE than Clinton's. Liberals really never fail to disappoint, do they?

says a supporter of a party with their own shuddersome symbol.

hillary stands with isis, big surprise

"If Bernie truly cared about enacting change, he would be on his knees sucking HRC`s toes. If he really wants to bring about change, it seems rational and smart to ally himself with the next POTUS, HRC. Clearly Bernie is all about Bernie. He doesn`t realize that you can`t save your a** and your face at the same time."

uegghhhhh i want to vomit
it's all the national newspapers like nyt and washpo, too- ctr doesn't bother with the little ones

What could a more blatant name for media spin, disinformation spreading, and propaganda than correct the record?

Fair and Balanced?

Trump reacts to the Istanbul bombing, calls for waterboarding of terrorists.

Anyone else heard of this class-action lawsuit against the DNC yet? I'm surprised I missed it.

Here's a clearer source actually:

When Trump wins the election, he'll just call Putin up and have Russkie forces wipe these Islamic fuckers off the map. Meanwhile, he'll be closing our borders and shutting down Obama's "refugee program."

Oh, and by the way. So you guys know who really funded and armed the Islamic terrorists?

Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war

FLASHBACK: US Govt Backed Plan to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria To Blame on Assad

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

Ex Marine Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And US-Israeli War Agenda

BUSTED! ISIS Armed with US Military-grade Weapons

Hillary Clinton Received Secret Memo Stating Obama Admin Supporting ISIS

Obama Admin Aided Group That Became ISIS to Control Area Where ISIS Formed Caliphate

we're just not dumb enough to think that a richy richer is going to change a single thing
he benefits from the norm, you idiot

If he stands by what he says, he'll be benefiting a whole lot of us, not just the norm.

it's pretty hard to stand by a bunch of contradictory statements, budder
at best, i see him maybe stopping some of the usual push to the right out of petty anger at being told what to do by the republican party but he's not going to fix our economy and he's not going to solve america's horrible foreign policy

He hasn't stood by a single fucking thing he's said this whole election you fucking idiot classcuck shitnigger.

If he stands by what he says we'll see WWIII by the time he leaves office.
It passed.
I'll just go kill myself.

Nate Silver, Omniscient mathematician and master of prediction, now says that Trump only has a One in Five chance of winning the general election.

What's the general consensus like in Puerto Rico right now? Like, is there any kind of active socialist organization there?

What is this bernout meme I've been seeing lately

Pretty low class consciousness, but high suspicion of social institutions. We've got the Socialist Front and the Worker's Socialist Movement, which publishes a minor paper called Bandera Roja. And sure enough since the day this bill was drafted it's been the best thing independentist and socialist groups could ask for.
Donald Trump says "I like waterboarding"
Socialism or Barbarism man, socialism or barbarism.

Hey comr8s, who else /despair/ in here? I have some student debt (not as exorbitant as others though. I was careful about that), my mother is sick and the doctors can't find what's wrong with her, and at this rate I'll have to ask for gibsme just to live. I would love to give the middle finger to Clinton. She really doesn't deserve the presidency for everything she has done in this campaign and in the past too, but Trump said he thinks the minimum wage is too high for the US to remain competitive and while Sanders is better in every issue, if (and when at this rate) Clinton becomes the nominee and then president she will raise the minimum wage to $12 while Trump is a republican. Even though Trump was somewhat liberal before this campaign, just being around Republicans means that there's a chance that not only the minimum wage stagnates or decreases, but also to cut gibsmedat which are going to be my only salvation at this rate. I know that Clinton is a neocon republican in the democratic party, but if she at least does one of those 2 things (keep or increase gibsme and raise minimum wage) she will literally save my life, as much as I hate to owe her anything.

Sorry for the blogpost but I really needed to vent out. I've been walking around in circles in my room planning what to do and drinking gallons of water to calm myself. Anyways, here's some hos for you guys.

Raising the minimum wage is *LIKELY* going to lead to inflation of all prices. The first two months it'll be fine and dandy, then it'll be almost as if nothing happened.

Even in capitalist terms, giving people better wages is the only way to have a working economy.

Except for, porky gets less profit.

M9 I need to pay this apartment somehow and my 3rd world country did raise the min wage in small interbals and nothing happened yet. I'm not an economist but I need to hang onto something, anything, that could relieve this situation.

If that's not an option then the gibsme are still there.

I said *likely*

with higher wages, production costs for the owners rise, hence your more consumer power is *likely* to dissolve into the background sooner or later.

Yeah that's one possible outcome.

You can always change your job, what are you currently working as?

Ye, most products are mass produced and the prices are rarely high because of high production costs. Mostly they are high cause they can be high.

Look famdude, don't feel bad for supporting Clinton.

Wew jew, you may not realize it but this is the same argument Lolbertarians make. It's not going to be 1:1 income increase all around the board so inflation won't be 1:1 with increase in income.

Considering Clinton's presidency will most likely help reveal the contradictions of capitalism and increase class-consciousness, don't feel bad for supporting her.

Just don't put much faith in her either.

Flipping burgers. I tried to apply to home depot, office depot and a big costumer service company but no one called me. The costume service comp. left me hanging because they said I only needed to pass drug test to start work but always posponed the drug test date and never gave me a clear start date either.

Oh oh oh! I forgot, it's not so much about production costs increasing but operational costs for retailers and so on. That's likely where you'll see first-hand increase in prices, specially on smaller retail stores.

Who you calling a jew you double nigger? In any case, I'm aware of this and I'm not using it as an argument against rising the min wage specifically, I'm just trying to put this into consideration.

It's like the reserve army of labor is too damn high, or something.

Holy shit, I'm sorry to hear that KEK.

Don't apply for hueg stores, that sucks the living fuck out of you, try for something smaller, tech sales can be pretty neat if they give salesmen a % of what they sell. They usually want people who hound after money like that.

Know when prices rose in Greece?
When 100 Drachmas and not 300, became 1 euro. Why? Cause they could do it.

Nowadays the VAT is rising and MAGICALY the bourgies can "absorb" it.

It's like they can all agree on a "minimum price" to increase profit, or something…

Crap I accidentally erased my argument for why you should support Clinton with your mouth and vote Stein with your hands (or Clinton should you live in a purple state).

It's because she will do a lot more for you and us than Trump will. Trump will end trade deals and that's literally fucking all he will do. He MIGHT end trade deals. He will be the cuckservative's cuck as soon as he steps into the oval office complete with ball gag, and deep down we all know it.

I dunno, Clinton would obviously be better in the short term, because she won't propose as many inane tax-the-poor-feed-the-rich domestic economic plans (though the ones she does propose would pass easier than any he did). But she'd probably be worse in the long term, since Trump might throw a monkeywrench in the neolib offshoring/immigration and neocon war embezzling that have been destroying our economy since the 1970s.

The primary purpose of minimum wage isn't to provide employees subject to them with decent pay, it's to force parasitic employers out of the labor market. Any inflation is compensated for by the fact that parasitic employers aren't being subsidized by market externalities (such as gibsmedats and consumer debt) through their full-time employees:

He IS a neocon. Being against the Iraq War isn't not being a neocon. Look at his comments on torture.

only if you believe Trump will follow through with any of his promises.
And if you believe that you're probably an idiot.

There is a 100% chance Clinton will (as she has always promised) continue and worsen these policies, there is a

What state are you from? If your state isn't contested and Hillary will take it regardless of how you individually vote, consider going for third-party like Greens. They're obviously not going to win, but their policies are in line with what seems to be your ongoing concerns (alleviating the ethical concern of supporting Hillary) and, if I remember correctly, the party is eligible to receive federal funding like they other two parties if they get at least 15% of the popular vote. At the very least, 15% polling numbers gets them into debates, which forces them into greater public view.

Wew I read this in the comment section of Sanders NYT Op-ed.
It was called America lmao


That's even easier, China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, South Korea and Venezuela just off the top of my head.

Scratch Venezuela.

All of them are still poverty-stricken hellholes for the average citizen

South Korea is a poverty-stricken hellhole? K
That is true, but they're still evidence it can be done.

>"Talk is cheap, Bernie. How about endorsing Hillary instead of playing hard to get? At least Elizabeth Warren has figured out that the best way to beat Trump (and to move a Democratic agenda forward) is actually to help elect a Democrat."
The issue here is "Democratic agenda". The Democratic agenda is shit, something these people with an Americentric view of politics don't understand.

I love this fucking strawman, apparently opposing sweatshops and immigrant slave labor means you want to cancel all trade agreements with the rest of the world.

Texas m8. I know nothing about contested states or whatever. I would like to help the greens get into debates and get funding because they would improve my situation more than Clinton, but I literally can't afford not to get those $12 wage or gibsme. I'm even uncertain if something's going to happen with my mother and she also works and helps dealing with the house bills. If something happens to her not only it would be an emotional blow but it would also leave me even in more need of that help.

Didn't those countries grow by exporting to developed countries?

Did they actually replace her with a robot or skinchanger or something? What the fuck? How does somebody act so stilted?
Just fuck my territory up fam

kick everyone in the head who unironically says "berniebros"

Can do!

t. congress


Then you'll love this one.

Eventually but that's not how they started off, save India. But before and after British rule it was another story.
Have some more of this bullshit.
>It's long past time that you get behind the only candidate who realistically stands between us and a Trump presidency: Hillary Clinton. Anything less and you risk being America's Jeremy Corbyn, whose half-hearted opposition to Brexit may have helped usher in the demise of the Labour Party and perhaps the United Kingdom itself.
>What a small small man with a big big ego Bernie must be. Does he imagine that Democrats are unaware of the points he is making in this op ed? His reluctance to mention Hillary is beyond petty.
No, he just knows they don't care. Take a look at how the Hill's delegates to the Convention Committee voted
>Sadly you can see some of the problems but you're clueless about solutions. I say some of the problems because you fail to see that bigotry mostly in the formula of racism is behind most of the unrest in America. And on the left we have your form of bigotry. Yes, you're a bigot. You have a rigid, narrow-minded view of the world and who's to blame. You rant against everything. You're even ranting against Democrats after joining their party in an effort to become President. Don't come into someone else's house and start complaining about their rules. It's rude and it tells us who you are. I wouldn't have you in my house any more than I'd have Trump.
Gene from Florida cracking it down on the federal government official you guys better fucking listen up oh shit
wew: the post
Also I'm sick of all this white-bashing and ageism regarding Bernie, literally makes me sick at this point. Especially since he's neither white nor all that old. And I'm tired of "he's helping Trump!!!" which is true on exactly zero levels, but not sick. Yet.
k some good posts then i'm done dumping these

Good posts.
Good post, mostly


I forgot to bold Gene from Florida calling class consciousness "bigotry"

I love how most defenses of Clinton, the Democratic Party and their tactics/positions generally have nothing to do with their actual positions and is generally something unrelated
Which is especially ironic considering they love to invoke right-wink attacks against Bernie (or anyone to the left of them honestly)

Hint: it's because you can't defend Hillary. Especially her "stances" on PROMESA and TPP.
But trust me, her stans literally don't understand what people don't like about her. They go on the internet and see people bashing her and zone out trying to figure out what in the world people could dislike about her before eventually hours later settling on "GOP trolls" or "sexist" as if the GOP is smart enough to pull that off (the Trump campaign is but they aren't). These are invariably the triple chumps that have way too much faith in government and don't see why people don't trust her. You know the ones I'm talking about. They don't worry themselves with foreign policy because it's not immediately relevant and what's on TV says it's self defense and what needs to be/should be done, and certainly not PROMESA because it doesn't affect them. And free trade is good! We want TPP!

In short, they're too fucking stupid to understand why not to support her, and the Democratic party has told them to support her and so they do. Also wymman, and also also the cult of personality she's been building up for 25 years.

V might want to see this…

And for the record this is why many SJWs are an asset to us and not a hindrance. They tend to understand class politics, they just don't care as much as we do, and better yet they have a distrust of centrist politics.

The problem with the modern left is that their economic grievances mostly line up with ours but they attribute them to the wrong source. We see capitalism as the problem, they see racism, homophobia, or other idpol bs

Yeah that pretty much describes most liberals

They'll jump through hoops to defend their Empress but all opposition from the left can be handwaved away with right-wing talking points, if not simple accusations of sexism.

I hate Hillary and I hate Trump, but I really don't fucking want Trump to be president. This hurts. This election is the worst, I'd rather it just be two fucking bland neoliberals going at it than this. At least people would be more united than believing this fucking idiot is any better than Hillary.

I hope in the future people look at this time in the internet and cringe, but I'm not hopeful

I'm not voting, I don't think anyone should vote

No, I've seen many blatantly anticapitalist SJWs, and certainly no free market apologists. They just don't understand how central it is to the whole thing.

No, they don't understand it. They honestly think offshoring helps the global poor, rather than solidifying the grasp of plutocratic tyrants abroad. They really believe immigration will help, rather than benefiting only the tiny fraction that can escape, and doing less than nothing for the majority left behind. Many (not all, but a worrying number) even support our clumsy military interventions of late. They honestly think the American working class are irrelevant and decadent, little realizing that the victories of the working class everywhere help fuel labor agitation worldwide. Worst of all, they counter viciously and at every opportunity the efforts of real leftists to help anyone.

They're the equivalent of the medieval Catholic church, whose words exalted the spiritual superiority of the poor and wretched masses over the rich and comfortable few, but whose actions did everything in their power to materially cement the domination of those "spiritual destitutes" at the top and deepen the privation of the "spiritually rich" at the bottom.

The degree of classcucking among SJWs is, on an ideological basis, IMHO worse and more harmful than any rightist.

No, this election is good, it's the the wheels falling off the 2-party system. With any luck, something like Britain's Labor Party coup will happen, and we insurgents will take control of our own destiny.

We won't be rid of a 2-party system until we have proportional representation (extremely unlikely) or instant-runoff/ranked-choice voting reform (doable).

True, but the first step to getting that done is to pack the dominant parties' representatives with people willing to let go of the security FPTP grants them. The only other plausible strategy is to attack FPTP at the local/state level, particularly through referenda in the states which allow them. If my reading of the constitution is correct, it might even be possible for changes in state constitutions to eliminate FPTP for federal congressmen (though not the president) without having to touch the federal constitution.

Yeah I think the chances of packing congress with people whose views go against their own interests are pretty slim. The only way voting reform is going to happen is coming from the bottom up. Much like getting corporate and wealthy money out of politics, this is probably going to have to come from state referenda.

Fuck Democracy to begin with. It's clear the people don't know what's healthy for themselves. Listening to them to achieve our own ends, or having any kind of trust in Democracy or the liberals, it's pointless. We've done enough listening in our lives.

welcome to the Dark Enlightenment, brother

fuck them too


Kek. The blackness of your flag, you will give it to me now.

Perhaps bordigism then?

Did anyone actually say that? I watched the Senate hearings yesterday and didn't see any of that. Or is that all pundit crap?

Pundit crap. But like, B-list pundit crap. Not even the well-known free market shills were shilling that one.
Also I guess I'm turning into a nationalist because seeing a bunch of redneck trash saying things like "Liberty for PR, followed by foreign aid of about a dollar/day/month for every PR native. Cut welfar, invite PP down there to hlep with abortions. In about 150 years this useless little island might become solvent, maybe… Really, we got it as reparations from the Spanish, and boy were they glad to let it go. Originally we needed it for military reasons. Now, not at all! I've been there, and it's NOT a part of the USA, it's welfare island. Give them independence and foreign aid, it will be cheaper. WE don't owe them anything…." or "Pull the ungrateful plug, let it sink. they had their chance. They turned back on statehood, we should turn back on any further connections with this foreign nation. No different from Mexico. Treat this dead weight the same. No breaks." or "Can't we sell them to the lowest bidder or give them to China to help pay off our debt?"
and other miscellanea like "they don't pay federal tax so I don't care" makes me want to vomit

State or not, I kinda' wonder if the corporate dictatorshipadministrator thing is even constitutional. If somebody challenges it in Puerto Rico and wins, it might set a precedent against other examples like Detroit.

Also, thinking of Puerto Rico's woes, my mind can't help but wander to Hawaii (somewhat economically subpar as states go, but not doing horribly) in terms of history and current structure.
Barack Obama has made America great again
A town in Albania is honoring Shillary with a Bronze Statue.
Hoxha would be ashamed.

I haven't been paying too much attention to mainstream media coverage of the election this past month or so, but has anyone else noticed that the media has almost completely shifted away from fear mongering about Donald Trump now that Clinton is the nominee?

Didn't Albania also suck Bush's dick too for a while?
Maybe not. A SC decision would have to be overturned though.

The Obama admin has killed more people than the Bush admin.

Obama never did formal declarations of war on TV, and Bush was good at making himself look stupid, so of course ordinary schmoes in the EU will perceive Obama as the intelligent, peaceful president in comparison.

About to meet Jill Stein. What should I ask her?

if you can fug her


I'd be curious to see if she personally believes a move away from capitalism is necessary and also what she thinks of the future of automation.

I think I'll ask her what she thinks of the anti-capitalism amendment the green party adopted.


ask her if bernie has talked to her


But she isn't.

This, really curious.

I'll ask this too

Ask her if she supports the green party amendment to make it anti-capitalist

Pay attention, comrade

ask her if she supports worker-owned businesses and cooperatives.

Newly leaked docs:

I was only able ask Jill Stein one question, so I asked her about the amendment. She said the "so-called anti-capitalist" amendment was long over due. Afterwards, I tried ask her about rojava while gettIng a selfie but she didn't know what i was talking about.

Whatever, I'll still vote for her if the FBI doesn't save us. This is still unforgivable.

well that's disappointing.
Still, the fact that she endorsed the anti-capitalist amendment is a good sign.

Any questions about her positions? She said she was for "restorative justice" whatever that is.

Keep in mind that it's an imageboarder asking the question, it might've just been badly worded.

Probably that reparations crap that's been on her Twitter account before.

Hey I actually have Tourette's and I stutter, so consider me triggered
The FEC might investigate Trump for begging foreign politicians for money.

I hope Trump and Hillary both scrape it almost to their respective conventions and then go up in flames anyway. Fucking torch both of them, Obama. I don't like you and I never will for what you did to my country but I will R E S P E C T you if you go nuclear and/or allow your underlings to go nuclear on both of them. Bonus points for at the same time, and extra bonus points for before the convention. And from out of the dust will rise Cruz-Kasich (or Cruz-Fiorina but we all know that was just a stunt) (or possibly Cruz-Johnson, to counter Cruz's moralfaggotry) if the Republicans manage to hold themselves together (Libertarian if they don't) and Sanders-Warren/Stein/Turner/Gabbard/Ijustrealizedallofthesearewomensodefinitelysomesortofwomanwhichwouldstillbeafirstasfaraswomensprogressgoes if the Democrats survive and more or less the same if they don't. It will be delicious. I want to watch. Obama plis.
Was on reddit seeing if the bernie sub was still alive and found this. Possible class consciousness in the comments?

a.k.a rehabilitative justice, as opposed to punitive justice. Basically criminal justice reform.

Don't know about you guys, but #ImWithHer. Hillary may be against everything I ostensibly stand for, but Drumpf said mean things about brown people, and that obviously matters more.

Can you fuck off? Adults are speaking.

Also who even pays for these Trump ads? Nothing else is ever down there. Who has this much money?

probably trump himself

leftypol pls

That sellout's career is going down in flames now.

this is bait

this is not how you deal with bait

Oh, tru. That would actually make boatloads of sense, we already know he has shills everywhere.

Your next line is: "u mad? le salt"

arinhansonlookman.ogg I don't think Warren's a sellout. She's just trying to advance her (barely left of the Democratic party median but whatever) agenda in a less abrasive way than Sanders. She thinks she can get it done under any Democrat. She's wrong, but it's the way she sees forward. She knew it was going to be rigged to shit and back on Sanders and she wasn't willing to do something she knew could only hurt her influence and standing in the party and on its agenda, she complemented him plenty of times. She's definitely wymmanspooked, but if she was a sellout she would've whined about Berniebros.

Hidden, I don't care.

Do you have any idea how gay you sound when you use the word slurs?

Stop taking the bait, mr. trips man

Ask her why she shaved the "berg" off her name, we all know she's a Jew.

And when everyone looses their collective shit because of the question, you scream "INTRODUCING LINGUISTIC ANARCHO-POSADISM!"


Come on guys, what are your Hillvote rationalizations going to be?

Lesser of two evils? At least she has Warren? Yay globalism? Share you faggots.

Not voting for her.


But if you don't vote Drumpf will win! And his supporters are racist white gun owners! The PEEOHHCEEE are counting on you user.

I think you're in the wrong place. Try twitter/tumblr/reddit to get the reaction you want.

I think he's just yolking around, friend. Nobody says that when they're serious.

Hard to say, Holla Forumslacks are funny sometimes, but actual stormniggers take themselves seriously.


Since this is somewhat functioning as a "current events" thread and because the board is being spammed by an autist right now, I'll post this here.

It was nice knowing you all.

I don't know if I have a .jpg for this

George Noory recently talked about the video/news and you can see it has attracted quite an interesting crowd to the comment section.

I'm only being slightly facetious.

What are you actually going to do if Bernie is obviously DOA come November? If you vote for that satanic harridan I will lose whatever minimal respect I have remaining for you guys as opponents.

Most of us are likely going to vote Green regardless of what Bernie suggests and work on alternative ways of supporting change within the US seeing as reformism doesn't seem to be working.

I don't get into local politics as they're a mess.

National politics are well beyond the power of a hundred votes, let alone a single vote.

I'm indifferent to the election, but I admire what an amazing circus it's been.

I think Hillary will be a capable president, and admire her Hawk Lobby credentials as "bomb the fuck out of them" has been a tried & true methodology, and we finally have NATO on the run from us.

The long-con was worth it to see their shit eating grins.

There really isn't a need to when she's a shoe-in to win.

I still can't really believe people think American people are going to go and droves to vote in Trump. It's just not going to happen.

Oh, wow, you are seriously underestimating how much people hate SJWs and don't give a shit about their issues.

My cousin's wife, a black woman with a phd in physics, regularly uses me as a pressure valve to talk about how much her racist black colleges piss her off and how white muh privilege theory is a bunch of petty racist bullshit. She also loves her fashion magazines, and loathes the new brand of feminism. She finds 'Black Lives Matter' offensive.

Everybody I know, 'left' or 'right', feels the same way privately. They all hate this bullshit.

People on the 'left' loathe SJWs. People on the 'right' loathe SJWs. Everybody stays quiet because they're afraid of being socially attacked by SJWs or even losing their jobs.

If everybody hates SJWs, and Trump is the only anti-SJW candidate, then who do you think they're going to vote for?

Did you just get born yesterday or are you really this fucking naive? Oh my gosh

Thoughts on this Holla Forums?

I am astounded by your sound logical arguments. You have convinced me completely on the error of my empirical experience.

Not that guy, but brits literally votet the brexit over internet meme tier arguments.

The result was that no one had any idea what to do once the leave vote won, except abusing some polacks in the street.

I think you're underestimating how Holla Forums has actually a very mainstream and populist point of view, and that is the general discontent that has generated Holla Forums like thoughts, not the opposite.

The problem is, of course, is that Holla Forumsacks and platforms that exploit populism to gain votes and seats literally have no idea what to do. They KNOW there's a problem, but they don't really want to admit that it's capitalism.

Are you the "anarcha-feminista" goober from the other thread? Who are you voting for? Are you required to vote Hilldawg for frumpy lesbian solidarity?

Educate this lowly male feminista senpai.

Still, Trump and Brexit are different. The polls for Brexit always showed clear equal levels of support, it could go either way.

For the past month Trump has been shedding voters faster than he can gain them, and his support is dropping fast.

Nobody because I'm not a fucking idiot? How the fuck can you think Hillary is "better" than Trump, or Trump "better" than Hillary?

You have to be gullible as fuck to zealously defend either as if they're in your interest.

Noice, I get to choose between a neo-liberal porky and another neo-liberal porky.

If Trump wins great. If Hillary wins, maybe the road war starts early. Either way I'm happy.

Immigration restriction is demonstrably beneficial to white Americans and the working class in particular. Bernie even admitted this before he started shamelessly cucking himself to throw the race for Shillary.

Hahahahahahahahaha you actually believe trump is going to follow through with half his shit and isn't going to try and appease everyone for that mad post-administration cash and market dealings

A fool who believes a fucking joke spouting foolish shit that just turns out to be faux promises and lies, a corner stone of American ineptitude

Better to vote for someone who promises to not to fuck you over, than someone who promises to fuck you over.

Wow, the pointless insulting and baiting. It's like a train wreck.

Your SJW levels are over 9000!

(Preempting the 'No you!')

Why on earth wouldn't he? The man obviously has a planet-sized ego and he's already a billionaire. He has no reason to taint his legacy by cucking, especially when he already had ample opportunity to do so during the primary.

On the other hand if he does let us down, all his betrayed supporters don't just vanish. They go farther right and swell our ranks.

This election is going to be glorious for us regardless of the outcome.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit you actually think Trump gives a fuck about anyone in America.

He doesn't, he hates most of you.

Please tell me you're not this naive

Please tell me you're not this naive

Trump? Lying?

Say it ain't so!

The same reason why Berlusconi didn't do anything at all in Italy: Because he only cares about getting there, then the various lobbies and group of interest will dictate their policies to him.

Don't forget he was a democrat less than 10 years ago m8. He's an opportunist.

Trump loves the cheap labor that immigrants provide?

If he cared so much about the white working class he would not have sent all his factories overseas in the first place.

Also lets not forget that his he has nearly flip flopped on every issue by now.

stay mad, cuck

Meme magic ain't real, bucko.

I am not as stupid as you are. Please understand

I still have hope for you feminista. Get /fit/ and shave those legs. Somewhere in the Trumpenstafl your husbando awaits.

I'm already dating a nice girl I don't think a fat autismal neckbeard who honest to god believes anything Trump says would be that satisfying compared

lol lesbianism isn't even real.

Neither is your love life

Dammit, why must I find you so agreeable all of a sudden.

If you think he is consistent, or honest- you're in for an upset.

However, he supposedly did start out as a member of the populist party originally, and he often uses the word "nigger" in private. So he might be hold to some of his nativist policies, if he's able to.

But, it's one of those "believe it when we see it" type of problems, we just don't know.

Except, we do know he's used tactics in his business practices that would, if used during his presidential term, would make him a fascist employing thugs to settle his concerns.

The legacy of a president will stand regardless of action because it's a coveted title, just achieving it is enough, regardless of his number of terms or the legacy it leaves behind.

So his ego won't push him to be the best, as he already knows it's self evident, and will have the title to prove it; as "leader of the free world."

His name is, but he himself is not a "billionaire."

That notion is just floated along because he appraises his name to be worth that amount, but there's no real proof he has all that money as his own.

He's certainly not liquid.

No one can say with any certainty what his true monetary worth is. It's all speculative.

Lastly; he wants to bring back coal and fraking.

That moment when you're reading the election thread and you realize a bunch of people from r/socialism post what they really feel here, but cuck themselves on reddit because mods will ask you threatening questions and ban you immediately if you disagree.

The circle is complete; it's all an illusion. The dialectic has made the universe whole once again.

It's hard to make predictions when the election comes down to who the voters despise more or less.

On the one hand Trump is a slimy scumbag, but he seems to be perceived as less of a slimy scumbag than Clinton in general because his sliminess is in the realm of business which makes it less bad, while Clinton is a career politician with a history of political scummyness which the public has been conditioned to take as a matter of course for politicians, which only makes it worse for her.

There seems to be a strong perception that they're both liars, but that Trump's lies are the lies of a salesman in service of profit (which is bad but not too bad) while Clinton's lies are in the service of whatever she actually secretly wants as a politician (which is way worse).

Yeah, like I said, cautious optimism. Plan for the worst.

Only until I carry you off as my war bride.

This, pretty much.

However some speculations of arisen in regards to Clinton's mental health.

She suffered a brain injury that's left her as a compulsive liar. It's not just her political persona, she might not have full control over what she says.

Not everyone wades into that cesspool.

Besides, I have all these tempting far-right cesspools to avoid until temptation strikes.

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

My girlfriend would shoot you with at least ten guns sorry

Both are full of shit and none of you should vote

This makes the DNC ignoring Sanders nothing but hubris. They really can't afford to throw away him or his voters, especially when a good number of them are going to vote for Trump, either out of disgust or despair.

But, as I've predicted before, they probably won't figure that out until late in the election cycle, when Hillary and Trump are stalemated in the polls and they've burned all the bridges.

And you're into guns. My cock is diamonds now.

This is naive. They won't be stalemated in the polls. The American people are largely more and more disgusted with Trump. Especially a majority of women in the entire country.

Clinton will win without much trouble at all. People don't care about back door smoke filled room politics, they care about direction. They never cared. Clinton will win in a land slide

It's more than just hubris: it's desperation. To have a self-avowed socialist win after a century-and-a-half of concerted efforts and propaganda to discredit not only socialists but socialism would undo all the bourgeoisie's hard work. Worse still, if he wins and is successful in implementing his policies and they work then it explodes the entire austerity narrative they've been constructing, and if (or when, Marx willing), that happens all bets are off.

So that's why he can't be allowed to win at any cost, because for them if Trump wins they just lose an election, but if Bernie wins they'll lose everything.

And the Republicans will take Congress, making it moot.

Do you guys actually believe this or am I missing the joke here? You have a third-worldist Marxist in the Oval Office right now, but sanders is a bridge too far for the DNC aparachiks?

Even if they had something to fear from Sanders, the GOP Congress would neuter him for them. He's also pro-immigration and an ardent zionist. Even if he had free reign, what would he really do?

Void student debt for a bunch of useless PoMo studies degree holders? Who cares.

Raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour? Great. Full automation in the service sector suddenly becomes affordable. Millions of nignogs are now jobless and the service at my local chic-fil-a improves immeasurably.

Do you?

Do you really?

They figure, like all previous failed far-left Democratic candidates, that his voters will just go with the nominated candidate, or, that in their worst case scenario (yet they laugh at it and mock it) they won't show up on polling day.

Neither the media narrative nor the Democratic party will admit, nor consider the possible overlap between Berneouts and lil' Donny Dump supporters.

His policy of free education doesn't resolve the broken nature of education- Hell, just look how his wife mismanaged the finances of a college now forced to close down.

It won't even change the fact colleges stay competitive with minor textbook revisions that remove the used book market from their monopoly.

Then consider that they're co-opted as temples of indoctrination for the ruling classes.



If I had to guess at Pres. Gay Urkel's actual politics, yeah I'd say so. Look at his past. Look at his dad.

I'm not saying he did much actual gommie stuff while in office, but really that just further supports my point about what a letdown Sanders would actually be for you people if elected.


If he was an actual communist I would be praising him.

No shit. It couldn't be because they're both ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT?

The other day, my mother, lifelong Democrat, said that given the choice between Hillary and Trump, she would vote Trump. She hated very idea of it, but she just couldn't trust Hillary with the Presidency.

This is the bed the DNC made.

Inevitable this happens, but I wonder what it will accomplish with the way the easily manipulated fiat currency behaves.

This will have to happen regardless if the government ever wants middle-class wage slaves to tax into oblivion, as in this climate, many of them are too saddled with debt to use their degrees for employment.

So all their earnings aren't going to taxes, they're going towards debt collection agencies and their subsistence lifestyles.

i.e. the story of the unemployed dentist that's never escaping their student loan debts.
The obvious Trump running mate? Bernie Sanders, of course

How does this plagiarist still have a job?

Are they finally admitting that protectionism is inherently leftist now? Are the neolibs finally abandoning their camouflage?

Wow, is that the best you've got? Try again. We're all faggots here. Or better yet, leave it to the pros.

I won't be voting for her because I don't live in a swing state, but if I did I would. Besides, she's going to get indicted at some point, it's a question of how long they want to stall. (Oh by the way, Lynch said she'd do whatever the FBI recommends. The FBI is almost certain to recommend indictment. It's a question of how much Comey wants to hurry.)

Yeah, no shit. It seems like everyone on /r/socialism is either the kind we don't want or is already on here to some extent, which is surprising for a fucking imageboard board. I feel like we're not too far from becoming the Holla Forums-equivalent of the far left in terms of influence, our memes are already everywhere. We just have to find a way to make revleft and /r/socialism our satellites or irrelevant and we've become the central hub. Oh, and we have to expand our influence on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.

wew ok, whatever the point is at this point it's doubtful either of them will make it to november

lmao Sanders is not a fucking Zionist
Actually the most important thing he could do is a. encourage socialist ideas like unions and cooperatives and b. nothing, foreign policy wise, which would be a huge departure and what is one of the main things we like about him

His wife had nothing to do with Burlington, she wanted to do some things to pay off the loan and the board was like "no" so she left.
If you ask me institutions of education should not be allowed to have religious affiliation, which would close 90% of private universities. Good, as far as I'm concerned. TTTs are basically diploma mills and they disgust me, you'd learn more at a fucking trade school and it'd be fucking cheaper too.
That being said, education reform is easier than it looks especially with most of the non-religious ones already being public.
Hardly. My favorite personal conspiracy theory is that certain portions of academia and companies like Colgate-Palmolive teamed up to shill for more and more hygienics products- remember when you had to brush your teeth once a day and you were golden? Now you "should" brush three times a day, floss three times a day and rinse three times a day. Not to mention America has way, way better dental standards than any other country and this was true even back when we didn't do all this stupid ritual crap.


What did he plagiarize?

So you don't think it will spur automation? The technology is there already. It's just currently more cost effective to employ nignogs and immigrants to flip patties and run telemarketing than it is to deploy robots.


The whole system is corrupt, even if they have her dead to rights committing a crime it will be swept under the rug or delayed because all of those fuckers are her friends

a little bit skeptical but could be big

the convention is coming up soon, now would be the time to come out with any results lest they weight till the general or afterwards

Not all of them. I'm sure there are plenty of republicans that get hard at the thought of not only nabbing her but Bill and the whole Clinton Foundation in one fell swoop. Not to mention indicting the presumptive Democratic nominee would cut the DNC off at the knees if successful, which they might very well want if it means time for them to cook up an alternative to Trump.

I don't know. It just seems like they're too nervous for the threat of indictment to be complete bullshit.

It takes a ballsack the size of Gabriel's Horn to say something's going to happen TOMORROW though. At the very least I respect whoever was willing to tell such a big lie.

Exactly. Comey has said again and again he'll take as long as he wants but I think deep down he knows he really ought to do this before the convention. The question is if he cares. He is a Republican after all.

True, I hadn't thought about that in terms of the timing. It would indeed be beneficial for the republicans if it came up with nothing but was still hanging over the general election. But hopeful, it will have come up with something.

Well, he's a Republican but on the other hand he's also a total boy scout who has never given Obama a hard time and gotten a lot of good shit done. He also is no partyist, and will do things like admit the way the police force is run is racist. In the end, even if he WANTS to do something like this there's no reason to believe he will.

Basically, the only way for Sanders not to be the nominee at this point is for everything to be lined up precisely to fuck us. If we had won the primaries we wouldn't be counting on Comey, and that was a case of "everything lining up to fuck us" of its own. It would be extraordinarily bad luck and huge corruption. In the end all we can do is cross our fingers, but there is a very, very good chance for Sanders to be the nominee still, over 50% I'd wager.

Well let's hope the reason the investigation took this long was because they're preparing an airtight case against clinton.

Definitely. This isn't even the first time he's tried to bring charges against Hillary.

It looks like it would be ultimately up to him, considering Bill's recent political mistep

Misstep? This meeting casts doubt on whatever action lynch makes from here on out. It's a win-win scenario for the Clintons. If she doesn't indict, then it's all good for the Clintons and the blame can go to Lynch. If she does indict, the legitimacy of the proceedings can be called into question as being headed by someone partial to Clintons. She might have to recuse herself and be replaced by someone actually more partial to the Clintons.

A federal lawsuit was against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump last week, accusing him of raping a thirteen year old girl in 1994.

"I personally witnessed the Plaintiff being forced to perform various sexual acts with Donald J. Trump and Mr. Epstein. Both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein were advised that she was 13 years old."

"I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop, or that she wanted her mother back."

" I am coming forward to swear to the truthfulness of the physical and sexual abuse that I personally witnessed of minor females at the hands of Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein . . . I swear to these facts under the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of myself and my family is now in grave danger."

It's over. Trump is f i n i s h e d.

Source? Who's being quoted?

An anonymous witness to an anonymous Jane Doe who recently came forward that Trump raped her in 1994 at 13 years old. Trump, at the time, was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, who is a registered sex offender who dabbled in child pornography and non-consensual sex with minors in the 90's.

it's amazing how many capitalists are childfuckers and get away with it for decades while poor fuckers are being forced to deal with saggy tits.


It's fucking disgusting how many sex offenders get away with it because of their riches. Wall Street, hedge fund managers, thinking that it'll never come to light because of how much they have. Epstein hardly served despite being convicted.

it's not just being criminals in this case
they're living the pedo dream
and it just surpises me how many of them eventually get snitched
just think of how many of them are throwing huge orgies with drugs and underaged whores

You're fucking disgusting

God we'd be the embarrassment of the world if we nominated both a pedo rapist and someone married to a pedo rapist. B

But it might just give Jill Stein a chance.

The nature of the crime is irrelevant
The point is when you have a lot of influence, you can rig the institutions and that include those who deal with crime. Unless someone with even bigger influence want to fuck you over…

The Daily Show does another segment 'debunking' the sexist berniebros who have betrayed our white feminist lord and savior, Hillary Clinton

To be fair people jumping from Bernie to Trump are fucking ridiculous retards

yes, but the problem is the framing of the issue. There are plenty of blue collar workers who are on team trump for economic issues and don't give a shit about Hillary's gender.
Liberal establishment keeps pretending that the only reason people are dissatisfied with the establishment is because of sexism/racism/millennial entitlement. It's the same deal as Brexit, no one wants to admit that the rise of the far right is because capitalism screwed the pooch.

It doesn't matter to me how it's framed because it's a non-issue because both Trump and Hillary are monstrous. And let's be honest, lot's of people aren't voting for Trump for his "well thought out economic populism".

Trump and Hillary are both shining examples of how fucking awful our world is politically. People who support either don't get my respect, I could give a shit.

Just because it is, does not make the people who cling to the right for answers any less ignorant or hysterical. They are.

It's confirmed, clinton was interviewed by the FBI at their headquarters this morning for about 3 and a half hours.

i bet clinton had some kiddos lick her carpet as well. it's a fucking pedo kabala thingy going on!
Trump retweeted a picture of Hillary Clinton with the Star of David, then immediately deleted it.
I'm sure this will in no way lead to an upshoot of Holla Forums shitposting whatsoever.

I fucking hate this future.

Trump and Bill Clinton's mutual friend it seems.


Yeah, but when Trump pisses on my leg he tells me he's pissing on my leg.

He's still pissing on your leg, and you're still a freak for enjoying the urine.

wew lad.

halfchan Holla Forumsthread with OP claiming to be FBI

If you actually were capable of reading, I said I hate Hillary Clinton and Trump.

Anyone who supports either shouldn't be posting here.

If you think Trump will make any of those issues better, especially The Patriot Act? You're out of your goddamn mind.

so does Hillary

really, because you sound like a cheerleading Hillary supporter.



Anybody Who Criticizes This Neoliberal I like Supports This Neoliberal I Don't Like

Don't bully pee fetishists, please. Nobody really chooses what turns them on.

I'm sorry for the uncalled for kink shaming, I apologize profusely.

Some kinks deserve to be shamed

Like diaperfags


pls no bully!

I like how this FBI agent is totally proves his legitimacy by confirming all of Holla Forums's biases and theories.

It's like COINTELPRO in reverse

My favorite part is when he says that most of the FBI loves Holla Forums and secretly agrees with it and actually studies the opinions and arguments it reads there.

What a joke


i died they're even stupider than i thought


It seems the great way to refute socialism is to be refuted when you simply refer to it as statism with idpol elements.

Soros would never benefit from workers owning the workplaces, but he might with statism. The Kochs are also another factor.

Why hasn't TYT reported on the Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch's meeting scandal yet?

They have?

Tell me the name of this sperm fiend.

CNN says that unless she incriminated herself in the interview, it is unlikely that clinton will face charges, and that a decision is expected before the conventions.

Hell.. How would I know?

I even find their name offensive!

Uh…they did?

Well of course THEY say so, nice way to totally forget about the OIG report.

Did Jimmy Dore do a video chat with Holla Forums yet?

Not all that related but:

What does this mean?

I'd hope not, I wanna be there for something like that.

lol, bullshit

We KNOW she destroyed evidence, we just can't Prove she ordered it.

So according to Redacted Tonight Bernie is now ahead in California at 51%. Wish I had a real source on this already instead of a comedy show.

No, that's 51% of the votes that have been counted since the day after the day they voted.

mfw when Hillary gives himself her first presidential pardon.




They say he's winning California now so that can't be the whole story.

Anyone like or voting for Jill Stein?

This is the second time is see this in an unrelated thread.
Can't you guys at least make a dedicated shitposting thread?

Her eyes and eyebrows look exactly like that young Stalin mugshot.



stupid sexy stalin

Naivety of politics, how refreshing it used to be to be under 18


We have a dedicated shitposting board now. There's no excuse to do it here at all. >>>/leftyb/

As the case with all neoliberals who the majority of the establishment supports, she's going to get the presidency.

Good job!

Isn't it kind of strange they immediately jump to the conclusion it's a star of david?
Yes, it resembles it, but it's still star shaped.

I mean it's kind of weird to use a six-pointed starburst as a graphic designer and not think of the Star of David… Anybody who does that kind of stuff tends to be familiar with common symbols. OTOH, a six-pointed star is a fairly basic shape.

Of course, but the image was not even made by Trump's team. It was done by someone else on Twitter. His team was simply not thinking it through that people might see it as a star of David.

It's just fucking hilarious to see major media outlets freaking out about something that might as well be a sheriff's badge

That's an appropriately scary image.



Good. She'll be a horrible president.

Pedal to the medal comrades.

She's not as good as Bernie but she's way better than the rest of the neoliberal scum at least. Trying to get her on the ballot in my state right now.

Don't forget
>therefore the whole world has both all the state secrets she dealt in and her personal dirty laundry
>the FBI knows that the server was hacked
>therefore the FBI knows that the world has this leverage over Hillary, and exactly what this leverage is
This in itself is bad enough, especially with regards to the people in the security community and potential leaks in the future. But then we also have…
>The FBI knows that their options are essentially to recommend indictment (since even just the public knowledge is already enough for this) or to let Wikileaks (and possibly rogue FBI agents) embarrass them and Hillary and give the Presidency to Trump instead
There are two reasons I'm seeing why they wouldn't recommend indictment: they would rather have Trump than Bernie or a Democrat substitute and it's worth it to them to make fools of themselves OR there is an influence (i.e. Clinton Foundation) that makes it worth it to them to fall on this sword instead of do their jobs, because there's a golden parachute and/or hitman swaying the actions of the major players. Regardless of the reasons, if the FBI doesn't recommend to indict they are going to be less than a joke.

And all of this is without even getting into
If she doesn't get destroyed, everyone who let her past will have violated their oaths and potentially subject to lawsuits or criminal actions, depending on what comes out of Wikileaks. I'm of the position that Assange will sit on what he has until it becomes clear what the FBI will recommend. He's got the nuke, but there's no reason to set it off if they do their job, and if they are going to do their job, it would only hurt the situation to set it off now.

y'all niggas are short on both patience and strategy

If shillary isn't indicted, I think im done with this election tbh. Literally 2 of the worst meme candidates in history


Probably. If she purges some of the hippies I might be inclined to join the party too.

Erin Burnett got some nice titties tho

she got dem mommy titties

you got a girlfrien and want some tig ol bitties, you gotta put a babby in dat wench

plus you get to raise a commie if she don't bail and take ya fa haff ya shit plus monfly payment fo da resta ya lyfe :^)

Can you believe those RACIST, SEXIST BERNIEBROS?

This is actually positive though

Perhaps that's why they rejected Clinton's racial bullshit. Because they believe black people are, you know, just people, largely oppressed by the capitalist system.

I mean I've always felt there was a degree of "meth addiction"-style racism to modern American "liberalism"

No shit. This is the ideology that says black people need to have standards lowered for them to succeed based on being black.
In the Face of a Huge Gender Gap with Trump, It's Time for Progressive Men to Get Behind Hillary

Rated PG Parental Guidance:

I love you Holla Forums


Shit, meant for . My bad.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Sanders is irrelevant, since Clinton will grab the nomination. Once she's the nominee he becomes completely irrelevant.
He'll take his millions and millions of donation money with him tax free and wonders for the rest of his life how he got away with it

What was word filtered?

They're not entirely wrong on that, though.

it's far more likely that they excluded him because there wasn't a large gpa and Clinton has effectively won. Yopu know, like they said.

ok well first of all he spent all of it so i don't even know what you're talking about

This guy is hillarious.

Tr1gger warning

Except the part where it's due to class not race.

Class is built into race.


Get that reductionist shit out of here, you think redlining doesn't exist? Fuck off cumskin.

Which is it? Does Hillary have this election in the bag or is she weak against Trump? Make up your mind, Liberals.

he's right ya know.
Modern concepts of race and racism are an invention of capitalism

Exactly. This is why we get called brocialists. If we want to make ourselves the hub of the left like Holla Forums (4chan Holla Forums, not Holla Forums Holla Forums) is the hub of the right we need to hammer this shit out.

Race is a spook. If you're talking about the spook, then yes class is built into that.

Fuck off.

You're implying that people aren't at a systemic disadvantage if they're black, which is bullshit. Even if you're a well-off black there's disadvantages, and well-off blacks are exceedingly rare.

that's exactly what i meant. It's not a coincidence that racial science and other spooky shit developed parallel to the expansion of capitalism

No I am not.

Yeah, OK. I was 90% sure you were Holla Forums saying that blacks are inherently inferior or some shit. I didn't realize you meant the concept of race. Simple statements like "Class is built into race," are more typical of Holla Forums.

Ideas like "systemic bias" and "microaggressions" are worthless bunk for the simple reason that if you're better off in total, you're better off, period.

That's not what he's talking about. It's not even about individuals. Black people in aggregate, when all else is equal, have lower chances of success because the system doesn't stop racism. Then on top of that historic racism put most black people in a bad position when they were freed from slavery, and most of the population never climbed out of that hole.

this place is barely tolerable only because it is not the hub of the left, because the in general is retarded. every week we have a thread "all parties in my area are idpol morons what do". the leftypol is our only recourse from this shit.

Yeah, the problem is that the left isn't enough like Holla Forums, not the reverse. If anything we should be doing our utmost to keep the non-idpol left alive and free of that lupus.

The primary reason some groups are generally worse off than others today, is simply because explicit efforts to harm them in the past have left them worse off. Those things are pretty much all (at least in civilized countries) illegal now, leaving the sheer inertia of poverty as the primary factor holding them behind. Economic oppression is the only factor that has been left permitted and barely blunted, so that both absolutely and compared to anything else, it is the only factor deserving of attention until its resolution.

This is mostly true, but there are still problems with racism in areas where people's judgement is a factor. Black people get harsher prison sentences for the same crimes, for instance.

I agree with your overall point, but I have a thing for nuance.

Here's hoping it's real.

Donald Trump is a feminist according to his own daughter.
Imagine him trying to bring this up in a debate.

Actually, Holla Forums has only changed in regards to the introduction of stormfags and nazis which all came to 8/pol/ anyway. All its other aspects haven't changed at all and it still became the hub of the right and began defining the normies and not the other way around. I don't think that Holla Forums has to sacrifice itself to become the hub of the left. /r/socialism is on the verge of meltdown (they had a mod purge about a year ago, for example) and we've been sapping from revleft for a while now. Orgs both on the left and the right are full of LARPers and this is known. We need to define the spirit of the movement, and the old orgs will eventually be washed out of the system with no new blood as everyone knows we're the real deal and those bozos sitting around in communes or whatever are a waste of time. What I'm saying is yes, we don't want orgs here, but that's because orgs are LARPers and a few newbie confused leftists. We want to bring all leftists under our banner, and most leftists aren't involved with orgs and are dicking around on the internet, just like rightists. The dickers will come to us and have memes infused into their brain and when the time comes to take action they will be at hand.


I mean he's really progressive when it comes to breaking through sexual taboos… :^)

Ana Kasparian; she's Armenian & on The Young Turks(Youtube).

You can have her, I'll take Cenk Uygur. They're both dumb as shit sometimes but damn if they ain't purdy. I like how Cenk gets way too heated up over the stupidest bullshit. It's hot & I want him to take that anger out on me, lmao.

Wouldn't the statement "race is built into class" fit better then?

Hello, CTR.

Or Holla Forums

It might take years to get that picture out of my head.

You're welcome, partner :^)

You're so sweet

I can't believe the goys buy this crap. They're so gullible.

Eat shit


I don't speak faggot

I bet you started using chans in this decade, queerboy

shit even reuters is reporting that it came from pol now,


Is there any evidence at all for these accusations? Or is it just some guy's word?

We don't know yet

I think H.A. Goodman is a little naive about this.
I have zero faith they will follow through.

A bit old but I don't remember anyone linking this in here yet:

More proof Trumpeters are cucks:

from a week or so ago

It wasn't one guy. It was a woman who is corroborating another woman. And the thing is that Trump was great friends with Epstein at that time. He would constantly attend his parties.

And this is what Epstein did at his parties, all the time. The only reason he never got outed was influence, and the once he did he wormed his way out of an actual sentence he deserved.

Knowing Trump it wouldn't surprise me if at one of Epstein's parties he fucked a thirteen year old.

I cannot fucking wait for this election to be over

We're coming buckos.

bye bye sanders
you were never relevant to begin with :^)
Jill Stein calls for the Second American Revolution

Does this man browse Holla Forums?


Jill Stein for waifu.

fuck everyone who's voting in this election on the same level of fuck trump and hillary

Nvm I'm voting for Jill. She's bae

If not for these two lines of racial pandering, then it would be 10/10

fuck off

blm is not only the sjw faggotry that jumped on it
pretty bourgeoise but still not that cancerous in itself
stating the obvious fact that the american revolution was full of shit with its talk about freedom isn't pandering either

No ;^)

Well as long as you're not in any serious leftist movement bitching non-stop about mentioning faults in America and only here on Holla Forums, I'm good

Maybe I am :^)

Adding smiley faces to your post is annoying could you stop


dude this is america do you really think she's going to prison lmao

Besides I don't even give a shit about the crime. Who gives a fuck about state secrets leak them all I don't care

Be honest, you're saying that on purpose :^3

I am purposefully telling you to cease.

Fuck you mom >:^(

my weak spot You can use smiley faces now

second one's true tho

good thread

So angry, miss…

fucking kek

Journalism is dead and these people are raping the corpse

40 thousand dollars a day! Just Imagine how many people in syria we could kill with that money

By Genevieve Leigh
5 July 2016



Apparently the FBI director has scheduled an unexplained press conference at 11 EST, about 40 minutes. Might mean that they're gonna tell us.

Oh yeah? Check out the tagline for this article from CNN.

Huma Abedin is claiming she destroyed government documents.

Aside from who kisses porky's boots more,it's clinton Trump IS big business.
The fact they consistently ignore that point and shun examples like Trump that don't suit the narrative of benevolent big business, shows how far they are willing to go to damage control for the bourgeoisie.





"No charges are appropriate in this case."

"No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear."

Kill them all.


FBI isn't recommending charges be pressed even though Clinton technically broke the statutes because the prosecutors wouldn't be able to make a good enough case, Comey just announced.

I'm not surprised but I'm still hating being alive right now

"We recommend no indictment>"

It's okay because she didn't mean to honest

H.A. Goodman is going to have a mental break down.

i didn't get the reasoning why in her particular case they cannot recommend charges, can someone explain me in more simple words?
english is hard enough for me already and as usual official talk is tip toeing around making it even harder to follow.

He said it was because they couldn't prove that she intentionally broke the law, but it's because she's rich and powerful.

He spoke for like twelve minutes about how any reasonable person should have known better and that any other person would be in jail right now, but Hillary is a special case so no indictment.

I hate my country.

The FBI basically passed the buck, stating she compromised national security but they are not going to be the ones to recommend indictment.

ok turns out i actually DID understand him clear enough
i just couldn't believe it

I'm surprised they recommend not to indite.

This is one of the first cases of private email use in the state department besides Powell. But apparently because there is no precedent because this has never happened.
That is like saying to some asshole in the 1500s that we cannot charge you with murder of your wife because you are the first one to commit murder with a gun.

In his own words, he's admitting she broke the law. There is definitely intent there - THAT'S WHY SHE USED THE PERSONAL SERVER in the first place.

Still, this scandal will likely cost her the Presidency. It's damaging her further as more & more info comes out, almost daily.

I hope this cunt she gets sniped live on TV.

And my foreign fiance just said, "You know it's not good to have a Presidential candidate under FBI investigation."

How can some Americans still not get this? I hope they do, come the election.

You'd be right if we lived in a universe ruled by a just god, but unfortunately we live in the belly of a demon that is sustained on our suffering.

Don't say such sweet things. It just makes reality more bitter.


She will ride on a wave of "first women president" "dont be mean to minorities" and be helped by the corporations and media.
Our only hopes are
1.Bernie runs third party ruining everything for her
2.Someone jfk's her
3.Trump is actually the Chinese chaos monkey god that can play 18 dimensional chess and brings her down with the might of kek

Since life is boring and the government is corrupt nothing will happen and she will win and the same shittty oligarchy will continue, idpol will continue , she might even start a few wars.

Im going to go back to ignoring politics and start my alcoholism hobby


Today is a good day to drink

watching goodman delusions will be more interesting nao

oh also, these "hostile actors" who accessed her emails, for the love of god be russia, and for the love of god putin, release them
Wikileaks going all in on this bitch

Nah, they'll just use them to blackmail her into doing their bidding. Remember, the server also had her private emails, including Clinton Foundation stuff.

I told you morons nothing would happen. What the fuck world are you living in where people this close to the the top, or people with this level of income, etc. ever get indicted?

They don't. Nothing would happen.

We can't even have an ENRON situation at this point.

I don't know what you were expecting out of this.

No, and his numbers are in free fall at the moment. Which is good because it means
this may actually happen. Now is a good time to do it too, instead of at the convention, but he should probably wait for Wikileaks to fuck her shit up to give the Dems one last chance to switch before getting stuck with someone so poisonous.

Nah, she has even more security than most politicians. It'd take some Maxwell Smart type spy tech shit to pull that off.

Besides I don't see how I should care about American secrets being released. Release them all anyways. I could give a shit, the more harm inflicted on American security the better.

Hillary is corrupt in about ten billion other ways.

Wikileaks tbh. I had some hope that Comey would do his job but I guess the Clintons threatened to shoot all five of his kids with the CIA's heart attack gun.

honestly i just wanted to see confused sanders supporters being suprised, yet again, that the system really is corrupt

they constantly talk about it and get confirmation yet every fucking time they're suprised when it keeps happening
comedy gold

I think it's more like surprise about how brazen the ruling class are. It's like when Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake." This situation is going to propel us very quickly in that direction, if anything.

No it won't. A million other factors will, but this won't. The average American thinks negatively about this but not to the point of fury.

She never said that actually


I'm reading reddit and I'm amazed how many people think she really didn't commit any crimes here.

CTR is all over the place there. They're in full force in the megathread atm. Reddit is such shit for politics because of this.

That $6 million dollars is working for them over at CTR.

TL;DR Hillary did wrong things but we don't want her charged because reasons.

I'm betting Trump won't get charged for fraud and other nonsense either.

You don't expect the bourgeois to ever get charged at this point.

Thread theme right here famalams


I found that part hilarious & even played it back so my fiance could see the look on his face, too, as Comey was saying it. That flat smile..

What is CTR? CounTer-Revolutionaries?

"correct the record" Clinton's propaganda team.

It all comes down to this. Your kiss, their fist.


Well at least he accepted he was wrong

What the fuck?

I'm so fucking pissed. What the fuck?
It's not even like they came out and said "Hillary ebin meme nuffin", they came out and FUCKING said "Hillary diddu sumfin but yeah we feel good about this women's potential two terms in office everything's fine".

At this point it's all torpedoed unless superdelegates get antsy or a prosecutor takes it upon him/herself to bring Hillary to justice- and I'm pretty sure they'd have to convince Loretta Lynch to sign off on it anyway.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Balls to all this shit. Obstruction of justice any day of the week.

Fuck this gay earth and fuck me in the asshole.

On the bright side-

What now, guys?

20:00 in, it looks like people, at least a few more, may abandon their spooks yet.

I want spread Stirners message ever, but wait, that sounds spooky. I'll just say everything is spooks and explain why if I need to to help despooking.

What does a Bernie Supporter that blew his last $27 on a contribution do now? Hillary is a lock for the nomination.

It's not over just yet. When Wikileaks drops classified information that will be proof of injury, which would make the situation "gross negligence". The question is if anybody will care.

Look into the Green Party near you.

Also also, hopefully people will notice that she can still be indicted until February and there is more than enough evidence to. All Comey was saying is that it didn't seem to him that they could convict. Which will change when Wikileaks drops.
Indictments are imminent.


You realize charges were brought against Nixon right?

In the 1970's. This is not the past. We are living in a neoliberal hellscape. Neither Trump nor Clinton will be indicted on shit.

Pivot to downballot state/local elections and undermine them

different time, different context.

No it really fucking wasn't. The Clintons are not all-powerful.


You can bet your fucking ass the Republicans that will be voting for Hillary are going to give Congress to the GOP. If we don't do something, we're basically assured another conservative administration.

It would be ironic though if the Sanderistas did the opposite, vote Trump while voting in Democrats to Congress.

No, I mean terrorizing the Democrats, invading normally uncontested Democrat "safe seats" where Republicans aren't a factor, and giving them to Sandersistas, Tea Party-style.

I don't really care about the centrists who usually get elected in swing seats. Remember when everybody whooped it up because new "Democrats" had "won" seats from Republicans giving us a "majority", except the Blue Dog backstabbers completely refused to help Obama do anything? Remember when our congressional "lead" was ignored "because" the healthcare "debate" with the theoretically inconsequential Republican minority "forced" Obama to "compromise" due to intransigence from Blue Dog "democrats"? Remember when "we" "lost" the next election and 99.999% of the "Democrats" voted out "happened" to be Blue Dogs?

ftfy, libturd

Just fuck my democracy up fam

I'm ashamed I voted for him.

This whole entire world sucks and I wish I was never born



just fuck my indictments up, fam.

I can believe that Clinton was not intentionally trying to expose classified information, but wouldn't criminal negligence apply here? It seems ridiculous she gets a simple slap on the wrist for this while most other people would've been fired/imprisoned for it.
President Shillary is so progressive, she's reaching out to Billionaire vulture capitalists who are women!

Truly Hillary Clinton is an inspiration.

She proves that in America, no matter what your gender or race or sexuality is, you too can be a ruthless, war-mongering, power-hungry bourgeois tyrant

I've been meaning to listen to The Taxpayers for ages and have finally heard my first song of theirs. I like it. Thanks, dude.

Can anyone tell me about WikiLeaks' response to this? I just woke up.



Holy shit.

OK so I posted these:

but after thinking a bit I've done an about-face and come to see things the way Comey does. In fact, from a legal perspective I'd say he's right. You have to remember this is the Republican who has already tried to get the Clintons punished for something.
To CRIMINALLY charge someone (civil is another story) there needs to be harm or intent to harm. Clinton did neither. Yet. It is POSSIBLE that some of the e-mails she deleted would count as obstruction of justice, but there's no evidence for that. It is POSSIBLE that her recklessness could cause classified documents to be released (which would upgrade it to gross negligence, which is chargeable), but that hasn't happened yet. Hopefully Comey and friends are paying attention to Wikileaks and when they drop they'll go back over their recommendation and may do a 180, given that that was the main reason they recommended no. And their recommendation means shit if someone in the DOJ wants it to happen anyway.
Tl;dr don't get mad at Comey, don't act like it's all over, Hillary didn't get off scot-free, there is still plenty chance to bring her to justice and have Sanders. Assange is almost certain to drop Hillary's mixtape the day before the convention or in that timeframe for maximum effect, and if people take notice that what they leaked shows that Hillary committed gross negligence then she is fucked six ways to Sunday and she may lose the nomination by superdelegates yet.

Pray in the name of the Sanders, Jeremy and the Holy Spook that this goes like I say it will and it might just happen. Don't lose faith, daddy will give you the commies.

Technically they were wrong because the FBI doesn't have enough information to recommend indictment (yet) but they were still all "I told you so"

christ almighty, fuck my life, we are all literally gonna die under this psycho bitch when there was a perfectly viable candidate running under the same party.

As long as you are sufficiently rich. This bit is important.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

Why did you vote for him? You would have to be autistic (and apparently millions of voters are) to watch any of his speeches and not peg him as all talk.

Different poster here. I voted for him for the simple reason that the Clintons had passed NAFTA/GATT (and continued praising it), whereas Obama hadn't said anything about it at that point. That is, Clinton was a confirmed neolib, and Obama had the potential to not be a neolib.

Same reason I'm voting Trump if Sanders isn't in it.

It seems like everyone was assuming that Hillary really was incompetent, dun goof'd and was getting to get caught. You're forgetting that somebody in her position calculates every move. Everything we've heard out of her camp or the government has been controlled as much as possible by the Clintons. Bill and Hillary are both masters of lawyer weaseling. When asked if she had the server wiped, her answer was "What, like with a cloth?" She obviously knows better but feigned ignorance for the sake of plausible deniability. Of course in having the private email server she took steps to ensure plausible deniability too. This "no criminal intent" is bullshit because of her position. Of course she knew the law, she was Secretary of State. This is also how she knew to cover herself by feigning ignorance. Which is kind of a weird paradox, isn't it?

Ah. Fair enough. Very early on I came to the conclusion that Obama was an empty suit and would just go with the flow. Your conclusion is fine too, it just didn't turn out that way. :(

Delusion at its finest.

Wikileaks has yet to take down any government, keep dreaming.

The only option left now is vote Trump. You may find it personally distasteful but with Hillary in power and Bernie now her official lapdog, we've all been owned. Bernie lied to us, its unforgivable.

This is fucking important you guys, he is suggesting that instead of indictment her security check should be removed in legalese. I don't think Hillary should go to jail over being a fucking idiot. In my mind this is the best course of action and probably the quickest- the question is if he knows what he's talking about, if it's possible and likely.

You're missing the point. It's not "ignorance of the law is an excuse", it's "she was a fucking idiot but no harm no foul (that is unless Guccifer and others acquired classified info (they did))"

Shut the fuck up you cockgargler. "Bernie lied to us"? Eat shit MAGAPAC.

Bernie said he will vote Hillary, bernie will take his stolen millions from us and hand it to the DNC, bernie will most likely be on the campaign trail for hillary.
How whipped a dog do you have to be before you realize the master is not going to stop?

Why? So we can get another Obama, an overhyped liberal whose positives are inflated and faults are overlooks because he's not the current dumbass-in-chief?

Trump isn't some great "wildcard"; he'll do whatever the most influential people around him want him to do, just like George W. Bush. And if you think getting him elected will somehow teach the DNC a lesson, well, again, I refer to the George W. Bush comparison.

"Bernie said he will vote Hillary,"
if I lived in a purple state so would I. And that's on the condition it's her vs Trump which is looking increasingly unlikely
"hand it to the DNC,"
"bernie will most likely be on the campaign trail for hillary."
"How whipped a dog do you have to be before you realize the master is not going to stop?"
How many times did you have to rewrite the sentence into something that didn't have the word "cuck" in it?

Hillary is the 3rd and 4th Obama terms, you know it, we know it. There will be no reform, no changes. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary keeps Obama on as an advisor.
Bernies reforms will go nowhere with Hillary, nowhere. Bernie is toast, the FBI will no longer be investigating Hillary. When I watched the press conference it sounded like the FBI worked for the Hillary campaign.
I'm beyond upset, but I'm not deluded as to the reality that this is Bernie's last hurrah, he will be locked out of the Convention, just you watch.

You don't know what you're talking about so I suggest these alternatives
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

Obama was the 4th and 5th Bush terms.

yeah no

Thank you for telling me things that I already know. Do I see Clinton enacting any reforms? No, not unless she is put under a massive amount of pressure.

But what will Trump do? There's no substance to your argument, aside from bitterly lashing out without even thinking things through. There's a reason revenge is a dish best served cold you know.

If you're going after Trump out of spite, then you're an idiot. Trump is not self-funding his campaign, he is just as deep in the donor dirt as all these other faggots. If you still believe in reformism, go Green. If you think reformism is no longer an option, start organizing.

wow that sure is some coincidence



To be fair, Obama would have been an extension of whatever president he followed. He was the most limp-dicked politician I've ever seen.

Trump: Praises Saddam Hussein for keeping the lid on Terrorism
Liberals:Suddenly really enthusiastic about defending the overthrow of Saddam

Liberals don't give a shit about consistency. None of them will even notice this. Just like how nobody gave a shit about Bush's bad policies when they became Obama's bad policies.

why? lol.

Also a simple
>>>Holla Forums would do, you gigantic autist.

this has been in his stump speeches for the past YEAR, this is a non-news story.

Gotta try to finish him off now that Hitlery is off the hook and getting people mad. Gotta try and focus that anger on Trump instead.

we were willing after how childish House and Senate Repulicans acted after he got elected. Maybe if your party was passioniate about even one thing I care about (globilization) maybe I'd give a damn.


if you saw how democrates were treated after 9/11 you'd understand his need to appear strong in the face of terror, even though this was at odds with his initial anti-war with iraq stance.

Are you calling me a Republican?

That's only relevant as far as his foreign policy goes. He's just like Bush with domestic policy too, except for the wedge issues.

ma VP predictions:

I believe it is highly likely now Elizabeth Warren is going to be Hillary's VP. Those even poll numbers with Trump are making her nervious, and Sanders taking it to the convention is putting her on edge. Elizabeth Warren is her only key to appeasing Sanders supporters without having to give any other significant concessions. In the end she probably hopes Warren will become her Al Gore, ride back seat, and shut up, which it sounds likely Warren will after seeing how willingly she endorsed Hillary.

For Trump it maybe either Chris Christe, the Iowa-woman-Iraq veteran, or some no name who runs a contentious state (like NC). Trump really doesn't want anyone taking his lime light and just wants them to ride back seat and tow his line. Chris Christe might be a good option as it solidifies his outsider, tough guy persona, but he's correct in that Chris Christe can't even bring his own state to the table.

The Iowa she-Republican who's an Iraq war veteran might be a very good option, provided she doesn't clash openly with Trump. She could be Trumps counter-weight to Hillary's Elizabeth Warren, and might turn the tables on the democrates and make this an anti-war election like Nixon did in '69. A pro american business man and a vet are a tough combination to take on, even if your and corporate-SJW with a Fallen-Sanders-supporter at your side.

except that he never invaded a country, never committed troops to a war, and avoided conflict as much as possible. As someone who grew up under Bush that's a big fucking difference in foreign policy to me.

would that be in privitising social security or in passing the affordable care act?

As a Sanders supporter, I like how the Trumpets are trying to paint me as a Hillary supporter, while SJW are painting me a racist. In the end we may end up being the largest uncommitted voting block in this election, and yet both sides think treating me like shit is going to help their cause.

The US hasn't formally declared war since WWII. He's approved all sorts of military actions, especially bombings. He's even had US citizens assassinated without trial. It came out recently that he put troops back in Iraq after he promised up and down we were done there.

The US social security system is a joke to begin with, and the ACA is literally exactly what the Republicans wanted, aside form a handful of provisions that are actually good. Obama pitched it as universal healthcare, but by the time it became a bill he walked it back to a "public option," and even that then got changed in Congress to a fucking insurance mandate. So instead of universal healthcare, poor people who don't get (good enough) health insurance from their employers have to either buy it themselves or pay a fine.

You two need to stop swallowing the line of bullshit these professional liars are rolling out.

yeah, but it'd be worth it to watch Republicans screem bloody murder as she nominates the most pro-choice Supreme Court justices. They better hope they can hold the House and the Senate, then we can have 8 more years of Repulican obstructionism. But if they can't….

All of which Repulicans would have called him being soft on terror. After voting for John Kerry and losing I don't give a shit how many bombings he has done. Tell me how being a peace knick worked out for Jimmy Carter?

Oh boy, let me tell you about Abraham Lincoln.

yeah, and Repulicans won't even let him close our American Gulag. So long as he's not invading any new countries I consider that an improvement.

welcome to my world.

I agree ACA was bullshit, but after watching how Republicans acted like crying children I could hardly care if ACA is repealled or not.

Hey, did you see that new Alex Jones video he put out?

But if they can't, we'll get 8 years of some social policies that help some groups while getting the same horrible trade deals we get now - actually expedited because when one party controls the house, senate and executive branches they don't have to argue to make it seem like they're fighting the other side and can pass all the horrible shit they want.

I pull up an armchair and watch the comedy show.

still, I have no love lost for Repulicans. My hope is that the Dems will turn into the the right party as they should be and the Repulicans will be annhilated.

That will not happen. What will happen is that the Republicans will continue to be represented as an equal option in order to make sure people continue to vote in further and further right-wing dems.
The fact that they used election fraud in a primary to keep out a fucking socdem just proves this point. The democratic party is not possible to reclaim.

I wonder how long until the Republican Party starts producing candidates that are literal monarchists.

They're going to split into fascists and libertarians. Libertarianism is just neo-feudalism.

The Iraq War polled terribly on both sides of partisan divide, under both Bush and Obama, only a small minority would've blinked if he'd just pulled us out over his first two years.

What on earth would have to be going on in Warren's head to make her steadfastly refuse a presidential bid, but accept a VP position?

SS is politically untouchable, Bush never had the slightest chance of privatizing it, nor block granting Medicare/Medicaid. Also, like the other guy said, "Obamacare" is almost literally the old Republican counterproposal against Hillarycare from the '90s (not to mention becoming Romneycare immediately before Obama picked it up and made it verboten for Republicans), made to "compromise" with the then-irrelevant Republican minority in both houses.

Don't count on it. Look to Europe for the future of the American left if neolibs and neocons are allowed to run rampant inside it: Citizens under siege by the forces of transnational corporations, true leftists bullied into secrecy or exile from their parties by political correctness, neofascists as the only formal political faction willing (for mostly the wrong reasons) to openly oppose it, and every single drop of populism consequently blasting into the neofascist movement's sails.


This is why I despise neoliberals. I used to tolerate them as misguided illiterates but this draws the line.

Neoliberalism is literally just reactionary ideology LARPing as leftism. It's almost as if leftist thinking requires a certain capacity of thought, and people who lack that capacity can only accomplish a poor imitation. It's almost like "all people are equal" is too hard to understand for some people, and instead of "white good black bad" they think progress is "black good white bad".

Neoliberalism isn't even pretend leftism. Its pure capitalism that occasionally has some liberal social ideas to appease the masses

To the people at think tanks coming up with the ideas, yes, but to the average person who subscribes to those beliefs, it's very much pretend leftism. They just don't know they're pretending.

No, neoliberalism is a hoary remnant of the early days of liberalism, plucked up by capitalists (also a modern post-feudal ideology) and weaponized against the more enlightened varieties of liberalism. It is not so much "reactionary" as merely a holdover. Us more sophisticated and honest liberals recognize both that some freedoms are mutually exclusive, and that private property requires more freedoms to be surrendered than it grants in return.

They, in their various guises (ancaps, minarchists, objectivists, individualists, ALP libertarians, neocons, transnationalists, "socially progressive economically conservative", etc…) are stuck (willfully, in the case of oily oligarchs who head up these fronts) in an earlier mode of thought where naïve and familiar conceptions of freedom are the ultimate ideal, even when it's obvious horrendous amounts of suffering would have to be imposed for such a system to pass.

Such people describe themselves as either openly rightist, centrist, or "nonpartisan". Unlike that second group, finally, are the delusional "leftists" (liberals, progressives, postmodernists, technocrats, neoagrarians, third-worldists, identitarians, etc…) you spoke of, who have been immersed in so much propaganda from the second group, and exposed to so little perspective from the first group, that they fully believe themselves to be leftist (even revolutionary!) in all ways while upholding every single quirk and injustice of the present system.

FBI rejects criminal charges against Clinton in email investigation

By Patrick Martin
6 July 2016


I wouldn't call those people neo-libs. They're neo-liberalism's controlled opposition. I mean they're playing into neo-liberalism's hands, but that doesn't mean the ideology the people have are neo-liberal.

This is the dominant ideology of neo-liberalism though. It's the people who drive the system. The ones you listed earlier exist so that these people feel like there's something to fight against and to progress from, even though they're stuck in the mud spinning their wheels.

Read a dictionary or encyclopedia, from any decade you care to. The definition of neoliberalism is weak borders, lax government, no laws respecting disposition toward people/commodities (they're the same under neoliberalism), and strong "individual" (read: private property) rights. In other words, the evil twin of socialism, after classical liberalism split in two. The rightists are the core of neoliberalism, from back when upstart capitalists knocked the millennia-reigning feudalists from their thrones, and consolidated their winnings to form the transnational privately run gilded age, before "socialists" began subscribing to it.

THAT only happened during the 1970s, in the aftermath of the 1960s split of energetic leftist leadership and youth from the working class foundations that had sustained socialism for more sensational but less enduring issues (war, racism, sexism, atheism, environmentalism…). When those issues were largely or completely resolved, leftism became an empty shell of lifestylists and hardcore activists without a real cause, leaving them open to corruption and entryism by any unfamiliar ideology with a genuine axe to grind.

It is precisely because both paleoconservatism and socialism are incompatible with both capitalism and political correctness, that neoliberalism fits so perfectly into both the right and left wings of modern politics.


Oh man he made a spelling mistake. I guess that means you can disregard everything he wrote.

Nah, he's just ribbing me 'cuz I'm too lazy to redo a scribble I snagged off another thread.


If there's one lesson to be learned from the environmentalism movement, it's that the environment can't be protected under capitalism. It will always be a losing war.

I was referring more to environmentalism's shift from a radical outsider movement, to something that's a fundamental part of government and industry. Stuff like conservation caps, public parks, environmental impact statements, climate control, and sillier things like greenwashing as a legitimate advertising strategy. Environmentalism, just like any mature field, has shed most of its revolutionary spirit.

This left behind lot of influential nuts on the left, who are still fixated to varying degrees on the delusion that—because they think the zeitgeist is so fatally alienated from the environment—we need to abandon all sorts of things like meat, domestication, agriculture, technology, human rights, civilization, and rationality. There also remains a spooky fascination with nature related to mysticism, neopaganism, alternative medicine, esoteric feminism, and other kookery, permeating such misconceptions.

The state of pacifism and atheism is similar, insofar as the draft is gone and no 1st-world nation will ever get involved in a grueling boots on the ground slugfest again, while religion has been permanently dislodged from any official grasp on government or the laws of the land it enforces; even so, we still spend inordinate amounts of cash on military pork and are involved in countless petty scuffles, while religious belief remains strong enough to pervert public discourse.

Basically, the enemy was broken and scattered on every battlefront we engaged them in during the 1960s, even if guerilla forces continue to harass us annoyingly in those places, issuing forth from their primary stronghold (the economy), which has gone uncontested by any organized offensive on our part since the 1940s.

What I've been saying for a while now. Expect half of them to become self-styled dominionist moral police like the Constitution Party is now and half of them to become libertarians with an extra dose of moralizing Christian BS and contradiction both in their platform and with the platform.

I don't think he really went out of his way to keep a lid on terrorism, though.
It was more of a byproduct

That's because both sides are in denial. They both think they're going to unite the party at their conventions and then sail to victory, laughing at all who opposed them.

All the data shows this is an incredible delusion on their part.




The irony is that I believe a part of Holla Forums would like Edward Snowden to be POTUS.

this is funny, but goodman actually was right in everything except for the indictment itself


Sanders booed by House Democrats

Lawmakers press Sanders during a tense question-and-answer session on whether he would ultimately endorse Clinton and help foster party unity.

This is my favorite statement.

They don't have a fucking clue.

How far out do these CTR memos get? They've been getting mouths all over the place to spout this line.

Some people do get it.

While the DNC is blindly falling for Shillary, Sanders knows they have a fucking turd on their hands.

I don't think it really fits his skill set

Nah, I remember the platform obama had and how that turned out. A "platform" isn't enough. You need to have someone with the record to back up their talk.
YouGov poll on a bunch of shit

Off to a great start

(Asked of those who would vote for Hillary Clinton)
I’m mostly voting FOR
Hillary Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61%
I’m mostly voting AGAINST
Donald Trump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39%

2. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people?

Hillary Clinton Very Favorable 18% Somewhat Favorable 23% S. Unf. 12% Very Unf. 43% Don't know 4%

29. Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people?

Bernie Sanders: VF 24% SF 30% SU 18% VU 20% DK 8%

Hahaha oh lordy loo

I think that's why Sanders is holding out. He's desperately trying to get them on his page, but they're too stupid to understand.

They think if they can just get Sanders to endorse Hillary, they'll unite the party. Sanders isn't that naive. He knows his supporters. He knows that endorsing Hillary without any real changes won't get them to vote Democrat. It would be a pointless gesture that would destroy the movement he has created and break the party.

But they just don't see that. If the party is going to break, it's going to be on their heads, not Sanders. He's trying to save their bacon.

156. Are you or is someone in your household a member of a labor union?
Yes, I am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%
Yes, household member is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%
No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87%


On the other hand

78. Would you say the government is pretty much run by a few big interests looking out for
themselves or that it is run for the benefit of all the people?
Few big interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74%
Benefit of all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11%
Not sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%

140. Which one of these individuals did you want to be the Democratic nominee for President
in 2016?
Asked of registered voters
Hillary Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33%
Bernie Sanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36%
No preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31%

142. Do you think Bernie Sanders should run for President as an independent candidate or
support Hillary Clinton?
Asked of Democratic primary voters
Run as an independant candidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23%
Support Hillary Clinton for President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68%
Not sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9%

27. How important will the following issues be in your vote for president this year?(ranked in order of importance according to survey answers, because theirs was jumbled…quelle surprise)

National security 72%
Health care 71%
Fighting terrorism 69%
Social Security 66%
Job creation 61%
Gun control 59%
Immigration reform 56%
Money in politics 46%
Religious liberty 43%
Income inequality 41%
Climate change 40%
Wall Street reform 39%
Minimum wage 37%
Free trade agreements36%
College tuition 24%


Terrorism always causes people to get stupidly spooked.

Oh what a surprise, polling of dem-leaning independents in addition to actual dems shows the country favors Bernie to Clinton.

Shit, good, shit, ugh, good, TOP ECH, shit, good, good, good, good, good, good, good.
What the fuck??

Warren is a senator in a state with a Republican governor if she was VP dems would lose a seat

Alright nerds, the Republicans want Comey to elaborate on why he made his decision, but like I've said his decision was based on no harm done and no intent to harm. When Wikileaks releases documents on Clinton that may change, and he may say so himself tomorrow.

Literal non-issues

You're right about all the others though.

To be fair, a lot of those (terrorism/security/military, SS, guns…) are sort of real issues, purely on the grounds of getting everyone else to shut up about them, to stop the waste of time and money.

I'd also add ““““‘immigration reform’”””” as a real issue (though in the opposite direction from what the survey probably meant)
July 5th, 2016


Hang all democrats

I know he's reformist socdem scum, but I can't help root for him on occasion.

Oh shit, not sure why i put that there lmao

you probably meant religious freedom right below…

Inb4 they confirm what I've been saying about Wikileaks.
Post YFW indictments are imminent


Benedict Arnold, why am I not surprised.

I want to believe but my heart has been broken too many times already

People who vote for Hillary: They deserve to be shot.
People who vote for Trump: They deserve to be shot

You deserve to be shot

Trump wants to break up the banks
Trump wants to break up big government
Sanders is out of the running, he's now licking Hillary's $420 imported pumps.
Time to face reality

Trump wants your vote. Trump knows that saying that will get your vote. Trump has also said things that you really fucking don't want, but you're willing to admit those other statements are probably lies whereas the ones you like are definitely his real plan.
Get fucking real, dude.

Trump has made more false campaign promises than fucking Obama.

Give me a god damn break you idiot

Just like Obama ended the foreign wars of aggression and the erosion of citizens' rights in the name of terrorism, right? I'm sure a vague statement like "break up big government" is backed up with an honest, comprehensive plan for reform

You've been duped comrade


I'm not seeing anything here actually indicating this to be the case, and I'll note that this rag is still parroting that wholly out-of-context quote that Sanders would vote for Clinton. Yeah, if he lost the nomination.




bet you every Dem that booed in there is knee deep in corrupt campaign fiancing.

yes I'm sure all he said about transforming America was "self-obsessed"


you mean more rhetoric about defending the status quo and global trade and keeping Wallstreet untouched?

No you shit. No. Shut the fuck up and listen to me you big nigger. Even after Comey explained his reasoning, Assange was confident that he had info to indict Hillary with, he just wasn't sure it was going to happen. Comey could come out and say "you're not getting an inch out of me with this, I'm not budging and don't ask me again" and Dems would still be in full panic mode because there would be every reason to indict her with no grey area shit. Either that or Assange has no idea what he's doing or saying, which is demonstratably false.

Get happy.

Second best case scenario right here. "We already stopped Trump," he could say. Of course, unless she and probably also Trump end up dropping out later on, it'd just go to the HoR who would hand it to Jeb or whoever no matter how close to 270 he was, but it would still make a statement and get funding for the Greens.

I like to believe Sanders has come too far with so many people behind him. He knows that just outright endorsing Hillary will burst that balloon of enthusiasm. I think he feels obligated to see this thing through and stand by the principles that elevated his polling numbers from 3%. It will be a sad day if he endorses Hillary unconditionally.

>"We already stopped Trump. Now it's time to stop Clinton."

Trump's numbers are in free fall, and after the FBI basically said Hillary is unfit to be President and Wikileaks drops what they have, Hillary will start tanking as well. Nobody will give a shit about whoever the Republicans pick. Bernie has a real shot of getting 270 the way this is going. The main obstacle would be registering as an independent in all the states before the deadlines. Also, if the HoR picked Jeb! that would not only be marginally better than Clinton or Trump, but it would also wake even more people up to just how rigged the system is.

I assure you that a lot of people won't care if their party nominates Satan himself, they will still vote for their party's candidate. That's part of why Hillary (or, potentially, her replacement?) needs to go. This is actually a significant portion of the vote, and then everyone else is stuck in a mindset that says nobody outside of the two parties can win.

You are right about one thing- just about the only person the Republicans have that isn't an uninteresting nobody is Rubio or by a stretch Christie, any other candidate will be anathema for anyone even remotely independent. They will get the cuckservative vote and that's about it.

It's go green or go home for Bernie, no reason to run against Jill Stein and not have their money and support. He's been flying solo for too long and there's no drawbacks to going with them since anything he doesn't like about the party goes away as soon as he says so.

Don't take this the wrong way, but are you American? Or maybe you just live in a better region than I do. Because a lot, a lot, a lot of people here in Texas are of the mindset I described above.

Like I've said elsewhere (not recently), accelerationism is always a Plan B and not a Plan A. A lot of shit will go down if you go full Posadism and none of it will be good. You resort to accelerationism when events are beyond your control. We sure as hell don't want a Ted/Jeb with the Republicans controlling Congress already. But if we get one, we need to know how to exploit it.

God I love 2016. PROMESA, Brexit and Mayday election all in one year. Apocalypse when?

Ben Garrisoning Hillary Clinton
Holla Forums actually has a good idea for once

why. it will never be right. If they have enough influence to get to be president at this point, they're worthless.

Do you know how this game fucking works

ayyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

It would make more sense to meme her into a member of the Klan. She's already done racist shit.

Slow and steady wins the race.

WSWS was right AGAIN

wooswoos is right uncomfortably often

That's shitty journalism.

Sanders has a fucking rally scheduled for the eve of the convention. He's going to fight in Philly.

for the record this person has said themselves they use this as a shitposting flag. don't respond

No new information was picked up from this other than a new rumor floating around that he'll endorse her. Which wouldn't even be that bad as far as he's concerned given she's already picked up all the major parts of his platform (except foreign policy) and if she reneges so can he. But trust me he's not stupid enough to declare victory on the platform and so-and-so before the convention.
See this:

Notice how the anti-Sanders brigade wants to remain anonymous. Notice how the pro-Sanders representative was open about his identity.

They want your vote but not your goals.

Oh by the way Comey will be on CSPAN3 in 8 minutes. If someone gave a rundown that'd be great.

Oh, I noticed alright.

By the way, doing anything but support Hillary at this point would be stupid on Bernie's behalf. 71% of the voter-base says he ought do it, so if he wants to stay popular enough to win some berniecrat seats in congress in two years, this is the way to go.

wew lad



If Bernie is going to support Hillary then he and all his initiatives ought to be abandoned. If his only objective is to get reformist "Berniecrats" into a bourgeois party then he's a traitor to the cause of socialism and any further attention or support would be a waste of time and resources.

I wish these fucking reps would shut the hell up and get on with it.

Rep. Elijah Cummings is really going to bat for Hillary, trying to paint this whole hearing as some sort of Republican smear on Hilldawg.

Duge all this is conditional but it's quite likely that it will be her or Trump and it will be very close, and it's just a fact that we'd rather have her for every reason including the socialist cause. His endorsement would tip the scales, and also put him back in good or decent graces with the party.

Tell me how it goes. Gotta blast.

Holy shit, Congress is going to give the FBI a referral to investigate clintons statements under oath. She literally said under oath in Congress she didn't send or receive classified info and the FBI already said that was false

Shoo shoo CTR.

hurr motherfucking durr

I hope that at least you're not doing it for free.


This is true, the only arguments against Hillary are either based in a fantasy that she's indicted and Barnie Sandles will get the nomination or poorly thought out accelerationist arguments for Trump.

Hillary Clinton has a track record of destabilizing nations and overthrowing democratically elected leaders for personal and political gain. What has Trump ever done in his entire life that even approaches such an atrocity.

The arguments against Trump boil down to either "he's a porky" or "he's a dick." The former applies equally to Hillary, and being a dick is pretty meaningless when you put it up against an actual tyrant.

What the fuck?

Hey hey ho ho

CTR has got to go

Wow, they really must have threatened to kill his family.

>I will hold Hillary responsible for her emails when everyone is held responsible for their emails
Gee where have I heard this reasoning before?


>I will release my speeches when everyone else releases theirs.

dis gon b gud



Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiit alternate stream audio stream




oh boy
How much longer is this going to go on for?

Guys I'm about 10 minutes behind on the stream. Any shit go down?

Hold up, does that mean Wikileaks has nothing?


>Democrats harping about security and muh terrorism because they need some reason to deflect away from Hillary's obvious guilt
You cannot make this shit up.

It means that someone is lying.

Comey was the one who said it.

I know right, Comey would never lie

She's a piece of shit but she's a bland piece of shit and there's not much else to say.


I'm just saying who it was, mate.

She's running for president. It's kind of important if she's a security risk.

I don't give a shit about the security of the United States

wow shocker

It does show how senile the American bourgeois state has become. They are caught in a contradiction between protecting Hillary because of her status and defending the interest of the bourgeois state as a whole.


When did I say everything was bout me? What on earth are you talking about.




Presumably most people ITT at the moment are watching the hearing going on, the central issue of which is Hillary's flaunting of US national security. What has your opinion on US national security got to do with its relevance to the hearing about Hillary Clinton, somebody who's running to be in charge of the country? I don't really give a shit about security either, but Hillary has a history of meddling in foreign affairs, so I'm concerned for innocent people around the world that she might become president. Any rope that could be used to hang her is good in my book, especially if it happens before the convention.


I don't give a shit about this country as long as it isn't overtly going to shit.

This is practically business as usual, you just don't hear about it.

Agreed but don't think someone who replaces her, even Sanders, are particularly "good people".

Once you become soulless enough to run for president, you throw away your humanity to begin with.



Wow that sure makes it easy for Comey to avoid any difficult questions about her answers.

Where do you think we are? My measure of lesser evil is based on how many lives I expect to get ruined. I don't think Trump is proficient enough to fuck shit up on the scale that Hillary would, nor does he have near as much of an interest in fucking around with war. Whoever the Dems would drum up quickly would be better (it's a joke to think that Sanders would ever get the nomination), and they might have a chance to beat Trump with his current numbers.

It's the opposite. But even then voting for either is an awful idea, neck yourself



Sometimes rationalizing who's "better" means that. Regardless, sorry for the implication.

Eh. I mean I've considered it, but a third party vote would be more useful. At this point it's too hard to predict what the options are going to look like by the time November rolls around to make that decision. I'd be very happy to see either or both Clinton/Trump to get gone.

This is their defense.

But she is different than John Doe. It's reasonable to think that the average person would fail to know without any prior contextualization that (C) means "classified." But Hillary isn't an average person. She's been in government, and especially the highest parts of government, for decades. She repeatedly affirmed she knew what she was doing and what's unreasonable is all the mental acrobatics Comey and the state is going through just to continue the fiction that not only did she do nothing wrong but that she couldn't or shouldn't be prosecuted.

This is amazing.

I'm pretty certain that in the USA ignorance of the law is not a defence. It's certainly the case here in Canada. How exactly does it work, can a burger please clarify for me? I mean if ignorance of the law is a defence how do you keep justfying executing literal retards that can't even spell murder their IQ is so low?

> once

Good boy, Comey.


Comey has literally said that the law is different in this context. One of the representatives who questioned him was a prosecutor and explained how many people he prosecuted who didn't understand that what they did was illegal. It's not even subtext at this point. At this point it's just text. They're outright saying there are different standards for regular people and ruling class.






If the emails did not have the original/classified headers then how did the lawyers use headers in order to search for the emails that they never read because they were searching via headers?

Actually guys, this is even better in some ways.
He said what Hillary did would qualify as gross negligence but that you'd have to be crazy to prosecute because it's a statute that isn't used often. That means we don't have to wait on Wikileaks, and Wikileaks will just be added insult to injury.
Check it out-
>The sanctions available under the alternative means of disposition;
Hillary can totally have her security check removed.

No, the difference is that it's not ignorance of the law, it's ignorance regarding the e-mails classification status.

Probably not strictly speaking.

>Cummings literally lying by saying that the 3 emails with Confidential content marked with a (C) are the only emails with controversial content
There were emails that had Secret, Top Secret, and Special Access Program classifications.

I think none of the others were marked.

by whom
If she gets elected president she gets her clearance back anyway.

Makes sense they won't address it I suppose, it would be against their collective interests…what a fucking circlejerk…

And she specifically requested them to be transferred to "non-paper" versions for her private server. Unfortunately we can't see what those emails were, but if she was reading them on her server, of course she would be able to tell if they had classified content, particularly SAP content. That kind of shit is hard to mistake.

Not true, it doesn't work like that. You can't have any job if you don't have the security clearances. They won't just give you the security clearances if you've already lost them. And she can't pardon herself either or Nixon would've done it, you can only pardon convicted felons and as soon as you're a convicted felon you can't be POTUS.

There's still reasonable doubt.

fucking seriously
what were they doing for a god damn YEAR

I'd prefer not to answer that question publicly so as not to provide hostile enemies with information on what we know.

I'm pretty sure they're not involved in that at all.


Ok, so
Ok, so for this to make sense she would have had to not read that content once it got to her server. That raises the question of why she put it there in the first place. If she wasn't going to read this information, what was the purpose of putting it on the private server (to the point that she would insist twice)? This seems to suggest that there was some other purpose for it being there.


how is this the time or place


Is this fucking joker seriously trying to say that there is no evidence for the Guccifer hack?

What the fuck are they even talking about

Cops killing black people

Also eating up time to try and keep from any more inconvenient questions being asked.

Token Black Senator sit the fuck down and shut up already.

Cummings is sucking Comey's dick so hard they're both about to live up to their names.



The hyperbole is real…


How can you not share information publicly if it doesn't matter whether or not you have security clearance

Wow a career bougie politician with a shit ton of money who got caught doing what they all probably do, isn't getting charged.

What a shock. It's almost like the bougie look after their own!

Bill Clinton literally supporting executing a man who obliterated his frontal lobe in a botched suicide for murdering a cop. When given his last meal, the man didn't eat it, he wanted to save it for later, to give an idea of how mentally incapacitated he was.

Executing severely mentally disabled people is a-ok with Clintons (some have theorized Clinton wanted to make himself look tougher). Funny how a false notion of ignorance is now saving Hillary's ass.

Fuck off Hill shill.

How am I shilling for Hillary. I'm calling her corrupt

He's sees the anfem flag and loses the ability to think straight.


it is a really shitty flag tbh fam


I never said stop paying attention to Hillary. I said she's corrupt and we all know it. It's just not that much of a fucking surprise that people in the United States government are corrupt bougie piglets.

You see this and get mad and surprised, and I just don't understand because this should be expected.

None of that, above, is "shilling for Hillary". How the fuck is that shilling?

Did he ever answer why Hillary was a special case?

Because nothing like this had happened before and the espionage act was apparently to old to apply and had only been applied once, which was somehow not enough for precedence.


Exactly when has the mainstream media ever focused on gory flashy stories with graphic footage over monotonous governmental proceedings…

Obviously, but there's no proof.

Oh, more than that, he said Guccifer admitted he was lying. Wikileaks has neither confirmed nor denied this, but they did spit up tens of thousands of examples of the (C) indicator being used at her, which makes it very doubtful that she didn't know what it meant, which changes things, but Comey is unlikely to notice or care. Like I've said that doesn't mean a prosecutor won't.

The Lynch panel is unlikely to change anything unless they dispute Comey's claims of plausibility with what I mentioned above.

You can't make this shit up.

That means little to me.

I'm so confused
So did guccifier actually get into Clinton's server or not?

Itds habbipimg you guys. The state department is reopening their own investigation. They're the ones with the authority to remove security clearances, I think.
Occasion theme-
Holla Forums was right again. Or at least that one other guy was.

It would seem not.

So Guccifer in fact didn't hack anything and yet he was in jail and he killed himself because he thought he was going to remain in jail for a long time? Something smells like bullshit here.

It appears I've been taken for a ruse.



He is wrong, user.

literally how

Well, he is not wrong.

yea nah


It wasn't funny the first time, fam

I am so confident that the State Department investigation will go well that if they end up not doing anything about it I'm putting a sharpie in my pooper. Screencap this.
And also inb4 Bernie VP. Clinton wins, hopefully, however narrowly, then gets BTFO by State and we end up with Bernie and someone like Gabbard or Turner or Warren as VP.

Disregard this, I suck cocks and apparently the president doesn't really have much of a clearance and doesn't need one which means all the probe can do is hurt her feelings and chances.

alright Holla Forums how do you think tonight's porkroast will impact the election? how long until trump tweets #bluelivesmatter?

Wait what's going down.

shit's going down in Dallas yo

Nothing will happen. I live here.

It already did happen, nigguh

As in it won't impact the election because police will come crackdown.


FBI director defends decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

By Patrick Martin
8 July 2016


Except he's not a true lefty since he was working for Clinton by stirring up Liberal sentiment in young people all along.

stay strong bernie sander supporters



Keep it up lad.

Jill Stein invites Bernie Sanders to take over Green Party ticket

Bernie Sanders has been invited to continue his underdog bid for the White House by the Green party’s probable presidential candidate, who has offered to step aside to let him run.

Jill Stein, who is expected to be endorsed at the party’s August convention in Houston, told Guardian US that “overwhelming” numbers of Sanders supporters are flocking to the Greens rather than Hillary Clinton.

Stein insisted that her presidential bid has a viable “near term goal” of reaching 15% in national polling, which would enable her to stand alongside presumptive nominees Clinton and Donald Trump in televised election debates.

“I’ve invited Bernie to sit down explore collaboration – everything is on the table,” she said. “If he saw that you can’t have a revolutionary campaign in a counter-revolutionary party, he’d be welcomed to the Green party. He could lead the ticket and build a political movement,” she said.

“If he continues to declare his full faith in the Democratic party, it will leave many of his supporters very disappointed,” she said. “That political movement is going to go on – it isn’t going to bury itself in the graveyard alongside Hillary Clinton.”


Man this woman is fuckin top

do it Bernie. Do it for all of us.

I've read the Greens aren't on the ballot across all 50 states, if Bernie were to join is there still time to have them added to the ballot everywhere? Can you get enough vote to become President if you run as Green?

I wish they would release it already.

Right? What's the fucking holdup?

Dead niggers and cops.

She's probably one of the most powerful people in the world right now, and certainly has the backing of most other big players. Hell thanks to her effective deployment of Trump the Republican Party is bleeding high profile members who are more than happy to rally behind Clinton. Do you really think they want to give that all up? We may be seeing the rise of a Singapore-style one-party "democracy." Hell her campaign has been marked by Lee Kuan Yew's signature move, charging opponents with libel, except this time it's the court of public opinion instead of the court of law.

Fuck you Bernie you better not endorse her

I love this confidence in what they have. Clearly Assange is as certain as one can be that what he has is good to be waving it around like a maniac. He didn't even do this shit over PRISM. Here's hoping he understands the law. If he's got anything classified, Hillary is fucked. If he's got anything Hillary obviously intentionally deleted, Hillary is fucked. If he's got both, Hillary is double fucked.

Strategic placement. CTR won't have any time to spindoctor if he drops it like two or three days before the convention.

Shoo Shoo Anfem Poster

Oh for fuck's sake. Just release the files, you cunts.

Do I smell bacon?




Is it weird that I want to fuck Jill Stein? I'm not, like, physically attracted to her but I have like this feeling of respect where she deserves to be sexually serviced.


I don't think every state allows third parties.

It needs to be a slow news cycle so it won't get buried by dead cops n shit.

Why is she so based?


Stein is only on the ballot in 22 States.

Pretty sure Gary Johnson's on the ballot in all 50 states fam

And is it too late to be added in more states? So if Bernie were to run as Green could he win presidency w/only 22 states, or does this trigger Marvel's Murcan Civil War 2™?

Gary Johnson is basically an American version of Angela Merkel. If you want the USA to be turned into a wasteland in only 8 years, vote for him.

Bernie should have run as Green from the start, but he has always been a Democratic proxy and had no intention of beating Hillary Clinton. Imagine what the Greens could have done with $150 million dollars of donations

The traction he got would most likely have never happened if he had not run as dem

Where'd you get the impression I'd vote for Johnson,if I was a burger. I was only saying that I'd read that Johnson was on the ballot in all 50 states, so the user saying certain states did not allow 3rd parties on the ballot didn't sound right.

No it isn't too late. It depends on the state. In my state we have until the end of August to get 3300 signatures for her to be listed on the ballot as Independent. We're about 500 signatures now and gaining momentum so I'm beginning to actually think this may be doable.

I disagree, when Ralph Nader went green, the part suddenly got a lot of legitimacy, then Nader had to cave in to all the weed smokers and push silly pot legalization initiatives rather than more important shit that actually mattered.
Bernie would have been great as a Green party candidate, certainly the democratic party did nothing to help sanders, they were busy trying to destroy him from the very day he announced his candidacy.

Running against major-party candidates outside the two-party system under FPTP is a futile gesture. There was absolutely no downside to running inside one of the primaries. Sanders' actual mistake was failure to aggressively attack electoral fraud by the Clinton campaign.

The only possible reason to run 3rd party is if you think you can hit 15% and get funds/debate presence in the general.

Nader started out as a dem like bernie though didnt he? user was saying green from the start

Bernie has never, ever been a member of the Democratic party in his life before this election.

He started the primary campaing as one is what i meant

And all im saying is that if bernie started out as a green party candidate like suggested, that he probably would have never gotten the traction or following that he did

/fit/ made me gay.
/d/ made me gay.
Holla Forums made me hate women.
Holla Forums made me hate women.
Holla Forums gave me a granny fetish.

US unemployment rate rises despite rebound in new jobs

By Tom Hall
9 July 2016

how the fuck does that work?

The total amount of unemployed people grew faster than the number of jobs "created."

for fucks sake

He's not gonna do it. He has invested too much in building his "progressive" movement inside the democratic party to leave it at this point.

Also, he has been invited for half a decade now and he has never responded to the Greens. He acts like if they didn't exist, probably because they don't exist in over half the states in the country.

Like said, this is just more blather from the chattering classes in the media. He's already said he's taking it to the convention.

Regardless of whether or not he secures the nomination, he must permanently soil the legitimacy of the Clinton campaign and remind them that the people are more hostile to the political establishment than they have been in decades. Whoever wins the general election must be placed firmly in a defensive stance against the loudest populist political demands in decades.

That is what Sanders must do, and from public statements he's actually issued so far, that is what he will do.

If anything, this would make his supporters angry and drive them away from her, toward the other candidates.
Sanders stalls in effort to oppose trade deal in platform

Fuck. This fucking trade deal is going to kill us all. I just want my memes man.

Before this gets ratified, I'm going to want an archive of Stirner/Zizek pretty much a shitload of lefty literature.

This has been his tone since Obama's endorsement. His statements on Brexit and these trade deals has been one of warning, that the political elite are courting disaster by ignoring the needs of the people.

The Democrats response to these alarms confirms that idea. As seen here , they naively believe that can just take over Bernie populist movement by just getting him to endorse Hillary. They're so out of touch that they're going to lose the election and won't know why.

Alright, so here's current standing. It appears as though Bernie will endorse Clinton. I thought I would kill myself if it happened but now I don't seem to mind. Why? Because the last thing she hasn't pledged is opposition to trade agreements (and PROMESA, but what's done is done (it feels so bad (what once was happy now is sad (I'll never love again (my world (is (en (ding)))))))). If we can get her to do that, and she wins the presidency, we can put her under extreme scrutiny so she is heavily discouraged from fucking things up with her bullshit. The only thing keeping this from being foolproof is war, but I think we can hold her feet to the fire on that one too.

What are you even talking about

All these rumors are swirling about that Bernie plans to endorse Hillary Tuesday, but that's because the platform war has mostly been won. If they have effectively the same platform, personal reasons aside, it makes sense for him to endorse her.

You know we're talking about Hillary, right?
She's pandering.

The fuck? No it hasn't. They shot down nearly every one of his surrogates' platform proposals.

Which would be better Bernie keeping in the race running independent or should he drop out entirely and support a third party? What would get more votes if we don't see the decline of Hillary? People should decide this then start writing to Bernie to make him know.

I kinda figured that would happen I have no real friends

Take the opportunity to make some when you get kettled

But we can hold her to it.

Old news.

No you can't, she's getting her four years regardless of what she does and odds are there won't be a solid opponent for the reelection either. The establishment won that fight, you better start thinking of new places to battle.

You shut up, peasant. They passed a 15 dollar minimum wage.

don't delude yourself kid. hillary will answer only to her owners.

Oh what fucking planet bucko


Anyone else feeling a bit turned off by the green party's hippiness voting for Monica Moorehead from WWP?

remember to not vote democrat in november, because this is what they think of you:


I want whoever wrote this to outlive all of his loved ones and die homeless, holy shit liberalism is cancer.

Man, I'm not even clicking on the archive link to this insipid shit.

thanks, I forgot to archive

yeah it's a few paragraphs of whining (of how the center left has to be only polite enough to the "far" left so we will shut up), but this is EXACTLY what most center liberals think of us. They just want us to go away, but don't have the balls to say it like Holla Forums does.

I wonder if this election is what we need to kill TPP and its ilk before Obama's term is even over.

Third party run would be an empty gesture without a right-winger to balance him against Hillary. The only reasonable course of action would be to send all the inertia of this presidential campaign downballot, and chew through the establishment's ankles at the state/local level.

Kettle the police, and try to indoctrinate them.

The whole thing is trite and absurd, but by far the most delusional part is:
These people truly don't understand how high the tsunami rolling into them is. If Trump is kicked out of the convention, he'll go Bull Moose and bury their candidate. If Sanders were more confrontational, he would've created a circus around the blatant vote rigging from day one of the primaries and asphyxiated the DNC in red tape from court orders.

The "mainstream" in Europe is already going up in flames, and the writing is on the wall for their American counterparts. If not this election, unquestionably the next one.


You seem forget most neoliberal/Democrats are politically retarded. Hence why they voted for her in the first place over Bernie(there's hope in the long run though, even with the rigging Bernie had a strong showing). The media is a strong enemy.

Neoliberals/elites are also a strong enemy.


You're not alone in this regard, here. This is why I stopped using fb altogether.

Also because I can't seem to stay in touch with people for some reason. I was in an abusive relationship for years where he cut off my friends + but mainly being addicted to drugs at the same time(shitty "friends" that I did have). That seemed to do a number on my social life.

I think you'll be fine though, the fact you actually attempted to post & get some people together. You still care.. That's a good thing, lmao. Maybe some people here would have some advice on how to meet people.. School & smoking weed helped me. Weed connects a lot of people. Maybe during the protests & rallies around the convention will be a good place to meet people. If I were in the country I'd damn sure be going. You'll find like-minded people.


Don't say I never did anything for you

We could run a counter campaign acting like right wingers to persuade Trump voters to go third parties but change which third party mentioned to each one tailored to their biggest interest. Also a small number of the would be Tump voters are Democrats so they can be persuaded back to the left in a lefty third party. A lot of people for Hillary as lesser of two evils might not realize they have other options so there would be a few more votes there. Also I managed to stop one Nazi from wanting Trump by pointing out how much a Zionist he is and how his daughter is a Jew. Another possibility is going for a third party that both Republicans and Democrats would go for, something more neutral like the Reform Party.

I'm not too familiar with it unfortunately as I am not used to focusing on it.

The party split is inevitable now. They're all to stupid to see the train that's about to hit them.

Get ready for liberal rage when they lose the presidential election to a fucking orange.

My idea: bernie runs third party, his vp is a religious black guy who i made up in my head and is appealing to Christians and blacks and is against poverty pope francis style

Why don't we just clone Bernie so then he can be both president Bernie Sanders and vice president Sernie Banders?

Bernies biggest problem was with the south, the south is filled with Christian and blacks.
A Christian is rightwing enough to be appealing to the trump crowd but stable enough to fight poverty and not be racist, also if he was black then black people might consider bernie instead of blindly voting shillarry.

Of course i made this person up in my head it s basically MLK

Oh fuck off. Clinton still isn't out of the hot water with her emails and if she ignores the base she could very well be primaried 4 years from now, or worst comes to worst be remembered as the worst president ever.

You too.

Do you know that Hillary Clinton Will Face Perjury Charges for Lying to Benghazi Committee?

Why, it's not our fault you're retarded.

I doubt it


But she is going to ignore the base. You haven't been paying attention to this election very well. The DNC are completely removed from reality. Them running Hillary as the next Obama should've clued you into that fact.

They're not going to compromise on anything because as far as they're concerned, WE'RE the ones who need to compromise and get in line behind their queen. They don't need to do shit.

And yes, it's going to cost them the election, in both in the Presidential and Congressional races.

shut the fuck up bernie

Go kill yourself. I'm running for state senate as a Berniecrat and will be doing everything to help end neoliberalism in the Democratic Party. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.

And, for once, the base will rise up against them and demand representation or consequences. If they win, we win, and if they lose, we also win. Them losing the white house would kill the party and let us make our own in the void and them winning the white house means we get more time to throw over all their officials. Of course Hillary can pull off whatever shit she likes, but she's going to have a larger and larger portion of the party to answer to. If anything, her being a good girl is the worst thing we could hope for because anything short of that would result in an American version of the Great Blairite Purge.

That's the key- they think they can get away with agreeing to do this shit and not actually doing it, but that's not going to work this time because people see it coming and know what it looks like. Hillary may have more or less free roam, but she will be the death of her breed.

Good luck with your run, but you need to be realistic. You simply will not EVER get Hillary and the Clintonites to implement solid reforms. You are going to be fighting them every step of the way, and the ONLY way you'll get anything is by completely overpowering them. Persuasion and bargaining will not work.

Exactly. We'll overpower them, throw out all their officials and starve them of power until they purge themselves.

Just came into this thread to say godspeed to you, brave sir. Not everyone has the balls to get involved in politics for the right reasons, and I tip my hat to you. Good luck in everything you do!

P.S. When you ascend to the highest offices in the country, please tell us if it's anything like the show Veep.

So.. Vote for her!

Or don't. Like I've said 95,283,512,236,708 times before, I would personally vote Stein if you're in a solid state and whoever the Democrat is if you're in a swing state.

I won't, ever.

No one should vote for her under any circumstances.

Like I've said 95,000,000+ times, if more people voted on principle & weren't fooled into voting for only a "major" candidate, we'd actually have some variety on our ticket for once instead of only shit candidates.
The Wu-Tang Clan endorsed Shillary
brb burning all my albums now

Confirmation: Bernie won California by at least 100,000 votes

Richard Charnin

July 10, 2016

According to Greg Palast: Bernie won CA by at least 100,000 votes.

“They said, with 100 percent of precincts reporting, Hillary Clinton has won by 400,000 votes,” Palast said of the media. “Now, I want you to say this number with me: 1,959,900. That’s the number of ballots that were not yet counted. How do you say an election’s over when there are 2 million ballots left to count?”

According to Palast, those ballots had the potential to flip the election. Based on a call to the secretary of state’s office, he estimated that all of the outstanding ballots were from “no party preference” voters; based on a pre-primary poll, he estimated a 40 percentage point margin for Sanders among those ballots.

“Bernie Sanders got at least 1.25 million votes from that pile,” Palast said. “The good news is that Bernie won California. … If you count every ballot, Sanders would win by 100,000.”

J.T. Waldron writes at

>Despite California counting only 65% of the ballots on election day, media outlets like Politico and The New York Times ceased from covering the rest of the count, which leaves its audience assuming a literal interpretation of “100% of the precincts reporting”, but that statement does not mean all the votes are counted. It only means precinct ballots from all of the precincts have been counted, but there are many vote-by-mail and provisional ballots that have yet to be included in this total.

>In fact, the cumulative count in days following California’s election day proved to be riveting to many Sanders supporters who were watching the Sanders deficit shrink. Brakey assesses the sudden shift:

>On election night, shortly after 8:00 PM, the first results were released and they were 99% vote-by-mail ballots. The numbers showed Hillary Clinton with a decisive lead over Bernie Sanders by 25.94% points. Clinton received 62.56% to Sanders 36.63% with 1.52 million vote-by-mail ballots.

>By early the next morning, another 1.94 million ballots were counted. Clinton received 50.73% and Sanders got 48.47%, but those numbers are deceiving. On election day, 718,869 voters were forced to vote a provisional ballot which, in my estimate, are 80% Democratic voters with at least 60% going to Sanders. This would be enough to flip the ‘precinct vote’ to Sanders, who would get 52% over Clinton’s new total of 47%. This spread more accurately reflects the pre-election polling numbers.

Covert Shredding of Provisional Ballots

>In addition, “Citizen election monitors in San Diego have captured film of ballots which have been tampered with, with white-out erasing only Sanders votes, sometimes with part of Bernie Sanders’ first name obscured as well. In the film, a monitor reports that almost half the ballots in the box of ballots she witnessed had been so altered, always against Sanders.

>After the Illinois Democratic primary in March, a citizens’ watchdog group monitoring an audit of the votes says they witnessed vote totals being tampered with to benefit Hillary Clinton.

>In other video captured by citizen reporters and election monitors in San Diego, an election official attempts to keep monitors away from the windows of a room where “provisional” ballots are being counted by officials, which are ballots which were cast mostly by independent voters in the primary. At one point an election monitor, a woman, is told by an official who identifies herself as “Karen Mayer,” to keep her voice down, as she questions what officials through the glass in an off-limits room are doing in the back. The woman tells the official that “you guys are violating the election code, and I’m not going to shut up about it.”

>In a follow up interview of another official, “Charlie Loomis,” the IT manager, the manager confirms that it is indeed white-out that can be seen on the ballots, and that the ballots are being “manipulated.” The IT manager goes on to say that, as a San Diego official, he has no control over this, as the white-outs are a result of Democratic party rules on how the ballots, which are provisional ballots, must be processed. Mr. Loomis say he has “nothing to do with” those rules. Mr. Loomis did indicate, however, that after the white-out process, the ballots are “run through the scanner again.”

View the numbers:

When's Bernie Sanders gonna come out and say: "remember that political revolution I was talking about?"

RZA & Ghostface Killah from what it says, but two main group members. I expected more from them. I guess they respect her hustle.. Regardless of how evil it is.

Such disappoint. I even posted one of their videos in this thread like a week ago. This isn't too surprising though, since most of them are Hollywood fucks nowadays. ODB would've kept it real, I bet, lmao.

And what about that cringey title?

We all knew Hillary winning by that large a margin in Cali was bullshit. I knew there was no way she could've won by that much; it just didn't make any sense whatsoever. This needs more coverage.

Also, that WaPo writer should be burned. These writers are so desperate.

Strategic voting is a reality whether you like it or not, user. If you're OK with the Republicans controlling all three levels again that's OK with me.

Which is why I said this

Because of uninformed voters & young ones who don't understand the huge flaw in voting that way. Voting for "the winner" is retarded. Just as voting for or against a candidate because of political correctness is.

Also, scare-tactics are a reason for this type of voting.

This is why things never change. We need to stress voting in the first place, at all, before voting for a lesser evil. If more people voted period, we'd have much better outcomes. That is why the republicans/tea partiers took over Congress.

oh no, one of the two bourgeois parties might win their rigged scam of a system

oh no what will we do

While I agree, this kind of logic is untenable when parties transparently rig the outcome of their elections. See

Then it would make even greater sense to vote for principle, if your vote doesn't matter. At least then you voted for principle/the best candidate, whether or not they win.

So does Sanders get more superdelegates?


all right, so there's an almost 0% chance this will get coverage in the msm, so what happens now?

maybe RT or The Young Turks will mention it.
POSSIBLY Democracy Now!


i don't see democracy now there

wow dude hey man wow i just really wanted to say that i really just love your aloof and above it all style like man i wish i was as cool as you are like wow that was pretty smooth oh wow uhhh mmm wow oh mann s-smooth ngguh

This one is a very confusing post. Is he speculating that Sanders won California but was cheated out of it or is he confirming that he has now outright won it?

I'll tell you what I'm not okay with: fucking cheaters occupying the White House after subverting the democratic process.

He's speculating that, based on polling among NPP and absentee voters, these voters favored Sanders strongly enough to give him the win. Further, he's stating that these two types of votes were not covered by any auditing process (in spite of the legal requirement that they must be), leading to the strong conclusion that cheating has occurred.

On this basis, legal proceedings are underway to block the certification of the California vote, seize shredded materials to determine their nature, and extend the audit to cover all ballots:



He knows what he's doing, he'll withhold his actual endorsement until the convention and it won't be the worst thing since gruel.
Highlights: James Comet Testifies in Clinton Email Hearing

Parts 2 & 3 in the description.

I was too emotional when the FBI/Comey's statement came out with no indictment recommendation. Now that I've had time to let what he said in his address, I see just how scathing it was. This hearing really highlights the absurdity even more-so, of Clinton's actions & no indictment recommendation. I knew it was a miscarriage of justice(which is all too common), but he really destroyed her at least, in his public statement regarding the investigation. She broke the law many times over, she lied chronically. This isn't going away anytime soon. I'm glad this all came out before the convention.

Btw - whoever made that Hillary & Bill leftypol banner, that's fantastic. Fucking gold.

I read he's appearing at an event with her, but jumping to the endorsement assumption is retarded. He's already said it will be a contested convention.

If he endorses her, it will completely undermine his cause. Even if he does eventually, it won't matter to me or millions of others. I'll never vote for that cunt. We don't blindly follow him.

Exactly. That's the great thing about the Sanders campaign. Even if he were to lead us off a cliff, none of us would follow. I personally could never justify a vote for Hillary for personal reasons (PROMESA) so I will be voting for Jill unless shit goes down in the next week.

the future is going to be terrible lads, i can feel it

If by "come out against it" you mean she "expressed reservations" and did jack shit about them just like with PROMESA then I guess so.

Again, he has a fucking rally scheduled for the eve of the convention. He isn't endorsing shit.

Of course they're jumping the gun. They're desperate for Sanders to get out of the race. They're still in denial he's going to Philly.
Nate Silver and co on the different candidates for the apprentice this year

The FBI came out with a report in 2006 warning of large numbers of white supremacist groups infiltrated the police departments explains why unarmed black people keep getting shot.
In light of the fact that Newt Gingrich might be Trump's VP, here's proof that he associates himself with the Islamic Socialist Iranian terrorist group MEK.
does this prove Trump is an accelarationist?

Yeah, it's gonna be either Sessions or Gingrich. Christie is interesting but he doesn't even put his home state on the table, his approval ratings are abysmal, it'd be anuddah Palin.

It's not that simple. Most people who hate those goddamn niggers have nothing to do with organizations and I'd wager most of the people shooting unarmed civilians are a step under genocidists- just prejudiced, scared, and trigger-happy, with a dash of fascism. You can't forget this doesn't just happen to Blacks, it's just disproportionate with them. Natives in particular go through the same thing.



The Revolution is coming.

Bernie using those KGB connections well

DWS should watch over her tea..

Somewhere around a thousand Bernie or Busters just had a big conference call Tuesday evening and a guy close to Bernie said there's no way he's going to endorse Clinton before the convention. Stop falling for literal propaganda.

I'm frankly kind of shocked that slimy weasel Gingrich is still trying to get power.

A dangerous turn to economic nationalism

12 July 2016

Nick Beams


I reckon he knew something he wasn't supposed to and was going to leak it.

Wow, yeah, look at all that free trade and immigration that just exploded in the '40s.

I can't believe neolibs think they can just lie about history this blatantly and be taken seriously.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

wew fast wew furious

Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton

Live feed:

then why are you supporting hillary bernie

WSWS was right again


That's nice Bernie, but I'm still not voting for her.

Where do I vent my uncontrollable rage?

Come on, goys, Bernie endorsed her! Now you have to vote for Hillary! You don't want that dirty racist Drumpf to win, right?

At Philadelphia.

For sake of this country, I hope that the protest is still going to happen. Nobody should take this lying down.



can someone give me a tl;dw? I don't have the time or tolerance to watch a speech like this if it has no redeeming value

hillary looks smug while bernie contemplates suicide



If he hates this, Hillary must be feeling worse(if reptiles are capable of human emotion). She and Sanders are going to be conjoined at the hip from now on. She'll never really unite the party and motivate the voters. No one will donate small sums to her. No young voices will cheer her name at rallies. Half of the votes she gets will really be votes for Bernie. She'll guaranteed to have a broken party and an incredibly low approval rating waiting for her when she gets into office.

Look at the pain on these faces. This is not over.



All I want in life's a little bit of love to take the pain away.

Wanna hug?

Well Holla Forums, make your choice




This is how the "left" in America spirals deeper into idpol bullshit.

It was a fun ride but I might as well go full accelerationism and vote Trump. I know after 4 years of such a terrible presidency the real left groups will get inspired to make real change and purge the idpol shitters from the ranks.

I don't know if I can take this anymore, comrades. I'm so tired of constant disappointment. It's just part of being a leftist, I guess.

They have to, honestly. If Shillery wins, the next republican will be much worse.

As a Spaniard I know that feel too well.

He's right, you know.

no, they were not right, and for sure not right again. faggots like chomsky and anarkiddies in general being wrong doesn't make you a genius for not being as fucking retarded.
that's really no big accomplishment.
i said it from the beginning, yet you don't see me jacking off over this blatantly obvious move of him.

oh, and i got "news" for you, let me be a prophet "again":
corbyn is just as much of a spineless socdem faggot
but please, go on and tell me how i'm a sectarian ML tankie etc., you dumb fucking bitches

epic memes xD

Well shit…

A Trump tweet I agree with.

What has the world come to?

A leftist voting for trump is a vote for accelerationism.
The failure of Hillary to beat trump will reveal the failure of third way centrism, globalism, and sjwism.
And when the whole DNC has been burn to the ground you can rebuild.

Or you can stay home and masturbate.

The choice is yours.

And he doesn't believe a god damn word he's saying.

You say "the dnc" like it meant anything to anyone who isn't a liberal like you or your parents.

Is this how imageboards will die? by idpol and third-rate politicians?

Trump will never win tho

trump winning could possibly completely destroy chan culture

he's just pandering

I don't know about that. The more Clinton tries to go to the right the better chances Trump has.

Trump has alienated basically all minorities. He has a fucking

1% approval rating with African Americans


Latinos aren't much better.

Romney had better numbers going in ffs


Trump isn't going to fulfill anything he's promised. He's a pathological liar just as much as Hillary is. It's late capitalism, you can't expect change. You expect subversion.

How about no you stealth Holla Forumsluter. When a state enters crisis it doesn't mean the Left automatically wins. It becomes fair game for radicalism of all kinds. This is how Fascism and Nazism came to power.

Furthermore, Trump is also doing worse with women than Romney did. Women have a pattern of voting more than men do too, so uh….

This could have changed since the last I heard, but I believe Trump only has like $1M on hand for his campaign and Clinton has $40M. Fucking 40 times the money to spend as he does. And of course, the candidate who spends the most money usually wins.

Dems are also gaining ground in reliably red and pink states like Arizona and Georgia, but holding their ground in blue states, aside from Pennsylvania IIRC. There's no way Hillary won't be the president come January 2017.

Yeah nobody I know politically active likes Hillary, I refuse to be friends with anyone who doesn't hate her, but they have a fiery disdain for Trump. Because of his taking of populist stances knowing full well he'll back down on them and associating populism with the mindless American right.


Fuck off.


What fights fascism? A strong and focused left which isn't going to come about under Hillary.

I would vote third party but even if Jill Stein could poll high enough to get on a debate stage with Hillary and Trump she would most likely get killed. Additionally, the Green Party didn't even take the time to get on the ballot in each state.

Maybe the reason he might smash TPP is he wants to make his own.

After 4 years of that fetid cunt destroying everything the right will probably be beyond mad and could conceivably go full-Holla Forums. Trump is a release valve for a side of the country that feels they've been run roughshod over without reprieve by the 'left'. Trump is moderate compared to what things could conceivably be.


we have moved beyond the realm of parody

Right Trump won't do anything and surely will not be George Bush Jr Jr

The hyperreal

Obama was George Bush Jr Jr. Trump is more like Bush the IV

Irrelevant, even if Trump did literally nothing differently the right would feel like they'd won a reprieve.

The American right doesn't deserve a reprieve it deserves a genocide.

Bush kinda continued some stuff from Bill Clinton too tbh. It's all neoliberalism.

This is kinda important I think.

Which makes the down ballot races all the more important. That's where the real fight is going to be this election.

Time to campaign for Tim Canova.

Do you want 'America in a temporary slump' or do you want 'America goes full Holla Forums'. The latter is seriously possible if the pressure doesn't get diffused soon.

Fads die fast. The American right is too stupid to plot. It takes orders from pigs with pleasure, and does not operate under its own interests. If the American right is organized it means someone is being manipulated.

You're stupid and a fool.

every second you waste on a berniecrat is a second you could be spending building a socialist party

So much for "socialism"

What is the big deal with Hillary? I'm not American but my understanding is that the Democrats incorporated a lot of Bernie's ideas into their platform. What exactly is wrong with him endorsing that platform?

Reform democratic socialism isn't the plan for anyone but liberals, and only Holla Forums sees us as such.


Do you think porky would be down for manipulating the right to preserve his crony capitalism? Yes or no.

Every single time.

Trump has garnered the most votes for the Republican party in a convention race. Besides, Jeb had millions of dollars and that amountes to nothing. Its not over until the last vote is in.


It could've been some hard right idiot like Ted Cruz. If you think Trump is bad then Cruz and people on then a hardcore conservative christian like Cruz horrible.

One good thing that came out of Trump winning the nomination is that at least for now that group has been subdued.


There's more to politics than just voting every four years.

The right exists for the sole purpose of supporting capitalism.

And when your Left isn't strong the former wins. The base needs to be fortified first; class consciousness needs to be elevated.

If you vote it should be for Jill Stein.

I never suggested otherwise.

Naive. That group is likely now voting for Trump.

How does the left move then? Stop kidding yourself, both sides are just as manipulated and each thinks the other is worse. The only good solution is getting rid of political parties, but that will never happen.

That's what Bernstein said too, but then he shouldn't even be kneeling to Clinton but building his movement and taking more and more local governments. Endorsing Clinton only hurts the credibility of what he's doing, like Warren's endorsement killed her for liberals.

I think your referring to liberals. The class left, which is us, will probably never get mainstream support unless we can subvert idpol, and get viral.

Bottom lel

The Left, unlike the Right, is still philisophically active. It has theory, it has practice, it has skepticism of authority of not just the state but the market. It can be skeptical of the establishment left, the Bernie Sanders and the Hillary Clinton.

The right, in America, does not have this. It has never had an actual read speaker for itself in a long long time. The day of Evola and European fascistic theory is long dead.

What the right has is Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, it has manipulation by media for the purposes of its own political goals and plans within plans.

I don't disagree.

Looking at GG, I'm sure what most of the "alt-right" wants are the cheap thrills and memes that "happenings" bring
Kinda like on 2012, after the TORtanic fiasco, Holla Forums started wishing for a second TORtanic everywhere and thinking every game would end on a catastrophe of gigantic proportions, when GG started to die down, the thrill-seekers started to search something new, and didn't took long to become fully fledged trumblrites between Holla Forums having co-opted the movement already and the guys who slammed GG back then saying shit like "Trump is like GG"

That is what he's doing. There's lots of "Berniecrats" running for Congress and it's trickling down to the local level.
I'm tired of reading everyone's surprise to this. From the beginning of his campaign he said he'd endorse whoever the would be nominee. He's only keeping his word. It's not revolutionary, despite his rhetoric; he's not Lenin or Castro. He's a reformist social democrat with socialist beliefs such as advocacy for cooperatives.

and yet

this. The Bernie hype on Holla Forums was only because he was trying to push the overturn window and make socialism less scary to Americans. Obviously he isn't a revolutionary.

fug. left my flag on.


But now anything associated with Bernie or socialism will be synonymous of selling out to oligarchs once they start booing you.

This isn't so much a surprise for his endorsement but about what he said. "Hillary Clinton understands that the wealth can't always go to the 1%." Yeah sure old man.

The days of the American right are dead. Are you in any better state? Is appealing to idiots and being the puppet of Rupert Murdoch?

Quit posting autismal pokemon shit.

I think it was appropriate tbh. Also, do you think he succeeded? TBH allot of triggered lolberts and cuckservatives are really working on overtime to spread their propaganda. Thanks Kochs!

Guess the education part is where we step in.

when you say right what do you mean?
Those william f buckly neocon jew worshipping cucks?

Cause pol will be glad if they are.

You. Them. All of the people you probably agree with.

Pretty much ever capitalists apologist, to leftypol. Can also include stromfuckers.

>"I am however ending my bid for nominee with the Democratic Party."
>"This revolution may be painful. This revolution may lead to some of you not seeing the end of it. But that end goal is worth it all. And the name of the party that will guide this revolution is the Vanguard party

If anything the rightwing is more energized than ever and has rebranded itself for the 21'st centruy while you leftist cucks are held down by corporate interests idpol and your own stupidity

You seem to have confused liberals with leftist. Lurk for a bit.

Actually, now that the Presidential primary is technically over, Bernie can put ALL of his time into fostering Berniecrats.

While he did endorse Hillary, he didn't remove his endorsement of any of the primary challengers he's fostered, which means that he's still not supporting the established Congressional Democrats.

Honestly, I think Bernie's best option now would be to campaign for those challengers. Right now.

it's not a good thing. "Rebrand" is a nice word for new method of manipulation. "Tea Party" and Southern Strategy for the young and uneducated, the GED among them.

Yes everyone in the left is drowned in liberalism as you are.

Why yes, Hillary should have never won if your brand was anything you hype it up to be. Instead Bernie is just another pawn who is willingly supporting a corrupt liar and politician. Face it, you are a minority, I don't see any proof that your brand is successful only that the left you hate rules.

They were completely right and you should learn to deal with it

What do you think of Hillary's campaign slogan "History made"?


she made something alright



I wonder how this "have your cake and eat it too" plan is going to work out for the Democrats. Already I've seen Trump, Stein, and Johnson supporters flood social media, trying to capture the votes of the the angry and lost Berniecrats.

Everything is going as predicted. Now Shillary will have scramble to get those supporters too.

Absolute madwoman

It's cheap and empty, perfect for her supporters

man, as if i needed another reason to hate her


she didn't actually build that, you know…somebody else did.

What a dumb bitch.

That's never been more true.

The platform is a worthless document and hillary is under no obligation to adhere to it.

Unless they were seriously threatening to kill his grandchildren in front of him he just sold the farm for a bunch of magic beans.

Not that I'm agreeing with your memeing of it being all part of the plan, but Bernie – at least – always said change comes from the bottom up.


Nothing has changed from my point of view. Trump, Johnson, and Hillary have nothing to offer to the left, so my only choice is still Jill Stein.

Would Bernie have won if he attacked Hillary like Jill Stein has been doing?

there was a lot of things bernie could've done and a lot of things out of his control. this entire election is a mess

Looking back, it will probably be the great speculation of the 2016 campaign for the Democratic nomination if had Bernie been more "'aggressive"' could he have won?

Nobody can say. But I will say, because the mainstream media loves mud, they may have at least given him more airtime. They still would likely have framed him in the negative, however.

That's what helped Trump win at least.

Do you honestly think they fucking care?

They gave us 8 years of George W. Bush just to punish the Green Party and its supporters. Do you think this time it will be any different?

Some punishment. Obama proves that nothing would have been different under Gore or Kerry.



Not bad

I can't say whether it would have worked what Trump has done on the Democrat side.

I think, more importantly, it was how the primaries operated. Structurally it favored Clinton. By having so many of them closed with no opportunity to change affiliation because the deadlines had passed, they excluded Bernie's largest group of support Independents.

i hope to god they at least threatened him with something

RIP entryist memes

best memes of 2016

R-remember Iowa guys?

I don't think he could've won. The game was rigged from the start. The DNC had their nominee and the primary was just a formality. Sanders overwhelming support took them completely off guard.

But that's been the theme of this election. Both parties really entered this race with complete ignorance. That's going to be the real great speculation of the 2016 election. What the hell were they thinking?


It was nice of them to piss off millions of independent voters, only to ask them to vote for the bitch that pissed them off.

Well played, Democrats. Well played.

Will these faggots ever actually do something?

I'm not even American, was not involved in this campaign at all and I'm fucking disgusted. He had disappeared from the media. He didn't need to do this. He could have gracefully bowed out and euphemistically encouraged his supporters in swing states to "vote against Trump". He didn't need to appear on stage with Hillary "We Came, We Saw, He Died" Clinton.


Even if all hope really was lost for the presidency what purpose does this serve now? It completely undermines any legitimacy he had. So much for his "political revolution."

Welcome to American politics lose all hope ye who enter here naive and idealistic.

My point is they're going to spend the next months/years hammering away at anyone who dares not vote for Queen Hillary I and god help us if Trump wins they'll spend the next 4 years blaming every single thing that goes wrong on those evil sexist "Bernie Bros"

good times

I mean, I'm sure the DNC put pressure on him, but it can't have been so strong that it caused him to lose all judgement or forget what he knew about Hillary "I Love Kissinger" Clinton.

Now we face into the most disgusting American election in my lifetime.

I think the only hope for America is if somebody does a Mohamed Bouazizi on Wall Street.


Why would Bernie have attacked someone he "likes, respects, and admires?"




The removal of his contributions to the party platform seems like a big enough threat to me. I have a feeling they cranked up the pressure on him to do it now instead of at the convention since the FBI investigation shit all over Hillary despite not indicting. See

There's still the down ticket races to look toward to. You can still have your revenge.

screencap this post

honestly the best outcome at this point

Based Stein

Any outcome that isn't changing the way this works is the worst outcome

I can't vote for Stein because in my state for a third party candidate to be on the ballot they have to have had 90,000 signatures by May

So I'll get to choose between a warm monger, a racist billionaire, and an autistic republican

top kek


I stopped watching TYT when they stopped doing election coverage and returned to liberal nonsense, but I'd be interested to see how they respond to this.

The democrats are petty. They want Sanders to suffer because they had go through such a long primary. This is why Bernie has to go through the public embarrassment and say all of these empty, glowing compliments to Hillary because otherwise they're going to fuck him and his supporters.

Don't believe me, check this out from Politico.

>The visit will be a show of party unity after caucus member Bernie Sanders of Vermont annoyed many Democrats with his drawn-out campaign against Clinton, although Sanders’s endorsement of Clinton on Tuesday may allay some of those concerns.

This is one of the main reasons focusing the down ticket is so fucking important this year. We can remove some of those fuckers. Keep the rage alive.

I think I'll put my vote towards getting the Green Party federal funding and access to national debates instead, cocksucker.

Gonna go out to the farmer's market right now and set a quota of 100 signatures for this ballot access petition in fact.

Any politician who is annoyed by democracy ought to be shot.

On a related topic

"the Green Party" is made up of grassroots organization in each state. In some states they're pretty big, in others they're quite small. In my own state we just recently "reactivated" our small core of maybe five or six people still connected and are quickly recruiting Berned out Sanders supporters. If you wanted the Green Party to get on the ballot in your state you should have gotten involved. In many states it's still not too late.

oh boy, so we can vote for more democrats

can't wait


Congressional elections is where it's at now.


Every second you spend convincing a Berniecrat to help you build a socialist party is a second well spent.

We can also vote out the incumbents with Berniecrats, or are you not aware of Congressional Primaries?

That's okay. With everybody obsessed with the election, nobody seems to realize it's Congress that makes the laws, save maybe the Republicans.

This is the only sensible course of action.


Holy shit, It's amazing that Fox News hasn't exploded about that.

Almost like they only care about phoney scandals.

You should check and make sure the deadline for getting on the ballot listed as an independent hasn't passed. That's the Plan B we're going with in my state and we still have until the end of August to get it done.

Yeah, like I said

implying jill stein isnt just the lefts ron paul

>In the coming weeks, I will be announcing the creation of successor organizations to carry on the struggle that we have been a part of these past 15 months. I hope you will continue to be involved in fighting to transform America. Our goal will be to advance the progressive agenda that we believe in and to elect like-minded candidates at the federal, state and local levels who are committed to accomplishing our goals.

>You should know that I intend to be actively campaigning throughout this election season to elect candidates who will stand by our agenda. I hope to see many of you at events from coast to coast.


Yeah, we keep forgetting about those more local elections don't we?

From the sound of it, he's going to be taking on the DNC.

But fuck, he shouldn't have posted this on a small news site. This needed to be his speech TODAY.

What a load of shit. Actions speak loader than words, just because Hillary is a better liar than Trump doesn't mean she is less dangerous. He should have just ran third party to save us from both of them.

I guess it's because he doesn't have much experience with media?

Nice try, Bernie. Sad to see the political machine has chewed you up and shat you out. Your revolution is a farce.

A non-binding document Hillary is sure to ignore

We did it, guys!


Woah, ugh, hey guys, I just woke up from an eight year nap. So things must be pretty great after Obama closed Guantanamo Bay, ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and fixed the economy, right? Can I get an update?

I don't think the Congressional Democrats have that luxury.

u best have something in store for the convention

Unless he just endorsed her so he can sneak in the convention with grenades and a sniper rifle, he's dead to me.

Obama couldn't close Guantanamo Bay because no state in the union wants to keep terrorist prisoners, Iraq and Afghanistan are still shit holes, and the Republicans took Congress. Their party platform was "STOP OBAMA", which blocked any attempts to fix the economy.

haha lol

What? You mean he didn't do ANY of it? But he promised!

I know you're trying to make a point how party platforms are meaningless to Presidential campaigns, but the fact that Congress couldn't keep up their end lead to them getting the boot against the far more motivated Republicans.

Obama was a neoliberal stooge, a Rockefeller Republican in blackface. Don't make excuses for him.

Reminder that the 112-114 (present) Congress were indeed >do nothing, stop Obama.

House Republicans literary shiting up the congressional floor with the new Tea Party. Senate Democrats being bitches. And then eventually losing the Senate.

I was born and raised in Burlington, VT. My Grandma and mom both voted for Bernie when he ran for mayor and the house. I donated and volunteered for Bernie during his '06 and '12 senate campaigns. I was waiting for this campaign for a decade and I would be lying if I said this announcement doesn't really hurt me. Mainly because I've actually spent a lot of time with him and was confident he would never do anything like this.

Keep fighting user. It's what the old Bernie would have wanted you to do

If he was just going to make new "successor organizations" (not a new party I guess) then why did he sell out to get a bunch of nothing from the democrats that did nothing but shit down his throat this whole primary

What would he say?

nothing because he is a skleleton now

The struggle continues.

let all your heroes die so that you may become your own hero

Not making excuses. That's mostly what happened. There was a brief window where he could've gotten something done, but he had to stop and try to work with the bitter Republicans.

The leading theory says that he wouldn't have been allowed into the convention if he didn't endorse her.

god bless muriga, truly a free and democratic nation

I'd rather he be left outside with the rest of the real patriots, chanting in solidarity.
That way it will be easy to drop a bomb on the whole building and save the country.

I mean, barring something extreme happening, I expected it to happen eventually. I just wish he would have waited until after the convention. What's the point in even going now?


I guess he can just hope Hillary drops dead or something now.
what happened bernie

This is the worst possible universe


I hate Donald but fuck, that's pretty decent.

Well… Do they still believe and promote capitalism? I guess it does then!

To leverage his weight. The Democrats still need him to unite the party. If you're a regular supporter, I hope the protest still happens. Bernie endorsing Hillary shouldn't change your desire for justice.

Meanwhile, Sanders is going to start getting his revenge early. Even though I'm sure his endorsement came because of the FBI investigation, this is actually a good time for him to step off the Presidential platform and step on down ticket primary races. From his statements, he's actually going campaign for those he endorsed, which is very exciting to me. He fully intends to keep going and take over the Democratic party.

>absolutely nothing to gain from an early endorsement except "muh roll of toilet paperplatform"
I am… Really, really angry and disappointed. Even Nader didn't go down like such a little bitch.

Even if you can't believe in the Bernie that exists, keep believing in the Bernie that was.

The only thing Sanders could've gotten at this point was a change in the party platform, which he mostly got. They were NEVER going to make him the nominee or remove support for TPP.

As Obama proved, election-time promises from mainstream Democrats are completely worthless.

What Bernie could've gotten is a boost to his movement's reputation as the incorruptible moral compass of the American left, through leverage by the only thing that would win real concessions from the establishment during any administration: The support of the people.

fuck off

revolutionkiddie pls go

It's effectively the same. Trump wants to strike "CEO of America" off his bucket list and he'll let the cuckservatives do as they please.
good argument faggot

Do you really think he doesn't know what he's doing? Of course he does. He'll spend all the way until November on the trail and then take a comfy seat as SenMajLead with Warren as Whip or possibly VP. Your argument is homosexual.

No, you've got it wrong. He's socdem policy and pinko politics.

On paper, the Right is philosophically active. It's just whipping decrepit and debunked ideas until they don't have any juice left over in them, but it does count. Of course, it's because the Left is founded on aspirations and the Right is based on fears.

fuck off

You really think Trump will be better for the left? Talk about a chump.

if you think the common man wants anything to do with the alt-right's bigotry and violence you are sorely, sorely, sorely mistaken.

Do you actually believe any of this or are you pretending to be triple retarded?

fuck off

No, you'd be surprised. Lots of entryists on SandersForPresident.

Exactly. Is your representative a shitty Clintoid (most likely)? Is the Republican stomachable? Go for it.

This is what I've been trying to say.

She kind of is, but she's all we've got, and she's not quite as bad as him.

fuck off

YOU and I can bind her to it.

No, he didn't close it because he didn't care. Puerto Rico's got remote, tiny islands too.

Fuck off


fuck off

Well there you go.

oh my god fuck offfffffffffffffffff

There's not any support for the TPP, there's just no opposition to it. The prevailing theory is that it would piss Obama and the (other) Yellow Dogs off.

Fuck off. Also it's in one week, not two

His support for her begins and ends with November. He knows we can't afford a Republican president and that's all there is to it. As soon as she's president he will make sure there is still enormous social pressure on her.

people don't like her because she's fake and doesn't support what she's now running as, and also people don't like that she never opposed trade deals or warmongering which were the two main things the primary was really about. There's nothing wrong with him endorsing Hillary, people are just madhurt and considering something that's not personal in personal terms, and also concerned that she can't be held accountable to support the platform, which won't be an issue if people keep an eye on her.

I can. No, he would not. Most of the superdelegates were in the bag for her, and most normies don't understand politics. Especially the ones with the Democratic membership needed to vote in closed primaries. The problem was always that people that would've voted for Bernie in the general or at least supported him didn't vote for him in the primary and there was nothing he could do about that.

This is true. Libertarians used to be able to get normies to assume they were right with a pathos-founded argument, pointing at their old timey white male free market shills with the occasional token like that one guy who says welfare made Blacks lazy. This one Afro-Mexican sperg in my German class who always interrupts the prof has nothing politically to do with regression but still went off about "social programs" once. Now, though, Glolberts are in full damage control mode trying to convince people that anarchocapitalism by any other name is as good as free health care and whatnot.

no u

Anyway yeah I'm not even going to bother checking SandersForPresident, I don't need the salt and shortsightedness.

ultra turbo deluded

CTR shill pls go

Bitch where?

I know you're the same person who always says someone is "CTR" and I know you think it's funny but it's only funny to you, that I can promise you.

No need to get racial. Classcuck works better.

Does the alt right reject them now? I haven't noticed much damage control, but then again, I'm referring to youtube.

Any given part of that massive spergout

Wrong again my friend, I just think you seem like a humongous faggot,

1 week=7 days

Do you really think that Sanders actually attacking the rampant voter as it occurred, specifically sending out volunteers nationwide to catch manipulation in the act, and sending the flames all the way up to the Shillary campaign via the courts, instead of silently taking his lashes from the cheaters, would've turned out exactly the same?

Hi white. jk
Idpol may not be the focus, but it's founded on fact. The fact is that regressive economic ideologues were free to preach their breed of economics because they didn't have any experience with what the class system and capitalism actually are, they all had cushy jobs and plenty of money and nothing to worry about.

For some reason I thought it was the 19th.
Yes. It's rigged. Nothing would've put him at 58% of the vote and the superdelegates would vote against him. It was over when Hillary made the Victory Fund.
And I leave you all for now with one final thought- like it or not, your choices really are just Clinton and Trump at this point, and you can only think Trump is better than Clinton if you're insulated from the things he will do. We'll get Clinton in office and then make the most of it. And Bernie may become president yet- if Clinton goes down in flames, and Sanders is her VP or her VP's VP (or even House Speaker), it can happen.

This. Sanders is actually putting in the effort to make sure she sticks to her promises by campaigning for congresspeople. They're going to be a stick to keep her in line.

I know people think being the President makes you all powerful, but that's only if Congress allows you to be. This current Congress should be evidence of that.

It would be even worse. The media would've dismissed it as "old man Sanders throwing a fit he ain't winning". It would damage the image of his movement.

If you want some personal revenge, run for public office. Sanders wants you to.

You have autism

If I support Trump, it's because I realize that while Shillary would be better in the short term (mediocre centrist continuation politics, a few consolatory pæns in the vein of RomneyObamacare), she would be devastatingly worse in the long term (neocon/neolib agenda pumped through like a machine through cooperation between establishment administration and industry, left becoming more worthlessly "progressive" and idpol than ever in total ideological lockdown).

Trump, on the other hand, would constantly be at odds with everyone else in government, and give room for political insurgency to grow as both parties crack apart. Not to mention the (unlikely, but at least somewhat plausible, unlike under Clinton) possibility of neocon (pointless wars)/neolib(offshoring, immigration) policies being shut down for the first time since the 1970s.

How effective would that have been if shills clear from Clinton's campaign, to inside the Democratic Party, to "nonpartisan" government officials, to members of the media themselves, were all facing court summons and criminal indictments about halfway through the primaries onward?

But why exactly does it matter? What victory is there in him snubbing her? If he genuinely believes Trump is more dangerous (which, on account of the supreme court pick, he absolutely is) then surely it is his duty to do everything he can to keep Trump out?

Honestly, I just hope Trump is actually anti TPP, even if he wants to make his own. I just want more time to shitpost on the internet…

If he nukes TPP that will at least give people time to regroup before he shoves his own deal through. And since it'll be Trump's deal there will be no shortage of eager protestors.

Fuck it, this is what America deserves. Some guy gets shot by the police while doing pretty much everything right, and they still either fucking ignore it or try to excuse it. We're living in the age of the Nietzschean letzte Mensche. Damn near everyone follows the ideal Randian system of thinking: black and white morality, base, short-sighted, egotistical, spooked irrational "self-interest" and they're rude, stupid, lazy, impatient, just terrible.

Just nuke this place and let it be done.

It's not the corrupt evil nature of this modern age that upsets me as much as waiting for a nuke or asteroid to mercifully end it all.


"If you work hard and never give up, you too can be sabotaged by the DNC and forced to endorse your opponent!"

Here's hoping someone's tossing that around.

The only thing it's missing is a shotgun propping it up.

You know those poster sized autism cards Holla Forums used to do? we should do one of those and send to to b*rnie

He must feel like a total Idiot.

Do you even know what the DNC is?

Queen Cersei style, nice

I'm surprised no one's targeted Wall Street in this manner. Would get media attention & make less capitalists, all in one fell swoop.

I mean, besides Al Qaeda, of course, lmao

Time to go full Posadist.
Reminder to all sanderistas that this is what woman you're being pressured into supporting thinks of workers in America
theres only one way you can salvage this B████

Posting the full because it's satisfying. I thought it was retarded at first, but it grew on me.

Already been tried

Why the fuck didn't B████ endorse Jill Stein?

Clinton is further from him than Trump ffs.

Just looked it up; I didn't know about this. I think we're much overdue.

No one's being pressured. I'll never vote for that cunt, and millions of others won't either. We all know what she thinks of working people, especially of working people in Haiti as well.

Why narrator speak like he autistic caveman?

Ruh roh.

He just caveman, leave him lone.


Is this hope?

So I'm reading reasons why B████ endorsed Hillary are:

1. He wouldn't have been allowed into the convention & the platform would have suffered greatly afterwards.
2. Some DNC rules say they have to endorse or "publicly fight" for the presumptive nominee or risk losing their superdelegates.

Anyone know anything about this? Any links to share explaining why he had to do this? I've also read he hasn't conceded, just endorsing because he had to, but is technically still in the race.

Why the word filter on B████..? B e r n i e?


https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */he-presidency-e4ed85dffdf1#.egz91i3ae
Was it all a ruse?


wishful thinking

I dont get how that would work

Here's my thoughts.
>Comey didn't recommend indictment, but he proved that Hillary committed perjury during the Benghazi hearings.
If Hillary goes down (which has seemed plausible for a while), who will the Dems pick to replace her? If B████ had endorsed Jill Stein or made an independent bid, it would make no sense to anyone for the Dems to pick him. BUT because he's playing nice with the establishment right now, he would be the logical choice to replace her if you don't understand what the Democratic party is actually about. The Democrats will never pick S█████. They'd rather have Trump. If/when Hillary goes down, the Democrats will pick Biden or someone, and the remaining S█████ supporters (millions of people remember) who are watching the Democratic party will be disillusioned when their party passes up B████. By that point, B████ will be the only person with the numbers to beat Trump. Picking anyone else to replace Hillary would be giving Trump the election, and those of his supporters who remain idealistic will see that. Whether it's his intent or not, the effect this choice will have is going to be destroying whatever hope the people have left in the system. This is what you have to do for a revolution to happen.

Bernie is doing what he needs in order to get people disillusioned with the system before having a real revolution.

B████ ██████

Though you wouldn't know it with HOW FUCKING LONG THEY'RE TAKING JESUS CHRIST

If you take a look at /r/sandersforpresident it's just overflowing with S█████ apologetics about how he sacrificed himself for the "revolution"

It's sickening

The predictable and pathetic end of S█████’ “political revolution”

13 July 2016

Patrick Martin

Somebody else posted this and I think they're right.

Assange is waiting until like the day before the convention so the media can't shift the narrative before the DNC picks the candidate. He wants to put them into panic mode and embarrass them, either because they'll endorse Hillary despite evidence of war crimes or whatever OR because their replacement pick will be hasty and look retarded. He's got a nuke, but it's just one nuke. He's going to use it to maximum effect. Holy shit imagine if the protestors and audience in Philly find out what she's up to during the convention. Imagine that mob of people, already upset about S█████' sabotage, suddenly find out just how horrible Hillary is.

He didn't though. He explicitly stated his campaign is still going. Good job wooswoos.


what can u expect from a trot?
orthodox marxist-lenininist CPUSA endorsed Clinton long ago.

Jill Stein offered to stand aside for B████ to run as the green party candidate but he instead chose to support everything he stood against.


That sounds reasonable and I'd like to believe it but I've had my heart broken so many times already


what are the chances of the queen shill getting indicted?

I'd say about 10%.

Hey at least we got some pretty great memes out of the bargain

when pigs fly

sounds like a plan
New Black Panthers are going to the RNC, and they're packing heat too


Because all traitors to the working class will have their names stricken from history I presume.

In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no alibi
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies

So let mercy come
And wash away
What I’ve done

I'll face myself
To cross out what I’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I’ve done

>"We expect too much of the police and too little of everyone else."
It's "Home buyers should have known they were getting it over their heads," all over again.

Don't forget antibiotic-resistant bacteria that will kill you dead from a paper cut.
This is a leaked conference call that B████ made to his delegates after the endorsement.


17:30 - Will there be a roll call vote? "Absolutely".

20:00 - Need to break the Democratic party's dependency on big money interests

20:43 - Get rid of superdelegates

21:17 - Fight the issue of closed democratic primaries

25:00 - I have, we have, very serious differences with Hillary Clinton

29:00 - Our delegates should be at the convention and vote for "B████ ██████".

31:00 - We need to work hard on defeating the TPP

31:49 - I will absolutely continue to work as a leader/activist for the progressive movement

32:20 - We have got to end fracking yesterday.

33:40 - No he won't take a role in the Clinton administration

35:57 - "We are still officially a candidate. We haven't suspended our campaign, I'm not going to suspend our campaign. We're going to Philadelphia. We've got 1,900 delegates, she has more."

36:40 - We need to build on the success that we have achieved…. to take back, fight on every level of the government.

Other points of interest include creating organizations that will help continue the political revolution within the coming weeks and mentioning Europe's many parties.

I know we're all hurting, but come the fuck on.

not much of a secret plan.

I haven't listened to it yet, but if it's S█████ & he's saying those things, it is of course note worthy.

You never know what's going to happen in politics. Anything can happen & this is relevant information, if it's true.

FPTP makes this non viable.

GMiL btfo's B████ once again

I might try to fight those in a lab. Seems a lot easier than trying to argue with neolibruls without getting an aneurysm.

By the way she made a ton of people in the Green Party really made when she did that.


How delusional does one have to be to think that A he would do it and B the green party matters?

Ralph Nader on S█████' endorsement of Clinton:

Nader's analysis makes sense, especially since Birdie is going to keep doing his rallies. With that continuous pressure, she'll have to keep her promises or she'll get fucked. Either way, Birdie wins.


For fucks sake, WHAT DID PEOPLE EXPECT WOULD HAPPEN? In all seriousness, what? We're two days into a fucking tantrum about something we've all seen coming.

Bernie was never going to go third party. It would've been a futile and petty gesture. The longer he stays with the Democrats, the more power his movement gains. Right now, he's in a perfect position since they can't get rid of him. They need him. Scratch that, they need US. Go look at Hillary's poll numbers. They're abysmal. The Democrats need us to vote for them, which makes them our bitch. It's not the other way around.

Remember, S█████ supporters are fucking 40% of the Democratic electorate and they're the entire youth vote. Fucking us guarantees a Trump presidency.

It's really less people on Holla Forums caring and more Holla Forums coming over to shill

It's not him endorsing Shillary, it's him endorsing Shillary BEFORE THE CONVENTION. This move made no sense, he lost a tremendous amount of credibility and momentum, while gaining absolutely nothing.

Yeah and they already did that. 9 months of lies, slander, misinformation, cheating, and lawbreaking.


I really wonder why he did it. He's not stupid. What does he know that we don't?

Some people are saying it's so he can speak at the convention.
I have no idea if that's true or not.





If anything comes of the new controversies around Clinton, it will put him closer to the DNC which will make them look even worse when they don't replace her with him and pick somebody else. If Wikileaks is gonna drop those emails they better do it before the convention. B████ endorsing now means he's getting out in front of any of that storm. Imagine the alternate scenario.
Compare that scenario with what we've got.
Think about this. If the DNC doesn't nominate B████ if Hillary gets rekt, they will be outing themselves as wholly undemocratic and not particularly interested in stopping the Republicans.


Can you imagine the shitstorm if they had done that? Like said, it would be the most beautiful publicity gift they could accidentally give him, kicking a man with hundreds of delegates outside that convention, where a huge, highly receptive, and furiously angry mob has gathered.

The only thing with the slightest credence I've heard, is influence on the future platform (worthless), the rules for the next primary (of slight value, but nothing government legislation hasn't done better in the past), and replacement of internal Democratic Party officials (possibly valuable, but hard to pull off without sway IMHO).

I don't see how it makes any difference in the matter, S█████ is still a loathed outsider, and he's still the strongest polling candidate on the left.

So this is how B████ loses, with a whimper


DNC Election Fraud Whistleblower Found Murdered

A Democratic National Committee (DNC) official who worked on exposing recent election fraud during the Democratic primaries was found murdered this week.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country. reports:

As with the tragic murder of Molly Macauley in an affluent neighbor of nearby Baltimore in recent days, social media is abounding with political conspiracy theories and racially charged comments about Rich’s murder — even though very little is known about his killing and nothing about his killers.

Police have not identified a suspect and say there is absolutely no indication that politics were involved in the killing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, police told a news conference Monday. He worked as a voter expansion data director for the DNC, whose chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement Monday.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said of the Omaha native.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on his LinkedIn page.

B████ ██████

quality doom B████s

Well that's it folks. America is truly its own Banana Republic now.


trump labeled her crooked Hillary early, the fbi letting her go makes her seem…..well, crooked.

Her response to the dallas shootings was to tell white people to shut up and listen.

All trump has to do is keep quiet and let her commit suicide, and also pick a strategically important vp

oh, also no refunds S█████ voters are either going to stay home or vote jill stein, or vote trump out of spite

She also said that we expect too much of cops and not enough of everyone else…

It's amazing, The only person dumb enough to fuck this election up for the republicans is Trump and the only democrat who could possibly be more unlikable than Trump is Clinton.

but user, cops are workers too, they nothing people actually believe this

I think clinton will go with a white male vp, looking at google there are suggestions she is vetting an ex general named James Stavridis, this might balance out her sjw progressiveness that is driving away white males, also clinton is an insane warhawk so of course she would look at an ex general

The FBI investigation. That damaged Hillary's already shitty reputation to the point where she's losing in the polls against Trump in important states like Florida. At this point, Hillary needs B████ now more than ever. But make no mistake, he'll be the one getting votes, not her. All she's good for now is parroting shit the S█████ tells her, while B████ spends his time building a cudgel to keep her in line, which is why he's going to campaign for congresspeople and keep growing his progressive movement. If she backs down on her promises, she'll get fucked like Obama.

If you don't think that the Republican party platform in two years won't be "FUCK HILLARY", you're fucking crazy. B████ knows this fact. Since they won't have a Trump to scare voters with, they either need to get in line with us or they'll be fed to the dogs.

It could still happen that way regardless. S█████ delegates don't automatically go to Shillary. They can still vote for him at the convention and probably will. Nomination or not, he'll be coming out the convention more powerful than ever. There's no way they can stop the takeover now.

Hillary did the same thing in '08. She endorsed Obama but still competed/brought it to a vote at the convention. Only after she lost that vote did she throw in the towel. This is nothing new.

I've read that he had to endorse in order to be able to be at the convention. I don't doubt for a minute they'd try to have him just locked out. There's some stupid DNC rule of course, which has some vague wordings like anyone who isn't the "presumptive nominee" has to endorse publicly or something.

weak meme, stop posting it already

I think it's in relation to this. Found it on facebook.

I hate that he & everyone else who wants to run in politics has to play these shitty political party games. We need more parties so they don't have to.

Wow it's almost like party rules are designed specifically to keep reform from happening.


what a fucking surprise

Who the fuck is Mike Pence?

governor of Indiana. He was also the one responsible for the gay wedding cake fiasco of 2015.
Come to think of it, this might help Shillary, pretending to care about gay people is popular in America now

"56% Of Americans Want Hillary Clinton Indicted"

It's a little early for picking a vp, right? He's probably doing this so it'll make it a little harder to screw him at the RNC convention, if they were planning to.

Some guy who loves Koch money, apparently.

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */he-presidency-e4ed85dffdf1#.8qtdp2l7g


[email protected]/* */



This is why your name is redacted, B████.

don't drop out [REDACTED]



You're not very creative, are you?

I kinda hope it's actually his master plan though.

Man, that would be great.
But Hillary needs to be indicted first.

Since no pink-flagger has shown up to discuss him, he was, at one time, one of the foremost Republican promoters of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, which are meant to keep gays away from the Christian Right's wedding cake bakeries and other such businesses which is a superficial effect for rad-queers, but the RFRAs the Right wants to pass tend to have much nastier implications.

He eventually caved to neoliberal corporate pressure on the Indiana RFRA and now has a reputation for serving as an establishment spokesman for whichever lobbies pay him at any given moment. As a result, he endorses the TPP and TTIP and has criticized Trump from the establishment Republican position in the past. He's the kind of VP that the Beltway can throw money at, that the Kochs can eventually get behind, and that Cruz voters can settle for with the same misplaced enthusiasm of Lesser Evil thinking that some former #[REDACTED]Bros are infected with.

I think has it laid out. [REDACTED] might have endorsed Shillary, but he's still going to have his delegates vote for him at the convention.

Though I think it will be a herculean task for him to get the nomination, even with Hillary's atrocious poll numbers and 56% of the American public wanting her in jail. The democrats are hellbent to destroy their own party make sure [REDACTED] feasts on their bones.

It is a deceitful regime under which we toil in many ways

Lmao, all these wordfilters. You're an asshole, board owner, but a funny one. Pls don't ban me :*

Heh, that's great. Not much Trumptards can say about that.

I guess they'd counter with "but the VP has no real power". To which can be said - why can't Trump take charge of his own ticket? With the establishment money he's getting now, he has to play ball.

I think [REDACTED] is a self imposed word filter



Huh.. interesting

B████ ██████


He endorsed someone who stands for everything he wants to change in the system. You're confusing trolling for having principle and integrity

it's about all any of us can hope at this point.

Okay Mr. Hilter I'll be sure to keep that in mind


And another thing: Half-Pence pissed off feminists by leading some of the campaigns to defund Planned Parenthood.

How did PP end up as a pure porky operation that hangs onto every corporate and state subsidy it can, anyway? Was it since Sanger or since Roe? Do socialist feminists see PP's corporate structure and operations as necessary evils for the sake of women's rights?

The problem with PP is that it's corrupt because it knows it can be–no other company is willing or able to provide the services it does on its scale, especially abortions. Its employees also do genuinely care about helping people since they get flak from idiots that dedicate their entire lives to harassing them at work, to save teh babbies.


It probably needs all the extra cash to fight lawsuits and bills trying to destroy it. I don't know much about Planned Parenthood, but I do know it's been the Republican's favorite punching bag for decades.

Of course not, they're both courting the same corporations for money. How they mask the prostitution is what separates Republicans from Democrats.

yeah lying under congress is supposed to get you 5. what she did with classified info is also supposed to get you jail time. neither will happen.

Maybe she'll realize how evil she is and drop out?

>But S█████ said he'll remain a candidate until Clinton’s official nomination so his nearly 1,900 delegates can cast their ballots for him at the convention.


Not sure what to think


They can't ignore his girth.


Youre face when pol hasn't even realized trump just dumped the alt right by going with pence and is going full establishment now and will be taking trips to Israel and signing Hava Nagila in no time

The only possible good that could come out this election is Holla Forums salt. They bought Trump's marketing ploy hook line and sinker.

Frig off B████


Can't wait 'till they find out he's an even bigger sellout than He Who Shall Not Be Named.

Yes. They're in cognitive dissonance mode now.

Very interesting… Get the popped corns.


Shots fired^tfw

Is B████ truly a master ruseman?

It's being reported that the Turkish parliament building has been bombed from the air during coup.

Shit's getting crazy, all while Turkey's government is continuing to say the coup is crushed.. Obviously not if the parliament building just exploded.

Hardly surprising. Remember that swathes of [redacted] supporters were independents, not Democrats or members of other leftist parties, so you'd figure many had to be lolberts and lolbert-sympathizers.

[redacted] always polled well among centrists, and that includes Strong Independent Individualists Who Don't Need No Society.

CNN Türk Live Stream

Holy shit guys, all Hell is breaking loose in Turkey. Soldiers have taken over some media stations. Here you can hear shit going down, but the soldiers have taken everyone off camera. This is the second media outlet they've taken that I'm aware of.

FOX local news in Turkey, with an English speaking Aussie reporter, I believe.

Here are some old articles that Jacobin and Counterpunch put out on Pence's RFRA push before he caved:

Because memes

Absolute madman.

Trump/Pence logo. I'd like to dispel this myth that they don't know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing.


Do they?

it looks like benis in vagina

It's this is an actual event. Hillary Clinton is going to be there. This is how the Clinton campaign views young voters, not with respect, but with condescension.

If they weren't busy sulking, S█████ supporters should go, catch some Pokemon, and grill her about immigration reform, free college tuition, and TPP.

like they want another purchase fiasco

Point on the other two, but why would anyone want to talk about immigration "reform" to a politician in public? Every political campaign is too beholden to porky, PC, or both, to do what needs to be done. Even outside the PC porky sphere where free debate occurs, (almost) everyone is too distracted by the nonissue of illegals to discuss our massive legal quotas.

Pretty much the only subtopic it's ever acceptable to lay down the truth about (and, coincidentally, the only reflection of his past anti-immigration votes that made it to S█████' platform), is assaults on petite bourg sectors like H-1B.
Shillary Clinton has a new ad attacking Trump…for saying mean things that will upset the children watching TV

I highly recommend all these articles in their entirety:

Donations to Jill Stein Explode Nearly 1000% Since S█████' Endorsement of Clinton


Cornel West endorses Green Party’s Jill Stein, calls Trump "neo-fascist catastrophe," Clinton "neoliberal disaster"


Green Party's Jill Stein is in Burlington, Vermont, S█████' Supporters Hope the DNC is Paying Attention


based cornell west


Here's some more I found:

Jill Stein Pledges to Grant Edward Snowden a Full Pardon and Appoint Him to Her Cabinet


Approximately 96% of over 26,000 voters in unscientific poll would support B████ ██████ if he joins the Green Party


Feds Monitoring Activists on Facebook Ahead of Republican Convention


After Week of Violence, Cleveland Prepares for Chaos at Republican Convention


Cleveland Hospitals Prepping for Violence at the Republican National Convention


FBI, Homeland Security chiefs preparing for violence at political conventions


Sorry if I offended you, but I was just illustrating how we need to keep the pressure on Hillary and the Democrats. If Hillary thinks this is going to be a walk in the park now that she has B████'s endorsement, she's fucking wrong.

Hillary is a fucking joke, something we'll see more of when S█████ goes on the campaign trail. He'll be forcing her more to left with every rally and she won't be able to stop it.

This Jill Stein stuff is good. More pressure. Eventually we'll make a diamond out of this shit.

kok tep

This was a great watch; thanks for sharing. I may even share this on social media(which I never use). I'll definitely share it with my family & friends, though.

cock tip


Oh god
Please make it stop



You wouldn't be this desperate if you went with the bird, stupid.

Though I will admit, I forgot to take into account Shillary being a giant, insufferable cunt with my prediction of a glorious S█████ takeover of the Democratic party. That's probably going be a major risk factor moving forward.

Pokey-Man Go?

American Politics
Hey. Psst. You.
You kids want a good kek?
Keep in mind S█████ has a 100% approval rating in Vermont as Senator.
And the article doesn't make it clear, but what the guys were talking about is that the people encouraging him to run in Vermont in the first place were fake accounts run by a Hillshill.

stop calling Birdie a sellout

Yes. Call him Birdie until BO stops being a cyka blyat.

He should have just when third party and never endorsed her.
The fact she's helping someone run against him shows she doesn't give a shit who her allies are.
I also keked at the fact that Giordano thinks he's to the left of B████.

She isn't helping Ally "Dudebro Blocked" Gordy though. This is just one guy egging him on.
I assume he means muh gernz and muh free trade. The fact he's claiming "roots in Vermont" because he spent like two years in the 80s picketing nukes is cashable at your nearest cooperative bank and worth approximately forty keks.
Other than that, this is the path forward B████ sees for his movement. I think he's right, others disagree. We'll just have to see.

Ive decided clintons vp will be boring white guy tim kaine who can stand in the background and do nothing and maybe help in a battleground state.

Elizabeth warren would be too much women

Julian castro would outshine her

this sounds . like sensationalist nonsense

it even says guccifer is missing which doesn't seem to be anyway true

And let the DNC dictate election reform and party platform at the convention? Madness. He said he would endorse the Clinton if she became the nominee and he did, but that doesn't mean he's totally on her side. He's going to continue being B████ ██████ and continue pushing his progressive agenda.

Hillary is going to blow a gasket at all the socialist shit she has to do to keep us happy.

I thought the DNC laundering money away from local elections into Clinton's pocket would've told you that. By using his election funds to support congressional Democrat races and campaigning for them, S█████ is going to dominate both the House and Senate, giving Hillary even less power.

and what is going to keep them from doing that now

Lmao, wtf is this?

Because they need our votes to beat Trump. The last thing they need at the convention is a big fight with S█████.

This is how I view the rest of the election going. The Democrats are going to let S█████ continue growing his populist movement because they cannot afford to fight him right now.

Have you not been paying attention during this whole time, or did you seriously miss the whole box stuffing, ballot burning, coin-flipping primary? Whoever wins is determined by how many countines are controlled by whichever party, because then they can use the privately made voting machines manufactured by the relatives of people in their parties to create just the votes they want.

The only thing voting does is lend an air of legitimacy to the whole charade.

What makes you think that a party that broke the rules in order to deny the Sandman delegates at the convention would give a shit about following those rules at the convention?

If the DNC is the policy-making oligarchy of the Democratic body, then they have a vested class interest in resisting everything S█████ says and does. They've already signaled this stance by the super-delegates adamant refusal to support el Sandernisto in spite of him winning some of them.

So it seems the Sandman can't just give up on Sandman when Sandman himself has given up?

It's kinda weird that now you are playing right into the Hilldog's game by thinking you are helping Sandman by voting democrats.

what the fuck lefties? are americans this classcucked?

Most of the classcuck and wealthy GOP voters are switching to Johnson, who represents the old GOP of rich porkies, free trade, and austerity.

Trump, meanwhile, is grabbing working class Republicans and independents, along with union Democrats, some being S█████ supporters, who were significantly alienated by Clinton.

Jill Stein is getting disaffected S█████ supporters who actually are bona fide social democrats and are not complete SJWs.

The rest of the "Sanders supporters", who are just SJW millenials who hopped on the campaign slowly but surely, just defect to their Marie Antoinette because they're just managerial-professional types and college students.

This article explains the shift perfectly in my opinion.

The 2010 midterm elections. If you don't know about that, then you don't know about anything that's going on.

The Democrats do have a vested interest in not splitting their own party regardless of your nihilist conspiracies.

the answer is always yes

It's true he gains some direct influence on the internal processes of the Democratic Party by collaborating with their bureaucrats, but it also gets in the way of attempting to electorally assassinate them and those who helped appoint them downballot.

Sanders should be far, far more aggressive in abusing the Democrats as an attack vector instead of a target for reform IMHO:

>Most of the classcuck and wealthy GOP voters are switching to Johnson, who represents the old GOP of rich porkies, free trade, and austerity.
I haven't been following them, but is that true? The ALP seems to oscillate between orthodox neoliberalism and populist "git awf mah lawn" isolationism.

What do you guys think would happen if, well into whatever administration's tenure, [REDACTED] managed to get lots of former Clinton campaigners in jail, and tons of scandal about the election is confirmed in court?

Hey, get fucked guy.

Who thinks this?

They're doing a shit job of not doing it.

I've been a registered democrat since I first voted. Fuck that party, fuck Hillary & fuck Debbie Wasserman-Schulz.

Jill Stein vs. Fox Business Debate

Presumptive Green Party nominee Dr. Jill Stein explained why she views a student loan bailout as a boost to the U.S. economy.

According to Stein, a student loan bailout would cost far less than what it cost to bail out the banks.

“Actually, if you count the quantitative easing for the bankers, that was an additional $4.5 trillion, which is far more than we need for student debt which is $1.3 trillion.” Stein told the FOX Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo.

Stein believes the student bailout could be achieved tax free, by the Federal Reserve canceling the debt.

“No, you don’t pay for it – the Federal Reserve basically cancels the debt, it doesn’t cost taxpayers one penny.”

Stein viewed a student loan bailout as leading to U.S. economic growth.

“The reason it’s good to do it for students is that it actually expands the economy. It’s the stimulus package of our dreams to put to work a whole generation of young people that’s held hostage in debt, that’s working two or three part-time, temporary, low-wage jobs, not doing what their passion is, what their skills are, what they’ve been trained to do. “

According to Stein, many young people took on student loan debt with the expectations of a stable, strong job market, but that changed in 2008.

I applaud her for being willing to go on the 24 hr rightwing propaganda channel to voice her opinion.


Libertarianism had its popularity rise thanks to Ron Paul. "Leave me the hell alone" and "give me liberty!" sounds very appealing to a lot of young voters, even if it's overly simplistic.

Perhaps B████ ██████ will do to Jill Stein in 2020 what Ron Paul did to Gary Johnson in 2016.

Probably, because the dems are in the exact same position the Republicans were last election in regards to their base. Just keep in mind it also opens the Dems up for a violent insurgency by Bloomberg or some other crazy (which may be good, we will see how trump plays out)

See . Johnson's rise is more due to disaffected "free trade, free immigration, and tax cuts!" Reaganite Republicans that hate Trump than anything.

I'm still asspained the coup failed….
Trump supporters are reaching out to the Amish for votes now.

It was doomed to fail from the beginning. A faction within the military was expected to be purged by Ergodan within the coming months. Whether they were Gulenite or just ideologically secular remains to be seen. The point is, the coup attempt was a desperate, abrupt plan to not lose their positions from the eventual purge.

The Turkish military in 1980 is comprised of different soldiers than the one today. Most of the "secular" officers from back then are retired or dead. Now it's mostly poorly educated cogs in the wheel who are apathetic or pro-Erdogan.

Thanks for the info user.

IIRC Erdogan's (or his predecessor I can't recall which) purged the military repeatedly after word of planned coups broke out

The 28 papers were released. Does anyone have a better source, maybe someone who's already read through them or has a better technical understanding. I just woke up & say they were released, yet to read yet:


gets me every time

"Our Revolution"

Join if you want to run.

Ruh roh

"New Black Panthers May Come Armed To The GOP Convention"

It really goes against the spirit of protest, just a bit..

To be fair, there are essentially two kinds of protests, the "assembly of citizens seeking conference with each other and redress for their grievances" then the "angry mob disrupting the target of their ire".

Neither of which should require permits.

meant for

Not bad. She always seems to stutter a little but otherwise she put those jokers in their place.

If this article is true, Democrats will end up even more worthless than they already are. For any "Berniecrats", you may as well spend your time trying to make the Republican party socialist

This RNC looks like a Trump circlejerk, complete with Trump propaganda slogans and most of his family as speakers. I don't know if I'll watch it; it'll be too much rage and cringe.



Republican National Convention, Day 1 Airing LIVE Monday, Jul 18 1:00pm EDT on


On this last link, you can watch the RNC Day 1, and it has links to the upcoming RNC days. 1:00pm EDT is 5:00pm UTC. You can convert it to your local time here:

Some people ITT considers that because they think after endorsing Clinton, the Sandman now controls the Party.

Top fucking kek, this RNC is going to be a parody of unprecedented proportions. Just see what some of the speakers are going to be: Duck Dynasty, U.S. Navy SEALs and Marine Corps, Trump family members, family of Benghazi victims, UFC president, golfer, general manager of Trump Winery, astronaut, pastor, actor, venture capitalist, and CEOs.

What a complete joke.

but why?

Because the right loves the folks types for some reason.

here's the Stimulator on the RNC protests

People who use kids to make a political point should be burned alive.

also the gov. of mass is a republican so the democrats would lose a seat in the senate if warren left.


when will Holla Forums officially endorse Jill?

Another livestream of the republican convention.

It's just as terrible as you thought it would be. Possibly worse.

Her fingers are freakishly long bro.


My dick endorses Jill.

some OC about the upcoming convention/ B████ ██████

Guys, check the livestream, it looks like they're trying to take the power from the delegates!

Stopping Trump?

At the RNC. Looking for a role call vote.. Tune in, habbenings could be taking place.


no, they're just trying to keep trump from happening again. they're not that stupid. they don't even have anyone to replace him with.

next up, liberals picket the devil himself outside of the pits of hell. Jesus Christ, at least protest someone who has a reason to listen to you

Ah, that makes sense.



Lol @ "People are the ultimate resource" tho

link? I cut my cord many moons ago
Boring af rn tbh fam

kek thanks. The chat is full of white nationalists. which is entertaining in its own way


What did he mean by this?


Wikileaks infrastructure is apparently under attack.


this PROFESSOR is sprouting Facebook meme tier economics like its some kind of holy wise information for 'millienials'

members of the colorado delegation walked out of the RNC

“government ownership of the means of production,”

Literally every right winger ever.


Literally none of that is accurate I'm impressed
literally wat
>Socialism has been responsible for the worst crimes in human history.
And the free market fixes it. :^)

Well it's not called the dismal science for nothing. It's extremely politically charged and influenced by the status quo. If anything economics can be characterized as "the study of the operations of a market economy" because that's all it's been applied to and all it's relevant to, and people basically apply whatever laws they want and go "free market good because supply and demand", real world results be damned. It's the only science that does that besides maybe particularly crappy continental philosophy.

My favorite part is how he gets really close to correctly defining socialism but misses, like he looked up the google definition and didn't like it or something

ding ding ding ding

Top Wew

fuck amerkkka*

but muh terrorists and rapists are pouring over the wall, people don't feel safe

He literally uses the standard definition but changes "workers" to "muh state"

C'mon, I know a bunch of the people here used to be GG before it went to shit.

Cornel West: Why I Endorse Green Party's Jill Stein Over "Neoliberal Disaster" Hillary Clinton (Democracy Now interview)

reactionary idpol cancer

Why do we use archive links, anyway? And why not use over

Ok, kid.

To avoid giving people traffic, i.e. revenue.

Because has a political agenda and started making calls about what thy would keep archived.

To not give garbage websites the clicks/ad revenue, I believe.

Keep your condescending retorts to yourself. I'm not the one bringing up, and ostensibly supporting, what amounted to an idpol circlejerk tantrum about videogame journalism and promotion of reactionary views to combat the "SJW" bogeyman.

To also respond to , that's already achieved through a simple adblocker or similar extension like uBlock Origin, uMatrix,, Ghostery, etc. The archive link sometimes breaks the site and it obscures what the article is. While I seriously doubt this practice will change, I see it as a wasted and superfluous effort that I would hope is already addressed by the security culture present on this board.

Do you have any sources or further information on that? I'm unaware of this.

Funny enough, I usually end up just visiting the site without archive once I see the comment section is blocked out. I'm a sucker for comment sections. I guess I like the torture.

I want to endorse Jill but the green party is fucking shit. I can't think of anything worthwhile the green party actually did. Please tell me if I'm wrong.
Just because she's a more agreeable person than Clit and Trump how can I be sure her running for pres isn't just a vanity thing for her as well?

I kind of feel the same way, though it's such a hassle to unblock most comments sections that aren't just Disqus due to all the extensions I use that I usually just don't bother anymore. I am still a masochist for stupidity, though.

Jill Stein has a pretty long record of activism. I doubt that her campaign is out of vanity. In fact, Stein has even stated previously that she doesn't really want any such position of power and is only running for president because she thinks the United States needs the policies she's proposing and doesn't consider any of the other options to be acceptable. Although I have some concerns with the Green Party, as well, Jill Stein and the Green Party is the only credible option for the left at this time, at least until a popular party rises which takes their ideological place.

How about that anti-capitalist amendment they passed not long ago

tell me more.

No offense, but any links I post would be off the front page of Google, so you might as well search yourself and see the multiple articles on this topic: party anti-capitalist amendment


Another potential targeting & killing of cops.

"Three Baton Rouge Police Officers Ambushed And Killed"

this convention is aids

No shit, probably because most of the border area is spic majority already.

Lol. "Mexican-Americans still baffled as to why Mexican-American majorities turn US soil into Mexico 2.0., cite mo' money fo' dem programs as solution"



Hey at least they didn't have to escape from Communist Sweden.

Melania Trump
Melania trump confirmed 2nd best commie slovenian alive today


Those may block the ads but it's usually the site hit counts that are used to determine ad revenue and whether advertisers even want to do ads there. The only way to hit shit clickbait sites where it hurts is to stop visiting them.

Also removed some backup of dirt on Chelsea van Valkenburg at her request early on during gamergate and I think they took down some archive of another page on Anita Sarkeesian's request as well. This happened early on in gamergate and it's when people realized that wasn't really a reliable tool for either backup purposes or viewing clickbait without giving web traffic.

It hasn't been passed yet, it's just been written up for ratification at the national convention in Houston next month. It will almost certainly be passed there though.

Anyone else think "reactionary" is almost as bad a red flag as "progressive"?

It's precisely this sort of petty, incestuous, interlocking cliquishness that keeps the clickbait cycle running.

b-b-b-but only virgin reactionary shitIords care about videogames :^)

If it's used to label someone who's not reactionary, yes. Any time someone misuses terminology it's a red flag they're trying to co-opt something.

It just feels inherently meaningless to me, like "reformist". Literally everything is reactionary.

GG was not a "nonpartisan fight against idpol cancer in defense of openness, freedom, and art". That's ludicrous negationist nonsense. It was from the beginning an idpol-driven initiative to attack the gaming industry for promoting a different form of idpol than that the rabid GG zealots demanded. Any ephemeral and ostensibly leftist origins of the controversy were swiftly dashed and replaced by rabidly right-wing and reactionary idpol cancer. It was never, at any point in its entire existence (and I followed it for a while, when it began), divorced from the idpol-addled reactionary agenda that informed a large majority—if not the near unanimity—of GG supporters.

Or they're ignorant of the term's meaning and use it too liberally. Fortunately, none of that is the case with my usage of it above and here.


Well they're right about it being leftist for about a week

lel you just sound bitter at this point tbh, spouting all them buzzwords

The liberal clique that permeated the indie "scene" was hell-bent on shaping the industry to conform to their ideology, and were getting people to censor their games for being offensive. For fuck's sake, they got GTA V pulled from Australian shelves for promoting violence against women (because there are female NPCs and you can attack them just like any male NPC).

Just because Holla Forums saw something to take advantage of doesn't mean GG was nothing but idpol.

I didn't really get that impression. It's obvious that most of the prominent ecelebs would be rightists since the enemy are 100% "leftists", just like the prior anti-fundy status quo was mostly lead by leftists. Gamers are, demographically, more leftist than rightist, the masses of GG reflected that, and they still reflect it. I remember posting stuff like calls for dev labor unions with a positive response, even as late as when I shilled B████ ██████ campaign announcement the thread was mostly supportive.

Perhaps your opinion is distorted by the fact that the Holla Forums presence for GG was obliterated by eceleb butthurt wars between GGHQ & GGR, allowing Holla Forums to infest everything including the Holla Forums thread, but over on KiA (I only lurk leddit, I've never had an account), it's still pretty obviously a rightist-lead movement of leftists.

I support this. Violence against women is one of the defining issues of our time and letting pubescent boys beat off to hurting women will exacerbate it.

I remember that. Most of the people who were unsupportive got triggered by the wage gap being mentioned, and had reservations that he was a liberal idpoler.

The same country that produced Zizek also produced Melania Trump.

I don't know why this is so strange to me.

They are fairly opposite

isnt melania basically a trophy wife

I mean yeah, but she/Trump have pretensions otherwise.

Well actually most of my experience was with Twitter, which is/was split into reactionaries and ultra-reactionaries. GGHQ was mostly reactionaries as well. I'm well aware KiA is an improvement, I think they're in a minority though.

So Jill Stein is gonna be on the line at my state convention later this evening (we're doing a phone conference). I don't know how long she'll be on, but I might ask her some questions if I get the chance.

What should I ask her, Holla Forums?


they never gonna do it

Is it gay to like traps?

only if the balls touch

Ask about her being in Burlington, specifically if she talked to B████, and if so, then about what?

Ask her how she feels about ending capitalism and what should replace it.

I wanted to ask her about what sort of legislation she would push for to promote the existence and sustainability of co-ops (with eminent domain and a number of European examples), but we were short on time so I just asked the more pertinent question of whether her campaign would be able to send anyone out to help us gather signatures to get her on the ballot. Her answer was maybe later. Thankfully the deadline in our state is quite a bit after most others.

The Republicans in Congress will never agree to such a thing. It's a calculated move to try to get S█████ supporters to vote for Trump.

Remember that Trump's repeated refusal to dignify attacks on programs such as Social Security and Medicare as anything but "stupid and pointless" are what earned him the eternal ire of Rand Paul.

Really interesting piece

So are you all enjoying the Republican Nuremberg Convention?

That is interesting.

So, I'm going to be watching the entire RNC (it's recorded on C-SPAN), but I just finished a couple days ago watching the entire DNC platform hearings—yes, all ~62.2 hours of it. I watched the initial drafting and the delegate drafting.

Does anyone have any questions about the contents of the DNC platform drafting hearings? I can try to answer it from recollection.

what did she mean by this

Ask her what the's going to do about getting back democracy to all spheres of life in America.
How is she going to return power to the municipalities and how is she going to support democratic cooperatives over hierarchical corporations?

How pissed were they at B████ ██████?

Its not really that surprising tbh

All the Clinton delegates and representatives generally spoke about unity and "coming together" and occasionally praised B████ ██████ for his work, actually. It was the S█████ delegates and representatives, and the audience during both (who were mainly pro-Sanders, especially during the delegate drafting stage), who were by far the most hostile and provocative. Naturally, Clintonites didn't clap for Berners and contrariwise, but generally the Clinton side was more interested in feigning support to promote unity whereas the S█████ side was more interested in calling shit out.

Hardly surprising. They're trying to act like they have the high ground.

They're trying to look like the adults in the room.

Someone should end her already. Can you imagine 4 years of this shit?

And no, I wouldn't prefer Trump of course. Fucked, either way apparently, unless some miracle happens.

Yeah, why be passionate when you're really not & you have all the power already?

It's easier to rebuild from the ashes than from heat death.

It's bad that I couldn't tell which would be the ashes in that scenario.

No it's not. You have no idea how this works. It's easy to work the revolution from the position of having more resources to do it, not less. While Trump would be a nice reminder capitalism is awful and Bush 2.0 there's a difference

People who turned on Bush, eventually now say what a nice guy he is. Trump has support in such a way people would defend him like they do Reagan.

It's not that simple. It's never that simple. Giving into the American political system is bullshit and you should never do it. Don't vote.

I can't wait until she becomes president and starts denying that the wars she starts have even happened.


That's not the point. At Trump's worst he will burn the system down. At that point people will be ready to take it back. For fuck's sake look at how strong his opposition already is before he takes office. With Clinton, we'd just get more of the same, and even though Obama has continued Bush's worst policies nobody cares when it's a neoliberal doing it. Do you not think the ruling class have figured it out? Bush did what they wanted but he was a Texan Republican so he was easy to criticize as a warmonger. Obama was the first black president and a neolib so nobody criticized him for doing the same shit (but worse with drones and spying). Clinton would be just one more step in a slow death that drains the planet of resources and the people of engagement. Just like how criticizing Obama is taboo because racism, criticizing Hillary is taboo because sexism. If the liberals can keep this shit going, they will be able to do whatever porky wants and have an impermeable shield from criticism.

If they had the all the power, they wouldn't even be meeting with S█████. They're vulnerable right now and they know it, so they're digging in their heels to prevent being swept aside.

You're crazy. It's going to be free game on Hillary after the election. Unlike Obama, nobody likes her. He approval rating is hideous. She doesn't have overwhelming public support outside of "we got to stop Trump".

Once that's over with, they're going to crucify her and no one will give a fuck outside of CNN.

On the platform, they do have all the power. Which is how they've screwed us all on having a good platform. But that was expected.

[they] are always marginal characters: outsiders, as they cannot trust or be trusted, cannot give or share, they are incapable of living in a community; they are repulsive, as – being insatiable – they are characterized by excessive eating, drinking, and sexual behavior, having no sense of shame; they are not taken seriously, given their affinity with jokes, storytelling, and fantasizing.[58]

When a mimetic crisis is artificially staged in the ritual process, it always happens in the presence of a “master of ceremonies” who maintains order once the stabilities of everyday life are dissolved in the rites of separation. When the schism takes place in real life, however, it is not certain that charismatic heroes emerge that are up to solving the situation through eidetic perception, in the Platonic sense.[67]

When trickster figures are mistaken for saviors, then emotions will be continually and repeatedly incited, until the community is reduced to a schismatic state. Societies can maintain themselves in such situations of oppression and violence for a long time, without returning to normal order, if stable external referent points are absent. This is why schismogenic societies need to maintain themselves in a perpetual state of war; presumably surrounded by enemies who try to conquer and destroy them.[73]

They have the power on the platform but it's not stable.
president of the chamber of commerce kinda sorta endorsed $hillary

The Chamber of Commerce is against Trump principally for his opposition to the TPP and NAFTA (which is good) and his promotion of a 45% tariff on imported Chinese goods (which is ridiculously stupid). As far as I'm concerned, the CoC obviously prefers HRC.

I can't decode what you're saying. Do you support famous neolib treaties but oppose specific countervailing duties against neolib human rights arbitrage, vice versa, or something else? Both NAFTA/TPP and free trade with China are evil.

A commie who doesn't like free stuff? Like, nigga are you serious? Is this upside-down land? What the fuck is this board, honestly?

Makes me wish all of the faggots didn't suddenly rush to say they're supporting Hillary. If they would've held out, they could pressure Dems to go further.

Even the fucking Republicans are trying to suck Sanderista cock.

Wtf are you smoking? Free trade undermines the welfare state.

All wellfare is corporate welfare, and undermines workers owning the means of production. So no, we don;t like tax cakes.

I'm saying that the Chamber of Commerce has multiple reasons to oppose Donald Trump with many reasons to support Hillary Clinton. They obviously prefer the latter, especially since she's likely to pass the TPP and maintain the NAFTA anyway.

I don't support any such "free trade" agreements; I categorically oppose them entirely, though I am willing to tolerate so-called "fair trade" agreements, since international trade is necessary in a globalized capitalist society.

I do oppose a 45% tariff on Chinese imported goods, though. That will not only seriously damage relations with China, but it will also hike prices in the United States. That will lead to price hikes in Europe, and the response from European countries will likely be to throw a tariff on imported goods from the United States, which only further hurts the economy. Implementing a tariff on Chinese imported goods overall hurts the working class and disrupts international trade during a recession, which only further worsens the recession (and that disproportionately impacts the working class).

Oh and a tariff like that would also virtually cripple the Chinese economy, leading to what could amount to a great depression there (especially with its housing bubble on the verge of popping). That would not only hurt literally hundreds of millions of Chinese workers, whose conditions are already not that goods, but it could have massive ripple effects throughout the global economy, potentially aggravating it to the point of prematurely triggering the next recession (which is likely to happen later this year or next year, anyway). Overall, that policy of Trump's is ridiculously stupid and a serious threat to the global economy and the conditions of hundreds of millions of workers.

As for current trade relations with China being "evil", there's not much that can be done with the current trade conditions between the U.S. and China. We're in a precarious interdependent relationship and drastically changing that relationship, especially prematurely, can destabilize the global economy. As much as we may hate it, current U.S.–China trading relations, including perhaps even PNTR, are here to stay.

I really don't know how to break the fucking conditioning. They all immediately start yelling about how Communism killed 500 gorillion people and 1984 if I even mention Jill Stein, much less Socialism. And if I try to explain that the world Libertarian comes from Socialist history they're just like "nuh uh that's Liberal propaganda, anarchy is a right-wing concept"

I don't think so, mate

I just meant they're smart enough not to be Liberals or vote for trump but from that they drink the kool-aid of Right-Libertarianism

It's like people who are smart enough to recognize that there's nothing fulfilling in living a wageslave, consumerist life but instead of joining a revolutionary party or demonstrating they go and start/join a cult

At least you know of fair trade (requiring American law to apply in China, for instance), but do you know their relationship to countervailing duties (offsetting arbitrage)? The two ideas are extremely similar. Essentially, regulatory arbitrage works because production in unregulated areas (China's retrograde, lax, highly corrupt laws and the conditions they allow) and consumption in highly regulated areas (America's comparatively enlightened, strict, fair laws and the conditions they protect) can interact without hindrance, allowing excess profits to be made that would be impossible in a single legally "harmonious" environment.

This arbitrage profit can be described as a percentage. Obviously specific numbers for the exact amount of money saved by dodging American law abroad would be more accurate, but an overall number for the average amount of arbitrage by all trade is also somewhat useful. Regarding the 45% number, I would be astonished if it is even close to the massive regulatory arbitrage siphoned away by offshoring.

Fuck. That. Shit.
Offshoring is evil, it is evil for 1st-worlders, it is evil for 3rd-worlders; it is not helping the development of a sustainable economy in China, but harming it; it is not permanent, or even very old, but was in fact something created rapidly from 1973-1978 in a nuclear-grade assault on the 1st-world working class; it isn't even an aid to the global economy, but in fact the most ludicrous imaginable exaggeration of a tax cheat or pyramid scammer's mindset, enlarged to transnational scale.

It must stop.

True, but it's a necessary evil, since even in a system where employers weren't underpaying employees, other circumstances could necessitate the provision of welfare. Although, I've often thought imposing welfare expenses on employers might be a good way to disincentivize abuse.

i hope summer ends soon and you kids go back to your retarded liberal schools

It's a general election thread, not a B████ thread.

why do you hate poor people, comrade?

just let porky create jobs for those poor third worlders

they need jobs more than you muh privileged first worlders^tfw

Finally they've given us a date/time. Let's hope we get something good. Based on the build up, I'm hoping.


Calls for violence, repression and war dominate day three of Republican Convention

By Patrick Martin
21 July 2016


I don't believe anything they reveal is going to sway the establishment from going with Hillary. It would have to be pretty fucking damning to move those blockheads.

Unless it's Bill's post-underage-sex-orgy selfies or videos of Hillary literally pulling the trigger on someone I doubt it.

But I'd still like to hope.

Ive been thinking, there probably is a small dark part of liberals who want trump to win.
It would give them something to fight against.
Like when bush was president, they could make art, music, tv shows, all fighting against da man.
Right now obama is da man and ratings for the daily show, msnbc, etc are stagnating, iif Hillary wins ratings would go back to pre election levels, the democrats will be responsible for the war crimes.


Sorry for bad grammar
where were you when wikileaks showed the mails?
I was home eating smegma butter when piotr came in
"hillery is kil"

Her war record was not enough to sway them. Her record on gay rights was not enough to sway them. Her backing the coup in Honduras, her backing the coup in Egypt, her kowtowing to Bibi Netanyahu didn't do it. Her literal endorsement of and by Henry Kissinger didn't do it. Her dismissal of post-colonial concerns in Africa (and this, in a heavily idpol-infested liberal camp) didn't do it. These idiots are perma-spooked. They'll defend anything by their queen.

By "establishment", I think the other posters were referring to the (largely bipartisan, TBQH) bigwigs in control of the Democrats, not the deluded Goon shock troops you personally encounter online and at political events.


I think the best possible outcome from this, barring a miraculous political upset, would be to put even more pressure on Hillary and the establishment to appease S█████ and his supporters.

And why would we want that?
copcucks whine that the DNC won't pander to them more

Thoughts on Mike Moore saying he thinks Trump is gonna win?

He's probably right tbh

Moore is a giant faggot but he's onto something here-everyone in the media drank the neoliberal koolaid and assumes that Clinton is guaranteed to win.

Well there might be a case for Hillary not being healthy enough to be president.

and this

Moore probably wants trump to win so he can be relevant again with his documentaries.
Hillary winning is just another boring 4 to 8 years of the status qou.
I said earlier there is a dark part of a liberal that wants trump to win so they can have something to fight against.

Or maybe he just knows some shit we dont know.

? Thats just a goofy gesture. I do spastic shit like that all the time.

Good, then the democrats and the #NeverTrump republicans stumping for 2020 can form a supermajority against him, vote down every single last thing he could ever want, and bide their time until the loli lawsuits pick up steam and he ruins the Republican brand even more in the eyes of the electorate.

I don't know it just doesn't look like a voluntary reaction to soft questions.

Health issues have popped up other times during the campaign for her so I would be too surprised if things got worse.

Someone make a triggered gif of that.

Also, she's breaking down. beep beep.

Look, all we need to do is let trump shit the bed for 4 years, burn everything to the ground, and then rebuild.

Through trump a new politcs will be born on the left and right.
The center right neocons/ neoliberals will be on the ropes.

This keeps happening

I doesn't help

I don't think we're in disagreement here, I just think it should and may end before in a year or so with Trump being impeached for pedophilia and/or Trump U fraud, not all four years.

What is this about Trump and pedophilia?

here you go comrade.

Dude that's fucking amazing.

You made that?

grabbed it from half Holla Forums

Kinda figured.

he's being accused of raping a 13 year old in 1994.

There's a kind of uneasy de facto deadlock over this issue due to the fact that Bill-O is also implicated, but if Hillary loses the White House for the dems then the Clintons will be persona non grata in the party and there's nothing that'll hold the dems back from letting this go ahead.

I don't even know why I bother with these people
TYT defending NATO because Trump said he was against it

He's actually pretty close to right is the sad thing. You should've told him that economics is a really low-level discipline that's easy to understand and all of the people held up as important or influential in economics are held up as important or influential because they advance the agenda of the rich. It's also a matter of the sort who even goes into economics, liberals don't do economics.

Exactly. There's a reason why so many people on like Fox News are colossal bumbling fuckups independent of their political opinions.

That's bizarre. No savvy politician would voluntarily do something like that.

Some advice: Quit with this shit.

I despise Hillary and hope she gets trampled by horses or something, but seeing this in the context of her possibly being ill/having a seizure actually makes me involuntarily sympathetic to her. I don't like feeling sympathetic to Hillary, please stop. This approach will backfire. It's Holla Forums level nonsense.

Fucking Christ. If it's always gonna be this bad I might have to throw my hat into some of these races in 2018 and 2022, the dem candidates here are always a fucking joke.

explain this, leftypol
why dont you care about comrade corbyn?

can't even bring myself to watch it. tl;dw?

The Republican state senator for my district is literally running a campaign on "counter-terrorism" that's all his signs say, that's just about all his website rambles on about, and he'll win.

The apathy is real. How could anyone ever be a reformist.



Not buying it. The Democratic party used every dirty trick in the book to deny you the nomination and neuter your "revolution", I don't see how more inevitably disenfranchised idealists will fix the situation.

Believe it or not, there's actually a leftist rationale for eliminating corporate taxes: Business taxes are a loophole magnet because of how fuzzy the line between deductible expenses and accounting artifacts are (for the ultimate example of this, see why contractors like in showbiz always say "never work for net"), but if business taxes were eliminated, those corporate profits would still eventually have to leave the corporate balance sheets as salaries/bonuses/securities/etc, where the personal tax system would have an unobstructed shot at it.

Sadly, the amount of money that just sits inside corporations or is embezzled presents a problem for such simple measures:

American elections are suffering from the same problem as American Christmas, with the campaign season growing each cycle to the point where it will soon overlap itself. Electoral campaigns in other countries are still much shorter.

Because most downballot contests involve such a tiny number of participants that a handful of autists and their personal acquaintances could completely overwhelm almost any of them.

It's because of that stroke she had.

Trump delivers fascistic rant to conclude Republican National Convention

By Joseph Kishore
22 July 2016


that's the worst of it


What went wrong?

coin flips

Closed primaries.
"Lost" absentee ballots

Trusting a democrat

absolute madman

Man, I wish that were true. I'd be rubbing my Aryan hands to fast, the resultant energy would lead to nuclear fission.

W e w

What the living fuck. The first video could just show her sad attempts at trying to be funny, but that second one… this bitch might literally die before November.


about the nevada memery

literally correct the record

Looks like they were actually concerned enough to keep track of third party influence in his campaign.

jesus, they're butthurt over B████
Boy, gee. This sure is some stuff right here.

>From:[email protected]/* */ (DWS's email)

Ohoh fuck

They were really pissed about Cornel West.


b-but they said they would definitely take progressive's ideas seriously

What's going on in that email? It sounds like a stream of consciousness.

Welcome to Ameriga. Now vote for Hillary and fuck you.

anal annihilation


It's a speech-to-text conversion of a voice mail.



They were trying to do some real damage control in Rhode Island.


user, I…

>[email protected]/* */
who is this?

someone in the DNC i guess. It was sent from somebody at Time


And people were wondering why this thread was still up.. ;)

pls leave

From the Holla Forums lol thread with love

Now I know why Holla Forumsyps focused so hard on B████ over Hillary.
Just how shilled was Holla Forums? between unrepentant trump shills (including an actual ad on the site for far too long to be ironic) and Hillbots steering the trumptards towards B████.

I'm not saying I support PNTR with China, only that the current global economic conditions have cemented PNTR with China such that its repeal would yield potentially disastrous results. There is not much that we can do with respect to China; the U.S. is now waning and the core of the capitalist world-system is now shifting to China. Anything we do could only temporarily mitigate those effects, if that. More likely is that our flailing will only disrupt the international markets and aggravate the subsequent recession (which hurts workers) while not meaningfully improving the conditions of the workers in either country.

I don't know how we should approach the current U.S.–China trading relations, but ridiculously high tariffs and wholesale repealing of those normal trade relations seems like more of a death wish for the U.S. economy than a serious attempt at improving the conditions for the working class and setting the conditions for more revolutionary approaches.

Never ;—-D

Were they planting people?
I actually remember this question coming up at one point.

The advert was most likely funded from Iron March / Stormfront donors.


A thousand keks


somebodys angry

So far it's messages of a little kid talking, and old-ass Hillary supporters bitching about S█████ & Cornel West. Still listening, but not very promising so far.

She's in there multiple times too, I found another message with her ranting about how the DNC isn't doing enough to shut out S█████.

Just found a third.

Saltiest woman alive.

They don't even know who she is.


Apparently it's this guy

They've got all her tweets here for some reason.


It's kind of creepy, how they're archived like this.

She's on the hit list

Their twitter is churning them out

I'm just waiting for someone to find evidence of outright organized crime shit in that database.


Who has her tweets?


Original source of pics plus others I didn't post seem to come from an Alan Reed, in an email chain discussing whether they can vet her without making a scene.

She's on reddit commenting about it, too

You could've said the same thing about American reliance on slavery and agriculture in the early 1800s, or on a constant (very modern-China-like) flow of warm bodies in and resources out in the early 1900s, yet we decided to stop both of those things, at great cost, but are better for it. The regulatory arbitrage-driven global "economy" is a parasitic, unsustainable illusion that must be dismantled before it completely drains its victims and collapses. Fair trade mandates would obviously be the best way, but even stonewall isolationism would be better in the long term than continuing the abhorrent status quo.



back to reddit

Just found this. Same guy.

From: [email protected]/* */ [mailto:[email protected]/* */]
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:13 AM
To: Miranda, Luis
Subject: Fwd: MSNBC’s Brzezinski: Wasserman Schultz ‘Should Step Down,’ Dem Primary ‘Has Been Unfair’ To S█████

This is the LAST straw. Please call Phil a Griffin. This is outrageous. She needs to apologize.


I know the guy IRL. It's to protect my identity.



Not a whole lot you should be scared of.


Enjoy your democracy.



B████ ██████

Blanking out identities on an anonymous forum? Unthinkable!

> From: Daniel Strauss >[[email protected]/* */>]

They know.

> On Apr 24, 2016, at 9:50 AM, Miranda, Luis
> ________

A redditor found this.

Well that's gonna be fun.

fucking David Duke is trying to run for senate in Louisiana on the republican ticket

Damage control:

he lost in 1992 against a known criminal - no way he'll get it this year, Louisiana is less white than then

What does this mean? Does this mean Tim Canova actually has a big chance to fuck up the DNC chair if S█████ campaigns for him?


the DNC is spitting news articles into websites.

this is literally the DNC controlling major media outlets

I know i saw an earlier one for CNN



Post the link next time.


Talking about putting an op-ed by DWS "on blast." They seem to use that phrase whenever they want one of their messages propagated by their sockpuppets.


Debbie better start looking for another job.

CNN goes to the DNC to see if an article is acceptable or "too heavy handed".

Clinton News Network indeed.

Aren't you glad this is an election season? If the Clinton approved networks don't carry this story, their rivals will with a vengeance.


A $10,000 check going missing, then speculation it's "a Correct the Record"..

I'm totally donating to Wikileaks after this. We all should. I should have been, already!

Yes, comrade! Everyone on this board should donate to Wikileaks directly from their main bank account!

Keep an eye out for Deshundra Jefferson. I keep seeing her name pop up alot.

Should we be using twitter, and trying to spread info about this?

I'd rather donate to Tim Canova and get rid of DWS. The bitch must pay.

Total psycho face, holy shit.

I am on facebook.
I always seem to have an easier time with the normies on there than the #WokeWarrior crowd on twitter.

These media outlets were in direct communication with the DNC - even sending drafts for approval before publishing them. Just type "S a n d e r s" into the Wiileaks DNC search, and you'll immediately see WaPo, CNN pop up & references to editing Medium articles.

Also another email shows DWS losing her shit over Mika(Morning Joe) here
DWS telling her people to contact the President of MSNBC to try & force Mika to apologize.

From: Walker, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:03 AM
To: Pratt Wiley; Wilson, Erin; Alvillar, Raul
Cc: Patrice Taylor; Wei, Shu-Yen; CaucusGroup; Miranda, Luis; Jefferson, Deshundra; Lindsay Langholz; Dillon, Lauren
Subject: RE: Problem brewing in Rhode Island
I would like to be on this call, but first, I don't think we even need a statement. We just need something to cover ourselves. I think when we start getting inquiries, if we have a letter to the SOS that we can point to, it will show that we are engaged and that we don't just pipe up when it's a Republican administration closing poll locations. We can make the point to reporters individually off the record that it's not apples and oranges: Arizona more serious because the state was covered under VRA and has had a history of problems - Rhode Island doesn't have those same historical issues. Adding Lauren who mentioned this in the morning meeting.

From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */
Date: 2016-04-26 15:02
Subject: RE: Problem brewing in Rhode Island

No worries. To be clear - no inquiries yet, but RNC will be pushing it.

Pratt just swung by my desk - SOS ready to go on record with these points defending their approach, which is good.

I think that if DNC press office gets inquiries about hypocrisy between AZ / RI then we can direct them to RI SOS comment, and explain on background that it's not as dire as AZ and that RI doesn't have the same VRA baggage.

I never use my fb, but I thought it might be good to share it there(I already shared on Twitter sock/troll account & it's been retweeted). But on fb, the older people will have a better chance at seeing it. We all know most don't keep up with this stuff, and will buy the MSM angle. Good to get to it before the retarded damage control starts.

Patience. Twitter is right now on fire about the RNC Convention and John Stewart, so the spread is happening slower than usual.

Give it a day and everyone will be talking about it.

Why? polite sage


He pulled some stunt on the main stage by dressing up as that announcer guy from the hunger games shit, and shit talked them all

Hahahaha holy shit.

Why do Americans let themselves become this stupid for hope

That's Stephen Colbert. I thought maybe Stewart was doing marketing for his new show or something.

If you go on some of the B████ facebook groups, there are a lot of people hungry for information and feel left in the dark.
Most of them don't seem internet savvy enough to find it themselves.


He was on the Late Show last night and blasted Fox News for hypocritically supporting Trump in his Daily Show style.

That was Colbert.

Yall right Im dumb

I can't wait to see Jon Oliver do apologetics for Hillary.

American Democracy was always a mistake. It can only get worse

Another person whose emails keep coming up, usually talking strategy, like:

Nothing juicy yet, though

Samantha Bee has been doing that nonstop on her show which apparently people watch

That would imply it ever was a democracy.


Nigga you mean "fascist oligarchy"

On May 7, 2016, at 3:21 PM, Manriquez, Pablo >> wrote: Hi Team, Apologies for delay in sending this out but I cannot login to [email protected]/* */> with either of the passwords I have on file for the account (Obama-Biden-2012 and obamain08). Quickest solution here is for me to blast from [email protected]/* */>? I know this runs against protocol but if [email protected]/* */> is out of commission again and I’m the press POC all weekend anyway…this would go a long way toward Making Saturday Great Again as your weekends faithful firewall from work shit like this. Let me know. Thanks!

>Apologies for delay in sending this out but I cannot login to [email protected]/* */> with either of the passwords I have on file for the account (Obama-Biden-2012 and obamain08).

What a bunch of fucking brain surgeons.

This. Help our senior citizens by allowing them to feel anger again.

Someone should just post these reddit threads for them. It's laid out pretty good there.

Someone with a FB account post those to the B████ groups.

look at all this crying over wikileaks


what fucking monsters
Subject: RE: The Hill: S█████: I've lost because 'poor people don't vote'

When cornered: BULLSHIT
From: MirandaL
To: PaustenbachM

You people know Wikileaks sides with notorious Gamer Gator Milo Younoopolos, right? Why are you taking them seriously?

I'll add that one to the ED article.

I knew they were colluding for that bullshit.

Assange believes that everyone should say and know everything possible, even when it's not the best idea. I don't always agree with that stance but to suggest that he's secretly an alt-righter because he doesn't like even justified censorship is ridiculous.


Why and how?
Either way, it doesn't matter.
We still get information out of it.

doesn't matter if the documents are real

Hillary Clinton is going to be Nixon 2: Corruption Boogaloo.

Fuck off. Twitter banning people they disagree with is a problem.

It's also an example of private property NOT being the arbiter of freedom that ancaps love so much.
From: hrtsleeve
To: Miranda, Luis; Paustenbach, Mark; Banfill, Ryan

Subject: MSNBC story
This is a good story. Did we get them the info near the bottom?

On May 19, 2016, at 1:07 PM, Miranda, Luis >>

From: hrtsleeve
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:14 PM
To: Miranda, Luis
Cc: Paustenbach, Mark; Banfill, Ryan
Subject: Re: MSNBC story


To: hrtsleeve

Date: 2016-05-19 15:16 Subject: RE: MSNBC story

>The DNC Chair has repeatedly said on the air and otherwise that it’s not her job to tell either candidate to get out and has never called for anyone to get out of the race. She has talked in very positive> about both of our> and the substantive campaigns they’ve>. As for the stuff that Joe and Mika tried to rehash this morning about debates, the fact is our debates earned far better ratingshttps:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */-889d8ab42ca#.qepssg11f> overall this year than they did in past cycles. And as NBC knows all too well, when we were able to get both campaigns to agree, we added four.

>The single biggest factor determining the nominee (85%) is the participation of voters in primaries and caucuses. You can see a post we did here that lays out the facts on Super Delegateshttps:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */n079v7>. It also debunks the false myths about Iowa.


>And here’s what Politifact said: [Inline image 1]>

>[SigDems]>Luis Miranda, Communications Director Democratic National Committee 202-863-8148 – [email protected]/* */> ->

It blows my mind how quickly spergs on this board jumped on the "he deserved it" train. That's like the least important aspect of what happened.

Comrade [REDACTED]… What are you up to….?

To: MirandaL
Date: 2016-05-19 16:47 Subject: Re: MSNBC story

I wouldn't say he deserved it, although he is a hypocrite. I would be more willing to say: I told ya so. There's going to be allot more of that saying soon.

I don't really think those are comparable because the collapse of slavery in the United States didn't and couldn't have caused a disruption in global markets and an aggravated recession that would impact the majority of the global working class. Moreover, the shift to industrialization was the implementation of technology which improved economic efficiency and increased production; that is not comparable to trade relations, especially contemporary globalized trade relations such as PNTR with China.

Regardless of the "parasitic" and "unsustainable" nature of PNTR with China, its wholesale repeal would just as readily threaten to cause an economic collapse, if not guarantee it. It would be more prudent, in my opinion, to attempt to renegotiate the terms of PNTR with China. It's simply no longer possible for the United States to be a hub of production; it's already a "matured economy" and no longer provides a suitable location as a core of the capitalist world-system. Trying to flail and fight this shift is only going to damage the United States and the global working class while failing to actually prevent the inevitable changes capitalism is currently undergoing.

I just don't see a feasible and beneficial path for ending PNTR with China, much less ending the interdependent trade relations we currently have with China. This is an economic dance between two global superpowers and it won't end until the music stops playing, and that music is capitalism.

Care to provide proof?

Twitter banned Milo for clearly violating the Twitter terms of service by inciting harassment on multiple occasions. If Twitter was actually censoring people "they disagree with", there wouldn't be such a strong presence of literal fascists, white nationalists, and alt-right reactionaries on Twitter. Or are you saying that Twitter "agrees" with those groups? No, Twitter is a corporation and they make decisions based on what is best for their corporation and its profits. Agreeing or disagreeing with the politics of a given user is irrelevant; what matters is whether the terms of service are being upheld.

I'll post this too:

Politely request the Milo topic to go to Holla Forums or make your own thread here if it's worth it.

We wikileaks now

You may not say that, but there are a lot of (probably ex-liberal) kiddies who see he got banned and start celebrating. He's definitely a hypocrite though.

I keep seeing this claim but I've yet to see anything to back it up. Also
poo poo pee pee hands off my private property
Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy
I can't wait for our fair and democratic system of government to correct this problem and punish the clinton team for misbehavior

got it fam
polite sage

Milo thread this way

Watch this:

lmao, good title

Thread's been there a while m8.

Thanks, I made that thread. Sadly, it didn't go like I expected.

This actually is an interesting discussion on its own though. Can twitter ever become something that the government has an obligation to uphold freedom of speech for? Can any public internet forum?

He's revealing his plans for the impending purge.

Not by US law, because muh private property.

I want to believe.

Still. The ubiquity of these services grows everyday. The internet is considered more or less a service and resource akin to water. I wonder…


The UN classifies internet access as a human rights. Net neutrality sets a precedent in the US that internet is a utility.

Then do a fucking Google search rather than expecting people to spoonfeed it to you. Anyway, there's no reason to think that it isn't true, especially since that was the official statement by Twitter. It's not in Twitter's interest to ban users, especially big users like Milo, because those users help keep the site active and keep the profits flowing. The only reason Twitter would act would be if the user posed a threat to the long-term profits of the enterprise. Violating the terms of service, whose existence is to ensure the sustainability of the userbase and thus their profits, threatens those interests. If Milo just engaged in his normal alt-right house faggotry and didn't violate the terms of service, he wouldn't have been banned no matter how egregious his commentary got.

Welcome to capitalism. It's childish to ignore how capitalism works just because you disagree with it. You might not like those terms of service, but that was the basis for the indefinite suspension, not whatever anthropomorphized beliefs and feelings you have assigned to Twitter.

If you want to bicker about this non-news, feel free to go to .


"OFF THE RECORD … RE: can you send me the letter S█████ sent the DNC?"

got 25 shares already

Don't do this. You are going to get people shadowbanned. Reddit shadowbans people who follow direct links from other sites and then vote on content.

I've never heard of this. I say he should be fine. It's rare mods get off their asses on reddit, anyway.

Awesome result, thanks user

They won't punish it, but I think we can surmise what the Democrats are going to do about this.

The first move would be begging for forgiveness by promising extensive reforms. Watch as those primary issues suddenly get solved fairly quickly and the Democratic platform gets even more progressive. We might even see crocodile tears from Hillary at convention, who knows. The next would be sacrificing DWS. This has been discussed before, but since she's in a lot of these e-mails, it would be best if she disappeared before she became an issue in the general election.

All in all, we're going to get a lot of "we fucked up but we're sorry" from them(if they're smart), but it's likely going to cost them a big chunk of congress.

I think the surest thing we can take from this is that B████ going to get a fuck ton stronger since he was RIGHT. The course for the movement is clear. The targets are fixed. All he needs to do is authorize the purge.

My question is, if Wikileaks has the ability to give vital information about the farce of democracy in America, why not do it to both parties? I mean to say this is only Clinton is to be naive to a fault, and people honestly believe Clinton is the only perpetrator of this kind of shit already.

It smells of a kind of agenda, but nonetheless the information about liberals is welcomed, if not already known.

It's a bot that does it.

Because they only got a leak from the DNC. Surely you're just trolling and not really this stupid. "Leaks" is in the fucking name.

Thanks for the link it was pretty clarifying and I am honestly pleasantly surprised by a decent policy for once. But yeah I doesn't look like the gubment' is going to step in anytime soon to provide support for a platform themselves. Which is probably a good thing. Anonymity is a powerful tool for constructive discussion.

Tell me more about the purge comrade


They're going to double down on the B████Bros narrative and claim that the nasty Brocialists doxxed and harrassed poor public servants.

I find this suspicious. It's not like Trump's campaign is entirely competent at all, surely there's loose threads. And considering the speech writer, people who within it who have become disillusioned.

I find it underwhelming that they don't have the talent to excavate only one party.

Yes that's exactly my point.


They'll go with their M.O.

I watched the net neutrality hearing live. TBH the Democrats were surprisingly on point about it. Republicans were full on porky shills though. I guess there was a strong enough campaign that they knew better than to fuck the people on the issue.

The DNC leaks happened because Guccifer 2.0 hacked the DNC server. Probably because they reduced the security for Hillary's emails.

That's not how wikileaks works. For fuck's sake, "wiki" is in the name too.

I know exactly what it is, the people within it should have the talent to find the "alternative" party's information. You're agreeing with me by saying they are unable. The difference is I find their collective inability suspicious.

They've already started doing just that:

That's a great strategy if they really want to lose the election.

Remember, they still need Sanderistas and independents to vote for Hillary in order to beat Trump. That's why they were going through all the motions to inspire party unity, like . The Democrats might as well concede to the Republicans if they go around blaming a large amount of progressive for their own corruption.

literally, where?


Here are their options
They are porkies. They will go with option 2.

You've been watching so far, right?

I never gave up on him fam

Yeah, going with B████ right now would seem like a smart decision since you now have mountains of e-mails confirming that you colluded against him. Going with Hillary right now would be telling MILLIONS of young voters, the very future of the party, to fuck off.

In the end though, we're probably going to see a lot of congressional democrats lose their positions over this, either through B████crats, Republicans, or the DNC trying to save their own ass.

That's why I included "(if they were smart)". Any stance other than humility would be suicide right now.

This election is 2000 on steroids. Do you really think the ruling class wants Hillary to win at this point? Maybe Hillary herself does, out of sheer pride or ambition or just to spite Bill, but a Hillary Presidency would highlight the contradictions of capitalism far more than a Trump Presidency would.

How class-conscious is the ruling class though, honestly? How many of them understand that capitalism has contradictions?

Hillary seems to be like a cancerous tumor of political clout that the oligarchs are supporting out of necessity rather than real desire.

The Kochs certainly do, they're punishing people for attending and agreeing by not legally bribing them. They're not minor players, they've been game players as far back as we've lived. They're part of the Cato and Aspen Institutes.

This tbh. She could probably have a lot of them assassinated if she wanted to.

there are maybe only 2 options for them 1: that they are massive bumbling idiots who are only able to string the carcass of capitalism along by pure luck or 2: that they are completely aware of how contradictory it is and are able to control it to keep it going along.

They probably don't view it in such terms, but I imagine at least some of them are aware that the left is the greatest threat to neoliberalism and want to keep it tapped down.

Not surprising, Clinton is probably slightly more propertarian than Trump.

"#DNCLeaks: Washington Post & DNC joint unlisted fundraising party"






The wikileaks page is fucking brutal.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall for


This. Milo isn't a hypocrite at all, his agenda is to either destroy dens of inequity like Twatter, or force them to admit "We are officially an SJW platform, rightist behavior is explicitly forbidden, failure to kowtow when virtue signaled is punishable by gelding" and reap the consequences. Such places only exist because they pretend to be neutral, the sooner that façade is broken, the better, and Milo is the best man for the job so far (though I'd prefer Sam Hyde on pure skill of technique).

Why not? What do you think would happen if capitalists were completely blocked from access to their supply of low-wage foreign corpses for their meatgrinder, would American industry simply refuse to hire anyone and magically grind to a halt, or would there be a massive economic boom? Remember America used to be a high-trade, high-immigration robber barony before, but then FDR instituted exactly the policies I'm suggesting, against exactly the same naysaying, AND IT WORKED.

We did it before, and we can do it again.

No it isn't, it's 1st-world blood being drained out through taps constructed of 3rd-world flesh into the gullet of vampires, it serves no other purpose.

Not that you aren't trolling, but remember all those stories about the Republicans sabotaging Trump's campaign and rigging their own primary against him? It's hardly obscure.

Yup, bipartisan porky priorities in strict order are 1# defeat S█████ #2 defeat Trump 3# defeat Hillary. Forced into a binary choice between the first two, Trump wins erryday allday.


Are you trying to argue that you would vote for Trump? What? The classic "B-B-B-B-but Hillary is more badder!" argument?

Voting for Hillary and voting for Trump might as well be voting for either at the same, a vote for Trump is the same as a vote for Hillary, it doesn't matter. You won't find a fixed system under Trump, nor will he help either.

Trusting in good faith this man and this woman want the power of the executive branch and are willing to take major campaign contributions for favors, is enough to vote for neither; under your own logic voting itself in American state democracy is worth it.

Maybe in fucking fantasyland.

For there to be an economic boom there has to be capital in the economy for production industries to capture, but there isn't. No one is buying and no one can buy. It's so bad that companies are loaning billions of dollars to governments at negative interest rates because there is literally nowhere to expand to or invest in.

I meaaaaan… The porkies might back another candidate and bleed Trump and Hillary out of votes too. Hillary's support is establishment not porkies.



They trade off each other like they're playing a game. Politicians become lobbyists, lobbyists become politicians.

There is no difference. Have you never heard of the revolving door?

Whoops. meant for

The establish is run by the porkies you fool

I perceive a very real difference.
And you can see it with Trump. The Koch brothers pulled funding from all of their puppets for attanding the RNC. Well I wonder what the Koch brothers will do with all that capital? Support Hillary?
Talking about how to spin the convention in Nevada.

Wow, yeah, I'm sure the greatest economic depression in history combined with a global political and military fascist assault against democracy is NOTHING compared to the "challenges" we're facing today. Grow up.

God, I hope S█████ comes to his senses and campaigns through Stein/write-ins/whatever if the Republicans split their vote in significant numbers.

Are you implying Trump isn't another kind of person who supports the capitalist class? Are you insane?

He's taking campaign contributions from donors, some of which also gave to Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, he has delegates out the ass.

Trump is "anti-establishment"? What a joke.

I never suggested any of this?

I'm not psychic but I'm pretty sure at this point he's trying to discredit the Democratic party as thoroughly as humanly possible. My prediction is he will still be telling them they should nominate him, which they should but they won't. It'll be incredibly eye-opening to the American people about where the party really stands/stood. It's likely to spark interest in a new party. He has the support and funds for it too. Imagine if he rode this momentum and spent the rest of the campaign cycle getting tons of B████crats into Congress.

DNC Statement on Nevada Democratic Party Letter


You're retarded.


He already announced plans do that after the convention. He wants to keep his movement growing.

Do you think Barnie knew about these emails before the leak

With any luck burnie and wikileaks are in collusion

Sorry, middle reply in was meant for

I'm saying Trump (although that is may mostly be "Trump" the image rather than his how actual administration would turn out) is a loose cannon that has ripped apart post-Reagan partisan consensus/suppression of consensus on issues like trade, social programs, religion, immigration, and war.

I dunno, that seems pretty retarded to me.

Spread this shit.

He's been in politics a long time, I assume he knew all this shady shit was going on. He actually pressed lawsuits against the DNC, etc, over some of the content/issues in those emails.

I just heard some goon on MSNBC claim the DNC leaks were done by the Russians to make Trump win/Clinton lose therefore the leaks are bad. He also never addressed the actual substance of the leaks and why they're actually so troubling.

He didn't do that because he believed in what he was saying. He did that to get where he is now. And he did that because its profitable.

What I really like about these emails is knowing how genuinely angry and pissed off they were at us the entire time.

If a GOP leak led to public knowledge of a bunch of stupid shit they said and conservatives decided to blame Russians, Dems and the liberal media would mock them for an entire year.

You have more experience being a retard than me so

And now they're the "conspiracy nuts" when they try to deny it.

This leak is extremely satisfying. Thank you, Ass-ange.

And they still are.

I'm now 100% certain they would rather see their party go down in flames than move even one inch to the left.

Is it just me or are they seriously asking if they should deliberately libel the S█████ campaign?


Like Hitchens said, they'd rather lose elections than lose control of the party.

With this leak it looks like both will happen.

"Google now listing Wikileaks as a 'dangerous' site"

True. S█████ has the future of the party in his hands now. Nothing they do will ever take it away from him.

DWS damage control I think
From: Tracie Pough

From: Miranda, Luis

On May 18, 2016, at 2:24 PM, Miranda, Luis >> wrote:



Stewart Lee has let himself go.


It's a shame that cunt isn't up for re-election until 2020.

"#DNCLeaks: Google head @EricSchmidt "maxed" out in donations to Dems NRSC & DSCC"

Gary Johnson Taking the Same Support from Clinton as Trump


Fuck them indeed, but this article seems to check out.

It seems that both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are by themselves poaching votes from the Democratic and Republicans equally. If this trend holds, it means the whole "spoiler" arguments are basically bunk this election and all of us should be encouraging as many people as we can to vote for either Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.

I missed, why are we encouraging people to vote for Gary Johnson again?

Get ready for libs downplaying the leaks by going

They'll be the ones surprised when Trump becomes president.

These leaks must be painting very clear lines for the party activists who are bothering to read them.

1. It weakens the corrupt party duopoly in the United States.

2. It helps the "Libertarian" Party receive federal funding and recognition as an official third party, which helps #1.

3. It siphons votes away from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, especially the latter, which helps #1 and #2.

4. It bolsters friendly relations between Greens and "Libertarians", which helps the Greens and facilitates #1–3.

5. So long as Gary Johnson's poll numbers remain high, it provides cover for Jill Stein by providing a secondary counterargument against "spoiler" concerns, namely that we aren't really spoiling anything so long as our polling is below or equal to Gary Johnson's. We can, of course, abandon this talking point if Jill Stein surpasses Gary Johnson.

That seems fair. I was just looking at so of his views on issues and a sizable amount of it looks undesirable.

The if the worse of the two parties were full capitalism instead of just conservative it would be much easier to oppose capitalism. As it stands now the D and R parties are much more mixed on which has the less revolutionary position.
Consider guns or trade for instance.

Ducking auto correct

I don't support him either. Gary Johnson and the entire "Libertarian" Party are useful idiots for the bourgeoisie who are so intoxicated by their ideology that they fail to see that they're unwittingly betraying their own class by voting for policies that directly benefit the bourgeoisie. Because they're useful idiots, though, we can use them as a means of undermining Trump (and, to a marginally lesser extent, Clinton) and to bolster the Green Party, albeit indirectly.

If Johnson is allowed into the debates after reaching 15%, he may even advocate that Stein is also included since the Greens and "Libertarians" have worked together in the past to try and combat these exclusionary policies which inhibit third parties. Even if he doesn't, though, it may strengthen the Green case for demanding that Stein is also included, especially if some in the Democratic establishment are stupid enough to believe letting in Stein will help offset Johnson's inclusion.

They're already saying Wiki-leaks is supporting Trump.

there aren't enough gulags in the world

Even though Wikileaks has almost exclusively used the #Feelthebern tag.

They're fucking stupid.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation follows me on twitter now… Are they legit? Their website makes them look alright for the most part but they want open borders and full rights for immigrants. Also the wage gap thing.

how is this a bad thing?

If you think these are somehow bad you probably don't belong here.

Everybody posts the first part of this e-mail, but forgets the even more damning second part.

These are the same idiots that said Hillary is the only one who can beat Trump.

She only has a 2.5 % lead on him in the polls. 2.5%!

Why the hell they following you on Twitter

Because it's combined with socialist policies like free health care and $20 minimum wage. Open borders comes with communism, not when your neighbors are still capitalist.

Wage gap is nonsense. The real problem is wages. See above for other point.

I don't know. I guess they saw me tweeting about the leak.

is it La riva 4 president cause they followed me aswell


So no appeasing the B████ people

have you followed wikileaks, greenpartyus, or dr jill stein recently?

All of them. I just made the account.

Probably the former, actually. The power vacuum that the corporations would leave once they inverted their way the fuck out, along with the massive capital flight that would ensue, would cripple the U.S. economy and potentially plunge the global economy into a recession if not a depression. Afterward, a large boom might occur as the economy rebounds, but that's just boom-bust cycling at work.

The United States still had a labor shortage and modern globalization was not possible at the time. Now, there is no incentive for a large multinational corporation to manufacture in the United States. They can supervise their workers from tens of thousands of miles away and ship goods across the world for a much, much better profit than would paying the high wages in the United States entail. That's precisely the reason why manufacturing vacated the United States in the 1970s at the advent of modern telecommunication and transportation: it was wildly more profitable to ship jobs overseas.

During the Great Depression, this was not possible. The boom after the Great Depression was the result of massive federal spending, a wartime economy as a result of the highly convenient World War II, and the inability of corporations in the United States to go anywhere else without potentially risking their entire enterprise for marginally better profits (if any). None of those conditions exist now. Unless you intend on proposing we implement Green New Deal coupled with nationalization of many industries and converting them into syndicated cooperatives, and to initiate a third world war with the Russian Federation via NATO, you're probably not going to have even comparably similar conditions to what occurred after the Great Depression. And as for that proposal, the chances of that happening is asymptote.

And there's no serious way of stopping it without a literal communist revolution (or Lenin-esque revolution) in the United States. The United States depends on Chinese manufacturing and credit to survive, whereas China depends on the United States' consumption and borrowing to survive. There is no breaking this interdependent relationship. The United States is now China's hinterland, but China needs our decaying empire to survive and the rest of the world depends on both of us—and the dance we do—to ensure the global economy still functions. If that relationship is severed, the global economy might completely collapse and that is the last thing we need right now.

As much as you might hate it, this trend of China leeching power from the United States is an irreversible shift in the capitalist world-system. Capitalism is dying and we have reached perhaps the final stage of its life: the world-system shift. Whereas the United States, western Europe, and Japan have historically been the core of the capitalist world-system—the locus of all production, with the rest of the world as its hinterland—globalization and recent technological developments in modern telecommunications and transportation have provided capitalists with a unique opportunity: abandon the old core and shift to growing economies in the hinterlands, where wages are low and profits hit record levels. The new core is now (for the most part) China, Brazil, and India. Like globalization and those technological developments, this trend is irreversible. Capitalism has abandoned the United States and all that is left is for the U.S. empire is to rot until we bury the remains.

There is one upside to this, though: because the United States is now waning and becoming a part of the global hinterlands, revolution is now possible. Revolution seldom occurs in the core of a world-system, whereas it frequently happens in its periphery. The Soviet Union, Cuba, China, and elsewhere are all proof of that. Revolutions only occur when the core is decaying or, in the case of our current conditions, shifting. We are in the unique position of being both the decadent old core and, increasingly, the periphery of the new core. The conditions for revolution are increasing and it is only through that revolution that we can seriously address the trade relations we have with China and elsewhere.

'The illusion of choice.

Fair enough.

Jesus christ fuck off to another thread already.

Kaine confirmed VP pick.

I think they are just blanket following anyone who follows one of those accounts i dont know which though

America needs gulags now more than ever


I'm prepared for a Trump presidency.

Are you?


your post?

Could be. Seems like wiki leaks would be the one to go with. Kind of weird tbh.

DWS Remarks for DNCC Exec Committee Reception

lol they're calling Trump "Dangerous Donald."

Trump absolutely stumped himself last night with his horrible speech.

I am ready for the Clinton Administration to finally open the borders and prepare America for global communism.

This is some of the most tame boring inoffensive shit from that though. Wow people in media work phrases, shocking.

The nicknames are supposed to be embarrassing, not make them sound cool.


Clinton will ratify the TPP. Trump will refuse it.

A vote for Clinton, or abstention, is a vote for the TPP. If you don't vote Trump to stop the TPP, you have no right to call yourself a leftist.

Trump will vote for TPP and will not follow through on any of his campaign promises.

Likewise, nobody here should vote. If you think your vote matters, you're too liberal to be here.

But in all seriousness you're delusional if you think Trump will stop the TPP

"Don", maybe, but Donald? Tell me some part of your brain doesn't still link that name to a hair-triggered cartoon duck.

Trump will build a wall

Global Communism cannot exist without open borders

Ok then. Let globalism sink its fangs deeper into America.

Jill Stein has been on fire lately

Open borders render the working class powerless against the (((rootless capitalist elite))).

Donald "bomb the middle east to glass" Trump is globalism, you fucking imbecile. Are you really this naive, is this your first election?

I sure hope you meant to tell people to vote for a third party and vote for the leftmost down-ballot candidates.

The jews are the only ones who can save us from the porkies.

Truly they are our greatest allies.

Third party might get support but it will never win. Even if it becomes a major party, the liberal reformation state socialism you want will still never happen.

Your votes don't matter. Even if they did, you're probably influenced to vote against your own interests.

Go shill for Trump somewhere else you fool.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the TPP or the working class of any race in general. He'll take one look at it, maybe get his palm greased, maybe make some cursory changes, but he'll ultimately declare the TPP "a great deal. It's great, best deal I'll ever seen" and sign it and your life away. All the while you'll be slobbering all over his knob because he saved you from the (((globalists)))

You're making a lot of assumptions friend. Voting third party is a protest vote so people will see higher dissatisfaction. I like how you ignored the part about down-ballot candidates too.

but… muh goblins

The more I visit this board the more it seems like you faggots are basically shills for international capitalism. And to be honest, I doubt any of you have blue collar jobs… or jobs at all.

It's history

They won't give a solid fuck.

What would be the point of going outside to vote at that point

Corrections: Revolution is now feasible and revolution only occurs in the core when the core is decaying or shifting.

Eat a bullet. This discussion is relevant to U.S. politics. Anyway, this thread is cycling, so it's no going anywhere anytime soon. You can continue circlejerking about the #DNCleaks without me preventing it from occurring. If anything, you should be glad I'm bumping the thread.

Lol, kill yourself, Holla Forums.

Probably the most cringe worthy shit I've seen.

Nice shitposting.

RNC platform be like "naw man, we can't rush it." Not so much 'we gunna kill it : )'. It's better to vore third party/vote in the congressional elections.

It's an anfem poster, what do you expect?

It's really amazing how the DNC utterly destroyed Obama's constituency in one election season.

We're living in historic times, my friends. Many great songs, movies, and books will be written in response to this election and the presidency that follows.


I never said anything about borders.

Very rude.

You realized based marx was a jew?

You realize based B████ is a jew?

Jews are based and the savior of humanity.

thanks for shitting up the thread la

your da probably sells anne summers


Less, after this.

But that risks a Hillary victory. Look, I'm not saying Trump is good. I'm saying the alternative is far worse

Feder wasn't a jew. Useful Idiot wasn't a jew. Kikes shill for globalism; successful socialism must be national.

They both suck shit stop trying to push this. Trump won't follow through on about 90% of the bullshit he's promised. You're naive to think so. He can't do half this shit without the government shutting down in protest again.

Wow beautiful reasoning, Trump supporters are so intellectual. It's refreshing as getting your face soaked in battery acid.

Globalism is a means to an end.

Once all races have been eliminated through irrelevant shiting and religions have been abolished there will be nothing to prevent a real revolution.

Race and religion are the most dangerous things to our species and must be eliminated.

If Trump did even 5% of what he claims he would have done more than any president since based Nixon

Wow Nixon. What an ideal to strive for.

If you actually believe the jewish propaganda that Nixon was anything but a good president you should kill yourself.

Of course voting generally doesn't matter, and arguably doesn't even count, but it's nevertheless worthwhile to do even if it's nothing more than a symbolic gesture with virtually no chance of impacting the results. Civic and democratic engagement is a good ritual to practice, since it helps one develop a commitment to the democratic process. The same is true with engaging in town halls and municipal meetings.

It's more useful to vote for Jill Stein and the most leftist downballot candidates, as said. Simply staying home and pouting about the illusory state of our democracy accomplishes even less than the symbolic exercise of voting.

I seriously doubt anyone, especially here, is under the illusion that the likes of Jill Stein or some other third party can win the general election this year. That isn't the only possible goal, however, and it demonstrates a profound naïveté to believe it is. Voting for Jill Stein (or Gary Johnson) can also potentially help the Green Party receive federal funding as an official third party at 5% and even join in the general election debates at 15%. It also raises consciousness by showing how third parties like the Green Party is growing in the United States, which signals to the public that supporting third party candidates is not so taboo anymore while letting the political establishment know that their time is limited.

Care to explain?

This isn't how you sell me on your point

Allot of other socialists weren't however.

The IDPOL is out in force today.

Remember, protecting gays and niggers outweighs massive corruption and antisemitism, muh privileged sinner.

gotta admit, i'm impressed


>>>Holla Forums


Niggers and hippies deserved a lot worse than Nixon gave them.

He was the hero we needed but didn't deserve.

That's one of the defenses for Hillary on Twitter right now. They're basically saying voting for corruption is saving minorities from Trump.



You're making a lot of assumptions about my reasons.

They pretty clearly do, given the state of things.

You are an anarchist supposedly, but you don't understand why local politics is important?

your veneer is peeling away m8

I'm more willing to side with these people because Trump is brazenly corrupt while Hillary is brazenly corrupt in a different way.

It's the same logic anyone here uses to justify their voting choices.

Still hate all Trump and Hillary voters all the same.


Mystifying your argument through the prism of self justified belief in order to explain expectation doesn't make your opinion any more valid.

It's time to stop.

They disrupt society.

That in and of itself is deplorable.

The greatest responsibility of a man is to uphold law and order.

Pretty simulation m8

Oh and your opinion of Milo is so ludicrously embarrassing that I wonder whether you're a false flag from Holla Forums. Twitter has zero interest whatsoever about enforcing any sort of narrative or agenda. Like I said in and , It's a corporation and the sole function of corporations is to maximize profits. Its interests, therefore, extend only insomuch as they achieve that prime directive. Enforcing a narrative cuts into those profits, so there is no reason to expect or suspect that Twitter will do so.

If that ridiculous proposition of Twitter enforcing a narrative was true, there would actually be evidence of it. Instead, all we have is this contradictory fact of reality of Twitter being populated by strong and growing community of literal fascists, white nationalists, and alt-right reactionaries. That alone disproves it.

Except I'm not doing that?


Except you are?

You sound like a massive wuss.

Rigorous authoritarian control of the masses is the greatest achievement any government can make.


Shapiro is such a fucking child holy shit. Also, that's pretty fucked up but not at all surprising.


whose law

whose order


Governments are spooks, along with many other things. Read Stirner.

The law and order of conventional society.

By whose convention?


society in it's current form was designed to uphold capitalism and restrict freedom. Why should i protect it against my own interests.

Majority rule

Group think is the ultimate law

So if the law and order of conventional society was that you should die. Would you kill yourself?

lol inb4 whitenationalism


The people here saying they support Trump are just Holla Forumslacks and shitposters, right?

Jesus Christ fam can we get back to shitposting about Kaine/Wikileaks instead of feeding the Holla Forums trolls?


The suburb is nothing but a protective zone- remodeling, disinfection, a snobbish and hygenic design- but above all in a figurative sense: it is a machine for making emptiness


100% they came here thinking they could convince us to vote for the porkie that bribes the establishment


Why convince you when genocide is so much faster?

They keep droning on and on about race and God Emperor with hopes that we'll eventually give in. It's how they win, sheer attrition.

also check'd

And yet, only one of those candidates has any "pants on fire" ratings. Hmmm...
I think the main problem with politifact is it scores soundbites like "We have the highest childhood poverty rate of any major country on Earth" as well as statements like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

Dude, this'll sound crazy but vote for the african nationalist. It's usually a big red flag for "crazy" like any nationalism but african nationalism itself is a fairly sound ideology. Of course the lol is much more likely to win but see what you can do about it, maybe even volunteer.
State level politics is a desperate state of affairs, I'll say that.
Run Nigga Run


Fucking hell.

Oh, they made it clear as day. Nobody calls out President African-American and gets away with it!




Every time, it's either Susan or Phyllis

Ideologically or in membership? He's caucused with them for 10 years and has been a member for about a year. There's no "Democratic ideology", it's called a big tent.


I love how obviously unstable DWS is. Seems like a total textbook narcissist, can't handle bants.

God he is so fucking based.

"Fingerprints"? The sly fucking bastards.

He even calls it "money laundering", fucking incredible.


He might mention it, but he'll also say it doesn't change his endorsement or membership in the party.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they mention it on one of Fox News' talk shows nobody watches and maybe MSNBC but never make a big deal out of it.

Ah, gut point.

WEW let's hope this shit tears the fuckers apart, shit like this is just what the media needs. Fuck 'em up, Donald. If Donald mentions this the media can't ignore it.

That's a fucking laugh. I love how none of it's sourced. The bit about the fundraising is probably true, but S█████ won't touch dirty money and they know that.

Tell me about Bern. Why does he wear the entryist disguise? A lot of loyalty for a hired shill.

>> It's better to vore third party.
Agreed famalam
By the way, I love how people were calling psyops regarding a lot of bullshit that was clear bullshit that the Clinton camp spewed, and this confirms that it wasn't just shilling, it was straight-up psyops. Someone talked about how someone said Gamergate psyops was probably going to polish said tactics for Hillary. Conversely, this also helps show that Gamergate really was psyops.>> It's better to vore third party

Desperate Donald.

Nice autism

Deceptive Donald

Tyrant Trump

Kinda like how SJWs do too. It's like idpol turns people into babbys.

Good luck with that noodle arms

Wow I regret sticking my nose in here already.

ooOOo… Now I'm convinced. I'm a #Trumpmissle noa


I didn't realize how long it got, I'm sorry.

this lol

trump is going to kill us all haha

we must stop him

That was fucking brilliant

SFM is perfect for political cartoons holy shit.

Way too many syllables.

Dupin' Don
Despot Don

I'm fucking dead

Google already hates Assange.
This is probably the nail in the coffin.

Demon Don

What was pic related all about btw?

I never believed she'd really be picked as VP, but do you guys think there was a conspiracy here? I think that by showing the world that she'd be open to the idea, the Clinton team pretty much exposed her and instilled some skepticism towards progressive politicians. Or something.

Yeah it's people doing the "hello fellow leftists" bit and trying to persuade us to make a protest vote for Trump.

Given the rampant stupidity we've seen from them, I think it's more likely that they thought getting her to endorse Hillary was nothing more than an attempt to get the B████ vote.

Trump is jewish and a zionist

He will sell the country out to Israel

Holla Forums is a bunch of jews, we of Holla Forums will make sure those dirty kikes get what's coming to them!

Based Bernard S█████ will run third party and win.

Why didn't she endorse Bernard? There's no good reason other than her own self interest as a politician, surely

Except for the part where the deadline to get on the ballot has passed.

Yep basically 100%. Dude do you remember how ass kissingly hard that endorsement was?

He will win through write-ins.

it might not get as goofy as all that now

There's a deadline for that too, as nonsensical as that is.

I like that the leaks confirmed that all attempts at unity were hollow gestures before Shillary picked her VP.

The party is broken.
DNC tryin' to get summa dat sweet sweet burger (king) money


My favorite part was how mad the DNC shills got that Sanderistas were stopping Her from pivoting to the center. To borrow a phrase from the Trumpenproles, it's like B████ is playing 4D non-linear chess and they're playing checkers.

This is fucking tragic.

Just think, by the time the convention roles around, all 20,000 e-mails will be processed and all of the juicy shit will be distributed all over the internet.

Philly is going to be a mad house.


Whew, social security nerds are trying to make Wikileaks seem like the bad guy again when it isn't their fault people are so retarded they share their credit card info via unencrypted emails.


These people share their fucking PASSWORDS over unencrypted emails. They deserve their information stolen.


Everyone knows Soros is just a tool of the Rothschilds.

I was going to make a joke about the DNC "getting into bed with known monarchists" but most fast-food chains are creepily feudalistic, aren't then?

I'm just grateful that our corporate overlords are too stupid to implement a cyberpunk dystopia.

For now.
They're trying to get George Clooney to do a special event at the DNC

We need to


Isn't George Clooney who Trump wishes Trump was, really


George Clooney should be president. If we're going to live in this late capitalist nightmare at least have the president be someone everyone could masturbate to. I'd say do it before he ages but he doesn't age.

Daily reminder these people don't benefit from there being no state, money, or classes, which means them. : ^)
Trump Has Concocted a Dangerous New Blend of Pseudo-Leftism and Nativist Populism
good article on Trump's populism and idpol


I think he's just disappointed no one is reporting on it on msm.

Why? Is he sad that his lazy grandma can't learn about it?

You're right guys, I'm sure Shillary will be prosecuted this time.

How many emails are left to release?

This is "part one" after all.

Don't worry guys the Hillary Victory Fund was totally legit

Hi Luis, Just saw this article:

From: Miranda, Luis

From:GWilson at

Lel someone posted Chuck Todd's face this morning.

Shit, the full e-mail is their goddamn battleplan.

whos chuck todd and whats his relevance to the leaks?

I normally hate using betamale or cuck as an insult, but Movieblob is a clear example of a cuck for Hillary

So they've finally come out and admitted it, they're just as much slaves to capital as conservatives

He works for MSNBC and was the DNC's contact with them.

oh I see. lol
The face looks like mine when I was 5 and my report card came in.

There will be more where that came from I'm sure.

Specifically, this is what's a big deal and probably why he made that face.

At least use coherent English when shitposting.

Prove it.

Twitter on suicide watch.


There's a big list of bullshit people have uncovered here


lets hope comrade.

unironic upvote :^)

I fucking knew that the question at that event was planted

there's something about DNC people using the word peeps that makes me feel uncomfortable.

dog whistle for

I wonder how many posters here were on their payroll?

We need a "best of" of these leaks.

I found it effective. Whenever a shill or an idiot tries to downplay it, you just pick one of them quotes as a response.

Not as many as reddit

A couple, early on. But they were always so blatant and retarded I imagine they gave up pretty quick. Every once in a while a shill will pop in and get laughed at into oblivion.

Sanders needs to renounce his support for shillary ASAP.

Yeah, without mods to protect them shills stick out like a sore thumb


Person that neveir existed, will not, as he wants to stay in the party, hopefully to push his agenda.

Extremely relevant.

User was suspended by admins for talking about CTR (the super pac that funds the shilling)

Only admins can dish out suspensions. They happen rarely


Lol. It was really something to see the change when the shills started posting on reddit. Overnight, it was a complete flip from overwhelmingly pro-Bernie to overwhelmingly "BernieBro B████Bro, sexist, woman hater boo hoo he lost now get with the program" and from that it slowly morphed into the Trump circlejerk it is now.

Thanks comrade!

From: Michael

From: Parrish, Daniel

From: Zach Allen

From: Parrish, Daniel

From: Zach Allen

From: Parrish, Daniel


Also the mods of the bigger subreddits (who are in regular contact with admins) were handing out bans left and right for even mentioning shills.

And this is why I don't go to plebbit.

There was NebraskaGunOwner too who got banned (though it was undone later after lots of criticism) because he talked about Hillary's FBI investigation too much. He was basically the /r/politics "expert" on the whole thing, posted in every thread, with relevant legal information.

So naturally the only thing the mods of a political forum could do was ban someone for participating in political discussions.

What the Actual fuck!

> Please find all details for this inspiring event within the RSVP link> (when you do RSVP, I would very much appreciate if you would indicate that I, Shefali Razdan Duggal, am the host who invited you to this experience). Please feel free to pass this invitation along to others whom you believe may be interested in joining us for a exciting and energetic experience with Secretary Hillary Clinton and many popular artists. Should you have any thoughts, questions, concerns or would like to RSVP, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]/* */ >. Or, if you are unable to attend this event for any reason, Secretary Hillary Clinton, the campaign and I personally would so deeply appreciate if you might consider a donation (of any comfortable amount) to support Hillary for America. Any quantity which you can invest into the campaign would be absolutely beneficial to help facilitate Hillary Clinton in continuing to share her vision within and throughout the United States. Thank you so much, in advance, and I look forward to seeing you there!

Actually I don't necessarily think that she picked him because he's a centrist. She ipcked him because of Virginia. Which is smart, when the race is this close.

Obviously it's not illegal or wrong, but what's wrong is that they even HELD a primary that was a lie and a sham. If they just nominated someone it'd be different. It's also fucking stupid and suicidal. Effectively, as always, Bob Chipman is a fucking homonigger and the only argument he can take down is a strawman, because god forbid he make videos.

lol is this clown's name actually "schmuck?"

Schmuck, Bobby E. EOP/WHO >> wrote:

"Kaplan, Jordan"

Shapiro, Alexandra

Kaplan, Jordan

Shapiro, Alexandra

Kaplan, Jordan

Shapiro, Alexandra

Shapiro, Alexandra

Kaplan, Jordan


Feeling pretty let down right now. I spent over $2000 on donations for B████, and then this shit happens. That was supposed to be going towards my tuition this semester, and now I'm short funds with nothing to show for it. Trying to find a job for rest of the summer but no luck.

Tim Kaine? At least she could have picked Elizabeth Warren and gave B████ a position on the cabinet. But this? Really depressed.

You gotta be kidding me comrade right?
Democracy is just an Illusion.

all at once or like what

You're too stupid to be using a computer.

were the (you)'s really worth it

what an idiot…
remove that flag
this was predictable

I keep on getting blocked when arguing with people on Twitter. Oftentimes, I'm not even rude, or if I am it's always in response to previous hostility from the other user, either at me or at another. Am I just an asshole or is this commonplace on Twitter? Usually, it's liberals and Hillary supporters who block me.

polite sage for off-topic, but I'm curious if any of you have experienced this

This is bait from top to bottom, right?

might as well throw another (you)

lots of h8rs man. Sorry dude that shit sucks

twitter is cancer m8. Pretty sure its commonplace


It is commonplace.

make me smuglord.

I got blocked once because I called someones twitter poll stupid. the options were


Is anyone going to talk about Hillary's pick for VP?

whats to say? He's as uninteresting as it gets dude. if hillary thought it'd move the needle at all it just shows either how unafraid of trump she is or how out of touch her campaign is

Man I know Holla Forums takes bait like nobody else but come on.

are B████ and Not Socialism censored?

Holy shit Holla Forums censors things as a fucking joke? I thought this place couldn't get any more pathetic. I thought that was a meme.


No, that's just Shitter.

The BO is a cunt, but we're fantastic. So there's that.
Hey guys, /r/enoughsandersspam still exists.


Cuse' he's about as remarkable of white hair military faced dude. (the Republican one)

I feel really bad for you Americans right now, you have a choice between two old cunts neither of which is a good choice but right now the proven racist cunt is probably going to win.

The wordfilters aren't the joke, they are the setup to the punchline that is you.

Gets me everytime.

is anyone brave enough to check how they're reacting to the leaks?

It's a fucking joke you retard. Everyone knows Who B████ ██████ is. And Nat Soc is corrected because it's not socialism. You're attitude is highly excellent and I think you should go to a website where they put up Rated PG Parental Guidances.

Sometimes I call him [REDACTED]



I fucking hate that >>>/anarcho/ is dead and so is >>>/liberty/

BO is a Tankie.


Already did. They're calling them "out of context" and basically trying their hardest to read the less bad ones as lightly as possible and outright ignoring the really bad ones like the one where they talk about spreading the Nevada chairs myth.

like, this is becoming a daily regular occurrence, famrades.

Almost every single exchange I have is ending in one or more people blocking me. Of course, it's usually after I basically imply, or outright state, that they're retarded and don't have a clue about what they're talking about, but it's only because most of them are extremely condescending toward me.

I think I've been blocked like 10+ times today alone. Top fucking wew.

fug, forgot to sage


That's twitter for you.

Hey, what a surprise, a subreddit for misinformation is spreading misinformation.

He says it's not a conspiracy at the end of an email in which he literally conspires to undermine the S█████ campaign.

y tho

ess people will be the death of me. I don't know how much correct the record pays these people but it's too much

Yeah. Unless you are cowed by liberal snark you're going to get banned. Its because people see personal twitter accounts more as a brand then a place to have a discussion.

You make their brand look bad you get blocked son.

And the thread gets redacted

Twitter is an awful place to have a discussion though.

Yeah it is.
but thats where the people be

people are also awful for discussion

muh enclave

It's where a lot of fellow millennials are and I can use it as a platform to push and normalize revolutionary rhetoric. Also, I'm bored out of my mind and I get a certain guilty pleasure with the rapid bickering that occurs on Twitter. The only problem is that I'm using my real account.

I've never used Twitter, anyway, and only recently got into it. My interest in it will probably die within the next few months and my account will go back to being dormant.

This is basically what I've noticed. If I have the temerity to persist and be aggressive in my criticism, I'm usually blocked immediately. It's like Twitter is a game of catching the lowest-hanging fruit and condescending them until they cave to the peer pressure. For those who put up a fight, blocks and mutes are ready at a moment's notice, often after pushing in a few final replies. Because I don't do the latter part, I often find myself wasting hours with the retards.

And speaking of "liberal snark", I was blocked by some woman and self-described "feminist" for having the audacity to call her out for spreading bullshit about Jill Stein being anti-vax. It quickly got ugly when I basically started accusing her of being a shill. After her final replies, she blocked me before I could respond and tweeted on her main feed something to the effect of "blocked for refusing to respect my opinions #mainsplaining", which of course got likes and support from her clique.

Maybe I'm just a glutton for frustration and rage.

140 characters, and usually much less due to @replies, hashtags, and links. It is a shitty place to have discussion, but it's a new and interesting medium and it's where all the normies and many dank commie memes are. If it weren't for the fact that I don't trust Facebook in the slightest, I might have done it there instead.

They also be on other places, like Facebook and Youtube comment sections. :^)


Still sounds normal, kek.

Trump is a nationalist, the reason the right hated gay people and trannies is because of the Evangelical wing.
I dont know if trump is religious but i would think he just genuinely doesn't care about all the jesus crap.
A victory for trump means that he successfully tied up all the jesus freaks and threw them in the back trunk, and now faggots are in the club

Isn't Pence religious though?

pence is the vp establishment buttboy trump found to bounce ideas off of and never listen to

No, not kidding.

Just small donations at first, but then in May I donated $1200 in one shot, got lost in the moment. Lots of other people were donating that kind of money, their entire rent checks, etc. and living in their cars. I really thought he could have won.

Not bait, just really fucking stupid to believe this could have ever worked.


Perhaps not…

Donald Trump Reportedly Plans to Delegate All Domestic and Foreign Power to his VP


I'm not sure if the claim is legit, but if so, it appears Trump was just a front for the GOP the entire time.

Oh. See, your post just reads like posts Trump supporters used to make. Sorry about that.

In that case, I understand why you might be upset. Here's my take on it- your money may not have had the buying power you had hoped for to make B████ president, but goddamn shitfucking hellfuck if you didn't change a lot. Worst comes to worst, B████ will get Senate Minority Leadership, which is important. The millions still left over from his campaign will go to his orgs. We spooked the Democrats with our rapid and efficient organization. We had a bajillion times more volunteers than Obama had for his presidential campaign AFTER he had secured the nomination. We changed the platform extensively. We woke people up to injustices. Her shitty VP pick has more to do with Virginia than centrism, and it definitely isn't indicative of our impact, especially since he won't listen to him at all.

Also, if you need a job, set up a computer repair service. A fucking monkey can do it, especially when it's software-related.

whisper of a meme, we can still win

kek, Basic Kasich said the same thing. I hope he's not lying, it's hilarious to imagine Trump coming groveling to this guy who got like 2.3% of the vote because of his appeal to centrists. If anything, Kasich might be a shill, but he's also no sellout. I admire the fact he turned him down.

>corporations[…]leave[…]inverted[…]capital flight[…]the U.S.
Where on earth would they go? There's hundreds of trillions in financial instruments locked up in the US economy, even more abroad under US control. Like somebody else observed, the various piggybank mechanisms are already so overstuffed they're paying negative interest so that Uncle Sam can keep their booty safe. Even if there was somewhere to put it, the most trivial expatriation tax would destroy them.

You're talking about the Great Depression, look at that graph. Look at it.

That was also true into the 1920s, the age of colonialism when neoliberalism on steroids ruled the waves of the Gilded Age, offshoring production to petty possessions and importing desperate immigrants, much as today, but far worse. Even your suggestion of technology is ridiculous given the fact that abuse of readily available Hispanic nations and laborers collapsed in the era I'm referring to, and magically exploded at its end.

The federal spending part is true, but it was already working before WWII due to the alphabet soup agencies. Also, there was the tremendous issue of harsh new business and financial regulations… Such as trade tariffs and immigration quotas.

Most of your post that isn't good communist theory is boilerplate MSM pablum, and I can't blame you too much for it since there's really nobody countering such propaganda in an organized fashion, but this is by far the worst. Take a quick skim through these articles:

Notice that foreign ownership is valued at only $15T out of a capital stock of OVER $270T. Now notice that the Chinese GDP is over $11T but trade accounts for only $2.2T exports and $1.6T imports, for comparison, US GDP is over $18T with $1.6T exports and $2.3T imports (note that these trade figures are global, China only accounts for 20% of US imports and 7% of US exports). Ending regulatory arbitrage would be a bare blip on the radar for us, and a shocking but manageable event for China.

My point isn't that China is leeching power from the US, but that the transnational corporate plutocracy is leeching power from both of us. Also, the idea that the US is waning is absolutely ridiculous. Current and projected massive gap between our economy and anyone else's aside, even if the US descends into 3rd-world levels under the uncontested reign of neoliberalism, we will remain the center of the financial world, though as a prize jewel client of corporations rather than a state superpower.

Like said, that's some impressive trolling. On the one hand, he was a corrupt scumball that probably assassinated his way into office. On the other hand, the guy violated every conservative principle imaginable by opening relations with China and kicking offshoring to overdrive throughout the 3rd-world abroad, while instituting USSR-grade economic controls at home.

Better yet, due to the unusual legacy of our republican federation, downballot 3rd-parties and sympathizers could use state legislatures and even direct referenda to kill FPTP voting at the federal level without the cooperation of the federal government.

Every single "charge" against Milo is a transparent crock. I love the way it's evolved, first the story was about a poor little corporate PR whore mysteriously without an IT handler getting flamed with a fraction of the bile that Milo wades through constantly, then that Milo himself went over the line with banter you see online everyday, then that he started harassment that actually began long before, then that he aided in faking statements from her that were obviously parody, now there are ridiculous conspiracy theories about him secretly masterminding the original redchannit threads threads (leaving aside the fact this reboot movie and its shills were created for the explicit purpose of spewing utterly despicable slurs against and generally infuriating ideological enemies.)

Also, Twatter and profit? Really!? They haven't generated one wooden nickel, and their PR puppets have constantly been shilling the idea of other entities "adopting" and "subsidizing" them as some sort of public utility! They may have started as a cellular IM venture, but after they became a darling among journos, HR, and politicians, they've become little more than a mechanism for political manipulation.

You realize what this means, right guys? IDPOL WILL LOSE ITS BOOGEYMAN ON THE LEFT! WE'RE FREE AT LAST!

Twatter's design is perfectly suited to creating out-of-context OUTRAGEOUS soundbytes to form crybully mobs against ideologically disfavored celebrities with.

Is there really hope?

I was getting ready to put up an anti-/r/ess/ mural until I got fucking stopped by a cop who saw my practice drawing

What was it gonna say?

You know, if these guys are CTR shills…

How many do you think have Obama-Biden-2012 and obamain08 as their passwords?

Not likely. What we know about them seems to suggest that most people work from home on their personal accounts.

It was going to be a mural of Trump and Clinton in the vein of "My God Help Me To Survive This Deadly Love" with a few shortened links to the more damning /r/ess/ posts

Or they're Indians recruited and paid to slave away via piecework websites.

Tim kain is a low energy jeb tier vp pick that will scare away progressives.
I think a lot of people are just going to sit this election out, which works in trumps favor.
Have to see how the debates go.

To the new core of the capitalist world-system, namely China, Brazil, and India. The European Union and United Kingdom are also options, though they are also the old core and thus waning in power.

Naturally, the bourgeoisie are panicked and want to try to hold onto their waning empire for as long as they can, since it has served them so absurdly well for the past two and a half centuries. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them are so intoxicated by ideology that they fail to see the futility in it. Nevertheless, the core appears to have shifted and nothing short of a revolution can change that.

What of it? The United States did still have a labor shortage. Just because there's a labor shortage, that doesn't mean mass unemployment isn't impossible, especially during a sustained downturn as bad as the Great Depression.

Nowhere at comprable levels. I find it hard to believe that the conditions you just described are seriously comparable to the high-tech globalization we're currently experiencing over the past 40 years.

The cause of the boom, however, was due principally to a WWII wartime economy.

You haven't specified where my "communist theory" is lacking and I don't even watch the mainstream media anymore, so I suspect your accusation of "MSM pablum" is not accurate. This analysis I'm proposing is what the likes of Richard D. Wolff (Marxist economist) offers, not the shills on .

China produces the majority of commercial consumer goods, however, which is the foundation for the U.S. economy. That's why almost everything you own was manufactured in part or in whole in China, even including many of the products labeled as manufactured elsewhere.

The current trends since the 1970s support that conclusion.

And you seriously trust those models, which were probably produced by neoclassical or Keynesian high priests economists and which have built into them countless different assumptions informed by their bourgeois ideology? I prefer to see the actual economic trends of the past half-century and draw a conclusion from them rather than rely on the notoriously ephemeral projections of capitalism's paid shills.

s p i c y b o i


Trump will thrash Hillary, and Hillary will thrash Trump, and it'll be a question of who gets a worse thrashing. She may be a boring shill, but she's not a low energy cuck. The VP debates will be snorefests unless Pence really is a surprise.

Voting is my fetish tho

Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal. Sex Criminal.

You’re still on about this? What do you prefer instead—shitpost on Holla Forums and wishfully think anarcha-feminism into existence?

A simple Google search dispels that:

The story has remained consistent this entire time. Perhaps you shouldn't rely on chan and Twitter gossip to inform your understanding of the event next time.

What compelling evidence is there for believing that Twitter, a private corporate enterprise, is principally motivated by something other than profit and the maximization thereof?

At least that changes something.

Trump will change America I know it I just know it!

Trump at the debates:" Remember that time you voted for the war in iraq", "remember that time your husband gutted the working class with NAFTA", "remember that time you destroyed Libya and gave rise to isis" "Remember that time your husband expanded the private prison industry", "remember that time your husband rode on a pedophiles private jet"

Clinton at debates: "Uhhhhhh, he said mean things to mexicans"!

more like

They both support war in the middle east and both support NAFTA

This is literally the worst form of idpol “personal is political,” neoliberal, ego-centric (in the worst way) cancer. Electoral politics may make one inch of difference, but that’s a whole inch better than your zero. At the very least it has the potential to raise consciousness among the public, unlike your doing-nothing, which has the capacity to raise consciousness in roughly 0 to 1 person.

What hyperbole? Me bitching about feminism will do more to change America than Donald Trump.

of course shills will do everything to derail meaningful discussions

The damage control is real

what meaningful discussion. what shills. What am I shilling

This high art

I didn't implied you, you did it yourself.
Tells quite a lot, don't you think?

I am shilling my brand

you are either a shill or schizophrenic because the way you type and shit on actual discussion is truly shit worthy

truly shit worthy

Yeah, real “change” comes about by shitposters and complainers whinging around in echo chambers. I was an edgy college anarchist too.

When you get into the real world and start paying bills and taxes, have family sent on tours of duty, struggle to pay medical bills and have loved ones being imprisoned in administrative “security detention” (oh yeah, that’s happened to me too), then yes, you realize the electoral politics has some useful effects. More than “changing muh cultural discourse” wankery lmao.

You'll be a liberal in five years.

Never said bourgeois electoral politics would save us. Never said we shouldn’t be organizing in real-life leftist circles. How many here are actually doing that? I am. But it’s the highest form of liberal idealism to think that, in the case bourgeois politics has little effect, it’s better to do literally nothing at all.

lol on the twitter subject, I just got blocked and criticized on my follower count for bringing up that Hillary wanted to start a war in Iran.

This fucking libs are so piss scared of trump dudes

Tankies truly are cryptoliberal counterrevolutionaries.


I'm in Frente Socialista in Puerto Rico. Or I will be.

I've noticed a lot of anons from Puerto Rico. I think something big is happening here.

The question is how do we get people to care about this leak?

I'm thinking if anyone lives near the DNC Convention they could print out something like this.

I think it might help especially with the amount of people that will be there.

I suddenly understand how tankies think

That's actually from a specific strip. Whoever did that is a master.

wew that's not what's being said you fucking normie

Please see the spoiler-text and the two sentences immediately preceding it in

You children and your lifestylist “rejectionism is activism xDDD” meme are the reason the left is powerless.

If you fail to see how actual people’s lives are affected by politics, then what the fuck are you doing in politics? LARPing? You are.



Refer to . I'm not objecting to your justified criticism of the (potentially false-flagging) anfem user, only to your peddling of trite tropes about anarchists which I expect from a liberal of a particularly conservative predilection—and, curiously, from tankies. Such rhetoric immediately discredits you from being a serious participant in any discourse from a radical leftist perspective and impugns your own ideological affiliation to the radical left.

Flags exist for a reason. That user obviously doesn't have the anarcho-green flag, so it's safe (and rational) to assume that we're probably different individuals. Then again, you seem more interested in cycling through anarchist stereotypes and inculpating anarchists collectively as a monolithic and one-dimensional group than caring about such nuance like there being more than one person who might disagree with you or that those disagreements might not be predicated on a difference in ideology or tendency, so perhaps it's futile to even try to explain.

same thing happened to me, too, famrade. i seriously didn't expect someone to use my low follower count as an insult. even with my low opinion of liberals, i didn't think one could be so shallow.

Sorry for triggering your identities


Yeah it was fucking baffling dude. I asked if it was a joke and then got the bloxxxxxxx.

Open up a twitter for identity brand shilling m8

She went full asspain on me but somebody who chimed in with a high follower count she was suddenly rational.


Shillary just fucked up with her vp pick, on the surface it seems smart because boring white guy who wont rock the boat.

You dig into it and he is a corporate liberal loved by wall street that wants the tpp.

The democratic electorate are leaning more towards far left ideas whether it be B████ bros or the insanity of sjw's.

all the young jaded people will sit this one out, all the hyped up old white people and pol will vote in mass.


during the DNC convention twitter and tumblr must be taken over by leftypol as we shitpost memes about woke corporate grandma

This is always the case, though. Politicians have to cater to older voters. Why? Because the youth don't vote.

Also, nice non sequitur. We're talking about class, not far left v. far right. But sure, in a way, Trump could be competitive with the very class that Democrats love to present to the masses as the people they’ve sworn to protect from Republicans, Wall Street, and special interests, despite the fact that the latter two are equally invested in Democrats (if not more so) than the GOP.

The Holodomer was propaganda though. There was a famine in 1928-1929 that is literally ignored by Western scholars, except a select few. Look up Mark B Taugin.

No, they fucking love doing that shit dude. It usually insinuates you're a troll/shill. Because you know, maybe you just have better things to do than shitpost on Twitter, unlike the losers you're conversing with. Like on my account it literally even says made in 2013, an embarrassing number of tweets from when I actually used the service, etc. they just go straight to follower count.

Which one?

Where are they getting Guccifier had connections to the Russians?
I keep hearing this spouted but not a single person backs that up.

Probably a new narrative they're trying to spin.

I'm going to the DNC with a sign like this. I had something else but then wiki leaks happened. Any suggestions for what to use instead? I'll be in the protest marches. Gonna have the image printed later today.

Some intelligence organizations concluded it based on things like using similar tactics as Ruskies. I don't think that proves much though because Russia is the nexus of hacking and piracy and has been since the day Gorbachev took office.

Point out the main issue with the leaks- that they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the "Democratic" party had no intention of actually listening to their voting constituency and instead cheaply manipulated them with things like the Victory Fund to get the candidate they wanted to the top. It's probably illegal, and if it isn't then it's a huge "fuck you" to their voters and shows they don't give a bit of a shit. Something like-


Just realized the term we've been using is "Demexit", not "Lexit"

something bold and catchy to wake up normies from a distance, like "HILLARY = 1%" or "It's not Her vs. Him, it's us versus the 1%"
Also feel free to share new wikileaks revelations with the crowd and see if anyone has the balls to crash that insult to democracy they call a convention.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together has to see there's something wrong with a big fucking fence separating the actual people from where the party supposedly for the people is having a circlejerk for the cameras.

I'm thinking of doing a qr code linking to this

I would try things more like Hillary2016, Hill4Pres, or something like that. A long shot, but there are so many shills in that fetid little nest you're bound to hit on something.

Likewise. I was incredulous, then promptly ridiculed her for such a ludicrous response.

It's becoming increasingly apparent that Twitter is a collective exercise in vanity and virtue signaling. Such a waste of potential.

Nah the format is shit to start with. A circle jerk platform like that only got popular because narcissists and advertisers made it so.

It's amazing that that thread is full of fucking dullards just now wondering if reddit and the people in charge of it might be manipulating the site and its content in order to support some sort of narrative or interest.


Some of it is probably sarcasm. Reddit has had plenty of scandals about that. E.g. the Chairman Pao thing.

Care to trot out any more memetic nonsense from Holla Forums, or are you through?

Really makes you think…….

Holodomor was indeed propagandized for obvious reasons, but to suggest that it was merely another famine despite the strong evidence of political motivation is, at best, dubious.

New York Times sees only “whiteness” at Republican convention

By David Walsh
22 July 2016


How's this for a sign? It's going to be a square, with the lower cutoff parts put on the back side. The QR code links to the reddit thread with the links published. Is there something better than #BernieOrBust I can use?

the 99% vs 1% slogan is a populist slogan which doesn't properly highlight to class division. As a communist replace it with something about being a representative of capitalists or bourgeois

Functional, but now especially eye grabbing

Also it's been almost 24 hours since the previous release. Email bomb incoming?

Or, shit, did they just drop 20k more? I don't know how twitter do

* a populist slogan which doesn't properly highlight the class division of society. It does not show that there are backwards sections of the "99%" either

to use it while being an communist is tailism and reactionary

I'm really thinking about voting for Trump. I was hoping that Hilary would at least pick Warren or Booker. At this point I just want to see it burn.

Seriously though, Hilary has finally sunk any and all rumors that she might be pivoting to the left. She's pivoting to the right, and I really don't want her to be President.

Is there really hope?

Pic related.
From:MElias at
To: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */
From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */


Hillary is a biker?
nice palindrom, btw

On bilking some fool to go to a speaking event with Obama

Shapiro, Alexandra

Kaplan, Jordan



No, that's the same number as the first leak.

Thanks, that's what confused me. I didn't know if they just broke them up in chunks like that for some reason or were just retweeting to boost the message.

hows this?


Doing a black and white print, so can't mess with colors. The dotted lines are just so I can see the margins.

They did break them up. They called it a series and that this is part one.

Working on how to spin the HVF via medium


Jeff Weaver said they are in fact reviewing the leaks.
I wish I could know what's going through their heads. Everyone on B e r n i e ' s side has been unusually mum.

lol it was a joke
How many people already know who porky is? This is for normalfags, remember.

This one's clearer, but it might be a bit too on the nose.

Well, they probably didn't expect the evidence to be this clear. They need to figure out their gameplan before saying anything.

That article is atrocious.


Will he double down on his endorsement by calling for reform within the party?

It depends on if Hillary kept the agents monitoring S█████' grandchildren on retainer or not.

That's what I'm wondering.
If he still endorses her after this, it will be a joke.
He could leave and it would be understandable for most people at this point.
The MSM wouldn't shut up about it, but when have they ever cut him slack?

Doubling down would be a waste of the money and momentum he has. His supporters would stop taking him seriously.

bourgeoisie == Jews
Reminder that Hitler was a socialist and did nothing wrong.



Rothschild was denounced by a Zionist as the worst curse upon the common Jew. The Knights Templar were also bankers.

Oddly that stereotype has nothing to do with banking Jews, it's more related to Jewish diplomats used by the Ottomans.

A Rothschild invention only made possible by the staunch anti-Zionist Winston Churchill refusing to accept Jewish refugees.

what do you guys think about the socialist party candidate, mimi soltisik? is he legit?

Except he's been committed since the beginning to stopping Trump at all costs.

The question for him now is whether he's willing to accept Trump today or Trump tomorrow. Either he fights back and risks splitting the Democratic party and enabling a Trump victory, or he sells out and destroys his "movement" in order to prevent a Trump election this year.

They also mention in the emails that the Sandman's obstinacy will "hurt his future effectiveness in the senate." So he not only faces the possibility of a Trump presidency if he hurts Hillary, but also being rendered completely impotent in the senate as well which has been the main way he's tried to effect meaningful reform, or at least minimize as much harm as possible.


Needs more porkies


Techcrunch is the only one of those with a shred of credibility on this subject. The other three have been on the anti-GG bandwagon since day 1.

At this rate he's better off ditching the party. Who will be left to stop Trump if he shacks up with them?
>BERN AFTER READING: A meme making its way around the Internet does not tell B████ ██████ supporters how to make glowsticks, but rather chlorine bombs. Yikes. (Mic)

The Knight Templars were Jews ofc.

Young white people rarely vote either way.

On the other hand, Trump is losing what little minority support the GOP had going for itself, especially among blacks and Hispanics. Clinton can lose well over half the white vote and still easily come out on top.

Minority support (or lack thereof) is what fucked over B████, and it's very likely to fuck over Trump.

That's exactly what Hillary is, she's not even attempted to hide wall street speeches. Kaine's and Hillary's records are public. Typical Holla Forumsyp, you reach for fruit so low its on the ground and pat yourself on the back as if you're batman.

If he was going to ditch he'd have done so a while ago.

Considering that these emails don't directly implicate Hillary, but the DNC and the DWS, S█████ will call for stringent reform in the party apparatus, and mainting his endorsement will be based around this.

Hillary will be forced to make subsequent concessions in exchange.

you got it fam

Does porky scan for you?

i don't have a smartphone but that's brills yo


But the DNC HATES OUR GUTS. Every e-mail about us is nothing but vitriol. They might decide to just fuck concessions and try to win over Republicans instead.

I'm only laughing not to cry user

Ironically S█████ saw the greatest amount of Republicans switching in the primary just so they could vote for him.
Daniel Strauss of politico conferring with Mark Paustenbach about the S█████ campaign and Nevada

This like their go to answer for everything.

No, Jews just had a limit on their careers due to laws against them owning land.

Crusaders just liked to bank due to similar needs.

Oppression of pre-19th century Jewish banking is the same as oppression of crusaders, as neither form of money lender was well loved.

Don't you fucking remind me that S█████ was the second coming of Jesus. The damn Judases at the DNC crucified him and were drawing lots for his voters until this shit hit.

He touches clowns.
Rule number 1: Don't touch the clowns


Opinion discarded.

Protestors were outside being loud as fuck during a DNC rule meeting at Philadelphia.

Do you even know where you are?


Holy shit.
They're pissed.
Are they locking out the delegates?

This needs to be spread to Hispanic groups.

I can't hear a fucking thing they're saying.

I have no idea.

The police forced them out of the building after threatening to arrest them a couple of minutes after I posted it. I'm trying to find another feed outside the building since they are still there.

I kind of wish Jeff Weaver would run for office.

Sign user here. Will be using Periscope as well. Should I post the link here when I do?

Yes, please do

fuck off retard

yaeh dawg

I'm Hispanic. Most my family is independent tho.
I could use this to convince the others to be independent tho

Holla Forums, I presume, or is this lefty/pol/ hour which is basically every hour?

Eat shit, Holla Forumsish fellow traveler.





That doesn't explain why industry was collapsing so badly that massive public works programs and price controls were necessary to restore full employment, nor why such measures were instituted alongside harsh import duties and cuts in immigrant quotas that further restricted the labor supply.

Read about the Age of Colonialism, the sheer scale in commodities and human bodies being shipped around the far corners of the world with utter ruthlessness was mindboggling. Even before that, remember the way (admittedly much smaller) pre-feudal empires worked, shifting around entire conquered nations for political reasons and completely draining resources from them.

It certainly accelerated and amplified things, but it did not cause it.

Fair enough, but while I disagree with a lot of his public overemphasis on objectively tiny factors (foreign-owed American debt, really!?), even he points to the intentional sabotage and destruction of 1st-world labor movements and their ideological allies within the government and business establishments as a political institution prior to the 1970s as absolutely crucial to the rise of neoliberalism.

Also, he seems to be in agreement with both of us that the use of the 3rd-world for arbitrage is an unsustainable and apocalyptically unstable relationship. In that light, both the tiny hiccup I see and whatever global depression you predict from killing it by legislative fiat would be roses and cupcakes compared to what happens if we continue to sustain it.

Durable and nondurable consumer goods amounted to only $3.9T, which is only 21% of GDP. Also as I noted before, imports are much smaller than commonly believed, so imported consumer goods are just $559B of that.

It's true that 1st-world growth today is slower than 3rd-world growth (more for reasons of maturity than anything), but to describe the US as "in decline" (except in a standard of living sense, sigh) is ludicrous. In order for 3rd-world economies to catch up with us (especially backwaters like Brazil and India! I'd pick someone more cash-rich like the Arab petrostates for that argument) would require many decades, well into the 2070s at minimum.

Did you read those links? They all say that Milo is guilty of banter in the 1st degree against someone who was weathering flames that Milo gets the like of constantly, and include quotes from Milo referring to countless infinitely worse things Twatter allows and encourages. It's farcical.

As for their business legitimacy, like I said before, they earn no profits, tiny revenue compared to the huge amount of subsidizationinvestment they've raked in, there are calls to completely subsidize them, they have been used as a tool to fake political phenomena from the start, and even their users (especially "followers" of "influential" figures) are fake:

The entire thing is counterfeit from top to bottom.

Lawsuits, criminal convictions, fines, jailtime. This leak MUST contain enough to send existing electoral fraud cases into overdrive, even if we can't nab Shillary herself, we can do what we did to Nixon/Reagan and throw so many of her cronies (especially journalists!) in the slammer that the stink of corruption will be undeniable.

This, coming from a Trump advocate?

While it's true there's petty bourgs in the 99% and elite workers in the 1%, 99%/1% antagonism still corresponds overwhelmingly to prole/bourg antagonism in this era of accelerating capitalist inequality. It's the most practical shorthand now for agitprop, really.


[REDACTED] just needs to split the party as hard as possible while avoiding as much flak for spoiling to Trump as possible.

I think we're going to end up with a witch hunt no matter how this turns out. They're gonna try to purge us.

come on wikileaks give us the gold

Does the fire rise, brothers?

Old news.

Reminder that in a real leftist revolution Nazbols would be the first against the wall.

oh boy

The key thing is to maintain popular support. Any witchhunt they conduct would have limited impact on its own just by prejudicing normalfags, but if they're able to drain our numbers and recruitment, that would hurt. I think the fact that Greens failed so badly at capturing downballot wins hurt Nader, for instance, a lot more than accusations of spoilage did (especially given the smugness of "Nader trader" tactical voters among us) at the time.

I think it's bretty low on the habbedig scale, but it has potential.

Yes, please.

But like before, the DNC will just offer up DWS for the chopping block. That's too little, too late. If people are held accountable, it should be specific people for specific acts.

Glad to at least see that Weaver/someone in S█████ camp actually speaking out on it. Would get it more media attn, too.
DAE think Hillary Clinton is perfect and can do no wrong?

I don't think DWS will go down without a fight. She made Hillary happen, so why should she fall on her sword for S█████.




Well actually right now they dumped some more DNC emails. No telling if all the leaks will be DNC emails. It is called "Hillary leaks", not "DNC leaks".

Are you kidding? This whole thing is easily "You asked for this" at the lowest.

uhoh. guise

Detailed responses from the S█████ camp on the leak.

wikileaks meme game is weak

God damn it Jules you're making this whole thing look bad.


Guys I am seriously worried now. At first I was kind of concerned when someone pointed out the lack of details on the Republicans. But now Julian is doing alt-right signaling (and even describing what he's doing with the "Tribalist symbol" phrase).

The glaring incompetence of the human shall be why we shall rise.

Not an ayy lmao btw, just the next step in our evolution.

I think it was a legit mistake tbh. You can't expect everyone to know every meme. Lack of Repub corruption leaks is probably because Putin's deployed hackers to destroy Hillary because he lubs trump so much

No, it’s not.

A vote for John Politician is a vote for John Politician. Even if that politician stands no chance of winning its not a vote for anyone but that one. Anyone saying otherwise is trying to make a sell. They’re making a pitch, and I consider it tantamount to coercion. Ultimately they are trying to persuade you into voting for their candidate, and this stupid shit goes on with both major parties. This is made plain by the popular hashtag campaigns saying “anyone but Trump” or “never Hillary.” A sort of inter-party policing of votes using fear of the other side winning to herd votes into a particular politician’s favor.

Same goes for people who abstain from voting. A right is one that we can choose to exercise and it’s crucial to remember that distinction. I don’t have to speak against the government even if the government can’t jail me for it. I don’t have to own a gun even if I’m at liberty to do so. And I don’t have to vote even if I am able. If no candidate seems suitable to me or I disagree with the system as a whole or how it’s being operated, then I can and will stay home. And yes, I can complain about the elected candidate because I am a citizen of this country and it’s our muh privilege to do so. We work and pay taxes that pay for all of this. If I can’t complain because I didn’t vote, then the people who voted and whose candidate lost also can’t, because we did the same thing. We made a decision that was overruled by majority, but we at least know we didn’t have a hand in making the situation worse by risking putting in a candidate we had no faith in.

Some of us don’t want the lesser of two evils. We want no evils. We have exercised our right just as fully in abstaining as one can by voting.

having wrongthink opinions will give Trump more power! Fall in line or else democracy™ will collapse!

I love how every time I see someone try tp make the Nader/3rd party spoiler argument(and resent it as fact), I see someone calling it out, now. I always do when I see it being presented.

Btw, I screenshotted your comment
Whenever I see the argument made well I save it nowadays. It gets tiring making the argument so often, so it's for convenience.

Everything he says is exactly how I feel about HRC


Typos.. I need sleep & have a stuck keyboard, sometimes.

Get a front row seat to the end of the 4th world, fams!

Please make a compilation when you get enough.

Will do


Pay particular attention to the distinction between civic and political freedoms as part of the American democratic process.

That picture (the chart) is complete bullshit. It places B████ as center-left. And Hillary Clinton is way off, like her or not.

He apparently deleted the tweet. Seriously though, it's alarming how many liberal shills on Twitter have the echo in their username and black-rim glasses.

B-but B████ isn't on that chart.

Some comments from the article:

"Someone does have to be held accountable," Weaver said during an interview with ABC News. "We spent 48 hours of public attention worrying about who in the [Donald] Trump campaign was going to be held responsible for the fact that some lines of Mrs. Obama's speech were taken by Mrs. Trump. Someone in the DNC needs to be held at least as accountable as the Trump campaign."

Weaver said the emails showed misconduct at the highest level of the staff within the party and that he believed there would be more emails leaked, which would "reinforce" that the party had "its fingers on the scale."

"Everybody is disappointed that much of what we felt was happening at the DNC was in fact happening, that you had in this case a clear example of the DNC taking sides and looking to place negative information into the political process.

"We have an electoral process. The DNC, by its charter, is required to be neutral among the candidates. Clearly it was not," Weaver said, responding for the first time to the growing controversy. "We had obviously pointed that out in a number of instances prior to this, and these emails just bear that out."

Another member of S█████' staff, Rania Batrice put it this way: "Everything our fans have been saying – and they were beaten down for and called conspiracy theorists – and now it's in black and white."

Really interesting to see what the Hill Shills are talking about. I was surprised to see actual references to the leaks, because when you search the subreddit there's no mention, no posts, lmao.

As expected, many are totally ok & even hope there was some election fraud.

Literally not an argument.


This is a good post.

shit guise. the rabbit hole go deep

There goes the black vote.

got a post number or link?


It's clearly a joke you guys. Right?

I didn't find it searching for Harambe so unfortunately it is

All the 6s should have tipped me off but the hype carried me away

Been away for some days so I'm tardy to the party. CAUTION what follows is a rant.

I'm curious how the Clintonites are handling these facts of DNC corruption. It's no longer speculation but fact. How can they still be supporting her? And before it can be retorted with idpol, well how they can they claim that when she's selected an >old white male to be her running mate? How can they continue to believe she's some progressive champion?

And for B████crats, has this reinvigorated them? Can we expect any surprises at the convention?

"You can't prove it! You can't prove anything!"
"So what? It wasn't illegal/wrong/it's done get over it."
"These B████ Bros need to stop being such sore losers."

There does seem to be a sense of vindication and anger especially after months of being called sore losers/conspiracy theorists and so on, but things kind of seem to be at a very low simmer.

You fools. Do the math

Facebook is blocking all wikileaks urls


Man, the convention is gonna be fun.

What's his endgame?



global FALC

I just wish there was an email that proved the Clintons shat out Trump on us for their own political gain. That would be the death of the Clintonite regime.

He's gonna be on CNN tomorrow. We'll see then I suppose.

I think people were a bit hard on him for supporting Clinton at all, he didn't really have a choice.

lol it's real


They're going all out on this censorship. Fucking incredible to see it with your own eyes, even though we assumed/knew it was already going on.

He could have either endorsed her or not gone to the convention. TBH now if he takes it back after the leaks, that's almost more powerful than if he never did it in the first place. I hope he takes a big fat shit on the whole DNC when he gives his speech.

The same shit happened with GamerGate.

Anyone want to guess how long till Twitter bans Wikileaks for one reason or another?

I'm thinking sometime during the convention.

Yeah, this isn't anything new. Lovely to see it happening where normalfags can see it, though.

The burning fire in my belly is returning lads.

Except only retards care about Gamergate.


Of course you'd post two shitty memes as a response.


What? Do you expect me to care about your opinion or something?

why do people bother replying while saying "i dont care" lmao

Holy lel

I just want to post more vivian tbh

Take it to >>>/leftyb/ you unbearable faggots.

Post yfw Barnie defends Shillary over the emails tomorrow

Nah dude he''s gonna run as an independant.
Or endorse Stein.
Or call for Hillary to step down.

Or all those other things that will happen.

Banned for sexism

You can do that in places where it belongs. Not here, and definitely not this thread.

Sanders camp has already issued comments.

You realize you've been saging a cyclical thread right? It's not a downvote.

What did they say?


That someone in the DNC must be held responsible.

Cyclical threads aren't stickies, and I'm saging because my posts aren't relevant to the thread, you fucking retard.

i thought those were wordfilters at first

All their "plans" to make Trump look bad have been so stupid.
Besides, Trump could probably go to a KKK rally and spew racist shit and his vote count would remain the same.

It's in the link I pointed out. Here:
It's a short article. Also posted some of the article here:


Daily reminder a vote for a president is a vote for the damnation of your soul

This is how all state politics works and has worked since 1945 why are you surprised

This has been happening for years, even before your parents were born. It is only now due to Wikileaks do we know what is actually happening.

Mice voting for what type of cat they want to rule them.

That's not the point. Do you think Nixon was the first to use the tactics he did? Of course not, but the big difference he got caught. That's why there was a scandal. Not the fact it was the first time it has been done. The problem with the radical left is that they pull this "Well it was always happening" and prance off into the sunset and waste every single opportunity like this. Of course it wasn't, but you have to take the actual evidence when it drops and push it. It's the same when people for the first time pay attention to proof of Corporations money-laundering and manipulation countries in a major story and simply saying "Well guys Capitalism is bad like duh" and then ignore it.


Take it and confront people with it in their face. They can't just sneer and say >nice conspiracy, where's your tinfoil tsk-tsk.

He's on the other one they made.

And this is happening why?

I don't think he will. He might. But it's likely that they successfully scapegoat him if Hillary loses. Hell, the Nader narrative has been set in stone even though it had basically nothing to do with him.
Can you imagine, though, if he took his 1900+ delegates and just marched out of the Wells Fargo Complex? Can you imagine how powerful that would be? If he went to the Greens and started agitating for Hillary to drop out as a dangerous fraud and a splitter who will get impeached immediately? If he went to the debates successfully portraying his two opponents as criminals? If he worked with Gay Johnson to siphon votes away from Trump?
Whisper of a meme.

Who the hell keeps pushing this absolute retard? Is this another Holla Forums subversion attempt or something?

He's a fucking idiot, but he's good for us. We need to take votes away from Trump.

Why do we need to take votes away from Trump?

I don't support the man and neither does much of Holla Forums but what happens to him is really no concern to me. If anything, I want to split HRC's vote between her and Stein for that sweet federal funding to build class consciousness with. Trump has nothing to in this equation.

This. If the left wants to remain credible, you need to take opportunities like this and slap the evidence in there faces. There are people on other image boards literally going on like "LOL Bun knee lost fare n skware! :^)"

What's bad for Trump is bad for porky and good for us. Johnson can't win a single state, not even New Mexico, and everyone knows it. What he can do is split the conservative vote, which would make it easier for us to get a majority, since we would have to take a smaller portion of Hillary's vote. Basically, make it less likely for Trump to take a state because of the progressive vote being split.

Johnson won't split the vote, for one reason: gun control. The SCOTUS seat was left open for a reason, it's the dagger hanging over all libertarians heads. Sure, they can throw away their vote. Then be baited into a Dem leaning SCOTUS.

I'm fairly sure most states have laws against running for president as an independent after being part of a major party's primary for so long. He can endorse Stein and stump for her though.

I dont think running as green is considered independent

For running at all then.

Further info.

So he's already past the deadline for being on the ballot in many states thus its impractical. Like I said he could still support Stein though. I've not read that much on her but a cursory glance has me thinking they're views are pretty close.

Doesn't apply to presidential candidates at all, actually. Only down-ballot.

You have no idea how many conservatives will not vote for Trump. My mother is one.

Screw being on the actual ballot when you can be a write-in and everyone will know who you are.

Yes it does.,_2016

Talking about sore loser laws. Deadlines do, but the write-in deadlines are really late.

So? Many more will on pure inertia alone. If Republicans are willing to vote for obstructionism (as they have since 2010), they'll vote for Trump. The vast, vast, vast majority of conservatives will vote for whoever has the -R next to their name. But even then, that's not my point. Libertarians, people who tend to own guns, will vote for Trump because they do not want to toss the SCOTUS.

Also let's not forget about who your mother is: a white boomer homeowner. She's the exact type of moderate Hilary is tailoring her entire message towards. Same for Romney in 2012.

Trump is going down in flames, dude. The RNC is always the peak of the party's organization, and it was a shitshow.

Deep down, gun nuts realize nobody wants to take their guns away. The "assault weapons ban" ideas are stupid, but none of those will go through anyway.

Assumptions again. She's Hispanic and 55. She hates Hillary.

He has no chance of winning as a write-in candidate. People fuck up on ballots all the time due to not understanding how it works. Not sure why you are so attached to S█████ over Stein.

Trump isn't going down, at all. The GOP went down in flames in 2008 because of Dubya. They've gone full retard with every single election since and have only found success. They went from being entirely locked out of the federal government in 2009, to running both houses of Congress and all swing states (except Colorado and Virginia).

In this time, people like Scott Walker successfully stripped Unions of their power in otherwise blue states (Wisconsin and Michegan) and not only retained their position, but also retained their entirely GOP government. The GOP are on a huge roll because the Democrats don't have their priorities straight. Same shit happened in the late 70s which culminated in the Reagan takeover.

You've never actually been to a gun store, have you? California this year banned bullet buttons, Massachusetts's AG last week banned all new "assault weapon" sales, and wants a full semiauto ban. California's Lt Gov, Gavin Newsom, has indicated a similar desire. NYSAFE has been law for three years, which was the same time CT banned AR15s and required registration or confiscation.

My point is, there is plenty of fuel for these people and yes they do honestly believe their guns are going to be taken away if they do not act.

Right there: she's hispanic. She was never a Republican, so your opinion here is invalid.

Easy. Ads explaining how it works.

Because S█████ can win and Stein can't.

Oh you sweet summer child
you did it wrong

In fairness Clinton has been very explicit about wanting to take guns away. Remember her slamming S█████ for not supporting people suing gun manufacturers over crimes committed with guns?

I honestly don't find any of the points made by Trump supports he'll win entirely convincing at all. They fail to take in any sort of demographic to account for.

Trump is over 60% negative with women. That's record breaking shit. We hate his ass. That's one possible election caller. The second is minorities collectively. Trump has a 1% approval rating with the black vote, and the Hispanic vote is hardly better. Asians hate him. Literally everyone hates him besides the people you would typically stereotype as voting for Trump.

Now, you could say "B-B-B-BUT WHITES ARE A MAJORITY!" and that would be true but the idea whites would universally vote for a single candidate out of their whitness is absurd. A majority of white Americans, however small a 10 odd point difference is, is still a difference. This fractures the white vote into different demographics more than other races.

On top of this a lot of whites sat out for the 2012
election, there is no reason to suggest they won't here and have that vote overridden by the vote of people who despise him.
I'm not Hillary Clinton, I fucking hate her and I hate the fuck government. I'm saying you're just stupid for thinking Trump will win at this point.

The only reason you think Trump could ever possibly win is because you're on the internet too much and Stormfront is out strutting this election, giving the illusion echo chamber and paid marketing is actual consensus.

He won the primaries within his own demographic but he will fail the general simply because he's alienated everyone.

*I'm not a Hillary Clinton voter

Freudian slip

If your mother is actually hispanic, unless you live in Texas there is a 99% chance she has always voted Democrat. The only reason hispanics vote GOP in Texas is because Texas is a former mexican province.

It's part of the larger Republican strategy. At the very least, it gives them a base to work up from. Remember how I said Republicans stripped the power of Unions in states they control? I wasn't joking. Right-to-Work laws decimate their ability to make money. This translates directly into Democratic campaign performance, as Unions are their field agents. All Trump needs to do is be a "fresh face". That's good enough for most people (except nonwhites like your family, who will either not turnout or vote Dem anyway).

He's failed. He can't win back the demographics he's alienated. For example, he'll never get the vote back from women. Now, women are half the country. If you fuck up with that and over 50 percent don't want anything to do with you, it's probably over before it began. Not considering the other demographics, other factors themselves.

It might be a close election, but Trump won't win. We'll get another boring dumbshit like Obama.

Bingo. She lives in Texas. But that actually doesn't have anything to do with it, she's just an evangelical from Puerto Rico.

I get that Republicans are killing it down ballot, but the demographic situation makes it seem more and more unlikely for a Republican to win, especially Trump, probably ever, unless there was tons of vote splitting and other issues.

Romney is a Mormon, one which created the bill which the ACA was modeled on. Likewise, Obama had incumbency advantage and the Snowden affair had not happened yet. The DNCleaks (which happened yesterday) had not occured either.

Not a problem when the other side can't put together an alternative. Democrats won't turn out, and Trump will win by pure attrition. There are only two states in play: Ohio and Pennsylvania. He wins there, he gets 270 and becomes President. Remember 2000?

see my point here

I think you're forgetting Virginia will probably go blue.

Again, this has nothing to do with voting reasoning.

It has everything to do with voting demographics as they are

Not a problem when the other side can't put together an alternative. Democrats won't turn out, and Trump will win by pure attrition.

The problem is they will. Trump is currently bleeding voters who are registered conservatives to Johnson. And many conservatives will sit this out.

Again to be replaced by the vote of color.

He won't win there. This problem is pan-state.

Even assuming a Dem washout in Virginia, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado Trump would still win by 3 votes if he can get OH and PA. Though I'd argue that MI and WI will flip, giving him a 29 vote lead.

Fuck I meant to only red text that one thing I'm drinking too much wine


Yes it does. Baptists wouldn't vote for him. We are talking about Republicans, after all.

Which, as I've established, is a load of BS thanks to the open SCOTUS seat.

Baptists are irrelevant to the problem Trump has 60% of women gone and 1% of the black vote. Perhaps less as time goes by.

You're assuming the American voting public gives a shit and this isn't an issue of demographics.

People made the exact same prediction about the GOP in 2010. That they would never ever win Congress again. Look who's laughing now?

I'm not a Republican or Trump supporter either, but let's get real here: he's winning. Ten years ago if I walked up to a voter and asked "what do you not want to see on the ballot" they would immediately answer Hilary or Jeb. Trump has slain the neocon monster, and thus can beat the Democrats at the populist angle. Meanwhile Hilary is now going to be eaten alive by S█████fags because of the email leak.

we were talking about Romney here

Gun control is an issue libertarians care about. Which is why they will readily vote for Trump.

Quinnipiac is one of the worst polling organizations I've ever seen.

Sorry anarcho-fem but Trump is going to win. It's been a horrible year for Clinton. S█████ would beat him, but the DNC would rather loose than run S█████.

See the problem here is exactly what you said. It was expected but it wasn't. Here it isn't.

And Americans aside from those passionate don't care about congress as long as the President is there, they're uneducated in that way.

The presidency is a whole other beast.

He's winning a demographic of the white vote. A large one.

In the long run, they don't matter in this fractured election.

I'd like for you to find a reliable alternative. Oh right they all say the exact same thing.

Again as I've said previously in the game of demographics they don't care. If Trump is bleeding voters he's bleeding voters in an election he's alienated that's all there is to it.

There is no argument to be had. The numbers speak for themselves.

Why do you think I give a solid fuck about Clinton or S█████.

I'm saying that you're ignoring the point and not actually thinking. This is a joke.

You're the joke. The right wing doesn't get int because people vote them in. They get in because people are demoralized and stay home and vote. Which is what is going to happen this election.

stay home instead of voting*

Let's break it down then:

- hispanics (already solid dem voters, also suffer from low turnout due to being poor nonwhites)
- blacks (already solid dem voters, also suffer from low turnout due to being poor nonwhites)
- women (though, only 60-70%. The nominal split is at 50% so this is fixable)
- muslims (less than 1% of the population)

Meanwhile in aggregate Trump's polling is tied with Hilary, as expected. Again all this will come down to Ohio and Pennsylvania, where they are tied:

(ignore the NBC poll, as the emails indicated that they're working with the Dem politburo)

he is also almost tied in Michegan and Wisconsin:

Not to argue here, but largely white demographics stay home in extreme elections while minorities and women do not.

So get ready to see a bunch of angry Holla Forumsyps demanding women and those evil niggers should have never been given voting rights and a lot of crying.

All in all you should be encouraging this just for that alone. The Holla Forumsyp crying.

True, it's where running a fresh face and being a moronic populist is important. Trump is exactly this while Hilary is a punching bag.

You can try to crunch the numbers all day the problem is still self evident. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

What's an "extreme election"? White turnout rates are always higher than nonwhite ones if only due to economic factors (whites make more money and can take off time to work to actually cast their ballot). This is one of the biggest factors in American elections and is why otherwise diverse states are run by retarded Republicans.

Again, for a certain demographic. Who if we look at things, that dumbshit rhetoric isn't working for anyone else.

Why are we all so adamant to give a shit about Trump winning or not either? Nobody should give a shit about either candidate and people coming out of the word work to say "N-N-N-NO TRUMP WILL WIN I PROMISE" is extremely dubious.

One where the black support for a candidate is at 1%

You're right: the self evident problem is that nobody wants another political dynasty. 10 years ago people could have told you that they would never vote for Hilary Clinton. Any other candidate could have probably beat Trump, especially S█████. Instead the Democrats fucked themselves over.

The only saving grace is that IF the superdelegates stage a coup due to the email leak, and go for S█████ at the convention. But that's just wishful thinking on my part and is not going to happen. Though, S█████ could pull a Cruz and destroy Hilary right there. He's normally an Independent, so he has nothing stopping him.

I want to see the crying polyp. But people are disenfranchised. The S█████ supporters are going to stay home, while the Clinton supporters will come out. I want to remind you: Trump beat many candidates with a high GOP voter turnout, Clinton barely beat S█████ with a low voter turnout.

Then why are you voting for someone who would inevitably want a Trump Jr presidency. Please

Then how did Nixon get elected? Or Reagan or Dubya? Blacks don't vote and are only 10% of the population.

She actually beat him in a land slide in important states due to her locking in the black vote.

You act like 10% is insignificant or that voting conditions were the same as they were in the 20th century. Example, primaries with Clinton

Because that's just a fantasy on your part. Right now the choice is solely and only between Trump or Clinton 2.

Primary demographics are different than general election demographics. You said so yourself earlier in the thread. The type of black voter that knows how to register for a primary is usually much more affluent than one that votes in the general.

She beat him by a lot in the Primaries, not Caucus's. When the independents could vote they were very close. The reason is because a lot of independents would rather vote Trump than Clinton.

Considering the demographics, which are seperate totally from voting reasoning, people want Clinton 2. Why are we arguing which piece of shit is going in the porcelain toilet?

I find it dubious how many people are willing to argue on Trump's behalf when there's no real solid reason to if nobody here gives a shit about Trump or Clinton.

Which is why Trump is going to lose.

That was in say, May or June. Now Trump is bleeding into Johnson and Hillary the same and Jill Stein.

This makes up for the point where women and colored voter hate the absolute fuck out of Trump voting for Clinton.

The primary pool was bled on either side, the election close, Clinton victory.

What? People are arguing on his "behalf" because we know Clinton is going to fail. She's not ahead of him in polls that poll everyone. There's a menial difference. It's not that we want Trump to win. It's that we know Clinton can't win. It's been scandal after scandal. If they pick S█████, Trump will be beat. Clinton is the only candidate that I don't think can beat Trump.

If you think you "know" Trump is going to win in an election this volatile while not addressing my points besides arguing voter motivation and ideological difference, I don't really see how you could know.

It seems to me that the election will be close, but not only will the hysteria of this election contribute to the establishment candidate, but the electoral college will also be on Clinton's side considering her neocon support.

No they don't. Demographics directly reflect the polls that are derived from them. This is why Clinton has a huge lead over Trump in California, but Trump has a huge lead over her in Wyoming.

Though, taking the US as a whole 50% will at any given time want a generic -R, while 50% will at any given time want a generic -D. So again, pure attrition. This is where the GOP shines.

Because I'm not a moron. The GOP, after getting fucking ruined in 2008, went back and did their due diligence. Every state they won, they passed laws to make it harder for Democrats to raise money or vote (right-to-work laws and voter ID laws). At every chance, they successfully exploited the Democrats' priority misalignment for their own gain. They have built a base that is energized, and ready to tear up whatever they are sicced upon. It's easy to see how someone like Trump could easily walk in and step on Jeb. He will do the same against Hilary, because Hilary is just another has-been stodgy bureaucrat that people don't like.

It's brilliant electioneering and many books will be written on it, like has already been done with Reagan. And I'm willing to bet $50 that the email leaks were somehow caused by a Republican.

Trump is going to lose and you're all going to look rather silly

You're pretty much wrong about everything. So I wouldn't hold my breath.

The polls don't show this huge difference between the two. It is marginal and closing. Voter motivation is important. Trump isn't stupid, he made Jeb Bush look like a moron and then he did it over and over again to every other GOP candidate.

Like the GOP knows what it's doing. The GOP didn't get ruined by Trump - it got ruined by Mccain and Romney. They were old white dudes, they fit the stereotype of what a conservative is and that's meant to be derogatory. Obama was a cool black dude, he was a good speaker he was energizing and he was refreshing. Clinton is none of those things. I don't why you think the independents are going to vote for Clinton, they're more likely to go Stein or Johnson. And Trump has way more appeal to lolberts than Clinton to a leftist.

Leftypol spends more of its time trying to wonder if it can persuade Holla Forums posters to post on Holla Forums so likewise I don't think I can vouch for your capabilities.



What do you mean? They fit the conservative stereotype of an out of touch old white dude who cares more about money than anything else. I should've been more clear, they didn't have the tenacity of Trump. They didn't have the rhetoric and to top it off, they fit the stereotype of a conservative in everyones mind. Trump, no matter what you want to say about him is nothing like the candidates we've been getting for the past 16 years from the GOP.

Trump reinvigorated the GOP. Only now they're a fascist party.

You don't argue. wrote out a detailed response and all you said was "YOURE GOING TO LOOK RATHER SILLEY". There's a reason you got into the final round of cancerous flags, and you're one of the only posters we were judging that off of.

Get used to it.

I care less about American politics than I care about this board, so I don't think I'm going to argue with someone who was autistic enough to actually engage in a poll that drove at least five people off Holla Forums


There's like, three of us, calm down lad.

I'll admit that PA could go either way. 2000 showed us that the candidate that lost both the popular vote and electoral college can still win. Voting machines are electronic, the same type of fuck up is still possible

But even, the GOP have put a lot of safeguards in place. If either WI and MI flip, Trump can loose both OH and PA. And, should a pure tie happen (ie Trump looses PA and FL, but gains NV, WI and MI) the vote goes to the House who will absolutely pick Trump.

What are you taking about? If we're not bitching about you retards. Then we're bitching about Holla Forums. The Nazis actually best you for worst shit posters.


How am I sperging. I see a lot more sperging going on with the men here. You didn't need me for there to be sperg, silly.

I unironically love the anfem poster

"For those facing censorship on Facebook etc when trying to post links directly to WikiLeaks #DNCLeak try using"

n-not all of us are cunts!

stfu I was the original one and you had to ruin everything with your if-people-get-mad-at-me-it-means-I-am-right attitude.
I'd send you to Tumblr, but Holla Forums seems more appropriate to me.

You were hardly the original please.

Besides I don't have that attitude. I argue fine.

As far as I'm aware your contributions of being the house feminist involved talking about how much you wanted to be impregnated anyways


What? I've been posting since 2015, which is probably before you even started menstruating, little girl.

I actually have a cunt so you don't need to be rude or jealous.

My 5-years old cousin also has a cunt, so what?
Btw, you're not on Facebook here, so check the fucking trips, you disgusting non-adapting outsider. How did you find us anyway?

That's something she has over you.

do you congratulate yourself in your dark basement?
Is there something in your life you have done that you can be proud of?
To be honest fam

Every day in this basement, I have my chalk and I tally every time someone talks about getting came inside for no reason. So far all the tally has come from you.

Because I live in a basement. And you live in an apartment.

Agreed. Trump is just a buffoon who spouts whatever bubbles to the surface of his mind, perhaps a generic Republican porky with under the hood at worst, certainly no Hitler. Lolberts (and their ilk in other parties like Paul) have a sincere ideological platform which, while utterly laughable in its madness as political pariahs, would terrify me if they were ever placed in a position of real power.

This. Being on the ballot is a good mark of prestige, but [REDACTED] has earned quite a lot of that already.

Pics related

Basically visible proof of how shit feminists are

Oh, and one more for good measure. Notice unlike the other two, the margin of "victory" in this one is razor-thin.

I think you're confusing me with the girl who pretends she get off on being pregnant, not me.

That being said, you're right about voter turn out actually.

Quit bitching and argue

Precautionary principle. Unless I see timestamped, keyworded nudes, both of you are dudes.

Have I hit a nerve?

No but I've hit all of yours shrimp dick

I wouldn't call anyone on Holla Forums besides n1x an actual man.



flags were a mistake


party left has divisions within divisions

Has anyone in the media thought to ask B████ ██████ why he didn't make the same "conscience" speech as Cruz, and if he will now that the DNC leaks show he's been treated far worse by Hillary than Cruz was by his nominee? A speech standing by the issues he forced on the party's agenda.

Seems the obvious question to ask while Hillary is sitting on top of B████ applauding Cruz on the other side for putting country above party.

From newsplus thread.
Is it tinfoil? Is it legit?


I don't get it.

because right after they were in charge of redistricting in a majority of states and they gerrymandered their way into office

DNC chair won't speak at Dem convention following Wikileaks fallout

They are in full damage control/disinformation mode


>Secondly, and forgive me for even asking, is there any way I can get entry to the Philadelphia DNC? As a sister party member? Long time fan? I will pay, of course, if that is an option - we, the Labour Party (and please accept my apologies for their current appalling transgressions) charge for guests and maybe there is a similiar arrangement. Anyway, I would, of course, love to be there. But also understand if there is nothing you can do and feel overwhelmed with people hassling you!

Now is the time B████. The gun is in your hand. Slay the beast.

False, Quinnipiac is the only poll that said that the news networks just ran with it.

This hasn't been accurate ever since social media became mainstream. Even with Super Secret Clubhouse imageboards like Holla Forums.

He's probably a Trump voter.

nice watermark dude
Is this like a dril tweet

I wonder if Kansasbro is part of this.

What the shit is Assange or whoever is in charge of this account doing

Assange has clearly gone mad from isolation.

When are the rest of the emails going to come out? They aren't done already, are they?

I thought he was sitting on a bunch of bombshells that were going to blow the whole establishment wide open?


Would you look at that. Suddenly the Dems are pro election reform.


You mean the PAID shills?

does this mother fucker want to lose the election

I saw this post, imagined Assange making this face, and am now dying of laughter. I'm actually crying.

Do you need breaking news at 9.30 to spell it out for you that degenerates are in charge?

See .

His votes won't remain the same with the shrinking 40% of women left supporting him.

Women's votes only count for half.

Ben "One Man Holodomor" Garrison made a cartoon on the leaks.

Only a fool doesn't take a demographic that large at over fifty percent "yeah nah fuck this dude to the jaws of hell" as insignificant to an election.

Good thing it was a joke then you fucking sperg.

Its hard to tell where joke begins and actual political discussion begins on leftypol, my mistake.

I actually wish Assange would go on rants like this from time to time.

Sanders: 'Awful' DNC emails should cost party chair her job

"She's been quarantined," another top Democrat said, following a meeting Saturday night.

The Book of B████: What is S█████' religion?

Refer to >>806055 and >>806117.

Fucking thread cycling. I'll repost what I said earlier from those two posts:

1. It weakens the corrupt party duopoly in the United States.
2. It helps the "Libertarian" Party receive federal funding and recognition as an official third party, which helps #1.
3. It siphons votes away from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, especially the latter, which helps #1 and #2.
4. It bolsters friendly relations between Greens and "Libertarians", which helps the Greens and facilitates #1–3.
5. So long as Gary Johnson's poll numbers remain high, it provides cover for Jill Stein by providing a secondary counterargument against "spoiler" concerns, namely that we aren't really spoiling anything so long as our polling is below or equal to Gary Johnson's. We can, of course, abandon this talking point if Jill Stein surpasses Gary Johnson.

I don't support him either. Gary Johnson and the entire "Libertarian" Party are useful idiots for the bourgeoisie who are so intoxicated by their ideology that they fail to see that they're unwittingly betraying their own class by voting for policies that directly benefit the bourgeoisie. Because they're useful idiots, though, we can use them as a means of undermining Trump (and, to a marginally lesser extent, Clinton) and to bolster the Green Party, albeit indirectly.

If Johnson is allowed into the debates after reaching 15%, he may even advocate that Stein is also included since the Greens and "Libertarians" have worked together in the past to try and combat these exclusionary policies which inhibit third parties. Even if he doesn't, though, it may strengthen the Green case for demanding that Stein is also included, especially if some in the Democratic establishment are stupid enough to believe letting in Stein will help offset Johnson's inclusion.


countdown until Someone writes a think piece claiming that DWS was harassed into resigning


DNC member killing horses for insurance money.

DNC making fun of black womans name.

DNC telling each other, "I love you too. no homo."

DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.

DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.

DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.

DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated S█████ campaign.

DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a "rigged system."

DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.

Super PAC paying young voters to push back online S█████ supporters. Paid shills.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz having an off the record meeting in MSNBC President Phil Griffin's office.

DNC being messed with by the Washington Examiner.

DNC discussing Hillary's policies as unfeasible.

$200k for a private dinner with Hillary.

Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.

Faking outrage and pasting in a video later.

A mole working inside of the S█████ campaign.

Bringing up S█████ religion to scare the southern voters.

Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits.

Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor.

DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews.

Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.

Hillary funding 2 million dollars in a cooridanted campaign in battleground states to win back the Senate.

DNC is upset that their "allies" didn't send in protestors so they sent out interns.

"Clinton Foundation quid-pro-quo worries are lingering, will be exploited in general."

$50,000 - Lawrence Benenson.

Daily Fundraising Report for the DNC.

Content & Social Strategy Discussion.

Re: BuzzFeed and DNC connection.

Draft linking news articles about trump to use as negative press.

Fwd: State Dinner Countdown. Some chick is angry she hasn't been given more stuff from the Obama administration…might be interesting to follow up.

Re: State Dinner Countdown.

Tim O'Brien: Trump's Fixation on Inflating his Net Worth is a Cause for Concern.

RE: May Fundraising Numbers.

Hillary for America Raised $26.4 Million in April, Began May with More than $30 Million Cash on Hand.

Re: For approval: Trump supporter graphics.

Press talking points, states Hillary is their candidate, dated May 5, 2016. More of a smoking gun than the ambiguous talk in the emails themselves.

Consultant calling megyn kelly a bimbo. Has PDF attached that says the same.

DNC trying to get away with violating the Hatch Act.

Democrats using interns to organize fake "protests."

RE: Action on DNC tomorrow (Immigration Raids).

Trump's campaign dwarfed by Clinton's

Why is this a bad thing? I'm sure there are foreigners and foreign corporations donating money to the two parties hoping to influence the outcome too. Actually, this is a bad thing but for some reason it's only a problem to these people when Russia does it.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been ousted as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee for rigging the Democratic presidential nominating process in favor of Clinton

Don't you see? We have to defeat the evil commies and bring freedom to the entire world.

Here is the most famous one:

scary foreigners trying to undermine our quest to spread freedom around the world

Vice is staunch supporter of idpol neo-liberalism and anti-Russian.

"Yes, the DNC did some shit, but y'all know of it thanks to the Russians, and that is somehow bad! Vote Hillary!"


It's just a vain attempt to contain the leak. The only people who are buying it are Hillary zombies.

Pretty sure they're also the latest Murdoch acquisition.

Good stuff, user. Saved these.

There's so many stories within stories here.

Regarding Trump

DNC's Trump narrative

"The digital internet team is continuing the push to show people how dangerous Trump is."

They discussed making a Craigslist posts on fake Trump jobs talking about women needing to be hot for the job and "maintain hotness"

Regarding B████

Want to know why Morning Joe suddenly did a 180? DWS to Chuck Todd. Topic is about them calling for DWS to step down. "This must stop."

"Hey Josh, since the S█████ camp keeps pushing stories about the money laundering, we’re prepping a Medium post from either our CFO or our CEO we want to run by you. It will sharply state that the criticisms are wrong, etc.. basically our talking points in a Medium post format with some extra detail."

"Making a B████ narrative"

On the Kentucky recount thanks to /u/jdllama

On debating B████ in California thanks to /u/biasexposer

"If she outperforms this polling, the B████ camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They'll probably complain regardless, actually."

"missed this… S█████ complaining about underfunded state parties, LOL". Thanks /u/mportz

DWS private email saying B████'s idea to change DNC is silly and won't be president

DNC and Hillary moles inside the B████ campaign

Trying to get someone to ask about religion at one of B████'s events. Trying to get him to say he's Atheist

DNC flagging B████ Democrats or things that threaten HRC. Thanks /u/Yo5yoman2

DWS on B████ staying in the race in April: "Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what to do"

Calling someone a B████ Bro for wanting to interview DWS about money laundering, which they call "a shit topic". Asks for an interview next week on another topic.

Media Collaboration

"I think the best reporter to give the news to ahead of time is Greg Sargent at the Washington Post. But, the specific reporter is not as important as getting it to an outlet before the news breaks so we can help control the narrative on the front"

CNN collaboration

This one indicates a CNN political correspondent and PR strategist getting talking points into an article written by Steve Benen of MSNBC thanks to /u/Johnboy1985

More media collusion (Politico) "Vogel gave me his story ahead of time/before it goes to his editors as long as I didn't share it. Let me know if you see anything that's missing and I'll push back." Thanks to /u/PM_ME_OR_PM_ME

Democrat Chair DWS called Pres of MSNBC Phil Griffin to stop @Morning_Joe being so sympathetic to S█████ thanks to /u/basedOp

Jake Tapper responds to collaboration: Thanks /u/tsdouglas

Planting stories in the Washington Post

DNC wanting to promote pro-Hillary news during primary, discussion of "quietly sharing". (Thanks /u/PM_ME_OR_PM_ME



"I hate these people so much" - DNC Chief of Finance. Thanks /u/mportz

Asking to commit FEC violation

MONEY LAUNDERING. From Weaver. More on laundering

DNC calling O'Malley a joke. Thanks /u/mportz

"– Last night, Hillary attended two high-dollar fundraisers in New York City. The first, from 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., was at the home of Maureen White and Steven Rattner. Approximately 15 attendees contributed $100,000+ to attend. Then, from 8:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m., she went to the home of Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Another 15 people ponied up more than 100K to attend."

Money from DNC donation funneled to Clinton campaign

Correct the Record's executive director

"less than 1 percent of the $61 million raised by that effort has stayed in the state parties' coffers, according to a POLITICO analysis of the latest Federal Election Commission filing"

To meet Clinton at the convention is $1.7 million to $300k

Asking Burger King to form a PAC

Targeting Wall Street donors. Thanks /u/Cygnus_X More info: "One big Clinton donor on Wall Street said that Bush donors are prime targets and that 'we're a big tent.' Potential sources of support for Clinton could include people like Jack Oliver, who also served as a top fundraiser for Jeb Bush. Both Johnson and Oliver did not respond to requests for comment.The race for Wall Street cash will be intense."- /u/Cygnus_X

Trading favors with superdelegates. (Thanks /u/PM_ME_OR_PM_ME


DNC members "If he's a good gay, he'll love that this pic is with Kathy griffin." Thanks /u/mportz

Huge list of donors

>>>Holla Forums6859255
Back to your containment thread

We don't care about some SJW bs, the obviously bigger story here is the leaks

Thanks reddit! No seriously, thanks reddit. They do some good sometimes

I emphasized the creditor status of China, and the United States' indebtedness to them, because that is—at least in my opinion—a major factor in the relationship between the two superpowers. The U.S. Government relies on China's credit and if relations go sour, China might cut off that credit and start demanding for the U.S. to pay its debts. If the United States defaults (a crazy scenario even Trump has entertained and suggested he'd consider doing so, though he seems to prefer hyperinflation via printing money ad infinitum instead), that will almost certainly cause global economic collapse. If fact, that might be the end of capitalism itself.

Perhaps, but my position is basically that both paths are unsustainable and pose potentially catastrophic consequences, but the current path we're taking gives us more time to prepare than would any such legislative fiat basically guaranteeing it comes early. Whereas our current unsustainable relations might keep us going for decades or longer, ending them now could prematurely bring the disaster they'd cause, though perhaps not as strongly, while still failing to address the overarching unsustainable relationship between the U.S. and China.

With the current rise in right-wing sentiments and fascism, coupled with a far weaker radical left, economic instability and collapse at this time would be highly inopportune and would likely facilitate and accelerate the growth of the far right, up to and including guaranteeing they would take power. We are already expecting another recession coming within a year; amplifying those deplorable conditions and potentially pushing it into a depression with destabilizing relations with an already precarious China seems to me like something that an accelerationist would promote, not someone interested in trying to improve the immediate conditions of the nationa and international working class.

What I'm saying is that the United States is in decline and will continue to decline from hereon out. We hit our peak in the 20th Century and began waning since the 1970s. It will definitely take many decades for the new core of the capitalists world-system to grow to comparable levels to the United States, but that doesn't mean we aren't declining our way down to meet them. Even bourgeois economists are predicting it:



So when are we going to get the rest of these emails? I thought there were supposed to be more yesterday and today?

Is she trying to piss off everyone more?

She's delusional enough to think this will help her campaign

What "infinitely worse things" and in what way does Twitter allow and encourage them? Milo's actions were in clear violation of Twitter's policy on harassment and inciting harassment. The only way it could have been any clearer would be if Milo literally tweeted: "I am harassing @Lesdoggg and want all my followers to join in. Yes, this is incitement."

The fact that Milo ostensibly experiences the same and worse (which I seriously doubt) is irrelevant in determining whether he violating Twitter policy and thus deserves to be suspended for any such violation.

Thanks for the sources, but all of them are at least two years old. Are there any followups which are more recent? For all I know, Twitter has fixed their shit in the past 2+ years.

is for .

It's part of their "emails? What emails?" strategy

I think the Milo thread is still up. Please take that discussion there. It's hard to follow all the wikileaks stuff with this going on, too.

We know.

Someone give a link to this statement. This is too much to believe.. She's having Debbie jump on her campaign - again? This is too much. They're such cunts.

There is no facepalm image strong enough to accurately sum up the stubborn stupidity of Hillary Clinton.

I'm fine with that. I'll refrain from responding to anymore about that topic and encourage to do the same. I still have the thread (>>798559) open, though it's on page 10 and it would be best to either sage while on it or drop the conversation altogether, since we should probably let that thread die.

Oh and thank you for asking with such decorum. That's rare on the chans, despite how effective it usually is.

What are they doing? Why are they letting everyone know about this? This is fucking clear cut corruption and they just show it to the world.

The joke is, DWS has failed miserably in getting dems elected on downballots the entire time, which is why many dems were ok with sacrificing her regarding all these leaks.

Hillary & DWS are two peas in a fucking pod. Shit at politics, but have the money to do the work for them. Seriously though, what's going on between them? Why does Hillary want such a shit politician on her side? All of it doesn't make any sense.

Hillary is living in a fantasy world. The DNC has Debbie resign because she's a political liability and Hillary quickly, and very publicly, brings her back into the fold, in an even WORSE position. Hillary might as well have given her a gun and told her to start shooting Congressmen.

Like her Kaine VP pick, she thinks she can run this election the way she wants to and going to cost the Democrats EVERYTHING. They would honestly be better with S█████ at this point.

Very welcome. I'm a chick(not the anfem poster, lmao), so that helps with being polite, I think. I always get poked at here for that, but it's needed, especially here. :)

At this point why can't an asteroid impact us. Please just end this


Couldn't agree more.


It's sad because she can & has been. If these leaks won't take her down, what will? If anything, at least the normies get to see how much their vote really doesn't matter. We all knew it, but it's still frustrating. I like seeing all the others wake up to that fact. Thanks S█████. He really did help with that. We should have a legitimate 3rd party in the future, once the lolbertarians & greens get federal funding.

The DNC is fucked. The RNC was already fucked.

Trump isn't going to win, don't worry about his bullshit. Hillary is going to win and its going to be its own flavor of awful.

How much do you believe the DNC really impacted the Race? [REDACTED] was always an underdog and even optimistic supporters conceded his candidacy was something of a long shot.


I'm going to survive the asteroid as well.

Quit pointing out that I exist every time I post, I mean what's the point of that?


I wish there was a filter by flag option.

UK's second biggest-selling daily newspaper you idiot. Doesn't matter that its right wing.


lol yeah he's the idiot

Oh hey, would you look at that? New interim US DNC Chair Donna Brazile is also in implicated in the E-mails.

It's like nothing's changed!

From a jew to a nigger.

If a white man was elected chair, you can be sure that he would give B████ the nomination.

Yay! We did it!

>@Facebook says it has unblocked the posting of links to and that the blocking was 'an accident'.

Yeah alright.

I bet a lot of them are Irish too!!!!!!!!!

Because conservative journalists aren't capable of delivering information…

Only liberal sources that colluded with the DNC in these emails can do that.


Also a terrific answer. It's either the Daily Mail or MSNBC, you have to chose the two, you can't actually read the material for yourself when its readily available anyways.

Wikileaks tweeted the statement, too

lmao, shifty shenanigans

That one poster is correct. Hillary is making Trump stronger. He's going to rip through her like tissue paper over this shit.

Yep. It's a sad day when the DNC has me agreeing with Trump on certain issues. This election is bananas.

The DNC keeps getting less & less credibility.

Learn these ten weird tips that Frankenstein used to kill his creator!

Friendly reminder that Frankenstein was a vegan.

*Frankenstein's monster was a vegan

Holy shit, the stupidity is contagious.

Frankenstein was obviously the monster's last name you clod

Now watch as the Clinton News Networks ignore it.




The website looks ridiculous but I'm loving the attitude.

Are you really this desperate

Such revisionism. Next, you're going to tell me his first name was Adam or Deucalion!

Hilarious dude.

Actually, CNN did show a bit of the B████ protesters today. They had segments on the DNC email leaks and DWS. At least they don't sweep everything under the rug.

Wew lad

At this point, I don't care who's elected.

I could even stomach Trumpist gloating if their "daddy" gets in.

We'll get what we deserve as a species.


She's terrible, he's terrible.

Did you quote me by accident?

The entire purpose of the MSM memeing Johnson's numbers up is to draw votes away from Trump.

Really, you don't find anything strange about this being the first election in a decade where third parties haven't been viewed as a joke that stopped being funny sometime in the '60s with the Dixiecrats?

This convention is already an amazing trainwreck and it hasn't even started yet.

Not an accident. Scorched Earth can be a bit appealing, but we shouldn't contribute to Trump getting the highest office in any way.

I'm not suggesting that we do, but I have lost any sense of hope for the future. I will take the actions necessary to minimally contribute to improving the situation, but I suspect that it's all going to end in horrifying disaster and I am now indifferent to that fact.


I've always been pessimistic, but for some reason had a small sliver of hope deep, deep down. Things got better for me once I moved out of the US. So, I suggest others do it, too. I'm glad I'm not there for this shitshow.

For the most part, I agree with this


top kek


Are you crazy? They'll applaud her as a champion of the party.

She's been pulled from any speaking spots. I think I've heard them say she's been "quarantined" lmao

Still too little too late.


This party politicking is getting less & less believable to normies. Good. I don't know who that chick is, but she's making the point for FOX.

"It's just like Game of Thrones"

Both conventions have smelled like shit.

This country smells like shit.


Yeah, but this one is better. You knew the RNC was going to be shit, but the Democrats spent two months trying to sell party unity and almost had it until their own foul deeds came back to bite them.

The mainstream media is incompetent and more interested in pushing their narrative regardless of the facts. Like I said before (which has since been deleted due to thread cycling), both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson alone are poaching votes from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at roughly equal rates, according to current polling data. Johnson may appeal slightly more toward the demographics which are most likely to vote for Trump, but there are still millions of centrists, independents, and even disaffected Democrats (including B████ supporters) who would consider voting for Johnson over Trump or Hillary.

I'm fine with the mainstream media pushing Johnson. What I'm more frustrated with, however, is that they're not pushing Jill Stein, as well. They are conveniently ignoring her entirely. As for Johnson potentially siphoning votes from Trump, then good. As far as I'm concerned, a Hillary Clinton presidency at least has the chance of being the marginally better outcome than a Donald Trump presidency. While I'm not going to choose between the two, I negligibly favor Hillary Clinton winning the general election rather than Donald Trump.

Define "better" if they're both bad for everyone

It's a bigger disaster.

Define "bigger disaster" if they're both disasters for everyone

I think he just means more entertaining

Maybe Hillary and DWS are lesbian lovers?

None of this is entertaining. This is horrifying.

You guys don't get it. Both DWS and Hilary are from the Beltway (ie, DC). They seriously think nobody cares about the email leak (beyond the whole gotta hang the traitor Snowden angle) and that it's more important for Hilary to thank DWS for her service.

You think it's bad now? Tomorrow, it's gonna be worse. The convention will be nothing but "fuck the GOP" and zero introspection or reference towards the emails. If they are brought up, then it'll be portrayed as "just another tea party fantasy". S█████ might stand out, if he's got the balls to not endorse her.

You must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.

I'm trying to compile a list of specific reasons Clinton is terrible to convince weak supporters (generally low-info people) not to support her. I'm trying to stay in the kiddie pool of leftist/anti-capitalist theory so as not to scare them off or overwhelm them. Here's my list so far:

- She supports Citizens United.
- She supports the TPP. She may veto it but approve of something very similar just to appear like she's not a complete fraud since she retracted her support of it to appeal to dems to her left, but the ultimate effect is the same.
- She supports "free trade" agreements in general.
- She takes a lot of money from and props up the private prison industry (connecting that with the many problems plaguing the black and Latino community, like police brutality and harassment, broken families, etc.)
- She supported the 2009 Honduran coup and has failed to meaningfully address the chaos that followed (proving she doesn't really care about Hondurans or fighting government corruption, only protecting capitalism).
- She supports cluster bombs.
- She's apprehensive about raising the minimum wage to something livable.
- She supports fracking.
- She hasn't taken a serious stance on combating climate change.
- She opposes meaningful (lmao) Wall Street regulation.
- She publicly opposed marriage equality until it became politically expedient to support it.
- She's buddy-buddy with Henry Kissinger and looks up to him as her foreign policy mentor.

Any other ideas? I want this to be absolutely damning.

I want to include her support of the Iraq War and spearheading the US intervention in the Libyan Civil War, but I think these may be too complicated for my audience. If you have an idea of how to much that more digestible for them, please let me know.

Welcome to American politics


Give me a minute. I saved a good reddit post with lots of info against her. I'll post it.

top pleb

Fuck Trump, I legit don't care if he wins or not. That isn't what this is about.

What this is about is either fixing or discarding an openly corrupt party that pretends to be leftist. I'm sick of only getting the same shit every election, time to change that. Collaborators must die, especially collaborators that are almost completely identical to the GOP in every way except they have a -D next to their name instead of an -R.

Also, thinking strategically Trump would be such a moron as President that rebuilding a modern, pro-worker Democrat coalition won't be difficult at all. But only if the party politburo itself allows it. That's why Hilary must loose: it sends a signal that neoliberalism is a no-go and that the party MUST be pro-worker if they want power.

The reasons are endless

Sanders has already clarified that his endorsement is premised upon Hillary's candidacy being the only possible one beating for beating Trump. See

Then that would be discarding, because there's no fixing a corporate party into a non-corporate one.

DNC & RNC are both the same, as you mention. Both parties should be discarded.

And the DNC and Hillary are just going to make his job a living hell because they're fucking lunatics.

If by some miracle Hillary gets the presidency, it will be solely because of S█████ effort.

The Shillbots are fucking salty.


they're as fucking crazy as the RNC, it's just a different kind of crazy

RNC confused feelings for facts
DNC confused pragmatism for sociopathy

It would be neat if he did have dirt on the don too, actually, just to show he's nonpartisan.

imo I think he is non-partisan and that he puts out information as fast as he can. The only thing that shills don't understand is that Clinton and the DNC are being targeted by hackers who forward the info to wikileaks. Assange doesn't target people/ideologies specifically.

They're crazy because both parties are so incredibly detached from the American people that they're living in separate worlds. It's how this entire situation happened. They were both so caught up in their own narcissism that they got fucked in the ass.

I think the worst part is that if Hillary wins, the DNC will automatically think it was because they're better, not because S█████ busted his ass to save them. They're that deluded.

How is exposing her collusion with the DNC an attack on her?

Using party politics as usual. They never learn. unfortunately it works on a lot of people, still.

You see, politics isn't actually about electing the best candidate and discussing what's best for the country, it's a game where you choose a person and then fight to the death for them. If someone tells you your candidate is flawed, that is an attack. If someone says something bad about something even tangentially related to your candidate and it hurts their numbers, they're attacking and should stop it.

China's credit to the U.S. federal government is only 21% of public debt, we're not "reliant" on anyone.

>though he seems to prefer hyperinflation via printing money ad infinitum instead
Believe it or not, there's a proposed tax system like this, which would work by replacing some or all taxes with inflation, central banks simply issuing the government money, with the "tax" burden falling on those most vulnerable to inflation. I haven't seriously evaluated it, so I don't know how that would stack up vis-à-vis porky.

I'm not accelerationist on this issue ;-). My opinion is that our current course, even aside from its harsh everyday injustice, spells certain doom; whereas killing it and restoring protectionism presents at least the possibility (IMHO the virtual certainty, given the great similarity between neoliberalism today and the gilded age FDR and socdems like him around the world crushed before) of tremendous gain in exchange for an (IMHO small to nonexistant) economic shock.

Unless you're anticipating a global revolution against capitalism soon, the only glimmer of hope down the other path is 3rd-world reformists lifting themselves out of poverty and despotism, by which time the entire 1st-world proletariat's political victories would've long ago been destroyed by neoliberalism, which would also destroy the best and strongest ally of the 3rd-world proletariat in that struggle and bolster their greatest foe. Though there is one other rationale you offer:
The increasing alienation between the neoliberal "mainstream" and the natural interests of the viciously slandered masses they supposedly represent are the one and only thing that has fueled the far right, because there is no other political institution remaining for us to turn to. If neoliberalism was exiled from mainstream politics to the same obscure ostracism as autistrians, lolberts, and randroids, the far right would almost immediately blow away like a thin mist IMHO.

I think the most accurate description would be "in deceleration"

I'll just quickly note that Twitter is still just as phony, parasitic, and full of robots as ever, if not more:


If you look at the polling, it was an unquestionable Shillary loss. Even with suppression techniques like closed ballots and polling-place shutdowns, [REDACTED] almost certainly got the most votes and would've won anyway if they were all counted accurately:

Assange's henchmen are on the move

flag fixed

Good to know.

Donna Brazile is out as Chairwoman, but look who they brought in.

Would you look at this political maneuvering? The fucking nerve. Not only is she a black woman, she's from FUCKING OHIO.

I want to kill myself right now almost as much as i want to kill the entire daily beast staff

Clinton/Kaine speak about emails a little. Hillary says she "hasn't read any of them".
Yeah, she was just directing them behind the scenes through DWS.

Even when I disabled adblock the vid didn't work. No matter, the article(archived above) shows a summary. The usual BS.


See this? This is how they're going to lose the election. It won't be because of Trump or Sanderistas, but because of their own elitist attitudes.


holy fug

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the king of disaster arrives.

this is old news, Clinton team started doing this months ago.
still retarded, and it's probably going to help Trump in the long run

RNC is as bad as the DNC.

Remember Ron Paul?


Dude, EVERYTHING Clinton is doing right now is helping Trump. She is making a perfect case for his anti-establishment campaign because she's living in la la land.

"Interim DNC chair, Donna Brazile: "I want to learn what is behind all of this, because more emails are coming.""

"Intellectual Property" LMAO

Of course.

Again, it goes to show who will decide the election: Ohio and Pennsylvania.


Except if Hillary is anything to go by at least the DNC is more competent in squashing the "anti-establishment outsider candidate"

The Republicans are probably going to win. There's too many things going for them:

1. erosion of the working class and Unionism, which has caused swing states to swing red
2. Hilary/Kaine are both boring white people so low minority turnout
3. the DNCleaks has now given progressives a bona fide reason to eject from the party, or at least burn it all down

What base does Hilary have left? She's pivoting to the right, but most moderates will probably vote for Trump as they are already voting for GOP legislative candidates.

Dunno, I'd say the RNC treatment of Ron Paul was more fucked up than what the DNC did to S█████.

Not much better if S█████ still has this huge outpouring of support.

'Straya Cunt fuck yeah

Funny stuff from top comments

At this point, we should simply consider any Burnie supporters to be off the table. Any thoughts the Clinton campaign may of had of getting them are now nothing short of delusional.


DNC literally saying.. "Oh Fudge.."

Literally Clinton surrogate- one of the top promoters of the chairs myth

Also, where can I sign?

That's LeoPirate, he's just another Gamergate idiot.


Oh, and don't forget, he still thinks he has info to indict Hillary with. It is called "Hillary Leaks", he's got an ace.

He could still rescind. It might depend on how big the dump tomorrow is. I think first order of business is delegates vote on various things including nominee for president, and then speeches, including B████'s. Unless he has some big agitation planned, a coup attempt, or maybe a plea to superdelegates to stop the madness while they can, he's going to stay behind Hillary. If this gets any worse, though, it's possible but unlikely that Hillary would give up by herself.

It's yet another fucking Hillary supporter. At least this time it's not an actual Hillary surrogate. When will they fucking get it?

Pic related is the result of an argument I had with a hillshill on Twitter. Ignore the "kill white people" bit, I just like to rustle the hustles of hypocritical white idpol fanatics. You have no idea how many times I've been called a white male. And have a hillshill-

Best part, she was also critical of S█████.

I'm sure S█████ is going to try his hardest to get them to vote. I know he doesn't want a Trump presidency, but the DNC screwed in more ways than one. Hillary is completely unelectable.

Huh. If only Ronny knew about the contradictions in capitalism itself.

Ron Paul was more antiwar than S█████.

She doesn't seem SO bad. Clinton supporter doesn't have to be Hillshill, like DWS.

Assange said it's enough evidence to move on her, but he acknowledges that the FBI won't ever indict her.

It's also supposedly about the Clinton Foundation.

Source on that?
Also, Comey dindu nuffin. I think if there was the evidence he would recommend it. Remember, he could neither confirm nor deny that there wasn't a super ultra top level secret investigation on the Clinton Foundation. If Wikileaks beats them, even better. They better phuggin drop it tomorrow, the lack of anything interesting today tells me the next one's a doozy, even if it IS the last one.

gay post

DNC chose her, she must be bad. I don't mean to make it so simple, but it's easy to with the establishment.

>Assange hinted that the emails slated for publication contain additional information about the Clinton Foundation. He also reminded ITV’s Robert Peston that previously released emails contained one damning piece of communication from Clinton, instructing a staffer to remove the classification settings from an official State Department communication and send it through a “nonsecure” channel. Assange then pointed out that the Obama administration has previously prosecuted numerous whistleblowers for violating the government’s procedures for handling classified documents.

Is that why he supported all those anti-left coups in Latin America in the '70s and '80s? Because he's so antiwar?

I follow "her". I like to think it's a parody account half of the time with all the Linux bashing she does.

This is going to tie together the e-mail server and the Clinton Foundation, isn't it? Mind fucking blown. Fuck my gay asshole, Assange, I'm ready.

Oh it fucking better be.

Yeah I had the same reasoning.

Stupid question, but what does this matter?

Battleground state. He's implying they're pandering to Ohio, which I highly doubt.

Holy shit guys, I just thought of something.

What if S█████ calls on Hillary to resign in his speech? Like, politely. Make the argument that she is probably unelectable at this point and it'll only get worse. Especially if Assange drops a huge load of shit tomorrow. This way he can still be promoting "unity" and having the party's best interests in mind, just indicating that after a certain point they no longer lie with Hillary. He doesn't have to try for a moonshot superdelegate coup or deserting the party or rescinding his endorsement (which, of course, wouldn't really affect the DNCs endorsement of her, and he would just alienate himself from them). He can conclude with something like "as long as Hillary is the nominee, I will support her. But she does not necessarily have to be the nominee."

I believe it may be lower than that by some metrics, but that is nevertheless one-fifth of our entire public debt. If China were to withdraw that, it would severely cripple the United States, especially since I seriously doubt it would cut military spending to compensate.

Never heard of it. Is there a name for this?

Perhaps you're right, but I'm wary of gambling the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions on a guess that could prematurely lead to an unstable global economy during a time in which we cannot afford it. The similarities between the 1920–1940s are indeed abundant, and eerily so, which is why I'm increasingly concerned about the prospects of a third world war. The United States, via NATO, is already patrolling the Russian border and the presumptive nominee for one of the leading major parties in the United States supports potentially escalating tensions by imposing a no-fly zone over Syria.

Nevertheless, I'm not sure the similarities are sufficient to conclude that the same course of action is sufficient. This is what I previously believed, and still do in some ways, but I'm skeptical of that plan due to the significant differences, both in terms of technology and historical conditions, between the Great Depression and what followed and now.

I'm not anticipating an imminent global revolution so much as I consider it a necessity. If we don't either have a global communist revolution within the next decade or two, or we postpone it entirely and focus on achieving a global green revolution first at all costs (up to and including green fascism), the current conditions with anthropogenic global warming and climate change will be too far along for us to seriously stop it. At that point, game's over. At this rate, over the next couple centuries, there will not only be no more economic system to transform, there will no longer be a human civilization to make that transformation or even a habitable ecosphere under human civilization could flourish. I can only hope I'm wrong, but I'm of the mind that if we don't have either global revolution soon, our struggle will be an exercise in futility.

I'm not so sure about that. Reactionary ideology has already been revived and movements already exist and grow promoting that ideology. Although neoliberalism provides fertile conditions for its continued growth, even its abolition will not be enough. Their ideology is self-reproducing and has already been shown to develop in social democracies where neoliberalism is virtually nonexistent. The end of neoliberalism as a mainstream position would of course help, but I don't know if it would be enough to stem the growth of the far right.

Maybe, though economic maturation usually foretells of economic decline. When an economy is mature, capital leaves to developing regions where investment can yield greater returns.

Shit would go crazy & it would be beautiful.

I'm crossing my fuckin' fingers, dude. They wouldn't have any reason to scapegoat him if he's on the campaign trail for Hillary while arguing he's still available. Hopefully he or Jeff have had the same idea.

Because of the electoral college, only about 15 or so swing states actually decide the election. Of these, almost all of them are reliably GOP at the moment except for Ohio and Pennsylvania. Assuming no other states flip (a thing strategists and statisticians assume), in order to get to 270 Trump requires both. If either go for Hilary, and no other states flip, then Hilary wins. But if one state goes GOP, and one other state flips, Trump wins.

Thus, OH and PA will more or less decide the election.

Ohio in particular is GOP run but the lack of a Kaisch endorsement will hurt Trump. However if Hilary fucks up the convention progressives and blacks might not turn out in Philly (especially if there's a riot tomorrow). Both can go either way.

It wouldn't, as US banks and the Social Security Administration would simply buy them all up (even taking out bonds from US banks to pay for them). It wouldn't be pretty, but the US overall would come away mostly unscathed. Meanwhile, Congress would immediately move to embargo Chinese goods, or hit them with a high tariff. This destroys the Chinese economy, 30% of which is exports to the US. And, since China no longer has reliable income from T-bonds, their credit rating is also in the toilet.

Basically the flow of money would go from:

US Treasury -> China's government -> Chinese companies -> US citizens -> US Treasury
to :
US Treasury -> US SSA -> US Treasury

It would be the stupidest decision China could possibly make.

I wish they had dirt on him too because both parties being shown to be corrupt as fuck would do a lot to further the left, especially with Trump being the right-wing populist that he is.

I fear that a lot of people may vote for Trump out of a misguided "accelerationism" (whether they use the actual term or not) and we'll essentially just end up back at 2000, or worse: 1980.

we're already back at 2000, given that nothing has changed since then. Same faces, same dotcom bubble. Trump gets along because he's promoting something different (nationalism), as opposed to the current status quo (neoliberalism)

A lot of people will vote just on that. Hilary will loose because she's a 90s era face in the 2010s.

God, this is pathetic.

I thought about it, but I highly doubt he would do it.
He's way too afraid of looking like a sore loser

So far Hillary has done everything in her power to alienate progressives from getting tim kaine as her vp, jewing B████ out of any influence, hiring DWS on her campaign as soon as she got fired.

Bernie himself has said nothing about the leaks even though its hard evidence he got jewed by a corrupt DNC and media that works hand in hand with each other.

So like, if that doesn't tell you her presidency is going to be nothing but center right dick sucking i dont know what will you lefty retards.

Where do you think you are?

Wow, you figured it out, huh?

Trump will say whatever, but he'll still push the same neoliberal shit, just with some right-wing spookiness on top.

And I mean a Trump presidency would just set us back to how things were under Bush, just looking for a Democrat and nothing better.

Is it wrong that a small part of me supports Dirty Hillary out of accelerationism?

I feel like this country's going to shit so I'd prefer them to be President rather than say the Green Party and then have every talking head bitch about how "socialism failed!"

If Hillary is president there are still americans who would say that proves socialism failed

It's just something I've run across occasionally in random places over the years, I'm not aware of any formal theory advocating it, probably the closest are neochartalists.

If not now, when? Granted, there are gentler versions as we discussed at the start of this conversation (phased-in FairTrade mandates for normal trade, with credits and FairTrade subsidies replacing most foreign aid), but even the most sudden and absolute protectionist regime would be better than what will unequivocally happen if the destructive policies of free trade and mass economic immigration continue unabated.

I'm not, even 50 years of Cold War with a far stronger cryptofascist dictatorship had a 0% chance of going hot except by accident or rogue agency. Nukes haven't gone away, and all of the USA's rivals are weaker and less totalitarian than ever, so the worst that could happen is more tedious little proxy sideshow "wars" like Vietnam and Afghanistan were. Even the farce that is "military" spending wouldn't change, since it's already higher than at the Cold War's height.

>the next decade or two […] anthropogenic global warming and climate change will be too far along for us to seriously stop it. […] At this rate, over the next couple centuries, there will not only be no more economic system to transform, there will no longer be a human civilization to make that transformation or even a habitable ecosphere under human civilization could flourish.
Most models of current trends (barring bizarre runaway catastrophes like clathrate guns) such as the IPCC's aren't anywhere near that dire. Aside from rough weather, sea levels aren't predicted to rise more than about 0.3-2 meters by 2100, and up to 6 meters over the millennium. It will produce grueling privation, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable, but couldn't possibly be the end of civilization. Of course, going green would actually save vast amounts of money even if global warming and fixed resource peaks didn't exist, but remember there's also the possibility of geoengineering as a workaround and one we'll ultimately need anyway unless we feel like tolerating nature's cyclical glaciations.

Whisper of a dream Trump isn't 100% flimflam. And even then, I think he'd have a very positive effect against the left's idpol infestation.

I heard all sorts of (ultimately fruitless, sigh) rumors about angry Democrats with guns outside the RNC, but here's hoping the DNC turns into an inferno that'll make Boston look like a marshmallow roast.

You over estimate Ohio and Pennslyvannia a bit. It is true they are decisive in presidential elections but Flordia going Democrat would basically make it almost impossible for Trump to win. He could take North Carolina, Virginia and Nevada in addition to OH and PA and still lose if Florida goes Democrat.

That's above my current erudition, sorry.

Perhaps when the radical left has been revitalized in the United States and has a plausibly viable chance of taking and holding pertinent positions of power in the legislative and executive branches? Until then, I don't see how these actions could meaningfully improve conditions for the radical left. It might potentially improve conditions for the workers, but if those workers will just turn to national capitalism and other proto-fascist precursors to fascism proper, all we've really done is improve the lives of future reactionaries. As much as I'm committed to supporting the improvement of conditions for the workers, I have a hard spot for reactionaries and members of the far right.

Perhaps the information you've read paints a less grim picture, then, because it was my understanding that a significant portion of the eastern seaboard of the United States will be underwater by the turn of the century, including some of its largest cities, among other predictions.

What's this from? Is that B████ chanting I hear in the audience?

Also, how exactly would Trump " have a very positive effect against the left's idpol infestation"? If anything, he would only aggravate idpol on the left (especially among the bourgeois left), which would cause anyone turned away from it to go to the alt-right (which has its own idpol). I keep seeing this claim that a Trump presidency would be deleterious to idpol, either among the left or in general, yet his entire campaign is predicated on identity politics and he promotes an alt-right idpol that only aggravates all other idpol.

Fuck this goddamn site and it keep on deleting my text before I can post. This is for .

The cynicism of the DNC is great.

The DNCleaks is hard evidence that its all a show.

this is great. idpol is "taco bowl engagement."

Requesting "Mexico" and "Latin America" be wordfiltered to "taco bowl engagement"

The only thing shillbots can think of is to say russians are behind this, and even if they are that would mean they got the info from her email server……


That's a reasonable position, but I think this is the chance we need to break the entryist stranglehold over the left, and even tip the right back toward things like labor unionism. Populism is the stuff both dreams and nightmares are made of, but if the falsely centrist neoliberal agenda is allowed to get back on track, I really think both could again be snuffed out for the foreseeable future. The [REDACTED] and Trump phenomena are an opportunity that hasn't come along in almost a century, one we should fail to fully exploit only at profound consideration.

For two reasons: First, that PC has been so effective precisely because mainstream Republicans always played along before, but these spitballs bounce off Trump like a battleship. Second, Trump and his allies have been specifically targeting PC itself for liquidation, which nobody else has up to now.

PC has also been ruthlessly and publicly antagonizing the first sprouts of genuine leftism, while Trump has been aloof or supportive toward us so far, unlike Clinton. If [REDACTED] produces any strong insurgent legacy, it would probably do infinitely better fighting against Trump on real issues than Clinton on fake ones.

If, on top of that, Trump (or just his popular support) is even the tiniest bit genuine about fighting neoliberalism and/or neoconservatism, the entire bipartisan political field will pivot like an artillery piece squarely against the culturally indifferent force that upholds PC even as PC struggles to resist us, leaving it exposed and reviled.

Clinton on the other hand, represents the first direct cooption of PC, and very probably direct appointment of SJWs to high offices. Such people could easily form the core of something nearly as bad as the far right at their worst, but without any preexisting opposition. Most especially fresh from a victory over [REDACTED], then Trump, things could get very nasty.

They are change the narrative to who leaked the info rather than the actual info
The media is in collusion with the DNC.
Facebook and twitter is actively trying to censor it.
The primaries were rigged by DWS in hillarys favor.
This whole god damn system is corrupt!

I've heard some of the electoral lawsuits also implicate journalists as sharing guilt, so there's at least a chance that some of them will end up legally disgraced and fired, fined, or in jail like GG should've concentrated on doing from the start as well.

Gamer gate, while noble with thrashing liberal corruption was just about vidya games, this is about the people who run the fucking country, the media working hand in hand with them, this shit is no better than north korea.

Florida is solidly GOP, Rick Scott was one of the first people to endorse Trump.

True, but many of the tactical considerations are applicable.

Even if they find out, they will simply forget. Look at Panama Papers. After a couple of weeks everyone forgot.

How can we keep this "hot"? What are some successful examples?

Also I think the Panama papers was a lot of "no shit Sherlock" to most people. I'd be surprised if a randomly selected major politician didn't have dodgy ties to Third World tax havens

Polls say a different story. RCP average has Trump up .3.

Obama won it the last two times. Having a Republican governor doesn't mean a whole lot. Gubernatorial elections have less turnout than general elections. Two million more voted in the last general election in Flordia than in the gubernatorial election. And it's not like Rick Scott won by a landslide.

State is a toss up. Like it is pretty much every general election.

wiki leaks uses the drip feed tactic, they slowly give away info, drip, drip , drip, this isnt going to go away.

And what, exactly, is "political correctness" to you, which I assume you mean by "PC"? I'm remain unconvinced that this is a real phenomenon worthy of consideration, especially since I see it more often used as a bogeyman for the right, alt-right, and—increasingly—among the alt-left.

How has Trump been "supportive toward [genuine leftists]" whatsoever? Surely, you aren't suggesting that we can take anything Trump says seriously? None of his campaign policies or positions are serious and he has failed to remain consistent on a single one of them, much less with his rhetoric.

Also, a Trump presidency likely wouldn't actually have Trump making any decisions. Barring assassination (which I consider very possible), Trump has already stated that he would delegate all domestic and foreign policy decisions to his Vice President, Mike Pence. That effectively leaves Trump with the only role of rhetorician at the bully pulpit, shilling whatever nonsense he cares to talk about and that Mike Pence decides for him.

You also mention "SJWs", which you need to define. "SJWs", like "PC", have essentially been definitionally meaningless terms used by the political right, especially the alt-right, to describe anyone to their left, including even so-called "cuckservatives". I generally don't take such terms seriously and consider anyone who uses them to be immediately discredited, but you've been seemingly sincere and serious about your responses to me thus far, and you have maintained decorum throughout, so you're obviously not one of the raving lunatics and crypto-idpol fetishists who usually use such language. If you just mean "SJW" to be the left equivalent of what Holla Forums has come to describe as "RIP", "RIPs", and "RIPPERS", then this is just a disagreement on terminology and not substance.

I wish I could say there was another Jacobin terror around the corner.


I like the idea but you're forgetting that rich Americans are above the law.

A lil terror is good sometimes

the thing is that the democratic party is supposed to be the party of the people. they must be held to a higher standard.

Trump is a far right proto fascist nationalist.

Clinton is a neoliberal center right corporatist war hawk.

voting in trump would punch the DNC, but also trump is littrrly a mystery box on how he would govern.

Clinton, once in office will return to the status quo and ignore any real leftism besides occasionally pandering to idpol. she will also set up the next cold war with russia.

Or worse, she might set up the next hot war with Russia. The thought scares me enough to make me seriously consider voting for Trump to stop her - at least until he opens his mouth.

We're in for some dark times either way, I just hope it's not the nuclear fire kind of dark.



Yeah, this. It's funny how the media kept going on about how Trump would "nuke any country that disagreed with him" while forgetting the frankly disturbing sabre-rattling at Russia coming from the other candidates (i.e. "We should punch Russia on the nose" Kasich and "We should shoot a few of their planes down to show 'em a lesson" Christie)

Better relations with russia are bad, but lets support obama improving relations with iran


Did you know bloomberg, the creator of new yorks stop and frisk program, and non stop surveillance of muslims is going to be speaking at the DNC


She'll get into a very lethal accident arranged by her own people, if she tries to pull this one. Nobody wants a thermonuclear WWIII.

Face it: she is no different from Trump.

Lol. Guessed as much, when Trump was accused of being Putin's agent.

don't play me like this fat man

PC to me is the willingness to abuse deference to politeness and (often exaggerated, irrelevant, or completely false) consensus to indirectly browbeat one's opponents in lieu of fair debate, or as ostensible casus belli for picking fights with people one dislikes at will. Particularly terrifying examples are embodied in the arbitrary, dogmatic, tyrannical CoCs and other rules currently in force inside private, government, and especially academic institutions' internal conflict resolution systems. Little things like assumption of innocence, open trial, open rules, evidence, and democracy are vehemently rejected on an ideological basis. Where such things and the people who promulgate them have bled into the public legal system around the world (especially where they've achieved some permanence, like South Korea and Sweden) the results have bordered on parody.

By wagging his finger at our internecine enemies worst tactics against us, and repeating many of our points.

Not with any certainty, but that's still better than the unrelenting declaration of war Clinton has issued.

Rumors. Trump is nothing if not unpredictable, again unlike Clinton.

Identitarians, outrage-mongers, career pseudopolitical parasites, catty office politics-types, bratty little lifestylist teenagers (and teenagers at heart) that just want to piss off daddy, cultists, postmodernists, virtue signalers, hipsters, Stockholm-Syndrome bullying victims… Any of a number of groups that primarily depend on or are regularly used by those who depend on PC as their primary interaction with other people. In other words, brownshirt thugs with a coat of pink blush and good PR.

? I've been on this board since /gg/ and can't remember hearing that one.


Thanks for clarifying.

"RIP" is a recent contrivance of Holla Forums, and "RIPPERS" is even more recent (and more rarely used). "RIP" is an acronym for Reactionary Identity Politics (and, consequently, Politicians). Rather than referring to those who engage in RIP as RIPs (P being politicians), "RIPPERS" has been suggested as an acronym for Reactionary Identity Politics People Expressing Reactionary Statements, though it didn't seem to catch on. Some have used it to describe what you might call "SJWs" (a term I think the left should abandon and stop trying to appropriate from the right), though it seems to be more frequently—and accurately—used to describe the alt-right, often in response to them describing us as "SJWs".

This shit is going to haunt democrats for years.

I love the internet age.

They are "RIP" because they rip the working class apart by dividing it with identity politics. When used to refer to so-called "SJWs", they also rip the left apart with identity politics'' and RIPs (kills) the radical left from ever having a chance at succeeding by undermining the crucial solidarity among the proletariat for a proletarian revolution to occur.

Perhaps they meant "propaganda" in the non-pejorated sense, like how Noam Chomsky has used it and how the radical left has historically used it with terms like "agitprop"? Or am I being too generous?

It's porky, I doubt it's meant in any way to be benign.

See, this is exactly what I thought, then someone pointed out in a podcast that 'tariffs and protectionism aren't a viable economic solution' so if he manages to implement his economic plan we'll see a great depression.

I must admit I've never liked "SJW" as a term for various reasons (firstly because it's positive sounding sarcasm, and sarcasm tends to go over normalfags' heads; second because "social justice" itself is a redundant oxymoron, and likewise sounds superficially positive to normalfags), so I've always tended to avoid it whenever possible. I remember various threads to try and invent a superior alternative, but the best I was ever able to come up with was "outrageist", or the uselessly wordy "postmodern critical theorist".

I must admit that after GG broke up on Holla Forums, I quite surprised at how buttblasted Holla Forumsacks get when somebody uses the terms "idpol" or "identitarian" around them, even when just badmouthing leftists.

It doesn't really matter. Like the other guy said, that quote will play hilariously to the general public.

What about P.C. Fun Police?

The Fascist Inquisition.


This election proves the USSR should have wiped America off the face of the Earth in an instant in nuclear hell fire, sending all families, children, all young lovers and old couples, hopeful janitors and suicidal lost souls, into the jaws of hell.

All for the vaporization of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It would be worth it all.

Democratic convention opens: An agenda of militarism and war


Barry Grey

communism or hell, it's time for the undead revolution


The convention will be amazing to watch. Did they build that fence around the convention center in Philly? I'm also interested to see how they cover the protesters behind it, and if the protesters get through.

Anyone going, don't forget your wire-cutters!

thanks for turning off thousands of people to leftism you fucking faggots

Not remembering Chris-chan was the one thing making this an okay year

fuck you

Yeah, they're chanting B████ and then she tries to get them to chant Hillary instead.

Someone should make a giant pic of all the bad stuff from the DNC leaks with links to the emails listed as well, most people are lazy, if it was all on one giant pic you could spread it to normies on social media.

Also i wont make it because im lazy

This guy is a fucking moron and I look forward to proving him wrong at the upcoming Green convention.

Manlet loses his shit on the subway and starts shouting Trump 2016.


what the fuck man

feels good to be alive

wikileaks hasnt even dropped their second nuke yet.
If trump wins the debates its ogre






Why even have an emergency button to call for help if nobody's going to respond to it though?

Though I don't object to his test, the button was supposed to be held down- not pressed repeatedly.

I'm reading this as if Kaine would be like the Dem Cheney?

>DWS was booed off stage at the Florida delegation breakfast

The first day of the convention is off to a great start.

In an interview with 60 minutes, Hillary said Kaine was "very progressive". What a fucking joke.

The damage control in the comments is great.

it's no good if they just scapegoat her and give her the golden parachute. she barely mattered to the rigging. she was just hired for the job.

B-but… He mentioned social justice!

Yes. There's acres of fence line surround the DNC convention.

Is Eric Andre gonna show up to the DNC like he did here?

I'm sure the entire internet knows all about that arrangement by now. Hillary is a retard if thinks that shit will fly.

Democrats can into building wall!

I kind of wish there were more edgy teenage anarchist there.
They would tear down that fence and not give it a second thought.

You seem just like those cretins who gurn at Bill Maher's jokes about Donald Trump, joking saying HAHAHA Trump doesn't know what he's doing he just says whatever!!! is basically the joke that the smug thickos of Bill Maher's audience lap up as well as you; none of whom are half as smart as Trump.

But I thought that's why you liked him?


>From:[email protected]/* */
>To: [email protected]/* */

>From: "Garcia, Walter" >
>To: "Miranda, Luis" >
>Cc: "Paustenbach, Mark" >

>Ralston Reports: Dems need unity, but they're getting>


Hang all democrats

I really wonder what B████'s speech is going to be. It's has to be more than bitching about Trump.

"Trump is the devil and that's why we need to rally now behind Mrs. Clinton."


If does something like that, he might as well abandon any dreams of a political revolution.

Regurgitating tired criticisms against Trump won't do anything to soothe the pain of the protestors outside. They were betrayed and nobody in the DNC gives a fuck.

he threw away any pretense of revolution the moment he endorsed Hillary

But wasnt it already mentioned in this thread he did that to push some of his policies on her and to not risk Trump winning?

Let's make sure this gets around with attribution.

Can't wait for Wolff's podcast now tbqh

I avoid "SJW" for similar reasons, including the fact that I'm personally big on so-called "social justice" and I think it only hurts us to pejorate the idea for the purposes of a silly insult. That only sets us up for embarrassment, in much the same way classical liberals pejorated "liberal" into a slur for social liberals. For them, whenever they use "liberal" as a slur, all you have to do is point out that they, too, are liberals and they go ballistic. I'd rather the left, especially the radical left, set ourselves up for such a swift rebuttal.

As for "postmodern critical theorist", I'm actually against that because I consider postmodern critical theory to be useful under some circumstances and I seriously doubt the idpoliticians are seriously familiar with postmodern critical theory outside of whatever vulgar oversimplification they've been exposed to over Twitter conversations and the like.

For such individuals, I personally find it more useful to simply refrain from applying any label and to just criticize them based on their commitment to identity politics. At least with the alt-right, they are sufficiently homogeneous and monolithic enough to be generalized as "RIP". With so-called "SJWs"? Their opinions and approaches are multi-varied and, at least among the more erudite bourgeois leftists who engage in identity politics, they can also be insightful.

Thank you Leaky Man

It was. He's more pro-stopping Trump than actually supporting Hillary. This is how he's remained clean despite his endorsement.

The problem is, Hillary and the DNC are unending disasters. Anything S█████ accomplishes in the campaign will be undone because they're bumbling, corrupt idiots. He can't even promote the party platform he helped forge because of the fucking lies they tell. Nobody believes in the Democrats.

Bernie sounds pissed.

how's he doing so far? is it cringe shit, or worth watching?

doesnt it start at 4pm? why is he speaking

It's pretty good.

He's speaking to his delegates.

New wikileaks release when tbh

Yeah, next time you think DNC can shrug us off, remember what we accomplished.

We will crush them.

Bernie/Middle Class is my OTP

wait for it comrades, he will turn on us


NO B████ NO

christ B████, listen to your fucking delegates

is he autistic?

What happened? I just got here.


This is hard to watch.

Bernie is trying to rally his delegates behind Clinton and Kaine and they are not having it.

I'm actually glad they booed him and didn't fall in line.
It shows it's bigger than him now.

What the fuck. I hope his delegates put up a fight come the main event. It's weird because technically it'd pro-Sanders since he's the only Dem candidate that isn't Hillary, but it'd really be an act of defiance against both him, Clinton, and the DNC.

But he didn't defend her.

It's even more apparent that his primary concerns right now are Trump and the downticket races. He had to ask them to support Hillary so he can focus on those goals.

From the e-mails, we already know the DNC hate his guts, so he has to play it safe for now. His dreams are bigger than this one election.

Well, here's the thing: Clinton is unelectable. She's fucking cancer and everyone but the DNC knows it.

Bernie might say "We have to elect Hillary", but really that's all he's going to say. The DNC is going to make him say that to stay in the party and have any real power to get what he wants done. If he's smart, he'd probably be focusing on the down-ticket, as that'd be the best way to not only achieve the reform he wants but getting those people in office would allow him to stump the trump.

Who ready for /Gabbard2020/ here?


probably muh troops

gib stream plz

she's the one who resigned from the DNC because of [REDACTED] right?

She's the only competent Democrat who stood against the corrupt DNC in the first place with B████. Plus she has a better shot with the Idpol vote in the south.

Trump stating he supports Israel. have fun with it, Holla Forums.

Source here.

Trump has been saying this all along, only delusional Holla Forumsacks think he isn't an Israel supporter.

If you want to watch news use these youtube links

Search DNC on youtube and filter to live only if you want more

A convention always gives its candidate a temporary bump in polls. IIRC in 2008 it caused McCain to surge ahead of Obama for a bit, and same in 2012 with Romney. As for the e-mails, what can they prove asides from shit everyone already knew? Unless the e-mails leak that the Democratic Party sacrifices a child on the peak of Samhain to fuel their dark lord Hillary Clinton's power, the polls will return to where they've been after the DNC Convention wraps up.

Media's gonna continue acting like this is a "close race" though for clickbait purposes, even when Hillary has every god damn demographic save for uneducated white dudes firmly favoring her.

Post it to Holla Forums

Aside from the fact that virtually every one of the enemy either have an actual critical gender/race/etc studies degree or are fed their ideology by people who do, I have personally never conversed with nor read anything from someone fitting that description that I didn't rapidly feel like machinegunning into a shallow ditch. Even if it somehow isn't inherent, there is obviously something very wrong with it in practice.

And he surely has to know she's unelectable. A vote for Her at the DNC is a vote for Trump in November, if he'd refused to endorse her and pressed nonstop on the primary sham, he could've had an excellent chance at the nomination. Even future downballot races would work better as a pariah from the Democratic establishment, since his candidates would be firmly distanced from mainstream infiltrators, and they would also be more attractive to centrists/Republicans. This just doesn't make any sense.

Alt-Right confirmed for Manlet Obstructionist assholes?

it's the opposite, the media has been saying since day one that Hillary is guaranteed to win while ignoring how badly the democrats fucked up this election by alienating S█████ supporters and pivoting to the right economically.
Hillary is probably the only democrat today unlikable enough to lose to Trump but Clinton News Network is still overestimating her



can you get any more pleb?


I know. I shitpost here and on Holla Forums cause I like fucking with people. This election has been fun for that. I always get told I'm from Holla Forums here which is funny to me. And there they tell me to go back to Holla Forums. Funny how that works.

already am fam. But I know I'm not the only one that likes to fuck with people. Just dropping by the gift if anyone wishes too as well.

Yeah I saw that comment too, made me laugh.

If only we could build a butthurt power plant, these guys could keep it operational for eternity.

Philly-friend here. I went last night to check out the "free speech zones" for protesters they have set up in FDR park (talk about an ironic name) across from the event center and it was draconian as fuck. A 4 mile long fence around the entire event center and the park. It was like I was on set of Children of Men.

IIRC I'm pretty only 1/5 or 1/4 of S█████ voters said they'd never vote for Hillary. So, not really a big deal if she continues to piss off the B████ or Bust crowd because they'd never vote for her in the first place and most of those fuckers seem to be chumps that would've voted Ron Paul 2008 because "he's anti-establishment, maaaaan" and will do so with Trump this time around.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks were apart of a russian conspiracy to stop our Woke Queen Hillary from slaying hatred of women in America or something

I suppose I have a higher tolerance for such individuals, then. I view them less as conscious actors who push their ideology with ulterior motives and more of a hoodwinked and misguided group of individuals who are genuinely interested in improving the lives of others but who are being used as useful idiots by a bourgeois intelligentsia that wants to keep them distracted from class politics. Unlike the reactionary right, who bares the brunt of my anger and hostility, so-called "SJWs" and the like have—at least in my experience—been receptive to civil dialogue and sometimes even agree with me on my statements about capitalism. That is not something I notice among those engaging in RIP, so I generally consider them unworthy of my time.

Bernie is losing control over his movement comrades.

Sounds like some sort of libertarian petting zoo.


The Fire Rises


Makes sense. Trump's a Putin bootlick and is a walking disaster for America's economy.

I've been watching CNN and MSNBC all day and they keep spinning it towards a red scare tactic thing. Pretty laughable.

Sanders is too spineless. He's now a little good boy democrat. Thinking he'll do anything is as delusional as Holla Forums thinking Trump doesn't bow down to da jooz.

Even if I am a just a shit stirrer, it's better for B████ to lose control of his voters and for them to burn down everything in their path. B████ doesn't deserve their respect.

MSNBC just interview a guy with a PSL sign

A what?

Party for Socialism and Liberation

This: . Minor socialist party.

Nevermind, it's a communist party. And Marxist–Leninist? That's disappointing

First off, he had to endorse her. Convention rules.

Second, he doesn't want a Trump presidency. It's a threat to his vision for America. While he did come in very strong in the primaries(48% of the vote) it's not strong enough to confidently attain a third party presidency. Maybe next year, but not this one. The DNC is willing to fall on their own sword for their shit candidate, so we have to live with it and S█████ has to work his ass off putting a psychopathic robot in the White House.

However, it's not the end of the world. That 48% gives us a lot of power, especially after this scandal. Win or lose, it's almost guaranteed that we'll be getting a more left leaning Democratic party after this election. Hillary's scheming will be completely pyrrhic when Congress is filled with B████crats.

I saw that.
Those red flags waving made me hard.

apparently Jane S█████ just said something about B████'s name going forward for nomination or something


What did Jane mean by this?


What did she mean by this?

I don't remember reading any of the DNC emails stating they had people here too, but I'm not surprised.

Do I sense an insurrection?

Okay, I used a meme to ask but for real, what does this entail? I'm a stupid fuck and I'm not helped by the fact that I didn't sleep well and I haven't eaten yet today (new kitten, she's been sleeping like a baby on my lap all day and I don't have the heart to move). Please someone help me so I can participate in the habbenings.

Hey greentext fag. You're a little late to the party.

Looks like I'm right on time to be honest.

Listening to Clinton News Network:
It's time to rev up those guillotines, DNC attendees!

Bring wirecutters and lots of friends tomorrow with Molotovs

Christards, for instance, also by and large have altruistic pretensionsintentions, but that doesn't mean they don't have a variety of demented and contradictory assumptions as a result of following a fundamentally dysfunctional ideology.

Convention rules indeed, can you imagine if he were forced to hold his own counter-convention outside the walls?

I am very confident that number will increase as legal inquiries into the matter settle things for history over the coming months, in the way the [REDACTED] campaign should've been doing over the primaries' run.

We getting a roll call vote fuckers! GET HYPED FOR A FLOOR FIGHT


Why did you people give up on him?

Because he gave up on his voters.

Any links?

It'll increase regardless. Nothing can stop this. B████ has all of the youth vote. It's the future wither the DNC likes it or not.

Don't do this to me, man. I don't need more heartbreak.


That's great.

He's still a little good boy for Clinton and the Dems that fucked him in the ass though.

That's just lip reading. We need something harder for this level of hype.

Is the threat of Clinton Foundation secrets big enough for a roll call?

You guys think this speech tonight is going to be anything but the same stump speech but with a line about Clinton at the end

While that's true, the same has been my experience with Christians: they are at least willing to listen and engage in civil dialogue, and they seem genuinely interested in helping others (despite their ulterior motives of proselytization). That has been the case with much of my highly religious right-wing family, at least.

People want to see the DNC floor fight, not about the speech. It's about how the delegates will react.

i want to believe

i am allowing myself to fall for this hype

But everyone already knows that it was a Russian hacker who gave the info to Wikileaks. Now, the FBI is saying it was the Russian government.

Also it's not that far fetched considering Trump stated he wouldn't fulfill NATO treaty obligations in certain circumstances, something the Russians would like to see happen.

This shilldyke on CNN I swear, take your false civility and shove it.

Heres today's schedule

This is just media spin, intended to put the actual email scandal down the memory hole.

Be scared of Putin! Obey your party and pay no attention to the corrupt clusterfuck behind the curtain!

What did he mean by this?

Something he'll shrug off as an electorate half-promise his team isn't obliged to fulfil.

Allowing such kooky (dare I say…… Spooky?) religiosity to sprout within the ranks of what should to be an unprejudiced, intellectual movement where none existed before seems suicidal to me. Pomo crit theory is patient zero for the cancer as far as I'm concerned.

If our own intelligence services are unwilling to root out corruption, I welcome any aid others are willing to render for whatever reason.

He's saying it's stupid to think that Putin leaked the emails because he likes Trump.

He's also saying that the DNC was stupid for writing the emails in the first place.

Thanks, I didn't get it at first because of the weird redaction.

Good point, but I'd like it if RNC emails were leaked too.

if assange doesn't publish more incriminating emails then he's really rooting for trump rather than B████



Well of course, Assange is for freedom :^)

jokes aside I'd like republican leaks too

you can hear it pretty clearly

What will happen at the roll call?


More smugness from Hillary

Wow, shilling Shillary in return for "leverage" at the convention sure got results. Hopefully all that will be canceled for emergency lynchings and witch pyres.


how many can that even be anyway aren't they hard-right islamists?

Fucking hell

So basically, the *only* pro-Clinton argument that their supporters had, which is her alleged electability and hability to "stop Trump", is now gone.

This bitch might actually lose the election.

Why don't the dems drop Hillary and replace her with B████? That old man actually beat Trump every time.

The party split is inevitable now. Nothing anyone does can change that.

Don't do it fam.
You're setting yourself up for dissapointment

Yeah, but nomination for what?

Because they would rather drink bleach than ever see B████ anywhere near the white house. He's a repudiation of the narrative they've spent decades building and if an actual progressive gets into the big chair it'll demolish their entire program of austerity and identity politics.

Who has to buy lunch for all the delegates.


rip democratic party

Because they'd rather lose elections than lose control of the party.

Parliamentary Labour Party is that you?

For who the dump the blame on once Queen Clinton gets trounced by Trump.

When will Wikileaks release the Clinton Foundation crimes?

pic related for hope

Assange wants Trump to win so he'll release that when S█████ has no chance of replacing Hillary.

Didn't Wikileaks just stated that both Trump and Clinton are evil on twitter? the replies are full of trigggered trumpcucks

Wolff mentions that between Trump, Hilary, and B████, B████ and Jane S█████ are the only pair in a functional, loving relationship. I think it really shows whenever they're together, just how they act around one another, that it isn't just a political marriage held together by cynicism and wealth.

It's really rather nice.

fuck off m8, she's shit.

>Hillary Rotten Clinton
Trump pls

I have to admit that's p. good


I want to believe. I want to believe that miracles can happen.

Oh shit, you're right.

I'm sorry Assange for ever doubting you.

>buh-buh-buh-but what about TRUMP'S emails!
It's not like they hacked the emails themselves you stupid fucking idiots the can only dump what they've been given


As I said>>813838

I just can't be hurt like this again. I know my heart and dreams will shatter on the convention floor when he doesn't win it, but I'm too trusting and hopeful for a universe that is ultimately good and rightful that I'll end up believing he has a chance regardless.

How can you even doubt Assange?

He was blessed by Zizek.

no, it's not happening.



At this point I don't really give a shit. He showed his true colors when he endorsed Hillary. I'm sure he'll cozy up with the rest of the Dems if he really does get the nomination. Or maybe he just endorsed her because he really just doesn't want Trump. Or maybe he just realized he would have to hold his nose and stay in the DNC's good graces to have any influence.

I mean, that settles it, right? Everyone is voting now, right? I mean, it's Trevor Noah people

Can you imagine if the Democratic Party had a democratic loophole like Labor? B████crats directly outvoting internal party bureaucrats, changing all their crooked rules, and kicking them out?

Fuck that John Stewart wannabee.
What an unfunny shill.

Literally who?

Also fuck that shit.

Huffpo and Trevor Noah will save us!

I will shit myself if Clinton gets cockblocked out of the presidential nomination for the second, after such a vicious, roller coaster ride of a primary.

Holy shit, CNN is showing the protests outside the DNC convention and there was a big red hammer and sickle sign. Now fess up, which of you faggots is it?

lol that tom ass nigga

like black people doin so hot under obama right??? lol

John Stewart's shitty, neoliberal shill of a replacement. I honestly think John Stewart was further left than he let on.

He was actually accused of being a socialist by someone from fox news once and he never denied it.

You mean a party that could actually win votes?

They will never have that, but the american institutions also give us a certain leeway for reform if we're strategic.

IMO, they should have a party within a party. Elect a number of progressives who will collaborate and cooperate with each other and who will not be afraid of splitting the vote if their demands are not met.

It's the latter two. He's not going to be making many friends with the DNC, which is why he's trying to replace them.

I think, right now, Hillary herself needs to apologize for, or at least condemn, the way the DNC treated the B████crats. I believe that's the only real way to get a truce out of this situation, which means it'll never fucking happen.


scuttlebutt is that this rollcall vote is going to be done in two rounds, with the normies voting first and the supers voting after

the dnc was trying to keep it under wraps because they think that giving the sandernistas a glimmer of hope just to snatch it away is going to cause a shitstorm

Never heard about that actually. I'd bet he's at least a socdem. I know he didn't have anything nice to say about Clinton. I can't help but feel that he left because he didn't wanna have to shill for Clinton. The new guy, takes shots at her, but he's definitely still in the tank for her. Lee Camp on RT is good if you enjoyed the old Daily Show.

Is it this singing?

I think so. Didn't Jon support S█████?

But let's not lionise him now. Everyone should remember the first Obama term where Jon would come to the Dem's defense at every turn and always shit on the likes of Wikileaks, Snowden, the OWS people, etc. Same goes for Colbert.

Trevor just seems like a blank page. I doubt he even had strong politics before that, other than the usual gay marriage/stop racism stuff. The sort of political worldview that is more designed to confront a reactionary uncle on Facebook instead of political institutions and power structures.

M8 he said he'd endorse the eventual Democratic nominee no matter what. And S█████ remember Nader, where an entire generation was put off of alternatives to the Democrats because they managed to (wrongly) blame a third-party candidate for two terms of Bush.

didnt the daily show become completely irrelevant under him?

more or less but it was on the decline for a while

Live from the free speech zone


I despise the religious right so much and want Pence out of the White House so bad I'm still praying for shillary to pull through. I'd prefer a corporate dystopia than to have time set back to the Middle Ages. We all know that trump won't govern.

This CNN stream is such a joke. They aren't even trying to cover their dogged commitment to suppressing protest and uncritically defending the DNC.

Where are you?

At this point I'd be voting for Clinton if I were american too, which is also why I want all the media to shut the fuck up about everyone's "moral obligation" to support her because they're alienating everyone.

Righttt I almost forgot. But iirc, he only went after OWS after it was hijacked by SJWs. The other stuff you mentioned is pretty fucked though. I also heard he punished his writers for striking.


Seriously it's hotter than fuck here


BERNIE B████ B████ B████ B████

No need. Very easy to climb over. Cops posted fucking everywhere though.


I'm too fragile for this.


Lots of dirty gommies here

Yeah, I'm watching it right now.
This is going to get insane, isn't it?

Meh, if Italy survived Berlusconi, America will survive Trump. And if he fucks up bad, that could even let an opening for leftism discourse. Thing that would be harder after Hillary's run.

Could this be literally a coup?

Oh shit, the DNC is on Twitch and it's much better quality. It's also low viewer count, so we can communize the chat.


Drink lots of water comrade, we need boots on the ground.

This person isn't doing that great with the anthem, but I respect the effort.







i don't think so m8

PSL is here

telepromting hard in this fucking place

Welcome to Philly.

I'll probably re-register as Independent or no party affiliation after this whole debacle. I registeted before I was into actual left wing thought anyway.


Gotta love those boos

Establishment cucks.



I just hope their ready for Red Scare 2017. And purge idpol too hopefully

When do they officially vote on the nominee?

We're already off to a great start.
B████ ██████ started a political revolution. Now he can’t stop it.



I stopped watching my depressed dad cooking with daughteru and cockhungry schoolgirl for this.
It better be worth it.


Bless you.

Please tell me we'll get to hang all these people within the next few decades.

wheres the stream?

It's like they just realized he wasn't kidding when he said it not "me" but "us".







Oh yeah. So much better than Cleveland.


Alright, finally, Jesus.

I was wondering why no one was boo-ing.


I can't hear enough booing!!!!


Oh my god that old jew socialist wizard started a fire.

now it's our turn with the DNC, we're coming buckos





Right? She's a DNC puppet. The disease is endemic, and it's in her to for them to select her.

What are they chanting?






What is that?

Who's ready to watch the DNC turn into IRL shitposting for B████?


Come on people where's the energy. After those e-mail leaks they were not supposed to be getting a single word through.


It can only get better. The shit storm will grow larger.

Where is the booing?








Read the thread. Jesus Christ. Literally scroll up like 10 posts.

well I'm done for now, I can't bear listening to these shills



all over youtube


To be fair B████ shouldn't have endorsed Hill Dog in New Hampshire. Had he done a "FUCK YOU BITCH, FEEL THE BERN!!!!!" He probably would have a chance at nomination.


10/10 Hillary

Amaama no Inazuma.
Don't stream, streaming is undialectical

Yeah guys sorry

I wanted to live shitpost with you guys but I can't bear that generic


The NAYs even seemed to a tad bit louder, haha.

You think that someone will break down crying? haha



What happening so far, my stream is being a piece of shit.

wait, what, what happened? I missed it

I'm waiting for someone to rush the stage.

From the chat:
Goes perfectly with Fudge


[spoilers]I fucking hate liberals[/spoiler]


booing, B████ chants, upset speakers

All the speakers look so bad a void of autheticity. I love it. The whole atmosphere went from jovial to pissed-off. This is awesome entertainment.

Why the Spanish hate?

And why is B████ censored?

Tomatos please.



It's not celebrating Latinos. It's exploiting them like circus freaks.

it's blatant pandering, especially after the taco bowl leak
memes fam

Gotta appeal to those Hispanic consumers :^)

does this nigger have a fucking hillary pin

Hollow pandering to the hispanic vote.


They were making fun of Hispanics' electoral docility. Fuck'em. It's all an act.

Recommendations that will be promptly ignored in a Hillary administration.

leftypol joke

I think it's because of the dnc email leaks

the endorsement

Why would I hate my first language? I just hate the pandering.

Just as long as you vote for the DNC appointee.

He seems to have watery eyes, at least.

This is nothing but hot air.

Well they scorched Donald for the Taco Bowl Burrito master race , but clearly they're trying really hard to maintain the status quo.




Oh boy I see Gatorade bought Ad Time.





Tbh that looks tasty

But only one deserves the presidency.

this ideology is fucking nuts

Did they kick out all the people that were chanting B████ and booing?

We can not reconcile


Why not one of those newer T-Series tanks with anti anti tank missile armor?


when is the nominee officially selected?


Michael Browns mom too.

"let's cheer for hilary come on guys"

Let's not and say we did.



Trips for someone to rush the stage.





Such unity.

Square Pizza?

You weren't even trying.



at this point i fully expect a riot to break out


This is America in 2016

This is my country

With or without dindus?


kekkest of keks

Uh what? They will open the nomination so they can say B████ lost 'fair and square'? Fuck this.

A daily reminder harry potter is now an undercover FBI agent tracking the Neo-Nazis.

Why didn't the democrats start the opening ceremony with a moment of silence for Harambe?

Absolutely sickening.

What was the quote?

You can't make this shit up

"It takes great courage to stand up to your enemies, but even greater courage to stand up to your friends."

Because animals would be trained to vote for Hilary.


For those wondering about the Dumbledore quote:



The leaks will come out after the nomination.
It's a leap of faith for the delegates at this point.

BERNIE B████ B████ B████

If only Mr Cummings was so lucky.


ahahahahahahahahahahahaha dude are some of you younger than 21


There are more leaks?



someone needs to shop this as B████ walking and then turning into Stalin

Because they got voted down 4 fucking times in a row after the Hillary delegates tricked them into compromises the B████ delegates gave.

Big mistake.

Yes, yes, well done Hillary, well done Hillary


Hillary just stole B████


Yeah, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Someone rush the stage. I want this to be meme worthy.



This, Clinton is going to get it. However, you're completely wrong that she's going to win.

Is that really from the Coraline move? I don't remember that scene. Is there a sequel I'm unaware of?

Apparently the reason the BOOs (at least on tv/twitch) are much quieter now are because they moved the Shillary supporters around all the mics

She looks like the purple hair girl from Kick Ass

yeah you fucks, this country is not about you anymore, it's our future so why the fuck do you assholes keep voting against our generation? KYS

what the fuck are these chants


Hilldog hand rubbing confirmed

If they do then it's bullshit that Assange supports B████ and not Trump.







Guys, simple chants. Complex chants become garbled.



That "this is what democracy looks like" chant comes from Zuccotti Park. Ironic.

Link for people just joining?

woops didn't mean to page you

No that's what the Mainer woman said.

Zizek would have a fucking field day

Even Gavin made a pretty good point about these fucks.










This sounds like a fucking clusterfuck of trying to justify completely rigging the election.

It reminds me of Mitt Romeny's concession speech back in 2012.

Yeah sorry accidentally paged you

Baby Boomers didn't make Witch House so we're automatically better actually

Where did they do that?

Were they chanting Hillary or hypocrite?

The booing is barely audible now. Did they fuck with the crowd mics?


Include the Saudi's, they paid for 20% of Hilldog's campaign.

Nevermind I'm a mong

What's the difference?

We need to edit this

What a shitty speech

What the fuck is happening? I just got out of my bunker? Did he win? Did we lose?



Why did he even try. Everyone hated him.

I dunno, at the convention. word on the street is it's much louder on the floor, but this is just what I'm hearing

Yeah it's tough.

Very few people have ideals and principles that survive that early 30s - late 40s age bracket where you're constantly told that accepting the way things are and focusing on your carreer/family is synonymous with "maturity".

this generation is the most class conscious since the early 20th, regardless of their liberalism, they have far more potential than any other in decades. Implying that they are the same is disingenuous at best, and outright lying at worst

Silly B████bros, did you think your "No"s mattered?

They could be tweeting the ayes on their phones and they'd still have it.

that's what the word on the street is

what is this


lol and what happened just now seems to kinda confirm it

this fucking cracker looked REALLY fucking disconcerted

dubs for someone to rush the stage


They're ready to lead if they rig it.

I'm talkin' 'bout the Boomers when they were the same age as the current crop of slacktivist hipsters, you dunce.

Watching the DNC try to get Hilary cheered is like watching WWE try and get Roman Reigns cheered.


A congress committed to doing absolutely nothing but suck Republican cock.


Well the Boomer Geezers our number Millennials by the truck load and they keep living == LONGER AND LONGER ==

Old man can't speak.

Poor guy

Stop trying.


M8 have you forgotten the 60's where everyone in college was expected to be anti-capitalist, when people quoted Mao Zedong and literally took part in armed insurrection?

Political idealism fades away quickly. We must be aware of that now, so we're not overly optimistic about the future and so we don't make up a bunch of faulty political alignments.

When this generation is occupying the positions of power and influence, they too will grow more conservative.


Wheres the boos?

According to the internal DNC documents the Mexican voting bloc is even bigger than the boomers now

Did he really, REALLY just say that about the Blue Dog traitors that cockblocked us on a public option for single-payer healthcare even seeing the floor for debate?

you're right about the latter, but millennials overtook boomers already

it's just that we don't vote as much, blame a ton of reasons, but that's why we don't have representation


Did he really say D? That long pause until he said Q was cringey as hell.

Does this mean we win?

They fucked with the audience mics

nobody wins


Those boos just keep coming.




Well less are going to vote now with that's going on.

Revisionism at it's finest.

the economy wasn't in the shitter, and wealth inequality wasn't off the rails, the downfall of the left was inevitable for that generation. The only thing keeping it afloat was race riots, and after those went away with liberal pandering, so did the left anger.

all of that was not a mass movement. sorry, but they were always a vocal minority. there was no huge shift of leftists turning into liberals, just normies ignoring all the turmoil entirely.

Awww shit, it's that donkey from the Comey hearing

Then Hillary failed that test.

This election is basically asking the youth to radicalize further further further into the left


Are you forgetting the 70's crisis? Actually people seemed more right-wing after that than before.

Flat-out wrong


pure idpol

No shit. The Democrats saw the Tea Party and said "I want some of that chaos".


What are these forced as fuck chants from Hillary's side?


The Democratic party is now the old man party, and the Republicans are also the old man party.

Everything they say is incredibly hollow, they don't understand the younger demographics, and they're just trying to con them into voting for them to stay in power.

If they were hoping to stem the political revolution, then they're doing an incredibly bad job at it.







What are they chanting? I can't hear it well




This is amazing

That's what I thought at first

Again, the same Baby Boomers who are now Geezers who protested back in the 60 now run the show and collude with each other for power.

This is evident with Jeb Bush and John Kasich where they shilled for amnesty for votes.


whatever dude

Double Dubs for B████ Rush.


That's because 1960s non-economic issues alienated the already pre-employment youth from the labor movement, allowing porky to crush the union core of the New Deal coalition unopposed.




Oh no, the negra is going to cry

fuck off Holla Forums



BLM was bought and paid for by George Soros.


😂😂feelin' #bless today 😂😂





Oh come on they're playing ads on the stream

nice bantz tbh fam.

look, I get you think it's the same, but it isn't, neoliberal policies didn't start to take hold until the 70s, and they didn't begin to snowball until the late 80s-early 90s, the left can't take hold until the thumbscrews get turned hard enough. We're only at that point now, and with 4-8 years of shillary/trump, the thumbs will break, this isn't the 60s-70s, the economic, political, and legal issues were not anywhere close to as bad as they are now all at the same time. You can point to race issues, war, whatever, but they weren't intersecting together with a terrible economy made worse by a bought and sold government and legal system, at least to the levels of today.
Coupled that with the internet, instant information exchange through phones, massive political divides in society, automation eliminating jobs, outsourcing, wages stagnant since the 70s, etc etc.

We are in new territory, this is unprecedented, trying to compare it to any other time is just not going to work

It's been that way for like

a year

I'm not seeing Berners going for Hillbros necks.

Just chillin in Cedar Rapids

Lmao, of course no footage of Cornel West at the platform meetings.

Also, I love the black man with the deep voice narrating this video package, as well as the trap music bed. LOL.



That was a movie once.


You got the whole thing?



👌😂🔥 #ROASTED👌😂🔥

They keep pushing this unity amd unified game. It's fun changing the narrative.

I wish. The guy's got pretty poor comedic timing and lame writers.


Guy on the right is the Gov. of Connecticut. This mother fucker has a 24% approval rating. For some context the last CT governor to have such a low approval rating was Roland and he signed in disgrace for corruption





This guy looks like he's going to cry.


Is that Qaddafi?

he was crying before coming on stage, afraid of the angry mob waiting outside

The man talking right now doesn't even look interested in what he's saying

BERNIE B████ B████

this is sad

Neil Breen. A god amongst men.

save us neil breen.

no guys no manipulation here

This guy is talking about how Union busting is a big part of the republican platform while Hillary served on the board of Walmart for 4 years in the late 80s and early 90s

Hill Dog logo guy looks like he's been blazing it.

Mixed in with all the idpol horseshit, this guy is saying the first decent rhetoric I've heard all day. Sad.


But yeah, he sounds lower energy than Jeb.

needs more donkey

This guy looks like brown david brent

Oh boy B████ delegate

good shit fam

He's pissed of his vote base just now.

Why are all the Hillary supporters holding up anti-Trump signs instead of Hillary signs?

Speaks volumes imo.

Those jury-rigged
that says

Bernie trumps hillary when?

This fucking shill trying to steal credit from the supreme court.

Is this guy related to the ewu professor that wasn't black

Good speaker

First Harry Potter, now this!?

They probably don't want to get escorted out


on CNN

top kek

Good lord I can't wait for the election to end. Check those quads though.

>Trans dragondildos

the only party mlk was ever apart of was the republican party but he left when he started preaching about civil rights



How did THAT slip in there!?

I can't wait to tell alton sterling that Obama ended racism in America


They want their plantation to pay off.

You forget that neoliberalism is not a novelty per se, it's more a return to capitalism's pre-War arrangements when the market were the main driving force behind the economy and politics. Sure, with some differences, like the global downfall of protectionism, but even those come with some benefits (like cheaper commodities) that will appease the population.

And Inequality is indeed a good point, but we only recently reached the levels of Inequality in the first world that were already there in the beginning of the century. And Inequality alone does not create revolution: Brazil has been living with one of the toughest wealth disparities since the 19th century and the elite is still having it their way without interruption since then.

And let's not forget the actually existing Socialism. Although the Soviet bloc was a prime example of why Socialism was shit in the conservative's narrative, its existence also helped finance, mobilize and organize left-wing groups abroad. Even in the United States the Black Panthers, for example, were greatly helped by ML countries. North Vietnam negotiated POWs through them at one point. Huey Newton visited China officially before Nixon. They sought refuge, finance and guidance from Cuba, Algiers, Russia.

We, on the other hand, are in a situation where there's virtually no socialist institution to turn to. The post-WW1 generation had the Soviet Union, the pre-WW1 generation had the International. We have nothing, which is why we go apeshit over left-wing lone wolf candidates.

This fatalistic "the technology/the coming crisis/the demographic change/the new economic developments will bring Socialism" mentality has been deluding the western Left for over a century now. Let's drop it in the 20th century where it belongs.

Signs getting confiscated.

Oh boy. == IT'S HAPPENING ==

It's frankly fucking unreal that they rely on voice votes to decide upon things in a convention of 2000+ people.

You can't make this shit up

They can at least use text votes to tally them.

Say it with me folks

Time to rush the stage

Did we lose?



new chair of the DNC looks like the first citizen of vault city from fallout 2

Did i turn on the RNC by mistake or

The RNC didn't pander, the DNC is pulling all the tryhard tricks.

Who let George Soros take the stage?

FDR, and the larger forces that fueled him, like anarchist terrorism and Eugene Debs' socialism, are an abberation that shattered neoliberalism to create the first 1st-world nation in history.

Offshoring and mass economic immigration have devastated American working class incomes so severely that inflation-corrected consumer prices have stayed flat at best or GONE UP relative to earnings.


They are threatening delegates with the loss of their credentials if they don't hand in the signs according to some tweets.

the fuck you talking about? The first night was a 4 hour long soldier muh troops and f-16s circle jerk



In case nobody believes, i got you backed up fam.

source -

What about the Zodiac Killer getting BTFO'd along with his shills?

Have they been playing shitty music to heighten the spectacle of this farce this whole time or did this just start happening?

nigga what are you talking about, neoliberalism didn't even exist until WWII and it wasn't established at all until the 80s.





Roll dubs harder.

floor fights only happen during the voice vote for president bro. If it is going to happen it will happen then

Just wait for Berni,e to show up.

A 12-year-old is endorsing Hillary.



I thought I heard something about a roll call vote though

Then why are you supporting Hillary you fucking traitor.

Democrats as party did not fight for the Civil rights movement. The bill was only passed thanks to republican support. Southern democrats hated it more than anything and it made them leave the party during the southern strategy of the Nixon era.

I got banned from chat for 600 seconds for typing >PIGPIGPIGPIGPIGPIGPIGPIG!

Dems revise history, more at 11.

A daily reminder Hill Dog kissed Robert Byrd a Klansman who filibustered the Civil Rights act.

The likes of FDR are not aberrations, they're conditioned responses to agitation that is as integral to bourgeois order as private property itself. Bismarck pushed for reforms of a similar character almost a century before, and they will happen again and will succeed in alienating the people again.

And offshoring will not bring enough discontentment to push for revolution, not as long as enough jobs are created to keep the bulk of the population employed. Offshoring means steady access to cheap labour, which means cheaper commodities, which means more spending and more jobs elsewhere. The population is ready to face a massive lowering of their living standards as long as they can find work.

And remember: although the mobility of labor and capital are signs of capitalism's utter shittiness, it's usually the Right that capitalizes with it politically. All of Trump's voters agree with us on how bad it is.

I have such hopes for the moment he appears on stage and starts shillarying, don't let me down.

Bernie Bros rush the stage when.

I just got here.

Did B████ speak yet?
Why are only old corpses speaking?

You sometimes see the guys in black still looking for B████ signs, top kek.

Is this it Comrades? Id-pol personified? Pure un-distilled id-pol. The muh vagina meme in one individual

Rolling for stage rushing!

Didn't he get moved to 10 because he bitched about not being in primetime?



re-rolls don't count. you guys are shit at meme magic.



Did anyone else notice that the DNC platform highlights barely showed the S█████ delegates and completely skipped over both Warren Gunnels and Cornel West? The DNC sure is salty about S█████.

Haha holy shit they are literally still bringing up the world trade center attacks.


user you're so perceptive

My friends and allies aren't neocon war-hawks who bomb brown people because "muh WMDs"

If you're so good at meme magic can you get it to get women to actually give a fuck about your life

They will bring it up for the next hundred fucking years

The same rampant unemployment, poverty, and ferocious resistance against organized labor we see today are what ignited FDR's wildly popular bipartisan base as a phenomenon. If the mask slips in front of neoliberalism as I think it has again today, class consciousness will burn hot in the popular consciousness.


Word on the street is that Hillary has non-delegate shills on the floor participating in the voice votes.


seig heil friend, thanks for the meme magic.

Wow. You asked. KEK delivered.

If who wants to be a millionaire can have buttons to count votes how the fuck is it possible for the DNC not to?

It wasn't for you

Anfem fails again.

I need a drink.


They also seem to be taking away B████ signs and threatening to revoke credentials, and there are rumors that the MSM is adding applause to mask the booing/chanting

what happened?

lowey voted for iraq

Unresolved daddy issues

This is making me hate life much more than i thought.



I'm seducing kek into feminism. Do not try and cross me again.





Gulag for Illegals when?


Pls stop I don't have time to catch up on Tomoko.

Collectivization of dubs when?






Your magic is impressive Meme Wench.


But the manga is only getting better, user. Our little loser is improving but not fast enough that we won't see how her final year of high school will be like.

I hope they are holding those birdie seedman signs now.

Now apparently. I really can't understand all this hope for something exciting to happen. Hillary will win, trump will either drop out or beat her and thats that. You cant win inside the system.

Do not call me a wench

gotta admit, that was breddy gud.


oh nevermind, you fucked it.

So close….

Nothing. Just enjoying the insanity. It's amazing.

can't win them all I suppose.

Well what I think is going to happen is that the B████OrBust peeps are going to stay at home with other Berners thus Hillary gets less votes while Trump gains some B████ supporters as well as having a higher turn out and becoming president.


Congrats on ruining time travel.


Yeah. Hopefully those B████OrBust folks will find another way of engaging with politics, like violent protest or sabotage.

We're hoping this convention will be such an embarrassing disaster that it will firmly sow party division within the Democrats and the American left.

Pic related

Dubs and Hegel himself will descend from the heavens onto the DNC stage to complete the dialectic of history.

Well shit the entire time Holla Forums been sucking Trump's dick saying he is the second coming of Hitler. Only to be like Stalin in all forms. Wew lads we are in for a good one.

That's what thought of B████OrBust when this one due in my History class was telling me about it. "So they break out the AKs?" I say to him, "No no, we'll just stay home and not vote." he responds.

Fun fact he's Palestinian.

Your meme magic is weak.

Why would we stay at home when we still have choices?


California's economy is the sixth largest on earth and it also has the largest number of people living in absolute poverty

We are in for the best one because Trump won't be able to do anything he wants to
He will be a slightly worse bush probably He won't make the boner of the alt-right rise he will just alienate people so much further.

Isn't California an epicentre for gentrification?


And it's on fire.



Seems like they cut the mics in the boo sections, at least at CNN. It's way more silent than while watching other streams.

can we stop with the meme magic


why do you think all the hipsters live there


kek has spoken, and it does not favor Holla Forums

Rule number one


ten minutes later…

Probably some intern.

Only if it is hitler dubs rolled.

Seriously, all Holla Forums memes are shit but the whole "mememagic" shit is incredibly cringeworthy.

Fuck off DNC


"We don't build walls we tear them down"-Governor of the State where one of the worst Voter Supression cases ever occurred, standing in a bank-owned building surrounded by a FUCKNG WALL

Guys please stop these dubs, this is getting scary.

But its fun!

you're just jealous.

kek gave you a chance, but you lost it.

seig heil


No fun aloud: the post.

Dubs for Hillary heartattack.


You first

Check em


Are you serious?

anfem deleted her failed roll kek. what a dumb cunt.

No it's just fairly easy to predict when dubs occur on this board


Hey I still get 'em

On EVERY board. Holla Forums isn't exactly the fastest.








did you forget what board you're on

anfem's really a tranny


No dubs 4 u

It's allowed you twat.

damn, i tried. kek.


Turkey fucked that up like the French in WW2.

Ted Cruz is a democrat now?

Bern the DNC when?

rush the stage blm


dear lord

No he's the Zodiac Killer

Oh boy, this will be fun to watch.

ew blm.

the dubs have spoken

It's fun when you're not there.

let's be real, blm would rush the stage but no B████s.



You know it.

Fuck that was cringe.

please stop





With dubs, == YOU WIN ==



should rush during B████'s speech so someone can put on the "curb your enthusiasm" theme.

rolling for spontaneous anarcho-communist insurrection







welp, i finally got kek's approval.



i hope this happens

kek be with you

They might happen if Trump wins.


oh shit

good pic

A literal retard is about to endorse Hillary.

Rolling for revolution

By the power of B████ Sander, dubs for riots.


narrow it down, that describes most of her supporters



Dannel '74% of my state hates me' Malloy

when do superdelegates vote tbh


leftypol you are kind of bad at predicting dubs


Why is it always fucking lawyers
Give them hope but not TOO MUCH hope.

But are good at stumbling on them.


nice try.


Oh no, Chris found Hillary Clinton.



Trips for Berners to riot.

If trips, we get a successful coup.

Trump wins.


If trips B████ rapes hillary


aw man.


we did it Holla Forums!







time for directx

blown the fuck out

Surprised he didn't accidentally endorse Trump tbqh

Tbh a Cosby X Hillary porno wouldn't be that bad.

Seriously, where the fuck are the volunteers

All glory to the Motherland!!!!

Did you see his new vagina?


i'm fine with a coup fam, i just want to stir up shit so i can get some giggles.

Easy now, Trump is a living meme. And we want Hillary to lose, so Trump already won.


Trump confirmed BTFO


Somebody's gettin laid.

He said "lolol I trolled you XDXDXD" to that.



That's his response every time he goes full retard.


No we don't need a deformity virus running around, we have ebola chan for that.

haha look at his expression though

can't unsee

Owing wholly to their underdeveloped brain and skull shape, the average Holla Forumsyp suffers from poor pattern recognition. Thus, the phenomenon of seeing 2 identical numbers at the end of a long string of numbers is both fascinating and baffling to the Holla Forumsyp.

Even going so far as to attribute divination to the occurrence and engage in ritualistic celebration. The more like numbers in a sequence the more call to celebration.

Bernie better have a master ruse up his sleeve with all this shilling for clinton

Every one of the last 50 posters should be shot.


I'm on it.

Do you feel in charge?





spasibo tovarich

Annnnnnd yet the DNC is rigged as hell.

I'll admit it's good for chuckles, but it really does make sense. Being a legislator consists primarily of writing new laws in as legally tight as possible to fit in smoothly alongside past laws, being a lawyer is all about understanding the intricacies of the legal format and past legal precedents. Think of it like latin being the language of priesthood.


Is it me or is it the DNC trying to be like E3 or something with all the flashy stuff.

Dubs if the stage gets crashed. Double dubs if BLM fucks S█████ again.

This shit is not really worth of serious discussions tho. We know we are fucked and we might as well ease the pain comrade.
Wait for Breen to either turn on hillary or commit the final betrayal



Cenk has gone full Hillary shill mode. Fuck him.

Anita Sarkia or what ever the last name is isn't there speaking yet.



Dubs confirm S█████ Rescinds Endorsement

Alex Jones vs. Cenk round 2 when?

Somebody help him


This isn't a thread for autistic pol memes. It's supposed to be thread about the U.S. election, and in effect, the DNC, which is happening right now. It's really quite irritating to see all discussion of that overshadowed by people rolling for shit.


thank kek for no dubz on this one


smash muh glass ceiling

Oh shit not her the whiny bitch with her fuck buddy Quinn that cried to the UN is coming. I am not ready for this.

Damn I would love to see that. Round 1 was great.

That's my fetish tbh

I thought it was a girl under her for a sec. Disappointed.

This tbh

Please take it to Holla Forums.

Reminder that the best artists refuse to let politicians use their songs.


get over it fag, let people watch watch it all go to shit and have fun doing it.

closes Holla Forums

this tbh fam


But it's fuuuuuuuun

I'm out. I meet you guys at the convention

bring guns

Um I am confused when the hell did the DNC become a concert? Why are they playing Music I thought this was the big circle jerk the Bourgeois corrupt politicians get together.

It's much more fun to make humorous commentary on the whole situation, rather then to just look for repeating digits in post numbers, imo. Then again, I'm not mentally retarded, so maybe I'm not in a position to make that assumption.

Don't know. But I hope they die.

Yeah, help him leave so someone can screw his girl properly.

There wasn't much going on at the time, hence the digitposting. We're obviously done now.

Nice dubs comrade.



Sick digits.

Trips converge Superdelegates uprising

Get the Berners to rush the stage.

Trips confirm.

Did that Hillary shill just slam B████ on the floor? Too erratic and divisive to run the nation? Way to throw fuel on the fire dumbass.


Really dosn't seem that obvious to me.


I have heard nothing but idpol

No, he was referring to Trump


Guess I wasn't listening close enough.

check 'em

"N-nobody who voted B████ is voting for Trump…"

These guys are about to help…right?


Haha they talk about party unity and they shit on the one guy that even got most young people remotely interested in politics. Even if he was a Social democratic class traitor. This amuses me though.

I do hate how much shilling is going on. Riots or gtfo speaker.

She has grit alright.
Do you think they realize she is just stealing all of Bremen’s lines now?
Please tell me you think they realize that



So when exactly did the spirit of fun die on leftypol? Are you guys too autistic to balance levity with gravity?

what makes you think they aren't doing it on purpose

How can you say that when we've been getting all these digits?



They still have hope for the American democratic process. They'll grow up eventually.


There's an influx of summer anarkiddie ledditors and tumblrinas who lack the maturity of our core /lit/erates necessary to have fun while being political.


I just grew out of dubs bullshit 7 years ago, tbh fam.


This is the same party that called latinos in internal emails 'tacos' and called them most brand loyal minority


Nobody's keeping you from discussing anything, we're just also discussing with you to tell you you're an unbearable faggot.

>We need a path to relegalization of disposable slave labor


What else are we supposed to talk about? The DNC is pandering, nothing new there. I can't wait for Hillary to speak though :^)

If anyone's the unbearable faggot, it's you.

no u.


Is that fart thing still planned or what here? When does the gassing begin?

All I hear from that old hag lizard is how pc she is. Pandering pandering, Guys I have a vagina, oh don't vote for Trump or you are a nazi loving woman hater!

The leaks never happened remember, if they did it doesn’t count because Putin did it to derail our democracy.

Because they are still clapping.

Stay mad and useless, it's better than getting dubs. Almost.

This speaker right here.

think of the children
won't somebody think of the children

Well the dnc did a good job of boring the protesters to calmness. Look at this lull in posting.

You're just as mad and useless as I am, famalam.


I just wanna hear all the (b)ooo's and (b)aaaa's


a got

Of course, never said I was. Just saying might as well enjoy the shitshow. If you're so good at writing funny posts, write them. Nobody is keeping you from doing other than yourself complaining about dubs, and those were some nice ones :^)

It is funny that they gain more from pretending that Trump can actually build a fucking wall.
Every time booing happens i can almost pretend to have hope

Alright you got a point there. That would be more entertaining than listening to this pandering.

I'm back!

What I miss?

Where is Jimmy "MLG against the Bourgeois" Dore when you need them?




go figure.

I'm a little disappointed in the protesters.

the people demand blood

Of course not, All the Berners are hopping Green Party.


Now you're getting it. Enjoy the shitshow with us fam. Pull up a chair. Warm your feet by the burning pile of trash that is American "Democracy".


of ass meat

Social Democrat is still better than Neocon.

FWIW I was rooting for you this time

So Dubs for Riots?

There was already trips for riots earlier. Just waiting now.

Saving the final crushing of my delusional hopes to when Sandman speaks tbh.
Is this the worst thing so far? I think so.

nice prole shaming smh

why can't IWW members storm the stage and burn these class traitors


Alright fair enough anything is better than Neocons.


/sp/ stol ethem.

whoops, sorry for linking to your post comrade, i need to l2quickpost



To be fair, they are as spineless as their candidate :^)

that Clinton's VP wanted to fast Track

This guy implying the rules matter. Wew.

Tim == KANE ==

Peace through Power Brother Nod members :^)

lrn 2 redtext

more pandering to illegals


I can


They're whipping the Hillary loyalists so hard it's fucking unbearable.

Yeah, she wants to do it by rigging the nomination lololololololol

will this be the election where I die of alcohol poisoning?

Gotta pander to those Tumblrites

oh fuck, dubs confirm i die.

I have bad news…..

post ur rules fam.

Go big on the way out with Red Bull and Jagermister.


right there with you

Fuck that, gonna go out with absinthe.


speaker looks like a king of the hill character

No dubs unfortunately

bobby hill grown up speaking rn

dubs for rushing stage

I don't :/

The complicity of these union heads to the Democratic Party makes the Unions of the USSR look like rouge activists fighting against the party line.


I'm thinking that wikileaks hasn't posted the emails because they won't affect the outcome of the convention in any way

Will there be new memes about the nays being ayes. Because we all know how rigged this shit is regardless.

Can we all agree the unions shilling for Clinton is the saddest and most disgusting thing so far

We will at least see the total collapse or near total collapse of capitalism

IWW or bust


Almost makes me want to see Trump win.

oh hey hillary cares about heroin addicts now too



whenever unions led the members vote they typically went for S█████
Union leaders are actively screwing their own membership for porkybux

We really gotta get these speakers their asthma meds

Well Trump did say he made the repub party the == WORKERS PARTY ==

Those unions are class traitors to their own cause. Pandering to the biggest bourgeois neocon in the election.

She burned the weed and became a Heroin.

Delegates should really have planned to chant "SANDERS, S█████" instead of "BERNIE, B████". His first name has too many syllables in common with Hillary.

elizabeth warrens on today. cant wait for the boos

Warren had better get run out of town like the class traitor she is

I thought that too.

Wasn't she the first to call out the banks?

also probably doesn't help most of them are in the rafters

RIP Punished B████. A fallen legend.

Hillary's plan to reduce heroine od


She's just going to piss and moan about Trump like an offended old lady.

six years ago maybe. She's gone full Shill

That speaker was so wooden I was afraid she'd catch on fire


And then she came to heel.


That and try and get people to chant hillary.

Maybe she'll bring up how she's "native american" :^)


Omg, Fuck Hillary. She doesn't give a shit about addicts.

Calling out the banks is meaningless. Even Hillary will take on the rich and the powerful now.

She betrayed her cause to shill for shillary. Instead of at least supporting Berine because they shared similar ideas.

So she is a class traitor and should be gulaged.


I just got here - Anyone have a good feed of protests?

fuck was that really it?

I'd recognize that riff anywhere fam

look at

Fuck, I'd vendetta her V if you know what I mean

lel whut?

Got here too late, that post is gone for me

A demi lovato concert is after this

Pandering that Hillary cares about addicts.

They're making this convention as boring as possible for a reason. Clinton literally doesn't have to say anything and she wins.

Demi Lovato struggles with mental illness?

I’m glad i have no idea who she is.

Nice shilling you cunt.

Demi Lovato is on stage because the democrats need to win the critical camp rock demographic


Bulimia, bipolar, and self-harm, apparently.



It's a common illness among Hillary supporters.

That is gold. Thank you for noticing

anyone want to talk sex instead of the democratic national convention

I can't even tell if I'm crazy or not anymore. But what does "They don't know your name is being put in nomination. That's the concern…" mean?

I'm game

I would too, if I was demi lovato.

is this a fucking joke?


Of course

sure, send me some nudes.

She must actually be retarded if she thinks more Romneycare is gonna give everyone mental health treatment.

So I guess this is part of the reason delegates needed to pay thousands of fucking dollars to attend the convention?


there's going to be a roll call vote in two stages with the regular delegates voting and then the superdelegates will vote

they didn't want the S█████ supporters to know because they're afraid there'll be a riot if they give them a glimmer of hope and then snatch it away

These conventions are a joke.. Demi Lovato & Duck Dynasty..


This is going to be beautiful

I'm thinking of trying butt stuff but I mostly don't see a point. Honestly, there's already a cunt, anal seems redundant since there's going to be a lack of sensation involved that would be otherwise there just a finger away. But that doesn't neccisarily mean it feels altogether negative either

What's your opinion on this

In contrast: I'm paying a grand total of ~$250 to attend the Green National Convention in Houston and that's about the same distance from me as Philadelphia.


just fuck my life up fam

Can't wait to see Trump send the queen into seizures when he beats her in the fall.

Only in America do you get tv celebs to be part of the convention. Because other wise the normies wouldn't care. Its sickening. Riots when?

At best, it'll be shafted into a policy memo which advises corporate contracts for computerized CBT.

She's literally just a walking advertisement for an interest group.

I wonder how many people here are into water sports


Lmao, post your tits or you're a dude trying to derail because you don't care

I've never personally tried butt stuff because I am a boring human. However, I have heard alot of stories from friends and online dudes that butt stuff is pretty great if you can get over the initial weirdness. If the interest is there I'd say try it.

Well, of course. What better way to show the democratic process in work than a song about "confidence" by a corporate dick sucker?

Don't know till you try.

Derail from what

This is the most boring thing I've ever seen in my life


Someone give me a good livefeed if you're watching protests

one such famous case



What? You don't like Demi Lovato?!

Seriously though, post tits or talk about the shit convention

I'm gonna need to see some proof that's your rocking body.

shoe on head with time stamp or fake.

Haha, ok that's better. Where'd you find this hot pic?



See. I've had my gf put her two fingers in my butt before but. She's kind of pressuring to do anal with the strap on she has. And I don't know.

Seems like, at least first time, it'd seek painful. I'd rather she just get a smaller one first before we build up to that. But both of us are broke atm

time stamp pls

That pizza looks uncooked.

Got any dick sucking vids?They could be animated instead if you like.

Reddit gold

Call me stupid but Birdie pandering is the least painful pandering i think.

Nice joke fam.
Only woman who posted tits on leftypol was satan-chan and it was not a sight worth seeing


Fuck off you're fake like Hillary :^)

Who cares if it's not. Tits or gtfo.

Maybe if you sound like pol thats a bad thing.

I'd never ever want to be a blonde

Yeah alright I guess.

das raciss

I'm a blonde, it's fine


I don't support Hillary what the fuck are you talking about

Everyone in the crowd hates the TPP

Everyone in the crowd hates the TPP

Yet somehow it chugs along

yeah I'd say start small and with sufficient lube. Maybe just you're standard issue vibrator or something. Just don't get too crazy because the ol' choclate startfish or whatever isn't as elastic as pussy skin so its more prone to stretching out.

I say we filter anfem

is this better?

DNC = E3 confrimed

you mean you haven't yet?

Sorry to change the subject but I am Reading Des Capital with Requiem for a Dream (the song) playing. It feels like I have the fate of the world in my hands with this book.

That's not me!

The Geezer Boomers run both parties!!!!!!!!!

Stop playing with your pecker user

Yeah. I don't know I'd rather just start with probing with a smaller dildo actually

There's one thing I'm forever unwilling to try and that's eating ass. Nobody is having their ass ate around me, near me, close to me.

Are you the working class?

this is what i've been wondering about, every politician is against TPP and yet TPP is still there
nice trips btw

I hate that I love this funk music. YOU CAN'T BUY ME WITH FUNK, ASSHOLES..

That is me


Hill Dog loves illegals now, guess she abandoned the Heroin addicts.

Yes because the Democratic national convention is exciting and toooottally not fucking boring

it matters

That doesn't work. You'd have to filter every post, and there's no ids here. And everyone's named Anonymous.

You're stuck with me :3




I was postive ass eating was a meme or an act reserved only for our most degenerate citizens. But it seems I have a 2 friends who have shamefully admitted to eating ass.
I agree with you no way no how
there probably is something to it if its this common

Get into another fight and lose it.

Like the last one. It'll be funny.

this is a thread for american politics, not the IRC chatroom

go be an attention whore somewhere else

this doesn't feel like pandering at all

That's how the Geezers run the young people now.

This. Anfem, go not care somewhere else

Technically a student and was working for a while. Then I got injured at work, and was told not to come back. Its a pain in the ass trying to do school and work.

NO this is me

American Politics doesn't exist

You might as well be talking about eating ass

who is this mexican child speaking right now and why is she here

Fuck off, this isn't Europe

I'm not mexican.

Can you go away.

It's not just pandering, it's also blackmail.

Estados Unidos no quiero Clint-on. Eras puta extramamente.

Hill Dog needs illegals to vote for her.

New Hampshire

Half of the anfem posts aren't actually me. Maybe I should get a gimmick. Like posting statues

FARC Flag when?


being a feminist is already your gimmick though :^)


Rolled 61, 20, 71, 103, 63, 9, 131, 28, 139, 127, 137, 20, 97, 24, 86, 97, 10, 6, 20, 134, 108, 131, 131, 4, 13, 121, 93 = 1984 (27d147)good convention so far


Holy shit how'd you know I was mexican?

Being against feminism is already a gimmick though

Fam take it back to your torture chamber.

Maybe call yourself statue-chan or something. I don't know.

those bastards memed there way into the DNC

These memes are doing crazy shit right now.

We did it, 4chan!

make one

This happened before though….?

I think I'm going to post colorful propaganda images from UFO cults to separate myself more clearly


The FARC surrendered already.


Bookie Baldwin


dude it happened like a month ago

but will this be the farce, or the tragedy

Holy fuck, no wonder why trump is going to win. This DNC shit is a huge cringe fest.

Read and weep boi.


Yep. Definitely true.

Kek commands it.

I just figuered out flags guys…

heaven or hell.

America should have been nuked

Exactly my point. The Mexicans mean us no harm, and a lot of them are class conscious.

They are going to become an actual political party and accomplish more than an armed rebellion in 2016's colombia could

On June 23, 2016, the FARC signed a ceasefire accord with the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos in Havana. Although a final peace agreement will require a referendum, this accord has been seen as a historic step to ending the war that has gone on for fifty years.

Is everyone in this world a cuck?

really makes you think…

DNC is fearmongering on RNC levels

Clinton is reeeeeeeaaaaaaally trying to get that latino vote.

Dubs says what I finger myself to

Red Bull up those riots.

been lurking for like 8 months. Didn't have the confidence to post until recently.


Colombian cocaine up these riots

The Cringe is real.

Gulag yourself

Trips even. Wew.


1800's Coca Cola when?

Well played. Well played indeed.

nice trips, here's a get out of gulag free card


all me

Stop then.

I'm going to finger myself to the idea of crying in a gulag with another girl who's alone and we try to find time to spare to hide in the soot and dust covered shack where filth and sweat combine and melt off our bodies in streaks


Sounds hot, but still kill yourself


Screen cap for proof.

Nobody dies in a gulag

Why'd you have to do a TL;DR of A Diary of Anne Frank.

R34 edition



I screen'd it to keep it.


why though, he didn't get dubs. do you not know how dubs work?

It was trips, and he was the tripster

this is your screencap. you did it of the wrong guy or something.

Then why are you bringing it up.

Is Comrade S█████ ever going to show up?

Hollywood isn't even hiding their power levels.

I'm not them, just trying to explain it. He's happy to have a get out of gulag free card..

At the end when all his donors have to go to sleep for school tomorrow kek.

So they got Shia "Just do it" Lebouf in the convention?

Only when all of his supporters are exhausted from trying to have their voices heard.

I think B████ speaks at 10pm

You're dropping your redpill too early, comrade!


thats way past his bedtime

Gotta stick to the classics

What's the time over there right now?

It's 3:30 a.m. in Greece right now, I don't think I'll be up for much longer

Also, that last speaker was cringy as fuck.

Just give everyone in America free pure MDMA and drug us into a happy sexualized comatose stupor

fuckers look back three years!
bitch thought you where pond scum

this is the single cheesiest ad i've ever seen help me i'm lactose intolerant


I'm in India, it's 6am

It's 8:30pm in Philly, USA now

My god that last guy was awful. We are fucked, Trump is going to win in a landslide.

What a joke

Propaganda you mean

whats your opinion of anime?

The pandering continues. Damn I was getting excited for riots. Back to reading I guess.

Just kill me already


Anybody else really like that Twin Peaks cover album Xiu Xiu put out

Worse earlier.
Some Democrat came on peddling rhetoric you'd hear at a Republican convention. They had to sandwich it between Trump bashing just to escape how god awful it immediately sounded.


To be fair, the dnc is pretty fucking boring. You're right about that at least.

I just wanted a shitshow. Why can't I have nice things?

Do you accept this apology, Holla Forums?


America is already halfway there. But instead of MDMA, they use McDonalds, medication and TV to induce their comatose stupor

Oh I thought it WAS the DNC making those comments.

it only fuels my bloodlust

God someone just start a fire



Doesn't change the fact that the oligarch bourgeois chosen their new puppet. Can't even enjoy reading Marx without realizing how shit we in america are in.


That Obama cocksucker!

Give me us free mdma and hookah so we can at least pretend shitty civilization is just a bad rave

Idpol, the convention.

That's already my daily life

I couldn't decide between me and us

DNC is finally hitting Trump on outsourcing jobs.
too bad they're doing the same thing

Bourgeois democracy never again


Is he planning something?

Why can't we have a candidate against jobs?

I have it on mute since my roommate had to take a phone call but my cat umuted for just a moment. There's some lesbian stanning for Clinton, right? I hate to be IDpol, but as a woman-leaning bi girl, Clinton doesn't give a shit about LGBTQ+ people and our struggles. She only "cares" about us when it's politically expedient. What kind of bourgeois bullshit….

Of course they run all this Clinton propaganda for days before they're supposed to vote on the nominee.

Yes, I know class is far more important than orientation and expending significant time, energy, and resources fighting for LGBTQ+ rights instead of the working class is a waste.

Suicide most likely.

Bob Black for President!
Make America Sleep in Again!

Has any speaker up until now said anything that Hillary will do if she's elected, instead of what Trump will do if he's elected?

lol fuck no

they can burn

Thinking he has is the only reason I’m watching.

Delegates & supporters will do what they want or feel is right. I hope B████'s just covering his ass here.

Please riot, guys.

Nope because she doesn't have a clue. she been using idpol to win and the only thing we do know for sure is more endless wars in the middle east to fuel their Bourgeois capitalist masters.

Slogans run amuck.

*he is

Probably this.


I'm gonna fall asleep



Or he just soullessly urges everyone to vote for Hillary. He's a phony anyways.

He doesn't want the DNC to label his movement as a radical fringe element like the Tea Party. They're looking for any excuse to destroy us since we took out DWS.

Donald Trump is the Democrats entire platform.

If the Happening must happen so be it.

i want to believe so bad

No, B████'s gonna speak at like 10 EST, I think. You might miss a happening.

TP still isn't considered fringe, OWS however……

Bernie isn't done after this cycle.



Christ, this reeks of business/technical writing.

oh god they're attacking trump with more IDpol


that's why it ways on him so much, because he sees the revolutionary fervor he's waited a lifetime to see and he's going to have to let millions of people down for what he thinks is the greater good

If Hillary suffers disappointing electoral performance, surely such a protest at the right time is needed to link it to DNC corruption? S█████ will be blamed next election cycle regardless of whether his supporters draw attention to the leaks, but if they protest today the smoking gun is obvious.

The American political elections are literally just electing which off brand human jabba the hutt we have to worry about


That's the only thing going for them besides pandering.

I hope you keep being strong enough to read theory user




remember who you nominated

Is B████ the Zodiac Killer's clone confirmed?

Seems like the Sandman supporters got more balls than the Sandman himself.

Is he cucked? Yes, yes he is.

Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.

B████ ██████ is an older D. B. Cooper

Real talk fam. Do you have a fart fetish? Would you fart in my face?

Cause if the DNC is going to do it this entire convention, I'd at least like to get off on it.

Stop saying cuck this meme's amusement died in 2014


he just wants to have his "political revolution" candidates in place in case Trump wins.

Trump is shit but Trump with a congress and senate with him is even shittier.

figures with the 220 million he ran off with

I don't like farting.



Cuck cuckity cuck.

Free speech motherfucker.

Are you one of those weird ass people who have to go to the bathroom to fart or something?

Is this a copy and paste of the last white guy's speech?

Hehe thanks, In college I am a Historian and learning Political Science on the side. So reading Marx and Engels to understand the theory behind Marxism. Then read Lenin and Trotsky to get different views.

Das Captial will be a bit of a difficult read since the first volume is huge. But what I had in mind was writing down what I understood from each chapter and figure out what Marx was trying to make in context.

Heh if I can get through this theory reading other socialist/communist theories should be no problem.

Remember, the media is in the DNC's pocket. Any protest will be seen as "UNCONTROLLABLE B████ BROS ARE DOING NAZI SALUTES TO THEIR REAL MASTER: DONALD TRUMP".

If you think that's a joke, it's been all over Twitter today. There are a lot of articles out there painting the sad booing he received as evidence of us being Sander's Frankenstein monster.

lmao, good one


Free speech a a concept doesn't exist.

Anyways in concept, yes you have free speech to not be funny. I have free speech to point out your jokes died in 2014

No. I just fart quietly and usually,

it's smelly.

Then cuck cuckity cuck.

What are you going to do about it?

I remember reading on r/Sanders for president where someone took a second mortgage just to donate to B████.


Yeah, let's just quietly vote for Hillary Clinton i.e. what the Sandman wants.

That's bs Holla Forums posts, lmao, but I think you know that

wow man you sure showed him

hey look it's even less funny Jon Stewart here to Shill for the Hill

Tell you that your jokes died in 2014


Why didn't I screen cap it

Well, it's 2016 and cuck lives!

remember when al franken was cool


he was only ever cool if you were a liberal

It died in 2014. It's not funny anymore. It lost its appeal.


Not really, cuck is still here, no matter how you deny it.

What do your farts usually smell like, tell me more.

Trump's just going to steam roll him when he sees this.

cuck needs rebranding

Normies have taken it. Let go.

What, no?

It's in fact a good thing everyone start calling each other cucks.

Watching MSNBC right now.
They are going in hard on this Russian conspiracy theory bullshit.

Can't be too funny or you'll kill all of the Hillary supporters.

Cuck is dead. It's time to grow up. It isn't senior year 2013 anymore. Three years have passed. People who use it are laughed at. I'm laughing at you right now

Banana flavored perfume.

Someone get Eric Andre to crash the convention already

Madam President, pls get sniped

t. American people

I fail to see why anyone should give a shit about any of that

if they're the sort of stooge that listens to what twitter or the media tells them then they aren't worth considering anyway

And nobody is listening.

So sad to see this guy turn into such a cowardly prick.

Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them were such funny books too.

Was it even the "russians" that did that? Or are they just spinning some fucking lie. Is there even proof?


What the cuck did you just cucking say about me, you Iittle cuck? l’ll have you know l cucked cuck of my class in the Kencucky State Cuckiversity, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret cucks on CuckQuaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed cucks. I am trained in cuckoo warfare and I’m the top cucker in the entire Holla Forums cuck forces. You are nothing to me but just another cuck. l will cuck you the cuck out with precision the likes of which has never been cucked before on this Earth, cuck my cucking cucks. You think you can get away with cucking that cuckery to me over the Cuckternet? Cuck again, cucker. As we cuck I am cucktacting my secret cuckwork of cucks across the board and your IP is being cucked right now so you better prepare for the cuckpockalypse, cuckold. The cucklone that cucks out the pathetic little thing you call your wife. You’re cucking cucked, cuck-o. l can cuck anywhere, anytime, and l can cuck you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare dick. Not onIy am l extensively trained in unarmed cuckbat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Holla Forums Mandingo Corps and l will use it to its full extent to cuck your miserable ass off the face of the cucktinent, you little cuck. lf only you could have known what unholy cucktribution your little “clever” cuckment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your cucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re cucking the price, you cuckdamn idiot. l will cuck fury all over you and you will be cucked in it. You’re cucking cucked, cuck-o

is anyone surprised? Anything to keep attention off the emails themselves

>"Ha Ha Trump. Isn't he racist?"

This is just sad.


That makes them useful idiots for the DNC.

Assange said himself that the Russians weren't involved.

I haven't seen or heard any if there is.
All I've seen so far is conjecture.

How does that happen?

They're hoping they can start another red scare kind of thing I guess, idk. It's fucking dumb though.

It's time to stop lad.


There is absolutely no proof aside from the malware used to do it was of russian make

it's like saying the mujahadeen are russian agents because they use AKs

I am still wondering when they will stop trying to Roast Trump and using fear tactics. Its rather annoying if you ask me.


Now we just need to be ironic about it and go shit up another board.

fuck off normalfag

the music selection sucks

weak imo.





Wow they are removing S█████ supporters from the floor.

They've taken away so many signs and are literally removing people


They're not going to stop because that's all they have.

Unlike S█████, Hillary doesn't have any plans that don't involve pissing off the working class.

Why is 5anders auto redacted?

I don't know about removing people, but here's a vid of the signs.

They're trying to shift focus away from the content of the emails to the hack itself as a crime.

It's like when Watergate happened and Nixon tried to get people concerned about the leak violating his privacy than addressing what the leak was saying.

so original such funny


welcome newfriend



what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what is this


I come here all the time, this is the first time I've seen this

Never because the people who they want to come out to vote will just have these sound bites in their heads and never do any research for facts beyond it.

Post what you are listening to while you wait for comrade S█████ leftypol.
**need to keep my mind off the pain.

I heard Chris Reeves is also speaking at the DNC

He's right about that though. Hillary's a civillian :^)

This poor girl is going to be memed into oblivion :/

I am going to agree with you on this. But don't they know that using idpol isn't going to stop his supporters from voting for him. Since you know he is anti-pc.

Can this convention be any worse?

man this is a real fucking low.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Of course it's gonna happen though, it's the internet.

Seriously. I think I need to go pray..

I turned on the audio only to be disgusted and sickened even more.

Good thing god doesn't exist and hell isn't real cause I'm laughing my ass off.

not watching the stream, what's happening right now?

Some cripple is shilling for Hillary

a girl with cerebral palsy came on stage and called Trump a meanie bo beanie

The political fallout of the leak has irradiated the convention.

Guys. Inside info here.

comr8 bernard reveals his entryism in this speech and pulls a Ted Cruz, but even bigger

That pandering of latinos, the Roasting of Donald Trump, and the kiss ass Bourgeois to Shillary. Oh and /idpol/ shit too.

They have a poor cripple girl with a lisp crying about Trump and saying she does not exist for people like him.
She is literally on the verge of tears



Remember when eugenics was popular? Those were the days.

source? Or just wishful thinking?

I want to believe.

We can't prove it either way.

But I felt bad for laughing.

That's not surprising at all. I mean, I'm sure a muted video of children and infants being burned alive is less disgusting and disturbing then it is with audio.

when will it end

Don't let yourself be hurt this time.
Don't let yourself be hurt this time.

Doesn't Sarah Silverman hate Hillary?

Stop making fun of this poor girl jesus christ

If we were to dress up Ben Shapiro or another Republican from the NeverTrump movement in a disguise and put them on stage to give a speech, how long would it take before anyone in the audience really noticed?

Fucking kek.

She endorsed B████, I have no idea what she's doing here

Gotta get those funny people da kids like.

Not bad fams.



i doubt the fuck out of that.

Everyone is too bitter to care about some poor crippled grill.

I gotta say that music was really soothing and calming. I could meditate to this music if I wanted to.

If only… how long into that do you think before mics and feeds started cutting out?

I liek


It's going to happen just a matter of if it's today or in the next few days. Delegates have been discussing Hillary's electablity all day, especially considering how much Trump is ahead of her right now.

Guys, insider info here. Dozens of containers of VX gas are hidden throughout the building, soon to detonate.



Guys, insider info here. B████ has a KGB agent in the crowd that will assassinate Hillary live on stage


I hope. Burn it all, Queen Cersei style

Why would S█████ tell anyone this?

You'd have to be the big man himself.




It dosn't burn. Just kills you.

Bretty good thanks for the new band fam

Sometimes they do overdo the heart-the-fuck-out vocals but their production is always good and they stay consistent with all dem feels.

guys, insider here. S█████ is going to sacrifice Hillary to lucifer during his speech and call for satanic communism

stupid watamote poster

np fam, /mu/tant here. Think I got it from a share thread off there a couple days ago, not sure.

Wow. They are booing like crazy when Hillary is mentioned.

They are literally saying you can win a trip to philly if you signup on her website


Sarah Silverman sold out


You people think that a majority of Americans don't buy the bullshit of this election in cynicism, same people who would be hard pressed to explain the continual popularity of Oprah.

Clinton is going to win and we should be bracing for that than celebrating Trump's premature victory nobody should even want either.



She's a rich celebrity, what did you expect. A person with morals?

Because I really needed that

I feel so inspired to hate right now.

A classic.

I know. She can be burned along with them.





I have the audio off right now are these two seriously trying to do a standup routine

BERNIE B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████ B████


Holy shit.

I was actually going to vote for Hillary, but after hearing Sarah say that, I'm not going to do it.


Best moment of the night tbh.

Paul, Paul, Paul, don't do this. You have talent


RIDICULOUS? Get this cunt out of here. She'll need security on her way out.. I hope.

literally who


Lmao, wtf are they doing


It's called damage control comrade.

Seriously? How young are you?

How old am I?

Why should the S█████' camp embrace Hillary when she has done nothing to embrace them? That's like telling a child to leave their radical grandpa and live with a disinterested aunt.


please be trolling

You can be funny and call someone a cunt without coming off/sounding like someone threatening their vice principle.


Just got 10 feet higher

what was it?


But he praises B████.

Guys, I know no one will believe me, but B████ was supposed to speak much earlier.

Last minute after seeing the backlash, he made changes to his speech. When it was reviewed, DNC rejected it and now have him literally in a room with a bunch of people trying to convince him to change it. This is why he hasn't come up yet

Vice principle? Wat?

pure autism

Ok anybody that goes by the name Square Pizza here?



She said the B████ or Busters were "being ridiculous"

I'm glad she did, though, maybe it'll put a fire up their ass since this shit has been so boring


Isn't the jist of his speech that he'll be handing his delegates over to Clinton?



America or American tune would've been much better.

who wants him to change it? clintoncucks or berners?

I think B████'s smarter than that. He should give them a dummy speech & flip the script once he's out there.

Not joking. Right now they have officially moved him to the end of the of the speaking list because he's being "stubborn"

stream pls

Give your source asshole

When do we get to the twerking!


Bit too old-timey for me but thanks.
The ironing is too thick but not enough to block out the pain.

This guy looks like Frank Underwood

Soon, Clinton needs the minority vote.

fuck off


Oh my god, a celebrity! I should listen to her because celebrities know what they're talking about

I've never heard of her, but she has a nice butt at least

Daily reminder that Hillary supporters are anti-semitic

They're really overselling how Hillary isn't a reptilian overlord.


*nothing but boos*


friendly banter, tovarisch.

Well the evil russians created those fake emails

It's the only way B████ can consolidate his absolute commitment to beating Trump.

There's absolutely nothing worth watching in B████'s speech if you're a S█████ supporter.


What do you have against watamote?

He's a traitor and I hope his supporters riot.



To be fair, that was obviously an attempt at an awkward joke rather than anything else.

Friendly reminder that booing a person of color on the stage is racist

There was nothing joke-y about it

Sarah Silverman's comedy is entirely based around seeming awkward and not funny. This seems fitting for her.

archive link

that didn't sound planned at all.

top pleb.


You're a retard

Cheers m8

Oh, no doubt. My guess is she's made that joke before and pulled it out in the hopes of looking less embarrassing, it just didn't work.


I can't really tell where Booker is going with this

She's a comedian, I think she has more sense/self awareness than that

Good though, it pissed off B████ supporters even more


So's Chris Crisco.

Jersey is the Florida of the North

You doubled down on Hillary.

she told a nigger joke on tv, among a ton of other things, her shtick is edgy awkward humor, it's been that was for 20 years, it's just 90% of people on this board are under 20 and didn't grow up in the 90s/early 2000s to see it

But Florida is the fun one.

Because gators

Booker is having an Obama moment.

There is nothing fun about old people and cuban terrorists


I'm 29, used to love her show. I get her humor, but that wasn't it


Check to see if he has a Jeremiah Wright type pastor.

feels bad

But Florida has warm beaches.

I've been a "vote for the lesser evil" guy since Clinton won the nomination but Jesus Christ, why are they making it so difficult for me to hold to this position?

They seem to think that you can mock and bully millions of people into compliance.

Rip Vermont

He couldn't say it.

He couldn't say it was a right.


BLM rush soon?

This audience is hilarious


Aren't most voting for hillary?


go figure.

Where did you get that idea from?

Most BLM dudes I see are also pro-Sanders.

I remember lots of Blacks supported B████. I think they'll stay home instead of voting for Hill Dog.



Why does America fetishize soldiers so much?



because they protect muh freedoms and muh constitution

I bet he went to Yale instead of Harvard :^)


Noice trips.

looks like the skinny guy from key and peele

They literally handed out signs to replace the B████ signs


I don't get it.

OH shite and check em

Is this a Kee and Peele Skit?

I have no idea what any of this means

Is this guy like hot shit in New Jersey?

He saved someone from a burning building.




were they shouting that?



i thought it was no unity no justice

Guys. The S█████ delegates here are really arguing with officials, this isn't a joke. They're screaming at each other and are also chanting, this is a clusterfuck

But will they riot?

I couldn't hear it?

Record EVERYTHING. Livestream if needed.

Most invigorating night of my life.

Fuck yeah, if true.

they showed a clip during their trump video

They put their lives on the line with the goal of getting a few gimmedats. It's lulzy.

Can we have a riot bigger than the 1968 Riots?

Post your waifu.



I'll stop watching after B████ gives his last stand.

not this fucking niggress

Oh hell no.


This fucking music video is aids




as far as first ladies go Michelle Obama is so unremarkable.
The only thing she really did that was notable is trigger republicans in 2008 when they thought she was a black nationalist or something

From the livestream it sounds like people are pissed & yelling in the background

nvm, google says other wise

Just how hard will Hillary disarm us? They're taking away our bernout signs for god sakes


That was what Van Jones was for anyone remember him?

But she taught kids not to be fat fucks. A job that parents should be doing anyways

god remember that whole Saul Alenski thing? Good times, good times.

Doesn't Van Jones work for CNN right now?

A daily reminder that Hill Dog became Saul's lapdog.

Kids became fatter.

I think he does, I don't watch CNN, but I have seen him a few time when there is a TV with CNN on with Van Jones.

muh Children
look at how precious muh children are


yeah he got in a fight with some right winger who said the democrats were responsible for and where the current party of the KKK

Go on periscope to see the floor fights

Was it Alex Jones?
Also he was Obama's Green Jobs Czar.


Do you think Melania is taking notes on this speech?


With O'real it is.

Some old white guy. The daily show did a thing on it. Look up KKk van jones or something

I know it's Vox, but seriously….

already posted


Casual observation not worth of its own thread: how come everyone who writes "nerd" on their Twitter bios and love sci-fi/superhero/YA shit is 99% of the times a staunch Hillary supporter

She wouldn't even carry a Tokerav tbh.


Because that'll get 'em on board.

I swear, hillbots are fucking retarded. If it's not "bathing in B████bro tears" it's calling them sexist and racist.

Because you're lonely ;-;


so much revisionism here I feel like i'm back in my French Revolution class

They're bourgie normies

But there's not an answer there

Because "nerd" these days means someone who is a hardcore consumerist liberal faggot.


There's also no question mark.

suicide a best suicide

you're right there isn't

anyone got a link to the periscopes of delegate fights?

Except B████ voters, fuck them.


What are we then?


you think you're slick with that kind of talk, don't you?

The Alt Left.

I'm with >"her"

They're both suicide, so I abstain.


I'm not joking, "nerdy" has been replaced with "autistic" now that "nerd culture" is fashionable.

shut your fucking mouth, even as a joke

Jill Stein? Me too.

Chris Chan was ahead of his time

Geez comrade.

lads, im getting legit worried about B████'s speech


Good lord at least Michelle Obama knows how to speak and act like a relatable person. Shillary should take notes.

The "hard" left


Well they will continue to stick to the rhetoric.

Which one, the first one or the 2nd one?

there's that phrase again

maybe try breaking the glass ceiling that exists for actual underprivileged people sometime, it's made out of really fuckin' strong glass

fuck oooooooooooooooooooooooooff

this, but unironically.
I can at least believe Michelle cares about her Children

I cant wait for Warren's boos


What if I'm actually autistic, but I tried to play as a nerd to TRY TO get laid.

Yes. I can believe the Obamas as a loving, functional, healthy family. The Clintons can't pull off such a feat, no matter how hard they try.

Fuck I'd smoke weed with Michelle tbh

I thought slaves were mostly used for agriculture practices in the south.

It will be great

Does she speak tonight?

No, but the bougie normies are. What, you thought they actually cared about us?

What timezone is this DNC in?



She will talk herself out of booing. Somehow.

Even if she said "Fuck B████". She would manage to say something after that would enable her to recover


Ah ahahaha

after Kennedy, whose next

Michelle got treated better by the crowd due to the fact she was no real public power outside some influence over her husband.

I expect Riots.

Didnt someone say burnie was supposed to be on a 10

I'd hold hands with her.

She is pretty attractive tbh. Too bad she's also a liar.

Yeah and "nerds" today are all about constantly bringing attention to the sexism of nerd culture and nerd communities because they think this will get them laid

Oh for fucks sake, they're stalling.


WHERE'S B████?

Life Support

Yes. But another one posted the lineup and so far it's accurate. Theres two people before S█████ now.

Here in case you're wondering:

a fucking KENNEDY

Slaves were used for every purpose but since the south had very little industry and few big cities they're mostly associated with cotton farms.

fucking kennedy

Thought those died out years ago

10pm or 11pm

They're gonna ride those JFK coattails for the next 100 years

They swapped B████ for Warren

Why don't we ever see Roosevelts?

Like cockroaches, the find a way to cheat death.

Thanks for the info comrades




I'm pretty sure the White House would be built by skilled masons, rather than slaves

Kennedy's cousin's, half-sister's, bastard's, nephew's, adopted son




We still have B████ coming up

the snake herself

Oh my god, they are booing her like crazy

holy shit the cheers sound canned now

Then why'd you cuck out for Hill Dog.

how can dem voters look in this stupid's cunt face and lap up her lies.

so why don't you go eat a dick user



Whoever started that, +1 meowmeowbeanz

You were

we trusted you

But money and power makes us forget it all

How'd Holla Forums get in there?




Oh my fucking god

Calm down asshole

After I read that post I couldn't unhear it tbh.

Anyone make out what they were just chanting during the sellout's speech?

Didn't John have great dick game?

we trusted you

We trusted you

according to some of his ex-lovers JFK was a selfish lover
On the other hand, Monica Lewinsky says that Bill knows how to treat a lady

hold me, im scared about B████

the system is rigged lol

It's time to join a Socialist party, user.

holy shit. this bitch.






They are threatening his wife and kids





lmao, "We Trusted You"? Really? Those Bernouts are fucking butthurt as fuck.




They are escorting B████ supporters who are chanting out of the bulding. What the fuck

Thanks for the stream, user!!


I was actually checking twitter to see any evidence of this.

What killed the chants?


Guys I found a picture of the DNC and B████ discussing B████'s speech

Good. I'd rather not hear that bullshit from butthurt California limousine socialists crying about sellouts.


Hi there fellow leftist. Do you also hate those B████bros for not being proletarian enough?

First Elizabeth Warren sells out to Clinton now she steals Holla Forums memes

We trusted you
We trusted you




Those boos though

Fuck off, nigger. I just want Shitllary to win the election and then have Warren and S█████ and all the other real progressives fuck her over later, rather than let that orange fascist have a shot. I don't get why entitled California shitheads can't seem to grasp that and instead have to throw a fucking tantrum.

Haven't you already been paid? You know you can take a break, right? You're pouring salt into the wound


But Hillary's a woman user :^)

How can you control the volume, etc, on periscope? I'm on a computer btw

Welcome to Web 2.0

Hillary only gets paid 75 cents to every dollar compared to males on capital hill.

So she only makes like $45,000,000 a year.


you get it! Trump's hat is goofy! Look at how hip and funny i am!

Protesting is throwing a tantrum, apparently

I only tuned in half way..

Did they spend the early speeches on courting S█████ supporters or has it been about Trump all the way through?


Trump shouldn't be president. Clinton shouldn't be president.

Well I got banned from the stream calling Warren a Class Traitor. Good times.


pretty much shitting on trump the whole time with slight digs at S█████ supporters


does anyone have the Zizek edit?

Well no shit Sherlock.

What about this year?

She needs to stop saying the word 'rigged' before B████'s speech.

Fuck off. I left Holla Forums to get away from people who whine and accuse others of being shills whenever they disagree with you. Stop being a dumb shit.

I could've sworn I saw some motherfuckers doing that Indian war whoop thing in the crowd. Real good fucking "protest" you got there.

15 dollars a hour is still below poverty line btw

My rough estimation, multiply that by 4.

Classic american political device: When in doubt, mention MLK.

class traitor is just jacking FDR's second bill of rights




Holy shit, I just noticed this



I told you.





quit shilling and maybe we'll quit calling you one, fucking traitor


She's trollin'

Fuck it, I'm going to bed triggered and Berned out.

Wasnt california meme'd during the primaries?

What are you even talking about?

this isn't a rock concert Keith


they're clearing the floor of delegates

Yeah because that would make people receptive to the left.

Can Kerensky control the newly formed Bolsheviks? Or will he find himself like the Tsar before him?


bernie after keith

Bernie's up next, lad

You seem really upset user. If you get this easily sensitive as a shill, you probably should have stayed in Holla Forums

Will endorsing Hillary?

grabbed this from leddit's political_revolution discord

God this sounds so fake

What are they chanting right now?

No trust no unity?

no. NO!

Apparently A bunch of State delegations are pissed at the Clinton campaign, even states that he didn't win are angry.



please please please

Bernie is going to get booed no matter what he says

It's really something that these people can rig an election and we're the ones who are meant to be acting respectable.



It don't matter
None of this matters.

the cheers are way louder on periscope

Remember comrades the January revolution was followed by the October revolution.

Sanders gets the best cheer out of all of them

Sanders pls :(

Fuck America for going along with this rigged BS


Can't contain it

user this isn't true. Without the DNC, how would you know that

-Bernie DNC speech

Holy shit he actually did it

Sanders got a better ovation that Clinton is going to have lmao

Light one up For S█████

America was never date

How can he throw this away by endorsing Hillary?

Side with your movement, not the nominee.

Holy shit

Look out for the subtle hints in his speech, guys


don't toy with me senpai



You guys are delusional. B████ is just going to shill Hillary. The dream is dead

The time is ripe.


Let the shilling begin.

I'm enjoying the hope while I still have it.


Feels bad man

It's done. He won't do it. He's spineless. Started a movement for nothing.


Anyone else feel like he's going off script?

Die of AIDS, user



Its torture comrade I know. But [REDACTED] is thinking about more then this election. The beheadings will have to wait until [REDACTED] can install change that will stick

roll call

no survivors

Yeah, listen to that crowd. They hate him.

Get outta here

But there will be an actual revolution in a few years, r-right guys?



He did it so I was wrong. Also nice dubs.





Here it comes…

if the material conditions say it is so than it is so.
One meal from revolution and all that jazz.

dont endorse





is it happening boys?

He actually said: I look forward to your votes tomorrow

mad fucking man


He endorses, and it breaks my heart.

Holy shit he sounds like a genuine socialist right now.


He would't of said to keep his delegates.

Using dog whistles, yes.



Bernie is making history, guys


He endorses and I get sad

and then mad

It should be

Think strategically user


Well, they need to riot.

I want to die, fam.

- a shout from the crowd

yall niggas delisional af =^/

here's the full speech

literally held at gunpoint

not watching stream, what's going on?

I'm a right winger but I would absolutely vote for this man.

Berine is on is about to shill hard.



told you comrades
the revolution betrayed

Bernie said he's taking it to a roll call vote, "No one more disappointed than me" regarding DNC leaks/etc

The death of democracy in the United States.

Listen to how quiet everyone is listening to him

You're not a right winger then.

He literally asked for people to vote for him tomorrow

also see

Bernie will kiss the ring.

He's pulled a Ted Cruz, but difference is he's not being booed

I can't do it, comrades. I can't listen to this happen.


Did he?

No he won't. Read the end of the speech.

You mean like telling people Shitlery is the only choice to save us from the other side?

He's going off script because the Democrats have to approve of the prepared speech in order for him to give it. So he sneaks in those remarks when he can

We want you B████, do you not hear the people

Wow is B████ actually managing to rally dems under clinton? Is this man a genie? Its shakey but it seems to be working

Hold me, I'm scared

communist feels



why do you keep blocking his name

he hasn't even mentioned her yet

shills get out


He's gone off the speech multiple times and asked for people to vote him

No they're booing they just moved the pics

I told you. He is a snake

Its a word filter its not on purpose.


I'm a social conservative but even if I disagree with the solutions we ought to have politicians with a genuine concern for the poor.

Top 10 most brutal anime deaths

not a shill. But if anybody could offer even a shred of dignity to hillary it would be him

top 10 anime betrayals

No B████.. Not Hillary

oh shit really, when did this happen, I've been gone for a while.



He endorsed her. He's going to work toward getting her elected. It's over.

Is B████ legit autistic? Does he not look at polls?

Not a right winger.
Social conservative and social liberal are synonymous


T. S█████

Somebody mememify this

Polls have become irrelevant in the US.

From what I seen a while now.

Lmao, S█████ getting booed for Talking about Hillary. Good.

I love you S█████, but NO


Bernie skipped the sentence "The choice is not even close.". Mere accident or a sign?

>By these measures, any objective observer will conclude that – based on her ideas and her leadership – Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States. The choice is not even close.


As in we really have no better choice. I'm gonna try my best not dying at the hands of the rich


He didn't skip it, what are you on about?

oosh, thats gotta hurt,

why is one blocked but not the other.

He's not a snake, he has so much pressure on him and he already worked out a platform deal. There is nothing he can do without losing what he strong-armed for

He put in a dime into the slot machine and won a half a million dollars. You're asking him to put all the money back into the machine just to lose it all

I just don't understand how S█████ can talk about people buying elections when it JUST fucking happened to him.

He's so spineless. I feel sick.


There was a long pause from applause. It was a stylistic choice. It would have been a bit confusing if he said it.




B████ ██████.

No. B████'s doing what's politically expedient for him here, just as Cruz did at the Republican convention. Cruz just wants to be president. His family says God destined him for it. If you know that, you know everything there is to know about Ted Cruz, like how you learn the bourgeoisie wants to make money and protect itself, you know everything about the world, politics, foreign policy, and economics.

Right now, tumblr, facebook, and twitter is filled with utter vitriol toward B████ supporters because they won't support Hillary.

I am … amused.


It's only a reaction image brah



Exactly. Fucking children. B████s been working towards helping the prol since his career started as a politician. And people are fucking buttmad he couldn't take it down single handedly in the span of a short election cycle.


I wanted the betrayals

Summary of today

Hillary = good ;D
Trump = poopy >=^[

No, people are buttmad he's kissing the ring after the establishment fucked him in the ass

B████ ██████ just gave Trump the election.

He betrayed his own platform and bent the knee. He doesn't deserve any sympathy.

I didn't hear it. Maybe he said it. I was too busy being disappointed, I guess.

This. I want to puke.


Wer hat uns verraten? Die Sozialdemokraten!

He lasted so long without instructing people to vote for Hillary, and he wasn't booed. The reception was overwhelming.

Honestly disappointing that he endorsed at all.

He should be pushing for the Greens. They might not win but he could help them get over 5% and have a much better chance next cycle with funding. Hell he might even get them into the debate and with the DNC leaks he has the perfect reason to do it. Instead he just pushes someone completely opposed to everything he wants.

Hes taking the BHC (big hillary cock)

all those tears

reee the periscope died

I didn't hear it either

well it's half right


youtube stream still works for me

You think this is about honor? Porkie doesn't give a fuck about your honor. They are so calcified in their rule that they most likely want B████ to invalidate the left movement with stunts like that.


Niemand sollte Sozialdemokrat vertrauen.

He didn't say it

He doesn't have to glorious uprising and literally drop the mic, but he doesn't have to make all these bullshit promises HRC will never keep

Rip B████. You put up a good fight. The fire has started. The seeds of radicalism has been planted in our youth today. You will be remembered as a traitor to many, but I personally believe you are a matyr. A matyr who threw you dignity and your values under the bus for what you believed to the best for the proles.

Fuck mainstream democrats, this was the election where, for a short period of time, I didn't feel so lonely.


Not me, Us

The Greens are hippies and if you thought Obama had a hard time getting anything passed imagine a president with zero party support in the establishment.

I'm not supporting her.

Dude stop, holy shit. You are embarrassing yourself really, really badly.

Very good

Greens are class conscious at least.

Get a new reaction image you fuck

This stupid meme hasn't been accurate since Nader ran.

You're the embarrassing one. That was a thoughtful post. Fuck off.

they're statecucks

Bernouts BTFO

Based Hillary is going to win the election and finally us Mexicans will be the majority.



Give it to me straight lads. Whats the roll call thing tomorrow

Now I know how Ron Paul supporters feel

fuck you, I saved it earlier so it was close by.

Doesnt make it any less embarrassing, you stupid fucker.


Holy shit this is great

I'm not even going to vote for Hillary and this is right. His politics was entryism, and he managed to get his beliefs onto the platform. The ones who are saying that he's spineless are trustfund babies. He's not spineless, he's selfless and got as far as he could without losing it all.

Still better than democrats.

hondurez coup/10

from your mouth to god's ears my dear user

I am done with this. I think I am voting for Trump if I don't get all that money B████ is running off with. It is apparent that he took the money and ran.



Spic Holla Forums here. I came to laugh at you. So are you lads tired of being tricked yet? Feel the burn putos?

A state is a state, a cuck is a cuck.

Go back to Holla Forums

pls pol. stahp.

The new anti-capitalist plank very explicitly says the problem with Soviet socialism was the state.

Holla Forums pls

I wouldn't be saying it if the leaks hadn't happened but with them he has cause to push harder.

It's a little ceremony where the delegates get to pretend that we live in a democracy.

You know, like elections in North Korea.

how so

I'm not him. :^)

And it was only embarrassing to you.

Fuck off Trumpcuck
>>>Holla Forums

Nice try jew

Holla Forumstard

who did he vote for???

You can fuck off to >>>/liberalpol/

Its like chalkboard scratching in my ears to see him propping up hill. But this is politics. This is how the ruling class works. B████ is infiltrating.

The meme is over exaggerated but they are goofs dude. They supported anti-vax.

muh platform

Holla Forums here

I actually kinda feel bad for you guys right now

Never in your life

liberal democracy never again after this one, never again.

go away checkers, I know it's you.

Damn the crowd is chanting we want B████. This is insane.

I'm actually a socialist myself but socialism will be much easier once Mexicans have eradicated the whites and created a Mexican ethnostate.

Until the non-mexicans are genocided we cannot be free.

they wish
democratic party is dead m8s

I don't and I don't know anyone else in my state who does. Fuck off with your straw men.


Rolled 1 (1d1)Holla Forums here, stopped by to see if it was true you guys are so assmad you blacked out the name of comrade B████

Never mind, just go back to Holla Forums

We did that ages ago.

That's old as fuck dude

sentence didn't make sense

Same here, Just so down now. Hillary is fucking pure evil. Maybe I will just go for an indy.

What can we say? B████ took on the system and he lost. Now he's forced to suck Hillary's vaj.

fuck it, im just die


That was pretty great.

Before or after he endorsed Hillary Clinton?

The only candidate on the ballet: Kim Jong Un.

But don't worry. They have a write in option if you want an all expenses paid trip for you and your family to all die in a prison camp.


where's the nitrogen

I will say this. The dream is dead. The Class Traitor continued to betray his movement.

Same here

It's from some emails showing him as [REDACTED], I think.

oy vey

Well played.

lurk more faggot


Uncuck yourselves and get angry.


That is a funny joke! She will totally work for universal healthcare and not shit on everyone if become the new puppet of the Bourgeois.

Same could be said for you, faggot.

Is this chick praying to mother earth? Is she Native American or something?

I'm confused.

So how was the speech Holla Forums?

riot time



the planted trump rally protestors the DNC said were S█████ voters had more balls than actual B████ supporters kek.

/shillbots/ and /altrighttrumpcucks/ are here trying to vulture for S█████ supporters' votes

Don't stoop to become one of them

They're here in full force.

i mean at the beginning i thought Sandie was just the usual politician but then saw Chomsky endorse him and thought to myself he might not be such a huge faggot after all…


Sanders is going to be my enemy for the next three months. Shame we couldn't work together in the end.

I donated like 70ish throughout the campaign. Worth every penny, I supported a candidate I wanted to support for at least a year before he announced.

Live like a cuck die like a cuck, what's it going to be leftypol!

I guess S█████ is just doing damage control so he doesn't look bad in the mainstream.

Still a roll call vote tomorrow. Let's see the madness that ensues.

Live like a classcuck, die like a classcuck!

What's it going to be, Holla Forums?

daily reminder Trump is a zionist

They don't realize that if Hillary gets the nom, they'll rig it for her.

Donald Trump will be next. If they want a fair election, they should be shilling for B████ & no election fraud.


And has a kike grandson.

I'd rather die then embrace the ideology of your magical xenophobic meme president.

You guys didn't notice that B████ put Hillary's saggy tits in the ringer. B████ made a whole bunch of promises of what Hillary will do, basically his whole platform, on nationally syndicated television. A big bunch of progressive promises that Shillery now has to keep if she wants to get elected. If she renigs, then she's going to lose the support of millions, which B████ will not accept.

This, I believe, is B████'s strategy. Clinton gets his endorsement, but at the cost of her platform.

Same here. Even if B████ doesn't get the nom, money well spent spreading class consciousness.

We'll see, comrade, we'll see.

pls stop

She can't keep those promises unless she gets elected, dummy :-)

Thank you. Fucking children are equating thing in zero sum game logic

You will fall in line cuck boy, Holla Forums and kek have already got him this far lads. I cant wait to fuck you're boyfriend while you watch cuck boy. His going to beg me for more.

And said Israel was one of our greatest allies in his RNC speech

Watching his speech now. He looks like he's in physical pain, especially with the idpol shit. I could be projecting. Somebody please put this fucking cancerous political system out of its misery.

Chodemonkey has a microbenis

Clinton is under no obligation to follow through with these new promises. If she wins in November she'll go full classcuck like Obama


Platforms are literally just a piece of paper.

Your greentexting says nothing.

Can anyone explain this?

I'm really left thinking the emotional start ended up sending him off script into a B████ candidate rally speech, and then he reverted back to sort of endorsing Hillary at the last minute.

At the beginning I'm almost certain he was speaking in the heat of the moment.

You're the ones being fools, Clinton has no problem with saying whatever people want to here and changing her position when it comes time to follow through. She'll say how much she hates TPP right up until the day she signs it into law.


You're a retard.

Jesus, get this autism out of here stat

I'd accuse you of false-flagging but that's about what I'd expect of Holla Forums

Well then I wonder if anyone has memed the Simple Plan song yet.

Stop taking it, comrades.

They're rich, fam. They're bourgeois puppets and get to live luxuriously because of it.

completely meaningless meme speak. I didn't even understand a word you said.

This. The babies itt need to get this into their thick head.



you inserted the B████ into that. there's no proof they support him.

also it could be an adoption, like 90% of interracial children (by that I mean different race than parents) are adoptions.



Hilary picked Kaine and will pivot to the right once the convention is over. All of the "progressive" stuff in the platform will be outright ignored, because Hilary herself and the party establishment don't believe in it and don't believe it's worth their time to service the left in the genera election.

Ultimately, Hilary will be in the driver's seat and not B████. The left will get nothing and will continue to be ignored by the party. Neoliberals are called "collaborators" for a reason.

Its up to us to push the left agenda. I don't have a fucking doubt in my mind Shit Hill will regress to the status quo if we let her.
We're gunna have to screech alot louder my dude.

It's Holla Forums. They edit everything to fit their ideology.

What's Jimmy "Blue Lives Splatter" Dore reaction to this?

just make sure to stay in the free speech zone when you do :^]

Holy shit all the S█████ supporters not moving towards Shillary on MSNBC!

Is she allowed to become president with the amount of arrests she has?

Can you imagine the conversation she has in the jail cell with the guards?

Fall in line you stupid goys, and no you cant have a refund! Now go support Hillery or else! that evil man Donald Hitler Trump is going to win!

What day do the delegates and superdelegates vote?

Source? What'd they arrest her for this time?

Quality Doom B████. Saved.


conflicting reports when though, B████ said tomorrow night and the schedule said tomorrow night. but I've heard reports of delegates saying that it might be tomorrow morning.

We gotta tear down that wall too comrade. We got alot of work to do.


Time to reel disenfranchised B████ voters to the radical left.

OC about B████'s betrayal and/or sacrifice.

Approach your friends and families. We must not take this loss lying down.

Fuck this.

Think of it this way: Clinton will say anything to get elected, and now she's going to be saying anything B████ says to get elected. However, by parroting B████, she's entering into agreement with B████ to support what he believes. You know, B████ ██████, the incredibly popular politician that fired up the youth of America? Should Clinton renig on this agreement with B████, then B████ will raise a stink, which in turn will cause the 18-34 demographic of the United States to raise a stink too. The result being a lot of hurt put on her and her allies in congress.

Bernie is using his position as a massive stick to whack Clinton with. Do what he says, fulfill his promises, or he will bring down the hurt.

Its not going to do a thing, the only way to teach her a lesson is to not give her our votes as she obviously takes them for granted. I'm voting Stein.

Just lay down goy!

Thread theme:

She don't care, she doesn't consider your vote valuable. Again that's why she picked fucking Kaine as her veep and not S█████ or Warren.

Once the general election kicks off next Monday (which is the first week following the convention), the Democrats will totally forget about B████ and the left. We'll be expected to quietly stand in line and vote Democrat, if we complain then we're mocked for being "petulant children" or similar.

Only one thing matters to politicians: the vote. If Hilary looses, that tells the Democrats that they cannot serve up crap and expect people to eat it.

Either that or he acts like a class traitor. Let us hope you are right comrade.


Fine vote for Jill or Don't vote. I don't care. The presidency is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of thing.
The left needs people moving and shaking on the streets more then it needs a president. If you really want to teach her a lesson then join me there.

there had better be riots on day 2.
Don't disappoint me philly comrades

When you're despised by a large portion of the electorate, yeah, you kinda do.

statistically most promises are kept.

though that counts stuff like "ill introduce a bill for x" and dthat might not even pass.

Everyone will forget. When has that never been the case? And then everyone will get their hopes up in another eight years and the cycle will repeat.

What if disappointing everyone was B████'s plan so they join the radical left and start serious shit like riots??

Yeah right…

you're even using classic politically illiterate Holla Forums memes

I say again:
She can't keep those promises unless she gets elected, dummy :-)

Trump almost has no chance.

He was leading in 3 polls this morning.
70% of the country doesn't trust Hillary.

Stop trying to rationalize this, Hilary Clinton does not care about her "agreement" with S█████. She might give him lip service but ultimately she will not actually move to implement anything he wants. It's the same shit with Obama, remember how he once said he would reform the military? Two years ago he exiled a US citizen who exposed how corrupt the NSA is. He also allowed the NSA director to lie to Congress, and covered it all up. Hilary would do exactly that.

18-24 year olds are less than 20% of voters in the general election, less than 10% of voters in midterms. She does not care if you cry as she's going after your parents who reliably vote. Again, this is why she picked Kaine.

That's right vote Hillery, get your friend to vote too!



Last time I checked Trump was a joke to everyone

Does he seriously stand a chance to win?

said the increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year.

Jail never stopped Debs from running.

America is going fascist, better get used to it.

You give up so easily, comrade.

It's called a struggle, not a cake walk.

What percents were B████, hill, trump at? What pervent of bern will switch to hill?


Bernie called out the DNC & said he'd take it to a roll call vote. Don't forget about that!

When the roll call vote comes, shit's going to me crazy.

a little more than 2/3rds will go to hill.

Capping this post to post on Holla Forums on the day of trumps inevitable defeat.

History repeats itself, comrade.

Hillary basically sabotaged her own campaign, She'd need to cheat extra hard to win in November


T. American, 1928, 1934, 1953, 1967, 1974, 1983, 2001, 2016

Soooo originnnal! So new!

So tired comrades.


Oh, honey..

No, she doesn't. If she's hated by leftists she don't care. She only cares about her image with "middle America" (which is piss poor as well but she seems to think this will change before November). What's the consequence if she turns out to be a neoliberal like Obama? She still gets a second term through inertia alone.

Please, Trump does well in swing states because Unionism there has eroded away. This is why the GOP run Congress. Hilary won't be winning especially when most leftists are going to check out or vote Green now.

-No years

Who said that though




The proletariat is the largest voting block and they can become conscious.


Thank you

When did I say that you dumb Holla Forums faggot

I pointed out your shit isn't new



Oy Vey, bring me the blood of these children when they commit suicide and they will.

Are you retarded?

SRS get out.

fuck, meant for


not an argument

It's your flag, I assumed you stood for it.
Where did I claim to be saying something new? I was just calling Hillary a fascist.


Are you not?

Fascism is new in America!!!! Fascism is new in America!!! America is going fascist now and it will never change! Fascism is new in America!


And? Just because they didn't have enough support. The elite compete with each other, tard.


Well played, user. You showed them.

And right now, proles are voting Republican because the GOP at least realizes their anger is real, and pretends to be anti-establishment. Populism sells.

What's Hilary doing? She's straight up telling them "I will be more of the same", you know, the same politics that destroyed the middle class in the first place. There is zero, ZERO, reason for a prole to vote for Hilary assuming they're conscious. Assuming they're not conscious, then they'll vote GOP as the GOP is the party of jesus and guns.

Either way, Hilary can't win here.

What's your point, exactly? Are you saying America has always been fascist? If so, whatever–it's becoming more fascist.

You said it was "new" as a declarative America is "going" fascist implying fresh change and not standard liberal security hysterics after capital goes down

This always happens because human beings are retarded and don't know what's good for them and need to be put down like dogs

This thread has become a warzone between comrades and polyps. MODS WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!

My point is that you're implying Trump isn't part of the elite, but he is.

And if Clinton wins, she is too.

You're just being dumb purposefully I'd wager.

it's like you haven't even been paying attention

God you morons can't even decipher a shit post

Are you autistic?
Do you not know what hyperbole is?

Seriously. I like discussion, not 100% shitposting.

I wish memes were against the rules.

This is a pretty cringe post tbh.
Should probably kill yourself.

hello, i don't want to ban people for opinions. I don't want to play into their "leftists are for censorship" meme.

I'm not voting for Trump so the odds I'm not autistic are significantly hire than for you since you're also posting dead memes from 2012

Trump is also part of the elite. But Clinton has much more power. Hence why she'll win if it comes down to them.

Holla Forumsyps thinking this undermining of democracy is funny, it will come to bite them in the ass.

facebook froggy!

This song is what should be playing for Comrade S█████ right now.


Chris-Chan is voting for Hillary.

Yup. He is. You're voting for the male version

No, I wish shitting up threads was. No one wants you here.

I'm sorry to tell you this, an-fem…

OY VEY, It's another Shoah!


It's like that one butthurt Holla Forumsyp who was here yesterday crying about being banned from Holla Forums because he didn't deserve it, like everyone else does.

Hillary wants to build a wall and ban Muslim immigration?

…You realize I'm agreeing with you?

W.. What is that

It is the truth

No. Neither does Trump.

Nah she has other ways of being fascist.

user pls

That was a penis, I think.

How do you know that he won't follow through on his claims that he will build a wall? Why do you think they're equally likely to do these things, when one claims he will and the other claims that the first is evil for claiming he will?

I thought she wasn't a fascist. I thought she was just a liberal tool of the bourgeoisie responding to a threat to capital.


because it's literally impossible to build a wall.

unless it's like a mile long.

Because it's economically impossible.



Huh, news to me tbh. Do you have a source?


Is that what tranny's "vagina" look like? Fucking disgusting.

Literally looks like a gash. A literal gash.

How did he give up his raging libido for that.

Stop being transphobic!

Because it is.

You retards imply that:

is legit discussion when if any of our comrades started shit in pol then you polyps would ban them as well.

But then again, I kind of expect autistic stormfags to change the narrative to suit their agenda.

Like a certain female candidate.

the estimated cost is 300 billion

Sources: Life, common sense, logic

Seriously user. The logistics of that, the resources needed & the will of the people against it.

We need employment rebuilding our current infrastructure, which is crumbling. Those resources are much needed for rebuilding America.

Congress would block it. They would shut down the government like they did if they must.

Afterwards, he would have to sign executive order, which would be blocked by congress again. He said for this reason, he wants a vice president to work him like a puppet ala Dick Cheney - Bush

You know you can't win this. You are built upon lies.

So it's expensive.
That doesn't make it impossible.
How about you copy & paste some relevant sections? I'm tired, I don't have time to read that whole thing.


Okay user, fine I'll relax. So whats next lads? What are you going to about it?

Fuck off cuck.


Go to sleep, you have to get in a regular sleep schedule when you start high school back up.

By that logic that Death Star petition was feasible.

What do you think? Convert people for leftism of course.


Am I sick if I say that kind of turned me on a lil bit?

I dunno, man, that isn't an argument.
Besides, the point is whether or not he will try to follow through, not whether or not he will succeed. I'm not moving goalposts, just reminding you where they were before you started making hyperbolic statements about impossibility.

Socialism depends upon lies.

Well memed, friend! I don't see what I requested, which was perfectly reasonable of me to request.

It was built, so it was certainly a possibility.
The claim I'm responding to is "It's economically impossible." Not "It's a terrible idea."

Nah, would be expected from someone who's an anfem tbh.

You didn't counter anything I said.

So I'll repeat it.

Congress would block it. They would shut down the government like they did if they must.

Afterwards, he would have to sign executive order, which would be blocked by congress again. He said for this reason, he wants a vice president to work him like a puppet ala Dick Cheney - Bush

You know you can't win this. You are built upon lies.


It's chris chan's cunt, what's wrong with you gurl? You wanna get sonichu'd or what?

you…you do know star wars is fake right?

where does he get the money for this shit.

You're sick for a whole host of other reasons.

Jesus put a spoiler on that image

Somebody gives a source.

Stormfag pls.

begging on youtube for his mom's meds

He lives at home and spends money on pretty much nothing while waiting for his disability check. Shit's fucked I'm pretty jealous tbh

He has created a presidential mandate for himself to implement an immigration system that discriminates by country of origin depending on terrorist threat, which in practice would mean unwinding Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act to reduce the number of legal immigrants who come from the Third World, and abolish diversity.

It would be a de facto Muslim ban.

He camgirls.

You're the pedo who lost their virginity at 10, aren't you? You're already sick. And you're extra sick for being turned on by an entirely unnatural orifice that never existed in all of human history until about 50 years ago.

I still don't see an argument.>Congress would block it. They would shut down the government like they did if they must.
What does this have to do with his ability to try to get it through? You're claiming that Trump and Hillary are identical candidates, my claim is simply that they do not stand for the same policies any more than B████ and Hillary do. I thought this was too obvious to warrant an explicit statement.

I do–I also know that illegal immigrants break the law when they enter a country illegally, and that breaking the law means that someone should be punished, in a just system.


Congress would block it. They would shut down the government like they did if they must.

Afterwards, he would have to sign executive order, which would be blocked by congress again. He said for this reason, he wants a vice president to work him like a puppet ala Dick Cheney - Bush

You know you can't win this. You are built upon lies.

You pick a strawman.
The point is whether it's possible - that directly relates to follow-through, you retard.

>>>Holla Forums Just go back & stop shitting up our boars with your autism.

Damn son this is going on r/4chan.


It's only been shown that it's expensive and not necessarily a good idea, not that it's impossible.


It's Holla Forums, life is a video game to them, user

There's nothing wrong with trans pussy, but there is something very wrong with chris chan. Get your argument together, man.

That mutilated dick isn't a vagina and you know it.

Do you fucking know how laws are passed.


That's fucking stupidly liberal. They both want the same shit more similarly than B████.

eh, he took the roll call which is more than I thought he would do.
Maybe we'll see a riot before Hillary's inevitable coronation.
That might be nice.

Ok then. Glad to see you understand.

Is this the worst election in American history? I can't think of a worse one.

that would imply that the laws they broke were just in the first place.

No, maybe. But I think that pic is the result of a straight up penectomy.

semantics you moron. no one fucking cares. it's economically infeasible and literally won't do anything but waste a shit ton of money.

I still remember that shit.

Looking at you most people don't.

All memes aside, how do you think he personally feels right now


Orc did used to mean foreign invaders though, but was naturally sued in reference to Scandinavians and Normans- irony?

The election that the antichrist won

"I want to go home"

A What?

Either "What have I done?"
"It was for the best."

Which one was that?

Keep telling yourself that, Bruce.

Do you not know what "try" means?
Sorry, I'm not a socialist.
And yet there are significant differences that prevent them from uniting to a greater degree than they prevented B████ from endorsing Hillary.

How are laws that mandate a citizenship process unjust? How are borders unjust?

Sorry, not gonna happen-it's about possibility, not feasibility, and the two are different.

Not an argument, really.

Hello MexicAnarchist.


Oh, and if we want to talk about how laws are passed–SCOTUS mandated Citizens United, Congress really has no meaningful authority to overturn a SCOTUS case.
Good night!


Every single one.

Probably laughing it up because he really was a sheepdog for the Democrats all along.

Neither am I. Cool. We're similar.

I don't know. Do you fucking know how laws are passed?

that was my first post about this subject. the point still stands, you're arguing specifics, not the meaning of what people are actually arguing about.

But there's only one antichrist

Are you the guy arguing why the wall can be built?

You have to go back MexicAnarchist.

How bout you get the fuck off this board.

Jesus, user

I imagine an exhausting mental cycle between the two

Penis removal surgery.

Jesus fucks I can't wait for the inevitable Trump tears when his ass gets gangraped by Hillary in November.

Back to >>>Holla Forums, stormcuck.

Boy, does that explain a lot about your flag. Tell me about your father.

Tell that to all the anarchists then lol

There's two of us posting in here dumbshit


nations are spooks and i don't care about citizenship as a concept. having citizens and non citizens creates a population of workers that are more easily exploited and can't unionize.
borders divide the planet based on non-existent lines in the sand. Borders imply nations, and under a capitalist system nations exist to support the capitalist class as they send unwilling proles off to war to die for the benefit of the state.

that's Holla Forums 101

Ah, so you're politically illiterate to boot.

irrelevant to my comment

Socialist is a broad term. I usually associate it with a state.

Anything with an "odomy/ectomy" at the end of it means cutting it out/off. An fyi, for people.

Cool story bro sis.

Someone needs to screencap these posts, like the Mitt Romney ones

How about use "state socialist" like everyone else.



Gross. How the fuck is that legal? The doctor that did this should lose his license.

fuk the poleeese amirite xD

Sad day comrades, sad day.

bernie is basically shinji from eva.



Not my intention. I just appreciate historic context and hoped others would as well given how important the term was to the events of 1066- Stanford Bridge and Hastings.

I dislike applying the term to economic migrants as I genuinely fear it glorifies them.

Orcs of the 40k universe provide a concrete example of anarcho-primitivism; thus applying the term to people makes one seem like a deluded fool at best, or risks associating economic migrants with a successful & powerful rapacious horde.

Speak English, please.

Orcs of the 40k universe provide a concrete example of anarcho-primitivism
Orcs are highly hierarchical, so not anarchist, and highly technologically advanced, so not primitivist.

you stupid fucks still fall for the anfem flag posts

i bet you're just newbies from Holla Forums, or at least i want to believe that


Quit speaking in memes, please.

okay i'll admit, i havent been lurking/posting on Holla Forums that much this past year at all, who is the anfem flag? what are they doing that gets everyone riled up in every thread? im honestly so confused


Orks are hierarchical as fuck, you moron.

Calm down MexicAnarchist.


Posting inordinate amounts of bait and having unwarranted self importance.

Ya'll are dumb.

Very poor quality post.
I recommend you delete it.

Not an argument.


B████ ██████

thanks, now I have to go fap


What the fuck is this faggotry?

You faggots fall for the bait everytime anfem and nihil are the standard shitposting flags, anyone who's been here longer than a week knows that.

The mods got pissy.


Case in point for this newfaggotry.

40k orks have a shifting hierarchy, in that a wagh chief is only a leader so long as he's the strongest.

A true hierarchy has some certainty, whereas in ork society it's always the right of the strongest.

They're primitive not in technology, but in behavior, methods, way of life, social structure- etc.

And even their technology isn't particularly technical- orks posses some latent psychic ability that enables their machinery to function- absent an ork horde their technology and weapons all fall apart, as they're maintained not by science but willpower and a collective belief.

That's pretty dumb. Hopefully it doesn't stay like this.

Why are you insulting me for no reason? Kind of mean really.

So I know you guys are upset, but are you really going to vote for a third party or not vote this year, or are you going to let Trump pull this country farther to the right than it's been in at least a decade (before his popularity takes a predictable and rapid nosedive)?

midna is literally the most fuckable character in fiction

I'm going to vote third party as a symbol of support for reformism and then I'm going to work on organizing and discussing at a local level to be ready for when reformism gives way to revolution.

Lurk moar, faggot. Nothing personal.

Not true at all.

Irrelevant to primitivism.

Primitivism is a willful rejection of technology, not the incapacity to build it.

What is your problem?

You're being downvoted because you're enjoying something that a lot of people have already seen and know about. You're not supposed to enjoy things that a lot of other people have already enjoyed. I just wanted to take a moment to explain to you how reddit works. If something is used that has already been used a lot, it's not necessarily wrong (notice the gif still got upvotes for the appropriateness of its use), but you're just not allowed to express too much enjoyment of it.

Midna has a cute face and wide hips and she has a cute language.

But it is personal.

I can post animu too, you bully.

She's got spunk, bro. You gotta like girls with attitude.

Why do you dislike white people?

Don't get too excited there Chomsky.

Why do you want to destroy the world?

Are you implying that whites are destroying the world with capitalism?

Can't jump or dance and like mayo, lmao.

I dunno.

Are you implying that I dislike white people?

Why would we dislike whites? Most of us are white.

Human Instrumentality 2016

There's literally nothing wrong with mayo, it tastes great on tuna sandwiches mixed with a bit of mustard.

Pachelbel's canon

I like my Italian subs, light mayo only.

Living in California says enough.

Are you implying I live in California?

You really aren't MexicAnarchist, are you?

I don't get what people were expecting.
Of course he was going to endorse Shillary, but we got him to move the overton window.
Anti-capitalism seems less scary in the eyes of normies and we've made more people aware of our farce we call a democracy.
Also, the roll call is going to be chaos.
Am I missing something?
Where did we lose?
What seems to be the problem is all ya'll niggas got attached to him.

dude, you are NAILING it!

lol @ you disgusting peasants and your low wages and your emotions


pretty sure "we" didn't do jack shit

Define "we".

lolberts should be culled

Bring back political assassination and assassinate the people who dare cry.

you first nigger

I think the cheers at the beginning genuinely got to him.

Unlikely he'll change his decision now though.

no, seriously

The american socdem Left is lacking a bad cop tbh.

A Malcolm X to the their MLK if you will

I'm not voting. The democratic party has made their choice. Now we all have to live with it. You;d have to hold a gun to my head to get me to vote for that smug cunt.

I imagine that just being a shitty sjw.

Speaking for myself then, I've been agitating a lot of these B████ supporters since day one.

I figured everyone else was doing the same.


Because everything tough on your own identity is a shitty sjw because that hurts your fucking feelings

Nah this place is filled with pieces of shit like who think non-participation is making a statement.

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

"Never trust a social democrat"

-a very dead Rosa Luxemburg.

In principal yes, and as I recall this is precisely of of the better outcomes discussed months ago.

I suppose its just disappointing to see.

Does anyone have a recap or infographics on the accusations of election fraud in the primaries?


Methinks thou doth protest too much


interesting perspective
Do you see anyone who could fill that role?
What do you think this would do for that movement?

And what have you done?

With that level of political compromise one has to wonder whether we exist as a voting block at all, or are we simply the anti-Trump movement until the GOP selects a significantly better candidate?

defensive af

What have you done by voting besides sell your soul

That's exactly what you just did initially

m8 for the love of god stop role-playing

this isn't 1918, you're not the badass revolutionary you think you are, there isn't going to be a revolution anytime soon, etc.

let's agree to deal with reality here. with present conditions, present circumstances, and so on.

there's literally nothing wrong with roleplaying

To be fair, it's pretty hard to be a radical, violent socdem. How do you be a dangerous moderate? You've gotta be radical about something, and right now idpol is that for a lot of people.

Present circumstances say we're moving towards a massive war that nobody wants other than the ruling class and just dealing with what we have isn't going to get us out of it.

What the fuck are you even talking about?
Where did I say any of that?
For the love of God, take a break from shitposting for a second and take a nap.
You're getting cranky over nothing now.


I get "triggered" by being irritated by your repetitive bullshit yes. You can't scream "triggered" at everyone getting tired of repetitive shit.

You did the no u shit initially just calm down.

It is making a statement.. There's either barbarism or communism and they choose the latter. We have to lay in the bed we've made. I'm not voting for that worthless bitch and helping to legitimize the democratic party. They think they can hold the nation hostage. I'm not playing that game. Let Trump have the country. Fuck them,

Do you have a better solution unless you can muster up up a revolution?

Keep a fascist out of office?

but you actually are triggered tho

I see nothing wrong with this statement.

I remember you're first week here. The salt was delicious when you realized that we weren't ever gonna buy your bullshit.

That's not what it means.

Making a statement requires you to say something. Inaction doesn't tell anyone anything unless it's very very specific circumstances.

And pacifism solves violence right?

Moynihan makes okay music but his politcs are shit.

If Malcolm were alive today you would be crying hard over him. Fucking hypocritical little liberal shits.

I repeated the same thing, got angry, other anfems posted, you got angry.

You tend to get angry a lot over nothing and that wouldn't matter if I wouldn't be here.

It is what it means.


I mean, I gotta tell ya, this is just nuts, okay? This is just crazy. I mean geez oh man

Whoops, wrong one, my bad, hahaha.

"Methinks" is an accusation of over defensiveness. "No u" means nothing at all.

The fuck are you talking about

If someone like Malcolm were alive today with the same notoriety the bitch fests about it would be beyond endless.

Bitching about what? The black nationalism?

To be fair, the Nation Of Islam were fucked. At least the Panthers were based in reality.

Call it whatever you want. I will not be threated by a bunch of establishment crocks into voting for one of the most contemptible piece of shit that's ever run for a public office. I'm not afraid of Donald Trump. At the end day get past the racist and sexist rhetoric and he's just a fucking liberal. I'm more scared of Shillary starting a nuclear war then any of the stupid crap Trump is promising.

I'm sorry how do you know I got angry? I'm a different poster from the one you're talking too. I had a blast when you first got here. I don't know what you're talking about I was friendly with both the an-fems before you go here. So I doubt I'm who you think I am.

Don't play coy

What the fuck do you want from me?

What do you want from me?

You said we'd be bitching about X and I asked you to explain.

Not so, we'd be calling him the far-left's Milo.

We'd have a blast laughing at him.


Pacifists get into too many fights.

And he was a soldier. Also, treated the ethnic Dalits (lowest caste) as subhumans following his career of killing Zulus for queen and country.

His protest started because the British wouldn't treat him fairly while maintaining horrific mistreatment of Dalits as well as the caste system.

That's a terrible analogy, Malcom X was subhuman trash until a crisis of faith almost immediately before his assassination.

Pls don't.

There was plenty of violence going on during and after the Indian independence movement. Gandhi was an awful human being who shouldn't be hero worshipped.

Not in his movement. He preached nonviolence & went on hunger strikes when violence did occur within the movement, until the violence stopped.

You're full of shit. He fought with the Dalits. His wife on the other hand, it took her a while to come around.

No one's hero worshipping. But don't say pacifists don't get anything done.



Correct, but he was before his movement.

If by that you mean fought for and not fought against- I will need a citation. Everything I've read supports the anecdote of Gandhi discouraging any Dalit from seeking education.

And also that he supported the caste system and viewed Dalits as subhuman.

This comes up in a search I just did, and the article I find that supports your stance only has this to say:

But the whole article that quote is from seems to try and brush away Dalit mistreatment as a thing of the past, despite attacks being constant even into the Clinton era.

Nice meme. Capitalism WANTS people not to vote.

Are you implying that Gandhi's pacifism alone forced the british out of India?

And? We're talking about his movement, here.

From your first article:

This article supports his fights for equality. If the Dalits had a separate electorate, it would further isolate them. That's good reasoning to fight against it, and it seems it's misinterpreted often.

You/they said pacifism, so I responded to that. I'm not in the position of not voting, but it's their right if someone wants to not exercise it.

Of course not. But it was the single greatest factor in mobilizing people for the cause. His pacifism was what gave the movement legitimacy.

you should read some Gelderloos tbh

Indians had been fighting British rule for over a century by the time Gandhi came along.

Thanks user, noting that down.

Yes but the results had the effect of isolating them and perpetuating their mistreatment.

Also I like the 2nd article's narrative a bit better, even though it doesn't negate your point, it shows there's a lot we can't say for certain about his motives.

Things I've read in the past seem to suggest he was far more mean spirited towards dalits than people care to remember; such as in taht 1st article.

But, there's still hope. A Dalit can still transcend their class and become touchable by being sold into prostitution. However they've always had that right, but yet it remains one of their few safety nets outside of government assistance.

This is sickening and disturbing, but is the only way they can escape absolute mistreatment short of leaving India.


How so?

Untouchability & Brahmins thinking they're better than everyone is a fact today, still. We can't expect things to be perfect. But views have been changing slowly. It's been going on for thousands of years, so one pact wasn't going to get rid of it.

user, user.. Devadasi doesn't mean what it used to. Nowadays Devadasi are straight up prostitutes, mostly. It used to be a more respectable position(like 100 years ago), but it no longer is. These parents sell their daughter's virginity for dirt cheap to anyone who will pay.

The culture of being a dancer is still alive, but they aren't prostitutes, and it's usually Brahmins who are allowed to learn the skill in smaller towns.

Basically, classical dancers are separate from Devadasi, now. It's hard to explain, but there's Devadasi(prostitutes) & classical dancers, completely separate. The dancers are respected & usually Brahmin, the Devadasi are now usually lower caste - A quick buck for their parents & a sad life for the daughter.

Well you raise some valid points, and I thank you.

I still can't quite fathom Gandhi did more good than harm, but perhaps I need to rethink my understanding of his life and consider perhaps he wasn't the vile human I thought he was.

He was still an asshole to his one son, right?

He also still definitely did that one newspaper job where he was pretty clearly terribly racist, but it was the 30s.

Thank to you, too, for the discussion. I really like the topic. I live in India now(I'm American), and I married a guy from a "lower" caste - Padayachi. It's a mixed bag with caste, and in South India they have it a lot better. E V Ramasamy(Periyar) led a Self-Respect movement in the South, if you haven't read about it, it's a great thing. Many people dropped their caste names. Periyar was also atheist.

Indian is great for revolutionists. Communism is accepted & even lauded here(Kerala for example). I love it here, tbh. Things are shut down all of the time, due to protests. Public buses were down just yesterday due to strike, lmao.

You're not alone. My SO used to feel the same, or that he was overrated, etc. He wasn't perfect, but he did some good. He opened a dialogue about many things.

But yeah, I've heard many weird things about him, too. Like that he used to sleep at night & ask his nieces to sleep naked next to him, to "practice"/make sure he wasn't being aroused or something, to see he was pure. All of this sounds crazy to us, but people think differently here about many things. He wasn't necessarily a saint, but he did do good which we should recognize. At least India is doing better than Pakistan, violence-wise… They went one way, Indians went another.

As far as devadasi & classical dance..
Here's a good example of semi-classical dance. My favorite dancers - Padmini & Vyjayanthimala. I'm pretty sure both are Brahmin. Devadasi used to perform bharatanatyam dance for the noble people during their rule and it would resemble this:

Disregard typos, I'm a little sleepy.

When Trump is elected, are you prepared to take the fight to him with militant action like a real anti-fascist?

So what happened in B████'s speech???
I fell asleep.


Intelligence from our B████crat National Committee tells us that Soros is arming violent, direct action anarchist movements throughout the United States in preparation.

My melanin-enriched militia has received arms from both Putin and Soros in these past few weeks. Soon we will be able to take the battle to these proud patrio- I mean violent fascists!

Praise Zuul.

I say protest mixed with legislative activism/activities. Those who can should join the revolution B████'s started & sign up with him to run for office. Even with rigged processes, some of us will get through.

Really all you need is an online presence, too. It's a great way to get your message out there. People are voting against incumbents now, so we've got a good shot at influencing legislation.

Praise Zuul.

Well glad you've found a new home and are making the best of it- India is still a very dangerous place with horrific sexual abuse cases, which seem to happen so often in Pakistan.

As for Gandhi my focus has always been on his relationship with Dalits, but I have heard about the strange things he did, and even that he had an enema fetish.

Also he may have had some sleep related conditions.

Which makes me recall an anecdote from Dinesh Joseph D'Souza in which he claimed to have met Allen Ginsberg. According to him Ginsberg really liked India for the spiritualism (and the enemas ), though disregarded the presence of the caste system. D'Souza is a crazy asshole, but his perspective was sort of intriguing. Especially since he harnesses raw paranoia adequately in his most bullshit writings.

Thanks for the links.

What is your take on the Jat caste uprising last year?

It seemed like a terrorist attack by a group looking for government benefits, and I just assumed they were well off compared to some groups due to them targeting a major water supply.

Ah, typo-

India is still a very dangerous place with horrific sexual abuse cases, but I never hear of acid attacks in India, which seem to happen so often in Pakistan.

you should literally eat shit until you die

Democratic convention: S█████ caps off a day of deceit and demagogy
By Barry Grey
26 July 2016

B████ ██████ concluded his assigned task of seeking to corral mass anger and opposition in the working class behind the Democratic Party in the 2016 presidential election with a speech Monday night that capped off a day of political fraud and demagogy.

Earlier in the day, S█████ was booed down when he told a meeting of his delegates and supporters outside the Philadelphia convention hall that they had to take forward his “political revolution” by voting for Hillary Clinton. In response to the eruption of anger and disgust from his own periphery, S█████ declared cynically, “This is a real world we live in.”

He, of course, had done all in his power to ensure that this “real world” excluded the emergence of an independent movement of the working class against the increasingly hated capitalist system, and remained politically strangled by the domination of two right-wing, militaristic parties of the American corporate-financial aristocracy.

Developments prior to the formal opening of the convention already underscored the reactionary character of the campaign Hillary Clinton plans to wage and of the government she will head if she wins the election in November. In response to the exposure, via leaked emails, of the plotting of her allies in the leadership of the Democratic National Committee to subvert the primary challenge from S█████, Clinton’s aides charged, without providing any evidence, that Russia had masterminded the leak in order to place its supposed stooge, Donald Trump, in the White House.

This is part of an effort to outflank the fascistic Trump from the right by accusing him of being “soft” on Russian President Vladimir Putin and unwilling to attack Russia in defense of NATO allies on Russia’s western border, as well as being insufficiently aggressive in preparing for war against China.

The day also featured a fawning speech by Clinton to the national convention of the right-wing, pro-war Veterans of Foreign Wars in which Clinton lavished praised on Republican war hawk John McCain. The day before, President Obama had made clear the Democrats’ orientation to disaffected Republicans by praising a long list of past Republican officeholders in an interview on the “Face the Nation” television program. He topped this off by putting Ronald Reagan in the ranks of “America’s greatest presidents.”

In the course of Monday’s proceedings inside Wells Fargo Center, one after another representative of the well-off middle class rose to praise Clinton as a tireless fighter in behalf of equality and justice. The various strands of identity politics were on full display, with African-American, Hispanic, women, gay and disabled speakers taking turns in praising this widely hated symbol of the political establishment, who is personally implicated in war crimes that have killed millions and notorious for her corrupt relations with Wall Street.

But it was left to S█████ to complete the job of turning reality on its head and presenting Clinton and the Democratic Party as fighters for the interests of the common people. His speech was a display of unalloyed cynicism and dishonesty. To hear him speak, one would never know why he had opposed Clinton in the first place.

To attempt to enumerate all of the obvious falsehoods and contradictions in his speech would consume dozens of pages. It is sufficient at this point to note that were his glowing statements about Clinton true, his own campaign would be incomprehensible, as would the broad support it received. The basis for the 13 million votes about which he boasted in his remarks was the passionate desire of masses of working people and youth for an alternative to the reactionary policies with which Clinton has been associated for more than three decades.

Sanders’ exercise in political fraud seemed to be premised on the assumption that the American people suffer from collective amnesia. But facts are facts. The last time the Clintons occupied the White House they presided over a period of unprecedented financial corruption.

The Bill Clinton administration was the period of “irrational exuberance,” when super-low interest rates underwrote a 400 percent rise in the stock market. All of the Clintons’ policies—the dismantling of Glass-Steagall and whatever else remained of banking regulations, the destruction of the federal welfare program—led to a vast enrichment of the corporate-financial elite. It was the period that produced Enron and the explosion in CEO pay. All of the processes that led to the financial collapse and depression of 2008 matured under the Clintons.

For all of S█████’ denunciations of Trump, the fact remains that the billionaire real estate mogul’s political rise was possible only because of mass disillusionment and frustration with the Democratic Party’s hypocrisy and right-wing policies.

One thing that was particularly striking about S█████’ speech was the absence of a single reference to foreign policy. He said not a word about Clinton’s role as senator in backing the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq or her role as secretary of state in championing the savage bombing of Libya and murder of its ruler Muammar Gaddafi, as well as the horrific bloodletting in Syria in pursuit of regime change and the increasingly aggressive warmongering toward both China and Russia.

Sanders had the gall to present his full-throated backing for Clinton (“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her tonight”) as the continuation of his “political revolution” against the “billionaire class.” That so-called “revolution” turned out to consist of putting a Democrat back in the White House, accompanied by a Democratic House and Senate. S█████ was silent on the decision of the Clinton campaign to give the multibillionaire former Republican mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, a prime-time spot on Wednesday night to declare his own support for Clinton.

Not only S█████, but all of the various middle-class organizations—the International Socialist Organization, Socialist Alternative, Solidarity, and the Green Party—that promoted him are now politically responsible for the consequences.

The political lessons of the S█████ experience must be learned. As has happened so often before, the Democratic Party has become the graveyard of a movement of social protest, with S█████ serving as the undertaker. The warnings repeatedly issued by the Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site, which insisted that S█████ was not the representative of a movement of social revolt, but rather the instrument for containing and dissipating that movement, have been fully borne out.

The campaign of the Socialist Equality Party and its presidential and vice presidential candidates Jerry White and Niles Niemuth is the only campaign in this election that is genuinely independent of capitalist politics and advances a revolutionary socialist program.

Come on, user is so cute with their liberal reformist garbage.

Yes. It's got negatives & positives. Positives for me personally is now being able to eat properly(couldn't afford to in the US), access to healthcare, less stress and a strong family unit. Negatives are that I had to change a lot of my behavior in public. I used to dress however I wanted, now I wear sarees, churidar, etc. It's been damn hot & I wanted to wear shorts - no go. I can't smoke in public, or let in-laws know I smoke. I do smoke cigs in public, but I have to hide it. You can't smoke in front of cops(it's considered very disrespectful) or elders.

Have you seen "India's Daughter"? It was banned here, I torrented it, but got physically ill halfway through when they were describing the damage she sustained. Fucking horrible man. I never finished that movie..

There's a big difference between North & South here. In the North, it's where you get more strict attitudes. It's also closer to Pakistan.. Sure, there are people here in the South that are strict, but tensions seem higher up North. People are more open minded in the South. It's where a lot of movements are started.

Acid attacks, I haven't heard much about here, but have heard more of in Pakistan as you mention. In India, a common tool for attack is the sickle. Just the other day I heard on the news a bride's family tracked her & her groom down at a bus stop & basically hacked the groom to death. You also always see the "tough guy" in movies with a sickle. Many are agriculturalists, so it's a common tool as well.

But - I haven't personally seen anything bad since I've been here. I just have to use common sense & be aware. I don't go much out alone ever, since I don't know this place well enough yet. But since I've been here, I've loved it. I don't want people to get the wrong impression. Day to day life is peaceful for many people. My in-laws are from the countryside, and it's beautiful there. The people are wonderful; always so nice, always wanting to help & loving. A real sense of community here that I didn't have in the US, and that's also not common in the US.

Ah hahaha. I didn't recognize his name, but know who he is now that I saw his picture. He's so full of shit.. He's featured on the Drunken Peasants & Rightwing Watch a lot. I honestly expect more from an Indian, being that his country has so many issues with poverty.. But hey, he's found a hustle, I guess.

From what I've read, it seems they were taking advantage. It may be them trying to get their foot in the door to the government. Very unfortunate, since many actually need this help they're seeking.

This is a big thing atm. And it's playing itself out in the Parliament. Modi is basically like India's Trump. He's a Hindu-nationalist, so the people in parliament reflect that, and speak against these uprisings. They want things to be traditional, so they want these lower castes in their place. Communists are speaking out against the government, and a lot of students are as well.

The affirmative action here is a great thing, but the Brahmins of course don't see it that way. They're fighting for equality, and those at the top don't want that. They give the usual arguments, and a lot of it is similar to US politics as well. Compared to the US, affirmative action is much more necessary here. You see it most often in schooling. They have a lottery for lower castes, and it's how they get into college.

Apologies for blogpost. I'm very bored, guys.

Good summation. Anyone smart enough to vote for B████ shouldn't be fooled by Crooked Hillary.

Ahh, I always wanted to achieve that in life- someday.

They say it used to be unacceptable for women to smoke in the U.S. until Ed Bernays was able to link it to the suffragette movement and declare cigs "torches of freedom."

No, though I once caught a bit of "Rape in Africa" on tv years ago, that was brutal. They were performing surgeries on victims of unheard of acts- it's hard to believe anyone could physically recover from that.

This I didn't know of, fascinating.

But yeah, I would advise no one take the chance of walking alone in India even if the South is more laid back in comparison. Any group less than three people just feels like tempting fate.

Yeah, things just aren't right in the West, there's very little human kindness left.

He's out there, and alt-right people like him because his name sounds "ethnic" enough. I got partway through one of his books (America Imagine a World Without Her) and I just couldn't finish it. He made a handful of interesting statements out of several hundred, but I just couldn't stick with his paranoid obsession with Obama- he's certainly found his niche though.

And yeah, he was raised by a rather well-to-do Catholic family which might explain some of the disconnect he'd have with India.

If I recall correctly they sabotaged a major waterway, leaving millions without drinking water for more than a day. The military was called in, I'm surprised the government capitulated.

And it seems like the actions of the Jat made things more difficult for everyone.

Mfw B████ went full shill for Hill.

How much did Hill Dog threaten his family?

Abby Martin was arrested yesterday for no reason. I bet the pigs just wanted to cop a feel.


Source? And why was Jill Stein arrested again?

You have no-one to blame but yourselves.

Bernie needed your help, but did you campaign for him? Did you spread the word of his revolution? Did you mobilize the working class to his message?

No, you didn't. You sat on your board and shit-posted when he was out on the front-lines. You waited for him to lead the way instead of following his example. Now he has to endorse a corrupt candidate if he ever wants to make the future he wants for all of you a reality. You didn't lend him your strength, Holla Forums.

Through your inaction, you've stymied your own revolution. Now you have to watch your comrade compromise with the very forces he was fighting because you didn't lend a hand. Your outrage over this is disgustingly selfish and shows just how little you were invested in the struggle, you bourgeois armchair revolutionaries.

She threatened the future of this country.

how has hillary or trump not been shot yet 🤔


This should make DWS even more salty.

Most of us aren't even American.







Very sad, downright low energy frankly, this place is starting to remind me of reddit.


Considering how corrupt the media was, I wonder if that was the first time many Americans heard S█████ speak.

Bernie needed 10 year work rehabilitation in Siberia for racist propaganda, anti-socialist slogans, and collaboration with capitalist scum.

plebbit autism

This has got to be satire, so much leddit i cant even

you actually think B████ was some kind of socialist instead of the establishment tool that he always was?

Anyone that was paying attention knew he was going to turn and support crooked hillary, it was written on the wall if you bothered to actually look at his voting record instead of wanking and smoking cannabis through your "feel the bern" ceramic pipe you fucking hippie

now all the money and effort of a bunch of good but ultimately stupid people will end up with the hoofed one, and frankly faggots like you are partially at fault

the only one taking his treason with some…"class" (oy vey loaded term round these parts) is the the Trumpinator, inviting sad, lost bern supporters to come in from the cold and have a jacket

If you are really still buying into the mainstream left-right paradigm in our day and age I question your mental health, and wonder if you should even be allowed to operate a motor vehicle

The only fucking thing that matters is that there is still a chance the Trump is actually an outsider, and that he will stir shit up and put a kink in the colon of the neocon establishment, who are the fuckers that really control both sides of the US political circus.

so far he has done an amazing job at undermining them, he hzas played high level holdem and left them confused and stackless, the similarities with putin are undeniable although the circumstances are of course very different

fuckin a, this is why I like you smelly bearded ACTUAL commies, a lot of you know whats up

I can see we're in for another three weeks of trolling and gnashing of teeth. Seems like a good time to take a break.

Vote with your conscience, Holla Forums.

what is that even supposed to mean you wishy-washy western liberal coward?

Back to hell with you, murderous assassin of the working class!

get a load of down syndrome Father Brown over here

where do I get highly developed detective skills like yours tovarishi, I am in awe

Keep in mind: Gandhi was a religious fanatic. Not that different from modern-day ISIS (but different ideas, of course). That's what his "sainthood" is about. It's not sainthood of Mother Theresa.

It's recent Ted Cruz. He didn't endorse Trump, IIRC.

of course, he just fuckin said that, my bad

I bet he thinks in his little delusional retard head that he is setting himself up for 2020, lul what a joke of a man.

I generally groan at the Trump=hitler comparison, but it is almost uncanny how he has subverted and undermined the republican party, hes played em all like a fiddle so far

Apparently the DNC rescheduled the roll call to early in the morning and didnt tell any barnie delegates

But downs is an extra chromossome

are you fucking shitting me?

It didn't need to be his family tbh. That would be too obvious to normies. She could have threatened to have random black people assassinated every day. Very few people would notice and there's no obvious connection but B████ still cares about those people and doesn't want their blood on his conscience.

what the hell is assrange doing? where are the rest of the emails he promised?

Maybe he's waiting to see how this roll call election goes.

…good point

maybe hes looking for it because he wants it back so he can feel whole again

They probably wanted to intimidate someone who points out they're part of an oppressive global empire, and she's less physically threatening because she's a woman. I mean can you imagine if several cops had to restrain a fully grown man? We can't expect our Boys in Blue™ to face such danger!


Maybe he thinks that 47 is the right number of chromosomes and that most other people are missing one.

If I didnt like this place I wouldnt be here you passive-aggressive smarmy cunt

Butthurt B████bot detected. It hurts when something you believed in(due to lack of research, but still) turns out to be a lie, doesnt it? I know that feel, believe me, I do.

If you were somewhat mature you would face the facts, reevaluate your position, and make the most tactically advantageous decision that you can based on the circumstances+your present knowledge.

You dont seem to be doing that however. Very sad.

he might be right, people sure do seem to be missing something…

Oh, so you believed Trump wasn't a zionist stooge.

Hey, if Trump kissed the ring and Holla Forums still supports him, what does that mean for B████?

"good enough" - Hilary '16

Holla Forums isn't even trying at this point

The initial leaks came out after Kaine was confirmed as the VP pick. Assange is clearly waiting for the roll call vote. He's only going to fuck her over AFTER she's confirmed as the candidate.

"Anyone but Trump." - B████ ██████

Why? I thought he liked B████. All this does is help Trump.


Im not unilaterally supporting Trump, I have looked into him and yes almost all of his statements about Israel are probably my biggest issue with him, along with the fact that we cant really know what he is going to do, he is in many ways a wildcard, oh and also some of the hilariously retarded things he has said

Obviously he went to suck dick at AIPAC but then again what prospective president hasnt, since AIPAC has existed in its present form?

Its always hard to tell if someone is being serious round these parts, poes law and all, so im just going to address you as if you were, heres why I do NOT think the zionists want a trump presidency:

Israel is #2 in foreign aid from the US, are they not? I dont even know the status of Egypt right now so they might even be #1, its almost 4 billion per anno, of course much of that goes right back into the MIC but we are still subsidizing the rabid israelis while detroit looks like, well detroit.

This would rustle all kinds of jimmies for an actual ziocon lunatic, there is no way they would want any of this, do you even read their policy papers? its not like they hide their intentions, although some of it might be disinfo

and heres the biggy really:

This is massive, its the most fundamental pivot trump has achieved by soft-putsching his way into the republican party, watching him shut down Jeb! over syria was probably the moment were i threw up my hands and said "fuck it!" i might vote for this guy. If you actually read shit like clean break, or the garbage that weekly standard rag puts out, or listened to any of the numerous neocon dual citizen mouthpieces floating around you would realize how monumental this is.

im not unilaterally supporting russia either by any means, but i think any sane human can agree that avoiding thermonuclear war or "limited humane nuclear engagement" as these fucking lunatics refer to it is a good thing

lastly almost as an afterthought GLASS_STEAGAL is now on the repub program holee-fuck-boys bizarro world somebody pinch me.

Now you could argue glass-steagal is a few generations too late and will be completely ineffective in our present day microwave-aided HFTrading psychoverse, and you might be right, but its still good and demonstrates another fundamental pivot, the fucking banker class needs to be shut down and this is the first step

Im not fucking pol you asshole, I dont even hate jews(that much)

B████ ██████. Jill Stein.

That's exactly how a Clinton campaign is going to work. She's just BARELY better than Trump. She's not going to get a flood of overwhelming popular support or anything. How she is now is how she's going to remain going into the general election. She's another John Kerry.

Sanders is going to be the only saving grace for the Democrats. Either the super delegates wise up and nominate him(which they won't) or he'll be pushing her and the rest of the Democrats into supporting issues voters want(which will get skepticism and distrust).

The Democrat's cronyism destroyed any chance for the White House this election, making Hillary a two-time loser.

This is so accurate that it's insulting that the Democrats are blind to this glaring problem. The Republicans are fucking MOTIVATED. They WANT that White House. Nobody is motivated for Hillary but grandmas and blacks.

Either you pick S█████ or you go crazy left. There is no middle ground in this election.

So everytime Trump posters come here can we tell them to go back to reddit?

when did puddly little overweight union-man turn into raging idpol?

I used to like this guy, roger&me hit me right in the feels

yeah but B████ is out, and stein doesnt have even a remote chance. Shes seems to be actually anti-war to her credit, but come on man might as well be voting for the nintendo wizard

heres the speech bern was gonna give at AIPAC, make of that what you will

iirc he did make a pivot a few months ago, he spouted some very uneducated pro-israeli bs in a q&a and then someone apparently gave him an earful, his future statements about the topic were at least somewhat more nuanced

how about you actually address my statements and think about this insane mess logically instead of being such a herd animal?

the fucking trump reddit is frighteningly hilarious, I was over there yesterday, pure 4GMemefare

Why? I wasn't talking to you in the first place.
Conceited much.

The article is pretty interesting.

Don’t get me wrong. I have great hope for the country I live in. Things are better. The left has won the cultural wars. Gays and lesbians can get married. A majority of Americans now take the liberal position on just about every polling question posed to them: Equal pay for women – check. Abortion should be legal – check. Stronger environmental laws – check. More gun control – check. Legalize marijuana – check. A huge shift has taken place – just ask the socialist who won 22 states this year. And there is no doubt in my mind that if people could vote from their couch at home on their X-box or PlayStation, Hillary would win in a landslide.

But that is not how it works in America. People have to leave the house and get in line to vote. And if they live in poor, Black or Hispanic neighborhoods, they not only have a longer line to wait in, everything is being done to literally stop them from casting a ballot. So in most elections it’s hard to get even 50% to turn out to vote. And therein lies the problem for November – who is going to have the most motivated, most inspired voters show up to vote? You know the answer to this question. Who’s the candidate with the most rabid supporters? Whose crazed fans are going to be up at 5 AM on Election Day, kicking ass all day long, all the way until the last polling place has closed, making sure every Tom, Dick and Harry (and Bob and Joe and Billy Bob and Billy Joe and Billy Bob Joe) has cast his ballot? That’s right. That’s the high level of danger we’re in. And don’t fool yourself — no amount of compelling Hillary TV ads, or outfacting him in the debates or Libertarians siphoning votes away from Trump is going to stop his mojo.

Here are the 5 reasons Trump is going to win:


And you know what, now that young voters are depressed, resulting in a lack of a fuck given toward the election of Hillary, when Hillary loses, those Hillary Shills will fucking blame them for Trump's victory. They haven't just alienated a bunch of voters, they're going to keep alienating them.

This shit with the democrats is going to last for fucking years.

While this is rather insulting, it's pretty accurate. A lot people feel they've lost control of their nation and feel threatened.


Part 4 is here



not really, you are acting like a sorry excuse for a human bean, i dotn fucking care if you were talking to me, you said something stupid, you arent using your brain, tis unworthy of these hallowed halls

sorry for calling you out on being a faggot, i hope i didnt hurt your fee-fees

No shit. The only hope the Democrats have in the future is S█████, but I don't think he's going to make out of this mess alive. The longer he stays with Hillary, the more damaged he becomes.

Those platform concessions won't matter shit when nobody believes in the future you want to create.

It's a joke, cunt. Seems more like I hurt yours.

Maybe he's blackmailing the delegates. If they don't nominate B████ with the roll call, he'll kill Hillary's chances for the White House.

I don't even know what to say anymore, Holla Forums still thinks Birdie Sandman is a cool, principled guy, even when he turns his back on his supporters and calls them to vote for Hillary.

He has less balls than fucking Ted Cruz. And here Holla Forums still defends the guy as a Saint.

Is this the famous Stockholm Syndrome?


Even without the DNC meddling B████ lost a majority. This is just how this works. It won't cost her the election either, if the election is lost to Trump, it has to do with many other factors. This being a minor one implying American citizens vote purely on reason alone, in which they do not. One need look farther than Trump.

It's entirely time to give up DemSoc reformism as your savior. It won't get anything done, and you'll lose every time. It's pipe dream party politics.

Do you know how a state Democracy works? He lost so he has to do this.
pls stop

Ted Cruz lost too and he didn't endorse Trump.

Birdie's whole life is just toeing party line.

Don't ask europoors to understand how American Democracy works. They barely know how to vote.

Cruz also thinks he's Jesus Christ.

That's because Ted Cruz is a fucking idiot. He didn't have to show up to announce he wasn't supporting Trump.

This also means Cruz has more balls than Sandman.

Nobody takes Sandman seriously after this, when he calls for everyone to support Clinton and pretends she's the goddamn leader.

No it just means he's stupid and lost his base as much as S█████ just did. American Politics isn't about courage, and the problems of America and its politics aren't courage.

Who is the "nobody"? What does it consist of? Disenfranchised voters? Buddy, they've existed as long as there's been this shit hole.

You have to understand he didn't have this election stolen, in many states more people just voted for Clinton. The election was manipulated to an extent, however, he still lost. Regardless of "fairness"

I'm not defending anyone I hate all parties involved. I'm just telling you not to be so naive.

If Clinton thinks that shit will work in 2016, she's even more retarded than originally thought.

Ted Cruz will remain with principles and some people will still support him, more than Sandman does.

Sandman just slaps his fan in the face. He lost, and he toed the party line like a loser.

If naivity means you keep your principles, then I would rather be naive.

This seems mostly accurate but hes acting like its a bad thing, it isnt, theres a small chance trump might actually go full roosevelt and fix some shit

fucking addressed this- its pathetic - and very sad- mikey has fallen oh so hard on his head


doesnt mean anything in our day and age, we are surrounded by a menagerie of facism. The rest of it is accurate imo

this is pretty on point, haw haw…also Jesse wasnt that bad as a guvna certainly not a disaster like schwarzinigger. Anyhow mikeys right, hes gonna win, and its the best alternative.

How was that a joke, you just avoided answering. You didnt hurt my fee fees, but i dont like being called arroganti probably am

Yeah, Cruz told Trump to fuck off because he thought it was bullshit he wasn't nominated. Big balls right there. Sure it'll cost his constituents in Texas as nothing he does as a Senator will ever be accomplished, seeing as he's pissed off the entire Republican party, thus negating everything he fought for, but hey, he's got balls.

The problem I have is that I feel the Democratic nomination was manipulated enough for Clinton to have EVERY advantage over S█████ and she still struggled. I feel like if the DNC played fair with the two candidates, S█████ would have swept Clinton up exactly like Obama did in 2008. It's easy to win the nomination when you've already won the establishment over.

Yeah, time to go start another worker's revolution that will either be crushed by bullets or succeed only to collapse under the weight of its own ideological decay when it inevitably goes to shit in 50 years!

It's all bullshit. You're just the last bastion of another dying movement, an endless assortment littering the right and the left and dragging both down under the weight of their effluence.

Dogma is for dogs.

yeah hes delusional, he thinks hes paving the road for 2020, thats the only possible reason for him actually going there

That sure has more balls than Sandman, who was reduced from anti-Clinton position into becoming her little doggy.

On the other hand, if B████ threw the towel in like that we can assume that he always was a phony, so no loss there.

To get up so high as Sandie in politics would mean owing favors to a shitton of people. Had he gotten elected, he still couldn't have done anything, he would have been bound the same way he is now having to do this charade.

This fucking naivety to how voter bases work.

Most of his "fans" (and you bitch about problems in politics and use words like "fans" to denote political support), are going to vote for Clinton when it comes down to it anyways.

So it isn't like he is.

Naivety does not mean lose your "principles", it's naivety. Saying you support DemSoc reformism is naivety. Everything you're saying is basically naivety.

Much as with Bush v. Gore, I believe history will prove otherwise.

He's never even been a Democrap before this election, has spent his life being the furthest left in his position, and is too damned old for selling out to make any sense at this point in his life. I think he hasn't been aggressive enough this election, to be sure, but there has to be some rational explanation for what he's doing.

When did I say violence?

Stop talking in melodramatics and we can actually talk.

Then stop shitting like a dog for Democrats.


This is Holla Forums

Or they are going to not vote, vote for Jill Stein or vote for Trump.

Sandman "fans" aren't actually democrat loyalists.
Naivety keeps your principles, not losing it.
So when will you start an armed revolution?

It's a joke on a few levels
1st) Trump is having an AMA on reddit
2nd) Telling people to go back somewhere is something Trump is fond of
3rd) Calling people redditors on a chan is not only a meme, but it's effective to produce the exact response only a redditor could come up with ("I'm not mad, you're mad and I'll prove it by replying to you how not mad I am.")

Why? Because I don't like how Sandman acts and thinks he's reduced to a fucking coward?

He lost his outsider cred now that he joins the party and calls his loyal fans to vote for Clinton.

He isn't an outsider anymore, just another party stooge.

Yes. But that's clearly not going to be a majority.

Yes. But that's clearly not going to be a majority.

No. Naivety kills strategy. Naivety is not a compliment about "keeping principles". It's an insult targeting your own short sitedness, arrogance, ignorance of topics etc.

I won't. There never needs to be an armed revolution.

Are you sure? Statistics?
Then your insult fails, because toeing party line gets nothing done. It's exactly that naiviey that keeps people flocking to you.
So what are you gonna do?

and now you dissected the joke. Jokes are kinda like frogs.

Also reddit is great, whats everybodies problem with redditfine ill admit it, I glanced over the irony of telling angry polacks to go back to reddit

The fact you need to ask for a "statistics" source is damning.

And so does reformism. There's a reason B████ lost. You need to stop being naive.

Do what everyone who's actually a radical and committed to this is doing and actually coming up with strategy to make collectivism worked using the strengths of the internet for commune.

Not thinking votes are important or can change shit in the American political system.

It's time to stop being offended and what's expected and expect what is expected.

Problem with reddit? Personally, I hate the UI. Saw a few threads and how clunky their system was and just noped out of it. Plus, I'd prefer to have reaction images right next to a reply.

So no sources?
Trump started out lesser than S█████ and now he's fucking beating Clinton, all he ever did was never apologizing and toeing party line.
So you are an internet activist? That's not being a radical.
So you can't be mad at Sandman for becoming a party stooge? No, even Holla Forums hasn't expected this and didn't believe it until Sandman comes out and actually endorses Hillary.

Because he thinks he can force Hillary and the democrats do whats best for the country since they need his support to have a chance against Trump. Look at these poll numbers. He is fucking GOD compared to Hillary.

Unfortunately, I don't think he took into account how incredibly toxic Hillary. Trying to get her into the White House would be an almost Sisyphean endeavor.

Heres something i guess

He can't force Hillary to do shit when he fucking calls people to vote for her.

Such delusion.

A God doesn't betray their own worshipers.

My source is knowing a majority of American voters don't give a solid shit and don't vote on reasoning and not having this be the first election I've experienced. Shouldn't be yours either.

So Trump is what we're aiming for now? As collectivists? Is this how low you've fallen?

No. I am not an "internet activist". Explain what an "internet activist is".

It's getting more done and putting into practice praxis and theory and not being stupid enough to rely on the Democratic Party in America to actually get shit done.

I mean honestly how can anyone be this naive about reformism. It's a pipe dream.

Yes. If you want reformism, you cannot get angry at S█████. Your problem is you don't enjoy politics and yet you want reformism. The two are incompatible.

That's not my (or anyone remotely serious), problem. That's just DemSocs doing what DemSocs do best in thinking fighting against broken system within the broken system JusWorks™

So no sources, just anecdotes.
Trump is beating Clinto while the Sandman can't, so yes, Sandman should learn from Trump.
A dude who posts shit on the internet and pretends he's doing something.
What have you getting "done"?
I can get angry at S█████ for being a coward weak-willed piece of shit, yes.
That's Holla Forums's problem, you are not the sole poster of Holla Forums.

So the way i understand it is you get shit done, and you know how to make good deals..

But who are you voting for? or do you think voting is pointless?

I tend

to agree

about remformism

Do you think a majority of Democratic voters arent going to vote Democrat because someone sold out?

So, like you? More than I?

Probably more than voting in a broken system to fix a broken system, and working to do more than a "violent revolution" in America.

Then you're not going to enjoy life much if you get angry at American politics like everything here is new and offensive.

This shouldn't come as surprise to anyone at all. You should be built in use to this by now.

Neither are you. You can't tell other posts not to get angry at DemSocs.

the fact that you didn't see Bern endorsing her coming is a testament to your naivete
Anyone who actually pays attention to American politics knew S█████ would fall in line

Sandman supporters aren't even majority democrats, there's no statistics regarding them.
I don't pretend I get anything done, I'm just another internet user.
So what have you getting done?
I can enjoy life and being anger at shit, thank you, especially when outsider Sandman has less balls than a Evangelical.
I would entertain your point if Trump did not become the Republican candidate, but he did it while Sandman failed.
A lot of people here are angry at this Sandman business, just that they figure out if they whine too much, then it's over for leftism.

Even if it was, could it be that he's right?

If Ted Cruz does not fall in line, so can Sandman.

Plenty of republicans do not endorse Trump either, but I guess the Sandman HAS to.

In fact, I think the democrat party is pretty shitty.

The republican is actually more independent, with their NeverTrump even if it's failed.

There's no NeverHillary campaign at all.

But there's been a NeverBernie campaign since election started.

Trump is the party's nominate.

What's Birdie?

That guy who lost to Hillary?

Don't forget the voter suppression and election fraud.

The DNC is so dumb holy shit, putting the finger on the scale of the worst Democratic candidate in a century who's already losing to a fucking proto-fascist in the polls with months to go before the elections.

And stacking ballots from likely Shillary voters first in counts.

seriously this, despite light banter between them they are practically identical, voting record-wise S█████ has towed the dem line 96% of the time, he had 30ish votes where he variated from hilldog and although some of them look substantial they arent

Im not trying to shit on people that thought S█████ was the truth but he never was, and a cursory look under the hood would have toadaso

Are you blind or stupid? Last web poll I saw (roughly 150K participants) a full 2/3 or so S█████ supporters said they would be getting behind Jill Stein if Hillary gets the nomination.

Stop abusing terms you don't understand. Grow a pair of balls and call him a fascist if you think he's a fascist. Don't half ass it like the floppy vagina you may well be.

"oh you're ALMOST A FASCIST AHAHA take that!"

Couldn't get more passive-aggressive tbh. Call someone a fascist or don't.


That's not a campaign, that's a poll.

NeverTrump has an actual campaign with stickers and propaganda.

The entire DNC is putting on a gigantic recreation of the 2008 election where the RIGHT candidate won.

Okay, like the floppy vagina you are IRL.

How does a labia control a mouse?

in hindsight he wasn't all that 'right' tbh

Alright he is a fascist. Sorry, user. I actually came back from a months long absence from the board, just to read the threads on the DNC. It seems like the time I spent off-board had a bad influence to me.

No, stupid. The establishment wanted Hillary but Obama stomped the fuck out of her because he's not a robot. Now they're playing it again, this time with the candidate they really want.

I like how you are too fucking dumb to understand that you're arguing with a Trump supporter, and also a classist shit head that does not understand the importance of local politics.

I'd argue #BernieOrBust has had even more public exposure.

BernieorBust is brutally suppressed by the party.

It was never endorsed by another big party talker, unlike NeverTrump.

What is the Streisand effect

Controlling information in 2016 is counter productive, and the democrats will experience a 'tea party' effect in 2020 if they can't rally this election around Clinton in time. Cracks are already starting to broaden in what was once a stable Democratic boat. It won't hurt their election prospects this cycle, but it will be a problem in the future.

Big problem with NeverTrump is that it's widely seen as a big joke, and nobody liked Cruz as much as people liked S█████.

I wonder how many votes for Cruz in comparison with S█████.

NeverTrump has more fraction than B████orBust.

Hopefully the movement [REDACTED] awakened can survive to split off from him whole and create the leftist Tea Party we need to crush neoliberalism.

He already lost control of his supporters.

His supporters support the idealized Sandman, not the democrat stooge.

no I mean that from a liberal perspective he's not the president they expected him to be

Hillary is both stupid and arrogant, so I doubt they'll be able to prevent that from happening. Hillary herself is the biggest liability the Democrats have right now.

Sanders got 48% of the Democratic electorate. How much did Cruz get?

Whose "they"? The establishment? He was exactly the President they wanted him to be, a do nothing Liberal.

With the way this election went, I'm not too sure Hillary and DWS weren't controlling Obama's actions as well.

the people who voted for him
He was supposed to be the 'left' candidate
ended up not being all that during his presidency

I hate idpol so much.

No one actually thinks reformism will work you fucking idiot. Change comes from the ground up, if you can't see why using a outlet let a political party or a political movement to spread socialist ideas(coops etc) and to organize people to fight for rights or protest then sorry, you're an awful socialist(or a liberal idiot).

The only other way you will get a revolution is by a violent one, which is something you say does not need to happen either. Really, if anyone is fucking naive it is you, for thinking you can say the working class are completely worthless, avoiding class politics, and thinking somehow you are going to bring on any kind of socialism by being a whiny cunt on the internet.

Oh shid, slick willie's on today

Hello, CTR

You still don't realize it was S█████' doings that exposed Hillary to the democrat electorate more than the conservatives could over the past 20 years. And S█████ did it within a year.

I didn't like Hillary before. Now I fucking despise her. He at least helped many dems to become better informed & prompted the DNC's fall from grace, so to speak, they were never graceful.

The only white person in America is Donald J. Trump.

The working class doesn't like communism. You have to convince them. And they're not interested in class politics in a way that doesn't suit their own national interests, or worse, in a way that cannot be subverted and manipulated for other people's needs.

America isn't interested in class politics, it's interested in the type of class politics wrapped and sweet and nice from movies and television with populist messages they remember and internalized from when they were children.

Sooner or later you're going to have to realize the way we've been going about this won't be able to survive into the 21st century, so we have to adapt.

The only way to do this, to some extent, is to use the internet to create a commune that doesn't involve the weaknesses of physical space.

We believe in the platform he puts forward. I'm disappointed in S█████ for getting behind Hillary.

I hope there are riots tonight on the floor & outside. Let's have a show at least if we get fucked.

Exactly. Let it all burn, the whole wicked institution.

The platform's nice, but I don't think Hillary will actually implement any of it.

Only Democracy Now and The Young Turks would consider such a riot anything other than a "terrorist act".

When the media actively conspires to keep the public ignorant of real issues, democracy becomes a joke.

Yes, let's waste the amount of resources Capital has provided to subvert to our own interests to spread to all working people, and instead burn it all down because we're angry.

Brilliant strategy. Only Americans can come with a dream for the future so poorly thought through.

there will be a riot on the night of the final election, and it will be one of those big, violent ones, not a liberal peace march for the fucking turtles or something

It will be in every city, it will happen no matter who wins, and we in the left need to gather together the betrayed B████fags and inspire them with dialectical vigor for a new cause.

Seize those means before the pigs seize you.

reminder that if you respond to someone using the anfem flag you're responding to an avowed shitposter

No more shitposter than anyone here. Less actually.

If you've already lost faith in the government, putting a flaming bag of Trump poop in the White House seems like a great idea.

Bernie-or-busters were loud last night. But 9 of 10 S█████ supporters are open to voting for Clinton.

or some time, there has been a prevailing fear that B████ ██████ supporters will become Donald Trump converts, or turn to anti-establishment candidates like Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, instead of backing Hillary Clinton.

But according to new data from the Pew Research Center, 90 percent of the most ardent S█████ supporters — that is, those who have consistently stuck with him since the beginning of the election — will support Clinton in the general election.

Sanders did have committed supporters through the primary: Pew found that 20 percent supported S█████ from December 2015 to April 2016 (close to the end of the primaries).

But now that S█████’s hopes for a 2016 nomination have been dashed, his supporters have mostly gravitated toward Clinton.

The Pew study, which surveyed 2,353 Democratic voters, found that of this 20 percent, 90 percent now endorse Hillary Clinton. Only 8 percent support Donald Trump, and the remaining 2 percent are undecided.

Even so, you have to admit that many are disappointed with their options. If you were a state-brainwashed socdem who believed in voting power, you would have done the same despite your opinions.

Socdems need to understand what they could have. What I see is that 99% of $hillary support is based on the asssumption that she's the only choice.

I just dealt with this BS poll on reddit a minute ago. It's "out of 29% of "consistent" S█████ supporters, 90% of those will likely vote for Clinton".

A fraction of a fraction.


WSWS was right again

It isn't about "faith lost". First of all our politics should never be a game of faith, it should be a game of facts and evidence and truths. Second of all, supporting Trump to get into the white house has the same cons as supporting Clinton. Both want war in the Middle East and both want extended military presences in Africa. Both want Imperialism.

The differences is Trump knows how to work this all in a nationalist populist bow that makes a steamping pile of liberal shit look somewhat "clean" depending on who falls for it and who you talk to, but it's still a neoliberal pile of shit. That, and he's getting in office just for the paycheck and massive connections once he gets out.

It's like going to a party with clear intention not to get drunk because people are relying on you to drive your friends home, but ending up getting drunk. You're going to inevitably wonder why you did it after you face the consequences after and realize this was a terrible idea for the views you support.

Terrible analogy. But nonetheless you're going to trade one neoliberal for another and that isn't sending anyone a flaming pile of shit on anyone on Capitol Hill, that's giving them a different kind of cake.

No independents. Worthless poll.


We're getting Trump & Shillary supporters flooding in, trying to shill. A poll claiming 90% is absurd on its face, anyway.


The S█████ voters are depressed and apathetic. They'll vote for her, but they'll do so halfheartedly. You won't see Hillary suddenly getting B████ sized rallies filled with young people.

Fair enough, then.

Please share your crystal ball, I have some business I need to take care of..

We're also not apathetic. We care too much.

And you just spewed a big bunch of shit nobody in America gives a fuck about.

The fact of the matter is that everybody and their mother is saying Trump will be a horrible president, so some voters are inclined to vote for him just to see how horrible he will be. They want to troll America.

I've been up for 24 hrs now and need to sleep, anyone know an estimate time for the roll call?

I read the convention starts at 4pm and heard the roll call will be in the beginning, anyone know? Even the official schedule doesn't seem to say.

So pollyps want to appear as edgy as possible to "troll" people.

Other news at 11

5-7 pm
todays schedule

Dude.. politically incorrect, lmao

Thanks anons. I don't think I can make it that long. I guess I'll wake up and see what's happened.

I was explaining why justifying voting for him because he'll fight Capitol Hill is complete and utter bullshit.

This dude has tanked his campaign financally and now is relying on the same donors he criticized other candidates for having, and the way that always works is bribes to get certain things passed and cooperation. Just as well his running mate is an establishment Conservative who he wants to be his own personal Dick Cheney.

He never wanted to be "anti-establishment" and that was obvious from the get go.

Voting for him will

It won't. In the election of either candidate, both will help Porkies tremendously.

In this election, however it may go, all of us will be hurt and we will all mean less in the scheme of things, and porkies will matter all the more.

I know hating her is basically a maymay now, but she legitimately scares me. She seems like the kind of person that only clamors for power because she can and enjoys torturing people for fun.

So does Trump. Welcome to politics, everyone who wants to rule the free world doesn't do it out of love.

Yeah, his long history of compromise and working with the democrats make this a complete surprise.

Keep up the good fight guys. Inspire the berns, plan together, get your asses to roll call, join the protests, drink lots of water.


Yeah, but Trump I can at least understand. He's a narcissistic manchild that's had brown noses in the entertainment industry inflate his ego for years. He legitimately does not understand that he unfit to be a leader; in his shoes, most people wouldn't.

This is my country.

Over 50 years of economical and political neo liberalism, with some springling of social democratic reforms.

Kill me.

Your understanding of Trump is based on the false promises he made along the way to get where he's at inside the conservative establishment, making thousands on hats and bumper stickers and empty slogans along the way.

I honesty don't get this "Yeah, but Trump's not a manipulative politician, he's just like us!" shit. That's blatantly false.

The guy didn't say that at all.

I'm criticizing the idea "but I sympathize with Trump voters" or "I understand them". They shouldn't get off so easy.

I'm sorry. Don't give up. Don't let that anger turn inside. It is not your fault. Fight.

I thought this was pretty good. Link for context.

CNN: Hillary is bending over backwards to placate B████ ██████ supporters

I should have this on mute.

When is the roll call happening?

Did Ghandi kind of chum around with Hitler for a while?


this whole thread is vomit inducing





why is this country such a joke

You mistake him with Subhas Chandra Bose

From what it sounds like, any money he's getting right now isn't going to Hillary's campaign.

They're saying roll call in 15 mins

Is this EST?

I have a meeting with a therapist today 5:30-7 EST. I regret scheduling this.


Dear yankees: how the hell did this happen? Are you seriously going to end up with a Tramp presidency?

Rigged elections & uninformed/poorly educated populous

I fucking hate myself.

This isn't a threat toward anyone, not even myself. I mean the (joking) implication is I'm gonna kill myself, but I didn't think this post through.

Stop lad.


Are you autistic? Or an absolute newfag?

Dude, you're fine. :)

I'm about to pass out, so odds are I'll see it but not be able to remember it properly. Maybe try to find wifi where you're at & stream it.

But CNN's saying it's like 2 minutes away.. Stream it now if possible, you may see some habbenings here


I don't believe in transhumanism. I believe that the internet as a medium will bring us closer to collective today than it will the physical. There is no way to encrypt what we do in flesh, but there is advantages to it. Having good, bold theory and strategy will lead us into the future.

And that future is the one that is free, and that is in the internet.

Commune, community, it all has advantages in the internet, and we will slowly grow to understand this as each and every foolish attempt we make fails. Communism has always relied on the moral righteousness of what we believe, that beyond sacrifice for ourselves for others gains there lies a world worth living for and fighting for. A community, one where love can exist, and where we can make a heaven that relies on no nation or no border and no limits. What countless nations tell us we fight for but do not.

A sense of community. In the end, true or not, this is what attracts mankind to the prospect of commune in the same way it attracts mankind to world peace. Whether these things are true or not in the sense of commune, nobody can say. But it is what attracts us all, emotionally. Beyond emotion there is rational reason to fight for the collective people as well.

And all of these things are already present within the frame of reference, the context, the subtext, of the internet. In a world fighting for meaning, someone could give them that meaning. Just like in the past. This works to our advantage.

We are always looked upon as thieves stealing from the wealthy and the powerful above us for the greater whole of people who believe to stand for others happiness. Where, also, do you think you can steal from the wealthy more easily? The digital.

This won't happen within the next four years. But eventually this option can be weighed as an alternative to what the world is already conditioned to fight against.

An alternative of freedom of money and resources to combat a system that games us will inevitably become the more attractive solution, and so, disrupt capitalism the more people try to find it. Pigs will undoubtedly fight us tooth and nail, but in the internet, just as piracy, there will not be a surefire way to stop us if there is talent involved to find ways to side step, and there will always be.

Give it time.

muh islam


I don't even know what's happening anymore

Strap in for the shitshow

You're right. I should have typed that up more casually so you don't cringe and can stay comfortable. I'm sorry I didn't think of you when typing up why you're wrong.


It's just idpol lipservice to convince liberals.

When is this going to end?

You're so disconnected. Get out more.

She was a bigger asshole than Gandhi at times.

Gandhi was a lot of things, but I don't recall anything to suggest he was capable of the same habitual sadism as of Mother Theresa.

Ohh noooo nuh uh you just didn't tell her what to do with her body

If you have to cringe at something typed out thoroughly, I would say get out of college while you can; we both know you're not in college.

Get out more.




I pledge allegiance…

Parading disabled people like if they were animals for entertaining.

Stop posting.

That American pledge is spooky

Sign language lady got it goin on

how did this thread become so shit

To the flag…

Can anfemmy please just stick to posting the occasional picture of a neckbeard to be a troll, instead of obsessively arguing with every single poster ever like a sperg?

I like how they wheel out a guy who has been fucked over by their policies most of al

Nationalism is the true religion

No I can't.

wtf America, get your shit together

Paranoia, lads–thinking my posts are being monitored by people who think I'm a threat because I'm mentally ill and a commie. I know it's a bad post, hence the spoiler and sage, I just needed to get the fear off my mind so I can function.

They are playing the music extra loud to cover the chants


first time watching one of these things
are they always this cringy?

Thread theme

You'll be rid of it soon lad. Good luck.

Ugh Allison Lundergen Grimes.. From my state.

I love this discourse

Because you disagree with me on practically everything. Not for mostly any other reason. Which is your fault, really.

Did the B████ people got purged or what? where are the boos?

they probably moved audience mics away from them
you can still hear them, but faintly

There were some boos a minute ago, but it cut out real quick. I'm guessing mics.

Before there were some B████ chants but then American Psycho music started playing.

Oh, you boys just won't stop flirting with me! Tee-hee!

are they gonna say anything else? I'm getting bored

There was B████ ██████ chanting diring hip to be square. Or like right now the hillary chanting hijacked the B████ chanting


I'm a diff user. I actually agree with you on most stuff, like the pedo fight you got in.

Host is sweating lmao

Will B████ tell em to burn this bitch down? Will the madman do it?

It doesn't matter what he or we want. They'll get their coronation.

Wait one sec. So in order to BE in the democratic convention for the vote for the candidate you have to endorse your opponent? because I remember that the DNC threatened to not let B████ in if he didn't endorse beforehand.

But I do hope so, of course. That they fight hard for it.

Yes. It's in the rules. Something about he'd lose his delegates otherwise.

No, this the thread theme.


periscope caster is back up lads…



Literally a porky on the stage


Post dnc riot music:

Paul is a big guy..


I'm surprised they let B████ people speak, even.


Literally a mole in B████'s campaign.

Fuck that Porky.

hoo boy
this gon be good

Damn can we please have it not side ways.

Fuck this guy

He's trans-hippo otherkin, you biggot

Did Hillary endorsed B████ too?

Presumptive* nominee

Dat B████ grin

She's from Vermont.. From what I've heard, Vermont was going to endorse Hillary or something.. Let's see

he looks nervous af

dat qt B████crat

Shit, I would be

Definitely nervous, but I saw some other emotions too

revolutionary poise?

Poor little bern guy.

I wouldn't know how to feel myself I be nervous as shit too if I knew that all that I worked for was on the line.

bahaha the please chant more expression, funneled in cheers from speakers

On some level, I feel bad for the little social democrat traitor, I have to admit.

has there ever been riots on the convention floor itself? would be amazing to see

No idea, but I'm rooting for a riot



So Shillaries are fat, from what I see.

except the ones around the convention
those need to stay

Wew Lads the land whale is shilling hard.

When McGovern was running in '68 I believe

my browser is shitting itself holy shit

what's happening?

Weaker cheers for hillary

"Breaking Barriers" hmm.. freudian slip?

Nominating speeches from hillary supporters

the nominee should be determined in a battle royale on the convention floor

yeah bring out the one guy no one is going to boo

das racis

Hurts me family

Bernouts would easily win with revolution ary fire attack.

Oh can we have a colosseum as well with lions and shit.



Weak ass cheers for Hillary lmao

No there will be no praise to the bourgeois down with the oligarchs.

What kind of name is that? nailah amaru

Remember that tiger scene in Gladiator? The DNC will try to rig the battle!


jesus what

Not surprising tbh.

I personally believe nominees must engage in debate boxing. Three rounds of boxing followed by a 15 minute debate on the issues.

The nominee is determined either by winning the most rounds/debates or knockout.


That isn't a bad idea. I like that, then you can't rig that shit too well either.

here we go

I hope Hillary's at least nervous right now

But she's probably not. Probably has snipers trained on B████ atm just in case.

assange will release the next batch of emails right after the roll call
calling it now



History in the sense of destroying the Democratic Party?

Then yes, I am ready for them to make history.

why do they need to make their little speech?
god damn just declare the votes jfc

I second this motion.

Yessss Alaska made up for their super delegates


how does samoa have 10 fucking votes?

Why even have this roll call vote then?

Rhetorical, of course


They have to make up for the zero votes they get in the general.


This is all for show. Hillary already rigged it behind the scenes for the delegate count. Feelsbadman, even still.

yeah no shit

Make it happen.

All the sweeter will be all those fresh emails.

Those berine chants

We need a Amerexit so America can leave from itself.

Just reminding.

Damn right

This shit is lame.
I wish someone would someone would throw a punch

Will we get Washington?

Did anyone recall the California election was rigged as hell?

We need to make a man made island.
Call it Jamerica and go full communist.

why does american politics need to be such a smily happy wohhoooow shitshow
across the pond we don't get it tbh

how else are you going to get people interested in false hope?

Calling her president before announcing the votes. Way to alienate even more independents.

this is American culture, lads

Calling her president before november is alienating more voters. Since they are so smug about this shit.

idk can't you just be cynical like we are here

a literal B████bro

That crying.

You're still a traitor B████

holy shit larry

What will they say about Kansas? It's the rectangle in the middle of the country?

Holy fuck that got me..

That guy behind her.

I teared up. He is such a proud brother, a really good brother

Some people like to believe they're doing an amazing service to our country by voting in a criminal. Go figure.

I wish I had a brother like that.


Oh man.

Bernie's brother's speech hit me hard in the feels.

Very proud

Same here, man


I can't stop laughing

TIL D.C. means District of Columbia


Hillary stares silently at the scene, wondering what these people are doing, for reptilians do not understand human emotions.


laughing with tears at the same time

Do it for Larry, guys!

Larry's a member of the Green Party in the UK IIRC


So what you're saying is he got out

Madame Secretary seems to be really irritated whenever a state votes more for B████

"Bro-ther.. What's a bro-ther?"


She sure does

He got out of America.. I'm so sleepy user

The fear is real.


woops we needa crier for hillary

Is there going to be a riot at the end?


I seriously don't doubt it

I want to give Larry S█████ a hug tbh

oh yeah some weak ass rhymes just what i needed

Me too.. That was a great moment

When are they going to get to the twerking?


I think the crowd is too demoralized to riot at this point.

Of course, this will bite Hillary in the ass later when her rallies are about as populated as an inner city father/son picnic.

Reject logic, embrace idpol


States S█████' flat-out won pledging majority of votes to Clinton…this is surreal to witness.

Watching the democratic party burn before my eyes

He's a lucky guy

And nice quads

What happened in Kansas? My feed cut


As if Trump is the logical choice. Neither of these candidates are the logical choice. This election is hell and I don't even vote.

Anything to stop Trump user, we have to unite. His basically Hitler.

I was just thinking about that

fucking revisionist.

Where's a red flag I can cover myself in? It's getting cold

KY will let me down as always

This. 48% of the Democratic electorate are going to change the channel whenever she appears.

That's not what I was implying at all

Louisiana delegation is by far the most obnoxious so far

Dual citizen of UK and US.

I don't get this whole obsession with

Thatcher was awful, so was Blair


welcome to the magical world of identity politics user

And Nevada? Arizona?

Does this mean trump is probably going to win? Thanks dnc

Maine not calling Hillary


That well show them! Steal and ruin our democracy will you?! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FEEL THE BURN!

Oh yeah. Get ready to make America great again.

Are they making sure idpols and blacks are announcing Hillary's wins so if B████ supporters boo they'll be sexist racist ___phobes

If Trump wins, it will be solely Hillary's fault.

Was just acknowledging a subtle dig. Calm down m8

wouldn't surprise me tbh

Betting you anything there's an article on Vox about it right now


I think we should all follow B████ ██████' example and become independents.

Then why suck hillary's clit?

Did Minnesotta say "Princess Purple Rain"?

Party platform concessions.

Remember, he's about the "WE" not the "ME".

I'm leaving the dem party for sure

What a meme

Guys I think the dnc really proved we should be peaceful and not violent and the elites will listen to us!

If he's going back to being an independent anyway, why didn't he just hop on the green party ticket?


If we politely ask for power they'll give it to us




He infiltrated the democratic party, and got as far as he could without losing it all. He managed to change the fucking platform.

For him to do anything with this amount of pressure on him right now, he wouldn't have been able to make those deals and hold Hillary's heat to the fire. I'm not voting for Hillary, but with the options he had, he did the insanely smart thing.


See that bitch Roberta Lange in Nevada?


Because Jill Stein doesn't have a chance to get the White House. She'll be lucky to get government funding.

Never forget.

Well he better do a Stalin-esque purge because all I see in the top of the Democratic Party is idpol oligarchs.

She's been arrested like 80 times

Still a great person, and i might vote for her, but i know she doesn't stand a chance and think what B████ did was smart

they may be stealing your money but they're of all races and gender identities


Therefore the purge won't be biased towards any gender or race.


That forced Hillary..


I cant watch this anymore, these people have to pay for what they did.


Watch it to the end, to see what Idpol does to a country.

Let's hope Wikileaks has saved the best for last.


I'm betting on the deleted emails.

I'm hoping for something like a clinton kill-list
now wouldn't that be grand



A bunch of jibberish and leaves.
How democratic.

nvm i'm stupid.


It's going to happen. There is no way in hell Hillary and the establishment are going to implement 1/10th of the reforms B████ wants, which will spring his trap card. He can then go on the web, rile up his young supporters by saying Ms. Clinton isn't keeping her promises to the American people, and then all hell will break loose. After this convention, they'll be itching for revenge.

You also have to remember B████ isn't done after this. He's going on the campaign trail to steal every fucking election he can, so don't write him off yet. The revolution begins now.

Steal Congress for Larry.


Clearly a faggot.

As dishonest as the actions of the DNC were, I still don't think B████ could have won. He just wasn't popular with minorities because of idpol. It just seems like identity politics is taking priority over class-based politics among the working class nowadays.


Larry is an angel

Look guys, it's a good gay

Oahyou~, Ohio-kun!

Oh, that's a given, though

Both he and B████ are so human

jesus what the hell
that voice

holy shit

Jesus… how can you guys watch this shit show anymore? Fuck reality time to play video games.



They're conning people into believing their problems steam from racism, sexism, etc. instead of classism.

Just look at all of the leaders in the sjw movement and blm. All of them are rich fucks.

Why don't you faggots just join us?

With neoliberals. True hard workers see through that shit. It took one conversation with my father to turn him to B████.

I know, but you see it on the right too, where the "dominant" group views itself as oppressed by women, gays, and uppity brown people.

Classism? Is that what happen when you are too classy?

Feed with the votes laid out

Most of the older generation are unaware of B████ thanks to the conspiracy. My mother saw his speech last night and thought he was amazing.

Same here. I had to introduce my mom to him, too. The news sure as shit wouldn't do it.

With the democrats, it's worse. Republicans always support the free market and big business. The democrats keep saying they're for the people, but they don't actually do anything for them.

It's what happens when you suck a dead jew cock until your brain melts.



I think a big part of the upcoming revolution would be introducing S█████ to the previous generations. More supporters for the cause.

Calm down user

Does anyone know how many statea left?

I hate Holla Forums

We don't hate you



wanna cuddle?

the first ovaries in the the oval office

C'mon Wikileaks.. Give us more.

America will look back at this moment in history and say they made a mistake.

That's Monica Lewinsky.

what the fuck do you mean vermont passes


I read earlier they're waiting to the end to endorse Clinton for "unity" or some bullshit

Clinton is a retard that thinks people respond well to the "alpha dog" approach.

Thank you for explaining.

(Because she's already reached the "magic number" now for the nomination)

hello i am margist were are the purge :DDDDD

Vermont: Home of the class traitor

Seattle is more class conscious than Portland



We coup now?

We coup by stealing Congress for him.



Silent crowd


Yes. B████ is free. Now is the time.



How are there so many idiots in America?

Why did we defund schools?




It's time


Such revisionism


Those boos suddenly cut out lmao

Fuck the DNC so hard

This isn't over

I fucking love that Larry has stolen Hillary's thunder.


More fucking vagina talk, Jesus Christ.

They kept cutting to him, even the networks knew it was good

Much better than Hillary, that's for sure - Actual human emotion.


Hillary better get used it. These are the last cheers she'll ever receive.


Nah, she'll hear some as she's being put into the guillotine

No thank you
Clinton Campaign Manager Says WikiLeaks Dump Timing ‘Not a Coincidence’

Or at the impeachment trial.

Women were a mistake…

I'll take that.

I was just going to say.. Pls don't blame this on us

I've been having Twatter fucks try to argue this. I told them they should care about truth more than political parties

At least IDPOL has officially exhausted all "unique" nominees to the White House.

The only ones they have left are the two honorary white races: Latinos and Asians.

We still have a few hundred billion genders to go through before idpol is exhausted.

Latino and Asia president itself is 8 years more of neoliberals, and that's not the only special snowflakes remaining. We still need a disabled president, a native american president, an arab president (that one will take a while), and a LGBT president.

Meant for>>819090

Can we get them all wrapped up in one president and be done? Man idpol is a great way from the ruling class to control the elections

There's a reason why Hillary is a white woman and not a black/latino transgenderqueer male to female. You go one by one.

I seriously hope Shillary gets a primary challenger in 2020.

All of the potentially successful nominees are exhausted.


she needs to win the general first ;)


We all know it's coming. Time to pull ourselves by the bootstraps

No fucking wonder there were less boos this time around.

It's pretty certain that Hillary will win the General since Trump is only relying on uneducated whites as a winning coalition. Plus the Democrats only need either Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Florida to win the Election.
March of the Bernouts

Jimmy Carter speaking for Hillary. What a letdown rules suspended&ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search

It's over.

MUH 9/11

Please tell me this is a parody.

Guess who makes up a majority of the electorate in swing states? Florida is known for it's swamp people and the rust belt is where juggalos come from.

Ohio and Pennsylvania are tossups but so are Wisconsin and Michegan. Hilary has at best a coin flip. And, if the primaries are anything to go by, Dem turnout is already in the toilet compared to GOP turnout.


Jesus, that crowed is dead. Let them rest.

this is fucking hilarious, do they really expect people outside the party to eat this shit up? Given the entire fiasco over the emails, do they really expect people not to believe that Hilary's server got hacked?

He is free.

Another cripple, truly befitting of the democratic party. What the fuck happened?




Florida is also known for Hispanics and Immigrants. In addition states like Michigan and Wisconsin are becoming solid Blue the last two elections. Democratic turnout was shit but shillary still managed to get 3 million more votes than Trump, who is giving the dying party a last hurrah in the limelight. Once republicans take an Electoral Suicide, I see the lolberts as the new mainstream conservative party.

Didn't he Kickstart Neoliberalism in the Party when he was elected?

When does Hillary make her acceptance speech for the nomination.

Carter basically made neoliberalism mainstream for democrats.

This fucking nigger has to start off by praising chicken. Fucking blacks.


That's fucking Chris-Chan logic.

well, that's it. I'm out. I'm gonna fucking puke if I subject myself to anymore of this.




now ya see, this is the rhetoric that will kill the democrats in the general.
Dems right now are the living embodiment of the "this is fine" meme

I had a dream that Hillary got blown out completely by Donald Trump. Like, he had twice as many votes as her.

I basically just spent the dream laughing.

lmao, no. There's not a single libertarian party of consequence anywhere, because at the end of the day they're spergs that didn't outgrow the FUCK YOU DAD YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO phase of their teenage years

And Rick Scott, who was one of the first people to endorse Trump. Florida is GOP.

Michegan and Wisconsin WERE blue. Over the past five years they've become Republican, so much so that both are now Right-To-Work states. This was unthinkable even 20 years ago. And both are ruled entirely by the GOP. Do you even remember the huge protests against Walker? He has single handedly destroyed the Democrats there.

Yet TOTAL turnout gives us 28,584,625 Republicans against 27,834,835 Democrats. Trump is a threat and was the moment Hilary became the presumptive nominee.

Yeah, all the Batista Cuban immigrants are extremely reactionary. Only Hispanic dude I've met who supports Trump is a Cuban immigrant.

For reference, in 2008 it was 20,929,304 Republicans vs 35,029,294 Democrats. The GOP's base has grown by 8 million, the Democrats down 8 million.

It's probably because he's operating from the inevitable-march-of-history view that Dems have adopted, i.e. muh future Democratic super-majority ("If McCain and Romney were utterly disconnected clowns that thought America was hungry for Bush 3.0, ergo every Republican contender until the end of the party itself will be a disconnected country club Republican clown")

What I don't get is how none of them can see it. The Democrats Union base is gone, their attempt to create a new coalition of white collar types and prole nonwhites has totally failed. The entire Rust Belt (which used to be the Industrial Belt) has been hollowed out and votes Republican. Even formerly hardcore Democrat districts can't scrape together enough voters as young people move to a handful of big cities (LA, Chicago, NYC), and gerrymandering.

The entire country is slipping away from them and all they do is push the same neoliberal garbage and think that their fortunes will reverse.

according to neoliberal doctrine, a Trump presidency is impossible by definition. This is what happens when you drink the establishment koolaid.

In related news, Shaun King just said he was going to vote for Shillary to stop Trump

Almost every single person since 1945 that has pushed for a neoliberal future is a man but sure the moment a woman wants to be a neoliberal its our fault.

It is, you and your leaders like the bitch who stood down and Hillery are corrupt, it's not neoliberalism, it's how you fucking walking vaginas think you can get away with anything.

Holy shit they cannot shut up about the world trade center attacks. This shit happened 15 years ago and they're still using it. If I didn't see any labels I'd think this was a Republican convention.

That's because Trump IS a neoliberal candidate.

No it isn't.

"you and your leaders"

Who represents the men of the world? Lebron James? Bill Pullman? Bruce Willis?

The ironing

Walking vaginas

What is the DNC.

No wrong context, I was mocking you

What the fuck am I watching, What are they trying to even say with all this shit?
Are they just using this to make Hillery not look like a monster? If so what a fucking monster.

It's the fear. They want you to be afraid.

Am I a bad person if I want to see what happens if Trump wins just for shits and giggles? Not American and it's not like Trump have any foreign policy other than bombing the shit out of ISIS


Because they don't want to see it. People mock full/pol/ and half/pol/ (usually rightfully) for being circlejerks, but Democrat elites and their sycophants in academia, media etc live in a similar circlejerk. The best example is Trump, which until his victory in the Republican primary the view was "I don't know anyone who supports Trump, therefore only a handful of racist rednecks in the Deep South support him, calm down everyone"

I wouldn't count stuff like the Wall, restricting Muslim travel to the States, or his wanting to renegotiate trade deals with China as "neo-liberal"

I want to see Hillary get elected just to see disappointed infuriated Holla Forumsyps talking about how their lives aren't worth living anymore tbh.

Like. I don't want either of these people anywhere near power but one of them will. I'd bet on Hillary just for the Holla Forumsyp schadenfreude.

I would count "bombing the middle east into glass" and "kill the families of Muslim terrorists" and 'we must go to war" as neoliberal. Absolutely. Both of these people are fucking evil.

Stop being particular.


I never said I'm voting for the cunt. I'd just rather mock people who never win in life if I want to take anything away from this election.

He pretends to be anti-establishment but Trump is a neoliberal and his entire candidacy is built on the fact that neoliberalism has fucked the entire country sideways. Clintonites are basically the only people left dumb enough who defend neoliberalism as a concept.



So you're a neoliberal as well?

She's a woman, it's not her fault.

If that's the case then why are you voting for and defending Trump for "not being neoliberal" and "being against the establishment'.

You really shouldn't want Trump to be president because your rejection of neoliberalism will look rather ironic.

I'm a neoliberal for mocking jobless Holla Forumsyps.

It seems like we're still in Phase 1 of "Hillary Leaks". I'm guessing there's no more than 4, possibly only 2. One thing's for sure, he's getting Phase 2 ready and it will probably be ready before the 28th. He retweeted an article where they quoted him as saying he had more, which seems like he's being a cheeky lil cunt and teasing us.

Not yet. She can still be forced to drop out if the polling and other issues continue.

Holy shit, who said this? I'm fucking triggered. She is completely the opposite of a friend to Puerto Rico. She and her husband have both fucked us over.

This would be the ace in the shit-hole. The FBI would be forced to change its recommendation. Remember, Comey is probably investigating the Clinton Foundation as well.

Exactles. The only way for him to maintain his influence was to play nice. Of course he could've gone ape and tried a coup or something crazy, and it had a good chance of working. But there was too much at stake. If he had failed the yellow dogs/new dems would have consolidated power and effectively kicked out the entire progressive wing.
Besides, there are plenty more opportunities for Clinton not to be on the ballot come November. Had he gone independent or green he would still have to hope/wait for Clinton to self-destruct or get fucked by the FBI or WikiLeaks or both anyways. This way he is still crossing his fingers and he has a backup plan for if all else fails, which is maintaining his influence in the party. If you think people are going to forget about what the DNC did I can assure you that you're wrong, the next time Hillary gets a nuke dropped on her ass people won't forget the DNC either.

No, that's just how he's going to be registered in the Senate for his term starting in 2012. He's still a Democrat and will probably run as such in 2018.

gay post
I always hated the pledge too.
Deys Mad

for real someone needs to go RFK on her ass

These were Republican memes well before Trump cranked them up to 11. Are the Republicans not neoliberal either?

But that's the thing, they're just memes, like

It's all talk. Didn't he basically admit he wants to delegate everything to Pence anyway, who's a mega-porker in his own right.

Again, says the person defending Trump on the count of "not being neoliberal"

Bernie didn't let Larry down. We did. This Nation did.

It's why he doesn't live here anymore.

Just ignore Holla Forums friendy

Yes he did. He wants him to be the Cheney to his Bush

It's okay honey, no one is voting for Trump here. His a big meanie who said mean things after all.

If your defense of Trump is people being insulted he's as tasteless and stupid as he is, that's a pretty ridiculous defense. Shouldn't even be focused on more than it already is.

Its funny how they try to act like its only the Republicans that use fear.

And yet Hillary's the bad guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're gay post

kek, no. On Mexico the "Republican meme" was "we need to amnesty them to get naturally conservative hispanics to vote Republican".
And did everyone forget how much he got shat on by other Republican politicians for saying Muslim travel should be restricted.



Jill Stien, BLM, OWS and all the locked out B████ delegates and supporters are representing outside of the convention hall:

if you got a twatter/kikebook, please spread it. Porky's troops are going to be making a lot of arrests tonight and we can't let the mainstream media cover it up

Isn't really capitalism incarnate if Trump is also capitalism is incarnate

It's their only weapon. If they start talking policy, they could risk alienating someone.

I'm sure Hillary has an entire candy store filled with middle of the road, centrist policy she wants to implement, but B████ poisoned it against her.

Anyone else think that he left after giving over the votes because he was about to break down in tears or disgust? I'm pretty sure he feels completely sick right now.


Back in 2012 Herman Cain, the flavor of the month, was joking about how he wanted a fucking moat along the border filled with alligators

Trump is nothing new

You're acting like the Republican party is a monolith outside of Trump. My great-grandma came up with the wall at least ten years before he did, same with the Muslims bit.

Maybe she'll be cell mates with Hillary

Holla Forums's laughing at us again.

Well I guess I'm never watching another Elizabeth Banks film. Shame, she was kinda cute.

Who's us. Nobody here is a democrat

No ethical consumption etc

Anyone got that screencap of the user talking about how not voting is not the same as voting for Trump?

No but I have this.

Have you lads seen this,

That graph is completely shitty.

What am I being indoctrinated with?, aka that one funny comedy website that hasn't been funny in years, is here to lecture us about how B████bros are going to put Trump in the white house

Agreed, those graphs are always shitty but I agreed with the majority of what he was saying apart from that.

Everybody keeps saying that. It's like they want it to happen so they can avoid responsibility for their shit candidate.

That, and they want to strange the growing left in its crib.


top kek

But really great job putting words in my mouth you worthless shitposter

I'm voting for Clinton which is why I said I hate and am not voting for Clinton.

The most support I have is it would be fucking hilarious to see Holla Forums sob and moan about how their lives are over if she wins.

Amen sister.

No need to get mad you're probably not who I'm talking about.



That's not me.


Or is it…

This is pathetic.

Smash the patriarchy

Jesus christ, this happening is making this thread turn to trash.

Feminism is bad because Sargon and TJ said so

i blame anfems

No one here is actually like this. This is just some Holla Forums samefag

What's with the idpol in this thread

Are Holla Forumstards really that mad there's an anarchofeminism flag?

I wish bill would rape me.




No, it’s not.

A vote for John Politician is a vote for John Politician. Even if that politician stands no chance of winning its not a vote for anyone but that one. Anyone saying otherwise is trying to make a sell. They’re making a pitch, and I consider it tantamount to coercion. Ultimately they are trying to persuade you into voting for their candidate, and this stupid shit goes on with both major parties. This is made plain by the popular hashtag campaigns saying “anyone but Trump” or “never Hillary.” A sort of inter-party policing of votes using fear of the other side winning to herd votes into a particular politician’s favor.

Same goes for people who abstain from voting. A right is one that we can choose to exercise and it’s crucial to remember that distinction. I don’t have to speak against the government even if the government can’t jail me for it. I don’t have to own a gun even if I’m at liberty to do so. And I don’t have to vote even if I am able. If no candidate seems suitable to me or I disagree with the system as a whole or how it’s being operated, then I can and will stay home. And yes, I can complain about the elected candidate because I am a citizen of this country and it’s our muh privilege to do so. We work and pay taxes that pay for all of this. If I can’t complain because I didn’t vote, then the people who voted and whose candidate lost also can’t, because we did the same thing. We made a decision that was overruled by majority, but we at least know we didn’t have a hand in making the situation worse by risking putting in a candidate we had no faith in.

Some of us don’t want the lesser of two evils. We want no evils. We have exercised our right just as fully in abstaining as one can by voting.

Fuck dude why

Stop making me want Trump, you cunt.

wow, not even one sentence before they started lying



I was just being sarcastic user… come on now.

Take off the flag

Uh excuse me? Why should I?

Because you're angry that feminists are on leftypol and conflate it with Hillary voting so I'm basically positive your from Holla Forums and angry because I said you're great sources of schadenfreude

Putin Praises Trump a lot but to me calling it an endorsement always sounded like fearmongering.


fits the dictionary definition of endorse

Wow user, do you want to build a strawman?

hey everyone start using the anfem flag

Can you fucking cunts shut the fuck up.

On it fam.

I like it, its vaguely close to daily dose

My plan has worked

It's probably just an angry Tankie.

thats fucking retarded dude, nobody will do it

Why live.

Time for some (You)s

Fuggggggg I don't want to be incinerated

If shillary had 4% of the charisma and energy that Bill has, she would be heads away from Trump.

if Hillary was a dude, Berning Sandals would've won hands fucking down

we failed you Larry

All me tbh

Black lives matter and ows and some bernouts are rioting outside the DNC i hear, looks like some shill with anrachofemsnit flag is trying to distract people.
Anyways, wouldnt it be great if black people turned on the democratic party and voted green.



Water is wet.

Make sure they get out on tumbler too, spam the tags.


that last pic is horrifying.
Why would you do this to me.


This is incorrect. The GOP primary was simply more energetic than the Dem one (

Not to say that shouldn't be worrisome to Hildawg, because it should be. But there's a difference between expanding the base and energizing the base. There's some ridiculous statistic out there than in 2014 2,000,000 more votes were cast for Democratic congressional seats than GOP ones, but the GOP won the house in a landslide because of Gerrymandering. But Gerrymandering doesn't matter in the Presidential election.

Trump needs to expand the GOP base while Hildog needs to consolidate support. She should just let S█████, Kaine, and Bildawg campaign for her. She's almost as robotic as Romney was.

Oh boy, here come the spin doctors.

On one hand I'm proud of the Sanderistas, but on the other hand this is going to make terrible PR for the left.


It was burned, so I guess we'll never know.
Anyone else watching?

Just because Holla Forums dislikes Israel due to racism doesn't mean there's not legitimate reasons to be against their war crimes.

obviously but they're burning a fucking B████ or Bust sign ffs

They took a hostage outside of DNC
Cop has been taken HOSTAGE at the DNC

Even with the anfem flag on, you still can make sense!

Good one.

I don't think anyone here is arguing otherwise


It's one of those weird internet vs. real life things were the Republicans love Israel while Holla Forums hates them, while most of the politicians speaking out against Israel are on the left while "progressive" keyboard slacktivists are rabidly pro-Israel

aaaaay lmao bullshit!>>819421



I actually left it on on accident.

Im telling you, this is the year of the fire monkey!…..anything can happen
If we can convince black people, OWS, and the bernouts to vote green party that would be a giant message to the DNC an shillary.
Especially if they lost black peoples support.
Bernie and his brother FOUND DEAD

Yes goy, and then Trump will WIN! Ahahahaha!



and as usual, none of this shit is on any network, even Fox

Yes goy, hillarry is better than trump because reasons

c'mon now, it has to at least be believable

turnout might as well mean support. Support isn't support if voters can't be fucked to turn out

"Terry McAuliffe: Clinton will defy progressives, support Trans-Pacific Partnership"


I can't wait to see people try and defend her on this

p-protectionism is actually just racism :^(


Tim Kaine literally said that people complaining about free trade had a "loser's mentality" (let alone her earlier support for both the TPP and NAFTA)

inb4 anfem reminds us yet again that s/he wants to see Hillary win to make Holla Forumsyps butthurt

Anybody got a periscope or youtube of the march?

Wow user fucking let it go already.

It's such a good joke though.

You, I mean.


boomers and their lapdogs, Gen-X, are the worst generations ever to exist

Here's your (You)

Where did she even insult men

There's this. I don't know any other stream.

Where did I imply I was thinking with my vagina. Stop thinking with your prostate




What the fuck user? GET WITH THE TIMES AND MEMES.

Tomoko died in 2011



just like your mother

My mother is alive

lol prerecorded video? She doesn't even have the guts to address the convention live?

Someone shoot this bitch

This is a good sign. It means she's scared

porky's troops have come over from their side of the fence, and are going to start walking people back

When was the last time you checked? :^]

there's 5,000 angry people outside the convention hall, even if she gets in getting out is another question


Holla Forums's choice:

Thank fuck it's over, well I'm off. I plan to off my self with my fav booze. I pray to the god who let this happen, that I do not wake.

The democrats are already mocking you. They think you'll come back to fold and vote Hillary.


user, I

They think they can buy and sell our fucking votes… fucking Biden.

I hope Trump takes the ouster of [REDACTED]'s delegates from the building and rips the DNC a new vagina with it, since no "leftist" outlet seems willing to make a peep.


Is this periscope not playing for anyone else? Says connected but I'm not getting dick for video here.

welp, I'm going to binge watch some star trek, get my ass kicked in overwatch, then try to work out a future with one of these chucklefucks at the helm. Guess it's back to my bourgie survivalist ways for the next 4 years

The periscope video has people chanting blacklivesmatter and bashing cops. I also think i heard someone mention Micah Johnson.

Go get Jill Stein on your state's ballot you fuck.

The democrats have convinced me to register as an independent and vote for Trump. They don't give no more of a fuck about me than Trump does so why the fuck not?

Dude it's a SALT MINE here.
I've been screenshotting this SALT all day.
Fucking SALT MINES bro.

first, pretty sure she's there and I'm voting for her anyway, second, she won't win and you know it. One of these lunatics is going to be president, and it's not going to be her, the best thing any of us can do is brace for impact

don't do it philly


We can try to get her over 5% and secure public funding for next election and volunteer to build the party between cycles.

Periscope just disconnected

But, comrade, most of that money will go toward bail.


Honestly at this point you're voting for Pence, who seems less shitty than Trump, but not significantly less so, what with the supreme court and all

I somewhat regret not approaching Rep. Lewis when I saw him in Philly on Monday

Although it would have been a terrible idea honestly especially since I'm a FUCKING WHITE MALE

I'll do what I can but I'm practically disabled, can't do much, can barely do housework these days


I can live with that.

If anything he's worse than Trump


it could be worse, Kaisch killed Ohio high speed rail. Pence at least put money into the Wolverine and kept the Hooiser State (a train from Chicago to Indianpolis) alive

I notice that Hillary said that getting nominated for president is the "Biggest Crack in the Glass Ceiling Yet!"

Nice not saying that the glass ceiling is broken, Hillary. Gotta keep up that boogeyman so feminists don't realize how hard your swindling them.

That's because it's not broken.

Of course not. It never will be.

It's like the "revolution" in North Korea. It's an excuse for assholes to abuse power.

This and if she does well enough they can no longer lock Greens out of presidential debates.

Absolutely bourgeois

Why does Jill suck so much in the PR department? how the fuck is the Libertard more popular?

Did you really think your satirical humor sites would be safe from the Clinton Campaign?

Nothing is personal. Nothing is safe. There is no you, only the Party.

whatever you say bro

She's got kind of a weak voice to be honest.

shit's all fake, they buy that shit. hillary was sitting at like 6.5 million months and months ago

I had a feeling the Onion was getting cucker as time went on… RIP.

I think you should reread his post, you misinterpreted.


are they playing the fucking darth vader theme

Gary Johnson's better at social media, does livestreams and such.

Holla Forums confirmed on scene

am i the only one having trouble with the stream right now?

Watch the violence is about to start now, the protestors for B████ will get trampled by cops here. You thought you could just protest outside the dnc?

Same fam. Keeps cutting off.
Please people don't take this laying down do something tonight get angry, they took our future from us from all of us!

no, it keeps cutting in and out for me as well

This is a pretty good video summing up events so far.
Spread it far and wide friendos

new stream when

If you read the dncleaks you would know their strategy is to pander to progressives and minorities and then as soon as they get in office pal around with wall street and uphold the oligarchy

user's look this and tell me what's wrong with this picture… Give up? See the guy on the right? What about the girl near the clock?

I don't see it

I hate these fucking cunts. They're conservatives who think having less """privilege""" makes them progressive. I can't stand to listen to them.

How can they make an economy that works for everyone when they can't even make an election that works for everyone?

Will Clinton ever actually speak at the DNC in person? I dream of rushing the stage and killing her with my bare hands.

I can't into webm, I tried, still too fucking huge, so I uploaded it to pomf

12:00 when stream was supposed to be around 11:00 so definitely not live.

One of them sorta looks like one of the Clintons friends who killed herself… huh…

got to it before I did, thanks m8

She's broadcasting from hell with all the souls they took up until this point.

Oh wow I'm watching the replay now and that fucking bitch Fudge said "the ayes have it" on the Acclamation Vote for Presidential Nomination before they nays could even express themselves fully.

Fucking nigger.



jesus who thought this was a good idea

this looks like something the GOP would put in an attack ad

It sure is hard to get on the call-in line on C-SPAN. Shame I couldn't get on, I don't think I heard anything but smug ignorant dipshits on the line the entire time.

Of course she won't speak in person. She doesn't want to get booed, and there's a lot of angry bernouts and BLM types outside. Everything has been prerecorded, and since the bernouts have had their access revoked they can just play a video to the remaining audience who will shrug it off.

And then, starting Monday, she will pretend that none of this ever happened as she pivots to the right.


I'm convinced someone's trying to sabotage her campaign at this point.

Welcome to 1984. Are you ready for the third world war?

But user, we were always at war with Russyria


Why are some of you even convinced a third world war could even happen at this point

she's doing a shit-tier job campaigning. All she tweets about is begging B████ supporters to come to her.

Because there are plenty of people willing to doom all further generations via risky business decisions damaging the earth's habitability, why not do it via war instead?

Part of me feels like they're intentionally trying to throw the election for Trump, so they can spend the next four years blaming everything bad on "Bernie Bros"/progressives/anyone who dared to challenge Madame Secretary from the right, kinda like what happened in 2000.

what makes you think war is an impossiblity?

because the porkies who run America are greedy enough and evil enough to risk it

That's the stupidest thing I've ever fucking heard. None of these people want war in the first world, they want exploitable regions to wage war in.

What is the point of war in the 21st century if nobody makes a buck

That was what I was referencing yes, I've said that in a few of these threads for conventions and shit and you where the first person to notice that.

That's retarded no they're not. They're not going to risk their cash on first world war.

explain why NATO is inching closer and closer to Russia every day

But they did risk they cash on WWI.

They're not going to wage war with Russia, they're going to wage war around Russia's borders. Or near enough.

Do you even know how geopolitics work what are you doing here

Tomorrow is going to be a mess. Take note: the place will be so empty that CNN and NBC won't move their cameras from the stage.

First World war.

and by doing that they risk Russian retaliation.

If you think that war in the first world can't make money, you've got a bad understanding of reality. Yes, nuclear catasrophe would be terrible for them but turning America or parts of Europe into warzones benefits them. A damaged western economy is an economy ripe for exploitation as it pretty much forces people in the west to compete directly with south east asia if they want to eat. A successfully destructive war in the west would lead to a global lower class and a global upper class controlling it all, which would be amazing for the rich.

jesus fuck, combined with the cult rhetoric this is one spooky scene.

The major power in WWI was the first world.

ahahahahahah fuck this cuntface
I am gonna get SO DRUNK on election night

Even if the Russians don't retaliate directly that's still a hell of a lot of dead people through full blown proxy wars

Russia won't retaliate in a major area that isn't bordering it.

You have a shit understanding of Late Capital and Neoliberalism

In the first world you are never at threat of war. If you get it, it would be unplanned, and frankly, you would deserve it.

I'm not supporting war with Russia you moron

I missed Bill's speech and the ending, what happend?

You're acting like the war mongering is irrelevant just because it won't lead to a full blown world war.

I think you would've been right in the 60s or 70s, but the past 30 years has been very specifically the globalist rich setting it up so that when the west ends up dying, they can jump ship and keep every bit of their capability to run things. They're specifically making sure that, whether by war or by economic turmoil as seen more and more often lately, should the US and the west cease to be an economic power they will profit off of it.
Very moving

Estonia has been calling for permanent NATO troop presence. You can only do so much before Russia is forced to retaliate

Nah, they'll bus in more Clinton supporters, it will be a packed house, and they'll talk about how the B████ delegates eventually came around and embraced unity to try to get those watching at home to do the same.

You are just the definition of cancer
Why Tim Kaine is a Smart—and Progressive—Pick for Vice President

This needs to be spread around.

I'm not acting like that. I'm in fact saying you should care more about it because they're selfish fucking asses won't risk war on their own soil anymore.

I just made that little dig because I knew you'd love it. I don't actually believe that.

Most people on leftypol do deserve to die in unprovoked attack however.

It's all a game of showmanship. It won't happen.


no u

If you think that the ruling classes are not stupid enough to risk war you don't have any grounding in reality. The central foreign policy move of the Obama administration is the pivot to Asia. China has decided that the Pacific is big enough for two world powers and as usual the USA has disagreed. Skirmishes in southeast Asia could lead to full blown land wars any day. The national bourg of every major power plans for the decline and defeat of their enemy.

Time for me to play street fighter, drink, listen to wolff and read theory for the till election night.

See ya comrades.


Is anyone else going to vote for Trump out of spite? Call me nihilistic and with a wiked sense of humor but I think a Trump presidency will at least be interesting to watch. Either one will be disastrous. I feel like I have as much inclination to vote against Hillary as I do to vote against Trump. I might as well cast my vote just to spite the DNC as at least it would be democracy in action.

Sorry about the thread

It's too late for busing. They only have 14 hours (local time) left to round up enough people and get them to Philly. And this assumes that the protesters even let them in. Even at 34 hours (for tomorrow's event), it's a huge stretch to get enough people especially as it's a workday.

More likely (and, more cheaply) the'll tell the media not to pan off the stage.


I don't think China would risk things at this point if the US actually pushed, in fifty years or so maybe, right now they're thinking long game.

you think Porky can tolerate competition? Capitalism always leads to more war.
see also


The marketplace is global now. It won't matter. Get your head out of the cloud.



taking off your flag does shit, anfem.

I never take off my flag.

Damn dude are you paranoid.

I think you have an optimistic view of what climate change will look like in the next decade.


The market place was always global! That literally one of the base elements of capitalism!

Jesus christ you are so dumb.

pretty sure we have more than one anfem shitposter

That was the Holla Forums poster you ignoramus dick brain piece of shit

It's time to stop lad.

Capital is a system of global exchange tbqh.

No there's only one poster, actually.

That was me making fun of her.

I'm not Holla Forums dumbass.

It's more global than its ever been. The market consequence of war in the first world outweighs the benefits for them

Jesus christ you are so dumb.

There were five people pretending to be the anfem poster

The market consequence of war outweighed its benefit one hundred years ago.

Jesus christ you are so dumb.

I was the one that forgot to take off the flag when making a serious post though.

Here, let me make it easier.


A hundred years ago nuclear deterrence and Late Capitalism consumerism weren't a problem

No you do not understand capitalism. Since the fall of the Soviet Union world war had become more and more probable. Do you think that the us military spends billions planning and training just for war with China just for shits and giggles?


The form of consumption remains the same as it has always been, as does the political-economy of foreign relations.

If it will happen. It won't be in the next 16 years. You really don't understand any of this.



Not an argument.

Jill-senpai talking about Eugene Debs


Is the 3rd-world really any less wartorn than during the Cold War? It's not as fun without tanks and fighter jets anymore in lieu of people beheading eachother with sharpened shovels or whatever, but the death tolls are still appalling. I mean, that level of poverty and despotism naturally breeds dustups between all the little neofeudal feifdoms, it's just how life is there.

I'm either voting Stein or Trump. Even if Trump is completely fake, the rabid anti-neolib, anti-neocon, anti-PC nature of his supporters isn't. That's the sort of sledgehammer to the 2-party system we need at this juncture.


Did you look into your crystal ball for that one? Both candidates have all but promised to go to war with Iran, necessary to the total encirclement of China and Russia something neither of those world powers want. At the same time we have drought, climate disaster, etc. at unprecedented levels.

I don't promise to know the future, but the ruling class is always preparing for war and Americans have never been more ready than now and both candidates have promised to continue the drumbeat to its inevitable conclusion.

Neoliberalism is more than just free trade agreements. Trump is completely for deregulation otherwise.



Do you think capitalism in its current form isn't predictable in its war?

Nowhere did I suggest otherwise.

That drumbeat means that Russia will go to war in the surrounding regions and so will America. But never the two shall meet.

I thought you people weren't this naive

Things would get worse.
Even if Trump was actually as good as his supporters thought he was voting for him wouldn't do this. The Pence pick made it clear that he's working with the RNC and they're working with him now. Vote 3rd party if this is your objective.

everyone ignore the shitposting and watch this



nice trips

What do you do.

Keep in mind he's 300 pounds and has a super PAC meeting soon.

all me

Sorry B████

True, but even on the domestic front he's (at least in rhetoric) buckling from past Republican consensus to the point of admitting SS & Medicare/Medicaid aren't worth attacking.

The system is falling apart at the seams, we just need to keep punching.

The stuff about Trump giving the reins to Pence are just rumors. And like I said, even if Trump is completely hot air, the phenomenon he's unleashed isn't.

True, but that happens almost randomly. Iraq aside, ISIS was ultimately caused by people getting angry over leaked cables, and the African genocide du jour is on continual rotation.

Stick up for him while B████ tells me to let it happen.



I never said that and don't think it. What I am saying is that he's proven that he'll play ball with them and vice versa. That he's not just going to try to completely change the entire party whole cloth. As for his supporters they'll be placated if he killed the TPP and improved employment even by a bit and keep voting Republican. The only way that voting for him would actually hurt the 2 party system is if he manages to win and turns his back on everything he said, signs the TPP into law, and opens the border.


Why didn't you stop it

Why won't Stein take this fucking joker to the floor over that Nader spoiling 2000 bullshit?

Stuff like that is what infuriates me so much about the SJW hivemind dominating leftism. Trump repeatedly emphasized a "great big beautiful door" in the proverbial wall, almost certainly meaning massive legal immigrant quotas, but nobody ever calls him on it. Even worse, illegal aliens are a tiny fraction of immigrants compared to legal immigrants, rendering the entire "debate" backwards on both sides. Instead, they're fixated on MUH POOR MEXICANS (but don't mention foreign aid or our export subsidies) MUH REFUGEES (but don't mention the coups we're responsible for and dictatorships we support) MUH IMMIGRANTS (but don't mention the overwhelming majority that can never leave).

If anyone prominent were willing to engage Trump on his own political turf, they tear him to ribbons and force him further from the establishment, but they never, ever do.


Because no-one in the bubble actually wants to reduce immigration. The Left wants immigrants to solidify its "gibs and idpol"-based political future, while the Right wants immigration because its good for business on all levels.

That's why the only places calling out Trump on not actually reducing immigration are places like 8/pol/ that will also call him a kike puppet of Israel to boot

Is this a new word filter?

This literally never happens. All questions regarding the legitimacy of the Trump presidency are deferred to picture related.

Whenever an attack occurs on a non-contested dogma it's always explained away as the actions of an intruder.


It did months ago (though who knows how many were sincere or just trolling) but regardless reducing all forms of immigration is simply outside the Overton window

No one's going to call Trump out on it because simply reducing illegal immigration via the Great Wall of Trump is controversial enough, let alone actually reducing legal immigration as well

Have we started the fire?

You're a big guy

Your fires rise comrades

They will bus in seat fillers and pay hobos if they have too, its all about the illusion of being popular.
The DNC leaks also proved the media is in collusion with them, so besides the young turks or alex jones fucking their shit up cnn and micrsoft news brodacsting company will help them cover shit up


alex jones is a walking meme with a huge following in the conspiracy and right wing community.

so this thread is interesting

I hope this whole shitfest has taught you fags a thing or two about reformism.

Literally wut

There was a great deal of meddling by other forces, of course, but that's the core of the thing.

any word on that next batch of emails yet?

ISIS formation predates the cable leaks though

Isis is litterally Al Qaeda gone wild. They don't give a fuck about Wikileaks.

They were just another generic rabble until they were able to seize and hold territory amid the chaos of the Syrian Civil War and ascend to LRA-grade infamy.

That's not the first time they took some territory.

Why do you think Chechnya is "an integral part of Islamic Caliphate"?

not really, they're more analogous to the Mongol Hordes, roving bands of bandits that rape, murder, and pillage, building nothing and destroying everything. Other terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda, don't generally cause destruction on the same level, not to say they aren't also shitty, but they are shitty in very different ways.

So Trump wants to fill his potential cabinet with Billionaires:

a8 i'm tenggered

Gary's icon looks like a ghost.

Orwell would be rolling in his grace.


War and the Democratic National Convention

27 July 2016

Andre Damon

This is nothing short of the stupidest election ever. No you stupid bastards, I am not going to "strategically" vote because Seth Meyers told everyone to do that. The point of the voter isn't to robotically contribute to a pretense of legitimacy where there is only corruption and scandal. If I had my way the turnout would be so low that both candidates and their electoral bases would look like complete assholes.

If clinton goes to war I sure as shit hope you american fucks will take to the streets like never before


how long till someone starts shooting some top politicians?
Honestly it's like the people have lost a spine. You've got a governor KNOWINGLY poisoning watersupplies and yet he's still in fucking office.
200 years ago breadshortages were sufficient putting someone at the guillotine.

The USA is currently swamped in an "anti-violence" ideology that permeates all aspects of our society. It's seen as something people did in the past, and those partaking in violence today for any reason are seen as barbaric and morally bankrupt. It's going to take a fucking lot to overcome it.

Schools really push the pacifist/non-violence rhetoric. When they talk about the civil rights movement or the effort to free India they make it seem like MLK and Ghandi single-handedly saved the nation with just the mighty strength of their character while others used violence and got nothing done, the meanies.

and like said, any sort of violence is treated as barbaric, unless it's performed by cops. Then whoever gets their heads bashed in deserves it for not playing nice like they're supposed to.

If you jfk a politician you have to leave a manifesto.


GUYS let's get this HASHTAG trending so we can show the CORRUPT DNC what the YOUTH OF AMERICA WANT



Why do so many "real leftists" seem to hate B████ more than Clinton and Trump?

Because a lot of them believe that socdem policies are intended specifically to satisfy the people just enough to never go further rather than a jumping off point for reaching proper socialism. With that said, B████'s done a lot of good just from getting people pissed about how they don't have more so that's a start.

ie the difference between entryism and socdems

So what will happen at the DNC today, i hope something catches fire during obamas speech



Who's ready for the dems to demonise Stein when Hilldog loses in november?

She's gonna get Nader'd

and Clinton does?

Anything but taking responsibility. I'm ready to combat that narrative ferociously this time.

Heh, remember the time S█████ said this?

You do now.


lol on point

the whole "russians did it" is an insult to everyone's intelligence

Here's the thing: I hope they will be right. I hope Trump becomes imprinted on everyone's memory as what happens when you alienate an entire generation of people from your platform.

Shilltards are eating that shit up. It's red scare levels of hysteria.



This pic really resonates with me.

I should have screencaped every nasty, demeaning and condescending article, headline, statement, online post or tweet about S█████ and his supporters that came from a prominent liberal or official Democrat and compile them for our propaganda. It's impossible to support them once you realise how they feel about people to their left.

I love how the media totally ignores the fact most of them have said to them they'll vote for Jill Stein and just assume they'll vote for Trump.

Election Justice USA gives a finalized report on Election irregularities in the Democratic Primaries showing S█████ should've had enough Delegates to clinch the nomination

No one will vote for fucking Jill Stein mate. Greens are too goofy, even for a protest vote.

Memes aside, whats the chance Hillary forced B████ to shill on the threat of him or his family being killed

Well I can't really say the Clintons haven't ever been implicated in murder… Could be true.

As predicted the New York Times is claiming Assange published the emails in order to "harm Clinton's chances of winning the presidency."

If you'd like to sugest a candidate other than Magic Vagina or Fortunate Son, I'm all ears.

It ain't me starts playing.

Wikileaks drop literally never

Any Wikileaks right now helps Trump now that Sandman has sabotaged himself and pissed off his most vocal supporters.

You shouldn't wish for any wikileak.

Pretty much 0

sup ctr

That'll be a first. Nice hubris too, I'm sure it won't bite your the ass later.

is this .gif literally from the Bush vs Gore era?

might even be from the Clinton era, idk I got it from Dramatica iirc.

Zero self awareness

You know what he's right, we're such morons

Yeah I'm honestly surprised at all the "Yeah she broke the law and committed voter fraud so what, she still better than Trump" backlash from Democrats.



We're being played by a twelve year old from another universe.

I don't get what the 4-letter words is.



The following is from the last page of the entire report:


We have aimed to provide an overview of the evidence for various types of fraud and targeted voter suppression impacting the outcomes of the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries. After covering the legal background and the history of Election Justice USA’s legal actions, our best efforts to combat election fraud and voter suppression, we gave a thorough treatment of:

1) Targeted voter suppression

2) Registration tampering

3) Illegal voter purges

4) Exit polling discrepancies

5) Evidence for voting machine tampering

6) The security (or lack thereof) of various voting machine types

Finally, we gave a date-by-date, state-by-state overview of each of these fraud or suppression types at work throughout the course of the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries. Based on this work, Election Justice USA has established an upper estimate of 184 pledged delegates lost by Senator B████ ██████ as a consequence of specific irregularities and instances of fraud. Adding these delegates to Senator S█████’ pledged delegate total and subtracting the same number from Hillary Clinton’s total would more than erase the 359 pledged delegate gap between the two candidates. EJUSA established the upper estimate through exit polling data, statistical analysis by precinct size, and attention to the details of Democratic proportional awarding of national delegates. Even small changes in vote shares in critical states like Massachusetts and New York could have substantially changed the media narrative surrounding the primaries in ways that would likely have had far reaching consequences for Senator S█████’ campaign.


We conclude by calling for decertification of the 2016 Democratic primary results in every state in which we have established a reasonable doubt as to the accuracy of the vote tally. Finally, we wish to bring the reader’s attention to three simple reforms that would eliminate the mere possibility of the vast majority of fraud types demonstrated or evidenced in this report:

1) Exclusive use of hand-counted paper ballots in all future US elections.

2) Automatic voter registration, with same-day party affiliation switching as a mandatory condition for all elections that are publicly funded.

3) Restoration of voting rights legislation which would ensure adequate access to polling sites.

Election Justice USA maintains that these recommendations for future elections, contrary to common claims, save taxpayer money. While beyond the scope of the present report, we aim to present a convincing case for this as part of subsequent publications.


I'd love to know how many are paid and how many are useful idiots.

Yeah, I remember when this happened. Really pisses me off they took one of the things I really loved. Now the "satire" is absolute shit. We can still watch the gold Onion videos etc archived on the net but that's a small consolation.

Holy shit, we're truly in a revolutionary period. All we need now is to storm a prison or military base. t.larper

Why did B████ endorse Clinton only to leave the party anyways?

They really had him by the balls, didn't they?

mysides. gg Cali bro.

great another moral crusader worrisomely fascinated with children

He said from the beginning he'd endorse whoever the nominee would be. He's keeping his word. It's hard for everyone to swollow (and I can only imagine so for Bman) especially after DNC shenanigans confirmed.

Okay, now I kinda want Trump to win just a tiny bit more.

Trump just asked Russia to find the missing Clinton e-mails
Putin conspiracies abound y'all

Friendly reminder:






Wait, is this The Wall?

Where is Roger Waters?

you could add "Waiting for the Worms" there tbh


Robert Reich debating Chris Hedges over the future of S█████ stuff:

Pretty surprised to hear Reich arguing for Clinton. Bill shat all over him last time he was appointed as part of his cabinet and never took his advice. How does this dope think Hillary will be any different?


So I saw these comments on that video.. False flags or just crazies?

thats sexist


#DNCLeaks is now blocked from Twitter's "top trending" hashtags.

holy fuck this caller on cspan is aids



The convention just went live

The singer has great facial aesthetics. It's too bad he's not very good at it and is perfectly content to celebrate the U.S..

You know, I think the whole DNC walkout thing was actually plotted by the DNC.

It was blocked right after they dropped. Facebook also blocked being able to link to wikileaks, but I think that's "fixed" now, and FB "apologized" for it.

I want S█████ to get out of this alive.

He's done a lot of great work. I don't him to lose it all because of Hillary's conspiracy.

Don't you ever talk to me or my son again.

I still want justice for Larry

Is this chick talking rn on Xanaxs or what? lmao

God. This woman is almost as robotic as Hillary

She's on something. Take it from someone who's always on something.


Can we trust stream links by the DNC themselves?

They cut audio when there were boos before. Find a fox or pbs stream


Did anyone else see the camera cut to the plant getting angry at people for not cheering?

Seriously, that's a moment I won't forget.

Heartbreaking & makes me very angry.

Are people out protesting today? Any streams?

Oh is it? LMAO, I didn't notice. Disregard shit link. I'll find another.


New livestream, still youtube but from a conservative source. I heard booing yesterday, but some parts it was cut out as well, I think. Not sure though.

God, it's already unbearable.



Why do they blame Putin for everything?

Jesus Christ

Putin is like "da jooz", in some sense.

There are still enough boomers left with a reflexive distrust/fear of Russia that it's still useful. Gotta push that narrative dawg


Because they want to go to war against Russa.

You could have prevented this

This also


Gee it's almost like Russia sucks dick and is trying to sway the election to get a profitable stooge elected.

How exactly?

A couple high powered sniper rifles and your average DOOM playing white male
DNC is just for show. The real action is out in the streets.


Sanders v. Trump would've been an event for the ages, but Trump v. Hillary should be pretty funny.

All the proceeds go downballot, not one penny to Shillary. R-r-right, guys?

I don't think so. Hillary has been planning this since '08, making tons of backroom deals and planting her agents in places of power.

I'm certain that Monday was the first time millions of people heard B████ speak thanks to her loyal media shutting him out.

Yes. B████ said that he doesn't plan to do any fundraising for Shillary.

I think you underestimate Clinton's precautions and overestimate how often she goes out in public where its announced ahead of time. See the giant wall constructed outside of the convention that's a whole 2 miles away.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS) was the co-chair of Hillary's 2008 presidential run. Hillary was able to get DWS in charge of the DNC for the 2016 election in order to manipulate it from within. To do this, she would first have to get the DNC chair to step down and recommend DWS for the position.The Clintons would have to promise something to that person, something more prestigious than being head of the Democratic party. So who was that person and what did they get in return?

The previous chair of the DNC prior to DWS was Tim Kaine


Hard to tell its a joke when she really should be killed.


Like I told you earlier
Don't you ever talk to me or my son AGAIN

Saying aloha is only cool when does it. Not you.



Is that Tim Kain on the harmonica?
People protesting.

Just now there was a guy with a red flag and a guillotine poster.



Well done

Holy fucking shit. This is so boring. Them kicking out all the S█████ supporters was a mistake

Good god, the memes from a B████ Bros equivalent of L&O SVU's Intimidation Game episode…



What in the ever loving fuck is this

Was the singing this shit in rehearsal? Why did no one stop them lmao

Thanks user

Is it hope time yet guys?



What exactly what happened to cause this #ImWithNina thing? From what I'm getting they snubbed a B████ delegate but I'm having trouble finding specifics.

We can't just win with this.

She wasn't just a delegate, she was a Senator.

They basically removed her speaking slot because she wouldn't endorse Hillary


Why do all these people in streams want to see Hillary repeat the talking points of S█████? Haven't they realized that Clinton's word is worthless yet?

Flint doesn't even have clean water yet jesus christ

The Democrats didn't want Nina to pull a Tulsi (She nominated S█████ on the floor), so they removed her speaking slot.

Because of what Tulsi did, now the Clinton camp is firing back with their typical smear articles -
No matter how badly B████ sold out, you can take solace in the fact that the democrats have zero control over his supporters


Trump is doing an AMA on leddit/the_donald right now.


Well, looks like she's going to suffer a tragic accident soon enough.


Fuck Hillary and fuck the DNC !

So, what's the revolutionary potential of the B████ fans as of now? they're really pissed off, but they are also pacifists.

Cancer diagnosed with more Cancer

Holy shit.


Surprise, God Emperor Trump can't take criticism.

If you're talking violent revolution I'd say zero.

and yet they complain when they get silenced and ostracized

Guess Nina's not bought out yet.

Shit they cut the feed on Nina

That is a wonderful gif

I was going to ask him about Climate change.

Though his supporters want a safe space echo chamber.

Never too late comrade.


Whoops. Picture several months late.

I think the "it's OK when we do it" ought to be added to Rules for Radicals 2.0.

In fairness to them without some way to find the most popular questions it would be a complete mess with tens of thousands asking questions at the same time.

I asked him about climate change. Can't wait for the response.

I'd say that at least 60% of that is Holla Forums wanting senpai to notice them lmao

For a site Holla Forums hates, they do seem to have a lot of people on reddit

Isn't like half of Holla Forums threads about Twitter and Reddit comments

Holy shit, its fucking O'malley

So true…

Or they could just use the point system like they reddit always does

Why don't they show the audience anymore? :^)

I like this one
O'Malley is a piece of shit

he responses are so weak

Oh shit, moot is talking at the DNC 2016 convention right now.

Also, Martin O'Malley's sellout speech was pretty good, tbh.


Clinton is a fucking disaster. right now He pretty much has the presidency in the pocket if he does a little appeasement and drops a bit of the madman antics.

Wow, the fear mongering at the convention right now


Not really

Making minor concessions in the face of greater demands is a common tactic. When you have people out in the streets demanding $15 an hour, 10 isn't as hard a sell. Fuck, even WalMart's minimum is $10 an hour now.

Easy to predict, he's made his intention to appeal to S█████ voters clear for months now. He's already further left than the GOP anyways, he was criticized heavily in primary debates for saying "I'm not going to let people die in the streets" and advocating medicaid expansion. If you put a gun to my head and made me choose between the two I'd go with Trump but since I have other choices I'm going Stein.

BLM rushes the stage when

That's pathetic. He's the original porkie. The only good thing he has done recently is publicly ask Russia to get those emails. His policy is trash

Welcome to America.

Cornell West speaking outside convention

I love that man.

That was on the first day. Him and Hedges were pretty great.

[idpol intensifies]

can someone explain what happened with turner

Payback. Like Vince Foster without the "suicide".

Hillary has to pay people to support her now.
Reminds of when Trump first started out and he paid to put people in the stands too.


I'll just leave this here again.

Might be Sander supporters taking a leaf out of the DNC playbook.

I was wondering why I didn't see Nina at the convention, either. She seemed like the natural choice.




Somehow I don't think that is the case. The natural assumption would be the DNC, again.

Fucking kill me…

he wants bernouts to vote for him, as well as disenfranchised democrats

hilary wants the neocon vote

christ. His comb over is even worse back then

Yeah. It's the "general election pivot", where the conservatives move left & the liberals move right to try to gain supporters from the other side.

I love you, benis poster

did you make? or just found it?

Good, fuck her and her, "Let them eat cake." shit.



B-but this isn't a new release.

These are the same voicemails they released with the emails.

He didn't call it a new release, only implied it. Probably trying to get people to look through them.

Oh yeah, it's all still bombshell evidence that deserves a spotlight. I just got excited for more. Hopefully they'll release something new very soon.
Larry Interviewed by Turkish Coup leader and notorious Armenian Genocide Denier Cenk Ogre

I walked into the room where my dad is watching, saw them singing, and walked out.

Are they still singing?

Holla Forums found this.


does anyone have a stream for the protests?

Holla Forums didn't find anything.
This was already on here.

Literally the worst person in the world.

Why does would you censor out the text in the tweet if you're just going to show to word in the image?

I guess I was going to type "why does he" then I switched sentences mid-thought.

I do that shit all the time lmao

I found it

No I couldn't have.

She'll whip and nae nae on Ellen, but fuck getting close to a black rapper.

Anyone else at the Black Men for B████ rally today?

Fuck it's not letting me post pics from my phone

should've gone to $12 to pressure Shillary


literally who are these people

The fuck is going on?
is this an anti-hillary chant or are her supporters just that retarded

Have you seen the Clinton advertisements on TV?

"Trump says bad words!!!! MUH CHILDREN ARE WATCHING"
Vermin Supreme at the DNC protests

Morgan Freeman is narrating a lot of his ads. That's going to draw a lot of people in.

I think they're just hoping the rest of us are retarded enough to buy their bullshit when they push it on news networks with clips of this.

This is payback for Nina.

We are just getting started. Stay tuned. Hillary will pay!

not gonna lie, it's hard to compete with the voice of god

*her ads

I can't help it comrades, joe is a pretty cool dude even if he is porky.

I think it was protesting delegates against Panetta/Clinton tbh, considering that other delegates started U-S-A to drown them out

I like how somehow calling Trump fascist while using patriotic chants to overpower dissenters are somehow reconcilable positions for these people

I hope there's enough B████ bros left to heckle Clinton for when she finally speaks

In their vision, they are true patriots while Trump is merely a nationalist. Cognitive dissonance, in other words.

I gotta admit, Biden's speech is actually decent.

never mind, not even Biden can convince someone that Hillary is passionate about something

Whats everyone chanting?

His general personality is ok, like Bill Clinton's, but they're still porky shits. Also, see this

"Not a clue" referring to Donald Trump


Holy fuck Biden sounds like a republican now

dems: USA! USA! USA!


Arrests happening.

inb4 news media never mentions any of this.

literally the worst Porky in America


midget major get booed for saying private sector is good



That subtle endorsement for the TPP



I've never seen a party misread its base so much

So the American aristocrats really eat up they are exceptional…


this is going to backfire so hard


Wow, swearing. So funny.




false alarm, it's nvm. It's a delegate or someone else it sounds like. Either way


I was really on the fence about voting for an imperialist warmonger who murdered Berta Caceres, but then Lenny Kravitz played at the DNC and now #IMWITHHER

$300 is "major"?

I havent been watching, was bloomberg actually on?

Same fucking song from last night

yes, and he shilled for Free Trade and billionaires the entire time


Yep and Kaine's up soon. This convention is basically a slap in the face to all B████ voters with the assumption that we'll get in line anyways.

This Tim Kaine intro is like one of those oscar bait biopics but even less sincere

Democrats are delusional. Come november they will all regret saying "They're all going to vote for hillary anyways"

what are they chanting and who paid them to pretend to care about this piece of white bread

"C-Can I?"

Christ, just fucking kill me

This is all a game for them, though. They know that Trump won't actually destroy the world, so Hillary losing because people don't vote for her just gives them an excuse to blame leftists for a decade and make the general populace disagree with us.

After 8 years of trump, democrats will say "trump ruined america"

just like how today, republicans say "obama ruined america"

just like how 8 years ago, democrats said "bush ruined america"

just like how 16 years ago, republicans said "clinton ruined america"

ayy, someone just posted this on Twitter and @Honest_Hillary retweeted it:

the guy said he converted it to mp4 from webm so he may be lurking

too bad the conversion messed up the end a bit tho


daily reminder that Honest Abe was a proto marxist

Lincoln apparently read Marx's works, too.


this is way funnier than any of the comedians they brought on stage so far

I would never let my hypothetical children within 50 feet of Hillary Clinton thank you very much

protests outside



Is that her phone number?



I'm out of the loop and can't find hardly anything about Susan Hartman online. Who is she, exactly? What has she done? In what way is she connected to the rest of the DNC leaks?

You see him purse his lips after saying so? That's telling.. Can't even say it with a straight face.

My bad,
meant for

Obummers after this

Tim Kaine's speech was full of lies about Hillary. Not surprising.


Maybe if we had a fiscally social leader with conservative values who taxed the actual one percent and not the high middle class (bougauiose so called) and taxed the highest people on Wall Street and was able to develop said money into infrastructure, jobs and urban renewell/education programs and shit that helps everyone and feeds back into the economy, can provide reasonable gun control laws and make legislature moving instead of free college and other bullshit I would vote for socialist ideas, but for now I'm staying moderate
Not that I could choose B████ now

Walls don't work after all. Protestors broke down the wall.

what a guy


are they chanting not with us?
Cuz if they are that's pretty based


I think its "Lock me up"

But those are American kids, that makes them more valuable


Someone on Holla Forums saying this happened during Kaine's speech, not sure if accurate or who they got it from.

at least hes sort of charismatic


I don't see the wall being down though.. Watching right now

"Not me, us" I thought

Oh great. Obummer is a Hillary shill too



Did Obama say 12 years? What? Did I miss an entire term of Obama's presidency?

fuckin anarkiddies

Bunch of people in the crowd were saying it was down, but it wasn't when he got to it. Guess they were trying but failed.




Was that nigga meditating

Mik Cernovich is shit and I won't argue that. If you have a different stream of the protest I'd appreciate it.

Come on fam don't play me like that.

Obama first spoke to the convention in 2004 and it made him a rising star in the Party.











Love me, Love me, I'm a liberal.

These anarchists are calling shit out. I like it.

1, 2, 3, 4


5, 6, 7, 8


it's like poetry, every line rhymes

Riots when

Liberals getting BTFO

The symbology is delicious

The fucking comments….
All these fucking class-cucks.

Is it a good thing, or a bad thing, that a candidate with FDR's platform and charisma would steamroll the competition in an election today?

What do you expect from a predominantly alt-right audience?

This reporter panders to alt-right. I'm just on the main twitter feed so I don't need to read that shit.

This mike guy needs to shut up



Am i the only one watching obama

I'm watching both, makes for a great contrast between the image they're projecting and what's really going on.

Im not watching the convention until Hillary's coronation speech so I can hear the boos

same here.

Same here. Switching back & forth.

I was, but then I went on the Periscope a bit to see what was happening there. Pleased to see the anarchists representing in the B████ rally/protest, but I'd be more pleased if they had a livestream up rather than this alt-right classcuck.

It won't happen. All the Berners vacated the building and new HRC shills were bussed in.

There were barely even any boos for Bloomberg.

You missed someone yell "TPP" while he was making a speech

RIP whoever said that

The periscope guy is on Molyneux lol


I've never even heard of this guy before.

who is this man and why is he such a cuck

this is why gulags were invented

Straight to the gulag


Ok, anyone got a better Periscope feed?

What are they chanting now?
Something capitalista?

It's called pandering. People like him do it a lot.


Are they doing a warrior chant? Are they going to storm the walls like this is Mount and Blade?

Shhh… Premier Obama is speaking.

that's a lot of sirens

"anti-capitalista" I think

FUCK YOUR WHITE muh privilege
idpol time

Well It can't be perfect.

And here comes the idpol

Dear lord, could they not?

Why is Brian Cranston at the DNC?

props to the drum guy tbh


What happened afterward?

He keeps mentioning Baked Alaska, as well, who's a #FreeMilo alt-right shill.

Oh shit, cucklord is now back with the anarchists? Back to Periscope for those dank drum beats.>>822584

I don't know about you guys but I'll take idpol anarchists over someone who associates with Stefan Molyneux any day

He's consistent

Shikata ga nai

Holy shit they are. This is too fucking based.

What do you think? He magically disappeared.

Damn, this Cory Booker guy speaking is smooth

Fuck your weeb muh privilege.
I don't know Chinese

Beat the shit out of these fucking idpolers jesus christ. These are the shitters that ruined the Occupy movement, fight back.

Idpol intensifying

I dig the drumming going on here

I saw some of them shouting at the guy who started the white muh privilege chant.
or whatever.

Fucking idiots fighting amongst each other. Forgetting why they're supposed to be there.


This got really embarrassing really quick.


fucking larping liberals…

Anarchism, not even once.

Found a better non class-cucked stream


top kek



ibs habbeding


Da Power of Love xdxdxd
liberalism intensifies


This kills the revolution

Alright, maybe I can handle this one


That's one very jewy jew

What are you guys talking about?

Some girl on the other stream going on about love. Was posted above.

from this stream

This is really disheartening.

I got too excited listening to the anarchists chanting "eat the rich."

For a brief flash, I had a sweet moment of hope, of riots, of rising class consciousness, of actual struggle.

But then they started chanting BLM. The stupid lady started wailing about her dead son or something. And then fucking fuck all.

This is absolute bullshit.

this one black lady on the livestream
she was talking about the power of love and how we're all one family and that we should get rid of money and use a barter system

The stream.
some woman wanted to end money and give out hugs

It's going to take a little bit longer for things like these to truly focus, but it's getting there.


We got to actually see the drummers, too, lol

Anyone else think this guy with a B████ megaphone saying he only talks to people with megaphones is an agitator?

don't get my hopes up user

The shill strikes again

Link active streams please.


Holla Forums will defend this

A jew is going full Holla Forums on the livestream lol

Hillary's onstage now

I hope someone's loading their rifle

That stream requires adobe flash player, which is not GNU friendly.


The ones I watched are dead.

What? Where'd she go?

Soon comrade. The walls are gone and we're closing in!

This election is entertaining at least. It would make for great television if it wasn't real.

Anything without flash dude

some of the most vocal critics of Israel are jews
Chomsky, Finkelstein Zinn, Pappe

Flash should not be allowed

meant for

The FBI is now monitoring this thread

Whats this wikileaks voice recordings thing. I thought they were already released

Lmao, they've been here the whole time, I'm sure.



oh no, the feds are going to steal my rare pepes.

anonamoose on the scene


holy shit the idpol is too strong
at least it seems to be a minority


remember when this used to be cool
it never was but I still like the aesthetics of masked protesters tbh

I hate these fucking people. And Im black.

that's shameful comrade

Fuck off

Well atleast we know the cointelpro agents brother

Would someone steal this fucking black supremacist's mic already.


fuckin hippies

I am too, I can't stand it when I here people actually shout "white muh privilege" like these people.

If trips, B████ rapes Hillary live on stage

Trips confirm Hillary gets RFKed

Ok, back to fighting, at least you were doing something

Seriously, who goes to a protest to further divide protesters?

What the fuck are they even doing…
That singing is painful.

My man :)

These stupid fucking hippies are burning sage while waving Jill Stein 2016 signs. Meanwhile, there's some black bitch whining about how blacks built this country and trying to treat it as some personal accomplishment while talking down to any white man who dares disagree. What a disgrace. Where are the militant anarchists? Or were they co-opted by these idpol pushers? Is this COINTELPRO?

wow this is the second based 777 in a row

Thats a lot of pigs in blue

There were some #smashthestate fellas earlier, but obviously not everyone's on the same page.



More than you think tbqh.


Hippies need to get the fuck out of the green and eco-socialist movement and stop existing altogether. The drummers can stay, though. This drumming is dank as fuck.

Trips confirm it based comrade

CNN Van Jones talking about how Obama talked about not being extreme left or right, but "bright & beautiful center"


Is the convention over tonight? I thought Hillary was speaking tonight?

No, it ends tomorrow.

Just woke up.
Saw someone caught on fire trying to stomp on an american flag.
My predictions of something catching fire came true

she was going to speak but now they have to wait for her human suit to come back from the wash

Thanks, I knew it was the 25-28, but didn't know if it had adjourned for tonight. Wasn't paying attn to the feed.

meant for

Leave it to liberals to circle jerk for hours and do nothing.

All black people did was pick cotton, i can see they built the land because my house is made of cotton.

Good point negro san

How you brosheviks doing

Thank you brother

Those fucking hippies have someone holding a sign saying "THIS IS NOT A RIOT".

God fucking damn it, those hippies are almost as bad as these idpol black supremacists.

This black bitch again.. ugh

Streamer needs to walk far away from her.


But I leave my house every day bitch.

Is she Freddy Grey's sister or something?

So much for "stop letting racial politics divide us" lol

Dude talking about the election numbers tracker guy who got shot

Solidarity, black brother or sister

Is the Queen Shill actually influential enough to get somebody killed

Different groups of protestors.

That's not what Occam's razor is, you fucking imbecile. Occam's razor is an axiom which asserts that among a set of competing theories which all yield the same conclusion, the simplest theory should be preferred because it should not be needlessly complex due to complexity increasing the chances of human error.


The backbone of northern industry was built on funds that came from tariff on exports produced by slave labour. Cotton, in particular, was the fuel of British industry as well, from which the US took many of its guidelines, patents, skilled labor, etc. There was a reason the main political conflicts in the US during the late 18th/most 19th century was that of free trade and laissez faire pushed by slave-owners vs. protectionism and funding to nascent industries by the state coming from the people on the Hamilton-Clay-Lincoln tradition.

And even the family-plantation model of the Midwest was only possible due to a guaranteed market for food in the south which allowed them to sustain themselves without being gradually taken over by big property. If you think slave labour was immaterial then you seriously need to know your economic history.

Terrifyingly real.

Man I just can't take this idpol shit anymore.

most Clinton murder conspiracies are 90s era republican smear campaigns.
But this Seth Rich stuff is suspicious.

A..Are you serious?

Anyone with a couple hundred bucks or something valuable can get someone killed. People kill over drugs or a nickel, every day.

This nigga is going full retard


Hey, its a way to cover your face


What, i agree, my cotton house and the cotton streets, and cotton hospitals and cotton schools.

All built by blacks


Anytime you see it pop up, just tell them it's dividing people. And we have to be together to get anything done.

I'm older(29), and didn't even know about this idpol shit until last year, tbh. Most regular people don't buy into it or know what it is. So just remind them it's divisive. There's nothing else other than that to say. We have to work together.

the subleddit is apparently shutting down after the convention

This does not work at all if you're white.

Same here. And it's seriously suspicious.


Doesn't work if you're black either usually.

Lumpen proles can't into solidarity.

Why would they want to kill this guy? First time I'm hearing about any of this.

It will. I'm white. If people don't want to hear it, then they don't really want change, they just want to further divide people. They should be directing their anger at people with real power, the ones who create & uphold this system: the legislature, cops, etc. Remind them. What is arguing with us going to change?

There's not much they can say to it being divisive, because it is. I'm sure some will still spew their divisiveness, but it doesn't change the fact that it is.

ripe time for /r/theDonald to do some poaching

so Obama's speech is over now

Sadly, this is true. The only way we'd ever be able to cleanly remove idpol from a protest like this is if we had an entire squads of black moslem lesbians to beat the spookiness out of their dumb heads.

Every time I've tried this I've been cussed out and told about my muh privilege so we must live in very different areas.

"He wanted to make a difference"

Five years. Five years she's planned to rig this election, all so she can ensure that It's Her Turn. Man, she is one thirsty woman.
Gonna feel good when she's denied everything she's worked so hard for.

In all fairness, I don't associate with many people & moved out of the country a year & half ago. Even when I did hang out with people, they were never like that, but chill.

That's a damn shame. Those people cussing you out are ignorant. They haven't lived through enough experiences yet apparently to realize what's really important. Just tell them they're going to continue to divide people, and they'll catch more flies with honey/won't get anyone to join them if they continue that.

I know it's easier said than done, but that's all you can really do with these people, like said. It doesn't matter what color you are if you don't fit into their ideology.

Good graphic. Short, sweet and uses common sense.

Rise above them m8. You don't need to discuss this shit with them. They're not officially the Left, they're just the Left as long as they're the majority.

Go talk to regular people, working people, office people, blue collar people, army people, etc.



Felony charges?! So wanting to choice their opinion on the election, being denied so, may result in them losing their right to vote.




They should have known better than to leave their designated Freedom Space


I think I now understand what those nihilists were getting at.

wikileaks has leaked a handful of DNC voicemails, this is what most of the party thinks of us:

more here:

Yeah, we found these when they released the 20,000 emails. It's funny, there's like 3 voicemails all from her, just bitching. Interesting to hear though. How stupid is she/neoliberals to actually think anything S█████ has said is bad?

bad for most Americans*

it's literally a crazy person that keeps leaving messages for them, they don't know who she is.

have you talked to boomers, they think anyone left of hilary might as well be a communist

What a sad sack of shit this first lady lol

But she's just a civilian, isn't she? So I don't know what's the deal.

she's probably a middle aged lady nearing retirement or someone's recently retired grandma. Nothing about her seems crazy, at all. In fact my own parents have said more or less the same things as her.

but have they donated inordinate amounts of money to the democrats and left multiple messages on varying voicemails ranting about how they shouldn't be impartial and support hillary with all they have, in order to crush those disgusting B████bros?

Wikileaks needs some quality control on their leaks ASAP. I'm not interested in listening some old lady's rant ffs.

My mother does the same with the local PTA: whenever public comments are allowed she always prefaces it with "I've given XXXX so far to the district and…..", so that she makes sure everyone listens to her. In reality she hasn't given them any money ever.

You have to realize, these people just want their voices heard. They don't give a fuck if they have to lie, because they're middle aged women (usually with children if not grandchildren) who will never ever be second-guessed (as that's taboo).

I wouldn't call $300 inordinate really, she said she's on a fixed income so I'm betting she's retired and on social security.

I think they only have four or five staffers so they don't have the manpower to go through everything. They just dump large segments of what they have and leave it to the public to go through it, which we should be thankful to even have that opportunity in my opinion. If we aren't willing to put in any work then that's pretty shameful.


Obama didn't actually say this, did he? I couldn't watch it.

My parents are boomers. My mom I wasn't able to convince yet(she's the more religious one, too, who would've figured she'd be hardheaded), but my dad it was very easy to convince to vote for S█████. He's much more in tune with worker's rights since he's a damn hard worker. I sent many clips of S█████ to my mom & she said, "wow, this guy really gets it".. Then proceeded to vote for Hillary.

They're both southern dems, so it is surprising they don't assume the commie thing about people more leftist than them, but I do have some family deeper south that do think that.

At least it's getting better, generation after generation, I think. S█████ did great for making socialism not a bad word for many Americans nowadays.

I used to not think of older people holding us back, but man, I've come to find out this election how uninformed many are, all while they claim us to be the low info voters.

I did have an interaction on fb with one of my grandma's friends(also very old, probably 70s), around the time of that Nevada incident. She had the same attitude as the lady in that voicemail. Just incredibly hostile & angry about S█████ supporters. All they hear is what's reported in the media, so it makes sense they think we're all college age, young male, spoiled "children" throwing tantrums, and "booing Barbara Boxer" & sending death threats to Roberta Lange. This lady had no idea of what actually happened at the convention & why people were protesting the results, so I had to link her to all the info I had. She actually read the info, then we ended on an amicable note. I hope that impacted her at least a little to not go along with reported stories so easily. But who knows, at that age people rarely change their ways.

The DNC really fucked us with the media.


TBH it's not an argument. How is "But you're being divisive" any different from how Demshills talk?

>One more thing: don't get angered, or upset, or fear these people. Emotional appeals are their dominant strategy. Use calm followed by rationality. It's super effective! at countering their methods.
This is what I was trying to say earlier with these posts

But this guy summed it up in like 3 sentences, lol

Good screencaps. Saved.


how is that a response to my post

Did you read my posts, the screencap or what I highlighted?

These people play on your emotions, obviously, because what they put forth isn't rational. It's mainly about an ego-trip to them, don't feed into it by staying calm & rational. Irrational people/logic can't succeed if you point out the flaws in their argument, consistently.

didn't mean to tag I've been up again all night


First OWS, then the Arab Spring, then Obama's promises… These pics bring back a lot of very bitter disappointment to me. I really hope this 2014-2017 wave of populism against neolib/neocon dominance doesn't just crash under its own weight, I'm almost feeling more disappointed than angry now with this convention.


Info on Nina Turner. Top comment is good, too.

The article:
MotherJones sucks, but it's got info in there.

Blink twice if they have your grandkids, B████!!


Christ I didn't realize how much of a wasteland MJ is. My apologies for linking directly to that piece of shit.
Here's archive

Presented without comment:

weird, liberals usually have a p strong hatred for malcolm x

wasn't too long ago they felt the same for Mandela



Claudia Stauber for president holy shit

By Barry Grey
28 July 2016


I wish any of the S█████ delegates from my state had this sort of guts or conviction. Sadly, we nominated a bunch of useless retards when there were better picks all in the name of affirmative action horseshit.

You know you fucked up when your delegate references fucking Dumbledore before a national political convention.


One has to laugh to keep from crying.

I didn't watch the speech last night but did Obama really identify communists as one of the enemies to "our values" (along with fascists and jihadists)?

This one girl that was fucking drowning in idpol in her delegate pitch was nominated in the end fucking solely because she was black. She had ties to our corrupt state party chair and couldn't see the forest for the trees. Another dope was picked as an alternative after he mentioned at the very last minute that he was a 3rd generation white Mexican. Whew, so fucking progressive.

"Fascists, communists, jihadists — and homegrown demagogues — will always fail in the end."

Yeah. Someone got carried away with sequels. Now we are getting Cold War 2.0.

He should've pretended that nothing is going on.

the irony is that his speech was such demagoguery as well

I mean seriously, that one particular black girl was quite possibly the worst possible delegate we could have had our of the 60 or so nominees, and the only reason she ended up nominated is because of all this shit about proper idpol representation. Still makes me fucking angry that she was nominated over this particular white man who was probably the most intelligent and class conscious of all the nominees all because of her gender and skin color.

Didn't it seem like a lot of S█████ delegates sold out and and got in line yesterday for some reason? So much uniform cheering for Biden, Obama, etc. Where did all the anti-TPP signs or non-uniform signs in general go?

That's because they were replaced with shills.

There's also video on Twitter of B████ signs being collected from the S█████ delegates.

Sanders is in a difficult position. I'm sure, in his heart of hearts, he knows that Hillary is completely unelectable, but he can't do anything about it without destroying his progressive movement. Hillary and the Democratic establishment are insane and he's stuck with them.

The next four months are going to make America the mockery of the free world.


They can lie all they want. Nobody believes the Democrats are unified outside of their own little circle of fanatics. You can go anywhere and find Democrats saying "Fuck Hillary". Nobody believes this shit.

They're going to pull a Mitt Romney this election and delude themselves into thinking they have this in the bag.

But they won't. This is the frustrating beauty of a Hillary campaign. She's not going to get those people back because she doesn't want them.

They will have it in the bag if the election fraud that cost B████ the nomination continues unchecked.

There's a lot more oversight for the General Election than there is for the party primaries.

The Democrats are going to make sure their hands are clean thanks to wikileaks. Trying any voter fraud now would be suicide.

I can't see Trump take the voter fraud lying down if it happens.

After the shit they pulled in the primaries, i'm convinced the democrats are crazy enough and desperate enough to try something equally stupid in the general

Hillary seems to think she can win without half the party base, and I don't see any other way she can do this otherwise. A notorious Central American election rigger also said he was in talks with a candidate to work with them during the general election and that candidate wasn't Trump.

It begins.

Jesus just end it now

to be fair, her and B████'s ideas on evolved plants and nuclear are kind of retarded

I'm sure if those talks actually happened, they're over now that DWS resigned.

I think the Democrats are seriously fucked. They're deluding themselves if they think Hillary can unite the party with fear mongering and IDPOL.



Apparently katy perry is on for some reason

Some DNC official: we need to pander to gay people more. But how?
DNC official #2: Let's bring in that one lesbian pop star Katy Perry.
Some DNC official: Wait, is she really a lesbian?
DNC official #2: who cares

Well I guess since most of the S█████ delegates have vacated the building now I see no moral problems with gassing everyone else inside.

Can somebody please, please find this part of the speech? I've got a friend that dosen't believe he said it.

Your mom is such a scumbag. I like her. (skip to 40:30)

B-but muh cultural appropriation.

Gotta appeal to those boomers. For them Communism is still the big freedom hating boogeyman. Plus, it's bad enough for porky now that the youth is becoming more accepting of Socialism (even if it is just SocDem). They can't allow that acceptance to spread.

They are but a bit of eco nuttery isn't really that harmful in comparison to the other alternatives.

I don't see how she can unite the party, everyone knows that her word is worthless. Hiring DWS immediately after that resignation certainly doesn't help either.

Is anybody collecting high-res photos of the audience to identify them (or at least verify they're not delegates) later? It would make for a pretty damning exposé article.

Nuclear is cheaper when you actually compare it on a lifetime basis instead of the 20 year scale most comparisons use. There's also no danger when using modern plant designs.

Even though the position is practically a window seat, that will probably go down as one of the stupidest political blunders in American history.

Nothing like adding fuel to the paranoia fire.

Cenk "Fire some ammo in some armos" Uygur gave a speech


Anyone have any protest streams up?

I know most of the people in this are Liberals but it's still depressing.

thought you lads might like this
inb4 >fb

thred is ded

Are you aware of what a colossal con-game nuclear is in the real world? Of the enormous amount of subsidies and bailouts (in fact, the by far the leading cause of utility bailouts worldwide) it's attracted? Of the fact that private insurance is so severely unwilling to vouch for it that every single plant ever built has "satisfied" the regulatory requirement for insurance with blank-check public insurance? Of the absurd cost overruns? Of the incessant skimping on safety and maintenance? Of the aged plants operating long past their design costraints?

And that doesn't even touch on the fact that nuclear is completely unsustainable without the use of plutonium breeders, which have never once made it onto the commercial market, and have been banned by international treaty since the 1970s.




this angers me to no end

any periscope protests? Here's a stream

Supposedly rally coverage - PoliticalRevolutionTV

uhhh, did this guy just praise the usage of jap internment camps in WW2?

Not An Argument

There was so much idpol I kinda tuned out

How is that surprising in any way?

I was kinda listing all this stuff and then he called it American achievements. Lawl.

Yeah, I gotta admit I've always been more of a "human economies and nature should usually be separate". I'm all for camping, backpacking, or whatever, but neoprimitivists are colossal faggots.


Dem evil russkies

What is up with the Christfag?

Huge majority of the country is Christian, that's not an exclusively conservative thing.

I wonder how MIDDLE MURRICA is actually digesting this drivel? Do they see through the hilarious contradiction of "leftists" bleating what used to be John Bircher fringe puff, or are they eating it up? I will be fascinated to see opinion polls a couple months from now.

Black B████ is speaking now, lmao

Look up the DNC convention on youtube. They actually turned the chat off in preparation for Shillary speaking

The DNC's channel has had it turned off the entire time.
This one at least has chat, but it's garbage as usual.

Chants: NO MORE WAR! during Leon Panetta speech - Democratic National Convention


Good shit fam.

The official Democratic Party Platform for 2016 (Final Draft)

Source of this document:

So yea or nay to based vertical agriculture?

I swear they want to lose this election.

Hey Boxer, why don't you let Hillary know that? It's been 'muh wymyn' for months now.

If this was Dota 2, I'd report them for tower diving.

May as well be toilet paper to wipe my ass with for as much as it means

It's not that long. Some might be interested in reading it. I know I will. I might as well, since I watched all 60+ hours of the drafting.

(Feel free to ask me questions about the drafting, btw.)

u wot m8


Just use molten salt thorium reactors already.

My point is that it doesn't matter what it says, the politicians will do whatever they feel like when elected. I'm sure it has all kinds of things like being anti-TPP in there, its all meaningless.

this meme is getting old

I just wanna die tbh

Well someone needs to clean the floors while Hillary's leading the real struggle of destroying America's greatest and final glass ceiling :^)

Yep, I've read all those Wikipedia pages before. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Filling the audience with paid shills for the big speech.

Scrubbing the glass toilet bowl

Dems are digging their own grave at this point

Definitely pro. Every available avenue for agriculture should be exploited. Hydroponics, algæ, waste stream segmentation, aquaculture, grazing… Whatever mix has the most results for the least resources, and produces pure, safe products.

You don't seem to understand what I'm referring to. There is a limited quantity of commercially viable fissile fuel available, including thorium (in fact, the amount of thorium in commercially viable concentrations is LESS than the amount of uranium), not even enough to satisfy one decade of global energy demands. The only way to stretch our fissile fuel supply is to breed it, and the only known method for breeding is to transmute whatever fuel into plutonium, keep it that way as long as possible, and do it again. I won't go into all the technical, security, and safety problems plutonium breeders are rife with, but suffice it to say conventional nuclear is a dead-end sham.

Has anyone verified the identities of any of the seat-fillers? Are they staffers, paid randos, or what?


Pretty sure you were the same user who's argued this with me before and to be honest you weren't convincing enough.


still waiting on that periscope for the protests

Has anyone else heard about some group that's going to try and perform a "citizen's arrest" on Hillary during her speech?

Eh, just as long as you're already aware thorium isn't a silver bullet by which we can ignore the same finite concerns nuclear has always had.

It's not like nuclear fission should be our solution for the rest of time, but we do need a serious stopgap while we work on changing our energy system and so far our stopgap is 'just use more oil and natural gas'

Actors, blocked seats and white noise machines positioned over rebelling delegations to block out chants

It's not, because either we end up with Trump or a GOP Supermajority. The Democratic party is in full circlejerk mode and is burning down like the GOP did in 2006 and 2008. There is no win for them.

pretty sure it was r34 of this


pls gib


Fucking hell. This would get even the Brits tearing shit apart. The guy is referring to the $50 whore that put out the reserve signs and is too cheap to leave after being rumbled as ma'am. This would start a riot or at least fights in Europe.

What a bunch of cucks.

You don't get it, this is exactly what the Democratic base wants: they want the left to shut up, sit down and vote for Hilary. If they don't, then they can leave the party.

The most infuriating thing about all of this is that half the party does not want us here. They don't consider us (or our causes) to be relevant. The only things that matters is making sure that white suburbanites and urban blacks vote. So the platform is is porkyism slathered with a coating of idpol. Most Democrats will eat it.

I do get it, it seems that all the people sitting down and shutting up and having a little whine about their seats being falsely reserved and white noise machines placed above them don't get it.

This is pretty much a porkie coup and everyone is too cowed to do anything. Hillary is far deeper into the pockets of corporations than Trump. Trump's in his own pocket.

Attempting to fix the party is foolish at this point, even if you're a reformist you should be trying to kill the party at this point and try to help build a party that's actually class conscious instead of just pretending to be.

This will work in Hillary's favor I'm sure

That's why you should get arrested tearing down white noise machines rather than pissing and moaning about it.

now that Hinckley is free maybe he'll finish the job

The Democrats are trotting out pro-Hillary Republicans now. I get that they're trying to show this is "unity", but in reality it's just a tacit admission that the Democrats are a right-wing party not meaningfully different from Republicans.

People are only "shutting up" now because half of the original attendees had their passes revoked.

burn the barn, build a new one

They're not even hiding it now.



Obama used to invoke Reagan all the time when he was reaching out to republicans.
The party really has moved that far to the right

lol remember when people said that S█████ would force the Democrats to adhere to a more progressive agenda? They're literally praising Reagan because they want the Never Trump republicans instead.

this cop speech is surreal

At least they're finally being honest about being right wingers.
Hopefully this will help push the last of the S█████ supporters away from the party
this must be it


yeah I do remember, that was a week ago before Kaine. Fuck this.

On the bright side, we aren't the only ones. Hilary is fucked this year.

The cheapest, fastest approach by far, looking at any analysis you care to, is simply conservation. The inefficiency of common technology and industry is staggering compared to the best designs. Decentralized heating and cooling, poorly insulated buildings, decentralized electric lighting, AC power transmission, gasoline vehicles, road transport for heavy loads… That doesn't even touch on the fact that today's conventional power could support far more grid storage than presently exists, grid power most forms of sustainable energy will rely on, and grid power which still has a better bang for buck than any form of generation.

Before we actually need to build generation capacity of any kind, there's a lot of slack for efficiency and buffering unexploited, so the whole debate right now is quibbling to me.

Is it really possible, the Democrats totally losing control of their base, and a hard-leftist Tea Party escaping its astroturf origins to swallow establishment candidates like an outbreak of kudzu?

Most likely not, but its a certainty that its impossible to turn the democrats away from being a porky party.

Looks like this is the founder of republican woman for hillary.

"trump is bad but so is covering people with cancer"


alright maybe it she is class shamed or treated like shit
nope looks like the retards were bullying a normie

why does every black preacher sound the same?

tyvm :DDD


Most of them are baptists, that's how baptist preachers sound, even white ones.

Are there really no protest streams?

As far as I remember, he's one of the good guys. He's a close friend of Cornel West, I think. I saw his testimony during the first phase of the platform drafting and it quite admittedly powerful.

Katty Perry is going to be a speaker tonight.

Bite-size version.

I've been mulling this over for a while, and I think I've figured out what B████ is up to.

Everyone is angry over smug Hillary, but one thing they're missing is SHE IS IN OUR DEBT. She owes us things. Remember those progressive agendas that are part of the Democratic party platform? That is the payment Hillary and Democrats made for B████ ██████' endorsement and for our votes. This is why she is pissed and why the media is out to kill us. They don't want to make anymore promises.

Now I know what you're going to say, "FAGGOT, HILLARY CAN'T BE TRUSTED", and you're absolutely right. Hillary cannot be trusted to implement any of those promises, which is why S█████ is out to put progressives in Congress to cow her in. Right now, there are 469 seats in the U.S. Congress up for re-election, 34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats. If we can fill a good chunk of those with progressive candidates, we'll have enough leverage to force Hillary to do our bidding.

Basically, S█████ is going to steal a play from the Tea-party and use it against Hillary. It's rather devious. The establishment can't stop it since they want control of Congress and they don't want to show disunity in the face of Trump.

The only flaw is that S█████ couldn't quite iterate his scheme to his supporters, but hopefully, given time, people will pick up on it. Then maybe they put some of that passion into local elections.

What am I watching? She did nothing but babble about how Hillary is a women and they are actually streaming this shit.

Do better America.


anyone else /HEATED/ here?

All i want out of this convention is a good riot.
We can't even have that.
When Shillary comes on stage people had better rush into the building with red flags or something.

Good go sow that discontent in others.

educate agitate organize

Video of people outside chanting to lock her up.
Yes, I know he's an alt-right classcuck.


that one guy yelling no more war

Am I watching the RNC or DNC?

There is no difference at this point.


there was never a difference

Finally found live protest stream.

the dems already have lost their base, union membership is at record lows


It only works if Hilary looses. The Tea Party only happened because the neocons led the party to ruin under Dubya. In 2008 the GOP were totally, TOTALLY, locked out of the government. It was either teafaggotry or death.


No shame.

Protestors saying they'll wait all night for the delegates to come outside.


Did hillary speak yet?

How can you complain about someone being elite and out of touch and then shiil for hillary?

They still stroking her ego.

The real action is happening on the streets not on stage. Amazingly no idpol so far.

no she should be speaking in like 20 minutes

things still to come

Is anybody else creeped out?

So there IS hope left for twerking on stage

Holly shit they are going to do a stupid crowd card stunt.


yeah that crowd start stunt information message was dystopian and creepy af

aids aids aids aids aids aids - Katy Perry
give money to hillary thanks girl!



great convention lads

c'mon Holla Forums

And Beyonce was probably already booked

Its like I tuned into the RNC on accident


Theres a stream unfortunately its an alt right classcuck stream

lets REEEEEEEEEE for Hillary instead


which faggot is screaming encore

trump has his kids and future rulers introduce him

clinton has her kid and future ruler introduce her

lets just get them a crown


Its not an altright classcuck stream as far as I can tell(no idea who DoogieLabs is). Streamer hasn't even commented regardless.

God, that was horrible.

Thank you, comrade.


Since when did the dems get so nationalist


let us come together to coronate her highness!


Sorry got mixed up with the one from yesterday

It's a response to Trump mostly, I think

this nigga is seriously quoting fight club unironically

this fake ass story to humanise a person whose decisions have lead to the deaths of millions and misery of millions more.

You get all kinds when you get thousands together.

they weren't american tho, so it's okay

Are you saying voters aren't fucking desperate right now? Last I checked, we have two of the worst candidates in recent history vying for the most powerful position in the land. Both parties are destroying this country with their death throws. America is at it's lowest point right now.

You know you're going to be stuck with one of them in the end, so you have a choice: Do you want the menace you can control or the menace you cannot control?

Anarchists and delegates are meeting up apparently


I think the anarchists are planning to wait on the delegates. Pretty sure we're going to see tear gas deployed in an hour or two if they don't clear out.

looks like her mouth is trying to escape her face tbh


It makes me feel good to see the red flags and anarchists at the protests, but the idpol is seriously worrying. I'm okay with some idpol, but not when it completely distracts from class politics and undermines the message of solidarity.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Well, she dosen't. She can lie to everyone's faces about who's she fighting for, but she knows who owns her.

At least none of the chants are idpol

Hillary has parents? I thought she came from a pod or an egg from space or something


The ones yesterday were highly idpol, especially the black supremacist personalizing the "muh race built this country" message.



When will these cucks breach the wall

What stream?


True, I'm talking specifically tonight's. This probably isn't the same group as the BLM group from last night as there were multiple groups. Or the BLM group is just a small contingent of tonight's and aren't getting megaphone time so far.

Are you endorsing Trump? Because Trump is easily controllable. Pence will reign him in, and more importantly with the DNC destroyed we can rebuild it to be a true socialist party.

Hilary is not controllable. She's the head of the party.

Hilary is the head of the party, she's the one in control. Everyone else in the party would have to kiss her ass even more if she wins.

So no, I'm not going to vote for her because a vote for her means a vote for her being successful in shifting the party platform to the right (even moreso than present!).


I finally understand what living in north korea is like


I don't think you do.

Wow hillary is anti-baby murder. That is a real bold move hillary. With the baby murder lobby in washington buying congress left and right she better watch out.

Im talking about the convention and their Hillary hero worship

more propaganda video rather than protests outside




Oh yeah…all that pushback against the 9/11 recovery effort. It must have been fierce for her.

Not Voting for Hillary is a vote for 9/11


wtf? I love disabled people now

Bulk of politicians for both parties have been in full support of both the Patriot Act and now the Freedom Act.

this is like irl bait


here we go lads

Holly shit the music sucks.

Now would be a great time for BLM to rush the stage



Sadly most people support shit like the Patriot Act. And they view the Iraq War like a bad business decision. The same way people think of the Zune or Pepsi Clear.

Digging the new pantsuit 2bh


Whats the deal with the B████ delegates? Are they not here, are they gonna boo, or walk out

california delegation with the neon shirts right now



A lot of them walked out, and now they have a fucking white noise machine

IIRC Hillary did in the same non-apologetic "mistakes were made, things happened" etc tone that everyone else apologised with

Watch the media deem this the best speech evar.

hillary spending time recapping the dnc to the fucking dnc

Oh boy

Wait are they trying to drown out the booing? Fucking hilarious

lmao, B████'s not smiling

Bernie looks like he wants her to die.


there is still goodness trapped inside of him


Bernie looks so broken. He knows it's all a sham.

I think the fire inside him finally died tonight.


fuck OFF

The man is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

If he goes full third party he'll be political pariah


delegates are supposedly going to be walking out now


Is the DNC on delay, are they walking out during Clinton's speech, or are protestors wrong?

Since they rigged the primaries & coronated Hillary. All progressives have jumped ship.

Shes insufferable.


Can we still impeach her after we elect her?

muy diversity
Jill Stein said more with one tweet than this entire convention


Issue there is that Kaine's still a complete porky.



based protestors


Kaine is still at least against TPP, he may have made a lot of money doing law, but he has integrity.

he was literally campaigning for it the day before he was announced as VP pick

Nope he voted for the fast track.


he's only been against it for a week, tops

still waiting for these cucks

Did you actually think that would happen? If that was even real they found out who it was and escorted them out long before Hillary took the stage.

Kaine, like Hilary, are both pro TPP and always have been.


I wish I was a fly on the wall, not a citizen, fuck this horrid nightmare of an imperialist oligarchy.

This strategy is gonna backfire so fucking much


IKTF comrade

How many million people are starving this moment in America?


Protest Stream is over, we need a new one

got probably got kent stated


Found this stream, he's interviewing people outside and this girl is pretty strange. Welcome to better alternatives.



Didn't know B████ was speaking today


Fuck Im not even for reformism but holy fuck, that shouldn't be an IF


i ain't beggin for the scrapes of my labor. I want it all

Bernie's looking increasingly uncomfortable here.

I'm afraid I can't do that, user



Should we start pushing that into the equal pay narrative by demanding our whole damn dollar as workers?



anyone have a pic of B████ after she name dropped him with the college tuition thing

Do people actually believe her when she says this?

more than id like

Who is Jimmy texting?

His lawyer

Those "Hillary" are so scripted…

fuck off



This shit is worrisome fam.

Hillary is so fake her supporters need to script their chants

holy shit

Any protest periscopes/streams?

send them to bumblefucknowhereistan to die for oil

This would be hilarious.

USA - Pariah of the world!

many many thousands.
Do people even know that the poverty rate is over 14%.

What do you think?

Fucking kill me tbh



watch this get almost no coverage.
Or if it does get covered, watch people accuse the B████ supporters of being Russian plants

low quality and keeps buffering but I can't find better.



Remember that one time when she blamed B████ for sandy hook

what they offered

cop wank now boys


since when did disabilities become a big idpol topic

rights are important unless you are



you forgot

Since Trump made fun of some reporter that had a disability without realizing he actually had a disability.




They are literally paid to shill


A Friendly Reminder that there is no Democracy only Oligarchs. Down with the Bourgeois, Down with Capitalism! Up with Freedom! Up with Socialism! Break the Shackles that bind you!

Viva La Revolution!

Fucking kill me.



this convention was the saddest thing ive ever seen

holy fuck one of them has an actual top hat and tailed tux






Never forget that Henry fucking Kissinger endorsed this creature.

Who /nevervotingagain/ here?

The cringe is real.




He's texting the local Socialist Militia

I am living a god damned nightmare. The Bourgois have no bounds. This is truly sickening. Where did we go wrong?


That's a lot more then 3 words, asshole.

end it now


Arguing semantics with the choir rather than being out converting, I'd say.

evolution was a mistake


he he xd




I WANT TO THANK B████ ██████

Pretty good protest chants honestly.

where is a giant steroid when you need it?

link pls

Pic related, it's the bern.

Viva la Revolution! Down with the Bourgeoisie! What have they done for us? We will no longer be bond to their bullshit!

gib stream

he only wanted to protect his family comrade

Well that's that. Now who are you cunts voting for?

it keeps dropping pretty often though, need something better tbh

its literally on


he was asking about the protest, not the shitshow of the convention.

Socialist Equality Party.

im sorry B████. we tried. :'(

oh, thought people were shouting in the convention hall again and people were asking about that, my bad.


They're closing down the subleddit

Jerry White

Green Party is the only rational choice.



those twitter responses just reek of Correct the Record


Whichever one of these is closest to getting at least 5%.

The Greens need to get to 15% m8. They have my support.

Each party has an exactly equal chance of winning, so I'd say voting for any of them is a rational as the other.


Dallas police shooter was pretty badass tho

Also when did Donald Trump endorse Jill Stein?

Enemies of the Bourgeois are my comrades. I'd give my vote to SPUSA the greens seem to have a better chance though.

The only ratio nap choice is not to vote

I mean come October, will most likely be Greens yes.

Surely, you aren't this naïve? At 5% vote, the Green Party receives federal funding as an officially recognized third party. At 15% polling, Jill Stein can participate in the general election debates. The rational choice is the Green Party because voting for it would effect the most possible change out of those options.


I like all the Putin stuff. Apparently the liberals have drifted so far right they're in John Birch Society's corner

Fuck K███ P████, fuck her with the fist of the revolution.

Also spoilers, in a FPTP system, there is no democracy. You pick whether you want red or blue, that's it.

Incredibly saddening to watch.

Welp, I'm at my parents house with my brother and until very recently his girlfriend. I didn't hear or see them, but apparently my brother was aurguing with his pro Hillary girlfriend. I came downstairs to get something to eat, just in time to see her get up, say "I'm going home" and leave.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, folks. Literally destroying relationships.

its for the best

So she's available, right.

Don't blame her, blame your brother's girlfriend.

Stream back up, less of a protest and more of a rally now.



post her feet

This guy does not like their controlled opposition.

I wish I had pictures of them to share. She's a solid 9.25.

not my comrade

The fuck is this guy doing having a singalong telling everyone to vote.

Get down to the convention centre you fat Robin Hood hat wearing fuck.

Is it happen are people gaining class consciousness or am I just dreaming.

I don't think they're controlled opposition personally. They're talking about pushing grassroots on local level and that we'll have to conquer how easily things can be rigged electronically.

People are gaining a bit, but people need to capitalize on this and not let it just get swept right back into the usual idpol liberalism.

Is this just a meeting between delegates?



Because people never learn.

disenfranchised delegates and other protestors it seems.
They're decent at least.

This is the only thing I'm actually looking forward to, and it's agonizing to think I have to wait so long for it.

Yeah I was probably being a bit harsh, but the kid was right, what is the point of separating yourself when you're at the gates to go somewhere else and have a circlejerk? You can't start a new party or build a new one, the FPTP system is fucked fundamentally.

Someone tell me the part where they praised fucking Reagan today. I have a friend who doesn't believe it.

I prefer a Trump win, democrats being proven correct that they do not need class conscious voters at all would be a huge problem in my mind.

Oh shit, support for Green Party and Socialist Alternative? These people seem alright.

did u raep her

Based Ksama Sawant talking

They'll do anything to suppress just how much of a shitshow tonight has been.

Free the Delegates!

Seconding this.

inb4 van

best girl

induring van

I hope in 2020 there's a Democrat who has some balls to challenge Shillary for the nomination after the country goes into a trainwreck due to her policies.

Sawant saying vote Stein.

You are deluded if you think the DNC would allow and primary challenger to Hillary if she wins this year.


Sawant explicitly calling out Capitalism

Doubt it unless Tulsi primary's her

Oh shit, Khsama Sawant endorsing Jill Stein?! Damn, son.

This anarchist loves this Trotskyite.


I think I found a comrade in Sawant. She calls out Capitalism it was amazing.

I like the cut of this Indian qt's jib

Problem is with all the fucking sellouts now the selection within the party is very limited. Probably just Tulsi Gabbard or Nina Turner as possible challengers.

Oh god, is this the crazy goddess bitch from yesterday? Or is she just preaching the same love nonsense?

I think its the same "love goddess" but stream's too low quality to get a good view of her face. She's a bit hippy dippy but I actually think I like her anyways as she has a lot of spirit and seems to know how much work it will take.

Spot the retard

You really must hate Holla Forums, huh?


Seriously though get this bitch off, the last speaker was two speakers ago and there's a convention to ruin.

this new speaker looks almost exactly like a guy i know

Well Damn this is getting good. I really really hope they become more awaken and not go back to their muh id/pol/ bullshit. This, this is amazing to happen.

The bloodlust is overwhelming me. I want to knee that autistic 14 year old in the fugging face.

Its finally over. now I can only hope to wake up from this nightmare


This livestream really gave me some hope, tbh. Is it really happening? Is the fire rising?

They're playing democracy by Leonard Cohen right now.
Is this meant to be ironic or are they referencing Shillary?


you will never wake up for you are not sleeping


The horrifying truth.

New stream. Outside showing arrests.


Wrong link, use this.

at the very least we can look forward to death


There's always that.

Love this guy

What is the point of intentionally getting arrested as a political stunt when its obvious it will get no coverage?

"Oh, it was awful. I was just trying to stand up for liberty when the fascist pigs came and arrested me for engaging in my civic duty!"

where were you when america was kill

On the David Pakman Show, Pakman pushed Vermin to reveal his real views. He's apparently an anarcho-communist.


No way, really? Fucking based.

what a disappointment

I think some of them think it will lead to a Rosa Parks moment or something but the media back then and the media now are completely different beasts.

I'd totally believe Vermin is an ancom. he looks the part

Fuck off, m8. Trump is getting my vote because we always have the next election. Seriously, kill yourself.

From his AMA:

"Mutual Aid - Peter Kropotkin Informed my anarchism."

He's an ancom / ansyn.

I can look for the interview, as well, if you want, but I can't guarantee I can find it.

tankies get rekt :^)

Are those the people that were in the rally earlier?

I think they're still partying, but I don't know. The feed cut.

Reason I thought it could be them is they were talking about going back into the street after finishing speaking.

So there wasn't anything explicitly praising Reagan after all, then? They just invited one of his sycophants to the convention?


Fucking based

New Economic Update today, Wolff-senpai talks all about the unseen poverty of Philadelphia while the DNC wines and dines pop stars:

I honestly missed that part and just looked at whatever I could find on Youtube, but at the very least they let somebody praise Reagan on stage. ("Place a statue of Reagan in California", "Reagan knew a leader needs diplomacy")

that third logo is kind of unfortunate

the way things are going I'm not sure of that

Hillary will implement more worker-fucking policies than you can even imagine. How is she a better choice than Trump? Considering electing her will mean that people might start to give up on socialism instead of embracing it, I think Trump is the best option.

You aren't a leftist.

You are retarded.

Both are porkies. That said I'd still vote Trump over Clinton just because I don't want the democrats to start thinking that they can win everything with idpol and no concessions to workers which is the message they'd take home from a win. So if I lived in a battleground state I'd probably vote Trump but as I don't I'm voting Stein.

Stop posting.

I'm not letting Hillary win. That's why I'm voting.

The choices are two literal porkies. If you vote for either, you can't call yourself a radical leftist, simple as that.

If one is less harmful for the working class i don't care if they are a porky or a turtle right now. This is some desperate reaching from hillary shills.

Are you fucking serious? A republican controlled congress able to pass whatever the fuck they want with a republican president would be much worse for workers then if shillary was running the show.

They're scraping the bottom of the barrel THAT hard to distract people with Trump?

It ain't worth it m8, it's never, ever worth it.

If I can't vote for someone I support, I'll vote for whatever will hammer at the cracks in the two-party system that prevents me from doing so. And that's Trump.


Voting Stein sends the same message to the Democrats while also telling people it's possible to build a new party.

Hillary's husband signed a shitload of anti-worker legislation. Why do you think she'll be any better than Trump with regard to vetoes?


Which is why I'm voting Stein. But its meaningless if Clinton were to still win as they'd think, "See we definitely don't need them" which is why I'd vote Trump if I was in a swing state

When are you cucks going to actually do something!? I was promised riots!

I hardly think she'll be any better, I just think she'll veto some of the worst things republicans try to push, if only out of spite.

Fuck off Holla Forums noone promised you anything.



Apparently they shut the lights off to the Oregon delegation when they started this chant up.

The flaw in his plan is that since the election was rigged against him, why should we trust it to be more fair to other progressives?

What the fuck? Yeah I'm sure doubling the minimum wage will just fuck the workers over bigtime.

I've got a bridge to sell you.

I wonder if this is like how others felt during periods of history when an obviously corrupt despot was in power and some people knew shit was bad but the media brainwashed too many people and nothing happened.

You would think goodness would prevail but history is written by the winners.

wtf is this from? The Dallas shooter didn't enter a building like this iirc.

yeah but the green party is shit and Jill is a goof.

I fucking hate these pop stars so much.

Hey, at least it's not like Bush v. Gore, where the bad guy was moments from getting gang-raped by the accumulated consequences of his sloppy corruption just months after clambering to the throne, when a mysteriously opportune catastrophe buried his enemies in bullshit and rooted him in place yet.



My bad, it was Detroit.

Voting for Trump will maintain discontent. Hillary will seem like the "left" choice and set back revolutionary potential. Kill yourself.

one last strawpoll

Name one piece of pro-worker legislation she's sponsored. You can't. She's for the TPP. She's for fucking you over in favor of banks. It's almost like you've forgotten why Bernardfags hated her.

Clinton hired a skag to rig the primaries in her favor, and in the process, destroyed the entire Democratic party

I wonder what she will do if she drops down further

The post-convention bump is (usually) a thing, there's a fair chance her numbers will increase in the short term at least.


The same she did when B████ gained ground.

She'll turn into her opponent, oh boy.

Well a lot of progressives and bern outs are pretty fucking mad.
Also does wikilieaks have more info?

Would be smart of them to drop it on sunday leading into the news week

the DNC lately:


That shit be Orwellian bro.

They shouldn't have disenfranchised all of those voters.


I hope they like that "trust" angle, because they're going to be using it for the next four months.

maybe we'll get lucky and she'll have another stroke

Anyone have any footage of that rally involving protestors, Jill Stein, and Ksama Sawant that was supposed to take place today at 12?


I just want to vomit out everything inside me

I think i just threw up in my mouth

Do people have no self-awareness? how is it that they live in such a fantasy world?


Frankly I hope she drops to 30% or something early on. The lower she goes, the faster someone like B████ can take over.

What did she mean by this?

is this real


are you fucking kidding

CHeck this out guys

if this is real, it's an attempt to defuse and totally subvert the word


it's fake you idiots

So, no social healthcare?


tbh she is probably going to call herself socialist at some point

lel, Susan B. Anthony hated black people.

I don't think so. She's pivoting hard to pander to disaffected neocons now. No way would she jeopardize that with the S-word.


Wait, so it wasn't before?

It is all a façade, the Democratic Party just wants to have a cult of personality around Hillary and promote the illusion that Hillary will end all inequality simply by being elected.

In that do I think that S was using the term in order to defuse and subvert its meaning? No.

While we can all likely agree that his platform (if not his rhetoric) was incongruous with actual socialist policy, I (optimistically) think the intent was more aimed at rehabilitation of a word mired in 50 years of cold war propaganda.

Yet idiots still think the democratic part can be salvaged.

If Barnie called himself a socdem, then he would have to defend himself from people calling him socialist. This would vilify the word even more

Let's pray North Korea's nukes wipe this country of the face of the earth.

The Democrats need a serious house cleaning, but we don't have enough time to do that right now without without plunging the nation into ruin.

This is an election year where everyone loses. I think Ralph Nader is right. After this shit, we're going to see a boom in third and fourth parties.

Fuck the Democrats, there is nothing of value left in the party.


There's still S█████.

apparently bernard has some qt asian grandkids (no pedo)

Sanders is an Independent.

That is a good point.

These people are vile…

is dat pic 4 real

The pictures of S█████ is real. Him not having that mark a few days before then is real. Who knows about the rest, wouldn't surprise me though. He looked completely disgusted last night and the day before.




Remember, you only need a five year residency in Argentina to gain citizenship.

his 2nd account is better tbh. a lot less shilling

Strange, seeing as Jeb and Hillary were the ones with the most money invested in them.

And Trump is technically running more on vague ideas and being a caricature than on money.

Isn't Chile less of a clusterfuck?

As opposed to winning elections based on having a vagina?

This makes me want to fill congress with progressives.

Chilean food is shit.

They also eat this thing.

And the Chilean coastlines have a lot of vicious Humboldt squids.

Also, the military dictatorship in Argentina had the single net benefit of keeping out harmful Western media pop culture.

Argentina also remains a worker's paradise in that everyone is lazy- great place to work, but a terrible place to own a business.

Lastly, not only is the food good- but organic foods are cheap as can be- snacks and junk food however are very expensive.

McDonald’s and other fast food chains can't compete in their market due to the price of a shit-burger with fries being the same as a regular large (platter sized) meat sandwich with bacon and all the extras.

Is this a joke? Are you from Argentina?

Because shit like increasing the minimum wage is crumbs compared with what corporations and the plutocrats will walk away with if she gets her way and inevitably pushes TTIP/TPP and other porky-favouring policies

And she will push through with it if she wins with the justification that her electoral victory was some sort of implicit mandate to do whatever she wants

I'm friends with one, we've spoken at length about various aspects of Argentina.

One example he mentioned was a Chinese man that immigrated years ago, he noted over the years the drastic shift in his character.

He started out lean, and hard working, but now he's fat, lazy, and his wife constantly complains.

It sounds like a remarkable place.


Humboldt squid really aren't all that vicious. It's really just the razor tentacles that give them a bad rep.

That's why you elect progressives to Congress, man.

Hello CTR, trying to earn your bit of the 6 million I see.

When did progressive become the word for socdem in america?


Since socialism got a negative connotation, though its not really socdem because the idpol shit outweighs class conscious policies.

American progressives/liberals/'leftists' are not rooted in the labor movement/socialist/socdem tradition like European leftists.

u wot? Shillary loves calling herself "progressive", and she's nothing resembling a socdem.

Possibly before the social democrat phrase even existed.


I really wish Europoors would stay out American politics. They have their own shit to deal with. Or not deal with, since they can't be troubled to vote.

She leads the party, legislators lick her boot. The only reason the Tea Party could stage an insurgency was because in 2008 the GOP was almost dead. The neocons ruined the party and themselves.

Your strategy ONLY works if Hilary looses this year.

This shit should be going viral tbh. When is Jules going to drop the fucking Clinton Foundation leak?

probably in a week or so. The DNCleaks only came out 7 days ago. He'll probably give it another week for the news cycle to flip over into the general election

Im sure its all just a coincidence. nothing to see here proles

well hillary says a lot of things

Debatable, as they have reputation for snatching up fishermen to their deaths.

Even dogs will attack people if they're starving.

This. I think the best hope in a two-party system like the US' is to go full Trump and reform it from the top - from there the butthurt neoliberal losers can either adjust to the new normal, or fuck off to the other side after much bitching and whining about how "the party of FDR and Obama is no more ;_____;"

Trying to reform it from the bottom usually just allows the party to continue as normal while using the down-ticket "revolutionaries" for moral legitimacy.


Isn't he though?


Well dogs can be a serious problem.

In 1695, there were so many dogs that Edo began to smell horribly. An apprentice was even executed because he wounded a dog. Finally, the trouble was taken to a distance, as over 50,000 dogs were deported to kennels in the suburbs of the city where they would be housed. They were apparently fed rice and fish which were at the expense of the taxpaying citizens of Edo.

He's an atheist jew. Guy in the emails obviously knew nothing about jews.

There's plenty of animals that have the potential to be a problem if food becomes scarce or they become overpopulated. That doesn't make them inherently vicious under normal conditions.

Fair point, but I wouldn't want to be in the waters where such animals are known to go hungry and take such drastic actions- dragging me to the depths until my ears bleed as they gnash at me with those serrated like suction cups.

I didn't know ignorant radicalization was so hip.

That's similar to being so scared of sharks that you never go swimming at the beach despite there being few shark attacks yearly.

This is bait, right?

I didn't know we had our own CTR division

See? It's really just all about the tentacle mouths. Hippos kill a shit-ton more people then the squids do, but because they don't have a bunch of limbs covered with mouths, people don't find them scary. I'm tired of people propagating the idea that these squids are all underwater human killing machines just because they happen to have limbs covered with hundreds of razor sharp mini mouths.

everyone gets one, there's even CTRs over on 4/pol/ trying to covert them. Hilariously, it's not working

I think it'll be over next week. The general election starts now, so they want to get off on a good foot. It's not going to work though.

So what has been your family's reaction to the election of Hillary? my family is planning on going Green until the day of the election. If the Greens don't get over 15% support in polls, they will vote for Trump.

We're voting green as well.

B████ ██████ is on Real Time with Bill Maher right now shilling for the party that stabbed him in the back.

Fuck that turncoat cuck. If we don't get the candidate we want in one party, we'll pick another. Trump is better than that scum Hillary winning. Jill Stein getting 15% would be a best case scenario.

Tell them vote Green if they're close to 5% as that's the number that gets them access to public funds next election. 15% is the number they need in polls to get into debates which is probably overly optimistic.

My parents have been voting Democrat her entire lives and will vote so this year. S█████ was never an option. They want her because she's a known variable and vanilla. Also their Union told them to vote for her, so they will.

I've talked to them about it but they honestly don't care. Which is their right, as much as I disagree with it.


Also note that the 15% isn't election results like the 5%, it's 15% popularity in national polls.

Yep, I said polls but I probably should have made it clearer.

Jesus the shills are out in full force on that comments section.

we 3rd world now

I actually got my mom voting B████ in the primary, but she's going to vote Hill in the general. It doesn't bother me, because she still says she hates Hillary.


Anyone want to see footage of Stein and Sawant from Wednesday's Black Men for B████ rally?

I also have some pictures. Not sure if I should make a separate thread for all this

Also does 8ch allow mp4s? What's the file size limit?

post them u nig

Saw that shit too.

Is this supposed to be a subtle jab at Hillary? Because it honestly looks like something from a dystopian YA novel.


Also any chance you have footage from the rally that happened today? That's what I'm really interested in, the other's nice and appreciated but there's also plenty of it up on youtube.

I didn't go down today, sorry

Its cool, like I said I appreciate anything you upload from youtube. Really I'm just a bit aggravated with Stein, you think she'd be able to have her shit together and make sure someone's recording something like that so she can upload it to youtube and share it on twitter later. I mean this is where the youth movement is and yet we don't even have our stuff together on social media as well as the libertarians.

anything you upload from there*

In the mean time, while I try to compress the video, here's some pictures. The people holding the huge banner are from the Revolution Club AKA the Revolutionary Communist Party. The MC actually let them come up on stage and speak for a while.


Pretty much. Mainly just modern day hippies. Everyone literally stared dancing near the end.

There was a few anarchists though.

And then this faggot showed up

Why are right-wingers so low-test?

The madmins just closed the subreddit

Here's the remaining signs I took pictures of

what's with the christian signs?

Westboro Baptist Church I assume. There was also a guy carrying around one of those dead fetus signs too.


0/10, fill your skull with lead

How's the popularity of veganism in Argentina? Is veganism viable there, or would it be even more difficult than it is here in the southern United States? From what I remember, Argentina is known as the "beef capital of the world" and even "vegetarianism" isn't well-established there, so I doubt that Argentina would be a better option than Scandinavia, Germany, or east Asia.

Goddamn B████ looks none too pleased


And here's the rest of the stuff you might find interesting

That's Clinton St. by the way

You're on the wrong board, user.


Not really. Trump's trade policy is one of reasons to choose him over Hillary, and Holla Forums isn't necessarily for or against unrestricted borders.

does clinton still have something on him? jesus

Also the same way if Romney won Holla Forums would have never gotten a Trump nomination, if Clinton wins we'll be waiting another 8 years and then we'll get an election cycle where dissatisfaction with the establishment candidate is markedly less than if Trump had just won due to splits caused by the DNC and S█████' bid is still in recent memory.

was still*

Which is just him trying to sell you something. If you're buying it, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Both of their records show they're liars. You're falling for the usual political bullshit pandering.

Trump & Hillary are both pieces of shit, and anyone voting for either is an uninformed voter.

A leftwing vote for trump is a spiteful accelerationist move, clinton losing would be the most humiliating thing not just for her but the either corrupt media apparatus that colludes with her .
Under a trump presidency, in which he will not be able to keep up his promises (and if he does it really is a Every jew that put that echo thing around their name on twitter should automatically be ignored and im actually kinda impressed) the alt right will lose thier momentum and become jaded.
Hillary losing would vindicate B████ and socialism, you can stand back and say "see, told you you should have voted for B████, she wasnt left wing enough"
So under a trump presidency the plan would be to rebuild the far progressive left into an actual thing battling against a trump incomptence and a hillary failure.

Under a Hillary presidency, the status quo, except also she is more war hungry.
More kick backs for wall street and lobbyist, will sign the tpp, lots of eye rolling pandering to idpol, the far left is somewhere in the wilderness, the far right still exists and is growing under a corrupt Hillary presidency

man that came out all mangled, and i accidentally copy and pasted a few thing wrong lel

You're correct that all we know about Trump in office is Trump at the microphone.

Trade however does appear to be one of the few areas where he has genuine political convictions and would be my best bet as the reason he's damaged his business to take over the GOP.

That's what you get for copy pasting something from Holla Forums :^)

Is that why he has a clothing line manufacturing in China? Come on now, get real.

We know plenty about Trump - the person. That's what matters. He's a con man, rips people off for a living, even blamed his freshly deceased business partners for his own failings. A real piece of shit blames people who just died for their own mistakes.

Lmao - that was done years ago, by his own shitty business practices. Do you just rely on people not being able to Google simple shit?

You're not fooling anyone here, user. We're not retards. Trump would directly benefit from the TPP. He makes "the best deals", and there's no better deal for business men than the TPP. "Shut that internet down" Trump is not one you should bank on for a genuine partner in freedom.

Why is correct the record even shilling here, hillary literally gives speeches to wall street people for money and wikileaks released hare evidence she stole the election.



Stop shitposting. CTR shills for people to vote for Hillary, not equate her with Trump.

You're not fooling anyone, user. This isn't Holla Forums

I really wonder what would have happened if Ralph Nader had ever attempted to run on the Democratic ticket.

Why are idpolers so terrified of Trump? What will he do to lgbts minorities etc (besides le build wall meme)?

Do they really think this behavior is a smart idea?


Hard to say. Remember that unlike Hillary/Barrack, Al/Bill were polling very strongly at the time.

Because he loudly refuses to be cowed by their bullying. PC is a paper tiger, anything revealing that fact is a lethal threat to their power.

Trump has actually been open minded to gay people than any other republican in recent times.

Because he's a boogeyman to keep people in line?

Is it not obvious?

He would have been shut down the same way they shut down Kucinich. S█████'s success this election was due in very large part due to the material conditions of our current time. 8 years after the worst collapse of capitalism since the Great Depression we're in a jobless recovery while the crooks on Wall Street were rewarded for their greed instead of sent to jail.


No because the media, GOP and GOP donors did everything they could to keep him out.

Neolibs using his presidential run to misdirect from Hillary is opportunism.

What baloney! Hillary had 3 Million more votes, plus a thousand or so more delegates. That means she wins. Math matters. There was no fraud. S█████ just plain lost, and it is time for him and his minions to get over it. Stop pouting. Of course the DNC is going to favor the Real Dem., not one who is just using the party for his own gain. He has already gone back to being an Independent so he can run for Senator in Vermont. I think that should be voter fraud. I hope he doesn’t meddle in the DNC again. I think the B████ people are the ones who hacked the DNC and wrote the emails they had RECEIVED, not sent out. Bye bye B████.

I love how they're all diverting the issue by narrowing it down to certain types of fraud. "Oh, I didn't see anybody force three million people to vote for Hillary!" Yeah the fucking hell you didn't, it's called intentionally sloppy touch detection, voter registration changes and polling location changes to increase the margin of mail-in votes. "CAUCUSES!! C A U C U S E S ! ! ! !", yeah and guess which system governs ~570 pledged delegates and which one governs 1000+ out of 4000+?

I realize that most of these people are fairly innocent and are just trying to rationalize their candidate winning, but it's still disgustingly dishonest because neutrals read this horse ass baloney crap too. One of them straight up Amerisplained to me about the Puerto Rican primary and ignored the cut voting places and said "well B████'s campaign stole a box of prison ballots!" when that was bullshit because only one official everyone hates ever claimed that and when the media asked about it and how it wasn't absent and there was no evidence it ever was he was like "oh uhhh they gave it back but they've been TAMPERED WITH which is why we're not going to take action and count them normally" because they'll believe anything they read to justify the Witch getting 60%+ of the vote in one of the most anti-establishment places in the union because Dey POCs Lubs Us.

Even Tumblr and DemocraticUnderground think Dailykos isn't left enough. Disgust.

"One candidate was a life-long Democrat to busts her ass to raise funds and support races all over the country. The other only signed a letter saying he intended to become a Democrat so he could get on the ballot in New Hampshire and freely admitted he was using the party for its name and infrastructure. No kidding the DNC would prefer one over the other. All things considering, they bent over backwards to be fair to B████…"


meant to greentext

Help me, Wikileaks. You're my only hope.

Reminder that this woman gave a major speech at the DNC.

She is in a way.

Trump may have found a way to be 10x worse for Puerto Rico than Hillary, but I hope he gives her hell in the debates over this kind of stuff.
We Puerto Ricans basically have a rain fetish. It calms me and puts me at peace with the world's bullshit. That and a good bowl of weed.






Trump is the beginning of proving that candidates should be memes first and politicians second.


literally someone whose every word should be ignored

>WikiLeaks [email protected]/* */ 1h1 hour ago


This isn't new.

The funny thing is that liberals want to keep repeating shit like that and then wonder why us B████Bros aren't supporting them.

It's really some weird type of Liberal Exceptionalism. They want to take potshots at everyone without consequences.


the collar makes her look like Oswald Moseley

Who are you voting for from the following?
Who do you hate the most from the following?


Good, might be worth voting for to crack 5%, but can't do anything else upballot.
Wildcard, best chance to break the 2-party system, but also might turn out to be perfect porky storm to strengthen it yet retain support of delusional "rebellious" classcucks.
Mediocre, representative of everything currently wrong with America, but with added PC poison.
Ultraclasscuck ideologue, popular enough to maybe be dangerous, but hopefully still too silly in popular perception to be more than a spoiler.

Good it's white men who historically commit the most politically driven violence, I hope this part of the internet is still up when push comes to shove, because if it gets bad I'll be rooting these little fuckers out too.

That's what most people in the US believe, that's what most people in the rally believed too, i bet.

Meh, killing the "Conservative" nutjobbery in the Right-wing should be a top priority right now, also Foreign policy.
I could see myself voting for him were I a burger.
Once spooks are out of public view people might actually vote on their class interest, or hang Porky.

My preferential vote in order descending
Jill Stein
Deez Nutz
Vermin Supreme
Mickey Mouse
Hairy Johnson
Darth Vader
Lint from my Nutsack
be an hero
Shrillery Cunton
Cuckold Chump

literally god

I liked the part where she campaigned for Barry Goldwater.

We're working to vote these fuckers out of the party now but it takes time. The wasn't the only issue in Wyoming though. Those fuckers also went with an improper delegate selection procedure that forced a 7:7 split when it should have been 8:6 (Sanders won our state at 56%). We also passed a "voluntary" resolution at the state convention that the unpledged delegates should split their votes 2:2 in accordance with the voters. Naturally, they ignored it and all four went for Hillary.

Voting for Stein, hate Clinton the most.


I think by "punished" he meant "convicted" and publicly executed by peoples' militia


My vote preference
Stein-help get 5% and Ksama Sawant endorsed her which is enough for me

Trump-he's a porky but unlike most here I do think he'll stop TPP
Johnson-even more of a porky than Trump is
Clinton-is basically a vote for war with Syria and TPP. Also ensures that we have no good candidate in 2020 either.

I'm so happy this democractic convention is over. I haven't been this depressed since my first girlfriend broke up with me.


You would think the FBI would stop raping it once it became a corpse but no.

I bet a small loan to Trump that Propane Jane is white as the fucking driven snow. Considering how much she loves to throw her femininity in everyone's face I can't believe she wouldn't tout being black as well.

And yet there she is insulting Nina Turner, a black women. But that's not being a "Bro" because… well who knows.
Clinton team admits that they have no evidence the Russians hacked them, still claim that the Russians were responsible.

Holla Forums can we please meme magic Gary Johnson into the debates?

I want maximum entertainment this fall. Would be even better if Congress ends up having to decided since no one could gather enough electoral votes.

Holla Forums would never like Johnson, he doesn't appeal to their 7th grade sense of humor. Honestly I think that if Ron Paul ran nowdays even he wouldn't get Holla Forumss attention like it used to. A lot of the "for the lulz" Holla Forums has moved on and we pretty much have edgy teens who grew up during Obama establishment.

If Ron Paul was running against Trump he might get called a low energy cuck, but other than that I think you're wrong about that. Paul is very memeable, Johnson is not.

johnson is a corporate shill


To be fair the Koch brothers are really the only billionaire backers for lolbertarian shit - almost every other billionaire in American politics backs your standard Democrat causes

(cont). I don't think they'd get half the shit they do about MONEY IN POLITICS/OLIGARCHS ROONIN 'ARE DEMOCRACY if they went full Zuckerberg/Gates/Buffett

Sham Group Election Justice USA Set Up By Dead-Enders To Smear Hillary


Compare that to

I guess they just let fucking anybody contribute to DailyKOS.

Pretty good point. We need to tell people that guys like Soros are basically liberalTM Kochs.

yea i believe it was in a community college called el centro





There is no such thing as "last hope". We never had "hope". Only historical inevtability. And even if we'll never win, we don't fight to win. We fight cause there is no other way, but to fight.

Fuggin saved. Is that OC?

Well spoken comrade.

Well.. I made it, but I made it like a week ago for JSDMS.



I just don't understand how anyone on the left can bring themselves to vote for Hillary.

Like Trump is loathsome but he doesn't have even a 1/64 of the skeletons in the closet.

My vote is between Johnson and Stein…

Stein my man. Stein.

Koch brothers are also giving Clinton money this election.

Nothing to do with any of that, I just don't like being dragged underwater until by ears bleed- that's all.

ded thred


Stein is who I'm voting for.


Extremely depressing.

I guess this is before he got roughed up by Clinton goons and got that gash on his cheek

Just like my heart.

Looks like James O'Queef is back up to his same old tricks again:


I'm disappointed he didn't get his ass kicked. And I've never heard of this kid.

1 August 2016

As the Times put it last week, “The fall of eastern Aleppo to government forces would be a major turning point in the war and would solidify Russia’s place as the most prominent foreign power involved in the conflict.”

Andre Damon

Nina Turner weighing offer to join Green Party ticket as vice presidential candidate


#RunNinaRun is currently trending on Twitter, as well, if any of you want to participate.

Yeah but the only way for the Green party to win, is to split the right wing as well.

Wow that would be big but she better act fast here. The presidential nominating convention starts Thursday.

I really hope she accepts it. For no other reason than to stick it to Hillary.

That would make a great ticket, and give more exposure to the party.

She deserves more than the VP position of the Green Party. Let's face it, Jill Stein is shit at politics compared to Nina Turner.


how bad is it?

shitting on trump, sucking the DNC's dick, not even mentioning B████ or the emails

Anyone actually know how a communist party manage to become so cancerous?
Where can i read about it?


What's the general opinion of Chomsky's idea that if you're in a strong Dem or Rep state, there's no harm in voting for a third party, but swing state voters need to suck it up and vote for Hillary so we don't get another Nader situation.

There's an understandable logic to it. If the Dems lose, they'll spend the next four years blaming Green voters/"Bernie Bros." Anyone who thinks they'll change their Clintonite ways is delusional.

I don't know that I personally agree with it, but I definitely am against people voting for Trump.

who cares at this point

I honestly think the only chance we have of an actual revolutions is letting a madman like Trump take power and having him ruin the economy enough so the white middle class, the people who actually hold the power, will have to wake up and do something.

Red October happened because the czar got so bad and the kulaks had it so bad that a revolution could actually gain a foothold.

if the Dems win, it gives them the confidence to totally mock and disregard actual progressives in their party because they know no matter what, they will fall in line.
Trump is our way of punishing the party that was rigged against B████.

And then they'll leave and join the Green Party

We all know how this goes:

Or we wreck the Democrats so hard and make them non-viable without us.

I agree with this. We're at a point that there really isn't any good options.

If you vote for Hillary to keep Trump out she'll enact more neoliberalism and imperialist wars. Leading to untold suffering here and abroad.

Vote for Trump and he'll probably do something super stupid like nuke ISIS. Or start rounding up anyone that's not white christian or straight until he figures out what's going on.

That would cause capital to flee this country and crash our economy.

I'm voting for Stein so the Dems aren't emboldened to pull this carp later and her candidacy can lay the groundwork for anti capitalist movements in the future


That's what I'm doing

¿Por que no los dos?

They love winning because power and they love the status quo because that's what their corporate sponsors want.

heaven forbid a party have to change its platform if it wants to gain the support of people who don't agree with it
Romney The magic Underwear man might endorse libertarian party candidate Gary Johnson.
Have we finally entered the golden age of lolbertarianism?

Yeah, I mean, what difference does it make?


Decades of concentrated COINTELPRO

What the fuck happened? He was a 49% chance just two days ago. What the fuck did he do this time.

Goddammit, Donald. You're going to get Hillary elected!

Don't worry. Wikileaks is revealing Clinton's connections to ISIS soon. Trump will blow her the fuck out with that.

Hmm.. this could be one of the things that would destroy her political career or Presidential bid. I was wondering what it would take & that seems to be about right.

[rigging intensifies]

Assange has been talking up these emails for weeks now, and he's posted that gay UN hearing that no one gives a single fuck about five times.

I think he's angling for a deal.

Convention bump for Hilary and Trump decided that attacking a father of a dead soldier was a good idea.

He's a fool. If you live in a swing state voting third party is the most important thing. The Democrats need to be shown that there is a price to pay for cheating.

All according to plan.


Shit or get off the pot, Assange!

jesus fucking christ this annoys the shit out of me

he won't do it later than the first debate (sept 26th), so anytime between now and then he'll release it

I hate that Shillary will win, but at least the Holla Forums tears are going to be delicious for the next three months

I hate Hillary, but a Trump presidency would give the Clintonites all the excuse they need to shit on the left even more than they already are.

Ideally one or more third parties will make sizable performances in the election.

The democrats simply don't have the base they used to in the rust belt, and this alone gives Trump a 50% shot at the White House. Four states (WI, MI, OH, PA) will more or less decide the election.

Florida ain't going blue either, given how popular Rick Scott is (at least popular enough to prevent people turning out against him).

I think I saw somewhere that CTR's funding was increased by a factor of six (or six times or something like that)

I hope you like shilling because it's fucking here to stay

Everything I don't like is a porky conspiracy against anoter porky, Donald Trump

You fucking idiot. They're not the ones losing out. There will always be another reactionary candidate. Hillary's election will suck out the oxygen out of revolutionary fervor. We cannot let her win.

Let's elect a porky to defeat a porky, so the porkies will be defeated.


Trump, despite being porky personified, is a monkey with a lighter. The government has a gas leak.

That's not a good thing, actually.

Let's elect an incompetent porky over a competent one so that the discontent of the masses focuses on the man that represents capitalism in its most extremes, bared for all to see.

That must solve all of our problems. Just look at Bush. He got us Obama.

If Hilary wins, then the Democrats will spend the next 8 years being the Establishment punching bag for a refreshed populist GOP. As she will be queen of the party, any and all attempts to reform it would be a nonstarter as she will oppose it all. Likewise, given that she would do nothing to stop the erosion of the middle class, we'd have a GOP Supermajority by the 2020 census giving us a Teafaggot government for at least an entire decade.

The larger problem though is that, denied all opportunities for reform, most leftists will just give up and walk away. As much as we all want to see the Green Party succeed, it is much more likely that Hilary would totally de-legitimatize the entire left and de-energize it. Young people don't join advocacy groups led by their mom. The 90s era neoliberalism only sells to a small and shrinking amount of boomers.

You left your shitposting flag on.

The solution to our problems is to elect a porky to protect us

You left your own off.

It is a good thing. Destruction of the bourgeoisie is an art, let us paint. Trump made himself available as a tool, as unusual as it is.

the argument is that if a super reactionary like Trump gets in, it will make people go full leftist and actually support someone like Sand€rs next time, sort of like how Romney failed and it brought Trump to the front stage. With b€rniecrats also positioning themselves into office this year, after 4 years of Trump, there might be a serious chance to pull the nation harder left than even Sand€rs could.

This argument is why nobody takes leftypol seriously.

Trump is a moron and would break the GOP legislative majority by 2020. More importantly Hilary's loss would signal a house cleaning by the Dem party, which would go back to being a workers' party. Overall this is a net gain for reformists, progressives and workers by 2024 especially compared to Hilary.

Again, see the 2020 census. That's what the focus should be on, not the current Presidential election. The GOP need to be taken down by then with a reformed Democratic party, or else hopes of fixing the system gets pushed back to 2030 *at the earliest*.

He's going to give you nothing you want and another bougie democrat.

Wow. You gamed the system!

So you want another bougie democrat by electing a bougie republican

How do you post here without being nauseated with yourself?

It's true though. See the Tea Party: in the course of six years they took over the GOP and made it into something new. They are now set to obtain a supermajority, and are already successful in promoting their cancer in formerly blue states.

They are the GOP now (except for Trump), we can do the same with the Democrats. But first, we have to purge the collaborators. Specifically, Hilary.

Clinton will win them mainly due to how Johnson is edging Trump's electorate with polling at 10%. Plus if Johnson can make it to 15% in the debates, he'll easily crush Trump on Conservativism. A Romney and McCain endorsement would be Huge.

The Tea Party doesn't exist to not be manipulated. Curiously, like you are also being right now.

yes, that is exactly my strategy. If someone is willing to commit suicide, hand them a gun and let them pull the trigger themselves.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson: neoliberalism doesn't win elections anymore. Two years of a GOP government is worth it as in the end we come out stronger than before. And 2 years is a much shorter time than 20.

Did everyone just forget Bush's terms?

Look, I know you all hate Hillary and her goons, so do I, but all Trump'll do is let the Democrats pretend again that they can fix things and people will abandon any other movement because they just want someone who isn't Trump.

Besides, a Clinton presidency means that it will be much easier to send her to the people's razor.

And Trump will get us an active leftist movement.

You are so naive.

If we elect Bush again we'll get an Obama

No he won't.

The first goal of the Third Way is crushing any left opposition; winning elections is a secondary goal.

Johnson won't happen because of the open SCOTUS seat. Rank-and-file Republicans aren't stupid and won't deliberately throw an election. Also Romney and McCain clearly are not relevant to their bases anymore, as they couldn't stop Trump from winning their party's nomination.


I want discontent. He will give us that.

then the Democrats will loose again too, and will continue loosing until they realize neoliberalism doesn't sell

That won't accomplish anything but people willing to vote for another form of Clinton.

You can't be this naive?

Brilliant strategy. Bold.

present an alternative that isn't naive, so far all you've done is shoot down everything. And don't say revolution

The point is not to let them do this and demand socialism.

You and I both know that isn't going to happen because Hillary being elected will delegitimize any anti-capitalist sentiment.


He will, certainly more than Shrillary will.

So let's elect her and get it over with, amirite?

So what is your plan?

Not being naive

Complete the image at the very least.

No he won't.

Not being naive enough to trust gaming politicians who are always one hundred steps ahead of you.


He won't.

got a better one? The party will do with what works. We'll show them that the working class wants to be liberated. Or they can continue being retarded and loose election after election. This would also make an opening for the Green Party much easier.

No it wouldn't. People fucking despise Hillary. And why would it? She's practically come out as right-wing and pro-capitalist as her husband.

they're just smart enough to walk out to the polls every year and vote for whoever the NRA endorses.


But she doesn't openly show what she is. She's also smarter than Trump.

Because normalfags might think muh womyn president means progress, or that shit like ACA is socialism, or some other stupid shit, all while working to expand the surveillance apparatus, the infringement on civil rights, and the expansion of global capitalist policies, and the people will love her for it.

Not to the public at large, and not like Trump.

That's not a plan. You're just saiying

Which we don't, but what course of action would you suggest, as in actually doing something.

It's time to take a break from posting.

The weird proto-fascist milieu behind Trump can't afford to be emboldened with any kind of success. And a Trump presidency could very well see the rest of America rallying around the Dems as the foremost alternative to another 4 years of Trump. Another neoliberal status quo Dem presidency gives the left an equal opportunity to capitalize on resentment just like the right. And for the record, I don't think Trump is going to fuck much of anything up as president, not if the deal he offered Kasich is anything to go by.

Voting for Donald Trump is not action

I actually came in this with the hope that maybe you wouldn't live up to your shitposting flag

That is the starting phase in the master plan, and by definition it is doing something. I don't mean something in the

manner. I mean it in a literal sense, as in something that requires me to go out and generally change any part of the known universe in order to further a plan. What are you going to do this election? Vote for Shrillary?

"master plan"

No, it doesn't. We know it doesn't, as evidence by the rise of the right all over the world.

If you take that flag off, will you die?

She's already promised to get little to anything done as President, and if the DNC is anything to go by she isn't going to be courting B████ supporters with anything other than threats and insults.

Maybe some do, but a lot of people don't think that's enough to support Clinton

If you take off focusing on my flag off will you die


So this was the first sitting president to visit Cuba in decades?

And yet they've fallen in lock-step behind her.

Some? I would say most, because that seemed to be one of her main arguments while campaigning.

Did you see the DNC? Now you're just being willfully ignorant.

I've seen the fucking polling numbers. Hard-line socialists or even just bernfag supporters are a minority.

No, it's just going to cement neo-liberalism and idpol even further, as a Hillary victory will be viewed as some sort of mandate to continue the "pander to feminists and minorities with a few gibs while we sell out big time to Big Corpro"

>Well, if the plebs didn't want more free trade, more Third World serfs, and more bailouts for Wall Street they would've voted Drumpf. QED

Not only that, but the fucking right will keep harping on about how Hillary is a socialist and a communist, and they'll decide that we need more capitalism, not less.


No. He's got money invested with them. He's lying about getting tough on China.

Not only that, but the US is already at war with China, at least the Chinese seem to think so. It's just more low-key. Expect it to be proxy war.

Pay attention to this. This is what's in store in a Hillary presidency. She Red Baited S█████ during debates and she may very well start up a third wave of Red Scare in office.

In the last election Libertarians got about 1%
The Greens didn't even get 0.5%

Right now Johnson appears to be hovering around at least 5%, with Stein fluctuating heavily but let's say about 3%

If you're expecting some sort of flash exodus you'll be waiting for a long time.

So the alternative is to give them the Presidency and possibly senate now? in this term? Are you going to fucking tell me that we need a successful Trump campaign? For what fucking reason? Do you want a Republican party that's built around Trumpism? Because a Trump victory would very much encourage that. A republican party built around Trump would be handing the entire organization of the party(grass-roots organizers all the way up to national media outlets) to a brand spanking new flavor of populist reactionaries that tastes just a hint like Nazism. Dems will be flocked to in an almost hysterical fashion by the rest of America and the progressives will be castigated as Nadering B████Bros and will be forced to get in line.

Never forget it's all about debt.

Rank and file republicans did the same thing when Ross Perot announced his candidacy against George Sr. Johnson and the lelberts will be the beginning of the end for the Republican party.

Johnson and Stein are polling 1% above and 3% below a dead ape respectively.

Actually Perot didn't have any impact in 92, he drew from both parties and the overall effect was negligible.

Sure. The people need to suffer to see the truth.

Or we fill the vacuum before they do, just like the Tea Party did to the Republicans. That's why Trump exists, never forget that. Discontent is the greatest way to unite people. We must be there to offer socialism and tell them that the reason they lost to Trump was because of the "new left" bullshit espoused by Hillary. This is what Republicans believed about Romney. Make the Democratic establishment the ones that have to own up to losing to Trump and offer them socialism.

Votes out for Harambe.

Yes I'm sure all those Clintonite operatives in the Democratic Party will be happy to abandon the New Democrat ideology.

Who are you voting for and why? Please vote here. I'm trying to understand you people



Nobody said the road to revolution was easy, m8.

People are already suffering, dickhead. Accelerationism is a disgusting ideology. "The masses don't accept my truth, therefore they must be punished until they see the light". When has that ever fucking worked?

I'm voting Trump because he's the only one who can improve the current system. We need to kick out all the subhumans first and foremost before we can do anything else

The democratic party is not a vehicle for revolution, and it is absurd that this has to be pointed out.

Guys. I wanted to vote Stein, but she thinks wifi is bad for our brains… It was a mistake to hope that a MD might be reasonable.

Trump obviously.

Why are you not voting? How can you be this politically apathetic?

Vote Gloria La Riva.

In most countries, Greens are the dumbest fuckers around and do not deserve to be rewarded with a protest vote..

Great. When do you leave?

Politics does not begin and end at the ballot box. That is a liberal delusion.


And Hillary will throw them a bone while she continues the destruction of our world through capitalism. Then you'll bitch and moan that we have to keep the status quo or things could be worse. How could they get any worse, friend? Hillary is as bad as it gets. We get nothing from her election, not even discontent.

Citation needed

No, but it has the infrastructure on which we can build one. The party is the people in it. Kick out those people and fill it with our own. Only then do we turn it into a proper tool. The party is a tool. We must replace the laborer.

Then why are you advocating voting for them again and again? When will you stop?

I'm a very anti-capitalistic Not Socialist. I'm only Pro-Trump because of his anti-subhuman immigration policies and his anti-outsourcing policies and his anti-islam policies. I probably belong here more than you

Stein picks her VP: Human Rights activist Ajamu Baraka

nadional socialist*

Yes discontent never happens under Democrats. Thank God Bush has been president for the past 8 years otherwise stuff like OWS and S█████' popularity never would have happened.

Not the kind that seeks to discard the entire system of capitalism.

Oh, you mean Ketchup and xir friends?

Oh, you mean the social democrat that doesn't seek to overthrow the system of capitalism? You mean the old cuck who decided to never call Shrillary out too bad during the debates? The useless bastard that then decided to endorse the bitch and tell everyone that she really believes in the shit she says? That guy?

No. These are all half-meassures that quickly get rolled back. Capitalism must be eliminated, and the way to do that it through massive discontent.

Revolutions happen when people have something and lose it all overnight. The American people must suffer to see the truth. Man cannot remake himself without pain.

My drill sergeant used to make us say something as we fell into formation: "Through the pain, we will learn."

Indeed, that is what the American people need right now. The reality of the system must manifest itself in the most grotesque manner possible. Trump is the embodiment of that.

I'm sure you do.

Shame no turner

And the rise of a pseudo fascistic strong man will definitely bring about resentment against capitalism because…?

Because he represents everything wrong with the system. He's a rich kid that grew up to be a rich man that feels entitled to everything and is a narcissist of massive proportions.

The people must feel pain and have that pain directed into anger at the system. We are the ones to do that.

So George Bush 2.0

Read a book, nigga.

Have fun transforming a political party comprised of a coalition of strong bougie and weak labour aristorcratic interest groups into a behicle for revolution. That's a bold, nigh incomprehensible strategy, so good luck!

… I'm not?

Just about the most facile "leftist" theory of politics I've ever seen. Congats. I feel dumber for having humoured you.

Nowhere near. Old dubya is subdued when compared to Trump. Maybe you could claim it's Turbo dubya at the very least, but I think Trump is beyond that.


No one said it was easy.

Then what exact COA are you advocating for?


He's admired by a depressingly large segment of the white working class while 98% of minorities fear and revile him. Nothing motivates Idpol and racial resentment more than fear, and that's what Trump will offer.

Nobody said it ever happened either. ever.

The fact that you keep talking about electoral politics along with revolution as if their hand in hand suggests some kind of brain damage.

And hopefully he'll fuck them over harder than ever.

I'm a "minority". I see him for the idiot he is. We must make mockery of him a national pastime.

We must work with their fear.

It is said that to truly hate something, you must have loved it first. The white working class is in love with idpol and capitalism. We must rid them of this.

It has happened in the right, and it happens more every year.

Two-pronged attack, friend. We instigate, then turn their weapons against them.

For Americans? There is no revolutionary course of action to take in the current conditions. Revolution at the heart of the American Empire is like a crime in the middle of a police station. It's fruitless, the interests of capital are far to firmly entrenched in keeping the system as it currently exists in place, and the American working class are too muh privileged over the rest of the world to do much to endanger their position.

Wouldn't go that far. There can be room for reformist struggle ("if this is Marxism, I am not a Marxist"). But I don't see any scope for it in America.

There is always a first step. Only idiots refuse to see this.

Aloha snackbar

Oh, I see, you're a dumbass third worldist that fell for Mao's shit version of Nationalism under the guise of communism. Nice job.

Jill Stein because I'm not a bootlicker.

For myself, I believe that voting is pointless as its not the people who choose who gets to be in power. Rather at least in America the corrupted Electoral College, which shouldn't exist in this day and age anymore, is who decides who are new Oligarch Bourgeois puppet fucks the world over.

Even though I know Jill and the Green are not going to get 5% of the vote required for federal funding. Why? Because that would ruin the dictatorship of the two party system which plagues America since the Farewell address of Washington in 1796.

So the only way to change the political sphere is to destroy the very foundations it stands on. That is of course Capitalism which is how this machine works. Get rid of it and the whole thing falls like a house of card.


I'm voting for B████ ██████

Third worldism is a tiny minority of first world Maoists with no real influence on anything. The vast majority of Maoists aren't third worldists (including every active Maoist revolutionary movement.) It pisses me off that people often act as if all Maoists are Unruhe-tier cancer. Pretend my name stands for Not Third-worldist if it helps.

You don't have much of a handle on materialism, do you?

No? I didn't say the first world, I'm specifically talking about America (and you should note that the labour aristocracy is not a Maoist/Third worldist concept).

Democrats were never a worker's party.

the hysteria around the khans is fucking hilarious, and goes to show how the media only cares about stirring up controversey

You should put hair under her armpits

The Democratic Party derives all its power from the capital porky gives to it.

If the dem party even became the slightest bit anti capitalist porky would abandon it and and all you'd be left with is a bunch of balloons and useful idiots that aren't useful anymore.

I don't entertain any ideas about working within the dem party for real change anymore. I'm voting for Jill and registering Green


By Alex Lantier
2 August 2016


inb4 everybody forgets about it in two weeks

Any Missouri, Michigan, or fellow Kansas fags voting in the primaries today?

I was only 6 at the time, but I still remember people being excited about Perot. After seeing videos etc, he likely would've gotten my vote. He seemed to be calling out the business policies Reagan championed, which hurt most of us. He seemed like he actually cared about "the little guy". Who knows if that's true, but he spoke with some conviction.


State primaries, apparently. I had to look it up, too

Nina Turner turns down offer to be the Green Party's candidate for vice president


Nina Turner's rationale was basically that she's still a Democrat despite her disappointment in the party and wants to reform it from within, which she sees as a more feasible means of achieving her progressive goals.

I'm thinking of going, though I live a few hours away. Should I, famrades? It'd give me an opportunity to eat at one of the vegan restaurants in Houston, as well. It's been a while.

I don't know how I'd be able to get there, though, since I don't have a ride.

Holy shit. I had no idea. It's too late now since I don't have a ride anymore, but thanks for letting me know so I can do my part next time. You learn a lot of things when you turn 18.

Jill Stein Picks Long-Time CounterPuncher Ajamu Baraka as Her VP Running Mate


Other sources:

I fucking hate the media. I haven't even paid attn really to that whole episode. Just what I've seen in headlines on reddit. Been downvoting anything related to it because it's bullshit & taking away from the attn of the DNC leak.

Very suspicious how Trump keeps saying shit about Russia, just playing into the whole red baiting the Dems are doing to also distract from the leaks. The more Trump does, the more I think he really is a plant for Shillary.

God damn it, Jill Stein.


Pic related is the DM I sent to @DrJillStein on Twitter. I seriously hope this is just another misunderstanding and not Jill Stein flirting with antiscience quackery again. It'll be a real embarrassment, especially for people like me. who have been defending her against anti-science and anti-vax accusations for months. If this keeps up, I may have to consider dropping Jill Stein in favor of Gloria la Riva or even Gary Johnson. Then again, B████ ██████ had a history with alternative medicine, and both Obama and HRC fueled anti-vax autism concerns years ago. Perhaps Jill Stein wouldn't be particularly out of place.

I'll be able to vote after all, so I'm looking into candidates. Here's a guide for my fellow Kansans. All of the candidates are on the D ballot. I haven't looked at the R ballot and don't plan to.

U.S. Senate

Patrick Wiesner (Lawrence)

Education: Ellis High School; Associate in Arts Degree, Colby Community College; a Bachelor of Science in Business in Accounting, Fort Hays State University; a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Fort Hays State University; a Master of Business Administration, Fort Hays State University; law degree from the University of Kansas
Career History: owner of a CPA practice in Hays (former), owner of a law practice in Overland Park (former, 22 years), owner of the firm Wiesner & Frackowiak, LC in the KC metro (current, 2 years?), military reservist (former, 21 years)
Given Reason for Running: paying off government debt

>On Serving as a Senator: "As Senator, I intend to show respect to the President, the people who work in government, and to federal agencies such as the courts, Veterans Administration, and Internal Revenue Service. My style is not to mean-mouth public servants. If I have a disagreement with the President, a member of Congress, or agency head, I will work with him or her to come to an agreement when the outcome is good public policy. I believe this way of doing business will spare the country of having to go through another spectacle like the Robert Bork nomination to the Supreme Court. Those hearings were the Senate at its worst. Even if the Senators considered him a poor choice, Judge Bork was a human being and entitled to respect. I understand the current Republican treatment of Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland is payback. The Democrats deserve it. But our nation needs a full complement of Supreme Court justices. America and Judge Garland are entitled to hearings and a vote. The US Senate should carry out its advice and consent duty and either accept or reject his appointment. The current disgust with Congress started with the Bork nomination."
>On Government Reform: no lobbyist-drafted bills, senators must read all bills
>On the Economy: Baby Boomers should pay off national debt, end Congress' "let's borrow money" culture, "The federal government is the only body big enough to provide a modern transportation infrastructure, set energy policy, and oversee environmental protection. We can immediately start work on roads, bridges, and airports with new revenue generated from fuel taxes and user fees. […] We need more private sector manufacturing jobs. Americans need to make what we consume. In the United States, employers pay, in addition to wages, the costs of Social Security, health care, litigation risk, taxes, and environmental protection. The countries we import from don't have these cost burdens. That is how foreign businesses can afford to ship manufactured products from other continents to US markets. Foreign corporations avoid US taxes by pricing their products at levels that show little no profit on US sales. I will advocate regulations and tax policy that encourage US businesses to stay here and foreign companies to relocate here. If a company employs Americans, I support rewarding them with a competitive tax rate, litigation relief, and protections against foreign dumping."
>On ISIS: "A bedrock value of Americans is that we help our allies. Iraq is an ally and now needs our help. Protection of their oil reserves is a vital interest. We first must recognize that we cannot expect that country to function as a democracy. They, historically, don’t chose leaders by elections. Neither will they develop a western style free-market economy. The Middle East way of doing business is different than ours. The United States cannot let the terrorist ISIS army march into Iraq and seize the oil fields. If ISIS takes control of these fields, they will use that oil wealth to promote violence against us and our allies. I support use of our military to defeat ISIS wherever they are including in Syria, Libya, or Iraq. Complete defeat of ISIS is necessary. Those countries, along with Afghanistan, don’t have economies strong enough to pay for the military and police forces required to control ISIS while at the same time providing for the needs of their own people. So it’s up the United States to stop ISIS; no other nations have this capability. After our troops give us victory, they can come home for good."

Fuck, that's an eyesore. Anyway, part II on Wiesner:

On Immigration: "A robust immigration policy would help the Kansas economy grow when these hard workers become employed by our businesses. State revenues would increase as more payroll taxes would be paid into the Kansas treasury. There are about 11 million undocumented immigrants. The United States government does not have the resources or public support to carry out a deportation program dealing with all these people. Amnesty is not an option; a wall would help but is not necessary. My solution is to establish special immigration facilities in northern Mexico to process those who want to apply for legal status. Those here illegally can return to that country and then reenter in accordance with US law. The reward will be a path to citizenship. The charge will be about $4,000 per person. This will cover the costs of processing, security, and facilities. For those undocumented who avoid applying for citizenship, they will be ineligible for the muh privileges and immunities granted to those who comply with immigration laws."

On the Environment: recognizes climate change is a result of fossil fuels, wants nuclear energy and fossil fuels to be the energy "base", supports supplementary wind energy, supports the Keystone pipeline "built in a way that doesn’t repeat our past environmental mistakes", opposes tax credits for wind energy and biofuel, opposes cap and trade

On Guns: doesn't want felons, those on the no-fly list, and mentally ill people to be able to legally purchase guns

On Drugs: "The reports indicate that opioids are manufactured in China and smuggled into the United States through Mexico. Failure to stop this drug trade is a failure of government. The President and Congress have the duty, tools, and public support to interdict. Yet we still have more overdoses, more addicted, and more ruined lives. The problem has international implications; that means the federal government must be involved. Legalizing these drugs and marijuana would be surrender. Our country is wealthy enough to afford drug treatment to everyone one who needs it and asks for it. I favor policy that will forgo prosecution of any addict who wants help. Our country is also wealthy enough to commit the required resources to operations for finding the makers and transporters of all illegal drugs, destroying their means of drug production, and then putting the criminals on trial. The American people should not tolerate this government failure. As Senator, I will advocate spending whatever it takes to fix this problem."

On the Affordable Care Act: "I opposed the Affordable Care Act because I didn’t want the government to take on another new entitlement program. However, we now have national health insurance as the law of the land. […] Repeal is unlikely. My job is to make it work. […] Congress needs to fix the current insurance models as the current structure has led to unaffordable insurance premiums. Also, the ACA funding mechanism is badly flawed. […] Because this funding is permanent, Congress is blocked from meaningful oversight. Without funding through yearly appropriations, our Senators and House members have no power to control costs.”

More info here: (written interview), (campaign's official "about"),

U.S. Senate

Monique Singh

Education: Topeka High School
Career History: court advocate (former), valet (current)
Given Reason for Running: to achieve proportionate black representation in Senate (currently, there are 2 black senators, 13 would be proportionate to American demographics), affiliated with the Universal African Peoples Organization

On Serving as a Senator: "As a newly elected US Senator, I will work to bring credibility and respect back to the legislative branch by (1) being transparent in all my actions as a legislator and (2) hosting throughout the state bi-monthly townhall meetings to keep our citizens informed of all relevant issues impacting our state and the country."

On the Economy: "We need to implement an Urban Revitalization Program similar to the "Marshall Plan" that was utilized after World War II to rebuild Europe."

On Government Reform: greater transparency and communication with constituents, proportionate racial representation

On ISIS: "…[W]e must recognize that ISIS has grown because of our ill advised wars and policies in the Middle East including the Iraq War and our involvement in Libya as well as our uneven treatment of the Israeli and Palestinian conflicts. My advice to the President and fellow lawmakers would be to begin a series of serious peace overtures to all the various warring factions and delve into the causes of these conflicts and hatred of America to produce an environment that leads to peace for that entire region."

On Immigration: "I most definitely support a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants currently residing in the US."

On the Environment: "Advocate and place more emphasis on wind turbines and other environmental friendly sources of energy."

On Guns: supports "common sense gun control"; doesn't want felons, those on the no-fly list, and mentally ill people to be able to legally purchase guns; wants to look at the policies of countries' with low gun violence and consider adopting them

On Drugs: "The Federal government should invest greater resources in educating the population about the negative impact of the opioid, crack and heroin addictions and provide more treatment facilities."

On the Affordable Care Act: "I fully support the current Affordable Care Act."

Other Concerns: the prison-industrial-complex and community policing

More info here: (written interview)

Forgot to add Singh currently lives in Kansas City.

I'm a delegate to the convention in Houston myself.

Haha, that would have been entertaining.

I voted Wiesner but I really regret it tbh. Both candidates were shit. I voted for a meme candidate for my state senate district though.

Actually, Jill Stein might be right, believe it or not. Wi-Fi isn't much of a concern, though, since the radio waves it sends out are much lower than cellphones, telephone lines, etc.

Scores of Scientists Raise Alarm About the Long-Term Health Effects of Cellphones

Wi-Fi Radiation and Children's Health
Source: [PDF]

My mom's father died at age 42 from brain cancer. My mom was really afraid of using cellphones ever since they were invented, because of the potential risk.

She's 53 now & finally has her own. She rarely uses it, though. So this is a concern many people have. It sounds silly, but it's worth looking into, to be safe.

Jill Stein to me, seems like she's just an overly concerned MD/mother type, which is not a bad thing. I consider it a good thing, actually. I'd much rather a candidate be worried about all of our healths, rather than be in cahoots with big business & burying or stalling any research on possible health concerns posed by their products or production.

These sources are a little bit sketchy m8.

I like Stein myself but I'll admit that her medical policies can be insane. But I can live with this if she doesn't give any special treatment to the anti vaccine lemmings.

Yeah she's the best choice out of all the shit we have to choose from right now. And her medical views don't concern the major issues.

Redacted Tonight actually did a pretty excellent review of most of the election fraud presented in Election Justice USA's 100-page preliminary report.

So sad that we have to rely on a fucking comedy show to get responsible journalism.
What does Jill Stein’s candidacy mean for the 2016 elections?

They did one for the RNC too:

First time he's made me actually laugh

Thanks for sharing user. That does have good info in it. A good breakdown of the report & general happenings. I saw this report made its way to the front page of r/politics, and there were nothing but CTR shill calling the author a quack. I knew they were full of shit. It really pisses me off. Most of these CTR fucks should be gulaged, but some of them should be shot for manipulating the public so much. It really makes you sick.

Here's a great thread for spotting the shills.

Notice Surf_Science & JuicyJuuce in particular. Sometimes wish I could come through the screen & strangle them with my bare hands. It's a real shitty person who does this sort of thing for a living.

I didn't realize she's doing twice as well as Nader. I'm old enough to remember the 2000 election and Nader seemed like he had a pretty strong 3rd party candidacy.

He was constantly in the news. That's really saying something if Jill's candidacy is twice as strong.

I thought it was strange that the MSM immediately started to smear her after B████ endorsed Clinton.

She really could win or at least spoil Clinton's run.

They shilled for Nader, hoping he could take away votes from Gore.
It didn't work, Gore won. But unfortunately it doesn't mean much in the Electoral College.

Now they will be all hush hush around Jill Stein. Hilldog is so cocksure about having the media on her side, she thinks she can shit on the left-wing and get away with it.

One of the national convention delegates on this phone conference is saying that B████ mouthed "thank you" when the cameras weren't on him during one of the anti-TPP chants at the convention.

Using your psi powers to see what the majority thinks again, eh? Wow they all agree with you again fancy that.

He asked for a plan. Provide an actable plan or be ignored.

Great dismissively patronizing non-response. I'm sure it will do great in place of an actual plan or her answering the fuckin question.

Yes it is, you hold your nose and pull the lever. Those are actions. They are things you can do.

Don't take it personally, m8, she's like this with everybody.

Let me guess, he should change it to Student Dean Plan? :^)

It would be extremely excellent

Mods are asleep?

what phone conference?

The right wing media hasn't been hush hush. I'm subscribed to the Jill Stein for president booster club you tube channel and she's appeared on RT, Fox News and Fox Business recently.

They surprisingly let her talk. It was only when she went on CNBC that they gave her hell

have a recording?

It's being recorded (there should be a link later) and it's still on-going now.

jej, nice filter

Q F'ing T

that includes Republicucks who probably thought he was the easier one to beat.

But that's just a MSM bullshit line. Democrats were also parroting it.

Here's two good sources for the DNC leaks, so it's easier to follow:

This one is particularly good:
It looks like it's a place where the shilling can't get a foothold and there's a common goal.

I might be nisremembering, but didn't Trump himself opine that Shillary is the weaker opponent?

I remember him saying it, too. Here's a tweet from him saying it:

The audience reactions at Clinton's concession speech will be one of the richest veins in history

Interesting Reddit post, possibly explaining the "mysterious" assassinations in connection with the election fraud scandal. Will Trump bend over and take it like John Kerry and B████ ██████ did?

I don't want Trump to win either, but goddamn if those reactions wouldn't be so satisfying.

kill all porkies

I can't find any confirmation of Arnebeck's death, looks fake.

Nice try, NSA.


where that recording


Election night will be bittersweet. On one had, if Hillary wins the absolute ass devastation from Holla Forumscucks and the alt-right will be on a scale never seen before. However if Trump wins watching liberals riot and cry will also bring me great joy.
Found the conference call. some lady starts crying around 11:00

So is everything hosted over freeconferencecallhd publicly find-able?

We really can't lose.
well, we'll die but THE LULZ m8 THE LULZ!

The MSM is pretty adamant its going to drag Hillary across the finish line. She could probably have a pants-shitting stroke in the debates and still be defended by MSM hacks refocusing the attention on whatever gaffe(s) Trump said during the debate


no no No NO NO NO

I'm literally a scat fetishist but the image you put into my mind makes me nauseous

Do you want to vote for someone who supports war and terrorism worldwide?

So Dylan Roof got his ass whooped in Charleston County Jail's showers by a black inmate. Not a peep from Holla Forums about their Rhodesian savior, surprisingly.

That kid that shot up that church?

"Hillary Clinton took cash from, was director of, company that did deals with ISIS"

Yes. The one with the terrible bowl haircut. But that's the least of his worries.

Had a nice time on the first day of the Green national convention in Houston here. The place is swimming with genuine socialists, of many different parties and persuasions. About 30 of us got together and a "watermelon" (get it) meeting in the evening about ways we can push the Greens to become a solid anti-capitalist party. People also wanted to see them try and unite with and bring in other socialist and communist parties like Socialist Alternative and such.

change the name from greens. it implies you're all autistic hippies

Also one of the fucking S█████ or bust speakers called everyone in the party before them white supremacists.

at the reception

Has anyone seen the current polls? What a trainwreck.

Trumptanic. He really needs to just shut up and let some Clinton scandals come out and dominate the thoughts of people for a while. There was a point after he said that women who get abortions illegally should be punished and he recovered from that fall by just shutting up for a while.

it's literally rigged polls. Here's Reuters openly admitting that they're changing their poll methods to make Hillary look better:
Why Reuters/Ipsos is tweaking its U.S. presidential poll

The media need trump for click bait and ratings.
What if trump just stopped doing things and shitposted on pol all day.
The media wouldnt know what to do,

I think the more interesting question would be: what if Trump shitposted on leftypol all day?

I felt the same way when i was down at Philly with Socialist Alternative. They certainly are as left as I'd like, but holy shit it feels good to talk to actually anti-capitalist people compared to the "we need a balance of the two" we usually hear from capitalist apologists.

Were they general socialists or was it people who supported different ideologies

It ranged from soc dems to leftypol style communists.

Hedges and Stein spoke at one of the meetings. Room was pretty divided when Hedges said that B████ was basically Syriza level betrayal. Some cheered and some booed. Some advocated for force, some wanted to continure nonviolent protest.

There was one Democrat apologist who wanted us to vote Hillary and work within the Democratic party. He got booed by more than half the room. Feels good man.

I met more lefties at the final day of the protest outside the DNC Convention, when one group tried to citizen arrest Hillary only to get dragged away by the cops, and another group of anarchists (who most of the nonviolent protestors tried to demonize) tried to shut down roads. I don't know if they succeeded or not in that though.

Also Philly called in riot police, then immediately sent them back when they realized we were recording them.


I knew something was up! Thanks for the link.

I kept seeing these polls pop up on r/politics, unsurprisingly. It's inundated with Trump spam & Hillary shills now. I just got my second ban from there within 3 months, this time for 21 days. The shills have officially taken over that subreddit, which was increasingly more garbage every day. Because of how shit it is now, I welcome the ban, but don't like that I can't counter the BS these people are peddling.

Check out this fuck:
Prepare to have an aneurysm. They got me banned yet continue to tag me, saying they've "thoroughly debunked" the claim that the DNC colluded with the media, lmao. They need to be shot.

It's a thing we have in the US. Technically you can hold someone who's breaking the law/a criminal until the police can arrive. It's rarely ever used and mostly on peons, never "higher ups".

Is this what they call Freudian slip?

Yeah, my thoughts too. It was like 10 people who tried marching past the police line. At least they tried something though, compared to the others who stood around chanting.

Watermelon as in green on the outside, but all red and black underneath?

By the way, is there going to be recorded videos released of these speeches and the convention process, like the Democrats and Republicans did? Or no?

Was this at the Green convention or the DNC convention protests? Is there video of those speeches?

Here is hedges. I'll see if I can find Stein.

Here is Stein speaking at the same panel with Hedges

Thank you very much!

No problem. I'll see if I can find the DNC apologist as well.

It wasn't next to the main protests. It was in a building near city hall where another protest was held. Stein also spoke there too.

why do his followers support him so blindly when he routinely advocates policies that go against everything they claim to stand for (supports israel, ambiguous support for trannies, reversed anti-interventionist stance, etc. etc.)

Because they believe in liberty and the truth.

I think the Israel policy is stupid (but I can see why he would be forced to suggest that policy).

Basically, when the only other candidates are exposed liars, you're hands are kinda tied.

This election has shown one thing, do not trust your politicians as they are easily compromised by lying management and manipulated governmental structures.

This election has proved that only YOU can make America great again, because your politicians are scum.

Trump is just the least compromised given his already great wealth (which gives subversives less leverage on him) and his experience with dealing with liars (from his business management)

Frankly, I see him as neither left or right. He's just pragmatic and experienced with sorting out the shit from the good.

I just hope his hidden motives are good. There's still no direct evidence of this (i.e. people have hacked and found nothing)

Because they are completely consumed by the spectacle and aren't interested in the man himself or the things he says but the idea of the sort of persona he represents.

See: all those faggots that think he's going to demolish PC culture.

The main problem with that argument is that it turns out he's not actually that wealthy and has needed to take money from people and his business management has mostly been convincing people that he's hot shit so that they'd give him money to give to other people and chop some off the top. Trump is not a good choice, but we have no good choices right now. Politics is a scam.

Because they're the biggest cucks of them all.

They are reactionary scum.

The moment he spoke at AIPAC supporting the Zionist occupiers should have been the moment Holla Forums realized they were duped by yet another one of these ruling class bastards.

Would you say that:

-A Ted Cruz supporter is a misled worker and can be brought to socialism

-A Donald Trump supporter is a fascist who deserves the wall

No. Too big of a generalization.

There are more fascists among the contingency of Trump's early supporters, sure.

THIS. Which is why I'm voting Green. I've been voting Dem for 16 years, but DAMN at some point you have to stop letting yourself get fucked over regardless of what the consequences are.

I would actually go further to say that while there are more fascists among Trump's supporters, there are more Christian-style ISIS jihadis among Cruz's.

Contrariwise, I would suggest there are more people whose primary concern is opposition to neocon/neolib transnationalism among Trump's supporters (even if via lolbert isolationism rather than opposition to capitalist exploitation) than among Cruz's supporters, who are (much like our side's SJWs) more concerned with spooky cultural nonissues.


That's what doing business is.

Unless you sell yourself, no one will buy.

Trump is good at that.

And that's what all of the best leaders are good at.
Spinning the memes. Same in every form of government.
"bread and circuses" - it's all about the way you spin that meme.

Oh look, Holla Forums knows this already.

Normally I would say "Wait, support B████", but we've already got confirmation that Shillary is courting lapsed Republicans, something I predicted she would do after the convention.

Hillary is going to bank on her being more conservative than Trump.

Jesus christ, no wonder I hate capitalism.

No different to communism.

Only you use propaganda and force.

Otherwise your nation stops producing.


You could make this same post for Hillary Clinton and it would be far harder to rebut because Dems care about income inequality and non-intervention far more than Trump supporters care about trannies and Israel. Why did you make this post about Trump and not both candidates since both are political compromises?

They are choosing him for his stance on legal and illegal immigration reform and trade policy. Don't be too shocked: but some people in this election are voting tribally and will defend their candidate regardless of what they support tomorrow.

go home, i'm not even a commie and i know your shit stinks


Communism is a complete fantasy unless you literally have lords that send people to whip their slaves into action.

This is why Black people are freaking out.

I think the key difference is most Trump voters seem to actually support him to achieve broad, major policy changes like trade, immigration, jobs, and noninterventionism. I refuse to believe there are significant numbers of Hillary voters who are truly excited about anything she's saying, rather than just supporting the status quo and opposing Trump.

This is bang on.

Trump knows how to sell things.

even though not even the USSR claimed it was communist?

Because it wasn't exactly. It still used currency.

It just had one government and more regulation/enforcement.

Eventually, the economy stopped because the people felt trapped and uninspired to move.

Trump inspires because he points to things and says "hey why don't we do this, come on let's go!"

That's what great leaders do.

great leader imo

It's been a long time since I've told somebody this, but you should seriously consider killing yourself.

Reality isn't a game.

People really will grasp at straws for a 'leader'.

I honest to god agree with you.

He's all talk.

And that will work.

who let this retard in here

"bread and circuses" is itself a spin-meme written by a sellout in order to curry favor with the government

What? This is like talking to a self-aware Obama voter on 2008.

Oh user… but it is a game

if there is a god, that would be his reason - assuming that he isn't our situation

This will work if YOU want it to work.

Think big and you will get big.

It's all in your head.

No, that's not how reality works friend.


All leaders in human existence in some way bait people into letting them lead them.

Remember we evolved from fish: and fish are inquisitive

That is how it works.

That's how it always works.

That's why "capitalism" beat "communism"

Meanwhile, thinking that you can abolish all labor and devise a system that can work with this sure is thinking small compared to "fix what's wrong with what we're already doing".

Gold star for you.



Fuck off Plato, you're shit idea of the noble lie is why the world is so shit

Serious enough for tons of clickbait articles, apparently.



Government can only do so much.
The structure of the system barely affects it unless it:
1. Does memes better
2. Is still logically achievable

In the end it's the people who decide if their system works or not. Communism's memes sucked, even though realistically it did things nearly the same way.

The reason why it sucked is because of money. Capitalism is all about money.

People thirst for money.
Because money gives them the ability to experience certain things.

Communism, in theory, should be no different. Yet it was different because of money.

That and the money allowed the individuals themselves to spread the memes (advertisement).
That barely happened in communism. In fact if I remember correctly it cracked down on that.

not lie.

But push us to discover

Very soon we might all realise what really happens.

So we'll soon need to realise why we want to live.
And that's to explore.

We are naturally inquisitive.
We imagine about things.
Our imagination is what drives humanity.

I'm explaining why donald Trump is winning.

Trump is winning because people are willing to accept one set of lies if they're at least admitting there's a problem compared to 'there's no problem shut up'. That doesn't mean his time as president is going to be positive, that just means he understands the art of the horse race.



Alright then fag, do the same for anarchy

Anarchy is fiction.

It's unobtainable.


oh wait.

No it is obtainable if there is room to explore and a way to be self sufficient.

If we find some space to explore and we can fend for ourselves, then we can have anarchy.

The more important issue here is that Americans are retards much, much more so than Trump being some high level, deep thinker. Especially not with all the recent nonsense he's been saying. Both candidates are just a sham. It don't matter, none of this matters.

Praising him in any way is highly retarded.

Practically though.. I don't think it's possible now that I think about it, that would require people to literally be isolated all the time.

People are social creatures.

You don't get it.

dumbasses will believe in Trump and won't realise what he is doing.
That will stimulate the economy BIG TIME.

And Hillary is screwed because she committed the crimes. No one wants a leader who is criminal.

that's why the rothschilds use a proxy

What are you on?

What do you think anarchism is?


Holla Forums and the internet.

The key to understanding memes, why they exist and how they work.


It's impossible unless we motivate ourselves to do things individually and become self sufficient or able to cooperate with each other (which requires an agreement of sorts - essentially what government and force has inadvertently done for us, which is against that definition therefore).
That requires:
1. tools to do things as individuals
2. the knowledge of how to use those tools
3. the urge to seek and understand that knowledge (inspiration)

That's why suggest something to explore.

And we've got a big universe.

that is only achievable through government - which is an organisation

Unless we are isolated by ourselves and self sufficient.


you realize the anarchist definition of government is a somewhat specific thing right?


I thought it was something to do with self-governance.

But that's impossible in a finite world with 7 billion people and dwindling resources.

We'd all die.

So you know better.

I thought that definition was plenty sufficient.

If it's not, elaborate on the weaknesses of it.

>humans can't work together unless they agree to work together.
>Laws are agreements

Unless you are alone, there is theoretically a form of organisation.

Government is just a name for organisation in reality.

That's why we have corporate governance


Are you 9?

well.. not literally

implicitly. It's function is to organise the nation.

No, are you?

Because we're trapped on Earth son and we NEED organisation while we're on it. There are so many things that would go completely haywire if we stop any form of organisation.

Democracy, according to anarachists, would not be government, because it has no levels of systematic hierarchy using self-justifying violence. So maybe they're interested in something like that.

Then we'd need a fully informed society.

hang on.. the fucking internet..

and what if we only modified intelligence, would that be sufficient

and while I dislike the idea of "nullifying senses" what if we construed ourselves in the opposite way - fine tune the senses and make us great at all things, turn us into ubermensch

no that's silly user :^)


well I see no better solution user and now I understand why there was such a push for "that ideology"

if your world runs on lies, why does it matter?

and fuck you, you should never stop people from thinking, I was just trying to think of a better solution. You who seek to destroy inspiration are truly men of the Earth


Someone get this man a spook of the year trophy.

Did you make this? Do you have the original?

Who said you were thinking or inspiring

Who said I wasn't?

To me I was :^)

That';s the only remotely possible way that capitalism could self regulate too though. But there's profit incentive to prevent a fully informed society.

But there's profit incentive to prevent a fully informed society.

Well we have a problem then.

Or do we?

That sounds dangerous..

Infact that's a ponzi scheme.

I see what they're doing with the chans now.
Getting them to dig for free.
I say that would work, it's produced incredible results already.

I think companies need to engage, not try to shut down, with these chans.

If not companies (who do it for profit), government individuals.

I'd say the FBI is already doing that with the Clinton foundation.
Holla Forums got into that quickly.

They gotta do that more, I and many others would still dig like that.

Can we make this another "Hoovervilles were pretty great" post?

spread the truth gentelmen



Look I think Holla Forums and Holla Forums are surprisingly similar.

And frankly I see a need for both nationalism and globalisation.
These next few months might get interesting when the left and right begin to converge.
I've always sat in the middle cherrypicking both sides or neither. We need to push that a little.

Both seek aesthetic in a way too.. which is odd, because why do we care about things like that.

¿Negro que?

Also that does not explain how we deal with getting people in their "right" place.
If we do nothing about that.. we will have problems, particularly with things like solving problems that could destroy us.


I love the low effort shop, lmao

no need.

Logic works in my mind.
Good ideas find a way.

And we might use Trump for something far greater than what we might think. But you guys have to see that Trump might not be as terrible as you think.
he could Trump the current way of things

I think we should slowly teach ways of programming to be honest.. in slow doses
also gamification might be sorta onto something

Jesus. You're a some kind of schizoid singulatarian, aren't you?

Yeah, I'm noticing a lot of word salad.

Is this a comfy thread?
This seems comfy.

Serious enough for tons of clickbait articles, apparently.


I honestly don't think I've ever seen shitposting like this.

Get your head checked user, but first fuck off out of the thread.

Sounds kinda spooky there m8.

Dem Party against Trump seem amusingly similar to Tory party against Corbyn in Britain.

Both spit on their supporters and expect tribal hatred of the other party to win them an election with votes from people they can't credibly claim to represent on issues.

I don't think it's shitposting

Like I said, many different socialists and communists. The RCP is pushing their cultish flyers quite a bit at the convention here in fact.

Seriously guise the Greens are swimming with genuine leftists now. Everyone I talk to knows the difference between social democracy and socialism and nearly every workshop I've been to notes that overcoming capital is part of the struggle. This needs to be the future of a unified socialism/communism in America, especially this election.

Yeah most of the workshops if not all of them have been recorded and are going to be uploaded to one of their websites later if they haven't been already.

This is pretty great, it's a shame he didn't become Stein's running mate after all.
The judge said the First Amendment claims in the suit were invalid because the commission is a private entity and only government institutions have First Amendment obligations. President Barack Obama and 2012 GOP presidential nominee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney were also named as defendants in the case, but Collyer found no basis for the claims against them or any of the other defendants.


Hang every judge with the guts of every cop


Sounds more like a repudiation of Trump than an endorsement.

Is that an albino?

I really wish a happening did happen.
As far as I can tell the election will be stolen again and the sheeple will roll over and take it.
Moar neocon pandering from Shillary.

If he's a "singulatarian", then he definitely doesn't represent this transhumanist! #NotMyCyborg

Great to hear! Do you have a link to them, or information about where they would be posted? If not, I can just look for myself in the next few days or weeks.

So tl;dr "I support Hillary because the CIA will probably get more chances to destabilise other countries in the name of American interests".

Also sounds like he's angling for a position in Clinton's cabinet/government

Jill Stein interviewed by a reporter from the armenian genocide denial network (TYT)

At 26:20 she clears up that anti-vax shit once and for all.

I don't know why Stein is so afraid of talking about the working of class and the contradictions of capital but it is super frustrating that she still isn't even after we passed this anti-capitalism plank. If she wants the B████ ██████ audience she needs to talk about that shit like he did.

Rolled 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 4 = 23 (6d6)
Stoopid question:
What is the position of Cenk Uygur about the Armenian genocide?


To be fair, there are something like several dozen 3rd-party presidential candidates, which would be completely impractical onstage, so the suit is pretty silly.

yeah, democracy is pretty inconvenient and silly

There aren't any real requirements beyond filing forms to make a political party (or run as an independent candidate), it's about as strict as a religious ministerial ordination.

What's actually needed is an attack on FPTP voting, so that 3rd-parties aren't a pointless, masturbatory self-indulgence.

Seems a bit of an exaggeration, but more ideas onstage are better than less.

There shouldn't be massive hoops to jump through to have a political voice.

The financial restrictions alone for getting name recognition are there, especially since Citizens United. Let people form political parties, more competition the better.

I was watching a 20+ year old Simpsons episode, and the subject was of Sideshow Bob's rigging the election. They flashed this paper & the editorial reminded me of CTR. Kinda funny.

Btw the scam was registering dead people/pets to vote, kinda needs that context lmao

It absolutely isn't an exaggeration:,_2016

3rd-party politics, especially upballot, are pointless. Only changes to the electoral system at a constitutional level will ever fix this.

Classic Simpsons is GOAT.

this cunt really does seem to be falling apart tbh.

Yeah, I don't know how she'll manage four years let alone eight.

Wont Hillary be one of the oldest presidents in history?
I think she is almost 70, if she goes a full 8 years she will be like 77 or 78 by the end.
The presidency of america is one of the most stressful jobs on the planet, Hillary also has a history of being a senile old lady who cant use a computer and had a aneurysm.
There was also that wikileaks email where huma abedine described her as lost and forgetful.

I fully expect shillary to die in office.

Bill dont look to good himself

Porky doesn't care about fitness to serve

And then Vice President takes over?
Who's Vice President gonna be?

If Hillary dies in office the new president will be boring white guy and corporate liberal tim kaine

Uhhhhh Bill looks like a Zombie now. As if the Capitalist draining away at his soul.

Just what we need is more Corporate Liberals.


lol, did he played dota all night?

tim kain looks like the type of guy to war sock with sandals and take sex vacations to third world countries

He's going to be at her funeral.

Seriously. Watching him campaigning kinda wore me out, and I'm 29. When people used his age to make some point about fitness, I'd point that out. He was like a machine.

I legit think she might have something wrong with her.
Do you think if she dies they will weekend at B████s her and pretend nothings wrong.


Reagan was a worse case

I find the possibility of her death being hidden … very possible! Until they figure out what to do next… Probably AKA less influencial president… sooo.. less state more corps .. corporatocracy rising after Hillary's death?

Also, good pun.

I am not surprised, I remember reading an article where she stated she "short circuited" like she is some kind of robot.

But I eel that she wouldn't make it a year through the presidency at the rate she is right now. Then we have her shitty Vice President.

Someone fill me in, here. Where did this happen & what's going on? I've seen the pic a couple times today but don't know. Don't know what search term to use, "Clinton stumbles" just got me her stumbling over email answers, lol.

Oh shit an old lady tripped

jeb bush still a mess, son endorses trump, jeb not seen for days, said to be wandering the streets of boston reevaluating his life and trying to find himself while this plays in the background.

With a pocketful of plastic turtles

Diazepam, first marketed as Valium, is a medication of the benzodiazepine family that typically produces a calming effect. It is commonly used to treat a range of conditions including anxiety, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, muscle spasms, seizures, trouble sleeping, and restless legs syndrome.[3] It may also be used to cause memory loss during certain medical procedures.[4][5] It can be taken by mouth, inserted into the rectum, injected into muscle, or injected into a vein.[5] When given into a vein, effects begin in one to five minutes and last up to an hour.[5] By mouth, effects may take 40 minutes to begin.[6]

Common side effects include sleepiness and trouble with coordination.[5] Serious side effects are rare.[3] They include suicide, decreased breathing, and an increased risk of seizures if used too frequently in those with epilepsy.[3][5] Occasionally excitement or agitation may occur.[7][8] Long term use can result in tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms on dose reduction. Abrupt stopping after long term use can be potentially dangerous.[3] After stopping, cognitive problems may persist for six months or longer.[7] It is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.[5] Its mechanism of action is by increasing the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA).[7]

It all makes sense tbh

I think most politicians use benzos for anxiety & being in the public spotlight constantly(recently it came out that Obama uses Xanax, too, right?). But yeah, it's also prescribed for seizures, so it could be that.

Weird if that is an injector pen, though. I've never seen one prescribed(worked in a doctor's office for about 4 years). I guess it's getting her "battle ready" lmao. I could totally see Hillary running despite a health issue. She only cares about the power, not about the people. So she'd do it. It would be funny if it came out that she was/is using all sorts of RXs - speed, benzos, etc. She just seems like the type, to me. One of those crazy, power hungry fucks with a personal MD that tags along everywhere with them.

I actually remember them hiding JFK's illness from the public for years.
It's possible.

Damn, you're old

The american public literally had no idea FDR used a wheel chair and had polio

Yes. Most people who use Valium use it for seizures.


Oh my god you people are on like twelve different prescriptions you should know all of this

you don't need artifact-riddled jpeg conspiracies to know she has shitty health.

You know I've been thinking about it I'm pretty sure Trump has been incredibly successfully moved the country to the right. I think it's by accident and not his goal, because he's not really a conservative. The Democratic Party is pretty much openly neo-conservative and hawkish now in foreign policy and economically right wing. The insurgent left of the Democrats, B████'s supporters, have been totally marginalized with this absurd "you have to vote against the second coming of Adolph Hitler" rhetoric. All the major political power is moving to the right thanks to Trump on everything except for LGBT and Race


Damn white people

Amazing! If only Mexicans voted, the wall would never be built!


Fuck off retard. The format of information only matters when you're trying to educate people. It's not important when people in the same circles are sharing information.

So I guess the media hardly covered the Green PNC at all despite all the cameras and reporters I saw there? I don't even see anything from Democracy Now! or TYT.


I would think those problems go hand-in-hand.

We might have an easier time feeding and educating if we didn't spend over 50% of our discretionary budget on the military.

Nope, if we stopped spending money on the military the money just wouldn't be spent, in fact more children would go starving since military families would be out of work and there'd be less educational spending because there'd be no GI Bill recipients. There's no such thing as opportunity cost when you're talking about the federal government, they create money out of nothing. They could feed and educate everyone in the world and spend boatloads on the military and be fine.


Holla Forums was right again!

Which part of the military? I don't care about the profits of contractors

I would expand the military massively to put a dent in unemployment, and systematically cut every contractor out of the picture possible

What went wrong? the demsocs are more principled than them

The deficit (fake spending) is big, but it isn't actually that big. The last budget was $3.9T spending, $3.249T taxes, leaving only $438.9B (11% of spending) deficit-funded.

Your basic point about free money on demand is mostly true, though, since T-Bills already have negative real interest.

Yeah, think of the kids. Feed the military contractors on the backs of the souls in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So is this a white noise machine or a wifi antenna?

it's a dry-erase board for very tall children


Standing by your principles matters squat when you won't get a President that will further your goals.

How much is the life of an Afghani in hellfire missiles? How is U.S. military spending ever defensible.

the US doesn't spend more than 50 billion in any specific military area

you guys forget it's split between the army, navy, coast guard, air force, marines, etc

like the army uses 50 billion for upkeep which isn't a whole lot

In principle, it makes obvious sense to maintain some kind of (preferably non-permanent IMHO) defensive guard and minor deterrent conventional projection capability, even in this age of nuclear superpowers.

On a more concrete level, there must be some way of using the vast riches of modern civilization, especially as one of the wealthiest nations on earth, to form an effective humanitarian international police force in concert with universal law.

In terms of the historical record, while there are many interventions I personally feel were overall justified, I admit both that there are legitimate grounds to question the benevolence and/or competence of every single one, and that the overwhelming majority were very clearly unjustifiable.
B████ ██████ and the New Class Politics

You should be embarrassed. That's a shitty CTR meme.

It's definitely no wifi antenna I've ever seen. If you look at expensive white noise machines, they look much closer to that than wifi.

Wait.. Are you saying Hillary would further those principles?

I am sure that is not what he means comrade. Chill.

Ok. I really need sleep, as usual.

Also nice trips.

Holy shit it's real.

It sounds like a fucking joke and it's not.

I've never been so disappointingly infuriated in my life.

I smell a spook

just seems like a turn of phrase to me.

Creating, agreeing on, and enforcing rules universally is fine, just as long as you remember they exist because you want them to.

What's the problem?

Sadly, this is a good summary of how the elephant in the room is addressed.

The executive government and its ideological enablers in Congress have run out of excuses, so:

We should go full Erithrea-mode and put everyone in the military.
No more unemployment.


9 August 2016


Patrick Martin

"And we have the secretly recorded cell phone conversations to prove it."

fuck that was deleted quickly.


it may just be the owner of the account self-deleting to make the faked leaks more convincing. Holla Forumstards have been known to do more elaborate shit for hoaxes.

That would be my first guess. Hillary's medical records just appearing on the internet seems too good to be true.

cache is still up. &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-b

Now this is spin.

you guys are misinterpreting this. he means direct funds towards children rather than military. it's a poorly worded tweet probably not done by him personally.

Here is proof in another confusing tweet.

B-But, if we don't spend $600 billion a year in military spendings, how do we stop the terrorists from killing our children?

what did he mean by this?

She's not going to be on the ballot in most states, is she?

No idea, but I'm also curious about who killed him.
Maybe he's also wondering if there was a connection to Hillary.

Which implies that people universally want them.

B████ ██████ Pays $600,000 For New Summer Vacation Home

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally.

“We’ve traveled up to the islands many times over the years — almost always on day trips,” Jane S█████ said in a statement.

“We’ve been impressed with the North Hero community, eaten at the North Hero House and Shore Acres and have suggested them to friends who were looking for a beautiful place to stay or have dinner. St. Anne’s Shrine in Isle La Motte is my favorite church and it is nearby.”

a socialist bought a house?? check mate commies hahaha!!!
Trump implys that some of his supporters should stop Shillary with the second amendment.

That's great news TBH. Unfortunately, it's a bit late for a Trumpenprole to kill Hillary and get B████ elected.

Bernie was not a socialist and he isn't even relevant anymore. It's time to move on.

The number at the convention a few days ago was over 30 if I remember right.

Not sure if a decline into chaos would be an opportunity or not. If it happened, things would probably break down along fascist and liberal factions.

Yeah, it's really poorly worded. He was being sarcastic about "worrying about the military-industrial complex." It's understandable why people would easily misinterpret that because they view him as a betrayer for endorsing Clinton.


Jill Stein debates Fox & Friends over foreign policy

does she say anything substantial? Israel policy, Saudi Arabia, Turkish ethnic cleansing, Yemen…?

It's going up!

This interview was pure gold. That Tucker guy uses the lamest bait ever telling Jill why she denounces Isreal but not Cuba.

She responds that we don't give millions to Cuba.

I like her. She has more balls than B████

Gotta love that irrelevant Cuba question out of nowhere

Tucker Carlson has always been a tard. At least he got rid of that gay bow tie he used to wear.

Reminds me of the Jon Stewart debacle back in the day. Tucker got his ass handed to him. It was on Crossfire, I believe.

Is that the one where he called him a hack?

Yeah, I found it

all of that Lyin' is taking a toll.

even if this is fake, its obvious she has issues

By Patrick Martin
10 August 2016


but trump is actually for the working class guys no for real

Classes are a social construct.
Actually there is only one class: the human class.

If the socially necessary time was 2 hours then…… Karl tried to sell his commodity for higher than his value. He should've known better

Wow that pic, way to misunderstand what socially useful labour time is.

If sex were a job like in that pic, and it took you 6 hours to make lousy sex, when the typical man could make acceptable sex in 1. You would only be paid for 1 hour if the end product was even acceptable.

Have you fuckers seen this?

The State Department has released emails in response to a FOIA request from Judicial Watch showing collusion with the Clinton Foundation, including some emails Hillary failed to turn over to the FBI.

New York Times

Wall Street Journal

Direct link to the documents from Judicial Watch

They warned you about emails bro. They told you dog.

this kills the campaignhopefully

I honestly believe nothing will stop her, but I hope it does.

Israel is going to have her assassinated if she ever gets too close to power.

Nothing will stop her. Trump is too perfect an opponent. Groups are falling in behind her just to prevent Trump from winning. That's really the only reason she has a chance. If she was running against a run-of-the-mill Republican like Romney, she'd be history by now.

I used to think this too, but the vibe I'm getting from the media is that this is a bridge too far even for them.

Yeah, I saw CNN covering some negative Clinton story a few days ago. I forget what it was though. I was just kind of shocked that they showed anything that put her in a negative light.

Maybe the media are afraid that people who see what they're doing might start some shit.

At the very minimum it's made a wide whole for 3rd parties candidates to gain traction.

Everyone knows she's shit, but they really have little choice in the matter. It's either her or the orange.

There's going to be hell to pay after this election season.

In other news, B████ ██████ is trying to raise money for Tim Canova to defeat DWS. If you're disgusted with Hillary, losing Debbie would definitely be a black eye for her.

They won't gain much this election, but it's paving the way for the future. This election is going to seriously damage the two-party system.

More like we will get Greens vs. Libertarians instead of Democrats vs. Republicans. Don't get me wrong, that's less bad but it's still bad. At least then the public debate would be capitalism vs. anti-capitalism

>strident economic nationalism […] waging trade war against economic rivals of American capitalism […] trade unions and the Democratic Party, which have long specialized in the type of nationalistic demagogy in which Trump is now outbidding them […] Trump rants and raves against China and Mexico, he is only following in the well-worn trail blazed by the AFL-CIO unions, and particularly the United Auto Workers and United Steelworkers, as well as Democratic Party politicians like B████ ██████ and Hillary Clinton.
Pick a side, you disingenuous little shits! I absolutely despise this sort of hypocritical attack-dog rhetoric, where partisan hacks tick off every imaginable point against their target, regardless of whether the resulting "critique" is actually coherent if taken in whole.

Are you kidding? Lolberts utterly personify the neoliberal ideology that has been hiding behind inane idpol in the Republican and Democratic parties alike since the '70s. Having that out in the open would be the greatest imaginable boon to American political discourse.

>strident economic nationalism […] waging trade war against economic rivals of American capitalism […] trade unions and the Democratic Party, which have long specialized in the type of nationalistic demagogy in which Trump is now outbidding them […] Trump rants and raves against China and Mexico, he is only following in the well-worn trail blazed by the AFL-CIO unions, and particularly the United Auto Workers and United Steelworkers, as well as Democratic Party politicians like B████ ██████ and Hillary Clinton.
Pick a side, you disingenuous little shits! I absolutely despise this sort of hypocritical attack-dog rhetoric, where partisan hacks tick off every imaginable point against their target, regardless of how incoherent the resulting "critique" actually is if taken in whole.

Are you kidding? Lolberts utterly personify the neoliberal ideology that has been hiding behind inane idpol in the Republican and Democratic parties alike since the '70s. Having that out in the open would be the greatest imaginable boon to American political discourse.

Julian Assange hints that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leaks

This was supposedly a robbery, but nothing was taken.

Maybe you misunderstand what I meant. Greens vs. Lolberts would be one of the best possible outcomes, but we'd still be in a two party system that's full of all kinds of other bullshit and it comes with all the baggage. The Greens would likely start adopting bad policies and the Lolberts good policies, because of porky's influence muddying the waters.

what the fug are you talking about

Wasn't he shot twice in the back too? I mean, I guess it's possible a robbee would run from a robber, but that's also suspicious.

What in the fuck are you testing, retard? We can see the time you posted that twice.

are you new or what

How might this be done though? The Greens don't take corporate donations.

Seems like reading into things to me.

The article decries the vile effects of neoliberalism, but also smears every possible form of the protectionism necessary to actually kill neoliberalism as icky pooey nationalism.

It stalled when I posted for several minutes. There were actually a few times when certain text strings wouldn't post, but others would, a couple months ago.


both are shit. protectionism is just as shit as neoliberalism because they both pit international workers against each other.

their "side" is against capitalism itself, not a particular flavor of it.

Even if Seth Rich wasn't the leaker it wouldn't be unreasonable to at least take notice of the otherwise inexplicable murder of this DNC staffer right at the time that significant materials get leaked by some anonymous source. Not to mention all the other people that have """""""mysteriously""""""" died around the clintons when this sort of thing happens

Their kinda like a mafia. Hell, wasn't there a documentary linking them to one?


Am I the only one who finds Clintonite Cultists just infuriating? They're just so evil, so delusional, so self-righteous, and so smug.

This level of despair makes me actually afraid.

If everyone says "fuck it, it's rigged", Debbie will win, which will embolden Hillary and the Neoliberals. S█████ and his supporters are going to be seen as nothing but paper tigers like OWS and we'll descend right back into the corrupt establishment politics that got us in this mess.

Not voting in the Congressional primaries is supporting the DNC.

Most elections are rigged, but we can overcome it if we vote enough. The establishment benefits from apathy. It's so hard not to be apathetic sometimes, but it's worth it to at least try.

If our votes & selves truly didn't matter, they wouldn't spend so much time & money trying to influence our opinion. Even if it's rigged, public opinion can have consequences for them.

You're not the only one. Makes me wish we had gulags. Purposely manipulating the public is the worst.

I volunteered for the S█████ campaign while being aware of election fraud. My effort didn't overcome the election fraud, so I don't know what I'm supposed to do instead of despair. I don't live in Florida so it's not like I can petition the government directly.

Exactly. If it was completely rigged, S█████ wouldn't have walked away with just under HALF of the Democratic vote. The key is getting more people out to vote. S█████' campaign did that effectively despite them throwing roadblocks against them.

This primary is incredibly important. We've got to get rid of Debbie once and for all. We must have justice.

I always have to remind myself of this when I feel down about the election.

trumps working class support is greatly over exaggerated

Psyops are very real, for this reason. CTR is a good current example of this, as well.

If you control public opinion, you control the people more easily.
US election fraud allegations prompt calls for reform


are you fucking kidding me

From CTR's lips to God's ears.

Didn't Jimmy Carter say something about the reason the Carter Center doesn't monitor elections is because the US fails to meet international standards or something like that?

In that regard, I believe Hillary is living on borrowed time. Once Trump is defeated, it's going to be all out war against her and the establishment. He approval ratings alone confirm that.


somewhat related


Nice. I'm glad the fire still berns.

It's still a long ways from over though. Florida is a major retiree community and the Broward/Miami-Dade county only gave Birdie around 25% of the vote. I hope they have a good plan.

Is this fuckwad for real?

That is an absurd, contrarian position. Protectionism isn't "pitting international workers against each other", it's passing laws in your nation against sweatshop labor, and refusing to compete with exporters who intentionally undermine your laws from abroad.

Protectionism is simply rule of law in the context of international trade. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's vacuously true protectionism wouldn't be necessary after complete world revolution, but the same is true of any condition of legal harmony. Opposing protectionism because it's only necessary as long as capitalism exists somewhere on earth is little different from opposing the global abolition of slavery for the same reason.

There are already lawsuits underway, from organizations like TrustVote and Election Justice. You're right that S█████ himself doesn't seem to be backing them, unfortunately.

I wish this didn't keep going back to calls for paper ballots. Even the simplest public-private key encryption system using individual hardware key generators for each voter would be practically impossible to meddle with, and remove many other sources of corruption related to the slowness and massive numbers of personnel involved in typical votes today, not to mention saving a lot of money. The technology necessary dates from the 1980s.

We can win the war, even if we lost this battle.


lol rule of law

rules made by the bourgeoisie for the benefit of the bourgeoisie

and that's all protectionism is, pitting the global proletariat against each other for the benefit of the national bourgeoisie

gtfo pseudoleftist scum

And globalism is better by pitting the global proleteriat against each other for the benefit of the global bourgeoisie?

If I have to get fucked in the ass, I hope it's at least by someone from the same country, not some Russian-Jewish billionaire in New York

They're the exact same thing you stupid fucker.

You comrades know it's just a joke poking fun at Karl's sex skills right?


I was so angry I couldn't even

Looks like snopes tried to call the doctor.

Trump Co-Chair: 'Trickle-Down Economics Has Actually Worked'

Smells like the same old shit to me.

Thank you globalism!

Unless that was bait you're seriously saying that our laws (and the robust government institutions necessary to enforce them) such as those against debt bondage, child labor, hazardous working conditions, unpaid overtime, hazardous consumer goods, inadequate living conditions are "made by the bourgeoisie for the benefit of the bourgeoisie". By that definition, socialism itself falls under the same exact description. 8/10, too flip to sound entirely serious, but I've heard very similar arguments elsewhere.

I think it's very unlikely historical 3rd-parties like greens/lolberts would come into any significant power without also immediately abolishing FPTP voting wherever they could. Everywhere that switched to PR, from the tiniest city council, clear up to the federal constitution itself, the two-party system FPTP protects would be permanently destroyed.

By Evan Blake
11 August 2016

>Ten minutes later, Band forwarded the email to Abedin and Mills, writing, “Important to take care of _,” to which Abedin immediately replied, “We have all had him on our radar. Personnel has been sending him options.”

>Abedin replied, “Its jeff feltman. I'm sure he knows him. I'll talk to jeff,” referring to Jeffrey Feltman, the American ambassador to Lebanon at the time. Band quickly responded, “Better if you call him. Now preferable. This is very important. ____ He's awake I'm sure.”

He's got bigger things on his plate right now than digging up corpses. He has to stay the fuck away from the presidential election if he wants to keep his movement growing.

Democracy is terrible. Demagogues are terrible.

But fixing the crooked electoral system would help enormously in downballot contests. He does, at least, seem to be targeting key figures in the rigging machine, like DWS.

Paper ballots are important when the electronic voting machine companies themselves are corrupt. It doesn't matter how secure the system is if it has a built-in rigging process.

I wish we had democracy…

Yes, but going after potential voter fraud could bring up the Democratic primary again, which will hurt his agenda. He doesn't need to be seen as a radical sore loser when he's trying to reform the system.

It's best for him to let sleeping dogs lie for the time being and focus on taking over congress. If his candidates can win their primaries, the Democrats will have no choice but to support them or risk Republican domination.


The media has been against him since day one. I would him rather bring it up and be demonized like "Bernie bros" than ignore it.
Jacobin on the Trump Strike in Atlantic City

It is ludicrously simple to produce cryptographically signed electronic receipts for voters to verify their results with. The only plausible problem is the possibility of vote-buying, which wouldn't be any worse than postal ballots.

Pollyps will literally defend this

None of that had anything to do with working class. Income brackets =/= class

replace the handgun with a nagant revolver and the mp40 with a PPS-43

I can't stand how smug and combative those interviewers are.

I'm sure there was a follow-up question or statement about Socialism. They were probably upset they didn't have time to use it.

Why does everyone say Trump has this really obscure and thought out master plan? He's not stupid when it comes to business, but he does say a lot of shit and then either tries to retract it or justify it.

Then his cultists will say a lot of shit in his defense. Then everyone plays it off like he just smugly meant to do everything.

desperate polacks trying to defend their husbando

They actually do.
I went there because I'm a masochist.
They thought I was being very triggering and excellent when I brought up.
Also, they defend it by using this guy

Stick a fork in her. She's done.

Watch Clinton Cash, this investigation is going to uncover so many of her skeletons.

Adams has been studying the difference between baffling bullshit versus actual argumentation for ages. Trump isn't doing 6D chess by any stretch of the imagination, but he is a master of shameless rhetorical bullshit.

So Jill Stein was finally on NPR a couple days ago:

Obama controls the FBI. Do you honestly think he or the Democrats will allow Hilary to get in trouble?

Adams is an idiot who actually thinks Trump wrote "Art of the Deal".

He wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an actual moron running for president and genius Trump. I wish he'd stick to drawing his Wage-Slavebert cartoon.

Don't play with my emotions, user.

I did know about this probe before. I hope someone with any amount of integrity is on the investigative team.

Hillary barely escaped persecution with the e-mail scandal. Hill dog is powerful but she's still beholden to nature laws like gravity or the law of averages.

There is only so many bodies you can bury my ninja.

To the Democrat elites the stakes are too high to let Hillary be damaged (if not convicted) by such an investigation. The investigation is going to get leaned on by Obama, and the MSM will justify it with the "Well, she was against Trump okay! Price of freedoms :DDD"

Not the person you're replying to, but I do agree that's what the dems will try. However there's a lot of right wingers in power against her, too. This is the one thing I agree with them on, and I hope they finally nail her.

At least there's some in power against her.

My ninja, Hillary isn't just a little corrupt. Watch Clinton Cash on YouTube. This woman will literally do anything for money.

Just looking in the direction of the Clinton Foundation is going to make all these skeletons come tumbling out.

If she was so untouchable why are they doing the investigation in the first place.

I used to love Dilbert, I had no idea Adams was such a lolbert.

Usually once the public starts to hate someone for their corruption, as much as we hate Hillary, others in power start to distance themselves for votes. I hope that happens. I think we're on our way at least.

Did you just watch a Die Antwoord video?

Oh she's corrupt, I have no doubt (I've read Clinton Cash as well).

Like with every other scandal she's faced - they'll find yet another way to handwave it and make it appear as if it's just another witch hunt by tinfoiler kkkonservatives that just can't handle a powerful womyn, let alone one that might become president.

There'll be a partial admission of error on her part, a few Clinton Foundation members will be forced to fall on their swords, and then it will be swept under the rug.

You've basically accepted that you're getting fucked in the ass.

Killer Mike comes out against Trump and Clinton, says that the two of them are the same

At this point why would you want her to go down?

The DNC is VERY unlikely to pick B████ and unlike some of the posters here I see nothing good coming from a Trump presidency.

CTR plz die

Rappers are seriously based, they know more than anyone else what it's like to work hard but still be looked down on.

clinton is just that unlikable.
Any true leftist knows she is center right neoliberal warhawk.

Cornel west who was one of the few black people to criticize obama from the left is voting green party after B████ went bust

Depends on which rapper you're talking about. Emenem is very talented but the things he raps about might as well be coming out of a Holla Forumsyp.


I'm honestly instantly suspicious of any documentary that feels the need to use language like "nefarious" constantly.

Nigga what the fuck you talking about

Well, tbf it's referencing the Clintons.

*sigh* CTR pls.

The homophobic and woman hater themes on all of his albums.

Spare me the whole they're allegory because Dre told him to put them in there knowing full well his fan base would enjoyment for their face value meaning.

I probably hate Clinton and her scummy followers far more than you do, yet I'm "CTR" for pointing out the reality of the situation?

What do you honestly expect to happen? For Jill Stein to get a massive boost if Clinton gets indicted? For the DNC to nominate B████?

The fact is Trump and Clinton are practically the same, but under a Trump presidency the Democrats can still play the sainted Resistance while blaming those evil sexist B████ Bros for everything Mr. Tiny Hands does.

Under Clinton they'll have no choice but to pull off the mask and reveal what shitty neoliberals they really are.

Sh. It's ok. Don't cry.

Yes, Hillary has the second highest disapproval ratings of any candidate in modern history, second only to Trump.

There is a white hot desire for an alternative, I see no reason why that couldn't be Stein.

Slim Shady isn't fucking Eminem you dipshit. Yes it's what got him famous because it's what people wanted to listen to but that's not really relevant and he barely even uses Slim Shady any more and it's been lke that for more than 10 years.



[spoiler] Let's post gifs of cute Thai-
stopmotion head-patting to dismiss CTR shills. [/spoiler]

Damn guy, you're not helping yourself not look like CTR.

Because Obama totally did, right?

No it's not fucking relevant to who he is as a person. Don't be a homofag.

Do you think video games cause violence, too?


Killer Mike 2020

By Patrick Martin
13 August 2016


HNNNNGGGG so cute :3
With Trump certain to lose, you can forget about a progressive Clinton


Democratic split imminent.

I already de registered as a democrat and re registered as a green

Wew. This almost makes me want to vote Trump. At least just to stick it too Shillary. Still sticking with Stein though.

Never really expected a "progressive" Clinton, tbh

Guess this really is Holla Forums

There are legit paid CTR shills on here and other places. Don't be surprised. People can be paranoid too.

I am sorry on behalf of me and the other comrades if you thought we were too harsh on you. But you do understand why we were a little skeptical, no?

Nah. I just don't see why you'd want her to be taken down by the FBI. The fact is she's incredibly toxic and is driving people from the Democratic Party in droves. I mean the woman had less charisma than a 40-year veteran of the DMV, and that was when she still had control of all her mental facilities. If Clinton goes down, they can pretend it's all over, the cancer is gone, and pick some charismatic stooge to take her place.

To put it simply: Clinton is the biggest anchor weighing down the sinking neoliberal ship that is the Democratic Party. Why would you want them to cut her loose?

Of course this all ignores the fact that the FBI would never punish Clinton in any serious manner unless the bourgeoisie had a great deal of faith in Trump, which is a terrifying thought in and of itself.

Guccifer 2.0 censored by Twitter

The Democrats don't have enough public support to actually pull this off without destroying their own party. Just because the polls favor Hillary over Trump doesn't mean the people actually like that she-bitch.

I kind of want them to try this just to watch it blow up in the face.

Fuck I need to double time it on learning how to setup media goblin.

the leak was pretty funny. especallty this part.

Perkins (Primary)
Randy Perkins has donated $1.6 million to Republicans, including Rick Scott, Rick Perry, and Mitt
Romney, and he raised money for John McCain
Perkins only registered as a Democrat shortly before deciding to run for office
Perkins’ foundation, 4 Girls Foundation, has donated money to Heartbeat of Miami and Respect Life
Ministry, two Florida organizations that operate crisis pregnancy centers that encourage pregnant
women not to get abortions

Perkins (General)
Randy Perkins’ company, Ashbritt, has a history of donating to politicians and winning bids, despite
charging the highest rate for its work and being accused of doing substandard work
Perkins’ company, Ashbritt, was awarded a $25 million contract in Broward County, but audits show
that the company cheated the school board in Broward County out of nearly $800,000 dollars
Ashbritt accused of doing poor quality work on a profitable $500 million contract to clean up after
Hurricane Katrina
Perkins has been sued by contractors for non-payment

When the housing crisis hit Florida in 2008, Chane made money as a foreclosure attorney for 13
different banks where he sued dozens of Palm Beach residents, forcing them out of their homes
As an attorney, Chane defended a big tobacco company that was found guilty of lying to Florida
families about the dangers of smoking, and Chane fought to keep the victims from getting money
they had been awarded by the courts in previous lawsuits

Marc Freeman
Feeman accepted a $200,000 check from a single individual which he was forced to
return because he did not know it was a violation of federal rules
Has pledged to spend at least $1 million of his own money in race
Supported flat tax
Said gay marriage is a sign we are going in the wrong direction
Supported a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, but logistics of moving 11 million out of
country a “non starter”
Said “no able-bodied person should be receiving government dough.”

Carl Domino
Supported “modified” flat tax

Brian Mast
Supported Fair Tax
Said Supreme Court did a disservice on King v. Burwell
Signed ATR Pledge

Rick Kozell
Supported flat tax
When asked if he would vote to raise debt limit, said he did not agree with “premise” of
Said government should not support Planned Parenthood
Said if gun ownership had been widespread in Europe’s Hitler, power wouldn’t have
spread so quickly
Conservative blog Shark Tank claimed that Kozell spread rumors stating Brian Mast was
“only running on his legs” which is why he often wore shorts to “exploit” his prosthetic

Rebecca Negron
Indicated support for a Fair Tax but failed to state if plan would be revenue neutral
Supported getting rid of the Department of Education
Said she would not vote to raise debt limit"


I knew the Democraps were becoming more and more right wing, but seeing examples face to face has really rustled my jimmies.

So no one's mentioned the decisive moment of BLM's collapse yet? Milwaukee Cops pulled an *armed* Black man over in an open carry state, and the media is not mentioning the insignificant detail of what he was pulled over for.

He runs, doesn't drop his piece which the media has identified as a "handgun" with a large magazine with ~23 rounds inside, but with no other detail, and so the pigs shoot him. They then find out gun is stolen, and the media and Right bounce on that detail as if it's why he was stopped.

Shortly afterward, BLM puts out protest calls on social media and riots worse than Baltimore immediately follow. This is almost certainly BLM's undoing unless they can determine that the victim was pulled over for actually racist or bullshit reasons.

fuck off reactionary.

Fuck off idpol.

Update: Wisconsin doesn't allow open carry in vehicles. The media still reported neither the reason for the stop nor whether any occupant of the car openly carried.

BLM bit the hand that feeds them. The police officers in Dallas were AFL-CIO members and guess who funds the Dem party? On one hand, it's nice to watch the workers seize power. But they're not normal workers, they're collaborators and enforcers for porky.

That said this does not bode well for the Democrats heading into November. Skewed polls aside, in previous years BLM types were securely Dem voters. This year they ain't. And the more riots they start, the more states that will get spooked and go GOP. If Wisconsin flips (a plausibility given Scott Walkers ascendancy) then Hilary has a huge problem getting to 270.

this is the house bernard dropped 600k on apparently

Terrible taste Bernard. smh.

it's a pretty nice cabin, but it's not bourgeois. Petite-bourgeois at most. It's basically like a Dacha. He has to have two other houses because he's a Senator: he literally lives in two different cities.

Because like it or not, a lot of the US sees her as "liberal" and "progressive". To the right-wing of america (which makes up a sizable portion of the population), she, like Obama, represents the Left. If she's elected and invariably fucks everything up it could ruin the strides America has made. Remember that the left is always teetering on power loss while the right is always the default because it is based on reactionary and tribal urges. Even after 8 years of the Bush-Cheney administration half of america still voted for republicans. Even after things got better under the Obama administration half of america voted for republicans. And now, a large portion of america will vote for Trump, just because he isn't an evil "liberal". If the next democrat fucks this up we could see 8 years of republicans regressing america again, they already have a house advantage and could very easily take the senate. Hillary is one of the most hated politicans in american history, and her being the face of the democrats is a game of russian roulette with all the chambers full.

Yep, he's a lolbert mouthbreathing hack. Idk why anyone pays attention to what he says still.


Again, they refuse to identify the detailed reason for the stop.

And has embourgeoisement by joining the force.

After Chicago, they'll never release them.

He spent a day in jail for the weapons conviction and paid $443. If you're in the White parts of heavily-segregated Milwaukee, you're ignored by police for these convictions and charges, especially when they're dropped.

This means BLM will lose the Nazi masturbation fantasy that neoliberal idpol steered them into. Trump's polls will recover, he will win, and the working class and world will die in global warmth or nuclear fire unless the Right's "idea of America" loses in WWIII without a single nuke.

>Not Socialist not wordfiltered masturbation fantasy
I know it's usually Holla Forums that invokes [email protected]/* */ war$ by that term, but I use it because it's now more likely to happen than any genuine class war without a world conflict that fully discredits neoliberalism and American nationalism.

Trump's polls don't need to recover. Notice how most polls quietly omit the "libertarian" aka GOP vote or bury it in the fine print somewhere.

I'm not endorsing Trump, but the MSM's total refusal to take him head-on is what allows him to win. Their shit polls aren't converting anyone and are only feeding the establishment's self-delusion. November is going to be very rough for them because they won't wake the fuck up and realize most people hate what the Dems have become.

A Nazi masturbation fantasy won't happen either, because the blacks lost. The most obvious example is Compton, CA. Back in 1980 it was over 95% black, today it's barely 38% due to hispanic immigration. BLM is the last gasp of their movement, not even the Democrats can be fucked to care about their vote anymore as hispanics are already a larger group than them.

Uh, it's not Trump pushing for an apocalyptic confrontation with Putin's "Evil Empire"

If blacks burning down Baltimore didn't stop BLM, I really don't know what will. Hell, look at how everyone tried to justify it as "righteous black rage against a system that oppresses them"

Welp, looks like the Don is still a joke after all.

I want him to win, so that America might possibly learn something.

What stopped BLM was the Dallas shooting. Notice how the "left" isn't endorsing BLM anymore and never ever brings it up. BLM, intentionally or not, killed six enforcers and that is a huge no-no for porky. Now the Milwaukee riots, which the Democrats would otherwise be using as a plug against Walker, is mostly not being covered.

Again it's a matter of priorities. We can see truer than ever what the Democrats and their supporters will not tolerate: armed resistance against police. That says a lot.

Fair point.

I don't think it's that, so much as they don't want this to turn into Trump's "law and order" moment

Hilary is much better at the "law and order" stuff, but only when the things getting burned are convince stores and cars. Once police officers start dropping, intentionally or not nobody inside the machine will dare associate with BLM ever again because regular voters will get turned off and the people funding the whole thing will walk away.

Again, it's a matter of money. LEOs are the same people who will shoot you for robbing a bank or take you to jail for lynching a porky. They're the front line and attacks on them are attacks on the bourgeoisie.

From the primaries onward the support of the black community is the hill she's chosen to die on, and as such she's repeatedly doubled down on the #BLM-style "white people and cops really do need to stop killing blacks". Now throw in other minorities and white shitlibs that believe white cops are running a covert race-war against innocent black men and there's no way she can transition into a Nixonian "law and order" candidate.

So the MSM (which at this point is basically a branch of the DNC) is trying to bury both BLM and the Milwaukee riots.

She'll straight up lie at the debates and be a "reasonable law and order" type of person vs Trump's "insanity". Blacks will get pissed but she expects them to line up and turn out for the Democrats like they always had. She's not that keen.

She will do whatever it takes to win moderates and the pivot to the right will be more obvious at the debates. She won't go stormfag but she will absolutely try to play up to "silent majority" types who have a larger presence in swing states than blacks.


He whines until he wins. Seems pretty straight forward tbh.

clinton will say and do anything to get elected, her whole campaing is run on polling and whatever the majority likes.
She used to be anti gay but then society decided gay people were cool then she became pro gay.
The second she gets in office she will go back to not giviing a fuck about nigs

So OK, yeah, dead thread, but I've got a plan for how we can try to reform the DNC.
Most of the problem purged itself, but the system is obviously designed to reinforce itself and regenerate. Right now, the two officials in the national DNC that hey-hey-ho-ho need to go are the finance chair responsible for fishy donor bonuses Elizabeth Frawley Bagley and the new Vice Chair who described her father who went to jail for corruption as her "moral compass", Grace Meng.

So how do you get them out? That's actually the other and far more important thing. The national DNC is composed of delegates elected at state primaries or by the state party itself, which itself is made of delegates from county and district caucuses.
So basically, if we want to fix the Democratic Party, we need to start showing up en masse and voting.
inb4 I get called a reformist

So OK, yeah, dead thread, but I've got a plan for how we can try to reform the DNC.
Most of the problem purged itself, but the system is obviously designed to reinforce itself and regenerate. Right now, the two officials in the national DNC that hey-hey-ho-ho need to go are the finance chair responsible for fishy donor bonuses Elizabeth Frawley Bagley and the new Vice Chair who described her father who went to jail for corruption as her "moral compass", Grace Meng.

So how do you get them out? That's actually the other and far more important thing. The national DNC is composed of delegates elected at state primaries or by the state party itself, which itself is made of delegates from county and district caucuses.
So basically, if we want to fix the Democratic Party, we need to start showing up en masse and voting.
inb4 I get called a reformist

So OK, yeah, dead thread, but I've got a plan for how we can try to reform the DNC.
Most of the problem purged itself, but the system is obviously designed to reinforce itself and regenerate. Right now, the two officials in the national DNC that hey-hey-ho-ho need to go are the finance chair responsible for fishy donor bonuses Elizabeth Frawley Bagley and the new Vice Chair who described her father who went to jail for corruption as her "moral compass", Grace Meng.

So how do you get them out? That's actually the other and far more important thing. The national DNC is composed of delegates elected at state primaries or by the state party itself, which itself is made of delegates from county and district caucuses.
So basically, if we want to fix the Democratic Party, we need to start showing up en masse and voting.
inb4 I get called a reformist

You a reformist. :^)


The squeaky wheel gets the grease?

When is Hillary going to start campaigning. Is she just going to coast to the White House.

It doesnt matter who you vote for. What matters is your plan.

lol proles

defeatist shill fuck off
you need a good speech and some good art, you need policies that work and you need words that work
using terms like socialist, communist, for the people, or anything else is irrelevant
your actions are relevant and speeches are meant to drive a point home not to signal your labels

why do you hate women user

"Literally playing chess in 6 dimensions"

What did he mean by this?

Is this real? If so…


Is this for real?

link or it didn't happen


It's fake.

2 gud 2 be tru

Yeah. Why we he flush everything down the toilet just to take it back.


don't play with my feelings user

Sometimes I look at posts and I like to imagine that these images are happening somewhere, out there.

Somewhere, out there, B████ is looking at the same moon.

Finally, I knew the Sandman would pull through for us



Oh, I forgot about the email field.

16 August 2016

Niles Niemuth

cummies for mummy




Bill and Hilary both have this idea that the Democrats can somehow survive without delivering their base's populist demands. Ultimately if they don't put out, people won't turn out. Which means a GOP takeover (first Congress, this year the White House). It will take nothing less than Hilary loosing this year to wake the party politburo up.

I mean, let's get real: what would a Hilary Presidency look like? More wars, the TPP, and the continued destruction of the middle class. And thanks to the email leaks, she herself might get licked like Nixon did. She'd go down in flames, and take the entire left with her as Congress obtains a Supermajority at the 2020 census.

It just goes to show what happens when you get a lot of like minded baby boomers together drinking the same kool aide. They think history ended in 1991, and cannot think beyond those terms.

a deal with the devil is just that: hil gets support from the banks but also is open to powerful populist attacks

then factor in the TPP, and you get an extremely bleak outlook for the democrats regardless if she wins or not


This, besides gerrymandering/voter suppression, is why voting is at all time lows in both major parties in the country. I don't know how people have not had enough, and I've been wondering that for quite some time, now. Overall apathy, I guess. Focusing on just daily survival as that now trumps being focused educated on politics in general.

Obama didn't deliver either. Instead, he was more of a conservative than we've seen from a democrat in years, imo. And people still defend him. Most liberals point to some "progress" on social issues like gay marriage; completely ignoring economic issues & how they've further deteriorated.

Lmao, I saw that too. I was going to comment but hate when they make you sign up etc. Those guys really put in little to no effort in those comments.

Alex Jones: Polls Show Donald Trump Winning New York & California



Maximum hehe

NY here, last time I checked, trump was down 30 points or something. It probably just completely reversed overnight, I guess.

Miss me yet?

Or Jones is just a cuck shill.

Kill yourself my man.

Ok, I'll ask it. You're joking, right?

fuck off newfag

Not him, but I'm almost certain he isn't joking. Alex is fucking based.

Somebody break out the webms.

I'm not new.

All his talk about vampires & reptilians kind of weighs down any legitimacy.

How new are you?

Stop pulling my leg, user.

I thought it was a joke myself. Seem pretty reactionary and spooked to me tbqh.


*Sniff.* I cri everytim.


Alex knows the government hears his dangerous message and are coming to get him. So he's decided to bulk up.

I'll always be with you alex. Always. And its because of these words you definitely said.


literally husbando tier

Only difference is he looks all red in the after pic

Whelp, I guess I'm all done with those memes.

This is very well done. Bravo to whoever did this.
Hillary Clinton Picks TPP and Fracking Advocate To Set Up Her White House

Reasons to live: 0
Reasons to die: Too many to count.

Tim Canova vs Debbie Wasserman Schultz debate.


I laughed too hard at this

Wtf, why is this the first I'm hearing of this? I need an explanation.


It's cute that she thinks she'll be able to do whatever she wants when she's President.

Oh boy you sweet summer child.
Serbian Ultra-Nationalists Chant 'Vote for Trump' at Joe Biden

What did he mean by this?

He meant
"Oink Oink"

What a fucking snake.

inb4 "CTR shill"

Vote for Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, whoever you want, just not Trump thinking he's going to do anything but make things worse for the left.

So Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka are gonna be on a town hall on CNN in an hour and a half.

if satanic trips hillary is shot

meme magic isn't real

Trips confirmed.

Is anyone doing a watch group for the green party town hall?

Nobody wants anything more to do with this farce of an election.

I honestly don't blame them

heres a stream in case she decides to take the mantle of slickest entryist

Whew looks like they're already starting with the Nader-spoiled-Gore horseshit.

Not to mention lying about Stein's polling. 6-7% was the last number I heard, not fucking 2%.


I wonder what kind of plants we should expect in this "audience".

I expect at least one question about vaccines and another one about why the greens hate Israel.

That shit pisses me off to no end

Don't forget wi-fi.

When they said "the Greens say wifi causes cancer" in the pregame I knew they'd bullshit a shitton

i miss him already

She's good on vaccines and she's the only candidate with a logical stance on Israel (Also the only Jew)

I can't wait to read all the well thought out and nuanced responses by the mainstream media

Srsly. We're talking politics, who gives a shit? Shit & possible bait question.

Ajamu Baraka has Vulcan eyebrows.

they actually gave Jill the same bullshit religion question the Sandman got.
This is totally not scripted u guiz.

Fuck off feminist.

what is jill even talking about

but yeah, the wage gap is a myth, feminibe jobs just pay less

Checkmate, commies.

Get a load of this shit. Jill gave an awesome answer, too!


Welp, yeah President Gore woulda made everything perfect.

Ralph Nader literally destroyed the missing ballots that would have made Al Gore President.

This classcucked motherfucker looks triggered as fuck

I really wish that Jill would give a deeper answer to the spoiler effect shit sometime that isn't so temporal. The real problem is that neoliberal candidates won't solve people's economic misery and people, having been turned off the supposed "Left" of the Democratic Party failing to do anything, turn to more radical solutions on the Right. As bad as Trump is the future could bring even worse as long as we settle on trash like Clinton.


She didn't even address his question alluding to rigged polls. She needs to name drop Election Justice USA sometime soon.


To be fair though, the Nader BS needed to be dealt with first, because that's what the retards need to hear.

Reminder that the governor of Florida in 2000 was Jeb Bush and that while he was governor thousands of voters from mostly black areas were "accidentally" disenfranchised and couldn't vote in the presidential election.
But let's blame Ralph Nader instead.

Reminder that Al Gore couldn't even win his home state of Tennessee.

Reminder that 120,000 registered Democrats in Florida voted for Bush while Nader only got about 20,000 votes.

Reminder that Gore would have won the election if he hadn't been such a chickenshit and actually demanded a recount.

But let's blame Ralph Nader instead.

Just say seize the fucking banks

Just say seize the fucking means of production

wew stream got shut down

Whew, here comes the JIDF.

oh god Israel


But user she supports Rojava

What casino owner is she alluding to? Name the Jew.

Sheldon something

It's Sheldon Adelson.

Isn't he funding Trump?

This is why I don't trust the Democrats one fucking bit.

They exist to uphold the status quo and nothing more. There's really no other way to explain this.

Not just "oppression", Ajamu. "Economic oppression".


Well that was fun. Back to the non-news for CNN.

Honestly, that's how I view Stein, especially with the only criticisms they can lodge at her. She just seems like a concerned mother/Medical Doctor, as if that's supposed to be a bad thing that she's concerned about the health or well being of Americans.

18 August 2016


Joseph Kishore


Whew, all that just to shill for the SEP. The Greens are worth rallying behind right now. They've been around for 40 years, they finally accepted anti-capitalism into their hearts, and judging from the Houston convention they're full of socialists of all sorts of different backgrounds.

Also just judging from my desperate efforts to get Jill Stein on the ballot in my state, there's no way the SEP's presidential candidates will be on anywhere near as many ballots. And sadly in this banana republic of ours in a lot of states if you're not on the presidential ballot they won't count write-ins.

I was unsure about Stein for a while but Baraka has won be over.

The SEP can't even constitutionally qualify. Niemuth is too young to be VP (he's under 35).

if quads jill is president

damn so close

how about a chance? if quad

wew you'd think after this whole fiasco with B████ people would know better than to support """"""""""""socialist"""""""""""" parties

Stein and Baraka got a bunch of coverage on Democracy Now! today:

So apparently the basic argument of Gary Johnson's lawsuit against the Commission on Presidential Debates is that politics is a business and the two parties colluding together to undercut competition is a violation of the Sherman Act.

I thought lolberts didn't like government intervention in the free market? I thought you had principles Gary!
We worked so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter

Damn I was really looking forward to voting for her officially november
guess i will be writing her in

what did he mean by this?

I hate Texas.

You called it.

that is one of the most hilariously insane tweets I have ever seen. it's like Dril but real

He's going to remove the USA from reality.
But, in all seriousness he's just thumbing his nose at the liberal fear of right wing populism. There had been many articles both before and after brexit comparing it to him politically.

#Texit when?
If Texas becomes an independent country that means America can start bombing it.

That's actually rather clever on his part then.

I figured he was saying he would be responsible for Brexit, even though it already kinda took place?

Lol have fun not having our tech and oil jobs

That doesn't mean anything. Most of those people who voted Harambe or Deez Nuts actually go to vote for President. If anything the fact that Clinton and Trump only have like 80% of the vote secured is a good thing, You also have to remember our state's past as part of The South(TM) has set a viciously conformist status quo culture.

That being said Texas is pretty shit

Trump hires a Brietbart employee to run his campaign
U.S. anarchists set up nude Trump statues in major cities

Texans threatening secession is reaching THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN territory now

How can you not?

Ugh, that interviewer doesn't have a neck.
He's a bowling ball.

Literally one job

According to some SS agents who worked for the Clintons, when Bill got elected, she demanded the VP's office and threw a tantrum when Gore got it.

By Evan Blake
19 August 2016



has woosx2 done literally anything of relevance

have you ever had literally any criticisms of relevance

They accuse them of not critisizing capitalism in explicit Marxist terms. Even though the average person isn't familiar with Marx.

They instead talk about the material negative things proles live with everyday but that fails their purity test. So let's sit on our hands until class conciousness is high enough to reach muh special snowflake form of socialism

Then they get all butt hurt that the Green Party brings up racism. You'd have to not read any history books about the US to believe that racism isn't an integral aspect of class struggle.

I wanna be mad, but they are right a lot

They've shilled for underage SEP candidates who aren't even on most state ballots.

The system is rigged in favor of Hilary though. Trump may be porky but he's also threatening to interfere with the globalist capitalist system. Which is why NBC, gallup and friends all cook the polls to make him look unpopular. As much as I don't like him, he will win because he perfectly encapsulates the pure rage the working class feels towards the Beltway. And him winning would do one good thing: it'd exorcise the Clintons from politics and allow the Democratic Party to reform itself for the coming 2020 census.

Meanwhile, Hilary and Kaine both want the TPP which will destroy whatever is left of American Unionism, and ensure a Republican Presidency and Supermajority Congress by 2024.

American capitalism is decaying, but ultimately our choice is to kick out their chair either in 2016 or 2020. I'd rather do it sooner than later.


Only because it divides. Communism never took off in America because it was associated with irrelevant shiting and negroes. Our brief fling with socialism only came about due to a coalition of white farmers and urban irish workers taking it up. And the modern left is totally fucked because they don't try to unify, they divide using idpol.

McCarthy talked about communism a lot.

Reminder that Brietbart commissioned their own poll and found results along the lines of the RCP average.


I agree it divides if there is no class consciousness behind anti-racism.

But idpol is already a deeply entrenched institution of oppression and anti-revolutionary in the form of systemic racism that ethnic minorities and women face in this country.

Capitalism oppression is nearly invisible to proles but oppression based on identity is not.

It kills me to no end when leftists can't figure out why proles to rally to their cause when they can't even keep themselves from denying the everyday experiences of a lot of proles.

They don't see by denying racism and sexism as relevant they come across like the proles porky oppressors and are therefore not listened to.

They pretty much deserved it. But their passing is chilling because it primarily happened because of a Billionaire using his money to make it so.

Also Hamilton Nolan was one of the very few prominent labor journalists that I'm aware of. Having his voice silenced is very troubling to me.

yeah holy shit

His vaunted hedge fund Clarium Capital was an abject failure, losing more than 90% of its $7 billion in assets, a decline that Valleywag assiduously chronicled.
He is an arch libertarian who believes that central mechanisms of contemporary society—including representative democracy, universal suffrage, and formalized education—are either outdated or incompatible with human freedom.
He is a loud proponent of “seasteading,” the movement to establish sovereign communities on permanent ocean vessels for the purpose of developing legal systems unencumbered by taxes or any other kind of traditional government policies.
He believes death itself can and should be cheated, and even intends to be cryogenically frozen after he passes away, in hopes that science will one day be capable of reviving him. He literally wants to live forever.
He has backed efforts to question the legitimacy of climate change science as well as political groups opposed to immigration—even though the industry that minted him as a billionaire is heavily dependent on immigrant labor.
Gizmodo’s recent coverage of Facebook, in which Thiel was an early investor and on which he has a board seat, launched a congressional investigation into the company’s news curation practices, and inspired a national conversation about the vast amount of power the company wields—with no transparency and minimal accountability—over who reads what.


He looked like he was about to cry once he realized his gotcha question rolled off her like water off a ducks ass.

The number of interviews Jill has been able to give on major cable channels has been going up lately. I hope this means the fires are rising.


You guys remember that this is over a sex tape, right?

And journalists only care because it's their fellow journalists in trouble. Or has everyone forgotten how most media companies are spin doctors for the pet interests of their oligarchic owners like Jeff Bezos and Carlos Slim?

Because idpolers don't care about overthrowing the system, they just want to improve it so we can be ruled by a diverse, multicultural, LGBT-representative porky class.

Almost all complaints about "systemic discrimination" end at "Why aren't minorities/women earning as much as white men? Why aren't minorities/women as represented among America's CEOs as white men?"

Not gonna lie, I love how easy it is to push these liberals over the edge like that.
Anything even moderately left wing offends them to their core. You know what that means, right?
It means there getting scared.

Yeah I know. But porkies have conflicting interests so sometimes one porky will screw over another and it will accidentally produce some good.

Gawker made oodles of money by uncovering salacious details about powerful people, like which ones were closeted homosexuals.

But while they were doing that they were also showing how corrupt these same individuals were. They're motivation was mostly likely to diffuse criticism that they weren't real journalists but still.

They're against "corporatism" which basically means capitalism going wrong.

Hey next time can you post 5 qts and not 1 and spare the shitty trolly propaganda articles? Thanks.
Also I love that they're still going for this angle when the Greens are explicitly socialist now, the entire article is one of the most brocialist "but what about teh whites" things on this board as much as I hate using that language.

Wewmao famillio, it's called "maybe intellectual language from the 1850s can't connect with the modern proletariat and speaking on their level with synonyms and near synonyms will work more efficiently"

It sounds like they were about to send it and the FEC was like "yeah don't bother". How is this a bad thing? Wew.


Those face twitches really creeped me out

You realize what happened to Gawker is almost exactly the same process Gawker and their ilk have used against countless other people, throwing shit at the wall until something sticks, and dragging their target down like a mob of pirahnas when it does?

One of the most oft repeated, and most fundamentally wrongheaded, critiques of GG was that we discredit ourselves by using the vile tactics for which we decry our foes. Quite the oppososite, this the results of this behavior greatly vindicates our complaints, by illustrating how dangerous such laws are, and by ensuring that the most abusive forces behind their continued enforcement aren't exempt from their harmful effects.

and wew


gay post fageria


I am predicting Trump will lose as magistrally as Jean-Marie Le Pen in 2002.

he lost in the second round of the election, no such thing as a second round in the US.

the shock/fear effect won't work

These people really want to pretend that all the populist rage against them is just one great big trolling campaign, and there is absolutely nobody who might sincerely want to stop the offshoring, the immigration, the pointless wars… They're just completely detached. That's why they close comment sections and ban people from networks like twatter or leddit, because if they can't see the anger, that means the dissatisfaction driving it will vanish in a puff of magic smoke.

What absolute scum.




damn it

Their news isn't that bad. But yeah, the SEP shilling can get pretty old.



at least he seems to have a sense of humor about it.
Hillary Clinton emails recovered by FBI to be released just before election day

oh bullshit, it'll be afterwards if it happens at all.

They're probably confident enough of a Hillary win that they believe it won't have any (significant) impact on election day

more like they decided to wait until the last minute to release them so nobody would have time to read the damn thing

Perhaps they're betting that people will read it after the election and damage Clinton's already terrible approval ratings.


Are they actively trying to make it seem like something's up at this point?

REVEALED: Donald Trump's Debt

"How can you sleep at night?!" guy has a sense of humor? Fuck him.

Let me guess.. "a lot"?

That fb post surely outs him as a Hillary supporter; as if we didn't already get that.

I agree, 100%. And it's working on the uninformed. I had a phone conversation with my mother, who's voting Hillary, and she had zero clue about any current happenings in detail. She genuinely asked me if DWS knew about the "email stuff". She didn't know about CTR, any of the emails, etc. I had to explain to her all the info I knew. She then genuinely asked if I thought CNN & MSNBC was biased. She took in the info, but is still voting Hillary because "what choice does she have". I have a couple of months, maybe I can swing them to Stein.

But the DNC is complete shit, for what you mention. Work on your friends/family/anyone you can to let them know. It's definitely worth it.

That's the problem, though. It's just a joke to these fucks.
Clinton e-mails reveal that Shillary was colluding with Peabody, the largest coal company on earth.
The Same Peabody that is responsible for funding a lot of the anti-global warming "Research"

You guys see this shit?

Yes, yes. We all know he's full of shit.

no I was saying CNN fucked up, equating blacks with criminals.

At least those are some of the complaints Ive seen

Oh ok, I can see that

By Patrick Martin
23 August 2016


The FBI wants Hillary to be president since she's easily controllable thanks the ridiculous amount of dirt they have on her. They don't want her to lose, but that doesn't mean they're going to make life easy for her. They'll drop it to let her know who's boss.

They won't go for Stein because they aren't delusional like you are. They know the score.

As much as they may hate it, Trump and Hillary are the only realistic options. There is no way Stein can gather enough support in the next three months to matter shit.

Why even shill here? The point isn't to vote for Jill Stein because we think she'll win, but so the Green Party can receive federal funding and become a more powerful agent of spreading class-consciousness and demolishing the two party system. A third party only needs 5% of the popular vote to achieve this. Is it a little far-fetched we'll achieve it this election? Yes. But it's not impossible and there's no reason not to give it a try if it's what you want to do. Holla Forums knows this. You're not going to convince Stein voters not to vote (for her) because Clinton's victory is inevitable. That's a bourgeois, cynical lie and if you don't know it by now, why are you posting here?

Wew lad

Well I guess she got her wish


maybe you will find this interesting (reddit)

Controlled Opposition - Permanently Banned from /r/Political_Revolution (no official reason given) for being anti-Clinton and saying I wished S█████ had run independent.

What did they mean by this?

Wew lad

I don't know how to feel about this. Part of me just fucking hates Clintonites more and more each passing day, but there's something enjoyable about how threatened/angry/scared they must be.


it really makes you think

Looks like S█████' new organization just had a bunch of people quit when his wife appointed his previous campaign manager as its chair.

She's also one of the shitheads who wrote hitpieces on gamergate.

Wow, is this true? Man, ever since endorsing Shillary, B████ has shit the bed.

I feel sad for him. He did establish a leftist movement only in it's beginning stages, but now were seeing his same supporters calling him a sellout for falling on the sword. He only did it because he got some of his ideas in the platform. It's sad really. I was dissapointed that he didn't perform a Ron Paul, but I don't think he really supports her.



Not really, the issues with the B████ campaign's lead staffers go back a ways. There were accusations of some being traitors or plants months ago.


It's funny watching Trumptards rationalize his continuously changing stances.

Strong leader, speaks his mind!

Don't worry people he's just doing this to get votes!

WSWS was right

H-he's playing chess in 1 billion dimensions!

They're probably just your standard party hacks that would vote for a squirrel if there was a (D) next to it, energised by months of Drumpf is literally Hitler!

this is his hand-picked campaign leader, who he has worked with for decades. If this story is true and Weaver is shilling for big porkybucks, then that's a way bigger problem than a few low level hillary infiltrators.

WSWS is always right

First, leave.
Then, fucking kill yourself.

Thanks for posting this.
I've been banned for the second time in 3 months from r/politics for the same type of reasons(but we all already know they're controlled by pro-Hillary/DNC entities).

Aidan_King was a top mod on S4P & is the shithead who took the subreddit down during the convention "mistakenly". Now he's a top mod for r/political_revolution. I knew once that happened that it couldn't be trusted either. Now we know for sure it's controlled opposition, which makes sense because it never gained any traction. If it was actual opposition it would have attracted many more people/subscribers.

The political subreddits are all utter cesspools because of the shilling. And as we can see by they spill over here as well.

FBI uncovers 15,000 new Hillary Clinton emails

Guys, I was just watching this old Drunken Peasants episode with Kyle Kulinski. (I started watching them when I needed a break from serious political stuff during the end of the primaries).
It's interesting watching these older ones because you see some political commentary("" "" lol) from that time.

But around 54 minutes into this episode, they reference McCain shooting down the question from that old lady about Obama being Muslim around 2008. Then they segued into clips of Trump's "birther" BS from that time.

So.. I just realized that this makes Trump seem even more like a Clinton plant. Clinton was the one who started that Muslim myth, then Trump "trumpeted" it, if you will, louder than anyone… I just put that together & wanted to share it.

Trump pretty much confirmed plant for Clinton. Which we all know they're captialist/porky scum, but it's interesting to see how it's all working out with them.

We should just kill them all to be honest.

Anyone with a net worth over a million dollars deserves the guillotine.

You won't hear an objection from me on that.

It's amazing people praise Bill Gates, having roughly $79 billion, because he does "some good charity works". The fucker has how much money & helps with polio sometimes? Seriously?

No one should have(hoard) that much money; it's disgusting. He could be feeding, clothing & giving medical care to an entire continent with that amount of money.

Don't get me started on a rant, lmao. It's amazing how little you need to do to be praised in our society.

Only if you have alot of money.

If you're poor you're always doing something wrong.

Yeah, but to be honest we deserve it because we're just lazy fucks looking for entitlements because we refuse to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Amirite?

Obviously joking. It's amazing how many fellow workers will actually parrot this all while being fucked. Just make an enemy out of the poor & it unites uneducated people to a common enemy to blame our misfortune on.

Pretty dumb thing to spout to be frank. Blind luck could see you stumble into a million dollars.

There are rich people who see the world as a mess and would like to see the demise of capitalism, but there's a brilliant narrative set up whereby if you're poor you're jealous and if you're rich you're a hypocrite. Years ago I read an article about some rich guy complaining about the future where most of the world is in absolute poverty and his children have to be bustled around in armoured cars with bodyguards and there being seemingly no way to change this from happening.

Martin Shkreli is also pretty based, despite his awful PR (which he's started to revel in). You could argue he's accelerationist. When he was young he had a sick sister and his poor family couldn't afford her medication, but I don't think he's talked about this much. He does things corporations do behind corporate branding, and they increase prices more than he does, when the liberal media go apeshit at him he calls them out as the hypocrites they are and draws attention to the other companies doing it. He gives the drugs away for free to people without health insurance, and he puts all the money he makes from gouging the insurance companies into researching drugs for obscure diseases other companies never bother to do. He also gives lessons on medicine and stock investment online, regularly, for free.

There are some okay people who are millionaires (most I can recall being highly paid workers rather than rentier capitalists, rather uncoincidentally), probably a minority, but Gates was never one of them, and what he does or doesn't do with the money is irrelevant. The problem with Gates is that he made his fortune entirely by retarding technological progress in his industry, stealing from his fellows, and swindling his customers/contractors.

I'll admit thinking of billionaires that don't deserve to be thrown in a giant blender for one reason or another is a lot harder. I can think of many that at least started out as decent people, but on the way to their first billion, all that come to mind seem to have shed their humanity at some point along that road.

I don't think he was completely serious, user.

You would be surprised at how many that aren't.

It really is, though.

These are the ones that fascinate me the most. The ones who brag about walking 5 miles to get medication for their dying mother, which they couldn't afford, when they were younger. All while sitting in literally gold plated mansions complaining about the government taking money from them in the form of taxes to keep the country going.

Lmao, stop it, user.

Leftist platform tl;dr:
hang the bourgies with the guts of the spookmongers.

It's all about context. If you're a billionaire in a country of starving people, for example, you deserve to die tbh.

It's strange and very disappointing, watching otherwise normal people, even very idealistic ones like Apple, Google, or Whole Foods' founders, morally unravel as their enterprises switch from accomplishing some specific goal like inventing or building something new, to animalistic self-perpetuation.

Sort of like the way revolutionary partisans rot under the responsibility of rulership, due to increasing focus on politics over ideology.

Tell me why I'm wrong, or are you just eating up the liberal media that are furious at him drawing attention to some of their bedfellows?

Like the corrupt government officials owning shares in the mining corporations of their countries who use the police and army as their private security force, like Lonmin Plc? They'd obviously be getting the chop/a million years gulag after an inquest.

How about you lick my butthole.

Yes, like them. Reminds me of Harlan County, USA.

Capitalism, amirite?

Yeah, it is very disappointing. They value the shareholders rather than the common populous or common good. And we praise it in our society.

Martin Shkreli did nothing wrong.

He's a glorious accelerationist and you must deal with that fact.

Don't know this one, at least it's not ringing any bells.

Well I'd not heard of these "humanitarian actions", but if that stuff you said is true then that would make him a little less shit. He should still reward his workers with a piece of that pie tho.

He is a good example, in the price gouging scandal, of terrible capitalist practices, I'll give you that.

Harlan county is located in Kentucky(my home state), and it's a documentary about exactly what you describe with Lonmin. They ruled the towns, had company stores, their own capital & police force. The documentation of the people fighting back became famous, I'd recommend it watching it. Those practices used to be rampant back in the day, but have mostly stopped. Now they're done more incognito, I'm sure, which is even scarier tbh.

See webm, it's a famous protest song that came out of the Harlan Co. ordeal. (It's Pete Seeger singing, not Guthrie, btw).

Derp, this is what you describe with Lonmin & it does happen frequently. Ignore that bit, I just woke up.

H A Goodman is doing a reddit AMA in 4 hrs.

CTR, etc, already planning to troll it(just like they did with Stein) which goes without saying.

Seeing these shills trying to be funny is painful. At least the_donald actually has some bants.

The Goodman vid is titled "NEW CLINTON FOUNDATION SCANDAL: Hillary Clinton Gave State Department Access To Millionaire Donors", btw.

Here's the incident which drew attention to Lonmis, although the media didn't report what was going on I did some digging into them and although they're reported as a "London based mining company" pretty much all of the company bigwigs are South African. Black, for what it's worth.

I was looking for the audio of a song that went like "God bless the Colorado Workers Union" or something like that, sung by a woman, because of your post (I assume you know about the Ludlow massacre, the Pinkertons etc) but all I could find was Guthrie hamfistedly singing about burning kids.

Why does everyone hate him so much? He made good points, even if indictments weren't imminent. I liked his smackdowns of common CTR phrases like "conspiracy theory" and how he kept facts nobody likes to talk about in circulation.
They're literally avid Clinton supporters, they're hardly the coolest kids in school.
Seems like they didn't do a real good job at it. It's hilarious how the only people having aneurysms about the bogus "anti-science" positions were never going to vote for her. Seriously how the fuck is evolved plant labeling anti-GMO.

They're certainly not right about telling people to support the SEP's underage presidential candidate.

Holy shit, I remember reading about this when it happened. Though it didn't get nearly enough media coverage as you mention. Brutal.


I'd heard of the Pinkertons, but not the Ludlow massacre, actually. Reading about it now. One of the biggest recent travesties I see nowadays, is how miners from my own state & many others are actually now defending these coal companies, for muh jobs. Jobs are of course important, but it's like they've completely given up or don't understand the problem or their rights. Or their rights to rights. It's something many conservatives do now & it's like spitting in the eye of your own kin who fought against & died to give you these rights.

Because he won't shutup & is actual opposition to them in the same publications they seem to rule.

Yeah, him being called a conspiracy nut is stupid. It's all they can say against him. You'll notice all they do it try to find typos or just call him a nut, because they can't actually counter what he's saying with facts. The reddit threads from his articles are completely taken up by these types of comments, rather than discussing the article or subject matter at hand.

He really just seems innocent to me(apparent from how he was so perplexed by Hillary trolls on Twitter; he just couldn't understand how people could be so retarded).

For us Stein supporters we know it's BS, but the ones who are on the fence or more partisan, they just believe it wholesale & never look into the validity, unfortunately. That's what these shills rely on.

And I just looked into it, Goodman's AMA will be hosted on r/politics, of fucking course. So I guess I won't be able to participate since my ban lets up in 2 days. Anyone know how to get around a reddit ban?

Why on Earth did he agree to do it on r/politics? It's going to be nothing but attempts at trolling & calling him a conspiracy nutter. The shitshow begins in 20 minutes.

It's even worse here in the UK. We had a miners' strike in the 80's where the police beat the shit out of them, signifying the death of the left and the collapse of the mining industry. Supposedly because it was no longer profitable but it's often said it's because of the NMU fighting the Tories on the streets throughout the ages.

Get in here, guys, if you're not banned.

I've tagged these CTR assholes in the past, and colored the tags red. It's all bright red in there, atm.
H-he's back

I'm ready for death to take us all

I sincerely hope she gets JFK'd.

So she can die a martyr and be canonized as a saint of liberalism?

Damn it

Voter surpression in the DWS congrssional race

Is this real?

oh fug, the sandman himself is on

Kek, have you read When Wikileaks met Google? The owners are full on "America is an undeniable force for international good" neoliberal interventionists

Damn it listening to him speak is making me like him again.

at least its not his usual stump speech

When is November coming? I just want to see the tears from these degenerates when Shillary will do the same thing she did to us back in the primaries.

I love how literally no B████ supporter thinks he sold out except for cancerous /r/socialism ultras/kiddies trying to entryist, it's all Trump supporters repeating that talking point because they have no lives and have grudges against people for thinking differently, thus schadenfreude even when it's not even the case. They're literally in a stream where B████ ██████ is starting a machine to exert his agenda and give his supporters a voice whining about how B████ ██████ gave up his agenda and let his supporters down.

Did anyone notice "his first run for the presidency" in the intro speech?


Bernie2016, Hail Hydra

i meant 2020

meant to bold first i'm retarded please kill me

Bernie 2020 is Happening. Your dubs confirm it comrade.

I was a B████ supporter and I'm disgusted by S█████

kool thanks for telling me you're an ultra kiddie

Until then, Hail Hydra.

I love all the other hints they're dropping.
>"Against the entire Democratic establishment- and I do mean the entire Democratic establishment[…]"
>"But we didn't do so good on the superdelegates. And that's something we will be dealing with in the future." (further implying future run HNNNNG)
And I'm not even anywhere near Live.

Ted Cruz vs Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton/whatever plant vs B████ ██████ next primary season calling it now


Pics or I don't believe it

I felt the same after the DNC convention. I still think he could have done more, but I'm at least glad to see him carry on with his ideas in one way or another.

Pics related. Yes I'm 16 don't bully
Bernie man I don't have much more cum left in these nuts
Donald Trump is Spending More on Hats and Other Merchandise Than on Campaign Staff

So what's the tl;dw on his speech?

Made a shitty meme about this when it was first reported

I was referring to when they started, and they specifically tried to avoid being typical corporate slimeballs. Obviously now, they're deep into tax-dodges, offshoring to the lowest bidder, making deals with dictators, and selling identifiable mass surveillance to the highest bidder.

Hillary speech on the alt right, hoping she destroys them.

When the fuck does that start?

She is really talking about the alt-right.

So Shillary is speaking about the Alt-Right. How would've [Redacted] handled it?


I believe she is the only person who takes Alex Jones seriously.

Hilarious at first until you realize that le red autism caps were actually effective.

Trump doesn't know how to be president (which is why he'll have Pence do the work), but he does know how to convince people because he is a TV star. Catchy sound bites and cartoonishly simple symbolic policies that anyone can grasp. Build the wall, MAGA, etc.

This has actually lessened my irritation toward Fox News, one of the few things that liberals are right about. Snarling cunts like Kelly and Coulter don't actually care, they're just paid mouthpieces for Murdoch's opportunistic political ends, which is far easier to understand than the thought that they actually believe what they are saying.

the left still hasn't adapted to the fact that memes are more effective at controlling the normiebook saturated populace than any form of rhetoric by this point

people have heard it all before, it's never as bad or as good as the politicians tell us. Trump may win or he may not win. What he's already done however is demonstrated the power of populist internet-spread campaign messages in a viable political campaign. Trump came from nowhere and hijacked a political party with nothing. People are watching, taking note of that fact. This will not be the last we see of memes as political tools.


and before I trigger someone's autism, I know Nick Land isn't alt-right. S█████ wouldn't even bother talking about. he'd just purge them all in secret

Trump is a Clinton plant. He's been doing her bidding(and vice-versa) for years.

trump always has a plan bro

He didn't come out of nowhere. He's Donald Trump, famous television personality and businessman. You forget he had all this going for him.

His salvo of inflammatory remarks is what launched his campaign. From the moment he said, "Mexicans…they're rapists" he was going to get non-stop media coverage.

Memes don't mean you're going to win e.g. Ron Paul. There's nothing magical about Trump. He did what every opportunistic Rightest has done before him in seeking power: survey the state of the economy, appeal to the base of men who resent the present state, blame an ethnic group for its present state, and gain support of those people. Divide and conquer.

The great irony is that it's all identity politics, Holla Forums's great foe. Trump plays them for chumps.

Here it is.
I couldn't watch the entire thing. The same 'ol completely orchestrated BS.

Funny hearing her talk about "the internet" & Maya Angelou. She's so out of touch & a terrible public speaker.

Lmao, she also talks about the "birther" BS that "Trump" started apparently.


I said I couldn't watch it, but now I can't turn away from this trainwreck. She just brought up the "Star of David" tweet that came from "a white supremacist website".

..I wonder which site that could be.

It's all so surreal.

But he’s certainly neo-reactionary (and “Dark Enlightenment”), which is the literate, unfunny wing of the alt-right.

He would've made a direct appeal to working class whites that feel disfranchized and alienated with the current left.

He would've talked about how the Alt-Right uses racism to bring about policies that actually run contrary to the interest of anyone who is a member of the working class.
Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka interviewed by Jacobin

Well it's about fucking time. I've been waiting forever for her to say this already. The extremist right will only get more extreme without a proper left to alleviate the workers' oppression.

Everytime I hear Jill speak it just make me like her more.

I had no idea Chris was this based. Really wish he would have said yes to Stein's VP offer.

It really is though, he's a retard who can't rap, just yells a lot

This filthy socdem is the Ben Stein of the "left".

The first book I read of his was Empire of Illusion.

I don't believe he's become orthodox Marxist (yet) but he so much closer now than he was when he wrote the aforementioned book as evinced by his use of terminology. It's rather interesting to see his shift.

He talks like the smuggest asshole holy fuck

Reminder that Hedges will forever be btfo by Graeber

He literally says that "Marx was right" all the time lately and he bashes capitalism constantly.

Well, that's an improvement

>I've actually been in the center of power
Robert Reich worked for the IMF?

Silly Reich, the corporate coup was mostly over by the Clinton presidency. The executive branch of the United States is no longer the center of power.

He interviewed anarchists for Occupy Wall Street and then talks about Bakunin in Days of Destruction, not that that means much. I do appreciate his slow radicalization, though to me his rhetoric and journalism are worlds beyond his political thinking.
Elizabeth Warren says that a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump

Bretty Good

Yeah I picked up Empire of Illusion after seeing him speak down in Philly. He definitely moved to the left, which is good to see.

*Shillizabeth Whorren

6666 for Trump/Hillary murder/suicide

I'm getting more and more "shrug" about her TBH and would not vote for her if I lived in a swing state. Her efforts to court S█████ voters are super cringeworthy and counter-intuitive. Nevar 5get that like a year ago she was bashing him for being another Democratic Drone!!!!

Jill "Be Green Or Be A Corporate Shill" Stein and Baraka "I don't understand that Obama was scared by the Tea Party's complete takeover of the government and the Republican Party and tried appeasement for a year or so until he realized it wouldn't work" Jama can go fuck themselves, but the other candidates were even more retarded. I think on the grassroots level and local politics level and maybe even the state politics level it's a good machine especially for exerting pressure on the Dems but on a national level and an at-large level we will have to play entryist because at those levels the Greens have lots of larpers and no ideas. Opposing capitalism is the only remotely interesting thing they've done in decades and it's because its LIABN constituency thinks "capitalism" is "capitalism that isn't social democracy". Like sure, vaccine labeling isn't really an issue but it's also blatant moonbat pandering.

What a fucking joke.
In her defense she could simply not understand how the EC works. Politicians have been stupider. Romney didn't even know who Palin was when she was made VP nominee.

meme magic isn't real

CTR pls go

I was actually at the convention that amendment was voted on and I can tell you not a single fucking person I ran into there was confused on the meaning of socialism and capitalism. There were tons of real socialists there and it was incredibly refreshing.

fuck off liberal retard. lefties are allowed to disagree with the watermelon-at-best American Green Party. There's no reason not to vote for other parties that are MORE socialist, such as the Party for Socialism and Liberation. They're not going to win either way.

bad meme faggot

Allow me to move the goalposts and assume those are largely obnoxious champagne leftcom do-nothings. Like the socialist movement at large, unfortunately.
The reason the Greens have failed to entirely convince me is because a) they are a magnet for the Green Tea Party, as some have begun calling it, and literally all of their big figures are some spin on this, and b) they don't have a game plan for practical applications of socialism at any level- local, national, realistic in a near-future Congress or otherwise.
I don't hate the Greens or anything, I just slightly resent some of their ideas. I'm tired of their superiority complex association fallacy bullshit.


And? Green has, what, a few city council members?

I want off this ride.

Sure… When and where they're running. When they're on most state ballots. When their candidates aren't underage and not even legally qualified to run for president.

135 city council members and other local positions to be exact. probably some state senators and representatives too.

"i have all this pony porn saved on my computer for research purposes i promise"
Shillary wins another neocon endorsement.


Beat it CTR

Clearly the Green Party just has SO MUCH political momentum that it DEMANDS the leftist vote, precluding all other left-wing parties.

yeah, like this even matters.

Warren in full sheepdog mode.

Oh gawd the boston globe. May as well be Fox News the newspaper. Can you just tl;dr it for me.


dude the only reason i think socialist alternative isn't LARPy is because they SORT OF do stuff and it does piss me off they acted like B████ ██████ is some sort of political traitor, the fact they don't join a party with more traction with one elected official is would piss me off as well if they weren't active in the public sphere and civil disobedience. your party is none of those things.

It sure does when you're running a presidential election.

You really have no idea what you're talking about. Just stop.

Spank you….spank you very much.


I think he's talking about PSL.

anyone have that webm of the ridiculous intro to his show "On Contact"

Abby Martin has a ridiculous show on RT too. I wonder if they require their independent English shows to be extra wacky.

Should we design a trump picture after the inevitable asshurt Holla Forumstards will get come election night?

Yeah, I was talking about PSL. And fuck Wooswoos too.

anyone got a reaction compilation from election night in 2012? Would love to see the Holla Forums tears then in preparation for the upcoming Holla Forums tears this November.

Republican porkies are shifting away from the presidential race and starting to buy congressional seats
REPORT: Most Senate Republicans Secretly Support Hillary Clinton

Reading up on it, B████'s "Our Revolution" is set up in such a way that it can't LEGALLY work with Canova's campaign. What the hell?

I'm going to make a prediction. If DWS keeps her seat, Hillary will lose the White House.

When will we awaken from this demented nightmare?


holy fuck


sad day for Bongistan

Why do they feel the need to do this shit?

BREAKING: Democrats, Republicans Two Heads of Same Monster

On the future brainjacksphere, your grandchildren will cringe at you, and you won't know why.

No they won't because I'll either not bother with the hip new trends or I will bother enough to actually know how they work. Kids cringe at old people because old people try to engage in young people stuff but don't actually get familiar enough for it to work. I've known old people who were able to keep in touch with younger generations. It really isn't that hard.

If you take a step back and observe from the outside you gotta admit that the stupidity of leftists is a really fucking cutup

KEK. Its fucking amazing how unanimously leftist artists always portray other leftists as being ugly.. Even if they wont outright admit it atleast they do subconsciously.

my body is ready

maybe the top reason I support Stein


Oh god.
She's talking about Harambe now.

Anyone have the comic where he's killed for speaking out about "what really happened on 9/11"?


Oh, exploitable


Obama fucked us over with his debt-hawkishess. The stimulus was waaayyy too small. Seriously.

this….this so hard


nice argument

Would you prefer some Austerity?

What do you mean? Did it seem like I was being sarcastic?

That's not a sarcastic meme. We should be spending a lot more money. Heaps more. The printing money image is just a metaphor for that, as all government spending comes from thin air anyway. All of it.

*all federal U.S. government spending


An old, rich person's candidate. They saw people angry about Hillary getting involvement in her husband's affairs in the 90s, and they see electing her as retribution against that and all sexism they've experienced. It's like a book ending to a story to them, not a humane decision.

Pure spectacle


kill me

holy shit.

Never mind any of the candidates' policies, I fucking cringe so hard every time I see this bullshit. Hillary has the worst fans I've ever seen

notice how they're all over 55 and clearly middle or upper class trophy wives

What fucking pisses me off (I mean actual anger, not meme bullshit) is that Hilary will destroy the party if she is allowed to do so. Already under Obama the rust belt has become Right-To-Work, and right now Missouri will follow suit once Eric Greitens is elected in November. Kaisch is termed out in 2018 and that is when Ohio falls. Then the front line against porky will get pushed back to Pennsylvania and Minnesota right before the 2020 Census. The GOP will then be able to Gerrymander themselves into a permanently unbreakable Supermajority.

Goddamn boomer porky shits are going to ruin this country for DECADES because they wanted to horde every last drop of wealth for themselves.

mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama!

this video makes me want to vote for trump, if only because it'll mean these people will no longer be able to influence the party

I am not liking this feeling

If you're one who associated with Democrats, I hope you were one of the very few that were pushing back against Obama's actions when your party was parading him as Jesus Christ on Earth.

Also your party has never been a people's party, and hopefully it dissolves like the Whig Party did, but unfortunately people are too territorial to accelerate that process.

Pick one and only one user…

I pushed for him in 2007 because he was going to fix things and kick Hilary out of the party. When she became SoS I realized I had made a huge mistake.

At this point I honestly hope that if Trump wins, the Democrats will either fix their shit or get their vote split by the Green Party. I'd rather have a handful of good states (Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington) and a GOP federal government than a corrupt Dem party collaborating with them at all levels.

eh, they were at some point

this is what those young ones turn into

Yeah see that… no that was and is the problem with these Democrats you run. You project so much onto these guys.

When he wasn't in front of a teleprompter reading someone else's words (rare) he often gave his line that we should work with Republicans (smh) and that we couldn't afford a large stimulus because debt. Also, he had a record as just a boilerplate corporate Democrat in the Senate.

It wasn't really much of a choice to get bamboozled over. All the other strong candidates dropped out rapidly, and remotely decent candidates like Kucinich and Gravel were too weak for a serious run.

When it came time to vote, the choice was simple: Obama was a blank slate who wasn't openly in favor of free trade, Hillary's husband had passed NAFTA, that was it for me.

2012 basically didn't even have primaries.

What'd I say about projection? These guys aren't blank slates.

Obama is and was a corporatist, self-proclaimed New Democrat who genuinely thought/thinks that we shouldn't have had meaningful government spending because of the debt. He was and is an authoritarian, secretive, and someone who genuinely thought the Republicans had some sort of wisdom worth pursuing with all that idiotic talk of bipartisan *solutions*.

The mistake I made was thinking that he would not include her in his cabinet, and that she would return to New York and become a Dianne Fienstien type of goon. Instead she was given even more power. Eight years ago I seriously thought he would fix the party. That was clearly a wrong idea.

Not the guy you're responding to but he initially wanted bipartisanship so he could drag the GOP to the center (at least, enough so that he could slip through things like SCOTUS justices) and thus have an easier time running the government. Instead the Tea Party occurred and the neocons lost control of their party.

Then from 2010 on it was all damage control as the Tea Party wanted budget balanced with no new taxes. Obama couldn't find a solution, meanwhile the Senate slipped away from the Democrats as talk of trade reform gradually fell away (except for the House Dems attempt at a NAFTA repeal in 2013. If that had happened, Trump would not exist as a candidate).

He's clearly a career politician and wanted easy solutions for himself rather than fixing things. No more, no less.

Show me one piece of evidence I could've missed in 2008 for Obama being a neolib. The guy had almost no track record as a freshman senator, so he was a total enigma.

That's what I thought, but then the Manning and (especially!) Snowden leaks happened. Bad situation, but this can be fixed, plus it's a perfect opportunity to undo Bush's Patriot Act nonsense, right? Wrong, Obama doubles down on the intelligence abuses, jails Manning, and harasses Assange/Snowden, predictably causing his approval rating to absolutely plummet.

This would be bad enough if it made sense, but there was no political reason for him to do this.

What the fuck is happening. Is Jill Stein trying to become a literal meme candidate?

The kid being dragged around wasn't voiceless enough.

let's be honest, this is probably the only way media will give her attention

Which party's candidate was he again?

29 August 2016

Patrick Martin

You niggers in Florida that are in DWS's congressional district better get your nigger asses out to the polls tomorrow.

Fuck off
WSWS' delusion continues
That's because the speech wasn't about the fucking economy or war!!!
oh my god it's this shit again
damn wsws back at it again with the fucking conspiracy theories
I swear you only post these to piss us off. You never post anything else from WSWS.

WSWS publishes so many equally delusional articles about other issues in American politics that aren't shilling against S█████ and for their crappy candidate who won't even be on the ballot in most of the country who is fucking ineligible anyway. Do you ever post any of those? No

I think it helps to warn us of the sort of delusional contrarian we might become, like for instance.

well gee Jeremy Horne retired writer PhD in Philosophy from U of Florida Class of 1988 have you considered that the reason this isn't in OR's platform is because there's no way to implement it in modern government and first we need to shift to the left because any bills would be defeated immediately and anything that's not a bill is pointless?
Wow that has nothing to do with the conversation and nothing to do with what revolution means
Might want to tell this to all these guys-

More gold from the comment section-
>The man's entire political record [such as?], his subordination of this movement of the working class to the left behind the shackles of the capitalist Democratic party [this is a laugh], his blatant support for American Imperialism [they really were this angry about that time he said he'd minimize and re-focus the drone program instead of shutting it down], his pathetic call to let the banks "decide themselves" the means "appropriate" for self-appointed breakup into smaller banking units [even though this is the way it's always been done], his entirely non-Marxist world outlook [what is liberty union], the fact that he is not a Trotskyist and has no affiliation whatsoever with the ICFI/WSWS[the fact that this is hilariously sectarian aside his roots are Trotskyist]. The other question worth asking is where is the socialist program in S█████ campaign [cooperatives]? There is none [except cooperatives]. Workers have high expectations completely different to the cynical calculations of Mr. S█████[the polls don't seem to suggest this]. This man will be another Tsipras if given the chance make no mistake about it [source], you support a bourgeois-capitalist [source]candidate utilizing empty 1960s quasi-reformist rhetoric that will all come to nothing [you mean "classic progressive" rhetoric that has a history of change unlike you and your ineligible VP?]. The real alternative will be the campaign of the Socialist Equality Party (US section of ICFI) that fights in the interests of the working class and for real Socialism not some empty-headed "democratic socialism" and some electoral "political revolution." [instead it's empty-headed sectarianism and intentionally going nowhere to prove a point about electoral politics and the need for a violent revolution that will never fucking happen] [and i don't think someone who can't even get into office if he does win is much of an alternative]

I'll stop posting these I promise but first here's some dipshit who doesn't fucking understand mutualism-
lol @ "bernie the bomber"
>none of these are socialist because they're not Marxist Leninist Trotskyist Orthodox Socialists
World Is A Fuck

One question; why are all you americans so self-absorbed?

We have an entire subcontinent to ourselves, minus an underpopulated hat that's pretty much just USA Junior.

The spectacle tells us to be.
It makes it easier to be an imperialistic nation when you don't care about anyone else.

Also, I kid you not, I've had my own countrymen tell me that I shouldn't care about what we do in other countries because they're far away and it doesn't effect us.
Shit makes me salty.
Sometimes it feels like I'm going crazy because so few people actually give a shit.

I post articles related to the election and its candidates. I do post articles related to other issues pretty frequently too.

I think they're interesting, but pissing you off is just a bonus, especially since wsws was proven completely right regarding S█████' campaign, just like they were right about Syriza and Podemos.

Sorry it hurts your faux left feelings but when you support a democrat don't be surprised when real leftists give you the shit you deserve.

Don't give me that "real leftists" "faux leftists" crap you fucking degenerate, OR is the manifestation of WSWS being wrong about S█████. Podemos and Syriza get demonized because they have debt crises.

These people literally think you're not a leftist unles you associate with them. Take them seriously at your own risk.

Lol let me know when the democrats reform us into socialism, "comrade" ;)

Populist party coup soon, comrade!

And vote for the Israel shill? Wow, so revolution.

Yeah, I agree. Don't vote for the Israel shill DWS.

CTR get out.

What about him?

But user that makes the democrats more like this even more like trump and that's even more worse, her husband tried being like Ronald Reagan and that fuck the party, and if you really want "these people will no longer be able to influence the party" vote for Gary Johnson and/or share the info to the people of the usa and with the other country as well so that maybe some from like Germany, Brazil and Iran, for again that people can be informed and so that info can be share to the minority and immigrants of America.

When you are in a desert you take what water you are given comrade.

We are just making the best out of what we have.

Tim Canova is literally shilling for Israel you stupid cunt.

>muh Eurasia Ruskis
Fuck you Shrillery learn your own fucking language the term 'racialist' was in fucking use when Orwell and Tolkien were telling Goebels where he could fucking shove it you fucking pill-popping glassy-eyed cow

ech, well that was painful.

this thread reads like a single person has posted at least 80% of the content

Stop posting then.


Really? That sucks.


Unsurprising considering you're probably autistic.

The Democrats are already there. They moved to the "center" years ago and are economically neocon. The choice is to either tell them to fuck off this year, or to have Hilary continue to ruin the party's image and destroy it's power entirely leading to a one-party state. Fixing the Democrats after a Hilary loss is easier than trying to fix it after eight years of her. Also, Trump is right on one issue: trade. His platform includes tariffs which will directly help the American worker and Labor's cause as a whole. If the Democrats move against free trade they will win Congress back again and dump the right-to-work cancer.

My point is that Hilary must go. Collaborators like her taint leftism and make it's goals unachievable. I'd rather deal with two years of Republican bullshit than 20+.

absolutely nothing, they just polled that brexit has good scores with voters so he used the word in tweet. He even used capital letters so every retard sees.

I'm not enamored with Trump. I most like him because he's not afraid to be politically incorrect and often calls it how he sees it and I get he knows when to listen to advisors but as a president?

Nah, still better than Shillary though.

So this is how the US dies, to the chorus of spooked middle aged women with too much free time.


And so is his opponent - in a largely Jewish district. What's hard to grasp, here?

9/10 post I can relate to.

Lmao, please link to whatever speech this is(I know, it could be any of them at any given time). I hate this woman so much.

Good luck, user.

If it's one good thing S█████ did, it was to point this fact out to at least half the party's base voters. Before S█████, I considered myself a democrat with no shame. Afterwards, I refuse to call myself one. I knew both parties were pretty corporate, but I naively thought the democrats were less so than the republican party. Honestly I didn't even know the correct definition of socialism before S█████(embarrassing, I know).

There's a lot of good that came from his run. He got many people more involved & educated. We haven't had a major candidate like him for as long as I can remember & I'm almost 30. Fuck his endorsement of Hillary, but I still respect the guy for waking me up more.

Most baby boomers need to just die already.


Just vote green, guise.

pls be fake

Are heterosexual hunchbacks straight or crooked?

I'm giving them one more chance. If they remain anti-Labor under Trump (who, despite being a filthy porky, is handing Labor a new life with trade reform) then that's going to be it. If the Democrats want to continue only servicing cosmopolitan Boomers then they will find themselves getting less and less votes as they die off over the next 20-30 years. We'll get that answer in about a year. Sadly, I reckon the Boomer influence is too strong and they won't recognize their mistake.

It's sad to see it happen, because the Democrats threw everything they had away. Same for the AFL, who at every point in the past 20 years chose to endorse these people rather than fight them or lobby them for better policy. Now they themselves have faded away, and the Democrats will follow suit. The Greens will be able to pick up votes in places like New England, the PNW and inland CA as long as they shelve the gun control (this doesn't win elections here, just trust me).

They aren't "just like us". 50 years ago a 4-year Masters at UC Berkeley cost $2000. This is how my mom got her MA in tax law. My dad made a living wage at a car plant (the infamous GM Fremont Assembly) despite being an alcoholic and drinking on the job. Both managed to buy homes (about $250k each) before age 25, and by the 90s they were refinancing them to buy more homes. Their trusts now manage over 400 units across Northern California and both are millionaires. And they're both for Hilary because Bill "was so good".

For comparison, my education at Hayward State (no bully pls) cost about $25,000 and homes in my area start at the low $800k. Employers only hire if you have at least 4-5 years industry experience and expect you to take an unpaid internship with them first. None of them offer pensions or 401k matching, instead you either get stock options or need to be in management (which typically requires another 4-year BA in business in my experience).

They were spoiled and treat everything that came after them like the disposable diapers that their parents used on them.

That both candidates are Zionists.

I used to not think they were so bad. But seeing how many put little to no effort into learning about their candidate, it's a little scary. The younger ones do the same, but they don't have the responsibilities that many boomers do, and we use the internet more, which helps exponentially when transferring information.

I hope we will. Like I said, I think the cyber age has really given us an advantage.

Our generation will be remembered as the one that voted the fascists into power

True, the 50s/60s were nice, but remember they started their careers in the 1970s, when the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression, dwarfing even the 2008 recession, totally obliterating the economy and the job market. Sure, things have gotten even worse now, but for someone growing up when they did, that was apocalyptic.

My parents, for instance came out of college right when the shit hit the fan, and instead of the psychology and teaching jobs they literally had lined up in writing before graduation, both their prospective employers' departments vanished in a puff of budget cuts, so he had to become a trucker, and her a nurse (also, surprise! Single earner households didn't cut it for the working class anymore!). Admittedly, both were still usually able to stick with union jobs back then, but job security was still bad. They're in their 60s now, and still haven't payed off their student debt.

Anyways, my point was less about prosperity, and more about (real and imagined) leftist zeal.

I am truly of the opinion that the internet has turned out to be a bad idea, like the "Kojima warned us!" copypasta said, we've replaced the press as an organized estate on par with any police force or spy service, with a new world of island torture chamberes and circlejerks.

It didn't have to be this way, we could have crowdfunded thinktanks recruiting top talent, bankrolling deep intelligence, and debating each other in formal academic style, all in public view.

fugbox is filtered now?

Who knows if it's real. Do a reverse image search & you'll see some hilarious stuff.
One link is from infowars, an article that contains broken links, meaning it was either not true or it was deleted.

At least this is one case where Tim Canova really is a lesser of two evils.

>territory that allegedly voted for her like 63% or something
I'm fucked either way aren't I.

The genie is out of the bottle, so to speak. We can't stop technology & its advancements now, so I see what you mean.

On the other hand, the internet has been a constant source of enjoyment for me since I was younger. I've learned so much from using it as well. But yeah, that's not a very good trade off considering AI will likely kill us all someday. :^)

Yes, Lares, you are. We all are currently.

Also can you link to this speech? I'll try to find it on my own in the meantime.

He knows

The Internet is the idealized form of communication mankind has wanted. An instant communicator in every pocket. I don't consider it better than an educated (and more importantly, caring and professional) press but it is ultimately the endgame of capitalist industrialism. Bankers require means to sell people things, to collect information on them and to communicate with them. The rise of the phone and radio did this as well.

At any rate, what is happening now with communications is a total breakdown of order which Marx himself predicted. Now everyone can make an app or setup their own cryptocurrency making it all worthless. One step closer to true communism. We just need to purge the old order but I'm willing to bet that they will do that themselves.

I noticed his SenSanders account is a lot less shilly than his main

There is a war coming, and the normalfags are the slave conscripts arrayed against us. If net neutrality can be quashed, if all hardware can be locked down and walled off, if all processing and storage capabilities are offloaded to the cloud, if anonymity and expression are criminalized, if normalfags become such incessantly chattering Stasi collaborators that your negative silhouette in their torrent of blather will betray even the most stealthy recluse as perfectly as if you were normalfagging on NSABook yourself… Then we're permafucked.

Data analysis is getting too good for any feeding of it to be permitted. Unless an organized, automated, mass spam/stalking/trolling attack sustained and brutal enough to make normalfags return to the privacy norms of the pre-2000s and completely evacuate the clearnet, it will turn irreparably into the greatest weapon ever invented against human freedom.

I'm really on the fence about this. On one hand you have thing like Advanced Management Technology that is basically a secret computer built into every motherboard since 2007 that no one knows what if fully does. Not even Google could get intel to pull it off for them ffs.

On the other hand facebook and other normie sites are seeing declining revenue and use and it's generally over normies becoming more suspicious of all the data being collected on them.

I think the contradicts of capitalism will ultimately give us an internet free of surveillance but you couldn't get me to put any money on it.

hilary and the MSM really have a thing for middle aged soccer moms

I'd say I hope these people never run for office but I know they never will and if they did they'd understand strategy for once anyway

Jesus Christ again with the 50+ year old moms? Is that all they can find? If they can find Hispanic Trump supporters they can find young radical Clinton supporters.

I like middle-aged soccer moms too tbh if ya know what I mean…


It's the only group that (a) likes Hilary and (b) will actually turn out. Blacks won't turn out (like they normally do), especially not for a bitchy white lady from New York. Hispanics don't exist in swing states meanwhile older women will vote Republican because of mah jesus. Younger women (and men) won't vote period or will go third party.

She's desperately hoping that enough of these things will flip to give her swing states. I doubt it'll work.

Oh god, don't tell me people still believe the "grassroots B████ revolution" bullshit. You're not going to reform the Democrat party from the bottom-up, at best it's just going to give the party a patina of concern for actual Left causes while the party itself does fuck all about said causes

u wot m8

I think that says more than anything else could about the overall prosperity of that period.

I mean really, imagine being in a world where almost half of the world's population was locked out of effective competition with you due to boneheaded economic policies (i.e. India's "License Raj", China's various clusterfucks before "Capitalism with Chinese characteristics", etc)


That and, y'know, the protectionist tariff regime of countervailing duties Nixon ripped to shreds.

Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and in this year Arizona.

I was thinking the same thing.. If they said the 80s then I could understand, but I don't know much about the general/job market during the 70s. Probably because it wasn't too eventful, but at least a majority of our manufacturers were still located in the US unlike the 80s when they rapidly closed shop across the US.

The 2008 recession was capitalism's greatest collapse since the Great Depression itself.

For sure. Besides losing their jobs & some life savings, it really fucked with people's heads, too. Everyone was freaking out, just as they were during the Depression. All in part thanks to Clinton, who repealed the Glass-Steagall Act.

google clinton ap story

Florida will go for Trump like they've already gone for Scott. Clarke County will readily vote for a local casino owner, and NM will have low turnout. And Arizona isn't in play no matter how much Johnson wants it to be.

spoiler: it's 30+ articles on how evil the AP is for running a mean story on the Clinton Foundation's pay-to-play scandal. It's hilarious how porky really does own all the media, except apparently the AP.

At any rate, it goes to show not to trust any MSM outlet

I honestly hate Liberals more than Right-Wingers at this point, at least the Right embraces their stupidity, Liberals just pretend its "rational"

we are reaching porky asslicking levels that shouldn't be possible

They are totally bought and will always defend their masters. The only solace we can take is that thanks to the Internet their authority and their influence has been greatly diminished. People are waking up, the only ones that aren't are middle aged soccer moms such as

The other major wire services, Reuters and UPI, also seem undaunted:

I stopped giving a shit about what the AP says after that fraudulent report on Unpledged Delegate pledges to secure victory for Hillary which undermined the California Primary election (and several other states).

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I feel dirty just reading those.

So next you'll tell us to vote Hillary to beat Trump. KYS

when Stein nods in agreement that we've become too involved with identity politics and forgot about justice

Uh, no. Fuck Hillary & Trump. I'm not sure why you think I'd say that.

I will be voting for Trump as I'm an accelerationist and would like to see capitalism destroy itself sooner rather than later.

Of course they do. They're probably the only group left that watches mainstream news.

Fuck B████ that neolib socdem-lite traitor fuck.

I'm in the Green Party structure and I accept most of this criticism. If socialists want to start locals and make it a more revolutionary party they are welcome to, becoming a GP leader is *not* hard.

I will add that with the exception of Stein, I would *not* classify party leaders as bourgeois. As a Green Party leader I can barely afford an apartment, and my co-chair is in 120 degree heat in an unconditioned apartment in a slummy area and frequently can't make meeting due to financial issues.

Compare that to Democratic Party leaders where it's basically

I don't see why [Redacted] couldnt campaign for them, it probably would've gotten an easy victory for Canova and Grayson

2018 is the real test comrade.

This. During the election season (especially when his seat isn't up), [REDACTED] should be out there all day erryday pimping left-entryist Democrats in primaries and 3rd-parties in uncontested areas.

AP, UPI and Reuters are still reporting on the Foundation pay-to-play scandal and NPR is still getting assblasted over it. Listening this morning it was nothing but damage control by a literal CTR rep, and NPR's hosts regurgitating it agreeing that Trump was evil. Fucking sad what NPR has become.

I would encourage all [redacted] supporters in that area to vote Republican just to get rid of her.

The situation with [redacted] is confusing and troubling as fuck.

He can't campaign for Canova, but he will campaign for Hillary? What the hell?


Seriously, what in the everloving fuck, Sandman?! He didn't even mention him during the Our Revolution speech. I don't fucking get it. Why didn't he help Tim even a little bit??

It's like the movement was about to take a big step forward and ended up falling over right at the start. I'm so frustrated. I'd like to hear something from B████.


wtf are you saying? There is no worse candidate than Trump, except Hill…


Has anyone watched the press conference with Trump and the Mexican president?

It's fucking happening. Clinton and the DNC have fucking doomed us.
Clinton is now equally as disliked as Trump

I heard that part of the deal with Hillary was that he couldn't actively campaign for tim

Does this really surprise anyone?
Clinton slams Trump as a dangerous isolationist in American Legion speech
post yfw not murdering children in the middle east with predator drones is dangerous

Trump at the press conference:

So Ajamu Baraka was on Tim Black's show last night. It was bretty gud.

Speaking as someone who used to be hopeful for a US-style federation in the EU, and who looked up to sensible interventions like what Clinton did in the Balkans, it deeply saddens me that a period of lolbert isolationism right now is the only politically plausible escape I can think of from the neocon/neolib nightmare we're in.

Empire-building, free trade, economic mass migration, transnational corporations, and the subordination of law to commercial liberalization, all of these things are nearing their tipping point. Unless they're stopped dead, and very soon, 1st-world economies will vanish, and we'll be back to global feudalism.

I want global cooperation, mutual aid, universal rule of law, dissolution of borders, and human fraternity, but I think those dreams will have to be postponed for a decade or two.

The problem with Trump is that he isn't even a lesser evil, he will still allow international commerce because otherwise we'll be in Great Depression 2. All he will do is instate petty sweeping bans against Muslims (read: browns) to keep himself popular while Pence pulls his neocon bullshit



whose laws?

no thanks

and we're back

The fuck nigger?

Let it go. Some people don't remember the 90's or that the Balkans was a clusterfuck on a grand scale, or they don't realize that this was the singular event that changed NATO into the monster we have now.


DWS won her primary

good job florida

She may very well have cheated like Clinton has.

I don't think she had to. Isn't her district full of wealthy retired FILTEREDs?

Reminder that 8/13 of the top people in Our Revolution fucking walked and the other 5 expressed solidarity with them and said they couldn't leave for personal reasons (probably because they need money).

Anybody got a stream to Trump's speech?

It's because of Jim Weaver. Nobody likes him.
someone just wrote a guide to the alt-right

Here it is.

That's quite likely, but there is a possibility he will do something: Tariffs, immigrant quotas, domestic infrastructure spending, stop the wars, ANYTHING. Even if he doesn't, the populist phenomenon behind him would be strengthened by a victory against what Clinton now represents, and if Trump betrays those who backed him, they might even be smart enough to notice, and get even angrier. A Clinton victory would utterly demolish everything [REDACTED], Trump, and the wave of anti-neocon/neolib populist rage sweeping the rest of the world stood to accomplish.

This is potentially the biggest political upset in our history since they tore down FDR's America in the 1970s, we can't let it slip through our fingers.

Just the basic stuff pretty much everybody can agree on. Y'know, genocide, slavery, censorship, trial without jury, basic stuff.

I meant well after we've achieved legal and economic harmony, not before.

Not saying it was anywhere close to perfect, but I think it's pretty obvious things turned out better than if we'd simply let them butcher each others' civilians unrestrained.

GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! is absurd, Shillary would've had to promise him the entire cabinet and DNC chairmanship for it to be justifiable. "Our Revolution" can't happen if [REDACTED] doesn't pour money, volunteers, and 24/7/365 shilling in person to a formal slate of entryists. It is literally the only thing he is supposed to be doing, other than sitting on Vermont's senate seat.

Refusing to campaign aggressively frustrated me, refusing to challenge the blatant election fraud in the courts frustrated me, even conceding the primaries before the convention only frustrated me. But this, this!? MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL.

That's it, unless there's an incredible explanation, I am absolutely done with [REDACTED].

At this point I'm 90% sure he was nothing but controlled opposition from the beginning. Too much of what he did put him at an obvious disadvantage for no reason. He could have won the primary, if not in the official count then in the courts.

God all of these fucking faggots infiltrating the thread again.
Bernie didn't campaign for Tim Canova because he was emotionally exhausted and it would have done more harm than good in a Clinton district. OR has legal restrictions regarding supporting him.
Bernie didn't campaign for the other guy because he was a chucklefuck.
Bernie didn't challenge the election fraud in court because it would have split the party apart, fucked over his cause more likely than not and handed the presidency to Trump giving the Tea Party three level control.
He didn't campaign with the Greens because the Greens are sectarian as shit to fuck (Baraka even basically called him racist on the assumption that he would continue the drone program at the extent that it is now, and not downsize it, you know, like he said he would) and he once again would have had his cause fucked over by the Clintonites. None of the groups on the American Left know how to work with each other which is why we have like 6.
He was not controlled opposition, he was not a sellout, he was not a socdem. These things are more than evident if you know anything about him.
Seriously though your left needs to get your shit together, I don't know how and I realize it may involve abandoning old institutions entirely given that they're full of LARPers. I think Socialist Alternative is a decent-ish vehicle and is relatively LARP-free, so try that maybe? Puerto Rico has a couple of different groups but they're not at each other's throats and we're smart enough to maintain only one political party.

It was 7 of 16 but thanks for being homosexual anyway

Only infiltrator here is you pal.

Yeah, and the Tea Party is so much worse than the Democrats, amirite CTR shill?

We don't know either way.
He very much sold out at the convention when he didn't contest it, or any of the primaries, and when he endorsed Clinton.
His positions are the definition of socdem, do you think this word is just a meme or something?
wew you talking down to me sure makes me doubt if I'm correct

uh huh
yeah, just abandoning the principles of leftism is how to make leftism victorious
Go fuck a meat grinder.

Though I disagree with the rest of your post, it is reasonable. This, however, is ridiculous.

How does rooting out electoral fraud, restoring Americans' faith in their public institutions, throwing out manipulative crooks, and tossing bought reporters in jail (that's right, THE MEDIA can be held legally responsible for intentionally misreporting on the election!) split the party or favor the Republicans? Such efforts easily could've snowballed to encompass the ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE gerrymandering and poll corruption nationwide that is largely responsible for upholding most GOP seats.

There is absolutely no reason not to have done this.

porky is getting lazy


Personally, I think he was meant to be controlled opposition. As a person and candidate, I think he was genuine, and he meant to do the things he said he'd do.

but in the end he's still a part of the political machine, and he has nowhere near the resources that clinton has. I saw the pictures from the convention too where he had these gashes and bruises on his face, and then with all these other people dying around Clinton…

The way it seems to me was that he was in a political straight jacket and was up against pretty much the entire democratic party. It's pretty amazing that he was able to get as far as he was, despite the incredible odds he faced.

America's courts? I think that's even more unlikely than winning the primary through the rigged voting machines. Comey had Clinton dead to rights on multiple felonies and she still walked. B████ could have showed up with DWS's signed and witnessed confession and these hacks still would have found some way to fuck him.

Welcome to Whose Country Is It Anyway! Where everything is made up and the laws don't matter!

that's kind of screwed up

Yes the Tea Party is worse than the Democrats. The Tea Party will make American hierarchy worse. The Democrats will just sustain it.
Why are you even entertaining that idea? Are you suggesting a 30+ year long con?
He said he'd support the Democratic nominee to prevent Republicans from controlling all three levels of government.
His personal beliefs and his campaign platform aren't the same thing.
Old institutions, fuckface. Old groups. Not the principles of leftism, just old groups.
Do you mean actual idpolers or "socialists who acknowledge that class, race and gender are interwoven"?

He sold out. Face it (or stop shilling), and move on. There's plenty in his past where he's done strange things similarly, but arousing the people's interest was worth it for the people themselves.

Still clinging to him, though, as he's on the sell-out part of his ride, is suicidal. If he was being honest at this point, he'd step back and vanish from the political sphere. Instead he's out shilling for the continued sellout.

The democratic party has more or less pushed forth the same neoliberal (capitalist) pro-rich, anti-poor policies that the Cock brothers in their "libertarian stance" are all for. (who once upon a time actually ran for the libertarian party's candidacy, in the 80s or some shit)

He said he'd support the democratic nominee, whoever it may be, after the competition for it was over. He started doing it before such, and he didn't touch the fraud with a ten-foot pole.
He chickened out, and isn't even taking the only "good" way out he has (which is to piss off).

Ignore S█████, and sure as fuck don't defend what he's doing now.

wew he has a job you fucking moron
i don't know why you think that because the new dem platform actually isn't too different from the green party platform or the bull moose platform or the 1932 democratic platform or the populist platform.
oh wait yeah i do: it's because you're a contrarian. gb2 Holla Forums
yeah actually the competition was over dude it was clear none of the superdelegates were going to switch early on and an endorsement isn't a concession
i'd love to see you not "chicken out" of this situation. other people have already pointed out american courts aren't going to do shit. and you apparently want him to quit his job, his agenda through OR, and possible 2020 aspirations because he endorsed hillary clinton like 6 days too soon for your sore ass? get real

the "platform" literally doesn't matter

I always had issues with the sneaky "we won't call it capitalism but we oppose 'that thing over there' but yea let's not say capitalism", nothing contrarian about it.

I'm not a Holla Forumsfag, though I have no issues with Holla Forums. I supported and still support the mass gathering of people and what *they wanted* (and actually voted for) which is not what they got. It's proof amongst many other things, that the US democracy and election is a complete fraud, and that it was witnessed by this time millions instead of just a handful was good.

That you're actually shilling for going along with it, is brutally ridiculous.

The Greens do not take corporate/rich campaign contributions and are openly anti-capitalist now. That alone is a world of difference between the two platforms.

No, it is not. You either do not know what you are talking about, or are lying.

The Green Party platform calls for a rigorous carbon BAN (not taxes), as well as doubled income taxes to pay for grid modernization. The GP also supports road tolling (which helps the environment as it lowers VMTs and offsets the cost of road maintenance) which the Democratic party absolutely does not (at least not west of Chicago). The Green Party also wants the military shrunk down.

gay post

of course it was a sham, but we can fix that later. right now it's in your best interests to vote dem where green doesn't have a chance or isn't running a candidate.

that's about it, though

nobody cares nobody cares nobody cares and nobody cares, you fucking greenie

How is it in my best interest to vote for Hillary Clinton, OR Trump? And aren't you completely ignoring the fraud when you say Stein or an alternative candidate stands no chance… because of the fraud you're ignoring and excusing? What the fuck are you talking about?

Clinton wages wars, Trump wants to wage wars. They're both deceitful liars, they're both capitalist scum. They're even friends, and have been for a decade or more.

And again you ignore the fraud that lead to this obvious setup. Instead of addressing it, you want me to give legitmacy to it by voting for either of them, when between the two of them it doesn't matter (especially after seeing how it REALLY DOES NOT MATTER who you vote for, the results will magically claim a completely different outcome), fuck is wrong with you?

Go suck a porcupines' spike and pretend it's a dick.

Enjoy your 50 cents. Don't go wasting it all in one place.

"White nationalists and self-identified Nazi sympathizers located mostly in the United States use Twitter with “relative impunity” and often have far more followers than militant Islamists, a study being released on Thursday found"

Lmao they did a study on trolls, and compared them to ISIS. I wish I were joking.

In other news Al Gore literally still cannot take responsibility for losing the 2000 election.

Imagine if Democrats took this as a signal to start pandering to Green party votes instead of trying to attract moderate Republicans?

I think they already have, they're just doing it the wrong way. Instead of saying "we'll move/have moved closer to you" they say "no you need to come over here for your own good". Not even Clinton seems interested in moderates any more.
If you've noticed, the smear machine on Trump has slightly slowed down. I think they realized they claimed all the territory they're going to claim on that front and are trying to win the left back. Clinton coming out against TPP (however legitimate) was part of this.

I'm thinking moderate liberals not anyone really on the left. Anyone that doesn't like Clinton has moved to Jill, Gary, or Donald in that order.

Exactly, and they're like "no you can't do that"
The Puerto Rican governor debates were today. We have three candidates that are genuinely leftist (though not (explicitly?) socialist) and while I like all of them I'm afraid they'll split the vote. Then there's Cidre, who is kind of positioning himself as a down-to-earth morally straight fix-it man, and then the two main candidates, Rossello and B████r, who are going for "neoliberal smol gubmint waste-cutting peddler" and "don't-rock-the-boat" centrist respectively. Even though Cidre isn't as close to the other three politically as they are to each other, I think the way to go if we want change is to form a unity opposition ticket. I personally think the perfect face for this coalition is Lugaro due to her post-partisan positioning and current lead out of the four. In fact, this is such a good idea I think I'm going to write a letter to the four of them about it.
Just giving you guys a status update.

How is the grassroots movement going to get Bernicratic candidates elected anyway?

They will somehow magically overcome the election fraud that cheated B████ out of the nomination and somehow get enough money to outcompete the porky shills that inhabit the party.

Is this real life?

Hillary is a God-tier porky enabler, Trump is a porky gone rogue that is now hated by the much bigger porkys for being a class traitor.

He's the same shit, just with different icing on top

They can't keep getting away with it.

Does it even matter? Congress already passed PROMESA which turns Puerto Rico into an island of slaves.

2 September 2016

Patrick Martin

more proof that the MSM is garbage and not trustworthy


They usually write several versions of their newspapers before some major event and they publish the one they deem more fitting to the progress of the event.
Way to diminish the delays of publication, capitalsim in action

How was this uncovered?
FBI releases Clinton e-mail investigation documents

what do I do, it's such a mess

Literally everyone does this (because they must in order to compete) and they sometimes fuck up and release an unfinished version or the wrong one. You see it sometimes on their online articles, they publish the wrong one and then a few minutes later they put the right one in. There was a post (ITT I think) where some site published an article on this exact subject where it was formatted like [ DONALD TRUMP SOFTENS HIS STANCE ON THE WALL AND LOOKS LIKE A PUSSY FAGGOT / DONALD TRUMP DOUBLES DOWN ON THE WALL AND PISSES EVERYONE OFF ] and they forgot to delete the wrong version before publishing it.

Here it is
This kind of shit has been happening more and more lately.

It actually does, because we need a governor who can deal with the FCB adequately and play hardball.

hey wswsgrillsfag on average how many dicks do you suck per hour and on average how long are they and what would the average skin tone be and on a scale of one to ten how would you rate the experience also why do you suck dicks why have you made this choice with your life

How is he going to "deal with" and "play hardball" with an unelected body that has practically unlimited power over the government of Puerto Rico?

(a) In General.–Neither the Governor nor the Legislature may–
(1) exercise any control, supervision, oversight, or review
over the Oversight Board or its activities; or
(2) enact, implement, or enforce any statute, resolution,
policy, or rule that would impair or defeat the purposes of
this Act, as determined by the Oversight Board.

The act also gives them jurisdiction and makes the oversight board the sole authority to "declare and administer territorial instrumentalities" and is further given carte blanche to ensure that whatever credit payment deals the FSB makes with PR's creditors are enacted and enforced. They also control what budgets are made and how, and only answer to the POTUS.

So I'm curious, what exactly do you expect your governor to do, my autistic amigo?

I already knew all that. Ultimately all the FCB can do if we defy them though is threaten military action which would be a disaster for US dominion of Puerto Rico.
Thanks for the insult, though.

That doesn't really answer my question.
Alright, I take it back, you're not my amigo.
Based Jimmy purges Clinton shill John Iadarola live on youtube.

I can be more specific if you want.
Accelerationist version:
OK! (:
Oh it's actually because I have no fucking intention of doing any of this. :^)
And lose us forever? Lose all your precious billions? We think not.
(Presuming they actually manage to send the national guard or the armed forces or whatever it'd be a PR disaster at the UN. Hell, even the threat would be a PR disaster at the UN since the UN already thinks we're a colony. Wouldn't even be the first time they've waged war on us and we can certainly do it again, look up PRNP revolts of the 1950s. Even if we attempt to fight back it will be interpreted everywhere as American interventionism, neoimperialism and paleoimperialism at work. If they don't send anything even better because we basically just won sovereignty and we didn't even need another stupid fucking vote-splitting referendum.)
Cuck version:
Yeah that's great but we're not doing Article III like at all.
Will you?
(Clinton tells them to try something less expensive and shitty first and use the army as a last resort)
Great, thanks.

Oh, in contrast to Rossello version:

By Patrick Martin
3 September 2016


Objectification and sexualization of Oriental women is a form of heteropatriarchal neocolonialism.


I'd rather picture him in a drum major's uniform than a cheerleader's

…Or just out of place and tasteless.

What absolute polysyllabic nonsense. Seems awfully excellent to limit the agency of homosexual Asian women with such a muh privileged heteronormative eurocentric characterization.

People should really go to these rallies just to boo every time S█████ mentions Clinton.

Why do you always post pictures of these tiny flat Asian women with your articles?

Post busty Japanese women like Hitomi Tanaka

Sorry. Ushijima-san is the perfect woman. We don't need any others.

Not my comrade

hey wswsgrillsfag on average how many dicks do you suck per hour and on average how long are they and what would the average skin tone be and on a scale of one to ten how would you rate the experience also why do you suck dicks why have you made this choice with your life
Also the goal of Our Revolution is not to vocally oppose anything it doesn't like such as Hillary's absurd cyberwar position, it's not an advocacy group



This is false. The main attack thrown against Canova during the election was that Canova was "not really a Floridian", actually being backed by a shadowy outsider cabal of saboteurs with no genuine interest the representation of DWS' beloved home county.

Of course, nobody ever brought up the fact that DWS herself is backed by a real global cabal of porkies, but that's beside the point.

Hi WSWSgrillfag. It would help if you would answer his question.

Of course it's a mega thread. Anyway, the FBI had to admit that Hillary's server was indeed hacked. As if we didn't already know that.

Some hilariously scary emails in there. She clicked on a phishing email that led her to porn. And she was receiving many of them. You've got to be fucking kidding me, with this level of incompetence, all around.

Trump just hired David Bossie, the guy who headed Citizens United, as his new deputy campaign manager

forgot links

Pretty embarrassed that there are self-proclaimed leftists on this board who say they'll vote for Trump desu

He's hardly any different from Clinton. He's basically Dubya 2.0

What's wrong with Citizens United? Any nefarious history. All I found is that its some kind of organization that wants transparency from government.

A win by them in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission is what opened the floodgates for unlimited campaign contributions.


Trump wants all the shit Clinton wants, he just wants someone else to pay for it

There is a slim, tiny chance that he may stop the neocon WWIII-baiting, or the neolib offshoring/migration. There is a 1000% chance that Clinton will not.

The worst part are the relentless shills and there "But she did nothing wrong!"

Not surprising honestly

Do they have a personal website that says this? Lmao, couldn't be farther from the truth. They want to enlist corporate dollars to infiltrate & influence our government further for their own interests.

That was the case that made corporations "people", right? I believe because they used the first amendment to defend it.

Pretty terrifying that it was hard for me to tell which is which.

r/politics is shill country, now. They stay on top of the new & rising stories to bury any anti-Clinton article. They also upvote the least anti-Clinton comments to the top. Check out this one's top comment:

You also get banned for calling anyone a shill or even a troll. They're doing overkill on damage control. It's shit, but I still use it to counter their BS, and fuck with CTR; they're so delusional.

FBI statement:
FBI report:
I'm just hoping that theory that they're waiting for their investigation on the Clinton Foundation to wrap up because they think it could be bigger and they don't want to miss their shot is true.

Never mind, it wasn't her server that got hacked, it was Bill Clinton's aide's or something.

ok so it WAS her server but not her e-mails. OK

Pretty sure they had multiple servers & both used them.

? It was her server and her emails.

Can't find any source on that. To me it seems like Guccifer did successfully hack Bill Clinton's aide and bragged about hacking "Hillary Clinton's server" nonspecifically even though he couldn't get into her actual account proper.

The way I heard it, the FBI can't tell if her server was hacked because security on her server was so lax. I guess it's kind of like trying to figure out if someone was in your home taking pictures when you left the door open.

It's very clear that someone in fact did hack Hillary's email as well as the DNC server. We have the documents to prove this. That reddit megathread posted above also has info regarding how her email was hacked. She apparently clicks on phishing links, so it's not hard to discern.

Basically. Comey said the likelihood of an enemy state/country with ulterior motives could very well have hacked without leaving fingerprints. I believe he insinuated in his statement that it's highly likely that occurred. Comey even said that she would've been more protected using freaking gmail, lmao.

I want to believe that Holla Forums's Hilary jail fantasy will come true.
I want to believe that she will actually be dumped as the nominee in some way.

At first they said there was no evidence the servers were hacked. Now they say they were hacked, but not Clinton's email. As if someone who can hack a server wouldn't be able to hack her email. And as if that email wouldn't be much more tempting than some peon Clinton aide's. Absurd.

Why, so we can get Tim Kaine or some other shithead?

No thank you.

It's clearly an ass pull. Comey is not ready to say that yet as it would imply a lot of things (specifically, that Hilary's incompetence crossed the point of criminal negligence). Right now it's a matter of time before the thin blue line gets crossed and Comey is forced to recommend an indictment to Lynch. The other option is to be dragged in front of Congress again, who can go all the way to the top (Obama) if they want to.

I think the question isn't so much "did Hilary do something illegal" and more will Obama burn his legacy down for her career?

If it even gets that far, Trump will handily win.

keyword: IF

The Clintons have twisted the Dem party into everything it should be fighting. I want to see an indictment days before the election, with Kaine there to get curb stomped by Trump. The party will have effectively melted itself down to the ground, as they don't have a plan b for everything after 2016. Fuck's sake, the party's own politburo are all CTR people now following the post-hacking resignations.

Anyone know anything about Michael Trimm? I've read some here & there about this guy. Some people are saying his Youtube channel went black recently & he was reporting/investigating the server scandal/Clinton Foundation. Some were saying he "got too close" lol & some government agents shut him down.

Just found out about this guy but wanted to know if any of you had any info or have heard of him.

The Democratic Party is the Clintons; there is nothing to save, there is only chaff for the fire.

You really just asked why? To let that bitch get her comeuppance. I'll take an indictment or seizure onstage during the debate. But much rather an indictment because the seizure would give her a sympathy card to play.

Also this
It's been amazing seeing how far right people will argue to support her. They literally are defending superPACS, Citizens United, war actions/"regime change", saying that politicians & businessmen aren't corrupted. It's like we're in some alternate universe. Normies are stupid, but gotdamn.

Yes, why?

Because I desire it.

The fact is, most Normies over 40 are EXACTLY her. Middle aged soccer moms are 1:1 what Hilary is, their husbands being has-beens like Bill is. Both will turn out for her because she promises to be doubleplusgood on social issues (a thing these people cared about in their youth) but she won't touch their taxes, their homes, their freeways, their cheap gas or their medicare. These are people who honestly don't care if they burn down the middle class or the country because they'll be dead in 30 years anyway.

It's fucking disgusting and absolutely frustrating. All I want at this point is her to be exorcised from politics because regardless of the Democrats she herself is a horrible influence.

She clicked on the link but there's no evidence that lead to any hacking.

Unfortunately, at least with the BHO and HRC hating each other thing, he's full of shit. I read Game Change and Double Down.

Love me, Love me, Love me. I'm a liberal.

Sure, bud. The FBI just admitted that their server was hacked. But I'm sure they didn't want any of that juicy Clinton biz to look through.

Her SERVER was hacked, not her ACCOUNT. It had several other accounts on it.

Obama may have been nice to Hilary in 2008 to help unite the party, but it's 2016 and everything she did during her term has resulted in total failure.

Look at it like the President would: all his foreign policy goals have failed. Post-pullout Iraq has totally collapsed, to the point where concessions to Iran (the Iran deal) had to be made in order to ensure that Baghdad did not fall like Saigon did. Northern Iraq is still a total shitshow, and Assad is still in power while Erdogan goes on a YPG killing spree and turns Turkey away from Democracy and towards Russia. The Saudi regime is falling apart, held on only through US airstrikes and special operations. ISIS runs unchecked, committing atrocities in both the US and EU.

Out in the Pacific, China is more aggressive than ever and is not willing to negotiate on their claims. Meanwhile the EU is falling apart, with every country there rejecting the TTIP. She won't even go to bat for his TPP because she knows it's not a thing she can afford to endorse (as the bill's Republican sponsor Ted Cruz lost to Donald Trump).

Everything she touched has gone to shit. And Obama will be the one who gets blamed for it.

So no, I don't think he will stick up for her. Not that I necessarily agree with the rest of the fantasy I originally posted.

I don't even care whether or not it's entirely true, I hope the news takes this tack, it would be hilarious watching all the salt and denialism.

No, as in he explicitly wanted her for SoS.

No, Obama's legacy was secured when he became First Black President™. He'll be warmly remembered like Reagan - though no-one will be able to state with certainty what his greatest accomplishments were, they'll be able to handwave away any serious thought with some blather about how he "united the nation with hope", "represented America's post-racial aspirations" or whatever.

And if that doesn't work, well even FDR couldn't fix the mess Dubya left with a Republican House!

Also no-one likes Hillary enough to blame her fuck-ups on Obama

That's exactly what will happen, especially if she is somehow elected. Everything is shit and she will blame it on the past President. She'll initially try to blame it on Bush, but that's already stale and she (and the media) will quickly blame Obama for being too placating towards the progressive antiwar dems. No honor among thieves.

Only boomers, aka people who are already voting for Hilary. Everyone else, especially people under 30, are disappointed in him. Even blacks are upset with him because he did not stop the police shootings (not that he ever really could) or stop their jobs from going to mexico. He'll also be remembered as the President who did not fix the Democrats' swing state problem and cause a GOP Supermajority Congress.

Also plenty of people like Hilary enough to blame Obama, who will be painted as "too left" to have done anything. The shift right continues.

And notice how that was in 2008, before she fucked up all his foreign policy and diplomatic initiatives.

No, a corporation is legal person based on two-three hundred years of Western jurisprudence. That concept existed before Citizens United but retarded media rhetoric about "muh corporations are people now?!" is all normies heard.

If you people really want to fight this shit, then you at least need to know the history and basic legal precedent.


So it's about a guy who moved to New Hampshire so he could vote there, then he was too lazy to vote in the town where his domicile was, and so decided to commit voter fraud?

kekkest keks


You mean the guy who has built his entire career on essentially fraud?

Do you realize how stupid that sounds? It seems much easier to hack an account than a server. But maybe I'm just that computer illiterate. Didn't it come out that she wasn't using passwords in some instances? I remember that from a little while back.

Green Party presidential candidate seeks to corral antiwar sentiment

By Jerry White
5 September 2016


Saw this trash in my local paper this morning.

Associated Press takes up a whole page blubbering about Gary Johnson spoiling Arizona, gives Jill Stein a single sentence of recognition, and tops it off with the same tired lie of Al Gore something losing Florida in 2000 because of Ralph Nader.

And even that one sentence itself is spun against her.

She's on 41 states now with several awaiting filing. That's over 80%–a little bit more than half I'd say.
Jill Stein interviewed by Jimmy "Class War" Dore

Just 80%? Wew, that's a long way from 100%.

Does Jill dress like that to deliberately make my dick hard?

Stein censored speaking out again the TPP by a clever edit on PBS Newshour last week.

Disappointed you missed this one, Holla Forums. Not as disappointed in PBS though.

Trump made millions off of Saudi Arabia, including Bin Laden's brother

This is going to end well.



This whole election is like watching the embodiment of woke centrist twitter face off against the embodiment of alt-right twitter.


Fucking hell.
GG was the stupidest shit I've ever been a part of, and the fact it's taken seriously outside of a niche group of people on the web has me slightly more disappointed in society than usual.

It wasn't THAT stupid. The problem was both Holla Forums trying to turn it into their super special Nazi masturbation fantasy, and people like you and me who wanted it to be Occupy 2.0.

Yeah no kidding.

I just thought that the whole "consumer revolt" shit was stupid, when the problem went much much deeper.
"Ethics in video game journalism" is peripheral compared to how corrupt the journalism is as a whole.

What we were hoping for wasn't Occupy 2.0, but something that will ensure Occupy 2.0 won't be sabotaged. Judging from the contempt with which predictable "muh brocialism" slanders against S█████ and Corbyn have been greeted by society, I think it's safe to say GG served its purpose admirably.

That's a tenbux ghazi maymay, the actual charge was CORRUPTION in videogames. They were attempting to destroy an entire artistic medium, like what the CCA did to American comics in the 1950s.

Well, looks like the Wicked Old Witch of the Christian Right is dead:

I know celebration is mostly due for liberal feminists who still want the ERA, but she was one of those wingnuts who deserved everyone's hate.

is that the prime example of a women being cucked?


Just imagine the Star Trek variant of mrs. Schlafly.


What's wrong with her?

lol, there's actually a pretty funny scene from TOS where Kirk and McCoy are lamenting that the pretty, blonde ensign is going to leave star fleet when she settles down and finds a man.

Her human suit is breaking down.

Ah ahahahah

At least until the TNG-era, where they put families with children onboard Starfleet ships. TNG is my favorite of the franchise, but even I have to admit that part was a little too silly.

People can say whatever the fuck they want about OR, I think it's great. Like yeah all of them are incumbent but still.
The only places with more are Connecticut, Arizona, Minnesota and Massachusetts.

Was it inevitable?

Trump leading Hillary, again.
Based Greenwald strikes again

Aside from the automated cuckbot at the top, the comments are surprisingly sane for leddit!


So this guy, Charles Ortel, claims he's got shocking evidence about the Clinton Foundation that he's going to be releasing every day over the next month or so. This is the first release that came out last night, along with the attached document.

burn, baby, burn

Since then, questions have started to swirl around the various entities that comprise what I call the Clinton Charity Network: a group of entities supported by a variety of donors from inside the United States and around the world.

I want to get excited for this but I've still got blueballs from Assange's big "nothing"

I think he said he has more. This may actually be said more. Though it's really alarming how few people are paying attention- this may be a fake or something.

I guess we'll find out but I want to habeeb ;~;

It's only silly because you're viewing it through your ideological lens.

Were they on the ship for several years? I don't know how you'd keep hundreds of people trapped on a ship the size of an office building for that long without winding up with a bunch of kids.

Did the captain have some sort of switch that turned people's genitalia off


One is literal compensated prostitute whore for wall street giving them lip and blowjob service

Other is literal porky billionaire

Only revolution can overcome the capitalist mechanisms and I am getting sick of this board and its lack of dedication.

I stumbled across this. Check out this level of delusion, guys, lmao.

It's hit & miss nowadays with CTR being there. They were suspiciously quiet on that thread, which is funny.

Check out this thread though
and prepare to be blown away with how retarded their arguments are. I was being called a "conspiracy theorist" for pointing out the corruption/scandal from her Foundation in the news recently. Pretty amazing, but I know they're full of shit & grasping at straws.

They were trying to call Greenwald "largely a dishonest hack" in this second thread

It's funny because a lot of these CTR retards also have shit grammar & insult you with middle school level insults. I wonder where they find these people.


Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump

pretty much

Wow, CTR right off the bat.

Clinton is fair game though.

He just posted this link on twitter



anti autism bump

Look at all this salt over it :^)

Where were you when Jill won over the lifestylists?

purge them all Oba San Stein

They brought charges against her today, too

too lazy to put up a link but search for it on any given news aggregator if you're curious

Did something happen with their old sub? Or is there just so much salt they need two subreddits to contain it all?

dude, is she fucking dying?

She's probably looking for a new body to inhabit right now

Was once accused of rape under obvious political motivations- the women involved have never come forward to press the issue and demand his arrest, and the warrant itself was withdrawn but accusation=reality guyyyyyyyyyyyyys
Uhhhh published some personal information that the Saudis could use that the Saudis already had
Went on a rant that could be interpreted as anti-ZOG quackery if you completely remove it from context
Stole fizzy lifting drinks


Do you think it's best to vote for a third-party candidate such as Jill Stein or Gary Johnson?
Are you throwing away your vote by doing this?

Also do you think voting Trump in would create chaos in favor of leftism?

No, this meme needs to die.

I WANT to throw my vote in the trash, that's how much it is worth in this bourgeois dictatorship. I won't even vote.

Yea my knowledge of political is not the greatest

I understand the frustration


I remember reading a comment saying the old one had been "hacked" or something(& they call us tinfoil hatters). But whoever ran it prolly shut it down once B████ was out.

Obviously a lot of fuckers were too salty to let it go & Sander supporters are still calling them/Hillary on their bullshit, so they opened a new one. At least the_donald has bants, these CTR people are painfully unfunny. "Hurr, NAMBLA, guys!" lol

Imo, best to vote for a third party candidate. I think it;s 5% nationally they need to get in order to get Federal funding, put on all state ballots & participate in future Presidential debates(I know atm they say they have to get 15% poll-wise to participate; I don't know if the 5% national vote would override this for the future or not).

Definitely not throwing it away, it will be accomplishing more than voting for Hillary ot Trump.

The only thing I can understand, but not really condone, is if someone "hate-votes" for Trump against Hillary. I'm sure a lot of people will be hate voting, as it happens every election. But Trump or Hillary in office = losing. We've already lost in this regard, so that's why I say vote for a third party candidate. If they're not on your ballot & you can write-in, write in whomever you feel is best.

Let's just hope they count our votes. At this point I say just move out of America. I'm not kidding. I already did, for different reasons, but I'm glad I have & haven't been happier.

Yep, that's the case. The founder wasn't COMPLETELY unreasonable and got rid of it once it served no purpose, just like S4P. But the salt was too real and 3,000 of the I think 12,000 needed a place to continue crying.

Also I don't know what bants you're referring to, I've never seen anything interesting out of The Donald.

if you have a preferred winner, yes obviously, First Past The Post. Still, things will be shit no matter which one of the two wins and promoting the alternative is the only reasonable position if you have any hope for the future.
A Hillary win would be the worst, the people who voted her as B████'s successor would quickly be pushed toward Idpol, since it'll be the only "good" legacy she'll leave, Trump will come right back in 2020 with more insane politics and Libertarians will blame all economic illness on "leftism".
Trump on the other hand would greatly harm the US's position internationally while also disappointing his messianic base, his tax cuts will be enough to shut libertarians down and a Demo win would be guaranteed, for all that's worth.

why is it wrong?

Thanks for the insight mangs

Why is the world would it encourage people to move to the left? Unless you want people to just become more liberal.

I mean I just don't see the logic behind it. If anything it will only strengthen this new breed of right-populism. His presidency will most likely be a repeat of Dubya: the ruling class will both decry him while conspiring with him.

Oh come on. Visit any thread right now & I guarantee you'll laugh. Granted, it's mostly retarded, it's still funny.

Well, I went here-
And it was pretty funny, yeah.

What I had seen from them before was shitty "my wife's son" jokes, etc.

No! Those people have no policy, they have no plans, their god-Emperor will get in, cut taxes, build 1/3 of wall, and get out.
Only reality can kill romanticized politics, thinking you can shame them off the stage is dangerous.
Sanders-Liberal? No, Trump won't turn people into commies, but he'll show them that the Right-wing's rhetoric is nonsense and that the middle-class' hardships won't be fixed with superstructural changes.
yes, while Hillary will conspire with and be praised by them. This isn't about policy, policy will suck no matter what, public opinion is what matters.

Lmao, yeah, it's mostly retarded, but still good for a laugh sometimes.

Well articulated post, my friend.

Down the road, not across the street, hipster scum.

Like says, the only reason to vote 3rd-party is to break the 5% funding line, or the 15% debate participation one. Personally, I think Stein already polls strong enough to secure 5%, but too little to break 15% (and the debates aren't as important anyway IMHO). Further, unless there's victories on the downballot by organizations like the Greens and [REDACTED]'s, I don't see any point in sinking more resources into the white elephant that is the presidential race.

I think voting for Trump has three excellent leftist justifications: First, it would mean defeating Shillary, causing SJWs to sperg out disgracefully, and utterly vindicating calls by brocialists that her brand of mainstream center-leftism is dying and unelectable; Second, any rightist policy Trump attempts will face ferocious opposition from both sides of the partisan "divide", whereas Clinton will be able to pass identical policies shielded by establishment backing and a thick slimy glaze of SJW shilling that will grow deeper and more powerful than ever on the "left" under her watch; Third, there is an uncertain but plausible possibility Trump will keep some of his promises to do desirable things (stop neocon wars, stop neolib offshoring/migration, help us purge SJWs from the left), and even if he doesn't, his failure to keep these promises would hopefully infuriate his supporters enough to hurt the alt-right and energize us.

Oh boy
There's only one and it involves Puerto Rico.
You're delusional if you think Trump in office wouldn't just fast-track Tea Party bills.

And you imagine Clinton's true platform will be one bit better? Think in practical terms, who has a better chance of successfully doing more damage in the real-world political arena?

While 5% for federal matching funds is a realistic and admirable goal, I have to disagree that it should simply stop there. Every extra percent at the end of the election is a greater showing of solidarity. The real point I think is showing people that they don't need to be afraid to step outside the Democrats' monopoly on so-called progressive politics anymore. Every extra little bit is more persuasive.

Much more impressive would be whistlestop campaign bolstering downballot candidates across the country, and capturing seats from civic councils and mayorships, through state councils, up to house members, and maybe even some senators or governors.

I remember 2000, I remember the promises of "party building", and I remember not just the abject failure, but the lack of any credible effort. Whether 3rd-party like the Greens, or entryism inside the Democrats, I don't care about feelgood chickenwaving at the presidency, I want realistic efforts to deliver practical results.

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, and Trump. Clinton can be criticized from the left and the right whereas Trump will only be criticized by the now completely powerless left (yes I know the Democrats aren't really left bear with me). We can hold Clinton accountable to her flip flops, but Trump is just Trump as usual if he even actually DOES anything that's not Pence's or Congress's doing. Then there's the Supreme Court and what I mentioned about the Tea Party.

That being said I don't actually care who wins because Trump will be great for Puerto Rico.

The old sub turned out to be run by pro-clinton shills

8 September 2016

Patrick Martin

Really? Is that what fucking happened??


I actually fucking called it when I noticed the sub was something ridiculous like 4 years old and the head mod blocked me for asking why.

You know what that means? Clinton's campaign was in preliminary stages 6 years ago. Way before she gave those speeches.

Which means her speeches were almost inevitably part of her campaign. Which means they were illegal.

If I remember right, yeah. Word on the street was that the S4P mods were part of the pro-clinton cabal and worked behind and before the scenes stifling dissent and disrupting information and other pro-bernie efforts. I can't really confirm because I wasn't part of the sub at all.

Oh, I thought you were talking about ESS.

That sounds like baseless CT to me. One of the head mods was an employee of Revolution Messaging, a PR firm B████'s campaign paid.


And he'll be heralded as the greatest president since Reagan. I mean really, do you think these people care about getting fucked over by Trump? They're not voting for him for any productive reasons, they're voting for him because he's a loud jackass who pisses off the people they hate.
I don't want to "shame them off the stage" but the fact is if Trump wins, I doubt the Republican politicos who have been shit-talking him are still going to be singing the same tune. They'll all come sulking back. And again, they really don't give a shit about the wall, about Muslims, about any of that shit. They've hitched their wagon to Trump because he pisses people off and they want to piss those same people off too.

"PBS and Facebook Censor Jill Stein's Criticism of Hillary Clinton"

Aiden King did some shady shit on S4P. I really question him. He's the one who shut down the subreddit temporarily during the convention for bullshit reasons(getting "threats on S█████" or something retarded, he says).

He then "stepped down" from S4P because people were pissed(there was a thread about it at the time, explaining what he did) & became a top mod on Political_Revolution. Someone posted here not too long ago a thread on r/conspiracy I believe, showing how they'd been banned from Political_revolution for criticizing Hillary Clinton & pushing for Jill Stein. I can probably find it if you're interested.

To me, it didn't make any sense to shut down S4P, just because we lost all those subscribers. They could've kept the url but renamed it or something; found a better way to handle that. S4P had like 300,000 subscribers, and now P_R only has a couple ten thousand. I haven't kept up with P_R either. It seemed like a very low effort subreddit with barely any participators. Because of the banning & Aiden King being a top mod, people say it's false opposition, now.

It was well known that S4P was censoring people & they allowed it to go to shit quickly towards the end, when we needed cohesion more than ever. The trolls there got out of control & the fucking mods did nothing. So it seemed obvious what happened. Plus with the DNC leaks, we found out(as we already suspected) that Hillary had many moles in S█████' campaign.

r/politics is also shit & CTR territory. I've been banned twice within 3 months for "incivility/shill accusation". You can't even call someone a troll; it's retarded. At least many people speak out against it, though. Everyone noticed the extreme shift & rampant trolling.

I found another thread & subreddit talking about it/Aidan King. Funny that CTR people that I've tagged already(from ESS, delusional pro-Hillary people) are all throughout this thread trying to play it down as well.

The "Presidential Forum" in case anyone else missed it.

Such a sham. I've seen nonstop reporting on how "Matt Lauer butchered it", so I'm guessing that just means he wasn't nice enough to Hillary or something.

They open with "9/11!"

Hahahaha kill me now

Where's Jill Stein?

Busy spray-painting.

This is America. What did you think this was, a Democracy?

They won't ever let her on the stage; too much to censor.

I don't know. It sounds like someone just went on a banning spree regarding constant anti-Clinton circlejerking. Or maybe his post was just a bit too shilly. I've seen plenty of anti-Clinton pro-Stein posts that stayed up.

You can't actually move your sub like that, it's going to be called S4P no matter what and in 2018 that would look stupid.

I wasn't aware of any evidence of moles, but I'd be interested.

CTR try harder.

What's wrong even if there was a circlejerk against Clinton on the S█████ subreddit? It was a campaign against her.

Your opinion.

Google it. It was specified in one of the emails on within the DNC leak.

Talking about Political_Revolution. Nice try though.
Then it's possible that some of the moles ran the subreddit, but I wouldn't call "friends of a friend who are in the B████ campaign" moles just yet.

Same with P_R, Clinton & Trump are the anti-Progressives. So any hate towards them should be perfectly fine.

And I don't even know what you mean by this. It was the DNC/Hillary campaign that had moles in S█████' by their own admission. Infiltrating a subreddit is child's play after that.

Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created?

God is a spook.

A Deeper Torah Perspective: Trump, Obama, Hillary and the Elections

Holla Forumsacks will defend this

She's too based to be president,
not based enough to lead a revolution.
Life must be a struggle.

"2,500 Native Americans Successfully Block Oil Pipeline Construction — State of Emergency Declared"

What are you faggots reading? Please share it. I've been posting a lot & would love some variety or conversation, too.

Jill was there, too & faces charges, as another commenter posted.

Jill is like fine wine. She's getting better with age.

i wonder how those elections can even be legal after all the flaws and problems found in the digital voting systems.

No, the e-mail says "X told me she has some friends in the B████ campaign". That doesn't directly mean they're part of the DNClluminati.

Who gives a single fuck about 9/11 any more

I'm so fucking glad it's going to be on a Sunday far away from my goddamn workplace.

What if she's faking it to gain pity votes?

Hello visitor from an alternate dimension, enjoying your stay up to now?


This is the bitch who borrowed 17 billion from wall street and spent half of it on contracts for his buddies and family.

Is he still on the island?

If crying didn't work against Obama, I doubt feigning serious health issues is going to help her campaign.

This faggot campaigned for 47% Romney even after he came out with that, BTW.

why haven't you all dragged him out of his mansion and hanged him yet?

Sure, retard.

Why haven't we all done that, user. WHY HAVEN'T WE ALL.

Epic post fagola. You're up there with Cheposter so far, which is a feat of its own.

Oh believe me, we're not far from it. I'm not even edgy-posting or wishful-thinking-posting here. If you don't believe me, run the comment section through Google Translate- one guy literally called him a "cabron", which means anything from "bastard" to "shitass" to "cuck" (in the literal sense). Literally none of the comments are positive. Even the PNP party's loyal (cucked) voter base is tired of the PNP's bullshit (though they think it's just a certain faction), electing a neoliberal instead of the cuckservative Fortuño and company were rooting for in an upset. But hey, worst comes to worst I'd much rather have an Americucked smol gubmint low taxez hawk than a shameless reverse Robin Hood who has the fucking audacity to blame his bullshit on us REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Because violence is so unpopular (and for good reason) we've chosen instead to hang that faction socially and politically, since it achieves the same ends and is within our means.
By the way, I think I already mentioned this but all 6 candidates agree that Puerto Rico is a colony and oppose the Fiscal Control Board, even the PNP's offering. Three of them are keeping various degrees of "neutral" (ie. hiding sovereigntist power level to get moderates on board), two are outright sovereigntist and then Rossello is statehoodist.
Oh yeah! also because the son of a bitch moved to Washington DC when he lost in 2012 because he knew pitchforks awaited him. I hate nobody on earth more than I hate this person, and Bush, DWS, and Clinton are still alive, so you know that's a feat. The audacity of this actual animate piece of shit molded to somewhat resemble a human.

Here's my favorite comment on that page, with six upvotes (which on an inactive moderate local news site is basically a standing extended ovation)
As you can see, the fact people would agree with something this radical in an area where B████'s campaign was almost irrelevant due to not being able to vote (though we did lend him our sympathies) is a good sign and I'll tell you guys as soon as I have the socialist protest group running since it's an easier trip with less of a language barrier than Rojava

I only give you a pass because you're so young, Lares. We were all retarded when we were teenagers, so I forgive you. :^)

Spooky! #NotMyComrade

Like, I said, I forgive you.

And ageism? Mein gott. That's not even a word, user.

Lares, I remember you answering this question from me when you initially popped up during the thick of [REDACTED]'s campaign as "we get tax breaks and limited autonomy in return for less legal protection", but now that PR has been completely assraped, all that seems to have gone out the window, so again I feel I must ask:

Why hasn't PR either gone for statehood or full independence yet? One would turn you into a real member of the most powerful nation on earth, with all the rights and muh privileges that entails, instead of a 3rd-world tax-dodge back door into the US, hopefully leading to the same (relative) prosperity as my present home of Hawaii enjoys. The other would completely free you from all pressures or obligations from the USA, as by far the strongest economy in your region. Politically speaking, if a 2/3rds majority voted for either option, there is an 0.000% chance of the USA plausibly disrespecting it.

What rational justification is there for PR failing to shit or get off the fucking pot for over a century?

Nitpicking here, but I've been here since this board's foundation, just not on trip. Yes, really, since I was 14.
People are scared of both. Let me break it down.
Considering the above, as well as strategic voting, many Puerto Ricans choose to remain the same, just as the incumbent candidate is more likely to win even if he's shitty, because the ELA is the hell we know and those two are the hell we don't know. Thankfully, a COFA-type proposition is gaining traction, and B████ ██████, who may well become Senate Minority Leader or Whip or something (and even without these has quite some sway), even said he wouldn't even put the illegal ELA on the next referendum, which would further the push away from the status quo.
Basically at this point, to answer your actual question, it's not going to happen as long as Puerto Ricans don't consider it illegal and have to strategically vote, and will happen when Puerto Ricans consider it illegal, where COFA would indubitably win.
The reasons why we'd pick the COFA over full independence are sometimes pretty spooky tbh- mostly to feel safer and still be a part of the US military, not having to worry about creating our own. Plus these types of agreements usually involve exchanges of money for health benefits or other things, which the US is usually behind on, but would help people FEEL stable nonetheless. But these are pretty tangible spooks in that a society that feels stable 9 times out of 10 usually is stable, and the inverse. Some Puerto Ricans also have attachments to the US- we consume so much American culture and products, and more directly than probably even Canada, that it would be strange to alienate ourselves entirely from America.
Well actually our ability to hold a status referendum is dictated entirely by Congress, the first of which was held in 1967. So I'd really say it's been more like 50. Additionally, there have only been two referendums to have more options than "YOYO" independence, statehood, and status quo, which were held in 1998 and 2012, and both were buggered to all shit and everyone strategically voted. It's worth noting that all four referendums were proposed and designed by the statehoodist party to create a false majority for statehood through various shenanigans.
Really, I know this sounds like a meme or something, but all we need is one more referendum with either IRV or no ELA option and free association would win easy. The PPD even has a pretty solid idea on how the breakup would go.
My opinion of the PPD has developed solidly over the years even if I think a lot of their guys are fucking stupid. They used to be the "this is fine" party not ten years ago and now they're actively calling Puerto Rico a colony.

Also, in other news, a poll done shortly before the debate had all opposition candidates at a combined 11%, B████r (the compromise candidate) at 36%, Rossello (the devil) at 44% and the rest undecided. 11% is nod bad, especially before the debate where they all crushed shit while Rossello made a complete ass of himself and B████r spent the entire debate handling being on the defensive quite well I hate to admit.

God damn it

This sounds like flimflammery of the rankest sort. America has NO official language; many highly Hispanic states like California and Texas already have practically everything available bilingual already as a practical concession; and states with large aboriginal populations like Alaska, Hawaii, and Arizona already declare those peoples' languages as official state languages. The only real breakthrough would be internal government affairs (legislative sessions, etc) conducted in Spanish.

We could use the two extra senators, frankly.

Isn't Puerto Rico a den of Catholic Christcuckery like most of the Hispanic world?

From what little I know of Puerto Rican government, you guys don't seem to have the family machine politics I see in your neighbors (or some rinkydink US states like Hawaii & Florida), so you'd probably come out ahead in the region. To be sure, though, having a shiny modern constitution along the line of Finland or Israel where 3rd-parties actually make sense (party list legislature, parliamentary government, IRV for the few actual single-winner elections) before independence would be great, but no actual US state has done it in spite of the fact the federal constitution would permit them to if they wanted, so good luck on that.

That's extremely spooky, considering both the fact that Puerto Rico already has the same military capabilities as any US state its size (national/state guards, state defense force, its share of the federal armed forces paid by PR's taxes and the lives of its volunteers), and that if anyone were crazy enough to invade Puerto Rico even if it didn't have a SOFA with us, the US military would be all over them like white on rice.

Oop, good point.

My god! That comment section.

I have noscript on and can't see any of it

Is it more of the "if they didn't want to be slaves they shouldn't have committed crimes" shit?

Read this recently.
Why do I feel like they're bullshitting when they say it's the Russians?

Yep pretty much that and some If they want to strike lets see how they feel after a couple of days without food comments

They know that, they want to make English the official and only official national language. They're quacks.
That is true. What I meant though is that the primaries would become the effective generals and incumbents would be even harder to dethrone. Anyone who wanted a chance at any position would have to register with the Democrats and win their primary, which would really suck for people who have a bone to pick with the Democrats. That's another problem with statehood, actually- Republicans would not want another state that they're completely locked out of.
We're Christcucks, yes, but like the Catholic Church itself has been moving towards we don't enable religion and politics mixing. Take Ireland for example which was the first country to democratically legalize gay marriage.
That's because they were states. All states past the original 13 went from minimal government to state and just adopted what was working for their new countrymates- there were none that had a pre-established way of doing things that was exactly the same as what they'd be moving to and had decided they were sick of it. Furthermore, those states were going in and trying to conform to very, very old national standards, and we'd be going out. Also we recently did have a referendum on decreasing the size of the legislature (not nearly enough) and people voted it down 45-55 because they didn't understand it- to them it seemed like pointless or an attempt to undermine democracy, when if anything it was an attempt to make laws and such easier to pass.
You're actually entirely right. It's just something people don't like to worry about. What I said about the placebo effect regarding stability is more important than the actual concern.

Super PACs can only donate to PACs, which most down-ballot candidates don't have, and PACs can only donate $5,000. They looked at their options and decided 501c4 was the most powerful for their needs. Even though they can't directly donate, they can organize, agitate, and use ActBlue for direct deposit donations where the money never touches their hands.

There's a nice interview with a guy on the Commission on Presidential Debates on Ralph's radio show today. Very relevant.

It look like he needs help, and being control by elizabeth warren as a puppet.

He's still slick even after the primaries

I hope he has the grace to keep his head down and let independent politics finally find its voice if she were to die.

I have no idea why the "left" hates the idea of the US having a national language. Literally every other country on the planet has one. All of the much worshiped left leaning nordic countries have official languages. Fuck even India has English as an official language. It just feels like a pointless wedge-driving fight. The vast majority of americans speak english, all of our politicians speak it, and all of our laws and rights are written in it. I don't understand how its too far a stretch to say you NEED to know english to be considered an american. Its not even an argument for culture, it's just an argument from practicality.

About time. At least with [Redacted] he can energize the base and other people against Trump.

what's practical about erecting a language barrier to essential government services

Probably because it doesn't often come up in practical terms. Just another example of "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It"-mentality, which usually makes sense for a country as large as the US, even if it sometimes breeds silliness like our aversion to metric measurements, or our mammoth heaps of court precedents.

>MSM is all "Now that those dangerous and divisive figures are out of the way, we can have a mature election!"
This is my nightmare scenario

muh dick


1. There is no language barrier. It costs nothing to learn a language living in a country where over 90% of the populous speaks that language fluently. In fact, the only reason not to learn it is because of cultural reasons. If kids in China can learn English in a country where almost no one speaks it fluently I'm sure an immigrant from south america can learn to speak English or for a middle eastern immigrant to learn German. Humans are born being language learning machines, there are people in Africa who can barely read who speak multiple languages. There really isn't an excuse to move to a country with the intent on living there and not learning the dominant language.

Also in that sense why on earth don't some countries just give up their own languages? Less than a million people speak Icelandic, are they not providing an artificial language barrier by maintaining Icelandic as their official language? No one seems to be too eager to criticize anyone but the US for linguistic issues.

2. I would also argue that having a consistent language in a world full of languages is important.

2A. Every language is different and comes with different subtleties and semantic quirks. Hell we have the highest court in the land (SCOTUS) in place to interpret the meaning and context of a constitution written in the plain form of a language they all speak fluently. Can you imagine if the US had an official, legal constitution in Spanish or French or any other language? Not only would the justices have to be fluent in every language the law was written in, but they'd have to account for differences in grammar and semantics. Even a fairly closely related language like Spanish has radically a different verbal system with different shades of meaning with regards to time. Interpreting laws in multiple languages, with all languages being equally valid, is an impossible task.

2B. Not everyone can learn every language, I don't expect a police officer to be able to read Miranda rights in every language, or as in 2A whether an officers translation of those rights fully conveys what they mean in English.

Universal language for government is actually quiet a leftist position. It actually eliminates language barriers if everyone is on the same page. It's why Latin was used for so long and why Esperanto was invented. But those are not realistically used anymore. In the US the absolute dominant language is English, and it's already the legally established one. Having an official language does not mean a citizen can't speak another language, but simply that all official business is done in a singular language so everyone is on the same page. I would be fine with tax dollars going to teaching non-speaking citizens of my country the language that the vast majority of the country speaks, and the current world lingua franca. It's not an attempt to erect a barrier, it's the exact fucking opposite. I'd love to speak to my fellow prole countrymen, but if we're all raging a linguistic culture war none of that can happen.

Agreed, I usually argue with a "what if this could be perfectly implemented" scenario. I realize I just wrote a fucking novel on the subject but it pisses me off so many "leftists" automatically write me off as some sort of trumpist.


I really hope she pulls through. I don't want S█████ to come in and "save" an irredeemable party for another 8 years. It needs to burn to the fucking ground already and Hillary is the one to do it.


best case scenario


So is Tim Kaine the final boss for the Democratic party or will they actually try to win and get someone healthier up there?

Possibly Comrade Sanderista?


Here, have the full image, comrade.

A victory for the Democrats is fellating the ruling class, regardless of whether they win or lose the vote count.

I don't think you have anything to worry about. The Democrats are going to collapse after this election regardless of what happens.

This is the best scenario possible.

Clinton has Pnuemonia

I'm guessing this "doctor" character isn't having their name released because a statement like that makes me think they should have their license revoked.

Daily Beast headline: Was Clinton's illness caused by too much stress from B████bros?

DNC to have emergency meeting, considering replacing her.

Holy shit, I thought Holla Forums was fucking with us, but it really happened.

What weird news to wake up to. I'd been wishing it but now I feel bad for her. Damn my conscience.. Pneumonia is really serious for older people. She has the resources of the best doctors, so who knows what can happen.


Looks like rigging elections & doing all this dirty shit took a toll on her. She overexerted herself.

She still can't be truthful, ffs. Check out the video of her stumbling into the van in this nytimes article. It's downright painful to watch.

Wow up to a 30% chance of death.

How is the DNC going to spin this if she actually does die?

Will she become a martyr?

When can Mr. S come in to save the world?

What makes you think the DNC wouldn't stifle it like they've tried this entire time? B████'s the best option in this case.

This is the weirdest election I've ever seen.

If you think it's weird now, just imagine the post-election.

This ride is only just starting.

CNN ran a two-hour dick-sucking puff piece on Donald Trump last night

The DNC's attempts to stifle it is exactly what people need to see.

I agree. It's actually a win-win for progressives in that way. If the DNC appoints B████, win. If they don't, win. The people who defend a political party who fucks up this badly & is in it for corporate gain rather than the public's, are getting rarer & rarer. That's a good thing coming out of all of this.

It's walking pneumonia, not viral pneumonia. I think that's less severe.

She is showing all the symptoms of opharyngeal cancer.



Theres apps which basically feed false information, random Googles and whatnot

No it didnt fucking turn out better. You fucked up Serbia and let Croatia get away with massacres and ethnic cleansing. The Serbian government of Milsoevic was trying to keep the Bosnian Serbs from going batshit insane massacres. Fuck, Serbia and Milsoevic were found innocent and not guilty of "Genocide".

Please let Hillary die. Please. The world needs it.

what did he mean by this?

Clinton better not withdraw then

We need her to live long enough to become the villain

Starfleet is primarily an exploration and civilian esque organization, so its not like they're going to war..

There need to be a lot more to overwhelm the stream of raw intel pouring out normalfags.

Tito was too paranoid about possible betrayal to cultivate any stable powerbase other than himself, so Yugoslavia was fucked either way, and even if Milosevic's regime wasn't directly pulling the strings, it stood back and fanned the flames. If we hadn't stepped in, the whole place would've ended up in Congo-scale disaster.

True in concept, but the frequency with which ships of the line skirt annihilation onscreen strains belief at the claim of caring about civilian lives more.

space is a dangerous place

it's not like they'd be safer on a planet or anything. you never know when some quantum filament is going to collide with the planet, or the borg are going to vaporize your colony, or some space god fucked up on quatloos decides to turn your entire civilization into table salt

You're not going to bait me that easy

what bait? the universe of star trek is incredibly dangerous. they make that point numerous times. have you seen TOS? they have to stop a planet-devouring doomsday weapon with a body of impenetrable supermetal from outside the galaxy. they they have to stop a space amoeba from devouring another planet full of billions of people.

shit, kirk even destroys a society that has literally computerized warfare. these two planets, in order to prevent nuclear armageddon from annihilating their societies, simulate warfare via computer and then make their citizens step into disintegration pods when they are "killed."

and that's just if your government doesn't lobotomize you because you're the wrong gender or hunt you down for sedition because you're a mutant, first.



I can't wait until she dies

Jesus. Did she watch the same video I did?
That wasn't normal exhaustion. She had to be hauled into the van like a literal sack of potatoes.

She didn't even seem cognizant of what was going on. The whole scene reminded me of trying to get a semi-conscious black-out drunk into a taxi.

Has she even been on camera since then, despite being "totally fine A-okay don't worry about it she was just overheated please believe us :^)"?

last i heard halfchan was summoning the power of kek for the same purpose.


The 1% all hate him. The mainstream media is aligned in the same familiar narrative (the racist, sexist, whateverist, etc) trying to defeat him. He knows his employees in the lowest levels of his company and operates in a bottom-up approach, opposite of the current system which dictates from the top down. The working class love him since he is fighting for them and speaks directly to them, those who have been ignored for decades by the elites who have no loyalties to any people or nation, or class.

Therefore, shouldn't Leftists, since they allegedly support the working class, support Trump?

so delusional, i literally saw a post on my twitter feed that said that someone shouldn't be excluded from the presidency simply because they have a serious illness. holy crap! to think i used to buy into this whole idpol insanity!

that said i thought that subplot in the west wing regarding josiah bartlett's nearly almost totally inocuous MS was incredibly stupid and borderline offensive. nevermind completely illogical; one of the major supporting characters is deaf, but somehow MS isn't an exciting disability we should fall over ourselves to accomodate?

maybe when he starts denouncing phyllis schafly as the hypocritical hag she was. what a fucking cunt omg.

sjws are stupid, but assholes like her give them a platform and a purpose.

pls go

no, Holla Forums, you go.

She was a woman of her time. She's dead now. Let it go.

>porky cares about the deliciousnessfate of his victimssupporters
The only valid point in your post is that a vote for Trump is a vote for internecine porky-on-porky squabbles and pitchfork-a-riffic populism. Caring about Trump's purported policies, like ending neocon/neolib transnationalism, isn't reliable enough, since he flipflops and waffles so much. The only concrete accomplishments of Trump to date are infuriating rival porkies and rabblerousing somnambulant proles.

What next, Watergate?


pick one

I saw Shilary drones refer to Nixon's ill health to defend their neoliberal queen.
Add to that we already have democrats invoking reagan as a "positive" republican figure to attack Trump. The democrats have basically given up on pretending to be a party for workers. They're capitalism with a human face

this is why i don't watch cable news or read mainstream publications or scroll thru twitter hashtags anymore, i might have to an hero.

Nope. Most wymyn are hysterics, just like most men are obsessives. What's the problem with that?

[spotted the hysteric]

wow, just, wow

sure, laddy

In typical Leftist fashion, you don't care about the working class at all, do you? You certainly disrespected them by calling them all "rabblerousing somnambulant proles". Have you ever considered that maybe they don't want your Utopia because they know it will only bring to them death and destruction and chaos?


after seeing her cough up/vomit balls of goo
and hear her coughing
it was obv. that something was gravely wrong with her

I loved how TYT tried to portray it as a standard "right wing distraction from the policies" shtick.


hey anybody want to read my fanfic

Once, very shortly (after sufficiently bathing the the blood of virgins/a hard reset).

While, if the Clinton machine's narrative is to be believed - exposing a child to pneumonia for the sake of a photo op.

no, fuck off

what would you call the other 600 thousand words then

Now their capitalism in your face, specifically the progressiveTM kind.

They care about the working class, but some of the class left deals with so much reactionary rhetoric they've heard all the time, the same arguments over and over 'muh iphones!' 'Humen natur!' and 'lol utopia' that some of them just begin to hate humanity. Others are too quickly to dismiss the potentially class conscious. TBH he could be an anarcho-nihlist for all I know.

Also, some of us just want workers owning the MOP. CO-OPs are a pretty good idea moving forward, and so on. Even a stateless, moneyless, classless society is hardly what one would call a utopia fam.

Oh, Mike!

The working class is typically conservative for good reasons. They recognize that hierarchy exists and that, while you can teach a monkey how to do sign language, he will still hurl shit at you if he's in a bad mood. Human nature doesn't change on a fundamental level and utopia will never be realized because conflict will always exist if you stick two people in the same room long enough.

Leftists are arrogant when they think they are misunderstood. We know exactly what they are thinking and why. It's mostly making excuses and projecting their own insecurities on others. Most of us grew out of that because we realized it was all a waste of time.

If you got the right group of people together, you might have a chance. But most people are unreliable.

You guys don't need to torture yourselves with all this theorhetical nonsense anymore. Come over to the Right side. Let's adapt to work with what we have instead of wasting time and energy making excuses.

I was describing Trump's (quite possibly accidental, like the Tea Party going off the rails) effect on them. Allow me to break down that sentence for your illiterate Holla Forumslack eyes:
Trump, or maybe just those supporting him, has caused a furor of popular agitation
Most Americans have usually been politically compliant and nonparticipatory
A term to denote the overwhelming majority of citizens as working-class, as distinct from other, smaller or less productive classes

I am praising the (intentional or not) mobilization and radicalization of the average burgerlander against neoconservatism/neoliberalism as a result of the Bern/Trump phenomenon.

I hope you die of a heroin overdose.

Nobody's arguing for utopia, retard. There's nothing in """human nature""" that says you need to give 90% of everything you produce to some rich guy who claims to own you or else stuff can't be produced and the economy falls apart. You obviously don't know the first fucking thing about socialism, which is something you should probably fix if you want to criticize it.

get back to us after this, k?

well maybe if yo didn't talk like a fag i'd understand you. how can you expect the working class proles to support your utopia if you talk in riddles? pull your head out of your ass.

wow triggered like literally

oh? "if only workers owned the means of production"? that isn't utopian thinking? Don't they already like some companies make their employees shareholders, like, isn't that what you mean?



You must be breddy smrt. you read books about stuff that doesn't matter lel

Society wouldn't be perfect if the proles owned the MoP, but it would be better than it is now. The objective of socialists isn't to create a perfect society, but to end the exploitation of labour by the bourgeoisie.

Maybe you'd have a bigger vocabulary instead of a bigger asshole if you weren't such a massive gaylorde?

Oh? I dunno, most people like having good leadership in their group, otherwise everyone just stands around clueless waiting for the hardest working guy to do it for em. Hierarchy exists m8. Don't deny it.

Calling me a fag sure supports your position and defeats mine.

That was your logic, wasn't it? You're equating the means of production with the means of government? Personally I'm skeptical of democracy since it lets people like Obama (and maybe hillary) be president.

Literally what I was just talking about. The working class is mostly conservative due to taxes Although historically, they tend to pick the worst party for them in that sense.

Human nature is always changing. Hierarchies haven't always existed, and largely weren't that common until about feudalism. You seem to be also confusing them with leadership, especially when it's direct, democratically elected or not.

Leftists aren't so much misunderstood as its the main ideas we're trying to get across. You also seem to be confusing us with mere liberal, which would make sense if your north American. The left there has been essentially castrated.

Considering your admission to refusal to reading the material and ideas your criticizing, your opinion is starting to lose some value.

This TBH. There would be tribalism, conflict, violence, and even conquest in this so called 'utopia'.

When you think about it, your only solving one or two big problems that have side effects Like the oncoming economic crash based on Capitalism built in contradictions. I also grantee with increased and direct democracy there would still be corruption and nepotism. The separation of powers would be about mitigating the damage.

Hierarchy =/= leadership. You've proven that you don't know the difference. Don't think like a cuck.

It's not a perfect system, but at least it's better than one that allows Obama/Clinton/[insert worst president ever] to become Benevolent Dictator for Life.

This is because the modern political dialogue has been reduced to that. The rise of Trump is an indication that there is much more that the establishment elites haven't been talking about, such as national and cultural preservation. The low taxes was just a talking point. Trump changed all that.

I disagree. Self-interest is what motivates the human animal, and if conforming to certain cultural norms means he will better his odds, he will, but only to a point. Humans are not machines and no amount of social engineering can make humans behave like machines.

Stone age tribes were very hierarchical. Every nomadic tribe has a chief guy and an elder caste. Even in circles of friends you have the guy everyone makes fun of. Hierarchy certainly exists in the workplace in the guy everyone shit on. You can not escape hierarchy. You are who you are, some may be better, some may be worse. We are not all equal.

Which is what? That workers should own the means of production? If that happened, that would mean the bad employee would be holding everyone else back. So do you kill him? What? Like the French revolution, when would the murder end?

I don't see any difference between you, an anarchist, a Maoist, or whatever. To me you're all insane. You ignore hard truths and believe that you can fix man or mans systems with a bit of wordplay. Doesn't work that way.

I don't take you seriously, you're right. I am however having fun engaging, and do honestly hope that you guys may one day see the light.

He called me a fag, fag.
They would never be dictator for life in any saner social order either.


How can it be that you are so confused?

Oh yeah, and you know this from the study of all those written records and histories left behind by stone age tribes right? The fact that all modern hunter gatherer societies operate under primitive communism is surely a 21st c. corruption of the natural order, right?

In other words, you don't even know what the fuck you're arguing against and you just think everyone who is different from you is wrong without even engaging with their positions. Good to know.

So far your main strategy seems like it's saying 'well [thing that explicitly isn't a goal of socialism] isn't possible because HUMAN NATURE so socialism can't work.' You seem to only be familiar with the pop culture version of socialism/communism. Stop posting and rectify that.

Hierarchy is not the same as people looking to those they respect for leadership. Socialists don't advocate for making everyone perfectly equal. In a non-hierarchical system, leaders would still emerge by the process you described with groups of friends or at the workplace.

The difference is that the workplace leader would be decided upon by the workers themselves, and it wouldn't be set in stone. Even in a primitive New Guinean hunter-gatherer band, for example, you might have one guy who's top cock for a time, and gets old and senile. Because his power is based entirely on other people respecting and willingly listening to him, as soon as he loses his wits, he loses his respect and thus he loses his authority. In a hierarchical system, none of that matters - if a senile, ignorant shit sits in a position of authority, you have no choice but to listen no matter what you or anyone else thinks.

If a worker-run workplace had a guy who was a particular troublemaker, they could still kick him out, or put him in a position where he's of more use and less trouble. If it's in the interest of the collective, why wouldn't they do it? After all, they have the authority. Now what if that guy was the boss's nephew?

Socialism doesn't mean you're entitled to anything except the value of your own work. You don't have to treat everyone nicely or eliminate all conflict. It absolutely does not mean that you have to tolerate troublemakers.

Of course people are motivated by self interest, and it's in their self-interest to not be exploited by porky. People also work together and consider the needs of others. When your mother asks you to pass the salt at the dinner table, you wouldn't say 'WELL WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME WHY SHOULD I DO SOMETHING NICE FOR SOMEONE ELSE HUH I ONLY DO STUFF THAT BENEFITS ME?' Neither would any other sane functioning human being. On that basis, workplace democracy and communal ownership can thrive.

Pic related. Imagine there only being two or three categories instead of all the layers of separation. Also, extended families are the real traditional family.

You do realize that our means of obtaining our self interests have always changed, don't you? Nevermind the fact we have had to collaborate with our fellow man throughout history. Also, most things we want, we are taught to want. Consumer products is the most obvious example. read zizek.

Also, elder were not unlike intellectuals, and in fact were more important before written language. They also cooperated more with each other more directly than we do know. I can also assume you think we're against meritocracy, when the best way to get closer to it is getting past capitalism. Most 'western culture' in north America at least, is just consumerism and jingoism, that is also something to be bought and sold like a commodity. Sure sounds like something worth protecting indeed.

I'm guessing your confusing me with scientifically illiterate SJWs? Or do you think capitalism is in our DNA? Lurk moar either way.

Nice double standard. This isn't about wordplay. It's about seeing problems, getting to the root and solving them the best way we can. The least you could do is figure out the difference between these different groups. It;s not even just about getting smart, it's about knowing what your criticizing here. You seem spooked.


Well I certainly wouldn't mind if this piece of shit excuse for a "journalist" died from pneumonia.

He's so in tune with his employees' needs that they're striking for better wages :^)

Why is America's media so stupid?

You believe this bollocks?

good reasons like "they believe what the upper classes tell them about hierarchy being necessary"? like "they are afraid of change"?
Wow I'll try not to be offended
wew irrelevant AND false
this is called dialectics you moron. the goal of leftism is to make everyone's interests samey so conflict is minimized, not eliminated. rightism embraces conflict.
no examples given for any of this
under current conditions where material needs are relevant uh yeah
"Rightism: because who needs theory and methodology when you have SKULL INFOGRAPHS???"
"Leave everything and follow me" -Stormfag Jesus

If the fundamental workings of society don't matter then what does?

When will this meme die.

Because it's made by and for americans

New documents from the DNC by Guccifer 2

Colin Powell Urged Hillary Clinton’s Team Not to Scapegoat Him for Her Private Server, Leaked Emails Reveal

I have a feeling I'm going to be waking up to some pretty interesting headlines tomorrow.

Sanders/Assange 2016

Even scapegoating Powell is retarded. It's just a "everyone else was doing it!" deflection. I don't see how that addresses the core issue: that even if Clinton wasn't willfully violating records-keeping laws (she was), she keeps displaying poor judgment time after time.

Why's he's getting salty about being the cucked Uncle Tom now. They cucked him on the 1996 election, they cucked him on the Iraq War, what's one more over the e-mails. IS IT CAUSE SHE'S A WOMAN!
How is Hillary just as bad as Trump again?

Well they're both neoliberals. They'll both push policies that screw over workers, fueling fascist populism.

Maybe Clinton would use state power to clamp down on it, but she's so duplicitous who knows.

Easy: if she's President she will absolutely guarantee the continued erosion of the Democrat base in swing states, causing the GOP to obtain a Supermajority before the 2020 Census, allowing them to Gerrymander themselves into perpetual power. A GOP Supermajority government would have no checks on it's power, and all sorts of insane shit (ie a national right to work law, Amtrak privatization, US mail privatization, medicare/social security privatization, K12 privatization etc) would occur.

8 years of bullshit is preferable to 80+. Do not forget that the Democrats did not have any power in the federal government (exception being Wilson) until FDR. Their status as a national party is tenuous if they keep being retarded and pushing GOP-lite policies. People who want GOP policies want the real deal while everyone else is disenfranchised.

Also, the US already has a national deportation/concentration camp system one which New York Senator Hilary Clinton voted in favor for, back when the DHS was formed through the Patriot Act in 2003. She is the same, except a different face and a -D scapegoat instead of an -R.

Correction: the DHS (the people who operate the camps) was created through the 2002 Homeland Security Act. Hilary voted Yea:

Let's face it. The only way to fix this either way is a revolution.

OK, I officially hate this bitch.
Sam won't even interview Jill after she requested to be on the show and got a 5000 signature petition, but will give Gary Johnson air time and happily roast her.

And, as the Tea Party as shown, first the collaborators' influence must be marginalized. In 2008 the GOP was completely locked out of the national government and the Democrats held 2/3rds of all states. People were uncertain if the GOP could even win back the South, and as such the neocons lost their power grip on the party as people like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio ascended into power using obstructionist libertarianism.

We can pull the same stunt with the Democrats, should Hilary loose this year. The party politburo will effectively be made null and a newer, more progressive and truly socialist movement can take it over. Trump will even hand us a huge asset: tariffs (which help Labor, which in turn rebuilds the Democrats' base downballot). It'd take a lot of work, sweat and tears but it can happen. Enough to prevent a GOP takeover in 2020, then enough to take back the government in the 2020s themselves.

Such a thing is NOT plausible if Hilary is the face, and brains, of the party.

But what happens if The Donald consolidates his power with the implicit threat of violence from the military and/or far-right militias? That sounds like something this demagogue could get away with and would certainly do if he got the opportunity. On the other hand, Hillary, while scandalous af, probably wouldn't attempt to consolidate her power to the extent that Trump would, and wouldn't get away with it because the far right militias (those who own the most guns in this country) would revolt.

I somewhat regret ever laughing at her Daily Show jokes.

I am beyond mad

Top kek

Trump has no reason to consolidate his power, given that the real power is in the legislature. This is why winning Congress, or at least preventing a Supermajority (which is the total consolidation of power into Congress) should be the priority. There's also enough libertarians inside the GOP willing it kick Trump down if only so they can increase their own influence inside the party. Secondly, "right wing militias" are not in any way organized like things such as the SS were. Most "militias" are groups of dumbasses that use it as an excuse to go hiking and shooting; there is no uniform and no badge. No cause. And most of them won't put their lives on the line (ie a murder conviction) for an isolated party that they themselves do not trust.

Same goes for Hilary, though she would be unable to consolidate her power because Congress would just say No. At least until a GOP Supermajority, which is when Congress would be able to do anything they can dream up. Also militias will never revolt, they just won't respect gun laws (as is already the case in upstate NY, Jefferson, and rural Massachusetts).

Clam down there, laddy. She's just doing her job.

That article is retarded. Do they know that "use of force and militias" in Weimar Germany (and other nations where fascism arose, like Italy, Spain, and Japan) was a result of central government disintegrating to the point where all major political parties maintained private armies that fought with each other, only sometimes working with the official security forces? Fascism can't happen unless the country lurches into a state of open civil war (and I don't mean le ebin riots, I mean large groups of armed civilian partisans killing each other and holding territory), which the US obviously isn't.

Could someone archive this?

Exactly. Neocons have practically been expelled from their own party at this point, like the shitty numbers for Jeb and Christie show. That and they were faggots. All that is left of them are the warmongering culture warrior boomers, and not the "moderate on policy" bit. The two factions have essentially attained an even more dangerous synthesis. It's actually rather remarkable.

Dialectics is the light

I am so glad I never watched her new show

I'm not watching that shit but how did she criticize Baenie and Stein?

Leaked Colin Powell emails reveal Clinton can't forgive President Obama for 'kicking her a** in 2008', and 'was so sick giving paid speech she could barely walk up steps'

Major political donor Jeffrey Leeds told Colin Powell in an email last March that Hillary Clinton 'HATES' President Obama
Leeds also claimed that the Clintons refer to President Obama as 'that man'
In another email exchange, Leeds claims that Clinton was so sick she could 'barely climb the podium steps' before giving a speech
Powell and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice describe Benghazi as a 'witch hunt' in another email exhcnage
Powell also referred to Donald Trump as a 'racist' and 'national disgrace' in an email
The emails were hacked from Powell's private GMail account

lol and it goes on and on

iirc it wasn't so much "criticism" as "smug dismissal" without addressing any of their key points

she's a corpcuck

I really hate when comedians become spineless corporate tools. Just sucks all the funny out of the room.

Holla Forums can fuck off for making me genuinely believe S█████ had a chance of winning

Looks like another 8 years of neoliberalism comrades

first of all, it isn't leftypols fault you're retarded

second, the game ain't over yet

In hindsight, his chance ended when the Hillary Victory Fund was formed. But he has a new one now. Clinton's campaign is saying she'll be back on the trail by Thursday but I don't know what they're thinking, she has Alzheimer's and now pneumonia, she won't even survive her first term.



Daily reminder that Clinton is only leading significantly in 278 electoral votes, and she is guaranteed to get at least slightly less popular. She needs 270 to win.

It's over whether she drops out or not. The president like I've been saying since late November will either be S█████ or Trump.

Theres no fucking way the DNC would ever replace Clinton with S█████. Either she gets elected as a figure head with the DNC shadow lords in charge or Trump will win with the GOP shadow lords in charge. Honestly this election shows how little democracy the US actually fucking has.

You seem to overestimate them. Not everyone in the DNC is in on the conspiracy or favors it. They could say "fuck the bylaws" but the bylaws say they have to have members of the DNC vote, who are selected by states. States are pissed about the Hillary Victory Fund being a slush fund. Plus I'm not sure I fully understand the process but if it involves the existing Hillary pledged delegates recasting their votes it'll be even easier.
Everyone says this but it's bullshit. I don't know why it's so hard to see that B████ ██████ is going to be the second pick of at least 'some' in the DNC. It's not like they like Biden either. Politicians aren't Jews that get together and talk about how they can work against their own interests to screw other people over. Neither are Jews.
POLL: America Wants [REDACTED] Back
This is the future you chose, DNC

This, it would be much appreciated if someone can archive and post the link.

slick willy at it again

These leakers are doing God's work.

Is there a link to this? Almost seems too good to be true. If it is true, that's fucking hilarious; getting to see how these people really feel.

I found it, too. It does suck though that the media only focuses on the "juiciest" emails from these leaks, rather than the most damning corruption.


The New York Post is literally a tabloid

The US is a Democracy. Or at least half so. The powers that be wanted 2016 to be Hilary vs Jeb. The idea of Jeb Bush running the GOP was so completely revolting to *all* Republicans that he could not pick up a single delegate in the primaries. Then it came down to Cruz vs Trump, and Trump had the support of blue state Republicans. And Trump himself won largely because he could pin the TPP on Cruz (who was the GOP Senate co-sponsor of the bill) and cast Cruz as anti-labor (a thing which blue collar workers, frustrated and desperate, ate up).

This is not an endorsement of Trump, but the process to which he was elected fits the definition of "Democratic".

On the flip side, the Democrats themselves took every plausible chance to screw over S█████ (including the rigging in California) and Jim Webb. I truly wish Webb had stayed in the race, because he would have denied Hilary the South and allowed S█████ to slip by with a plurality of votes. But that didn't happen.

We don't deserve Jim. He's a man for a different era. Maybe this is just my burger showing but I felt shades of JFK from him.

He's the hero we need, not the one we deserve. He's one of the few people capable of bringing socialism to America in a means that both parties will accept.

It's hilarious that Hilary could not get him as veep which is clearly why she bounced to Kaine.

Webb has been vocally opposed to every AWB proposition. Kaine is a dumb fudd who thinks the 2nd Amendment should only apply to hunting rifles. He fits perfectly with the general Dem anti-gun platform.

Honestly, Webb felt like a 80s-era Republican rather than at all leftist but I should've looked into him more instead of just making that assumption.
>Whatever the reason, denying the delegate math does neither S█████ nor the Democratic Party much good. There are surely benefits to keeping a nominee accountable with a competitive race, but Team B████ must argue that these pros outweigh the cons of a prolonged, increasingly negative campaign. It's not really possible to tease out cause and effect here, but Clinton's unfavorability ratings have risen> in the last several months. The "Bernie or bust" meme is almost surely an empty>, but it remains to be seen how much of this Clinton enmity carries over to the general election. And now, having roused the full ire of the internet, my spreadsheets and I will go into hiding until the dust settles around Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

More like a 50s era Republican. The type that supported higher taxes, clean energy and nationalized passenger railroad service (ie, Nixon).

It's a low bar but it's better than either party at the moment.

What is the significance of this?

Big news: Trump just won Michegan

Hilary cannot win unless she starts talking Tariffs. Otherwise, the remaining Union workers in Michegan will not turnout for her (or even vote against her, given that her husband caused all their problems in the first place) and Trump will win. If MI flips, then based on current polling/predictions etc Trump will have 270 votes.

Remember, in four months when neoliberals and collaborator scum ask "how could trump happen???" point to this.



Assange's October Surprise is very real, it seems. Colin Powell confirmed the legitimacy of the second batch of emails, and suggests more will come.

Establishment politicians (especially the former Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair, and National Security Advisory) don't say this without meaning it. Hilary is fucked once the next batch drops, and her fate is sealed. Even if she does win, the next Congress will make a point of destroying her as President.

check the media damage control:

She was never funny in the slightest.

This will never happen.

If her health doesn't take her out of the race the emails surely will.

wat does "hits" mean?

Bernie genuinely would have been the best president in US history, I honestly can't believe we came so close to it happening.

Even if he's not a proper socialist, just imagine what could have been…

And this is what exactly?

Don't cry over it, better things will rise. Hilary will go down in one of the biggest defeats in US history, think Reagan in '80. And out of it, the Democratic Party will be FORCED back to the left. Trump himself will even give it to us on a platinum and jewel encrusted platter by passing Tariffs (which help Labor).

Shit happens and I'm not happy that it had to go down like this either. But Hilary will loose and neoliberalism will die. That is the only thing that matters.

if I had to guess, "talking points" or something similar

iirc "hits" were pieces they wrote or had produced themselves and then distributed to media outlets for propagation. they mention elsewhere in the DNC emails that they have shills on Medium doing similar astroturfing/sockpuppet bullshit

pre-writing articles for "journalists" to cannibalize is nothing new

it's common practice and trade shows and industry conventions, too


No, I mean what's the source. Is this a wikileaks thing? Don't crop out the source if you want it taken seriously fagets.

>Trump will force out mass economic immigration instead of opening "a great big beautiful door" for "the cheapestright people"
I don't believe any of his flipflopping "promises", but hopefully most of his supporters do, so when he inevitably betrays them, they will remain angry enough work with us on bringing about real change in this country.

I believe he will, as all he cares about is amassing power for his party and this begins with trade protectionism which guarantees seats in swing states (especially Ohio and Pennsylvania). Fear rules the GOP, and people who are fearful of their blue collar careers are looking for answers. The GOP will provide them with a solution two years before the Democrats can.

Regardless, if he doesn't deliver on Tariffs we still benefit as the Democrats can then bounce back into what they should be doing and push for them themselves, which will cause them to win back the legislature and (eventually) the Presidency.

He would have taken no shit from wall street whatsoever, for once the working class might have the boot slightly lifted off their necks

Meanwhile, in Hillary's burning wreck of a campaign.


wikileaks just dropped TiSA

Wikileaks have implicated Obama.

It's not direct evidence, but it indicates a clear conflict-of-interest that everyone inside the administration knew about. Which makes the October Surprise all the more worrisome for Obama and Hilary. Right now, he's now roped into the fiasco that was previously a Hilary-only affair. An affair that might require him to testify before Congress.

Assange is claiming he has proof that the dems purged voter rolls to affect the election and he's posting it tomorrow

They can attempt to make whatever excuses they want for this but the bottom line is any of these ambassadors now serving just had the foreign trust their position demands greatly damaged.

Democrats/Liberals have been trying so hard to demonize Assange I'm curious how many people will pay attention to this.

Hey, it worked for Kennedy and Obama.

The important ones will, namely the Republicans running the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee. They smell blood and have the votes to act upon it, even if it means going all the way to the top (the sitting President). As for everyone else, I reckon it'll be in the news enough and cause enough Democrats to become disenfranchised where they won't vote or vote GOP out of frustration.

Point being, there's no turning back. The original DNCleaks resulted in the DNC leadership resigning, the second wave has hit Hilary when she is not in a position to refute it (as she's sick). The third one will likely hit her right before election day. Even if she does somehow still win, so much shit will be there Congress will have no problem tearing her up as President.

Oh God, please please. It would be awesome to have the evidence of this. Bastards.

Just like "bias" with the DNC for Hillary, we all know it's happening, but it's a different story when you have the evidence right in front of you.


We've had the evidence before, more than enough, even in the middle of the campaign. More and stronger would certainly be helpful, but there was already more than enough to justify serious legal proceedings. Current efforts, like those of Election Justice USA, would be bolstered most by the assistance of partisan legislators initiating investigative committees.

It's pretty much true, though. When the Republicans were in power, they were the ones screaming loudest for Assange and the leakers who fed him to be apprehended and executed as traitors; now that the Democrats are in power (and the primary targets of leaks), they are the ones bitching the whiniest about the evils of truth, justice, and the American way.

Meanwhile, B████ ██████ took time away from his own book writing to protest the Dakota Access pipeline.

You have no idea how much I hate this presidential election.

This election has been the most glorious moment in politics since FDR and WWII

Well, it's nice to see her taking the prospect of her victory seriously.


Sorry, my bad. I was on my phone and misinterpreted the txts I was getting.

according to the comments he put out a video saying he was going to release it today


Hey guys, just a reminder to stop spreading nutty conspiracies of there being a collusion between American media and the government, because it's all unfounded and frankly childish

Are you trying to insinuate that these people's personal relationships might have some influence on their behavior? That's frankly absurd.

He's shilling for buffet (the owner of BNSF, the predominant railway in the area). I still love him though.

Elaborate? He has a connection to this railway owner?

This is the end,
My beautiful friend
My only friend the end.


…it's been two years and I'm getting the feeling that nothing's changed.

no pipeline -> more oil trains

BNSF also has the Right-Of-Way and not even natives can stop them from building over their reservation if it's conductive to interstate commerce. Such is how common carriers operate.

Guy claims to have proof of election fraud in Nevada caucus.

he gon turn up dead by next week

I've used votebuilder. I don't think what they mean is that it was used as a tool to purge people, but rather used to identify people who vote a certain way and then purge them.

For those who don't know votebuilder is a database the dems use which tracks registered voters, includes info on which primaries they've voted in, as well as any surveys they have answered for the democrats.

No, I got that point.I was mainly asking about how B████ was shilling for them, but I guess you mean indirectly rather than something sinister like a connection with the company.

Sam Bee is probably more insufferable than Wilmore was (or Oliver or Noah is) and that's fucking saying something.


The Clinton campaign is fucking tanking.

Only time will tell if they'll own up to it and drop out. But the next president will not be Hillary.


She is incompetent for letting someone as plainly stupid as Trump gain on her.

Absolutely pathetic.

Please keep this kind of content on Holla Forums. It's not as funny as you may think.

I've been bingewatching too much. Also I don't even browse Holla Forums anymore.

Please, this whole election has been "whose gonna kill hill". She had an early lead based on name recognition but now people have to make up their minds and few can justify voting for such an obviously out-of-touch and airheaded person as Hilary. She has no policy "grab" or angle that people want, and even on specific niche issues people are not trusting of her. The GOP was going to stomp the fuck out of her it was just a question of how.

She never had a chance. Which is why the Democrats should be absolutely ashamed of themselves that they let her run in the first place. Anyone else could have beaten Trump.

I mean she had a chance just by the fact she was up against trump. Anyone else would probably be crushing her at this point.

Exactly this.

That's just not true. If there was one major thrust of her political rhetoric, from her own statements at the top all the way down to her supporters, it was an emphasis on "muh pragmatism". Remember how B████ was "too extreme"? All she had to do was continuously and consistently make points about nominally progressive policies that she was allegedly going to implement. Also, keep all her skeletons under wraps in her closet. She's failed on both counts. Firstly, her campaign went fairly unnoticed after the Dem Convention, letting Trump talk out of his ass in hopes that he self-implodes and kept alienating certain voters. Secondly, her team was incompetent at keeping a secure lid on all her bullshit. So much for muh practical liberalism. Pure incompetence.

Sorry, I misread. I originally saw what you read as the other way around. That is, anyone else other than Hillary would be crushing Trump.

that is also true


neoliberalism is crumbling user, even if trump wins it only has a couple years left in it.

Watch, he'll be enshrined like Reagan was too.

This. S█████ has poisoned the well by making young voters aware of class issues. It's only a matter of time before the Neoliberals are thrown to the curb.

aww, I was hoping the Assange's big October reveal would be something more damaging than more Powell emails

That could happen, or the MSM will continue to ride his ass all through his presidency and we'll hear scandal after scandal. Something like the GWB admin but worse. (Consider how Obama has been relatively protected by the same media, even though he's just a slightly tanner Dubya in office.) This will be fertile ground for Idpol to grow.

They all do it. I would actually bet most of those book sales can be tied back to some Clinton org, too. It's a nifty trick with campaign financing and I think the only person to ever get shit for it was Newt Gingrich, but apparently most campaigns have PACs or "unaffiliated" campaign groups buy lots of the books.

Just because Cole Pow knows about it doesn't mean it's his e-mails. He said a while back he has "more documents on the Hillary Clinton campaign", which would suggest that they're about just that.

The last time Liberalism died there was a World War. I don't see any legitimate alternatives to it, not a single grand narrative, just lame Nostalgic SocDems and confused Right-Wing Populists. Just because the US can't keep up with the rest of the world doesn't mean we'll stop, I'd buckle up if I were you.
I also predict a greater involvement of Private Enterprise in politics, stuff like Private Charity taking over wellfare and PPPs
webm unrelated.

There's more on the way. This isn't even his final form.

There's definitely going to be more leaks after this.
Assange is just waiting. If he dumps it all at once we won't have time to pick the e-mails apart.

That's my fear. I feel like Trump would have to be a huge fuck-up to be a huge disappointment to his supporters, huge on a scale he's unlikely to achieve.

Yes but what will replace it? That's the problem

oh my god. no it can't be
you have no idea the face of shock that just crossed me, not even horror but shock
it's really happening isn't it. c-can we go back to this being a guaranteed clinton victory in july i don't like this health shit i don't like this poll shit i don't want republican control on all three levels of government i don't want to have to protest trump's every action in puerto rico i just want things to go back to normal can obama get a third term please god i hope hillary drops out otherwise everything's fucked i think i'm having a small meltdown

She's really milking this for all she can. Just a reminder that she was one of the bigger lying shitstirrers early on during the controversy.

Not possible. Consumer debt was the mask that hid the unresolved crisis of stagflation when Reagan took office and it can no longer sustain itself. The next collapse is coming and it's going to be bad.

You should have been doing it under Democrat leadership already. Now you have even more reason to take action.

democratic leadership has less incentive to fuck with our shit and try wacky tea party shenanigans, for example the most obama's pulled is trying to stay away from us as much as he can. i did intend to protest anything clinton did but she'd do way less of it than trump. i secretly didn't care who won because i thought trump would help the puerto rican revolutionary movement but now i feel like i bit off more than i can chew.

otoh by rolling five twenties out of one hundred (so 5% were successes) three times in a row on that one dice thread where everyone was trying to kill hillary i may have contributed to our salvation, so we'll see

So Election Justice USA is planning some nationwide direct actions involving pressuring counties to switch to hand-counted paper ballots on September 22 and especially October 11. They've got another national conference call coming up Sept. 18 at 3pm EST here. I'd encourage user to get involved but I must say I am not pleased that they use Fagbook for just about everything.

What are the chances of Hillary dropping out?


Aw shiet, I'm down. Didn't they publish that report saying that without any election irregularities B████ would've won the pledged delegate count?

sounds like something I'd like to hear more about but yeah… yikes
not dealing with fb for it. fuck that

was about to fucking post that, lol.

I'm conflicted. Every time Trump takes the lead, the alt-right poltards make me wish Clinton wins.
But whenever Clinton is ahead, the smug liberal media whores make me wish Trump would burn the country down already.

I think that's where I'm at too.
What I really don't want to happen is for Stein to get framed for this. But she can get framed to all hell if the Greens get 5% because it won't matter after that. Fuck her honestly and I have issues with how the Greens try to be in this weird middle spot between reformism and revolution where they don't have the strategic advantages of reformism or the ideological immaculateness of revolution but them getting 5% would be good.

Based Shadman

Apparently he doesn't have a smoking gun, but I guess he figured out one of the ways dems are fucking people via NGP-VAN

Evidently "the democrats are both putting you in a database as well as monetizing your info and using it as a barrier to entry to primary challengers who it also lets the establishment spy on." It tags your social media posts and rally attendance, and he's saying that "there's no way to do a targeted purge, but here is the system they could have used to do so"

this goes past cognitive dissonance to outright denial of reality

The chants outside Hofstra university grew louder. Inside you could barely here it, but it was just what the CPD feared. Grassroots anarcho-capitalists not only had the courage to be in public, but to inflitrate the audience. Gary enters stage right, huffs a joint and blows a torrent of smoke in Hillary's face. The secret service are too stupid to do anything. Jill, enters stage left strumming a guitar singing an old socialist folk song. Her supporters spray paint "L" for "losers" on the podiums. Unable to contain himself, a sweaty CPD official comes out to declare that the % requirements have been lowered to 2%, but before he could utter a sentence, all of the audience turns to the tv cameras with yellow and green shirts shouting let "jill and gary debate!". Everyone, including the CPD and the audience at home is moved to tears as makeshift podiums are set up with the assistance of the media crew and Jill and Gary get a chance to debate.

pretty sure it was meant to be a joke.



Yes, that's them.

Hmmmmm, I wouldn't put it past Shillary's team but this is a little suspect. Kushner isn't just Trump's son-in-law, he's supposed to be one of his campaign's top advisers.

I noticed that, too. Plus, the article is really badly written. Too repetitive. But if it's true, then that's fucked up. I wouldn't put it past her, either.
Clinton is trying to get Al Gore to come on the campaign trail and scare people into not voting independent.
You can't make this shit up.


That one word could sum up Hillary's campaign.

The voter purges in Florida cost Gore the election, not Nader.

And his inability to win his home state of Tennessee.
And his reluctance to get Clinton to campaign in Arkansas.
And his refusal to demand a recount which would have revealed he actually did win Florida.

Take some responsibility Al. You've had 16 years to figure out what you did wrong.

It was all Ralph Nader's fault. 100%
This is what happens when you try and vote third party. If you had just picked the nice, safe, democratic candidate everything would have turn out great. Al Gore would have given us peace in the middle east and grown the economy so that all the workers can be equal!
Don't you believe in equality, user? Not like those bad republicans who want to discriminate against their fellow Americans. Vote democrat and I'll break down those barriers so we can all get jobs and grow the economy!

it was only a matter of time

Jesus Christ he sounds like a mob enforcer or a rapist


is there anything more pathetic than network TV channels pretending that they're still relevant?

Hitler was a socialist, though he substituted race for class. If "liberalism" means internationalist capitalism, then it MUST die for the world to progress.

lol, what? The US is far ahead of the entire world. The EU cannot even be fucked to subsidize it's poorer members (as US states do through income taxes), and the US sports both a nationalized (though underfunded) rail network and a national postal service. Regardless of that, the US is also the only country investing in it's navy, allowing it to retain it's grip on global commerce. America is also the only country with a serious space program.

For all it's problems, America will remain the dominant power because Americans keep paying their taxes.

happened a century ago, I take it you know nothing of Andrew Carnegie

nice meme retard

Is that why they have to go to Russia to launch anything?

Trump is going to be President, this whole election was about burning the Establishment down and Hilary will be fucking stomped in the debates. Just accept it, and plan for the 2018 midterms. To that end, PR ought to be a state because then you'd have a swing vote in most elections and you'd be showered with money.

I did not want it to go down like this, but nobody wants Hilary and the Democrats need to get burned for making such a stupid decision.

Russia can't do anything better than Soyuz. Same for China.

It really, really doesn't work that way.

You can't be serious, can you?

Inevitable Democratic dominance is actually one of the reasons why we really shouldn't become a state.

I'm still holding out hope for my rolls to cash in and Kill The Hill.

How new are you? We've known for at least four months now Trump would be President. That's why most of us shilled for S█████ so hard.

The die has already been cast, the decision made. The Democrats made the decision to loose rather than to win. Even if Hilary somehow wins, Congress will just piss on her (if not outright Impeach her over the leaks) and we'll get four years of insanity until the GOP obtain a Supermajority. At least with Trump the Democrats will be forced to reexamine their priorities and find a new platform.

you don't like free money?

I've been here since this board was made and filled with tankies.

Tricameral Republican control would be bad for everyone no matter how you slice it. Besides the nominee won't necessarily be Hillary.

It wouldn't be a swing state is my point.

source? (also:

wow, like any civilized country (minus the healthcare system :^) )

what is the Greece debt crisis? Such a situation cannot exist in the US.

let me know when SNCF, DBB and Renfe are consolidated as they should be

I was kidding about the "new" part,

Would you rather have two years of republican idiocy or 20+? The goal here should be taking back the legislature before the 2020 Census. Think broadly here, beyond the scope of a single election. Hilary as President would destroy the Dem party.


We all knew this would happen. The Commission on Presidential Debates is one of the most glaring examples of how much of a farce our Democracy has become.

Can someone please tell me how the CPD can operate as a 501(c)3 "nonpartisan" organization when they are jointly operated by the DNC/GOP? I know we've got a de facto two party system but I had no idea it has basically been encoded into law.

I hate living here.

The literal fucking clone of it just happened with Puerto Rico.

thoughts ?

PR isn't a state yet. When they do, the situation for them will be very different.

topest of keks

How many times do I have to tell you niggests that less than half of the population here thinks statehood is even an option?

You've described it perfectly. I think that, strategically, to see the alt-right lose and the mainstream center delegitimize itself with Clinton will, now that the left alternative is well known, push society leftwards.

I'm not american so there's not much I can do, but those of you up there in the US should start networking with people who worked for campaigned for S█████ and start networking and building some organizations, social media presence, and pushing candidates for 2018/20.

There is no fixing the Dem party as long as she is President. Which means at least eight years of successive legislative losses resulting in the GOP Gerrymandering themselves a Supermajority for the rest of our lives.

I'm not a fan of Holla Forums or the "alt-right" but they're easier to deal with than libertarians. More importantly, they make asses of themselves and would ensure that the Democrats can make a comeback after reforming themselves.

There is no fixing the Dem party period.

I still remember going there for porn before I figured out how to disable safesearch. It's a weird kinda nnostalgia

I used to find porn using
It was really well organised compared to basically anything else of that era.

This. Corporate money has become too entrenched to overcome at this point.

That's what I've been doing for the past several months now. I'm real glad the Greens passed that anti-capitalist position so I didn't end up starting a local chapter of some SJW-infested organization like Democratic Socialists of America instead.

m8, amtrak is fucking awful. I live in the Northeast so at least i get coverage. I can't possibly imagine how bad it is for everyone living in central US

newgrounds is still around and is doing better thanks to youtube fucking up

I'm not ready to cross that bridge yet. Look at how the Tea Party transformed the GOP, it's a very different thing than it was in 2006. I'm giving the Democrats until 2020 to prove themselves.

This isn't an endorsement of the party, because it will take nothing less than the entire politburo being booted to fix the party. But we would have a real chance (and it is just a chance) that it could happen if Hilary looses. Given that the Dem party is all CTR now (following the DNCleak resignations), their only options would be losing again with neoliberalism or reforming themselves and being a true workers' party.

It's their choice, they only have two elections (2018 and 2020) left anyway.

It's much better because Congress forced Amtrak to force states to sponsor intra-state services, as a means of saving money for the long-haul trains Republicans support. As a result Amtrak service out of Chicago has become ok, much better than it was twenty years ago.

The west coast is getting fucked but they're also building a whole new system from scratch.

so Holla Forums should stage a coup on the democrats ?

imagine the shitshow the first debate will be

That's good to hear. How is it in cost? I live in CT, and going from New Haven to Hartford costs me like 40/45 dollars round trip.

Of course. That was the plan all along, was it not?

It worked flawlessly for the GOP in 2009 when they were completely locked out of the federal government. This was when the Tea Party, still fairly new, cut their teeth but "rocking the town halls" and pissing on everyone. They took the House in 2010, gained a few seats in 2012 (and, by causing Romney to loose, ensured that Cruz would be their nominee in 2016), and won the Senate in 2014. Meanwhile they've spread the cancer that is right-to-work laws in every state they managed to commandeer (including Florida, Michegan, Wisconsin and Ohio).

Doing it with the Democrats will be easy enough, especially as the infrastructure/social networks used for S█████ can be repurposed for downballot races. Using the exact same tactics the Tea Party did, we can force the softer Republicans out and force Democrats into compliance.

See "Rocking the Town Halls Best Practices, a political action memo", which for some strange reason no longer exists on the Internet in it's original .pdf form. A copy of the text is here:

I think it will be boring bc Trump only has to play the "hey guys trust me I'm a legitimate candidate" in order to win.

archived here:

That's about what things cost here. Only issue is that all the trains run west into Chicago. Semcog will get setup in about a year or two once Semcog finishes the EIS for it (they've already bought rolling stock thinking the EPA would grant them an exemption, but that didn't happen so they're sitting in a warehouse outside of Pontiac).

But I also live in the midwest, people in Ohio get FUCKED because they elected a retard. Same for people in Wisconsin. I'd laugh but it almost happened here too.


People were pushing for this back at the start of [REDACTED]'s rise in the polls, but he refused to take the pragmatic approach. The Democratic Party is unsalvagable, it can serve only as an attack vector on the two-party system, each seatwarming officeholder and bureaucrat should be ruthlessly targeted for political assassination:

I agree with this post.

Check out the shill comments. It's really disgusting, if you ask me.

Ron Paul flopped in 2008, and the GOP were hated by their own over it. Turning the rage onto individual legislators works.



They don't realize that people are watching them because of Trump, and if they don't cover him, those viewers will go elsewhere.

They're nonpartisan because they work for both of the parties. All two of them.

too accurate to be funny tbh.

No, they do realize it. They're the ones that legitimized his campaign by giving him unprecedented amounts of free airtime.


By Zaida Green
17 September 2016


That's awesome.

Stinks of desperation.

I really hope this is the generation that wakes up, but some reformist will probably come along and pacify us before we hit critical mass of class consciousness.


Google: "Hillary Clinton Birther Movement", but make sure you have a trashcan nearby to puke in. Media is in full damage control right now trying to "disprove" the fact that Clinton started the birther movement by releasing that picture of Obama in '08.

Don't Hate Millennials. Save It For B████ ██████.

fuck off Holla Forums


Really glad I made that image

i regret reading that comment section

TheAmazingAtheist: TRUMP 2016!

Yep, that's pretty much Holla Forums's argument, he just didn't mention the incoming crisis and Accelerationism.

I thought Mother Jones was a radical leftist publication, from the name.

welcome to the wonderful world of liberal co-optation

Of course they're radical leftist! They support feminism and social programs within the US! That's what leftism means now, get out of here with your commie shit.

I thought they were pretty radical too before I came to leftypol and found actual revolutionary positions.

Compared to the "left" in the US Mother Jones is practically Marxist

Christ, this guy can't go to the wall fast enough.

Nah, economically they aren't even Barnie Sandals-tier



Can Hillary or Trump win a re-election? Assuming neither runs against the other in 2020 I just don't see two of the worse candidates in history lasting more than 4 years.

No. Whoever wins will end up destroying their respective party.

I fucking hope so I'm tired of Republican hegemony. Thankfully I'll be in Puerto Rico in the meantime.

Is that possible with all the gerrymandering? Remember dubya's Democratic predecessor only got dumped after they redistricted the state.

the only outlet I'm seeing that hasn't called the claim ridiculous, untrue, objectively false, etc, is breitbart

everyone else is "YEAH it started with 'someone' from Hillary's organization but Hillary herself didn't have ANYTHING to do with it! ((please believe us ;~;))"

like hillary would let her lackeys do anything which she wasn't personally aware

In four more years another round of redistricting will begin, and this time it's the democrats' turn, because, I mean, it's only fair after all.


shit opinion is shit.

Well… I was told to copy and paste the following for anyone interested, so that's what I will do. pls no bully

Election Justice USA is promoting our first NATIONAL #ElectionAction events in support of HAND COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS! If YOU are CONCERNED about the integrity of our electoral process and are interested in doing your part to uphold our democracy PLEASE JOIN US ON OUR NATIONAL CALL: SUNDAY, 12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST (712) 770-4700 Access Code #243595

Even if you can't make it, PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE!!

We will have speakers who will give us the information about our national Livestream 'Teach In' event when we will learn more on Hand Counted Paper Ballots from Virginia Martin (the Columbia County Election Commissioner, already successfully implementing HCBP.) We will also be given the tools we need to empower our Day of Action on October 11th from Billy Taylor who orchestrated the DNC actions in Philly! WHAT CAN YOU DO? Here are the following teams we are looking to fill:

RESEARCH: Points of contact for your county election commissioners and state legislatures as well as state laws regarding actions including civil disobedience. Research Team Facebook Group

SOCIAL MEDIA: We need those who are proficient with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to help promote. Social Media Team Facebook Group

OUTREACH: We need to contact organizations who would like to support in solidarity. Outreach Team Facebook Group

VOLUNTEER REP: We need help finding and greeting new volunteers and getting them plugged into the right #ElectionAction team on Facebook. Volunteer Rep Team Facebook Group

FUNDRAISING: We need help from those proficient in fundraising. Fundraising Team Facebook Group

STATE LEADERS: This group is for those who are coordinating events for the Livestream and/or the Day of Action.They will also be point of contact for local election officials. State Leaders Team Facebook Group

EMAIL TEAM & GRAPHIC DESIGN TEAM: Please respond to this email with a note saying you are interested in joining one of those teams, and we will get back to you.

If you haven't told us a little about yourself yet and are comfortable doing so, please let us get to know you better by providing some info at the following link.

We look forward to seeing you on the call Sunday!

Asshole really wants that $1000.

He should be pushing people, especially young people, to vote third party.

Hillary in 2008

>No, no.. As far as I know..

it's over lads, trump won

No. It is. If young voters liked Clinton, THEY WOULD'VE VOTED FOR HER IN 08!

I feel bad for Birdie. I'm sure he knows in his heart that selling Hillary is an impossible task.

Are they seriously describing people who are aged up to their early thirties as "very young."

Jill Stein on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour yesterday. Hot stuff, give it a listen!

welcome to the gerontocracy.

fuckin boomers man.

nah, that was a very different Clinton.

wasn't Gore ex-GreenParty?
that level of Ideological purity is like not voting S█████ to vote Jill.


Gore was another turd way neoliberalism advocate like Clinton.

19 September 2016

Patrick Martin

It won't matter if the Democrats do not engage in a serious course correction soon. The Republicans are winning, right now, and will continue to win for at least another decade. This will give them ample time to simply change the law how they see fit and make their power permanent.

Though, Texas could only flip blue if Dallas, Houston and Austin keep getting expats from other cities. But I'm doubtful this will continue to happen, the immense growth of the 90s and 00s is coming to an end.

lol, nothing, NOTHING, about redistricting is "fair". And in 2020, Texas will remain a GOP majority state across all three branches of it's government. The GOP will cement themselves into place for at least a decade after that.

I know. I was being ironic.

What's the matter with the Baltic states?

Hillary's IT guy was a redditor and his post history proves that she ordered him to remove emails

Archive because his entire post history just got scrubbed. Apparently he used the same screen name and email to sign up for a bdsm fanfic site where he gave the main character his name, lol


lol holy shit

iirc the Obama administration promised them complete support if their territorial integrity is threatened by Russia.

This right here is why the establishment is so opposed to "doxing."

Page 1:
Page 2:
Page 3:
Page 4:
Page 5:
Page 6:
Page 7:
Page 8:
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Page 10:

His post history ffr

They'll have to if they want to survive. Neoliberalism will be dead regardless if Hillary wins or not. S█████ is the future of the party.

They can either accept that or die.

Ah hahaha

reddit mod drones scattering to protect the Queen, too.

well, the post itself is:

Which was around the same time that the investigation was going on.

So it's not quite a smoking gun but it's severely incriminating (as if the FBI cares).

While it's good that they collected that information, the smugness of those redditkiddies sicken me

A true God among men.


Quick, get that man a fedora

I mean, it's one thing if someone breaks into your house, it's another if you just hand them the fucking key.

>Under a posting on Holla Forums[] titled “Here is clear proof that Hillary sought to destroy evidence,” Combetta can be seen posting under a username he uses multiple times across multiple platforms, ‘stonetear.’


Shit like this is why I want Hillary to win


Well, I'd prefer Jill Stein actually, or another third-party candidate. But against Trump? I'd pick Clinton, mainly for "accelerationism."

I mean let's be honest here, as insufferable as Clinton supporters are, they still have some strenuous ties to reality, which they'd have to come to terms with when faced with 4 years of Clinton.

But when it comes to Trump, those people that don't already hate him think he's the next best thing to the Second Coming. To shake their faith in Trump he'd have to be a catastrophic failure, which I don't doubt he'd manage to be, but it would also have to fall squarely on his shoulders and his shoulders alone, which quick frankly I don't think he'd ever allow to happen. From what I know of Trump's management strategies he doesn't actually DO anything, he just delegates it to someone else. So Trump will just find some fall guys to put in charge of his stupid ideas like The Wall and if they manage to pull it off he'll take credit, but if they fuck up he'll just hold a press conference, shout "You're fired" and claim he'll get someone else to do it, and all his supporters will continue to fondle his balls and stroke his shaft.

uh, no. they're more deluded than trumpenproles. Trumpenproles KNOW that something is wrong, but they don't understand why. Clintoncucks don't even admit that something is wrong, they want you to believe everything is fine when Dems are in charge.

They finally got one thread to stick. And one of the top mods had to sticky a comment addressing the "meta debate" about the threads being deleted & scrubbed. Now it's the top thread of r/politics.

He can't. He banked on the Wall for his political campaign and he is universally despised by MSM. Delegating the role to someone else doesn't matter to journalists, they'll splash "TRUMP'S WALL A MASSIVE FAILURE" all over the headlines no matter how many people are between Trump and it. Remember Gerald Ford's presidency? It'll be a little like that.

Do you think that matters one bit? Trump supporters don't give a single shit what mainstream journalism says. Maybe if Breitbart or talk radio turns on him we'll see something, but all the pissing and moaning of mainstream journalists would only fuel Trump's support, not weaken it.

They know things are bad, and I suppose they know something's wrong, but what they think is wrong is that there are too many Latinos/Muslims/liberals/🍀🍀🍀globalists🍀🍀🍀 not that there's something wrong with the structure of society itself. I mean, name one Trump policy that has actually threatened the power of the ruling class. The only reason they'd decide to go over to someone like B████ would be if there was significant, obvious evidence that he pissed off powerful people, which it's quite obvious they'd never give him that kind of coverage. The only reason Trump is able to get all the negative publicity he does is because he's such a non-threat. Maybe, MAYBE if a S█████-type politician came close to the Presidency you might see a Trump-style freak-out, but we'd have to get to that point first, which I would imagine is the whole idea behind wanting Trump to be elected in the first place though, no?

They did freak-out about S█████, but they chose to use the Trump circus to distract people from B████'s message.

reddit/Hillary's IT guy deleting his incriminating posts in real time.

Not if the wall truly does turn out to be a massive failure and Trump can't get the beaners out. :^)

Also, you'd be surprised at how quickly right wing news can turn against their golden boy once they start bungling it. They're like every other news source: they want views and clickbait.

/u/RedProletariat, if you're here you're doing a heck of a job

If leddit were a physical forum, would the mods have all been strung up and flensed alive in an orgy of rage by now, or are ledditors too cucked by the prospect of losing their precious upboat history?

"Brigading", "doxing", "shadowbans", I just can't believe the level of insanity necessary to invent such bizarre ideas.

Reddit is nothing more than a censorship hive. It always has been. The Redditors who cared moved on to Voat which will turn into a censorship hive shortly if it hasn't already.

Stopping mass immigration, stopping free trade, stopping military adventurism, stopping brinksmanship with Russia, massive infrastructure spending, stopping the futile war on Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, stopping the use of PC in the media as a smokescreen tactic, etc, etc… Like all of Trump's "policies", however, their sincerity (except the PC one, which he has been able to "implement" splendidly without even being elected) exists in a quantum superposition of PR circus smoke & mirrors with every other self-contradictory statement Trump has issued.

Any one of those would make porky shit gold bricks if they happened, the question is if they'll also piss off Trump's supporters if they DON'T happen.

Even judging from Obama's track record doesn't give a clear answer: On the one hand his massive failure to live up to his promises, and mindboggling betrayals in areas beyond that, have cost him a lot of support, but not enough to firmly divorce the Democratic Party from his clique. On the other hand, Trump's supporters are much angrier, to start with and in general, than Obama's ever were.

It quickly became just a censorship hive for Holla Forums




Wasn't there an interregnum between the Digg exodus and the Fempire's dominance where it wasn't so hilariously rulecucked?

>ONE SIDE of this country's political establishment is dragging a line through the septic tank of politics
This banging of their infantile little fists on his chest is so ineffective, they HAVE to know this will never, ever, ever work. They have to stop doing this sometime, and resort to concrete policy debate, right?

Why would they?

You still refuse to see the bigger picture, don't you?

Don't brush every Trump voter with that stroke.

Find me a trump voter that isn't spooked in one way or another and I'll find you someone that's being paid.

It's "every anti-immigration advocate is racist"/"every anti-free-trade advocate is isolationist"-tier dishonest. Further, it's not even close to true, I very much doubt even a significant fraction of supporters have such motives as a concern, let alone a primary one.

Sure, I mean, obviously challenging the substantial run-of-the-mill Republican sludge Trump pushes would be contrary to their bipartisan corporate masters, but surely people like Maddow and Oliver wouldn't have any qualms about that? Even stranger, just pointing out how flipfloppy the wording and consistency of every populist policy statement that he's made wouldn't be objectionable to the lizardfolk in the studio?

that is autism

Liberals continue to be horrid at understanding internet maymays and the autism of the alt-right.

There is quite a few that are just voting for Trump because in there eyes, he is just something different from your average politician or believes that he will able to and going to bring jobs back.

Its just that these type of voters are less vocal than the louder ones.

Like most people who are voting?

They've already had 8 years of Obama and they still didn't get the picture.

House panel looking into Reddit post about Clinton's email server


oy vey we showed our hand too soon and the white filth woke up :🍀🍀🍀((

Yes, I know it's real, just like most of the game.

in case you haven't seen it yet

I am not optimistic.

good fucking god that comment section make head hurt

wew lad

We didn't have a smoking gun before. This strongly, strongly, strongly suggests that Clinton personally asked Paul to redact her e-mails. There's no "I can't remember" or "I didn't know" about this unless she manages to convince the world she didn't tell him to redact her e-mails to defend her (not in a billion)

On one hand-
On the other hand, these people have been right in the past.

If he gets felonies, so will Hillary more likely than not.

The sword will fall squarely on the IT guy and Hillary will get off…again.

I can't see it going any other way.

come on wikileaks

Maybe not Hillary herself, but I find it hard to believe that this guy won't go down without naming names. I think the natural line of questioning is "Did you do this on your own authority?" Yes or No. If "yes," he's fucked. Enjoy prison, buddy. If "no," then the next question is "Who ordered you to remove the email headers?"

And judging from his question, considering he didn't even seem to know if the job was possible, I don't think it's likely you can just frame him as a lone gunman acting on his own, but that's just me.

Who is this clown? When I google him all I see is gamergate and date rape apologies.

He could plead the fifth on either of those like he's been doing, but that would still likely lead to Hillary getting in hot water.

Pleading the fif/"i can't recall" is unlikely to help much at this point.

By E.P. Bannon
20 September 2016



No, I'm not disputing that Paul obviously at one point intended to edit the e-mails. But they need to verify a) that he actually did edit/delete them and b) why he did so before Hillary can be indicted/convicted (actually this may be grounds for indicting her already). The Clintons have had a lot of fall guys but somehow I get the feeling that "I'll pardon you and when you get out of jail you can be an ambassador" isn't going to be enough to convince him to take a felony- if he actually goes through with it then he's a Grade A cuck.

Basically, Clinton got off on "I can't remember" and "that was not my intention" last time. But this time the intention is clear.

Also, I'm 99% certain that Paul going maverick will never even come up because Hillary defended deleting her e-mails several times. The implication would have to be that Paul deleted incriminating e-mails because he thought deleting yoga wasn't going far enough, which would be absurd. And he can't just say "well I didn't KNOW the e-mails I was deleting were evidence!" because then the implication is that he just went in and started deleting random e-mails without even reading them.

Too little, too late, Paul.

All Congress has to do is find one little lie. Even if the IT guy agrees to take the fall for her, Congress just needs more detail. What did Hilary know and when did she know it? It's coming together and the question is when.

Even if Hilary does win, which I doubt, Congress has more than enough meat to completely destroy her Presidency. Day one sworn testimonies in front of the House. She'd be totally incapable of actually running the government. Her husband was impeached (not convicted) for much less, and in this circumstance she'd likely face a conviction as the GOP will keep the Senate if not obtain a 2/3rds Supermajority there.

The question is when her house falls down.


They may even have her out before the first debate. Don't count on it, it's just another possibility.

Guys, I have found the Holla Forums platform for the incoming elections:
Why haven't the lmaos come and nuked us yet?
I'm starting to lose hope.

Every time I look at the guardian I want to vomit


Is that glamour shot of the article's author? No wonder no one takes these guys seriously anymore.


oh, leon

ayyy lmao

What does this have to do with anything? Did he just decide to be autistically random?

Back then they called them "jokes."

Chewing gum was seen as a nasty habit fit for hooligans, urchins, ne'er-do-wells, and Irishmen, you know, like pinball machines and comic books and liquor.

All well known tools of Lucifer.

I guess it goes back even further than that

"All the women who unmarried chew chicle in public. One's wife also chews chicle, but not in public…with it they dispel the bad odor of their mouths, or the bad smell of their teeth. Thus they chew chicle in order not to be detested."

Chewing gum is degenerate!

If only we could go back in time and warn them. Things didn't have to be this way.

That damn lucifer, sure is one crafty motherfucker. Behind all fun stuff, and also behind all moralism, and behind capitalism, and communism, and all conformity to an evil all seeing and controlling state as well as being behind all rebellion.

Jesus the dude just never gets a break.
but she's totally not a neocon though because muh barriers.

leddit shill comments were interesting on this


You're preaching to the choir m8

Or is this another "The bourgeoisie love Hillary more than Trump so vote Trump!" argument

I posted since It's newsworthy because it completely shatters the democrap narrative that Clinton would be progressive.
It also basically confirms that the democrats have outright abandoned any notion of principle. They're the anti-trump party and if Shillary wins in November the dems will lose their boogeyman.


Is that one of those pig-feed cans?

Gosh, another money laundering scheme connected with the Clintons

I'm sure this will be pursued with rigor

How can you disagree?


So she still believes black teens are "superpredators" that we "have to bring [them] to heel?"

Ror neither Hillary nor Bill have ever had policy

Him and Tony Blair were the subject in one installment of an Adam Curtis documentary (The Century of the Self) about abusing focus groups to produce pseudopopulist centrism.

How is "pseudopopulist" different from populist?

Actual populism is picking the most popular policy, "radical centrist" politics of the sort I referred to involves picking a compromise policy that simultaneously angers many and pleases nobody.

By Josh Varlin
22 September 2016



Things seem awfully quiet with her lately..

Also, this

Also, I like the new captcha setup.

Apparently a report just came out regarding the CFAI distributing adulterated aids meds

I'll be sure to stay away from "Ranbaxy". There's a real problem here with counterfeit medications. I haven't had an issue, yet, but I hear about it a lot. India's huge in pharmaceuticals, and it's where a lot of US drug companies get their ingredients(opiates is a big source here).

Looks like in that Economic Times article they really downplay the relationship CHAI(ClintonHealth Access Initiative) had with Ranbaxy. The article is a bit confusing, probably on purpose.

CHAI worked with Ranbaxy from 2003-2013.

In 2008 there was an import alert & it resulted in a huge lawsuit between the US & Ranbaxy.

>After the FDA's 2008 import alert, CHAI stopped sourcing drugs from Ranbaxy with the exception of two small batch medications, of which Ranbaxy was the sole supplier

So given the dates, there's some definite overlap there. They continued to source from Ranbaxy even after these alerts for adulteration in meds.

Too bad it's poor black people getting screwed over, or else many more people would care. There would be more than the Economic Times & Daily Caller covering it, too.

At this point, would anything short of genocide get Clinton indicted?

it just goes to show what an blowout this election will be. Hilary is popular amongst bankers, A-list actors, and neocons but she does not have the pull with middle America. She has no swing vote, and this will cost her most swing states. The gig is up.

In seriousness, it all depends on what Congress can figure out. Given Combretta being held in contempt of court today (for not showing up), he's going to jail on that charge. Congress has already netted Hilary's top aide. At this point I'm convinced Assange's October Surprise will completely nuke her, and either cause the FBI to indict or cause Congress to go right to the top (Obama) with sworn testimonies. Even if Hilary does somehow survive and win, she's facing a day one crises as Congress will eventually find enough dirt on her for Impeachment if not outright Conviction.

Combetta just got declared in contempt of congress, and I think he also just ignored another subpoena for today.

So either he knows there is nothing to worry about from congress or he's more afraid of Hillary

wew lads
She is so deluded it almost makes me feel sorry for her.

Gary Johnson:

I really can't imagine a worse strategy.

Yeah, that's worked out real well for you so far!

Clinton Campaign Launches 'Mormons For Hillary'


And she's hemorrhaging millennial support, too.


She doesn't really have a choice. Every time she opens her mouth, she goes down in the polls.

Holy shit, this interview was brutal. He completely destroyed Hillary and didn't do ANYTHING to make her look good, charismatic, or funny. I think he genuinely hates her.

Compare this to his video with Obama, it's night and day.

Non-american here, is there a good reason for me to care about this Dakota pipeline shit?

Because I just read this

and if this is all about the pipeline going through muh people's sacred territory I couldn't care less

(I know this isn't properly elections-related but I don't think the question is worthy of its own thread)

i'm sure wikipedia has a list of pipeline leaks and pictures of animals affected by them.
also some people believe that global warming somehow has a global effect and therefore petrol corporations should be opposed globally.

there should still be a pipeline thread around if the shills didn't push it off the board.

turns out it isn't so easy to find a complete list.
this is for the US since 1890:–49)–74)–99)

Where are you from? Indigenous people all over the Americas have been shat on for centuries. They're one of the most vulnerable minorities in North America.

After generations of broken treaties and ethnic/cultural genocide, they don't want multi-national oil companies plowing through what tiny amount of land they have left to subsist on. Why don't you care?


Honestly there isn't. Just wagon burners being pissy again. Remember that most don't do nothing except be drunk all day. All of them are like this, they're a dead society that will likely not exist in a century or two. As much as I do not like oil companies, they're in the right here.

Exception is with the Navajo as they sit on a huge coal deposit, which they use to power America's largest coal station (which supplies California with 15% of it's energy). But their drug problem is very notorious as well. They are also where half of the illegal full-auto guns in the southwest come from (indian reservations are exempt from the all US gun laws).

That's because of themselves. Most of the parents abuse drugs and their children sexually like their counterparts do in mexico. The government provides free everything to them (guns for police, medicine for clinics, books for schools, free trailer homes and free food) but most of it is wasted on booze.

This is the long term effect of NOT committing to forced re-education (ie the indian schools) which for the most part worked in assimilating their students into modern society. This is even more obvious if you were to compare halfbreeds that grow up in normal homes and Mormon converts to those who grow up on reservations. They have "independence", but are not self-sufficient.

These people are not capable of subsisting on their own. They rely completely on welfare checks to exist. The few with casinos rely on foreign money. Again, the exception is the Navajo because they earn their money from Socal Edison.

On a side note this is also why states with heavy injun populations, ie Oklahoma and Alaska, have dry counties where even alcohol possession is illegal.

>>>Holla Forums

No doubt there are a lot of issues in Native American communities but does that mean we should continue to plow through their land when they don't want us to? Am I still in leftypol?

This sounds a lot like the "but what about black on black crime" argument.

wow uh yeah okay can you fuck off
to me it's incredibly obvious you don't actually know anything about native americans, i fucking lived in injun country for 7 years.
maybe you'd drink a shit ton of alcohol if you were in their situation too, yeah?

in case you didn't notice,

is the same person and he is getting paid to post this bs here. i think people who do this for money are worse than ideological nazis.
can't wait till someone liberates a list of names of people working at one of those online reputation management corporations.

Not even Holla Forums, I'm a full blown commie and I'm registered green. As much as I hate private property, injuns are culturally backwards and cannot accomplish anything on their own. Except the ones that sell power to LA, who are engaging in functional communism right now.

You got a better idea? If the pipeline is built it can be expropriated by the state for the common good. And, as it'll be a common carrier, the injuns themselves can use it for their own gain. Same is true for another thing injuns bitch about: power lines.

You're a PR, not an injun. I'm talking about inland reservations here whose residents get everything from the feds for free yet all they do is drink.

I have a theory he walks around with an assplug, it's the only thing that can explain the faces he constantly makes.

I'm sick of Chump beating his chest too, user.

t. chode monkey

Yeah, leave the oil in the ground. Surely a member of the Green party would agree with that?

You sound like some of the people I grew up around. I grew up around a lot of large reservations in Northwest Washington and I hear the 'indians are lazy welfare leeching drunks' drivel all the time.

Are there problems with alcoholism and drug abuse in their communities? Definitely yes. But it's not unique to natives, it's the same thing you see in every poor community. Is this really enough of a reason for you to believe they don't deserve sovereignty?


thefuck, if you are trying to imply that something negative can come from voting then i would like to hear your explanation.
or are you one of those shills who are the reason why only old and rich folks vote?

>>>Holla Forums


I can understand being apathetic about the presidential election but do you also feel that way about local elections?

or we could use it for the common good

Their problem is much worse, because their bodies aren't accustomed to it. And not they should not be "sovereign", all forms of private property are bad and everything should be owned by the collective. One system is more efficient than many systems.

I want to fucking die

Let me share with you a real slogan from the presidential nominating convention from a longtime Green: "Keep the gas in the grass. Keep the oil in the soil. Keep the coal down low."

I don't think that poster is an actual Green.

Has anyone ever undertaken any actual scientific studies testing the common mythology that alcohol somehow affects native Americans more strongly than other ethnicities? l wall.pdf

I've heard the same thing about orientals being lightweights, even compared to the same, er, bodyweight.

Is it starting to dawn on anyone else just how unbelievably fucked we all are?

The existential dread is really starting to set in for me.

Zach is a fan of Chomsky and Zinn, so I assume he dislikes Hillary.

Mein gott, I mean, I'm a Marxist, and so on.

What I'm getting from this study is that the exceptionally high prevalence of alcohol dependency among natives enabled the researchers to get a large sample size allowing them to detect a correlation between a rare alcohol dehydrogenase allele in that population and resistance to alcohol dependency. And I guess confirmation that variable resistance to alcohol dependency exists and is heritable.

Nothing indicating outright that native ethnicities have a higher prevalence of an allele that predisposes them to alcohol dependency, however.

Was good read though user, thanks for the link.

Yes! You can get hired as a professional shitposter.

Skill set needed.

As crazy as the 2016 election has been so far if makes me wonder what 2020 is going to be like.

From my ching chong friends the explanation I've been given is that asians don't have the ability to digest certain alcohols just like some can't handle dairy products. Some claim to get bad headaches or nausea when drinking and shit like that.

I don't know if it's true or not, but they seem to believe it.

I expect shit to start popping off around then. Economic failure, mass unemployment, American political dysfunction–to say nothing of the looming possibility of war.

I can't help imagining it being a pretty violent election, especially with how tense things got between the demos and B████crats.

By the time we'll get to 2020, everyone will have had enough of this bullshit.

What? It wasn't brutal at all, it was essentially a promo for Hillary. This kind of non-parodies of political figures are not critiques but a post-ironical glorification. And politicians themselves know it very well, that's why they appear in it and chuckle at it, it's meant to make them look like they can take a joke, etc… This is nothing new.

FBI releases interviews with Clinton aides

The FBI on Friday afternoon released almost 200 pages of summaries of interviews done during its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, including those with top aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan.

The interview for Justin Cooper, a former senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, is also included. Cooper registered the original domain.

In many of the documents, the name of the interviewee has been redacted. Several of the interviews with blocked-out names were with technicians at the Colorado-based firm that managed Clinton’s server.

The documents contain several previously unknown details.

According to the notes, the engineer who deleted an archive of Clinton’s old emails using a software known as BleachBit told investigators that he did so “of his own accord based on his normal practices as an engineer.”

BleachBit is designed to prevent recovery of deleted items.

The deletion of the archive occurred after the Benghazi Committee had issued a subpoena for documents related to the 2012 attack on the Libyan outpost. The deleted files have drawn fire from Republicans who suspect Clinton may have had a role in the destruction of the documents.

the documents in question

I'm looking through the third document now and there are whole paragraphs and all the names missing. But only a couple pages in and there are already "[_] was shown a copy of email chain from 2011 with the subject [______] and believed that the contents of the email could be treated as unclassified because article/news story was about to be released."

So classified information was definitely sent and received, which we already knew, but judging from the other entries not only was this classified info sent, but that it was sent to an individual that had no authorization or training in how to handle it.


I only vote green not for green policies, but because it's more socialist. Kind of bullshit but I make with what I got

This guy is a fucking dumbass, holy shit. His entire "hey, I'm just saying" body language reminds me of a sixth grader who has just interrupted class to say something edgy about religion or weed.

oh buddy I wish I had your outlook in life

After seeing that video where his tongue is out I'm certain he must be 420blazingit 24/7

lol hes a fucking mess

Oh my God I was completely unaware of this

Even BEFORE the tongue thing he's weird on that video, because his body language and expression make it look like he's a guy with no game trying to bang the interviewer.


666 for Trump-Hillary murder-suicide

Can't wait for the 26th

Is that the debate? I don't even want to watch tbh. I gave up even on watching the B████-Hillary debates toward the end.

Lmao, that's awesome

That would help make America great again

Write a letter to the editor of your local paper expressing your anger over the "fraud on the American voter" that is the two-party duopoly presidential debates, that's what I'm doing.


Why waste nukes? We'll wipe ourselves out before we ever get enough tech to challenge them at the rate we're going.

Well, son..

Seriously, when did the Guardian become the most lazy vapid neoliberal propaganda? I've heard people describe it as a "left" newspaper in the past.

Year or two ago, same with the Independent (now owned by a Russian oligarch).

They even turn off the comments for Corbyn hit pieces and wonder why they idpol shit only gets 40 comments.

Hillary Clinton Vows 65% Estate Tax - The Highest Since 1982 - To Donald Trump's Repeal

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would levy a 65% tax on the largest estates and make it harder for wealthy people to pass appreciated assets to their heirs without paying taxes, expanding the list of tax increases she would impose on the top sliver of America’s affluent.

The estate-tax increase and other new proposals that Mrs. Clinton detailed on Thursday would generate $260 billion over the next decade, enough to pay for her plans to simplify small business taxes and expand the child tax credit, according to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which advocates fiscal restraint.

In all, Mrs. Clinton would increase taxes by about $1.5 trillion over the next decade, increasing federal revenue by about 4%, though that new burden would be concentrated on relatively few households. There is at least a $6 trillion gap between her plan and the tax cuts proposed by her Republican rival Donald Trump.

The Clinton campaign changed its previous plan—which called for a 45% top rate—by adding three new tax brackets and adopting the structure proposed by Sen. B████ ██████ of Vermont during the Democratic primaries. She would impose a 50% rate that would apply to estates over $10 million a person, a 55% rate that starts at $50 million a person, and the top rate of 65%, which would affect only those with assets exceeding $500 million for a single person and $1 billion for married couples.

Gotta finance more proxy wars against Russia somehow.

That's just advice given to her by Democratic congressmen. It's not her strategy. And don't the moderators enforce equal speaking time anyway?

I don't know, but the Clinton/Blair style of 'triangulation' wasn't populist. It focused heavily on swing voters while alienating core voters, which meant that although it was successful at winning elections it wasn't genuinely popular among any group of voters.

Its coverage of British politics isn't quite as bad. However, for some reason it has gone all-out for Hillary and appears to be taking orders directly from her campaign office.

Another desperate appeal to Sanderistas. They'll ignore it of course, since the primary taught them they can't trust the Democrats for shit, especially Hillary.

Right? What reason does anyone have to believe she'll do anything she says? She's a snake and it would be foolish to take the serpent at her word.

Who's more likely to win? I'm not from Amrika and don't know how it looks from the inside, that's why I'm asking.

Pundits and betting markets are still saying Clinton, but the momentum appears to be with Trump.

It's hard to say definitively because both candidates are loathed by the majority of people.

At the moment, my money's on Trump. He comes off as a raving lunatic, but Clinton is hounded by a new scandal or controversy practically every week. Young people treat both like they're poison. If our system was anything close to "fair" I would say that this would be the year of the third party, but I expect both to get maybe 1-2% at most because the other two parties have everything from the voting booths to the voting laws rigged in their favor.

Then there's Assange's alleged October surprise, which the stupid asshole has been blueballing us with for weeks now.

Really it's coming down to which candidate voters hate the least, and Clinton isn't winning over anyone that didn't love her to begin with. After all this email shit and the incredible amounts of corruption its exposed, I'm almost hoping Trump does win just to see the whole thing come crashing down.

If Putin or Xi were to nuke Washington right now and wipe out the whole nest of rats, they would probably be carried into office as the most popular president the US has had since Kennedy.

The debates are likely going to solve that question.

That would be the next election. All of this shit hit too soon for them to capitalize on it, but it'll give them plenty of meat for 2020 as voters look for other options.

Are the polls being deliberately 'skewed'? Normally I would dismiss the idea as fanciful but it seems really weird that there has been a succession of polls giving Hillary a healthy 5 point plus lead nationally, despite very even state-level polls and despite the horrific time she's been having lately.

More likely than not.

God, Satan, Buddha, Demiurge, whoever's listening, make this happen

I never wish death on a person but if she got sick enough during the debate that she has to be taken away for treatment that will be good enough for me.

Gave you the real life version.

Reactionary populsim and pseudo-fascism. We're already getting it with Trump. He doesn't even pretend to care about "small government."

someone make the pain go away



I don't know which video is worse, the Trump one or the Clinton one

The worst is the fact that they market this to kids. Crime against humanity, imo.

Woah, hol up, she won a grammy???? This changes everything.

This is child abuse.

She'll just have one of her coughing fits, lose time of reply, attempt to parrot some memorized lines about Trump's bigotry and then get mocked by him. Probably bad enough for her to lose.

Say it with me folks


Absolutely horrendous.

Sure doesn't show

trump's plebbit has more subs than s4p now

Stein has been removed from the Nevada ballot.

So she was on it, then removed?

Sounds like fucking Nevada.
They're fucking tied right before the first debate.
Clinton is gonna hang herself if she loses this debate, then Washington post will write an oped blaming the Russians.

I hate most redditors

They refused to accept Stein's signatures.

What, they just said "No, we're not taking these?"

I see people on Reddit and in the MSM confidently predicting that Clinton will obliterate Trump in the debates. As if Trump hasn't already spent hundreds (thousands?) of hours on TV batting away the harshest imaginable criticisms. There will be panic if and when Trump comes through unscathed.

I don't like Trump but you have to be deluded to believe that Clinton won't be obliterated in the debates by Trump or that she would even hold her own against him.

According to this article, Stein didn't get enough signatures before the June 3 deadline.

Sometimes these judges allow it, but not in this case. Just like they would have accepted the democratic parties' switch(if Hillary had dropped out due to health concerns), they should've accepted it in this case, I think.

How? Trump seems very reckless in his public relations, he could make a fatal mistake in the debate despite being otherwise stronger. While Hillary is like a robot - not likeable at all, but not risky.

Was she ever actually on it?

According to the old Nevada ballot access page:

It's a sad setback though because that shithole of a state doesn't count write-in candidates on the ballot.

see but I think it might have contradicting info to what you found

That's pretty much what happened in Georgia

Wasn't it Blumenthal (assisting Clinton's old campaign) who made up the rumor in attempt to discredit Obama while she ran against him? If I recall that's how it got started, and the republicans just fell for it hook line and sinker and of-course the conspiracies just spread from there like a wildfire.

Clinton's team leaked the photo during the 08 primaries, yes.

How do we radicalize these stupid bourgeois white women?

They will get radicalized or die in the upcoming civil war.


Obama looks rad as fuck.


he looks like a wololo, tbh

better than the oprah kind of thing he's doing as a president

somehow this version manages to be less creepy

You should've seen it the week after Trump had his press conference & blamed it on her. Literally pages of search results, every "major" news agency was posting "debunked" articles on the claim - but if you actually read the articles themselves(which many are too lazy to do) they went on to explain exactly how her campaign started it. It's insanity. Politico, CNN, Politifact, Snopes,, USA Today, so on & so forth.


This one makes me uncomfortable

kill it with fire

Looks like Chelsea's future private wax museum.

The #ShillsforHill "factchecking" on that was hilarious

i want them both to embarrass themselves so much, your average voter could not rationalize either "side"s performance.


Guaranteed to happen. No matter what goes on between now and in November at least we'll get some good chuckles out of it.
Holla Forums cringeparty is Tomorrow! Who's hyped!

Who /DebateDrinking/ here? I got smashed watching a couple of the B████ Hillary debates. It's impossible to tolerate them otherwise.

honestly I think I'll probably just skip it altogether. I have homework and shit to do.

When is that fucking faggot Assange going to drop the rest of the shit he promised us?

Predictions for the debate
1-Clinton and Trump will try to out patriot one another. Expect Hillary to bring up Trump's supposed connections to Russia and attack him for not supporting NATO or committing to a no fly zone in Syria
2-9/11 will be mentioned on at least 3 separate occasions
3-No matter what kind of stupid things Trump says the media will only focus on him insulting Hillary and call him a woman hater for that
4-Clinton will brag about how even the Bush-era Republicans endorsed her over Trump, then act surprised when this doesn't help her in the polls afterwords
5-Trump will go off topic to talk about Benghazi/the E-mails/Bill Clinton's affair
6-Trump will shit all over BLM, Clinton will just say that the problem with racism is that we need more diversity in the police force
7-Hillary will call Donald a racist for saying he wants to deport mexicans while at the same time defending Obama's immigration policies
7-Both candidates will fellate Israel
8-Both candidates will say that we need to keep troops in the Middle East
9-Both candidates will pretend to oppose the TPP
10-The Liberals will say that everything Hillary said was golden
11-The polacks will insist that Donald destroyed Hillary
12-We're going to get raided afterwards

All sounds about right to me.




He's waiting for the go-ahead from his primary advisors.

Yes, but when will Putin give him the go-ahead to finally destroy America?

No idea, would you like to ask?


[citation needed]

Not that any actual policies will change, but it would be nice to see McCain, Sheriff Joe, and the rest of the GOP clown car here to get some comeuppance.


26 September 2016

Patrick Martin

holy shit does this thread get moderated at all for Holla Forumstards?

I don't think he was serious user

bredi much

kill yourself

I second this. What absolute garbage. This post should "never exist".

I bet Newt writes fanfics about his own OC with his freetime.

Jesus Christ

How do you do fellow redditers I tip my trilby to each and every one of you :o)

reddit, I just don't know how to quit you!

After originally campaigning for B████, I mainly go there to counter the CTR bullshit, nowadays. I'm disgusted at the fact they make me want to defend Trump in any way, too.

But they have some good subreddits. It's good for a passtime.

Reddit is massively compromised by paid shills and has been by businesses for a long time. I wouldn't waste too much time on it.

Reclaiming the socialist subs when?

just postan here to get an pre-debate link

Checked & seconded. I was just going to make this request. I'll look in the meantime & post one if I find one. Not TYT, either, because they're a shit & talk over the debates the entire time.

You have to disable adblockers, but here's one

Others should post some, too, so we have something to choose from. This one is apparently MSNBC.

Is the debate at 7 or 8?


2 & a half hours to go.

I think its at 9 ET
you shall share in my pain

How come those supposed intellectuals can't win a debate with the average Holla Forumsack then? They inevitably start screeching RACIST BIGOT ANTISEMITE etc and forfeit the debate.

Ah, unitinu, after all those years we meet again

Good. I've already been kicked from other chats because normies couldn't handle debate. Thanks for the link.


Dude, shut up, they're going to… they're gonna make it

They'll make it, some day ;~;
Shillary Blown the Fuck Out
Death to Hillary Clinton!!!

We should all go to the same stream - preferably one with a chat that we can propagandize.

kill yourself your turboautist, stop spamming the fucking board


Whoops, sorry. Wrong thread.

Some sperg keeps peddling his shitty stream link everywhere.


OK well here are the top links to jewtube live streams when I searched "presidential debate"

Hey, it's not shitty. It's pretty good right now.

It's blocked for TOR.


She is so scripted.

inorite? Opens with a banshee wail.

She's giving the most canned answer I've ever heard.

Oh, that sucks


omfg trump is doing to fuck her right up i fear. he sounds way more genuine. she's a robot. looks like fascist america here we come. smart of him to focus on the trade deals.

Good god that's just pathetic, and she couldn't have delivered it worse.

I really want to believe that the unpaid intern who wrote that line sabotaged her on purpose

"very small loan"

He should know better than to bring that up, but she baited him. She might actually be able to get him to say some stupid shit about himself.





Trump confirmed for slick entryist accelerationist.

i thought this would be more exciting

He's making himself seem like the "sick one". Trump plant confirmed.

'that's called business'

hey everyone i'm a rich porky who doesn't care about you

They specifically asked the audience not to make any sounds. I'm sure they want to earn that wage…

I'm disappointed too.
Hopefully they'll rip into each other more later.

Yeah but Americans are just that classcucked.

Yeah, not sure that will play well.

He's right, though.


yeah but it's a shitty election strategy to say shit like that

OK Trump is getting energetic now, maybe it will pick up. He's starting to rip on her.

notice how none of them suggest nationalizing the energy industry

notice how none of them suggest killing the bourgeoisie and abolishing the state.

Wow that's not a good look.

Hillary coming off a bit smug

As a non-American, I prefer Trump. I'm hoping for good relations with Russia which automatically means better international relations across the globe and less greedy American empire. I know, it's naive, but there's Hillary who will only make things worse.


Just awful. Has to defend all the things he did now. Also does against her stronk woman image.


If Clinton keeps defending NAFTA than she's even more out of touch than I thought.

that's just like your opinion man

Why do you Americans blame the deficit on Obama instead of Congress?

he's attacking the shit out of her

It's over


Trump is fucking hilarious, man.

Holy shit she's on the ropes

trump is totally controlling this debate.

Obama da king n sheeit


HTTP 404 the Shillbot has stopped working

Is it just me or is Trump less orange than usual?

Didn't Reagan raise taxes?


the dems couldnt have picked a worse candidate tbh.

imagine if this was B████ instead of her. :"(

the things that could have been

yes but fantasy reagan abolished all taxes and killed Stalin with his bare hands.


She's shilling for her website now!
It's like a car crash in slo-motion!

Oh man, this is incredible.

What a fucking rollercoaster




Hillary robbed his bro ;~;

Bernie would've sent him to the gulag.

Fucking DNC chose this.

what happened to her voice lol

Somebody needs to add "fact checker" to Urban Dictionary with "correct the record" or something.



hillary is so cringe.

Did she really think this was a good line?


why even live

it sounds like hillary wants to cry


it really does

..I hope she does


That's assuming that she can feel human emotions

For revenge.



'i get audited every year'


Jesus Christ, Trump is getting bent over and fucked. I can't imagine how hard B████ would've fucking killed him if Hillbot can fucking generate this much ass-pain in Trump.

debate moderator doing hillary's debating for her

Oh shit, he gon do what he did to Rubio.


What, spit more word salad like he has the rest of the debate? He looks like he's about to blow a gasket.


Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this.

Assange will save us tomorrow.

ok trump is fucking up by admitting to being a corrupt business man. he's destorying her otherwise.


what debate are you watching bruh? Clinton can't give a straight answer to save her life. Trump is focusing on trade and the economy. That'll win him the debate.

I would far rather have a robotic neoliberal than a fascist as my president, so this is, uh, ok I guess.

Trump is getting absolutely fucked

ALL he needed to do is not look like a crazy.

Dude what? She literally just gave a canned answer a moment ago that was contradicted by what he said immediately prior.

Yes, Trump's tax returns are a sore point but people won't vote based on that, especially when Hillary's integrity is equally tarnished.

He doesn't look crazy though (yet).

End this meme

This meme has to die.

Are YOU watching the same debate I am? He's fucking freaking out right now and nothing he has said has had any value.

Jesus, you're sensitive. Hillary has destroyed whole countries. At least Trump wants better relations with Russia. Otherwise there's not much difference between them.

don't think we're watching the same debate m8.

Trump is attacking her while she's just spooting pre-written lines


Doesn't matter, burgers can't into substance. They'll look at this debate and think Trump came out strong.

He's coming off as strong. Content doesn't burden fascists.

interesting that people are saying this. i think trump is playing into the angry man of the people vibe contrasted to establishment hillary. maybe he's just appealing to my values more than the general population though.






Why the fuck is he talking about exploiting the laws for profit and about his corporations?

Trump better tread lightly

if trump talks shit about black people he's done


Because they brought it up. "Don y u a capitalist?" "Bcuz dats da system, bruv!"

Also a good opportunity to be presidential.

America worships muh job creators. Trump is appealing to the cult of the entrepreneur.


are cops disliked by the general american populace? or just minorities?

You walk down the street, you get SHOT

Trump can only appeal to white voters

Just minorities. Most white people think cops are gud boiz dey din du nuffin.

my racist grandma just creamed herself

Brown people don't like cops. Non-brown people tend to like cops.

' a very against police judge xD '

tbh, most people think like that, its just more visible in the US because you'd expect the people living in the first country of the world to be smart.
you realize they're way more stupid than the average European.

the think is 'murica is 5% very smart and 95% idiots

Clinton straight up looks like she's about to cry.

trump is throwing all non white voters out the window then

He talks just like me!

Clinton is literally trying to argue that black poverty and ghettoization isn't that bad

That doesn't follow. It's not like all non-whites are so anti-cop that they will refuse to vote for anyone pro-cop.


he's showing a very deep lack of concern for the issues that are important to those communities.

niggers gonna nig


This fucking idpol shit, man.

yeah that isn't orwellian at all

And it sure is effective when a man comes to the FBI saying his son is a terrorist and they can't even stop that.



trump roasting hillary for hating black people

That's been his plan.

Simply not true.

White prole here. Have learned to hate/fear cops.

If he wins even 10% of black votes that'll be a great result for him. He doesn't need to have mass appeal among blacks.

She's fucking dead. He literally got her to flip flop right there in front of 100 million peopleb


She also said murder was down when the rising murder rate has been a major news story today.

I love how Clinton is alternating between saying that crime is going down, we need gun control, a strong police force, less systemic racism, a strong surveillance state and attacking Trump for being racist all at once.

what did she mean by this?

She offered her soul to the elder gods in exchange for stewardship over earth

i doubt he'll get near that much

It means she bought out DWS and Kaine in 2008.

who's winning leftypol

Honestly I don't even know which one I hate more. Goddamn are they both stupid





but Trump is slightly ahead


That's not the point. I'm saying that blacks are effectively a lost cause for Republicans, it therefore does not pay for them to take the black side against white cops.

didnt trump get 20% of the nigra vote in one poll?

i see what you're saying. i agree.





you realize these are two sides of the same coin right

its muh mudafuggin russians time


Also, notice how they went ahead after Trump called out the Clinton campaign releasing the turban pic

yeah no shit.

I'm just mocking Trump for actually trying to sound more socially liberal



trump doesn't even try to deny his racist business practices.

So, the "axis of evil" ?

fuck off shill

but Trump is the one relying on fear to get elected

if you want to shill for trump go to Holla Forums




top kek

y tho
You could destroy her with that alone.

"axis of resistance" (Hezbollah's phrase)

bad move for Trump to attack his own supporters like that

Someone needs to Sept of Baelor Hofstra University.

"The security aspect of cyber is very tough, but it's doable."

"We have many things we need to do better, Lester, and cyber is one of them."

Does he not know that cyber is an adjective?

Trump needs to have more energy here, he could nail Hillary on security like he did on trade. He seems to have lost his focus

Also, kek at that caricature of a hacker


I honestly think russia could potentially be trying to sway the election. I hope in the next 10 or so years we'll know for sure.

He did, and mentioned B████

He needs to push that harder, tho





'i guess so' isn't approval hillary.


Hillary's smile's gone. She's starting to get tired.

I hope she collapses on-stage.

if S█████ was nominee i hope he'd point out that ISIS was the inevitable result of the US occupying the iraq in the first place.

I fucking hate this sham of a system. It's all a fucking circus. You could put some fag from Holla Forums up on that stage and they'd do better than either of these people.

she can't keep up with this high energy

hopefully a clot breaks free and lodges in her brain




If it was between S█████ and Trump, who do you think they would vote for?

they're getting tired


can't access the webm atm

Holla Forums pls, you're not going to make us hate blacks

y u think I ever be voting for dat cracker boi mang


Just as this wasn't reiterated enough, why is it that Hillary doesn't ridicule his expressions? He is so transparently pathetic. How come she doesn't grill him to tears, is it because she is weak or afraid to alienate some of his base?


She needs to be more forceful, interrupt him like he does her.

Any news on the protest/rally held outside the debate hall yet? It seems the mainstream media is doing a good job failing to cover it.

How the fuck will the presidency not kill either of them, then? Look at what it did to Obama.

But I still hope she seizes onstage.

Because that would be ableist you sinner.

I didn't even know it was happening.

Anyone have a stream? Periscope, maybe?

Anti-Trump Hispanics were mostly B████ voters.


I just googled it and apparently Stein got kicked out by campus security.

Adrenaline rushes will leave you feeling worn out quite quickly. Trump in particular was absolutely pumped at the beginning, he used up all his energy.

what did she mean by this

hello fellow millenials

that's what a personality cult is like

Based Stein, as per usual

I don't see it happening, maybe -having two debates ahead- they are saving the best stuff to fuck each other up in a very messy finale of this bullshit

-Hillary Clinton, 2016

Looked condescending imo.

mai presidential candidatefu does it again

He still signed the Bush tax cut extensions into law. There's a lot of bullshit Obama never should have signed but he did because he's a tool.


trump is apologetically talking about bombing other countries military assets because they hurt american fee fees

why are any anti-war people shilling for this guy?

It only appeals to people who already support her and think Trump is Hitler.
Honestly at this point I feel sad for anyone who doesn't have strong political opinions desperately trying to figure out who is the less retarded option.

because Clinton is just as pro-war as He is, but Trump sometimes says ant-war stuff by accident


double standards as fuck, the biggest army in the world is scared of Iran having nuclear energy plants (now even weapons)

because he talks about doing it and she's actually done it, and done it in higher amounts than he even bragadociously suggests in his greatest flights of fancy

idiotic reason to support him still tbh

The less retarded option is to vote third party. We should be constantly telling everyone to vote third party (because both these wackos are equally shit, so it's not like you'll lose anything).

America can't start foreign wars if it's a radioactive wasteland!

It's just the muh lesser ebul argument.

and they're against the Iran deal even though it prevents iran creating nuclear weapons

Yes, but I'm talking about the average American who thinks third party is a wasted vote.


Me too. You should tell those people, "Look, both the main candidates are shit, right? You might as well vote third party and make it more visible that people dislike what the parties are doing."

reminder that Iran has already pledged to only develop nuclear plants for energy purposes while America has a first-strike policy and Israel refuses to admit it even has nukes

Just had a look at Holla Forums
top kek

He literally just said it again

i'm surprised that both Hillary and the moderator are both being so weak on Donald

This audience is a bunch of monkeys. What part of 'keep quiet' do they not get?

>that flicker of fear in Hillary's eyes when the crowd cheers on Trump's "we can't afford 4 more years of that kind of experience" line
And now she's playing the woman card, my god.

Tell them to make their vote count, by making a third party viable. If third parties get 5% they are eligible for Federal funding, being put on all state ballots & participate in future Presidential debates.

Better than voting for the shit major parties, right now.

I expected her to be more confrontational on his contradictions on the final stretch, maybe this women bashing she is on now will be the trigger

Good line, I'll remember that.



Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, unless you're a voter, in which case you always lose.

Jesus fucking christ we almost made it out without this shit. If shillary becomes president we're going to have 4 years of "they hate me because vagina".



She ripped that line off from Jill Stein. Does Clinton have a shred of originality in her speech writers?


Trump was clever to use that question as a closing statement. Hillary missed a trick there.

This is it?

How dare you. Those speech writers came up with 'trumped up trickle down'!

remember that one time barnie defended castro in a debate


Interesting. I'm getting the impression Holla Forums thinks they were both shit, but perhaps with Trump in front
It appears Holla Forums thinks he lost - they're now claiming its rigged

remember that one time Barnie called Kissinger a war criminal

Bide your time, when the boomers die off things will change.

And they will probably die off because starving millennials kill them.

no use fantasizing about what could have been, this is the world we live in

Well apparently both candidates survived their first fake debate without being assassinated. Disappointing.

i don't think shillary has ever bommebed a country because some fucking sailer gave her the bird

don't be stupid.
she's a war monger, but a strategic one.
Trump is just a bully

I think Trump was worse.

I'm bummed Jill Stein didn't suddenly streak across the stage tbh.

I want to die

anyone who really thinks a president Trump would be able to bomb anyone he wants is retarded. If he's president he'll have an entire cabinet of porkies to rein him in just like Clinton.


Me too user, but there's work left to be done. Maybe you will die fighting when revolution comes.

They probably had ridiculously high expectations. IMO Trump won.

What is he thinking?

Maybe Holla Forums should come up with a group project to work on. It doesn't have to accomplish anything at all, really, but for morale. Just to let us feel like we're doing something you know?

Look at the bright side. Barnie's loss couldn't have been more useful from a propaganda angle. Barnie is a well-liked figure among a lot of people and he was completely screwed over by the DNC. I think that there's going to be a lot more prominent social-democratic/possibly even socialist politics in the U.S now. I bet there will be some significant left presence in the 2020 election year.

Trump got in a lot more good lines and even though he looked like kind of a fool with his shit grammar, he came off a lot more genuine. His fuck ups weren't nearly as bad either. She was talking out both sides of her mouth in the same sentence at some points, like is crime up or down, do we need more power for cops or less?

Still no word on the protest outside the debate eh?

The most watched debate in history was absolute shit. They said absolutely nothing.

"Truly, this is the darkest timeline."

Trump was weak most of the time. He should've been more aggressive. But the phrase from this debate that I remember is that Shillary has been powerful for many years and we are in this mess, or something like that. I think that's a stronger argument than anything Shillary can say

I want this.

We already have some projects, people should contribute to Bunker mag for instance. Any new ideas?

Don't sit on the fence, I want to know who people think won.

I mean even though I think Trump did better, it was a shitfight and they both looked bad. This is probably the most shameful presidential debate in this country's history. I hope I will live to see school children watching this on the historical record as an illustration of capitalism at its most absurd.

trump looked pretty flustered and hillary made him look weak a lot too

"Fake and gay."

Maybe because it just was shit in general, people see more of the stuff that looks bad to them. Holla Forums sees the fascist as the winner while Holla Forums sees their daddy as the loser.

I'm kind of new.. What's link to bunkermag? I read recently people said it's not still going or something.

I'd love to contribute.

Please do contribute if you can. You don't have to write well, it's more important to have more content than to curate just the "best" content, especially with how sparse it is.

"I wish I incited rebellion when I had the chance."

Seems likely, with the planet warming up.

I can bet he feels hopeless.

"I may not live to see it, but the historical inevitability of communism means one day the streets will run red with the blood of these pigs."

Awesome. Thanks, user. I will contribute.

soon. soon they will understand.

This one wins.


he really does look cucked in that pic

>>>Holla Forums


lol she's becoming Jill Stein!

If there was still a major communist party, she would be saying we need to seize the means of production.

Damn, that bitch is fucking angry.

Fuck the DNC, so hard, for screwing B████.

He was so based & so needed in the US. He still did a lot of good, by radicalizing many, at least.

Is anyone else getting that huge ass ad asking if you registered to vote on youtube?

The porky shilling is going all out.

Who else is #WithHer now?

After Hillary doing so great during the debate and BTFOing Drumpf I've decided to vote for her since at least if she wins we'll be closer to globalism and globalism is the first step to a communist world order.

I honestly don't think B████ would have done as good against him. The Democrats probably did themselves a solid by making sure Hilldog won the nom. She fucking butchered Trump.

He tried so many times to bait her by making meme zingers. But they all fell flat and she didn't even blink. She just carried on with her argument.

I can't tell if this is Holla Forums pretending to be CTR, Holla Forums attempting to be what they think Holla Forums is, or a Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums.

i lol'd thx

i'm a clintoris now



I'm not #withher I'm just calling it like I see it. B████ was pretty 50/50 in his debates with her. I think he adapted really quickly though and got better with each debate. But he never looked as bad as Trump did tonight, that's for certain.

Hell Holla Forums I am conducting a survey test.

How does this image make you feel.


This is the future we chose.

I thought I saw that 2nd one in an image somewhere. Turns out it's the cover for a pretty solid dark ambient album.
The more u know.

Reminder that nigger violence at 80k household income class is four times that of whites at 40k household income.

no man, thats just learning the secrets of the illuinati but you cant tell anyone otherwise you wake up suicded with 3 gun shots to the back of the head.

This is the future the financial elites that use their power to undermine democracy chose.

holy shit bless your heart Holla Forums

I swear if I ever saw this cocksucker out on the street I'd break his nose.

It made me feel like it needed some improvement.

Much better now.

Youre just playing with semantics. There's 0 excuse for this blatant denial of reality.


There is. Google income and happiness studies.


Lmao. Spoken like someone who hasn't been in either bracket. There's little difference. You're still struggling, either way.

Source on that claim, btw. You're not taking into account the neighborhoods, etc. Many factors contribute to violence.

What the fuck does that have to do with murdering people?


Holla Forums is dumb, Trump won.

Based Jimmy Dore

"Hillary Supporter Stunned By Woman Of Color, Kshama Sawant Speaks Truth"

And based-as-always Sawant, as well, of course.

Sourced vid

aren't there only 3 ?, is he a zombie or something ?

Stage 3 is spreading to the local lymph nodes, stage 4 is distant ones. My dad has stage 4, it's a real thing though it is a bit arbitrary. It just says whether or not it's able to be dealt with surgically.

I think stage 4 is knocking at death's door

My grandpa had stage 4 brain cancer. Sorry to hear about your father, user. Just like we always should, make the most of the time you have with him.

In terms of quality of life, there's a huge difference. Lay off the memes.

By the logic of your pic, the average white and the average black have the same socioeconomic advantages.

There's obviously some differences within the vast majority of people but it's massively less than the difference between them and someone who controls capital.

Oh wow, there's a study that shows those who are incarcerated tend to make less money. What a novel observation!

Lmfao, you linked to a study that highlights systemic racism/incarceration of poor citizens.

Fuck off. You obviously don't have a grasp on the day to day reality of low wage earners.

Also, ctrl+f "violence". No results.

Yeah duh, but this whole argument started because blamed race inequality on class

I'd still agree with him - the majority of middle class to upper middle class (in terms of earnings) black people are not going to be old money, thus they're going to have a higher chance of having trauma that will repeat itself. It's still related to material conditions broe.

So I take it that you can't read?

This kind of thinking might work if the blacks who used to be poor were not committing crime at higher rates than whites who still are poor.

Meaning there's likely a racist component/profiling or a social component which explains this. Why else would this be the case? But I don't think you're willing to understand why this is, you just want to point it out without caring about the causes.

And that study says nothing whatsoever about violence, which you claim. "Nigger violence", as you put it.

committing crimes =/= violent

Also, this study started in 1979. Racial profiling was prevalent & had yet to reach its peak, even. It's laughable to link to this study as an argument for violent blacks. You're banking on people just not reading it, I guess.

I was working and missed the debate. As I haven't seen any news about Hilary shitting her pants, I take it was uneventful?

dunno why I ever went there, jesus the shilling is awful

reddit is shit because the only posts that get upvoted/seen are ones that were posted first


Locking up people became a business, so people are arrested for bullshit "crimes", its the whole reason why we are ending private prisons, making the US having most people in jail per capital in history and the consequences of this is ruining many peoples lives.

Hahahaha, it's so funny be cause its true

⌐╦╦═─(; _ ; )

Ok, nm. I apologize in advance for doing that to you guys.

Hillary Clinton is a Flawed Candidate – Just Like God

You can really start to see liberal porkies sweating bullets in this election now.


They actually likened her to god.

It just doesn't get better then this now we have god emperor trump and Feminist Goddess Clinton

they are goin hard on the bread and circuses

>gets tentacle raped loved

bustin makes me feel good

I'm chodemonkey and I can't program because I'm too busy eating shit

bustin makes me feel good

I'm chodemonkey and I can't program because I'm too busy eating shit
I'm chodemonkey and I can't program because I'm too busy eating shit

By Patrick Martin
27 September 2016



Oh, shit.
It's actually using a Jewish interpretation of God, too.

My Gott


In 2008 we had black Jesus, now we have God incarnate, what will be next?

I was really hoping this sort of behavior would be confined entirely to innertubes Trump memelords, but I guess the arch-normalfags that make up the Clinton camp are going full ouroboros in the fart sniffing department.

lol wtf was that debate

I kept hearing how clinton was the policy master and how she would tear trump apart with her expert knowledge

and then she makes hardly any policy statements

all I got from the debate was hillary will raise tax, trump will lower tax

then the for the other hour and 20 min they just flung shit at each other

american politics never fails to disappoint

Yeah, this was the first American debate I actually watched and it was full of nothing. I was expecting at least an entertaining clown show.

Really? I thought Clinton was just as bad. The only way she won was to let Trump keep talking himself into the ground. Anyone who just watched just the beginning of the debate will think Trump killed it.

So Election Justice USA, the election integrity group formed after the Arizona Democratic primary, is going to have a "Teach-in" today with a big livestream covering the various ways in which the US's shitty elections can be and are hacked. Starts at 6pm PST.

That's a really West Coast-oriented time; they should have thought about starting it earlier. They're going to end up losing a sizable audience of people on the East who need to sleep.

Wooswoos articles give me the feeling of deja vu.


even Muke would whip these two fucks. I was thinking about how B████ ██████ or me or Secular Talk or even Cenk would shit all over both of them.

I… just… can't…

Don't they need 15% to get in the debates? I'm sure the CPD would find a way to exclude them anyway.

Yes and yes.

I was talking about in the national election, not polling

Nope. The private corporation that runs that set of debates only cares about corporate media polls of questionable veracity.

Nevermind, /reading comprehension

np, but I agree about the polling. It's bullshit; run by the GOP & DNC, right? Laughable, if that's the case, to expect them to be fair.

Is the polling coming out of the US media? If yes, it's probably bullshit - ignore it entirely. If no, check its sources. There you go.

make it stop

Did Hillary Clinton actually mention any policies relating to income inequality? I remember she went off about the economy being an "unfair economy" and used Barnie Saunders' talking points, but I don't recall her mentioning what she would do about it.

The freedom of speech is strong with that pic.

She said that she would increase the min wage.

No Gods, no masters

That's too bad. Increasing minimum wage won't do anything good because it will just inflate prices and temporarily inconvenience smaller businesses. I suppose she didn't propose taxing the rich?

She did. But she never did really say how much during the debate. It's like a 4% increase.

it also changes every time she talks about, and has no chance of implementation anyway so who cares

Didn't Trump say it was the largest tax increase of all time? I guess she let that slide because she didn't want to talk about how measly it really is. It's probably full of loopholes too.

Election Justice livestream "Teach-in" starts in 40 minutes.

Remember, the primary function of minimum wage isn't actually the direct increase of poor workers' income, but instead the elimination of parasitic employers from the job market.

If a job doesn't pay enough for someone to support themselves (legally defined as living above the poverty-line), that logically means the job is being subsidized by its employees' other income-streams, and is a net loss to the economy.

Can you elaborate further? I'm not sure I follow your logic.

Jill Stein "debates" Clinton and Trump over Democracy Now:


How dare you.

Raising the minimum wage will get people off welfare first and foremost. The inflation myth is only partially true because for it to be completely true the entire population would have to be minimum wage.
Thanks for not understanding how the economy works at all though.

Such desperation reminds me of "Vote Man".


It's intermediary but it's important.

Wow they sure fucked up the audio. Way to go guys.


The purpose of spending, say, an hour of your life at a given profession instead of doing something else, is that it offers enough monetary compensation for you and your dependents to acquire housing, food, and safety. Since many employers don't actually pay enough, yet their employees haven't all been living on the streets, gone extinct, or starved to death, this logically means their employees must be supplementing their income with other sources like welfare, debt, gifts from family/friends, excessive hours, etc…

From a broad economic perspective, these supplementations to their employees' income function as subsidies to the "business", which allows them to undercut competitors, or even to provide a product consumers want so little that it couldn't sell if sold at cost! In other words, below-poverty-line "jobs" are a form of anticompetitive "dumping" at best, and an embezzlement scheme at worst.

Even without wage labor, there will still be economically unproductive activities pretending to be otherwise in order to siphon away resources. Allow too many to persist, and the entire economy will collapse.


They finally fixed it, after 15 minutes. How embarrassing.


Lol I hate people who tune out of society entirely thinking that it "doesn't matter" just because it probably won't get you socialism. Like, yeah, it matters, it's about improving the human condition in the meantime.

Improving material conditions are more likely to keep people complacent for the status quo tbh. I'm just partly shitposting. I understand why people are invested in this, but working within the system doesn't work in the end dude.

I look at the life of the average pleb my ancestors suffered through before the enlightenment, or even just a century ago, and I can't help but feel proud of what was accomplished, even if it's just crumbs compared to what they thought they were fighting for.

I also look at the fruits of basically every single violent revolution, and see (with a tiny handful of exceptions) lurches back to the status quo at best, pointless devastation and failure at worst.

I truly wish there was another way, but to paraphrase: Reformism is the worst possible form of movement, except for every other form. The only reliably good uses of revolution are as bluffing leverage for reform.

I'm sure the oppressed and impoverished appreciate you trying to make their life worse. Really makes them want to join your side.

No, you either gotta work all the way inside the system or all the way outside it. It's why Dem entryism and groups like SAlt have produced results but the Greens haven't. When people say working within the system doesn't work they mean what the Greens are trying to do. SAlt is basically trying to get rid of the system even if they do have an electoral branch and Dem entryists are trying to mold the playing field to be more advantageous to them, but the Greens are fucked long-term because they're doing neither.

Nothing about life being slightly easier for people who will never ever be revolutionaries for one reason or another impedes the process of spreading the word and outrage about private property and capitalism. The simple fact is that capitalism is going to grant concessions to proles with or without proles actively agitating for them over socialism because like you said they're trying to preserve themselves. Unfortunately for them, making the bills easier to pay isn't going to make Cletus hate his boss any less or Jamal any less fucked over. The problems of capitalism go much, much further than "in capitalism I can't pay my bills". Capitalism creates the entire condition. Just use everything else to your advantage instead. Instead of telling people they're only broke because their boss wants them to be, tell them they only have to pay bills to begin with because capitalism wants it that way. Tell them their cousin is only in jail for pot because capitalism wants it that way. Tell them that their job sucks because capitalism wants it that way.

I hate how much I agree with this. Of course, nonviolent revolution could be different.

They only have two chances left to smear Trump before election day. All Trump has to do is stay cool and not get frustrated. I think he's keen enough to do it. Also Minnesota is tied for Hilary and Trump now, as is Michegan and Wisconsin. Hilary is going to get fucked hard if midwestern Progressives stay home.

It sort of makes me want to cry, thinking about how we could have had S█████. Oh well.

Reformism is a valid option, get your head out of your ass.

I'm betting that Trump will outperform the polls due to higher turnout from his supporters. That's how the Brexit referendum was won. And I don't recall very well, but I think Obama also benefited heavily from this in 2012. The polls said he was going to win by a tiny margin, but he won comfortably thanks to the greater enthusiasm of his base.

You guys are giving me the whole, "Porky will hand over his shit if we ask nicely." crap. I frankly disagree. It is precisely because of the alleviation of material conditions that allowed class struggle and socialist movements to lose the spotlight across America in my opinion. The Great Depression was ripe for more class consciousness across the nation, but what happened? The New Deal set up the social programs that allowed Americans to live in relative peace for the next 40 years. In the end we have those same porkies whittling down said reforms. These marginal increases, these marginal concessions will only change depending on what capitalism deems necessary to allow it to survive.

It's a ping pong game that I think is useless to participate in.

Ror that's not our argument at all. We just don't think agitating for better conditions now while agitating for socialism in the future don't contradict.

'tis a futile gesture lad.

How do you expect to convince the common man that revolution is the only way without proving reform is no possible?

I have no specific plan for this, but I believe it go along the lines of pointing out the lack of change for the better between each election, and then telling him how the people at the top will stop at nothing to maintain their power regardless of what we do in the system. The only way to change would be a complete upheaval of current society by force and in this case capitalism.

I think that's a needlessly pessimistic appraisal of history. Contrary to the accelerationist/decelerationist conception, I look at the history of power shifting from the exploiters to the masses, and I see each concession we gain as giving us more power to reach for more, while taking power away from the ruling class, making their future attempts to clamp down on us weaker than before. Sure, backslides like our current bout of neolib/neocon antipopulism happen, but the overall sawtooth graph of history shows us slowly climbing, them slowly crumbling piece by piece.

Because revolution isn't the only way, it is merely a way, much like reform. Both paths must be open to pursuit.

But if there is no-one trying to create change(reform) for you to show that it doesn't work what then?

That's why even though you may support and ultimately want revolution perusing further and further more radical reforms until they fail completely so that you can point to it and say there is the locked door now we must knock it down with revolution is, at least in my mind, preferable

Both must be open to pursuit but the only way for revolution to succeed is for its supporters to prove that reform will not get the proles any further

Revolution isn't the goal, a new system is. There are situations when revolution is the best way forward, and situations when it isn't.

Don't end up like "survivalists" that are dishonest about "prepping" for disaster, when what they obviously care more about is the hope of "shtf" "happening", because they're really just doom cultists.

no revolution is not the goal i understand that all im saying is that in the situation where revolution is the best option if there is still a path of reform to pursue it will never happen

I suppose I can see that, but with the level of control that porky has on the media, textbooks, the cultural narrative in general, I don't know if reform can really get any further than at best socdem. Those in power hold all the cards and will not just sit there while we take power. Barney Santa was the MOST moderate Social Democrat you could be, but the Dems resorted to deliberate manipulation of the media and other dirty tricks to make him lose.

Reformism is the force that finally toppled the totalitarian monarchs and theocrats of antiquity, modern porky is a lightweight by comparison.

I don't know what to say man. I think you underestimate the power and influence of porky. Lobbying, vote tampering, media manipulation, etc.

I dunno. I still feel there is no option left but revolution at this rate.

No I'm pretty sure that was violent revolution.

Reformism only shirks the burden of oppression to the proles of the future, satisfied with the pleasures of their own flesh at the expense of countless others. Not my comrades.

Your straw men of Greens are getting a little worn, tbh fam.

No wonder she sounded so scripted.


Is you serious nigga? Even ignoring shitshows like The Terror and Napoleon, the revolution failed so hard absolute monarchy was reinstated! The only example I can think of being any more absurdly inept was the British Civil War and the rise of Cromwell.

Fake and gay. Check Snopes.

Mention of Dunning-Kruger in any subjective context is an instant red light that the person I'm conversing with is a dishonest little twerp, it's completely circular and unsuited to use in arguments.



Tbh, Snopes is shit. They're hit & miss.

this isn't even a real news site. you idiots will believe fucking anything

28 September 2016

Patrick Martin

user, it's a guy and his wife with their own agenda writing those articles.
They were selective with their 'debunking' of the Clinton tapes regarding the rape case she helped her client get off. Anybody that went and watched the full tape would plainly see that they avoided the content that contradicted their position.

Does the ride ever end?


By inserting Kool-Aid drinkers inside the staff:

Note that one of the "solutions" to the "human rights issue" of online "harassment" directly linked to in the above article, Block Together, is written by another EFF staffer (also a former Twatter employee) and modeled after Randi "Methwhale" Harper's GGAutoBlocker.

Jesus Christ.

How does anybody go about unfucking that victim narrative, when it shields the worst abuses of censorship with an ostensibly virtuous goal?

Damn, Voteman likes 'em THICC!

read 'designated' and chuckled. I miss crustacea/n/.

Shit, what happened to Snopes?

"I wonder when Holla Forumsmer fuckey will photoshop an image from their 20-yopobyte interracial cuckporn hoard onto the TV in this image"

Comey getting grilled and salty as fuck

Chaffetz giving Comey the business

Give this a look regarding Snopes:

You're right on all counts user, but as it happens, they're right that the Baltimore Gazette is the source of a lot of fake stories.

To further elaborate, an EFF gimp chumming it up with Nee Nee and other socjus thought leaders. They really were pushing the cyberviolence bullshit hard, until that UN panel blew up spectacularly.

Also Cory Doctorow is an advisor, and he's well within the clique.

I wish I knew, user, I really do. Other than waiting for it to collapse on itself, the only effective measure against it that I can see is a Trump presidency, and I would really prefer that it doesn't come to that.

The hegemonic order is imploding.


Long before SJWs became a big problem he was already a pretentious lolcow in the tech world. Even speaking as an über-fedora who thinks all postmodernists are subhuman mystical bullshitters who should be forcefed their own vacuous "literature" until their stomachs burst, I hold Cory as barely a rung below Eliezer Yudkowsky on the cringe scale.

I recall being laughing at his books in forums of yore. What really stuck in my mind was a line about glass-cutting boners.

That's a perfectly reasonable and healthy opinion, nothing fedora about it.

DAE think Shillary is literally the savior of the black community?

I was bored

she also saves people from not supporting the US by bombing them
obviously she's good at finding innovative solutions to complex non-problems
a wonderful role-model for our daughters

I'm not seeing any other threads about it, so I'm posting it here

Very important info.

This deserves its own thread.


Whew, at least my state didn't embarrass itself this time.


:^) please end my suffering

Jimmy Dore shitting all over his stupid "lefty" guests and they still refuse to get it

These elections have been the biggest shitshow I have seen, and it seems every imageboard has gone to shit so hard that makes 2011 look like the golden age.
I wonder how much that oculus rift guy is behind that shit.

American politics truly reminds me of some reality show. Especially with some debate ads I saw mimicking WWE-type ads. And now Holla Forums tier memes like this are being discussed on major american new networks? Strange world.

wew lad

All those cyberbullies that attacked her on twitter are really going to regret it

If you think it's bad now, just wait until one of these jackasses becomes president.

All of pent up frustration caused by this election is going to explode.

The loss of the Onion is the most saddening casualty of this whole election.

This election has been nothing but loss.
Clinton camp gets another 40 endorsements from big name republicans

So we shouldn't be worried about the ICANN deal? Someone who can into internet computers tell me pls.

I'm going to read further, but I haven't slept all night & want others' input as well.

Not that kinda dude, but I'm hearing it basically means that individual nation states will have full control over their internet within their borders. It may cut down on copyright BD from the US and maybe NSA, but it also means depending on where you live you may see more censorship.

I think.

Holla Forums and 4/g/ aren't talking about it, so I'll just assume it's not actually a problem

Trump is Putin, Kim Jong Un, and ISIS all at the same time

holy shit this is brilliant bait.

>>>Holla Forums656935

This is on page 3 and is about it

Look more closely before shitting up unrelated threads next time pls.

Are a lot Americans actually susceptible to shit like that? As a non-American it's pretty scary seeing the aggressiveness of pro-Clinton propaganda. I mean, to me a lot of these things are even too insane to caricature, it's unimaginable and unbelievable. It feels unreal.

no, us freedom loving Americans would never fall for propaganda. And our pro-freedom corporate media would never lie to us.
I've met people who seriously think that US media can't be propaganda by definition because it isn't owned by the government
fucking kill me

The average American has become almost totally disengaged from the political process and receives only what is filtered to them via their coworkers or their newsfeed or their tv. They don't seem to judge things based on facts or information, but whether or not what they're told fits their personal biases or what they otherwise want to believe. The most susceptible to this I think are the over 40 set that still get their news from old media. You know, tv news, newspapers, magazines, nonsense like that. Younger people more jacked into the matrix seem slightly more aware since information is brought right to them and it tends to be slightly more varied than the monotonized spew issuing forth from the big networks. They aren't immune, of course, but I don't think it's a coincidence that younger people tended to go for someone practically unheard of like B████, and now for candidates like Stein and Johnson, while older classcucks citizens support either the Dems or Reps.

From my experience at least, people seem to be buying the Clinton propaganda. The news just regurgitates whatever bullshit talking points over and over uncritically and people absorb it as background radiation. Russia is a good example. Despite the fact that none of the culprits responsible for the recent email hacks have been identified, the TV news just keeps repeating it over and over. They'll slip words like allegedly and rumored and other weasel words in there, but they uncritically present Russia as the evil Other meddling in America's sacred democracy.

So yeah, if you're worried, you have good reason to be.

But it's similar here in Eastern Europe when it comes to people's political engagement, they're passive and reliant on mainstream media as well, while the youth seems even more shallow and consumerist, more so than what I'm seeing in America this year.

What actually surprises me about America is that in my country only the most right wing party uses such blatant propaganda as Clinton does and most people laugh at them when they do this. The ruling center-right party is much more subtle, which makes it worse because then a lot of people believe them, and I though Clinton would be subtle as well. I know this might sound like something coming from Holla Forums, but Clinton's propaganda is basically liberal content in a fascist form, the techniques are very similar at least.

Guccifer was Romanian at least and there's a good possibility Guccifer 2.0 is too. Even if some happen to be Russian however, there is no evidence whatsoever that any of these hacks involved state actors. Proclaiming that it's some foreign state government behind these hacks is just blatant jingoism.
leaked audio reveals Shillary Clinton thinks she's center-left




I asked a question & you helped answer it. Not shitting up a thread & it's related to US politics as well.

CLINTON: "Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future. I met with a group of young black millennials today and you know one of the young women said, “You know, none of us feel that we have the job that we should have gotten out of college. And we don’t believe the job market is going to give us much of a chance.” So that is a mindset that is really affecting their politics. And so if you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot, and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing. So I think we should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic. We want them to set big goals. But to take what we can achieve now and try to present them as bigger goals."

Eh, nothing wrong with expanding Americorps (or the Peace Corps, for that matter). IMHO they should both be funded to the point where as many qualified people as wish to can join, and advertising/outreach at least on par with the military.
look at this.
christ did not die for this.


And Trump would clearly be the Slytherin choice for president.

So much cancer!

slytherins are supposed to be motivated by pure ambition.
They'd love Hillary.

when the fuck did I wake up in the Democratic People's Republic of America

Trump runs on pure ambition too, let's be honest. And the whole pure blood thing slots in well with his supporters.
Fucking Angela Davis says that not voting for Clinton is narcissistic and that you need to stop Trump "at all costs."
Are there ANY American leftists with integrity left?

god fucking damn it

Not if we know what'd good for us

Not surprising tbh

I'm honestly going to throw up after seeing this. What in the everloving fuck, you guys?


Can you imagine?

Progressives doing black outreach (This group has 100,000 members)
Nigel Farage may or may not be coaching Trump for future debates.
Will anyone in America actually care if he does?

What do you guys think? Is she mocking S█████ supporters, or trying to sympathize? I'm inclined to not give her the benefit of the doubt.

Most Americans don't even know who he is.

So like B████? He got way less media coverage and was going against an established politician, and still managed to get 40% of the vote.

And so is the actor who plays her




I thought it was abundantly clear she's mocking. The whole "parent's basement" is a dead giveaway. Insanely condescending. Just like her supporters.


It's funny how much of nerd culture is now part of the spectacle.
Although, technically it's always been based on consumerism in one form or another. They've just really tapped into it recently.

Nerds have always had right-wing tendencies. I remember reading an article about the guys who made Elite and how when they were students in the 80s they were hard-core Thatcherites.

It's unsurprising that the individualistic 'you're successful because you're special' ethos of capitalism might appeal to nerds with a sense of superiourity and latent classist tendencies. Look at how much Silicon Valley had to do with all the reactionary thought going around recently.

I'd like to take a baseball bat to these shills.

I despise these people.

They peddle conservatism couched in nihilism and false narratives.

ESR used to take people to the range way back before the cathedral and the bazaar.


Did Nintendo really agree to this?

What the Sam Heck is ESR? What are you talking about?

Anyone that peddles this sort of "science fiction and fantasy are all about white males!" is seriously not a "real nerd." It fucking pisses me off. Sci-fi and fantasy are two genres chock-full of diverse protagonists and antagonists and they were fucking doing this shit before it was cool and it was actually a daring thing to do.

Hillary's desperation is truly amazing.

Remember when B████ had millennials by just showing sympathy towards them and their problems? He didn't need to force memes or anything. Just some compassion and understanding.

All Hillary has shown the younger generation is poorly disguised antipathy. She doesn't want to know them or their issues. She just wants their vote.

I think its fair to speculate that she and her husband blame the current generation for their own failed policies.

They must think along the lines of "we did good, but these worthless millennials threw it all away."


It all checks out: they are old farts (baby boomers) who hate those meddling kids, they are right wingers who look for an outside force ruining their otherwise perfect world.

She has a "squad goals" video coming out soon. *sigh*

I miss you, B████.

this is a joke right?

Working on some The Dark Horse Candidate Rises OC with Bern

What do you mean "coming out soon"? They released a fucking trailer for it?

Isn't she just some fucking liberal anyway?

who is Holla Forums voting for?

Have you seen our tv and movies?

When are you gonna lose the trip, son?

ur a faget pepezefag


I've already shilled pic related a few times, and it does a pretty good job at capturing the current Democrat mindset - i.e. "better education will fix everything, if it doesn't help you well that's your problem", and laissez-faire justified by the usual platitudes about welp, there's nothing the government can do about the decline of unions, loss of jobs to Third World countries etc

Lol never because me talking about OC has to do directly with my contributions to the board

You mean this?

There's a lot of downvotes.


No, there was a tweet advertising it calling it that. But watching it now, it's not nearly as cringy as I thought it would be

Holy shit, Dr. Stein is amazing. She has an intelligent response to every problem she raises, and her policy proposals are genius.

It's totally cringy. Her whole political program is "If I win, I will be the president :DDD"

um no she's totally gonna enact the progressive agenda she mentioned. it's not like she's saying one thing and gonna do another.

Thank you for correcting the record!

0.05 cents have been added to your CTR account

No, thank YOU for feeding me tonight :^)

It really doesn't sound unfair or disdainful to me. Not "lel whiney neckbears", but "these people have been flushed down the toilet of life from birth, they're quite justified in to thinking radical change is the only thing that could really help them, we have to give them token concessions while we continue the status quoshow that our policies line up with their hopes".

Why are liberals so bad at arguing their case?

You're completely full of shit. Are there right-wing techies and genre fans? Yeah, generally more of the psychopathic lolbert persuasion than the thoughtcucked fundie sort, they exist. But for every one of them, there's a dozen Steve Wozniaks and Gene Roddenberrys.

What's the Matter with Kansas explained the problem perfectly. If there was a pro-union, progressive taxation, protectionist, pacifist, openly anti-immigration candidate, they'd sweep the polls like a tidal wave. Trump is openly pro-porky, S█████ (even though he has quietly made it clear that he thinks mass economic immigration is retarded) was never willing to defy the PC weenies, it's a shame there isn't anyone who combines the strengths of both.

Look, pal, I never meant to deny that lots of sci-fi has been alternately subversive and utopic as it's developed, but you'd have to be straight up blind to ignore the unholy marriage that's happened between the right wing and the tech fetishists in recent years. Lots of young people especially who've never had much interest in politics and would've been otherwise apolitical get wrangled into supporting neoliberal policy because they frame it in a way in that they don't make it seem like a political issue at all, and just a matter of individual rights, disrupting technologies and giving the freedom to innovate. That's the insidiousness of it, they make it seem like supporting right-wing ideology isn't a political choice at all.

Like it or not, contemporary nerd culture is becoming hopelessly entangled with the corporate culture of the Silicon Valley tech sector, which has always been shamelessly about pushing deregulation and liberalization.

Oh fuck off. The most informed people (which "nerds" are) always have left-wing tendencies.

Based Bene Gesserit.

Interviewer is obnoxious as fuck.

Well, then you're retarded, user. And even if that's somehow what she meant, you're a fool to believe her. She's speaking to donors here, not the millennials she's referencing. One would think that would be the best way to get that message across. And she's fucked us at every turn, so I'm "inclined" not to believe a damn word she says.


I remember seeing this author on Democracy Now! He made a lot of sense, and I thought I'd check his book out. I will, and I'll also tell my baby boomer parents to. Maybe it will be a good way to get through to them.

Definitely a much better answer than we got out of B████ ██████' wife when she came to our town months ago.

Her answer should have been something more to the effect of "the Green Party recognizes the futility of trying to protect the environment under capitalism and that is why we see increasing the number of worker co-ops as fundamental to the future of the country."

I think Stein is really afraid of getting Red baited, when she really shouldn't be if she was paying attention to the S█████ campaign.

STEM people are most often politically undeveloped or retarded. Why would this be surprising?
I actually went into STEM for a year, and I can tell you that I and everyone else who studied with me had no sense of politics or sociology, we had the most retarded way of thinking about anything outside of "exact sciences". Then I went to study philosophy and I realized that STEMs are most often very right-wing economically, even socially, and they're very dogmatic and stubborn in their beliefs.

What has to be said though and what most people here still refuse to understand is that Silicon Valley in particular may be liberal, but they're not neoliberal anymore. Instead they're into governing society through algorithms and artificial intelligence, e.g.:
There's now lots and lots of such ideologues from Silicon Valley trying to change the paradigm of government and they are succeeding. US, UK, and EU are all trying to implement their ideas. And what's really distressing is that people from both left and right see this uncritically as progress instead of realizing that the system becoming omnipresent and automatized is a political nightmare. It's like locking yourself in a cage and throwing the key out. Then we can really forget about any kind of radical change.

You gonna lose that trip son?

This needs a Downfall resub, it's too close to the original dialogue to pass up.

We want the "such a nerd xD" market.

although to be fair i wish i could forget Mike Pence too.

They should be honest at least.

The asian is a qt tbh fam

At least you don't have him as Governor

Do people actually wear it, or is it just a popcultural forced meme?

I honestly have a hard time remembering Kaine or Pence, too. But I'm sure that'll change when both presidential candidates are thrown in jail due to their respective financial scandals midway through the election.

If you're so passionate about Silicon Valley, algorithms and artificial intelligence, then contribute to the Free Software Movement.


It's astonishing how many ratheists consider themselves liberal while supporting Hitchens, Dawkins, et al. And then Gamergate was able to exploit younger Redditors's antipathy for women and their love for free speech to form the alt-right. It's astounding.

What's a worker co-op?

It's pretty embarassing, but I don't think it really matters tbh

Isn't YouGov online? That'd be like trusting the Drudge Report polls that say Trump won the debate.

I've seen other legit polls that say ~90% are voting for her, and although it may have dropped since then, there's no way it's that much.

They're a legit polling org.



I'm only on Holla Forums because of GG.


But I do realize now upon doing more than skimming, that this excludes 3rd party.

Hm, interesting. What about it lead you here?

My point is that technological automatization of governance and politics is horrifying when you start to think what this actually means for the possibility of politics and history as such, as well as what human beings will become under such automated in-depth hyperregulation.
FSF critiques the abuse and not the use of it as such. The "fully automated luxury consumerism" fanatics are much worse though. Today there's very little thought about the political implications of technology in general, technology is simply synonymous with progress which is apolitical. Certain specific cases are denounced as incorrect uses only to then glorify the correct use more purely. It's not that surprising, we're like those fish that don't understand what water is because our way of living and thinking is already so integrated into it.

That stupid cultural Marxism meme made me finally look up what Marxism is.

Have you read this user?

I hope there's more people like you.

Trump conveniently lost 916 million dollars in 1995 which allowed him to pay zero taxes for 18 years.

I've heard of it. Evgeny Morozov is also worth checking out, he's been writing about big data and algorithmic regulation for years now.

But I think we should go further and consider the following thought experiment: imagine we use big data to create a world without inequality, illness, crime, climate change, etc… It's a perfect world and the end of history. To achieve this the algorithms turn all aspects of our lives, both on the individual and collective level, into a problem of logistics and efficiency. Would we not, in such a perfect world where any conflict is eradicated, become mere organic automatons?
I think that conflicts and politics are essential to being human. In the past the role of the left was always to antagonize the dominant order, whatever that order was. But now, as the dominant order is turning into a global hegemony and the only question left is how to make this hegemony comfortable for everybody, the very possibility of antagonism is disappearing.

I'm a B████ supporter, but I was wondering how would he pay for some of his ideas like free education and healthcare?

I can already imagine taxes on the wealthy, but what else?


Part of it was closing several highly lucrative business tax loopholes.

Oh yeah, I was thinking about that too.

What about cutting military spending? It's incredibly overbloated, but I can't remember if he had the courage to say it.

The wealthy actually paid their taxes we wouldn't need any harebrained ideas to fund education and healthcare.

Sanders agrees with Clinton on basement remarks

This shit is actually unsettling

Did you guys actually listen to her?

Why are people freaking out over the basement remark again? It was a bad way to describe how this generation is suffering, but it was sympathetic in tone. On the other hand, that bit about half of B████ites not understanding the nordic model of healthcare but feeling it being right is the same shitty 'young people are inherently misinformed' bullshit that Hillary's spouted before much more openly.

Just when I even start thinking about voting for Hillary I just play this video.

That was 10 years ago though, they're too unpopular for her to pull it off now.

Fuck yes. Someone needs to photoshop this & help it get spread, like Clinton's foreign policy :((.

On that subject, anyone got any good recommendations on beginner photoshop software? I've been using shitty, free Photoscape for a while now & it's really limiting. I also just torrented Adobe cs6, but haven't found a good serial number(& don't know how to crack) yet. I'm pretty new, so a quick suggestion would be awesome..

Not surprising in the least. And these are the people who are quick to call you uninformed..


He didn't. The most he said was we need to approach the idea of regime change more carefully and that Saudi Arabia should fight its own battles.


Yeah, CTR was shilling this poll hard some months ago. Completely ignoring its many flaws.

90% of any type of voter or polling is hard to come by, and raises flags.

Because it's fucking condescending. Even if she didn't mean it that way, it indicates a detachment from the voters she's targeting, like millennials are "ignorant savages" who need Hillary's neoliberal salvation.

Considering she's trying to buy them with trinkets like , the latter is probably the viewpoint of many democrats.


Fuck a duck. Assange is delaying his October surprise. When does the suspense end :(


Most people here were from GG, its was pretty liberal at first.

That was after it was co-opted by the alt-right.

Gamers are sexist was literally B████Bros 1.0, most people were apolitical at first and even hated Brietbart in the beginning but felt betrayed when the media lashed out at them, leaving them susceptible to the right.

Assange and Wikileaks are psyops. When are people going to realize this?

Psyops? For the US or Russia? What?

It's astonishing how many SJWs consider themselves leftists while being apologetics for patriarchic iron age theology. .

Iron age theology is anti-imperialist

Iron age theology IS imperialist.

Not when brown people do it.



Whatever the surprise is, it is not going to change anything. Nobody is going to incriminate her, even if it turns out that she is a russian lizard who did 9/11. Hillary will win, one way or another. They will manipulate the votes if needed to give her the necessary boost.

Remember to get out of your house on October 11th and support Election Justice USA's national day of action in some manner.

Jill Stein had one of her better interviews on HuffPost last week.

Did aids skrillex get a sex change?

Please end my suffering


You communists are so deluded by the jew you really think that by seizing the means of production you will unseat the wealthy. hahaha.

This is obviously a nimbly navigating white-hero playing 320000Didgeridoo checkers.

ITT the name "Seth Rich" now appears

Hillary swiped her woman card at the debate and spewed cheerbait towards the crowd even though cheering was not allowed. The fembot idiots cheered anyway because progressives are all about committing themselves to things like agreed-upon rules.

I thought the debate might not hurt Trump all that much because he did best the first part. Most of the time that's what most people watch and remember. But it according to the polls most people say they watched the whole thing. Trump's ability to bring eyes to these debates has back fired.

Still, Shillary celebrations should be put on hold because a lot of the time after all three debates the polls go right back to where they were before the debates.

Grandpa Paul just endorsed Jill Stein for president.

Kek, will lolberts recover?

well yeah, she is literally the only pro-liberty candidate in the race. Even the "libertarian" candidate is a pro-tpp corporate dicksucker

All those people that laughed are going to be fired if Clinton becomes president.

Not really endorsed but yeah, she is better than Gary Johnson in his eyes.


wtf I hate the Green Party now

kek, look at what i found in the twitter responses.

Porky's little whore: you haven't reached 15 berdsent. :DDD How you gona debate if you habend rich fideen berdend? :D:DD
Stein: The rules are set by the two owners, the dems and reps, and they obviously don't want to shatter the two party system by letting us in.
Porky's little whore: but you habenb got da fifdeen berbembd! :DDD

lol does this guy have any principles?

Nate Silver/the other establishment folks have fallen back to the point in the campaign where they're convinced Clinton is inevitable.
Place your bets as to how She'll screw this up this time.

I think a lot of liberals are consciously in denial about Hillary.

If they admit that the candidate they support is a dangerous war profiteer who is in contradiction with their own platitudes about human rights then their whole "movement" will get discredited as politically bankrupt. So they have to keep pretending that all attacks are just about sexism, putting ever wider amount of critics on their list of "known bigots". They have to keep pretending that they're actually stupid and blind in order to maintain the purity of their intentions.

But there's only so far they can go before it all becomes too farcical even to themselves. I'm interested in what they will claim tomorrow when Wikileaks releases it's big surprise.

If he releases them.
*rattling intensifies*


the interviewer is shit yeah
but still the electoral system itself is fucked beyond repair. short of an entire overhaul people like stein will never get anything done

good taste my fam

they'll put death threats on the right people and do perfect damage control like usual. this election has already been bought and paid for

Reminds me of how the Republicans thought Romney was inevitable.

I guess this year will be the Democrats turn to reach for the hemlock.

People like Stein can't, sure, but downballot challengers can. You know, in all those little local elections 3rd parties haven't made the slightest dent in, despite repeated acknowledgement they're the only viable option.

It's just a presentation right?

Sooooo.. Assange is supposed to livestream soon with October Surprise?

Anyone got any more info? I just heard,

A bunch of hearsay that the entire email stack will drop. No proof though.


We really need to work on getting Hillary supporters to look at her critically.. I know, that's a large order, but it's what we have to do to get this shit to stick


Hopefully it's something good.

I'm getting real sick of his dud announcements.

He's published enough though. We should be grateful for that. I made its own thread for the press conference that's ongoing. Hopefully they'll mention it. Otherwise, it's still interesting.

I think her supporters and the media already know very well who Hillary actually is, they just don't care, it's unimportant details to them.

VP debate tonight

Still 13 hrs away, though.

Where's Ajamu Baraka?

It depends on what you mean by "supporters".

On average, if people are supporting her, it's just because they view her as slightly better than Trump. They know full well that Hillary is human garbage, but they have little choice in the matter. Everything is shit this election.

The 2020 election will be very different.

That's impossible. They just want to vote in a woman to fuck with the system. To a Hillary supporter, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is just a way to create more jobs for working families.

Citation fucking needed

Several things are going to happen here. Either a neoliberal porky shill or a neoliberal porky shill is going to be installed into the presidency. They will not solve people's economic woes. Both sides of the political spectrum will probably get more radical because of this. Next election expect someone more left than Stein and S█████ and possibly a full-on fascist worse than Trump.

One more specific outcome of this election is that if the Greens get 5% of the vote this election that could be totally game-changing for them next election. Jill Stein has run her current campaign fund of roughly only a few million dollars now. Getting 5% of the vote means somewhere around $8-$10 million for them, a 3x or 4x increase.

Not the guy you're responding to, but for starters if Hilary wins then in 2020 it'll be her against Cruz or Rubio. In which case, it'll be a trendy beaner vs an ineffectual and bitchy white lady. The media will drop the facade and go full porky cocksucking mode once the GOP becomes "multicultural". Downballot the party would be a total mess as the progressives and labor (ie the base of the party) will either be locked out of the politburo or have eroded away. The GOP would easily be able to use her as a scapegoat and win over the entire government. And this is assuming she isn't Impeached (note the open House committee on her emails).

On that note: let's imagine what Hilary's policy agenda would be. Day one would be flying to the Philippines and attempting to rebuild bridges with Duterte. Then out to Iran, where Hilary will throw Israel under the bus so she can cut up Iraq and Syria with Iran. Onto Europe, she'll be the manager of the migrant crisis (as neither Juncker, Merkel or Hollande are interested in filling that role) which will be fixed with Pinkertons (just like in Deus Ex). All of this would likely fail or be unsuccessful, and she would take the blame for it resulting in Rubio/Cruz going full spook on her and netting the White House. The 2020 Census happens and the US becomes a one party porkistani state.

The fallout from Trump/Sanders massive popular support (whether or not Trump wins, IMHO, though obviously a win by him would greatly magnify the effect) will tear the two-party system a new asshole over the next four years.

Further, if stuff like Brexit/Corbyn causes similar cracks in the "left"/"right" neolib/neocon antipopulist establishment worldwide, it would hammer even harder against the status quo in the US (and visa versa).

I truly think 2016 is shaping up to be the biggest political shakeup since the post-WWII socdem New Deal/Marshall Plan regime disintegrated in the 1970s, and this neolib/neocon nightmare started.

There is a 0% chance of Shillary making it through her first term, and a pretty good chance of President Trump fucking up good enough to get thrown in the slammer as well.

Trump would help the two-party system more than anything else. His victory would cause the GOP and Democrats to realign into more nationalist, and more economically interventionist, parties. But if Trump looses, at least in my view we're going to end up with a one party state. The GOP would be totally united while the Greens split the Dem vote (more democracy inside blue/green states, but a GOP national government).

Trumpenproles are pretty gullible, sure, enough where lots of corrupt porky antics and (to a lesser volume of forgiveness) some military adventurism could happen without a ripple. But I seriously doubt they're delusional enough (aside from a tiny core of the most denialist fanboys) for Trump to pass more trade deregulation and visa bumps, or even just fail to reign in trade and immigration, without going completely apeshit.

Look at how [REDACTED] completely lost control over his "revolution" just as keikaku? when he betrayed us, with a HUGE number of sincere "Never Hillary" voters injected into the Democratic Party bloodstream like neurotoxin.

If Trump goes back on the more famous promises he's made, I'm confident him and the entire Republican party will go up like a roman candle.

is this a filter?

No, this is truth.


This is something I'm honestly scared of. By denying S█████, the Democrats opened a door for darker forces to take his message and radicalize an entire generation.

They basically set themselves up for another Trump.

does anyone care enough about the VP debate to livestream it?

which what they want in the first place. proky can allow fascism happen, it can never allow leftist takeover to happen

WTF so sad to see Forward shill for a creature like hillary clinton

If you ever need motivation to finally kill yourself, just look up "B████ ██████" in tumblr. Their arguments for Hillary haven't changed this entire election.

I'm waiting on Democracy Now to give a pulpit to Baraka like they did Stein last week so I can watch all three responses together.

This isn't the '30s m8, porky's gone global - a fascist American president is as much a threat as any genuine socialist to their globalist designs.

The thing is Trump memers are being tongue in cheek with the God Emperor pastiche lifted from Warhammer 40K whilst this Hillary comparison is presented to us with an endearing sincere straight face.

Pol is 100% serious about Trump being the white savior though.
Republicans send cops to raid the biggest voter registration office in Indiana.

They'd rather have that than socialism tough…

The entire DNC he looked so uncomfortable.

Guess it's hard to be comfortable with half of Clinton's goons crawling up your ass.

All Trump has to do is deliver on immigration, free trade, and gun rights (perhaps with an icing of infrastructure spending, depending on how moderate Trump really is). His base will then eat up anything and everything. I think he's capable of it.

Does it matter? Either the Democrats become more radically leftist (not in the porkyist SJW sense, but in the labor struggle sense) or they die out as a movement.

And it never will. Hilary supporters want the party to "unify" and consider everyone to the left of them as petulant children. They're neoliberals voting for a neoliberal, centrist, position and platform. Reformists aren't welcome.

Good joke.

This is true. B████ was the only one who was actually interested in reaching out to the alienated masses that make up the alt-right and its potential supporters and bring them back into the mainstream. Instead, we got this distaster. The mainstream absolutely and maybe irreconcilably pushing people away from discourse and the DNC refusing to care about anything but an immutable neoliberal vision.

Livestream for the VP debate

not even two minutes in and already we've got muh troops.
like pottery

Hillary and Pence both wore red…

Are Democrats commies after all???

Their "unifying" attempts are just shaming all opposition.

Insert IDPOL bullshit as needed.

They both dyed their clothes in the blood of our slain democracy.

I'm referring to leftists that believe this is the '30s, and that there's a USSR still around with which capitalists can browbeat voters into supporting fascists as a counterbalance

o fuk

Expanded debate including Ajamu Baraka stream via Democracy Now:

empowering kids i.e. exploding them with drone strikes and posthumously labeling them terrorists

The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!

Kaine already with "muh Russia"

These two fags are literally the same person, their ties are just different colors.

"Hillary killed Osama", guys

Very nice, thanks for sharing. Watching this one, too

Exactly what I was thinking of.

Not really. Pence is substantially worse, even on labor.

New leak: guccifer 2.0, clinton foundation hacked

Do you understand what pic related is? It's a "donor research" page comparing the amount proposed TARP funds put onto banks vs the amount they are giving in lobbying, and the % of return-on-investment the Democrats get. In other words, in 2008 Democrats cut deals with big banks for the TARP in exchange for campaign contributions. This is the hard proof that the Democrats are not only collaborators but also hardcore porkies themselves.

The specific file is "Tarp Recipients (1).xls" in the Donor Research Folder.

And that's surprising how?

It's like poetry.

Mike Pence has been talking for two minutes but he hasn't actually said anything.

We have hard evidence, their own internal documents. Proofs matter.

What do you expect, he's a Republican

What happens when the robots are doing 80% of the work?

Hillary is going to start a war with Russia.

no she won't

Massive reduction of population.
The porkies will be the first generation to live in actual socialism in human history.

Based Green party

Baraka confirmed waifu.

I audibly keked

At least we can see the details, here.

Absolute madman.

She absolutely will. There is no other reason should would be making so many overtures to war with them. She is definitely, definitely going to start a war with Russia.

who knows.. it seems pretty convenient & fruitful for her to blame Russia constantly

capitalism creates new jobs in new industries ;^)

got a problem, friendo?

We need IDs




no bully pls

They could literally just alternate between these two and Baraka laughing and that would be enough.

Eh.. Kaine has a good point on privatization of Social Security.

Baraka wants to expand SS, good to hear

Murrika is truly a falling empire.

Can't wait to hear Baraka on Police state

Yeah.. that is weird

Don't say nuffin mean bout police ;-;7


Pence: "Police officers are the best of us"

yes, good good. kill anonymous discussion. btw that was my first post itt and if you couldn't detect the sarcasm, i feel bad for you

why can't the dems admit that police abuse of power goes far beyond anything like racial bias?

because that would mean talking about class.

Because that's too radical, friendo

This debate is like watching one if those videos of a bird fighting its reflection in a car's side mirror. Anyone who says one person came out "the winner" is a bona fide shill.

I thought this guy sounded a little silly the first time I heard him speak, but I find myself liking him more and more every time.

why shouldn't i just drop out and accept my place as a worm?

Baraka: "Police are waging war on our communities"

Good. At least it fuels more general discontent.

Ajamu "Kill all cops" Baraka

when did trump say saudi should get nukes??

is that true??

I have to switch computers to have enough reaction images for this shit

Please do not post anime girls

The vast, VAST, majority of police officers in America are AFL organized. The Democrats will pull all sorts of bullshit, but they will never ever bite their enforcers.


Why? Does it turn you on? :^)

No promises. But I don't have a lot, anyway.

pls no bully democrats :;

Is it just me or the moderator is interrupting Pence all the time?

It does seem like that.

I have that impression too.

of course he is the media has a neoliberal slant at the moment

seems like it

Anyone else getting interruption of live feed from Democracy Now! ?

They're both neoliberal stooges. Neoliberalism is not a transformation of American liberalism like neoconservatives are to conservatives.

Just crapped out on my end too.

hate this moderator


Why does the Johnson campaign keep skipping out on this expanding the debates thing? That's twice now they've given them an opportunity to join the Green candidates in response.

it's not working for me either

He keeps going over his time limit

back now

Because the Green party is better than them. Even Ron Paul supports Jill over Johnson & Johnson. They'd lose their "leading 3rd party" status.

isn't it nice that our political leaders can all agree with each other on fucking the working class?

Because Johnson is a meme candidate

I wonder if they made a deal with Trump supporters/surrogates to not fight too hard.. Because Johnson seems to be botching it in many ways

What is Aleppo

All that Reagan pandering.


When the fuck did Trump praise Kim Jong Un?

Kaine: "The terrorist threat has decreased in some ways, because Bin Laden is dead"

"Also, 9/11"

"Also, Trump loves Putin, Kim Jong Il, etc"

uh oh

Un* ..whoops

I think those pushing him realised that he'd do more damage to the Democrats than the Republicans - thats why the media's tone on the Johnson campaign has changed from "Johnson at 15% Signals The Death Of The Republican Party" to "Johnson calls Europe a country and thinks Japan is part of China, more news at six"

The fuck does that even mean?

It means porky thinks We need to kill more arabs

STAY IN IRAQ FOREVER is what it means

just something you say about the other guy if you don't like him

Oh god, MUH IRAN

There's too much of us regular folk in [context], and not enough of porky influence there.

Isn't he some sort of godlike being in american politics? Nobody is going to insult him considering the aura of greatness surrounding him.

Only to conservatives

Or so I thought.

But the Free World has always been at war with Iranaqistan

based Baraka actually pointing out the elephant in the room

Nah, even Obama praised Reagan

He's given a great, nuanced answer on this.

"Iraq War, Hillary voted for it, Obama perpetuated it, A game by the elites"

i'm listening to the standard coverage, what's he saying?

Holy fucking shit.

see &

That America worked with jihadists in order to overthrow Saddam and Gaddafi.

But it's true. The function it served ended with the Soviet Union.

Should have brought up the surveillance state when talking about an "intelligence surge", am disappoint Ajamu.






What did he mean by this?


Isn't the more concerning thing that he lost a billion dollars back in the 90's?

"Humanitarian zone" another word for No-fly zone?

from the POV of the Empire it couldn't be further from the truth tho

Baraka saying both dems & repubs wanting more war, perpetuating false narratives

Also saying that the US can't even abide by ceasefires

from both sides

No, because he made it all back. He used to boast about this all the time.


Thank god I move out in 6 months.

Someone please create a separate thread for this. This kinda of info shouldn't get drowned out by the VP Debate nonesense

Pence: "Hillary's weak & feckless foreign policy"

reminder that Israel already has over 100 nuclear weapons while Iran wasn't even trying to build a nuclear arsenal, deal or no deal.

halfchan/pol's unbiased poll

I moved out almost 2 years ago. Best decision I ever made.

Yeah. They did a full reverse course when someone shook out all the poll numbers and people realized he was taking Dem votes.

It's so god damn gay. It's really like he doesn't realize the last 12 months have happened. Hillary Clinton is the warmonger now you twit. The democrats are the one's chanting out U-S-A to drown out those chants of No More War.

I don't think i could tolerate this shitshow without Ajamu Baraka

Typical MSM anti-Trump spin. This one is actually really funny:

“TRUMP: You’ve got to give that ‘maniac’ in North Korea some credit.”

Hearing all three of the candidates speaking about Syria/Middle East, Russia, makes me fear a WWIII.

hey democrats, remember this?

the "pivot to asia" literally being "we need to go to war with China soon if we're going to do it reassert the US-led international order in Asia" framed as Chinese "aggressive expansionism" and 98% of Americans are so afraid and ignorant of China they will go along with it absolutely, is fail AIDS.

Truly, unbiased & "scientific" Listening to MSM I know that scientific is best #1

I sure couldn't. Was just thinking that.

I remember well.

lmao.. my my

b-b-but I thought America was friends with China now that crazy Drumpf wants to start WW3 by renegotiating trade deals

The democratic party and every individual democrat simultaneously forgetting that they wanted rapprochement with Russia the minute Trump said it was a good thing was cool to witness.

watch as Mike Pence recounts his TrumpxAmerica daddydom fantasy on live TV

Pence: "America is better than the.. crony.. capitalist system in Russia"

Is this about to become the new Word of the Year? You ever notice how idiots fixate on a particular new word for them?

I think that's the weirdest one and I don't know where it came from. I guess some pundit just said "trade war" and a million little geebs started spouting of "trade war with China" everywhere.

It's weird because TPP is a trade deal that is specifically hostile to China and being pushed so heavily so as to undermine its power in Asia.

I know at least one Russian "expert" Irl who creamed their pants when Kaine called Putin a dictator.

meant to reply to this

Kaine: "Putin is a dictator.. And Hillary Clinton knows this well"

Ajamu "no war but the class war" Baraka



"floating American power"
I didn't realize China was sovereign American territory

We're backsliding far, fast.

Hillary Clinton literally said she would retaliate against cyberattacks by the Russians in a not very veiled reference to the hack of the DNC email system which reveled unfairness and corruption in favor of her within the democratic party. That get's zero play in the media. Apparently it's not "inflammatory" like "everything Trump says"

Wut. That's literally what it's for. It's there to "reassert the US-led order in Asia" or whatever I posted up there. I've been talking about how gay the narrative of expansionism w/r/t China was in this thread but you can't tell because we're all anons obviously.

here you go

Based Baraka

Its pretty much just coming down to "If Trump was for/against it, we're against/for it".

Hell, maybe someone should encourage Trump to say he was disappointed that the FARC referendum failed, and we'll hear Clinton saying that Trump is actually a closet commie that wants to see red boots marching over Latin America

I want to shoot them both.

Is this normal?

What if it benefits porkys and the geopolitical aspirations of America's elites?


Watch with Baraka, it makes it bearable.

I know that feel comrade

I missed that somehow. What was that in response to?


But on bourgeois democracy it is.

when they were talking about conflict with China and Russia.
Based Baraka pointed out that it was just a conflict among the rich and that poor people are going to be duped into fighting each other.

The memes are going critical.

Jesus Christ, talking about "taking action" if Russia launched nuclear action.

What is going on?

I wonder how Berta Caceres feels about Hillary Clinton's record on women's rights.


"I really wanted to not use state power to execute convicts but then I went ahead and killed them anyway"
T. Tim Kaine





Won't someone please think of the fetuses!

We're the only Western country who even talks about this anymore, especially using it as a political tactic


Kaine quoting Bible verses


Well you were doing amazing, Ajamu.

Baraka saying "white males" & "patriarchy" in reference to abortion rights, at all

pls no, we have better arguments. This is why it shouldn't even be on the table. heh.. table :/

Red baiting is so shitty now that there isn't any reds.


I swear 2 God, when I'm looking away, I can't tell a difference between who's talking


Actually nuanced commentary on that Democracy Now! link. It's interesting & refreshing to hear.

Compare to the MSM.

Anyway, Baraka did good. He made this debate bearable. I applaud him & feel good voting for the Green Party.

Those two things alone would break the spine of the neoliberal agenda, and would be a titanic boon to the power of the working class. There's more items that would be needed to truly quash them (especially military matters to attack the symbiotic neocon ideology), but that is a lose-condition for the Reaganites/lolberts infesting the Republicans, and the neo-DLC Clintonites infesting the Democrats.
Apparently Kaine spent some time in Honduras with marxist priest James Carney

So it seems the consensus is that Pence "won". Congratulations Pence u did it. u won da debate.

Kaine was likely working for the CIA.

I remember the first time I read an article from The Daily Beast a year or so before GG, I assumed it was a retool of another paper called The Beast, spinoff of infamously ruthless Russian paper The eXile, and wondered "How could such a bunch of hilariously berserk trolls stoop to this level of virtue-signalling PC weeniedom?" until I learned the two were totally unrelated.

Voter ID laws will prevent transgendereds from voting


For those keeping score at home, Berta Caceres mysterious died after criticizing Hillary Clinton.

Mike Pence never brought up that time when Hillary said that Trump should stop criticizing the Federal Reserve because words hurt or something like that. Pence and Kaine must have been really nervous up there because they failed to bring up a lot of things that might have made the debate more interesting, such as Kaine's epic failure among his constituents in Virginia.

This is surreal. It would be comical if it weren't real life. I can't wrap my ahead around how anybody could be involved with this and not recognize the absurdity of it.

How long before banks and corporations start openly endorsing and funding candidates? Because people obviously don't care they're doing it in secret. Why even bother hiding it anymore?

Pence did repeatedly say that Kaine had been a terrible Governor. And he probably declined to pursue Trump's attacks on the Fed because he doesn't really agree with or like Trump. There were a number of times when he simply ignored or dismissed Kaine's attacks on Trump instead of rebutting them.

I would do the same thing tbh. There's no time or will to shore up trumps image against all the stupid criticism leveled against him. You don't swim against the current, you swim at an angle to it.

Hillary is the new McCarthy America needs. She will send to psy hospitals the alt-right trolls. Doing so, she'll put tge first brick of the proletarian dictatorship.

Once she finished the dirty job, we'll can start revolution and establish council democracy.

But first: send the rightards to redeucation camps.

Please remember to spend the coming month leading up to the election gathering screenshots of posts by Holla Forumsyps so we can make a 2016 collage.

Clinton may be terrible but that doesn't mean we can't laugh at Holla Forums and their orange savior.

There's a notable lack of 'cuck' being thrown around in that image but the same bizarre obsession with homo sex is there.

How? Why? What?

The point is that he was incredibly indecisive about it and will be bad at making hard decisions as president.

Love this response

The "hard decisions" like turning Libya and Syria into chaotic shitholes? The "hard decisions" like backing Saudi Arabia's bloody intervention in Yemen?

It's truly fascinating how the Left has changed its position from "American foreign policy is like a bull in a tea shop" to "muh Obama doctrine, drone strikes and Saudi Arabia are pretty cool 2bh"
surprise, surprise. The Atlantic endorses Shillary

Oh good, Hillary will continue the well-established trend of even more blind flailing in the Middle East

She promised Kain the VP spot if he would step down as DNC chair and allow DWS to take over.

without checking google, take a guess if this Al Gore speech to millennials is real or not.


It's funny that he referenced 30 Rock. Maybe he was channeling that scene?

bizarre obsession with homosex, much?

Here's what I want to know, why does leftist criticism train all its adherents to claim "repressed homosexual subtext" everywhere? They do it all the time and it's one of their go-to "readings" of just about anything.


Because for all their talk about how much they love homosexuals deep down they find homosexual behaviour to be just as distasteful as the avowed homophobes.

See: "Any authoritarian movement that's not explicitly Marxist just comes from repressed gaybois that want to fuck Daddy Leader"

"living in your parents basement" is a cliche that you can only use to demean someone. Unless Hillary Clinton is not a native English speaker (a reptilian) it simply reveals her true feelings, which we knew anyway. Just as a reminder, this convo was supposed to be off the record.

Hillary is the frumpy 70 year old ex-jockyrider who asked the nerds to help her win Ms.Prom queen several decades later. You can even see it in her attitude towards Trump. The one alpha(&omega) who shunned her.

Hermione was a smart character but she is a textbook definition of a Mary Sue combined with being an ass. Out of all the characters in the HP series she is the least associatable because shes "Too perfect" despite her "muggleness" she literally outclasses everyone from actions to magic knowlegde.

Despite being a cutesy character she is utterly devoid of any personality growth. She remains the same character. So what Ron wins her in the end. Ron is going to be nagged to death.

Harry is going to be snuggled up by the fireplace drinking pumpkin ale with Ron's sister whom he saved like a goddamn hero.

Christ Hermiones family with Ron will look like Angelica Pickles family from the Rugrats. Imagine that for a second.

Clinton is garbage. Trump is no better..

HOWEVER Trump will be the single most observed president in history and due to him all presidents for the next couple of decades will be under the same scrutiny. It will force the people to observe their government.

That is why you vote for Trump EVEN IF YOU HATE HIM.

He can't do shit with the entire population waiting for him to fuck up..So he has to be a masterclass president and go through his people before doing anything. It will probably be the most heavily evaluated presidency to boot as well.

Wow that's ironic.

Do you have reading comprehension issues?

Is a direct quote from the screenshot of Holla Forums comments. There is literally nothing sub-textual about that.

There's also nothing bizarre or especially faggy about likening the defeat of your opponent to them being raped in the asshole

If it is real I'll kill myself on stream.

mein gott


Literally every society in history raped the buttholes of their vanquished enemy.

guessed it was fake, it is, parody of a tweet


Incredible. You can perfectly tell which accusations she is actually guilty of because she uses the courtroom lie "I don't recall" instead of a plain denial.

God I hate Hillary Clinton.

It is pretty obvious. The only part that's really pitch perfect and potentially true is "It's time, y'all, we clap back at global warming."

Because she wasn't joking.


STEM fields are well known to be overrun with right wingers, Libertarians and "Tech bros" both on a student level and on a academic level. I've read quite a lot of professors talk about it before.


There is a reason as well Silicon Valley is a well known Libertarian circeljerk land. FFS some of the most popular children names in the area are "Ayn" and "Rand"

Last election about 65% of PHD's were registered Democrats.


Not Libertarians is my point.

Most Silicon Valley types though still are Libertarians.

They will vote democrat because democrats tend to be far more socially liberal than Republicans, but at their heart, they believe in Libertarian/Randian values.

You can see it a lot even in how sites like Reddit, Twitter etc are run, where they try to make the users sort everything out, instead of engaging in any hands on moderation.

Many of them also view that SV Tech progress will be the solution to all mans problems, look at stuff like Uber and the rest of the hilariously exploitative sharing economy, they are presented as "freeing the worker" and "creating a new era of humanity".

I'm friends who is a PhD holding Computer Engineer, he literally said to me "We don't need to do anything about Climate Change, because it will be solved in the next decade probably by some app or tech that comes out of Silicon Valley" this is someone who holds a PhD.

The SV mindset has poisoned STEM with Lolbertarian individualist/tech nonsense.

I agree that engineering and business majors are libertarian as fuck. And I'm sure the SV is like that - my friends dad who works in the Silicon Valley gave him a copy of Atlas Shrugged once and went "this is the most important book you'll ever read".

Just as far as STEM goes, not all of them are lolberts. Just engineering and business majors, mathematics and say biotech and usually more to the left.


Isn't that similar to worker self management? Except more democratic I mean.

Also, what that dude said about climate change being solved by and app is terrifyingly stupid.


Oh look, it's THIS faglord again. You are still completely full of shit, pics related from the following survey of scientists on their opinions compared to the general public:

I can't find a similar opinion poll for engineers, but the following figures on monetary political contributions by industry (I'm not sure if this is employers or employees) show them 50/50 in most fields, barely Republican in a few, and MASSIVELY Democrat in the populous software and electronics fields:

Also, note that a field appearing "balanced" isn't necessarily indicative of centrism, but much like the general public today, is often produced by a highly polarized struggle between opposing partisans:

I suspect they're the same Tumblrina as

Nice dubs

Muh dek

It's mostly the T and E parts of STEM that are overrun with lolberts and they aren't exactly scientists



Get a job you lazy turd.

New DC leak

Just me?

it's overloaded, the whole internet is checking it out

w8, hit refresh

Most Holla Forumsacks aren't making impossible claims this time around. Everyone knows the polls are shit, and it's anyone's guess who might win.

b-b-but muh Nate Silver, muh sabermetrics
some alt-right fucks in Pennsylvania are going to pay money to put these up as billboards.

Must they? That's literally only going to make him look bad.
What a bunch of colossal fucking idiots and that's not even going into their sense of humor and how the spend their time and how gullible they are.

Did they say where in PA? Maybe I'll get to see some Holla Forums autism in real life

Let's hope so.
Clinton blown the fuck out

I've never understood why depicting Trump as a reptile to the normies is a good strategy to win people to their side.


I won't be laughing. If Hilary wins, the Democrats would die over the next four years leading to a GOP landslide in 2020, which is when the Census (and redistricting) happens. I'm not a fan of Holla Forums's idiocy or Trump's politics, but I'd rather be able to use him as a scapegoat rather than having to justify remaining Democrat to myself.

Also, Trump is likely to win. The Democrats' have lost the Union vote and thus will loose the entire Rust Belt. Wisconsin and Michegan are completely red at the moment, something which seemed impossible just six years ago. As a result, Hilary cannot get to 270 unless Florida flips, but I'm very doubtful of that as Florida is entirely GOP too (and Rick Scott was one of the first people to endorse Trump, over their own Rubio).

In this election everyone seems planted to sabotage whichever candidate from the inside. And Trump seems to be there to make Clinton win, but that's not working either apparently.

Most people became disillusioned withe the Democrats after Snowden, now that Obama is promoting the TPP nobody wants to vote for them. End result is that radicals will go third party while most simply don't vote. Turnout drops, Trump wins.

Well the Moonman reference is pretty funny. The lazy use of pepe is cringeworthy however.

Was with it until this idiocy.

These whole elections remind me a lot of chanology on the sense of imageboard people doing retarded shit IRL.
Only Holla Forums is actually embracing it.

This election has been all about both sides' openly coming out in pride for who and what they truly are.


You want to know what's even more dangerous than a hypothetical Trump presidency? The fact that Clinton isn't facing any official repercussions for her blatant criminal activity.

First the Roman Republic, then the Empire, began to fray toward the ends of their lifespans because the growing wealth of the patrician class accumulated into fewer and fewer families until the power of the shared power of the state was no longer sufficient to keep them in check.

Toward the end of the Republic, we see successive dictatorships of extremely popular and extremely wealthy individuals whose power and muh privilege are no longer able to be contained by the powers of the Senate. Caesar's innovation which brought an end to this period of civil war was to concentrate the majority of state power within his person, which did create a sort of stability for a while.

Ultimately though Rome is unable to deal with the frequent subsequent crises of the third and fourth century CE. Even the power of the emperor, once overwhelming, can't keep a lid on things because the state powers that placed him into a point of supremacy atrophied to the point where the only thing keeping the Emperor in power was the (frequently fickle) army behind him.

The normal operation of the Roman state, of participation of the nobilities major and minor in its operation, its funding, and protection, all begin to fall away. One of Rome's primary contradictions was the fact that the means of production, in this instance the productive land, were generally monopolized by the aristocracy. Technological progression and the decay of the empire shifted the focus from participation in the state to self-sufficiency. The emperor was too busy trying to maintain the cohesion of an increasingly fractured empire to bring them to heel, so they just continued to drift away from republicanism to the feudal system that would typify the middle ages.

Rome was starved of resources, capital, and talent, and as it lost the ability to enforce its will on the aristocracy, they increasingly disregarded it, until its eventual collapse.

tl;dr, the real danger doesn't come from who is sitting at the top of the state, but when the state loses the ability to regulate who is sitting at the top. That's when shit starts flying apart.

By Shannon Jones
7 October 2016


I don't know what she's thinking when she says things like this.

I don't know what she means by that either but staring at screens all day does have a lot of negative effects.

yeah, but she makes it sound like it has something to do with wifi

Fuck off. Apparently you're late to the party. People have been using this to try & slander Stein for a while, now. Just like how they say she's anti-vax, when she's not.

It was the parent asking the question that talked about wifi. Jill was talking about the health affects of staring at screens all day instead of allowing children to physical activity more in school. She's a doctor, and was speaking on the affects of having them sit in from of a computer all day.

nice fake quote, btw

Give this a read, it's an interesting study.


She was mildly incredulous back in the day, granted a number of people were. Also, Hillary has said things about vaccines that were much worse anyway.

Yeah, there was a lot of hysteria back then. Even Obama said worse things about vaxing. But all have come to a consensus that it's necessary & the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Some CTR or shit poster just decided to try again with that WiFi bs. It won't work, here.


It should really be note that Stein was at one time in her physician career actually actively involved in vaccine promotion. This anti-vax shit is a complete and utter fabrication.

In fact here:

Do I need to webm this shit? Read her fucking book, she has never at any point in time been anti-vax.

Bizarre but this is likely attributable to some kind of anti spam algorithm (this is the reason shills and censors say we "need" the practice of shadow banning)

Trump making dozens of tweets with the same format and a few words exchanged in a short period of time could trip twitters antispam algorithm.

I do not support shadowbans by the way, it's a sinister tool.

Your anti-astroturf starter kit.

Lmao, I forgot about Trump..

Thank you. Saved for later use.

Jill's only "thought crime", I guess you could call it, is being too nuanced & intelligent in her responses. Most people aren't used to that & tune out, then just listen to whatever MSM outlet tells them.

I'm filling out my paper work right now, actually, to vote for her. She's on my state ballot in KY.

Wat do?

Enlighten her. But get to know her of course first.

God Emperor or wymyn:

The most offensive part of that video is when Trump forgets how to open a car door.

Sounds like he's just being a dudebro around other guys but regardless it's a damning video.

The video can be watched here:

Also, Trump gave a statement on the video.



"Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course"

That I can believe.

How curious that the "grab her by the pussy" video came out at literally the exact same time as the Podesta emails on Wikileaks.

Hey, that's a good observation. They do keep stuff on-hand of the other candidates just in case they need distractions.


A Podesta email on how to best attack S█████, and some really crazy rationale throughout, referencing Goebels..


Not really, it's from 2005. Americans demand their scandals to be recent. Hilary's emails barely qualify and that was fairly recent (about five years ago).

They've blown their load too early. There's plenty more dirt on Hilary, but how many scandalous videos of Trump are there? They had to reach back eleven years for this one.

Reminiscent of the 80s video they had to find of B████, where he praised Cuba's schooling/MDs.

they really are that desperate, huh

it won't matter though because the people who are the most offended won't turnout while older people simply vote down the party line

lol who cares tho, big bad fascist man said something about vaginas.

So.. fracking?




Please what is the rest of that excerpt

Hilldog wants boots on the ground in Syria.

Bernie was going to install a socialist dictatorship, apparently.

everyone wanted boots on the ground, Obama saying no to that is the only respect I have for him¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult

I'm looking at Holla Forums's digging, too.

>>>Holla Forums7774856

I guess he really was a legit slick entryist

>>>Holla Forums7774856
lmao, worst get in history


>>>Holla Forums7777777

So is /r/politics completely controlled by CTR? Because all links about the leaks are being deleted and the entire front page is nothing but Trump threads.

You just figuring that out?

I guess so. I haven't gone there since last year.

Yep. They mass stalk the new & controversial posts & downvote anything negative about Hillary.

I'm always shocked nowadays if anything breaks through.

/r/politics has been unusable since the convention

But check out this muh Russia megathread

Following news about the leaks on Twitter and literally every response is some variant of "why are you pushing Russia's/Putin's agenda"?

The sad truth is that what is all the people inside the Dem politburo think. Beltway politicians honestly don't know how to handle Trump so they're just blaming Russia. They're only hurting themselves though, because in the end no matter who wins everyone will remember how they kept blaming Russia. Which means if Hilary wins, she won't have the backing of half her party and will loose midterms by a much wider margin than Obama did.

But they're also an increasingly marginalized minority. The only Democrats left at this point are those in (mostly) safe districts. Purple ones got voted out years ago. Most Americans, especially swing staters, are fed up with the BS.

Um, what the fuck?


It's honestly frightening how this incredibly trigger-happy bureaucrat has adopted this conspiratorial world-view that makes the John Birch Society seem reasonable and yet no one seems to fucking care.

That last image pretty much sums it up. If it were anyone else other than the most powerful woman in America spewing this bullshit they'd be laughed to death.

but remember, the cold war is over!


This one's the best so far: transcript of Hillary's paid speeches to Wall street.

(it keeps getting better and better)

Who/what started this meme? I swear over the last year people mentioning "evidence-based decision-making" (as opposed to what, "God told me to!"?) has skyrocketed

It's technocracy. It is how they already operate, through experts, policing, technology. "Evidence-based" is an euphemism for bio-politics.

I think black science man tried to popularize it recently

The most powerful woman in America is Janet Yellen.

But I agree with your point, Hilary only gets away with this because she is _the_ establishment and nobody can say no to her. She sets the agenda for the Democrats. Which will make her defeat in November all the more worse for them.



Jk, it's happened to me before :^)

those idiots look like cigarettes

I don't know, it just sounds redundant as fuck.

Because to a lot of people party loyalty trumps (lol) everything else. I find it more depressing that they subconsciously acknowledge that Hillary and the DNC have been up to shady shit (what use would the leaks be if they weren't?), but party loyalty and fear of Der Drumpfvolksreich makes them attack Russia instead


pic related means a day one impeachment for hilary if she wins

Best election ever



Nope. Hillary's campaign has been openly coordinating with CTR since the very beginning. They claim there is a loophole that allows them to do it, since CTR isn't buying TV ads.

I think it's bullshit and they should be arrested, but I don't think the email leak tells us anything new.


"We're not going to confirm the authenticity of documents stolen from us.

Jesus Christ.

Hillary speech excerpts, for one. More schemes against S█████, her openly admitting wanting "open markets and borders", admitting it was against the rules to have a blackberry when she became SoS. There's some good stuff in there, and people have only scratched the surface.

Just look at this fucking ideology

Something made it to the front page. Of course, it's a buzzfeed article repeating muh Russia narrative & ebil hackers.

Imagine if your only contact with the outside world consisted of /r/politics articles and their comment sections.

Perhaps suicide is preferable.

Before suicide, I want these people to be mowed down, one by one.

Meritocracy is good, but it's sifting through to get the merit is what is important. democracy is one of those ways.

Those comments are really depressing. What's the atmosphere in America at the moment, who's more likely to win? I'm getting very different feelings based on which echo chamber I visit.

I'm an Australian Greens member.

One of the problems with the Global Greens, is it's a left wing grassroots organization that started basically with hippies, thus, a lot of the more senior membership, are 70s new age boomer hippies who believe that smoking weed can cure cancer and homeopathy works and all technology is dangerous and shit like that. The politicians, have to pander to this base though, because they do hold significant power within the party.

That being said, on Jill Stein. The shit that is said about her, is mostly slander, designed by the Clinton campaign to purposely make her lose support among "Rational, Scientifically minded" Liberals. Don't mind that Stein has a much more comprehensive, scientific global warming strategy than the Democrats, she doesn't believe in Wifi, she's anti vaxx! etc etc, all from taken out of context quotes.

It's the same shit being thrown at Corbyn in the UK. It's specifically designed propaganda to make these politicians seem like "crazies" among the Liberal populace.

Why suicide when extinction is a possibility?

Honestly, now's good a time as any to not give a shit.



Enjoy your time left in the Grand Hotel Abyss.

/r/politics and /r/worldnews are completely controlled by astroturfing groups.

It was no coincidence that during the S█████/Clinton campaign, a lot of the anti-Clinton stuff being upvoted to the top by the thousands was from Drudge, Briebart and other far-right sources. The reason was is that the Trump campaign new Clinton was going to win, so they were trying to get their news organizations and slander to the top of the board, under the guise of being S█████ supporters.

On the other side, the Clinton circlejerk on the board these days is unreal. You can barely even fucking criticize her on more Liberal oriented political boards. I literally criticized how shitty her campaign has been, not even her, and got downvoted like 100 times and then banned for being a "Trumptard" while in the same post shitting on Trump's policies but I did say, he at least has a narrative around his campaign that people can easily identify.

On the /r/worldnews side

Notice the top threads every day are

There is a reason for that.

And I've proven it's not just "interest in these topics", I've posted much more interesting, relevant, but moderate North Korean news, like for example the other day how North Korea has actually designed a functional moon rocket, but only got upvoted once or twice. Yet hyperbolic bullshit that is obviously fake gets +5000 upvotes within 2 hours. Yeah nah.



It's too late for the GOP to do anything, and I don't see why he'd personally resign since this is what, "Campaign Ending Scandal #4303"?

What does this mean?
Is he trying to make a treaty with AY LMAO?

Fuck off. The bigger story here is clearly the Clinton/Podesta emails.


I've been banned twice from r/politics, for "incivility". It's such a shithole, and this is a good summary of why. It's basically unusable. I don't know why I torture myself by still going there. But I know there aresome actual people there, so I try to counter the influence CTR/other astroturfers have.


That's why I like imageboards - complain all you want about NEETSocs but you're not going to get banned by some passive-aggressive cunt getting the vapours over "incivility"


Even fucking Youtube has better policy. At least I can still tell people to fuck off & call them a shill there.

I looked for r/spacedicks out of curiosity the other day, and it was also "quarantined". I guess reddit's been dead since Pao took over.

But anaon imagine if he does drop out all the clinton shills will no long have the worst presidential candidate ever as an excuse to shill for the second worst presidential candidate ever

The largest active volcano in Japan just erupted.

I can't handle all these happenings.

AFAIK posting is banned on /r/politics because it is "state propaganda."

It means that the dude is having le problems in the head.

2016 is getting its kicks in while it can

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH doing gr8 DNC debunking right now

Mysterious clowns are currently holding America in a grip of terror.

These are the end times.

You need to learn to respect the evidence based modding of /r/politics. What? Don't you like science?

I thought those clown sightings were part of some viral marketing scheme for the IT remake 2bh

no, yeah, the speech excerpts are new. I just mean in regards to the election laws.


half the country checked out of the elections, just like in 2000. It's a full on neolibreal vs Holla Forums bumfight now

I'd say Trump as he has an edge in swing states, as Dem turnout will be in the shitter like it has been for the past six years. But these sorts of things are inherently unpredictable.


Guess which one the MSM are talking about?



MSM is irrelevant thanks to social media. Today's leaks should serve as an example of the importance of guarding an open and free Internet.

Why is Hillary talking to Goldman Sachs about killing Syrian civilians?

Disgust. A lot of Americans on both sides feel this election is bringing great shame to our nation.

It's going to leave a scar that will last for decades.

holy shit, it's scary that they were predicting this whole election with such accuracy.

was B████ actually in on this?

This is like something a cheap supervillain would say

Imma steal this

That's the most porky idea ever come up with, too.

What did she mean by this?

I can't wait for the inevitable article where a sad and frustrated S█████ confirms that his supporters are indeed a "Bucket of Losers".

sauce on this?

It's not real, nor is it part of the leaks. It's from a satirical article that was written during the primaries.

What did she mean by this?


Rush Limbaugh Thinks Hurricanes Are Part Of A Left-Wing Conspiracy
“It’s in the interest of the left to have destructive hurricanes because then they can blame it on climate change.”

when will we start killing people like him, ffs?

Don't bother with people like rush, they're idiots who are mostly harmless. If you want a war, kill the traitors first.


I like how they put Wikileaks second, lmao, at 1 million.

Source please. I want to spread. I'm driving CTR crazy on reddit right now.

This picture died for me, the moment I saw it plastered on r/enoughsandersspam

We all know Rush is retarded. We #Podestaleaks right now.

rip in piece, picture


you forgot to add this

Oh yeah, that is a good point. I just retweeted it, too.

>>>Holla Forums7778250

Decent pol thread on the leaks.

laid out some bait. let's see CTR do their thing.

The US intelligence community is “confident” that Russia is behind the recent hacks of US officials’ and organizations’ emails, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of National Intelligence said.

According to the joint statement issued Friday, “disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts.”

“We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities,” says the statement, posted by the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The thefts and disclosures are “intended to interfere with the US election process,” the statement said, adding that “the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia” to influence public opinion.

My contacts in the Whitehouse say that the Russians have forged these emails, to such an end that Hillary Clinton was almost held at gunpoint into writing them.

Remember people, stay vigilant.

Do they not realize that Russian tools and strategy are the gold standard?

Wow CTR was quick in removing my post from the main page. Fucking shills.

Twitter is now auto-"correcting" #PodestaEmails to #PodestraEmails

As a result, Twitter has successfully reduced the correct tag's overall trend count.


It's some interesting propaganda. The Russian's revealing corruption to "influence public opinion" "across Europe and Eurasia" as if the whole US foreign policy of the last 50 years just disappeared into a black hole.

He's obviously correct.

This is similar to saying "It's in the interest of the right to have terror attacks because they can blame it on radical islam."

Trump is less fascist than Hillary tbh.

Try r/politics

It won't even make it past the /new/ section, lmao

They're freaking out over this leak.

For whatever reason* twitter doesn't include wikileaks on its global trends.

Also, good b8

Frustrating that HRC couldn't actually build her own subreddit but just used mod power to take over the main politics sub tbh.




Get a load of this fucker

Me: Lmao! Now being Pro-TPP is a good thing, guys!

Dummy: Yes. Yes, it is. What planet are you on?

Me: Also, there's no way you could have read these & found her "more appealing". Now I'm convinced you haven't read them.

Dummy: Seems more pro trade in the leaks I've read so far, which is good. Over in /r/badeconomics the general sentiment is "I wish this Hillary would run for president". We're quite relieved, if anything.

That's not really a CTR shill. Neoliberals everywhere and even in the MSM (CNN, NBC, etc.) have been openly wondering when they have to stop pretending to be against the TPP every time it becomes undeniable that HRC is actually for it.



Though it's really just the usual apple-polishing nerds that want headpats from the Establishment to prove how smart they are



I never said they were a shill. And all those "progressive" Hillary supporters are full of shit.


Hey, it was decent. We didn't have one here, either, so it was a good resource for people digging & finding emails. The first thread was hilarious because someone stole Holla Forums's >>>Holla Forums7777777 get.

Besides some asshole posting gore, of course..

CTR is really turning up the heat.

Just the other day there was an arstechnica post about how there was evidence that russian hackers fucked with files related to the olympic anti-doping administration (or something like that). In the title it says flat out "ANTI-DOPING, DNC LEAKS FAKED BY RUSSIAN HACKERS" but in the actual article it says the exact opposite, that there was evidence, at least in regards to the DNC leaks, that certain files had been opened/viewed on computers with Russian operating systems, but that there wasn't any evidence of the actual content of the leaks being forged in any way.

All the comments pointing that out were buried or hidden and everything else was about how "oh I always knew that Assange was shady!" and "rip in piece wikileaks!" etc etc.

It's just fucking loathsome. Trying to speak out against it seems like a losing battle because for any one actual poster there are a hundred actual shills, but abandoning it completely to be an unadulterated shill outlet seems just as awful an option.

No wonder they've been pushing this "A vote for stein is a vote for trump!" and "third parties just aren't an option in races like this!" so hard. They're afraid they actually might win.

I also love the subtle "Don't worry about the niggers, we've still got them in our pocket :^)" just before that.

This is what she's getting paid 200k an hour for? She fucking sucks.

I don't like circlejerks. Whenever Holla Forums gets too fucking retarded I come here.
Especially thanks to shills. Nobody on any board should allow active raids. Either you actively browse the boards you post on or you shut up.

Both of the boards are the last few semi-popular internet forums with free speech. I bet this board has better free speech than 4chan's. Can't mention the jew unwisely now, hell I even got banned on 8pol

Screaming into the wind. This is a desperate measure to cover up a real and popular discussion happening. Just look at the #wikileaks tags.

Why aren't you in a socialist party mate?

Nsw greens at least?

Out of all the things that have been said and done during this election, this willingness to drum up world war III just to get someone elected is to me the most disgusting and horrifying. Go to hell you fucking bastard.

What can they reveal anyway? He's a rich businessman, corrupt as any other. Hillary has been a central war profiteer and supporter of Wall Street within the government itself for a long time now.



*Clinton: “At The State Department We Were Attacked Every Hour, More Than Once An Hour By Incoming Efforts To Penetrate Everything We Had. And That Was True Across The U.S. Government.”* CLINTON: But, at the State Department we were attacked every hour, more than once an hour by incoming efforts to penetrate everything we had. And that was true across the U.S. government. And we knew it was going on when I would go to China, or I would go to Russia, we would leave all of our electronic equipment on the plane, with the batteries out, because this is a new frontier. And they're trying to find out not just about what we do in our government. They're trying to find out about what a lot of companies do and they were going after the personal emails of people who worked in the State Department. So it's not like the only government in the world that is doing anything is the United States. But, the United States compared to a number of our competitors is the only government in the world with any kind of safeguards, any kind of checks and balances. They may in many respects need to be strengthened and people need to be reassured, and they need to have their protections embodied in law. But, I think turning over a lot of that material intentionally or unintentionally, because of the way it can be drained, gave all kinds of information not only to big countries, but to networks and terrorist groups, and the like. So I have a hard time thinking that somebody who is a champion of privacy and liberty has taken refuge in Russia under Putin's authority. And then he calls into a Putin talk show and says, President Putin, do you spy on people? And President Putin says, well, from one intelligence professional to another, of course not. Oh, thank you so much. I mean, really, I don't know. I have a hard time following it. [Clinton Speech At UConn, 4/23/14]

Lad Boiled directed by JON WEW

gotta modify that priority list

I am honestly getting vibes of Death Race 2000 with this Russian stuff.

On the offchance she isn't full of shit, she and her criminal NSA buddies are in no position to bitch and moan about cyberattacks.

Holy shit that picture got me.

I'm high & have been up for over 24 hours.. I think it's time for sleep, now.

or being hacked after leaving your devices/server wide open.



Clinton: “At The State Department We Were Attacked Every Hour, More Than Once An Hour By Incoming Efforts To Penetrate Everything We Had. And That Was True Across The U.S. Government.”

Clinton: “So, I thought to myself, why not store state secrets in an email server in my fucking basement?"

They really must be freaking the fuck out over these leaks.


And this bitch wants to be President.

This also. It's like a professional thief leaving a diamond necklace they just stole on their front lawn and having it stolen, then expecting people who know they're a professional thief to be surprised and outraged over it.

It's a bunch of really incriminating stuff that paints Clinton in an even worse light than before. The increased shrillness of the "NO NO YOU STUPID IDIOTS THIS IS GOOD THIS IS GREAT IT MAKES HER LOOK PRESIDENTIAL IT MAKES HER LOOK LIKE A LEADER AND BRIDGE BUILDER" coming from the CTR shills makes it seem like they're in a complete fucking panic about this shit.
>On Jul 30, 2015, at 11:30 PM, Brian Fallon > wrote: This may require us to articulate the difference bt us and B████ sooner than we thought.

"What? No, we never had it in for B████ from the beginning. It was a neutral, fair primary process :^)"

The HBO sitcom Veep had a plotline where the President caused a leak by being careless and then blamed China to cover her ass. There is no line between parody and reality any more.

is veep worth watching?

>On Oct 24, 2015, at 10:59 AM, Joel Benenson > wrote: It’s a joke that would work and room would love it. However one caveat: I think it gives B████ the credit for putting the email crap behind us instead of her — she crushed the debate and she crushed at the committee.. And while crowd may love it question for comms team is whether reporters would take it as proof that B████ “saved” her campaign from the email tempest.

Good thing they got that whole messy email business behind them

Here they are subtly advertising for a Western invasion of Syria and war against Russia in a faked humanitarian tone:
But look at the comments, nobody is buying it. What a fucking humiliation that must be when even moralizing can't do the job, and it happens pretty often lately. There's nothing worse for liberal media than when their obnoxious circle jerk shatters to pieces.
Also, there's not a single article about Clinton on their front page, while there's a bunch against Trump right at the top. Maybe it's become too farcical even to them to still glorify Clinton. They don't want to alienate too much of their readership after all. Alienated readers radicalize themselves even further when you keep throwing blatant propaganda at them. That's what's happening across all MSM already.

Of course they are. The leaks cause a number of things:

1. It is splitting the Democrats between neoliberals/centrists and progressives/reformists
2. It'll likely cost Hilary the election due to the above
3. Even if Hilary still wins, there's enough paydirt here for an extended legal battle with the House Oversight committee. Given how even Obama couldn't hold them back during the midterms, this means more Democrat losses downballot
4. The Democrat brand itself is tarnished, which causes swing states to swing Republican
5. Overall, it indicates a lack of competence on part of the DNC's IT staff, which means donors are less likely to trust them
6. And ultimately, it's outside the Democrats' control. They are going to scream and holler about Russia to no end out of pure frustration

At the end of this, you get the Democrats screaming and going off a tangent about Russia, Trump, and grabbin' pussies while Trump himself sticks to bread and butter policies Americans care about (the TPP, Chinese trade, NAFTA, etc).

They're self defeating, this is what happens when the brains of the party become isolated from the base.

Is that how these people think?
'Doesn't count cuz he was on the other team then'

imo it was a clever ruse

CTR has gone full retard and knows they can't spin this so they're just going to ignore reality, spew total garbage and hope most people don't bother to actually read any further. But it won't work, even on reddit everyone knows what is really happening outside of /r/politics (which is no longer a default sub by the way). And the leftwing TV media are almost totally irrelevant now, because the majority of TV viewers are old fucks who vote Republican and watch Fox.

sorry, "leftwing"

This is why they can't attack Wikileaks openly but have to resort to >muh russia.

It's pretty funny. I hear that Washington insiders find it accurate which is scary. The cast is a good ensemble that represent the different types of people in that line of work. It's one of the few HBO shows without nudity or violence that I can recall but it makes up the difference in the language and the context. It's a lot better than House of Cards, which takes itself way too seriously for something that could have been written by a high schooler.

100% it won't matter if Trump falls on his own sword tomorrow.

sick imma give it a watch.

also check this out if you haven't:
best seasons are third and fourth.

nah, he learned his lesson from the first debate. All he has to do is stay cool, stay on policy, and don't get dragged into the gutter and let Hilary come off as bitchy and more concerned with scandals than policy.

But I'm also of the opinion that at this point, neither can "win" the as because the only people watching them have already made up their minds. The vast majority of undecideds will simply vote down the party line if they bother to turn out.

If you ask me House of Cards is actually a kind of subtle propaganda. It makes it seem like politicians still have power, like it's not all just a spectacle, when it's actually more the case that these people are brainwashed by ideology and follow the system as much as anyone else.

As weird as I am, I can't help but suspect there's a significant number of people who could, like me, be persuaded to vote Trump out of Posaidistaccelerationist nihilism toward the present status quo.

As someone who has worked in legislative circles for some time (about ~15 years), it's split. Legislators tend to be reflective of their base; for example purple district Democrats know they have to work hard to justify their existence to local unions while urban democrats don't give any fucks and simply want to ban everything (guns, cigarettes, soda, plastic bags, trains, etc) because it's what their base wants. They're completely brainless in this regard.

Bureaucrats are much smarter and have more power (as they ultimately determine the policy, such as design requirements for a bridge or train station) but also have zero budget power. They have to request money, and justify the need. This is where legislators (and often community activists especially NIMBYs) can get involved and completely fuck them. See the pissing match over making San Francisco's Muni trains ADA compliant, despite it being the fucking law (federal law, even) local legislators were/are able to effectively block implementation (going on 20 years now).

House of Cards isn't too wrong, but severely underestimates how isolated and braindead most beltway politicians are. They rely on their staffs and statisticians for everything and rarely have any vision.

crashing this party etc

(insert another bane joke here)

Not every strategy that thinks two steps ahead or sees the complexity of the situation is "accelerationism". Letting Trump win means antagonizing the establishment at the least, while Hillary is the one that's going to accelerate the system a step further than Bush and Obama did. She's the real accelerationist candidate.

Original yet lacking imagination.

[ x ] Grab them by the pussy
[ ] War Hawk
No victory but someone has to lose.

An interesting philosophical conundrum, which is more accelerationist?

Neither can they really "win" the election either. No matter the outcome, the next president will be facing a huge public confidence crisis and the implosion of their party, not to mention even more scandals.

It's going to be a fucking mess of an administration.

nope, both sides can just blabber on and people will tune out, except those who actually care (and who likely have already made up their minds anyway)

I also doubt Hilary will bring any of this up, she's not that stupid. She's focusing on the goods and that was the recent accusation her friends at the state department threw at Russia. She'll go full war hawk and claim Trump isn't a true patriot.

Trump can win. If he actually does win (which I think is possible, a 50% chance of happening), it'll be a watershed moment. He may have a confidence crisis in the polls, but he'll have Congress for at least two years (if not longer, depending on how quickly the Dems regroup). The GOP will move vaguely left, as Trump will replace libertarianism with nationaism as the party's mode of operation.

Hilary is a different story, she has an active House investigation on her ass which has all the dirt they need. Impeachment is likely (much like with Bill), though in effect it'd just be a vote of no confidence. She's not able to accomplish anything.

You can't be serious fam.

Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell.

Hilary isn't going to go for stupidly low blows when most voters want to see her be "presidental" and "above" things like Trump's video. And the "fuck Russia" angle works very well as it casts herself (and the US as a whole) as a victim and Trump/the GOP as Russian terrorists/infiltrators. She can go full Red Scare here and Americans will eat it up.

Even if the Republicans take Congress, they won't do shit with him if he doesn't have decent approval ratings. They want to stay elected. Hell, they're already abandoning him after this pussy scandal.

I tell you, Congress is where the real drama is going to happen in the next couple years. They're going to feel the hurt from this election more than anyone.

but that was literally what she spent most of the first debate doing and the voters loved it for some reason

Someone's going to lose nigga. Between the inevitable stalemate and the advantage to set the precedent, it'll be harder on Trump with a risk of snowballing.

What matters is that he would have won. This would be a big signal to everyone inside the GOP that his brand sticks and that they should work with him. Remember, the Republicans spent everything they had trying to stop them but could not. Individual legislators will not fight their base, if Trump wins then they'll work with him or otherwise they'll get primary'd, like how they themselves primary'd the neocons six years ago.

Of course they're only "turning" on him to cover their asses now, but like all legislators they will be doing a 180 if the conditions suit it.

Democrats themselves aren't prone to obstructionism like Tea Partiers are, as is Trump (who, being a businessman himself, wants budgets on time) so even if they were to mount a comeback it would just be a pissing match over SJW crap and abortions.

On that note, if Hilary wins then Congress will actually matter because the TPers would remain in control of the GOP and simply say No to everything while investigating her.

No, her base liked it. People who have already made up their minds. That's my point.

I don't really believe in accelerationism, more neoliberalism (Clinton) isn't going to magically make the system collapse, it will simply mean more neoliberalism, both in ideology and practice, which is what I fear the most. Trump isn't going to crash the system either, he doesn't have that power. But his presidency as an orange clown means at least two things:
1) a symbolic "fuck you" to what the establishment offers now and to the fake democracy of two party system - this has consequences for both the policies offered in the future and the people's confidence in their own power to shake and blackmail the establishment (people forget that it's not just the establishment/Clinton that can blackmail us with Trump, we can do the exact same thing to them too);
2) there will be a radicalization of the difference between left and right because of Trump polarizing people while Clinton's bots (that are now attacking and dividing leftists) will become irrelevant.
There might be a danger that Trump will make all the soft leftists run back to centrist TINA positions ("it wasn't actually that bad before"), but I doubt that's possible in the current climate that is pretty steady for more than just a few years now. People now speak positively about socialism after all.

The point of the TV debates, at least officially, is to convert moderates and undecideds. While this isn't reflective of reality it's what Hilary is operating on. And, on that basis, hammering Russia will give her better results than whining about socjus crap most Americans (especially swing staters) do not care about.

Potential soundbyte: Remember 9/11? Russia has killed thousands of Syrians. Donald Trump wants to Russia. Our grandparents died on the beaches of Normandy to stop people like him. As President, I will protect America and America's muslims from all threats, foreign (points at Trump) and domestic. etc

Trump: fuck hilary also republican talking points

Hilary: fuck trump also democrat talking points

very exciting is it not??

Unless Trump is maintains his abysmal approval ratings when he enters the White House, something which is incredibly likely with both candidates. Then it would important to distance yourself from the inevitable fallout that will occur since you'll be the first on the chopping block.

I think a lot of armchair polticos are going to get a harsh dose of reality this election when they realize a candidate can win and still lose.

I really, really hope Trump can, whether directly or through his indirect influence as a political phenomenon, purge the subhumans from the American left. But the issue of the whole post-Clinton era sticks in my mind:

Did Dubya successfully drive people away from New Democrat horseshit, causing Dean and Obama to rise as (failed) attempts at reform, and Obama is the one responsible for our current mess? This is what I think, but I'm unsure enough to make me worry about Trump.

Or is Obama just an extension of Dubya, under whom the SJW cooption of leftism advanced to levels of cancerousness as yet unseen?

The government should be made to give citations when they talk shit like this. It's such obvious propaganda.

Are you American? The only people with an approval rating lower than Trump is Congress itself. Has been the case since 2010. But, lo and behold, that hasn't stopped them and they've only gotten stronger. His party will not revolt on him because their bases love him. This is why they tried so hard during the primaries to get him to loose, and why most top Republicans pulled their endorsements and hope he looses. It's an internal power game and Trump wins IF he becomes President.

Hilary is a different story, because she can't control Congress. If Trump looses then the Teafags (aka Cruz) will obtain control of the party and begin their crusade against her so they can win in 2020. Obviously they can't do this with Trump.

Close. Bush killed the neocon movement Reagan championed. His invasion of Iraq was such a complete disaster that it almost killed the GOP. This is how the Tea Party could stage their coup in 2010. It was this huge fuckup that nuked people's faith in the "traditional" establishment narrative. It was how Obama could beat Hilary.

As for Obama, he's directly responsible for Trump because none of this would be happening if he was a better President. All he had to do, baseline, was kill free trade. This did not happen and the Democrats kept bleeding voters as a result. It's why the House Democrats attempted, unsuccessfully, to repeal NAFTA in 2013. That same year Obama had the last rounds of official TPP negotiations and Snowden leading to the Senate flipping Republican in 2014. Detroit also went bankrupt that year, as Michegan flipped completely red like Wisconsin previously had.

All people wanted was jobs.

Also, as a point of reference the nu-democrats/neoliberals' line to "lower" democrats was that they needed to retrain for "real" jobs. This would be accomplished by taking out student loans and taking tech jobs. Of course nobody bought this, it was a total about face and people left the party. This is especially true as even tech jobs begin to be outsourced to places like India and Ukraine. Democrats didn't keep their elitism in check.

They shit on their base and made no attempt to help them, so of course they turned. And it's also for this reason why Trump can win, because these people are so desperate and frustrated that they will believe whatever bullshit as long as someone enacts tariffs to protect their jobs.

Obama is definitely worse than Bush in my eyes, and Clinton will be worse than Obama, although more as an extension of the same, with new wars to come.
The situation now is a bit different though. Bush wasn't such a clown as Trump is, he appeared laughably stupid in public but he was part of the establishment. Trump is simply outrages in comparison. In the meantime 2008 crash happened, and S█████ was able to popularize an actual alternative that a lot of people strongly believe in. And they won't forget about how Obama duped them, so anything soft is now seen with suspicion.

The recession was the spark that ignited this neocon shitheap, but you're right Bush's Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire was what piled it up beforehand. And while I honestly think neoliberalism may have been a slow weed to grow under Obama before Trump brought it to the fore, I agree Obama's embarrassing handling of Wikileaks and privacy was the major issue in finally alienating him from the left.

In any case, what I'm thinking of isn't so much what's happened in the enemy camps, but the SJW infestation that's stymieing every effort to get anything done here on the far left. Bottom line: Would Trump be the cleansing flame we need, or would he strengthen their iron grasp on our windpipe even more?

Radicalizing anger from the progressive (kek) failures of Occupy and [REDACTED] do indeed seem to be positive forces, but that still hasn't lead to the kind of activism we really need. Regarding Dubya, remember that he wasn't just seen as a clown at the time, many on the left were cartoonishly apocalyptic about his every act.

It's not SJWs causing problems, they're a nuisance but the real problem are older boomers who want the status quo. People who live outside of reality in suburbs (in homes they purchased in the 70s and 80s of course) and can't even conceive of a situation where workers should have rights (because unions are the lazy people who drive trains and buses for the poor and millenials).

Wikileaks' angle is truly hilarious, as they alone have completely foiled the Democrat's plans. If it wasn't for Snowden the Democrats might have had a shot at duping millenials like they did with boomers. This didn't happen, and the more recent DNCleaks and guccifer leaks (and the ones this week) have sealed it. The Dems have a huge branding problem and they have nothing left other than to blame Russia.

That's because we don't need activism but militancy.

That's because people generally support their congressperson but hate congress as a whole.

This doublethink is so fucking crazy

Most Americans barely have a clue about how the government functions and I willing to bet over 75% of American voters can't even name their congressperson. It's so easy for someone to blame an enigma for all their problems.

but there's basically no point in knowing who the congresspersons are. they're bourgeois.

I've noticed the past week or so /r/politics has been almost exclusively about how trump hates women because he says mean things about some women sometimes. Hell the first debate moderator brought it up at the last second and hillary started laughing like some super villian, yet anyone claiming biased debates is an evil trump supporter. If you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole I'd suggest you check out /r/politicaldiscussion, where the clinton emails and health issues are Russian conspiracies and Assange is an anti-democrat traitor.

Still surprised that they haven't really gone with the "Russia could have edited the emails to make her sound worse!" angle

What is the possibility that Clinton will actually win by a surprisingly large margin because all the liberals and pseudo-leftists that are now undecided will say to themselves "fuck it, before we were debating, but now comes the actual decision" and vote for her? Cases like this have happened before, people are prone to comprise big time when pressured to make a final choice, not to mention that they often make a distinction between their public endorsement and their vote. I doubt this can happen for Trump considering he's much more polarizing.

This elections are so fucking depressing, and I'm not even from the US. We have shilling for Hillary in our only "leftist" magazine as well, the deliberate stupidity is becoming unbearable. If there's anything good in Hillary winning is getting satisfaction from knowing how shitty all these people will feel when it becomes too obvious that Clinton is everything we were warning about. Of course at that point they will have amnesia.

I think the opposite is expected, i.e. both candidates will drive undecideds away from voting

No, they'll double down and convince themselves that actually contrary to all evidence otherwise she's actually a really good president.

Look at reddit's reactions to the new leaks for an example. It's now "Hey, if anything these new emails show how hella epic Clinton is!".
Sure some will be CTR but most are just dyed-in-the-wool party loyalists - if they convinced themselves that Obama was a great president I'm sure they can do the same for Hillary.

John McCain is the latest big name republican to abandon Trump
What I love about this is that McCain was apparently fine with Trump mocking him for getting tortured in Vietnam and his support for waterboarding but NOW he's gone too far.



Low. Liberals and pseudo-leftists made up their minds months ago. Again, the fact that they even self-identity as "leftist" means they're just going to vote down the party ticket anyway. Don't try to over-analyze this.

In a pure party-line vote Trump holds an advantage as Dem turnout has dropped in many swing states, making them red. Liberals and moderates might loathe Trump but it doesn't matter if they live in cosmopolitan states (ie CA, IL, NY, Mass). Hilary's problem is that she won't be able to inspire large turnout, because nobody likes her. Progressives in states like Wisconsin and Michegan (which have already flipped red) will stay home.

lol, no they won't. They'll defend her sinking ship all the way to rock bottom.

So Hilary tried to make the election easier for herself, but instead opened pandora's box. Funny.


This puts Hillary's desperation in a whole new light. They really fucked up this time.

Even when cheating, Hillary is a complete failure.


The damage control on the twitter replies is hilarious.

I honestly can't tell the difference between Holla Forums and Holla Forums anymore. Put the porkies and Jews together, it's impossible to tell which is which.

Shillary's plan is going to consume her entirely. Even if she manages to defeat Trump, the Democrats will be forever scarred.

Just in time for the Halloween season, we get another adaptation of Frankenstein on the NATIONAL STAGE.

Holy shit, can someone meme-ify this. Sharing this in email form in S█████ groups is like throwing pasta at the wall and watching it fall. They're a bunch of depressed, sulky, do-nothing drones right now.

Take this and shoop it with Hillary and Trump.

no I mean with some reference to the source

It isn't working. At the very least (ie using liberal MSM polls) Trump is tied with her (within the MOE) in almost all polls. At the very worst (ie using the LA Times poll or similar) he's actually beating her by a small margin. And, regardless, Trump has polarized the country such that the House GOP have carte blanche to keep their investigation into her open. This would destroy her efficacy as President.

Hilary thought she could just let Trump go full retard and let people decide for themselves. But she forgot that Americans are stupid and Trump is a good salesman. He has about half the country behind him, regardless if he can win or not. Public discourse in America is forever ruined.

It's not nearly close to half. Remember, Trump and Hillary the most hated candidates of recent history.

Trump has about half of the votes maybe, but that's probably not even a quarter of the actual population. Even less when you discount those that are "supporting" him only to vote against Hillary.

To be fair, Trump seems to be the only one she actually stands a chance against.

Except maybe Jeb.


This is something that cannot be overstated. This election really has Americans between a rock and a hard place.

Any information you get about it has to be taken with the understanding that the general population is absolutely disgusted with this circus.

ok, let me rephrase: half of voters. When broken up by the electoral college Trump will easily net 40% of the vote, baseline. This is why swing states are so important.



That's also a good argument for co-ops vs state ownership of industry.

It should be a webm imo

This same guy was enlightened just after a short convo with another user though. It was an innocent question. Other twits are far worse:

(no joke)
American students who support Palestinians are terrorists.

Comparing Israel to SA and China, kek

The most ironic statement I've seen in a looooong time.

CNN is now publishing new "leaks" of Trump saying stupid shit on howard stern a decade ago. Nothing they are publishing is working, because ultimately the material isn't that scandalous compared to confidential DNC emails. And, more importantly, the media have been going full retard trying to "burn" Trump on everything with little to show for it. We're now getting into a cry wolf situation where people are just desensitized to it all.

Meanwhile, every new DNC leak gives Congress more ammo against Hilary. She cannot win under any circumstance as a result.

The song about the class enemy

When I was young, I went to school,
and I learned what is mine, and what is yours.
And when all had been learned,
it seemed to me that it was not all.
And I had no breakfast to eat,
and others, they had:
And thus in the end I learned all, indeed
about the nature of the class enemy.
And I learned, why and for what reason
there is a rift across the world.
And it remains between us, since the rain
falls downwards.

And they said to me: If I am well-behaved,
then I'll become their kind.
But I thought: If I'm a sheep,
I'll never become butcher.
And I saw one and another of us
who took the bait.
And when to him happened what happened
to you and to me,
then he was astonished.
But as for me, I wasn't amazed,
soon I discovered what their game is:
The rain, as it is, falls downwards
and, as it is, doesn't fall upwards.

Here I heard the drum being bet,
and everybody talked about this:
Now we should wage wars
for a little place in the sun.
And hoarse voices promised us
everything under the sun.
And fat-bellied bigwigs
shouted: Don't get wimpish now!
And we believed: Now there are only hours left,
then we'll have this and that.
But the rain once more fell downwards,
and during four years we guzzled grass.

And once, it was said at once:
Now, let's make Republic!
And one man here is equal to another,
be he meager or fat.
And those who were flat from hunger
never were as full of hope.
But those who ate their fill,
were full of hope like them.
And I said: Something there can't add up
and I was filled with dismal doubts:
That doesn't add up, that the rain
is supposed to flow upwards.

They gave us slips of paper to vote,
we gave away the arms.
They made us a promise,
and we gave our rifle.
And we heard: those who understand about it,
they now would help us.
We should go about work,
they would do the rest.
There once again I let myself affect
and, like it was called for, I kept still
and thought: that's fair on behalf of rain
that it wants to flow upwards.

And soon after I heard sayings,
now all has been put right already.
If we support the lesser evil
then we will be exempted from the bigger one.
And we swallowed the shaveling Brüning,
so it not be the Papen.
And we swallowed the junker Papen,
because otherwise it was the Schleicher's turn.
And the shaveling gave it to the junker,
and the junker gave it to the general.
And the rain fell downwards,
and it fell a thumping lot.


While we went around with ballot papers,
they closed down factories.
When we slept in front of dole offices,
we left them alone.
We heard sayings like these:
Always calm! Only just wait!
After a major crisis
comes a major boom!
And I told my colleagues:
That's how the class enemy speaks!
When this one talks about good time,
it's all about his time.
The rain cannot do it upwards,
just because suddenly it is well-intentioned
towards us.
What it can, is: it can stop,
namely when the sun shines.


One day I saw them marching,
behind new flags.
And many of ours said:
There's no more class enemy.
There ahead of them I saw
mugs, I already knew them,
and I heard voices roaring
in the old sergeant-like tone.
And quietly through the flags and the celebrations
the rain fell night and day.
And anyone who lay on the street,
could feel it.


They exercised themselves in shooting
and loudly spoke about the enemy
and pointed franticly across the border.
And it was us they meant.
Because us and them, we are enemies
in a war that only one wins.
Because they live on us and croak,
if we aren't the coolies any more.
And it's for that why
you oughtn't be astonished,
if they throw themselves on us, like the rain
throws itself on the soil.


And he among us who starved to death,
he died in a battle.
And he among us who died,
he has been bumped off.
He whom they fetched with their soldiers,
starving discomfited him.
He whom they smashed the mandible,
he had asked for bread.
He whom they promised bread,
now they prey on him.
And he whom they bring in the zinc coffin,
he told the truth.
An he who then had believed them about it,
when they pretended being his friends,
what he at that time had expected was,
that the rain falls upwards.


For we are class enemies,
whatever they tell us:
He among us who didn't dare to fight,
he dared to starve.
We are class enemies, drummer!
This, your drumming doesn't drown it out!
factory owner, general and junker -
our enemy, that's what you are!
About this, nothing will be displaced,
there, nothing will be put right!
The rain doesn't fall upwards,
and for sure it's not what we ask him to!


Your painter may brush all he can,
he won't smear over the rift!
One stays and one ought to yield,
either me or you.
And whatever I'll learn yet,
this is what remains as the basics:
Never I have anything in common
with the matter of the class enemy.
The word will not be found
that ever might unite both of us.
The rain falls upwards down.
And you are my class enemy.

They are literally dictating her what to do.

of course they are, Hilary has no brain. She's a politician who simply computes responses to programming supplied by advisors

This is not coming simply from advisors but from Israel.

who do you think the advisors are?

hint: starts with j and ends with w


We need to nuke r/politics already. I don't know why I even look there. It's just interesting seeing the delusion/astroturfing taking place, I guess.

It's going to bite them back in the long term. What use is there in being a propagandist if everyone knows you're one?

That's true.

I wish there was a different political subreddit. The other user said the r/worldnews is also shit. I was wanting one for US politics.

It's deffo astroturfing. Moderators are going out of their way to censor anything contrary to the CTR spin machine, but a few comments dare to speak out (only to be denounced by the troll machine).

Reddit is such a shit platform anyway. It's tailor-made for "correcting the record".

God bless Aaron Schwartz

post this to pol

it's not even a default sub anymore, so quit getting so worked up over them

Reddit is based on a capitalistic model of accumulation (upvotes) and branding (usernames), including the twisting of the rules that having influence implies (mods). It has the same structure as the media world: mainstream views are constantly displayed and repeated, while alternative ones are overshadowed, hidden, and attacked. I don't see any reason to use reddit at all.
Imageboards on the contrary are anarchistic. We all get an equal voice with no names attached, so the power of the content is what really matters instead of enforced statuses, but it's also a bit more chaotic and unpredictable which is not necessarily bad either.

lick my butthole

It hurts.

Hillary Clinton is socialist. I believe she represents almost everything B████ ██████ did. Can't we get along and vote for her, since she's the only socialist person who can beat Trump? Jill has no chance and you are only stealing votes from Hillary.

After all, all her supporters respect Marxism, and if we will reshape our society, everyone will be happy just like in real socialism.

people are stupid and worship spooks, in a similar manner as people demand mass surveillance, harsh punishments, and gun control. God is the dream of good government

inb4 someone accuses me of being Holla Forums


Protestantism was a mistake

We will vote for your candidate only if in the upcoming debate she looks at the camera and says: "Bebe, you and your Zionist basket of deplorables can go suck Hamas' long tunnels!"
This kind of policy is our main priority, so let her know that we're not making any compromises.
(We will also offer our CTR services if she publicly endorses the BDS movement.)


Would love to see the results TBH.

catholicism is worse, if only because it is full-blown spook worship

They literally worship a ghost.

Oh I didn't realise you were discussing flavours of Christianity.

They all worship a ghost.

Hillary is the real deplorable, here. She pretends to care about these issues, when she doesn't & is worse for them.

The propaganda is real. This is the same outlet that said "hurr B████ not know banking", when it was them who didn't have their shit together. Tabloid garbage, I know, but not much different than the "news" outlets today.

I'd argue catholicism is worse as the money is boxed and shipped to rome. Protestant churches at least keep the wealth local, making it easier for people to seize it.

Well, Protestantism gave us capitalism, so there's that.

They're trying to push it, but so far it hasn't caught on.

Found this the other night. Related I think:

One of my coworkers actually cited Pence praying before senate meetings or whatever as a/the reason he's voting for Trump instead of the godless, liberal Hillary.

Singularity when?



I wish I could kill everyone in this thread.

You & me both, user.

Burgers absolutely need to experience nuclear hellfire.

Hillary Clinton is an ayyy lmao.

what does it mean?

Russia has a huge oil business. She states in her "secret speech" that she is an environmentalist, but that there still exist environmentalist groups that are funded by the Russian government to protect their oil interests. This should not be a controversial statement and WikiLeaks is grossly exaggerating it, which should not be surprising considering WikiLeaks also originated as a Russian intelligence clearing house operation.

TYT Politics discussing the media blackout on DNC Leaks and the circle jerk on Trump's pussy grabbing:

Yeah, I'm sure that'll make things better.

Michael Moore: "Trump is a human molotov coctail to be thrown into the political system"

Is it me or is the thread mainly about people questioning why the sub is so pro-hilary?

I'm sorry Mike, I'm really sorry, but the possibility of having Trump in with the entire system arrayed against him, rather than the certainty of Clinton (again) with the entire system more firmly behind her than at anyone before her, after what happened to [REDACTED]? I just can't do it any more. We need to burn it down, while people are still angry enough, we need Trump.
Guccifer 2.0 sent the Intercept more documents on the Clinton camp buying media coverage

Even if Clinton wins it looks very poor for the establishment. She's not even a president yet and she's already discredited as a politician in so many ways.

Her presidency is historic in so many ways. She's the US's first female president, and the first president to enter office with negative approval ratings.

So do you guys think Trump is screwed after this whole debacle or is it possible for him to make a comeback.?

He has outlived his usefulness.

If "I could shoot someone in the middle of the street" didn't end his campaign then why the fuck would this?

Because people seem to be giving him a lot more shit about this.

The media is going ALL IN with this pussy scandal. They are absolutely crucifying him.



Of the the top 100 threads on /r/politics, 82 of them mention trump. But there are some more in there that talk about him implicitly, so a good 90-95% of the links on the front page of /r/politics right now are about Trump.

Something tells me CTR et al are going all-in on this out of sheer desperation. More people are talking about wikileaks than something Trump said last decade.

I wonder if they'll be able to keep this up into next week when more leaks drop.

True, character assassination can't stump him. The only thing that would work is to attack him on the issues, i.e.:

But such attacks would be an own-goal, because the neolib/neocon agenda is also the agenda of all Trump's opposition. It would be child's play to bring down Trump, but they can't allow anyone to use the populist arsenal which is his only vulnerability.

Yeah, but that's the media. Wait till the rumors about what Wikileaks just released spread outside of internet-savvy people, not to mention that they only released 1% of what they have on Hillary.
This is vapid sensationalism, don't take it too seriously. The media spectacle itself has conditioned people to have short-term memory and instantaneous short-term reactions. You have to step back and look at it long-term: Wikileaks is much more damaging because it undermines her whole candidacy.

Where's that image from?

Sorry, I don't recall.

Guccifer also released some more stuff, though you'd never know if if you just watch TV

This is pretty much how Redacted would've trounced him I think.

Second Presidential debate live stream

it's like 2 hours away so don't bernout.


Who would have thought that FOX is going to be the most balanced mainstream media in year 2016.

I'll wait on the Democracy Now expanded debates thingy. Maybe Gary Johnson won't chicken out of joining Jill Stein this time so we can have some extra laughs.

Absolute madman.

what the fuck…


this will either backfire horribly or backfire tremendously.


Backfire? Isn't that beating the SJWs at their own game?

CNN is reporting that all 4 women are going to be in the debate hall too. This is going to be a glorious shitshow.

Trump's defense to the pussy-grab comments was "Bill Clinton has said worse!"

He is definitely going to try some tone-deaf defense at the debate.

Damn Rachel, never expected you to be a rape apologist aren't you a feminist? :^)


Good really, apologies are just seen as admissions of guilt which are just seen as the go ahead for ever greater self-righteousness and cruelty by your atackers. It has not always been this way but discourse had pretty rapidly evolved into this over the last few years. You can blame millenials for this imo.

I want him to just say the dems and republicans can both go to hell

Note: this does not apply to Barack Obama where you can use the passive voice to offer mea culpas and get perfect support

America, my favorite reality show of all time. Don't bomb my country.

Just imagine the history books a few decades from now on.

This whole development, every facet of it, every turn is just utterly mind-boggling.

Who would have though of that 1 year ago and the whole world is watching.

Lmao I remember only a few years ago the bleeding edge of social justice was saying Monica was a rape victim. I wonder where those brave voices are now?

Great, just great. Our political process about one or two steps from Jerry Springer, now I know the motive behind the "Draft Oprah" meme.

The Republican party is imploding before our eyes. Holy shit. This is historic.

I know we've been saying this for decades, but I think this is an unmistakable sign of political collapse.

The American Left should start pushing for a candidate in 1924 and right from the get go proclaim that you guys will split the Dem vote. I don't think 8 years of Hillary Clinton will restore anyone's faith on the status quo.

bit late for that

lol, this shows where my mind is


How will they make a comeback in 2020? I'm assuming they will push new regulations stopping "outsiders" from being part of the debate?

I appreciate that everything is admitting that "both parties are the same" is the plain truth and not a childish cynicism.

"Yeah, it's true. Hillary Clinton is the republican candidate" - democrat talking head

What's happening?

They Rebulicab party is trying to coup Trump and replace him with Pence

A party apparatus that withdraws its support of a candidate that is still supported by a majority of the party base?

Trump is Corbyn, lel.

I started by day by hearing a neo-liberal pundit on nbc reverently referring to Gilliani as "America's Mayor", how about you?


Which is hilarious because nobody gives a shit about Pence. Didn't Trump pick Pence anyway? If they replaced Trump with Pence wouldn't that still be a tacit endorsement? They can't replace him with the other Republicans from the primaries either, because they're tainted from losing the primaries.

Pence outperforms Trump in every poll. If Pence were running against Clinton, he'd have a modest lead.

Hey fuck you. There's nothing inherently different about my or any generation. It's cultural. Younger people are just more susceptible to cultural shifts while older people are more susceptible to clinging to tradition and doing damage that way. The reason our culture has become so obsessed with accusations and reputation is because the internet has made this shit move at a lighting fast pace. People who have an aptitude for navigationg social networks (technological or not) are more adept at functioning in this world and so they get to assert more control over it. The population that trends toward social thinking trends away from systemic and abstract thinking, including concepts of ethics and principles. This is why the dialogue has changed so much.

tl;dr once again you can trace social trends to material conditions rather some essentialist bullshit about generations

Pence replacing Clinton would be the worst outcome. Then we get a relatively uncontroversial establishment figure. Both Trump and Clinton are self-destructive for the political system in comparison.

stream link reeee

This, although from what little I know of Pence he's a super social conservative evangelical type. I'm not that familiar with him though because the veep is irrelevant.

Face it, this sort of witch hunting lynch mob nonsense only really went nuclear around the time millennials came of age. Today's social networks aren't much different from anything that came before, but the users who raised them to such prominence are.

Two words: Joe McCarthy

Dick Cheney?

IMO it's a combination of political correctness (itself the product of american puritanism mixing with "cultural studies") and american patriotism, displaced to liberal issues.

You have it completely backward.

Chapo Trap House live stream

The only thing different about millennials is that we grew up in a time where online communication was common and so we adapted to it better than older generations. Take any other people and put them in our situation and you get the same results.

nigga you do realize that millennials were born between like 1980 and 2000, right? People who grew up on 4chan, ytmnd, SA, and newgrounds are solidly in the millennial bracket. If anything, you are pissed at the younger half (maybe even youngest third) of millennials and the generation after them.


Won't somebody please think of the children!


People who want to sweep serious topics under the carpet to protect much children should be shot.



*muh children
It's like adult language. It's called adult language for a reason. If you want to keep kids away from it, keep kids away from it instead of telling adults they can't be adults because children might see (and what, be inspired to be adults themselves?)

Is it just me or Trump looks tired as fuck?

We can't believe it either, Don.

Apparently Melania is pissed for some reason.

Maybe he wants to look sad after talking to rapin' Bill's victims.


Low energy

She's east-european, probably pretty sexually conservative. Hearing her man talk about his previous conquests is probably upsetting in itself. Being a lech makes it worse.

holy fuck isis isn't shit. They're literally losing on every front of the war


how will Holla Forums ever recover?

They're having kind of a mental breakdown right now.

yeah but they're cutting off heads
just like mexican drug cartels

He's trying to appear serious about it. But he looks like a schoolboy in the principle's office.

nice duckface Donald

10/10 way of putting it. Exactly what I was thinking but couldn't find the words.

Wow, Trump legitimately sounds weak right now.


Holy shit this is so dystopian to watch. Literally Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich

Glad I'm not American.

Trump looks like he has given up tho

Trump's sniffing more than Zizek.


The fuck? They're still talking about that stupid tape? Everyone already knows Trump is a sexist scumbag. Why is it so shocking?

Not as soundly, but indeed more frequently.




Arguing about which one gives less of a fuck of about women

They're really trying to corner Trump on being a straight dude telling a fish story about sex.

If I was as rich and expoitative I'd do the same. I mean those women are just very pretty slaves.

It's all just spectacle. This is literally post-poltics

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

reminder that Trump already has multiple rape allegations against him (including one from his Ex-Wife) but oh no he said pussy and that's a step too far.

The gloves are off.

Defend yourself, Shillbot.


Jesus christ he can't stay on a single topic can he?


Bill vs Donald who raped more?

6 November, YOU DECIDE

Clinton's mouth is a dry as Rubio's vagina.



Also being rich makes women wet. The media keeps saying he grabbed pussies without consent but it's not like he'd have a hard time finding women who'd be into that. He's a celebrity, they'd be approaching him with sexual interest.

They were asking for it.

he should have legit got someone to get some amphetamine for him or something

Literally just a dramafest

The answer is Hillary raped more women than both combined.



But I must admit this drama is delicious. Really enjoying the spectacle.

This is just very uncomfortable to watch.

Lol, he's openly threatening her with jail time.

This is gold.

"I'm going to prosecute my political enemies after I win"

Lmao, he's a literal, actual fascist.

check out my website you guys

Yeah, you know what you're right. Women definitely aren't attracted to rich men or have a libido to speak of. And women especially don't like men to be sexually dominant.

trump looks like he's about to spit a sick diss-rap

Jesus Christ Hillary gives me chills.

Is she even human at this point? She looks like she's a lobotomized cyborg on acid


"because you'd go to prison"

Clinton does belong in jail though.


Man, what a time to be alive.

Yeah this isn't fun anymore


Clinton: "I take classified information seriously"
Yeah, that's why she had classified headers removed from emails when she put them on her server.

If America subscribed to the Den Haag Tribunal, the whole Obama and Bush administration would.

I think you misunderstand me because we agree.

It's amazing what these two candidates have done this campaign. Huge mess.

It's a maaaadhhooouuussse

There both are just so bad. This is so depressing. This is reality. Oh my god.

Boy it sure is interesting to listen to these two well respected political figures have a nuanced conversation about economic development and other substantive issues relevant to the interests of me, the common man.

this is fucking ridiculous

see and

She's a literal war criminal besides the email thing.

He's sniffing like he snorted coke before the debate but he acts like he's on…I dunno. Something depressant.



This is what happens when evil schemes fail.

We're literally seeing what would happen if Dick Dastardly ran for President.

she's earnestly addressing the corner of the room… is this supposed to be interpreted as assertiveness or something?

Feels good man.


Implying the law has anything to do with putting political opponents in jail

10 bucks that Trump ends up trying to argue with a voter before this is done

…I don't agree "she was asking for it" is a defense for rape or sexual assault, but on the other hand I had never heard someone use it as a defense before. To be clear, what I'm saying is that there are situations where sexual escalation is what both people want, and escalating quickly (grabbing the other by the genitals) is an act of dominance, which most women would find attractive (even if that specific behavior is pretty crass - women tend to prefer men to be a bit more roundabout than going straight for the genitals). Whether an act is rape or sexual assault is a matter of whether somebody was receptive to it. Most cases of rape or sexual assault would just be normal sexual activity to different people in different circumstances. Really it's about what people want.

These subtleties are beyond the soundbite media, though.

I'd trust dick dastardly more than either of these retards.

Ya'll watchin the expanded debate right?

Sure Trump.

At least this board agrees with Holla Forums that Hillary is the worst candidate, right?


Even if they had the will it's not like the US would respect any ICJ ruling anyway.

This healthcare thing is so ridiculous to watch as an European.

How the fuck is a country that's been able to nuke every fucking corner in the world unable to organize a standard public healthcare the way it exists since the fucking 1880s?

Question for Leftypol: Would you consider Hillary a Marxist? She sounds very similar to how Marxian economists talk and justify their ideas.


They're both bad, but in different ways.

that's communims (evil)


So you're saying all I have to do is become someone's political opponent, and then they can't put me in jail for committing crimes?



Actually I tuned in 10 minutes ago and I haven't heard a single thing from Stein yet. Are these actually expanded?

what did he mean by this

IdPol IdPol IdPol IdPol IdPol


If only president Obama would say radical islamic terrorism while he carpet bombed the middle east into oblivion, then the terrorists would surrender.



nigger calling the silver surfer black

It's amazing how quickly he's showing that he has literally nothing behind him but some populist one-liners.

Read a book


you're a fucking nazbol


Hillary is a competent status quo politician. which, in and of itself, is an indictment. Trump is a a scumbag opportunist and we have no idea how he'd govern. The only thing we can be sure of is that he's going to cut taxes on the wealthy which is just going to widen the wealth gap. They're both shit but if I had to choose I'd rather not play russian roullete.



Besides za waru he just have one-liners. And that's what so amazing about him, he's just poorly constructed rhetoric and bravado but still he's the front-runner. That's amazing.

Trump backing down from the ban on muslims. interesting.

A lot of people here do, yes. Americans in general are fed up with the establishment.

A liberal is always less horrible than a fascist, only because liberals generally don't try to kill unless until civil war breaks out.

I would not put it past Trump to crack down of leftist organization.


He literally never had a blanket ban


This election will make the ruling class decide that even the illusion of democracy has to be done away with for our own good.



American politics in general produces amazement.

Is that really catching on it was just a dumb joke I thought of

Lol Hillary mentions the staged picture of the dirt covered Syrian boy.

She's as disgusting as Trump.

That's convenient.

tfw It was russians pretending to be Americans who killed all those civilians in the middle east


The bottom ~50% of the population is simply that fucking stupid. They actually do just want a Fuhrer.

I want to cut this ugly birches stomach open

Hillary does not support the status quo. She is a warmonger.

yeah russia definitely isn't bombing hospitals either

But the status quo IS war, you dumb shit

Does not compute.

Thank you for correcting the record.

Perhaps that's just human nature.

in before Clinton calls them a Russian spy organization

Our predecessors have been killed by Hitler, fuck off.

Too bad it wasn't about her willingness to assassinate whistleblowers.

no, your predecessors were Nazi collaborators who betrayed their countrymen

Nevermind the fact that the US directly and indirectly supplied weapons to "moderate Islamic rebels" who were ethnically cleansing minorities.

I hate that its either gonna Shillary or Fuhrer Trump. 2016 is so fucking stupid.


That's our biggest export tho…

No. She is decidedly more hawkish than Obama.

An American politician accusing other countries of trying to influence elections in other countries is peak Irony.

I've heard her "private-private policy" is actually posadism.

ayy lmao

Holy shit, Hillary is being straight up dishonest and Trump still sounds like an idiot when trying to refute her


A country that upholds """""NGOs""""" to overthrow foreign governments and puts their nose into every election gets a taste of their own medicine


Nationalism is idpol to a T.

I always put it this way - Trump probably doesn't give much of a fuck about being president and would just go along with his handlers. But we don't know what he'd do since he's never held elected office before. Hillary has. And if you compare the worst things either has done, she comes out far far worse. Even raping several women (which as far as I know is just an accusation for Trump) doesn't come close to the wake of wreckage and strife she's left all over the world with her foreign policy. She's happy to destroy foreign countries if it's politically expedient.

Extra Terrestrial Intelligence

There go 50 years of CIA black book operations into the memory hole…

Russia isn't manipulating shit. Hillary Clinton/the DNC is the one that committed election fraud during the Democratic Primary.

Who is decidedly more hawkish than Bush was, although much less open about it. It's almost like the figurehead doesn't matter and just do what the bosses tell them.

What manipulating did they even do?

Wait a minute…
Is Hillary, dare I say…

Trump is doing good this debate considering "grab her by the pussy".

also bigly

Russia probably DID do shit in this election, but the US does the same shit all the time

Look at fucking Haiti in the 90s

To be fair Trump really hasn't the opportunity. He might be completely willing to do the same kind of shit. I'm sure his handlers are perfectly fine with it.

Just check friggin Ukraine m8

did the Donald just spoon a chair

I mean he might be but all evidence suggests he doesn't give a fuck (he offered to let Kasich run his office in exchange for being his VP). On the other hand, we know Hillary would keep doing what she's doing because she keeps getting paid to do it.

First 10 min excluded so far Trump rips her pretty much apart imo

Trump is actually pulling a smart move shitting on her foreign policy


Is it true shillary voted against loopholes?

What's Aleppo?

It's her weakest point to normies. Most people don't understand the ramificiations of the emails unfortunately.

The fourth Marx brother.



I think the hosts literally gave me autism

Finally some debate about their wonderful imperialism… Hypocritical fucks.

smells like 2012



Tbh even then her foreign policy is more important than a personal scandal

fascist vs neo - con Blairite scum

I feel ill



u fukin wot m8

I still can't believe the hosts went on all about that fucking forged press photo and then pulled a fucking Holocaust comparison.



It is in comparison to her actual policy position



Yeah but plenty of Amerians are OK with imperialism. National security bothers them more. I agree with you but we're talking about the American voter here.

It feels dirty when I agree with Trump.

I like how Hillary puts on her inhuman joker grin when the Islamist rebels in Syrian are mentioned

No matter how much of a scumbag someone is you probably agree with them about something.

Source on that pic?

wow. the moderator is debating trump… what the fuck….

I'm so sure that Isis wouldn't be able to predict being attacked, unless the US announces it to the media.

Isn't it just East Aleppo that is occupied by the rebels? I thought the rest of Aleppo was relatively stable under SAA control.

O my god, Trump is so fucking stupid sometimes.




It's funny how Clinton didn't just say "yeah, we got them to withdraw without firing a shot or endangering our troops! they're so scared of us they just left!" This is why democrats look so fucking weak.


meant for

What I find interesting about the Republicans, is that they let their racism and sexism, take them from what would normally be easily winnable positions, to catastrophic defeat.

The black community in general is very conservative, they hate gays, they're incredibly sexist, materialistic, religious etc. so you would think, black people in general would vote Republican, but no, because Republicans would rather pander to the white trash bible belt vote, they lose a huge portion of the population, that they could easily ride into Government majorities and Presidential positions every time.

If there is anything I have learned with arguing with right-Liberals, is they conflate National Security with Imperialism. Invading Iraq, Syria etc are issues of "National Security" not Imperialism.

Go look at the UK for perfect example of this. How Corbyn is absolutely shit on for taking actual quite rational stances like not antagonizing Russia, not rushing into Syria, Scrapping Trident because saber rattling with Russia or Running straight into Syria or having Nuclear Subs sit off the coast of Russia has something something National Security.

It's absurd.

What "National security" and "Foreign relations" really stands for, from Right-Liberals is pro-Imperialism and pro-Jingoism.

It's Grimes you filthy Nazbol.

It's absurd. The moderators are so obviously in Clinton's pocket.

Igor has got to keep the creature in line.



He's stupid almost 100% of the time, but sometimes he reach high levels of stupidity.

As the guy you're replying to, this is accurate and what I was referring to.


Jimmy's black bro asks spooky question


'will bring economics to the people'

get a speaking coach, don.


"a very against police judge"

real talk

How do they feel about Hillary?

Without a notion of solidarity, be it worker or human, national security and imperialism become the same thing. If you don't care about others, you would support invading countries and torturing thousands of children if it saves the life of just one American.

Trump at a debate reminds me of a college frat kid being "Dude, I don't have to study before the final exam. I'm totally going to ace it" while staying up all night partying.

That's probably what happened tbh.

And he actually passes. The absolute madman.

Hillary's answers are way too practiced and specific. She must have known what they were going to be.


fuck "specific to the questions"



Don't post 2d girls, we need to concentrate

Thanks, Anderson. We can really count on you to fact check the important details.

Trump is terrible at rhetoric. Hillary has been doing this for years.

kys nazi bastard

That's him to a T

tbh it's worse than just ignoring him or throwing him under the bus

How self-proclaimed socialists have been useful idiots since 1991 in a nutshell

Really disappointed tbh. He should have his team study Podesta emails.

I have many many twitter followers, many smart people say I tweet the best

look, look, all the neocon war criminals agree with me!
Does Clinton really think this is a good strategy?

We socialists must stick together in the capitalist world


Didn't they come out just today tho?

All the liberals I know think it's great. They really don't have any convictions so it's not surprising.

Wow really highlights the difference between the candidates.

is this the ZPM they're talking about?

No, two days ago. It was most likely intended to have an effect on this debate.

The truth is out there.

fly on hillary's shirt

Donald Trump is for the common man, that's why he's standing up for the poor marginalized Coal companies.

This shit reads like Time Cube.



You knew it was going to happen. He's literally the only good thing the Democrats have left, so of course she's going to hide behind Grandpa B████.

Hillary might have stolen the nomination, but B████ is stealing the party.

It is the demon Beelzebub. He is reminding Hillary of the debt she must pay.

I don't buy that. She gives a flawless answer to audience questions, but then visibly has to stop and think when she has to reply to something Trump says.

I don't know but I really want a nuclear power anti-gravitation perpetuum-mobile device.

Check the website at the bottom, it's even better.

I hope so. When the lolberts replace the republicans, he'll have the opportunity to make the democrats openly anti-capitalist.


I laughed when MSM said his comments were sexual assault.

I think he's guilty of rape now.

burger politics

Hillary isn't a natural debater. besides how do you even reply to some of the shit Trump says?

Nigga there's people who think stare-rape is a real thing (and actually rape) and they're experts in navigating social systems. They're slowly taking over the media, including the MSM by virtue of the MSM wanting not to die as the internet makes it obsolete.

I know. The joke was that I was disdainfully dismissive of them to begin with, but Trump just raped her on live TV, so I guess he's guilty now.

So who won?

There is no back and forth, no reply, no actual conversation. It's likely all visible politicians receive this shit from some conspiracy theorists who think they will be taken seriously and produce changes to the government.

No one.

Jill Stein by default.

Not proles, that's for sure.

We all lost.

Trips confirm.

Trump won the first part of the debate at least. Trump succeded in turning the attention away from his 2005 comment onto Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton's behavior, and she had no effective response.

What I find most interesting is how well read Trump seems to be. I think it is very plausible that he may be an entryist. The man has clearly done some thorough reading on leftists, and It really comes out in his rhetoric. E.g.




Yeah nah

Freud poster is that you?

I'm watching this as it was a reality show, and under the logic of reality shows Trump definitely won.
Now, as a political debate it was a bunch of garbage, very little discussion about politics and mostly personal attacks. We all lost, and by "we all" I mean the entire world.

Hillary, but only by not being a blithering idiot


O, well I'd challenge you to pick even one of those statements that Trump would disagree with. It really makes you think when you think about it.



Aww, cheer up! The way I see it, the more the ordinary process of civil political discourse breaks down, the closer we get to revolution.

It's almost like your entire thought process is a single line of thought, probably restricted by language. I pity you.

Trump likely. People are already used to Trump's stupidity, he doesn't have some high standard to reach. He was able to deliver some spectacular (not necessarily meaningful) attacks to which Hillary wasn't able to respond well if at all, which makes her not as credible as she desperately tries to appear with her smugness.

Or fascism. Could go either way comrade.



He did curb stomp Hillary pretty good in the beginning, though.

If only Trump had good policies, he'd be a shoe-in.


But Trump has very popular policies. Ethnic purges and mass killings in the Middle East are actually very popular among the American electorate.

If porkys didn't have such a stranglehold on the media/propaganda, it would've happened ages ago

Could be talking about either candidate tbh

Why don't you go back to Holla Forums, this isn't working.

Scientific Holla Forums's last time put Hillary as the winner. Trump is terrible at rhetoric and has no plans to sell anyway. Hillary did fine in both debates, at least she had policies to speak of. Trump is the only politician the Republicans could run that could loose to Hillary - he has the highest disapproval rating in the country, Hillary being right behind him.

That's Clinton.

Back to Holla Forums, shill



how did a rapey fascist porky do so well against the true progressive candidate in this debate?

is the idiot learning?

it doesn't matter the next tape will kill the fucker anyway.

Pretty much…

Exactly. :^)

This election makes me want to change my ideology to something anti-democratic.

Of course it can, it always can. But no reward without risk, comrade.

Oh ye of little faith.

The difference is Clinton only wants to do those things in the Middle East. Trump wants to do them at home too.

Something's wrong with this picture.

Can you guess what it is?

I used to semi-respect you, wobbly poster. The point here is that she's blaming muh Russia for any criticism or obstacle she faces.


is fake, right? I hope this is real & not real at the same time

I'm really amused reading all these takes about how ordinary people will be appalled by Trump wanting to jail political opponents. Actually, they will love it.

Not a very big difference, really. Brown people should be safe, not only in the US.

Don't assume that every flag poster are the same m8.

It's not about Clinton it's about the party platform. B████ put together a great platform and will have leverage during the presidency.The president is one branch of three. Trumps judges are there forever, and then you'd be dealing with a right wing congress, supreme court and president. Do you have any idea how bad that could be for the left?

It's still capitalist.

Wasted get tbh.

It's rarely used, but you're right.

What debate did you watch? It was just the usual stock-standard buzzwords and platitudes

[citation needed]

She's not going to do shit for Sandernistas because

Lmaoing at anyone that still supports Hillary after this debate.

In case you haven't been paying attention, Hillary has been appointing neoliberal fuckos for everything. Barack Obama wants to appoint a shithead who has no problem with the Citizens United v FEC ruling.

The worst thing for the left is to continue letting phony fucking "leftists" represent the left and resultingly not solve their problems. When people think their shit is what the left has to offer they will keep turning to the right.

Some days it makes me want to too comrade. Marx's exhortation to trust in the power of the workers can feel awfully hollow these days.

I didn't say it was a big difference, but considering we're not gonna win at the bourgeois polls, something is better than nothing. Unless my state has a communist party that needs ballot access next round.

My thoughts: it's clear Trump won. His "you'd be in jail" zinger was perfect and that will end up going viral.

Hilary still has one chance left at the final debate, though. So don't write her off just yet.

Wow, CTR talking points.

Hillary & her cronies shit all over B████'s "great platform", because of not denouncing TPP, not going for single-payer healthcare or reforming Citizens United(why would she when it helped her win).

The judges aren't forever, they die.

Assuming we're not already dealing with this? Not in name, but in practice, we are.

The left isn't winning at all, in this election. Unless we can get Stein 5% nationally.


Vote Stein so the Greens can actually compete next time around.

Ken Salazar is a big one

Take a look at California's bi-yearly circus aka the state ballot. This is where hardcore porky shit like Prop 13 comes from.

Direct Democracy does not work. Republicanism is the only way Democracy can function, assuming equal voting rights for everyone. If left to their own devices people will abuse the government for their own personal spooks.

As usual, the Twitter responses to the debate are awful to read.
Trump is now Hugo Chavez, Putin, and Noreiga all at once

+1 to that, but ultimately the left will remain in limbo until the current banks collapse.

It's more noticeable in europe, where most leftist parties have dropped all dignity and defend the Euro in order to prevent an EU collapse. There was a guardian article on this very subject; the left traded in it's bread-and-butter issues for socjus crap as they consider "nazis" and anti-EU rightsts to be a larger threat than porky. Classic divide and conquer.

In the US it's the same shit except there is no central thing (ie the EU) to rally and circle the wagons around so the Democrats managed to shed seats faster.

>assuming he said he'd jail her just because she's a political opponent & not because she broke the law
These tards..

I don't have much more confidence in the Greens than I do in the Dems, tbh. It's a light reformist policy. I don't think the revolution will come at the polls, because the entire polling system is rigged to give greater weight to porky, petite-bourgeois, and lumpen interests. Our victory will come in the factories and in the streets.

Like I said, rigged to support PB interests. And then the workers are brainwashed into "taxpayers" who think they are on porky's side against the theiving taxman.

California has a population of what, 38 million?

I don't think there's any democratic system possible that will even roughly represent the interests of a population that size?

Simplify, man

Scratch the second question mark, it wasn't a question

if you are a feminist/liberal you are worse than a porky

But the banks collapsing won't end sexism or racism


Is that an actual quote? Mein Gott

here we go:

I swear, the "you would be in jail" comment is going to get so much media coverage now. And it's going to be used by Clintonites to attack anyone who wants to try and talk about her actual war crimes.

Paul Krugman is such a piece of shit.

Yes. The funny thing is, it's actually true. But a bunch smug upper-class liberals chiding white men as racists will also not fix racism or sexism, whereas breaking up the big banks will at least accomplish breaking up the bigbanks.

If the state ballot didn't exist things would be better. Prop 13 and Prop 98 cause the state to be perpetually underfunded. Republicanism works, but only if there is no way to completely circumvent the system (as an open ballot does).

who is he?

Yes it's real. It was from one of the 'Bernie debates.

And more economic equality is better for everyone. Limits racism, actually. A rich black man is more respected in our society than a poor one. Same goes for women. So an argument could even be made that yes, it will help sexism & racism.

It's not going to work though, because nobody likes or trusts Hilary. That strategy is going to completely backfire if they actually use it.

The phase "you'd be in jail" only works if people have confidence in the accused, and Hilary does not have this. At best she's getting along because she's "not Trump". This is why when Trump made his comment, people clapped. And if Hilary or the MSM try to push this narrative, they'll just isolate themselves even more.

looks vaguely like my dad, what about him?

looks like Rob Ford

look, all us #woke hollywood celebs agree that Trump is silly! You have to vote for Clinton now

Trump won the debate according to the first focus group reaction we've got.

I would say that much of why capitalism has persisted so long past its sell-by date, is that the proletariat have been convinced that they are incapable of ruling, and therefore must appoint others to rule for them. The essential process of revolution must be ending the division of labor between the rulers and the ruled. We must all take control of our own political lives.

Even if Hillary appears moderately competent from the point of view of the average American, they don't care. What matters is projecting strength. The public wants revenge on the ruling class.

I hate this shitty planet.

Seems like CNN has Clinton winning.


They are incapable of ruling, at least inside large nation states. The ideal national government is one which puts the people (as a whole) needs first and individual areas last. However, this is the antithesis of direct democracy.

A clear example is CAHSR. The state wants it and has had to fight every single county, city, neighborhood and landowner to build it. Top to bottom, locals are putting their own shit first to the extreme determent of the state as a whole. Both hardcore Holla Forumsfags in shitholes like Tulare or Wasco fight for the same cause as 1%ers in Atherton or Palo Alto. This is what happens when people are allowed to own private property.

who rules what though? A legislator in Modoc has less power than a homeowner in San Francisco. Elites cannot be allowed to form enclaves or isolate themselves into their own communities, they must be dragged out and forced to use the same streets and same mass transit as everyone else.

Like that means anything from them.

of course, that's perfectly normal. wait for other online polls

This. Trump is only getting away with this shit because it is Hillary. If it was against Barnaby Sandbars Trump would get his ass raped because there wouldn't be any low-hanging fruit for him to attack.

Aside from "He's a Commie!" card. Think about it. B████'s voters would've been constantly attacked as socialists and communists and I assure you that many would've started to look into it more since I am sure their mindset would've developed into "If those ideas B████ proposed are socialist and/or communist, maybe these things might not be so bad."

Of course they would still have to get over their own personal prejudices first before being involved in the far-left, but certainly the exposure would've been enough to increase the left's influence.

Truly it is the darkest timeline.

speaking of which, Bernard Sandman is trending right now.


serves me right, I trusted 3DPD




shit taste fam

screencap it if it's so important to preserve

That' too troublesome. I don't tihnk it's important to preserve. I think you'll get a cold, cynical laugh out of it.


Americans are unbelievably stupid.

Best part of the night tbh, Trump openly admitting that he would assign a special prosecutor to ruin Hillary's life and throw her into a gulag for daring to run against him.

Really goes in line with the speculation that he only ran for President because Obama made fun of him at a White House Correspondents dinner.

On some level I fully support Trump's domestic fascism and his more "peaceful" foreign diplomacy. This would be a fine ironic revenge on America, considering all the dictators they support and all the wars they do outside of their own country.
On another level I just want shit to hit the fan.

Lmao only Holla Forums can spin anti-corruption measures as fascism. I wonder why?

If you're talking about the guy who posted in this thread during the primaries, that's me.

I'm not saying Clinton is actually environmentalist, I'm saying that what she said should not be controversial (except perhaps that she is an environmentalist, you're right on that). It's clearly in Russia's interests to do so, and WikiLeaks has been used repeatedly to disseminate information gained by Russian spies. I don't expect WikiLeaks to behave like an actual news organization but Assange has books to sell and he's quite clearly playing up the controversy on that statement. Frankly I'm surprised there's nothing worse in there to nail Clinton on, considering

I would find it 100% believable that Russia has funded fake American environmental groups to deter American oil projects and protect Russian oil exports (which America and NATO have specifically used to hit Russia with sanctions on in the past). It sounds exactly like the kind of thing Russia would do. Does that mean that Clinton doesn't have her own agenda or Big Oil doesn't have its own interests to protect? No. But framing the headline as "anti-fracking and environmental groups are a Russian plot" is pure fancy and if you try to spin that as her being "deplorable" you're a fool. There's much better reasons to be mad at her; Honduras coup, Puerto Rican minimum wage, war hawkishness in the Middle East, etc.

Frankly I find her rhetoric on Russia in this and previous debates and rallies alarming. Trump is way too cozy with Putin as a fellow fascist but I'm sternly against another Cold War.

She's already been investigated and cleared of any wrongdoing. They had a million billion hearings on Benghazi (which was a complete joke) and, sad as it is, the FBI said there was no case over the emails. By saying he would continue to investigate her, use his Attorney General to hound her and do anything to put her away, he is saying he would directly abuse his executive powers to punish and silence his political opponents. It's fascism.


Plus in the past Trump has sued or threatened to sue dozens of people who've come out against him, so this is merely a new chapter in the book he is writing on abusing the power of law to destroy your opponents.

Wow, no kidding? Well, she must have had a fair, real investigation and held to the standards of any other citizen.

Wouldn't be the first time 2bh

The abuse of the power of law to destroy your opponents is using the laws regarding campaign and fundraising, and using the organizational structure of your political party to subvert fair elections in a completely legal manner that justice cannot technically be found in a court of law

can't he just drone them? :^)

No, he's saying that a corrupt official that thinks they are above the law will be brought before court and tried.

Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy

I agree, Nixon did nothing wrong

And an investigation led by Trump and Mitch McConnell would not be a laughable kangaroo court?

Look, they held dozens of those Benghazi hearings. They couldn't come up with anything, anything at all. These people really wanted to nail her, badly. You can claim the FBI was suppressed but where are the Republican leaders backing that in any believable way? I wanted S█████ to win as badly as anyone. I attended his rallies, I handed out flyers, I led the thread here on phonebanking for him. I hoped the emails would disqualify her from the race so he could be nominated. They didn't, and as far as I'm concerned that's got to be the end of it. She has too many opponents for something like that to be quietly dropped unless they really couldn't make it stick.
The gist for non-Spanish speakers:

Assange wanted FSB bodyguards.


I wanted to projectile vomit at the TV when Trump started citing S█████ against her.


That one was scientific. See the sampling error on the side? Online polls mean shit, lmao.

I meant the IRS bullshit, but hey, wasn't the main issue with Watergate that Nixon just got petty and overstepped what was generally considered acceptable?

But really, I don't give a shit if the dumbasses who wanna deepthroat Porky to the hilt get fucked in the ass by the people who want to talk the rest of America into it because it's the "lesser evil"

I guess it's Latin American?

capped because that's great

Guys mods are sleeping, join the fun

Actually they're not really sleeping, but there's like 60,000+ active users & both them & CTR are overwhelmed.

It was more a comment on the other posters hysterics about President Trump imprisoning anyone who disagreed with him, and implying there aren't other means whereby the executive can fuck with their political opponents

Yep, it's pottery.

20committee is definitely American propaganda. He is the American equivalent of the Russians he denounces.

The Guardian is also Anglo-American propaganda.

It was far from the only takeaway, just my personal favorite. I also liked when he blamed Muslim communities for not policing themselves (in a similar vein to how he blamed Black communities for not uplifting themselves) to the face of the lady who asked that question, and when he rambled for two minutes about nothing and the moderator had to repeat the question.

The fuck

Most media is propaganda. WikiLeaks is propaganda, obviously. The important thing is sifting the slant from the truth. I personally think Clinton was entirely justified in what she said, and I'm sincerely disappointed nothing more damning came from the speeches she so zealously guarded. Russian hackers need to put their game faces on.

This is why I assume anything written in political media is a lie.

Eh alright, it's just tiring hearing about rightist chucklefucks whine about how oppressed they are (ironic, no?) while ignoring, supporting, or even glorifying oppression of others.

I mean there were a bunch of progressive groups caught up in that IRS scandal too, and the only groups to actually get denied were the left-leaning ones.

This is so calming to see.

Kinda seems a bit religious, tbh. I think God was trying to tell us something.

Exactly. It's as non-scandalous as Clinton defending that pedophile rapist. People were just doing their jobs.

Rightists don't see anything wrong with oppression per se. They only get upset about what they perceive as oppression of whites. Oppression of other races is totally fine and possibly even good. Anything done by the whites in the interests of white people is good, even if it's immoral by any normal person's standard.

Yes, yes, tell us more about how the Left historically have been renowned for their repudiation of political violence (Well the people on the receiving end were reactionaries, after all..)

Yeah leftists tend to react in a bizarre way when Trump says something they agree with or know as true. Their brain immediately tries to support the opposite opinion, but this can be seriously stressful on the body when those opinions are well entrenched.

I liked Reich's take on an ideal Hillary win:

1. Hillary Clinton is elected President.

2. Democrats take over the Senate, and reduce the Republican margin in the House to just 3 votes.

3. Elizabeth Warren announces she’ll challenge Hillary in the 2020 Democratic primaries if Hillary isn’t sufficiently progressive and bold during her first term.

4. The Democratic National Committee issues new rules eliminating “superdelegates” and requiring open primaries.

5. In her inaugural address, Hillary Clinton promises to “wrest back control of our democracy and economy from the moneyed interests that have taken over both.”

6. President Hillary Clinton nominates Barack Obama to the Supreme Court, who immediately pledges to reverse “Citizens United.” Senate Democrats make a rule change that allows Obama to be confirmed with 51 Senate votes. He is.

7. President Clinton nominates B████ ██████ for Treasury Secretary and Michelle Obama for Attorney General. Both are immediately confirmed.

8. The chairman of the Republican Party officially repudiates Donald Trump, saying “shame on us for having nominated him.” Mitch McConnell, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Pence appear in a joint news conference in which they apologize for having ever supported Trump.

9. Disgraced and with his brand in tatters, the value of Trump’s properties drops 80 percent. His creditors demand that his personal assets – homes, planes, furniture, all he possesses – be liquidated to pay his bills.

10. Rupert Murdoch fires Sean Hannity from Fox News.

Of course Warren is a sell-out who backed Clinton over S█████ and I doubt she'd pressure Clinton to be more leftist, let alone with threat of a primary challenge. Clinton's people fought B████ tooth and nail over the platform. It's really a shame there's no viable leftist party to challenge the Democrats for progressive voters, establishment Dems are fucking neoliberal class traitors.

>>>Holla Forums

He's right.

I can't wait for November 9th so Fucking bad. Who started drinking lately?

On a semi-related note did you guys hear Glenn Beck supported BLM? Or is this old news by now

Are you a child?

If the Republicans repudiate Trump, the Republican base will repudiate them. Ethno-nationalism is the new thing.

This is horrible.

Can I have what you're (or Reich) smoking?

Few people actually care about oppression full stop, they've always got some way to justify why it's righteous when they like it and horrendous when they don't.

The only thing he's right about is that the standard donkeys vs. elephants status quo would immediately reassert itself with a extreme vengeance.

It's copypaste from his blog, m8, he said it was wishful thinking.

Can't a man dream?

The only thing that may happen is a Clinton Democratic challengerin 2020 though. B████ would be too old and Warren said repeatedly said she won't run for president.

Bernie wasn't even in the race anymore, and they kept referencing him. Making him sound like he's on their side a bit.
B████ said this, B████ and I…, Jesus.

I think it's a dick.

The idea of a primary challenge against HRC is laughable on every level.

Well, it shows that they think B████ has strong support among the voter base. It's good for him politically.

Bernie was what Trump wishes he was.

This. It made me sick to my stomach on how these people were using him as a political gain during the debate. Jesus fuck B████ should've ran 3rd party. Especially against two asses as opponents.

It's good because it shows that both parties realize the voter base could leave them at any second.
Both candidates have to pander to the Sandernistas to win. I would hate it even more if they ignored the Sandman and acted like everything was fine.

Not quite

It'd be too good for a sandernista to do this.

Welp, that reddit thread was fun while it lasted. Now it's removed from the front page because of "rehosted content", lmao.

I wonder if other threads are being overrun by real people; I'm going in.

What kind of lefty are you?

What's going on?

A better lefty than you

Everyone was calling out CTR & how BS r/politics is. Now they removed the post from the front page, because of it.

How broken am I

CNN coaching those "voters"

You're not broken.. That's hot, comrade.

I posted in the tiny "Still for S█████/progressive causes" subreddits with my dumb little image seen here:

I was immediately downvoted to hell, accused of "worshiping B████ like a God," being a "like a crazed religious nut who sees meaning in nothing," was called "creepy," "a Trump advocate" (???) and all of these comments included some reference to me being insane for commenting on the fact that Hillary had flies land on her during a televised debate. And then of course my submissions were deleted by the mods.

Again, these are subreddits FOR S█████ with only a few thousand subscribers each, it's past midnight, and yet still, dare to mention anything pro-Sanders or that jokingly paints Hillary in a bad light and people come out of the woodwork with their comments to "correct the record" until the mods find it and delete everything for daring to support B████ on subs dedicated to supporting B████.

What the fuck, man.
I just thought the image was a funny comparison to make :(

plebbit's gonna pleb i guess.
How people can still trust that site is beyond me.

nice dubs

what's the comparison?

It was funny as Hell, comrade. :)

And yeah, even r/political_revolution, where they directed all the S4P redditors to go, went to shit. These CTR & hyper partisan fucks either can't think critically or are paid not to.

Anyway, I saved it. We'll enjoy it.


I'll freely admit even Donald had some good lines in the debate today. Doesn't change the fact that he's a crazed orange fascist and she's a murdering piece of shit hypocrite.

Go back to Holla Forums if you want to be shielded from dissenting opinions.

HBO's viral marketing is on point.


>>>Holla Forums


fucking triggered, Jesus christ

10 October 2016

Patrick Martin

Reminder that Clinton's husband is a serial rapist.

this is a joke right?

NBC in its entirety is a joke so yes, yes it is.


Wtf did I just watch?

Don't forget, at the end of all this: B████ was right. Hilary is a fucking crook and is the reason why Trump will be President.

But it was not to be. The Democrats played with fire, they got burned. Hopefully they'll spend the next four years rebuilding their base with Sander's policies and not try something suicidal like running DWS in 2020.

And this is why Hilary won't win: Americans are absolutely and totally fucking sick of war. This is why Obama got a Supermajority in 2008, and why Cruz lost to Trump this year. Even if she did somehow win, and start a war, all she would do is nuke the Democrats' like Bush did with the GOP.

I'm normally very empirical and rational, but given the shitshow this election season has been, nigga don't say shit like that, you'll make it come true!

autism escaping this thread in vast quantities

Not to sound like an SJW, but the pictures of that focus group make it look very white. Are these things not stratified by race?

i don't even like the guy but it'll be top notch for sure

lol this is actually real
How are they measuring approval in real-time? Anyway, it's surreal what "representative democracy" has come to.

yes, yes it is

Never been to Rockerfeller Center NYC, Universal Studios LA or Mandalay Bay in Vegas, I take it.

Anyway, all three allow the public to "test" new shows. Viewers are seated (usually about 25-50 at a time) in a room, each given an electronic dial. They then watch a handful of 2-5 minute pitch videos for hilarious new TV shows (I remember one being a rip off of hoarders), and turn the dial depending on how much they enjoy or dislike the show at that very moment (there is also the "change channel" button, which they're instructed to press if they would change the channel out of boredom).

CNN obviously uses this technology with their debate audiences, but with "candidate preference" instead of "good/bad". I believe they started doing so in 2004 or 2008.

I'd dig up a link but I forget *exactly* what it was called.

I'm not a burger, so no. America keeps surprising me, no matter how much more cynical my views become each time. I knew never would have thought they're applying the same method for testing new TV shows to this political reality show. It makes sense though. After all, whoever wins the "audition" has to entertain the people for the next 4 years.


She also nuked the Republicans, major news networks, and public trust in our electoral process.

In her single minded quest to be the first female President, she has destroyed fucking everything.

I predict that within five years, instead of giving them a dial they will hook them up to "wearable" tech that monitors shit like heartrate, galvanic skin response, and pupil dilation.

Hey man, give Trump some credit. He contributed probably at least as much.

Trump is just a rabid dog Hillary forced on the Republicans. Any damage he's done is her responsibility for giving him power.

jesus christ, it keeps happening!

it really makes me wonder if that video of hilary saying nigger is real


This pisses me off even more because if that were S█████, they would have crucified him for it.

No because people won't go for it then. If someone is going to pay $10 per person (yes, they charge for this shit as to not interfere with professional focus groups) they don't want to be hooked up to an EKG especially if they're holding a soda or eating (the one at Mandalay Bay is adjacent a food court, the one at the Rock is a two minute walk from a Mcdonalds).

Also remember that as these are tourist attractions, all manner of people touch these things. As a result they have to get wiped down after each use. Comcast (NBC's owner) is not going to bother blowing a disposable EKG thingy on what is supposed to be a profitable tourist trap and not an actual indicator of what people want (they have actual focus groups for that).

Dude, they could literally just give them a fitbit or something to measure heartrate.

Sony did exactly that with their electronic 3d headsets (for 3D TVs, not VR) in their adjacent booths and it was shut down because people kept getting pink eye. They're going to have the same problem with PSVR demos.

Also, remember that even a bracelet has to FIT on peoples' wrists. We're talking about domestic American tourists here.

Just like Sony to not bother cleaning those things.

The one time I went to Disneyworld at least half of all the people there were overweight, with about a third being comically obese. It's not a thing Europeans could understand without actually visiting America.

Not sure how Democracy Now fucked up that expanding debate stream last night, but you can find some of Jill Stein's response to the debate on her facebook.

None of those sources state that

Try again CTR.

Wait looks like they've finally put it together here:

I don't understand why Gary Johnson keeps declining to join in on this. Is he retarded?

Or does he think it will harm him more to debate Stein because he knows he'll lose?

Baudrillard was saying the exact same thing to his European friends back then.

>on my Holla Forums
Oh no you didn't.

People actually read this shit? Fuck, that's depressing.

Do Trump and Clinton both have a problem with lip smacking or was it an issue with mic setup last night?

What I linked is from Baudrillard's book. I have no idea what that autism in that image is and how it's connected to what I posted. is a website by an autistic, sociopathic Kierkegaard worshiper mostly to post his stupid opinions about video games. He once published a book with his rich parent's money.

Also a wanted criminal I guess.

underrated post and yeah pretty much

i'm watching the jill stein debate now because i ~gasp, shock~ AGREED with like 80% of what trump was saying and it all makes me wonder how much of it is a ploy by clever and pissed off republicans to make $hillary actually fucking change on the issues where she is weak or wrong.

like after this debate how many of trump's good ideas will actually make it into practice.

if it's as assange says, and She is unable to be agile and responsive to the needs of the people, as she owes too many favors to those who are bankrolling her campaign (therefore her choice of running mate Kaine) that likelihood hovers near zero. sad!

Kaine, whom btw she chose as a running mate as early as July, 2015.

What a cocktease

Also, for those who care Sony had 3DTV demo booths outside all three of the public TV test things, because Comcast charges extra for streaming 3D movies.

GJ is the former Governor of Arizona. He runs the LP and probably has an ago bigger than Texas as a result.

Remember that the Greens have a handful of seats in Washington, Oregon and Jefferson (term for the upstate part of Northern California).

LOL. There are some other interesting things in that last link as well.

This is an email from Bill Ivey who "was appointed chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, by President Bill Clinton and served from 1998 to 2001" (wikipedia). The email was sent to Podesta.

Well on the bright side it will be easy to convince the average prole with shit like this.


Jesus fuck

What the fuck, the "forces" can be easily explained: people are programmed to enjoy TV (Trump is a TV entertainer) and to worship America (Trump's slogan is Make America Great Again), and many of them have seen a gradual erosion of their purchasing power due to free trade (a thing Trump vows to stop) while many more just hate brown people (Trump promises to build a wall).

It is truly horrifying that porky is this incompetent. He's drinking his own kool aid.

Reminder that Americans as so propagandized that a candidate calling for an anti-corruption platform is considered a maniac.

Never underestimate the ability of a leftist to delude themselves into thinking they can totally understand, reshape and unmake society



It makes me really pissed thinking about Obama. I was so optimistic in 2008, that things would get fixed. His legacy will be that of an ineffectual, completely impotent President who created a circumstance where fucking Donald Trump could win. Let's imagine a world where Obama had actually sent some bankers to jail, cut down the NSA and prevented their emails from leaking everywhere.

And let's not forget: Detroit went bankrupt. GM fired most of their union workforce, this year Ford announced they are removing their last factory out of Michegan. Stone cold betrayal to the workers who had put their faith into Obama. Michegan is a red state now, like Indiana is. So is Wisconsin.

bruv Trump is easy as fuck to understand

the establishment and MSM don't because doing so would contradict the worldview that their jobs depend upon

Why does this feel so gut-wrenchingly appropriate?

But weren't the democrats trying to do just that exact same thing? They even pick out Trump as a personality to magnify to try and fuck up the Republican electoral process.

Maybe they (the party) weren't actively trying to court donors, some of them just went along with it like Hillary. What if the democrats are actually that naive… We are talking about liberals here.


It's the 1960 election again. That was the election with the first televised debate. As the story goes, radio listeners thought Nixon won but TV viewers thought JFK won. This was because JFK wore makeup to look better, while Nixon thought himself above such a thing (and ended up appearing sweaty under hot studio lights). A new mode of media is replacing the older one.

What vice story is that from?

I dunno, I find it hard to believe that aliens that allegedly won't tolerate any sort of violence either on earth or in space would actively aid the very humans that cause the majority of violence on the planet.

ETs with advanced space travel have probably advanced philosophically to the point that they don't do that caveman thing we do where someone does something we don't like so we do the equivalent of bashing them with a club.

mate, let's be honest here: leftypol is total slime, that's at least partially why we come here in the first place
if you don't want slime read books and articles (if you don't already)

about Chelsea (referred to as "cvc" in the email):

Chelsea (cvc) and World Jewish Congress (wjc) make people suicidal:

fucking kek, all these years and I STILL can't get away from Holla Forums drama

I love that all this dirty laundry is coming out. You know that they're all reading this shit, too.

Each one of these dumps is an interpersonal nuclear bomb.

I'm not surprised. This is too typical of children of politicians. Even porkies typically demand their children to find their way at dealmaking so they can take over the family business.

Doesn't this just about prove that Hillary Clinton conspired to install DWS in order to rig the primaries? Obviously not in a very direct way, but this is probably the closest we'll get.

He's talking about Kek.

Apologies, wjc isn't "World Jewish Congress", kek. That's what came up first when I online searched the acronym, and they have connections with Clintons (of course), so I thought… Anyway, wjc is a person, although I don't know who.

wjc is actually Bill Clinton's company that is used to avoid taxes.

A pretty incredible email. Details on middle eastern foreign policy from John Podesta straight to Hill Dawg's unsecured email account.

Some highlights:
-It calls out Saudi Arabia and Qatar for funding ISIL.
-The US sees the Peshmerga as a key ally in fighting ISIL and is now authorized to receive heavy weapons and armor, when previously they refrained from doing so with regards to Turkey
-The diplomatic situation with Turkey makes the previous "obsolete."
-Confirms that US special forces have been operating in the area/with the Peshmerga
-They refer to their interference in Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc, "from across North Africa to the borders of Turkey," "regional restructuring."

They also talk about using the Peshmerga augmented with US special forces assistance to punish Turkey if they continue to drift toward Islamism.
6. In the end the situation in Iraq is merely the latest and dangerous example of the regional restructuring that is taking place across North Africa, all the way to the Turkish border. These developments are important to the U.S. for reasons that often differ from country to country: energy and moral commitment to Iraq, energy issues in Libya, and strategic commitments in Jordan. At the same time, as Turkey moves toward a new, more serious Islamic reality, it will be important for them to realize that we are willing to take serious actions, which can be sustained to protect our national interests. This course of action offers the potential for success, as opposed to large scale, traditional military campaigns, that are too expensive and awkward to maintain over time.

Remember that mysterious "h" get on Holla Forums that baffled everybody? It was somebody from the Clintons:

Spoken like a true neoliberal technocrat… People's lives simply don't matter.

this is idiotic, KRG and Turkey are on very good diplomatic terms. Peshmerga isn't a threat to Turkey in the least. It's PKK and YPG they hate.

Oh god, I can't wait to see what this "hard-hitting" research entails - even less regulation for Wall Street? An expanded TPP?

somebody should make a node map where all the emails are visible as lines like on a pin board that you can follow. you could sort by name and date and it'd make all this shit so much easier to search through.

Wikileaks' search engine should at least display short excerpts highlighting the searched keywords within the contents of the email. Like any other web search engine.
Now I'm mostly just looking for interesting or mysterious subject lines when there's a lot of results.

what a cunt, so he is fighting facists because people are turned into tumbleretas lefties scumbag faggots.

That fucking dissonance in jewish leftism ideals.

Can't you just use another search engine with the function?

fella are you retarded?



William Jefferson Clinton

I just wanna overthrow capitalism and get smothered by a pair of gigantic boobs

remember to never ever intern for any political party ever

What did he mean by this?

Are we sure these aren't the Posadas emails?

its from this article

>remember to never ever intern for any political party ever
Sorry, but that pretty much describes every internship.


Holy shit, check out the red scare propaganda in this comment section.

I sincerely hope these are astroturfers. But the fact that some Americans could believe them, is insane to me.

Not to mention the article as well. The people who run these media orgs will be first to be gulaged. Ffs.

Some faith restored. People calling out the article for the spin piece it is.

Considering it's /r/politics the chances are pretty much 100%

Seems like Hillary's staff have a lick of sense about them, then.

Of course they have. These people are not stupid just because their voters are.

not even WUT

In the eyes of Hillary supporters the more she is criticized the more she's like Jesus Christ being crucified.
Any criticism only further proves that there's a massive sexist conspiracy against her, and that must be because all these sexist evil people will suffer under Hillary the leader of trickle-down feminism.

Soon they will be talking about Satanic forces that want to prevent the second coming of Jesus Hillary Christ.

Those people are a minority. The vast, VAST, majority of Hilary supporters (in terms of actual voters) don't care about corruption, unethical behavior, or general untrustworthiness. She's the person with a -D next to her name. Criticism of her, to them, is just "republicans whining". They shrug it off as "schoolyard insults" or similar. It's sad, really. Most Democrats have become so numb that they'll vote for anything with a -D. But then again, many are also voting for Hilary because she's just as shameless as they are (remember that most of her voters will be boomers). She's an accurate reflection of her base.

In Secret Goldman Sachs Speech, Hillary Clinton Admitted No-Fly Zone Would “Kill a Lot of Syrians”

Yeah, I totally agree. I meant those who are aggressively supporting and defending her on the Internet.
What really bothers me is that there's a massive downplaying of her foreign "policy" without even denying it. I've seen a lot of people reply to her role in killings of civilians with something like "Yeah, well, it's not like Trump is perfect, he hates minorities!" It's just this arrogant attitude of "who the fuck cares about those people, their deaths are nothing compared to our own agenda at home".

The Podesta Emails Part 3 (1190 new emails)

First, some funny stuff about Chelsea:
-cvc is too chatty about internal stuff to bush kids who then report to the republicans
-cvc gets easily manipulated by self-interested people hurting the organization

So is the Clinton establishment still in support of a no-fly zone?

Yes but you never know if something is her public or private position :^)

Isn't the one she says in public de facto her public position?

You just never know if her private position is the same.

It all depends on the audience. In this case the audience was Israeli leaders.

Nigga that leak is 2015; have they restated their commitment to a no-fly zone within the past month or two?

And her "no-fly zone will kill a lot of Syrians" remark is from 2013 Goldman Sachs speech. So that didn't make her change her mind. I'm sure they're still for it, the establishment has been talking about how to "rebrand" no-fly zone to the American public because that term has become too controversial.

Russian involvement hadn't escalated so severely, even in 2015; so it's not clear if their commitment has remained to the cause.

Of course she is. Neoliberals believe that world policing is needed to ensure compliance with western capitalism. This includes doing stupid shit like blowing another $9 trillion in the sandbox or starting a pissing match with both Russia and China.

I have to admit I'm sort of in the same boat. If it weren't for the S█████/Trump populist phenomenon, I'd just write off everything she says as "eh, establishment politician, whatchagonna do?" since she would still inevitably be better than the Republican alternative for her term, until the next round of futile hopes and failed dreams in four more years.

But I think voting Trump might (somewhat indirectly) cause a breakup of the neocon/neolib "left"/"right" antipopulist consensus that has dominated American political "discourse" for the last four decades, on top of which, the unprecedented political opposition he faces would almost certainly reduce the typical noxiousness of a Republican presidency.

In this strange environment, scandal of the sort so ubiquitous among establishment politicians is actually worth caring about to me, both to sink Clinton now, and weigh down Trump after he wins.

Not that this is important, of course they hate us. It's just interesting that this is said in the context of what she will say in her public speech, in the sense of "Yeah, I know she hates them and doesn't want to do something good for them, but let's make her mention this one policy anyway, she can take it." Almost as if it's hard for her to say it because of her hate or something. I mean, why would her hate be relevant anyway when it's all just a show?

yeah, throwing people in jail for political reasons is tots unamerican.
the entire article is one long spiel against Hugo Chavez and an apology for the liberal status quo. Don't even bother reading it.

The whole point is that he would throw her in jail for her actual crimes in the first place, not "just because I can". So Dems are hypocritical to the 2nd power. That's actually the appeal of Trump's populism, he tries to appear to be against the impunity of the establishment.

I just don't understand you "leftists" sometimes.

Stein will almost certainly get her 5%, and the lolberts 15% (bluch), but it's honestly a 50/50 tossup as to whether Trump or Hillary will produce less apathywin the presidency.

Here we have that "strongly unaware but decreasingly compliant citizenry"

5% is cool and a reasonable goal, but really every extra % is more solidarity again and intimidation for the Democratic elite. The more the merrier.

The most we could possibly hope for beyond that is an 1824-style shitshow, which would be pretty hilarious, but the House would obviously pick Clinton.

What makes you say that? I think Clinton is going to win due to the aggressive media propaganda. They are already spinning wikileaks releases so hard as either fabricated or positive (wtf?!). They will also be sensationalizing some other stupid things Trump said twenty years ago.

These leaks are sadly just some kind of depressing entertainment at the moment. It will be interesting to see their effect during her presidency, they are not going away and can be used against her anytime in the future.

WW 3 is "global restructuring."

Character assassination hasn't work against Trump yet, and I see no reason that will change, short of "shooting a manLGTBBQ in the street" anyone who cares about that sort of thing was never going to vote for him, although I suppose it might be enough to scare up some Clinton support from apathetic voters.

The only thing that could actually hurt Trump is to attack him on the issues, but that's never going to happen, since everything Trump is wrong about the establishment actually agrees with him on, and everything the establishment disagrees with Trump about, they know Trump (or at least his nebulous public image) is correct about.

He does lose a little bit of support after each of those sensationalized "scandals" though. And you still have S█████ supporters slowly coming over to Clinton:

thoughts ?

Jill interview by Cenk "What Armenian Genocide" Ugyur a couple days ago:

Enjoy your reactionary conservative political uprising.

Hard to say how many disillusioned [REDACTED] supporters will remain firmly "Never Clinton", and the margin of inaccuracy for polling data for Trump/Clinton seems farcical.

My focus is on cleaning out leftism. The political consolidation that will occur under a Clinton victory would probably be devastating.

Seems accurate

I would prefer a political war where we are the underdog than the omnipotent hegemony where any opposition is only a simulation.

Look at Latin America if you want to see what happens when you let the worldwide fascist movement gain a foothold. Porky don't care, left or right doesn't matter to him as long as he can siphon money and blame the poor.

Speaking of which, how's that working out for the FARC?


Do we really have a CTR shill in here again?

You're exaggerating with each of those words. Government won't change that much because of Trump, that's not the point of preferring Trump. It will polarize and radicalize society itself. Attacks on Trump rallies are a good indication, as well as the massive support of S█████' politics. I know it's all still very liberal, but at least there's a potential for some militancy to develop among lefties, to end this pacifist conformism. Just to be clear, I'm not having high hopes here, but more of status quo is more depressing.

Yes, I would actually like an organization like FARC in America rather than to be safe and secure in the end-of-history West where I call myself a "communist" because of what books I buy and which websites I visit.

Not talking about the military coups. Talking about the elected officials, PSDB, Macri, etc.

>From: [email protected]/* */
>To: [email protected]/* */
Imagine being this economically lonely.
This has 50k+ views compared to under 10k Dore or others get. The left has to get better at propaganda - what irony when the establishment propaganda is blamed precisely on the left.

The quoted statement was by Jon Favreau, Obama's former speechwriter.

Can the board owner word please filter unemployed/underemployed/working class to "economically anxious" ?

good god I can't stand that guy's voice

>Her most important job right now is to inspire people, and generate enthusiasm. And she will not succeed by playing the pragmatist to B████'s idealist. No young person - no any person - who isn't the most committed voter will head out to the polls or knock on doors for someone who tells them that they should have more realistic expectations for what politics can achieve (even though they should!).

not getting fucked by your government is an "unrealistic expectation."

>People are of course economically anxious, and B████ is tapping into that > very well. But that's only half the equation. They're also being told to blame other groups for all their problems - blacks, gays, immigrants, Muslims, women, political correctness, etc. Fighting that intolerance and divisiveness is just as important as fighting inequality - arguably more so in this election because Trump has made it the defining issue. And she is way better equipped and qualified to make that argument than B████ is. That's true because she's a woman.


>Hillary can pick up the mantle here in a very inspiring way. She just has to tweak it and be careful that it doesn't sound like she's listing off interest groups - here's my black speech, here's my Latino policy, here's my woman's event, etc. She needs to combine her policies with her record with a vision of the country and the world where we're stronger together than we are divided against each other. That's different than "stronger together than we are on our own," which would be more of a B████/Obama '12 message that's all about right-wing economics.


Are they implying B.ernie supporters are racist homophobes?
Are they this out of touch

brb bottling molotovs

how long until the republicans implode or hillary gets leaked to death

if it was going to happen it wouldve by now

Republicans as a party are far from imploding. It's the Democrats that have been on the ropes as a party, they haven't been doing this badly since the late 19th-early 20th century.

Trump is going to lose because reasons. Whoever runs in 2020 will wipe the floor with the Dems, because HRC is going to be the worst president presiding over a Great Depression.

I reckon Trump will win, but I agree with your latter point.

As a thought exercise, let's examine what a Hilary Presidency would look like:

1. 8 supreme court justices
2. GOP Congress stalling every budget and forcing two government shutdowns in 2017 and 2019
3. No TPP, No TTIP
4. Chinese and EU financial crises, both of which will cause a domestic US recession. Congress will say No to all bailouts
5. Chinese troops in the Phillipines (a thing the Pentagon truly does not want)
6. Israel being cucked hard and forced to stand down once Iran obtains a nuclear weapon
7. Saudi Arabian civil war, and Baghdad falling to ISIS (Congress will say No to any intervention) causing millions more migrants to flood into europe
8. EU migrant crisis getting much worse, likely requiring US assistance, which Congress will say No to
9. Given the leaks, probably Impeachment proceedings (though a Conviction is unlikely)
10. Minnesota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania becoming Right-To-Work states, effectively locking in a GOP Supermajority

The Democrats would be completely nuked, especially as 2020 is a Census year so the GOP would Gerrymander themselves into a permanent position of power.

Working class should be filtered to proletariat TBH.

TPP may depend on Obongo unfortunately. Also Hillary was for it before.

Iran won't get nukes. If they did, they're not going to advertise their nuclear capability, because that's the quickest way to get sanctioned/invaded. They're going to play it the way Israel does, an open secret.

TPP I think will be forced through Congress. Too many people on both sides of the aisle want it, but they have to keep their mouths shut this election year.

The rest seems to check out. There is no way GOP loses the house. Dems might retake the Senate so Garland will be approved (a corporatist nanny-stater). The TPP and SC will kick the right into high gear and Hillary's warmongering corporatist line will fuck over 90% of the country, leading to an exodus from the Democrats.

It's funny reading shit on r/politics, these people have their heads in the sand and think the GOP is going anywhere. They're so out of touch with how fascist this country has become.

Under Hillary?

Oh, how I will love to see all these "progressive" and "critical" shillary newspapers like the guardian forced to finally "correct the record" - their own this time.

Won't work. Most Americans do not trust the TV media and people are online anyway. Of the people who still watch TV, most of them are crusty old people who watch Fox and will be voting straight -R tickets. The old media has completely lost it's touch, their constant 24/7 barrage on Trump at best makes normal people completely numb to the election and at worst makes them question the media's bias overall.

See Wisconsin and Michegan, formerly blue states that are red due to free trade causing all their jobs to move away. This is how Trump will win. Hilary's strategy at this point is to hope to god that blacks in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia turnout (they won't) and that there's enough union members left in Ohio. Given how much most people don't like her (remember how people laughed at her during the debate after Trump's "cause you'd be in jail" zinger?) she is fighting an uphill battle.

She's a fucking liar.

tl;dr her cabinet and staff is full of Palestine supporters. Even if they are kept at bay, Obama and the Senate have already made the decision with the Iran Deal (which is how Iran will get a nuke in the first place). Israel won't be given a green light to bomb Iran.

Remember the Iran Deal? They're going to get a nuclear weapon. And the TPP won't get forced through if only because Congress wants to deny any victory to Obama or Hilary.

Unlikely, but plausible I guess.
Very unlikely (remember this kind of stuff usually gets recycled under another name if it attracts too much popular awareness), but it could happen.
What? Why would this happen!? Even Korean War II is likelier than this.
Israel is the perfect scapegoat for the mideast's problems. We're never, ever cutting them loose.
Yeah, already sort of underway, it could easily turn out that bad.
Something's definitely going to happen.

That article is a blatant Zionist propaganda, come on… It's also stupid:

Michigan isn't all that red, although the Republican areas are ultra-Republican and racist as fuck. The problem at the state level is that the state Democratic Party is utterly corrupt and incompetent. The first time we got shafted with Snyder, he was up against the corrupt Lansing mayor no one likes, the second time he was up against a noname state congressman and had incumbency.

Michigan has really been shit upon by the two party system, yet the idea of voting or acting outside of the system is utterly alien to people here.

I think in the end Michigan will go for Clinton. The state is gerrymandered so Republicans dominate the house seats, but as a whole the state has a lot of Dem voters in the urban centers.

He's going to get BTFO

Feel free to screencap this

Israel's cosying up to Russia now, will be interesting to see whether the Saudi govt get prosecuted for their role in 9/11 and what the fall out will be.
The geopolitics there is mind bendingly complex.

How would that happen?

guy who picked joe lieberman as his vp and couldn't even win his home state is here to give you stupid millennials advice on politics
CNN actually mentioned wikileaks.

I think he could still win. Wikileaks is making good on their promise of leaks that will change the election now.

Plus remember Republicans cheat and suppress voters like crazy (and Dems let them) every close race always goes to Republicans because of this.

top kek:
Trump Edited Roast Jokes To Look Richer

Americans are aware that most advanced nations require voter ID when voting in national elections, right?

As a non-American its fascinating that your Left seems to think showing a driver's license or passport is part of some secret conspiracy to stop [disadvantaged group] from voting

Oh, hon…

Rebel, is that you?

Fuck you bitch

Yeah. It's his own retarded fault he lost the election, but he still blames Nader lol.

I really don't foresee TPP being stopped. Everyone in "the establishment" is lying about being against it. Plus, the U.S. Had put way too much pressure on Asian diplomacy to kill it.

The surveys that show media trust is at an all time low as a result of this election show that it's actually the republicans who have almost no faith in it. They're dragging the average down from the extremely low point of 15 percent or something. The Indy line also dropped pretty far but democrats trust in the media has unsurprisingly held steady.

99% it's him

… Who?

That they actually believe the shit their saying is kind of disconcerting.

Jill Stein on C-SPAN tonight

Gary Johnson too:

Highlight: Richard D. Wolff among Stein's picks for secretary of treasury and economic advisers.

This. As the other user said I think it'll just be repackaged under a different name and forced through

Florida votes matters so much that Gore wouldn't stand up for them during the congressional hearing over the targeted, disenfranchised black people who were removed from the voter rolls. Votes that would probably have made him win if he had.

And Wikileaks will be releasing new stuff constantly. It will be building up its audience, not because of new content, but precisely because it doesn't get reported in the MSM and will therefore slowly but steadily spread like a spicy rumor.
While any new scandal from Trump will seem meaningless since they have already ran his verbal stupidity into the ground with this pussy thing by obsessing over it 24/7.

Show me one single RT segment about Israel that isn't dumping on them like a garbage truck.

Even if Saudi Arabia completely dissolved in civil war and its royalty evaporated in diaspora, we'd never rat them out. Remember that the US elite have been in hip deep with them for the better part of a century, and any involvement with 9/11 at the highest levels of Saudi government probably goes just as high up our ranks, given how heavily infiltrated the Saudis are by our humint.

Actually, remember that as VP, Gore was also president of the senate. As such, he personally oversaw the dismissal of every attempt by senators to challenge the actions or jurisdiction of the supreme court toward the election.

You're wildly ignorant of US history. It maybe a trivial thing to get an ID in your country but in the US for many poor people it it not.

They used to have poll taxes and reading tests as late as the 1960's to prevent people poor blacks from voting. They purposely picked a licence knowing full well many American don't have one and would have trouble getting one.

Also as soon as these voter ID laws came up, Republican-controlled Secretaries of State in the states created new barriers to obtaining photo ID, and of course they're going to target a black for harassment if they can get away with it.

It takes at least a lick of sense to rig an election.

Jesus Christ Gore is old. They broke him out of the old folk's home to use as a prop.

Interesting to see them "cover" it. I wonder if it's just online or they did it on television.

People in the comments are talking about Wikileaks showing a link between CNN & Hillary's campaign, do they mean the #DNCleaks or is there new further info from these new leaks? I just woke up. Time to look around.

I'm really interested in this. I was wondering the same. Did they jump the gun because they got nervous about Wikileaks? Or do they have even more "skeletons" to hype up? Obviously they're not skeletons, though, we all know the guy's history since the 80s. Which is why I was so surprised people seemed so "shocked" over it now. Stupid voters & media.

I would take a glance on twitter, people are going crazy digging through these emails. Emma(?) and Jordan from TYT Politics also did summaries of important ones on youtube, I think there was something about MSNBC as well.

The issue isn't the IDs themselves, it's that poor & old people either can't afford them or have access to getting them. They make it so hard, besides making them expensive, that you need all sorts of other accompanying paperwork as well.


Sometimes you also have to drive a really long way to get to a place where you can get them because they're closing these places down. It's fucked.

True. In 2014(senate election) I didn't vote because I'd recently moved, and would've had to walk miles to vote at the specific voting place.

I lived in KY; our public transportation is beyond shit. I was also suffering from a medical condition, which made doing anything harder. Fact remains it's made much harder than it ought to be.

This is just a RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY from Russian hackers and it holds no weight!

It was a transcript from AFTER the interview!

Can't you see the truth Berni-bros? This is all just a diversion to stop you from supporting the true progressive candidate that has your interests in mind.


It's also funny that by accusing Russian hackers, they're confirming the accuracy of the leaks, lmao

Some perspective

Kurt Eichenwald who did a retarded but powerful twitter smear campaign about wikileaks being Russian Trump conspiracy got his ass trolled hard, apparently.

Here's the piece Glenn Greenwald published in the Intercept (worth a read):

This one pisses me off in particular

Did this really happen?

Tulsi isn't even that great, but this makes me pretty sympathetic to her. I wonder what it was about B████ that she liked so much. Just the foreign policy?

Tbh there was a lot to like about B████.. He's better on all fronts compared to Shillary.

She mentioned this specifically, often.

It's "bizarre" that he literally just made up a bunch of lies and everyone ran with it and they put him on CNN to talk about it in the span of a single day.


Hey what have all those "women never lie about rape" people been saying about this? I just want to know what the Correct thing to think is so I don't step on any toes.

Interesting to see both military and propaganda aggression against Russia but on two completely separate fronts. Is it significant? Some people already talk about the new cold war or even WW3.

It can only be rapeception: they have been sexually blackmailed into accusing poor innocent Billy of rape.

This is from the first Podesta leak, but WTF?

It's a satire from an article B████ wrote about gender issues, they planned to take it out of context.

I must have missed this meme during the primaries, but it's funny so I thought I'd post

not sure if this belongs here but Holla Forums found a custom Shillery logo maker

h/f comrades

Speaking as a burger who's lived along the left coast all my life, I've never been able to muster much more sympathy for the plight of suppressed voters than I have for people who live in inappropriately designed structures on flood/tornado/etc land. Look at the map, and you'll notice the less uncivilized parts of the country (i.e.: the overwhelming majority of it) allow you to just check a box on your voter registration form and get a ballot (with prepaid return envelope and handy informational material!) sent to your address of choice free of charge.

I hear about endlessly about a wasteful tug of war over the operating details of polling stations, but I never hear anyone talk about the obvious alternative for more intelligent voters.

I simply got my ballot forwarded to my new address with the rest of my mail.

The exact same thing their spiritual predecessors did in the '90s, when news of Clinton's shenanigans first came out - nothing. Their outrage is only directed at their political foes; all the feminists that shrieked about the sexual harassment of Anita Hill by Clarence Thomas were unsurprisingly indifferent to claims that Bill was dicking bimbos

I loved that one email that called Saudi Arabia and Qatar out specifically as the largest exporters of terrorism/terrorist ideology.

They know, and they just don't care.


Also, this:

Also, they keep calling it "pay to play deals," but isn't it really just graft?

It's funny how the Democrats and their supporters are now in a total red scare mode, talking about patriotism and Russian infiltration, while the Republicans use the leaked emails to show us how the left has rigged the system to make Clinton win…

Most Americans are working 9-5, sometimes another job on the side & struggling, worrying more about not losing their homes or eating to keep up with the micro-details of voting methods. Seriously, fuck off. You should realize how lucky you are to live on the "left coast", and that's why you never had to bother learning about the extra hoops most Americans have to deal with. This is why I have more patience & sympathy for uneducated voters in the US, because I can recognize the struggle they go through.

Kys, you seem to be on the wrong board.

Well, that's convenient for you. As you can see by your own graphic, that's not even available in my state. Though I'm voting by mail now, since I'm overseas.

Lmao, I just got a message from a moderator on this subreddit that I'm "an approved submitter to the subreddit" now. I guess someone noticed my angry posts or something..

Here's a screenshot of the record being corrected, using the exact same comments. I suspected they'd do it, because it's easier that way, but I'd never seen it for sure.

Detroit is bankrupt, Ford is closing another factory. Of course the Democrats there are in disarray. And this year, it won't matter if they got the numbers because nobody will turn out. People, especially Detrioiters, can see that the situation they are in now is far worse than it was eight years ago. The city's credit rating is in the toilet and everything is falling apart, meanwhile even the remaining public sector unions are still unsure if their pensions will survive. This is why so many are moving out to other states.

At the end of it, people on the ground feel frustrated, almost betrayed, about what's happened to them. And they're not going to be turning out or voting Dem. Ann Arbor will remain Ann Arbor.

If everyone was issued a Passport at birth and automatically signed up to vote by mail this wouldn't be a problem.

Congress will still say no, if Hilary is President. Get into the mind of a Teafag here: the President cannot win so that the narrative around them can be negative. It is pure obstructionism. That's not to defend Hilary (or even Obama), but Republicans are crafty.

The left doesn't know how to handle it. They seriously, honestly, expected young liberals to eat this shit up and not spit it back in their faces. And then their whining over how we're being "petulant children" goes into infowars-tier russian conspiracy theories. And when they get trolled, they don't know how to understand how Internet "activism" (for the lack of a better word) works. They can't play the populist card, and are now backed into a corner. It's telling that they jump to bitching about russia.

I don't even know what to say, everything has been turned upside down and everyone is being stupid.

I don't want to vote for Hillary because she's a racist and fascist in a lot of ways.
Let's not talk about Trump.
Who should I vote for ?

- Jill needs 5% to get public funds, and it's important to show that these ideas are popular

- Trump seems to have far better foreign policy ideas (>>976309) than Clinton who will continue with more wars (Syria & Russia, possibly Iran even)

I'll post it here, this is from leftist counterpunch:

Only Donald Trump Raises Five “Fundamental and Urgent” Foreign Policy Questions


We haven't seen anything yet.

Thank you.

What do you guys think the reaction will be when Trump wins the popular vote but the electoral college votes Hillary

Congress will have carte blanche to investigate her and more or less destroy her Presidency. Not that they already don't, though.

podesta part four!

What do you think is their method of sorting these emails into separate releases?
They're not doing it by date, so it's probably by content. Is it thematic?
The first batch contained a lot of that useless CRT and news spam for example, while this 4th batch has a lot of emails from the domain.

looks shopped.
But she didn't think about the possibility of a… STOCHASTIC TERMINATOR!

You're digging too deep. They're breaking it up so that the media can't ignore it (each dump gets 15 minutes of fame every few days) and so that people can sort through it all and find the juiciest bits. It's strategic, they have to walk a line between overloading dumps and being ignored and dumping too fast and oversaturating people (like the media has already done with everything about Trump)

I understand that. But they're not breaking it up arbitrarily either, as I've pointed out.

As they've said in this twit here it's an "impact maximizing publishing algorithm".

It's our Tim.

Hillay needs to stay away from the formaldehyde.

Trump supporter says "we are ready for a revolution if Hillary gets in". Pence is anxious, says "don't say that":
Almost seems like they can't control their own voters anymore.

I'm not an American, so I don't know how standard that is over there.


I don't know how ready the general population is for any sort of armed uprising, but people are deeply, deeply unhappy, not just with this farce of an election, but with things in general.

In general, the reaction to Hillary among everyone besides her true believers is that she's positively foul to most people. She's untrustworthy and devious and people seem to believe that whatever she's doing, she's doing for Hillary. Trump seems to be getting begrudging support, but no one particularly likes him, either.

I think it would take more than just Hillary winning for there to be an armed incident, but not much more. If she wins because of some technicality, or contests the results, or it comes out that she cheated in any way, I can see a lot of people being very upset.
"Off the Record" dinner

Goals are to:

"Give reporters their first thoughts from team HRC"

"Framing the HRC message and framing the race"

Our free and open press:



ABC - Cecilia Vega
ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC - Jon Karl
Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
CBS - Norah O'Donnell
CBS - Vicki Gordon
CNN - Brianna Keilar
CNN - David Chalian
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN - Jeff Zeleny
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN - Mark Preston
CNN - Sam Feist
Daily Beast - Jackie Kucinich
GPG - Mike Feldman
Huffington Post - Whitney Snyder
MORE - Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC - Beth Fouhy
MSNBC - Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow (TBD)
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker - Ryan Liza
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT - Gail Collins
NYT - Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
PEOPLE - Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
POLITICO – Glenn Thrush
POLITICO - Mike Allen
VICE - Alyssa Mastramonoco
VOX - Jon Allen


You are like a little babby. All of these people have Irish ancestry.

New York City election commissioner spilling some beans on voter and election fraud:


RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 5 (673 new emails)

They're going too fast, they should let people talk for a day between releases. People are going to get burned out browsing this shit constantly.

Sounds staged as Hell. Veritas, the same people who brought you this:

And they did the ACORN thing. Our voting is just beyond fucked up at this point. Voter suppression is more of a problem. The fact they bus people isn't anything new or illegal("Get out the vote"). What pisses me off is when they do it to get votes for _themselves_. When most poor neighborhood people need to get to the polls during primaries, etc, they don't give a shit. It's only during the general Presidential election that they do this shit.

People "dressing up in burkas" & voting as someone else isn't some problem we should be worried about. Give me a break.

Lol, forget my youtube editing.

And it's when they make this a partisan issue, i have a problem with. We should be worried about any vote, at any time.

Warning to Hillary Clinton

This is a really good one.

What a mummy's boy.

What did they mean by this?

just gonna leave this here…

This is a very informative one to spread around.


This is the email which destroyed Hilary's campaign and plausibly fucked Democrats out of the hispanic vote:

tl;dr Podesta wanted to create a "catholic spring" to make the church more accepting of contraceptives. Right now, old catholics (ie grandparents) will now flip as soon as they hear it (and they will hear it, the catholic church does not like to be fucked with and this will be in every parish newsletter next week).

The larger question is: how deep does this rabbit hole go? Because if there's more to this (ie making the church accepting of gays or abortion) it'll cause hispanics to flip Republican.


I went to Holla Forums, apparently they hacked into Podesta's active(!) email account but they didn't archive the emails before they were deleted and locked out.
If that's true then they're so fucking retarded, god fucking damnit, that would have been a gold mine to see.

just saw it on 4pol. you now it's good when it's even deleted there

the average Holla Forums poster barely knows how to copy and paste text, nevertheless download emails or otherwise obtain a backup of them

daily reminder that these leaks will only become relevant if the MSM reports on them ie never

You underestimate the power of the Internet and rumor. The leaks are very popular on twitter and knowledge of them won't just stay there.

NPR has already reported on them, their daytime shows and 15 minute "update" segments tend to be somewhat unbiased (for example, they brought up how Hilary's comments on a "hemispheric region with open borders and open trade" directly contracts her current TPP positions) and Fox News (America's #1 news channel, by viewership) is of course tearing her a new asshole. ABC and CBS are mostly neutral in their reporting. It is getting out there, and will be spammed in every local catholic newsletter across America next week.

The only people that aren't reporting on it is CNN and NBC.


I hope you're right, hopefully they will be leaked to the public eventually. Would be far more interesting to see them right now though, when we're right in that moment and can feel what her campaign is going through.

god fucking damn, the idiots

Patience boys.

got some links?

Aren't Hispanics pretty apathetic about social conservatism?

Republicans have been trying to use muh abortions muh culture wars to get "natural conservative" Hispanics over for years, I really don't see how this would change anything

Hope you lads have got your war faces on.

this is what boomers seriously think millenials look like


It goes both ways. For example, legal hispanic immigrants tend to vote Republican as they're more middle class. This is especially true with Cubans. Those that came in illegally, or are descended from illegals, are hardcore catholic and won't tolerate this.

Because the Democrats, a "socialist" (in terms of perception) party, is attempting to affect the operations of the catholic church. This is how the mexican revolution/civil war started a century ago. Point being poorer hispanics have a much shorter tolerance for this and the Democrats moved across their red line.

That said, they aren't going to flip this election (but all other catholics will, which will lead to several upsets on election day) but if the Dems don't apologize and walk it back it'll burn them in every subsequent one.


Also the irony needs to be noted here: the Democrats originally rose to power in the 1930s because they organized catholic voters. Now they're snubbing them to try and fit their own mold. A very vital bridge is burning right now and if Hilary is smart (I'm doubtful of this) she'll quickly apologize.

dunno how much more kek I can take today.


We're talking about today's possible hack into Podesta, not Wikileaks' releases of old hacks.
Podesta5 has been out for a while:

turn it on, pic related is just reading the emails verbaitim right now
> *For my question*, it's basically some variation of [not quite phrased right yet]: I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren't satisfied with answers to date. While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I've either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.

> 2) someone wants to ask a very specific question about updating export control laws - and why they've haven't been updated since (??) as they prevent american businesses selling abroad (she's GC of a consumer drone company). Going to the 20,000 foot level, you'lll do well to talk about needing to ensure regulation that's designed to protect consumers - yet not so much that it prevents innovation, like what happens here in SV, which has been the economic bright spot of our economy. The goverenment of the 21st century will need to be more nimble, and quicker to respond to rapidly changing busiensses, yet also ensure that it's not rash, and it regulates for not just for today but the future. too

( •ω• )σ literally company for "consumer drones"

also TYT get more viewers than CNN for fucks sake

But is there much of a difference between TYT and CNN? Dore and Jordan are on their own separate channels, while Cenk shills for Hillary.

It's happening again…

At this point it's either a honeypot or John-boy is in for an accident.

What was his password? 12345?

God I hope Hillary saw that.

It seems he has used the same pass for about everything.

oh my god


He's an even bigger asshole than I thought.

His Apple one was runner4567

100% it'll turn up in the next leak

How can they be so fucking stupid to not immediately change all their email addresses, passwords, even purge and abandon all old accounts? They're running an American presidential campaign for fucks sake.

This is simply laughable. I wonder how much is this the norm for every government across the globe.

He used that one for multiple accounts as well, I remember seeing run** password in some unrelated Wikileaks email.

What'd you reckon B████'s password is?

Press f to pay respect



As in fucking lel

Stupid idea to brag about this in public. If they're capable of massive CRT operations than they probably have someone monitoring there as well, especially after the hacks and leaks.

Someone should just grab all their current internal stuff and upload it somewhere, then people can mess with them all they want.

It's gone beyond.

We're going to end up some sort of frighteningly farcical version of a fascist or Nazi state, aren't we?

One of the last posts before thread was kill.


Just deleted this to give user a head start

"People who use their own names as passwords deserve to be hacked."

This is a cyclical thread fam.

Kill yourself.
Vargas, Peron and other 29' populists were the closest South America had to Fascists, stop making words devoid of their meaning.
What board am I browsing again that could see any hint of leftism in mainstream US politics or politicians?

Will these leaks actually effect Hillary at all?

Hillary is a neoliberal to the core. She's going to do nothing but neoliberalism if elected, and is already trying to play off the leaks as irrelevant.

They won't affect votes, because the few undecided voters left are too low-info to really understand why the leaks are important. What the leaks do is expose the incompetence of the political class to the 50%+ of the country that doesn't vote or votes third-party, and undermine faith in the democratic system; normally the political elites are considered too strong, but the leaked email and how easy it was to execute show that they really are just incompetents propped up by the police state. We already know for years that the GOP is a party of monsters, and most know in their hearts that the Democrats are corrupt, but here is tangible proof of what they think about us behind closed doors, and how these people aren't as bright as they think they are.


her inability to just do a national interview and communicate genuine feelings of remorse and regret is now, I fear, becoming a character problem (more so than honesty).

if someone had told me this is what 2016 would be like I wouldn't have believed them

archive link here

They can't even write the phrase "N million" without the dollar sign.

I assume the reason they did that is because Clinton has taken $35m in Wall Street money.

I think it will. There might not be an official reaction, but every salvo of emails is so richly laden with dirty laundry that there's no way there won't be some kind of response.

It's also taking time to filter out to the general population, since in general the media isn't talking about it at all.

In one of the emails I think, one of the staffers talks about how Hillary's team are all suspecting one another as the leak since some of the things being revealed can only come from a few sources from the inner circle. She also mentions that what's been spilled so far has been "the most banal 10%" of things they discussed.

And with as shrill as the CTR response has been, much less the absolute lack of a response from the MSM, I'm fairly certain that if this isn't already damaging her already poor estimation by the general population, then there's something among the emails that they're really afraid of people seeing, or at least they think there is.

And even aside from that, all the interpersonal backbiting, ridicule, finger pointing, and name-naming going on in these emails is sure to hurt some asses among the Democrat "elite." They're a bunch of arrogant narcissists and sociopaths. Knives will find backs over this, figuratively (and probably literally) speaking.

Holla Forums's man on the inside.

It's not censored now as far as I can tell, thank God. I just visited both regularly(as a subscriber) & in incognito mode.

Podesta files: Top 10 revelations from leaked Clinton campaign e-mails

1. Attitude towards ‘everyday Americans’
2. ‘Cultivating’ certain media
3. Clinton knew ISIS received support from US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar
4. Most Clinton Foundation donors are not American
5. New DNC chair was the ‘mole’ leaking B████ ██████ doc
6. Policy-making and ‘backroom deals’ should be concealed from voters
7. 'Can't possibly' vet all refugees
8. No-fly zone over Syria impractical due to ‘sophisticated anti-aircraft systems’
9. Chelsea Clinton ‘acted like a spoiled brat’
10. ‘Extraterrestrials, the highest form of intelligence working directly with God’

Can someone give me a source on why you shouldn't vote for trump so I can get my friend to shut the fuck up with his trump shilling? I already know hillary is going to win and bourge democracy is pointless but I need something to convenience this idiot.


If s/he can't grasp that Trump is a Clinton puppet by now I don't know what to say. I point people to the Jeff Epstein scandal to show how intertwined the Clintons and Trump are.

Also Chelsea and Ivanka are BFFs.

Give them this:

Nigga have you been paying attention? Clinton wants a war.

t. Jill Stein

They're both 1%ers. Trump has said the minimum wage should actually be lowered. He's a fucking con artist who actually blamed his past failings on his then recently deceased business partners. He's a silver-spoon having POS. You can't trust a word he says.

Vote third party to help them become viable for future elections & exposure. We're going to lose either way with Clinton or Trump.

Not to mention he does seem like a plant. Wikileaks showed Clinton wanted to elevate Trump(among Cruz & Carson, easily beatable), but Hillary started the birther movement & Trump ran with it. He's also donated to her campaigns & foundations heavily in the past. They're too intertwined & elitist scum.

The simplest reason not to expect anything from Trump is that he's a flipflopping waffly weasel who will say anything, and probably do nothing:

I'm still voting for him, and encourage others to do so, because a Clinton presidency right now would be catastrophic for the future of American politics, due to the unprecedented bi"partisan" porky alignment behind her, whereas the Trump phenomenon (not necessarily even Trump himself) is the biggest monkey wrench thrown into the gears of the establishment machine in decades.

Do you think there is still something in these emails that we don't already know or suspect? We didn't learn anything new here, we only got the details and proofs.

I hope there's something more special coming in the next releases.

John Podesta sent this email to Steve Elmendorf 3 days before Scalia died at the Cibolo Creek Ranch (which has a large outdoor pool).

Dictionary for "Wet Works": Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood.

there you go



Who the fuck is Steve Elmendorf?

What? There's plenty we didn't know in these leaks.

One that we didn't know:
Hillary revealed details of the Bin Laden raid to fucking Canadian bankers/business owners. Why she thought this was pertinent info to share with them, I don't know. Maybe she wanted to give them their money's worth & make them feel special.

Here's some good ones, too.

Leaks don't have to be revelatory to make a big splash. For instance, remember that the diplomatic cable leaks that Manning revealed contained pretty mundane stuff about most of those governments, yet it was enough to ignite the entire MENA region into revolution.

At first i was like, "Nah, they wouldn't waste time as he was going to die soon, anyway".

Then I realized that this is one of their biggest talking points, muh Supreme Court vacancy.

But still, I doubt it.

What the fuck is wikipedia

And even if it's info we "already knew or suspected", it's much different & more helpful to have actual proof, so they cannot deny it, anymore.

Thanks for the info, sucker

If Trump wins the big one he doesn't have to care about accountability. He'll fall in line with whatever his Republican handlers tell him to do.

Aside from that, when you get down to it what Trump wants to do are things that he simply cannot, or things that are terrible and in porky's interest.

you are… welcome?

Look, I'm not saying it's not powerful and interesting, of course it is, this is fucking huge and will hurt them a lot.

I'm just wondering if there's possibly anything that will be an actual mind fuck, that will show something we never even thought about.

Rolling international coverage, calls to stand down, sexist pig, literally Hitler

But Trump said grab her by the pussy

Dunno how much more proof people here need that Clinton is the establishment choice.

Leaks don't have to be revelatory to make a big splash. For instance, remember that the diplomatic cable leaks that Manning revealed contained pretty mundane stuff about most of those governments, yet it was enough to ignite the entire MENA region into revolution.

I really appreciate it >:D

Sure. Even though a couple have mind fucked me, including the Bin Laden story, I'm waiting on the big one we can show normies. Although CNN actually reported on the sharing of info between the State Deot./DOJ & the Clinton Foundation. That's pretty good & normies should care about it.

Isn't it scary that Clinton is so corrupt that it will take some huge mind fuck to get normies to understand? Very sad.

Porkies just think that Hillary is more reliable & a puppet. The only difference is Clinton has more establishment backing than Trump. They're both still 1% POS, who care nothing for Americans/the working man.

We see the post(3rd time it has posted). Refresh the page & that should help.

And political/business establishment are one in the same in the US(as in many other countries, too), fyi. So making a distinction really isn't too necessary.

It's more the case that we have become so cynical (at this point justifiably so) that a lot of what's coming out we already thought was taking place. That's why it's hard to even imagine what unexpected things could be hiding in these emails.

What kind of gymnastics is this? Clinton is objectively the 'establishment' choice. This same establishment that wants war with Syria and Iran to help kick the can of 20tn debt further down the road.

Even if you hate everything Trump stands for, he is the moral choice.

sure, lad

Objectively yes. Kicking out muzzies and mexicans (probably won't happen) is better than throwing Syria to the jihadists.

And it would be a sick cunt who disputes this.


Spamming that meme won't change anything. Trump is much better on foreign policy than Clinton, and he is an explicit fuck you vote.

You're under the assumption that Trump actually means a thing he says and won't default to the establishment position.

I don't think you understand fully how politics works. It's not just about a calculation of direct effects, it's also a spectacle and glorification of the system - that's exactly how you keep the citizenry unaware and compliant. Voting Trump is like punching your fist through that pretension that the system is great. They can't keep the charade going after people vote for a candidate that says "we are so stupid as a country".

You spelled "facts" wrong.

The political establishment & the business establishment. The political est. is run by the business est., that's why we find ourselves in the predicament we're in. Why do you think shit trade deals like NAFTA & TPP are as successful as they have been, when the American people hate them?

He's all about "good business deals". TPP is good business for them, and he's a business man, after all. And you can't believe a word he says.

War is big business, user.


At least he did win his nomination democratically, unlike Hillary. They're both reprehensible human beings, though.

Vote third party if you want a "moral" choice.

You're right. There's a chance that Trump would be bullied be people much smarter and more informed than he is into following their script. But Clinton has form. Clinton has been more hawkish on Syria than either Kerry or Obama. The change in tone on Syria the past couple of months are setting the stage. Britain has all but signed of on joining a coalition of the willing.


So you're saying no Trump cause he MAY start a war in Syira and MAY sign off on TPP, where we KNOW Clinton will do both. How's that work?

Yes, I'm sure with state funding the Greens will be a force to be reckoned with next time.

Argument by assertion, it doesn't matter what you think user

are we being raided

I said nothing about Syria. But they both MAY do both.

Yes, with state funding, being put on all state ballot & participating in future Presidential debates, they will be a force to be reckoned with. Wikileaks Podesta emails even showed Clinton's team conceding this.

No, it matters what your candidate actually says themselves. Trump has contradicted himself 1000 times over. You're a retard if you believe a word he says.

>>>Holla Forums

It's for your own good.

Clinton will TPP. I'd be willing to bet on that. She will almost certainly Syria. Anyway. I'm done. Just remember you were warned.

No, we're just not those obnoxious and moralizing liberal leftists that like to be outraged at everything.

Lmao, what? You must be very new here.

Hey, real leftists, don't listen to these stupid Trump fascists! Let's vote for the Communist Party USA instead! We call ourselves communists and they call themselves communists, so that's an obvious choice!


Hey, political realists, don't listen to these naive people who think Trump is better because of his anti-establishment propaganda! Let's vote for Hillary Clinton instead! We know nothing will change either way, so let's at least vote for the candidate that has pro-establishment propaganda!




Jesus Christ user, how new are you?

See &

yeah I was super confused

That you're not is the whole point. It's a ridicule of a way of thinking.

I see many things wrong with the Holla Forums's very simplistic approach to politics, and because you're such deliberate linguistic autists, I have to explicitly point out that I don't mean they're all always present at the same time, some of them are even somewhat contradictory with each other, but that's doesn't stop anyone on this board to shuffle between them. Nor are they explicit or conscious, they are almost always just implicit ways of thinking behind statements made.
a) politics is about making a spreadsheet of immediate pluses and cons (strategy is a unnecessary complexity or even cynicism)
b) politics is about what you call yourself (as long as someone is called X, then everything they say and do is X)
c) politics is only about material effects (opinions of the people, ideology, propaganda, all this doesn't make a difference)
d) only the system has power (what people do and think is irrelevant to the fate of the system)
Like I said, these are implicit ways of thinking. Probably very few people here consciously think these are true.
There are other things as well, like the fact that arguments are reduced to spamming of memes beyond their intended message. Like this one here: . This is a perfect meme intended for some right-wing Trump supporter that doesn't have any notion of capitalism and his social position as a worker. But when it comes to actually debating among ourselves on the political effects of electing either Trump or Clinton this meme is used only to shut down any discussion, and the implicit thinking behind the posting of this meme seems to be especially (a), (c), and (d).

Dude.. how high are you?

You're acting as if people didn't engage you. Once they did you said

There is more than one poster here interested in a discussion about differences between Trump and Clinton being elected. I understand that poster's frustration though.

Obviously there's more than one. But only one seemed butthurt.

There's plenty of actual discussion that goes on in Holla Forums. You make shit arguments about Trump then some people will laugh/meme at you. You want to have a nuanced discussion? Then bring nuance to the conversation.

And Holla Forums isn't just one political view. Making such a wide generalization isn't accurate. Go to >>>Holla Forums & try to have a nuanced discussion on critiquing Trump & Hillary. See how well that works out or that you're not memed at.

Voting Trump doesn't challenge the system at all. He's a deliberate goat spouting nonsense, most of which is terrible on its own face. And as said before, if by some chance Trump got in there, there is no reason to believe he wouldn't fall in line with the establishment, except that he'll shit on workers even more than is normal. His own party will be happy to push for every horrible thing they can pass and deflect all the blame onto Trump, Democrats will allow every horrible thing they can think of to pass and obviously blame Trump, just like they were able to do when they blamed Bush for everything (while meekly bending over for every tyrannical measure the Bush administration enacted). These conclusions are obvious if you actually dissemble Trump's content (what little there is), he's an obvious stooge and piece of shit.


is this even legal?



But there was nuance. Nobody claimed Trump is good.
Among other things it was said that Trump is less hawkish than Clinton, and there was a source published that shows his (very un-American and not politically profitable) statements about foreign policy. One poster responded with that Trump=Clinton=capitalism meme that isn't even relevant to what we're talking about. Someone suggested voting for Trump was a moral choice because of Clinton's eagerness to go to wars and kill millions of people, another then proceeded to twist that into claiming Trump himself is moral and ended it at that. These are all infantile reactions.
It was also said that a vote for Trump is an anti-establishment vote but nobody argued this will have much of a material effect or that Trump himself is anti-establishment. On the contrary, it was pointed out that material effects aren't everything and that a massive collective public rejection of the establishment also has political effects. I didn't see anyone respond to that.

The reason why I wrote that post about implicit ways of thinking in the first place is precisely to respond to all these simplistic and automatic reactions against even considering that there is a difference between voting Trump and Hillary. There never was much of a difference in the past between voting one establishment party or the other, nobody is denying that. But you would have to be an intellectually lazy cynic that keeps repeating "everything is the same, nothing matters" to claim that this year's elections aren't something abnormal. Trump is a symptom of a growing rejection of the system and the refusal to go along with what they say is good for us. Lots of people who vote for Trump don't think he's actually good, they say so themselves, they are just sick of all this collective pretension that people like the status quo. But it's the nutty Trump supporters that get sensationalized in the media to blackmail people into thinking Clinton and her fans are less insane.

Why is then the establishment doing everything to not get him elected, while so eager to elect Hillary? Who will they get to blame if Hillary, the establishment personified, is elected? It seems naive to me to think that redirecting all hate towards the president is a desirable goal for the system, nothing breeds collective revolt faster than a really hated common enemy in the form of a single person. And what does that produce 4 years after, considering recent history of presidents? If anything then even more mistrust towards presidential candidates and towards the establishment who at best publicly criticizes but goes along and does nothing to oppose.

kek. Has anyone ever been raped this hard before?


That's why Bush wasn't actually good for the system and had to be replaced with Obama who was more effective at doing the same shit and more. Obama is too smooth to get so many people to protest in the streets.

lol you don't remember the protests against a Syrian no-fly zone in 2013? They weren't large but they were real and well-attended. Large reason why Congress said No.

Yeah, because the American public has gotten very suspicious of such interventions after Bush's too direct approach. In general people like Obama much more than they did Bush, yet Obama even expanded US operations. For example, if leaks about NSA happened under Bush there would be more outrage.
I think it works somewhat like that: Obama looks reasonable, he's a black democrat, so you trust what he's doing more. Bush is childish and wild, he's a republican, so you don't trust him that much. And that's why each democrat smoothly does what his republican predecessor couldn't afford to. Bill Clinton is similar.

Wew lad.
talking about moving primary dates specifically at hill dawg's request
hillary herself emailing detailed strategic information to combat isil and pressure qatar and ksa

That one about ISIL was already in some older release, but it's interesting how they didn't want to give heavy weapons to the Kurds when they still liked Turkey, now they don't have any problems with it anymore.

They act like global managers of political forces without any consideration for what these forces actually want, it's just pawns on the map for them.

Fuck this cunt. Brings back Primary feels. I hope she gets RFK'd. This one in particular should be shared, all around.

Collection of Emails that I'm too lazy to write out, but will just link here:

>WIKILEAKS: Apologies are like her (Hillary Clinton's) Achilles heel. But she didn't seem like a bitch in the interview. And she said the word sorry. She will get to a full apology in a few interviews.

>Discussion of a fake Wall St Speech to Leak

>Fake released Wall St Speeches

>Hillary's Debate Prep Book

>Discussion of CNN Paid Polling (WTF?)

>Rapist Bill $1M Birthday Check

>Rigging the IL Primary

>Benghazi Leaking

>Clinton knew that bashing B████ would backfire

>Mishandling classified data

>"we are Pro-TPP"

>Hillary is 100% negative

>NY Primary ties

>DWS giving Dem convention info, asking Huma 'Not To Share'

>AP knew Hillary was going to run well before her announcement

>Talking about smearing B████ with some photo

>On Friday, September 4, 2015, Neera Tanden > wrote:

>She gets into a rhythm when there's tons of interviews. But I definitely recommend having her beat up a punching bag (or a staffer but that is unpleasant) before she goes on. She really needs to exorcise the injustice of it all.

Yeah, really, it's Hillary that's been wronged in all of this.


Think she'll step down? This is getting pretty damned big. I mean she may still win the vote, but it would make a total sham of American democracy. History will not judge this level of corruption lightly. Unless she finishes of the pesky reds and we can declare (again) the end of history.

Hopefully wikileaks just drops something that can't be avoided to save her stepping down.

Lmao god damn wikileaks is the true fifth estate.

Step down? Bitch won't stop until there's a red, swollen sphincter where our democracy once was.

I honestly have no clue how they're going to deal with the historic fall out that will come after this election. Their level of idiocy and delusion is truly flabbergasting.

It is cute that you think we had a democracy. Though back to point, the only way to deal with people like Hillary is send a revolutionary army to deal with them.

are you retarded?

yes but over time the tolerance for it runs out. Either give the people what they want or be replaced by someone who does.

She won't step down. It's too late for that.

These elections are a pretty clear evidence of that, and it doesn't help that Clinton is the most unappealing establishment figure possible.

Of course she won't step down, but I don't think her chances of winning are as good as they seem. The polls are paid by her campaign

It's fucking never-ending.

Quick recap, feel free to fill in the ones I miss.

I mean I'm only looking back a couple of years here and not even going full tinfoil

Her fans (CRT) and the media are also paid by her campaign, everything is staged.
It would be hilarious if Hillary herself doesn't know the extent of it and is delusional about her success. The emails of her staff sometimes make it seem so: she's not doing the right things strategically because she's getting wrong feedback about what works and what not due to her campaign's own manipulation of that feedback.

This is getting out of hand


You forgot the part where the DNC used their media connections to force Trump on the Republicans.

It explains rather nicely why the Republican establishment couldn't stop his nomination. He was having outside help.

In the end the whole elections could be staged. Almost nobody votes for a certain candidate but because you rig the votes and stage supporters in the media it makes it seem like there are lots of people out there who actually voted for that candidate.

This year you have a lot of people saying "I don't actually know anybody who will vote for Hillary".

This is only helping her, what idiots. Is this black propaganda or something? It makes all her attackers seem like Holla Forums.

Apparently these write-in B████ retards did a blitz over social media last night. I now have to go out and spend a ton of time explaining to people why that's a terrible idea.

Are going to convince them to vote for Jill or something else?

It'd be a lot worse if the press were still intact and had the capital to do something about it; the emails tie Clinton's camp to virtually every major news network trying to smother the leaks by attacking Trump, so CNN reporting on these page hacks will look like an already tired routine. This literally does nothing for her but makes her look like a public enemy.

Jill. Our state doesn't even count write-ins on the presidential ballot, and a ton of others don't either.

Twitter locks out @JamesOKeefeIII just as he begins to release embarrassing DNC footage.

>I was and still am a B████ supporter, and I hate a lot of things about Clinton, but none of that matters anymore. If Trump is elected, people are going to die. Women are going to die when Roe v Wade is overturned and Planned Parenthood is defunded. LGBTQ people are going to die when conversion therapy is further legalized and more bathroom bills are passed. POC are going to die as Trump rounds up Mexican immigrants, gives more power to the police, and fuels the fires of Islamaphobia. Poor people are going to die as Obamacare gets overturned and further cuts are made to welfare programs. And that’s just in this country. That’s not even taking account the all-too-likely outcomes of Trump starting new wars in the Middle East and having control of nuclear bombs that he’s said he ‘would not rule out’ using.

I found this while searching Tumblr. I don't I know if I should be angry or amused.

This is the world Hillary has created.


The rest I could understand if you're a hysterical demisexual ambigendered Tumblrfag that thinks all Republicans are literally Hitler, but Trump's been pretty apathetic about culture warring over abortions, "the gays", and tranny bathrooms

I noticed that, too. Honestly it seems like Hillary supporter work. Take more votes from Jill Stein. There's another link floating around a lot about titled, "How B████ can become President with just 130,000 votes" which I'm positive is bullshit.

damn, that's nice.

Saved for later use

whatever gives you that idea?

What pisses me off is that it is always ignored that she and her people are also insane war fanatics. That is something her fans still can't accept and say "I don't care".
But regardless, so much moral bankruptcy for people who fight for "social justice". Holy fuck.


Seriously though, it's scary how people actually thought it was legit. I've not even heard of the website it's hosted on, and people just forgot about the electoral college? Come on, America.

Have you considered submitting your discovery to a journal?

Are we just witnessing the first media civil war (MSM, twitter, youtube, blogs…)? There were media wars before, but not civil wars.

I've got a small collection myself.

It has nothing to do with lateness. HRC is the Democratic Party. Her stepping down is laughable. I mean totally, never going to happen.

We need a 2016 version:



Only because I can't let my heart get broken again.

Better bomb ISIS than Assad and Iran tbh. Besides, Clinton knows why nukes shouldn't be used yet already threatened to nuke another country.

Are you stupid? The U.S. has never taken the nuclear first strike option off the table. In fact, the nuclear first strike is called nuclear deterrence, and is one of the cornerstones of foreign policy in the nuclear age!

Pence isn't, though. Also, how the fuck is Trump apathetic about abortions?

It would be extremely good if the U.S. was actually bombing the hell out of Isis, instead of just pretending to bomb the hell out of them while actually trying to allow them to grow in a direction that puts pressure on Assad in a stunningly shortsighted gambit even for the U.S.

Oh brother. Then talk about Kaine, who might actually become president lel.

On an unrelated note, liberals spazzing out when trump simply repeats current U.S. Foreign policy that the Obama admit keeps low-key is funny.

Imagine the reaction of trump said he would refuse to nuke Russia or Iran under any circumstances lol

Kaine changed his position on abortion, and he has nothing to gain by going back on it, especially when he's serving under fucking Hillary. Pence makes a career out of being awful on social issues. I can't believe you could miss the fact that a politician's stance on social issues is entirely based on what their key voter demographic wants, and Kaine won in his state by being a blue dog.

He was torn a new asshole by Cruz and the evangelicals in the primaries over his pro-abortion stances, after which he said some empty platitudes about it but I don't think President Trump is going to be handing out presidential pardons like candy to abortion clinic bombers or anything.

Holy shit.
They're trying to tie it to Russia?
I hate these fucking retards.

Jimmy Dore is more scared of Clinton than Trump as well:

Because many Democrats never had a problem with warmongering per se, they just had a problem with Republican warmongering, i.e. "We can do it better!"

See: muh smart power muh Obama Doctrine

wew lad

Chelsea Clinton was caught stealing from the foundation.

4000 Foundation (2500 Non CVC + 1500 CVC)

2500 CESC

1500 CVC Office (For profit work)

Shit is getting real fellas

Ahh the Clinton Foundation. Raise 10s of millions in donation from arab despots for Haiti disaster relief, reward arabs with weapons and trade deals, skim 95% of the top, spend 3% funding CTR, give 2% to your friends in Haiti for redevelopment then claim moral high ground.

I'm more afraid of a Trump victory, mainly because I feel it will set the left back at least 8 years

Time goes forward, not backwards.

I am not, Trump is too class unconscious thus will simply accelerate decay of capitalism.

Thanks for that helpful tip user

The way I see it, if Hillary looses the Democratic Party will spend the next 4 - 8 years blaming B████ and anyone to the left of them, calling them racist, sexist, homophobic muh privileged mansplainers, and will just corral everyone back into voting for whatever shitty Obama clone they put up next time. I mean, it worked in 2000.

I'm too tired of this meme that Clinton, who made liberals use fascist propaganda tactics, is better for the left. Just say you're not voting for her…

You are ignoring what will happen with a Trump presidency and all the anger towards the system Trump was able to ride on. By the next election the system might not have any of its façade still standing and only naked bourgeois politics would remain.

Yes, but 2000 happened, and Bush happened, and then Obama happened, and it was worse than Bush. People are not that stupid, they are now very mistrustful towards pretty faces that talk nicely - the reason why S█████ and Trump are so popular.

I've no love lost for Obama but I think worse than Bush is unfair, at least on foreign policy.

And it's still not enough, apparently. All that wealth and power and Chelsea still has to steal more.

I mean, quite frankly it's a toss-up. I think what's most important is that people have a place to turn to. But where is that? S, maybe, but will he run again? And besides, he's only one person. The Green Party? Maybe, but that's even a longer shot I feel.

I just don't know.

As far as I know the extensive drone operations are his achievement, and he personally selects targets, with 90% of kills being collateral damage, as documented in intercept's drone papers:

I wonder how that would be taken under Bush. But Obama is like a talk show host instead of a monkey clown.

Yeah, I see your point. That Bush would have at least got the flack he deserved instead of being beyond reproach cause reasons. But I think the legacy of Bush is going to be much further reaching. Well, apparently even Bush isn't fully to blame, but Rove and Chaney were MUCH more active in the scheming. But yeah. Fuck 'em all.

I'm sorry to do this to you guys. I just found pic related on 4/pol/. Rage is resurfacing. Please let Hillary get trampled by a herd of wild horses, somehow finding their way into the city.



Someone with skills, please do us all a favor & edit this to fit the situation..

This is the first time I've watched it since then. Jesus Christ, these feels.


Since Americans are fucked either way (because they're too stupid to vote third party), how long until the inevitable revolution which tears the United States Empire apart?

And what will come after the revolution? IngSoc?

should i buy a gun? should i be prepared to take a trumples life?

Neoliberal propaganda is drawing a close. What oh-so-subtle ideology will emerge in its place?

If Hillary wins, then goes to war with Russia, and then the economy shits itself/zika rampages/some other natural disaster expect to see people in the streets burning shit.

Oh, Hillary

There's no :^) big enough

Capitalism with asian values! *sniff*

That's what it was based on, dummy. The idea was that if B████ can get a delegate he'll be in the top three that the House of Representatives has to choose from if nobody gets 270 delegates. Of course the main problem with it is a. if Trump does somehow manage to get over 270 and B████ takes Vermont it doesn't actually matter if it added to Clinton's deficit and not Trump's advantage, he'd still get called Nader and a spoiler for the next billion majillion years. Not to mention, let's say he DOES take Vermont and nobody has 270 and Trump wins the HR somehow, or he refuses to support his own candidacy and gets like two votes in the HR.

I could see it happening if people actively worked to make it happen and the WikiLeaks got real real real fast. But there's the aforementioned issues.

To be fair, this election went to shit so fast that it caught most Americans off guard.

I'm sure a good percentage are hoping for some miracle happens before voting day. Remember when everyone was overjoyed at the prospect of Hillary dying? We're desperate for an end to this madness.

You can say that again.

Usually they at least start off pretending to be diplomatic and austere and grow more surly as the spectacle goes on.

I think alot of people were surprised when it started out insane.

It's kind of like reading doomsday journals with these e-mails. They're politely pointing out that Hillary is damaging herself with these lies, but she just keeps going.

To be quite honest these emails present Clinton in a favourable light. They make her seem, at the very least, both honest and boring. I think people need to calm down a bit.



Is Castro sabotaging the sugar supply???? Is there no perfidy those evil Socialists won't stoop to in order to sabotage Capitalism???????

And it just kept getting crazier.

Honestly, your average American doesn't know shit about third parties. Most have never needed to vote for them in their entire lives, so you can't expect grandma to vote Stein, let alone know who she is. There just wasn't enough time after the conventions to get the word out.

But 2020 will be a very different story. They'll remember this election and how the ruling parties forced them to pick a candidate they loathed.

You forgot to add

No I didn't.

Fug, I forgot the best part, where they directly interfere in national policy to try and make Bunny Sandals look bad.


He's obviously antagonistic towards the Republican Party (and they to him) and he's shunned by a lot of their huge donors.

Also, trump has pretty clear policy on everything if you just go directly to his website and read up. But when do we hear about policy this election? Because people don't like Hillary's policy! It might make it clear that trump is actually a better candidate on policy alone.

This being the r/politics line is very grating.


r/politics is nothing but Hillary fags.

I'm sorry that you can't stand the opinions of other people.

>I'm sorry that you can't stand the opinions of other people retards.

Insulting me won't prove your point.

rather CTR than Hillary supporters

what's the difference?

It's mostly that this was the actual CTR line (sometimes being copy and pasted across multiple accounts) within hours after the emails were released (shortly after the initial doubt-seeding failed) that bugs me.

Quit shitting up the thread, faggot


I'm sorry that you can't stand truth

The truth is that you are a faggot.

Again, insulting me won't prove your point. I'm very close to reporting you, so please stop.

This is a image board, the mods won't ban me for calling you a faggot. Now run back to the circle jerk called Reddit where you belong.

weak trolling & you continue to derail the thread

I'll see you there.

Berniebros on BTFO status.


so here's how you reading comprehension this, for the autists in the room:

The attached image is just part of his signature for the PR firm he founded. It means nothing.

with the feb 2nd email, steve is referencing some earlier business they had that is so important that they both know about it. Steve is representing the interests of Podesta's team in doing some kind of deal. We had no idea what the deal is. The "raising money" and "heading to NH" parts are not relevant to the business in question, but "talking the bedwetters off the ledge" is.

Bedwetters means scared people. Off the ledge means making them less scared. This means that, in relation to the plan where they "won" there are some people involved who are very scared and worried and it's part of Steve's job to calm them down. So we've already established that Steve is trying to calm some people down to do with the plan that they "won"

We know the plan originated with Podesta because Steve says "congrats" in the subject of the email.

Steve was lobbying to get some deal made on behalf of Podesta. We're conjecturing that the deal was the deal about agreeing to murder Scalia.

So by this theory, Steve has gone around to important people and got them on board with the murder plan. He emails Podesta to tell him that Steve has successfully persuaded the counterparty, but that now as fallout he needs to calm down the people who are very worried about the murder plot (the bedwetters who are 'on the ledge')


Later, again referencing some common event they shared, Podesta sends a "Subject: Thanks" message to Steve. Podesta is thanking Steve for something that Steve has done in the interim that both of them have obvious knowledge of. By our theory, Podesta is thanking Steve for addressing the lingering concerns of some of the involved parties, who have made a fuss about the plan. Both Podesta and Steve knew about these fussers independently of the email–maybe there was as big meeting and Podesta witnessed Steve successfully lobbying for the murder plot.

Steve convinced the bedwetters, and now Podesta is saying "Thanks" and then throwing in a final comment:

Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.

So Podesta is exasperated at the 'bedwetters' and rolling his eyes so as to say 'what did these pussies think? did they think MURDER is like a pool party at the vineyard'? Why did they get involved if they are too squeamish?

Then Steve replies back to this comment with:

I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down

He's restating his faith in the plan with the all in comment, and pointing out how now that he has lobbied so hard for this murder, he can't get out of it now. Maybe that he was so far "all in" is what motivated him so hard to convince the bedwetters to go through with it?

Then he says, 'sounds like it will be a bad nite' which plays on Podesta's comment about how murder is not a pool party at the vineyard. Steve is saying that if Scalia's night definitely won't turn out like a pool party at the vineyard. Then he's saying we need to buckle up which means prepare for the event, and double down which means DONT GET COLD FEET like the bedwetters. Don't be squeamish–gather your nerve and do your part in the plan. Go through with it–afterall if they don't go through with it, Steve is probably in trouble since at this point he is "all in"

nigga really…

I wonder how likely it is for this to happen:
Republican party imploding and their members scattered and SOME (at least) will join or affiliate with the Dems party. With the Dems courting neo-cons and such.
Then, we have pro-2A Dems going around passing pro-gun bills.

Shit will be wild in the coming years.


The likelihood of the Republican Party splitting is extremely low. The party hates trump and will instantly unify against him.

This election man.

…really nigga

Dude… how bate are you?
told you that u r high becausessssss

But it's just going to be a formality. Or not?

This story is literally NOWHERE in US media.

The BBC are also trying to bury this article in the only way they know how.

Mrs Clinton denies handling classified information in her private emails.
Even the fox polls put Clinton ahead of trump by 7 points now

If such a thing happens she will just say I don't recall

Wow it's almost like corruption gives you an unfair advantage

requesting other sources!
(also, kek)
Bernard Sandman asks Obama to oppose Dakota Access pipeline

Capitalism with a chivalrous face.

So basically "Woke" Capitalism? Isn't that basically neoliberalism?

If she's found guilty of perjury (which is pretty much public knowledge at this point), what would happen? Obviously that won't be the case, but is there even any possibility of jail time or something?

She'd be disbarred at least

No, neofeudalism.

I'm banking on the opposite, with Trump serving as conclusive proof that SJW PC outrage isn't going to work anymore, and "economic reductionism" from "brocialists" is the only leftism that can get results. Also, depending on how duplicitous Trump turns out to be, a general push away from neolib/neocon elite agendas, back to real populism.

The Guardian wonders: "From liberal beacon to a prop for Trump: what has happened to WikiLeaks?"

And we may wonder too: from respected journalism to aggressive neoliberal propaganda: what has happened to the Guardian?

How more retarded and submissive can you get?

Hillary is the real accelerationist candidate at this rate.

Ugh, after seeing this subtitle:

I refuse to read this garbage. Also, archive next time pls, so they don't get clicks.


kek. Funny I keep seeing this line on 4/pol/ too from self professed Clinton supporters.

Not sure if this is CTR or just Holla Forums false-flagging as CTR.

This one.

We're almost there already in the west. Nobody can afford things any more. Your house. Your car. your phone your tv. All 'bought' on credit. We're a crisis away from these debts all being called in. This IS the new normal. The global financial and business elite will essentially own you. And social mobility is a thing of the past too thanks to the ever shrinking world. So you've got a degree in Comp Sci or engineering? That's cute. I'll pay you 25k a year. If not, a million Pajeets and Han a year qualify with your degree. One of them will be just too happy to work for that wage and likely do longer hours. Minimum wage you say? Well of to India I go.

Did Marx ever see this one coming?

The global elite are getting rivher and pulling up the ladders for fear of competition from Pajeet and Han mentioned above. The 'middle class' in America is defined as $25-75kpa. 25 to 75. Given the mean wage is what, 50k, I struggle to see how a combined household income of 25k makes you anything like middle class.This is IMO just above poverty wage. And despite massaging of the figures making unemployment seem low. 124million people in the US are in full time employment. There are over 200 million people in the US aged 16-64 (ie working age). This means that there are almost 80 million working age people in the US either part time, student or not seeking work.

Then we get to the looming final boss of technological unemployment. The idea that only low skilled workers is becoming increasingly obviously bullshit. Unless you offer a technical or technological niche, are in finance or are settled into the corporate realm, your chances of 'social mobility' are fast diminishing. Essentially, the bus has been and gone.

Anyhoo. /rant

Christ, she's like a dictator when it comes to how she & her team controls the press.

What, you don't like dictators? Why you mentioning "Christ", if you consider god a spook?

Some dictators are alright. :^)

And yes, I'm still spooked by religion.

But she's the first female dictator, don't you think this is a big step forward for women around the world?

The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton
What John Podesta’s emails from 2008 reveal about the way power works in the Democratic Party.

RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 7


they need to slow down, everything is starting to get too saturated

not that I don't want them to dump, but give it at least 48 hours per dump

Fuck the bombs. I'm sick of war and I did not vote for Obama just to bomb Al-Queda 2. ISIS can do whatever the fuck they want, I seriously do not care. But every airstrike costs upwards of $50,000 and we should be using that money domestically.

I'm no peace lover, but at some point it's impossible to justify this. How the fuck are we supposed to even win in Iraq or Syria? This situation exists because we left, so anything other than 100,000+ boots on the ground (and close air support) as a world police will not fix it.

I'm not a fan of Assad either, but at this point it's better to just accept that democracy cannot exist in the middle east, and broker power with him instead of kicking out the last chair and give ISIS a direct linkage to Europe. A tiny bit of diplomacy goes a long day, and even Obama understands this. Hence the Iran Deal.

not to nitpick, but democracy can definitely exist in the middle east. the west just needs to stop blowing up every anything that moves

Smart Dems will do that. But most Dems aren't smart, they mindlessly base policy based on polling. Such is modern politics.

Neocons aren't going to jump the aisle either, regardless of what happens in 30 days they are a cause without a party. Christian centricism no longer sells. Secular centricism (neoliberalism) is dead too.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. On the other hand they said they're using some kind of algorithm, which could include analyzing twitter trends. For example, it could be that whenever the algorithm detects the interest is dropping it releases a new batch. This wouldn't be that hard to program, although you have to fine tune it really well.

At least they made a good decision not to separate releases into separate search frontends. People searching for something in newer releases are still stumbling upon undiscovered things in older releases.

That gif they attached to this leak.. I'm fucking dead

Depends on your definition of "democracy", I am using the commonly accepted 20th-century version where universal suffrage exists. The only way "democracy" can happen in the sandbox is if it's a carbon copy of the original US government: only landowners can vote and the central government's role in affairs is limited to police and infrastructure, welfare is administered locally.

The biggest mistake the CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) made in Iraq was pushing things like feminism and gay rights far too early. It's what caused confidence in the post-Saddam government to collapse leading to ISIS. Political Islam is the reality now, thanks to our parents (HW Bush and the like) funding them and subverting all attempts at secular governments in the Cold War.

Things that matter: farms (and associated water projects), power grids, electric trains and libraries. This should have been the core focus of the US's nationbuilding efforts, and not trying to make a perfect parliament by dropping quotas for every single ethnic group everywhere.

Bern-ie: is he hot or not?
Hillary team debating how to spin the TPA/TPP.

I wonder if the author's name will come up if you search through the emails, or if they deliberately chose some other, new willing puppet.

I was right.

This is why Hilary is afraid of Trump: he is going balls out on these issues while she has to tread water and lie. This, along with her "catholic spring" shit, will help hand him the election.

More importantly, check the phrase "This is it for them". Hilary knows they're eroding away, so why the fuck does she continue to fuck them? I don't have that answer. But this is proof positive that the Democrats need to dump free trade or die as a national party.

So they were globalists all along

The really stunning thing is how fucking delusional all these pricks are. They treat Hillary like she's a knight in shining armor here to save America, meanwhile amongst themselves belittling all the people they claim to represent and discussing how to best exploit and manipulate all their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to their dictatrix , while simultaneously complaining when people see through their cynical bullshit. All these tools speak, breath, and live corporate. None of them deserve to live and if there is any justice in the world they'll all end up swinging from lamp posts.

I second this.

;~; Now Hillary's buds own The Onion. It was great while it lasted.
I wonder how much they really believe their own bullshit.

To do list: put a female in power

They all drank the kool aid.

The only, *respectable thing about the GOP is that the newer stock (ie Teafags and Trumpfags) are shameless and accept people will hate them, yet they accept they have to provide for their base and do so to the best of their ability.

Something is rotten inside the Democrats' house. Bunch of inbred NOVAfags and Hilary running everything, people who can barely conceive of life outside of the Beltway and cannot even grasp what life is outside cosmopolitan states. They've wrought their own destruction as a result, the "lower" (ie swing) state Democrats were all locked out of the conversation and now the Democrats are hemmed into a very small handful of states.

But it's not to be unexpected, as the modern Dem base is mostly suburban and urban boomers who know no better. Fact is, Hilary is one of them so of course they think she's great.

110%. Remember Obama? We all believed in him and it's the same shit now except it's Hilary. The party machine totally believes what they are doing is righteous, because Hilary is a woman and a majority of blacks and beans vote Dem.

And when Hilary looses, their excuse for all time will be "sexism". These people have lived and breathed "social justice" for their entire lives, most of them got their start during the civil rights movement in the 60s or gay rights movement in the 90s. Everything else is secondary to their vision of "progress". These are people who grew up during the biggest economic boom in history, and honestly don't care if it all melts away because their lives haven't changed much. Union workers losing their jobs are all racists anyway, so why protect them? They should have taken out five figures of student loans and gotten a real job, and become less racist. Everything to these people is based upon race and gender, because that is all they have ever known. Enough mexicans are moving in to replace them, anyway.

And it is for this reason the party will loose. They fundamentally misunderstood the importance of Labor and grossly overestimated regular people's tolerance for being fucked over. Detroit went bankrupt in 2013, meanwhile the Dems only care about giving illegal aliens drivers licenses (which undercut union drivers). Says a lot.

*Says a lot about their priorities.

I take it you won't be crying "conspiracy" when Trump loses?

I reckon he won't loose. But if he does, then that means the Dems will simply kick the can to 2020 which is when they get throatfucked by Rubio/Cruz and America becomes a one party state again.

some discussion about backdoors, malware, encryption, open-source, Silicon Valley, shillary not understanding technology…

I wanted to post this.

In one of the threads, one of Hillary's little clubhouse pals said that their damage control apology about HRC's AIDS remarks at Nancy Reagan's funeral brought the aide "to tears."

They are completely up their own assholes with this shit. They think they're saving the world and doing everyone a favor with their constant assault on democracy.

In another email chain their complete disconnect from reality comes up again when they remark on that Princeton study that says America is no longer a democracy. "So sad." Fucking pukes.

jesus christ, they're explicitly saying they want to force all major tech companies to install spyware in their services. And they say this knowing full well "emergent encryption services" already exist and make it redundant

Holla Forums is having a another field day with pic related

Also fuck /r/politics, not a SINGLE thread there on any of the leaks. Yeah I know it's bought but jesus it wasn't this bad a month ago. It's like watching a cancer patient succumb

Yeah, the point of contention seems to be that the "because terrorists" line will quickly lose efficacy.

As though that's the reason they want these back doors. :^)

That is fucking terrifying.

Hillary branded DipJars!

Is this kind of thing normal in America?

At first I thought you were talking about jars for used up dip tobacco, which really seems more appropriate.

But yeah, it's becoming increasingly normal. Money is speech, after all ;^D

The Catholic rejection is coming…

Something about mandatory retirement funds… plan to privatize SS in the works?


Maybe they can call up Duterte for some help.

womp womp, looks like clinton for america

My bookmarks can't keep up with all these fucking leaks.

Yeah, and the guy gets his info from polling paid by Clinton and from MSM. There's never been a bigger rapture between the media and the people than this year's election.

This is what will cost her the election. Old people read this in their newsletters and will not vote for her on principle now.

Some lines aren't to be crossed; even Trump knows he can't take on Evangelicals. Democrats can't take on catholics.

so it's shit? I kinda hope so.

is this a thing now? People don't even know how to use normal dip cards. Most swipe, especially when the cards still retain that functionality.

The vast majority of tips come from cash and checks, not credit cards. Millenials don't even have good credit and prefer to do things online so this idea doesn't even work on that level.

12 months ago (even just six months ago) NS himself said to ignore the polls on Trump.

Apparently, it's still rolling out. I live in Silicon Valley (America's "tech capital) and all the machines here are swipe ones. I've seen terminals with the dip port but even then they have a swipe port on the side and that is what everyone uses.

I guess gas stations will get them in a year, but if everyone can still swipe why do retailers think they'll suddenly start dipping?

The polls show that I am winning, no matter what the biased pundits say. I am a winner. The biggest winner. No one wins more than me. If you want to win, and win so much you'll be tired of winning, vote for me to make America great again.
The polls are rigged by the biased media. Even though the polls show that I'm losing, I am actually winning and will win on Election Day.


I don't know for sure, but I'm really skeptical because his data isn't good or wide, and his methods probably aren't well suited for what's going on these elections, which are out of the ordinary. I can't imagine a good analytical model that would consider all the dynamics at play this year.
For example, consider this: 7-d&q=wikileaks,trump pussy,trump women,trump allegations

Why do I find this so goddamn disgusting? If you're going to bother sending someone out to collect donations, why bother even making a dedicated electronic device when you could hand someone a paypal link on paper cards or something. I seriously cannot think of anyone that would use one of these things in the open, because that's how credit card fraud happens.

The Catholic church certainly isn't immune to outside pressure, but they definitely don't like having outsiders interfere in internal church business like doctrine.

I won't be surprised if this isn't the last we hear of this from the papists.

This is from HEE-lah-ree KLEEN-ton's strategy against owe-BAHM-uh.

But he's right.

All along the biased media has been trying to rig things in Hillary's favor. First by pumping up Trump and giving his odious bullying every possible chance for media exposure, and now by trying to convince everyone that he's doomed and has no chance.

It's hardly a coincidence that the news is going all in with this "grab them by the pussy/he walked into our dressing room" stuff right when the most damning emails start to get dropped.

Now all he has to do is keep from making any more blatant blunders and he'll bury Hillary come November. He might be a vile, womanizing, racist, failure of a businessman, and most Americans will acknowledge that, but at least he's "honest" about it. Americans will take an honest barbarian over a dishonest elite any day, and Clinton is as dishonest and elite as they come.

I'm not planning on voting for Trump, but I love the irony that Trump is a Frankensteinian monster of both the Republicans' and Democrats' creation and now he's broke free his bonds and is proceeding to strangle both.

Funny you should say that, Team Hill has been saying that the emails are a diversion tactic from pussygate.

I make a proposal that we filter Obama to owe-BAHM-uh.

lol, how absurd

as though a rude comment from a private conversation that happened 11 years ago is worse than all this contemporary back room collusion/fraud/etc

how stupid would a person have to be in order to believe that

names to go along with email addresses btw


Also worth mentioning: pussygate obviously didn't work so CTR then began having anyone and everyone come out as "rape victims" against Trump. But this isn't working either, because there's too many victims (see the twatter hashtag on it) making any sort of coherent narrative impossible. For comparison, the khangate situation worked (at least temporarily) because it was one person that could be humanized and focused on.

It's just bad management, CTR is so desperate to dig up anything and throw everything at Trump it all becomes meaningless babble. What matters is a core narrative, even if it doesn't fit everyone's individual likes/wants (as many campaign strategists are want to do given that their digital information services promote this desire).

The media is completely burying the wikileaks revelations. I am completely convinced that they are controlled now, I don't trust any of it.

No, my point is that if the establishment was truly rigging the polls against Trump, why didn't they fucking do it during the primaries?

A pointless gesture, it's too late. Perhaps ten years ago a thing like this could have worked, but now the cat is already out of the bag and people will believe anything that is posted online. It also won't work when it goes against human nature. People believe in things that agree with them, and ignore things that don't. At best this will only antagonize all sides and cause them to simply ignore most establishment media outlets even more.

I mean, if people wanted a fact-based media we would still have it. But most newspapers and network TV studios are dead, radio is almost completely gone (save for AM radio, dominated by sports and Holla Forumsfaggotry) and the Internet has destroyed all consensus as people back into their own individual communities. Trying to force a narrative won't work.

Because they pushed for Trump to win the primaries, this is all in the emails.

Because the "liberal" media thought he'd be easier to fight in the general, while Fox News was caught off guard. And, to be clear, Fox News themselves was totally anti-Trump until Cruz dropped out.

The leaks are replete with collusion between Hillary's campaign and just about every major news outlet, from these "journalists" funneling them information, like Brazile's giving debate questions to Hillary's aides, to them having "friendly reporters" that they go to in order to create and disseminate positive spin.

The entire structure is rotten.

I often forget how many religious people we have in the US. I guess this is one way the boomers will backfire on her! Lmao.

It says in the leaks that Clinton wanted Trump to get the nomination because they thought he was the only one she could beat.

I think the more important point is that fact checking would be just a tool of propaganda. Google is a subtle propaganda machine as well, they manipulate search suggestions and results.

So in the primaries, they rigged it for Trump. In the general, they're rigging it against Trump.

I second this motion.

They aren't a majority, but they are a very important angle especially in swing states. Death by a thousand cuts, she's already alienated labor and now she's alienating catholics who have probably voted Democrat their entire lives. Of course one can argue that their vote doesn't matter, most are old people with Republican tendencies anyway. But it's one more chip off her base.

Also, as mentioned above it also opens the door to alienating hispanics, and completely destroying the Democrats' strategy for the past 50 years. Though this remains to be seen, I personally expect the Democrats to publicly apologize over this (if not before the election, then after it) and rebuild the bridge. But if they don't, it gives the GOP an unprecedented window.

Every other news source is giving around the same numbers. I think you just dislike the result.

2016, the year the spectacle eclipsed the sun.

Welcome to the techno-dystopia everybody.

Hillary doesn't want to cancel a Wall Street speech even when her team are against it.

God damnit, user. Why'd you have to mention r/politics? I went to check & am inevitably arguing with CTR/Hillary supporters again. I hope they all die from spontaneous combustion, all at once. The world would be such a better place.

And yeah, not one mention of the leaks there. So I've been posting direct links to the damning emails in the comment section. I now have someone trying to go through & "debunk" or "delegitimize" each particular email. It's pretty funny, in a sad way.

There are at least some genuine people asking about what the leak entails, as they don't have any idea. So it's good to know I can inform some, which is the only reason I post there, nowadays.

Thanks! I did a Pipl search on the "Warning to Hillary" email & found it's Brent Budowsky. After a CTR shit claimed it was just a "democratic supporter" & likened it to "a fan writing to Kanye". What a retard.

Anyone have suggestions for better people search engines, etc?

LOL, they have to manipulate even her! She must be a difficult puppet to work with.



I have to use duckduckgo now when I search anything political. Or if I want to stream something. Google is such shite.

Good points. How I wish she were running against a more competent politician, because we'd know for sure that she'd lose.

I come from a southern state with a good amount of democrats. She tied in KY with S█████ & lost in WV because of the worker's vote. That was heartening to see, at least; despite the rigging.

And after thinking about it, I remember how critical the religious vote was in 2000. My mother, a lifetime dem, voted for Bush. Everyone in the church(in KY) was pushing for it & she was persuaded as he was the "Godly choice", lmao.

Then when 2012 came around, my family Baptist church actually voted to fire the preacher, because he was preaching against racism & wasn't against Obama.

We have passed beyond the point of no return.

But then the humiliation of the whole establishment and the mockery of democratic system would be lost. Clinton should be winning, yet she's not, that's how much people hate her and what she represents. If you had an establishment opponent, then it would just be boring, Clinton vs. Clinton.

Yeah, remember those "She's the only one that can win against Trump" arguments? That makes this even more of a spectacle to behold.

She's struggling against Trump, of all people. And it's always funny when they bring up Trump's "historic unfavorables", because she's so close behind him.


This is why there's such contempt from the workers towards the 1%ers.

This is a fucking joke to them, literally.

They know there's a problem but every solution is like grabbing butter.

He's certainly not honest about being a failure of a businessman. In fact Trump's entire business is in deception.

I'm a dreamer

Where the fuck have you been that you seriously missed not only the collusion but the blatant primary rigging that's been going on? Have you seriously even missed these recent emails where Hillary used her influence to rig the primary debate schedule to sabotage moderate Republicans in order to boost Trump?

How are you even getting internet all the way out under your rock?

You're right, that's why I said "honest." In reality, they're both two scummy little worms that deserve to rot in the furthest, coldest gulag, but Trump is perceived generally as being more honest than Hillary. It's why he can say things like his "shoot a person in the street" line and gain in the polls while Hillary says she wants to raise minimum wage and plummets like a stone. Trump is the devil that the people (feel) they know, and Hillary is the devil that they don't.

It's the russian's fault! It's Assange's! Anyone but our Hillary!

Yes. In the sense that they serve the interests of global capital over their own nations.
Obama says that "democracy itself" is at stake in this election

This must be a joke. What happened to the fifth estate?

This is such a stupid meme. Say what you want but he's been a spectacularly successful landlord.

That was always a lie. Even the emails reveal that HRC is one of the weakest candidates they could field and her loss was a forgone conclusion against anyone besides trump, they just had no choice because the DNC leadership had been totally replaced with cronies.

Good, bourgeois democracy needs to go.

I agree actually. Just not with his reasoning.

They complain about the "out of touch" meme, then talk about workers like they are a meme.

It's pottery


guys, I am very late to the party and I am very sorry to stumble in here and start asking for info handouts, but could someone please help me find the emails most obviously exposing the DNC's plan to force Trump onto the Republicans? this might turn out to be a silver bullet later.

if we can prove to people that the DNC is to blame for Trump's nomination, through their snake-like media manipulation, then the DNC becomes blatantly irredeemable even to normies.

the DNC will be the real Victor Frankenstein.

This behavior by the MSM is inexcusable tbh.

Sorry, copied the wrong link…

Wow, I guess they could only go with "nothing to see here, move along citizen" style articles like for so long

thank you kindly.

jesus christ, what a time to be alive.

It just hit me how horrifying Clinton's neo-McCarthyism is.

This election is like choosing between cyanide and arsenic.

I don't know, I think its funnier that she probably doesn't even believe it. Say what you want about McCarthy and his follower, but at least they seemed to genuinely believe Communists in high places were undermining American society.

While for Clinton it's probably just a cynical exercise in distracting attention from the links - and five months from now President Clinton will probably be haranguing truculent Republicans for not supporting her deal with Putin over Syria

I hate to link to reddit, but there's plenty of weaponized autism there.

check r/dncleaks, r/hillaryforprison, /r/the_donald, /r/conspiracy

They seem to be the ones really digging deep into this shit.

The Risotto article is the only leak related submission to make it to the front of /r/politics. The vast, vast majority of submissions have been about Trump. Generally anti-trump, even to the detriment of pro-Hillary articles.

I checked it the other day, ctrl-f, and 89/100 submissions had "Trump" in the title. It's insane. The leaks have them running scared and CTR is going whole hog with this shit.


Yeah, I'm amazed at how willfully redditors can deny what's right in front of them, i.e. cherrypicking one or two comments on how she would "like" universal healthcare into WTF? YEAH, MAN, I CAN TOTALLY SEE HOW THESE LEAKS ARE KILLING HER CAMPAIGN, BECAUSE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE TOTALLY ISN'T HELLA AWESOME

The irony.

Wikileaks' Twitter also has great revelations sent out in specific tweets. Go to their Twitter page directly.

About promoting Trump in the primaries… I actually remember thinking how absurd and unusual it is that they're talking about Trump so much. I didn't really suspect anything, just stupid media becoming way too obsessed with ratings. I mean, Trump wasn't on their side, so why would they be giving him all this publicity? It has never crossed my mind that someone could be so cynical to actually be promoting him just because he's an easier target in the generals.


Wikileaks just retweeted this.

Check out the comments.


It sounds like conspiracy theory, pushed by the usual contrarians on chans. Then it turns out to be the truth.

Seems the DNC created TWO monsters: a disgusting richie rich princeling cheered on by racists, and an even more disgusting media.

>wolfonthehill [email protected]/* */ 1h1 hour ago

tinfoilers BTFO

Leave this place & take your shitty Office memes with you.

But that's pretty much all the replies to that tweet in a nutshell - a combination of "This isn't even news" and "Trump's still much worse!"

Lmao, sorry man. Poe's law kinda got me on that one.

And I'm stealing that pic, at least.

It is amazing, too, to see that they're not even denying it anymore. Now that there's proof of everything, they're just saying, "this is just how politics works", "Trump is worse".

Same after the DNC leaks. First, we were tinfoil hatters. Then when rigging was proven it was, "well duh, B████ not tru democrap hurr so of gourse it happened"

I can just imagine Jeb drinking alone in his mansion muttering "Fucking George…" When the butler brings him another fifth of forty year old scotch he tosses his sifter on the cashmere carpet and yells, "It was supposed to be my turn first!"

To be fair, we're at a point now where it's been months and months of constant banning and censorship driving away all but the thickest or most sycophantic redditors in places like /r/politics. It's to the point now where the majority of dissenting voices have been banned, and what's left are drowned out by the tremendously active bloc of CTR shills.

And if you point this out, even in the most innocent of ways, it's a banning for you.

Ira said Scott Henderson could help. I said Scott H already has been involved since Day One.

Ira said he personally will get more involved and he had some ideas for hiring a finance person (which I said we thought of long ago and agree on doing but we were thinking pro-bono)

I told Ira I'd download all of this with you. I got the impression that unless we go back and say "no" on any of this, Ira feels he has WJC's blessing to move ahead. I'd welcome your feedback. Thanks, Ami


What are they talking about, taking money from pensions and giving it to governors for projects? Who's pensions? This sounds crazy.

(Note: this video is NOT a caricature of contemporary politics.)


here ya go.

for sauce,

then click on attachments tab

cap is from the PDF

Poor yeb D:

Lmao no, a peacemaker Clinton is not.

I don't have any words for this.

It's a little shocking given that they broke the Snowden leaks. Iirc they've undergone a major editorial shift since then.

It's not about making peace. McCarthy actually believed the shit he spewed, religiously so. He went out of his way to destroy thousands of peoples' careers on his own personal crusade to "protect" America.

Hilary is blaming Russia in order to save her own career. It's very shortsighted, because if she did actually become President she would have no way to split up a Russia-Chinese bloc (problem giving rising tensions in the South Pacific) and Russia wouldn't give ANY fucks about diplomacy (at least, more so than now).

I do.


Play with fire, get burned. Regardless if Trump wins or looses, the DNC have created something much larger. Nobody other than old boomers supports them, meanwhile everyone else is working against them. The entire question here is if it will work for Hilary, but every other Democrat gets fucked too (guilty by association). The Dems will either have to eviscerate themselves and ditch globalism, or watch the Republicans kick out the chair.

Right? Yebbo seems like the kid that wants to be a dancer or paint flowers or something, but his overbearing father pressures him into trying out for the football team. He hates it. He hates every second of it. The macho atmosphere, the competition, the brutality–he'd rather be at home working on his model planes. That Fw 190 was coming along so nice. Just one more coat of paint and it'll be fit for inspection, the pride of the Luftwaffe.

But he doesn't have the time. It's not enough to just join the team. He's gotta be the quarterback. Team captain even. Why? Because it's what his father expects. Hell, your brother was captain of the team. What, you don't want the neighbors to think you're a faggot, do you, Jeb? No son of mine 's gonna be a called a pussy. I fought in The Pacific, fer Christ's sake. What would your grandfather think? His brother's aren't any help. Faggot is the least of what they call him already. So morning, noon, and night it's work, work, work, practicing to fill that quarterback's jersey.

Sure, it pays off. The constant pressure compresses his entire personality into a finite point that shines like a diamond. Everyone's impressed. Yep, just like his brothers, his teachers and tutors say with an approving nod. He carries the team to victory after victory. His peers are impressed. Gosh, isn't that Jeb somethin'. He even carries the team to the championship.

The night before the big game his father takes him aside. This is it, the brass ring. I'm countin' on you, son. No one wants it as bad as Jeb. He's out there on that field, playin' his heart out, and it's his final masterpiece play that secures the big win. Everyone's ecstatic. Finally's he's got dad's respect, just like his brothers. He's made it.

After all the celebration, when they find his body the next morning he's hanging by his throat in his closet with his grandfather's Yale tie. He leaves no note behind, just his unfinished models. When his father gets sick of looking at them, he has Juanita throw them in the trash. Maybe if he hadn't been such a faggot he wouldn't have done something so embarrassing.

Police state America:

where'd you rip this from?

my brain

poor yeb :(

Watch these two one after another for maximum effect:

As much sympathy I have for these people, by the time pipelines hit the design-build phase it's already too late.

The entire reason these things are made is because states, especially California, are dumping nuclear power for gas. It's why PG&E is building new pipelines down south, with San Onorefe closing down Socal is getting five or six new gas plants to compensate. The California Air Resources Board don't care because utility companies are above the law (example: PG&E's "fine" for the San Bruno pipeline explosion). If pipeline customers are taken out, then pipelines will have no use.

She's wasn't protesting, she was filming the protests for a documentary. This is apparently already too dangerous.

Don't you dare deviate even a little bit from standard liberal politics.

They covered the pre-convention DNC leaks very strongly. Right now though? Pure silence. Hilarious.

kill yourself classcuck

One does not simply get a felony conspiracy charge without somehow being involved. So I don't consider her innocent especially when Hollywood celebs are backing her.

But her motivations were just, though this is another example as to why pacifism does not work. If she had stood her ground (you can buy any sort of rifle you want in SD no problem, and the federal ban on full auto guns does not apply to indian reservations) then she would have had marginally more success (dead police send a huge message to anyone who would want to build a pipeline in the future).

The root of all of this are private utility companies. They're the ones that cause this because they conspire to keep fossil fuels as America's primary source of electricity. If they were nationalized, a fully green power grid could actually happen. This is a thing that needs to be fought with local Assemblymen inside state legislatures, not in the field. Because if it gets to that stage, the only thing that matters is whoever has the most guns.

I wonder how many aides it took to write that email.

Thanks for sharing this

Lmao, where did you come from?

Yes, the US would never wrongfully charge or jail someone.

Better late than never.

Somehow socialism is too insane though

Because it'll never work

I mean, it's like Marx never even thought of human nature.

Like, hello?

For example: she could have walked into a Walmart and bought every protester their own AR15 and 100 rounds of ammunition. 5 people is a terrorist cell the Sheriff can deal with, 50 is a platoon the US Marshals would wrangle (ala Waco) and 500 is a battalion, which would cause a crisis and require the National Guard. 5,000 (just over the half of Standing Rock's population) is a bona fide Militia that would require the federal military (and the President) to get directly involved.

Admittedly this would be expensive, but it's certainly plausible. Here in America you can buy entire crates of Russian guns.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

wtf is up with that "Buy"

Whatever you say friend. Please go back to praising the fascistic retard rapist.
have you seen this shit yet?
this is how they're reacting to the emails, total dismissal.



Mosin crates are typically sold online, and online (and mail order) gun sales have to be sent to an FFL dealer for pickup (this is to ensure compliance with local state laws, and that the buyer is over 18 and not a felon). This isn't an issue with Mosins as they are 50-state guns. It applies to SKSes too:

Worth mentioning: Indian reservations set their own gun laws. Their government, as it's a government, can just buy any type of gun they want (legit M-16s, SMGs, LMGs, anything) directly from defense contractors. Citizens can legally possess them, if the tribal government is allowed. Which is to say they could have bought truckloads of guns and ammo and force the federal government to intervene. Regardless of the outcome, it would give future gas companies cold feet on new pipeline projects.

Woah, the Ecuadorians are not gonna like that.

*if the tribal government allows it

Yeah, but to be fair they did start talking seriously about the leaks now:


What the fuck. This is the third in a series of mocking tweets.


"Let them eat risotto"
- Podesta 2016

Of course they are. "The Russians are behind it!" line didn't work, "The Russians could've edited them!" line didn't work, so now they're pushing either outright denial or claiming that Trump is still worse

Wait what? No way.

Eh, wikileaks beat me to the punchline.


But seriously, he's scum and his career is over at this point. Even if Hilary wins, nobody is going to trust him with anything remotely important.

Also the email was sent three days before Scalia's death.

It's all a bit conspiritorial, but its a pretty amazing coincidence if it wasn't

Hilary would, and then we'd get a whole other set of leaks before the 2020 election.

holy shit, Comrade Dore is getting more radical by the day

Can someone tell me what speech this is that Hillary's making. It's downright unbelievable & I want to watch it in its entirety.

This. If the DWS mess and these emails are any indication she's so out-of-touch she might as well be in her own world. Like the FBI declining to prosecute her over the emails, if she's elected she'll probably feel vindicated that not enough Americans cared about the leaks anyway


"[Shillary] was speaking on the campaign trial at the American Legion National Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on 31 August"

I'm sure it's generally boring as hell. It's like watching a feature length commercial full of statements that don't say anything.

Holy fuck it took me a few minutes after watching it to realise I should check if it was a film or not. America has lost the plot, it's not even in the realms of humourous when you consider the amount of projecting Americans do onto Europeans.

His line "there's revolution coming and it's not going to be the one you want" is great.
Soft leftists assume that they are the only forces of change, so they have the time. No, the system is rushing to its self-destruction and it's going to take us with it if we're not prepared. Optimism makes people too passive and pacified, at least pessimism (not resignation) produces a sense of urgency and a need for well thought-out strategy.

Ralph Nader on TeleSUR today talking about the elections:


Is Podesta ex-CIA??

This is from DNC emails:

They play real dirty, these Clintons.

Forgot link:

You, by definition, are a normie.

There is literally nothing stopping any of you from looking. But it's easier to just have someone on Twitter spoon feed you filtered bits and pieces now isn't it.

Fascinating how those smears about him and his country club or whatever line up perfectly with these.
Trump and Women: A Marxist Critique
I know Jacobin is really hit or miss but the last three paragraphs here are breddy gud

Fuck right off. I've been losing massive amounts of sleep from digging through these emails this past week, sharing them & though it's basically futile, posting them on reddit tirelessly so normies can be exposed to them somehow, since the media isn't. I was trying to find common ground with that poster.

Some brilliant responses on Twitter:

Alright which one of you faggots was this?

If you want to have an impact, collect all the emails that involve labor and email them to local union bosses (ie the elected manager). Most will ignore them, but might as well sow the seeds of dissent or be the spark to the fire.

That's just "Correct The Record" in damage control.

I wish.


:^) But seriously, we have bigger fish to fry right now. And we've been coming together to dig on these emails. Let's not spoil it.

Sadly, my state is KY, and unions are largely gone there. But I will look some up. That's a very useful idea.

If you find a union worth their salt, tell them to to take the workplace over if the managers/bosses threaten to leave and turn into a coop. Literally seizing the means of production.

¿Y por qué son todas las respuestas en espanol?

outsourcing of CTR

i don't actually get what happened

Ah, entiendo


for a second I thought he snapped his neck like in a movie lol

But yeah, I guess there's teacher's unions, etc, too

I mean, it's not like conspiracy theory is something Hillary isn't used to. Remember the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"? (Granted there was a grain of truth to that but still)

But assuming she didn't believe it at all, would she really just drop the whole McCarthyite act once she became President? Could she? I mean, these are serious charges she's throwing out, probably coming close to treason, and it's clear she really does not like a lot of these people.

Mark my words, B████ ██████ will be the only Democrat that will get out of this mess unscathed.

Lovable "Ken Bone" not so lovable any longer

CNN is now discarding him like a piece of trash after reading his old Reddit posts.


Is he our guy, Holla Forums?

And that's how you destroy a man.

Although I'm hoping it will at least partly destroy CNN too.

If Jennifer Lawrence is anime and also has a cock, then yeah.

If that's what's considered dirt these days I've got a couple hard-drives to wipe and few server-farms to burn down.

well now we know how they decide who goes in those cabinets

Wew, what's so horrifying about the comments he made? I mean Jesus, the Daily Hail runs articles more offensive every day.


I mean, he aced his AMA. He was out-memeing everyone.

The Daily Beast is also trashing him.

Love Ken Bone? Yeah, you might want to read this.

So, a victimless crime and him basically pointing out the facts of the matter

How horrible

All dese porky-fellating spooks

Maybe this is some Zizekian-tier contrarianism, or just Zizekian-tier shitty thinking, but since there's a zero percent chance he will win next month shouldn't we on some level view Trump as a hero? I mean, he self-imploded his billion dollar exploitative business/brand, single-handedly destroyed the GOP and exposed millions of cryptofascists around the country whom for decades to come will be viewed as the laughingstock of the nation. Sure, he helped engender the rise of the alt-right, but just like the Tea Party these paper tigers will be thrown into the dustbin of history in a couple years. Hillary was going to be president with or without him, so we can't entirely blame him for further entrenching neoliberal capitalism in the west. That is a fight the left will have to continue on our own. And hell, maybe after a few years of ridicule and propagandizing we can convince some of the more impressionable Trump supporters to take up that fight alongside us. I've personally already converted a few.

Just admit you like Hillary Clinton, stop being so sheepish and concern troll-y

This pic is making the rounds, apparently the site he died at had a vineyard and a big pool.

Wow, CTR's gaslighting techniques are getting pretty good. I'm impressed.

No need to call it zizek tier if you don't actually know anything about theory. just call it retarded, retard.

"Zizekian-tier" implies retarded, since Zizek is retarded.


Do you agree with Jill here?

he'll be an influential thinker well in the future, and you'll die a stupid fag who posted shit on the internet. don't bring others down to your level.


Anyway how is that damaging? I don't think anyone can deny that Zimmerman was, in fact, legally justified in killing Trayvon Martin. Is that not the very heart of the issue?

Should just force living-wage on the private sector as well.

just abolish the private sector tbh

For some reason them shitting all over this random guy for being a real human with a personality is getting me very worked up.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Unions. Build them up. They work.

It's because what you are essentially watching is a pack of dead eyed vultures gorging on the flesh of tiny, still weakly bahhing lamb.

He even used his main account for the AMA… Sweet Summer Child.

I think CNN & Daily Beast are trying to get back at us for spreading these leaks by trying to destroy one of our own, guys.


They're in fact just making him more memeable.


I thought the same.. Always a throw away.

lel, 20X gold


It's not just that. It's that the CNN prototype of the American Voter is not supposed to be a real person but a completely anodyne liberal that always waits to receive consensus opinions and never shows a spark of humor or candor, and that's the only kind of person you can be or be denounced as a *bad person* on a national stage, I guess.

I don't see the issue. That thug was trying to beat Zimmerman to death. Granted that knucklehead shouldn't have been stalking people in his neighborhood with a gun, but it was justified.

I know that's about the time wages stopped following productivity growth and a whole swath of problems started appearing.

Setting it all aside, I would like the writer of the daily beast article to answer the question for me: Was the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman illegal?

I know that's when the post-Gilded Age protectionist regime of trade tariffs and immigration quotas was obliterated.

As a Jill supporter I'm happy to see this. But it really baffles me what their motivation.

Jill is way more left than Hillary is, so it can't be her policies. She doesn't trade on white supremacy like Trump does so it can't be that.

Is it hatred of women? I guess not because Jill is a woman too.

Jill will do more to help minorities and women then Hillary would ever do in 100 years so it's not racism.

Are they just so brainwashed to hate Hillary like a pack of Pavlovian dogs that they will vote for someone that will reject white supremacy EVEN MORE than Hillary would?

They're probably hoping she'll split the democratic vote or something.



1) Bravery: People like Nader, [REDACTED], and Stein aren't afraid to state their intentions loudly, openly, and sincerely. This is much like what attracted both rightists and many leftists or centrists to Perot, Paul, and Trump.
2) Commitment: Even if the agenda of her and those like her is in disagreement with rightists', it is consistent from one moment to the next, and forms a complete logical platform rather than a mishmash of internally nonsensical focus-group pablum.
3) Actual policy: Whether due to some inherent appeal from their obvious validity to populists, or perhaps coincidence between two countercultural groups opposing the same establishment, there is some ideological overlap. Stopping pointless wars, reining in the wasteful profligacy of big government/corporations/churchs, halting transnational globalism, restoring prosperity and cultural prestige to the hardworking middle class, or even just putting lawless corruption and crime under the magnifying glass. Those and many other issues are the subject of broadly similar policies from the far right and far left.
4) Sheer contrarianism: If nothing else, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and everyone knows we need all the help we can get to topple the two-party system.
5) d00d w33d: lmao

Clinton is objectively a bad choice. She will do more than any other candidate to extend neo-liberalism. The right hate neo-lib cause globalism. The left cause capitalism. Plus Clinton is a warmonger. The left haven't listened to the right who've been screaming this since Clinton stood as Dem candidate. Maybe they'll listen when one of their own says it.

This ends now

But you got them to adopt the most progressive platform in decades! You B████ bros are so entitled. Isn't that enough for you?

Not sure what you're bringing up and why…

Unions are just a mechanism for labor to get their fair share of capital and labor's joint enterprise's profits.

The way it's now… Pic related.

It's weird how Clinton supporters were responding with some variation of "you B████ Bros can't take yes for an answer" and "you're being conspiratorial" when the left was saying that the platform "victory" would end up being utterly meaningless during a Clinton presidency. And, now that we have evidence the platform was a meaningless concession, it's old news, just like the rigging of the primary itself.

This must be bridge burning material for the B████ supporters still wavering on the Clinton vote.

thats not trump
thats photoshopped pictures of a gorilla¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult


Right off the bat, Podesta's American Express details

No, that's Trump photoshopped into a gorilla.

pls senpai, I want to get off this train.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Two Americans have been arrested and charged for allegedly helping to hack high-ranking US government officials.

The US Department of Justice said Andrew Otto Boggs and Justin Gray Liverman were part of the "Crackas With Attitude" group blamed for the attacks.

Email accounts of the CIA's director, the chief of National Intelligence and many others, were hit by the group.

It also stole and published details of 29,000 FBI and Homeland Security agents and workers.
Overseas aid

Court documents, written by FBI agents who aided the investigation, revealed that the hackers tricked technical support staff into giving them access to the sensitive email accounts.

The hackers also posed as technicians from ISPs and other service companies to get passwords re-set so they could take over accounts and get at federal computer systems. All the attacks took place in early 2016.

Sensitive messages and documents found by the attackers through the hacked email accounts were published online.

The two men have been accused of taking part in a criminal conspiracy and are due to appear in court next week.

Tech news site Ars Tech prosecutors involved in the case are also pursuing at least three more members of the Crackas With Attitude group. All three are believed to be teenagers who live in the UK. The Crown Prosecution Service is understood to be investigating their alleged part in the attacks.

Court documents suggest the CWA members living overseas placed the calls that led to accounts being taken over.



Back to Holla Forums

To be fair the recent allegations scream fake to me. The Clintons know how this smear game works after Bill, it's only natural that they would level claims Trump can't reasonably respond to in order to spread FUD.

There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is a creep and rapist for a whole lot of other reasons (evidence has been out there for years), but that doesn't preclude the specific allegations being obvious political hatchet jobs. If they were genuine, we'd have heard about them during primaries, because for sure Republican oppo research would have dug for them.

But you have the emails, right Julian?

See, this is a good point you make. And normally, that'd make sense, but this election they've been incompetent. I mean after all, they couldn't find the pussygate video.

Highlights from speech 1:
-Xi Jinping is trying to rein in the PLA
-Most Chinese officials have their children in American universities
-Rising nationalism in China and Japan are leading to tensions, that "the rhetoric coming from top Chinese officials concerning the Japanese was really vicious"
-China is starting to experience and come to grips with the effects of a neoliberal economy
-Clinton admits that "there is only so much things like enterprises can do, that there are limits to pushing down wages, to the real estate bubble"
-China opposes a unified Korea, but NK is as much a liability as an asset
-Clinton admits the US doesn't want a unified Korea either
-The PLA have been encouraging NK's aggressive behavior due to strong ties between Chinese and NK military leadership
-Part of the reason for "ringing China with missile defenses" is US anxiety about NK ICBM program
-the Abe government in Japan is grappling with nationalist forces and politicians that are threatening to upset the status quo
-Russia views Syria as a sort of Chechnya and that opposition to Assad's government must be absolutely crushed
-American policy in the Middle East is schizophrenic because they have no idea who their allies and enemies are and so they can't develop long term goals or policies
-Most Syrian AA emplacements are in heavily populated civilian areas and creating a "no-fly zone" is going to lead to heavy civilian casualties
-There's also danger of releasing chemical stockpiles located by AA emplacements
-Iran can't have nuclear weapons because that means Saudi Arabia will want weapons, and UAE, and Egypt, and so on
-Iran tried to get a drug dealer to murder the Saudi ambassador
-Israel thinks any sort of delay to the Iranian nuclear program is worth any sort of diplomatic (or otherwise) fallout
-There's alot of anxiety about rising nationalism in Europe and what might happen if a nationalist government comes to power
-NATO is being starved of resources due to European budget cuts
-Hillary wants "a return to evidence-based decisions"
-The biggest danger to either party is "facing a primary opponent from the far right or the far left"
-There was never any guarantee that the US wouldn't default on its debts
-The unprecedented partisanship in politics is being driven by lobbyist groups such as the NRA
-At the time of this speech in 2013 she claimed to not be entertaining thoughts of running for president
-"The political press has been captured by trivia."
-some idiot wants to remove posse comitatus
-"I would love if we could build a more positive relationship with Russia."
-Putin rejected working on a shared missile defense plan with the US "out of hand"

Looks like Amy Goodman of Democracy Now is gonna turn herself in to the pigs over her North Dakota arrest warrant.

My assumption was that the Clinton campaign was essentially just sitting on these women, and that Access Hollywood tape, for use as an october surprise. They're probably just going to dripfeed these things out one after another, until election day. Their plan is probably to turn the right-leaning suburban women and evangelicals against Trump, so that they either go for a third party, or just sit the election out, due to fatigue.

It's actually a pretty smart plan. Trump can't win on just white guys, and he's alienated far too many people on his own, to really be recruiting new supporters now. If the allegations stick, they can do a lot of damage. The tape did a lot of damage. I don't think people actually realize how serious that tape was, to the campaign. I don't personally understand why people are so up in arms about it (moreso than other horrible statements) but they are, and now the Clinton campaign is capitalizing (or following up) on the situation.

I hope B████ knows that the platform is meaningless and just accepted it so he could have some major ammunition against Hillary after the election.

This. There's undoubtedly more damning footage (producers from apprentice said they have some) and they can keep this up at a steady pace.

Because when he was insulting Mexicans and Muslims, it wasn't a threat to the GOP base. Now he's offended white women which he needs.

This genuinely may not matter if the Clinton / Democrat campaign filth continues to grow to the point of public criminality.

Some might want to vote for him just to prevent "Crooked Hillary" from winning, given these emails. Probably some B████ supporters and some undecideds.

Ken Bone on Reddit claimed fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin 'was justified,' discusses insurance fraud and porn

Ken Bone has some skeletons in the closet.

Using the handle StanGibson18, the up until now beloved Bone said in a post on the discussion website from four months ago that the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin “was justified.”

In some of his more salacious posts, Bone discusses his liking for pregnant women – who he referred to as “beautiful human submarines” on an NSFW thread called "PreggoPorn" – and the benefits of getting a vasectomy.

“I had mine done 2 years ago. Sexual satisfaction is way up,” Bone wrote. “My wife loves it too…Can’t recommend it enough.”

In another post, the master of the “Bone Zone” admitted to a felony of forging insurance documents so that he could keep a pizza delivery job.

“I forged documents to make it look like I had car insurance so I wouldn’t get fired,” he said. “Can’t say how I did them, I don’t know how long the statute of limitations is on that.”

Definitely a Clinton supporter.

Nah, doesn't matter. Trump's theatrics are more entertaining, so corporate media will only cover it. There's a ton of damning stuff in the recent email leaks but its barely gotten airtime.

And as a Muslim, if it wasn't for me following alternative media, there's no way I would've been able to reach the point where I confidently say "Trump and Hillary are just as bad as each other."

Why are they trying so hard to destroy this person?

Ken Bone did literally nothing wrong.

This guy did not deserve to get famous, but read past the headline. It was clear that he was saying the shooting was legally justified, not morally.

Sounds like quite a despicable person, but you know what you sound like? And all your ilk… all over the "alt news" neo-msm, as well as the msm? You sound like SRS. The original river ditch diggers for 'vote for Hillary, she's progressive, support Obama no matter what, anyone who questions mainstream rhetoric must be shut down by pathos and anything beyond perspectives so vast they're irrelevant - are conspiracy theories and belong to the right!'.

That's what sort of 'mood' you're transmitting to me, as well as many of the 'edgy' posters here.

Hi, SRS. I think you're looking for your brother. He's over at Holla Forums.

This. It's all non-news.

Let's start looking at those Goldman Sachs speeches instead.
(go to the Attachments tab)

Politico has a "live blog" putting out the leaks:

How popular is politico among Hillary supporters?

How much contempt to you have to have for people to consider struggling to keep a pizza delivery job by pretending to have insurance "damning"?

It's more about being out of touch about the problems of the peasants.

Notice for California anons: if you're a permanent vote-by-mail voter your ballot should arrive soon. Remember to vote NO on 53 and 63.

The Intercept is amazing.

Speech 2
-voters need to stop rewarding candidates that are unwilling to compromise
-Gingrich would "sneak into" the White House to work with Bill Clinton on "welfare reform"
-Hillary "personally likes" Speaker Boehner
-the Speaker for the Republican Caucus needs to figure out a way to "isolate the hardcore, absolute evidence deniers"
-the government shutdowns disrupted American influence by preventing Obama from attending the East-Asia Summit and the Asia-Pacific Economic Committee meetings
-there's "growing discontent" in the Chinese "middle class"
-"there's a lot happening in North Africa and the Middle East, but the real future lies in the Asia-Pacific"
-"No country is better suited to take advantage of what happens in the Asia-Pacific than we are."
-The Pivot to Asia isn't "realizing the continuity that is required to establish policy."
-"There are a lot of proxy battles going on, you know, there's proxy battles between the Saudis and the Iranis and the Jordanians and the Iranians and the Turks and, you know, it goes on and on, and you can look at individual countries and try to sort out who is on what side."
-When Morsi was elected in Egypt, the Egyption government refused to follow the IMF's demands
-Syria is a "multiple-leveled proxy battle," with Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Qatar funding Jihadists, Iran interfering via Hezbollah, and Turkey "very active in the beginning"
-SA and "Gutter" (Qatar I assume) have been "more active" in Egypt, Libya, and Syria
-Clinton doubts the sincerity of Iran's "charm offensive" and whether they'll abide any deal they make
-Despite the Iranians saying they aren't interested in nuclear weapons, they continue to insist on having access to the components for nuclear weapons, such as ICBMs capable of carrying miniaturized warheads and building heavy-water reactors capable of enriching weapons-grade Plutonium
-"I mean, if you had a big map here behind us, literally from North America to Southeast Asia, there are so many thoughts, so many bombs, so many arrests that are all traced back to the Iranian revolutionary guard, and their constant efforts to sell (inaudible)."
-The Iranian plan to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington was only thwarted because the cartel enforcer they were lead to and planned to hire was in fact a DEA double agent
-Apparently this is something Iran does pretty often
-Hillary is friends with Warren Buffet
-"You know, I remember having a long conversation with Warren Buffett, who is obviously a friend of mine, but I think he's the greatest investor of our modern era, and he said, you know, I would go and I'd talk to my friends and I'd ask them to explain to me what a default credit swap was, and by the time they got into their fifth minute, I had no idea what they were talking about. And when they got into their tenth minute, I realized they didn't have any idea what they were talking about.
I mean, Alan Greenspan said, I didn't understand at all what they were trading. So I think it's in everybody's interest to get back to a better transparent model."

-Banks aren't "doing what they need to do" because they're "scared of regulations," so "credit is not flowing to restore economic growth"
-Dodd-Frank was just a sop to mollify the angry constituents of legislators and the banks are still grumbling about it
-Wall Street "appreciates" Clinton's "courage" in associating with them after 08
-Clinton starts talking about regulating Wall Street to restore confidence/growth in the economy and the topic is immediately changed
-"She wants to continue to break down legal/cultural barriers to women in the workforce, such as Russian legislation that prevents women from being "miners in Siberia" and laws where women can't inherit from their fathers or husbands
-And then there are the, you know, lingering cultural barriers. And, you know, Angela Merkel last spring, who is a very conservative, cautious politician whom I deeply admire, I think she is an incredible leader, she said she favored a requirement that German companies have 30 percent women on their boards.
Now, when somebody as cautious and conservative as Angela, who I have known for 20 years says that there's a problem. The problem is that (inaudible) is there's not a pipeline, it doesn't have enough people in it, but the fact is that there are a lot of women now who have achieved in their careers, who have a lot of great attributes to contribute to boards, but they're not being sought out, they're not being invited, they're not assuming that role. And the same, you know, in the CEO ranks.
So whether it's legal obstacles, sort of regulatory, judicial obstacles or cultural attitudes, we have to continue to try to remove those."
-"And I don't say this just because, you know, I think it would be wonderful if every girl in the world got the education she needed and the health care she needed and access to credit and politics, I think that would be great, and it's a moral imperative, but it is an economic imperative.
And the work that Goldman has done that the OACD had done, the IMF has done shows unequivocally that we're leaving money on the table at the time of slower-than-hoped-for growth globally. And one of the reasons is that women are not encouraged and permitted in many instances to be full participants in the economy."
-She's aware of how tough things are for young people, but, you know, it sure is great what we accomplished after 9/11
-The Marshall Plan only succeeded because big business so graciously invested the money. No, really, have I mentioned how great Wall Street is?

The Intercept is nice. Don't for a second think it's a safe haven. Just like (and don't take this as a trashing of wikileaks in general) Assange showed up for an interview on the Colbert report while the pentagon and US state department were "so, so totally looking for him!", the intercept have their own backers with their own contact networks far beyond most.

These are not people who strictly write truth and hold true to their own analysis. They have their snakes in their upstream.

Take them as 'mostly truth', but don't for a second think these outlets are something to ultimately trust.

Having Siberian female miners would be such a great step towards a feminist utopia.

Based Iranians


Speech 3:
-Bill Clinton has contributed to GS, "he increased our budget"
-she describes the controversy over surveillance as a "brouhaha"
-Sub-Saharan Africa is home to some of the fastest growing economies in the world
-It's important for businesses to develop markets of "inclusive prosperity"
-There's increasing cooperation among terrorist groups
-TG have been driven out of Afghanistan and "decimated" in Pakistan, but driven into Somalia and North Africa
-"One of the positives of the last month is getting ahold of the Syria chemical weapons program, which in and of itself is a good, even though it doesn't stop the civil war and the increasing radicalization of a lot of the groups fighting Assad."
-The US is determined to intervene in Syria despite substantial public opposition; "you can't waste your leadership capital," "You have to be careful not to send the wrong message to others, such as Iran."
-"It's imperative that we exploit the [US] oil and gas in an environmentally careful way."
-The US must remain committed to keeping Middle East "oil ceilings" open
-48% of global trade passes through the South China Sea and the US must "push back" against China to "create a balance" and prevent a Chinese "stranglehold" of the region
-Blankfein calls the South China Sea an "unfortunate name," and says "ours is called the Caribbean. They don't call it 'The South United States Sea.'" (*laughter*) Hillary says he might have forgotten about Monroe :^)
-"I think that – you know, one of the greatest arguments that I had on a continuing basis was with my Chinese counterparts about their claim. And I made the point at one point in the argument that, you know, you can call it whatever you want to call it. You don't have a claim to all of it. I said, by that argument, you know, the United States should claim all of the Pacific. We liberated it, we defended it. We have as much claim to all of the Pacific. And we could call it the American Sea, and it could go from the West Coast of California all the way to the Philippines. And, you know, my counterpart sat up very straight and goes, well, you can't do that. And I said, well, we have as much right to claim that as you do. I mean, you claim it based on pottery shards from, you know, some fishing vessel that ran aground in an atoll somewhere. You know, we had conveys of military strength. We discovered Japan for Heaven sakes. I mean, we did all of these things."
-SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes, yes. And then he says to me, well, you know, we'll claim Hawaii. And I said, yeah, but we have proof we bought it. Do you have proof you brought any of these places you're claiming? So we got into the nitty-gritty of –
-MR. BLANKFEIN: I'll discuss that after I leave here. Let me ask you another question because this is also a topical question.
Let's say, hypothetically, that one country was eavesdropping on another country.
MR. BLANKFEIN: And I didn't hear the crisp denials, but I didn't hear any confirmation of it. How would you – would you be looking forward to giving that explanation? How do you go – what do you do now?
-SECRETARY CLINTON: Okay. I was Secretary of State when WikiLeaks happened. You remember that whole debacle. So out come hundreds of thousands of documents. And I have to go on an apology tour. And I had a jacket made like a rock star tour. The Clinton Apology Tour. I had to go and apologize to anybody who was in any way characterized in any of the cables in any way that might be considered less than flattering. And it was painful. Leaders who shall remain nameless, who were characterized as vain, egotistical, power hungry –
MR. BLANKFEIN: Proved it.
SECRETARY CLINTON: – corrupt. And we knew they were. This was not fiction. And I had to go and say, you know, our ambassadors, they get carried away, they want to all be literary people. They go off on tangents. What can I say. I had grown men cry. I mean, literally. I am a friend of America, and you say these things about me.

Thanks for the tl;drs user

To an extent the narrative is right: unemployed or unpaid labour is a sink-hole for economic growth.

-SECRETARY CLINTON: So, fast forward. Here we are. You know, look, I have said, and I will continue to say, we do need to have a conversation with and take a hard look at the right balance that we could strike between, you know, privacy and security because there's no doubt, and I've seen this and understand it, there's no doubt that much of what we've done since 9/11 has kept us safer. That's just a fact. It's also kept our friends and our partners and our allies safer, as well. The sharing of intelligence requires the gathering of intelligence and the analysis of intelligence.
And so as we have alerted our friends and worked with them on plots and threats that we had information about, they've done the same for us. And, clearly, they have their own methods of collection. So it's not good enough to say, everybody does it, because we should hold ourselves to the highest standards, and we should have the right checks and balances in this whole system.
-She says there's no evidence that the government is collecting "the sorts of things that Americans are worried about," but that "the collection of metadata has been very helpful."
-Regarding digital information collection, "We have to have a way of doing it, and then we have to have a way of analyzing it, and then we have to have a way of sharing it."
-"So I think maybe we should be honest that, you know, maybe we've gone too far, but then let's have a conversation about what too far means and how we protect privacy to give our own citizens the reassurance that they are not being spied by their own government, give our friends and allies the reassurance that we're not going beyond what is the necessary collection and analysis that we share with them and try to have a mature conversation." :^)
-"MR. BLANKFEIN: Maybe embedded you've already given part the answer, but how serious, how bad was it what Snowden and Assange did? What are the – I mean, Assange – if this were a destroyer and innovator conference, we might have had Assange here."
-"But how much did that hurt us? Aside from the embarrassment, clearly some avenues now, some things we relied on that, have been closed off for us. I know it was very important to try to get some legislation that would have made it legal to get some more of this metadata that's been very helpful without having the carriers face liability. That's probably been put on the back burner. What are the consequences long term for this in terms of our own safety and the safety of the Republic."

Jesus fucking christ.


-SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, separate the two. The WikiLeaks problem put at risk certain individuals. We had to – we had to form a kind of investigative team that looked at all the names and all the documents, which was quite a challenge, to make sure that identities that were either revealed or described in enough detail that they could be determined would not put people who were at risk. I mean, without going into detail, you know, maybe they're – let's just hypothetically say there was somebody serving in a military in a certain country who was worried about some of the activities of the military that he served because he thought they were doing business with rogue states or terrorist networks, and so he would seek out an American diplomat to begin a conversation. And the American diplomat would report back about the concerns that were being expressed about what was happening in this country. And then it's – you know, it's exposed to the world. So we had to identify, and we moved a number of people to safe – to safety out of where they were in order for them to be not vulnerable.
So on the WikiLeaks, there was the embarrassment factor, there were the potential vulnerability factors that individuals faced. The WikiLeaks issue was, you know, unfortunate. Private Manning should have never had access to a lot of what he did have access to. So, in effect, it was a problem. But it didn't expose the guts of how we collect and analyze data.
A lot of – without knowing exactly because I don't think we yet have an accurate picture of what Snowden put out. You saw where Clapper and Alexander and others were testifying that reporters didn't understand what they were looking at. That's totally possible. I don't discount that at all. A lot of the information that is conveyed is difficult to understand without some broader context. So Alexander and Clapper said, look, a lot of what Snowden had, which has been interpreted by the press, is not accurate. I can't speak one way or the other on that. But what I think is true, despite Snowden's denials, is that if he actually showed up in Hong Kong with computers and then showed up in Mexico with computers, why are those computers not exploited when my cellphone was going to be exploited.
So I do think that there has been a real loss of important information that shouldn't belong to or be made available to people who spend a lot of their time trying to penetrate our government, our businesses. And even worse, you know, some who are engaged in terrorist activities. I mean, the Iranians did a disruption of service attack on American banks a year ago. The Iranians are getting much more sophisticated. They run the largest terrorist networks in the world.
So, you know, if Snowden has given them a blueprint to how we operate, why is that in any way a positive. We should have the debate. We should have the conversation. We should make the changes where they're necessary. But we shouldn't put our systems and our people at risk. So I think that WikiLeaks was a big bump in the road, but I think the Snowden material could be potentially much more threatening to us.
-Blankfein asks if the American political system is "hopeless," and claims that most of the entrepreneurs at this meeting think that they ought to just "chuck it away"
-Hillary tries to deflect by saying some mayors and governors are doing "alot of good things."
-Senate rules need to be reworked to prevent obstruction from senators, nominees and policies deserve an "up or down vote."
-Lawmakers drawing district lines are gerrymandering things to the point where "they only have to worry about a challenge from the left of the Democratic Party or a challenge from the right of the Republican Party"
-More states should emulate California's non-partisan district board because "these people don't care about what's going on in the country, just whether they get a primary opponent"

-Hillary starts to talk about businessmen that donate to Republicans that threaten to wreck the economy/tarnish the US's credit, and says voters need to stop rewarding candidates that refuse to compromise before Blankfein changes the subject
-MR. BLANKFEIN: Does it have to get worse first in order for the – because, obviously, in America, we've gone through cycles. Somebody said, boy, politics have never been this bad. It's so poison. And I said, well, we did have the Civil War, and we got through that. And we had the McCarthy era. And so we've gotten into and out of these cycles before. But do you need to bounce off some bottom? In other words, does it have to get so bad that the electorate rallies to want the spirit of compromise instead of sending – because ultimately, it's really the vote – you know, we blame the legislators, but it's the voters. The voters have to realize that the only stable, sustainable government is one in which the moderates compromise and the fringes get rejected, not the other way around.
-SECRETARY CLINTON: That is exactly. And, you know, post the shutdown/debt limit debacle, you know, the Republican Party's ratings dropped dramatically. You can see it in Virginia where the Democratic candidate has opened a big lead and in part because the Republican candidate for governor looks as though he's of the extremists. He's of the Tea Party-like Republicans, and he's being punished for it.
MR. BLANKFEIN: Utah, also.
SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. So you're seeing people say, wait a minute. Enough. You know. I may be conservative, but I'm not crazy. And I don't want to be represented by people who are crazy and who are threatening, you know, the entire structure –
-MR. BLANKFEIN: Yeah, and one thing, I'm glad – I'm proud that the financial services industry has been the one unifying theme that binds everybody together in common.
MR. BLANKFEIN: So with that, let me – you notice how I don't make that a question.
(Laughter and applause.)
-My question is, as entrepreneurs, we risk a lot. And Mike Bloomberg had 30 billion other reasons than to take office. Do we need a wholesale change in Washington that has more to do with people that don't need the job than have the job?

I can hear Chomsky screaming in the distance.

-Hillary thinks "more successful business people should run for office" because "they can be maybe rented but never bought"
-MALE ATTENDEE: How about in the Cabinet?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. Well, you know what Bob Rubin said about that. He said, you know, when he came to Washington, he had a fortune. And when he left Washington, he had a small –
MR. BLANKFEIN: That's how you have a small fortune, is you go to Washington.
SECRETARY CLINTON: You go to Washington. Right.
But, you know, part of the problem with the political situation, too, is that there is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives. You know, the divestment of assets, the stripping of all kinds of positions, the sale of stocks. It just becomes very onerous and unnecessary.
MR. BLANKFEIN: Confirmation.
SECRETARY CLINTON: The confirmation process is absurd. And it drives out a lot of people. So, yes, we would like to see people, but it's a heavy price for many to pay and maybe not one that they're ready to pay.
-"How do we bring back the message of hope" regarding the US
-the US needs to begin talking about "the story of America" and reform immigration/create a path to citizenship
-Society is like "a three legged stool," that needs free enterprise, "effective government," and an active civil society
-And what I really resent most about the obstructionists is they have such a narrow view of America. They see America in a way that is no longer reflective of the reality of who we are. They're against immigration for reasons that have to do with the past, not the future. They can't figure out how to invest in the future, so they cut everything. You know, laying off, you know, young researchers, closing labs instead of saying, we're better at this than anybody in the world, that's where our money should go. They just have a backward-looking view of America. And they play on people's fears, not on people's hopes, and they have to be rejected. I don't care what they call themselves. I don't care where they're from. They have to be rejected because they are fundamentally unAmerican. And every effort they make to undermine and obstruct the functioning of the government is meant to send a signal that we can't do anything collectively. You know, that we aren't a community, a nation that shares values.
-America is a spook "intellectual invention"
-Freedom. I think freedom. Freedom of the mind, freedom of movement, freedom of debate, freedom of innovation. You know, I just – I don't think we fully value – we sometimes take it for granted, and we sometimes even dismiss it, how much stronger we are. Because in addition to that individual freedom that we have in great abundance compared to China, for example, we do have checks and balances. We have constitutional order. We have protection of intellectual property, we have a court system that we use for that purpose. We have a lot of assets that support the free thinking and free acting of individuals. And in the long run, that's what I would place my bet on. I think that is what gives us such a competitive advantage.
Now, in the short run, we have to protect ourselves, not in protectionism, but in, you know, protecting intellectual property, for example, from every effort to undermine what you all do every single day, and we have to be smart about it. We have to invest better in education, starting at zero, not starting in even kindergarten, because we have to better prepare kids to be competitive in a global economy. There's a lot of problems that we have to solve that are community, national problems.
But fundamentally, you know, it's that feeling that, you know what, if you really work hard and you have a good idea, you can make something of yourself, you can produce something. You know, we have traditionally been a country that invented things and made them. Now, we don't do that as much, but I think there's a little bit of an understanding we've got to get back to doing more of that because that ultimately will give us more jobs, give you more opportunities for producing things without fear of being taken advantage of in other markets. So I just think the freedom is just absolutely priceless.

Because they're journalists, and because they can

-A quarter of US entrepreneurs came from outside the US
-neither congress nor the executive branch are organized for the 21st century
-Hillary wants to streamline access to credit for small businesses
-one of the primary complaints she hears is that entrepreneurs "feel like they have nowhere to go" for credit because they "don't know how to work the federal system" and that even when they do they feel they have "no opportunities there"
-"Yes I do."
-The State Department wasn't allowed to use mobile devices until 2009/10

NP, I tried to condense them down as much as possible, but especially in the third one there were passages I think best left verbatim.

All I can say is wew, no wonder she didn't want these published. They aren't especially damning, at least these few, but she really lays some things right out there. Especially calling out the Gulf states and the China stuff.

I am still very depressed by this election but a few things comfort me.

1. trump will lose spectacularly, not so much that he loses, it's that his awful supporters will go supernova.

2.I love elections, even this one. I love the polls, I love the data, I love the maps. It would have to be a lot worse than this for me to dislike elections.

what's everyone's favorite poll/prediction websites?

I like 538 (of course).

Princeton Election Consortium

Polly Vote


I'm checking this shit everyday.

I really hate when people don't know how to use ellipses right.

;~; Can I post nao

Wow there's a lot of policy shit in these wall street speeches. No wonder they paid so much for them. It's like insider trading if you assume she is going to be the future president.

Oh, absolutely, but my point was the one being a product of the other. Reaching back for just a bit more historical perspective, it's obvious the period of high unionization and resultant high prosperity was a historical aberration that only happened because we closed the doors on all alternatives for business to the new system.

Strong unions work best in a tight labor market, with strict regulatory codes. Opening our borders to laissez-faire trade and immigration gives businesses an infinitely large license to supplement or ignore small numbers of demanding workers, and restrictive laws.

Yeah, this thread is fucking up real bad for me. When I post the form freezes at "posted" with the button grayed out, not showing up at the bottom of the page, and it's incredibly slow; posts come in all at once every several minutes or hours, with auto-update and manual refresh (even control-shift-r) doing nothing until then; and yet the outside-of-thread view for the entire board shows new posts in this thread normally.

This is one of the most desperate muckraking attempts I've seen in a long time.

He says that the killing of Martin was legally justified. Which is a perfectly accurate statement. That is literally what happened. He was found to have not broken the law.

You know they're getting desperate when they go for utterly minor sexual preferences.

Forging car insurance for a pizza delivery job? From what I've heard from another former pizza delivery guy, you may be required to get special commercial insurance that nobody working that job can possibly afford.

Fucking laughable

Right? And when you know the government's future (or private :^) ) policy, you and your firm can get in on the ground floor when it means time for those juicy government contracts rebuilding schools in Aleppo or whatever.

Or building fall out shelters :^)

But he saw Jennifer Lawrence's butthole. And commented on it! He's a monster.

i genuinely feel so bad for ken bone

he never asked for this
fucking bully media

I don't understand why the media goes out of their way to wreck this Ken Bone - aside from being malicious for no good reason whatsoever, which isn't surprising. It just seems like it would backfire bigly on them.

It's memetic warfare. They're trying to see how many people can get behind them and call that random nobody a monster for use in the future Clinton presidency.

Remember that imageboards, 4chan, and Holla Forums are now serious fucking business so we can't downplay that possibility.

Fobbing off business expenses (insurance, certification, transportation, uniforms, tools and equipment, maintenance, or even consumeable supplies, depending on the job) is one of the slimiest employer practices imaginable.

It's more a case of needing something to talk about other than the leaks.

Ah, that makes sense I guess.

I just don't believe that trump is better than hillary.

I feel like this election I'm constantly being gaslighted by both sides. People say things and I have no idea what to believe. I will explain my feelings (yes >feels).

Trump: Not presidential, too hasty and rash, doesn't think before he speaks, not very smart policy wise. has a number of bad policies that will not help and I do not agree with. I don't actually believe he's really racist, but I do think he is bigoted, perhaps unconsciously. doesn't have a high opinion of women, again maybe because he's just old or doesn't have the same experiences that I do.

Hillary: Unknown what she "really" believes on too many subjects, skeletons in her closet (no not literal real ones), a little shifty and paranoid. a few bad policies (NSA, etc). takes too many opinions from lobbyists and "special interests".

good trump: somewhat on trade I guess? the "just fuck my shit up fam" candidate, I can respect that.

good hillary: if we assume she believes most of what she says then I agree a lot. (higher minimum wage, regulating wall street more, paid family leave, more taxes on the wealthy, good on social issues, etc). she also does have a shitton of experience, she practically knows how to do the job already. and yes I know we all hate it but she is a woman, it might be interesting to see how she deals with certain things because of that.

Now I find this to be a reasonable opinion to have. hillary is not the devil, she'll be fine. donald does not seem like he knows what's going on, how can I vote for a stupid person to be president?

idk like I said I feel like everyone is lying to me, the only thing I have left is my >feelings and guts sprinkled with as many actually true facts I can find and confirm.

I feel like I'm crazy because most of the communities I browse don't agree with this assessment, but I can't go to other communities because I have a lot of qualms about hillary too that I think need to be addressed.

also I typed this 2 hours ago and Holla Forums was fucking up.

I do, for one reason: Trump is not a Democrat. If Hilary wins, she will bring nothing but failure to the party. Think about the broader context, what do you want the narrative in 2018 and 2020 to be? Would you rather have the Dem party reset, and come back swinging or watch as Hilary fails to justify herself to voters, and is completely crushed by the GOP?

yeah no check the emails. She's spineless and only believes that shit just to get votes. She has no actual means to even implement it anyway, as she has no strategy to win back Congress.

Wrong again, she will be four years of failure (budget cuts, syrian no-fly zone, bigger pissing match with russia) before a Cruz/Rubio landslide followed by a GOP Supermajority in a census year. We must prevent this, at the least latter, at all costs. Eight years of Trump may be shameful but it's better than eighty years (if not more) of Republican domination.

Vote Stien. That, more than anything else, sends a message.

Hillary's leaks on Ralph's radio hour today:

Closely related: Trump is universally opposed by the establishment on both sides, Clinton has obtained their unprecedented bi"partisan" support. Anything bad Trump pushes will be blocked by his rabid haters, anything good Trump pushes might be bullied through using populist demagoguery. Clinton, on the other hand, will be allowed to do anything she or her backers wish to, and defended from all opposition by the human shields of SJWs and their PC rhetoric.

It's "unprecedented", relatively speaking. Of the Repubs denouncing Trump, very few are actually endorsing Clinton.

You have a really crude understanding of Congress.

Wtf are you talking about? Literally not a single Republican politician has said anything to this effect, and the only way she would get her shit passed through is a Dem Congress. Fuck, only a Holla Forumstard could say something this retar-

Ah, ok that explains it.

I'm not the guy you were replying to, but I was starting to feel Stein because an activist was retweeting her stuff to my TL. As time went on, I noticed that I agreed with basically everything she said. But about a week ago, I saw an interview where she said that it's important to work with Assad to take on terrorism. This isn't something minor I can ignore like homeopathy or something.

How optimistic of you.

Wait, are you talking about her actual agenda of neoliberalism and neoconservatism, or the fake B████crat stuff? Because if it's the latter, why haven't you learned your lesson from Obama's explicitly broken campaign "promises" of socialized medicine, shutting down Afghanistan/Iraq/Guantanamo, regulating the financial industry, and public infrastructure spending?

No, I'm talking her real agenda. The emails and common sense have already shown that the DNC platform was a meaningless concession. Don't worry about my sanity lol.


I agree with B████, so it's not like it's entirely impossible for some other politicians to also line up.

This is the idpol of Democrats. Bombing kids is fine, as long as the butchers are diverse gender-wise.

100% you own an apple product or have gone on holiday in the past five years

Yeah, these are both true actually.

But it's so much easier for me to excuse my intellectual laziness as cynicism. I'm actually twelve years old and I've never done a single thing to help the socialist struggle, but God help me, I *will* fault your middle-class lifestyle.

Keep LARPing, comrade

Hello Buzzfeed.

Look, if we as a people vote for Donald Trump, there will be an economic crash. The people will be so disingenuous with Capitalist society and Rightist-ideas there would be a huge new wave of pro-socialist workers fighting against the bourgeoisie.

Vote Trump if you want Socialism to stand a chance, bottom line.

You have to go back
>>>Holla Forums

You have to go back is a Holla Forums meme, you should have thought it through before using it Holla Forumslack.

>>>Holla Forums

Aren't you getting bored yet?

How dare you humiliate me.

You have to go back

as opposed to what? Assad is at least open to bribes and will stop the migrants from flowing into Turkey, undermining the leverage Erodgan has over the EU with the migrants. These are all good things. Simply partitioning Iraq between Assad, the Kurds and Iran is probably sufficient.

The neocons side with her and a few (Romney) actually endorsed her.

That said I don't think that Hilary could get anything done as President, but her only allies are people that her party is supposed to be fighting.

crashing the economy does not automatically create class consciousness.
Most Americans are too spooked by big business to blame any new economic crash on capitalism. They'll say it was crony capitalism/too much regulation/dumb poor people instead.

If you've read the Podesta leaks, it's clear she doesn't. For one, she definitely isn't going to regulate Wall Street more. Her private position is that Dodd-Frank went too far. She also doesn't support a $15 minimum wage. That was a campaign lie according to the emails.

Judging from her past, her support for liberal social issues will likely extend no further than "I feel your pain" and opportunistic adoption of "progressive" views after they're already accepted by the majority in the US or are already law.

Handy dandy pdf of Podesta emails. If you're trying to enlighten normies or find yourselves arguing with CTR.

I found this in leddit, of all places.

This is the thread I found it in.

Surprisingly, good thread. Not surprisingly, had to sort by controversial to find it.

So is dolan drumpf really gonna lose hard?

I see all these hit pieces everyday but eventually aren't people going to get tired of it even this late in the election?

I just want to know how much I should celebrate during my election party.

There is no reason to celebrate, during this election.

I will celebrate if mass murderer Hillary loses. Less chance for more wars.

Eh, you got me there. I would be tempted to celebrate that, too, just because she's so dirty & deserves to lose for rigging the primary. Still, we're fucked either way.

I hope
1. Hillary loses
2. If Trump wins, he's impeached soon after
3. Emergency election, now that more people are paying attention
4. Workers become class conscious & rise up


both trump and hillary will be in prison before nov 8th

jill stein wins
DNC and GOP are disbanded
america becomes a one party state
wealth redistributed
means of production seized

Yes, benisposder, I too want to believe.

Yes, but not in the same way. I'm not an American, so for me the US foreign policy is not a marginal issue.
Take Russia for example. Trump has been consistent in his "better relations with Russia" stance, whereas Hillary has been consistent in her "beware of evil Russia" stance, not only in theory but in practice as well. She's calling for a possible military response to "Russian" cyber "attacks", she wants more nuclear weapons so that America is ready for "future nuclear threats", she supports no-fly zone in Syria while knowing that it means war with Russia and Syria, and knowing that it will "kill a lot of Syrians".
In general she seems to be doing everything to agitate and worsen international relations, and she's closely tied to countries that are doing the same, like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Her track record as Secretary of State is awful (e.g. Honduras and Libya, just to mention two obvious ones).

I don't doubt that Trump will have to step back from some of his contrarian positions if elected, but with Clinton you're getting already right from the start the hyper version of the current imperialism. She's not lesser evil, if anything she's more effective evil. And the establishment knows this very well.


Now you know how Hitler came to power. That's where socialist from Nazi comes from.
Everything else is just kike propaganda from USSR and USA.
Either we win or we descend into a technocratic/corporatist nightmare that 1984 and Brave New World would make a good bedtime story.

What really worries me is that he's getting all these supporters riled up to go and "prevent fraud" by showing up and "monitoring" the election. Obviously, they can't crack open the machines and really make sure that nothing is going on, so they'll be essentially walking up to people and telling them that they voted twice.

Here's the problem. If somebody looks vaguely similar to a person who already voted, they'll be accused of voter fraud. Probably by some dude in a MAGA hat, who's open carrying. That's called voter intimidation, and it could easily lead to a hotly contested election, if it happens too often. It could very easily lead to a shooting. At that point, what happens? If Trump still loses, probably nothing. If he wins though, it could lead us into a civil conflict that we might not be able to win.

Yeah, presidential elections are basically the Olympics for PoliSci majors. As much as I hate both parties I like heckling the debates at bars and getting drunk while watching the results come in on Nov 4th.


Ken Bone is a true threat.
He could be on the ballot and actually win.



pls stop mr bones
literally CTR

Yeah, there are lots of these, just packed full of links and "talking points" for CTR to use

can I just bury my head in the sand and pretend everything is ok?

I was just thinking the same, earlier..

Fuck me but I'm actually looking forward to final debate, just to see how they can pile more shit than the last two combined.

No, the people absolutely despise Assad. As long as he's alive, the war will never end.

Assad steps down, and a new democratic government is established according to the plan that was posted a few weeks by that one rebel group (I don't remember who it was).

I'm not even pro-rebel and I can see this as the obvious solution.


This. Remember 2008.

btw talk about pravda:

this is the worst timeline.

Are you implying Trump wouldn't continue the Bush-Obama neocon order? Let me refresh your memory:

Romney didn't endorse. Some staffers of his did.

Wow. Just.. wow.

As a firm anti-Clinton/Anti-Trump person, I think this is a good argument you make.

There's no doubt in my mind, that whatever the outcome is, there's gonna be riots.

(And Holla Forums that condemns "glorious uprisings" will be cheering of course)

I think this is something people keep forgetting. Trump may not be as hawkish as Hillary is on Russia, but he's still a hawk, and he's probably more hawkish than her on China. They're the same shit, just with different toppings.


Yup. Even though I just replied with the video, I still have to remind myself that Trump is a hawk. It's only cause Clinton has been in office. If Trump had been in office, he'd be the same.

Assad is supported more by the people then the rebel opposition though, and that's adding all of the different rebel factions together.

Still awful tho.

how cucked am I?

honestly the worst thing about hillary is that I don't even disagree with her, it's that she's not trustworthy and I don't know what she believes "really".

It's too late, pandora's box has already been opened. Boomers (including both Obama and Hilary) might opine for simplier days of just network TV but that era has passed. Most major US newspapers and radio stations are dead, and network TV itself is waning. This is how clearchannel (run by a Holla Forumsfag) has grown to be so big. Cable's end is in sight too.

As for the Internet itself, it can't be censored at this point. People demand unfettered access to everything, and demand the ability to be rude and petty to each other. Taking that away means people will simply find a way around it or go somewhere else.

It's hilarious to see Obama say this though, given that his original campaign got off through social media. But, it's clear now that he's just as old and isolated as everyone else in the party.


Gee, its almost as if people are realising that the major news networks are really just a de-facto branch of the government and our elites, and that all that bullshit MSM journos spew about "speaking truth to power" is just self-righteous bullshit

This isn't necessarily bad. I think isidewith goes off of what Clinton has said, and she has technically put forward progressive promises (even though she's lying about it).

In other words: the hammer is coming down hard.

Reminder that MSM is mostly only useful for entertainment. Links to good alternative journalism:

Finally, we can put an end to the filth that is Million Dollar Extreme.

So it's not traditional censorship, it's some kind of "neo-censorship" where instead of removing something completely you discredit it instead. In other words, the government tells you which information you have to believe and which you must not, instead of simply removing unwanted information.
And this is precisely how CRT and Clinton supporters already operate. So Obama is calling for a general CRT service.

File never existed, never gets old

He really isn't though. he's just frustrated about how the media is so shit now.

I don't think there's a way to do what he's saying, but he's right about everything else.

It's not censorship, people are sick of news that lies to them.

It's not an effective strategy though, because the media has already been discredited. Regardless, if people wanted "curated" content AOL and MSN would dominate the Internet, not Google or Facebook. Adding things like "certification badges" next to "curated" posts is at the very best window dressing and won't actually change minds. Because, much like printed media, everything posted as text online is equal. It's not like TV where higher production values and FX can affect things.

Imagine it: a "curated" author would post something online, which would get bumped up to it's respective front page with a big "verified user" next to every one of his posts. Sound familiar? It's already done on most vBulletin forums and everyone has learned to ignore it. Even normies won't care, because everyone gets their news from their own special snowflake cubbyhole now. This is hugely exacerbated by how targeted internet ads work.

So basically Red Scare 2.0?

We need to put a stop to it now.

Made a Strawpoll:

There's also "Not voting" and "Undecided"

I think what I actually miss most about "old media" is the idea of a mirror apparatus to government and corporate bodies like the police, spy agencies, marketing departments, and investment researchers.

Back in the old days, a reputable paper of any size had their own departments, investigators, researchers, informants, secret files, planned operations, and even branch offices across the world. Instead of just regurgitating press releases or offering naive commentary, reporters worked as part of a machine to gather, analyze, and present information. This was possible because they had steady salaries, formal assignments, and project budgets with which to pursue leads and ideas.

Sad to say, the closest thing to them that exists today is probably the thinktank, which the public only receives intelligence from in the form of poorly quoted references in clickbait.

I think the best that could be done to restore some degree of legitimacy to the press is some sort of legally regulated statement proving that the "journalist" has at least contacted/checked out/verified everyone/everything in their article.

Another thing very wrong with media today, is outsourced stories.

I even moved out of the country, and see the big papers here running stories, word for word, out of American presses & passing it off as their own. That's scary,

GOP office in NC has been firebombed:

also lol at CNN's front page, top story is "is Trump's brand failing" even though there's a fucking battle over Mosul occurring at the moment

also Holla Forums thinks this is an organized attack (as the GOP hq in orange county, CA got bombed too), and something to do with "d.a.k"

I don't know who did this, but it's in bad taste and is only going to cause people to lean Republican.

If not that, then you see journalists just giving summary of what they themselves read in foreign mainstream media (Guardian, WaPo, NYT, etc..). It's noticeable because they use the same phrases, the same lines of though, the same examples and analogies, etc… Even "alternative" media here is like that, you have leftist authors writing really lazy articles about "sexist right-wing conspiracy" against Hillary, and how fascist Trump is. There's not been a single mention of Podesta's email leaks yet, anywhere.

If you're not free to tell some dumb asshole to fuck off then you're not free at all.

fuck off, you dumb asshole

why don't you come over here and make me you worthless sack of cock cheese, dipshit idiot moron assfuck

fucking stupid asshole made me forget to include the body, fucking cunt

heh, my plan worked flawlessly

u better watch yer back muther fucker

Guys.. I had a dream about a month ago. Hillary got elected, and I was at home alone, but my family was outside in the city. All of a sudden, an intense, bright red glow appeared outside. Red was everywhere. I knew instantly, it was a nuclear bomb. It started to get damn hot in the house & I felt a crazy strong fear overcome me. I ran around the house, realizing my family was now surely dead. I tried to find the coolest spot in the house, finally settling in the stairway towards the basement, to get away from the scalding heat. I cowered there for a long time, just trying to grasp what was happening.

So yeah. I actually had a dream that Hillary got elected & directly after nuclear war ensued. I hadn't shared that here yet. But.. yeah. Kinda freaked me out, once I woke up. That was not an enjoyable dream. And it kinda made me feel part of the real, genuine terror one would feel in that moment.

;~; ok

The_Donald is losing its mind

They should be, they have a smoking gun. Hard evidence that someone inside Hilary's machine broke the law. Congress can now destroy her for it.


The madman

I'm plum cornfused

It's machine code.

an encryption key, apparently, from what I'm reading

Can leaks serve as authentic evidence in legal cases though?

Here's my guess: it's encrypted / hashed data, possibly passwords? If you were to get a dump of a password database that's what it would look like. Now somebody needs to crack them, they're basically crowd sourcing that job.

The titles for the codes could potentially be a preview of what will drop in the ten week timeline.

A quality stash of emails from the British Foreign Office would scorch the Conservatives, and the Kerry emails would blow the Democrats wider open.


Yes. And it's good enough for Congress.

These e-mails never cease to amuse me. From them it's clear that Hillary's campaign have been been fully aware that she's destroying the Democratic party, but deluded themselves into thinking it was nothing. Amazing.

This only confirms that if Hillary is elected, she won't even see the party split coming until it's too late.

God damn that movie was ugly as fuck.

Please, I could have told you this the moment Snowden was exiled. The people who run the Democratic party truly, honestly, believes that young voters will simply snap back and accept their place in the party. They seriously believe that millennials will vote for them as long as they are "correct" on idpol/socjus issues. As the email indicated, the party is full of old boomers (many of whom started as traditional activists) that cannot envision a world where young people actually vote third party or simply don't vote out of frustration.

About the hashes:
In other words, it works like this:
- release hashed version of content X
- by doing that you're publicly binding yourself to content X without revealing it
- at a later date release content X in plain text
- now people can hash the plain text version to see if it is the same thing you have committed to before the release

So what is the point of this? Well, for example, if Wikileaks are somehow disabled before their releases, and someone else releases some bogus content in their name, we can check if it's bogus or not. A kind of safeguard against being compromised.

I think that's the case as well. Why leak stuff from Ecuador though? Isn't that shooting yourself in the foot?

This, plus they probably swallowed whole the "demographic transition" meme

I mean really, who is actually excited for a Hillary presidency? The sort of Boomer cat ladies mentioned in that see her as the apotheosis of their aspirations?

This makes sense.

It's more so that they don't care, as I've been telling you people repeatedly.

Whether it's due to malice or stupidity the Democratic Party is completely subservient to the status quo

The contents could be anything nigga.

This "movement" kicked into higher gear last week about writing in B████ is starting to seem more and more like a false flag operation to take votes away from Jill Stein.

I thought the same. It hit so hard & at the same time.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Maybe the "Ecuador" release will actually be about USA blackmailing Ecuador to give them Assange.

Man.. I still love S█████. That moment when his bro nominated him at the convention..


Fuck Hillary. She's such an evil cunt.

One of the bigger Facebook organizers did a conference call last night trying to explain to everyone what a bad idea it was and they were hit by people a) lying about their reputation and trying to tell people that the event (of which they had done plenty in the past) was a scam and b) trying to spread false connection info to people about the conference. These aren't the kind of tactics I expect from B████ fans; this is some CTR shit.

Actually all three could be about Assange:
1. John Kerry: US Secretary of State = US foreign relations
2. Ecuador: in whose UK embassy Assange resides
3. UK FCO: foreign & commonwealth office = UK foreign relations

It's a triangle in which Assange is caught.

Assange is only a small part of Wikileaks at this point. He may be their spokesman, but they certainly won't be able to stop the flow by taking him out.

Some revenge


I was trying to notice a pattern or relation, and this seems a connection


This underhanded bullshit really makes me angry.

hahah what
what a dumb bitch

I read his brother, Larry, is running in David Cameron's recently vacated riding as a member of the Labour Party.

Has Sen. Slick been playing 4th-dimensional chess this entire time?

Who, Hillary? I think that was the best possible public revenge. Saying you will vote for Stein wouldn't be as effective. It was like personally spitting in Hillary's face in public. I'm sure it made Hillary quite irritated if she saw it, even if it's just one voter.

Awfully reactionary, tbh fam.


Found this gem of a refutation
This sort of logic is used in 419 scams - you need to immediately weed out anyone that will question you in favour of cutting through to the gullible, ala Nigerian prince/Kazakh cosmonaut stuck in space

Obama either missed the point of that word entirely or gets it and is rubbing it in our faces.
ruh roh…


And now something much worse will drop. I would have thought that Obama would know that this would be the only outcome as a result.

This better be good.

Judging by the hashes already released, I'm betting that it's state department cables involving Secretary Clinton. Y'know, the same lady running for President. Obama (or May) might have just nuked her chances of winning.

I seriously doubt they have something really dangerous they aren't releasing.

They probably mean taking steps to prevent him from being unlawfully extradited.

Wouldn't be the strangest thing they've done.

Question: If a killteam/snatcher mission were dispatched, what political fallout would there actually be?

It would be unprecedented I think. For starters I could see China becoming the default sphere of influence for all socialist countries with the US and UK getting kicked out of them. I don't think even the Clinton's have enough power to pull off something like that. Rumour is they're going down the blackmailing Ecuador route instead.

Other countries might raise a stink about but with the level of control Hillary and the elite in general have over the media it could easily be memory holed and blamed on the Russians.

Just what?

China is socialist now?

What socialist countries are out there now anyway?

N o n e

I guess they'll be passing out Quotations from Chairman Deng Xiaoping then.




kill yourself

By Tom Carter
17 October 2016

He did not believe in political equality. There was the multitude, he said, and there were the “natural” leaders. “Always wealth, in some countries birth, and in all countries intellectual power and culture mark out the man to whom, in a healthy state of feeling, a community looks to undertake its government.” These men had the leisure for it and the fortune, “so that the struggles for ambition are not defiled by the taint of sordid greed… They are the aristocracy of a country in the original and best sense of the word… The important point is that the rulers of a country should be taken from among them,” and as a class they should retain that “political preponderance to which they have every right that superior fitness can confer.”


“I wrote her a long riff about economic fairness and how the financial industry has lost its way,” the aide wrote. “Perhaps at some point there will be value in sharing this with a reporter and getting a story written. Upside would be that when people say she’s too close to Wall Street and has taken too much money from bankers, we can point to evidence that she wasn’t afraid to speak truth to power.”

what did he mean by this?

All the replies are negative, which feels good. Although, of course, whoever supports their bullshit isn't actually interested in seeing or replying to their bullshit. The silent majority just follows along.

They will boil Assange alive, then make a risotto out of him for Hillary's first dinner as a president.


search thread for smartmatic

Smartmatic (US voting machines) controlled by Soros

(Mark Malloch-Brown) chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including …the Open Society Foundation… SOURCE OF THE ABOVE - - http://


I watch a lot of Malayalam movies(from Kerala), and no matter what the subject matter, they're always calling each other "comrade", you see communist stuff in the background(posters,signs), and there's always a communist message weaved in.

Even in Tamilnadu /"kollywood" movies. I just watched a movie called "Joker", and at the very end they gave some heavy communist type message/monologue. That's probably the saddest movie I've seen, too. I swear these script writers & producers have a competition to see who can make the saddest fucking movie. I like Tamil movies because they're so raw & realistic, but goddamn..

Movies are huge here & they use them to send a message. Many times it's a political message that highlights injustice. Very interesting as an American, seeing the communist messages always.

Oh & I just saw one of the biggest budget movies in a while here with Rajnikanth(highest paid Asian actor), and Che Guevara posters were in the background at a "reform school" in one scene, lmao.

communism is ultimately a depressing affair.

if you are smart enough to be a communist then you completely understand just how dog shit the world is and you end up in a deep cynical depression, part of the reason why so many videos of the USSR of people being interviewed by western media they come off as "grey" and lacking emotion compared to dumb fuck smiling americans. they understood the realities of the world while americans didn't

Fighting for justice in an unjust world.

I personally love seeing the camaraderie between people. Even culturally here, strangers call me "akka"(big sister) or "athai"(auntie).

In the US it's mostly about selfishness/the individual. And fuck that, I don't care to return to it. Overseas, family/community seems to mean much more.

Where are you from comrade?

Honestly this makes sense. I appreciate someone being in a good mood all the time, but not ignorance. I feel like I suck the life out of the room sometimes, whether it be here or the US, when people are so happy & I can't fake the social niceties. Makes it awkward.

and what is that incredible second picture?

Russians have always been grim, sad, and fatalistic, even long before the rise of the USSR.

t. -3rd generation immigrant

Clinton's team bribe FBI to reschedule emails from classified to unclassified.

In a sane world this would be the end of her campaign.

In a sane world we would already have communism

Interesting if true

Source? Who got this leak?

It's not a leak, check the URL. It's the officially released FBI notes.

Breaking developments in liberal ideology.
uphold Marxism-Trumpism

I'd expect as much.

John Oliver's take on third parties

A link to them, here:

An actually enjoyable article if you skip the Presidential worship.

These people make me sick. They are the same people who believe hand over fist that Florida caused Gore the election and they're the ones pushing conspiracies about Bush rigging the Florida vote. To them any question of Clinton's win is a far left conspiracy meant to be shamed and ignored.

They'll talk shit when the other side of the polemical coin takes office, but when its there guy/girl everything is fine. Look at Colbert, Maher, and the limousine liberals they represent. Went from criticizing bush to not a peep during obama.

When is she finally going down? What kind of evidence is needed for her to have to step down?

As if only Russia and Trump could possibly be interested in knowing what manner of IRL super villain is currently running for POTUS.

I think what Wikileaks truly revealed to all of us, including to the governments around the world, is that you can openly conspire against your own people and the people will support and glorify you in doing that. There is no need for propaganda anymore, you can just say e.g. "we're doing this because banks payed us to do so and you're all getting screwed, this is politics". And the people will say, see, there's nothing scandalous here, they're just normal politicians, it makes me like them even more!

The problem seems to be that to take her down, you'd have to indict everyone from Obama on down. These emails implicate just about everyone for something.

What a time to be alive.

jk brb killing myself

"Hillary Clinton will win the election, but she'll have to defeat Trump to do it"

Quit posting Donald.

The only reason there isn't more outrage is because this election season is an absolute mess.

Some weird things are going on…

It makes you wonder which of those two is supposed to be the "3rd world" country.


Well, RT is a propaganda arm of the Kremlin. The UK would prefer to have only their own propaganda arms operating in their country.

Her name is "Margarita Simonyan".


What's up with that like to view count

thx for CTR

Good Riddance.

This disgusting person was transmitting illegally obtained materials from Russian hacker groups tied to Trump and his people. He should've been shut off months ago.

I wasn't the only one that saw through the obvious Russian made garbage. Everyone shown in the video were actors from known right wing, fascist, and sexist groups.

Why haven't they made a video taking about Trumps ties to Russia?

Why haven't they made a video about Trumps taxes?

Why haven't they made a video about all the allegations of rape and sexual assault against Trump?

They are afraid of America being Stronger Together under a Hillary Clinton presidency.


Welcome to capitalism


Every one of his videos seem staged. I wish he would cut this shit out. It only helps fuel the Clinton "conspiracy" line against actual evidence.

And the video of the guy dressed up as Bin Laden crossing the Mexican border was excellent.

Why now though? Seems like UK & US are becoming increasingly hostile to Russia on many seemingly unconnected fronts.

>>>Holla Forums take your autism elsewhere pls thanks

O'Keefe is such a con artist even Breitbart had to disown him. Is Holla Forums really this fucking stupid?

If you wanna circle-jerk over Alex Jones-tier retards fuck off to Holla Forums. I think there's enough reasons to hate Clinton that we don't need to side with disgraced right-wing "activists"

See, this, right here, is the bulk of the real value of these emails (for now).

I find it hard to believe the queen would tolerate any unbelievers in her court, and all these people are guilty of something, real or imagined.

If/when Clinton wins, expect heads to roll.

"We haven't got any proof but you bet as soon as we illegally detain him and seize his documents we'll find proof of something."

You are going to see those exact points made by hill shills on social media so I'm just putting it out there.

this. hillary's superpacs are honest and would never stoop to such corruption. this is just alt-right conspiracy nonsense.

That's right, and I bet Trump will show all those cucks what's what once he's President!

She'd try. But ultimately it'd just be an even bigger shitshow and she would only succeed in making an even bigger mockery of herself.

Congress will remain fully Republican and has more than enough ammo to completely destroy her presidency. Especially with the most recent leaks, a day one Impeachment does not seem unlikely and a Conviction (ie removal from office) would hinge upon how many neocons in the Senate want an early retirement.

I don't see this happening. States that have been red are turning blue even at the local level.

Also, if Bengazi and the private emails had no effect before and during this election it isn't going to change even with new evidence as president.

If anything more shit is going to get covered up.

Please, user, my dick can get only so hard.

With what evidence? Detroit is bankrupt, the entire Rust Belt is dead and there are no more union shops especially as Right-To-Work laws are implemented. Wisconsin has already fallen, as has Michegan and soon Ohio. Missouri flips this year. Southern Democrats are all dead, Webb is the last one. Heck, even fucking Illinois has a Republican Governor as does New Jersey.

Hilary was not President back then. If she wins, the game changes. Congress would absolutely have carte blanche to investigate everything leaked in the emails and this means *at the very least* sworn testimonies in front of Congress. Each successive testimony, and there would be multiple, would give Hilary a bigger and bigger space to trip up. One trip and she's Impeached just like her husband was over Monica Lewinsky.

Of course, a Conviction is another matter. Hilary has friends in the Establishment GOP who could prevent a 2/3rds Senate vote. But even then the damage would have been done, it would in effect be a vote of no confidence and Hilary would not be able to actually do anything for her four years in office, before being stomped by Cruz and Rubio.

Yeah, I've seen them. I'm arguing with one of them on YT right now, lmao. I hate these fuckers.

But was there enough evidence in the Bengazi case? It seems we have a mountain of evidence of wrongdoing now, the only problem is that it's perhaps still too wide and thin.

Establishment Republicans won't hurt their own. Romney, McCain and friends would all go down with the ship. The GOP would be damaged, but ultimately they have a recovery plan while the Democrats don't. Imagine, for a moment: in 2020 the narrative would be a "reformed" GOP running two hispanics against the blemished Democratic party. It'd be a watershed moment where beans start voting GOP while the Democrats completely self-destruct like the Whigs.


RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 10¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresults

;~; help me user

On a side note.. I actually met my husband through the YT comment section. No joke. Some good can come of it.

Yeb pls, its never gonna happen

Thank you, thank you for the webm. I was too tarded(& tired) to figure out how to take it from Twitter.


Never forget, all Americans are fucking stupid. This includes the brown ones.

Consider the following: the big bad racist Trump is locked away, and the GOP "reforms" itself by putting forward hispanic candidates. At the same time, Hilary would be making a huge mess and pissing everyone off. As the world is consumed by recession (which will likely be announced in a year) they'll be able to shave them off.

fuck, the next few decades are going to suck

Is this the one with the green arrow? I downloaded it before, but it just came with spyware/bullshit that slowed down my computer.

If not, i'll give it a try. Thanks user.

There are websites that do the same thing.

Awesome. Sometimes I use keepvid or other sites, but some don't work for specific sites sometimes.

The cycle cannot repeat itself, because the GOP are smart and know how to lock in districts. Specifically every state they win becomes Right-To-Work. This has held true of all states they've won since 2000 except Ohio (which will flip after the election). Labor, and thus the Democrats, source of income is crippled and they are put at a massive campaign disadvantage. This brings up another problem with the Dem party: politicians (and the staffs they hire) are increasingly risk-adverse and don't want to take money generated in hard blue states and use it in swing states (especially if surplus money can be siphoned off into gold toilets and summer homes). The whole cycle grinds to a halt as the GOP slowly, but surely, reassumes the dominance they held in the late nineteenth century.

Alternatively, the Democrats could stop being such a shit party and return to the reformist, Labor-first platform that won them the dominance they held over the government from 1930 to 1980.

This works for all sites.

Are you colorblind?

lol fuck you, I'm a little high


But hispanics don't just vote for the "hispanic" candidate, especially when they're Cuban (Rubio, Cruz)

Holy fuck, there isn't enough astroturf in the world to make that go away.

The future has already been decided for the Democrats. Either they go with B████ or they die.

What similar material? There's plenty of evidence to show corruption that led to B████ losing. Clinton was decided years ago, and they let the primaries run as if they were legitimate.

That video is too good to be true. This guy is an imbecile. There's plenty of actual evidence to use against Clinton. Using this just helps fuels their "hurr infowars & republican witch hunt" bullshit.

Google Aaron Minter

Remember when Trumpkiddies were calling us Bernouts and delusional President DNC leaks? Purely hysterical now that they are pulling the same shit, weeks before the general.

I cannot possibly forget.

For some reason it isn't having any effect and the general populace is too dumb to care.

Trump actually said the primary process was rigged against B████ while it was it ongoing.

Just looked him up. He seems like a real piece of shit.

Ah, I see what you mean now. True. They really should've worked with us, to defeat Hillary.

Maybe it's because no one actually fucking tries.

In that vein, I was told or experienced the following since we had our meeting last week Victoria:

Looks like Amy Goodman got her riot charges over the Dakota Access coverage dismissed.

Derp, forgot link:

These are influential people outright denying the leaks, not nameless shills. This is becoming a serious issue.

He further elaborates that he refuses to report on the leaks because he does not want to be "a PR agent of Putin."

Extremely troubling.

Can you imagine how these men would act if the fog of war were to come down? Those of us who desire peaceful relations with Russia and China truly have no hope on the propaganda front.

What else did you expect? "Influential people" aren't going to call attention to the leaks, because 90% of them are Establishment types that honestly see little to nothing wrong with them, and more importantly love Hillary because she's a radical centrist with foreign policy views that would make a neo-con blush and economic views that will have The Economist writing paeans to her name.

You're not going to see anything from them except for disengenous snark about Podesta's risotto recipe, half-hearted insistence that its a Russian conspiracy to destroy The Free World™, or "Yeah, I know she's in bed with the Saudis and the banks BUT DONALD TRUMP, man"

The general populace doesn't need any more convincing that Hillary is horrible. They know it. But unfortunately, so is Trump.

We have two of the worst presidential candidates in American history, so what's more scandal? We've had dozens during this election. Both of them should've dropped out months ago.

Regardless of the facts, you're still stuck voting for the devil in November. You just get to pick the name you want to give him.

Trump doesn't seem that bad anymore honestly. Perhaps the image they've created has been so overblown and false that the real thing looks quite normal next to it.

What does that mean?
That's incredibly cryptic

Again: never forget that ALL Americans are fucking stupid. Including the brown ones.

when did you finally accept that one of these bourgie scum will be the next president of the most powerful nation on earth?

Before the leaks I would've voted for Hillary just to keep Trump out of office but now…

Trump does look like the better option but only because Hillary is millions of times worse.

Will something like this come from Hillary?

legislation like this is meaningless considering how most easily big companies can get around the law and hide their donations.
On another note, countdown until some smug liberal dismisses corruption as an issue by making a gamergate joke in 3 2 1….


But Jill Stein is a thing.

Why not an infinite-year-ban on lobbying?

And remember that those fuckers at Edison decided to not perform exits polls at all on the final Primary day, so no data at all about California and that hotbed of integrity New Jersey.

I would say it is a good first step especially coming from an ultra porky like Trump and eventually it can be expanded on.

I don't believe this for a second.

At best it's Trump pulling the ladder up behind him. Trump's one of the main beneficiaries of political corruption.

Well, take note that it doesn't actually stop lobbying and there are a shitton of loopholes in there.

Why not 100?

This is not surprising sine last time, he undermined the potential corruption that was going on in the primaries, which was going to (and did) harm and assault on B████ ██████'s campaign and just used one article to say '"Oh, there no corruption going on because this one random news article clam that there no corruption without going any further in to detail and just stereotype B████ supporters as anger people, that gets mad when you disagree with them or tell them maybe there no corruption''.
After this, i kinda lost trust in him; We are talking about the male baby for tim kaine, this shit wasn't, if was going to do it but when, and he did just that yesterday.

Also after when that video was posted, anons where referring to Hailley as Shilley; i kind of wanted to post and say/type goddammit anons, stop encouraging him.

Yeah,thanks for reminding me about all that bullshit with the primaries & covering for the DNC/Hillary. Oliver's been an MSM shit for a long time, now.

I was actually hoping that Samantha Bee was going to have a good show. Then she went all out on S█████ supporters, pulling the "delusional, free shit" nonsense about them, and outright & boldfaced lied about the Nevada debacle("thrown chairs/violent B████ Bros). Fuck her.

Oliver & Bee will not be saved from the gulag.

I couldn't believe how many people I used to respect, parroted that. Probably the one that genuinely hurt the most was Barbara Boxer.

Those quips are down in black and white, we will not forget who was there for us when it mattered.

Exactly. It hurt so bad that I officially left the party over it. Hillary has single handedly destroyed what was thought of as a less corrupt version of republicans.

DNC is the Titanic & Hillary was the iceberg.

Who was there? It seemed like everyone turned their back on B████ and white knighted Whorelary.

Nina Turner & Tusli Gabbard come to mind. But yeah, those who did had to turn their backs & risk their jobs to endorse.

Elizabeth Warren fucked over voters; which was disappointing.

How the fuck is everyone related to Hillary Clinton's campaign not in jail?

Oh this thread is alive again. What fixed it?

Why should I waste my time on this crap?

So what the fuck happened there?


If it gets enough views it might get the Democrats to respond through one of their media whips with Republican footage.

It'd be a massive drama swamp of agony for both sides.
“We will overcome this but, right now, the world is accustomed to saying old men are fine, they’re strong, they’re wise,” she added. “Old women, we’re not so sure.”

wow i fucked up that greentext bad


>Maybe this kind of propaganda explains to some degree why Mr. S█████ and Mr. Trump attract the young people, but these thoughts do not fit in the United States. Our democracy does not allow that kind of propaganda. It does not allow an armed revolution.

Wew, lad

This is especially funny after the FBI report that just came out says that she's so unlikable and mean that so many senior agents (from the Secret Service and State Department) requested different details that they had to start guarding her with recent hires because no one wanted to be around her.

In a different time, she's the sort of politician that would end up being murdered by her guards.

Another smear campaign against Assange…

This happened just a few days before.

Maybe they wanted him to tone down/stop his criticisms of Clinton.

Fucking CIA

I wanted to quote some parts to kek at them, but this is all golden.

Indira Gandhi 2.0 when?

This is true, though.

They may have the "armed" part covered, but the "revolution" one?

fuck yeah, who doesnt love some sweet character assassination?!


hopefully asap

I'm honestly surprised and disappointed that no right-wing "patriot" has killed her yet.

made new porky template.
plz collectivize & post your edits here:


I guess they're too busy trying to blow up muh immigrants

forgot to add:
Fell ya nigga, they been fucking with one of the best OS devs.



It was just a symbolic block to show the international public that they don't support interfering in the US elections, while at the same time not preventing Wikileaks' operations and supporting their journalism.
Purely a PR stunt. Correa studied game theory.

Does this mean the embassy is NOT a safe place, i.e. he's been snatched? Would think that Assange would post a pic showing he is alive and well by now.

I wonder what ludicrous things will happen tonight.

There's been this update on :

I think you're reading way too much into it. Being hidden in an embassy is not a "safe place" since you're there to be protected from some existing threat. What they mean is that they will protect him until he's able to leave the embassy and reside in an actual country, like Ecuador itself.

Probably the most cia spooks per capita outside of Virginia.

so is there any way around this assuming Assange is alive?

maybe some other (not!) wiki leaks source?

So you remember that weird "movie plot" email that Podesta got, about the "movie" about the US and Mexico uniting?"Gideon+Rodeh"&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult

looks like there's more, about using drones to destroy Afghan poppy fields

Ecuador can't say that publicly though. Also, Assange will likely stay in there for a looong time, and I don't see any problem with that at all - unless his internet connection is cut off (he can't work with the rest of Wikileaks and follow what's happening), which is precisely what has now happened and why this is of such importance to them that they've activated "contingency plans".

My guess is Assange will just have to go through a bit of internet fasting. They most likely still have some contact with him through other means, and their operations are not dependent on him (e.g. Podesta emails still leaking).

Not only do most Americans think Assange is a traitor but now they will think he is a child molester. Is there anything worse than a traitorous pedophile?

A Hegelian traitorous paedophile

A Young Hegelian traitorous paedophile

trips confirm

How can an Australian be a traitor to America?

Because WE'RE NUMBER 1

Because America is the world police, so anyone who does something the U.S. doesn't like is a traitor, or something.

Obviously fake no one is gonna get fired for this, no investigation will happen either.

There's an FBI report? That's been well known but it all came from "anonymous accounts"

If you do anything damaging to America, you are a traitor.

From the one and only Bill O'Reilly:

I've attempted to get people that arent voting or are voting for Trump or Hillary against their good conscience to know about this site so they might be more likely to vote thirdparty

who are you directing that at?

It's a Gary Johnson grifter scheme.
For the voter, voting third party is essentially burning a vote, if you do the game theory properly. It doesn't matter if you convince someone else to burn their vote, all that means is that two people are now burning a vote. The only exception would be if a third party is viable to win, which isn't the case this year.

There is nothing wrong with burning a vote, but I'm sick of hearing the meme that a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump, or a vote for Johnson is a vote for Clinton, because it presupposes those votes belong to the main party candidates.

This is arguing against the two party system while accepting its premise. A vote by Tea Party radicals for a Libertarian is a vote not spent on Trump. A vote for Stein is a vote not for Democrats.

Don't see how that works. The prevailing paradigm is that by voting for a 3rd party you are somehow voting for the candidate you least want to win. So in this case, you take away 1 vote from them so you're fine.

Is that legal?

That paradigm is bullshit for the individual voter though. It implies you would be at all open to voting for one of the main candidates otherwise. If the voter would consider one of the main candidates then they should obviously vote for that one even if a third candidate is more in line with their beliefs, but if both candidates are totally unacceptable - as HRC and Trump are to many - then the third party vote is just a null vote.

Wut? Are you a shill, trying to plant some strange logic in people's heads? Your saying that your vote only ever counts for a republican or democrat, even if you dislike them, and voting for any other candidate is null?

Why does Florida have so many third parties on the ballot?

It's only illegal if you get caught doing it. Otherwise, it's business as usual.

And the problem with this is that it implies the Libertarian has any interest in seeing the Republican win, or the Green has any interest in seeing the Democrat win. If the voter does have an interest in seeing one of the main two candidates win then their only option is to vote for one of the two parties. A third party vote is a vote of no confidence whatsoever, assuming the voter is a rational actor.

Not a shill, just someone who has enough sense to not trust Gary Fucking Johnson about anything.

The only way a third party vote "counts" is if the third party is viable to win, otherwise it is a null vote. It's not "a vote against your preferred candidate" because by voting third party you implicitly declare that neither of the two parties are preferred or tolerable.

There is nothing wrong with voting third party if you truly believe neither candidate is going to do a bit of good, but there is no magic where if you're a leftie and get a right-winger to vote third party, you've somehow nullified your third-party vote burn. All you've done is burn two votes. It's simple fucking math.

Not the case when they are in the same state and would normally be on opposite voting sides.


That is only the case if oh say a person that would otherwie vote for Hillary votes for Jill Stein and a person who would vote for Trump votes for Gary Johnson, only then does it cancel eachother out but it makes both candidates possible to win if you have enough people as opposed to just Trump or Hillary. But some of the people voting for Trump currently are democrats that just don't like Hillary so it wouldnt be hard to get them to go back to the left again.A lot of people are just afraid of voting third party because theey don't know how to be smart about how to do it. This method has no risk and all gain.

I can vote for Stay-Puft?

they must really hate her if they made that public lol

that logo

The emails from the Toddandclare site are surreal.

>He should do this before October 1st, 2016, by sending an email to [email protected]/* */

And the reason I'm saying this is that trying to use strategic voting this way is a flawed strategy for a third party to gain momentum. If a third party wants to make a serious run, they need to be able to build a broad enough coalition to actually win states, and run on their merit as actually good candidates rather than as a vent for discontent. It's not easy to do without some compromise and without lots of $$$ (which is yet another reason why bourgie politics is hopeless).

The problem with this is that you're still splitting the third-party vote between Stein and Johnson, rather than unifying behind a third party with viability. Johnson's illusion is that he presents libertarianism as a "moderate" platform with broad appeal, when it's really right-wing astroturf.

I'm hoping the greens can grow into a viable party and start winning far more local and state-level races, but they have a lot of ground to make up. There just aren't enough Greens that make viable candidates to win many local races, to the point where they can be a serious party.

Why is the alt-right so tactically stupid? I've been lurking Holla Forums recently and they seem convinced Trump has it in the bag.

Bourgie elections make people cray cray when they think their man is actually worth a shit.


ur fucken with me at this point. You've seen the error in your previous post and have corrected it while arguing the same line. Whatevs.

I don't know. If the roles were reversed with Hillary or B████, I think her/his supporters would be realistic and start thinking about the future. I honestly hope this leads to the alt-right being radicalized and doing some stupid Weatherman shit which only discredits and isolates them further.

I'm looking forward to November if only to see the five stages of grief on Holla Forums.

they're already at "denial", lol

You're not following me correctly. I base my logic on the assumption that the voter will always vote strategically for their preferred outcome, not for who they would vote for in an ideal world. Thus, the third party voter knows that, unless their candidate is viable, they are burning their vote to spite the system, or because they're holding out for the 5% threshold for federal funding; the third party voter should, in the present system, have no marked preference between the two dominant parties, if they are rational actors.

Is it a good system? Of course not. I'm in favor of IRV so that we don't have another LePage, and in that scenario third party candidates are a lot more attractive.

They must not be listening to Trump recently because he now seems quite certain the election is going to be stolen from him. Which either means he genuinely believes that, or sees the writing on the wall and wants to prep his excuses for why it's not his fault if he loses.

I really hope the tape of Trump saying the n word leaks

Bernie, maybe. Clinton though, she's a mad woman. She almost lost her shit over Obama, and Obama was basically a darker, younger genderswap.

The alt-reich are singularly stupid though, but cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds. Liberals are pretty assmad when they don't get their way.

But even going back in the past about half of Americans want to vote for a third party but don't because they think they can't win. I think it is even more now. I forgot where is saw this information.

I don't see why Green Party couldnt be viable right now. They have a similar platform as B████ who was doing well before he got screwed over by the DNC. Unfortunately a lot of people who are leftists like Libertarianism because they don't realize how right wing it is and since there is no left libertarian party.

Probably because the establishment media have gotten basically every single thing wrong about his campaign to date. Two consistent problems in particular: That every single dip in his polling numbers has been trumpeted as an undeniable death knell, and that every single instance of electoral fraud has been brushed aside as wild-eyed conspiracy.

If this "election" ends in disaster, it will be entirely the fault of the establishment's near-farcically stubborn denialism.

I'm talking about her supporters. Most people in politics, no matter how insane their ideas may be, are at least forced to be realistic about their chances. Ted Cruz probably believes the world is 6,000 years old but he's got more political sense than the average @Pepe_Himmler1488

Nah nigga I got that, but you said it was wrong to presuppose those votes as belonging to one of the two main parties, and then you accept that massive finance informs vote distribution and with it, the two horse race.

None of this will matter considering the sort of platform restrictions the winner will try to pass through the house after November.

Greens are unfamiliar and unknown, not enough Greens at the ground level to seriously organize and run slates of candidates for state congresses and US Congress. IMO if a Green can make it into the US Congress the profile of the party improves dramatically.

How to do it is the multi-million dollar question. Even in the deep red states, there are Democrat stalwarts who won't give up, even though their state-level Dem party is a joke. A Green in Congress will have to adapt somewhat to wherever they are elected - for instance, positioning themselves in favor of gun rights to contrast themselves with the gun-grabbing Democrat image that is pushed by the liberal wing most of all.

Jill Stein nearly got elected to the Massachusetts State House (21% of the vote), but instead of running again and possibly winning decided to run a protest campaign for president. This is why the Greens will never get anywhere, they have no strategy. The SPUSA elected over 100 mayors and two congressmen. Literally all the Greens do is run meaningless no-shot presidential campaigns instead of trying to elect Kshama Sawants, who would actually make an impact.

But wouldnt oting for a party helps spread knowledge of it to people even if they do not win anything? Do you know who if any would stand a chance at congress?

It would help Greens qualify for ballot access if they get 5% this year, but old people are locked in their habits.

Really though, throughout the entire history of the US there hasn't been a truly independent major political party. The Democrats and Republicans have always been two sides of the same coin, as were their prior incarnations. The only way to break that - as the SPA knew full well - is revolution and a complete restart of the country's constitution and institutions. This is very hard when many, many people are dependent on some of those institutions, like social security (a ploy which basically bought off seniors and the disabled).

Actually, all that's needed is constitutional changes to shift from FPtP to PR/IRV elections. It wouldn't even have to be done entirely at the federal level, since the manner in which states choose their delegates isn't actually specified, and the federal constitution doesn't say anything about how state/local governments must be run. State and local constitutions are ridiculously easy to change, many even being open to direct referenda.

Of course, given how hard it's been for the Brits to sell AV, this doesn't bode well for burgerland voters being smart enough to do so anytime soon, but I'm sure at least a few states would go for it if 3rd parties made a serious push on the issue.

There are dozens of damning statements made between the two videos. Unless you are claiming these are hired actors, there's absolutely no basis for dismissing these videos.

Quit parroting this diarrhea and educate yourself.

Also please try to understand that third parties have to run presidential campaigns in order to retain ballot access in a lot of states.

Kshama can't be president, tho. Learnt it here too.


Oct 4, T&C files its "Assange paedophile" libel through the UN’s Global Compact system alleging that there is an active criminal investigation in the Bahamas against Julian Assange for the abuse of an eight year old girl and claiming to have chat logs and photos. The allegation appears on the UN website with UN Gobal Compact letter head and is contextualised with a complex back story. The request targets the UN WGAD (part of the UN Human Rights system) which found that Assange is being illegally detained by the United Kingdom and Sweden.

you don't say

Is a constitutional change necessary?

the Electoral College is definitely there without an amendment, but the definitions are vague. One could imagine a multi-layer transferable vote system, where states conduct IRV with citizens' votes, which is used to create ranked votes for electors (in IRV, candidates are eliminated iteratively, which could be interpreted as a preference list itself) that are used in determining the winner of the electoral college.

Or he wants to keep his side vigilant. I'm guessing you've seen the recent O'Keefe tapes?

tbf the establishment message is finally winning out over everything it seems.

It's just absurd at this point. Literally every single media outlet is pure anti-trump all the time. All TV news. Every newspaper besides drudge and brietbart. Every talk show. Every actor and comedian. Every youtube channel. It's insane. at bear minimum, 45% of the people are voting for him and there is not a single voice for them in the mainstream.

19 October 2016


Bill Van Auken

Thank you wooswoos-poster for your daily wall of text.
not once have I read your posts

CNN cuts satellite feed as soon as WikiLeaks is mentioned by Congressman Collins:

Also, the news anchor here is the brother of the current Dem Governor of New York and is a personal friend of Hilary Clinton. Holla Forums is going apeshit, as you can imagine.

podesta part 12:

remember that the debate is at 9pm est

Hilary won't be winning. Nobody likes her.

And this is a good thing, because if she did win she's single handedly destroy the entire Democratic Party.

I'm not seeing how this is a bad thing


It's not, you clearly haven't talked to people. The only people who still believe the message and will actually vote for Hilary are upper class cosmopolitan white people aka her core base. This is especially true in swing states, which are doing much worse than they were eight years ago. Detroit is bankrupt, that hurt a lot of people who simply won't vote this year or will vote Republican out of frustration. Trump speaks to them.

The #1 TV News program is Fox News, because TV is for old people most of whom lean Republican anyway. Most newspapers are dead, nobody watches talk shows anymore and most Youtube viewers aren't old enough to vote.

Again, remember who votes: people over age 30 especially in a year when Hilary fucking Clinton is the Dem nominee. Turnout will be in the toilet, the average age will swing up, and Trump will have an advantage (though not a guaranteed victory).

Nah older black folks are nostalgic as fuck about the 90's, they'll vote Clinton too. Even the ones in Detroit.

Trust me I hear Clinton support from my folks every day.

Well let me change that to "edging out". It's sway 5 people out of 100 who weren't certain before (or at least liked to pretend they weren't)

To expand on what I mean, polls weight likely voter and unlikely voters, and among likely voters polled nationwide Clinton is ahead by a comfortable gap. If Trump wins it would discredit polling pretty much completely.

Please clap.

which are more or less comparable to cosmopolitan white people in every regard

"likely voters" is not the same as "voters". Turnout matters, and ultimately this is a thing that can only be determined on election day. Also, polls in general are heavily biased in favor of Hilary due to social desirability. Factor in shy tories and Trump will likely edge her out in many races.

yes, as we saw with Nixon (the person who coined the term) this bodes well for the Democrats and is not in any way indicative of the erosion of their base and their platform.

i don't necessary disagree with their point, but it's certainly not a "new" movement. And it's one that will immediately run out of steam (assuming it even has any) if Hilary is elected, even with Obama most of the country has swung red because he didn't deliver on trade or bank reform.

Maybe you don't see them because nobody wants to be caught dead supporting Hillary.

Or they don't exist. I know working class Democrats will NOT vote for her.

Once again, the Democrats are deluding themselves. Just because Hillary gets elected doesn't mean she has public support. It just means she just managed to appear less horrible than Trump, which won't be much of a victory.

If the Dems are expecting another Obama 08 out of this, they need to get checked into a mental hospital.

What makes you say that? Seems to me that we are witness a complete decay of politics and integrity where people are willing to believe whatever bullshit Clinton says while knowing it's bullshit. Also, people don't need to like her to vote for her, this has been obvious during the whole year.



Shillery supporters are as usual, cringy as fuck.

Striesan effect when?

Jill Stein on Inforwars. Lately it seems she's focusing her comments criticizing Hillary because she might start WWIII. Can't blame her.

Only "core" democrats will actually bother to vote for her. She's not winning the swing vote.

Literally fucking Fox News for Democrats.

Gotta love the add shilling for his coffee at the end.

Believe what you want, shill.

Naomi Klein being ousted by The Intercept as petite bourgeois:

look pretty good tho ngl

i've always wanted my coffee to be woke

Going on infowars is a terrible idea in general. It'll just cement this idea that Jill is a crackpot.



Acceptable isn't defined in an absolute manner, it is relative to what people are willing to accept. And that standard keeps getting lower in the same movement as MSM propaganda keeps getting more blatant.


This is not a new strategy: just repeat the accusations against you in all their truthfulness and rationality, but let your tone and body language tell the audience that this reasonable truth is ridiculous and should be laughed at.

That fucking "oh no".

I love how all these "alternative" media are now ousting themselves as just controlled opposition which immediately sides with MSM when the system is questioned too much for their own comfort. Like an undercover agent that switches sides when the battle gets too much out of control for their own liking.

previous wiki leaks

current wiki leaks.
96% of Journalist Donors Gave to Clinton—Breaking the Rules
raise your hands if you're surprised by this

It’s Russia & RT! Team Clinton knows who’s to blame for Podesta leaks

Of course not, this is completely normal. Journalists have the right to donate to whomever they want, just as you do. If almost all of them donate to Hillary what does that tell you? That everyone knows Hillary is simply the best candidate and the reason everyone hates her is because they can't stand having a woman elected.

Slavs are genetically incapable of truth, nothing new. When Clinton is elected all slavs will be gassed to prevent further lies from spreading. RT should thankful that Clinton hasn't droned them yet, but don't think she wouldn't, she's a strong woman that knows how to fuck the world with a strap-on better than men do with their dicks.

over at /r/wikileaks americunts justifying this / relativizing its importance:
fucking americunts/hillbots

I don't want to be accused of being an apologist of the MSM, but it might be because of the fact that he drew a dick


What is wrong with that? Leftist militants do the same thing.

Crazy leftists!

i hate these fucking center-right cunts

They're not "centre" right, they're just right wing. Supporting gay marriage after it hits 51% approval with the public doesn't make someone a "moderate" handmaiden to capital.

It makes no sense to even speak of left and right with capitalists as their only value is profit, so they will support whatever sells while preserving capitalism.
The right wing is more about nationalism, family values, etc… Hillary is personally right-wing, but her non-politics is whatever suits capitalism.

My point is that on a purely economic level she isn't "centre" right, and the only reason she is mistaken as such is because she says she likes the gays, the blacks, etc. etc.

where dat debate stream whities

Never. The internet isn't run by amateurs anymore.

Yep, now even users are staged i.e. CTR

This 2bh

Holla Forums has the comfiest debate streams, every Holla Forums debate stream is like ~400 people memeing at each other

It's two hours from now, so I'll make a thread in an hour and put on a stream of the debate with it. David Harvey until then.

Give 'em hell, based Julian

Isn't this a cyclical thread?

Also Give em hell Julian!


give 'em 'ell Jay!

Give 'em hell, based Julian

Give 'em hell based Julian



give 'em Hell, based Julian

Wouldnt Proportional Representation not work for something where there is only one position? It would work for the House of Representatives but not for Presidency.

I assume IRV would remove the need for elections to pick candidates that run for president.

Some nobody named Evan McMullin in Utah is polling higher than both Hillary and Trump. This might hurt Trump's chance of winning.

Should not that picture be swapped?
Rats when they find food boom population until there is not food for any, this is capitalism in a nutshell.
Cockroaches are everyone for themselves and always seem to be around.

Live stream started.


Is anyone going to see Jill Stein's live steam?

PR would only work for multi-member bodies like Houses, Senates, and Assemblies, yes. Its greatest strength is its ability to totally eliminate Gerrymandering, if its candidates are from party lists "at large".

IRV is superior to FPtP, but while it can't fight Gerrymandering, it's the best type of system for single-winner elections.

is she not getting arrested this year? what happened?


Live now
Chat raid?
Post Red Squares and Stars
Alex Jones actually monitors the chat, got a reaction already

shows how Trump is gonna be a huge joke after the 8th.

he'll go back to being a b-list celebrity and all his supporters will feel embarrassed and a lot will pretend they never supported him.

I'm sure all these clinton posadists will have fun drinking champagne in their bunkers while watching debate replays.

lol, not going to happen. I am fully confident Trump will win now.

That said, even if he lost he'd start his own news network and make billions more. Pandora's box has already been opened, there is no undoing the monster that has been created. The question is if it will eat Hilary and the left this year or 2020.

How will Trump recover?

I was about to vote Green but Hillary is obviously the best choice.

Underrated post.


s-shut up you sexist!

that's been the main American ideology for a long time now
she's just a true American and patriot

She will just set up another similar to TPP and so would Trump.

Instead of voting for Hillary just try to convince two Trump voters not to vote for him and then you vote Green. Basically it's like voting for two people at once.

man did any one see that debate? because I didn't. And I'm still up at 1AM


I found this in that thread:

At 26:25, it starts to reference a man named Smedley Butler.

I stopped watching Stephen Shillbert long ago. Was sad to see him go.


Am Kentuckian. Was watching very closely, every second of that Primary & remember this shit. Lousiville(Jefferson Co.) flipped. There was another smaller county that even went completely off the board for a couple of minutes. When it came back, Hillary won it.

And even though her "win" was within the margin of error(like only by a couple of thousand votes), they all called the state for Hillary in the media.

Sounds like someone prompting her. Totally scripted.

It's literally because it's a dick drawing.

Yeah, the bullshit part is him trying to dismiss the actual corruption/collusion. Not drawing a dick. It's obvious that's the reason it's blurred out. That poster should have pointed that out.

Solidarity comrade

Well that was unexpected. GradeAunderA will make videos breaking down the proposals of Trump and Clinton so people can make an informed choice.

And he's shitting his pants to the idea of Shillary starting WWIII, like pretty much anyone with internet connection at this point it seems.

Clinton Foundation’s Ties To Suspected Human Organ Trafficker

Despite awareness of the gruesome allegations against Thaci, the Clinton State Department appears to have approved him to attend the 2011 CGI conclave. He also attended in 2012 and 2013.

His office took advantage of the meetings, posting pictures from the events on government websites. Kosovar news outlets also picked up stories of the meetings and added pictures of Thaci meeting both of the Clintons.

Thaci even sat next to Hillary Clinton at the 2013 meeting, which was held more than six months after she left the State Department.




cyclical thread, my man

Unless you're talking about Jill, that's some pretty bitch-basic Holla Forumsack boilerplate you've got there. Even of the posters here who might vote for Shillary (of which I am unsure as to the existence of), I very much doubt any intend to do so for reasons beyond fear of Trump.


New emails guys

I wonder what interesting things we'll learn today~

today we will learn that HRC is a standup person and not a Soros controlled puppet!

It's not like she will lead USA into a war if Soros tells her to

It's not like she supported war in Kosovo and now Soros owns the mining rights there

It really depends on how much they struggle against the S█████ take over.

If they stick will Hillary, they'll go the way of the dinosaurs.

what Hillary controlled by Soros politics amount to on the groundмurder-of-little-girl-jovana-in-klecka/

KLA has since start had full support from the Clintons.

People made fun of you for believing you could win the primaries, even if the superdelegates were not included. Eevryone knew Clinton cheated as early as the New Hampshie caucuses when she won all those dice rolls.

Collegehumor actually summed up your behaviour:


Seems like there's a fair amount of dislikes. Polyps be triggered.

I think such blatant and direct collusion between elite and MSM is one of the apparent historical moments of this year, at least in the US. But I wonder if that's actually so, or if most people don't care anymore. The reason people are not more outraged is because they already expected it, so there's no real surprise, no real shock. And at least in this sense Hillary supporters are right: our shock is mostly forced, it requires some effort to make the scandals appear interesting because what they contain has been the new normal in our heads for some time anyway.
Maybe in the end this will all work out in the system's favor, standards of what's acceptable will be lowered even more. They're already ridiculously low as it is.

I think it'll get more traction after the election is over. The nation is just too polarized right now for any real outrage. Try to discuss this with anyone and all they'll hear is "TRUMP".

Similar sentiments commonly arose around the Wikileaks' earliest scoops. On the one hand, people were outraged at the spying, the massive invasion of privacy, the blatant disregard for warrants or laws, the corruption, the sheer excessive scale of classified materials and people granted access to them, and even the entire ostensible mission itself of the NSA. On the other hand, absolutely nobody except the most luddite of normalfags was even a tiny bit surprised at anything beyond the small details, and smug (wholly justified) comments about "well you use Facebook dontcha?" were ubiquitous.

I agree, but there's only so much people are willing to tolerate. The remaining Union workers will continue voting Democrat because that's what their Unions want, but everyone else will slowly erode away and either not turnout or switch Republican. Regular Coke is more popular than Diet Coke for a reason, the GOP themselves also benefit from a massively stupid base who actually believes the shit they spew.

I mean, figure who is actually writing off the leaks as "just business": boomers. A generation which will be gone in 30 years. Democracy has to be reborn with every generation, and if the Boomers fail to do that then the Democratic Party will simply die as people (except evangelicals, reactionariers, etc) stop voting. The Democrats only have power because they organized catholic union laborers in the early twentieth century, if they refuse to sell themselves to millenials (especially out of some expectation that minorities will continue loyally turning out blue) then they will loose power.

Also there's an important background issue here: the gentrification of hispanic immigrants. Ones that came in after 1964 (when quotas were done away with) are now grandparents who lean GOP. Ones that came in after the '84 Amnesty are hitting middle age, and are now parents and middle managers at many businesses. Meanwhile their children gentrify and become more and more "white" American with every generation. In 20 years most will likely be voting GOP especially as most border hoppers now are centracas which Mexicans themselves have always hated.

Problem is, it's hard to get reliable data on this because there is no consistent definition of "latino" or "hispanic" or "white" in the US. So Democrats will likely continue being deluded until it's too late.

>WikiLeaks reveals first batch of US president Barack Obama emails sent via secret address [email protected]/* */


Have the leaks become too much for people to sift through anymore or was there just nothing juicy in the most recent release?

Hopefully we'll also get bow-BAHM-uh's emails of a later date in the next Wikileaks releases, these early ones don't seem to contain anything interesting (I might be wrong though).

They're from when Obama was still campaigning the first go-around.

I just read in the paper that Hispanic voter registration is down in swing states, meaning the huge Latino turn out the Democrats were expecting in response to Trump isn't going to happen.

This election man.

This. I think Dems have seriously underestimated the importance of Obama himself in the 2008 and 2012 elections, and have just assumed that the Dems would have that same level of electoral turnout into eternity

Muh boi Chris Hedges debates with a spineless shill over voting for Stein again.

Holy shit. I was hoping for this rumor to have more credibility.

>The media are, for the most part, those rich people, the most successful of them ensconced well up into the higher reaches of the one percent. They also are people who like to think good of themselves, that they are "doing good." For the older ones, now in control, this comes from their "fight the power" college days, only now they are the power. How do you resolve such a contradiction? By making morally narcissistic pronouncements on behalf of the disadvantaged while privately hoping for, even working for, the status quo.

He's wrong about a lot of other stuff, but I think this perfectly encapsulates what's wrong with the talking heads in the media

Thank you for putting into words what I feeling throughout this entire election.

It's like they thought if Hillary just ran a campaign like Obama did in '08, she would easily win the presidency.

Nah, they don't believe even that. They have a commodity to sell and much to fear should they fail to do what they're paid for.

You don't wanna burn one bridge too many in Land of the Free, do you? You're a good kid, ain't ya?

Money, coercion and violence is all they understand. The fruits of capitalism.

Most normalfags don't seem to even know about it because they're all over thirty and don't know what a twitter is.

I mean, you turn on the news and if they even bother to mention it at all it's just to say how completely not important it is.

Under 30s though are a different story.


They're completely deluded, or at least refusing to see how things have changed. In 2008 and 2012 people seriously thought Obama was going to fix things, to "make america great again", but it didn't happen. Then in 2013 he announced his support for the TPP, while pushing SOPA and exiling Snowden. The party politiburo is still operating out of their old playbook, they don't know how to respond to these criticisms because they don't see them as legitimate arguments.

There's a sweet spot, people under 30 are on twitter but people over 50 watch Fox News (who have gone so far to read the emails verbatim to kill time). It's the people between from 30 to 44 the Dems are targeting this year, a "new silent majority". But it won't work as it's far too small a demographic to win anything other than the hardest of hard blue states.

wikileaks is going in for the kill, right before the election

Regardless of what happens in the POTUS race, they are going to burn the Democratic party to the fucking ground. Brazile going down would be a huge stain against the party, and cause campaign donors to think twice.

I hope they really do, but it's also interesting to note that Wikileaks' public attitude has actually become kinda aggressive. I personally like it, but it's probably not a good PR strategy since it alienates "muh neutrality" liberals who otherwise help spread their leaks.

It's not like they are being given a choice, if Hilary wins she will come down much harder on leakers and on wikileaks if not free speech in general. They have to play the cards they have while they still can, better to use them now during an election than to wait until she's President when they won't matter nearly as much.

Also the type of liberal that cannot take to heart the phrase "clean the inside of the cup before the outside" doesn't care about wikileaks in the first place. The liberals that follow wikileaks are both "classic" ones (ie libertarians) and "reformist" ones (ie progressives) that want to see the Dem party be cleaned up.

well if they keep planting people like trump as opposition, they won't need to change shit

Who are the last two?

Please, either Trump will beat Hilary or Cruz/Rubio will. The question is not if but when. As long as the Dem party continues to be shit, it's just a constant erosion until turnout drops under 50%.

Between Chu and Emanuel is Janel Napolitano. Dunno the other one.

Christina Romer, (former) Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers


So Julian Castro is coming to my college Saturday

What the fuck is going on with this


This is the network that the Clinton administration is going to use to deflect any criticism from the left. Garbage id-pol articles are going to be everywhere.

Should I see this? I like Hedges but he's not the best debater.

What will she do to S█████' supporters once she's in power?

B[e]rn them all




He looks a bit like Sheev teebeeeitch


Redditors gaining class consciousness

Jimmy 'Class War' Dore is going in hard on Hill-dawg voters, but isn't most of TYT backing her, including Cenk. I wonder if Dore plans on staying there.

By Tom Hall
21 October 2016



Dore's power level is increasing:

It's like a cargo cult or the Adeptus Mechanicus. She tries to replicate the result without understanding the operating principle, lulz ensue. That or she thinks voters are all that stupid.

if we're talking about the masses… they're not stupid, they don't care. whether it's us or Clinton propaganda, they don't care what we say. they will vote because it's something one does. it's a mistake to think that loud passionate people captured by cameras are representative of the majority.

Never heard of this guy before, but I think I'm gonna go watch the rest of his videos.

Also keep in mind that Hispanics are on track to becoming the majority race relatively soon. It;ll be interesting to see how the dynamics shift.

When he said "What is wrong with people? That doesn't take me a second to think of." it really hit me. It's incredible how brainwashed we all are. Even I was like "Fuck, how'd he think of that clever response? Wait a minute, that's pretty obvious in hindsight…"

Anyone have that article where he funded anti-socialist campaigns? Or crushed revolutions?

Class left right be chanting 'told you so' in dismayed enjoyment.

Even Jimmy is saying we're all going to die. Damn son.

>They pretend in the corporation, that due to the damage caused to KEK by “Turbo Care”, an arbitration court has automatically initiated a lawsuit against this company. Initially, the media statement by the official, Eglantina Hoxha claimed that since the transformer had failed, KEK would buy another one from Konçar company, and measures would be taken against “Turbo Care”. This never happened, and “Turbo Care”, together with its partner, “Intering” of Shoshi family continued to be awarded tenders from KEK, such as is the case of the tender on the capital repair of the steam turbine and the electric generator in Bloc A3, at the amount of 3 million euros.

Also, this article writes "Ballkan" instead of "Balkan".
The Khazars disappeared in the XIth century, mate.
tl;dr of this article: the Khazars (who are totally not Jews) want to genocide the Serbs.

What's the tl;dr of the Kosovo War?


You were nice while you lasted, Julian.

was a reply to

Holla Forums is especially slow today imo

They're gonna set a perimeter, evacuate enough people so that there are no witnesses, kill him and retroactively claim he was armed and holding some hostages, aren't they?

And then the press will be praising the "brave" spec ops that ordinarily capture far more dangerous people alive with just a flashbang - while at the same time claiming that Assange is every mass murderer and child molester ever rolled into one, the second coming of Hitler, the hypostasis of the Egyptian frog god of darkness Kuk, and that he even occasionally played videogames.

Papa Wolff shined a light on this juicy recent story from The Economist in his update this week:

>The airlines spent $13m on lobbyists to win support for the merger in Washington. Among them were Tony Podesta, brother of Obama adviser John Podesta, and his then-wife Heather Podesta.

Here's a link to the tweet

People rightfully pointing out that in Britain, cops rarely even carry a pistol. Very shady, indeed.

He's pretty damn on point lately. Watch him call John Kerry a traitor here

On the other hand…
However, these units use MP5s, while in WikiLeaks' photo there is some other type of weapon, perhaps G36.

These fags are getting a little old with their anti-Green disinformation.

Seriously.. That's basically all Stein talks about in recent times. And didn't they just come out with an anti-capitalist platform this year?

This. I was feeling this article till they were hitting B████ and Jill.

Yes, the anti-capitalist plank was highlighted and passed to thunderous applause at the national convention in Houston.

Ajamu Baraka even talked about wanting to use the government to start up worker cooperatives during the vice presidential debate. Maybe I should go back and get a clip of it.


It was good, but i fucking hate Jimmy Dore


Give him time fam, we can make him come around eventually.

I´m not the biggest fan of Jimmy "Liberal to the core" Dore either but he has been improving.

He's a flaming liberal. For Example: after every terrorist attack, he suddenly becomes a historical expert on the crusades lmao.

The posts on this thread are literally my first introduction to him, and I've been going through all his recent vids where he's been a pretty clear progressive. Was he like establishment Democrat previously or something?

Well he works for TYT, so he's currently a Clinton shill

He's associated with TYT, is on their show a lot. So people are turned off from that. I stopped watching TYT of course, but towards the end Jimmy never wavered or endorsed Clinton.

Some of his social positions are a little much, though. I think kind of idpol-y. But he's getting better, I think.

No, he's not. He's on the shows, but never endorses Clinton & is one of the only ones to shit on her, still.

And yet we were evil "Bernie Bros" if we made a "right-wing attack" on Hillary Clinton. It's shit like this that makes me want to fucking strangle them.

It's like looking at an overgrown garden and claiming that one particular weed is the problem.

Ajamu Baraka interviewed by Truthdig today:

Holy shit, Dore was great.

Ajamu "Drop a Cop, Start a Co-op" Baraka

Putin pwns US. Too bad most Americans will never see this.

I want to fuck Putin. I know he's corrupt as well, but something about him I find so sexy. Just felt the need to share that.

What's funny is that American politicians are always so hysterical about everything, while the countries their empire is constantly threatening are actually very sardonic towards America. It's funny considering America hysterically paints itself as the most rational and progressive country on Earth, and others as backwards, irrational and envious.
Are they expecting something to happen?

Did you not see this one:
what did he mean by this?

Wasn't he in support of Bush and the Iraq war?

he works for fox, what do you think?
I really hate all the alt-righters and trumptards latching onto wikileaks, especially since they were the same people who wanted to assassinate Assange not even 5 years ago

I'm fearful of how this is gonna affect Wikileaks and their reputation.


Apparently Jane S█████ begged B████ not to endorse Clinton. :(

She's referring to Gov. Shumlin of Vermont.

404 page

So they understood they got it wrong?

Nothing surprising about this. The criticism/praise Wikileaks has gotten has been entirely partisan. When they were exposing crimes of a right-wing administration, Democrats cheered and Republicans called for heads. When it's a Dem campaign that's being exposed, vice versa. It's never been about principally supporting the exposure of truth.

Ok, they must be correcting it, then.

This shows how bad Wikileaks can be at interpreting what they themselves release and why it's good that they just dump everything they have, instead of trying to create stories about it (like Greenwald did with Snowden).
change his mind [and support Jane's husband B████ instead]
Written on the same day as the email:

They've become too trigger-happy.

So the Secretary of HUD is coming to my college tomorrow. Anything you want me to ask him Holla Forums?

What do you guys think? It doesn't really matter since Clinton is gonna win, but hypothetically if it was a close race, do you think this op-ed has a point?

What did he mean by this?

He's referring to Ryan's statement where he's scared that B████'s gonna get that position.


That a specter is haunting our society — the specter of everything being turned into memes.

Libs need to get it in their head that no one is coming for their abortions or their gay marriages. Definitely not abortions, everyone wants population control. Same-sex marriage now has a legal precedent that is difficult to argue against and again few give enough of a fuck.

Aside from that, we're guaranteed a Porky-led SC either way. Clinton is basically a Republican at heart, always has been, and she will appoint judges which will do their best to eviscerate human rights and especially workers' rights. The neoliberal consensus is clear. Trump's court picks will be an absolute disaster too, but in all the ways that have far-reaching ramifications they'll do the exact same fucking thing. There is no place in the system for someone with principles, austerity rules.

Good argument.

Assange gave a speech at the embassy door today:

It's fake, from 2012.


Can't say I'm surprised at this point, but it's hilarious how this idiot continues to be on the wrong side of history.

This is an innermost satisfaction of joy.

Brianna Wu - Gulag? [Y/N]

Where is the option as such?

What are you talking about? The people that wanted Assange assassinated were Fox-watching neocon grandpas that think "national security" excuses any unsavory action performed by the US government, not racist 18 year old shitposters


Note: This is the same guy that said it's illegal for citizens to read Wikileaks emails, and only Trusted™ Objective™ media outlets can to report (obviously false).

Someone hold me, cause this is some eerie Big Brother shit going on.


And now "the left" (or what is falsely perceived to be the left, i.e. liberals) are denouncing Wikileaks all over social media. Twitter, reddit, etc. You can't go anywhere on these sites without dumbfuck liberals and CTR shills claiming that Wikileaks is """LITERALLY"'" run out of the basement of the Kremlin. You also have celebrities doing it too. Talib Kweli earlier today basically called Wikileaks white supremacists because they are "helping Trump." Fucking sickening bourgeois ideology.

As the other user said, most of it was simple tribal politics. Romney was roundly mocked by Democrats for his "dated, Cold-War-era" views on Russia, and now Democrats are hysterically panicking about FSB agents stuffing ballot boxes for Trump, and President Trump tacitly endorsing a Russian invasion and occupation of eastern Europe

…I like that it's an american-made Thompson, just like other weapons americans gave to people they thought would be mass murderers

Pretty much.

tfw criticizing the ruling class is basically being made illegal and no one seems to give a shit

I want to visit his grave in PA sometime when I have money.


Honestly, what if the leaks are coming straight from the Kremlin? If our own law enforcement and intelligence agencies are unwilling to root out corruption for the American public to see, as proven by cowards like Comey, who could possibly object to any foreign powers willing to do our job for us?


Ever since the convention and seeing Larry i am been incapable of being happy at anything Birdie Seedman does no matter how slick it is tbh.

I think I just managed to make Trump lose a vote and gained a Jill Stein vote. Second person I managed to change their view. The first was a Nazi girl I scared with trumps Jewish ties and his Zionism and ties to the Rothchilds and Rockafellers.

Plus you saved them from a future of lolbertism

Saw a lanky girl wearing a "Feel The Johnson" pin with a picture of smiling Gary Johnson in the middle of it. First time I've actually seen something humorous out of all the shit in this election that actually tries to be funny. Thank you politically aware girl

Well just the one really. The nazi girl was just obtaining from voting unless she changed her mind again. The one I got to go Green already is the kind of person that fits their demographic she just didnt know they existed.

Has the State Department blamed yesterday's massive Dyn DDoS on the evil Russkies yet?

She's dying to be relevant again. Ignore it. That's a fate worse than death for them.


you did that on purpose

Yeah, I dunno. I guess if someone's a POS we can ignore their pronouns. It made me feel awkward so I just went with one. I'd prefer just not give them any attention.

What does controlling the Senate Budget Committee really do, anyway?
What does that committee do?

They write up the annual budget which the president either approves or denies. With B████ effectively in charge of the budget one would assume more money would be allocated for infrastructure, education, social security, medicare/medicaid and so on. But in reality it'll just mean more discretionary spending, i.e. more money for defense.

Just started watching the All Smith dinner and
Well there goes what doubt I still had that he's her plant.

I think it's more the case that he's a really bad debater. While the speech was prewritten.

It might also represent an opportunity to unmask a lot of pork. Especially since the Republicans set a precedent for viciousness a few years back by unbundling the decades-long tradition of passing farm subsidies and food stamps as one piece of legislation.


Anyone that's seen Wolff's October update might recognize this.

I guess Podesta is tired of paying his taxes :^)

Assange speaking at Ecuadorian embassy.

The very first comment says that the video is from 2012

My bad. I'd just clicked it & hadn't watched yet.

Time to flag those dicks.



[panic intensifies]


It's from 2012

come again?

then why are they talking about an event that happened in 2012? (10:00)


The misspellings in WL's recent tweets appear to spell out a message.

But why?

Is Assange not safe? Has WL been compromised?


To add to the intrigue, it appears that subreddit has been compromised as well. New people were given full admin rights and now posts are disappearing.

It seems very possible. The /r/wikileaks sub is having a conniption fit because two new mods were just added with complete mod rights that apparently began to fuck up the sub. One was a known CTR shill from /r/politics called LolElectronics, and the other is julio08.

Coinciding with alot of stuff that happened yesterday, everyone is panicking. No one seems to know if the wikileaks sub, much less the wikileaks twitter, has been subverted/co-opted. Some people are saying Julian is safe, some that he's been captured, and there are even rumors that he's managed to escape. There are theories that the twitter has been taken over in order to discredit it. There was also an apparent "gas scare" at the London airport at the same time Podesta was supposed to be in London.

Check it out. Shit is wack. Everyone's arguing about trying to confirm Assange's whereabouts/status, whether to ignore it and keep sifting through emails, what to do about the mods and recent influx of posters, etc.

Nothing is okay.



Kim DotCom's house just got raided, too

Yesterday's huge DDoS came from McConnell Air Force Base…

Disappointing. I was hoping that a non-state actor could do something like this.

The same type of shit started happening in the r/S4P subreddit. Too much infighting & shills, then it became impossible to have a conversation. I hope people stay on task.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was just a test for November 8th.

Cenk "What Armenian Genocide?" Ugyur interviewed Jill Stein at a town hall yesterday:

I think it's safe to assume at this point that WL's Twitter account has been compromised. The question is whether or not Julian is alive and/or in custody.

There's some serious concern trolling going on. This is psyops pure and simple.

There's nothing to suggest that anything actually happened to Assange.

Or just people wanting another media sensation. Don't underestimate a desire for events in a world where almost nothing ever truly happens.

what? Did Trump's mean words hurt your fee-fees? Grow the fuck up.


Looks like CTR to me.

Seriously. All of a sudden r/wikileaks is filled with drama? CTR's M.O., for sure.

have Trump's "scandals" been any more than liberal PC outrage?

what did they mean by this?

who gives a shit? even without the made up scandals he's still trash.

There's plenty involving stiffed workers, organized crime in casinos, sleazy real estate deals, bribed officials, accounting fraud, and such. But none of those are the sort of things the corporate media enjoys talking about, so it's all triggered SJWs, all the time.

4ch now autobans you if you try to post "Ben Fischbein"

Brace for another exodus?

Its true, I just tried it.

I'm already here

(only because I got an infinite ban on the Holla Forums here for making a Kaisch thread six months ago)

What did Larry do wrong?



He said all that stuff in the debates. These were just in joke formats.

I'm not sure what to believe. I don't know why they haven't just taken a pic with timestamp.

This theory makes sense tbh:

Larry lost the Whitney by-election
He was beaten by the equivalent of establishment Democrats

But that's what they want you to think, NSA aren't dumb.

Ok my head hurts now.

by election day it'll be tied or a slight swing towards Trump

remember that we could have had S█████

This is one of her better interviews, should really watch it fams.

Useful page that refutes lies against Wikileaks:

Welcome aboard fam. Read some theory, or at least Stirner.
Just FYI: there are government shills out there telling people that Wikileaks has become a government honeypot in order to discourage people from leaking anything to them. Don't believe them.

Notice that they haven't confirmed Assange is alive and well at all. Assange could take a photo of himself+newspaper and send it via mobile network (MMS), or he could do the same with a text encrypted with his private PGP key. The reason there's been no mention of Assange's state is because they don't want people to start asking for a proof, it's smoother to simply ignore the issue and let people remain in a confused state, arguing with each other. They have probably already taken over Wikileaks and turned it into a government honeypot.

Just kidding. You can't really tell what's true and what not when you live in a (social) media reality.

But that last tweet IS weird. Wikileaks'in the past has always been honest and reverent as to how dangerous it is to leak to them.

They always tell anyone who is considering leaking info to them that they take every precaution to scrub any data that could lead back to the leakers but there are other ways outside the control of Wikileaks that a leakers ID could be revealed.

It's odd to see them use guilt to encourage people to leak

Seems the campaign to get us to question Wikileaks is working.

Finally found a Chairman Jimmy video I liked so much I had to encode it. Not sure if this is good enough though; the quality took a pretty substantial hit to get it this small. What does user think?

This is a very intense situation though, they're not releasing something that has already happened but that is in the process of happening. This is the first time that they have inserted themselves so directly into some governmental process. So it's not so weird for them to start taking positions and welcoming any help they can get.

Definitely. I'm just gonna remain skeptical, but grounded until I see definitely proof Julia is ok.

That alt-right guy Neil Turner keeps spamming that. Could you explain how it works?

shouldve just posted the youtube link

Good video refuting anti-vax smearing, but I'm kinda troubled at how Jimmy sorta leaves anti-vax as an open possibility.

It's here:

I cut it down a bit.


Only WikiLeaks public key can validate a message sign by WikiLeaks private key.

Assuming porky didnt find the private key it causes a message was who it says sent it. It's mathematically impossible to repudiate it

I agree. It seemed like up until now, Wikileaks let their reputation speak for itself.

Not that weird post = government honeypot, but it does raise an eyebrow.

tbh you should always question wikileaks

This sounds like the best course of action imo

I pray this is the case

In PGP encryption there's public and private key. Whatever you encrypt with one, can be decrypted only with the other, and vice versa. You give your public key to other people, while you keep your private key only for yourself.
Normally there are two use cases:
1. to ensure the privacy of the message. you encrypt your message with someone else's public key. only that person's private key can decrypt the message, so you can be sure only that person will be able to read it
2. to ensure the authenticity of the author. you "sign" your message with your own private key. whoever you send the message to can be sure it comes from you because only your public key can verify the signature

Not a tech-savvy guy here. What's being encrypted?
What happens when someone decrypts with wrong key?

Addendum: holy shit, /r/wikileaks is overrun with ctr. I don't know if the sub/twitter have been compromised, but someone definitely seems to want people to think so.

This one's great as well, but sadly ruined at the start by that annoying Hillary shill with his pointless hair-splitting:

Forgot to add, Assange would use the 2nd case. He would sign a message with his private key that only he knows, so we could verify that it really comes from him.

1. You can encrypt whatever data you want (text, files) so that it stays unreadable for unintended receivers. 2. Or you can "sign" it - which usually means the data is plain to see for everybody but the receivers can then verify that it was signed with a specific private key (e.g. Assange's), that it really comes from that person.
If you use the wrong key it doesn't work. You have to use the correct private-public key pair. So Assange's public key (that people already have) could verify only a message from Assange himself because only he has the private key that matches. Verifying a fake message from NSA with Assange's public key would give you a "bad signature" error.

So the real leaks/emails would have the real private key? The key attached to the encrypted files?

Guys, I'm apprehensive about the future tbh. If Hillary Clinton's people can infiltrate 4chan, what's to stop them from taking over one Twitter account? If these are the things they're capable of, how can it be spoken of without people saying that such things are what Trump would do, so don't be ridiculous, how could Hillary do this, she's an angel grandmother.

They would be signed with the real private key. Assange's wouldn't give his private key away, the signature is merely a proof he owns his real private key (the signature is verified by the public key which everyone can get), so it's a proof it's really Assange.

I forgot to remove my porky face.

The current mail vote numbers don't look good either. Trump is up about 10% in both Wisconsin and Florida. If both swing red, then Hilary is toast. Of course, the election is not over and obviously the majority of votes will be cast on election day itself, and there is probably a Republican bias with mail voters. But at least for myself it reinforces my gut feeling that ultimately Hilary will loose when it comes to final turnout.

Not exactly. Perhaps a more abstract, and concrete way of explaining public key cryptography is such:

If I wanted to send you an email with sensitive information, I would ask for your public key. You send me your public key, and I send you back the output of pub(message), where pub(x) is the encryption of a message, with a public key. Then, you take the pub(message) I sent you, and use your private key on it, so priv(pub(message)). Applying the private key to the encrypted message, undoes the encryption and you can read my message.

Now, we can also go the other way as well. I give out my public key, and everyone knows it, I "verify" with people in real life (this is called the web of trust) that they have my real key. Now, assuming no one else has access to my private key, I can send out priv(message) to everyone, which is called "signing" the data. Since everyone has my public key, and it's "trusted" and been "verified", anyone who has my public key can decrypt my message, and see what I sent and be convinced that it came from the particular source.

Applying this to what is happening with Wikileaks, we would like Assange to send out priv(message), where the message could say "we haven't been compromised, I'm still alive, …" etc. Then, since we all his public key, we can decrypt the message and read his message, and it's been verified to come from him.

The second example I get.
The first one not so much.
Is there 2 different sets of public-private keys? Why would my private key work with a message encrypted by you? Wouldn't I use your public key?


If you feel down just remember that Hillary will die in your life time. There will be a public celebration, just like when Thatcher died. Ding dong the witch is dead and all that.

In the first case that user described the message is encrypted by user with your public key. So only your private key can decrypt it. It's the reverse of the second case, where you would encrypt (sign) with your private key so that user can decrypt (verify) it with your public key.
So this is all done with your key pair. And then the same two cases can be done with user's key pair, where the two of you reverse the roles completely.
The beauty of it is that from a simple symmetric logic (public->private key vs. private->public key) you achieve two essential use cases of secure communication (hiding the contents vs. verifying the source).

If it is them, their employees must be fucking drained.

Looks like Hillary did get slipped at least one of the questions ahead of time during one of the last debates.

Thank you, user. That does feel good to remember.

♪ ♫ Oh happy day ♫ ♪

It was during the primaries, when Donna Brazile worked for CNN.

Her response to this was incredible. You can tell all of them obviously have talking points & aren't supposed to deviate from them, at all.

How about this one:
Another angle:

DC getting glassed a minute or two before my hometown will be cold comfort I think.

Just got banned from /r/Wikileaks


Sorry to hear that Ginjeet

Stop concern trolling. When you concern troll you're part of the CTR effort to destabilize the leak-hunters. It's sick when people do CTR's work for them.

What's the problem with running a sub based on the same philosophy it promotes?

You should be looking at the present situation rationally rather than giving in to panic. That's what "they" want, and I'm convinced CTR is egging on the paranoia in order to distract from meaningful discussion.

Right now, until I see a live address from JA, I'm going to assume he is no longer with us, and that WL's staff have taken over. Reading too much into WL's twitter is a waste of energy, for now we can only assume that WL staff have taken over or, at worst, whoever owns WL's twitter has sold out.

Unless someone can prove the emails are being tampered now, we should assume that everything in the leaks is legit, and if they are being curated we should figure out how they're being tampered and go from there. Useless speculation and paranoia leads nowhere.

This is a standard disinformation technique to control public opinion.

I've asked their reason for the ban, got this. If this is their way of handling the situation they are making it worse.

Apparently it's forcing CTR into the open.

Literally the first mistake of your life. Come to Europa where you will be able to have mutant babies.

What about this: they think you're CTR trying to disrupt their focus on leaks with conspiracy theories. I mean, you're all so trigger-happy with paranoid accusations, friendly fire is nothing surprising.
Just focus on leaks, post yours and others findings on twitter or wherever you can. Journalists are checking what others discover.

Podesta emails can be verified due to embedded DKIM signatures, if you have any suspicions of new releases:

Why are they needing to be verified? Wikileaks has an impeccable accuracy record. If you're getting them from the site, should be fine.

I think that's more likely than anything else, really. Their Todd and Clare ruse failed, so they cut off Assange's internet out of spite/last resort.

Last we heard out of the Ecuadorians, they implied Assange was still there. Unless this too is a ruse and none of Assange's associates have noticed, I imagine Julian going dark until the election was a requirement for him to stay in the embassy. I think that would be the compromise Ecuador would go for to keep Assange and not have the door to their embassy kicked in by the Americans/British.

Assange is neutralized, the Americans are appeased, and Ecuador keeps from getting CIA'd.The fact that it gives CTR an opportunity to rile and distract the nerds on reddit that have been the main batch of autists sifting through and disseminating this emails is a nice bonus as well.

I was looking at Here4Popcorn's post history ( a little while ago, and his account is only 2 months old. He's also a moderator of


Which to me is suspicious as all hell. I'm not sure what to make of him, really. His posts don't scream "shill!" to me, but at the same time I find his mod status in so many leak-related subs and his all-too-convenient arrival on /r/wikileaks to be major red flags. He's another "outside" mod as well, and I think there's something to alot of the community complaints. Devistator modded out of nowhere two nobodies that "volunteered" to mod the sub, but are there really no wikileaks regulars that the community can decide on themselves? Sketch as fuck.

Maybe it's just me, but looking at the post histories for Devistator/Here4Popcorn side by side ( makes it seem like they have a very similar voice. Or maybe they just have a similarly shitty attitude.

That definitely is a benefit, yeah.

I'm skeptical about the whole thing, asking for the most direct way to address the issue is paranoia how?

Only if you think the whole of Wikileaks has been compromised. I myself don't think this is the case at all. But if somebody has any doubts there's actually something they can do to verify the emails, so I'm just letting people know.

I understand, but you have to understand as well that two opposed skeptical stances can escalate into paranoid effects, one stance agitating the other, when both are actually friendly but don't know if the other is. There are many cases of this in all sorts of domains, e.g. in military situations. The sub does have CTR visitors, and the mods are just mowing down anything that might try to discredit the sub, whether directly or through concern trolling.

And this whole conversation servers precisely the system, to keep us totally confused about what's real and what isn't, instead of staying determined. A bit analogous to how Snowden revelations actually normalized people even more, not daring to search certain keywords, etc., instead of making them abandon those tools of control in the first place.

You made me see your point. Thanks.

I think once we see hit pieces pouring into the news that "Wiileaks published fake leaks", we'll know we need to check. I know there's been one or two stories so far, but they were easily debunked.

So if Wikileaks' Twitter is compromised, we'll see that sort of heavy attack shortly afterwards.

>Gavin Macfadyen, beloved director of WikiLeaks, now takes his fists and his fight to battle God. Sock it to him, forever, Gavin. -JA
So Assange is apparently online, or is at least in contact with the rest of the team.

Is there anything that could be gained by the establishment from wikileaks signing something with their PGP private key?

I mean, hate to be paranoid, but…


Sixteen days until either side is anally devistated beyond recognition.

So how significant of a position is Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee? It sounds like it has a good deal of power to it.

Could this be his way of assuming direct control?

I'm glad I'm not an American


And yet immigrants are to blame.

Fellow anglophone, eh? Then you get a double dose! I don't see what immigrants have to do with my post, I was just joking about the incapability of burger influence. But yes, immigration/offshoring and "leftism"'s recent suicidal devotion to them bear an enormous amount of blame in everything that's gone wrong, though far from all of it.

Immigration. Muslims are the fucking centre piece for some campaign of hatred in both nations.


Islam is basically just a political meme here in burgerland, since they make up such a microscopic fraction of the population. Even "lol jihad" wasn't capable of stirring up any serious tension before 9/11, when Bush made them the centerpiece for justifying even greater post-Cold War MIC embezzlement.

Islam in Europe is a totally different phenomenon, since it's the cultural spearhead of a massive scab importation, like beaners are here.

Holy moley, did anyone else just see 64 posts from 8 days ago suddenly flood the thread?

Methinks Holla Forums isn't properly designed for hundreds-of-pages-long cyclical megathreads, given how often this thread seems to puke its guts up, even when no other thread on the board does it.

before i just refreshed i saw a bunch of posts from 10/18 right before yours

Thread has links to lists of Hillary donors including

Bill Maher is also apparently a contributor and gave her a million dollars.

Everyone panicked for nothing.

Pretty good political psychoanalysis of the American liberals:

And if you want to feel depressed read the responses to Wikileaks tweeting this article:
You will even find a lot of people suspecting that Wikileaks has been hacked because they linked this article.

George Soros only gave 1 million? Did he give more money through institutions or whatever?

$10 million? Why do you want these $5 million for? Here, take your $1 million!

Soros, just like the Koch bros, have their money tied up in many different institutions to fight for their interests.

based article.

Almost certainly. The emails are riddled with hill dawg's aids finding loopholes and workarounds to keep the money coming.

How long into Hillary's disastrous presidency do you think we'll be able to tell the liberals "we told you so"? 1 year? 2?

Liberals are a lost cause. They'll find some excuse to justify whatever horrible garbage a Clinton administration enacts.

Only way they'll finally get it is when the nukes start flying due to HRC's moronic warmongering, just before they are incinerated. Unfortunately I and a lot of others get to die too… but certainly not the ruling class.

I give it 2 years until nukes. We can still save the world with an October 2017 revolution.

Maybe one or two weeks

What the fuck are you talking about? We already can tell them "we told you so", there's plenty of horrible shit Hillary has done as Secretary of State. They don't care now, what makes you think they'll care then?

For starters, I think Trump will win.

Regardless, Hilary would cause problems on day one when Congress starts ripping into her emails. We'd get another round of sworn testimonies and it'd escalate into a Watergate style situation. Impeachment would happen in under a year, although an actual Conviction by the Senate is less likely (Hilary has friends with the Republican establishment, many of whom would like an excuse to retire early).

She'd be mostly unable to govern, but the few things she would get "done" would be a no-fly zone in Syria, boots in Ukraine, likely more troops in the Philippines, and a new TPP push. Whether or not these things pass depends on how obstructionist the House is feeling (even if they are for all of the above, they'll simply vote No to deny her the victory).

That said, S█████ would be in a similar situation but would likely be able to find common ground on trade reform (a thing the oil lobby desperately wants to protect themselves against Saudi price dumping) and would likely be able to work with budget wonks/Randians for a real mideast withdrawal. He might even been able to institute a higher gas tax in exchange for exemptions for NG/ethanol powered vehicles.

They didn't learn their lesson with Barack Hussein "Nobel Peace Prize because they isn't one for War" Obama, why would this time around be different?

Do you want to see a different political panorama in the US (on paper, that is)? You will have to wait for the Republican party to go extinct, at least.

Which might be closer than we would willingly admit, because their foremost candidate is a Democrat, chosen as Hillary's opponent through the Democrat-owned media, instructed to talk exclusively about Trump before the nomination - and the actual Republicans couldn't do anything to get rid of him.

Until then, the country's politics are a scenario with far worse writing than a WWE tournament.

That's the actually scary thing about all of this: if Hilary goes full retard she might actually be faced with Russia confronting her directly. Let's imagine another Cuban Missile Crisis, except Putin doesn't turn around and Hilary sinks their ships. Suddenly Putin needs to "protect Russian ethnic minorities" in the Baltics and eastern Poland, while doing a "peacekeeping" operation in Ukraine. Iraq completely folds into Iran (who is moderately pro-Russia) while demanding US troops leave as the US Embassy in Baghdad is besieged. Her options would be Appeasement or War.

It goes to show the importance of statesmanship and diplomacy. Hilary can't engage in brinksmanship when other countries (especially Russia) have nothing to loose.

that sounds like all the reasons for ww1 (untouchable military establishment demanding a conflict) and ww2 (dictator being given an excuse to expand his empire) in one setting

thanks for posting that, good read

Another Trump tape. That meme where the Clintons asked for Trump to run in 2012 is getting more real than ever


the only people who would be affected by this are Trump supporters, and most of them will ignore it anyway

Julian Assange: If WikiLeaks had obtained Clinton emails earlier, US voters could have chosen S█████ v Trump


Hillary's youth co-opt strategy (see attachment)



Q: what do young ppl need?
A: abolition of debt, economic prosperity, etc. entertainers!

there's nothing in the link

Found this in the leaks. Christ they're desperate.


Now Trump is saying that he IS in fact behind. Probably would've been better off staying with the 'election is being stolen' line.

fuck off CTR

Is CTR also responsible for Trump saying he's behind? Their reach is truly long.


eh, anyone could have told you this. Even turbonormies that aren't into politics knew not to trust anything remotely associated with the party or endorsements (though they are mostly indifferent to this election as a whole).

On the bright side, this is the final nail in the coffin anyone had in trusting hollywood.

I am drawn towards this giant hillary vote now.

I can't even believe this shit anymore. It just doesn't fucking stop.

Hillary is literally a villain from a 90's cartoon transported to our reality.

What's funny to me is that they probably think people actually bought it. There is no "progressive" Democratic movement, especially not in the mainstream. In "alternative politics" circles (ie actual progressives) nobody bought Hilary in the first place. It's even funnier given that those slogans reek of corporate newspeak.

Who do they think they're kidding?

Erm, not that Jill.

I love it when real, tangible astroturfing gets exposed.

also those "yeos" only exist in hard blue areas of swing states that have swung red partially because young people keep moving to cosmopolitan states that get love an attention from the dem party itself

That's been the story of this entire election. The Democrats trying to pull tricks and then deluding themselves that they got away with it.

I can't imagine what they'll do when they find out Hillary has no actual support outside of Anti-Trump voters.

also techies/silly cone valley fags don't like hilary because of the NSA and Snowden, also Trump had Thiel speak at the RNC

It's the same shit they have been doing since 2013: they will blame millenials and denigrate them by calling them petulant children who need to "grow up" and put the party ahead of their personal feelings. Of course, nobody is buying that shit because nobody believes in it.

This is when the Democrats actually get scared: in a month they will be forced to realize the hole they have dug for themselves, and that they will only have two chances (2018 and 2020) to fix it before the GOP are able to run the country alone. Maybe with Hilary gone things will be different, and the party can start cleaning itself up. Or maybe not, and the Democrats die with the boomers.

Is this something I'd want to take off from work to see? I feel like it would just be insufferably neoliberal.

no and yes

I'd essentially come down to "we should ban abortions and gay marriage" vs "fuck white people also please forgive my student loans". Both would agree on the importance of interventionist foreign policy to "protect freedom and women" (this was the exact line used by Democrats to justify the Iraq War). Or so is my experience with self-identified college/young republicans and democrats.

Julian Assange: For want of the horse I didn't shoe in time, we might have a shot at winning the war.

This. There's just a ton of evidence that supports that's he's cut from the same cloth and is still apart of the establishment but they'll ignore it like the cult worshippers that they are.

a part of me wants a Clinton landslide just so they can realize his candidates flaws and flip-flopping behavior to show that he's just as shit as she is.

GradeAUnderA is a Jill Stein Supporter

Ajamu Baraka talking at UC Davies yesterday:

also as much as I hate Holla Forums, the only way Trump could loose and have them perceive it as genuine loss (rather than a "rigged" election) would be against another populist like S█████

Yeah, Trump totally decided to gamble his entire brand and become a social pariah in a failed presidential bid for…what, exactly?

The people bitching about Trump's flip flops are the same people that think Hillary is the best candidate ever since she never takes a position on anything that isn't exhaustively researched by her legions of drones to ensure it doesn't rock the boat.

ffs this is the same person that thinks raising the minimum wage is a bridge too fucking far

Not surprising, Grade is based

top kek, good one Holla Forums

Does anyone know why the democrats want to go to war with Russia?

I would have thought Trump would have been the hawk of the two but Hillary is apparently wants war in Syria and with Russia.

Trump is running because he's a massive narcissist. Everyone knows this, it's obvious. That's why Bill Clinton encouraged him to run on a golf course.

Because the defense industry is a major contributor to Hillary's election campaign. I don't think it's anything more complicated than that.

Silicon Valley Candidate

It's just the default US establishment position. Don't know why exactly.
I think it's just in case they accidentally defeat Islamic extremism and run out of """""""enemies""""""" to scare the population with.

Because the establishment is full of monsters. Because they're monsters.

Idiots are going to lead us into a nuclear war for no good reason.

so much pravda it hurts.

I think part of it is that they really are that arrogant that they believe the US is invincible and nobody would dare challenge her.

Conflation is a staple of liberal propaganda, don't fall for it next time.

Funny because I seriously think that title goes to Trump. Having Peter Thiel speak at the RNC took fucking balls and it's the one thing about him I respect. Hilary is old money: her friends are in Norther Virginia. She ain't west coast (pardon the term but this is probably the only time where it's applicable), she's Alexandria and Crystal City.

This is your answer. At this point Hilary, and most top people, seriously think they can push the rest of the world around and not get any pushback. Hilary thinks she can engage in Brinksmanship, when in reality she's going to find herself in a standoff where Russia is pointing guns at carriers in the Mediterranean or threatens to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. Like Nixon, she'd be faced with a situation outside of her control as the world oil supply stops and another US oil crisis happens or even worse a situation where US soldiers are dead and escalation occurs WW1-style.

Also imagine a conscription under Hilary, especially now that girls have to fight. Thought the Vietnam antiwar movement was big? Fucking nobody is going to fight her wars. Civil Disobedience would become the norm and she'd be faced with most draftees opting to sit in jail instead of fight.

The Us is almost self sufficient on energy now, plus lets not forget venezuela would be more than happy to sell oil

lol, fuck no. Most of our oil is imported while wells in North Dakota, Texas, etc are shut down. Big Oil cannot survive unless a tariff is put into place. And they know this, which is why it was being widely discussed before the election started a year ago.

not only a Zionist
but also Globalist

Holla Forumsacks will continue to defend this

does it matter? I want to see what happens if he doesn't build the wall or kill free trade. Holla Forums would suddenly become libertarian again.

Look at this thread and tell me these idiots will ever become anything other than paranoid schizophrenics.
>>>Holla Forums7957605

Oil is practically the only form of energy we're dependent on imports for (not to mention it comes from the most hostile and distant corner of the world, whereas other imports come from closer and friendlier nations), and it's also the least efficient by far. Getting off oil would immediately solve a vast array of problems at home and abroad.

This is my dream scenario: Trump elected, Clintonian "New Democrats" and their SJW allies completely discredited and brutalized by Trump, brocialists vindicated as the only people who can hurt Trump, Trump completely betrays all of his supporters, disillusioned Trumpenproles vulnerable to indoctrination by [REDACTED] 2.0, landslide electoral revolution by 2020.


I've been thinking about this alot lately as well. Regime change in Syria seems like a very petty prize to risk everything in a potentially nuclear war with Russia over.

At the moment I think it's because of a sort of economic determinism. The US is only going to get weaker from here on out and alot of people know that. Taking down Russia now while the US is at its strongest might provide a significant boost to the US that keeps it going a while longer–assuming everything isn't consumed by nuclear fire at least.

The whole global neoliberal order is on borrowed time. If the oligarchy in the US wants a real shot at toppling Russia and China, it's going to have to take it sooner rather than later.

Materially, Russia isn't an OPEC member and is seriously cutting into their profits. Part of the whole conflict in Syria is because of Russia wanting to create a pipeline through it, and they've been trying to build more lines to carry fossil fuels into Europe for a while now. I really wouldn't be surprised if this conflict with Russia was at the instigation of a particular Arabic kingdom :^) I imagine in some back room somewhere, a deal was made where if the US manages to take down Russia, they will have free reign over whatever they can pump or dig out of the soil (like Halliburton in Iraq iirc) as long as OPEC's profits aren't hampered. I know recently SA was having financial issues because of the depressed value/overproduction of petrocarbons, and I don't think they'd shed any tears if Russia got leveled received democracy, especially since they fund/ally with so many SA-opposed countries.


what did she mean by this?


Holy fuck

Holla Forums BTFO

You should read the article. Clinton's plan will make it easier for Silicon Valley's project of neoliberalization of the whole of society. Whereas Thiel is just a right-winger whose political views nobody in SV likes.


The post was clearly designed to put nationalists of voting for Trump. Not voting for Trump = support for Clinton.


That's a meme term and you better stop associating yourself with it. Also implies that intersectionalism is a valid form of socialism, when its just a way for liberalism to infest at this point

You can vote for Trump without being a delusional faggot, like all the circle jerkers in the Holla Forums torture chamber are. The sooner you accept Trump is full of hot air, the less butthurt you're going to end up with.

There is clearly a difference between the two of them this time, to the extent that the Rep are supporting a Dem candidate. You're in denial. You're voting Clinton cause you got offended by Trump's mean words and you're looking to justify your vote to yourself. Fucking faggot tbph.

referring to allegations involving voter id laws as of late

I don't understand how my post in any way praised the nonsensical concept of intersectionality.

Come out of your torture chamber more often, you need more vitamin D and less D.

Paul Ryan says that if Republicans lose the Senate, B████ ██████ becomes the new budget committee chair


That's her *plan*. The point I'm trying to get across is that she's not capable of doing any of that when she is fundamentally not the type of person who understands the fundamentals of technology.

Think of the whole concept of "multi-stakeholderism" or "public-private partnerships". She isn't speaking to Google or Facebook, she's speaking to General Electric (subsidiary: Comcast-NBC) and AT&T. How much history do you know? Because the definition of "mult-stakeholderism" used here (“Multi-stakeholderism” endows private corporations with public responsibilities, while it downgrades the ability of governments to influence Internet policy) EXACTLY describes the FCC's relationship with AT&T until their monopoly was broken up. Pic related.

Silicon Valley area companies are certainly not paragons here, but Hilary wants vanilla and they are strawberry. They don't benefit from a "multi-stakeholder" Internet, they're the middlemen that get fucked first as larger companies (again, GE and AT&T) conspire to push them out. If Comcast is able to lock down the Internet, that means they make money and not Google. And taken broadly SV companies do not have the traction with Washington like the old money does.

And this brings back to my original point: Hilary is old money. She's NOVA, not California. She's not speaking to Google or Facebook because she sees them as disposable as AOL or Myspace. She's speaking to her friends who actually own the physical lines that make up the Internet because they have the real money.

It wouldn't matter if Hilary was President, she'd still get all the money she would want for things like the B-21 or V-280 programs. Also Ryan is only saying that to scare rank-and-file Republicans, Hilary would easily have the Senate chose a neocon over S█████ because she considers their support more important.

I guess this was a bad way of putting it. Ultimately a thing like Silicon Valley can only exist if there is a free and open Internet, ie one subsidized and maintained by the state. Hilary is more cablevision than Google. Comcast, if given the ability to do so, has a greater ability to be evil than Google as Google doesn't have direct access to the Internet itself. Same for AT&T, personally I find that it would be hilary-ous if Hilary's definition of a "multi-stakeholder" Internet was one run and managed by AT&T (like it was thirty years ago).

time to post this old chestnut again

You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!

how insightful and original, great contribution!

Just giving B████ more power.

What about this:
Their problem with her seems to be elsewhere:
It includes people from Uber, Airbnb and similar. Would really like to see any transcripts of these discussions.

RIP r/wikileaks

Looks like people were right to freak out the other day. Check out this BS in the comments of trying to downplay the corruption.

I don't understand why some people seem to think Trump is going to get rid of this crap. If anything a Trump presidency will give them something to fight against and empower them more. The only thing that will put an end to it is is for their ideology to be thoroughly discredited by electing a lying con artist like Clinton to betray them.

Wow Donna, you mean like all the people purged from voter rolls or mysteriously switched to the wrong party during the Democratic Primary?

New video of election fraud:

Because whether or not Trump is ideologically committed to attacking them, they are ideologically committed to attacking him. Actually pouring gasoline down the academic anthills of their critical theory departments would be ideal, but the next best thing would be to draw them from their safe spaces full of obeisantly bully-friendly cucks into the light of day where sane adults and normalfags are. Open battle with someone who isn't afraid of them is the perfect opportunity for that, and it is exactly what Trump will do, showing for all the world both how insane they are, and how utterly ineffective they are against anyone who refuses to play by their pseudo-legal "rules".

I fear that a Clinton presidency will result in more spheres of everyday life being subjected to their kangaroo star chambers, and more of that being turned into real laws, which could become extremely nasty.

I just don't see it fam. This cancer has to be defeated by a real Left critique of it; they're not going to listen to it coming from the Right. In fact they way most of these charlatans operate is by forming safe space echo chambers and plugging their ears when anyone from the Right says anything to them.

She lies, she honestly does not care about them anymore so she "cares" about cash checking stores and car dealerships. Follow the money, the money leads back to the giants and not to the new money. Why would she care about new companies that do not have the clout or lobbying power like AT&T has?

Again I'm not saying that Silicon Valley companies are good or otherwise defendable, but they're a different flavor to what Hilary wants. At the very most, they are tools she will use in service for a larger company. More likely they're disposable middlemen she will forget about on November 10th.

Chairman Dore mentioned by Wikileaks
Holla Forums next?

Does infowars loathe that guy?

At some point I have to wonder if these people don't intentionally fill their shitty docs with spooky music and effects just to make the idea less credible.

Why don't Democrats just spend the millions they use on "muh voter turnout" campaigns to actually help people in need acquire voter IDs?

Is the party run by complete fucking morons or something?

I mean, I'm not an American but are there campaign finance laws or other laws preventing that?

It sounds like it'd be much easier than pretending that voter ID laws are some racist conspiracy designed to stop people voting Democrat

The organized left today is totally compromised from top to bottom, mainstream to radical, in every strand, worldwide (or at least in the Anglosphere). The only way it could possibly happen (short of an FDR-type demagogue) is a spontaneous grassroots rekindling of leftist sentiment among the working class, causing them to perform a hostile takeover of what was once theirs. The closest thing to this I've seen so far is the reaction to Atheism+/Gamergate, both of which (aside from the left-lolbert tendencies of their intellectual participants, which is its own source of problems) have been only partial successes at best.

Here's hoping that Trump really is the ideal bait to draw them into a catastrophic defeat.

Why not acknowledge that "voter suppression" hasn't been a plausible issue since we had a reliable postal system last century, automatically register everyone to vote, and switch to postal/online ballots?

Do you really think Republicans give a shit about the integrity of elections? Particularly in swing states?

Online ballots when we can't even secure offline electronic machines from hacks are one of the worst ideas imaginable. Maybe some day cryptology technology will be mature enough to make it secure while also preserving the fundamental principle of voter privacy, but that day isn't here yet. One prof I read from recently said it could be at least a decade before that happens.

That's absolute bunk. Simple RSA keys (public-private pairs) would be sufficient to prevent any kind of attack. Paper ballots are infinitely less secure than the most basic 1980s-era keygen like PGP.

Fancy modern blockchains or whatever would present interesting new options for ballots and other secure transactions, but they're far from necessary.

Because it's too late. Most IDs take at least 1-2 weeks to ship and we're two weeks away from the election itself.

But you are right, if the Democrats actually did care they would have spent the primaries focusing on registering people and getting IDs, while being indifferent to Hilary or S█████. That obviously did not happen.

Check out this anti-Assange propaganda. I love the edgy soundtracks! Don't you?

Mark Halperin is such a fucking slimeball cunt.

Also, I should add that using the insecurity of electronic voting machines as an indication that computers aren't secure enough for voting is ridiculous and dishonest. Voting machines are absurdly insecure and poorly regulated compared to computer systems used for casino slot machines, bank ATMs, and even just simple retail purchases, there is practically nothing worse than them in the industry.

Which states use these? I live in WA and we're 100% vote by mail. It's really convenient and it feels more secure. I can't imagine waiting in long lines to vote at a secret computer.

Most counties in California (ie everyone south of Redding) does. It's why I became a permanent mail voter.

They're not even trying to hide it at this point

The Founding Fathers must be real proud

a.k.a. "I'm too lazy to think and struggle, so I'll just consider the status quo and its ideology as a universal principle of politics."

Since I don't visit this board unless someone here makes a bait thread and it leaks to the board I use, and I admittedly find your ideology demonstrably wrong, I saw this thread and wanted to know how most of you feel concerning the fact your candidate not only lost, but was cheated and went on to support the very person that stole the nomination from him.

"Spreadsheet of over 500 best emails/Podesta leaks

PSA: log out of your Google/Gmail account to view"

This was posted on r/wikileaks

He was the false prophet

How do you think it feels?

So bad that for once in my life, I feel for leftists.

I don't enjoy it but it was the best option honestly. Politics is usually messy.

Dont worry you will know that feel in a month

it's like i'm really on the donald

Lmao, I was about to say it, too.

Wait, do you mean Hillary was the best option?

Got $200 on Trump @ 5-1 odds.

Feels like Brexit 2.0

Help me here: are you implying that your guy caving to the current personification of corruption was a good thing?

Beats the odds I had: only 4-1.

Hillary is going to wipe her ass with that $200, then set it on fire.

I do hope she loses, though. Just for rigging it & being a warhawk. But we lose either way, tbh

Whatever. It's more fun this way.

Probably won't see another election this entertaining in my lifetime.

This. B████ has numerous reasons to support Hillary right now, the foremost being that he promised to support the Democratic nominee. It's a sign of integrity on his part.

I mean, for B████, endorsing Hillary was the best option. If he had gone off the reservation they would've spent from July to Election Day and beyond smearing and attacking him and his supporters. It would be like 2000 and the Green Party all over again.

I kind of want Trump to win. He is terrible, of course, but I want to see him win regardless. Voting for Trump is completely nihilistic, an act of pure negation towards America in the most American way possible. I want to watch him destroy everything.

I do understand why he did it for his own political career & this reason.
But honestly I'd see more integrity if he'd remained neutral, at least. If anything, "endorse" her, then keep quiet.

It's all just depressing. Our media is so fucked. They have such an influence, that if he hadn't endorsed they & the DNC would've likely ruined him. I'd just like to think he'd have retained his support from his base & people would think rationally. But as we can see, rarely many do.


take your spooks elsewhere

drawing more attention to this

It's not a "sign of integrity" to agree to support the nominee when you now have evidence that from the very start the "impartial" DNC had its thumb on the scale for said nominee

Yeah, and we now know from the leaks that Hillary can't even be assed to push for even the handful of concessions he supposedly achieved.

But they are. Republicans don't give a shit about voter ID in places heavily republican or if its more than a month before an election. After its past the point where most american's who don't have much time off due to work/kids (who are usually poorer and younger and vote democrat) they won't have time to apply and receive an ID by voting day. That's the whole scam. I wouldn't mind voter ID if it was put in place right after an election, so that you had years to get some form of ID, but that never happens. After elections they suddenly don't give a shit.

of course that's not to say that the only reasons democrats give a shit about people voting is because they're base is more fickle and more likely to be affected by voting ID laws; I have no doubt that if the shoe was on the other foot democrats would push for them

The user that said earlier that Clinton is like a cartoon supervillain come to life was right.

I honestly don't see how anyone can read these emails and still believe Clintonites aren't elitist bureaucrats to the core.

The leaks & the Primaries gave us no doubt. They were fine closing down polling places that were more likely to help S█████. And voter registration purges, not counting affidavit or "provisional" ballots that affected independent voters much more(which more mostly likely S█████ voters). They were perfectly fine with restricting independent voters & even other democrats, just to help their nominee.

The dems didn't & don't give a shit about the voters themselves, only their votes & statistical advantages.

Not just thumb on the scale. They outright flipped votes.

He was. Remember when he was planning to settle down a bit and write a book?

The thing is, Hillary NEEDS his support since he's FAR more popular than she is at the moment and she literally can't defend herself anymore. This makes the Democrats even more indebted to him, gives him more power, and moves the public to his side when Hillary inevitably betrays him.

As a non-american, the only reasons I have for a Trump victory is the fact that Hillary is all for WWIII and Holla Forums flipping out/losing influence on imageboards once a republican is the one fucking up everything.
Also the DNC possibly breaking itself apart would be nice.

I don't know if I admire, or pity, your optimism.

This was on the front page of the USAToday:



You're right, it's all the Jews who need to be weeded out of public office not just Soros.

note: for reference my own insurance doubled up over the summer to $93.45/mo but I thought I was an edge case and not the majority of people

Also the AARP has already issued an action alert over this (ie, call your legislator and whine to them) so you can expect that millions of old people are now going be voting for Trump if only because he didn't fuck with their healthcare. This is another nail in the coffin for hilary, because people who see their rates increase at all will not be voting Democrat.

More sources:

What? They are just exploiting him while still not doing anything else to attract Burnie supporters. And do you think they, of all people, care about some symbolic debt? They and their supporters have no honor, we already know that.

So was obamacare a failure?

Here's the guy I was talking about, professor of computer science and engineering who specializes in cybersecurity and voting machine security. He's one of the guys who an original demonstration of hacking Diebold's AccuVote-TS machines back in 2005 (and these are still in use in places).

Skip to 30:44:

And it's going to kill them. There is no way the Democrats can survive without the 45% of their base that are still loyal to S█████.

Our candidate is Jill Stein silly.

Nice cap. Saved.

yes, absolutely (in the sense that it wouldn't fuck with people's plans and drive down costs). Instead it worked flawlessly in allowing insurers to hike up costs

I agree with all the CTR shills that full medicare would fix the problem but I seriously do not trust Hilary with it, even if she could be capable of passing such a bill in Congress.

Didn't one of the leaks mention that she thought "universal healthcare" was too much to reasonably expect from her presidency?

Yesterday she got endorsed by Assange as well, for her stance on whistleblowers and war.

Any proof Assange is alive yet? Twitter tone and style has changed considerably.

Fuck integrity. Let's say he didn't support Hillary. Then what? Do you really think the DNC would attempt to reach out to the Sanderistas? Like I said, they'd just spend the rest of eternity attacking him. Hell, they're still attacking the Green Party. The only other option where he could actually have a positive effect on things would be if he endorsed Stein and tried to get her high enough in the polls that she got into the debates, which is one hell of a long shot, and considering how his run went I don't blame him for not taking it.

That's not necessarily a formal endorsement, he just agreed to speak at the presidential nominating convention.

I think that absolutely could have happened if S█████ had done the right thing.

They're rotating their twitter "job" among themselves, so you see a mix of styles and stances.
Assange is alive, and this paranoia only serves as a distraction from the contents of their leaks, mirroring Clinton's distractions with Russia scare.

He was happy to speak at her event because of her policies. It's not a formal endorsement, but it is implied that he endorses at least some of her campaign. He's been critical of both Clinton and Trump, while suggesting that DNC emails should be leaked sooner so that we'd have S█████ vs. Trump. Of course Trump supporters refuse to accept any of this, saying Wikileaks has been compromised :^)

Huh, we're pretty close to the 1 million get aren't we…

Prepare for the board to be flooded with /sp/ and Holla Forums shit very shortly.

It's been a week.

All he has to do is go to the window and wave to the cameras for 2 seconds.

Really? If I recall, the debates are set up by a private organization, who's to say they'd even follow their own rules?

Maybe his people say it's too risky or something. He already cancelled an appearance on balcony when it was Wikileaks' 10 years anniversary.
There's also this, you can investigate if that's his handwriting at the end:

Trump would've totally won, lmao.
You people act like the whole country is made of Millenials, Baby Boomer democrats think Hillary is the best pres ever and would never vote Third Party, much less so consciously pick the "Socialist" over the 1st women prez, do you ever know what the Tea Party is?
Sanders is appealing only to already liberal-leaning working class folk and millenials, no one else, not even the renegade neocons who are with Her right now.

The debates are set up literally by DNC and RNC together because they want a monopoly over politics. Two wings of one party.

Doesn't need to go on the balcony to wave through the window.

A PGP sig is another option.

Radio silence for a whole week… It's all very fishy.

If you're not a CTR shill concern trolling and really care about it go investigate that handwriting and report back. Or go search for interesting podesta emails.
Sorry, but it's useless to discuss whether Assange is alive or dead because we can only fantasize about what's going on. It's all just counter-productive confusion and distraction.

Podesta Emails Part 17¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult

What handwriting?

if trump wins the worlds gone mad i'm killing myself lmao

>If I told you that Democratic Party lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta chairs Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is a registered foreign agent on the Saudi government’s payroll, you’d probably think I was a Trump-thumping, conspiratorial nutcase. But it’s true.

ruh roh

reminds me of this:

Another cut, more blood. The Democrats have two options after November: either destroy the party themselves and flush the shit out, or have Congress do it for them.

I'm curious what the post was



You won't believe what your about to hear, so listen up.


what is this from?

micheal moore explaining why workers get false consciousness and vote for trump

No, I get that :) I was asking the context/source, because I'm lazy/damn tired. I'll look it up.

Too tired to realize this was a joke, too

goodnight, anons

And then… You'll have to cope with the horrible mistake you made for the next four years as he delivers on absolutely nothing he lied about.

And yet all of these are solved problems in every industry other than voting, having been so for decades.

I think it's also meant as a distraction for reddit. Assange's "disappearance" coincided nicely with the takeover of several reddits posting/finding emails and it seems like the volume of posts has dropped off considerably.

kybarnet is banning people left & right on r/wikileaks; it's hilarious. It feels damn good to see these CTR fucks get the ban hammer for fucking with the subreddit.

Did you know Assange has a kitty & it has its own Instagram?

Glad to know he does. It gets really lonely, being a political prisoner.




From Perot, to Nader, to Paul, to Kucenich, to Obama, I have never seen an election with such bantz. Let's hope this is the start of something glorious.

What's the pic of? It's not loading for me for some reason.

The consequence of Social medi, really, people could talk to each other instantly, the could talk to a wide audience, now they can do both.
Enjoy an era of politics being nothin but gossip, oh sorry, bantz and dank memes, while the real isseus are never talked about.

We've been knee-deep in cancer online since 2007. I'm thinking less about peoples' attitude toward the issues, and more their attitude toward the system itself. When confronted with shilling, people are quicker than ever to call it what it is, but I can't yet discern whether this heralds a new hunger for authenticity that might root out the corruption, or an even greater level of cynical aloofness.

Old news. Moore hates Hilary and knows that she will destroy the party. Check out his comments on Obama, he's very disillusioned.

The end result of this is either Trump winning and doing everything Moore wanted Obama to do, or Trump winning delivering nothing and causing a Dem populist to arise.

Obviously there is an accelerationist case for a far leftist to vote trump, its like burning down the house, and also you can blame the owners for not being left wing enough.

I think moore either
1.Knows something we dont know ( polls are lies)
2. Realizes he cant be the cool liberal rebel if the people in power are democrats and are also starting wars, killing browns.

Moore doesn't want Trump to win, he's saying that he's going to win.

Based on what I see, I disagree. Old people are easily influenced by propaganda and they're buying the MSM line. Talking to my insane family just shows how hopeless the olds are as far as knowing what is really happening in the world, most of them act like Snowden and Assange are villains if they know who they are at all.

If Trump does win, it's because TPTB want him to win. Either way, he's obviously a puppet and will do nothing good for anyone.

Trump is fucked but the Republican party is doing fine. Polls show them winning the Governor race in fucking Vermont. The same state that gives [redacted] an 87% approval rating.

Why would voting for Trump be accelerationist though? Isn't Clinton the one that's going to accelerate in the current direction of American neoliberalism and imperialism? Trump is more about switching the direction (against open trade, against invasions). And if you're now going to argue that they're both the same anyway then it makes no sense to pick either of the two as accelerationist in the first place (while Trump is still a symbolic middle finger to the establishment and MSM, unlike Clinton).

The answer is pretty simple: Moore is Mr. Rust Belt, always has been, always will be, seeing what neoliberalism did to Michigan was the economic equivalent of witnessing a genocide.

Trump and (with greater sincerity but lesser openness) S█████ are the first politicians in decades to voice support for politically unspeakable but wildly popular policies like trade tariffs and immigration quotas.

From the working class perspective, either protectionism will be reinstated, or we're going to tumble into 3rd-world-dom, probably with a violent revolution along the way.

A trump win is a giant fuck you to globalism, its a giant fuck you to the neocons and the GOP establishment, its a giant fuck you to clinton, who having lost will get blamed for not being left wing enough, and how B████ would have won, which is an environment in which you can start to build socialism, the failure of the neoliberals and the coming trumpen reich.

A clinton win is the slow death, the status quo, same thing as obama, same thing as bush, endless war in the middle east, maybe some riots in the west, and east, every now and then she tosses and identity politics bone to the drooling liberal masses, ultimately nothing changes, just a slow cancerous reinforcement of the existing oligarchical establishment.
Oh, plus she is more war hungry than obama and is willing to throw russia under the bus and start ww3 to distract people from emails that confirm what an evil bitch she is

Gotta agree with the other guy for the most part. Trump is guaranteed accelerationism whether he keeps his promises (tensions between establishment and populace grows) or he betrays his supporters (anti-establishment forces become even more radicalized). Hillary is just Obama 2.0/Dubya 3.0 if her agenda holds true, with the possibility of Posaidist-grade accelerationism if her foreign policy goes horribly wrongright.

I totally agree, but I don't think the notion of accelerationism is well understood when people say voting Trump represents that idea. An accelerationist candidate would mean an ever more aggressive and omnipresent capitalism, the gamble being made that the system will then implode. I find that idea naive, which is precisely why I think Trump is better than Hillary, because of reasons you described. This is simply a strategic evaluation like any other, and not cynical accelerationism, that's the point I'm trying to make.

How fucking delusional are you?

Rather than wondering which one of thoses clowns is the better non opportunity, wouldn't it be better to wonder how to make the bet of each situation?
Wat do?
Wat do?

I swear to god I am so close to voting for Donald Trump

Either way we need to rebuild the civic movements and alternative political party power of the '30s and '40s.


This is the exact consequence of Trump's attention-whoring and liberals' falling for it.

The more people talk about how much of a "unique threat to democracy" Trump is, the more it gives leverage to Republicans to rebrand themselves as "sensible moderates."

Clinton knows what she's doing. She and Bill have always been about triangulating to the right.


So, the answer is to die?

holy shit the ideology

This is why anyone who thinks the Democrats will change are fucking delusional. They are bourgeois to the core and need to die for the world to progress.

I love how anyone living in New York or California can think voting third party is 'throwing their vote away' when there's literally no chance in hell of their state not going for the Dems. If anything, voting status quo is throwing your vote away.

Please just kill me I cannot take it anymore.

Why doesn't this "funny" clip feature a Jill Stein voter?

WATCH: Corruption At Trump Super PAC Exposed

He should've listened to Jane and supported the commissar.

shhh, don't let them know they can vote for Stein :^)

W-Who? You mean that anti-vaccine truther?

I remember the guy who gave us seatbelts and airbags and the Freedom of Information Act and then had the guts to stand up to a phony corporate Democrat who couldn't even win his home state of Tennessee much less get over a hundred thousand registered Democrats to not vote for Bush in Florida.

No, no, that's Trump.

Sanders is prepared to be a liberal thorn in Clinton’s side


Why do they keep saying liberal I'm pretty sure [redacted] doesn't identify as one.

Because they're idiots.

In America there are only conservatives and liberals.

If S█████ can rot the establishment down from the inside until the next election I'll be impressed

tbh if he just proposed this kind of thing from the very beginning of his endorsement, MORE B████ people would be voting Hillary. Instead they made him drink the coolaid.

They wanted to "UNIFY" the party, remember? What a joke that was.

Fun thread to read, but:
You are all so out of normal political debate, that holy shit. Your left is the nazis, your right is the nazis. Your view of the society is fundamentally a cult.
You both want the government to be You, or force your beliefs on others. That is fascism. Literally, you tards. You are all fascists. fuck.

ayy lmao

Yeah, actual politics scare the normies like that.

Whine more bitch boy


Damn, guess literally every political ideology is fascism then.

I'm kinda hope Trump does have a win, just so the supporters get dissapointed. Otherwise, it's an even faster train to fascism.

Trump is an opportunist, he's a centrist otherwise, with some anti-establishment policies here and there. And if you mean some of his nutty supporters - they're already here, whether Trump wins or not won't change that.
How can you seriously buy into this fascism phobia that comes from neoliberals whenever people reject the status quo?

Thing is, I'm pretty much sick of neoliberalsim. I want to see both parties disintegrate.

OK, I should have been clearer. I meant that there's no reason to think that Trump is actually a road to fascism. I hope Trump wins as well, because strategically he's slightly better for the left than Clinton who is just going to grease up the whole establishment machine even more.

How's it looking so far? Them polls n stuff.

Why Moore, WHY?!

He's explaining the rationale of the Trump voter, not his own.

nice get
just retarded message

If Trump would win, Holla Forums still loses. They just don't know yet.

If anything, it would only be a short term victory for pol.
liberal horseshoe theory fags have decided that Trump is like Karl Marx cuz he's a populist or something.

kek, poor dude

Where have you fags been today? According to this fag the latest leaks demonstrate Obama knew about Clinton's private server shit.

take your meds.

duh, who cares tbh.

Wasn't this already conformed a while ago? He used his own private email with a pseudonym to communicate with Hillary's private email.

Holy shit.
Pic related is the highest level of cover for a male 26yo from the biggest private insurance company in Australia. It includes things like a free pair of running shoes every year and the like. And still you can walk into any public hospital and get free treatment.

Gosh, and only 430 obamaland funbux a month

1 AUD = 0.769131 USD, USD = 1.30017 AUD

Barak Obama's half brother, Malik Obama, supports Donald Trump.

Is there really a good possibility that Trump wins? It seems like key voters are nevertheless still brainwashed by the whole "mass murderer Hillary is lesser evil" propaganda.

Sorry, I'm retarded and misread your post.

Things aren't looking good for Hillary, and I imagine they'll only get worse as this email stuff filters out into the general population.

Malik was friends with ghaddafie and is mad obama killed him so he decided to troll him hard.

You misunderstand the whole idea of Holla Forums. The idea is not to make Trump win through psyuops and nazi frogposting.
The idea is to make nationalism mainstream, through Trump, shift the overtone window to the right and keep supporting more extreme candidates until we get the literal Hitler.

As you may have noticed the people already dismiss any Hitler comparisons and during this election cycle many of them are starting suspecting Hitler did nothing wrong.

What Holla Forums wants is either a civil war or a push to destroy the republican party from within and replace it with a nazi party.

i laughed twice thanks

Remember that is sort of how Hitler and Mussolini got in. Also, to be fair, some commies like Béla Kun.

The republican candidate is a democrat, that the democrat-aligned media talked about exclusively before the nomination, because he was the opponent the democrats chose.

The democratic party's campaign consists entirely on throwing shit in the general direction of this democrat they chose.

There are rebublicans out there that disowned this democrat and are doing a campaign in favor of that other democrat presidential candidate.

Living up faithfully to its name, the democratic party is doing a spectacular job in sabotaging both the democratic process in the nomination of its own candidate, the republican party's, and now the final stage of presidential race.

Holla Forumsyps or whoever else do not need to do much to destroy the republican party from within, or even democracy in America itself, because they democratic party did it first.

I am curious what exactly is supposed to replace the republican party now that decades of ideology made of anti-nationalist, anti-socialist, anti-Russian, and now anti-non-3rd-wave-feminism is going to make whatever Holla Forums stands for to be public enemy #1 in the eyes of the average American, the two-party system is obsolete, and the mediatic, corporate, and cultural hegemony has been established.

I'm not entirely sure if Holla Forumsyps understand they're being played like a fucking fiddle by this dialectical trap: "either we Hillary or we nazis" - because we know exactly how much Americans love their nazis - or that they just witnessed a revolution from above.

"Always do the opposite of what we say, and here is what we say: 'do not become the best possible straw man we could ask for'."

There was that poster a week ago or two mentioning how much Americans actually end up liking the fact that everything is rigged and corrupt and bourgeois, and how obedient they are to ideology.

Now the democrats' capture is so complete even their sworn enemies become everything dems ever wanted them to be.

Never did a so-called democratic party work so hard to discredit democracy.

You are lost in your own democrat vs republican buzzwords again.

That's not the point. Both parties are bankrolled by the same people, that's why the neocohens and the cuckservatives oppose the outsider, that's why Fox News shits on him 24/7.

Both parties will have to be destroyed. Republicans are already collapsing and will need just a little push, and the democrats won't survive the Trump presidency after their corporate funding and their media mouthpieces are cut off and their top officials go to prison for treason and corruption.

It's not about Trump as a person either, it's about the idea. At this point we have already won, there are already enough people ready to exercise their constitutional right to overthrow the tyrannical government by force. There are already extremists at the arms, there are already talks about a revolution being heard.

The dems have done a GREAT job of dividing the country. All it needed is a spark and we made Trump that spark.
There will be either a peaceful transition through Trump or a violent one.

America only needs 1 party and that party will be National-Socialist.

Sanders defending the Clinton campaign insulting his campaign and supporters

Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star was destroyed by some dude with a pickaxe.

Clinton campaign pushed B████ hit piece that linked him to high African American incarceration rates, CTR was used to push the story.

Reminder that Frederich Engels was a Businessman (Capitalist) :^)

Unlikely. but a hrc win will reaffirm the smug confidence of liberal technocrats which is excellent.

What I'm curious to see is how the msm will treat the leaks which will continue to come out after the election.

Sorry, not excellent, I meant troublesome. I did not realize there was a filter in place

Lesser evil voting is non-applicable in the year of the Hillarump.
Vote third-party or independent, or don't vote at all.

I'm not even registered to vote in the state that I currently live in. Mostly just to avoid jury duty.

Clintrump sounds better

If you have a driver's license or state ID, you're likely already on the list for jury duty. If you haven't been summoned, you've probably just been lucky (or your address isn't up to date). Also, it's extremely easy to get out of jury duty.

I've heard that, but I haven't gotten a summons since 2010, which is the last time I was registered. Might just be coincidence. Either way, I have no desire to be registered. Fuck voting.

Donary Clintrump?

Dollary Clintrump, of course

Especially in non presidential voting.

I don't know what kind of cardboard fairyland you all seem to live in, but not-voting isn't going to bring about socialism any faster.

There's plenty of congressional, state and city elections going on which—in case you like not being arrested for cannibis or sentencing people to death, for instance—really do matter.

No one cares about what Holla Forums's delusions are.
I just care about imageboards really starting to tell Holla Forums to fuck off (then again Holla Forums outside this board is probably doomed)
Then again I feel we are reaching or we have already reached peak aut-right, MSM going about pepe reminds me a lot of chanology.

I agree, but no matter what president is elected, that still won't happen. The best you can get is some more co-ops, but we don't exactly have time for that.

I'm not too worried. The liberals are dead already, they just don't know it yet. Next year they're going to be strangled to death by the Republicans and S█████ with no public support.

At this point I view winning the presidency as a pyrrhic victory for the establishment. They're be struggling to stay alive.

You were right the first time.

We need to set the liberals up so we can knock them down.

Better than allowing them 4-8 years to play the brave liberal Resistance to the big bad Trump.

Jimmy "economics > idpol" Dore

You didn't even read the article yourself, did you?
It's actually a great article, and the clickbait headline probably seduces precisely the kind of people that need to read it, i.e. liberals.

The Clinton Campaign was snapping creepshots of Barney Sandals.

There's plenty of policy and legislation that can and should be passed to encourage the creation and sustainability of co-ops too.

I would actually be okay with this


Another great video posted today. Jimmy breaking down how we've been fucking Syria and Iran since the 50's in the name of oil and anti-communism.

Memes aside, who do you expect to win?

I'm with

Any B████crats for it?

Hillary and her idiots are slowly radicalizing lefty Americans, it's fun to watch:
I remember going through a similar process. When the mainstream politics alienates you, you make it your project to differentiate yourself from it as much as possible. Liberals are doing us a service with their stupidity and hypocrisy, they're a free 24/7 commercial on why you need to come to the left instead. Sooner or later almost nobody will be able to ignore everything that's wrong with Clinton, Wikileaks is here to stay after the elections, and if she's elected their commercial for the left will just continue playing. From this perspective the more blatantly horrible the candidates are, the better for us.

Fuggin drops Phil Ochs "Love me I'm a Liberal" Come'on Dore you are so close.


I regularly agitate my groups talking about the socially responsible use of eminent domain, Italy's Marconi Law, and the Labour Party's idea of a law giving employees the right of first refusal.

Jimmy is getting so savage lately I think I'm becoming a regular listener. I see a socialist in the making; all he needs is some more pushback from faux leftists as he continues speaking truth to power.

his podcast is a good listen if you have a semi long commute

My bet is on the spread looking something like this:

Trump 50%
Hillary 35%
Stein 10%
Johnson 5%

Give or take in respect to any forthcoming surprises from wikileaks et al.

What's the right of first refusal?

How the fuck haven't I seen this posted here?

wow that's by far the lowest blow they've ever done and it's so harmless

Don't they mean election fraud?

This was actually a story all the way back in June. Most irresponsible outlets decided not to report on it.

What's your reasoning?

Well shit, I must have missed that.

When a business is deciding to go public on the stock market, it would require employees to have the right of buying it out first and turning it into a co-op if they want.

That sounds pretty awesome, but how often do employees actually have the capital to buy out their business?

I think Stein is going to benefit heavily from former Sandernistas looking for an alternative to Hillary. Johnson has been getting talked up alot, especially in the MSM, which makes me suspicious of how well he's actually doing. Consider his recent "what's Aleppo?" gaffs.

As for Trump, the impression I'm getting isn't so much that people in general like him so far as they, aside from Democrat diehards/true believers, absolutely despise Hillary for one reason or another. The way I see it, up until about now, the majority of people have only been keeping infrequent attention to the content of this election cycle, and since Trump changes his positions just about every time he's in front of a camera, more likely than not he'll have said at least something that the average person can support. Contrast that with Hillary who (at least in my admittedly limited experience) seems to commonly be seen as a snake, and I see the average American taking their chances with the slimy businessman rather than the dishonest politician.

Really, I think that's what's going to carry Trump through. He's "not a politician." He's probably just as sleazy and crooked as Hillary, but to the average spooked-up American his hucksterism is fundamentally different because he's a businessman, which the dems and the reps have both spent decades lionizing. I mean, really, what do you expect people to do after nearly 40 years of being told that government is the problem and that politicians just want to screw them and take their money and so on, while CEOs and other moguls are endlessly trumpeted as the saviors and heroes of the country, of the economy, etc. Even a cut-rate shmuck like Trump benefits from this image, at the very least because he's """successful."""

The content of all these wikileaks paints a very dismal picture for Hill Dawg too. No one likes her. Not the voters, not the party, not the staff, not even her own family. The MSM can plug its ears and pretend that the emails are irrelevant or nonexistent all they want, but the facts are slowly filtering out into the general population, and with every passing day the poison spreads. Hell, even without the emails, stuff like her 9/11 "incident," the fly on her face during the debate, and other things like that just help to cultivate all the doubts people seem to have about her.

IMO, the only thing she really has going for her is that she's "not Trump," and I suspect that there are lots of people, for one reason or another, really don't give a shit about that.

That's mostly what I think. Factor in too the imbalanced (and constant) polls, the shrill-bordering-on-hysterical tone of the media most of the time, and a healthy dose of wishful thinking, and that's what I come up with.

Chairman Dore going after John "Current Year" Oliver

What the fuck happened to that interview with leftypol thing anyway?

This is what democracy looks like:

So glad my own state's League of Women Voters hasn't been corrupted (yet).

a candidate with balls

You do realize that "muh wall" and "muh ideas" weren't even why Trump is so close against Shillary in the first place, right? It's only because other people are hate her more than Trump, and vice versa with her support.

Did you read the fucking post? Marx user specifically stated that he's nothing but a plant for clinton, and you and his braindead supporters are clearly being played by him. It's even being implied by wikileaks. No one is committing to an "armed revolution" but infowars shills and middle school Holla Forums posters.

Think otherwise. Shillary's plan is working and Trump is setting himself up for a blowout loss to her due to telling centrists and other key voting blocs to fuck off. Trump won't even get at least 40% of the vote.

why are Holla Forumskiddies so easily gullible?

Good poast.

If Trump was just a rich guy who wanted to try to become president, his path to victory would be much easier if he adopted certain policies.

For example, If he had simply adopted the standard neocon line on foreign policy, his run would be a lot easier - he would have at least begrudging support of his entire party establishment and pundit class. They wouldn't constantly be trying to stab him in the back over trivial issues if he simply came out in favour of a no-fly-zone and said he was willing to risk conflict with a nuclear power over Israel's foreign policy interests. He would have retained the Jewish donors that fled his party:

At the debate, Martha Raditz brought up the fact that Pence gave the boilerplate, "We must confront Russia with overwhelming strength and resolve" Republican talking points and Trump - without making a calculation - without correcting himself, openly disagreed and disagreed strongly. She couldn't contain herself (She's a 🍀🍀🍀foreign policy analyst🍀🍀🍀), and interrupted him constantly, comparing the battlefield in Aleppo to the holocaust, but he persisted. That shows me that he actually has some principles, because again, he's not taking the easy route. That type of foreign policy isn't actually unpopular, except with the pundits.

Similarly, if he were a Clinton plant, he wouldn't have cut his safety net. You and I both know that he's going to jail if he doesn't win.
Seriously need you guy's opinions on this

ignore quote.

pls respond.

Jimmy "Kill the Lib" Dore

it's going to hurt when he sells out

why? it's to be expected

The Phil Ochs song was actually a socialist bashing socdems though. Jimmy is so close to becoming a comrade.

I don't know about him being an explicit Clinton plant, but one of those wikileaked e-mails talks about how the Clinton campaign strategy has been to push for the credibility of Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump because they thought they would be easier to beat. Bill Clinton called him up on a golf course and encouraged him to run as well.

Maybe not a "plant" per se, but surely a useful idiot at least.

And all this time, we've been telling Holla Forums to follow their leader. To think, they actually were.

Please, he's a billionaire (or a multimillionaire at least). We both know they don't go to jail.


Trump is a democrat, cut the maybes.

Likelihood Clinton will be primaried in 2020? Surely if the Dem party wants to stay relevant by that time they will be forced to as she will cause dems to lose ground in the house and lose their potential new senate majority in 2018. I can see her favor-ability being below 30% by 2020 and they may be forced to.

Nice Hitler trips.
She will be dead by 2020. But her cyborged corpse will surely get into the 2020 primaries.

Where is the best place to find full episodes of his podcast? His website is a disaster.


Now I can say I am ready for the final days of this shitshow.

"It's shit"

t. Holla Forums

He's so close to understanding one of the contradictions of capitalism.

Breddy gud :DDD

Where's the Stein/Johnson cost us the election square?


Get this shit out of here. Right now.

This brainwashing is disgusting. These celebrities are the worst of the worst.

Get this shit out of here. Right now.

This brainwashing is disgusting. These celebrities are the worst of the worst.

I'm in bumfuck India with shitty connection.. or it's just 8ch glitching again


yale's biggest newspaper endorsed HRC

this is to be expected but the phrase "we have no opinion on Jill Stien" was not

Zero. Absolutely, zero. The crew will go down with the captain and her ship.

Assuming Hilary somehow wins, the GOP will continue running Congress and will make big gains in 2018. Missouri will go Right-To-Work next year, followed shortly by Ohio and then Pennsylvania. Hilary might slip by in 2020, but the damage will have already been done and that year the GOP will seal their gains through Gerrymandering after the Census is conducted. 2022 is a total shitshow for the Democrats, the GOP would be well positioned for a Supermajority which is when they can ignore Hilary outright. They'd also have an Electoral College advantage at this point. Then starting in 2024 the GOP would repeal all the progressive policies made in the twentieth century, so they can have their Gilded Age back.

The entire time Hilary and the remaining Democrats would continue bitching about obstructionism as more and more Americans walk away. They are then pinned down into a handful of cosmopolitan states when they can be ignored, just like the Democrats were after Reconstruction until Wilson. At the very most, Hilary might get a no-fly zone in Syria or boots in Iraq. But even then Congress would likely demand an exit after a year because they are sticky about money and Hilary wouldn't sacrifice social security (which would cause even hard blue states to flip red).

Which is why I hope Trump wins. Yes, he's a fucking cunt and bourgeoisie scum but his victory would likely result in a total reconstruction of the Dem Party, with his protectionism allowing Labor to rebuild. He's not capable of destroying fucking everything like Hilary is.

How can people like this who supposedly run a paper look themselves in the mirror each morning?

It's Yale. One of three colleges (other two being Princeton and Harvard) where the bourgeoisie overlords are created.

Harvard gave us National Lampoon, once upon a time. The Ivy League are supposed to be intellectual and self-aware.

They've always been glorified finishing schools for America's elites user. Even the '60s yippies eventually became yuppies

I live in southern connecticut and have to deal with Yale students all the time. They're insufferable, and have the pretentiousness you'd expect of an ivy leaguer.

Does "Fucking third parties" not count?

Wrong, the Ivy Leagues have always been where porky himself is manufactured. The newest Ivy League, Stanford, was only allowed into the club because Stanford himself was a notorious union breaker (infamously using America's first private military, Pinkerton Detective Agency to knock off labor organizers) who ran America's largest railroad monopoly (which for a brief time collected more in fees than the federal government in taxes).

When the inevitable red tide comes in, the first people executed will be it's students and war will only be won when their colleges are burnt to the ground.

What makes you think he will sell out now?

Did Stein get her doctorate from Yale or Harvard?


The Democratic party needs to be destroyed and replaced with the Green party. Corporate money is just far too entrenched to reform it at this point.

Reminder that we could've had S█████ gangraping Trump in the polls and drink on Holla Forumsack tears come election night.

Parties are irrelevant, since there can only be two. What must change is a constitutional shift away from FPtP voting, probably starting at the state and local level, as with most of these things.

Remember that the distance between Republican establishment and Democrat establishment is infinitely smaller than the one between the rest of us and them. Letting Trump in is potentially bad for them, letting S█████ in would've been catastrophic.

Cure, of course, but the Democratic party still needs to be obliterated.




For starters, Congress.

Saw one of the weenies on my local station in that montage.


Did you miss the porky flag?

Wow. That's fucking bullshit. That's the type of thing we need to see start happening, often. Otherwise, things aren't going to change.

This is how we're gonna fix America. Not by pandering to millennials or by calling Mexicans rapists, by growing some balls and challenging the two one party system.

I voted today and I didn't get a sticker. Is that idpol?

I actually though Time Warner was buying AT&T, not the other way around.

And they've been saying gommunism is 'le hivehmind'.

Here's Clinton's centrist non-answer on #NoDAPL

She is the fucking worst

This. She will be kill by 2020 and we'll get 1968 Democratic Primary with Kaine vs. B████ or his protege, in which B████ or his protege will almost certainly win unless Kaine had a decently long and somewhat competent try at it.

Daily reminder Third Way cancer gave us the Obamacare price hike. And Obamacare.

How are those polls looking right now?

What does the hammer and sickle have to do with it though?

Wew just went to a group political discussion that included a Korean Trump supporter (MAGA hat included), a Jeb Bush supporter who seemed a lot like a young version of Jeb Bush, a lot of liberal talk about muh privilege and that one Orwell quote on guns that gets posted here a lot.

Oh, and the moderator was a black man. Which kinda made the Korean's story about the Rodney King riots a bit awkward.

On a scale of 1-10, just how evil am I for voting for Trump purely because I think it would be more humorous to watch SJWs flip their shit if he wins?

It's not like he would be worse in office than shillary anyways.

Is it evil to eat your seed corn?

reddit just broke and filled the front page with a bunch of r/the_donald posts. pretty much definite proof that the admins of that site manipulate that sub specifically, if there was any doubt left.

Not evil, just dumb.


No, I said you are dumb, for voting for hillary.

Everyone else is fine. CTR go home.

take your meds.

CTR is undeniably real and they have an actually shocking amount of influence on mainstream boards like Reddit. 8ch on the other hand….

Unless you live in Nevada, Oklahoma, or North Dakota, pretty dumb. You have an opportunity to really do something meaningful with your vote this election. Don't waste your righteous fury on that fam.

I'm worried for Assange, HRC is definitely going retaliate against him and he'll only have a few real journalists left as allies. Greenwald and uh….

Chris Hedges, Greg Palast…


Seriously.. Now it's personal with her. And this is the woman who laughed about getting Qaddafi killed.

Personally, I hope she gets Bobby Kennedy'd before she can do enough damage, to all of us.

Just for shits'n'giggles, what's Holla Forums's take on what the fallout would be if either of Clinton or Trump were assassinated before the election?

I could imagine riots

Honestly, I have no idea what would happen.

It's actually pretty amazing, that Hillary Clinton can make me actually have to defend a guy like Trump. She even struggled in the polls against him. She's such a shit candidate & horrible person. I'd be satisfied with seeing her in jail, though.

Anyway, maybe if she gets Bobby Kennedy'd, it would pave the way for a genuine revolution.

What happened when JFK was shot?

I don't remember anything about that day.

He was made into a martyr.

But JFK was a friend of mine, and Senator Clinton, she's no JFK.

JFK actually gave a bit of a fuck about citizens. And many say that's why he was sniped. He was trying to improve race relations & socio-economic status for Americans. Just like MLK or Malcolm X's circumstances of death.

Just like Ghandi.


Ugh! When will those Rethuglikkkans stop trying to pin fake conspiracy theories on Our Girl Saint Hillary??

SJWs would get a new life under a Trump administration. Since everyone will be galvanized in their disgust for Trump, they'll completely ignore Social Justice, leaving it to fester once more unchallenged.


Even if this goes nowhere again Congress is loading up and will be able to successfully destroy Hilary regardless if she wins the Presidency or not.


another source

Lee Fang as well.

Why couldn't they release the emails sooner? Why did Sanders brush it off?

It could've been us and the guys over at r/sandersforpresident digging through the emails and actually making a difference in the real world and ensuring that he would've become president.

But it was too late and now it's Trump,Holla Forums and r/the_Donald doing all the stuff.

I feel nothing but sadness.

I imagine the Bernermeister either didn't know what the emails really entailed or was told specifically to ignore them.

I'd like to think he wasn't in on it from the beginning but I'm not so sure any more

another source:


pic related

There was already enough evidence to indict her but Comey didn't. Nothing is going to come of this. Though it might sway some undecideds.

Because they wanted to give the Democrats a chance to fix their shit on their own terms, instead of forcing it. They let the Dems choose their fate and they chose to burn. Remember, the leaks themselves began the night of the DNC when S█████ conceded and Hilary officially accepted the nomination.

I'm not happy with the decision either, but if I was in their position I'd do the same. This gives them the maximum exposure as the GOP are much more rabid than us and Fox News actually airs this shit live (including reading Hilary's emails verbatim, a thing which I still find hilarious every time it happens). Their options were to either step back and let Democracy play itself out, or touch their oven lighter to the gas leak inside the Dem's house. They ultimately let the Democrats choose their course, instead of trying to directly influence the election through the primaries.

Shit happens, again I'm not happy either. But it's what the majority of Democrats chose.

Fuck, you are right.

Lmao, Trump is going to win, isn't he?

Gloria is going to have to go to her bench here.

Gloria is going to have to go to her bench here.

That's not my point. The point is, regardless of what happens in the election the House is being given more ammunition. If Hilary becomes President she'll get toasted like Nixon did. I think the biggest question of her Presidency (if it happens) would be if a President can Pardon themselves.

On that topic, this is what the Consitution says:

Which can be taken either way, on one hand a President can pre-emptively Pardon herself and thus prevent a Conviction in the Senate (as the Senate requires the President to commit a crime in order to Convict), or the Senate (and SCOTUS during the inevitable lawsuit) could just ignore her self-Pardon entirely and Convict anyway. Either way it would destroy her authority (as it would in effect be a vote of no confidence) and result in a Republican landslide in the following election even if House/Senate Democrats dumped her.

Pic related, Nixon avoided this mess by resigning before he could be Impeached and had Ford Pardon him. I highly recommend reading it, as well as watching Nixon's entire resignation speech and Ford's inaugural address (where he's almost crying because his had boss just gotten cooked).

No matter what, Democrats loose.

Bro, chill.

I can't handle spelling errors.

You mean WikiLeaks? They weren't given the emails sooner.

I wonder if the NSA really found Hillary's 33,000 emails like Kimdotcom said? Could the FBI even use the NSA for an investigation like this?

"okay, okay, okay, what if we say the fbi are actually reverse russian vampires"


Top Kek

Top Kek


I wonder if there is any correlation between the re-opening of the FBI investigation and this colossal fuck-up of revealing that nukes require 4 mins between the order and the launch to the whole planet:

I vote 2016 for best current year ever.


It was Kaine. From the very start. He planned it all out. He is the mole. He is the insider that leaked the emails. He is going to become president after Clinton has been indicted.

Kaine is Underwood.


IT'S TRUE LMAO isn't working at the moment.


2016 is a year that keeps on giving.

If wieners wiener takes shillary down that is like some synchronicity occult shit man.

good god redditors are insufferable faggots

just accidentally the whole campaign

reddit has been over run with CTR hardcore for a while now.
Just ignore the mainstream boards, especially the political ones.
The only place to discuss politics properly are in obscure places like this

wew lads

Maybe. I only say this because Mark Felt dropped Nixon. But this also assumes Hilary can win, and if Kaine was smart he would only start leaking after the election.

Perhaps Jim Webb? He's the only other person I can think of that has the balls, the access, and the reason to do it.

that entire 14 second bit could easily fit into a TV ad

she's fucked


lmaooooooooooooo is this real? what's the source?

which is ironic because trump is also pro-israel and doesn't give a fuck about palestine


when? where? give me a fuckin source Source.

Okay playing devils advocate and based on the audio quality I'm not one hundred percent sure that's her talking

if trump wins because anthony wienrs dick this will go down as the greatest meme election of all time.

The owner of this website is married to one of Trump's kids so shills will write it off.

the Republicans will never air a pro-Palestine ad

Quoted wrong post


Y'all niggas seen this shit?

I know they're not real, but I feel like they almost could be

They will be in a couple of years. We're planning to go into Syria right now.

I mean, think about the vietnam war, all those poor bastards got drafted to go fight and didnt even want to be there.
Now imagine ww3, you are lost in the Siberian wastelands, hiding from russian bastards, just you and stacy, her favorite hobbies before this where texting and watching keeping up with the kardashians

they're pretty good tbh, I congratulate Holla Forums.

We should make some stuff that's like
#HillAryan #HillaReich #SiegHill

Will I at least be able to get laid then

no, it will be like every video game escort mission.


There are many video game escort missions where a woman has to protect a man. Siri in Witcher 3 for instance.

Shhh, haven't you heard that video games are sexist? I bet you don't even watch Feminist Frequency.

CNN just played the clip months ago when Trump was blasting Hillary for her top aide being affiliated to 'that sleazeball' Weiner who pillow talk about national secrets.

Far more likely Podesta was simply hacked, he was using really bad passwords. Another story is that his emails got stolen because he once forgot his phone in a taxi, which he really did.

What are you smoking, kike?

The amount of fraud in electronic banking and credit card processing is staggering. Most "fraud protection" involves catching malicious interactions before they hit a bank account, or reversing them before they can be capitalized upon, because there is no defense at any point which is even close to completely effective.

The difference between banking and ballots is two things:

1. Ballots are anonymous. Even if you can prove someone voted more than once, you can't prove WHICH votes are theirs. Even if they admit to fraud and tell you what votes they made more than once, you cannot prove they are telling the truth. Imagine a Clinton supporter created 30 fraudulent ballots for Clinton and submitted them; if they got caught, they could lie and tell the investigators they actually did 30 votes for Trump. If the investigators believed them, then they would remove 30 Trump votes and double the damage done by the Clinton supporter. This means you CANNOT reliably determine the scope (or nature) of a given case of election fraud, nor can you reliably reverse it.

tl;dr: election fraud is much harder to reverse

2. Elections are much higher-impact than garden variety monetary fraud. An illegally elected ruler gains influence that can be used to subvert or prevent efforts to determine the correct voting outcome. He can also use his power to prevent his constituents from replacing him, if he has the necessary political capital. Meanwhile, even if he is removed, he has a large (months? years?) window of opportunity to cause unlimited damage to his nation's legal system before being brought to heel. While theft or fraud of a monetary variety can be absorbed, reversed, or even mitigated through insurance or similar, electoral fraud is much more damaging.

tl;dr: election fraud is much higher-impact

lmao that john legend song that plays after

You're a fucking retard m8. People don't rig elections using ballots and fake voters, they rig it by fucking with the registration databases, messing with voting districts (cutting locations, gerrymandering), or just plain falsifying the numbers. Hillary beat B████ by purging hundreds of thousands of young or irregular voters from the databases before they could even show up to vote. It would be much harder and more elaborate to send in tons of fake ballots.

Ballots could also be pseudonymous, for instance by requiring each vote to be encrypted with a unique private key that was issued by the registrar. Inserting fake votes would, short of gaining access to the registry's own private key (basically impossible), require either fraudulently registering lots of people (easily traced and corrected), or stealing large numbers of private keys from people who who register but don't vote (as above, but even more difficult).

The original argument was about whether or not electronic voting, particularly over the internet from a PC, would be more or less secure than hand-counted paper ballots. If so, the idea is that the greater speed, efficiency, cheapness, openness, and central control would minimize or prevent many of the fraudulent techniques used against [REDACTED].

See, this is why I'm not too worried about a Hillary presidency. She has blood in the water already and the sharks are lining up to take a piece out of her.

being pro military-industrial complex does not mean being against "clean" elections in palestine. Bibi himself would run something like this against his own opponent, as Jews are want to do. And the Israelis themselves trust Trump far more than Hilary:

Hilary just had a live statement on TV, to sum it up:

1. She will comply with the investigation
2. The "american people" care about the real issues, and she is "certain most people have already made their mind up on that issue"
3. The FBI should release exactly what they have, direct quote: "share whatever facts they claim to have happened, and I expect they will:

In all, it felt unscripted (mostly because she kept saying and…, and….., and…….) but otherwise nothing you wouldn't expect out of a press conference like this.

Jimmy has stopped giving a fuck

Jimmy's so close to being a proper revolutionary, I'm so proud of him.

Here's a CNN live stream, you can still catch it if you rewind back.

is he going full chairman? what's his opinion on Ukraine?


Man. Those porkies just can't wait…I wish we could just stop using oil.

how long until he quits TYT?

Comrade Dore is going to become bigger than TYT and it's going to be great.

I can't wait to see him call out cenk and just walk off

Maybe we can get Jimmy and the guy from Secular Talk to collab?

Jimmy "Drop a Cop" Dore

stop hyping this shit. Just because he's one of the few socdems who are consistent doesn't mean he's anywhere close to becoming revolutionary or that he's even moving in that direction. You're just setting people up for disappointment. Everyone should know by now, from the S█████ run (if not from World War I), that socdems are a shit

I love you.

Socdems are just one good push away from being proper communists

It's just a means to an end for them

Before any new damning information comes out? Is that it? You know that its all down hill from here so you're desperate to get people to support you before its too late?

I imagine this early voting stuff makes it 15-20x more difficult to monitor polls.
so close

I feel like "vote early" has been a refrain of every candidate and campaign for a long time now.

I mean if soneone does it because their candidate reminds then too that's one vote you get that you might not have gotten just due to individual circumstances


right wingers will never respond to this

if you don't think jimmy would fight for a commie future if given the chance you are dead wrong

Little Huma is crying.

This is the picture of this election season.

What does the FBI reopening the investigation actually mean for the Clinton campaign? Why now?

Better resolution.

Biden's reaction when he learned that the emails came from Weiner.


I can only hope the stream of legal scandals and "resignations" among the administration of whoever wins the election will surpass this.


You can tell he's so sick of defending that bitch.

Who wore it better?

Comrade Dore shitting on the police


"Stroking gun" is severely savage

Only 2 points separate Clinton, Trump in latest tracking poll

Opinion polls this election have been so worthless, between the lies, the constant oscillations, and the narrow gap.

Is a Brexit scenario possible? Everybody thought, and polls showed, that majority will vote "remain". The campaigns for "leave" were a complete sham, just marketing for certain politicians, such as Boris & Nigel, who didn't expect a win either. Yet the result was "leave" despite all of that. I think we have a similar situation here as well.

Huma crying isnt a good sign for camp shillary
If the emails deal massive damage, independents could turn to trump

imo the fbi reopening the investigation into Clinton is her death knell. I've stated my case earlier in the thread

Expect the MSM to pull out all the stops to try and boost her but the more they push the more they're going to alienate Hilldawg from voters that haven't already drowned in kool aid.


Hillary looks like she's about to choke a bitch.

She's experiencing a hangup because her processors can't parse the meaning behind this display of human emotion.


Silly. They don't teach burgers any history beyond world War II



Why does Hillary dress so strangely? She is definitely trying to cultivate a particular look, but why?

Why is Anthony Wiener so based?

To remind the proles she isn't one of them. She never was.

Why not put both in jail?

I think she's eschewed the appearance of "femininity" as much as possible to try and cultivate a more "masculine" image of a competent, decisive politician. When she was first lady she wore dresses and things like that, but I don't recall ever seeing her in one afterwards.

"Pant suits" I guess are as far as she can go without "dressing like a man."

She dresses like Kim Jong-Il.

Yeah, it's definitely an authoritarian look.

Something like this?

Come on. That's clearly her. Especially given the subject matter.

lol I've thinking this for months.


tbh it doesn't look like Huma Abedin is crying

No way, because that makes Holla Forums(& by proxy, us) look bad instead of Hillary.

🍀🍀🍀This is a Test Post🍀🍀🍀

From NYT.

I'm not sure it would actually be possible for Holla Forums to look worse than it already does, to be honest.

wtf how did Wiener get these emails? Does this mean there might be a record of those emails which Clinton deamed "non-work-related"?

Also, what if Weiner was reading classified documents/emails without clearance?



Also, from what I've read, they were found on the computer that Huma & Weiner shared.

Can these fuckers stop buying articles & be original for once? Journalism has been dead, for a while.

It's way too clear that they're just using talking points provided to them.

I wouldn't be surprised if either of those happened.

In my own irrelevant country all of the media not only copies these talking points from global MSM but also their phrases, metaphors, arguments, etc… First I read some shitty news article in the Guardian, the next day I see the same article basically rewritten in my own language.
I'm not expecting original journalism about foreign affairs, but this is what you get when global MSM becomes so hegemonic and homogeneous.
I suspect that they haven't been reporting about WikiLeaks simply because they don't even know much about it from these sources.

Comrade Jimmy Dore made a video about this

based weiner subverting the emerald empire

That's a fantastic point. I'm American & recently moved to India. I noticed the exact same thing in their media. It's fucking scary.

Oh man, I saw this video. Conan O'Brien famously pointed it out, too. More people need to see this. I never use FB, but I'm going to share this video so more people realize exactly what's happening. And it's been going on for a long time, too! Wtf..

It's happening in Brazil too.


Hue here, can confirm. MSM is copying american media word by word.

This is the company about to buy out Time Warner.

We're rapidly approaching the cyberpunk dystopia

Holy fuck! not surprised but still holy fuck

A third HUE here. Beyond the sheer laziness, it really is uncanny how the mainstream media seems to make a concerted effort to Americanize our culture.


Chairman S█████ shall rid the world of outdated concepts such as you, Satan.

If only

Is it happening after all?

Is this new scandal a sign that the bourgeoisie are abandoning Clinton or see Trump as a better option?

No, I mean, it's still the same scandal as last time right? The only other time I can recall Clinton being treated this way by the talking class writ large is when she collapsed and pretended nothing was wrong. Then she lied about have pneumonia and everyone bought it.

Wow, its almost like 6 corporations own everything and trade deals have allowed global media to be controlled by them to broadcast globalist american propaganda to the world in order to shape every country into cultureless consumers.


Don't you poor slobs also get zillionth-hand official translations of anime and vidya? Like Japanese➙English➙German➙Russian➙Polish?

No, we don't get translations at all and we don't need them. We understand the cultural imperialist's language well enough.

Oh, sorry about that. Maybe you guys could try sending back a few salvos to distort our culture like the Japanese or Canadians.

We have already deployed one of our Marxist-Lacanians to subvert the American youth and intelligentsia, now we're trying to achieve a coup through Melanija. Clintons are right about Trump, except that he's a Slovenian puppet, not a Russian one. A nation of less than two million people will soon control more than 300 million Americans.
Our other main target is North Korea:

What. the. fuck.

time to disconnect

This is how coups begin.


Shit's getting nuts ferreal

Why? Hillary just keeps proving herself as the better option, considering she has so much dirt on her that she's buried already. Dirt people can use to keep her impotent.

Is Comey clearing house for the inevitable investigation into collusion between the Clintons and state machinery? Why'd he announce the investigation?

Hilldawg's last check bounced

Loreta Lynch is a real festering turd

Hillary will sell the white house to the highest bourgeousie bidders, and she'll serve Israel's middle-east ambitions to the fullest.

She can try. I don't know how far she'll get with no public support and everyone out for her blood. The Republicans will be eager for some payback and S█████ will be breathing down her neck.

She's going to be severely handicapped as a President.

Anyone else think that they blew their load too early with the whole emails thing? It could have hurt Hillary a lot more if it was brought up and opened now instead of months ago.

Then again, maybe waiting until now would have been seen as too much of a coincidence to smear Hillary right before the election and not taken seriously.

Wait too long and people will have already voted. My county has had early voting polls open for two or three weeks now. Vote by mail has been available to people for months.

Post links if you have them, guys. I've been out of town & haven't been able to follow it as closely as I usually do.

If you have good articles or videos, please post for us!

It really pisses me of how the general election is so open & accommodating, yet the Primaries are often closed. All should be as open as the general. Hell, in the general they'll even offer you a ride to the polls!

I think it worked out great. It's been steadily in the news with harder hits here & there, for the better part of a year, now. That's taken a substantial toll on her favorables & trustworthiness.

At this point if she wins the election, she'll be the first President in history to go into office with a negative approval rating.

She's so fucked now, lmao. We can thank S a n d e r s & Wikileaks for that. Say what you want about S a n d e r s, but he did a great service in exposing just how slimy Hillary is, to many democratic party voters. He helped me personally become more politically active, and to become a socialist. Too bad he's a reformist, but, we can't have it all, can we?

This. If Wikileaks didn't kill Hillary, it certainly crippled her presidency beyond repair.

I thank Wikileaks, S█████ did nothing but get cucked and to this day remains to defend Hillary.

He's a weak-willed bitch.

I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir.

It's true.

He bows down to Clinton like a bitch.

Take that back right fucking now.

Jill Stein Has Investments In Fossil Fuel Companies

I personally think he or his family got threatened. If he won the nomination, most of the 'scandals' dogging Trump probably never would have come to light, and if he ran independent with the current state of issues today, he would stand a really good chance. I doubt that the Democrats would leave him as a loose end, and you know they use him as a talking point to try and get his voters on their side.

This is actually a great strategy. Your enemy's power is directly proportional to your potential funding to attack them.

I think you're reading too much into it. It was always pretty clear that 2016 was going to be Hillary's turn, and I think that he entered the race knowing that he was probably going to lose to her anyway.

He probably realised he was doomed when Hillary swept the (older) black and hispanic voters, since those ethnic blocks are what the Dems need to get into the White House (and which generally don't care about populism or economic policies, so much as what the Big Man can give them in gibs)

Jew in investing money shocker


The older generation don't, which is why they sided with Hillary "Hot Sauce/Your Abuela" Clinton in the primaries.

That's why I mentioned them, since S█████ was tied (if not doing slightly better) among young black and hispanic Democrats in most of the primaries - unfortunately, like most young people, they don't bother voting in the primaries which lead to him getting crushed with story after story about why S█████ "couldn't get non-white voters excited"

He's said himself that went into his Presidential bid ready to lose.

Looking at it, I believe his entire bid was to bring focus to progressive issues, and it succeeded beyond his wildest expectations. He's effectively altered the future of the Democratic party.

And he undermined that by endorsing Clinton, and thus lending his progressive bonafides to her campaign, when he could've clearly walked over the DNC pretty blatantly colluding with the Clinton campaign to fuck him over.

And if Hillary wins, that will cement the position of the Democrats as the radical centrist don't-rock-the-boat "put down the bong before you talk about economic policies, you fucking hippy" party

You know where it belongs.

On the other hand, S█████' presidential bid and the ensuing attempts to undermine it have shown progressives more clearer than Jackson or Kucinich were ever able to to that the Democratic party isn't their friend.

Which he's already planning to revoke once she becomes President. See

I really don't understand this idea that Hillary is going to somehow unite the Democrats with her poor popularity ratings and lack of trustworthiness into a new age of centrism, especially when she couldn't do it after the primary.

I very, very rarely look at 8- and 4pol, and was genuinely surprised by how it seems they actually think Trump is going to make their lives better

Is Holla Forums really that gullible or does the onion have more layers than I can see through?

Its 5 now I think.

When he entered the race? Yeah, it was pretty much a statement/protest campaign, but after it took off, he was seriously in it to win it up until New York. After that just a show of power to gain future leverage, especially if a California win could've happened, since a S█████ win was impossible by that point barring recounts.

What angered people wasn't just his endorsement of Clinton, which was expected (although an indy run was far from out of the question), but his doing so BEFORE rather than AFTER the convention, and the terrible showing of faux unity on the DNC floor. If he had made a vigorous showing of defiance at the DNC, and backed up the discontent of his supporters, and the DNC vote had been as close as the vote indicated it had with a serious effort to court superdelegates, it would've made a much better impression and a far greater impact.

There are several angles:
1a. Stormniggers who just think their occidental-flavored wannabe jihad is gaining exposure through Trump and/or his supporters.
1b. GG who think Trump and/or his followers will redpill the masses against political correctness and fight SJWs, even if only as an incidental result of his own boorishness.
2. Trolls who think Trump is the Molotov through the window of the establishment we need.
3. Isolationists who hope Trump or his phenomenon will fight back against neocon/neolib domination of organized politics, instituting military noninterventionism, trade protectionism, reduced migration quotas, and domestic infrastructure development.

I fall under the latter 3, mostly (even though I'm not an isolationist, just opposed to deregulation and imperialism) #3.

I am 3 for anti-imperialist and anti-globalization reasons, but also partially 2 in the sense of collective recognition that we are all sick of the status quo. I'm not a burger though. Majority of people still can't vote for our world president.
But yeah, it's pretty obvious that nobody seriously thinks Trump will "make America great again", although a lot of them might pretend to out of pure desperation.

Why do you think this?

Anything. I mean ANYTHING is better then Hillary.

What a brave hero, where does he get the courage?

I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.

The foundation of neocon/neolib power over politics is the idea that transnationalism (as opposed to true globalism) is inevitable, irresistible, beneficial, or even morally righteous. This is because it has served to alienate the working class from political goals such as the expectation of jobs, strict working conditions, pay, infrastructure, lawfulness, and stability, whether in the heart of the 1st-world, or among the vast swathes of the 3rd-world. It is also what has caused "leftism" to be overrun by SJW social pseudo-issues, in this economic issue-less vacuum.

Simply by closing the world's borders to transnational corporations and their (often unwitting) slaves, and demanding our laws (and the principles underlying them) be enforced, we will restore momentum to progress, and reunite leftism with workers under the populist banner.

I'm actually shocked by Reid's comments w/r/t Comney. This has gone past the pale.

Trump actually fights against Clinton head-on, while B████ bows, that is unacceptable.

Take what back?

The truth.

He definitely does, but Clinton has so much power he really has no other choice. Look at this shit that's happening right now. They're going after the rule of law itself just because HRC broke it.

No, even in the US, there are still more than half the population fighting against Clinton.

B████ ██████ is just fucking afraid.

But look how far popular support gets you. Every newspaper endorses HRC, every S█████ supporting element of the DNC is robbed of resources, ousted or bullied into submission. B████ has no institutional support not independent wealth. Nothing he can do. If he fights he'll be burned up and forgotten in a single news cycle.

And feudalists fight against capitalism, doesn't mean we should ally with them.

new letter from Harry Ried, who is retiring this year and will be out of office on Jan 1st. He's also the person responsible for delaying Yucca Mtn back a decade



If Hilary wins, this is how it will go down: Huma will be indicted and will stay quiet until she realizes Hilary won't save her. Remember, Nixon did not save Agnew. Once she realizes a Pardon won't happen, she'll crack wide open and give Comey all the blackmail he wants. Publicly, Congress will continue getting closer until they get access to her files which is when the other shoe drops and they go right to Comey who will blame the AG. The AG will take the 5th and President Hilary will have to testify before Congress.

This is when shit would hit the fan for her: Congress will demand her current emails. She will say No. Congress will then sue her, and the courts will force her to give them up. Hilary, now backed into the exact same corner Nixon was, will resign and Kaine will assume office with his first act being a Pardon for her. Then the GOP get a Supermajority in 2018, followed up by President Cruz in 2020. A carbon copy of the stunt Reagan pulled. Then, as it's a Census year, the 2020s and 2030s are dominated by the GOP.

The only way to prevent this is if Trump wins. I don't like it, but it's true.

To think, back in 2008 my entire Union hall was filled with about 400 energetic, happy workers who were all watching Obama get elected with our local legislator. Then it all came apart in 2009 and 2011 as the car industry left and a Republican was elected and a Right-To-Work law was passed. Every single event has been quiet this year, people either moved away or went freelance. On November 8th there's only eight people confirmed attending.

It's sad to see, and as much as I hate Snyder for being a bastard I hate Obama more. He let us sink. His party is sinking too. Never trust anyone from Chicago.

Hillary will protect anyone who gets indited and the entire Democratic Party will close ranks and block any investigation and try to oust any supposedly independent power that seeks to prosecute them.

America was simply less corrupt under Nixon, somehow.

And who is to say that China won't be the new world power enforcing neoliberalism for the world to follow?

This action from Reid is totally indefensible to be honest. I was going to vote down ticket dem but not anymore. I cannot support this praty at all.

Y'all are lucky that AT&T even has any competition. Before the 1980s they were the ONLY option for telco service, as their subsidiary Bell Labs were a major defense contractor. Hell, we're lucky that AT&T didn't try to control the spread of transistors and prevent the rise of personal computers.

AT&T, and it's new friends, are a good example as to why open standards and public utilities are so important.

What does he consider about Comeys investigation to be partisan? If anything they let HRC walk for political reasons.

It won't happen, because Hilary knows she can't take back Congress and she has to keep the House at bay otherwise they will destroy her. Comey knows this too, so he'll blackmail her until she tries to knock him off or force him into retirement. Remember how Nixon went down: the Associate FBI Director leaked everything to the Washington Post. That is what Comey, and everyone under him, is capable of doing and Hilary knows it. The problem for her is that Congress already has enough leaked stuff to get more sworn testimony, so she can't go around issuing Pardons because they will ask her and that will begin a line of questioning she wouldn't be able to recover from.

Also, if ranks have to close than they will close in service of Hilary and only Hilary. If Huma is a casualty then the party will accept it.

Not the guy you're responding to, but because the only country capable of enforcing anything on anyone else is the US and Russia due to both investing stupid amounts of money in their militaries and intelligence/espionage services. China's military is tankie tier, which is to say that it is only capable of dealing with domestic insurrection against protesters and the occasional secessionist movement (and even then they do it with no grace, they use tanks and AKs no tasers or riot shields).

Neoliberalism, above all, requires everyone involved to be complicit. This was fine during the Cold War, when there was one enemy (communism), and it worked during the boom years until 2008. Now in 2016 it is coming completely unglued because not even banks can make money anymore (due to historically low interest rates, designed to encourage spending). It's all falling apart and the end result is either nationalism or communism.

(this is not to say either are mutually exclusive, though)

Whew, remember this one?

What's actually absurd here is that we all know this and she's not even elected yet. The new normal of democracy. Sometimes you have to take a step back to realize how far we've come.

If it makes you feel any better, Ried will be gone on Jan 1st as he chose to retire this year. Also make your decisions based on your local legislators, not what a retiring senator is doing. His office in DC is already empty right now.

a.k.a. "race to the bottom". TV used to be a public service, a government monopoly, that tried to educate the public. Maybe not in America, but in some places that was the case only a decade or two ago. But that was too "elitist", and we were liberated with entertainment that doesn't require any effort.

I'm not expert on "the Chinese mind" or whatever, but you don't go from being a major power to suffering a century of humiliation at the hands of foreign powers to being a major power again without learning anything from the experience.

Unlike the United States on the other hand, which has pretty much gone from strength to strength to strength, resulting in the adoption of all that "End of History"/"Pax Americana" claptrap after the collapse of the USSR, i.e. their last major rival for global influence.

And since the idea of an "End of History" is one of the major ideological drivers of neo-liberalism, I don't really see China picking up the torch to assist a faltering US

For reference:

In the US AT&T had a full monopoly on telephone service, until the government broke up their monopoly into several regional monopolies. This is how Comcast came about: none of these monopolies made a lot of money (as the big cash was in long distance calls), but Comcast managed to get money for broadband lines to offer cable TV (which made lots of money especially through porn). As a bonus, these lines could later (in the mid 00s) also offer much faster Internet service using modified TV modems. They expanded and with AT&T growing back we arrive to today.

On the flip side American TV was local, run by individual studios affiliated with networks (but only to run cartoons, prime time news, and the occasional sitcom). This was a direct result of TV being a wireless service, meaning markets were cut up by antenna ranges. The mass consolidation that occurred didn't happen until cable TV went mainstream in the late 90s. Part of this consolidation has resulted in the rise of Clearchannel, who buy up bankrupt studios (most of whom died following the 2009 digital switchover).

The lying media cannot suppress the truth.

Especially when your side got the backing of the ruskies *nudge nudge wink wink*

The US isn't faltering. Certainly the election is a shitshow and there are huge institutional problems (the death of the middle class being chief among them) but comparatively the US is by far the best off. This is proven by emigration rates, the US is the one country educated people do not leave. While the US is facing stagnation, the Eurozone and China face depression if not outright collapse of their monetary systems.

They learned a lot, mostly how to shoot protesters. Remember that modern China as we presently know it only began in 2000 with the normalizing of trade relations, and China's current regime only began in 1976 when Mao died. Before that, China's Communist politburo only came to power in 1949. In the 1950s and 60s China had the world's largest famine, because tankies are fucking stupid and sent farmers to work in schools while having professors manage farms. Point being, the people running modern China is not the same as the ones running it China 70 years ago.

Here's most likely what will happen to in a Trump presidency

Potential shit that goes in our favor(probably won't though)
>2020 primary has a progressive candidate as the nominee (Warren, or Gabbard)

That's like saying you should be happy you're the last raft going off a cliff. There are major structural problems that the United States is not going to weather if the Eurozone and Chinese economies take a nosedive. It's a neo-liberal inanity to believe that the US will survive whatever takes down its major trading partners because…uh…USA USA USA

I know they're not, I was commenting on the fact that the Chinese haven't had two centuries of almost unimpeded growth and success from which to delude themselves into believing that the success will continue forever because of the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS enshrined in ARE CONSTITUTION

the USA, like Russia, have the capacity of self-sufficiency.

Even if all go down, the USA can still thrive off itself.

The what now?

Enough S█████ spam. Some anti B████ board that had posts making S█████ some ebin agitator who was ruining Shillary's chances to become president. They hated him so much those fuckers sent posts wanting S█████ to drop dead to their front page.

Is there a further left and younger version of B████ that can be electable by 2020?

What ever happened to the Grassroots candidates that B████ is supporting?

What can we do to make this country go further left?

the only thing left to S█████ is the North Dakota pipeline shit and frankly americans don't care lol

Sanders better prepare himself when Hillary loses, because the Clinton foundation is not above assassination and cleaning up.

What I want to know is who Kaine would make his VP.

The logical choice is Schumer or Durbin, maybe Pelosi, Hoyer, or Kind, Grijalva, or Ellison. Really though I think past those first three him grasping at straws to avoid making B████ his VP would be incredibly self-evident. So my guess is it will be one of those four.

Also I know people haven't believed Warren when she said she didn't want to be in the executive branch but I imagine she isn't lying.

One thing's for sure, though- B████ will definitely be Chairman of the Budget Committee, and President pro tempore if Leahy isn't for whatever reason. He will be third in the chain of succession if that does happen, and the most logical pick for Kaine's VP. That doesn't mean it will happen, though.

Your analogy is off: the US is the lifeboat. I'd even argue it's a submarine. It is the last resort for all porkies because of America's complete military dominance. Nothing gets by the US Navy. As the rest of the world falls apart the comparatively stable USD will skyrocket in value. Remember, everything is priced in relation to each other.

That's not to say Americans will be rolling in money and everyone will be happy, far from it, but the core functions of the US government will survive. ATMs will work, if they don't the FDIC will issue USD redeemable Scrip. The USD will always pay investors out, come hell or high water. The only times they got close was due to temporary political infighting, and not an actual inability to pay. This is what separates the US from the rest of the world.

I get that. And also to be clear I'm not suggesting Americans would be successful, just the US government.

Though, even then I'd still argue that they did get get two decades of unimpeded growth, which is now going to terminate with a full-blown depression.

Seriously? Let Trump win. He will terminate the GOP's hold on Congress and their campaign to retake the national government. With Hilary gone, things will fall into place.

Democratic Senators by Seniority: Leahy, Mikulski, Feinstein and Murray.

just asking a question from a non-biased point of view: do you leftists think trump has a chance to win? several weeks ago the same question was asked, and you commies bombarded me with "hurr durr hillary already won election is rigged". what about now? can trump still win?

Realistically the election is rigged no matter who wins

Absolutely. He's speaking directly to all the Union workers that have been laid off under Obama. Rattner's "reforms" caused at least half (if not more) of GM jobs to go to Mexico while Ford is divesting it's last factory out of Michigan. Detroit itself was bankrupt in 2013 and the state went Right-To-Work (previously thought impossible) in 2014. The remaining Democrats either moved to blue states for don't turn out. Obama's solution to this was "retraining" blue collar people for "real jobs" by having them take on student loans, but nobody actually bought into that crap.

That's just MI, but the same message applies to people in Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Meanwhile blacks won't be turning out (especially given Hilary's very poor record towards them, and BLM's treatment outside the DNC) and most of us will be voting Green. Her only core left is Mexicans, but they're fleeting as bona fide Mexican immigrants hate sudacas and want them deported.

Trump has an edge, as a result. This is especially true if there's some big new FBI reveal against Hilary next weekend.

When? The mood here has been a solid 50/50 going back to the DNCleaks.

It's a bullshit article, of course. I've seen it shared around on reddit.

A Harvard doctor made smart investments? It also say she uses TurboTax, lmao, and not accountants. That's humbling. The accusations of having money in big oil, is she invested in a fund, that invests in oil. So it's a stretch, anyway.

Funny to see even more hit jobs on Stein. You made it to the big times, gal! It's just like the attacks we saw on S█████, where they tried to say he's invested in banks, while talking about his fucking 401k, lmao. Stein & S█████ are so clean, they have to talk shit about their retirement funds. :^)

Damn it, can you guys link to articles or videos? I'm kinda in the dark here. Stuck in bumfuck India with less online access atm.

Halp me out, guys.


WTF! The fucking audacity of these pricks to think they can dictate how the FBI conducts an investigation. This is just incredible.

You know the FBI is starting to hate the Clinton group. At least the footsoldiers are.

It's hilarious that Clinton is so terrible & the hypocrisy is so blatant. When it comes to herself, or her disgusting supporters.

ok i know you leftists are pretty much incapable of looking through other people's perspectives, but does trump have a chance of winning the elections, ignoring the "le capital controls everyone xDDD" narrative?

thank you someone with some common sense

Bernie, everyone else is to the right of him at least slightly
Still around. Some are set to win, like Teachout, who I'm particularly excited for. Check out Our Revolution.
Join SAlt or similar, vote in small elections, maybe run yourself. Pay attention to B████'s Our Revolution.

Mikulski and Feinstein are quitting. I made the mistake of going by age.

That's what they said about Reagan.

Fuck off glib


This is called LEFTYpol

thank you for correcting the record

Not an argument, fag

I think some Holla Forums users got tired of constant memeing & want some conversation. It's fine. Good to have some upfront, counter views on the board.

But yeah, the Trump shilling can get a bit old. Hillary is so fucked though, that even as a leftist I can understand why someone votes for him out of accelerationism or pure hatred for Clinton. Only Clinton could ever make me have to defend Trump at any time. I hate the guy & he's a porky piece of shit, but at least he hasn't gotten so many people killed by his policies.

I rarely FB, but a friend shared this article:

I thought it was very interesting. Trump's an imbecile, but Clinton is downright Machiavellian. He doesn't know what he's doing, but she knows exactly what sh'es doing, and that can be more damaging.

We're fucked, either way.

That being said, you Trump/pol/ assholes should've helped us defeat Clinton. She's now going to be coronated, and we could've worked together.

I think most of you would agree a working class representative socialist is better than Clinton.

Lol at anyone believing Trump has a shot.

We have helped to defeat Clinton in everywhere possible, to the point of making a Trump victory possible.

You refuse to abandon S█████, a pathetic cuck, you deserve your fate.

Trump is fighting against Clinton right this moment while S█████ shill for Clinton.


You are one giant piece of shit.

You hate Holla Forums and play right into the hands of liberals.

0.01 dollars have been added to your account. - Paid for by Hillary Clinton

t. CTR

Holla Forums here, I told you S█████ was a faker the moment he was cucked by the two niggers.

Leave this board, retard.

;~; Sorry guys

But hey, it didn't take long for me to shift into calling him a retard.

I'm pretty sure he's joking a bit. Grow a thicker skin.

You mean when he stood back & let them make a fool of themselves? When if he'd fought back the liberal media & BLM would've crucified him? He made the right choice. You don't engage with retards.

Security should've thrown them off the stage, though, once it was clear they had no point & were being ignorant.

On the primary days Holla Forums was exclusively trying to discredit S█████, like if they wanted Clinton to win.
Then again Holla Forums is probably controlled by shills (didn't that oculus guy literally confess to that?)

He backed down and let them fucking talk.

Just like now he backs down and shill for Clinton.

This. They were saying they thought Hillary was easier to beat than S█████, and they were right about that. However they underestimated the Clinton political machine. And they thought trump would run a good campaign against her.

All Trump had to do, his one job, was to keep his fucking mouth shut & not stir up unrelated controversy when Hillary was royally fucking up. He could've skated to the White house.

A small part of me sometimes wishes he would still beat her, just because of her disgusting acts & smug supporters. And the fact she's ratcheting up animosity with Russia & using such insane fear mongering.

Who knows what will happen. As I said, we're fucked, either way. I can see a war being started under either of them.



He now has the half the US rooting for him while S█████ defending Clinton.

Trump was crucified by the liberal media the whole time and he came out on top.

There were more anti-Hill memes than anti-Sanders meme, sorry.

You are simply making S█████ bigger than himself.

Sanders does not have to go out and fucking shill for her.

But he fucking did, you know?

Don't forget wikileaks showed that the Clinton machine amplified Trump through liberal media, giving him nonstop coverage because they knew he'd be easier to defeat.

Not correct, at all. S█████ was the main focus. We were all here to witness it.

Yeah, we know. And it sucks. We're more pissed about that than anyone. No one here is defending that move.

And? The same could have happened to S█████ if he stood the fucking up in his game.

Instead he toed partyline to the end.

The anti-Hill memes out fucking number the anti-Sanders memes, heck, remember the "CUT THE BS" campaign where Holla Forums figured out it's the Hill machine behind the campaign, and not S█████?

And it wasn't just Trump's doing. If the media hadn't elevated him so & gave him so much free publicity, we'd have Cruz or Carson running against Clinton.

There was literally a "Sanders is a cuck/free gib me dats/socialist traitor" thread, daily.

The point remains that if S█████ has remained bombastic and anti-Clinton as Trump, he would have gained publicity.
For every thread we have two SJW Hillshill, fuckh8 threads.

And proof? I really doubt you can prove that.

He was thoroughly anti-Clinton. So much so, that many democrats left the party & now realize how fucked she is. Like I said, here

Sanders could've gone a lot harder on her, though. But he ran an actually clean campaign, and it's why to this day he still blows Clinton & Trump out of the water in favorables. One major reason Clinton's favorables are so low, is that she unfairly attacked a popular candidate as S█████. That's campaigning 101, and it's still hurting her, now.

Sure bud. Not at the time, though.

Like I said, tard, we were all here & saw it. Clinton wasn't as pressing an issue for you, then. It was all about beating/discrediting S█████ first so you could move onto Clinton.

You guys are in fucking denial at this point. Even when they were running, S█████ did not push many issues like Benghazi or even the emails, remember the part when he said "the american public does not care about the emails?", he was a fucking idiot.

The majority of B████ supporters now vote Clinton against Trump just as he encourages them.

But it was, anti-Sanders memes were not as much Clinton.
As I said, where are the proof?

I was Holla Forums daily this election and we laugh at how S█████ ran a very soft campaign against her.

Because the public at large didn't see it as an issue. It was before the shit hit the fan & we got to read them. His main point when he said that though, was that we should be talking about the issues that really matter to Americans, at that time & now, which is jobs, the economy, wealth/income inequality, the TPP, etc.

So you're admitting Trump doesn't have it in the bag? :^) Seriously though, most of his supporters don't listen to him. And like I just fucking repeated again, no one here approves of that or supports that decision. Get out of here with your butthurt; you're taking it harder than we are at this point.

I'm not going to argue about the Clinton/Sanders Holla Forums thing, because you're not accepting it.

Now, if you'd kindly stop shitting up this thread with your Holla Forums autism, that'd be great.

The Benghazi & emails are the fucking smoking guns which every fucking republican and anti-Clinton pursue and before the FBI declared her "innocent". I remember you guys cheering that it's possible Clinton being declared criminal and auto-Sanders win, but that did not happen and S█████ just fucking give up.

Holla Forums is not even S█████ central, leddit is. And the leddit S█████ people are voting Clinton. Even r/donald isn't that pathetic.

And no, I firmly think Trump has it in the bag.

I'm saying Holla Forums does not help in defeating Clinton, fucking Holla Forums did.

"Enough with the emails" was a blunder I admit. From a moral perspective, not a campaign perspective.

If you are against Clinton, you fucking smear her and do not stop, man.

Heck, I'm a Holla Forumsack and I'm surprised that everyone care about the emails now.

But I'm proud of that because we did not give up hopes.

The emails even stated that S█████ was fucking them over hard and they even hated/plotted against him, also they revealed that his even own wife begged him not to give in.

It doesn't matter either way, because he was nothing but a tool, he also sprung a movement up of people who are anti-democrat which was fine too.

The only thing I will admit S█████ did great is how his campaign got rigged by Hillshills, which provides fucking ammunition for Trump.

That's about all.

This email shit is a purely political thing done by Trump himself.

You guys are all retards.

If the 1st-world isn't willing to play along with neoliberalism, the game is over by definition. All China could do by itself is attempt to plunder the even economically weaker, even less industrially developed bottom of the 3rd-world, for profit. But the amount of arbitrage generated by that would be a pittance compared to the massive amounts of money generated by pumping 1st-world cash in (and right back out) the inhumane rickety channels of the 3rd-world.

If the disparity between economic partners were shrunken, most of the evil done by free trade today would vanish, strengthening the incentives for genuine global development.

Nigger, do you realize just how far ahead of everyone else the 1st-world is in military terms?

That means most European countries could still singlehandedly dominate an entire region, the bigger ones could go toe-to-toe with Russia, and the entire EU dwarfs China. On the other hand, most of the countries China is interested in pushing around have zero military power of significance beyond their immediate neighbors.

And don't fuss over PPP, since modern militaries don't just offshore manufacturing for matériel now, but have gone back to the Age of Empires practice of bolstering their ranks with cheap mercs from places like South America, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

The email shit were as old as 2012, before Trump runs even.

lol all the defense budget shit do not mean shit.

The western Euro countries, Britain and England included, could not beat Russia and China in a fight.

heck, the US can't.

Syria and Iraq is much better, the reason why republicans use Benghazi is because most of them agreed to all of the other awful shit she was for.

Who gives a shit.

All politicians are corrupt. Probably even B████ or Jill Stein.

Vote for Hillary to keep Hitler 2.0 out of power. I don't care what your LA'RPing vloggers have to say, they're morons.

What the fuck?

Benghazi is a full on smoking gun.

And the republican congress was against Syria invasion actually.

No evidence for this. Not even in the emails. It's an Alex Jones tier conspiracy theory.

Russia while strong is a paper tiger compared to what it was at the height of the USSR militarily.

China is behind technologically in quite a few areas.

If war were to happen tomorrow between Euro/US v Russia and SK/JPN/US/Whoever else v China and it magically stayed conventional then the US backed forces would win.

It would never magically turn into a conventional warfare, even if the US wins the battle, they would lose the war due to occupation.

This will bankrupt and destroy the US.

Congress did not vote and the biggest voting block was undecided, also there is no pressure to saying yes when you don't have a president in office.

Fucking autism.^tfw

For real though Holla Forums still likes to shit themselves over that incident when it was really the smartest thing he could've done. He didn't want to alienate the sane parts of BLM, he didn't want to throw a tantrum (or anything that the newspapers could equate to a tantrum), and when they ventured upon insult he vowed revenge took the stage back.

Most likely because he needed a warrant. I don't know why Dems are acting like his actions are so outrageous, he can't ask for a warrant any other way. Sure he could've waited but they had already had the e-mails for weeks when he came to know about them.

Benghazi was what uncovered the emails, so I'm glad the republicans went after her for that.

If the FBI hadn't covered it up for her & been an Obama admin, she would've been found guilty. Everyone knows she's guilty, though, they just dropped the ball because she's Clinton & has political capital. Which is completely fucked up; we have a two-tier justice system in this country, and that case highlighted that, very well.

Dude, most of the reddit users are just CTR. Actual S█████ or Trump supporters abandoned r/politics & major political boards because the shilling became unbearable, and mods allow it to happen which is fucked up.

Don't make that assumption. I'm still battling Clinton supporters/CTR almost daily, no matter how futile(since they never acknowledge sh'es wrong, but for other actual voters to be informed about her corruption.

Neither did we. A lot of /lefty/s help with the wikileaks threads on Holla Forums, too. And I've been spreading them around to normies.


Quick question for any Holla Forumslacks lurking the thread, since their board is the likeliest target: Memes aside, is it actually confirmed or plausible that Holla Forums has shills? I don't mean trolls and indoctrinated bitches from other venues, but actual professional CTR astroturfers.

This far in and you goddamn niggers are cucked.

You realize BLM is funded by Soros right?

BLM votes for Clinton.

use your fucking head.

CTR shills 4chan and creates those retarded looking Hillary pepe.

What do you fucking think?

They exist and it's a job for them.

The JIDF, ADL, SRS, SA goons, they all exist, it's not a conspiracy.

You're deviating from the new script. Correct it or you'll have to go back into the cage

>This email shit is a purely political thing done by Trump himself the Russians.


The actual leddit S█████ supporters outnumber Holla Forums and they actually gave S█████ millions of USD in donation, unlike Holla Forums.

If anything, they are just fucking retarded and hopelessly naive.

Of course. I've seen one or two get banned here, too. And rightfully so. Anyone painting Hillary in a genuinely good light on either political board here is definitely CTR, or just someone trolling. Usually it's not hard to tell those apart, though.

I'm mixed on Benghazi because it just pisses me off that HRC can turn a prosperous African country into total chaos, assassinate its leader and create crises across the region that will leave scars for decades or longer, and all of her culpability for this hangs on three dead Americans.

BLM isn't a hivemind, many hate the DNC because they have been ignored, not to say that it isn't shit still though.

That was while he was still in. I'm talking more about now. Now it's completely overrun. And CTR is a main reason why r/SandersforPresident went under. Too much concern trolling, actual shilling for Hillary, trolling, etc.

Go to r/politics & look at the comment sections. You'll want to blow your brains out with the stupidity & delusion. It's CTR ground, now. They also downvote anything negative about Hillary that they can stop from reaching the front page. Now only major negative news about Hillary sometimes breaks through. And even that's rare now.

Before S█████ supporters gave up, it genuinely was an anti-Clinton.

Also, now they ban you for mentioning CTR or calling someone a shill. Mods are in on this as well. CTR has infiltrated them, a while ago.

BLM is a centralized group with a direct of sponsors telling them what to do.

And they all support Clinton.

The nigger who supported S█████? He wasn't BLM.

Benghazi was still horrible, but there is better stuff to attack Hillary on.

leddit has actual usernames so you can actual count who left or not.

I seriously the majority of people who voted for S█████ just turn tail and run, in fact, I bet they went on to vote for Clinton.

was for

Benghazi was a smoking gun because it directly ties to her.

Everything else, you can blame Obama.

I'm not a leftist, just visiting, but I was wondering how much of Holla Forums is going to vote for Trump/vote against Clinton?

I bet you are wrong about this. Some did, but many still hate her. She burned any bridges by giving us the middle finger every step of the way & continuing to be her warhawk, corporatist, porky, TPP & pro-fracking pushing self.

If you really hated the political establishment you'd vote for Clinton.

Small amount for Jill, even less for Trump maybe, and most won't vote at all I think.

the vast majority of Americans in Holla Forums will either not vote because bourgeois democracy is shit or vote for green party.

I don't care enough about bernout to do a check list, but since it's fucking leddit, I think they wouldn't vote for Trump.

r/donald is a Holla Forums colony.

r/politics is no longer readable.
Every day the entire front page has anti trump stuff (combination op-ed, real news, fake "analysis" news, regular fake news, and three copies of each with slightly different headlines) for months. I would estimate of all the headlines on that sub 95% are some trump thing. Really. 20:1. Every day, for months on end.

It took them a long ass time to get the recent email news to break and pretty much all of the rest of reddit is struggling to talk about in it that suffocating place

How many are you guys actually?

Stein is the least vote for and she actually wants Trump elected.


Really makes me think.

They wouldn't vote for trump but since the most popular CTR line since fucking forever is "former S█████ supporter here, I'm voting for Hillary because" the well is thoroughly poisoned. Nobody is certain what's true or false anymore.

Something isn't adding up about these numbers.

None of these people actually know anything about politics. It's an LArping board. They think they're the reincarnation of Stalin

Not going to be voting personally but I think those voting for Jill Stein are trying to get the green party to grow enough in order to get funding. They are not expecting her to win but instead trying to play the long game.

Stein currently gets 2%.

Only 3% more and green party gets public funding

Boy you guys are fags!

She's already cracked 5% in polls several times, so it's highly plausible.

I read some articles from their site, during the primaries… It's the most disgusting openly pro-corporate filth imaginable. I honestly wonder at what point this happened to them, maybe too many years as a CIA/FBI honeypot?

31 October 2016

Patrick Martin and Barry Grey

You mean the one that endorsed Clinton?

Didn't read lol


I can only support the FBI digging its own grave.
Are they all only pretending or are they really so trapped in an echo chamber? Are they trying to deceive others or themselves? None of these make any sense.

Lmao. False propaganda at its finest. I'm guessing actual David Duke supporters in Louisiana don't even know who the Hell Stein is.

Also, it seems they're really ratcheting up these smears on Stein close to election day. The Daily Beast article, now this.

I imagine the CIA/FBI have had constant, open operations within the communist party since the 50s, at least.

Voting for Stein, here.

I wouldn't confuse her saying Trump would be less dangerous than Clinton with her actually wanting Trump. She's just pointing out the lesser evil, if you will.

What can possibly be done for these poor creatures.



I think it's naive to think all online forums aren't controlled by shills, or at least inhabited. Reddit is easiest because they can just bot upvotes and downvotes to suppress or push content, but chans have to be taken over with memery, noise, and false flagging

I notices this on 4pol and thought something similar. Apparently the Clinton camp sought to make Trump the Rep candidate, a 'pied piper' candidate he was referred to in the emails.

So yeah, I suspect there was CTR shilling against B████ on Holla Forums, mixed in with the crowd who HATE anything with socialism in the name. Remember 'THE SOURCE CODE'? Where Holla Forums found an attack site against Trump that linked to S█████ sites was actually made by Clinton's team? The idea being to attack Trump and have S█████ take the flak for it.

Good job, CTR.

The idea that %s should add up to EXACTLY 100 is a dark-age relic of hatred of women and racism.

Why would they do this unless they were panicking, has the Trump campaign even acknowledged the existence of Johnson or Stein?

The consistency of such math among liberals has been noted throughout the centuries

Fienstien is not retiring, Boxer is. Fienstien will likely remain in office until she dies.

Also, for what it's worth as much as I hate the GOP and anti-unionism they are smart to enact Right-To-Work laws. Strategically, it completely dismantles the power of downballot Democrats as most Unions suddenly get short on cash and patronage. Meanwhile more "rightwing" Unions (ie ones that are more open to working alongside freelancers) that sometimes support Republicans tend to survive.

As a result any state that goes RtW is likely to stay Republican for a long time. This is why Wisconsin and Michegan will flip this year and remain GOP for the rest of our lives (I don't like admitting that, but it's true). Missouri goes RtW next year as well, and Ohio probably will before 2018. This will give the GOP a huge advantage, as Texas and Florida are already RtW.

The black misleadership class in the do-nothing Congress has called TPP "a truly progressive platform"

Frankenstein polls lower than undecideds

Johnson is living proof why children should not use marijuana

At this point I'm looking at writing in Either Tom Hoefling or Mike Maturen



Yes, it's old news but what is new is that (a) CNN (the company, not their newsdesk) is saying this publicly while (b) they're firing her. It's all coming apart.


What the fuck? Why were they removed?

An actual CTR shill.

Looks like that chicken Gary Johnson finally accepted a debate with Jill Stein.

Going to be Monday night on PBS (Halloween lol) and another part Tuesday.

Oh I guess this is on at midnight in my area. Really reaching out to the masses of people here.

I remember the mods promised back in May that if Hillary won they would keep S4P open so that they could make sure Hillary kept her campaign promises.

According to this video from David Cobb there's going to be some sort of debate online Wednesday too.

It's a cyclical thread. All of the shitposting pushed it out.

Here it is again.

I was pleasantly surprised by that Politico comment section. Yes, I read comment sections. I actually like them, because I learn new info sometimes regarding the articles. Of course, I always cross check the info before believing it. It's very telling when a publication bans a comment section. They can get away with even more blatant misinformation, that way & not have anyone call them out for it.

Also they are as a matter of fact horribly ineffective in temperate regions.

Even if you live in say Spain, their energy production fluctuates, often in an unpredictable fashion, so good luck using them for any serious applications.

Possible, but unlikely.
Halfchan is their primary target since they are the ones that get the most media coverage.
Holla Forums is probably flying under the radar, but if you started poking the wasp nest they'd show up sooner or later.

Constant supply is largely irrelevant given grid storage (compressed air, hydrogen, pumped geothermal heat, etc), nuclear is already more expensive than wind/solar/tidal/geothermal with or without including matched storage, photovoltaic has highly positive lifetime ERoEI, photovoltaic is highly recyclable, and not all solar is photovoltaic.

it was mentioned by name in TIME. i think it's a safe bet that Holla Forums is a bright, cancerous green dot on their radar

Yeah, I already knew that cuckchan is lousy with shills of every imaginable flavor from every business and political interest on every major board, I vaguely recall it's even been confirmed by official documents. I was specifically wondering if they'd already followed their prey into h8chan yet.

What is Microturbine?

What does the gray diamond on some bars represent?

Microturbines are small combustion generators, usually burning natural gas.

The gray diamonds in the graph represent a number of different things:
jurisdiction (e.g., Southwest U.S.). Does not account for differences in heat coefficients, balance-of-system costs or other potential factors which may differ across solar technologies.

Well Holla Forums, what do you think? Is this good enough?

They talk about it for about 15 more minutes but I can't cut that all up for one upload.

The democrats are going insane, someone should tell this guy the KGB disbanded nearly 25 years ago.

Last bit.
This is actually a good articles on Malcolm X, just note that the author is the co-chair of the GA Green party.

Bruce Dixon is a pretty cool guy, I met him at the Houston convention. He and Howie Hawkins were trying to get the Greens to run themselves like a union like they've been arguing for a while. He's also a former Black Panther.

And wasn't Clinton a big Goldwater supporter?

First as tragedy, then as farce.

what would this entail?

Basically they want Greens to have dues so they can be better funded.

It's almost embarrassing at this point.

Didn't Clinton mention something about revealing the secrets behind alien contact if she became President awhile ago? Maybe she wants to get revenge for them messing up her campaign too.

tbh the green party is worthless, dues like that are better sent to an actual union or actual socialist party.

that said, I bet a lot of these parties and orgs could get pretty well-funded if they required all their members to contribute only $1 a month or something.

Greens are eco-socialists now. It's official:

Mite B Gud

Doesn't change the fact they're pretty worthless. Far more concerned with running races they know they can't win than activism.

Are you high? The Greens engage in activism possibly more than any other party.

I'm aware, but they need to be much more like SAlt. SAlt is like 80% activism and 20% politicking. They're 20% activism and 80% politicking. I'd say the best balance looks more like 60-40.

Well point taken. I'm working on that locally, at least.

FWIW I totally vote for them anyway, I live in a safe blue area so I'm not scared of Nadering anything.

The Democrats have revealed themselves to be totally corrupt stooges of capital, so I'm not scared of Nadering anything no matter where I live.

So who's going to win, and what will it mean for the revolution?

Why can't human nature just be human nature. Humans are naturally competitive and individualist. And we're also social and like being part of a collective. They're not mutually exclusive and they're not tied to government-economic systems. Reminds me of a theory about why pokemon is so popular with kids: liking pokemon allows them to be included but the fact there are so many allows them to pick out favorites and exhibit individualism even while conforming.


called it.


Was that in Decatur tonight? I got an email from them, but I'm out of town. I was in Atlanta for Jill Stein's visit in June or July. It's sad how dead it seems there, it was a much fuller room for Jill Stein.

No that's from Texas on Saturday.

++good job

thanks doc!


meant for

Tavis Smiley third party debate on now.

Jill sure has a lot of makeup on tonight.

Goldwater was a vote against Nixon. Old habits die hard.

Criticizing the Federal Reserve will soon become an attack on women because muh birf control

Jill Stein admitted that she plays the stock market, and her husband still owns some Big Pharma stock.


These are truly end times, the memes are closing in.

The crude comments in the comment sections are the most interesting part because you see the ideology of the people at work. Of course in times like these ideology breaks down and all that remains are insults and denials.

1 November 2016

Barry Grey

I see my suspicion was correct: Time, and possibly others, have been acquired by the Onion News Network.

But seriously, this is great and should be encouraged. MSM is destroying itself out of desperation. They have reached a point where any attempt to save the situation only produces the opposite effects. This is a clear example of a section of the system accelerating towards its own implosion. Only Hillary can cause this. #ImWithHilleration

I hope she loses for other reasons, but at this point both are destructive for the establishment, just in different ways.

This is super hyperbolic. Until I see some porky blood or at least jailed this election just seems like bourgeoisie bickering. Not any real breakdown of their class.

Trump will be paid handsomely by porky if he takes office and will literally do exactly what Hillary would have.

The US proletariat is still sound asleep. There's little pockets of uprisings like the Green Party SEP and NoDAP but they are minuscule compared to the electorate at large

yeah there is literally no hope for america.
their proletariates don't even realize they are proletariates let alone have any idea how to organize or form even a bourgeois union.

they can't even organize in a wal-mart lol.

this election doesn't even push them close to anything left of centre, the bourgeois can basically do anything it wants in america.

I guess the only hope is for 1) accelerationism 2) the implosion of the bourgeois class under its own antagonisms

might as well just get comfy at this point

Fuck accelerationism. That's just shit talking from NEET fuck ups that will be the first to be gassed by RWDS if the shit really hits the fan.

I'm working out and plan on either escaping with my family or taking as many pol tards as I can to hell with me.

sry what?
I'm not talking about some apocalypse in our lifetime that you have to literally escape somewhere with your family or go on some useless rampage lol.

If you think there's actually a possibility of fascism in the times of radical center then their scare tactics are working on you. If it weren't for this phantom menace the system would probably be much more in trouble.

Half the people in the US are poor. Trump is pretty explicitly fascist in his rhetoric and Neo Nazis have real and growing presence in places like Philadelphia.

Neoliberalism will be accelerated by either Trump or Hilary. You're a broke dick NEET if you can't see just by going outside the growing Facisism in the US

They're going to destroy what little social safety net there is in this country. You're going to be struggling to pay for nesscities like everyone else

It is, sad to say, precisely the opposite. The Onion was acquired by Clinton shills:

WTF is a radical center. The US is neoliberal as fuck. The few welfare programs we have left like SS and Food Stamps are just hold overs from the New Deal and Johnsons Great Society. Those will be dismantled soon. I mean what is left that porky can take from workers now. I ask seriosly

Fighting back isn't a self destructive rampage. I'm only going to fight if I have to, my sense of self preservation is more than fine.

But there's way more reactionaries and lumpen proles than me. Just playing the law of averages

The Belarusian KGB still exist, mate.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for nuclear Armageddon.

I live in Philly, and this is bullshit.

Also, if there was some sort of race/class war in Philadelphia the neo-Nazis would get absolutely blown the fuck out, for obvious reasons.

This is correct.

Even Putin's Big Tent party is based around radical centrist neoliberalism. Anyone that thinks that Russia and America are going to be in armed conflict soon, and that it's going to lead to nuclear war, is the fucking living definition of a useful idiot.

There is a SEPTA strike in Philly going on this morning. All public transportation in the city has been shut down indefinitely except for Regional Rail. SEPTA workers do not get pensions, nor do they even get bathroom breaks, which partly is why they are striking. They also get fucking terrible healthcare benefits. Apparently the Clinton campaign is very concerned about this strike, as it may prevent people from getting to the polls in Philadelphia.

"Radical centrism" is the ideology of pseudo-populism based on advertising industry mass psychology that allows seemingly contradictory "compromise" policies like "new leftists" Bill Clinton scrapping welfare and Tony Blair privatizing rail transit, or "neoconservatives" Ronald Reagan granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants and Margarette Thatcher increasing government spending while simultaneously cutting taxes.

It's policies that produce short-term poll numbers among "undecided" swing independents, but are not actually popular with any ideological faction in the long-term.

Nuclear war? No (if it didn't happen before, it won't now), not from intentional first strikes. But direct border skirmishes and more intense indirect proxy wars maybe up to the same level as Vietnam/Afghanistan? Quite possibly.

You mean there is a Union that exists for the actual members and not to fundraise for the DNC? This is a shock to the system.

This is tangental to the conversation, but personally I find it hilarious when rural Republicans get extremely asshurt when neocons suggest Amtrak be ripped up or the USPS privatized. It's the only hope I have left for America.

If you're genuinely spouting CTR bullshit or democratic party talking points, without knowing it, you should seriously kill yourself.

If you're new, you need to lurk more before offering your terrible, terrible thoughts.


Speaking as somebody who registered Green back in 2000 when I turned 18, voted for Nader with hopes of supposed "party building", clinging to those beliefs even after the failure to garner 5%, and saw the massive lack of downballot challenges against even the safest Democratic Party strongholds year after year, I don't think that's all CTR line.

The Green party, in fact all American 3rd parties, are far too fixated on big contests they can't win, with single-digit seats at best out of the thousands of available state-level positions, and double-digit seats out of tens of thousands of available local positions.

They should say, the greens need to work harder, then. Not that they're worthless. The greens have especially shone this election. The younger electorate is much more informed, and have an aversion to the two major parties. Seeing how well S█████ did, as an independent, even though he ran on the dem ticket(for media exposure), should give a lot of hope to the greens/third parties.

As far as the media goes, the internet helped get S█████' message out & covered, finally. The media blackout isn't as nearly as powerful or a death sentence, the way it was when Nader ran.

Sure, the greens could use a better local groundgame. But they're more active than the dems, for one, because they're not only active at election time.

We need to spread the message more, instead of saying it's "worthless". The more you talk a defeatist game to others, the more damage you do.

And who are you going to vote for otherwise? The corporatist parties who work against you? The greens are the best choice. I don't know why polling is such shit on the greens, I honestly suspect funny business. The majority of Americans aren't registered with the major parties, so something doesn't add up.

I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Either an idiot who blew over from leddit or genuine CTR. How else could someone spout such nonsense on this board?

tbh I didn't know that HONY was so woke

wasn't something related to benghazi supposed to drop about now on 4chan?


I knew it, Hillary is a trap!

Meanwhile team Clinton thinks Russia is trying to rig the election with cyber attacks.
Also apparently NSA spying today isn't paranoid or dangerous.

For those who care, this is a conversation between me and my mom on Hilary:

Bear in mind, she has been a registered Democrat for her entire life and is even part of the Chicago machine (as a retired CTA driver). I find it absolutely hilarious she is defending fucking Nixon, though I shouldn't be surprised as she is part of the great "silent majority" of middle class suburbanites both him and Hilary rely on.

the Social Safety net is what keeps capitalism afloat. I think even more than reification, ideology (the super structure). It still always come back to the economic base (safety net)

accelerationism would push for the bottom to fall out of the standard of living for the revolution to become possible aka the economic relations will be right for revolution.

of course the bourgeoisie are usually too smart to let this happen.

you better unionize the army in the next 50 years if you really think things are going to get that bad though, you're going to want them on your side worker, they too are proletariate

Which will amount to precisely jack and shit unless they start making downballot gains. Remember that even the presidential bid is primarily a ploy to get greater funding for such efforts.

He did it because actually winning the race, or even just presenting the credible THREAT of winning the race, is 1000% impossible under FPtP except via primary. FPtP at the level of the presidential race is a two-party system, period.

Do you understand what you're talking about? What practical goals do you think politically disengaged people will accomplish? The purpose of voting isn't to virtue signal or attention whore, it's to make concrete choices about future government policy. That means voting for a candidate (and/or ballot measure) that can win the race they're in.

It's not a perfect system, it's not even anywhere close to as good a system as it should be after 240 years, but it's the system through which our civilization makes decisions. Unless you're talking about something like armed insurrection, or constructing syndicalist networks inside the capitalist economy (which are more the responsibility of proper NGOs rather than political parties like the Greens IMHO) you're talking about practical inaction.

Pull your head out of the clouds, the ground, or your ass, and face reality.

He's literally telling everyone to vote for Clinton


Google Is Not What It Seems
by Julian Assange

In this extract from his new book When Google Met Wikileaks, WikiLeaks' publisher Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department – and what that means for the future of the internet.


Well, then, that's a good thing for their ground & long term game, right?

If enough people vote for the greens, they could become a major party. With the way the dems & republicans are imploding atm, it seems this will happen in the future.

And with enough support or exposure, that's entirely possible for a third party candidate. You act as if that's never happened locally before. You have a much better chance locally of this happening, as well.

Go fuck yourself. Or keep voting for a major party, whichever you think will work better for change for workers.

This is fucking insane. And holy shit, this picture is terrifying.

Hillary's technocratic dystopia is going to be a god damn nightmare.

The missing emails could be hiding underneath the Christmas tree.

Hillary plans to perform the first-lady's duties when she returns to the White House.

End the Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Can you tldr it?

so should we even vote

Right, if they clear 5%, but it's not something you want to bet the farm on.

Who? Where? What must be done is for the party to draw up lists of hard-left areas, insufficiently leftist Democratic politicians in them to target for election/primary challenges, and sufficiently leftist Democratic politicians to solicit for recruitment/alliance. Once the local balance of power had been tipped, victory could be locked in with a switch from FPtP to PR/IRV.

Much as with the B████crats, such lists have failed to materialize beyond unaffiliated faggots on leddit.

In significant numbers? It hasn't, at least since the postwar Dixiecrat/Republican realignment.

The 2000 run was a collossal floppola in terms of results, maybe the [REDACTED]/Trump phenomenon alone will change things, but without an organized and pragmatic effort at contests we can really win, I don't see any way for that to happen.

Google and Hillary's State Dept. had a very close relationship. You should read it, it's fascinating and really scary.

try to give green party 5% so they get election funding

how likely is that? any other anons wanna share their takes on who they're voting for, or if they're not voting?

also, this is directed towards the anarchists but anyone can comment, is the idea of voting as an act of violence accurate? what's everyone's thoughts on this idea?
stemming from this:

The missing emails might be hiding underneath the Christmas tree.



wanna give thoughts on the idea of voting as an act of violence mentioned here?

Anything the state can do, you can do too: Citizen's arrest, self defense, justifiable homicide, etc. The vote, and the state it empowers, is merely an abstraction to benefit from economies of scale.

and if I disagree with the state, does my refusal to vote de-legitimatize, even if it's of a microscopic and ultimately inconsequential level, the violence and other acts of the state?

Any truth to this? I want to believe.

Hillary: "Why aren't I fifty-points ahead??!"


Does anyone know if 538's model takes early voting into account? Trump seems to be recovering strongly but he had such a shit October that I think mail-ins might have done for him already.

No, you can't disagree with the state in a democracy (or in any system short of a colonial possession, practically speaking), only with the majority of your fellows. It merely denotes your willfully abandoning the task of turning popular opinion to your side, and your utter submission to theirs.

t. Representative Democracy supporter.

It doesn't matter whether or not I support it, because it exists. If we lived under a feudal system, and fighting warlords was the system under which our destiny was decided, participation would be justified exactly the same.

And let me expand on that from another angle: Even while you refuse to vote, you still pay taxes, and contribute to the power of the nation over which the state is supported, refusing to vote in a democracy simply means abandoning the one direct line of influence you have within it, without actually weakening it in any way. Symbolic activism is oxymoronic.


Here's the book: wikileaks

Silicon Valley is both an essential part of an American empire and an empire of its own, literally.

>The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley’s technologies to flourish is called the US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.
>What Lockheed Martin was to the twentieth century, technology and cyber-security companies will be to the twenty-first.

Who is this crack pot?

It's an IRA. She's not exactly a yuppie.

If you think cooperating with people you lost an argument to makes you morally culpable for their deeds, you have the following options:

Simply refusing to vote doesn't accomplish anything.

Wars are always unpopular. The last war approved by Congress was probably World War II. If the US government actually held a referrendum to end hostilities it would break the scales.

Read Marx you fucking tool.

Due to the way laws work throughout the 50 states, Presidential campaigns are absolutely essential to maintain ballot access for any party that seeks to exist beyond a regional level.

He literally says right before your quote that that's always been their stance. There is no new "distancing" here.

Email from Eric Schmidt:

Let the ad-hominems begin!


tl;dr politicians crave data to build policy around but it doesn't always work. For as much tech companies hype their products, I don't think it will work for Hilary.

What does it mean?

I'm very doubtful about that. We'll inevitably get more systems being hacked and exploited to the point where people will simply step back from 'net integration. For as much as porkies love 24/7 remote monitoring, it's not fun when they get hacked and it's not fun when someone shuts off their machines. The same is true for individual people, people will get burned by posting all their stuff to Facebook and Google then change how they use their services. Online marketing will peak and then collapse (I reckon it already is, as neither advertisers nor websites are seeing profit) as subscription-based services take dominance again.

Also, for as aggressive SV wants to be it's only because they have realized they are being left behind. Silicon Valley is Hollywood, not Palmdale (where USAF Plant 42 is). Northern Virginia is where the fist resides, within offices alongside the new silver line from the airport between Route 267 and Interstate 95. Arlington, Fairfax, Alexandria and the Crystal City not Cupertino and Palo Alto.

Makes 4 1/2 dozen cookies

Prep 15 minutes

Bake at 350° for 12 minutes

1 1/2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup solid vegetable shortening
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1 pkg (12 oz) semisweet chocolate chips

• Heat oven to 350°. Grease 2 large baking sheets.
• Combine flour, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl.
• Beat together shortening, sugars and vanilla in a large bowl until creamy. Add eggs, beating until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in flour mixture and rolled oats. Stir in chocolate chips.
• Drop batter by well-rounded teaspoons onto greased baking sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden. Cool cookies on sheets on a wire rack for 2 minutes. Remove cookies to wire rack to cool completely.

Obama probably called Comey into a private meeting, and Comey probably said that no matter what Hilary is not going to survive twelve months in office. The damage control begins now regardless if she wins or not. Obama doesn't want to be associated with her.

We're comparing giants like Google to Cruz' team. Facebook can already manipulate emotions and behavior of selected individuals.
…but that's how mass media and mass social media has always worked…

Big data certainly is what helped Hillary target potential S█████ voters for purging off the voter rolls during the Democratic primary.

Should have added that now they are manipulating us on an individual level instead of just treating us like a mass. So they know what's specific about you and use that to "nudge" you in the direction they want. This is all done automatically through algorithms of course.

It don't matter too much, even a censored Facebook is not nearly as vanilla as the CBS Evening News. I'm not defending it, but remember that all these social media operations are intrinsically fad-driven and all melt away as newer services pop up. So far, FB has exhausted much of it's money buying up new startups and doing video, but one day it will find someone unwilling to sell (much like FB itself rejected buyout offers early on). Google's dominance is already starting to break down, especially as ad-driven website models meltdown due to deflation.

Also, Cruz's team itself is a customer of these services. His team itself is just a means of feeding data to Cruz and checks to marketing consultants. Which, ultimately, is what these companies strive to be (and are completely disposable as a result).

See my point here , the real danger comes from people who have access to the Internet itself. The government doesn't bother with low level shit, those are things elected politicians are forced to do so they can remain in office. Bureaucrats go right for what matters: the hard lines.

What the fuck is going on

Read the article I posted. Microtargeting works great in some scenarios, specifically instances where the amount of voters is small and constant (like Iowa) but is not good in any other circumstance (ie anything mass market). As the sample size grows, the model breaks down as it is unable to turn everybody in the same direction especially as people are allowed to communicate with each other (often much quicker than the system can respond).

It's great if you want to sell old ladies premium detergent, but it's not so great if you're trying to convince people to vote a certain way. Which is the fundamental problem of Silicon Valley: their business models are built to sell coupons, not candidates.

That is major fuck you to Holder and the Justice Department. Comey truly gives no fucks.

He's in charge now. Even if Hilary wins, she can't sack him or he will pull the same stunt Mark Felt did during Watergate. He has all the cards and all the blackmail he needs to do whatever he wants. Most likely, this is all for show. Next week he'll announce "Hilary is free of all charges etc" the day before the election. One final push.

I want to die.

come on


This can't be serious. Can it?

This is weird even with the new email/fbi stuff.

Wasn't she up by 12+ points just a little while ago?

It is real. Comey might have just fucked Hilary out of the Presidency. But there is still seven days to go and he could clear her name within that time causing her to bump back up.

That said, the real takeaway is if Trump is able to get to 52-60% by next Monday, which would be a clear majority.

This is among those who are likely to vote on election day.
Still they were neck and neck before the email announcement.

If Trump wins, I hope he at least wins by a big margin so that liberals will shut up already about third parties helping to elect Trump.

If I end up having called it I'm going to jizz in my pants

Here's Nate's prediction for comparison. I don't know what to think about it.
Wikileaks did say that Clinton is definitely going to win, that it has already been decided. I don't know whether they're just being edgy or seriously think this.

the thought of Trump pulling a win out of the bag has me hyped at the possibility of liberal mass suicide on a biblical level but I know it'd only be a huge damp squib in the long run. In an ideal world Clinton would be picked apart while in office and be properly exposed as the female GWB but i seriously doubt things will pan out that way.

538 and Nate already blew their credibility back in the summer.

I read a lot of the leaks and the CFR, Trilateral Commission, House of Saud, et al. are all firmly behind Hillary. If they want her elected, and they do, then it's going to happen.

I didn't take this idiot seriously when he said Trump couldn't win the nomination and didn't concede until after the RNC. He then said he wouldn't make the same mistake again and right after started doing the whole "lol drumpf can't win XD" shit. He has been proven wrong numerous times the past year, from S█████'s Michigan win to Brexit to the aforementioned Trump kerfuffle. He can blow it out his ass.

If he's wrong his career is over. At least we may have that to look forward to.

Elections aren't real. Hillary has already been decided as the winner.

He got the GOP primaries wrong because he didn't trust the polls. He isn't repeating that mistake here.

Both the result of serious polling errors. He's only as good as the polls.

Are you jerking me off here?
He modifies the polls how he pleases without any justification or explanation.
Also if these polls didn't fuck up their samples then maybe we would all get a clearer look at the election. But no! Women make up 66% of the electorate apparently.
But to add onto this the Dems are down and the Reps are up in early voting. TRUMP IS WINNING FLORIDA WITH EARLY VOTING ALONE, I have family in the Dem establishment and they are freaking the hell out over the email shit. Harry Reid accused the head of the FBI of being a RUSSIAN AGENT. They are going off the rails. Depending on the weather on and after election day, I would suspect riots and political violence even if limited in scope.


He modifies the polls based on their bias compared to actual election results. For example, Qunnipiac polls tended to over estimate Trump's numbers in the primaries by a little bit. So generally if a Qunnipiac poll shows Trump up 2 he considers it Trump up 1.

As far as fucked up samples I agree with you but you shouldn't get caught up on that too much. Romney's team was convinced that all the polls were over sampling blacks and he would win fucking Wisconsin.

As far as Trump "winning Flordia on early voting alone" the only thing I can find on that is the Tamp Bay Times saying this:

So there are some bad signs for Shillary in Florida but she can actually afford to lose the state as long as she holds onto Virginia, Colorado and Pennsylvania. Trumps needs Florida or he has no path to victory.

Give me some proof. I already tried investigating that Michelle one, but couldn't find anything. Granted, I'm completely retarded when it comes to social media. I can't find any twitter search engine or archive, if this even exists.

I'm not the biggest fan of shillver either but he very successfully predicted the 2008 and 2012 elections (getting 50/50 and 49/50 states right respectively).

Mitt Romney won early voting in FL with a much bigger margin than Chump is now but Obama still took FL on the 8th. Early voting is looking a lot better for Dems this year than it did in 2012.


Nate silver is a fucking hack.
Wow, he predicted the chanegy hopey black man was going to win.
If trump wins im going to take the most pleasure in silver losing his career

His whole job is to weigh up polling data to account for inconsistencies, and he did it almost perfectly in 2008 and 2012.

He does explain.

This is how Holla Forums deluded itself into thinking Romney would win.

Not in Nevada

He's now claiming the ABC poll is bad even though three months ago he was praising it. Don't believe him, his career will be over next week.

or more exactly he "corrects" them

and Holla Forums is stupid, see

2016 is not 2012 or 2008. We have not had an election with this much energy since 1980.

Shhh. Stop bringing reality into the conversation when dealing with the Trumpcucks.

#1. You're wasting your time as they've gone full blown feels > reals at this point and even put /SRS/ to shame.

#2. When the inevitable happens and Hillary is announced as the winner it will make the salt all the more delicious.

Just let them wallow in their own ignorance. In about a week's time all hell is going to break loose and Holla Forums is going to completely disintegrate and the resulting butthurt is going to be magnificent. Just be sure to have all your smug reaction images ready so you can shitpost Holla Forums into oblivion.

I haven't finished it yet, but the documentary "Hypernormalisation" talks about this. Instead of actually doing something in the 70s, these "activists" just sat back, watched the city of NY go to shit, and started making art to make a statement. Too bad it's only making a statement, and not action, that would actually matter.

One week out, bost bredictions lads.

Trump absolutely SHOULD win this election given the historical context, but he's made it incredibly hard for himself by running a terrible campaign.

Nah. I mostly agree with you though.



Are you Holla Forums, anphlegm or Lamer Smith's speechwriter? Because they all make the same dogshit argument you keep making.

fix your trainwreck of a site Cuckmonkey


Some interesting tidbits, just from scanning the documents.


I read from likely voters, she was up by 12% & it dropped to nearly 1% after the Weiner scandal & Comey's announcement.

These Hillary fucks are forgetting that it was the Weiner story that broke this. It wasn't Comey's letter's doing; the details were already all over the news at the time.

There is some guy on youtube whose theory is the polls were fixed for shillary, but trump was really winning, and since we are getting near the end they will start to reflect reality so that the pollsters can save their asses.
So thats how you come from being down 12 percent to tied.
It was all just to demoralize people.
I mean, the media is in her pocket, the globalists, the billionaires, every machine in the establishments bag is against trump.
Is it that hard to believe they would fix polls

What are you a commie

You mean from being down 7 points to being down 3 points. This shift isn't as big as that one poll makes it look.

It's what they did to B████

I hate Hillary & those helping to manipulate/help her win. So much.

Oh, I remember that. The poll analyzer, who's sole job is to look at polls, said not to trust them. That was hilarious.

I urge you fucking faggots to do something about this.

We maybe opposite site of political view but nuclear bombs don't discriminate

"Hillary Clinton Never Met A War She Didn't Want Other Americans To Fight"
"Clinton supported every one of the last seven U.S. military interventions abroad, plus two others we ended up fighting.”
"For instance, while First Lady she pushed for U.S. intervention in the Balkans—attacking the Bosnian Serbs and then Serbia. She was an enthusiastic war advocate, explaining: “I urged him [her husband] to bomb.” Alas, Bosnia remains badly divided while Kosovo has turned into a gangster state which, according to the New York Times, is “a font of Islamic extremism and a pipeline for jihadists.”

She apparently took the same position toward Iraq, backing bombing that became almost routine during her husband’s administration. He also turned a humanitarian mission in Somalia into nation-building on the cheap, threatened a military invasion of Haiti to enforce regime change, launched a lengthy occupation of the faux state of Bosnia, and expanded NATO toward Russia. None of them were in America’s interest or turned out well, but Hillary Clinton apparently only objected to the Haiti misadventure. She was seen by aides as the most influential of the administration’s many ivory tower warriors, always available to lobby Bill to do more bombing and killing abroad.

"But muh B████ is out" why should I care?

I will tell you why faggot. Because we are closing to nuclear war

There are not enough bits of data in the entire universe to store the data to represent an appropriate number of >'s in front of
He is literally the same as Paul the Octopus. Out of all the attempts in the world at predicting the outcome of a given contest, somebody was bound to get it exactly right by chance. That's what happened, except people were stupid enough to take Nate Silver seriously instead of regarding him as a joke/meme like Paul the Octopus.


user, pls don't.

>thinking Holla Forums doesn't want nukes

I am genuinely scared. I really am. Not one to get scared easily (ever). But given the rhetoric against Russia, Soros being main backer to hrc and Russia banning Soros. A nuclear war is imminent. You maybe left i'm right, but for fucking once let's step together. Or we're all gonna die.

Silver's poll aggregator is the only tool of its kind that still thinks Trump has a non-negligible chance of winning.

He's often been (unfairly) accused of overblowing uncertainty of elections (for clicks). Nobody gets vindicated more than Silver if Trump actually wins.
The moral reward seemed immense, especially in consideration of the low cost, since it entailed bombing a country with inadequate air defenses, with no great risk to our side.
It is worth noting that Hillary urged Bill to bomb the Serbs via telephone, while she was in North Africa, touring Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. Her guide on that trip was her new assistant, Huma Abedin, the young daughter of Muslim scholars and her trusted expert on the Muslim world. Many secular Arab nationalists in North Africa sympathized with the Serbs, due to past good relations with Yugoslavia during the days of the Non-Aligned Movement. However, Hillary had become an apprentice in learning to appreciate the fundamentalist Muslim outlook, and the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo enjoyed widespread, even fanatical support, in the Islamic world at this point. Did Huma assure Hillary that Muslims everywhere would applaud the Clinton administration for bombing Serbs?

No! If I can't have fully automated luxury communism RIGHT NOW then I want nuclear war!

Nuke 'em, Hilldog!

I mean sure, but it's not like we can do anything. I sure as shit won't vote Clinton, but my vote won't change shit. Even if Trump wins the popular vote, Hillary will just do what Bush did in 2000 and pull favors to fuck with the count. I don't know how anybody can delude themselves into believing otherwise after seeing what the DNC did during the primaries.

The ruling class sees the writing on the wall - the workers are borderline useless to them now, so they're going to try to prevent revolution by killing as many of us off in nuclear fire as possible.

Peter Thiel (guy who created Pay Pal) confirms what is already known to us
Clinton will risk Nuclear conflict if elected

They already have done it by undersampling potential Green voters.

posadism is the answer

Raise awareness and monitor elections. Vote for Trump. (never thought I'd shill that here but it's fucking cruicial).

There are some things you boys (we) can still do to prevent ww3.

I urge you to do it!

I'm not nazi, trump supporter, or even american.

I just want to live and have kids and let them have kids

This is not true at all. Silver has never been more accurate that straight polls and he's been wrong often lately. He's also tossed away his "data" facade for punditry and wonkism. He should be eating crow for his dramatic, months long tantrum w/r/t the Rublican primary

This is an anti-natalist board, you dummy.

How many guys are credited with creating PayPal now?

He just wants to secure a future for his children, fellow leftist.

Others also replied, but I'm the one you're responding to, btw.

I agree. Hillary is extremely dangerous, and her rhetoric against Russia, and the idiots who follow her, have genuinely scared me, as well.

Maybe it was CTR, but earlier on reddit(I know.. I was curious of their email coverage, since they're so biased/astroturfed), and there were people genuinely arguing with me, defending Hillary's '08 "obliterate Iran" comments & that we'll have to go to war with Russia if they invade or threaten another country. Like, the US will, not even just NATO. I told them their comments were abhorrent & they shouldn't consider themselves liberal.

Hillary is dangerous. And even more so, I'd say, now that her & the DNC are coming apart at the seams.

You think you're being smug. You may not ve so smug after nov.8

Unless you think a nuclear attack doesn't affect your internet connection, faggot


Do you read? Do you have reading comprehension?

That's not what happened. What happened is all the polls in 2008 perfectly predicted the outcome of every state. The Romney campaign was using something like "corrected polls" or some other name. Silver simply used the unskewed polls, and he was in the right place, as social media began to supplant traditional news, and had the right Ins and blogger friends to make it seem like he was Galileo saying the earth goes around the sun.


His campaign slogan is literally ripped off from Reagan you dumbshit.

This is of which importance now? You absolute misguided fucking idiot.

Le edgy anarchay chimay maymay

(kill yourself)

You don't have to listen to me.
I just have a chilling feeling, one I've maybe had three times in my life.

Calm before the storm…. Do you know that feeling? Everything goes dead quiet.
I've had it in 1991 when yugoslav war began. Then I had it when in Slovakia walking through town, knowing we are expecting attack (transpired 20 minutes later). I have it also now.
Dead quiet. Dod Kalm

The one thing that makes it seem the polls aren't exactly correct are the rallies.

How can certain candidates have so much enthusiastic support and have it now reflect in the polling? Over sampling certain groups/areas, land line only polls, etc?

The dumbshit thinks Trump is skeptical of exceptionalism spooks despite his fucking campaign slogan proclaiming otherwise.

Well, saying the greens are "worthless" sure doesn't help that happen. Which is the issue I took with that original poster.

Bullshit. I recommend everyone use this source when voting, and you can see many have already won office. There are successful third party candidates.

I just voted for the greens for President, and the B████crats in my area.

I would say these are in fact significant numbers. The greens seem to be doing better than ever, now.

Never did I think I'd see the day, so soon, where democrats are ramping up war rhetoric & the republicans worried about it/their candidate saying we should normalize or work with Russia.

I find it quite ironic that us "evil nazis" and "deplorable basket of alt-right" are advocating against war.

It could be the last irony I have. Nuclear war isn't fun. People of Hiroshima and Nagasaki can attest to that

It's just human nature :^)

You faggots better do something to stop her winning. You like to fight and argue with us (as much as we like arguing with you) but
1. Nukes don't discriminate
2. There is no place for left and right in one world government

Not to make you more worried, but I posted here about a month or two ago, about a dream I had.

The dream went like this:

So… Yeah. I had that dream maybe two months ago, and Hillary coming to power was clear as day, the beginning of the dream. I woke up & felt this sickness, like the dread & realization of what nuclear war is actually like; what it means to go through it. Of course, I still have no idea, but that terror, dread I felt & seeing everything glowing red still sticks with me. I don't think I'll forget that dream, anytime soon.


Posadism is the answer

Oh Holla Forums! Naive till the bitter end.

..Is that Christopher Walken?

Thank you man. I can sleep easily tonight now.

this is the thing I fear. For fucks sake let's stop it


You are a fucking idiot

They should make Trump 2016 signs double sided and put "No Fun Allowed" on the back.


This will get me some leftist pussy!

You stupid faggot don't know shit about shit. I have lived through conventional war. I dare not imagine what a nuclear one feels like.

So take your edgy comments and stick them up your fucking ass

like clockwork

Do you read?
Do you have access to internet?
Are you an imbecile?

Do you not see this is bigger than the left/right divide?



Wow, you're gay.

You seem triggered my dude. Don't you guys love final solutions?

I pray to lord hoxha that you get nuked personally

The mushroom cloud just got

The end is near, embrace it.


And they said a million bunkers was a stupid idea!

The spectre of anti-revisionism must be looking down on us all with a smile.

Thank you based Hoxha.

Yeah. Actually if lefty faggots wanna get nuked, that's their perogative. Forgive me for trying to stop it

Sorry Adolf, but you have to go back.

The future is bright

Don't mind them. They're just a bunch of classcucks trying to cope with their lack of agency with bullshit macho posturing.

Or former polyps that found out they're Jewish and became "leftist"

I ain't upset at you, bartering is the 3rd step, you're doing good!

Hoxhaism best girl!

You're using the words but you're not local.


Did you just reply to yourself?

I all seriousness tho I dunn wanna get nooked or estint.


We made it, leftypol!

Butt hurt former polyps detected. Here's something else to trigger you. I'm in a Antifa chapter and regularly surveil nazis

This is wider than left/right divide. Infact it is fucking urgent. Fuck them really. I know not all leftist are like that. I'm friends with quite a few and they agree we must work together on this. If it is the first and last thing we do

Just stop posting.

That's cool dude. I don't have a problem with antifa.

Posadism have her own incarnation tho…
smut when?

Nuke 'em, Hilldog!

Look at all these replies. Must have struck a nerve.


You shithead fucking idiot. I am not pro Trump. I just want to live

Did he strike a nerve there? Looks like he did.



The only strikes I care about are nuclear.

You are retarded. Report to me back in 10 days and tell me how nuclear fallout is affecting your internet connection.

Such lulz. Oh wow. Funny!

Where we're going we don't need comms!

let it rain, motherfuckers

Haha I know. There's so many crypto fascists on this board that REEEEE at any mention of material oppression based on race or sexuality. That SJWs are destroying the left.

But you start talking about taking a hard line against Nazis and suddenly it's "shut up" or "you just want to beat up poor whites". All that righteous indignation is suddenly gone


The funniest part are your replies.

I was looking for nuclear videos to GET THIS ATOMIC PARTY STARTED but I found this old Jill Stein video instead

Agreed but what do Posadist jokes have to do with being a classcuck or macho posturing?

A serious question. Are you guys retarded or are you playing to be? Because your smugness and internet connections are going to be rendered useless on about a week

I get the feeling don't blame me, I visit this board rarely, but I got this conclusion:

95% here are edgelord faggots larping. 5 % are actual leftists.

(no insult to them, I respect them, they have also shown respect back)

I'm lucid and ready to taste the atomic soup my Abuela's stirring up.

Can't believe out of everything that comes out of this board Posadism is the thing that rustles pols jimmies most.

I bet they already forgot those leaked emails saying aliens will come down to Earth when we use nukes. Hillary will be so progressive we fucking transcend!
Praise nukes!

kek, leftypol has the response to every spook


This is the same shit i saw two days ago.

Two 20yo fags who never saw yugoslavia, parading in partizan outfits and blasting hey brigade while commuting to university. This is what i think of majority of this board. Again no insult to leftists, the few and real far between

That actually sounds about right.

You are a fucking larping joke, you really are. (majority)

Never forget the crimes of Josip Stalin Tito, Lifelong Premiere of the Ugoslavic Socialist States of Russia. Under his reign over one hundred billion died of communism.

I'm all for making fun of yourself and having a laugh but too many of these jokes are just tantrums veiled with nilism and economic determinism.

Tantrums due to them not being able to hang onto their racist sexist spooks. They became leftist not out of empathy but to reset everything so no one can have an advantage if they aren't going to be able to continue to be if it from white supremacy.

I mean damn look how many of them got triggered when I mentioned most posters and Americans in general are at least partial Jewish.

I lived in Germany for several years their white population doesn't look like US population

Also too many on here that are nililist because they're butt hurt they aren't going to be able to hang onto their latent


Did you forget in what kind of place you're posting in you fucking retard?
Also anyone buying into cheap scaremongering rhetoric is an idiot and a tool

wew that's a lot of projection there bucko

Fucked this post all up. Need to stop posting from my ipad

Not this no true Scotsman bullshit again.


Well tbh there is something to it. Hillary threatened Iran with nukes if they attacked Israel, in '08. So we might not have nuclear war, but it's almost assured we'll have a conventional one under her.

Possibly under Trump, as well. So who the Hell knows what's going to happen.

I run with an ultra squad. Most right wing oriented, couple of nazis. But we have a left top boy. Do you know why we get along? Because he is a true leftist. We accept we have different views on things Unlike majority of you faggots here.

lol no



Read some facts. What an ignorant fuck

He sounds like a bitch tbh fam

Alright, alright. Now genuine discussion/important posts are being pushed out of the top of the thread because of the shitposting. Come on, now.

Heh, triggered much?


Let me buy some more Žižek

You are lackays. You are idiots blind to the concept of truth.

Enjoy fallout.

Someone had a pic of nazi propaganda and it was a picture of a fat Jewish guy. The guy looked exactly like a pic of a real life neo nazi next to it. He also looked like an American guy to me.

It always makes me lol how many polyps and former polyops have Jewish features. It's so obvious to the average German that Americans have a lot of Jewish blood in them

Yes by idiocy of majority of this board. You are not leftist. You are idiot

Wait, do you live in America now?

6 days until the elections

who does Holla Forums think will win?

Yes. I used to live in Germany for several years. Had lots of German national friends and we'd talk about how stupid Americans were all the time

Hillary Clinton no doubt, the system is rigged as fuck and the the last thing the establisment want is a complete rset of their allready corrupt shithole. Trump is an idiot but he aint their puppet and they fucking hate it. Hope he wins so we atleast will be living in silly times but if Hillary gets in we will have ww3 and thats pretty fancy cause no body is in the mood for war.


Explain why. I have time

Not every greeny is your sex slave Zerzan, go back to your radio show you techy faggot.

Are you still writing thesis length responses to trolls on Holla Forums or have you given that up? :^)

i found this the most insulting
like…what the fuck?

Her Wall Street porky owners want Russia to be eliminated as competitors.

The Wikileaks's emails show her as some that's actually pretty dumb and just follows porkies orders.

Putin is equally as reckless. He's willing to play chicken with her. This is very likely to lead to war


Because every time she's been given substantial power, she's voted for or pushed war actions.

As Senator, she voted for the Iraq War & for the Patriot Act(which you could say was a war of types, on our own people). As Senator she also authored a bill that would make flag burning illegal, with a $100,000 fine & a year in jail. Even Scalia said it was unconstitutional, against the first amendment.

As Secretary of State, she pushed for "regime change" in Libya, armed rebels there & in Syria; possibly arming ISIS. She then got Qaddafi overthrown & killed, then laughed about it. She pushed hard for war in Syria, to overthrow Assad. She refused to cut ties to Honduras in aid, even though a coup was taking place. Many have blamed her for not stopping the coup; she even edited her book to take out the part where she specifically avoided calling it a coup to maintain aid.

Anything else you guys want to add? Oh yeah, again, she threatened Iran with nuclear warfare if they attacked Israel.

Race is a spook. Couldn't care less what you got to say about it.

You on the other hand are easily ass blasted by how foolish American Nazis and American Nazi sympathizers look when so many of them look Jewish as fuck.

Yeah, the no-fly zone in Syria she's also been pushing. Jimmy Dore has a great video about this, but I can't remember which one. He calls her out for having investors who make war materials, and that they've invested in her more than any other politician, ever.

She has a fucking financial motivation/dues to go to war. I hate this cunt.

Sorry we haven't been gas lighting Clinton like you fuccboi.

More accurate poll

She said "I urged him to bomb" in regards to pressuring Bill during Bosnia. She's a fucking lunatic.

It's funny to me that this all came out because she's a typical stingy porky bootlicker.

I mean damn you couldn't conspire with some hackers to cover your digital tracks. Instead she gets a stressed out wage slave a la stone tear who is probably working for a pittance and he fucks it all up

Truer words have never been written. I can't believe her laughing about Qaddafi didn't get bigger. She's insane, egomaniacal & a sociopath.

Yeah, whatever happened with that Congressional review about that shit? It seemed like a great way to nail her.

I like how Stein turned out green. :^)


Probably Hillary if her election rigging network is as strong as it was during the primaries.

Reminder Johnson v. Stein round 2 on Tavis Smiley tonight.

I have yet to see the first, but will, soon.. How did it go?


Interesting you say that. America is actually at a very similar impasse that Yugoslavia was in 1991. I don't think we will see that degree of conflict and violence, nor do I think we will see nuclear war, but things are going to get very bad indeed.

Who attacked you in fucking Slovakia?


Relatively uneventful. Gary Johnson said "bullshit" on PBS when asked about why the deficit for his state was 3 billion dollars higher when he left office of governor.

With Johnson's recent major flubs(Aleppo, sticking his tongue out, now this), I can't help but think he's a plant or being paid to subvert third parties/voters.

Or was he always an idiot?

we only need to take down Kaine and Ryan before getting Chairman S█████ in the oval

So what does everyone think will happen during the next four years under Trump that's basically guarenteed at this point?

I hate Trump and he scares me but I guess I better get comfy.

I don't think he's guaranteed

If you look at aggregates of the polls he's still getting memed on

Fyi, that story about the Obamas unfollowing Clinton on Twitter was a fabrication. That poster had to have known that when they posted it, too.

Thats true. If he loses Florida hes done.

The more extreme and interesting it sounds the more you have to look into it to prove its legitimacy

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

So much stamina, so much hoarses and bayonettes

"Lawyer: Huma Abedin didn't know emails were on Anthony Weiner's computer"


It's getting even better.. Is Huma trying to save her own ass? Has the day finally arrived when her aides/democrats are seeing blood in the water & don't want to go down with her? It's getting interesting..

WI and MI are going red. Illinois and NJ might slip by (think Rauner and Christie) too. This would give Trump over 270.

True; I had to look into that one.

There is nothing we can do, other than vote against her.

Fact is, there is only two ways this ends: with Hilary losing or Hilary being Impeached by Congress.


Who profits from the left/right divide?


If by "the left/right divide" you mean "the divide between class-unconscious liberals and class-unconscious conservatives," then it's the ruling class.

I am under the impression, we are people. Who profits from dividing us?

Good end:

Bad end:

At the end of the day left and right don't mean a thing.
If you were hungry, I wouldn't ask you I would give you food.

Think about that

I vote for Bad End. I've heard parts 1, 2, and 3 of the negative prediction from others and, based on this election, liberals hate the left and would sooner lose elections than vote for anything resembling socialism, even just the demsoc lite B████ was offering.

what are you a commie? give a man a fish he eats for a day. tell everyone not to give a man a fish and he starves, leaving more fish for you.

It all comes down to very simple things. Help your fellow man if it is in your capacity

Thanks, man. Same here.

kill yourself

Hillary called a black caterer "that n-word" during an AIDS fundraiser with Jacques Chirac's wife.

Two days after Tracey Martin's interview the personal chef had his phone hacked and his apartment broken into. A family member of his receive a strange voicemail. The phone number was identified by Wikileaks as belonging to the Democratic National Committee.

Hillary didn't denouce her ties to "a former member of the Ku Klux Klan."

Secret service veteran Gary Byrne claims Hillary once tossed a Bible at the back of someone's head.

Detractors claim that he was echoing rumors started by prankster newbies.

However, Byrne was personally commended by Bill Clinton for his "enviable" "knowledge of … the presidency." He was also subpoenaed to testify during the Lewinsky impeachment.

We're already there. Actually, this would be an improvement because then it would be out in the open instead of obscured by the left and right sockpuppets doing a punch and judy show.

During yesterday's Tavis Smiley show he said the word "bullshit" and had to be bleeped, so yes.

welp someone finally made it.

Sorry m8, but I really don't give a fuck. Hillary is the best choice when accelerationism is your goal. And that is my goal. They're both kike stooges but Hillary honestly seems like the worst choice here, so Hillary it is. Fuck this stupid fucking country and fuck the world.


Hope that dude's eyes are OK. Malcolm McDowell went temporarily blind from filming A Clockwork Orange.

Mods, we need a Posaidist flag!

So who will win? Hillary or Trump?

4pol is posting infographs and polls that show Trump winning

It's either going to be a close election like 2000 or a Trump blowout. We won't know until November 9th.

My gut tells me Trump

Johnson bitches about US arms ending up in hands of Islamists, yet Cuban arms end up in hands of Boko Haram.

Can I bang Milania? Please??

No one has forgotten the terrible things Trump has done and said during this election.

In the polls it either has Hillary up or tied and with the states she is going to get she'll win the electoral college numbers to win.

Rolled 6, 2, 5 = 13 (3d6)

Just like they did with Romney, right? LOL

Rule number 1 newfaggot. Holla Forums is only ever right about 1 thing, and that thing is that the jews are behind everything. They are wrong about absolutely everything else.

Both the massive fluctuations in polling numbers, and the naked stonewall bias against Trump, make opinion polls feel almost worthless this election, and analytic commentary of them doubly so. I honestly have no idea, but the wild-eyed panic amongst die lugenpresse suggests it's probably close.

It's going to seem like it'll be really close leading up but then it'll turn out that Trump support was way underreported (like Brexit), and Trump will win the popular vote in a landslide. We will only find this out way after the fact, though, because Clinton will pull favors all over the country just like Dubya did with Jeb in Florida in 2000.

The no-fly zone is supposed to restrict who, though?? ISIS doesn't have planes!

no doubt in my mind that Trump will win the popular vote, it's the electoral college that could steal it from him

Well actually, the reason Brexit passed was because Millenials didn't vote because they're retards.

Things may be different with the election because all the millenials are terrified of Trump and all the mommies and daddies are making their kids vote.

I don't understand why anyone would vote for Romney

Clinton overthrew the elected president of Honduras. Now Hondureans and Salvadoreans are in the US begging for refuge. Why don't the Republicans ever mention this?

That's not something based in reality

Satan trips confirm

Dis pote, t'es d'où ?

What's incorrect about it?

That means I would like a source

Military-refugee complex:


Young people were for Brexit more than any other age group, except maybe for old people. The ones who were against it the most were people who already had comfortable jobs.

That's a guy in blackface is it not? I like this one. Nobody wins.

Barack Obama's brother stumping for Trump

He didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Milania aint thick enough

It's not really in the bag for Trump. Actually, according to the polls he's still struggling.

I can't speculate why tbh. There is no consensus about who his support base is, who is liable to go either way, etc.

Wut? Is that true? I remember right after it happening all the gnashing and wailing of teeth and calls to end democracy because old people can't vote in the interest of the youth.

I remember reading multiple times back then that if you analyze the youth vote more carefully and not just lump 30s and 20s together you get a completely different picture. The explanation given was that young people feel they have no future under the current system due to very little possibility to get a good job.

I think Trump is almost certain to win now.

Between Gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter intimidation, the conservative Supreme Court and the years tacit approval of all these anti-democratic tatics from the DNC he has this in the bag.

Democrats need to win unambiguously to win any races usually, Close races always go to the GOP because of what's stated above.



What a fucking sellout. Sad to see him go the route of Colbert & Samantha Bee.

I seriously think Gary Johnson has aspergers or some sort of mild mental retardation. How the hell did this guy actually get to be governor of New Mexico?

What makes you say that. The Republicans hate Shillary. They see her as the ultimate SJW, that's not just the base but the establishment as well.

There's no command and control over voter suppression, it's years of laws, and institutional momentum that give Repubs the win in close elecions.

You really think say the Supreme Court would give the presidency to Clinton instead of Trump. There's just nothing to indicate that.

I'm running on the theory he's had some kind of untreated concussion from all the sports he's into

Not that poster but I think they're split, with the hawkier types being pro-Hillary

Also the porkier types who have a vested financial interest in her winning.

Yeah that could swing a close election.

Did they change the border of some fucking states while I wasn't looking?

I concede that lots of porky repubs have come out in support of her. But the establishment still fears their base.

It's why they allowed Trump to win the nomination even though it was well within their power to force some other candidate.

It needs to fucking burn to the ground. Political money is too entrenched in it.

Part three following the last two debates between Stein and Johnson last night and tonight:

What rock were you hiding under in 2014?

Oh Louis… I laughed at so many of your jokes.

I really thought you were smarter than this.

I guess he's just as misinformed and out of touch as every other piece of shit Boomer and GenXer.

That's how's she's perceived. It just means she won't do anything to explicitly bolster white supremacy in the US like Trump will.

Just means bourgious wing of the Repubs. The Repubs still advocate for patriarchy and white supremacy which is why female and non cis white neoliberals join the democrats.

Sorry but only a minority of Repub representatives are consciously working for porky class interests. Maybe past Repub congress critters could see the forest from the tree but this batch can't. They wouldn't have reflexively blocked every single one of Obama's neoliberal policies save for a handful of exceptions.

You're just some suburbanite classcuck that thinks if you just ignore all nuance it makes you sound smart. Like you've got the real answer to everything.

Looks like they were much smarter than the dems.

I don't think Trump will win. I think not matter what, the american election has already be decided. It will be interesting to see the result anywho.

was for

Here's the further question though: how likely is it that Clinton's corruption will caught up with her after being elected, given all these Wiki & Dicki leaks and FBI reopening the investigation?
Will her war enthusiasm be at least somewhat obstructed?

They don't care either way, and will use either one to shield them from hard economic questions, which is why Jeb "Guac Bowl" Bush was the anointed one before Trump crashed the RNC with no survivors. Different flavors of idpol are identical in the eyes of the Republicrat establishment, and if the cishetwhitemalechristian flavor is losing popularity, they've proven themselves willing to drop it in a heartbeat.

The majority of Repub representatives are brainless rubber-stamping robots executing the instructions of ALEC, and have no consciousness whatsoever.

I don't think there's any possible way Clinton's presidency will survive to the next election. That will, however, just leave us with Kaine.

It's either that or have her immunity voided and if that happens then everything goes out the fucking window.

…What are you smoking? She specifically uses the isms & idpol on a daily basis for political gain.

Your entire post is garbage & I'm too tired atm to shit on it more. Obviously there's enough bait there where others will take it & address it.

I'll take this one, though
How did you recently stumble onto 8ch?

An user elsewhere mentioned that it was pretty easy to synch emails or whatever if you were using a different computer, so she might actually be ignorant.

Still have no idea what they were thinking with that one.

Middle-class millennials absolutely were rabidly pro-EU, and the class bias of the media makes people think that they speak for their whole age group. Working-class millennials, on the other hand, are really struggling and I'm prepared to believe that they voted heavily against the status quo.

Same reason Rubio & Cruz (both Cubans from the orbit of the anti-Castro expat community in Jeb's Florida, ethnically laundered as generic spics) were supposed to be the next two front-runners down: Cultivating the Republican beaner vote.

Don't most other Hispanics dislike Cuban-Americans for thinking they're better or something along those lines?

Look how that worked out. I seriously wonder how the two-party system is going to survive this 'demographic transition' the elites have created. Republicans are going to start getting rebellious when they realize that the brown bloc-vote is going to keep the Dems in power forever.

There's definite class antagonism since expat Cubans were both relatively wealthy and accepted right out of the gate ("persecuted by communism" etc) while any other spanish speaker is treated like trash, especially by Miami-Cubans.

African Americans voted for Obama, I'm sure the Republicans took this as a challenge:

Yeah, but African-Americans are a more cohesive group than Hispanic-Americans (despite the hundreds of articles asking if Obama was black enough to truly be the first African-American president)

Oh GAWD another fucking triggered white LARPer boi.

Hey dipshit, how many fucking women or PoC's you see at Trump rallies. Even the most stupid lumprenprole can see Trumps white supremacy platform from a mile away.

Yeah Clinton uses classic we're all one people colorblind bullshit idpol. Not "I will maintain white supremacy oppress all the Mexicans, Muslims and whoever else you blame neoliberalism on" idpol. GODDAMN you gotta be purposely ignoring it because even borderline illiterate lumpen proles know that's what Trump is selling.

Spare me, been dealing with latent racist white people my whole life.

Wish you could realize that not a single PoC falls for the whole gamergate SJW's are just left wing version of Nazis bullshit arguments you use to ignore systemic racism and white supremacy in the US.

If you understood spanish you'd know that spanish media has been highlighting Trumps racism since day one.

Gonna have to work for dat (You) bro

I was watching a CNN video a couple of hours ago, and a Trump supporter/surrogate brought up an interesting motive for this coming to light right now; the email stuff.

He said that Anthony Weiner could be facing up to 15 years in prison for the pending case. And he may have let the cops know about the emails on his computer as a bargaining chip for a lesser sentence.

Seems plausible & very interesting to consider.

I think the real difference is simply that American-Africans are such a tiny minority that Obama managed to fly under the radar aside from the birther memes, sort of like towelheads before 9/11, which (unlike in Europe, which is chock full of them) were treated in a totally anodyne fashion.

I'm sure. If I were sitting on a stockpile of weapons-grade blackmail I'd be playing it for everything it was worth if the alternative meant going to pmita prison.

Maybe Huma is wishing she put out more right about now lol

They're base won't. And that white supremacy Southern Strategy is the only thing keeping the GOP a national party. Seriously can you name a SINGLE policy that benefits the cis white males that flock to the GOP that isn't related to maintaining patriacry (anti-abortion platform), or white supremacy?

What economic policy is beneficial to even working class whites that the GOP supports.

PoC's vote democrat because they're afraid if they don't the GOP will bring back Jim Crowe, which is basically what the GOP promises every election.

Goddamn.. I think you just memed yourself into oblivion.

I actually speak fluent Spanish. :^)

Wherever you came from


Shitty bait, tbh.

Their one, true, purest uncut rock crystal crack cocaine of trashcan ideology, of which everything else they peddle is a variation: Classcuckery.

I think he meant "Spanish-language" I love watching Spaniards and New World Hispanics get into bitchfights on Wikipedia talk pages, it reminds me of my own squabbles with Commonwealth anglophone fags.

Lmao, seriously.

He's got a golden ticket. And Hillary's a cunt, so it's not like you're throwing a decent person under the bus(or that she wouldn't do the same to you given any chance), so you wouldn't feel guilty either. Maybe even a bit proud or find it funny.

Haha stay triggered.

It's easy, I'll break it down to you like a baby. Dems and Repubs are both neoliberal.

Repubs use straight white cis hate for gays, Muslims, mexicans and women to keep the support of their base.

The Dems just don't explicitly call for the oppression of minorities….

broke dick white bois like you get triggered whenever someone points this obvious fact out.

You got the white part right.

BULLSHIT, they're only okay with class cuckory so long as they have some black or Muslim caste underneath them for THEM to stomp their boot on. This has been true since the days of slavery.

This is why so many white boys get so triggered by SJW's. It's people porky has promised white proles will stay beneath them, complaining about arbitrary oppression based on their ID.


Oh brother, the old, I'm not racist sexist if I'M a women or PoC.

Couldn't care less about your actually sex, just which policies you support.


replied to the wrong post stupid head

You can't just post part 1 of that man come on

I'm dying over here

thanks ♥


Morally degenerate people don't care whether there's someone under them to look down on, or someone "over" them to be resentful toward. All that matters is that they have social approval to bully or hate someone else.

Scum like you, who ruthlessly pick on people because of their skin, their sex, their culture, or their political allegiance, regardless of whether they've ever wronged anyone.

It's the perfect distraction from genuine political issues.

Haha more triggered ex Holla Forumsyp tears. Oppression be it in the form of poverty, racism, or sexism is violence.

White people get butt hurt whenever someone like me says that because it's true, and because if people realize it's a form of violience they're not likely to tolerate it anymore.

How many logically prezels did you have to make to come to the conclusion that someone calling out systemic racism and sexism is the one doing the bullying LMAO.


Verbal "violence", eh?

How is decrying people that aren't racist, aren't sexist, and haven't hurt anyone, not bullying?

Racism and sexism aren't invisible mystical glyphs emblazoned on your forehead, to be unpacked from your magic backpack, they're concrete actions. If someone holds no malice, if they're innocent of any harmful action, how can you possibly justify hurling such accusatory invective at them?

Further, even if someone is the most racist, sexist misanthrope imaginable, and are "included" in the "systemic power", but they lack the legal power to actually act on those sentiments, why bother caring about them, instead of abuses that ARE still entirely legal, or even legally compulsory?

Get cucked. I'm talking about material oppression based on sex and race to the exclusion of relation to the MoP.

I couldn't care less about the feelings or thoughts of bigots.

You gamer gate ducks need to get new straw men cause this one is getting old

Quite a lot, actually.

What are you even doing here ?

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt

Then why do you smear vast swathes of the population for things they don't participate in, imbue them with widely rejected motives they lack, bleat about rare-to-nonexistant 1st-world "material oppression based on sex and race to the exclusion of relation to the MoP", and reenforce the alienation between organized class consciousness and the proletariat?

You are porky's brainwashed emissary, pixelbitching over nonissues, and ignoring the tiny number of remaining issues relevant to the modern 1st-world.

They probably blew in from Tumblr or one of the goons' colonial slavepens on leddit

Many of Trump's supporters are aware of his flaws

Yeah, that's why you're ignoring the diversity among Trump supporters, you holier-than-thou sophist.

Sure buddy. He'd be losing by double digits if he were running against B████

First, that doesn't have anything to do with diversity.
Second, that just proves Clinton is perceived as so horrible that even all the constant tabloid scandals about Trump can't ensure her a victory.

The average prole IS very bigoted. Bigotry is the number one impediment to class conciousness.

Time and time again porky has appealed to the prejudices of the DOMINATE ID class. In the US that would be white people, to thwart leftist movements.

White people dont like to hear that because it means they're going to have to do most of the work of eliminating racism and sexism.

You're the reason the left is shit. Not SJWs. You deny minority proles their own experience. They can't see wage labor oppression. They can see white people in their same workplace with new cars while they struggle to pay rent.

Fuck you go back to arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a needle. You claim to materially analyis things but it obvious most of you don't even know elementary statisics

How does a hypothetical fact disprove reality ?

The people have a right to defend their racial and cultural integrity just as they should defend their economic and political sovereignty.

No one here is denying minorities anything. You're the one giving them a role to play according to your whims and hijacking the observation of the bigger picture.


Yes they are. Every white leftists on this board keeps denying there's material sexist and racist oppression. One user said it's non exsistant n the first world. Definitely a widely held belief by pesudo intellectuals that don't ever actually analysis their own prejudices

I'm saying you're about as useful as an intellect as medevil scholars that used to actually rte about such things or the church

Not user, but I would say the reason the left is dead is that it has become a safeguard of petite-bourgeois "tolerance" against the vulgar masses instead of offering those people an actual leftist opposition to the system that doesn't have to rely on blaming migrants or whatever.

Statistics is always based on ideological categories. I just pull some categories out of my ass and measure them statistically, then write articles about the current state of things. I control several think tanks so I do this over and over again. That's how statistics work. A more concrete example would be how "quality of life" is always defined as basically "banal consumerist and entrepreneurial life", so you then find out that life in neoliberal countries is the best.

How do you know the average prole is bigoted? Oh, right, by inferring from things that "das bigoted" is the cheap retort against. Things like opposition to jobs being offshored, to mass economic immigration, to drug addiction, to violent crime, to broken families, to repulsive imagery and sentiments being rammed in their faces, and to people telling them they're evil simply for being themselves. Things that have a variety of other legitimate motives, but of course are ALWAYS really just motivated by "bigotry".

Their experience is the same as vast swathes of the male WASP population, who actually make up THE MAJORITY of poor, of victims and participants of crime, and victims of discrimination, even today.

Their experience is NOT shared, however, with rich celebrities who happen to have fall under the same designated idpol slot, and more of them every day can see through your spooky intersectional smoke and mirrors routine.

Sad to say, without [REDACTED] in the picture, more extreme measures must be resorted to.

You're the one who's trying to divide everyone and alienate them by reducing their identities to their genetical background, making it impossible for people of all identities to fight for the same goal.
You're nothing more than a closet fascist.

Its real simple. Proles compete with each other for wage labor capital. Proles use tribalism to screw each other over.

Then theortical fuck ups like you come and tell the fucked over proles that they weren't fucked over or that they shouldn't be mad cause we're all proles.

A kindergartener could understand why this strategy wouldn't work.

The real reason leftist ignore it is because they don't want undermine the market advantage white supremacy gives them

Fuck you. Black people are oppressed by systemic racism. Black people cant opt out of being black.

Pointing out the effect of racism is real even if the abstract of it is not


Which ? Where ? By whom ? Klan members from Texas in black and white movies ?

I opened up a history book that's how I know. All these neoliberal policies were voted in by white people angry at the increasing equality minorities were achieving

>Its real simple. Proles compete with each other for wage labor capital. Proles use tribalism to screw each other over.

This is barely one step removed from "capitalism is human nature"

The old bu-bu-bu White are poor too. Yeah no shit. Half the people the state kills Are white. Which is why they should be out there with BLM demanding justice too. Instead they're either against BLM and by extension against the reforms they're pushing. Or don't care

Yeah, no shit. Blacks in Africa voted in favour of people who disappropriated white farmers and it wasn't because they were Communists.
They fell into the same trap as you, just on the other side. The Left wants none of that bullshit.

You saying proles don't compete with each for jobs?

In education. In jail time. Police brutality, housing…

help me Holla Forums, you're my only hope!

Are you fucking serious ? You know BLM is funded by Soros to cause riots which cause poor people both black and white to have their shit destroyed, people of every colour to be hurt and racial tensions increasing, right ? You know Blacks are hurt the most by this and the movement only makes racism grow, right ?

Haha no. Appropriating farms isn't shooting yourself in the foot like supporting neoliberalism is.

How is it systematic ? To me it seems like dissenters are the only ones who are sure to face police brutality. Like the Natives protesting the Dakota pipeline. Or the lefties who get mauled here and there regardless of their skin colour. Are they not black enough for your compassion, you racist ?


Ok, we get it. Racism exists (although not systematically) and should be fixed.
But what the fuck are you offering other than racial divide and supporting groups that make these things work instead of working on things that would benefit everyone with no discrimination ? Are you just a tool ?

sure smells racist in here!

They consistently gets shittier outcomes than whites given the same circumstances.

You guys really need to learn some statisics. This is all back up by numbers.

Yawn the old your a racist for calling me a racists line

I never talked about Jews, I talked about Soros. Your racism is showing.
And yes, glorious uprisings make cops more wary of black people and reinforce prejudices. That's what BLM does.

BLM, you mean "burn down black neighborhoods, vandalize black businesses, ally with black criminals who murder black victims, and ignore porky establishments that are literally a block away, and assassinate police instead of making positive suggestions to improve policing of black crime" BLM?

I'm saying they're not the ones fucking each other over, competition for jobs is businesslike and dispassionate.

Maybe that has more to do with inertia from history when harmful racist acts was actually still legal, and less to do with non-economic conditions today?

If I were a paranoid Holla Forumsack, I'd suspect they're trying to slide the thread, but since I'm not, I know that Holla Forums is the board that always takes the bait.

What a simplistic moron you are.
If statistics are so easy to read, why aren't you bitching about Asians and Jews having it easier than Whites ? Are you gonna say they're part of a big conspiracy against Whites, Blacks and Latinos ?

Blacks were treated as human property. And have consistently had more poverty than whites.

Couldn't have anything to do with racists whites trying to keep blacks as close to their old slave station as possible could it.

Naw they're free and everything is fine. Please ignore Jim Crowe, poll taxes white flight, police brutality the drug war etc etc

The Asians that migrate here generally wealthy and therefore more educated. If your an ignorant poor Asian you are generally stuck in asia


That Soros meme is from pol

Okay let's just take the drug war. That wasn't racist because…..

Sorry, I don't think in memes. Soros exists and is one of the ultimate piggies, I don't turn a blind eye on him just because Holla Forums also hates him. Kill yourself.

racial and cultural integrity don't exist, so no, they don't

He's not behind BLM. You first punk

It partly was. It also stemmed from blind conservatism.
Rejoice, it's gonna be over soon. If all your idpol shit is based on that single fact, will you shut the fuck up once it's over ? I'm against it as well, like literally all of this board. Why are you bitching, again ?

great, so let's not get distracted from ending poverty and police abusing their power in any regard

some one hasn't been paying attention to the Clinton/podesta emails

Didn't the sistas before you fight for your right to educate yourself ? Make them proud.

It was completely predicated on racism. Cops enforce drugs laws on blacks at twice the rate of whites.
Prisons are filled mostly with black non violent drug offenders while blacks and whites use drugs at the same rates

You're a good porky bootlickers though. Keep ignoring the plight of your fellow proles

The burden of proof is on you. Porky is trying to co op BLM now but it's completely grassroots as of now

Irish were slaves, and even after Irish slavery in the US ended, they were viciously discriminated against through a variety of means including segregation.

All ethnicities, even English, initially came to the US under indentured servitude. Even after it was mostly abolished, it was renewed for later groups like the Chinese.

Nearly every later later group, especially Catholics, Jews and pagans, were subject to vicious segregation and discrimination.

I personally fall under nearly every one of these descriptions, but of course that doesn't matter anymore.

Because the majority of its victims are white, just like nearly everything in a majority-white country like the USA. And the overwhelming majority are poor, just like any sort of criminal activity.

I've been following them closely. What e mails


Karl Marx.

Please stop. Chattel slavery is completely different. Black slavery lasted for several hundred years.
Were still living with that legacy. Addressing oppression isn't a zero sum game. If Irish people were systemically oppressed I'd oppose that too.

Marx would be called an SJW for being against slavery by dick weeds like you

What makes you think I support slavery ? My country's southern shores have been raided for centuries by muslim pirates who sold white people on slave markets long before colonization was a thing.
You don't see me trying to hijack left-wing discussions because of it, do you ?

how about instead of wasting time trying to convince everyone that the drug war is racist, you try to convince people that the drug war is bad policy?

The shit I'm talking about isn't ancient history. The civil rights act was passed in the 60s. The drug war began in the 70s.


Remember MLK wasn't assassinated for his part in the successful civil rights movement, but for his part in attempting to spearhead a campaign against poverty.

Stick a fork in it, it was ancient history decades ago, it's well past time to move on.


white people can't be systematically oppressed

You ignorant son of a bitch. You talk as if the whole wolrd is the USA.

I'm from Greece, here's a brief story of the nation.

And you would think that a nation having been through all that shit would have the complete support of various SJWs around the world, and that Greeks could never be racist.

But it turns out that we are considere "privilleged whites" by SJWs and "degenerated shitskins" by fascists and racists in wester Europe. And if that wasn't enough, there are actually people here that are racist againist Albanians, Bulgarians, Ukranians, people who are certainly considered "whiter" than us. Not to mention the rise of Golden Dawn…

Having said all that, it's obvious that racism, sexism ect exists. But it's not just Blakcs and Latinos that have it bad. And yet, you will keep spouting shit like how ALL the whites have it good and how ALL blacks are underprivilleged. But get it through your fucking skull: In a capitalist world, the capital rules; If you have money, I can assure you that a transgender-black will be more privilleged than the whitest prole.

I bet you thought it would be really witty to post this on your first day on leftypol, didn't you, newfriend?

Jesus, guys. I step away for an hour & all Hell breaks loose.

I saw 50+ posts within an hour & thought some big political news happened. Turns out everyone just let some faggot bait them. That poster is ridiculous, so lets not take them seriously. Now genuine news related posts are being pushed out so he can just shitpost.



10/10 Thatcher comic.

it pains me to watch this
where did you find it?



It was posted here during the primaries. I liked it so much I uploaded it to my YT channel, too.

gonna be honest I was completely ignorant of this

what other figures and movements do I need to revisit? I'm just remembering some odd character in history - Huey Long - is he of any interest?

S-sauce pls?

Would-be American Lenin, helped promote many important socialist causes (alongside more pure but less powerful individuals like Eugene Debs), but also a totalitarian demagogue. A more interesting and obscure figure IMHO (though also a common "babbys first redpill", so you may already know of him) was Smedley Butler.

Malcolm X was also assassinated for the same reason as MLK. raising class consciousness.

Someone shared a great webm not too long ago, with a black guy from the 50s/60s who was preaching some great anti-capitalism speech. I'll look for it.

I also found a webm here on Holla Forums with Long, but can't find it now. Maybe someone else has it. You can also look it up on YT "Huey Long - The difference between republicans and democrats.

The DOOM B e r n i e s were posted here on Holla Forums at the end of the primaries, when it was certain the shit was rigged & Hillary was assuming power. It was a tough time. I don't know which glorious bastard made these, but I have a ton. I'll post more.




last ones

hey rebel i made this for u

Not Rebel, but that's great. :( Saving it.

you wouldn't want to zip them up and mega them would you?

Thanks, I was there too, but I didn't think to d/l them. Much like the 1988 interview video posted above, they are even more horrifying and farcical today.

What did he mean by this?

Fucking lol. Up against the wall.

This work?

I just posted this to r/wikileaks


thanks kamerad

Welcome :)

Malcolm X was assassinated for calling out the jews.

"BREAKING: Hillary Testimony Documents Leaked by FBI Goes Unnoticed"

Rolled 6, 4, 4 = 14 (3d6)Rolling, dice will somehow determine the outcome of the elections. Interpret them as you wish.

Fuck me, there are 14 letters in "Hillary Clinton". The die have spoken.

gambling is a tool of the bourgeoisie to distract and divide the Proletariat

What would happen if I used this yugioh card on Hillary and Trump?

What would their ideology be?

Bill Clinton

Sup Holla Forums you fucking faggots.


Along with Podesta, Hillary is surrounding herself with the top lobbyists & firms in Washington.and let's not forget David fucking Brock, founder of Media Matters & Correct the Record. Brock used to be a "republican hitman" "until the Vince Foster scandal." Seems he's been with Hillary for a long time:
See: The Arkansas Project

My disgust grows day by day, concerning Hillary Clinton.

Why did he become such a worthless traitor in June?

"DoJ Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik outed as a mole for Hillary Clinton campaign"

That's the million dollar question, user. I'm guessing he didn't want Clinton, INC. to ruin his political career. He's a reformist, so he wants to keep doing some good within the system.

Honestly, all signs point to him also being threatened with something. The democratic party, all Clinton's powerful players who helped her rig this, would all be coming after him. I know I would genuinely be scared.

I still respect S█████ & am thankful to him, despite it. He got me much more involved in politics & pushed me from a registered democrat to a socialist. He also fucked Hillary royally, during the primaries, by exposing just how dirty she is to many laymen or dem party voters. Just look at how the democrats are falling apart at the seams. Maybe he planned this, knowing she was going to get her way no matter what, but wanted to highlight actual liberal policies & shit on her in the process.

Remember, the #DNCleaks regarding the primaries & how they screwed him over, is what got all of this started. Maybe he secretly laughing about it. Because Hillary's reputation is fucked. She's completely exposed through wikileaks, etc, now. She'll be the only Presidential candidate to ever go into office with a negative approval rating, and over half the country finding her untrustworthy. If she ran unopposed or against a lesser candidate, she wouldn't be having nearly as many issues right now.

I'm loving how the dems & Hillary are falling apart over this shit.

The Real Martin Luther King:

MLK, Malcolm X, Bobby Lee, Medgar Evers, Fred Hampton, the Black Panthers… the entire civil rights movement has been white washed.


Speaking of Foster, the FBI just released a file about his death.

Absolute madmen.

Because he believes supporting Hillary would help more Americans right now than opposing her.

Yeah. They threatened to toss out his contributions to the party platform.

Sanders is making the best out of an awful situation. We know for a fact he has no real fondness for Hillary, but he has political muscle he can use to force her to enact progressive legislation. He can't force Trump to do anything, so he'll be spending a Republican administration bitching on the sidelines while Americans suffer. Out of those two options, you have to go with the one were you have some power.



please not that

hnng that Natalie Dormer gif


I don't follow US politics much. Whatever happened to that nice Burny fella.

He's expected to top the polls come election day as a third party.

So how do we deal with the rise of fascists that will come with the Trump presidency

Someone seriously needs to go to half/pol/ and screencap all the delusional posts and threads like 2012. There is unironically a thread about how Chump will win Cali and Oregon.

Forgot to take off my shitpost flag tbh

Holla Forums is incurable

I wouldn't really worry about that too much considering Hillary was chosen to be president over a decade ago but got fucked over when the TPTB decided a nigger was a better direction to go in rather than a woman to con the people into thinking change was actually possible and that the person they were voting for was actually different from the 8 years of Bush we had just had. It's her turn and if she didn't get it this time she was going to completely lose her shit and god only knows what kind of beans she would've started spilling just out of spite.

Trump is going to win the rust belt, NC and Florida and therefore the election.

His increase in support can be quantified, albeit not through polls.

Seems legit.

Not sure if legit. does it real?

What is up with the obsession with Saul Alinsky lately?

Were people actually using the phrase "people of color" unironically in here earlier?

Clinton wrote her senior thesis on him. Ol' Sleepytime Ben Carson dropped his name in one of the debates. He even alluded to him being a satanist.

So Hillary = commie now? We did it fams.

Dumb people love conspiracy theories

Yeah dude. You didn't get the newsletter? We're all anarcho Hoxhaist Posadist Hillites with Nechayevean characteristics now.

Fixed, friend :^)

wow ebin

I don't know how to interpret this tweet.

continuing with the poll


Left is cuter tbh
Looks like a real human bean.

Just flat out disregard every single thing that group says. They are the bad guys.

Yes, I know. I thought they were supporting Hillary. That Tweet doesn't exactly make her look good.

agreed, the right one has a pornish look.

I think the "arm Sunnis and Kurds instead of sending US troops" is supposed to make her appear better than Trump (by the implication he'll turn it into Operation Enduring Freedom 2: Electric Boogaloo)


It's a glowing endorsement. The only difference is Trumps got "boots on the ground" which is the only thing Americans care about. If we don't have grunts kicking down doors the war might as well not exist. Plus Hillary wants to fund Sunni rebels which just means topple Assad something CFR fully supports.

Is there a good communist candidate in the US to vote for come November 8th? I was looking into Gloria La Riva, but found some of her plans to enact her ideas sort of weak or without much thought.

Not wanting to send troops into Syria is suppose to make Hillary look better. And in my opinion it honestly does. They're both garbage ass candidates but Trump is honestly more pro-Israel than even Hillary is, and as such, the bigger faggot of the two. That said, neither one of them should be president.

Hillary is the Posadist candidate.

Nuke 'em, Hilldog!

But I fear death.

Stop being a faggot. It's inevitable anyways.

But I'd rather not die right now.

Early in the primaries Trump said that he would be neutral re: Israel, as he said that it was impossible to make any real progress in negotiations if the Palestinians believed the US was implicitly (if not explicitly) on the side of the Israelis.

It's a shame he walked back from that, but unsurprising given how pro-Israel the Republican base is

I'm surprised anyone can read "arm non-state actors" and not recoil after all these decades


I'm surprised people can read about American intervention at any level at all anywhere in the world and not recoil. We need to mind our own fucking business and focus on ourselves.

Pretty much.

People don't understand how blacks can continue to vote for the Dems even after the Dems have failed so fucking much. Think of it like this: if you were walking through the desert, burning hot, dying of thirst, and one man appeared before you and said, "Here is a cup of water with some spit and dirt in it," and then another man appeared before you and said, "Here is a cup of acid with some nice tasty radiation mixed in," which cup would you drink? The Dems are shit but the Repubs are viewed as cancer.


It's not a conspiracy…

Saul alinsky wrote an incredibly influenced book for liberals and the Democratic Party specifically. At the time many people were on a range from discomfort to disgust with it but it's not a conspiracy to say his design was copied onto the Democratic Party.

Not an argument.

Why would the Democrats do anything beyond the bare minimum for blacks?

They're in the same position as evangelicals in the Republican party, i.e. they're a captive demographic that's going to vote for your party anyway, so outside some minor pandering there's no real need to care about their interests

(just bumping some US radicals)

I wasn't arguing.

The neocons or "neo cohens" or "neo cucks" as pol calls them dont care about white nationalism, its all a show, all they care about is making more money and sucking israels dick, all the dog whistles were just a show to get out the vote, the mainstream GOP has no intention to do anything other than work for big business, and what does big business want?
More immigrants, outsourcing.

The democrats on the other hand are a corrupt establishment who also works for the oligarchy and they toss the SJW'S some idpol every now and then to keep them complacent, but nothing actually changes.


But liberals are anything but radicals.




Alinsky is not who he seems. There is a CIA connection if you dig deep enough.

The conspiracy is that his Dem fans, like Hillary, are secret commies following a plan laid out by Alinsky to turn the country socialist.

I really wish Abbey would work on that smug tone of hers.

I actually think that in the next 10 to 15 years we are going to see the rise of a third party, trump and S█████ proved you dont need money ( S█████ donation online) or the media ( trump pretty much cucked the entire media hard).
A third party that used their tactics, took advantage of the internet, used meme's and had a perfect candidate.
You can see something like that happening


Agreed. It's one of the problems of the politics of fear. You're voting *against* something instead of *for* something. Blacks don't vote *for* Dems as much as against Repubs. But that oneitis/fear lets the Dems know we won't go anywhere, therefore they can take us for granted. I believe it was Bruce Dixon from BlackAgendaReport who said that blacks should just all vote Green. All I say is, as I get older, I appreciate having as many options as possible, and black people really need to start exercising all of our political options.

New polls are showing Trump may actually be able to win Virginia.

Well, under a black democratic president, black people still face racism and police violence, so under a republican, they would face, racism and police violence.
At least theoretically, republicans are supposed to lower taxes.

This message brought to you by the party of Lincoln.

As i recall, Malcolm x would call out white liberals as being the people who are nice to your face but then stab you in the back.
And that is why his birthday is not a holiday.


I'm amazed how much money goes to TV ads. It's the number one expense among presidential campaigns - way more than travel. Even more than staff. It's really hard to believe TV ads were historically so important and it speaks to how much the campaign comes down to marketing. Obama's campaign in 2008 won awards for their effective marketing.

TV is losing influence on the country in general thanks to the internet. We're now starting to see the broader effects of this. Trump spent very little on TV ads. He barely even hired consultants.

CTR was an experiment and I think it's only the beginning of the type of stuff we'll see in the next election.

I wish I bookmarked the posts on another site that mentioned this, but it's because there's practically an entire industry/racket built around "political/campaign consulting". That's where most of the money from the donors gets dumped. If the ads boost turnout, they claim the credit, and if they have no impact (i.e. Jeb's "Boots" ad against Marco) they say you need to pay them more.

I think that's why a lot of Republican "political/campaign consultants" were so pissed with Trump, because he didn't bother (or couldn't afford) to throw money at them


Lol how old are you.
Viral marketing, astro turfing, and online armies existed before this election.




Did those memelords use a 360 kid edit from /int/? Kek

Fox just broke news about FBI informants telling them that an indictment in regards to the CF investigation is "likely" and they know with 99% certainty that Hillary's server was hacked by at least 5 different foreign intelligence agencies.

If trump wins i think this video pretty much sums up this entire election.

please no

Let me guess Nazbols? Stirnirists? "anarcho" communists.

Any sane minded non schizophrenic person would realize that Hillary is the better choice

Not an argument

Are you pretending to be retarded on purpose? You best not be.

Wait until they say she didn't have an SSL certificate when she was using it on her China visit.

Obama moved Malaysia off the human rights abuse list (they are one of the top countries for human trafficking) so he could curry favor with them to pass TPP. Huge news which will go ignored by mainstream media.

Likely with removal from committees since he caucuses with the Democrats. Some people think his family was threatened, but a threat to remove him from his committees was probably sufficient.


The nihilist in me wants it to happen so I can bask in the schadenfreude for a few days, but then again, Trump winning would be absolutely devastating for whatever remains of the left in the US.

I am considering the idea that he's trying to minimize the damage. If he didn't back Clinton, then MSM would mercilessly shit on him and Trump's victory(very likely in such scenario due to split vote) would result in media murdering S█████ for pulling out a Nader. However, backing the lizardwoman gives S█████ a weapon against demoshits in case of Clinton's failure, after all he endorsed her, he campaigned for her cause and still, she could not win. He could practically start a smear campaign against the libshit establishment from day one and there would be no decent counter-argument they could use since he has done his job as expected.

I don't want any of it. I'd like the left to, y'know, continue existing in the US

Well I wouldn't go that far. That's pushing it a little. Now, I advocate for Clinton and am terrified of Trump but some good could come out of it for the left. Here's two good things.

#1: The left learns from the mistakes they made during this election from Trumps horrible reactionary policies. This causes a complete BTFO of him in 2020

#2: Trump turns America into a third world shithole accept with an even bigger elite than we have now in this country. This causes the people to get him impeached later on.

This could be a nice wake up call to the left. Maybe next time instead of talking about manspreading and Caitlin Jenner to actually fighting and standing up for important issues.

Also wikileaks needs to learn how to release data BEFORE the primary not after it. Assange is an idiot. We could be having B████ right now but instead Assange screwed everything up and let a fascist become president.

Good Job Assange, you're a real hero.

I don't think anyone can take "human rights" seriously after Saudi Arabia of all places finagled a seat on the UN Human Rights Council

Because the Clinton campaign and Hillary herself are in their own bubble. I mean for fuck's sake, we're talking about a candidate that couldn't understand why she should cancel a speech to representatives of Wall Street after her main rival in the primaries had just blasted Wall Street.

It's a toss-up whether she's just autistically disconnected from the concerns of the plebs, or she's just that grasping, venal and power-hungry

1 other thing that could help the left in the event of a Trump presidency would be the feelings of betrayal all these neo-right wingers would have once Trump fails to live up to all of his promises, especially in regards to his wall that will absolutely not be built. It will be like all the lefties that lost faith in the system after Obama failed to live up to all of his promises.

And even if they decide to ignore the truth and just pretend like the wall was never meant to be a literal wall, but instead was suppose to be just a figure of speech for tightened immigration it will still make for quality shit posting over on Holla Forums.

Not that he's going to get elected anyways.

Wait, why is Holla Forums rooting for Hillary? She has a long trail of dead bodies on her political career and is just as much of a warmonger as Trump if not moreso because of her cold, calculating "the world is a chessboard" mentality.

Either way, the states are fucked. Crony capitalist corporatism still wins the day, war profiteering will be booming, the country will move farther right just like europe, nationalist exceptionalism will prevail and liberal SJWs will still be the common definition of leftism.

Just be like me. I didn't vote. There was nothing to vote for.


If he does win, we have some small hope that the right loses the Senate and American politics hits yet another deadlock for 4 years

Pol has been coming over for months false flagging as devout Clinton supporters, so when they started to come in begging for Trump votes to stop nuclear war they got stonewalled with Posada memes.

Don't be silly, it's one or two faggots who think the bourgeois puppets are different because they have different voter bases they must pander to.

Based on her past, I'd definitely think the latter.

No one is rooting for her. Just laying out hypotheticals. Regardless, the left is fucked no matter who wins.

Shitposting flag, forgot it.


What's a new fag? We don't believe in homophobia here :^)

You're not smart by hiding your retardation behind a veil of low-effort shitposting

Sure is spooky up in here. Whether or not you suck the dick has no bearing on your status of faggotry.


And what do you think about ?

Oh I never doubted this

Their butthurt was glorious. I'm still amazed that the most stupid memes are the most effective.

I mean, it's possible that once her presidency gets exceedingly bad (open conflict with Russia, privatizing social security, etc.) that he will become a thorn in her side, but it's not going to convince any of her supporters, so I'm not sure what good it's gonna do.

You're not smart being a whiny faggot over two slashes. On a phone it takes three times the keypresses to write the same thing and preserve your feefees.

Stop replying to shitposts!

Regardless I'm certain a brave comedian willing to commit career suicide could make a great American version of The Thick Of It out of her campaign

And if Trump wins? S█████ will be able to attack her without any counters since the appeals to Democrat unity under centrist leadership won't work if Clinton fails.

He'll be focusing on Trump. Plus his supporters will be public enemy number one according to the liberal media. The will bear all the blame for Trump winning.

I think Clintonista-Posadism could be our greatest takeaway from her victory. I sort of want Trump to win as I'm not American and see more long term benefits to the left with him in power rather than Clinton, but nuclear and alien powered meme magic would cause some classic meltdowns (geddit?) after all these months of hubris.

Didn't they already try to launch one of those or am I thinking of something else?

libertarians btfo

The Campaign with Will Ferrell might be what you're thinking of.

Fuck is that heart attack thing true? I just smoked and now I'm paranoid

Weed increases your heart rate. If you have a really bad/weak heart, you shouldn't smoke weed or do other stuff that increases your heart rate, like jogging a lot.

Have you ever seen anyone keel over from a heart attack while smoking weed? Protip-No, you haven't.

Absolutely disgusting.

i've got a decent collection of delusional halfpol posts i can share if someone's making a collage

although it's unclear how many posts are actually serious, because i funpost with pic related map sometimes

It's like pottery

I'm tearing my hair out over that

Stop talking about the cubs. Baseball is bourgeois.

Stein was pulling over twice what Nader ever got back in the summer. Expect them to bash the Greens even harder than before.

That wasn't his call. It was the leakers that took so long to get the leaks to him.

Well they're shit leakers. He should fire them.

You live in one of the three states that won't count a Jill Stein write-in?

Is this Holla Forums or isn't it? Put on your dialectical materialism hats already. The left didn't return because of one man who had a dream. It returned because the 2008 recession was the worst collapse of capitalism outside the Great Depression and they bailed out the crooks who made it happen while the recovery hasn't been their for those outside the top 10%. We have another recession in the pipeline coming next year according to Bank of America and Goldman Sachs a few weeks ago. Do you think real leftist thought and organization will so easily be cowed into silence by another neoliberal porky tool? In two years I expect a more determined and organized Left than has been seen in a long time. I count myself among the activated.

The left has become so lazy its pathetic. I think its due to the republicans making fools of themselves and being distouched with the population for the last eight years.

Who is this from? Sort of startling to see someone speak so candidly about this issue.

I honestly pay so little attention to American politics now that S█████ is out of the picture, I figured this "Jill Stein" everyone was talking about was either a senator, congresswoman or a political candidate in another country.


We should get Muke to run for president

Thanks, user!

this tbqh

Good stuff


I've heard B████ left Shillery's campaign. is this true?


Ok, I can see why the retard is appealing to some. He's definitely a meme candidate who gets people only starting to wake up to the conditions of the US. He's funny.

That lady.. My God. Johnson should've just used a cohesive argument how the science is against what she's saying, and no one gives a fuck about her kids/the chillums. It's the parent's responsibility to watch their children, and alcohol, cigarettes are far more dangerous for your heart, but completely legal & regularly used. This lady is stuck in a time warp from the 60s. Poor lady.

Oh, and those people clapping need to be gassed.

Damn, dude..

I guess you're not American then, so you are forgiven. A lot of Americans don't even know who she is, it's goddamn embarrassing.

No, Muke. :^)


Seems so. I read that Observer article you posted, too. Now would be the time for him to do so.

Hillary's likely already got the rigging down, so now he's moving onto help keep her "accountable". Bless his reformist heart. If that's what it comes to, I hope we're successful in doing so. I just don't even know what's going on right now.

There's talk of the FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation being ramped up. And the email shit is haunting her; rightfully so.

I dunno, man. But good for S█████, for trying to make the best of a horrible situation. I still love the guy, and the good he's done in the past should not be forgotten.

I came back here after months just to say

leftypol I'm scared about our future and I need a hug

Sorry only brocialists get hugs.

Shut up and hug me

Please? :(

I'll hug you, AnFem :3

Me too

Thanks guys.

The populist wave born out of recession discontent in 2008 was Occupy on the left, Tea Party on the right, both were an incoherent mess that barely amounted to a hill of beans at their apex, and vanished with nary a ripple soon after.

The return of populism in 2016 was indeed caused by great men. S█████ and Trump focused popular passion and rage directly on a narrow band of issues, formed the kernel of rigorously disciplined organizations, and not only pushed it into the spotlight of public debate by basing political campaigns off it, but by doing so actually managed to keep it there.

To be sure, both of them acted merely as the catalyst for their movements, taking advantage of preexisting tensions, and neither S█████ nor Trump could've possibly predicted their level of success, but without them it would've been just as disorganized and inept as before. Indeed, as demonstrated by the rapid cleavage of S█████' devotees from the man himself after he sacrificed his ideological purity to work inside the establishment, this populism is now an untamable force weaned from any single point of failure, but S█████ and Trump were essential to their formative period.

Here's a sweet hug, a group hug with everyone.

Fucking, I was being genuine about wanting a hug and you have to make it all about yourself and say you want me dead.

Typical men ugh


Here's a hug for you, too.

This will all be over, soon.



I will be that loser sitting in front of the window gazing into your reflection hugging each other while crying at the though of socialism being here and now.

you're assumming that his support are rational intelligent peple that won't blame minorities for their failure like they already do.

Trump will simply blame Mexicans or whatever minorities, and his fanboys will agree.
this is how facism start and how it ends.

a facist leader never leave peacefully, it always takes down the whole country with him.

Calling all my democracy📈loving dick suckers🍆💦👅👅👅there's only 6️days til ⬆️ERECTION⬆️ day💯🙎🏼💁🏼‍♂️and we finna pop🍒🍒🍒this political🇺🇸pussy😩💦and RIDE🏇this vote raw😩😩👅👅 If u luhhh spicy🌶🔥🔥mexico🇲🇽coochie🌮tell donald💰💁🏼‍♂️to grab some other bitch👯👯pussy💦🐱🚫this election day🆗✅👋but if you aint into no crusty☠️pneumonia🤒🤒slut💅🏻sending nudie🙈emails📧💦in the HOEval office🗽🏛tell hillary👡👡to pack her pantsuit🚶🏼‍♀️💼this a shoutout👏👂🏻to all my constitutional📜CUNTS💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💍💯who gon miss obamas👨🏿big🍆black🍆💦cock🐓but ready for that NEW💍NEW💎👑send this to🔟of your raunchiest💃🏻registered📝ratchets🔥🍌or say BOY👋BYE to the👅👅dicklaration🇺🇸🍆of independence✍️if you get👆🏻ZERO👆🏻back you an🗓⚖️election ass💦🍑eater😩if you get🔥FIVE🔥back, u castin big booty🍑🍑ballots, && if you get🍆TEN🍆back, we 👓KEN BONE💦💦🔥🔥😩👅boys➕girls, democrat🐴or 🐘republican👯🙏🏻💯we ALL gettin that ELECTION🇺🇸DAY🇺🇸DICK next tuesday

Oh shit, haven't seen you a while anfem. Good to know you're still alive.

Should I early vote tomorrow? On one hand the early voting location is a 45 min drive away and on the other I don't want to have to deal with Trump's "poll watchers" on the 8th, especially since the state supreme court threw out a law requiring you to show a birth certificate to vote which has really fired up the Trumpets and other reactionaries.


I'll be voting Trump!

really hope you voting for Stein

Please explain. Is it even legal for people to loiter around polling stations?

Just do it, it's easy, and quick. If you have to give a reason why you're doing it absentee, just put religious activities, they can't touch that. It really is a better experience. The only downside is that you really need to know who you're voting for, because once you do it, you did it, and for the most part, it's done at that point.

As they should, this isn't the time for a protest vote.

If Trump and the republicans win this, it will lead to a resurgence of hatred of women and racism already greater than that of which we are seeing in Trump's campaign.

They paying you CTR overtime?

How so? S█████ told them to vote for Posadary, so one could claim it's fault of the liberals

Calm the fuck down you redditard sissy, it's not 1933

These are literally CTR talking points. A better criticism of Trump is that Pence will likely be de facto president so it will be almost as bad as Hillary. Protest vote or protest non-vote is the only option.



The big issue of a Trump victory for a lot of people isn't so much political, since Trump would be restrained by Congress and the Supreme Court. The issue is that his supporters would be galvanized, and the more extreme ones (KKK, Nazi, TradYouth, etc) would feel like they had a blank check to go out and do whatever they want.


That's a bit too hyperbolic, user.

And it would produce a massive backlash against him too.

Which would do what? Hurt his chances for re-election? What about the 3 years leading up to it?

…and then we would bash them. Well, not me because I'm not American.

thanks for telling us
we all wanted to know


You know what? Just thinking about it, and I think Hillary losing would be better for the left. If Trump won, it would mobilize the left for more activism. And with Hillary losing, we'd get to tell them all that "we fucking told you so; she's a terrible, illiberal candidate".

But judging from the rigging job done in the primaries & all the powerful friends she has, I'm guessing she'll win.

Again, whoever wins, we lose. Just trying to think of how it will be if either wins. I just voted Stein, btw.

Democrats are worse, because they do the same shit against the working calls as the republicans, but with a smile. At least with the conservatives they hate us openly, so they can;t get away with as much.

Hello M'good gentlesirs, *tips fedora in your general direction* I'm your typical Alt Righter/Trump supporter. Oh excuse me for a moment

Sorry about that shes a cunt. Anyways I support Trump because I hate the spics, Trump is going to build a wall to keep them out. They're all lazy fuckers who only work minimum wage jobs. They don't know the real value of hard work. They come here illegally and expect handouts. They're also woman hateric and cuck rapists helbent on cucking everyone. *tears open autismbux check from envelope* Idk why feminists support them over guys like me

Oh excuse me again.

Anyways, These mexicans have a plot with the illuminati to cuck white beta males out of pure aryan virgin gfs. They're really trying to turn us all into cucks. I downloaded 18 million cuckhold porn videos so that I can fight liberal numale betacucks on the internet who oppose my one true ideology. I also masturbate to these cuck porn videos BUT IT'S TOTALLY NOT A FETISH GUYS

*unsheaths anime katana* I have a katana collection so that one day I can assist in the Nazi day of the rope. Hitler would view me as a true hero and give me a medal if I were alive. Even though I have brown hair and weigh 300 lbs which is exactly what hitler hated. I'm a proud Nazi!

Well I gotta go fap to some chinese cartoons now and harass that bitch on facebook who totally deserves it and totally not because I'm a creepy sociopath. All women are whores and she deserves it!

t. Malcolm X


Coupled with Clinton's failure? It gives the left an opportunity to wage a war against the libshits since their appeals to maintain this centrist "united front" against republicans lose their charm.

Yeah, this is historically obvious. Every thing a republican president couldn't politically afford to do - his democrat successor did it with ease.
We already know that in practice Hillary is one of the most extreme republicans ever.

The scariest thing is that somebody thought this was funny enough to spend time writing it.


was typing in a hurry

see you on the barricades, comrade


and outsource the leaking business to India

t. Sus scrofa domesticus


Clinton isn't left


You're looking for /centerpol/ or /statusquo/

This better be satire.


low quality bait, tbh

Are we being raided by faggots again?

All I hear is: "We need cheap labor in the prison complex, so prz keep mary illegal, thx"

Yes. There's a group of 13-15 year old Trumpcucks that are trying everything possible to not get anyone to vote for Clinton so that it will benefit their kosher approved meme candidate.

Ironic shilling is still shilling

Shitting up the thread tbh

She doesn't even fit the American Newspeak definition, so your shilling becomes extra pathetic.

I'll try to improve it with some mr Mcoony.

Our boy Slavoj saying he would vote for Trump. What do you think of it?

Try to be a little less obvious.

His ticks are getting worse.



Hope this is pasta lad

Are we being raided by reddit? Because sure it smells like /r/socialism and /r/politics around here. No one who calls themselves socialist would vote for Clinton. It's either Stein or staying at home

What should I do with my $1,500 payout when Trump wins?

Buy ammo, shoot school, blame it on liberals

start the commune


Jesus Christ. You guys are too retarded to even remember what board you're shilling your kike loving candidate on.

Donald Trump candidacy, here we come


Which state

I'm glad he said it, but I'm not surprised at all. Zizek is known for confronting hard truths.
I'm not a burger either, but if I was I would probably be voting Trump as well. On the other hand if I was a burger I would probably be too spooked by the whole spectacle to even consider how Trump compares to Clinton from a strategic point.


Fuck, I meant presidency

Please let Clinton be a historical super villain.

this election has been batshit crazy, it's like a fucking anime plot

It's a pretty big mistake, IMO. Hillary committed heinous crimes in Haiti, Libya and Honduras which are all verifiable and punishable without bringing in crackpot theories about a global pedophile ring (theories which, I might add, originate from and are propagated by unhinged reactionaries). Such theories really only harm the cause against Hillary. In fact, one wonders if said theories aren't actually just an elaborate CTR gaslighting campaign. I digress.


There's no coherent plot at all, that's why this election is crazy. And in the age where politicians are mere accomplices of the system it's impossible for a person to be a super-villain. Today power is dispersed, it's not in the hands of a single person - even a complete retard knows this on some level. She's not a dictator, she's a corrupt war profiteer working for the banks like sooooo many others. Because the system is made for it.
Making her into a super villain only benefits the system. "We only need to get rid of the witch and things will be much better!"

No, I'm American. I just thought at this point it was only Trump or Hillary, so I stopped paying attention. I don't think she'll have a chance, but I'll vote for her just to say I didn't choose the options Porky gave me.

Fuck that chick. Nowadays, if someone uses that line, more than likely they're an idiot.

I hate that they've corrupted the word "privilege". It used to mean actual p r i v e l e g e
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say


Or they're anti-Clinton narratives being pencil pushed by astrotrufers on media sites to the level of pressure required to vilify the president elect to the commons.

to apply the level of pressure*

Um.. wtf?

A living, breathing, Shakespearean villain. Of the same order of Richard The Third, or Edmund, not some fantastical SuperNazi.

I mailed my ballot for Stein some days back, from overseas. She was actually on my ballot in Kentucky. I was very surprised about that. We're not known as the most progressive state.¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult


I think Hillary's doing that just fine, all on her own. Even many Clinton supporters now start out saying, "she's not the best", or "I know there are a lot of questions about her", etc. Pretty funny.

Donald Trump 'might actually make the world safer' if he is elected president, says former head of UK Armed Forces

You know I really hope I'm wrong about Trump. Maybe this was all an act and i'll still be able to leave my house without being shot by a redneck calling me a commie if he's elected.

Glad I could help.

Seems like a pretty irrational fear to have, imo. I think conservatives care more about muh jobs & muh second amendment than commies.

TBH I sorta feel the same way. The only thing I'm worried about at this point is climate change. The comments of course are fucking cringe-tacular though.

I worry about that too.

Maybe rednecks will soon be REDnecks?

They censored a thread exposing Clinton as a racist.

I'm sure the rest of us around the world will appreciate having the first female world dictator. I'm already looking forward to it.

If Trump wins there will be a massively exaggerated 'explosion' of 'hate crime', just like there was in Britain after the referendum. It will go unnoticed by everyone except hysterical liberals.

You can get drafted and fight more wars for Je..Israel if Clinton is elected.

Kill millions more.

It's a justified fear but, assuming that it isn't all ogre anyway, Clinton would only apply cosmetic changes.

Could you fuck off to twitter already?

Zizek would vote Trump

sauce on that vid?



papa zikek continues to be the most woke man in the world

The Z man is right here
neoliberal all inclusive capitalism is a lot harder to fight then the mustache twirling scumbag capitalism Trump represents

oh and just to clarify I'm not shilling for Trump here, I'm just saying that Clinton would be worse for the left in America

Fucking this.

But Trump is the one that wants to actually send troops to Syria. Clinton just wants to equip and use the rebels that are already there.

M-muh geoengineering doe!

I guess I can only hope we live longer then a decade.

No shit Sherlock. Pol willl eventually be BTFO again and the Aut-right may be deflated if there's enough failure. The only ex-factor is the SJW crybabies. Hopefully they will eventually be defunded.

yeah that always works out well lmao

Clinton wants to shoot down Russian planes and help the Islamic rebels take over the Syrian state.

Trump wants to help Russia/Syria bomb ISIS and abandon the Islamic rebels

And skipping the middleman and just going straight to sending troops in does? They're both terrible policies. At least one doesn't just go straight to having Americans die for Israeli interests.

pol is already at it:
>>>Holla Forums8064057

This is some north Korean propaganda tier shit. Liberalism is authoritarianism with a smile

Zizek is dead wrong this time. We have more than two candidates. One of them belongs to a party explicitly about building movements–which are exactly what the fuck the left needs right now.

I can't take seriously the green party. Smells so fucking cultish.

Where did Trump say he wanted to send troops to Syria?
In the final debate he just seemed to be dodging the question and stood his ground on allying with Putin against ISIS while Hillary wants a No Fly Zone (to depose Assad)


There are dozens of reports all over the country of hate crimes and vandalism happening the past couple days:

All of these happened in the last couple days

During the primary, he said he wants to put troops in oil-rich areas of Iraq to protect oil company workers and extract the oil a la old-school colonialism

It actually did happen though, even waves of crime go unseen by the majority of people until it's reported on.

he was talking about Iraq I'm pretty sure.
He can't just turn 180 degrees on Putin.

I'm not going to achieve these because I don't give a fuck. This shit is common knowledge.

To clarify, I don't think he's ever advocated for ground troops in Syria, but has in Iraq

Yeah, you beat me to it

what could benefit us more: WWIII or civil war 2?

Iraq is a ruin at this point anyway. Keeping Sunni fascists from ruling over the Shia majority might actually be a good thing.

See .

In regards to how many troops would be needed.

Way to jump onto the bandwagon and support a candidate when you don't even know what the fuck he is about. Normie-tier faggots.


How is that any worse than a no fly zone?
Clinton would just to Bosnia all over again.


That's not really a clear commitment to ground-troops in Syria because ISIS straddles both and there's already a legal mandate to deploy troops to Iraq and not one to Syria.

Actually, that's one popular origin of where the term came from. The strikers/union men striking against the coal companies wore red bandanas around their necks.

I just looked it up, and apparently long ago it was also used to describe poor white laborers in fields, who had sunburns on their necks.

But where I'm from, I've always heard the striker story. Shame we've forgotten our past & how we used to be proud union men & women.

meant for>>1019019

Who gives a shit where they are going. American troops on the ground dying for Israeli interests is American troops on the ground dying for Israeli interests. Who cares what shit hole they're in?

Israel is aligned with the Saudis and ISIS

Actually, I just found an interview which clarifies it

He commits to troops in Iraq, but not Syria

Holla Forums cares, you can go back now. >>>Holla Forums

Voted today. Trump, and then Greens all the way down the ticket. I doubt the Greens will win/do much in Maryland but fuck it.

Kiss yourself.

Clinton's supporters are the cultish ones.

Stein has C U L T - L E A D E R tattood on her forehead

Go back to Holla Forums


Damn, I need sleep

Dude. Stein is cultish as fuck. Only a cult leader could get away putting out music so crap and delusional and not get told by her community that it sucks and cringey ans should stop embarrassing everyone else.

This is pretty disgusting, tbh

Oh, cool, I guess you saw the John Oliver hit piece, too? :DDDDD

You don't deserve to use that flag.

I can't believe my eyes.



I agree with Dore's critique of John Oliver. It is disgusting and a clear example of a corporate anti-comic. YET this doesn't change the fact that she is delusional and has delusional followers.

This is the author, btw.

Chimamanda Ngozi, truth teller, brave black woman who ain't afraid of no brocialist.

Then please, elaborate. Besides music she made in the 90s?

I don't think anyone interested in reading more about that hack, after seeing the Hillary piece.

3rd worldist

We're honestly just better off destabilizing the system at this point

It's a TED talk. She start it off by telling everyone how intelligent she is. I'm not even kidding.


How would we go about this?

Seeing her is even worse.

Think before you post.

Heads up, as if we already didn't see them throughout this thread.

Still waiting

yeah, I'm super sure

I found that particularly funny, as well.

Here's the thread if anyone's interested

10/10 for the Stalin post.


Yea, it's pretty obvious.

porky really is jumping the shark lately

Someone update me on the alt-right.

I was skimming through a TRS article (for masochistic/anthropological purposes) when I stumbled on the claim that dinosaurs and a globular Earth are hoaxes.

Is this some edgelord dogwhistle/meme? Or are alt-right kiddies actually this idiotic?

Post it

That's not how you link between the boards newfag

Only CTR posts TBH.

Fucking Democrat party keeps texting me.


shit sorry phone glitched out
it's a meme from what i get

It's like you enjoy getting pegged by the state.



Top banter m80

10/10 ffuggen lost it

here's another attempt:

Holla Forums here
heads up that CTR has compromised to track IPs and gather information

I'm just tired. Click it you lazy bastard.

And while you're at it, quit saging in a cyclical thread.

Who's going to be your guy's next boogeyman to fuel your self induced paranoia once the election is over?


This comes from a meme where an unstable woman created an alt-right media outlet and started seriously arguing for the new flat earth theory and her entire audience abandoned her. Then she went into paranoia mode and started calling all of her detractors gay and jew shills.

When joking about it, someone came up with the term "spherecuck" to describe people who reject "the ultimate redpill" of flat earth theory.

Nah, blue name field is more patrician than the green one.

Please don't make me defend Holla Forums

That was Sinead McCarthy or whatever she was called, right?

Yea, CTR exists. But they are nowhere near as omnipotent as Holla Forumstards make them out to be. Hell, I've not only been called CTR about a million times over there just for speaking my mind about Trump, but have also even received god only knows how many bans from their hilariously inept moderation team for being CTR as well. CTR is to Holla Forums what faggots are to Westboro baptist church, every single one of life's misgivings can be attributed to that one single scapegoat.

Yeah, I've noticed that, too. If I ever post there, which is rarely(in the Podesta email threads), I have to walk on eggshells.

since most polls are collected using land lines, which pretty much only 40+ people use, is it possible that clinton is actually leading trump, and stein is getting a lot more support than what is on the polls, since most young people are liberal or left leaning?


because all those unpolled young people don't vote lol

I'd say many more, this year. After being inspired by S█████ & seeing the shitshow/rhetoric from Trump & Clinton. I think many will also vote out of spite(those who either got fucked over by Clinton or just hate her).

When I was younger, I didn't vote sometimes because I was broke as shit, no car, stupid barriers, etc.

Now that I'm older, that has still prevented me sometimes. We really need to find a way to push for mail-in or early voting education for the primaries, too. Most people(on east coast & middle America) have no idea how that works or if it's even available to them. It's not available in my state(KY), unfortunately, unless you're overseas like I am.

And I'll add, the internet has had a huge impact on the youth, politically. More than ever, since we're more connected & able to share more efficiently & rapidly. That's one reason why B████ almost beat Hillary, despite the rigging & MSM bullshit.


The United States doesn't have compulsory voting
Young people don't like Clinton

Obama covering for Hillary, which is expected.

Well, does Clinton do better in online polls? You can filter polls by collection method on the HuffPost aggregator. As for whether phone polls are less reliable, they are traditionally considered to be the best, but they were less accurate than online polls in the Brexit vote. That vote was characterized by low youth and high elderly turnout, so go figure.

A Trump presidency would be the biggest blackpill right-wingers will ever swallow in their entire lives. All this anti-establishment rhetoric will evaporate when he surrounds himself with people who have the experience and know the job better than he ever will, and they will play him to their own ends.

Kind of like how the nobles would influence and mold very young and inexperienced kings who were thrust into power to their own ends.

Like I stated before. Trump could be the death of the right.

If he gets elected, lets hope he screws up big. It'll ensure nobody ever votes for a nationalist ever again. Also, the damage control done by 4pol after this will be delicious.
Reminder this is the list of his economic advisors.
Honestly i kinda want to see Trump win just to see Holla Forums justifying this.

I think Holla Forums knows that Trump really isn't the white supremacist monster that they're hyping him up to be

Holla Forumss hype for the Trump man can be broken down into several key factors that allowed the Trump-train so to speak to snowball.
1.) GamerGate culture influenced early Holla Forums culture before the two movements kind of drifted apart. People were critical about the media when they all jumped on Trump early on causing a Streisand effect

2.) A Trump presidency is realistic. A full on third reich is not realistic. You have to take what you can get

3.) Trump is a civic-nationalist which falls closer in-line with Holla Forums than the other neocon globalist Republicans and the interventionist neocon Hillary
If Trump wins I fully expect Holla Forums to go back to normal. But if he loses, I don't think it'll ever be truly over.

You mean pre stormfaggotry?

Well, it's not the first time that's happened

Trump and Clinton are still BFF's.

The he said she said part is not the pathetic part here. The pathetic part is that both their fanbases are actually actively participating in that.

The election is already rigged for Hillary to win. Trump never intended to become president. Why should a guy like Trump become president anyway? If he wanted direct control, he'd put his strawman in and dictate everything he wants him to do.

By the guy, who caused a diplomatic incedent between Germany and Turkey.


Farrakhan gave a speech and he absolutely shits all over Hillary. The stuff about Obama is retarded, but the rest is hilarious.


when the revolution comes, lena dunham will be first under the guillotine

I find it gross too, but you have to be seriously spooked to react to it as strongly as the_donald does. It's just new age shit, not evil.


can you keep to one thread please

she isn't in the least attractive and she definitely isn't funny either. No charisma at all. How can a person like this become funny?


jeeeeesuuuuus peeeopleee are fuuuuuuuukkkeen duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumb

Are these people getting spooked by a weirdo performance artist's bullshit performance art?

It's r/the_donald. They're all 15 years old.

you guys just need to do that research
ur not woke yet

Oh man if only that woman were right about Comrade Barry :'^🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀(

Goddammit O'Bama strikes again!

Dog, I fully believe the elites worship Saturn and that Revelation 3:9 is directly referencing the current global elites and that the whore of Babylon that all the world leaders have fornicated with and been corrupted by and that all the merchants of the world that have been made drunk by the fruits of her wine is actually the worldwide central banking system. I believe the elites perform human sacrifices and fuck children and all that jazz. Name a satanic conspiracy theory involving world elites and I believe it. The level of woke I'm on is unprecedented, but I'm not gonna get spooked from a YouTube video of someone painting on a wall, primarily because I'm not a child.

Yes, just like it was very easy to topple Saddam

With all that time porkies spending on conspiring and adoring satan and praying and drinking blood and having blood orgies and chanting spells and curses I wonder how they have the spare time to exploit us.

It's all just part of the game homie.

So let me get this straight.
Capitalism = 40% the logic of capital + 60% satanic spells

Quelle surprise

Capitalism=100% Satanism.

Cash is evil.

Delegation of authority

As an occultist i feel that some of them probably genuinely believe in that bohemian grove, worshiping an owl, eyes wide shut shit, probably like 2 percent of the.
The rest of them probably just use as an excuse to have weird sex and be above the proles.

As for Marina Abramović she is a performance artist and most people dont grasp or like modern art, also most people dont realize that art is the closest thing to actual magic in this world besides also science.

This picture made me leave Catholicism.

huh. takes all kinds i guess.
at least she's not knitting with her vagina.

*picture unrelated

That may sound good at first, but I'd say Pence is arguably worse than Trump honestly.

Both Pence and Kaine are worse than Trump and Hillary respectively.
Pence because he's just another establishment warmonger like Hillary.
Kaine because he's the same but can never become as controversial as Hillary already is.

That's actually the Vatican XI doing some training.
You know, that country is so small, they don't even have a pitch.

Trump is essentially an American Boris Yeltsin.
The worse choice for America, the better choice for the rest of the world.

I'm not even bongistani, and that makes me picture a Vatican City FIFA team.

just need to plant a crime on Kaine and then another couple people until we push Sandals through the line of succession

you guys are completely deluded its unbelievable !.
you're assuming that his fanboys are rational people that will see the light at some point.

what makes you think that ?.
they've been blaming others for their failures all their lives, Trump himself said that he could shoot a guy in the street and his fanboys would still vote for him, its a fucking cult.

if shit goes bad for him, he'll just blame some minority or some country and everyone will fallow.
a guy like Trump won't go down without taking the country and everyone with him.
he's the kind of douche that starts wars

This could be said about Clinton as well.

Holla Forums has finally completely lost whatever is left of their fucking minds. I can't wait to see how they react when Hillary wins.

They were being serious?…

Depends on who you fuck.

I watched two seconds. Don't ever do that to me again.

I remember her. Rhythm series was famous. Performance art is still dumb.

is this the thread where someone had some stein AMA pictures showing reasonable responses and redditors making ridiculous strawman arguments?
trying to find those examples

ridiculous, i'v never heard anyone calling clinton "god empror".
i'v never met a Clinton fanboy actually.
every person voting Clinton i know do it because Trump is a shit head, not because they think Clinton is the savior of the white race.

Clinton is more likely to be impeached and less likely to start a Nazi masturbation fantasy btw

Wow I had no idea the Nation of Islam cult was even still alive.

what the fuck is going on

Not to say some(a good amount) of the_donald redditors aren't retards, but some of these recent posts seem to reek of psy-ops or maybe even CTR to discredit any sane ones there. Or it could just be a crazy person… Who knows.

It's interesting because some info about Podesta & influential DC people is true, but it's mixed in with completely hilarious nonsense. Possibly to discredit anyone who brings this issue up on other subreddits? I had a definite CTR fuck try to discredit a well put together list of DNC leaks, for the simple fact someone had also posted in onto the_donald.

This election, reddit & America just sucks, all around.

Now i understand why Hillary wants Assange dead.

I think I'm way too behind on this email stuff to understand this.

weaponized autists on reddit are coming across emails where they talk about "pizza parties" and things like that in really weird contexts, and they think it might be code for a child prostitution/trafficking ring

The email issue:
Bill & Hillary Clinton are assumed by anyone who isn't a partisan shill to be guilty of racketeering by using public office for personal enrichment.

Hillary Clinton used a private server under the assumption that it wouldn't be subject to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests/be on the public record in any other way.

Congress subpoenaed the emails from her private server, knowing that there would be incriminating stuff in there. But she deleted the emails before Congress/the FBI could see them, so the FBI opened a full investigation to recover the emails from other sources. Normally this would be enough for an obstruction of justice charge, but someone tipped them off ahead of time and wiped the server before the subpoena was formally issued.

The FBI patched together what it could find, but didn't find enough evidence for an obstruction of justice or any other charge.

What came out last week was that Huma Abedin had plugged her phone into her husband, Anthony Weiner’s laptop at some point during Hillary Clinton's time at the state department, and the software automatically synced the devices. This sync transferred 650k emails to the laptop, including most/all of the emails from her time at the state department. Even though she later wiped the emails from all of her devices before handing them over to the FBI, this laptop still had her intact email repository - at least from some time ago.

This laptop was uncovered during an FBI investigation into Anthony Weiner for Child Pornography, and an FBI agent happened upon a treasure-trove of emails.

Wikileaks emails:
John Podesta, Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff & Hillary's 2016 campaign chairman, had his emails stolen and leaked to Wikileaks, which are now dumping them 1,000 per day. A bunch of embarassing shit about the DNC & Clinton machine have come out, the highlights of which show up in headlines occasionally. One of the emails contained an invitation to a Spirit Cooking Dinner, which is where people use bodily fluids in their cooking and do weird satanic rituals.

I guess they also found some discussion about pedophiles too in those Podesta emails; new stuff every day.

It's entirely possible these conspiracies are being belt fed into the chans through Trump lines so little autistic 14 year olds can go and tell their daddy and mommy about how Clinton is secretly peddling Satan's wares.

Somebody stop the Saudis before they buy the rest of America.

Possible, but likely? We know Bill is an associate of Epstein and a frequent guest at his pedo resort island. Just recently there was that big child sex scandal with the British government, and I remember reading too that there were many American top military officials that have been caught with child porn on their computers but have never been charged or anything.

And you know, that entire Brexit thing happened only months ago, yet british people already regret it. Who's to say it wasn't Trump pre-alpha?

All i know is the media has been regretting it since day 1 m8.

Gentlemen, have we hit peak desperation?

Is this the real life?



75% chance of Clinton winning

Wasn't it like 60% old people that voted leave?


Are you purposefully being dense nigga.


Maybe it had something to do with "people said mean things to me on the internet" isn't something the fbi gives a shit about

Is Holla Forums actually serious with this pizza party pedo shit or are they just doing "meme magic" so that the media will talk about it?

From what I looked at it looks serious. The emails they talk about seem pretty suspicious imo. I don't know if it's actually a pedoring but it definitely doesn't seem like its on the level.

It's not serious. One of their biggest pieces of evidence is that Obama spent $65,000 to fly in "pizza and hotdogs" from Chicago - his hometown and a city famous for its pizza and hot dogs. Apparently "pizza and hotdogs" is code for "little boys and little girls" - because Holla Forums says so (aka because they are psychologically projecting their own pedophiliac predilections from their fucked up heads). If Occam's Razor wasn't banished from that snake pit long ago, Holla Forums would realize that it's very likely Obama indeed spent that much money chartering a private jet to fly to Chicago and back to get Chicago pizzas and hot dogs for a party he was hosting in the WH. The "waitresses" referenced in the emails are probably hot stewardesses. Nothing wrong with hoping your 80 minute flight is stewarded by hot pieces of ass.

The issue here is twofold: one, these fuckheads don't have more than two brain cells to rub together, and two, I actually believe that they are being gaslit by CTR, etc. so that they don't focus on shit that is actually tenable (such as Hillary's crimes in Honduras).

As for the Marina Abramovic shit, it's just terrible postmodern performance art of no substance and value, and Holla Forums's reaction to it is beyond trite. Podesta's interest in it is not surprising, as many liberal elites have fucking terrible taste when it comes to art and aesthetics. Just look at how many of them fawn over Hamilton, et al.

In b4 I am accused of being a shill.


It's like they're trying to help Clinton get elected

which i'm all for

Not that I would know from experience but it sure seems like $65,000 wouldn't be nearly enough money for that kind of 'service'…

Guys, guys. Clinton was just doing the smart thing by using personal email & server. Also, Wikileaks was never to be trusted.

What if:

Trump's advertising team operated with the home field advantage in trying to direct the particular narrative they want to crystallize around Clinton. What if the sort of damage these advertisers now want to inflict is an escalation on the persona of Clinton to reinforce hand in hand support for Trump. What if these advertisers are well aware that the peak of the damage has passed for the email leaks, and that these last couple of days must break ground in rhetoric in order to conjure every inch of the voting figures required.

The idea that crowd sourcing detective work, onto fourteen year olds whose only capital value to these people is that they can repeat the line hand in mouth, is fucking ludicrous.

What in particular do you find stupid about the pizza=pedophilia theory? I know it sounds crazy but 'pizza' is clearly being used a code for something shady. And we saw in Britain how pedophilia is rife in the elite.

Yeah, your point is so fucking obviously right that you have no need of proof.

Find me a poll that shows a large proportion of Leave voters wanting to go back. From what I've seen an equal number of Remain voters are wavering.

Not only is it rife among the elite but the epidemic levels of abuse are exploited by the CIA to bribe and blackmail people in high places.

You dense cunt I was joking.

Who would actually believe this?

Explain yourself.

Saying you want Clinton to win should be a bannable ofence tbh. Stein or bust

A vote for Stein might as well be a vote for Trump. There is zero chance that Stein will win, the race is between Clinton and Trump.

s-stop this right now troll.

Trump is a fascist. I don't want him near the nuclear codes. As corrupt and shady Hillary may be I trust her near the nuclear codes, I don't trust Trump.

I can see him trying to declare war on any country that upsets him.


Fuck off nazbol.

>>>Holla Forums

where you belong

So is private property.

Idpol in it's most cancerous form.

and? You think it matters what flavor of neo-con we get? S█████ was a huge awakening for a lot of normies, and giving your vote to Stein is the best way to make people think that the alternative is still alive

Have you seen the debates? Even with all the propaganda against Trump it's clear that Hillary is really bad at controlling her anger. She and her supporters are trying to stir shit up against the fucking FBI. They really think that she did nothing wrong and is the best thing since electricity. That's real fascism user: delusional followers and power-tripping leaders

I second this. There's no argument to be made tbh.

Lmao, amazing. As if Clinton isn't the one redbaiting & ramping up cold war rhetoric against Russia.

Trump of all people has said we need to normalize relations. Only Clinton could make Trump look sane, at any time.

This is a bit of a stretch.

It isn't as if Russia isn't more or less Capitalist at this point than the United States. I should care about either equally: that is not at all.


But an alternative isn't alive. And to be quite honest, it never will be , barring a nuclear holocaust that wipes out the current status quo. At least with a Clinton win we get to see immeasurable amounts of salt from Holla Forums. It's not like the president matters anymore, democracy has been dead for a long time in this country and all the shots are called from well above the president's head. Elections only exist to keep the plebs placid and thinking they still have a voice in things. No matter who wins we are going to get the exact same result. Might as well at least get some giggles out of this shit.

Fuck you. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's fact.

I just voted for Stein.

Sure, you don't have to care about Russia. I'm just worried by Clinton's war hawkishness. But I have moved out of the states, so I'm probably safer now, lmao.

It's not a Holla Forums conspiracy theory when every single liberal media outlet is full of all this anti-Russia shit. Thanks to this fucking witch we are right back at Cold War rethoric and might as well be walking into WW3, all because Dems want to stay in power. It's disgusting and all you nihilist faggots disgust me as well.

It's MY right to fill MY wardrobe with the clothes that I want to, and you little creepy internet losers aren't changing that.

Forgot anfem flag

Also, tbh that skirt makes you look like a whore :^)

Question. Why should we care about modern Russia anymore than we care about America

Anyone who thinks World War III is happening this late in the late capitalism game is just stupid.

lol. Now this is delusion

lmao it’s quite fucking obvious that Clinton has been redbaiting and stirring up shit against Russia. That’s been, like, her M.O. since she was Secretary.

Anyway, this pedo ring shit is spooky but there’s considerable proof that many people in governments or militaries are deep into pedo shit. This is not conspiratorial—this is a documented fact.

These facts are in their infancy. We must do our best to protect them at all costs from those who seek to pervert the truth.

Like I said earlier in the thread, much of he elite pedophile ring stuff can be traced to CIA honeypot operations.

Post Modern Spellwork

where did I say that modern Russia has anything to do with communism? It's a super power. They have nuclear missiles and a better military than the US. You don't fuck with a powerful country just to win a fucking election.

Brought to you by the same theorists who say capitalism will fall anytime now

Ok, but what makes you think World War III is happening in Late Capitalism, this stage of market fuckery

That bitch is a mong

Is that the dude from game of thrones with a sausage in the background?

Don't bother with anfem, at least. They're always nihilist & contrarian.


Now I know you're just dumb

Bitch it's been like 4 or 5 months since I've been here chill

And things were going well.

Why did I hug you ;~;


Yep. That's why Bill Cooper's whole "Mystery Babylon" series is total trash.

Yeah, Instead you grovel at their feet and kiss their ass like Trump does.

Hillary isn't planning on war. She's basically just telling them to fuck off.

Wow, again, why are you using the socialist flag? You should be using a conservative flag, with that talk.

Kill yourself.

I do not like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and anyone who pretends to say either is good is naive.

The only thing I care about is the possibility of re-negging on the Paris Agreement and future curbs to climate change, because I know the bougie will act on it because it affects them as well as all of us equally.

As long as that stands, keep it.

But for everything else, fuck it.

Why bother. If you're right, we'll both die!

literal CTR talking point. You are either a shill or plain retarded


forgot flag



I can agree with this


Nice memes and buzzwords, maybe I should call you a kike just to meme back

I think you're lost friend, Holla Forums is over there >>>Holla Forums next to the Israeli "vote for Donald Trump" booth.

Hillary is 300% OK with Fracking, you think she gives a shit?
We'll have cheap electric cars in a decade or two, the free market has fixed it.

If by fuck off you mean "abandon your allies and all your foreign influence" yes
And if you expect Russia to take that lightly you're insane.


The best thing the left can spire to now is a Trump presidency. There will be a lot of people really dissapointed when they realize that either he can't or won't do what he promised. For the majority of his supporters he is the protest vote, an alternative to the Rep/Dem choice. Then we show them the true enemy, which is capitalism, and the true alternative to it's vices, socialism. Another Dem presidency will plunge left leaning individuals into more id-pol, just like this past 8 years of Obama have drawn a bigger divide between black people and everyone else.

Can I ask which state all these Hillary voters live? Is it a swing state? I can maybe understand voting Hillary if your state is genuinely a contest but if you're living in a hard red/blue state and you vote status quo then you are a moron.

The go to Holla Forums meme R is there. They should only be used in moderation.

whole lotta no arguments around here

Yes because it's a diplomatic agreement. I have no reason to believe she would neg on it as Trump would, and Climate Change is not some minor issue. As long as it's kept, fine I'm happy. I'm not in the mood for being a boiling frog.

As for everything else FUCK CLINTON.

And as for everything in general, FUCK TRUMP.

The only thing I care about is keeping future diplomatic and UN agreements on changing the climate for better results than the shit we currently have, to at least delay the inevitable slide.

What about Podesta and the three under 10 year olds as pool 'entertainment'.

Fucking pedos all over the shop.

Stupid keyboard
The go to Holla Forums meme is overused here just as much as CTR is there.*

The UN and Nato need to be abolished.

Look at the broader picture. That's not happening, and we have no other resource to get this shit done right now or within eight years otherwise.

We take what we got. And right now we can't afford to wait on acting on climate change.

Sasuga, anfem.

If we don't act to change climate change in 50+ years when it becomes more of a possibility, the last thing on your mind will be revolution, it'll be that the Midwest is hot as the equator.

"But then we must advance the case for climate change as one of the many problems to unite the proletariat of this world"

If you want to take what you got at the moment the only option is anti-globalism coalition. Then the true fight starts.

Right now you have scum like Trudeau running amok and people thinking he's a fucking Green Peace activist, it's infuriating. They want 100m people in Canada by the end of the century, they are sociopaths.

I don't see anything happening under Trump within Climate Change that isn't negative. So strategically, I begrudgingly agree that Clinton might be better for things overall, if for any reason than she works to keep policy that keeps the NOAA and other such institutions functioning on updating us about the climate.

Because the climate has impacts that aren't at all just temperature related. The tides are effected, the ecology is effected, and the politics of already unstable regions in Africa and the Middle East are effected.

So, a vote for Trump, is more or less, a vote to tell less fortunate nations IE poorer than our own, "go fuck yourself" going into the future.

Which isn't revolutionary at all.

Poor or rich, this effects everyone, so it's something I know the rich will act on, their ass is on the line just as much as someone in Indonesia eventually.

Explain this for me, where I said anything like this.

I would prefer not to.


I'm talking about the wolves in sheeps clothing that the globalists are putting into power, all idpol and green bluster, and the press loves them.

So are we just going to ignore elite pedophile ring conspiracy theorists being vindicated.

I'm talking that right now is the tipping point, and real or fake, it isn't worth questioning on pressing the button that says "delay inevitable", just as much as I care about revolution.

What the fuck is the point of a revolution IF by not acting now, we have more of a shithole in the future to work with

Also there needs to be a cull, nobody wants to address it, technology will not outpace population growth, and it has to happen in 'poor' countries, so pick who you want dead.

From which state will you be voting?

Pics or it didn't happen. But I want to believe.

Stopping the smoking ban would be a good start.

I'm not voting, I'm just praying something gets done. Which sounds counter productive, but sue me. Who isn't.

Overpopulation is more of a meme issue than you suggest. Climate Change exacerbates the consequences of overpopulation anyways, so it would be in your better interest to care about that first as well.

The workers of this world must come together to ban such obscenity

I've honestly been thinking of the possibility of this as well i don't think it's far-fetched especially because i believe trump will get cock-blocked by congress anyway. we'd need something as dramatic as a trump presidency to accelerate the left because the supporters of the democratic party are misguided. but I'm not voting anyway.

My point is strategically, we have to consider global warming when it comes to revolution. Because let's face it, revolution isn't coming in the 10 year mark. We're talking long term.

And when we talk long term, we talk climate change we talk soil that's no longer fertile for crops. Changing tides, and ecological damage.

We want, as little of this shit as possible to deal with when we get the chance for any kind of future more Marxist state of things if at all possible.

Then what are we even talking about here? Isn't not voting also 'a vote for Trump' by your logic?

Which isn't a fun or attractive thing to think about when considering all this, but it's one you have to think about.

No? I'm not caring about that sort of shit. Again, just climate change.


considering some of the points above, it is probably prudent that Trump win.

A Trump victory would disrupt the Democrat status quo and hoist an anti-capitalist in to power.

I didn't say that. And really, Trump is just going to do whatever the oil lobby does and wants more than Clinton, because Trump cares about those issues more than diplomatic ones, and the Paris Agreement is a diplomatic issue. Negging it is one of the campaign promises he can make.

So I'd rather not.

Man, people don't take climate change as seriously as they should. They laughed at S█████(I was admittedly confused at first, too) when he said it's a threat to our safety/terrorism. But he's right.

I just moved from the US to India almost 2 years ago now. I've seen plenty of protests & riots from the Cauvery river water shortage. it's like bone dry in most places, now. About a month ago, a man from my SO's hometown in South India just set himself on fucking fire, to try to bring attention to the problem. It's that desperate. I also can't go outside on some days when there's riots, because it's too dangerous. There were people getting beat up & cars/buses being set on fire.

The TPP & those shit trade agreements need to be addressed & stopped as well. They help multinational corporations extract the natural resources(mostly water) from the local populations. Apparently I just learned that even clothing manufacturers need shitloads of water to dye their materials. Sri Lanka & India have been fucked over, pretty bad. Most Americans are completely unaware because we don't live here or follow the international news on it.

Overall it's actually nice here, but shit gets crazy sometimes over these issues. And Indians aren't afraid of protesting, like we are in the US. So shit gets heavy, quick.

In a way, their more linked than anything. The more people, the more consumption of fossil fuels and other things that emit farts in the production process. They have to be tackled at the same time basically.

Also, we need to tell people green capitalism won't happen, because you can't extract surplus value from wind turbines. That is you can keep producing it endlessly like you can with old fuel, because it is a scarce resource, and scarcity implies labor to get it, and thus, more exploitation of workers, and thus more profit.

You should arm them and spread class consciousness.

And if it weren't for global warming, they could've put him out.

*Ctan't is what I meant to say.

Lol stop trying to pretend to be me

Climate change has to be solved by way of a geo-engineering project. Taxing carbon, cap & trade, etc are scams on the other side of the capitalist's coin.

Al Gore and Steyer & others have major investments in these carbon-credit companies and windmill factories that do not actually restore the environment or help to reduce carbon emissions. Green™ companies and products only exist to sell indulgences to guilty liberals that want to signal that they care about the environment, but are actually too lazy to sit down and think about the issue.

There's actually I higher chance that Trump solves the problem by accident (he approves some engineering grant for a machine that mine's carbon or something) than Clinton or Stein would, pursuing a Green™ policy platform.

*mines carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Everyone’s getting so enamored by this “Smash The Clintonite Status Quo” meme that they’re forgetting—Trump’s a fucking right-wing porky.

What will electing him over Hillary accomplish? Except for making the Democrats really, really mad. In the end, Trump will make it all the easier for the Republicans to ram through their anti-union, anti-worker, anti-spending agenda.

And for what? To spurn an imaginary left-wing movement into arms? Liberals could barely move themselves to vote for a socdem, and now you’re expecting a magical revolutionary uprising against Trump?

All the ways that Trump’s campaign rhetoric is demonstrably better than Clinton’s (and there are plenty) cannot be trusted. He’s a porky and an incompetent and will default to the main G.O.P. line—which is indistinguishable from, and even worse than, Clinton’s.

They have pretty strict gun laws, but still many guerilla groups. Check out "laal salaam"(Red Saulte). The Naxalites are still around, too.

Kerala has a communist local government. Tamilnadu(where his hometown is) has communist parties as well. SO voted for the communist party. I was proud. They need better numbers in Tamilnadu, but in Kerala, they're proud communists. I posted here not too long ago about how every movie I see from there always has communist themes & the characters even call each other "comrade".

I like it here.

Lmao. :(

bring on the Feel Police !

You have no franchise within the current system, so the only rational option is to smash that system.

I forgot to add pic. Guy form Kerala.


I will blame this on my shitty laptop keyboard again.


Accelerationism seems like a Whig concept tbh.

Regardless, here are your options:


Even worse, Trump is the epitome of a "crony capitalist" and all evidence seems to point to the fact that he'll be little more than a figurehead for the likes of Sheldon Adelson and whatever other bastards he surrounds himself with.

If anything, the true accelerationist choice is Clinton. The Democrats have chosen to be the party of the Third Way, of left-neoliberalism and of non-white and female capitalists who feel that the greatest tragedy of our time is that they believe they are not as powerful as their white male counterparts. They have chosen death, and we should make damn sure they get it.

I don't have enough meme arrows to express my frustration

By voting Trump, you're basically playing russian roulette.

Only morons play russian roulette

I honestly wonder how Porky can profit any more from green things than buried shits fossil fuel, since the latter take more labor, and thus, more exploitation. Of course, they are but a half measure in the sense that you still need cheap oil to produce them, as well as the false assumption that they are 'renewable' when their made of cheap materials. I think I just answered my own question BTW.

We might also have to consider trans-humanism, and investing time and effort into heat resistant technology, as a back up strategy of sorts. Then there's the last resort of a nuclear winter, because at that point, fuck it.

Cyborgs fighting over nanotech candy bars in radiated snow when?

Sounds awesome. I hope the revolution stays strong [/spoiler]And that the workers get democratic control of the means of production and/or automate stuff[/spoiler]

he's saying a trump presidency would accelerate the left to choose an anti-capitalist for the next election

ok, ok, OK

We're fucked either way. Vote third party for your conscience & hold onto your britches. Likely Hillary already has it rigged, anyway.

We should abolish electoral college, tbh. If we're going to have a Democracy(lol) it should be by popular vote. Unfortunately we've been defunding & cutting schools for decades, resulting in an even dumber, less class conscious populace. I should know.. I dropped out when I was 15, during my second year of 9th grade.

Thank God for the internet, or I'd be substantially less informed.

The more i read and listen about Trump, the more i compare him to Berlusconi. Is there any Italian comrade that can tell us about him? And how it did turn out for the Left?

Trump’s presidency will accelerate the Republicans’ continued dismantling of the left.

The only “left” reaction will be liberals crying about their Queen and mounting a resistance in the culture wars. Meanwhile, the actual left gets blamed by the liberals, further splintering any radical potential, and the G.O.P. continues to do everything we fear Clinton will do, but worse.

No one's playing russian roulette. We already shot ourselves long ago. Now it's about whether we remain a vegetable or not.

the GOP is already a wreck in itself I know several republicans that believe this and many that are not voting for trump because of it


The elite pedophile ring is so obviously real there's no need to address it


Trumps rise was pretty inevitable. GOP has been riding on the Southern Strategy for like what 50 years? Sooner or later they were going to lose the plot and nominate someone like Trump.

The effectiveness of the Southern Strategy made the Democrats ineffective as a party also. All they've had to do it just promise they'll keep Jim Crow from coming back and they had all the minorities flock to the party, meanwhile they pushed more and more neoliberal policies.

Each neoliberal policy they successfully pushed made their hubris grow. Until they got to the point we are now where they legitimately thought they could force Hilary on everyone without even trying to hide how terrible she is. Lame attempts like CTR don't count.

So it's just porky being porky?

TBH there's also the consideration that pretty much both of these candidate will fuck over the country, and thus, the blame game will commence again. If Shillery gets in, expect the nu right to be emboldened, and the left further disntigrated, unless the contradictions of capitalism make themselves more known. Which of course could happen under Trump as well, the only difference, the left that isn't obsessed with idpol can point to the fact the dems chose such a shitty candidate for the general, via rigging no less. There's also the fact that liberalism is being dragged into the mud, and rightfully so. It's just that the radical politics will eventually take over after its dead.

Is there going to be an IRC for election night? Because this thread is going to be really hard to follow.

Vindicated how? Because some Holla Forumsyps found emails about pizza?

I propose #bunkerchan IRC, or better yet, the Holla Forums channel. That channel is very comfy, and we can watch the coverage from a hopefully not so shitty outlet.

We watched all of the debates on the channel & I enjoyed the chat, which is why I'm throwing it out there.

What is the link to the channel?

That retarded Marina performance art post is already being used by Hillary supporters on reddit.

Wondering if the pizza one will be next.

Yes, I tag the particularly delusional ones

I'm sure it will be posted again on election night, too.


Spoiler image that shit plz.

As an artist and occultist, none of this bothers me, obviously i am mad at the elite and oligarchy, but i understand this.
At the same time, even if this doesn't bother you, you have to step back and realize america is a very religious, christian nation, and stuff like this is basically a confirmation to Christians that "satanists" are running things.
So, from that perspective, even if its laughable to you, its very bad optically.

The GOP hates trump you dip.
Literally all the neocons and cuckservatives have been working to stop him

They hate him because he refused to give money to the GOP and their consultants. They can't hate him for being batshit crazy after peddling candidates like Bachman, Palin, and trumpeting the Tea Party.

Ehhhh, I think it's more to do with him taking neo-conservatism and taking the biggest dump of all time on it, and he won the party base doing so.

Trump is an unprecedented shift. Bernard should have done the same.He didn't want the hate and threats he would get.

So I noticed that wikileaks actually tweeted about that Marina "Spirit cooking". They shared the email, too..

I doubt it has anything to do with occult shit, but damn, that's nasty.

'Trump won’t be permitted to win' - Assange

It feels like I'm on 4chan's /x/


Geo Engineering isn't going to happen and it won't happen in a too soon revolutionary society either.

The only thing Earth can do is delay the inevitable shit.

You're just being too optimistic. This is all we have, so you play with the cards your dealt. This won't be solved through geo-engineering any time in the foreseeable future.

I'm responding only because I've heard similar "muh global warming" arguments against Trump before from others: What makes anyone believe anything Obama failed to do will happen under Clinton? What makes anyone believe Trump (probably a political flash in the pan) will make a major dent in an issue 50-80 years off, if the practical difference between Dubya and the Democratic administrations around his on climate would require a magnifying glass to make out? What makes anyone think utterly inadequate virtue-signaling like the Paris & Kyoto agreements come anywhere close to what's ultimately needed?

We need to completely abolish non-sustainable fuels sometime in the next few decades, and probably get a handle on geoengineering. Such an accomplishment would be quite possible, not terribly difficult in PRACTICAL terms, and beneficial for many other reasons, but it is never, ever going to happen until a major POLITICAL realignment occurs.

That means populist political revolution, and right now with [REDACTED] in a DNC armlock, that means Trump.

Bingo, nonsustainable energy is nothing more or less than a vector of political power. The lizard-people backing Shillary for the status quo have zero interest in it aside from that.

Real life is turning into anime

What I really want to know is. When will everyone on earth just die

As i said earlier, even if you find this laughable, lots of Americans are Christians, and this is confirming for them that the Clintons are satanists.
It doesn't work on logic, and these Christians are votes.



Will you be my gf?

Buts thats true though

Thank you for correcting the record.

Minus the fact that it really is jews behind everything, everything they say and do is wrong.

After a "Fuck her right in the pussy!"-tier candid soundbyte supposedly swayed the election, I have zero faith in the political integrity of the electorate.

Do you really want a pedophile like Trump as president?

Anybody who is convinced by policy going into the future beneficial for us out of this rat fuck election, and cares about either candidate either way more-or-less

Is basically a sucker


Fuck off CTR, there's as much evidence against the Clintons as there is for Trump as far as Epstein is concerned.

I'm almost certainly sure that poster is one of the mods here new fry

U wot m8? Did you just call me new? A sware on mi mum al smak u in da gabber eqal rites eqal fites

What makes you think he's a mod?

I am not a mod.

If I was a mod I wouldn't be posting with a flag

Wrong guy posting with a flag from irc


Oh wait. I remember now. That was another flag lol

Don't do drugs sweetheart. It's bad for you, OK!

pls be my gf

and by voting hillary, you're shooting yourself with 100% chance of dying.

what makes you thing its a "she" ?


This right here pretty much TBH. The whole geoengineering thing obviously shouldn't be our only method of self preservation tbh.

Jesus an Asian whore is really something else, pure trash

Don't talk about her that way you faggot

I'm the one girl who posted here one time

Girls aren't real. They're just a government created conspiracy to keep us all distracted from paying attention to things that actually matter. At birth doctors are secretly directed to cut off half of all baby dicks and then stab the babies in the taint and stuff them full of eggs. Don't fall for the jewish tricks.

My cover got dropped for a second

Absolute trash

*moves in on you and presses my lips against yours as I tease you with my tongue*

That ain't ya mum

do you have a disgusting rostie ?


Global warming aside, geoengineering will be helpful for when the next glaciation hits, which we're already overdue for. So it's more of a long-range thing.

Period every month

I dumb, what is Glaciation? Sounds ice agey tbh.

What are your plans for election day Holla Forums

So how long do you think this "Kek/Meme Magic" bullshit will last?

Well considering the joke is, Kek will get Trump elected = Meme Magic

We'll see in 4 days

Seeing Autechre live and then sleeping through the results. How about yo?

Enjoy it, comrades.

Not having class, delaying studying, taking xanax. Smoking a lot. Drinking more.

Being a disgrace. Shaking my head. Sighing. Looking back at the screen at the results. Shaking my head. Sighing. Doing this repetitively.

To be fair, imo meme magic is real to an extent. The placebo effect and particle wave duality are examples of it. What the human mind perceives to be true dictates reality. But they've gone completely overboard with it and it's lost all meaning. I was one of the ones who originally was pushing meme magic so hard, well before the whole Trump thing, and before the Le Baine(or however it's spelled) plane crash even and I really regret it now. I was the first one to associate meme magic with the placebo effect and and the particle/wave duality.

Fucking kill yourself already. I'm surprised no one has responded to this.

Or am I retarded & this is obvious bait.

It was already shit user

It will just have a different coating

Oh, I guess they did & it was deleted, lmao.

Thank you mods. That was getting annoying.

Well, I hope you're proud

My promising baby grew up to become a retarded frog.

You fools, it'll only make it stronger. If Trump wins the status quo returns and the mystique of a Trump presidency vanishes. If Trump loses though, he will leave an everlasting legacy that will greatly outlast the two terms he would've potentially have gotten otherwise. He made himself almost God-like with the cult of personality he has created. Having him win might actually ruin this.
I fully welcome Kek as the first religion formed entirely on the internet


Shit rate magic, I'll just hire a Witch Doctor

Good, because I want to make fun of you people for a bit longer

Looks like meme magic is in its death throes then.
A) Trump wins, no wall, he's pretty average
B) Trump loses, meme magic doesn't work

Why do you think that confrontation in Syria couldn't escalate into skirmishes and then war? Are we so stupid that we believe the "no two countries with a McDonald's have ever gone to war" canard? It's precisely the arrogance of the neoliberal consensus that says war with great powers is impossible that creates the conditions for it.

Further, there has never been a more hawkish candidate that hrc. Cooler headed analysis of her foreign policy from long before the election predicted this highly aggressive stance. War under Clinton will definitely occur, and it will follow the neoliberal pattern of arming non-state actors, destroying propserous nations and creating irresolvable crises, but this time they will occur in the sphere of other great powers who may no longer back down

He's also another pseudo-intellectual fuckface.
Its not the "placebo effect" its confirmation bias.

/fringe/ probably thinks meme magic is real magic. But I don't think Holla Forums does I hope.

Basically what Holla Forums calls "meme magic" is what the United States government and various academic schools refer to as "Memetics".
Memetics and meme magic are schools relating to propaganda, viral marketing, and cultural subversion.

War will occur, but who said with Russia?

It'll be between states like it always has. We haven't been at that level of war in over a hundred years and we won't start now, we even had a cold war between time

I honestly believe the wall is the one thing that certainly will happen if Trump wins. Trump is a land developer, building walls is quite literally his job. And besides, there already is sort of a border wall in some areas along the border. Its not like he will gain much opposition anyhow since he is, after all, enforcing laws that already exist but places like California refuse to obey

holy shit get the fuck back to whatever retard-infested shithole spawned you

Oh watch what happens when he tries to build in a populated commute between Tijuana lol

For someone in land development he sure didn't think that fucking nightmare through


No, meme magic isn't proof of the placebo effect, the placebo effect is proof of meme magic. A thought or an idea having real world results. You think you've taken medicine to help cure your cancer, and therefore your mind cures the cancer, or it goes the other way and your mind makes your body have a adverse reaction to the medication. The shit Holla Forums is believing in right now is not just memetics, they are legit believing in magic in the purest sense of the word. Or least some of them do. They fully believe in the egyptian frog god named "Keke".

Obviously I meant kek.

It will occur with Russia. It might even occur with China, but the route to war with them is less clear.

If the US ever killed Russian soldiers, or Russia killed US soldiers, which I am predicting will happen under HRC, I predict too that armed conflict will begin between these two countries. Again, the assumption that war is impossible will certainly lead to one.

Come on, we both know that cretin is not from here.

Nigger, have you been to TJ? There's already a wall there, or at least a border fence, and you still can't move freely between borders. Its the reason why the El Toro Y on the 405 is one of the busiest freeway intersections on Earth. Trump putting a permanent wall there and stricter rules on border movement wont change shit except for keeping more illegals out

There is already a wall on the tijuana border.

Tell me when the last time America went to war with Russia was

That's right. It never has. And we were in a cold war not too historically long ago that was a lot hotter than this.

We aren't going to war with Russia, I don't know which joker thought that was realistic, but I want to ring their neck

Oops misread taht.

God damn women are stupid.

The wall Trump currently suggests should exist is higher than the TJ wall, ergo additions are going to be made I suppose.

It's hard to make out what height he fucking wants the thing

So all those American troops in Ukraine were just there on a peace mission?

What the hell makes you think we're going to war with a nuclear armed state when we could just keep to the middle east and play geopolitics with each other. I'm honestly curious what makes you think this is possible.

The thing is, placebos will only work so well when the economic base continues to deteriorate. Economic crisis brings about ideological crisis.

They were sent there probably for the same reason it was publicly reported on. To spook the Russians.

There is no way, no how, not ever in a trillion years, ever going to be a state to state fire fight between two super powers in Europe again. It won't happen, not now, not next year, not in the near future.

Nobody has interest in doing so. Not the US or the Russians.

People think there is going to be a war with Russia because Hillary keeps spelling out the fact that she wants to go to war with Russia. She has never spoken about Russia in the last year and not also built a case for going to war with them at the same time. She talks about the need to stop Russian aggression at any cost. She talks about retaliating against Russia on cyber and military fronts. There is no way you can hear her talk about Russia and not hear calls for war.

The only reason you don't think she will is because it would be the most horrific evener of the 21st century and you refuse to believe it could happen. Well buckle up, bitch.

You know WW1 was called the war to end all wars for the same reasons you espouse here right?

Stop being such a humourless wetbag you autist.

Like in the Korean war?

Think for a second about this for a moment.

The US has a firm interest in maintain the US led international order. US foreign policy has no mission besides that. It has no mission to maintain peace whatsoever. Since Russia wants to establish their own international order over countries on their border, you can see the source of conflict, correct.

She probably is spilling it on purpose. Do you know how much of geopolitics is lying a lot. Basically all of geopolitics is lying and posturing.

She can state all she wants at the end of the day shit still is just not happening. She's probably doing it for a reason we don't know about, plans within plans and such.

The fact it wasn't, was not the fault of the US or Russia.

But of the Eternal Kraut

You mean the war that drafted China?

She's not lying. We know her plans because we know her secret communications thanks to a certain journalist she wouldn't mind seeing assassinated.

Yes, but a war with the United States is a war Russia would lose, or either side would lose.

It wouldn't be very constructive is my point, particularly to order.

So, the US sends some soldiers and the media mass reports on it for exactly the intended reason, to spook.


How do you know? For all we know all this is, is creating a conflict in fucking Kyrgyzstan. That's more realistic than a war with Russia.

I really still doubt it.

So is anyone prepared for the absolute shitstorm that will occur if Trump becomes president and stormfags start shitposting on our boards?

Who'd have thunk someone who supports Marxist-Leninists also supports an Imperialist? :^)

Prickly will just ban them all as always

Why does America feel so confident fighting Russia? They'd win if we're counting winning as the same criteria Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were won.

That is, after getting their shit pushed in by the Russians for a few years on their home turf they would leave.

Wanna know how I know you're a fucking faggot?

This is the second pillar of your argument, that Russia would never go to war with the US because Russia is supposedly too weak. The other one is that Russia would never war with the US because the idea is too scary to think about. Neither will stop war from occurring and acting as if they are true, as US policy does, can only lead to escalation.

It doesn't.

But that wasn't direct war. And war has changed a fair bit since Vietnam, and even Iraq and Afghanistan. It is basically about drone strikes.

I doubt Clinton will deviate much from Obama's neoliberal policies.

America has the strongest military on the planet.

Not to say that Russia is weak, but going to direct war with the United States is geopolitical suicide and you would have to bring out the nukes. And nobody, and I do mean nobody, is considering using a nuke on Earth or in heaven right now.

So what else do we have

We have playing geopolitics like we have.

Like I told you is likely to happen.

They actually will. Because why fight a war when you can fight proxy wars. To work outside of that frame of reference is insane since all our strategy is built on that frame of reference and has been since World War II. And it's adapted specifically to that purpose.

How can we have a revolution when we don't socialize.

Shit, you can't say Socialism without "social"

Ingesting massive amounts of propaganda and trying to prove your relevance to yourself through meaningless posts and likes all the while having all of your information stored and categorized by big brother is not socializing.

Hence why the Shillery is secretly, or not so secretly, waving the red white and blue dick in front of the Russians right now. The US is also big friends with the Saudis and consumes the most oil, primarily theirs. There's also the war in Syria for building pipelines. Do the math.

Imageboards are superior tbh.

So in other news the Trump campaign just got hit with a restraining order

I socialize right now, even if it's with a fag like you.

Oh good, it's the 80's again

No, you meant "Keke" and we all laughed at you.

LOL WUT! Every war in Asia the US has been involved with they've lost.

except Desert Storm 1 but come on that was barely a war.

While it's true Russia's military is significantly weaker than the US', all the tech in the world can't defeat geography. Not to mention how worn out the military is from Iraq and Afghanistan.

A war with Russia would almost certainly mean a draft for the US. The US would be coming to Russia to fight, not vica versa. Plus all the other commitments the US military has around the world means a war with Russia is one the US would almost certainly lose, either with Russia, or with other theaters they have a presences in. This is exactly how Rome fell.

Lmao, link?

You have a point, but I wonder, isn't Russia also being taxed to shit with the Ukraine war and such?

Eh probably no crazier than free mason shit. Also was this "spirit cooking" anywhere near halloween by chance?


But when there's a platform with most of the developed world connected to it, shouldn't you use it to propagate your ideas as much as possible

Anyway it's not like the feds don't track the IP addresses of people they think are important no one here

Hey now the Korean War was a stalemate, and that's only because MacArthur pushed his luck.

It's literally an art project by a famous artist

Look it up. Trump got it in Ohio for voter intimidation. Can't set up armed guards around polling stations with the intent to intimidate.

What's funnier to me is Trump's lawyer for this particular instance was stuttering and looking four words out lowd because he didn't expect the outcome

Nah,it was a 'don't break the law and that means Clinton camp too' job, not going to stop people sinnering.

Yes, each ice age (we're currently in the Pliocene-Quaternary) is split into glacial and interglacial periods. Essentially, while AGW has caused temperatures and CO2 levels to reach heights unprecedented for millions of years, the natural cycles of the present ice age have continued in a somewhat altered form. Some time after we get AGW under control to keep from turning the Earth into a primeval burning hell, we'll be confronted with the end of our (most likely artificially extended) deglaciated warm period.

I think you actually meant to say "quantum observer effect", which uses a completely different sense of the word "observer", so the entire idea of quantum consciousness is essentially a result of laymen being confused by an innocent misnomer.

Daily reminder that illegal immigration is a meme. While it isn't totally insignificant, with ~10 million estimated, it is utterly dwarfed by legal immigration and over-the-border outsourcing like Maquiladora.

What people are worried about with Shillary's warmongering isn't a boots-on-the-ground direct war with Russia/China, it's an Operation Canadian Bacon-style revival of Cold War posturing, expensive proxy wars, the draft, nuclear weapons, and the brinksmanship to make them MAD.

this election is like the producers where both sides keep sabotoging themselves on purpose but it somehow helps them

Did my early voting for Stein today.

Going to spend tuesday getting fucked up and wishing I could get a cool gf to read books with instead of fucking liberals I meet on Tinder. What about you faggots?

It was a specific restraint against the Trump campaign in Ohio state specifically

The only thing that did was push the DMZ further south. I mean damn, NK was jumping in and out of China hitting US forces and using China as a big brother shield.

MacArthur either would have let himself get cucked by NK's guerrilla tactics or charged at them directly. China was going to get involved in the Korea War one way or another. That fact pretty much assured either a US lose or stalemate. Technically they're still at war.

Speak for yourself. Hillary if fucking reckless, and her Wall Street masters even moreso. The wikileaks so they ain't high minded master strategic thinkers.

Wall Street wants a new pipeline to the Western European market and couldn't give a fuck less how many lives it winds up costing due to Russia reacting to that.

The deathtoll from a few years of WWI or WWII "hot war" between superpowers was peanuts compared to decades of meatgrinder proxy "wars" in 3rd-world cockroach nations, not to mention the potential nuclear apocalypse that was within inches every day thanks to such antics.

What's the movie from I've seen it before

Forgot the name

So basically, climate change will still bring extreme heat, but it might only be in the short term? From extreme heat to extreme cold basically? sorry, lamen af. Also a bit skeptical since I hear a similar argument coming from conservatives that we are about to enter another ice age.

The DMV still has my address as a place that I haven't lived at in almost 5 years, so registering to vote was a bit of a problem. I haven't voted since 2004 anyways(voted for Bush to piss off my then girlfriend) and I won't ever vote again. I'll be spending this upcoming Tuesday doing what I'd be doing on any other Tuesday, with the exception of posting tons of smug shitposts on Holla Forums about how BTFO they all are once Trump gives his concession speech.

Namedropped right in the post, Operation Canadian Bacon.

Yes, it's even a Holla Forums meme, but the only point they're actually mistaken on is that if we simply continue with AGW everything will just work itself out. We have to be intentional, both to ensure we don't artificially make things too hot (look at the graph and notice we're already hitting totally levels unprecedented for longer than all of human history), and to ensure nature doesn't make things too cold. Everything I said is mainstream climatology consensus, so feel free to look it up.

So in other words, people are using a real thing as an excuse to be fucking lazy retards. Got it. Also, as I've said before, it's not the fact there aren't solutions, it's just people aren't doing them. There needs to be a massive upset at some point.

Holla Forums in a nutshell 2bh

The 'massive upset' will be porky faced with its major financial centers underwater.

I give it two decades or so.

it's more likely to further entrench the right-leaning establishment Dems, as they blame the election on purist B████Bros, Brocialists, Green voters, and other Whining Children who wouldn't fall in line for the True Progressive

You mean the ones on islands?

Assange said in an interview that will be on RT this Saturday that Trump will not be allowed to win the election.

I take that to mean that Assange things that Trump will be the legitimate winner of the election but it will be stolen from him like in 2000 with Bush and Gore.

I'm with Assange on this one. Clinton will win but it will be revealed that Trump is the legitimate President.

I don't think the Right will let themselves be cucked like the Dems did in 2000 though. I think there will be violence on election day and beyond.

Getting in the face of my local state legislature winners and pressuring them to adopt a state amendment restricting political campaign contributions.



Clinton rigged the primary. What makes you think they won't do it in the general? The only question is how much rigging Trump will be doing himself.

This is the least likely thing to happen imp

Honestly I think it's just going to play out close but normal

For all his failing a good majority of Trumps supporters actually like him.

Hillary on the other hand is pretty much disliked like by all of here supports save the tiny bourgeois wing of the party. Not hard to imagine Trump winning with dynamics like that.

wrong, hilary's base of support inside middle/upper class suburban trophy wives actually like her and support her 100%

however these groups are a small minority now, compared to thirty years ago

Current consensus places it at about a half foot by that time, and perhaps 3 feet by 2100. Even the worst imaginable scenarios for centuries from now (barring some kind of runaway scenario like a clathrate gun or sea current inversion) with full melt, top out around 20 feet.

It will be very bad, but it won't be that bad, and it'll take quite a while.

And on the other hand, the vast majority of Trump voters, much like the vast majority of Clinton voters, dislike both candidates, but loathe the other even more.

I went to the Hillary rally at ASU on Tuesday I think. There were maybe 500 people there. Phoenix is a big city, and I've heard that her other Rallies have had as much or fewer people.

If she's so well liked by her supporters why can't she get more people to her rallies. Trump's rally in Arizona on the other hand I heard was much larger. Regardless the videos of Trump rallies do appear to be significantly larger.

I voted for Jill BTW

Because they're middle class suburban trophy wives, they don't do rallies because they're all older than 30 and that's for their daughters to do. It's not a bad strategy on Hilary's part, these people are the great "silent majority" that gave us every President since Nixon. But they're not a majority anymore due to the shit economy.

Phoenix is a huge city. You saying only 500 of her supports could be arsed to come out in a city of like 3 or 4 million.

I bet you like only half of them were even Hillary supporters since it was held on campus.

You're just talking out your ass. Her supporters don't like her. Meanwhile Trumps rally in July brought traffic to a stand still

Yes. One does not need to attend a concert (what a rally effectively is) to support a candidate. It's the quiet ones that matter the most.

Try talking to random mothers at a PTA meeting or something.

I'm guessing the methane being released from the melting ice is an accelerate is also factored in?

In the DNC, Clinton is queen

But in America politics overall she's just another fish in the sea

there are fucktons of women voting for her just because she's a woman


Why then is almost the whole sea trying to save this one fish? Of course she's just a cog, but she's pretty important one.

that's obvious satire m80

during the Russian Civil War the United States sent troops to Eastern Siberia.


What took them so long?

Any theories as to what's going on here?

If talking about the woman, then think of this way, ever sine after some woman come out and admitted to be mosulated by trump, other women has come out and admitted that they were molested by him (like a domino effect), with most of them being even felt like they do nothing about it because trump's wealth and power alone and some even thought to excuse the assault, but thanks to the other woman coming out, we might know now that trump a pedophile.

Also entirely possible Trump gave her a large sum of money to keep her quiet and to drop charges.

And if you're talking about the lawsuit in general, then i have no clue as well, beside america being oligarchy now, trump's wealth and with his skills as con man ie: trump university.
But ether way, this need lawsuit need to happen earlier.

Yeah that too.
Holy hell, now that an another thing could had happen to those woman include the child.

oops. looks like someone didn't get the memo

uhhhh i'm kinda dumb here, what's going on?
this woman dropped her claim, presumably being paid off or threatened, and this is a surprise?

it's a surprise that it's getting so much attention considering that Bill Clinton is also mixed up in that scandal

So, political party and chance of winning aside - Stein or S█████?

sanders for me. i think he's actually a socialist but just hides his power level
plus more charisma for riling up the proles

Does he hide his power level inside his Audi R8?

You won't find love through pre-arranged dating services just like you wouldn't find love in pre-arranged marriages. Meet comrades IRL and be prepare to fall in love.

Remember that after Trump wins, we need to be ready to stage a coup on the Democratic Party. Hilary and her friends must go.

Any time Democrats held the executive office for consecutive presidents in the last century, it was because the standing president had died.

holy you must be blind and an idiot

She's Moby Fucking Dick

Sanders votes like a Democrat and speaks like a social democrat, but in his heart of hearts he's a democratic socialist, which is why he never stopped calling himself one. In 1979 he made a documentary about Eugene Debs that borders on the reverential. To some extent his entire political career is an attempt to resurrect the ghost of Debs.

If he lived in a European country where socdem is the norm, he wouldn't hide his power level, but you can't get elected to the US Senate on an actual socialist platform, even in a state like Vermont.

If you know anything about how the State Department functions, you know that there wouldn't be really much purpose of Clinton not being pushed into the position of president since Clinton was the one who merged and mended the split between the intelligence community and executive branch-directly mended SOCOM Special Mission Units or JSOC.

And the use of single strike Drones as opposed to human soldiers.

Trump doesn't know any of that so obviously he wouldn't be the primary choice, unless some people within the intelligence community and military brass still have some sort of shit going on and want an easily malleable Bush 2.0 to just be an empty headed fool for people around him to manipulate.

So you see a more primary focus being put on Clinton in marketing her heavily.

That's really all there is.

There's not as much political parties achieving end goals than political parties who like their deep states and economies run one similar way or another.

It's professional wrestling.

This seems like it all doesn't make much sense regarding your post, but more or less, Clinton is probably dead set on being president at this point for a reason.

In an European country he would be just another member of an irrelevant leftist party that can't do shit. In America where elections are a reality show he at least got a lot of young people fired up.

Isn't Hillary better for them because she's even more insane than them? They don't even have to manipulate her.

tfw my community college is woke asf

She's not "insane", she's possibly more sane than them. There are people deep within the state itself you don't want to meet.

hang onto that paper

After all, she saw what her Husband did with the State Department, where at the time JSOC and the Intel Community were still separate Pre-Obama Years, she managed to keep the rift and make new structure.

Which is why she's constantly fellated by all these politicians.

In this sense she's served a crucial position in going on into the future in how the State Department functions, so the neccesity for her to be president BECAUSE of her role in the State Department becomes clear.

So, why she wants to be president becomes clear too. She probably had the ambition from losing and becoming Secretary of State, and Obama probably saw it.

I have no idea where Trump fits into all this. But honestly, truth being stranger and fiction, since Clinton and Trump were friends before I wouldn't see it any other way than Trump being a KIND of plant, if not out right.

Election might be far more fixed than you think.

Yeah hang onto it.

Like what? I haven't seen Hillary showing any limits. She's willing to obliterate whole countries if it suits her. She's also quite stupid as we've seen in emails. She doesn't even know what doing something means in practice and what are the consequences, let's just do it. Her people have to constantly hold her back.

You haven't seen most of Hillary and neither have any of us. All we have are those email leaks, and even that hasn't been anything to go by.

She managed to mend the necessary Cold War rift between Defense and Intel, so somehow she must have enormous patience and control. Remember, people within the state do constantly pat her on the ass about being a good statesman.

She probably is focused on so many different details, other details are forgot about. It could be, that you're right, she is stupid and really didn't consider a lot. The deep state seems really insular to me.

Oh there are plenty of people in the State Department like that already.

Like I said, probably more so. There have been more gung-ho stereotypes in the military now and in the cold war past then you'd really be comfortable with.

r8 lads


10/10. Post to Holla Forums.

you just killed a bunch of non-burgers

I fully support the Democrats rigging the election against Trump. Republicans shouldn't have the right to vote and the democraps should always win

gonna send you some selfies of me and the drone strikes you just sent

I don't think there should be elections anymore, nobody believes in them anymore anyway and nobody cares either. It's waaay too costly for what is now just a simple ritual. I recommend creating a special government organization that selects the next president whenever the old one doesn't fit the job anymore.

Of the little control we have, we have it, and it's not going away. So we can use it for little good its got.

Its just the choice is playing 3 dimensional strategic chess at which parts of your soul do you want carved out or not. WhIch parts of your soul can you carve out, which gangrenous parts can you sell.

Are you an accelerationfag by any chance?

We should do what other countries do.

We elect the congressmen and they select the prime minister. People in this country care too much about their lady gagas and Taylor swifts to make an informed choice for the ruler of the ""*~*~*~*~Free~*~*~*~*~*~" world

It's been this way for a while now. One of the presidents half this moronic nation cherishes was a god damn cowboy actor

What the hui

I will abstain. Trump is just a horrible bigot, and Hillary is too corrupt.


Hey greeny user, think we could make another thread? I wanna talk about the 'extinction by 2030' meme.

why are you so new to art

Fuck this shit. What is that thing on the corner? I have just saw it. WTF is wrong with the elites? Tell me that that's not a kid!!??

It's a famous artist doing famous art

Are you going to be shocked when you learned van gogh drew nude women and cut his ear off this is some simple shit

I remember when I was 12.

The Taliban wasn't even an organization until like 1992, but okay.


Whoa! Hol up! If Alex Jonestein is covering this it must be legit.


Worst Presidents:
1.Herbert Hoover
2.Millard Fillmore
3.Ronald Reagan
4.John Quincy Adams
5.John F. Kennedy
6.George W. Bush
7.Jimmy Carter
8.Bill Clinton
9.Lyndon Johnson
10.Gerald Ford

Best Presidents:
1.Abraham Lincoln
3.Theodore Roosevelt
4.George Washington
5.John Adams
6.Harry S. Truman
7.Andrew Jackson
8.Woodrow Wilson
9.Thomas Jefferson
10.Barack Obama (admit it)

Andrew Jackson should be at the top of the list for best presidents and Barack Obama honestly has no place being on the list of best presidents at all. BO went full puppet mode just like all the other recent presidents before him.

Eh he still killed Bin Laden and passed somewhat of what you could call Universal Healthcare.

Better than dubya

On election day she will have Odd Future dress up as the California Raisins, so as to calm the female super-predators.

From the US Attorney General to Donna Brazile to the "black church" (black magic), she has exploited "PoC bodies" to deal with the less honorable components of her campaign.


God, I fucking hate Protestant reactionary scum.

Based B█████ redpilling all the classcucked liberals out there

Harry Truman was a 33° Mason, the only elected official in world history to drop an atomic bomb.

Andrew Jackson forced Native Americans westward.

Woodrow Wilson screened Birth of a Nation in the White House.

Progressive mouth breathers don't know shit.

Andrew Jackson best president tbh

Yea, but it's not like Bin Laden was anything but a known CIA asset and scapegoat. Bin Laden was being kept right down the road from Pakistan's version of West Point and the ISI was fully aware that he was there. The killing of Bin Laden was nothing but a publicity stunt by Obama to try to secure some type of legacy. And the only thing his "universal healthcare" accomplished was raising the rates of insurance nationwide. And Guantanamo is still up and running.

Love B████ but he's full of shit on that one. Fight me.

Former occult-fag here. I was in O.T.O. and was actually being groomed to join A∴A∴. Thankfully I got out of that shit before it completely ruined my life. Anyway, what Marina is doing here is not occultism or magick whatsoever. It's like /x/-tier rune charging, but worse. It's actually profane as fuck and an insult to practicing occultists. The same goes with Holla Forumsfags who actually think they are doing magick with their stupid Kek memes.

Also, Crowley was not Satanist.

*tips tinfoil hat and watches alex jones while thinking 9/11 was an inside job*

Thank you for stating the obvious. Also, epic spacing! One upvote for you my friend :)

Not a burger, but I've heard "Universal Healthcare" is a joke that only benefits corporations while it will now take even longer to get it implemented the right way.
Osama wasn't "the evil guy", he was against America and far smarter than al-Baghdadi & co. When ISIS is destroyed all these new recruits will go back to al-Qaeda and we'll see better terrorism return. For the western empire letting ISIS become an actual state would be a better alternative, but fortunately they are too blinded by oil.
Anyway, Obama was worse than Bush overall, he extended previous operations and invented new ones. Drone "wars" and the expansion of NSA are the achievements of his presidency.

Fucking gay

You're a shitty poster and you should fuck off back to /r/socialism already


You should have a different flag for shitposting TBH. The one your using is reserved for intellectuals.

I'm okay with this

1984 1984 1984 1984



Why doesn't the faggot BO enable ID's? It's pretty frustrating to hide shitposts manually

It's not as simple as S█████ describes it. There have been studies showing that Trump supporters have incomes higher than the median and are more likely to be small business owners (i.e. petit bourgeoisie) rather than the proles. And yes, there is of course a reason why the white working class is largely supporting Trump but the black working class isn't.

However, there is a need to challenge the tendency of establishment liberals to reduce Trump voters to a strawman, thereby turning the 2016 election into a no-brainer contest between "common decency" and a "basket of deplorables." This is a very comforting narrative for liberals, as allows them to mount a passionate defense of the status quo while patting themselves on the back for doing so. It also gives them a blueprint to defend against future leftist challenges to the status quo by using the same idpol rhetoric against them, as has already been done against S█████ and Corbyn.

Also, even if we accept that the majority of Trump voters are racist and sexist, what then? Do we just keep shouting "racist" and "sexist" at them and tell them to stop being those things? How has that worked so far? Social pressure has its uses, but it won't work on all people, and for some it will only radicalize them further. Spend more than 5 minutes on Holla Forums and you'll notice how many of them are drawn to the far right because of the suffocating smugness of contemporary liberalism and urban cosmopolitanism. Yes, their anger is misplaced, but I can't say it's entirely unjustified.

The thing that bothered me the most about Clinton's "basket of deplorables" speech wasn't the word "deplorable," but "iredeemable." Yes, some people would've been neo-Nazis regardless of whatever circumstances they grew up in, and those people will likely never change. But it's a mistake to write off such a large segment of the population without even attempting to show them where their economic interests truly lie. If you're doing that, you've given up before you've even started, which is pretty much the slogan of the Democratic Party so I guess it makes sense.

It wouldn't be anonymous anymore.

shitty freech/goon no-argument

Sun bombs dropped when?
The OAS is actually sending election observers to the U.S. to monitor for election fraud

We /thirdworld/ now

LOL. We suck.

Neorenaissance when?

1000% agreed, lumping together all of your political opponents with overbroad pop-psych memes lowers ideological discourse to the level of catcalling highschool cliques. Grownups have different opinions for different reasons.

Good post, comrade

They've been saying that for the last 100 years. You don't know what art is, or, what kind of art you really want

Acceptable evidence against Hillary: The podesta emails and George soros shit

Unacceptable: Child sex ring conspiracy theory garbage, Benghazi, WWIII, and Voter Fraud

It's amazing how tinfoils manage to turn some evidence into the 1984 one-world government conspiracy theories about how Hillary shook hands with satan once and is feeding the blood of newborn jews to him

It doesn't matter what's true but what works.

Art is an idea conveyed through human effort, "look ma', I'm so edgy/sophisticated/tax-exempt!" isn't really a message, and if it doesn't require anything from the "artist" over what the average fart joke does, why elevate it?

Modern art's dominance in high culture is a result of capitalism, and will vanish as soon as wealthy patrons no longer have a reason to desire "assets" that can be imbued with "value" absent any investment of rarity or genius, "donated" to each other, and written off as "charity" for monetary and social gain.

Given the quality of the mainstream attacks against Trump in their fervent need to avoid attacking his policy (which they either totally agree with or can't mention without drawing damning questions), I think the latter sort of gutter-crawling might just decide the election.

That is the dumbest thing i've ever head ever.

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 I #VOTED 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Thanks. How old are you btw? The older you are the bigger this achievement is.

Best one yet. Congratulations.

Yeah you're just posting recycled opinions that aren't very versed in art. This is more along the lines of postmodern art. This is modern art.

Neither, are incapable of being art.

This for example, IS Modern Art. It's called the Girl with Mandolin Fanny Tellier, from 1910 by Picasso, who was also a communist. It's an example of Cubism, part of the avant-garde movements of art, and that itself is a hallmark of Modernist Art.

So in other words, if you knew about art you wouldn't use the term modern and post modern inter changeably.

reactionary neofascist scum


Didn't realize I had posted it earlier since 8ch was broken. I was going to vote Stein or write in a meme but the neo-liberal propaganda had me like



I posted this to Holla Forums and said that it was me. It's already generating salt. Thanks for the picture.

>>>Holla Forums8085951

I hope you did it only to piss us off. In that case 10/10.

Subtlety of a hippo on PMS

A.K.A.: formless amateur garbage that desecrated the pages of trade magazines and the splash screens of software throughout the '80s and early '90s because it could be pumped out faster than the project lead could flip through a clip-art catalog for something more appropriate.

I'll bet, just like today's hipster indieshitters! The eternal pretentious twerp, confident in their subversiveness, because just like their ideological development, their "artistic" development consists of focusing on "context" and "message" to the total detriment of content and accomplishment.

Which, given the disposability of both their work and the "artists" themselves, makes them the perfect stooges for the establishment they're too busy narcasistically preening about how much deeper they are to actually attack. Much like all the nu-"left" postmodernist gobbledygook Holla Forums struggles against.

Modernism and postmodernism are indeed quite different, in fact, almost diametrically opposed, in other spheres such as philosophy. But in the sphere of art, both belong to a degredation of execution and results unprecedented in the entire history of art until the rise of capitalism.

Oh boy, imagine the salt when our Posadist candidate wins.

I've been anxiously awaiting for that moment for over a year now.

There's only one kind of salt anybody will get out of that


What a bunch of babies

t. Saul aliksky

They've been like that since the election started. They've easily chased away at least half of their original userbase through shitty moderation. Most of the people that post there now are plebbit refugees that came after the Trump campaign started.

Good job for them they've still got the circlejerking "we are TRUE AND HONEST oldfags" shit going. This whole site became popular in 2014, how anyone ever believed the place wasn't crawling with newfags is beyond me.

I'm absolutely not going to praise Obama for passing the ACA instead of something actually good. Which he could have done, he just didn't want to. Remember the ACA passed without a single republican vote.

This is actually Pablo Picasso, a respected artist the world over, and an open communist, you really don't have a right to criticize.

You really need to read what you write, reflect on it, and think to yourself "Do I want to sound even more pretentious than the group of people I'm calling pretentious?"

That way you don't get hurt in the future by the edge you're wielding

"""""Pablo Picasso"""""""

Oh fuck off

The title of this video.

Oh hey it's conservative propagandist #342341 Bill Whittle. The one who said Rome fell apart because they lost hope or some spooky shit, while blabbing on about muh gutral margizizmz.

Yes, that is Holla Forums's rationale and modus operandi in a nutshell. Which is why they are fucking evil nihilists that need to be smashed.

Trump rushed off stage. Assassination attempt?

That's right, he killed Bin Laden. Not arrest and try by a jury. You know, the way justice is usually served. Assassinated. Against the wishes of the Pakistan government. Once again putting American interests over the national sovereignty of other countries.


Perhaps so, but a global agenda wouldn't do shit against the wishes of the people who live there.


-13/4 you fucking retard. You have no excuse. You already went down the idiot road by voting, then you go next level retard by voting Clinton. Kansas isn't even a swing state so you don't even have that shitty excuse

that's neocon propaganda

Yes, that was Hillary's son, which you never heard about because he was kept solely for rituals by the elites, behind the scenes. They cooked him.

Poor little Billie. ;~;

I like to imagine what happened to him after they got him behind the curtain. If they could, they'd probably guillotine him.

Yeah, Universal Healthcare is great. The Affordable Care Act, not so much. Basically Romneycare 2.0.

It did help me, since I was uninsured, working full time but still couldn't afford it. But a lot of people were mandated to buy it at inflated levels, because the insurance companies could charge basically whatever they wanted.

So, Universal Healthcare = good
ACA = eh

ACA is horrible but it's better than what we had before which was a big old NOTHING.

several dems blocked the public option. whether that means that obama didn't threaten them enough or whatever, i don't know

sorry i'm dumb

So am I going to die under a Trump Presidency? I have a jewish last name and ancestry.

What's going to happen to me?

Don't worry. Trump's daughter converted to globalism herself. He's tight with you people.

Is this a joke? Trump loves Israeli cock.

Trump is honestly the most Kosher candidate out of the 2. His family has gone full jewish, and he can't stop talking about how much he loves Israel. The jews literally give this guy awards for being such a good goyim. He even did campaign commercials for Netanyahu.

It's still anonymous if you aren't using a name.
I'm not sure how IDs work on 8ch but on textboards like 2ch and BAI they change every 24 hours and depend on the thread.

Well at least i'm safe then.

My question is what do us leftists do when trumps enacts himself as fuhrer with the help of the CIA and FBI and America becomes even more fascist?

Are you guys going to tract us down and abduct us into secret communist bunkers while we plan our coup?

Agreed. I had a small potential cancer scare in 2014, and was able to get necessary screening because of the ACA. I was uninsured from age 19 to 26. (I was insured through my job, but the illness made it so I couldn't work, so I lost it & gained medicaid through ACA) Also struggled with opiate addiction during that time, worst time of my life.

Not having access to dental care is also terrible for Americans. The ACA doesn't cover this for people, either, which is bullshit. I remember hearing about a 24 year old guy in a nearby town who died from an infected tooth, because he could only afford one RX, so he got the painkillers instead of the antibiotics(unwise, but he didn't think it would kill him). You shouldn't have to choose. And you shouldn't die from a completely treatable illness that just needs antibiotics in a "first world" country. Hell, I moved to a "third world" country & now have better access to healthcare. RXs are dirt fucking cheap here also.. And I don't need an RX to get basically whatever I want. So.. that's been both convenient & entertaining. :^)


I don't think that's going to be a problem.
Number 1. Clinton is without a doubt going to win.
Number 2. Even if Trump did win, it would just be business as usual. The president doesn't make decisions anymore, he doesn't run the country, he's just a puppet for the globalists. And if one ever did get into office that tried to act independently, he'd get Kennedy'd.

At least try to stay in character while you're over here shitposting and pushing for your meme candidate. It makes it easier for all of us that are trying to pretend you're genuine.

Regular FBI agents may dislike her, but she's got the higher ups of almost every agency in her pocket(as seen by Comey bending over backwards not to indict her, likely due to pressure from Lynch saying she wouldn't prosecute).

you're never anonymous on the Internet



What do you mean?

I couldn't even understand what the rapper was saying. The acoustics were terrible.

No wonder you're such an annoying shitposter

to be honest.. trump looks like he staged this
Ive been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me

In case it wasn't clear, I wasn't one of the boys. I went in there and was like "what the hell are you kids doing?" but I didn't say anything because I didn't wanna seem like a jackass.

Thanks for sharing.

but seriously, I had an epiphany moment when that "birther" resurgence was in the news. Hillary started the questions about Obama's "roots", then trump ran with it. Every time Hillary tanks in the polls, trump does something outrageous to steal the headlines. Fishy.


Too late, user.

Wow, this is honestly the worst emotional appeal I've seen. Good try though!


A CTR shill on Holla Forums. Never thought I'd see the day

many trump voters identify the problems that come with companies having far more leverage in employment markets. that is, build wall -> illegals out -> less cheap exploitable labor -> better working conditions
they just don't see the bigger picture



Are you getting paid overtime?

I do it for freedom


Muh reddit text

Hate to xpost here but /freech/ really has upped their game with such low numbers see
Identical to >>>Holla Forums8089818

xposting is fine, especially when calling out bullshit or spamming.

What the sam diddly heck is /freech/ supposed to be anyway?

They're desperately tring to become relevant as they're on their death knell. They tried getting Holla Forums to raid them a couple of weeks ago so their user count would go higher than 30, but everyone just laughed at them.

Just ignore them, they'll be dead by next year.

A bunch of liberal weebs who got lost on their way to SomethingAwful.

shitposting X infiniti, shitting up other boards, trying to cause drama & infighting within other boards

>Make shit up like Xposting

Abbey Martin's got a new special all about John Podesta:

sup Holla Forums

low tier

I'm honestly curious, what primeval backwater do you hail from?

Under a Trump reign of terror, we leftists will use the mayhem as cover to brutally purge liberal filth from among us, and emerge stronger than ever.

I think that by "Universal Healthcare" he means the ACA, of which that is an eminently fair criticism. Don't think buddy mentioned whether he's got any health care at home or not.

One of you bastards are /freech/ or possibly you're just one goon… Still, its time to fess up.

I think it's safe to go with

Because I can't see /intil/ outing or blaming themselves, like the other poster. I used to deal with those fuckers on /n/ all the time. They'd constantly shill for Trump & make bogus arguments. I couldn't see an actual trump supporter spending all that time, day after fucking day, arguing for Trump on that board, even when the topic was unrelated to the news story.

The crab posting was kinda funny though.

Should I make a poopoo peepee joke or a Pajeet joke?

Go with as Holla Forums, I mean. Wasn't clear.

I bet I could sell Hillary's shit on ebay to some of her supporters.


Just do it comrade, but don't make Pepes, they are used by the alt-right mongrels

How much do you think they would pay for a solid turd? Serious question.

Take your retarded drama elsewhere.

Depends on with or without corn.

I don't want drama bullshit and i don't expert for anyone to reply, i just post how i am disappointed in this shit and how there to post about the thread after the shit happen.

*no posts

Fair enough.

So according to Al Franken it's antisemitic to criticize the banking industry or to imply that they collude with government for favorable treatment. What do you guys think?

Jews are communist, so it is antisemitic to criticize communism.

I can't believe how much of a cocksucker this guy has become. I had some great laughs at Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.

Do you expect us to click that shit? Archive is your friend.

Based Aragorn is going Green too. Not sure this is the best use of Stein's time right now though.

You are actually a retard.

Kill yourself


a great video that hurts a common enemy.

Yeah. This shit kills me. When Trump went after international bankers a few weeks ago, he mentioned nothing about Jews but the entire media went, "He's attacking Jews!" I watched that speech live and never ever thought he was being anti-Semitic. As /pol would say, they tell on themselves. I'm still not 100% convinced there's a dark room full of Jews smoking cigars who run the world, but its also hard to ignore their prevalence in financial/political/cultural power centers and their group think.

I think Jews are actually used as a kind of reverse scapegoat now. The system pushes Jewish bankers to the front in order to label any criticism against banks as anti-semitism. It's not that weird considering that neoliberalism was established after WW2 in the name of preventing "fascism" (even Keynesian economics were dangerous to them), so the success of American Jews post-WW2 was ideologically very beneficial for the neoliberal system, whereas before Jews very excluded in America - couldn't even get into good schools for example.

Which country are you in now?

Fuck off Holla Forums

I'm guessing India. I've heard you get a lot of stuff over the counter there, Europeans are ordering shit from there as well.

poor reading comprehension

No, I read

Fuck off

More like poor trolling comprehension!

You included more than one post.

Yup. And there were two of the same person. one was saying Holla Forums and collectivism share a common enemy.

You really need to work on your poor reading comprehension.

Reminder to Collect your Holla Forums posts for November 9th. We can never allow those fuckwits live down the fact that they supported an orange liberal form new york as their "savior".

It's the whole purpose of identity politics, driving everything back to the identity of people rather than their actions. So any criticism against them is against who they are rather than what they do: Critizice Hillary? You're only doing it because she's a woman! Critizice a banker? You're only doing it because (Because Jew = Bank of course).
It's using the rejection of racism and sexism as a way to kill contestation. The question is, what will be killed first? Contestation of the system or rejection of racism and sexism?
It's exactly what happened in Gamergate on a smaller scale.

Romney would have won so easily this year. The Republicans ran him too early.

Have you even watched the teleSur video? The third post was mine where I said that the 20th century tragedy of Jews has been abused in order to block any actual criticism of the system.
I support certain forms of feminism, but it's reactions like that make all feminists seem like retarded witch hunters.

Romney is a rich and insanely boring shit pile who ran against a popular incumbent, just like John Kerry.

Also 4/pol/s 99999999 GET is coming too.

So what? He'd be running against Hillary assuming he made out of the primary. Who knows, maybe Trump would've owned him by calling him Spineless Mitt or something.

If you want to talk about the way the market is currently, or how the government is structured, by all means, start.

But the only person dwelling on identity politics right now is you, and you're wanting more of it by throwing a hissy fit at someone accusing you of being a Holla Forums shill.

Be the change you want to see, because I'm fairly positive for the reading comprehension I don't have, I could probably hold a conversation on the topic of defense contractors to government spending a fuck longer than you could.

EG I believe you're distracting yourself or you're Holla Forums

Trump would've spanked him harder than Jeb.

No, I'm a Russian hacker.

I'd like to see those Romney bring up Trump's bankruptcies in a debate room with him. And Trump then bringing up the shit with Bain Capital. Two would try to outdo their "I'm a good businessman" shtick.

Here's hoping the world is awful enough they both run again in 2020. Given everything it wouldn't be surprising if they do.


Feminists are all retarded witch hunters.

I know you're a disciple of narrow minded ideology and can't even think about an issue if it doesn't agree perfectly with you tiny set of precepts, but if you can't see how these people are discussing how liberals have been able to easily re-purpose idpol to defend capitalism against any form of criticism kys.

Antisemitism in the modern world is even less of a problem than deeply triggering and problematic racism

And like accusations of "reverse racism" it's generally thrown around to silence legitimate criticism.

I'd rather watch you talk about shit that actually matters, than engaging in the discussing the highly volatile identity politics that brings Holla Forums here.

It's not a good idea.


Holla Forums just got BTFO like never before

What are you on about again?

comey decided to not indict clinton just now

They spent the last 4 or 5 days convincing themselves there was an FBI coup because of a pedophile ring and Satan worship. Lmao.

Comey just released this statement:

Holla Forums is in full damage control

I feel like this election is a choice to play Russian Roulette with one of two revolvers, where each is guaranteed to have at least 5 bullets, but one or both could have 6, and basically we're all fucked and our best hope is a misfire.

LOL. This is but a taste of the salt that is to come on Tuesday. Holy shit, a whole year of dealing with these insufferable faggots is about to come to head in just a few days. The anticipation is fucking killing me.

What happens after Hillary wins?

Do we go back to trolling the SJWs on tumblr and twitter?

Butthurt on imageboards might be one of the few things that make Shillary's victory worthwhile.

Nothing so useless, sad wretch of a human.

We try making them irrelevant, at least.

It's the only thing that makes it worthwhile.

Nuclear war is fine too.

Nuclear war is a given whoever wins.

I'm been let down too many times in my life. I refuse to get my hopes up about things like that.


Climate change might kill us though.

At least it will be a slow horrible death and at least nature will be killing us.

I want the earth to take revenge on us Humans

It's more like applying a built in heater on itself so exinctify those pesky humans.

AKA a living organism using a fever to try to kill off bacteria or a virus.

What if the earth really is a living organism?

I assume you wrap yourself up in a blanket to help the fever as well?

Hillary just won the election.

Thank fucking God, guys. Are you guys happy?

You might just be onto something there Karl.

It's a shame that the FBI declined to bust the elite pedophile ring though.

No, I like to breath in as many poisnous gasses as possible while injecting toxic waste directly into my bloodstream to try to cure it.

It is. The Earth's biosphere, that is.

Thanks burgers, we will return the favor soon.

Hack'em to pieces

Direct them all to the South please

I guess it's going to be even harder to spread class consciousness. Fun times.

She'll win the election and lose the country.

A fitting end. Hope you fellas are ready for the happening

But I wanted to spend my post-apocalyptic days down on the beach somewhere nice and warm.

She will be assassinated during her presidency.

I voted for Hillary because I want to maintain the status quo for a while longer. It sucks, yeah and I would have much preferred B████ but I don't understand how we're going to enact Communism by letting Orange Hitler use the presidential podium for getting rid of anything he doesn't like. That's what scares me about him.

I doubt it

Why are you such a fucking faggot?

I heard the same about Obama. Then he completed the transformation into Bush, kept Guantanamo, etc. so there was no need for the great defender of the status quo to be assassinated by the usual suspects.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums retard

If you have a choice between an outright racist. sexist quasifascist and a corrupt neoliberal psuedoprogressive you should always choose the latter because less people will be hurt. How many Muslims, women and hispanics will be hurt by a Trump presidency? How many workers will suffer because of the incompetence of the orange clown? Think before you say stupid shit like this. Yes she is fucking awful but she's still slightly better than him.

Honestly I'm getting quite sick of you accelerationism fags.

Hillary is much more deeply hated due to her long history, and she's not even a president yet.

You can doubt it, but it won't prevent some unemployed redneck from doing it. It might even be you who'll do it.

Fuck you ignorant American.

…you vote for neither you faggot. If you really have some primordial need to legitimize bourgeois elections, then at least stop voting for some "less evil" porky shit and vote for some left/centre left party, be it Greens, SPUSA or something else altogether to help them somehow.

How's it feel living in a fantasy world where things are still salvageable?

No, she constructed much of revisions to the post-cold war deep state during her stint at the state department, she's needed far more than Obama because of her necessary part of the structure of everything.

Secret Service is far more advanced than it was for Reagan, the president is going to be around over 100 secret service agents anywhere at any given time monitoring the vicinity around them.

I seriously doubt that there's going to be anything more than a number of failed attempts.


Is this a joke?

You forgot homophobic, no +1$ for you.

your mind on liberalism

Why does CTR always use the Marx/leftcom/hammer&sickle/etc flags? It's like they're so steeped in liberal indoctrination they completely lack awareness of any ideological nuance on the left, and assume "hurr, dirty reds".

This is incredible, it seems to have vaguely grasped the idea that "neoliberalism" is seen as a bad thing, but it doesn't understand why. It flails vaguely about "muh literally Hitler", "muhnorities", and "muh incompetence", but it can't put a finger on anything bad Trump could realistically accomplish.

It wouldn't even have to mention taboos like mass economic immigration, offshoring, warmongering, or domestic infrastructure decay. It could just point to his tax policy recycled verbatim from Paul Ryan, or his quite possibly fobbing off the presidency to establishment Republicans like Pence to act as a mere figurehead. But it can't, because it actually agrees with all those things, because liberals are Republicrats.

We've reached full "left"/"right" porky convergence.


The banaman weighs in:

Trump is a Clinton plant anyway.

This tbh.

Why are Alt-right losers so easily triggered?

They are honest to god SJW-tier. Their lack of self-awareness is amazing.

Good Gundam reference.

When a certain group gains prominence, they become smug pieces of shit making people hate them and drift towards the opposite political movements. Retardation of tumblrinas spawned anti-SJWs laughing at them, many of them later getting into alt-right. Now alt-right's retardation is spawning the opposition against them, which will probably become liberal/leftist flavoured retards, thus closing the cycle.

The joke is only starting with Clinton's victory mate. We're in for really bad times

Idpol begates idpol, basically.

Isn't that how hegelian/marxist dialectical method works?

It isn't idpol. It's an uneducated American public responding in anger to problems within the system we might or might not have, with proud opinions, being fed eventually by the new tabloids that support their opinions politically.

And soon things become so twisted, especially because of the internet, they stop caring about the issues, and start caring about each other, and when they find everyone is cold and divided, well they just become cold and divided to, and do whatever the crowd wants.

My point is, don't buy into the hype of the crowd in American politics, you end up worshiping someone like Trump as if he can do no wrong as a replacement for the cold in your heart.

Are you retarded?

By that logic it sounds like it will happen to us. Or we'll just all be nihilists.

It's a euphemism, don't get upset.

I remember reading a book by Steven Pinker(probably not very liked around these parts), I think it was The Blank Slate that criticized political correctness in one chapter and how, according to him, one of its greatest dangers was that it could spawn dark counter-culture of political incorrectness.

How far we have come.


They're the ones that gave us Hillary. America gets the government it deserves.

One of my favorite memes from /s4s/. That board is the only reason I regret getting perma-banned from 4chan for cp after posting an MSPaint picture with the words CP on it and saying that CP was now a meme.

And American whites who get upset at identities like women and minorities, for getting upset at identities like being white, and you're all pissed off at the most non issue shit that could have been solved through more effective methods

You end up with Trump. Who is honestly just as bad as Hillary.

Stop caring about how women and minorities are fucking you over and start talking about issues that convince others to actually do shit to fix the mess we're currently getting in worldwide. We have an educated public doing ass backwards decision making and it's not going to be good when it pops.

IMO they are like:

If left-wing edgyism will get as big on the internet as SJWs and Holla Forumstards before us, then it surely will, I can already see the seeds that signal the fall of such movement.

How convenient for you. After all, it's not like an end to neocon adventurism and neolib open borders at the cost of the middle class could possibly have anything to do with the unprecedented popularity of Trump, [REDACTED], and similar figures all around the world.

Nope, nothing to be concerned about, no ideological awakening, jus' dem raysis seksis ol' noozis up to dey ol' tricks agin'.

I just want workers to own the MOP and some free 2ds man.

If minorities hadn't voted Hillary during the primaries we would've gotten B████. So shut up.

If not for women voting for Hillary because she's a woman, and blacks voting for Hillary because of nostalgia for Bill or whatever, we could have had B████, who would probably be up 20 points on Trump right now. A candidate with the views of Trump who was even mildly more competent would have easily beaten Hillary, and Trump might still win anyway.

Trump is worse than Hillary, but this is precisely why I want him to win. I just want to watch the destruction unfold.

Point out what I said was wrong about going forward not relying on yelling at women and minorities for voting for Clinton. Go ahead and see where that ends up.

It's not going to end up where it wants you to end up.

And you're still going to be pissed off.

So the way I see it, you're just as afflicted with idpol as them, and it's just going to get worse. Focus on the issues, and keep on topic on them, or else you just get pissed off the American public voted for the wrong person again. Because if you keep getting mad at that, you're already suckered in to the problem that keeps everyone voting in the first place.

Reformists are great. They don't solve your problems either.

And it wasn't "women and minorities", who made Clinton win. It's apathy of the leftist base and voter turn out.

And yes, idpol. But you're not going to convince voters this way if you want to play the retarded game of getting invested in American elections.

This is the kinds of thinking that idpol gets you in. "Fuck everything, no solutions waah", it's counter intuitive and it's just going to make idpol worse anyways, along with every other demographic down side appealing more to Hillary like Democrats, so what the fuck is the point of a Trump win.

Both are destructive.

But if you focus on the demographics of voters like everyone is fucking doing, you just end up dividing yourselves and getting frustrated.

>>>Holla Forums

14/88 and le jewz amirite? xD

as Marx said, politics is not driven by material conditions, but by people having mean ideas for no raisen

Had to meet with a bunch of normies last night.
Found something interesting - they were complaining that reddit is shit now because its home of the alt-right.
When you're in a chan bubble you just picture it as a liberal shithole, and yet that's now how basic bitches see it.

I wouldn't guess reddit has as much overlap between subreddits like the chans and their boards. I'd guess if you were to draw maps showing the overlap between users and different subreddits you'll find subreddits form concentrated groups with little connection the the rest of the site.

Clinton didn't win because of brainwashed minorities, and she didn't win because of apathy, anymore than dubya won because of Nader: Any exit poll will tell you she won because she cheated, and [REDACTED] cucked out instead of calling her on it.


That could be interpreted in a number of ways, so I apologize if I misread you, but the most straightforward one is "Trump is powered primarily by idpol", which is simply false.

Beggorah, 1/2 shilling has been deposited ta ye account.

Yeah, I'm in India. The average RX costs about 100 rupees here, which is $1.50. That's for antibiotics, painkillers(the good stuff), anything, really. My parents are coming here to visit soon for my wedding. They'll likely bring their RXs, but they'll be able to save those for later, once I take them to the pharmacy. They're going to be shocked to see how cheap they are, just like I was.

My dad also has Hepatitis C, and has needed treatment for years, but couldn't afford it. :( So we're going to take him to doctors while he's here to try & get him some good treatment before he goes back. Now that he has a passport, if we can find the same treatment for cheaper(very likely), we'll see about getting him to come back routinely for treatment. Like I said, he's been putting it off for years, so it will be awesome if this happens. It will extend his life substantially.

I've heard some bloodcurdling horror stories about medical fraud in the 3rd world, especially SE Asia. I hope you guys are super careful about where you get your meds.

Well, the economy could start to crash on November 9 as a result the uncertainty surrounding a Trump presidency. The EU far right, emboldened by a Trump presidency, could start the breakup of the EU. Trump could cause NATO to disintegrate by pulling out of it. There would certainly be heightened racial tensions.

How is it false? What is he powered by? Policy?

No. Any more so than Clinton. This is the problem with US elections it gets everyone on hair pin triggers furious about fucking demographics

/r/fullcommunism called, they want you back

Yes. Build the Wall.

The great wall of angry identity politics brought to you by Atlantic City

I always knew New Jersey would be the death of us

t. Pennsylvanian

No, the wall along the Mexican border. To stopper illegal immigrants from Latin and South America.
The other incredibly popular policy he has is to put heavy import taxes on manufactures that move factories over seas.
These are the core Trump policies and have been from the earliest days of his primary campaign.

He's powered by people finally being fed up with the offshoring, the pointless wars, the immigration, the total lack of domestic investment, the socialist bailouts for big business juxtaposed against ruthless capitalism for their victims, the smokescreen of preening about "progress" on social "issues" and "upsizing" jobs into a globalized "new economy".

The middle class can see through the neocon/neolib antipopulist scam that's dominated establishment politics since the 1970s, they don't care about the distracting slapfight between fundies and SJWs, they want their jobs back.

They saw efforts like Occupy and the Tea Party fail, this time candidates with a serious shot at the polls finally appealed to them without any reservations, and they know their time is finally at hand after 40 years of Reaganomics and New Democrats.


Including himself? Wew.

Yeah, it's angry in the simplest fucking terms. It isn't about policy reform, it's about a literal giant wall to keep mexicans out.

It's the latter's language, so simplistic, that appeals to the angry part of voters minds, fueled by an identity.

Keep the hispanics out with a wall.

It isn't policy. It's identity politics.

I really don't see it, since none of his base is actually talking about the specifics of those issues. They're only brought up in passing as reasons to vote for him. It's secondary.

The primary is just pure focus on demographic anger.

Mostly anger at Washington, corporations, the media, being sold out countless times and regarded as less than shit by the American "left" while being screwed every year by the right, anxieties over employment because of immigration, etc.

Trump will also sell them out, but he seems like he won't. I imagine some of his supporters are aware he will as well, but they view voting for him as the only way of registering any protest.

You're really giving the voting public too much credit.Trump mostly has votes by his base because he's a Republican who says what they want to hear.

As if right on time to prove my point, he just made a speech in Minnesota yelling about the tiny population of Somalian refugees, c;aiming Minnesota has suffered enough from them.

It's all idpol man open your eyes

No, idpol isn't "being angry". Idpol is "it's time for a woman" "prosecuting banks makes you an antisemite" and "if your white and angry you don't matter"

Nationalism, or even nativism, is not identity politics

That's a debunked meme, the official Trump hats were all made in the USA, only the unlicensed knockoffs weren't. If you want to bait Trumpenproles, point to other 3rd-world products like his completely official glassware, designer clothes, and so on.

It's both

And that demographic is the middle class, the former lifelong Democrats who watched as their union jobs were swallowed up in the crumbling chasm of the rust belt's decay.


Spooky, fampai.



Never suggested it was.

It is you're right. But it's also more than that.

Please, this is the American Republican party, they may hold those views, but they don't give a shit enough to read about them to care about instituting policy. The most they get out of Trump is simple answers to complex problems. A wall will stop immigration because it's a wall duh stupid. Refugees are fucking with us because they're from scary places like Somalia we have to keep our kids safe.

It's the same kind of shit packaged and wrapped in another layer of shit that all tastes the same every election that we just think is new.

You're describing the ideal Trump supporter, not the typical Trump supporter. In broad historical terms, it's true that Trump's candidacy is the end result of failed neoliberal policies, self-congratulatory elites, the degradation of social support networks, and so on.

That doesn't change the fact that most (but not all) of his voters are still social and economic conservatives who would've begrudgingly voted for Generic Free Market Republican #45 if Trump hadn't entered the race.

The only thing that socialism will bail big business out of is a helicopter.

"Middle-class" is an empty term that describes nobody in particular. It is a useless identity with no material basis.

And how is he going to stop that? With taxes? Taxes that he is incapable of getting into the budget? Taxes that will only apply to people who pay U.S. federal taxes? You can not detatch the U.S. from global capitalism without revolution.

They have a point. You just can't see what that point is, because you have done no analysis of the global economy. The point of those foreign adventures is to secure resources at a cost far less than their actual value. This is necessary to keep the economic center full of enough commodities to placate the workers there and to provide the parasitic capitalist class with everything that it desires.

Sucker. Trump even said that he was going to give out a record number of work visas. Building a wall across a border that is seeing more south-bound traffic than north-bound traffic is a non-solution to a problem that he openly plans to exascerbate.

What, you expect him to pass a New Deal?

I've heard them, too. But I haven't had any issues so far, and I've been here for almost 2 years. (I live in a bigger city, Bangalore, atm) They mostly happen in poor villages. :( I remember reading about a child from a village who needed eye drops for something, and it turns out they were counterfeit, so the kid went blind. I dunno if just temporarily.

I always make sure to do my research. Make sure the company is good & that the packaging is professional. Tbh, I started taking opiates again for the illness, and they're damn good/safe. And there are a lot of European medicines here(I'm new to this, they use Euro more than the US does). I use French face wash & UK multivitamins prescribed for my acne atm. Works well & is safe.

As far as doctors, you have to do your research, and go to a more expensive clinic(which is still damn cheap compared to the US). You need to go to bigger cities for the best/specialty care. That's what my SO's parents do, too. They're from a smaller village. So there's definitely a trade-off; you just have to be smart about it.

I'll share two short stories to give you an idea. When I first got here, I came down with a fever from the long flight & temp. changes(it was winter when I left in US, like summer here). So I went to a smaller doctor here & they give paracetemol(tylenol) injections for fever. That was new to me. I didn't want to, but needed something. It was how you'd imagine a third world country doctor's office to be, and I'd never go back.

I also needed dental work. Again, a friend recommended a dentist, and the office was small. It wasn't as clean as I'd like, but he did good work. After the emergency care was done, I told my SO I wouldn't be going back. The dentist got pissed, lmao, and used his status as an elder to pressure us into paying for the cancelled appointment. We did, and didn't return. I remember saying it was like the "Wild West", as far as people being able to pressure you & not be totally professional.

So I learned form that. Now I go to the bigger hospitals. I found a good dentist who fixed my bridge & root canal. I'd gotten the beginning of a root canal in the US, from a student dentist, because it's all I could afford. That student fucked my shit up; I was in a shitload of pain. The new dentist here asked where I'd gotten it done, because it was done badly(which explained the pain). So the Indian dentist fixed it & I've not had problems since.

Long stories short, just go to the bigger medical facilities here & you're fine. If you go to a smaller, village medical facility & you can be in for trouble.

The biggest thing for me was actually being able to get care. Even if it takes a little more shopping, I'm happy to be able to receive care, at all. Sorry for blogpost; wanted to explain properly.

And it's not motivated by policy to help them. If they did they would vote for some hard leftist, which they had the chance to, but didn't. So now it's Trump, who hardly has any B████ cross voters since they're all mostly going to vote for Clinton now because she's the safe one.

I just see it this way.

Trump maybe new, but we're giving his voting base waaaaay too much credit on what they see as good policy that isn't motivated by identity. They're motivated by the same Reaganite Republican principles.


What is a nation if not an immaterial identity?

If another Republican who promised more free trade but said the right things on social issues and immigration was running instead of Trump, these same people would be voting for that Republican instead. The Republican base is overwhelmingly motivated by social issues, and are only "economically right-wing" insofar as these policies don't benefit minorities or other groups perceived as lazy.

Oh I see why so many Trumpfags are in this thread. You're all nazbols and stirnirfags

Nazbols and Stirnirfags are not leftists. Neither are tankies nor Anarkiddies.

Leftist = socdem, Leninists, and Marxists. The rest are shitposting ideologies.

I've heard them, too. But I haven't had any issues so far, and I've been here for almost 2 years. (I live in a bigger city, Bangalore, atm) They mostly happen in poor villages. :( I remember reading about a child from a village who needed eye drops for something, and it turns out they were counterfeit, so the kid went blind. I dunno if just temporarily.

I always make sure to do my research. Make sure the company is good & that the packaging is professional. Tbh, I started taking opiates again for the illness, and they're damn good/safe. And there are a lot of European medicines here(I'm new to this, they use Euro more than the US does). I use French face wash & UK multivitamins prescribed for my acne atm. Works well & is safe.

As far as doctors, you have to do your research, and go to a more expensive clinic(which is still damn cheap compared to the US). You need to go to bigger cities for the best/specialty care. That's what my SO's parents do, too. They're from a smaller village. So there's definitely a trade-off; you just have to be smart about it.

I'll share two short stories to give you an idea. When I first got here, I came down with a fever from the long flight & temp. changes(it was winter when I left in US, like summer here). So I went to a smaller doctor here & they give paracetemol(tylenol) injections for fever. That was new to me. I didn't want to, but needed something. It was how you'd imagine a third world country doctor's office to be, and I'd never go back.

I also needed dental work. Again, a friend recommended a dentist, and the office was small. It wasn't as clean as I'd like, but he did good work. After the emergency care was done, I told my SO I wouldn't be going back. The dentist got pissed, lmao, and used his status as an elder to pressure us into paying for the cancelled appointment. We did, and didn't return. I remember saying it was like the "Wild West", as far as people being able to pressure you & not be totally professional.

So I learned form that. Now I go to the bigger hospitals. I found a good dentist who fixed my bridge & root canal. I'd gotten the beginning of a root canal in the US, from a student dentist, because it's all I could afford. That student fucked my shit up; I was in a shitload of pain. The new dentist here asked where I'd gotten it done, because it was done badly(which explained the pain). So the Indian dentist fixed it & I've not had problems since.

Long stories short, just go to the bigger medical facilities here & you're fine. If you go to a smaller, village medical facility & you can be in for trouble.

The biggest thing for me was actually being able to get care. Even if it takes a little more shopping, I'm happy to be able to receive care, at all. Sorry for blogpost; wanted to explain properly.

wtf 8ch

Could you just stop trying to piss people off with irony

I know we have some simple people here but it's not worth the effort my man

This can't be overstated. Trump's white working class supporters want a robust, efficient welfare state for themselves and ruthless free market competition for blacks and Hispanics (who lack personal responsibility and have a "culture of poverty", dontcha know).

It has a role, but it's not the sole motivating force of his campaign, certainly not as much as the anger against elites Trump has been trying to exploit.

Clinton's campaign relies more on identity politics than Trump's does as the latter can at least pretend to be "against the establishment and elites" despite being a billionaire real estate developer; Clinton, on the other hand, has almost nothing else to recommend her save "experience."

Trump does certainly make use of identity politics, but it's not the end-all be-all of why most of his supporters are voting for him. It's the underlying political and economic frustrations.

That's true, but I don't think even most of those conservatives are conservatives in any deep way but merely as a vague feeling of affiliation and surface identification, and identity can be very malleable.

irony? more like low-effort shitposting. Anfem would know bout that

If Trump were just running on a more blatant reissue of the usual Republican spooks and classcuckery platform, why is he drawing such phenomenal support among people who usually don't care about the election? And why is he so spastically opposed by the establishment? He isn't just boorish and loud, he's saying things that New Deal Democrats used to say, but which have been politically incorrect for four decades of neocon/neolib political hegemony, and that's attracting attention, much like [REDACTED].

"Socialism for us, capitalism for them", "socialize losses, privatize profits", I'm sure you've probably heard numerous formulations of this sentiment toward the neoconservatism.

Gee, maybe the same way the U.S. detached from Gilded Age transnational capitalism in the early 1900s, by instituting strict trade tariffs and harsh immigration quotas?

No, they are digging and filling ditches, funneling taxes from the public purse, through fake contractors, into porky's pockets. Like Ike said, it's the MIA, the biggest embezzlement scheme in history.

That's absolutely true, but do the media ever call him on it, or the fact that illegal immigration's ~10 million is a meme number compared to the far higher number of legal immigrants? Nope! Because if they did, it would reveal their hand. But Trump's supporters think it's part of the problem, and hopefully his immigration policy will either be fixed before it's enacted, or Trump's supporters will notice the gaping "big beautiful door"-shaped hole.

That's false, the reverse was extremely brief, confined entirely to the nadir of the recession in 2009. Even Mexicans alone only stalled for a few years before surpassing 2008 numbers last year.

His supporters certainly do, and he's (in his usual flip-flopp-y way) said as much on numerous occasions. If he's held to it, it could happen. Clinton has repeatedly stonewalled on the issue, just like Obama before her.

Trump voters' income is above the natural average. Most are older, petty-bourgeois types.

As far as I can tell, Trump voters are angry about elites because they view the elites as wielding minorities against them as part of a larger plot to destroy "real America" and its way of life. Most of their concerns are over social issues, like idpol on college campuses, BLM, religion in public life, abortion, rights for gays and transexuals, and so on. On any right-wing board, almost all discussion is about social issues, and economics is limited to "Outsourcing - bad" and "Welfare, a thing the darkies need to stop getting".

I hate how those politics always work on some people. Give them a lazy explanation of why they're in the position they're in, in this case, "lazy welfare queens". My family in the country, are cool as fuck, great people. But the worst comes out of them with this sort of politics.

I saw my favorite cousin years back, posting anti-welfare(really, anti-black) stupid videos on facebook. I just ignored it. It's hard to talk to even your family about it, because they get so defensive. If she didn't live 4 hrs away, I'd just go to her house & have a long talk, explain who the "real" enemy is - the politicians who use these lazy tactics, while getting paid by corporations/lobbyists. While completely ignoring the citizens' needs & ship jobs overseas with shitty "trade deals".

Like that great webm related, it doesn't matter what color you are. We're all struggling against the same thing, and it's not each other. They keep you divided while continuing to do business as usual, enriching themselves.

The Republican base has reached a high point of hysteria due to having a black president. What could be better evidence of the ruling class wielding minorities against Real Americans?

Trump has added token opposition to sending American soldiers overseas to fight in wars (note: this is not actual opposition to the massacre of foreign peoples, this is actually good as long as American blood is not spilled over such subhumans) and advocates protectionism and immigration restriction. These points have made him more popular than previous Republican candidates. My point is that social issues are the prime concern for Republican voters, and things like foreign policy and economics are secondary.

So who's forecast to win now?

Honestly, I'd say the social issues are primary for the alt-right. The foreign policy & economics are more intertwined at the front for the usual republican voter/base.

That's not to say abortion hasn't been a mainstay. For the idiots of any part of that base or alt-right.

The coronation is imminent.

Trump assassination attempt was fake.

Step back from the idpol for a second, and ask yourself: When was the last time somebody notable running for the presidency unambiguously decried the transnational neocon/neolib agenda, probably Ross Perot? What about from the big 2 parties? The Trump/[REDACTED] populist phenomenon is a huge deal.

I think too much time inside the internet bubble has warped our perspective, the aut-right (and the stormnigger lamphreys clinging to their rectums) are probably just a meme in practical terms.

Trump isn't opposing anyone is the point, and he's playing the Republican base like a damn fiddle.

Trump is an orange Huey

Oh yeah. The liberals love to pretend that is what socialism means.

It did no such thing. The U.S. was an industrialized net exporter at the beginning of the 20th century. American industry kept shipping goods out. They passed tariffs, because goods were being manufactured within the United States in excess of what was being consumed within the United States. Tariffs only served to discourage foreign competition.

Now, can you see how that may not work for a post-industrial net importer? There is insufficient domestic production to meet the consumption rate of the population. That means that all tariffs will do is drive up the cost of consumption. Before you think that will lead to the Invisible Hand (PBUH) causing the United States to re-industrialize, remember that the raw materials that are required for industrial production are primarily overseas, which means, once again, massive importation, the cost of which will be sent through the roof by the collapse of international trade relationships and the economic imperialist system that the neoliberals were using to keep them in place. This leads us to those wars that you think are pointless…

What they are doing is taking control of vast resources by establishing proxy governments that will keep those resources in the hands of private international corporations. It's a scam alright, but the American taxpayers are not the only people getting scammed. The poor bastards in the occupied countries are having their livelihood stolen under the watch of their puppet rulers. This is precisely why you should think of capitalism internationally. Everybody, regardless of homeland, is being fucked over by the same bunch of assholes.

You may be right. None the less, what good does keeping the illegals out when Trump is just going to make them all legal as the people who are smuggling them in need them?

He cannot hold congress to it. They pass the budgets.

Completely possible. I was offline for a long time, when I came back, I saw this "SJW" menace BS everywhere I turned.

When being offline, in a rural state, no one pays attention or even knows what an SJW is. They're too busy worrying about real life, say to day living.

Also, with republicans in my extended(not immediate) family, I see most of them are just worried about their economic well being. They're just confused at who to direct it at.

Not saying idpol isn't dangerous or becoming bigger, though. I see it more so in the form of smug facebook posts that try to influence you to be more PC, now. Normies use FB constantly, so it's becoming more of an issue.

day to day*

It's going to become a very real issue when people who grew up on facebook are the majority of the US voters

Trump the man isn't as important as Trump the phenomenon. Look at the way B████crats cleaved so neatly from him when he sold out just as keikaku, and look at the absolutely crucial populist issues being raised (even if incidentally) by Trump. If the Trumpenproles aren't complete retards (and if trying to attack Trump from the issues instead of screeching "muh current year" causes some introspection among liberal "leftists), the fires Trump has lit may burn brighter than ever even if they escape Trump's control.

You are wrong, read your history. Imports and exports both dropped, as did immigration, while middle-class prosperity exploded alongside productivity. The current neolib/neocon global order is just a mirror of the Gilded Age. It was slain before, and that fact means it can be put down again.

I didn't mean leftist idpol, that's a definite danger in total iron-grip control of every leftist institution from academia, to media/PR, to corporate HR, to government/NGOs, with the full might of the law on their side. Not omnipresent by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely well established.

I mean the alt-right and their fellow travelers, who are completely ostracized from influence of any kind in politics and society, as well as hounded ruthlessly by the law in their more extreme examples.

Fb, its reach & the ability to dumb down voters is a real problem. That's what I see the biggest issue with.

Groupthink & being in your own "political" bubble is also scary.

Sure, I was just using the extreme left as an example. Even as big a reach they have on the internet & sometimes irl, I never saw it. I was poor, didn't have much internet connection & the people I hung with were about the same. It's a very different life than what I'm living now & seeing online.

And yeah, I never saw any type of alt-righters irl, either.

Absentee voting is down 20% in Detroit but up 27% in Michigan as a whole:

Public transit strike in Philadelphia is expected to suppress black turnout:

Post yfw Trump wins the Rust Belt and the presidency.


Wait, are you saying that because of a public transit strike in Philadelphia it is going to have a national effect on black voter turnout and win the election for Clinton's easy win plant? How fucking delusional do you have to be? I cannot wait until Tuesday my man. LOL.

Is this bait? If black Philadelphians don't vote then Trump has a much better chance of winning PA, and if he wins PA then he probably wins overall.

And I'm not a Trump partisan, nor do I think he's probably going to win, so enough with the butthurt.

If you think or have ever thought at any point in this election that Trump has any chance to win this election then you are incredibly retarded. The whole point of him getting the nomination was to make it as easy as possible for that cunt Hillary to win, or at least make it believable that she won.

DNCleaks 2

Why are you even in this thread if you have no interest in the election?

You apparently don't even understand how the Electoral College gives certain places like Philadelphia national importance, so I don't think I'll be taking lessons from you.

See, right here is why Hilary absolutely cannot win. Either she looses to Trump or she looses to Congress. She either melts down on Tuesday or she melts down next spring.

The President is basically elected by the Rust Belt and Florida each year.

To shitpost and have a good time.

What are you even doing on this site?

I'm gonna go play some Battlefield now. I'll be back on later to call you a faggot.

yep, Hilary is fucked

Trump is going to win because most Democrats won't turn out while every single Republican will. In a race to the bottom, the GOP have passed through the earth's core while Hilary is stuck in a shallow grave.

That would be an amazing gift

Who will generate more and finer salt if the election goes against them, Holla Forumsyps or Tumblrinas?

That doesn't make sense. Either the President is elected by popular vote or he isn't (pro tip:
he's not). But I guess you had to respond somehow or risk losing face.

Retard detected.

It's inevitable, assuming she wins. Congress wants to cook, they have an oven lighter and wikileaks has doused Hilary in gasoline. There is no way out for her, except (at the very best) four years of sworn testimonies and Congress stopping her from doing anything.

Like what? Establishment repubs love her.

Holla Forums, at the very most, will only be mad for about 21 months before the 2018 elections which would go very bad for Hilary. Then they'd chew her and spit her out in 2020, which would satisfy them more than President Trump.

However if Trump wins neoliberals will be asshurt about it forever, and will continue generating salt fifty years from now.

Let me all tell you something.

If Hillary wins this election but Rand Paul runs against her in 2020 I'm voting for Rand.

I know hes a lolbertard but he has some good ideas.

And look at all the control the Establishment GOP have over their own party. They're old men that will be dead in a decade. Meanwhile there are plenty of opportunists (Rubio, Cruz) willing to stomp the fuck out of Hilary, which as Senators they would be able to do (Senators can read whatever the fuck they want on the Senate floor, regardless if it's classified or not). She can't win against them. Also, that's assuming neocons will even cover for her. They're only doing so now because of Trump. If he's out of the picture, why would they protect her when they could help their friends out? It's a pissing match and the GOP have more seats (ie power) than Hilary does.

He's the only Republican willing to stop the NSA and legalize gay marriage and pot. But it won't matter, in 2020 it'd be Rubio/Cruz because idpol. It'd work, too.

A Time traveler keeps posting on /r9k/ saying that Hillary will win this election and then win again against Rand Paul in 2020.

1/10, no leftist is retarded enough to think putting ancaps in charge of a system that's already in love with them is a good idea.

Trump is just an egomaniacal porky whose political "alignment" has shifted from Republican to Democrat and back like the wind over his career. Clinton is just a generic center-left establishment shill. Even fundies like Rubio & Cruz represent the last gasps of a dying ideology.

Paul is the son of the ALP/CATO's anointed one, literally named after a woman who fused Autistrian economics with the worst flavors of badly misinterpreted Nietzsche to form her own religious cult exulting porky-ness as a moral obligation.

He is the porky antichrist made flesh.

Bernie better run as an independent in 2020 I swear to Jesus

even if he is a time traveler, he's still posting on /r9k/ and that makes him a retard by default

This is getting really weird seeing Wikileaks start to use tags like #feelthebern and #demexit. I don't think it's appropriate for them to make political judgements with their leaks. Is Assange still alive?

Better be a good Battlefield game like 1942 or 2, faggot.

You say that as if Trump isn't a neoliberal stooge.

I personally think we should just take away the right to vote.

That way we don't have to rely on horrid retards to elect the president. This is awful that people like Joe the Plumber and Honey Boo Boos mother are allowed to have an input into who basically is ruler of the entire world.

Shillary and the establishment Republicans have publicly called for Assange and Snowden to be thrown in jail, executed, or even summarily assassinated. They have every right to attack them.

So was Bush but they're all still butthurt over it

Look how the Democrats continue to blame the Greens for "getting all those poor brown people killed" while they run a candidate who supported both of his wars and their current and former Presidents pal around with the Bush family.

Hello CTR

Fuck yeah. Those first DNC leaks nailed them & let us know what we'd suspected. The DNC was never neutral & corrupt as fuck.

They're tagging for exposure, to reach the right people who care & will spread them. They're making political leaks, hard to avoid being political..
The entirety of your post is getting dangerously close to CTR talking points. They flooded r/wikileaks with these same talking points. He just did an interview with John Pilger, btw.

are there any closeted communists we know of inside the democratic establishment? becoming an openly communist politician seems difficult for me to grasp especially in deep red states

What about things like TPP?

probably tumblr. they'll be absolutely livid
pol will probably just redouble their efforts searching through wikileaks dumps

Our top man is working on it

The only reason they are leaking now, and not during the primaries, is so that they can avoid that criticism (but in regards to S█████/Hilary and not Trump/Hilary).

Fact is, Wikileaks gave Democrats an option: nominate a reformist or nominate a corrupt insider. The majority of Democrats chose the latter (or at least accepted the outcome of the primary elections). This is why they only started leaking the night Hilary Clinton accepted the nomination and S█████ conceded. The Democrats wanted to burn, Wikileaks are only assisting them. This is what Democrats chose, and Wikileaks is only making what they chose more clearer than it was six months ago.


That remains to be seen, but if it turns out he lied about tariffs it will destroy the GOP. Holla Forums alone will make certain of it.

That's the one thing they do agree on, though Cruz's support of it has cooled due to the election. But remember that it's still a pissing match, and Cruz (and the GOP) will even deny Hilary things they want too (such as the TPP) just to deny her any victory. It worked with Obama.

Say what we want about Holla Forums, but at least they have a wikileaks thread for each leak. I just opened their #2 DNC leak, haven't looked yet though. But the other earlier leaks I was posting & sharing info.

Granted, there's a god awful amount of shitposts & some occasional goreposting(targeted towards anyone deemed CTR, most of the time, unfounded) within them, they at least have one & crowd source to an extent.

We need more users ;~; i don't want shitposters though, so maybe that's the trade off. From the election we're starting to get more Holla Forums users. That's been both good & bad. But it's nice to have different views represented here.

Remember the "woman card" bs? I didn't know the DNC actually was printing them to sell to bourgeois idiots for $1 apiece.

Fucking nuke this country already.


Ugh, really? How dare B████ accuse us lil 'ol dems of breaking the law/rigging. We're just trying to help democrats. WHY DOES HE HATE DEMOCRATS?

This dirty 'ol man must be stopped. He's saying such mean things about our woman.

…Please donate :DDDDDD

Primary feels returning.

It's just a gimmick so she can claim her average donation size is lower so she can court progressives. Trump has her beat there and she knows some of Sander's support is going to him


It was 1 I'm not going to lie, I think it's the best once since at least BC2, maybe even 2.

Fuck this shit! B████ never had a chance against Hillary and the corrupt media!

Our only chance to stop this hag from getting into office is voting Trump! I still don't understand how she could get B████ to endorse her…

DNC is 100% corrupt, we can't let them get into office! Drumpf may be a bad choice, but look at the alternative!

You're being a bit too transparent, Holla Forums. Dial it back a notch.

No one here calls him Drumf, btw.

That being said, yes, fuck Hillary & the DNC.

it's happening, Holla Forums didn't become what it is overnight. It's taken eight years to go from /new/ to now.

Holy shit dude. Subtly is your friend.

Simple: because she's a Democrat. It worked.

puts MSM to shame really

Did my last post get removed? I'll repost it here as a comment.

Never forget to whom the Democrats belong.

General rule is keeping election stuff in this thread. Also, it's whom. :^)


if Trump is telling the truth he will burn down neoliberalism

if Trump is a liar, Holla Forums will burn the entire planet down in anger

either way the left wins

I hope you're right dude.

It's like every US election, you pick between two factions of the bourgeoisie. And this isn't the '30s anymore; neither faction is looking to make life better for working people either.

Trump is no more favorable to the left than Clinton. The interests of the working class need to find an independent expression.

If you vote for a third party you are voting for Trump..

Or you're voting for Clinton. Depending on who's spewing that line.

I am an actual historian, and you are an actual idiot.

That has nothing to do with the United States of the early-20th century being a net exporter. An exporter can afford to inflate the price of imports. An importer cannot.

There is no "middle-class," and what you are describing is the speculation boom that kicked off the Great Depression a decade later.

No it wasn't, not until the Great Depression anyway. Guys like Rockefeller and Carnegie managed to get even richer while their trusts were being busted. The Progressive Era's working class prosperity was built on speculation that blew up when Europe could no longer afford to import American goods at an ever-increasing rate.

Just got a hell of a lot more interesting comrades

The fact that they came out up front and are trying to make people think its fake, means its probably really bad and real

Holy fucking shit.. Look at the sketches compared to John Podesta & his brother. That's.. I dunno man. What's going on?

>>>Holla Forums8102679

This is either a red herring or Holla Forums is actually onto something.


This strategy relies on rightists being cognizant enough to notice and principled enough to care about it if Trump fails to live up to his promises. I acknowledge it's our best hope, but I think it's far from a certain one.

Why are you babbling about the era prior to FDR? It's pretty obvious what I'm talking about is the New Deal era. And holy jesus man:
Are you blind? Look at the first two graphs, while trade volume only shrank later, aside from a few brief spikes, we hovered close to zero net trade from the mid-1800s to the 1980s.

who else is voting Jill Stein then sleeping until the 9th?

No Holla Forums isn't on to shit. They're retarded conspiritards. The image in is of one person, who was supposedly in his mid 30's, but John Pedestal was balding in 2007 and so was Tony. The email has little to no link to any abduction and I don't know why it's included. Just Holla Forums being Holla Forums, nothing to see here.

I'm looking at the graph (not him though) and, it doesn't indicate that the United States wasn't a net exporter during the early 20th century at all.On the contrary, exports increase dramatically around 1860, come to all time high before the Great Depression, stay slightly higher than imports until 1980 and then drop dramatically in proportion to imports.

It's also funny that you're talking about Tariffs being responsible for New Deal property.

1. The New Deal did not breathe new life into the American economy. It gave labourers busywork to do until the war. After the war there was prosperity because of what Truman did: he invested in European industry on the condition that they could ONLY buy U.S. goods to fuel production.

2. Raising tariffs after the depressions is cited as one of the reasons the Depression lasted so long.

3. FDR lowered tariffs and you have no idea what you're talking about. You're doing wild apologetics for the nonsensical economics of your chosen god emperor.

I know Holla Forums is quick to jump on a conspiracy. The article says the guy was probably 20-40 years old. I just looked it up & Podesta is 67, would make him around 57 at the time. So you're right about the ages. But a rich 57 yo could look like a regular 40 yo. I just found it interesting. You gotta admit though, those pics look spot on, it's weird. Could be either of them just judging by pics.

I don't know why that email was included, either. and Holla Forums is on this pedophile thing, hard. I don't know what made someone think about the Madeline case. Could be some red herring posted by someone fucking around or trying to mislead them.

But seeing those pics next to each other even freaked me out, a bit.

Although Holla Forums is more or less retarded it seems that they are onto something with this

They're not onto anything.

Firstly, the images vs the sketches are a decade apart, it's doubtful that they would look similar.

Secondly, is there even any evidence that these people were even in the same country as Madeline when she disappeared?

Third, there's literally billions of people in the world, you could match vague and potentially inaccurate police sketches to anyone. I guarantee you that somewhere out there, there's a criminal/police sketch that looks like you, barring and distinguishing physical features.

Blow your fucking brains out.

It's hard to take Holla Forums seriously with these stupid images.


Whoops, forgot this was a kosher board, can only have allegations if they're geared towards 'le white trash'.

It was 1-2% net positive except four brief spikes, stable at barely 1% postwar. Compare that to the massive instability (mostly very negative) after and before, especially given the fact that trade was a smaller fraction of the economy to begin with.

It quite obviously did, so much so that when its policies were scaled back slightly there was a short "Roosevelt Recession" inside the Great Depression, until it was reinstated stronger than ever.

Let's not forget the sweeping legal changes to finance, industry, and society. Nor the enormous investments in infrastructure, technology, and public services. Combined with a functioning tariff system, this meant both massive productivity and an environment in which it could function free of predatory arbitrage.

Yes he did, but not to the degree of total elimination that happened in the 1970s. Also, remember the gap between the typical American worker and their counterpart abroad was infinitely narrower before New Deal legal reforms instituted almost all of what makes us what we now call a 1st-world economy.

lol yeah they she keep their opinions about this event that effects the entire planet to themselves

Exactly, allegations, i.e. without proof.

Try claiming someone is connected to something as serious as a child abduction in real life instead of anonymously online, see how fast your ass gets handed to you in court.

/pol has a lot of users in large part because it has a clear ideology (alt-rightism/white nationalism) that unites them all. /leftypol isn't nearly as clean cut ideologically, at least not to noobs who surf here the first few times.

The pedo emailshit is compelling but this image is just nonsensical. Podesta is the sort of person that would have others do his dirty work for him rather than go and abduct his victims himself.

Yeah, I hung out on various webfora & USENET, never having even lurked imageboards (nor social networks) prior to GG when the SJWs made them completely intolerable, but from what I understand Holla Forums (and their antecedent on SA) was much more ideologically diverse until pretty recently. Right-wing, but with various tangents (lolberts, neocons, orientalist mystics, neopagans, transhumanists, illegalists) common, neonazism as a mere edgy meme (like tankies here) and a broad hatred of moralfaggotry.

The degree of harsh overmoderation on Holla Forums (and other current haunts like /r/TheDonald) is, I think, somewhat unprecedented.

7 November 2016

Patrick Martin

Hahahaha.. found this on Holla Forums

I just ate some cannabis chocolate.. this was way funnier than it should be, I guess

Holla Forums will unhesitatingly assume that the election was stolen, so although they will be mad they will still be infuriatingly delusional and therefore unsatisfying to observe. I'm not saying it WON'T be stolen, but it won't even enter their minds that it might not have been.

Yeah well, a time traveller on Holla Forums has said that Hillary will win on Tuesday but the result will be overturned in December. Who am I to believe?

Great article.

I'm speechless.

The only thing that really looks similar is his hair

Even better:
From the first time I heard of "power+priviIege" I was astonished at such brazen evil. This is the sort of thinking that we once prosecuted at Nuremburg, and now it's being trumpeted as the apex of the leftist philosophical arc, something has to give.
Gordon Gekko schooling MSM shills. Watch their reactions.

What do you mean?

Mind you, Holla Forums is the new Holla Forums, so of course it has people.
We have grown, even if the site has been declining.
Weren't we at around 300 active users last year?

The condamnation of a whole group of people on behalf of their birth i guess.

She should read some history of the "white thrash" if she thinks they ever had any power.

Ahahahaha, you burgers are ultimately fucked. nevermind stay vigilant americomrades


This guy says it could be the opposite:

Believe the time traveler on Holla Forums from 2013 who said that the first gay man would be elected in 2016 thus causing the second American civil war

There's also S█████ to worry about. He has stated he's not going to remain loyal to Hillary and he's already building his own collation within congress to force progressive legislation.

The establishment Democrats are going to be too weak to oppose him, which means if Hillary wants to pass something, she'll have to get S█████' approval first.

How is this going to be a problem for her? I'd expect him to agree on her half-assed minimum wage and so on, because "rather having shitty social security then no one".

Sanders could only be a problem for her in terms of foreign policy, but let's be honest, he hasn't indicated much interest towards this area besides "we shouldn't bomb everybody". His campaign clearly focused on domestic issues.

A question to the guys who know all the dates.

So, if I see this right, the last polling booth closes 1am EST in Alaska.

Will we only see the first projection after the very last polling booth has closed or are they allowed to publish them on a state-by-state basis after each state's respective closing time?

So, Florida closes->Florida's projection at 8pm EST


Alaska closes->projection for all of the US at 1am EST

It's not "power+privilege" it's "[bad thing]+power or muh privilege".

The idea is that bigotry only counts when it's by the "privileged", a category they decide by gender/race/sexuality instead of class. The whole thing is an excuse that upper class assholes can use to be even bigger assholes.

The Progressive Era with Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was when the United States started passing tariffs and import taxes, not the New Deal Era. Good fucking god.

The first one is a Department of Commerce graph that begins in the 60s. The second is an unsourced inforgraphic. Goddamnit, Holla Forums.


the election is pretty much always over before alaska and hawaii have even finished voting

Alright, so by the time the Rust Belt has closed we pretty much know who has won by around 8pm eastern?

The fix is in.

They usually generate two magazine covers early for both outcomes. This is just one outcome that could happen tomorrow. It's not really evidence of a fix.


I suppose there is also a Trump edition and the crates came with instructions to put on salle the magazine about the winner and trash the magazine about the loser.

Exactly, people were also talking about some numbers that popped up on TV briefly and other stuff- they're just filler/projections for them to edit later, the idea is that they'll be "close enough" to change easily later without having to redo the whole thing.

Wikileaks hasn't done this before. For example, when they released a video and audio feed from a U.S. gunship killing a Reuters journalist along with a father and his three children who came to the journalist's aid, that ends with the soldier saying "that's what you get for bringing your kids to a war zone", they titled it Collateral Murder"

Trump is gay?

Do you the negroid soldiers trigger you user? Do they cause you to need a safe space to vent about your frustrations? Can you not even?

If you're still playing this series after it's been dragged through almost 10 years of shit and gets worse with every installment you are cancer incarnate.

It's definitely improved with this last installment.

BF1 is legit.

Not if horseshit like Bad Company 2 is your standard of quality. DICE is dead.

Contrarian Holla Forumstard spotted.

I wish they'd gone a bit dieselpunk with BF1, if you're taking such liberties with things to begin with you may as well go all the way.

They could even have one of those levels with two trains running side by side which ends up a favorite in every game that has one.

Fuck… how will we beat them now?

Send him anthrax disguised as baby powder.



There should be separate polls for "who'll win" and "who you want to win", I'm curious how would they work out

He looks like an even more mongoloid'd out version of Michael Phelps.

same here

45 people about to be BTFO come tomorrow.

Who do you want to be the next President of the United States of America?

I can tell he has 0 self-awareness for how goofy he looks.


he cute

How are the results looking so far?

just fishing for (you)s


need more pics

Oh shit Trump hired an Australian shitposter?

its fucking daxflame

How long after Trump becomes president will the Communist revolution begin?

3 minutes and 46 seconds, unless S█████ removes his official support of Hillary in that time span. In that case, it might take 4 minutes and 9 seconds as people ponder whether they should wait for another S█████ campaign to happen after 4 years.


IDK How long is it till the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution?

rip in peace general, its been fun

pls no ;-;

That's the joke… Americans will reach their salvation only by nuking themselves (suicide by nuclear war). And Hillary is the right woman for the job :^)

Interesting times ahead, i hope the whole thing blows up.

Oh damn, I didn't even realize that

This thread was the best thing about this election.

Really looking forward to Current Year Man snarkily dismissing all criticisms of President Hillary's reign with "Yeah, well, you're just complaining because you have a penis"

I feel the same, but there other good things coming. No matter who wins there will be a lot to shitpost about considering both candidates are clowns one way or another. We'll probably need to create a new cyclical thread for the new president.


He unironically used "mansplaining" an episode or two back. Can't wait to hear that happening all the time.

It's going to be surreal when she ends up starting some horrible war with a huge civilian bodycount and this shithead will have to make snarky quips defending it

After a few episodes he will start apologizing for his own "mansplaining" whenever talking about our beloved leader Hillary. This is how the ritualized glorification of our leaders will be within the new dictatorship.

Already happening, they call it "experience".

What do you think the next four years will be like under a Trump presidency?

What do you think the next four years will be like under a Clinton presidency?

Who do you think will win tomorrow night?

Oh fuck, I can already see it now


1. Bad for burgers, somewhat better for some of the rest.
2. Bad for burgers, bad for the rest.
3. Clintonite.

I actually got chills reading this. I never realized Current Year Man could be so horrifying.

Pence would run things. We'd see some roll-backs on a few social reforms. There might be a further crackdown on drugs and "crime."

World War III with an abuela face.

The bourgeoisie.

Theme song for if Hillary wins

Theme song if Hillary loses

I like this better:

just imagine all the shitskin liberals using the same arguments that Bush used about "liberating" Iraq from Saddam only this time it's all about liberating Iranian women from the patriarchy.


So the presidential race is bullshit, but what about down-ballot measures? My state (VA) has a right-to-work amendment on the ballot for instance. Why has nobody talked about this kind of thing?

Hillary has the most powerful people backing her, so I'd the coronation is imminent.




You know whom you have to thank for that.

If Clinton wins, we're definitely going to need a Posaidist flag.

Yeah, I don't know why you are so shocked that this might happen. It's already happening. Her history is already goddamn awful and people say what she did was worth "it" and it only shows her being experienced.
Although it's true that now her wars will be more publicized (or maybe not at all? MSM is her PR organization) and in real-time, so they will have to try harder to justify it.


Liberals need to be eradicated. In addition to the obvious benefits, it will get conservatives to like us.

Any politician putting up one of those "right to work" laws should be shot on sight.

You outed the very reason why they're attacking Wikileaks:
For most it was never about any faith or belief in higher principles, so much as it was one giant fuck you to Bush.

Same with their supposed opposition to militarism and dicking around in foreign nations - it's not that militarism or interventionism in general is bad, it's just that when Republicans do it they're bloodthirsty Christfags out to fuck over some brown people purely for the evulz

I've tried to get people to talk about this but no one gives a shit. The presidential election is just too big, so big that a lot of things are getting hidden in its shadows.

Here is a decent list of ballot initiatives from across the US:

* while when Democrats do it, it's purely in the interests of higher principles and MUH GEOPOLITICS

Trust us brocialists, Hillary has experience

Trade war with multiple countries, the majority of the immigration stuff not going through, possible mending of relations with Russia. The actual non idpol brainwashed left gets energized get actual leftist candidates to win mid term elections and takes the momentum forward to win in 2020.

"Freedom" coming to Syria, Libya, and (maybe) Yemen with more boots on ground. The left in America cemented as an idpol haven with very little to do with workers. Any positions she may have gotten from Ber-nie will be discarded. Expect the all the 3 letter agencies to get cleared out especially after what happened with the FBI this election. The Republican senate will block things for two years then the democrats will take over.

Yeah it's really staggering how dishonest it is. I was hoping people would respond to that.

What did they mean by this?

It's just the FBI that's in revolt over her becoming president, multiple Republican CIA/NSA (i.e. Deep State) retirees and figures have backed her

What? You don't like it?
I don't get the gif

What I fucking hate is how they give these bills such names: "Right to Work", the orgs, too, related to it - "Americans for Prosperity"

It must be good for us then, guys!

So, they're cutting into the unions' power. If someone had a choice to join a union or not, why would they not? You have more protection than you would without it.

Nah, it's alright. I just heard the classic 80s sound to it & searched for an 80s guy gif.

I'm totally stoned from eating weed chocolates, just shitposting :^)

And workers' rights*

Liberalism begat ayncraps. It's basically "muh freedumbs" abused to justify anything a porky might do, and decry anyone that tries to stop them.

It's newspeak upon newspeak.

Exactly. And the way it reads, it seems like it's not bad for the worker; most people don't analyze things in context or the real world implications.

And that's the problem with the American conservative movement - for the half century it's been so bereft of serious thinkers that it doesn't even know what it's conserving anymore, outside low taxes for the bosses and more wars for Israel.

So they're eventually left with glib rhetoric like this

This list is fucking depressing.

Unfortunately either president is likely to start enforcing the laws - Trump because of Pence and Hillary because of her donors.

Bifag here, could not give less of a shit.

This seems borderline completely irrelevant.


Also good.

Shit I think I may move to Colorado.

Trump won't win but if he does, ACCELERATION, HO!

There were two?

Ranked choice voting is sub-optimal, but FPTP is literally the worst voting system possible unless you don't actually count votes.

Time to buy some more guns.

Why doesn't this already exist? Oh right, the capitalism.

And next year it'll be the first tranny. When the ruling class looks like meeee everything is fine.


RIP in pieces CA infrastructure

Capitalism is great for innovation!

Well it's something.

Gotta love how they frame this…

That name is fucking gross but otherwise this is a good idea.

FYI pornstars have the lowest STD rates because they test constantly. This is a "sin tax."

What about Elizabeth Warren :^)

As America inches toward what became standard for the West years ago…

Soda is trash, but taxing it is liberal nonsense.

Fucking finally.

Thanks, B████.

Yeah, let's shift the tax burden more onto the middle class instead of the massive corporations.

Yeah, because education is the first thing you cut when money is short. Fucking hell.

And nothing of value was lost.

miniscule change


I can't even imagine how this might be abused.

This is firmly in the realm of "this kind of shit should never be necessary."

Oink oink.

I'm no nationalist but that's really fucking weird.

Yeah, Vermont politicians are just a bunch of nutters unlike everyone else.

The logic is that you'll eventually be filthy rich because America is a land of opportunity, so you don't want to vote now for anything that will hurt you once you get there. I'm not a burger, but I've watched a some interviews with republican supporters and I've seen this logic repeated quite a lot. That's probably why "small businesses" is such a meme.

Even boomers who are stuck in dead end jobs think this way. Humans have an uncanny ability to live in denial until reality kicks them in the teeth. If those people ever realize they'll never be rich, it'll be on their deathbed.

But as the concentration of wealth and rising inequality has shown, that's clearly not working.
If you want to stop unions and unionisation, you need to stop giving workers a reason to organise. Unfortunately the Cold War and muh American Dream (with a heaping dose of Boomers that did manage to prosper in the good times) has made even the slightest criticism of MUH FREE MARKET impossible.

What's "conservative" about whole communities being gutted due to offshoring? What's "conservative" about a growing servant class of illegals requiring welfare to make ends meet?

Hillary wants to nuke this:

Yeah, you're broke? Live in the hood? Heh, what a loser. Or your parents were losers. And lazy losers at that.

I just saw it in Holla Forums earlier(was looking at leaks)
>>>Holla Forums8103570 The responses..

More worried about her nuking this 2bh yes I know it was made in 2012

Uuugh, this article is trash. Half the fucking shit is "Identity group representative set to become first of Identity to ever hold Public Office!"

One's even about a bisexual woman. Literally fucking nothing.

It's low levels of education, 100%. and not just about class consciousness, but knowledge of politics, in general. School are being defunded, shut down. While people are too busy working & trying to feed themselves daily to be able to get an education. It's really sad. I'm sure many of us here can relate or have experienced this, ourselves

One of the main things to break the cycle is luck. Hard work just isn't enough, anymore.

I won't be happy until I'm getting fucked over by a transgender two-spirited disabled Latinx CEO, deal with it sinner

Back when the Onion was good. Before the Hillary backer buyout.

Don't worry, if they continue this way idpol itself will implode. Eventually they will elect an obese transsexual mulatto supremacist whose campaign promise will be building concentration camps for everybody else. A few days before xir's election, but not before, liberals will start to self-reflect.

How the fuck is that video still up? lmao

Nah, just liberal idpol. People think in such black-and-white terms that white supremacists will get a surge.

I'd say it's more elite betrayal than anything else, since most conservatives are effectively a captive demographic for Republican oligarch cocksuckers - I mean, who else are they going to vote for? The Democrat opponent that wants guns banned, abortions allowed, and urban blacks Section-8'd into their neighbourhoods to get them out of the hair of white yuppie gentrifiers?

So all they have to do is a little bit of culture wars LARPing about muh values, muh personal responsibility, we need to ship more jobs to Asia and Mexico, muh Judeo-Christian morality, oh we need tax cuts for the 1% (again), muh freedom to work

Better them than us, our current viral load is too high to get anything useful done.

That's the sole reason I'm voting for Hillary.

After how horrible this election went, I want to see how deep they can dig this grave.

No, it's not luck. It's the blessing of the Job Creators™, praise be. It's simply a matter of whether guardian angels venture capitalists deem you worthy of investment.

Times were different

True. Limiting education is just one aspect of the betrayal, overall.

I know you did this by accident but this is a Holla Forums slur for black people

Shitskin is older than dirt.
goddamnits all!

First Cracked, now The Onion. It's like when I'd become curious about what a favorite old author or musician is up to nowadays, only to discover they'd "found Jesus"… Except nowadays, this "leftist" whitewashing of the cultist mentality in question makes it politically incorrect to even publicly mock them for it.

Comey's fucked. Democrats will believe he re-opened the investigation just to fuck over Hillary for Trump, and Republicans will believe the lack of indictment is proof he was in Hillary's pocket all along

Shit like that always made me uncomfortable when I was more Christian



Disappointing that she will not live long enough to pay for her crimes

Good. He made his bed, piece of shit coward.

the nypd were the ones that found the emails right?

did comey re-open the case just to get all the evidence under his hat and slam shut the case again and take all the evidence with him?

just sort of asking out loud

At least hopefully she will die before she can start WW3. Imagine if she doesn't. Imagine if she lives just long enough to ensure nuclear war with the Russians, and then we have Tim Kaine to lead the US through WWIII.

It's like you actually want the ZOG Occupied Government to continue pushing your shit in or something.



Jesus, I'm losing my mindif that wasn't apparent already . I thought for sure there was a filter in place but I guess I just typed out more words than I thought I did.

Right before the election and she gets confused as to where to go on the tarmac.


kek, the wordfilter is actually gaslighting Holla Forumstards now.

the wordfilter only works on words with a space in front of them, so you say" ""ZOG" like so: ZOG Occupied Government

Phew, glad that's cleared up.

I don't see it.

I don't exactly disagree but it's kinda fucked up to kill innocent people just to fix your own mistakes.

For a while I was thinking Trump could be like an American Yeltsin, but now I'm thinking Hillary could be our Yeltsin too.

It would take the US losing a World War the way Germany lost the other two for US politics to change.

God, Hillary is such a fucking awful speaker.

I need to buy more alcohol for this shit.


Cali-Comrade here. Prop 53 is bankrolled by literally one Porky farmer that's butt-hurt over a water tunnel. The only people that want it are him and other 'Muh taxes' lolberts. The porn proposition is also funded largely by one guy who I think is head of an AIDS foundation, the prop opens some sort of loop-hole that allows unprecedented litigation against adult film companies, literally every politician in the state is against it.

Private funding such as this is just the worst.

How can either be Yeltsin when we haven't had the end of our empire yet?

No, I think Hillary is more America's Andropov 2bh

Reputedly he had to be woken up repeatedly on briefings about the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan

Why's that? Would he repeatedly dropov?

most likely.
NC and FL are tipping back in Clinton's favor, and I doubt NH would go red, but it's not impossible to see pic related as the map, in which case the projections could go later


If nobody gets 270 Hillary is a shoo-in, right?

republican house will hold their noses and vote for trump

XKCD confirmed for lib faggot.

Would House Republicans dare to vote for Hillary? Maybe if she won the popular vote they could use that to justify it.

Most people are comrade.

And the Democrats would in turn blame the Green Party and "Bernie Bros"

not true

ok lib or conservative. Happy?

meh, weak minded people were swayed by media hysteria, can't really blame them too much.

As reactionaires in hue chans say: Gado é gado.
Could be translated to normies will be normies.


What goes wrong in somebody's head that it would make them choose this Hill to die on?


Trump voters are retards and I honestly don't think in these circles its made enough clear, as much as Hillary voters are retards. There seems to be a pass. There shouldn't be.

It should be clear still, Trump voters (who don't post here regularly, just average American Republican shits and Holla Forums) are mostly retarded. As much as Clinton voters and possibly more.

I'm still honestly undecided at this point.

Maybe I'm taking this too seriously because I live in a swing state.

dubs of truth

1/10 way too obvious for a false flag.

How is it a false flag. Stop getting triggered. Not everything criticizing Trump is a fucking deceleration of support for Hillary.

Go fuck yourself you're annoying me

Nah, see you can't be so on the nose when you're parodying somebody and trying to be believed.

I want to break your nose

That's anti-Semitic. You've outed yourself, Holla Forumsyp.


Wanna make some money Holla Forums?

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say that I just watched Alien Resurrection and it was terrible.

Anyone else hoping for riots?

This was from Alien 3 actually. The good surrealistic script they scrapped and chainsawed into a mess.

Major Party here we come!

I just wanted to share my thoughts on it with someone.

Alien 3 was better, mainly because it was just kinda anticlimactic rather than almost being an outright comedy like Resurrection

Isn't this just placeholder information?

Hey, at least you aren't a Highlander fan, the only half-decent thing we got after the first movie was a spinoff TV show.

They started making scripts for this one version, that was mostly similar plot wise. Except more hallucinations, it was better, and it was on an artificial planeload covered in wood, filled with all male Mormon cultists


fuckin phone

We've got a ballot initiative to invest the state "rainy day fund" in the stock market here.

Riots are the only thing that could possibly make this piece of shit election worthwhile.

Give the rest of the world a good show, at least. Let there be no doubts as to the decrepit state of American democracy



This isn't new, he took a dump on gamergate and has made plenty of shitty idpol strawman comics in the past.

Stein > Trump > Giant Meteor > Hillary

Come at me

Gamergate was a shit show anyone could see that

post predictions

smh tbh fam

Hillary=giant meteor. And giant meteor should go before Trump. Undercover S█████ should be in there too.

If Trump wins by a slim margin I think this will be it


Gamergate? IdPol? No, remember he got in on the ground floor of this retardation, back in the A+ days.

that comic is spot on, doesn't sound like something an SJW would ever say.

Trump will WIN MAGA!!!

When was America last great?

Them Hoovervilles man!

It's an edit.

The one I posted before was an edit. I'm surprised you've managed to engage with SJW scum and avoid being bombarded with the original. It's a freeze peach chestnut on par with the sea lioning one.


October 2, 1984, the day the Replacements' Let It Be was released.

Before the white man came.

Before the humans came.




You, sir, are a gentleman.

Disregard what I say, I'm a faggot. But Durarara is from the same writer though.ōgo_Narita

I can't sleep.
This election has got me on edge.

Rebel showing us his solidarity….

Who winned?

The American people.

Please pray that David Duke wins his primary today.

There are extreme right-libertarians running against him.

He's partially right. Anyone that voted for Hill or Trump deverve it. Everyone else not so much

how can one person fall so far from grace?

kek, did you actually ever believe that he was ever anything other than a social democrat? Or did you just buy into the whole "Bernie sold out" meme?

Day of the rope indeed

I just vomited in my mouth a little



Hopefully this will end with a band of loyal B████crats claiming Shillary's head


Can somebody tell me when will be results? Ideally with timezone, so I can calculate it.



Thanks. Also, how does your election work? Is it electronic or some people will need time to count papers?

it's a patchwork of both

I wouldn't be surprised if some places still had you drop marbles into jars

I think you mean flip some coins.

Ugh, thanks. I just hope you will not let Hillary take the presidency

My prediction is that Trump will sweep the popular vote but the electoral college/Supreme Court will give it to Clinton

this would be the best outcome imo. people need to understand that "democracy" in US is meme

But either way, but the end of the day there are going to be a lot of pissed off people.

well given that electronic results are stored unencrypted in simple hex files, it doesn't seem so bad to drop marbles

So did anyone who isn't a fucking retard.


well, as long as name of voter isn't stored there, I do not see the way to exploit it

Do you think the US government would really do that? Just infringe on people's privacy like that?

US votes are public in most nations, with your name and address attached to it and your social sec number in a few states lol

you are kidding, right?

this is the same country that posts results for penis inspection day online



At least some people are trying to do something about it.



True, the left “must be organized, prepared and with support among the working class and oppressed”—but in this case, the question should be: Which candidate's victory would contribute more to the organization of the Left and its expansion? Isn’t it clear that Trump's victory would have “laid the foundations for our own intervention” much more than Hillary’s?

its own thread:

Holla Forums will call it rigged, and stormfags will rejoice by claiming they were right about Trump being a puppet of the Clintons. Also expect "MUH WHlTE GENOCIDE" and other nazi shitposting for the next four years. Tumblr on the other hand will definitely have a whiny/passive aggressive response.

TL;DR: Hillary wins = Holla Forums doesn't change. Trump wins = social media meltdown.

God bless America.

Trump's +3 in Florida according to IBB and may take it, but other than that blunder bretty good prediction

doki doki

mein gott. Public voting is something what only the most hardcore tankies are able to suggest here.

it's effectively a dead heat
and i think it's going blue

We will see. If it does go red like the most accurate polling agencies on the past elections are indicating, we're talking 50+million USD maybe more just completely gone, useless, for HRC. Let's hope the last minute tv ads helped her.

I mean in my country.


when will it end?

I want stirner fags to grow up

I'm beginning to believe we need a violent revolution to achieve communism, not to just take power from the ruling class, but to wipe out like 90% of humanity who are too stupid to do anything but hinder it.

Spooky is exactly what that is.

posadism get



If Trump wins I think it will look something like this.

He's got a decent chance there.

What are you basing that on? Trump's voters are very well distributed and might win him the election even if he loses the popular vote by a point. There is almost no chance of him being on the wrong side of such a split.

2000 was a massive aberration, the SC will not get involved like that.

The recent upswing for Republican Senate candidates is a good sign for Trump IMO. He has taken a kicking in the polls in the last day but it reeks of herding. We saw in the Brexit polling how keen pollsters are not to finish with an unusual or counter-intuitive set of numbers, for fear of looking stupid.

Plausible but boring.

Trump will win, lol.

That's obviously there to satisfy spooked people, ya dingus. Instead you're spooked about it.
Jesus, it's impossible to educate people when everybody is so triggered by everything.


Neoposadism or Clintonian Podestism (nuclear war + ayyy lmaos) is the answer.

F**k the Elections, Let's Keep Organizing: US Activists
(Rebecka Jackson, Workers World Party)

owe-BAHM-uh BTFO



Trump: 32
Clinton: 25
Johnson: 4
Sanders: 3
Romney: 1

(Poor Jill Stein.)


Why is that unlikely? Florida has been red before, and significant portions of the state tend to favor republicans.

Actually we should all do this for lulz. Vote FDR.

Remember that write-in votes aren't counted in some states unless the candidate has declared their intent to run.

She's fucking finished.

Finished in NH or generally? How so?
I'm not a burger so I have no intuition about which states mean what and shit like that.

I was only joking. The sample size is too tiny to draw anything from it. But if she were to lose NH by a big margin, she would indeed be finished nationally.

Fucking retard detected.

Kasich wrote in McCain, presumably as a sort of pre-posthumous honor or something

Write-ins for non-condidates is fucking juvenile. Do they think building movements and exterting political pressure is just about whining? No, take action that will actually help. Vote Green for building an eco-socialist movement or that SEP candidate and his underage VP if you're a wooswoos shill.

⚠If you are Gay, Why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in thousands of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed?👁
⚠If you are Black, Why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood who want to abort as many black babies as possible? Exterminate the black race because they are like "weeds". (Margaret Sanger quote) Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.👁
⚠If you are a Christian, Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer (the Devil)? She says he was, and still is her mentor.👁
⚠If you are a Veteran, in the Military, or closely related to a Military member, Why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help but the help was told to stand down.👁
⚠If you have a factory job, Why are you voting for Hillary when she supported TPP? Factory workers are being laid off because jobs are going over seas. Don't forget the deals she's made with china. She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits to be paid with Your tax money.👁
⚠If you are poor, Why are you voting for Hillary, when she is supporting Wall street and all the big banks? Big banks keep poor people poor by destroying the poor man's credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich; Taking much of the little money you earn.👁
⚠If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bills rape victims under the rug, including that little girl that was raped? Lawyer Hillary defended the rapist, and then she laughed about it later, knowing that he was guilty. If you carry a gun, or believe in the Constitution; How can you vote for Hillary when she wants to eliminate the NRA, Take your guns, and abolish the second Amendment?👁
⚠If you breathe, Why would you vote for Hillary when she and the Clinton crime family have left a trail of dead people that did not agree with her, or they knew too much? Who is left? 👁

I'm a gay black disabled transwoman with two factory jobs and I'm voting for McMullin, please stop trying to speak for me

Also, thank you for reminding me of my favorite image to ever come out of Holla Forums

Who else wants to form a posadist death cult after this election

Seeing everyone you know sell out on their principles because of fear makes me want to see it all destroyed in a nuclear holocaust

Dude there were literally people making the argument "If you end up on trial for voting Trump, how will you defend yourself?"

stealing this ebin benis immediately

Which comet is next to come around?

We really need a posadist flag and a nuclear hillary flag (her face in red or something like that).

it kinda sucks that my workplace checks up on us. i wanted to vote for stein but i can't risk losing my job right now

You're joking, r-right?

My Dad tells stories about how when Grandma was a pollworker she had access to voting records for everyone in the county going back several decades. I brushed them off, but this is scary enough I'm seriously going to look up whether or not this is really legal.

In Britain, every ballot paper has an ID number and when you are issued a ballot paper, its ID number is written next to your name in the register. It is known that government officials used to go through used ballot papers and use the IDs to work out who voted for 'subversive' parties, and presumably they still do.

Pick one.

Alright, a quick search on the topic shows that records are legally kept (and publicly available) which show whether or not you registered to vote in a given year, which party you registered with, and whether or not you actually voted, but 'not what you voted for. Laws aside, there have been scares about incompetent ballot designs holding the potential to compromise voter anonymity, but I didn't find any confirmed reports of actual leaks at any point in the past:

One reply to a comment from the latter link on that subject states that the two numbers are not the same and cannot be linked.


Voted for Trump because of Zizek

America is so fucked

Looks like I got out just in time. I doubt Hillary's going to fuck with India, but she may fuck Afghanistan & Pakistan up more where I have to deal with it somehow. I guess the world's fucked, really.

Clinton has said she wants to attack Iran, so it's not implausible.

Is there going to be live counting or something? If so, we need a less rabid source. Too much Hillary propaganda leads to depression among leftists (medically proven).

🍀🍀🍀Reports of voting machine issues in Michigan🍀🍀🍀
good sassanach

I guess that burger saying "I would emigrate but then my own country could bomb me" is true to some extent even if you don't go to their known targets.

Raising awareness.

yeah, that's true. That's sinking in now.. The wars in Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan caused more terrorism & inflamed tensions between other countries. Like the Mumbai attacks in 2008. I'm in southern India, so it's less tense here, but there are a lot of Northerners in my city as well, and I'd like to be able to travel to North India.

They're actually pretty good on terrorism here. There was an election in the south(Tamilnadu) & there were checkpoints everywhere, army guys with guns, checking our car, etc. Even if i go to a big mall here in Bangalore they check your trunk before you can go into the parking garage. Can't catch everything but it was actually comforting to see. Delhi airport also has army guys armed to the teeth. Only been there for layover though.

So I'd hate to see what it'd look like on "high" alert. Must be crazy.

Someone shared a link about a third party election observer coming to the US or something. I really hope that's true & there's some outside oversight. God knows we need it.

Isn't the current PM a Hindu fundie war criminal?

Comrades, when are we starting the coverage?

Yes. Modi is a shit.

One of the best lines to get to know how fucked he is, when they asked him what he would've done different with the riots(Hindus vs. Muslims, 1000s Muslims died, I believe), Modi said:
"I would've used the media differently.

Blew my mind.

That's illegal as fuck and you need to tell some authorities about it.

do we have a chatroom/stream up I can join? Watching CNN alone without commie commentary is agonizing

This. It's so comfy. I just ate more weed chocolates & I'm regretting it a bit now. Should've thought that through.

This is the room we use

But McDuff isn't in there yet. Dunno when.

That is incorrect,,-1051,00.html

The bias in that live blog is sickening. They're simpering over Tim Kaine's 'on fleek' jacket while linking to a comic strip depicting Trump as a literal supervillain. And then having the nerve to beg for money to support 'quality journalism'.

Will you please shut the fuck up about that? Nobody cared the first time you said it.

Kill yourself, meanie. It was for my birthday but I didn't mention that ;~;

If someone can link me to a preferred news stream I could stick it on.

Just for that I'm going to specifically not shut the fuck up about it. I'm going to be higher soon & you can't stop me from blabbering. :^)

Hmm, what do you say, guys? What's a more bearable news stream?

PBS won't start until 8PM EST

It'll probably get shut down though.

A bit naive. He will still lose the job regardless and "the authorities" won't give him any worthy compensation, if any. That's just how it works. You are their slave because your material existence depends on their whims. But don't listen to that, you are free to do whatever you want, you just need to think like an entrepreneur and not like a wage slave.

There's no possible way this guy is telling the truth…

nerd with no connects spotted

Here is a nice little election story to bring a smile to your face.

Sorry for not archiving, but I could not figure out how to do it.


I know, but pressure like that exists daily in little doses, especially now with social media. It's even standardized in the form of those questionnaires where they basically test your ideological compatibility to see if you will be a good little slave or not.

I wouldn't say bearable, but here's a foxnews stream w/chat that never fails to entertain.I usually mute the audio


forgot link…

my african-american comrade

I always get banned from livechat. Fun.

It is 18 in freance at least, on this hemisphere it may stil be 17.

True. It actually won't be 18 Brumaire in the U.S. until the 9th (tomorrow). Still pretty interesting coincidence.

Careful guys, I'm a paid CtR shill .

I still want Clinton to lose though the shady shit with Podesta doesn't fly well with me. Also I don't like the globalist approach, though Trump won't fix this.

It's so hard though, piss off Holla Forums or piss off the annoying SJW nu males all over facebook and twitter

The only poll there that says one candidate will win is the google consumer surverys one. The others say it will go to either Clinton or Trump, its within their margin of error. We also have the fact that Trump is up 2% in early voting compared to Romney but also the fact that more hispanics have voted this election in Florida than when Romney ran for president though less black people.

It'll be interesting to see how it goes and if Clinton can hold on to Michigan and PA with a much lower black vote.

Ah, yes. A classic.

I really don't like that channel, and it's not just because they're pro Clinton. Sure their bias and shady shit with wikileaks made me hate them even more but prior to that the side they chose in the middle east and even more prior to that the iraq war made me very disgusted by their insanely biased stupid shit reporting.

You do realize this means the globalization of capital, right?
That is, if you want to be a proper anti-globalist you need to be anti-capitalist.

Yeah… you are a CTR shill.

I don't think most of them are even triggered, they are just so brainwashed by the system, it's like reading Clinton's speeches to Goldman Sachs.


I don't like CNN either but I'd rather not listen to MSNBC/Fox even more. I just want to see voting results

Fuck's wrong with your fonts?

I got a CtR shill ban for a little bit of innocent rusemanship. Holla Forums is so uptight these days.

could you perhaps say they're a little too… politically correct?

Haha, i forgot about that, I need to change it back. Was out of town with shitty internet connection, so I cut down certain functions.

If you think Holla Forums's bad,
check out this.

Don't you have eyes, nigguh?
what OS?


Wake me up inside.
Can't wake up


This shit cannot be legal.

lmao, just Windows. My SO actually switched the settings temporarily.

What did she mean by this?


Will do. Been meaning to get serious for a while. And not be tracked as easily.


Jesus Christ. Well, it worked in ameriga :DDDDDD

thanks fam

Last night NBC news had a segment about how the intelligence community is preparing and monitoring for Russian cyber security attacks. A number of unnamed officials said they're on high alert. Sounds like fear mongering to me but who knows…

No, we know. It's fear mongering.

Bernocrats asked how did they vote.

At least maybe she'll get 5%… I guess I'll go vote for her soon.

I voted early for Stein. Get the third party more of a foothold for the future.

It's fear mongering, but at the same time if a foreign power wanted to, they definitely could fuck with our elections (they would be caught tho); for some reason, all of that crap is connected to the internet.

Hillary: It's only ok when we do it

If You’re Still An Undecided Voter After You Watch This, There’s Something Seriously Wrong With You

If You’re Still An Undecided Voter After You Watch This, There’s Something Seriously Wrong With You

If You’re Still An Undecided Voter After You Watch This, There’s Something Seriously Wrong With You

If You’re Still An Undecided Voter After You Watch This, There’s Something Seriously Wrong With You

If You’re Still An Undecided Voter After You Watch This, There’s Something Seriously Wrong With You

If You’re Still An Undecided Voter After You Watch This, There’s Something Seriously Wrong With You

Limmyboy favors Trump

Lmao, I love you, benis posder

You got the good stuff.

Can't watch that video, summarize it.


voting Hillary now thanks

Is that Mosley with a vajayjay?








It's an interpretive song and dance that demonstrates how the two main candidates are actually pretty much the same hot mess behind their image.

It's like poetry.

Lost it at Bernanke.



pls kill me

Got it, I'll jerk off on the voting machine.

It's a disgusting circle jerk of pretentious fucks who know nothing besides what's fed to them by MSM

An accurate summary of the last 6 months of TV news, and I don't even live in the goddamn US of A.

Nothing says 'afinalistic capitalist waste' like all that endless propaganda when I can't even vote.



Aassange comment on US election

Without a finality or purpose. Does purposeless sound better?

each stanza rhymes

hopefully they'll work

imona dictionary support here so don't blame me

Aassange comment on US election

What did he mean by this?

Publish first, ask for the ideological gatekeepers' permission later (i.e. never)


CNN keeps repeating the question whether the B████ supporters will show up for Hillary.

It feels like they are already preparing for how to spin a loss for Hillary and blame them.


What spin? S█████ supporters not showing up will absolutely cost Hilary the election. If it all comes down to a near tie, then Oregon or Minnesota flipping due to shit turnout means Trump would narrowly win.

Though more likely I expect Wisconsin and Michegan to flip, the election will be over by about 10 pm PST (or 6 am GMT).

That the B████ supporters ONLY are reponsible for Hillary's loss because they are some kind of sexist woman haters instead blaming the reaction on her record, her scandals, her personality, her policies, the collusions with the DNC, the collusions with the media, the Clinton foundation shenanigans, etc.

I don't think so. From data available, everything so far is shockingly pro Clinton.

For example, Wisconsin


That won't happen…. will it?

I really got to find an activity for the next twelve hours because I don't want to deal with the drama.

Looks like being an insecure manchild runs in the family


yeah no if Scott Walker can win two terms with a full GOP government WI is red now

MI certainly because of the auto industry being dead, people are still pissed about Obama. WI is likely though not as certain.

Clinton is basically a Republican

yes but she doesn't have the little -R next to her name therefore she's satan

welcome to hell

This. People who don't care about guns or abortion will have no problems voting for her.

TYT's coverage just went live. No Comrade Jimmy. Hopefully he shows up later.

I don't know, I think if so far it's 52% Clinton with 24.7 of expected total voters in, Trump has an enormous amount of ground to gain.

I think I'd call Wisconsin for Hilary tbh

Do people actually vote like that? I know several republicans voting for Clinton because of Trump's stance on nato, for example.




I don't know if I blame 8ch or my connection for this. I'm guessing 8ch.

They can't be having him shit on their pro-Clinton circle jerk. Plus, the panel talks way too much over the actual news in the background.

How do you feel about posting on the darkest reaches of the Internet?

Yes. Mostly older people.


Cenk just said they are bringing Dore in next hour.

Many thanks.



Nothing is known until the official tallies, which won't begin for another seven hours.

Yes, especially older people.

The nice thing about this is that regardless if Hilary wins or not, her reputation is tarnished so much that she'd loose regardless. Either to Trump or to Congress.

Milo is such a faggot. In every sense of the word.


I really don't know what to think of this but in twelve hours all these people are going to look like even bigger retards. I mean, is "alt right" the best they got, in terms of insults? They're trying to use it as a substitute for "racist" (because racist doesn't mean anything anymore due to overuse) but instead people are adopting it.

The term 'third way' was already taking by the left.


So far, Clinton is winning the Florida popular vote, so, Florida is probably in the bag for Clinton.

And Trump needed Florida in order to win. Desperately. It's the amount of electoral votes that would have put him next to Clinton. But it looks like it's just more in Clinton's giant pile.

I was skeptical going in on the performance everyone promised Clinton to have, I think Trump had a decent chance.

But so far he's being blown the fuck out.


Kek. Most of the Florida working class is still working. Welfare queens are taking to the polls atm, give it a few hours. Trump will still get Florida even with 100 million + invested by Clinton.

Most people take time before they go to work to vote, to beat the lines. Which doesn't do shit really, since everyone has the same idea, but that's neither here nor there.

And still that's millions of people. In fact, people you would also have to ascribe to Trump, in the millions of votes range for each.

Isn't an argument.

No, she isn't. You're looking at exit polls and not the final tally. We are both going to have to wait until the polls close at 7pm EST (about six hours from now) and probably another five or six hours for the tallies to be done.


Most people, especially in a Right-To-Work state like Florida, have to be at work on time even if there's lots of traffic (let me tell you, there is plenty of it in Florida) or they get fired. Voting is a thing they do when they get off at about 5pm while they are driving home. It is currently 1:35pm EST.

this isn't an argument either, it's a stupid phrase Holla Forums spouts off when they need to deflect criticism without addressing it

There are no results yet. Exit polls also have their own flaws.

You can make arguments about either, its better to just wait for the final results than to make wild guesses.

As of making this post.

So Clinton has a 3% lead. With the difference between the two in around 271,741 votes.

Yes exactly that was my point.

Again, you're using an exit POLL.

Not the official TALLY.

The last vote we had with Florida changing wildly in exit poll data was in 2004 with John Kerry. Everything afterwards has roughly corresponded with Results, at least in Presidential elections.

This election is different, but I don't think it will effect polling data, for both times in 2000 and 2004 Florida was still deeply Republican.

I don't see any reason to doubt what we so far have available to us.

Again, this is estimates we have so far. Estimates.

But last election we did this run around and still doubted exit poll data, and it really reflected who would eventually win the state.

I don't think it's going to change much tbh

prove it, post the archive links


Haven't you learned your lesson yet?

Please tell my why you are a fan of hillary or wishing she wins?

I'm not?



Just as a notice: Kaplan was one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Common Core along with other cirricula publishers.

since you can't prove your argument, further debate is unwarranted

oh, ok

are you stupid, tho?

I really doubt this is a conspiracy.

Stop getting angry at exit poll data if it means nothing.

If you are going to vote then watch, faggots.

I can bench 240 wbu

are u sure?


It does mean nothing, because it's not accurate. It's done by assholes who have to get people exiting the polling station to stop and fill out a form. This is not accurate especially when social desirability is factored in. What matters is the official tally. Everything else is speculation and astrology. And we won't get official tallies for another ten to twelve hours or so.

i don't believe you

The last time it wasn't vaguely accurate of the outcome, by in large, was 2004. And that's because media companies said, they had to get the information out, but didn't leave the full picture of it. Like South Carolina or other major states Bush won.

Everything afterwards has been accurate.

And no, I don't need to post archive links, because anyone with a memory of elections SHOULD remember this.

Post YFW Trump loses and Holla Forums goes full blown Jonestown.

They were saying they were going to riot the other day, but I bet they'll chicken out.

Of course they will. That would require actually leaving their computer chairs.

No shit they'll chicken out. What do you think these people are, over 18?

Drumpf supporters are irl chickens anyway

I couldn't care less about Holla Forums. I agree with Zizek, but Clinton will win and this only brings me despair.

Where are you getting these exit poll numbers from?

They'll be over it two months once the new year happens and Hilary gets cooked by Congress.

But again, too early to call.

Ok. But they're totally going to yell at their moms or black neighbors.
Just kidding, none of them live near black people

Your first election?

Votecastr. I give it a grain of salt, but it's been discussed so far by CNN and The New York Times, so I think it's well enough.

He's using the images people have been trolling 4/pol/ with, all of which are from Slate.


Rev up that koolaid


why won't any """journalists""" browse leftypol?

Comrade Jimmy is on TYT right dropping bombs



Too slow, man.

Ok, I'll tune in just for Jimmy.

Cenk being apologetic about Libya and Syria.

Holy shit. He's a bigger faggot than Milo.

I mean every single criticism about Bush is usually an accurate one. It's just the problem that it isn't applied to Democrats as harshly.

Cenk saying that Nader voters basically caused Iraq because they allowed Bush to win.


Ben and Cenk are the fucking worst.

Good. Now Hillary shill is arguing with him. That Hillary supporter is such a pretentious douche.

I wish they would get that one cocksucker back on Turner Classic Movies channel, he is utterly unsuited for political commentary.


what did my man Jimmy say?

watching him make fun of upper class Ben at the moment


They should just give up. There's no way they can rationally argue against the actual lefties.

Clinton's team even admitted this in the emails.



This election needs to be over right now

That guy is an absolute bourgie

Family is hollywood elite grandfatehr wrote Citizen Kane etc etc

Atta boy!

earlier this election season Jimmy and Bill got into a real fight on stage during a live show.
i lowkey hope Jimmy reks his face later

Then fuck off back to TCM idiot, you're not educated enough for political analysis.

Holy shit, he's shitting all over neoliberalism.

TCM bourgie goes

Just watching TYT stream. Holy fuck Jimmy is pretty radical for being a burger. You don't recognize that if you listen to Jimmy in isolation, only when you see other "progressive" idiots around him.

Watching the TYT stream, its good shit atm, will they have breaks through out the night?

Bill Clinton didn't "turn" in the '90s, he realized the value of paying fealty to donors all the way back to the '70s.


Ben saying "there was no voter suppression in the primary, don't be silly"


Thread theme

TYT feed in the comfy zone.

These dummies really need to learn the difference between voter fraud, voter suppression, and election fraud.

You should watch his show. It's pretty good.


This is exactly what I'd think benis would listen to



Yes sir, Mr. benis, sir.

>Ralph Nader's super liberal voters

What I actually meant is that I usually only watch his show and not TYT. I'm not a burger so his views seem pretty good, although a bit soft. But when I hear that idiot (Ben?) I appreciate what Jimmy does for Americans much more.

In FPtP either everyone is a spoiler or nobody is a spoiler. Tell Clinton to fucking drop out already and stop spoiling Stein's votes.

Voting for Stein in a swing state is the most moral vote you can make this election. There's nothing more important than making fake leftists lose elections for being fucking fake.

voted for her in virginia, not much of a swing state atm tho

Seriously why do they let this jackass on the show? This is not stimulating debate.

good job, moron

Exactly. They blackmail us with Trump, but they forget that we can blackmail them with Trump as well. It's a double-edged sword. "You won't offer us anything we want? Well, fuck you, you will be responsible for Trump." Which is actually a reasonable thing to say compared to blaming the voters for not voting you.

Independent media, my ass.

NO B████ NO!


are you for fucking real?

You know at least Soviet S█████ said he understand third party voters and that the first thing he will do when shillary is elected is to knock on her door and demand a progressive agenda

Fuck, i miss him

Please share

Despite the sources being biased as hell neoliberal shit, they also more or less have been accurate to the general results of the last election.

What do you want me to say.

TYT were doing a retrospective of him and it showed all those people with glowing eyes saying he was the real deal, the real change.

so it all boils down to MI…


Better root for a democratic senate then, at least we'll have chairman B████

Everybody feeling bad for jimmy, lol.

is it bill mitchell over there still or are they starting to melt down yet

Must be beyond frustrating for him TBH.


Optimism is still existing but reality is slowly starting to creep it's ugly head in.



Am I the only one that thinks this MILLION VIEWERS thing is bullshit?

The have put out so many videos that just a few thousand viewers multiplies to a big number but every new video just gets just several 10(0) thousands views.

saw these guys on the ballot in my area.
Were they worth a vote?

Holy shit, that Jeb compilation is killing me.

'cyberbullied' HAHA

Poor Yeb!

Wow Ben Carson, he really damaged his legacy.

He really is a brilliant neurosurgeon but his religious upbringing made him come short in other areas.

If I met that man and heard him speak I probably would be hesitant about letting him operate on my child's brain. I mean I guess he's just some idiot savant good at neurosurgery but goddamn

I mean the dude separated twins who were conjoined at the brain… You'd kind of have to be like Rain Man to pull that shit off.

I love how Cenk bashes corporate media all the time when the Young Turks is literally a business that he owns.


saw flag, didn't read

If Trump wins, can we expect massive raid form Holla Forums?

almost certainly

Can someone tell me how long until the results are revealed?

A massive raid is coming no matter who wins.

Depends on how FL and NC go.

About 3 hours or so until results come in from east coast. Full results won't be in until early tomorrow

Hey guys look at how ideologically diverse our elite media class is!

Official MSM exit polls are locked away until 5 pm (probably EST or CST, so one or two hours)

Final results take about five or six hours to compile, per time zone. EST polling stations close at about 7pm local time or 12am GMT. CST polling stations (aka where most swing states are) close an hour later, at 1am GMT. The election is more or less decided at that point because western states (PST and MST) typically don't flip.

So you'll have an accurate answer at around 5-6am GMT.

Holy shit what is this trash advertizement?

Of course, almost every moderately political imageboard will be taken over by Holla Forums autism for a few hours. If this happens, then where I could go to trigger clintonites until the tsunami of shitposting on Holla Forums ends?

second quote meant to be

Corporate media is only part of the problem with media. Influence by advertisers is the other major issue.

just log off, I usually lurk krautchan but I can't because the only thing they're talking about right now are the elections and it's your typical Trump and Hiltown shitpostathon

I'm probably going to snap in the next few hours and do something crazy like going outside.

Haven't been to KC in 4 years. How are the Bernds doing?

important quote:

Which is to say, don't rely on exit polls. What matters are the final results being published about 4-6 hours later.

not him, but at least as bad as usual, I'd say worse, pretty much like it is anywhere else

Anyone else happy B████ can be himself again after Clinton wins tonight? I'm ready for B████ and to a lesser extent that cuck Warren to start shredding the Dem party and Clinton again constantly.

ctrl+f General election: Trump/Donald
0 results

General election: Clinton/Hillary

Primary: S█████/Bernie

Primary: Clinton/Hillary


muh free market

They have more or less merged with /r9k/ and being consumed by madness. Top threads tend to be some BR creepshotting girls, betting on animal fighting, complaining about their parents, ukranians ebegging for money, and polish threads about poland. So the usual.

Also the mods there hand out 7-day bans for saying "cuck" instead of "kcmod", which I still appreciate.
tfw KC will never be good again

I pretty much left because /r9k/-tier threads became the majority as opposed to any other discussion, including actual /int/ threads.

mein gott

Not the best, /r9k/ and Holla Forums tier shitposting has become widespread, the dream of /int/ - pure love is dead ;_;

they all moved to 4/his/

he just needs to wi utah and trump to cuck shillary out of 270, then there (i think) house majority leader can chose the president of anyone wih electoral college votes, and he'd love to vote a more regular republican

It goes to the House, with each state getting 1 vote.

It really comes down to Florida, doesn't it?

I have a feeling Hillary is going to take it

did trump win


yeah, I look forward to lots of neoliberal butthurt

florida, new hampshire, North carolina and nevada

I always thought this was funny. There's only one conspiracy theory Holla Forums has met that it doesn't like: that Trump was a Clinton plant all along. (Even better now that there's Wikileaks emails of the Clinton campaign pretty much confirming they were praying for a "Pied Piper" candidate like Trump to enter)

It's like the answer to that was always "well, heh, the 🍀🍀🍀globalists🍀🍀🍀 control pretty much everything, but they aren't THAT good"

n-no thank you

Not really. If Wisconsin and Michegan flip it's effectively negated.

I have the exact opposite feeling, case in point: Rick Scott. One of Trump's first major supporters, who supported him over both Jeb and Rubio. Florida is going to be Florida.

getting paid a billion dollars to arm a salafi terrorist state is bland and boring now.
I want to die

let'em live in their fantasy world. There's a reason why Fox News is the highest rated news program, it's because TV is for old people. Just let them sit in the corner while their audience dwindles away.

Florida has a large Republican presence. Good thing Hillary has been endorsed by every Republican.

Yes, but Neocon Republicans. That group is so small they couldn't even give their guy (Jeb) a single delegate in their party's own primary. Which is why Hilary is so fucking stupid to try and pander to them, when they aren't a major force anymore.

I have a feeling that Trump's margin of victory in Florida is a lot more narrow than most people realize. It may have elected Rick Scott, it also elected Obama from a large number of Latino voters.

A large number Trump has alienated and galvanized.

You guys are unfunny retards


This thread is for news, champ.

Reality hurts another butt, the post.


oh shit

my analysis of the election:
The US has a choice between a cyanide pill or taking a bullet through the head.

as a german i recommend doing both

Fair trade off for having better discussions.



Take the red pill

aka Cubans, who aren't going to be deported like sudacas are. Also Obama won the white vote in Florida anyway, remember how absolutely unhappy people were with Bush

Trump is not going to win the election.


Go back to wherever you came from & stop derailing the thread

Ana should be gulag'd to be honest

Mexicans and Central Americans aren't "sudacas"

I'm returning to leftypol for the first time since the primaries. Is there a widely accepted prediction on what Holla Forums will actually do when Trump gets cucked tonight?

oh jesus

The trolling doesn't start until the "results" are announced.

What happened after Romney lost the election? Because that will bepretty much the same thing.

general election polls don't matter any more, just state polls.

The same thing when Austrian elections happened and OeVP lost: butthurt and glorious uprising

mexicans aren't, but mexicans also vote against sudacas (which include oaxacos and centracas)

This Trump idolatry blows the Romney stuff out of the water.

Whatever it happens Holla Forums will glorious uprising on every single imageboard on existence.
Even small ones like lainchan and sushichan.

They will claim it is rigged and move on doing what they always do. They already prepped up a ringing narrative so they don't actually have do anything besides shitposting online.


I don't think Hilary will win, but it won't matter. Either Holla Forums gets what they want or Congress eats her up next year. She can't win.

Same shit as always: a tie. Don't look into +1s or +2s too much especially in a national poll.

Yeah so basically, a lot of predictions like

they're a bunch of fucking morons

Speaker of the house chooses the president if neither gets more than 270, innit?

Wew, that filter is still there?

no, the house itself

bold prediction: we were just pretending, it was all irony

Holla Forums will damage control quickly by claiming redditors/normalfags were the only ones who thought Trump was going to win.

each state gets 1 vote

You really weren't around when elections in Austria took place?

Things are going to get annoying really fucking quickly.

Well, they've drawn attention to themselves this election, and alienated a larger number of people by attracting said attention, so if it was all for a lost cause

They're going to be eaten alive more than usual

nah, i haven't been on Holla Forums since a little after the general started


Don't forget B████ leading a rebellion if she does not act on the DNC platform he pushed for


Does Holla Forums or r/the_donald have a booru or something with all those autistic MAGA images?
If he loses and Holla Forums starts denying him I want to spam those all day.
Same if he wins and starts fucking up.

That's a brilliant idea actually

Either way Paul Ryan is president

this needs to happen

I dunno, Trump has a decent amount of supporters in the house. I'm unsure Ryan would get the votes he needs.

When do the exit polls and projections start falling in?

The truth is, Holla Forums will be on the right for not feeling bad if Trump loses because, at the end of the day, it was their collective autism that took one of the shittiest candidates of all time to the same level of the most "establishment" candidate of the past few decades. They were dealt the shittiest cards of all time and still managed to get this far.

So the butthurt will be dissolved in a sea of "I can't believe we actually got to this point" optism – like how every intelligent leftist felt when S█████ lost the primaries.

Fascists have realised that they can enforce their will upon mainstream politics, and as soon as the results are out they will start working towards making sure that an actual Fascist candidate will be there in 2020 and that an actual structure will be there to support him.

And the Left will probably chill until a new left-wing candidate falls from the sky. Because the truth is, we suck at organizing.

The butthurt is already beginning an his L hasn't even been announced yet. Good lord, this is going to be magnificent.

this guy gets it

I believe they have to vote from the three candidates that go the most EC votes

first exit polls out in a couple of minutes

apparently polling is only being done in 6 states this year, though, so maybe not too much to read into them

Who is talking about bullies? Me? Or Holla Forums?

Also I'm not a tranny lol

kek they got it served on a fucking silver platter

will another reality tv show celeb work or will they have to dig a bit deeper

lol no

Alex Jones is the next logical step from here.

I wonder if 8/pol/ will be burned down by stormfags if Trump loses. After all their moderation team has banned anyone that has criticized or pointed out Trump's connection to Israel.

Holla Forums needs to relearn the English language first.

It really was. Trump would be, at best, a 10% third-party candidate without Breitbart, without social media, without Holla Forums, without all the far-Right networks and organizations that started in the 90's, etc.

How about an MDE news stream?

I'm not a stormfag, but I am one of the people that was banned countless times for not jumping on the Trump train and actually questioning his motives and intentions. I already have about 30 tabs opened up with posts ready to go once the announcement is made.

You lost the one chance you made yourself relevant for a person playing you like a fiddle

Good job

You joke, but consider the following'

2017: President Clinton leads a very unpopular invasion into Syria and Iraq, while signing the TPP. Ohio becomes a Right-To-Work state, followed by Pennsylvania.
2018: Hilary is engulfed in Impeachment proceedings (successful or not, just like with her husband) due to her emails. The GOP obtain a Supermajority.
2019: Hilary has to ask for a Surge to support the troops in Iraq, Congress says No and shit hits the fan as her Operation Menu equivalent is discovered
2020: Hilary looses to Cruz/Rubio, championing a "new" reformed and beaner-friendly GOP. As it is a Census year, all their gains are sealed up for the coming decade through Gerrymandering. The US returns to being a defacto one party Republican state, like it was from 1860 to 1930.

Which is why I hope Trump wins, because I do not want to live in such a world.

I really doubt most voters believe in Donald Trump for the reasons of voting for them other than he's not Hillary Clinton and he's a Republican who won the primary, I very much doubt an actual fascist state would arise from these circumstances.


The institutions are still there. For starters, let's look at Porky's stormtroopers: Pinkerton. They went from being a PI agency used to break unions to a flagship NSA contractor and private military corporation. To get back to 1880, all it would take is Congress allowing states to toll highways (a thing Democrats even want) and Congress establishing a formal guideline for privatizing police departments. Both of these things are more than plausible.

At that point, the military-industrial complex would essentially have zero checks on it's power as it would have an extralegal paramilitary force and a national tolling system that can be used to keep people from moving around (due to high tolls) and spy on people (such as a cargo scanner inside every toll booth).


Fantastic. There was a thread over there a day or two ago where the same thing happened. Had me in stitches.

Porky wouldn't do something overt, it relies on being covert about its process in the first world.

Seriously this is just fantasy

The U.S. has already had a former CIA agent as a president–Bush the Elder.

I just imagine how many superstitious fascist are desperately posting the right letters sweating hard as fuck

100% correct post. The far right has already won this election.

If Trump wins they win big league of course because their candidate gets elected.
If Hillary wins they still have shown how far they've come, have around 45% of the country on their side and most importantly have made things you weren't even allowed to think 2 years ago acceptable.



Not really. It requires exact circumstances to come into fruition.

To describe this as full retard would be an understatement.

Delusion, tbh. The media & DNC elevated Trump. Not Holla Forums.


Mexicans won't vote Republican as long they have to carry their illegal family/friends burden in the United States. Trump winning may ironically have legal beaners assimilate quick due to avoid stereotypes.

..and the liberal media giving him spotlight 24/7 and democrats favouring him as a pied piper candidate

say it with me


Should have clarified I'm not talking about Holla Forums but this whole altright movement on the world. Of course Holla Forums had little impact on the election. Maybe a bit during primaries but even there it probably didn't make a huge difference.


Porky don't give a shit. If neither the Congress nor the President will stop him, why bother? It'll be sold to us as a "reasonable, common sense" budget matter. A way to give states and counties "more options". Suddenly it costs $15 to leave town by car. Meanwhile the local police will quietly start hiring private officers, originally for boring jobs (school resource officers, traffic officers, etc) until they become the majority and the town just contracts with Porky directly.

It happened once, and can for certain happen again. And the whole time we will have an open border because Porky needs the cheap labor and Holla Forums will be too stupid to realize it until it's far too late for them. This is when Porky's gun control comes out again, and crushes all the "white nationalists" and other Holla Forums types.

cake for trump's victory party tonight

it's so fucking sad

You didn't explain this option like you did the other. I don't think they win at all. Trump will be a disappointment so they will lose credibility, and Democrats will be forced to reconsider their support of loser establishment candidates.

laugh out loud

It actually does. The circumstances you're listing are extremely complex.

America is really more than likely going to brush this off and elect more Fascist-lite candidates who tote the party line while claiming they don't.

You know, like it has always been in America.

This shouldn't be your first election rodeo, this isn't going to change shit.

Don't get hysterical about fascism to the point of hoping a presidential candidate wins.

Pretty much. They've shown that the radical Right is more powerful than the establishment Right, while the Left couldn't do the same.

And it can be argued that we had our best cards at play: if you asked any leftist in 2012 who he'd like to see running for president in 2016, he'd say Warren, S█████, I guess maybe Franken, etc. If you asked a rightist the same, not one of them would say fucking Donald Trump. So not only they're already of us, they still have the option of building up a better candidate.

No they aren't. I'd be a budget matter, a thing 99% of the populace won't notice until after it happens. And I'd argue at least half the country supports highway and police privatization anyway.

Like it has been since 1953. The Republican party has existed since 1854.

Indeed. Holla Forums's celebration would be a short one. Now that I think about it, Trump could very well be a jabroni set up to take the fall for the impending financial shitstorm in order to scare people into supporting neoliberalism again.

Yes, they are. You don't understand how late capital works.

Thanks for the observation.


They just showed how retarded American voters are.

And you don't understand how realpolitik works. If Porky assumes total control over the national government (through the Presidency and the Congress), the fangs will come out as subtly will no longer be necessary. Noncompliance with government/porkyist policy would be met with overwhelming force like it was before the baby boomers.

Porky has to step back for the Cold War to survive, and now the Cold War has been over for about 25 years. They're going back to their old ways because the old ways made more money. Boomers thought history ended with them, instead with their passing a new and more ordinarily violent era of history will occur.

Part of me wants Trump to win so I get to see how Holla Forums and other trumpcucks react when he does things that contradicts his populist/fascist persona in the white house. Would they continue to shill for him or turn on him? I'd love to see the humiliation they experience when their God Emporer sells the Gov't out to foreign investors or does something to benefit one of his rich foreign friends.

CTR/Clintonite tears would also be salty

I would join into reddit again just to relish in it

I do.


I hate to break to you but they already have. There's no point

I don't mind you thinking that way as long as you'll have something better than trite Borowitz report-tier remarks to throw at the population if the threat of Fascism becomes real. Because dumb people can beat, shoot, arrest and intimidate you just as well as smart people can, and the group that will give them permission to do is growing and gaining confidence.

Hillary already de facto lost by not being able to secure a nice fat advantage against an orange clown that keeps embarrassing himself. MSM don't want to admit it publicly, but they know things aren't that great for them anymore, as well as that liberal idpol blindness will be increasingly discredited as Hillary acts like Bush while having none of the Obama's (faked) appeal.

So whoever wins officially, things don't look that good for the system as they did under owe-Bummer.

to do so is*

socialism would be a reality before fascism

Still stuck in the first stage huh? Here, this handy guide might help.

The Putin/Ukraine shit that happened back in 2014 had a large amount of cognitive dissonance. Holla Forums still defended Putin despite him accepting muslims into his country and killing Azov Battalion. The same thing will happen if Trump gets into office.

If Clinton wins, then 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ will be asshurt
If Trump wins, then /r/politics will be asshurt
Are there any other potential sources in case of either candidate's victory?

You really are stupid if you think that the growing confidence isn't growing towards Clinton like circumstances for porky going on ahead, the rest is just shit we've already seen before.

This is no different than the Reagan elections

looks like something out of a Lionel Richie parody

What did he mean by this ?

I would love to have the luxury of indulging into autistic turf wars between leftist sects that are completely marginalized anyway. Not even joking, that stuff surely can be fun.
Unfortunately I am European and have to hope my hardest that Hillary wins because I really, really, really don't want to get invaded by Putin.

Why would anyone vote for 🍀🍀🍀McMullin🍀🍀🍀? He's a member of eternal Hibernian conspiracy.

Mein gott


Do you really believe Putin will actually invade anything?
Really nigger?

If you want more butthurt if Donald wins, watch out for twitter, tumblr and the following subreddits.


Fellow yuropoor here. You really believe that? Including that Russia would just invade Europe like that?

Or just go laugh at a bunch of undocumented immigrants in poverty since you don't give a shit about the working class

Not to mention that this is the third term for a Democrat.

Last time a party had four direct terms in the presidency was during the Great Depression and WW2. Clinton is already unpopular, the Right is energized, the Left is more skeptical towards the system than ever, and she will probably be a shitty president.

So it's very, very unlikely that she'll be re-elected in 2020, which is terrifying because that means anything the Right pushes will probably win.

lmao.. Not professional, though

yeah, putin's not known to do that or anything

Those subs will also track the butthurt if Trump loses.

Don't forget about r/enoughsandersspam2
I can't stand those fuckers. r/politics would be the best tears, though.

damn dude

This implies the right - left dichotomy is actually real.

It is not.

Normalfag butthurt can be pretty choice, there will be lots of that tomorrow whoever wins.

Let's not forget about /r/the_donald in case of Clinton's victory

I'm eastern European and even I think thats retarded

who'd'a thunk it?

He's probably a polyp here thinking he can stock up on salt.


He's already moderated his policy on that matter.

i loved all these little guys

Russia already did invade Europe. And I'm not 100% sure Hillary will give more than a fuck than Obama, but with her one can at least hope for it. With Trump and his plans to pretty much dismantle NATO, we're fucked either way.
Also I'm from Germany, Putin wouldn't even have to start a real military invasion, there are already lots of people here who would welcome him. Our last social democratic prime minister even literally shilled for him in exchange for some very lucrative management position at Gasprom after his term. All it takes is some Trump tier Isolationism and there are dark times ahead here.

Typical liberal

See this is what I don't get. Why are you putting Trump on a pedestal above Clinton? He's not, he's just as shit.

Regardless of the outcome, potentially millions of undocumented immigrants who work for shit shifty wages Americans don't give a shit about are on the line.

Thinking "I want Trump to win for the laughs" is still wanting Trump to win, it's a very sheltered bougie mindset


*working class

*working class

I think you're looking in the mirror.

When did we get these "evil Putin" people on Holla Forums?

NATO's an imperialist organization. If Trump dismantled it, it would be one of the few positive things the left could cheer.

The better question is when you started supporting capitalists and the Russian mafia with a coat of paint



and that's what i can't take you putinboos seriously

I just can't help but care more about my own entertainment then people who i don't know and have no interaction with.

Now that we know Holla Forums is just too stupid to vote, how good are Trump's chances?

same goes for those that want Clinton to win in order to see Holla Forums get butthurt

Mass economic immigration isn't a solution to 3rd-world poverty, there are numerous practical options, but that isn't one of them. Mass economic immigration IS a solution to 1st-world prosperity for porky.

There are zero reasons to support it.


I shared that one here during the primaries

Bad sign.

I think he is nineteen

That doesn't suddenly make hispanic immigrants in the same circumstances as immigrants in Europe from which I've seen similar arguments be made for their own deportation.

Hispanic immigrants have been the working class for quite a while now, and you're just as porky for calling for their own labor being forfeit

there's also this:

^grassroots volunteer org trying to provide fast real-time results



Those were the towns that vote at midnight for some reason, it's literally only 60 or so votes.

Yes, a total of 64 people have been counted. But Trump is going to win New Hampshire.

it is 40-30 votes, all from special snowflake precincts tat viote at night

I don't "support Russia" per se (the oligarchs were basically looters of the USSR's industries), but leave it to anarchofem to gin up anti-Russian chauvinism.

I'll take NATO's imperialism over Putin's imperialism any day, thank you. Especially after having met antifascists from Russia a few years back. I don't want to have to face what they're facing.

Not really. I just don't support the United States or Russia.

Papa Wolff will be live on RT at 6:30

6:30 could literally mean anything

Yeah, it's midnight where I live


6:30 EST, about 12 minutes

Something the US, Russia and China do all the time but for some reason some people think it applies only to the Burgerfats.

You can oppose both forms of imperialism. You don't have to support the lesser imperialism. Would you/did you vote Clinton to stop Trump. Shaky comparison but still.

What do you think of Obama encouraging illegal immigrants to vote?

Did we start getting CTR people here?

Then why bother accusing me of "supporting" the capitalists in Russia? I never said that, but I just think the Putin paranoia is unreal and out of proportion.

WTF? If one takes seriously Trump's promises of American isolationism then this can only be welcomed. I don't mind if that means Europe and Russian working together as a consequence, knowing that wouldn't necessarily be positive either, but it's still worth it.

i don't think he did?

I've resigned myself to Clinton's inevitable victory, but I really hope it isn't a landslide. She needs to have a weaker mandate so the S█████/Warren wing of the Dems can mount a more credible challenge to the party leadership.

If she wins both Ohio and Florida, though, expect to hear lots of smug, self-satisfied gloating.





Hello slut.


Burger breathing heavily in the background

They both exist, you fucktard, it's not either/or, and America's is greater so them getting cut back a bit is nothing depressing.

Do you understand population pressure? Supply and demand? There are a hundred million more stuck in Mexico who can never leave, another half-billion south of them, and billions more across the ocean. Evacuating the 3rd-world will not work, we have to fix the problem where it starts.

It's not about their legitimacy or whatever, it's about refusing to let porky bury us in an unending tidal wave of slaves.

Hi nerd

Wait, do you actually believe that popularity has any bearing on who runs the party and how? Come on now.

God it's like this is your first election and you didn't know Hispanic immigration has had a large presence in the US for decades

It's always the ones you don't want to see.

Go read your E. L. James books, loser.


Who are you calling a loser?

So you think that's inevitable? I bet you're also of the "opinion" free trade is a natural fixture of the "modern globalized economy". We can fight, and we can win.

yeah, but that means the problem is with porky. Pointing it at the immigrants at all is playing right into porky's hands. Remember, it's employers who drive down wages, not immigrants. Immigration can't be a solution to all the third world's problems, I agree, but that doesn't mean immigrants or immigration are by themselves problems at all.


No, I actually think the worker is entitled to all they create.

Unlike you.

But you're the loser

nigga stop

Lemme ask a rhetorical question: Do you think it's ever necessary to stand in solidarity against fellow proles?

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

DO YOU HEAR IT Holla Forums?

Have you stopped beating your boyfriend?

ew gross lmao



they just made this an emote

Stop shilling retarded youtube videos please


Oh so you're a carpet muncher then.

man, i'm just gonna drop all my election maymays ITT because soon they'll all be useless


Don't get your hopes up, guys.

As bad as when Holla Forums calls for CTR.


sup gurl

Stop shilling retarded youtube videos please

It all depends on how much the Democrats decide to examine themselves and their party's faults after the election, and that's more likely to happen if it's a close race. Of course the likes of Chuck Schumer aren't simply going to roll over and allow the progressive wing to run the show, but they have more justification for doing so if it's Clinton in a landslide.

Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but if the Democrats don't want to get pummeled in the midterms, they can't simply steamroll the opposition and expect former S█████ voters to fall in line.

I see you keep using that line to shut down discussion. Why even be here if it's all so apparent and non-eventful? Go do something more productive. I don't mind anons throwing different interpretations of the election into the mix, even if they're sometimes dumb, naive or eccentric.

Because it could be true. It's based on expectations you have. You shouldn't have any expectations in the electoral process.


That's fine. I don't mind criticizing those opinions with my own.

I'm Barbra Bush

Nevermind then

No you aren't.
This is Barbra Bush


So who is winning so far? I don't have cable TV, and I don't know where to find election results either.



just wait and find out the final results

You need to stop posting that or you are going to get banned

Kentucky and Indiana are being counted so what do you think





Holly molly……….. really?

I don't know what to think. I can't seem to find any stream of coverage online anywhere. I even went to Holla Forums and /newsplus/ to scroll around for info just to find pretty much nothing at all. Just wondering what's going on (I literally have no cable TV access, its too expensive).

I should turn my radio on and scan some news broadcasting soon.

Thanks anons.


Posting in advance, for our Holla Forumsfriends.

Yes, but they've only started counting 3 states, 2 of which were expected to be solid red and one of which has only counted 1%

Trump is getting two thirds of the vote so far in Indiana and Kentucky (above predicted vote-share). Trump landslide confirmed.

For now yeah. He has like 40000 votes counted in, HRC has 15000. And the two states counted are red.
Not a bad thing imo, but hey, good luck for your candidate to win, mate.

Total reported in is under 5% in both. And neither is a swing state. Just sit back and wait some more instead of sperging out over every .1% increase in counted votes. It'll be over before you know it.


nah not listening

NH is expected to be pretty important tbh

Whoa! Trump is winning in both Indiana and Kentucky? No way!

What music do you like then?

What is important is that he's getting above his expected vote-share.

nigger music :::3333

Literally 50 people have voted.

you just gave me flashbacks of my father :^(




If I'm going to listen to a woman she's probably black.

Mostly listen to FKA Twigs lately

People who vote earlier in the day are usually more Republican, so his lead will diminish as the later votes are counted.

No, you are missing the fact that the party is just a bunch of corporate executives who will always serve the interests of the people who pay them. Popular support is meaningless, because their resources can create popular support or at least the illusion of it.

Nooooo, edgy hipster noise

Is you one of them foreigners or something?

It's Slug Christ-Fuck Politics


How are they calling Vermont with 0% reporting?

never change murikkka

Burger living abroad

Thanks fam


What are the chances of trump winning

tallies aren't needed when it's all rigged

Holla Forums here, are you ready to get rekt?
repeat after me
President Donald Trump

Y'all invited to my afterparty

I assume exit polls



I'm actually going to repeat after myself

I look forward to him not doing any of those promises. :^)


When will we know if the Greens have 5% or not?

You should try Arca then

(they won't)

they're not gonna get it, but hopefully they'll get more than 2%

they have 0 chance

Trump crushing in FL

I may not have a horse in the race, but I do look forward to relentlessly mocking the supporters of whoever loses.

link or it didn't happen

Trump at 65% in Florida. Landslide confirmed.

I have faith if not for some shenanigans

Calm down faggots.


Florida hasn't been counted yet


Nigga these days Russia is in no shape to invade Russia.

Any of you betting?

Putting my political beliefs aside, I would like for the USA to elect Trump because it would be fucking hilarious and unlikely to affect me directly. On the other hand, Clinton's situation reminds me of my own corrupt piece of shit human trash prime minister and while both of them are crooks to some extent, Clinton just smells worse.

Trump 121241% in California. Landslide confirmed

I'm getting tired of reading this.

In the event that Trump loses we should raid Holla Forums with Hillary memes. In the event that Hillary loses we should raid /r/socialism with Trump memes.


just here for the maymays

I'm excited by the idea of liberals being angry if Trump wins and excited by the idea of Holla Forums being angry if Clinton wins
But either way I'll be sad personally so it's really a win-win lose-lose for me.

There's an active shooter in CA near a polling station. At least one person dead. The suspect was described as bald, overweight and heavily armed.

No that's obnoxious and stupid tbh

Ditto. If the world is going to burn regardless, might as well enjoy the fireworks.

Who /votedforclintonbecausebourgeoispoliticsareashamandbothcandidatesareessentiallythesamebutaclintonpresidencyseemslikeitwouldmakeabetterpoliticalenvironmenttogrowanactuallysocialistleftwingmovement/ here?

It would be hilarious if somebody actually fucked up the rigging and it showed somebody winning by like 500%

shootings happen every day in america. However if you know it is election day and you go on a shooting spree then it is probably politcally motivated

I'll put a pepe on Clinton to win. Enjoy your Diebold electronic voting machines, faggots.

Holla Forums does it again

Why? Just encourage Holla Forums to finally shoot themselves

Gary Johnson at 10% in Florida.

btw nice trips

Holla Forums was right again

talking about money…

I hate the person and everything he stands for, but I like that he represents a chance of seeing a nuclear exchange in my lifetime. What can I do?


Again, link or it didn't happen

Also, posting Trump is landsliding won't save you


Wow pol's autism actually got someone killed. Impressive.

more like

So are you guys ready for Holla Forums raiding us? If Trump wins they'll come spamming pepes and if Clinton wins they'll have a tantrum and ask if we're happy that there's "another socialist in goverment" or "finally got your vagina in office" etc

We all are user


Go Fat Cho, go!


Looks like Clinton is winning Virginia. So, it's not gonna be a landslide, but a narrow Trump win.


The Weird Twitter zingers pretty much write themselves.

It's a drug related shooting you morons.

don't remind me


What sites are you guys using to keep up with the counting?



Holla Forums on suicide watch

Well, when was the last time a leftist has killed anyone for political reasons? RAF? We need to get back in the game.

Forgot source

I didn't know mountain dew was classified as a drug


YPG kills fascists all the time

I'm using the Guardian tbh

Trump leadling in Virginia now. Landslide confirmed.


If clinton wins I'll be too busy partaking in the sacking of 4/pol/ that happens on 4chan after every presidential election where all the other boards gangbang Holla Forums so hard they stop being so uppity for awhile. Have a feeling things won't be as fun here though.

if the goofy bastard pulls this off…

That does sound entertaining.

Less than 1 percent confirmed. They initially called Florida for Romney in 2010 but eventually it flipped blue

But it is Florida.

But this is less than one percent of Florida's votes

Agent 47 must've let himself go

I'm not surprised.

I'm obviously talking about militant leftists within a society, not literally on a battlefield in a middle of a traditional war.

What does this have to do with the thread topic?

The only link to voting is that one of the victims was going to vote. Considering it's Nov 8, that's kind of a given.

Rest of this reads like gang violence.


leading by 0.6 % with only 1% counted





to what side?

what does this mean

the other one

It's neck-and-neck you dip


Some red states got called already

Who else watching DP?


florida actually flipped lmao
trump btfo

I know its the east coast so far, but that's pretty fucking embarrassing quite frankly.
The guys more of a fuck up than Trump

Double penetration 2016

Me, lmao

i knew I liked you

And what is DP?

I'm starting to realize once over a hundred million people participate in democracy it starts to get really shit

landslide confirmed would be the perfect meme to spam on Holla Forums if Clinton wins
It will be aso the perfect meme to spam on liberal hotspots if Trump wins

Drunken Peasants.

If Shillery wins, the left dies x.x

Drunken Peasants podcast

Might as well laugh while we burn


What is already dead can't die

Guys, I think my cat voted for Trump. What should I do?

Trump is a disaster but if he wins I will cum so hard to liberal tears.

unfunny faggots

And West Virginia called for Trump


Over 30 per cent of the vote now counted in Florida. Trump leads Clinton 49.5 to 47.7.

It's not about the number slut, it's about people having different concerns. Someone in New York has no fucking idea what someone in Ohio needs or wants.

The good thing about not giving a fuck about any of this is that no matter who wins and who loses, we win. I really want to Trump to lose so I can go shit post on Holla Forums though. But Hillary losing would be hilarious just because I fucking hate that bitch.

Meet our next president, everybody!

hillary btfo


Go back to Holla Forums actually

But wouldn't that validate idpol as a strategy if she wins?


A man can dream.

I'm worried about the internet, TBH.

more like all the left opposition gets channeled through the DNC. under clinton the left gets more marginalized and dnc splits more. didn't you see how quickly the B████crat left united with hrc coalition when they had a common enemy of trump? compared to when it was B████ v. hrc?

Is it just that most east coast states are republican or something

I will be right there with you too if Hillary wins.

Bwahaahahaha make me! Try to force me to leave with your shitty weak female noodle arms!

Maybe if you're lucky I'll rape your ass.



Damn you Satan.

Back last December Trump was talking about censoring the internet and that's what made me initially go from being ambivalent about him to just flat out hating him.


Rump winning NC lads.

It's all over


Really makes you think

isn't NC red no matter what
it's SC that'll maybe swing



To do what? Suck off other rich old white people?

It may validate the wealthy liberals who push for it, who will push for it no matter who wins, but those at the bottom will continue to see it as a losing strategy for them.

So the goal is to keep that common enemy alive?

that's hot tbh

Trump is winning Virginia and Florida. Holy fuck.


Maybe it's just the problem of representative democracy when people need to choose for just one person to manage millions singlehandedly.

he never said that

your tears are already delicious

But I'd rather see the establishment, MSM and liberal status quo shills butthurt than some Holla Forums retards. There's simply no comparison.

Is your sexism supposed to slow me down? I don't even care if you're a weak male.

A weak male is same as a female anyway.

not hot tbh

Holy shit it looks like he's actually winning Florida.

We shouldn't even have a president tbh

Kiszkiloszki emotes when?

That is true. I dunno man, I just want my free shit Philippine chalk drawings.

Incel cuck faggots confirmed landslide trump 2016

are those tribals on her boobs

LOL, OK. Go ahead and make up some excuses for what he "actually" meant.

I agree. Also, for all the idpol whining about how Trump has stirred up racism and misogny–if he wins most of these edgy internet nazis will give it up because it won't be cool and contrarian anymore

If he wins Florida AND Virginia, Hillary is fucked

NH has tipped back to Hillary now that they have actual results in. It's all over

Meh, I'd be equally happy with either. Trump is just another puppet anyways. None of this matters. I've reached the acceptance stage of guilt.

What, you care this much about internet freedumz for snackbars and ISIS?

grief, not guilt

Very poor choice of tattoos & placement tbh


Prepare your angus.

Yeah it's ultrabourgeois. Such women are worthless for anything but 24/7 constant robot rapings.

You mean just like republican supporters who keep consciously voting for neoliberalism because they are planning to be rich one day too? You're ignoring how much in denial people can be. Same goes for liberal idpol.

when does the rioting start

no. they united under neoliberal hrc to defeat trump. ideally we need B████/progressives/disaffected dem voters to become more and more disconnected from the party under a clinton administration and begin to split with the dems entirely. we need break in what Zizek called "the clinton consensus"

What happens to Alex Jones if he becomes president

Will we see for the first time, Alex Jones defending the US government?

LOL, you're an idiot. All they have to do is have someone make posts that are pro-ISIS on a site like this and that gives them an excuse to shut it down. You're a fucking fool.

this looks very massive for trump right now in virginia and florida

like this and it is done and dusted


I prefer a revolt over a riot.

No. He'll lead the revolution against himself and walk to the firing squad


not exactly, anyway we can't do anything atm anyway


the fuck

That's right you really never will

Broward County hasn't even reported yet and it's a massive county that will most likely go 70-30 for Clinton.

Wait for Miami and the DC suburbs to be counted.

it's the rural (read: small) precincts and counties being put up right now

Too early to call, but it's a good start at least.

I feel like we're arguing the same thing

I think Trump and B████ shows that people are starting to wake up to some degree


I can't agree anymore with this, I hate the establishment a fuckload.^

Someone post based commie Alex. I can't find it.

Rape isn't necessary. Years of subtle emotional abuse will eventually break them.

miami dade results are already in I think

more thna half of votes already counted, including early voting that was supposedly democrats strong point

too risky tbh

South Carolina just flipped blue


Anyone know if chapo trap house live streaming?

If they get butthurt, they'll take it out on the people on the left who opposed Hillary

So I don't look forward to it

Yes because trump will overthrow neoliberal hegemony

You're all sluts to start with. A bit of E in your drink and you'll fuck anything with a dick. Some basic vibes and you're drooling all over the place begging for it.

SC just turned blue

I think so too.

Anyone know why NC goes red but SC is tossup? I assume it's difference in black population, but I also thought NC was more black? Idk

It takes much easier abuse to break a man

Trust me, I've succeeded

So, can we say that Trump has won Florida? Maimi results and early votes are already in.

They are doing a live show at Caroline's in NYC. It's being taped, will probably be released tomorrow or Thursday.

what is this

florida is blue again

you really need to leave your room sometime

I've broken and been broke. It's all easy. Humans are easier to program than a computer.


florida blue again, but most of miami in already

Just take a look at pol and r9k to see how easily broken young men are.

You sound like a sociopath.

Went blue again.

Viral socialism.exe when?

He was talking about shutting down internet connections to Syria because ISIS/ISIL forces were using it to communicate, not shutting down the whole internet. Yah, kinda extreme of a measure but we've done that to other nations before so it would not be the first time it happened.

less then 1 percent of Miami are in

They're working on it already.

No obviously not, but there's a subtle degree of at least anti-neoliberalism to Trump's rhetoric, with his opposition to stuff like the TPP

Each woman should be allowed to marry 3 guys

One for the mouth, one for the puss, and one for the ass

Fewer than 250,000 votes in Miami=Dade have been counted

On B████ OS


Trips confirm I'm a sociopath and not the one spamming porn and rape fan fiction

me is lafing

Being banned from Holla Forums

yeah 4pol is p funny rn


Shoo wew shoo

Shoo reddit shoo


Florida is over



he is dead boy

You can be my second husband.. benis

I'll stop stalking you now ;^)



lmao CTR is so transparent

I don't blame you, i'd be angry too if i pooped out blood every month.




I didn't even start with the plugs.

they basically just link to this subreddit:

a goldmine is forming

Get a room already.

lol they had to rename it after gawker imploded?


Deep penetration.



there is nothing surprising about Holla Forumsyps not being registered and getting denied

how will they survive waddling out of the basement and not knowing where to find tendies outside their moms house

What Trump is going to get tonight from his wife for humiliating her in public



pic: current poll


How the fuck did they not figure out how to vote? Bloody hell

Slaves dot get to chose their master this is only a façade.





How does it compare to Chapo trap house?


When is it reasonable to expect a final result to be counted?

Anyone checked Holla Forums recently? Tears or bargaining yet?

He is a Trot what else could you expect from him?

3 hours from now at the earliest.

Another 3 hours.


mostly tears
anger will begin soon

Likely to be useful soon





Yeap they are faking the results and they are fucking euphoric about Trump's "victory".

So Trump losing kills the alt-right or makes it stronger?

Halfchan Holla Forums is losing their minds

Trump is leading with educated white women.

Watch your narrative collapsing.

Should I post more

The GG thread is starting to get on the denial stage.

Never seen chapo, but DP is good, internet humor. They don't pretend to be intellectuals & are funny. So I like. I started watching them during the end of the primaries. I needed to laugh & was tired of being so serious & depressed all the time.

It might be fake tbh but after all the stupid shit i saw posted online, i can't even tell anymore.

It's going to be Romney all over again isn't it

Holy shit, this is going to be great

best day on halfchan tbh

Yes pls

Fucking why?

The anime girls with make america great again hats are going to become extremely valuable in the post election meme economy


Makes it stronger.

You should make me a sandwitch.

This is going to make Romney look small time. I guarantee it.

How are you doing thoses post collages so quickly?
Seriously i need to know.

4chan's Holla Forums on suicide watch.

dat copypasta on the bottom is A+

How long till jonestown tier shit happens?

I've been gathering some too

It's time to dig on the archives for MAGA images?
They are about to become instant Holla Forumsyp triggering for years.

texas turned blue

Choose one.

The whole anti-capitalism will be wholly right wing meme now.

Just wait until California. Then the election ends

If we get lucky maybe they'll actually pull the trigger this time.

was for

So much this. Those smug bints in election wear which were posted with such cheer by Holla Forumsyps will suddenly become a symbol of pure mockery, a reminder of their pain. The paradigm will have completely flipped.



We're winning boys

They really fucked up by investing all their internet worth into one presidential candidate instead of keeping on the edge and making conspiracy theories about Trump


sounds like chapo is about the same then
it's really good. check it out sometime




Sure man. Will do.

Choose one.



This is going to be embarrassing


right, Holla Forums wasn't completely invested in Romney as a candidate, just that he was not Obama

there's no comparison to this year's full on personality cult

it's very early


BRB Mateys.

save some fake victory maps for future references.

Oh man that's all I have been wishing for since this shit feast started.

CTR, pls go

What? That's becoming too weird for me.

It always fascinates me how populous the U.S is.
Australia is roughly the same size as mainland U.S, but it has 300 million more people than us.
Shit seems overwhelming.


68-34 now

This shit is better than football

How are they counting delegates for either candidate with 0% of the votes counted?

this meme must die. It triggers me on multiple levels.


Come back, soon :3

holy shit ahahaha

they're so delusional

Most of our country isn't a wasteland filled with monsters though.


I think this election has proven that debatable.

shut up and shitpost like everybody else

If the exit polls show a landslide, they can make the call as soon as the polls close. No one expected South Carolina to go blue or Massachusetts to go red anyway.

you cheeky cunt


Braces are gross tbh


Sashing your own dick with a hammer is better than football.

You and I both know they are too chickenshit to do it. They'll just double down on Trump and swear up and down the Jews rigged the election (even if he wins the majority of the Jewish vote which I will be eagerly checking).

Also feels good that we get to vote knowing our votes matter, unlike clapistan where 'delegates' are the ones that choose the president.

shaarman the pedo edgelord is shirtts

You're a white knight, this is supposed to be better?

51 T vs. 44 C

this is pretty suspenseful


i was busy the past three hours.
what i miss?

I think the last 6 years has also proven this debatable.

And Florida is tied again. Holy shit.

Rhode island is red. Trump landslide confirmed.




lol ctr LARPing

Braces are qt though

all early votig´ng
dank memes though

Just saw this posted on Holla Forums with a sad pepe

I bet you that stupid fuck will still keep believing in the state


Guys, is it too late to register? I was busy and forgot.

I'm also girl

Your memes are still weak, so surprise there

I need to do things but this is so gripping

Braces are cute as fuck.


Litte Marco made it.


This fucking timeline, I swear to god.

aaaahhh!! i hate cyclical threads! please post all these in a real thread otherwise they'll be lost in just a few minutes!

also the first one about the maga hat, would someone please post it for me in a certain thread on another board? for trolling purposes?

Eh. It's early in Texas, probably the urban areas reported first.

I'm more amazed by Ohio. I'm surprised she's ahead by 6% there.

35 states left now

Jesus fuck.
Maybe Holla Forumsyps saying 2016 is like a animu with Trump as the main character aren't that crazy.
Shit's like some shounen battle.

We gunna die.

By 2024 it probably will be.

Then the democrats will have a single-party state.

Democratic challenger leading in NC right now.



Florida doesn't mean much if he can't win Ohio. His path to victory has to involve a duel Florida-Ohio win and right now Florida could go either way and Ohio is leaning Clinton.

sc and alabama called for trump


Results straight from Florida govt:

Trump up by 93,903 votes as of 8:30PM EST.

Far from unprecedented, Dubya only got in on the back of mindbogglingly blatant Gerrymandering.

If Texas goes blue I'll laugh so hard I'll probably wake my neighbours.


good news for traps!

What? I see 1% votes in…

dank as fuck memes

They were called as soon as the primaries were over.

oh shit guys I'm seeing Trump winning Maine 2 votes to 0 votes.

Not if you live in America
You guys don't die - you have brown people die for you


Are you guys fucking retarded? How many Mexicans are there in that state?

Taking a little nap


I'm going to have a stroke

the delta and the coast are pretty blue ordinarily
also, trump probably lost a bunch of evangelicals

but unfortunately the bluest area of the state (delta) is also the least populated

My point is that Texas isn't as Republican as most people think

Do you not understand the concept of districts or something?

I'm your neighbors. Please don't.

She's got the most powerful people behind her. I'd be floored if Trump actually won.

Anyone have any idea why Virginia is still red?

Trump is up by 106,567 votes in FL.

Dr. Stein has 58,127, and Johnson has 188,998.

If Clinton loses, there will be much salt from the left aimed at the 3rd parties.

North still has a lot of votes to count

How come predictions show clinton winning handidly, is the west coast normally democrat?

this almost makes dying in a nuclear war worth it

You're both double niggers, for a grand total of 4 niggers.

Looks like another 2000 potentially

I got chips and dip out

republicans keeping the house – nbc

Stein has like 4% though.

Remember how prophetic the Daily Show's "Indecision 2000" turned out being?

I mean the left. Fucking idpol…

Is the site breaking for anyone else?

the site is always breaking


Yeah, can't handle all the Holla Forums tiers, Jim is ripping out the servers and using them as pig slop.


I noticed a big lag or slow down in posts all of the sudden

At least right to work is failing in VA

Yeah, I've had to try a few times to get some posts through.


Floridafag here. I'm getting intense schadenfreude from doing a write-in for Hoxha.

Holla Forums on suicide watch.


Assange & Wikileaks said it's already been decided, and I don't think they would say that just to be edgy, considering their whole credibility is built on actually knowing what goes on behind the curtains.

what's the best live map for pres/senate/initiatives?


modest kek

trump might actually win

god bless you

Right, because Trump is on bad terms with Israel and Jewish bankers


very nice


Yes absolutely. California alone is 55, I think

The best it will be is close

Assange wasn't saying that the election is literally rigged, as in voting machines being tampered with. He was talking about how the media and political establishment were almost completely united behind Hillary, such that outsider candidates, whether Trump or B████, never had much of a chance to begin with.

somebody shoot someone or something I'm getting bored

the guardian

Nah. He's losing Michigan and Ohio.

In VA, Trump up over 100K with 66% reporting November General/Site/Presidential.html

Trump leading in FL and closing up OH and NC.

He's winning after all.

remove tinfoil

Take meds

Assange and Wikileaks are desperate for attention.
The leaks might be legit but their twitter feeds are full of shit.

I hope it's close so they have to do a recount


He ahead in Florida. He might actually win. It's the Dems own fault for let's voter surpression get so out of control.

Only half of Palm Beach has been counted. While I wouldn't say that Florida would probably go blue, I don't think it's over just yet

Assange and Wikileaks are desperate for attention.
The leaks might be legit but their twitter feeds are full of shit.

He's gonna win. Ohh man. This world is pretty much fucked hehe. What the fuck tho



In other words, they're credible and you're just salty?

Nobody is talking about this but seems the senate is going to be republican and the reps democrats

Apparently a split congress had never happen before in the US>

I kinda forgive their clickbait tweets tbh.

you glorious bastard

I won't be up by the time the results are in, so here, have my Doom B████s. Repost them liberally regardless of who wins, and be sure to archive and/or screencap the salt. Godspeed.

Some democratic nation.

i was under the impression that the house was going to stay solidly republican

I'm not that other person.

Their retarded tweets give fuel to the media to discredit what they do though.

And here I thought shit was going to be shaken up.

In order to win he has to take Colorado and Nevada.

I don't know if he'll manage.

Its all gonna be republican

What are you all drinking?

I'm drinking an 🍀🍀🍀"American"🍀🍀🍀 beer right now to celebrate, Guinness lager. I'll drink a Mexican beer Dos Equis at some point to celebrate the rise/fall of the wall. I also will drink a cider at some point because fuck it.


Sure, but Wikileaks are still humans and it's understandable that they feel frustration.

Celebrate what?

gin ceasar

because im canadian and im just sitting here laughing at america

Oh yeah. I doubt he'll win; found the map funny



No he doesn't. If he takes OH, FL, NC, VA, which is likely, he pretty much wins even if Nevada goes Democrat.


I've been sipping coffee for an hour

Trump up in Ohio by about 40K.

Again, Stein and Johnson skimming votes away in a tight election. The tears will be delicious.


I'm not drunk enough for this shit

This is not true. They are not and have never been known for their political insight.

Their credibility is based on their leaks being true 100% of the time.

Tbh I'm pissed they kept supporting B████ but never went beyond words (like leaking the Hillary stuff when B████ still had a change to win – if he ever had any).

it's ironic celebration m8


I'm drinking a Brewderp, because whoever wins, half the US will devolve into incoherent rage and that'll be fun.

he didn't

Wrong. If he wins all those, it'll be close but it won't give him a lead over Clinton.

In order to beat Clinton, he at the very least needs Nevada.

Which is scary.

Being honest with all of you, I hate both of them but I hate Trump more.


fuck it's REALLY good that I delberately only bought three beers. I have shit to do tomorrow, and if I had a six pack or a bottle of wine at my disposal, I'd probably be going right through it right now.

NYT forecast dipped over to trump for just a sec.

not just classcucks, but contrarian classcucks.

Fuck Hillary, the DNC & the media

Shit sucks yo

Dammit I thought the green was Jill before I clicked it

If Trump becomes the next president I'm going to curse the united states


Trump is winning Florida probably

After that he will win Virginia with its fucking coal miners which will likely give him the presidency

Its fucking fascism, you all irony kids we are witnessing motherfucking history

I saw it, too.

Holy shit. The democrats fucking blew this.

The polls are wrong and slowly catching up to reality. Trump will win.

the stores are still open m8. get yourself something small volume so you won't be a wreck next morning.

anyone else remember when dems were thinking nc and florida would be called immediately for clinton and that would wrap the night

like they were expecting this thing to be called by 9 pm lol

The fuck is wrong with this country?

hair of the dog

Those kids would have grown up to be terrorists, better to nip the buds.

It's the same thing that happened with Brexit.

not american kids don't care


Both are pretty awful in my opinion.

You make a tempting argument


looks like it's gonna come down to North Carolina actually

pls post a link


It's been written on your fucking forehead the whole time… Geez.

Holy fuck, this was at 80 something like an hour ago.


You are not wrong comrade pirate.

What's the voter turnout?

no it isn't bruh. It's the same shit but with more vulgar language.

man what is the point of this kind of thing

If Trump wins I am going to have an orgasm of pure schadenfreude when I go to my SJW university tomorrow. Holla Forums would be insufferable in the short-term, but it may just be worth it for the IRL triggering that it would generate.

I got rum why was I born god help this sick depraved world

That's a Holla Forums doctored image.



sick of the status quo, not necessarily a bad thing

But would he go out of his way to bomb people like Clinton would or would he just bomb ISIS and then pull back on the war hawkishness?

aggregating data to forecast results?
But mostly entertainment.

Brexit 2.0, here we come

Click on the link, idiot.

can I have the third picture without B████'s face in?

No, here's a scenario where he loses CO and NV but wins OH, FL, VA, NC and gets 272. I think this is a highly likely scenario, tbh

It looks like Trump will win Florida, Virginia, and Ohio. He's up in North Carolina but not by much. It looks like that one is the closest.


If Trump wins will his first act be to arrest Clinton

Because that would be fucking hilarious

Depends on what Israel tells him to do

I got opiates & weed chocolates. I feel nothing.

Not likely
They are friends in private.

Hard to believe tbh

kid, all politicians and business leaders, including Clinton and Trump, are corrupt

As someone who spends more time on the Internet I'd rather see Holla Forums explode and possibly get shut down.

That's pretty much why I voted for Trump. (And then Greens all the way down).

Ideology it is them.

As someone who spends more time on the Internet I'd rather see Holla Forums explode and possibly get shut down

I honestly, wonder why my parents had me if the world is this shit


not even close to the same.

We aren't arguing about if they're both shit. Everyone knows they're both shit.

Ok it mighnt be literal fascism. But its our postmodern version of fascism. A republican senate and house, and an authoritarian Trump, with Mike Pence ruling behind the scenes is gonna fuck up the world majorly

Trump is trying to cancel the idea of liberal democracy, and in Americas 250 year old history its gonna get fucked up for the first time

Make no mistake, America wasnt much of a democracy to begin with, but we are gonna get some sweet modernist fascism

At least we will get to laugh at Holla Forums while they slowly realize the "god emperor" is a con artist

The Louisiana purchase was a mistake





That would be good too. Either way, apart from liberal elections being a joke, we will at least get a good laugh out of it all.

Everyone of them is terrible, but Clinton isn't even human.



Dear god I hate America

I wouldn't enthusastically vote for either of these parasites

Fuck this nation, under god indivisible with liberty and protestant Christians shitting too much for all

ITT "an"-fem is actually sad that Hillary might lose as if it makes a difference

Yeah it keeps flipping over to Trump now and then. Look at the chances of winning it's down to 50% for Clinton. It was 57% like 5 minutes ago.

no, it is the same

Sorry comr8, I didn't make them. I meant "mine" just as in it's the ones I have. Sorry.

Fuck Rum

what if cali goes red lmao?

This shit is crazy

that's not how it works faggot. If trump wins it will be 272 almost exactly.

so have libs started claiming russia is hacking the world yet or what

what? surely it happens all the time?

51% chance for TRUMP

Oh my god. that has not happened since Reagan.

that would be insane. Like so impossible I wouldn't even believe the results.




Calm down, shit's been right fucked since forever. Trump or Clinton, it isn't really anything new.


that would be insane, but at this point i guess anything can happen

Democrats are getting nervous already.
Holy shit, we might be witnessing the end of the empire.

go back to tumblr

top le I was going to bet on Trump but I didn't because I was too lazy. Just fuck my shit up.

why the fuck do we have elections


I'm pretty sure I have them all.



Shit could be happening

Can we gulag the neo-liberals now?

Go back into my ass

how the fuck is a trump win anywhere close to leaving the eu you cunt?

Holy fuck meme man is winning


Is this your first election or something?

Ana Kasparian is about to cry.

trump built a wall

Only Clinton could possibly manage to lose to Trump.

No I remember the sweet smell of alcohol, particularly gin on my mothers breath when Bush was re elected

I now know her pain


You have to go back.


Which would cause more drama

Neither getting 270 delegates
Trump getting just enough delegates but when they vote the delegates become unfaithful and go for hillary

holy shit

dems are falling apart after being so confident
what the fuck is happening

it's impressive honestly

Is this real holy dickniggers


lads whats happening are we gonna die

The New York fucking times are saying Trump is more likely to win


OTOH, only Trump could lose to Clinton.

the second one


85% of the vote in in VA, Trump up by 9,691 votes as of 9:36 PM EST.

Fuck me I need more booze

On one hand, I really hate Clinton

On the other, I really hate Trump's voting base

god damn this planet

Post liberal tears.


If Trump wins, pol will eventually be cucked, since he loves them jews so much ;p

Hillary really needed VA. Yikes.

can someone explain this

Ah that would be the north coming in. If virginia goes blue trump pretty much can't win.

i'm laughing my ass off, but i think clinton will probably still squeak by

holy shit no
holy shit no

It's alright, anfem


Nah we just get another authoritarian clown.

Definitely the second one. The former is business as usual. Think of it like (I can't believe I'm using this comparison) that scene in The Dark Knight where the Joker talks to Twoface - people freak out when things don't go according to plan.

is the DNC being punished for sabotaging B████?

porky still wins

this election is a circus, and our vote is a bag of peanuts



Democrats must be banging their heads on the wall right now.

Losing againist the easiest possible candidate will be a feat well remembered.

It's 4:38 AM here, and I doubt I'll be up for long. How much time for final results?


They're different estimates using different math based on the same data.

Get ready B████crats for taking all the blame for the next 4 years!

1 and a half hour for full results.

Sweet, got any more?

Be sure to remind liberals that S█████ consistently had a better shot against Trump in the polls.

fuckn saved

He's turning Michigan fam

Porky always wins no matter witch puppet gets into office.

1 and a half hour for full results.



im dying

There are definitely B████crats who are voting for Trump or third party instead of Hitlery Klanton.

i would rather absolutely any candidate won if it meant i got my secret wish

holy crap


Great salt mining!!

Nah I will just watch the world burn instead.



I look forward to him not doing any of his promises. :^)


none of this would have happened if they just allowed us to have B████.


Oh my god, that is absolutely beautiful!

Isn't Wolff making a live commentary on the elections or something like that?

Young Turks losing their shit, Ana borderling crying.



Give it about 30 minutes

All I care about really, is being with my girlfriend. I love her more than all my heart, and she's the only thing I ever care about

If I can't marry her when I'm out of college, and a Trump administration repeals gay marriage somehow someway

Fuck this

It will be made great agains by letting the workers take control.

I'm still hoping for 3rd-parties to cockblock Shillary & Dolan alike. As a bonus, the decision from congress would lower their approval ratings even more.

pls no

link please

bow your head to the democratic machine!






first against the wall

When is this quote from?



kill yourself

What am I sacrificing for either way for either of them


Marriage is a spook.
Just go live together, you don't need a stupid document to validate your love.

Shut up


turkroaches btfo

why does 538 think hillary will win?

November 8, 2016:

The day idpol was officially BTFO


I wanted to propose to her after I got out of college.

You don't get it

But the tax break, though.

There are rights that only married people get


I am shocked tbh.


gay marriage can't be repealed because it isn't a statute, it's a court judgement. and an unconstitutional one at that, so hopefully it does get removed eventually whoever wins this time.

also this


if you could say one thing to this man, what would it be?

Post your tits.


You've been listening way too much to liberals, friend.

Definitely not the nords then.

Fuck the constitution

i hate this faustian meme

faust got dragged to hell by demons you fucking idiots


Nate Silver is literally Paul the Octopus but with an election instead of the world cup and that people actually took him seriously.


kek, anfem tears make it worth it


Do you mean "Orwellian?" Faustian would mean that they sold their souls to the devil to make life awesome.

Alright, so let this shit get started.

Thank you.

what did they threaten you with?

I was honestly hoping there are anfems on this board who aren't idpol. Sincerely disappointed.





Sell out.

Ana Kasparian has been holding back tears for the past 45 minutes.

Again what do I get out of either of these idiots being elected


What do I get of gay marriage being repealed

A lot

CNN ist already talking about Trump potentially Michigan, WOW

Why did you do it?

why women shouldn't vote: the post.

it's a reference to oswald spengler, who is totally shit but Holla Forumstards like him cause he says "fuck niggers and jews" in a long-winded fashion with references to literary figures like faust

I gotta say, those feminist tears are delicious. I wish that we could get some of the idealist tripfags to come in here and cry as well.

"anfem" is just an idpol shitposting flag that some faggots accidentally mistook for a serious identity


Why does he wear the mask?

What the fuck


I genuinely wish you all the best, but my posting persona requires me to celebrate the absence of your posting.

We've amended it a million times.

Stop worrying about this dumb ass country you've been mad at all year

A lot of loyalty for a hired gun.



yes it is

and "faustian man" has led us there many times

oh fuck

i'm not actually an anarcho-feminist and i'm only a trap but i'm not idpol.

My dad voted for Nader in 2000. Now he is screaming at me for voting for Stein in 2016. The irony is palpable.

It's you who's missing the point.

"Faustian" refers to selling your soul to the devil, that is making some deal that gives you a temporary benefit in exchange for terrible consequences down the road. Countries taking loans from the IMF has been called a "Faustian bargain"

Jesus, how is he winning Michigan? Didn't like the entire Obama administration visit Michigan in the past week?

you're a dumbass
you're extra dumbass

Wrong one

So you're biologically a male, got it.

You need some Comrade Dore in your life.

where my accelerationists at

how we feeling


The only thing I love are women


t. my parents

Feeling that thirst for annihilation fam!

If my dick identified as female, would you love it?


They're right though?

Science is edgy, got it.

displaced factory workers?

By promising B████'s trade policies to the white working class.



Itès real, but itès on earth.



It's not about love, you faggot. It's about supporting bullshit institutions.

Reminder that GOP took millions of voters off the polls, voting lines for African Americans are around the block. That being said, it wouldn't of been possible for them to cheat at all if the Democrats had picked someone less polarizing than Clinton.

post yfw the democrats fade into total obscurity after tonight because they kicked all the S█████ supporters out of the party and completely isolated the left

No, you're edgy.

enjoy a president you hate!

and not one of those amendments was the gay marriage amendment. go pass it now or stop feeling entitled to gay marriage.

go amend it then instead of having the scotus rape it.


i just want this election to be over
trump is shit
hillary is shit
end it all

Man here.

Fuck the constitution. The first thing that needs to happen after the revolution is every last copy of the constitution should be burnt.

I hope you guys are ready for Chris Christie as secretary of state.


feeling pretty good fam

Why would that work, lol? I'm not a burger, so I might be underestimating American political Disneyland, but surely common Americans are not that easily brainwashed?

Can't wait for the riots tbh

I really do want to kill myself right now

Not saying this because of the Rum or gay marriage being repealed or trump winning

partially because of trump winning

but that its sinking in that I either have hillary or trump instituting policy and the radical left dying

I'd rather just commit suicide

they'll both be here when it's over

It's already 64 now kek.

anyone have that image of hillary that says "when you play with cheat code but you still lose" or something to that affect? I need it incase hilldawg loses

I have been doing that for my entire life. That never changes.


Feeling awesome my dude.
Let the big flaming cock of capitalism contradictions rip America's butt apart.



yes ;_;

i don't want a document i want to be a real girl.

Here's my first draft, how does it look?

reminder that that's the case for everyone who doesn't live in 300 person town

Oh lawdy, this would only be more precious if your "girl"friend was as well, and you'd "only met online so far".

well, at lest corbo will become PM soon


Fuck me, now it's 66%

Election is officially leaning toward Trump according to NYT.

Brexit 2.0 confirmed

Why would the radical left die? The liberal establishment is about to take a major blow. Once people are disillusioned with Trump, we might get a turn Left. Remember, S█████ looks very good after all this.

Pirate boats were democratically run, though more directly.

(A)llahu (A)ckbar!


undialectical af

we're still on a *chan, right?

I havent used this picture in years

Theres two anfems posting here.

I'm not a trap

cnn is talking about wall st. shitting its pants
futures down 500 pts

Thanks for driving the working class into the arms of a literal fascist with your stupid idpol garbage.

The Brocialists send their greetings.

Trump is still ahead in Wisconsin and Michigan.




I'm all for direct democracy Matey just not representative "democracy".

Calm down and quit wetting your pants, I didn't vote

ok add a property requirement to voting too.


You know, if it crashes hard enough it might trigger a recession if papa wolff is right

You guys are still pretty spooked and butthurt whenever some tranny shows up. It's pretty sad.
Have no fear friend, you're still biologically female


This, radical left has been totally coopted by idpol since the 1970s, idpol "leftists" getting BTFO by Trump is the greatest chance in decades to purge the entryist scum.


The absolute madman!

This Is not the red revolution you were hoping for!! GET FUCKED!!!! HAHAHA

Stop consuming MSM, it's good for the soul.

I'm dying


Nice trips!

"After Hitler, our turn!"

You realize most of Holla Forums actually wants Trump, right?


This will radicalise the left leaning people witch is really good.



Zizek is never wrong

pedal to the metal vrooooooom accelerationism

Stupid 8ch servers

Tried to post that pic like 5 minutes ago. Not with response

How do you still not get it that we don't care who wins.

Just soak it in gasoline.


Thanks lad.

SP is the only thing that's good about this election.

Red like Commies. Woo!

that shit joke user

600 points down



You are late for the bantz, fam.
The revolution we wanted died with B████ months ago.

But Zizek said to vote for Trump?


do you know where you are


TRUMP at 73%

God, I remember how much they shat on the left while B████ was running for the primary, and as soon as the nomination was Hillary's, instead of courting the left they shat on the left even more. I couldn't help but think of SJWs' unflinching use of shaming tactics at literally every turn.


He's always #empiricallyright all the time. Apparently lacanian psychoanalysis give you crazy superpowers to predict the future.

Would be that way if Shillery won.



- Ana Kaspariana, TYT Live just now

- Jimmy Dore, trying to soothe the tears

Donald Vrooooooomp…


Are you implying Clinton would've brought a revolution? LMFAO

It's the Hegelianism that lets him peer into the future.





538 is never wrong
538 is never wrong
538 is never wrong
538 is never wrong
538 is never wrong
538 is never wrong

The only decision we gonna have is, whether to mercilessly mock Holla Forums or tumblr

Please stop with Holla Forums tier meme macros.



Quite the opposite resistance grows when oppression grips harder.
Idpols will realize how idiotic it was to divide the radical left with unimportant differences.

Neo-liberals and liberals will finally be destroyed along with idpol.

Thank fuck.

Just like Holla Forums.

Fuck off. Of course we don't.

If Trump wins we get both though. Mock tumblr right after the election. Then mock Holla Forums when Trump turns out not to be the reincarnation of Hitler they so desperately want him to be,


They were right 11/12

We support him more than Hillary

i kinda wanted her to win just so i could enjoy decadent capitalism a little longer before it collapses into street fights and violent revolution tbh


Wrong wrong wrong. B████ and all his disgusting B████bros will be blamed for the loss.

That's it folks.

I think it's a little bit of both.
lacan lend him his crazy skills to have a clear structure the human mind. Hegel lend him his skills to explain how all those psyches act together in the historical sense.
Is Zizek some sort of modern sage?





go away newfag

We don't want Trump, we just want the Democratic Party reduced to cinders like the Whigs were.

>>>Holla Forums
off you go.

You can stop, now.

that must be how david camoron felt after killing jo cox.


How long until accelerationism?


I guess this is the end of the democrats

Good riddance

What if Hillary wins

what will Holla Forums do

i can't get over how fucking confident the dems were going into this


Back to >>>/reddit/

Don't remind me I should have fucking bet on Trump REEEEEEE

Stock up on Ammo and Guns for the next 4 years comrades.

Ammo and Gun prices will drop after the shit storm ends.



You can't compare this to Brexit because Brexit was actually democratic (even if most voters were retards), while US gets the electoral college system.



Depends on what happens user.

Hope you all bought Yens

With the DNC leaks and all the related scandals the Democratic party is finished.

I just hope from this election that we have Jill getting 5%+ nationally.

2010 I think

New party? Let's get it started!

Well, it's less a matter of supporting Trump and more a matter of wanting full accelerationism. I'll be here toasting marshmallows as the world burns.

but why

eat shit

All of the sudden you guys are metamorphosing into Trump supporters nao?
is the only viable option.

Dollar just sky rocketed.

Trump has won Florida.

To be fair, it was easy to see that any charismatic candidate who would mix white nationalism with promises to bring the jerbs back would be effective.

Sadly that won't happen because of the filthy neo-liberals who thinks Hillary is the """Only Choice"""

Well i just downed over enough Xanax to kill me with enough rum to daze me

See you all in hell and vomit

Yen is for some stupid reason seen as the 'safe' currency

So when shit goes down Yen shoots up

Because the dollar is a fiat currency based on trust.


Well at least we won't get WW3.

does this happen often?

i'm not user and just a male but psychologically feminine.



Yeah see you tomorrow too.

Based murrika, took the bullet for the world.

The entire world's media is on suicide watch. You think American media was slanted? You should have seen elsewhere. The foreign media has a carnal relation to the American one, and repeats everything it does. All the journalists in the entire fucking world hitched their horses to Hillary, and I'll get to see them sulk for years. It's glorious.

There's still Commiefornia guys.

stop pretending to be anfem

Good no one will miss you.

This is bad.


Putin MVP


seriously how new are you

That's right.
Because now we are all going to fry with climate change

All is lost

Go back to Holla Forums if you think that's bad.

See you tomorrow

Accelerationism wins and the anfem poster commits suicide. Truly this is a glorious day for Holla Forums.

Seriously, I want that guy as a PC on the next Civ game


WW3 wa supposed to be good for us

I'll probably just throw it all back up don't worry this isn't my first rodeo

Cartel vs Mexican Marxist civil war soon amigo.

anyone else bet money on shillary? I did. $4000. I'm getting the fuck out of the country if this clown wins. or I'll just kill myself.

I'm from Mexico and this is really bad for US over here.

Really really bad you have no fucking clue how bad that is.

I'm feeling a lot more forgiving to his Hillary shilling now. When Trump wins, he'll need to really rub it in their face that they lost even with him shilling for the cunt.

You aren't real anfem poster. I can tell.

Being a part of the generation that is going to witness the biggest catastrophe since WWII feels pretty weird.

for us*

>>>Holla Forums

Hello Holla Forums.

feels good man

Bad for who?

I thought you liked girls. I would suck you off if you're at a cutie and/or a decent person. Besides, I have a thing for damaged goods… I'm pretty good at helping with that shit.

There's more than one m8.

I miss catposter though.

I am actually. If you're a mod I got on my phone

cnn just called ohio for trump

538 gives trump a 55% chance of winning

Poor B████. He was between two bad choices.

Dollar keeps climbing.

wew lad

Thank you Everyone who voted Trump
I hope we can work toward common aims, despite our major differences

I feel smug even though this is still a horrible outcome for everybody.

Listening to the butthurt liberals on TYT talk as though Trump is any worse than Clinton fills me with bitter sweet joy.

We just went full accelerationism, lads. I'll see you on the other side.

Am I the only one here with a job?


The high-tech surveillance state is now in the hands of Alex Jones tier paranoids.

You think Stalinist purges were rough? Get ready for mandatory reptilian genetics scans.

Aint that funny?
They will fuck it up even more
We will be the salvation.

You have to work harder for your screenshot, Holla Forums. Low energy.



The Not Socialist Worker's Party


God I hope the Democrats take the senate and he's in charge of the budget committee.

yeah it's a really weird feeling

oh well, i'll always have my bunker

i'll miss you anfem poster :(

This is economic terrorism.

Imported good that come through the US will be so expensive that I just don't want to imagine it.

He did campaign for a lot of porps and they seem to be successful

Yeah, just like how Trump Steaks really were the best steaks.

electoral college is democracy and tbh referendums should use it too, or an equivalent for whichever country is voting. voters weren't retarded though, well, except for 48% of them.

538 now has trump in the lead

We are already outnumbered by Holla Forums shitposters comr8


He's a shit businessman and his 'economic plan' is something that countries stopped doing because it tended to fuck things up

regain some dignity as the true opposition

Go be like 99% of how pirates end up and hang urself.

The anxiousness in the voices of CNN anchors

Why would we be? We knew we were gonna get stuck with a liberal porky lover either way

girls are hot but mostly i just want to look like one and get worked over by fit, alpha guys.

tbh i'll likely score 0/2 to you, 1/2 at best.

wow the perfect bf! how do you help damaged goods gfs?

i'm not gay!

The rent doesn't pay itself.

Why would Hillary & the DNC being destroyed make us mad?

Lurk more.

Squander every opportunity that comes our way because we can't stop infighting?



I appreciate your polite tone.

Lecture everybody on how we need actual leftist politics if we want to change anything because status quo is clearly not working anymore since it only generates Trump figures.
It's a winning scenario for us, compared to having Hillary save us from that "evil bigot".

Canada, here I come!

I have no idea what to do, just gotta pray that the guy who manages my money isn't asleep

I didn't created that image.

By actually giving a shit and doing whatever helps. Everybody is different.

Hey dipshit, we our horse was never in this race.

This is Holla Forums vs Holla Forums's mother.

We start the purges

I though the jews were gonna save us at the last minute. Does this mean that you can vote away the supposed jewish conspiracy?


read the thread.

america is a democratic republic.

Feels gud.


Holla Forums pls go

Clinton wins Virginia. Now has 52% chance of winning

The fuck difference does that make

I think you mean oligarchy.

And it's shit because of it.

Hey guys, I don't wanna react prematurely. Is it possible that Hillary still wins?


It hurt him more than it hurt us, I'm sure.


The best thing to come out of this:

While I'm still coherent


What exactly is Alex Jones going to do. Since he supported Trump and he clearly bet on opposing Clinton.

How is he going to peddle conspiracy theories now

Markets down 650 points.

so does clinton have an EC path anymore

what's up


I now have no idea what the next decade or two is going to look like.


Fuck off already

Its gonna come down to Wisconsin, Michigan, Clinton has to win both

And after that it is New Hampshire and Nevada, and Hilary has to win at least one

As well as Arizona etc

Okay, now I'm scared

It's possible. I'm more worried about the Senate, I was really looking forward to chairman B████

not him, but Holla Forums's stupidly blind embrace of their candidate is making me come here.

Maybe he will make it great again

This is hilarious, they won't call Florida, fucking disgraceful


No. But I have flex time so I can get in late.

No. Trump took Florida and Ohio.


I didn't supported any candidate.

Nigger it's not accelerationism if you ain't scared.

Why is anyone here crying over this? The DNC and Shillary did this to themselves by subverting democracy. Let it burn, and let it burn hot. When the ashes settle, we will emerge from the ruins.

perfect bf

Its going to really fucking suck for awhile and then it will either become amazing or become worse then we ever could have imagined.

Fuck off.

Protip: anfem flags are either women who want attention, traps trying to appear female or trolls trying to false flag the other two.


pure negation

I hope you guys across the pond are ready for the xenophobic outbursts and assaults, like we saw after the Brexit here.

Okay but nationwide stop-and-frisk is not the kind of accelerationism that I want

The purge is near!

And nothing of value was lost. Whatever good qualities Jon Stewart had have been eclipsed by young neolib idpolers influencing him.

Don't kill yourself, anfem

doubtful it's going to happen

Gingrich is a smart guy, but he's a hawk on Iran
Him as SoS could be a backdoor for neocons back into the party after Trump kicked them out

lmao, shills are salty over stein

lmao where the fuck are you getting these?

So what happens in four years?

I know bruh but a lot of people needed to get their bubble bursted.

This might be the catalyst for a new radicalised left.


You don't get to pick what kind of accelerationism you want. The point is to make it so horrible that people won't stand it any more. Look at it this way - there's a real possibility of Gingrich and Giuliani getting guillotined.

Not without getting it on tape anyway.

from nyt's election tracker

Trump won't touch Gingrich, he bad mouthed him too much.

how long did it take you to make that?


Why not all af the above?

The same thing we do every night user, masturbate to lolis.


Don't give a shit. Least they won't be hiding behind a screen when I bash them.

that's 538

Down to 50%, now

Civil War 2.0 incoming, lads.

This don't be pessimists comrades!



Republicans who wanted Trump should send a thank you note to Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

You leftards should be screaming all over the internet and real life about how B████ would have won right now.

Also, lets all troll nate silver together for being a fucking hack

it's 92% on the ny times

Quick /letypol/! post brown qts before they get deported!

glad the senate percentage picked up a bit



I feel dizzy


it means in a federation the states matter.

giuliani should have won the 2008 election.


Thank you Satan

suck on it, lefty

You should be deported first.

I could have just manipulated the HTML actually, but see for yourself:

It's at 93% right now.

Sanders is a socdem traitor, but yeah S█████ would have taken it in a walk. Serves the democraps right.

I'm curious about voter turnout now

lmao what a fag


oh god please

i followed him closely due to fascination… he plans on speaking out against him eventually after a while or so he has stated at one time way earlier on, also considering he wasn't for the guy to begin with.. so he will do his own thing even tho he's telling everyone else to follow the pied piper if things go the other way tonight.

Uphold the glorious dialectic of Zizekian-Trumpism!


Famines and a few wars, but we might've been saved who knows.

Jill Stein.

okey doke


who /accelerationism/ here


Dude we want this. Trump will bring a cleansing fire out of which socialism will rise.

So now the real important question. Will the Greens get the 5% they needed for federal funding?



Nobody here wants Clinton to win


And you still don't believe in meme magic, user?

No my matey an Anarchist supports no one but himself.

Literally anything is more accurate than 538. Holla Forums is right more often than 538.


Trump's acceptance speech gonna be lit af fam

What's the easiest country to get citizenship in? Canada or somewhere in Europe?


Yeah I still don't believe in meme magic

I've had better results with an actual witch doctor

Let's go.

The trannies and idealists do.

i like the other elements a lot fucking more than the usually carcinogenic fires.

If Clinton actually wins this, Holla Forums will never live it down

that's statistically not true. hell, 538's model predicted a much closer race a couple days ago than NYT

Lol, you are joking right?

i don't pretend to be a real girl. the anfem flag is nice and feminine feeling but i'm not trying to trick you.

that was a myth by the remainers. the police report the figures came from explicitly said "this should not be taken as a 57% increase in hate crimes". and that's immediately what the remainer media did.

screencap green voter salt. make a new thread to preserve it or even add it to the booru.


The DNC is far too corrupt.

Maybe have someone else besides Jill run in 2020 though.

t.increasingly nervous chicano

Pick any Nordic country, unless you're white. :^)

not even trolling lads. gambling is a bitch. my only hope is if hillary barely polls through.

bourgeoisie 2 purgeoisie


it's really just the Holla Forums gloating i won't be able to tolerate tbh


bruv it's the 21st century

Like a true egoist.

can trump be the cause of the end of history, or in the better scenario, the victory of communism?

$${\huge 300}$$

It's still a shitty retarded meme, sorry.


20 million people will now lose their health insurance

Which is only 2 posters
my sides are in orbit rn


Yes. The dialectic is in motion

Murrikans are a fucking joke. Well, it's not like Hillary was a good candidate or anything like that.

who cares, most of them will go back to being libertarians in a few months

Like a true egoist.

Exciting stuff. I bet tyt are going bat shit crazy, I won't watch for my own sanity.

Besides Trump's primary and Michigan for the dem's they've been pretty accurate


Well communism was supposed to come after the downfall of capitalism, so yes

In all seriousness, Third Way centrism has been BTFO. Forever.

The problem with the DNC is they thought they would get obama numbers again, obama was a once in a life time thin, the first black president, and he just turned into a neoliberal over the course of his presidency.
People voting for trump and brexit is basically a fuck you to the east coast elites.

Also, they group all Hispanics together, cubans, mexicans, every other type, its diffrent.

Even if you dont like trump you have to be amazed at the fact he has completely cucked the entire globalist, media, neocon, neoliberal, establishment.

They will be writing books and movies about this election for centuries.

oh no! they won't be forced to pay 1-2 grand a month for a shitty product?


How the fuck does 538 have Hillary winning in Florida?! Explain it to me, 538 believers.

thank the lord


no shit, it was always a fucking disgusting farce

clintons and blair need to get into the dustbin

I'm not a histrionic lib who's crying that the sky is falling, but a Trump presidency will be a poor environment for the left.

The narrative has already been set, Trump won because of 'racist white supremacist heteropatriarchy', materialist perspectives will not be taken seriously. I hope yall are ready for even more idpol, buckle up buttercup.

Any accelerationist arguments fall apart when you consider that a stolen election, 2 wars, and a recession during the Bush years didn't get the left off of it's ass. Instead any leftist voices got completely coopted by the Dailyshow Dems. By far the most lukewarm center right "Left" movement that has ever existed.

A left that has to play defense is a left that cant advance it's own causes. People aren't going to want to hear about labor when their all shitting their pants over gay marriage being repealed or whatever shit-storm that the GOP cooks up.

Which is to say the trend is when Trump is involved they have a near 100% wrong record.

they don't. the current percent chance of her winning florida from 538 is 47%

Not chicano, I just like brown girls

That will just result in most people taking idpolers even less seriously than they already do. It will create an opportunity for Leftists to take back the left side of the overton window.



Wait, so is Trump going to win?


No matter what your political perspective, you have to agree that this is pretty epic to watch.

What's the porn tag

I'm looking at the wrong page then:

Where do they have live updates?

this, so much this. left is gonna get crushed so hard you won't even be able to dream about revolution. accelarationism only works if you have already organized the masses before the shit hits the fan. you can't get organised in chaos.

Please let it be, the sheer butthurt would cause a supernova

Still pissed it wasn't B████ v Trump tbh

I think you're looking at the outcome from a different angle from most of us. This will hopefully help abolish liberalism. And after Trump this could spark a revolution towards our ideals. I am more interested what happens after Trump than this election.

Man let us just lick ll the salt before selling us to the glue farm.

I go and play video games and come back to find out that I just got BTFO. Is Trump really going to win this?


why is that such a pretty combination?! ;_;

what federal funding would they get at 5%? why does any party get federal funding?

tranny here, nope.

You can't even spell accelerationism.

More brown qts pls

No, we B████brocialists are to blame for not uniting behind Hillary.

It depends what the DNC turns into. If the DNC falls back into a bluedog opposition party, then the left will need to start a new party. But there was no B████ in 2000, 2004, 2008 or 20120. And I don't even mean his policies. I mean he was a "socialist" - he identified as a socialist. The Dems have been afraid of that word for years. You can't compare it to past recessions. We didn't have the Climate Crisis's, the rising third world economies etc. Keep an open mind.

Since the B████ Michigan debacle, we knew Nate $hillver was willing to sacrifice is rep to shill for her.


I'm looking forward to liberals claiming the election is illegitimate because Trump didn't get 50% +1 of the popular vote

We absolutely fucking do not.

Revolution hasn't been a dream in America for a long time.

I don't know if this will be good for the left or not, but it will at least be different. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens as a result.

The only people who buy that shit are the Clintonite idpolers.

Of course. That is the narrative that is going to play.

Damn, I really wanted to go shitpost Holla Forums up. At least these faggots will get BTFO once no wall ever goes up and Trump starts some wars for Israel.

No, now is the time to strike for a marxists.

As mao said : 'Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.'

You need to spam the internet with the failure of the neoliberal center right, how B████ would have won, you need to bully the sjw into submission, you need to take disappointed liberals and teach them about gommunism

Not if their fears are substantiated, not if fretting over abortion and gay marriage and the whole docket of social wedge issues gets pushed in the house and senate.


Has CNN called Florida yet? They were putting it off forever.

well at least this leaves american socialists in a good position.

We thought a few hours ago that we need a posadism flag.

Well, it turns out we need an accelerationism flag instead.

Yes, Trump won

For the first time in my lifetime the "conservative" candidate is the one making noise about disasterous neoliberal trade and neocon wars. I think you're ignoring the fucking seachange in American politics that it took to get here and the (potential) good it could do because all you can think about is your own precious side in the left / right paradigm

they're amnesiacs

they'll decide they never really trusted him, just like they never really believed romney would win

I hope this shit kills the liberal PC culture once and for all. In fact this may be a better chance for leftist politics to rise than if clinton won.


theres still oregon washington and maine for Her

Hegelian Fag here. You are an idiot. Kill youself.

here's my prediction

I know he won, but I didn't hear them call it, even after it was clear that there weren't enough uncounted votes for Hillary to win even if they were all for Hillary.

If she can somehow kep michigan and nevada and iowa she wins on 271 votes
this is not as dead as it seems,

Not even surprised.


i kinda want the boring result - a hillary victory - just so i can go to bed knowing nothing has changed

Man, all else aside, the burgerland election system is some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen. What retards came up with this?




Is it bad that part of me kinda wants Clinton to come from behind now just for the extra strength polack salt?


That is the real beauty of Trump winning. Not only do we get to laugh at intersectional tumblrinas now, but we also get to laugh at Holla Forums later when Trump fucks them over by allowing a record number of immigrants into the country and keeps all of the free trade deals.

Are you retarded?


Didn't everyone call CA for Clinton already?

ikr, if she doesn't i am honestly going to miss imagining what this would have been like.

campaigning by lies backfires.

should have given the vidya a rest during the most important few hours of your life, shouldn't you?

Racists won. woman haters won.

All they needed was the ignorance of the general public. They got them to believe outright lies about the economy and America's place in the world - sometimes in diametric opposition to the truth.

If your party gets 5% of the vote I believe you are eligible for 10 million dollars in federal funding. I don't know why but thats the rules.

Of course not
everyone does

Uuuuuh, so what's our opinion on the value of political violence/assassinations?

holy shit

Hello Holla Forums!

Hillary's team is scrambling trying to rig Michigan


It's not bad. Look, neither of these candidates is good for us. They are both our adversaries. Trump is just easymode.

if it's Porky, it's okay

What are you supposed to do instead, votebot irl?

if trump wins this the alt-right will die. He's gonna be shit

CNN calling NC for Trump

Every 4 years

last time, GOPs wanted to go there to dodge Obama's islamig gommunism, I'm not joking

the truth isn't entertaining


Truth be told, there is nowhere you can run from capitalism.

Very smart retards that wanted to keep power in their own hands.


im surprised tyt hasnt kicked jimmy off yet

168 EVs vs 172, or 46% against 49%

It's not over, not yet. But we are nearing that stage. If Wisconsin and Michegan remain red (as I predicted) then Hilary cannot win.

Look on the bright side: Hilary will be exorcised from the party once she concedes. I am staying up just for that.

this is the states we need to eb watching RN
if she carries these she still wins on 271 votes

Oh yeah. Keep those tears flowing.

Vote early, vote often, ==AND FUCKING KEEP VOTING==

clinton back on top with 190 to 186 evs

She won California. Do you feel stupid yet Leftcom?

They still have FL as too close to call, kek


Chill the fuck out.

California isn't a real state


My theme song as I open a new account on every forum I was banned from for being a "Berniebot" for criticizing Queen Hillary while never even mentioning S█████.

/r/politicaldiscussion, NeoGAF and many others!

I expect Jimmy to either leave himself or get kicked off in the near future. He's too radical for tyt.


Dumb liberal.

Cenk is melting down, lmao

A defeat for the progressive peoples of the world.

The solace I find is in a quotation from Chairman Mao Tse-tung: There is great chaos under the Heavens; the situation is excellent. Crisis is upon us at a moment we were ill-prepared for. I hope my American comrades know what they are doing; barbarism is now one of two things that can come, and it is looking likely at the moment.(USER WAS BANISHED TO TUMBLR FOR THIS POST)

ok, thank you for correcting my spelling, now give me some great examples from history where left flourished under fascism.

protip: you can't.


Honestly after the shitshow that was the nevada primaries I have a feeling she might be in for a rough time.


are you a non american?

California is always solid blue like texas is always solid red.

Obligatory tumbling dowmln post

Nevada was a caucus

Cenk is going fucking nuclear on TYT


Cenk is screaming about how much he fucking hates the DNC, then the camera cuts to Jimmy and you can see how he is trying to hide a huge smile

TYT is gonna become revolutionary tbh


Go troll somewhere else, like Tumblr. That place should be ripe with lulz.

man, i wanted to go to bed early


wew. as if!

reminder that women are the majority of voters. trump couldn't have won without female support.

FFS is trump seriously going fucking win. no goverment experience and a reality tv and pompous billionarie. what the fucking hell man.


No I've already got enough return on my investment here thanks

i'm pouring a drink now

I can't wait till Jimmy defects.

It was still a shitshow unless I'm confusing Nevada for Arizona which I just realized I might have.

Barbarism is endemic to almost every facet of human society at the moment. You're totally naive if you think Clinton or even Sanders would eliminate barbarism.



If beating Trump was that important they should have picked a less hated candidate than Clinton

Accelerationists, it's your big shot.

FFS the Chicago Cubs seriously going to fucking win. no championship experience and 108 year world series drought. what the fucking hell man.

Jimmy is on FIRE.

you realize we hate hilldawg here right

Does a Trump presidency basically guarantee a total financial crisis will finally be allowed to happen again?

Clinton was the more accelerationist choice.

Put these are tears of joy! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

But it was her turn!

in 2016

this fucking year fam

Yes, the fire rises!

Stocks are crashing as we speak.

loling at the larpers mad at the clinton loss. trump will make american capital collapse

Good job picking the only candidate that could manage to lose against a fucktard like Trump. Truly an impressive feat that is going to be laughed at for decades if not centuries to come.

A financial crisis has been in the pipe whoever gets the elected. Remember several major banks last month predicted another recession coming next year.

You know, all in all, I'm happy that the position of first woman president wouldn't be soiled by HRC's name. I hope it goes to someone worthy.

Fuck you, snort cocaine and stay up.

Another financial crash was inevitable regardless of who won.

wasted trips

Trump will speed it up though.

My cat just ate a tortilla chip. WTF, I hate Trump now.

my advice to americans:

1. burn down DNC buildings right now, spray paint "feel the burn" on the charred exterior

2. purchase firearms if you don't own them because shit is going to get very ugly

These think pieces will now be forever imortalized and gilt in legend

Cenk on suicide watch.

Florida once again confirmed for America's trash bucket.



there is still hope guys!

It's time Holla Forums. The revolution is coming. The democrats can't survive after betraying their populist voterbase. Shillary and B*rnie will hang.
Are you ready?

me but with Smirnoff

Oh god, I hope that Trump actually gets his idiotic protectionist economic platform passed. Shit will fall apart.

He better repeal NAFTA. If he cuts out on his promise to repeal NAFTA i'm going to be pissed that Hillary lost.

I hope he lets us email him with recommendations of what he should do and shit.

shitpost itt with your friends.

please tell me i'll be able to watch this on youtube tomorrow.

what happened in nevada?

feels complicated man




This, people who are scared about the anti-left spin are missing this fact. Nobody cares what the media says anymore. People are going to get radical.

Home much do guns cost nowadays anyway?

what is this? Non-American here, but aren't they supposed to be 'left'.

Bernie gets to live, are you retarded?

When are the delegates voting? Like tomorrow isnt it?

Guns are cool.

cnn talking about how b**/warren people should demand a more active role in the DNC going forward :)

This is getting a little too real guys.

Just drop it user.

this a façade.

What are the odds on the DNC retrospective being "maybe we should consider actual leftism" as opposed to "clearly we should move further right."

This smug, fat fuck did better predicting the election than the entire fucking media.

Just wow. America, don't fuck this up for the rest of the world. Jesus am freaking out. Sincerely, Canada


You can buy Turkish made shot guns legally in the UK for as little as £50. I think guns are even cheaper in the US.

About the same as my dick growing 5 inches.


He's a fucking traitor.

Washington has one of the highest concentrations of neo-nazi and white power groups in the entire country, but the coast and area around Seattle is very left wing, yes.

Speak for yourself.

Don't forget about DP.

you can't fool us, CTR

Holy shit, it's like Christmas in November.

Here's to 1000 years of Democratic Posadas-Hoxhaism!

seattle has 0% in
NYT colors based on current results



the electors will meet in early december

- I just finished fapping to some qt above the thread.
- I've only just finished the Greeks.
- I only own a .38 revolver and barely know how to use it.

Couldn't revolution start a couple years from now?

I just mean the basic voting shit. I think I'll crack them open at midnight.

Shut up, bitch. Shouldn't you be drilling our oil right now?

Can Trumpist-Posadism be an official ideology now?

thanks a lot trump! ;_;

yfw the first 'female' president is a trap


And none of those precincts are in the Seattle area.

not really, it just means the far right is better at propaganda, which i knew already

The rooster crows at midnight.

He's a filthy hypocritical liberal, but he got at least one thing right: if you're too arrogant towards the masses it will bite you back fucking hard.


calm down

Bernie's an asset & he pushes people to the left. why do you think Hillary is losing, right now? If it weren't for him, the DNC wouldn't have burned down over it. And Hillary wouldn't have been so hated.

Drawfaggots make this happen.

You really don't get it do you?

If Hillary won, would you have posted this statement? If not, then pay more fucking attention, geez.

Oh without a doubt. Hence the conflict.

Then it's a Clinton win. King, Pierce, and Thurston counties always go democrat.

Why the fuck does someone keep spamming pictures of bust latino women?



I couldn't be more mad

I through Clinton was the posadist candidate.

She is tho. Let's all stay calm for a minute.


fuck yeah i'm in on the ground floor with this

Someone said to do it before they get deported. I'd wish they'd post names though.

Last chance to fap before they get deported.

This dude was a total fraud but he actually did some good in building free hospitals, give out free care, even heart surgeries

So many things that could happen in the mean time.

Isn't trump's rape case in december 6th?

She doesn't have the balls to use nuclear weapons of mass destruction

I mean like age and race

Goddamnit, I just want to know if I should be laughing at Holla Forums or Tumblr already.

>nothing personal kid
-10/10 you had one job

The orientals aren't going to be deported though right? I'm more of a yellow fever fellow myself.

Already looking for Russian language courses.

t. German

This is the most annoying shit to me

Hillary can fuck off but having to look at his fat smug face as America itself sucks his cock is going to give me a fucking butthurt induced heart attack.

Forgot to spoil
Can't post that on a Hegelian board.

Donald Trump Thought

Lost in translation with a whole fuckin' nation
They say I was the abomination of Obama's nation
Well that's a pretty bad way to start a conversation
At the end of the day goddamn it I'm killin' this shit
I know damn well ya'll feelin' this shit
I don't need your pussy, bitch I'm on my own dick
I ain't got a power trip who you going home with?
How 'trump doin'? I'm Surviving
I was drinkin' earlier now I'm driving
Where the bad bitches huh? Where ya hidin'?
I got the power make your life so excitin'…



how the fuck does that happen



Prolly some form of neoliberlism, or actually does want nationalism. Or both.

Oh so like wet fire

Everything in my pocket

legal pot just won in California and assisted suicide just won in Colorado

I know, I was saying that poster who said "personal" didn't know


Clinton 207 vs. 216 Trump

Just changed. Same forecasts as before.


Trump isn't smart enough for theory.

Ladies vs butlers.


Hope thats how

Whichever one gives him the biggest bribe.



Trump is banning brown women from the internet

this thread got 2 cute

Trump wins

BBC says Trump got 256 votes.

please post black chicks with more caucasian facial features.

voting machine broke down after the first voter?

That means nothing until King, Pierce, and Thurston get counted.

Typical fascist.


I guess they decided to salvage their credibility rather than stay on Clinton's sinking ship.

Memes and grabbing pussy.

Glad assisted suicide won here. crying

You're welcome.

I love this state.

My wife's BBC said he voted for Hillary.

where does each state fall?

It seems like a fake issue to me tbh. Like how many people will actually take advantage of it. The requirements are so strict too that the number of people who would even been eligible has got to be a tiny pool in and of it self.

That's nice. Our dumbfuck state just voted to allow investing state funds in the stock market.

Old as shit. He had it locked down literally hours ago. They were holding off to avoid upsetting Clintonites.
He has been a constant stream of salt for hours now.

This is actually happening, unless something major happens in wisconsin/iowa then Trump has fucking won this.

At least they'll be able to buy low ;^)

Paleoconservative protectionism



That's a real specific fetish, user.

But they are pretty


it's like pottery

Well good thing because they gonna need those.

Minnesota is the one state that voted for Walter Mondale.
AKA "Dems might lose it but it'll be a unique fuckup even beyond how they've already fucked up."

Clinton 209 vs. 232 Trump

Movieslob is obsessed with "muh glorious globalized future"

Serious question: How were the polls so wrong? How could people be projecting a Reagan-like total victory for Clinton and then this happens?

With Clinton out of the way, Bernie 2020

As somebody who has watched somebody have to die a horrible agonizing death and not be allowed to legally die I think its worth it to have it even if it will only effect a very small portion of the population.

is this a word filter?

Fox News calls Wisconsin for Trump. Nate Silver now says the best Clinton can hope for is a tie.

These SJWs man…

Tell that to people with a terminal illness that will kill them, but in a few years and meanwhile they have to live in chronic pain and disabililty.

America, ladies and gentlemen!

Trump mobilized more angry whites who were not previous voters, and people may have been unwilling to say they were voting for Trump in polls.

Miss me yet?

If Trump really did win Wisconsin then it's over. No way forward for Clinton.

No there was actually an assisted suicide measure on the ballot in colorado. Prop 106 if you want to look it up.

Pretty sure she's still slated for a popular vote win. Dems are screwed over by the electoral college.

My anus is ready.

>not being Kanye 2020

Lmao I hope there is a tie and the Unorthodox Supreme Court Judge from Texas says that Hillary and Trump are BOTH president and are legally required to be roommates.


Clinton backers own every major media outlet, and they have been overestimating Clinton's numbers since the primaries.

He's still in Congress, and now he has bargaining power "Look, DNC. Either you can swim with the tide or drown."

Assumed 2012 voter turnout. Herding. Paid shill polls.

I've heard internals were much more favorable to Trump.

I really, really wanted to go rub a Clinton victory in Holla Forums's face and all. But Jesus Christ is it going to feel good to see that insufferable, lying, criminal ass cunt get smoked by an orange turd.

We hardly knew ye

so tl;dr america is turning libertarian?

Only every day.

Who wants to run for office on a promise of Nullification Crisis 2: This Time It's Leftism.




Chariman S█████ here we come!

People are reportedly leaving Clinton's party under tears.

To the leftists in this thread afraid of Trump:

Fear not my friends, sisters and brothers, this is a moment of realization for us.

Sure Trump is a fascist. No doubt about it. However, this will make us stronger.

For one Trump has leftist economic views and will repeal the necon economic policy which is NAFTA.

Remember to start preparing now for 2020. Make it your goal. Make it your purpose. We can learn a thing or two from Meme Magic.

We will use meme magic to elect B████ in 2020. With this the last neocon candidate is destroyed.

We might face some hardship but we will prevail


Legal weed and assisted suicide are issues that any decent human being is in favor of.

You into that?

hold me Holla Forums ;_;

Please tell me that you idiots are not going to trust this socdem again.

they think that if their repeat their lies long enough they will become reality

come back

Holla Forums you are really bad at fitting in, you know.
It's a nice thought, though. Thanks.

Is…is neoliberalism finally dead?

I'll move to america if that was the case

It's the salt that never ends.

Isn't that just meme magic?

Fuck you, porky.


combination of real anger against the elites and the corrupt media just making shit up

Who will be our leftist outsider candidate for 2010? Kshama Sawant? Keith Ellison? The corpse of B████ ██████?

hi Holla Forums

If you've got money in the stock market I don't think you're going to get any help out of left tool.

These people might be more solidified in their views…

I hope so, but I want more pizza…


If you had that much money in the stock market you deserve to get gulag'd at best.



The smug liberals didn't even wait until the polls got in to demonstrate their manipulation of numbvers.

This almost makes the election cycle worth it.

*2020, obviously

Chris Matthews is still going on how it's going to end a tie. Pure illusion.

not with a republican senate

I know that feel, I did both the stock market meme and the political betting meme. And I don't even get to see Holla Forums butthurt. Literally no reason to live.

b-b-but muh trickle down economics!

Trump won because he harnessed the power of the rage of the white working class, while Mainstream GOP where too busy crying about how we have to be nicer to mesicins

r/politics must be in a tailspin. I can't fucking wait to PM certain CTR fucks & rub salt in the wounds.

I believe it. That sounds like the worst place to be in America tonight.

WARNING: you might get brain cancer.

Trump is not a fascist. Stop giving him more marks than he deserves.

NYT projections form Wikileaks logo

How accurate is this?

Friendly reminder that based Nate was the only pundit to give Trump a significant chance.(FRIENDLY REMINDER TO GO SUCK NATE SILVER'S DICK SOMEWHERE ELSE)

If anything Hillary is the fascist corporate dog ready to crete more refugees to import.

You mean best. God can you imagine the salt?


fucking delicious.

Let's hope so. National Liberals like Trump or the rightwingers in Europe will allow leftism to grow in opposition to it, since they surely will not hijack leftistism the way neoliberalism did with with IdPol, Globalism etc.


Oh shit, I forgot all about that cesspool. I love not having a real dog in this fight. WE were destined to win no matter what.

And I don't need to read any further. Off yourself.

Wait if.. What if Trump isn't completely full of shit & appoints B████ to budget chairman, to fuck the DNC so much harder?


Donald, turn down that mariachi music, I'm on the phone with Xi Jinping– and for crissakes, stop clipping your toenails in the sink!

>But they are pretty
great taste high five!

you ain't seen nuthin until you've seen an asian/black chick with asian features and deep black skin.

maybe it really is brexit 2.0!

cute sitcom idea but irl the gop senate and gop house would decide president.

How will Alex Jones deal with being the establishment?

That'll teach you to listen to Papa Wolf.

well the states aren't actually shaped like that

this is no ordinary election. both candidates are deeply controversial, each for different reasons, so different dynamics are at play this year


He has a 4% lead in WI with 75% counted.

It's over.

IT'S @)!^

Third party voters won't get it so bad, because Hillary/DNC was such a shit

Holy shit they're still assblasted over Gamergate?

That graph isn't even coherent.








Liberals and their stupid jingoism.

fucking delicious.

Dems are already blaming third party voters/Sandernistas for Trump.

Hopefully he'll kill himself when he realizes it.

To make the best of things, I propose that both we, and the enemies of our enemies over at Holla Forums, start gathering pictures of liberal tears.

These fucking people will be effected the absolute least. Petite bourgeoisie fucks.

Gamergate is still assblasted over gamergate. Both sides of the gamergate coin have been comparing everything to gamergate for… jesus christ… years now.

It actually feels good seeing the American people saying that they are sick of the current status quo like this. I fucking hate Trump, and have zero trust in him at all, but at least this whole thing is a massive "fuck you" to everyone in power. Guillotines and gallows are right around the corner.

Because… and I know this is hard to wrap your head around so please bear with me… the kinds of people who have come the loathe the system are the kinds of people who don't answer polls.

some sauce on this shit, son?


Commentator on CNN just said:

'This night beyond anything we have seen so far, beyond any party of political affilition, it's more about class than anything.'



That's one tasty picture.

yeah but they aren't going to be used on the ruling class though

We really do need to bring guillotines back. I dunno, they just have a certain je ne sais quoi.

It's very predictable and I'd be surprised if they did anything else.

Zizek is laughing with us lads. A new age has begun! SJWs and feminists can now officially fuck off.

GG is mad about GG in the sense that they're mad idpolers invaded video games. Idpolers are mad because GG managed to be a huge pain in their ass for a while and just wouldn't submit to their bullshit.

Shouldn't have went with Hillary. She's a fucking monster.

They're free to attempt to assign blame. And we're free to laugh in their fucking formerly smug faces.

So when do the RWDS roll out?

If thats the case then I hope this works out.

I'll look on the positive

this guy is correct.

check social media. Liberals are going full damage control so they can protect the honor of their war criminalfu

They are weakened.
We need to kill idpol once and for all.

Yes. Politics is more than just who's in the government and how the government operates. Class consciousness plays an important role too. People here often forget there out of cynicism and impotence.


The reactionaries horse fuckers are fucking their pillow waifus as we shitpost.

don't be so mad, you've got gay marriage haven't you? what the supreme court giveth, the supreme court taketh away.

idk they seem to have sent a strong message to you miss!

Lets sniff cocaine off neoliberlism's corpse!

I know I just wanna see what they're saying. I need a laff.

more specific? I don't see shit about S█████ or third parties

I stick to Trotsky's analysis of Fascism because its a hell of a lot more useful than anything anyone else has come up with and while neither QUITE fit trump is a hell of a lot closer than Hillary.




It's not even funny anymore.

KEK (update 1) (update 2) (update 3)

Drudge Report:



… …
TRUMP: 244
TRUMP: 254

Maybe… but what I mean is that GGers have been saying "as someone who was on the insie of gamergate, let me say, this is just like gamergate" about everything for a while now.



it looks pretty dire tbh

So rednecks are the proles and beaners are the bourgy?

I honestly don't know what to expect anymore.

all they had to do was nominate a candidate who could beat the loudmouthed idiot

think about this - any other democratic candidate form the primaries would have fared better. lincoln chafee would have fared better because he doesn't have the baggage

The liberal vermin brought this on themselves.


I think more than anything, it's impressive Hillary is managing to lose against Trump

POST YOUR HYPE FACE WHEN Trump wins the election but enough delegates switch sides to make Clinton win

Liberal step father just went to bed in disgust.It's ogre ladies and germs.

Dow almost down 800 points.

How has Krugman still some credibility, he can't even do basic maths…

I've been saying the same for a long time. I said Hillary was a mistake from day one.


They should have fucking seen this coming. You can act arrogant towards the masses and then expect their support.


They were polling the wrong people the wrong way

ima hoars

Why do both sides do this every single time?


Expect glory!

Identity politics are now on suicide watch.

There would be a revolution.


Not a true fan…

Is there a tl;dr of this. I'm rather tired and trying to take notes on Hegel right now.


All the liberals I know are already blaming third parties.

No fucking self awareness at all. Watch them bring out another establishment stooge next time around.





Well, as someone who was involved in GG, and the Atheism + shit, and other similar things before GG, they are actually onto something. GG just dragged out into the light the inherent corruption in our system and culture. They're starting to see the patterns.

How badly will Trump lose the popular vote?


Hopefully everyone abandons the DNC when Trump wins.

Main commentator on CNN just said B████ would've been the better choice.


At this point I'm hoping for it.
I voted for Clinton, but if she wins by electoral college fuckery it will just prove that our system is rigged from the start.

When will they learn?

Holy fuck, I'm actually getting stoked for a Trump win. What a world.

moar muscle please

ok but throw in state investing in the stock market

yes tbh

yeah, don't blame the game, blame the player.

Did Trump actually fucking win?

Post cool nihilist music to deal with the new political reality

looking like it friend


Mass movement of the petty bourgeois. Drags along the proletariat with a lot of socialist rhetoric.

what do you even know about feminisim son? besides GAMERGATE VS SJW EBIN MEME WARS

The best she can do is lose with 249 Electoral Votes, so that's not happening.

All but user

Not officially, but yes.

Funny how it's now they complain about voter suppression now that the shoe's on the other foot.

What the fuck is this? It manages to be worse than The Economist's graphs.

There would be a literal revolution, with guns and shit, like, the next fucking day. In any other election cycle, no. But with all the shit that's built up now (the media is largely to blame for this), people aren't just going to sit back and take it.




Trump moving ahead in Pennsylvannia, too. HAHA

If Trump wins the DNC will implode. Once Trump is sworn in the GOP will implode.


Hey guys real talk for a second. Does Trump actually have any plans to cut medicare/medicaid? My dad is freaking out because he said we are going to lose our medicaid and we won't be able to pay for my moms nursing home anymore and I'll have to drop out of college (again) to take care of her. Is that even remotely true?


How's Corbyn doing?

This is great! We get liberal tears now and then alt-right tears later when they realize they've been duped. Honestly the best case scenerio.

$32b wiped off Australian market as Trump edges closer to victory

Thank you Trump for fighting against inflation, you truly are the savior.

Yes. He's like 2 states away and he just gained the lead in Pennslyvania.

If you see a woman or nonwhite, reminder to thank them for making this so easy.

I hate TYT.

Trump is as big a liar as Clinton. He's got basically the same policy as her and no intentions of actually building a wall.

Republicans sure as fuck do and its not like he's going to veto that shit.

fair enough.

hot. :)

if only there was a way to look these things up

What exactly are people expecting Trump to change in their lives?

Meme magic aside, what do they think is actually goin to change?

Accelerationists I hope you were right.

Pictures from the Wall Street incoming

kek this SJW on TYT rn

History rises from the dead, again

also should thank DNC for sabotaging B████


Oh, like the NSDAP…
Uhn huh…
Poor proles. Always being tugged around by a leash…

Him personally? Not likely, but he is not going to veto a bill delivered by a republican congress.

he has said he wants to repeal the ACA. with a republican house and senate, that's all but a certainty.

the ramifications of that are for you to determine with regards to your personal situation

So when will the communist messiah come forth?

Fuck off, cretin.

kys Holla Forums faggot

That's what you meant to say, right?

If shit goes bad, they'll celebrate that he's fucking over minorities. If shit goes good, they'll be pissed off that he's not fucking over minorities.


He will build a wall

A Yuge wall

And he will bring back jobs

He will wave his tiny hands, and 'yuge' factories will be built

and people will have jobs


kick out some immigrants
The two parties only exist to remedy capitalism, they just have different ways of doing so

arriba arriba andale!

Trumps supreme Court pick could actually completely fuck people over


18 of brumaire, 225

if i'm a neet approaching 30 years old with no degree or serious work experience, how fucked am i?

gb2 reddit ctr

Its more complicated than that but I WAS asked for a tldr.

screencap butthurt from verified posters in particular. it can help discredit them later.

the booru ought to be full of this stuff so you can search by name and just like that find loads of shit anybody said.

If you're not an accelerationist, you're not a materialist.

There's almost no way the supreme court could get worse than it is.

Don't be so disingenuous, he's referring to that horrible feminist stench that permeates through all left wing parties at least in the Anglosphere.

The wage gap myth, rape culture and the realignment of women's retirement age in line with men's (ie women no longer retiring early despite men dying sooner) being sexist is often preached as gospel in leftist organisations.

I would know, I'm too chicken shit to speak up lest I get ejected from my local Labour Party.

inb4 we were hacked by the russkies

I would If I was American.

Empire dies with a wimper

First: how fucked are you right now?




She literally got .02% of the vote.

There's a place for you in the revolution but otherwise yeah you're probably completely fucked.

Will Trump bring human surival from AGW?

Also, Scotty's tears are as good as any liberals :^d



I think you should be asking yourself, "If I'm alive and living in America, how fucked am I?" and the answer to that is very.

I forgot they don't live I reality. Maybe he will go full liberal in office. I don't think they will be able to delude themselves at that point.

Guess I'm probably fucked then. Oh well guess my fate is in the hands of the accelerationists now.

Time for fascism 2, electric boogaloo.

OK This one fucking offends me. The number of people who voted Stein in Florida is HALF the margin between Trump and Hillary. And 90% of Johnson voters would've gone to Trump. What a joke.

he's a million ahead in the popular vote

my parents are pretty well off, but i've failed out of college twice due to laziness. feelin' kinda worried i won't ever get to experience life as i should have

trump is more of a liberal with a potty mouth

I see you stalking me June

Ay por Dios this is fucking perfect, now Dems can wreak havoc in 2018 and B████ or his puppet can win in 2020. What's two shitty years to the death of the Clinton regime? My boner is unstoppable.

This is so fucking eerie


Can we call PA for Trump now? He's moved ahead and all the uncounted votes are rural.


Beat up muslims and get away with it

The only clinton speech I'm excited for.

No, the sound of Trump Manhattan, one of the bluest parts of the country.

I actually prefer that over Hillary. We really need another comic relief president.





I'm not a burger. America is just making a bigger and bigger joke out of itself, and I enjoy it soooo much, I can't describe.

It's a great opportunity for the American left though, status quo politics has failed to keep comedians like Trump away. So now there's a need for reinvention.

well, medicare will be safe because it's been untouchable for decades (>keep the gubbermint outta my medicare!!!)
if you're on medicaid in a red state and don't have very very low income yes you are probably fucked. otherwise, maybe not.





whatever they expect (good or bad) it probably won't happen

this was basically just a giant middle finger to the establishment


Congratulations America

Although not much will change during the near future,this is a wake up call to The elite.
Either Trump or S█████ woild have sent the message.

Americans are afraid of the decline of their living standard.

The level of consumption can never be the same as in the past.

The essentials of shelter and food and health care have to be addressed by all the leaders or there will be troubled times ahead

Hmmmm, i guess it wasn't such as much of a good idea to give POTUS dictator-esc powers during obama's era.

DEM 2018



the best thing about this:
in 2020 B████boy can still run
the problem: trump will completly repress him/the oposition


He's going to force a bunch of neets to rely on getting their own health insurance since their parents can get them on their own plan until 26 in Obamacare.

so a bunch of people saying what the fuck


kek. women vote overwhelmingly left-wing, so now the left and right have reason to feel fucked over by the female vote.

tbh it would serve them right if she was losing for being a woman because she wanted us to vote for her because she's a woman. karmic, when idpol shit like that backfires.

Although not much will change during the near future,this is a wake up call to The elite.
Either Trump or S█████ would have sent the message.

Americans are afraid of the decline of their living standard.

The level of consumption can never be the same as in the past.

The essentials of shelter and food and health care have to be addressed by all the leaders of all political spectrums or there will be troubled times ahead

What happens if delegates say that Clinton won the popular vote and change sides

I can't wait until december for this shit

I hope she is getting payed for it.

I want to enjoy the liberal tears but I feel hollow knowing that anight orange reality star porky retard is going to be in office
I'm living in an absurd parody timeline right?

Don't forget about the Bush and Clinton eras. The Imperial presidency will die with Trump, though. Congress would not like to lose power to a guy like that. His party hates him. Maybe they'll be frightened into supporting him, but at least dems will try to freeze things.


The world was supposed to end in 2012 and we're all living in a shitty forced sequel

The forecast is still +1 for Clinton. West coast cant save Clinton but it can shift the fuck out of the popular vote.


guies how do I make bold red letters?

fucking CERN

So is B████ the Ron Paul of 2016?

like this

Maximum hehe

Requesting all your Doom B████s, please.



Will Liberals ever learn?

== on both sides of the text
must be one line
like this

Cenk is calling the end of political correctness.


We need commies drinking liberal tears btw.


beautifully put



click on options, then click on formatting and there's a list of them

Me too, and it's great.

I'm looking forward to it. Shit was Hilarious with Bush in office. I can only imagine the retarded shit Trump will do.



stupid server not allowing me to post all at once

You did it comrade!



Trump is winning the popular vote

a) Delegates are not personally neutral, they are nominated by their party.
b)Trump is going to win by about 70-80 votes, it would take a lot of defections to stop him.





Although not much will change during the near future,this is a wake up call to The elite.

Either Trump or S█████ would have sent the message.

Americans are afraid of the decline of their living standard.

The level of consumption can never be the same as in the past.

The essentials of shelter and food and health care have to be addressed by all the leaders of all political spectrums or there will be troubled times ahead

Yeah they limited images to 1 per post earlier what with all the electionposting.

by the way, is that from a movie?


A huge part of California is yet to be counted.

like this
*imagine the asterisks are spaces*
another helpful hint. there is a board kept u, called /test/ I believe, specifically for testing the funky text options and such. If you must test in an active thread, sage goes in email field to not bump for the unrelated post.

Not according to NYT? Would be even better if he did though

A lot of republicans don't like trump

be brave lad! speak up anonymously, whether that's on reddit or social media with a pseudonym or whatever. you can play a part in fixing your party's feminist sexism!

the funniest thing about this is that the man has no real interest in actually governing

Stop fucking reddit spacing, you fuck. Write like a normal person.

I don't know why but I like the Doom S█████ more that the Doom Pauls

oh. now I learned something. I thought you needed spaces between the == and the letters. That's just how it's shown on /tg/ which is what I copied all these years

I just realized I'm living in a Philip K. Dick novel. Even typing that sentence just confirms it further. Remember the end of The Man in the High Castle, where the woman realizes she's living in a false timeline? It's like that. I recently read the synopsis of a different PKD novel while in a book shop and it was all about a surreal scenario where a robot becomes President. It made me think, hey, not much weirder than a reality TV show star becoming President, right? But now it has happened. Don't you get it guys? None of this real. Are we real? Can we even escape to reality?

At least we'll have four more years of memes

NeverTrumpers are pretty rare though (90% of Republicans voted for him), and faithless electors often face harsh penalties.

These are easily the best things about tonight.

Are we officially /thirdworldcountry/ now?

He's a lazy capitalist. He will outsource/delegate all presidential responsibility.

The issue is he's going to delegate it to monumental pieces of shit like Christie, Gingrich and Giuliani.

=Workers of the world unite!=

=Sanders will win in 2020=

only a nasty deplorable from Holla Forums acts like this

as for the confused user

fuck off to /test/ u stupid cunt


does it matter? I for one accept my existence as a false being in a false reality, on the basis that I can not change those circumstances.

Never read Philip K Dick. But I keep telling my bother all of the "satanical" cyberpunk culture like Shadowrun I gobble up keeps becoming real life.

I'm still processing the fact that a tv celebrity and billionaire landlord is now the president of the united states just because he wanted to be

Once you leave the super rich areas like Hollywood than America has always been a third world country

That's it. Fascism has won. Soon Le Pen in France and AfD in Germany.
Time to blow all your money on coke and opiats, in a few years we're all gonna get executed anyway.
Inb4 muh accelerationism. It won't happen and you know it.


Man, I wanted a Holla Forums tears so bad. Maybe we will get it once Trump screws shit up.


triggered Holla Forums cult member detected

can an user help me find that video/webm where a table of white porkys are having dinner with a bunch of black servants, and the liberal explains how he turns the blacks into one of them to the conservative

Im drunk and cant find it at all

youtube video preferred to webm (or just a title) so I can share off site

it's less /thirdworldcountry/ than allowing the wife of a former president to become president

I hope that B████ is at least the first to throw Clinton under the bus.

So besides zizek what other leftist figures can we look to push the zeitgeist farther left own that liberalism has failed?

Status of Holla Forums 4chan and Holla Forums?.




Among whites, Clinton is only winning the college-educated white women. Trump is winning uneducated white women. What's that about "women vote overwhelmingly left-wing"?



How much of a meltdown must Hillary be having right now?

Imagine how he's feeling right now. He should be a little happy, knowing that cunt lost.

Literally the greatest day in these boards' existence.

reagan at least held public office before the presidency tho

y i was banned

Nice try, Holla Forums

Why are you crying, you stupid faggot? Hillary got what she deserved. Fuck her, and fuck the democrats. Trump sucks, but at least we don't have a republican posing as a democrat.

Remember, Bill Clinton instituted "welfare reform". He did all the shit that Republicans never could. The fact that markets are tanking is a good sign.

She might kill herself.


Wait, is that what happened to her? I know there was that idea being thrown around, but was it really "internalized" by her and used as a consciously meta device? I figured she was behaving erratically simply because all the characters behaved erratically.

His dying breath

austria first, in december. maybe trump's win will influence voters there. trump has time to make an intervention like obama did against brexit.

and don't forget ukip 2020! farage is already in trump's good books unlike the european right parties.

for sure. we can bet on what they'll turn against him over first! and how quickly!

note: i'm da one top

Discord invite anyone?

Really though even though he came in EXTREMELY late with it he was the only *mainstream, liberal* pollster who said Hillary wasn't definitely going to win in a landside vicotry

It will happen but not in the way you're thinking.

Trump will make reactionary policies and will out himself as the bourgeois that he is. From the Ash's of his presidency we will bloom out like a phoenix and turn The United States of America into the Peoples Republic of America or the Workers Republic of America.

Then we will hunt down anyone who voted for Trump in this election


Workers of the world Rejoice!

hey, it's okay, leftypol. you still have all those internet debates you won. uh, wait, no, at least you have a growing movement with grassroots support. good mods?

Nothing will change
This will cause Holla Forums tears.
Holla Forums will blame democrats and Trump's own party keeping him on a short lease ffor his ineffectuality

I don't why Holla Forums isn't happy with Trump.

Trump will destroy globalism and end the American empire because of isolationism, purge his enemies(mostly other porkies), become allies with Russia and bring back tariffs on the world largest consumer. This is EXACTLY how I'd implode capitalism.


Please make it happen

I always read it as her realizing the unreality of her situation.

Back when BLM were killing pigs I got to joke that "cops literally on life support". Well, now I get to say, liberals literally on suicide watch.

AfD is national liberal, so is Trump. Fascism is in the dustbin of history.


What do you guys think?

Read the thread. We're celebrating.

Don't fool yourself. This is far from being the end of capitalism.

She's prolly quietly fleeing the country lol

Trumps impending win doesn't surprise me. The whole country basically lives under neo-feudalism except in rich liberal enclaves.

She is probably broken inside like at the end of a fatalpulse doujin.

oh god, I just realized that Clinton is going to become the new Al Gore.
Once Trump actually gets into office all the democrats are going to do historical revisionism and pretend that she was an anti-war pro amnesty candidate.
the democratic party can't die off soon enough

Here a fly 4 u renfield

True, but it's fun to laugh at him.

Friendly reminder that he touted pic related as a plausible scenario back in August.

i wanted to see what leftypol was thinking and decided to make fun of you blokes, no hill here

i'm not, i'm tired and want to go to bed but unfortunately this is a big event and not just a return to the status quo

Bruh, we hate Hillary. I think an orange president is a good change for this country.

read zizek

Although not much will change during the near future,this is a wake up call to The elite.
Either Trump or S█████ would have sent the message.

Americans are afraid of the decline of their living standard.

The level of consumption can never be the same as in the past.

The essentials of shelter and food and health care have to be addressed by all the leaders of all political spectrums or there will be troubled times ahead


this i think

this is me

I have work at 6:30 in the morning tomorrow, but this is a historic event

Soros is crashing the economy with no survivors.

google polling projections if only men voted and only women voted and compare. each way it's a gigantic landslide, men for trump, women for clinton. and that's including non-white women.

of course maybe exit polls and retrospective polls will be more accurate that polling ahead to the election, but until those estimates appeal…

How long until the victory/concession speeches?

pol is going to follow trump into the darkness like napoleons men

it's what he does best

I just want Trump to end NAFTA and NATO.

fuck off Holla Forums

Then lurk more

We despise Hillary & the DNC here.


Napoleon actually did shit to make life better in France. Trump is not like Napoleon. Don't fucking insult Napoleon that way.

Napoleon did nothing wrong though.

They're coming buckos.. :'^(


As someone who lost an election (by 5% margin) because of the green party splitting the leftist vote, I disagree.

Even before the count I confronted the local Green Party leader and explained to him my environmental commitments (environmentalism is inherently socialist, "ethical" consumerism, advocacy and understanding of sustainability, environmental standards etc) and even he proclaimed that I was more of an environmentalist than him and he even muttered "oh dear…" realising he inadvertently aided the Conservatives in their victory.

It did not feel good at all trust me.

Why would you build giant mechs in the shape of humans? Seriously, if you had that kind of technology you'd be fighting a war from 1000 km away via hypersonic combat drones.

wasn't that around trump's lowest numbers? Still, just two weeks ago Rachel Maddow was showing the map literally all blue for Clinton. I have little love for Nate Silver but if he stays out of punditry he tends to be tolerable. His reputation was artificially pumped up by hype around "new media" in general, and he may have believed that hype himself, but he's been eating humble pie since the Republican Primary and seems to have become more reasonable.

This is true. This is literally Goldwater 2.0

Is that a statue of Lenin being deconstructed?

When the Holla Forumsyps do anything more that talk shit and play with themselves. So probably never.

I'm pretty sure we're in an rpgcodex let's play of a custom Hearts of Iron 2 mod, probably involving Cthulhu or something. That or a GURPS or rvbomalley crapsack timeline or the flimsey, jokey backstory to explain the overly-contrived mechanics of an okayish cyberpunk tabletop RPG or a crappy mid-90s FPS.

he installed monarchies and ended the republic

Trump won't do much if any of that. He just wants to hang with the big players, play the role of a big player, feed his ego, and walk around like the big man.
He'll delegate everything to (unelected) "experts" who will run a gangster capitalist regime.


215 Clinton vs. Trump 244

This is from NYT. I think the Guardian stopped updating theirs out of pure despair.

They won't let him do it. He'll be killed before that ever happens.

because it's fucking cool as shit, that's why

lol. It's on.

That's Democracy tbh

At this time, I would like to invite you all to read the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, by Karl Marx.

You may find it enlightening.

He will be the new JFK.

van jones almost crying on cnn right now because think of the children or some shit

Soros is small time.

komm susser tod is a happy song

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Clinton say election rigged
Comey in cahoots with Trump

She will not accept results

civil war imminent!!!!

Yes, he fucked this election up but he still did much better than his competitors. Plus I find 538 thoughtful and informative.

I genuinely think he will be assassinated in the next four years

Literally one porky out of hundreds

and yet both ideas and events are made possible by the people

It was. As I keep saying in .

If you voted Jill Stein or didn't vote


pls Allah create civil war among the american crusaders

you brought this on yourself

It would take away from the poetry of the quote to say "gossip" instead of "people."

well there was one way he was a better environmentalist than you, even if he didn't notice it: he joined a party all about environmentalist, you didn't.
did he leave the greens after that?

I voted for Trump, lol.

With Brexit and now this, this is definitely possible.
Hollande and his party has never been so unpopular, Alain Juppé is the most popular mainstream candidate, but he has a history of corruption like Hillary.
I don't know if socdems are more popular since the recent strikes now, but the FN will seduce more people as usual with their "we are anti-establishment" rhetoric and exploit the fear of terrorism.
This will be like to 2002, but I can see Marine Le Pen winning this time.

Are americans retarded?

It's first past the post, nobody won an outright majority. I would have won in AV probably.

Wouldn't that be the greatest irony ever?


Trump becoming president has pretty much set him and his familly for life, instead of being trashy new money they will be able to hang around the real elites now

Did Comey cause Trump to win?

Will this sort of influence be stopped in future elections?

Will president elect Trump give Comey a big cookie?

Where are those links to Soros funding anti-socialism functions?

Get lost tumblr.

Holy fuck, are you a Slug Christ fan?

I want him/her to suck my dick tbh. It looks kinda cute. If she or he is under 18 then I take that back.

Is this the next synthesis?

Bernie was our Ron Paul 2008

Marxist-Stirnerite Dem candidate by 2024 – calling it now.

If Clinton would have dropped out we could have beaten that racist sexist mango. Oh well…

Achieving victory by annihilating the entire enemy military in a matter of seconds is cool as shit. Mechs which can barely stand under their own weight and have all the mobility of a comatose sloth are not.

I think a 16-point win is plain implausible though. The degree of polarization is such that you simply can't win over that many of the other party's voters any more.

Is no one here goncerned for the childrens?
By that I mean, isn't a Trump bully-boy dictatorship going to be a bad thing? Or do we all see it as a path to the collapse of capitalisms?

(pic related)

Hey faggots, how does it feel to know that Trump is going to win? Your ideology is pathetic.


We're gonna need it for the dark times ahead.

On the other hand, B████ ██████.

I don't think anyone here likes Clinton.

What did he mean by this?

Hillary's concession speech is going to be fucking glorious

No, that's democratic republicanism with first-past-the-post voting.

Read the thread faggot, most of us are happy.

Why is it so hard?

If feels pretty ok.


Kind of entertaining. No one likes Hillary here.

Feel fantastic. Lock her up indeed.

CNN: "There are convulsive revolutionary changes going on in our economy."

Napoleon did nothing wrong though.

This is needed more than ever

The dialectic is in motion!

You're right. I don't know the context of that map but it might be about that outlier poll that was consistently putting up insanely high numbers for Clinton. It got touted in Huffpo and the like often.

Yes. Americans are able to simply write down the name of the person they want to win if they are not listed.
They could have simply wrote Burney's name down but they are literally that retarded.

Are you the guy that posted that Slug Christ WebM here, >>1032523 ?


not very excited about the this tbh

At least if the wall and expelling was to actually happen, unemployment would be almost zero

It'd just be filled out by someone at HQ, however they see fit.

Election officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched a program that threatens a massive purge of voters from the rolls. Millions, especially black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters, are at risk. Already, tens of thousands have been removed in at least one battleground state, and the numbers are expected to climb, according to a six-month-long, nationwide investigation by Al Jazeera America.

this looks like trouble

Fuck that imperialist hag. I wrote in "Sasquatch".

Clintonites now having to #dothemath

Haha get fucked.

Sanders would've handed trump's ass to him.

Mein gott! The pure ideology! *sniff*




I hope Clinton contest for the lelz. If Trump wins popular vote by less than 3.5 million it's a likely scenario - assuming this is true.

You have to register to be eligible to be written in for most states. Some don't allow write-in at all. No state would allow him to run as a write-in after losing the Democratic nomination. What, you thought this was some simple straightforward system? There are rules upon rules and nobody tells you them.

Why was this posted only now

salty, but he's right: third party voter decided their candidate was more important than picking between trump and clinton.

or britain's ambassador to trump? or the eu's?


Are you calling Stein imperialist, or Clinton?



Thank you for killing the DNC.


Holla Forums won, what the fuck.

I didn't like Hillary either, but I wanted those delicious neonazi manbaby tears.

Clinton could contest if this is true:

You just wait until the far-left surges in popularity once Trump embarrasses himself. :^)


Doesn't have the same ring. How about CUT HER THROAT?

It's ok fam we get intersectional liberal tears instead.

Kill yourself, faggot, and gb2reddit. Trump was always the saltiest choice, no matter what. There will be suicides over this. Let it burn.

Liberals tears aren't good enough for you? So greedy.

They're coming, we just have to wait a bit.

Not an American, but I agree with their decision. Breaking from the two-party system is more important than choosing Porky over Porky.

But we don't own the Means of Production :'^(

So all we had to do is let capitalism do whatever they want? Wow, I guess Gramsci got btfo.

wait 2 months for Trump to sell out to Israel.

See >>1032357 for best-cast scenario

The alt-right tears are coming in half a year or so. :)

Nigger, what do you think?

thanks, i just googled a quote

Trick Baby 1974

He already sold out.

Greetings from Brazil, fellow anons.

This year has been pretty crazy.

he already sold out, they didn't notice

We may still get pol tears anyway.

And their delicious.

It is okay, look at the woke liberal tears instead. They are just as funny to see.

We will get those as soon as Trump betrays them. It will not take long.

>The big picture right now
t. The Guardian

That's what you get bitch for pushing your vapid status quo brainwashing down our throats. You reap what you sow.

Feels real good.

You joke, but that's more or less true. The capitalists will build the machines which make capitalism obsolete.

I know how you feel matey.

It's just going to be a bunch of fucking drama queens doing a sit-in in congress over bullshit like gun control again.

Trump may have won but at least Clinton lost. I'd give anything to see the shit fit that cunt is throwing right now. I hope she has a massive brain aneurysm and dies tonight.

Goddamn that's beautiful



We're all little demons.

How bourgeois.

Have you missed the announcement of the next series "Holla Forums tried to defend and deflect criticism when his god emperor inevitably fucks up"?

woke liberal butthurt is constantly there though. being butthurt is one of the things that defines being a woke liberal.

Cry more faggot, the neo nazis aren't in power, the libshits are.

Liberal tears are more satisfying than their tears.

Cenk just called it for Trump, we're fucked.

I really wanted the butthurt fast but this sounds too good

is this karma for what they did to B████?

I am not either of these pirates.

Why do 538 still give Clinton a 21% chance? This looks completely cut and dried to me.

Damn this is sad.

I love the liberal tears.

Holy shit this is delicious.

It's a hallow victory like everyone says, I love the clinton sjw butthurt and tears but, man did this shit really just happen?

Beautiful. Almost like the truest human nature can only flourish in a communist society. Such a beautiful concept. I wonder if Chomsy is happy about this.

No, not tonight. We need to see her sperg out in public first.

Only then, will she be allowed to die.

Welp, Good game everyone


No, it's the contradictions of capitalism bringing the system down.

Why are we fucked? Hillary is a worthless cunt. You don't have to had liked either one of them in this race.

It really is truly amazing how the democrats were basically handed this election on a platter by the GOP and they managed to fuck it up by trying to elect Hillary.

Holla Forums, for the umpteenth time, we don't like Shillary.

I am ok with this.

why not? is he going to repeal obamacare or pass nationwide north carolina restroom laws or something?

don't worry, eventually they'll turn on him over no wall or support for israel or some compromise with the democrats. then you'll get your tears.


Good point.

On the bright side this country seems very close to legalizing marijuana.


guys, Guys, GUYS


stop this witchcraft

Why is B████ ██████ word filtered?


I cannot wait to see current year man blow his brains out on live internet TV.

What are they chanting?

animated pngs have been around for like a decade man

Too triggering to even think about.

My attention span is kinda waning, count the fucking votes already you faggots.

Holla Forums is against neo-conservatism? I don't think so.



Because he is a filthy fucking socdem traitor.

God damn it I love B████

I owe him for pushing me so left

And I hated seeing that moment at the convention

Dude it will be the entirety of the mainstream media losing their shit.

Not sure what you mean.

Watch their faces. Shilling for the system is not fun now anymore, is it?

Hang in there, you'll get a steady saline drip over the next four years as he fails to deliver on one outlandish bullshit campaign promise after another and the other unrealistic expectations they've placed on him soon enough.

Delicious, absolutely delicious.

Honestly, I know I've already made similar statements, but we got the best of both worlds here. Clinton supporters LIKE what they see. Trump supporters have constructed a delusion to replace what they see. Clinton supporters are going to be salty that they didn't get what they wanted, and so will Trump supporters when they realize he's a Bloomberg-tier centrist who will pass all Tea Party legislation without questions. We get two very long kekfests and even more defection. Also, S█████ 2020 and Dem 2018.

B████ ██████ test

Damnatio memoriae.

Hi, /leftypol.

Watched the news tonight? Hillary Clinton is losing.


They're too stupid to know what they want and the Trump meme has let them hide it thus far

Now they will have to own up to it, and they will not know what to do. They well and truly think (at least to a significant extent) that he would be spearheading white nationalism and ultraconservatism and the memes have taken a life of their own

It'll take forever, go play vidya. I need some Dota anyway, fuck these broken ass sites that don't update.


Trump will have a Repub house and senate

Welp it was a nice run gents. That short stay in China I had planned may become permanent.

Look at the Brits, the country is going to the wall and yet the Brexit supporters are in full denial.
Expect your countrymen to enter a delusional state for the forseeable future.
You will understand fully how Germany turned Nazi as you watch people willingly embrace insanity.

Dude, B████ helped destroy Hillary & the DNC.

Slick entryist confirmed

Nobody cares what you think, Puerto Mierda nigger.

When you don't give a fuck and have lost all hope, you can't lose. Who could've guessed?


no one exists by that name

Lurk more retard

We hate Hillary

Yea, we're pretty stoked. We hated both of the candidates.

China is probably more facist than the US will be under trump

Yes. That's why some of us kept remind people here that a Trump win will generate far more spectacular salt than Hillary.

China is worse than America by leaps and bounds, no matter what. Come to American and help the resistance.


The one thing I agreed with Trump voters on, other than TPP, is their merciless hatred toward clueless media elites, so I'm very much looking forward to this

Holy shit, I only just noticed that Trump won Ohio by 9 points. Is Ohio a safe red state now?

who do you think current year man will blame for Trump first?

The Democratic Party is fucking dead you idiot. They were terminal after the debacle at the convention, but now they're actually dead. Sanderistas and/or greens will replace it. Or worse, lolberts will replace it and it'll be neoconservatives vs neofeudalists.

Im looking forward to his next show to see just how far left he becomes


Well since it seems like its basically over now might as well go to sleep. Its been fun shitposting with you guys. Gonna have to mull over this tomorrow and what it means for the future.

Thank you Bunre. Without you I wouldn't be so woke.



Kill yourself.


How long before the conservative held house (and potential senate) undoes that, as well as the means of reproduction and likely recriminalizes things like anal and alcohol because muh jesus morals?

Every right winger in the world is in full purge mode it seems.

No, they just see it as the lesser of two evils.

Oh God it's you again. Just admit you lost our little discussion and quit being a Bitch Nigga so I don't have to find some way to block you.

It's truly amazing. Where's that picture of Hillary obviously faded out on drugs making that stupid cheeky amazed grin at the sky? That's me right now.

Good point. Progressive 2018 Sweep, then.

He will do a bit where he lists all the scapegoats at once.

To be fair, humans are really fucking stupid.

we are on this boat forever mateys the ride never ends.


Stop, I just got done jacking off and my dick is still sensitive.

Kill yourself

Hi Holla Forums

Click the first sticky on our board?

We're happy about the fact that she's losing.

ah yes, there it is

I feed on their tears

Liberals didn't even move to fucking Canada over Bush. Liberals in Ohio, for example, are saltier over a Buckeyes' loss than a political campaign, and they've been salty all year because the 2016 Buckeyes don't even know what a football is.

Trumpcucks are a powder keg I really, really, really want to see explode.


Please let them blame us for this. I want a deep, irreparable schism between liberals and socialism.

I'd blame Hillary herself. The dems haven't fronted this weak a candidate since michael dukakis. They couldn't have an anti establishment ace on their side too. Here's hoping the parties split.

Its going to be funny when trump is just a regualr republican and nothing crazy happens with all these liberals REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about how the right wing death squads

r/politics is going to be even more hilarious soon

Like I said, there'a couple of CTR fucks I'm going to PM & gloat to.

Should've chosen S█████.

I lost all my money in the bet markets, but these liberal tears are priceless.

You didn't win any argument, you tumblrtard nigger. Kill yourself.


If anything I can see Trump being better than the average republican.

sounds like Holla Forums tbh

Oh fuck off. He's right, and Trump will usher in the new age by being such a colossal fuckup that the system collapses. They may not be fully aware of it, but what they wanted was the destruction of this terrible system.

Not really cringe so much as a strategy for the Democratic Party going forward, assuming they aren't even dumber then we thought

At least he didn't say that leftists "didn't want it"
This is already an improvement, they are usually completely autistic about what the left actually means.

so um…
this Clinton concession speech is going to be a little awkward

Oh well, I wanted to die anyways. I just hope it's quick, like a firing squad, not slow like in the oven.

No, what is really going to be funny is when he acts like the democrat that he used to be.
What happens if this gets passed before the college?

Fuck off back to SRS, you goon loser.

There will be attempts to snowball the election into reactionary movements but it will be fucking hilarious because the NIGGERS LMAO alt-right kids are largely at odd with the puritanical neocons.

Fam, we are about to witness the sectarian infight of a lifetime.


Putin wanted it.

Putin got it.

Don't ruin the taste of liberal tears with that cringey shit.

Abandoned in her hour of need

Not enough time, also it would never be applied retroactively.

Trump's ego won't let him fuck up like that. If he realises it's gonna go tits up due to his incompetence he'd rather perform a controlled demolition to make himself look good.
And that is also the mandate he's been given, conveniently.

For context, he says I'm a tumblrtard because I do what suggests and calls me a nigger because I called him a coconut (his ancestry is probably super Spanish lol). He's an illiterate Mexican that can't tell Chrome OS from Windows and hasn't read any theory at all and doesn't intend to.

But that's another drama for another thread.


link please!!

Nah. The big deal will be the media faffing off about how the Republican, Trump, Nationalist, Free Market Revolution (tm) won against that big, bad evil establishment.
Hell, I'm watching Fox now, and they're already doing it. "Just why did the Republican Revolution overthrow the Socialist Keynesianism with the Shy Trump Voter and the Silent Majority, with their Revolutionary Reaganomics Republicanism."

Hillary's suicide would nicely round off this historical event tbh.

That'd be glorious

take your meds, paranoid schitzo.

If he does even a moderately decent job, they'll praise him like Reagan.

Here's to the end of neo-liberalism and the next collapse of capitalism.

So with a Trump presidency looming what does this mean for any environmental policy enacted within the last 8 years? Shit just environmental policy all together I wouldn't be surprised if trump just allowed his vice president to run roughshot over him decision wise and that dude is a sick fuck.

Never underestimate the stupidity of idiots. Seriously they ran with Hillary.

she was drawing shit crowds anyway, that's why she had to ship in that Jay-Zed fella and other teen pop idols

It's okay. They won't know you're a lolicon unless you fuck up.

What's taking so long, are they stuffing ballot boxes?

You make a good point. I hope so.


Every good Marxist in this thread should read this ASAP.

Clinton's HQ is so quiet right now you can hear a mouse let loose a silent fart.

All the evidence suggests that the electoral rigging happens electronically in the voting machines.

I've only seen loli posting now that Holla Forums's here

I would sleep so well.

That was actually a rational choice. S█████ is far more dangerous to porky, so they'd rather risk Trump winning.


dow futures down 800?

trump fucking rules so far




Play this song alongside the livestream of Clinton HQ:

I've been posting a lot of the loli and I'm very much not Holla Forums.

the lion assad outlasts yet another foe

Most of Michigan and Pennsylvanian reporting in, trump has this. He pretty much won everything but new england and big cities. Never again will politicans doubt the power of the white middle class male.

If he deports all the Muslims in America Holla Forums will carve his face out on Mount Rushmore.
Even if their lives don't improve at all some people are satisfied if they see people they don't like suffering.

All the polls showed Hilary winning, ahead by a few points. Only like 3 or 4 polls showed Trump ahead or tied.

The only explanation for this is Hillary colluded with the poll takers in the same way Hillary colluded with the media.

Trump didn't just win a little, he won comfortably, the polls should have shown that. There literally no other explanation.

Trump is going to go after Clinton and a bunch more of her cheating is going to be revealed. She's going to wind up in prison.

Now it's up to us to purge idpol from our ranks, TBH.

Got a link?

Trump is going to usher in the second Great Depression.

I will post a video of me dancing if this happens, mark my words.


How in the fuck did Johnson get more votes than Stein?

In all seriousness I'm glad we have a President-Elect who's not going to start shit with Assad and Putin.

Until there are more mexicans than whites.

They gave you the license to, I guess

It's not just that, USD dropped 10 percent across the board in foreign markets. Gold is up 2.3 percent, that's the GDP of a small nation being added to the value of gold in a single night.

Shit is going to be rough come morning time and the markets open up.

who cares if trump is just as shit




I'll jack off to it. I swear.

This would honestly be hysterical if he tried to do so himself, he would get impeached instantly and rekt by the First Amendment.

It's weird. I know rationally this is a good outcome, but I'm kind of empty inside.

Just release from all the anticipation?

What do you mean?

dude weed LMAO

Dude I would buy a dildo and try anal play for the first time.

You're a 16yo faggot Puerto Mierda nigger

Kill yourself, nigger.

It's called rhetoric. American presidents have always talked tough to Russia but it's not gone further than wars.


Polling errors aren't unheard of. I don't think the polling industry would make fools of themselves on purpose tbh.

It's in that post… The song is the post being replied to. But for convenience:



Neoliberalism is dead.


I don't know why Pennsylvania is still showing up grey on some news sites. That state is redder than a cherry county wise.

Faking a lead in polls doesn't actually win you an election.

The simpler explanation is that pollsters fucked up, either because of improper weighting and a herding effect, or because people lied to pollsters. That, and a 3 point miss is within the margin of error.

hit pieces commissioned by the DNC

No it isn't

the electoral map really shows he big divide between the working class and coastal big city elites.
Of course, even defeated, the media will never talk about it

haha, it's the brexit meme redone for trump.

I don't think he's pretending to like Putin.

But lolis are dialectical and DFC is the true path to class consciousness.

The media is just delaying the inevitable.

People are still in denial.

I just accepted defeat like a man. My stress is all gone now. Or maybe its the alcohol


when will they learn?

Now I'm just laughing non stop with all the madness surrounding us.

Okay, it has stage IV cancer then.


Foreign policy is going to be such a shit show in the next four years. If America had any prestige left going into this it's certainly gone out the window now. We're going to have to go back to the iraq war days and bullshit foreigners about us being from Canada again.

Trump is neoliberal

my nigga

shit, man

We were all so consumed by how much we hated Trump and Hillary, every time someone said something nice about one we thought "what about the other" as a way to ignore reality and now… are heads are clear and we really start to despair.

No, it only smells that way

Look at the UK where judges are being persecuted and getting death threats for upholding the law.
In a country loaded with guns it could tip into major unrest.
As it happens I expect 100+ Mexicans and Muslims to get killed in America over the next month as a direct result of Trump winning.


Trump is the embodiment of Neoliberalism with a slight tan of lil fascism.


They did, there just isn't enough of them in states like North Carolina and Michigan

The error was caused by an underestimation of working-class white turnout.

He's in amazing condition and won't rule it out. If not him, then Tulsi.

Trump would be the same age


I reckon Trump's speech will be pretty depressing. Watching Hillary accept defeat will be much more entertaining.

Jill is good to run in 2020. I kind of wish she wouldn't though. Don't want the Greens to become a Jill Stein Party.

The murrikan "left" chances died when Hillary defeated S█████.

“It is very similar to late Weimar Germany,” Chomsky said. “The parallels are striking. There was also tremendous disillusionment with the parliamentary system. The most striking fact about Weimar was not that the Nazis managed to destroy the Social Democrats and the Communists but that the traditional parties, the Conservative and Liberal parties, were hated and disappeared. It left a vacuum which the Nazis very cleverly and intelligently managed to take over.”

“What are people supposed to think if someone says ‘I have got an answer, we have an enemy’?” Chomsky asked. In Germany, he added, “it was the Jews. Here it will be the illegal immigrants and the blacks. We will be told that white males are a persecuted minority.”

“We will be told we have to defend ourselves and the honor of the nation,” Chomsky continued. “Military force will be exalted. People will be beaten up. This could become an overwhelming force.”

Bernie is 5 years older.

Reports are Hillary won't leave her room.

I can't figure out which stream to watch! They're all so good.



she's molting

I hope Hillary kills herself on stage.

I'm more excited for Hillary's concession speech.

Nah, she needs to be alive to face the consequences of her actions

We all do user, we all do.

What wouldve happen on this day if S█████ was the nominee?

He would have destroyed Trump easily.

Lol, Maddow looks so buttfrustrated.

Additional suffering is never a good thing.

invoking a treaty clause isn't adding or removing rights. the eventual deal under that clause may or may not, but that's up for negotiation, so by that logic any negotiating for a new treaty cannot be done except by parliament, which no judge has ever ruled, even though they've been asked to in order to prevent previous eu treaties.

tl;dr judges say adding eu treaties is fine but leaving them is wrong, "because i say so".


Hope she goes full Bud Dwyer

Jones is a disinfo shill. If he said anything truthful he'd be dead.

She'll come out and shed her skin and make angry space-lizard noises at the crowd for 20 minutes.

I can't wait till Trump proves what an ineffectual fuck nut he is, and Jones has to admit he was duped.

Trump would be hanging his orange head in shame.

Trump would disappear in the middle of the night and then be erased from American History.


This. Don't let her go full Hitler and blow her own brains out. She has to be brought to justice.

Every Eu treaty has been passed by Parliament. The Maastricht Treaty has incredibly acrimonious and almost brought the government down.

This would be MAGICAL

Historic landslide victory for S█████, assuming S█████ didn't whip Trump so bad in the debates that he dropped out.

Jones will never admit he was duped. It will probably be like molyneux where he just makes excuses for everything Trump does from now on.

Where can we watch the concession speech at online? I don't want to miss this.






TYT are covering it.

already confirmed, hillary not going to make a public appearance

So for hillary to win every state but alaska has to suddenly turn blue


TBH it would be better if Trump actually put her in jail once he became president. I could see that being a first 100 days thing for him. That would be one of the best things he could do to get on Americans' good side.

You are the problem.

President. Can't tell you how happy I am that this retard beat Hillary. Hope he hangs her high.

google hulkusc + cnn

Whoever posted that is delusional & doesn't know Holla Forums at all


Thank yous to you both.

what did he mean by this?

Thanks babe

I don't think Hillary even wrote a concession speech.

This loss was just SO shocking to her.

What is the best stream currently anyway?


Fucking WOW

This is unprecedented, right?

Not so fast. Podesta will give the no-concession speech and Shillary will pull for a recount.

I think the Fox News stream is currently showing the Clintonites on the HQ floor.


Turkroaches are so upset


If I may be rude: what's the reaction to the elections from your group?


Wow, she probably already killed herself.

Fox reporting that Hillary is not going to speak tonight. LOL.


end your life

Oh you fucking know it. They will take this from her cold, dead hands.

Spoiled brat didn't get "her turn" and now she's throwing a hissy fit.

Did Stein get 5% ???



Clinton is not even showing up for the concession speech.

HAHAHA HOLY SHIT podesta just told them all to go home

recount imminent

What I'm worried about now is that liberals will despair instead of becoming disillusioned. They'll be all "it's the end of the world, what a terrible defeat" and just sulk there in their misery instead of realizing the error of their ways, leading them to bitterness. I'm worried because this would make them just give in to the alt-right's euphoria, and further down the road nominate more right-wingers to head the dem party out of spite for S█████ and Stein, which will shift the overton window even further right. Now is the time for radicalization.

tfw hillary magically wins with recount

Think about the drama, please make this happen


He meant "explain to me how Hillary figuratively and literally stole the Democratic Primary".

Well, what are you waiting for?

How much pizza is Podesta on right now?

I don't think she even got 1%.



you just know she's screeching at her campaign staff, throwing shit & raging.

This is just too fucking incredible!


I fucking hate you Trump but I want to thank you for bringing me this joy.

no concession


They are watching the streams the best

they had to give her the tranq shots and put her to bed

I bet she's beside herself and couldn't make herself presentable. I'm relishing the thought that she's crying, locked up with no one to comfort her.

I was just about to go to bed and now this?
Please let there be a recount, please.





My autism is coming unleashed!

Clinton probably had a break down. Imagine all the promises she gave to donors and allies that she can't keep now.

They all want her head.


it's .91 now

This is what will happen. Politics is religion to them. This is the same as seeing their temple desecrated. It won't make them doubt their religion, just hate the defiler.


What the hell? Is she not conceding? Is she going to contest the election lmao


And they were all saying

This CNN stream is fucking incredible.

HAHAHA, all that lost corporate money

So is it over (for now) or will there be a speech from trump?


She has probably already fled the country.

Hillary's trying to steal his acceptance speech thunder, lmao

i fucking hate disingenuous libs


This black guy is right about the need for Trump supporters to be magnanimous, but I don't really think Lewandowski was out of order.

Liberal tears.

Dog, how can you hate this. It's fucking fantastic.
Donald Trump Election Watch Party

Who would take her? The Saudis?

Uhh…you mean black people?

I read that exit polls show black men went for Trump by 13%, which sounds about right IMO.

I suspect there's a handful of dudes like me who kept their Trump vote to themselves.

Blacks just aren't really excited by this election. It's a terrible choice, we know the Dems are failures, and the only reason there aren't a lot of black Repubs is because their brand is cancer among us. Decent fucking marketing and outreach would change election maps. But here we are.

Also this CNN stream is amazing, Corey is going for the throat, as he should.

They probably have the biggest bounty on her head.

Just google CNN livestream


Her and the rest of the political machine.

She is not special.

Are you lads hyped for S█████ v. Trump on Capitol Hill?

Maybe Obama is going to for his own country so that he can finally be king. He'd take Hillary.

Hillary is on a flight to some non-extradition treaty country.

it's fun for the drama aspects of it, but the same people who were all THIS IS A THREAT TO THE REPUBLIC all last month regarding trump are now like "it's cool, it's past midnight so she's tired"

Not really. Trump is too easy. S█████ standing up to Clinton would have been better.

Why the fuck do they have a hat in a glass box?

Ayy this is a massacre.




I just don't understand how someone could be this emotionally invested in establishment politics.

You're part of a radical, pro-black action group, no?

In either case, thank you for the candidness. Wouldn't a third party vote be more fitting for a black nationalist?


Bunking with Assange

Hillary is currently being strapped into her battle mech for the final battöe

what's she done? i almost expected this to happen if trump won!

I get you now. I'm just in this for the drama though to be honest. I really hated both of these pieces of shit. Although seeing Hillary lose it's much more gratifying than getting to go shitpost on Holla Forums about how Trump got btfo. I don't think anything could bring e off this cloud of euphoria right now.

Trump himself isn't particularly more racist than any rich white guy. It's his supporters who are motivated by racial resentment,and they would not have gone anywhere under a Clinton administration.

they believe their choice matters

Polls show small Republican losses in both the senate and house, but not quite enough to flip either. At best, we might be able to Jim Jeffords a senate flip.

Someone please post CNN stream (possibly besides hulk). i can't find one!

Trump for Hot Potato 2018

One of the grey ones, but which one?



They're drinking the kool-aid with enough exuberance to cause instantaneous diabeetus.

what did she mean by this

They are setting themselves up for massive embarrassment for the next four years.

But they did.

the results are too triggering for her and her supporters

This. Their ideology makes them believe that the presidential choice is a reflection of themselves

agreed 100%

Exact same reason as /pol

Other sites have the GOP on 51 and counting.

CNN are talking as if they had already called it.

God, I hope this gets good. I hope she doesn't something flat out insane.

CNN is listing Trump as having 247 electoral votes.

Oh wow Republicans won everything

How do you fuck up so hard, Democrats?

she's not conceding (tonight, at least)

well it's been fun shitposting with you all, but i really need to get to bed.
goodnight, Holla Forums.

I am black, living in a majority black city, but I'm not really black nationalist. I'm more of an American Nationalist who happens to be black. I just have the flag up for the lols.

I think blacks should be voting 3rd party. Writers for have been advocating that for years. I voted Trump, but voted Green for every other candidate. There's just no belief that the Greens can do anything, and that's among the small handful of black folk who actually *know* about 3rd parties.

Hillary probably knows she lost but was in such a rage (apparently she has quite the temper) that she couldn't get herself together for a speech.

trump just a few minutes ago

Frankly I think this is good. Just because Hillary is a big fat cheater doesn't mean her opponent isn't. Before the Democratic Primary the Republican Party had the most recent notoriety for election fraud.

Has Scotty given TJ the money, yet?


Yeah, but their pundits are acting like Trump has won.

They thought they knew better than the voters. Even the Republicans, as much as they were tempted did not do that. Democrats snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by nominating Shillary.

This is much better for us than Shillary winning would be. All we need is for Trump to crash the economy, which he's already doing just by being elected, and we will have the revolution that should've happened after the recession.

By nominating Hillary Clinton.

Sweet dreams


That's a strange sort of cognitive dissonance you have there.

Me too, good night. Sweet dreams of neoliberalism collapsing, comrade.

Lmao. He just wants to eat some chicken tendies from McDonald's and then go to sleep.

Someone's Goldwater spoiler plan didn't work. Anyone got that pic of Trump being former democrat and being too deep in it?

Any turnout estimates?



Hahaha, can't wait to see current year man's meltdown

why is the left so much more successful than the right?


He's gonna lose his hair so quickly, lmao

It was on in the background in the party room thing stream

Apparently lots of uneducated whites turned out to vote while latinos cbf


So what Brexit-tier excuse will they come up with?

Ugh, the look of the woman all the way to the right is painful to look at. That's look of someone who had everything they believed smashed.
Too bad it was the belief a corporate succubus would save the U.S.


i'm just rooting for blood in the streets


Is it possible Dems will find or even manufacture some evidence of Reps' fraud?
Please don't take all this joy from us.



dude so am I and I'm not even joking

I hope there's a coup attempt or some shit

wait a sec, are you telling me that thing is his real hair? Never looked into the matter before, thought it was the worst wig in history.

Holla Forums confirmed for illiteracy. Read the thread you're posting in at the very least.

In some ways, I'm very conservative. And in some ways, I'm very liberal. I've never cleanly fit in in either camp. There's no one party or movement that incorporates *everything* I believe/agree with, so my vote depends on how I like the individual politician and the political situation at the time.

Nobody here voted for her, fam. This is not the checkers club.

No, we're celebrating

Lurk more

When will you Holla Forumsyps realize that we're not liberals and we hate Shillary too?

Consider the following

We care about workers first.
Nice bait btw.

We celebratin fam.

Welcome newfag, make sure to read the sticky.

It would either be Holla Forums tears or liberal tears. We can't have it all, mate.

To be fair, this shitfest is way too funny for me, and I don't give a crap about Holla Forums. It's just a good thing not to be an American.

God, this will be a fun 4-8 years.



You will never understand
How it feels to live your life
With no meaning or control
And with nowhere left to go
You are amazed that they exist
And they burn so bright
Whilst you can only wonder why
Rent a flat above a shop
Cut your hair and get a job
Smoke some fags and play some pool
Pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
'Cause when you're laid in bed at night
And watching roaches climb the wall
If you called your dad he could stop it all

You'll never live like common people
You'll never do what common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
And then dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do

This song should just be playing 24/7 at DNC headquarters

Is the American military(the generals) supporting Trump or Hillary?

Is there the potential for a coup?

Nice digits

i think most of us don't really care about the result

The Obama admin and his flunk press still refuse to admit that Obamacare is a fucked up mess that's hurting blue collar and middle classes.

Who are you going to believe, Matt fucking Yglesias or your own lying pocketbook?

Enjoy 2020.

Who /non american/ here and just watching for the shitstorm?




We'll enjoy it when shit goes south the next 4 years.

I'm American and that's the only reason I'm watching it.

Fuck. I really hope she's not the nominee.
She's such a sell out

fosho, yo

Nah we are laughing our asses off.

she is ok, but no B████

I fucking wish. ._.

Get real faggot

It's really not if you consider that this election was really about people sending a message–people are rejecting the status quo

The NatSec is entirely with Clinton, so are private defense contractors. Individual generals don't really matter that much


So you like a billionaire who made his wealth off the exploitation of others over a nice physician mom who does activism?

By having a Republican senate that deliberately thwarted Obama at every turn, purely out of spite.
Then a politician that gives the finger to both parties looks tempting.


Yo aquí cagandome de la puta risa.

Ah sorry, I confused you with someone else. Still, interesting, thank you.

Yeah, us non-burgers can actually enjoy this far more. Always hoped for Trump right after S█████ was defeated.

Guardian has called it.

kek the Democratic Party is fucking dead, m8. They turned their back on a large portion of their base in the primary/convention and they made several terrible strategic moves. Trump will reshape the Republican Party and since they control the House and Senate as well, they will have complete control. In the meantime, dissidents will be organizing new parties. We will get libertarians or Sanderistas or greens taking the Democrats' place. After today, Democrats won't be able to get elected dog catcher.

My god. Think of all the media outlets that Clinton backers bought up before the election, the utterly massive ad campaigns that she ran, and what must have been a lot of kick backs to officials who did things like schedule debates for times that nobody would see them, "lose" ballots, and rig polls. The Clinton team spend a metric assload of money in a race where she was regarded as the corrupt establishment candidate.

Virtually every non-American is watchin this according to my WhatsApp account

Oops, sorry!

Google just called it.





I don't know about "fraud", but I'm sure they are waiting for these last few states to see if the results any where are in the margin to trigger a recount

Not sure if you've noticed it, but dow jones futures is fluctuating like crazy.


This is great

Ha! Think of all the republicans who bailed on him in favor of Clinton. There is going to be a housecleaning. The shitstorm is just beginning.

It's nothing like that. Hillary would have to flip more than a few states to win. She's lost.

I'll guess the Dem party will live on but it will be purged by lefties.


no, treaties are ratified by parliament. that's not what this is. this is the govt invoking a clause in a treaty. invoking a treaty clause has never ever required parliament, just govt, until last week.

law should be made by parliament, not made up on the spot by judges like this new "law".

Agreed. We are in for a bumpy 4 years.


You forgot a phony fucking liberal president who spies on his constituents, prosecutes whistleblowers, assassinates US citizens without trial, and a liberal-dominated congress and president that decided it was smarter to bail out giant banks with no strings attached without bothering doing anything for everyone else.

Who /Kennedy2020/ here?

He's a Warren tier congressman.

I T' S O V E R!







curb theme intensifies

American politics are both more entertaining and less depressing that my own country's, since all the stupid shit actually doesn't really affect me.

CNN refuses to call it, lmaoo

The Kennedys turned against the Synagogue of Satan. They're not allowed to be presidents ever again.

And the Empire always makes a mockery out of itself.

There are virutally no lefties in the Democrat party, it's all neo-libs. You need Sanders or a younger equivalent to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

The bank bailout was a success.

b-b-but Krugman said…

CNN, MSNBC used to call it at literally 1% for Hillary during primaries.

Trump wins & they won't call it for him, lmao.


The age of the politician is over.

In 2020, you will see candidates like Kanye West, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, etc.

Welp she conceded.

Fox News just called it, moments before his speech. kek

You are better than this comerade





For the banks. The "recovery" from the Great Recession has only occurred for the top 10% and now we have another recession set up for us in 2017. Get ready, this one could be even worse.


Garrison is President on South Park Now.

So she called him to concede, but she won't make a public concession speech? What a middle finger to her supporters.

This is historic.

Proof? I think CNN just said a moment ago that she's still not conceding.


CNN still not calling it

Did you expect anything else?

they just said she called him to concede


Check out CNN now. They're saying Clinton called Trump to concede. It's real.

AP calls it.

If the Obama Administration had convicted some of the people responsible for the crash in 2008, Hillary probably would have won.

Obamacare being a disaster didn't help either.


Trump is going to win NH too apparently. 310 EVs

"Donald Trump will become the 45th US president after a stunning victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton, the Associated Press news agency reports.
The Republican nominee's projected victory came down to a handful of key swing states, despite months of polling that favoured Mrs Clinton.
The battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina cleared the way for his Brexit-style upset.
Global markets plummeted, with the Dow set to open 800 points down"


I wanted to hear a concession speech. ;_;

The Guardian has Trump at 276 to Hillary's 218

i remember the 300+ electoral vote blowout for Hillary predictions lmao

The shilling is real XDDDD


You will, but she has to run out of tears first.


HNNNNG who is that next to Pence?

We did it Holla Forums we finally became the
Nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei!

from the responses, lmao

Accelerationism is here. Soon the boots will hit the ground and the anthem will play,


Sudoku was her easy way out.

You sound like Jill Stein. The bank bailout was a success and America would be like Somalia now without it, with China buying up everything of value at knock down prices.

I hope to Christ Trump recorded that phone call and it leaks later.

Mike Pence is the scariest thing about a Trump presidency, tbh.

Donald Trump is our next president

this tbh

1. Introduce Trump
2. Trump doesn't want to run the presidency, and Pence will be the Dick Cheney to his George W. Bush.

That's sinking in now.. :/

Dude stop, I don't think CTR is going to pay you anymore.

We know, that is the problem. We continue to save capitalism from itself but it still gets worse and worse.

I know man…truly a fanatical dictator.

What part of "the recovery has only happened for the top 10% of earners" don't you understand?

be patient. maybe by january.

Trump sounds like he's on oxy.


-Donald Trump

Wow, is 8ch broken or did everyone just stop posting?

Trump will be impeached and we'll have President Pence soon enough.


whoa weird glitch

Idiocracy trending on twitter


Because half of them hate him and all the Democrats do as well.

This person just became the most powerful human on earth.
This person has the power launch an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction on whim with no oversight.

They hated him because they thought they'd lose

Spoilers: They won, and they control both lower and upper houses

Noticing all the female liberals talking about their daughters, and black people talking about their black children
Idpol - its all about me and people like me
Truly divisive drivel


He's not that powerful. The pentagon has a lot of power, so does the CIA and the rest of the intelligence community. The presidency can be controlled.

Trump's victory is sending the stock markets haywire…

It's fucking habbening famrades, economic crisis on the horizon and we're already in a slump…

calm down

Holla Forums you have the future of this country in your hands. Seize it.

Did trump say that he'd be president for 2 years?

server's shitting itself

that will happen its unavoidable tbh.

Aren't all rich people on oxy?

Something's going down after two years

Better stock up on ammo


The new Supreme Leader is speaking

Oh fuck…

I hear this guy say "fantastic" one more time … Does he even have a vocabulary?

I hope Holla Forums is right that Trump heralds the end of capitalism and ushers in the new era, because having to stomach four years of this cockroach for no benefit… is not going to help my stomach

Holla Forums will be EMBOLDENED by this win. There's be no shutting the faggots up now

he prob is

Oh god I hope so
The internet was so much better during the Bush era - vaguely left wing and nihilistic
Not the nightmare that crept up in the past 8 years

i guess now the media will care about covering the dozen or so wars we just happen to find ourselves in

his former fanclub would be the ones starting the revolution then

It's like he knows.

Holy fucking shit.


He'll pass some form of TPP and it will cripple the internet.

Dude the reason why I became Holla Forums is because I used to be Holla Forums I just got sick of it.

I went full avantgarde & started ahead of my time, thats it. So yes you're right the internet is going to go lefty even more so than in the bush administration because this will pretty much be the most conservitard prez we have seen in a while.

So would Hillary tbh

We're probably fucked in that way.

I can only hope his ego makes him work harder to keep Americans happy.

Reporting in for ebin thread!

If Gingrich is going to be Secretary of State then we are going to war with Iran.


GG Murica

Would be nice to post on hobby boards again without alt-right spergs everywhere.



Is that his subtle hint to all his supporters?

Damn right

This pretty much. I avoid forums now because of these ideological cretins

Im not the other guy, hut he could be an accelerationist like me


I quit browsing /a/ both here and on 4chan a couple years ago because it became unbearable.

You should have subtitled that : "Ten Days after President Trump"


But, uh, w-what is that picture?

Her dress is ripped, too..


Who is that?

Their feels won't stop a banhammer.

Sacrificed his credibility to shill for Clinton.
Literally a loser.

Really? /a/ strikes me as one of the least Holla Forums infested boards on 4chan. Their moderation is really on top of the game usually, though I haven't browsed much in the past few weeks.


Must be true

They thought if they could manipulate the media, just enough..

I think it's just supposed to be like a minority woman or something. Or maybe it's Huma.

Drink the Kool-Aid
Choke on it.

Liberals are tweeting out and retweeting the suicide hotline. This is so fucking pathetic. hotline&src=typd

Now people see for what he really is.
A shill and a hack. No one's gonna hire him

That's her pocket

Liberals QUITE LITERALLY on suicide watch.


They gonna make the same experience, as the hopeychangy folks did with Obama.

Time will show them.

This is the crucial moment, we need to concentrate on convincing idpol'ers of their ideology's ineffectiveness, and redpill them on class consciousness.

We have to push for Sanders as head of the DNC, like what happened to Howard Dean after he was kicked out of the 2004 primaries.




Its always fucking busy, its well known that it does fuck all to actually prevent suicide.

Not going to happen. If anything this election is just going to ramp up the idpol, with both sides encouraging the siege mentality of the other

Can someone tell a non-American about him? What's so scary from him?

Yep, I'm cumming pretty hard.

They don't have a filibuster-proof majority in the senate. There will be resistance.


We also need to keep the pressure on Trump, don't let him get away with neocon wars and bailouts, nor neolib offshoring and immigration. This is our chance to drive a chisel into the cracks forming in both parties.


Pence is a religious fundie. Doesn't believe in global warming. Thinks abortion is evil. Paid shill for corporations.

Sanders is tainted by giving in and associating with Hillary, and rightfully so.

The worst thing about this is that Trump will not actually go after Hillary and she will just disappear from public life and will never be held accountable for her crimes.

Show me your accelerationism face, Holla Forums

No he isn't. He's one of the only ones who comes out looking clean. He fought her when it was possible, and did the DNC bidding to put all the blame on their tactics, not his.


Yeah, but this spells the end of the whole damn Clinton machine, since she's politically dead in the water now, Bill is too old, and Chelsea doesn't seem like she'll enter politics

What use is a former politician to someone who wants to buy influence?


No, the world is not a-fucking-okay, life is not a Disney cartoon. Dumb safe spacers.

Damn, I now have to learn to enjoy their saturated quantities of salt. But this just cancerous.


Doesn't matter, she conceded.

It's not enough to make a difference. Shillary lost.

Someone shop porky or Trumps face onto that guy and communistfy that goldface

Hello newfag


How could you, when the President is an endless supply of the bullshit they need to grow?

Yes, just like how the left under Bush stopped the Iraq War and the USA PATRIOT Act, right?


Based Taleb going for the jugular

Which he shouldn't have done, he campaigned for the establishment and wanted to fight and sold out. Fuck Sanders.

hello weeb

Well, I've not really checked the past couple of years. They might be fine now. Would be nice to discuss seasonal anime again.

I don't see the Neocons losing, since a bunch of them got elected in state-level races.



Oh yeah, he should have campaigned against Hillary in the general. That would really enhance his power when Trump got elected.

It's been pretty fine. Mods come down pretty hard for minor offenses, but that's to be understood, given the climate. Hopefully it'll stay clean for a good while yet.

All the warhawk neocon types were #WithHer because the Deep State demanded it

Speaking of the deep state, how long until Trump is assassinated?

Lmao, I've already been shadowbanned from r/politics

That didn't take long.

How long do they last? Never had shadowban before, but plenty of regular ones.



is a much more powerful narrative

Yeah, but they can just jam their hand up Trump's ass and make him a good puppet.



this. Trump's win has considerably improved my opinion of Bernie.

i thought you could only be shadowbanned globally and by admins? and that they stopped doing that?

also, i've seemed like i've been shadowbanned with new accounts. so maybe it's just something against brand new users? unless your account is older?



Well, we were getting fucked regardless

No point sinking into blackpill "The Jews are too powerful to let us succeed" Holla Forumsshit though

All at the same time


Must be true

This, tbqh

That is factually incorrect.

I have another account. The banned one was just for shitposting. I'll try my other one.

Oh shit, i forgot about "Haha Goodman"

Suck it, CTR! :DDDDD

HA Goodman, the total joke hack, is still more credible than respectable Vox, 538, MSNBC, and so on.

Was this his plan all along?

I feel even more proud of my Jill Stein vote knowing that it has triggered many liberals (despite the fact that even FiveThirtyEight admits third party votes did not swing the election)

Plot Twist:

Man fuck national politics, Puerto Rico just bumraped itself.

Can you believe these spics went out and gave the Pro-Statehood, conservative party a supermajority on every level of government? With Trump as president?

I guarantee you it wouldn't have happened if we polled tomorrow, but nooo, things can't be that fucking simple, can they?

i find goodman's devotion to bernie endearing 2bh

Lmao, I love Goodman.


He was right on every thing except the indictment and Bernie's Nomination

No chill. No mercy.

I don't think it makes me a conspiracy theorist to point out that Trump is a textbook demagogue who literally tailored his positions based on what was popular and has no real commitment to them, and will most likely do whatever he is told by those around him, and will remain popular as long as he pisses off liberals


Thank you for correcting the record.

They think they'll have a part in it

le musket maymay

that's fucking perfect, put it in the OC thread too m8

I warned you bro

Betting more than half of those retweets are from MAGA folks

He has literal autism. You can tell by the way he speaks if you're familiar with autists.

Well, he was a bit too optimistic that the country wasn't down the shitter, yet. He actually thought the FBI/White House wasn't corrupt.

Bless his heart.

Only if I get to motorboat her fat tits.

Why do the paintings always change every video? I feel like he's sending coded messages with them.

Even if that were true.. and?


It's not a great plot twist. Wikileaks will release any material on the next president they get. it's what they are meant to do.

fugging plebs

It's why he would do a thing like obsessively tag all of those people.

Melania Trump is FLOTUS now. lol

h-h-hey guys

I think the best hope is that he tells his handlers to fuck off, given the lukewarm supporting he's received from them and their associates throughout the campaign

Have we ever had a third-wife FLOTUS before?

How long until Alex Jones turns on Trump?

You'd be more sympathetic if you dumped the trip already.

A month

Probably not since 90% of their posts are idpol.

Can anyone answer this? It's actually kind of creepy.

Nah, I earned it. :^)

Criollo pls go

Tim Black rant

..Have you ever been on Twitter before? That's how it works.

So fucking middle-class.


honestly the worst part of tonight is not getting to troll the fuck out of Holla Forums

Come fuck with liberals on twitter.

it's just not the same. i feel like an old man because i don't really understand how to properly use twitter. i never get any replies to my shit

kicking babies in fetal position isnt all that fun

Being economically illiterate isn't a prerequisite for being left wing.

Pfft. Amateurs

You'll get to do that when he unveils his Supreme Court pick

>Yes, private debt, underemployment, part-time employment and unemployment have all skyrocketed as median incomes and savings have declined, but look at the stock market rise! Surely some of that will trickle-do-I mean, "represents the true state of the economy"

Perhaps you should return to a righty forum then?

Trump is endless proof that their bullshit doesn't work without willing participants.

Bush and his supporters were openly in favor of all his real agenda, Trump and his supporters are (at least supposedly) on OUR side of the neolib/neocon divide.

Wikileaks burned down Bush and firebombed Obama, they're one of the last truly principled political entities on the deck today.

And it would have been a lot worse without the bailout.
Why can't you at least be honest and admit that's what you really want in order to make your commie wet dream happen, regardless of who suffers?


No, we just delayed the inevitable financial armageddon for a little longer (thank you, quantitative easing!)

It's going to happen eventually, and we've missed the chance of devastating-but-quick correction to god knows what

drone strike assange

u wot

Neoconservatives are neoliberalism advocates. The two terms are not analogous.

RT's Crosstalk live now on Trump's America:


Probably. There are still millions of mostly Dem votes to be counted in CA, for example.

NY times thinks she will.
Lots of votes still to be counted in California.

Probably, but a Keynesian New Deal-style public works program would have had the most impact. And did they have to do it without sending any of the criminals to jail?

QE is a separate thing to the bailout. Stop taking economics lessons from Jill Stein.

Bailing out the banks was a good idea, and it worked, that's just basic Keynesianism. But we also needed to keep them under direct public control (Obama already did temporarily!) as credit unions, break apart their investment divisions from their banking divisions, and throw all their execs in jail. Plus bail out the rest of the economy, like homeowners and credit card borrowers.

But the only part of that we did was the part that subsidized porky's antics, so the economy is going to suffer very badly as a result.

Sorry, I phrased that badly. I meant the divide between neolibs/neocons versus the rest of us.

Not to mention bailing out the fucking banks without breaking them up. The bailouts were a free pass for banks to continue their risky and fraudulent behavior because now they know there are no consequences to them for gambling the economy. The continued scandals from the largest of them such as Goldman Sachs' encouraging underlings to fabricate credit accounts are proof of that.

I hope so.
Maybe this will motivate them to reform their electoral system, once they are in charge (but who are we kidding, Barraich O'Bama and the Dems didn't do it, after Gore won by popular vote against Bush)

By Patrick Martin
9 November 2016


Didn't read, lol.



I agree, I am not a fan of QE as it's been implemented and would have been in favour of a more expanded stimulus package.
However too many people have been mentally conditioned against proper Keynesianism despite the evidence supporting it so it wasn't politically possible.

The American taxpayer did well out of the Bank Bailout. They actually made money buying bad debt cheaply that turned out to be not that bad due to the economy stabilising (read - people keeping their jobs and paying their mortgages).
The investment/speculating banking industry genie is out of the bottle, and it would have just relocated to Dubai or Shaghai and still be a liability to the world economy from there.

It's worth looking at the phenomenal swings in these states Trump flipped.

Ohio, 12 pts
Iowa, 15 pts
Michigan, 11pts
Maine 2nd District, 9+ pts



it's a fact




What are you talking about? The economy is getting better! Make America Great Again? America is already great.

Remember RomneyObamacare? Remember how many Republican votes it got?

True, but it alleviated only one symptom of the recession, and none of its causes.

Who cares? If it doesn't have access to American markets because of sane regulations on domestic and foreign finance, it's not my problem.

so he's going to MAGA by cutting taxes on the rich even more and tanking the economy? I'm sure we'll be back to the 50s in no time :)

Kill yourself redditard

Can't be any worse than dubya and Obama in the wealthfare department, tbqhfampaisama.

America has ridiculously high corporatiin tax, the problem is nobody pays it.

You could drop it to 10% and close all the loopholes and make more than you do right now.

post the salt you found here:

It doesn't need access to American markets to influence them massively, unless America goes full autarky and ends all foreign trade. And a decision like that would change your life massively (probably for the worse).

my sides have entered orbit


Don't forget the good old tariffs!

Not if we also translaterally negotiated the imposition of similar regulations among the rest of the 1st-world, which would've been very easy at the nadir of the recession.

and how much did the bailed out banks make?

and how much economics cost has america paid by enforcing 'too big to fail'?

and what is the social cost?

Oh my sweet summer child


Died she died?

And who is this 'you' that needs to fix this shit?

I wish these pundits would stop calling Trump the 45th President-Elect. He's only the 36th.

What an attention whore.


Some vague authority she assumes exists and has the power to change geopolitics.

the mistake was expecting blacks to turn out for a white woman as much as they did for a black man. the election before all this was Kerry then Gore

Or latinos to do something
Those lazy wetbacks

Holy hell, dude.. What did we do?!

How long is a piece of string? Stop asking dumb questions and feeling entitled to your exorbitant muh privilege. The bailout made the best out of bad situation that was engineered long before.

lol. are turnout/voting statistics out yet? all the exit polling is done. i'd like to look into them

be kind of funny if trump follows through with the deportation threats and there was record low latino turnout

Amerifags, help out an ignorant Eurofag.

I've been putting a positive spin on Trump's win, as a protest against neoliberalism, as a porky puppet that can be opposed on everything he does, etc, but one thing has concerned me in chatting to Americans. Trump wants to repeal Obamacare day 1. I imagine that'll happen fairly easily with newfound Republican control. How fucked are people on low incomes going to be by that?

So you're so retarded you got upset you couldn't answer a rhetorical question.

Good work faggot.


I heard it in passing and apparently it was lower than last election for hillary and higher than last election for trump

As fucked as always

I always find it funny how americans have to go on the internet to ask what sort of illness they have and for any cure

Anyone watching Fox News? Apparently exit polls show Trump won evangelicals by 65 points and only lost Hispanics by 36 points, first-time voters by 16 points. So much for that Latino backlash the media was bigging up yesterday.

putin comments on election

Dare to dream of protectionism and public works, would give leftism back its greatest ally: Organized labor.

Obamacare is better than nothing, but it's only a very small improvement. The massive increase in jobs and economic health from protectionism and pacifism against war will hopefully provide us the political muscle needed to cleanse leftism and make back any legislative losses.

Much like what will hopefully happen with the alt-right surge against the EU.

I dont speak slav

its translated irl you mong

Here it is for my Flash-player-challenged brethren:

are you implying alex jones has integrity?



obamacare is literally authoritarian capitalism. Everyone is forced to buy private insurance. There are some measly subsidies attached to it that will run out and not be reaproved

Why is this only for mexicans?

they expanded our poor people state-funded insurance (medicaid) with the ACA in a lot of states to people with higher income (but still very low income). several states refused and the poor are even more fucked there than they were before, because they are forced into buying shitty health insurance. without the ACA,
at the same time, the ACA was fucked without the public option, and this kind of defeats the entire purpose. insurance companies had no incentive to keep costs low or even participate if conditions became unfavorable. recall the aetna withdrawal because the state opposed its merger.
All you need to know about Obamacare, its forced payed private insurance.


not considering accelerationism, how do you think trump will actually do?

It didn't end the world last time it happened with Operation Wetback. Mexico has bigger problems to deal with, like American agricultural export subsidies, drug cartels, and School of the America's-trained goons.

Thanks, pretty much confirms what I suspected. Jesus your country is fucked. I mean, even worse than the rest of us.



Blame the Congress, not him. I suppose you can blame him because he didn't burn down the Congress to get what he wanted, though.

I just realized that the Dems have won the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 presidential elections, and only won 4. Hillary's popular vote margin is likely to be more than double Al Gore's.

Truth is not based on public opinion, user. Historians will look at material conditions for explanations, not simply copy what people think happened.

join the salt mining!
/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam is a goldmine

Just goes to show (again) that clapistan isn't a democracy.

there is no salvation for them

Drumpf getting BTFO in Oakland.


RT is at least reporting on shit like that, thus making people aware that this even exists as a general problem. Compare that to Western media which is afraid to criticize Russia because it could give its own people ideas for resistance.

For example, RT reports on anti-capitalist movements in Europe, while Europe doesn't do so for such movements in Russia, because it's afraid of producing more of their own protesters.


only if you replace "fascist pig" with "porky"
these hysterical liberals can't btfo Trump when they are precisely accomplices to him getting elected

He had the congress, in fact, he actually passed the ACA WITHOUT ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE. And yet:
>caved repeatedly to the austeritydept debacle instead of BTFOing them through means like the supreme court or the Mint

Obama wasn't just inept, corrupt, or arrogant. The only motive I can think of for some of it is intentional sabotage of his own legacy.

Jimmy Carter 2.0.

It's alarming how everything about America's way of running things works for the Republicans because any other set of circumstances would annihilate them.

How the fuck is Minnesota not called with 100 counted?



Carter didn't fucking murder people en masse.

And with the help of data mining and algorithms making statistical predictions! Techno-dystopian future is already here if you're in some unfortunate middle eastern country.

Cavity Krakatoa in one image.




Not all votes are fully counted and in december the electors might pull a faithless voter flip on things. Damn that would feel good to watch Holla Forums bitch about that if that happened.

It'd be the best thing to happen in 2016

bets on how long until I get banned?


sauce of pic? I kinda want to spread it on normiebook

right this second u fucking bernie bro im reportin u hahahaha good 1 maybe next time u wont ruin our election oh thats right there wont be a next time with FASCIST DONALD in charge no more blacks no more gays it'll be the white white white house.

thanks a bunch asshole

What subreddit?

I don't think Bernie would have won Arizona tbh.

Hillary's mandate ruined and her presidency mired with controversy and obstructionism, while Trump is kept out of the White House and Republicans can't gain full control of the government? Dream scenario, really.

you mean a link?
i just pulled it out of my ass to piss them off

sorry forgot to include.

some people are posting pictures from there

Her lame duck status would make bush and obama look like phoenixes

The fact that you pulled it off your ass makes it even better, thanks comrade

np. it's licensed on a "you must post any butthurt gained from its use" license btw






Posting it on Facebook groups as we're talking and already getting upvotes likes.

This about right, Holla Forums?

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


subtly salty
better than liberals on twitter for sure, at least a true political analysis is included

however, we need to make most of this wonderful opportunity and start thinking how to make right-wing idpol irrelevant by giving a final blow to liberal idpol and replacing it with socialist ideology

From within our gulag cells?


prove me wrong.

Unfortunately, you're right. But don't rejoice too much, victory is a poisoned gift.

Wtf even is that article title? I can't even ok

oh shit, she did win the popular vote

It was idpol on both sides

this fix it for you?

getting warmer

looks that way, yes.

This election outcome is a mix of 2000 (because she's lost the unloseable election and won the popular vote) and 1980, by which I mean, I kid you not, in twenty years, Republicans will be calling the Donald "the greatest president there ever was".

I remember when Raygun got elected. It's a similar "feel" today.

b a r e l y

Welp, It's been nice knowing you, America. I'll enjoy watching you fall apart in the coming years. But you know how it is, every empire has to fall eventually. You didn't even last that long compared to other past empires.

Not a similar political situation at all though.
Ronald was at the start of neoliberalism.
Donald is roughly at the start of the end of it.

I hated America, but god damn good job.

I'm sure Donny is going to be just another establishment pawn in the end, but at least he dared to publicly declare that America is too interventionist and that he sees no point in NATO still existing. This is pretty scandalous to American crusaders.

it'll widen the more counting they do. California is only two-thirds counted, and she's got two-thirds of the vote there. So, that's another 1.2 million votes of a gap just there. Same in WA and OR. Almost all other states – Alaska, Colorado, Utah and Arizona being notable exceptions – are 95+% counted.

No, it's almost guaranteed she's won the popular vote by about 1.2% or so.

not original, but more fuel


they had their chance


LOL those salty tears!!!

Oh, she's going to give her concession speech soon? Sauce?

9.30 EST. It's legit, trust me.

You're not me

bugger, they moved it back an hour
I'm not staying up for that shit

>New York (CNN) Hillary Clinton will speak to supporters, staff and media Wednesday morning following her stunning presidential defeat at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City at 10:30 a.m. ET, said Jennifer Palmieri, a campaign spokeswoman.

Noice. I wanted to go to sleep, but now I just have to stay up to watch the liberal tears flow.

Fuck. I guess I'll just go to sleep and set my alarm for an hour and a half from now.

Requesting all the
Bernie memes

Has she had a breakdown or something? This could be seriously cringeworthy if she's not holding it together.

I hate both candidates but I made this for you guys anyway, hope you enjoy. My country has been shit for decades, I remember voting against Reagan, i anyone else on an imageboard this old? Important thing is to find out who gains the most from this (banks, wall st) and go from there. Be kind to the people around you, they matter.

They must be posted everywhere

Yeaterday was 18 of brumaire

my favorites





I love this new wave of memes. Saving them all for regular use.

We'll need more of these to combat the neoliberals when they try to blame him for Hillary's failure.

I actually think that's why she didn't come out last night
After all, Suprememe Leader Donald said he had heard from her, that she congratzed him, and then he warmly says shit about her.

Nah, mang, that call was near-tearful. Remember, she's been campaigning for President for over twenty years, and it all ends with nothing to show.

love this pic
Some of these are truly wtf | | |

Love the "no greater teacher" and "despair" pics, but

you mean like here?
So hillariously salty

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony businessman’s electoral victory.
But because, I am mesmerized by the revolutionary potential arising from such an event

So, how does Alex Jones deal with all this?

I mean, if the conspiracy against nationalist free-marketers such as himself is powerful enough to orchestrate 9/11 and the NWO, why couldn't they stop "his guy" from getting in?

Or is he still too dizzy with victory to realize what this means for his belief system?

>To All the Bernie People Brigading Right Now…
>How does it feel to turn aside the most progressive agenda in US history for arguably the most regressive?
>How would any of you benefit from a Trump presidency?
>Does it hurt to know that third party candidates still will not receive any extra funding after this despite all of your whining?
>How do you feel now that the US will probably never see another Sanders type politician for over a decade?
>And finally, if you people were really democratic socialists, why are you happy that a fascist will be the next president?

>If you wrote in Bernie, if you voted for Jill Fucking Stein or Gary Fucking Johnson or Egg Fucking McMuffin or some stupid fucking meme like Harambe or if you didn't vote at all, FUCK YOU. BURN IN HELL.

>Fuck the environment! Fuck healthcare! Fuck affordable college! Fuck minorities, gays, women, and children. The important thing was to punish Hillary! You "progressives" should be proud of your accomplishment.
>We're about to lose decades of progress. I hope you self-centered asswipes are proud of yourselves. How many decades will it take to get back the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education, the Supreme Court, etc.
>Your lives are about to get a lot worse. Don't expect any sympathy from those who fought decades for the things you just threw away.
>You just killed the progressive movement.

>To all Bernie Bros who were part of 41,000+ Jill Stein voters in Michigan
>Fuck you.

Sooooo many tears!


These people are such pathetic cunts. Do you think maybe they didn't vote for your candidate because she's an anemic lifeless status quo zombie that clearly doesn't give a shit about them? Might have had something to do with it. It's your job to put forward a credible candidate, not their job to fall into line simply because Trump is a monstrous cunt.

gee I wonder why you've lost the working class

Trump didn't even need fucking Michigan, or even Wisconsin. Michigan is still too close to call, in fact.

This is more a conflict between the national and international bourgeoisie to be honest. The proletariat is being dragged by the nose.


Yeah, just pointing out that in the midst of these upheavals (Brexit, Trump) the liberals drop pretense and spray disdain on the working class. nasty to see.

True, and it is revolting. As much as I hate to see them vote against their interests, the liberals definitely do not deserve their votes either.

very nicely put, comrade

Yeah, I saw that and I thought the same. In the end PA was all he needed after winning FL and NC, but when she earlier lost WI it was already all over.

But, then I go look, and she lost WI by Stein's vote, lost PA by Stein's vote, and lost MI by Stein's vote (at least based on 95% counted). So, they DO have a point: if every Stein voter voted Shillary, she might have squeaked by. But, of course, that was never gonna happen. Not everyone enjoys being raped by Wall Street goons.

Sam Kriss just dropped a pretty excellent article on this whole fiasco, worth a road

Clinton lost PA by 67,992 votes and Stein got 48,996, so the Greens made no difference there. That's 280 EVs for Trump even without MI or WI

This is the absolute truth. Trump's win is completely Hillary's fault.

If he was running unopposed, he would've lost.



btw what's the deal with IT'S THIRD PARTY VOTERS' FAULT FOR NOT VOTING FOR OUR CANDIDATE! arguments from liberals? I mean, yeah, sure, if all of Hillary's opponents quit then she would have won. By why do liberals think it's reasonable to assume that everyone should just vote their candidate by default and the only reason they wouldn't is because they're being duped by some third party?

They should be complaining about the 40+% of people who didn't vote at all.

They're gonna find some state where they can blame Stein for this. And if they don't, they're gonna lump her together with Johnson and say it's both their faults, even though many Libertarian voters are disaffected republicans.

>the American people are hateful beyond reason, and they elected a knight of the kyriarchy to turn their roiling incoherent psychopathologies into government policy.
fucking hell. this guy pulls no punches

>There’s no coherent left-wing movement actively endangering capitalism; the crisis facing the liberal-capitalist order is entirely internal. It’s grinding against its own contradictions, circling the globe to turn back against itself, smashing through its biological and ecological limits and finding nothing on the other side. This is the death spasm, a truly nihilist fascism, the fascism of a global system prickling for enemies to destroy but charging only against itself.

They desperately need a scapegoat to distract themselves from the fact that heir candidate is a total turd.
It's a mental self-treatment, it's not intended for others.

More fun than expected

Seriously. This woman has clearly been planning to gain the Presidency since she was a young girl. She has been planning this her whole life. That's why she didn't give a speech last night. She was probably in collapse.

Her corrupt body was held together only by the expectation of one day achieving power. It probably collapsed into a heap of necrotic flesh after the results were announced. She needs a team to reassemble her before she can be seen again in public.

Who wants to see Hillary elected though? Strategy over moral principles.
At this point it's pretty natural that people are suspicious of CTR whenever someone argues in favor of Hillary.

What do you think an election is besides a glorified poll?

Anyone have the meme of Hilary and Donald and Bernie standing between them saying
Or something along those lines

As I see it, both are equally horrible, so all I've got left is to laugh at shitty systems

If someone has a good stream for the Hillary speech, pls share them

Really doubt CTR are still paying their shills at this point
I posted this already when results were still coming in but it needs to be seen again.


desperately trying to avoid federal prison lmao

thanks budday

Do you really think she's going to just forget this? Even if Trump had been well-mannered she would never forgive him for denying her the presidency. She's only saying this as a formality.


He gave Trump a 1/3 chance of winning this, much more than others, not to mention he who said the white working class might have a bigger impact than people thought.

This. She's even still salty at Obummer.

Seriously, how bad at history can a person possibly be?

Reminder they can only be friendly again because they were friendly before, because they're both members of the same ruling clique.

You're right. I had used Johnson's numbers

So, okay, she lost PA, it was all over. Well done. Problem solved.

so do paranoids now have to believe it's nazis rather than commie illuminati who rule the world?

Yes! Give us all your blame! Make us into a demographic to be courted and an opposition worthy of fear!

what i said


I voted stein the down ballot democrat.

My state is solid democrat and Hillary won it anyway, so fuck you

do you have a stream?

epic trump troll

very nice
high quality webm

what a fucking mad lad

This is brilliant

Holy shit, rekt. This kind of writing can easily come across as pretentious or sneering but he nailed it.

Hillary's running late.
Tik tok tik tok

Where the fuck is she? She's 10 minutes late.

These words need to be said less. There is nothing wrong with either.

she has to perform another supplication to belial to retain her human form

What? Trump and alt-right are just communist puppets.
If you're a conspiracy theorist the layers and curtains never end.

Too fucking right

Still pulling her face together given she's done nothing but cry for eight hours

Who gives a fuck either way. She's history.
I want her to be bitter for the rest of her life.
I want it to haunt her forever, she doesn't deserve to sleep soundly or not be laughed at in the streets.


This shit writes itself sometimes. I'm just interested in how he justifies the face heel turn

The DNC is like that friend who's really drunk and keeps making terrible mistakes all the times so you have to constantly bail them out until they think it's your job, and when you just once look the other way they fuck so big they've basically ruined their own life - but they still somehow blame you because they told you all along it's your job to bail them out.



I think he'll go the way of Nazi propagandists and instead of accusing the elite of being Satan worshipers he'll start accusing anti-government dissidents. Any error in the government's policies will be attributed to their hidden influence. He's the new Goebbels.

my youtube is black???
Am I supposed to be seeing something?


but i got black screen atm

Refresh, nigger.

There's only so much you could wring from being a conspiracy theorist that doesn't even make conspiracy theories though.

I wonder if Holla Forums will follow a similar process. A switch from anti establishment to establishment policing?

Will this strengthen Holla Forums or sow division among them? Something about the alt-right just screams "untenable" to me, like it's only a matter of time until they implode, and it doesn't even matter what happens on the way there.

try this
i don't have black screen but that chat is making my old computer freeze

The conspiracy theories will now concern non-government factions. It's not that hard.

It's easy.

Yeah but that's obvious. You can't do that without pointing out that the government can't have just gotten rid of those FEMA camps, if they didn't get rid of them.

Well it's basically a cult at this point. The madness seems to be self sustaining thanks to amount of information on the internet to get mad about.


dun did that

yeah, still blacked-out.

Is her speech over yet? I couldn't bear to watch.

yep, I'm out. I think my machine has just reached the end of the day and doesn't want to do anything anymore

Fuck this cunt

it's not even started yet.


The alt-right is composed of three tiers that I can see.

1. Old school white supremacists.
2. Childless single animes.
3. Contrarians.

The third is by far the largest group, and they're going to move on now. They may say they won't today, but the pull to the fringe will be too strong for them.

The childless animes will likely move on too when they discover that Trump won't be issuing waifus on day one of his Presidency.

The old school white supremacists won't last long either. They won't be able to tolerate the compromises of real politics. Expect them to forget they ever supported Trump and start accusing him of being a Jew.

Wtf? First she said 9.30, then 10.30, now it's 11 and she's still nowhere to be seen? This is a car crash.

I just can't

I honestly feel like we're waiting for some mega rockstar concert. You know, those concerts where the main band being late by a few hours is the norm.

It's poetry

that's it, i'm out. i'm not waiting for this ho any mo
i'll catch the replay later

This election is basically what Osama planned when he said "I predict a dark day for the United States".

9/11 was a symbolic attack, it wasn't just meant to ram the World Trade Center and Pentagon with a plane to crash the economy and leave us defenseless, which failed.

But to sow discontent among a growing tolerance towards one another, by asking, just why are Muslims the way that they are, and justifying war with the Middle East the West already wanted.

The American people fell for it more easily than most, for no fault of their own but their history of xenophobia. Though this is just one string in many that got us to where we are today, it shouldn't be forgotten that the Taliban thought in the long term.

Osama bin Laden confirmed the slickest entryist in the history of entryism.

Totally agree, and I think al-Qaeda was much smarter about strategy than ISIS. 9/11 was a provocation to make the empire implode on its own.


Better stream. other was lagging.

It doesn't really matter because it's nOT EVEN STARTED YET
jesus christ what is happening with this woman, she's like 40 minutes late already

Yup, the US got coaxed into a snaffu.

Not really, most people in most countries are pretty unsophisticated and reactionary.
What's noticeably changed is the culture where being unsophisticated and reactionary is now celebrated, and if you're not you're a "cuck"

well he did love Chomsky

The absolute state of Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. Given an historically unpopular candidate and they still fuck it up. Truly, they snatched defeat fro the jaws of victory.

This, going forward, is what I fear the most.
Worth a read.

He also read Alex Jones tier books like Bloodlines of the Illuminati.

Maybe he knew he could use them?

Chairman Corbyn reacts to Trump

I feel like everyone faces was slapped very hard suddenly, and trump supporters are slowly getting calmer and quieter, and slowly registering what all this shit that happened so unexpectedly imply (i.e. uncertainty).

I hope that's what happens.
Holla Forums never existed with a republican on the house yet, and 4chan was anything but conservative or fascist on the Bush days.
And now that liberals and SJW are on their way out, the "last son of the west" weebs can't blame gultural magxism with any credibility any more.
With some luck, this means we have reached peak Holla Forumsfaggotry

Jesus Christ Hillary.

based corbo

I have this feeling she is either dead or on another country right now.

Corbyn is our only hope now tbh. 2020 will be an election year in both the US and the UK. Let's hope for a Sanders-Corbyn duo that year
btw I'll prefer it much more if Jane Sanders will be the one running

Sometimes you read the views of these Jihadists and they can deliver stinging critiques of US foreign policy and even capitalism and you're like "yes!" but at the very end they'll say "and this is why we need to install shariah worldwide, inshallah it will happen", at which point they lose you and most sensible people

a lot of these guys clearly educated and well read and not just neanderthals.


LOL false alarm

Like that will prevent them from doing it anyway.
I just hope you're right about peak Holla Forumsfaggotry. I feel it's only downhill for Holla Forums from this point on all the way to implosion ('downhill' from their perspective because they're about to blow up, not because they have anywhere else to deteriorate).

I've only seen Podesta

These things are not on the way out. This situation is hardly new, it's just more blunt.

Right wing nativism and xenophobia, Rush Limbaugh-tier listening, like this hasn't been seen since the Reagan era; and after that Bush Senior. But it was nonetheless seen then.

What we ought to be worried about more than just personality cults on the internet, is looking back on what the right wing represent. Cutting medicare, cutting social security, getting in retarded wars, letting the deep state go uncoordinated and uncontrolled etc. We can look back to the past of Reagan and Bush Senior, and Bush Jr., as actual talent compared to Trump.

We are in, for a nightmare.

We knew going in either one of them would be a nightmare, but we shouldn't forget the gravity of the situation we are currently in with one of them, and just what we face in the coming four years.

Not squabble over internet influence. If we can't find coherence in the rabble, we might as well not try at all

Jesus fucking Christ, just get out there already

…while she keeps staying in the backstage… This is literally a rock concert.


How much do you guys want to bet that Hillary is actually fucking dead?

I start off with 5000 neetbux.

Following and supporting Corbyn would make you lose faith in Britain as a whole. Between "fuck off pinko" conservatives and the "we need an electable, practical candidate. socialism can wait!" centrists it's extremely taxing and annoying.

she's a fucking coward

She's waiting for her drugs to kick in to hide her nervous breakdown.

she's been dead for years, the capitalists just unplugged her temporary life force battery after she lost and was of no more use to them

Does Britain have a two-term limit? If it does, I think the ground will be much more ready for Corbyn in 2020 when it comes to tory opposition. As far as new-labourites are concerned - well, I think we can say the "we need a practical, moderate candidate to be electable" mindset has been defeated tonight.

Two smug /vr/ girl images for her being dead, dying or on the run.

I wonder if Hillary is legitimately terrified at the prospects of her going to prison.




Kys Hillary


el oh el



I hope she goes through the same terror Gaddafi went through as he was drone bombed and sodomised with a bayonet.

I think they decided it's just not gonna happen and cancelled it.


BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton is dead

Um ok.

hey it's me, pizza rat, from the video. it's time for Americans to come together

currently on the cspan stream, works fine

we leftists will get our day when we can be delirious and shitpost in happiness some day too bros

and it will be glorious

Clearer speech audio:

God Kek will be fully satisfied when Hillary is in jail.
Meme her into oblivion, Kek wills it.


We probably won't. That's not the point

wow, she's alive


The last thing I wanted to see from this election is this meme magic shit. Shut the fuck up

What did they mean by this?

Tim Kaine is perhaps the most nondescript man ever




Corbyn's problem is he's simply not racist enough for these times.

The one thing I'm worried about, and I know this isn't about Hillary.

But, what the fuck is a deep state, coordinated more than ever, answering to the executive branch like JSOC more than ever, under Trump.

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck

Does she have no soul?

The whole point with a deep state is that it can run around as it pleases, regardless of Trump or Sanders is president.

Or more fascism, we'll see

She thinks she can run again the mad woman

"We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead"

This is why you fucking lost, Hillary



Tim Kaine's strained fist pumping is truly revolutionary

The British working class deserve it for being gullible enough to believe what their right wing media tells them and falling for the flagwaving meme.

Under Clinton, it merged significantly, more than it has been, really ever. The plan was going forward to have this model be the way the deep state works after the Cold War. Where defense and intelligence are joined at the hip answering to the executive branch for precise strikes, where defense in the past was the only one with real hands on by the Executive Branch. The deep state now looks a lot like Fort Bragg, and JSOC.

So what that's going to look like under Trump.

People keep saying that the problem is Nukes that's bullshit. The president doesn't make the call without the military's tacit aproval these days.

What we SHOULD be worried about, is the deep state answering to the Executive Branch itself now more than ever,

Answering to Donald Trump

She's still trying to sound like Sanders

They will move to make changes to this before he is sworn in. Trump will not be allowed to do as he wishes.

She's trying to tear jerk women with the glass ceiling.

Will the democrats learn anything from this?

That's only logical. Now that she can't win she must paint herself as completely against the system so that she goes down as a true progressive. It's all PR.

If the head of an organization is mentally disturbed in some way, that disturbance has a way of reproducing itself down the chain of command.

In short, the national security state is now in the hands of the typical Alex Jones listeners. The same people who unironically accuse you of being a Jew or shill simply for disagreeing with them. That level of suspicion and paranoia is now going to occupy the institutions of state repression.

The irony is that it's the people who claimed to be fighting an Orwellian state that are going to help create it.

muh bible

Yeah under Bush II the CIA and the excecutive branch where on bad terms, but Hilary melded them together.

Still I think that such large institutions has ways of getting its will through

Trump won on a 9/11

Yes. They'll learn they need to go further to the right.

fuck off kike shill


Under Clinton as in, Hillary Clinton as presiding over the State Department to be clear.

Not Bill.

George W Bush Jr, more specifically actually, Dick Cheney, used JSOC more often, leaving the intelligence community a bit burned.

See, it's not that simple.

You can't just get rid of protocol that's been under Obama even after Hillary wasn't Secretary of State.

You can't get rid of sweeping policy that's been in place that merged two entities, intelligence and defense, just like that.

It would require a lot of work.

The problem is that by design, it now answers directly to the Executive Branch. It could try, but protocol is protocol.

The Deep State is now answering directly to Donald Trump.

This should frighten anyone.

This 11/9 a mirror event of 9/11, since the destruction now comes from the inside.


They are a little late to be creating it. that shit has been a fact since the PATRIOT Act.


It's been a secret state, now it's going to be out in the open.

Remember how Trump promised he'd use more advanced torture techniques than waterboarding? Remember when he advocated collective punishment?

We all came out to Montreux


Ha! How secret has it been? And how is having it be a secret preferable? It is far better that this shit be out in the open. I want people to choke on the words, "land of the free."

I miss him. He won't even get any major position in the senate.

I really hope Bernie goes back to his radical roots. I know everyone thinks he's a traitor, but we will need an opposition leader.

Huh, he might actually start shitting on democrats soon enough.

You shouldn't want any of this, you should be working on ways to be ready for it. Encouraging this, really, while sitting on your ass won't get shit done.

Don't die Bernie

That's funny coming from an idealist.

No assassinations. Congrats on a thoroughly shitty election, burgerfags.


I heard some senior democrat on the radio earlier say they were bullied away from sanders by the clinton crew and people shouldn't be angry at trump they should be angry at the dnc.

Just fucking break with the Dems already!
Call a press conference, denounce Hillary, abandon the Democratic party and demand a revolution!
We know you want to!

Considering I was the one to bring up things to actually worry about in a Trump presidency, and all you can say is "Bring all this awful shit on, I pray for it, I live for it", I don't think anyone has less of a right to call anyone idealist than you.

You don't even know half this information beforehand, so I'd hardly consider you radicalized.

Start building the opposition, Bernie! Now that everyone is disappointed with Clinton is the time. By 2020 Trump will quit voluntarily.

GM just announced they are laying off 2,000 workers at two U.S. plants in early 2017.

Yep. Sanders keeps it classy. Nothing nice to say? Then don't say nothin.

lel, you expect anything different in a Clinton Democracy?

Because if they have to keep it secret, that means it is not tolerated by the public. Now the public tolerates it or will learn to tolerate it. It's a step further down the road to making this shit normal. It's like the point Zizek made about rape. He likes living in a society where the morality of rape is not a matter for debate. We now live in a society where torture isn't even a matter of secrecy or debate, it's openly been advocated by the President elect. That's not a good thing. And these people have no sense of shame or irony. They won't choke on their words. "Freedom" is meaningless. Freedom from what? Freedom for who? For these people, "freedom" means the absence of "enemies of freedom", and that means you and me if they decide they don't like us.


unfortunately he's not a delusional retard who thinks a third party will ever get anywhere in america.
much better to use the vast apparatus of the dem party to push his genuinely held policy beliefs.
he needs to do a corbyn

We got revenge.


Bernie, avenge him further!

That scene seriously rips my heart out. They will pay, for doing this.

Why is this always the simplest minds to bring up these accusations.

They won't last forever now that the election is over.

If Clinton won, we would have to worry about Clinton won. And vice versa if Trump won.

Trump won, so, we have to worry about the circumstances of Trump in the Executive Branch, commanding over a deep state more than ever in any period of the Cold War, answering to the Executive Branch through protocol.

This isn't a fucking joke. This is not good.

well said

the problem with that is that labour and the democratic party are swarming with liberals who try hinder any socialist movement they see

Take it over and purge them.

The networks and newspapers seem to have given up on updating the results, but pic related is now the definitive electoral map. Clinton ended up winning NH by 1,437 votes.



they got btfo so bad they don't have any sway in the party any more

I think you're the one just realizing how much shit we're in.

Nobody said it was a joke, but you're acting like you're so surprised.

I am expecting trade wars, shit diplomatic relations with everyone, and a crashing economy.

The status quo is turned inside out and I am ok with this.

Could NH still swing? It's so close

This. Right now there's a sort of a vacuum in which a dominant discourse is lacking. Someone is to be put to blame, and people will rally behind the one group to point out at the wrongdoers. The group which says We told you so. We warned you. You didn't listen

Labour centrists still, I repeat, still think the way forward for the party is to go further right and more neoliberalism.

No, the results are all in.

I'm not, I'm just surprised nobody is talking about the circumstances of a Trump administration.

I was never naive as to the shit we are in, that's why I gave information just as to how shit we are in, in order to converse on the topic.

You really shouldn't be. Regardless of outcome, this is not an outcome to be pleased with. It is an outcome to take advantage of, but to say you are pleased by it is just naive nonsense.

Republicans now have a Bush Administration, but somehow even more incompetent, with a glorified Mega-JSOC that answers directly to the star of The Apprentice.

This is petite-bourgeois morality. It literally means "critique is not nice".

Those people are clearly brain dead and need to be shot to be perfectly honest.

I guess Trump could demand a recount but I don't see why he would.

They are literally shills who think ideology will frighten the masses. When the truth is the opposite. People want someone who stands for something, a soulless robot like Clinton is what scares people.


Obama is trying to bring the trump and clinton side together. He went from shit talkiing trump to praising him. Not surprosed since he called Reagan a great unifier.

k. Makes sense.

Eh, yeah, he's playing his "nice democrat" part well. I hate American politics.

I wonder what he's thinking right now..

and would you look it, Bill Clinton literally cannot comprehend Corbyn's appeal

Why is Obama such a passionless cunt?

He's up there talking about how he's happy to invite Trump into the White House.

Trump is going to reverse everything you fucking did for eight years.

You could at least temper your conciliatory speech with some fucking critiques or misgivings.

Fuck off with the weak platitudes you cunt.

You're not the class president anymore, you can leave the high school grade rhetoric out.

That's not what he's really saying, though. He's saying, "I hate both those cunts but I can't say it for political reasons". You're supposed to read between the lines.

You'll never amount to anything in your life.

Why do you say that?

Stop reddit spacing, you stupid faggot.

I heard on one of the streams for hillary's concession speach that dems want mark fucking cuban to run

Over our dead body

Print out that drivel you posted and pin it somewhere prominent so you can read it every day.
You might figure it out yourself.

If that's your beef with American politics there really is no hope.

I haven't slept in over 24 hrs. Now's not the time to gauge me by my comments.

What is your problem with what I said? This is a major political upset with potentially massive repercussions, especially for the Democratic agenda, and none of their speeches are adequately responding to that.

Oh my!


Yeah, that poster has sand in their vagina

I'm really not looking forward to four years being ruled under a blabber mouth that's the baby boomer love child between a retarded person, the one loser in high school who couldn't stop lying about himself in order to seem like he was in the crowd, a real estate agent, george w bush, and Liquid Ocelot

He's probably just a phoneposter.

Did he fucking plan this as well?

Nobody is.

You know what anons. This year has proven to me that meme magic is real. (from the Nice plane suicidal crash to the impeachment in my country and now the US elections).

Now, the future holds this for us: either the power of memes make AnCaps (pol) get hold of a bunch of political power, or we (leftypol) somehow get it instead.

What a time to be alive.

*Isn't real

Grant Morrison knew that a long time ago m8

okay np

Obama's job is to oversee a peaceful and orderly transfer of power you stupid child.

Brazil, I'm guessing? How is Temer working out? I hear he has less than half of her approval rating.

More terrible news.

Trump is considering Palin, Sessions, Corker, Brownback, Chris Christie, Giuliani, Steven Hadley, John Bolton for positions within the government.

Well this is just awful.

If we actually have Sarah Palin Secretary of Defense I'm not going to stop puking



Why would a Republican pick a democrat for his cabinet

Yeah Trump is going to have the worst Cabinet imaginable. Worse than Dubya, even.

I didn't think we'd end up here, but here we are. I wonder where Sarah Palin is going to fit, I'm sickeningly curious.

Trump should really prove how "anti-establishment" he really is, by giving Bernie a cabinet position; troll the DNC in general about how good he'd be for the position.

Pretty bad, honestly. They are trying to finally dismantle the worker's rights legislation (CLT, from the decade of '30 which shares similarities with Italia's Carta del Lavoro)

But who cares about that, we were fucked anyways. Now the US in the other hand…

It was probably the easiest thing for him to find, considering how it's plastered fucking everywhere in the interbutt


I am not surprised in the slightest

Dude his "anti-establishment" shit was a farce from the start, but he had his true colors when his fucking VP pick was between Chris Christie and Mike Pence.
Germany's Junge Welt, a Marxist/DDR apologist/general assholery newspaper got an article that feels like the author has a telepathic link with the chans, except grammar and spelling are accurate. After the opening paragraph that admits Trump said racist and sexist things, there is the next paragraph (translated by me):

The article mentions that people in the rust belt couldn't expect much from Clinton, unlike Sanders, who the party machine got rid off with dirty tricks. They say the left has to leave their filter bubbles, go on the streets, talk with people, participate in strikes, kill the annoying trip posters on leftypol and so on. (Okay, the last bit was added by me.)

For the common good, duh

This is not an ordinary election, Trump is not an ordinary Republican, and yet to listen to Obama's speech you would not get that impression. I am not saying he has to refuse to open the White House or attack Trump's character or make any overt political statement, I'm saying he should have treated this unusual election result with the gravity it deserves. Something to suggest he gets the situation has changed in a dramatic way. Instead he was joking around with Biden and pretending everything is status quo.

This actually taught me a new word, 'monstrance', and I'm a native speaker.

No shit, we have to hope this doesn't move the overtrown windoe to the right

Are you Zizek

Fucking hell you're naive. Do you want the US high command shitting bricks live on TV for you to be satisfied that they're aware what's occurring?
Ever heard of putting a brave face on things?

I just asked

Why would a Republican President pick opposition

You're reading into things.

Rolled 1 + 1 (1d1)

They didn't put on a brave face. They put on an oblivious face.

sorry I meant that reply for

please see

I'm really curious as to what Sanders will do next. He's got active popular support and is on good terms with the Democratic party. So he might be able to convince people this is the fault of the party's current approach, and take over.

This is ultimately why Clinton lost.

Her outreach to Bernie supporters was essentially an extended middle finger.

Not liking. Sanders was always the real threat. If they couldn't have Clinton they would risk Trump. They would never risk Sanders.

I'll repeat what I said earlier

Better luck and results than with an actual witch doctor

Trump hijacked the Republican party despite the efforts of its porky overlords. Sanders can do the same for the Dems, especially since Clinton was so roundly rejected.

So much for smoking weed
So much for being gay
So much for the means of reproduction
Guess we're all going to obey Christian Sharia now. Why yes, the earth is only 6,000 years old, of course!
Whatever do you mean record high temperatures? It's a nice cool day, I'm only slightly melting into a puddle of ooze.
Haha yes, praise Jesus and pass the Starbucks! Of course, I'd love to pay a fee for not using commercial electrical power!
Oh dear, I'm out of a job because I broke my leg. Time to starve! No, I wouldn't think of seeking worker recompense, that's commie talk! I'll just sit here and rot away, it's the right thing to do since I can't make corporations any money in the condition I'm in!

just move to canada desu

Canadian immigration is strict as fuck now.

I think & hope blue states with strong labor apparatus can survive this, though our ability to eke out a miserable existence in an oppressive capitalist regime will be even further damaged by the coming economic crash. I am really worried about my comrades across the country, though. An injury to one is an injury to all, and there is no one looking out for them.

They take refugees.


Refugees from war torn nations does not equate normal immigration. You have to move there under the conditions you can find and apply to a job when you get there. And a bunch of other conditions.

It isn't easy.

Implying Burnerman isn't going to die of old age before the 2020 election.

I would be surprised if Trump still had hair, and his male pattern baldness didn't turn him into an incel numale, by the 2020 election, Holla Forums

Not really. Trump is going to cooperate with the members of his class while fulfilling just enough of his promises to keep his base happy. I do not expect anything other than superficial change.

Which of course is why the RNC's establishment chair fully supported Trump

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */5a0cdb13c597#.2qxnyn4dl

Being not American I'm glad I don't have to have these fears.

Wikileaks was total garbage though.

You should. The global fascist movement is rising all across the world. It's coming to your country.

It'll just be Reagan distilled so hard it'll be first as tragedy thrice as farce

Not actual fascism. Just pure bullshit.


A-Are we going to die?

We naively thought she might have something insightful to say about a major political upset.

No. Trump is a democrat masquerading as a fascist, and he won't do anything different.

Death would be a mercy compared to our future.

It's going to be awful. You won't die. But it's going to be awful, and you are just going to have to cope with the stupidity you are witness to see.

First off the bat, Sarah Palin is probably going to be in his cabinet. Get used to that idea.

I was thirsty for salt tbh…

i like how you tied the climate cult into your delusional beliefs

Are you implying climate change is not a reality?

I like how you thought I was not being sarcastic

Are you seriously denying climate change at this point

I hate to invoke its ungodly name

But its 2 0 1 6

m8, I live in Austria and our President might be right-wing as well. pls just let me have this victory for today.

My god, are you still here?

An injury to one is an injury to all. You are wrong in looking for a victory here. We all lost.

Salt makes you more thirsty though…..

Trump is the best thing to have ever happened for workers in USA, m8.

Eh whatever the outcome had been, "they are both worse".


lol, just lol

For as shit of a writer Orwell was, double speak is undeniably real. It just isn't in communist states now.

Trump is best for the worker.

Trump is anti-establishment.

Trump is safety



it's the real taqiyya

That was their rhetoric since the beginning.

We Robben now?!

George Orwell explaining why memes are bad.

my utter disdain for libshits grows ever stronger

Yes, and Stalin was the best for the kulaks.

Ah yes, very impressive.



George Orwell has been co opted by right wing retards



Put down the bong, Chomsky

We're safe.


I know but by now you'd think that Animal Farm argument has been refuted so many times that they would learn…

Those Obama supporters grew a bit disillusioned with Democrats after learning that voting for a black president doesn't mean you're not racist. And that there's no way to not be racist, so not much reason to try.

Acting like America hasn't kept up this good cop bad cop routine for 200 years.

Trump gets to give everyone a nice spanking then the next pres will come kiss it make it better repeat.

Nietzsche was right.

how much longer before thread is kill?

Just read on pol (pls no bully) that famous economist Paul Krugman has the following butthurt things to say:
>Under any circumstances, putting an irresponsible, ignorant man who takes his advice from all the wrong people in charge of the nation with the world’s most important economy would be very bad news. What makes it especially bad right now, however, is the fundamentally fragile state much of the world is still in, eight years after the great financial crisis.
Asking an obvious question: If Obama has been a responsible man with a responsible team around him, then how is the world fragile after eight years of that responsible rule following the crisis? What then is an irresponsible man, for Krugman? Does Krugman think about a specific group when he says this:
>In fact, you can bet that the Fed will lose its independence, and be bullied by cranks.
I think he does and it's the chartalism/modern monetary theory guys.

It should be remade into a american politics cyclical

Impossible. They can't read.

Preach comrade, preach!


Someone that doesn't listen to what the people in the Fed and Treasury angling for cushy positions on Wall Street in a few years say

wow who would have guessed


How are people saying this is not true

God fucking damnit… I just visited the website of the only "leftist" magazine in my yuropoor country. And here's what I see on their front page:
How melodramatic. It then continues to shit on those leftists who had negatively evaluated the case of Hillary winning, calling them basically "know-it-all armchair philosophers". The next article on the front page is a summary of "reactions around the world", those reactions being of course by liberal MSM.

Fuck my country. The last place where any revolt will ever happen.

To be fair I'm on the GG thread on Holla Forums right now

I'm assuming former Warsaw Pact

Which country you from, my fellow Yuropoor?

How likely is it that the Russian hackers actually sabotaged the election? I've seen that going around.


Depends on whether you believe it actually came down to Wikileaks, which only Holla Forums believes.


We have FBI and CIA in this country who are divided among the Clintons and the Trumps.

They would know if the Russian Hackers were doing anything.

Is it a Ugandan movie?

really fires some synapses

shit edit son

Melania's :^)

How can "Autoritarianism" be measured in individuals?

My gott this is pure ideology.

Howdy neighbour


Should've won the Presidency in 1990 m8

political compass?

I'm guessing that's that Authoritarian Personality "If you have a good relationship with your parents you're a closet fascist yearning for Daddy Hitler" nonsense, right?

If they used this one, then okay.

Chomsky said it. Chomsky cannot make a true statement.

That was fast.

Hehe memes



If the left was this autistic maybe we would now have Sanders as president. You have to admit it, Jones' autism is highly effective at brainwashing people.

only the brilliant mind of an autist, unchained from social norms and ideology can be as woke as alex jones

66% of white women voted for Trump. That fucking boggles my mind.

The rules of nature. Females are attracted to strong males, especially fathers, that can support them.

I agree. We need a left-wing Alex Jones.

I wonder what Holla Forums makes of this

I doubt they give a damn. They'll start to care when negroids and judaics don't get their shit kicked in.

Just as expected.

could you get more pathetically classcucked? it's really sad

What about Mestizos and Muslamics?

Remember when Madline Albright said during the primary that women who don't support Hillary are going to hell?

The Clinton campaign burned bridges with every demographic.

Let's see how Brianna Wu is doing

Oh look, something that definitely happened

[as fascists rip my body apart, limb from limb]: this is literally gamergate


oh yeah, i'm sure you're psychically linked with all oppressed peoples, brianna, you rich liberal cunt

That's generous.

The Deep State seems to be very happy about Trump winning.

When will we know how many votes Stein got?

To all those who are glad about Trump and think he will collapse capitalism. Do you look forward to nearly everyone living in poverty from all the damage he could do? Revolutions do not happen without either a democratic force or a leader to form a dictatorship yet I have seen no one claim who such a leader would be. Do you even have anyone you know of who would without a doubt step forward and not suck at leading? Your imaginary leader wont save you and the damage Trump does will only further affirm reductionist capitalism because people will need a solution and they will turn to what is familiar and feels safe because going for the unfamiliar and unsafe lead to Trump and it will kill any chance of proper revolution. You masochistic LARPers didn't even think things through did you?

Too many.



Brianna literally invented a history of oppression for herself where she was broke and homeless when people called her muh privilege and rich. All this despite her admitting that her dad gave her like 100k to start up her gaming development career or whatever it is she does.

Hope Trump accidentally explodes Texas with nukes.

t. Brazil.

Do you really think it would have been ANY different under Clinton?

keksimus maximus

To be honest, there is nothing the American public hasn't earned at this point. Disgusting people.


Can you post a direct link? is for some reason currently blocked by cloudflare on my end.

love you user

not a burger, but I do enjoy my burgers salty :^)

tfw Obi Jez Kenobi is our only hope


punching left is a hillary fan pastime

How can they not see they had a candidate so contemptible that she couldn't even beat fucking Donald Trump? I mean, he ran such a bad campaign people speculated that he was a plant designed to lose.

I cant wait until he is eventually shunned and discredited.

What about Zizek?

Moore has a few steps for rectifying this situation in the future.

Liberalism is capitalism. It seems that Capital has a very good leadership worldwide.

Oh nevermind.

Thanks m8.
I don't think stocks tell us anything about the internals of these companies though. Instead they represent investors' perception of Trump which is probably in huge part constructed by MSM.

Apparently 11,000 people wrote in Harambe, lol.

What do you guys think of /r/conspiracy? They seem to be surprisingly anti-Trump already–most of them see him as a pawn of the same powers Hillary serves.

It would have just stayed the same but could be moved along after her or because her guard would be down it actually would have been more of a likely person to be overthrown

Maybe we could spread classcon to em?

If you replace NWO with billionaires, it looks communistic.

Conspiracists are paranoid of any kind of power in the most blind way possible. So any leftist movement gaining power is going to be a target for them as well. Conspiracists are only useful for preserving the balance of the status quo. It's a bit similar to that Russian propaganda guy, forgot his name (Sarkov?), he works for Putin.

No shit. I find it mind boggling that the conspiracy-minded types didn't instantly recognize that a millionaire TV personality and business tycoon with the backing of the Republicans and corporate lobbyists preparing his agenda was a member of "the elite".

Chairman Bob will lead us to the promised land, you'll see.

A good chunk of them did, actually.


Can someone tell me what happened to Cenk's face? The shiny/non-shiny parts? It looks like he had a facial transplant or something.

Is Comrade Dore on right now? TYT isn't worth watching otherwise.

Or ruling class. Or just pig people.

Should we go in there?

The video I watched had some nice Dore in it.

his face is slowly eroding due to moral ineptitude from his armenian genocide denial

Does Ana Kasparian always look like that or does she appear to have a huge grudge blaming people like Jimmy for Clinton losing?

Is there anything more retarded? It can be proven with simple arithmetic that Stein's candidacy did not change the result.

I believe Dore is right in the sense that Trump has no political experience whatsoever and seems pretty influenceable. So if there is a strong civil movement towards pacifism/better healthcare/cancellation of student debts… maybe Trump will be influenced by that.

But there is more chance he will become a puppet of the lobbies sadly.

Yeah, that's the guy. He basically uses our desire for a simplified world where a small group of people control everything behind our backs. We desire this because it would make revolution far easier instead of having to attack our own ideology, way of living, and the whole system. But people like Surkov use this desire only in order to confuse us even more.

Malcolm X's comment on the Johnson election goes applies in the other direction too: Trash like Hillary Clinton is the only thing Donald Trump can beat.

The dislikes and the pol comments makes me wonder how they will react when Trump cucks them. Also reminds me why we really need to kick out liberals TBH.

Arithmetic can't trump feelings.

Except the whole establishment and MSM was against Trump. Trump was a deliberate blackmail sent to us by the Clinton machine. It's asymmetric.


Has there been any reaction from the Sanders people so far, something like an interview?

This. It's impossible to run for president seriously and not be bought. He was the MSM choice, just like Clinton.

They "have nothing polite to say". In other words, fuck them both.

You're just repeating what I said. Haven't you read Podesta mails?

I want Bernie to go on air and say that Hillary was the weakest democratic candidate in over a century, goddammit.

I think he'll be more candid about her now that Trump isn't being held over his head like the sword of Damocles.

Yeah about that…

When is the next episode of John Oliver? :DDD

He was supported by the Clinton machine, not sent to us by it. You don't have to be The Establishment to recognize a shitty candidate when you see one and hope to leverage them for a win.

But apparently it helps if you aren't.

I didn't mean he literally came from within the Clinton campaign…

I think you're overestimating the power they had in choosing him.

would you a kasparian

just woke up, did clinton win?

No, we're in the dark timeline.


Was any other republican candidate as hyped as Trump? He was all over the front pages all the time. I even remember some naive low-level journos writing "we're giving Trump way too much publicity".
And were other republican candidates even shittier than Clinton, so therefore she would win against any other of them?

looks like CTR has finally fucked off. reddits back to sucking bernies dick


I dunno, we could have had a Bush v. Clinton showdown.

I'd love for him to go full Howard Beale on the Democratic Party, but he doesn't need to. Everyone's doing it for him.

It's quite apparent why the Dems lost this election. He'd just be telling people what they already know.

They had one choice.

i never want to stop posting dank bernards

Just like that? CTR was really such an extensive operation? That's scary as fuck.

Yeah, they are talking about wikileaks in the main subs again, lol.


On the bright side, this sudden switch actually means that their operations didn't work at all at brainwashing people.
CTR were just talking to themselves. Hillary basically bought her own personal echo chamber for lots of money.


The only thing keeping the Bernie supporters at bay was the threat of Trump. Now with that horror upon us, the Sanderistas are out for Democrat blood.

"The futility of bourgeois existence is extended to be that of the human situation in general, of existence per se."

As they should be.

DNC establishment needs to be wiped out.



Leftist split from liberals when?


do you think bernie's kids are finally off the hit list now?

Warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart to see someone using the reaction image I made.

The great bucko purge may be worth having every single imageboard ruined by trumpfag LARPing
How long until Trump starts fucking up so hard that the MAGA fags start disappearing? I give it late spring 2017 for Holla Forums to start saying he is actually a jew and the MAGA autism was just shills.

Ironic since precisely by writing that they're part of the "out of touch" elite and their stupid strategy of blaming the voters for not buying their bullshit.
Will they ever even realize why they fail? I actually love how MSM is so salty because it can't manipulate the public opinion so easily anymore.

Yes. She gave Bernie the antidote.

Only if she verbally abuses me before after and during.

Please don't trigger me.


His depressing view of humans is really funny, consider this Botton guy is basically some kind of inspiring motivational pseudo-philosopher who exploits people's anxieties for money.


Myron Ebell, for those that don't know, doesn't think climate change is real.

We're all going to die

that was always there, though

Accelerationism-Posadism with american characteristics, here we come.

Would it honestly be any different with Shillery?

Sides, aren't most climate denialists in coastal cities?

This was always the case.

Soon. The Democrats are in a real crisis. They lost everything last night. Everyone wants to bail.

The leadership of the party is up for grabs.

I mean she has at least expressed simple belief in climate change and wouldn't pull out of the Paris agreements

Of course how much difference that would make is hard to say

Don't forget fracking.

I don't know why more of them haven't realized already.

Yeah, and Trump will build a wall. :^)

Yes. Clinton may be a shill but real leftists exist in the Democratic Party that could have affected change through her figurehead position. In the Republican Party, it is nothing but porky and BUSINESS, and now they control everything. It's full accelerationism time now.

I bet he only wants to because allot of Mexico will run out of water.

Geoengineering then?

you seriously underestimate the arrogance of liberals

they will say it was everything but their weak candidate that lost the election, sexism, racism, stein, comey, sanders, the electoral college, hicks

they just cannot admit fault in any situation

Is Ernst Bloch a guy worth reading? He seems like a more Marxist version of Paul Tillich.

The thing I find funny is that the left brought it's own downfall by attacking everyone that didn't like Hillary so viciously and calling them racists sexists idiots and anything else they could and yet they act like none of that happened I'm disappointed with the left what have we become

Hillary lost Florida because irony

The liberals are a minority now. They couldn't win anything last night, and thanks to them, Democrats are at their lowest power since 1928.

The die-hard Shillary supporters can blame whoever they want. They're done. Sanders and the progressives are the future.

Holy shit



1994 will haunt the clintons until they day they're both rotting in the ditch.

2016, in a very 2016-ish way, was the ultimate vindication for 1994. Selling out American industry cost them the Rust Belt and selling out blacks cost them Florida. Bill must be donning the biggest trollface on planet Earth right about now.

This is totally true. The elites who supposedly represent "the left" hate the working class and seem to trying to marginalise rather than represent them. We saw the same thing with Brexit when smug, condescending, neoliberal Labour MPs presumed every working class person who had doubts about the EU was just a xenophobic racist, woman hater, or whatever. And then they all act surprised when the working class turn on them and Leave won Brexit, or Corbyn got re-elected, and now Trump won as well.

At least since Clinton lost so badly, maybe the next slew of Democratic candidates will be a little more left wing and populist like Sanders.


Statement by Sanders on Trump's win.

The gloves are off now.

You know these aren't as effecting as you think they are. They're just kind of annoying

I know right it's hilarious for me because people get so easily brainwashed by these people and don't understand why the left is failing I also hope the next slew of leftist are good decent people like Bernie that actually care for the common man

Maybe we'd be annoyed by this if we were Clinton shills, but we're not because we're leftists, not Clinton shills

Have you checked out Trump's picks for his cabinet? You're already getting class cucked and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet. Hilarious.

Michael Moore predicted this would happen
Will this make him the man of the hour for the next four years?

Leftypol really is this stupid.

Buttpained hotpockets already removed it though so don't worry your safe space will survive.

Time to take out the Sanders OC again?

>Paulson, a Republican who has served as an expert witness in Florida’s redistricting lawsuits, is critical of the state’s restrictive laws. He says they were designed to suppress black voters and disproportionately impact that population, “they are one size fits all” and also disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of whites.
>“We no longer have wholesale voter discrimination but Florida’s current legacy is having one of the most restrictive felon voting laws in the nation,” he said. “23.3 percent of Florida’s voting age black population are barred from voting due to a felony conviction. When one out of nearly every four black voters is denied the right to vote, that is a crime in itself.”

Michael Moore has lost all relevancy these days I used to like him but he went off the deep end I think it's because he's rich now

Nah. Well, there are more college educated people here than Holla Forums, at least. Shift your anger elsewhere tbqh fam

Thank you hot pockets

Why should I give a shit about what this fucktard has to say?

Is Comrade Bernie back?

in gender studies and african art history? is that why you cucks are so desperate at wanted to create a society where everyone is entitled to everything and no one is responsible for anything? how about just admit that youre useless as fuck and bitter at those who can succeed in the world?

god fucking damn why are you faggots so fucking stupid? you're literally no better than drumpftards

This argument is so typical it gives me hemorrhoids really badly.

What is Holla Forums educated in besides looking up statistics without context when they're off their janitorial duties or at home with their parents

he has a weird sexual lust for hillary that made him retarded


Fuck, you showed him.

Dude seriously chill your talking about the regressive left that's like people saying all republicans are tea party members though fuck gender studies it's the dumbest most diversive class you could take imo

Stupid != uneducated

This is the reason the working class doesn't vote for us any more, even though it's in their best interest to do so.

Read this then either respond to actual arguments or ignore flaming.

I'm in uni for psychiatry currently, actually. Not much time or energy for a job to be added to that.

I could ask you the same question, how's the unemployment?

I did.

Oh shut up. The point wasn't to show that there are more college educated leftists in general, just cross board.

Don't be so sensitive.

No it isn't.


Yes it is. The assumption that poor or uneducated people are stupid is widespread throughout the political elite, including on "the left" as well. They don't vote left wing because there aren't represented by people with attitudes like this who look down on them.

Feminists thinking 'no u' counts as a valid argument is the reason why nobody listens to them. :^)

I think it's so dumb how the elitists think that way considering most of the smartest people I know dropped out of high school so they could start working their trades sooner not to mention I've met tons of people in uni that are dumber than a sack of potatoes

Intelligent people can be found in many walks of life.

"Let me be very clear. In my view, Democrats will not retain the White House, will not regain the Senate, will not gain the House and will not be successful in dozens of governor’s races unless we run a campaign which generates excitement and momentum and which produces a huge voter turnout.

With all due respect, and I do not mean to insult anyone here, that will not happen with politics as usual. The same old, same old will not be successful.

The people of our country understand that — given the collapse of the American middle class and the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing — we do not need more establishment politics or establishment economics.

We need a political movement which is prepared to take on the billionaire class and create a government which represents all Americans, and not just corporate America and wealthy campaign donors.

In other words, we need a movement which takes on the economic and political establishment, not one which is part of it."

Fucking this.

How simpleminded do you have to be to think of it in black-white terms like this? It was never about him or any single person. Going democrat rather than independent was a strategic entryist move and, unfortunately, one that ultimately came with a price. However, the dude is so slick he's the only dem to come out of this whole fiasco unscathed; the DNC is wrecked. Guy is playing it long-term. If we see a large shift to the left over the next four years, we can thank him for broadcasting the message, not from an irrelevant independent standpoint, but through a major political party. I'm sure that the profound disappointment in the whole process this election cycle will pay off in the future.

I just happen to be doing law. Check mate, faggot

Waiting for his "The shackles have been removed. I can finally fight for the American people the way I want to" statement.

why didn't they listen brehs

Because pic related.

Holy shit did that actually happen again? That's exactly how Jeb Bush helped Jr. steal Florida in 2000.

People are protesting at Trump tower
I hope they set that shit on fire


but that would make them just as bad as trump, violence is never the answer

when they go low we go high :^)

Well, yes and no.
What Jeb did was make sure people rendered ineligible BY the Crime Bill WERE off the electoral roll, plus a bunch of folks whose names were the same as felons because y'know, you can't be too careful.

But the underlying law was the same in 2000 as in 2016, Clinton's crime bill. To keep congressional Repulsivcans happy, President Clinton sacrificed his wife's future success.

I call that delicious irony

I have a feeling there will be a number of people defacing the shit out of that tower in the coming 4 years, regardless. I really hope #OccupyTrumpTower becomes a thing
he could have saved them.
And only now do the people realize the horror at what they have done.


We already know all this.
Why has it taken the Independent so bloody long to catch up to the rest of us


These protests are spreading across the country pretty fast.

I find the protests to be incredibly hypocritical since the dems were saying the republicans would do that after they lost and how disgusting that would be yet they do it right away

If Bernie had won you'd just have a less aggressive form of capitalism keep it propped up for longer. Trump's going to go balls to the wall with it and will crash it sooner.

Could you provide a fellow foreign user some source on this?

Pretty sure it's not actually the same people who said that and are doing this

I'm fine with the protests, especially if they last up the inauguration ceremony. Millions of people marching to DC to confront neofascists would be pretty cool to see.

commies / socialists need to jump on them FAST and educate the liberals before all their energy disappears.

Oh like how Hillary was fearmongering over Trump not conceding and then she only concedes when Trump forces her by heading out to do his acceptance speech?

It's politically correct leftism. Anyone who doesn't kowtow to ideological purity and call for armed revolution is a traitor. Just ignore the tankies.

I'm watching the one in Chicago and I see lots of red flags and "Trump is a capitalist pig" signs.

How the fuck even…..

got a link to watch?

that's good, hope they are getting all the libs to turn against Clinton

Yeah dude. Entryism and reformism have been really successful. It hasn't been tried for over a century with middling results at best. This time it's really gonna work.

oh, you mean actual red flags.

Just like all those times bourgeois revolution brought on full communism?

You could say the same thing about everything leftist you dumb fuck

The protests were mostly organized by SAlt.

Good shit, thanks.


"O lay o lay o lay fuck trump"
p. gud chant


Lol damn

So because I don't buy into reformism that means I advocate bourgeois revolution and immediate FALC? Cool strawman.

Revolutionary socialist movements have gained more ground, even if only temporarily, than anything reformist tactics have won. The only thing they've managed to consistently build are political careers

Already debunked, its because he transitioned to an official .gov website, his plans still stand.

Keep being tricked by clickbait, Holla Forumsacks alwys find it funny when you laugh then fall flatr on your ass

If nobody listens to us, how come they don't have a field about bitching about women?

Is it because…it's fucking stupid? No, couldn't be.


Is Trump an atheist? Because 81% of Evangelicals voted for him.

I think he said he was some kind of evangelical christian during the primaries and so on.

Can't recall exactly - but I doubt he is either an atheist or a devout christian.
It's almost as if liberals have no principles and should all be purged

As an aside my university is maybe not even a half-mile away from the rotting, rusting corpse of what was once one of the major steel producers in the country
We're all going to fucking die

i seriously hope more shit like this happens. we need people to wake up

ooooor dems wont learn anything from this at all like usual

I tried to suggest that Trump-esque policies (massive deportation, mass incarceration, endless Mid-Eastern wars) were already occurring, and that we need to look beyond simple electoral politics to tackle these problems, but I dunno if it had any effect
I'll admit I was kinda rambling

Chairman Dore got a pretty dank analysis of Hillary's loss up:


"Fascism is what Capitalism does when it is under threat"
He's turnin ya'll he's turnin fast

Dude our brothers have the numbers, you can fucking SEE THE REVOLUTION HOLY SHIT!



is he /our guy/?

No comrade WE are his

we're big guys

when trump becomes el presidente, does he nationalize his company?

fuck no

My dude, I'm seeing unironic FUD against tariffs on Holla Forums today. We seriously have a LOT of deprogramming to do against neoliberalism.

The socialist club at my uni is working with a bunch of bernie folks to take over the local young dems from neo-liberal hillary shills atm

Go for that shit. Democrats never do anything. Socialists do & we're many.

hey, if you can rebrand as a democrat while being a socialist, why not?


Is this in English?

fuck off nigga

what YT channels should I be looking at to keep Trump's shit in check?

Obviously Comrade Dore but who else?


From 2010.

But Trump isn't a fascist. Only most of the people who voted for him are.

Just thought id leave this here before I go to bed

We saw it the first time you posted it, Chomsky must've been hitting the bong hard when he was writing that if he thinks McCarthy or Nixon's successes were due to "charisma" (lmao)

Jewish Americans really need to deal with their pathological belief that any political figure they don't like is "literally Hitler waiting to happen"

Yeah, he's mostly just quoting this:
which is a pretty stunning dickpunch for the Democrats

Anti-Trump protests are erupting now in several major cities.

Silicon Valley investors call for California to secede from the US after Trump win

They are going to rename themselves to Salty Valley and Palo Salto.
While the Guardian thinks that "high-profile" investors sharing your ideology really gives you a lot of credibility as a progressive.

I love it. We're going to see a lot of obnoxious reactions like these now. History has lured them into making a mockery of themselves.

These protests should have been done during the day when it would have cost porky money.

So much for that idea that Trump and not Clinton is a Silicon Valley candidate because of Peter Thiel.


This is kind of a weird approach and maybe I'm just trying to remain positive, but does anyone else feel like Trump is still one of the best deals we could have gotten?

Because let's be honest: Trump is not the cause for any transformation in the political process, he's the outcome of a transformation that was already happening. He is the first attempt in the US of articulating a longing for national identity and strong leadership that is growing everywhere within the specific context of globalization.

For the average liberal dummy, who lives completely sheltered from important segments of society and rarely ventures beyond the college campus and their Twitter bubbles, I can see how someone like Trump and something like Brexit can kind of seem like they came out of nowhere. They get their news from MSNBC and the Daily Show, they learned about the alt-Right on newspapers a few weeks ago, they don't really understand the right-wing machinery that is slowly starting to emerge, and their inability to fight them shows this. They spent 2016 shocked that the sort of message Trump has still had an audience, because they never interacted to any of the people who compose his constituency and their idea of "Right-wing" is the GOP and the Tea Party.

But for people like us, who regularly deal with neo-nazis here and who know their "culture", who follow global news and interact with Lumpen shitdicks regularly (Holla Forums job threads are the most depressing shit ever), Trump not only seems completely predictable, but he also seems relatively harmless. His counterparts in Europe, for example, are way more terrifying: they're smarter, they seem really serious about their ideas, they tend to have a highly disciplined and cohesive party apparatus behind them, they have their own media and newspapers, a coherent strategy and a calculated approach. While Trump is kind of a goofball, who is largely improvising, and who is probably a lot more moderate than people expect him to be.

His ascensions reflects the power of this growing right-wing machinery in the US as well, but now he can easily co-opt much of the rage that Nationalists make use of and channel it into a very trite Eisenhower Republicanism that is being pushed as new and "radical". And I also think he will instill on the alt-Right a certain dependency, because their first taste of success will always be based on the fact that an already popular and powerful figure happened to find some common ground with them. They didn't build Trump up like they do to European nationalists, he fell from the sky. When they need to build a new candidate in 2020 or 2024, they will struggle and probably settle with some Republican mediocrity. Franly, I think Trump can make the entire radical Right lose momentum.

I've often seen Trump compared to the rising far-right in EU, but this comparison doesn't understand how serious far-right in EU actually is. They are not memers. In Germany there is almost one attack on refugees per day, including the burning of asylums. In my own country there are big protests in towns where government wants to built reception centers for refugees, essentially blocking such plans. While adults on FB discuss how we need to arm ourselves against the refugee invasions.
I still think they're a joke and Europe won't become fascist or anything like that. Ultimately they just serve as a blackmail from EU technocrats, in order to scare other people into their TINA ideology. But it's much more poisonous for a leftist that has to fight both the far-right and the liberals who bait each other in an endless cycle.

I'm having great joy right now running through reddit telling the holdout retards(remnant CTR or actual Clinton supporters - faux left rich fuckers) they're done & irrelevant, now.

(Enough Sanders Spam & r/politics has been a saltmine.)

"People still love Sanders."

Even after all these years chris chan is the gift that keeps on giving

that masculine voice at the very end

Anyone who still finds excitement over how long that poor mentally ill person continues to be fucked around with and bullied is a fucking psychopath.

Glenn Greenwald confirms it as Brexit 2.0

Democrats, Trump and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Glenn Greenwald confirms the media's own acceleration towards implosion as well
>For those who tried to remove themselves from the self-affirming, vehemently pro-Clinton elite echo chamber of 2016, the warning signs that Brexit screechingly announced us were not hard to see. These two short passages from a Slate interview I gave in July – here and here – summarized those grave dangers: that opinion-making elites were so clustered, so incestuous, so far removed from the people who would decide this election, so contemptuous of them, that they were not only incapable of seeing the trends toward Trump but were unwittingly accelerating those trends with their own condescending, self-glorifying behavior.
For anyone that's interested in theory I recommend Baudrillard's In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities.

I mean, it's a bit mean, but he uploads the videos himself…

r/politics is full Sanders mode now.

This won't be long though, I expect the mods to sober up soon.

Although why bother? They won't get payment for this, since they don't matter.

I'm finding some idiots still hanging on, trying to trash Sanders in r/politics. I'm targeting those.

r/ESS is full of more delusion, and it's hilarious because they're still trying to spout the same shit. There was one thread where they were saying "fuck white progressives", which is hilarious, because many dems & progressives of all colors voted for Bernie(he got the young voters, of all colors).

I see the Sanders posting right now on r/politics. Many are in bargaining mode. I can't tell if those were some of the same touting Clinton, or had just been drowned out by CTR.

Someone else put it great in this thread, that CTR was basically just talking to themselves. It was particularly disgusting, and many (actual people) abandoned that place because it was too delusional, toxic & they were downvoted by CTR into oblivion.

I hope the real people are actually returning. r/S4P was great before the shills & infestation of CTR mods. I hope reddit becomes usable again. But still, overall, most people posting have no understanding of class. Hopefully it will be pushed more to the actual left, now. I hope actual conversation can now be had.

you would think CTR would give up, the last left must be the true believers

They really have no legs to stand on, both pol and leftypol should be able to eviscerate them from their view points easily

Yeah, but there are arguments pro and contra, no matter who would have won.
If Hillary:
I'm really glad that Trump won, but I'm not too optimistic about the rise of the left, although I think it is a bigger possibility than if Clinton would have won.

10 November 2016


Barry Grey

Hold me, leftypol. I’m getting all sorts of feels thinking about what could have been if the Sandman wasn’t screwed by the idpol neoliberals.

In other news, the guys at Jacobin (specifically, Connor Kilpatrick) are on a Twitter rampage against idpol libs and, from a personal perspective, a lot of my angry anti-lib rants on Facebook are getting liked and shared by the normies who used to be all for Hillary. People are realizing they’ve been duped. There’s some leftist potential yet.

a path to ranked choice?

The working class usually works during the day. Strange huh

w-what is a strike, daddy?

I think I just came over the idea of a general strike in opposition to Trump.

But that's a day dream.

Non burger here. Since Bernie will be too old in 2020 who can be a lefty candidate for the dems?

its just semantics, they just talk funny in michigan you autist

elizabeth warren

His apprentice.

Don't joke about that shit. Newfags will think you're serious.

She looks like a mad psycho, why women are so crazy?

She destroyed her credibility this election.



Posting a link to this because why not? It does partially deal with the election, but it probably shouldn't clog up the main election thread.

Tulsi Gabbard or Tammy Duckworth.


>The left side of the political spectrum is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural.

No he won't, he'll be healthy 4 years from now and he'll have a strong female VP pick like Warren or Gabbard.

Fucking incredible. I've noticed a lot of liberals on Reddit saying things like "I feel lied to" and "in hindsight Hillary was a bad candidate and I shouldn't've voted for her". It's all ogre from here. Expect tons of growth for this board and places like board this in the future, followed by even more if Trump pisses off Holla Forums. Pink Tide World Wide mofugga.

Said the same thing earlier.

nice job completely misinterpreting her


Can this be it? the end of the Clintons forever?

well, do you expect them to make a come back? And it's not like wall street wasn't going to cozy up to the winner. The best thing to come out of this election is that pol will have to start defending the establishment.

Rejoice, you just saw the Democratic party that screwed sandman get absolutely blown the fuck out last night and the DNC is practically on its deathbed right now. This is a perfect opportunity to reclaim our territory.

can someone who was old enough to understand in 2000 comment on how the results of this election compare and contrast?

there seems to be something of a wake up call going on. everywhere you see articles and comments explaining that trump made appeals to class which clinton largely ignored. trump is a billionaire, but clinton was bought out by billionaires. the strategy of party elites pushing a chosen candidate when there was a man with a movement ready to go, completely failed. the rust belt demographic who favored sanders were the ones who gave this win to trump. etc. etc.

it just seems different this time. it completely blindsided so many people who listened to all of the media sources that it seems like they are reevaluating what they actually know

or maybe it all means nothing, and no change will come of it




First-time voter from 2000 here. 2000 was, IMHO, totally different. Clinton had beaten back the Reagan/Bush neocon dynasty with his then-innovative "third way" New Democrat centrist platform (plus some help from the MASSIVE spoiler effect of Ross Perot), and presided over the steadiest economic growth America had seen since the '70s oil shock, in spite of substantial but easily ignored intransigance from the Republicans (including the landslide victory against Dole).

Come the election in 2000, the Clinton administration was riding high on record approval ratings, and (though Bradley put up a solid primary fight) Gore was basically a shoe-in. Bush came in (though, again, McCain offered a good challenge) on his father's reputation. The election felt mostly average as one between anointed favorites from both parties, even with (sadly failed) attempts at party-building by Nader and Buchanon, up until the tight finish in Florida.

That finish, with the shenanigans, the recounts, the judicial interventions, and finally 9/11 abruptly burying the whole subject immediately before it was about to nuke Bush's nascent presidency…

That, I think, was what has caused politics to be so incredibly divisive since 2000.

The current bipartisan populist shitstorm over neoliberalism isn't totally unprecedented, but I've never seen it more than mentioned in a brief aside until now. I think the 2008 recession is the most obvious suspect for its cause, though why it took 8 years to ignite after the failure of the Occupy and Tea Party movements is baffling.

So wait, is McCain basically the Republican Hillary?

Looking at the people Trump is already surrounding himself with and it seems like we're going back to the PNAC years. Not good. How long until Secretary Newt starts a war with Iran?

The right's been salivating for this chance for years. Iran is fucked.

Maybe a little. If I were to draw a more direct comparison between another recent presidential contest and 2016 though, it would probably be 2004.


Yep. Also, Trump said one of the first things he'll do as president is end the Iran nuclear deal.

How might that play out with Russian bilateralism?

Trump is not going to be buddy-buddy with Putin. Trump has no idea what the current geopolitical situation is, what the Deep State expects from him, etc. He will soon, now that he's getting daily intelligence briefings.

Even with all the scum being slurped into his cabinet and staff, how fucked am I for hoping the anti-neocon noninterventionist sentiment dominant among Trump supporters might change things from the Bush/Obama/Clinton status quo?



Have any fossil fuel companies donated to Trump?

Make it happen.
We need to do our best now.

I don't mind very much. Let's say we get another disaster war like Iraq or Veet Naem. Just more salt for SAlt to harvest. In everything except being a neocon he's at least a little better than garden variety Republicans.


Larger version plz?

Longer, I mean.

The Bernie version is slightly longer but that's all I have.

Lol, this body language…


Does anyone have that halfchan post of Dolan lamenting about being a democrat in the republican party?

I haven't seen any enthusiasm from cheeto Benito at all. Maybe he really was a Dem plant to get Hillary elected who was never supposed to win.

that would be the most epic joke of the century

he probably just realized that he's actually going to be held responsibly for shit.

he finally realized this wasn't just a year long marketing opportunity


Sounds like a good sitcom.


Isn't next episode coming in a bunch of hours?


It's already out. I think it's titled "Fort Collins".

good one :^)



Sadly Jill Stein was unable to beat Ralph Nader's 2000 numbers even though we had the two most disliked candidates ever this election.

That feel when you have dual citizenship



lets be honest, America is stuc with two parties.
Americans don't take anyone else seriously.
Bernie realized that. so did Trump, we should too.

if we want to win, our guy cannot be an independent.



Twitter has been an absolutely histrionic pit. The left is eating itself alive over class v identity and who or what to protest and is just shitting the bed over fascism. I wish I could gloat, but the liberal narrative is winning out and the dems in congress are already talking about cooperating with the GOP.

Game Over.

Good. There needs to be a split between those espousing class politics and those espousing identity politics.

We need to save the class conscious ones

If we want to win, a third party is the only option for our guy. You saw what the Democratic Party did. It's no friend of the left, toss it in the trash already.

If this election has taught me anything, it's that Twitter's opinion is worthless.

Let the IDPOL bitch. It's just the death throes of a naive and narcissistic ideology killed by harsh reality.

why are you insulting that protohuman

It's a porky controlled site TBH. We need to get some communist Milo's going STAT. Rebel where you at?

I mean yeah, twitter is twitter, I didnt expect it to be anything less than a salt-mine when Trump won. I just wish I could enjoy the schadenfreude, but the GOP control the whole government from the federal level down to most states. I'm not really convinced by accelerationism, it just seems to lead to more anger and confusion and false consciousness.

Oy vey


share this to Holla Forums

To be fair, Nader had a great reputation and history in politics beforehand. Stein kinda just came out of no where.

There's also a thread for Holla Forums denial
just in case anyone thought it was fake

Dude, it hasn't even a week since the election. Calm your tits and be patient.

Look at me. I'm the plant now.

gotta admit, Trump is an hilarious buffoon, just watching his face cracks me up .
the next 4 years are gonna be great.

Please let this happen. Either him or his protege, whomever that might be in 4 years.

>>>Holla Forums8185174

I misspelt some words to be a naughty little boy.

he'll be too old, just drop it already

I'm kinda hoping for Gabbard, she's a qt and anti-wall street

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeel, they think this was fabricated by Holla Forums because of the International Spectator uses The Int'l Spectator



Trump isn't 79
Bernie will be by 2020

God, this planet is so fucked.

Yeah, Trump will just be 74. And that's a huge difference. I'd take a 79yo Bernie over a 74 yo Trump possibly seeking a second term.

And like I said, or his protege.

Acceleration ho!

He's back.

Sander interview with Wolff when?

well, there were stories by some of his former staff, people saying "we have no idea what we're doing but trump has too big of an ego to drop out now"

it really was just a marketing gag to promote his recently declining name recognition

this is what not learning from mistakes looks like
he conceded despite strong voter fraud indications

he went on to even endorse fucking clinton
and the moment he comes crawling back you're back to sucking a socdems dick

how are you supposed to radicalize if you are running towards the center left?
if he's bringing up democratic socialism in a debate, don't just fucking nod your head, your own ideology isn't worth shit if that's not used as the window of opportunity to kick the door open

He's the best America's got right now ;~;
It's honestly that bad.

But, as far as being in this political system(he is a reformist), he did the best at playing the long game. People are praising him & hating Hillary right now. I hated that he endorsed Clinton. But I still admire him for being so honest & good at his job. He pushed me farther left than I ever have been, and he did that with many Americans. Before this election I considered myself just a democrat, who still knew both parties were corrupt. Now I'm a socialist. I'm still learning.

Had he not endorsed, the dems would have crucified him, and he'd be "to blame for" Hillary losing the election. I would have respected him so much more if he'd not endorsed & ran third party on Stein's ticket that she offered.

Wew lads

Sanders has presence and stature. From the very start, people on this board were with him because he's useful, not because we think he's full commie. If he's still useful, there's no reason to not support him.

Found this gem.

Sanders is dropping major redpills on CNN right now


Stabbing the dems in the back would kill even the barest theoretical hope of a 2020 run.

You can watch for free for 10 mins. Interview should be over by then.

LIVE: Snowden Q&A on how US Election affects your privacy, his pardon.

Thinking Trump is a plant

Haven't you embarassed yourself enough already Stalinflagfag?

BUDWHUDDUBOUT ideological purity????


Sweet irony


Good. I hope they go for it. I also hope people relentlessly mock them like they do when Southerners pipe up with this.

He's at worst one of the most socially liberal Repubs in a long time and someone who actually makes noises about the working class.

At best he's someone to help speed along the collapse.



It's over. Not even the most militarily organized vanguard party could preserve us from the oncoming horrors of capitalist environmental destruction, and we don't even have a functioning social democratic left anymore. What is required to save us is so massively high and we are at such a low level of organization and power. We are fucked.

Pray something happens on the 140th Anniversary of the Great Railroad Strike

It's our only hope

Sanders is a fucking idiot with no understanding for the damage his endorsement did to building a necessary leftist movement.

Please tell me what damage he did, aside from making Holla Forums-sempai laugh at you.

Stop depressing me.

People in Asia and Africa are even more screwed.

I was talking with my dad earlier and we both agreed he never wanted to become president.

Trump is part of a wider symptom in global capitalism. The elites are losing control of the system. Liberalism is dead on its feet.

How long before death?


Splitting the fuck out of his movement between people terrified of leaving the Democrats and the rest of them that had no leadership.

Holy shit, Wolf Blitzer is just as bad as fucking Bill O'Reilly.

As expected

Most of the Sanderistas who hated the DNC rallied behind Stein mainly or some other left-wing candidate. What exactly would you have wanted to happen?

The fact is there was a sizable chunk of his supporters that would not abandon the Democratic Party even if he did. He would have alienated those people from the left if he had rebuked Clinton.

I think environmentalism is one way to get normies to move left. People love nature.

Eh. Just caught him in a bad frame.

A moment can make a big difference, pic related.

And here's video:

he looks like he's trying not to cry tho

user, earth is going to take over soon and exterminate us. We need transhumanism and geoengineering

I dunno, that smile looks a little forced


I'm really not so sure about that. He got what he needed out of running Democrat (media coverage denied to third parties). His endorsement was a very powerful endorsement of the ideology of lesser-evilism and I think it's done more harm than ever this election. With two of the most disliked candidates in US history running for the major parties, Jill Stein could not even get half of the votes Nader got in 2000. People have been cowed into complacency rather than support the third party growth that has had a historic role in creating the pressure for radical policies and which we desperately need right now.


I just want a comfy eco-socialist world, comrade. Born too late.

who dat on da right?

a broken man

You were born at the right time to make that real. The Green officially took up the moniker of "eco-socialists" this year.

the US Greens?


Yeah… Greens have pretty variable quality depending on the country sadly.

And if Sanders had endorsed Stein, when Clinton lost all of the blame would be heaped on his shoulders, as well as anyone who had criticized Clinton from the left

Am I ... are those... am I sensing liberal tears?


this is going to be the messiest presidency of all time

Howard Dean wants to be DNC Chair again.

pls no.

Dude, that started six seconds after it became obvious she was losing.

As another user wrote:

Let them cry their salty tears. It changes nothing.

where else am i gonna find libtards hanging out? /politics/ ?!


Leonard Cohen just died.

Fuck 2016.

Personally, I'll be rubbing their faces in it for years. The blame lies squarely with this sorry excuse for a "left", especially the identitarians. Weird Twitter has done more for Porky than any Republican in the last 8 years.

They obviously just wanted an easy target.

If true that is tectonic levels of win

Thanks for the headzup

What the fuck is with this year, seriously?
Gene Wilder, Alan Rickman, Bowie, Prince, Brexit, Trump … and now Cohen

God will gather the saved before the Rapture.

RT cross talk about Trump winning:

At the end they literally talk about how they're going to eat popcorn while enjoying all the salt from the establishment.

rip to one of my favorite musicians

Maybe in domed cities?

DP is going to be MAGICAL too.

Oh good I was just about to post this. Looks like it's up to comedy shows to do actual fucking journalism again.


One day you faggots will explain this one to me
But, I still laugh every time.

What the fuck is with this obsession with celebrity deaths, like their death is some kind of important achievement? Who the fuck cares. It's a non-event sensationalized by the media and fans who buy into it.

Looks like Trump was the better cheater after all.


RT unleashing their final trolling form

nicely played

Lmao. CNN actually had someone on last night who is close with his campaign and this person said that Trump HATES protesters. Now that we know this triggers him, we have some leverage.

Nixon-style reforms here we come!

lol the US losing ground on the propganda front to Russia is amusing to me, for the time being.

/lefty/, right now this needs to be said and understood more than anything else on this board, so listen up.

There have already been threads here about Trump filling his cabinet full of establishment banking figures and going back on his anti-Muslim rhetoric, which have been reported to already be causing infighting among rightists. This reversal may help win some of them over to the left, and the people who supported Trump just to be contrarian are already abandoning him, but don't take it for granted. Trump isn't like any previous Republican candidate. The cult of personality around him is such that the people who drink the kool-aid he's serving will make excuses for anything he does. He's given them someone to look down on, and they'll gladly empty their pockets for him. You can't rely on years of the shitshow that the Trump presidency will be to convince people. All the evidence is out there now that Trump is just another establishment plant. Given his current trajectory of immediately cucking Holla Forums before he's even inaugurated, any rightists who haven't been persuaded to renounce him in the next few weeks probably never will be.

I've seen people posting that all the left has to do is wait 2 years for the midterms and he'll be incredibly unpopular by then. I'm here to tell you that that isn't true. His fanatics will never abandon him. If any of you were considering political strategies that involve waiting 2 years into what will undoubtedly be the most disastrous administration in American history, forget about it right now. Figure something else out. The liberals told us for years that Obama was appointing establishment figures to key government positions in the wake of the 2008 crisis because he was just playing 37th-dimensional chess in order to get enough political capital to help the working class, and even now after he's done the exact opposite of that by continuing all of Bush's policies, the liberals still think he was a good president, most likely because they don't care about any issues besides idpol - which is exactly how Trump's most devoted acolytes feel.

For these acolytes, there is nothing you can say that will sway them. The sooner we learn this, the better for all of us.

was america a mistake?

Americans need to protest endlessly.

Liberals are a dead force. Get stuck in with the working class and convert them. Tell idpol shills to piss off.

and heads have already begun to roll…

Well, Obama also can be used as an example of people becoming disillusioned. Obama had as much of a personality cult going in, and while some of it still remains, how many of his '08 supporters are still diehard? How many did he lose in the '12 election?

I agree with your general sentiment, but I also think the way Trump is laughably selling out his supporters just two days after the election doesn't bode well for him keeping his "base".

that last paragraph…

If everyone knows the party is inept and doomed, why are people still keeping the corpse walking?

because these people are too lazy to build a new party, and don't want anything that threatens their for-now cushy positions. they don't know anything else.

the democratic party is dead. this is only the beginning of their unraveling. the gop is now set to dominate government totally for the next couple of decades. i don't see a viable opposition party forming within bourgeois democracy, and revolution is far, far away sadly…

Out for blood, baby

Who do you guys think will be the new "leaders" of the Democratic Party by 2020?

I doubt Hillary's going to show her face again, Bernie's dying, and Obama probably won't try to re-enter congress.

I see Elizabeth Warren becoming the new face of the party.

kaine, warren or webb

This makes me ponder a new rule actually: nobody who is guaranteed to be dead before the worst of global warming hits us should be allowed to run government.

The Plato of our time speaks. Headphones probably required. Also, he goes in and out of French sometimes.

He's old. There's a difference. Compared to Clinton who's falling apart at the seams, he may as well be in his prime.

Most likely Howard Dean will head up the DNC. That is what the establishment thinks a "progressive" looks like these days, and they've drunk the koolaid.

Howard Dean. Also from Vermont, had the most millennial support in the primaries by far, much younger than Bernie, after Kucinich was easily the most progressive of the Dem nominees in '04, his positions both then and close to 13 years later may not be as progressive as Bernie's, but he's also far to the left of most other Dem politicians anyay. He's passionate, charismatic, can garner attention etc

Was intentionally fucked over by the MSM since they needed him out of the race to pick their establishment idiot darling John Kerry instead so they intentionally isolated the mic feed at a rally and edited it so it sounded like he was making an enthusiastic scream. And thus the Dean Scream was born, courtesy of the same MSM that would never have allowed Bernie in for the same reason, and that's what tanked his campaign.

Now, ofc in 2020 the MSM/DNC would do the same thing all over again and ensure he stood zero chance from the get-go as they'd pick their establishment garbage candidate and throw democracy out the window to back a shit uninspiring status quo candidate once again since these fuckheads never learn their lesson, but if he decides to run on the same policies that Bernie ran under, making sure to endorse Bernie at every chance he gets and remind them constantly of their similarities, he'd gain traction. The MSM would never cover said traction of course since they're paid not to, but maybe, just maybe, people would see the shitshow that was 2016 and say "nope, we're not voting how you're telling us to, eat shit" and a Bernie 2.0 could win the nomination….maybe.

Only other candidate I think is up for the task is Dennis Kucinich. He'd have to be thoroughly endorsed by Bernie, fuck, maybe even announce Bernie as his VP extra early, and try and capture that same Bernie momentum while dealing with a total media blackout and everyone demonizing him and saying he has no chance to win so just vote for the candidate we picked, come on!

Both are long shots but I have precisely zero faith or interest in any other even semi-realistic candidate at this point


Bernie's old, but he's still a comparatively vigorous old man.

Clinton isn't really any significantly younger and she's nearly fucking dead. If she didn't have plastic surgery she'd look like her face was fucking melting off.

is anyone else really, really enjoying the collective liberal meltdown?

Yall better be organizing and shitposting TBH.

Let's see Trumpcucks defend this

ahahahha what the fuck dude
Howard Dean is a literal corporate lobbyist now.

Dennis kucinich is still based af. Plus his wife is pretty cute.

I read excellent, and automatically fill in with Holla Forums's word filter. Will Drumpf be p r o b l e m a t i c ? Is Obummer a secret Holla Forums lurker?

WOW house nigger obama looks nervous as fuck

jill stein is fucking worthless and incapable of accomplishing anything.


ahahha they think they'll still have their heads on their shoulders in 2020


Is this real life? Like is this an actual person? I've never been on r/ess but is this how they always were?

If we play the cards we've been dealt right, we're going to swallow their party like a python.

Yup. That's reddit for you.

Very friendly reminder to post these in the Salt Mining General thread.

I thought Trump wasn't going to cause full accelerationsim?

It hasn't even been a week.

Now r/politics is readable again. The CTR echo chamber is el busto.

Never underestimate the smug ignorance of liberals and the establishment. It's their stupid arrogance that is causing all these implosions.

I think this is actually the beginning of the end of liberalism.



Goodnight everyone.

Yeah, that was fucking hilarious. I checked it before and after the election and it was night and day. I wish I took some screencaps, they were shilling it so hard.


I know it's Cenk, but this is a pretty good video. It's fucking hilarious how cucked Holla Forums got.



Lol, Dimon is a friend/former business partner of Soros. I wonder how this makes Holla Forumsyps feel.

Shoe "I can't research for shit" on head is getting grilled in her comments section on the Trump presidency and marriage equality.

Is this the beginning of the end for these alt right lovers?


Trumpcuck tears when?


Nice try, Holla Forums.

You got fucking cucked by a used car salesman. LOL.

The conditioning is tough to break. They're still on about "muh racism" even though I warned them about this shit back in the primaries.

>>>Holla Forums

So when do people stop pretending Obama is Democrat Jesus? The guy is a cipher - he's a clever empty suit but ultimately still an empty suit. Like Clinton, he campaigned on a phantom promise (and ultimately, not being the Other Guy). Obama's victory was not because he was great, but because anyone - even HRC - would have beat a Republican in 2008.

Hillary running on the Obama strategy was a failing strategy - not because she's no Obama, but because Obama was more lucky than anything else. His campaign in 2008 was every bit as smug as HRC in 2016, I remember all too well, and he never has stopped being so.

Once they know about class it will click and they will find out that racism is ancillary and primarily used by Porky.

Hello newfriend!

So their porky meme stuck, eh?
Haven't been to .pl in awhile, going to go check out /inth/ and come back, didn't think this board would adopt it. I'll go update my folder.

details? i dont want my recommendations flooded with rightshit for months because i watched one video

tbf it's only used in reaction to Holla Forums's fetish for it

She uses Trump's speech from the Republican convention and the token gay porky Peter Thiel to explain that Republicans aren't homophobic. She only mentions Pence once and clearly disregarded facts to appease her dipshit subscribers.

Took this from /n/

Trump's win caused the world's richest people to lose $41 billion.

Yeah, $41 billion imaginary dollars.

well isn't it all imaginary?

Hasn't a large financial market drop accompanied the majority of new presidents?

Some types of monopoly money are more imaginary (volitile) than others

Good, the one thing Mexico could use right now is less porkies.

He will probably be a respected elder statesman in 2020, but at 79 he won't be fit to run for office again.

He knows how to be statesmanlike, a quality that has been sorely lacking this election cycle.

Obama's exploitation of the 'historic' nature of his candidacy was far more subtle and far less obnoxious than Hillary's. He was also a lot more generous to his opponent, although it's obviously easier to do that when you're facing John McCain.

It would certainly set new precedent, but there's really no actual reason to bar him from running if he's in good health at that time.

Why has pol been so quite. I exepected a lot more gloating and raiding. They only seem a little more excited on half chan.

Do they deep down know Trump is substance less and really just want attention to their pain but didn't nesscarily want their solutions inacted

wikileaks did an AMA on reddit yesterday and they got slaughtered

was very surprising, reddit was typically sympathetic to wikileaks before. I don't normally play the CTR card but it made me think.

classcuck has been used on here since 2014 newfags. Lurk more

I suck at getting Wikileaks news so I was completely unaware of this, but it's great

Most of you have probably read this, but if you didnt: The media didn't "accidently" get Trump elected, it was a part of a plan to make him (or Cruz/Carson) the Republican nominee, hoping that this would be an easy victory.

I'll shove this in the face of every cunty lib blaming Sanders or whoever for Trump.


Most upvoted questions are pretty reasonable.

based Ancoms

They are finally content after so many years. Something actually went their way for once and they don't know how to react. All they understood was happenings and fear and now all of a sudden there is nothing to talk about.

I've really been enjoying the site-wide reduction in salt and bitterness from their crossposters.

Are these protests organic or coordinated?

Bernie acted as a Pied Piper too, to heard progressives into the Democratic party and make them bend the knee for Queen Hillary. Only difference is Hillary had enough influence in the Democratic spheres to quell Bernie's movement whereas on a broader national level it blew up in her face v Trump.


Hopefully the acts of violence and vandalism escalates and it weeds out liberals and idpollers.

my bad flam
i haven't even visited the catalog in days

did trump pick pence in order to prevent any liberals from trying to assassinate him?


Selecting Pence as VP is nearly the worst imaginable thing Trump could've done to paint a target on his back for the deep state. He should've run with someone even more incontinent than him, not even Sarah Palin, more Alex Jones-tier.

Hillary is so unpopular her attempts to get people out to vote might have pushed more people to Trump than to her.

We told those liberal fuckers she was unelectable but all they could say was "yasss slay kween"

Good. Death to all pseudo-leftists.

Trump still won the election only through a broken electoral college system and the fact that Republicans are better at cheating.

He focused his campaign in swing states. Had he been trying to get the popular vote, I think he could have done it. (he had no reason to though)

What's deep state. Why is pence as VIP bad. Explain pls

The accumulated dead air in the engine of government, which collects among the hands of career bureaucrats, civil servants, public contractors, military, intelligence, etc. Basically, any entity or agenda so deeply rooted in government that it survives regime changes in the "ruling" government for one or more political cycles:

By Joseph Santolan
11 November 2016


Is he our guy Holla Forums?

Will he become the next DNC chair or will the Sanders camp get tricked again?


i saw some people complaining about this being ageist lmao

Let them know that the dems use racism(blacks against whites) just like the republicans do(whites against blacks). It's to keep them divided & distracted, so we can't all work together against the ruling class.

Coming from the "dying white cis males" anti-Bernie crowd, that's rich.

Nah, it's just realistic. They should care about their children/young people & the world they leave behind.

I heard the term "ageist" for the first time this year. I'm 30. I wish people would stop making up words/problems. It's too distracting & takes away from actual problems.

The DNC has truly lost it. I hope this statement was just by a deluded Shill camper.

Was it the guy who in 2004 was forced to end his presidential run because of a little enthusiastic scream, where the media deemed him too unpresidential?

times have changed

These people should finally realise that being offended doesn't work anymore, if your president is Donald Fucking Trump

Yeah, now he's a corporate lobbyist for Wall Street.

He should not be allowed to assume power.

hasnt bernie endorsed keith ellison for DNC chair anyway?

He probably will.
The Hill camp will just use their old trickery to grant him that.

And they will sell it as a concession to the left, because like Sanders, he's from Vermont.

Reality is finite, madness is limitless.

Yeah, and the guy those same Democrat bigwigs crawled to on their hands and knees to sew their shattered rectum shut. Which he did, repairing Democrat losses in the legislature, leading to the creation and upset win of Obama over Clinton and McCain both… Of course, Obama then immediately shitcanned him and repeatedly passed him over for cabinet positions.

Dean is good people, but we have the leverage to do MUCH better.

They will sure try. But even now regular dems are out for blood, lmao.

I hope we all fight against this together.

They will sure try. But even now regular dems are out for blood, lmao.

I hope we all fight against this together.>>1041982

He was once good people. But he's since sold out. We can't have that in the party if they want to have a chance. I still think they need to create a new party. But if all the leadership is canned & basically a new party emerges from this still calling itself DNC, would also be fine.

America is pretty fucked. People need to stand up & demand more.



Better relations with Russia helps prevent war. What a tard.

We don't want people like him in the party's internal bureaucracy, especially not leadership positions, but his sort and others like him (Elizabeth Warren) do represent a leftward deflection useful for capturing swing seats in elections and government appointments.

For internal party leadership, and external elections in safe leftist strongholds though, we absolutely do need to demand people FAR further left than the status quo, which I imagine will probably mean fresh blood from outside the party more often than not.

I take it the Holla Forums cellphone apps are still screwing up badly?

Trump already going all conciliatory on us wew

Yeah, cause that's been working out great so far.

I am simply losing patience with you Americans. I don't care what happens to you anymore. I welcome a future led by China. At least they use economic manipulation to achieve their geopolitical goals instead of bloody conflict.

Weird, his previous tweet was complaining about 'professional protesters'.

Many Americans are starting to feel the same way. I think that's a big reason Trump was elected. Everyone just said "FUCK IT"

Well, they do, just usually within their own borders

But yes, i share your frustration. These are the upper class liberals who live in their own fucking bubble. They shit on the lower classes, now they're going to get fucked by them. A type of revenge.

Liberals have no idea how fucking out of touch they are with this Russophobic fear-mongering. It didn't work for Clinton because this isn't the cold war and people are not afraid of those evil gommie russkies anymore. I've seen this poll, forgot where, where they asked people whether they think the US is too friendly with Russia and the majority said they think the US and Russia should cooperate more on security issues (like >70%) while only around 10% though it's too much.

the damage control begins


All working class white people are racist, and aren't considered poor?!

This is porky trying to quash any class consciousness & uprising that they deserve.

Hopefully people won't be forgetful enough to let these blogging subhuman hacks escape with their headsjobs after what they did to us

True, but even that is preferable to international conflict which can have more devastating consequences.

Very true.

Bernie is supporting Keith Ellison for new DNC Chair.

is that keemstar on the right?

Chuck Schumer and Warren are backing him also. I don't see how he can lose with the backing of all the players in the senate.

I hope Bernie realized his monumental error in supporting Clinton and is prepared to overthrow the DNC establishment, and if he is unsuccessful to join a third party.

Can anyone redpill me on this guy? A quick scan of his MSMpedia article indicates somewhat laudable politics, and a heartening allegiance to the more leftist examples of currently elected politicians, but also a LARGE amount of spooky idpol.

I can forgive idpol if it's coupled with class politics. If you have to throw a bone to the spooked electorate, I am okay with that. Sanders did it a lot although if you look at his statements from the eighties it's clear he was always more a union and class guy than an identity politics liberal.

My source in the DNC said, that he was severely threatened by the Clinton camp to do so.

I don't doubt it. Any word on what he was threatened with?

Jesus, this pic looks even more awkward (for Ryan) than the Obama/Trump pic.

Vid related:

Not sure what you're getting at with this link. Trump won due to voter suppression and election fraud.


According to my source, it was basically the something that also made Bill Murray endorse the new Ghost Busters on live TV with low energy, only more drastic and also involving his family members, which was the point that broke him.

Clinton is a psychopath so I'd believe it.

Not just Clinton.
Some of her staff are connected with high ranking idpol. The same people who also got Anita S. and Chelsea V.V. to speak in front of the UN.

He looks like Trump is going to bite off a limb

And the Democrats lost because of it during the primaries. I was joking about Shillary.

I can totally understand why he did it in retrospect.

When you're an engineer and you know the train is out of control, you have to try to get it back on the track. That's why he supported Clinton. It was a desperate attempt to prevent the disaster he knew was coming.

Why the hell does Trump always look like a petulant kindergartner when he's sitting? It looks like he's about to offer Ryan some tasty Elmer's glue.

Are you memeing at this point, or super serial?


I'm serious.
Not everyone can just come up and speak in front of the UN just like that.
You have to BE somebody and you have to KNOW people.

It just sounds to me like some clownish liberals in high places thought GamerGate was serious business and pulled some strings.

What the fuck is wrong with us that internet trolling and complaining about video games gets you in front of the fucking UN?

My Dad works for SEGA and he says the next Sonic game is going to be for Nintendo.

I don't get it either

Go! Go ask them why they take videogames serious. To be honest, I used to be like you, when I heard that first.

I see your point. It did seem very weird.

It was a serious slap in the face of third world women with actual problems.

It was the UN Women you fucking dolt. They didn't speak in front of the actual UN. Get your retarded conspiracy theories out of here, you're making leftists look bad.

Don't tread on me.


god damn I want to see more before and after videos of Hillary Clinton supporters celebrating and then watch the change happen.

She didn't break the glass ceiling. She thumped her big noggin' on it.

I hate that I have a heart, sometimes. Because I cringed when Podesta was giving that speech at the "victory party", when we all knew they got smashed. Podesta, Clinton & campaign deserves the guillotine, yet I still cringed. All that's needed to counteract this is to just revisit issues from the campaign against Sanders & Hillary's general election dirtiness. Then the rage comes back with a vengeance.

Check out this thread
I requested a shop of the newscasters' faces as it all happened, and someone obliged.

We need to do this with the Clinton supporters, now. Good idea.

TYT is not as satisfying as a corporate news caster

I'm referring to things like pics related.

I'm sick of this already.

Jesus Christ. Fucking burn it down.

Same. Whoever wins, we lose.

If the combined bullying from us and Holla Forums causes them to reconsider their ideology/an hero, this may allow us to reclaim leftist institutions.

straight CTR shill hood
these oblivious fucks actually created a sub for Trump's impending loss about a month ahead of time and then election night came and all the posts became "halp i'm hyperventilating right now"

Wait, wasn't he the pro-chink guy?

Read it again. I know we're conditioned to see "threat" and "Beijing" together and think "threat from Beijing" but the article is saying something different.

What if Sanders knew Hilldawg was gonna fuck up and lose?
What if the Sandman only endorsed her to get in a position of having a much bigger influence on the Demoratic Party and the DNC?

Tulsi had mentioned she was pressured by the DNC because of her decision to endorse Bernie, too. She didn't say what they did or said, but when the emails came out, we got to see some of it.

Just like many things much in advance, I guess that he did see it coming.

And the internal civil war continues.

More at link.

I don't know much about Ellison. Is he actually a good choice, or is this just good old idpol?

he has some idpol, but also an emphasis on class. he has a history of pushing for anti-wall street legislation.

Wow, it's almost like he's actually very intelligent and clever, and probably knows what he's doing better than a bunch of politically correct leftists on a dead imageboard.


I doubt that. I don't believe Sanders would willingly risk the future of the country for some political power over a divided party.

It's the simple fact that he was trying to prevent the inevitable. He endorsed Hillary because he thought he could influence the Democrats into not handing everything to the Republicans, but they didn't listen. They just continued on their suicide course.

I can tell you right now: if Dean gets the Chair, the Dems are dead.

Let's hope he gets the chair then.


The WHOLE FUCKING REASON Hillary lost was because she spend all that time in between getting the nomination and election night basically telling everyone to the left of her to fuck off and die (quite literally, actually, in the case of /r/ESS) and tried to woo over Republicans by fellating Reagan's dead corpse.

Why? Because they were out of touch? Because they thought Trump would ensure that the "Obama Coalition" would hold and come out to vote for her? Or perhaps just to spite those damn uppity poor people, who had the audacity to deny the oppressed, under-privileged Hillary "her turn."

Whatever the reason, THAT is why she lost. She has only herself to blame.

Video of Keith Ellison in 2015 warning the Dems about Trump, and pundits literally laughing in his face.


Everyone in that video who isn't Ellison should be forced to commit seppuku for the shame and arrogance they've brought to humanity.

People thought Trump was a joke because he faffed off and on about making a serious run for two decades.

When the boy that cried wolf finally spots a wolf, you don't run over to save him from the wolf.

holy shit

You know, if nothing else, these 4 years are going to be entertaining

it's already a mess


The first one was real?


He may have been a lib, but i miss Jon Stewart.

The handlers are already working on him. Reeling him in, etc.

Am I going to die?

We all are.

If you had just gotten done with months of godmode trolling to the biggest captive audience of lolcows on the entire internet, how long do you think you could last without a shitpost involuntarily escaping?

He's being a good little porker.

I hope he keeps it up, the first meme president should also be the first shitpost president


Because, none of the niggers and college students who protested are workers. :^)

Lmao, it's going to be so hard for him. I think he'll say ignorant/stupid things in public like Bush. But they might make him shut down his Twitter or hand it over to a staffer. It'll probably feel to him like there's been a death in the family.. Helpless.
Vice news just fired one of their journalists fro trying to publish an article critical of Clinton supporter Lena Dunham

We're likely to see some desperate last minute tweets.

DNC needs to purged. And they need to have it drilled into them: They could not beat Donald fucking Trump. Fucking idiots.

Anybody up for a lolsuit against Vice?

>Michael Tracey [email protected]/* */ 3h3 hours ago

haha, let this be a lesson to the plebs–DON'T FUCK WIT LENA DUNHAM

liberals are almost autistic when it comes to that god damn woman

I read his linked article and it doesn't mention Dunham once… It's about one thing, Trump was able to muster a lot of visible support and this should have given pollsters pause.

This election result is somewhat unusual because instead of shocking people in this way: "how could he win, when everyone I know is voting for Clinton" it shocked them like this "how could he win, even though my personal experience told me he had more support and enthusiasm than her"

Pundits, not pollsters
Does anyone remember Niko House?


Someone should remind Trevor that apartheid in his home country was defeated by violence and direct action.

read the tweet thread, the info on Dunham was that she voted for clinton in the new york primary when that was impossible because she wasn't a registered democrat.

In proving that she wasn't actually registered he posted a picture of Lena's address (which is, to be fair, public knowledge). I think that's why they fired him.

I haven't read about it in ages, but isn't that a load of revisionist bullshit, and it was actually a consumer abstention by blacks to white businesses that finally caused them to cave in?

With Donald Trump now the President elect, all eyes in telecom have turned to what happens now in regards to FCC telecom enforcement generally, and our shiny new net neutrality rules specifically. Trump has proclaimed he opposes net neutrality, despite making it abundantly clear he doesn't appear to actually know what it is (he appears to falsely believe it has something to do with the fairness doctrine). As such most people believe he'll work to gut the current FCC, which as we've noted has, for the first time in arguably twenty years or so, actually been doing a few things to actually help broadband consumers and sector competition.

The FCC rules say ISPs may not block or throttle lawful Internet traffic or speed up Web services in exchange for payments from online service providers. A similar set of net neutrality rules was previously struck down in court, leading to Wheeler’s decision to reclassify broadband providers as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act. The commission’s Title II authority was enough to put the rules on solid legal ground.

But once the FCC is in Republican hands, the agency will have multiple options for taking the rules off the books. One is “forbearance.” Wheeler used the legal tool of forbearance to avoid applying the strictest types of Title II regulation (such as rate regulation and tariff requirements) to consumer Internet service providers.

The FCC isn’t the only venue in which Republicans can attack net neutrality rules. Under Trump, the Republican-controlled Congress would likely be able to wipe out net neutrality rules without fearing a veto. Trump hasn’t spoken often about net neutrality, but in 2014 he called it “Obama’s attack on the Internet” and a “top down power grab… [that] will target conservative media.”

I'll probably make my own thread on this later, but I'll put it here for now.

So, Trump says he wants to do infrastructure spending. This raises some interesting points in regards to US rail investment.

Specifically, if Trump really does kill free trade freight traffic will move from the Southwest Chief route (LA-KC-Chicago) to inland US routes (around KC, STL, Dallas and Knoxville) which are not ready for it and will require massive modernization. And if there's an oil tarrif, the US oil industry will boom and will demand both new rail and pipelines throughout the upper inland west and Cascadia (perhaps even a Cascades Base Tunnel which would rival the Gotthard Base Tunnel in scope).

For passenger rail, it is worth noting that XPW (the Chinese HSR train from Victorville to Las Vegas) is dead, but that the EIS for the project still exists (therefore can be picked up by any willing party including Amtrak or NVDOT). Now, Trump's casino is directly adjacent the current train tracks and it's parking garage would be the ideal spot for a train station. But doing this would also require CAHSR to be built, as it would construct the necessary segment from Bakersfield to Los Angeles Union Station.

Additionally, it's safe to say that Trump will make it rain money on his hometown, NYC. This means the major projects there (Empire Corridor HSR, NEC modernization, Empire Station, the Gateway Tunnels, etc) are more or less confirmed to happen. To get the votes he might offer up federal money for Ohio HSR (which Kaisch killed five years ago) or Wisconsin HSR (which Walker killed as well).

This would require a lot of money, probably at least $140 billion (CAHSR alone is $80 billion). Would Congress suddenly be pro transit and provide it? Who knows.

Didn't arstechnica write multiple articles about how Wikileaks was in bed with Russia(among others things)? If so, I have a hard time taking them at their word.

That being said, I wouldn't put it past either a dem or repub Congress or President to try to limit net neutrality.
looks like we can add "repeal obamacare" to the list of things Trump has backpedaled on


The core tenet of the ACA, the exchanges, will get repealed. But specific provisions (ie staying on your parents health insurance until age 26) won't.

the exchanges never would have worked anyway. you're asking insurers to voluntarily do things to decrease profit

It started on Twitter with the #J20 hashtag


You can't fool us with this horseshit anymore. was a propaganda organization created to defend Bill Clinton who was anything but a progressive.

Porky gunna porky.



(the whole thing is too long tbh)



Where were you when Trumproles got cucked for the 5th time in 3 days?

Arstechnica has been inaccurate idpol liberal garbage since gamergate.

please, Trumpfags will get what they want. The core parts of the ACA will go but the popular parts (ie mooching off your parents) will stay.

What exactly does he want? I couldn't understand most of it

death to the fascist etc etc

This was a board of elections hearing about the purging of voter rolls and other shit. Here's the whole video if you're interested.

Not just the uploads but the people who actively tries to with his life.
Like these pieces of shit


People in Baltimore are hoping that this will mean more investment in the our shitty transit infrastructure. (Perhaps even money to start up construction on the metro extension that was killed by our Republican governor).

People in Hawaii are hoping this will mean more money for their rail that's behind schedule and over budget. I suspect DC's hurting metro is praying Trump makes it rain money too.

Likely every transit agency/project in the nation has their fingers crossed.

While Trump's infrastructure plans are encouraging, I'm not convinced that a notable portion of this money will go to public transit. Roads, airports, bridges, yes, but I've heard no talk of it being put into public transit. Republicans have historically been against public transit because their largest demographic in the heartland doesn't use it. There's already talk of Repubs fighting Trump on the 1 trillion dollar bill he wants passed to fund it.

Republicans also refuse to kill Amtrak, because rural Republicans would go apeshit. The cognitive dissonance no longer works and lumping in rail investment with general highway/airport investment (most of which is already done and can't be easily expanded upon) is feasible but not guaranteed. The larger change, hopefully, is at the state level for statewide projects. This is where Trump will fight for NYC, and he will need votes from other states to get things he wants done.

They've already lost, because there are plenty of Democrats and moderate Republicans willing to vote for infrastructure spending.

wait that CA HSR thing is dead?

The GOP had all 3 as recently as 2007, if I'm not mistaken.

This is probably one of, if not the only, picture that makes me feel sympathy for Hillary Clinton

It's hard to say why

It shows how desperate she was for something she would ultimately never get. Reminds me of Jeb.

You are mistaken.,_2004

Oh wait nevermind.

ok is that fake? it's so depressing i want it to be fake

Kek, it's not even the most depressing thing he did this election.

I wanted to say the same thing..

Why does she have to be so terrible? And why do I still feel bad for her sometimes? It shows we're more human than her, I guess..

Holy shit, that picture. At least he did try to reach out, unlike Clinton. Bless his lil heart.

pls clap ;_;

Try to trump that faggot

Why did he even accept it? In his acceptance speech he actually noted the irony of giving the Peace Prize to a man engaged in several wars.

Was there ever a president in America whose election caused riots or protests? Or is Trump the first one?

Obama caused riots lel.

People were mad as fuck about the election of George W. for obvious reasons.

reminder: Jeb and superPAC friends blew 100 mil on 3 whole delegates to the RNC

And Trump was actually calling for protests on his twitter back then.

there were massive protests both times for GWB

Weeping Hillary Blamed Comey and Obama For Loss



Why. Are. They. Writing. Everything. Like. That. With. All. These. Pauses?

Too much hollywood is bad for your brain. Be careful, burgers.

As far as reformists go, what does Holla Forums think of Tulsi Gabbard?

She's a minority woman berniecrat from Hawaii with pretty much a spotless record. Is she a good candidate for 2020 in case Bernie is too old?

she's shit, in bed with hindu fascists.

Really induces cogitation.

Could you please elaborate?

why even mention this

Because the democrats are filled with liberals who jerk themselves off to diversity.

It's a good campaign selling-point and it makes it harder for neolibs to invoke IdPol to get their own candidate into office.

Most of characters in whatever hollywood shits out have a bourgeois liberal ideology, despite existing in a completely different reality or era. Daewhatever is no different.

But didn't you hear? She hates homos and DWS is more "progressive" than her.

These fucks are so delusional. No mention though, that even from their list(which I don't know how accurate; never seen it before) Keith Ellison blows them both out of the water. They had a Keith Ellison hate thread some hours ago, too.

Sad, but true.

Geez, these fucking people.

No wonder Obama was so cool about the election results.

And they fail to take into account the corruption of a candidate. Tulsi broke with the establishment; DWS literally broke laws(campaign finance, etc) to help nominate Clinton, got disgraced, then fired, then hired onto Clinton's campaign. They're fucking spiteful basketcases over at that subreddit. The only thing they need to hate someone is for Sanders to like them.

Also, I don't think I could ever run for office.. The shit I was doing at 17.
Post yfw Peter Theil is going to be on the Trump transition team now.

kill me

Yeah why not just pretend that no one cares about identity? Maybe if we ignore identity politics it will go away.

look up her and Modi

What were the best live reactions?

Bill Maher's show is streaming on their YouTube channel for free tonight at 10 PM EST (25 mins from now). Should be entertaining watching him kill himself on live television.

cnn had like 18 people in studio to talk about the HISTORIC FIRST
as the night went on shit got pretty grim and the panel got smaller and smaller

So bitter

First guest is Eric Holder.

It's been a while since I tried to stomach colbert, man he looks older.

I can already predict his response

Yeah, I definitely can't watch this.

OH GOSH he printed up ballcaps!

that'll stop drumpf :^)

I love you Jimmy. That "syphilitic" bit was a low blow though.


Yeah same here, I was a Conservative till I was 19 but I was also sympathetic to fascism, though I didn't go as far as to condone the Nazis but I literally said in a debate that "some people need others to decide for them" and I used to mock free speech as a frivolous and decadent ideal to uphold, funnily enough I knew it was a spook but I also thought it was degenerate.

Oh God

He literally has adhd

I am absolutely cringing at how fast liberals are rolling over and saying they are "hopeful" and "we must respect the results" or "protesting will just further the divide". What an absolutely pathetic and cowardly bunch of people. All they care for is order.

"fascists" like Trump is a fascist.

Yeah they're spooky nationalist cunts I'll give you that though, and she's naive to liaise with Modi just because he's a Hindu Prime-minister, that is to say it could have the "liberal" or "lefty" equivalent and she would have met that guy.

But that's really minor, come on, it beats being friends with the Israeli lobby or the Saudis.

yeah, tbh if you're going to have connections with a shitty foreign regime, modi is hardly the worst you can do.

Bernie doesn't go around sucking foreign fascist dick, he should be the bare minimum for our support.

Google searches for "fascism" has skyrocketed

military parades with trump stranding on a rostrum are gonna be fuckin lit fam


Think any of them found Paranti's video on it

lmao what shills

Donald Trump is going to be ahead in the popular vote on Monday.

what makes you say that?

God damn It feels good to see that bitch get upset about hill losing

I saw some digits saying that would happen in another thread.

It feels amazing. Look, at this, even when she's talking to her friends she condescends. So much for her Reagan-mondale sweep. She seriously though HRC was the next Reagan. Christ.

Bill Maher stream still going? I want to see him freak out or blame millennials again for Hillary's utter failure.

I'd love to watch it too. Anyone got a link?

Should be over. I've only found this so far, it's the Overtime. Hasn't been uploaded yet to streaming sites as far as I can see.

Within the first four minutes they blame the FBI(claiming its a coup d'etat), the KGB, cite some bullshit that over 50% of Trump supporters don't believe in free speech, millennials are still stupid, ironically point out Trump's conflicts of interest in his business but don't mention how Hillary's had conflicts consistently.

Pretty much what I expected. Oh, and apparently the US doesn't waterboard detainees anymore, either.

Did anyone vote Trump for his economic policies? Did anyone even look at them?

No, everyone voted for 14/88

Watching Maher's reaction as a non-burger it seems like there's a kind of subculture or echo chamber of Americans who think of the US in terms of us vs. rednecks. They're whole thing is "we're superior to these redneck idiots" and they just circlejerk constantly around that to feel better. People don't have the same liberal self-masturbatory opinion as you? It's those stupid rednecks.

As if "liberal democracies" already don't have all those elements in greater or lesser doses.

why else would the former industry heavy states switch "unexpectedly" after Trumps retarded promises of "bringing *back* the jobs"?

His most popular policies are renegotiate NAFTA, kill TPP, impose huge tariffs on companies that move factories overseas, renegotiate trade with China and build a border wall. All of which are economic policies. I'll let you get away with saying the last one isn't necessarily.

Tyrion's free speech shit especially triggers me. Medieval kings had to punish lese-majeste to preserve their honor.

Obama's always cool, doesn't mean he was relaxed about the fact his legacy is about to be destroyed.

Hillary actually seems to be pulling further ahead. She now leads by 570,000 (0.45%).

This sort of modernized historical/mythical western fiction always brings a smile to my face when I watch their Japanese equivalents, where the characters actually display a realistically feudalistic mindset just like modern Japanese.


It exists, but it's definitely not a subculture–it's mainstreamed classism and elitism. There is no other other group in America that takes the amount of hate from the media and self-appointed elites than rednecks. Just replace every reference to rednecks with "niggers" and these people will do a complete 360

Trump by Zizek: the man who does his hair like a wig

Trump proposes to make America great again. To this motto, Obama replies that America is already great. Really? A country that elected to the highest office a nutcase like Trump?

The jeopardy of a Trump presidency is obvious: he claimed he would nominate to the Supreme Court conservative judges, he hustled with the most infamous white supremacists and flirted openly with anti-immigrant racism, he flouts the most elementary rules of decency and symbolizes the disintegration of fundamental ethical values. While pretending to care about the simple people, he has a brutal neoliberal (ultra-capitalist) platform that promises tax reliefs to the wealthy and new deregulations.

But Trump, as vulgar and opportunist he may be, is nonetheless a human being - unlike people like Ted Cruz and Rick Santoro, who I suppose to be aliens. Which Trump is not, of course, he is an innovative and productive manager: his bravery consisted to bankrupt and make his debts refunded by tax-payers.

The working class has seen in Trump their spokeman. How can they recognise themselves in a billionaire whose speculations and bankrupts are partly responsible of their poverty? The way of ideology, like the way of the Lord, is definitely unfathomable… (It seems like, however, that most of the Trump electorate had a decent income.)

The white trash term given to the Trump supporters speaks volumes on the fears of the liberal elite against the working class. But how did Trump conquer so many "honest people"? He wreaked havoc in the republican ranks by alienating both the apparatchiks and the Christian fundamentalists. His electoral core are the bringers of populist rage against the establishment, those the liberals call white trash. But aren't they the same who should have rally the radical left (as shown by Bernie Sanders)?

The defeat of Hillary Clinton is the price she had to pay for neutralizing Sanders. If she lost, it is not because she ventured too far into the left but, in the contrary because, too centrist, she couldn't catch the anti-establishment revolt that supported both Trump and Sanders. Trump as revived, in a distorted populist way, the class struggle thought to be forgotten.

The anti-establishment rage of Trump is somehow the resurgence of repressed instincts of moderate and liberal politics of a left obsessed by cultural and political correctness issues. Trump gave it back its own message, but reversed. Against Trump, the best strategy would have been to fully assume this rage, without denigrating it or laughing at it. Against Trump, there shouldn't have been Hillary Clinton, who represents exactly everything he denounces.

The liberal commentors are all upset that their acrimonious attacks against the racist and sexist Trump comments, against his factual errors and his economical ranting didn't harm him, but that they could even have helped his popularity. They obviously haven't understand a thing about identification mechanisms: we identify more easily to the weaknesses of someone rather than his strengths. The more the Trump blunders were laughed at, the more the ordinary people identified to him and got offended by the attacks against him. By his very vulgarity, Trump send the ordinary people this subliminal message: "I am one of yours!". Meanwhile, the condescension of the liberal elites was seen as an insult by Trump supporters.

When someone wears a wig, he's generally trying to pretend it's his natural hair. Trump, however, manages to gives the illusion his natural hair is a wig. Doesn't this sleight of hair sum up the Trump phenomenon? Here is a man who doesn't try to sell ideological bullshit as a reality, it's his vulgar reality he wants to sell us as a dream.

Slavoj Zizek
Translated from English by Myriam Dennehy
Translated back from French by user

Basically, yeah, but I would argue Sanders did his part in that process too. Dems cut Sanders' legs out from under him thinking they knew what they were doing. They were wrong.

Greetings from sunny LA, California!





….would 2bh

It's nothing but a temper tantrum.


Well, we've been saying for literally a century now that the choice has always been between socialism and barbarism - I suppose there's some satisfaction in being proven right.

she cute

Go storm a nearby bank if you're actually interested in direct action that works.

It's not that sort of march. It's a conservative revolution.


; _ ;



Poor Bernie.

he knows


Literally Brexit protests 2.0

Your identity politics is a dog that doesn't hunt.




Liberal logic, everyone.

If these delusional shitlibs and the stormniggers could somehow be persuaded to kill each other, it would save us a LOT of bullets.



These are the dreams of Alex Jones


I can't wait for the liberal neckbeard to go out of fashion. Your disgusting half-kept facial hair does not make you look more distinguished.





I really hope the world bands together and puts a big ass embargo on the US

this is peak liberal delusion. the entire rest of the world is the model of progress and liberalism and we americans are dark age brutes

But is that a fair characterization of the protests? What do they want? Would all these angry people have been perfectly satisfied if the capitalist candidate from their team won?

I mean, is it even about substantive liberalism? Obama deported more people than any other president in history, but I recall no massive protests decrying him as the end of american goodness.

He has been slightly different. He favored subversion over outright invasion and signed an agreement with Iran that made Israel slightly butthurt. Also his push for energy independence may eventually help us stop being saudi Arabia's lapdog. He certainly was not dramatically different but a few small things. (Obama Care is such a mess it doesn't even count. Who would have guessed letting insurance companies write universal health care laws would be a train wreck? )

Would all these angry people have been perfectly satisfied if the capitalist candidate from their team won?

unequivocally yes.

I was getting the vibe another Occupy with this shit.



underrated pots



That simple debt question is actually really effective I think.

Capital is a flow. If they were actually interested in stopping that flow, they'd be occupying harbors, train stations, highways and airports.

Is this live? If so, any good streams for people other countries?

It's over now. I was there.

So, honestly what's the mood like? There's clearly a radical presence but is the unrest ephemeral and just solidly anti-trump?


Like all leftist organizing, there's a significant contingent of reactionary liberals protesting identity politics. It was organized by the Unión del Barrio, a solidly leftist organization, and featured many leftist speakers, including hardcore socialists. I met some Sandernistas and explained entryism to one of them. It was a solid march, pretty exhilarating. You can't expect much more than what was there, especially when keyboard leftists refuse to show up.


it's like downpouring lolcows

That's good to hear. And ya, it's important to keep up the groundwork. From my own limited experience, people are surprisingly open to broader institutional arguments when engaged in this kind of environment. The willingness to show up for a protest itself, I think is also helpful self selection of traits.

Can anyone show me any anti-Hillary protest signs? Why are they not protesting both of them?

Chairman Dore: Bernie At DNC Now The Most Heartbreaking Video Of 2016

Because only one of them got elected?
Hillary would have been about as bad as Trump as president, but she's history. Some liberals are still clinging to her ('#StillWithHer' and all that shit) but both us and them should just forget her, clintonism is dead now.

Because then this wouldn't just seem like a hissy fit from people pissed of that they didn't get the product they wanted. Just a few signs saying "fuck Hillary" would make me reconsider because I'm guessing this is something too blasphemous within the protests.
These are mostly libtards that wanted Hillary to win. Prove me otherwise.

that's not going to get across the leftists agenda, that's just going to make you look like a trumpfag and possibly get you beat up

Geez, I didn't mean literally just that.
"fuck both Hillary & Trump"

..that's still not really getting the agenda across either. just makes you look like a holier-than-thou "centrist" douchebag

and no matter what, at the end of the day you're just moping around holding signs anyway. all this does is make porky laugh a bit and wait for you to give up and go home

And furthermore, why would this get me beat up in the first place? Can't I oppose Hillary's campaign who let Trump win without being for Trump? If this is the logic of the protesters then they're doubly retarded libtards. Even liberal journalists criticizing Hillary had to constantly deal with this shit because of the insane Hillary supporters.

Those are mostly liberals that voted Hillary, I don't see how that's damning. Liberal capitalism is supposed to be a tranquilizer for the masses, of course when it fails people stop being tranquil. Phrasing signs like "fuck the DNC" might be more useful though. There seems to be relatively broad agreement that Hillary wasn't the right candidate (half of her voters didn't like her, just though she was better than Trump) even when there wasn't widespread rejection of her, so "fuck Hillary" would seem like beating a dead horse to many while "fuck DNC" would be seen as pointing fingers at the guilty folk.

No homo, but I'm miring.

Then these protesters really are stupid.

of course, I'm not even arguing for the protests. I'm arguing that these are not even leftist protests, let alone strategic.

Many of the speakers denounced the DNC and both Hillary and Trump. "Hillary is a capitalist too!" was a quote from one speaker. They spoke about imperialism, genocide, and organizing. The leftist organizations didn't bring any signs, just banners and flags for their own logos and symbols. You can see a Never Trump, Never Hillary sign here:

This is good, it means the protests will lead to organizing and destroying the Democrat party.

Ralph's postmortem of the election today:

Shame he invited that cocksocker from Salon on the show.


What if we set an age limit that nobody over the age of 40 can stay a congressman?

I think "Fuck the Democratic Party" is the most powerful variation of those statements.

I believe it.

I feel this may be a useful picture in the coming weeks and months


Like I always said.

Liked the ego boost, never wanted to be President.

Check out the video where Clinton dismisses the protester pointing out her superpredator comments. Fuckstick in the back literally says "you're being rude" as if superpredator wasn't.

Needs a source.

The white working class in swing states did.


P fucking A.

Spot the Clinton supporter. Harder than the hard Wheres Waldo pics.

Think this guy would have lost the Rust Belt?

What's wrong with PA? :(

mfw American Civil War 2.0 on the way

Don't think so. Despite massive spike in hate crimes and yuge protests, it doesn't look like there's escalation.

Hasn't taken long for the Hillbots on NeoGAF to crawl out of the wood work again and start to try bully Sanders supporters. They are calling Sanders statement "Pathetic pandering" while talking up how inspiring Hillary's concession speech is.

While everyone on that forum is largely just completely shitting on them and talking about the reign of terror Hillbots brought to the forum. I'm surprised none of them have called out the mods. I had a long term NeoGaf account banned because after criticizing Hillary's email actions and was subjected to pages of personal abuse being called brainwashed, a bro, an idiot, stupid, with literally nobody engaging with any of my points, I said "Why do I even bother trying to engage with you fucktards then if none of you are going to actually engage anything I've said and I'm just getting insulted?" and got banned for being a "Bernie Bro".

The thing is, me being banned and the mods allowing such a reign of terror showed complete and utter unethical behaviour on the actions of the mod team and literally shows they were working for the Clinton Campaign.

Even if they didn't have official ties to the Clinton Campaign (btw they 100% did and even bragged about their campaigning), they were allowing the abuse of anybody who didn't support "QUEEN" and actively purged anybody who even dared to try hit back. They were silencing opposition along political lines.

It's just another piece in the "NeoGaf's mods took a decent board with lots of industry insiders and fucking destroyed it with partisan idpol shit"

Can't wait to get my new account approved (though will probably take like 6 months like normal) to lead the charge against the mod team there for their bias.

Why do you even waste your time on that shitty site? It is ground zero for literal industry shills.

The entire internet was destroyed by these fucks, there wasnt anywhere you could go without some corrrupt moderation or CTR shill ruining it.

4chan, reddit, something awful, krautchan,

The internet was garbage for months.
But trump won and they all left now lol

It's a mystery why democrats keep shitting on Sanders when Clinton is by and large a warhawk republican. It's mind boggling they can't see why bernie supporters hate hillary but I guess they've been brainwashed by the media who's been in Clinton's pocket. BLM had some schism with him before too for some retarded reason when he fought for black civil rights.
Everyone that should have been behind him just spat at him and followed a warmonger

She needs to have a gun instead of a guitar


Because it's one of the few forums where I'm not surrounded by people that think like me basically but I can still just have normal conversation that is not antagonistic. I don't like being stuck in echo chambers and I always like to see what other people think. Even if I think they're fucking naive as fuck Liberals.

Why do I care now? Just honestly a personal grudge.

I got banned for being 100% right on literally everything. I'm not going to get satisfaction for that until I let those shithead CTR mods know how much they were a pack of pricks.

Also another thing was CTR took over fucking everywhere online. Any forum I went on that had a Liberal bent, you couldn't talk about Sanders and you had to be all YAS QUEEN. I actually am interesting in seeing what these fuckers have to say for themselves especially on NeoGaf where 90% of the people have come out they were pro-Sanders and were too scared of being banned or harassed to say so.

Nothing, he's saying PA would've voted for Bernie, and he's right.

lmao she's adorable

W.. what's NeoGAF? no bully

Any dem shitting on Sanders after Hillary lost isn't liberal or left or realistic, but neoliberal or republican

A once-popular computer gaming forum. When GamerGate happened, it came out as one of the most severely pozzed hug boxes due to excessively strict moderation, and also became infamous as a welcoming home for literal open paid industry shills.

damn how old are you

I'm 30. I still game occasionally, but went offline for a while from 2004-2010

thanks fam

That ban pisses me off. I obtained my own bans from other sites for the same reason. I wish these fucks would be thrown off a bridge.

yeahyeah i know youre trying to reach a middle ground with Holla Forums but 'hillary sucks xD" signs aren't going to actually accomplish anything like this entire protest

Fuck she's cute.

Who is this?

?? I don't give a shit about Holla Forums

But if those protesters aren't shitting on all the elites, including Hillary, then as the other poster said, they're just being whiny shits about their candidate losing.

Tbh, they need some carrying guns & they need to go to the nicest, most expensive shops/banks & just trash the places. That'll get a lot more people on their sides. That's what most Americans want to see.

And wobbly poster pointed out that they are shitting on Hillary & the DNC, so that's good. They may have hope, yet

Has it really been so long, that people don't understand how this works anymore?

This is the only user who gets it


Hey, I remember you. Thanks for teaching me about that incident. I didn't know about it before you told me. Yeah, action against big institutions, elitist shop, banks is going to be the only thing that gets middle America's attention, and it's hard for a redneck(of which my family is) to ignore how awesome it is to see a bank burning to the ground. That's the common enemy.

I dunno how I missed that post. Spot on. You have to hit them where it hurts, or else they're just laughing at your little protest. As long as they're still making money, they don't give a shit about any of it.


This person needs the shit beat out of them.
100% CTR.

Fuck me.

Not sure if you're serious
White moderates clutch their pearls and side with the other side immediately once they see riots.

Dude literally wants Clinton to be more corporatist. I'm almost stunned.

I think you slightly missed my point. Clogging up branch offices for banks only inconveniences the proles they serve. Vandalizing high-end retail establishments is less pointless, but still doesn't do anything more than just annoy porky. What needs to be disrupted are nexuses of neoliberal trade, executive offices, and the personal residences and haunts of the ruling class (not the top-5% middle-managers, or even particularly the top-1% executives, but the top-0.1% ruling billionaire class).

White moderates with pearls, aka rich/well off people, are not the majority in this country. Over half the country is poor.

I don't even think CTR has (that) much to do with posts like that.

You have to realise that most liberals are apple-polishers that want headpats from the elites (as expressed in the MSM) for having the "right" opinions, "right" views and "right" beliefs.

You can see it in the inane demands for "evidence-based policy", and in the support for stuff like the TPP, aka "all the mainstream economists bought by big corporations said it was good for America, who am I to argue? they ARE the experts after all"

That's true. I'm just pissed off & want to see something burn. It needs more thought than to just vandalize.


Really, you just had to look at the hilariously juvenile identification/obsession with "Hillary as Hermione" on reddit and elsewhere to see how liberals like that view themselves (i.e. as unfairly-persecuted intellectuals, not self-proclaimed know-it-alls with a bad dose of Dunning-Kruger)

That's one thing that pissed me off. CTR had such a presence & shit talking points, that we literally couldn't distinguish actual Hillary voters from them. That worked in CTR's advantage, as they could just call you silly for thinking everyone was a shill.

That sounds really creepy tbh

Take this advice & use it to spread within the protest, tomorrow:

whoops, that's not the full ad, where they reference hermoine

I'm more depressed at the existence of 20-30 year olds that seriously view politics from the lens of a book series intended for children

It's not really possible to do that. These protests only exist insofar as they are tolerated by the police, and they would not allow protesters to overrun private residences or transportation hubs. Especially airports. They would tear gas the fuck out of anybody who tried to take a mob of people near an airport. You can thank 9/11 for that.

I certainly agree that it would be much more effective, and I will tell others that that is how it should be done, but you will find few people willing to go along with it, especially when the cops stop playing nice.

I didn't literally mean clutching pearls, but I see your point.

You have the numbers, user. If you want to be the most effective, that's the best advice. Literally occupy.

And if you do it day by day, you can force some change. If they break you up the first day, go back the second, so on & so on.


That reminds me a a chapo episode where they read some tweets from Hllary's campaign personal talking about Hamilton, a broadway musical were the funding father are black rappers and political debates are rap battles.
One tweet said that they'll enjoy real political debates being rap battles like in hamilton and this is absolutly revolting because it shows this people can't tell politics and spectacle apart and that is what got Trumpp elected, he was more entertaining

Isn't that what Occupy Wall Street did? I don't really see a lot that has changed since then.



Sure, they didn't directly disrupt the workings of the capitalist system. Because the cops wouldn't let them.

Btw if you're not already, you should definitely follow this guy. He takes the piss out of neolibs constantly and it's funny as hell.



Welp, the cops are too strong. Time to pack it in, guys. Cops are porky's enforcers, you're going to have to take them on if you want to change anything.

This is the difference between America & other countries. They regularly take them on.

Another way to do this, is like in India(where I am now), they regularly have national days of protest. Everyone just doesn't go to work on those days, the cities are shut down. Then they take to the streets. They use these days as bargaining tools. Shut down the city until they have some say again.

I don't know how that would work in America, since we don't regularly protest. But in a place like Cali, it should be easier.

Anyway, if you want to get more exposure & force some change, you're going to have to take the cops on. The more people with you, the less people who get hurt.

America. Hypernormalisation.

Golly, tear gas, police blockades? How terrible, if only people were even mildly serious about making a point, and brought gas masks, boltcutters, and chains, instead of gathering to beat their little baby fists against Trump over breaking their idpol shibboleth and steal stuff! Fucking general strikes are like a lost art from antedeluvian Atlantis to these subhumans.

Also, if you want to go with the "people don't wanna do anything violent" approach, go the opposite direction, like the UK Uncut movement. Get legal permission, invite families, collect dues, zero tolerance for violence and looting, be serious. Go big or go home.

Possibly the strangest part about this is how the sort of characters they identify with, like Hermione and Daenerys, are obviously written as airheaded idealists too high on their own privilage to sufficiently understand the woes of those they want to "help".

To be fair, America's police force makes ISIS look reasonable. They're armed with military grade equipment that they were never trained to use, an ass-load of ideology, and complete immunity to the law. The local police in my area recently brought in a tank to deal with a shoplifter.

I think you give them too much credit

Well, they do see themselves as the smartest, but I don't know if persecuted is the right word. They view the white lower classes the same way the Republicans view the black lower classes: as lazy parasites. But with Democrats, there's an extra layer of hate, because it's not just that they're abusing government programs, they believe that poor whites truly are oppressing them, that they have usurped their role in the natural order.

I think that's why they see calls from people like Bernie to address the needs of the working class as so offensive.


link please. That might even make it easier to fuck with them, if they're that retarded. Create diversions, so they bring their "tanks" elsewhere, then look stupid later on the news.

these people are children who cant face reality so they have retreated into fantasy.
In fantasy they are winners, there is magic, and the "bad guy" loses in the end.

Im sure if trump gets a second term it will completely break them and they will end up in a mental hospital repeating "your a wizard arry"

I agree completely. The problem is that neoliberalism is strong in America. People are slaves to debt. Protesting isn't as romantic as it was in the '60s, probably thanks to Reagan. Your average American has a lot to lose, and the last few decades have been spent severely weakening the labor unions, collective bargaining, the ability to strike, etc. It sounds like people in India have confidence that others are with them when they choose not to show up to work. Americans don't have that. That's why protests in general are important. It establishes visible solidarity, at a time when Americans really are not all that united. If you ask an American to simply not show up to their job in protest, they'll say "I can't do that, I'll get fired."

These protests are a big step forward not because they're particularly effective themselves, but because they normalize protesting these things. If you bring out huge crowds everywhere, you embolden people to believe that others are behind them. The people that take part in them get a taste of free expression. They start to believe more is possible. More direct action becomes possible. But slowly. You have to unite the people first, or they will be divided when you try to do things that have real impact.

You have a poor understanding of both police militarization and public support for protesting.

The shoplifter broke into someone's home and found a gun. News report doesn't mention the tank, I heard about that directly from eye witnesses.

It's mostly muh privileged middle-class white people that can afford to not seriously give a shit about politics, so they make these retarded analogies.

Youngfag here. What did Reagan do?

Like you go on to mention, the "a lot" is just their job. The more people who participate, the more emboldened people become. While you have the numbers already, you need to get them to make a real difference. Let those who are protesting know that there are many around the US who are too scared to protest because they'll lose their jobs & are so desperate. Also, unemployment is huge with younger people - those are who need to be in these protests. Get as many of these younger unemployed to protest as you can. That's why the protests in Europe are so big & often. And they're the perfect ones to protest, they're angry at the economic system & have the energy.

Seriously, get these numbers you have to do something big against the financial interests, like that other poster mentioned. The reasons you mention, that most people are scared of losing jobs, is moot now that you have the numbers. A rural or city in Kentucky would kill for that amount of people to use.

And I do agree it's a big step forward. I'm proud to see protesting is happening again in the US. It's been far too long, and most people were either too afraid or mocked for doing it. That seems to have died, now, thank God.

Use these numbers. Proud of you guys. Now you need a direction & clear plan. The other poster mentioned a perfect plan, imo.

Reagan started the War on Drugs, I believe, where they [now admit to] targeted black & hippy protesters with drug laws, to criminalize them. They then turned middle America against them, and shamed protesting as drug user hippies, as not having any "moral fiber" or being "realistic". Calling these leftists "hippies" & "druggies" did a lot to damage the image of them to middle America. They then viewed all protesters as this.

Then Reagan fucked over middle America, by outsourcing the jobs they had. That was the beginning of the end, for the working class.

Reagan was the turning point of neoliberalism in America. He enjoyed two terms because someone tried to shoot him during the first one. He destroyed the unions, deregulated everything, mainstreamed dogwhistle racism, stomped all over Latin American democracies, delegitimized his opposition, made America the cops of the world, and basically planted the seeds for everything that is currently wrong with America. The fact that the traditional right worships the guy should tell you everything you need to know about him. He was far and away the worst President we've ever had, despite his veneer of respectability. The last 30 or so years have been Republicans pushing his doctrine basically unopposed, and it has been really successful for them. They are very close to total control of the US, despite being despised by a solid majority of the electorate. America just can't stop voting for them. I blame baby boomers, there's too fucking many of them and they have nothing left to lose.

Trump won because of how important jobs are to Americans. If you lose yours, you're fucked. Unfortunately, I'm not a leader. I can only go out and talk about this stuff with the people who are protesting. I wish more people would do it.

Wasn't there a protest not too long ago in Cali where they blocked ports? How did that end? Maybe you guys can learn from their mistakes?

Which is why your numbers are so important. I watched some documentary about the protests in Europe, and the one thing they had was some sort of structure. They all met beforehand, divided into groups based on skills, and appointed certain tasks to each group. Some would target financial establishments, some would vandalize, some would be in the streets just protesting. I saw some squirting caulk into atm machines. That might piss off/inconvenience the average joe, though. But little things like that I thought were interesting.

Talk to a lot of people, find out what brought them there. Become a leader. Invite the more serious ones to a certain location before hand. Let them know that being organized before you organize is important.

Reagan, while also being an evil old man riddled with Alzheimer's, knew how to appeal to a crowd. He crushed unions and weakened labor but he also made it look like labor unions were unpatriotic and that big business was as american as apple pie. He's also responsible for defanging the left in America his cold war patriotism made it political suicide to suggest that there was anything good about government regulation, welfare or any other remotely socialist policy i know that welfare isn't socialism, that's besides the point All of the deregulation that's fucking over the economy now was popularized by that man.

Nixon started it, Reagan kicked the war on drugs into overdrive.

Ah, thanks. He also had a grudge against "hippies" & the threat they posed against him.

Jimmy Dore dropping Anti-Liberal truth bombs.

Yeah the hippy grudge is what I meant by delegitimizing his opponents. It was only during and after the 80s that "hippy" became a pejorative. He scattered the anti-war left as a political force.

Ah ok, I recall that quote where some guy says that they used the war on drugs for ulterior motives.

Thank you. I think I saw an election map where Reagan won like every fucking state. Is that real? And if so, how'd he do it?

Reagan was little more than a mop-up operation against stragglers, and a consolidation of spoils from past victories. The real turning point was the early 1970s, when the backs of the major unions were broken, the tariff regime was dismantled, the end of the Vietnam War signaled a permanent shift of the MIC from highly visible domestic concern of meatgrinder wars to near-invisible embezzlement, and the caps on mass immigration were torn away, all topped with the pièce de résistance that was the massive recession of the Oil Embargo. Oh, and leftism's unwillingness to declare victory on all the "culture war" issues from the 1960s, during which the left had totally alienated itself from the working class, made leftism the rudderless orgy of masturbation it is today.

The only slightly unique thing Reagan brought to the table was the neocon ideology of cutting government revenues while packing wealthfare into government spending, powered by debt from the newly "creative" financial industry.

No, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and the (mostly Democratic!) legislature were the ones responsible.

He was going to "Make America Great Again". Basically his platform.

it's rigged

He was shot, like I said.

water is wet


YouTube journalism is so cancerous. I hate it irrationally. The format just offends the senses.

I saw the intro, and almost barfed. I think it's about vote suppression and they're probably doing something good, but I just can't bring myself to watch a half-hour of that.


the social democratic state and unions had to be abolished to fight the falling rate of profit.
reformism, not even once.

That happened long before GG.

Here's NeoGAF in a nutshell:

NeoGAF was started by a guy named Tyler Malka and the user formerly known as Sony Cowboy.

Sony Cowboy worked at Sony Santa Monica, not the developer mind you, but the actual Sony Pictures office in Culver City.

Tyler gets paid to shill his own forum with an army of sock puppet accounts who all say the same thing in unison.

Tyler also used to get all his NPD data from Sony Cowboy (go check NPD threads circa 2005-2007 if you don't believe me).

Tyler's handle on NeoFAGS is Evilore.

Wasn't social democracy and some Red scare stuff from FDR?


Dave Chappelle on Saturday Night Live kicking the shit out of idpol

BTW, I thought people would have given up on NeoGaf after GamerGate. It's crazy how GamerGate was a preview for the election–a lying, hoaxing media, based on the coasts, peddling a feminist/idpol false narrative that most Americans can't fucking stand.

idpol is like 99% of every act he's ever done

How was he shitting on idpol, exactly? I just watched it. He even said Obama was a great President.

Just got to that part myself. Dave Chappelle is one of the biggest liberal classcuck comedians I've ever seen.

It's sad, too, because I used to love him & his show. Fuck yo couch, nigga He made a lot of catch phrases. But a biting political comedian, he's not. It's ghetto humor just to make people laugh. Which i loved when i was younger because i grew up there & could identify with it.

Sad to see him say Obama was a great president. I was really hoping he actually did shit on idpol, because his comedy skills give him that option. Too bad he's still not doing it.

While he's not explicitly *against* idpol, his acts do constantly highlight the illogic and flaws of idpol. While he's obviously black and that's shaped his experience, his acts have always (and continue to) point out flaws in the "typical" ways of thinking of black and white people.

I don't really get sad when people say that. His innumerable flaws are literally never mentioned in the media so it's no wonder they think he's great when the only things they know about him come from scripted photos and fucking memes.

Even then, how can they call him a great president? He's like Clinton or Carter, a president only in the sense that he… Presides, rather than leading. Everything he's done is a continuation of the last guy's policies at worst, a mere cessation of the last guy's policies at best.

Most people don't pay attention. And again, there's not a lot of coverage on his garbage.

because #DeadVotesMatter


North Carolina compiled a list of 197,000 double voters, hired an FBI investigator to scope the real double voters out of the list and couldn't find one.

I don't know about now, but it's certainly happened in the past, before the technology we have, now.


[Citation needed]

We actually did have an instance of this happening recently in some town in northern Colorado.

Right, but it's nowhere near systemic or significant. GOP is well-aware of that, and just wants to stop Dem turnout.

I mean, it's just common sense that politicians have used every trick in the book before.

Holla Forums BO

any of you nigs near hopkins university?

wew lads

this was the same shit they were fearing trump supporters would do and how it would cross "a norm" or some such shit


Trump benefited from massive voter suppression and the exit polls for five swing states before Edison "adjusted" them were much more favorable to Clinton. It's not some conspiracy, this is actual election fraud just like what Clinton pulled against Sanders in the primary. Republicans have always tended to be better at it than Democrats.

That's a very interesting way to put it. My experience with electrical circuits makes that analogy all the more insightful.

Not to mention even without that election fraud shit, once again our bullshit electoral college system has managed to disenfranchise voters.

tl;dw: let's call rape *snif* "enhanced seduction" and so on and so on

What are you on about? Anyone who's taken a civics class knows about the position the electoral college has in elections, and both parties always build their campaigns around the best way (they believe) to reach 270.

It's not some archaic technicality that a conniving lawyer working for Trump uncovered

Yeah, as if anyone protesting would've accepted the results even if Trump managed to beat Hillary in the popular vote as well

Chairman Dore: PREDICTION: Trump Will Deport LESS Immigrants Than Obama

I just love how he pisses of both Holla Forumsyps and liberals

1st election that the VRA has been gutted, and he lost the popular vote so they're correct.

That Steve Oh guy seems bretty gud

Why do people keep saying that Trump isn't going to do any of the things he talked about? He knows that if he fails, he will be trounced in 2020 and go down in history as a pathetic failure. No way is he going to let that happen. Also, Trump does have some firmly held principles on trade (going back to the 80s) and he clearly dislikes globalism. He isn't the goldfish-brained baby that Dore is painting him as.

People made the same predictions after Brexit, incidentally. They said that the government would make a perfunctory Brexit-in-name-only and nothing would change. Well. that isn't happening, because Theresa May isn't a moron and like Trump, she knows she will face retribution and humiliation if she doesn't deliver.

Because we see his cabinet picks

But that cabinet tho


Narcissism is literally the only consistent thing I've seen from him.

New post election Chapo Trap House episode is up, boys.

that's ridiculous. trump has the whole police on his side, he can definitely deport if he wants to.

Good to see them eating some crow. They were really arrogant towards Bill Mitchell, Scott Adams, et al.

100% unironic


A plurality of Americans voted for another shitty Clinton presidency and that's what they deserve. The fact that they didn't get what they asked for is just another factor driving down voter turnout.

How does he reconcile this with the fact that he's outsourced all his production to China?

I'm pretty sure not 100% of protesters would have shown up regardless of the popular vote result. It's a pretty strong argument.

said it in the chapo thread but its their most non jokey scathing episode ever

Looks like the liberal salt thread is kill(ran its course). I haven't checked the catalog tonight, but if there's not another similar one, I will create one tomorrow, since I gotta sleep right now. I just checked my FB feed again & it is filled with priceless shit, the type of stuff I always see posted around but never thought I knew anyone who wrote like that(lots of "that happened", heavy idpol, etc).

I don't want it to be a salt thread, though. I want us to post what we're seeing & talk about what their reasoning might be(I know.. if any), but most importantly - how to address it. Some of the shit I'm seeing is so far gone, delusional, that I automatically think it's a lost cause. They're drowning in their ideology. But we have a lot of smart posters on Holla Forums & it's a good subject relevant to the left that needs to be talked about/figured out/whatever.

Goodnight for now, let me know what your thoughts on this are..


He actually commented on it during the campaign. Some stupid ass line along the lines of "yeah, it's outrageous. why am i allowed to get away with this?? when i'm elected, for no real reason, i'm gonna suddenly be against my source of profit and shut this down! MAGA MAGA MAGA"

You're focusing way too much on rare cases, when there's a real unprecedented spike in hate crimes we're facing. This is the biggest spike in such a short period, in modern history.

Agreed. The right is trying very hard to push the narrative of false reports of hate crimes vs real evidence of Trump supporters being victimized. The wave of real hate crimes is being buried under this narrative.

We can talk about that in the thread, then. Sounds like exactly what I want to talk about. All of this madness.

Just like calling everyone sexist or racist too easily, it takes away from actual cases of sexism or racism.

Thank you. Everyone else on this fucking board is just saying "lol idpol" and doesn't give a shit about marginalized people.

mfw in the absence of materialist analyses of global conditions competing identitarian mythologies with irreconcilable claims to legitimacy are being pitted against each other by capitalist propaganda in order to keep the working class from recognizing their shared interests
mfw this will inevitably lead to a clash of forces that will destroy even the capitalist class that precipitated the conflict and will in all likelihood result in the permanent destruction of advanced technological society

Not that I believe that happened in this election, but Benjamin Dixon made an interesting point. Insulting Bernie with "socialist" had the same zero effect as calling Trump racist, sexist, etc. because every Dem and Repub for the last decade has been labeled as such by the opponent.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. That's also quite a broad brush to paint the board with.

It's all I've seen here, personally:

* Rare occurrences of thathappened prioritized over 200+ actual hate crimes

* "PC caused Trump winning" instead of a combination of genuine racism, anti-establishment, and scorned white working class

* "must stop idpol" is talked about instead of minorities that are genuinely fucking terrified

Not that user, but the media themselves are doing their best to terrify minorities.

Where the hell did you come from?
It's like you're describing Holla Forums.

Another interesting point is the question, what would Trump have used against Bernie?

His nickname for Hillary was "Crooked Hillary", and that stuck because she was actually crooked.

But his nickname for Bernie was "Crazy Bernie". That wouldn't have stuck. In fact, it would have been self-defeating. Trump's appeal was exactly that he was unorthodox, a wild-card, "crazy". To accuse his opponent of that would look like a reversal of his former posture: "Trust me. I'm the sane one. That dude's crazy." It might even have seemed defensive, and Trump was only ever strong on the offensive.

If Trump had been running around calling Bernie crazy, it's likely that of the two anti-establishment candidates he would end up looking more like an establishment figure. And if Sanders had been smart, he would have pointed out that the supposedly anti-establishment Trump had been rubbing shoulders with "Crooked Hillary" for years and only took issue with her when they were competing for power.

There can be no doubt that if this scenario played out, Bernie would have won easily.

Trump's campaign managers may have understood this, and that's why they cancelled the Trump vs Bernie debate that Trump had agreed to.

Guess we're looking at it with different eyes. But look at this guy
Immediately proving my point

Oh without a doubt. And there's plenty of other reasons we know he would've won. He was polling 10+ in hypothetical matchups with him, for example.

Oh, I thought you meant actual crimes like people were getting assaulted or killed, not "someone said something offensives to minorities"

Oh fuck off. The media has been insane over the past year & a half. That poster brings up a completely valid point.

Again, where did you blow over from?

I don't like identity politics, but a lot of posters on this board have no idea what identity politics actually is. It's rapidly becoming a buzzword here that just means "mentions of anything but class." Our Black, Muslim, gay, transgender, and female comrades are still our comrades, and protecting them from attack on the basis of their race, gender, or sexual orientation is not identity politics. It is protecting them from identity politics. They have a valid reason to be worried about their safety, and we should not dismiss that. An injury to one is an injury to all.

The first mention in the article you just responded to is of a Black church being burned down and tagged with "Vote Trump." What the fuck are you talking about? Hate speech is a crime.

i don't believe anybody here would disagree with that

Thank you.

Obviously they wouldn't disagree. It's that they don't really give a shit.

hey friendo what is your flag a reference to

Perhaps not on principle, but a refusal to accept that it is happening is just as bad.

When did the UK annex the United States?


What's direct action. Sorry I'm retard

Yeah you're definitely Holla Forums

Source? Because that first wave of exit poll data is when everyone started freaking out

In 1942, Justice Frank Murphy summarized the case law: "There are certain well-defined and limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise a Constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous and the insulting or 'fighting' words – those which by their very utterances inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace."


Not in America. Though I personally wouldn't tolerate it, as many here wouldn't, either.

Again, fuck off. No one has said they don't give a shit. What I was referencing by "that happened" was some chick in my FB feed talking about two dudes saying her ass looked "nasty" & how she had to hide in the aisle of a grocery store to feel safer.

Everyone here agrees that racism is wrong, sexism is wrong. Lurk more.

Transsexuals are statistically more likely to live riskier lifestyles than non-transsexuals. Were those murders due predominantly to persecution at the hands of transphobes, or other factors?

As Eugene Volokh of UCLA law school pointed out on his blog in the Washington Post: “Hateful ideas (whatever exactly that might mean) are just as protected under the 1st Amendment as other ideas. One is as free to condemn Islam — or Muslims, or Jews, or blacks, or whites, or illegal aliens, or native-born citizens — as one is to condemn capitalism or Socialism or Democrats or Republicans.”

We have freedom of speech in the US, no matter how disgusting something said is.

What are you talking about? In USA is even illegal to drink a beer in a public park kek.

This is just not true, especially if you have any knowledge of case law at all. "Fire in a crowded theater" has been US precedent for literal decades. Free speech is not unlimited in the US. Incitement to violence is not protected under law.

this might not be salt but it's still hilarious:


Source: CNN

So like unions and peaceful action?

Such as, say… telling Black people they'll be lynched, tagging property with hateful speech, advocating for people of certain races or sexual orientations to be killed.

There's intent, there. Like if you're talking about/planning to murder someone, that's obviously not protected.

It's a form of nonviolent protest done primarily by labor unions, yes.

This is coming from the SPLC, not actual law enforcement agencies. You know, an organization that stands to benefit in both more donations and publicity if it says what it's saying.

Thanks. Might look into this.

"Indeed, threatening to kill someone because he’s black (or white), or intentionally inciting someone to a likely and immediate attack on someone because he’s Muslim (or Christian or Jewish), can be made a crime. But this isn’t because it’s “hate speech”; it’s because it’s illegal to make true threats and incite imminent crimes against anyone and for any reason, for instance because they are police officers or capitalists or just someone who is sleeping with the speaker’s ex-girlfriend."

Someone better tell those preachers who keeps calling for gays to die they're looking at prison.

They just backpedal and say that they condemn violent action against minorities and don't support any "lone wolves" who act against them.

I always wanted to see the world burn, hope this lunatic triggers a second civil war or a WW3

..But they still aren't jailed for saying it, like, every fucking Sunday.

Feels good man

Sure, ok, I'm wrong on that. But is doing exactly what I'm talking about; he's dismissing actual hate crimes as "offensive things said to minorities." It isn't just a "rise in hate speech." It is a rise in actual crimes associated with that hate speech. It's a narrative being pushed that there is no real spike in victimization of minorities.

You can watch it with me, in my bunker, comrade.


Sorry, but you're overreaching. Read what you greentexted even. "Fighting words apply to to face-face to insults… likely to start an immediate fight". Tagging property with awful things is against the law because it's vandalism.

Except they can't seem to find any actual cases of violence, can they (outside the 2 links you provided above).

Unless you're going to go the transsexual route and claim that any minority that dies violently or is injured after Trump's election was entirely due to the "climate of fear" created by Trump


I'm starting to think you're double posting.
Anyway, i've seen claims on both sides. Videos of Trump supporters being beat up, liberals saying they're being called "niggers" constantly. Neither incidents are ok. Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down.

This sounds like alllivesmatter-style appeasement.

"Black people are killed by disproportionately by cops, but hey remember that one time in Dallas?"

Now you're just trying to be stupid. You really don't want me to sleep, do you?

Stop it.

It's a false equivalency. Trump supporters are not being victimized at the rate that minorities are. They are trying to erase minority victims of hate crimes by pushing the idea that they are being made up. Then they magnify instances where Trump voters are wrongfully attacked. Then, whenever people see reports of hate crimes, they say "yeah but people fake those, also Trump supporters are the real victims."

This is not identity politics. This is recognizing propaganda that is being pushed with an agenda. Leftists should not take this lying down just because "well… SJWs are bad." This is a fascist propaganda push intended to dampen the significance of hate crimes. Holla Forums is not our friend.

Fuck off. You yourself can't provide more than one or two reputable instances of Trump supporters being attacked. There's one video going around of a guy being beat up. That's about it, but it drowns out all the instances of people being threatened.

I mean, you can go to sleep if you want.


I'm 99% sure he's Holla Forums-leaning anyway.

Being anti-idpol basically means your also anti-racism/sexism by default. To me anyway.

Yeah, we've had an influx of Holla Forums-leaning people it seems. This is a board for real leftism, not their fence-straddling fascist-coddling crap. Get fucked.

Exactly. "Gays are bad" is just as much identity politics as "I'm right because I'm gay."

Same here. Especially on Holla Forums.

I have a question. What exactly is "idpol"? Like is examining race instead of class in an analysis considered idpol? And if so, what's the problem?

Think of everything that regular politics is. It's when you push for things based on things like policy, evidence, precedent, etc. Identity politics is when you push for things based on how you identify yourself. Race, gender, orientation, etc. It's basically decision-making grounded purely in consideration of identity, or attempting to make a political statement with your identity. "Men don't get to talk about abortion because they don't have uteruses" is identity politics. Political lesbianism is identity politics; it's taking on a sexual orientation you don't actually belong to to make a political statement. "White people are the reason Hillary lost" is identity politics. The idea of "brocialism" is identity politics.

Yeah. Felix and Matt were especially angry this episode.

It's a problem because it muddies the water of discourse and divides people along lines of gender, race, orientation, etc. Leftism is about uniting people, not segregating them. There is nothing valuable to be gained from it and it's divorced from reality.

Damn, you are new. Good to ask, though.

Identity politics. Like examining race despite class.

Like saying a poor white person is more muh privileged than a rich black person. This is totally a laymen's explanation, though. Someone will explain better.

I didn't mention Trump supporters being attacked.

Ah yes, one person being physically assaulted doesn't make up for people chanting "Build the Wall" at latinos or others have knives aimed at them. Let alone the absurd claim that Trump of all people is driving violence towards transsexuals

Eh kinda, but mostly because I see it becoming this board's version of "cuck", and is thrown at everything.

And here you go again with this false fucking equivalency. Trying to subtly frame it as "trump supporters get physically attacked, libs just get their PC feelings hurt XD XD"

The idea of "privilege" is also a seminal example of identity politics, good point. muh privilege argues that you benefit from invisible institutional structures on the basis of your skin color or sex or what have you. It's used to tell white people and men they aren't allowed to have an opinion on certain political topics because of intangible societal pressures that elevate them above others, or discredit their suffering. Homeless white people are still better off than black people because they have white muh privilege, etc.

Not really. "Cuck" has literally zero meaning in Holla Forums, it's just a pejorative. It means "disagrees with me," or possibly "weak," etc. Idpol at least has grounding in identity.

Yeah, I'd much rather be attacked by a mob than have someone say some mean words to me

Please, for the love of God & all that is holy, lurk more.

Trump's Vice President is Mike fucking Pence. You're swimming in de Nile if you think that that man does not drive violence towards transgender people. A marked increase in transgender murders means they are being targeted. They do not increase for no reason; if transgender people naturally live risky lives, then their murder rate should stay consistently high, not increase. You clearly prefer Holla Forums's rhetoric, please go back there.

John Kasich strategist. A conservative GOP party member.

But minorities have nothing to fear, but fear itself! The media needs to stop whipping them into a frenzy, and focus on how Trump supporters are being victimized.

So Mike Pence's mere existence is doing this? wtf

For fuck's sake, stop posting for a few weeks and lurk more until you start understanding what's going on around here.

I don't think 2 more people dying than last year's number of violent deaths of 22 for any demographic counts as some sort of covert genocide, unless said demographic numbers 100 or less people.

lmao, he's just another aggrieved #NeverTrumper

I have to believe you're being deliberately obtuse, so I won't bother engaging you further.

For anyone else interested, Pence has a history of support for things like "religious freedom laws," bathroom restrictions, and other anti-trans initiatives. He has called same-sex marriage a harbinger of the "collapse of civilization." He has pledged to erode anti-discrimination laws for transgender people, who obtained inclusion only recently.

Everyone here is a #NeverTrumper along with #NeverHillary.
>>>Holla Forums

I understand he's bad and I don't want him as VP, but I'm not being obtuse when I say I have no idea how he is driving violence against these people, like you say.

Yeah, it is funny. Republicans found out they can run celebrities quicker than dems.

It happens around the world, too. In Tamilnadu, India, the long-standing former Chief Minister was MGR, a famous movie actor, who actually ran the state well. Now it's currently Jayalalitha(just reelected), an actress from the same film era as MGR. Good dancer, lmao.

I dunno who would be good for dems to run.. I like Alan Alda :^) but I guess he's too old.





throwing clinton in jail was the one thing i was HOPING the son of a bitch would do

Holla Forums on suicide watch

But anyway it did seem like a hollow campaign promise, when he said it. Clinton seems to have skated; the higher-ups won't let her be prosecuted.

They were friends, though. And he probably is trying to "ease her pain" after having lost everything.

I don't even know what is going on anymore.


I knew he was lying, but damn didn't think he was lying about
I'm starting to get the impression more and more his administration will be indistinguishable from Clinton's.

Even the anti-black anti-Muslim stuff I'm starting to think won't happen, even though politically that's the stuff that is easiest and most politically safe to do.

holy shit just think about how all the mouthbreathing retards they riled up with that #SpiritCooking stuff… how many of his diehard supporters think Clinton campaign staffers and Bill Clinton are truly pedos and here's their God Emperor saying "they're good people"

you can't make this shit up

I bet TPP might be a shoe in now if people aren't as rallied against it. Unless it's liberals turn to be against it.


From what I know TPP is dead. Obama punted it back to Congress, and Ryan said he ain't doing it.

This guy does not look like he wants to lead.

anyone else thinking trump might stand down for Pence or let himself get impeached early on?

Really? I hope so, since I'm hearing trade is the reason Trump won.

not him but his mere presence in the WH could be enabling to bigots

and with shit like this we could easily see pence taking trump's place once he's impeached by his former fanclub

It Keeps happening

Most likely Trump wants something even WORSE than TPP, and Ryan has the votes to force it through. IIRC there are enough Democrats who will vote for the TPP and thus will assuredly vote for a neo-TPP.

Lol, NeoGaf has already gone back to HillGaf






What the fuck is wrong with these Hilgaf Idpollers? I mean, they're not even fighting for social justice because they fucking sperg out the moment anybody brings up classism. It's like they believe you can't talk about classism and racism and sexism together.

Fuck these idiots.

Oh also, I love the fucking hypocrisy, after these fucks spent MONTHS trying to purge progressives and fucking over Bernie and his supporters, they fucking have a whinge that it's the lefts fucking time now? They bet everything and lost EVERYTHING!

This is what fucking Gulags are for. This is why Liberals are not our allies.

I guess it might take a while since TPP took since about 2008? That or they will try sneaking it back. I love how the game never ends.

fly my ass into my twin towers at least we're alone in this world.



I thought it was freedom originally, but being showed they were the same.


Imagine a really ugly Hispanic Squidward laugh.

I'd love to fill this guy in on how the American rich and their native rich cuckbois have been fucking Puerto Rico for 120+ years, but that'd be enough to fill a book with. Hey, that's actually not a bad idea.

Yes. That's why we lost. The demographic data in the states we lost (including Florida) backs it up. That's literally why we lost, right there. Hispanics turned out huge. You couldn't expect Blacks to care about Hillary as much as Obama and that should've been accounted for. Who's that leave?

W H I T E S.

This joker can try again when he understands what actually happened instead of whipping himself for being white at every opportunity.



That's ALL he did during the primaries guise is criticize the corporate Democrats to attract grassroots support that's ALL he did guise
It's like he wrote one half of the post and came back three hours later to finish it and completely forgot what he was trying to say.

My favorite thing about that last post in particular is that somebody who agrees with Bernie Sanders on fundraising is almost certainly going to be the next DNC chair. Let's see what Astroturfers Astroturfing Astroturfers: The Board says then.


Well that's terrifying

Oh? My interest is piqued.
LOL, Never change Jimmy, never change.

Damn you for getting my hopes up. You made me think those were pics from a NY anti-trump rally until I read the file names.

Does anyone know what the original music she's dancing to is? I could almost believe she really was grooving to Doctor Dick based on how perfectly it fits.

all those old people who voted for MAGA just got cucked again.

You're a fan of e-rotic too?


They're racist reactionaries mad that someone isn't talking shit about white people.

14 November 2016

Patrick Martin and Joseph Kishore

t. Party of 20 voters

Quote-mining the first half of Sanders' position about cooperating with Trump on political positions he shares to imply capitulation, and completely omitting the second half about opposing any part of his agenda contrary to Sanders' own? That's to be expected, but…


WSWS is a very dishonest publication. Please stop spamming it here.


Note that IS just wishful thinking from the inner circle of the GOP, though Trump's cabinet choices certainly lend relevance to their wishes. I still hold out some vain hope that a combination of bullying from brocialists and some amount of wary disillusion from the more conscious Trump supporters will pressure Trump into pushing some of our agenda, while Clintonite Democrats will block the worst parts of the GOP/Trump agenda with their mass of triggering-paralyzed corpses.

Can you imagine if Trump allows China to dictate his policy?


Have too many decades of neoliberalism weakened their minds, or are neoliberals inherently subhuman?

you will never have an asian gf


Jesus fucking christ the dude literally has to repeat every clause two or three times. Is this because he's so slow witted he uses it as filler or because his audience is so slow witted they have to be told multiple times?

it's just the way he speaks. i saw an article which went into depth showing how it creates a lasting impact.

if the GOP would drop all the crazy social wedge issues, these people would be Republicans. that's all

Bernie Sanders: I think Coolsville sucks!

Ah, I can't wait to dig into this fair handed piece of journalism that commands all the facts in their correct and full context

Contradict yourself much?

it's because leonard cohen (who wrote that song) died

I don't know if I should laugh or cry
I'll just laugh

They shouldn't have had her dressed as Hillary singing it. Big mistake. Big, liberal mistake.


is nice, though..

I didn't know..

let's watch the young libs lads

maybe they'll get class as time goes by

I like the gif.


pretty boring so far tbh

Aside from the Keith Ellison candidacy for chair, have any positive changes come out of Trump's victory?

No, actually. Libs aren't reassessing their losing politics. Trumpists refuse to recognize he's breaking campaign promises. Socialists are failing to make any gains.

Does Holla Forums know Mnuchin worked for Soros?

probably not and they probably won't care

That's what I figured


that's hot


jimmy laying into barrack obama

go jimmy

I'd fug Zizek. With that big, sexy brain of his.

Good point. Why even have a nationwide election at all instead of just letting New York and California pick the president?

boo hoo the people affected most might have an equal say in their own destiny

This happened earlier today in Ohio at an anti-Trump rally.

MP4 was too big to upload

haha, that was quite the check

The guy runs and screams like a tard



hurting the differently-abled is wrong

webm isn't working for me, even after opening new window..

lmao, guy probably thinks he stopped the next Mao.

Yes, the differently-abled lack ethical agency so we should treat them differently and put them in a bubble wrap. That is what they truly want.

where the hell is that anyway? a mall?

At least that one guy had the balls to immediately start punching him in the face, before all the liberals broke it up.

I wish they would stop this.

Strangely neither for me, but when I DL it from 8ch I can play it.

Are you on linux too?


Nah, i'm on a shitty older windows ;~;

Glad to know it's not just me, though.

It's a building at OSU.

This. I'm sick of the naivety of appealing to moral feelings.

You are not alone, user-sempai. You and I are closer than anyone else will be on this site.

What the fuck does he say?

It sounds like:

It might have been a dare on 4chan

libs cannot communicate without resorting to pop culture references lmao


Keith isn't even that great. He's okay on domestic policy, but predictably shit on foreign.


Ah, I forgot that federal policy doesn't have any effect on rust belt states. Deltas Awarded.

This is true for some of them, but I don't think it's quite that bad. Holla Forums has gotten a lot of new users recently because of both Clinton's failure and Trump's backpedaling. Are you sure it's not just the people where you live that are acting this way?

You all seen this?

what the fug



Please don't be shooped.


Bill's getting his daily massage. I don't see how anything's wrong with that.


his body looks actually pretty good for his age not gonna lie


Quick user, before the FBI get us! Where did you find this?

I noticed that, too. Must be from some years back, because he's frail as an egg shell, now.

it's everywhere on twitter my man


I'm actually wondering if msm will pick on this

Years of corruption and shady ties with the entire globe pays off. I bet China or Egypt paid for this chick.


Because he is Emperor William Jefferson Clinton and you are a prole.

That's fucking hilarious.

meant for

Game nigger, he's got it and you well… Read this, fam.

Is Donald Trump related to King John Lackland?

I am asking because every president expect Martin van Buren is a direct offspring of him.


Seems to be the case


a.k.a. the bad guy from Robin Hood, who allows the Sheriff of Nottingham to run rampant and refuses to pay ransom for his noble brother King Richard the Lionheart.

This would've been so hilarious if leftypol made this during the election…

Does that make Sanders the modern Robin Hood to Trump's Lackland?

Lol, Milo cancelled an appearance at PSU today because Portland Antifa showed up. Pussy.

Oh wow, thanks for the info, had no idea. Thanks comrade.

What's the matter, I thought free speech was important? :^) Does he not want Antifa to hear his message?

He wishes

Shit maybe it's time to move to Oregon.

Not all girls. Find yourself a broke girl. She'll know what's important, be open to commie ideas & won't care about status.

Also, legal weed. So…

If you actually took a look at the book you would see that it says that status alone will do fuck all for you, there is tons of guys loaded with cash that can't find a good woman because they lack an attitude and everything else.

Not just to Trump's, but to Clinton's, Bush's, and even Obama's as well.

While it's true that many woman are attracted to status and physical fitness, there are a lot of women out there and you can easily find one that isn't. The most important factors in dating are attitude, availability, and attractiveness. You have to be able to chat up a girl without creeping her out. You have to be willing to go to places where women hang out and approach them. And you have to be handsome enough for women to want to date you. Being weak in any of those isn't necessarily a silver bullet to your love life but it will make it more difficult.

You can see why many anons have trouble with dating since they often lack one to all three of these. They don't have the social skills to flirt with women politely. They spend all their time on the computer instead of hanging out at parties and bars. And they are often overweight, unwashed, and ugly. All of these decrease your chances of finding a partner significantly!

Also nice dubs.

jus b urself

Don't be yourself if you are insecure, needy, and retarded.

Develop your self-image and personality first and then "b urself" won't be meme advice anymore.

thought this was gonna be another h.a. goodman

Now that the election is done, what should happen to this thread?

I think I could edit it and turn it into American Shitstorm General or American Politics… But it would be pretty hard and destructive to make it a containment thread for those topics, so what's the point? As it is, this thread just seems a bit redundant.

So, input?

I'd say flush it down. The problem with all-purpose threads is that new and specific threads tend to get more attention than those.

Maybe add more pages? Limit is 25 I think.

I like the thread ;_;

I say keep it, American politics general. It promotes discussion & if there's a topic that deserves its own thread, we've always made one.

Make a new post saying that all American electoral politics goes in here. Everything about the election, including reactions, belong in here and everything else should be deleted. No one outside the election thread should care about the democratic party's internal reorganization, and other bourgeois nonsense. Right now the board feels over run with all this burger politics shit. Threads about organizing should obviously be exempt, since that's actually useful. When all the opportunist discussion finally dies down, you can kill this containment thread.

Enough pages already, with the spam we get.

Ah I guess you're right.
Maybe showing more threads per page? Does 8ch's software let you do that?
Or at least remove the sticky about looking for mods since that's over already anyway.


Short Sanders interview with CBS.
There's some zingers in there. Loving it.

I dunno, it does take some real balls to blow up a hospital with a drone.


From the comment section. Things like this(& the replies) make me switch to authoritarian mode. I'm starting to think I may have anger issues.

I know, I'm working on it. Some functions disabled atm.

It's pathetic how le red scare :O mindset is still present in so many people, especially americans.

Loved how he laughed after being asked "Do you feel any guilt?".
Cool grandpa.

Lmao, no guilt, there.

I love how he knows exactly how to deal with the media. At the end most can't help but agree with him.

pathetic is the most fitting word for it

They don't even understand that they fucking live in a socialist country already. FFS

Source is Greg Palast and Mark Crispin Miller:


Why can't they get him to commit on agreeing with a national popular vote? This one is a fucking no-brainer Bernie.

Because it's hypocritical to cherry pick which anti democratic policies you want to dismantle.

I think you shouldn't be pres unless 80 percent of voters actually fucking voted. This pres gets picked by 20 percent of people bullshit needs to stop


I'm going to miss this thread when it's gone.

What a ride.

make it a /bernie/ general


fug you man it's not over.
I think it should stay for electoral American politics like user said

anyone getting bernie's new book? its out today

Turn it into a "Documenting the Downfall of an Empire" cyclical thread, for salt potential.

I like having a general American politics thread. I think if theres something important enough to have its own thread, most of us will agree that there should be a thread. But its fun to have one place where we can chat and bitch about America going down the shitter.


This bitch spent the entire primaries using very unconvincing arguments to push a "Sanders and his supporters are racists" narrative and she's now amazed that people are desensitized to it.

I like it
for any really in depth topics a new thread is good, but if you just want a sort of low key discussion on ampol or whatever, this place is nice. share an article or a video that doesn't really deserve its own thread

Turn it into "American Politics General". We non-burgers experience it as a terrifying comedic reality show, but we're not obsessed enough to have a whole board overrun with it. A general would be perfect, while specialized separate threads about keystone pipeline, American leftist movements and shit like that are fine.
I imagine this thread to become about Trump presidency, American political parties and everything surrounding that.

it's fun keeping up with the Dem Party fallout and Trump's backpedaling/horrible transition team/cabinet picks

I'd say leave it up until inauguration please?

It's a good opportunity to bleed the Democrats dry btw.

What idpol and $hills are doing right now is going deeper into social media, refusing to face reality.
Twitterland and Redditland, where the world is still alright.
And while they sulk there, we can take everything from under their noses. Heck, one of you could even run as a Representative.

Von Hayek's trumpet concerts No. 11 &19 Op. 17 "The Downfall"

That's trying too hard to appear neutral. I think that these are better:

thread pic like this would be nice

Sure, but you need to signal to people that this is the place to post if they don't want to get their threads removed. You can use those other options as "==subtitle==" in the thread description.

"Bernie Sanders: Now More Than Ever, It's Our Revolution"

eat a dick, Col-bert.

lets go with this


So, how about this?
Title: Documenting the Downfall of an Empire
Details: Crumbling infrastructure, intensifying neoliberalism, growing unemployment, more power to the 1%, establishment politics as usual, TTIP, Trump's love for the bourg


Keep it until the inauguration.

Anyone read bernie's book yet? sanders

Bernie Sanders: I'm not a liberal

well he's not





Hey guys. I know that Sanders was definitely a socialist before but for some reason he turned out a social democrat.

Does anyone know how and why Sanders transitioned from socialism to social democracy? Is there any interview that talks about this?

getting into bourgie politics always makes people more centrist. just look at trump

I think he views thinks of his role in the development of socialism as being an introductory figure. Deep down, he is a real socialist, but he doesn't think the American consciousness is ready for that yet. He knows the nature of social change. He's read Marx. He knows that real movements aren't top down and don't start and end at the ballot booth. But he thinks that kind of stuff will come independently of him, and he feels that the most productive thing he can do is make "socialism" an acceptable thing to talk about. I was hoping he'd at least talk about worker coops or something in his new book. No luck. Maybe in the coming years he'll be more vocal about actual socialism.

What a shitshow. And this was just today.


Where in this hour-long video does he say that?

He says it exactly at 26:40 so try 26:35

Overton window

lol. Good.

But it looks like he's going to have his kids receive security clearances and have Kushner in the presidential daily briefings? jesus christ what a non-functioning imbecile

Thank you anyway, i loved this video. Watched all of it.

Socialist, my ass.


Damn this is pathetic. Liberals really deserve to lose.

Anyway, Ididn't make it though the end of the article, but I did burst out laughing at pic related

You thought the article was bad check out the comments, its like all the ctr asshole decided to just go there

jesus christ what a scumbag

Is this a self-referential protest sign?



Makes me quite sick tbh

just wait until they start throwing bones to black people
the neolibs will be on suicide watch

a comment to an article that tries to make libtards understand why poor people want an alternative

I guess they have already decided to become irrelevant.


This is not even offensive, it's just plain stupid.

When will people realise that this idea of women as a voter block is retarded? That there's so many factors in one's voting choice that gender may simply end up being irrelevant?

Anyone else find these Trump-baiting Warren tweets desperate af

i love how this bitch pretends to be a champion of the people after endorsing Queen Porky over Bernie

Just give it up Warren

Useful idiots can still be useful fam.


hoooly shieeet


RIP r/politics.. Again

David Harvey and Evgeny Morozov on post-neoliberalism, Trump, infrastructure, sharing economy, smart city

who's that fuck face?

They're at it again fam.


Someone just linked to this to me in r/politics. They are delusional as ever. Personally, I'm again at the point that we should gulag or outright kill these people.

I'm so through with these delusional fucks & their refusal to accept reality.

I took a look at r politics this morning and there was a huge thread full of posts talking about how Russia influenced the election. It was fucking insane.

I'm honestly starting to think it's psyops or something. I can't see so many people being this goddamn delusional.

I wouldn't doubt it. Damage control for Hillary, I bet. The same with all these articles about racist white folk electing Trump. Gotta maintain that narrative.

there is nothing wrong with south american socialism

what the fuck does "environmental racism" even mean?

Lmao, I didn't even catch that one. I was so blinded by the other stupidity therein.

There is maybe some small hope. I got upvoted on many comments, and some encouraging replies. I made sure to tell them to keep posting, because the narrative/CTR talking points are returning & we need all the help we can get.

I stopped posting. I need a break from the overall stupidity.

That's what it is. I hope all the retards writing this junk have a simultaneous pulmonary embolism.


Heeee-haaaaw, HEEE HAAAW

i find lifting helps with stupidity induced rage

don't get angry, get fit

The platform of kissing every minorities ass is saying someone isn't suitable because they're a Jew? Seriously?


I will lift this stupid laptop out of the window!!!

Ok, I'll take this advice. I need a healthy outlet to my anger..

i promise you it feels good man

I wish someone would kill her.

Meanwhile she is making videos about Emma fucking Goldman (bcuz wymyn).

i wish somebody would assassinate her and make it look like an accident so that she isn't martyred.

I used to love working out/sports. Then I went down spiral with opiates. Coming out of that tailspin, now.

I just started working out again.. The rush does feel good, indeed.

Thanks fam. Need the motivation. To turn this anger into something positive.

Chairman Dore is always there for us.

Liberals should be the first against the wall, even before porky or fascists.


how is she going to overlook her socialism?

I don't even care at this point. Slow and painful would be the way to go.


and her environmental racism?!




i decided to google this:

how the fuck can she glibly accuse sanders of this without clarifying what she means by it?

if sanders of rural vermont is guilty of this, you can bet that clinton of NYC is guilty of it too.

Hillary personally went around the world to convince governments into fracking. I know because it happened here in eastern Europe. Fuck her.

I'm always baffled when I see people talking about some pleasurable sensation during or after exercise. All I feel is grimy and bored. Is my brain broken? It's anhedonia, isn't it?

it was a satire account on reddit. Though I'm not sure of Anita's actual beliefs of Sanders are. Could be similar

It usually comes after you get going. The rush that you get after pushing your body hard.

I wouldn't say anhedonia, just yet. Plenty of people don't like exercise. Try jacking off & see if you like it, then you can make a better assessment. :^)

I need more of this


Sanders isn't the one that bought up and gentrified property in Harlem.

cory booker

Which country, gomrad?

it's shit like this

Honestly, i was about to blow a gasket. Thank you, Holla Forums, for keeping sanity around me when i need it.

You are all great.


I wondered where this came from


These people deserve to be purged ffs

good stuff

I like their attn to detail :^)

>Comrade Bernie redpilling young people about Salvador Allende.

Fellow /fitizens on /leftypol? Nice.

People are saying that America is now under full republican rule. Is that really true?

Historically, what tends to happen when parties gain full control? Will there be splits from within?

About to have effectively full control of the federal government.

They will soon clontrol all three branches, influding the executive in form of the presidency and cabinet, the legislativve in form of the congress/senate, and the judiciary in form of the the surpreme court.

Addtitional they have the majority of among state goverments.

The great depression.

What does the left need to do to combat this?

Wait until the next elections.


Well that's obvious and inevitable. I mean to ask this more precisely. Of course we wait till the next election, but they may get another 4 years. So what does the left need to do to prepare and become stronger?

I'm honestly curious, too. We need more numbers, and we need to infiltrate the dem party to have more pull on legislation, unfortunately. So to elaborate on your point, how do we reach out to these Hillary supporters or idpol drowning "leftists"?

I get too angry too quickly, nowadays. I don't have much patience, and I know that doesn't help matters at all.. We need to find common ground with them so they're open to talking about class. Thank God Hillary is out of the picture, now. That should help, a bit.

Should…..should I even ask?

Does it bother anyone else that David Harvey is an anthropologist pretending to be an economist? I'm never quite sure with just how much credulousness I should listen to him with.

I never thought we'd get to see the day where we could make an updated version of this.

Thanks fam. That's fucking satisfying.

I'm not sure what Lazzo is aiming for with MDE. Holla Forums types aren't exactly profitable to pander to, and the show itself is like Donnie Darko, a bunch of edgy nonsense pretending to be clever.

I remember seeing, i think it was on DP, a video from the UK where they had a PSA with black people talking about an airport being built next to a poor neighborhood, and this was somehow an act of "environmental racism".

It's not. It's capitalism & it affects people of all colors, as long as they're poor.

Sam Hyde?

Into the trash, it goes.

There's a rumour flying around that Lazzo's been talking with Breitbart during the course of Trump's campaign.

Also, thanks for rightfully archiving.

Buzzfeed """"News""""

"Bernie Sanders' Surprise Speech Outside the White House on Rejecting Dakota Pipeline & Trump"

Imagine Hilldog doing this

Yeah, she thinks environmental activists need to "get a life".

You know the rule, if you can't find anything bad, use cuck.

Even though that title would fit Hillary better, as during the Lewinsky affair, she stuck with Bill for political power, getting cucked in the most literal sense.

Well, it depends on how eager they are. Obama had a supermajority for like the first two years of his presidency. Shit didn't get done. Republicans are a bit more opportunistic so we'll see

Also, if Dems lose another state legislature, constitutional amendments can go through via Constitutional Convention

sounds like utter bullshit lmao


I've been running 4-6 miles three times a week for a couple years now and I still have yet to experience that elusive "runner's high".

Good to see Bernie still doing his part.


I see you homie

He's been doing it for a while, too. Protesting right on the picket line with the working class. I remember when he went to the Verizon strikes during the primaries. That was awesome because it raised their profile, nationally. I, embarrassingly, didn't even know they were happening. His going there & speaking helped put a national spotlight on it. IIRC that might've been the same time though, that the media went apeshit because a protester called Hillary a "corporate whore", then some idpol retards claimed it was sexist & therefor Bernie was also sexist. They had to turn that spotlight into something terrible. >:(


Shiieet, Sneaky Sanders

Let's watch The Young Libs lads:

It is quite difficult to despook those under the influence of idpol

It really has done damage to the left in the US. I don't know if the answer is entryism into the Dems. It did nearly work, but even then they won't have much influence on legislation. I wonder if some entryism into the republicans would be more efficient. Though I don't know many republicans that could be considered leftist. And this idea is very realistic

Trump is a bit of a wildcard, so it makes it difficult to predict exactly what he wants to do. He's surrounded by twats at the moment. I wonder how much influence Russia has over him, if any at all. Putin isn't a leftist, but it is Russia…

I don't know, I'm just talking out of my ass right now

What do you mean?

Typo, meant to say

What makes you think that Russia has any more influence over him than any other businessman or politician?

They always do. It's their job.

It's the other method of amending the Constitution. They can do it through U.S. House and Senator, the 2/3rds of the states can call a convention.

Holy shit, lol.

Asking this in the election thread so the mods can't ignore what I posted here:

Why was the age of consent thread deleted? No illegal material was posted there. Is this a pro-censorship board now?

I have no photoshop skills
Could someone make a series of Ron Paul style Sanders happening pictures?

Chuck Schumer Was electe Senate minority leader.

I've seen a couple. I have this one.

Because it's incredibly stupid

Back to Reddit with you.

[thread never existed]

Sanders dropping the fucking bomb on Trump

I guess Nobel prizes in economics are like Nobel prizes in peace.


this guy seems pretty funny

Check out his standup act some time, it's decent.

I first knew about Jimmy from the Bob & Tom show. They featured comedians, daily, in addition to their regular show. I used to listen to them every morning. He was always good on that show.

Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up Krugman

Hillary's first live appearance since the election.

I just crunched some numbers.
African Americans make up roughly 0.5% of the global population
And yet they make up roughly 8-9% of the global prison population.
What is wrong with your fucking country?

Reminder, this would've been the result, if the DNC and the Clinton camp governors had remained neutral

here we go

A serious, academic and non-Holla Forums answer:

American blacks showed up as slaves on filthy boats where only the strongest survived. Over the next century they were selectively bred for maximum strength, not intelligence. Following Emancipation, they were then shoved into low-end industrial jobs alongside Italians and Irishmen but were unable to attain social mobility like the latter did due to segregation. And the same year segregation was done away with (1964), was also the year immigration quotas were done away with. Also certain welfare policies, as outlined in the Moynihan Report (1965), did not help either and caused many families to fracture.

Since then it's been a fast slide down as blacks have been replaced by mexicans, who as immigrants work harder and are more driven to rise up the socioeconomic ladder. The new underclass also brought with them the drug trade which decimated black communities who were susceptible to drug abuse. Free trade then came along and factories, often in historically black areas, closed down and moved offshore.

The end result was the total destruction of African-American culture. It seems very blase to say this now, but once upon a time they had their own musicians and their own movements. All of that is in the past now. A perfect example would be the Ferguson riots, where rioters attacked an Indian-owned convenience store. Fifty years ago that store would have been black owned.

tl;dr a total breakdown in their society has resulted in above average rates of criminality

Does this account for the voter suppression and election fraud?

Serious, academic, and non-Holla Forums answer: The prison-industrial complex and school-to-prison pipeline.

What is the solution? Thank you for the well written and intelligent post, btw.

That shit is real. And it affects all colors of people. I lost count to how many times I was in jail(& serving sentences in group homes/foster home due to good behavior) from age 14-16. Luckily, after 18 I have a clean record. Some of my charges beforehand were "habitual runaway", "unauthorized use of a motor vehicle"(joyriding in parents' car) & petty theft. All minor things that should've been dealt with at home/locally, without involving cops. They've essentially criminalized being a child/teenager. I know most kids don't steal, but some do & shouldn't spend time in jail for it, ffs.

I'm so glad I left America.


As a matter of fact, I need to change my party affiliation.
Since 2005 I was a Democratic party member (due to family pressure, but whatever). Fast forward to 2016, go voting in the prelims and then someone drops this to me

Didn't bother to change it since then. I wasn't the only one who happened to be in the wrong party. We actually formed a formidable group, all of them suspiciously Berners.
The silver lining was, that my Clinton voting family became pissed at this and actually started believing that something was not alright. Months later my dad (who hid his power level) actually found out who the culprit was and that yes, she did it on purpose.

So basically I am still Republican and a week ago, my party comrade Trump became president.

Solidarity, comrade.

Sanders speech on democratic strategy under trump:

tl;dr: hold trump accountable for his promises to the working class and reform the democratic party to make it a workers party

solidarity, comrade.

I don't believe Bernie would have lost California in a level playing field. Remember when Associated Press did that bullshit scoop polling Unpledged Delegates whom they had actually pledged their loyalty to, declaring Clinton the winner just before the final most important day of the primaries? That surely killed Bernie voter turn out on some level.

In fact, it's pretty hard to believe he would have lost Washington too.

He didn't lost Washington. I marked that pretty clearly on my map.

But I am sure he actually got California, but it was denied (for symbolic reasons probably). Was there 3 weeks ago. No Clinton or Trump posters, but for some reason way more Sanders posters than you would expect.

This seems really delusional. What power do they hold over Trump?

Filibuster in the Senate. Not to mention they can beat him over the head with the campaign pledges they agree with but the congressional republicans don't.
Nothing I can say.

Meant to reply to

Bernie can't filibuster all by himself. You really think the Democrats will tow the line.

Unless the MSM tows the line too I can't see it happening.

With enough public pressure, it's possible.

He'll be in on the leadership decisions now. There's a decent chance.

Generally, environmental racism what SJWs call it when poor people's land/water/air is poisoned or their homes are destroyed by rising sea levels and high energy storms, and rich industrial oligarchs don't give a fuck. They're smart enough to know that something is wrong, but they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge class, because the SJW world-view does not allow for injustice that isn't predicated on hatred of women and minorities.

However, that doesn't make any sense as a criticism of Sanders. If I had to guess what this particular idiot means, I have three theories:
1. He is intentionally trolling (I mean, Anita Snarkeesian, really?)
2. He has no idea what he's saying and is just spouting buzzwords
3. He believes that environmentalism itself is racist because brown people can't afford solar panels and electric cars.

class based analysis isn't allowed in any kind of mainstream media. poverty is ignored or a joke in american media, and I would think much of the world

It's the third one


Are you one of those people who only reads headlines? Because congratulations, you've been successfully duped by liberal propaganda. He was not given a leadership position and he will not be in on the leadership decisions. He was given a token chairmanship of the Democratic Party outreach committee. It's a nothing position, given to placate leftists and convince them the Democratic party is listening while establishment hacks like Chuck Schumer stay in the driver's seat.

From the official website:
That's the position Sanders was given.

lol they literally gave him a job that tells him to support everything they do mindlessly

I don't understand the "environmental racism" line because the Democrats have in recent history had a lock on environmentalism generally, and environmental racism specifically, so it's bizarre to claim that Republicans would attack him on that line.

It'd be like Republicans saying he didn't go far enough on restricting gun ownership, or attacking him for not supporting renewables


/r/ing Bernard's rape fanfictions.

Cool point at the very beginning: Apparently Trump spoke out against the electoral college when he thought his guy won the popular vote.

*in 2012


Don't remind me. For all we hate politicians we have a soft spot for Clitoris, for some reason. All the people who wanted to vote Bernie stayed home, as is the tale, and the lines were too long, etc.

Holy fuck dude, do you realize how big this is?

When will she go away? How many months of relevancy does she still have?
Click that link if you want to puke.

She's not going anywhere. Porky put a lot of money in her and hasn't signaled they intend to stop

you should watch less CNN

There's a rumor going around with all this pedopizza/spirit cooking shit that Hillary has Kuru.

>In the first (ambulant) stage, the infected individual may exhibit unsteady stance and gait, decreased muscle control, tremors, difficulty pronouncing words (dysarthria), and titubation. This stage is named because the individual is still able to walk around despite symptoms.[8]

>In the second (sedentary) stage, the infected individual in is incapable of walking without support and suffers ataxia and severe tremors. Furthermore, the individual shows signs of emotional instability and depression, yet exhibits uncontrolled and sporadic laughter. Despite the other neurological symptoms, tendon reflexes are still intact at this stage of the disease.[8]

>In the third and final (terminal) stage, the infected individual’s existing symptoms, like ataxia, progress to the point where they are no longer capable of sitting without support. New symptoms also emerge: the individual develops dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, which can lead to severe malnutrition. They may also become incontinent, lose the ability to speak and become unresponsive to their surroundings, despite maintaining consciousness.[8] Towards the end of the terminal stage patients often develop chronic ulcerated wounds that can be easily infected. An infected person usually dies within three months to two years after the first terminal stage symptoms, often because of pneumonia or infection.

Like all good conspiracy theories, it's both lurid and (seems) plausible.



boo fucking hoo

Somehow end unemployment and poverty
So abolish capitalism

If you're lucky. Your brain may just rot until you don't sleep for weeks and then die of a seizure.

This is why you don't eat brains/tissue around the spinal column! Foot and mouth was caused by throwing cow remains into the feed churner, the brain and spine transmit corrupt proteins, with the likelihood of one being corrupted the more you repeat the process. Once one improperly folded protein is in your system it causes others to improperly fold. I read up on it a few years ago and then it was still pretty unknown as a field of science. The only cure is fire, the prions must be destroyed so as not to infect others.


I know right.
Say that to my parents. Problem is these people got each other's back.
My dad has just her word for that, and if he says anything, he's merely a salty BernieBro, still refusing to face the fact that the superior candidate won.
He can't do nothing until the DNC changes.

I used to be the only Berniecrat among a Clinton family.
After the primaries I was the only "Republican" among a Sanders family.

Funny that.

lal salam

I don't understand what you're saying happened. Can you run me through how you ended up registered as a Republican so you couldn't vote Sanders, who's responsible for that, and how your dad discovered the culprit?


who did it on purpose?

I was about to drop dem affiliation but my state primary is closed

I did, it's how ambiguously you've worded it is why I'm asking. You make it sound like your mother/sister was such a Clinton fanatic she changed your affiliation.

I assume you mean Clinton now though since you feel it's self explanatory. I just thought I'd double check in case there was some so awful it's hilarious familial political disagreement story there.

who did it on purpose?


My dad asked people, since he is still officially a Clinton backer, he has a lot of pull.
It was someone from our county, who sent out pollster from door to door to evaluate who was who.
They asked some overly specific questions, I can't rephrase them verbatim, but on the line of "You know Sanders will lose hard in the South, and the superdelegates are against him, will you still consider voting for a lost cause" It was more subtle (but not really), so my brain couldn't process these fast enough, which I think outed me as a Sanders voter.

My dad is not telling her name though, he fears backlash. He wants to make moves, once the leadership is less likely to cover their backs.

Reminder that the Tory government knew BSE meat could cause CJD, but continued to downplay it to avoid beef embargoes, going so far as to criticise educational authorities banning beef from school dinners and the government CMO trying to feed his daughter a beefburger for a photoshoot.

Serves them fucking right then. Hope they wind up in prison. I'd advise your dad puts the name somewhere safe in case he accidentally falls off a step ladder while hiking in the woods during a bout of depression after taking an overdose of prescription medication culminating in him shooting himself twice in the back of the head and throwing himself off a cliff in a tragic suicide.

Reading up on this, found this
The peak was 1996, but they banned the practice in 1997, with it taking 20 years to kill the host. Is the US due a spate of CJD deaths?

Do remember that two or three party insiders were the victims of mysterious murders over the summer.

Everyone with a leadership position will be attending the meetings. Certainly if Sander's is active enough he can control the dominant narrative. Already we're seeing that his version of what happened in the election is becoming the mainstream democrat one.


"Nobody fucking likes Neoliberalism! You know who likes Neoliberalism? The owner class!"

Forgot to take off my shitposting flag.

huh, his stand-up's not bad either

So Trump reportedly just met with Henry Kissinger so they could talk foreign policy.
It's not fair

Honestly, allowing people to live forever would be the worst thing that could ever happen to human civilization. Old people hungry for power are desperate to make it happen but all we can hope for is that it's not actually physically possible because the people who want it are the worst ones that could have it.


Jimmy pls

it gets far worse:

lal salam


damn politics, you scary

Hahaha fuck you Gawkian.

I'm guessing Jimmy wants a Corbynite-style purge of the DNC and Dems.
How viable is that?

His latest videos say "there's nothing to salvage anymore, we need a new party and more activism"

Very disappointing to hear Sanders backing Schumer.

I know.
Should have typed 'wanted' rather than 'wants'.

I'm going to watch the Young Libs again, but I don't know why I keep doing it.

Watch with me.

Seriously, wtf is up with that? Anyone have any more info on what happened? Usually in context I understand his moves more, but what context could make this ok?

Schumer is appointing Sanders to some leadership rank.

I still love Sanders, but he needs to stop making deals with the devil.

Reformism sucks.


It's not an actual leadership position as far as I can tell, it's just throwing leftists a bone and trying to cash in on Sanders' popularity while they continue to fill positions with corporate whores like Schumer and Stabenow.
Comrade Dore interview with Mark Blyth

did I write interview? whoops, I was thinking of something else before I posted

He's idpol as fuck so I certainly hope not.

Schumer may be a DINO, but he's actually the best pick for the job. The main thing about Minority/Majority Leadership/Whip is that you have to know all the most obscure Senate tricks and how best to raise money. Sure, Schumer doesn't into grassroots and gets money from Wall Street, but that doesn't necessarily equate to corruption.

Besides, even assuming things are as bad as they seem with him, he'd be dangerous in the DNC. In the Senate he's just a general implementing strategy, and not a commander choosing direction. The worst he can do is try and organize the Dems to vote a certain way on a bill. And he's in an extreme minority and knows it.

cis-hetero able-bodied neurotypical white male detected
seriously though if you have this kind of kneejerk reaction to any discussion on racism you are being way too dialectical and need to look at the big picture, what is actually achievable in the short term, and what causes will improve the lives of the working class

So close Jimmy, so close…

That's a load of bullshit. He's the biggest Wall-street defender in the senate. There may be something to "you need a dirty insider with dirty insider tricks to get senate votes", but he's porky from head to toe, and it's incredibly dishonest to claim otherwise.

i can't even laugh at Holla Forumslyps for this one

it's just fucking disturbing

I'm not sure of its accuracy(but knowing US foreign policy over the years, it sounds accurate), but I've read that every Presidential nominee has met with him for advice for the past decades. That may be a CTR line, though, since I'm sure it was when Clinton was running that I'd heard it. Worth looking into, though. And that doesn't fucking excuse it, either. Like you said, it's fucking disturbing that the US hasn't learned their lesson & worships this evil mass.

And am I the only one who see Kissinger or Soros nowadays & have a hard time telling a difference between the two? They're like two evil lumps of mashed potatoes. One being considerably worse, though, obviously.

He's lightened up a lot on idpol as he's grown lefter. One of the bits that someone posted here recently, he makes fun of Hillary supporters blaming everything on "white males".
Reddit is now singing the praises of the MSM, purely because Trump doesn't like it. I guess they'll be doing nothing but impotently lashing out at Trump for the next few years.

Please keep posting in this thread.

They've really got a death grip on that narrative.

It takes a lot of patience to combat it. Some are there & willing to do it, too, but you're having to deal with too many liberal fucks at the same time. Or CTR-types, I swear, they're still around & it's amazing.





at least this guy gets it


then right below someone immediately calls him a Trump supporter, lmao

love that bernie, btw


let's not pretend that majority of Holla Forums idiots doesn't do the same, especially when it's somehow connected to Holla Forums's feels


are they being ironic?

I don't think Holla Forums would forget how abysmal the MSM's election coverage was simply because it started pushing a narrative that 'alternative media is why Trump won'. The transparency of the whole maneuver is painful.

Probably. If FDR were running today I'm sure they'd be calling him a dirty gommie, too.

probably not*



Pretty good lecture on the global Trump phenomenon from Mark Blyth

In another more recent video he says that another big event coming up shortly is the Italian constitutional referendum on December 4. It is basically a vote on whether the people agree with the way government is going or not, while the prime minister Renzi said he will step down if "No" wins.

well at least it wasn't governor fatass

also david rockefeller

podestas lobbying firm bragging to donors about access to trump white house


The great purge when?

My gott

The end is nigh.

liberals are losing their fucking minds.



lol guys it's so obvious, ok? Russia & Putin love Trump, ok? It can't be that our candidate was complete dogshit that could even lose to Trump of all people.


It has to be some worldwide conspiracy that defeated our beloved Queen!

Krugman continues to go off the deep end..

Sorry to keep posting reddit stuff. An earlier poster did & now I started reading it again. D:

Why are you trying to make me mad, man?

The living will envy the dead

:( I dunno

Tbh it's not exactly hysterical hyperbole when Trump staffmembers themselves are out telling the press "there's precedent in the Japanese internment"

if they were fanning those flames, then yeah I'd agree

Zizek was wrong, they're only moving further right

But that last comment is on point. We're going to see levels of crony faggotry in the next 4-8 years we couldn't imagine.



And come on, that's not going to happen. No matter what some staff member says.

To be fair, I scrolled down further & was pleasantly surprised that there were actually people calling it out, saying it's Alex Jones level delusion.

Keep in mind though, that last commenter is now saying "there's no evidence of quid pro quo from Hillary."

WaPo.. Archive?

nm, I did it

Ok, so he's talking about an "immigration registry". We pretty much already have a vetting process, so I just see this as a political/campaign ploy that would likely just waste tax dollars. That guy is a fucking moron. Wasn't the internment of already-here Japanese citizens, too? That was abhorrent & by no means the majority of American people would take this seriously, so I wouldn't either. I think there's no reason to even talk about some new registry, since we already have a vetting process in place, anyway.

Waste of an article/outrage, tbh. Not surprising though since it's FOX & WaPo. Fuck these "journalists" trying to scare people about fucking nonsense.



Yeah, because a dozen CTR retards represent the potential leftists of America.

Someone redpill me on Bannon. I know he's chairman or whatever at Breitbart, but how is he racist, exactly? Genuinely asking. I haven't read much on the guy.. Looking now.

my edgy neo-liberal friend tells me he's a Trotskyist

Not the person you responded to, but you can get an idea of the narrative liberals/elite are trying to put forward with certain websites & how much people are actually buying it. At least with that one thread when I scrolled down, people were calling it out. But I did get to that thread early, so those legitimate responses may be buried by now.

He hates Muslims, Jews and Asians.

He beat his wife for disagreeing with him for letting his kids associate with Jewish kids at school, I forgot the rest but it's all there. Oh right, the other part, he said that America needed to find a way to drain Silicon Valley of Asians, when actually there aren't many Asians in Silicon Valley.

He sounds mentally ill to be honest


hory shit


Sounds like a real winner.. With probably a tiny cock.

Uh, what?

Even more ridiculous, does any American muslim really believe they haven't ALREADY been put on some sort of FBI list years ago? The federal no-fly list had to have been populated from SOMEWHERE.

That's practically the argument used against every Democratic candidate. It would be hilarious were it not real.

But instead you called me CTR

The percentage of Asians in Silicon Valley isn't the majority, or especially the most powerful sectors or portions of it.

It was on some radio show he did, but he made it out like Silicon Valley was full of an Asian majority and that white America needs to do something about it.

The ironic thing is, White Americans still largely make up the majority of Silicon Valley

It really depends on what part. In Santa Clara county, for instance, there are far more Asians than whites. I used to live in San Jose. I rarely ever saw white people unless I went downtown.

I mean the whole of it. Demographic wise there is a white majority in Silicon Valley and not an Asian majority, and even if there was it wouldn't fucking matter much because it's still Silicon Valley

What, are a cabal of Japanese Nationalists going to come and take over away from A Wyat Man? No. They're not. It's going to be the same as it was if they managed to get into Silicon Valley.

If you want to look at what good it does anyway with the white upper class that makes up its denizens, look no further than fucking Theranos.

Remember back when moslems were first being hyped as the big threat by the Republicans, and Osama was hyped as akin to Cobra Commander, Democrats made all sorts of jokes about how the Republicans were going to lump together hard-left socialist atheists with hard-right moslem fundamentalists, and everybody was all "lel, islamocommies", yukking it up?

Remember the first time you saw "leftists" actually living up to the memes, spewing mindboggling apologetics for Islam (in my case, Atheism+ back in the early 2010s), and it turned out the Republicans didn't have to manufacture smears, because "our" side was furnishing real-world examples?

After living to see that, Clintonites going full-John Birch is nothing.

Residential demographics are meaningless. Most of the top talent (including the disproportionate quantity of Asians) in SV are jet-setters. Contrariwise, the bottom-rung infrastructure work that makes up most of the jobs by volume are hispanics and white trash too poor to actually live there, and commute from cheaper areas.

If you want to say that, the majority of Silicon Valley would be Latino, with near equal share with Whites and Asians.

What does it even matter to begin with. If you lived in San Jose and confused equal parts Latino and Asian with just a bunch of Asians I think that says more about where you're at ideologically.


In each age group younger than 30, the majority of the population is Latino. Yet in total the population is 37% White to 30% Asian to 27% Latino.

You are probably looking at the younger population. Those in "Silicon Valley" Silicon Valley, are still old capitalists.

Imagine posting edgy pictures on the internet

Trump is going to end up losing the popular vote by a greater margin than Bush did in 2000.

Oh, I wasn't the person responding about the statistics, I was just memeing ;^)

Did you just wake up from a coma?


No, though I do have other things to do during the week than shitpost on Holla Forums.

you have to go back to >>>Holla Forums

Fucking Colbert, why are you in my YT feed? The MSM is really running with this Putin/Trump bullshit.


What politics. This is largely data we have from the 2006-2010 American Community, US Census.

You can't exactly say this is politically motivated to today's political climate.

Besides, whose going to serve Silicon Valley dumbass like Elizabeth Holmes their fries or whole food if they get rid of every single working Latino.

Good luck getting off your ass because then you'll just start bitching about the blacks more.

I love how mad liberals get mad when someone exposes their lies and corruption but never get mad at the lies and the corruption.

"Somebody cited census data I'm entertained"

That's right, immigration is just the way things work the modern globalized economy, practically a law of nature, it's not a political agenda at all. Giving jobs to our blacks and poor whites instead of importing the world's poor in an attempt to stuff the ballot box and devalue hard working Americans? Nah, that wouldn't work, any attempt to do so would be totally counterproductive at best.

You had me there for a while.

The majority of whites in Silicon Valley are not poor whites.

Demographic data from the 2006-2010 American Community, US Census says they are basically all rich clueless baby boomers who managed to get over a Bachelor's while it was still easy.

This is reflective because they're all horrible at investing in new technology from debacles like Theranos and investing in the App Market.

You people don't know what you're talking about and it would be preferable if you actually did before you started posting. You either do it or your banned.

That post was satire.

I tend not to read past the first sentence when it comes to posts that appear like they don't matter

Seriously though, I already pointed out that the people who mop the floors, take out the trash, truck in the commodities, repair the power lines, construct the buildings, ring up the registers, and everything else that probably accounts for 99% of jobs there almost certainly commute from outside communities.

Show me stats on jobs, and I'll care. Stop posting meaningless residential garbage.

People are becoming awakened?

I think it's more a case of more people coming back to the subreddit after its scorched Earth modding & CTR retreating a bi(at least the ones who were getting paid). So the more realistic posters are being seen more. Or people are awakening; either is good.

Oh, I missed this gem:
What fascist deathcamp of the internet did you tumbler in from?

If you want to care about unemployment now, I have even worse news. The only race to suffer long term unemployment in Silicon Valley is African Americans and not whites. While foreign exchange students is high, and largely Asian, the original argument was that as of right now (past say, ten years), Steve Bannon said that executive positions en masse are being stolen by the Asian menace.

Now this simply isn't true, they are a large demographic in programming, but the people with the money are all largely still white and baby boomer. Old money simply doesn't vanish that quickly, and there children inherit whatever they have.

I think you got side tracked down the line about all the Asians you see.

You're never clear on what statistics you ask for. The initial problem Bannon proposed was the mythical Rich Asian Man taking over Silicon Valley and white America has to do something. Then you said you saw a bunch of Asians on the street in San Jose a while back, yada yada now its employment data.

White employment has been on the rise in Silicon Valley as has Asian employment, while all races suffered large unemployment as late as 2014, so all things considered you should be happy.

One of the most Capitalist hubs on Earth is flourishing if you're not black.

The one that just banned someone for posting the same thread from the same quality of post.

Lmao, I swear I was just going to ask a minute ago.

Is..Is anfem poster BO? I had a hunch.
I don't really care, though. Just curious.

I am actually the owner of Holla Forums now. You have to pay a fee for being white and unemployed.

i think pic is the most interesting thing from that interview


Yeah, no. That's not going to happen.

I legitimately hope he's not just memeing about that. As long as he doesn't try to do anything crazy like impose a quota of just white, working people, it would be good. I shouldn't give them any ideas

I'm also an incredibly neive person that accepts everything said in divorce proceedings as 100% truth. Nobody would tell outrageous lies during those things. I mean, they're under oath, for petes sake!

naive, I mean

Honestly, he's Steve Bannon. The divorce itself is telling, but the shadier shit he's done throughout his entire life is even more telling.

Like getting Hollywood money, investing in an end of the world bunker/dome experiment before Breitbart, etc

He is entirely the sort of person who would beat their spouse about this.

It's going to happen. Admit it. Trump is a great guy with good and awesome heart.

His heart is as warm my piss

I have been totally unambiguous on the statistics I'm concerned with:
Who works the jobs in Silicon Valley (and other nexuses of the tech industry, like San Fransisco or Seattle, if you want to open that can of worms), what are their living and working conditions, and where do they actually live?

Yammering about meaningless statistics regarding the people who legally reside in Silicon Valley doesn't have anything to do with the real world makeup of the tech industry, its star talent, the porkies who lord over them, or the far larger swathes of proles whose vitally important labor supports the entire edifice.

But it's great for virtue signalling!

Can it possibly be, the Tea Party's concern trolling over the national "debt" is being rebuked, are we finally

This thread just got really interesting

Please keep it forever… I like the "documenting the downfall of an empire" suggestion

It's a cyclical thread.

Trumps pick for Cia director is a Shill to the NSA and wants a pre Snowden spying

And I've been telling you it's about nearly equal Asian and White, while the majority of the Capitalists who have stayed unwisely investing in fucking everything are white.

That and, while the number is climbing in Asians favor as they are doing better competing in STEM fields, the numbers show that despite equal numbers, whites earn more than their Asian counter parts more often than not.

Eh, you know what I mean. Documenting… every 400 posts of the downfall of an empire. :^)

also wants gitmo to remain open

"Robert F. Kennedy explains exactly why the Dakota Access Pipeline is being pushed so hard. Very enlightening words. #NoDAPL"

You're still drooling out meaningless residential statistics. Try looking for figures based on location of employer, or economic sector, or industry, or anything else that actually matters.

And it's our job to rally those people as a force to hold Trump accountable.

Wow, America, I didn't even know all these layers of the spectacle could even exist. I'm honestly impressed!

We've really perfected it.

Is this the best they can muster?


I'm actually drooling out data from Joint Venture's annual 2015 report, which is patting itself on the back for barely a significant slight rise in profit margin for an equal number of the population, while unironically posting the kind of charts that show people who actually visit shit like them don't care about.

IE, Whites still make more.

Stop crying about it and get a STEM degree the Asians are taking from you and somehow replacing the rich baby boomers with

It'll make life easier for you.


I don't have high hopes, friendo. As we saw with the Obamabots, the whole cult of personality thing is a pretty strong drug.

Based on people who reside in the area, i.e., totally meaningless blather.

You know, at no point did anybody in this thread express anything vaguely resembling that sentiment. Or even talk about it, aside from you, of course.

My own point is that your rhetoric about the tech industry is founded on sociopolitical agendas you may be unaware of. Attempts to vastly exaggerate the penetration of randroid ideology into the STEM disciplines and their economic sector, as part of a "wah wah muh ebul ciswhitemale pissbaby tears" campaign to attack intellectuals, discourage class awareness, and buttress both the real capitalist takeover of STEM on one end, and the SJWs being used to mask political housecleaning on the other end.

Obama came in on a completely nebulous non-platform of "hope", "change", "yes we can", etc. Trump's platform, while equally nebulous if taken in whole, is composed of contradictory but highly explicit planks which Trump vocally appealed to specific populist interest groups with. That might be the rope we need to hogtie him and his supporters with.

From cited fucking sources. Do you think someone would lie? Well, considering Silicon Valley, I don't blame you.

Then why are you arguing in defense of a guy in the White House who claimed Asians are taking away the natural god given rights of baby boomers to be the wealthiest people in silicon valley when that is hardly the case.

It's irritating to people who actually are working towards a degree and aren't white

Your point is about the same kind of rhetoric I hear from someone disconnected from reality enough to hop from cushy cush liberal to natavist in an election cycle

You seem to have comprehension difficulties, so read carefully:
I'm not saying your statistics are wrong, in fact, they are quite obviously true. I'm saying they are completely irrelevant to your argument.

Because neither I nor anyone else in the thread was? Because you said things that are factually incorrect?

Just to be clear, I have zero problem with Japanese, Koreans, and other immigrants coming from areas with prevailing salaries similar to ours. What I do have a problem with, is economic and regulatory arbitrage subsidies to offshore jobs to places with loose laws and desperate poverty, with shady "immigrant" visas primarily used to dump scabs in the labor market and funnel them back overseas through temp bodyshops.

You realize global organized labor was firmly protectionist for the overwhelming majority of its history, right? My family has been and remains solid union. So you're a neoliberal, or what? Do you believe in workers refusing to be abused as weapons against each other?

I should have asked you to read carefully from the start.

What argument am I making? That Steve Banon is wrong in his assertion that Asians are taking over the rich baby boomers of Silicon Valley, away from their McMansions?

Because congratulations you've wasted both our entire afternoons off something I thought you weren't, intelligent.

I said Steve Banon was wrong, you've managed to take me on a wild autistic goose chase around the point and it's getting more obvious by he post you either don't know what you're doing, or you do know what you're doing.

Do you think this is fucking happening in Silicon Valley? Almost every single Asian there has a degree equal to their white counterparts, if not greater.

Are we going to believe that let's say, fuck I don't know, Croatia, is dumping unskilled white labor into the labor markets of Silicon Valley? Because based on the investment strategy of half of these retards to fall for Elizabeth Holmes I wouldn't be surprised.

Oh his white baby boomer family is solidly union liberals and probably voted for a Republican once or twice

How sweet


>>>Holla Forums

found this posted by a frequent idpoler, in seeming agreement

Pretty good if liberals are willing to read it. Even says libtards and Holla Forums are both part of idpol:

Excuse me if I don't take the porky press at their word.

Jimmy's commentary on Mark Blythe's talk

"Economist Who Predicted Brexit & Trump Brilliantly Explains Capitalism's Collapse"

I want to see Jimmy cover Chris Hayes, these MSM fucks every once in a while & see him sperg out on them like we do.

see this:

Just checking it out. Thanks fam.

Jeff Sessions being floated for Attorney General.

If that happens, expect to see some rollbacks in the gains we've made with legal/medical weed.

damn azns takin r jerbs

DUDE, NOT MY WEED! -idiot single-issue voter

Legal weed is pretty important though, for some medical patients. It's just one issue of many that we might be facing rollbacks on.

Jimmy "stop idpol" Dore:

As long as its not legalized on a federal level, wildlife land used to grow weed is going to be slashed and burned in Oregon and Northern California, and illegally toxic rat poison is going to be put around the perimeter of orange tarp and plastic fencing by impovershed workers

Killing everything from Birds to Deer to Bears to Rabbits around it. This is a severe problem, especially in NorCal, which there is no solution for because of the demand for pot as it gets legalized on everything but a federal level.

Holy shit, I wasn't aware. Can you share some links about this?

I know that where I'm from, KY, wildlife areas get dangerous because you never know when you might unknowingly step foot on someone's crop. There's booby-traps of all sorts & you can even be shot. It's serious business.

We really need to legalize on a Federal level. And I don't see it happening anytime soon. These neoliberal POS who claim to be progressive are too in bed with big pharma. Obama's releasing non-violent offenders atm, but he didn't do much in regards to legalization.

Yeesh.. Keith Ellison is terrible on foreign policy.

>:{ This is the same stuff we've seen coal companies do for decades. My grandpa's job(in the 60s/70s) for the coal companies was actually to go to these areas after the devastation caused & replant trees, etc, just for an aesthetic "fix". There's a famous case of some guy in WV who's family has owned a mountain(I know..) for a long time, and has refused shitloads of money from the coal companies for years, just to protect it. I should look up an update from that story, to see if those companies ever succeeded. I really hope not.

I can see some conservatives using this to say we shouldn't legalize, but the fact is it's happening regardless, because it's illegal, so it needs to be regulated, obviously. That fucking sucks. If it were legal, they could be using the [likely abandoned] farmland in Cali & other places. God knows when the last time we met an actual farmer was.

Just remember this when lolbertarians say we should deregulate everything and leave it up to the individual!

Well, yeah, lmao. Libertarians/ancaps are seriously retarded.

It's even worse, because in Oregon at least, it contaminated the local rivers, and fish in their have an elevated level of toxicity. Places which previously, don't take my word on this, were public fishing I forgot, they're now basically dead. Salton Sea style.

Regardless what happened, I do remember in Oregon an illegal pot farm contaminated water

To be fair, every pot farm was illegal before legalization. Farming by itself produces enormous amounts of runoff and these idiot Oregon hipsters always go for """"organic"""" produce which means rotenone and pyrethrins (100% natural, guys! That means harmless, rite???) get pumped into the rivers and streams eventually giving some of these retards Parkinson's in forty years.

That's a distinction that needs to be made.

Well, yeah. The problem is there's no such thing as legal farming, so shit like this happens. As far as I'm concerned Big Pharma can foot the fucking bill for the ecological damage its causing by lobbying for inaction

So basically, shits being mowed down just for illegal weed/big pharma weed?

No. It's not being allowed to be legalized at a federal level because a million things in government won't let it, and essentially and especially big pharma.

And that would allow people to grow safely and legally, and put FDA regulations on it.

Because its only on a state level, this ends up happening, and there is nothing to stop it from happening because of demand.

This is basically the free market acting like the free market.

Ah, now I see. Typical.

Trump threw a hell of a curve by using the words "safe space" lol libs on my fb feed are somewhat confused about how to approach this.

yeah he's playing IRL candyland and not just being a hypocritical bastard

He's distracting you and the media from the fact that he settled his fraud case.

I want to agree, but someone made a good point in that Trump would tweet that bullshit regardless of the fraud case and it may be giving him too much credit to think he'd send Mike Pence.

remember this is why old people think hilary lost

People who think that comic makes any sense probably read Washington Post op-eds.


You misunderstand me. He uses the same rhetoric as these people and they become extremely confused. For a moment they are vigorously defending free speech, then he says safe space and it highlights theyre double standards. The left will have a hard time rebutting the social justice logic when the right begins to use it sincerely, and with no self awareness.

500 people are impersonating you right now, and it's become pure cancer - make it stop:

Anyway trump is just wild. He says fuck states rights and the conservatives cheer, he says safe space and the libs complain about free expression.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence Triggered by Cast of Hamilton - Request a Safe Sapce

funny but you can probably guess that Pence is not going to any more broadway shows. Trump don't care, he's a New Yorker and he loves being heckled

This. If you're going to shitpost with the anfem flag, please use a trip too.

That… That is the worst thread I've seen on Holla Forums in a very long time.


Here's a video of him on a panel right after Trump won. Excellent analysis.

Why the hate for Milo? He destroys idpol with well reasoned (if sensationalist) arguments AND /pol hates his gay Jewish ass.

Why would someone hate a sensationalist Breitbart reporter

Milo is a pretentious fuckwit who's only "good" at debating because he's so obnoxious it throws people off.

No, they don't. Or have they turned on him?

Is he one of us?

Yeah hes too gay for them

Amazing that that's what made them finally get fed up with him.

I heard he used to post on this board. I'm guessing he was a tripfag, too, amirite?

Surprised a Black Nationalist is able to even stomach him. I'm just black, and I get sick seeing his smarmy ass expression.

Eh, I am black, born and raised in a black city. But I'm not a black nationalist, black nationalism has been a cancerous idpol failure, I have the flag on my posts just to be a dick. And while I admit I'm not a fan of Milo's sensationalism, and his obsession with black cock is lol-worthy at best and creepy at worst, I have great respect for how he annihilates the worst of American idpol (modern feminism, black lives matter) with articulate, intelligent arguments in the face of a hostile media machine.

By the way, here's the comment

That was a different Milo actually, and yes it was an annoying tripfaggot.

Steven Bannon acquired tickets to Hamilton and went to see it tonight lmao

this is actually hilarious

This got to be a joke. Although I do hope all liberals become this crazy and alienate as much as possible the rest of the population. My only worry is that "the rest" in this case is not a majority in burgerland.

These fucking people should read a history book.
Rome would have collapsed way before it did, if it wasn't for the grain dole and the work of the brothers Grachii

b-buh-but muh bred n sercuses user

you know how kids that grew up with computers or whatever kind of have a stronger intuition when dealing with new technology as opposed to people that grew up without it?

americans from birth are completely saturated in the spectacle. this makes them uniquely skilled in figuring out how to manipulate it, because while everyone else adopted the spectacle, they were born to it

I don't think burgers are even fully aware of the spectacle. It's like asking a fish to explain water.

it doesn't need to explain water to be able to swim in it

"Trump's victory was a revolt against reason, not the elite"


This was courtesy of r/politics.

It's not even an article, either. It's a fucking letter or something. Lazy fucks at ribbit.

it was both tbh

I'd say it's more a lack of a choice, than lack of reason.

Your ideology isn't a law of nature, it's a Ponzi scheme, and the game is up.

I agree completely with you, but my point was that thinking Trump was going to fix any of those things is unreasonable.

A lot of Trump supporters I see away from the fanatical circlejerk that is the aut-right don't think Trump sincerely wants to fix these things, but instead that he presents the only possibility to fix them.

Indeed, no other presidential candidate from the big two parties has uttered a single word on any of those issues for many decades.

Obama did, and I think Trump will follow through about as much as he did.

All I've ever heard from Obama on any of these issues (except some meaningless hot air about the need for infrastructure spending, I'll grant that) is the party line of "more trade, more migrants, more idpol, more war, more snooping".

I agree that the mindless adulation we saw of Obama, combined with the even higher gullibility of Republican voters, does bode ill for the prospects of a productive Trump administration.

No he didn't, he was just a blank canvas on which liberals projected whatever they desired

I recently did a random visit to Doug Henwood's website, and saw him writing reasonable stuff about the whole Clinton-Trump debacle. Took me a while to realize that this stuff is not from just before the election, but from half a year ago. Would you have noticed?

March 1.

May 17.


May 18

This presages one of the biggest gaffes after the Trump victory, when Shillary's defenders whined about the FBI, ruskies, and "fake news", yet the biggest cuntpunch in Trump's favor was in fact the ACA price hikes.

I'm continually amazed at how disconnected they are from anything the American public actually cares about. _Peace.htm

Ellison's foreign policy stances.

It's not that surprising, the stuff that mainstream/establishment Democrats and their supporters are treating as some sort of paradigm-shifting revelation about the failed Hillary campaign was readily apparent to many on the right and left before November 2016.

r/politics types can dredge up all the juked employment, stock market and economic growth stats they want to prove the "Obama recovery" exists, but to a lot of Americans it didn't - and those Americans want radical reforms, not more policy wonk square-the-circle-so-everyone-wins tinkering

Don't these people get it that if your marriage is open on one side it's not open? Also why marry in the first place if you're going to have an open marriage kind of defeats the point of even marrying in the first place.

> says ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. is a great quote.

Why do people even find it a great quote? It's pretty stupid to have any kind of basic relation with something if only one person or party involved in the relation is benefitting from it. Besides that governments in the past and present love to deceive gullible people who don't ask what their country can do for them.

Insert lezbo gossip here

You're conflating "government" and "country", but even under your interpretation, that second half of that quote still brings it home:
"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

It's truly been fascinating watching the Democrats change into the "America was always great, only failed losers complain" party

Right?!?! They're now chanting "USA!", red-scaring, fine with war & shitting on the lower classes.

Truly fucking amazing. If they all had one neck..

I think it's worse that it was apparent even to a lot Democrat staff. There's e-mails from low-level staffers saying stuff like Hillary's rhetoric is driving away women or expressing bewilderment when Hillary attacks Sanders supporters. People knew and were ignored.

It's like the Democrats were so caught up in the potential gains of Clinton presidency that they forgot she needed to be elected first.

He literally campaigned on most of those things, liberals just conveniently forgot about holding him to his campaign promises. I suspect Trump voters will do the same.

Can someone help me out? I'm looking for the source or exact DNC email, when they were planning behind the scenes to blame Russia before it hit the news..


I think they just assumed it was such a sure thing that there was no real need to change course.

Clinton had the polls, Clinton was against Trump, Clinton pretty much had the backing of every country outside Russia, how were they going to lose?

..Anyone? I specifically remember seeing this in the news, but am having a hard time finding the specific email. Can't think of the right search terms.

I think they were just bound and determined to stop Sanders in his tracks not only because of his rhetoric but because a president that actively called into question the reigning wisdom of austerity/quantitative easing would threaten the entire global financial arrangement. Sanders was a massive embarrassment to them and their naked actions in rigging the primaries shows (imo) that not only were they surprised by his popularity but desperate to stop him, whatever the political cost. You had people in Nevada literally calling for DNC blood after what happened there, first with the voting, and then with the state convention.

check r/wikileaks r/dncleaks r/hillaryforprison r/the_donald and r/conspiracy, those were the main places people were rifling through shit during the leaks and the forums have a search function

probably your best bet

Sanders was obviously public enemy #1. Trump winning was undesirable for them, but Sanders winning would've been utterly disastrous.

The best SNL skit in about 20 years?

Fuggen borgers DDD:

I dunno man, Darrell Hammond did some on point impressions back in the 00s. Alright skit, though. They're getting warmer.

Same here. You can use a basic proxy website, that worked for me. My free proxy app is glitching atm.

Damn. For once having personal reasons for voting a certain way on a bill (in this case being a Muslim) came in real handy.

His fraud case is totally irrelevant now. I don't give a fuck how many dumb college kids he scammed, it's peanuts compared to the wars he can start and the social benefits he can cut.

Nixon went down for burglary, stranger things have happened.

This is from the same episode. Pissing off a lot of libs on Twitter, lol.

Ha! That's actually pretty good..

The dupeshit Trump-equivalent Puerto Rico just elected to be governor wants to build a 2,000 mile undersea gas pipeline from Texas or Florida to Puerto Rico. It would be either two or three times as long as the current longest pipeline, and would cost $60 billion.

This is how he's fixing our economy.

And this isn't even the first time. Pipes are kind of a Puerto Rican meme due to the PNP's obsession with building huge ones that the more radical among us can only assume stems from close ties to pipe-building companies. There's the Supertubo which transports water from one water plant to another, one of the biggest in the world, that time they tried to build a gas pipeline to plow across tens of thousands of acres of rainforest, and now this.

I want to die.

What are you guys on about. Identity politics absolutely works. Trump won the election wholly on white supremacist identity politics.

What, you think that because he mumbled a few things about NAFTA and protectionism that's why 40 million people voted for him.

Also you guys are just broke dick brats, recognizing that people are prejudice against people that aren't like them is like kindergartner level's of empathy, it's shit like is what's keeping you from getting pussy.

people are prejudiced against mentally ill people that we aren't allowed to say are mentally ill because of the prevalent neo-lib ideology? are people maybe pissed at being called bigots because they don't want to call mentally ill people by their made up pronouns and don't want to recognize their made up social constructs as a real thing? wow what a bunch of REACTIONARIES

No shit, it's easy to get stupid people to go along with identity politics.

And we know why Trump won, you retard. We're not liberals. Lurk more.


it's like you don't even wanna make it

Sure you do bud, is that why I see 10 threads here daily chewing on liberals like a dog on a bone but never ones BTFOing conservatives, the GOP or Racists.

Don't pat yourself on the back for BTFOing Holla Forumsyps, when fucking liberals have the god damn sense to do that.

If all it takes to become a class traitor is some SJW saying you're bigoted your were always a porky bootlicker.


most people are idiots, sjw idpol being branded as the left is definitely not helping in changing that


it's the same as retard liberals voting for a bloodthirsty warlord and then being shocked and crying about trump winning

Only 13 percent of blacks voters voted Trump.
Only 30 percent of hispanics did.


What are you talking about? How new are you?

We pay closer attention atm to liberals because they're destroying the left.

ye because liberals are branding themselves as the left, which is far more damaging to the left than conservatives

It is the same. That's what I'm saying. They ignored the fucking mountain of evidence that Trump is bourgeois would never do any of the economic polices he's promised. But they liked the white supremacy so they voted for him.

Liberals ignore all the bloody imperialism because they like the idpol they hear from dems. At least liberal idpol superficially wants equality while right wing idpol explicitly calls for subjugation

ah, I guess your right. everyone who voted for Trump did so because they a racist and sexist. The minorities have internalized racism, and the women have internalized sexism. The fact that the rust belt was the part of the country that actually flipped from Obama and the dems is just because there is more internalized racism and sexism there for no reason. Delta'd.

ye people are retarded, did you just figure this out?

Haha this old canard. You're getting destroyed by porky. Obviously idpol is important to proles so why not do the tiniest bit of homework and make sure proles know you aren't bigoted against them

As others have pointed out, Trump addressed their problems and at least offered a possibility of a solution. The democratic candidate firmly did neither.

Sanders would have taken the rust belt from Trump easily. Trump's white supremacy would have lost because it was not what won the election.

Six million people didn't vote. That's who flipped the rust belt for Obama not your mythical Obama Trump voter

it's not though, that's the thing

That's nationwide. In the rust belt Trump out-preformed Romney. The white working class used to win the rust belt for the dems. That used to be how the democrats won. The democrats were the party of unions and labor. Now they lost it for them.

There was no reason to believe any of his promises.

Also he didn't bring up trade nearly as much as muslims and illegals

Everyone's getting destroyed by porky.

Idpol is divisive, it's not an option. But now i suspect you're just Holla Forums shitposting.

There's not myth. Voters that voted for Obama last time voted for Trump this time, because Obama failed them. Unlike those coastal populations, they did not want an Obama third term.

Romeny didn't trade on white supremacy like Trump did. The base hated Romeny for the same reasons dems hated Hilary.

That could just as easily prove my point. The GOP base was animated by Trumps bigotry, something Romney wouldn't give them

They are inferring that Obama voters voted Trump. Please show me proof cause everything I've was flimsy as hell. Did they actually look at these peopels voting records

Not true. He stole Bernie's talking points & tried to gain those voters. Even though many thought he was full of shit, Clinton was just that unpalatable.

I'm trying to help you not lose elections in the future by admitting the plain truth, these places in America have been gutted and the people there feel it. What I'm saying comes from, not just big data that shows there was a dem-republican swing, but from the democratic leaders and organizers on the ground in those states. They tell us Trump won because the democrats did not do anything for those states and the people in them. When then finally made get out the vote efforts they were met with nothing by cynicism for the few voters they managed to actually keep track of.

He talked about trade all the time at his rallies. He made promises about tariffs and forcing manufactures back into the US. It was just far less inflammatory than building a wall and so got much less play, because there are fewer pundits willing to go to bat for NAFTA or TPP. They had a tendency to ignore Trump on this kind of thing.

Even if that were true there was every reason to not believe him.

Some how you fuckers believe SJWs can drive people from but magically these same voters can't buy into white supremacy.

Parse his words all you want he ran on a virulent racist platform. You're telling me if Trump was deriding cis straight white males they would have looked past it and voted for him cause of his populism
wew lad

He was on TV everyday for all of 2015 sorry the MSM didn't omit any god damn thing about Trumps policies. He barely had any, all his trade polices were vaugly protectionist

Sanders would have won every single rust belt state Trump flipped. Trump's victory is not fundamentally an issue of identity, love, and hate. I can't even picture real leftism accepting this kind of analysis. HRC didn't even pay lip service to this issues. She, and neo-liberalism, had abandoned them to decay. How can anyone look at the mid-west and not think that the democrats didn't consider it a lost cause, and weren't going to let it decay with no answer for them.

The MSM omitted almost everything he said about trade lol. He specifically said he was going to put huge tariffs on every manufacture that moved a factory over seas. That was a huge deal. He said it all the time. It was one of his most popular points.

We don't. We don't buy the narrative that this was a reaction to Social Justice in coastal cities.

Who here said Trump didn't say racist things?

Again, what the fuck are you babbling about? Do you even know?

You're just shitting up the thread at this point.

This. The MSM was focusing on idpol, not his platforms or lack thereof. Substantially more on idpol.

If they omitted it how the fuck do you know about then. Maybe because you watched his rallies on TV.. that's not omitting shit.

Bernie rallies on the other had I had to always go to YouTube for


What is your point, here?

I know about it because my TV isn't tuned to MSNBC all damn day. Just because you didn't notice, remember or care doesn't mean everyone else didn't, especially those of feel like those trade issues hit them personally.

If he had said shit about white people he wouldn't have won.
He mumbled every once in awhile policies on trade, somehow you excuse white people for beleieving such an obvious lie because of white idpol
But when liberals do it your on it doggone it. You all want to believe this fairy tale that Trump tricked his voters, he didnt, even a little bit of research would have told you not to trust this porky, they vo

His message on trade was coming loud and clear to those states he won, compounded by the fact that the democrats didn't touch them. They made no efforts in those states. They made a top-level decision to LOSE WORKING CLASS VOTERS in an effort to appeal to moderate republicans. It was their belief that they could abandon the working class (because they had no solution for them) and for every 1 dem voter they lost they would get 2 republican voters.


What reason did Trump give anyone to believe he was against free trade,
Also he's not a populist, they're by definition popular, less people voted for home than Romeny

Dude, you're an idiot. We call out the Trump supporters who try to play idpol as well.

Who? Holla Forums is not one person.



I hope you get banned for your waste of posts.

This is straight up false. The democrats were the party of the white working class for decades. It's only recently that they shifted away from that in favor to "demographics". It's why it was such a shock to lose the rust belt.

more people voted for him than Romney IN THE STATES HE WON. The difference just washes out in California and New York, etc.

Wut. In his most well known speech he proudly announced that he was going to support "Americanism" over "Globalism" and he talked about renegotiating NAFTA and killing TPP, as well as putting tariffs on China and forcing manufacturing to move back into the US.

That's my point dumbass. Romeny carefully used dog whistles. The dumb racists that voted for Trump see that kind of tiptoeing as pandering.

Trump just straight promised unequivocally preserve white supremacy and those racists flocked to him. His racists credentials are stella. His worker creditials couldn't be worse.

Guess you think Trump voters are too stupid to know how to use the internet

Dixicrats look it up

Wisconsinite here, Trump is literally republican Obama, i know quite a few voters here who voted for Obama in 08 voted for Trump this time around for economic reasons. Most don't like Trump personally, but are voting because he talked about bringing back jobs is relatable to the change campaign Obama ran ON.

Sure I'm sure it was such a bitter pill for them to look past his racism too. Poor them


And they believed Trump would do those things because….. he said so?! Bullshit

look up the fucking reason that the rust belt was considered safe democrat


Im not sure what this means. That I'm crying over spilled milk?

I'm not crying, I live in Arizona homes, I'm well versed in all the cognitive dissonance white do to convince the self they're not racist

Yeah, it's easy. You can say "they may not be racist, but they're okay with racism, nuff said" as the snappy twitter screenshot I see says, but in the end, it's not the same thing. Those voters would have voted against Trump if the democrats had a policy that would help them, or even acknowledged them.

Bullshit, they loved them that white power. You telling me they would have voted for a black supremacist as long as he was good on trade but spent his whole life screwing over workers

Fucking go back to wherever you came from.

>>>Holla Forums

Now who's crying

No, I think it's easy for a group to not care much about other groups. There is a really famous poem about this. "First them came for the…". They can easily go EITHER WAY on Muslims or any group. If a dem candidate had done the same the democrats would have won.

People are desperate and are begging for scraps from the establishment, its not necessarily that they believe change will happen, its more about they hope things will change, its the same for the people who voted for Obama.
Anyways, here is what these people actually believe in their own words.
Here you go friend,

your gulagposting is bringing tears to my eyes

No one's crying, just tired of seeing you derail a thread with obvious nonsense. It's especially rich that you accuse others of cognitive dissonance.

You're going to have to accept the fact that not all republicans are racist.

Don't even give them that much credit. They don't even understand shitposting.

People voted for Obama when his history was nothing but being a warmongering corporate cocksucker.

My larger point here is your all a bunch of pussies that hate liberals because they're idpol triggers you, not from any intellectual or theoretical offense.
But you'll look past all of Trump supporters idpol because it panders to you.

What do republican offer their base other than white supremacy.
Sorry but lib idpol is not equivalent, every republican policy it drenched in racist animosity.

Sorry you're going to have to accept there's a reason the GOP is almost all white men.

I agree, he used idpol to. But lib idpol is not drenched in blood like white supremacist idpol is

Lurk more so you avoid saying such stupid bullshit.

Mods pls ban this derailer.

Looks like you have not read any socialist theory what so ever, liberals use idpol to distract people from their economic conditions, which creates a never ending game of oppression olympics.

People are desperate sure. Doesn't explain how they know enough to not trust Hilary but trust trump, it's almost like they found something so appealing that he was actually likely to deliver on that they looked past it.

Poor desperate people aren't stupid, they're ideological

So why are you so quick to look past the dominate idpol that is white supremacy.

You are all sure as fuck get on minority idpol though. You need to look at the idpol that you are implicitly playing into

Hillary was complete status quo, she didn't offer them anything, the rural areas in thew Rust Belt loved Bernie, and he stomped Hillary and Trump in both of those areas.

Oh no, if Clinton only did nothing, that would've given her a substantial advantage. Where Trump made vague promises about tariffs, Clinton backed the TPP to the hilt of Bernie's sword; to Trump's vague promises of peace and scathing critique of Bush's/Obama's wars as well as outreach toward Russia, Clinton talked up every past debacle unperturbed and ferociously rattled her saber at Putin; Trump repeatedly stressed the unprecedented corruption in both parties, Clinton brushed all that aside even as damning proof constantly bubbled up under her; Trump constantly castigated our tidal wave of immigrants, Clinton promised more and more loosely regulated immigration than ever; Trump promised to resurrect our job market from its current state of total obliteration, Clinton said the recession had been fixed and offered bandages on the gaping wound like cheap college and higher minimum wage.

Trump may be a very untrustworthy potential ally for the working class, but Clinton and her ilk are its proven and openly sworn foes on all the biggest issues.

Remember both of those aren't just idpol issues, but crucial economic and public order issues.

Small numbers of people, leftist, rightist, or centrist, actually place idpol above material issues. The working class is staring down the very bottom of Maslow's Scale right now, idpol doesn't put a roof over your head, or food on the table, day in and day out.

Yeah. It's dumb. Bernie beat Clinton in the rust belt and then they just ignored that warning sign and went right ahead with their excellent strategy: literally never go to Wisconsin and run 6 ads there, total.

That's what I'm saying, they don't care about other people because of White idpol, the same white idpol that caused them to look past Trumps obvious lies

While I agree with you I just want to point out this isn't true… Clinton DID back the TPP but she claimed she didn't. Almost every pundit (expecting her to win) was making excuses for her inevitable flip on this issue lol.

berniebros BTFO

No, I think you're twisting idpol into a strange meaning it doesn't have. These white voters would have voted for Justin Trudeau if he promised protectionism, and end to NAFTA and a return of manufacturing.

By Tom Eley
21 November 2016



They're not "looking past his lies"… Trump's promises on trade are the one thing they are NOT looking past. Because there is nowhere else to look and find ones that are appealing to them.

This is what I'm talking about, I know your white cause you think idpol oppression is divorced from material oppression.

If you think tumblrinas are representative of liberals you need to talk to people that aren't white.

The liberal base is made up of poor working class people too that are getting screwed by other prole so because of sex and race.

Pleas tell me what material condition keeps proles from oppressing each other along race and sex

No, it's completely possible to create a party that incorporates whites an minorities together on a single economic platform– that is not just rich white liberals and minorities. One could bring the white working class and the black working class together in one party and it would not be torn apart by racism, believe it not .

Wow, gee, I dunno, maybe the extensive legal punishments against explicit sexism/racism?

With material oppression, on the other hand, which may IMplicitly be sexist/racist, there are no laws against it, because the socdem agenda from people like the Roosevelts and Johnson have been ripped to shreds. It wasn't always true, but today only one class of people are truly vulnerable to discrimination: The lower class.

Fucking pipelines mang.

lol stupid white people

Goddammit Jimmy, You are so fucking close!

Plenty of material oppression that is implicit. Also the definition of explicit racism or sexism is pretty fucking high.

You practically have to write a memo explicitly saying your discriminating against someone. Even then it can take years in courts to prove

White families on average have about 100k in assests compared to blacks 14 k

But dumbasses like you drive minorities from the left cause since there's homeless white men it makes those stats irrelevant.

Also how is exploitation inflicted by proles on proles related to their MoP. It because it's not it gasp identity politics. The base supercedes the superstructure, but it's still fucking important.

Class chucks like you want to ignore superstructure because most idpol is white and dismantling hurts your fee fees

Oh he knows it, alright. He's just sugarcoating it for the normies who would REE at him for going full commie.

Holy shit, I stumbled across something on reddit that explains why these fuckers need to be nuked. They are so out of touch & this explains exactly why the dems lost. Check this shit out.

Tbf, that "guy" poster called him out a little after #2, but they're both still being complete assholes. And if you click on the responses, people are calling them elitist assholes & that's why Trump won. There's at least more discourse going on atm, but these were the top voted posts.

the post it came from, which thank God was downvoted almost 50% so far.

He pissed away a ton of political capital by backing Hillary who lost regardless. Not exactly someone who has been making savvy moves as of late

It's being reported that he asked the Argentine president on the phone about building permits for his buildings–during a courtesy congratulations call. He's not even president yet and he's committing impeachable offenses.

Maybe that's what he wants, lmao.

I need a US unemployment/underemployment statistic that can really shock people into action tonight. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Maybe Google/duckduck statistics from the working class from the 80s compared to today. It has to be staggering. And find one that shows blue collar jobs, specifically, as well.

i.e., before & after Reagan/union busting

What I really need is something contemporary that shows the Great Recession hasn't been resolved and demonstrates the huge danger of another recession in 2017.
Starring ostensible examples by Ted Cruz, Ken Livingstone, and Donald Trump.
>I worry there’s a certain narrative, which is catnip for the media: Many public figures are secretly virulently racist and sexist. If their secret is not discovered, they will gain power and use their racism and sexism to harm women and minorities. Many of their otherwise boring statements are actually part of a code revealing this secret, and so very interesting. Also, gaffes are royal roads to the unconscious which must be analyzed obsessively. By being very diligent and sophisticated, journalists can heroically ferret out which politicians have this secret racism, and reveal it to a grateful world.

There are some specific economists who are speaking about this atm(Maybe Richard Wolff or Mark Blythe?). I think I even saw someone from Lehman bros admitting one is coming again, a week or two ago. I'll see what I can find.

Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and HSBC all issued warnings last month that they expect another recession in the next year. What I need are some employment statistics to accompany that fact.

It'd be nice to add Lehman Bros. to my list though if you can find that source. (for comparison)

Nah user, what I need are current statistics. You tell someone how bad it was in 2012 and they say "that was then, things are fine now thanks to Barack Obama".

There was an off the record meeting today at Trump Tower with a lot of media bigwigs. Apparently Trump spent the entire meeting shitting on everyone in attendance. One person described it as a "firing squad."

Is Jimmy gonna be our fat Texan propaganda man?

He wanted to stop Trump the only way possible, but it wasn't enough because she was just such a terrible candidate. Bernie jumped into the water to save her and she ended up dragging him down.

My bad, I realized that after I posted it, lmao. But you'll have past ones to point out the pattern, once you find good current statistics. I'm sure they're similar.

I did find an assload of articles preaching the impending doom, though, from investment publications, etc.

This one might be helpful
Recent GDI.

Good, they need to be shot. Any more info?

I hate these people. There's lots of them everywhere.

Good point. The definition of dog whistle as we know it comes from an excerpt from an interview with Lee Atwater, the issue he says is that you can focus on a separate, related issue instead of just saying racist things explicitly. He incorrectly calls this abstraction. But what it is simply another means to achieve racial segregation. if you can't say you want segregated schools, you can attack bussing. Bussing causes problems, it's not a perfect solution, so it's an acceptable target while desegregation is not. Dogwhistling is to not change your goal, but to find more popular, acceptable means to achieve it. The thing is that the policy you are saying you want has exactly the same outcome as the policy you actually want but can't say. It's not dog whistling to say "coded antisemitism" while your policy is the most pro-Semitic policy on earth.

>Plenty of material oppression that is implicitly discriminatory
Fixed? Anyway, my point is that the harmfulness of any sexism/racism/etc involved in those would have occurred regardless, because untrammeled capitalism demands it. Prejudice merely provides another rationalization for people to justify their reinforcement of the inhumane system under which we operate.

Just like any other crime!
"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" -William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1765

You realize whites don't just exist at all income brackets, but outnumber blacks in every single one, right? Moreover, poor whites overwhelmingly tend to be the descendants of poor whites, just like the majority of blacks.

In other words, disproportionate black poverty is a result of inertia from prior explicit discrimination, combined with the low economic mobility of modern day neolib/neocon America.

Remember the guy lived a perfect non-Democratic Party membership outsider life up until this election. He did this so that he could harden himself against "muh Nader, muh spoiler" accusations. He died for our sins.

Just look around, it's not too hard to find, but here's some tips. Focus on underemployment rather than just unemployment (to kick the neolib "muh new economy" retards in the nads), always look for median numbers rather than averages, be wary of the household/individual distinction, and always look for inflation-corrected and per-capita figures.

Would President Pence be better, or worse than President Trump?

Yeesh, I have to think Pence would be worse. Much worse..

Just like an argument against Clinton, she knew exactly what she was doing, so it made it scarier. I'd have to say the same for Pence.

Sort of the opposite of what would've happened if Clinton picked Sanders as running mate.

I do still love me some Bernie. He's the best we got. It must suck having to work within this fucked up system, as seen with the shit people give him.


She would have surely won. Then if she'd been RFK'd we'd have Bernie, lmao.

She really didn't have to do much to pick up some extra votes. Goddamn, she's stupid. Or just too bought. I'm thinking there's an equal balance of the two.

He would have pissed away all of it by not backing her

He did it because he actually believes in the spoiler effect koolaide. Ever since he lost a House election in a three-way race in 1988 Sanders has been terrified of so-called spoilers. The Democrats in Vermont never run anyone against him either.


*screams in the corner*

How the fuck is that a flat out lie? Most people in the US are poor. Where does this jagoff live where he doesn't see it?

The political imagination of most people today is this big. Most people never read any overt political texts at all, like every young person did a few decades ago, while MSM is deliberately trying to paint anything slightly to the left as stupid, silly and/or "bigoted" (e.g. Guardian's treatment of Corbyn).

I thought he just meant "passionate guy screaming about politics on YouTube", but you could be right.

I hope so, just as long as he isn't irrational like le Jones.


Boo fucking hoo. Shit's fucked, so the radical politics are coming out.

It's sort of excusable, probably looking at official statistics in the most naive possible way. For instance, looking at the raw census figures, it's true that only 13% of Americans live under the Census Bureau's official poverty line (~$22k/year for a husband and wife with two children), intended by the government as a tool to combat the most desperate forms of poverty. But of course this is a gross understatement of poverty if regional cost-of-living indices, debt, and public assistance are taken into account.

Bad effect of Trump election #17: The Intercept & similar got more obsessed with shallow idpol instead of writing reports on how the system as such operates.

I've been hearing Jimmy give this figure a lot but where did he get it from? Half are poor by what metric?

When I was still in the US, I was making roughly $12,000 a year, with no government assistance. In fact, they were deducting $200/month for a past medical expense, too. That was with a "good" office job, and I was better off than a lot of my peers.

The US is a fucking joke, now. The struggle is very real.

CNN is the worst

Wow.. Absolute garbage.

Meanwhile not a peep on the impending recession, or education issues, of course.

NEET here, is the fact that over half of Americans make less than $30,000/yr a convincing statistic to concern normies? Or is $30,000/yr not so bad?

I'm not sure, but as pointed out, there's stats on it, and you'd have to realistically look at the numbers, factor in expenses & how much it costs to live in an area.

It should be convincing. $30,000/year is still struggling.


1 in 2 Americans are classified as either impoverished or low income. And that's from census data take in 2011.

meant for

This is a pretty big deal.

Six million :🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀)

Word directly from the God Emperor.

Let's see Congress even pass half of that shit.

TPP was just an all included anti-China trade deal. The fucking CATO institute green-lit it. Trump will be too late and will lack leverage to have any real impact on Asian Trade.
I just hope China won't let themselves be pressured by the UN, if they do this is pretty terrible.
don't care, makes /liberty/ happy, that's good.
Yeah, they won't use those funds to spy on civilians and foreigners at all.
Never ever gonna happen.

So just the same, but with a different name?

RIP planet

No pardon for Manning, Snowden & more attacks on Wikileaks?

Could be good for jobs, terrorism
Ironic though that Trump used those same visas for labor

It would be nice to see this extended in the more powerful, other direction as well. No lobbyists being given job opportunities in gov.

All very symbolic it seems e.g. "five year ban on lobbyists": so they just send a different lobbyist each year, rotating between 5 of them.

The ride never ends.

I hope you know Trump absolutely hates privacy and wanted Assange and Snowden dead.

I may be suicidal but this isn't how I want to die

I'm guessing you're a lobbyist then?

No, someone who has to live with the effects of global warming and authoritarianism

We already had a thread about a promise list by Trump and an ancap poster pointed out that this one is meaningless. How do you count regulations? One can just change the number of regulations by moving several under the same header, which doesn't make the law text less complex at all, and actually harder to navigate.

It would have been better to require regulations to pass some readability measure that is easily computed and that can be shown while composing text, like this one:–Kincaid_readability_tests (word length and sentence length)
And this:–Chall_readability_formula (distinguishes uncommon words from common ones)
I would apply two limits based on these not only to a document as a whole, but also put a limit on what the most convoluted possible sentence is allowed to be, so asshole lawmakers couldn't escape the wrath of my standards by adding a lot of simple sentences to a horribly written document. And I would put some limit on the total number of words.

She's probably too petty and vindictive to let someone who absolutely would have wrecked her in the primary if not for cheating to be her VP.

What Trump should do is take that buzzfeed tier headline about his speeches being at a 4th-grade reading level and demand that regulations get scored the same.

There's something else that would work a lot better to slash at porkbarreling, something every single president has asked for, and every single congress has denied them: Line item veto.

Yup. It's gonna be just like the Bush years. Everybody becomes focused on the vulgarity of the man/party instead of the system they represent.

Like being able to strike off any provisions or just certain things in a bill?

That's why they try to tack on whatever they can to important bills.. It's sneaky & bullshit. Should definitely be changed.

Oh, for sure. But she also already promised it to Tim Kaine back in June/July of 2015. Cunt had it all laid out. I'm so glad she wasn't coronated & had it "snatched" from her! That was one of the best feelings.

Just strike out anything from a bill, and congress can then let it pass altered or kill it with a 50/50 vote. Also, my mistake, Clinton didn't just ask for it, he actually got it, but the supreme court knocked it down, so either a weaker version or a constitutional amendment would be needed today:

if you have a Ribbit account, upvote this post so it gets to the top of politics.


never heard of him before, but this Barney Sandals character seems decent. is he /our guy/?

The fact that she seemed absolutely crushed by her defeat was some small solace

She couldn't even show her face that night, lmao.

The DNC really fucked over everyone - All the citizens, as well as the environment. Every normie I interact with online or irl, I make sure to point this out to. They need to be reminded as often as possible, so some(I know not all will, unfortunately) do something different next time.

Well, Dems and MSM decided that they're going to keep making the same mistakes. It seems only some rare liberal journos are somewhat learning their lesson.
Chelsea Clinton 2020 :^)

People are actually downvoting this post.

What the fuck. Meanwhile idpol garbage like "Dear hardworking white people - Congrats, You played yourselves!" made it to the front page.

They'll go with Kaine first, since he "paid his dues" & was promised first. I seriously wouldn't put it past them to run Chelsea Clinton. I'm sure that's coming, if revolution doesn't happen first. I think people are starting to wake up. I love seeing people protesting large-scale, again. That was gone for far too long.

Some punkass redditor yesterday, after I linked them to an article from The Intercept, said that Glenn Greenwald is "Un-American". Someone claiming to be liberal. I was honestly amazed, even for reddit. These people make the authoritarian side of me come out.

the media is falling for smokescreen bait again (the alt-right hysteria) and in the process normalizing them, while Trump is literally using his soon-to-be office to enrich himself and his family

meanwhile, the Trumpists are already giving themselves an excuse to ignore his corruption by latching onto the "fake news" narrative–because when news of his self-dealing breaks, it will be carried by the institutional mainstream press

If this is all he does, we'll be okay. The real danger isn't him alone as president, but the totally Republican government. Together, they are very likely to destroy the last vestiges of democracy, carry out ethnic cleansing, and engage in more wars of aggression.

I think your last point is probably the most likely to be realized. Sad for all the people who thought they were getting a dove. Syria and Iran here we come.

are you kidding? the media and liberals would have eviscerated him and blamed the entire election on "psuedoprogressive brocialists'

I agree with the rest of your sentiment, but that's the real deal. Remember that various forces (Christian fundies, giant corporations, now the media itself! I just love SJWs) have been attempting to push through internet censorship in the USA since the '90s. If it actually happened, especially under today's media environment, this could be the killshot to free speech on the clearnet, and rapidly propigate offline to destroy what's left of the independent press.

Hopefully Trump is disinterested and malleable enough to go along with the parts of his campaign promises popular consensus pushes him into, and hopefully WE are the ones generating the most pressure.

Oh please, if that was really what the party establishment pushing for more immigration and amnesties from Reagan through both Bushes wanted, it would've happened a looong time ago.

You really think Russia is just going to sell out their only buddies in the Middle East for 4 years of maybe gains in Eastern Europe?

I think that the American MIC and neocons will prevail in driving us to war, yes. It won't matter what Russia wants, in fact the more it drives us to outright hostilities with them the better.

I really don't think that the US population is interested in a war with Russia. We saw with the Tea Party and Bundy Bullshit that our ideological enemies are more than capable of flexing their muscles when they want to. They thought Donald Trump was friendly towards Russia. I don't think they'll be willing to go along with the Nonconservative bullshit this time.

BREAKING: Trump will not pursue further investigations of Clinton related to her private email server or the Clinton Foundation, Conway says

I'd like to be shocked by this but I'm not


I don't remember Obama leading his sycophants in "LOCK HIM UP!" chants or even telling Bush that he'd have him imprisoned, which is what Trump said to Hillary's face in a debate.

but keep going, this schadenfreude is delicious to us

Why do you think I'm from Holla Forums you fucking imbecile

Hillary tried twice to get the presidency and failed both times. The Clintons are fucking done in Washington, which is why the liberals are panicking right now. They're leaderless.

they're just going to install milquetoast obama and then wonder why trump wins another four years

how is Holla Forums taking this?

We all want her in jail, but it's clear the elite won't allow her to be.

"we never took him seriously"

'tis better to have loved and lost…

They're actually stating that it was a broken promise? That's more accountability than the liberal press ever held Obama to.

Yeah because all the hand-wringing on Yemeni drone strikes and Guantanamo Bay, etc. never made it anywhere in the mainstream press over the last 8 years

where is that even in the article. what a stupid hysterical url


Wow. How.. did you come across this?


Archive this abortion, please, user

isn't that lena dunham's vanity site

Elisabeth Bumiller [email protected]/* */ 19m19 minutes ago

Trump: Jared Kushner could help make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.

^shit Trump said in his meeting with NYTimes

Who do you predict will be the Democratic nominee in 2020?

Apparently the private security firm in charge of Dakota Access pipeline intelligence has ties to Blackwater:


Chelsea Clinton

that is creepy as fuck

So they're noticing? They're not even using the "metaphor" excuse anymore?

How will Jones recover?

It may be petty of me, but part of the reason I want to see Trump fail is to see Jones lose what little credibility and following he has. I've seen too many well-meaning saps get sucked into his vortex just because they justifiably hate and fear the establishment, only to come out the other end talking about how "the free market will fix it" and "Illuminati Cultural Marxists run Hollywood" and shit.

I hate both but this shit is hilarious.

I think the correct word is "chilling" as in "think of the chilling effect". Very icy.

cabinet news today:
Trump is leaning towards Mitt Romney as Secretary of State, Nikki Haley as UN amb., and Mattis as Secretary of Defense

also it seems like Mattis talked to him about waterboarding being a bad idea

This sounds like Donald had some specific plans. Does he need to discipline his youngest son or something?
Mitt Romney as SoS, what would that mean?

It was like a fart in a hurricane. There's difference between a opinion piece and a headliner.


bernie sanders on identity politics in democratic party

So much for being an outsider rofl

Is this seriously the best intellectualism that the far right can muster? Rofl.

The video probably won't play on the archived page.

Cory Booker

So there's talk of the Fed raising interest rates next month to iirc something like 1.7%. I believe it will take something like a month or two for people really start to feel it, so maybe late January or February. For a while I was wondering why they were delaying so long with a rate hike, but now it seems like they did it to not hurt the holiday season sales numbers, the clever turnips. If they'd raised rates in October or November like they originally said they would, the buying power of most Americans would be effectively diminished, hurting results and starting the new year off with a dismal economic outlook, threatening to repeat this year's troublesome really quarter.

An I right in my assessment? I'm a novice with economics, so feedback is appreciated.

Do we believe any of the "Clinton-ordered assassinations" conspiracy theories?

In spite of the vigor with which I pushed all the anti-Clinton memes during the election, and as much as I dislike her for what she did to Sanders and the party, no.

Not just the spicier stuff like the hitlist, or the pedo network. I honestly don't even believe the more mundane junk like Benghazi or a lot of the money laundering ones. About the most I'm confident of is email sloppiness, influence peddling, and perhaps some of the militarist bloodlust.

My opinion of such rumors, and of the Clintons, hasn't really changed from the '90s when Drudge and his ilk were throwing every rumor they could dig up just to see what would stick. They're average establishment politicians, obviously sleazy to get where they are, with average scandals, and the razor-thin (but just barely extant) chance of something explosively bizarre being true about them, but ideologically they're centrist chameleons with a lick of leftist paint on top.

If it were any other election, and once-in-a-lifetime opponents like Sanders' revolution or the populist upheaval represented by many of Trump's supporters weren't on the table, I'd have little objection to supporting Clinton over any other interchangeable mainstream Democrat. Heck, the only reason I backed Obama rather than her in 2008 was because her husband backed NAFTA, and Obama hadn't made a statement on trade in either direction at that point.

All this said, however, I threw around this gossip as hard as any Holla Forumsack or Tea Party conspiratard during this election, because defeating Clinton actually mattered this time around.

It's largely Holla Forums who believes that stuff, without much evidence. But, the Seth Rich thing seemed kinda spooky to me.

The Clintons have done enough other stuff though, to earn my ire. There's much more to condemn her on, without having to go to some hitlist. That being said, I certainly wouldn't want to cross her. Her influence & things she's done in the past to intimidate people, is scary enough.

She's a warhawk, who could give a shit less on bombing some brown people across the world, as long as it gives her influence in Washington/with the elite. She's disgusting. Her business dealings in Haiti are disgraceful. She fought women for a raise in their barely existent minimum wage, disgusting.

I could go on & on. She's all around terrible. There's enough to go after her on, without having to resort to Benghazi & hitlist.

Fuck Clinton.

What an idiot. Roland could've given a better argument as well. I would've liked him to also reference the indentured servants who were Irish/white. Bring some class into it. But I understand, given whom he's talking to, why he stuck on the black thing.

I still didn't get a good idea of what that white guy stood for. He just seems like an idiot white supremacist. His definition of white supremacy is hilarious, as well. There's really no denying he is one, by the things he's saying there..

I'd heard Richard Spencer's name before. "The National Policy Institute".. Looks like another bullshit org I have to remember the name of for future reference. I'm sure nothing good is coming from it. Reminds me of "Americans for Prosperity".

Thanks for sharing. Democracy Now! does some great reporting on issues you don't see much of in the MSM. Jeremy Scahill, I've liked. He was on Bill Maher's show(before I stopped watching), and he made Bill look stupid. He had some harsh words for every frontrunner then, including Sanders. It was nice to see someone who went after everyone for bad policy.

Blackwater immediately reminds me of Haliburton & their work in Iraq. That's some scary shit. Scahill mentioned the protesters' phones/computers were likely being tapped, so I hope these protesters go offline whenever possible, to plan whatever they do. I'm sure there are cointel/infiltrators working within them at this moment, too. The government has gotten very good at delegitimizing any protesting group in the past.

I think the cops/government really jumped the gun, going from 0-100 claiming there were pipe bombs, etc. We have to combat this narrative wherever we see it. Didn't they just burn some bulldozers & that was the extent?

We have two other threads about the protest, don't know which one is more prominent or if we need to make a new one again.

The "bad policy" of Sanders that Scahill mentioned was that he was in favor of the President's "kill list", fyi.

I can believe it. Political assassinations are older than Christ

Not sure, but I think it's fun to meme it. I do know it's more likely the closer you get to their time in Arkansas. Local politics there are a swamp.

Welcome newfriend. Thanks for sharing.

Holy shit he's getting pounded on such basic points. What sort of self-respecting white nationalist has no rehearsed comeback for someone bringing up slavery?


No way will they nominate a white male. One of the main lessons the DNC will draw from 2016 is that minorities will not turn out for a white candidate.


I thought the Dems were trending towards Warren as some sort of Clinton/Sanders hybrid?

Plus I don't think they'd run Chelsea for president just yet, they'll fatten her profile up with a safe seat in the House of Representatives first

Who won?

Both are arguing over stupid shit, imo.

There isn't a gulag cold enough for this fatfuck.

Greens pushing for a recount in Wisconson, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Looks like they finally worked up the guts to address election integrity after all.


Why dems lost - the musical.

Funny comments, though. And that like/dislike ratio is reassuring.

Pls stop torturing me with these terrible videos

Are normalfags just terrible debaters on obscure issues that we run rings around them on, or would any of us fall apart just as bad if put on the spot in an IRL debate?

like what? zimbabwe?

Mali, Songhai, Benin, Ethiopia, Axum, Nubia

Satan trips, noice

But really, it's because "Afro"centrists are just Nordicentrists in blackface. Egypt is conveniently exploited because it gives both sides an explanation that reconciles their belief in their own racial superiority with the relative lack of performance of both areas (i.e. northern Europe/sub-Saharan Africa) in that time period. "Egypt was white until they irrelevant shited with Nubian slaves and Middle Eastern conquerors" versus "Egypt was black until they irrelevant shited with European slaves and Greek/Persian conquerors"



Yeah, that's a large part of the reason why my flag is more ironic/being a dick than literal.

I enjoy studying history. I hate that history has become an idpol battleground for people to wave their dicks around. Anyone who tells me that the Egyptians were "black" or "white" automatically lets me know that their opinion is cancer. (Mind you, there were plenty of phenotypically "black" people in Egypt–dark skin, kinky hair, etc.–but there were plenty of people who didn't have those features too. Egypt was a multi-ethnic empire).

It's made even sadder by the fact that the Hillary campaign has already disavowed the recount movement.

i think they're speaking out of both sides of their mouths–no surprise

i saw a hillary bundler on tv yesterday saying it should go forward


Fair point. The cynic in me says that they're just "taking the high road" on the recount so if it does turn up in Hilldawg's favour they can graciously accept (without any bad PR from officially bitching about the results)


Even as a child in the south, I thought this was a retarded argument. Who gives a fuck, really.

Jimmy Dore - "CNN Upset Nobody Trust News Media! - Not From ONION"

CNN "reporter" tells us to be wary of propaganda & not be tricked.


Every propaganda machine is pulling that trick lately… They feel like they're losing power probably. In the past they didn't have to do this because any alternative view was simply overshadowed or didn't pose any threat to them.


same here

What really disgusts me is the "emotion" with which he tries to put forth his argument.

Too little, too late. Everyone knows you're full of shit, CNN. Most conservatives haven't taken them seriously in a very long time, and now half the dem party & most independents don't.

My parents are at the young end of boomers, and they're dem party loyalists of the truest form. They're coming to visit me in the next month or so. I'm going to redpill them hard. I've already gotten through to them, but they will be amazed at how fucked up these MSM outlets are. They will leave here thinking very differently, for sure. If I weren't 8,000 miles away from them, I would've had more influence. A big thanks to Holla Forums for giving me the information I need to do this easily.

What's your strategy going to be?

They're true proles, so it won't be hard. I'll just be informing them. The main point I want to get across is how shit the MSM is & how they manufacture consent/narrative that everyone just parrots lazily.

Don't know exactly how I'm going to do it. But I mainly want to point out the bullshit within the DNC & how/how badly they screwed Bernie. Starting small. They work so often & hard that they're just not able to keep up with everything politically. So I also want to show them better news media, etc.

Any suggestions are much appreciated. I got my dad to vote for Bernie with just a little bit of discussion. Mom was for Hillary until the end but now sees it was a mistake.

It's Whites' Association for the Advancement of Cucked People, silly.


What did he think the N stood for?

This just keeps getting weirder & weirder, fam


How hilarious then sad would it be if they actually voted for Hillary? Maybe that's what we need to see full-scale riots & revolution…..

It reads like this:



Guys.. I think Hillary won the poplar vote

gib me pres now

I'll give you TWO guesses.

I don't think they could get away with anything close to that. In fact, I think it's a thought so dangerous they won't even let it cross their mind. Not only would it totally destroy our democracy for all time, but the courts would definitely intervene.

I thought #StillSanders/Bernie or Bust people were stupid, immature whiners, though?

That reminds me. Apparently it was bust.

I can't get enough of this delicious salt, but can liberals even be salvaged at this point? I'm pretty sure the iron fist of idpol's grip on the American left is relenting, even if possibly just from apathy, but I'm not sure if they're going to do any introspection whatsoever, or if it's just going to be 4 more years of moping pathetically about Trump.

Signed. Hillary was the true accelerationist candidate. Americans deserve to get what they voted for.

Which word does the N stands for? The N-word.

I've reached a point where neither seem really accelerationist i.e. accelerating the system, but are simply destructive, which is much better.

How salty can one person get?

The constitution is very clear that electors have the right to vote however they choose.

I thought they already had voted, which is why Trump is the president elect

So… She doesn't want a recount to be done which can only help Hillary?

No, the electors don't vote until December. There is nothing binding their votes, it's just unprecedented for them to affect the apparent outcome of the election.

ah ty

the american electoral system is retarded

this so much capitalism it made me puke

Stopped listening right there.

That petition says that they're supposed to vote the way the electorate(voters) did, otherwise they get a fine. I'm pretty sure that's right, but it is unprecedented as far as I know.


..What? Did she screw over her cocaine dealer or something?

Ways to spot the retard.

Except the overwhelming response from Hillary supporters is that they should just eat shit and die

This is the fifth time in our nation's history that the electoral college is going to usurp the popular vote actually.

He meant that the electoral college has always reflected the state-level vote, in other words it has always done as it was told.


Not a correct use of the word "ursurp".

*usurp hah

That's from Brietbart you tards. The "they" who are noticing, in this case, is not the the same MSM that papered over Obama's broken promises.

I would consider it VERY UNLIKEY that the mainstream, neo-liberal, apparatus of the Hillary Clinton campaign will be harsh on Trump for saying he is going to decline to prosecute Clinton.

feels bad, but thanks for cluing me in, user

No one said it was liberal. They were talking about the right referring to it & recognizing it.

i grew up in chile and wouldn't have gotten the reference either

no one would

That makes me feel better

Damn liberals are going schizo about Russia.

The trump flip is a manufactured narrative that isn't actually happening.
Look at those dislikes from butthurt donald trump fans

I got it because Pinochet took over Chile from Allende, definitely /ourguy/, and then was infamous for executing dissidents by helicopter. First read about it in Naomi Klein's book, the Shock Doctrine a few years ago. Now some autrightists are adopting the helicopter phrase, because they have some Pinochet fetish for some reason.

Can you elaborate?

Thoughts on the recount campaign, and Shillary's recent pledge of direct involvement?

Is this a cunning tactical maneuver to sow anti-establishment cynicism and awareness among bluepilled normalfags, and bilk gullible hillshills for the money needed to dismantle their corrupt network?

Or is it an own-goal allowing hillbots delusional with grief and hysteria over Trump to retreat further from the introspection and openmindedness we so desperately need from them right now, deeper into the delusion and fanaticism that brought them to this point?



i think jill is soaking people, but i don't see anything wrong with an independent verification of election results


it triggers our thin-skinning manbaby president-elect

By Steve James
26 November 2016


Lmao, now he's tweet storming about it

Be fair, if your opponent in an election had given you this much ammo during the runup, wouldn't you empty the clip into them just for the sheer irony?

Probably, but I wouldn't use a platform like Twitter.

Yeah, but I think any hope of dignified fireside chats ever making a comeback for future presidents in favor over rambling shitposts on Twatter or NSAbook is unlikely.

It's pretty amazing what Burgeria is doing to itself.

Cute. Very cute.

Goddamn, the SNP piss me off so much. The Scottish Executive (as it ought to be known) has absolutely no power over foreign affairs and the First Minister has no business weighing in on the US election, especially not when it's to endorse a particular candidate.

I love it when Scots talk about multiculturalism from their 95% white British sanctuary.

Centre-left was a mistake

A week ago but worth watching the insanity

"Time Magazine Blames Bernie In A Way The Onion Would Be Proud Of"

"Better dead than red"

Does this idiot still claim to be leftist? Not saying someone has to praise Castro, but his videos lately are demonizing leftists more & more. He's doing a major disservice to young, impressionable viewers.
I watched him long ago, but have of course unsubscribed & still click occasionally when I see these retarded thumbnails

Yes, at most he advocates some social democrat policies. So he's reluctantly ready for someone like Bernie Sanders, but is ready to kill anyone like Rosa Luxemberg. Also, he neglects to point out it takes two to pull off a Cuban missile crisis. Kennedy was just as much to blame.

Sounds about right. I think he really doesn't want to lose his large aut-right following, either. He did a video a while back comparing Trump & Bernie, and said that he'd choose Bernie. The viewers sperged out something fierce, which was pretty funny.

Him using that "cultural Marxism" meme is also completely asinine.

I remember when he claimed to want to be open minded about criticizing capitalism and most of his viewers wanted him lynched. Shut his mouth right up.

He's a spineless faggot that thrives on attention.

Damn, I missed that one.

That's what it seems to boil down to.

Basically the rest of the "rationality community" came out to demonize him, because they are mostly alt-right spergs trying to recruit liberals.

Hehehe this alt rightists have no idea what the leviathan they've awoken… Millions of snarky, social media obsessed millennials. Buckle up, mothefuckers.

Useful idiots, the lot of them.
tl;dr: CTR

Janey fuckin' Mack!

You know, both parties have had years to fix first-past-the-post, and they've both sat on their hands.
They like this sort of thing.
It's much easier to deflect blame every time you lose if you have a scapegoat.

Yes, yes.. The Kurt Eichenwald article. Apparently it's made its way across the pond as well. CTR/Hillshits love this article. It feeds their denial & want to not have to take responsibility.

Laughably delusional.

Is he right?

probably not. Even if there was voter fraud there's no way to tell if it was greater than Clinton's popular vote margin or even in her favor.

I don't know, but it would be too scandalous to say that the counting was rigged by Clinton anyway, which is probably true. My guess is Trump actually won the popular vote.


Hello Holla Forums

I'm not from Holla Forums, I'm not even freedom fries. But I will take this one for the revolution, you can ban me, comrade.

If he's this salty about some nobody party wanting a recount, just imagine what he's going to be like as president, with REAL issues.

It's going to be fun watching the right completely melt down like a 3 year old.

The recount has been the focus of political discussion for weeks now and the Hillary campaign said they'd do it and it all started with an article in the times

The voter fraud he's taking about is non-citizens voting which happens in California because their system is specifically set up to allow them to. I'm not sure but that voted are probably in hilldawgs favor.

Anita is alt-right now?

No, but she tries to be "political".

This is the first I'm hearing this, especially illegal immigrants specifically. Do you have a source on illegals voting?

Yes, Anita is alt right

Also, election fraud is much worse than any voter fraud.

Election fraud as in voter registration purges, falsely influencing the election(like the DNC did), denying independents the right to vote(by throwing out their affidavit/"provisional" ballots, etc.

And in turn, broader manipulation of the field for elections (Gerrymandering at the state and local level, the electoral college's winner-take-all system, closed primaries funded by taxpayers, first-past-the-post as a whole, etc…) are far worse than either.

So is this an American politics general now?

Do not lump the electoral college in with those methods. The electoral college is fair and increasingly necessary to protect weak states from the tyranny of California.

I can agree with that.

But each individual is different. Each vote should have the same value. If people move to Cali because they're left, they'd be left anyway.


American electoral politics, not American politics in general.

Jimmy Dore - "CNN Lies About Dakota Access Pipeline Protests"

Should we reminds people to make Trump posts in this thread?

No, it's the American politics general.
The electoral phase is almost over(after electoral college votes). This is the general, so the board isn't flooded with just American politics. But if a particular topic deserves its own thread, so be it.

Yes, we should. This thread has been so quiet recently. I guess that's why.

Here's one, it's pic related. I keked.

Well even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


forgot link

pretty based for a Clapistani politician

It's not even rare to see American liberals shilling for Castro now.

You even got fucking Justin Trudeau from Canada.

Now not shilling for him, that's a rarity.

Fuck off Zizek.

The guy praises Castro while badmouthing the Shah of Iran at the same time, it's pure shilling.

Now we know who the shill is. Fuck off.

They are both dicators that kill a shitload of people, just that one is backed by the USSR, and the other the US.

His point was that U.S. meddling has created more problems around the world, than not.
Castro was just a reaction to Batista, who the U.S. put there.

Both Castro and the Shah of Iran are reactions of the US.

It's pretty bad that one is praised and one is hated.

No, the Shah was installed by the U.S.
Castro arose in reaction to the U.S.
So yes, he does deserve praise compared to what Batista was.

Both the Shah and Castro did good and bad things for their respective countries.

It's ideological to praise one and hate the other.

depends on what you mean by good and bad.
I think Universal healthcare, education, and medicine are positive things. I can't name one thing the Shah did that's worth anything to me.

Is having preferences also ideological?
Because I'm sorry to say, I prefer not fence sitting.

It is if you are backing Castro for your own ideology.

It's generally agreed Castro, for all his numerous faults, is an obvious improvement over Batista. The Shah, while hardly Satan incarnate, was unquestionably a step down from Mosaddegh, and a slap in the face against our (supposed) ideological goal of democracy to boot.


I back Castro because I prefer him to Batista.
Just like I would have preferred Mosaddegh over the Shah.

The Washington Post recently lent legitimacy to this allegedly anti-propaganda site called PropOrNot:

Included on their "list":

Who are the propagandists now?

Oh lol they included too. This is really just a list of news outlets with enough integrity to report critically on Hillary.


and, naturally

Too bad with the recent wikileaks releases we know that the actual source for "fake news" were government programs run by HBGary

Whatcha talkin bout?


Basically that the American government has been developing tools to both observe and disrupt information on the internet a la CTR. There's an Air Force program that lets a single individual control dozens if not hundreds of social media accounts at once, for instance.

I think it was in this very thread a few weeks back, someone was talking about posts from CTR that were either the same or extremely similar, almost word for word, shit posted on 4chan and reddit I think. Well this would certainly explain how 15 loser virgins locked in Hillary's basement could seemingly be everywhere at once.

Jill Stein finally talks about election integrity and actually gets the facts right about those fucking Accuvote-Tx machines:

This is like music to my ears, I never thought the Greens would have the guts to address this shit. I don't know what the fuck Margaret Flowers' and Chris Hedges' problem with it is about.

The CIA is everywhere comrades



what if the democrats don't learn their lesson.

what if in 2020 Hillary's ego is so huge she wants to run again against Trump so she can become "le first woman president".

I wake up in a cold sweat thinking about this.

This kind of stuff just seem so… sad. She made the entire campaign about her personal ambitions. Everyone was riding that emotional wave without even realizing it. When it came crashing down I think it left everyone feeling pity for her.

Anyway she's done. I think.


I don't think it's going to happen. The party knew she was poison from the get go, and imo Hillary was only able to force the issue by expending a tremendous amount of political and economic capital. Then after all that she lost to a literal clown.

The real issue isn't "will Hillary run again", the issue is "will a neolib/neocon pseudocentrist run again". That is what Trump won on, it's what brought Sanders unprecedented success, and it's the primary (lel) issue we need to face. From the inside of the Democratic party, all the way up to the presidency and gubernatorial seats, clear downballot through the federal congress, state legislatures, mayors, and city councils.

Kind of like how liberal journalists parrotted Clinton soundbites like 'Trump's dark vision'.

Donald Trump won the election FUCK YEAH

I'm more happy Clinton lost than Trump won.

Reading this thread backwards I thought this is what the org had used as an example. Later I'll come back to this thread and post another example, this time from the podesta emails, that give more evidence for collusion between media and the Clinton campaign to create propoganda.

It is likely that alt-news sources tend to pick up alt-narratives and engage in a kind if propaganda war. But this Russia shit is itself— well it's pure horseshit. I worry, though, that the policy wonks pushing this line actually believe it.

How do we get normies to realize the Russia narrative is horseshit? I try pointing out to them the timing of the claim, that Podesta & Hillary both have business connections to Russia & that the NSA/government outright lied to us in the past with WMDs, mass surveillance, etc.

Some just won't accept it & I don't know how to combat that. Especially after all of these intelligence agencies are saying it's true.

Dunno tbh– for what it's worth to my knowledge only two security agencies have said the dnc hacks were "consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian hackers". The department of homeland security and one other. IIRC the nsa and the dod have refused to make any connection to Russia. The HRC campaign started it for unclear reasons and it might have obtained too strong of a foothold to release…

Incidentally here is a write up of that wapo piece and its still rippling consequences

Tell me about it. I went on FB the other day & my Nana(grandma) was genuinely freaking out over it.. Pissed me off, because we dems used to berate the conservatives or whipping up hysteria & using these scare tactics. Fucking bullshit.

Thanks for the info. I believe the FBI also said they weren't going to make a statement or say it was Russia, either. I think it was the Dept. of Homeland Security that released a statement saying they're "confident", which really pisses me off. Idiots are linking to that as proof, but it didn't contain any proof, just a statement. When you say the government is lying they try to make you out as some conspiracy theorist or not credible..

Started to write "we", then changed to dems & the "we" is still there. I'm not a dem, just to clarify.

I just finished reading the article. It was very well done. They cite Glenn Greenwald & Ben Norton's(among many others) takedown/debunking of the garbage WaPo article.

I was very pleasantly surprised to read the WaPo comment section, with almost everyone calling it out as bullshit! How long before WaPo rids itself of its comment section, so people can't as easily call it out? Many other sites have already done it. Even though it's usually shitposting, I sometimes get great sources or information from the comment section, believe it or not.

it's going to be cory booker, screencap this

she has never stuck her neck out for anything in her life. The most she did was stand by her cheating husband just because she was president. She sat back and rode the 9/11 wave of sympathy into the Senate for New York, I state she wasn't even native too or had any true connections except its power base and it was chic. She didn't even raise a finger against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or the torture of enemy combantents, or advocated for the closure of Guatanimo. Then have the greatest financial disater of our time she approves the bailout, then goes about caring about domestic policies by becoming Secretary of State, a job that has absolutly nothing to do with domestic policies. This race was about her ego and the establishment trying to stay in power while democrat politicans cash in on the campaign contributions.

It was truely satisfying watching her lose to a clown like Trump. It was fun watching think she was actually going to be the first woman president till the very end when right at midnight the tables turned on her. They thought they could win fucking Georgia and North Carolina, but they fucking LOST the entire Rust Belt. I couldn't think of a better fate for such a political sellout. She played itsafe this whole campaign and now her bubble has been popped by the boondock voter. God I wish I could see her elitist face when she realized that on election night.


Anyone else annoyed at how people who were completely unaware that a US presidents isn't supposed to have conversations like this with Taiwan are now pretending that this is some truly awful shit and making assessments of the damage it will cause to US-China relations?

And I mean both regular people and pundits. There are some journalists you can tell were browsing wikipedia before chiming in.

the media hate trump so they are looking for any reason to shit on him, even if the reason is a non issue.
He also took a call from pakistan and told them "they were fantastic, he loves pakistan, we have the best pakistanis at trump tower, click"

and the media is reeeing about how he is going to start the nuke war between india and porkistan

Who doesn't hate trump lol

Good. Let them get mad. Trump is just doing what people voted for him to do. The status quo of ignoring Taiwan (beyond maybe an arms sale here or there) is fucking stupid. I've also seen paid pundits who should know better claim we have no defense treaty with Taiwan–but that's disingenuous, the Taiwan Relations Act just disguises our actions behind helping their "self-defense".

A secret report within the *chan. Four planets have come to our attention… regarding a plot which could jeopardize salt production. Planet Tumblr, source of the salt. Planet Reddit, home of the subreddits. Planet Facebook, home of the normies. Planet Tweeter, home of the Emperor of the Known Universe. Send a third stage *chan navigator to Tweeter to demand details from the Emperor. The salt must flow…

Be funny when they find out there was rampant voter fraud… only it was fraud in the Donald's favour

Is that meant to be a joke or are there people wandering the earth that stupid?

fucking hell doesn't this guy have enough on his bloody plate?!

Twitter should formally suspend his account for four years

Or, y'know, until the establishment impeach him


>why can't i holdpunch all these feels smug a-holes?

I found out earlier yesterday he actually called Duterte and praised his death squads, doesn't seem like anyone is talking about that.

lmao this fucking guy i swear

Congress authorizes Trump to arm Syrian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles.

Looks like the FSA might be getting a late Christmas present.


Comrades, please contribute to our advancement on the propaganda front:

Congress can't force Trump to use these powers they're giving him, can it?


THAT would be hilarious if they shoot down a smug Russian plane

ww3 here we come!


Glenn Greenwald just tweeted this out. Apparently there's a smear campaign going on against Keith Ellison, that he's an anti-semite or something.

We really need more people contributing to this thread..

tl;dr: There's a video where you can hear:
- Who benefited from 9/11?
- You and I both know. It's Bush.

Through Holla Forumsglasses, it becomes:
- Jews benefited from 9/11?
- You and I both know.

Keith Ellison is a bourgeois imperialist though. Radicals shouldn't waste their time or effort on him.

Cornel West on Democracy Now says that "Democratic Socialist" Bernie Sanders has been behaving more like a New Deal liberal.

Election fraud, not voter fraud. Voter fraud is not a significant contributor to stolen elections. Election fraud and voter suppression are the real culprits and provide much more bang for buck.

I don't like some past foreign policy statements, but he's much better than the alternatives. Sanders is pushing him, too, and I trust him more than the rest of those fucks.

They're being duped by propaganda.. again.
I wouldn't be one bit surprised if it was establishment dems pushing it, either. They're the ones who started the Obama Muslim thing. Hillary's people pushed it in Drudge, a republican paper.

I really hope Kim nukes you fam. I like kpop though

Is Holla Forums popular in South Korea


It's a guy from Holla Forums who literally said he wants to "defend Holla Forums's honor."

He's from South Korea.

Im so sorry to hear then kek


It's really funny that South Korean men are this emasculated they have to defend white nationalism

damn, I missed it

He's this guy.

If you see some user posting gore or other shit it's him

I'm a big poo poo head.

Small victory for #NoDAPL. Pipeline halted by Army Corps. of engineers. I suspect they're going to have to keep fighting, though. They're only rerouting it. But a victory nonetheless.

Seek psychiatric help. We don't shitpost gore here, for obvious reasons. This is a political board.

Like clockwork. Ban this faggot, mods.

Apparently so.


Oh shit we got




No, we knew it was some retard shitposting. No ruse, just an annoyance.

I didn't assume South Korea just because some vids were form there.

I'm sorry I fucked up.

You're an irrelevant poor shit from Belarus and not South Korea it's my mistake

Lmao, this is a political board. No one posts gore. It's not hard to deduct, you imbecile.

Umhmm ok user. You won'ts fool me agains.

They want you to be paranoid, I hope that's obvious.

Nobody really is paranoid about Holla Forums

Paranoid of what?

Well, accusing everyone of being "them" sounds a bit paranoid.

No we just hate hate fascists and nazis so we group them together into one entity of "them" or "they" or "it". Hope that clears things up.

Stop derailing the thread with nonsense. We have actual news we'd like to post.

I got jumped on for being "them"

Woah why is this my fault, I didn't derail anything, assholes>>1116734


We're in new territory here.

Is Trump making a cabinet out of nothing but living memes?

All of you are racist as fuck>>1117201

That last one is a comment on their height.

And why are all of your posts like this>>1117305

Things are going even better/worse than I imagined they would.

watching neoliberals fall over themselves to defend the honor of china in the last few days is a real fuckin' treat lemme tell ya

From Holla Forums with love:
>>>Holla Forums11384798


Wikileaks just released a new dump full of emails from Erdogan's son

You mean that Christopher Paolini book?


This has to be satire

The internet can stop existing now.

I'm inclined to believe it is satire as well.

"Obama Rejects Final Approval For The Dakota Access Pipeline"

Still more work to be done, I'm sure. I think the Obama admin/oil companies are just trying to take the wind out of the protesters' sails, with a "concession". From what I've read, they're just rerouting it.

Still, well done & solidarity to the protesters.

Please share your election & general American news here. We need to network.

Why does this dude have such a hard-on for fucking with China?

Probably because Obama/Clinton have passed over taunting the chinks to focus on bearbaiting, so he thinks that by doing the opposite he distinguishes himself. Honestly, I think it's less likely to start WWIII (due to a variety of factors like China's lesser military ambition toward their neighbors, their greater economic dependence on the USA, and their being a technocratic oligarchy rather than a kleptocratic dictatorship), and might play into implementing trade protectionist policies.

I hope we can use Trump's election rhetoric against Bush/Obama's wars to fence him away from starting any more $6 trillion fiascoes.

crazy he waited so long in the first place

That reminds me. Canucks, what is "because it's 2015!"'s stance on Keystone XL?

He's a capitalist protecting capitalist interests.

W e w

Only now they address this because of Trump?
TIME is such garbage, anyway.

wats the significance of the M behind his head?

It's either:
1. cat ears.
2. devil horns
3. a hat

Devil's horns

There's actually a lot of subtle subversive things going on in that photo. Whoever took it is not very fond of Trump.

devil horns

Did time choose him? I thought it was the Indian prime minister

Yes. Hillary actually won the vote on Time's website though. Lol.

Surprised this thread is still up

Same exact shit as his Keystone XL veto: a wholly cynical political move when the heat got too hot. In reality loads of pipelines have been completed now thanks to Executive Orders of his which were used to bypass the NEPA process.

Please, elaborate.

Are you serious? That is too hilarious


I feel like isolating myself in a bunker away from external politics until all this dies down.

Once Trump turns out to be just like the other ones the white working class will be disillusioned and then I will start getting involved again.

But this liberal shit is going too far, and I'm sick of seeing my leftist friends fall for that shit.

We in Burgerland will never cease shitposting

Definitely, considering the DAPL people said they're still going through with it.

It's the American politics general thread. It has slowed down a bit this past week, though, despite there being plenty of news happening.

So please, share whatever you're reading, guys. This thread has been great for networking/sharing news over these past months.

it's coming

Apathy only allows things to get worse, user. Stay involved, but allow for some down time or something to take your mind off of it sometimes. During the end of the primaries, I started watching The Drunken Peasants for comic relief. It takes its toll, being so serious all the time.

I never post on FB, but given all the shit I've been seeing lately from liberal friends, I started sharing important stories. The debunking of The Washington Post's retarded "fake news" story, in which they used fake news to support itself, for one. I mentioned how the red scaring needs to stop; how it's analogous to the lead up to the Iraq War, when these same outlets & the government pushed these lies to fear monger & distract people. I actually got some good responses from liberal friends & family, too.

Lmao is this real life

USSA sounds great tbh. Also


100x this
I've been doing the same thing on Twitter, and I can sorta sense that doing it long enough, it'll work in educating people.


Can someone google image Dick Cheney and tell me if I'm the only one getting related searches about Justin Bieber's cock

We might all die, but at least it's going to be hillarious.

Didn't happen for me. I think Google tailors related searches for your internet history so yeah…

That /x/ meme that Trump is gonna be assassinated in his first year is getting more true to the day.


…And a while after

I do search gay porn a lot but all the related are about Justin Bieber. One is about his dick, the other is about what number to call him.

Does anyone else laugh every time they remember pic related?

Yes it's funny, but in part she lost precisely because the entire establishment supported her like that.

IMO, Dems approach politics like it's a board game. They think all you have to do is secure the support of certain influential institutions and certain people who are influential among key demographics, without taking into account that lots of people feel alienated from these institutions and these celebrities.

Correct. Dems thinking that Bush and Kissinger supporting her is a good thing, were retarded.

Get some popcorn, beer, and guns.

what the fuck is he even doing anymore

Lol he isn't a conservative, he's lesisure porky. He'll get some hair up his ass and because he's so rich it becomes reality, people like that live like that their entire lives, the only difference is the lives he's going to ruin aren't going to be swept under the rug

Why are there so many holes in it. Are they lakes? Why would global warming create so many huge lakes


Oh, not just nukes. A key part of GITS' backstory is a means of eliminating the threat of long-term radioactivity from atomic warfare, which in the process eliminated the MAD stalemate that's prevented any "war" beyond proxy police actions and squabbling 3rd-worlders since WWII.

I worry that if this technology or something like it ever happens, for instance clean "pure" fusion nukes using antimatter or laser initiators, we're guaranteed a return to pre-WWI levels of constant total war.

"A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit WikiLeaks Docs"

iirc supernukes from a war that destroys the USA and heavily damages the USSR

but things get even worse between that and Appleseed

Appleseed comes after/is a pseudo-sequel to GITS right? Or am I misremembering?

just announced: Roy Cohn as chief of National Economic Council, another Goldman exec

#draintheswamp amirite?

see? an outsider, not another one of those Washington cucks!

you got the wrong Cohn m8

lol i just realized

it's gary cohn. roy's dead i believe

I remember laughing at her getting stomped running for senator of CT. i guess she was playing 4d chess.

On the same sense Koukaku no Pandora is a prequel to GITS, it uses fuckloads of terms related to it (the american empire, for example) but never says it explicitly.

I'm doing some reading on the War on Terror for the first time, and I'm not american so I really don't know shit about it, but I just stumbled on pic related and I can't stop laughing

Were there many people calling out Rumsfeld's bullshit on this?

Not surprising.
I wonder how much of the latest "proof" that Russia is behind the wiki leaks to get Trump elected is real

Hilldawg now leads the popular vote by over two points kek

Look up Saddam's CIA-provided kill list of commies back when he was installed, and the US ambassador's explicit okay when Saddam asked about invading Kuwait. Lotsa lulz, it goes on forever.

gg no re

What if Hillary hacked the voting machines, but trumps gerrymandering was too stronk?

That looks cozy as fuck


Many. Here's an interesting write up on your particular graphic.

"The CIA’s Absence of Conviction"

Former UK ambassador's take on the CIA pushing this Russia bullshit conspiracy.

Also, bump

I wonder how worse it would be if you deducted the anti-Hillary/anti-Trump voters.

Surprisingly turnout wasn't much lower than 2012, but people were demotivated then too because all the racists and populists came out to vote for McCain and Obama in 2008 and Obama had lost his populist appeal by 2012.

Is anyone else having glitches with the captcha? Is it preventing youtube links now?

Thanks for unbanning me; I'm not a bot. Just been trying to post for the past 15 minutes & could only get test posts through so far.

best democracy in the world

I have this weird captach down the reply box, plus the 24-hour captcha

forgot pic

lmao, yeah both have been happening to me, too. I don't mind the new captcha, but it seems I'm not able to share Youtube links. For intance, this post will go through i bet. But the others won't.

Will you test my theory & try to post a YT link?

Enjoy this classic:

Holy shit, that's fantastic. Yes, first time I'm going to watch the rest when SO comes.

Here's the video I was trying to post pls


Hey guys, the woman who started "Bernie Bros", "Obama Boys" & the "questioning of Obama's roots" wants legislation to tackle "fake news"!

Also wanted to post this with it

Has Zizek seen it?

There was a poster here a couple of weeks ago who mentioned a documentary about a woman journalist who investigated the CIA.. I can't remember the specifics but I think it was about a secret project or weapon.

Can somebody help me out? I thought I'd written it down for later but can't find it, now..

I'm trying to wrap my mind around this whole CIA/FBI situation, but I just can't. It doesn't make sense. Why do they seem to be feuding? Why does the FBI support Trump and why is the CIA against him?

A good article on the CIA bullshit & hypocrisy. I think it was a wikileaks post on Twitter, but there was something i read that suggested they might be trying to usurp Trump by giving a reason to claim his Presidency is illegitimate. Like to lay the groundwork so when the electoral college votes & possibly vote for Clinton, more people would buy it.

Of course though, they're both dogshit, Clinton & Trump.

That link was already posted here just a little while ago here, the CIA v. FBI angle is bizarre.

Anyway, there's absolutely no possibility they'd really do that. If not for 9/11, even the comparatively mild upset from Bush usurping the election would've almost certainly kicked him out of office, unless there's something much bigger up their sleeves, there's no way they could snatch the crown for Clinton.

Can you be a bit more descriptive?

The CIA and FBI have hated each other since the days of Hoover and the OSS (Hoover wanted to subsume all non-military foreign intelligence operations under the FBI, which Roosevelt opposed).

Also supposedly the "ground-level" FBI agents absolutely loath Clinton for various reasons, to the point that Comey felt forced to re-open the email case to appease them in the last months of the election (or so its rumoured).

Lmao, I even posted that link & forgot..

Yeah, I think that's such a longshot, too. It was just an interesting angle & possible explanation I'd seen.

I wish I could. iirc, it was a woman journalist who had made good, recent documentaries about the CIA before. I'd written down "Citizen Four", I checked the creator & I'm thinking it's Laura Poitras' docs I'm looking for. I checked recent documentaries from her, but not many recents are popping up. I'll look further. Maybe it's just not out, yet.

Welp it's been passed now.

What's the name? Link?

Here's a good Twitter thread:

I'll post some of the important parts.

"Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act":

- Bill allows government to pay journalists at Voice of America (equivalent of RT, al Jazeera, etc.) to "refute foreign disinformation and manipulation"
- Backed by Obama and Clinton
- Obama administration likely supported it, in anticipation of a President Clinton
- Ongoing "fake news" and Russia narrative has been used to defend this


lmao, watch the video

topkek good recommendation user

I was on the fence at first, but those great glances into the camera he made, sealed the deal that he's trolling.. Pretty good.

I posted it to 8/pol/ & someone accused me of trying to promote my own OC :^)

Too bad I can't post it in the general pizzagate thread now, since "file already exists".. Maybe once it slides I can, because I want to see what they think about it..

Thanks, anons. God help us. The US keeps getting worse & worse.

Halfway through, when he was debating the sign guy, I started thinking he was serious.

Thanks, both posts were from me.
I believe some anti-BDS legislation passed the other day in some state, and we're getting very close to pure McCarthyism with centrist-liberals exhibiting 0 critical thinking. Jeremy Scahill from The Intercept made a challenge saying "If anyone has solid proof that Russia interfered with US elections, send it to us via secure drop and we will publish it if verified." ( In these trying times, I highly suggest everyone follow their work. They're adversarial journalism, focusing on the surveillance state, censorship, civil liberties, US foreign policy, etc.

haha pizzagate le funny joke but then you have the pedophile bust in norway getting removed from the wall street journal and other msm websites because there's allegedly a tie to clinton

Yeah, I fucking love The Intercept. Great, actual reporting. They were critical of all candidates during the elections & I appreciated that. Jeremy Scahill, Ben Norton, Glenn Greenwald & Lee Fang are doing some great - & very needed - work.

No one's laughing at pedophile rings or denying their existence. Just that this one doesn't have any damning evidence presented. The owner seems creepy but no evidence of what's being claimed.

Yeah, I'm gonna post some more stuff from them today about the Russia meme.




Why are liberals so fucking stupid?

Is the whole "hurp derp Comedy Central viewers are better informed than those that see actual news, only my irony can protect me from forming actual political opinions"-bubble going to pop soon?

Is he /ourguy/?

So apparently Keith Olbermann thinks Trump is a communist.


Is Trump /ourguy/?

Of course, he is opposed to free markets after all


It's real. The US media has lost its fucking mind.

I'd webm but it's too long for the freeware I use.

Why does he keep retweeting the same video over and over? Is this Keith's historical moment?

Who is this nobody and why is he relevant?

Are liberals officially more reactionary then conservatives now?

He was a main guy on MSNBC. He was very big at one time. Not sure if he's still there or not, though. Democratic party establishment guy.

Nah, they've just switched places. Just like the conservatives calling for Assange's head after he leaked info that exposed them, the dems are now doing the same. But they've brought Russia into it, in a very big way.

This guy is a fucking goldmine.

lmao, I didn't even realize it was the same video. I was distracted by the insane captions.


Yeah he just reposts the same video over and over again. He's a nutcase.

Psshhtt, only if it's people we don't like.


Keith Olbermann needs to just kill himself already. This is an embarrassment.

he is going fucking off the rails now

is there any evidence whatsoever that there was foreign "meddling" in the election or is this all just an attempt to deflect any leftist criticisms of hillary?

what did he mean by this?

The headline (along with other media outlets') is intentionally deceptive to make Bernie out to be alt-right or something. Read further in the article for how Bernie actually defines PC:

They also voted against repealing the death penalty

What's a general obligation bond?

Oh well, just another bill to pay on the $118.17 billion pile, at least the annual budget is in the black again:


Not sure if this has been posted. Nice to see liberals respecting him a bit

My mom(former Hillary supporter) wrote me about this. I'll watch soon. It's good?

Only watched some highlights. It's good if you wanna feel nostalgic I suppose


do you think that sanders will create the socialist party of america?

Uh, no, someone has to buy those bonds, i.e. "capitalists." After 30 years the bond holders get a 90% profit on their investment.

Before jumpstarting his "revolution" Colonel Chicken could try paying higher than a 15% tax rate.

you did it, you exposed Bernie

Fuck. This man could be president right now.

Plato was right about democracy.

The bond market is where capitalists have to store their money, in particular state bonds form a cushion between somewhat riskier munis and unrewarding but safe federal T-bills. Without the bond market, inflation would simply rot their fortunes into nothing unless they actually took the initiative to actually invest their money in self-created infrastructure and research, like capitalists supposedly exist to for the sole purpose of doing.

Capitalists are so reluctant to do their job and participate in the actual economy, that bonds are sinking below the level of cash because of the insane investment glut in the financial market and away from anything else.
The Clinton team out right prevented their campaign surrogates from going to Michigan to campaign there

The Pacifica Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As a condition of their tax-exempt status they may not endorse individual politicians (although they may lend support to political parties).

In the November 8, 2016 edition of the Thom Hartmann Show, at around 50:30 a caller cackles at the audience to "vote for Hillary and vote for the senate candidate." Thom never warns the caller or issues a disclaimer and in fact tells him "thanks for listening to WCPT (Chicago Progressive Talk, owned by the Newsweb Corporation)." The "educated" left are so gung-ho to appease liberal bankrollers that they toss the rules by the wayside.


Hillary's campaign is such an amazing trainwreck. So much hubris and willful ignorance. They were completely coasting off Hillary's name recognition alone and just assumed Obama's constituency would just fall in line. I mean, their computer generated model told them it would be so.

So confident were they in this model(a model that completely failed in the primaries) that they DIDN'T BOTHER TO COLLECT ANY DATA.

Iran to work on nuclear-powered vessels after U.S. 'violation' of deal

Is Congress insane or do they not care because Trump is going to burn the nuke deal?


Probably this also we are going to war with them during the Trump administration.

This was next to about 700 posts mirroring this sentiment from other Californians. Really starting to dislike them.

Jimmy Dore: "Anti-Socialism Poster Warns Against Exactly What Capitalism Does"

have webm

he isn't wrong.
The reasonable thing to do would be to keep the electoral college but convince every state to proportionally allocate their electors instead of winner-takes-all but that's never gonna happen so Cali should just secede.

This guy may be my new fav Twitter acct.

The problem with breaking up the US or weakening the federal government, is that the stupider parts of the country would immediately sink to the level of 4th-world humanitarian catastrophes, and possibly spawn some sort of fruity Christard-ISIS analog. By allowing ourselves to be continually depressed to an intermediate degree by dragging along the ball and chain that is flyover country, we save ourselves from the much greater inconvenience of intermittently leading a UN occupation after their society collapses.

Are they right? See the comic in the link to understand what they're talking about.

This thread is horrific. It's full on propaganda.

peak reddit

I've never seen that many votes on a thread, either.

Great Jimmy Dore video:

People in coal country are finally starting to protest/fight for $15. So happy to see this.

Personally I think it stinks of CTR




I think the implication is that a future President could undertake a much less restrained drone program and Obama tried to stop that.

Thank God Neoliberalism is over.

The Reddit comment is gross apologetics. From a Jacobin article:

>Not only that, but Trump will conceivably be able to order the “targeted killing” without trial of even American citizens. Despite the unconstitional nature of this power, the Justice Department under the Obama administration issued a memo in 2010 that gave legal justification for skipping a trial for US citizens when targeted under the broad scope of the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) law, passed in 2001 as part of the “War on Terror.” (The memo only came to light in 2014, because the administration refused for years to reveal its reasoning to the public).

>The administration then used this legal justification to assassinate at least four US citizens with no due process, including — in a completely separate drone strike — one suspected terrorist’s innocent, sixteen-year old son. When challenged on the administration’s right to do such a thing, Obama’s press secretary at the time replied that the boy “should have a far more responsible father.”

>And in 2013, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder declared that this power of extra-judicial assassination even extended to US soil. While “entirely hypothetical” and “unlikely to occur,” he wrote in a letter to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, “it is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate … for the president to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States.”

>Thanks largely to the Obama administration’s legal machinations, Donald Trump will soon have the power to unilaterally order the murder of anyone, anywhere on Earth.

Wyomingite here, our votes for federal offices count for more per person than any other state. I agree with them, the electoral college and the Senate need to be abolished already.

The AUMF Obama wanted was to deal with ISIS, and the limits cited were a three year expiry date and an explicit statement that ground troops would not be authorised for intervention.

This AUMF - which failed to pass - in no way rescinded or ended the existing 2001 AUMF under which the drone program operates. As notes it's an ultimately baseless defense for a president who has become notorious for his expansion of the drone bombing program.

The electoral college certainly needs to be abolished, but the problem in his comment was his elitist attitude.

Why do people defend Obama?

His affability, party loyalty, and lesser evilism

Regarding the drone program there's sufficient evidence in that Jacobin article that whatever "limits" that reddit goon imagines Obama has put in place clearly aren't working. But then again

has summed it up pretty well. He's very charismatic, to a scary extent.

It might be important to note the media never mentions anything about a drone program, and probably less than 40% of the country is aware we have one, let alone Obama's role. But at the same time, I've seen that when his fans are confronted with this information, it's dismissed with nonsense like "well yeah but lots of other presidents do war too", that is clearly not rooted in any critical thinking, but blind loyalty.

ummm…what? so this whole "Russian interference" is actually just "the Russians exposed bad shit the Dems and Hillary actually did and knowing the truth 'caused political damage to Clinton'"?

BREAKING: Obama's birth certificate proven to be fake

Friendly reminder that the entire time these provocateurs are attempting to foment WWIII with Russia over hacking allegations, genuine attempts to examine the integrity of America's election system are being opposed at every step.

seems legit lel


Nah, it's worse than even that. The Russia narrative is being used as an excuse for people in the media to push the idea that even questioning the integrity of the elections is undermining democracy. I have heard multiple reporters explicitly put the situation in those terms. Which is really weird because if Russia indeed hacked the election that would mean a breach of integrity, but they were emphatically implying that the elections are all above board as some kind of axiom and that doubting this was the real danger.

Well, yeah.

muh boi Bruce Dixon gives another good overview of the Stein recount effort:

ad hominem

is this what reformists actually believe when they do bandaid solutions instead of revolution?

NEVER go full tankie

Neck yourself, you retarded suckdem.

8ch seems to be glitching lately. Still having trouble posting youtube links.

CBS Thinks A Severely Injured Kid Working Is 'Heartwarming'

He's still wrong about what socialism is.

But he's gone from "crony capitalism" to "predatory capitalism" to just "capitalism".

That's really good.

Have people here been following what's going on in North Carolina?

crazy, crazy shit

It's even worse than this article lets on.

t. North Carolinian

Indeed it is much woese than what the article is stating. Plus the state is still divided on the house bill 2 which is why cooper even got elected in the first place.

I only fear the worse in the coming months. Those outside the US states have a large amount of control on the lives of its citizens. While the president fucks up everything internationally.

fill us in, give us the local scoop boyos

The same Big Union clap trap

care to elaborate?

TL;DR Green Party bias towards the female Democrat candidate

This article doesn't bring up the fact that Jill Stein raised $10 million in donations yet used $1 million of it for the recount itself. Hillary promised to join in when she saw an opportunity to pocket some money.

Education, health care and tax revenue. The Left can't think about anything else.

I'd argue the average citizen cares most about those things on the local and state level, though. I mean, that's stuff is exactly what a STATE government has direct influence over the most.

Do you understand what the current outgoing governor in NC is doing? Do you think it's ok? You don't sound to like a leftist so I'm going to ask if you'd agree with a liberal governor limiting an incoming conservative governor's powers or if you're just a straight hypocrite.

Obama's Not Closing Guantanamo Bay, He's Renovating It

>The elusive promise U.S. President Barack Obama made eight years ago to shut down Guantanamo Bay remains a far-flung fantasy as the military detention facility will see billions of dollars in renovations, Al Jazeera reported Thursday.

>The U.S. military is set to build a US$8.4 billion medical clinic, as well as a US$12.4 billion dining facility for troops who work at the prison. It’s also seeking more funds to upgrade troops’ housing.

>Along with plans for the renovations, the fate of the contentious military prison will soon be in the hands of President-elect Donald Trump, who has said he plans to keep it open, adding that he’s prepared to "load it up with some bad dudes."


man, her dad must be pissed


holy shit, can we have more info on this based man?

Comedy show doing real journalism again. Who will stop these madmen?

When do we find out the results of the electoral college vote?

As expected the Electors have elected Donald Trump the 45th President.

Some highlights:
- protesters in Wisconsin were extremely assmad when their 10 votes were announced to go to Trump
- 1 Maine Elector voted for Bernie (not Hilary)
- 3 Washington Electors voted for Colin Powell, 1 other voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, a wagon burner (not Hilary)
- 1 Texan Elector voted for Ron Paul, 1 other for Jeb Bush (not Trump)

As such, Hilary Clinton has had the most Electors defect since 1912.


Good job maine elector.

da fuq

Check this bullshit out I just found while looking at r/politics.
It was following broken English/Russian banter about Trump.

McCarthy would be proud.

Most Electable Candidate



"CNN Syria Segment Is Unabashedly Pro-Intervention & Utterly Clueless"

The establishment wants war with Russia. This is scaring me, guys. I've been called a traitor/traitorous scum, Putin apologist & Russian troll/spy so many times in the last week I've lost track. Just for pointing out the CIA/government hasn't produced any evidence of Russian involvement, like the WMDs in Iraq.


We need to make a cyclical thread or something, for resources when combating this narrative. It's getting serious & I need help combating this online.

As much as we like to make fun of idiot libs and their massive Russian conspiracies, it's not like Russian propaganda doesn't exist. It's not that Russia is secretly pulling the strings behind Trump, but there is ideological convergence between Putinism and elements of the American right who approve of Russia for opposing liberal values and supporting Christianity.

For example, my father went from an Obama voter to a Trumptard due to being enraged over Obama's failure to pass single payer healthcare and failure to cut defense spending, whose main news sources are RT, Sputnik, and Zerohedge, thinks that the US is stupid enough to actually start WWIII over Syria, and strongly approves of appointing CEOs to government positions because "they are strong guys who won't take shit from anyone, and since they're taking a pay cut to go to the White House and don't need any more money, they clearly have patriotic intentions". Of course this was bad in 2008 when the financial crisis happened and "the banksters stole everyone's money!" but good when Trump appoints people from Goldman or Virtu or Exxon directly to his cabinet. Never mind that we are probably going to war with Iran or China and have massive military budgetary increases, or that healthcare will probably be completely privatized, or that Trump is going to massively cut taxes for the rich.

lol welcome to the club, been fighting that narrative since wikileaks released the DNC emails.

Welcome to the world of propaganda

Of course Russian propaganda exists. No one's questioning that.

Oh, I have been, too. Completely. It's just reached a fever pitch. Before, the CIA, etc hadn't come out & lent "legitimacy" to the Russian narrative. Now that they're pulling this shit, people are blindly following them, more than they were before.

As I've said elsewhere, Russia is pretty much the perfect fall guy for this, since Putin's Russia pisses off liberals on social issues (muh gay rights, muh sham democracy) and conservatives on foreign policy issues (muh Ukraine, muh Syria) ensuring bipartisan opposition against anything Russia's accused of.

But ultimately you just need to keep pointing out why the DNC leaks (and firmly remind them that so far the DNC leaks are the only officially acknowledged hacking attempt by "Russia") was so damaging.

Again, if there was nothing in the DNC leaks worth worrying about, why was it apparently so damaging that it resulted in Clinton's defeat?

Most infuriating about those leaks is Clinton people dismissed them, did not take them seriously. But the establishment took them serious. Numerous higher-ups in the DNC had to step down because of them. CNN severed ties with Donna Brazille because of them.

But the current Russia narrative is the perfect scapegoat. The perfect appologetics for America's version of Brexit. Instead of owning the fact that sham "left party" has eschewed the working class, and they retaliated.

The most infuriating thing about the Russian Plot shit is that once again people have found a reason to ignore election fraud.

The most infuriating part is that such doublethink is swallowed whole by people inside the bubble:

They ain't XBL cheevos, folks.

Gingrich: Trump doesn't want to 'drain the swamp' anymore

i'm glad they're stating in it in clear language now, just in case the appointment of billionaire after billionaire didn't tell the rubes enough

I was thinking of making a full version of this, would anyone think that'd be funny? Like with all America's many 'foibles'.

Not that Trump's sellout isn't undeniable, but remember the Holla Forumsacks will deflect with "well it's just X shooting their mouth off, Trump is TOTALLY different". To uncuck the Holla Forumsacks, we need quotes from Trump himself, his own officially sanctioned statements, and perhaps his family.

even then it will be "16d majong" or "keep your enemies closer" etc etc

user, Alaska would probably either say fuck you guys and be their own country, or they would just buddy up with Canada to avoid being taken over by Putin.

Also why the fuck are there 2 shades of blue? Why not green or purple or something easier to fucking differentiate?

The Founder of the Tennessee Ku Klux Klan was an elector.

The Ku Klux Klan's "not my president" moment at the 1924 Democratic National Convention:

Democrats lost the 1924 election after joining forces with progressives (who were former Republicans):

FDR nominated an anti-communist "former klansman" to the US Supreme Court.

Said "former klansman" believed in "one man, one vote."

Here's what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about FDR:

So, right before obama skedaddles he let the UN write a strongly worded letter to Israel about settlements.



Good way to troll Holla Forums with donny's "Israel is our greatest ally" quote

“It is evident that the current ruling party, which is called ‘Democratic’, has blatantly forgotten the original definition of its name, taking into account the unscrupulous use of administrative resources and appeals to the Electoral College not to concede to the will of the voters’ decision,” Putin said.

According to the President, calls to electors to vote against president-elect Trump were “a step towards the division of the nation.”

Putin praised Trump's victory despite all odds being against the Republican candidate. Putin said that Trump’s win indicates that “there is a significant gap in the definition of what is good and bad in the understanding of the elites and general public” in America.

He said that the Democratic Party lost not only the presidential election, but also the vote for the House, where the Republicans have a majority, and Congress where the Republicans also have a majority.

The top Democratic politicians of the past, like Franklin Roosevelt, “would have surely turned in their graves” due to the current performance of their party, Putin said.

“Roosevelt was a renowned figure in global and American history, who united the nation in the most difficult times, during the Great Depression of the late 1930s and World War II,” he said, adding that “the current administration is dividing it," he said.

“This shows that there are systematic problems in the current administration,” he said. Putin stressed that "as far as democracy is concerned … there are problems” in modern America.

“We've long been talking about that, but our US partners always brushed that aside. The archaic election system of the US is the No.1 problem."

americunts btfo

At least Putin doesn't pretend I guess.

It's sad this is one of the only guys actually talking about this.

First Al Jazeera, now Russia Times. Being forced, as an American, to ask open 3rd-world propaganda mouthpieces just to get actual news, is extremely humiliating.

Should Bernie Sanders run in 2020?

He will be nearly 80 by then.


That's just American propaganda by imperialists who want to destroy Russia.
t. Russiaboos

No he really needs to fuck off after chickening out when his movement needed him most. Politics has too many old farts, we need new blood already. And I don't mean GenXers.

hillary clitoris btfo

Who do you suggest? Elizabeth Warren?

Hell no she's a cowardly piece of shit. If the Democrats should get anyone it might be Tulsi Gabbard.

RD Wolff for prez tbh
not even a social capitalist (what some call market socialism)

Hey retard, no one here wanted Hillary. Lurk more before posting.

Well, it seems he played the game good. Now everyone hates Hillary & saw how bad she fucked everything up.

If he runs, I'll vote for him. He's the best we've got right now.

Nah, she is also a boomer shit.
Currently, Dems are falling, after 8 years of PC bullshit, anti-hwite racism and bigoted prejudice against christianity.
The pendulum is swinging back really hard.

Their only chance is to drop leftie bullshit and embrace classic liberalism.


Your point?
That I like Hillary?
Ha, fuck that ill pedo whore.

No, my point is you're shilling for "classical liberalism".

Do you understand that is exactly what landed them in this spot? This is what elitist liberals do; not lefties.

& that's one of the cringiest webms I've seen in a long time. That's quite an accomplishment.

I'm not really trying to be a dick though, about the webm. Just saying.

Don't mind me. Just dropping in to share some gold from reddit.


meant to post the article, too

More BS. Some people are calling it out, but there are a lot of highly voted garbage comments like these.

I know, reddit is a lost cause. I'm just amazed at how fucking brainwashed/partisan some people are. Or who knows, it could just be astroturphing again. I think that's highly likely.

Wait which candidate are they referring to? The one that was the Saudi's pick for president?

That's a great point.


This is fucking amazing




Fuck her Jim Webb VP.

For The Donald's birthday, Amy Goodman called an illegal "grating."

Are you from the south by chance?
I am, and I would've been fine with Webb.
As long as we got Bernie, Warren wouldn't have been so important. Webb doesn't seem to like war, but I think he'd be good just in case. He's a tough guy. Would've got some republican voters, too.