I just remember something. When Michael Jackson died his sister Janet Jackson 'knew who was behind it'

I just remember something. When Michael Jackson died his sister Janet Jackson 'knew who was behind it'.
They just called her mentally unstable on the news.

Did somebody kill him? Hell did they want to get rid of him because he was too 'whitewashed' and feminine?
He even has a song saying 'it doesn't matter if your black or white'.
He would have been against all this SJW junk and persuade a lot of black people in this whole shitstorm.

He apparently walked around the house anxiously all the time and feared the end of him every moment.
Even his kids felt something was gonna happen and it did. Whats worse is he had a new manager which he accused not long before he died. He was a fucking JEW!
Goddamnit I may be a newfag and you already may have known this but damn.
This is heavy. I also wonder if he was actually a good guy? Or was he how the media portrayed him?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry wrong link. Here: theguardian.com/music/2011/jun/23/michael-jackson-la-toya

Didn't his daughter later claim that Jews killed him or something?

MJ for all his kiddy diddling degeneracy was very redpilled on the jews.

He was positioned to become the majority owner of Sony Music, one of the biggest recording industry entities. Remember he owned all of the Beatles rights etc. Also he was a victim of pedocults and a secret naziboo.

Why do newfaggots find it so easy to imagine SJW cabals of blue haired problem glasses land whales quietly manipulating the world and even killing the king of pop?

Everyone in this thread needs to be banned for being insufferably new. But you won't. Because I'm not destined to enjoy the Internet it seems.

In his single "They Don't Care About Us", the original lyrics contained "Jew me" and "Kike me".
MJ was redpilled as fuck on the Jews.

He didn't molest any kids. That was just greedy kikes trying to take his money.

most probably not but the whole neverland ranch thing never sat well with me, even outside of the media narrative something just seemed off.

There hasn't been a thread on this for fucking ages faggot, would you prefer the 30 evalion threads a day or all the trololololo trump is a jew guise threads instead?

fuck off with your elitism and kill yourself you discussion killing cunt

Fucking shill.

iirc, his kids get something like 2-3 million a month as an allowance to do whatever they want with.

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody's gone mad

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

He was against the race war. Guess they could kill him.

Holy shit that are the lyrics? He truly was good guy. Fucking Jewish monsters.

Based Michael named the Jew several times. If I remember correctly he said something like he hope Steve Speilberg burns in "Jew hell".


Holy shit man. Thats fucking sad.


Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me off my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy…
Set me free

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Black male, black mail
Throw your brother in jail

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I really do hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no

I don't think he means Martin Luther king…

Child star who spent most of his childhood being hustled by his parents to studios wanting to relive his childhood he never had?

creepy but believeable

Oh come on man give it up. Go shill another thread.

She also posted these.
I believe she was brought to a psychiatric hospital shortly afterward.

I remember something about this, it struck me as a bit strange at the time that a kid would be institutionalised over what the media said were 'cultist drawings'.

guessing they got her in there, messed around with the meds they were giving her until they found a good level of lobotomised

Damn, good catch user.

I hate thinking about how many poor bastards the Jews have at their Soviet style (((mental institutions))) prisons.

Kill yourself shill faggot, nobody, NOBODY, believes the useful idiots from tumblr are the tribe running the world, as well as responsible for michael's death.
How can you be this fucking stupid? first day at job isn't it?
fucking idiot.

Kill yourself Jew.

Michael Jackson was redpilled and named the Jew, that's why they smeared him through the media with claims that he was a child molester. He probably was a self hating black man and a National Socialist, think about it he got treatments to lighten his skin color and surgery to make his nose look more white. His kids aren't even black like him and one on them has blue eyes, they were obviously artificially inseminated. He also was a huge collector of nazi memorabilia and said Hitler was a genius. I think he wanted to use his fame and fortune to expose the Jew and that's why they did away with him.


Also a quote from another article that shows he was an anti-Semite:


When Jackson died, he was surrounded by a veritable kike circus, between the insurance company AEG and the production companies involved in putting on his London shows.

From what I've read about his Nazi memorabilia collection, and from the music he wrote over the years, it's hard not to think that he learned all about the evils of Judaism the hard way as a kid, and that this only became more cemented when he grew up.

what are you sliding, yid?

Also this is creepy as fuck…

So much mason-shit…

Michael Jackson was so redpilled that he turned white.

I wonder if he got passed around at any of their little pedophile rituals, I'm guessing yes.

Every child star is..

His Dad was awful, I imagine all parents of child stars are similar. They literally sacrifice their own children to the kikes for fame.

Surprised no one posted this gem yet. MJ knew more about the industry firsthand than anyone else these days. I always find it so interesting how the (((media))) always portrayed him as some kind of freak. One of my real regrets is not fostering the red pill in my little brother when he was starting to listen to MJ. Instead our mother just blue pulled him to death.


So Donald Trump was friends with Jackson and Bowie? This could have been a crazy band. The Naziboos

dont forget prince was in the same boat and he died under strange circumstances.

still surprised he never got pushed into a shitstorm like MJ, but maybe thats because prince wasnt seen as influential on black youth?

It's kinda odd. I remember Holla Forums from halfchan was trying to get him elected as man of the year and right after he died he was places at number one with a shitload of false votes. Probably nothing though still rigged as fuck.

I mean trying to get 'Hitler' elected as man of the year*


prince actually was influential on black youth though (not in the retarded MSM bluepilled fashion), he setup free programming classes in the ghetto a LOT.


oh yea?
thats so strange then. I dont remember any smear campaigns launched against him, meanwhile jackson and cosby get a year's worth of media theater dedicated to them to ruin their reputation and influence.

He took pozzed loads in the ass and then died from AIDS. The media tried to cover it up because it stigmatizes fags. Not at all mysterious.

I think they did so much shit to MJ because he put a lot of subliminal messages in his songs/videos that could be interpreted as shadowy societies/whatever.. literally all it would take for the public to learn all that is one tweet/short video/soundbite. with prince he was just another housenigger who talked about the ambiguous illuminati and chemtrails.

well even if that were the case, he openly called out the "NWO" even on huge talk shows (and did so shortly before his death), and while never naming the jew, was strongly against the media industry and the way the money people manipulate and steal from the artists.

I guess you could consider prince's objections to be generic, but yea, MJ lived it and expressed it on a deeper level, likely with more understanding.

plus jackson outright named the jew.

Even if he was aware of the JQ, what about all of that sketchy porn stuff the cops found at his house? It was too much to be a hit. He was definitely an adult with a sexual drive. And I also ask you to think back about the way he presented himself in general. He wasn't right in the head, and you know he wasn't. No, muthafucka, we got bills and shit! Not to mention, he was still a nigger, no matter how bad he wanted to be white.

Don't get me wrong. I went to a college oriented around the music industry and they had an assembly once with four of Michael's producers, and needless to say, they were the fattest, greasiest, kikiest motherfuckers I have ever seen in person. No doubt they got richer off of him than he got off of himself. It was a strictly smoke-free campus but god damn it if you stop fatass kike #3 from sucking down one of his Cubans every ten minutes.

Michael probably did know what (((they))) were up to, but, sadly, he probably would have been a psychopath either way with his upbringing. This thread is what you would call a "grey area", at least for Holla Forums. I think Michael was redpilled, but he was also probably still a diddler. And I seriously doubt he was the only person ever to fit that criteria.

Daily reminder that Michael Jackson was based as fuck, and paid the ultimate price for taking the fight to the jews.

spoopy… Was just reading this thread and watching a random cinemassacre and he says when I glance over,
"Where do you put Moonwalker?"

What was the "sketchy" porn that was found again?

Poor girl. To know that your father was killed by the globalist cabal and that you are powerless to get revenge, it must be torture to live with that knowledge.

Was michael an SJW?


no, he wasnt right in the head, but one interview with him or his sympathetic family members tells you exactly why.

he knew he was being watched at every moment of every day, he knew they wanted to control him, he knew he couldnt do anything about it, and he thought (or knew) they would kill him if they thought he became a problem.

im already a mudblood, might as well racemix with a Holla Forums waifu.

mj was taking meds because of his scalp burning incident I thought? Opiates and mood things because he was in constant pain.

normally id ignore anything written by any of those three publications but….


There was nothing illegal in any of that, if there was he would have been charged with possession of child pornography. All of the stuff that was actually classified as porn was just normal, heterosexual pornography.


They even mobilized Marilyn Manson to make her a good goy again.

BUMP for the king, baby


Sony with their Jewish backers did everything possible to bankrupt Jackson for his 50% ownership of Sony, Elvis songs, Beatles songs and that he was going to become a free agent then take all the benefits/royalties of his record deals with him.

Lot of people don't know how much money and power Jackson held. After Thriller (the most sold album ever) he got busy and spent his money wisely. That didn't sit well with those riding his coat tail for decades, so they publicly smeared him and called him a pedo. If Jackson wanted to fuck kids you'd never hear a peep out of it just like his dug abuse that killed him.

Creepy as fuck, and disrespectful to the dead.
It can mean peoples identity can be traded long after death. Its fitting, slavery to the rhythm. I remember some studies on apes where they would put an image of a familiar deceased member of the apes family. Many would stare at it for hours. I hope they don't try to do something similar to prince.>>6027384

he was subverting the cuck meme years ahead of time, a true visionary

How is that a shill? All child stars are damaged in one way or another

I like to think Paul and Yoko did it. Good for them. If they manage to get it blamed on Jews, so much the better.


The reason they didn't want to smear prince as much is because the music companies and producers own the rights to all his songs and even the "prince" name. So basically it would cost them money to smear him instead of them. That's the whole reason he did the name change and all that and they made it seem he had gone weird, but it was all because of the fucked up contracts that stole his whole image.

And yes prince probably was a closet homo with aids and mj was a kiddy diddler or at least had tendencies from being diddled as a kid.

sage alex jones threads

Fuck you. What is wrong with this thread user?



Omg shills calling normal threads a slideshow thread now? Desperate as fuck man. Desperate as fuck.

Bump for the King of Pop
I've gotta start listening to his music again, I never kne about this


I don't think MJ fiddled any kids.

MJ isn't dead.

what am I looking at

That's a Sikh, user. They don't believe in the Koran and are sworn to resist Islam.

That's a Sikh you fucking retard.

No. Prince was a faggot, and he died from being pozzed in the neghole like faggots do. My dad is a goldsmith/gemologist, and made the jewelry Prince wore in the movie Purple Rain. The little manlet threw a tantrum in my dad's store and didn't pay for the jewelry for like 9mo.

Prince was a literal gay retarded nigger.

micheal knew they would kill him so he faked his death and took over the persona of dave dave in order to expierence the media fallout surround his "death"

3.07 look same man he is also ppresent it behind the mask music video and hold my hand all released after his death

i believe Micheal is currently living somewhere in the republic of Ireland a place he expressed interest in month years before his death whether or not he returns i dont know

I don't think it's true though. It would be fucking cool.

I love how the kikes edited it out. Despicable low life bastards.

Here's a good article for this.
She also named useful Goy idiot freemasons. She was really BASED as fuck.

Yo /xpol/

Brice Taylor said Bob Hope raped all of the Jackson 5, including Michael.

The jews really are sick.

Its not really "/xpol/. He named the Jews and they destroyed him, then his daughter named the Jews and they through her in a mental asylum. Pretty cut and dry what happened not much "/x/" about it.

through threw*

There is an /xpol/ board though.

Might be /x/ cause all of the MKULTRA and Monarch Butterfly programming and shit.

Can't argue with those quints. Nice Get bro.

That's a Sikh you irredeemable faggot. They're literally the anti-muslim. They carry around ceremonial knives to symbolize their fight against Muslims. They're the 7-11 people. Not the 9/11 people.


you cumskins is posting in an intl thread