Does anyone else on Holla Forums have a disability?

It made me sad to be honest. Since i like to call this place home i was wondering if anyone else on here had disabilities. Discuss

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Chronic Lyme disease. I'm currently on disability because of it.

Yes and I'll tell you everything there is to know about me.

Major depression. Nets me $1000+ a month to shitpost with the occasional shotgun in my mouth. Picked myself up and fell down over and over in my life. Still trying.

Let's see some of that Great Art

OP here, SSI didn't even used to pay me that much a month, more like $600 a month. Now i have a job and i make $1200 a month.

Thanks Obummer for being a faggot

p.s since i work now SSI only pays me like $50 a month now, because… you know… I'm rolling around in my salary of only 17k a year.

I'm with this guy, I'm really interested in seeing some Mona Lisa type shit

You need SSDI nigger. You can earn up to $700 something I think close to $800 a month with no dent in your check. Then you still get your full amount until you earn more than that for a period of nine months maybe it's 12 or 16 months, idk.

It's difficult to get approved. My Dr. must have bribed someone or his daughter married a senator or something, because I had no problem. But other people I've known had to fight tooth and nail to get approved.


this shows how screwed up our schools are. giving a kid bad grades even doe he's clearly interested and stuff

==FUCKING SAID== I was interested but too fucking stupid to comprehend.

Goddamn it Jim, stop being as big of a faggot as moot and fix the redtext and other glitches on this site.

Been a neet for a decade, take a guess

Not a glitch, redtext has to go on its own line.

Your story is somewhat similar to mine OP.

My SSI case worker sounds like a suicidal cunt. Always speaking in a monotone voice sounding like the Orthopox from Destroy all humans sounding like he hates his life and job. Wish i could get case workers who actually give a shit.

I just had my psychiatrist. He said "You need money. Go fill out this form." And then I had money. Sorry OP, not trying to rub it in. I know for most people it's a lot harder to get these things taken care of. But like pic related I'd love to have a more normal life and regular work. The boredom is the worst part by far.

Except my mom has a lung disease and needs a transplant. It's also genetic so I'm also fucked. She dies i have nobody to live with except my best friend who also is autistic but has no motivation to get a job or do anything with life.

Kek. How many, user?

I'm seeing a psych and trying to get better but it's so goddamn hard.



it's not nearly as glamorous as The Simpsons made it seem

You fat, nigga

gee, you think?

As much as he made mistakes, he was a based admin, and he did ass little damage to us as possible wile covering his own ass on the way out. I was mad at him, but after finding out more of the story, he really wasn't so bad. I wish he hadn't let the site become a broken wasteland for as long as it did, but now that it works again, and all that's really gone are pedos, we can rise from the ashes here.

he does have a tiny little ass

>have ODD (variant of autism )
(2 of those were professors in my home town's university, they were internationally renowned)

at least I'm not a drug addict I guess

damn, you must be seriously edgy

Jesus, I didn't know there were so many niggers on Holla Forums.

Glad to know my tax money is going to good use you useless cretin.

his final form

here's your complimentary hat

not really, the issue was that they weren't able to successfully retrieve information or whatever without me knowing it. and from the moment the subject knows what information or actions you are after or are trying to accomplish then the process has been contaminated. basic psychology honestly but as a 11yr old I apparently always just told them "this is what you want to know, right?" after pretty much every question. when they were trying to "trick" me into doing an action by for example diverting my attention I always caught on pretty much instantly and the process had to be terminated.

I wouldn't go as far as saying I outsmarted the psychologists, they were really competent.
however it did seriously outplay the standard psychological process (and I take a little pride in that, not gonna lie)

Over 300 lbs but also tall af. So…

Not all of us can be worthless leaches, user.

statist much?

if you are pulling welfare then yes you're a leech. if you don't pay taxes but make your own money by working then sure, but you pay for everything yourself. when you go to the hospital, when you drive on roads you pay for every kilometer to the company that maintains it (in your case the state).


Yeah, you're a leech.

Well, I suppose you can't expect adolescents to understand how the world works anyways.

you seem to have grown up just getting shit for free cause you're a sperg of whatever so I understand you reaction. other people however believe in a form of commerce. you want something so you do something in return. very simple. but nah, that's too much for good old autismo

so people should be forced to pay for anything that causes them positive externalities?

no if you're a decent human being you would do that from yourself. leeches like you should be forced yes. I'm pretty sure you've never even earned a dime yourself in your entire life and you should feel really shitty about that.

lmao you're welcome!


here's a better idea: fuck you

yeah that's about the response I was expecting from you. git gut loser

Look m8, maybe now you don't understand any of this because mommy drives you everywhere while you shitpost on /r/anarchy about how your parents are evil statists for having those evil oppressive "rules" you hate so much, but one of these days you'll get a driver's license and you'll realize how important infrastructure is for getting goods places. You'll be mystified that all the food mommy and daddy got for you didn't just appear out of nowhere – people had to get jobs* and work for that to happen. And they had to use those stupid roads to get to those jobs to make the world go round and get their finished products to the store so your entitled ass wouldn't starve to death.

*yes, jobs. Those evil statist structured things where you have to follow rules and keep to a schedule. Horrible, I know.

You should pay for the things you and millions of other people use every day in order for the basic tenets of your lives to function, yes.

I know the concept of paying for the things you use is foreign to an entitled teenager; try to understand.

On the day of the rope…

ADHD and bipolar.
Life's generally pretty neat, I rate it 8/10.

Normies get out!

Don't know about this, but I was always told I had some learning disability that caused me to learn new shit at school a lot slower than the other students.I remember working my ass off just to spite those teachers who thought less of me and I would still end up with mediocre/shit grades. I was just real fucking shit at every subject except history. But I'm probably just retarded or something. It pisses me off every single day. I'm just gonna order some books and get started as soon as possible, I'm fucking sick of being dead last.

Just try to divide two cookies evenly among two people. You just advance from there. Maybe it helped, maybe not - but hey, it was worth a shot.

yeah i bet elephants can paint better than you, you renascence man sperg

This is every poster on 8ch, user.

Fucking kill yourselves. Go back to your containment board. GTFO. Nobody wants to hear your some old shit over and over.


bumpty dumpty

Not the guy you replied to, but you don't seem to realize that several western countries' governments, yours included, makes more than enough money through the market for roads, and indeed every single public service. Your tax money, along with the money they earn from the war on drugs, funds plots to gain control of more land (the Middle East for now) in a slow global takeover.

Also, for that reason, I conclude that being a "leech" in any way possible is ethically the right thing to do.

Fam I also like to art. Lemme see yo stuff bruh.

Hi, my name is Jamal Johnson.

I have access to 3 popular VPN services, one of which allows me access to 5 other VPN services. Most of them are popular on here.

I plan to spam Holla Forums by bumping old threads and generally ruining the quality of the board until every single VPN is banned. I won't stop until 8/b/ becomes 4/b/.

Remember to check the timestamps of each thread that you decide to post in. Chances are, it has been dead for days and you don't realize it because my spam was deleted, and the thread is still on page 1.

Have a nice day.

I'm a cripple, I have brittle muscle disease.

How long did it take to get diagnosed, have you faced disbelief? What treatment are you on?

which slang exactly? Yorkshire?


High functioning autism.
Learn to use it.

I know the feeling, user.



First some background info.

Then shit hit the fan for me

Then this happened to me about 4 years ago