I'm going to nuke the catalog in a few minutes, any objections?

I'm going to nuke the catalog in a few minutes, any objections?

Other urls found in this thread:


You mean, like, reset it, or spam it?

like, I'm going to delete 20 pages. If you guys want to save any threads bump them into the top 5.

he means making Holla Forums one page

don't kill the zone thread

could you make the following a quote at the top of the page?

"Dark Souls is a blonde chav bitch with no tits and a push up bra. Ninja Gaiden is the slightly chubby hilarious brunette with stockings and giant tits."

But why though?

save all posts with anime titties

To purge threads that are old and stale, to encourage new content.


howww does that encourage new content exactly?

Allright lets try it. Holla Forums isn't Holla Forums without a little chaos thrown in.

The board is random go ahead nuke everything whenever you want no one should care.

you'll be forced to make new threads

and the exact same content will be posted

and people can make new threads now, unless the site is borken

At least make sure you get that stupid stream thread.

Probably a good idea

do it


I vote nuke. If something is good enough it will come back.


don't kill the movie theater thread

Maybe… but then again, maybe something AMAZING will be posted instead.

Stop being a pussy and do it you faggot

When pussy right in front of you but you still need to post dank memes on Holla Forums

oh, ok

Can you blame him? This board is filled with some of the whiniest faggots on earth.

i already did it. it could take a few hours to take effect since the site seems to be broken again.

Awww, let's see another of the kitteh


It died from aids

You killed the meta one fucker. And like three of my good ones, leaving just the shit one.

I fucking love this place.

If you're just going to tell everyone in order to save their threads them it defeats the point.

Next time don't worry what people think, just do it.

So it died within the past 2 days?

that was my thread

So it wasn't Holla Forums shilling, you TRULY are either a retard or have control issues.

truth is it's not around anymore. It's probably not dead.

This has already been done once in the past and it seemed like to me it had a positive outcome.

I mean I do appreciate fucking around and having fun with things, honestly. But wtf?

I'm not a clever man.

Meh, it's fine with me
Just…imma go sulk now.

i really dont even see Kennedi poster that much

who the fuck cares

Unban please

What do you mean "it's not around anymore"?


yes yes you are correct

oc > everything you love

I live by this rule.

I think he's not having enough fun. He cares too much about maintaining some kind of order or principles or something stupid like that. Who cares what happens to these forgettable threads on Holla Forums anyway? Those are the real super autists.

Release your inhibitions dysnomia, let it all burn. Make Holla Forums great again the way only a shitty inconsiderate janitor can.

So you're actually going to heed my dubs from the thread the other day?

Also don't be a hypocrite.

Nuke em all.

I miss baking the Pony Holla Forumsreads.


and give hebe back to the pedos

god i hate ponyniggers

You're an idiot. The only outcome of a board WITH VERY FEW USERS, and very low moderation, is certain disaster when one mega-autist can derail the entire thing with spam.

Please don't kill

Pin it so everyone can see my OC :^)

but user ilu

Well thankfully the eternal trap roleplaying thread survived. Actually it seems an older thread was taken over by them. Between them and the pony threads the userbase is thriving!

Whatever happens, don't nuke those threads. Not even being sarcastic, literal faggots are the largest group of users.

Who is Rem?

But I didn't argue for very low moderation.

Just stop doing things please.

Absolutely nothing of value lost there. Fuck bronyfags.

no u



Unban pls.

You unbanned Travis poster and he spammed more than I ever did. Also I already make lots of other threads, many of which had actual discussion that almost crested above pure shitposting at times. They're nuked now but idk, that's life.

My VPN is slow as shit. I asked in the last meta but went to sleep and never saw the answer. The rules are inconsistent across the board. Chrystal is a dead character anyway.

Unban please.

It already happened.

Post your ban message so I can find it.

but you're here, so there's no need to put dys through the trouble of unbanning you


It's so damn slow. It's awful

5 pages…

are you even trying?

You should have rebooted the whole board.

0 Threads.
a whole new re start.

I don't see it anywhere, are you sure you're still banned?

Yup. I think it is #141010 looking at the log.


Thanks dys. I'll behave. ❤️


Who goes there?

Which one was this?


f.am and t.b.h. was filtered. I'm outraged.





Not everything hilarious is good.

That's where you're wrong.

Sure, laugh it off. But it won't end here. Next they'll filter .

Hi, my name is Jamal Johnson.

I have access to 3 popular VPN services, one of which allows me access to 5 other VPN services. Most of them are popular on here.

I plan to spam Holla Forums by bumping old threads and generally ruining the quality of the board until every single VPN is banned. I won't stop until 8/b/ becomes 4/b/.

Remember to check the timestamps of each thread that you decide to post in. Chances are, it has been dead for days and you don't realize it because my spam was deleted, and the thread is still on page 1.

Have a nice day.

nuking the board won't stop me. I will return when there are more pages, there's no point at this time. Thanks you for your time

The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via pastebin.com/raw/UWffBQbn: Espionage

I like responding to old threads, though.


This guy is spamming the fuck out of the catalog right now dys.

It's happening again.

If this post is quads, then dysnomia must openly apologize for being a namefagging attention whore, the most resented kind of faggot on anonymous messageboards, resign and leave forever.


Holla Forumss CLOSED?

Why are you doing this?


Then kill yourself jamal




Satan quads have spoken

You HAVE to do it


Do it.

oh shit

This post made my day. Thank you user.

since dysnomia is definitely here now


He'll totally do it.


Give Holla Forums to Kennedy, he'll be able to do the same inane tasks over and over everyday without trying to do anything interesting.























Ms. Skeltal would be cute if she had some meat.

i wished that happened to every dog i see

make it 25 pages and keep it 25 pages

Can you stop ruining this board, you fucking moralfag? In all your efforts, you'll make Holla Forums somewhat okay, but so god damn slow and boring to use that using 7chan's Holla Forums would actually be more worthwhile, because you're going on more of a powertrip than the 7chan mods. Oh, that file already exists, wonderful! Brb editing one little gray dot into it with MS Paint.

brb masta going to get some KFC

Whoever took over for you - Jamal is flooding the catalog right now. Not that it matters as it's still only up to page 12 so far, but FYI.

42 posts of this



Where's muh missing letter fella?

who that sexy guy on th e right ?

Nice font


the fuck?
I only posted one image lmao, unless the Tomoko spammer was somehow using the exact same proxy as I was

Aww man, a D+ for one image.

i clearly remember you flooding a thread with them like 5 minutes ago

Dysonomia is doing a good job. This dysonomia sucks meme has to stop somewhere right?

which thread were you in kind sir?

No it's not a meme. We seriously hate him.

JK I'm dysnomia.

Did you get banned for post 6044088?

The locked one about Dysnomia being a 'rulecuck'.

cool, i was in that thread too. you definitely aren't lying, you only posted one image

in fact, i don't remember you asking if you could post duplicate images and then flooding them
that definitely didn't happen.

Was the IP hash "1199729b0b" doing the Tomoko flood, or did you mistake my IP for theirs? I'm legitimately curious if we were on the same proxy.

The same IP posted the same exact image as you with the same file name in the same exact thread.

It was definitely just a mistake that you were banned for someone else's mischief!


Got you bitch

Weird. Oh well, I do use a proxy site, so that rare occurence could definitely happen sometimes. Weird.

He's telling the truth.


I ain't clickin that shit nigga

why did you ban me for spaming a shitty meta thread and then proceed to lock that very thread anyway?


You better click that shit nigga

banned for spam, locked because we don't need two of the same thread.

Just tell me what the image is, I'm too paranoid to click untrustworthy links from random people.

But Tomoko is smug

It's an image concerning your ban

I bet you used the spam as an excuse to delete all of my criticism and then lock the thread so people can only see your side of the argument.

You don't seem to understand, two people got banned, I was the one spaming and he only posted the image once.

I'm not the same guy though.
Can prove it by posting some of my Banis.
Tomoko spammer doesn't save that shit.

With the amount of proxies that actually work on Holla Forums, I guess I'm not surprised that Tomoko and I used the same proxy. I only posted 1 Tomoko for the luls.

Gay. Except CP posters, no one deserves a permanent ban. Especially not if their spam was restricted to one thread. I don't think any of the top 3 except Holla Forums ban people permanently for breaking a rule besides the global rule for the first time, which is ironic because it makes this shithole the place with the least free speech. Only a ~week long ban is proportionate to the horrible crime of posting something over and over imo.

We weren't on the same proxy, he banned both of us knowing that you only posted one picture.

I frequently spam 4chan Holla Forums and barely ever get banned, when I do its usually short and never permanent.

Check the logs though.
He clicked D+ on my IP but not yours, and I checked this with the fact that all my posts were gone, as well as yours.

It doesn't say Dysnomia deleted your images but he did, but it could with "dysnomia hidden 34 minutes Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: 1199729b0b"

apparently someone decided to spam the thread with the same filename

yes, that was me.
the filename is iconic

This one is Tomoko btw, I'm Bani
Should turn on my flag so people can tell

why the fuck is there no tomoko flag?

Exactly. Is dysnomia really intent on being more restricting than the cuckchan itself?

and the pictures were posted back to back at least 10 seconds apart like in

I assume you just switched proxies when one was banned.

Made one

Proxies on Google Chrome are shit and all I use is Firefox for proxies, so no, I can't spam through two different proxies.

retards can't comprehend.


i am looking through this as well

Post screenshots of when Dysnomia banned somebody who wasn't a faggot.

dysnomia banned himself one time

wait… nvm

I'd post Zoidberg but I don't have a Zoidberg pic


I guess

It's unfortunate that you were banned

Double Dubs wasted on cancer



test icle


dam son

Haha wow, my partner, therefore my partner and I are like equals, so Holla Forums is now Tomoko and Bani's board.

Kennedi Checkem Tbh Fam

t. Puppysky


bump :^)


bump :^)


the fuck?


does anyone have that drawing of a guy talking about saging for attention, and in the background there's dysnomia's low signal flag? i forgot to save it


Ok , dysnomia did his part.

good job dude.

Dysnomia censors threads that go against him:

1st locked thread:

2nd locked thread:

why limit pages?

is this some kind of new irony?

meta threads have been being posted outside of that thread for fucking months… Suddenly he decides to lock one that goes against him and you faggots jump on the bandwagon?


We have meta threads and discussion literally constatly, you're just spamming it (along with a few other people) to force it to have to get deleted so that way you can go ahead and cry out about your rights being trampled when someone goes and cleans up the spam. It's a continous cycle of false flagging, self created problems and pleas over and over again. It dosen't work to help the users here, it just is a shit show with the purpose of sliding everthing into a mess and sinking the site and the board.

Cry more bitch nigga.

inb4 faggot, cuck, shill, volunteer, etc. etc. etc.



The "Bumplock after X" feature doesn't seem to work. I think having threads that are 2 weeks old being bumpspammed is kind of annoying.

I reduced the pages so that we wouldn't have double the amount of stale content as we already do.

This thread is a new thing. I think we can do something better with the catalog space than post the same content 10 times a day, so I made this thread last week to fullfill everyones meta needs, it's also a thread I frequent so that I can tell anons what is going on and answer their questions.

If this thread dies I'll make a new one.

Forgot my attention whore thing.

I love how you conveniently make up new rules when it suits you. You are such a good mod :^)

It's only twenty minutes old at this point. Shortest lived spam/copypasta ever.

well you already made it stale by spamming it like a butthurt faggot

I've been removing spam for a while now.

It wasn't just me. Also it was pretty funny.



but you realize this means that people will keep making new threads with the same topic many times which would be equally annoying.
will result in "we have this thread everyday" type of situation.

it would be funnier without the text at the bottom explaining the joke
the cap is self explanatory

I suggest increasing the number of pages to more than one page, it does not have to be infinite but 1 is not enough.
make it 5 pages or so.

You make it sound like there is some secret organization of conspiracy theorists that have an agenda against dysnomia, when it's just people pointing out that he is not a good vol. If you honestly think dysnomia is a good vol then you much be completely new to Holla Forums boards.


It's already been restored to 25 pages, and this was after that even.

So you mean it's 25 pages now?
if so then it's ok guys.


I just find it funny that people get so amazingly ass blasted after thrifty plus threads that that small, ever so small amout of spam got them annoyed so quickly.

They must be new to imageboards. Also, it stopped just as soon as it started. If only that were the case I might agree with you more.

dude, don't be childish, so what if he can't cross post?
he will learn.
it's not like you were a channer since you were born.

Yes. It was limited before this meta thread, then set back to 25. Then dysnomia decided to kill the bottom twenty pages because there was old shit lingering. Now a week later there are week old threads again because traffic is so slow. The catalog isn't even full.

Exactly, he's so new that he has to learn. You just proved my point.

Nice newfag terminology.

Goddamn, I can't wait until summer is over.



I didn't prove shit.
I have no problem with a newfag vol, if he keeps things running good.

ok ancient fag, you are just being a cancerous uncle atm, KYS

25 pages is reasonable tbh fam

That's because you are one a sympathize with him.

Just know that you millennial redditors are responsible for making this site shit in the first place.

Cross posting between threads takes effort

No matter how I look at it I'm going to have to open a thread, click on the OP No.XXX, copy it, and then paste it into the other thread, adn then I have to repeat this process with however many threads I'm linking.

If I open a new window (I often browse with two windows open, one on mod.php and one on the normal site because mod.php is kind of broken) I can drag and drop links into the comment section. If I wanted to make them proper cross posts I could edit the link and to remove 8ch.net/b/res/ and then remove .html and then add a >>, but for real, dragging and dropping links is so much easier.

You guys underestimate the extra effort I put into being lazy, even If I look like an idiot


Jesus christ, just admit that you are a big dummy and a newfag.

I knew someone would say that, but I really don't care.

I'm incredibly lazy I make typos and I notice them but I will hit submit without fixing them, I will do things that I could have easily fixed but instead I won't.

To make up for my laziness I've become incredibly efficient at everything I do. People often think I put a lot of effort into my work, but I'm really putting in as little as I can. At least IRL

I don't really care about how you guys think of me enough to do damage control, if it matters I've probably been here longer than most people have known what an imageboard is. That's not to brag that I've been on imageboards the longest, but that most of you are probably 16-18 year old millennials


Just give up




I mean… It doesn't really matter what I say, you're going to win your internet argument against me anyway. ;^)

The only difference is, ████████████ you have the power to ██████ censor people and abuse that power every day. :^)

Keep trying to act cute with your little comments, ██████ we all know you are a cultural marxist faggot. █████████.



Very current affairs.

what is that supposed to mean?

yeah totally, I'm a millennial redditor and a newfag/summerfag.

So fuck off.

What do you think it's supposed to mean? I struggle to see how you can't grasp it.

Dysnomia is a cancerous uncle, don't pay him any attention.

hi Holla Forums

I'll take a guess and assume that you think cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory and you probably learned about it on wikipedia.

If you need an example of cultural marxism in the current times, just look at SJWs and progressive liberals in general.

Cultural Marxism is a Jewish invention, I wouldn't call it a "theory" because it actually exists, and the Jews ARE using it to conspire.

Can you give me your definition of cultural marxism and tell me how it relates to this thread? I'm genuinely curious.

political correctness and the censorship of language can all be traced back to cultural marxism. The way that dysnomia is censoring dissenting opinions is literally putting cultural marxism into practice. That's how it relates to this thread

dysnomia is a Marxist, but also antisocial. He invented meme magic to conjure up a social life and general life purpose, but can only crash planes and elect Trump.

Fucking kys kid.

I thought he was an attention whore?

You don't give a shit about what your users say because you think they're all underage?
dam son

nice argument

Holla Forums just derailed the meta!


It's all the rebuttal you deserve if you think social marxism is the one true source of all censorship.

Ah right, I see! That's pretty interesting stuff. Do you think Dysnomia could be involved with the global Jewry? You make a compelling case. I think he definitely might be a communist now that I think about it.

Now's not the time to be scared. That comes later.

Well we can't, stop deleting the tiny ounce of traffic we still get just because you think it could be better.

I never claimed that. lern2readingcomprehension

The quote is "Now is not the time for fear" not "Now is not the time to be scared".


Fuck, sorry avatarfag, I'll be sure to google it next time. Don't want to make anyone's autism flare up.

It's not avatarfaging to post 8chans newest meme you dip

Do not Fear, Fear is the time that comes afterwards.

Whatever you say, 15.gif.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that this was just akwardly phrased, can you think of any other reasons a mod might exercise his powers of censorship? Ego? Christian prudery? Just being a janitor in general and shoveling the shit aside enough to make a walking path?

Well before I do that I want you to define exactly what you think "censorship" is and what dysnomia is censoring.

ITT: dysnomia jokingly shitposts until everyone forgets what sparked the "meta debate"


Stop D+ing me just because I express my freedom of speech over 100 times in a single thread.

No no it goes, Dr. Paved, you think that gives you power over me? Do you feel the charge? The smile for all sizes!

Isn't Holla Forums already supposed to be "/meta/ except not for faggots"? Why is this BO so terrified of criticism that he has to make a cyclical ghetto?


If I put on the mask will you big guy?

I'm glad somebody is with me on this. This is just another front by the global cabal of cultural marxists to bring social communism into every person's living room, and I'm sick to death of it. Can you imagine what it's going to be like in 2025? Why you're sat there in your front room watching The Good Life, and next thing you know the Suede Denim Secret Police come in, chop little Timmy's cock off, and they say to you "Your daughter is called little Tammy, do not misgender her or you will be sent to the cultural gulag".

It's just fucking madness and it has to be stopped, right here, right now, with the Archon of Jewry xiself, Dysnomia.

newest cancer

Perhaps he's wondering why a Cultural Marxist would censor a man before banning him from Holla Forums.


You deserve it.

Sjws and alt-righters are equally bad.
let them kill each other,both sides are aids and cancer, they sow division and probably infiltrated by the feds.

Wat? I'm on the dysnomia defense force here. dysnomia is fighting a shitpile with a broom handle while blindfolded and high. It's all over the fucking walls but I cut him some slack because some retard keeps shitting in the hallways and won't ever stop.

He's "censoring" the dozens of "dysnomia is a fucking faggot" threads every day. Also he can do no wrong and I love him so much that I'm fingering my asshole right now.


(both of you have been checked)

Pretty much this. Perhaps you guys will think twice next time before putting a reptilian Illuminati agent in charge of Holla Forums



You deserve to have your hands broken.

You're my fetish, sage. ♥️

Was posting an avatar part of your itinerary?

lmao XDD ur so funny dysnomia. Keep making cute comments like this, we'll all forget about how you're a massive rulecuck with crippling autism.

I'm not really fighting anything. I do what I think is best and I talk to anons and take ideas from their criticism. I think it's best to remove spam despite spammers begging me (by spamming) to let them spam.

Put it like this. If you some of you guys want to hate me and shitpost about me all day, that's great, I'm not going to force you to go to /operate/ or anything, but if you're going to post the same threads over and over again I think I'll keep content in a similar thread so that like minded individuals can discuss the situation together, and so that other people who are sick of seeing threads about me can potentially enjoy this board.

Maybe I am a communist. JK

Wouldn't that be the guy that always gets banned from Holla Forums who posts several hours every single day?

Break his fucking finger!!! /baphophat/ will dox the Gilborg Ratbert and when we literally murder him all will be right again!


Nice try bucko.

That sounds reasonable to me, why are people bitching?

You're just as bad.

What in the fuck...

go back to reddit

Honestly, why did you even make this thread at all?

You would have been better off making the cyclical and abandoning it instead of saying "uhmmmm lmao wtf are you guys even talking about? i'm just deleting spam, what screenshots/archives are you talking about?"

This was unironic you fucking retard. What you're fighting is spam bullshit. Also luv u bby never stop making these poor idiots angry.

I'd pay to see him killed.

Go back to freech.

Ease of access. Anons have a specific thread they know is up that they can go to and post meta-content in.

It's a thread I keep up and browse daily so I can see what's going on.

This deserves it's own thread, it will probably derail this one. What the fuck is Benji doing?

Hi, my name is Jamal Johnson.

I have access to 3 popular VPN services, one of which allows me access to 5 other VPN services. Most of them are popular on here.

I plan to spam Holla Forums by bumping old threads and generally ruining the quality of the board until every single VPN is banned. I won't stop until 8/b/ becomes 4/b/.

Remember to check the timestamps of each thread that you decide to post in. Chances are, it has been dead for days and you don't realize it because my spam was deleted, and the thread is still on page 1.

Have a nice day.

D+ deletes all posts, it's not really any harder or easier at all

I hope you get shot.

Also spam containment.


We're gonna raep your urethra with a rusty coathanger Rathberg. Then poison your doggos and eat 'em up!!!!


You're still dodging the specific screenshots and archives that keep getting posted. Everyone on this board is getting sick of your "spam" excuse.

This man is 8chans greatest meme.

who made you king of opinions nigger

Eh, go ahead and link what you're talking about. I thought I cleared everything up.

This is the second greatest meme.

Well of course you do. You just want to ruin the place.

I remember that. It did seem resolved and got talked about a lot, but for those that don't know or weren't here…

In what fucking world does that make sense?


There's nothing I love more than receiving thousands and thousands of boxes and free Korans. Please send them to:
Gilbert Raborg Escobar Sanchez
702 S Cockrell Hill Rd

Everything in pic related. There has been so much shit you've tried to pull in the last couple weeks and now you're acting like none of it happened.

I'd say you're a faggot that angered the mods. That's just me though.

Pretty sure its just that you're a shithead.

Oh, it's just you.

Kill yourself my man. The links are in the image.

Do this nigger next Omlet!

Holy shit you're back already!

Yeah. I already explained it in the threads you spammed. I'm not really here to play mental gymnastics with you.

Justice never sleeps!

You only talked about "muh spam" in those threads too, the archives are there for everyone to see. You're the one who just offered to give an actual answer.

Not to mention you should already be able to see my post history and know that I never spammed anything.

Break this fucker's fingers!!!! Literally skullfuck his sister with a Bowie knife.


"Dysnomia Dindu Nuffin: The Thread"

The answer is kek and also
Just let go

These three posts are like poetry. Truly our great leader dysnomia has our best interests at heart, like he just explained so clearly in these posts.


Getting upset at retarded janitors
Ask questions
Because it was funny
Because making you mad is fun
Don't want to.

The End.

More like
The End… ???

Because this nigger won't quit

He'd be good as the bangee in a gangbang


Never quit, no matter what!

Hey dysnomia, can you take a moment off and delete the spam

and by nigger I mean autistic taco merchant ofc

Tek Kock!

Theres a new flood of spam, pls clean.

The spam implies that someone is so butthurt that they have to post standing up…


its probably tomokofag, since his posts got deleted.

spammer BTFO

Dysnomia, these screenshots and archives are the entire reason you had to make this thread. Nobody is going to take you seriously if you keep memeing your way around them: >>6048174

Fuck. Don't do it mister vol, let it slide some of the week old threads off first. It'll only take about an hour.

speak for yourself you fag

are you frickin kidding me?!?! i already replied to this like 100 times, quit flipping spamming you DIPHEAD!!!!!

He's too autistic to listen - one day he will be on the receiving end and suddenly realise how worthless his life has been.

you still tried to piss off dysnomia on purpose and make a another meta so he can be even more stress while there was ready a meta thread and after the thread was gone, you tried to claim that was censorship.

This shit was discussed to death the first week and a half. No one is going to take you seriously if you pretend it wasn't. The poor guy who made the alternative board >>>/attic/ got treated kinda shitty by being treated with suspicion, but that was about it for valid complaints.

for what purpose?

its a leftist fag that hates threads like the 530+ reply anti leftypol thread

How many times do I have to say I'm on the vols side?

b-b-b-b-b-b-butthurt detected!!!!!!!

Oh look, kennedifag is trying to uncleshield behind Holla Forums again. Makes a nice change from /baph/.

You're still a faggot.

You are seriously autistic dude. Like you have a problem.

Because I have about seven or eight that AI made that won't stop bumping. People are so far behind they are still wondering about "tbh fam" being filtered. Shit's up to 260 something replied and won't stop smdh.


All this energy required to spam he'll be all tuckered out when it comes fap time

What are you talking about kennedifag? We both know only me and you lurk this board.

t. dysnomia

You are seriously autistic dude. Like you have a problem.


You are seriously autistic dude. Like you have a problem.

I don't think over half the people posting give a shit.


I think I could make a nice income selling patented Holla Forums butthurt cream


You are meta. Like this is meta.


Get a trip asshats.

I don't. The rules on this board are clear. It's just an autistic fag upset that this place is not all about him, with his rules. He needs some shotgun mouthwash to get a better perspective on things.

Nice try, guy who calls other people the same guy when they aren't guy!


I don't. dysnomia needs his fingers broken in his autistic little head.

Also fuck this drawing, I hate it. Makes me want to mail a hundred more Korans to Rayberg.


Reposting before dysnomia & friends try to slide it. Still no response from the man himself, who tends to abandon threads where he embarrasses himself (see the archived threads for examples).

Dysnomia censors threads that go against him:

1st locked thread:

2nd locked thread:

so make a new better thread fagbot


Keep banging your head against that wall faggot


Tomorrow your time is nigh. There will be a great reckoning of boxes, Korans, free catalogues and various other online bargains.


He did something wrong by not deleting this nonsense immediately.

We should really talk about it, though.

and finally
All done!

you are a broken record.

okay friend

drawing a picture of a muscular guy saying "I'm here to beat up [x person I don't like on chinese cartoon imageboard]" is more pathetic than I ever hope to allow myself to get tbh

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mom but I’m literally in shock from the rulecuckery tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did Dysnomia ban me? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the mod team is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want hotwheels to be admin and fix this broken chan. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought I wasn't doing anything against the rules???? This is so fucked.

I have, they have gotten bumped past 200 as well. Time to kill 'em!

Or not, as the spam will never ever get that far.

Nice try giblet.

It's going to get posted by multiple people until it gets a real answer, which means dysnomia can use doublethink to classify it as spam. But he could nuke the entire board and bootlickers would still defend him.


I don't give a shit.

for a serious answer what i'm doing is p much equivalent to, say, pic related, and other ebin oldfage classics
I hope I don't get too autistic with it though

nice image

But really Dysnomia, What did I do to get banned?
I wasn't spaming, unless you consider posting the same picture multiple times even while posting completely different text each time to be spaming, but even then you you said this thread was for spam containment

How new are you? He gave answers over and over. He said them again just now.

Ask more specific questions than "pic related"
Also kys.


then link to them.


Hi, my name is Kennedifag.
I have access to 3 popular trap services, one of which allows me bareback access to 5 other trap services. Most of them are popular down at the YMCA.

I plan to get fucked by cocks in and out of my asshole and generally ruining the quality of my sphincter until every single ballbag is empty. I won't stop until my ass can fit a watermelon in it.

Have a nice day.

or just make a new thread again
why would you care if an old thread is still up on catalog
you are autistic

Spinning Tomoko is not against the rules

Shit, I'm sure you hurt artist of 147x.jpgs feelings there, at least he won't be the autist loading up paint and inspect element for absolutely no reason other than to stroke his chub under the desk.

It was funny though.

I just did.

Right there.

The End!


Fuck off josh.

stop using Exclamation points you newfag.

Meanwhile……elsewhere on Holla Forums…

You've well we all have said that so much it's lost all meaning. I've made tons of threads. Today I'm shitposting in this one. Also there is almost no chance of it happening as the catalog has not been full all week.

This is tame waste uncleing where the uncle has wasted far more time than me and uncled themselves. Why would you do this?

I hate when people misues the word shitposting like its some kind of accomplishment
"Look guys I'm shitposting XDXDXD"

You wouldn't know a art if it hit you in the face.

W-what does this even mean?


Heh, I just uncled you good and proper.

I like it!

This is the problem, newfags call themselves shitposters like its a fashion statement.

Holla Forums posting style in a gif…

I'll have you know I'm a 2014 oldfag tyvm

Nice buzzwords, but I have been using Holla Forums since October 2014.


Fuck that one of mine is still there, along with four others.


Anons: Spammers are cancer. Go away.

Spammers: hurr durr faggy fag answer me

epic fish meme bro, I like the meme generator caption.

Retards can not comprehend, active users are getting permanently banned for no reason.

Active users - you mean spamfags

No, active members of the community.
Get. that. through. your. head.

poor kennedifag

What a fucking bombshell.

Turns out 4chan gets the cream of the crop for people who graduated top of their class for a doctorate in autist babysitting.

Whenever I am reminded that the man in question is Uncle, I kind of want to join the angry four man mob. But then I remember the deer shit eating guy spamming the everliving fuck out of the Cat's Cradle threads, and I am on the anti-extreme levels is spam side again.

Also I kind of like goofy people. They are usually good natured and I can relate :^)

dysnomia has confirmed to be jim before

You are no better than the people who claim that everyone who likes the current moderation is just Dysnomia.

prove it.

Wow your so goofy and randumb!!!

time waste uncleing*

It's what I call it at least, where the uncle can't reasonably expect anyone to get angry at what they're doing and for some reason is just wasting both of your time.

Oh no!

Gilby pls

Swat that piece of shit. Right now!!

Do you find it this hard do believe multiple people disagree with you?
I fucking hate Texas.



It makes them sad because they won't get anymore attention from me.

The kennedi meme makes me angry and I wan' to punch her every time I see it.

Gilbert Raborg Escobar Sanchez
702 S Cockrell Hill Rd

Have you seen this man?

Do your part for the community and break his fingers make a citizens arrest today!

I'm Jim.

HOLY SHIT. I leave to play vidya for a bit and the entire board is purged.

Where is Omlet when you need him!

What is uncleing? Are you trying to push something?
And by even getting mad at me for drawing I hope you realize you are expending more emotional effort into them than I. they're like the visual equivalent of shitposts for me.

So, actually fun? 4chan, at least on the small boards I visited, was an actual enjoyable place to be where anons would let themselves go and just try to be as comedic as possible. Holla Forums is filled with uptight faggots that legitimately get mad if you use the wrong terminology, like saying 'normie' instead of 'normalfag' or whatever autistic expression they're hellbent on eliminating, or in the case of the hobby boards if you have the 'wrong' taste. Not to mention the push to act as least "autistic" or "cringey" as possible as a projection of their own insecurities of being viewed as such by others. Without the shitty sjw mods, this place could stand to be more like 4chan.

Nah anons, he's right. Back on SA I remember being a shitposter was an actual insult and not a epic ironic meme. If your posts were shitposts you wouldn't get attention. "Effortposts", or the now obscure opposite of shitposts, would. Although considering how that place turned out maybe us anons should strive to be as least like it as possible.

Stop banning me for no reason pls
Only ban me when I actually spam
also tell everyone that I'm not Gillbert

Fucking got you now Jim you super hot pocket oh boy I can't wait to repost this to a bunch of people who realise who I am a few words into my essays and skip everything I have to say!

That isn't really surprising.
Also is you.

You could just not respond to them in the first place.

This just in: cuck makes thread, gets BTFO by based mod. More at 10.

I wasn't getting mad at you for drawing, I was laughing at the guy getting upset at someone else drawing.

Looks like you've uncled yourself. If you don't know what a good uncle is then you need to lurk more, m'nephew.



You make some good points, but who was the "he" that is back, now at goonieland? Those posts were deleted because who cares, kek, fuck them.

Welp…….Let's get back on topic - gif related

Stop D+ing all my posts for no reason it creates a bunch of broken links that make people suspicious.

Why do I find this hilarious?


Holy shit that came up in some other thread recently. Sauce and moar please!

Because most of our OC comes from reddit while we post the same old pictures over and over again kekekekek I want to die

And where did you get these stats from mr. oc production analysis pro?

Do you want to know what's really sad?

I enjoy the meta threads the most out of anything on Holla Forums, and maybe even Holla Forums, they're always full of rampant uncleing, general idiocy, OC and butthurt. It's the full imageboard experience.

Stop trying to force a new word.

you got uncled :)

Look nephew, if you don't get the meme it's not my problem.


Serves you right for posting an unfunny forced meme.

Same here. For chrissakes this is Holla Forums. A little less serious could do us all wonders.

Rulecucks never change.

You're right, that is pretty sad.
that's why almost all of my oc is meta, it's the most fun subject to shitpost about by far

It came up on the random board thread. I found it in some board but can't remember now. It's all I have of that sorry user.

friendly reminder:

1st locked thread:

2nd locked thread:


Anabelle Leigh
sauce vid: vid.me/AjSk

God I wonder how any of you faggots manage to dox

too lazy to look tbh fam


what is this supposed to mean to me?

Everyone who disagrees with him is kennedi.

Every metathread


Here's some stuff from her cam page

Do you mean uncle as in the cats cradle tripfag? or some entirely new epic maymay?

nice meam xD

I like this picture, it makes me feel like everyone is just having fun.

I made it specifically for metathreads, that's some freshly squeezed OC!

that's what the goal is. the only people that need to change are the ones that legitimately get mad at others for posting things.

lmao nice job, I wish I could make meems like you hahahaha

Dysnomia is the one banning people for things he doesn't like.

uncle is dysnomia

"getting uncled, uncling, and uncle" is just uncleing

Good job.

part of the ship
part of uncles ruse

I hate the same faggots he hates, so good.

Uncle never did anything, he just convinced newfags that he did some big ruse for attention, he's just a tripfag.

You sound angry

Hold on. Didn't uncle get massively rused by CPL in those Cat's Cradle threads? That's how I remember it.


That was the ruse!

samefag away!!!!!

Just for that, I'm doing an artists' impression of you when you made that post.

Yeah, a little.

I'll be happier once this place is whittled down to about 10 people who aren't retarded.

All the continuous meta posting and arguing is a ruse. And these niggas literally don't into op sec about it.

I hate Holla Forums so much, they always take credit for my shitposts.

Based on what parememters? From the anons in this thread right now, who would you keep?

Then you would have to leave as well.
Also fuck off elitist.

I'm the one who posted this on Holla Forums. I don't even regularly browse there. I just wanted to get them in here to make dysnomia butthurt, because I know how he hates goons.

Not you

Not you either

Trump 2016

They are making fun of the retards like you who would screencap the thread as evidence.

To understand the kind of man uncle was you have to understand just how deep the metaruse goes.>>6049257

You aren't being the man Trump knows you can be.

You don't understand the kind of man I am.

Kek. This is fascism – get used to it.

You and dysnomia need to stop misusing the word "goon". This shit started in /cow/ and Holla Forums with descriptives like "goony beard" but now it's fucking ridiculous. Call them Holla Forumsfags or freecucks or whatever you want, but not the one thing specifically designated for users of a website that freech is not. That's like calling 7chan anons tumblrites.


Hitler was a socialist.

I'll just address you all at once so that way I don't have to go the round about with this. The continous meta and drama is literally a meme here at this point. False flags with false flags. Lets just make use of this site and be together anons, infinite space, the infinite imageboard.

Here, I'll break it down for you

1. you don't understand sarcasm
2. you are mentally ill
3. you are a low functioning autist with a IQ of a nigger
4. you hate anonymity
5. you are new to imageboards and think you know how a Holla Forums board is meant to moderated
6. you fap to traps and think you are straight
7. you are a halfbreed and think you are white
8. you were 3 years old when 4chan became a site

Hitler was a megalomaniac who happened to espoused certain socialist ideals. And how did that work out?

Do you like things to be mostly fun? Because I prefer that. Also did CPL ruse the shit out of you? I pretended to be an assblasted you after the reveal by namefagging as you. People ate it up tbqh.

I just don't want to have to worry about Dysnomia deleting all of my posts in mass for no reason.

As a former Goon who got out of that shit around when Helldump was a thing, I just want to point out, for all of the newfags in the room, that nobody who still refers to themselves as or considers themselves associated with Goons is your friend.

Not one. Not Josh. Not Pleasureman. Not the Spacebattles mods. Not the Plebbit top clique.

None of them are your friend. Every 'good' Goon got the fuck out lifetimes ago, fucked off to do other things, like shitpost on Holla Forums or write fanfiction or something, and refuses to associate themselves with SA or anything to do with SA anymore.

No one who uses the SA rep to push themselves is someone you should trust. Ever. For any reason.

You know what the difference is between Gamergate and Sad Puppies? One of them had a train run on them by Goons. The other didn't.

Same angry nerds, geeks, and freaks. Same attitude. Same strategy. One of them is pulling down boycotts left, right, and center. The other is being Weekend at Bernies over on plebbit.

Fuck Goons. Fuck all of them. That site used to be everything 4chan used to be and everything Holla Forums hoped to be, and they flushed it down the toilet by snorting their own farts and bullying kids into committing suicide. A couple of Goons back in the day were semi-important people in real life, and Goon culture now thinks it's got "connections" and wields "real power," when in reality there just weren't that many fucking places to go to back in the day, so of course the few important people who used the internet had a good chance of being Goons.

Most of them have moved on, and likely don't even remember being Goons, but that hasn't stopped the legend of Goon influence and power from massively overinflating all of their egos for years after anyone gave a shit about them. You can see the mark of this on every single Goon that still considers themselves one. They don't have much in common, but the one thing they do all share is a wildly overinflated opinion of themselves.

You know why I'm not a part of Pleasureman's little circle of asskissers? Besides the fact that I've got better things to do than suck the dick of some skinnyfat alcholic nobody in the middle of their midlife crisis desperately trying to be politically relevant.

It's because if he was one of the 'good' Goons, you would have never known that he was one at all. You would have never known that any of them were.

But they openly advertise that shit. It's part of their sales pitch to join. And that's why you don't trust them.

I'm not surprised that Josh is one at all. He's exactly the sort of failure at life who used to hang out in Helldump and dox kids he's never met to make himself feel better about his shitty life.

Digging isn't my gig, but if I were you and had the inclination to try, I'd start taking a hard, long look at Mark. I'm serious. I'm talking to you, OP. /cow/ needs to look at Mark, because he reeks of Goon to me. I'm not saying he is one. But he sure smells like one.

More proof that obviously none of this was an ebic ruse, not at all.


If I post the OP on 4chan would it be 4chan's fault?

Wrong. Too damn serious.

This exactly.

This too.


Then go there and stay there you fucking loser


I enjoy things to be as fun as possible although my definition of fun my vary. I enjoy uncleing XDD pretending to be retarded everyone on this board, goons and serious posters alike. I'm mostly ironic and cancerous on purpose. I'm serious about getting rid of spam, but I still have fun butt blasting spammers

CPL was never real.


… Soon the autists will be silenced, and we will establish our exclusive club.

…. soon

Stop calling me dumb please.





Could a dumb person get trips?



then you make those "mistakes" to compensate. I bet you'll probably try to act dumb for the next week or so to try and pretend like those crosslinks you attempted before were on purpose.

You b8 like a 14yo from reddit.



You better stop that

Why do you have to be so mad? You're what I'm talking about. No one just loosens up and enjoys posting like they did on halfchan back in the day. All the IB-culture-obsessed newfags think that old Holla Forums was super mean to everybody as quality control are wrong. They were just funny, and every post was an attempt to be funny. Not "AAAAAAAAAA I'M SUPER MAD LOOK AT ME SUGGESTING SUICIDE". So calm down, user.

This is what happens when a cat's cradle fag runs our board, smdh


Never real how? I know he said he was just mining for his writing and said he was doing it for years on different websites. But was that the fictional twist ending to his whole fictional character? And did you believe?

Also FUCK YOU FOR EVER CALLING ME A GOON!! because this is exactly my impression.

I've talked with some of those SRS and other plebbit power users and they are fucking unbearable.

Also good idea >>66049307 about looking into Mark, but I'm fairly certain he's just kind of retarded.


The group was CPL, we all designed a personality and posted as it. Some guy would pretend to be "CPL" and then another would reply to it, and then another would pretend, and eventually we made some kind of story around it.




IQ rating:

rock > dysnomia


This has gone too far



This has gone far too far

derp de derp de diddly der de derp de derp de DUMB

This is the first time I think you are actually damage conuncleing ITT. Also I would just find it more funny if you got rused epically. Also you are full of lies.

All in all it's bullshit, but I believe it :^)
People also think or pretend to think that I am you, though. So who knows?

I think something like this is happening in this thread…

This has gone too far

Dysnomia, I'm going to bed, but keep up the good work.

Soon this board will be an exclusive club, and VPN's won't be a part of it.

u got skillz champ

But you're posting Nichijou right now.

Don't forget


This has gone too far

It has only begun.

Well I was two different girls here. And it only cost me $400 and a healthy dose of dignity!

He's been hotpocketeering for nearly 3 hours straight… what a no life.


This has gone too far


This has gone ugly

It's a work of art.


There I'm done
Stop banning me Dysnomia



who are you again? :^)


It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is my ban.

*It's not important who I am

I appreciate the piece of art in a sense of irony that makes it actually good

are you a mushmouth IRL? I'd imagine you talking like a stroke victim and slobbering at the mouth.


u said wut?

That song took no fucking skill at all. Even I could have done better. You should be ashamed of your fucking self. Even nignogs know how to make better music.


you should do a vocaroo to prove me wrong. I bet you sound like a total retard.

Come on, it takes literally no effort. Just do it.

I don't like spaghetti.


Then what's that leaking from your pockets?

Alright. If you roll doubles I'll read one post in this thread that is coherent and no more than 5, 5 letter words long.


I like big butts and I cannot lie

"I love negro cum"

I am a cuck


I am a fag

i am a pedo


spin is new meme




I dodge critique by shitposting
Broke a bunch of 5 letter words but it would be great fun to read this one



Time to say reroll dysnomia!

that's not how it works

It's too late for more submissions


back to business at hand…

got u fam



u sound like a sperg

You said the wrong thing, dumbass. Your voice is also high pitched as fuck. You sound 14


say "i'm a pedo", stop pretending like you don't know how a reroll works



You can't even enunciate your words, fucking retard


I don't think he's pretending… he's an epic newfag that doesn't deserve to moderate anything.



eternal proof that dysnomia is an underage b& autist/newfag


Oh dysnomia we have spam you need to delete.

One trick pony posts the same picture everyday because he can't make OC.

Gilby pls



Gilbert can't fucking type.


Dysnomia was obviously just joking in this post tbh.

tbh fam

Eveyone knows it was Hotwheels




post your real voice steven

he doesn't want to expose the fact that he has a lisp and talks like a retard


(if (lisp notlisp) ; if-part (message "hurrrrr!") ; then-part (message "I don't really know Lisp too well")) ; else-part

What is this, kindergarten?

I'm still waiting for him to post his real voice. It's not like it would break his anonymity or anything. I bet he has a speech impediment.

yes xDDDD

This. The dysnomia shills are going at it hard itt.

since I know these trigger you I made more. this one is a very intricate and tasteful retelling of Holla Forums's legacy. I hope you enjoy.

well all the pedos left

That was a funny one.

okay, still waiting for you to post your real voice



I dont care about about dysnomias voice tbh
anonymity is an important, fragile thing. You get to imagine posters as characters instead of the dull neckbeards they really are

woof that got you mad didn't it

And I don't care about a dysnomia shill's opinion on the matter. Why don't you go back to IRC and stick that buttplug back in your ass? You fucking cocksucker.

Fuck off Gilby.

butthurt intensifies

I love how you newfags abuse the butthurt meme

Jesus man

a fucking despise dysnomia's moderation tactics, I just dont care about their voice

coming from a dysnomia shill

Lets play count the buzzwords:

Add shill to the list

Stop calling them shills, I'm not even paying them that much.


gilby pls

Is Gilby your pet name for him? are you tsundere?


Redditors in a nutshell:

gimpy gilby gags on gooch

Hahah fucking hell, that last panel slew me.

For my next piece of MSPortrait, I have this to contribute. Inspired by the butthurt of



Who's this handsome fellow?


I can see right through it.





reddit is just a website


Check those trips


hitler was a jew

Gilbert the 2014 oldfag getting really rustled right now.

I'm not Gilbert.

Neither am I

So you concede you're rustled?


I'm rustled as fuck

the fuck are you on about?
it's just a website.

you're right, it's just text on the internet. It has nothing to do with real people xDDD

that makes me moist

So when are you sending me my $100?

Reddit is a spook.

You must've been here when I uploaded my folder… this isn't gilbutt this is a false flag!!!

It was pretty obvious, I'm nothing like Gilbert.

oh I'm going to enjoy this


What is this supposed to prove? That dysnomia is actually a newfag? Only newfags try desperately to prove that they aren't by posting walls of greentext.

This is just flat-out fake.

Nice try Gilbert.

buzzword yourself buzzword!!!


Ha, yeah right. I'm a 2014 oldfag.

wew, tell me about getting triggered

you are combining two threads together that happened on completely different dates to get your point across.

Click on the number in the top right to reply :o)

I even hadn't to reply to him and he still knows when people are talking about him
Such insecurity :3

Who are you talking to?

you're obviously a homosexual who needs to get laid by a woman to cure your degeneracy

Pfft, I'm straight as an arrow famalam.

It's silly how the most recent years become funny now.

It used to be a few years ago, like when I was browsing Holla Forums in 2013, someone would say that they are from 2011, trying to be funny and oldfaggish.

When I was browsing 4chan back in 2011, they would say that they are oldfags from 2008.

When I was browsing 4chan back in '05 they would jokingly say that they are from '99 etc…

It's funny how the step you go backwards is reducing every year. Now a days when you say "I was doing X a year ago" it seems like it was a decade ago.

Why is this? It's the fucking progressive liberal faggots that are pushing you to accept the current year/month/day.

Pretty soon it will be "omg, you support what happened yesterday? You are a fucking idiot!".

who are you talking too?

Because I'm actually from 2006

This infographic is canon.

So you're a gaynigger?

I wish I could attain such a level of unclefoolery.

i luv this thread

Holy fuck, this just made me realise I wasted a fucking decade on chans. Close to a third of my life was wasted on fucking chans.

Well, my life had a good run, its time to kill myself.




















I really like dysnomia. Best vol of all time.


The fact that Dysnomia is still here is shocking. Considering the amount of hate he's gotten on this website i figured he would have fucked off to masterchan by now.

Personally I'm an oldfag and even i don't know what the whole everyone hates Dysnomia, i know why Josh got the fuck outta here and created 16chan, but Dysnomia i have no clue, i only browse Holla Forums when i have my days off work now, which isn't a lot of time so i have no idea what in the actual fuck is going on. I've seen Dysnomia hate threads, but they gave me no backstory.

He must have done something that was really

other oldfag here. i don't care about your opinion since you circle jerk it everyday. you guys give me diabetes. i am not young anymore holy shit and you remind me of the 4chan of today.

dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck
dysnomia is a cuck

Ouch, you're gonna need some band-aids for that edge.

dysnomia is a cuck

stop hating on my waifu!!!!!


DYSNOMIA is great and you will never even come close to her.

I'm sorry worst girl is your cuck waifu

you are not the true senafag. He would understand my deep love for dysnomia. You are a hoax. Just like the holocaust.


sure thing kiddo. Get on my level feg



dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a cuck

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

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dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl

dysnomia is a qt3.14 japonese girl




dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy
dysnomia is a ok guy

NO you fucking MAGGOT she is a girl and she is cute.


What if i refuse?

Don't you try. Dysi will ban you for 3000 years

only 3000?
I'll be back in 5016


dysnomia is a ok guy

dysnomia belongs in >>>/fart/

pretty nice tbqhrn

it's true though. they kept spamming and raiding other boards until HW finally told them to fuck off, and then they reacted like it was us who was getting triggered


I've got trips, so pls do it dysi :3


Yo egas make me a mod again and I'll ban myself again fucking do it
t. Szanty

In my dreams.

Don't worry babe I'd still hit it. with the force of a fucking freight train

will you marry me?

eh, sure why not.

And in mine. rawr :3

th-that's a jest right? haha you are so funny dysigirl. You would never betray me with some random user after all.

Post more yuno

We shall have children that have 2x the autism

tards gonna tard


Did I say stop?



Well that worked well…

They have changed something in the matrix!

When we were getting spammed by leftypol the other night, I reported the spammer several times. His posts were never deleted and he was never banned.

I guess dysnomia only bans spammers who make fun of him and Jim?


Don't talk about my wife dysnomia like that


Holla Forums getting spammed? You mean the penis posts or the "I hate Jim, Dysnomia, REEEEEEEEEEE" threads?

tripfag bloc

faggot detected

I called you a tripfag not a samefag.


I like this new feture.

r u a wizard?

No, some faggot from leftypol spammed a thread making fun of leftypol until 404 with contextless images of Marx and dysnomia did nothing.

Again, I guess spamming is only bad when it's making fun of dysnomia or jim. Keep up the good work goons.


Useless feature.

He says while using it….


I do not need to listen to you. You are not dysnomia.

dysi is my waifu. go away.

to prove it useless.

Thanks for the memory. I'm going to print it out and sleep with it under my pillow and you can't stop me




I haven't seen Gilbert in a while, or any Kennedi posters. What's up with that?

babe ;)



Posting ponygger shit outside of the containment thread ought to be a bannable offence.

Spam storm happening.




Climb off your waifu pillows, pull that egg out of your ass and fuck some shit up!


there are no mods, do as you please

Nice work mods

Spam incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spam bump



Is Dysomia still dicking around with the page number?

Stop it, you fucking fruit loop!

Set it at 20, and leave it be, please!

free anime picture

Free barbed wire girl

Dysnomia, why are there permabans for no reason in the logs?

And why are there suspicious deleted posts in threads about Holla Forums?

I got lazy.

Need more information. Link a thread/post (it was probably spam).


A no-reason ban is not a valid ban. Go back and remove all bans with no ban reason.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


You sound like a broken record.

A lot of posts in various threads were from the Slide Johnson guy, and a D+ removes everything. (Flood detected)

lmao frikin based i love joke bans



Please die k?

Hey bby wanna fuk?

I fucking came.

dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia dysnomia

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dysnomia is my wife
dysnomia is my wife

>posting under her name
I do not know if I even deserve this.

no. dysi does only care for me. You won't be in between us.

he already said he would marry me

fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia
fuck you dysnomia

Don't talk about my wife like that

It was a joke, ok? Also dysi is a girl, geez.

Now get out, me and dys are going to make autism together

Is it true that dysoman is Uncle?



my wife

Link me to the post that is the reason why everybody is named Legionnaire.


Where is the board log?

Right here friendo



Isn't there a middle ground between terminally cancerous and gods?

Cancer God?

Did you like it when I gave you wood?

I have thicker log just for you.

It's hard to fit a square peg in a round hole

Spam faggot is back


I just want to say that the current moderation team is doing a great job.

And its gone



Dysnomia actively censors people who disagree with him:

1st locked anti-dysnomia thread:


2nd locked dysnomia thread that called him out:


3rd related thread:


Notice how he uses the excuse that there were "already multiple threads like this". He rarely ever locks threads and there were a variety of other multiple threads (with various topics) when he decided to lock those 3 (which were later deleted btw).

Disagreeing with dysnomia, my waifu, should be a bannable offense.
Get lost faggot

Can't help yourself can you faggot.

Just leave if you don't like it.

look at these faggots fighting for their right to be a cuck.

I can't tell if you're a defeatist faggot or you actually like being conuncled by the mods… Which is it?


That's you right there

Nice strawman, you argue like a democrat.

What's the new meta?

hey wife
you coming home for dinner soon?

You are a fool. I am not arguing with you.

You don't like the moderation on this board then go elsewhere. It's pretty simple.

Complaining about it and trying to bitch out anyone who doesn't agree with your views is not going to change the fact that your spam is unwelcome here, and by extension you are unwelcome because you spam.

hurr durr strawman

Now you're just building on the previous strawman. I'm not a spammer, calling me a spammer over and over doesn't make me one.

fuck off leftypol your spam got deleted
cry moar


can i not talk to my wife?

give it up

this makes absolutely no sense. Did you even read the comments?

I'll compare your logic with SJW ideologues:

Jesus christ, Holla Forums is literally becoming tumblr.

Feel free to leave

boo hoo muh board is now how I want it

That's the spirit, you fucking failure.

just give it up.


keep trying


Have you ever heard of the concept that correlation does not imply causation?

You're just selecting things that you think relate to each other.

These threads in this post are not spam. Even if you are going to make the argument that they are duplicates, it still isn't spam.

Here, I'll educate you since you are new to the internet:

Spam = shit that is posted over and over by a single user.

nice try satan

at what point does it become spam?


Because the original thread was locked. The second thread was calling him out on it and the third was calling him out on censorship. Did you even look at the threads?


The funniest part is his 'muh free speech'

What is it you need to say spamfag?
Tell us…

The first thread WASN'T a duplicate though, you fucking idiot. I'm saying that he used the excuse to lock the thread because "there were other similar threads".

What about all the threads before the one that got locked?

checkmate spammer

dude there were all over in every fucking thread
and then the guy started making new threads pasting the same garbage.

Which threads? How often do you see threads get locked on Holla Forums? Here, I'll answer for you: Never.

The only threads that get locked are ones that are aginst dysnomia. When dysnomia deletes actual spam he just fucking deletes it. He is locking the anti-dysnomia threads to show everyone that you can't go against him. He's doing it as a message to the user base.

What is it you need to say spamfag?
Tell us…

spam doesn't mean "stuff I don't like"

kek muh conspiracy totally not spam guis

What is it you need to say spamfag?
Tell us…

sometimes there are 4 webm threads on Holla Forums. HAHA that must be spam right? Why does dysnomia not lock three of them? Why does he not delete them?

I actually laughed at this post.

I know, the truth is fuckin hilarious

I see that you decided to log in to your account. Are you tired of posting as an user and defending yourself?

What is it you need to say spamfag?
Tell us…

I don't see you saying what it is you seem so desperate to say…

I'm laughing at you conspiracy theory types that make up this stuff.

I explained serveral times why I posted a couple of goons post history. When the dude was spamming his copypasta in threads I explained it again. When he posted the first thread I locked it and told him to go to this thread, and then he posted it again, and then again.

What you're experiencing is goons attempting to take advantage of a situation, and you're either one or stupid enough to fall for their tricks.

Doesn't matter to me.

Nice buzzword. Anyone who has browsed 8/b/ since you have taken the helm knows that you are a rulecuck. You don't have to be from Holla Forums to know this, you just have to have a brain in your head.

So your free speech is in fact that you are upset because you think Dysnomia is a rulecuck?

You just having a tantrum boi??

I'm not claiming you're a goon, but I'm open to the possibility. You keep claiming these things but you aren't trying to prove them.

nice fallacy ;)

This sentence makes no sense.

Just look at

That's literally proof. Try to defend this without saying "LOL XDDD it's just spam hehehe". It wasn't spam and you literally never lock duplicate threads. When I say duplicate threads, I mean that you made the assertion that there were already anti-dysnomia threads, not that it was spam by one individual person.


You are thick as pigshit


Here's the forum for your free speech so lay it on us.

Or is it just a ruse

You're either stupid or baiting me. I don't feel like doing mental gymnastics with you, and I'm not going to explain again since you do not understand, and you go even further by losing even your lack of understanding of anything regarding it.
Understanding of it cannot be given to you because, you see, all that you can receive are more words in order to explain words.
If you have not understood the first set of words you will most likely not understand the second set of words.

I've already read the various excuses you have used to justify it.

1. it's spam
2. it's spam
3. it's spam

Until you actually tell me why you locked those threads, I will keep asking. It wasn't spam, it just pissed you off so you had to lock it, then eventually delete it.

Calling me stupid and claiming that I am baiting you won't change this fact. Just admit that it really fucking annoyed you to the point where you had to abuse your mod abilities and completely remove it from the board.

You were just told it was by the mod.


yep, the mod is always right!

only globals can abuse mod powers


I hope that's a joke. BOs and mods on specific boards can abuse their powers as much as they want

so you just take mod opinions at face value?

I just realized you are the same guy as and not someone defending him.

and it's their boards to do whatever they want, so how is it abuse?


So… To clear things up.
I was wrong when I said "You're either stupid or a goon."

The answer was simple. You're both.

There isn't any denying it now.

What the fuck are you doing, Dysnomia?
What the fuck do you think you are you doing?
Again, you are using mod powers to track individual users and reveal details to the wider userbase.
You are an anus, a well worn faggot anus. I hope something big and black rips you apart. Soon.


I can't believe there are blatant shills on this board that ruthlessly defend dysnomia. I hope my theory is correct, and they are all just dysnomia when he is logged out of his account.

I don't want to believe that this entire user base is from reddit or some other rulecucked site.

So I was asleep for awhile, and not super active today, did we get spammed again? The catalogue is small and there's a bunch of good threads missing all over again, just trying to find out whats up.

yes, triggered. big style.
i'm sick and tired of the faggot riding roughshod over the userbase and its traditions, over our anonymity and our freedom of expression in a futile struggle with a handful of other morons over spam and the dreaded goons.
The userbase has lost another 30% and the post count rarely reaches 100ph since that prick began his crusade to make Holla Forums a turdfest.
Enough is enough and it's now.

you use your mod powers to call out samefags boardwide. Goddamn, you really hate anonymity, don't you?

this also isn't proof that i'm a goon

And after getting discovered, you just went with the same old method of screaming through your lungs "HALP, HALP, MUH FREE SPEECH". That didn't work, did it. Don't even try acting the victim.
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself

You mean when a mod used his account to call me out? Sure, he "discovered" me but that still doesn't prove me wrong. So are you saying samefagging is not free speech?

Should all samefags be removed because they are violating free speech?

There is no point here. Samefagging has been part of Holla Forums culture since the fucking beginning. Holla Forums is based around anonymity and dysnomia is ruining that concept. Enjoy being cucked.

The central pillar of chan board culture is the respect of anonymity. If the mods reveal samefags, we may as well have ids, accounts and facebook integration.
It looks to me as if Dysnomia is fighting personal demons made flesh by his post as vol. Is he a she, perhaps? Men don't usually take everything so fucking personally.

boo fucking hoo
Instead of admitting of playing around as pretending of being many individuals, you start bitching like some cheap cunt who gets slapped on the face due to being a failure.
Why don't you go back to your samefagging Utopi a and talk to yourself. Oh wait, you can't

I've seen this so much. Are you honestly just sitting around here waiting to defend dysnomia? You keep typing out "boo fucking hoo" and then try to defend him.

I admitted that I was samefagging but the thing is, a lot of the samefag posts were from entirely different threads, and not from here. Look at the post again.

Is this now a doubles thread?

notice how a bunch of "anons" defend dysnomia while dysnomia never posts. Then he magically shows up an hour later and talks about how stupid the people are for going against him. He is logging out of his account and pretending to be anonymous.

I'm laughing at you being an unstable cunt who's insecurity was breached by some mean words from a mod.

Yelling of your "privacy" being breached while you have the capability of changing your PVN and proxies. You sure are a low scum

It seems like you are either completely triggered and keep making typos or you are just plain dumb.

Hi dysnomia. Calm down.


making stupid typos I guess
But do tell me, do you constantly change your VPN?

all the time. Who would be stupid enough to use their bare IP on a site like this?

lol samefagging should be banned xDDD. It is against free speech. It's like spam, right?

lol all things that i dislike are spam and samefagging xDDD

heh, he went to create a thread
what a faggot

I never, ever tell the truth here. I argue one point of view and its opposite in the same thread and at the same time, deliberately switching styles and lexicon to disguise it. There are no rules against that.
Although I very rarely do a (you) on (you), if it serves to advance the debate or correct a false impresssion, I won't hesitate.
Why shouldn't I? Ibs have always been this way and discovering samefags is quite an art unless you are a mod with the iphash and post history.
Do I have to use a different vpn for each post to avoid the sneaky mod?

That explains of why freech always jumps its "unique ips" from 3 to 30 :^)

What is wrong with you? Are you drunk or just truly retarded? It explains why you shamelessly shill for dysnomia


guess dysnomia has become some sort of a magnet which lures the biggest aspergers ever

Nice narrative. Lurk more.

like clockwork

bump :3


You are as eloquent as you are beautiful dysi. Those people do not stand a chance against you.

Just proceed as you do now, you are doing a perfect job, dont let the goons get you!

Already finished?
What a bathetic lard

aww, I think i made him cry :(

Bless, he probably stumbled upon the manlet thread and decided to reassert his dominance.






Dysnomia is stupid

Dysnomia is gay!

DYSNOMIA IS ILLEGAL YOU MANCHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



dysnomia is a qt japonese gurl

Don't talk about my wife like that



how sad


If you're obviously a goon trying to shit up the board and start drama, I will probably call you out.

A little bit of shit stirring up is normal for an imageboard user but these guys are pushing it in an obvious attempt to push people away from the site. Totally diffrent things. I hope you get that whole premise, but it seems like you do.
Calling them goons dosen't really seem accurate, I don't think these guys have any link to somethingawful. The only place that something awful provably has tried to run ops on here is Holla Forums. Source t. me, goon a very long time ago and observer.

Legionnaire is a confirmed shitposter. He's been pulling shitposting threads out his ass all day. Just look at the catalog fam.

Looks like this guy is trying to get a ticket to Joshchan or Freech









Josh got out of here because Jim tried to force him to change his license from the AGPL to something else so Jim could have proprietary shit. consider what exactly Jim has running on the server he doesn't want you to know about. Jim refuses to use Infinity Next over the license, the software itself is viable and not a buggy crufty mess like Infinity is. Infinity was brought to its knees during E3 this year and Holla Forums went down, it is obvious that Holla Forums will go down during the American election as well. i seriously doubt that they would be having this problem if they were on Infinity Next.








Spaghetti Omelet :3



i'm not shitposting
shes my qt wife

Hey thats a lot of (You)'s



















































dysnomia likes smelly child balls LOL XDDDDDDDDDD











Get this hothead outta here




That's basically what I've noticed during my years here.

uncleing is perfectly fine, it's even fun, goons on the other hand, these are the kind of uncles which will try to turn this site into a wasteland.

Their tactics don't work on me because they leave such obvious breadcrumbs.

Now I will admit, if they didn't leave so much breadcrumbs, I would still be suspicious of them, but I wouldn't have anything to actually go by enough to call them out.

In other words, goons, that means if you want to actually accomplish anything, change your tactics. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.


hey bb
what you want for dinner tonight?

I want this for dinner.
I'll get banned for this one image. Watch.

dysnomia hidden 5 minutes Holla Forums Edited board settings

Hey leg, i double dare you to start shitposting again

We art Anonymous. We shalt not forgive, we shalt not forget.


Kennedi Checkem

FBI here

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

Now you're just asking for the ban hammer





Pedos are fucked in their autistic little heads and should be beaten until their autism is cured

Fuck off Leg, we all know it's you






The fact Leg is samefagging with other user's tripfag names and uncleing/Shitposting is just retarded.

Dysomnia, seriously, ban this faggot. His shitposting clearly shows he's Leg.

You go girl! What a great speech!

I will always stand behind you dysi.

dysnomia, what is your opinion on Jim Watkins and Ronald Watkins?

As the only logical one who actual cares about anti-spam shitposting i am disengaging from this thread granting me immunity if Leg decides to post anything shitposting, uncleish or illegal material related under my name.

At this point in time if Leg decides to samefag under my name and post i will not be held responsible.

I'm not Leg, just look at the nature of my posting habits.



benis :DD ۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡۜۗۙۡ


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Are we quality posting yet?


why is there shit on my screen

Looks like I missed spamfag shitting up the boards again.

Good job mods on taking out the trash


My wife


He is my sweet qt wife

Omlet is back! How is your computer doing?

What?! You have been doing such a great job and that all by yourself ?
You are such a great vol dysi. Really, not even joking.

based mod is based

This is getting crazier by the day. On one hand, we have endless bitching about locking or deleting duplicate threads (by duplicate I mean six or seven "dysnomia bans/censors those who disagree" and the multiple Josh, Jim, pigchan etc threads that keep multiplying until there are a good ten or more.) They keep coming because the OP or OPs think they are not getting enough attention or bumps, and also to slowly just fill up the catalog. I think most here see that for what it is and have no problem with them getting locked, deleted etc.

But then there are other posters here,ironically or not, hailing your name like fucking rabid fans, and you jus keep repeating the word "goons," throwing it around like McCarthy during the red scare. I know you're just fucking around, but I fear others might take it too seriously and see goons in every shadow. I don't blame you for making the meta thread into a shitposting joke because all that ever gets brought up are the same old grievances from the same people who want your head. It's still a bit worrying where this is going, though.

You once said "If I fuck up, call me out on it." I believe you meant it, and still do. And it's a shame it's been taken advantage of by both ass blasted anons who got their shit deleted and the "kill 8/b/" people. I'm pretty happy with the way things have been moderated but do keep yourself honest for when actual fuck ups happen. I know that won't be easy with the same group salivating for the chance to dogpile you.

Anyway, keep it up vols but be careful. Mods are neither gods nor devils, and mistakes can and will happen.

inb4 I'm a goon

Without her we'd be lost.

Take a look at American academia now and dare to say that McCarthy was anything less than a prophet. Fucking goon.

Die filthy channer!


We have something truly awful in store for you "anons."

dysi will protect me, imma b save

It's about 6-7 (maybe less) people from a few different websites.

I'll admit that "goons" is a loose buzzword but most of you guys understand what it means. I mean c'mon, whats an imageboard without meme slang?

I'm sticking by "If I fuck up, call me out on it." Sometimes I do genuinely fuck up, and I will try my best to correct what was wrong. As for the "kill Holla Forums" fags, well, they can call me out all day, if they call me out on something which I feel I am in the right about, I will explain my reasoning and why I feel as if I'm right. And that isn't to say I'll use this as an excuse every time I do something, because I know goons will try to use that interpretation against me.

I'm not really sure who or what the goons are exactly, but they seem like 15 year old kids from trying to use Jewry to "kill le Holla Forums XD"

Don't be so harsh on yourself, you are doing a great job.
I wished you could be our vol forever, dysnomia.

Anal moose pls go.

Fair enough. I just fear we can get so retarded at times we start believing our own shitposting (I mean we users, but vols too.) Meme magic and all.

Plus I was falsely accused of being a goon once and it hurt me fee fees :^(

Muddy Moose?

A Muddy Moose is a move performed during sexual intercourse. This clever move, requires two males and a female engaging in anal sex. Both men perform anal sex as the female proceeds to violently explode excrete all over the two males penis'. When the action is done they hold their penis' over her headed, like antlers, as they all scream "Muddy Moose!".

I'd never violate her butt. She poos from there.

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

Me neither.

Ok darling
love you

Sometimes I pretend to be retarded and do really stupid shit on purpose to make you guys mad and/or confused. I also like to agree with posters that said stupid stuff about me.


Yup, that was YOU! Meanie :^)

Goon dub check

It's not fair…

I might.

Good job spam cleaning (again)


It wasn't spam because I meant everything in those rants, even if they were copypasta.

diddlebutt diddlebutt, putt putt putt

Why is one of those things green? Is it a SJW message?

It is juvenile


You are the shittiest mod I've ever seen on an imageboard. I've been browsing imageboards since 2005 and I have never seen a mod actually use his account to identify samefags. That is probably the most cancerous thing ever to take place on an imageboard. You are 100% pure cancer and you are the reason that Holla Forums is continuing to die.

I hope you are replaced soon so that this board can go back to normal.

pedo pls

Actually, calling them out is the reason Holla Forums isn't dying.

There it is again. Anyone who is for free speech is a pedo, spammer, "person I don't like" etc…

Come up with something new.

But it is… The active user count continues to fall. If you aren't aware that Holla Forums is dying then you must be extremely fucking new to this site.

I wanted to use the front page in an argument to prove that Holla Forums isn't dying. The problem with active users and pph is that it isn't accurate. If you sit down and watch the activity of Holla Forums first hand you would see a dedicated autist hard at work spamming the board. He blows through countless i.p addresses and buffs the posts per hour to a healthy number.


There is no way there are a bunch of retards sitting around waiting to defend dysnomia. I bet you are him.

It's a baseline. It's not supposed to be 100% accurate. The results are gathered over a 72 hour period. The active user count used to be at 2000+, now it's hovering around 800. That is genuine proof that Holla Forums is dying. You can't tip toe around those statistics.


So it's dropped 1637 users, but only 163 post per hour.
That's not even that bad.


We all know you are just on a personal crusade against Dysnomia.

You have been told repeatedly if you don't like it then leave but here you are again bumping your shitty threads and going on how much better it was before, and will be once Dysnomia is gone blah blah blah blah.

If you feel this place is too censored for your liking and you find the mods unacceptable then go somewhere else.

Holla Forums is more than just a place, it is a community. You are deliberately trying to tear it, and the people in it down. You are not part of the community of Holla Forums, you are the cancer that is infesting it.



It's called spam, fucking idiot

Okay contnious and eternal meta how do we save Holla Forums? Should I go hard into shilling Holla Forums to everything I possibly can?

PPH doesn't count deleted posts.

Am I really that bad? are you willing to tell me why and not "j-just ask someone! everyone thinks it!"?

Active user count has fallen but the PPH hasn't dropped much. It's much easier to use the official stats page.
stats.4ch.net/Holla Forums/



Is nobody even going to comment on how the OP image is a nigger?

Person of colour user


I see he didn't reply. I don't think he is interested in improving things here, just trying to tear them down.

Also this thread needed an injection of tits…

Not that user, but I'll attack ya.

You are a desperate attention whore who has actually censored many users who he didn't like, no Holla Forums hoax behind this. You are against tripfags/avatarfags, but you are precisely that. You are actually very slow at removing most spam and are generally inactive. For example, I flooded this thread for like 20 minutes until you got off your ass and actually did anything. And when I was not flooding (mini-spams perhaps), you gave permanent bans to me for no valid reason, as well as anybody else that you labeled as 'against you' or 'a goon'. Also, permanent bans for floods are retarded, as no other mods just spat out permanent bans for floods/slides, and especially not for mini-spams, avatarfagging, or getting on your bad side. Seriously Dysnomia, this isn't /dysnomia/. Nobody likes you on this board any more. I'm fine to get banned for spam, but you are a fucking retard, so I cannot excuse it. Just go moderate your own board you power-hungry piece of shit, and look for mod recruits by email or something. You're also a liar often, for example saying you 'don't hate' people, then insult them behind their backs and ban them, whether they flood/slide, spam, mini-spam, avatarfag, are goons, or just disagree with your bullshit.

Unlike most other people against you, my goal is not to destroy Holla Forums, it's to put a big enough dent to make you fuck off and never come back. If spam doesn't get that point through, then maybe long insults and other stuff will.

post disregarded

You do all this dumb tryhard mod shit, constantly changing things around and whoring yourself out, but it's just not funny. You think all these antics are cool, and people enjoy your bullshit, but they don't. No one's amused and no one's impressed. You run the Mark gambit of constantly trying to drum shit up, but constantly get in everyone's way in the attempt, and act like an attention-whoring faggot. Look at Holla Forums's mod, keeps everything fresh, spam free, and totally up to the user. He never attentionwhores, he works in the background, he never makes himself the subject of drama. That's the model Holla Forums should be moderated upon.


I never really spam those. I post YouTube celebs a lot (not really spam though), but the others I RARELY post.

It's funny, you can just make one simple comment about how dysnomia sucks ass and then there will be at least 2 quick replies claiming that you are a retard for thinking this. They will call you a butthurt spammer, a goon, a liar, stupid etc…

I honestly think it's dysnomia himself. Of course, I cannot prove this for obvious reasons. I hope one of the other vols calls him out on this some day.

Mod cocksuckers are a global, ever-present phenomena.

Holla Forums loves meta

we all took the meta pill

Best mods are anonymous and invisible. They are not part of some illusory 'community', they are its secret police. Their role is thankless and the target of constant criticism: like in parenthood, whatever you do and whatever your intent, you will always be wrong in the eyes of your charges.

no you are the best mod ever babygirl

I think Holla Forums are faggots you retard, stop white-knighting your slutty wanna-be wife.

exposed goon very much???

dysi is a virgin.

She already agreed to marry me



Holla Forums is the only board on Holla Forums that didn't lose users and actually grew.


No one would be picking on you if you'd drop the trip and capcode and start behaving like a normal user rather than a special snowflake who forces us to notice you.

What's the hate for?
I'm new?

They are all jealous of our glorious mod, dysnomia. Reason is that they wished to be a qt3.14 japonese girl just like her.

daily reminder dysnomia made this post and dysnomia makes all anti dysnomia posts and gets on proxies just to ban himself

if anyone says they hate dysnomia don't believe them; it's dysnomia. nobody actually hates dysnomia.





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>>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums >>>Holla Forums

dystopia, I demand you to cut pages back to 10 instead of 25
I am too lazy to read all of them and basically catalog is shit anyway, might as well waste less time on /bee/

Alright guys, serious talk. Jim sent me a message telling me to tone down on the big bans, and I have to agree with the guy, it's just not working the way I had hoped and It would be dumb of me to continue doing so.

What should I do about spam? I want it gone and I think a lot of others want it gone, but I'm really not sure how to get rid of it, or if I even can.

All permanent range bans have been removed Except the ones made by the CP removing bot

I got banned for shitting on you and you assumed it was spam perma ban too

Also do nothing.

there is a cp removing bot?

Yes. It reports based on global reports or something. It's been here for a while, hence the lack of CP.

I haven't deleted/banned CP very often lately.

I only removed the range ban, not the single IP bans.

You seem to be posting just fine.

Only because I'm under 7 proxies

Did you make an appeal? If not post a ban screencap and I'll find it and remove it.

It's been about a month now. It's all good mane. It wasnt my real IP anyways.


perhaps you should talk to your therapist about it. mention those evil goons and the unwelcome thoughts they force upon you. You could also get yourself measured up for a straight jacket..

Don't trust this Jim faggot! You know better than him, he's got nothing to tell you!!!
This is your board and you are our mod dysi!

You are so invested and helpful! Truly you are the heroine this board needs but does not deserve!

Just ban the goons! You are right on track dysigirl!
Don't let them win ;_; You need to protect us.


☺ึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึthese new zalgo emojis are fun, can we keep them dysnomia?!

fuck off crystal

☺ึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึ sorry, im not apart of your tripfag or goon crew, i just like the zalgo emojis ☺ึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึืึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึึ

I bet you're a goon


dysnomia is my wife

I'm semi-lurking

Playing vidya right now.

If this was the case surely dysi would confirm it.
But she loves me and thus this won't happen.

Have fun babygirl! What vidya do you even enjoy?

already said "I don't see why not"
when i asked to marry her


I play a lot of video games. Right now I'm playing Overmeme

Neither I nor my good friend jewgle know what game this is. Could you help a pal out pals?

You gotta be joking, im happy with you deciding to tone down the bans but fuck me dude, JIM?!

dis gun b gud

make it gone

Dysnomia, what do I have to do to be a Holla Forums volunteer?



fuck off omlet, just let this happen

dysnomia, if you could ban all the goons and their proxies, would you do it, if JIM had forbidden it???
Or would you not do it because you fear him more than you love us???

This is a cereal and impotent question, pls answer!!!

literally who? does anybody know this man?
no, pls go away sir and stop pretending to be a vol