Has Holla Forums been infiltrated by srs goons that could be the source of Holla Forums problems?
Seeing as Holla Forums shills,subverts and disrupts discussion on a lot of places on Holla Forums I think it's possible.
Has Holla Forums been infiltrated by srs goons that could be the source of Holla Forums problems?
Seeing as Holla Forums shills,subverts and disrupts discussion on a lot of places on Holla Forums I think it's possible.
Now this is rich.
Just a few months ago they were redubbing anime so /a/ would be more open to them.
Holla Forums are pretty open about peddling propaganda, just like Holla Forums.
Go to bed, you're drunk.
So…… Holla Forums is the da joos of Holla Forums?
I don't know user, I've seen a few radical femianarchistwhat ever they are called on Holla Forums
low effort
Why do we even have a leftypol on this site?
it's because regular Holla Forums wouldn't have anything to do with leftist ideology so they created Holla Forums
because 8ch needs cancer
we got rid of the paedo's, the bronies etcetera
so now we have an abundance of furries and leftists
I hope you're all proud of yourself because it seems by kicking the kiddy fiddlers and mlp wankers away we seem to have invited communism into 8ch
Thats retarded, there were furfags and commies here long before the child rapist and bronies were righteously cleansed
Oh yeah, the femanarchists are referred to as shitposting flags quite a lot. Some of them know what they're talking about and it seems to be more 'im a grill anarchist' but any bitching and moaning about the patriarchy tends to get mocked.
Coincidence? Non-Jewish kind
I think a lot of Holla Forums are the niggers who come to 8chuns and get triggered from all the Holla Forums racism. They're sure to attack them any chance they get
Proof, pls
Because Holla Forums wouldn't allow leftist into there board so they made there own one. Same with /Liberty/ but this time libertarians where just tired talking to stormfags so built there own board.
the furry board was never that high in poster count and there was no leftypol
bronies and cp disgust everyone but the mods, autists and the cradle snatchers
and liberals are the very definition of the term normalfag
they're like normalfag+ taking their humanitarianism and ideas of equality to the extreme point of interracical cuckolding and supposedly giving away their shit for free
Tell me the date that Holla Forums was created user
you'd be surprised
a great deal of Holla Forums users appear to be mixed race half-breeds who loathe and despise their more niggerish/semitic side of the family
leftypol is full of upper/middle middle class toffee nosed arts majors twats who like the le mey-meys and half-assedly attempt to produce their own shitty stolen content memes
communism does what it does even to memes
subverts and twists them into something shitty
they do take alot of Holla Forums memes don't they
no idea but they first cropped up high in the overboard about a month after hebe got nuked by the mods
every single pepe they own is stolen
Leftypolfag here
Tbqh this is true, but the only meme I could think we stold from them was happy merchant to porky.
you have to take in account for the election to user, Holla Forums and Holla Forums have higher user rate
plus doesn't librechan or pedochan have a Holla Forums?
wrong person
meant for
ITT: A few reasonable posters having a discussion and one buttfurious Holla Forumsfag who cannot into capital letters.
thats not an argument
The true facts.
[citations needed]
someone cant even triforce
Holla Forums was formed some time around 2009. Post-2008 is pure cancer.
The only reason nobody will tell you this is because they are newfags.
Holla Forums has already memed it's first president
Okay samefag.
same m8
indeed sir
Two faggots from Holla Forums being retarded hypocrites, struggling to type properly in the same thread? I had to see it to believe it!
You're awful concerned about the eloquence with which we type.
Especially since according to the actions of dirty commies like yourselves language is just another barrier to global socialism.
I don't see it m8
The thread is about faggots who derail everything into a discussion about their favourite political memes.
We got ourselves a non-native english speaker here boys
I didn't derail anything, anyway you just validated the op.
You came in and started to make the thread about Holla Forums being a new board instead of the topic.
kek, you've actually got me.
I thought said
when it says
I apologise, I am a gigantic faggot.
leftypol should have never left pol
instead we should have pushed for change
now leftypol has been overtaken by kiddies who think IDPOL is left and pol has been forfeited to the nazis
Holla Forums is populated by monarchists both divine mandate and regular,fascists,pagan traditionalists,national socialists both normal and occult
some libertarians too, I think I'm missing some ideologies though.
Well the point is there are more than some nazis there.
the only real problem with Holla Forums is you guys and your failure to stop entertaining their posts threads like these.
Holla Forums is a hive of SJW weebs jerking off to pictures of Stalin and cuck porn
back to topic, How likely do you guys think it is that Holla Forums has been subverted to a point by cancerous elements that hate Holla Forums
because you can create any board you want to
ftr Holla Forums is shit
i'm all for limiting what can be on Holla Forums but i don't condone limiting anything sitewide that doesn't violate US law
*what you can do
>the only reason anyone argues for or against either of the boards is because of their political beliefs rather than actual reasons fucking ad-hominem
It was MADE by SRS goons from the start OP.
Too bad we failed with Ron Paul.
That guy was too good for politics anyway.
leftypol jerks off to trotsky, and belongs to the "communism has never been tried" half of socialism, idjut
stalin is halfway between Holla Forums and Holla Forums, just like Ba'athism and Titoism
Well, I believe this is a very strong possibility. We already know the DNC colluded with the Washington Post and MSNBC thanks to the email leaks. It seems very reasonable they'd use leftypol as a platform to spread anti-Trump propaganda
-/pol is usually the top board
-This board was founded by a pro-Trump cripple
-There is a pro-Trump ad at the bottom of every page
Holla Forums didn't "subvert" Holla Forums, because its just the fucking userbase, its just how it it
Holla Forums on the other hand is so fucking stupid that they come here and wonder why there are so many Holla Forums users around
Also, anyone else notice that prior to the DNC leaks there was an anti-Trump thread always hanging around Holla Forums?
After the leaks they suddenly all disappeared, strange coincidence no?
I meant more as in stormfront subverted Holla Forums, which subverted 4chan, which then a large userbase went on to start Holla Forums.
There's more evidence for this than some stupid plebbitors colluding, since they'd be trying to get some internet points for their deeds. I wouldn't be shocked if the DNC were fucking around on 4chan, I'd be a little surprised if they were on here purely because then it starts to taper off into time better spent elsewhere.
Imageboards were for lulz until chanology and Holla Forums turned it into weapons grade faggotry.
Considering Ben Garrison, Fox News, CNN (hell, pretty much every news agency that covered the alt-right movement) and even Donald Trumps campaign workers browse Holla Forums, you'd be surprised
Nigger, Holla Forums gets shit done, stormfront are just too stupid to achieve anything.
Also the alphabet agencies, poor guys.
According to HWs transparency report didn't a government agency have the ISIS board here shut down?
Its still there.
There are so many portions of Holla Forums the majority of users never explore, I try and do my best to poke my head around, there's some really intresting stuff on this site if you look.
…….. Is this what Holla Forums actually believes?
>What is /n/?
Fucking kill yourself Holla Forums.
Please leave our site Holla Forums, this is a new Holla Forums age. You have been defeated in shill to shill combat and should just go while you still retain a smidgen of dignity.
the holocaust happened and it is happening again on Holla Forums all Holla Forums is being gassed by berniebro farts. Pepes are a normalfag meme and you should go to le 9gag or reddit where it is accepted.
Heil Stalin and his big sexy mustache, much larger than Hitlers little boy mustache.
sure looks like it
man just compare that pph and active user count
Welp, at least there in the top 5
It is quality, not quantity, that counts my friend. 1 Holla Forums user is worth 100 Holla Forums users.
….. I'm taking about in general user, I'm not stupid
i i
leftypol is full of sjw's
liberalism is just communism lite, its all socialism and leftypol is full of socialists
then why is pol full of le jew meymeys
because the names of many globalists, socialists, communists and liberals just tend to end with schwarz, stein, burg etcetera
Weak argument. Watch this:
They were clever enough to subvert guys who could get shit done.
nigger, communism fundamentally aligns with quantity over quality. why do you think everything from china is so shitty?
Good one.
you know noone believes that bollocks except you lefties and your commie addled brains
Nigger, the private sector of China is fuckhuge. Sounds pretty capitalist to me.
they all end up having to be a little capitalist because communism causes stagnant economies
so germanic names??
Leftpol fag here, why do guys hate us? Did Holla Forums told you that we eat white babies again?
Howdy user!
I have encountered a vergence in the Force.
Nice try stormcuck, but at least it wasn't HUR DUR NIGGERZ N KYKES at that stage.
Are you new?
Nigger bashing has been a thing since even Holla Forums started.
Habbo Hotel? Happy Negro?
You are a retarded newfag, you should just keep your mouth quiet about shit you know nothing about.
Welcome to Holla Forums
all your friends from Holla Forums
Here's a funny thing.
The most butthurt I've ever seen has been from Holla Forums when you criticise capitalism. You don't even have to be a socialist or a communist for this to occur. You can be a hardcore libertarian, and yet if you even posit the tiniest, most trifling caveat to free-market capitalism, you'll get a dozen whiners screeching blue murder.
Just my two cents.
Hi, my name is Jamal Johnson.
I have access to 3 popular VPN services, one of which allows me access to 5 other VPN services. Most of them are popular on here.
I plan to spam Holla Forums by bumping old threads and generally ruining the quality of the board until every single VPN is banned. I won't stop until 8/b/ becomes 4/b/.
Remember to check the timestamps of each thread that you decide to post in. Chances are, it has been dead for days and you don't realize it because my spam was deleted, and the thread is still on page 1.
Have a nice day.
wew lad
capitalists on suidie watch
pol is faggots
pic related is self-explanitory
I'm a regular user of Holla Forums and I am not in favor of total free market Capitalism.
Don't forget that many Holla Forumsacks are National Socialist or Fascist. Not 100% free market.
Most Holla Forumsacks don't care about Capitalism that much, we're Ethno-Nationalist first
Even /bane/ has more OC than leftypol though
Thank you 4U9525
the major players in the second great war killed many people??
oh (((you)))
shhhhh go away your shekels are a tad overdone lad its time to take them out of the oven
I fucking hate capitalism, try again.
Check it out mom, three memes in one post!
omg look the infamous poster known as Holla Forums, here, in this very thread!
fug the peps, meme war now
Then why should anyone listen to you faggot, Holla Forums was created specifically because they couldn't stand nobody agreeing with them and willingly migrated off of Holla Forums